2 values
1 value
1 value
This is always going to be a lumpy business.
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So that is going to be the offset, and I mentioned particularly the impact from the memory pricing environment which is a headwind at this point.
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Overall, in terms of the workload mix, it’s been fairly stable, which is our hybrid value proposition really has continued to resonate.
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You're also right that we are very focused on commerce ads on Facebook, that the great, great, great majority of activity is commerce ads on Facebook.
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What we are talking about is the fulfillment center – additional fulfillment center costs that we see this time every year as we get ready for Q4 but also additional step-up in content spend, where we spend a lot of our content in Q3.
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I think on a recent earnings call we just announced that we passed 1 billion searches total so now being more than 1 billion on mobile shows some progress that I'm pretty proud of for the search team.
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Operating income last year was $1 billion.
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So that's, if you wanted to break it down into two more sustaining things, those are the types of things we're seeing in that number.
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You know one of our areas of focus is expanding our video and OTT offerings for brands.
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But you don’t need to build out data centers much before they’re really being utilized.
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And they saw 9.3 times return of investment over the two week holiday period.
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And so people now are spending more time on the Store, they download more apps, and that over time translates into monetization.
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The opportunity I believe in both cases is high,
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So we're very excited about some of what we can get out of our investments in gaming.
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In my opening commentary, I talked a little bit about both the increased visits to the Store and transactions as well as the fact that we are attracting new applications from developers like Netflix to Wall Street Journal to others.
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I will point out that we have continued to lower prices.
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I think we've made real improvements there, but I think there's a lot more we can do.
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So, yeah, we're very encouraged by the customer response to the Echo products.
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But we feel fantastic, particularly as it pertains to iPhone X.
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so it’s really its entirety that we think of as our unique value
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It's certainly something we're working on vertical-by-vertical.
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Our growth was really strong across all of our marketer segments, but we had a particularly good quarter in brands, I think driven by two things.
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That's another theme that we have.
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And renewals, as I mentioned earlier, we saw very good execution, not just on renewals in quarter, but really healthy behavior in terms of maybe expirations that we’ve seen happen earlier in the year getting renewed, because of the new value prop and the commitment of the sales team to make sure that we landed a really thoughtful high customer value transaction.
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But I think over the very long term, which is how you framed your question, we have a lot of opportunity.
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I don’t want to miss this one other big scenario which is Cortana , that’s perhaps the thing that’s going to change personal productivity even most and especially with Windows 10 and how Cortana comes to Windows, both to the browser as well as to the start, I think it completely change what personal productivity software mean from a day-to-day experience as well.
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Yeah, it was an incredible quarter.
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And the biggest thing that I think we can take away from this as we invest in augmented reality in addition to virtual reality, is that the phone is probably going to be the mainstream consumer platform that a lot of these AR features first become mainstream rather than glasses form factor that people will wear on their face.
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And so there would have been some switchers on top of that from other operating systems, but obviously android is the largest one by far.
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And so it can make a bit of a distraction towards seen the underlying trends.
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We have the premium part of our line is the 6s and the 6s Plus.
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On the question around channel inventory, we entered the quarter, the December quarter -- and we mentioned it back in October below our target range of five to seven weeks.
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Catastrophe Season 2, Bosch Season 2, we're all looking forward to.
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That’s what you see when we see our subscription growth in consumer, we see subscription growth in small business these are folks who never bought a server from us.
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Headcount only grew 14% year-over-year, but the areas that were growing in that mix were things like technology teams, device areas, AWS, especially sales and marketing.
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But the way we think about it is trying to price a reasonable price for the value that we deliver and I feel that we did that.
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Thanks for the question.
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And then we are still seeing some post-launch impact, specifically on the Windows Server side and selling higher-end SKUs post-launch, which has to do with some of the value inherent.
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But the core of our focus is still very much focused on ads and how we can do ads at the product level.
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The core ethos of LinkedIn needs be about member-first.
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because for too long our industry has been focused on proxy metrics, how long someone viewed a video, even brand lift, measurements we care about, but these are all proxy metrics.
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We like the results that we see, particularly with the free trial conversion, the renewal rates for subscriptions.
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And the idea there is that people want to interact in lots of different ways.
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We think it's a big milestone this quarter to launch Prime benefits with Whole Foods, and we'll keep going, we'll see how that develops.
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because that's part of our seasonal pattern, which gets offset by a favorable commodity environment that we've seen for a number of quarters now.
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I feel confident in our ability to produce gross margin improvement across all those services.
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It goes without saying strong U.S. dollar has negative impact on our international business.
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And so I think we would be foolish to change our plans.
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So what we're seeing from DPA ads and carousel ads, we're really happy with.
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So we think there's a lot of room to grow in not only our international countries, but also in the U.S.
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And then we believe that by creating that growth (17:19) and engaging advertising experience with the customers, it will also maximize success for our advertisers.
