stringlengths 4
hate the Koreans
Worst |
It's easier to influence the game as a midlaner but a good Jungler will have much more impact on the game if he plays right. Mid lanes all abaut map awareness and jungle is all abaut objective control. as Jungler, you control which objectives your team is going after. If your seen Bot lane defending a split pusher the enemy team has a tower in bag. If your position is unseen the enemy team can't realy play agressive |
I may not have the 90 minutes to watch all the way through, even though I do appreciate the detail and work he put into this.
Anyone have a |
Wow Phreak, if I ever get to NA, I will buy you a HAT! Respect for the time you've put in this! |
dude, the feral flare is just a time bomb like any other champs (vayne, ryze, jinx, lucian, and lots more) you just have to deal with it by counter jungling the opposing jungler, warding, etc. plus this is a good way to bring out some unpopular champs back to the scene. Remember when you only had lee/elise/kha/vi ? they just increased the number of stacks needed (even if the tooltip on the buff still says 25) along with the numbers of junglers that could be played without having a great disadvantage (even if it creates a bigger advantage on the endgame). |
Farming is rarely a problem in low MMR. That's just what people assume, because they can't see that what's really holding them back is very poor decision making and understanding of the game; nobody really wants to think they consistently make terrible decisions and read situations totally wrong, take the wrong action, go to the wrong spot, etc. You need almost nothing in the way of mechanics to get out of that range IMO, just to actually think about what's going on all throughout the map and play according to that, as opposed to tunneling on - well, anything. |
Uhh... That's actually incorrect. Luck has an INCREDIBLY small effect on your MMR, seeing as how it can take over 100 games to climb a single tier (not silver-> gold, but silver 2 -> Silver 1) if you truly belong in that division/tier.
When you FIRST get to a new division (that you have rightfully earned and not been boosted/ect.) then yes, your win-rate should be roughly 50% since you're playing against people just as skilled as you are; but the more you play against those players, the more comfortable you get playing at that skill-level. Eventually, after enough practice, the quality of the players in the tier you are in will be below what you have achieved from your hard-work. You will carry more games and therefore get placed in a higher tier, and the process starts over and over again.
Even if you were supposed to be in bronze elo, if you (somehow) always played against low-gold players, after enough games you would learn what it takes to be a gold player.
Obviously the ELO system prevents this sort of thing because a mid-gold player will dominate a low-bronze player and reduce their MMR down to where it should be, but I'm just trying to show that luck has almost nothing what-so-ever with the tier/division you're in.
People have said it a billion times, and I'll say it again. If you're in bronze, your skill level is bronze. I've never once seen a platinum-ranked smurf get stuck in "elo hell" in low-silver ELO because they're better players. |
I think it's interesting how up to Season 2, and even for a lot of Season 3, ADCs were ticking timebombs of "you can't deal with this" three shotting tanks, and when they are finally brought more in line with other roles everyone loses their minds.
There was a great post on the forums a while ago that highlighted this attitude. ADCs getting bursted too hard? Better nerf burst mages and assassins. ADCs not doing enough damage? Better nerf tanks and tanky items. ADCs were the center focus of balance for the LONGEST time, mostly because they were the center focus of every team comp and strategy for the longest time.
Now other roles can carry just as well, but it feels like ADCs are so much weaker. While they are weaker comparatively to Season 2 and 3, they are more in line with other roles, and we should really only be more concerned if they have less impact than any other role.
Riot has decided that every role should have the opportunity to carry in some form, ADCs were the strongest role for the majority of the game's history; significantly stronger than top lane, slightly stronger than mid, and incredibly stronger than support or jungle. Now junglers and supports are much better, ADCs are slightly worse(lets not pretend they don't hurt with a crit item or two), mid lane was a bit better for most of Season 3 and 4, but is more in line after the last slew of assassin nerfs. Top lane is kind of a wild card, with picks like Jax or Nasus that can hypercarry, but other picks that can have questionable effects on the overall pace and direction of the game, to the point of borderline uselessness. |
ADC's shouldn't be some kind of role that gets literally shut out by a top laner with randuins or a midlaner with dfg. The whole idea here is that riot doesn't need to take stronger adc's and nerf them into the ground like they did sivir and draven but they need to make adcs exell at specific things. This is just a small example like lucian hes a lane bully he is meant to be that way and there's no reason to nerf him but champions like lets say quinn shes very unique in many ways but just the way she scales early and late make her an impossible champion to win with regardless if your good enough to solo carry. This isnt a good concept for a game because league has over 100 champions in it and about 17 are classified as adcs/marksman and i don't think i've seen anyone in challenger that mains adc and their top 3 champs aren't lucian, cait, sivir, or twitch. that's 3/4 out of 17 champions riot offers for marksman. Where the hell are the other 14??????????? They are useless and non-existent and for a good reason they cant deal with the season 4 meta of tanks being unkillable damage machines and mages that will instantly kill you even if you position well. |
I think ADCs are in a good place now. They are not super broken, 2 shotting tanks, like they were at the start of pre-season 3 when I started this game.
They also still do the most end game damage overall and most certainly carry games if protected. My game that just got me into G2 was all about protecting our trist who was doing huge amounts of damage. |
This is true, but if you play enough games your win rate will be at ~50%.If you are very good, lets say prof player, then yes you could have a lot more. For most of us, if you play well you get a 52-54% win rate.
If you criticize one game, then yes. I just had yesterday a game where we had a huge lead, our amumu wanted a 2 man baron and when the enemy team came, he didn't let baron regenerate and just kept poking it. Resulted in him dying and giving baron. Changed the whole game and we lost. |
Exactly. Pretty much any of the popular supports shit on Kog for the first 20 minutes of the game. I actualy think that it's perfectly fine for supports to have a strong laning phase, but I think some ADs just have ridiculously weak laning phases. I think Rito is putting too much emphasis on damage values when trying to evaluate how weak a champs laning phase has to be to justify his lategame.
Lategame dps is not just about the damage part, but also about the "seconds" or time part, which is where especialy Kog has problems. Having an escape mechanism effectively gives you more dps because you survive and deal damage for a longer period of time. This is also where cast times and animations come into play. For example, Vayne, Twitch have all of their damage bound to their autoattacks. There is no additional animations they have to go through to put out the maximum amount of damage. Varus, Corki and Ezreal are the exact opposite, in that they have a lot of power bound to cast times and animations and need to go through these and "waste time" to deal the maximum amount of dmg. Cait, Lucian and Quinn (in that order) are somewhere in between casters and autoattackers, seeing as they have fairly long animations they need to go through, but also a fairly powerful autoattack steroid.
You could argue that early to late balancing being too much about the damage aspect of "DPS" is the reason why champions with a flatter powercurve are more effective. Cait, Lucian and Twitch are prime examples for this phenomenon. Only in rare cases like Ryze, Jax, Renekton, Vayne and Lee Sin a bigger amplitude in the power curve is worth it. |
As a Twitch player, Twitch is nothing more than a product of the Meta right now.
You ask why he was less popular for a while? It's not the new model. Twitch was insanely popular in the 2013 Summer Split, but you did not nerf him out of popularity, the reason he faded was due to meta shifts.
First and foremost, twitch's largest weaknesses are high burst that he can't stealth away from, and enemy champions with quick harass patterns that can get in, do damage and get out before twitch can stack his poison and Contaminate for massive damage.
Near the end of the summer split, the assassin mid lane became very popular. While bad news for many ADCs, Twitch was one of the most affected, as he relies on his 850 range in teamfights to survive, and Ahri and Zed could close that distance instantly. Twitch was suddenly a lot less powerful.
Then, the Trinity Force rework happened. Suddenly burst ADCs like Corki and Lucian were not just viable but top-tier, and twitch's biggest weakness, early game burst lanes, became the standard bot lane. About this time, the high-burst Annie support also rose in popularity.
After Corki got nerfed, the bot lane meta shifted to Sivir/Jinx/and/Lucian ADCs and Thresh/Leona/Annie supports. Bot had become a deathlane that Twitch was not suited for.
About this time the tanky rushdown top meta was in full swing. This meta was bad for any ADC without an escape or movespeed steroid, Twitch among them.
Twitch does not thrive in this environment at all, and became one of the least picked ADCs at the time (barring Quinn and Urgot), sitting next to Miss Fortune and Kog'Maw in terms of popularity. (Also big 2013 champs that got ousted due to the meta.)
But meta is change. No meta lasts forever, and with the season 4 changes to snowballing, assassin mids fell out of flavor and building for late game suddenly became more preferable. This put carries back in the top lane instead of Mundo and Shyvana.
Another unexpected thing happened about that time too. Morgana took to support, weakening the bot lane all-in lanes, and Lulu and Soraka became popular in solo lanes, giving Twitch his much needed peel late game. This allows Twitch to operate at full capacity. |
Im not sure about twitch tho,im feeling like Twitch is MF lategame version.
But Lucian is more like Ezreal 2.0 and his kit is amazing but not overpowered.
I just totally agree that ADs are generally not that good.
Either they are good/ok for laning but not good afterwards or they are (super) bad early/mid but good late.
This including laneswaps,2v1 or 4v0,2v2 and generally duel power.
Twitch is imho only played because he has a MF like ult(and MF was so broken season3 beginning(was s3, right?) that destroyed the enemy team alone and he has with his ult such a high range that it doesnt matter that much that he has no escape, because you just need some champions to iniate and twitch can autoattack for free for ~2seconds without interrupting. |
Mf buff is good but not great.
