Ada Programming/Attributes/'Deref. Description. The attribute codice_1 where codice_2 is of type codice_3 yields the variable of type codice_4 that is located at the given address. It is similar to codice_5, where codice_6 is an unchecked conversion from address to a named access-to- type, except that it yields a variable, so it can be used on the left side of an assignment.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Descriptor Size. Description. Nonstatic attribute codice_1 returns the size in bits of the descriptor allocated for a type. The result is non-zero only for unconstrained array types and the returned value is of type universal integer. In GNAT, an array descriptor contains bounds information and is located immediately before the first element of the array. type Unconstr_Array is array (Short_Short_Integer range <>) of Positive; Put_Line ("Descriptor size = " & Unconstr_Array'Descriptor_Size'Img); The attribute takes into account any padding due to the alignment of the component type. In the example above, the descriptor contains two values of type codice_2 representing the low and high bound. But, since codice_3 has an alignment of 4, the size of the descriptor is codice_4 rounded up to the next multiple of 32, which yields a size of 32 bits, i.e. including 16 bits of padding.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Elab Subp Body. Description. This attribute can only be applied to a library level subprogram name and is only allowed in CodePeer mode. It returns the entity for the corresponding elaboration procedure for elaborating the body of the referenced subprogram unit. This is used in the main generated elaboration procedure by the binder in CodePeer mode only and is unrecognized otherwise.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Fast Math. Description. codice_1 (codice_2 is the only allowed prefix) yields a static Boolean value that is True if pragma codice_3 is active, and False otherwise.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Finalization Size. Description. The prefix of attribute codice_1 must be an object or a non-class-wide type. This attribute returns the size of any hidden data reserved by the compiler to handle finalization-related actions. The type of the attribute is "universal_integer". codice_1 yields a value of zero for a type with no controlled parts, an object whose type has no controlled parts, or an object of a class-wide type whose tag denotes a type with no controlled parts. Note that only heap-allocated objects contain finalization data.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'From Any. Description. This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Has Tagged Values. Description. The prefix of the codice_1 attribute is a type. The result is a Boolean value which is True if the type is a composite type (array or record) that is either a tagged type or has a subcomponent that is tagged, and is False otherwise. The intended use of this attribute is in conjunction with generic definitions. If the attribute is applied to a generic private type, it indicates whether or not the corresponding actual type has access values.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Initialized. Description. For the syntax and semantics of this attribute, see the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.10.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Large. The codice_1 attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of this attribute.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Library Level. Description. codice_1, where P is an entity name, returns a Boolean value which is True if the entity is declared at the library level, and False otherwise. Note that within a generic instantiation, the name of the generic unit denotes the instance, which means that this attribute can be used to test if a generic is instantiated at the library level, as shown in this example: generic package Gen is pragma Compile_Time_Error (not Gen'Library_Level, "Gen can only be instantiated at library level"); end Gen;
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Loop Entry. Description. X'Loop_Entry [(loop_name)] The codice_1 attribute is used to refer to the value that an expression had upon entry to a given loop in much the same way that the codice_2 attribute in a subprogram postcondition can be used to refer to the value an expression had upon entry to the subprogram. The relevant loop is either identified by the given loop name, or it is the innermost enclosing loop when no loop name is given. A codice_1 attribute can only occur within an codice_4, codice_5, codice_6, codice_7 or codice_8 pragma. In addition, such a pragma must be one of the items in the sequence of statements of a loop body, or nested inside block statements that appear in the sequence of statements of a loop body. A common use of codice_1 is to compare the current value of objects with their initial value at loop entry, in a codice_8 pragma. The effect of using codice_11 is the same as declaring a constant initialized with the initial value of codice_12 at loop entry. This copy is not performed if the loop is not entered, or if the corresponding pragmas are ignored or disabled.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Mantissa. Description. The codice_1 attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of this attribute.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Max Integer Size. Description. codice_1 (codice_2 is the only allowed prefix) provides the size of the largest supported integer type for the target. The result is a static constant.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Restriction Set. Description. This attribute allows compile time testing of restrictions that are currently in effect. It is primarily intended for specializing code in the run-time based on restrictions that are active (e.g. don’t need to save fpt registers if restriction No_Floating_Point is known to be in effect), but can be used anywhere. There are two forms: System'Restriction_Set (partition_boolean_restriction_NAME) System'Restriction_Set (No_Dependence => library_unit_NAME); In the case of the first form, the only restriction names allowed are parameterless restrictions that are checked for consistency at bind time. For a complete list see the subtype codice_1. The result returned is True if the restriction is known to be in effect, and False if the restriction is known not to be in effect. An important guarantee is that the value of a Restriction_Set attribute is known to be consistent throughout all the code of a partition. This is trivially achieved if the entire partition is compiled with a consistent set of restriction pragmas. However, the compilation model does not require this. It is possible to compile one set of units with one set of pragmas, and another set of units with another set of pragmas. It is even possible to compile a spec with one set of pragmas, and then WITH the same spec with a different set of pragmas. Inconsistencies in the actual use of the restriction are checked at bind time. In order to achieve the guarantee of consistency for the Restriction_Set pragma, we consider that a use of the pragma that yields False is equivalent to a violation of the restriction. So for example if you write if System'Restriction_Set (No_Floating_Point) then else end if; And the result is False, so that the else branch is executed, you can assume that this restriction is not set for any unit in the partition. This is checked by considering this use of the restriction pragma to be a violation of the restriction No_Floating_Point. This means that no other unit can attempt to set this restriction (if some unit does attempt to set it, the binder will refuse to bind the partition). Technical note: The restriction name and the unit name are intepreted entirely syntactically, as in the corresponding Restrictions pragma, they are not analyzed semantically, so they do not have a type.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Safe Emax. Description. The codice_1 attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of this attribute.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Safe Large. Description. The codice_1 attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of this attribute.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Safe Small. Description. The codice_1 attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of this attribute.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Scalar Storage Order. Description. For every array or record type codice_1, the representation attribute codice_2 denotes the order in which storage elements that make up scalar components are ordered within S. The value given must be a static expression of type System.Bit_Order. The following is an example of the use of this feature: -- Component type definitions subtype Yr_Type is Natural range 0 .. 127; subtype Mo_Type is Natural range 1 .. 12; subtype Da_Type is Natural range 1 .. 31; -- Record declaration type Date is record Years_Since_1980 : Yr_Type; Month : Mo_Type; Day_Of_Month : Da_Type; end record; -- Record representation clause for Date use record Years_Since_1980 at 0 range 0 .. 6; Month at 0 range 7 .. 10; Day_Of_Month at 0 range 11 .. 15; end record; -- Attribute definition clauses for Date'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First; for Date'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.High_Order_First; -- If Scalar_Storage_Order is specified, it must be consistent with -- Bit_Order, so it's best to always define the latter explicitly if -- the former is used. Other properties are as for the standard representation attribute codice_3 defined by Ada RM 13.5.3(4). The default is codice_4. For a record type codice_5, if codice_6 is specified explicitly, it shall be equal to codice_7. Note: this means that if a codice_2 attribute definition clause is not confirming, then the type’s codice_3 shall be specified explicitly and set to the same value. Derived types inherit an explicitly set scalar storage order from their parent types. This may be overridden for the derived type by giving an explicit scalar storage order for it. However, for a record extension, the derived type must have the same scalar storage order as the parent type. A component of a record type that is itself a record or an array and that does not start and end on a byte boundary must have have the same scalar storage order as the record type. A component of a bit-packed array type that is itself a record or an array must have the same scalar storage order as the array type. No component of a type that has an explicit codice_2 attribute definition may be aliased. A confirming codice_2 attribute definition clause (i.e. with a value equal to codice_4) has no effect. If the opposite storage order is specified, then whenever the value of a scalar component of an object of type codice_1 is read, the storage elements of the enclosing machine scalar are first reversed (before retrieving the component value, possibly applying some shift and mask operatings on the enclosing machine scalar), and the opposite operation is done for writes. In that case, the restrictions set forth in 13.5.1(10.3/2) for scalar components are relaxed. Instead, the following rules apply: If no scalar storage order is specified for a type (either directly, or by inheritance in the case of a derived type), then the default is normally the native ordering of the target, but this default can be overridden using pragma codice_17. If a component of codice_5 is itself of a record or array type, the specfied codice_2 does "not" apply to that nested type: an explicit attribute definition clause must be provided for the component type as well if desired. Representation changes that explicitly or implicitly toggle the scalar storage order are not supported and may result in erroneous execution of the program, except when performed by means of an instance of codice_20. In particular, overlays are not supported and a warning is given for them: type Rec_LE is record I : Integer; end record; for Rec_LE use record I at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; for Rec_LE'Bit_Order use System.Low_Order_First; for Rec_LE'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.Low_Order_First; type Rec_BE is record I : Integer; end record; for Rec_BE use record I at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; for Rec_BE'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First; for Rec_BE'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.High_Order_First; R_LE : Rec_LE; R_BE : Rec_BE; for R_BE'Address use R_LE'Address; codice_21 In most cases, such representation changes ought to be replaced by an instantiation of a function or procedure provided by codice_22. Note that the scalar storage order only affects the in-memory data representation. It has no effect on the representation used by stream attributes. Note that debuggers may be unable to display the correct value of scalar components of a type for which the opposite storage order is specified.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Simple Storage Pool. Description. For every nonformal, nonderived access-to-object type codice_1, the representation attribute codice_2 may be specified via an attribute_definition_clause (or by specifying the equivalent aspect): My_Pool : My_Simple_Storage_Pool_Type; type Acc is access My_Data_Type; for Acc'Simple_Storage_Pool use My_Pool; The name given in an attribute_definition_clause for the codice_2 attribute shall denote a variable of a ‘simple storage pool type’ (see pragma ). The use of this attribute is only allowed for a prefix denoting a type for which it has been specified. The type of the attribute is the type of the variable specified as the simple storage pool of the access type, and the attribute denotes that variable. It is illegal to specify both codice_4 and codice_2 for the same access type. If the codice_2 attribute has been specified for an access type, then applying the codice_4 attribute to the type is flagged with a warning and its evaluation raises the exception codice_8. If the Simple_Storage_Pool attribute has been specified for an access type codice_9, then the evaluation of the attribute codice_10 returns the result of calling codice_11, which is intended to indicate the number of storage elements reserved for the simple storage pool. If the Storage_Size function has not been defined for the simple storage pool type, then this attribute returns zero. If an access type codice_9 has a specified simple storage pool of type codice_13, then the evaluation of an allocator for that access type calls the primitive codice_14 procedure for type codice_13, passing codice_16 as the pool parameter. The detailed semantics of such allocators is the same as those defined for allocators in section 13.11 of the , with the term "simple storage pool" substituted for "storage pool". If an access type codice_9 has a specified simple storage pool of type codice_13, then a call to an instance of the codice_19 for that access type invokes the primitive codice_20 procedure for type codice_13, passing codice_16 as the pool parameter. The detailed semantics of such unchecked deallocations is the same as defined in section 13.11.2 of the Ada Reference Manual, except that the term "simple storage pool" is substituted for "storage pool".
