The void filled with massive reverberations as a cyan and crimson fist diametrically opposed to one another clashed. Boom! The sheer explosive force burst out as the two fists crashed, the molten red of the first fist rapidly cool and the frozen fist heated up. Both fists evened out into their original colors as the two aspects raised their other fist. "Puah!" Chen Li's Iron knight aspect retreat two steps forcing her to spit a mouthful of blood. Her aspect right arm cracked as the molten iron cooled from the lunar Qi. The moon demon stood still as heat forces tried to climb its right hand, it shook its hand releasing an endless sea of lunar Qi. The charred black hand became frozen by the lunar Qi making the fur turn cyan again and the injury disappear. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed open with malice as lunar Qi gathered into his aspect. "Hah!" Ye Yuyan roared releasing the sea of cyan Qi, the moon demon roared to the heavens with its cyan slit eyes shining with murderous intent. The moon demon raised its other arm and punched out furiously, the fist stirred the cyan sea into action splitting the void in two with the momentum as it flew towards Chen Li. "Chhh..." Chen Li clicked her tongue and clenched her left arm, her aspect copied her action as it raised its left arm. Her right arm hand to the side as she gathered her bloodline forces, bronze Qi condensed onto her left arm like a barrier as she punched out again. The void light up once again with the clashing of fists, the laws of frost and strength crashed together leaving streaks of Qi across the void. The two fists smashed against each other releasing a volley of strong and lunar Qis. "Too weak!" Ye Yuyan growled as his eyes shined with cyan Qi as he stepped into the punched, the Moon Demon mimicked him as it took a second step suddenly bursting forward with indomitable momentum. The sudden burst of energy transmitted through the Iron Knight, Chen Li's body rocked within her aspect as her left arm flew back. The smashing momentum continued until it punched into the iron knight's abdomen. "Scram!" Ye Yuyan roared as he burst into the punch again releasing an incalculable amount of lunar Qi. The world of ice drove the attack as it fused into the punch shooting through the iron knight. The world of bronze behind Chen Li cracked as the world of ice overcame all laws bursting the void. The fist sent Chen Li's aspect flying into the cracking bronze world, as the insidious lunar Qi seeped into her aspect making crack even more. In less than a moment, her world and aspect were on the brink of collapse as her truths showed signs of dissipating. She struggled to regain her balance as her body propelled through the great world. Anger burst through her heart filling her with a burning hatred, she smashed down on the void regaining her balance and stared at Ye Yuyan with hate-filled eyes. "Damn it, I refuse to lose so easily!" She roared in a shrill voice as she slammed down onto her great world-shattering it. Suddenly the world of bronze shattered like glass mural into a million bronze shards. Engraved on each shard was a different fortitude mark with a complete truth, the shards drifted all around the void each aimed at Ye Yuyan. "The People's Hero!" Chen Li roared forcing her aspect to shatter, the remnants of her iron knight turned into marks that fused into the shards. The void rapidly filled with glass shards all pointing at the Moon Demon's form. The shards rotated at rapidly speeds wearing at the world of ice, drilling away various frost truths. A fight between rank 4 experts was no longer in the physical realm, but instead, it was in the realm of laws! Every attack was imbued with the power of laws, making every fist and kick stir the powers of heaven and earth into a frenzy. "Your Chen clan never changes, relying on heritage makes you stagnant!" Ye Yuyan sneered as the rotating shards grew closer. "Arrogant." Chen Li scornfully said as rage boiled in her eyes. She raised her jade palm facing outward and flicked her wrist toward Ye Yuyan. That single action stirred heaven and earth as the truth fragments dashed towards Ye Yuyan as if a magnetic force were pulling them in. Up in the world of ice's sky, the blue moon shone upon the Moon Demon illuminating it with power. The sky rippled as a vortex of cyan Qi gathered into the tattoos of the demon, each line pulsated with nomological fluctuations as the forces transmitted throughout its body. The gathered forces condensed toward the Moon Tattoo right below its navel as a cyan aura wrapped around the demon's form. The blue lotus mark resonated with Ye Yuyan's red lotus mark, their auras swirled and blended together as the Moon Demon fused with the world of ice! The Moon Demon growled releasing Lunar Qi with its every birth, Ye Yuyan gritted his teeth as slaughter Qi released from deep in his bones. The slaughter Qi blended into the Blue Moon Code driving the Moon Demon to a new level. Its jaw elongated as its incisors and canines grew, its ears grew as it turned sharp as if peering into all sounds. Then suddenly it claws grew sharper resembling talons in sharpness as it grew more intimidating. Originally the demon had no distinctive features but now it took on the appearance of a massive werewolf! The Moon Demon howled toward the heavens, and suddenly Ye Yuyan's pupils disappeared showing the whites of his eyes. "Hrrr, Piss off!" Ye Yuyan growled as the whites of his eyes shown with a demonic light, his muscles and body bulged significantly as the Moon Demon's slaughter Qi intensified. His terrifying visage inspired a demonic aura around him as the Moon Demon's howl erupted into supersonic sound waves. The intense vibrations transmitted through the membrane of the void as a sea of cyan Qi engulfed the world. The world of ice suddenly expanded out, every piece of glass shattered as it passed by. The ever-growing world consumed the truths bursting through the bronze light like it was butter. "What!?!" Chen Li said as her eyes narrowed in shock, she tried to move back but Ye Yuyan's world of ice grew without end. Before she could even move back, a plain of ice stretching to the ends of the horizon was before her. Inside this world bloomed blue lotus as cyan Qis drifted around the realm and a blue moon stood in command of all things. Chen Li closed her eyes in resignation as the great world of ice wrapped around her, without her bronze armor the ice frosted over her legs easily as it consumed her frail body. Boom! The aquatic plains lit up with a blue light as a sea of qi roiled out. The qi turned into thick waves as it condensed into one point, seething with excitement when suddenly a cyan beam shot out from the point expanding as it flew out further. The beam burst into the world of ice shattering the layer of laws as it flew into the world, the Qi blasted through the skies cutting apart the blue lotuses and cyan Qis. The massive beam sliced apart the sky leaving a massive gashing scar, thousands of meters across. A vacuum formed from the hole sucking in various truths, forcing the world to stop its advance. With a moment of respite, Chen Li's body flashed back thousands of meters in a second. She fled with no concern for face as she flew at maximum speeds. Ye Yuyan's pupils returned as his dark gaze landed on the scar of the world of ice, levitating there was a woman dressed in blue robes embroidered with lunar symbols. Around her was a swirling vortex of Lunar Qi as if she was the origin of all Lunar energy. Drifting starlight accentuated her full curves as her immortal figure danced in the moonlight as she flew towards the center of the world of ice. The laws of frost parted automatically as if she were the sovereign of laws, her form flitted and appeared in front of Ye Yuyan's towering Moon Demon. Ye Yuyan smirked as the immortal woman approached him, she stood silently gazing at Ye Yuyan from a short distance. The Moon Demon gazed down at her with its cyan predator eyes as if wanting to devour her. "Fellow Immortal Yan, you seem to be well." She said as smiled vaguely with eyes as calm as a quiet sea, nothing could disturb her gaze even if the heavens collapsed in front of her she would remain emotionless. "A pleasure to see once again, Venerable Moon..." Ye Yuyan enunciated her title slowly with a slight smirk on his face. The moment he said her name, the void rippled as the laws of Heaven and Earth stirred unwittingly, immortal palaces and golden lotuses rose as the sound of the Heavenly Dao awoke in Heaven's Realm. This was the prestige of a Venerated Bearer, a darling of the Heavenly Dao someone who held the throne for an era!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "6102", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.44: Howl!", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Inside of Ye Yanrui, the demonic core rapidly rotated exerting a powerful gravitational pull on the surrounding immortal Qi. The Qi rushed into Ye Yanrui's blood imbibing each cell with immortal Qi that surpassed any imagining. His blood turned white and heavy as the drops of liquid qi went through his meridians. Every drop of energy remained conserved and contained in his body. As the demon core revolved a part of its essence would dissipate and leave his body. The originally white aura became accompanied by dark shadows shading across his body. Ye Yanrui's face and figure became completely obscured by the white light and dark shadows across his body. He looked as though he had become a divinity, invisible to mortal kind. Ye Tian watched as Ye Yanrui's aura constantly evolved and gritted his teeth as he angrily shouted: "A Demon Core... you ignorant child. Do you know what you have done?" Ye Yanrui's cold radiant eyes shined through the shadows and light, and with his cold gaze piercing into Ye Tian's body he said: "Shut up..." Before Ye Tian could respond, Ye Yanrui's body flashed into a white beam and instantly appeared in front of him. Ye Yanrui gripped his fist and released his immortal Qi, the intense Qi set off nomological powers as a white dragon coiled around his arm. Ye Yanrui punched out with the divine dragon flying off his fist as one, the divine dragon slammed into Ye Tian's face before he could respond. BOOM! The power of the fist exploded into the sky releasing a divine dragon into the firmament. The immortal Qi blasted into the horizon as Ye Tian's body recoiled from the shock. He reeled from the shock as he lost his footing in the air and fell to his knees barely stabilizing his flight. "Pfftt." He gripped his chest in pain as he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and through a blurry and distorted vision he stared at Ye Yanrui across from him.  Ye Yanrui stood on the air calmly as white dragons ascended from his body towards the heavens. The divine sight filled Ye Tian with a sense of excitement at fighting such a foe. "You're weak..." Ye Yanrui coldly intoned with his cold blue gaze. "I wasn't so weak when I killed your woman." Ye Tian smiled and stood up wiping the blood from the side of his mouth. The floral pattern in Ye Yanrui's eyes suddenly constricted and the demon core in his body revolved even faster. "Haaa... you..." Ye Yanrui growled as anger filled his body "I will kill you." Ye Yanrui's body flashed once again leaving only a trail of immortal Qi as his form disappeared and reappeared in front of Ye Tian.  "White Dragon Flash!" He roared as he punched out releasing a sky rending white dragon the size of a mountain. The gigantic dragon roared as it opened its mouth to engulf Ye Tian's entire body.  Even with the divine white dragon coming down on him, Ye Tian stood tall with his hands held behind his back. He closed his eyes and recited without a care: "Ye of the Bloodline,Who pursue my truth,Hear my ancient name.From time immemorial,I have existed.A specter,No longer the same.I have existed,And this is your end." Suddenly Ye Tian's eyes flashed open but this time they were empty! His body started to meta morph and as a violet aura burst from his body. His legs grew smaller, his robes shrunk and turned violet as the Qi wrapped around him. In a few moments, Ye Tian became the size of a small boy with childish violet robes. You wouldn't suspect the boy of being anything scary, but one look into his empty cold eyes and you'd never return.  The little boy raised his left hand at the incoming white dragon, the dragon swallowed Ye Tian whole and released a sea of Qi within it.  The Qi burst out detonating into a sky-high explosion of immortal Qi, the intense ripples of the explosion transmitted to the ends of the world as the powerful Qi spewed onto the land. Ye Yanrui flipped over his palm generating a barrier of Qi around him. The Qi fluctuations deflected off the barrier but Ye Yanrui was unconcerned instead he focused on the dissipating light in the sky.  He focused his gaze to see past all the white light. When suddenly he saw amidst the white light, a violet robed little boy.  His eyes clouded over as vivid memories passed through his head, he gritted his teeth almost grounding them up with the force of his anger as he stared down the little boy. "You're finally out, you undying thing." Ye Yanrui angrily growled and gathered intense Qi in his body.  "Hmph!" The little boy snorted as he released a thin and wispy violet aura. Ye Yanrui punched out rapidly releasing a volley of white dragons, hundreds of white dragons ascended into the firmament as they lunged toward the little boy.  They each opened their maws up ready to consume the boy in one bite. But suddenly the Demon Core in Ye Yanrui body revolved faster and as it spun faster, a crack appeared across it. Ye Yanrui gripped his chest and started violently coughing until he spat up a mouthful of blood.  His body trembled intensely as the Demon Core increasingly cracked, he looked up at the little boy as the white dragons crashed into him all at once. The hundreds of dragons coiled and crashed into one another forming a massive ball of Qi and dragons.  The crashing forces rippled to the air, making even Ye Yanrui feel his body tremble from the force of the dragons colliding.  "Scram!" The little boy roared from amidst the coiling dragon, the wispy violet aura suddenly seethed with excitement.  The powerful Qi shot out without confines and exploded with power, the divine dragons coiled apart from the sheer force and went flying off in different directions.  BOOM! All over the sky, all the way to the horizon the white dragons exploded into immortal Qi. Filling the heavens with resounding explosions worldwide. The immense Qi filled the sky with glittering white energies and streams of Qi all the way to distant lands. Ye Yanrui's eyes filled with shock as he stared at the little boy. The small framed young child stood stalwart in the sky radiating a transcendental demeanor. "Failure..." The little boy coldly said as he raised his left palm and gathered violet qi towards it. The Qi violently seethed as it coalesced in his palm into a tiny energy ball, the high-density ball of Qi radiated a dominating aura as it condensed more and more. Ye Yanrui looked up at the little boy as the rift in power hit him all at once. To form the Demon Core, he combined his life Essence, Bloodline, and Qi with the power of the demon.  Doing so made it that his essence, bloodline, and qi are constantly being eroded. There was no way out of the situation and even with this demonic technique he would die, regardless of his hopes and dreams. The little boy closed his left hand condensing the energy ball, in his closed palm violet lights shot out from the cracks surrounding him with a layer of violet Qi. "Goodbye." The little boy said as he opened his palm, and instantly a violet flash filled the heavens. A gigantic celestial beam charged out of his hands eclipsing all the lights in the skies.  Ye Yanrui looked up as the violet beam came down on him threatening to engulf his entire being. He gritted his teeth as he decided on a dire matter! Inside of his body, the demon core rapidly revolved as it released an incalculable amount of shadowy Qi. It's gravitational pull rapidly increased as it caved in on itself, the cracks along its surface shot up simultaneously. "I'll just have to take you with me!" Ye Yanrui roared as the violet beam neared him and suddenly his demon core ruptured entirely.  From the massive crack in the center, a massive amount of demonic Qi shot out. The massive demonic Qi engulfed his entire body, wrapping him in a cocoon of complete darkness. As the cocoon formed, the violet beam came down completely engulfing Ye Yanrui. The violet beam clashed against the black cocoon but couldn't pierce through, instead the energies split into two and deflected off into two different directions. "Huh?" The little boy gasped as the violet beam crashed into the ground off in the distant. The energies exploded into a singularity that shook the earth's plates causing a rumble across the land. "Originally I died at the hands of that violet beam." A voice echoed from within the black cocoon "But let's call this a re-imagining of events." The black cocoon rippled off like ashes in the wind, and a black-haired and dark-eyed man walked out. His robes swayed like shadows as a wispy smoke like aura constantly generated around him. His dark eyes and cold expression were like a deep abyss that could devour any soul. "What are you talking about?" The little boy replied as he pointed his shaking finger at the new opponent. "Come on Belphegor, I haven't got all day." The dark-haired man sneered, this young man was none other than Ye Yuyan! The little boy's eyes narrowed and suddenly his violet aura transformed changing into a dark green and sinister Qi. Completely unlike its previous immortal and royal counterpart, but keeping the same body of the little boy. "A Blood Venerable, Moon Venerable, Demon Venerable, two bearers, and the Ye clan." Belphegor listed off probing for a response from Ye Yuyan. "To have the powers of all these Beings surpassing law... yet I can't imagine who you are."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "14216", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.56: Background", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the sky, the massive sky piercing blood palace released a sanguine aura, the aura shot towards the heavens piercing through the atmospheric barriers wrapping around the entire world. Three beams of light shot through the air toward the palace. The first was red and cut through the air like a stream following a path, it was a red river and at the center was the Supreme Elder of the Human faction. The second beam was white and unlike the first, it moved by displacing things around it. Rather than moving itself, it made everything else moves as it distorted through space. At the center of the beam was the Supreme Elder of the Immortal Faction. The two beams swirled through the air leaving traces of Qi as the blasted through growing closer to the blood palace's imposing light. The last beam behind the elders was far more modest, it had a calm royal blue that rippled through the air. The blue light was completely in line with nature but as they approached the blood palace; the beam started violently crackling with electrical power. As the blood palace released its splendor, the sky grew darker and darker until it was crimson. Crimson clouds flitted across the sky shrouding even the red sun with their darkness. The clouds funneled toward the palace forming a massive swirling vortex of crimson Qi. The blood palace ascended to the heavens as the funnel grew. The three lights stopped in front of the vortex of crimson clouds coalescing into three figures. The red-robed black haired man, the white-robed old man, and Ye Yuyan himself! The crimson Qi of the clouds filled the air around it shooting beams of crimson light everywhere. The Supreme Elder released their auras and formed a blast shield around their bodies. Ye Yuyan's body radiated a peaceful royal blue aura that deterred the drifting crimson Qi. The crimson Qi reflected off their blast shields heading off into the distance. "What the hell is Belphegor doing?" The Human elder cursed as he held up the integrity of his shield with hand seals. "He's summoning the prestige of the Blood Palace!" The Immortal elder responded as he released his own hand seals onto his blast shield. Only Ye Yuyan abstained from the action not even forming a shield as his royal aura forced all crimson Qi to either abstain or serve him. The elders looked at Ye Yuyan with increasing shock and felt confidence surge through their bodies. Suddenly the spinning vortex stopped and the crimson Qi stopped revolving. As if everything in the world froze at that moment, and a green eye flew out of the palace doors into the vortex. "ARRR!" A loud garbled scream shot through the vortex piercing into the ears of any onlookers. Every crimson Qi in thousand meters started to surge and transform. The green eye at the center of the vortex released a green mist into the vortex forcing each individual strand of Qi to grow limbs as they twisted and grew. The qi strands grew into bodies, then they grew arms and legs, then tails and even horns. The green mist filled their eye sockets turning into green demonic eyes. One by one, ten thousand of green-eyed demons formed from the Qi. Some of the demons fused together turning to muscular green-eyed demons. The demons filled the entire sky with their red demonic forms and dark green beady eyes. The Human Elder's perception scanned of the demons, and he felt their pulsing cultivations fill the sky, his countenance paled as the pulsing power faintly suppressed him. He has a quasi rank 5 cultivation and had already attained the realm of laws years ago. With his quasi rank 5, he could use partially use the signature power of rank 5 experts; Body of law. It allowed an expert to fuse their aspect, themselves, and the earth to summon powers far beyond their imagining. Before rank 5, all cultivators had access to the powers they stored inside of them and a certain range around them. But at Rank 5, one could access all the power in earth and become a body made from laws. The Human Elder looked over at the Immortal Elder and scanned his expression. The Immortal Elder's eyes remained calm and lipid as it reflected the sight of the demons filling the sky. "Don't worry, its nothing more than a show. Follow my lead." The Immortal Elder calmly stated to the Human Elder as a powerful white light burst from his body. "Immortal Ocean!" The Immortal Elder roared releasing a torrent of white light, a third of the sky became engulfed in white light as a gigantic ocean of white light formed in the sky. Ye Yuyan tapped out on the sky the moment the Immortal Elder moved, from his pointer finger shot out a lipid royal blue beam. It shot through the crimson vortex ripping it in half in a single stroke. The dense layers of crimson clouds parted and the immortal ocean entered through the crack filling the vortex in moments. The green-eyed demons roared as the white light engulfed them, they released greenish red light as they struggled against the engulfing light. The Human Elder bit his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood essence. The essence seethed with excitement as he roared: "Red River!" The blood essence ball burst into a colossal red river filling another third of the sky with blood, the red river shot through thousands of demons in an instant degrading them with the power of blood. The red river and immortal ocean cut through the demons as the two bodies of water swirled through the crimson vortex. The sky filled with various colors dancing in a macabre scene like auroras. As the elders caused havoc in the vortex, the palace doors started to rumble. Greenlight shone through the door as thousands of green eyes appeared across the palace. The demons intensified their efforts as the power of the demons rose every second. Suddenly, the palace gates flew open entirely and from it shot out a black beam. The black beam coalesced into a grey-haired old man, it was Elder Qi Hong! "Demon Elder! You damn traitor!" The Human Elder yelled from the top of his lungs as the red river flew around him destroying the green-eyed demons. "You dare to show your face!" The Immortal Elder coldly intoned as his Immortal ocean slaughtered more demons. The Demon Elder Qi Hong pursed his lips into a disdainful smirk and said: "Immortal Elder, you must still think you are stronger than me." "But my master has already given me a new strength beyond compare!" A sneer suffused his face as his aura shot through the heavens reaching higher and higher. "Both of you weaklings can scram!" Qi Hong roared as he threw out two palms simultaneously at the Immortal and Human Elders. The human elder surrounded himself with layers of crimson Qi and the blood river when suddenly the sky rending palm came down slapping through the layers in an instant. In a moment, the palm was before him its heaven destroying power on display as it slammed into his chest crushing his ribcage! His body flew back with a boom as he reached supersonic speeds. The Immortal Elder didn't fare any better, as his ocean swirled and circled itself stacking into multiple layers. But he wasn't fast enough and before he could form the final layer, the palm shot through hitting a weak spot. The ocean became like butter as the palm swiftly shot through and crashed into the Elder's chest. The Immortal Elder brought up his own palm imposed with the ocean of immortals power. The moment the two palms met, the intense force of a mountain range transmitted through the Immortal Elder's palm. His hand was instantly crushed as the bones in that arm broke irreparably. The palm pushed forward with indomitable motion intending to take his life. But at the light moment, an intense white light shot off from the Immortal's Elder broken hand. The light wrapped around the palm and shot it off into a different direction. In the air, the palm's power detonated into a gigantic explosion of black green Qi. The energy danced in the air turning into the form of demon head and dissipating into nothingness in the next moment. The Immortal Elder's eyes flitted past the explosion of energy then he turned his gaze back to the Demon Elder. Then with a trembling voice, he solemnly said: "Rank 5..." Looking into the Demon Elder's gaze he could see the head of a green-eyed goat mock him. The horrifying demonic gaze threatened to consume his soul when suddenly a royal blue aura wrapped around the Immortal Elder. The calming blue aura filled his body up with serenity and peace as he felt his mind clear up. Ye Yuyan put down his raised hand and smirked coldly as his royal blue aura burst out filling the sky with his power. The crimson qi constantly fell back as Ye Yuyan royal blue turned into a world of its own! Qi Hong's face turned pale as he felt Ye Yuyan's intense aura fill the entire sky, his hair stood on end in fear as Ye Yuyan's calm and lipid gaze landed on him. He felt as though he was a small ant standing before the splendor of the universe as he looked into Ye Yuyan's dark and cold eyes. "Rank 5, good! That'll be enough to test my new power." Ye Yuyan smiled as his right eye shone with a blue light and a lightning mark appeared at its center!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "11991", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.51: Rank 5 Demon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Near the steps of the Blood Palace, Alister, Maven, and Song Yue gazed up at the sky as it crumbled. Ye Yuyan's dragon form rose towards the atmosphere as the roiling blood river usurped the heavens. The seven suns fell from the sky into the celestial sized river, the undercurrents surrounded the seven stars engulfing them in its majesty. Inside of the red river, were various golden streams filled with golden weaponry. Swords, hammers, axes, blades, and all forms of refined steel clashed throughout the river. The golden streams surged towards the demonic stars, wrapping around them in golden chains. The golden chains sealed each star in a matrix of nomological runes, suppressing the demonic power inside of the star's core. The galactic celestial bodies shrunk down as the golden chains wrapped around them according to a heavenly principle. As the chains wrapped around to completion, the red river's undercurrents grew calmer and suddenly the rumbling in the skies stopped. The dark stars pulsated as a dim flame emanated from each star. The crimson waters of the red sea channeled towards the seven stars, the waters divided into seven portions wrapping around the stars as a sphere. The water formed a thin red membrane around each star containing the demonic flames one by one until the crimson waters sealed every star. The red membrane around each star closed in, containing and suppressing the demonic power even more as it pressed against the golden chains. The only thing between the membrane touching the star at this point were the chains themselves. As the intense powers revolved and the celestial bodies shrunk, Ye Yuyan sat calmly atop the Red Dragon's head in meditation. With the completion of the red membrane, his eyes flashed open with an intense radiant blue! Inside of Ye Yuyan's body, the matrix of crystals in his meridians exploded with Qi as each crystal flashed with a blinding light. The blinding light burst out of Ye Yuyan's body filling the sky with a radiant blue light surpassing the brightest star in the night sky. The radiance landed on the seven stars inundating them with radiant Qi. The radiant Qi seethed with excitement as it wrapped around the stars as rings of light. The rings of light spun at rapid speeds moving so fast that one wouldn't suspect they were moving! Rings formed around each star one by one and then the rings split into clusters around each star. Seven rings spun rapidly equidistant on each star, seven rings on seven stars for forty-nine rings! "Arrrggghhh!" The Red Dragon roared as the seven stars went to completion with the addition of the rings. The stars condensed down until they were the size of a hand, each revolving with various esoteric runes and nomological powers. The seven stars flew toward each head, the green star towards the Greed head, and the black star toward the Pride head, with the other stars going to any head. The diadem on each dragon's head shone as the socket for a gem revealed itself! The demonic stars flew toward the diadem, entering the crown socket of each head instantly. The dragon heads writhed with excitement as the gems fitted perfectly into the diadems bringing their demonic powers to completion! Demonic essence transmitted through each head as a powerful wispy and dark aura escaped from the dragon's body. The thin aura distorted space-time with its advance overturning the nomological principles around it. Ye Yuyan grabbed at the sleeves of his robes pulling them down and revealing his crystalline and muscular body. His immortal physique glistened amidst the darkness as radiant energy circled throughout his body. Ever since Ye Yuyan innovated the Thundercrystal Physique while training in the black sea, his body would automatically revolve the Radiant Qi. Which is created from the combination of Lunar Qi and Lightning Qi. Radiant Qi has a dual attribute of being calm and lipid-like the moon but tyrannical and overbearing like thunder. These attributes made Radiant Qi ideal for body refining and constantly strengthen Ye Yuyan's physical power. By virtue of his body alone, he could fight powerful rank 3 and rank 4 experts. The red dragon's body turned illusionary as it turned into motes of light, dissipating from the sky. The lights flew towards Ye Yuyan's back reassembling as the seven-headed red dragon on his back. As the dragon fused into Ye Yuyan's body, he closed his eyes once again entering meditation. All the turmoil of Ye Yuyan's absorption ended at that moment as the heavenly lights dissipated and the cracks in the sky healed. The artificial darkness dissipated revealing the red and radiant sun, which illuminated the world once again. Alister, Maven, and Song Yue exited the area around the blood palace. They levitated in the air directly over the blood city, a great distance away from Ye Yuyan who was levitating in the upper stratum of the atmosphere. They could barely see his physical body from such a distance, only in his Evil Form could one see him. Ye Yuyan's body floated calmly amidst the atmospheric pressures and phenomenon. The only aura around him with a thin and wispy black aura. "His aura, its gotten so much weaker. Is he done?" Song Yue asked as her eyes remained glued at Ye Yuyan. "No...it has only just begun." Alister shook his head as he replied Song Yue tilted her head towards Alister in confusion and asked: "What? What do you mean?" "It is the nature of a demon." Alister replied, "They might take physical forms but they are incorporeal beings!" "Then the remaining battle rages beyond our perception." Maven said as he crossed his arms over each other and stared up at Ye Yuyan wondering about the internal battle. "There's nothing we can do, let us go convene with the Elders." Alister shook his head and turned into a red beam and shot towards the blood city. Maven joined behind him turning into a cyan beam of light. Only Song Yue remained as she stared at Ye Yuyan with wonder. "What are you planning?" She mumbled to herself before turning into a beam of light herself and following Maven and Alister from behind. *********************** Off in a distant land, a white-topped mountain pierced through the white clouds in a blue sky. The serene blue sky shone as the clouds stretched across all the way to the horizon. At the bottom of this stand-alone mountain, was a gigantic super mansion. The mansion stretched from the bottom of the mountain across miles, at the top of the pavilion was a large sign with the character for truth and at the bottom was the clan name, Ye! Behind the mansion was a scattering of pavilions and a few small courtyards around them. At the edge of the pavilions was a stone house with a small courtyard. Within the courtyard was a small garden and just north of the house was a small stream cutting down from the mountain. The courtyard's garden was entirely barren with only grass covering it. The only thing there was a decrepit old tree that lacked leaves. In the house's courtyard, a young man dressed in white robes sat calmly looking at the sky. The young man's blue eyes glittered like the sky as it kicked his legs out rhythmically. "Hm...hm...hm..." He hummed as he fluttered his legs against the grass. His pleasant hum echoed ever so slightly through the air. In the stream cutting past the house, the coy fish swished in the waters as they danced to the rhythm of the humming. In the courtyard, various lilies, roses, and carnations burst from the ground and rapidly grew. The humming stimulated their roots as nutrients rapidly entered the flowers and suddenly they all simultaneously bloomed. The humming passed the decrepit tree suddenly bringing it to life, an intense vitality burst through its roots and imbibed the tree with new life. Suddenly it grew sprouts all along its branches, the branches grew longer and sturdier with each second until the first sprout blossomed into a cherry blossom. A light wind passed the tree shooting cherry blossoms into the air, bringing life and color to the garden. "Hmm... hmm... hmm." The young man continued to hum as the garden grew increasingly vibrant. From behind the young man, an ominous wraith-like figure appeared. Dark and wispy energy distorted the surrounding space obscuring the figure's face. As the wraith appeared behind the young man, the flowers and tree suddenly stopped growing as if they were afraid of attracting the wraith's attention. "Your time is up..." The Wraith said with a raspy growl. Its body drifted closer to the young man who immediately stopped his humming. His blue eyes glittered as he stood up abruptly and glanced back behind him to see the wraith. He silently acknowledged it and turned his attention back to the sky. His blue eyes reflected the boundless blue sky that he longed to be a part of.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "13508", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.54: Longing for the Boundless Blue", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan was meditating in the throne room alone when his eyes grew gradually colder. He blinked his left eye three times and it suddenly turned completely black except for the white pupil. The power of the heavenly dao coursed through his left eye. If someone looked into his eye, they would see a universe in its grand splendor go to its inevitable destruction. This was the most supreme law under heaven and earth. Using his left eye, Ye Yuyan perceived the mysteries of heaven and earth. As all things reduced into different forces, all around him he could see sword forces, blood forces, aquatic forces, and the strongest of all the lightning forces. Ye Yuyan gaze was focused on the red throne, and seated on it was a red silhouette that grew increasingly clear. It phased in and out of existence as it stabilized becoming a young man dressed in red robes. The entire throne room was enshrouded in a pair of massive red lightning wings that shook the room apart. Along his robes were lightning bolts and his eyes shined with red lightning. Ye Yuyan stood calmly dispelling the red lightning around him as he gazed at the young man atop the throne. "Fellow immortal Lei Sheng, no need for the show." Ye Yuyan chuckled as if talking to an old friend. His left eye released a powerful dark force that devoured the red lightning. "So you have succeeded." Lei Sheng said with a smirk as he sat arrogantly atop the red throne. "That little girl, she's a spitting image of Song Qian." Lei Sheng laughed while keeping a sly smile. Ye Yuyan stared at Lei Sheng unflinchingly with dark and cold eyes. He swiftly reached into his robes and removed a black scroll. The scroll unfurled sprawling onto the ground, along it appeared inscriptions made of lightning. Each inscription held a different nomological power as they all coalesced to the bottom of the scroll as a 9 colored lightning. Lei Sheng eyes filled with malice as he gripped the throne until it started to show cracks. "So you still have that accursed thing." Lei Sheng said with a deep almost growling voice. His sonorous voice boomed through the temple fully displaying his anger. "I know that fellow immortal wouldn't risk his resurrection. But I don't leave such matters to fate, I prefer a writ such as this." Ye Yuyan said with a sneering smile. Lei Sheng's brows furrowed as red lightning crackled around him, he was like a teapot ready to explode. "I will be needing fellow immortal assistance." Ye Yuyan said with a dastardly grin, his eyes flashed with a malevolent intent as the scroll automatically flew on its own. "Hmph!" Lei Sheng snorted as he raised his pinky and tapped out into the air. Red lightning exploded out hitting into the temple walls. The murals started to shine as if coming to life as the red lightning moved across it like a river. The temple sprung to life as the red light opened up the entire world. At that moment, Lightning shot out from the extreme void striking through the temple's barrier. The lightning fused with the temple as the various electrical streams gathered. Together they formed into a red lightning river that spanned the entire blood plains. Throughout the blood plains, every disciple became wrapped in the red lightning. Their cultivations suddenly rose as the many lightning beasts in the plains were slaughtered and converted into lightning marks. The blood river swept through extinguishing all life born from lightning and harvesting the lightning marks toward the temple. Ye Yuyan's perception was still fused with the temple, so he guided the river around swishing through the realm. He made the river fly to the limits of the extreme void, the river swirled wildly as it split into two. The first flew toward the aquatic plains, the second went towards the shadow mountain. The two rivers flowed through the void at rapid speeds both simultaneously slamming into their destinations. ********************* In the aquatic plains of heaven's realm was the city of pixies at the center of a massive lake. Su Xinyue was seated inside a palace in front of an older man with four wings on his back and blue hair. When suddenly the hairs on her neck stood up, it was once said that experts had premonitions about their fates. Right now her premonition was telling her about her impending doom. "Don't worry, Pavilion Master. Venerable Moon had long ago prepared us." The pixie man said as he clasped his hands behind his back. "But your majesty..." She tried to say when suddenly there was a massive boom in the sky. From Su Xinyue's body burst out another Su Xinyue dressed in blue robes. Her Aspect shot out like a phantom passing through the palace walls. She went outside just in time to see the red river of lightning burst down onto the city. Although Heaven's Realm had no sky, the city of pixies had a blue sky and a blue moon that stood from time immemorial. The blue moon released blue motes of light which engulfed the red river, the majesty of the blue moon stood unmatched as the red river was forced back. Suddenly the blue-haired old man appeared to Su Xinyue's aspect, she turned to see him standing there calmly. "Your Majesty..." She muttered as her eyes narrowed, she saw at the center of the red river was strange willpower that had the shape of a red lotus. Two beams of light one black and the other bronze burst out from the city approaching Su Xinyue and the Pixie king. The two lights materialized into a black-haired man in black armor and another man in bronze armor. "Good that you're all here. I cannot leave this city but you three can handle the rest." "I feel her majesty's power." Xia Yunyi said as a silhouette of a two-headed black dog appeared behind him. "That lotus...he's awoken no doubt." The Bronze Knight said as an Iron knight appeared behind him. Su Xinyue looked towards the red river coiling in skies, it kept trying to stab through the skies of the city and enter. A glint of determination passed through her eyes as Aquatics Qis gathered around her. "Then let's move." She said as she pursed her lips and transformed into a blue beam and flew into the red river. At the center of the red river spun a red lotus surrounding it was an ominous blue light. The Bronze Knight and Xia Yunyi followed behind with only the pixie king standing in place as he watched. "I can only hope they survive." The pixie king muttered to himself as he disappeared. ********************* At the base of the mountain in heaven's realm, near the wall of shadow chains was a congregation of black-robed and armored figures. At the forefront was Yunshi, his muscular body swayed with the shadows as dark forces assembled on his form. Behind him was a young man dressed in red plate armor and a war skirt, his long red hair draped on his back flowed with the dark winds. Next to him was a blonde young lady dressed in heavy armor. "Hmm..." Yunshi eyes narrowed as he looked to the sky and saw an incoming red river. He could see inside of the river was a red lotus that was the genesis of it all. The swaying red lotus reminded him of the scene of in the immortal graveyard of the red lotus blooming. "Ji Shu." He muttered to himself with a dazed expression. He turned his attention to the two behind him and spoke solemnly: "Wu Han and Wang Shi, release your bloodlines." Yunshi quickly leaned forward getting closer to the shadow chains. Behind him manifested the outline of a demonic Yunshi, its eyes were pitch black. Odd whispers flowed through the winds like the temptations of the devil. Both Yunshi cooperated as they released a potent shadow force into the shadow chains, slowly unraveling the restrictions in the chains. Wu Han and Wang Shi looked at each other and nodded and suddenly two powerful auras burst into the skies. "Marks of War, Red War God!" Wu Han's bloodline boiled as red marks appeared all across his body inspiring a powerful nomological aura, behind him appeared a red silhouette. "Marks of Justice, Lady Lustitia!" All along Wang Shi's body appeared yellow marks that came to together forming a silhouette behind her. Their auras simultaneously tore through the firmament ascending to high heavens, as the silhouette grew a hundred meters. Wu Han's silhouette was a red-haired man wielding a spear and a shield while wearing red plate armor. Wang Shi's Silhouette was a yellow woman in a white tunic. She emanated a powerful and just aura as a blindfold wrapped around her eyes. In her left hand materialized the scales of justice, and in her right appeared a sword with justice marks along it. "Kill!" They roared as one mind as the two giants flew toward the red river slashing down madly. The red lotus at the center of the river hummed releasing a deep crimson aura. *********************** In the Immortal Graveyard, a woman dressed in a dress fitted with swords appeared. Behind her were four different people dressed in blue, red, green, and black attire respectively. Each of them had a sword sheathed to their side. Next to the woman was a man dressed in yellow robes, he had a graying beard and part of his body was distorted in yellow light. "Yunshi and the Su Xinyue have already started the attack." She said to the yellow man next to her. "We just need to deal with that tomb then." The yellow-robed man said as they starting deducing the path through the darkness. "This should be your specialty, Su Yan." The woman said with a teasing smile. "I understand, your highness." Su Yan wryly smiled as he released a power yellow light that dispelled the darkness around them, illuminating a path to the center of the valley. If one looked closely they could see a scarlet hue dancing in the skies close to the center of the valley. Su Yan zoomed forward transforming into yellow light, Emily and her companions joined with transforming into lights themselves. They all shot through the valley unhindered as Su Yan illuminated the darkness. In moments the approached the graveyard, the first sight was of sky-high scarlet flames that danced across the valley sky like an aurora. The flames originated from a massive tomb that stretched to the top of the valley. Behind the tomb were hundreds of tombs each emanating a powerful sanguine aura. Around the valley walls were hundreds of sword marks and remnant Qis from a great battle. Emily scanned over the sword marks on the valley wall as she remembered the sword scar on the mountain near Gulan's village. "Yunshi wasn't lying it seems, but how did he escape from Ji Shu's clutches?" Emily muttered as her eyes narrowed in concentration. "Ji Shu? Are you saying he's responsible?!?" Su Yan said as his brows creased in disbelief. He thought Ji Shu was suspicious when he met him, but he never thought he would be responsible. "He's more than responsible. He's the orchestrator of this entire affair." A voice said as it echoed out of the void. "Who's there?" Emily yelled as her eyes narrowed, atop the tombstone appeared a woman in a tight fitting black dress. Her immaculate figure on full display, her splendor black hair draped over her shoulder reaching just up to her waist. A white aura surrounded her as her shadow swayed with the flames.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2450", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.33: The Battle Begins", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