Caitlyn is still there, ez is still there, he just needs to snowball hard same with sivir same with jinx, which after ADC nerfs it's pretty hard to, draven is a draven story; Draven Draven Draven Draven Draven.* |
I feel that Lucian is what an adc should be. This is because he has decent wave clear, mobility, early, mid and late game. He also has a passive that suits his role very well.
Twitch is what an adc could be. He has a far more niche role an an AD pseudo-assassin. I think his skill set and character design are good and fit the role. It should not be replicated though.
Lucian's should be. Ezreal is a character with a similar skill-set to Lucian but worse scaling due to lower base attack speed and attack speed per level, purely because of his passive. He has a passive that increases his AS but then a base AS lower with low enough scaling to almost negate it. Makes no sense |
I feel the changes on season 4 to make carry jungler viable, huge tanky tops like Renek, Shyvanna, Mundo or Trundle and a shifting midlaner meta between high sustain/shield champs like Lulu, Orianna or Kayle and bursty champs like Syndra, Le Blanc and Orianna turned ADC in just anti-tower champs and not the DPS champ it used to be
I stoped playing ADC cause I can't deal with some extremely dominant supps like Annie or Leona, later in the game I couldn't do anything against the super tanks that hard-force an engage allowing that bursty champs to instakill me. The only thing I could do was trying to survive doing poor damage and help destroying towers
I'm not complaining that a bursty champ can 100-0 and ADC or that supertanks can force an engage so hard. But the combo of this two things, with tons of heals, shields, scaling utility and carry/assasin junglers is just too much for an ADC
But at the same time there are not too much items to play ADCs as anti-tower champs, ADC build is pretty standard and unless you pretend to stack BTs there's nothing that gives you just AD or AS everything comes with crit. that doesn't give anything to that job |
Not sure if you are trolling... But I'll explain anyway.
Two things. First of all your list of options in other lanes show perfectly why we need ADCs in botlane. Because with very few exceptions the champions simply don't work outside of 2 man lanes. (Or free farm laneswaps.)
Why do teams need ADCs? Towers. You could easily build a composition without an ADC, that will beat most ADC based compositions in straight up fights. They would however have problems sieging or defending if they get behind.
Your argument is that if a role is necessary they must be balanced or even OP, which from a mathematical standpoint might be correct. ADCs are OP in the same way supports where OP in earlier seasons because they were the ones who could provide utility while buying wards.
Outside of sieging they feel lackluster. And if your team is bad at pealing they are completely useless. This is especially true for non pros (so just about everyone), which contrary to popular belief is a lot more important than the pro scene. |
I personally feel movement should mostly be based on what a champions role is designed to be.
Take Braum for example he is a big guy which in real life would usually mean he is slower, plus he is carrying a huge shield, lets compare him to a worlds strongest man competitor - when they are running with a heavy item they don't go fast they can get at best a jogging speed, but he has a ms of 335.
Now we take Ezreal he is a small guy with not much to carry, his body build and characteristics as an explorer allow you to assume he should be able to run a hell of a lot faster than braum (yes with all the belts he would slow down but lets ignore that fact), now ezreal has a base ms of 325 which is 10 slower than braum's base ms. |
For what it's worth if I were forced to guess I'd say you were making that up (statistically you, as a random person on the internet I know nothing else about, are most likely to be at the middle of the pack for any given game). But frankly it doesn't matter whether or not you're being truthful. Nothing you just said makes my statement concerning probability any less true. You could be the best player in the world at every video game ever made and your success rate in those games would still be determined by probability. |
This goes back to balance changes. If they nerf those adc's being able to carry in botlane will be near impossible. Where I am at in platinum it is extremely hard for botlane to carry, even when your adc gets 5 plus kills early. I know this because I main support and make it really hard for my adc to lose lane. Thus we usually win lane but it doesn't matter if another lane does poorly. Bot has nearly no carry potential. If they nerf the main strong adc's bot will be completely irrelevant. |
This exact same post came up at the end of season 3 and got over 3000 comments:
**[Dec 2013](
So, what has happened since December, 2013? Here's an adc-specific cliffnotes of each patch :
Corki (+)
Jinx (-) (E damage reduced at early levels)
Ashe (+) (Hawkshot "buff")
Corki (+)
Ezreal (+)
Kog'maw (+) (increased dmg for AD Kog, nerfed AP ratios, however)
Sivir (-) (Q nerf)
Tristana (+)
Graves (+)
Miss Fortune (+)
none Twitch VU, significant [increase]( in Twitch play persisting still
Miss Fortune (+/-) (increased AP ratios, not very impactful as ADC)
PBE currently=
Tristana (+)
2x:Nerfs, 10x:Buffs
So are there any "I'm so glad they are tweaking other ADC's every few weeks and making them more viable" posts? no (well, I found one
I don't believe the "buff other ADC's" is a viable argument. To say that Twitch/Lucian are disproportionately awesome, but shouldn't be touched is obviously silly. Each ADC can't win 50+% of their games, it's just not reasonable. Options exist outside of Twitch and Lucian - use them.
The bottom line for me on this issue is: ( |
The thing about is that it's a company who put their community before money. It has always been a pioneer for gaming people who play LOL tend to forget its a company with multiple AAA games and have been around for a while now and even own Steam! In saying that, Valve aren't doing this for their own profit even though they have made around 10million in their own pocket after costs and all. So its something Riot can learn from, because Valve put the community first, it's a community that wants to help itself out. Riot can still keep their way of hosting a tournament, but also take on board a community driven prize pool and with that probably beat valves records. Their is no reason Riot shouldn't do it, all they need to do is hope their community is like valves and they need to risk a little of their own. |
When I started playing LoL I got the game in spanish and instead of ''G'' of gold it was ''O'' of oro. |
Nobody will ever see this and it is against the meta, since it is to love Phreak hard, but I do not like him casting.
LCS has become the real deal and a major face of electronic sports for the US and EU scene and it is becoming professional and that is part of what draws in the new crowd. When people come to watch a professional game and hear Phreak as their first caster they associate it with an unprofessional spirit or mannerism. This is also why I don't like him casting.
To his defense, I am almost sure I would love to hang out with him and I'd imagine I'd get along with him. His memory/ability to recollect prior games and plays is almost unparalleled (except for maybe Monte Christo), his game understanding is top notch, and his strategy awareness is obviously above that of many of the other casters or even guys on the analyst desk.
The point is, his bad puns do not belong on the main stage for a game that is trying to become the face of professional esports as his mannerisms just aren't professional. A good pun every now and then would be fine, but he shotguns them in there and tries to fit as many puns as he possibly can. Despite how intelligent the guy clearly is, it doesn't come across as intelligent or professional. |
Because she is toxic to the game, she has a possible 1600 damage nuke on a 6 second cooldown, with a broken hitbox.
Also she has little weakness to compensate for this absurd damage, she is incredibly safe in the laning phase and throughout the game with her huge heals and her cougar "w".
Her slightly weak teamfighting can be compensated by having a disengage heavy team or seiging comp, she only has to land one or maybe two successful spears before you can engage and win a team fight because the carries are very low, or have to base to heal.
She is toxic to the game because you can miss most of your skill shots, but if one hits, you can win a team fight. |
Type: Targetted spell
Range: 550
Cooldown: 8s
Damage: 300 (+ 90% AP)
CC: Stun (1.5s)
Cost: 100 mana
Type: Skillshot
Range: 1500
Cooldown: 6s
Damage: 230 (+ 65% AP) - 575 (+ 162.5% AP)
CC: -
Cost: 90 mana
Why bother taking a champ you have to get up close and personal with to mid/high damage early/midgame when you can pick the easier choice of safely spamming spears and traps from up to 1500 range, dealing up to twice the damage?
/ |
Platinum Top Lane Nasus (kinda) main.
I never had any problems with any of those 4 champions, but judiging from how much I get supposedly counterpicked with these guys there seems to be some misconception.
First off: Anything that does entirely physical damage is generally a bad pick against Nasus unless he has sick armor shred/pen tools. Don't do it. Also, anything that has AoE and damages the wave in trades and pushes to Nasus' turret is also generally bad. If you combine both you get Riven and Renekton. Very popular picks that only work with a jungler ready to pick up your work and dive Nasus, which is the important part about shutting down Nasus.
Riven and Pantheon have no sustain and their entire damage is physical. Panth doesn't even have a combat ult. They will start losing at level 6 to all-ins (panth) or 7-9ish (riven) due to sustain issues.
Shyvana is a decent pick, she can punish and dive him quite effecitvely with a jungler and she has mixed damage.
The best champs to punish Nasus are Kayle, Teemo, Irelia, Urgot and Vladimir. Ryze also works, so does Shen with MPen marks, glyphs and quints. Some of those picks are manageable by maxing E but they don't fall off too hard and do a good job of keeping him down for a while.
They have mixed/true damage and can do a lot of damage without pushing too hard plus they are hard to kill even with wither. Most of them are easily camped though so keep warding up, Wither plus Jungle CC is very hard to escape.
so, |
Lee is an exceptionally excellent counter, although any champion with a strong lvl 1-5 duel potential will work. Burst is also rather good, as is cc.
Snare especially does wonders.