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Small Denominator. Description. codice_1 for any fixed-point subtype yields the denominator in the representation of codice_2 as a rational number with coprime factors (i.e. as an irreducible fraction).
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Small Numerator. Description. codice_1 for any fixed-point subtype yields the numerator in the representation of codice_2 as a rational number with coprime factors (i.e. as an irreducible fraction).
Ada Programming/Attributes/'System Allocator Alignment. Description. codice_1 (codice_2 is the only allowed prefix) provides the observable guaranteed to be honored by the system allocator (malloc). This is a static value that can be used in user storage pools based on malloc either to reject allocation with alignment too large or to enable a realignment circuitry if the alignment request is larger than this value.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'To Any. Description. This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'TypeCode. Description. This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Update. Description. The codice_1 attribute creates a copy of an array or record value with one or more modified components. The syntax is: PREFIX'Update ( RECORD_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION_LIST ) PREFIX'Update ( ARRAY_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION {, ARRAY_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION } ) PREFIX'Update ( MULTIDIMENSIONAL_ARRAY_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION {, MULTIDIMENSIONAL_ARRAY_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION } ) MULTIDIMENSIONAL_ARRAY_COMPONENT_ASSOCIATION ::= INDEX_EXPRESSION_LIST_LIST => EXPRESSION INDEX_EXPRESSION_LIST ::= ( EXPRESSION {, EXPRESSION } ) where codice_2 is the name of an array or record object, the association list in parentheses does not contain an codice_3 choice and the box symbol codice_4 may not appear in any expression. The effect is to yield a copy of the array or record value which is unchanged apart from the components mentioned in the association list, which are changed to the indicated value. The original value of the array or record value is not affected. For example: type Arr is Array (1 .. 5) of Integer; Avar1 : Arr := (1,2,3,4,5); Avar2 : Arr := Avar1'Update (2 => 10, 3 .. 4 => 20); yields a value for codice_5 of 1,10,20,20,5 with codice_6 begin unmodified. Similarly: type Rec is A, B, C : Integer; Rvar1 : Rec := (A => 1, B => 2, C => 3); Rvar2 : Rec := Rvar1'Update (B => 20); yields a value for codice_7 of (A => 1, B => 20, C => 3), with codice_8 being unmodifed. Note that the value of the attribute reference is computed completely before it is used. This means that if you write: Avar1 := Avar1'Update (1 => 10, 2 => Function_Call); then the value of codice_6 is not modified if codice_10 raises an exception, unlike the effect of a series of direct assignments to elements of codice_6. In general this requires that two extra complete copies of the object are required, which should be kept in mind when considering efficiency. The codice_1 attribute cannot be applied to prefixes of a limited type, and cannot reference discriminants in the case of a record type. The accessibility level of an Update attribute result object is defined as for an aggregate. In the record case, no component can be mentioned more than once. In the array case, two overlapping ranges can appear in the association list, in which case the modifications are processed left to right. Multi-dimensional arrays can be modified, as shown by this example: A : array (1 .. 10, 1 .. 10) of Integer; A := A'Update ((1, 2) => 20, (3, 4) => 30); which changes element (1,2) to 20 and (3,4) to 30.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Valid Value. Description. The codice_1 attribute is defined for enumeration types other than those in package Standard. This attribute is a function that takes a String, and returns Boolean. codice_2 returns True if and only if codice_3 would not raise Constraint_Error.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Valid Scalars. Description. The codice_1 attribute is intended to make it easier to check the validity of scalar subcomponents of composite objects. The attribute is defined for any prefix codice_2 which denotes an object. Prefix codice_2 can be any type except for tagged private or codice_4 types. The value of the attribute is of type codice_5. codice_6 yields codice_7 if and only if the evaluation of codice_8 yields codice_7 for every scalar subcomponent codice_10 of codice_2, or if codice_2 has no scalar subcomponents. Attribute codice_1 is equivalent to attribute codice_14 for scalar types. It is not specified in what order the subcomponents are checked, nor whether any more are checked after any one of them is determined to be invalid. If the prefix codice_2 is of a class-wide type codice_16 (where codice_17 is the associated specific type), or if the prefix codice_2 is of a specific tagged type codice_17, then only the subcomponents of codice_17 are checked; in other words, components of extensions of codice_17 are not checked even if codice_22. The compiler will issue a warning if it can be determined at compile time that the prefix of the attribute has no scalar subcomponents. Note: codice_23 can generate a lot of code, especially in the case of a large variant record. If the attribute is called in many places in the same program applied to objects of the same type, it can reduce program size to write a function with a single use of the attribute, and then call that function from multiple places.
Chess Opening Theory/1. g4/1...e5/2. d3. Grob's Attack. 1. g4 e5 2. d3. d3 aims to open up the queen side bishop to attack Black's kingside, as well as support a future e4 for control of the center as well. It is basically trying to do two things at once, being hyper-modern as well as classic. Due to this as well as a weak kingside due to the advanced g pawn, White is at a disadvantage, being a jack of all trades, but a master of none. With good play however, White can establish a mimicry of the King's Indian Attack, with the g pawn able to disrupt the king side knight if it ever comes to f6, meaning Black would have to play h6 to secure it, losing a tempo. Some common moves of this caliber for White include Nf3, Bg2, or the eventual e5, as well as the unique move of g5 common in many games of this opening to prevent Black's knight from moving there. The main continuation for Black is to play d5, opening up the bishop to attack the g4 pawn, leading to g5. There is also the developing move of Nc6, which defends the e5 pawn and controls d4 along with said pawn.
