Hvor stammer udråbet great scott fra?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Great Scott! er en indskydelse af overraskelse, forbløffelse eller forfærdelse. Som en markant men ufarlig udråbstone, populær i anden halvdel af det nittende århundrede og begyndelsen af det tyvende århundrede, og nu betragtes som forældet.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Great Scott! is an interjection of surprise, amazement, or dismay. As a distinctive but inoffensive exclamation, popular in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, and now considered dated.
Great Scott
Hvor mange sæsoner er der af scream queens?
{ "text": [ "to" ], "answer_start": [ 73 ] }
Scream Queens (2015 TV series) Showet blev aflyst den 15. maj 2017 efter to sæsoner.
{ "text": [ "two" ], "answer_start": [ 45 ] }
Scream Queens (2015 TV series) The show was canceled on May 15, 2017, after two seasons.
Scream Queens (2015 TV series)
Hvor mange episoder i en sæson af stranger things?
{ "text": [ "tredje" ], "answer_start": [ 337 ] }
Stranger Things Den første sæson bestod af otte episoder af en times varighed, som blev udgivet på Netflix i hele verden den 15. juli 2016 i Ultra HD 4K. Anden sæson, der består af ni episoder, blev udgivet den 27. oktober 2017 i HDR. En teaser for anden sæson, som også annoncerede udgivelsesdatoen, blev sendt under Super Bowl LI. Den tredje sæson forventes at bestå af otte episoder. Den forventes ikke at blive udgivet før sidst i 2018 eller først i begyndelsen af 2019.
{ "text": [ "third" ], "answer_start": [ 326 ] }
Stranger Things The first season consisted of eight one-hour-long episodes which were released worldwide on Netflix on July 15, 2016, in Ultra HD 4K. The second season, consisting of nine episodes, was released on October 27, 2017 in HDR. A teaser for the second season, which also announced the release date, aired during Super Bowl LI. The third season is expected to consist of eight episodes. It is not expected to be released until late 2018 or early 2019.
Stranger Things
Hvem synger jeg hører dig banke, men du kan ikke komme ind?
{ "text": [ "Dave Edmunds" ], "answer_start": [ 227 ] }
"I Hear You Knocking" blev nummer to på Billboard R&B-single-listen i 1955 og blev dermed Lewis' mest populære og mest kendte sang. Efterfølgende har adskillige kunstnere indspillet den, bl.a. den walisiske sanger og guitarist Dave Edmunds, hvis version nåede førstepladsen i Storbritannien i seks uger i 1970 og var i top 10 i flere andre lande.
{ "text": [ "Dave Edmunds" ], "answer_start": [ 223 ] }
"I Hear You Knocking" reached number two on the Billboard R&B singles chart in 1955, making it Lewis's most popular and best-known song. Subsequently, numerous artists have recorded it, including Welsh singer and guitarist Dave Edmunds, whose version reached number one in the UK for six weeks in 1970 and was in the top 10 in several other countries.
I Hear You Knocking
Hvem opfandt showet the voice?
{ "text": [ "John de Mol" ], "answer_start": [ 203 ] }
The Voice (TV series) The Voice er en international reality-tv-sangkonkurrence. Den er baseret på reality-sangkonkurrencen The Voice of Holland, som oprindeligt blev skabt af den hollandske tv-producent John de Mol. Mange andre lande har tilpasset formatet og er begyndt at sende deres egne versioner siden 2011. Den er blevet en konkurrent til Idols-franchisen, Rising Star og The X Factor.
{ "text": [ "John de Mol" ], "answer_start": [ 207 ] }
The Voice (TV series) The Voice is an international reality television singing competition franchise. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, which was originally created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. Many other countries have adapted the format and begun airing their own versions since 2011. It has become a rival to the Idols franchise, Rising Star and The X Factor.
The Voice (TV series)
Hvor kom logoet for starbucks fra?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Andre har brugt Starbucks-logoet uændret og uden tilladelse, f.eks. en café i Pakistan, som brugte logoet i 2003 i sine reklamer, og en café i Cambodja i 2009, hvor ejeren sagde, at "hvad vi end har gjort, har vi gjort det inden for lovens rammer".
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Others have used the Starbucks logo unaltered and without permission, such as a café in Pakistan that used the logo in 2003 in its advertisements and a cafe in Cambodia in 2009, the owner saying that "whatever we have done we have done within the law".
Hvornår spillede rams play i super bowl?
{ "text": [ "1999" ], "answer_start": [ 260 ] }
Super Bowl XXXIV var en amerikansk fodboldkamp mellem mesterholdet St. Louis Rams fra National Football Conference (NFC) og mesterholdet Tennessee Titans fra American Football Conference (AFC), som skulle afgøre mesterskabet i National Football League (NFL) i 1999-sæsonen. Rams besejrede Titans med resultatet 23-16 og vandt dermed deres første Super Bowl-sejr og deres første NFL-mesterskab siden 1951. Kampen, der blev spillet den 30. januar 2000 i Georgia Dome i Atlanta, var den fjerde Super Bowl, der blev afholdt en uge efter konferencemesterskabskampene (den foregående gang, det skete, var Super Bowl XXVIII, og tilfældigvis blev den kamp også spillet den 30. januar i Georgia Dome i Atlanta).
{ "text": [ "1999" ], "answer_start": [ 249 ] }
Super Bowl XXXIV was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion St. Louis Rams and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Tennessee Titans to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1999 season. The Rams defeated the Titans by the score of 23–16, capturing their first Super Bowl win and first NFL championship since 1951. The game, played on January 30, 2000 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, was the fourth Super Bowl to be held a week after the conference championship games (the previous time this happened was Super Bowl XXVIII, and coincidentally that game was also played on January 30 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta).
Super Bowl XXXIV
Hvem sang sangen oh what a night?
{ "text": [ "Four Seasons" ], "answer_start": [ 50 ] }
"December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)" er en sang af Four Seasons, skrevet af den oprindelige Four Seasons keyboardspiller Bob Gaudio og hans fremtidige kone Judy Parker, produceret af Gaudio og medtaget på gruppens album Who Loves You (1975).
{ "text": [ "The Four Seasons" ], "answer_start": [ 49 ] }
"December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)" is a song by the Four Seasons, written by original Four Seasons keyboard player Bob Gaudio and his future wife Judy Parker, produced by Gaudio, and included on the group's album, Who Loves You (1975).
December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)
Hvem sang i want to be with you everywhere?
{ "text": [ "Fleetwood Mac" ], "answer_start": [ 12 ] }
Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac song) "Everywhere" er en sang af det britisk-amerikanske rockband Fleetwood Mac fra deres fjortende studiealbum Tango in the Night (1987), skrevet af Fleetwood Mac-medlem Christine McVie, som også er forsanger på sangen. "Everywhere" blev udgivet som den fjerde single fra Tango in the Night den 28. november 1987 i USA, hvor den blev nummer 14 på Billboard Hot 100-listen og nummer et på Adult Contemporary-listen og blev der i tre uger. "Everywhere" blev udgivet i Det Forenede Kongerige den 21. marts 1988 og nåede op på fjerdepladsen. Den blev også nummer 45 i Australien.
{ "text": [ "Fleetwood Mac" ], "answer_start": [ 53 ] }
Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac song) "Everywhere" is a song by British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac from their fourteenth studio album Tango in the Night (1987), written by Fleetwood Mac member Christine McVie, who also performs lead vocals on the song. "Everywhere" was released as the fourth single from Tango in the Night on November 28, 1987 in the United States, where it reached number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and number-one on the Adult Contemporary chart, remaining there for three weeks. "Everywhere" was released in the United Kingdom on 21 March 1988 and reached number four. It also reached number 45 in Australia.
Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac song)
Hvem spillede mary magdalene i jesus christ superstar?
{ "text": [ "Yvonne Elliman" ], "answer_start": [ 15 ] }
Midtuge Kaui: "Yvonne Elliman: Under en gåtur i sit kvarter i Manoa fortæller Yvonne Elliman åbent om sin rutsjebanetur til stjernestatus i 70'erne, hvor hun optrådte sammen med Eric Clapton" af Rasa Fournier 11. maj 2007
{ "text": [ "Yvonne Elliman" ], "answer_start": [ 15 ] }
Midweek Kaui: "Yvonne Elliman: Still Rockin’ - While walking in her Manoa neighborhood, Yvonne Elliman talks candidly about her roller coaster trip to stardom in the ‘70s when she was performing with the likes of Eric Clapton" by Rasa Fournier May 11, 2007
Yvonne Elliman
Hvem skrev klagesangene i bibelen?
{ "text": [ "Jeremias" ], "answer_start": [ 68 ] }
Book of Lamentations Klagesangene er traditionelt blevet tilskrevet Jeremias, sandsynligvis på grund af henvisningen i 2 Krønikebog 35:25 til profeten, der skrev en klagesang ved kong Josias' død, men der er ingen henvisning til Josias i bogen og ingen grund til at forbinde den med Jeremias. Sproget passer til en eksilisk datering (586-520 f.Kr.), og digtene stammer sandsynligvis fra judæere, der var tilbage i landet. Forskerne er uenige om, hvorvidt de er skrevet af én eller flere forfattere. Et spor, der peger på flere forfattere, er, at førstepersonsvidnets køn og situation skifter - fortællingen er feminin i den første og anden klagesang og maskulin i den tredje, mens den fjerde og femte er øjenvidneberetninger om Jerusalems ødelæggelse; omvendt er lighederne i stil, ordforråd og teologisk synspunkt samt den ensartede historiske ramme argumenter for én forfatter.
{ "text": [ "Jeremiah" ], "answer_start": [ 48 ] }
Book of Lamentations Lamentations has traditionally been ascribed to Jeremiah, probably on the grounds of the reference in 2 Chronicles 35:25 to the prophet composing a lament on the death of King Josiah, but there is no reference to Josiah in the book and no reason to connect it to Jeremiah. The language fits an Exilic date (586–520 BCE), and the poems probably originated from Judeans who remained in the land. Scholars are divided over whether they are the work of one or multiple authors. One clue pointing to multiple authors is that the gender and situation of the first-person witness changes – the narration is feminine in the first and second lamentation, and masculine in the third, while the fourth and fifth are eyewitness reports of Jerusalem's destruction; conversely, the similarities of style, vocabulary, and theological outlook, as well as the uniform historical setting, are arguments for one author.
Book of Lamentations
Hvad episode af the office er the roast?
{ "text": [ "Stress Relief" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Stress Relief (The Office) I denne episode iscenesætter Dwight en brand på kontoret for at teste kontorets brandsikkerhedsevner, men tingene går fra slemt til værre, da Stanley får et hjerteanfald, hvilket får Michael til at finde på måder at lindre stress på kontoret på, herunder en komisk stegning af sig selv. I mellemtiden ser Andy, Jim og Pam en ulovligt downloadet film på arbejdet med Jack Black, Jessica Alba og Cloris Leachman i hovedrollerne, og Pam håndterer sine forældres nylige skænderi, som har fået hendes far til at flytte ind hos hende og Jim.
{ "text": [ "Stress Relief" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Stress Relief (The Office) In this episode, Dwight stages a fire in the office to test the office's fire safety skills, but things go from bad to worse when Stanley suffers a heart attack, causing Michael to come up with ways to relieve stress in the office, including a comedic roast of himself. Meanwhile, Andy, Jim, and Pam watch an illegally downloaded movie at work starring Jack Black, Jessica Alba and Cloris Leachman, and Pam deals with her parents' recent argument that's caused her father to move in with her and Jim.
Stress Relief (The Office)
Hvem producere flest pistacienødder i verden?
{ "text": [ "Iran" ], "answer_start": [ 80 ] }
Pistachio De største pistacieproducenteri 2014 Region Produktion (tons) Iran 415,531 USA 233,146 Tyrkiet 80,000 Kina 76,943 Verden 857,878
{ "text": [ "Iran" ], "answer_start": [ 73 ] }
Top Pistachio Producersin 2014 Region Production (metric tonnes) Iran 415,531 United States 233,146 Turkey 80,000 China 76,943 World 857,878
Hvad hedder arizona cardinals stadion?
{ "text": [ "University of Phoenix Stadium" ], "answer_start": [ 40 ] }
State Farm Stadium, tidligere kendt som University of Phoenix Stadium, er et multi-purpose fodboldstadion i Glendale, Arizona, vest for Phoenix. Det er hjemsted for Arizona Cardinals fra National Football League (NFL) og den årlige Fiesta Bowl. Det erstattede Tempe's Sun Devil Stadium som Valley of the Sun's hovedstadion. Stadionet støder op til Gila River Arena, og det har den første fuldt ud indtrækkelige naturgræsbane, der er bygget i USA oven på et AirField Systems-dræneringssystem. En åbning i den ene side af stadionet gør det muligt at flytte spillepladsen ud på ydersiden af bygningen, så hele naturgræsbanen kan blive udsat for dagslys og stadiongulvet kan anvendes til andre formål (f.eks. som siddepladser til koncerter eller til motorsportsbegivenheder) uden at beskadige græsset.
{ "text": [ "State Farm Stadium" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
State Farm Stadium, formerly known as University of Phoenix Stadium, is a multi-purpose football stadium located in Glendale, Arizona, west of Phoenix. It is the home of the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL) and the annual Fiesta Bowl. It replaced Tempe's Sun Devil Stadium as the Valley of the Sun's main stadium. The stadium is adjacent to the Gila River Arena and it features the first fully retractable natural grass playing surface built in the United States on top of an AirField Systems drainage system. An opening on one side of the stadium allows the playing field to move to the exterior of the building, allowing the entire natural turf playing surface to be exposed to daylight and also allowing the floor of the stadium to be used for any other purpose (such as seating for concerts or to accommodate motorsports events) without damaging the turf.
State Farm Stadium
Hvem synge i've never been to me?
{ "text": [ "Charlene" ], "answer_start": [ 166 ] }
"I've Never Been to Me" er en ballade, skrevet og komponeret af Ron Miller og Kenneth Hirsch, som er bedst kendt fra en indspilning med den amerikanske popsangerinde Charlene. Dens oprindelige udgivelse i 1977 nåede knap nok op på Billboard Hot 100 i USA, men genudgivelsen i 1982 blev nr. 3 i USA og gav hende en guldcertificering i Australien. Derudover toppede sangen hitlisterne i Canada, Australien, Storbritannien og Irland.
{ "text": [ "Charlene" ], "answer_start": [ 151 ] }
"I've Never Been to Me" is a ballad, written and composed by Ron Miller and Kenneth Hirsch, which is best known via a recording by American pop singer Charlene. Its original release in 1977 barely registered on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States, but its re-release in 1982 hit #3 in the U.S. and earned her a Gold certification in Australia. In addition, the song topped the charts in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
I've Never Been to Me
Hvor mange stater dækker the rocky mountains over?
{ "text": [ "6.0" ], "answer_start": [ 99 ] }
Umiddelbart efter Laramid-orogenesen var Rocky Mountains som Tibet: et højt plateau, sandsynligvis 6.000 meter over havets overflade. I løbet af de sidste 60 millioner år har erosionen fjernet de høje klipper og afsløret de oprindelige klipper nedenunder og dannet det nuværende landskab i Rocky Mountains.
{ "text": [ "6,0" ], "answer_start": [ 94 ] }
Rocky Mountains Immediately after the Laramide orogeny, the Rockies were like Tibet: a high plateau, probably 6,000 metres (20,000 ft) above sea level. In the last 60 million years, erosion stripped away the high rocks, revealing the ancestral rocks beneath, and forming the current landscape of the Rockies.
Rocky Mountains
Mary havde et lille lam lille lam lille lam mary havde et lille lam?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Mary Had a Little Lamb I 1830'erne satte Lowell Mason børnerimmet til en melodi og tilføjede gentagelser i versene, der begynder med "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Mary Had a Little Lamb In the 1830s, Lowell Mason set the nursery rhyme to a melody adding repetition in the verses, starting with "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Hvem sang let's go all the way?
{ "text": [ "Sly Fox" ], "answer_start": [ 66 ] }
Let's Go All the Way (song) "Let's Go All the Way" Single af Sly Fox fra albummet Let's Go All the Way Udgivet December 1985 Format 7", 12" Optaget 1985 Genre New wave, synthpop Længde 5:10 3:54 (single edit) Mærke Capitol Sangskriver(e) Gary "Mudbone" Cooper Producer(e) Ted Currier Sly Fox singler kronologi "Let's Go All the Way" (1985) "Stay True" (1986) "Let's Go All the Way" (1985) "Stay True" (1986) Lydprøve "Sly Fox - Let's Go All The Way" fil hjælp
{ "text": [ "Sly Fox" ], "answer_start": [ 38 ] }
Let's Go All the Way (song) "Let's Go All the Way" Single by Sly Fox from the album Let's Go All the Way Released December 1985 Format 7", 12" Recorded 1985 Genre New wave, synthpop Length 5:10 3:54 (single edit) Label Capitol Songwriter(s) Gary "Mudbone" Cooper Producer(s) Ted Currier Sly Fox singles chronology "Let's Go All the Way" (1985) "Stay True" (1986) "Let's Go All the Way" (1985) "Stay True" (1986) Audio sample "Sly Fox - Let's Go All The Way" file help
Let's Go All the Way (song)
Hvem vandt america's got talent i 2015?
{ "text": [ "Paul Zerdin" ], "answer_start": [ 456 ] }
America's Got Talent (season 10) Dunkin' Donuts erstattede Snapple som sponsor for showet efter tre sæsoner. Fire gæstedommere blev inviteret til at dømme under dommerudtagningen: skuespilleren Neil Patrick Harris, sangeren Michael Bublé, skuespilleren Marlon Wayans og den tidligere dommer Piers Morgan. Dette var den første sæson med en finale udelukkende bestående af mænd og den første, hvor mindst fire tryllekunstnere deltog i finalen. Ventriloquist Paul Zerdin blev kåret som sæsonens vinder den 16. september 2015. Komikeren Drew Lynch blev nummer to, og tryllekunstneren Oz Pearlman kom ind på tredjepladsen. Piff the Magic Dragon blev udnævnt til sæsonens mest mindeværdige nummer eller til fanfavoritten.
{ "text": [ "Paul Zerdin" ], "answer_start": [ 382 ] }
America's Got Talent (season 10) Dunkin' Donuts replaced Snapple as sponsor of the show after three seasons. Four guest judges were invited to judge during the judge's cuts round: actor Neil Patrick Harris, singer Michael Bublé, actor Marlon Wayans and former judge Piers Morgan. This was the first season to have an all-male finale and the first where at least four magicians competed in the finals. Ventriloquist Paul Zerdin was voted the winner for the season on September 16, 2015. Comedian Drew Lynch was the runner-up, and magician Oz Pearlman came in at third place. Piff the Magic Dragon was named the most memorable act this season, or the fan favorite.
America's Got Talent (season 10)
Hvornår vandt republikanerne sidst flest stemmer i præsident valgkampen the popular vote?
{ "text": [ "2004" ], "answer_start": [ 397 ] }
United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote showvtePresidentskabsvalg i USAValg efter år 1788-89 1792 1796 1800 1804 1808 1812 1816 1820 1824 1828 1832 1836 1840 1844 1848 1852 1856 1860 1864 1868 1872 1876 1880 1884 1888 1892 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 Valg efter stat Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Californien Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgien Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington, D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Primaries og valgmøder Iowa-kvalifikationskampe Primærvalg i New Hampshire primærvalg i South Carolina Super Tuesday Nomineringsmøder Konvent med mæglere Konventets afvisning Superdelegerede Valgkollegiet og folkeafstemning Resultater Oversigt Valg, hvor vinderen tabte de folkelige stemmer Valgkollegiets marginaler Valgkollegiets resultater efter stat Ændringer i valgmandsstemmerne mellem valg Modtagere af valgmandsstemmer Folketingsstemmernes marginaler Eventuelt valg Vælger uden tro og love Uforpligtet vælger Valgdeltagelse Relaterede emner Slogans i valgkampen Historiske valgundersøgelser Valgdag Store partiers billetter De store partiers tabere Præsidentdebatter Overraskelse i oktober Røde og blå stater Swing-stat Omtælling af valget Husvalg Senatsvalg Guvernørvalg
{ "text": [ "2004" ], "answer_start": [ 334 ] }
United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote showvteUnited States presidential electionsElections by year 1788–89 1792 1796 1800 1804 1808 1812 1816 1820 1824 1828 1832 1836 1840 1844 1848 1852 1856 1860 1864 1868 1872 1876 1880 1884 1888 1892 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 Elections by state Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington, D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Primaries and caucuses Iowa caucuses New Hampshire primary South Carolina primary Super Tuesday Nominating conventions Brokered convention Convention bounce Superdelegate Electoral Collegeand Popular vote Results Summary Elections in which the winner lost the popular vote Electoral College margins Electoral College results by state Electoral vote changes between elections Electoral vote recipients Popular vote margins Contingent election Faithless elector Unpledged elector Voter turnout Related topics Campaign slogans Historical election polling Election Day Major party tickets Major party losers Presidential debates October surprise Red states and blue states Swing state Election recount House elections Senate elections Gubernatorial elections
United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote
Hvornår var det sidste gang the cubs vandt world series?
{ "text": [ "2016" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
2016 World Series World Series 2016 var mesterskabsserien i 2016-sæsonen i Major League Baseball (MLB). Det var den 112. udgave af World Series og var et bedst-af-syv-slutspil mellem mesterholdet Chicago Cubs fra National League (NL) og mesterholdet Cleveland Indians fra American League (AL), hvilket var det første møde mellem disse to hold i eftersæsonens historie. Serien blev spillet mellem den 25. oktober og 3. november. Indians havde hjemmebanefordel, fordi AL havde vundet All-Star Game i 2016. Det var også den sidste World Series, hvor hjemmebanefordelen blev bestemt af resultaterne af All-Star Game; siden 2017 er hjemmebanefordelen blevet tildelt holdet med den bedste rekord.
{ "text": [ "2016" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The 2016 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2016 season. The 112th edition of the World Series, it was a best-of-seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion Chicago Cubs and the American League (AL) champion Cleveland Indians, the first meeting of those franchises in postseason history. The series was played between October 25 and November 3. The Indians had home-field advantage because the AL had won the 2016 All-Star Game. It was also the last World Series to have home-field advantage determined by the All-Star Game results; since 2017, home-field advantage has been awarded to the team with the better record.
2016 World Series
Hvornår kom den nye pundmønt ud?
{ "text": [ "28. marts 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 485 ] }
One pound (British coin) Den oprindelige, runde 1 £-mønt erstattede Bank of Englands 1 £-seddel, som ophørte med at blive udstedt i slutningen af 1984 og blev taget ud af omløb den 11. marts 1988, selv om den stadig kan indløses på bankens kontorer, ligesom alle engelske pengesedler. Der udstedes fortsat 1-pund-sedler på Jersey, Guernsey og Isle of Man samt af Royal Bank of Scotland, men pundmønten er langt mere udbredt. Et nyt, dodekagonalt (12-sidet) møntdesign blev indført den 28. marts 2017, og både den nye og den gamle version af et-punds-mønten cirkulerede sammen, indtil det ældre design blev trukket tilbage fra cirkulation den 15. oktober 2017. Efter denne dato kunne den ældre mønt kun indløses i bankerne, selv om nogle detailhandlere meddelte, at de fortsat ville acceptere den i en begrænset periode. Det oprindelige runde pund er fortsat lovligt betalingsmiddel på Isle of Man.
{ "text": [ "28 March 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 459 ] }