As a jungler valid counters are:
>Your plan should be to take red level one and attempt to catch him at his second buff. Few champions are worse 1v1 at level two than Yi. Whether this is successful or not invest in a green ward or two and keep his jungle warded. One kill on him pays for 4 wards
Warwick gets a special mention, he can't really 1v1 yi but his ult can render a fed yi completely worthless.
As a top laner:
Ryze (Non-skillshot 1.5s snare on a low cooldown, build frozen heart)
Malphite (you destroy his AS and can counter his dives by ulting whoever he q's to)
Jax (you can 1v1 with counterstrike if you're even on items)
>As a top laner vs a jungle yi you should be able to safely exert a lot of pressure as long as you ward river. Depending on your communication and ELO you can organize counter ganks as well.
As mid just look for reliable burst and cc, things like:
Annie (if he doesn't dodge your AoE with q)
LeBlanc (double chains means you kite him hard)
Lux (if you can land snare he's dead)
As an adc you're at the whim of your team, but these champs could give you an edge:
Tristana (your ult can counter his initiate in teamfights and your w is a reliable escape as long as he's used his q)
Varus (the snare, if you can land it, can completely shut him down at any point on the game)
Vayne (if you have the mechanics to play her well just make sure you have ult before extending and fight him near a wall if you can. Counter his q with your condemn and kite him hard, 6 shots should kill nearly any yi)
Support (my domain of choice):
Thresh (If you can land a q onto yi he's done. Cast the q towards his target when he q's for a guaranteed hit. If he doesn't have his ult your kit also has two slows. Worst case scenario you gtfo and send your adc a lantern.)
Lulu (she's the counter-engage queen. You have whimsy to shutdown his damage and your ult and shield to mitigate it. Without his ult your q can render him immobile as well)
Braum (once you're 6 you have two reliable cc's for him to eat and a hard defense to put up for whoever his target is. Wait for him to q, while he's in midair jump to his target and spool up your ult so that it casts when he appears. While he's in the air either hit him with a q or an auto and your team should guarantee a stun. Without his ult you have hard peel with the slows+stun)
Leona (The other supports struggle with his ult negative their slows. Leona doesn't. When he uses his q just prime your zenith blade and jump onto him. Hit him with your q then immediately cast your ult on top of him, he won't be able to dodge it and your adc should be able to burst him with the help of your passive) |
Not a Nasus main, but I think I can help a bit with it as I've got some friends that amined him a lot and played against the dog a lot of times.
I would personally recommend Urgot vs Nasus. You wreck him until levels 1-5, where you have to start playing a bit more careful (controlling minion positioning, timing his W and being aware of his ult and Q farm) and once he gets his ult he'll end up using it for trying to survive an EQQQ combo.
There are 2 ways that nasus will try to deal with you: 1) Still try to farm Q and max it, where it will probably become a free win for you or 2) he'll max E for pushing, getting some minions and farm Q in the jungle, where you will get free farm, and outscale him since he doesn't really have much to farm when the jungle is not his but still lets him become useful faster.
If you want more metalike solutions, I usually pick Lee Sin or Renekton for going all in early and snowballing for winning before Nasus becomes somehow strong. Other possibilities might be Vladimir (you're also weak early, but not like him and your range helps you to bully him since lvl1, even though you need a lot of warding to avoid early ganks) who scales pretty well into mid/late game (not as much as him, but you'll be stronger faster and bring up a lot of damage on teamfights while still being nearly as undying as him).
No matter what you do, don't push that fast his turret. Freeze the lane. Last hit and whenever he comes to take a single minion make sure he loses half his hp bar for it. Only push if you find out that your team needs you on teamfights, and still try to never let Nasus farm a single minion by going back to lane and freezing it when he's around. |
Really, you need to keep him from all-in. If you can bait out his E before an engage, your jungler has a small window of opportunity to hank him very effectively and he also loses a good chunk of damage due to his passive.
You either farm to late game with an AD that out scales him or poke/out sustain him. |
You can counter Nami with Leona. You can e+q to her. She is quite squishy even with health runes so looses direct contact. It's good to do engage after her w (heal/atack) and even better after she uses her q (buble). Her abilities have quite a lot of CD at first. |
You want poke supports, but unless you're comfortable with Sona don't try her into this match up. Sona is a little UP still and to beat Morg you need to know your Q range like the back of your hand.
Instead I think the easiest match up is Karma for Morg. Karma beats Morg so hard, your poke is way too much. You can zyra too, but make sure you know how to position right, bc if she snares you in a bad spot you're dead. You can also play against her as Annie, and I personally find the match up easy , but you need to know how to bait her shield. |
As Jungler: Counterjungle, shes pretty weak if she cant hit her charged q.
Lee Sin is a pretty good choice for that. He can counterjungle and kill her and if u get cought u can easily escape.
As Lane: Ward at the spots she can hit u with her q. When the enemy laner is able to kill u only with a Vi ult without her q then u should Ward a little more in the back that u can see her before she comes in range. |
As someone that mains yi i can say that the 2 most annoying things to get through are stun and blind. Both if those make me completely useless. As a Master Yi i ALWAYS wait until most if not all the cc is used on the other people on my team before i go in and start the killing spree. It might be a bit different in higher elo but that strategy got me from bronze 5 to my current silver 2. I find that everyone in these elo are too uncoordinated. |
I just I just recently started playing Lee Sin as a jungle main. I had to play against an Udyr who power farmed as usual and would come out for good ganks. It got to the point where he rushed Triforce and had Feral Flare already and he could just run out and chase everyone down. The only thing I can think of in this matchup is to try and gank hard while he farms and punish him for not helping as much. But if my ganks are unsuccessful then I'm stuck not scaling into late game while the enemy team kills my laners.
Any help here? |
pick renekton, buy wards and go ham. Literally all you need to do lol. Jax is honestly my fav champ when i see him picked in ranked. I just pick renekton and i know for a fact he can't touch you in lane. Also bring ignite all in him lvl 3. Harass with powered q whenever he wants to farm and just stall it so it doesn't go near his turret. If he comes out you kill him. |
DO NOT be afraid of his windwall if you are laning vs yasuo, it has a fairly long cooldown comparing to other abilities such as ziggs' or leblanc's q. Try baiting the windwall out and he is extremely vulnerable next trade. One more thing, if your jungler is ganking enemy yasuo, don't fool yourself of walking to close to him with squishy ap carries as vel'koz or above mentioned duo as he can/will try to attack and kill you due to his inability to escape the gank by just walking back to his turret. Keep track of his e stacks as it has a huge impact in early/mid trades.
I have the most problems against yasuo when I play Draven, as the axes don't bounce off the wall so beware of that in teamfights. As kiting yasuo, remember not to walk near your minions because he will use them to dash to you. Try taking advantage of yasuo's pushing/overextending and trying to all-in you all the time. |
I think a lot of people aren't suggesting the best counter pick. Ryze is very good against renekton in lane because he can completely nullify all-ins by using his rune prison. Not only that but he can also consistently poke renekton down after getting tear. The only true threat a Renekton poses to a Ryze is the fact that he can set up really good ganks on Ryze since he has a gap closer and stun and Ryze can only use his rune prison on one person. Eventually as the game goes on, if you are playing Ryze and you manage to make it to late game, regardless of winning lane or not, you will be much more useful than him since you can wipe out his team and provide a good frontline while all he does is soak damage.
If you are not confident in being able to play the Ryze vs. Renekton matchup I would suggest picking people who can go relatively even in lane while still being able to have good impacts in the game. Champions such as Shyvana, Lee Sin, Munco and Trundle are usually able to lane vs a Renekton without giving up free kills or being massively outfarmed and pretty much all of them are more useful in the later parts of the game as well (Lee is more or less dependant on your mechanics with him).
I used to main renekton but I really think he just falls off too hard compared to the really good late game tanks and bruisers and this is what you usually want to use to your advantage. |
Hope you don't mind me disagreeing, but a under her tower leona is a lot more useful than a close tou your tower leona.
The stun lock all-in potential is awesome for a lane gank of the jungler, since leo can keep the opposing adc locked enough time for the vi/lee/elise/fiddle/xin to get there.
when she is close to your turret, UNLESS their far ahead enough for a SoloQ uncoordinated dive [in that case, your lane's lost anyway], she is useless since she can't use CC on you.
I like to freeze up the lane near my turret or at maximum in the middle of the lane, so my supp can:
1- Harass her
2- Be able to push out the other adc if she all-ins and making enemy adc have a hard time running away
3- help me run to my on turret and sustain back.
[depending on the support picked]. |
He's really not all that hard.. he's got an extremely high skill-ceiling, but learning him isn't very hard. He's also one of the best jungle picks in the meta. After 5 or 6 games, you get the hang of him, just like any other champ.
If you do try to learn him, remember that you don't have to be flashy. You don't have to make big Insec plays, and you won't land every Q. He's an intimidating champion but don't let the fact that he can be very mechanically intensive scare you away from playing him. |
I don't really rate this idea as Rammus, he's not a bad jungler but i don't really see how he counters yi more than other options.
The rammus would have to out gank the yi for the most part because his clears so poor that yi would snowball ahead if his ganks aren't sucessful or rammus just afk farms. Also rammus can't invade yi very successfully. - this makes you better off with more agressive junglers who can both gank a lot early to snowball and invade yi. (lee singha and elise).
Also if yi gets ahead theres very little rammus can do to stop him, his taunt only does so much and rammus also needs the taunt for engage, which won't work on a yi with ghostblade, ruinking items. Yi is much more vulnerable to displacement, such as alistar and lee sin.