From the horizon of the void, a powerful cyan Qi rippled as beams of light burst out illuminating the void. Chen Li and Xia Yunyi felt a cold sweat drip down their backs as they turned to find the source of the voice. A pair of cold cyan eyes gazed at them from across the horizon. The horrifying gaze dried up their throats in fear, the cold eyes were each the size of asteroids taking up swaths of the void. "Aaarrrgggghhh..." A low growl escaped from the ends of the void as an icy Qi flew past Xia Yunyi and Chen Li's bodies. Xia Yunyi couldn't help but shiver as he felt the horrifying demonic energies within the Qi. Suddenly the gigantic white figure crossed the void in a few flashes of light. The figure rapidly approached revealing a horrifying beast. "This... this..." Xia Yunyi stuttered as the beast became clear, it was a massive white furred demonic beast with tattoos across its body. On its forehead with a blue lotus and just below its navel was a blue moon. The beast rivaled the size of a planetary body as it filled the void with its massive body. Chen Li followed the nomological lines on the beast's body until he found a young man at the beast's center. The demonic beast originated from a young man's body, he wore shadowy black robes that swayed in the void as his eyes shined like cyan slits leaving an indelible mark in the minds of Chen Li and Xia Yunyi. "He's... condensed an aspect!" Xia Yunyi's said as his eyes widened in fear, he took two cautionary steps back as he manifested his bloodline powers. The vague silhouette of a three-headed dog appeared behind him, his silhouette struggled to remain in existence as cracks appeared across its form. Veins burst in Xia Yunyi's eyes as his bloodline powers stabilized. "Here you are, little ants." Ye Yuyan said sneered with contempt, his Moon Demon aspect responding with a sinister smile displaying its glistening icicle-like teeth. Frost nomological power burst from its body filling the void space, the rippling of the Lunar Qi created a world of ice that filled Xia Yunyi and Chen Li's vision. "Laws! How could he how comprehended them so fast?!?" Xia Yunyi spoke with a trembling voice as the Lunar forces wrapped around them. Normally after an expert breaks through to rank 4, they would research their truths and form laws from it. Truths were after all incomplete laws, it takes a complete set of truths to form one law. It would take years if not decades to create a law, yet Ye Yuyan already started with a high-level law! As Xia Yunyi gathered his bloodline powers, only Chen Li remained quiet and unmoving as if he was lost in thought. Xia Yunyi looked at Chen Li with confusion as he yelled at him: "Chen Li, what the hell are you doing?" Chen Li remained silent and didn't respond, Xia Yunyi furrowed his brows in frustration. "Chen Li, we can still take him!" Xia Yunyi roared as his bloodline forces gathered rapidly. The Cerberus' eyes shined with a red light as its body grew thousands of meters. Bloodline forces orbited around its body filling it with great power, which caused Xia Yunyi's face turned pale and bloodless. The Cerberus expanded hundreds of meters as its body filled out with bloodline forces, the Cerberus bared its dark teeth as dark bloodline forces gathered towards it. The condensed bloodline forces roiled and ebbed like a sea of darkness as the beast flashed forward biting down at the Moon Demon. "How impudent!" Ye Yuyan said as he folded his hands behind his back. "Arrrggghhh" The Moon Demon roared shaking the heavens and shattering the world. Qi exploded from its tattoos creating a vortex of cyan Qi that obscured the world of ice. Heavy icy winds engulfed the world as it streamed across the realm whipping up ice storms. The icy Qis wrapped around the Cerberus' body as it tried to pass through the vortex of icy wind. It bit down on the winds and shook it heads trying to rip apart the barrier. But before it could succeed the icy Qi shot into its mouth striking at the bloodline forces. The dark bloodline energies cracked as the icy Qi slashed through them, a thin layer of frost manifested on the three heads of the beast. In a flash, all the heads became encased in ice and the ice grew stretching down to its toes. Soon the whole Cerberus became encased in ice turning into an immobile ice sculpture. Xia Yunyi's body went into disarray as turbulent bloodline forces went awol, he branched his perception inside himself to hold back the powers. But before he could control his bloodline, Ye Yuyan moved again. "Arrrgggh!" The Moon Demon roared as it summoned a whirlwind of Lunar Qi toward its right hand. The Lunar Qi gathered into a sea of Qi engulfing the void, the entire sky lit up with a cyan light like an aurora. "Scram!" Ye Yuyan roared as the Moon Demon punched out releasing a star-sized fist surrounded with lunar Qi. The cyan fist bore down on Xia Yunyi like heavenly tribulation, the sheer size was enough to shatter a planet. Boom! A massive detonation sound filled the void as the world of ice cracked in various parts. The world of ice was a manifestation of Ye Yuyan's laws after all and not a true world, so like anything incomplete it could be destroyed. Ye Yuyan raised one hand parting the cyan mists and debris, revealing the shattered remains of the ice sculpture. Xia Yunyi's body floated among the debris with injuries all over his body, a bronze aura lingered across his body seeping into his meridians. Ye Yuyan's gaze moved toward Chen Li landing on his bronze armored form. Ye Yuyan smiled a curious smile and said to Chen Li: "So you have something up your sleeve." Chen Li remained silent as he stared at Ye Yuyan, he clenched his fists as he stared at Ye Yuyan. Around Chen Li was a world of ice with blooming blue lotuses and a blue moon watching him coldly. Worst of all was the Moon Demon that stood stalwart in this world gathering Lunar Qi from its surroundings making it even stronger. 'I need to survive a few moves, then Su Xinyue will recover.' Chen Li thought solemnly, this entire he had been communicating with Su Xinyue. Thought the fight seemed like it dragged on, it was only a few moments for Xia Yunyi to get defeated. He had made this plan the moment Ye Yuyan let them go, he knew he'd be back and that his only hope lay in Su Xinyue's hands. "I didn't want to do this, but you leave no way out." Chen Li said as he reached toward his helmet and removed it for the first time since he entered heaven's realm. A bronze light burst from his helmet as he removed it, Ye Yuyan pursed his lips at this sight. Bloodline forces filled the world of ice, in the hundred meters around Chen Li the ice parted as the bronze light engulfed it. Chen Li's helmet and armor turned into bronze motes of lights as they dissipated revealing a pristine feminine body. Draped over her fine immaculate body was a bronze elixir that wrapped tightly revealing her alluring form. The elixir formed into a bronze colored dress embroidered with various copper marks, she released a mundane and mortal aura that contrasted her fairy-like demeanor. Behind Chen Li manifested her iron knight totem, but this unlike previously was far more corporeal. A bronze Qi lingered along its body as it heated up, turning into a red molten armored knight. The sheer heat incinerated any approaching ice Qi as the ice world around her dissipated returning to void once again. The Iron Knight grew taller and taller as the bronze Qi orbited around it filling it with Qi, it grew until it matched in size with the Moon Demon. Then suddenly the bronze Qi burst out turning into copper rifts in the void, the rifts expanded as they manifested from truths into laws! The Chen Clan's bloodline had an affinity for the law of fortitude, and the marks are the truths of fortitude! As the bronze rifts fused together they transformed into a bronze world covered in the strong Qi unique to the Chen clan's bloodline. The Lunar and Strong Qi clashed throughout the void as their two worlds crashed into one another. Ye Yuyan smirked gleefully, his Moon Demon joined in with a sinister howl and he said: "Very impressive, a full bloodline aspect but that won't be enough to buy you time! "We'll just have to see!" Chen Li smiled a demure smile as she spoke, her ethereal voice transmitted through the void towards Ye Yuyan as her Iron Knight grew furious. The burning hot steel armor bobbed along like molten lava as she punched into the void releasing a shining fist that could rival an exploding star! Ye Yuyan was quick to respond as he gathered his own Lunar fist, the heavens filled with a frosty fist that resembled a neutron star. The void filled with the clashing of truths, worlds, and fists!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "5573", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.43: World of Laws", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Emily, Su Yan, and Ghost Hands stood conversing in the Imperial Palace of the New Su Fief. The moment Ghost Hands mentioned the 'legend' Emily moved hastily conjuring a magnetic force field. The undulations of her force field stirred the sword forces in the air, tightly packing them together, insulating from sound and perception. "That story... but it should be nothing more than a myth." Su Yan said with narrow and skeptical eyes. Before Ghost Hands could respond, Emily interrupted saying to Ghost Hands: "Senior, I think we should take this to the study." Ghost Hands nodded as Emily motioned them to follow her, she walked into the palace opening the sliding doors and navigating past the various embellishments. This palace was something she had constructed while she updated the Su Fiefdom. Within the Verulyim Kingdom, The king would grant control of land to experts and their clans would be overlords of that area. The Su Clan which are the villagers were relatively low key compared to other clans, preferring to live as mortals. Emily guided them to her study, opening the sliding doors and going towards her low table. She crouched down and sat in lotus form. Su Yan and Ghost Hands joined in sitting shortly across from her on opposites sides of the table. Emily's force field remained active as the magnetic powers held together the golden sword forces all around the imperial palace. "Senior, you may continue now." Emily said as she leaned forward giving Ghost Hands her full attention. "Yes, your majesty." Ghost Hands replied He coughed lightly before turning his head to address Su Yan, his eyes shined with a probing light as he spoke saying: "Su Yan, you are familiar with the Legend, No?" "I only know superficial details from my journey to the east." Su Yan stroked the back of his neck as he spoke lightly and humbly. "Well, why don't you tell it then?" Ghost Hands said with a sly smirk as if instructing a problematic child. "I'll try my best." Su Yan nervously laughed with a wry smile. "Legend has it in the east, that there was a village boy who provoked the ire of an ancient demon." Su Yan said to Emily as she followed his words intently. "This demon was incorporeal and unlike most demons could not manifest into reality." Su Yan continued to say probing Emily's expression. Her eyes flashed with realization, she grabbed a sheet of paper from the table scanning it for a moment. "Unless certain conditions were met." Emily blurted out before Su Yan could continue, he nodded his head agreeing with her and continued to say. "The conditions are, the demon must share blood with a mortal, the demon must have a personal bond with the mortal, and it must betray him into the deepest despair." Su Yan expression turned slightly dark as he spoke of betrayal. "When those conditions are met, it can absorb the negative energy from the mortal and manifest into reality." Su Yan finished saying and sat in silence as Emily contemplated various things. "What a twisted plan." Emily couldn't help but say as she adjusted her lotus sitting form. "But this twisted tale doesn't end there." Ghost Hands as he stroked his graying goatee. ********************** At the bottom of a massive mountain was a small village hidden behind a sea of trees. This village was a silent village, secluded from the world and rarely contacting the outside world. The villagers lived in harmony with one another, children would frolic in the forests. Playing childish games and enjoying the peace of their home. At that moment, an old couple was walking along a stone path in the village. On both sides, there were various houses built from wood and modest masonry. To the left, was a bald man standing outside at a forge; he slammed down a hammer onto a hot piece of steel giving it shape and definition. When he saw the old couple, he smiled earnestly and dipped the hot iron into the water basin behind him. "Qin Shui and Lady Qin, what brings you out of your cottage?" He said amicably as he approached the gray-haired couple. "We've been cooped up too long, we wanted some free air." Qin Shui said with a docile and mild-mannered smile. "Ah, well tell your son to visit sometime." The blacksmith said as he cupped his fist to Qin Shui and left back to his forge. Qin Shui kept his eyes closed the entire time, with a soft smile plastered on his face. Until the blacksmith left, and his eyes flashed open. There was a milky white layer over his irises and his eyes didn't respond to the light of the sun. His wife, Lady Qin locked arms with him and they kept walking forward together. "You saw it too?" Qin Shui whispered in a solemn voice, his originally bright affect turned thoughtful as he stroked his greying beard. Lady Qin rapidly blinked her eyes turning her pupils gold, her vision transformed as golden lotuses and noble energies appeared in her gaze. She looked towards the blacksmith's home, noticing lingering dark energy that slithered around the house. She looked all around the village, noticing ominous dark energies lingering on every house. Even the ground was becoming stained by the darkness. She then looked up to the sky to see that ominous dark clouds of energy were hanging up in the sky. These clouds were not formed from natural causes but rather from intense negative energies. "This darkness, it was as the Buddha prophesied. Then this is..." Lady Qin said solemnly as she deactivated her golden gaze. Her eyes turned back to black as she turned to her husband. "This is our end but our son lives on, even if he wasn't truly our own. The light in him will prevail over the dark." Qin Shui whispered quietly to his wife's ear, it looked as though he was whispering sweet nothings. But that was enough for her as her eyes softened and she stopped clenching her jaw. The old man couple embraced softly with locked arms and their love for one another mixed and bonded them forever as they walked along the stone path. In the sky, the dark clouds rippled growing larger every second. The intense negative energies became a dark mist filling the sky with darkness. When suddenly two scorching red suns ripped open the darkness. These red suns burned intensely filling the village with evil energy. Inside the red suns appeared a dark vertical slit and suddenly the suns opened and closed like an eye blinking! *********************** In a distant and unknown place, a sea of darkness roiled in a sealed area. Inside the dark sea, emaciated figures roamed across the waves. These ethereal and skeletal bodies struggled against the sea's currents. Each time the water washed over a part of their body dissipated leaving them in unimaginable pain. "Aggghhhh!" Hundreds of figures writhed and screamed in pain as the sea consumed their being. The horizon of this accursed place was dark as it filled with black clouds of unspeakably evil energy. A red light flickered in the middle of this horrid sea, as a set of figures manifested. A group of disciples dressed in blood red attire appeared, with four figures at the forefront. The first was a woman in a black gown, the second was a white-haired figure in moonlight robes, and the third was a wizened man in red robes. The last of the figures was in front of the red, he took the longest to appear as a matrix of red circles overlapped revealing his presence. He was dressed in tattered black robes and held in his hands a bamboo umbrella. On his forehead was an ethereal four-colored lotus and lingering around his body were various colors and auras. His dark eyes shined with heavenly wisdom as he gazed upon the black sea. This was Ye Yuyan! The moment they appeared a black Qi rose up from the black sea threatening to engulf them. Ye Yuyan acted quickly releasing a powerful golden sword intent surrounding the group. The black Qi smashed against the golden barrier attempting to corrode it into nothingness but the golden barrier stood strong! "Go to the Blood Sect, I will be there shortly." Ye Yuyan intoned to his followers behind him. His left eye bled black blood turning black. His gaze ripped open the fabric of space, opening a portal to a bustling sect. "What about you?" Nesilia asked as the blood sect members entered the portal one by one. Maven turned to Ye Yuyan, also awaiting his answer. "I have matters to take care of, just follow Alister's commands." He instructed motioning them to enter the portal. Nesilia and Maven went towards the portal looking back once before entering. Once the last person left, Ye Yuyan shrunk the golden barrier down until it was thin enough to wrap his body. He turned his body instantly diving into the black sea and shooting through at thousands of meters per second. The black sea grew violent with his intrusion as the various skeletal figures attacked with no haste. The figures burst at him wrapping around him, but Ye Yuyan remained calm still diving at the same speed. A black skeletal claw slashed at his golden barrier, Ye Yuyan looked towards the figure causing the golden barrier to conjure a sharp sword beam. A golden sword beam shot from his barrier like an indomitable sword. The beam dissected the black skeleton ripping it apart, Ye Yuyan's gaze turned to each of the approaching skeletal figures releasing more sword beams. In the hundreds of meters around Ye Yuyan, thousands of golden sword beams burst out dissecting the figures one by one. With a single look, a swordsman who has achieved true sword intent could slice apart anything. This was the state, Ye Yuyan achieved by reaching rank 4! Ye Yuyan continued diving, slashing anything in his way. As he proceeded the weight of the black sea rose adding more pressure to his golden barrier. The darkness grew deeper, and the monsters grew stronger but none deterred him. His speed continued to rise and in a short amount of time, Ye Yuyan was at the bottom of the black sea. He floated amidst the pure darkness, even his golden barrier corroded in this darkness. But Ye Yuyan remained unfazed, even willingly diffusing his barrier. The black Qi seethed with excitement as it quickly engulfed Ye Yuyan's body. But instead of corroding him, it merely wrapped around him almost as if welcoming him! "The Lord of Darkness, Devour of all things, awaken from your slumber. Primal Emanation of Pride, Lucifer." Ye Yuyan muttered releasing something from the depths of the black sea. A red light burst out from the depths of the sea turning into two scorching red suns ripping open the darkness. A dark slit shined from the center the scorching red suns, each eye was thousands of times bigger than Ye Yuyan's form. The red eyes covered the sea as the blinked gazing toward Ye Yuyan. This was the demon of the legend!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "9438", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - Start of V.3-Ch.47: The Demon of Legend", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The moment that Ye Yuyan entered Heaven's Realm, various lightning bolts started to gather. But these did not originate from the sky, rather they came from the forests and in the beams of light were various beasts. Snakes, bulls, horses, and even lions stampeded in the form of lightning coming towards Ye Yuyan. His followers remained on the ground showing their solemn respect towards him. When suddenly the first of the beasts emerged, Ye Yuyan eyes flashed with a contemplative light. He flicked his sleeves and suddenly frost qi burst out. The qi shot out like a sharp sword slashing apart the first of the lightning beasts. The lightning horse that was slashed exploded and transformed into a lightning mark. More started to appear, the first of which was a deer formed from lightning. Ye Yuyan pointed towards the lightning mark, stirring it into flying towards him. In front of was a writhing lightning bolt that seemed to have life. "What are these things?" Nesilia said horrified as she watched more beasts appear. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed with a cold light as frost qi aggregated from his body without end. The frost qis burst out each as their own sword slashing different beasts. "What's your name?" Ye Yuyan asked as he looked down on the old man. The old man looked up to Ye Yuyan and answered solemnly: "Alister" "You are the first to hear my call and for that, you shall be the first of my kinfolk." Ye Yuyan benevolently towards the old man who was kneeling on the ground. The old man's eyes shined with happiness as he held back tears. Ye Yuyan slashed his palm with a dagger, deep crimson blood flowed out and he tapped the lightning mark. The red lotus on his forehead started to shine releasing a domineering aura. Every beast at that moment looked towards Ye Yuyan with reverence and greed. He dripped a drop of his blood onto the lightning mark and suddenly it turned into a deep red mark. The mark flew forward and fused into the body of Alister and his aura skyrocketed. His aura spread blanketing all of the blood sect disciples in a cloak of red lightning A powerful blood essence erupted from his body as his eyes shined with malice. His dreadful gaze turned towards the beasts as he condensed a red lightning bolt in his right arm. All of sudden as if joining him the blood sect disciples stood up, each with a lightning cloak around their red robes. "Kill!" Alister roared as he threw out the red lightning bolt. "AARR." A lightning tiger roared as the red lightning bolt slammed into it. Then suddenly the lightning bolt detonated into a blood-red pool of slaughter. The birds in the air near the tiger were wiped out as the pool formed killing all life in the area. Suddenly all the disciples lurched forward with red lightning swirling around their bodies. The slaughter had started, but Ye Yuyan's eyes remained calm and cold as he slowly observed the mysteries of the lightning marks. Anytime a beast was killed they would yield a lightning mark, the size was dependant on the type of beasts. Lions and tiger yield large marks, but birds like sparrows yield small lightning marks. The killer of the beast would absorb the lightning mark feeding their own lightning mark. "How are they able to use the blood dao? I thought we couldn't use our abilities here." Nesilia questioned as she turned her attention from the battlefield to Ye Yuyan. Suddenly a lightning wolf tore through a blood disciple and lurched towards Nesilia. She noticed immediately and fearful tried to dodge back and grab her grimoire. Ye Yuyan's eyes turned cold at that moment, a world of ice and death was reflected in his eyes. "Scram!" He roared as he stomped on the ground and a powerful frost qi exploded out from his entire body. It started to spread instantly encasing the ground in permafrost. Suddenly the wolf was frozen in the air as it lurched becoming an ice block that slammed on the ground. A thick stream of frost qis lingered around Ye Yuyan's form almost pressing against his robe. 'His frost propagation is even stronger, his truths are almost at the level of laws!' A deeper fear formed in her heart at that moment. When a cultivator has formed their totem even a pseudo one, it means their truths have taken form. After the cultivator becomes one with the truth, they can comprehend a law and manifest that law and so much more. That was the path of cultivation for all experts, and she had seen Ye Yuyan go from puny cultivation to an unfathomable expert near the realm of laws in less than a month. "Alister, cease and desist. We have other matters to attend too." Ye Yuyan said as Alister was busy commanding the blood disciples in their attacks. They had already killed a majority of the beasts that had emerged, all that was left were straggling remnants. "Yes, my majesty!" Alister said vehemently as he absorbed the lightning cloaks back into his body. The disciples dispelled their cloaks as well returning to their regular red color. They turned their attention to Ye Yuyan as they waited patiently. Underneath Ye Yuyan's feet materialized the Red Lotus, its lotus petals unfurled as it rapidly spun below him growing in size. Until it completely carried up all the blood disciples, Nesilia, Maven, and even the old man. Ye Yuyan guided the lotus with his mind as it flew through the air as a lotus would atop a pond. Ye Yuyan eyes gazed across the land as he noticed various auras in the western land. The closest to him was on a plateau where he could feel the strong presence of water qis. The gathering aquatic qis danced in the skies leaving blue trails toward the plateau. Near the large mountain at the center of the world was a blockade made from heavy and dark shadow qis. The qi's intertwined creating a massive spiked wall, with black spears jutting throughout it. The blockade wrapped around the base of the mountain and thunderclouds ascended all the way from the bottom to the top hiding the wonder hidden within. But every so often a flash of lightning would reveal various colors hidden inside the black clouds. The last place was the strangest of all, it was a flat plain that looked ordinary at first. But as the red lotus approached what appeared was a crimson world of slaughter. The plain changed into a battlefield, even the sky above the plain had turned red from the sheer blood. Flames burned all around as beasts were constantly slaughtered. At the center of all this wreckage was a temple around it were various palaces and pavillions. But all the pavilions had scratches and damage, unlike the temple. The temple was completely flawless, the only strangeness to it was that it reeked of blood. Around the temple was a moat but this moat was not made from water, but rather it was a moat of blood. The moment Ye Yuyan's red lotus appeared in the sky the humans in the city turned to look at the sky and roared with excitement. The temple started to shine with a red light, one that had not shined in ages. "The Temple of Blood has finally awoken!" Alister exclaimed with glee! Ye Yuyan's red lotus floated down and suddenly a blood red barrier appeared around the temple. A hole opened up at the center for the red lotus which flew down through it landing on the temple land. The blood disciples and Alister quickly fell to the ground as if they were going to kiss it, even Maven fell to the ground soon after unable to move. "Damn it! What is this?" Maven roared as his body slammed to the ground. He felt as if the weight of the world had fallen on his back. Nesilia remained unfazed as they watched the Alister and Maven struggle to stand up. "What happened to them?" Nesilia couldn't help but ask. Ye Yuyan didn't answer her as his eyes were focused into the temple. The temple had a simple design at the perimeter was a wall and an iron gate. To the temple was a few hundred jade steps. Between the four support pillars at the door were two protectors. To the left was a black horned demon with nine red lines along his body and a serpent coiled around him. Then to the right was a golden crow with a 9 colored tail and in its left eye was a lightning bolt and in its right was a flame. Ye Yuyan brought himself back from looking into the temple and suddenly the red lotus released its aura again allowing everyone to stand up again. Maven and Alister stood up but they felt a crick in their neck after being held down for so long. "This place isn't suitable for those without special bloodlines. You'd best all leave, I'll open the gate." Ye Yuyan said distractedly most of his attention was toward the temple. "I understand your highness. We shall proceed with the plans laid out so long ago." Alister said as he bowed and gathered the disciples heading toward the gate and Maven quickly joined them. Ye Yuyan flicked his sleeve shooting out a wind that opened the iron gate. Song Yue couldn't help but feel uncomfortable being left alone with Ye Yuyan. Her body writhed as she struggled to hold in her fears. "Relax yourself, I have no bad intentions." Ye Yuyan consoled in a cool and even tone. "How do I trust that?" Song Yue accused with the distrust obvious in her voice. Ye Yuyan couldn't help but chuckle inside as the image of a certain woman passed through his mind. "Because I'm a married man!" He said enthusiastically "You? Married?" Song Yue responded sarcastically. "Enough of that though, I have something I need you to do." Ye Yuyan said with a playful smile that left a bitter taste in Song Yue's mouth.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2377", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.30: Playful Smile", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the skies above Yunshi rippled thousands of red lights, afterimages of an intense fight continued as red light zoomed across the sky leaving Qi trails. Yunshi sat in lotus form in careful meditation as his demonic aspect slowly undid the restrictions of the shadow chains. The pulsing shadow force entered the chains and fused with the restriction marks, slowly filling it up until it was dispelled. This one of the techniques of the Shadow sect, Restriction marking. It was once said that the orthodox school that bearers cultivated was not their true Dao. This theory has some basis as each Venerated Bearer mastered two schools, one that already existed and one they created. The Shadow sect claims ancestry with the Bearer of Twilight, who founded the shadow Dao. But he had another school which he created, the restriction Dao. At that moment in the skies, a massive red light filled the heavens as a powerful energy detonated. The distant roar of a mighty dragon could be heard amidst the explosive sounds. "Agh!" the grunted breath resounded throughout the skies, as a red beam of light crashed into the shadow chains suddenly. Yunshi's eyes flashed open with confusion as he turned to see Wu Han's body laid against the shadow chains. His entire body was riddled with wounds and a deep claw gash across his chest that seemed to beat. "Wu Han!" Yunshi said fearfully as he got up from meditation and flashed in front of Wu Han. "Too late, Yunshi." A draconic voice spoke echoing through the world, suddenly two predator eyes shined from the smoke and ash in the sky. A massive beast emerged from the ashes, revealing a terrifying draconic form with blood for wings! "Wait, Alister! Does your master truly want to fight the shadow sect? We only wish to open up Heaven's Realm. Let me open these restrictions and we'll leave promptly." Yunshi pleaded as he cupped his hands respectfully towards Alister's draconic form. "Do you think I am so naïve? The moment that restriction opens, the lightning veil around Heaven's Realm will open and your Foglord could easily enter Heaven's Realm." The blood dragon sneered as it spoke, its massive form flew down from the limit of the skies coming down before Yunshi. Yunshi's tiny form was but a speck in front of the sky devouring dragon, a hint of fear flashed through Yunshi's eyes as his plots were revealed. "What?!?" Yunshi said as his body shrunk back taking multiple light steps as if he was walking on eggshells. "Master has long known about your Venerables method to enter, he's long-anticipated your pathetic attack." Alister continued to say, his voice booming through the realm and piercing into Yunshi's ears like a thousand curses. "You..." Yunshi tried to say but a sudden spike in blood force stopped him. He felt intense nomological energy gather onto the blood dragon, thousands of lines from the Great Dao appeared across its massive body. "But I'll do you a favor, and open those restrictions!" Alister's massive body shined as the blood lightning condensed towards its mouth. The lightning coiled around his body creating a massive lightning cowl, the sky entire sky was engulfed by his body. "Now die!" He roared as the all-consuming blood forces shot out from his mouth. A beam the size of a great world blasted out towards Yunshi. Yunshi's eyes narrowed with crazed fear as he tried to fuse with his aspect but he was too late. In an instant, a massive red light burst into the skies as a red beam ascended past the firmament into the high heavens. The red lightning rippled without end as it shattered through the shadow chains, the sheer power slammed through pushing into the shadow mountain. Suddenly a shadowy essence burst from the mountain cutting through the universal barrier around it, in the void a dark beam of energy shot through into the lightning veil. The veil rumbled as seething lightning barrier started to dissipate ever so slightly. ************************* As the battle of shadow mountain ended, Chen Li stood in the void with Xia Yunyi as they stared into the blood portal. Inside of the portal was a lavish throne room, the walls were decorated with murals depicting great battles. The ground was made from the finest jade and the tone of a great dao hummed throughout creating an immortal impression, it was as though it was the finest immortal palace standing since time immemorial untouched and unstained. The red throne at the center was unlike the rest, as it radiated an intensely ominous aura. The howls and bloodcurdling screams of millions of souls hovered below the throne. It was a construction of the most heinous methods known to mankind, the blood dao! Seated atop the red throne was a young man dressed in shadowy robes, his dark eyes radiated a darkness not seen since primordial times. He scowled as his gaze pierced through the void landing on Chen Li. Darkness filled the young man's left eye except for his white pupil that shone through the darkness with nomological patterns. A cold sweat dripped down Chen Li's back as he met the horrifying gaze. The various great worlds and motes of light disappear before him as the void emptied becoming devoid of all life and being. Space stretched and curve in every way possible as the darkness moved to consume all of existence. The supreme darkness consumed all things leaving not a single trace. Then suddenly a bright light burst at the center of the darkness, it was like the light of Genesis as it propagated throughout the realm shining like a beacon in the absolute darkness. The bright light illuminated Chen Li's solitary form, he scanned around with his perception only to realize the darkness spanned to the very limits of existence. Only then did he realize his cosmic insignificance as the crushing weight of his weakness bore down on him crushing his little confidence. He looked up at the bright light and gasped fearfully. There he saw Ye Yuyan standing with an intense white light propagating from him to the bounds of the universe. He stood stalwart as he radiated the light of a divine god standing above all things. Suddenly the universe peeled away as Chen Li returned to the real world. His perception suddenly felt freed as he gazed at the blood portal to the throne room. There he saw Ye Yuyan sneering as he stood up from the red throne. "It has been so long since I've seen a king cultivator." Ye Yuyan said as he spoke in a deep and piercing tone. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as he kept a stoic expression. His body flashed into a blood light and suddenly he appeared in the void right next to Maven. "What?!? How is he so fast?" Xia Yunyi said with narrowed eyes and a serious expression. "You... so you're the man who killed my cousin." Chen Li growled through his clenched jaw, he clenched his fists as he aggression fully showcased. "Your Verulyim kingdom is as pathetic as ever if that's all you could gather." Ye Yuyan mocked in a cold tone. His words pierced into Chen Li's ears like the venomous hisses of a viper. Chen comes from the Legendary Bloodline Chen and their interests are deeply intertwined with the Verulyim kingdom. His cousin Emily recruited him to come to investigate, but they separated when the Three powers formed an Alliance. He decided to work with the Lunar Palace to find the killer rather than follow his cousin. "If you think quips are enough to escape your demise, then you are sadly mistaken." Xia Yunyi retorted with a resounding and booming voice. "Your plans are far too easy to unravel..." Ye Yuyan's serious gaze melted as a sinister smile spread across his face. "Wait... you..." Chen Li tried to say as a horrifying thought passed through his mind, but before he could finish his words suddenly a bolt of intense lightning burst through the void. The lightning stabbed through the blood plains barrier at struck the temple without warning. Ye Yuyan raised his right palm and revealed a long gash across it that shined with seething blue lightning. Chen Li's eyes shined with enlightenment as he saw the seething nomological powers in Ye Yuyan's palm. "For the Twelve clans to dare to stand in my way..." Ye Yuyan said with a cold expression, the lightning barrier in the limits of the void dissipated faster and faster. Holes were already showing as the lightning condensed together at one point. "It seems my slaughter from long ago was not enough for you." as Ye Yuyan spoke another lightning bolt struck the red temple, then it was a volley of lightning. All the lightning from the veil condensed and gathered as it shot towards the red temple. The temple lit up with blue motes of light as it became filled with heavenly power. "This time I'll leave no survivor..." Ye Yuyan's eyes shined with heavenly might as his anger transmitted throughout the void. For the first time in almost a million years, the sight of a King Cultivator had awakened Ye Yuyan's anger!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "4604", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.39: Ye Yuyan’s Anger", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Boom! Throughout the void transmitted the sound of an enormous crashing sound. The red throne crashed down onto the Qilin horn shooting sparks into the void. "Aaargh!" The Qilin beast roared as its lightning mane crackled releasing sparks across its body, its 9 colored horn shone as it stabbed the throne away. Ye Yuyan's brows furrowed as the force of the impact transmitted through the throne, Maven's tiny form shook atop the armrest as Ye Yuyan stabilized the throne. The Qilin's body flashed like a bolt of lightning retreating away from the throne. The Qilin stalked around the void looking for an opening, its beady blue eyes shined as they scanned over Ye Yuyan. His massive body sat atop the red throne as a sea of blood wrapped around him, the ominous qi released ghostly howls. "Harrr!" The Qilin growled bearing its electric teeth, its mane hairs stood straight as lightning crackled through the hairs. Multiple currents of electricity zoomed from the Qilin's mane down its head, blue veins shone on its forehead as a powerful current went past its eyes and gathered in its mouth. The powerful currents condensed into a single point in a flash, the lightning point reached critical mass as it burst out from its mouth like a gigantic blue beam that consumed the void! Ye Yuyan's brows furrowed as he raised his right-hand palm outward. A deep blue gash shined with seething lightning, the blue beam suddenly atrophied and curved as powerful suction force burst from the gash. Ye Yuyan's gigantic palm covered the skies as the gash sucked in the blue beam. The suction force rivaled the power of a black hole as the lightning beam rippled directly into it unable to resist. The sky covering palm devoured the lightning bolt as the blue gash shined with a deep blue light and filled with heavenly power. Ye Yuyan lowered his palm back to his armrest as laid back on his throne nonchalantly. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes as he felt the lightning course through his body from the lightning mark, suddenly he pursed his lips with contempt as his eyes flashed open. The power of the Heavenly Dao filled his eyes as he laughed. "Hehehe, you'll do just nicely..." Ye Yuyan's throne shined with the sinister blood Qi suddenly, the blood Qi twisted into a myriad of ghoulish faces. The void filled with their blood-curdling screams as they as the Qi drifted to the edges of the void, the Qi wrapped all around Qilin beast causing it to roar in defiance. "Aarrgh!" Lightning crackled from its mane creating a force-field of thunderbolts, the energy burst all around blasting the incoming blood Qi. The blood Qi retreated creating a layer between the Qilin and the blood Qi, the various ghoulish faces collided with the thunder layer dissipating into nothingness. The pure cleansing power of the thunder rippled through the blood Qi dispelling the evil energies, this was one of the special qualities of thunder it could cleanse evil energies like the ghoulish forces gathered in the blood throne, Lightning was its natural enemy! The thunderbolts rippled trying to rip open the blood Qi barrier, the Qilin beast's horn gathered a thin layer of 9 colored light emerged as the Qilin turned into a 9 colored flash, the 9 colors burst through the blood Qi barrier and flashed through the void retreating at hypersonic speeds. Ye Yuyan extended his right hand out again, the intense suction power emerged again as the sky covering palm grabbed toward the fleeing Qilin. The blue palm grabbed towards the Qilin's tail and suddenly gripped with intense strength. Electrical storms burst from its tail as it struggled when Ye Yuyan's palm shone with a blue light and suddenly he pulled with a star-shattering strength. "Aarrggggh!" The beast roared as it tried to struggle, releasing intense currents into the void. Ye Yuyan's grip only grew stronger as he absorbed the currents into the lightning gash. Maven's eyes flashed with astonishment as he watched the proceedings. Ye Yuyan ripped the void with his sheer strength as he pulled in the Qilin, the red throne shined with blood Qi filling the void. He couldn't help but marvel at his master's plans, the Qilin was like a child fighting a strong man with no chance of fighting back. "Red Lotus, Bloom!" Ye Yuyan left hand tapped out into the void releasing a scatter of red flower petals. The leaves filled the void twisting as if the wind was blowing as it wrapped around the Qilin. Ye Yuyan grip grew harder as he pulled, and suddenly the blue gash shone with a devouring power. A black serpent silhouette wrapped around the bottom of the red throne as the Qilin beast's tail dissipated into pure energy that entered the gash. The gash transformed into a heaven devouring vortex as the leaves stirred into a funnel. The petals gathered together into 9 different lotus leaves as fused just below the Qilin, and suddenly the red lotus emerged in the void. The hums and tunes of the heavenly Dao filled with void as the red lotus bloomed and revolved on an axis. "You've done well to resist me, but that's enough. Now you can become a part of my power!" Ye Yuyan sneered booming his voice throughout the realm. The serpent below the throne hissed as it pushed the vortex from the gash to ensnare the whole Qilin. First, its abdomen turned into an array of thunderbolts, then the hairs from its mane flew off as if they plucked by the vortex, then even its head the blue beady eyes shined with fear as the suction force devoured it, and finally, the 9 colored horn which resisted the most. But Ye Yuyan's power was too great! The serpent jumped off the throne pushing the vortex to devour the horn, the 9 colored light fused perfectly into the vortex, Ye Yuyan's palm shone as it manifested a myriad of colors. A 9 colored light revolved inside Ye Yuyan's body filling him with the heavenly power held in the Qilin. The red lotus revolved faster and faster as the lightning revolved in his veins transforming them and awakening the mysteries of his bloodline. The lightning filled Ye Yuyan's body as it gathered into his right eye, hundreds of electrical streams condensed toward his pupil. His right pupil turned into a long blue slit as the lightning gathered rapidly transforming Ye Yuyan's sight. The red lotus bloomed below the throne as the howls of the blood Qi acted like nutrients filling the red lotus. Suddenly the slit in Ye Yuyan's eye split into two, then four, and then six. It kept going as it constantly split into thousands of lightning marks filling his entire right eye with the power of heaven. The lightning marks burst out of Ye Yuyan's right eye, each of the lightning marks manifested into a different beast. The void filled with the galloping of thousand different beasts, birds, gazelles, and giraffes stampeded through the void. Lightning crackled throughout the body creating a massive storm of electrical power. The red lotus' fourth leaf hummed with the tunes of the Great Dao, as the beasts stepped onto the lotus leaf. The moment the beasts touched the lotus leaf, they transformed into lightning marks fusing one by one into the lotus leaf. This transformation was extremely similar to what happened when Ye Yuyan entered the blood plains. A massacred beast would transform into a lightning mark that could change elemental power into a new form. The engraved the mysteries of thunder onto the lotus leaf filling it with the truths of lightning. The lotus leaf shined with a cerulean like the sea as the lightning crackled across the entire leaf. Suddenly the red throne changed into a sea of red lightning as Ye Yuyan sat atop it. An almost infinite amount of lightning marks swam in this sea of red lightning, the throne transformed into an array of lightning that burst into the red lotus leaf. Nomological lines appeared across the red lotus leaf as the lightning condensed into multiple limbs and mane then suddenly a head manifested with a 9 colored horn. The beast danced through the sea of lightning as its abdomen fused together with the limbs, revealing the Qilin beast! Ye Yuyan's body shrank back to its normal size as the red throne's power dissipated, and his red lotus grew below his feet. The first lotus leaf turned cyan and the second crimson, the third turned black, and the fourth turned into a cerulean! In his left eye shined the power of yin and in his right eye was the power of thunder, below him spun a four-colored red lotus. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes and sat in lotus form entering a deep meditation as the mantras and formulas for his cultivation techniques passed through his mind. Maven flew away from Ye Yuyan as he felt as oppressive aura push him away, Lunar Qi created a cyan barrier around him as he watched the proceedings. "He's advancing, such an incredible aura!" Maven mumbled to himself. A thick lunar Qi manifested around Ye Yuyan congealing into a blue moon that shone with a cyan and ethereal light. The red lotus hummed releasing lunar forces into Ye Yuyan's body, he reached into his robe and removed a decrepit and dusty old tome. Written on the old tome was "Blue Moon Code: Volume 2."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "5052", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.41: Advancement", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The golden sword intent circled around Ye Yuyan guiding the Blood Qi like a general leading its army. Nesilia struggled to stand up now that the aura dissipated, she stood up and waited behind Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan took the first step into the temple, the walls of the temple had inscriptions all along them. The first was of a little boy with a black and white blood drop on his forehead. The little boy was playing in a village with an older man and woman. Nesilia stared at the inscriptions with wonder as she tried to comprehend them. But before she could look too long, Ye Yuyan continued to walk forward. The temple was dimly lit, with the only major light source coming from outside. But as they walked further torches on the wall would light up with a blood flame illuminating the walls. The next section of the wall was a young man dressed in white robes, with a white and black blood drop on his forehead. He was atop a massive stage in a coliseum, in the stands were thousands of people cheering. The young man was in combat against a white tiger with a three sword marks on its forehead. Looking at the mural, Nesilia felt as though the vivid battle were commencing right now. "Don't linger too long, keep walking." Ye Yuyan said with his back turned to her, his gaze was completely focused in front of him. Nesilia heeded his words as she looked forward with him. They walked a few more meters reaching the end of the temple. At the very end of it was a red throne made from stone embroidered with a sea along its side. Above the throne on the wall behind it was the final mural. It was that of the young from earlier grabbing a massive serpent by its head and devouring it. The scene of which left Nesilia panicked, she could tell that the serpent was a powerful demon. One that easily surpassed Illathar! The young man's gaze seemed to pierce through time and space and landing on Nesilia. She could feel her blood go backward at that moment as if wanting to rush out of her body. Around the throne was a remnant blood aura that lingered from an immemorial era. Even though it had mostly dissipated it still had the tyranny from the past. 'Was this the source of the aura, this throne?' Nesilia questioned in her mind not daring to utter a single word. "Go sit on the throne." Ye Yuyan commanded Nesilia as her thoughts drifted. "What?" She said with a horrified expression. "Go sit on the throne." He said again with a colder expression, looking into Ye Yuyan's dark eyes left Nesilia fearful in her heart. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her fists before decisively walking towards the clone. The Blood Qi around the throne was much thicker than the auras they dealt with before. It was on the precipice of forming into something corporeal. Nesilia easily got in front of the Red Throne and slowly sat down on it. The Blood Qi at that moment started to coil and writhe as it shot into Nesilia. Nesilia was ready to escape but then she felt no danger from the Qi. It entered her body going through her bloodstream, suddenly her body started to hum to the melody of the grand dao. Around her appeared hundreds of golden lotus and immortal pavilions. 'This should activate her bloodline.' Ye Yuyan thought contemplatively as he watched Nesilia's every move carefully. After a few more moments in the red light, Nesilia's body automatically flew off the red throne and landed in front of Ye Yuyan. Her eyes flashed with holy and untouchable light as divine powers awoke in her bloodline. Nesilia stood up from the red throne, from her blood a white aura emerged. It was a pure and stainless aura that surpassed her comprehension. Even the Blood Qi surrounding the throne was pushed back by the stainless aura. "This power...what is it?" She asked as she looked at her palms which were constantly radiating a white force. "You've read your ancestral canon correct?" Ye Yuyan asked as if hinting towards something. Suddenly enlightenment passed through Nesilia's eyes. She felt gripped with both excitement and terror as she realized what was happening. "Chaste Divine body!" She said excitedly as she scanned her body. "Haha, you're not quite there yet." Ye Yuyan teased as he approached her, unlike the Blood Qi he had no trouble getting near her. He stood right in front of her close to her face as if examining her making Nesilia's face flushed with embarrassment. "But I do feel some repulsion, meaning you've condensed an initial stage Chaste Body." Ye Yuyan said as he shook his head. "That will have to do." He said as he reached into his robes and took out a black dagger. "Cut your finger and give me a drop of your blood." He commanded as he handed her a dagger. Nesilia felt a rebellious streak journey through her body as she gained confidence from her new found power. But then she met Ye Yuyan's cold and evil gaze, his eyes threatened to devour her if she didn't cooperate. She gritted her teeth grabbing the dagger and slicing her pointer finger slightly. Ye Yuyan tapped the air releasing a Blood Qi towards her finger capturing the emerging blood. The blood qi turned completely white as the divine aura cleansed it. It was as though they were natural enemies unable to be reconciled. Ye Yuyan summoned another blood qi and shot it out of the temple. It left a red trail as it slammed open the temple doors and swished down the stairs and forced open the barrier. "Go find Alister and Maven, they'll have something for you to do." Ye Yuyan coldly said as he approached the red throne with the Divine Qi in his left hand. "What about you? What are you doing?" Nesilia asked as she started to walk out following the red trail. "None of your concern." Ye Yuyan coldly said and suddenly a red wind took Nesilia's body and shot her out of the temple. She felt her body lurched and tumble all the way until she was at the bottom of the stairs to the temple. She got up to leave and walked to the gate. But before she left she glanced back at the temple for a moment and suddenly she saw a pair of red lightning wings stretched out into the firmament. They had a sort of macabre beauty to them as they stretched according to a natural principle. She was quick to exit the gate and suddenly the barrier was up again. But the sight of those wings left an indelible mark in Nesilia's heart. ************************ A whole month had passed since Ye Yuyan entered Heaven's Realm. He spent most of his time in the blood temple meditating on some matters. But occasionally he would call Maven, Alister, and Nesilia to direct them personally. Their cultivations improved leaps and bounds from his casual teaching. As he proceeded with his plans in the blood plains. On the aquatic plateau, hundreds of lakes started to ripple as if something were awakening. From the sky shot down hundreds of blue lights leaving a trail of frost. The blue lights flew down onto the plateau near a lake, each of the lights transformed into a white-robed warrior with blue Qi circling around them. At the forefront of all the blue lights was a black-haired man dressed in a thick black armor that looked like a hide. His helmet had two dog heads which each shined with killing intent. Next to him was a knight dressed in rusty copper armor, on his back was a longsword that stretched to the ground. Lastly, the first in front of the two was a young woman dressed in white robes. Embroidered on the back of the robes was a moon. She had a transcendent demeanor that made one capitulate involuntarily. The moment they stepped onto the aquatic plateau, hundreds of blue auras came and circled around them as if welcoming them. The white-robed lady walked forward going to the nearest lake, which had Aquatic Qi dancing towards the center. She stepped on the water and with graceful steps approached the Aquatic Qi. She tapped one of the Qis and suddenly it started to shake. The blue light peeled away and what was a revealed was a little blue pixie with a childlike smile. "Child of the Pixie king, we come from the Lunar Palace." The white-robed lady said respectfully to the pixie. The pixie's blue eyes shined with a bit of embarrassment before it replied. "Wel...uhh....welcome!" The pixie replied hesitantly, in this world, there are two big threats to humanity: Demons and Fey. Pixies were a type of fey and fey are related deeply to one another by a hierarchy of bloodline. All fey can be traced back to one ancestor who created them all and for pixie's, it was the Pixie king. The white-robed lady wryly smiled, she hadn't expected much as this pixie was just a child. "Bring us to the plateau's kingdom." She said respectfully, the pixie was quick to catch on. She flitted her tiny wings and started to fly. Her high speeds left blue afterimages as if she hadn't even been there. Pixies were known for having two great powers, they had a high affinity with the power of nature, and they were known for being extremely fast. The white-robed lady followed behind easily with her companions coming behind her. It took at best a few moments before they approached a city atop a massive lake. There were 10,000 lakes on this plateau but they were nothing compared to this lake, it was called the superior lake due to its immense size. At the center of the lake was a massive castle that stretched almost into the void. It stood unfazed as the turbulent waves tried to rock it. The man dressed in the two-headed dog helmet stood next to the white-robed woman as the slowly flew over the lake with the pixie guiding them. "Su Xinyue, when can I search for my mistress?" He asked in a cold tone as if hinting towards something. After a tense moment of thinking the white-robed lady replied: "Xia Yunyi, I am not holding you back." "But if you wish to leave now, you'll jeopardize your lady's safety." She continued to say, Xia Yunyi closed his mouth as if satisfied for the time being. The man in bronze armor said nothing as he watched the exchange between the two. Su Xinyue looked back for a moment throwing a glance at the bronze man. The pixie, white-robed lady, and her companions all turned into blue beams of light as they entered into the pixie city there bodies shrinking down to tiny proportions.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2418", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.32: Pixies", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
At the shadow mountain, Yunshi was levitating meditatively as his demonic aspect was fused with his torso. His hands were pressed against the shadow chains around the mountain, he was releasing intense shadow force dispelling the chains one by one. The red river swirled in the skies as flew down towards the shadow mountain, flooding the skies in blood lightning. Wu Han's red war god grew in size as it approached the red river and raised its shield to guard. "Hah!" He exhaled as he slammed the shield into the river redirecting it away from the shadow mountain. The river went flying towards the ground when suddenly it coiled like a snake and attacked towards Wang Shi. "The Lady's Judgment!" She roared as the lady in the white tunic's aura burst into the skies. A powerful and just aura gathered into her sword, with one hand the scales of justice slammed down upon the river weakening it, with the other hand the sword of judgment came down slashing it in two. The split river retained its vitality as it swished across the sky attacking both Wang Shi and Wu Han at the same time. "Argh!" Wu Han growled as the red river slammed into his shield again throwing him and his aspect back. "Scales of Justice!" Wang Shi roared as her aspect tightly gripped in her left hand the scales of justice and bore it down onto the red river once again. The red river turned into a wave as it dodged the scales crashing into Wang Shi's aspect. "Argh!" Wang Shi grunted involuntarily as her and her aspect were thrown back a few meters. At that moment, Wu Han recovered his balance as he raised his shield guarding once again. Wu Han's gaze was centered on the red lotus in the very middle, the red lotus rapidly spun and suddenly one of the leaves wilted and grayed in seconds. "Wang Shi, try to hold on! This river won't last much longer!" Wu Han said as adjusted his defeated posture to stand strong and firm. He straightened his back and pushed out his chest emanating the masculine aura of a war god! Wang Shi looked over at Wu Han listening intently when suddenly she saw hundreds of red lights shooting towards them from the west. "Wu Han, look out!" She yelled but she was too late, suddenly a blood sword made of lightning shot through the sky. It cut right into Wu Han's aspect from behind forcing him to stagger forward. "Pffftt." Wu Han's aspect started to crack and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes turned red from the sheer pain as he tried to hold himself up in the air. The red war god reached into its back and ripped out the sword in a swift motion. Nomological marks shined on its back as the hole sealed itself up. The malevolent red eyes of the war god and Wu Han turned to stare at the person who hurt it. The first of the red beams transformed into a white-haired old man in crimson robes. On his back was a horned shadow demon with 9 crimson lines cascading down its abdomen. The rest of the red beams transformed into cloaked red figures, all had red lightning surround their body. "You're the Blood sect's Third Elder, Alister." Wang Shi said with stupor as she met his malevolent gaze. "To think a child of Lustitia would know my humble name." Alister sneered with a slightly closed-lip smile. "You accrued quite a reputation for yourself in the last world tournament, with that accursed blood magic." Wu Han said scowling, his muscles bulged as his red war god's aura grew. "Such old matters from long ago, were children like you even alive back then?" Alister said as he pursed his lips and put his hands behind his back. "You talk too much." Wu Han growled as his red war god screeched rumbling the heavens, he raised his spear and pierced the air towards Alister. The sheer momentum parted the void as it generated a massive tempest. "A mere Bloodline Refiner challenges me?" Alister sneered as he clenched his fists and got into a horse riding stance. Suddenly red lightning crackled along his body ascending to the skies, the powerful lightning rippled the void as it gathered into a blood red sword. "Did you forget about me?" Wang Shi yelled as her aspect awoke as it brought down the scales of justice. "Swoosh!" The red river shot through space and collided into the red river before it could approach Alister. Alister's blood sword met Wu Han's spear at that moment, the huge collision of forces shot blood red energies into the void. The energies crashed into the ground like a meteor shower as they dissipated. "Argh!" Wu Han grunted and took a half step back as the collision with the sword smashed his spear out of his hand. Alister took a step back himself as his blood lightning was parted by the spear's momentum. "Not bad, you're bloodline is at the precipice of condensing its first essence." Alister praised as he evaluated Wu Han's strength. Wu Han came from the Wu clan, one of the legendary 12 king bloodlines from Remote Antiquity. Wang Shi was the same coming from the legendary Wang clan. Bloodline cultivators first awaken their bloodline becoming a rank 1 Awakener, then they catalyze becoming a Rank 2 catalyzer, then they refine their bloodline awakening their ancestral totem and becoming a Rank 3 refiner. Both Wang Shi and Wu Han already awoke their ancestral totem, they were just a step away from fusing together with it to create their aspect. What they were using right now was at best an Illusory Aspect that they had the privilege of condensing due to their thick bloodlines. If it were someone with a weaker bloodline they would have little hope of condensing a bloodline aspect let alone a pseudo one! This aspect for bloodline cultivator is called the first essence, which can be reawoken making it stronger and stronger. This gives bloodline cultivators a massive edge on knights and demon sealers. "Why don't I show you the might of blood magic?" Alister said through clenched teeth, he put his arms out palm forward and gathered blood lightning, the red river started to swish and flow towards Alister. Wang Shi's eyes narrowed the river slapped her and her aspect away as it flew through the void toward Alister. She regained her bearings in a second and grunted in frustration: "Damn it!" The red lotus spun rapidly another leave after leave withered until it became completely emancipated. Suddenly a blood light shone in Alister's eyes as the energies from the red lotus entered into his body. In his eyes was reflected a blood red lotus that revolved rapidly drawing the essence of the red river toward it. "Noo!!!" Yunshi's perception broke free of the shadow spikes as he looked at Alister drawing in the blood river, he yelled to Wu Han and Wang Shi saying: "He's releasing his conjured physique! I need a little bit longer until I undo the restrictions, hold him back!" Wu Han obeyed immediately as the veins popped out on his forehead, suddenly his aspect grew even larger as the spear flew into its hands. "War!" Wu Han roared as the red aura of war gathered on his spear hardening it as he stabbed towards Alister. "Judgment!" Wang Shi roared as she joined in bringing down the scales of judgment onto Alister. "Arghhhhh!" Alister roared as his aura kept growing, he completely disregarded the incoming attacks. Suddenly his pupils disappeared and he roared to the heavens. Intense red lightning circled around his body, the blood disciples behind him joined in releasing their own red lightning. A thousand motes of red light ascended to the skies coloring the world in blood light. The blood disciples' auras gathered together and started to form something, at the back the first of the disciples' bodies transformed into a light and elongated into two long and scaly legs. Then the disciples in the middle fused together becoming a long draconic torso. The disciples at the front transformed into two sharp draconic claws fusing together to create a massive towering body. "Blood Dragon Body!" Alister said as he gritted his teeth, in his white eyes appeared a red vertical slit. His body transformed with his teeth growing sharp and his limbs disappearing, he turned into the head of a blood dragon! The head fused into the rest of the body as a draconic aura shot through the firmament piercing straight through the atmosphere. "ARRRR!" The dragon roared as two geysers of blood shot out from its back. The blood spurted out forming a vein system as congealed and harden, the wings eclipsed the sky with blood red as the flapped shooting out hundreds of beams of red lightning. "Ah!" Wu Han exhaled as he changed the trajectory of his spear, instead he aimed for the lightning coming towards him. Moving quickly and swiftly as he slashed apart each beam with his war spear. Wang Shi fared worse as her scales grew to close to the wings, it was shattered by the sheer volume of the lightning. Wang Shi flew back with her massive aspect trying to dodge the lightning but she was hit nonetheless. Cracks started to show on her Illusory aspect as the lightning pummeled her into the ground. "Wang Shi!" Wu Han yelled with a trembling voice. "This is the might of blood magic! Now shall we play a little longer?" The blood dragon said in a booming and deep voice as it taunted Wu Han. The wings spread once again as red lightning started to gather for another volley. Wu Han looked over at Yunshi who was still meditating, his aspect was out and about rapidly undoing the shadow chains. 'Just a little longer.' He thought to himself as he gritted his teeth. Red veins started to show in his eyes and suddenly a line of blood went down his lip. "Damned beast!" Wu Han roared as his aspect joined in attacking once again!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "3501", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.36: Blood Dragon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Deep into the Eastern lands, past the mountains and plains was a gigantic ocean stretching into the horizon. Critters and deep-sea creatures roamed deep within its waters but the surface remained calm and unperturbed. The only strangeness was a massive aurora shining within a terrifying wall of steam. The multifarious lights danced across the wall of steam and reflected on the calm waters. At that moment, the space outside of the wall of steam distorted as two figures fazed into existence. The first was a white-robed woman with long white hair and dazzling blue eyes. The other was a young woman in a tight black dress with gleaming dark eyes and long dark hair. The white-robed woman extended her hand out and lightly tapped on the wall of steam, and suddenly it parted and ripped open. From the cracks, emerged a massive and glittering city floating atop the calm ocean water. The sun shone directly down on the city engulfing it with golden light. In the city, thousands of cultivators dressed in vermillion robes zigzagged throughout the various pavilions and pagodas. At the center of all the traffic was a massive pagoda stretching hundreds of meters into the sky, flames burned all over the pagoda as sunlight gathered towards it turning it gold! The white-robed woman entered through the crack and sealed it up again. At the moment, two figures shot out from the golden city toward the woman. The first figure coalesced into a red-robed young man; rays of light surrounded his eyes with a triangle enclosing his pupil and his long dark hair flowed into his ponytail behind him. The other figure coalesced into a tightly dressed young woman in golden robes, the light of providence enshrouded her in a mysterious aura as she coyly smiled. "Noble Qian, the Overlords are awaiting your arrival." The red-robed young man said as both figures politely bowed before the white-robed woman. "Song Yue, have you met them before?" Noble Qian asked as she turned to the young woman in the tight black dress. "Yes I have master, you are Tang Shengzhi of the Tang Clan and Han Xiang of the Han Clan, correct?" Song Yue politely replied with a shy and ladylike demeanor. "I'm surprised you remembered our little names, Young Noble." Tang Shengzhi blushed as he replied and stroked the back of his neck wryly. "How could I forget the Pair of Amor Fati?" Song Yue lightly teased with a demure smile, Han Xiang's cheeks turned bright red at the mention of Amor Fati. "That'll be enough. Tang Shengzhi, lead the way." Noble Qian cooly intoned, slightly flustering the distracted Tang Shengzhi. He turned towards the Phoenix capital and turned into a beam of black and white intertwining. Han Xiang followed from behind turning into a golden ray. Song Yue and Noble Qian were last as their bodies changed into distorted and flitted through space. The lights and distortions dashed across space at extreme speeds instantly approaching the tower of flames. Tang Shengzhi flew into the tower and suddenly disappeared as if never colliding, soon after Han Xiang did the same disappearing into the tower. Then suddenly two spatial distortions passed through the tower of flames and entered a crimson world. The sky of this world was darkness, ash, and soot cutting through the clouds of ash were volcanic mountain tops that continuously erupted with magma. Off in the distance, a fantastical bird cry echoed worldwide. At the center of the volcanic world, was a massive crimson castle floating in the sky. A gigantic mega barrier surrounded the castle and imprinted on the barrier was a Phoenix ascending to the heavens! Inside the barrier of the castle, Song Yue and Noble Qian's forms manifested from a spatial distortion. Behind them, two beams one black and white and the other gold suddenly pierced through the barrier and shot into the ground in front of Song Yue and Noble Qian. The moment Tang Shengzhi and Han Xiang arrived, the massive gates to the castle suddenly flew open releasing a torrent of vermillion flames. A large bellow escaped from within the castle saying: "Good, you've all arrived." Tang Shengzhi and Han Xiang's expressions suddenly hardened with seriousness as they entered the castle leading Song Yue and Noble Qian through. They crossed the gates and happened upon a magnificent jade stairwell engraved with vermillion birds and phoenixes. Along the walls were tapestries of different flames, each with a different color. There were red, purple, black, pink, blue, and gray flames all dancing across the tapestries. Across all of Heaven and Earth existed six fundamental heavenly flames: Each color conformed with each flame: Flare of Vengeance - Red, Burst of pride - Purple, Burning with Shame - Black, Delightful flames - Pink, Emotionless Blaze - Blue, and Gloomy Inferno - Gray. In a short moment, the group reached the top of the stairs and entered the throne room. Noble Qian eyes scanned over and she noticed ten cultivators that sat on either side of the room. On the right side sat a young man dressed in a blue toga, this was Mercer! By his side sat, Emily, Su Yan, and the Ghost Hands doctor. Standing separate from Mercer's group but the same side was an alluring woman dressed in a bronze-colored dress, a blonde young lady dressed in heavy armor, a bald old man in saffron monk robes, and a disheveled middle-aged man in knightly armor with a long scruffy beard. Each of these people represented a powerful bloodline clan, The bronze dressed woman is Chen Li of the Chen clan, The blonde lady is Wang Shi of the Wang Clan, The old man is Qin Shui of the Qin clan, and the disheveled middle-aged man is Yang Cheng of the Yang clan. On the other left side of the castle sat a different group of people if the right side was wearing western gear then they left is wearing eastern or oriental clothing. Sitting on the left side was a young man dressed in white robes embroidered on the back was the symbol of the hand, his head, and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a cool and calm like an ocean breeze. Next to him was a large and imposing man giant hybrid, he stood at almost three meters with a broad back and massive shoulders. He wore oversized robes that could fit multiple people and embroidered on the back was a gigantic oak tree. Sitting next to the gigantic fellow was a familiar face, he was a dark-haired man who wore a thick black hide armor and draped over his shoulders were two ominous dog heads. Each of these men represented a different bloodline faction. The white-robed man is Liu Kang of the Liu clan, the giant hybrid is Ming Shan of the Ming clan, and the dark-haired man is Xia Yunyi of the Xia clan. At the center of the room, was a massive golden litter embroidered with phoenixes and vermillion birds on the side. Vermillion flames enshrouded a figure sitting in the litter, hiding their face within the ominous flames. The man sitting within the litter is the Firelord of the Phoenix capital. The title of Firelord is an inherited title meant to mimic Venerable Phoenix's rule. The only title above that of Firelord is the Phoenix King, but that title is only for Venerable Phoenix! Noble Qian finished scanning the room and confidently walked in front of the litter. Vermillion flames danced past her unable to cause her any harm. "Greets Firelord and honored guests, I hope I haven't been too long." Noble Qian announced with a playful smirk. "It has only been a few days..." Yang Cheng slyly commented as he stroked his disheveled beard. Wang Shi coldly turned and stared at Yang Cheng until he felt a cold sweat drip down his back. He took his hand off his beard and placed on his lap looking down and going quiet. Only then did Wang Shi turn her piercing blue eyes away from him. "As you all know there are many matters to attend to at this meeting, such as the matter of Heaven's Realm..." Noble Qian slyly smirked as her tongue glided over the words "Heaven's Realm." The Verulyim king couldn't help but tense up at her mention. The eyes of the other clans gathered on him all at once with a greedy expression. "But I have a matter far more pressing." Noble Qian mysteriously intoned turning all eyes back on her. The flames around the litter danced as a magnificent voice bellowed from the flames saying: "And what might that be?" Noble Qian eyes glanced behind her slightly as she spoke and said: "As you all know, the blood sect has become active recently." Noble Qian expression hardened as she revealed: "This is because there is now an inheritor of Venerable Blood's inheritance!" "What!?!" "What kind of demon would inherit the Tyrant King's legacy?" "Who... Who... is it?!?" A torrent of question shot out from all the factions as they all attentively leaned forward to listen to Noble Qian. "Tang and Han, show them what you saw." Noble Qian commanded and Tang Shengzhi and Han Xiang both stood up at the same time. "I see you asked the Lovers of Amor Fati to do a divination..." Yang Cheng eyes gleamed as he commented. Tang Shengzhi concentrated light and dark forces into his glabella, the lights intertwined as a third eye opened from within his glabella. Han Xiang was quick to move releasing a massive golden light that filled the entire castle with gleaming golden light. The light entered Tang Shengzhi’s glabella and illuminated the truth as the power shot into the glabella of every cultivator in the room. The Tang Clan's bloodline totem is The All-Seeing Eye totem and they cultivate in Marks of Benevolence. The Han Clan's bloodline totem is the Light of Providence totem and they cultivate in Marks of Hope. With a synthesis of both their powers, they could illuminate things that were previously unseen. All at once an image passed through the minds of every cultivator, it was of a black-robed young man surrounded by a swirling vortex of darkness. His dark hair and dark eyes fused perfectly with the vortex hiding his figure amidst the dark. Beneath him were thousands of red-robed cultivators on bended knee, looking at him with deep reverence and fear. The young man coldly smirked as he dictated: “Hear me, all those in the major and minor planes. My name is Ye Yuyan and I am the Demon Lord of the Blood Sect!” Suddenly the light cut off as Han Xiang fell to the ground and Tang Shengzhi's third eye closed in response. He moved over to Han Xiang and helped her up as they went back to sit down. "This... he's claiming the title of Demon Lord?!? We mustn't let this proceed any further where is this man?" Liu Kang calmly commented as he extradited himself from the vision. "You're right we must deal with him immediately." Ming Shan calmly intoned with a deep bellowing voice. "I understand your concern but we know where he'll be... he is heading to the Phoenix tomb." Noble Qian intoned as Ming Shan and Liu Kang conversed. From within the curtain of flames, the Firelord's voice vibrated as he said: "If you know all this then what do you want from us?" "Venerable Phoenix set a cultivation limit of Rank 5 for entering the Phoenix tomb. I ask that you all send your finest warriors to exterminate the threat of Demon Ye." Noble Qian articulated calmly as she scanned the room for a response. The various clans conversed among each other for a moment until the flames danced once again and the Firelord spoke: "The Solar Prince and Lunar Princess shall attend this battle along with the Liu, Ming, and Xia Bloodlines that serve the Vermillion Country." "Thank you, your majesty. Who else will join?" Noble Qian demurely smiled as she scanned over the western side. "My fair lady, the Verulyim king, and Chen clan will join in your cause." The Verulyim king promptly replied with a small courtesy. "What say you, Qin, Wang, and Yang clans?" "The Wang and Yang clans serve the Shadow sect and will represent them in the battle." Wang Shi answered as Yang Cheng scanned Qin Shui trying to decipher him. "What of you, Qin Shui? What is your clan's stance?" The Verulyim king respectfully asked “Amitabha Buddha, dear benefactors my clan wishes only to protect the peace and serenity of the east. If that means fighting then we shall bear arms in this upcoming battle.” Qin Shui calmly replied with his hands in two mudras. "I see..." Noble Qian said acknowledging Qin Shui. "Then I will leave the matter of Heaven's Realm to all that remain, Goodbye." Noble Qian declared as space distorted around her and Song Yue and their forms suddenly disappeared into the nether of space. ******************************* At the center of the world, was a massive mountain range of hundreds of different valleys, plains, plateaus, and mountains. This is the desolate range that houses many strange beasts and monstrosities. Cutting through the clouds into the firmament in the center of this mountain range is the legendary mountain: The Empyrean mountain. At the precipice of the Empyrean mountain sat a bygone cottage with rotting wooden planks and thick foliage within the cracks of the building. A small and pristine garden sat in the courtyard in front of the cottage, lilies, roses, daisies, carnations, sunflowers, and violets bloomed in the garden decorating the garden with a myriad of colors. In the back of the cottage, an old oak tree loomed over a tiny pond with a white lotus revolving on its water. Light peeked through the oak tree's leaf hitting the white lotus and illuminating the mystical dao runes within the lotus. The melody of the great dao played as the lotus revolved endlessly within the tiny pond. Space distorted in front of the pond as two figures manifested out of nowhere, the two figures were Song Yue and Noble Qian! As soon as Song Yue manifested her gaze turned to the white lotus as she felt it call to her. Deep inside of her the rule fragment of the Bearer of the White Lotus stirred as the silhouette of a white lotus appeared behind her. This was the aspect she condensed when she reached Rank 4 in the immortal lake. The white lotus stirred as it suddenly stopped revolving and the waters of the tiny pond went silent as the ripples ended. The white lotus suddenly flew up from the tiny pond and flew across space entering Song Yue's body. "Ahhhh!" Song Yue cried out as she released a torrent of white Qi filling the precipice of the Empyrean mountain with her rampant immortal Qi. Noble Qian coldly assessed as the immortal Qi passed her by unable to harm her. She smirked deviously as the white lotus silhouette behind Song Yue became increasingly corporeal. "Good! With the Ocean of immortals' Qi and the activated Rule fragment, you should be able to absorb the white lotus and become the Bearer of the White Lotus!" Noble Qian exclaimed happily Her eyes gleamed with murderous intent as she roared to the heavens: "Well done, Ye Yuyan or should I said Ye Yanrui? You've dug your own grave, the phoenix tomb will be your final resting place!"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "18518", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.63: Phoenix Capital", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the desolate void of Heaven's Realm, a massive sea of wills coalesced as a nine colored aurora infiltrated the realm. The fog-like aurora twisted and curved turning into various glistening eyes, each eye held within it a different emotion, melancholy, rage, lust, and so many forms drifted about. With the boundaries of lightning dissipated, the three great landmarks of heaven's realm shown with an immortal light, the light glittered through the realm filling every dark crevice. The dark mountain at the center of the realm crackled with lightning as the light illuminated the darkness. Heaven's realm was a collection of three floating islands in the void, separated by a membrane of different powers. Over the blood plains was a crimson barrier, over the aquatic plateau was a blue barrier, and over the mountain was a lightning and shadow barrier. But as the immortal light radiated throughout the realm, the barriers dissipated and the islands crashed together. Originally there was a short distance between the islands where the barriers weren't active that had void like qualities, life would have a hard time sustaining in such areas. But now the distance disappeared as the islands fused as one. The shadow mountains on the center and the aquatic plateau and blood plains on opposite sides of the mountain. With the disappearance of the magical barriers, the Aurora entered the immortal mountain. The moment the Aurora entered the immortal light burst out wrapping around heaven's realm. The dark skies of the islands became illuminated with a golden light, all life in the realm was showered with a golden light. In the aquatic plains, the pixies danced amidst the golden motes of light. In the blood plains, the blood temple stood silently as it was showered with the immortal light. On the base of the immortal mountain, the nine-colored aurora condensed together coalescing into a rainbow figure. The faceless rainbow's figure's body swayed like a fog as it coldly stared at the immortal mountain. The figure extended out a nine colored hand stirring the powers of heavens as it tapped out into the air. Suddenly the immortal light swished and swirled away as if forced to retreat, a gigantic nine-colored palm filled the skies forcing the light to part in half. The palm grabbed towards the mountain ripping the air in half. With the immortal light forced out, a dark beam of energy shot out darkening the space in front of the palm. A figure burst from the dark light, panting and gripping its chest. An array of dark eyes and chains wrapped around its body as the figure turned into a dark-haired muscular man. The man looked up at the nondescript faceless figure and instantly went to his knees. "Sir Foglord!" He said as he cupped his hands respectfully, not daring to look up at the majesty of the nine colored figure. "Well done, Yunshi." The figure muttered in a distorted voice, any light landing on the figure would instantly curve away as if afraid of him. The only light on his figure was the light he himself generated. "It was all because of your highness' calculations otherwise I would have failed, Ye Yuyan was quite the adversary," Yunshi said self deprecatingly "But of course, if it were anyone else and it wouldn't be interesting, his designs rival the dark hand." The figure said through a distorted cackle, its gaze turned toward the horizon shooting the realm and landing on the aquatic plateau. "Now shall we get started?" The figure laughed as a sea of fog formed out of its body, each bit of mist seethed with the emotive faces of dying men and women. Nine colors shined throughout the sea suppressing the humans as the fog swished toward the aquatic plateau. ******************* On the outside of Heaven's Realm, a dark portal ripped open and two golden beams of light shot out it, the two lights zoomed through the sky leaving streaks of golden aura. The two streaks flew past a massive sprawling city, the city bustled with excitement as various people looked up at the sky. This city was the village Ye Yuyan and Han Yi stayed in since they left the city had grown massively. At the center of the city, was a massive mansion with sprawling pavilions, throughout the construction was shrubbery and gardens, it looked as though it were the abode of immortals. Below the mansion atop the hill were various shops lined with people. Gold and precious materials were constantly being exchanged as the bustling of the city quieted toward the lower rung of the area. Past the new construction, the old houses and previous villagers lived quietly in their corner of the city. Their way of life was preserved as a favor to Su Yan but still, they were shrouded by the power of industry. The two golden beams shot past the merchants, crashing down into one of the outer gardens near a pavilion. The maids tending to the garden looked toward the pavilion as the golden lights crashed and materialized into two figures. The first was of a wizened old man in yellow robes, occasionally light would distort around his form as if deflected by something. In his arms were two people, a blue-robed young woman, and a red-robed young man. The old man dropped the two onto the ground, they plopped onto the ground almost lifeless as their revealed deep burn marks on their chests. The other yellow distortion transformed into a white-gowned feminine figure. She held in her arms a black-clothed muscular man and a green-clothed child. She dropped them as well revealing deep flame gashes as if a beast of fire had sliced them. "You, there! Get the Ghost Hands Doctor, now!" Emily commanded in a stern voice to a maid tending to the garden. The dumbfounded maid moved quickly as she stumbled over her water basin and dashed out of the garden. Emily turned back to look at her Cardinals, a dark flame mark was constantly growing on their chests depleting them of vital forces. "These flames, they are too vile to be vermillion flames." Emily said as she examined the Black Cardinal's life auras, they were constantly being consumed by the flames making them stronger. "I once had the pleasure of training with a Vermillion Flame User in the east, and I can say definitely that this flame is similar but far more sinister." Su Yan said to the princess as he carried the two over onto the pavilion setting them down. Emily seeing this followed suit as she carried the black and green cardinals over. She sat beside the cardinals and Su Yan did the same. They sat contemplatively and waited until the maid returned running rather awkwardly. Following behind the maid was a dark-haired older man in a raven like shawl. He meandered taking each step one at a time, Emily and Su Yan stood up hastily the moment he approached. "Senior Ghost Hands!" Emily said as she cupped her hands respectfully to the older gentleman. He accepted her gesture but remained silent, instead, he approached the Cardinals. The moment he caught sight of them, his eyes perked up as he grew closer to the red-robed cardinal. He grasped at his red clothing and suddenly ripped, revealing a massive flame mark that was constantly growing. "These flames..." He mumbled lightly as he touched the Red Cardinals' various acupoints. With each tap, a vermillion Qi would shoot out like a geyser releasing a small amount of the flame's power. "Senior, are you familiar with these flames?" Emily asked curiously with a titled head. "Yes...these are flames that should no longer exist." He said as he continued to tap the acupoints of the Red Cardinal. The vermillion Qi would shoot out growing in quantity as it condensed into a thin layer of smog. "BEGONE!" Ghost hands suddenly roared releasing a dark silhouette from behind him. The silhouette roared with him but it was a silent shout. No sound echoed but the air still rippled intensely from the shout. The vermillion Qi burst out from all of the Cardinals' bodies gathering in the air in the form of a serpent born of vermillion flames. The serpent's blood-red eyes hissed with predator intent before disappearing into nothingness. Ghost hands diffused the black silhouette behind him as the vermillion Qi faded from the courtyard calming everything. "That...what was that?!?" Emily said concerningly as she stared at the place where the serpent appeared concerned it would reappear. "Don't worry your highness I dispelled the demon." Ghost Hands said reassuringly as he turned toward Emily. "Demon!?!" Emily responded fearfully. "Yes, that was a demon and a powerful one at that. How you were marked by it, I can only imagine." Ghost Hands said ruefully, in his words was a tacit warning. "A demon notable enough for you to recognize, who could it be?" Su Yan probed politely as he watched Ghost Hands' expression closely. Ghost Hands didn't reply instead he stared at Emily and said: " I say, your Highness, have you ever heard of, The Legend of the Boy and the Beast?" ********************** Author's thoughts: Sorry for the delay, I am having a hard time adjusting to my school schedule so this was significantly later than I expected. But this marks the end of volume 2!