Ada Programming/Keywords/parallel. This keyword is used with parallel blocks and parallel loops to create a form of lightweight tasking to take advantage of multicore CPUs.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy. Welcome! Purpose. The purpose of this Wikibook is to serve as a reference to pharmacists who practice in palliative care in any capacity -- whether that's inpatient or outpatient; strictly pain management, hospice, or oncology symptom management. I am hoping you will find some useful information herein. All contributions are welcome including syntax, style, and content. This Wikibook was first created on May 29th, 2024 and so it is in its infancy. Anticipated Content. As this is an open-source book, it is impossible to determine the ultimate trajectory of this book. However, the creation of this book was spawned from a massive (400+ page Word document) which held many notes related to palliative care pharmacotherapy. These notes were organized first into drug and drug class-specific information, then into disease state-specific information, then logistics, finally miscellaneous. Contributing. If you are interested in directly contributing content, please see the local style manual. If you would like to request or contribute material without having to learn the ins and outs of Wikibooks, then please ask on . Table of Contents. This ToC is a work-in-progress, as is much of this book so far. Thank you for your patience as we build something great! Disclaimer. Nothing in this textbook should be construed as medical advice. All content within this book is free for anyone to edit and this book is not monitored 24/7. While every effort is made to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, it is possible that unscrupulous or uninformed persons could alter or add incorrect or misleading content. Information contained within this book is for information and educational purposes only. Clinicians should always use professional judgment. No one contributing information to this book shall be held liable for any incidents that happen as a result of using information within this book.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Style Manual. Basics of Palliative Pharmacotherapy Style:
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30005. Code page 30005 is a code page intended for languages in Nigeria. Character set. The following table shows code page 30005. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Drug-Specific Information/Opioids/Information About Specific Drugs/Non-Traditional Opioids/Buprenorphine. = Buprenorphine Basics = Pharmacology. Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from thebaine. Structurally, buprenorphine is different from other opioids in that it contains an N-CPM group. <br> <br> Pharmacodynamics. Buprenorphine is most often classified as a "partial opioid agonist," however it's activity is more nuanced than that. This "partial agonist" description comes from the previous belief that buprenorphine is a partial agonist at μ opioid receptors as well as being an antagonist at δ and κ opioid receptors. It is the only FDA-approved drug with known activity at the ORL-1 receptor, at which it is an agonist. <br> <br> Pharmacokinetics. <br> <br> Buprenorphine & Oral Morphine Equivalents (OMEs). Due to its unique mechanism of action, it is not appropriate to design therapeutic regimens based on the OMEs of a given buprenorphine formulation. However, for knowledge's sake let's discuss how one would go about converting buprenorphine to OMEs. The first step to doing this is to consider the bioavailability of each of the buprenorphine formulations. <br> Perioperative Management of Buprenorphine. A frequently asked question from primary teams and surgeons: "what do we do with this patient's buprenorphine?" The American Society of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine published a review regarding the perioperative management of buprenorphine in 2021. In this review, they recommended against the routine perioperative discontinuation of buprenorphine. Generally, patients receiving 16mg/day of buprenorphine or less, can be maintained on buprenorphine and treated with PRN "traditional" full mu opioid agonists for breakthrough pain, though these patients may require higher doses of the "traditional" full mu opioid agonists compared to patients not taking buprenorphine. Multimodal pain management strategies should always be utilized. If a patient is taking buprenorphine for OUD, the goal should be to taper the patient off of any other opioids aside from buprenorphine prior to discharge. Several organizations have published their own guidelines or algorithms on the perioperative management of buprenorphine:. <br> = Buprenorphine Formulations = Buprenorphine comes in several different formulations, all of which are considered "long-acting" except for the IV injection. Regardless which formulation is chosen, it is important to educate patients and providers about the administration technique of the chosen formulation. Furthermore, if initiating buprenorphine inpatient, it is wise to check with nursing staff and gauge their familiarity with the buprenorphine product. Nursing staff education on buprenorphine may be necessary if they are unfamiliar. In patients where there is a large "psychological" component to their pain, an oral medication may be more effective compared to buprenorphine transdermal. Patients are conditioned to expect pain relief after taking a medication, hence why a twice-daily buccal film or several-times-a-day SL tablet/film may be perceived as more effective for pain relief by the patient compared to a once-weekly transdermal patch.  This is why sometimes patients report analgesia within minutes of taking a medication even when it is known that the absorption and onset of effects take hours – it isn’t that the medication started working sooner, it’s just psychology! <br> <br> Buprenorphine Buccal Film. Practice Pearl: You may find it helpful to include the following directions in inpatient orders for buprenorphine buccal films: <br> <br> Buprenorphine Transdermal Patch. See Also <br> <br> Buprenorphine Sublingual Tablet. The analgesic effects of buprenorphine SL tablets lasts approximately 6 to 8 hours. Patients who are prescribed buprenorphine or buprenorphine/naloxone SL tablets for opioid use disorder or complex opioid dependency usually take their buprenorphine as one dose daily. If a patient who is prescribed buprenorphine or buprenorphine/naloxone SL tablets is in need of acute pain management, consider maintaining the same daily dose of buprenorphine but administering it in divided doses. For example, a patient taking buprenorphine 16mg/naloxone 4mg once daily can be transitioned to buprenorphine 4mg/naloxone 1mg SL Q6H -- this would ensure patient is receiving the same total daily dose of buprenorphine (16mg/day) but at dosing intervals that will better address the acute pain. <br> <br> Buprenorphine Sublingual Film. <br> <br> Buprenorphine Intravenous Injection. <br> <br> = Further Reading = PCNOW Fast Facts: <br> <br> = References =
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Drug-Specific Information/Opioids/Equianalgesic Tables & Opioid Conversions. Why Equianalgesic Tables are Broken. Most equianalgesic tables assume that one can use the same ratio to convert "to" and "from" any two opioids. However, these ratios are not always accurate bidirectionally. For a good summary of why equianalgesic tables are inaccurate at best, please read "Opioid Equianalgesic Tables are Broken" by Daniel Rosielle on Pallimed.org.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30007. Code page 30007 is a code page intended for Latin and the Romance languages (excluding Eastern Romance languages like Romanian and the languages in Portugal). Character set. The following table shows code page 30007. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30008. Code page 30008 is a code page intended for Abkhaz and Ossetian. Character set. The following table shows code page 30008. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30009. Code page 30009 is a code page intended for the Romani languages and the Turkic languages. Character set. The following table shows code page 30009. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30010. Code page 30010 is a code page intended for Gagauz and Moldovan Cyrillic. Character set. The following table shows code page 30010. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Introductory Information/Role of the Palliative Care Pharmacist. Training & Education. There are many paths to becoming a pharmacist who works in palliative care. Likewise, there are many settings in which a palliative care pharmacist can be employed: inpatient hospice, outpatient hospice, inpatient palliative care, outpatient palliative care, inpatient pain management, outpatient pain management, long-term care, self-employed as a consultant, etc. Perhaps the most straightforward path to becoming a pharmacist in palliative care is by successfully completing a PGY-2 residency program in Pain Management & Palliative Care. Although pharmacists can pursue board certification through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) for many areas of pharmacy practice, pain management and palliative care is not yet a board specialty. However, a petition was submitted in 2023 to BPS for a Pain Management specialty certification. The petition in can be read in full here.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30011. Code page 30011 is a code page intended for Cyrillic languages in the southern district of Russia. Character set. The following table shows code page 30011. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30012. Code page 30012 is a code page intended for Cyrillic languages in Siberia and the far eastern districts of Russia. Character set. The following table shows code page 30012. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30013. Code page 30013 is a code page intended for Cyrillic Turkic languages in the Volga district of Russia. Character set. The following table shows code page 30013. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30014. Code page 30014 is a code page intended for Cyrillic Uralic languages in the Volga district of Russia. Character set. The following table shows code page 30014. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30015. Code page 30015 is a code page intended for the Khanty language. Character set. The following table shows code page 30015. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30016. Code page 30016 is a code page intended for the Mansi language. Character set. The following table shows code page 30016. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30017. Code page 30017 is a code page intended for Cyrillic and Latin languages in the northwestern district of Russia. Character set. The following table shows code page 30017. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30018. Code page 30018 is a code page intended for Russian, Bulgarian, and Latin Tatar. Character set. The following table shows code page 30018. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Drug-Specific Information/Opioids/Information About Specific Drugs/Non-Traditional Opioids. = "Non-Traditional" Opioids = Definition. What exactly constitutes a "non-traditional" opioid? Non-traditional is a term used loosely to mean opioids that are a bit "quirky", the opioids that have interesting additional mechanisms of action: buprenorphine, methadone, tapentadol, and tramadol. These opioids are often underutilized or utilized inappropriately by prescribers less experienced in their intricacies. In other words, most prescribers outside of pain management, palliative care, and hospice will not have dealt routinely with these medications and are generally unfamiliar with them.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30019. Code page 30019 is a code page intended for Russian, Bulgarian, and Cyrillic and Latin Chechen. For a Chechen code page using the newer Latin alphabet, C̈c̈ and S̈s̈ (C and S with diaeresis) would replace Çç and Şş. The digraph C̈hc̈h would replace Ç̇ç̇. Character set. The following table shows code page 30019. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Selfish. Selfish is a series of card games published by the company Ridley's Games. The series began with "Space Edition" in 2018, and currently consists of six editions. These editions are themed around a certain concept or intellectual property, but the overall goal is the same - the players must aim to complete a goal whilst preventing the others from doing the same, and aiming to keep their supply of a certain resource from running out to avoid elimination. This wikibook will detail how to play the "Selfish" games.