Then dueling potential when yi splitpushes, rammus can't deal with this either. Unless the rammus is fed as hell he wont duel the yi because he doesnt have the damage to capitalise on his cc. Jax and irelia do this nicely. |
Actually lucian has no chance to survive 1v1 against a decently farmed xin with youmuus if he manages to dash to you. You really need your support to peel for you while you kill him, or at least have flash to get away.
Your dash is so small that the slow from his E + the movement speed from youmuu's allows him to close the gap you create with your dash and then get off his third Q, at which point you are most likely dead. |
Pantheon main here.
Pantheon in the early stages is extremely reliant on mana, you can take advantage of this buy buying early sustain such as, cloth 5 or crystalline flask, this will quickly run him out of mana. After this you want to build a armour item such as sun fire cape, after that you can build some damage or more tank depending on your champ and who's winning. When I play pantheon I find my hardest counters are Shen, Chogath, Malphite, Udyr. They absolutely crush me, the worst being Shen. |
Leona has a few problems, her main problem being that Morgana and Thresh are super popular right now. Leona's other problem is that she is a super all-in champion: Once you go in, you are in and committed and you have no good inherent escape in case you get ganked or you made a mistake.
Morgana's spellshield makes Leona much more useless and (if somewhat good) forces Leona to be much more creative with her playing. All Morgana has to do is spellshield whoever Leona E's on and Leona can't do much to that person anymore.
Thresh, while not quite as big an annoyance as Morgana, can (depending on how good he is) flay Leona's e, effectively denying and stopping Leona's gapcloser and prevent Leona from getting close enough to do anything else. This of course gets a bit better at lvl 6 when Leona gets ult.
Zyra has been nerfed a good amount from before. She's still an amazing counter-engager with her ult but she is very squishy and dies if caught by pretty much anything. She does offer good poke though, still.
Annie support has been nerfed considerably since her glory days. Her passive stun now scales with levels (so it is weaker and stuns for much less at early levels) and the base damage of all her damage abilities have been lowered but she has better scaling (to weaken Annie support and strengthen Ap carry Annie). As a result, Annie is much less of a dominant early-mid game support.
I am not an AD main so the ADC stuff is just what I've observed/ believe
I actually see some Ezreals still and a few Graves every now and then. Ezreal's problem is that he needs to land his q to be effective (which has always been his problem) but Lucian and Twitch just seem to do so much more. I actually don't think Graves is that bad, he's kind of like a different Lucian. Graves is really more of an ad caster than an ADC with how his kit works, but he has to get pretty close and personal most of the time. With the safety/utility of Lucian and the pressure/assassination potential from Twitch, I assume Graves is just less useful.
Lucian is incredibly dominant early game and a great duelist/trader. A good Lucian can make a lot happen and he can still do damage from pretty far away with his ult. Lucian has an annoying amount of safety with his dash and the range of his ult. Twitch is pretty much an adc assassin that creates pressure when he can't be seen. He pops out of nowhere and bursts a squishy down with his ambush bonus, botrk, and ult. Most other ad carries lose pressure when they can't be seen on the map, but twitch actually gains pressure as long as he keeps making himself felt in the game.
As for Ryze, he is usually played top lane as a counter to most top laners because Ryze is really good at punshing and zoning most melee top laners (and guess what kind of top laners are popular right now). As a bonus he'll also usually end up scaling to lategame better than his top counterpart as well. |
I mained Miss Fortune in Season 2 but stopped playing her from Season 3 onwards, not just because there were better ADCs out there that could do what she could do, but also because her strengths just doesn't help to cover her weaknesses.
Her Q has decent damage but most Miss Fortune players will try to hit you with the second shot instead of the first, avoid this by constantly moving when you're behind minions, the second shot is less likely to hit you that way if the second shot can't "lock" onto you to hit you.
Her ult is powerful, but almost any support nowadays is able to stop it instantly - Leona stuns, Thresh flay/hook, Nami bubble, Braum shield. If you're against Miss Fortune, ask for a support (or even PLAY as a support) that has the CC capability to stop her ult.
Speaking of CC capability, Miss Fortune only has one soft CC - her E, the AoE slow. It's good for waveclear but doesn't offer her much escape potential. Usually Miss Fortunes will rather turn and kill you instead of trying to get out. As long as you keep attacking her to avoid her passive from coming up, and stop her ult damage, it's relatively easy to beat her. |
Leona in lane hits 3 powerspikes at levels 2, 3, and 6.
For the first spike, what this means is you need to hard push your lane and hit level 2 earlier than leona does. If she zenith/stuns you while you're only level 1, it will at the very least, burn you through your pots, and then she's just going to all in you again once off cd.
If you hit level 2 first, try and all in her. If you at least burn leona or her ADC down to half health and keep them there, she definitely won't go in on you before she has shield, and even when she gets it, she'll still play passive until it's stronger when she hits levels 4-5.
If both lanes are relatively equal, you need to keep her bush warded starting the minion before she hits 3 so you can keep an eye on her. A full QWE combo out of the bush with an ADC that can proc all 3 passives could probably kill you, or send you out of lane and start it snowballing away from you.
Understand that leona is all-in with 0 sustain. That's it. Which means if she can't all in you because she's or her ADC are lower in health, abuse them and don't give them time to recover. In line with that, If leona does all in you, watch how many of her passives the opposing ADC procs. If they're synced enough that they pop all three, GTFO. If the ADC is late following up and only one gets popped, Switch the aggression around. Those passive procs account for a bit of leonas threat, and if the ADC misses 2/3 of them, thats 70-100 damage they missed out on. Now, if you and your supp go ham on the other adc since leona no longer has any peel or burst, you may actually come out ahead. Just remember, leona's combo is ~10s cd. If you're still skirmishing when that comes off, it will turn the fight back around.
Be aware, if you're in range to AA Leona (unless cait/kog/trist), she can probably get a zenith blade off onto you. Its best to harass her with skillshots if you can, and only with AA's with your supports skills off CD in case she all-ins you.
When Leona hits 6, she will go all in on you. Do not stay in lane without your support. Do not count on your tower saving you. Giving up some CS/XP/Tower to wait for jungle/support so you don't die is far better than giving up all 3 + a kill. The Range on her ult is approximately 3/4 of a screen away, so even if you think you're safe, you're probably not. At 6, If you can see her on your screen, she's a threat.
Ultimately though, Leona isn't countered by ADC's. The other support is what shuts down Leona. I climbed from low silver to Gold 1 (Plat soon, hopefully) on leona's back, and the only time I really had problems was seeing a Janna or Ali on the other team. A good Janna will ruin Leona's world, and I mean shit all over it like a puppy with diarrhea. Ali will make Leona second-guess every all in since she requires her adc to follow up. An Ali headbutting away the enemy adc when Leona goes in just leaves a stuck Leona getting beaten in the face.
After Lane phase is over, you need to make Banshee's Veil a priority. I will aim for you with R. If I hit it, the team is coming for you. Know that.
And this is just advice for all champs in general, but if leona is behind, she has a really hard time catching up. If she can't survive going all in, then most of her usefulness to the team if negated. |
Go hard before level 3. His level 1 is weak as all hell - either he takes flip and does virtually no damage beyond that, or takes Q and will struggle to so much as farm because he has no displacement to escape. At level 2, he takes the other, but still won't have the damage or speed to really do anything. This is the point where you should look to call for ganks and start shutting him out. By level 3, his second rank in Q may just be enough to start really chipping away at your health. A champion with quick dashes to recover from the flip's displacement may be helpful as well. Also, keep in mind that any champion with a skill that makes them targetable will still take ticks of poison in those frames if it's already been applied. It won't go through invulnerabilities, however. |
I mean, 1. ghost and heal are very good summoner spells in dominion as is upgrading boots considering that as a general rule, movement speed dominates dominion.
moving as a group is not as uncommon as normal's or ranked since there are no real "lanes" you win by taking and holding towers, so do whatever is working to win.
Can't explain them having the bear claw icon, except that on occasion I will see everyone (myself included) with that icon while loading for a game. Idk if It's a bug or what, but it happens.
Basically I'm playing Devils advocate here and saying that this is circumstantial, There is evidence that these could be bots, but there is reasonable doubt that they are not.
More of what I've seen from bots are a ton of losses, the same build every time, and most will follow a player. I don't see that from the lolking that you posted. |
Quinn is a stronger adc than nidalee, nidalee is a very weak adc lol.
Nid in human form doesn't have AD scalings. So she has her spear, AP scaling poke ability, W, AP scaling trap (multiple uses, not really useful to throwdown in the middle of fights though), and a decent heal/AS Buff, that scales with AP. So you have very minor damage through your damaging abilities (since you don't build AP to scale them), and a heal/AS buff, basically leaving your entire damage output to your AUTOATTACKS.
If you want to have a purely auto attacking champion, why not play Caitlyn, Jinx, Trist, etc?
Quinn scales with AD, has a strong AD scaling Aoe damaging blind (extremely useful when timed right), W granting vision of the fight, preventing further flanks/escapes, and her E, Great damage, especially when combined with her passive. Going bird form isn't really meant for 5v5 teamfights (it's more meant for escaping/chasing down other champions after skirmishes and to increase duel potential), so we'll leave that out of the discussion. |
Can I reference this brilliant Youtube Video from Extra Credits in terms of how 129 champions is actually helping the balance of the game. It's really important as a Game Designer to understand this concept.