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As you know, we tend to monetize in China on the App Store through game titles and the government has approved a few key game titles during the quarter.
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Also, from the currency point of view and the weak global economies, we don’t overly focus on this.
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we recognize the majority of our third-party advertising revenues of the Audience Network on a net rather than gross basis.
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If we're delivering on those three elements, we're indifferent as to whether it's sold by us or a third-party.
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And you're absolutely seeing the impact of that growth as mix show up in the gross margin.
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And those in addition to the U.S. price that has gotten more of a discussion had been extremely well received.
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And what we expect is to grow new markets and perform really well in them with every dollar that we invest, whether, frankly, Brad, it's in OpEx or in COGS.
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What happens on our platform is often that people will start out during demand generation and then use the repeat opportunity to show people ads, moving down the funnel to demand fulfillment.
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So we're very ready to go.
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We can also invest selectively because we have more perfect information we know where our demand is, we know where we're moving things between warehouses and sort centers and by not involving third parties all the time, we can find that we can extend our ship cut offs, or excuse me, our order cutoffs and we've done that over the last few years.
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I think Luca mentioned in his comments that the largest – if I look at the largest developer, they make up less than 0.3% of the services revenue, so it's probably good to think about that in that context, and there are millions of apps on the store obviously, and 30,000 or so subscription apps.
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Digital technology today is not about tech companies doing innovation.
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In terms of growing channel inventory, in particular on iPhone where we’re outside of it, we wouldn’t expect to see a large step function increase.
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We continue to have healthy investments as we've stated across the globe.
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So, as Phil mentioned, we are seeing continued increases in usage, both sequentially and year-over-year.
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Well, the App Store is growing over 20%, it grew 25% last quarter,
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And the last quarter we gave an indication of the growth rates after being added for 10 year.
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So on Search, we already have one very big use case which is people basically using our search engine to look out pages and people who are on Facebook and that by itself is already one of the biggest search engines in the world.
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So in Q1 of this year, subscription services revenue would have been lower, but for this new standard.
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So a lot of what we've been trying to do is make it so that we build out the infrastructure, so that way WhatsApp and Messenger and Instagram direct can evolve rather than being just places where you message folks.
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We’ve done a bunch of work with Nielsen to measure what happens when marketers do big TV campaigns and do campaigns that are broadly, broadly targeted on Facebook.
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So -- but in general, if you step away, I think what you're seeing is more and more participation of third-party sellers in our one-day delivery program as we move through the year.
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We did see ARPU growth this quarter.
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And we think that that's going to be positive, right.
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That's the same case with GE.
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And like the rest of the world, or most of the rest of the world, IDC is projecting that PC sales in China contracted by 5% last quarter.
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We want to create flexibility for consumers to try Prime in a low-cost way, if that's how they choose.
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They're easy to build.
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It all comes down to customer choice.
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But a lot of that comparability, which you referenced, is due a little bit of how it's licensed, which is a lot of this is new and gets recognized more upfront in quarter.
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The second way is AirPlay 2, which we have as just pointed out we have support on a number of different third-party TVs.
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As you probably know, Transparent has won multiple Golden Globes and Emmys, both for actors and for the show itself.
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They then used Nielsen Brand Effects and were able to measure a 16-point lift in ad recall and a 5-point lift in intent to visit Subway.
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But as you can see in our financial statements, it's about $2.3 billion impact in Q2 2020.
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Oh, I think there's no doubt if you look at it we are expanding the market size in those areas.
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In addition, I mentioned video content as being a driver.
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When we look at the number of people buying iPads for the first time, which is a good thing to look at from a point of view of whether things are reaching a penetration point or not, the numbers indicate that it's not close to that kind of thing.
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On the first one, on the mix between IaaS and PaaS and SaaS, the thing that we are seeing is, quite frankly, all of these are growing but the most interesting thing for me as a pattern is growth in IaaS leads to growth in other PaaS services or SaaS services.
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This can be a long-term virtuous cycle and sustainable business model in way that we can help support journalism.
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And for that reason, we think mid-roll is a better user experience.
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In terms of the ASP, the way we think about it is we want to charge a fair price and so we don't want to charge more than that, and we think it's worth being fair.
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So that runs the gamut from smart thermostat and another smart home devices, headphones, but also vehicle.
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In terms of hardware as a service or as a bundle, if you will, there are customers today that essentially view the hardware like that because they are on upgrade plans and so forth.
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And people had, again the ability to see the benefit that Prime membership save incremental dollars, because of it at Whole Foods.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
All of that is transforming Maersk.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
There's also – in that line item are also other monthly fees associated with some of our other subscription services like audiobooks, e-books, digital video and digital music.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
A big part of the challenge there is helping sellers all across India to succeed and grow their online businesses, you'll see from our press release that we've launched a new apps for that.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
We use those primarily for movement between our warehouses and our source centers.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
We're pretty encouraged by what we've seen even though it's pretty early days.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
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