Selfish/Shipwrecked Edition. "Selfish: Shipwrecked Edition", released in 2023, is, as of the time of this writing, the most recent game in the "Selfish" lineup. This version casts the players as castaways on the Isle of No Return, where all doesn't seem above board. Players will need to escape the island and swim six spaces to the safety of the rescue raft - but with rations running low and the sharks hungry, that's easier said than done. As the players swim to the raft they must navigate and outwit treacherous shark-infested waters, violent hurricanes, colossal sea monsters - and worst of all, each other - to try and get to the raft first. The goal of the game is to be either the first player to reach the raft, or the last player left swimming when all others have perished. Game Equipment. The game comes with the following equipment: Setup. To prepare the game: Basic Gameplay. Each player's turn is divided into three steps, as follows: Step One: Draw a Game Card. The player draws a Game card from the draw pile and adds it to their hand. If the Game draw pile runs out, reshuffle the discard pile into a new draw pile. Step Two: Play an Action Card. In this step the player may play Action cards from their hand as they like. Action cards have dark strips at the top and bottom, and have instructions for effects that will help that player. To play an Action card, the player follows the instructions written on the bottom of the card, then places the card into the Game card discard pile. A player may play as many Action cards from their hand as they like during their turn. Step Three: Float or Swim. In this step the player must decide whether they want to float and stay where they are, or swim one space towards the raft. If the player decides to float, they must discard one Ration card and leave their Castaway card where it is. If they decide to swim, the player must discard two Ration cards and move their Castaway card one space forward. Next the player must draw an Ocean card from the Ocean draw pile and place it face up in the space their Castaway card just vacated. They then follow the instructions on the Ocean card, which can have either positive or negative effects. If the Ocean card features a shark icon, the shark moves (explained in the next section). If a player is moved backwards into a space occupied by an Ocean card, the Ocean card is discarded. A new Ocean card will replace it when the player again moves forward from that space. A player can also be moved by an Action card, following the same rules. If a player is in the unfortunate situation where they have to play a Ration card, but do not have any on hand, that player dies and is out of the game. They must discard all of their Game cards, and then flip over their Castaway card to reveal their waterlogged corpse on the back. Sharks. Let's face it - this couldn't be a castaway-themed game without hungry sharks prowling the waters. Around half of the cards in the Ocean deck have a shark icon in the top-right corner, which depicts a white shark fin on a red circle. When an Ocean card with a shark icon is drawn for the first time in the game, one of the two Shark cards will be placed directly behind the player who drew said card. The shark does not move - this turn. The second shark can only be added to the game if the "Feeding Frenzy" Ocean card is drawn whilst a shark is already in play. Shark Movement. If a shark icon Ocean card is drawn whilst a shark is already in play, the shark moves, according to the following instructions: Caught by a Shark. If at any point during its movement, the shark lands on a Castaway card, that player must immediately discard one Ration card to avoid being eaten by the shark. If either shark eats some rations, their movement ends even if there are cards left to move by. If a player moves onto a shark, whether by discarding rations or by another player, they must also discard one Ration or get eaten. The shark will remain in that space until its next move. If a player does not have any Rations on hand to feed the shark, the shark devours them and they are out of the game. Winning the Game. The winner of the game is either the first player to swim six spaces and reach the Raft card, or the last player left swimming after everyone else dies. Ocean Cards. Excluding the Shark cards there are forty Ocean cards, with the following effects: Action Cards. There are 30 Action cards in the Game deck, with the following effects:
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...g5/2. Bxg5/2...f6. 2. f6? f6 seems like a relatively decent, if strange move by Black at first, kicking out the bishop and preparing for an advance to e5. However, this move weakens the king, as well as blocks development of the knight and the queen to f6. This can be abused by White with the move e4!, which makes the bishop poisoned, takes control of the center, and threatens to attack with the queen. White always goes Qh5 after a few moves to either checkmate the king or force it to move away. This is not a good situation for Black to be in at all, with little development chances, being attacked, and a weak kingside. There is a trap which comes after 3.e4! by white, and if Black greedily captures the Bg5, White plays 4. Qh5# and Black gets checkmated in four moves.
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Condition-Specific Information/Hematologic & Oncologic/Cancer-Related Bone Pain. Treatment Options. Calcitonin. According to a 2006 (updated in 2015) Cochrane Review, calcitonin does not significantly improve cancer-related bone pain but does increase the risk of side-effects.
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Preelaborable Initialization. Description. Returns whether the type of S has preelaborable initialization. Description. S’Preelaborable_Initialization return Boolean
Ada Programming/Attributes/'Index. Description. Within a precondition or postcondition expression for entry family E, denotes the value of the entry index for the call of E. Example. E’Index return entry_index_subtype
Ada Programming/Attrobutes/'Enum Rep. Description. Return the number representing a given enumeration literal. Example. S’Enum_Rep (X:S’Base) return universal_integer
Ada Programming/Pragmas/Admission Policy. Description. An admission policy governs the order in which competing tasks are evaluated for acquiring the execution resource associated with a protected object. Example. pragma Admission_Policy (policy_identifier)
October 7th Massacre/Alumim. Kibbutz Alumim is famous for its white houses, rows of handsome winged trees, and well-kept wide green lawns. The Kibbutz however looked very different after the events of October 7th. Abandoned vehicles were scattered, some of them were burned, and others pierced by bullets. On the night of Simchat Torah the Kibbutz members attended synagogue and did not suspect what was about to happen in less than 12 hours. A terrorist who participated in the attack on Alumim and was arrested by arrested by the security forces told that the Hamas leaders commanded to commit atrocities including murder and rape. He admitted the plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, throw grenades, and kill everyone including women and children. The Hamas also approved abusing and dismembering the dead bodies. On October 7th at 6:30 in the morning The holiday peace was disturbed by alarms and intense explosions from the Iron Dome batteries in the area. The residents got out from their beds and went to their shelters. Being accustomed to such events, they were not excited, however this time it was not as usual - the alarms went on and on. When Rafi Babian, a resident of Alumim as well as security officer of the Sdot Negev Regional Council, heard the alarms and the Iron Done batteries nonstop, he understood that something out of the ordinary is happening. So he made sure his family was in the shelters, and organized to go to the council's headquarters to activate the emergency center. He approached the Saad junction, and saw there a bullet-ridden car. The driver waved with his injured hand and yelled that there are terrorists in the junction. As he got closer, he saw a van with a machine gun shooting everyone in the area. The junction was full of people running away from the music festival in Re’im forest in their way north. They stopped on the sideways due to alarms, and Rafi started sending them east since it was impossible to pass the junction. At 6:45, the army ordered to raise the standby squad. At 7:00, ten terrorists arrived at the main gate on motorcycles. They rode to the back gate, and broke in. Once in, the terrorists started shooting indiscriminately at vehicles that passed. They hit about 20 cars. Two of them stormed the cars and shot the passengers. One of the terrorists got hit, either by from one of his friends or by a soldier. This group of terrorists retreated. At 8:00, terrorists were detected at the residence of the foreign workers. The standby squad started shooting at them, however the terrorists entered the residence and started murdering the Nepalese and Thai workers. 