EDIT 1: Importantly, it labels how giving the players a wealth of options (129 champions) actually keeps the meta fresh and equips the player base to solve meta problems. |
Damn, this reflects the situation perfectly! You need more upvotes. It seems like Riot is buffing champions that are easy to play and don't have big "Play-potential" to the point the user just needs to smash his head on the keyboard to win lane/game. I'm looking at champions like: Caitlyn, Nasus, Vel'Koz, Kayle, Lulu... Note that I'm not here to highlight the champs with the highest winratio but the champs that that have way too high effectiveness compared to the actual knowledge and skill you need to play it properly.
Additionally, there are many champs that are deemed skill instensive even tho they aren't. Zed being a perfect example. Having such a good waveclear and all that extra damage for nothing makes him a very easy champ. The difference between a good Zed and a horrible Zed is basicly, that the horrible Zed will MAYBE die after he assassinated the ADC, APC and the other has some more knowledge and even survive the 1v5 dive onto the ADC...
Riot keeps constantly nerfing play-making champs and to be honest it sucks. I would bet a 975 skin one of the next nerfs goes to Katarina. The worst part of it all is the community riding every bandwagon that they are presented. That's actually WHY the community is fucked up. I don't care about toxic kids and heck I'll use strong words when I'm settled up, if someone reports me, well fuck it I report back, cause everyone has a corpse in his cellar. Maybe they didn't flame me directly but I'm sure they did, it's fucking human to do so. |
He's not. What he's doing is asking them to redirect some of their current trying-to-make-the-game-better-efforts to balancing champions outside of the top tiers. |
Noone considers lion a weak hero and he is certainly viable and pickable. Io was nerfed(but not overnerfed) and it never had 100% win ratio. So instead of pulling numbers out of our ass, let's talk with actual data from the international 4 qualifiers
244 games, 98 heroes picked out of 103(+4 who arent available for captain's mode because they are new). Io was picked in 31 games(it doesnt show bans though) and had 35.5% win ratio. 35.5% win ratio? My god, Io must suck, it definitely needs a buff /s
Lion was picked in 6 games and has 50% win ratio. Obviously io is more popular than lion but that doesnt mean that it is better. It is just a completely different support hero.
What is strongest, making your carry(and yourself) take 20% less dmg+attack speed, root enemies and being able to teleport yourself+carry anywhere on the map? Or having 2 insane cc(one of which is aoe line) and one nuke that literally 1shots heroes? Both heroes are extremely strong in their own way. |
Just because a champ gets strong doesn't mean people are sheep. This game is complex and the meta shifts to favor certain play-styles.
Ex: TF has seen a large resurgence since some fairly minor buffs. Was he OP all along? No, the meta just shifted to favor laners who have strong waveclear and utility. Late season 3, the meta favored assassins in mid-lane such as Zed and Ahri who had very easy time against him in lane and in teamfights. |
YEAH RIOT WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE SURE ALL 120 CHAMPS ARE COMPLETELY BALANCED? Oh wait, because that's literally impossible. If we're talking about viability almost every single champion in this game is viable for solo queue which is primarily what the game is balanced around. What is viable in the pro scene is not at all indicative of what's viable in solo queue. Pros only play top tier champs because they are playing at the highest level and need every single advantage they can get. Those champs that are always picked in pro play also are the ones that fit the current meta/team comps people are running because the strategy in those games is completely different. Even if the pro players themselves that do these strategies in LCS tried to do it in soloqueue with all challenger team mates it many of the strats would fail almost every time due to a lack of coordination by the team. Last season I went from Bronze 1 to Gold V in little over a week with Wukong mid at a time when almost NO ONE was playing that. At the time Nightblue himself had said he felt Wu was a better mid than top but still no one played it because it wasn't FoTM and it wasn't getting play in LCS. |
This is the defining characteristic of Moba vs MMO games though. If you want to truly have no idea go play World of Warcraft, there's 11 classes. 11 options. That's as large of a pool as can be created where in a free for all melee things are level and there is no tier system it's just fire beats water, water beats leaf, leaf beats fire kind of shit.
If your dislike pokemon gameplay and WoW, then play League of Legends where shit's crazy as fuck, there is tiering, there is OP shit, there is underpowered shit, there is amazing plays, there is sweat under your arms after 40 minutes of turrent siege. If it's too much for you to handle, then go play the game where 0.2s actually doesn't matter because you can just polymorph someone for 8s, then silence them for another 4s, then cyclone them for another 8s, then root them for 3s, then re-polymorph them for 4s and so on and so forth. |
In general, i would Agree with "this guy" on the issue that there are in fact, more than 20 champions in the game yet only those tier1s are seeing the most plays. BUT! i believe this problem to be somewhat limited to the LCS/Challenger (and their publicity) and somewhat Diamond and the Skilllevel that can be found up there, everything below this its more "monkey see monkey do" than anything and has nothing to do with "this champion beats that champion".
Let me Explain.
Champions are like tools/Equipment for those players, they use them in a way and max out their potential to the limits (and sometimes beyond, aka CDR/AP Tryn ololol). These people are so good in this game that in fact, it matters to them those little margins one champion beats another. They can use those advantages. Its like 2 F1 Racecars, one carbon, the other "less" carbon, or a brandname Drill (Bosch Blue f.e) vs. a Storebrand, or even
Now give those Tools to the gold/silver/bronze/whatever 24/7 casual dimwit, and the pro a potato, and he will most likely still wipe the floor with that dimwit up and down every lane on the rift. this holds true to lower elos as well imo.
If your skill increases, your champion pool will either increase, or at least specialize, you will rise, and meet better people and then, at some point that most of us here will never ever ever reach (numbers dont lie, theres like 1 or 2% of the total playerbase competing for chal/dia) it might matter that you pick that Tier1 Champion rather than that below tier1 champion, until then - doesn't matter had fun .
The entire argument that "champion X is better than Y" holds only true if you meet equally high skilled people where it acutally matters. Tier1 champs in lower elo dont contribute as much to the victory as most of us would believe.
Yes there is a lot more to the whole, but i believe it boils down to a few key things, on of which is: |
We don't. |
Apparently something that is not funny for you anymore is not funny for anyone at all. |
i think gaming is still a little too young (at least in the west) to have much if any psychiatrists but maybe soon as the generation comming now is filled with gamers, i know some nurses and such that play league though, but for me personally i think its made me better, i used to be a person that thought i couldnt get anywhere in life because of other people/situations when i seriously started wanting to learn this game first thing i learned was the reason i cant win is because of myself. At first i only applied that to this game still hating my life and things that happened in it but once that concept really sunk in i realised it just didnt apply to this game but to basicly everything, nothing is completely out of your control (maybe only some genetic things.. maybe) and if theres something wrong with my life its cause im directly not actively trying to improve/change it so i feel league helped improved my mental state a great deal and my life has been going on a far better track then it had been before i played league |
It seems for you that you are doing bad, because subconsciously you have a high standard for yourself. So even if you are doing good, you can still think you are doing bad. It's like people who think that everyone hates them, even though no one even cares. |
You're starting to get it!
Get what? you cut out a huge portion of the sentence and the following sentence which made the clear point that different champions are stronger/weaker in the meta. In certain other games, the characters/champions are more balanced so every pick serves a specific purpose. League of Legends is not like that. Compare Lux to Ziggs. Ziggs is safer, has more damage over time, has more burst damage, deals more damage to structures, can global clear, can permawaveclear. What does Lux do significantly better than Ziggs? Almost nothing. Which is why Ziggs is played over her.
>Or they're scared to try things that haven't proved to work. Either way, its NOT similar to soloq, at all.
A pro team, in its combined players, probably has over 10,000 games played. Do you think they haven't tried almost everything at least once? Do you think that their coaching staff and analysts have no idea what they're doing? In a competitive meta with competent junglers, higher degree of vision control, and greater team coordination certain picks will be stronger there than in soloque. However, it's still the same game. If Kassadin is super strong in competitive games it's likely that he's strong in soloq games as well. At Gold and below, hell even plat, any pick is viable. But once you get high enough up the ladder, one is only handicapping themselves by playing champions that are significantly weaker than meta champions. If one is extremely good on a champion or it's a hidden OP then yeah it's a great idea to play it. But most players, who don't have a main champion, will perform best using the meta champions.
>No, it couldn't
As I mentioned, and you cut out of your quotation, winrate does not always equal champion popularity. For example, pre-rework Xerath. However, if a champion is majorly terrible, like post-rework Skarner, it will lose popularity because players don't usually like playing champions that don't win games when played well. It's not a perfect correlation between popularity and winrate but the champions with much higher winrates get played more than champions with very low winrates.
>Yes, they are. You WILL NEVER play against someone of exactly equal skill, ever. The pros are so close to each other in terms of mechanical skill and game sense, so they might have a problem playing Ashe or Quinn. You will never have that problem. If you have more games on Ashe/Quinn than Draven/Jinx, THEN THEY'RE THE BETTER/STRONGER PICKS, every single time.
Once again, a logical fallacy. Sure, if you have played twice as many games on a champion you are more comfortable there and will perform better than a champion you are uncomfortable with. However, one cannot ignore the fact that, if they played a stronger pick just as much, they could've been performing EVEN BETTER than on their comfort champion. Pros do have more equal skill levels than the average soloq game, but if a champion is completely broken then the average player can abuse it just as much as a pro player.