One pound (British coin) The original, round £1 coin replaced the Bank of England £1 note, which ceased to be issued at the end of 1984 and was removed from circulation on 11 March 1988, though still redeemable at the Bank's offices, like all English banknotes. One-pound notes continue to be issued in Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, and by the Royal Bank of Scotland, but the pound coin is much more widely used. A new, dodecagonal (12-sided) design of coin was introduced on 28 March 2017 and both new and old versions of the one pound coin circulated together until the older design was withdrawn from circulation on 15 October 2017. After that date, the older coin could only be redeemed at banks, although some retailers announced they would continue to accept it for a limited time. The original round pound remains legal tender on the Isle of Man.
One pound (British coin)
Hvornår blev michael jordan udtaget til nba?
{ "text": [ "1984" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
1984 NBA draft Houston Rockets brugte deres første valg til at hente Akeem Olajuwon, en junior center fra University of Houston. Den nigerianskfødte Olajuwon blev den anden udenlandskfødte spiller, der blev valgt som nummer et efter Mychal Thompson fra Bahamas i 1978. Portland Trail Blazers brugte det andet samlede valg til at udtage Sam Bowie fra University of Kentucky. Chicago Bulls brugte tredjevalget til at udtage årets Naismith- og Wooden College Player of the Year Michael Jordan fra University of North Carolina. Jordan vandt prisen som Årets Rookie og blev også valgt til All-NBA Second Team i sin rookie-sæson. Jordans holdkammerat i North Carolina, Sam Perkins, blev valgt som nummer fire af Dallas Mavericks. Charles Barkley, en junior forward fra Auburn University, blev valgt som nummer fem af Philadelphia 76ers.
{ "text": [ "1984" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
1984 NBA draft The Houston Rockets used their first pick to draft Akeem Olajuwon, a junior center from the University of Houston. The Nigerian-born Olajuwon became the second foreign-born player to be drafted first overall, after Mychal Thompson from the Bahamas in 1978. The Portland Trail Blazers used the second overall pick to draft Sam Bowie from the University of Kentucky. The Chicago Bulls used the third pick to draft Naismith and Wooden College Player of the Year Michael Jordan from the University of North Carolina. Jordan went on to win the Rookie of the Year Award and was also selected to the All-NBA Second Team in his rookie season. Jordan's teammate at North Carolina, Sam Perkins, was drafted fourth by the Dallas Mavericks. Charles Barkley, a junior forward from Auburn University, was drafted fifth by the Philadelphia 76ers.
1984 NBA draft
Hvornår er forfatningen sidste gang blevet ændret?
{ "text": [ "1992" ], "answer_start": [ 5446 ] }
List of amendments to the United States Constitution Nej. Emne Dato for forelæggelse til ratifikation Dato for afslutning af ratifikationen Tidsrum for ratifikation 1. Forbyder kongressen at lave en lov, der respekterer et religiøst etablissement, hindrer den frie religionsudøvelse, begrænser ytringsfriheden, krænker pressefriheden, griber ind i retten til fredeligt at forsamle sig eller forbyder at indgive andragender til regeringen for at få afhjælpning af klager. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 2. Beskytter retten til at bære og bære våben. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 3. Begrænser indlogering af soldater i private hjem uden ejerens samtykke og forbyder det i fredstid. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 4. Forbyder urimelige ransagninger og beslaglæggelser og fastsætter krav til ransagningskendelser baseret på sandsynlig grund som fastsat af en neutral dommer eller dommerfuldmægtig. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 5. Fastlægger regler for tiltale ved nævningejury og for udlæg, beskytter retten til en retfærdig rettergang og forbyder selvinkriminering og dobbelt strafbarhed. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 6. Beskytter retten til en retfærdig og hurtig offentlig retssag ved en jury, herunder retten til at blive underrettet om anklagerne, til at konfrontere anklageren, til at få vidner og til at få en forsvarer. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 7. giver ret til at blive stillet for en jury i visse civile sager i overensstemmelse med common law. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 8. Forbyder for høje bøder og for høj kaution samt grusomme og usædvanlige straffe. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 9. Beskytter rettigheder, der ikke er opregnet i forfatningen. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 10. Styrker princippet om føderalisme ved at fastslå, at den føderale regering kun har de beføjelser, som delstaterne eller folket har uddelegeret til den gennem forfatningen. 25. september 1789 15. december 1791 2 år 2 måneder 20 dage 11. Gør stater immune over for søgsmål fra borgere uden for staten og udlændinge, der ikke bor inden for statens grænser; lægger grundlaget for suveræn immunitet. 4. marts 1794 7. februar 1795 11 måneder 3 dage 12th Reviderer procedurerne for valg af formand ved at lade formanden og næstformanden vælges sammen i stedet for at lade næstformanden blive valgt som næstformand. 9. december 1803 15. juni 1804 6 måneder 6 dage 13. Afskaffer slaveri og ufrivillig trældom, undtagen som straf for en forbrydelse. 31. januar 1865 6. december 1865 10 måneder 6 dage 14. Definerer statsborgerskab, indeholder klausulen om privilegier og immuniteter, klausulen om retfærdig rettergang, klausulen om lige beskyttelse og behandler spørgsmål efter borgerkrigen. 13. juni 1866 9. juli 1868 2 år 0 måneder 26 dage 15. Forbyder nægtelse af stemmeret på grund af race, hudfarve eller tidligere trældom. 26. februar 1869 3. februar 1870 11 måneder 8 dage 16. Tillader Kongressen at opkræve en indkomstskat uden at fordele den mellem staterne eller basere den på USA's folketælling. 12. juli 1909 3. februar 1913 3 år 6 måneder 22 dage 17. Indfører direkte valg af USA's senatorer ved folkeafstemning. 13. maj 1912 8. april 1913 10 måneder 26 dage 18. Forbud mod fremstilling og salg af alkohol i USA. (Ophævet den 5. december 1933 via den 21. ændring.) 18. december 1917 16. januar 1919 1 år 0 måneder 29 dage 19. Forbyder nægtelse af stemmeret på grund af køn. 4. juni 1919 18. august 1920 1 år 2 måneder 14 dage 20. Ændrer den dato, hvor præsidentens og vicepræsidentens (20. januar) og senatorernes og repræsentanternes (3. januar) mandat ophører og begynder. 2. marts 1932 23. januar 1933 10 måneder 21 dage 21. Ophæver det 18. ændringsforslag og gør det til en forbundsforseelse at transportere eller importere berusende spiritus til amerikanske stater og territorier, hvor en sådan transport eller import er forbudt i henhold til lovene i disse stater og territorier. 20. februar 1933 5. december 1933 9 måneder 15 dage 22. Begrænser antallet af gange, en person kan vælges til præsident: en person kan ikke vælges til præsident mere end to gange, og en person, der har siddet mere end to år af en periode, som en anden person er blevet valgt til, kan ikke vælges mere end én gang. 24. marts 1947 27. februar 1951 3 år 11 måneder 6 dage 23. Giver District of Columbia valgmænd (antallet af valgmænd svarer til antallet af valgmænd i den tyndest befolkede stat) i valgkollegiet. 16. juni 1960 29. marts 1961 9 måneder 12 dage 24. Forbyder tilbagekaldelse af stemmeretten på grund af manglende betaling af stemmeafgift eller anden afgift. 14. september 1962 23. januar 1964 1 år 4 måneder 27 dage 25. omhandler efterfølger til formandskabet og fastlægger procedurer både for besættelse af en ledig post som vicepræsident og for at reagere på præsidentens handicap. 6. juli 1965 10. februar 1967 1 år 7 måneder 4 dage 26. Forbyder, at amerikanske borgere på 18 år eller derover nægtes retten til at stemme på grund af alder. 23. marts 1971 1. juli 1971 3 måneder 8 dage 27. Forsinker ikrafttrædelsen af love, der påvirker kongreslønnen, indtil efter næste valg af repræsentanter. 25. september 1789 5. maj 1992 202 år 7 måneder 10 dage
{ "text": [ "1992" ], "answer_start": [ 5413 ] }
List of amendments to the United States Constitution No. Subject Date submitted for Ratification Date ratification completed Ratification time span 1st Prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 2nd Protects the right to keep and bear arms. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 3rd Places restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent, prohibiting it during peacetime. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 4th Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause as determined by a neutral judge or magistrate. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 5th Sets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 6th Protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 7th Provides for the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases, according to common law. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 8th Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 9th Protects rights not enumerated in the Constitution. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 10th Reinforces the principle of federalism by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the states or the people through the Constitution. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791 2 years 2 months 20 days 11th Makes states immune from suits from out-of-state citizens and foreigners not living within the state borders; lays the foundation for sovereign immunity. March 4, 1794 February 7, 1795 11 months 3 days 12th Revises presidential election procedures by having the President and Vice President elected together as opposed to the Vice President being the runner up. December 9, 1803 June 15, 1804 6 months 6 days 13th Abolishes slavery, and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. January 31, 1865 December 6, 1865 10 months 6 days 14th Defines citizenship, contains the Privileges or Immunities Clause, the Due Process Clause, the Equal Protection Clause, and deals with post–Civil War issues. June 13, 1866 July 9, 1868 2 years 0 months 26 days 15th Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude. February 26, 1869 February 3, 1870 11 months 8 days 16th Permits Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on the United States Census. July 12, 1909 February 3, 1913 3 years 6 months 22 days 17th Establishes the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. May 13, 1912 April 8, 1913 10 months 26 days 18th Prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within the United States. (Repealed December 5, 1933, via 21st Amendment.) December 18, 1917 January 16, 1919 1 year 0 months 29 days 19th Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on sex. June 4, 1919 August 18, 1920 1 year 2 months 14 days 20th Changes the date on which the terms of the President and Vice President (January 20) and Senators and Representatives (January 3) end and begin. March 2, 1932 January 23, 1933 10 months 21 days 21st Repeals the 18th Amendment and makes it a federal offense to transport or import intoxicating liquors into US states and territories where such transport or importation is prohibited by the laws of those states and territories. February 20, 1933 December 5, 1933 9 months 15 days 22nd Limits the number of times that a person can be elected president: a person cannot be elected president more than twice, and a person who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected cannot be elected more than once. March 24, 1947 February 27, 1951 3 years 11 months 6 days 23rd Grants the District of Columbia electors (the number of electors being equal to the least populous state) in the Electoral College. June 16, 1960 March 29, 1961 9 months 12 days 24th Prohibits the revocation of voting rights due to the non-payment of a poll tax or any other tax. September 14, 1962 January 23, 1964 1 year 4 months 27 days 25th Addresses succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities. July 6, 1965 February 10, 1967 1 year 7 months 4 days 26th Prohibits the denial of the right of US citizens, eighteen years of age or older, to vote on account of age. March 23, 1971 July 1, 1971 3 months 8 days 27th Delays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representatives. September 25, 1789 May 5, 1992 202 years 7 months 10 days
List of amendments to the United States Constitution
Hvem var skuespillerne i singing in the rain?
{ "text": [ "Donald O'Connor" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
Singin' in the Rain er en amerikansk musical-romantisk komedie fra 1952, instrueret og koreograferet af Gene Kelly og Stanley Donen, med Kelly, Donald O'Connor og Debbie Reynolds i hovedrollerne. Filmen er en letfærdig skildring af Hollywood i slutningen af 1920'erne, hvor de tre stjerner spiller skuespillere, som er fanget i overgangen fra stumfilm til "talkies".
{ "text": [ "Donald O'Connor" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
Singin' in the Rain is a 1952 American musical-romantic comedy film directed and choreographed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, starring Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. It offers a lighthearted depiction of Hollywood in the late 1920s, with the three stars portraying performers caught up in the transition from silent films to "talkies".
Singin' in the Rain
Hvem synger i'll make a man out of you?
{ "text": [ "Donny Osmond" ], "answer_start": [ 325 ] }
"I'll Make a Man out of You" er en sang skrevet af komponist Matthew Wilder og tekstforfatter David Zippel til Walt Disney Pictures' 36. animerede spillefilm Mulan (1998). Den optræder på filmens soundtrack Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack" er "I'll Make a Man Out of You" fremført af den amerikanske sanger Donny Osmond som sangstemme for kaptajn Li Shang i stedet for den amerikanske skuespiller BD Wong, der leverer karakterens talestemme. Sangen indeholder også Lea Salonga som Mulan, Eddie Murphy som Mushu og Harvey Fierstein, Jerry Tondo og Wilder selv som henholdsvis Yao, Chien-Po og Ling.
{ "text": [ "Donny Osmond" ], "answer_start": [ 314 ] }
"I'll Make a Man out of You" is a song written by composer Matthew Wilder and lyricist David Zippel for Walt Disney Pictures' 36th animated feature film Mulan (1998). Appearing on the film's soundtrack Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is performed by American singer Donny Osmond as the singing voice of Captain Li Shang in lieu of American actor BD Wong, who provides the character's speaking voice. The song also features appearances by Lea Salonga as Mulan, Eddie Murphy as Mushu, and Harvey Fierstein, Jerry Tondo and Wilder himself as Yao, Chien-Po and Ling, respectively.
I'll Make a Man Out of You
Hvor vil world cup holdes?
{ "text": [ "Qatar" ], "answer_start": [ 151 ] }
2018 FIFA World Cup FIFA-partnere FIFA World Cup-sponsorer Asiatiske tilhængere Europæiske tilhængere Adidas Coca-Cola Gazprom Hyundai-Kia Qatar Airways VISA Wanda Group Anheuser-Busch InBev Hisense McDonald's Mengniu Dairy Vivo Yadea Alfa-Bank Alrosa Rostelecom Russiske jernbaner
{ "text": [ "Qatar" ], "answer_start": [ 124 ] }
2018 FIFA World Cup FIFA partners FIFA World Cup sponsors Asian supporters European supporters Adidas Coca-Cola Gazprom Hyundai–Kia Qatar Airways VISA Wanda Group Anheuser-Busch InBev Hisense McDonald's Mengniu Dairy Vivo Yadea Alfa-Bank Alrosa Rostelecom Russian Railways
2018 FIFA World Cup
Hvad er navnene på tweenies karakterne?
{ "text": [ "Judy" ], "answer_start": [ 143 ] }
Programmet foregår i en børnehave, som de fire Tweenies selv går i: Bella, Milo, Fizz og den yngste, Jake. De er i pleje hos to voksne, Max og Judy, og to hunde, Doodles og Izzles.
{ "text": [ "Judy" ], "answer_start": [ 162 ] }
The programme is set in a nursery attended by the four Tweenies themselves: Bella, Milo, Fizz and the youngest, Jake. They are in the care of two adults, Max and Judy, and two dogs, Doodles & Izzles.
Hvem spiller sort panter i sort panter film?
{ "text": [ "Chadwick Boseman" ], "answer_start": [ 375 ] }
Black Panther (film) Black Panther er en amerikansk superheltefilm fra 2018 baseret på Marvel Comics-figuren af samme navn. Den er produceret af Marvel Studios og distribueret af Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures og er den attende film i Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Filmen er instrueret af Ryan Coogler, der har skrevet manuskriptet sammen med Joe Robert Cole, og har Chadwick Boseman i hovedrollen som T'Challa / Black Panther, sammen med Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker og Andy Serkis. I Black Panther vender T'Challa hjem som konge af Wakanda, men finder sin suverænitet udfordret af en ny modstander i en konflikt med globale konsekvenser.
{ "text": [ "Chadwick Boseman" ], "answer_start": [ 350 ] }
Black Panther (film) Black Panther is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the eighteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, and stars Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther, alongside Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis. In Black Panther, T'Challa returns home as king of Wakanda but finds his sovereignty challenged by a new adversary, in a conflict with global consequences.
Black Panther (film)
Hvem sang what is love baby don't hurt me?
{ "text": [ "Haddaway" ], "answer_start": [ 81 ] }
"What Is Love" er en sang indspillet af den trinidadisk-tyske eurodance-kunstner Haddaway til hans debutalbum The Album. Den blev skrevet og produceret af Dee Dee Halligan (Dieter Lünstedt alias Tony Hendrik) og Junior Torello (Karin Hartmann-Eisenblätter alias Karin van Haaren) fra Coconut Records i Köln. Sangen er genkendelig på sit omkvæd "Hvad er kærlighed? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt more."
{ "text": [ "Haddaway" ], "answer_start": [ 73 ] }
"What Is Love" is a song recorded by Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist Haddaway for his debut album, The Album. It was written and produced by Dee Dee Halligan (Dieter Lünstedt a.k.a. Tony Hendrik) and Junior Torello (Karin Hartmann-Eisenblätter a.k.a. Karin van Haaren) of Coconut Records in Cologne. The song is recognizable by its refrain "What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt more."
What Is Love
Hvornår blev genie in a bottle udgivet?
{ "text": [ "1999" ], "answer_start": [ 134 ] }
"Genie i en flaske" Single af Christina Aguilera fra albummet Christina Aguilera B-side "We're a Miracle" Udgivet 22. juni 1999 (1999-06-22) Format Kassette CD Indspillet februar 1999 (1999-02) Genre Dance-pop R&B Længde 3:36 Mærke RCA Sangskriver(e) David Frank Steve Kipner Pamela Sheyne Producent(er) David Frank Steve Kipner Christina Aguilera singler kronologi "Refleksion" (1998) "Genie in a Bottle" (1999) "What a Girl Wants" (1999) "Refleksion" (1998) "Genie in a Bottle" (1999) "What a Girl Wants" (1999)
{ "text": [ "1999" ], "answer_start": [ 137 ] }
"Genie in a Bottle" Single by Christina Aguilera from the album Christina Aguilera B-side "We're a Miracle" Released June 22, 1999 (1999-06-22) Format Cassette CD Recorded February 1999 (1999-02) Genre Dance-pop R&B Length 3:36 Label RCA Songwriter(s) David Frank Steve Kipner Pamela Sheyne Producer(s) David Frank Steve Kipner Christina Aguilera singles chronology "Reflection" (1998) "Genie in a Bottle" (1999) "What a Girl Wants" (1999) "Reflection" (1998) "Genie in a Bottle" (1999) "What a Girl Wants" (1999)
Genie in a Bottle
Joan jett hit me with your best shot?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Hit Me with Your Best Shot" er en sang af den amerikanske rocksangerinde Pat Benatar. I 1980 blev den udgivet som den anden single fra hendes andet album Crimes of Passion. Den blev nr. 7 i Cash Box og nåede nr. 9 på Billboard Hot 100, hvilket blev hendes første Top 10-hit.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Hit Me with Your Best Shot" is a song by American rock singer Pat Benatar. In 1980, it was released as the second single from her second album Crimes of Passion. It hit No. 7 in Cash Box, and reached No. 9 on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming her first Top 10 hit.
Hit Me with Your Best Shot
Hvem er hovedpersonerne i filmen broen over floden kwai?
{ "text": [ "William Holden" ], "answer_start": [ 330 ] }
The Bridge on the River Kwai Broen over floden Kwai er en britisk-amerikansk episk krigsfilm fra 1957, instrueret af David Lean og baseret på romanen Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai (1952) af Pierre Boulle. Filmen er et fiktionsværk, der bruger den historiske ramme om opførelsen af Burma-jernbanen i 1942-1943. Medvirkende var bl.a. William Holden, Jack Hawkins og Alec Guinness og Sessue Hayakawa.
{ "text": [ "William Holden" ], "answer_start": [ 306 ] }
The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1957 British-American epic war film directed by David Lean and based on the novel Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai (1952) by Pierre Boulle. The film is a work of fiction that uses the historical setting of the construction of the Burma Railway in 1942–1943. The cast included William Holden, Jack Hawkins, and Alec Guinness and Sessue Hayakawa.
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Hvad var navnene på ridderne om det runde bord?
{ "text": [ "Galahad" ], "answer_start": [ 2797 ] }
Knights of the Round Table Ridderne af det runde bord Navn Andre navne Indledning Andre middelalderlige værker Noter Aglovale Agloval, Sir Aglovale de Galis Sir Aglovale de Galis' liv Kong Pellinore's ældste søn Agravain Agravaine Lancelot-Grail, Le Morte d'Arthur Anden søn af kong Lot og Morgause, slutter sig til Mordreds oprør Arthur Arthur Pendragon Y Gododdin, omkring det 7. århundrede Mange Konge af briterne Bagdemagus Lancelot, vognens ridder, 1170'erne Meleagants far og hersker af Gorre Bedivere (walisisk: Bedwyr, fransk: Bédoier) Bedevere Pa Gur yv y Porthaur, ca. 10. århundrede Vita Cadoc, Culhwch and Olwen, Stanzas of the Graves, Welsh Triads, Historia Regum Britanniae, Le Morte d'Arthur, talrige andre Giver Excalibur tilbage til Lady of the Lake, bror til Sir Lucan Bors den yngre Søn af Bors den Ældre, far til Elyan den Hvide Breunor le Noir Brunor, La Cote Male Taile ("Den dårligt formede ged") Ridder, der bærer sin myrdede fars frakke, bror til Dinadan og Daniel Cador (Latin: Cadorius) Historia Regum Britanniae, Rhonabwys drøm Opdragede Guinevere som sin myndling, far til Constantine, beskrives i nogle værker som Arthurs fætter Calogrenant Colgrevance, Cynan Yvain, løvens ridder, 1170'erne Le Morte d'Arthur Fætter til Sir Ywain Caradoc (Latin: Caractacus) (Walisisk: Caradog Freichfras, som betyder Caradoc Strong (eller Stout) Arm)) (Fransk: Carados Briefbras) Perceval, historien om gralen, Mabinogion Gjorde oprør mod Arthur, da han først blev konge, men støttede ham senere. Nogle gange to karakterer, Caradoc den ældre (en konge) og Caradoc den yngre (en ridder) Claudin Lancelot-Grail, Le Morte d'Arthur Dydig søn af den frankiske skurk Claudas, bliver til sidst en af de 12 riddere, der opnår den hellige gral Konstantin III af Storbritannien Historia Regum Britanniae, ca. 1136 Le Morte d'Arthur Arthurs fætter og efterfølger på tronen, Cadors søn Dagonet Arthurs hofnar Daniel von Blumenthal Daniel von Blumenthal, 1220 Ridder fundet i en tidlig tysk aflægger af arthuriske legender Dinadan Prosa Tristan, 1230'erne Le Morte d'Arthur Søn af Sir Brunor den Ældre Ector Hektor, Antor, Ectorius Lancelot-Grail, begyndelsen af det 13. århundrede Le Morte d'Arthur Opdrager Arthur efter Merlins befaling, far til Sir Kay Elyan den hvide (fransk: Helyan le Blanc) Søn af Sir Bors og Claire, kong Brandegoris' datter, hjælper Lancelot med at redde Guinevere og går i eksil med ham Erec Uklar; første litterære optræden som Erec i Erec og Enide, ca. 1170 Se Geraint og Enid Søn af kong Lac Esclabor Far til Palamedes, Safir og Segwarides Feirefiz Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival, tidligt 13. århundrede Halvbror til Percival og kong Arthurs nevø Gaheris Le Morte d'Arthur Søn af kong Lot og Morgause, bror til Gawain, Agravaine og Gareth og halvbror til Mordred Galahad Lancelot-Grail, begyndelsen af det 13. århundrede Cyklus efter Vulgate-cyklussen, Le Morte d'Arthur Uægte søn af Sir Lancelot og Elaine af Corbenic Galehault Galehalt, Galehaut Lancelot-Grail, tidligt 13. århundrede Tidligere fjende af Arthur, der bliver nær ven med Lancelot Galeschin Galeshin Vulgata-cyklussen Søn af Elaine af Garlot og kong Nentres, nevø til Arthur Gareth Beaumains Le Morte d'Arthur, Kongens Idyller Også en søn af kong Lot og Morgause, forelsket i Lyonesse Gawain (Latin: Walwanus, walisisk: Gwalchmai, irsk: Balbhuaidh) Culhwch og Olwen, omkring det 11. århundrede Chretien de Troyes' Conte du Graal, Lancelot-Grail cyklus, Prosa Tristan, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Le Morte d'Arthur og mange korte middelengelske romaner En anden søn af kong Lot og Morgause, far til Gingalain Geraint Geraint og Enid Enids elsker Gingalain Guinglain, Gingalin, Gliglois, Wigalois osv., også Le Bel Inconnu, eller Den skønne ukendte Le Bel Inconnu Gawains og Blanchemals søn Gornemant Gurnemanz Perceval, historien om gralen Parzival Mentor for Perceval Grøn ridder Bercilak, Bertilak, Bernlak, Bernlak, Bredbeddle Sir Gawain og den grønne ridder, 1300-tallet Den grønne ridder, kong Arthur og kong Cornwall En ridder, der er fortryllet af Morgan le Fay for at teste Gawain Griflet Girflet, Jaufre Jaufré Søn af Do (eller Don), fætter til Sir Lucan og Sir Bedivere Hector de Maris Ector de Maris Quest du Saint Graal (Vulgatorcyklus) Halvbror til Lancelot, søn af kong Ban og Lady de Maris, Sir Bors og Sir Lionel er hans fætre og kusiner Hoel (walisisk: Howel, Hywel) Drømmen om Rhonabwy, Geraint og Enid Søn af kong Budic af Bretagne, far til den hellige Tudwal Kay (walisisk: Cai, latin: Caius) Pa Gur yv y porthaur? 