16 of them were killed and 8 were taken hostages to Gaza. Eyal Rein, the security coordinator of the kibbutz, testified: “Unfortunately, we were unable to save them. They are our employees, we know each and every one by name.” At 8:30, the terrorists set on fire the nearby milking parlor, and murdered all of the dairy workers. The haystacks were also set on fire. 700 cows were left without milking or food. Some of them died when the roof collapsed. Cows that are not milked develop inflammations and infections. At 8:45, the terrorists destroyed a shed with equipment worth hundreds thousands of shekels. A report was received at 9:00 about terrorists in Gan Hadar at the western part of the Kibbutz. The standby squad hurried to the area. Zvika, who directed the operation from the command room in the heart of the kibbutz, told the following about the battle: There began the heroic battle of the squad against dozens of terrorists who tried to break out from there towards the kibbutz houses. We managed to kill two terrorists, including the commander of the force, and prevent the terrorists from entering the houses. If they crossed that line, God forbid, there would be a disaster like in the other kibbutzim. Eyal testified about the battle: The terrorists broke through the fence and entered the kibbutz. Here we were already in front of them. This battle saved the kibbutz. We spotted a terrorist - we shot, we spotted another one - we shot. They shot at us. We managed to take down the first, followed by the second. The third tried to retreat towards the plantation. We took some friends up to the top floor of the prep school, and from there we were able to snipe at them. In this battle we killed three terrorists. In total we killed 15-20 terrorists and more. Some of them were discovered only the next day in all kinds of places. Zvika added: In this battle, three members of the squad were injured. One of them received a bullet in the chest and turned back to receive treatment at the clinic. The other was slightly injured. A third member, Eran, said 'I was hurt but I keep fighting'. He continued for another two hours until we evacuated him. Michaela works as a midwife in Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, however on this day, she worked as a medic on a battlefield. She testified about the events: I heard a shot but ran to get a first aid kit. I was operating on automatic and I didn't think about the fact that I was putting myself at risk. If I knew what was going on under my house, it is not clear if I would function. They brought the first wounded man and I see that it is my neighbor. I started to treat him and saw an injury to his hands, a bullet or shrapnel. After half an hour they brought another wounded man, much more seriously, with three gunshot wounds in the back. I called the doctor to get instructions. My husband and my father-in-law, an IDF invalid from the six days, who did not agree to stay in the shelter, helped me. He helped me, washed the wounded and helped put them in the evacuation vehicle. Preparations were made for evacuating the wounded, and one of the members took his personal car and drove with a medic to Netivot. On the way out, they got shot by terrorists and the medic was slightly injured. At 11:30, another injured person came to Michaela’s house. This was Eran, who as mentioned above kept on fighting even after his injury. Michaela told about him: He continued to fight for another four hours with three bullets in his thigh. At first he didn't feel hurt because of the adrenaline in his blood. I forced him to evacuate. My husband gave me his personal weapon and said 'let my father watch over you'. He loaded Eran onto the car and started driving. When he reached Netivot, the brakes and the engine began to emit smoke, and they were extinguished with a fire extinguisher. After Eran was evacuated to Soroka, my husband had to wait three hours until they let him come back. After this battle, the squad started searching for any remaining terrorists. At 12:00, another terrorist group was identified on cameras, this time in the avocado groves in the west of the Kibbutz. The squad arrived to the area and they were assisted by soldiers in an armored vehicle who arrived. At 12:15, one of the residents reported the injury of her husband. The couple was in the shelter when terrorists started shooting at their doors. Soldiers rushed and eliminated these terrorists. Another terrorist shot at another house and the resident was injured by the shrapnel. Two terrorists who didn't manage to cross the fence returned to the plantations. In the scans anothe terrorist was found lying and waiting. He raised his hands and was taken by the soldiers. At 12:30, dozens of other terrorists arrived at the Kibbutz. This time to the packing house at the south-east of the Kibbutz. A helicopter eliminated most of them.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30020. Code page 30020 is a code page intended for Frisian, Low Saxon, and other West Germanic languages in Europe. Character set. The following table shows code page 30020. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30021. Code page 30021 is a code page intended for Oceanic languages. The modifier letter turned comma is unified with the apostrophe in this code page, because they look similar in FreeDOS. Note that the L and N with cedilla have regular cedillas, unlike in Latvian and Livonian. Character set. The following table shows code page 30021. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30022. Code page 30022 is a code page intended for Native American languages in Canada. Character set. The following table shows code page 30022. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Selfish/Zombie Edition. "Selfish: Zombie Edition", released in 2019, is the second Selfish game. The players are cast as the last survivors of a devastating zombie apocalypse. Their supplies are running low, and the zombies are getting close. So now it's time for the players to make their last stand. Or more accurately, they'll need to race to the safety of the escape chopper, outwitting hordes of the undead, roving bandits - and worst of all, each other - all whilst making sure their supplies can last them on the journey. Unlike most other versions of "Selfish", in "Zombie Edition" a player is not out of the game when they die, but can keep playing as a zombie under a new set of rules. Setup. To prepare the game: Basic Gameplay. Each player's turn is divided into three steps, as follows: Step One: Draw a Game Card. The player draws a Game card from the draw pile and adds it to their hand. If the Game draw pile runs out, reshuffle the discard pile into a new draw pile. Step Two: Play an Action Card. In this step, the player may play Action cards from their hand as they like. Action cards have dark strips at the top and bottom, and have instructions for effects that will help that player. To play an Action card, the player follows the instructions written on the bottom of the card, then places the card into the Game card discard pile. A player may play as many Action cards from their hand as they like during their turn. Step Three: Rest or Travel. In this step, the player must decide whether they want to rest and stay where they are, or travel one space forward through the wasteland. If the player decides to rest, they must discard one Supplies card and leave their Survivor card where it is. If this is the player's last Supplies card, they die and turn into a zombie (more information on this later). If they decide to travel, the player must discard two Supplies cards and move their Survivor card one space forward. Next the player must draw a Wasteland card from the Wasteland draw pile and place it face up in the space their Survivor card just vacated. They then follow the instructions on the Wasteland card, which can have either positive or negative effects. If the player discards their last Supplies cards to travel, and the Wasteland card they reveal does not grant them any supplies, they die. The effects of Wasteland cards can only be avoided if a player moves by playing the "Abandoned Vehicle" Action card. If a player is moved backwards into a space occupied by a Wasteland card, the Wasteland card is discarded. A new Wasteland card will replace it when the player again moves forward from that space. A player can also be moved by an Action card, following the same rules. Once the player has rested or completed the action for the Wasteland card, their turn ends and play proceeds clockwise. Playing as a Zombie. Just because you may be dead does not mean you are out of the game. Because we are dealing with zombies here, once you die you may rise from the grave as a zombie to take your revenge! A player will die and turn into a zombie if one of two things happens: the player runs out of Supplies at any time, or they reveal a Wasteland card that reads "You Have Been Bitten". Should a player die, they immediately discard all of their Game cards (since zombies don't need supplies) and flip their Survivor card over to reveal their rotting corpse. If the player dies on their turn, said turn immediately ends. From now on, the zombified player's goal will be to eat the other players and turn them into zombies, too. Taking a Turn as a Zombie. A player begins a turn as a zombie by rolling the die. The number that comes up denotes the number of "action points" the player has available for that turn. If the player rolls a zero, their turn immediately ends - zombies can be slow. A zombified player may use their action points to perform any combination of one of two actions: Once a zombified player's action points run out, their turn ends and play proceeds clockwise. Winning the Game. The winner of the game is the first player to reach the chopper with at least one Supplies card on hand. If everyone is turned into a zombie, the zombies win. Wasteland Cards. There are 41 Wasteland cards in the deck, with the following effects: Action Cards. There are 30 Action cards in the Game deck, with the following effects:
World Tea Bag Catalogue/Kazi & Kazi. Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Ltd. is the only internationally certified organic tea grower in Bangladesh. their garden is located in Tetulia, in the northernmost district of Panchagarh, Bangladesh, only 50 km south of Darjeeling. Kazi & Kazi Tea Estate Ltd. started its journey in 2000. They acquired virgin lands which had never before been used for cultivation. After extensive research and consultation with the Bangladesh Tea Board, the plantation began on August 6, 2000. KK Tea entered the local market in 2006. It is esteemed to be one of the highest valued teas in the Chittagong tea auction since 2006. Their garden produces only organic tea, manufacturing bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides on-site with only natural and organic means.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. c4/2...g6/3. Nc3/3...Bg7/4. e4/4...d6/5. Nf3/5...O-O/6. Be2/6...e5. 6. e5. The move e5 from Black attacks the center and gains space. The main line continues by White castling kingside to get the king away from the center, then Black plays Nc6 to gain space and develop a piece, which White immediately kicks with d5, forcing it to e7. From there, the game can branch off in several different ways. b4 makes a pawn storm on the queenside, with the rooks developing to support in the attack. In some games, Black's kingside knight goes to h5 then back to f6 on its own volition to push the f-pawn to f5 to destabilize the center and prepare g4. Ne1 eventually rotates the knight to the center after Nd3 where it can defend better against Black's counterattack, be protected from g4as well as attack in the future. Black's kingside knight also moves to allow f5. Theory Table. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5