Tell me, why do I have 3x as many games played on Zed, TF, and Nidalee but all of them have 30% less winrate than my Kassadin? Because Kassadin is a patently stronger pick, not because I play it better. I know far more/am more comfortable playing Zed/TF/Nidalee than Kassadin, yet my Kassadin winrate is super high. Clearly there are different tiers of champions, however, I'm not advocating to only play those champions.
If one enjoys playing the champion, then go ahead and play it. In soloq, there's a bonus edge that a player has by playing an uncommon champion. Like how everyone assumes Poppy is terrible then get bursted down going "where the fuck did that come from?" But that champion might not be as powerful as a meta champion. For example, compare Gangplank and Lulu top. Is there anything Gangplank does significantly better than Lulu? Except for providing global ult support, there's nothing. Lulu has more damage, utility, range, safety, and can better utilize teleport. If one wants to win, one should always pick Lulu over Gangplank unless you have never played Lulu before and Gangplank you have 100x as much experience. |
Reddit a few weeks ago: Lucian is OP he dominates all the scene for AD Carries and he excels at literally everything
Riot: How about we nerf him then and make his range lower, that seems reasonable enough and to compensate we can make him even more ability based with lower cooldowns, more chase potential and lower mana costs
Get a grip guys. You aint playing in the LCS, you can play any adc. If you truly enjoy the champion dont go being pissy because they got nerfed and just play your champion anyways. If there's people still playing Jayce, Zac, Cho etc. You can still play an ADC who's tentative nerfs could be way worse. This new cooldown and cooldown reduction for Lucian's dash might even make him actually have powerspikes rather than be good all the time, as he could end up having much more interesting combo's in lane that are much better early game. Sure, range nerfs are HUGE but they've given him decent stuff to compensate, from a trading standpoint he isnt that worse off and mid-late game he has the ability to reposition more frequently each fight making him hard to dive on as a bruiser. I understand Seraph's POV on this, but only as he plays at high elo. 90% of you guys are Bronze or Silver just like me, That's just common knowledge, and if you truly enjoy Lucian and main him like you say just fucking play him. The advantages at low elo from straight outplay far outweigh those from champion strength and none of you have even tried Lucian after these nerfs, why jump to conclusions? |
No it isn't dude. Play more games and it'll move to 50%. Also are you climbing consistently? Or are you playing people at your skill level? Last season, i had 666 AP nidalee games, 51.8% winrate. 95 games on OLD yasuo 51.6% winrate. YOU WILL get about 50% winnrate always, when playing at your skill level (And more than 10 goddamn games).
At the time I had a 47% winrate, I was not climbing the ladder. When I get to around 30 games on a champion it's usually a 60% winrate. The point is, stronger champions tend to have higher winrate.
>No, they never do that.
Here is Phreak using winrate as an indicator of power level. By saying "winrate doesn't mean everything," he's clearly indicating it means something. Otherwise he would've said "winrate means nothing."
Here is Meddler talking about differing champion power levels, clearly indicating that they exist and can affect regular players. |
Wow this coomunity is stupid as hell. Ofcourse if you invent something you want the recognition for it. Even if he/she don't deserve to get money, or the champion taken out of the game, he/she still deserves to be recognised as the inventor or whatever you call it.
I get mad reading these stupid comments about OP stealing the idea from dota, or that even if he/she came up with the idea there is no point of mentioning it. I've thought of things hundreds of times that I thought was original only to find that people have thought of it before me, it was still an original idea for me, even though someone got to it before me. If I was a part of making a movie I would be in the credits no matter how small the my part was, same with making games. |
You are so right and after the game complaining on social media...it's like Brasil complaining that Germany scored them 7 goals of course a team won't hesistate to destroy you if you let them the chance...there aren't only ponies and candies out there. The real world is harsh. |
Thats true, but in my experience there are always people who can speak English with varying degrees of fluency in games on euw, even the people who dont speak English are able to say something along the lines of 'sry I not speak English' whereas eune, the best you'll get is 'lucker dog' and the occasional 'I fuck your mother'. |
Honestly some people are going to tell you to try to carry the game with "carry" champs or "practice more". After climbing to high plat on multiple accounts the one thing i'm sure of is that every low elo player underestimates the power of TEAMWORK. I know this is the cheesy answer and it's easier said than done, but one day you will look back when you're gold/plat and realize the insane amounts of selfish decisions you made at low elo and how they seemed like a good idea at the time but in reality they cause you to lose.
When you are playing try to consciously think of what you should be doing as a TEAM! Always act as a team, try not to react to the other team (especially when you are ahead).
Also I realize that a lot of the time it's hard to work as a team when your teammates don't want to, but if you personally work on it, that's the biggest thing to set you apart from other low elo players, and mechanics are important too but that just comes with time.
Sorry if this post is really sloppily formatted I just threw it together real quick, hope I could help. |
By demanding "1080p", what you really mean is increasing the bitrate, not resolution. Imagine an 8K video at 100 kbps and a 720p video at 10,000 kbps. Do you really want the "8K" over 720p? It shows that resolution alone means nothing. Same thing goes for 60fps. If you maintained the bandwidth, you'd half the quality of a 30fps video when you double it to 60fps. Enjoy that smooth video of pixelation. So it's bandwidth that you want.
So you're talking about a 8x increase in bandwidth (when scaling up bitrate), which is huge for the likes of Twitch. 1080p has 4x the area of 720p so that's 4x the bitrate, and 30fps to 60fps doubles the bandwidth to 8x. That's equivalent of providing a stream to 8 million people instead of 1 million.
You have to scale up bitrate (the video detail after compression) and not only the resolution because a simple upscale from 720p to 1080p without increasing the bitrate won't give any improvements (it's what your PC already does when you view 720p fullscreen on a 1080p monitor). You could also increase the bitrate 4x on a 720p stream and it will be upscaled it to 1080p with much more detail. |
OK people need to stop hating on Wickd, his champion pool actually isnt that small
perhaps his kayle games at worlds was last luckluster, but he seems to be able to play it well in EU LCS as he has won the two games he played her in
more or less, his main focus with kayle was to counter the ryze, as his other champions cant counter ryze, therefore went kayle top again to try and counter the ryze but got wrecked by elise's ganks therefore never really executed what he wanted to do with kayle
if maokai or irelia were up, he would have probably used them but guess what, both were banned
wickd's champion pool is where, the only meta top laner he does not play, is ryze
he has played a lot of other champions, but irelia has always been his strongest champ and since it is in the meta, why not pick it
if froggen's anivia was in the meta right now, i am pretty sure froggen would continue to pick it
waht he couldve gone however, is lulu, if you havent noticed, he has played it a lot at eu summer split, also with it, he would actually make the team comp, idk not suck? |
I think more emphasis needs to be added on how much of an underdog KaBum was this game. Alliance is the #1 team out of Europe, said by many to be the West's only chance against the mighty Korean teams in terms of winning the whole tournament. KaBum is a team from Brazil, which has a small but developing League professional scene. KaBum was not even the clear favorite to make it out of their region, let alone take down a prominent team in the World's tournament. Alliance also had recently beaten NaJin White Shield, a Korean team favored by many to make it to the finals, extremely convincingly.
There was a fair amount of controversy as to whether these wild card teams from weaker regions should be even allowed in the tournament, as they are easily defeated by the superior regions. KaBum's win puts Alliance at a record of 3-3, and placing them volatile to being knocked out of the group stages. |
I don't care about the meta but if you want an immobile skillshot midlane mage vel is an awesome choice. I feel like his passive really shines in the support role however as it makes him a non-item dependant mage. Even with only frost queen's claim and support items he will become a damage threat with his true damage passive. Late game throw in a Liandry's Torment to counter health stacking which counters true damage and no matter what you'll be doing tons of damage. He has good synergy with champions like MF when he supports not only because of the wombo combo ults but because of the amazing harrass he provides to supplement MF's lane bully nature. |
I hate how every time a pro player or any public figure posts a text there's always a retarded biased wrong |
actually thats not what he sais. he sais "the reason i played poorly is largely the svenskerren situation".
your " |
heres the deal:
racism is a VERY subjective term, and there are varying degrees of it.
>Who's fault was it that Svenskeren got banned 3 games? Svenskerens alone, 110%, one of the dumbest things anyone has ever done in E-sport history.
this is the critical part i disagree with.
i dont think jeziz actively blamed svenskerren. i think he knows something about svenskeren most of us dont know or dont want to see. based on previous SK posts/intervieews on the subject and on this one, i think svenskeren really didnt know what he was doing in the situation. he was acting stupidly, in my eyes, not neccessarily racist.
thats what i didnt want to get into. cause i know how reddit sees this whole thing. "you said something bad about this type of people, and we know you are toxic from soloq? why you must be a racist!"
i have a somewhat different view, as i elaborated above.
dreadmad is an idiot if he actually thinks that his " |
Hello guys, I've been wanting to write a statement of my performance at Worlds 2014 and I think I've expressed myself the best way possible.
So first off, I wanna talk about my performance at Summer Playoffs as this leads up to the Korean bootcamp and my Worlds performance.
I believe i was at 50% of my full potential at that time, with a lot of confidence backing me up.
As we went to Seoul in Korea for bootcamp, I reached about 70% of my potential. I improved extremely despite the fact that I wasn't as motivated for going to worlds as my teammates. Obviously i wanted to win, but seeing how much they wanted it, gave me more than enough motivation to become a stronger player and give my best.