10. århundrede Mange Fosterbroder til Arthur, Sir Ectors søn Lamorak Prosa Tristan, ca. 1235 Lancelot-Grail cyklus Søn af kong Pellinore, bror til Tor, Aglovale, Percival og Dindrane. Morgauses elsker Lancelot Lancelot du Lac, Lancelot fra søen, Launcelot Erec og Enide, ca. 1170 Lancelot, Vognens ridder, Lancelot-Grail, mange andre Søn af kong Ban og Elaine, mest berømt for sin affære med dronning Guinevere, den mest fremtrædende ridder af det runde bord Lanval Landevale, Launfal, Lambewell Marie de France's Lanval, slutningen af det 12. århundrede Sir Landevale, Sir Launfal, Sir Lambewell En ridder ved kong Arthurs hof, der forelsker sig i en fe Leodegrance Leondegrance Guineveres far, konge af Cameliard i det nuværende sydvestlige England Lionel Lancelot-Grail, begyndelsen af det 13. århundrede Søn af kong Bors af Gaunnes (eller Gallien), bror til Bors den Yngre Lucan Sir Lucan the Butler Le Morte d'Arthur Tjener for kong Arthur, Bediveres bror, Griflets fætter Maleagant Malagant, Meleagant, måske Melwas Uklart, en lignende karakter ved navn "Melwas" optræder i Gildas' liv fra det 12. århundrede Lancelot-Grail, Post-Vulgate-cyklus, Le Morte d'Arthur Guinevere's bortfører Mordred Modred (walisisk: Medrawd, latin: Medraut) Annales Cambriae, ca. 970 Mange I noget litteratur Arthur's uægte søn gennem Morgause, dræber og bliver dræbt af Arthur Morholt Marhalt, Morold, Morold, Marhaus Tristan-digte af Béroul og Thomas af Britannien, 12. århundrede Tristan-digte af Eilhart von Oberge, Gottfried von Strassburg, Prosa Tristan, Post-Vulgate-cyklus, Le Morte d'Arthur Irsk ridder, Tristans rival, onkel til Iseult Morien Moriaen Hollandsk romance Morien, 13. århundrede Halvmorske søn af Aglovale Pelleas Pellias Post-Vulgate-cyklus, 1230'erne Le Morte d'Arthur Forelsket i Ettarre, senere Nimues elsker Pellinore Lancelot-Grail, efter Vulgate-cyklus Konge af Listenoise og ven af Arthur Percival (walisisk: Peredur) Perceval, Parzifal Som Percival, Erec og Enide, ca. 1170 Perceval, historien om gralen, Lancelot-Grail, mange Ophavsmand til den hellige gral; kong Pellinore's søn i nogle fortællinger Safir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Prosa Tristan Søn af Esclabor, bror til Segwarides og Palamedes Sagramore Sagramor Lancelot-Grail, Post-Vulgate-cyklus, Prosa Tristan, Le Morte d'Arthur Den allestedsnærværende ridder af det runde bord; der er givet forskellige historier og oprindelser om ham Segwarides Le Morte d'Arthur, Prosa Tristan Søn af Esclabor, bror til Safir og Palamedes Tor Le Morte d'Arthur Søn af kong Ars, adopteret af Pellinore Tristan (Latin/Brythonisk: Drustanus; walisisk: Drystan; portugisisk: Drystan: Tristão; spansk: Tristán; også kendt som Tristran, Tristram, osv.) Beroul's Roman de Tristan De to Folies Tristans, Marie de France's Chevrefeuil, Eilhart von Oberge, Gottfried von Strassburg, Post-Vulgate Prosa Tristan, Post-Vulgate Cycle, Le Morte d'Arthur Søn af Blancheflor og Rivalen (eller Meliodas), Iseults elsker Urien Uriens Historisk figur Walisiske triader Far til Ywain (Owain mab Urien), mand til Morgan le Fay Ywain (walisisk: Owain) Yvain, Ewain eller Uwain Baseret på den historiske figur Owain mab Urien Historia Brittonum, Yvain, løvens ridder Kong Uriens søn Bastarden Ywain Ywain den eventyrlystne Uriens uægte søn gennem en seneskal, der ved et uheld blev dræbt af Gawain
{ "text": [ "Gareth" ], "answer_start": [ 2911 ] }
Knights of the Round Table Name Other names Introduction Other medieval works Notes Aglovale Agloval, Sir Aglovale de Galis The Life of Sir Aglovale de Galis King Pellinore's eldest son Agravain Agravaine Lancelot-Grail, Le Morte d'Arthur Second son of King Lot and Morgause, joins Mordred's rebellion Arthur Arthur Pendragon Y Gododdin, c. 7th century Many King of the Britons Bagdemagus Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart, 1170s Meleagant's father and ruler of Gorre Bedivere (Welsh: Bedwyr, French: Bédoier) Bedevere Pa Gur yv y Porthaur, c. 10th century Vita Cadoc, Culhwch and Olwen, Stanzas of the Graves, Welsh Triads, Historia Regum Britanniae, Le Morte d'Arthur, numerous others Returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake, brother to Sir Lucan Bors the Younger Son of Bors the Elder, father of Elyan the White Breunor le Noir Brunor, La Cote Male Taile ("The Badly-shaped goat") Knight who wears his murdered father's coat, brother of Dinadan and Daniel Cador (Latin: Cadorius) Historia Regum Britanniae, The Dream of Rhonabwy Raised Guinevere as his ward, father to Constantine, Described in some works as Arthur's cousin Calogrenant Colgrevance, Cynan Yvain, the Knight of the Lion, 1170s Le Morte d'Arthur Cousin to Sir Ywain Caradoc (Latin: Caractacus) (Welsh: Caradog Freichfras, meaning Caradoc Strong (or Stout) Arm)) (French: Carados Briefbras) Perceval, the Story of the Grail, the Mabinogion Rebelled against Arthur when he first became king, but later supported him. Sometimes two characters, Caradoc the Elder (a king) and Caradoc the Younger (a knight) Claudin Lancelot-Grail, Le Morte d'Arthur Virtuous son of the Frankish villain Claudas, eventually becomes one of 12 knights to achieve the Holy Grail Constantine III of Britain Historia Regum Britanniae, c. 1136 Le Morte d'Arthur Arthur's cousin and successor to his throne, Cador's son Dagonet Arthur's court jester Daniel von Blumenthal Daniel von Blumenthal, 1220 Knight found in an early German offshoot of Arthurian legend Dinadan Prose Tristan, 1230s Le Morte d'Arthur Son of Sir Brunor the Senior Ector Hector, Antor, Ectorius Lancelot-Grail, early 13th century Le Morte d'Arthur Raises Arthur according to Merlin's command, father to Sir Kay Elyan the White (French: Helyan le Blanc) Son of Sir Bors and Claire, King Brandegoris' daughter, helps Lancelot rescue Guinevere and goes into exile with him Erec Unclear; first literary appearance as Erec in Erec and Enide, c. 1170 See Geraint and Enid Son of King Lac Esclabor Father of Palamedes, Safir, and Segwarides Feirefiz Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival, early 13th century Half-brother to Percival and King Arthur's nephew Gaheris Le Morte d'Arthur Son of King Lot and Morgause, brother to Gawain, Agravaine, and Gareth, and half-brother to Mordred Galahad Lancelot-Grail, early 13th century Post-Vulgate Cycle, Le Morte d'Arthur Bastard son of Sir Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic Galehault Galehalt, Galehaut Lancelot-Grail, early 13th century Former enemy of Arthur who becomes close friends with Lancelot Galeschin Galeshin The Vulgate Cycle Son of Elaine of Garlot and King Nentres, nephew of Arthur Gareth Beaumains Le Morte d'Arthur, Idylls of the King Also a son of King Lot and Morgause, in love with Lyonesse Gawain (Latin: Walwanus, Welsh: Gwalchmai, Irish: Balbhuaidh) Culhwch and Olwen, c. 11th century Chretien de Troyes' Conte du Graal, Lancelot-Grail cycle, Prose Tristan,Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Le Morte d'Arthur and many short Middle English romances Another son of King Lot and Morgause, father of Gingalain Geraint Geraint and Enid Enid's lover Gingalain Guinglain, Gingalin, Gliglois, Wigalois, etc., also Le Bel Inconnu, or The Fair Unknown Le Bel Inconnu Gawain's and Blanchemal's son Gornemant Gurnemanz Perceval, the Story of the Grail Parzival Mentor to Perceval Green Knight Bercilak, Bertilak, Bernlak, Bredbeddle Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 1300s The Greene Knight, King Arthur and King Cornwall A knight enchanted by Morgan le Fay in order to test Gawain Griflet Girflet, Jaufre Jaufré The son of Do (or Don), cousin to Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere Hector de Maris Ector de Maris Quest du Saint Graal (Vulgate Cycle) Half-brother of Lancelot, son of King Ban and the Lady de Maris, Sir Bors and Sir Lionel are his cousins Hoel (Welsh: Howel, Hywel) The Dream of Rhonabwy, Geraint and Enid Son of King Budic of Brittany, father to St. Tudwal Kay (Welsh: Cai, Latin: Caius) Pa Gur yv y porthaur? 10th century Many Foster brother to Arthur, Sir Ector's son Lamorak Prose Tristan, c. 1235 Lancelot-Grail Cycle Son of King Pellinore, brother to Tor, Aglovale, Percival, and Dindrane. Lover of Morgause Lancelot Lancelot du Lac, Lancelot of the Lake, Launcelot Erec and Enide, c. 1170 Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart, Lancelot-Grail, many others Son to King Ban and Elaine, most famous for his affair with Queen Guinevere, most prominent Knight of the Round Table Lanval Landevale, Launfal, Lambewell Marie de France's Lanval, late 12th century Sir Landevale, Sir Launfal, Sir Lambewell A knight of King Arthur's court who falls in love with a fairy Leodegrance Leondegrance Guinevere's father, King of Cameliard in what is now southwest England Lionel Lancelot-Grail, early 13th century Son of King Bors of Gaunnes (or Gaul), brother of Bors the Younger Lucan Sir Lucan the Butler Le Morte d'Arthur Servant to King Arthur, Bedivere's brother, Griflet's cousin Maleagant Malagant, Meleagant, perhaps Melwas Unclear, a similar character named "Melwas" appears in the 12th century Life of Gildas Lancelot-Grail, Post-Vulgate Cycle, Le Morte d'Arthur Abductor of Guinevere Mordred Modred (Welsh: Medrawd, Latin: Medraut) Annales Cambriae, c. 970 Many In some literature, Arthur's illegitimate son through Morgause, kills and is killed by Arthur Morholt Marhalt, Morold, Marhaus Tristan poems of Béroul and Thomas of Britain, 12th century Tristan poems of Eilhart von Oberge, Gottfried von Strassburg, Prose Tristan, Post-Vulgate Cycle, Le Morte d'Arthur Irish knight, rival of Tristan, uncle of Iseult Morien Moriaen Dutch romance Morien, 13th century Half-Moorish son of Aglovale Pelleas Pellias Post-Vulgate Cycle, 1230s Le Morte d'Arthur In love with Ettarre, later lover of Nimue Pellinore Lancelot-Grail, Post-Vulgate Cycle King of Listenoise and friend to Arthur Percival (Welsh: Peredur) Perceval, Parzifal As Percival, Erec and Enide, c. 1170 Perceval, the Story of the Grail, Lancelot-Grail, many Achiever of the Holy Grail; King Pellinore's son in some tales Safir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Prose Tristan Son to Esclabor, brother of Segwarides and Palamedes Sagramore Sagramor Lancelot-Grail, Post-Vulgate Cycle, Prose Tristan, Le Morte d'Arthur Ubiquitous Knight of the Round Table; various stories and origins are given for him Segwarides Le Morte d'Arthur, Prose Tristan Son of Esclabor, brother of Safir and Palamedes Tor Le Morte d'Arthur Son of King Ars, adopted by Pellinore Tristan (Latin/Brythonic: Drustanus; Welsh: Drystan; Portuguese: Tristão; Spanish: Tristán; also known as Tristran, Tristram, etc.) Beroul's Roman de Tristan The two Folies Tristans, Marie de France's Chevrefeuil, Eilhart von Oberge, Gottfried von Strassburg, Post-Vulgate Prose Tristan, Post-Vulgate Cycle, Le Morte d'Arthur Son of Blancheflor and Rivalen (or Meliodas), Iseult's lover Urien Uriens Historical figure Welsh Triads Father of Ywain (Owain mab Urien), husband of Morgan le Fay Ywain (Welsh: Owain) Yvain, Ewain or Uwain Based on the historical figure Owain mab Urien Historia Brittonum, Yvain, the Knight of the Lion King Urien's son Ywain the Bastard Ywain the Adventurous Urien's illegitimate son through a seneschal, accidentally killed by Gawain
Knights of the Round Table
Hvem er værten i america has talent?
{ "text": [ "Simon Cowell" ], "answer_start": [ 166 ] }
America's Got Talent (ofte forkortet AGT) er en amerikansk talentkonkurrence, der sendes på tv på NBC. Det er en del af den globale Got Talent-serie, der er skabt af Simon Cowell, og det produceres af FremantleMedia North America og SYCOtv, med distribution af Freemantle. Siden premieren i juni 2006 er hver sæson blevet vist i løbet af netværkets sommerprogram, og showet har haft forskellige værter - siden 2017 har Tyra Banks været vært for showet. Det er den første globale udgave af serien, efter at planerne om en britisk udgave i 2005 blev suspenderet efter en strid mellem Paul O'Grady, den planlagte vært, og det britiske tv-selskab ITV; produktionen af denne udgave blev senere genoptaget i 2007.
{ "text": [ "Simon Cowell" ], "answer_start": [ 195 ] }
America's Got Talent (often abbreviated as AGT) is a televised American talent show competition, broadcast on the NBC television network. It is part of the global Got Talent franchise created by Simon Cowell, and is produced by FremantleMedia North America and SYCOtv, with distribution done by Freemantle. Since its premiere in June 2006, each season is run during the network's summer schedule, with the show having featured various hosts - it is currently hosted by Tyra Banks, since 2017. It is the first global edition of the franchise, after plans for a British edition in 2005 were suspended, following a dispute between Paul O'Grady, the planned host, and the British broadcaster ITV; production of this edition later resumed in 2007.
America's Got Talent
Hvem synger lord it's hard to be humble?
{ "text": [ "Mac Davis" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Mac Davis I 1974 blev Davis tildelt prisen som årets underholder af Academy of Country Music. Nogle af Davis' andre succeser omfatter sangene "Stop and Smell the Roses" (en nummer et Adult Contemporary-succes i 1974) (populær nr. 9), "One Hell of a Woman" (pop nr. 11), "Rock'n'Roll (I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life)" (pop nr. 15) og "Burnin' Thing" (pop nr. 53). I slutningen af 1970'erne skiftede han til Casablanca Records, som på det tidspunkt var bedst kendt for sine succeser med diskostjernen Donna Summer og rock'n'roll-bandet Kiss. Hans første succes for selskabet i 1980 var novelty-sangen "It's Hard To Be Humble", et letfærdigt kig på, hvordan popularitet og godt udseende kan stige en til hovedet. Sangen blev hans første top 10 i Country-musikken og et sjældent top 30-hit i Storbritannien. (Den blev oversat til hollandsk som "Het is moeilijk bescheiden te blijven" og blev et hit for den hollandske sanger Peter Blanker i 1981). Senere samme år havde han også endnu en top 10-sang med "Let's Keep It That Way". I november blev "Rock'n'Roll (I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life)" spillet af KHJ i Los Angeles som den sidste sang, inden selskabet skiftede fra Top 40 til countrymusik. Han opnåede andre succesfulde sange, såsom "Texas In My Rear View Mirror" og "Hooked on Music", som blev hans største Country-musiksucces i 1981, da den gik ind på no. 2. I 1985 indspillede han sin sidste top 10-succes inden for countrymusik med sangen "I Never Made Love (Till I Made Love With You)".
{ "text": [ "Mac Davis" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Mac Davis In 1974, Davis was awarded the Academy of Country Music's Entertainer of the Year award. Some of Davis's other successes include the songs "Stop and Smell the Roses" (a number one Adult Contemporary success in 1974) (popular no. 9), "One Hell of a Woman" (pop no. 11), "Rock'n'Roll (I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life)" (pop no. 15), and "Burnin' Thing" (pop no. 53). At the end of the 1970s, he moved to Casablanca Records, which was best known at the time for its successes with disco star Donna Summer and rock'n'roll band Kiss. His first success for the company in 1980 was the novelty song "It's Hard To Be Humble", a light-hearted look at how popularity and good looks could go to one's head. The song became his first Country music top 10 and a rare top 30 hit in the UK. (It was translated into Dutch as "Het is moeilijk bescheiden te blijven" and became a hit for the Dutch singer Peter Blanker in 1981). Later that year, he also had another top 10 song with "Let's Keep It That Way". In November, "Rock'n'Roll (I Gave You The Best Years Of My Life)" was played by KHJ in Los Angeles as its last song before it switched from Top 40 to Country music. He achieved other successful songs, such as "Texas In My Rear View Mirror" and "Hooked on Music", which became his biggest Country music success in 1981, going to no. 2. In 1985, he recorded his last top 10 country music success with the song "I Never Made Love (Till I Made Love With You)".
Mac Davis
Hvordan kommer jeg til highway 85 herfra?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
California State Route 85 SR 85 begynder ved et kryds med US 101 og kører stik vest gennem San Jose. I nærheden af Westfield Oakridge Mall i San Jose har SR 85 et kryds med den sydlige ende af motorvej SR 87, som giver nem adgang til San Jose International Airport. SR 85 fortsætter mod vest til Los Gatos, hvor den krydser motorvejen SR 17. SR 85 kører kortvarigt ind i Campbell og kører igen ind i San Jose, inden den krydser ind i Saratoga. SR 85 drejer mod nordvest og kører kortvarigt ind i San Jose igen, inden den kører ind i Cupertino og passerer til højre ved siden af De Anza College. SR 85 krydser derefter med I-280, inden den kortvarigt kører ind i Sunnyvale og Los Altos og derefter ind i Mountain View, hvor den først krydser SR 237, inden den ender ved US 101 nær Ames Research Center. Der er HOV-kørebaner i hele SR 85's længde, som kræver mindst to personer i en bil på hverdage fra kl. 5-9 om morgenen og kl. 15-19 om eftermiddagen eller en bil med et "Access OK"-klistermærke.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
California State Route 85 SR 85 begins at an interchange with US 101 and heads due west through San Jose. Near the Westfield Oakridge Mall in San Jose, SR 85 has an interchange with the southern terminus of the SR 87 freeway, which provides easy access to the San Jose International Airport. SR 85 continues west into Los Gatos, where it intersects the SR 17 freeway. SR 85 briefly enters Campbell and reenters San Jose before crossing into Saratoga. SR 85 turns northwest and briefly reenters San Jose before entering Cupertino and passing right next to De Anza College. SR 85 then interchanges with I-280 before briefly entering Sunnyvale and Los Altos and then entering Mountain View, where it first intersects SR 237 before terminating at US 101 near the Ames Research Center. HOV lanes run along the entire length of SR 85, requiring at least two people in a car on weekdays from 5-9 AM and 3-7 PM, or a car with an "Access OK" sticker.
California State Route 85
Hvem sang sangen take me to church?
{ "text": [ "Hozier" ], "answer_start": [ 38 ] }
"Tag mig med i kirken" Single af Hozier fra albummet Take Me to Church EP og Hozier Udgivet 13. september 2013 (2013-09-13) Format Digital download Optaget 2013 Genre Indie rock soul blues Længde 4:02 Mærke Rubyworks Island Columbia Sangskriver(e) Andrew Hozier-Byrne Producent(er) Rob Kirwan Hozier singler kronologi "Tag mig med i kirken" (2013) "From Eden" (2014) "Tag mig med i kirken" (2014) "From Eden" (2014) Hozier kronologi Tag mig med i kirke (2014) 'Take Me to Church'2014 Fra Eden (2014) 'From Eden'2014
{ "text": [ "Hozier" ], "answer_start": [ 35 ] }
"Take Me to Church" Single by Hozier from the album Take Me to Church EP and Hozier Released 13 September 2013 (2013-09-13) Format Digital download Recorded 2013 Genre Indie rock soul blues Length 4:02 Label Rubyworks Island Columbia Songwriter(s) Andrew Hozier-Byrne Producer(s) Rob Kirwan Hozier singles chronology "Take Me to Church" (2013) "From Eden" (2014) "Take Me to Church" (2014) "From Eden" (2014) Hozier chronology Take Me to Church (2014) 'Take Me to Church'2014 From Eden (2014) 'From Eden'2014
Take Me to Church
Hvilke flag har the union jack i dem?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of countries and territories with the Union Jack displayed on their flag Dette er en liste over lande og territorier med et flag, der indeholder Union Jack. Seks nationer i Commonwealth har Union Jack på deres nationale flag. Det første Commonwealth-land, der droppede Union Jack, var Canada i 1965 efter at have vedtaget et nyt nationalflag. Det seneste land, der droppede Union Jack fra sit flag, var Sydafrika i 1994 efter at have vedtaget et nyt nationalflag. Det eneste oversøiske territorium uden Union Jack på sit nuværende flag er Gibraltar.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of countries and territories with the Union Jack displayed on their flag This is a list of countries and territories with a flag that incorporates the Union Jack. Six Commonwealth nations have the Union Jack on their national flag. The first Commonwealth country to drop the Union Jack was Canada in 1965, after adopting a new national flag. The most recent country to drop the Union Jack from its flag was South Africa in 1994, after adopting a new national flag. The only overseas territory without the Union Jack on its current flag is Gibraltar.
List of countries and territories with the Union Jack displayed on their flag
Hvornår kom filmen need for speed ud?
{ "text": [ "14. marts 2014" ], "answer_start": [ 690 ] }
Need for Speed (film) Need for Speed Plakat til biografudgivelsen Instrueret af Scott Waugh Produceret af John Gatins Patrick O'Brien Mark Sourian Manuskript af George Gatins Story af George Gatins John Gatins Baseret på Need for Speed af Electronic Arts Medvirkende: Aaron Paul Dominic Cooper Imogen Poots Ramón Rodríguez Scott Mescudi Michael Keaton Musik af Nathan Furst Kinematografi Shane Hurlbut Redigeret af Paul Rubell Scott Waugh Produktion selskab DreamWorks Pictures Reliance Entertainment Bandito Brothers Distribueret af Walt Disney Studios Film Udgivelsesdato 7. marts 2014 (2014-03-07) (TCL Chinese Theatre) 14. marts 2014 (2014-03-14) (USA) Løbetid 130 minutter Land USA Sprog Engelsk Budget 66 mio. dollars Indtjening 203,3 millioner dollars
{ "text": [ "March 14, 2014" ], "answer_start": [ 661 ] }
Need for Speed (film) Need for Speed Theatrical release poster Directed by Scott Waugh Produced by John Gatins Patrick O'Brien Mark Sourian Screenplay by George Gatins Story by George Gatins John Gatins Based on Need for Speed by Electronic Arts Starring Aaron Paul Dominic Cooper Imogen Poots Ramón Rodríguez Scott Mescudi Michael Keaton Music by Nathan Furst Cinematography Shane Hurlbut Edited by Paul Rubell Scott Waugh Production company DreamWorks Pictures Reliance Entertainment Bandito Brothers Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date March 7, 2014 (2014-03-07) (TCL Chinese Theatre) March 14, 2014 (2014-03-14) (United States) Running time 130 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $66 million Box office $203.3 million
Need for Speed (film)
Hvem er modellerne på price is right?
{ "text": [ "James O'Halloran" ], "answer_start": [ 1472 ] }
The Price Is Right models Navn Debut Afrejse Noter Alleter, Kyle !Kyle Aletter 1981 1996 Erstatningsmodel Arbeláez, Manuela ! Manuela Arbeláez 2008 9999 !Til stede Den første latinamerikanske model; deltog i model søgning i 2008; kom med i castet under Brandi Sherwoods graviditet. Bradley, Kathleen !Kathleen Bradley 1990 2000 Den første permanente afroamerikanske model i dagshowet. Brooks, Paige !Paige Brooks[bedre kilde mangler] 2001 2002 Campbell, Starr !Starr Campbell 2004 2005 Cole, Lanisha !Lanisha Cole 2003 9999 !2010 Optrådte senere som model i Deal or No Deal fra marts til september 2006. Dawson, Phire !Phire Dawson 2005 2008 Dubay, Chantel !Chantel Dubay 1996 1999 England, Jennifer !Jennifer England 2002 2003 Ford, Anitra !Anitra Ford 1972 1976 Gleave, Lisa !Lisa Gleave 2002 2003 Senere optrådte hun som model i Deal or No Deal fra december 2005 til maj 2009. Harrison, Teri !Teri Harrison 2003 2005 Hallstrom, Holly !Holly Hallstrom 1977 1995 Forlod i 1983, vendte tilbage i 1984 Jordan, Claudia !Claudia Jordan 2001 2003 Senere optrådte hun som model i Deal or No Deal fra december 2005 til maj 2009. Karlsen, Lexie !Lexie Karlsen 2001 2001 Kozar, Heather !Heather Kozar 2001 2002 Lancaster, Amber ! Amber Lancaster 2008 9999 !Til stede Margolis, Cindy !Cindy Margolis 1995 1996 Stedfortræder model Nash, Tamiko !Tamiko Nash 2007 2009 Nolin, Gena Lee !Gena Lee Nolin 1994 1995 O'Halloran, James !James O'Halloran 2014 Til stede Den anden faste mandlige model, der har været med i den amerikanske udgave af showet; vandt modelkonkurrencen i 2014. Osborne, Gwendolyn ! Gwendolyn Osborne 2005 9999 !Til stede Parkinson, Dian !Dian Parkinson 1975 1993 Pennington, Janice !Janice Pennington 1972 2000 Den længst siddende model i showets historie Pribonic, Rebecca Mary !Rebecca Mary Pribonic 2004 2006 Reynolds, Rachel ! Rachel Reynolds 2003 9999 !Til stede Sherwood, Brandi !Brandi Sherwood 2002 2009 Afvist den 23. februar 2010; lagde senere sag an mod FremantleMedia/RTL Group og CBS. Shiflett, Amanda !Amanda Shiflett 2009 2009 Vandt model søges konkurrence Stirling, Shane !Shane Stirling 2002 2008 Tuite, Gabrielle !Gabrielle Tuite 2003 2008 Yi, Natasha !Natasha Yi 2005 2007 Første asiatisk-amerikanske model Wilson, Rob !Rob Wilson 2012 2014 Den første permanente mandlige model, der var med i den amerikanske udgave af showet; vandt modelkonkurrencen i 2012. Ziering, Nikki !Nikki Ziering 1999 2002