Ada Programming/Libraries/System.Atomic Operations.Exchange. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." System.Atomic Operations.Exchange is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. generic type Atomic_Type is private with Atomic; package System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange with Pure, Nonblocking is function Atomic_Exchange (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; function Atomic_Compare_And_Exchange (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Prior : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Desired : Atomic_Type) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; function Is_Lock_Free (Item : aliased Atomic_Type) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; end System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange;
Ada Programming/Libraries/System.Atomic Operations.Test And Set. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." System.Atomic Operations.Test_And_Set is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. package System.Atomic_Operations.Test_And_Set with Pure, Nonblocking is type Test_And_Set_Flag is mod implementation-defined with Atomic, Default_Value => 0, Size => implementation-defined; function Atomic_Test_And_Set (Item : aliased in out Test_And_Set_Flag) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; procedure Atomic_Clear (Item : aliased in out Test_And_Set_Flag) with Convention => Intrinsic; function Is_Lock_Free (Item : aliased Test_And_Set_Flag) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; end System.Atomic_Operations.Test_And_Set;
Ada Programming/Libraries/System.Atomic Operations.Integer Arithmetic. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." System.Atomic Operations.Integer_Arithmetic is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. generic type Atomic_Type is range <> with Atomic; package System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic with Pure, Nonblocking is procedure Atomic_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; procedure Atomic_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; function Is_Lock_Free (Item : aliased Atomic_Type) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; end System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic; The operations of this package are defined as follows: procedure Atomic_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Item := Item + Value; procedure Atomic_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Item := Item - Value; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Tmp := Item; Item := Item + Value; return Tmp; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Tmp := Item; Item := Item - Value; return Tmp;
Ada Programming/Libraries/System.Atomic Operations.Modular Arithmetic. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." System.Atomic Operations.Modular_Arithmetic is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. generic type Atomic_Type is mod <> with Atomic; package System.Atomic_Operations.Modular_Arithmetic with Pure, Nonblocking is procedure Atomic_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; procedure Atomic_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; function Is_Lock_Free (Item : aliased Atomic_Type) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; end System.Atomic_Operations.Modular_Arithmetic; The operations of this package are defined as follows: procedure Atomic_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Item := Item + Value; procedure Atomic_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Item := Item - Value; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Tmp := Item; Item := Item + Value; return Tmp; function Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract (Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type; Value : Atomic_Type) return Atomic_Type with Convention => Intrinsic; Atomically performs: Tmp := Item; Item := Item - Value; return Tmp;
Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Numerics.Big Numbers.Big Integers. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." Ada.Numerics.Big Numbers.Big Integers is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers with Preelaborate, Nonblocking, Global => in out synchronized is type Big_Integer is private with Integer_Literal => From_Universal_Image, Put_Image => Put_Image; function Is_Valid (Arg : Big_Integer) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; subtype Valid_Big_Integer is Big_Integer with Dynamic_Predicate => Is_Valid (Valid_Big_Integer), Predicate_Failure => (raise Program_Error); function "=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean; function "<" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean; function "<=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean; function ">" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean; function ">=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean; function To_Big_Integer (Arg : Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; subtype Big_Positive is Big_Integer with Dynamic_Predicate => (if Is_Valid (Big_Positive) then Big_Positive > 0), Predicate_Failure => (raise Constraint_Error); subtype Big_Natural is Big_Integer with Dynamic_Predicate => (if Is_Valid (Big_Natural) then Big_Natural >= 0), Predicate_Failure => (raise Constraint_Error); function In_Range (Arg, Low, High : Valid_Big_Integer) return Boolean is (Low <= Arg and Arg <= High); function To_Integer (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer) return Integer with Pre => In_Range (Arg, Low => To_Big_Integer (Integer'First), High => To_Big_Integer (Integer'Last)) or else raise Constraint_Error; generic type Int is range <>; package Signed_Conversions is function To_Big_Integer (Arg : Int) return Valid_Big_Integer; function From_Big_Integer (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer) return Int with Pre => In_Range (Arg, Low => To_Big_Integer (Int'First), High => To_Big_Integer (Int'Last)) or else raise Constraint_Error; end Signed_Conversions; generic type Int is mod <>; package Unsigned_Conversions is function To_Big_Integer (Arg : Int) return Valid_Big_Integer; function From_Big_Integer (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer) return Int with Pre => In_Range (Arg, Low => To_Big_Integer (Int'First), High => To_Big_Integer (Int'Last)) or else raise Constraint_Error; end Unsigned_Conversions; function To_String (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer; Width : Field := 0; Base : Number_Base := 10) return String with Post => To_String'Result'First = 1; function From_String (Arg : String) return Valid_Big_Integer; function From_Universal_Image (Arg : String) return Valid_Big_Integer renames From_String; procedure Put_Image (Buffer : in out Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers.Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : in Valid_Big_Integer); function "+" (L : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "-" (L : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "abs" (L : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "+" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "-" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "*" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "/" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "mod" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "rem" (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function "**" (L : Valid_Big_Integer; R : Natural) return Valid_Big_Integer; function Min (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function Max (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Integer; function Greatest_Common_Divisor (L, R : Valid_Big_Integer) return Big_Positive with Pre => (L /= 0 and R /= 0) or else raise Constraint_Error; private ... -- not specified by the language end Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Numerics.Big Numbers.Big Reals. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." Ada.Numerics.Big Numbers.Big Reals is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022. with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers; use all type Big_Integers.Big_Integer; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals with Preelaborate, Nonblocking, Global => in out synchronized is type Big_Real is private with Real_Literal => From_Universal_Image, Put_Image => Put_Image; function Is_Valid (Arg : Big_Real) return Boolean with Convention => Intrinsic; subtype Valid_Big_Real is Big_Real with Dynamic_Predicate => Is_Valid (Valid_Big_Real), Predicate_Failure => raise Program_Error; function "/" (Num, Den : Big_Integers.Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Real with Pre => Den /= 0 or else raise Constraint_Error; function Numerator (Arg : Valid_Big_Real) return Big_Integers.Valid_Big_Integer with Post => (if Arg = 0.0 then Numerator'Result = 0); function Denominator (Arg : Valid_Big_Real) return Big_Integers.Big_Positive with Post => (if Arg = 0.0 then Denominator'Result = 1 else Big_Integers.Greatest_Common_Divisor (Numerator (Arg), Denominator'Result) = 1); function To_Big_Real (Arg : Big_Integers.Valid_Big_Integer) return Valid_Big_Real is (Arg / 1); function To_Real (Arg : Integer) return Valid_Big_Real is (Big_Integers.To_Big_Integer (Arg) / 1); function "=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean; function "<" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean; function "<=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean; function ">" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean; function ">=" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean; function In_Range (Arg, Low, High : Valid_Big_Real) return Boolean is (Low <= Arg and Arg <= High); generic type Num is digits <>; package Float_Conversions is function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real; function From_Big_Real (Arg : Valid_Big_Real) return Num with Pre => In_Range (Arg, Low => To_Big_Real (Num'First), High => To_Big_Real (Num'Last)) or else (raise Constraint_Error); end Float_Conversions; generic type Num is delta <>; package Fixed_Conversions is function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real; function From_Big_Real (Arg : Valid_Big_Real) return Num with Pre => In_Range (Arg, Low => To_Big_Real (Num'First), High => To_Big_Real (Num'Last)) or else (raise Constraint_Error); end Fixed_Conversions; function To_String (Arg : Valid_Big_Real; Fore : Field := 2; Aft : Field := 3; Exp : Field := 0) return String with Post => To_String'Result'First = 1; function From_String (Arg : String) return Valid_Big_Real; function From_Universal_Image (Arg : String) return Valid_Big_Real renames From_String; function From_Universal_Image (Num, Den : String) return Valid_Big_Real is (Big_Integers.From_Universal_Image (Num) / Big_Integers.From_Universal_Image (Den)); function To_Quotient_String (Arg : Valid_Big_Real) return String is (To_String (Numerator (Arg)) & " / " & To_String (Denominator (Arg))); function From_Quotient_String (Arg : String) return Valid_Big_Real; procedure Put_Image (Buffer : in out Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers.Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : in Valid_Big_Real); function "+" (L : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "-" (L : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "abs" (L : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "+" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "-" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "*" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "/" (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function "**" (L : Valid_Big_Real; R : Integer) return Valid_Big_Real; function Min (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; function Max (L, R : Valid_Big_Real) return Valid_Big_Real; private ... -- not specified by the language end Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Reals;
Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Containers.Bounded Indefinite Holders. "This language feature has been introduced in Ada 2022." Ada.Containers.Bounded Indefinite Holders is a unit of the Predefined Language Environment since Ada 2022.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e5/2. Nc3/2...Nf6/3. Bc4/3...Nxe4/4. Qh5/4...Nd6/5. Qxe5. 5. Qxe5+. This move is an anti-climax, useful if White wanted to scare Black but not actually follow through with the plan. After a queen exchange with 6. Qe7 7. Qxe7+ Bxe7, White can save the bishop with Bb3 or Be2 then develop with Nf3, d4, and castling, having a slight advantage due to Black's knight blocking the d5 pawn and a rather bad queen's bishop, as well as first move advantage. However, Black can move the knight to f5 and allow the d pawn to move to activate the queen's bishop, and c6 to support a future d5 to take space in the center. This is still a rather interesting game, just not crazy. Theory Table. 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nxe4 4. Qh5 Nd6 5. Qxe5+
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30023. Code page 30023 is a code page intended for languages in Southern Africa. Character set. The following table shows code page 30023. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30024. Code page 30024 is a code page intended for languages in Northern and Eastern Africa. Character set. The following table shows code page 30024. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30025. Code page 30025 is a code page intended for languages in Western Africa. Character set. The following table shows code page 30025. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Salut, Jonathan! (Interocidental). Salut, Jonathan! is a translation of 's language course "Salute, Jonathan!" into Interocidental, a synthesis of Interlingua and Occidental introduced by "valodnieks" in 2012. Capitul 1. Un om sta in un citat. Le om scriba un diario. Le om vida un citat. Esque le om sta in un citat? Oc, il sta in un citat. Esque le om sta in...un om? No, il no sta in un om. Il sta in un citat. Esque le om sta in un tren? No, il no sta in un tren. Il sta in un citat. Le om sta in un citat. Esque le om scriba un diario? Oc, il scriba un diario. Esque le diario scriba le om? No, le diario no scriba le om. Un diario no scriba. Un om scriba. Le om scriba le diario. Esque le citat vida le om? No, le citat no vida le om. Un citat no vida. Un om vida. Esque le om vida le citat? Oc, le om vida le citat. Donde sta le om? Il sta in un citat. Que le om scriba? Il scriba un diario. Que le om vida? Il vida un citat. Il sta in un citat, e il scriba un diario, e il vida un citat. Esque le om "sta" in un diario? No, il "scriba" in un diario. Esque le om vida un om? No, il no vida un om; il vida un citat. Le om es grand. Le om es bon, e le om es inteligent. Il pensa. Il pensa super le citat. Le pensa: "Que es le citat? Esque le citat es bon? Esque le citat es grand?" Esque le om scriba un citat? No, il no scriba un citat; un citat es grand. Il scriba un diario; un diario no es grand. Esque le diario pensa super le om? No, un diario no pensa. Un om pensa. Il pensa super le diario, e pensa super le citat. E il scriba in le diario. Il scriba super le citat. Il scriba: "Le citat es bon, e le citat es grand." Il pensa: "Le citat es bon;" il pensa que le citat es bon. Il pensa: "Le citat es grand;" il pensa que le citat es grand. Il pensa super le citat, e il pensa super le diario. Que es le diario? Le diario es donde le om scriba; il scriba in un diario. In le diario, le om scriba super le citat. In le diario, le om no scriba super le tren; le om sta in le citat, no in le tren. Il no pensa super le tren; il pensa super le citat, le citat München. Quel es le citat? It es München. Donde es München? It es donde le om sta. Donde es le om? Il es in München. Oc, München es un grand citat, e un bon citat. Le om pensa que le citat es un bon citat, e il pensa que it es un grand citat. Le om es inteligent. Il dica: "Salut, München!" Il es un bon om! Le om sta e pensa: "Donde es le tren?" Il vida...il vida le tren! Il pensa: "Le tren!" Ara il no pensa super le diario e no pensa super le citat; il pensa super le tren! Capitul 2. Ara le om es in le tren. Il no es in München; il es in un tren. Il viagea. Il pensa: "Ara yo viagea de München a Wien. It es un bon viage. Yo ama viages." Il pensa super München. Il pensa: "Ara yo es in le tren, ma hier yo esava in München. E ara yo scriba un diario in le tren, ma hier yo scribava un diario in München. E ara yo pensa in le tren, ma hier yo pensava in München. Hier yo pensava super München in München, e ara yo pensa super Wien in le tren. Ara yo es in le tren, no in Wien. Ma yo pensa e scriba super Wien." Esque le om ara pensa in München? No, il ara no pensa in München. Il pensa in le tren. Hier il pensava in München. Il dica: "Salut, tren!" Le om es in le tren, e il viagea a un citat. Le citat no es München; München es le citat de hier. Le citat es Wien; Wien es le citat de avui. Le om pensa super München e Wien. Il pensa: "München esava le citat de hier, e München esava bon. Ara it es avui, e yo es in un tren; le tren es bon. Esque Wien va esar bon?" Le om pensa super München: München esava le citat de hier. Il pensa in le tren: il es in le tren avui. E il pensa super Wien: Wien va esar le citat de deman. E il pensa: "München esava grand. Le tren es grand. Esque Wien va esar grand?" E il pensa: "In München yo scribava in un diario. In le tren yo scriba in un diario. Esque in Wien yo va scribar in un diario? Oc, deman in Wien yo va scribar in un diario. Yo ama diarios." Le om pensa molt (il pensa molt = il pensa e pensa e pensa), e il scriba molt. Oc, il es un inteligent om. Inteligent omes scriba molt, e pensa molt. Il es Jonathan; Jonathan es un inteligent om. Il scriba: "Yo es Jonathan. Yo es in un tren. Hier yo stava in Münich; deman yo va star in Wien." Il pensa, e scriba: "Le tren...it es bon, ma vel. It no es nov; it es vel. Esque in München le trenes es vel? Oc, le trenes de München es vel. Ma le trenes de München es bon, e yo ama le trenes de München. Hier yo amava le tren in München, e avui yo ama le tren ara, e deman yo va amar le tren in Wien. Yo ama trenes!" Jonathan scriba: "München es un bon citat e un vel citat, e Wien es un bon citat e un vel citat. München e Wien no es nov, ma es bon. München e Wien es vel, ma bon citates. Le citates no es nov, ma bon. Yo ama citates!" Jonathan pensa, que le secund di de viage es bon. Il dica: "Avui esava un bon secund di de viage. Yo ama viages!" Capitul 3. Jonathan sta in Wien: le citat de Wien. Jonathan pensa que Wien es bon, e que Wien es bel. Jonathan no pensa que Wien es led; il pensa que Wien es bel. Il dica: "Wien es un bel citat! Yo va scribar de it!" E il scriba in le diario de Wien. In le diario il scriba: "Mi tresen di es tre bon! In le secund di yo stava in München. München e Wien es dos citates; München no es Wien e Wien no es München. Yo sta in Wien e le citat es tre bel. Yo ama Wien; le citat no es led. Qual bel es Wien! Ma yo hava un problem." Que? Jonathan hava un problem? Quel problem? Ara il no vida le diario; il vida le citat e pensa. Il pensa molt del problem. Le problem de Jonathan es que il ama Wien, ma il no hava tempor. Il pensa: "Hmm. Ara it es set (7) hores. A deci (10) hores le tren departa. Deci (10) hores min set (7) hores es tres (3) hores. Tres hores no es molt tempor por un bel citat! Yo no hava tempor. Havar tempor es bon, ma yo no hava it! Scribar un diario es bon, ma yo no hava tempor por scribar it! Que facar in Wien?" Il pensa: "Yo no hava molt tempor. Que facar - scribar un diario, o manjar, o vidar le citat?" Il pensa plus, e dica: "Yo hava un bon ide! Un moment...yo pensa. Mi tren departa a deci (10) hores. Esque es un tren plus tard, a deci-un (11) hores, o deci-dos (12), deci-tres (13), deci-quar (14) o deci-cinque (5) hores?" Il vida...oc! Es un tren lequel departa a deci-cinque hores. Ara Jonathan es felis. Jonathan dica: "Deci-cinque (15) min set (7) es ot (8). Ara yo hava ot hores de tempor! Que yo va facar?" Il dica: "Yo sava! Yo va manjar un bifstec. E yo va bibar un bir. Un moment...no, yo va bibar dos bires, o tres bires. Bon ide!" Ara Jonathan biba un bir in Wien, e manja un bifstec. Il es felis. Il dica: "Qual yo es felis! Yo ama le citat de Wien. Qual yo ama viages!"
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30026. Code page 30026 is a code page intended for languages in Central Africa. Character set. The following table shows code page 30026. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30027. Code page 30027 is a code page intended for languages in Benin. Character set. The following table shows code page 30027. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30028. Code page 30028 is a code page intended for languages in Niger. Character set. The following table shows code page 30028. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30029. Code page 30029 is a code page intended for languages in Mexico. Character set. The following table shows code page 30029. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30030. Code page 30030 is a code page intended for languages in Mexico. Character set. The following table shows code page 30030. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Ada Programming/Aspects/Aggregate. S with Aggregate => (aggregate) Description. Mechanism to define user-defined aggregates.