You might be thinking, why the heck wasn't he as motivated as his teammates for Worlds, as it's a dream for every professional player? Well, the answer is simple (to me atleast).
My whole dream before 2014 was becoming a professional LoL player. When I reached that dream, or goal rather, my aims for 2014 was to become solid and confident enough to compete at that level. That was all I was looking for. I never expected I would get to worlds in my introduction to professional League of Legends.
Anyhow, as we went to Taipei, the whole Svenskeren thing happened, and he got banned for the first 3 games. I want to make it clear to everyone, that no one hated or blamed him for that - also he was the one who felt the worst from all of us.
We all basically looked at it from the bright side, that it was only 3 games and not more, and that we had a sub jungler. At first i didn't think it would hit me, playing with another jungler, but it definitely did.
So lets now talk about what happened those 6 games at Worlds group stages, and what made me play as poorly as i did:
I believe confidence has A LOT to do with a players performance on a big stage. So basically lack of confidence are the keywords in my whole performance, and everyone, including myself, would say i choked. No surprise.
So there are two possible reasons to which of why, made me play as i did;
Being me, not playing with the jungler i had played with for 1 year, including almost 200 scrims in 2 weeks time in Korea.
Being me, playing on an international stage.
The answer is obvious to me, as my confidence was at 80% in the Summer Playoffs for Worlds. My confidence was exactly at the point, of where it had to be perfect, at the time in Korea also, and there is NO way that playing against the international teams, of which I had played against for 2 weeks, or me playing on a big stage had any affect on my play whatsoever.
So to sum it all up, the whole thing with Svenskeren, kind of screwed over my confidence and therefore my performance. But as I've stated, he was never blamed or hated for this, in the team. We all tried to look at the bright side of the situation and play as well as we could, with a substitute.
I also wish to mention that Gilius played extremely well, taken in consideration of what he got thrown into, with barely 1-2 days of practice in the team.
I know it is big words for me to tell you all, that my performance at Worlds, was nowhere near the level that I was actually at, at that time. But this is also for the sake of my pride, and I want to prove everyone wrong.
I have never been more motivated for Worlds, as I am now. |
Ok first off I'm not offended. I am an atheist. I don't know what your profession is but I work in a public relations office. This would be offensive for any corporation to do. Regardless of the facts of where or how something began that you have to give, it is still irrelevant. What it stands for now is a mockery of a religious figure, most commonly the God of the Bible. |
Ashe is however the only one who triggers these specific issues. From what I understand all of the other champs included just allow you to use a self-cast ability on other champs. The issue with Ashe is that it forces your champion to use a specific attack index. This index is the ult for some champs, and for Nasus it prevents him from using his Q active, since he's not performing a regular AA. |
You've got an interesting problem... because you don't actually own the copyright in any of the original content in your video. Riot of course owns all the League-related content, and the sounds you added are obviously sourced from somewhere else. Normally the answer would be just put a notice with Youtube who will take down their video (almost automatically). Problem is (1) it's probably not worth it since that "copier" barely has any views or notoriety and (2) he can file counter-notice saying it's his and you would be dragged into a pretty pointless lawsuit. |
Coast are heavy favorites in this tournament. Noone was saying LoLpro was the best or even 2nd best. They 2-0'd today not dropping 1 game. They may have looked shaky but never for a whole game. In every single week of every sport there is a team that should dominate someone but they only end up winning by a small margin. |
Cause even if someone is afk theyre still registered to the game i.e theyre still playing. When they disconnect you are getting a 2:1 vote.
So youre just dumb and dont understand how its coded. If youre afk ingame youre still ingame i.e coded as not afk. If you alt-f4 youre coded as not being in game |
I'm a fucking mathematics grad student irl and nobody would give me shit about saying 66% for 2/3. I mean, mother of god, even in my comment I am 100% (or 99.9, repeating of course,% right) right in saying that 66% is below the minimum value as can be seen by the fact that 2/3 is not enough and 2/3 >= 0.66..... |
All adcs have different strengths and weaknesses, as well as situations when you want to pick them. I'll list their strengths and create a mini tier list at the end.
Ashe is an adc that has decent engage potential but has weaker damage than most.
Caitlyn is a very safe adc with a weak midgame, but a very strong early game and an average lategame. She is great for sieging.
Corki is a very strong adc in general, he has a good early game,great midgame, and average lategame. He also has siege potential with his rockets and Q.
Draven is a risky pick, and takes a bit of practice. He can Snowball leads very easily and can become a monster with 2 items.
Ezreal is a very safe champion with a very strong early game and a great midgame. His lategame is very dependent on how good you are at landing mystic shots.
Graves is a great lane bully and is amazing for new players because of his passive. His midgame is average and his lategame suffers because of a lack of range, but other than this, he is a great champion and if you can position properly he can become a monster.
Jinx is a very strong champion who Just needs a kill or two to snowball. She becomes stronger as the game goes on, without really having a weak point in the game.She's like kog maw with a different passive.
Kalista is very hard to place at the moment because she hasn't been out for long enough. From my experiences, she is underwhelming if she doesn't go at least average in lanephase, and she needs a couple items to get going. Her objective control with E makes her very strong,since the stacks have no cap.
Kog'Maw is a very strong champion who does much better in competitive play than soloque because he has no mobility and requires peel from the team. He gets stronger as the game goes on, much like Jinx. His siege is very strong and he can Shred through tanks with his w.
Lucian is a very strong champion who has no weak point in the game. This being said, he also never has a very strong point. He is very consistent and only needs 2 items to be able to keep up with any adc in damage.
Miss fortune lacks an escape, and has an ultimate that makes her immobile. She can be very strong with the proper setup but she feels like a weaker version of graves, who can deal more aoe damage while being more mobile. This being said, If you build trinity into shiv, you can be fairly mobile as long as you position properly.
Quinn can be an interesting champion, and can bring out a lot of unexpected damage. Most people will max q first, but in my opinion maxing w first into e will give you better mobility and damage. She can be a lot stronger than people expect, but she is lacking a strong ultimate. It's better to use it after you disengage with your vault for extra distance.
Sivir is a very strong champion who hasn't seen much popularity but is definitely one of the stronger adcs on this list. She can stay relevant all game and really only requires an IE and a stattik to get going.Excellent poke and waveclear helps her stay relevant all game and her ultimate is a great ability for teamfights.
Tristana is a strong champion with a weak early game, but she makes up for it with a very strong lategame. She is weaker than kogmaw as far as scaling is concerned, but she is still a great pick.
Twitch is great in all phases of the game but suffers from a strong escape, he has amazing damage potential, but requires a strong frontline to be able to utilize it.
Varus is a decent poke champion who is strong all game but is far too immobile to take advantage of it. He can destroy teams with his poke and engage with his ultimate, but more often than not he's going to be using it to snare whoever jumps on top of him.
Vayne Requires a lot of practice, but if you put in the time to learn her, she can become a beast. Inexperienced players will have difficulty with her early game, but players with a lot of practice on her can win most lanes with ease.
Top Tier- champions who can be picked in any situation
Tier 1- champs who Are strong but not strong enough to be picked in any situation
Tier 2- champions who need a buff to be placed higher
Skill dependant champions -champions who require a lot of time put into them to be played well. These champs have top tier potential but only if you work to put them there.
Yeah, buff early game champions then ppl play and crush top lane with them. After that buff late game top laners, ppl crush early game too with them. Then buff late game junglers to compete with top laners. Back where we are the only difference is mid and bot is a lot weaker. So you need to buff adcs and mids. Top mains cries cuz adcs are too stronk. Final desicion. NERF EVERYTHING. |
This is just bullshit. Yes it is bad if one company has the whole market under control for a certain product because they can lower quality and ask for more money because no one else can offer the product.
Streaming is a completely different thing. There is a ton of potential money in the market and as soon as twitch start to get shitty a bunch of new services will come out of nowhere and take over. You don't need much to start a site like twitch (compared to producing cars for example) and there's an insane amount of investors that would throw money at a new service if the community is unsatisfied with twitch.
The twitch guys know that too, the crowd that uses their service is not stupid and they know they have choices. They won't just suddenly stop all the good stuff their doing and start being evil because they can. |
He said he got tired of the competitive scene and the pressure and whatnot. |
It is not my first language but I fully understand what you said and I still believe it's not true but I do think that you didn't understand me.
Coin > Relic (NEVER)
Talisman > Mountain (Only in certain match ups)
Coin is useless. Hands down it does nothing. Relic gives you faster pushing for lvl 2 and sustain to you and your carry.
Going for Relic and then selling it mid game and buying Talisman because you need it. This yes, worth.
Also it is probably not even 10% . Yesterday when I checked the last 50-60 games there were 0 talismans/coins. Doubt there'd be more than 4 in the other 40-50 games to make it even close to 10%.
Even blitz who builds Talisman more doesn't have many buys. I just checked the last 100 games in probuilds and there were 8 talismans. |
It doesn't "proc" on ranged. You must CS normally on Thresh which makes it harder since there is no "execute" |
Okay I'm going to ignore the fact that you just compared the combined utility of 2 spells to the utility of a single spell and the fact that you blatantly ignored the other spell hits up to the entire team and just break down thresh's kit for you and why those spells as well as other factors make him weaker for solo queue than other supports. Before I get into this I want to point out that thresh is both my 2nd most played champ in ranked and the fact that I have a winning record with him so my opinions on him are neither uninformed nor do they stem from me not being able to win games with him.