{ "text": [ "James O'Halloran" ], "answer_start": [ 1421 ] }
The Price Is Right models Name Debut Departure Notes Alleter, Kyle !Kyle Aletter 1981 1996 Substitute model Arbeláez, Manuela ! Manuela Arbeláez 2008 9999 !Present First Hispanic model; participated in 2008 model search; joined cast during Brandi Sherwood's pregnancy. Bradley, Kathleen !Kathleen Bradley 1990 2000 First permanent African American model on the daytime show. Brooks, Paige !Paige Brooks[better source needed] 2001 2002 Campbell, Starr !Starr Campbell 2004 2005 Cole, Lanisha !Lanisha Cole 2003 9999 !2010 Later appeared as a model on Deal or No Deal from March to September 2006. Dawson, Phire !Phire Dawson 2005 2008 Dubay, Chantel !Chantel Dubay 1996 1999 England, Jennifer !Jennifer England 2002 2003 Ford, Anitra !Anitra Ford 1972 1976 Gleave, Lisa !Lisa Gleave 2002 2003 Later appeared as a model on Deal or No Deal from December 2005 to May 2009. Harrison, Teri !Teri Harrison 2003 2005 Hallstrom, Holly !Holly Hallstrom 1977 1995 Left in 1983, returned in 1984 Jordan, Claudia !Claudia Jordan 2001 2003 Later appeared as a model on Deal or No Deal from December 2005 to May 2009. Karlsen, Lexie !Lexie Karlsen 2001 2001 Kozar, Heather !Heather Kozar 2001 2002 Lancaster, Amber ! Amber Lancaster 2008 9999 !Present Margolis, Cindy !Cindy Margolis 1995 1996 Substitute model Nash, Tamiko !Tamiko Nash 2007 2009 Nolin, Gena Lee !Gena Lee Nolin 1994 1995 O'Halloran, James !James O'Halloran 2014 Present Second permanent male model to be on the American version of the show; won the 2014 model search. Osborne, Gwendolyn ! Gwendolyn Osborne 2005 9999 !Present Parkinson, Dian !Dian Parkinson 1975 1993 Pennington, Janice !Janice Pennington 1972 2000 Longest serving model in the show's history Pribonic, Rebecca Mary !Rebecca Mary Pribonic 2004 2006 Reynolds, Rachel ! Rachel Reynolds 2003 9999 !Present Sherwood, Brandi !Brandi Sherwood 2002 2009 Dismissed February 23, 2010; later filed lawsuit against FremantleMedia/RTL Group and CBS. Shiflett, Amanda !Amanda Shiflett 2009 2009 Won model search contest Stirling, Shane !Shane Stirling 2002 2008 Tuite, Gabrielle !Gabrielle Tuite 2003 2008 Yi, Natasha !Natasha Yi 2005 2007 First Asian American model Wilson, Rob !Rob Wilson 2012 2014 First permanent male model to be on the American version of the show; won the 2012 model search. Ziering, Nikki !Nikki Ziering 1999 2002
The Price Is Right models
Hvem anførte norden i borgerkrigen?
{ "text": [ "Abraham Lincoln" ], "answer_start": [ 315 ] }
American Civil War Selv om ikke alle sydstatsfolk så sig selv som værende i kamp for at bevare slaveriet, havde de fleste af officererne og over en tredjedel af de menige i Lees hær tætte familiebånd til slaveriet. For nordstatsfolk var motivationen derimod primært at bevare Unionen og ikke at afskaffe slaveriet. Abraham Lincoln gjorde konsekvent bevarelsen af Unionen til det centrale mål for krigen, selv om han i stigende grad så slaveriet som et afgørende spørgsmål og gjorde det til et yderligere mål at gøre en ende på det. Lincolns beslutning om at udstede Emancipationsproklamationen gjorde både fredsdemokrater ("Copperheads") og krigsdemokrater vrede, men gav energi til de fleste republikanere. Ved at advare om, at frie sorte ville oversvømme Norden, opnåede Demokraterne gevinster ved valget i 1862, men de fik ikke kontrol over Kongressen. Republikanernes modargument om, at slaveriet var fjendens grundpille, vandt støt opbakning, og demokraterne tabte afgørende ved valget i 1863 i den nordlige stat Ohio, da de forsøgte at genoplive anti-sorte stemninger.
{ "text": [ "Abraham Lincoln" ], "answer_start": [ 286 ] }
American Civil War While not all Southerners saw themselves as fighting to preserve slavery, most of the officers and over a third of the rank and file in Lee's army had close family ties to slavery. To Northerners, in contrast, the motivation was primarily to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln consistently made preserving the Union the central goal of the war, though he increasingly saw slavery as a crucial issue and made ending it an additional goal. Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation angered both Peace Democrats ("Copperheads") and War Democrats, but energized most Republicans. By warning that free blacks would flood the North, Democrats made gains in the 1862 elections, but they did not gain control of Congress. The Republicans' counterargument that slavery was the mainstay of the enemy steadily gained support, with the Democrats losing decisively in the 1863 elections in the northern state of Ohio when they tried to resurrect anti-black sentiment.
American Civil War
Hvem spillede sne hvide i once upon a time?
{ "text": [ "Ginnifer Goodwin" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Ginnifer Goodwin Jennifer Michelle "Ginnifer" Goodwin (født den 22. maj 1978) er en amerikansk skuespillerinde. Hun er kendt for at have spillet Margene Heffman i dramaserien Big Love (2006-2011), Snehvide/Mary Margaret Blanchard i fantasyserien Once Upon a Time (2011-2017, 2018) og Judy Hopps i Disney-animationsfilmen Zootopia. Hun spillede også Fawn i Disney-filmen Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast. Goodwin har også medvirket i forskellige film, herunder Mona Lisa Smile, Something Borrowed, Walk the Line, Killing Kennedy, He's Just Not That Into You og Ramona and Beezus.
{ "text": [ "Ginnifer Goodwin" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Ginnifer Goodwin Jennifer Michelle "Ginnifer" Goodwin (born May 22, 1978) is an American actress. She is known for playing Margene Heffman in the drama series Big Love (2006–2011), Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard in the fantasy series Once Upon a Time (2011–2017, 2018), and Judy Hopps in the Disney animated film Zootopia. She also played Fawn in the Disney film Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast. Goodwin has also appeared in various films including Mona Lisa Smile, Something Borrowed, Walk the Line, Killing Kennedy, He's Just Not That Into You, and Ramona and Beezus.
Ginnifer Goodwin
Hvem synger i know you rider sang?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
I midten af 1960'erne var rockbands begyndt at indspille sangen. Blandt de velkendte versioner kan nævnes dem af Janis Joplin, James Taylor (som "Circle Around the Sun", på James Taylor), Seldom Scene og Hot Tuna. The Astronauts udgav en version på deres album Travelin' Men fra 1967. The Byrds indspillede sangen i løbet af 1966 under titlen "I Know My Rider (I Know You Rider)", men deres version blev ikke udgivet før 1987, hvor den blev inkluderet på Never Before. Byrds' version blev senere inkluderet som et bonusnummer på den udvidede cd-udgave af deres album Fifth Dimension. Byrds opførte også sangen på Monterey Pop Festival, men denne opførelse af "I Know My Rider (I Know You Rider)" er aldrig blevet officielt udgivet. Sangen er også blevet coveret af den New York-baserede singer-songwriter Robin Greenstein på hendes traditionelle folk- og blues-cd Images of Women Vol. 1 og af den traditionelle amerikanske folkesanger Steve Suffet (som en duet med Laura Munzer) på hans album Low Rent District fra 2008. Sangen er også blevet coveret af reggae/rock-fusionskunstnerne Slightly Stoopid på deres album Slightly Not Stoned Enough To Eat Breakfast Yet Stoopid fra 2008 og Big House på deres album Never Ending Train fra 2008. Den er også blevet delvist coveret af det eksperimentelle folkband Akron/Family.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
By the mid-1960s, rock acts had begun to record the song. Well known versions include those by Janis Joplin, James Taylor (as "Circle Around the Sun", on James Taylor), the Seldom Scene and Hot Tuna. The Astronauts released a version on their 1967 album Travelin' Men. The Byrds recorded the song during 1966, under the title "I Know My Rider (I Know You Rider)", but their version remained unreleased until 1987, when it was included on Never Before. The Byrds' version was later included as a bonus track on the expanded CD edition of their Fifth Dimension album. The Byrds also performed the song at the Monterey Pop Festival, though that performance of "I Know My Rider (I Know You Rider)" has never been officially released. The song has also been covered by New York based singer-songwriter Robin Greenstein on her traditional folk and blues CD, Images of Women Vol. 1 and by traditional American folksinger Steve Suffet (as a duet with Laura Munzer) on his 2008 Low Rent District album. The song was also covered by reggae/rock fusion artists Slightly Stoopid on their 2008 album Slightly Not Stoned Enough To Eat Breakfast Yet Stoopid and Big House on their 2008 Never Ending Train album. It has also been partially covered by experimental folk band Akron/Family.
I Know You Rider
Hvor mange gange har australien vundet cricket verdensmesterskabet?
{ "text": [ "5" ], "answer_start": [ 120 ] }
List of Cricket World Cup finals Landshold Sidste kampe Vindere Andenpladser Vundne år År som nummer to Australien 7 5 2 1987, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2015 1975, 1996 Indien 3 2 1 1983, 2011 2003 Vestindien 3 2 1 1975, 1979 1983 Sri Lanka 3 1 2 1996 2007, 2011 Pakistan 2 1 1 1992 1999 England 3 0 3 - 1979, 1987, 1992 New Zealand 1 0 1 - 2015
{ "text": [ "5" ], "answer_start": [ 93 ] }
List of Cricket World Cup finals National team Final appearances Winners Runners-up Years won Years runners-up Australia 7 5 2 1987, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2015 1975, 1996 India 3 2 1 1983, 2011 2003 West Indies 3 2 1 1975, 1979 1983 Sri Lanka 3 1 2 1996 2007, 2011 Pakistan 2 1 1 1992 1999 England 3 0 3 – 1979, 1987, 1992 New Zealand 1 0 1 – 2015
List of Cricket World Cup finals
Hvad hedder storm i atlantic?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
2017 Atlantic hurricane season Følgende liste over navne vil blive anvendt for navngivne storme, der dannes i Nordatlanten i 2017. Eventuelle navne, der ikke længere er gældende, vil blive offentliggjort af Verdens Meteorologiske Organisation (WMO) i foråret 2018. De navne, der ikke er trukket tilbage fra denne liste, vil først blive brugt igen i sæsonen 2023. Dette er den samme liste, som blev anvendt i 2011-sæsonen, med undtagelse af navnet Irma, som erstattede Irene; Irma blev tidligere anvendt i 1978-sæsonen.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
2017 Atlantic hurricane season The following list of names will be used for named storms that form in the North Atlantic in 2017. Any retired names will be announced by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the spring of 2018. The names not retired from this list will not be used again until the 2023 season. This is the same list used in the 2011 season, with the exception of the name Irma, which replaced Irene; Irma was previously used in the 1978 season.
2017 Atlantic hurricane season
Hvem sang i will always love you først dolly parton eller whitney houston?
{ "text": [ "Porter Wagoner" ], "answer_start": [ 286 ] }
Sangen "I Will Always Love You" blev oprindeligt skrevet og indspillet i 1973 af den amerikanske sangerinde og sangskriver Dolly Parton. Hendes country-version af sangen blev udgivet som single i 1974 og blev skrevet som et farvel til hendes tidligere partner og mentor gennem syv år, Porter Wagoner, efter Partons beslutning om at forfølge en solokarriere.
{ "text": [ "Porter Wagoner" ], "answer_start": [ 272 ] }
The song, "I Will Always Love You" was originally written and recorded in 1973 by American singer-songwriter, Dolly Parton. Her country version of the track was released in 1974 as a single and was written as a farewell to her one-time partner and mentor of seven years, Porter Wagoner, following Parton's decision to pursue a solo career.
I Will Always Love You
Hvad hedder den første præsident for amerika?
{ "text": [ "George Washington" ], "answer_start": [ 133 ] }
List of Presidents of the United States Siden embedet blev oprettet i 1789, har 44 personer, alle mænd, været præsident. Den første, George Washington, vandt en enstemmig afstemning i valgkollegiet. Grover Cleveland sad i to ikke-sammenhængende embedsperioder og regnes som landets 22. og 24. præsident; den siddende præsident, Donald Trump, er derfor den 45. præsident. Der er i øjeblikket fem nulevende tidligere præsidenter. Den seneste død af en tidligere præsident var den 26. december 2006 med Gerald Fords død; den seneste siddende præsident, der døde, var Ronald Reagan den 5. juni 2004.
{ "text": [ "George Washington" ], "answer_start": [ 99 ] }
List of Presidents of the United States Since the office was established in 1789, 44 people, all men, have served as president. The first, George Washington, won a unanimous vote of the Electoral College. Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms in office, and is counted as the nation's 22nd and 24th presidents; the incumbent, Donald Trump, is therefore the 45th president. There are currently five living former presidents. The most recent death of a former president was on December 26, 2006 with the death of Gerald Ford; the most recently serving president to die was Ronald Reagan on June 5, 2004.
List of Presidents of the United States
Hvad er navnet på gymnasiet i delta-kliken?
{ "text": [ "Faber College" ], "answer_start": [ 390 ] }
National Lampoon's Animal House er en amerikansk komediefilm fra 1978, instrueret af John Landis og skrevet af Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney og Chris Miller. I hovedrollerne ses John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Verna Bloom, Thomas Hulce, Stephen Furst og Donald Sutherland. Filmen handler om en gruppe utilpassede medlemmer af et broderskab, der udfordrer autoriteten hos dekanen på Faber College.
{ "text": [ "Faber College" ], "answer_start": [ 362 ] }
National Lampoon's Animal House is a 1978 American comedy film directed by John Landis and written by Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney and Chris Miller. It stars John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Verna Bloom, Thomas Hulce, Stephen Furst, and Donald Sutherland. The film is about a misfit group of fraternity members who challenge the authority of the dean of Faber College.
Animal House
Hvornår blev det første cricket world cup afholdt?
{ "text": [ "1975" ], "answer_start": [ 72 ] }
Cricket World Cup Det første verdensmesterskab i cricket blev afholdt i 1975 af England, som dengang var den eneste nation, der havde ressourcerne til at arrangere en begivenhed af denne størrelsesorden. Turneringen i 1975 startede den 7. juni. De første tre turneringer blev afholdt i England og blev officielt kaldt Prudential Cup efter sponsorerne Prudential plc. Kampene bestod af 60 six-ball overs pr. hold, der blev spillet om dagen i traditionel form, hvor spillerne var iført crickethvidt tøj og brugte røde cricketbolde.
{ "text": [ "1975" ], "answer_start": [ 46 ] }
The inaugural Cricket World Cup was hosted in 1975 by England, the only nation able to put forward the resources to stage an event of such magnitude at the time. The 1975 tournament started on 7 June. The first three events were held in England and officially known as the Prudential Cup after the sponsors Prudential plc. The matches consisted of 60 six-ball overs per team, played during the daytime in traditional form, with the players wearing cricket whites and using red cricket balls.
Cricket World Cup
Hvem spiller bailey i a dog's purpose?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
A Dog's Purpose (film) Josh Gad er stemmen til Toby, Bailey, Ellie, Tino, Waffles og Buddy.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
A Dog's Purpose (film) Josh Gad as the voice of Toby, Bailey, Ellie, Tino, Waffles and Buddy.
A Dog's Purpose (film)
Hvem er underverdenens gud i græsk mytologi?
{ "text": [ "Hades" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hades (/ˈheɪdiːz/; græsk: ᾍδης Háidēs) var den oldgræske græske gud for underverdenen, som i sidste ende tog hans navn.
{ "text": [ "Hades" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hades (/ˈheɪdiːz/; Greek: ᾍδης Háidēs) was the ancient Greek chthonic god of the underworld, which eventually took his name.
Hvornår kom don't smile at me ud?
{ "text": [ "11. august 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 64 ] }
Don't Smile at Me ikke smile til mig EP af Billie EilishUdgivet 11. august 2017Inspillet 2016Længde 28:58Label InterscopeProducer Finneas O'Connell Singler fra dont smile at me "Ocean Eyes "Udgivet: November 18, 2016 "Bellyache "Udgivet: 24. februar 2017 "Watch "Udgivet: Udgivet den 30. juni 2017 "Idontwannabeyouanymore "Udgivet: 20. juli, 2017
{ "text": [ "August 11, 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 45 ] }
Don't Smile at Me dont smile at me EP by Billie EilishReleased August 11, 2017Recorded 2016Length 28:58Label InterscopeProducer Finneas O'Connell Singles from dont smile at me "Ocean Eyes"Released: November 18, 2016 "Bellyache"Released: February 24, 2017 "Watch"Released: June 30, 2017 "Idontwannabeyouanymore"Released: July 20, 2017
Don't Smile at Me
Hvem spillede charlene darling i andy griffith showet?
{ "text": [ "Maggie Peterson" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Maggie Peterson Mancuso (født den 10. januar 1941) er en amerikansk tv-skuespillerinde. Hun er bedst kendt for sin rolle som Charlene Darling i The Andy Griffith Show. Hun spillede også rollen som Doris i afsnittet "A Girl for Goober" (1968).
{ "text": [ "Maggie Peterson" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Maggie Peterson Mancuso (born January 10, 1941) is an American television actress. She is best known for playing Charlene Darling on The Andy Griffith Show. She also played the character of Doris in the episode "A Girl for Goober" (1968).
Maggie Peterson
Hvem er kaptajn for west indies i cricket?
{ "text": [ "Jason Holder" ], "answer_start": [ 6448 ] }
List of West Indies cricket captains Kaptajner for vestindiske testkampe Antal Navn År Modstandere Sted Spillede Vundet Tabt Uafgjort 1 Karl Nunes 1928 England England 3 0 3 0 1929/30† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 I alt 4 0 3 1 2 Teddy Hoad 1929/30† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 3 Nelson Betancourt 1929/30† England Vestindien 1 0 1 0 4 Maurice Fernandes 1929/30† England Vestindien 1 1 0 0 5 Jackie Grant1 1930/1 Australien Australien 5 1 4 0 1933 England England 3 0 2 1 1934/5 England Vestindien 4 2 1 1 I alt 12 3 7 2 6 Rolph Grant1 1939 England England 3 0 1 2 7 George Headley 1947/8† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 8 Gerry Gomez 1947/8† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 9 John Goddard 1947/8 England Vestindien 2 2 0 0 1948/9 Indien Indien 5 1 0 4 1950 England England 4 3 1 0 1951/2 Australien Australien 4 1 3 0 1951/2 New Zealand New Zealand 2 1 0 1 1957 England England 5 0 3 2 I alt 22 8 7 7 10 Jeffrey Stollmeyer 1951/2† Australien Australien 1 0 1 0 1952/3 Indien Vestindien 5 1 0 4 1953/4 England Vestindien 5 2 2 1 1954/5† Australien Vestindien 2 0 1 1 I alt 13 3 4 6 11 Denis Atkinson 1954/5 Australien Vestindien 3 0 2 1 1955/6 New Zealand New Zealand 4 3 1 0 I alt 7 3 3 1 12 Gerry Alexander 1957/8 Pakistan Vestindien 5 3 1 1 1958/9 Indien Indien 5 3 0 2 1958/9 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 2 0 1959/60 England Vestindien 5 0 1 4 I alt 18 7 4 7 13 Frank Worrell 1960/1 Australien Australien 5 1 2 22 1961/2 Indien Vestindien 5 5 0 0 1963 England England 5 3 1 1 I alt 15 9 3 32 14 Garfield Sobers3 1964/5 Australien Vestindien 5 2 1 2 1966 England England 5 3 1 1 1966/7 Indien Indien 3 2 0 1 1967/8 England Vestindien 5 0 1 4 1968/9 Australien Australien 5 1 3 1 1968/9 New Zealand New Zealand 3 1 1 1 1969 England England 3 0 2 1 1970/1 Indien Vestindien 5 0 1 4 1971/2 New Zealand Vestindien 5 0 0 5 I alt 39 9 10 20 15 Rohan Kanhai 1972/3 Australien Vestindien 5 0 2 3 1973 England England 3 2 0 1 1973/4 England Vestindien 5 1 1 3 I alt 13 3 3 7 16 Clive Lloyd 1974/5 Indien Indien 5 3 2 0 1974/5 Pakistan Pakistan 2 0 0 2 1975/6 Australien Australien 6 1 5 0 1975/6 Indien Vestindien 4 2 1 1 1976 England England 5 3 0 2 1976/7 Pakistan Vestindien 5 2 1 2 1977/8† Australien Vestindien 2 2 0 0 1979/80 Australien Australien 2 2 0 0 1979/80 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 1 2 1980 England England 4 1 0 3 1980/1 Pakistan Pakistan 4 1 0 3 1980/1 England Vestindien 4 2 0 2 1981/2 Australien Australien 3 1 1 1 1982/3 Indien Vestindien 5 2 0 3 1983/4 Indien Indien 6 3 0 3 1983/4 Australien Vestindien 4 3 0 1 1984 England England 5 5 0 0 1984/5 Australien Australien 5 3 1 1 I alt 74 36 12 26 17 Alvin Kallicharran 1977/8 Australien Vestindien 3 1 1 1 1978/9 Indien Indien 6 0 1 5 I alt 9 1 2 6 18 Deryck Murray 1979/80† Australien Australien 1 0 0 1 19 Viv Richards 1980† England England 1 0 0 1 1983/4 Australien Vestindien 1 0 0 1 1984/5 New Zealand Vestindien 4 2 0 2 1985/6 England Vestindien 5 5 0 0 1986/7 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 1 1 1986/7 New Zealand New Zealand 3 1 1 1 1987/8 Indien Indien 4 1 1 2 1987/8 Pakistan Vestindien 2 1 0 1 1988 England England 5 4 0 1 1988/9 Australien Australien 5 3 1 1 1988/9 Indien Vestindien 4 3 0 1 1989/90 England Vestindien 3 2 1 0 1990/1 Australien Vestindien 5 2 1 2 1991 England England 5 2 2 1 I alt 50 27 8 15 20 Gordon Greenidge 1987/8† Pakistan Vestindien 1 0 1 0 21 Desmond Haynes 1989/90† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 1990/1 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 1 1 I alt 4 1 1 2 22 Richie Richardson 1991/2 Sydafrika Vestindien 1 1 0 0 1992/3 Australien Australien 5 2 1 2 1992/3 Pakistan Vestindien 3 2 0 1 1993/4 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1 0 0 1 1993/4 England Vestindien 4 3 1 0 1994/5 Australien Vestindien 4 1 2 1 1995 England England 6 2 2 2 I alt 24 11 6 7 23 Courtney Walsh 1993/4† England Vestindien 1 0 0 1 1994/5 Indien Indien 3 1 1 1 1994/5 New Zealand New Zealand 2 1 0 1 1995/6 New Zealand Vestindien 2 1 0 1 1996/7 Australien Australien 5 2 3 0 1996/7 Indien Vestindien 4 0 0 4 1996/7 Sri Lanka Vestindien 2 1 0 1 1997/8 Pakistan Pakistan 3 0 3 0 I alt 22 6 7 9 24 Brian Lara 1996/7† Indien Vestindien 1 1 0 0 1997/8 England Vestindien 6 3 1 2 1998/9 Sydafrika Sydafrika 5 0 5 0 1998/9 Australien Vestindien 4 2 2 0 1999/2000 New Zealand New Zealand 2 0 2 0 2002/3 Australien Vestindien 4 1 3 0 2003 Sri Lanka Vestindien 2 1 0 1 2003/4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2003/4 Sydafrika Sydafrika 4 0 3 1 2003/4 England Vestindien 4 0 3 1 2004 Bangladesh Vestindien 2 1 0 1 2004 England England 4 0 4 0 2006 Indien Vestindien 4 0 1 3 2006/7 Pakistan Pakistan 3 0 2 1 I alt 47 10 26 11 25 Jimmy Adams 1999/2000 Zimbabwe Vestindien 2 2 0 0 1999/2000 Pakistan Vestindien 3 1 0 2 2000 England England 5 1 3 1 2000/1 Australien Australien 5 0 5 0 I alt 15 4 8 3 26 Carl Hooper 2000/1 Sydafrika Vestindien 5 1 2 2 2001 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2001/2 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 3 0 3 0 2001/2 Pakistan Sharjah 2 0 2 0 2001/2 Indien Vestindien 5 2 1 2 2002 New Zealand Vestindien 2 0 1 1 2002/3 Indien Indien 3 0 2 1 I alt 22 4 11 7 27 Ridley Jacobs 2002/3 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 2 0 0 28 Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2004/5 Sydafrika Vestindien 4 0 2 2 2004/5 Pakistan Vestindien 2 1 1 0 2005 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2 0 2 0 2005/6 Australien Australien 3 0 3 0 2005/6 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 2 1 I alt 14 1 10 3 29 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2007 England England 2 0 1 1 2008 Australien Vestindien 2 0 1 1 I alt 4 0 2 2 30 Daren Ganga 2007† England England 2 0 2 0 31 Chris Gayle 2007/8 Sydafrika Sydafrika 2 1 1 0 2007/8 Sri Lanka Vestindien 2 1 1 0 2008† Australien Vestindien 1 0 1 0 2008/09 New Zealand New Zealand 2 0 0 2 2008/09 England Vestindien 5 1 0 4 2009 England England 2 0 2 0 2009/10 Australien Australien 3 0 2 1 2010 Sydafrika Vestindien 3 0 2 1 I alt 20 3 9 8 32 Dwayne Bravo 2007/8† Sydafrika Sydafrika 1 0 1 0 33 Floyd Reifer 2009 Bangladesh Vestindien 2 0 2 0 34 Darren Sammy 2010/11 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 3 0 0 3 2011 Pakistan Vestindien 2 1 1 0 2011 Indien Vestindien 3 0 1 2 2011 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 1 0 1 2011 Indien Indien 3 0 2 1 2011/12 Australien Vestindien 3 0 2 1 2012 England England 3 0 2 1 2012 New Zealand Vestindien 2 2 0 0 2012/13 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 2 0 0 2012/13 Zimbabwe Vestindien 2 2 0 0 2013/14 Indien Indien 2 0 2 0 2013/14 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 2 1 I alt 30 8 12 10 35 Denesh Ramdin 2014 New Zealand Vestindien 3 1 2 0 2014 Bangladesh Vestindien 2 2 0 0 2014/15 Sydafrika Sydafrika 3 0 2 1 2014/15 England Vestindien 3 1 1 1 2015 Australien Vestindien 2 0 2 0 I alt 13 4 7 2 36 Jason Holder 2015/16 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2 0 2 0 2015/16 Australien Australien 3 0 2 1 2016 Indien Vestindien 4 0 2 2 2016 Pakistan UAE 3 1 2 0 2016/17 Pakistan Vestindien 3 1 2 0 2017 England England 3 1 2 0 2017 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2017/18 New Zealand New Zealand 1 0 1 0 2018 Sri Lanka Vestindien 3 1 1 1 2018 Bangladesh Vestindien 2 2 0 0 I alt 25 6 14 5 37 Kraigg Brathwaite 2017/18 New Zealand New Zealand 1 0 1 0 Samlet antal 535 171 189 1762