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "8749", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - End of V.2-Ch.46: Foglord Enters", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan sported a bright smile while talking to Nesilia, his graceful and calm demeanor left an indelible mark in Song Yue's mind. "Follow me." He said with a smirk as he stepped forward. Nesilia scrambled to follow him as his strides brought him up to the jade steps. A horrid bloody aura emanated for the temple and streamed down the steps. Nesilia felt her body tremble unwittingly as the bloody aura passed her. "Can you feel it?" Ye Yuyan asked as he scanned her body. "Feel what? You staring at my body?" Nesilia grunted out as her body kept trembling. "Hahaha, no not that." Ye Yuyan joked as his sonorous voice entered into her ears. Ye Yuyan's eyes grew cold as the liveliness faded from them, all that remained were the cold passionless eyes of a demon. "That deep-seated primordial fear that seizes your body." He said in an enchanting whisper that left Nesilia trembling even more. Her body was suddenly seized with spasms as her eyes lost their luster ever so slowly. "Wh...wh...why can't I stop....shaking?!?" She struggled to stutter out amidst her constant shaking. Her teeth chattered incessantly as if it were freezing outside. She looked to Ye Yuyan, who stood completely unfazed. His eyes remained calm and cold like always with a hint of excitement passing through them. From Ye Yuyan's body burst out blood qi that circled around him and Nesilia. Suddenly the bloody aura from the temple dissipated. Nesilia's body stopped shaking but she still felt the remnants of the primordial fear as her face had gone pale and bloodless. "Why are you not afraid?" Nesilia said in a weak voice as she tried to remove the fear left in her heart. "I'll show you!" Ye Yuyan said as he stepped onto the first step. The jade steps trembled and a crimson qi shot out, in it were the writhing faces of various humans. They looked to be in great pain as the shot into the skies. The Red Lotus on Ye Yuyan's glabella glimmered with a blue light and suddenly the blue and crimson lotus leaves overlapped. With the superimposed powers, Ye Yuyan's aura instantly soared reaching the Peak of Rank 3 using his second revolution powers. The blood qi around Ye Yuyan shot through them dispelling the qi and absorbing the remnant energies getting stronger. Ye Yuyan stepped on the next step repeating the process, suddenly he sped up and walked up three stairs consecutively. Multiples bursts of blood qi shot out attacking Ye Yuyan, each blood qi was filled with writhing souls that howled in pain. "Scram!" He roared as the blood qi around him slashed out like a sharp sword. The domineering aura cut apart the blood qi instantly leaving no trace. Ye Yuyan stepped on the 10th step suddenly activating all the blood qi in the previous steps. All the dissipated blood qi gathered together transforming into a small stream. "That stream..." Nesilia muttered as she stared at the forming stream. It came down from the top of the stairs hurdling towards Ye Yuyan. "Red River!" Ye Yuyan roared stirring the red lotus, a crimson light shot out from it forming a sea of blood that threatened to devour the entire temple. The blood sea engulfed the stream completely devouring, within the stream of weapons appeared hundreds of souls each writhing in pain. "He...he devoured it!" Nesilia said fearfully, just the stream was enough to threaten her life yet he easily ate it. After the 10th step, the blood qi stopped sprouting as if it had become completely subservient to Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan looked at Nesilia from the 10th step and shouted: "You can come up now." Nesilia looked at the 1st step hesitantly, but ultimately she stepped on it. She soon realized that no blood qi was bursting through. She felt confidence build up inside of her as she took another step then another. Ye Yuyan proceeded to walk forward as if skipping, no blood qi emerged from his nonchalant steps. Nesilia though probed slowly as she took careful and controlled steps. But by the time she had reached the 20th step, Ye Yuyan was sitting at the top of the stairs with a childish expression on his face. 'How is he always so calm?' She couldn't help but wonder as she took another step. Seeing Ye Yuyan at the top made her more reckless as she followed his footsteps to the top. "Be faster~" Ye Yuyan teased with a cute expression. Nesilia felt a shiver travel down her spine while she looked at Ye Yuyan. She took bigger steps in an less than a minute she was at the top with Ye Yuyan. In front of them was the red door embroidered with a coiling dragon on each side. Two statues stood to the side of the door. To the left was a black demon with 9 red lines and a serpent coiled around it and to the left was a golden crow with a lightning bolt in one eye and a golden flame in the other. The two statues stood the side radiating the majesty of supreme laws. "What are these?" Nesilia asked as she probed the statues and felt a sudden jolt in her body. "Don't do that. Your psyche will be destroyed." Ye Yuyan warned sternly as he approached the door. Nesilia felt her heart lurch as she watched Ye Yuyan approach the door. The two statues' eyes seemed to follow him as he approached the door and lightly tapped it. His tap caused ripples to the door like a stone skipping over a lake. The ripples intensified as the gate started to open. From the temple came an unspeakably horrid aura burst out wrapping the entire temple. The aura burst through the barrier shooting into the sky, even the nothingness of the extreme void warped under the pressure of the blood aura. The sky turned an even darker crimson, in turn, making the people of the world fearful. Back in the temple, the blood auras gathered together. From inside the temple open two vertical slits as an oppressive aura forced Nesilia to fall to the ground. Her body became paralyzed by the sheer fear but Ye Yuyan stood stalwart before the horrifying gaze. A bloody wind shot out from the temple like the roar of a beast. Ye Yuyan robe sleeves swished back with the wind but Ye Yuyan stood unfazed. He looked over Nesilia who was unable to move before the beast and felt reminiscence hit him. Back then he was atop a mountain when in the sky appeared a man in black robes with a serpent coiled around him and on the other side was a little boy in violet robes he had a transcendent demeanor that remained unstained. The two had a cultivation that far surpassed anything Ye Yuyan had ever seen, each clash of power rendered cracks in the sky and dispelled every cloud in a 100-mile radius. If any of there attacks hit the ground, they could destroy whole kingdoms. Their auras blasted out suppressing the entire world, even the air was forced to be subservient. Ye Yuyan's body was slammed down onto the ground unable to move. He couldn't even look up to the people fighting above him. He was an ant forced to kneel before true power, this was the way of the world and the Law of Kings. "You asked why I wasn't afraid." Ye Yuyan said as he sported a smirk. "Well for one I'll tell that I'm human. I'm actually rather human, I lived and loved, feared and cried, failed and fought." He said as the smirk grew into a bright smile. The red lotus on his forehead superimposed with the third lotus leaf. His aura skyrocketed as it burst through reaching half step rank 4. His left eye bled black blood as it became completely black except for the white pupil. "You see, man is a creature of desires and I have subjected all my desires including fear into one single path." Ye Yuyan said as the red lotus seemed to shake with frightening nomological powers. "A path I hold myself to. The path of power!" Ye Yuyan intoned as his eyes gleamed with the might of the heavenly dao. The red river stirred as a golden sword force shot out intertwined with the blood aura. Nesilia's body felt lightened at the moment and she tilted her head up. She then saw a red and gold sword shoot out from the red river stabbing through the blood winds and predator's eyes. The sword dispelled all the blood powers instantly yet even after that the sword force lingered as it is was immortal. A terrifying prospect formed in her mind at that moment. "You...comprehended sword intent?!?" She questioned as her fear of Ye Yuyan grew at that moment. Ye Yuyan shook his head and chuckled. "No sadly, I've only comprehended about half." He said self depreciatingly but in reality, the sword dao he was mastering was a peak dao. He had comprehended his principles from the heartsword code and absorbed weapon truths from the heavenly dao. His sword intent could be said to be the Heavenly Dao of the Sword.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2401", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.31: Heavenly Dao of the Sword", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the skies of the Pixie city, the blue moon shone with aquatic Qis as it suppressed the coiling red river. The clash of two great powers rippled the void as river water and aquatic Qi filled the sky, making the sky interchange between a bloody crimson and a dazzling blue. Suddenly from the city, a set of lights: black, blue, and bronze burst through the barrier. Each of the lights coalesced into a different figure, the first was a beautiful woman dressed in white robes, behind her was a blue specter hovering ominously. The black light turned into a black-haired man dressed in a black hide like armor, behind him was the phantom of a Cerberus growling with malevolence. The last of the lights, the bronze one transformed into a man in copper armor. His brimmed helmet concealed his face, behind him was the figure of an iron knight standing stalwart. They were the experts from the Lunar Palace, Su Xinyue, Xia Yunyi, and the bronze knight. "Ye Yuyan, show yourself now!" Su Xinyue roared to the skies as her eyebrows furrowed. The red lotus revolved rapidly at red river's center, the river continued its clash with the blue moon. Each slam into the blue moon scattering its blood across the land. "Damn, looks like we'll have to draw him out." She said through clenched teeth, she spread her legs as she took a horse riding stance. "Hah!" Su Xinyue roared as her aura grew in intensity. The blue specter behind her became clear, it was her clone or rather her aspect! The aspect raised its hand and put its palms out, the aquatic Qis in the plain fluctuated as they flew toward the aspect. She sapped the entire plain of aquatic Qi, almost making it barren as a vortex formed at the aspect's fingertips. Each of the Aquatic Qis condensed into a glob of light that seemed to have a life of its own. Hundreds if not thousands of these orbs gathered around Su Xinyue orbiting one by one. The sheer amount of Qi threw the winds into a frenzy. "This Qi, it has no end! How incredible!" Xia Yunyi said as he fixed his gaze on Su Xinyue's immaculate form. The Bronze Knight stood quietly as he disregarded the turbulent winds passing his body. At that moment, another collision of the red river shattered the barrier conjured by the blue moon. The red river shot through the void as its turbulent flow aimed towards shattering the blue moon. "Gather!" Su Xinyue commanded as her aspect closed its palms into a fist. The aquatic Qis seethed as the shot together in front of her. The Qi danced through the air gathering together as it took embryotic form; it swished and swirled forming into a boundless sea. Su Xinyue's eyes shined with a dazzling blue light as her aspect fused into her body. Suddenly the boundless sea engulfed the skies bursting through the heavens with intense might. "Spiritual sea!" Su Xinyue yelled as her body fused into the boundless sea, she twisted her arms ebbing and flowing like a sea. Her movements caused the sea to seethe with excitement as she guided it towards the red river. The red river slammed into the boundless sea, making it fail at hitting the blue moon. But the boundless sea didn't stand a chance against the power of the red river. The ocean water burst into the skies scattering into the void as the red river pierced through it. "Pffttt." Su Xinyue's body flew back as she lost her control of the boundless sea, she spat out some blood as her internal organs became damaged by the backlash. The red river tumbled towards the blue moon seething with an intense red lightning intent on destroying the moon. When suddenly a blue light burst from the moon, it was as if it awoke a sleeping beast. Suddenly the light shone intensely illuminating the entire sky in a boundless cyan light. The light shone onto Su Xinyue's body and suddenly the boundless sea reformed once again, but this time from the cyan light of the blue moon! Su Xinyue's body became quenched by the power of the blue moon, as she guided the boundless sea once again. "Break for me!" She said through gritted teeth as she threw her hands down guiding the sea. Suddenly a boundless sea came crashing down onto the red river and for the first time since the start of the battle, it forced the red river back. The crashing forced apart the red river splitting it as thousands of gallons of blood water left from the river. The red lotus at the river's center showed signs of cracking, as the lotus leaves wilted slightly. "Scram!" Su Xinyue roared as the power of the blue moon supplemented her. Her roar echoed throughout the void as the boundless sea struck, again and again, forcing the red river to fall back. The river constantly lost its essence as it flew off to the edge of the aquatic plains, behind it all that remained was the empty void until the blood plains. Before the boundless sea could strike again, the red river suddenly swished and exited the aquatic plain flowing through the void. Su Xinyue's body descended from the skies as the power of the blue moon left her body. Her face was pale and bloodless, the moment she reached the ground she fell to her knees. "Xia Yunyi and Chen Li, you both need to pursue it. I can't move anymore now that I activated Venerable Moon's will." She said between panted breathes as Xia Yunyi and Chen Li listened floating above her. "Understood!" They both responded simultaneously. "Good, I have enough power left to transmit you directly into the void. Good luck..." She struggled to say and then she activated the remaining qi in her body and sent it wrapping around their bodies. They suddenly felt their bodies lighten and recover. Su Xinyue flicked her fingers, forcing the two to transform into two cyan beams that shot off into the void. With her last task complete Su Xinyue's body collapsed without a trace of Qi left inside her. ********************** Xia Yunyi and Chen Li's forms shot through the surrounding void, with a barrier made of cyan Qi tightly fitting their forms, protecting them from the dangers of the extreme void. In front of them was the red river which was flowing rapidly towards the blood plains. The lightning in the river seethed as it shot through the void fast approaching the blood plains. Before they realized it, the river had reached the blood plains piercing through the blood membrane around it. Xia Yunyi and Chen Li caught up at that moment, just in time to see the river enter the blood plains halfway. "That's our cue to act." Xia Yunyi chuckled sinisterly as a massive three-headed dog appeared behind him. Its sharp canines shined like the moon, and its eyes were like gems. Wordlessly the bronze knight's aura grew as the silhouette of an iron knight appeared behind him. The knight's iron armor glistened with an immortal light as it grew to the size of a small mountain. "Marks of Loyalty, Cerberus!" Xia Yunyi roared as his bloodline boiled across his entire body appeared the marks of loyalty unique to the Xia clan! Following him was the bronze knight who said through his helmet: "Marks of Fortitude, Honos!" His body shined with bronze marks as the iron knight came to life. The two massive silhouettes bore down on the red river at that moment, the three-headed dog's teeth shined brilliantly as they tore at the red river, and the iron knight brought down a massive iron fist that crushed the edges of the red river. Thousands of gallons of the red river's water lost its connection to the river as it dissipated into the void from their strikes. "Again!" Xia Yunyi laughed excitedly as his Cerberus attacked once again but strangely Chen Li abstained. His iron knight took two steps back suddenly much to Xia Yunyi's surprise. "Chen Li! What are you doing?!?" Xia Yunyi asked with raised eyebrows, yet before Chen Li could respond. A massive Cyan sword appeared out of nowhere in the void, the huge sword bore down like heavenly judgment on Xia Yunyi. "What?!?" Xia Yunyi said with wide eyes, he tried to retract his totem but he was too late. The cyan sword cut down towards him and slashed at his chest. The sudden swift motion slashed open his hide armor, cutting through the flesh and hitting his chest. He tumbled back in the void as the cyan barrier around him showed cracks. Xia Yunyi gripped as his chest as if he was dying and noticed the deep and bloody gash across it. He took a few forced deep breaths as he forced himself to speak: "Wh.. who's there?!?" Chen Li focused his gaze on the origin of the cyan qi, suddenly the void rippled as if pulling back the curtains and a young man walked out. He wore a luxurious white robe tied at his waist and in his right hand he held a moonlight sword. His white hair flowed down his back parting at his hips. A thick layer of cyan Qi surrounded his entire body, except this wasn't a barrier this was his own Qi! "How charming of you, to forget me so easily." The young man said with a childlike closed-lip smile.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "3798", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.37: Venerable Moon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the void between the Blood Plains and the Aquatic Plateau, Xia Yunyi and Chen Li stood next to Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan stood stalwart in the void as his right palm shined with heavenly lightning. "Fellow immortal, it's your time to act!" Ye Yuyan proclaimed into the void with a rapturous smile that left Xia Yunyi and Chen Li afraid. With Ye Yuyan's intonation, a world of lightning erupted from the veil, all the thunderbolts blasted in an array towards the Blood Temple. The void became filled with the streaks of lightning bolts passing through at unfathomable speeds. The lightning covered Chen Li and Xia Yunyi's vision, the only thing visible was Ye Yuyan's form standing amidst the crackling and seething lightning with his right palm extended out. The deep blue gash gushed out electrical forces as it guided the lightning into the blood temple. The temple became increasingly filled with power as the lines across it shined with a red light. The dead quiet temple lit up with life releasing a vile and unspeakable horror from a grand era. Without warning, the temple's red light exploded out as the top split open, revealing the throne room as the ominous screams of a million souls filled the senses of all the onlookers. The lightning condensed toward the red throne, filling it up with various motes of light. On the sides of the throne, the red sea swayed as if coming to life and suddenly the throne flew up with the electric current. As it ascended to the skies, it grew and grew until it reached the limit of the blood plains, then it suddenly pierced through the barrier like it was paper and stepped into the void. Xia Yunyi and Chen Li looked on in horror as the colossal red throne exited from the blood plains and stopped behind Ye Yuyan. The heavenly power filled Ye Yuyan's body, which suddenly grew a thousand meters. His massive body automatically flew onto the red throne, and as if fusing with it he sat down in perfect harmony. The screams of millions of souls below the throne acted like a morbid welcoming tune. Ye Yuyan reached out with one gigantic palm and grabbed Maven and placed him on the armrest. Maven looked up at Ye Yuyan's godly form with awe passing through his eyes. "You two can run as far as you like. As soon as I finish my hunt, you're next." Ye Yuyan said as his gaze landed on Xia Yunyi and Chen Li making their blood run backward, a deep-seated primordial fear erupted from their hearts as they turned to flee. Ye Yuyan disregarded them as he activated the red throne, pushing it to fly through the void at max speed. The red throne zoomed through the void leaving a trail of blood and souls in its wake! ***************** Inside the immortal graveyard, vermillion flames danced under the starry skies leaving streaks of Vermillion. The flames ignited the various graves stretching to the limits of the graveyard the flames rapidly moved as they gathered into one place, the heaven-piercing tombstone! The entire construction shined with vermillion flames as it stabbed through the skies, the words on the tomb lost all legibility as the flames atrophied into incoherent garbage. At the edge of the graveyard, flashed two lights one yellow and the other gold. The lights dissipated revealing Su Yan and Emily's forms. Each of them held two of the Cardinals, the moment they escaped the vermillion flames they threw down their individual cardinals and looked back at the flames. "What?!?" Su Yan eyes narrowed as he looked toward the skies. The vermillion flames exploded into the skies with like a brilliant sword slash. The flames danced across the skies like an Aurora, the intense light illuminating the starry sky. Suddenly the vault of heaven split open as if it was being cut open by the vermillion flames. The hole resembled a sword scar as the rippling forced open the gates of heaven's realm! The sky scar rippled as grew slowly engulfing the sky, hundreds of air currents formed as they drifted into the void of the scar. In a few moments, the scar completely consumed the starry sky and a crackling sound spread throughout the valley. The sky filled with the scene of lightning crackling as the electrical forces jumped across the sky. The thick veil of lightning slowly condensed together as if it were forming something. Emily's countenance grew gloomy as she watched the lightning bolts fuse. The first few thousand lightning bolts rippled together near the ground as they fused together and ascended higher and higher. The lightning condensed into physical form as it turned to a massive lightning tail with fur made of electrical forces! The electrical forces kept gathering as it reached closer to the sky, the lightning veil dissipated almost entirely as a massive pair of legs formed together, the hooves of the legs rounded into perfect circles. Then the other bolts lined up coiling around one another as they formed a magnificent lightning mane. Su Yan's eyes lit up with shock as the strange abdomen flew into the void, disappearing from sight. The entire immortal graveyard transformed into ashes, and the tombstones had already disintegrated. Even the vermillion flames died down, even a rank 4 expert couldn't remain long in those flames and it was still put out by that strange beast. "What was that?" Su Yan turned to ask Emily. Emily didn't respond as her eyes were glued to the sky as she processed what had just happened. She looked toward the immortal graveyard as a thought passed through her mind. "I'm not sure, but we did our part. Let's leave while we still can." Emily spoke wistfully as she grabbed her cardinals and punched out into the air. Suddenly the void ripped open as the portal to the outside world opened. ******************** Shadow Mountain: A massive red beam blasted through the barrier of the shadow mountains, releasing an intense rippling force through the void. The red beam engulfed the skies with the sheer lightning force that left an electrical trail in the sky. A dark beam of energy transmitted from the shadow mountain into the lightning veil. The rumbling dark clouds are the mountain crackled with power. Alister scanned through the rubble of the shadow chains, his psyche forces transmitted all across searching for any traces of Yunshi's corpse, but he found nothing. Suddenly a high pitch screech echoed from the top of the mountain. "Hmm... guess that's my cue to leave." Alister thought as his blood wings flapped raising a storm, Alister's draconic form flew through the skies piercing through the shadow barrier rapidly. He looked back toward the mountain, at the top the lightning condensed together into a pair of terrifying blue eyes. It's electrifying gaze shot thunderbolts toward Alister's condensed physique. "Damn!" Alister roared in the void as his draconic body turned, towards the incoming lightning bolts. His blood wings flapped releasing a volley of red lights toward the array of lightning bolts. The void filled with the crashing of the two arrays, thousands of electrical currents clashed transmitting crackling sounds throughout. The blue lightning charged through the red light and blasted toward Alister. He didn't bother to watch the results as he turned to flee almost immediately. As he tried to escape his left blood wing a stray lightning bolt hit his left bloodwing wounding him. "Aargh!" A low growl escaped his throat as the left blood wing shattered from the sheer power of the lightning bolt. Fear flashed in his eyes as he turned into a red beam shooting through the void at hypersonic speeds. Behind him, the roar of a horrifying beast echoed throughout leaving a trace of fear in Alister's heart. His conjured physique showed cracks across it as the remnants of the blue lightning crackled from the cracks. Alister's dragon form looked towards the lightning veil surrounding Heaven's realm as he flitted through the void. Suddenly the veil gathered as it formed into a pair of perfect legs, a sprawling abdomen, and a lightning mane! The lightning veil decreased in size at a visible rate as the lightning condensed together, and suddenly the pair of blue eyes returned with a vengeance. A blue lightning bolt crossed from the shadow mountain in an instant, the sheer speed was similar to teleportation! The lightning bolt was the massive head of a Qilin! Its majestic horn shined with a 9 colored light as it rippled through the void towards the abdomen. At that moment, Alister's conjured physique shattered entirely transforming into thousands of red light. Hundreds of blood disciples' bodies manifested from the red light, and suddenly a gathering of red lights manifested into a white-haired old man. The Qilin head rapidly fused into the abdomen of the beast, the lightning mane crackled intensely as the horn of the beast shot a 9 colored light into the lightning veil. The lightning veil seethed and turned into an array of thunderbolts. Each bolt struck the massive Qilin inundating it in heavenly power as electrical currents formed across its body. The thunderbolts condensed one by one making an intricate system of lines that followed a heavenly principle, the power of heavenly judgment formed creating a pair of thunderwings that stood unmatched. The seething lightning released a heavenly 9 colored light as the wings sprouted covering all of heaven's realm in a single bound! Alister edged back in fear but then he felt a power surge behind him, he looked back to see in the horizon flash a red light unlike any other. The cause of the red light was a throne the size of a great world. The throne came crashing down from the void toward the Qilin beast, the void rumbled as it passed through at high speeds. The beast's beady blue eyes shot out thunderbolts to no avail, as the red throne crashed down undeterred slapping the beast away. "Well done Alister, I'll take it from here." Ye Yuyan said from atop the red throne, he sat like an eternal divine god watching mortals toil in their affairs. "Thank you, Master!" Alister said through gasped pants, his entire face was pale and bloodless. Such was a consequence of overusing his conjured physique along with blood magic to form that blood dragon. Ye Yuyan's divine eyes turned to meet the Qilin's radiant blue eyes. The meeting of gazes reminded him of a scene in his past and he couldn't help but lick his lips in excitement. "Now it's time to hunt!" Ye Yuyan roared with excitement as he drove the red throne to attack once again! ******************* Author's notes: Longer chapter than usual so it took a little longer, school is starting soon for me so the release rate will go down to about 4/week from 7/week. But luckily this arc will be finished this week so no delay on the good stuff, and as always I take a day break to plan after a volume finishes. Have a good night and thank you for reading!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "4817", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.40: Hunting Divine Beasts", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"Qi!" Ye Yuyan coldly intoned forcing Lunar Qi to burst from his body, filling the cracks in the void all across Heaven's realm. A powerful lunar Qi engulfed everything as it entered the separate realms, the shadow mountains, the aquatic plateau, and even the blood plains filled with Lunar Qi. The powerful cyan colored Lunar Qi took on a myriad of forms transforming into a moon at one point then an icy field the next, it ebbed and flowed like a sea from Ye Yuyan's floating form. Right below Ye Yuyan's body, a four colored red lotus span rapidly releasing the sea of Lunar Qi. "Truth!" Ye Yuyan declared forcing the first lotus leaf shined with the truths of frost releasing a frozen power. The drifting truths formed a frozen end world that spanned the void. The supreme freezing strength could bring all life to a standstill, Maven flew back rapidly as he avoided getting in the range of the forming world. Nomological lines manifested across the great world as the inscriptions and sounds of the great Dao filled it. The truths of frost drifted through the air summoning the forces of frost to condense. The red lotus turned fully blue becoming a blue lotus without compare. In the beginning, there was the Heavenly Dao, which gave birth to Yin-Yang and the Four transformations, the four transformations of rain, wind, thunder, and lightning refined yin and yang into the 3000 truths. These 3000 truths gave birth to heaven and earth making the air we breathe a part of the truth of the Heavenly Dao and the most refined breath of truth is Qi! This frozen end world that spanned to the edges of the void was a condensation of Ye Yuyan's Qi! But the blue lotus and the moon that shines above it are a condensation of his truth! "Will!" Ye Yuyan said making his eyes flash open into a pair of sinister cyan lights, his pupils turned into vertical slits as they released a horrifying demonic aura. A silhouette of a horrifying frost beast with fur shone behind him, the frost beast grew with the world as it released a demonic aura that extended throughout the frost world. Its eyes were cyan vertical slits that shone with a predatory light, it flew away from Ye Yuyan's body and open its mouth releasing a gigantic cyan vortex. The frost world twisted and curved towards the vortex as the intense suction force devoured the truths. One by one the inscriptions and powers of frost filled with vortex, all across the beast's body appeared nomological lines filled with frost truths. The blue lines coiled and curved throughout its body forming frost tattoos filled with the frost Dao. Ye Yuyan stood from lotus form and raised his palm toward the frost beast, he pushed the blue lotus to move below it as the great frost world dissipated from the devouring force. The blue moon in the frost world's sky came crashing down on the beast as the blue lotus came underneath it. "Aaargghhh!" The beast roared the two phenomena sandwiched it. Boom! A powerful cyan mist burst from the crashing as it obscured the beast's body, the power of laws exploded out as the Heavenly Dao clashed within the mist. The crashing sound echoed throughout, Maven felt his ears almost bleed as a melody of sounds filled the void. This crashing was the clash of truths as they formed into something new, and so it signified the melody of the Heavenly Dao. "These... this sound is the sound of laws!" Maven said with ecstasy and enlightenment as he appreciated the beautiful music. It was as if angels were stringing their harps or a fairy was playing her zither to immortal tunes. The blue mist funneled toward the center of the blast, coiling and curving around a demonic form. The mists dissipated with each revolution revealing more and more of the beast. On its blue furred legs shined cyan nomological lines that resembled tattoos. The lines ascended up its body as they gathered from across him toward his abdomen just below his navel. At the center of his navel shined an ethereal blue moon, with nomological lines extending out from it. The blue moon hummed releasing frost Qi into each of the lines making them pulse like veins. The Qi traveled to the head of the beast as the mist parted revealing a growling beast with a nose ring made from frost truths. The beast had blue eyes with cyan vertical slits and its sharp teeth bared shining like carved icicles. On its glabella standing front and center was a blue lotus mark! "Ahhhh Grraaah" The beast growled it's breathed out frost Qi that permeated into the membrane of the void. Its body started to collapse into its self as the blue mists wrapped around its body. The arms and legs grew smaller, and the fur disappeared as the mists pressed against the beast's body. Until eventually the beast became human-sized making the fur disappeared entirely. Suddenly the blue mists condensed down into beautiful winter robes as the beast's face turned human, revealing a handsome young man with cyan slit eyes and a demonic aura! On his forehead shined a blue lotus mark and on the back of his winter robes swayed a blue moon. The young man looked as though he was a carbon copy of Ye Yuyan! "Incredible..." Maven muttered to himself as he stared at Ye Yuyan's new aspect! From the aspect, he could feel the writhing of his own truth and essences as if he was standing before his primordial ancestor, the origin of his own laws! The aspect flew towards Ye Yuyan and kneeled before him, the red lotus mark shined on Ye Yuyan's forehead as he tapped out to tap the aspect's blue lotus mark. The slight tap resonated both their laws as their energies interconnected. "Qi, Truth, and Will as one come to create my first Aspect, Moon Demon!" Ye Yuyan slowly intoned as he absorbed the aspect into his red lotus mark, the first lotus leaf turned entirely cyan signifying the completion of his aspect. The name of an aspect signifies how it was created, and the two characters moon and demon hold its origin. The moon comes from the cultivation code, Blue Moon Code and the Demon comes from its original power source, Illathar! Illathar was a demon and demons cultivate in Slaughter Qi, making the basis of this Aspect's power demonic! The moment Ye Yuyan absorbed the Moon Demon Aspect, his aura burst through to the heavens. Behind him flickered the silhouette of a Moon Demon with cyan slit eyes. "Master! What do you plan to do now?" Maven said as he approached Ye Yuyan now that the phenomena had disappeared. "I need you to finish matters in the blood plains." Ye Yuyan said to Maven as his Aspect stood stalwart behind him emanating an intimidating and powerful aura. "I'll finish off the enemy." Ye Yuyan smirked sinisterly as he spoke, lightning crackled at his feet turning into runes. He disappeared in a flash as his body arched across the void leaving a current with each step. Astonishment flashed through Maven's eyes as he saw Ye Yuyan disappear into the horizon in almost seconds. This speed was the same as the Qilin he had fought earlier! ************** In the Lunar Plateau, Su Xinyue was meditating in the air as the blue moon shone with an ethereal and cyan light onto her form. Her injuries slowly recovered as the power of lunar Qi coursed through her body. Suddenly she felt two approaching beams of light, the first was a bronze colored beam and the second was a black beam. She branched out her perception into the void as she scanned over the lights. At the light's center she saw two forms, the first was a bronze knight, and the second was an injured dark haired man. Around them was the vague remnants of cyan Qi, feeling the Qi she realized who it was. "Xia Yunyi and Chen Li are back so soon." She mumbled to herself as Lunar Qi automatically entered her body moving through her meridians as her Qi slowly recovered. As the two came closer to the Aquatic plateau, her perception became more acutely aware of their condition. When they were only a thousand meters away her perception of them was as if they were less than ten meters away. Only then did she notice a strange lingering aura on their body as her conscient passed by the aura she felt a strong repulsive force. Xia Yunyi and Chen Li's bodies abruptly stopped as the barriers formed from their powers cracked. Behind both of them manifested a red lotus mark that revolved releasing a red aura into the void. Their bodies froze up with no warning as they became washed over by a frightening primordial power. They could feel the gaze of a horrifying demonic beast land of them from a distant place. "There you are..." A horrendous voice echoed from the distant void directly into their ears.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "5370", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.42: Moon Demon Aspect", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the skies of the Ye Clan, Ye Yuyan and Belphegor levitated in the air directly in front to one another. Belphegor smirked as dark green aura emanated from his childish body. The aura filled the air supplanting its position and slowly bearing down on Ye Yuyan's form. "What can I say, I'm just too charismatic." Ye Yuyan joked as he met Belphegor's demonic eyes with a calm and unperturbed gaze. His body constantly emanated a wispy dark aura that was almost imperceptible. "Then I'll just have to take it all!" Belphegor licked his lips with desire as a dark green aura of greed tried to wrap around Ye Yuyan but the smoke would push back on its advance. Belphegor watched the energies clash with furrowed brows and keen attention. Belphegor expression turned ashen when suddenly! BOOM! Without warning, the wispy dark energy congealed into something corporeal and blasted out into a ball of darkness. The dark green energy was quick to respond as it metamorphosed into physical form and blasted into the darkness. Suddenly the two energies crashed into one another and the two forces collided constantly pushing at one another when, BOOM! The energies from the clash shot out into two directions splitting the sky in half. Dark green Qi filled half the sky and smoky dark Qi filled the other half. The Qis turned the sky into a battleground with a single confrontation. Amidst the battlefield of Qi, Ye Yuyan and Belphegor's forms calmly lingered as if unaffected by the massive destruction. Belphegor swiped his hand across the sky, pushing away the lingering smoky Qi around him when suddenly he felt his blood run backward. He grabbed towards his mouth covering as he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The black blood bled through his fingers dripping down his hand as he looked up to Ye Yuyan's smirking expression. Through the remnants of blood in his mouth, Belphegor snickered: "With just this, you think you can absorb me? You'll just be my succulent feast." "I was never so arrogant as to think I could absorb a Venerable Demon." Ye Yuyan laughed as he shook his head and reached into his robes. From his robes, Ye Yuyan removed a clear tube with a stopper on the top. Inside of the tube was a strange white concoction that emanated a white light. Belphegor felt his heart skip a beat as Ye Yuyan removed the clear tube, a powerful premonition appeared in his mind. "That thing..." He tried to say but Ye Yuyan continued to speak. "Come now... let's see who'll eat who." Ye Yuyan said as he grabbed the stopper and pulled it off. As the stopper opened, a world of infinite white light erupted. The sky became illuminated as a celestial sized star formed from the white light. Every portion of the world bathed in white light as the gigantic star grew to usurp the sun and stars in the sky. Inside of the star, Belphegor's form drifted in the white light surrounded by a dark green barrier. In the barrier, he sat in lotus form with his hands in two concentrative mudras. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes rapidly moved as he tried to maintain the barrier. Belphegor's eyes suddenly flashed open as he dispelled his mudras and stood up with the barrier still around him. He sent his perception out, scanning the light for Ye Yuyan. When he realized he couldn't sense anything! White light obscured his senses entirely excluding the area around his barrier. "What is this power?!?" Belphegor cursed angrily as he constantly released a dark green Qi to reinforce his barrier. "Divine Qi of the Chaste Divine Body." A whisper said entering Belphegor's ears, Belphegor eyes scanned around rapidly looking for the source of the whisper. Every second he was in the white light, his barrier would corrode faster and faster. This was because of Divine Qi, it was a Qi specialized in expelling foreign energies. Energies like that of Immortals and Demons which are not native to this world. This was the Qi that Song Yue awakened after she sat on the Blood Throne. Ye Yuyan extracted it from her and refined it for himself. "Feeling hot?" A voice echoed from the white light, Ye Yuyan's figure journeyed through the white light with a membrane of darkness surrounding his body. Over his head, a flame flickered in the wind dancing across the white skies. "How is your demon power surviving here?!?" Belphegor gritted his teeth and asked, he constantly reinforced his barrier as Ye Yuyan slowly approached. "How naïve." Ye Yuyan shook his head with contempt as the white flame flickered. The white cinders landed on his body instantly igniting him into a roaring white fire. The flames engulfed Ye Yuyan's entire body and from the flames, a distorted and alien voice intoned: "You treat me as a human or demon but I am neither." Inside of the white flames, Ye Yuyan's hands flickered as he put them straight out with his palms facing forward. "I am a failed creation, a mistake made by the heavenly Dao." His eyes danced with white flames as they peered at Belphegor "I am neither human, demon, nor even immortal." Belphegor veins bulged on his forehead and he roared at Ye Yuyan: "Then what the hell are you?!?" Ye Yuyan coldly smirked as the flames danced off his body and engulfed the entire sky. The white flame flickered across the skies heading into the high heavens and touching on the golden firmament. The sky-high flames engulfed Belphegor barrier in one fell swoop. "Ahhhh!" Belphegor's blood-curdling screams echoed from within the flames. The entire world melted within the flames turning it into a world of flickering white lights and sky-high flames. It was as if they were standing on the sun! Ye Yuyan's left and right eye shone with black and white lights that infinitely circled one another, from their revolutions worlds would be born and die in an instant. This was the highest heavenly principle condensed into its true form. "Goodbye, Belphegor." Ye Yuyan chuckled as he disappeared into the white flames. *********************** In the upper limits of the atmosphere, Ye Yuyan's body sat meditatively with his eyebrows furrowed. When suddenly his eyes flashed open, a black light lingered in his left eye and a white one in his right eye. Around his body was a wispy black shroud that constantly generated, without the use of his Qi. Inside of his body, powerful bioelectricity shot through his meridians into the crystals throughout his acupoints, passively boosting his physical strength. Ye Yuyan looked down from the top of the world and saw the blood city. The blood city was merely it’s a description, its true name is Origin Soul City. Ancient cultivators once thought Blood was the origin of the soul, they later proved this wrong. But this thought never fully disappeared and we still consider blood the origin of the soul. Ye Yuyan slowly stood up and turned his body upside down, he then suddenly stomped down on the air shooting forward. BOOM! He burst through the sound barrier, descending from the stratosphere at supersonic speeds. His body remained unfettered as the friction and gravitational forces bombarded him. Ye Yuyan's body came crashing down into the Origin Soul City, crashing right in the center of the city. His tumultuous crash sent shock waves throughout the city, the merchants near his impact point all turned their attention towards the crash. Ye Yuyan contained the force at the last second, making only a small crater where he landed. Ash and debris flew into the air, obscuring Ye Yuyan in sand and dust. An oily fat man in a turban looked on in shock as a black-robed figure emerged from amidst the ashes. "Sir... I mean Sage Red Lotus!!!" The oily man exclaimed with shock as he scanned over Ye Yuyan's body. "Human King, Qushji..." Ye Yuyan smiled vibrantly and said to the turban-wearing man. "Have you finally done, are you reclaiming the throne?" Qushji asked excitedly as he left his merchant's table to approach Ye Yuyan. On his table were various blood congealment and replenishment herbs, it was the same table that Maven, Song Yue, and Alister saw when they first entered the blood city. Ye Yuyan shook his head and replied: "Not yet Qushji..." Ye Yuyan turned his attention to the shrine in front of him. It was a decrepit old shrine with cracked stone steps and rotting wood frame. The only redeeming factor was the doors which magnificent spiraling dragons around its frame. It was strange such a shrine would be at the center of the center right below the Blood Heritage Palace. At that moment, a cacophony of lights shone from various parts of the city. Five beams of light converged behind Ye Yuyan at that moment. The lights manifested into five figures, the first was cloaked in the moonlight, the second in a white flame, and the third is a black and red blood Qi. The other two stood separate from the first three, a white immortal light wrapped the first of the two and the second was stained red Qi. These figures were Maven, Song Yue, and Alister respectively. The other two were the Human and Immortal Supreme Elders. Maven and the other put their hands over their chests and bowed toward Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan glanced back at them for a moment and turned back and looked over the shrine. Ye Yuyan walked forward and climbed the steps of the shrine. At the top of the steps he suddenly stopped and said: "Qushji, I'll do it this time. I'll finally kill him even if he is an immortal." Qushji gritted his teeth and looked at the ground before replying: "I know, there's no one that can stop you this time." Ye Yuyan didn't look back instead he placed a hand on the doors, pushing them open slowly. The dragons on the door came to life and roared into the heavens. Light shot into the old shrine for the first time in thousands of years. Ye Yuyan walked into the shrine looking around at the designed frame, inside of the shrine was a small stick of incense in an incense vase. Ye Yuyan sat in front of the vase and crossed his legs over, behind him the gates of the shrine closed, turning everything dark at once. Ye Yuyan held his hand palm up, and suddenly a white flame manifested in the palm of his hand. He put the small flickering flame on the incense igniting it. On Ye Yuyan's glabella, the red lotus mark shone releasing a shadowy essence. The essence coalesced in front of Ye Yuyan according to a heavenly principle until it turned into a black scroll! This was the power of Ye Yuyan's third lotus leaf, during his heavenly tribulation he used the power of 3000 Daos to refine his minor Dao of calligraphy into a Dao of heavenly secrets! Ye Yuyan reached into his robe removing a calligraphy pen, he reached out and dipped his pen into the incense flame. Instantly the calligraphy pen ignited with a white flame turning into coagulation of white flames. Amidst the flickering white light of the incense flame and the natural darkness of the room, Ye Yuyan wrote on the shadowy scroll with the blazing pen. His beautiful strokes lingered on the scroll as white streaks as they formed into nomological inscriptions. Ye Yuyan wrote his deepest reflections and they read: "The light of the past brings all matters to bareThe darkness of the future leaves but an uncertain tasteThe turmoil of the present is where light and dark meet in fateand fate is the determinator of all of man's thingsLight and Dark are Illuminator and Concealer of fate" With the completion of his poem, Ye Yuyan reached out with his pointer finger and thumb. With a swift motion, he gripped the incense flame and let it go out. The flickering flame disappeared and darkness engulfed Ye Yuyan and the room. Immense darkness particles and Qi seethed with excitement with the darkness unseen by anyone. Outside of the shrine, Song Yue and Co sat outside guarding the shrine. Around them, the citizens continued their trades but in a reserved a quiet manner. Most of the citizens there came to gather information and to see what all the experts were there for. Song Yue's eyes flashed open from meditation when suddenly a powerful dark Qi shot out from the shrine. The dark Qi stained the sky of the Blood City, turning the entire world black. Song Yue looked on with shock as the sky darkened and the moon and stars became apparent. The citizens in the area stopped what they were doing as if called by something and they all rushed over to the shrine. Tens of thousands of blood disciples and higher emerged all lining the streets and areas around the shrine. The disciples stood behind the six experts giving them a few meters of space. In this space, a white-robed old man stood up when the dark Qi emerged. "He's ascended, the new Demon Lord...." The Immortal Supreme Elder mumbled with shock as he stared at the shrine. "What did he do?" Song Yue titled her head and asked the supreme elder. "He's fused the Demon Root, Black Sea, and His cultivation as one. When he emerges next, he'll be a true demon." The Human Supreme Elder replied as the Immortal Supreme Elder concentrated on the shrine. At that moment, the shrine gates suddenly flew open. Maven, Alister, and Qushji suddenly awoke as they felt an immensely horrifying Qi. A primordial fear emerged in the heart of all the onlookers as the monstrous Qi filled every crevice in the area. "This Qi... it's mind-boggling!" Maven stuttered to say as the immense Qi felt like it was choking him. A pair of dark predator eyes opened inside the darkness of the shrine, one look and everyone felt as if their souls had left. The lower level disciples and warriors instantly fainted from the oppressive. Almost everyone else except Qushji stared out into space with a blank expression. 'He's done it... he's really done it!' Qushji yelled constantly in his heart, as a dark-robed figure stepped out of the shrine. Darkness wrapped around his body like a mother's embrace, his long black hair flowed down his back fusing perfectly into his robes, and the centerpiece of it all was his gloomy eyes that were darker than the deepest trench. Ye Yuyan stood calmly at the top of the shrine looking down on his thousands of subjects. He raised his right hand releasing his control over them and suddenly their blank expressions turned lively again. "Wait what..." Song Yue mumbled with confusion as she stared at Ye Yuyan's sudden appearance. "Bow down." Ye Yuyan coldly intoned with a cold demonic voice. Every citizen in the area instantly bowed down toward Ye Yuyan. Qushji was next falling his knees with the Elders of the factions joining him. Alister and Maven were soon after leaving only Song Yue hesitating, but Ye Yuyan merely glanced towards her and suddenly she felt her soul leaving once again. She instantly fell to her knees with her eyes glancing down in fear. Ye Yuyan put his palm out releasing an untold amount of darkness particles into the world and with a cold demonic voice he said: "Let it be known, in all major and minor planes. My name is Ye Yuyan and I am the Demon Lord of the Blood Sect and here I ascend."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "15219", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.57: Ascension of the Demon Lord (Double Chapter)", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Emily's eyes narrowed as she realized who the woman was and she involuntarily said: "Lady Song Yue?!?" The woman in black smile enigmatically and jumped off the tombstone, her body flashed to the ground a few meters away from Emily. "It really is you! Xia Yunyi is looking for you, thank god you're alive!" Emily said as she let out a sigh of relief. Her father had contacted her a few weeks ago giving her another new directive, find Song Yue as soon as possible. Song Yue or as she was known in the Verulyim kingdom, Nesilia. Was a cultivator sent to them by the head of the Song clan. She was meant to be both a diplomatic tool but her visit to the west was also a tempering journey. 'Yunyi, he could help but...' Nesilia thought to herself as she pressed her lips together. Nesilia wanted to escape from Ye Yuyan's clutches but at the same time, she didn't. She had already gained a lot just by following him this far and has learned so many secrets of the world. Even if she did have Yunyi, would that be enough to deal with Ye Yuyan? Especially since he still had a seal over her grimoire, he had placed that seal back when she loaned it to him. Ever since then she hadn't been able to activate it without Ye Yuyan's tacit consent. "Don't worry I am quite fine." Nesilia smiled coyly as her white aura grew like flames. Suddenly a burst of white mist enshrouded Emily and her companions, Cardinal black's body bulged as he unsheathed his sword shooting out a black beam of energy. "Don't hurt her!" Emily yelled anxiously as Cardinal black's sword beam flew out slash apart the mists towards Nesilia. Nesilia's white aura burst through the mists and what was revealed left everyone dumbfounded. Nesilia stood still as the black sword beam clashed against her aura unable to cut through. "Impossible!!!" Su Yan said wide-eyed as his eyes filled with shock. Augurs were known for their weak battle power especially against knights since a knight's energies have no relation to slaughter qi. Nesilia eyes glazed over as they flashed with white light, the sword beam dissipated into nothingness from her gaze leaving everyone in shock. "Lady Song Yue, if that demon is threatening you we can protect you." Emily said as she probed for answers but Nesilia went silent. "World of the Divines!" Nesilia coldly intoned, her voice forced the white mists to seethe violently. From the mists emerged an eagle, it flew to the skies ascending with each flap of its wings. Then a sparrow emerging following, then a gull, and geese. More and more creatures of the sky emerged filling the sky up with the white forms of divine creatures. "Scram of me!" Su Yan roared as the mists tried to engulf them, he released a powerful yellow light that caused distortions in the air. The white mist seethed trying to force through but it still failed, Nesilia focused her attention on forming the birds as the last of the mists become a bluebird that flew onto her shoulder. "Your Highness, we can detain her." A little boy in green robes said as he unsheathed a green sword. "I agree with Cardinal Green, your highness. Let us capture her with our formation." The woman in blue robes said as she grabbed her blue longsword. "I think we can more than handle her." The red robed man sneered as he removed a red longsword from his back. "Be sure not to harm her and Cardinal Black, you need to hold back." Emily commanded as a golden aura burst from her body. "Four Cardinal Directions formation!" She yelled as her dress swayed with a golden aura, the hems of her dress shined with red, blue, green, and black as four swords burst out. The four swords pointed north, south, east, and west. Each swordsman took their place green was east, blue was west, the north was black, and south was red. "Four swords unite!" The yelled all together as their sword forces united into a four colored formation. "How impudent!" Nesilia said as she pursed her lips, they talk of capturing her as if she had no strength at all. "Attack!" She commanded as the divine clouds flew down like swords onto the Cardinals. The four cardinals auras blended together as they went towards the center of the formation. The blue-robed woman took the lead as her blue aura burst from her body like a sea, she roared to the incoming clouds: "Synchronize! First Sword: Boundless seas!" The sword forces at the center of the formation transformed into an immeasurable sea. The sea burst through the skies slamming into the divine clouds. Nesilia's expression hardened as she raised her right hand towards the divine clouds and coiled them around the boundless sea. "Burst!" Cardinal Blue said as she gritted her teeth. The boundless sea lost form as it burst apart shooting blue sword forces everywhere. Nesilia's right arm twitched hard as she lost control of the divine clouds and suddenly the mist lost its shape. The remnant blue sword forces fell to the earth like rain filling the valley with blue motes of light 'All of them are peak rank 3 experts, with that formation they have the power of an initial stage rank 4 expert and they still have those two.' Nesilia thought to herself as she analyzed the battle, she looked over at Emily and Su Yan who both had calm expressions. Cardinal Green's aura activated as the blue sword forces gathered to the center of the formation, in his eyes flashed a great tree stretching to the firmament. "Second Sword: Fruits of Karma." He roared as his green sword forces absorbed the blue sword forces and suddenly it grew into a massive great tree. Hanging on the tree was a red pomegranate on gathered lined along it were nomological symbols. Cardinal Green sent a sword flash cutting the pomegranate into half and from it shot out hundreds of green vines aiming for Nesilia. Nesilia's heart lurched as she gathered her divine aura. "Eye of the Divine!" Nesilia called to the heavens, suddenly a portion of the clouds and birds came together forming a funnel from the heavens down to the formation. The four cardinal swords looked up at the funnel, they were completely consumed into it like a pillar of light. The funnel completely sealed up the Karma tree and its fruits, the green vines were held back by a wall of divine mist. A strange feeling formed in the hearts of the Cardinals, it was as if they were being watched. Nesilia opened her grimoire and quickly flipped through pages then she closed her eyes. Her holy white aura started to dissipate like a flame in the wind, then her eyes flashed open. She started to recite from the grimoire, as a white light burst from the funnel suppressing the swordsmen. "The High Heavens stand above all, watching coldly, as the drama of man ends in destruction." Her cold and heartless intonation bore down on the four like the weight of a mountain. The four cardinals bodies lurched to the ground almost kneeling as their formation started to show cracks. Cardinal Green took the lead his little body ascended to the top of the karma tree, taking command of the karma-fruit he shot out thousands of green vines shooting at the funnel. "Break for me!" Cardinal Green said gritting his teeth as he cut open a hole. The three other cardinals moved quickly as the leaped out of the funnel. Cardinal Green joined them as he jumped into his place on the formation. "To think she could exchange two moves with your cardinals." Su Yan laughed as he clapped in amusement. 'Ji Shu knows what our alliance is planning. Then he must have other methods prepared...' Emily thought to herself but she gave away nothing as she kept a stone face the entire time, watching the battle intently. "She won't last any longer." Cardinal Red said with a sneer, the cracks in the formation started to repair as his aura grew like red flames. "Ignite!" His body turned into a ball of flames and suddenly the flames exploded out into red sword forces. The sword forces hit the karma tree igniting it, all the way to the firmament. The green sword forces fed the flames as the sword forces gathered toward the Cardinal Red's longsword. "You did well to fight us for so long. But your cultivation is far too weak!" He laughed as the red sword forces burst to the heavens turning the sky red with flames. "Third Sword: Flames of immolation!" He roared as the red flames scattered across the skies slashing apart the divine clouds and birds. The flames devoured the skies engulfing the whole valley and threatened to absorb Nesilia too. But Nesilia was unconcerned instead she closed her eyes as she remembered training with Ye Yuyan over the last month. ******************** "The Chaste Divine Body is a special type of body. It like all special physiques originates from a Rule Fragment." Ye Yuyan said as he tapped her various pressure points on her body while she was meditating. "When the lifespan of a bearer ends as it inevitably will. Then their body dissipates into the law of kings and their laws disappear from the world." He continued to say even though she closed her eyes she kept her attention to his words. "But there is one exception to this rule, the rule fragments! When a bearer dissipates their laws don't completely get absorbed by heaven. Some of that power is absorbed by objects, beasts, and even humans." He said causing shock and excitement to travel through Nesilia's body. "You have within you a Rule Fragment of the Mind Bearer. You can use this technique to inspire its true prestige." Ye Yuyan said as the lotus leaves superimposed bringing his cultivation to the third revolution. In his left hand manifested a shadowy scroll and quill from the third leaf. This was the scroll he used to create his dao of heavenly secrets. "Now watch carefully!" Ye Yuyan said as he swiftly unfurled the scroll, a blinding white light engulfed the temple releasing intense heavenly fluctuations. Nesilia's eyes flashed with enlightenment as she stared at the heavenly principles in the scroll. *********************** Nesilia cut a lonely figure amongst the immolation flames, her body swayed like a shadow as her eyes flashed open. The remnant divine aura throughout the valley gathered into her body in an instant. The immolation flames were instantly forced back 10 meters and the distance kept growing as if it couldn't even approach her. "Impossible!" Cardinal Red roared as he raised his red sword to guide the immolation flames in the sky to fall upon her. But Nesilia was faster, she released her divine aura which outshined the immolation flames. "Right hand of Heaven!" Nesilia yelled as the divine mists gathered together creating a massive palm the size of a mountain. The palm bore down on the Cardinals swiftly as if it were heavenly judgment. This was the technique that she comprehended from Ye Yuyan's training!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2948", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.34: Song Yue vs The Four Cardinals", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Han Yi walked out of the rubble unscathed his expression was flat as he spat out some blood. In front of him, the white mist was constantly seething inside of it were the silhouettes of three different people. Han Yi raised his palm and gathered lightning energies into it shooting out a lightning bolt. The bolt slashed through the mist and suddenly there was a deafening boom. The mist parted slightly revealing a white-haired young man wielding a moonlight sword. "To think even you would betray me, Maven." Han Yi growled with anger as he stared down Maven. "I only joined your kingdom to gain resources. I never swore allegiance to you." Maven said coyly with a playful smile. "Do you think this infighting will get us anywhere? Illathar is coming soon we'll be killed." Han Yi said warily. "That damn beast will be too late especially now that I have backup..." Maven chuckled sinisterly as the mist parted again from it emerged a young man in black robes with eyes darker than an abyss. His every step gathered cold auras all around him. "To think you were working with him too." Han Yi said with furrowed brows and gritted teeth. "Hehe, what do you mean working together?!?" Maven chuckled as the mist parted again and from it emerged a seductive woman dressed in a strapless black evening gown. "You...mind control?!? Who are you?" Han Yi said with a horrified tone. "You'll just have to see." Maven said sinisterly as Ye Yuyan jumped forward, the cold auras around him condensed along his hand becoming two beasts like claws. He slashed down at Han Yi who formed a lightning sword with one hand, and slashed away the cold auras. With a swift motion, he stabbed forward towards Ye Yuyan's abdomen. Ye Yuyan tried to regather the dispelled cold auras but it was too late. Han Yi stabbed out and then there was a clacking sound. The lightning sword was stabbing a snowflake along Ye Yuyan's black robe it crackled but was unable to stab through. The cold auras at that moment gathered back to Ye Yuyan who grabbed them with one hand. The energies condensed in one palm and he blasted it at Han Yi. Han Yi firmly gripped the hilt of his lightning sword and raised it to guard. The cold auras spread quickly as Han Yi flew back a few meters, everywhere the aura past froze entirely. Han Yi backflipped in the air and stabbed his lightning sword into the ground, the remnant cold auras brushed past him. He looked up at Nesilia who was holding a chalice in her hand then looked down at the ground. He suddenly backflipped again leaving the lightning sword behind. The ground started to rumble and from it emerged a seething white aura with agonizing faces emerged. The faces howled in pain as the destroyed everything in their path. Han Yi stabilized himself and looked at the sleeve of his clothes and noticed ice slowly gathering on it. His expression turned flat and a spark flashed in his eyes. Suddenly his entire body became ignited with lightning, everything from his toes to his hair was crackling intensely. In his eyes flashed the image of a thunder dragon with red beady eyes. Suddenly a roar came from inside Han Yi's body. The sound reverberated through the valley making the very air tremble. Maven's mist, Ye Yuyan cold auras, and Nesilia divining clouds were completely dispelled leaving no trace. "So you do have a Thunder Dragon Physique..." Maven said with a gleeful expression. "That'll make this much easier." He laughed and raised his sword around him gathered intense sword forces. The metallic sword forces drifted around uncommanded until he raised his moonlight sword he roared into the sky. "By the rights of power, I call to you Illusory Sword!" The sword forces stirred intensely as sword marks appeared along the valley walls and ground. Then the seething sword forces gathered as one right above. The sword forces rippled as they phased in and out of existence and transformed into a replica of the moonlight sword. In flew down and fused with the moonlight sword, the sword looked as though it was both there and not at the same time. Han Yi's eyes focused on the sword closely and he clenched his fists. "A sword totem...you've hidden quite a lot from me." Han Yi said coldly his emotionless eyes left a bad taste in Maven's mouth. "It's nothing compared to you." Maven said sinisterly and he stomped down on the ground and suddenly he was in front of the prince slashing down. Han Yi didn't flinch and raised his right palm up and lastly tapped Maven with his pointer finger. Suddenly the whole valley became lit up with blue light as Maven was completely obliterated by a beam of lightning. Han Yi turned his gaze towards where Maven originally was, there he stood with a devious smirk and a moonlight sword. "You're going to have to do better than that, your highness." Maven's satirical voice echoed as Han Yi shot out another lightning beam. "Damn traitor." Han Yi growled and shot another beam behind, then he turned above him and shot Maven who was jumping. Both Mavens turned into nothingness, and then another appeared. Han Yi turned in front of him and killed another Maven slowly more and more appeared all around him. Han Yi scrambled to strike the Mavens until suddenly he was surrounded by Mavens. Each of them was holding a moonlight sword in their right hands. "Do you think some weak clones can defeat me?" Han Yi said angrily his voice seemed like a roar as a dragon silhouette appeared behind him. His angry roar seemed to multiply as the dragon roared behind him. Lightning exploded out completely engulfing the world the currents rose faster and faster filling every crevice. "You damn traitors, die!" Han Yi's voice faintly echoed as the lightning turned into a massive dome each bolt of lightning arched across destroying every in its path. Hundreds of Maven's started to disintegrate at a very rapid rate, in every direction were the pained shouts of Mavens. "Arrghh." A Maven roared out but this one didn't disappear. Instead, its lower body became charred up as the lightning bolts turned into horned serpents that coiled around it. The arcs of lightning seemed gentler than the rest as it trapped this Maven. Han Yi calmly walked across the thunder laden land with the lightning still seething around him. He was like a sovereign king touring his domain with all the lightning completely subservient to him. Maven's eyes became increasingly filled with fear from each of Han Yi's steps. Then finally Han Yi stood in front of him a glint of malevolence flitted in his gaze. "Did you think this little rebellion would work weakling?" Han Yi with his hands behind his back, the very symbol of domineering! He gestured for the serpent to coil away from his mouth freeing Maven a bit. "Oh your highness, you are far too young." Maven said with no fear in his eyes and a faint smirk. Han Yi felt a premonition and the suddenly Maven dissipated into nothingness. Around Han Yi, the lightning world started to collapse inside of itself. The lightning serpents struggled as the exploded becoming disorganized lightning bolts that crashed into the ground. The remaining lightning arched toward the edge of the world. There stood Ye Yuyan with a dull expression in his hands was a black scroll with a 9 colored lightning symbol and next to him was Maven standing there with a cold smile. "You..." Han Yi tried to say but suddenly his body fell and the thunder dragon behind him disappeared. "You are far too naive, Han Yi." Maven as he shook his head, Ye Yuyan shook the scroll and the lightning was consumed at an even faster rate. In moments the entire current was completely absorbed and Ye Yuyan furled the scroll. "Now why don't we take a look at Heaven's Realm?" Maven said with eyes that burned with ambition, Ye Yuyan followed his command and swung the scroll into the sky. The black scroll stopped mid-air and started rotating at a faster and faster rate. Black clouds started to gather in the sky and Maven kept a gleeful gaze on the black scroll. 'Almost there!' His heart yelled out gleefully, he raised his moonlight sword and stabbed it toward the scroll when suddenly a frost beam flew out from deeper in the valley. The energy beam slammed away Maven, his sword, and even Ye Yuyan. "Who the hell is there?!?" Maven roared towards a shadowy crevice of the valley. Suddenly two glowing white eyes opened and the bloodthirsty eyes landed on Maven. From the crevice a 50-meter blue furred beast walked out around its nose was a large ring and on its fur were icicles. Its every breath emitted intense frost energies that froze everything around him. "Illathar..." Maven said dumbfounded as he was being stared down by the beast.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2204", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.17: Sword Totem", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
At the bottom of a mountain in the desolate range was a little town with walls spanning all around it. Sitting at the top of the ramparts was an old man in a bartender suit, he had wizened hairs and a touch of gray in his beard. The older gentleman had a sword by his waist as he kept watch on the horizon. His attention was captured as a caravan of people swayed with the sunlight in the horizon. His originally nonchalant expression changed as he jumped transforming into a pillar of light zooming through the sky. His form stretched past the horizon as he flew down in front of the incoming caravan like heavenly judgment. His body shined with various motes of light that swirled distorting various parts of his body. "Halt! Who goes here?" He roared with a distorted and almost demonic voice. At the front of the caravan was a golden embroidered litter with four swords as the rods. Each side of the litter had a different color. Holding each rod was a different person they each stood by the four colors, blue, red, green, and black. Holding the blue sword at the end was a young woman in blue robes, holding the red sword was a young man in red robes, with the green sword was a younger boy who's green robes were larger than his body, and last was the black sword at the front which was held by a burly strong man. Behind them were various smaller caravans with horses guiding them, and inside were various supplies and warriors clad in knight's armor. The four swordsmen stopped and focused their attention on the distorted man. Each of them held the sword on the litter tightly ready to withdraw it in one swift motion. 'The four cardinal swords!' The distorted man thought as his heart was gripped with sudden realization. He dispelled the light distortion around him and went onto the ground with one knee cupping his fist up towards the litter. "Witch of Fortune, I apologize for not realizing it was you earlier." He said in a calm and amicable tone as his eyes looked towards the ground. The four swordsmen removed their sword swiftly and sheathed them on their backs. The four sides of the litter fell down at the same moment that the swords were pulled out, revealing a young woman in a white gown. Her gown had 9 different swords on the hems that shined with different colors. Her eyes shined resplendently radiating youth and femininity. "Sir Su Yan, I hold no grudges. This visit must have been a surprise afterall." She chuckled genially radiating warmth and charm. "Thank you, Madam. May I ask as to why this visit is happening?" Su Yan probed anxiously. "No big matter at all, I just have a few questions." She said nonchalantly as she looked over her caravan. Turning back to Su Yan she sprouted a demure expression and glistening smile and said: "First though if you wouldn't mind helping my people settle in." Su Yan couldn't help but sigh and wryly smile, the village had been getting a lot of visits lately. Previously it was a group of the Third Prince, now the Princess of Fortune or as she was better-known Witch of Fortune Emily had shown up. The lower part of his body transformed into motes of light and his form started to float. Behind him manifested a young man dressed in heavy armor with a sun at the center. He flew above the caravan guiding them through the remaining swath of land. After a few hours they reached the village, and Su Yan entered into the village opening the door. At the top of the ramparts, his father sat anxiously until he saw Su Yan return. "Son, what happened?" He said anxiously as he looked at the people entering the gates. "Nothing too important Elder Yan." An ethereal voice said as it faded into the wind. Elder Yan's face turned into as pale as paper, the moment Emily's form appeared atop the rampart wall. "My Lady!" He said saluting her instantly with zeal. "Father, go guide the Four Cardinals to the mansion." Su Yan said commandingly to his father, who instantly stood straight like an arrow and jumped off the ramparts to the caravan. Su Yan turned back to the princess, she kept a demure and teasing smile on her lips the whole time. The realization of which made Su Yan's heart cold, this woman was far more terrifying than she seemed. She's called the Witch of Fortune because she was known for changing the fortunes of war. The Verulyim kingdom was once in a fight against a forming beast clan. The clan had a beast that reached manifesting laws. He terrorized the troops sent by the Verulyim kingdom and ruled the battlefield. Until the Princess was sent out, she outsmarted him on the battlefield easily. Drawing his rage with his constant failures he attacked her where she had prepared a trap. That day she slew a peak rank 5 expert with only the cultivation of a rank 4 expert and a trap which weakened him. She had done something that had never happened before in history and established herself as the witch of fortune. The witch comes from the horrific method she used to win, she flayed hundreds of beastmen personally and drank their blood to inspire both fear in the enemy and boost her cultivation method. "Your Highness, you had questions?" Su Yan cooly responded trying to give nothing away. "Yes...of course!" She replied earnestly with a wide grin. But then suddenly her expression turned entirely cold and devoid of emotion as she spoke: You met Han Yi's group here a while ago, didn't you?" Su Yan's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment but suddenly his eyes turned into calm deep wells and he replied: "Yes, I did." "In fact, I know why you're here." He continued with the foreboding in his voice growing. "Then?" She asked with an almost playful tone. "That group had too much tension and too much deception. Especially from a young man in that group." Su Yan said as his thoughts drifted to when Han Yi's group arrived. "Who was he?" She asked in a curious but neutral tone. Su Yan pondered for a moment on what to see before he spoke: "He called himself Ji Shu." He elaborated on all of his interactions with Ye Yuyan from day one, outlining them all to the princess who slowly got lost in her thoughts. 'This Ji Shu, he was in the combat report for Gulan. Was he cooperating with the demon and that's why Han Yi was defeated?' She wondered as she formed an initial theory about the circumstances. Su Yan finished speaking and quietly stood to the side as the princess thought not daring to disturb her. After a few minutes passed her eyes flashed open with enlightenment and she turned to Su Yan. "Thank you, Sir Su Yan. I will ask father to upgrade your domain as thanks." She said with a thankful sigh as she bore her glistening white smile. "I do have to ask in the meantime to borrow your village." She said softly her voice passing through Su Yan's ears. His heart grew cold at that moment, he felt the tacit threat come from her words. She used her father as the carrot and stick to wrest the control of the village from him in a few words. If he disagreed she could say to her father he had been uncooperative and suddenly he'll be in a lot of trouble. But the carrot was his domain and nobility would be upgraded. His father and he were from two generations that came from the noble yan family. They came to power and were given their own domain forming their own village. He was the greatest genius in the Yan family in the last 1000 years so he took the control of the city from his father and hid in the background guarding them as his father stood at the front. But he like all the other noble clans obeyed the Verulyim king without fail. "Understood." Su Yan said as his body transformed to motes of light and he disappeared. The princess was left atop the ramparts. She looked at the caravan settling throughout the city, various merchants were setting up stands all around and a few venturing outside. 'For father to be so frantic, he must be experiencing issues controlling information.' She thought as she remembered her father's frantic departure after assigning her the mission. 'For the land of bearer any clan would kill, it is too much for us to hold onto ourselves.' Her eyes looked towards the sky as if penetrating past it. She turned her gaze back to the village, in it the members of the caravan were quickly setting up outposts. Her mentality was if she couldn't have it all then, she'll take the biggest piece she could. 'But if I establish the structure of the trade first, then I can reap more benefits.' She thought as a sinister glint flashed through her eyes. Other clans would appear without a doubt and if she was stubborn they would cooperate to overthrow her. But if she were to open up the realm to everyone and give them a piece for a price, then she would gain the most benefits and security. She'd hadn't gained her title as the witch of fortune for nothing!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2297", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.27: Witch of Fortune", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The moment Han Yi had dissipated into nothingness, a young man clad in lightning armor was swirling around a vortex of lightning. His blue toga fluttered with the current as he flew on top of a lightning bolt. The young man felt a jolt in his back it passed like a quick shiver but left a lingering fear. The lightning pool around his receded inside of him. As the lightning receded, the forest became visible as it stretched to the ends of the horizon. At the center of all this was a buzzing metropolis above it was a 9 pointed sword star, the mark of Verulyim. The young streak along the sky on a lightning bolt passing through every obstruction to the kingdom almost like a specter. The lightning bolt shot through the city dodging the black tower and other historical landmarks. Then it crashed down at a palace at the very center of village atop a large stairwell. Everyone in the palace looked up as they saw a blue light flash in the sky. "His Majesty has returned!" An older maid in a black dress said to two women who were cleaning up. They looked at each other frantically as they moved to tell everyone else. At that moment the young man's body had already passed through layers of the palace, breaking through the stairwell and heading underground hundreds of meters. He shot through a strange patch of dirt in the ground and stepped through into a cave. Inside of which was an old man with graying hair sitting atop a stone throne. He had a beard that stretched down to his chest and wore a white toga. The young man's specter-like body passed through the air and entered into the old man's body. The originally motionless body started to shake heavily. An electrifying aura passed through the cave walls making the ground rumble and shine with blue light from the cracks. His closed eyes opened revealed a blue glow that could extinguish all life. The body rose from the throne slowly as lightning crackled as his joints set into place. His body had not risen in ages and this was the first time the Verulyim King awoke in ages. His body dissipated into blue light that shot out from the ground. When he reached the surface he went into the courtyard of the palace and stepped down onto the ground. There were a few maids watering the plants but when they turned around they dropped their watering cans as they looked at the man with surprise. "Your Majesty, you have awoken!" A person exclaimed from inside the palace, a woman emerged from the palace entering into the courtyard. She wore a white gown with 9 different swords on the hem of the dress, her long flowing black hair was tied up in a bun. She wore a demure and genial expression as she approached the king. "My child, Emily. What happened to your brother Han Yi?" The Verulyim king asked with a kind and fatherly tone. Emily's brows furrowed with doubt as she hesitated on what to say. "We just noticed it but...his soul lamp...it dissipated into nothingness." She decided to say but struggled to explain. The king's face became ashen at that moment confusing Emily greatly. The King's eyes looked baffled with indecision at until he finally gritted his teeth. "Do you remember the quest I gave out a while ago?" The king questioned with an amicable tone. "Yes, father." Emily responded courteously. "Good, then you'll know what you need to do." The king said praising his daughter. He was more than assured in her skills. He reached into his white toga and removed a chart, it had on it various markings that pointed towards a spot. He handed the chart to Emily and spoke: "Assemble a group to find Han Yi at these coordinates." "There's a high possibility that a demon will be there. Do not engage it, simply follow it and find out what it's doing." The king warned as his brows furrowed up in response. "Don't engage it? Why not?" Emily said with a confused tone, she specialized in hunting demons and had assumed that was her father's goal with sending her out. "It's not the demon we care about. It's the inheritance land that he controls." The Verulyim king said with a hint of greed passing through his eyes. "What land?" Emily said unsure, she wondered what could stir her father so much. He was at the peak of the world with a profound cultivation that she couldn't even understand. "The Land of a Bearer!" The Verulyim king said with a gleaming smile. "What?!?" A shock traveled through Emily's body all at once making her shiver. The power of bearer stands at the very peak of all life, it was a power that even surpassed the king. By how much one couldn't calculate, as the bearers are known as completely invincible. "There could only be two lands not maintained by a force, The Earth Bearer's or the Thunder Bearer's!" Emily said as she thought through all the forces in the west. In the Western lands, there are two big sects the Verulyim Sect of Chivalry and the Shadow Sect of Exorcisms. Both sects had cultivators of the three big cultivation paths but each had their own focus. The Verulyim school focused on chivalry with the most manuals and complete chivalrous inheritance directly from the sword bearer. In the Eastern lands, there was only one sect and that was the Vermillion Country. They specialized in bloodline and had many different powerful inheritances. The depths of their power has always been completely unknown as they rarely acted. But they stood as the figureheads of the noble path since time immemorial. "The Earth Bearer's inheritance land was long ago found and left unclaimed but Thunder Bearer's inheritance land has never been found!" The king said as he shook his head thinking of all matters. "So it could only be the Thunder Bearer's land!" Emily said finishing the king's thoughts. "Exactly! For this mission, I would like you to with your Cousin Chen." The king said as Emily nodded her head in response. "You can pick 4 other people and as many vassals as you need. I will leave the rest up to you." The Verulyim king said as his eyes turned into the sky. A layer of lightning started to crackle over his white toga. "Where are you going, father?" Emily asked out of curiosity as lightning auras gathered around the king. "I have matters to attend to with the Song Clan." The Verulyim king said with a solemn expression, his body faded into a lightning bolt that shot past the horizon. The king's body blasted past the skies parting clouds as it struck towards the Empyrean mountain. The distance from the Verulyim kingdom to the Empyrean was only 2000 kilometers away. For a normal person that would take months to travel but for an expert at the Verulyim king's level, it was a mere thought away. When he was at the precipice of the mountain, the lightning bolt shook as his body returned back into existence. It was commonly agreed for experts to not use their aspects when nearing the Empyrean mountain. Many legends of its importance had propagated since ancient times, no one was too sure of what it was they just knew that strange things can happen to experts atop it. The Verulyim king flew down from the sky and saw at the precipice of the mountain a bygone cottage. Seated in the garden was a beautiful woman with flowing white hair, blue eyes, and a frilly white dress. She was watering a plant when suddenly she looked up at the Verulyim king. Her gaze sent the king flying instantly, his body spun through the air unable to move. Suddenly a young man in a blue toga appeared behind the king and stopped him. The Verulyim king's body recovered as the specter in the blue toga shot blue light into the Verulyim king's body. This specter was the aspect that the king condensed down when he reached rank 4. Aspects are the combination of the essences, totem, and the self. It is the key to comprehending the mysteries of heaven and earth. They often take the form of the user at their peak of power, in this case, the king's young adulthood. "Noble Qian, you must have realized what happened to Song Yue. For that, I must apologize profusely. But why must you terrorize a junior like me?" The Verulyim king said as his voice echoed throughout the mountain. "As long as you do not approach this cottage you will be fine." She coldly said as her voice traveled like the wind passing through the king's ears. "What of Song Yue?" The Verulyim king couldn't help but ask confused about her lack of response. "What about her? She can take care of herself." Noble Qian said dismissively, and instead, a devious grin spread across her lips. "Instead you are the one who'd best be careful." She enunciated slowly building dread in the Verulyim king. "Why?" He couldn't help but ask as he felt his mouth dry up. "Now that you failed to claim the inheritance land, the other clans have become aware of it. The shadow sect failed to hold them back and I can't hold back the Vermillion Country. They'll all want a slice of the pie." She said with the anger obvious from her tone "Damn it. Can't you dissuade them with your status?" The Verulyim king cursed as he felt his brows furrow with stress. "I've already tried, Mercer. Your time is up now. I'll have to pick a new candidate." She sighed as she closed her eyes to think. "But..." Before he could finish his sentence he felt her cold gaze fall upon him again. "Now scram for me." She said with a voice that sounded as if it came from the nine nether hells. Suddenly the Verulyim king's body was forcibly fused with his aspect and flung off into the distance. The no longer disturbed Noble Qian went back to tending to plants in peace as she looked off into the horizon. 'You've already reincarnated. Haven't you beloved?' She thought as a sly smile blossomed from her lips. She walked over to a tiny pond near a tree and tapped onto the water surface. At the center of the pool was a revolving white lotus that hummed to the tunes of the great dao.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2296", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - Start of: V.2-Ch.26: White Lotus", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