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e6/2. Qe2/2...c5/3. Nf3/3...Nc6. Chigorin Variation. 4. g3 allows development of the f-rank bishop to g2 after playing Qe2 (in this variation, the queen takes a position that gives attacking possibilities later in the game that can allow the player to think outside the box a bit. For example: 4 ... g6 5. Bg2 Bg7 6. o-o and black can't always play d5, equal game.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30031. Code page 30031 is a code page intended to cover all the characters in . Character set. The following table shows code page 30031. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30032. Code page 30032 is a code page intended to cover all the characters in . Character set. The following table shows code page 30032. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30033. Code page 30033 is a code page intended for Latin Tatar and all languages covered by Code page 857 which includes the Hryvnia Sign. The code page number was previously used for the MIK code page, until it was renumbered to code page 3021, and the current code page 30033 and new code pages 30039 and 30040 were created. Character set. The following table shows code page 30033. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 30034. Code page 30034 is a code page intended for Cherokee. Character set. The following table shows code page 30034. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Selfish/Space Edition. "Selfish: Space Edition", released in 2018, is the first game in the "Selfish" series. The players are cast as stranded astronauts who have found themselves floating helplessly in space. They will need to navigate through the unforgiving vacuum, avoiding dangers like cosmic rays, asteroids, solar flares - and worst of all, each other - to get to the spaceship first, all whilst making sure their oxygen does not run out on them. Because "Space Edition" is the first "Selfish" game, it does not have any special mechanics, unlike later games. Setup. To prepare the game: Basic Gameplay. Each player's turn is divided into three steps, as follows: Step One: Draw a Game Card. The player draws a Game card from the draw pile and adds it to their hand. If the Game draw pile runs out, reshuffle the discard pile into a new draw pile. Step Two: Play an Action Card. In this step, the player may play Action cards from their hand as they like. Action cards have dark strips at the top and bottom, and have instructions for effects that will help that player. To play an Action card, the player follows the instructions written on the bottom of the card, then places the card into the Game card discard pile. A player may play as many Action cards from their hand as they like during their turn. If only two players are playing in the game, a player may only play one Action card on their turn. Step Three: Breathe or Travel. In this step, the player must decide whether they want to breathe and stay where they are or travel one space forward through space. If the player decides to breathe, they must discard one Oxygen card and leave their Astronaut card where it is. If this is the player's last Oxygen card, they die. They must turn over their Astronaut card to reveal their corpse on the back, and they are out of the game. If they decide to travel, the player must discard two Oxygen cards and move their Astronaut card one space forward. Next, the player must draw a Space card from the Space draw pile and place it face up in the space their Astronaut card just vacated. They then follow the instructions on the Space card, which can have either positive or negative effects. If the player discards their last Oxygen cards to travel, and the Space card they reveal does not grant them any supplies, they die. If a player is moved backwards into a space occupied by a Space card, the Space card is discarded. A new Space card will replace it when the player again moves forward from that space. A player can also be moved by an Action card, following the same rules. Once the player has rested or completed the action for the Space card, their turn ends and play proceeds clockwise. Winning the Game. The winner of the game is the first player to reach the spaceship with at least one Oxygen card on hand. If everyone dies before this happens, no one wins. Space Cards. There are 42 Space cards in the deck, with the following effects: Action Cards. There are 30 Action cards in the Game deck, with the following effects:
Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Miscellaneous/Helpful Dot Phrases. Drug-Related Dot-Phrases. Melatonin. General melatonin info <br> Disease-Related Dot-Phrases. Migraines. Promethazine as a migraine abortive <br>
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. c4/2...g6/3. f3. 3.f3!? is an Anti-Grunfeld move that was popularized by Alekhine. It is a dangerous line. White can quickly gain a space advantage and intiative if Black does not respond well.
Understanding Scientific Terms/Index. INDEX OF WORD ROOTS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES A. a 0 ab 3 acousia 8 ad 3 alb/a 5 algia 8 ap 0 aphia 8 apo 0 archae/o 2 aur/i 6 B. bi        4 bio        1, 2 brachy/o    6 C. cardi/o        7 cephal/o    6 chir/o        6 chlor/o        5 chrom/o        5 corpa        6 corpus        6 cyan/o        5 cyst/o        7 cyt/o        2 cyte        7 D. dactyl/o    6 deci 4 derm        3 deutero     4 di        4 E. ecto        3 edema        8 electr/o       0 emia        8 encephal/o    6 end/o        3 enne        4 epi        0,3 eschato        4 ex/o        3 F. fix        1 G. galuc/o        5 genic        8 geo        2 geustia        8 gram        0 gram        1 gynaec/o    2 gynec/o        2 H. hemi        4 hepat/o        7 hept        4 hex        4 hyper        0,3 hypo        0,3 hyster/o    7 I. ic        2 ism        8 itis        8 L. laryng/o    7 lepsy        8 leuc/o        5 lith/o        2 logist        2 logy        1,2 M. macro        3 mamm/o        6 mania        8 melan/o        5 meter        0 micro        3 mono        4 multi        4 my/o        0,7 myc/o        2 N. nephr/o        7 neur/o        7 nigr/o        5 non        4 O. oct        4 ocul/o        6 oid        8 ology         6,2 oma        8 oo        7 opia        8 opsia        8 opthalm/o    6 or/o        6 orexia        8 osis        8 osmia        8 osphrensia    8 ot/o        6 ovo        7 P. palae/o        2 patell/o    6 ped/o        6 pent        4 peri        3 phall/o        7 phon/o        1 phone        1 phyt/a        2 pluri        4 pneum/o        7 poly        4 post        0 pre        0, 1 primo        4 pro        3 proto        3 proto        4 pulmin/o    7 Q. quad        4 quart        4 quint        4 R. ren/o        7 rhin/o        6 rhodo        5 rub/o        5 S. semi        4 sept        4 sex        4 some        5 stomat/o    6 T. tel/e        1 tetra        4 tomy        8 tri        4 trito        4 U. umbilic/o    6 uni        4 X. xanth/o        5 Z. zoo        2
LineageOS. This is a book on installing and using LineageOS.
LineageOS/Compatibility. LineageOS aims to support all devices, both old and new. The compatibility guide can help.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 161. Code page 161 is a code page intended for Arabic. It is used by ADOS. Character set. The following table shows code page 161. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 162. Code page 162 is a code page intended for Arabic that includes vowel diacritics. It is used by ADOS. Character set. The following table shows code page 162. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 163. Code page 163 is a code page intended for Arabic and French. It is used by ADOS. Character set. The following table shows code page 163. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as code page 437.
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 164. Code page 164 is a code page intended for Arabic and French that includes vowel diacritics. It is used by ADOS. Character set. The following table shows code page 164. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point.
Automobile Repair/Warning light system. Brake Light Warning Light. Cause: The brake fluid level drops to near the "MIN" line of the brake fluid reserve tank, while the engine is running. Actions: Add the brake fluid, if necessary, and check the fluid leakage. If the warning light goes on, the brake system requires increased force and the stopping distance will be increased. If this light fails to go out even when the parking brake has been released, or if the light goes on while running, most likely the brake fluid level has dropped, resulting in poor braking. When the effectiveness of the brake has dropped, immediately park your car at a safe place by depressing the brake pedal strongly. Note 1: When both this light and the anti-lock brake system warning light go on at the same time, the anti-lock brake system may be malfunctioning. In addition, there is the possibility that the vehicle becomes unstable when hard braking is applied. Immediately park your car at a safe place. Note 2: When an abnormal noise (squeaking noise, etc.) is always emitted during the braking period, most likely the brake pad has been worn out. Immediately have your car checked. Battery Charging Warning Light. Cause: The charging system (alternator) should be malfunctioned if the warning light goes on while the engine is running, the drive belt may loose or break. Actions: Once the battery is noticed turned on, it is best to turn off the accessories (dashcam/radio/CD player/etc...) and drive to nearest workshop for checking. Wait for the engine to cool down first and and use the battery checker to check for the battery capacity ;if battery capacity mentioned OK Then check drive belt for looseness or breakage. Replace drive belt if found broken. Then check for alternator is charging using battery checker. Note 1: Do not continue driving if the drive belt is  broken or loose. It may cause engine overheating. Note 2: If the car is very hard to kick start to running engine, there is a high chances of battery unable to be perform its duties anymore. Anti Lock Breaking System (A.B.S) Warning Light. Cause: The brake fluid level drops to near the "MIN" line of the brake fluid reserve tank, faulty speed sensor on one or more tyres if it detect the tyre speed variances is more than certain ranges, blown fuses causing the ABS module to be short circuit Note 1: If both the A.B.S. warning light and brake warning light should remain illuminated and fall to go out, there is the  possibility that the braking forces would drop drastically, it is likely braking system will fail. Stop the car at roadside to prevent accidents. Actions: Stop the car and top up the brake fluid in brake fluid reserve tank Note 2: The ABS does a self-test every time you turn on the ignition. Once you start your vehicle, the warning light will briefly come on, and if the A.B.S Module finds a problem, the light will stay on. If you notice the light flash immediately after starting the vehicle, then it's just your vehicle doing a self-check. Note 3: If the warning light comes on while you are driving, it means the ABS is not working properly. Your brakes will still work, but the ABS might not engage if you need to make an emergency stop. If the light remains on, you need to have it checked the ABS light issue as soon as possible to ensure that emergency brake still functions if you needed it. Engine Malfunction Indicator Light (EMIL). Cause: ECM (Engine Control Module) detects excessive consumption (fuel), excessive exhaust smoke (combustion failure) or an abnormal operating temperature (a cooling system failure). ECM itself maybe faulty if others potential issues are checked by mechanics to be OK Note 1: If the engine electronic control system should malfunction while the engine is running, the MIL goes on. Actions: Stop at the road side and checked for the following: (i) Check the petrol cap is properly closed off when you last filled it up (ii) If petrol cap is closed properly and light is still flashing, get the car towed and checked at nearest workshop. Note 2: Continue driving in this conditions will lead to more engine damages References. https://repairpal.com/warning-lights-chart
Macedonian/Beginner/Lessons/2. Kolku e sato= What's the time Dojdi Tuka= Come here Dali sakas malku= Do you want some Rabotam= Work Sho ke jadime= what are we eating Koga jadime= when are we eating
Character Encodings/Code Tables/MS-DOS/Code page 972. Code page 972 is a code page intended for Hebrew for VT100 platforms. Character set. The following table shows code page 972. Each character is shown with its equivalent Unicode code point. Only the second half of the table (128–255) is shown, the first half (0–127) being the same as ASCII.