{ "text": [ "Jason Holder" ], "answer_start": [ 6858 ] }
List of West Indies cricket captains West Indian Test match captains Number Name Year Opposition Location Played Won Lost Drawn 1 Karl Nunes 1928 England England 3 0 3 0 1929/30† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 Total 4 0 3 1 2 Teddy Hoad 1929/30† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 3 Nelson Betancourt 1929/30† England West Indies 1 0 1 0 4 Maurice Fernandes 1929/30† England West Indies 1 1 0 0 5 Jackie Grant1 1930/1 Australia Australia 5 1 4 0 1933 England England 3 0 2 1 1934/5 England West Indies 4 2 1 1 Total 12 3 7 2 6 Rolph Grant1 1939 England England 3 0 1 2 7 George Headley 1947/8† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 8 Gerry Gomez 1947/8† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 9 John Goddard 1947/8 England West Indies 2 2 0 0 1948/9 India India 5 1 0 4 1950 England England 4 3 1 0 1951/2 Australia Australia 4 1 3 0 1951/2 New Zealand New Zealand 2 1 0 1 1957 England England 5 0 3 2 Total 22 8 7 7 10 Jeffrey Stollmeyer 1951/2† Australia Australia 1 0 1 0 1952/3 India West Indies 5 1 0 4 1953/4 England West Indies 5 2 2 1 1954/5† Australia West Indies 2 0 1 1 Total 13 3 4 6 11 Denis Atkinson 1954/5 Australia West Indies 3 0 2 1 1955/6 New Zealand New Zealand 4 3 1 0 Total 7 3 3 1 12 Gerry Alexander 1957/8 Pakistan West Indies 5 3 1 1 1958/9 India India 5 3 0 2 1958/9 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 2 0 1959/60 England West Indies 5 0 1 4 Total 18 7 4 7 13 Frank Worrell 1960/1 Australia Australia 5 1 2 22 1961/2 India West Indies 5 5 0 0 1963 England England 5 3 1 1 Total 15 9 3 32 14 Garfield Sobers3 1964/5 Australia West Indies 5 2 1 2 1966 England England 5 3 1 1 1966/7 India India 3 2 0 1 1967/8 England West Indies 5 0 1 4 1968/9 Australia Australia 5 1 3 1 1968/9 New Zealand New Zealand 3 1 1 1 1969 England England 3 0 2 1 1970/1 India West Indies 5 0 1 4 1971/2 New Zealand West Indies 5 0 0 5 Total 39 9 10 20 15 Rohan Kanhai 1972/3 Australia West Indies 5 0 2 3 1973 England England 3 2 0 1 1973/4 England West Indies 5 1 1 3 Total 13 3 3 7 16 Clive Lloyd 1974/5 India India 5 3 2 0 1974/5 Pakistan Pakistan 2 0 0 2 1975/6 Australia Australia 6 1 5 0 1975/6 India West Indies 4 2 1 1 1976 England England 5 3 0 2 1976/7 Pakistan West Indies 5 2 1 2 1977/8† Australia West Indies 2 2 0 0 1979/80 Australia Australia 2 2 0 0 1979/80 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 1 2 1980 England England 4 1 0 3 1980/1 Pakistan Pakistan 4 1 0 3 1980/1 England West Indies 4 2 0 2 1981/2 Australia Australia 3 1 1 1 1982/3 India West Indies 5 2 0 3 1983/4 India India 6 3 0 3 1983/4 Australia West Indies 4 3 0 1 1984 England England 5 5 0 0 1984/5 Australia Australia 5 3 1 1 Total 74 36 12 26 17 Alvin Kallicharran 1977/8 Australia West Indies 3 1 1 1 1978/9 India India 6 0 1 5 Total 9 1 2 6 18 Deryck Murray 1979/80† Australia Australia 1 0 0 1 19 Viv Richards 1980† England England 1 0 0 1 1983/4 Australia West Indies 1 0 0 1 1984/5 New Zealand West Indies 4 2 0 2 1985/6 England West Indies 5 5 0 0 1986/7 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 1 1 1986/7 New Zealand New Zealand 3 1 1 1 1987/8 India India 4 1 1 2 1987/8 Pakistan West Indies 2 1 0 1 1988 England England 5 4 0 1 1988/9 Australia Australia 5 3 1 1 1988/9 India West Indies 4 3 0 1 1989/90 England West Indies 3 2 1 0 1990/1 Australia West Indies 5 2 1 2 1991 England England 5 2 2 1 Total 50 27 8 15 20 Gordon Greenidge 1987/8† Pakistan West Indies 1 0 1 0 21 Desmond Haynes 1989/90† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 1990/1 Pakistan Pakistan 3 1 1 1 Total 4 1 1 2 22 Richie Richardson 1991/2 South Africa West Indies 1 1 0 0 1992/3 Australia Australia 5 2 1 2 1992/3 Pakistan West Indies 3 2 0 1 1993/4 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1 0 0 1 1993/4 England West Indies 4 3 1 0 1994/5 Australia West Indies 4 1 2 1 1995 England England 6 2 2 2 Total 24 11 6 7 23 Courtney Walsh 1993/4† England West Indies 1 0 0 1 1994/5 India India 3 1 1 1 1994/5 New Zealand New Zealand 2 1 0 1 1995/6 New Zealand West Indies 2 1 0 1 1996/7 Australia Australia 5 2 3 0 1996/7 India West Indies 4 0 0 4 1996/7 Sri Lanka West Indies 2 1 0 1 1997/8 Pakistan Pakistan 3 0 3 0 Total 22 6 7 9 24 Brian Lara 1996/7† India West Indies 1 1 0 0 1997/8 England West Indies 6 3 1 2 1998/9 South Africa South Africa 5 0 5 0 1998/9 Australia West Indies 4 2 2 0 1999/2000 New Zealand New Zealand 2 0 2 0 2002/3 Australia West Indies 4 1 3 0 2003 Sri Lanka West Indies 2 1 0 1 2003/4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2003/4 South Africa South Africa 4 0 3 1 2003/4 England West Indies 4 0 3 1 2004 Bangladesh West Indies 2 1 0 1 2004 England England 4 0 4 0 2006 India West Indies 4 0 1 3 2006/7 Pakistan Pakistan 3 0 2 1 Total 47 10 26 11 25 Jimmy Adams 1999/2000 Zimbabwe West Indies 2 2 0 0 1999/2000 Pakistan West Indies 3 1 0 2 2000 England England 5 1 3 1 2000/1 Australia Australia 5 0 5 0 Total 15 4 8 3 26 Carl Hooper 2000/1 South Africa West Indies 5 1 2 2 2001 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2001/2 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 3 0 3 0 2001/2 Pakistan Sharjah 2 0 2 0 2001/2 India West Indies 5 2 1 2 2002 New Zealand West Indies 2 0 1 1 2002/3 India India 3 0 2 1 Total 22 4 11 7 27 Ridley Jacobs 2002/3 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 2 0 0 28 Shivnarine Chanderpaul 2004/5 South Africa West Indies 4 0 2 2 2004/5 Pakistan West Indies 2 1 1 0 2005 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2 0 2 0 2005/6 Australia Australia 3 0 3 0 2005/6 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 2 1 Total 14 1 10 3 29 Ramnaresh Sarwan 2007 England England 2 0 1 1 2008 Australia West Indies 2 0 1 1 Total 4 0 2 2 30 Daren Ganga 2007† England England 2 0 2 0 31 Chris Gayle 2007/8 South Africa South Africa 2 1 1 0 2007/8 Sri Lanka West Indies 2 1 1 0 2008† Australia West Indies 1 0 1 0 2008/09 New Zealand New Zealand 2 0 0 2 2008/09 England West Indies 5 1 0 4 2009 England England 2 0 2 0 2009/10 Australia Australia 3 0 2 1 2010 South Africa West Indies 3 0 2 1 Total 20 3 9 8 32 Dwayne Bravo 2007/8† South Africa South Africa 1 0 1 0 33 Floyd Reifer 2009 Bangladesh West Indies 2 0 2 0 34 Darren Sammy 2010/11 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 3 0 0 3 2011 Pakistan West Indies 2 1 1 0 2011 India West Indies 3 0 1 2 2011 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 1 0 1 2011 India India 3 0 2 1 2011/12 Australia West Indies 3 0 2 1 2012 England England 3 0 2 1 2012 New Zealand West Indies 2 2 0 0 2012/13 Bangladesh Bangladesh 2 2 0 0 2012/13 Zimbabwe West Indies 2 2 0 0 2013/14 India India 2 0 2 0 2013/14 New Zealand New Zealand 3 0 2 1 Total 30 8 12 10 35 Denesh Ramdin 2014 New Zealand West Indies 3 1 2 0 2014 Bangladesh West Indies 2 2 0 0 2014/15 South Africa South Africa 3 0 2 1 2014/15 England West Indies 3 1 1 1 2015 Australia West Indies 2 0 2 0 Total 13 4 7 2 36 Jason Holder 2015/16 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 2 0 2 0 2015/16 Australia Australia 3 0 2 1 2016 India West Indies 4 0 2 2 2016 Pakistan UAE 3 1 2 0 2016/17 Pakistan West Indies 3 1 2 0 2017 England England 3 1 2 0 2017 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2 1 0 1 2017/18 New Zealand New Zealand 1 0 1 0 2018 Sri Lanka West Indies 3 1 1 1 2018 Bangladesh West Indies 2 2 0 0 Total 25 6 14 5 37 Kraigg Brathwaite 2017/18 New Zealand New Zealand 1 0 1 0 Grand total 535 171 189 1762
List of West Indies cricket captains
Hvad er den største sø i new zealand?
{ "text": [ "Taupo-søen" ], "answer_start": [ 71 ] }
List of lakes of New Zealand Rang Navn Overfladeareal Region Noter 1 Taupo-søen 70086160000000000000000♠616 km2 (238 sq mi) Waikato Største sø i New Zealand og på Nordøen, største ferskvandssø i Oceanien 2 Te Anau-søen 70083440000000000000000♠344 km2 (133 sq mi) Sydlandet Største sø på Sydøen 3 Wakatipu-søen 70082910000000000000000♠291 km2 (112 sq mi) Otago 4 Lake Wanaka 70081920000000000000000♠192 km2 (74 sq mi) Otago 5= Ellesmere-søen 70081800000000000000000♠180 km2 (69 sq mi) Canterbury 5= Te Whanga Lagoon 70081800000000000000000♠180 km2 (69 sq mi) Chatham Island Største sø uden for Nord- og Sydøerne 7 Pukaki-søen 70081790000000000000000♠179 km2 (69 sq mi) Canterbury 8 Manapouri-søen 70081420000000000000000♠142 km2 (55 sq mi) Southland Indeholder den største indlandsø i New Zealand, Pomona Island 9 Hāwea-søen 70081410010000000000000000♠141 km2 (54 sq mi) Otago 10 Lake Tekapo 70078300000000000000000♠83 km2 (32 sq mi) Canterbury 11 Rotorua-søen 70077900000000000000000♠79 km2 (31 sq mi) Bay of Plenty 12 Wairarapa-søen 70077800000000000000000♠78 km2 (30 sq mi) Wellington 13 Benmore-søen 70077500000000000000000♠75 km2 (29 sq mi) Canterbury/Otago Største kunstige sø i New Zealand 14 Hauroko-søen 70076300000000000000000♠63 km2 (24 sq mi) Southland New Zealands dybeste sø 15 Ohau-søen 70076300000000000000000♠63 km2 (24 sq mi) Canterbury 16 Waikaremoana-søen 70075400000000000000000♠54 km2 (21 sq mi) Hawke's Bay 17 Lake Coleridge 70074700000000000000000♠47 km2 (18 sq mi) Cantebury 18 Poteriteri-søen 70074300000000000000000♠43 km2 (17 sq mi) Sydlandet Største sø i New Zealand uden vejadgang 19 Brunner-søen 700740000000000000000000000♠40 km2 (15 sq mi) Vestkysten 20 Tarawera-søen 70073900000000000000000♠39 km2 (15 sq mi) Plenty-bugten 21 Rotoiti-søen 70073500000000000000000♠35 km2 (14 sq mi) Plenty-bugten 22 Waikare-søen 70073400000000000000000♠34 km2 (13 sq mi) Waikato 23 Monowai-søen 70073100000000000000000♠31 km2 (12 sq mi) Southland 24 Lake Aviemore 70072900000000000000000♠29 km2 (11 sq mi) Canterbury Kunstigt 25 McKerrow-søen 70072800000000000000000♠28 km2 (11 sq mi) Southland 26 Dunstan-søen 70072600000000000000000♠26 km2 (10 sq mi) Otago Kunstigt 27 Kaniere-søen 70072200000000000000000♠22 km2 (8,5 km2) Vestkysten 28= Omapere-søen 70071400000000000000000♠14 km2 (5.4 sq mi) Northland 28= Sumner-søen 70071400000000000000000♠14 km2 (5,4 sq mi) Canterbury 30 Rotoaira-søen 70071300000000000000000♠13 km2 (5,0 km2) Waikato 31= Okarito Lagoon 70071200000000000000000♠12 km2 (4,6 sq mi) Vestkysten 31= Ohakuri-søen 70071200000000000000000♠12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) Waikato Kunstigt 33 Rotoma-søen 70071120000000000000000♠11,2 km2 (4,3 km2) Plenty-bugten +8 andre søer >10 km2
{ "text": [ "Lake Taupo" ], "answer_start": [ 40 ] }
List of lakes of New Zealand Rank Name Surface area Region Notes 1 Lake Taupo 7008616000000000000♠616 km2 (238 sq mi) Waikato Largest lake in New Zealand and the North Island, largest freshwater lake in Oceania 2 Lake Te Anau 7008344000000000000♠344 km2 (133 sq mi) Southland Largest lake in the South Island 3 Lake Wakatipu 7008291000000000000♠291 km2 (112 sq mi) Otago 4 Lake Wanaka 7008192000000000000♠192 km2 (74 sq mi) Otago 5= Lake Ellesmere 7008180000000000000♠180 km2 (69 sq mi) Canterbury 5= Te Whanga Lagoon 7008180000000000000♠180 km2 (69 sq mi) Chatham Island Largest lake outside the North and South Islands 7 Lake Pukaki 7008179000000000000♠179 km2 (69 sq mi) Canterbury 8 Lake Manapouri 7008142000000000000♠142 km2 (55 sq mi) Southland Contains largest inland island within New Zealand, Pomona Island 9 Lake Hāwea 7008141000000000000♠141 km2 (54 sq mi) Otago 10 Lake Tekapo 7007830000000000000♠83 km2 (32 sq mi) Canterbury 11 Lake Rotorua 7007790000000000000♠79 km2 (31 sq mi) Bay of Plenty 12 Lake Wairarapa 7007780000000000000♠78 km2 (30 sq mi) Wellington 13 Lake Benmore 7007750000000000000♠75 km2 (29 sq mi) Canterbury/Otago Largest artificial lake in New Zealand 14 Lake Hauroko 7007630000000000000♠63 km2 (24 sq mi) Southland New Zealand's deepest lake 15 Lake Ohau 7007630000000000000♠63 km2 (24 sq mi) Canterbury 16 Lake Waikaremoana 7007540000000000000♠54 km2 (21 sq mi) Hawke's Bay 17 Lake Coleridge 7007470000000000000♠47 km2 (18 sq mi) Cantebury 18 Lake Poteriteri 7007430000000000000♠43 km2 (17 sq mi) Southland Largest lake in New Zealand without road access 19 Lake Brunner 7007400000000000000♠40 km2 (15 sq mi) West Coast 20 Lake Tarawera 7007390000000000000♠39 km2 (15 sq mi) Bay of Plenty 21 Lake Rotoiti 7007350000000000000♠35 km2 (14 sq mi) Bay of Plenty 22 Lake Waikare 7007340000000000000♠34 km2 (13 sq mi) Waikato 23 Lake Monowai 7007310000000000000♠31 km2 (12 sq mi) Southland 24 Lake Aviemore 7007290000000000000♠29 km2 (11 sq mi) Canterbury Artificial 25 Lake McKerrow 7007280000000000000♠28 km2 (11 sq mi) Southland 26 Lake Dunstan 7007260000000000000♠26 km2 (10 sq mi) Otago Artificial 27 Lake Kaniere 7007220000000000000♠22 km2 (8.5 sq mi) West Coast 28= Lake Omapere 7007140000000000000♠14 km2 (5.4 sq mi) Northland 28= Lake Sumner 7007140000000000000♠14 km2 (5.4 sq mi) Canterbury 30 Lake Rotoaira 7007130000000000000♠13 km2 (5.0 sq mi) Waikato 31= Okarito Lagoon 7007120000000000000♠12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) West Coast 31= Lake Ohakuri 7007120000000000000♠12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) Waikato Artificial 33 Lake Rotoma 7007112000000000000♠11.2 km2 (4.3 sq mi) Bay of Plenty +8 other lakes >10 km2
List of lakes of New Zealand
Hvem er forfatteren til a long way gone?
{ "text": [ "Ishmael Beah" ], "answer_start": [ 80 ] }
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (2007) er en erindringsbog skrevet af Ishmael Beah, en forfatter fra Sierra Leone. Bogen er en førstehåndsberetning om Beahs tid som børnesoldat under borgerkrigen i Sierra Leone (1990'erne). Beah flygtede fra sin landsby som 12-årig, efter at den var blevet angrebet af oprørere, og han blev for altid adskilt fra sin nærmeste familie. Han vandrede rundt i det krigsramte land og blev tvunget til at slutte sig til en hærenhed, som hjernevaskede ham til at bruge våben og stoffer. Da han var 13 år gammel, havde han været vidne til og været vidne til en stor mængde vold. Som 16-årig fjernede UNICEF ham imidlertid fra enheden og sendte ham i et rehabiliteringsprogram. Her var han i stand til at finde sin onkel, som ville adoptere ham. Med hjælp fra nogle af medarbejderne var han i stand til at vende tilbage til et civilt liv og komme væk fra stoffer. Han fik derefter mulighed for at undervise andre om børnesoldater. Han rejste rundt i USA og fortalte sin historie.
{ "text": [ "Ishmael Beah" ], "answer_start": [ 72 ] }
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (2007) is a memoir written by Ishmael Beah, an author from Sierra Leone. The book is a firsthand account of Beah's time as a child soldier during the civil war in Sierra Leone (1990s). Beah ran away from his village at the age of 12 after it was attacked by rebels, and he became forever separated from his immediate family. He wandered the war-filled country and was forced to join an army unit who brainwashed him into using guns and drugs. By 13, he had perpetuated and witnessed a great deal of violence. At the age of 16, however, UNICEF removed him from the unit and put him into a rehabilitation program. There he was able to find his uncle that would adopt him. With the help of some of the staff he was able to return to a civilian life and get off drugs. He was then given an opportunity to teach others about child soldiers. He traveled the United States recounting his story.
A Long Way Gone
Hvem spillede harley quinn i the suicide squad?
{ "text": [ "Margot Robbie" ], "answer_start": [ 78 ] }
Selleck, Emily; Simonot, Suzanne (19. december 2016). "Suicide Squad-stjernen Margot Robbie og instruktøren Tom Ackerley gifter sig i hemmelig ceremoni i Byron Bay". Gold Coast Bulletin. Hentet 20. december 2016.
{ "text": [ "Margot Robbie" ], "answer_start": [ 73 ] }
Selleck, Emily; Simonot, Suzanne (19 December 2016). "Suicide Squad star Margot Robbie and director Tom Ackerley marry in secret ceremony in Byron Bay". Gold Coast Bulletin. Retrieved 20 December 2016.
Margot Robbie
Hvem spillede tj i head of the class?
{ "text": [ "Billy Connolly" ], "answer_start": [ 104 ] }
Head of the Class Charles P. "Charlie" Moore - Howard Hesseman (1986-1990; sæson 1-4) Billy MacGregor - Billy Connolly (1990-1991; sæson 5) Harold Samuels - William G. Schilling (1986-1991; sæson 1-5) Bernadette Meara - Jeannetta Arnette (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Maria Borges - Leslie Bega (1986-1989; sæson 1-3) Arvid Engen - Dan Frischman (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Darlene Merriman - Robin Givens (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Simone Foster - Khrystyne Haje (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Jawaharlal Choudhury - Jory Husain (alias Joher Coleman) (1986-1989; sæson 1-3) Alan Pinkard - Tony O'Dell (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Eric Mardian - Brian Robbins (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Sarah Nevins - Kimberly Russell (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Dennis Blunden - Dan Schneider (1986-1991, sæson 1-5) Janice Lazarotto - Tannis Vallely (1986-1989; sæson 1-3, gæst i sæson 5) Alex Torres - Michael DeLorenzo (1989-1991; sæson 4-5) Viki Amory - Lara Piper (1989-1991; sæson 4-5) Theola June "T.J." Jones - Rain Pryor (1988-1991; sæson 3-5) Jasper Kwong - Jonathan Ke Quan (1990-1991; sæson 5) Aristotle McKenzie - De'voreaux White (1989-1991; sæson 4-5)
{ "text": [ "Billy Connolly" ], "answer_start": [ 88 ] }
Head of the Class Charles P. "Charlie" Moore – Howard Hesseman (1986–1990; Seasons 1–4) Billy MacGregor – Billy Connolly (1990–1991; Season 5) Harold Samuels – William G. Schilling (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Bernadette Meara – Jeannetta Arnette (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Maria Borges – Leslie Bega (1986–1989; Seasons 1–3) Arvid Engen – Dan Frischman (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Darlene Merriman – Robin Givens (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Simone Foster – Khrystyne Haje (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Jawaharlal Choudhury – Jory Husain (aka Joher Coleman) (1986–1989; Seasons 1–3) Alan Pinkard – Tony O'Dell (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Eric Mardian – Brian Robbins (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Sarah Nevins – Kimberly Russell (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Dennis Blunden - Dan Schneider (1986–1991, Seasons 1–5) Janice Lazarotto – Tannis Vallely (1986–1989; Seasons 1–3, guest in Season 5) Alex Torres – Michael DeLorenzo (1989–1991; Seasons 4–5) Viki Amory – Lara Piper (1989–1991; Seasons 4–5) Theola June "T.J." Jones – Rain Pryor (1988–1991; Seasons 3–5) Jasper Kwong – Jonathan Ke Quan (1990–1991; Season 5) Aristotle McKenzie – De'voreaux White (1989–1991; Seasons 4–5)
Head of the Class
Tag mig til lufthavnen i charlotte north carolina?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Charlotte Douglas Internationale Lufthavn Luftfoto fra United States Geological Survey (USGS) i 2012 IATA: CLTICAO: KCLTFAA LID: CLTWMO: 72314SummaryAirport type PublicOwner City of CharlotteOperator Charlotte Aviation DepartmentServes Hovedstadsområdet CharlotteLokalitet 5501 Josh Birmingham ParkwayCharlotte, North Carolina, USAHub for American AirlinesElevation AMSL 748 ft / 228 mKoordinater 35°12′50′′′′N 080°56′35′′′′′W / 35.21389°N 80.94306°W / 35.21389; -80.94306Koordinater: 35°12′50′′′′N 080°56′35′′′′W / 35.21389°N 80.94306°W / 35.21389; -80.94306Websted www.charlotteairport.comMaps FAA lufthavnsdiagram CLTLokalitet i North Carolina/USACLTCLT (USA)Vis kort over North CarolinaVis kort over USAVis alleSå alleBaner Retning Længde Overflade ft m 18L/36R 8,677 2,645 Asfalt/beton 18C/36C 10,000 3,048 Beton 18R/36L 9,000 2,743 Beton 5/23 7,502 2,287 Asfalt/beton Statistik (2017) Passagerer 45.909.899Flyveoperationer 553,812 Kilde: Federal Aviation Administration, Charlotte Douglas International Airport
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Charlotte Douglas International Airport United States Geological Survey (USGS) aerial image in 2012 IATA: CLTICAO: KCLTFAA LID: CLTWMO: 72314SummaryAirport type PublicOwner City of CharlotteOperator Charlotte Aviation DepartmentServes Charlotte metropolitan areaLocation 5501 Josh Birmingham ParkwayCharlotte, North Carolina, U.S.Hub for American AirlinesElevation AMSL 748 ft / 228 mCoordinates 35°12′50′′N 080°56′35′′W / 35.21389°N 80.94306°W / 35.21389; -80.94306Coordinates: 35°12′50′′N 080°56′35′′W / 35.21389°N 80.94306°W / 35.21389; -80.94306Website www.charlotteairport.comMaps FAA airport diagram CLTLocation within North Carolina/United StatesCLTCLT (the US)Show map of North CarolinaShow map of the USShow allRunways Direction Length Surface ft m 18L/36R 8,677 2,645 Asphalt/Concrete 18C/36C 10,000 3,048 Concrete 18R/36L 9,000 2,743 Concrete 5/23 7,502 2,287 Asphalt/Concrete Statistics (2017) Passengers 45,909,899Aircraft operations 553,812 Source: Federal Aviation Administration, Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Hvem spiller peter quill i guardians of the galaxy?
{ "text": [ "Chris Pratt" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Chris Pratt Pratt genoptog sin rolle som Peter Quill / Star-Lord i Guardians of the Galaxy-fortsættelsen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, som udkom i maj 2017. Filmen fokuserer på Quills og hans teams søgen efter sin far. Pratt har også portrætteret karakteren i Avengers: Infinity War, som blev udgivet i april 2018.
{ "text": [ "Chris Pratt" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Chris Pratt Pratt reprised his role as Peter Quill / Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which was released in May 2017. The film focuses on Quill's and his team's search for his father. Pratt also portrayed the character in Avengers: Infinity War, which was released in April 2018.
Chris Pratt
Hvornår blev samsung galaxy s6 lanceret?
{ "text": [ "10. april 2015" ], "answer_start": [ 346 ] }
Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Samsung Galaxy S6 (til venstre), S6 Edge (i midten) og S6 Edge+ (til højre) Kodenavn Project Zero (zeroflte) Producent Samsung Electronics Slogan Næste er nu Serie Galaxy S-serien Model SM-G920x SM-G925x (Edge) SM-G928x (Edge+) Første gang udgivet S6 og S6 Edge: 10. april 2015; 2 år siden (2015-04-10) , S6 Edge+: 21. august 2015; 2 år siden (2015-08-21) Udgået 25 februar 2016; 22 måneder siden (2016-02-25) Forgænger Samsung Galaxy S5 Efterfølger Samsung Galaxy S7/S7 Edge Relateret Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Type Smartphone med berøringsskærm, phablet (S6 Edge+) Formfaktor Skifer Dimensioner S6: S6: 143,4 mm (5,65 tommer) H 70,5 mm (2,78 tommer) B 6,8 mm (0,27 tommer) D S6 Edge: 142 mm (5,6 tommer) H 70,1 mm (2,76 tommer) B 7 mm (0,28 tommer) D S6 Edge+: 154,4 mm (6,08 tommer) H 75,8 mm (2,98 tommer) B 6,9 mm (0,27 tommer) D Vægt S6: 138 g (4,9 oz) S6 Edge: 132 g (4,7 oz) S6 Edge+: 153 g (5,4 oz) Operativsystem S6 og S6 Edge: Android 5.0.2 "Lollipop" S6 Edge+: Android "Lollipop" Nuværende: Android 7.0 "Nougat" med Samsung Experience System på chip Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7420 CPU Octa-core 64-bit 14 nm 64-bit - Quad-core 2,1 GHz Cortex-A57 med fire kerner - Quad-core 1,5 GHz Cortex-A53 GPU Mali-T760 MP8 Hukommelse S6 og S6 Edge: 3 GB LPDDR4 S6 Edge+: 4 GB LPDDR4 Lagring 32, 64 eller 128 GB UFS 2.0 Batteri S6: 2.550 mAh, 3,85 V S6 Edge: 2.600 mAh S6 Edge+: 3.000 mAh Vis S6 og S6 Edge: 5,1" (130 mm) Quad HD Super AMOLED (16:9 formatforhold) 2560×1440 pixel opløsning, 577 ppi Gorilla Glass 4 S6 Edge+: 5,7" (145 mm) Quad HD Super AMOLED (16:9 formatforhold) 2560×1440 pixelopløsning, 518 ppi Gorilla Glass 4 Kamera bagpå 16 megapixel Sony Exmor RS IMX240/Samsung ISOCELL S5K2P2, f/1.9, 2160p@30 billeder pr. sekund (fps), 1080p@60fps, 720p@120fps, Auto HDR, optisk billedstabilisering, tracking autofokus, manuel fokus, LED-blitz Frontkamera Samsung ISOCELL S5K4E6 5 MP, 1440p@30fps, Auto HDR Forbindelse Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2,4 & 5 GHz), Bluetooth 4, 4G/LTE SAR 0,33 W/kg Hjemmeside S6: S6 Edge: S6 Edge+:
{ "text": [ "april 10, 2015" ], "answer_start": [ 336 ] }
Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Samsung Galaxy S6 (left), S6 Edge (center), and S6 Edge+ (right) Codename Project Zero (zeroflte) Manufacturer Samsung Electronics Slogan Next is Now Series Galaxy S series Model SM-G920x SM-G925x (Edge) SM-G928x (Edge+) First released S6 and S6 Edge: April 10, 2015; 2 years ago (2015-04-10) , S6 Edge+: August 21, 2015; 2 years ago (2015-08-21) Discontinued February 25, 2016; 22 months ago (2016-02-25) Predecessor Samsung Galaxy S5 Successor Samsung Galaxy S7/S7 Edge Related Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Type Touchscreen smartphone, phablet (S6 Edge+) Form factor Slate Dimensions S6: 143.4 mm (5.65 in) H 70.5 mm (2.78 in) W 6.8 mm (0.27 in) D S6 Edge: 142 mm (5.6 in) H 70.1 mm (2.76 in) W 7 mm (0.28 in) D S6 Edge+: 154.4 mm (6.08 in) H 75.8 mm (2.98 in) W 6.9 mm (0.27 in) D Weight S6: 138 g (4.9 oz) S6 Edge: 132 g (4.7 oz) S6 Edge+: 153 g (5.4 oz) Operating system S6 and S6 Edge: Android 5.0.2 "Lollipop" S6 Edge+: Android 5.1.1 "Lollipop" Current: Android 7.0 "Nougat" with Samsung Experience System on chip Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7420 CPU Octa-core 64-bit 14 nm • Quad-core 2.1 GHz Cortex-A57 • Quad-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 GPU Mali-T760 MP8 Memory S6 and S6 Edge: 3 GB LPDDR4 S6 Edge+: 4 GB LPDDR4 Storage 32, 64, or 128 GB UFS 2.0 Battery S6: 2,550 mAh, 3,85 V S6 Edge: 2,600 mAh S6 Edge+: 3,000 mAh Display S6 and S6 Edge: 5.1" (130 mm) Quad HD Super AMOLED (16:9 aspect ratio) 2560×1440 pixel resolution, 577 ppi Gorilla Glass 4 S6 Edge+: 5.7" (145 mm) Quad HD Super AMOLED (16:9 aspect ratio) 2560×1440 pixel resolution, 518 ppi Gorilla Glass 4 Rear camera 16 megapixel Sony Exmor RS IMX240/Samsung ISOCELL S5K2P2, f/1.9, 2160p@30 frames per second (fps), 1080p@60fps, 720p@120fps, Auto HDR, optical image stabilization, tracking autofocus, manual focus, LED flash Front camera Samsung ISOCELL S5K4E6 5 MP, 1440p@30fps, Auto HDR Connectivity Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4 & 5GHz), Bluetooth 4, 4G/LTE SAR 0.33 W/kg Website S6: S6 Edge: S6 Edge+:
Samsung Galaxy S6
Hvem synger nogen, som jeg plejede at vide?
{ "text": [ "Gotye" ], "answer_start": [ 94 ] }
"Somebody That I Used to Know" er en sang skrevet af den belgisk-australske singer-songwriter Gotye, med den newzealandske sangerinde Kimbra. Sangen blev udgivet i Australien og New Zealand af Eleven Music den 5. juli 2011 som den anden single fra Gotyes tredje studiealbum, Making Mirrors (2011). Den blev senere udgivet af Universal Music i december 2011 i Storbritannien i december 2011 og i januar 2012 i USA og Irland i januar 2012. "Somebody That I Used To Know" blev skrevet og indspillet af Gotye i hans forældres hus på Mornington Peninsula i Victoria og er lyrisk relateret til de erfaringer, han har haft med forhold.
{ "text": [ "Gotye" ], "answer_start": [ 89 ] }
"Somebody That I Used to Know" is a song written by Belgian-Australian singer-songwriter Gotye, featuring New Zealand singer Kimbra. The song was released in Australia and New Zealand by Eleven Music on 5 July 2011 as the second single from Gotye's third studio album, Making Mirrors (2011). It was later released by Universal Music in December 2011 in the United Kingdom, and in January 2012 in the United States and Ireland. "Somebody That I Used To Know" was written and recorded by Gotye at his parents' house on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria and is lyrically related to the experiences he has had with relationships.
Somebody That I Used to Know
Hvem sang sangen you are my everything?
{ "text": [ "The Temptations" ], "answer_start": [ 22 ] }
You're My Everything (The Temptations song) "You're My Everything" er en hitsingle fra 1967, som The Temptations indspillede for Gordy (Motown). Det er den første af tre singler (og fire sange), som Motown-sangskriveren Roger Penzabene skrev med til gruppen. Den blev nummer tre på den amerikanske R&B-liste og nummer seks på den amerikanske pop-liste. Det blev den tredje single fra gruppens album The Temptations with a Lot o' Soul fra 1967.
{ "text": [ "The Temptations" ], "answer_start": [ 56 ] }
You're My Everything (The Temptations song) "You're My Everything" is a 1967 hit single recorded by The Temptations for the Gordy (Motown) label. It is the first of three singles (and four songs) to be co-written for the group by Motown songwriter Roger Penzabene. It reached number three on the U.S. R&B chart and number six on the U.S. Pop chart. It would be the third single from the group's 1967 album The Temptations with a Lot o' Soul.
You're My Everything (The Temptations song)
Hvor langt er der her fra til oklahoma city?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Oklahoma er forbundet med landets jernbanenet via Amtraks Heartland Flyer, som er landets eneste regionale passagerjernbane. Den strækker sig i øjeblikket fra Oklahoma City til Fort Worth i Texas, men lovgiverne begyndte i begyndelsen af 2007 at søge om midler til at forbinde Heartland Flyer med Tulsa.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Oklahoma is connected to the nation's rail network via Amtrak's Heartland Flyer, its only regional passenger rail line. It currently stretches from Oklahoma City to Fort Worth, Texas, though lawmakers began seeking funding in early 2007 to connect the Heartland Flyer to Tulsa.
Hvem løb den første drømmemil?
{ "text": [ "Roger Bannister" ], "answer_start": [ 188 ] }
Four-minute mile Inden for atletik betyder en mile på fire minutter, at man løber en mile (1.760 yards eller 1.609,344 meter) på under fire minutter. Det blev første gang opnået i 1954 af Roger Bannister på 3:59,4 minutter. "Fire-minutters barrieren" er siden blevet brudt af mange mandlige atleter og er nu standarden for alle mandlige professionelle mellemdistanceløbere. I de sidste 50 år er mile-rekorden blevet sænket med næsten 17 sekunder og ligger i øjeblikket på 3:43,13. At løbe en mile på fire minutter svarer til en hastighed på 15 miles i timen (24,14 km/t, eller 2:29,13 pr. kilometer eller 14,91 sekunder pr. 100 meter).
{ "text": [ "Roger Bannister" ], "answer_start": [ 169 ] }
Four-minute mile In the sport of athletics, a four-minute mile means completing a mile run (1,760 yards, or 1,609.344 metres) in less than four minutes. It was first achieved in 1954 by Roger Bannister in 3:59.4. The "four-minute barrier" has since been broken by many male athletes, and is now the standard of all male professional middle distance runners. In the last 50 years the mile record has been lowered by almost 17 seconds, and currently stands at 3:43.13. Running a mile in four minutes translates to a speed of 15 miles per hour (24.14 km/h, or 2:29.13 per kilometre, or 14.91 seconds per 100 metres).
Four-minute mile
Hvem sang i've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle?
{ "text": [ "Gene Autry" ], "answer_start": [ 226 ] }
Jingle Jangle Jingle Den mest kommercielt succesfulde indspilning blev foretaget af Kay Kyser, hvis version nåede nr. 1 på Billboard-listen i juli 1942. Der blev indspillet versioner af mange andre musikere, bl.a. Tex Ritter, Gene Autry, Glenn Miller og The Merry Macs.
{ "text": [ "Gene Autry" ], "answer_start": [ 197 ] }
Jingle Jangle Jingle The most commercially successful recording was by Kay Kyser, whose version reached no. 1 in the Billboard charts in July 1942. Versions were recorded by many other musicians, including Tex Ritter, Gene Autry, Glenn Miller and The Merry Macs.
Jingle Jangle Jingle
Hvad var det første slag i vietnamkrigen?
{ "text": [ "Slaget ved Ia Drang" ], "answer_start": [ 19 ] }
Battle of Ia Drang Slaget ved Ia Drang var det første større slag mellem den amerikanske hær og den nordvietnamesiske hær-NVA (People's Army of Vietnam-PAVN), som var en del af Pleiku-kampagnen, der fandt sted tidligt i Vietnamkrigen. Det bestod af to hovedkampe. Den første involverede 1. bataljon, 7. kavaleriregiment og støtteenheder og fandt sted den 14.-16. november 1965 ved LZ X-Ray, der ligger ved den østlige fod af Chu Pong-massivet i det centrale højland i Vietnam. Den anden kamp involverede 2. bataljon, 7. kavaleriregiment samt støtteenheder og fandt sted den 17. november ved LZ Albany, længere mod nord i Ia Drang-dalen. Det er bemærkelsesværdigt, fordi det var det første store helikopterluftangreb i stor skala og også den første brug af B-52 strategiske bombefly i en taktisk støttefunktion.
{ "text": [ "Battle of Ia Drang" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The Battle of Ia Drang was the first major battle between the United States Army and the North Vietnamese Army-NVA (People's Army of Vietnam-PAVN), part of the Pleiku Campaign conducted early in the Vietnam War. It comprised two main engagements. The first involved the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment and supporting units, and took place November 14–16, 1965 at LZ X-Ray, located at the eastern foot of the Chu Pong massif in the central highlands of Vietnam. The second engagement involved the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment plus supporting units, and took place on November 17 at LZ Albany, farther north in the Ia Drang Valley. It is notable for being the first large scale helicopter air assault and also the first use of B-52 strategic bombers in a tactical support role.
Battle of Ia Drang
Hvem er den nuværende surgeon general i usa?
{ "text": [ "Jerome Adams" ], "answer_start": [ 50 ] }
Surgeon General of the United States Den siddende Jerome Adams siden 5. september 2017
{ "text": [ "Jerome Adams" ], "answer_start": [ 10 ] }
Surgeon General of the United States Incumbent Jerome Adams since September 5, 2017
Surgeon General of the United States
Hvem spillede rachel i den originale blade runner?
{ "text": [ "Sean Young" ], "answer_start": [ 56 ] }
List of Blade Runner characters Rachael blev spillet af Sean Young i Blade Runner. I Blade Runner 2049 blev Rachael spillet af skuespillerinden Loren Peta med Sean Youngs ansigtstræk de-aged og overlejret via CGI. I Blade Runner 2049 er en replikant designet af Niander Wallace til at være fysisk næsten identisk med den rigtige Rachael i et forsøg på at overbevise Deckard om at afsløre placeringen af "replikantmodstanden"; Deckard afviser Wallaces tilbud og påpeger, at den rigtige Rachael havde grønne øjne. Wallace får derefter et dobbeltskud.
{ "text": [ "Sean Young" ], "answer_start": [ 22 ] }
List of Blade Runner characters Rachael was played by Sean Young in Blade Runner. In Blade Runner 2049, Rachael was portrayed by actress Loren Peta with Sean Young's facial features de-aged and overlaid via CGI. In Blade Runner 2049, a replicant designed by Niander Wallace to be physically near-identical to the real Rachael in an attempt to convince Deckard to reveal the location of the "replicant resistance"; Deckard rejects Wallace's offer, pointing out that the real Rachael had green eyes. Wallace then has the double shot.
List of Blade Runner characters
Hvor ligger den længste bro i usa?
{ "text": [ "Lake Pontchartrain" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, undertiden bare Causeway, er en fast forbindelse bestående af to parallelle broer over Lake Pontchartrain i det sydlige Louisiana, USA. Den længste af de to broer er 38,35 km (23,83 miles) lang. Den sydlige ende af Causeway ligger i Metairie, Louisiana, en forstad til New Orleans. Den nordlige endepunkt ligger i Mandeville, Louisiana.
{ "text": [ "Lake Pontchartrain" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, sometimes only the Causeway, is a fixed link composed of two parallel bridges crossing Lake Pontchartrain in southern Louisiana, United States. The longer of the two bridges is 23.83 miles (38.35 km) long. The southern terminus of the Causeway is in Metairie, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans. The northern terminus is at Mandeville, Louisiana.
Lake Pontchartrain Causeway
Hvem fandt på ideen til fars dag?
{ "text": [ "Sonora Smart Dodd" ], "answer_start": [ 149 ] }
Father's Day Butler, Joey. "Fars dag har metodistiske bånd". Den Forenede Metodistkirke. Hentet 15. juni 2014. I 1909 i Spokane, Washington, lyttede Sonora Smart Dodd til en mors dagsprædiken i Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Dodds egen mor var død 11 år tidligere, og hendes far havde opdraget deres seks børn alene. Dodd følte sig bevæget til også at ære sin far og fædre overalt med en særlig dag. Hun forelagde sin idé for de lokale religiøse ledere, og den vandt bred tilslutning. Den 19. juni 1910 blev udpeget som den første fars dag, og der blev holdt prædikener til ære for fædrene i hele byen.
{ "text": [ "Sonora Smart Dodd" ], "answer_start": [ 130 ] }
Butler, Joey. "Father's Day has Methodist ties". The United Methodist Church. Retrieved June 15, 2014. In 1909 in Spokane, Wash., Sonora Smart Dodd listened to a Mother's Day sermon at Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Dodd's own mother had died 11 years earlier, and her father had raised their six children alone. Dodd felt moved to honor her father, and fathers everywhere, with a special day, as well. She proposed her idea to local religious leaders, and it gained wide acceptance. June 19, 1910, was designated as the first Father's Day, and sermons honoring fathers were preached throughout the city.
Father's Day
Billeder af samantha fra sex and the city?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Samantha Jones (Sex and the City) Samantha Jones Kim Cattrall som Samantha Jones Første optræden Sex and the City: "Pilot" (episode 1.01) The Carrie Diaries: "Win Some, Lose Some" (episode 2.01) Sidste optræden Original serie: Original serie: Sex and the City 2 Skabt af Candace Bushnell Skildret af Kim Cattrall (voksen; original serie) Lindsey Gort (ung voksen; prequel-serie) Information Kælenavn(e) Sam, Jonesy, Sammy Joe Køn Kvinde Beskæftigelse Public relations Familie Forældre uden navn To søskende Nationalitet Amerikansk
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Samantha Jones (Sex and the City) Samantha Jones Kim Cattrall as Samantha Jones First appearance Sex and the City: "Pilot" (episode 1.01) The Carrie Diaries: "Win Some, Lose Some" (episode 2.01) Last appearance Original series: Sex and the City 2 Created by Candace Bushnell Portrayed by Kim Cattrall (adult; original series) Lindsey Gort (young adult; prequel series) Information Nickname(s) Sam, Jonesy, Sammy Joe Gender Female Occupation Public relations Family Unnamed parents Two siblings Nationality American
Samantha Jones (Sex and the City)
Hvem er træner for toronto raptors?
{ "text": [ "Nick Nurse" ], "answer_start": [ 238 ] }
showvteToronto Raptors cheftrænere Brendan Malone (1995-1996) Darrell Walker (1996-1998) Butch Carter (1998-2000) Lenny Wilkens (2000-2003) Kevin O'Neill (2003-2004) Sam Mitchell (2004-2008) Jay Triano (2008-2011) Dwane Casey (2011-2018) Nick Nurse (2018- )
{ "text": [ "Nick Nurse" ], "answer_start": [ 239 ] }
showvteToronto Raptors head coaches Brendan Malone (1995–1996) Darrell Walker (1996–1998) Butch Carter (1998–2000) Lenny Wilkens (2000–2003) Kevin O'Neill (2003–2004) Sam Mitchell (2004–2008) Jay Triano (2008–2011) Dwane Casey (2011–2018) Nick Nurse (2018– )
Dwane Casey
Hvem skrev sangen you were always on my mind?
{ "text": [ "Johnny Christopher" ], "answer_start": [ 52 ] }
"Always on My Mind" er en amerikansk countrysang af Johnny Christopher, Mark James og Wayne Carson, som først blev indspillet af Gwen McCrae (som "You Were Always On My Mind") og Brenda Lee i 1972.
{ "text": [ "Johnny Christopher" ], "answer_start": [ 57 ] }
"Always on My Mind" is an American country music song by Johnny Christopher, Mark James and Wayne Carson, recorded first by Gwen McCrae (as "You Were Always On My Mind") and Brenda Lee in 1972.
Always on My Mind
Hvem synger take a look at me now?
{ "text": [ "Phil Collins" ], "answer_start": [ 230 ] }
"Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" Single af Mariah Carey fra albummet Rainbow Udgivet 3. oktober 2000 (2000-10-03) Format CD Optaget 1999 Genre Pop R&B Længde 3:25 Mærke Columbia Sangskriver(e) Phil Collins Producent(er) Mariah Carey James Harris III Terry Lewis Mariah Carey singler kronologi "Crybaby" / "Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)" (2000) "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" (2000) "Against All Odds" (2000) "Crybaby"/"Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)" (2000) "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" (2000) "Against All Odds" (2000)
{ "text": [ "Phil Collins" ], "answer_start": [ 232 ] }
"Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" Single by Mariah Carey from the album Rainbow Released 3 October 2000 (2000-10-03) Format CD Recorded 1999 Genre Pop R&B Length 3:25 Label Columbia Songwriter(s) Phil Collins Producer(s) Mariah Carey James Harris III Terry Lewis Mariah Carey singles chronology "Crybaby" / "Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)" (2000) "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" (2000) "Against All Odds" (2000) "Crybaby"/"Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)" (2000) "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" (2000) "Against All Odds" (2000)
Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
Hvem synger back in the high life again?
{ "text": [ "Steve Winwood" ], "answer_start": [ 38 ] }
Back in the High Life Again Single af Steve Winwood
{ "text": [ "Steve Winwood" ], "answer_start": [ 10 ] }
Back in the High Life Again Single by Steve Winwood
Back in the High Life Again
Hvem synger going to the chapel and we're gonna get married?
{ "text": [ "The Dixie Cups" ], "answer_start": [ 103 ] }
"Chapel of Love" er en sang skrevet af Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich og Phil Spector, som blev berømt af The Dixie Cups i 1964, og som lå nummer et på Billboard Hot 100 i tre uger. Sangen fortæller om den lykke og spænding, som fortælleren føler på sin bryllupsdag, for hun og hendes elskede skal til "chapel of love", og "we'll never be lonely anymore". Mange andre kunstnere har indspillet sangen.
{ "text": [ "The Dixie Cups" ], "answer_start": [ 103 ] }
"Chapel of Love" is a song written by Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich and Phil Spector, and made famous by The Dixie Cups in 1964, spending three weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The song tells of the happiness and excitement the narrator feels on her wedding day, for she and her love are going to the "chapel of love", and "we'll never be lonely anymore." Many other artists have recorded the song.
Chapel of Love
Hvor kommer frihedsgudinden fra?
{ "text": [ "Liberty Island" ], "answer_start": [ 145 ] }
Statue of Liberty Frihedsgudinden (Liberty Enlightening the World; fransk: La Liberté éclairant le monde) er en kolossal neoklassisk skulptur på Liberty Island i New York Harbor i New York City i USA. Kobberstatuen, der er en gave fra det franske folk til det amerikanske folk, blev designet af den franske billedhugger Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi og bygget af Gustave Eiffel. Statuen blev indviet den 28. oktober 1886.
{ "text": [ "Liberty Island" ], "answer_start": [ 134 ] }
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World; French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, in the United States. The copper statue, a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886.
Statue of Liberty
Hvem synger come together right now over me?
{ "text": [ "The Beatles" ], "answer_start": [ 30 ] }
"Come Together" er en sang af The Beatles, der primært er skrevet af John Lennon og krediteret Lennon-McCartney. Sangen er åbningsnummeret på albummet Abbey Road og blev også udgivet som single sammen med "Something". Sangen nåede toppen af hitlisterne i USA og toppede som nr. 4 i Det Forenede Kongerige.
{ "text": [ "The Beatles" ], "answer_start": [ 29 ] }
"Come Together" is a song by the Beatles written primarily by John Lennon and credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song is the opening track on the album Abbey Road and was also released as a single coupled with "Something". The song reached the top of the charts in the United States and peaked at No. 4 in the United Kingdom.
Come Together
Hvem har den bedste rekord i the major league?
{ "text": [ "New York Yankees" ], "answer_start": [ 1671 ] }
List of Major League Baseball annual ERA leaders År Leder ERA Hold Nummer to ERA Ref 1901 Young, CyCy Young† 1.62 Boston Americans Callahan, NixeyNixey Callahan 2.42 1902 Siever, EdEd Siever 1.91 Detroit Tigers Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 2.05 1903 Moore, EarlEarl Moore 1.74 Cleveland Naps Young, CyCy Young† 2.08 1904 Joss, AddieAddie Joss† 1.59 Cleveland Naps Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 1.62 1905 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 1.48 Philadelphia Athletics White, DocDoc White 1.76 1906 White, DocDoc White 1.52 Chicago White Sox Pelty, BarneyBarney Pelty 1.59 1907 Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.60 Chicago White Sox Killian, EdEd Killian 1.78 1908 Joss, AddieAddie Joss† 1.16 Cleveland Naps Young, CyCy Young† 1.26 1909 Krause, HarryHarry Krause 1.39 Philadelphia Athletics Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.41 1910 Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.27 Chicago White Sox Coombs, JackJack Coombs 1.30 1911 Gregg, VeanVean Gregg 1.80 Cleveland Naps Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.90 1912 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.39 Washington Senatorer Wood, JoeJoe Wood 1.91 1913 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.14 Washington Senators Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.58 1914 Dutch LeonardDutch Leonard 0.96 Boston Red Sox Foster, RubeRube Foster 1.70 1915 Wood, JoeJoe Wood 1.49 Boston Red Sox Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.55 1916 Ruth, BabeBabe Ruth† 1.75 Boston Red Sox Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.78 1917 Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.53 Chicago White Sox Mays, CarlCarl Mays 1.74 1918 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.27 Washington Senators Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski†† 1.82 1919 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.49 Washington Senators Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.82 1920 Shawkey, BobBob Shawkey 2.45 New York Yankees Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.49 1921 Faber, RedRed Faber† 2.48 Chicago White Sox Mogridge, GeorgeGeorge Mogridge 3.00 1922 Faber, RedRed Faber† 2.81 Chicago White Sox Pillette, HermanHerman Pillette 2.85 1923 Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.76 Washington Senators Hoyt, WaiteWaite Hoyt† 3.02 1924 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 2.72 Washington Senatorer Zachary, TomTom Zachary 2.75 1925 Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.84 Washington Senators Pennock, HerbHerb Pennock† 2.96 1926 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.51 Philadelphia Athletics Uhle, GeorgeGeorge Uhle 2.83 1927 Moore, WilcyWilcy Moore 2.28 New York Yankees Hoyt, WaiteWaite Hoyt† 2.63 1928 Braxton, GarlandGarland Braxton 2.51 Washington Senators Pennock, HerbHerb Pennock† 2.56 1929 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.81 Philadelphia Athletics Marberry, FirpoFirpo Marberry 3.06 1930 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.54 Philadelphia Athletics Ferrell, WesWes Ferrell 3.31 1931 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.06 Philadelphia Athletics Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.67 1932 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.84 Philadelphia Athletics Ruffing, RedRed Ruffing† 3.09 1933 Harder, MelMel Harder 2.95 Cleveland Indians Bridges, TommyTommy Bridges 3.09 1934 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.33 New York Yankees Harder, MelMel Harder 2.61 1935 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.70 Boston Red Sox Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 3.02 1936 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.81 Boston Red Sox Allen, JohnnyJohnny Allen 3.44 1937 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.33 New York Yankees Stratton, MontyMonty Stratton 2.40 1938 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 3.08 Boston Red Sox Ruffing, RedRed Ruffing† 3.31 1939 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.54 Boston Red Sox Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 2.76 1940 Feller, BobBob Feller† 2.61 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 2.83 1941 Lee, ThorntonThornton Lee 2.37 Chicago White Sox Benton, AlAl Benton 2.97 1942 Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 2.10 Chicago White Sox Bonham, TinyTiny Bonham 2.27 1943 Chandler, SpudSpud Chandler 1.64 New York Yankees Bonham, TinyTiny Bonham 2.27 1944 Trout, DizzyDizzy Trout 2.12 Detroit Tigers Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser†† 2.22 1945 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser†† 1.81 Detroit Tigers Benton, AlAl Benton 2.02 1946 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser†† 1.94 Detroit Tigers Chandler, SpudSpud Chandler 2.10 1947 Haynes, JoeJoe Haynes 2.42 Chicago White Sox Feller, BobBob Feller† 2.68 1948 Bearden, GeneGene BeardenGene Bearden 2.43 Cleveland Indians Scarborough, RayRay Scarborough 2.82[a] 1949 Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.36 Cleveland Indians Parnell, MelMel Parnell 2.77 1950 Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn† 3.20 Cleveland Indians Garver, NedNed Garver 3.39 1951 Rogovin, SaulSaul Rogovin 2.78 Chicago White Sox Detroit Tigers Lopat, EdEd Lopat 2.91 1952 Reynolds, AllieAllie Reynolds 2.06 New York Yankees Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.37 