With a loud thunderclap formed a massive lightning pool around Ye Yuyan obliterating everything in its path. The lightning pool slowly cooled as the debris settled but there was still crackling of lightning and a strong smell of burnt wood. The light of the lightning burst throughout the village almost blinding everyone who was looking on. Knighted Maven and Yunshi seemed unfazed as they noticed the fluorescent blue light. Only Nesilia who was close by seemed confused by it. She flew back quickly without a moment's hesitation. The only person in the kingdom with the power of thunder at that level was the Third Prince. It was once said that on the day of his birth there were 9 thunderclaps, an omen of his great destiny. He had a Lightning Physique and one of the rare warriors to tap into the powers of tribulation. As Nesilia flew over the last of the tower debris she came upon a stone-faced Han Yi. All over his body stream lightning serpents as even his hair crackled with electrical fluctuations. 'Why is the prince activating his Thunder form?' She questioned in her head, the prince's eyes were focused in front of him. The smoke and ash started to dissipate and Nesilia followed the prince's gaze to the ash. As the ash parted there appeared a cold young man with bewitching dark eyes and a charming smile. In his hands was an unfurled blank scroll along it danced electric currents. "Ji Shu..." Nesilia unconsciously said "Your Highness, why so hasty?" Ye Yuyan chuckled coldly around Han Yi congealed from the currents more thunder serpents. Ten of them bounced off his body biting towards Ye Yuyan, the serpent's eyes shined with a red and blue dangerous light. Ye Yuyan clapped his palms together and his raised a pointed finger at the incoming serpents. The scroll flew forward at the incoming serpents, a bolt of lightning streamed out of the scroll and shot out. The electrical force slammed the serpents far away as their forms became unstable and turned into tiny lightning pools. "A reversal scroll! Where does he get all these scrolls?!?" Nesilia couldn't help but wonder. In her eyes, Ye Yuyan became increasingly more mysterious. As if he was obscured by a heavy fog that hid away all his secrets. "You have a lot of tricks wanderer." Han Yi sneered as his eyes scanned the scroll. "But that thing can't contain my power. It's already corroding now, how many more of those do you have?" He said as holes started to appear on the scroll, it looked close to disintegrating. "You're right about that your highness but I wasn't expecting that to protect me." Ye Yuyan laughed as something started to ripple above his head. As the rippling intensified a mirage of a moon condensed in the sky. It was an illusory blue moon that shined with a blue and ethereal light down onto Ye Yuyan. The light congealed into a blue mist that surrounded Ye Yuyan as his eyes shined beautifully underneath the blue of the moon. Around Ye Yuyan's body, the blue mist twisted and waved like flames in the wind. His eyes stared down Han Yi as he flicked his finger. Suddenly the mist turned into a blade as it flew at Han Yi. Han Yi in response punched out with another exterminating punch. The Lightning parted the mist blade easily but the mist coiled and Ye Yuyan was quick to raise his hand and squeeze. The mist wrapped around the incoming lightning stream and crushed it down. The freezing power seemed to cool the lightning and crushed it. Han Yi's eyes became serious as he no longer underestimated Ye Yuyan. "So you have a little skill for a spy." Han Yi mocked as the lightning intensified on his body. "Don't be so rash your highness." Ye Yuyan joked as his frost mist increased in response. "Do you think you'll be able to leave unscathed?" Han Yi asked coldly. "Why I never intended to leave. Instead, I hoped we could talk." Ye Yuyan chuckled with a knowing smile. "Talk what? Your terms of surrender?!?" Han Yi intoned with a little anger. "I just want to cooperate with you on getting Illathar's inheritance." Ye Yuyan said with a hopeful tone. "What?!? How did you know that?" Han Yi roared as the lightning on his body erupted to a terrifying extent. His killing intent grew to the point of suffocation at the mention of his secret. "To think you would discern that much. You definitely must die!" Han Yi said with deathly certainty. The lightning seethed on Han Yi body as the currents all condensed onto his right arm. It slowly congealed taking the form of a hiltless longsword with strange nomological inscriptions. "Sword as one, his Highness has already reached that realm." Knighted Maven said as he stood atop the rubble of a small brick home watching the battle. Behind him appeared Yunshi, draped on his back was a remnant patch of blue fur. Knighted Maven turned back and made silent eye contact with Yunshi before looking back at the battle. "That kid is hiding his power! To be able to block the prince's strike, he's no weak character." Knighted Maven praised with a calm knowing smile. "No match." Yunshi mumbled and Knighted Maven looked back and asked: "No match?" Yunshi's gaze turned to the fight and stared at the lightning sword in the prince's hand. "He's no match for him." Yunshi said blandly "Who's no match for who? Ji Shu or ...His Highness?" Knighted Maven asked quizzically But before Yunshi could respond, the world became lit up in blue light. The skies seemed to rumble as Han Yi's sword came down. A river of lightning struck out as his sword faded into it, the stream tore apart the ground as it headed towards Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan jumped backing seemingly retreating and the current curved following his fleeing form. The icy mist followed at Ji Shu's feet becoming a defensive cloud as he weaved away from the currents of lightning. His body descended to the ground as the lightning struck down at him. He raised a palm making the blue mist congealed on top of his head. All the mist in the area gathered together and the temperature started to drop. It congealed into a blue moon the size of 3 people over his head. At that moment, the lightning struck down on the thick layers of ice. The streams of electrical energy crackled on top the ice only smoothing it out. Ye Yuyan squeezed his palms shut and the moon exploded out completely dispelling the lightning. Ye Yuyan's eyes turned back to the prince who was left dumbfounded for a moment. Before the prince could respond around Ye Yuyan the mist started to seethed and expand. He made both his hands into claws and dug into the mist. The mist waved in the wind as Ye Yuyan's claw-like hands swung down in front of him. The mist moved forward becoming ice claws that slammed down onto Han Yi. Han Yi shot out hundreds of thunder serpents in response, each of the coiling serpents slammed into the claws and dissipated in the same moment. Only after hundreds had struck, did the claw disappear and Ye Yuyan swung down again with faster and faster claws. Every few of the claws would strike the ground missing Han Yi and leaving only a blue claw mark. Han Yi roared to the heaven's as the serpents grew a small horn and two front claws. Their ferocity suddenly ignited as each serpent overpowered the claws. Ye Yuyan didn't slack off as the mist pressed against his body. Along his black robes appeared beautiful snowflake inscriptions, the bland blank became a beautiful winter robe. One might suspect he was attending festivities rather than a fight. "Your Highness, you'd best back down from this point." Ye Yuyan kindly advised "Do you think these tricks are enough to cause me any worry?" Han Yi coldly intoned. "Do you know what it is that makes the moon look blue?" Ye Yuyan asked "I'll tell you. It's the cinders that come from the earth." Ye Yuyan said with a devious smile that showed off his pearly whites. "What?!?" Han Yi said reflexively as he turned his attention below him. He suddenly noticed the various scattered blue claws start to shine. The blue light intensified as the head of a blue-furred demon roared at the prince. All the thunder serpents dissipated instantly from the roar even the lightning on the prince's body completely acquiesced. "You may have 'dispelled' the uncanniness but you never cleared the source." Ye Yuyan laughed as his eyes flitted past Gulan's body. Though suppressed Han Yi's countenance did not change and even in the face of the demon, he stood calmly. His eyes looked off past the mountains as if seeing something hidden beyond it. "You dare to call that creature here?!?" Han Yi roared with cold and calm fury. "Like I said your Highness, I want to cooperate. After all don't you need this?" Ye Yuyan said with a joking tone as he unfurled a black scroll.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2082", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.10: Blue Moon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan sat in lotus position with his eyes tightly shut in his mind revolved the mantra of the heartsword code. The formulas for sword force stirred the various nomological forces around him. Ye Yuyan's mind would scan over a sword truth that drifted in the air currents before moving on to another truth. The heartsword code was special because it started from the inside. Where most practitioners started on the outside by absorbing the sword forces and forming intents and even legendary sword hearts, the heartsword technique did exactly the opposite. It confirmed the sword truths with the desires of the user and with Ye Yuyan it examined each sword truth looking for blood. Each sword truth was engraved with a character, some were a slaughter, and others were power and speed. Each conforming with a human desire but only the blood would be absorbed. After a moment the sword truth would engrave itself on the red lotus, the chrome slowly extended along the second leaf. The original 10% had already risen to a stunning 40% because he had been cultivating nonstop since he received the sword code. Even when he was talking he was still practicing the mantras and formulas of the heartsword. All that was left for him to do was sit down and absorb the necessary essences. Each stroke of sword truth looked like a sword slash on the chrome leaf. The leaf emanated an aura of sharp and bloody domination. The sword force originated from the powers of metal but has become a special type of force due to the Sword Bearer. The Sword Bearer was a legendary bearer from antiquity who founded the first chivalry school and changed Metal into a Sword. Because of his actions, the sword can now support any school even a blood school. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed open with a sharp metallic light and sword forces gathered around him. Ye Yuyan's robe became worn and partially scratched up due to the sword forces that seeped into his body. Ye Yuyan snapped his fingers, and snowflakes appeared all over his robes slowly repairing them. "I might be able to reach the peak of Rank 2 soon. I'll have a lot more assurance that way." He mumbled to himself, he couldn't help but recall the fight against the Third Prince. The prince held back and although Ye Yuyan looked calm yet in his heart he was pressured by the prince's power. Using only his frost powers he couldn't beat him. He could have drawn out more of the prince's power using his sword force and maybe even his red lotus. But such revelations could have brought more tribulations rather than blessings. This had to do with the cultivation in this world. There are nine ranks, Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3, and etc all the way to Rank 9. Among humans, there are three conventional paths, Sealing, Bloodline, and Chivalry. With all the paths, the nine ranks are split into three big watersheds. In the first watershed, the focus is on building a foundation. In the second it is the mastery of laws, and the final is laws as a world. In each system, there are specific titles for a warrior at that rank. A rank 2 Chivalry Practitioner is respectfully given a Knighted Nickname. Knighted Maven is an old man who started cultivating late in life but showed immense natural talent. With his great talent, he went from a Rank 1 Apprentice to the peak of Rank 2 and gained the title of Knighted Maven. The common denominator among all the systems is the basic foundation. In the foundation, the goal of a Rank 1 is to absorb an essence. For Chivalry that means getting a sword code and with Sealing, that means absorbing slaughter qi. For Rank 2 experts their goal is to cultivate a totem, totems are special in that they help a practitioner focus their energies. For sealers, they need to absorb their first demon. For knights, they manifest a totem using their cultivation method. This is where the amount of essences a cultivation technique has becomes incredibly important. If the cultivation code is too weak then a totem can't be formed or it will at best be a weak totem that can't develop. With demon sealing, this issue is circumvented because all that matters is having a strong demon absorbed. Considering how weak a sealer is in the beginning compared to the powerful demons, it is almost impossible to start with a strong demon sealed. Which is why the sealing path is almost impossible without a strong background. But this isn't without recourse as the laws and totems formed from demons are significantly stronger than the totems of chivalry. The final step is for Rank 3 experts, is to fuse their essences with their totem and create an Aspect. This is an extension of their true self and will be the key to comprehension of laws. With each rank, an expert takes a step to becoming eternal, and so each rank is a step to the peak. Because many laws conflict with one another most cultivators only cultivate one law. Even more unlikely was a cultivator who could cultivate more than one of the big paths. The only few who could accomplish such a feat were the bearers! The bearers are legendary existences who held the law of kings and founded their own dao. They themselves were said to be manifestations of laws but such is an ancient myth. No one truly knew what it was that made the bearers invincible but they were respectfully titled based on the laws they mastered. With only a handful of bearers ever coming into existence in over 2 million years of history. It was said that the bearers surmounted the laws of the world and created their own laws. As such it made sense that they could found new schools, weeding out the old and bringing forward the new. Sadly time was cruel to all even the invincible bearers faded into history. Ye Yuyan was also special like the bearers, he cultivated both sealing and chivalry. He was on the precipice of forming a totem for his sword and had his eyes on a demon for his frost totem. But his totems were special in their own ways as well, because he could create a totem from both methods at the same time. Such was the power of the Red Lotus! "It is all coming together slowly but surely. But to think I would get a Song inheritance so soon." Ye Yuyan said to himself as he took out the divination book. He flipped through the book skimming at first before he stopped at the illustration of a woman. The moon was vividly shining onto her pale face, her red lips were pursed with sadness and her long white hair cascaded on her white glittery dress. The bottom of the dress was frilly was parted to each leg accentuating her figure. Her beautiful blue eyes were filled with longing as she looked at the moon. Ye Yuyan started to read the entry in the divination book. "Sealing has roots throughout all of history. In Far antiquity, there was a bearer who founded the school but the profoundness was something no human could truly comprehend. But I found a way to further the school and I call this small school divination." "The ancient bearer used their powers to seal demonic powers but my goal is to reverse the sealing and use the energies as a weapon. In this comes various approaches there is expulsion, alteration, and weaponization of divined energy." "But it all ultimately goes back to the power of sealing. For one to seal they must become intimately intuned with the powers of heaven and earth. With it, they can glimpse into the eventual ends of any action. Sealing as I've theorized should one day become a far sight into the future of all energy." Ye Yuyan read intently as his mind became increasingly enraptured after a few hours he shut the book and felt enlightened. "Farsight, one could picture the future!" His eyes suddenly became like saucers as images of the past went through his mind. Suddenly matters that were filled with mystery became clear to his mind as his breath became heavy. 'Then that means I could...' In Ye Yuyan's eyes struggled the image of a frost demon with white frosty eyes. He raised a hand and started counting his fingers then he put down his middle finger. In his mind, hundreds of calculations went about suddenly. As the calculations completed, his divination ended and suddenly in his mind appeared the image of a frost demon hidden in a dark valley. Then the image of another frost demon chasing a warrior with blue fur and a greatsword on his back. But something was strange about this demon, its left eye was completely black except for his shining white pupil "Heh, so you used part of the Heavenly Power. I'll just have to reclaim it." Ye Yuyan said with a supercilious smile. He went back to his meditation and started to make preparations for the upcoming battle. On the stamen of his red lotus coiling a black serpent that hissed out a black flame.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2084", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.12: Heavenly Power", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan tapped out into the air and it rippled out like a pond. The skies started to roar as colors flashed past it, red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, purple, orange, white, and black! Suddenly the rippling stopped and then a strange humming came from Ye Yuyan's body. The world went silent except for the humming, and then from his body burst out seething red mists. Then a blue mist emerged complimenting the red mist and auras started to gather together as the sword forces followed suit. The red mist created a funnel of wind as it took shape forming lotus leaf after leaf. The funnel started dying down as each leaf formed, the first, second, third, and then finally the ninth. Above Ye Yuyan head was a red lotus formed from the mist, it looked extremely ethereal as if it were about to fade like a candle. Suddenly the blue auras gathered together and engraved on the first leaf with a nomological inscription. The inscriptions seemed to follow according to a heavenly principle releasing a nomological hum. At the stamen of the lotus appeared an illusory blue moon that swayed before disappearing. Then the crimson sword forces around Ye Yuyan gathered onto the second leaf. Each sword force was like a sword mark each landing a slash onto the leaf. The sword forces seemed to howl with the blood-curdling screams of various beings as it landed on the lotus. The sword marks formed together leaving a blood symbol on the lotus. The lotus stabilized as it took physical form and suddenly expanded. "What the hell is that?!?" Nesilia yelled with confusion as the red lotus exploded out. It started to rapidly grow as it completely engulfed the entire valley. From a top-down view, one could see a massive red lotus bloom as it slowly rotated over the valley. The tribulation clouds rumbled with anger at the Red Lotus' provocation, the 9 colors blasted all over the valley trying to suppress it. At that moment the pillar of light coming from Han Yi died down. Yet Han Yi couldn't be seen his body had been completely absorbed by the pillar. So once the pillar disappeared all traces of Han Yi's existence faded away. "Han Yi..." Nesilia said somberly as she looked at the place the pillar of light once was. "Its far too late, he was nothing more than a signal to heaven. His will, body, and soul have been completely absorbed by the will of heaven." Maven said shaking his head. "Enough of this!" Illathar roared out as he jumped towards Ye Yuyan. In his left arm gathered dark auras and in his right arm was a tyrannical frost qi. He slashed down onto the lotus as Ye Yuyan sat with his eyes closed. His eyes suddenly flashed open and he coldly looked on as Illathar tried to destroy the red lotus with a frenzy. He tightly gripped his bloody palm making more blood drip out. His whole palm looked as though it was dipped into a shura blood hell. "Scram for me!" He roared as threw a palm at the Illathar, a massive crimson palm flew out and slammed into him and his claws completely destroying his qi. The bloody palm forced Illathar into the ground burying him in a hole with rubble. Ye Yuyan turned his attention back into the skies, the tribulation clouds had completely formed. "Hah!" He expelled out as the red lotus swelled and his body levitated. In a matter of seconds, Ye Yuyan was atop the red lotus fused with it. He was sitting atop the stamen in lotus form staring at the clouds. Thunder rumbled throughout the valley as the colors in the clouds intensified. Suddenly a massive polearm burst out of the clouds towards Ye Yuyan. The polearm eclipsed the entire sky as it slammed down like a judgment from the heavens "The Dao of Weapons! What kind of tribulation has he inspired?!?" Nesilia couldn't help but stutter in fear. She felt as if the polearm was pointed at her making her tremble from the heavenly prestige. 'Ancestor once said the dao is fading in the world. Truth, laws, and such all originate from the dao. Yet so many inheritances in the west have forgotten the dao.' Nesilia thought as she recounted her journeys in the western lands. She had been sent here by the Song Clan to be a diplomat with the various powers, and yet now she was in this mess. The canon in the eastern lands had stipulated there are 3000 Daos split into 3 categories. The dao of weapons, the minor Daos, and the Daos of derivation. Each category held 1000 Daos and not every dao was as developed or as strong as one another. The canon has it that the Dao of Derivations is the strongest, the dao of weapons next, and the minor Daos last. But each dao can develop into a supreme school. There are fundamentally no weak Daos just weak cultivators. Above the 3000 Daos is the five element dao, which are Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood. These are the foundational dao for all matter in the world. Then is the dao of transformations, which includes Lightning, Thunder, Rain, and Wind. Lightning and Thunder are one dao, and Rain and Wind are another dao. These Daos transform the five elements into the 3000 Daos and beyond. Finally, the dao that stands supreme above all is the black-white dao. This legendary dao was lost to the ages until Nesilia saw it today in Illathar's left eye. As Nesilia thoughts rapidly fired, the polearm came down onto Ye Yuyan who gripped his sword with his bloody palm. "Call to Slaughter!" He quietly intoned with a coldly ethereal voice that stood above all mortal affairs. The whole valley seemed to cry with him as the sword forces rapidly gathered taking a crimson hue. Each transformed into a terrifying sword mark that gashed the skies. The polearm slammed down onto Ye Yuyan's sword marks stopping slightly but still proceeding. "Hah!" Ye Yuyan exhaled as he rapidly started slashing his sword sending out more and more sword marks. The polearm received slashes all along the pole as it started to atrophy from the sheer number of slashes. "Piss off!" Ye Yuyan roared as the remnant sword forces along the massive polearm burst out. Blood rained down from the sky as the polearm exploded. Yet this blood wasn't regular blood instead it was sanguine sword forces. Each drop dyed the valley making the soil start to turn red. The heavens roared with anger as an unending 9 colored light formed ten-thousand weapons. Polearms, Swords, Daggers, Axes, Spears, Lances, Sabers, it was every weapon under the sun. The sky became completely covered with a rain of weapons that threatened to devour everything. "This...This...This!" Nesilia couldn't even say a word as every weapon dao in heaven appeared in the sky. "Rise!" Ye Yuyan roared as the weapons flew down from the heavens ready to engulf him. Every drop of sanguine aura flew into the sky from the valley. The auras created a crimson sea without end, which was formed from 3000 independent bloody sword auras. Each aura rushed at a weapon and rapidly fused with it, in a few moments the meteor shower of weapons decreased by 50%. Ye Yuyan guided every sword force to devour a weapon and seal it off. The blood sea shined with a 9 colored light in various spots as the weapons tried to escape by slashing away at the blood membrane. "Return!" Ye Yuyan said as he squeezed his bloody palm, the blood sea suddenly seethed as it drained towards the red lotus. The second leaf shined with a blood light as it accepted the incoming sanguine auras. Every one of the auras formed a sword mark but this time each sword mark shined with a 9 colored light and formed different weapons. At the very top of all the weapons was a sword mark shaped like a sword it looked like a slot for something. The weapon aura in the skies disappeared making the clouds not as sharp or domineering. Ye Yuyan looked to the skies as the next tribulation started to form. Nesilia couldn't help but wryly smile at the sight of Ye Yuyan. This entire time they had been fighting amongst themselves constantly switching power and vying for supremacy. But Ye Yuyan hadn't even put them in his eyes. He used less than 10% of his strength and conserved it for the real goal. His goal was to confirm his dao using the power of heaven. She couldn't help but marvel at his incredible method. "Who the hell is he?" Nesilia wondered as she stared at his immaculate form sitting atop a red lotus. Ye Yuyan looked at the sky with a faint smirk blossoming on his lips and his eyes flashed with a profoundly cold that regarded all lives as grass. "My eyes are as cold as heaven. Let me confirm myself once again!" " He chuckled as the 9 colored light frenzied once again. Ye Yuyan reached inside his robe and removed a scroll and a calligraphy pen.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2252", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.21: Confirming Oneself", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The clouds continued to rumble with anger as the 9 colors flashed. The clouds started to part as hundreds of strange auras and qi emerged. One qi was violet energy that was vibrating at increasingly faster speeds, another qi was red and changed into various beast forms every moment, and another was a light yellow qi that constantly split in half generating more qi. Each of these qi represented a minor dao, the first was the minor dao of vibration, the second was the minor dao of transmogrification, and the last was the minor dao of replication. Hundreds of other strange qi emerged: the minor dao of raindrops, the minor dao of enslavement, and the minor dao of motion. The qi's covered the entire sky numbering 1000 different minor Daos. Ye Yuyan remained seated on the lotus while holding a calligraphy pen in his right hand and a scroll unfurled along his lap. Suddenly the clouds started to churn together and created a funnel. The 9 colors flashed in the center of the clouds as the black was pushed to the edge. The color white came to the forefront of the clouds as it spanned the whole sky leaving the black edges. It made the sky look as if it was a blank canvas and then the other colors died down. Scattered across the sky were the auras of the minor Daos but compared to the white sky they seemed like insignificant specks. Nesilia looked at the Blanche sky with disbelief, when had the sky ever been completely white like a wall? "What is this tribulation?" She asked hesitantly to Maven. "A minor dao tribulation." Maven astutely said as his eyes were glued to Ye Yuyan's form. He couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of his heart. He was a man who could stand calmly in the face of adversity and defeat it with charm and grace. At the forefront of all the auras in the sky was a quill formed from black auras. The quill started to inscribe on the canvas sky. "What lies in the vault of heaven?" The quill beautifully wrote with sharp yet soft strokes in the sky. Ye Yuyan raised his calligraphy pen gathering dark qi on the tip of it and started to write in the air. His long and flowing strokes started to appear in the sky, writing a response to the question. "In the skies are heavenly secrets!" The moment he completed the last stroke, 333 of the minor dao auras shot down from the sky. The red lotus under Ye Yuyan started to spin as the 3rd leaf accepted the incoming auras. Imprinted all along the leaf were 333 different phenomena, the originally disorderly auras capitulated as they remained within the confines of the 3rd leaf. "What dao is that?" Nesilia asked quizzically "The Minor Dao of Calligraphy! Master has brought such a minor dao to such a high stage, how incredible!" Maven said praisingly, his eyes were filled with an almost zealous light. The quill proceeded to start writing underneath the first response: "What lies on the earth?" "A path for one to travel." Ye Yuyan whispered as he wrote once again. "What lies in a man?" The quill wrote with haste, the clouds rumbled as if demanding an answer. "A will to live by." Ye Yuyan said in response, the heaven's seemed pleased at that moment as another set of 333 minor Daos funneled towards the third leaf. The leaf was now 2/3 filled and the auras started to revolve around one another to the hum of a heavenly principle. "Then what is a man, who lies on the earth and gazes at the sky?" The quill frantically inscribed at the bottom of the canvas awaiting the final answer. "A man who lives by his will traveling along a path to heavenly secrets!" Ye Yuyan answered with smooth and strong strokes. Each stroke slashed at the bottom of the sky canvas completing the poem. The final set of 333 minor Daos came down and fused into the 3rd leaf. It started to hum with various lights from all the Daos as it became almost completely saturated. But there was left a single empty point on the leaf and in the sky was one last aura, the aura of the quill. The black clouds on the edges furled up the white canvas like a scroll, as the black strokes remained on the canvas. In a moment the scroll was completely furled up and sealed and the quill floated next to it. "What is in your heart?" The quill wrote in the air in front of Ye Yuyan this time. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes started to contemplate. "What does it want?" Nesilia couldn't help but ask Maven as confusion set on in her eyes. "It wants a title for the poem. The heavens are judging his dao and his dao heart. If he answers wrong he will be devoured by the will of heaven." Maven said with a slight bit of apprehension, he could still see Han Yi writhe in pain as the will of heaven devoured him entirely leaving no trace of his existence. Ye Yuyan's eyes slowly opened and in them appeared a horrifying phenomenon. It was as if a universe started to form in his eyes and it lived out its entire course until its eventual destruction the moment his eyes were fully opened. With the universe completely obliterated all that was left in Ye Yuyan's eyes was a sense of cold impartial judgment that viewed all things as equal. "In my first life, my heart sought only truth, serenity, and peace. What I sought was the life of a scholar." In front of Ye Yuyan manifested strange phenomena, a young man sat a pavilion with a cup of tea in front of him. To his side was a beautiful woman dressed in a frilly white dress, she smiled coyly at Ye Yuyan who was sipping on his tea. At the top of the pavilion was a large sign with the character for truth and at the bottom was the clan name, Ye! "Ye Clan, it can't be how could he be from the Ye clan?!?" Nesilia yelled with sheer disbelief, she knew of the Ye Clan. They were the preeminent bloodline king family in the eastern land if not the world! "But as I braved adversity, I started to change and desired to return to the past. What I truly wanted was to control my fate." The previous phenomena faded away as a new appeared, it was a young man in blood red robes. His eyes shined with intense malice as a swirling river of blood gathered around him. Coiled around his right arm with a black snake, his every step inspired fear in all that saw him. In front of the young man was a spectral old man who was fleeing with intense haste, the young man slowly followed behind with a demonic smirk blossoming from his lips. "This...This...This!" Nesilia's surprise went through the roof as she watched this bloody young man hunt down the specter. The young man's body looked as though it was a condensation of supreme laws. She couldn't even estimate what his cultivation was. "Now I stand bereft of my bonds. All that I desire is to walk my path to its final end." With this final declaration from Ye Yuyan, the heaven's started to rumble as the scroll and quill came down and fused into the 3rd leaf. This is the path he chose for himself a path he stepped onto to so long ago. Suddenly the leaf became completely saturated as it shined with 1000 light spots and called to the heavens. The sky became filled with various colors as they each manifested into a silhouette. The color blue became a demure young woman in a blue robe and gathered around her were dots of moonlight. The color red manifested the young man in red robes, coiled around him was a serpent. The metallic chrome color manifested a middle-aged man, his entire body was massive and muscular with a white tiger cowl on his head and a sword at his side. From various colors together came about a Qilin, the Qilin left streams of lightning with its every move through the sky. The color black formed a black turtle with a snake coming off the shell as if it were perfectly fused with it. The color scarlet formed a vermillion bird that screeched to the heavens around it were flames that distorted reality. The final one was the color green, which formed a massive tree that reached towards the firmament and released intense vital fluctuations. The woman, man, and middle-aged man were separated to the rightmost side. At the middle was the Qilin and to the far most left was the turtle, vermillion bird, and great tree in that order. "Roar!" The beasts roared together, and the humans joined screeching with their various powers. The sky was instantly lit up with intense qi fluctuations that seemed to transform the valley. Ye Yuyan's cold eyes scanned over the various beings in the sky, these were the people that stood in his way, not Han Yi, Maven, or Yunshi. Every one of these people was heralded as a Venerable Bearer! "You shall be named, my Dao of Heavenly Secrets." Ye Yuyan said as he wrote along the scroll in the leaf and the 3rd leaf was complete entirely. With that, the bearers disappeared and suddenly the sky changed as the final blockade of heaven came down.