his wavy hair was a deep red that framed his eyes but he didnt seem to have noticed its color change or to care .
he was wearing an all black layered tunic and pants with boots that looked as light as mine .
if i didnt know it was jason , i would have taken a huge step backwards at his assassin-like appearance .
whats going on ?
he demanded , eyes flickering from each of us as he took in all of our strange appearances .
dont know jason , were as stumped as you .
i said .
he bit his lip and then smirked .
oh , i almost forgot .
look at this .
he gestured at his belt , grinning mischievously .
hanging there were a multitude of thin , dangerous looking knives .
he pulled up his sleeve so i could see another one strapped there .
cool , huh ?
emily had turned to see jason appear .
she spotted his knives and groaned , stomping her foot .
aw come on !
jason whispered behind his hand to seth and i. whats up with her ?
seth shrugged .
i dont know .
girl issues ?
i heard that !
emily said angrily .
thats when suddenly a hideous creature appeared in front of us .
it was hunched over , with thick furry skin and wicked claws that shot out of its curled paws .
we would soon know them as thrashers , beasts we would get used to seeing .
i dont know who screeched louder in fear , but im pretty sure it might have been me .
seth pulled his sword out but his hand shook like mad .
i clumsily pulled an arrow out of the quiver on my back and struggled to attach it to my bow .
how the heck did those people in movies make this look so easy ?
i exchanged a look with seth , but he looked as clueless as i did .
none of this felt real .
i swear , the creature laughed at us .
or maybe my fear was making me see and hear things .
jason moved silently to stand beside us , one of his throwing knives in his hand .
what do we do ?
were dead so it cant hurt us right ?
i asked .
i dont feel dead .
jason whispered .
i didnt either .
in fact , i realized that my whole body was aching from the strange attack i had experienced .
and if i was dead , i wouldnt need to breathe so heavily .
my heart was racing so fast that it might explode right out of my chest .
jason threw the knife he had been holding and it stuck into a tree .
he grinned at me and i guess it hit exactly where he wanted .
on the count of three , we attack with everything weve got .
okay ?
seth looked at jason and i .
we nodded at him .
one , two three !
when seth hit three , he charged with his sword .
i pulled back and released my arrow .
it hit the thrashers front paw .
before i could think , i had notched another one on the bow and drew back the string .
it was like i had been an archer my whole life .
jason threw knife after knife , hitting its mark every time .
when the creature went down , seth stood and took a breath .
then another tackled him to the ground .
i didnt know what to do and jason didnt either .
emily ran forward and pointed to seth who was clawing toward his weapon .
do something !
she screamed .
before i could reply , fire shot from her finger .
the thrasher yelped and jumped off seth and ran toward emily .
she smiled wickedly and held both hands out , pelting the creature with fire .
i pulled seth up in time to see the thrasher buried entangled by roots shooting from the dirt .
jason threw a knife in the pile to make sure it was really dead .
you okay ?
i asked seth , and congratulated emily on her new found talent .
im fine .
he said and limped over .
i gasped and pointed to his leg .
seth , youre bleeding blue !
he just blinked at him , glancing down at his leg .
he didnt answer as he tugged at me to start walking back towards where we had last seen ourselves .
we could still see our bodies sleeping peacefully , but this time i noticed that we were all faintly glowing blue .
i could see the rise and fall of my chest as i breathed .
so i really was alive , which made this situation even creepier and stranger .
i had two bodies !
how was this even possible ?
what do we do ?
seth , do you any ideas ?
she frowned when he didnt answer .
seth ?
emily spun in a circle but seth was nowhere to be found .
seth walked out from behind a tree .
but he was normal seth .
he had his dirty blonde hair back and was wearing his dirty jeans and shirt from school .
no dark red hair , no glimmering sword , no bleeding wound .
his warrior self was nowhere to be seen .
seth howd you do that ?
i asked .
he whirled around .
whos there ?
me , you idiot !
i snorted .
he stared at the place where i was standing , but his eyes werent focused on me .
jazell ?
obviously , are you blind ?