1953 Lopat, EdEd Lopat 2.42 New York Yankees Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 2.72 1954 Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.64 Cleveland Indians Consuegra, SandySandy Consuegra 2.69 1955 Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 1.97 Chicago White Sox Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.63 1956 Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.47 New York Yankees Score, HerbHerb Score 2.53 1957 Shantz, BobbyBobby Shantz 2.45 New York Yankees Sturdivant, TomTom Sturdivant 2.54 1958 Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.01 New York Yankees Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 2.68 1959 Wilhelm, HoytHoyt Wilhelm†† 2.19 Baltimore Orioles Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 2.64 1960 Baumann, FrankFrank Baumann 2.67 Chicago White Sox Bunning, JimJim Bunning† 2.79 1961 Donovan, DickDick Donovan 2.40 Washington Senators Stafford, BillBill Stafford 2.68 1962 Aguirre, HankHank Aguirre 2.21 Detroit Tigers Roberts, RobinRobin Roberts† 2.78 1963 Peters, GaryGary Peters 2.33 Chicago White Sox Pizarro, JuanJuan Pizarro 2.39 1964 Chance, DeanDean Chance 1.65 Los Angeles Angels Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 1.88 1965 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 2.18 Cleveland Indians Fisher, EddieEddie Fisher 2.40 1966 Peters, GaryGary Peters 1.98 Chicago White Sox Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 2.43 1967 Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 2.06 Chicago White Sox Peters, GaryGary Peters 2.28 1968 Tiant, LuisLuis Tiant 1.60 Cleveland Indians McDowell, SamSam McDowell 1.81 1969 Bosman, DickDick Bosman 2.19 Washington Senators Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.34 1970 Segui, DiegoDiego Seguí 2.56 Oakland Athletics Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.71 1971 Blue, VidaVida Blue 1.82 Oakland Athletics Wood, WilburWilbur Wood 1.91 1972 Tiant, LuisLuis Tiant 1.91 Boston Red Sox Perry, GaylordGaylord Perry† 1.92 1973 Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.40 Baltimore Orioles Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven† 2.52 1974 Hunter, CatfishCatfish Hunter† 2.49 Oakland Athletics Perry, GaylordGaylord Perry† 2.51 1975 Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.09 Baltimore Orioles Hunter, CatfishCatfish Hunter† 2.58 1976 Fidrych, MarkMark Fidrych 2.34 Detroit Tigers Blue, VidaVida Blue 2.35 1977 Tanana, FrankFrank Tanana 2.54 California Angels Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven† 2.72 1978 Guidry, RonRon Guidry 1.74 New York Yankees Matlack, JonJon Matlack 2.27 1979 Guidry, RonRon Guidry 2.78 New York Yankees John, TommyTommy John 2.96 1980 May, RudyRudy May 2.46 New York Yankees Norris, MikeMike Norris 2.53 1981 Stewart, SammySammy Stewart 2.32 [d] Baltimore Orioles McCatty, SteveSteve McCatty 2.33 1982 Sutcliffe, RickRick Sutcliffe 2.96 Cleveland Indians Stanley, BobBob Stanley 3.10 1983 Honeycutt, RickRick Honeycutt 2.42 Texas Rangers Boddicker, MikeMike Boddicker 2.77 1984 Boddicker, MikeMike Boddicker 2.79 Baltimore Orioles Stieb, DaveDave Stieb 2.83 1985 Stieb, DaveDave Stieb 2.48 Toronto Blue Jays Leibrandt, CharlieCharlie Leibrandt 2.69 1986 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.48 Boston Red Sox Higuera, TeddyTeddy Higuera 2.79 1987 Key, JimmyJimmy Key 2.76 Toronto Blue Jays Viola, FrankFrank Viola 2.90 1988 Anderson, AllanAllan Anderson 2.45[b] Minnesota Twins Higuera, TeddyTeddy Higuera 2.45[c] 1989 Saberhagen, BretBret Saberhagen 2.16 Kansas City Royals Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 2.57 1990 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 1.93 Boston Red Sox Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 2.40 1991 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.62 Boston Red Sox Candiotti, TomTom Candiotti 2.65 1992 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.41 Boston Red Sox Appier, KevinKevin Appier 2.46 1993 Appier, KevinKevin Appier 2.56 Kansas City Royals Álvarez, WilsonWilson Álvarez 2.95 1994 Ontiveros, SteveSteve Ontiveros 2.65 Oakland Athletics Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.85 1995 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson† 2.48 Seattle Mariners Wakefield, TimTim Wakefield 2.95 1996 Guzman, JuanJuan Guzmán 2.93 Toronto Blue Jays Hentgen, PatPat Hentgen 3.22 1997 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.05 Toronto Blue Jays Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson† 2.28 1998 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.65 Toronto Blue Jays Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.89 1999 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.07 Boston Red Sox Cone, DavidDavid Cone 3.44 2000 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 1.74 Boston Red Sox Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 3.70 2001 Garcia, FreddyFreddy García 3.05 Seattle Mariners Mussina, MikeMike Mussina 3.15 2002 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.26 Boston Red Sox Lowe, DerekDerek Lowe 2.58 2003 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.22 Boston Red Sox Hudson, TimTim Hudson 2.70 2004 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.61 Minnesota Twins Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 3.26 2005 Millwood, KevinKevin Millwood 2.86 Cleveland Indians Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.87 2006 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.77 Minnesota Twins Halladay, RoyRoy Halladay 3.19 2007 Lackey, JohnJohn Lackey 3.01 Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Carmona, FaustoFausto Carmona 3.06 2008 Lee, CliffCliff Lee 2.54 Cleveland Indians Halladay, RoyRoy Halladay 2.78 2009 Greinke, ZackZack Greinke 2.16 Kansas City Royals Hernandez, FelixFélix Hernández 2.49 2010 Hernandez, FelixFélix Hernández 2.27 Seattle Mariners Buchholz, ClayClay Buchholz 2.33 2011 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 2.40 Detroit Tigers Weaver, JeredJered Weaver 2.41 2012 Price, DavidDavid Price 2.56 Tampa Bay Rays Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 2.64 2013 Sánchez, AníbalAníbal Sánchez 2.57 Detroit Tigers Colón, BartoloBartolo Colón 2.65 2014 Hernandez, FelixFelix Hernandez 2.14 Seattle Mariners Sale, ChrisChris Sale 2.17 2015 Price, DavidDavid Price 2.45 Detroit Tigers Toronto Blue Jays Keuchel, DallasDallas Keuchel 2.48 2016 Sanchez, AaronAaron Sanchez 3.00 Toronto Blue Jays Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 3.04 2017 Kluber, CoreyCorey Kluber 2.25 Cleveland Indians Sale, ChrisChris Sale 2.90
{ "text": [ "New York Yankees" ], "answer_start": [ 1682 ] }
List of Major League Baseball annual ERA leaders Year Leader ERA Team Runner-up ERA Ref 1901 Young, CyCy Young† 1.62 Boston Americans Callahan, NixeyNixey Callahan 2.42 1902 Siever, EdEd Siever 1.91 Detroit Tigers Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 2.05 1903 Moore, EarlEarl Moore 1.74 Cleveland Naps Young, CyCy Young† 2.08 1904 Joss, AddieAddie Joss† 1.59 Cleveland Naps Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 1.62 1905 Waddell, RubeRube Waddell† 1.48 Philadelphia Athletics White, DocDoc White 1.76 1906 White, DocDoc White 1.52 Chicago White Sox Pelty, BarneyBarney Pelty 1.59 1907 Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.60 Chicago White Sox Killian, EdEd Killian 1.78 1908 Joss, AddieAddie Joss† 1.16 Cleveland Naps Young, CyCy Young† 1.26 1909 Krause, HarryHarry Krause 1.39 Philadelphia Athletics Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.41 1910 Walsh, EdEd Walsh† 1.27 Chicago White Sox Coombs, JackJack Coombs 1.30 1911 Gregg, VeanVean Gregg 1.80 Cleveland Naps Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.90 1912 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.39 Washington Senators Wood, JoeJoe Wood 1.91 1913 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.14 Washington Senators Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.58 1914 Dutch LeonardDutch Leonard 0.96 Boston Red Sox Foster, RubeRube Foster 1.70 1915 Wood, JoeJoe Wood 1.49 Boston Red Sox Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.55 1916 Ruth, BabeBabe Ruth† 1.75 Boston Red Sox Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.78 1917 Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.53 Chicago White Sox Mays, CarlCarl Mays 1.74 1918 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.27 Washington Senators Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 1.82 1919 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 1.49 Washington Senators Cicotte, EddieEddie Cicotte 1.82 1920 Shawkey, BobBob Shawkey 2.45 New York Yankees Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.49 1921 Faber, RedRed Faber† 2.48 Chicago White Sox Mogridge, GeorgeGeorge Mogridge 3.00 1922 Faber, RedRed Faber† 2.81 Chicago White Sox Pillette, HermanHerman Pillette 2.85 1923 Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.76 Washington Senators Hoyt, WaiteWaite Hoyt† 3.02 1924 Johnson, WalterWalter Johnson† 2.72 Washington Senators Zachary, TomTom Zachary 2.75 1925 Coveleski, StanStan Coveleski† 2.84 Washington Senators Pennock, HerbHerb Pennock† 2.96 1926 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.51 Philadelphia Athletics Uhle, GeorgeGeorge Uhle 2.83 1927 Moore, WilcyWilcy Moore 2.28 New York Yankees Hoyt, WaiteWaite Hoyt† 2.63 1928 Braxton, GarlandGarland Braxton 2.51 Washington Senators Pennock, HerbHerb Pennock† 2.56 1929 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.81 Philadelphia Athletics Marberry, FirpoFirpo Marberry 3.06 1930 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.54 Philadelphia Athletics Ferrell, WesWes Ferrell 3.31 1931 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.06 Philadelphia Athletics Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.67 1932 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.84 Philadelphia Athletics Ruffing, RedRed Ruffing† 3.09 1933 Harder, MelMel Harder 2.95 Cleveland Indians Bridges, TommyTommy Bridges 3.09 1934 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.33 New York Yankees Harder, MelMel Harder 2.61 1935 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.70 Boston Red Sox Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 3.02 1936 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.81 Boston Red Sox Allen, JohnnyJohnny Allen 3.44 1937 Gomez, LeftyLefty Gomez† 2.33 New York Yankees Stratton, MontyMonty Stratton 2.40 1938 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 3.08 Boston Red Sox Ruffing, RedRed Ruffing† 3.31 1939 Grove, LeftyLefty Grove† 2.54 Boston Red Sox Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 2.76 1940 Feller, BobBob Feller† 2.61 Cleveland Indians Newsom, BoboBobo Newsom 2.83 1941 Lee, ThorntonThornton Lee 2.37 Chicago White Sox Benton, AlAl Benton 2.97 1942 Lyons, TedTed Lyons† 2.10 Chicago White Sox Bonham, TinyTiny Bonham 2.27 1943 Chandler, SpudSpud Chandler 1.64 New York Yankees Bonham, TinyTiny Bonham 2.27 1944 Trout, DizzyDizzy Trout 2.12 Detroit Tigers Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser† 2.22 1945 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser† 1.81 Detroit Tigers Benton, AlAl Benton 2.02 1946 Newhouser, HalHal Newhouser† 1.94 Detroit Tigers Chandler, SpudSpud Chandler 2.10 1947 Haynes, JoeJoe Haynes 2.42 Chicago White Sox Feller, BobBob Feller† 2.68 1948 Bearden, GeneGene Bearden 2.43 Cleveland Indians Scarborough, RayRay Scarborough 2.82[a] 1949 Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.36 Cleveland Indians Parnell, MelMel Parnell 2.77 1950 Wynn, EarlyEarly Wynn† 3.20 Cleveland Indians Garver, NedNed Garver 3.39 1951 Rogovin, SaulSaul Rogovin 2.78 Chicago White Sox Detroit Tigers Lopat, EdEd Lopat 2.91 1952 Reynolds, AllieAllie Reynolds 2.06 New York Yankees Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.37 1953 Lopat, EdEd Lopat 2.42 New York Yankees Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 2.72 1954 Garcia, MikeMike Garcia 2.64 Cleveland Indians Consuegra, SandySandy Consuegra 2.69 1955 Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 1.97 Chicago White Sox Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.63 1956 Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.47 New York Yankees Score, HerbHerb Score 2.53 1957 Shantz, BobbyBobby Shantz 2.45 New York Yankees Sturdivant, TomTom Sturdivant 2.54 1958 Ford, WhiteyWhitey Ford† 2.01 New York Yankees Pierce, BillyBilly Pierce 2.68 1959 Wilhelm, HoytHoyt Wilhelm† 2.19 Baltimore Orioles Pascual, CamiloCamilo Pascual 2.64 1960 Baumann, FrankFrank Baumann 2.67 Chicago White Sox Bunning, JimJim Bunning† 2.79 1961 Donovan, DickDick Donovan 2.40 Washington Senators Stafford, BillBill Stafford 2.68 1962 Aguirre, HankHank Aguirre 2.21 Detroit Tigers Roberts, RobinRobin Roberts† 2.78 1963 Peters, GaryGary Peters 2.33 Chicago White Sox Pizarro, JuanJuan Pizarro 2.39 1964 Chance, DeanDean Chance 1.65 Los Angeles Angels Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 1.88 1965 McDowell, SamSam McDowell 2.18 Cleveland Indians Fisher, EddieEddie Fisher 2.40 1966 Peters, GaryGary Peters 1.98 Chicago White Sox Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 2.43 1967 Horlen, JoeJoe Horlen 2.06 Chicago White Sox Peters, GaryGary Peters 2.28 1968 Tiant, LuisLuis Tiant 1.60 Cleveland Indians McDowell, SamSam McDowell 1.81 1969 Bosman, DickDick Bosman 2.19 Washington Senators Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.34 1970 Segui, DiegoDiego Seguí 2.56 Oakland Athletics Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.71 1971 Blue, VidaVida Blue 1.82 Oakland Athletics Wood, WilburWilbur Wood 1.91 1972 Tiant, LuisLuis Tiant 1.91 Boston Red Sox Perry, GaylordGaylord Perry† 1.92 1973 Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.40 Baltimore Orioles Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven† 2.52 1974 Hunter, CatfishCatfish Hunter† 2.49 Oakland Athletics Perry, GaylordGaylord Perry† 2.51 1975 Palmer, JimJim Palmer† 2.09 Baltimore Orioles Hunter, CatfishCatfish Hunter† 2.58 1976 Fidrych, MarkMark Fidrych 2.34 Detroit Tigers Blue, VidaVida Blue 2.35 1977 Tanana, FrankFrank Tanana 2.54 California Angels Blyleven, BertBert Blyleven† 2.72 1978 Guidry, RonRon Guidry 1.74 New York Yankees Matlack, JonJon Matlack 2.27 1979 Guidry, RonRon Guidry 2.78 New York Yankees John, TommyTommy John 2.96 1980 May, RudyRudy May 2.46 New York Yankees Norris, MikeMike Norris 2.53 1981 Stewart, SammySammy Stewart 2.32 [d] Baltimore Orioles McCatty, SteveSteve McCatty 2.33 1982 Sutcliffe, RickRick Sutcliffe 2.96 Cleveland Indians Stanley, BobBob Stanley 3.10 1983 Honeycutt, RickRick Honeycutt 2.42 Texas Rangers Boddicker, MikeMike Boddicker 2.77 1984 Boddicker, MikeMike Boddicker 2.79 Baltimore Orioles Stieb, DaveDave Stieb 2.83 1985 Stieb, DaveDave Stieb 2.48 Toronto Blue Jays Leibrandt, CharlieCharlie Leibrandt 2.69 1986 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.48 Boston Red Sox Higuera, TeddyTeddy Higuera 2.79 1987 Key, JimmyJimmy Key 2.76 Toronto Blue Jays Viola, FrankFrank Viola 2.90 1988 Anderson, AllanAllan Anderson 2.45[b] Minnesota Twins Higuera, TeddyTeddy Higuera 2.45[c] 1989 Saberhagen, BretBret Saberhagen 2.16 Kansas City Royals Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 2.57 1990 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 1.93 Boston Red Sox Finley, ChuckChuck Finley 2.40 1991 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.62 Boston Red Sox Candiotti, TomTom Candiotti 2.65 1992 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.41 Boston Red Sox Appier, KevinKevin Appier 2.46 1993 Appier, KevinKevin Appier 2.56 Kansas City Royals Álvarez, WilsonWilson Álvarez 2.95 1994 Ontiveros, SteveSteve Ontiveros 2.65 Oakland Athletics Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.85 1995 Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson† 2.48 Seattle Mariners Wakefield, TimTim Wakefield 2.95 1996 Guzman, JuanJuan Guzmán 2.93 Toronto Blue Jays Hentgen, PatPat Hentgen 3.22 1997 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.05 Toronto Blue Jays Johnson, RandyRandy Johnson† 2.28 1998 Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 2.65 Toronto Blue Jays Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.89 1999 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.07 Boston Red Sox Cone, DavidDavid Cone 3.44 2000 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 1.74 Boston Red Sox Clemens, RogerRoger Clemens 3.70 2001 Garcia, FreddyFreddy García 3.05 Seattle Mariners Mussina, MikeMike Mussina 3.15 2002 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.26 Boston Red Sox Lowe, DerekDerek Lowe 2.58 2003 Martinez, PedroPedro Martínez† 2.22 Boston Red Sox Hudson, TimTim Hudson 2.70 2004 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.61 Minnesota Twins Schilling, CurtCurt Schilling 3.26 2005 Millwood, KevinKevin Millwood 2.86 Cleveland Indians Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.87 2006 Santana, JohanJohan Santana 2.77 Minnesota Twins Halladay, RoyRoy Halladay 3.19 2007 Lackey, JohnJohn Lackey 3.01 Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Carmona, FaustoFausto Carmona 3.06 2008 Lee, CliffCliff Lee 2.54 Cleveland Indians Halladay, RoyRoy Halladay 2.78 2009 Greinke, ZackZack Greinke 2.16 Kansas City Royals Hernandez, FelixFélix Hernández 2.49 2010 Hernandez, FelixFélix Hernández 2.27 Seattle Mariners Buchholz, ClayClay Buchholz 2.33 2011 Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 2.40 Detroit Tigers Weaver, JeredJered Weaver 2.41 2012 Price, DavidDavid Price 2.56 Tampa Bay Rays Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 2.64 2013 Sánchez, AníbalAníbal Sánchez 2.57 Detroit Tigers Colón, BartoloBartolo Colón 2.65 2014 Hernandez, FelixFelix Hernandez 2.14 Seattle Mariners Sale, ChrisChris Sale 2.17 2015 Price, DavidDavid Price 2.45 Detroit Tigers Toronto Blue Jays Keuchel, DallasDallas Keuchel 2.48 2016 Sanchez, AaronAaron Sanchez 3.00 Toronto Blue Jays Verlander, JustinJustin Verlander 3.04 2017 Kluber, CoreyCorey Kluber 2.25 Cleveland Indians Sale, ChrisChris Sale 2.90
List of Major League Baseball annual ERA leaders
Hvem spillede belle i skønheden og udyret?
{ "text": [ "Emma Watson" ], "answer_start": [ 59 ] }
Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) I januar 2015 annoncerede Emma Watson, at hun ville spille hovedrollen som Belle, den kvindelige hovedrolle. Hun var det første valg for Walt Disney Studios' formand Alan F. Horn, da han tidligere havde været chef for Warner Bros., som udgav de otte Harry Potter-film, hvor Watson spillede Hermione Granger. To måneder senere blev det afsløret, at Luke Evans og Dan Stevens var i forhandlinger om at spille henholdsvis Gaston og Udyret, og Watson bekræftede deres rollebesættelse dagen efter via tweets. Resten af hovedrollerne, herunder Josh Gad, Emma Thompson, Kevin Kline, Audra McDonald, Ian McKellen, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ewan McGregor og Stanley Tucci, blev offentliggjort mellem marts og april for at spille henholdsvis LeFou, Mrs. Potts, Maurice, Madame de Garderobe, Cogsworth, Plumette, Lumière og Cadenza.
{ "text": [ "Emma Watson" ], "answer_start": [ 17 ] }
Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) In January 2015, Emma Watson announced that she would be starring as Belle, the female lead. She was the first choice of Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan F. Horn, as he had previously overseen Warner Bros. which released the eight Harry Potter films that co-starred Watson as Hermione Granger. Two months later, Luke Evans and Dan Stevens were revealed to be in talks to play Gaston and the Beast respectively, and Watson confirmed their casting the following day through tweets. The rest of the principal cast, including Josh Gad, Emma Thompson, Kevin Kline, Audra McDonald, Ian McKellen, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci were announced between March and April to play LeFou, Mrs. Potts, Maurice, Madame de Garderobe, Cogsworth, Plumette, Lumière and Cadenza, respectively.
Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)
Hvornår var while my guitar gently weeps written?
{ "text": [ "1968" ], "answer_start": [ 160 ] }
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Omslag af Apple Publishing noder Sang af The Beatles fra albummet The Beatles Udgivet Harrisongs Udgivet 22 november 1968 (1968-11-22) Indspillet på 5-6 september 1968 Studio EMI Studios, London Genre Heavy rock, blues Længde 4:46 Mærke Apple Sangskriver(e) George Harrison Producent(er) George Martin Lydprøve fil hjælp
{ "text": [ "1968" ], "answer_start": [ 174 ] }
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Cover of the Apple Publishing sheet music Song by the Beatles from the album The Beatles Published Harrisongs Released 22 November 1968 (1968-11-22) Recorded 5–6 September 1968 Studio EMI Studios, London Genre Heavy rock, blues Length 4:46 Label Apple Songwriter(s) George Harrison Producer(s) George Martin Audio sample file help
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Hvem sang sangen fox on the run?
{ "text": [ "Sweet" ], "answer_start": [ 16 ] }
Fox on the Run (Sweet song) "Fox on the Run" er en sang af det britiske band Sweet, som blev indspillet første gang i 1974. Det var S Sweet's første single, som blev skrevet af bandet, snarere end af producerne Nicky Chinn og Mike Chapman, og det var deres 14. single i alt. Teksten i sangen handler om groupies; "fox" er slang for en attraktiv kvinde.
{ "text": [ "Sweet" ], "answer_start": [ 47 ] }
Fox on the Run (Sweet song) "Fox on the Run" is a song by the British band Sweet, first recorded in 1974. It was Sweet's first single that was written by the band, rather than producers Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman, and was their 14th single overall. The lyrics of the song are about groupies; "fox" being slang for an attractive woman.
Fox on the Run (Sweet song)
Hvad var magnituden på northridge jordskælvet?
{ "text": [ "6,7" ], "answer_start": [ 305 ] }
1994 Northridge earthquake Jordskælvet i Northridge i 1994 fandt sted den 17. januar kl. 4:30:55 PST og havde sit epicenter i Reseda, et kvarter i den nordlige San Fernando Valley-region i Los Angeles, Californien. Det havde en varighed på ca. 10-20 sekunder. Jordskælvet havde en momentstørrelse (Mw) på 6,7, som gav en acceleration i jorden, der var den højeste nogensinde instrumentelt registrerede i et byområde i Nordamerika, idet den målte 1,8 g (16,7 m/s2) med kraftige jordbevægelser, der kunne mærkes så langt væk som Las Vegas i Nevada, ca. 360 km fra epicentret. Den højeste jordhastighed på Rinaldi-modtagestationen var 183 cm/s (4,09 mph eller 6,59 km/t), hvilket er den hurtigste højeste jordhastighed, der nogensinde er registreret. Desuden indtraf der to efterskælv på 6,0 Mw, det første ca. et minut efter den oprindelige begivenhed og det andet ca. 11 timer senere, som var de kraftigste af de i alt flere tusinde efterskælv. Dødstallet var 57, og mere end 8 700 blev såret. Desuden blev der anslået materielle skader på mellem 13 og 50 mia. dollars, hvilket gør det til en af de dyreste naturkatastrofer i USA's historie.
{ "text": [ "6.7" ], "answer_start": [ 308 ] }
The 1994 Northridge earthquake occurred on January 17, at 4:30:55 a.m. PST and had its epicenter in Reseda, a neighborhood in the north-central San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California. It had a duration of approximately 10–20 seconds. The blind thrust earthquake had a moment magnitude (Mw) of 6.7, which produced ground acceleration that was the highest ever instrumentally recorded in an urban area in North America, measuring 1.8g (16.7 m/s2) with strong ground motion felt as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada, about 220 miles (360 km) from the epicenter. The peak ground velocity at the Rinaldi Receiving Station was 183 cm/s (4.09 mph or 6.59 km/h), the fastest peak ground velocity ever recorded. In addition, two 6.0 Mw aftershocks occurred, the first about one minute after the initial event and the second approximately 11 hours later, the strongest of several thousand aftershocks in all. The death toll was 57, with more than 8,700 injured. In addition, property damage was estimated to be between $13 and $50 billion, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history.
1994 Northridge earthquake
Hvem sang bartender i really did it this time?
{ "text": [ "Rehab" ], "answer_start": [ 85 ] }
"Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar)" er en sang af den amerikanske sydstatsrockgruppe Rehab. Den blev udgivet i maj 2008 som den tredje single fra deres fjerde album, Graffiti the World (2005). Det var bandets første single, der kom på Billboard Hot 100-listen som nummer 64.
{ "text": [ "Rehab" ], "answer_start": [ 78 ] }
"Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar)" is a song by American southern rock group Rehab. It was released in May 2008 as the third single from their fourth album, Graffiti the World (2005). It was the band's first single to chart on the Billboard Hot 100, at #64.
Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar)