Death sentence:
For starters hitting someone with death sentence isn't nearly as impactful as hitting them as many people think, at least not when compared to other spells supports have such and Dark binding, rocket grab, or Annie stun. Another problem with this spell is that to follow it up with flay you have to recast it which will often put yourself at risk. While often putting yourself at risk like this can pay off big you always run the risk of people not following up on it as quickly as they need to or even at all due to lack of communication and/or coordination which is symptomatic of solo queue. Expounding upon that point even if you don't recast your Q it causes your ADC to have to do a lot more decision making than many other spells that have more obvious goals. Did thresh just land hook to make _ lose cs? Does he want me to all in? Should I just use this opportunity to get free farm? Should I go for a short trade? Often the answer to these questions is far more ambiguous than with other support spells and it can definitely make a far smaller impact on the lane/game when the wrong choice is made than say Dark binding which will always do more damage and can junk the opponent even if your adc does nothing. Another spell I think draws the most obvious comparison is rocket grab, which both does more damage, puts you at less risk and the enemy at more, and is less ambiguous as to it's goal, it's a hard initiation and will pretty much always be recognized as such unlike thresh q which is more multipurposed.
Dark Passage:
This spell is the single biggest thing that makes him amazing competitively but somewhat lack luster for solo queue. Apart from it's small shield which now can only be given to a single ally it's entire utility is based on the decision making of your ally which is never going to be consistent and when discussing a champs strength in solo queue, consistency is key. When used properly by your allies dark passage is IMO the single most OP thing in thresh's kit, far more than his Q dark passage is what makes thresh an amazing champ. It's a free long range gap closer and escape on a fairly low cool down that any of your allies can use and it's what makes him god tier in competitive play. However often your allies will take lanterns meant for someone else or just ignore them entirely or simply take them too early if you're planning on using it in conjunction with death sentence.
Flay: Honestly this spell actually doesn't have much down side for solo queue it's decent cc and adds damage to your autos which is never a bad thing. It works best for disengage so pretty much the only small con I can say about it is that for purely disengage purposes it's mild compared to something like nami bubble, black shield, or even blitz knock up. That being said this is thresh's least ally reliant spell.
The Box: Really good for peeling or engaging only problem with this one is you generally have to put yourself in danger to get a really good one on the enemy team and you run the risk of your team mates not seizing that opportunity.
On top of this thresh's base stats are pretty low, he's not naturally tanky and does very minimal damage even by support standards so unless you're collecting an absolutely insane amount of souls he's really item dependent to become tanky.
If you're wondering why the only champs I compared him to are blitz nami and morg it's both for brevity purposes as this is already fairly lengthy and because those are the other 3 supports I have the most experience with. |
Riot does fine for the most part- it's when they introduce elements with no real basis to what they have done before that they really fall short. A good example of this would be Azir, who added a lot of things the game had never seen before or implemented to the extent previously.
League's code base has almost certainly grown substantially since it's infancy, and what they have done with their engine that is now five+ years old is pretty remarkable.
Coding is not as simple as you make it out to be, testing is NOT plug and play,and Riot- contrary to popular belief- is quite human.
Is Kalista passive/Relic Shield a bug? It's not up to you or I to determine that- because the implementation of Kalista's W passive makes sense logically. However, just because something makes logical sense doesn't mean that it feels good to the player.
If Riot feels that the current behavior sucks (I, for what it's worth as an ADC main, feel that it does), then they will change it- and if the changes to how her W damage functions that are on the PBE are to be believed, they are. |
Hijacking this as I don't see anybody linking to his [Patreon](
There is a ton of people in the comments of the video asking for a Paypal donation acount. This is as close as you can get for continuos suport for his family, and all the hours of fun hes given us thru all this time.
If you don't know what Patreon is, - |
Thorin is one of those people who can talk 10 minutes just to express something they could have said in 3 sentences
You could basically make a 1 line |
DON't PLAY RANKED YET. I am speaking as someone that went 3-10 and was placed bronze three. Yes, I was the kid that was actually better than what he placed. I wasted three months of climbing to gold because I didnt wait to really hone some of my skills and learn all positions before I rushed my 10 placements. |
Heimerdinger is not a garbage champ at all. (I may be have some bias: own 3 skins, played him quite a bit). He can honestly win any matchup.
Laning phase is pretty easy, consists of zoning and farming with your turrets, stunning enemies that come in your turrets' range, and poking with your rockets.
Heim's ultimate is just amazing. There's something for almost any situation. Two or three enemies diving you? Ult+q+zhonyas (while in the range of your other turret's as well) and pick up a double or triple. Need to burst an enemy down from long range (stun) ult+w. Need to initiate a teamfight (or back off from a losing one)? Ult+e.
Peoples hate for heimerdinger probably come from playing against him. It's just really hard to go all in or gank a heim. There just not much you can do against him. If you play heimerdinger, just be prepared for being flamed by the enemy for just sitting back and letting your turret's do all the work for you. |
Just wanted to jump on your point here, « personal » AP items mean little since Riot can tweak that Champion's ratios just to adapt to their taste (see Cassiopeia : she may have >9000 AP lategame but Riot specifically tweaked her ratios). It, however, is a question of whether they want that champion to synergize well or not with Rabaddon's Deathcap .
Edit : By that I mean... Let's say the Hextech Core gives 200 AP (it's 155 but I want easier numbers to compute). Riot wants Viktor's Death Ray to gain a ~150 damage powerspike (for whatever reason) when Viktor finishes his Hextech Core . Therefore, they will give it a 0.75 AP ratio (it's 0.7 currently). However ! They also want to reward Viktor for going glass canon (i.e. Rabaddon's Deathcap ), so they keep the +200 AP item but will probably decrease Death Ray ratio if the need arise.
Saying that « he's the only guy who can build more than 2 +120 AP items » would work only if every champion in the game was identical. If that argument was solid, it would indeed be a « Viktor is plain better » argument, which Riot seems pretty wanton to avoid (see Toplane Disaster and current Jungle issues), preferring « Viktor is better in that situation, filling that role » - for good reasons. |
How I got over my toxicity:
A while ago, I was your average silver ADC Main, and I got pissed off A LOT. Eventually, I got so mad at the game, I gave up. I said "Instalocking Nidalee, every game, every lane" I stopped talking in chat and communicated only through pings. When I did talk, i would only say things like Nids quote's, or just put <3's when deserved. I generally never get mad at the game anymore and tend to play for fun alone. From Silver 1 to Plat 4, the climb has begun.
This obviously will not work for some people (or most people), but just what i did to get out of my toxicity. |
TF W+ TF E+ Lich Bane.
His items were Rabadons Deathcap, Zhonyas Hourglass, Morellonomicon, Lich Bane, and Mejais (Likely 20 Stacks).
This means the gold card had a base damage of 175%xTF's base AD, with 175 Base Damage (He's level 17, assuming E max 3rd), and a 155% AP scaling.
Twisted Fate's base AD will be 102, giving him 102 Physical Damage, and 76 Magic Damage (Due to Lich Bane). TF's AP will be (assuming 21/X/X with all AP damage dealing masteries maxed out) 120+120+80+80+180+15+15+6 or 616, which multiplied by 1.43 is 880 AP. With a 155% AP Scaling, this equates to 1364 Damage.
Twisted Fates Total Damage right now is 1440 Magic Damage and 102 Physical Damage. With Havoc, its is now 1483.2 Magic Damage and 102 Physical Damage.
Yasuo has no MR (assuming he is not running MR runes), leading to him only having his 30 base MR. TF gets 28 effective MR on Yasuo after factoring masteries, and only 5 effective MR on Yasuo after factoring runes. That is basically 5% effective HP against TF's magic damage burst. Yasuo has 1416 HP (keep in mind Yasuo has taken some damage), with a 215 shield on passive. |
Look into Soraka if you want a true healer. As someone who mains Sona, I can honestly say her heal is somewhat close to a joke. It costs a large amount of mana early, and doesn't heal that well. Sona is VERY strong at long, sustained trades however. If your adc and you keep having skirmishes with the enemy, you'll outlast them no problem. Sona is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY weak to being engaged on, as her only CC is her E powerchord (Which you typically don't get a point in E until level 4 or 8), or her ultimate. You're either gambling your life with a powerchord, or burning your ultimate just to save your life. Soraka has an AoE silence, which turns into a root if they stay in it at the end. You throw that puddle down and walk away like nothing happened. Nami's E is basically 3 Sona's E powerchords, except applicable on ANY ally, and Nami has her bubbles as well for disengage, counter-engage, or just straight engage if you're good enough. The other main difference is that Sona's heal is not targetted, and I've had cases where it would top of my 90% hp ally instead of healing the 20% one, whereas Nami and Soraka are able to target their heals. |
Overall, I think you have a good idea. But in practical terms, it is unreasonable and difficult to administer. What happens when your entire team votekicks the first pick because he locked a jungler, where there was someone else who wanted to jungle? Problematic to say the least.
And another issue I've noticed: a ton of people do off-meta related things. playing such things as [NAMI JUNGLE]( could be considered trolling, but they could main said thing. sure Nocturne with Clairvoyance and Ghost is pretty troll, but ynow... use clairvoyance to spot enemies to ult from a distance, ghost to keep your fear tether easier... secret op strats m8 |