Dataset Card for ScandiQA

Dataset Summary

ScandiQA is a dataset of questions and answers in the Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish languages. All samples come from the Natural Questions (NQ) dataset, which is a large question answering dataset from Google searches. The Scandinavian questions and answers come from the MKQA dataset, where 10,000 NQ samples were manually translated into, among others, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. However, this did not include a translated context, hindering the training of extractive question answering models.

We merged the NQ dataset with the MKQA dataset, and extracted contexts as either "long answers" from the NQ dataset, being the paragraph in which the answer was found, or otherwise we extract the context by locating the paragraphs which have the largest cosine similarity to the question, and which contains the desired answer.

Further, many answers in the MKQA dataset were "language normalised": for instance, all date answers were converted to the format "YYYY-MM-DD", meaning that in most cases these answers are not appearing in any paragraphs. We solve this by extending the MKQA answers with plausible "answer candidates", being slight perturbations or translations of the answer.

With the contexts extracted, we translated these to Danish, Swedish and Norwegian using the DeepL translation service for Danish and Swedish, and the Google Translation service for Norwegian. After translation we ensured that the Scandinavian answers do indeed occur in the translated contexts.

As we are filtering the MKQA samples at both the "merging stage" and the "translation stage", we are not able to fully convert the 10,000 samples to the Scandinavian languages, and instead get roughly 8,000 samples per language. These have further been split into a training, validation and test split, with the latter two containing roughly 750 samples. The splits have been created in such a way that the proportion of samples without an answer is roughly the same in each split.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Training machine learning models for extractive question answering is the intended task for this dataset. No leaderboard is active at this point.


The dataset is available in Danish (da), Swedish (sv) and Norwegian (no).

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 69 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 67 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 136 MB

An example from the train split of the da subset looks as follows.

    'example_id': 123,
    'question': 'Er dette en test?',
    'answer': 'Dette er en test',
    'answer_start': 0,
    'context': 'Dette er en testkontekst.',
    'answer_en': 'This is a test',
    'answer_start_en': 0,
    'context_en': "This is a test context.",
    'title_en': 'Train test'

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.

  • example_id: an int64 feature.
  • question: a string feature.
  • answer: a string feature.
  • answer_start: an int64 feature.
  • context: a string feature.
  • answer_en: a string feature.
  • answer_start_en: an int64 feature.
  • context_en: a string feature.
  • title_en: a string feature.

Data Splits

name train validation test
da 6311 749 750
sv 6299 750 749
no 6314 749 750

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The Scandinavian languages does not have any gold standard question answering dataset. This is not quite gold standard, but the fact both the questions and answers are all manually translated, it is a solid silver standard dataset.

Source Data

The original data was collected from the MKQA and Natural Questions datasets from Apple and Google, respectively.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Dan Saattrup Nielsen from the The Alexandra Institute curated this dataset.

Licensing Information

The dataset is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on alexandrainst/scandi-qa