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2253", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.22: Ye Yuyan’s Path", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The princess stood in the air as a black will power circled around between her brows. Her eyes flashed with a black light as she started to see something. She saw a vision of an emancipated corpse atop a mysterious mountain. One day a 9 colored bolt struck the corpse and then suddenly it was a whole array of lightning. A red aura engulfed the sky from a blood rain and the corpse inundated in lightning awoke. The body recovered its flesh and the blood from the skies condensed towards it. The luster of the eyes returned and the heart started to beat once again. Slowly the body reformed becoming a pristine jade body with long black hair and eyes that were dark like the night. The man materialized a black robe and grabbed a sword and an umbrella near him when he awoke. Both were stabbed into the ground and a strange aura was gathered on them. On the umbrella was a heavenly 9 colored aura and on the sword was a bloody aura that threatened to engulf the world. The vision cut off there and suddenly the princess' face went pale. Her eyes snapped open as she took deep breaths to calm herself. "That man, he's..." The princess' eyes flashed with comprehension as the images of the black-robed man and Ye Yuyan started to overlap. "An inheritor of Venerable Blood." Yunshi politely intoned finishing the princess' sentence. "The Shadow Sect has no interest in the inheritance. We have been pursuing this man ever since his reawakening." Yunshi continued reassuring the princess. "But clearly he's planned very well. It's even likely he's got the blood sect waiting for us." Emily interrupted with a concerned tone. "You're right about that. But this all presents an opportunity, an opportunity to crush that heretical sect once and for all." Yunshi said as killing intent flashed from the eyes all along his body. "We can work together but how can I help you?" Emily questioned as she probed for the shadow sect's intention. The shadow sect was considered a part of the Noble Path, but its methods and exorcist kings had always been treated as questionable. "That will be easy, use your city to spread the word that the Blood Sect is active!" Yunshi chuckled as the eyes on his body wreathed. He had already found out about the princess' plans to create a resupply city for Heaven's Realm adventurers. This wise idea inspired Yunshi to use the righteous forces to squash Ye Yuyan. He had hidden deeply holding back even before Illathar. Ultimately going as far as hiding in a crevice of the valley until the Shadow Sect arrived before he finally decided to go after Ye Yuyan. He sported a big grin as he said: "No chance they won't be interested that way!" ********************** At that moment inside of heaven's realm, the world's fabric was ripped open. Heaven's realm was primarily empty space a terrifying place of extreme void, the bleak darkness consumed the entire world. Toward the center of this empty world was a collection of islands strewn willy-nilly, around it was a thick membrane made of blue lightning At the center of this small continent was a shadow mountain that pierced through the thunder membrane, thunderclouds churned rapidly going all the way down the mountain. A constant field of lightning flowed like a river down the mountain. Over the skies in on this land, the wind funneled together making a tunnel from the sky to the ground. A red light shot through the funnel dispelling the gathering winds as it flew down slamming into the ground. A red light blasted out into the sky gathering as it formed something. Its light gleamed through the winds as 9 leaves formed, and a red lotus bloomed in the skies. All around the world, the thunder roared as if welcoming it and from every civilization a sort of beacon shined and the world hummed to life. Shining with a splendor like never before, roars and shouts echoed through the world. On the ground were three people, one was a young woman dressed in a black form-fitting dress, the other was a white-haired young man, and the most mysterious of all was a young man in black robes holding a pink bamboo umbrella. The young man's eyes shined with an ancient and wise light as they reflected the world in its splendor. On his glabella was a red lotus with, 3 of the lotus leaves though were different colors. "This is Heaven's Realm?" Nesilia said with curiosity, her eyes scanned over the sky seeing nothing but darkness spall across the heavens. "The sky...it's empty." She said amazed but in heart grew a sudden sensation of fear. Maven gripped his sword feeling the moonlight energies fade from his sword. Just like a stream would dry up when the river faded away. "My connection to the moon, it's fading away." Maven furrowed his brows in confusion as he waved his sword around. "Don't bother, where we are is above the vault of heaven." Ye Yuyan shook his head as he scanned the area around them. They landed in a shepherd's plain, luckily the animals had long been brought back down the mountain. The vault of heaven Ye Yuyan was talking about is rather simple. The heavens held the stars, the moon, and the sun in them. But that is just the vault and very bottom of the heavens, the true heavens begin beyond the sky. "Where exactly is this?" Nesilia said as she picked up a twig and crushed it looking through it. "We are currently above the false sky in the immortal graveyard. That is heaven's realm, there is no sky above us making this is the very limit of this world!" This world had three layers, the underworld which is in the immortal graveyard. The world of heaven which is this world and the extreme void which leads to nothingness. These three areas all combine to create a single true world. "This structure...it conforms with..." Nesilia eyes flashed with enlightenment but before she could finish Ye Yuyan interrupted. "Our World, yes it is just like home isn't it?" He said with a sly smile. Suddenly a bunch of red lights appeared around them on the plain. Maven ripped out his sword as he tried to stir sword forces around him. Only to realize that no sword forces were gathering around him as if they weren't responding. "Maven! What are you doing?" Nesilia yelled as she put her palm out and tried to gather divine cloud essence. Yet no clouds stirred in the skies and suddenly a lightning aura bounced off of Song Yue's body. "Argh!" She convulsed in pain dropping her grimoire and suddenly the lightning aura disappeared. "Like I said the vault of heaven is below. You can't use any powers of the sky in here. Unless of course, it's thunder!" Ye Yuyan said as the red lights gathered around him, each of them coalesced into red robed figures. At the forefront of which was a white-haired old man with a red river swirling around his robe and at the center was a shadow horned demon with 9 red lines along his body. "Those robes..." Nesilia said with stunning realization. "They are from the blood sect!" Fear distorted her face as she looked over to Ye Yuyan seeing his calm expression left her heart feeling colder. "Sage Red Lotus!" The old man saluted as he fell to his knees with happiness. He looked upon the handsome visage of Ye Yuyan and saw the marking of the red lotus on his glabella. Hope and glee rushed through his body in an instant. Nesilia couldn't help but wryly smile, as all the other blood sect members went to their knees with zeal right after. Ye Yuyan had condensed a Red River totem and had profounds insights into the blood dao. No wonder they would receive him so easily, he must be the top disciple of the Blood Sect sent out to spoil Verulyim's plans! Nesilia couldn't help but fear the Blood Sect's methods, they had sent out one person to destroy their entire plans. Even though Verulyim and the Song Clan had cooperated! "Rise my warriors! Those who have come before today shall be the most rewarded. As our era has finally come, the kings of this world shall fall before me." Ye Yuyan said radiating a regal aura, He had the demeanor of king, one that was destined to rule over all things. This was an aura he had been cultivating since his first life. He had grown over the years, not in age but in experience, he'd seen how the world grows and changes with time. Gathering these little insights bit by bit he started to change. Until he had become something new and gathered a regal aura that could suppress others unconsciously. This was the root of his confidence, the center of his being that fueled him to go on the path of the throne. At any cost he lives to fulfill this deep desire, to fully actualize himself!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2299", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.29: The Risen Corpse", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"Blue Moon Totem, condense!" Ye Yuyan commanded as the blue essences of Illathar flew toward the first leaf. A Bearer of King's Law unlike the rest of the world cultivated their own personal system. Ye Yuyan's system is called the 9 Revolutions Prime Lotus. The special quality of Ye Yuyan's cultivation system comes from the independence of the lotus leaves. Each leaf has its own cultivation and law that it masters. Potentially, Ye Yuyan can master up to 9 laws all the way to rank 9. The first law Ye Yuyan decided to master was the frost dao. He had already comprehended and absorbed enough frost truths to condense a totem putting him at the peak of rank 2 in just the first lotus. Once Illathar's frost essence entered the first leaf, icy qi shot out into the skies like fireworks. They exploded into various snowflakes falling to earth. Ye Yuyan's red lotus accepted the incoming snowfall as the first lotus leaf, the lotus leaf turned entirely cyan as it pulsated with frost qi. An illusory blue moon hung above the lotus leaf and gathered the blue essence toward it. A multitude of frost truths engraved on to the blue moon and lotus. Giving both of them an otherworldly feeling. Cyan qi gathered all around the moon and suddenly its ethereal nature condensed. The rippling of illusions died down as the moon became corporeal. Along the surface of the blue moon shined various nomological lines that stirred together the grand dao. Every powerful combat code had in it a meditation technique to comprehend the dao and a totem condensation technique! The illusory blue moon code helped one form an illusion of a totem that boosted the chances of forming the blue moon totem. With the use of Illathar's frost truths, Ye Yuyan was able to succeed! "The Blue Moon, he...how did he get the Lunar Palace's cultivation code?" Maven said with sheer surprise, he himself had an inheritance from the Lunar Palace. But he lacked the pivotal Blue Moon code and so he chose to condense a different totem. In Ye Yuyan's mind flashed the mantra of the heartsword code. The heartsword code is a technique that stirs sword forces according to one's heart. The totem formed would be completely based on what the cultivator had in their heart. Ye Yuyan had constantly been cultivating the heartsword code since he received it and had already reached the peak of rank 2. "Red River Totem, condense!" Ye Yuyan yelled as the sword forces in the valley erupted suddenly. The second lotus leaf released a stream of crimson lights in each of the blood drops was a different weapon. The sword forces swirled together forming a funnel that reached to the sky. The crimson lights swayed as they were pulled into the center of the funnel. The funnel turned into the shores of a river formed by sword forces and the river water was blood! The blood swirled and churned forming waves that slammed around in the sky. Each of the blood drops was filled with intense vital forces and hidden sword forces. "A red river, just like the tyrant king!" Nesilia said with trembling fear. Throughout the world, the tyrant king was remembered with dread. His era hadn't been long ago, he was a bearer from antiquity less than 100,000 years ago. With the red river in hand and the power of a king's law, he inspired a reign of terror that still has effects up to today. It was commonly agreed that he was the first bearer of the fallen path. But although he was fallen he was still respectfully titled as Venerable Blood. The red river flowed from the sky down into the second leaf fusing together as one. The second leaf started to shine with crimson light as the red river swirled around leaving sword truths all over. The Cyan and Crimson lotus leaves shined as they superimposed and Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed with enlightenment in the sword. "Sword of the Red River!" Ye Yuyan intoned as his sword turned into a red river that stretched into the firmament. This would be the first sword attack in his Heartsword Code! Ye Yuyan recalled the red river making it re-enter into his lotus leaf. With all the essences absorbed, all that was left was the black pill in the furnace with a white dot at the center. But this was to Ye Yuyan the most important gain from the plan. Ye Yuyan raised his pointer and middle finger together making the scarlet flames of the furnace shoot out like a pillar of light. The ascending flames started to refine the pill as it warped into a new form. Ye Yuyan deftly guided the flames and slowly atrophied the pill. He quelled the flames with a blood palm and centered his gaze on the pill. It had transformed into an eye, the eye was entirely black except for the white pupil at the center. The eye started to seemingly squint and dark veins popped out inside the eye. The dark veins were each nomological lines and instead of pushing around blood it was fragments of the heavenly dao. "What is that eye?" Maven questioned as he stared at it, he could a feel cold gaze that made him feel tiny. It was as if he was facing something standing at a far higher existence than him. He could see in that gaze, worlds live and die in an instance with only destruction remaining. Ye Yuyan left eye started to pulsate in response as he matched the cold gaze of the eye. In his left eye flashed the sublime power of destruction, as a great world crumbled from just his gaze. "Left eye of the Heavenly Dao! You obey me!" Ye Yuyan commanded as the red lotus underneath him shone with red light. His left eye disappeared revealing an empty eye socket, all that was there was a black vortex that threatened to devour the entire world. From inside the vortex burst out a black serpent, it flew out biting and pulling in the left eye. The eye entered into Ye Yuyan's eye socket and fused together perfectly. Suddenly the 3rd lotus leaf shined with heavenly light as the dark mists seethed. Above the 3rd lotus leaf manifested a dark eye with a single shining white pupil. Ye Yuyan's aura burst through the skies as his totems released heavenly principles. The three lotus leaves superimposed, cyan, crimson, and black became one. This was the mark of Ye Yuyan's cultivation reaching rank 3. The lotus leaves stayed independent from one another but their strengths superimposed. This is Ye Yuyan strongest power, the ability to superimpose his cultivation of rank 3 up to three times. This is the revolution in the 9 Revolutions Prime Lotus, he had 9 revolutions he could superimpose. So, in reality, he wasn't a rank 3 expert but instead a Third Revolution cultivator. A frost pattern of snow spread across Ye Yuyan robes, his sword started to shake as a red river emerged from it, and then his left eye pupil shined with white light and nomological patterns. 'Left eye of the Heavenly Dao, what kind of thing is that?' Nesilia couldn't help but question many things were named arrogantly in the world. Some were called 9 Swords of heaven and some called themselves Godkings but they were all just talk. But to call something the left eye of heaven, what kind of power would it have it hold? Ye Yuyan blinked his left eye three times shooting out a beam of darkness into the sky. The sky started to part in half as the dark beam cut across. From the cut emerged thousands of blue lightning bolts, it was like a whole new world of lightning was opening up. The tribulation had already been destroyed by Ye Yuyan's methods, so one could only wonder where this lightning was coming from. Maven looked up to the sky and felt ambition calling him, it was what everyone here had been searching for. "Heaven's Realm!" Maven sighed from the bottom of his heart. It seemed they were all wrong about the key to heaven's realm, the entryway was the Left eye of the Heavenly Dao that Ye Yuyan had refined. The lightning world seethed as a barrier of lightning parted revealing a whole new world beyond what they had ever seen. "This....is Heaven's Realm?" Nesilia said with wonder as she stared up to the sky. "You, Song girl!" Ye Yuyan said coldly as his totems dissipated, his power cultivation remained still emanating the aura of a rank 3 cultivator. "Me?" Nesilia couldn't help but question as she pointed to herself. "You and Maven can come with me to Heaven's Realm. I'll take you back to your clan after I complete my exploration of the realm." Ye Yuyan casually said making Nesilia grit her teeth. She turned to look at Maven he stared at Ye Yuyan with ardor. She felt fearful that she would turn out like him but she was also afraid Ye Yuyan would just kill her. "Relax little girl, I have some ties with your ancestor Song Qian." Ye Yuyan said with a derisive smile and left Nesilia dumbstruck. Hundreds of thoughts went through her head until she decided to accept the circumstances. "Fine." She mumbled unwillingly. "Then let's head out!" Ye Yuyan said as he flicked his robe sleeve manifesting a red lotus underneath him. He pulled both Maven and Nesilia in and settled them on top of it and then in an instant the red lotus flew to the skies bursting through the clouds and entering through the parted lightning. ********************* Author: This marks the end of volume one! Ye Yuyan has finally gained enough power to begin his plan that spans the ages!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2256", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - End of V.1-Ch.25: Left eye of the Heavenly Dao", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan's red lotus spun rapidly as the final blockade of heaven came down. The bearers dissipated into light spots leaving only their auras behind. The green auras started pulsating with energy like a strange lifeform. The red auras transformed into an all-consuming scarlet flame that left nothing more than cinders in its trail. The dark energies transformed into various inscriptions and symbols constantly changing form. "What dao tribulation is this?" Nesilia questioned as more auras started to appear. At that moment the yellow aura started to phase in and out of existence as if it existed in two different realities. "The Dao of Derivations!" Maven said astutely as another aura, this time it was a 9 colored lightning and it transformed into a furnace. "Each of these used the 5 elements as a basis and derived a new dao!" Maven said as a sword exploded out from the metallic forces. "The strength of derivative dao is higher than most but far too variable." Maven couldn't help but say as he shook his head. "But to test master heaven has brought down the strongest derivatives it has." Maven said praisingly. With his last sentence, the blue aura transformed into a hundred different illusions and the bloody aura transformed into a bloody snake with ravenous eyes. Inside each aura was the nomological inscriptions of the grand dao. The red, blue, green, yellow, and chrome auras came together. They each moved to an equidistant point from one another forming a pentagon. The furnace moved to the center of the Pentagon and opened up releasing a 9 colored light. The crimson aura shot through the sky and burst into the furnace sealing it shut and suddenly a 9 colored light covered the sky. "This...impossible! How is the dao of derivatives fusing with the 5 elements?!?" Maven yelled as he covered his eyes from the 9 colored light. Though the light looked harmless if one looked too long then they could lose their vision permanently. "What are you talking about?" Nesilia said quizzically as she raised a divine mist to cover the 9 colored light. Only Ye Yuyan who sat atop his lotus stared at the formation with no emotion. Nothing could shake his dao heart, whether it was heaven, man, or earth. The 9 colored light settled down as the formation condensed down slowly. The auras came closer and closer making the pentagon smaller and smaller. Then once it was next to the furnace the formation fused right into it and suddenly the furnace started to shake rapidly. The valley joined in as the graves started to shake as well, Illathar who was trapped in the ground finally found a way to free himself and jumped out. "Illathar?!?" Nesilia said as her attention turned toward the escaping Illathar. Illathar formed ice under his feet as he glided along it with haste running towards the edge of the valley. He raised a claw filled with darkness energies intent on opening the portal and fleeing. "Who said you could leave?" Ye Yuyan said as he gave Illathar a cursory glance. Illathar felt all his hairs stand up and felt a cold sweat drip down his back. "Sacrament of the Blood!" Ye Yuyan roared as his eyes turned into blood saucers. The red lotus hummed in response as the first leaf released an unending amount of frost mist. "Frost propagation! The same laws as Illathar!" Nesilia said with surprise as the mist transformed into blue chains that grabbed onto Illathar pulling him closer. For Ye Yuyan's first revolution of his lotus, he devoured both the blood and soul of Illathar according to the Sacrament technique he mastered. Illathar's body struggled as he ripped off one of the chains. Nesilia couldn't help but shake her head. Illathar had already changed his laws although it could hold him back it couldn't seal him for long. "Do you think this can hold me back?" Illathar growled as his body continuously struggled. Ye Yuyan's eyes met Illathar's and Illathar noticed an almost playful look in his eyes. Ye Yuyan's mouth blossomed into a serene yet disturbing smile. "Just give me a moment." He said as he turned his attention back to the furnace. The furnace opened up and from it exploded a blood aura that ascended to the skies like flames. Suddenly a hand reached out from inside the furnace, and then a person walked out. It was a young man of no more than 20, who wear red robes and had an elegant demeanor. Looking closely one could see a major resemblance to Ye Yuyan but instead on the person's glabella was a red lotus. All over his body were various icicles and sword marks that added prestige to his demeanor. Nesilia and Maven looked at both of the Ye Yuyan's with great surprise, unsure of what was going on. This was a special type of tribulation, there are three types of calamities. An earth calamity, a heavenly punishment, and the tribulation of man. This was a tribulation of man which was the most dangerous of all yet Ye Yuyan remained unperturbed. He stood up from lotus form and the red lotus started to rotate rapidly. It condensed down to the size of two fingers and flew to Ye Yuyan's forehead fusing with him. Ye Yuyan tightened his fists as his massive aura ascended to the skies. From his body came the power of 3000 Daos, bloody sword forces, and a frozen end world. The Man tribulation acted at that moment shooting multiple streams of cold auras. The energies blast across the sky leaving a trail of frost. Yet the moment the cold auras neared Ye Yuyan they dissipated into nothingness. The man tribulation acted again this time shooting hundreds of sword marks filled with slaughter force. Yet once again the sword marks couldn't even approach Ye Yuyan. The man tribulation looked confused as it blasted out with all the forces in its body. Yet nothing could even near Ye Yuyan who stood calmly overseeing. "Trying to mimic my power. What a pathetic attempt." Ye Yuyan said as he condensed a crimson aura on his pointer finger and tapped out into the air. Suddenly the crimson aura transformed into a sharp sword beam that shot the man tribulation through the sky. It flew 30 meters only stopping once it hit into the valley floor. Ye Yuyan's form floated down following the man tribulation's body. Illathar at that moment just barely succeeded in ripping off the chains and was about to slash the void opening the portal. Yet as he slashed down the dark energies on his palm dissipated. He couldn't help but look confused as Ye Yuyan floated down from the sky and next to him was a sudden booming sound. The man tribulation and hit the ground right next to Illathar. Ye Yuyan coldly looked as the man tribulation tried to get up and Illathar turned to Ye Yuyan as he put up his frost guard. "Human, let me go and I will serve you." Illathar said shamelessly, he had already grown to fear Ye Yuyan from just what he had seen today. He knew the only way he could survive now was to make himself useful. "I can give you the secrets to Heaven's Realm and the grave over there." Illathar said as he pointed to the massive tombstone at the center of the valley. "Haha, how interesting! You know what lies in there?" Ye Yuyan said curiously as touched his chin. "Of course!" Illathar said frantically trying to flaunt his knowledge. Ye Yuyan shook his head as if acknowledging him, Illathar relaxed his guard lightly. "Well, what if I said there was nothing at all?" Ye Yuyan said with a playful tone, his demeanor seemed as if he were talking to a child. "What?!?" Illathar said with complete surprise then what had he seen?!? "It has been interesting but you both can die now." Ye Yuyan's eyes went cold with his words in a sanguine aura gathered in his palm and he slammed down on the ground. The whole valley started to shine with a blood light as the graves throughout hummed. Hundreds of blood chains shot out from each grave and wrapped around the heavenly furnace in the sky. The furnace suddenly started to descend to the ground as the chains pulled it out. The furnace was 100s of meters tall, it was almost as big as a small mountain. The skies rumbled with anger as hundreds of auras shot down trying to destroy the chains. But for each chain lost a new one would form from the grave. "What is this?!?" Nesilia yelled as she used the divine clouds to float herself away from the chains and combat. Maven followed suit as he stepped on various dots of moonlight ascending to the sky away from the chaos on the ground. Ye Yuyan's red lotus hummed with power releasing a terrifying suppressive aura that held down Illathar the man tribulation. At that moment the furnace slammed down right in front of the grave, making the whole valley rumble. Ye Yuyan guided the blood chains to flip the furnace lid off, and a 9 colored fog shot out flying to the sky. The inscriptions on the tomb started to shine, the words on the grave shone in the sky: "Here lies my body with heaven as my witness." "Now here I am with heaven as my witness." Ye Yuyan said finishing the quote and suddenly the ground below the furnace started to shine. A sky burning scarlet flame shot out from the ground lighting up the furnace. "A witness of my heavenly creation." Ye Yuyan said with a devious smile and eyes as cold as heaven above.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2254", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.23: Heaven as a Witness", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
One month passed, and the village at the bottom of the mountain rapidly developed. With Emily's efforts, the village walls were expanded and reinforced. Hundreds of merchants from all around had been alerted to the changes and moved to quickly gain benefits. The little village was reaching the golden time of production. At that moment, Emily was sitting in meditation in one of the mansion rooms, in front of her were scattered papers with various symbols on it. Standing by the side with more papers was a burly man wearing black attire with a longsword on his back. On one of the papers was a depiction of a young man in black robes with eyes as dark as night. He gripped a bamboo umbrella with a pink hue on the base. His expression was cold and heartless as if all life in his eyes was insignificant. The princess' eyes flashed open from meditating cueing the man in black to speak. "On Gulan's territory was a ritual, one that offered the whole village to a demon. The demon caused mayhem and later Ji Shu found the ritual grounds. Retrieving the gourd that Gulan was entrusted with." He said as he put down a report in front of her. This was a report that was filed after Ye Yuyan entered the capital. The goal of giving Gulan the gourd was originally used to lure out Illathar and convince him to show the way to the inheritance grounds. There they would seal Illathar and extract his secrets slowly and open up the realm. This was the task that Han Yi was entrusted to by his father and the one he had drastically failed. "After that, he went to the order meeting Cui Lu. Gaining access to two codes, both of which were fragmented 1 essence codes." He put down another paper, this was another report filed by Feng Shu the Arbitrator of the order. "He then met Han Yi joining their group and becoming their guide. Eventually guiding them back to the ritual grounds." The man in black continued as he put down the final report which was filed by Knighted Vermillion. "The biggest conflict through in the reports lies at the ritual ground." The man in black said certainly piquing the princess' interest. Noticing her interest he started to depict on what he had seen when he scouted the area: "There are frost claws all over consistent with Illathar, and Han Yi's lightning is scattered about. Some big battle happened, yet they came here right after and drank as friends." "Something happened at the ritual ground and after that, the trail goes cold." The man in black said finally completing his story. "Thank you, Thomas. That will be all, go back to preparing the city." Thomas saluted the princess before leaving the room. Emily sat in the near darkness contemplating as she looked over a few the reports. Her eyes went cold as she scanned over them. 'Something caused a big deviation in Han Yi's plans. Ji Shu set it off, but there are other things hidden in the background.' Reading through the report she constantly saw inconsistencies in the narrative. 'Han Yi cooperated with Gulan's Li Clan, per father's request. But someone or something killed him and it can't have been Illathar!' Her eyes flashed with deeper enlightenment as she remembered the recovered corpse and sword scar on the mountain. "Someone killed him! Someone killed the frost demon and Ji Shu knows who did it!" She said with a knowing smile as calculations passed through her mind in an instant. 'The last clue is that battlefield at the top of a mountain. There are traces of demon sealing magic...' The final report was from Cardinal Black, he noticed the strong aura of a demon sealing ritual. The arcane focus had disappeared with only traces left behind. 'Regardless I'll soon be upon the entrance to the realm. As long as I'm first I'll gain the most benefits!' She thought as a grin spread across her face. ********************* Near the precipice of a verdant mountain, a group of cloaked figures was gathering together. Every one of them wore black cloaks with an insignia on the back, it was a black turtle with a serpent coiled on the shell. At the front of the group were two people, the first was a young woman in heavy armor. She had blue eyes that glistened like the moon and blonde hair that flowed down her back. The second was a young man dressed in a red tunic with a plate of armor and a war skirt over it. His red hair and sword like brows drew a commanding aura around him. The young man trained his eyes behind him as he watched the last of the cloaked figures assemble. "That's all of them Wu Han, you can open it now." The young woman said to the red-haired man. His eyes turned cold as an aura of war blasted out of him. His power ascended to the heavens like flames bursting from a burning home. Behind him appeared a massive being almost a hundred meters tall. It was a red-haired man wearing plate armor and a war skirt. His eyes shined with malevolence as he gripped a spear in one hand and a spear in the other. The giant thrusted the spear and it shot through the sky slashing apart clouds until it slammed into something. At the collision point, a crack appeared as the sky started to crumble, the crack chipped off as the rest of the sky started to shatter above the mountain. What was revealed was a world of darkness that stretched to the horizon. Graves scattered the entire creation and in the sky lightning churned madly. Wu Han's giant was the first to enter then Wu Han and the young woman entered. Then the rest of the cloaked members turned into dark lights as they entered into the crack in the sky. The crack in the sky started to grow quickly terrifying people all around. Suddenly a golden light burst out ascending to the skies from a village. Flying to the skies was a young woman dressed in a sword dress, the aura of a golden immortal suffused her entire body. But there was a strange feeling as though she was only a specter. It was Emily, or rather her aspect! She flew to the verdant mountain just in time to see the cloaked figures turn into rays of darkness that flew into the crack. "Damn it!" She roared as golden aura burst out from her body. She gathered the energy towards her palm rotating and condensing it rapidly. "Golden Firmament Fist!" She roared as she punched out sending a fist that was even larger than the mountaintop. It covered the crack with a golden force as it slammed into it dispelling the dark energies quickly. Yet suddenly another more sinister energy burst out from the crack. A black chain shot out slamming into the fist and crushing it. The princess dodged back as the chain tried to grab towards her, she raised both her palms creating a shield from the golden energies in her palm. Suddenly another chain shot and slammed into the golden shield destabilizing it. The princess grunted as her body flew back only stopped after a few meters. "A Shadow Sealer, which king do you serve?" She asked with a cold tone that radiated frosty hatred. In the west, the two popular schools were Chivalry and Exorcism. The two big sects Verulyim and Shadow both experiment in both. But the Verulyim kingdom is known for their Knight Kings but the shadow sect was known for their Exorcist Kings! The Shadow sect, unlike the Verulyim kingdom, had multiple kings that ruled a different domain of the sect. Suddenly from the crack emerged many more black chains they spalled out like a waterfall. The princess retreated quickly as a dark eye inscribed with nomological runes opened from inside the crack. "I serve his Highness the Foglord. You have hidden this for quite a long time, Witch of Fortune. But your scheme cannot be concealed." The eye chuckled as it probed the princess. "Or would it be better to call you, Emily?" A familiar voice intoned as a strong man with rippling muscles appeared. He had all over his body black chains with various eyes appearing on his skin. "Yunshi?!?" She said as she quelled her surprise at that moment. "I see, so the other sects had already infiltrated us." She said as her voice became infinitely colder than before. "Luckily your highness we can cooperate with one of her disciples." Yunshi chuckled as his eyes flashed with schemes. "Especially on dealing with a great demon." Yunshi laughed as the princess' eyes flashed with hesitation. Yunshi tapped his forehead released a mote of black light, he transmitted it towards the princess. She tapped on the mote of light and put into between her brows. This was a crude way of transferring information among experts who had condensed aspects. Meaning even the Yunshi we see is an aspect as well.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2298", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.28: Shadow Sect", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Inside of a rustic old tavern sat a disheveled old man at his side was an old blade in its sheath. His dull eyes were focused on the cup filled with wine. He'd occasionally take a few sips and then sit quietly. Near the edges of the tavern sat a few men in leather armor and to the edge of their booth were a variety of weapons. Hammers, greatswords, and axes of dubious quality. They would occasionally look over at the old man at the bar. On the other side of the bar, the bartender was busy cleaning a bunch of cups and he turned back to the old man. "Are you enjoying the drink, sir?" He said with a genial tone, the bartender was an older gentleman. His greying hair and wisened eyes added to his charm. "I always enjoy a good whiskey it just reminds me of home." The old man said with a bit of melancholy in his voice. After looking at his reflection in his drink for a moment, the old man looked up at the bartender. "What did you say your name was again?" The old man asked intensely. "Me? I'm Su Yan. What about you?" The Bartender smiled genuinely with a little deviousness. "Lin Jian but most people just call me Maven." The old man joked earnestly. "Where are you originally from? You said you missed home." Su Yan asked as he grabbed a cup and started polishing it clean with a rag. "Originally I came from the western peninsula." Maven said with a big grin. "Ah, you must know about the Fog City on the bewitching lake." Su Yan said with interest. "I do..." Maven said with a wry smile. "Oh sorry, I don't mean to pry. I've just always been interested in mysteries like that. My father told me that many powerful warriors disappeared there." Su Yan said curiously. "Your father?" Maven said quizzically. "You met him, he's the gatekeeper for our town." Su Yan said with a smirk In Maven's mind flashed the image of an old man with a scar across his left eye. He was wearing a thick black armor as he guided the group around the city. "Oh, you mean him." Maven realized. "But yes many people disappeared in that fog but the city that people talk about is a lie. All there is is an unending fog and the screaming of innocents." Maven said with a trembling voice, Su Yan looked down at his cup trying not to make any eye contact. "Thank you for that. Anyway, what are you folk up to out here in the wilderness?" Su Yan asked kindly. Suddenly Maven came to life and with glee and a dreadful killing intent he spoke. "We're hunting a demon." His smile was crooked and he had yellow teeth but he still smiled fully and wholly. "A terrible demon and we have a new companion to help us. Isn't that right Ji boy?" Maven joked as Ye Yuyan walked into the tavern. His black robes swayed with his every elegant step and his dark and deep eyes landed on Maven's disheveled figure. "Of course sir." Ye Yuyan remarked with a warm smile. "Grab a seat and have a drink with me." Maven laughed as he turned towards the bartender. "Bring us your finest wine!" He said to Su Yan energetically. Ye Yuyan sat next to him at the bar and the bartender slid him a cup. But Ye Yuyan shook his head and pointed over at a bowl like a cup. It looked as though it was carved from the finest jade and instantly drew his attention. "Give me that sake cup." He asked Su Yan Su Yan looked over and grabbed it showing it to Ye Yuyan, he looked at it again a little confused. "This? You mean this fingerbowl?" Su Yan said with a quizzical tone. "Ah, I forgot about you westerners." Ye Yuyan laughed as Su Yan put down a wine bottle, a cup, and the sake cup. He started to pour the wine into each cup before sealing the cork. Maven reached out and took a sip of the wine. "How do you like it?" Su Yan asked earnestly "Very sweet like a bee's nectar. What is it?" Maven kindly remarked and asked. "It's our finest Yellow Flower Wine, brewed by my father." Su Yan smiled and conversed with Maven. Ye Yuyan meanwhile watched them as he took a sip from the sake cup. "Why are you looking at that cup so longingly Ji boy?" Maven asked intently "Back home we would drink from this in ceremonies." Ye Yuyan couldn't help but reminisce as he looked at the cup. "What kind of ceremonies?" Su Yan asked curiously. "Rights of passage for a boy, marriage, honoring the ancestors, and journeying into the world. All sorts of times but it has an everlasting charm." Ye Yuyan said with a serene smile. "How quaint." Su Yan couldn't help but say. "It has been a long time since I drank like this." Ye Yuyan wryly smiled "How long?" Su Yan wondered. "Quite long, a decade or so." Ye Yuyan replied "But you're so young." Su Yan questioned. "Looks aren't all, kiddo. Even your father looks younger than you! What did you drink for?" Maven said to Su Yan before turning to Ye Yuyan immediately after. "Brotherhood! I drank with my brother and we made a blood pact." Ye Yuyan responded instantly "Your brother?" Su Yan interrupted "Yes, the man I trusted the most!" Ye Yuyan said as he turned to Su Yan "What happened?!?" Su Yan asked with concern "We parted with time like many others" Ye Yuyan as he took a melancholic sip of the wine. "I see..." Su Yan as his voice trailed off. "Ji Shu, do you know how to use a sword?" Maven asked curiously "I know a little." Ye Yuyan said humbly. "How about we have a Dao debate that is what you easterners call truth?" Maven laughed "I'm surprised you're familiar with the Dao, Knighted sir. Of course, I'd love to discuss with you." Ye Yuyan said with surprise. "I understand only a shallow bit, I hope you'll go easy on me." Maven smiled deviously. "We call it school of truth and thought but you call it Dao of heaven and earth. I've always wondered is Heaven- truth and the Earth- sentiment?" Maven asked making Ye Yuyan's eyes turn into to attentive slits. "My sir you are truly experienced, to be able to see such a pattern between the two systems." Ye Yuyan sighed as his mind unraveled Maven's words. "Sadly I couldn't answer such a question but the Dao is more than a school. It is all things as one and the world itself is far more than a school." Ye Yuyan said consolingly. "I see....then what about..." Maven went off discussing the principles of the sword as well as the principles behind the sword as a school and a Dao. Occasionally Maven would grab his sword and practice a motion with his furthered insights and then he would carve a stance into the wood of the bar amazing both Su Yan and Ye Yuyan with the efficiency and elegance of his sword stances. Even Su Yan would have interesting perspectives to add as he himself cultivated the sword like his father and Maven. After a few more hours of discussion, Maven started laughing out loud. "You're both really something. You've helped me make up my mind, you're exactly the type of men I want to be brothers with." Maven laughed as he took a big gulp of his wine. "No joke about that." Su Yan said with a smile to Ye Yuyan "Thank you, both. You're the type of brothers I want." Ye Yuyan said with seriousness. "Then let's do it, you said we can use these cups to become blood brothers right?" Su Yan said enthused he grabbed a few more fingerbowls and poured some more yellow wine. "Okay well for this you need some blood." Ye Yuyan said with a childish smile and took out a little dagger and showed them. "The ritual is easy, watch." Ye Yuyan cut his pointer finger down an inch then he put pressure on the finger with his thumb. A drop of blood congealed on the edge of his nail and dripped into the drink dying it red. He looked at the blood spread across the drink and then held it up. "Then you do the same." Su Yan grabbed a knife from the bar and cut his finger, dripping the blood into his drink. Maven followed his example and dyed his wine with his blood. "Now follow me." Ye Yuyan said as he brought his cup to Su Yan's mouth and Su Yan put his drink to Ye Yuyan mouth. Ye Yuyan crossed his arm around Su Yan and Su Yan followed, they each put their drinks on their lips and took a sip. They both unwrapped their hands and then repeated the same with Su Yan and Maven, then Maven and Ye Yuyan. Maven and Ye Yuyan shared their drinks and unwrapped their hands. "Now we're all brothers by our swords and blood." Maven said with a childish grin. "Brothers by blood." Ye Yuyan mumbled lightly to himself "And the sword." Su Yan hearing Ye Yuyan's mumble remarked immediately. "How wonderful." Ye Yuyan laughed warmly with his eyes squinting ever so slightly.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2086", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.13: Brothers by Blood", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan left after a few rounds of drink with Maven and Su Yan. He said his goodbyes at the bar and went outside. He stepped outside and left a chilly wind pass his body. The streets were quiet and deserted with the only lights coming from the flickering of flames in houses. He started walking along the streets and looking up at the skies distracted. He could see the stars gleaming and the moon shining and if he focused his attention he could see various sword forces wandering around. While he was discussing the sword with Maven his insights unwittingly got deeper. Which propelled him deeper into mastery of the Sword Dao. He'd remembered a lesson he had as a child back home. He was taught that the world was one but one day split into two. The two were refined by the four transformations of heaven and earth into the five key elements. Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, and Earth, were products of the transformation by Rain, Wind, Lightning, and Thunder. No one truly knew what they originated from but this was the common notion of origin. But it left strange things like the sword, frost, poison, and other strange schools out. One could only wonder how such schools existed. But one common link has been, if the school has a strong relationship with the Dao is originated from then it will be stronger. "The sword is truly the greatest vessel of a Dao." Ye Yuyan mumbled to himself as his sword truths continually increased. It was already on the precipice of reaching 50% in his sword force. Cultivation is split into comprehension, consolidation, and engulfing stages. The first step is always understanding which makes the vessel larger. Consolidation is stabilizing of the vessel making it firm and engulfing is filling the vessel up. Ye Yuyan's understanding was improving rapidly and his consolidation unnecessary with his powerful vessel that just leaves engulfing. Ye Yuyan focused his attention back in front of him and noticed Nesilia slowly walking out of the palace. "Ji Shu." She said with a demure smile and a gaze that could stop one's heart. "Nesilia, I have your book for you." Ye Yuyan said with a kindly smile, as he reached into his robe and tossed her manual. Nesilia looked at the manual for a moment and filled through before looking up at Ye Yuyan. "Thank you, I gained a lot from your writings." She then passed over a furled white scroll which Ye Yuyan put away. "Where are you heading this late at night." Ye Yuyan asked curiously. "I'm just patrolling the edge of the village, Han Yi recommended it." Nesilia said shaking her head. "I'll have to head out now, goodnight." She lightly giggled as she walked off to the edge of the village. "I see..." Ye Yuyan laughed to himself as his eyes turned into blood red saucers. "How long a night." He said with a dreadful coldness coming from deep in his marrow. ********************* On the next morning, the sun rose from the east and Han Yi walked out of the cottage greeting the new day. He raised his right arm, as a bird fluttered onto his palm. It had only one demonic eye and black feathers. It cawed once before transforming into a half pint letter in Han Yi's palm. Han Yi opened the letter and read through it rather quickly. Then a spark ignited in his palm and burned the paper into shreds which he scattered. Ye Yuyan walked out of the cottage to see Han Yi staring off at the sun with a focused expression. "Has he succeeded?" Ye Yuyan asked coldly, Han Yi's eyes flittered past Ye Yuyan before looking back at the horizon. "He has...go get the old man out of that tavern. I'll get Nesilia and we will head out." Han Yi said and turned to enter the cottage. Ye Yuyan went into the street and humming a tune on his walk. Some children ran past him with parents yelling at them to stop from their stores. Ye Yuyan laughed at the sight and continued walking until he got to the bar. He entered and saw Maven asleep at the bar with various bottles scattered near him. Su Yan was still up as he was grabbing and cleaning the cups. "Brother Ye! Good morning." Su Yan chuckled as he stopped his cleaning. "Good morning to you too, Brother Yan. How did Brother Lin sleep?" Ye Yuyan asked kindly. "Hopefully well, since he got so much of it." Su Yan wryly joked as he shook Maven. "Wake up Brother Lin, Brother Ye is here for you." Su Yan said with a bit of annoyance as Maven refused to wake up. "Huh, Ji Shu?" Maven grunted as he got up from the bar. "Is it time to leave?" He said as he wiped his eyes and face to see better. "Yeah, wash up and get over to the gate quickly." Ye Yuyan laughed as he left the bar and went outside. "Goodbye Brother Yan, may we meet again." Ye Yuyan smiled as he left and waved with turning his back. "Till we meet again." Su Yan laughed as he gave Maven a bowl filled with water. As Ye Yuyan walked around on the streets, people would gaze at him. Everyone of his motions were ethereal and elegant. He was soon in front of the gate where Han Yi, Nesilia, and a gatekeeper stood. "Good tidings to you and your companions, your highness." The old man said kindly "Also thank you to you for talking with my son." Elder Yan said to Ye Yuyan thankfully. "It was no problem, your son is quite the prodigy." Ye Yuyan chuckled warmly and responded. "Either way thank you." Elder Yan said one more with sincerity. "Thank you for your hospitality but we must continue our journey." Han Yi said in a flat tone, Elder Yan saluted the prince before pushing open the gates. As they spoke Maven walked in and joined the group and standing behind Ye Yuyan. They walked out of the gate surrounded by various trees in a dense forest. The trees slowly curved up as the mountains started, as they walked away from the gate there was a dragging noise. Looking back they could see the gates slowly close. ********************* The group journeyed through the mountain for days before they encountered any life. But it was mostly mountain beasts like wolves and snakes. None of which were a match for the group, the whole time Han Yi stood at the front guiding them. Ye Yuyan spent most of the time gazing around and occasionally he would talk to Maven about the sword, amazing him with increasingly high understanding. "Are you aiming to be a sword cultivator?" Maven asked slightly puzzled. "No, not at all. I don't have the talent to be a dual cultivator. At best I can only get some accomplishment in the frost dao. I only use the sword to clear my mind." Ye Yuyan said as he shook his head. "That makes a lot of sense." Maven said with realization. They continued to talk as they scaled the mountain for a less than a day. Occasionally Han Yi would furrow his brows with frustration and change directions. Other times he would stand still and wait for a while before moving. "We're here!" Han Yi said as he suddenly stopped they had scaled the mountain for a few miles before they decided to stop. There was already some frost on the ground by this point and the wind blew intensely. In front of them was a tree almost completely encased in ice. Han Yi stared at the tree for a moment before speaking. "Nesilia and Ji Shu, divine it." Han Yi coldly commanded, Nesilia and Ye Yuyan walked up to the tree and each took a side. Nesilia removed her grimoire as she summoned a black chalice that radiated a white mist. Ye Yuyan raised his palm and placed it on the ice block. The chilly energies entered into his hand making him shiver a little bit. The white mists surrounded the tree as it attempted to seep into the ice block. Ye Yuyan unraveled the frost laws and holes started to appear on the ice it was melting. The white mist entered through the holes and made the laws dissipate at a faster rate. Ye Yuyan took his hands off the ice block and looked at Han Yi with a knowing smile. "You needed Gulan for this too?" He smugly joked, Han Yi didn't bother to dignify that with a response. But just his expression was enough to tell it was true. Gulan was a pawn for Han Yi to learn the truths that Illathar had mastered so that they could open the seal to the immortal graveyard. But Ye Yuyan came along and killed Gulan stealing the truth for himself. As the ice block completely melted away, the tree started to pulse with vitality. The pulse grew faster and faster as green energies intertwined together and suddenly the tree blew up into smithereens. The frost all around them completely dissipated leaving only a verdant mountain. Taking the place of the tree was a black swirling vortex. Leaking from the vortex were dark and heavy energies that swirled around the portal. "Shall we?" Han Yi with a devious and cocky smile.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2087", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.14: Immortal Graveyard", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Clouds gathered in the sky and from the skies came red rain which cascaded across the land. Each heavy drop dyed the land in a dreadful solemness, the darkness of the clouds deepening with the formation of puddles. Looking closer the clouds covered all of the lands with the exception of one area. At the center of the land was a range with mountains littered all around closely clustered to one another. In the areas with gaps were strange valleys and other natural formations. Flying at the edge of this mountain range was an immortal man dressed in immaculate white robes. Embroidered on the white robes was a swirling black line. He laid back while stroking his white goatee and staring down at the mountain. "Another king falls and the final era grows closer." The immortal chuckled as he looked down upon the mountain. The clouds fully gathered started to rumble, and then thunder roared from the heavens. A terrifying 9 colored light emanated from the heavens as it spread across the realm. The immortal man looked towards the bottom of the mountain and was greeted by a pair of cold eyes. Sitting in meditation was an emaciated dead man. His eyes were deep pools of mystery and obscurity that saw through the flying immortal. "Hehe." The dead man chuckled as he looked towards the heavens. His disturbing laughter echoed like death throes as the 9 colored light descended into an array of lightning bolts onto the dead man. The 9 colored light streamed along the corpse, the intense energies disintegrated the grass and foliage around him. Yet the corpse remained intact as the light shot into his glabella. As the stream of light settled on the corpse; the clouds faded away and all that remained hanging in the sky was an ominous bloody moon. "A red moon." The immortal proclaimed with a sinister tone. *********** On a strange mountainous area, a handsome young man was walking along a mountain path. He had long flowing black hair and deep black eyes that shined like an abyss. He was wearing black robes and held a pink bamboo umbrella with both hands. He strolled gracefully along the mountain path gazing at the beauty of nature with the serenity of a painting. After a few minutes of lighthearted walking, he reached a bustling village. The umbrella shined with a 9 colored light that alerted him. He quietly stared at the village while thinking, then he sealed his umbrella and approached the village. A few children ran around in front of the village laughing joyfully. Houses spalled from the village walls increasing in quality as one grew closer to the center. At the center was a pagoda with a dragon coiling around it. A strange aura was gathering around it and two masked men stood guard. The young man's eyes flashed with a curious glint as he entered the village. Various villagers walked about and looked at the young man with fleeting glances. "You there! You must be new!" A voice shouted towards the young man as he was walking. His gaze landed on an old man sitting in front of a small inn. It had a rustic feel to it and was built of wood and stone. "Why I am, is this your home?" The young man said with a smile spread across his face. An amicable air seemed to surround him. "Indeed, this is my home and my inn. You must be a wanderer if you need a place to stay we have great prices." The old man smiled as he motioned his hand for a handshake. "I'll take you up on that offer." the young man said as he shook the old man's hand. Then he reached into his robe and handed him a gold piece. The old man motioned for the young man to follow him. "So where'd you come from?" The old man asked as they walked across the inn dodging the tables and chairs. "I come from the Eastern lands and have wandered aimlessly for quite a while. What about you?" The young man asked "Me? I'm homegrown although I had a phase like you. I wandered around the mountains, with my home being the open sky. The sights, the sounds, the smells, they were all amazing." The old man said as his eyes shined with reminiscence. "But I am not young anymore and it's too dangerous these days. With all those wandering beasts and fallen, what can a mortal do to survive?" The old man sighed. "It is indeed hard. I've had a few close encounters. How is this village doing?" The young man asked with a solemn tone. "Great, ever since Lord Gulan took the helm we haven't had a beast attack." The old man said. "I haven't properly introduced myself, I am Li Lan. Most people call me Old Lan." Old Lan said "Mhm, I am called Ye Yuyan….no nicknames or titles." Ye Yuyan said kindly back. "Well, this will be your room. Dinner is at 6 pm, and we serve drinks till 2 am. Feel free to come down. My wife makes the best wine in the village, the three bitter blossoms the best around. " Old Lan said as he pointed to a room on the second floor. The room was small and only had a chest and a desk. There was a small bed at the corner of the room and a small window. "Hmm….this will do nicely, thank you." Ye Yuyan said as he moved over to the desk. Old Lan taking a hint locked the door and walked down the stairs. Ye Yuyan sat at the desk and reached into his robes. He removed three scrolls and laid them out in front of him. He then opened a drawer to the desk and took out a quill and an inkwell. He reached into his robe and took out a black runic dagger. With a swift motion, he cut his left palm and squeezed his fist. The blood congealed into one drop of blood that dripped into the inkwell. The red drop of blood seemed to tinge the ink. A searing smoke came from the well and a malevolent demon face appeared. Soon after it faded and the ink was a deep red. Ye Yuyan dipped the quill in the inkwell and started to write on the scroll. His elegant calligraphy moved with grace and speed. He wrote a few words and then engraved intricate runes in a circle. In the center of the circle was a strange demonic face of a fat oiled man with fangs and horns. "This is where the scent of my power ends..." Ye Yuyan smirked as he sealed up the scroll. Then he put it in his robes and stood up. He walked down to the first floor of the inn, the inn had been filled up by now. A few rowdy young men drank and danced in a bustle around the inn. Ye Yuyan passed each of them and approached the bar. "Waiter, 3 Bitter Blossoms Wine please." Ye Yuyan asked the kindly middle-aged man on the other side of the bar. He looked over at Ye Yuyan's graceful bearing, he assumed him to be a prodigious young master. He moved quickly and gave him a ceramic cup and poured the wine. Ye Yuyan took the cup and downed it quickly, it had a bitter and burning taste. It burned his throat as it moved to rest in his stomach. He released a calm exhaling sigh then he looked to the corner of the first floor. He saw Old Lan holding a wine cup as he filled it with a smile. Sitting down in front of him was a young man. He was wearing sun embroidered golden attire and had golden hair and golden sword brows. He had a domineering aura about him and near him were two black cloaked men. They emanated a powerful bloodlust as they casually stood at his side. "Old Lan, your wife really makes the finest wine!" The young man laughed as he downed the wine. "Thank you for the compliments, Young Master Li Nan." Old Lan said with a courteous ingratiating tone. "I'll have to talk to Lord Gulan to collect more. After all, you must be making a lot off this wine." Li Nan laughed boisterously. "Uhh...but si-si sire, we are paying all that we can to his Lord…." Old Lan reluctantly stuttered, his fear made him spill a bit of the wine on Li Nan's robes. Li Nan's face boiled with fury at that moment. "You filthy peasant, to dare soil my clothes! Make it triple the payment, no negotiations. Or else your little inn will become a tavern." Li Nan rebuked with a cold voice "But sire we cannot afford that…." Old Lan begged. "Well then, you can't afford your life! Guards detain this man!" Li Nan barked out in a domineering fashion. The two bloodthirsty guards quickly moved. Both jumped at Old Lan as they extended their demonic palms out, their hands looked like wolf claws! Old Lan shrunk back in fear as they attacked his throat. As Old Lan fell back, a gust of wind traveled at a high speed. It went past Old Lan and collided with the guards, whose bodies flew back and hit a wall. All of a sudden their bodies started to shine with a black light and they flailed in pain. Li Nan looked stunned as he turned towards the source of the wind. Then his eyes landed on Ye Yuyan, who in his hands held an empty scroll. The black light from the guards seemed attracted to it. The scroll consumed the baleful aura and seemed to start drawing. It drew the face of two ugly horned demons. Ye Yuyan sealed the scroll and put it in his robes. Then his cold gaze landed on Li Nan, and he started to smirk. 'I sense no demonic presence on him.' Ye Yuyan thought as he coldly assessed Li Nan. "Wh….wh….what are you doing? This is the village of Lord Gulan, no exorcists are allowed." Li Nan stuttered out. "Heh, who said I was an exorcist?" Ye Yuyan laughed as his eyes shined blood red. A strange aura came from his body and everyone in the inn who looked at Ye Yuyan seemed to be hypnotized. A few started to fall down out of exhausted and slowly everyone passed out. Li Nan tried to resist but the urge to sleep was too powerful. His body slumped over the table and fell down to the ground. The only person left standing in the inn was Ye Yuyan. His eyes returned to its normal black color.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1880", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - Start of V.1-Ch.1: Red Moon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Nesilia's holy aura shot into the skies like a beacon slashing through the remnant sword auras. The divine mists gathered together around her aura. She raised her right hand and shot out as her Chaste Divine Body released its holy splendor. The divine mists gathered together forming a palm that covered the skies. "Die!" She roared from the top her lungs, the palm descended tumbled from the highest layer of the atmosphere destroying everything in its path. The crushing weight of a mountain fell on top of the valley, the air rippled from the sheer gravity and friction. Even the immolation flames went out, as the palm passed through generating a tempest. The intense fluctuations of the holy aura burst through the heavens as it slammed down towards the Cardinals. Emily's eyes narrowed and suddenly a golden aura burst from her body, behind her appeared a silhouette of a woman in a golden dress. "Cardinal Black, release your power. Su Yan help me!" She commanded as powerful golden sword forces gathered on her body. She released her aura blew her propelling her into the sky shooting through the air like a meteor. "Yes, your highness!" Su Yan responded with vigor as his a yellow-robed young man emerged from behind him. This was an aspect but it was not able to fully leave his body, as the lower body remained fused in Su Yan's back. Su Yan unsheathed the sword by his waist and injected his sword forces into it causing it to shine in yellow light. Su Yan and Emily stood side by side as they gathered their sword forces in unison. Emily was first to move as her eyes flashed with a golden light as a powerful sword intent burst through to the heavens, she fused the power with her right arm as she punched out. "Golden Firmament Fist!" She roared as a golden fist shot towards the palm. Su Yan joined in releasing his own yellow sword intent, this intent was weaker but not by much. With his sword intent surging the light on his sword grew as it burst into the skies, Su Yan held the great sword of light slashing down while yelling: "Sun's Fury!" Cardinal Black was the last to move, his bulky body took the front of the formation switching places with Cardinal Red. Green, Red, and Blue sword forces gathered from the formation into his body. His body became saturated in thick sword forces as they blended together turning black. The powerful sword force caused the air to tremble and dissipate into nothingness. Suddenly Cardinal Black jumped into the skies, stepping on the air as he ascended to the incoming palm. The rest of the Cardinals followed suit as they kept the formation connected behind Cardinal Black. "Fourth Sword: Into the void!" The black sword force slashed the heavens, cutting into the void. The three attacks stirred heavenly powers, as the palm descended onto the valley. The attacks collided and suddenly everything stopped as the powers exploded out. "Break for me!" Nesilia yelled as the palm suddenly grew even stronger, the weight of crushing mountains bore down on the sword beams crushing them instantly. "Move back!" Emily yelled at the top of her lungs when suddenly she felt her sword intent shatter. "Argh!" She grunted as she spat up blood, Su Yan was next as his sword intent shattered as well. He flew back a few meters before stabilizing himself. The starry sky ruptured as it transformed into the extreme void, absent of all life and being. Cardinal Black's face turned ashen as his sword beam was consumed by the void. The sheer power of their attack forced open the fabric of the world. Nesilia's palm bore down on the valley causing it to depress a few inches, the palm's energy decreased as it grew closer to the ground. Suddenly it slammed onto the ground causing the valley to rumble. "Arrrg!" The four cardinals grunted as their formation was broken open and their bodies were thrown like ragdolls into the valley walls. Ash and debris flew into the sky leaving trails of soot everywhere. the dust obscured the entire valley entrance. On the ground was a strange depression in the shape of a palm. Nesilia fell to her knees as she took deep breathes until she nearly choked on air. Her divine aura started to dissipate as the white aura receded back into her body. The moonlight shone on her body revealing a pale and bloodless face. As the soot started to settle, Nesilia noticed that in the air was a strange yellow distortion. The distortion faded away revealing Su Yan and Emily, who had over their bodies a thin barrier and behind them were their aspects. Nesilia coughed out soot and ash as she dusted off her body and stood up. "I see, you both fused with your aspects to protect yourselves..." Nesilia said as she closed her eyes in defeat. Cultivators cultivate in truth and truth takes the form of a totem. But truth is not the end of one's journey so truth and totems must evolve. So the next step is to fuse one's will with their totem and truths to comprehend heaven and earth. From this comprehension, comes the laws of heaven and earth that rank 4 experts and above command. When a rank 4 expert fuses with their aspect, they can transcend physical attacks and become extremely resistant to all forms of magic. The gap between rank 3 and rank 4 is a chasm that is almost impossible to bridge! "Song Yue, We'll give you one more chance to surrender. We only want to destroy that tombstone and nothing more." Su Yan as he stared down on Nesilia's defeated form. "That won't be happening." A voice echoed out from the void in the sky. Emily's gaze flitted towards the void, she looked to see a red lotus emerge. It revolved slowly as it lowered towards Nesilia in seconds before they could react, a red barrier formed around Nesilia's body. "Demon Ye! I dare you to appear in your true form." Emily yelled with bared teeth, she looked like a wild animal ready to bite. "Heh, so you know my name? What good will it do you?" Ye Yuyan's will chuckled as Nesilia sat atop the red lotus in lotus form. She closed her eyes and quietly meditated as if nothing were happening in the outside world. "Brother Su Yan, I see that you've finally revealed your colors." Ye Yuyan's will joked as Su Yan's eyes filled with disdain. Su Yan lifted his chin and coldly intoned: "I have no relation to a demon such as yourself." "I see..." Ye Yuyan's will said slowly as the red lotus spun at Nesilia's feet. The red lotus below Nesilia started to levitate as it ascended to the sky. But Emily and Su Yan didn't stand idly, they both released their aspects as they gathered sword forces to attack once again. "Well then brother, you can burn in hell!" Ye Yuyan's will laughed as the engraving on the tombstone started to shine as the scarlet flames grew ascending towards the heavens. The flames danced in the skies as they engulfed in the valley in seconds. Emily's eyes narrowed as she saw the flames approach her cardinals. "NOOO!!!" She roared as she released a desperate volley of golden fists gathering all the forces around her in a manic plea to save them from the flames. She conjured a golden barrier on her body and flew straight down into the flames. Ye Yuyan's distorted cackles echoed throughout the valley entering into Emily and Su Yan's ears like a taunt. "As for that tombstone, well I planned to destroy myself anyway." Ye Yuyan said as the red lotus flew faster as it broke through the flames heading over the valley towards the sky. Su Yan hesitated for a moment as he stared at Nesilia's form which grew further and further. He looked down to see Emily desperately fighting away the flames as she grabbed Cardinal Green and conjured a barrier around the little boy. Su Yan gritted his teeth as he conjured his own barrier and flew into the flames to save the other cardinals. Suddenly the sky parted revealing a world of lightning, the red lotus punctured a hole in the barrier of lightning and Nesilia disappeared into it. The lightning barrier seethed with electrical fluctuations as the rift was sealed up in moments. Su Yan and Emily each grabbed two of the cardinals and hid inside their barriers. The flames danced igniting the entire valley in a macabre hue, the massive tombstone at the center started to show cracks as it crumbled under the vermilion flames. "Damn it, we need to leave!" Emily growled as the flames slammed against her barrier. Su Yan and Emily's conjured barriers started to show cracks, both their sword auras started to decrease. They quickly dashed towards the ends of the valley, both their forms shot through the flames as they held onto the Cardinals.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "3393", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.35: Vermillion Flames", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan's winter robes swayed with the wind as a black scroll rapidly unfurled in front of him. Along it was a 9 colored lightning bolt that looked as if it had been inked in. It bled along the scroll trying to escape, the sight of which horrified the Third Prince. "You sealed it?!? How?" Han Yi said in a disbelieving and horrified tone. "A myriad of things are mutually restricted." Ye Yuyan said mysteriously "This lightning may be special but this scroll has a mutual origin." Ye Yuyan laughed as he furled the scroll with one motion. He snapped his fingers and the snowflakes on his robes dissipated. The robes went back to the deep black color it originally was. Ye Yuyan's eerie black eyes landed on Yunshi and Knighted Maven who were sitting on the rubble of a house. Noticing his gaze they both rapidly moved, Nesilia did the same as they jumped near the tower remains. Scattered around were various icicles and remnant electrical powers. In the distance was a monstrous roar that echoed throughout the forests, mountains, and valleys. Beams of blue energy blasted into the sky in various directions creating beautiful lights. "He's heard me calling, he'll come soon enough." Ye Yuyan laughed as his eyes focused on the sky. "Are you crazy?" Nesilia asked concerningly "No not at all this would happen anyways." He chuckled as Knighted Maven's eyes focused on the sky. "He won't be able to make it back here for a while. We're safe if we can get away soon." Maven said with a serious tone. "So what do you say?" Ye Yuyan teased as he gauged for a response. "You..." Han Yi silently uttered. Yunshi walked to his side away from Knighted Maven. "I agree with him." Yunshi casually commented but that was enough for Han Yi. "Understood." He said to Yunshi and turned towards Ye Yuyan. "So you figured out the plan then you'd best explain your plan." Han Yi said impatiently "Thank you." Ye Yuyan said graciously as he reached into his robes and removed 3 different scrolls which he threw out into the sky. Each scroll unfurled vertically on its own and Ye Yuyan took out a quill from his robe. He tapped on the ground in various parts, as Illathar's blue energies came from the ground and entered into each scroll. "He's divining!" Nesilia said with serious concentration As each bit of slaughter qi condensed into the scrolls, they started to hum and rapidly vibrate. When saturated with slaughter qi, the scrolls shot out blue beams. The energies stretched out across the sky heading off into some distant area. "My plan is simple really, the moment Illathar materialized each step left a bit of his presence." Ye Yuyan said as the blue beams left a visible blue hue in the sky. "Right now he is in search of the robber of the tribulation gourd. So we can follow his steps right to the first place he'd check." Ye Yuyan laughed deviously "The Immortal Graveyard!" Han Yi yelled with realization. "Exactly, that's where we can find the inheritance you've been seeking." Ye Yuyan said with a cool smirk. "You have quite a talent for demon sealing." Yunshi commented as his eyes focused on the blue hues in the sky. "As you've noticed I have a bit of Illathar's power. I released it so that we could distract it and get to the graves before it could." Ye Yuyan responded back "So will you work with me?" Ye Yuyan said as his eyes scanned across Yunshi, Maven, Nesilia, and finally landing on Han Yi. "You're really something else kid." Knighted Maven laughed tacitly approving the cooperation. Han Yi looked at Yunshi who casually nodded and Nesilia who looked determined. "Fine, we can work together." Han Yi said unwittingly "But don't forget your place." He said as he turned away and started jumping on the houses. Knighted Maven chuckling followed behind him as Yunshi followed them. Han Yi's eyes focused on the blue trail in the sky as he followed it intently. "You're quite the headache." Nesilia commented as she rubbed her temples. "I know." Ye Yuyan snickered as he jumped and followed the group with Nesilia following by his side. "So about that trade from earlier." Nesilia said with a snicker of her own. ****************************** The group ran forward following the blue trail for a few days, they took a few breaks along the way. During those times each of the members would pick a place to meditate for a few hours. The group stopped by a small town by the bottom of one of the mountains. Han Yi landed in front of the town gates and behind him came Maven and Yunshi. Then after a few moments, Ye Yuyan and Nesilia came behind them. "We'll stay here for a while. Yunshi will be following the trail for now." Han Yi said as he turned to Yunshi who nodded in response. Then with the blue fur of Illathar on his back, he jumped over the town and went back into the mountain range. 'Hopefully that catalyst works.' Ye Yuyan thought as he looked at the fur on Yunshi's back. This was a part of the plan, Yunshi distracts Illathar and when it's all clear we go around the mountains and enter into the immortal graveyard. Han Yi flashed a token with a 9 pointed star to the guards and they saluted Han Yi with fervor and opened the gates. One of the gatekeepers guided us through the streets of the town. The people hid inside of their houses with a few conversing on their porches. I could see some children and adults guardedly peaking through the window to look at us. Such suspicion was not uncommon in an area so close of terrifying beasts. In a way, they live like beasts under the threat of death looking around every corner. "Your Eminence! These are our finest quarters, I hope they are to your liking." The gatekeeper said with his reverence unhidden. In front of us was a stately aristocratic home, it built from fine wood and various metals and stones which were crafted by skillful artisans. "This will do Elder, we won't impose and will each take a room." Han Yi said thankfully as he entered the building. The elder scanned Nesilia, Maven, and I as we entered the building. The elder was someone from the Verulyim capital on standby. Both gatekeepers tend to be high ranking knights who have been successfully knighted. Knighted warriors are special compared to regular Chivalrous warriors. They have been granted a totem that can focus their forces making them significantly more powerful. A knighted warrior was not as powerful as a true knight but they are on the path to becoming one. Once they entered the building Han Yi inspected each room slowly, his perception focused on every crevice of each room. After a few moments, he turned to Nesilia, Maven, and I. "Yunshi will be back in a few days, we will venture out then. Until then keep your conditions to the peak." Han Yi said as a warning before venturing himself to the far left most room and taking it for himself. "I'm going to go look around and maybe try some wine. Would you like to come with boyo." Knighted Maven joked as he probed for a response from Ye Yuyan. "Maybe another time." Ye Yuyan said with a charming smile. "Suit yourself, how about you; young lady?" Maven said with a devious smile. "I'll also pass." She coldly said "Kids these days." Maven shook his head and walked off into the town laughing uproariously. "Ji Shu! I still want that information." Nesilia proclaimed with a demanding tone. "Song...yes I can trade for that." Ye Yuyan mumbled to himself as he removed a scroll from his robe. "I've already written information about my scrolls and their origin on here. You can also study it if you so wish." He said coolly but waves of excitement seethed inside of Nesilia as she stared at the scroll. "Are you serious?!?" She said hesitantly. "An inheritance for another, a fair deal I would say." Ye Yuyan calmly responded. "Alright but all I can offer you in the initial stages of Augury and some of my family's history." She said with hope. "I don't expect any more than that." Ye Yuyan said with a serene smile. "Then here's what I have." She took out a grimoire labeled "Divination: Augury" and handed it to Ye Yuyan. "Learn what you can but return it before we leave." She said with a full smile as she took the scroll and went to a room near Han Yi and locked it. Ye Yuyan stood in the hallway by himself and couldn't help but be lost in thought. 'So this is your inheritance, Song Qian' He thought somberly 'Regardless our paths separated then and our sentiments passed with time. All that's left for me is fulfilling my heart's wish.' Ye Yuyan thought as a cold light flashed in his eyes.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2083", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.11: Divination Dao", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
=====Cultivation Levels Rank 1-6===== ***Spoilers*** Each of these corresponds to a cultivation path used by the world at large, every one of them has both a rank and a title. Such as Rank 1 Apprentice for Chivalry vs a Rank 1 Exorcist for sealing. The last path is the Revolutions path cultivated by the Main Character he has cultivated to the Fourth revolution in the recent chapters. I will add more to this as the cultivation develops, but this is all that there is currently. **************** Human Cultivation Chivalry, Sealing, Bloodline, Blood Sect Ranks, Revolutions Watershed: The cultivator must use either a code, sacrament, or ancestral bloodline to take the rights of power condensing their first truth. Rank 1: Apprentice, Exorcist, Awakener, Blood Sect Disciple, 1st Revolution: Frost Rank 2:Knighted, Sin Sealer, Catalyzer, Blood Sect Untitled Warrior, 2nd Revolution: Metal Rank 3:True Knight, Fiend Sealer, Refiner, Blood Sect Titled Warrior, 3rd Revolution: Yin Watershed: Cultivator must combine their totem, truths, and soul together to condense an Aspect before stepping into the Ranks of 4 and above. From this point on the cultivate in laws to manifest their Dao. Rank 4:Lord Knight, Lord Sealer, Essence lord, Blood Sect Elder, 4th Revolution: Lightning Quasi Rank 5: Supreme Elders of the Blood Sect's Factions Rank 5:Grand Knight, Prince Sealer, D. Essence Lord, Blood Sect Lords, 5th Revolution: ??? Rank 6:Paladin, Duke Sealer, T. Essence Lord, 6th Revolution: ??? Watershed: ??? Rank 7: ??? *************** Demon Cultivation Evil form, Slaughter Qi, Authority Watershed: The demon must first awaken its power of sin and become awakened. Rank 1: Awakening Rank 2: Tempters Rank 3: Fiends Watershed: The demon must use the power of its followers and sin to comprehend a law stepping into the next level. Rank 4: Lords of hell Rank 5: Princes of hell Rank 6: Dukes of hell Watershed: ??? Rank ???: Primal Emanations
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "4380", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - End of V.0-Ch.1: Cultivation levels", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan stepped out of the black vortex along with the rest of the group. Around them were two high mountainous walls and scattered on the ground were various ashes. The whole world looked of gray, and the sky was dark with no stars glittering nor a moon shining. Along the valley walls were small indents that were filled with various black weeds, they extended deep into the valley. The black vortex still spun behind Ye Yuyan and others as they stared deep into the dark valley. "We have at best a few hours before this vortex seals again. It's harder to get out then it is to get in so we mustn't pass the deadline." Han Yi warned the group. "Ye Yuyan, you can guide us for the rest." Han Yi spoke with no expression on his face as he gestured for Ye Yuyan to take his place. Ye Yuyan stopped talking to Maven and walked to the front of the group. As he walked forward there was a crunching sound beneath him coming from the weeds. He kept vigilant as his eyes scanned across each section of the valley they strode across. He walked 40 meters before stopping and tapping the ground once and closed his eyes to concentrate. He raised one finger and added a second before continuing. Ye Yuyan took a crunching step before he suddenly went stiff. His perception extended out a few meters yet all he could perceive was total darkness. Noticing his stiffness Maven, Nesilia, and Han Yi all became guarded. "Don't make any sudden movements..." Ye Yuyan whispered quietly as he reached into his robe. He removed a black runic dagger. He gripped the handle with the blade facing down. Maven's hand slowly moved towards his sheath and Nesilia gripped her grimoire tighter. Only Han Yi seemed completely unperturbed as he made no movements. Ye Yuyan swung his dagger in front of him as a black claw inundated with black flames slammed against it. All that could be heard was a loud demonic shriek and the sound of clanging from the sharp claws and the dagger. Ye Yuyan pushed forward forcing away the claw as it shrieked once again, "SSSCCCREEECCCHHHH." From the shadows emerged a shadowy monster with two sharp claws. All over its body were constantly constricting and expanding black flames. It's red beady eyes scanned over the group as it's demonic tongue slobbered. "One?" Maven said as he stared all around them. "No much more than that." Nesilia mumbled nervously as she gripped her grimoire tighter. "Damn beasts!" Han Yi roared from his throat, his angry vibrating voice amplified by many levels. Suddenly he exploded into an intense pool of lightning, Maven and Nesilia moved back a step as Han Yi's lightning expanded rapidly. Before the lightning pool could finish forming, fifteen more beasts roared out of the shadows and jumped through the lightning. Arcs of lightning bounced around in the pool slamming into one of the beasts leading. Its skin became seared and burned which left an awful smell. But the beast still proceeded through the forming lightning pool. "ARRRGGGHHH" The beasts shrieked as they trekked through the lightning pool. Everyone stood behind Han Yi as his lightning guarded them all. They were less than 1 foot away from Han Yi's body at the center of the lightning pool. A beast reached out with its black claw swinging forward with the sword like nails. Its flesh was continually seared by the lightning which increased its anxious efforts to harm Han Yi. The beasts piled on top of each swinging out with demonic shrieks and suddenly Han Yi took a step back and covered his face. Blood started to drip from his cheeks as black mist tried to enter through the cut. "Scram!" Han Yi roared with furious furrowed brows, the lightning around him seethed as he clenched his teeth harder and harder. The lightning exploded completely illuminating the shadows and burning the beasts at a high speed. Their flesh turned into smoke, the bones into ashes, and their essence into nihility. The lightning continued to grow as arches of it slammed into the valley walls. The group moved back quickly avoiding Han Yi's intense electrical powers. Han Yi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The lightning around him started to cool and gathered around his body. Only when the lightning completely receded onto his body did he finally exhale. 'What a horrifying power, to completely exterminate them.' Ye Yuyan couldn't help but remark. Han Yi adjusted his breathing for a moment then he coldly stared and Ye Yuyan and said: "Continue on." Ye Yuyan nodded his head and crossed the sea of ashes. There was still some remnant lightning crackling on the ground as he walked across and started divining once again. He raised his right arm and counted a few figures before taking a step and doing it once again. As Ye Yuyan was occupied with divining each step through the valley, Maven and Nesilia started to converse. "All these horrifying hell warriors, their strength is no less than a 2nd step warrior." Maven said with a shaking voice. Nesilia couldn't help but gulp herself. What they deal with are demons and fallen, Fallen are humans that use heretical powers. Hell warriors are fallen that made pacts or were used in demonic rituals and became transformed into beings of pure devil qi. So rarely are hell warriors themselves that strong because the strength of the warrior depends on the strength of the demon. "Don't worry that was most of Illathar's hell warriors. It took most of his energy to cross from the other side." Han Yi consoled them with a knowing tone. At that moment Ye Yuyan suddenly stopped and sat down. He closed his eyes and started to calculate, he flicked his robe sleeve and a scroll appeared in his hand. In his other hand appeared a quill and then he started to draw at an extremely fast speed. His elegant and swift lines coiled together as if alive. In a few moments, the picture was complete! It was a vivid slab of black marble stabbed into the ground. Ye Yuyan threw the scroll up to the sky with one hand and the ink bled off the scroll. The long drips of ink dripped onto the ground and then spots of blue and glittered appeared like holes in the sky. Slowly the various spots grew and intertwined becoming larger and larger from the biggest hole one could see the true sky. Moonlight from a grand immemorial era illuminated the valley and the glittering vault of heaven revealed all secrets. The darkness receded in front of Ye Yuyan as if fleeing into the valley. With each passing second more and more of the valley became illuminated. The first place where the darkness passed was a massive slab of black marble that reached to the top of the valley. Behind the marble were more and smaller slabs of black. After the smaller slabs were shallow holes and wooden slabs, and beyond that were nothing but black ashes. "This is...." Nesilia stuttered out dumbfounded. "The Immortal Graveyard." Han Yi said with a bit of childlike wonder, he couldn't help but smirk. "All these bodies..." Maven gulped as he tried to find the end of the graveyard but it extended far off into the horizon. "Here lies my body with heaven as my witness." Ye Yuyan read off the black slab as he stood up from the ground. As everyone was captivated by the graveyard, Han Yi reached into his pocket and removed a letter. He opened it and on it was already a letter extending halfway down the paper. But suddenly red letters started to manifest on the remaining part of the paper. Han Yi's brows furrowed as he clenched his teeth and fist all at once. "We need to move, Yunshi couldn't keep Illathar away for long he's coming soon!" Han Yi warned with an anxious tone. "How long?" Maven asked nonchalantly, Han Yi looked confused by Maven's tone but he still responded: "Thirty minutes at best." "Good...that'll be more than enough." Maven chuckled sinisterly and suddenly reached for his sword sheath. With one swift motion, he drew his rusty sword and swung out at Han Yi with a dominating silver sword beam. Han Yi's eyes turned into slits as he tried to dodge back. But due to surprise he lost his balance and was thrown back by the sword beam hitting the valley wall. "What are you doing?!?!" Nesilia said as her eyes opened wide with confusion. "Hahaha." Maven laughed uproariously as he grabbed the hilt of his sword and stabbed it into the ground. The rust started to peel off revealing a pristine white sword that shined like moonlight. The ground erupted with steam that shot out of everywhere. The steam condensed into a strong fog that completely engulfed the whole valley. Maven's body started to peel apart as well, the layers of skin and clothes completely disappeared. His originally bald head grew long luscious white hair, and his wrinkles vanished. What was left of a Maven was a handsome and young man with a sword that shined like moonlight and the transcendent demeanor of an expert.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2088", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.15: True Face", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Author's Thoughts: This is a lore chapter and is not necessary to read to understand the story. You can just read the book and these facts will be relayed. ********************** Remote Antiquity: Since time immemorial humanity has lived under the threat of beings of other worlds. The greatest of these threats lied in the Demon Race. They are a vicious and cruel race that preys on humanity's greatest cardinal sins and uses that against them. In the time before the first bearer, humanity lived in the dark unable extradite itself. Then one day a tree stretching to the firmament was born and a child to accompany it, this was the Primordial Bearer of the Azure Wood Great Tree. He united humanity and founded the wood dao, with his own vital essence he imbibed humanity with great vitality and fighting power. This was the first appearance of body refining in history. With the prestige of the tree of life, he deterred all the devils from entering the world. The otherworldly beings took offense as they took action to weaken the tree life, and then the sun was born. The man who could only survive underneath the great tree found refuge underneath the sun. Which drove out the terrifying beasts and devils from the world, and from it was born another child the True Bearer of the Sun. He commanded a terrifying 7 colored flame and formed a race of vermillion birds that served humanity. They swept through the realm burning all devils to cinders. After he founded his dao, he incinerated the 12 otherworldly bloodlines and granted their ashes to 12 of the most powerful humans and created the 12 king bloodlines. He would later take 3 palms from the Demon King Asmodeus and left unscathed. With otherworldly beings furious they planned to enter the earth again and control the humans properly this time. But as they entered the realm hundreds of chains appeared from the shadows of each man. Where there is light there will be darkness, with the Sun Bearer's era of light ending came the era of darkness. The shadow chains restricted the beings and then was born the Bringer of Twilight and Bearer of Darkness. He inherited the will of the Sun Bearer and collaborated on a plan. He established the shadow dao and taught humans the way of the devils. He hid the human civilizations in the dark as he fought devils and other beings. The end of the Twilight Bringer marked the end of Remote Antiquity and the start of a new era. Far Antiquity: In the new Era, all that remained were remnant of the primal emanations. Humanity's greatest threats were the devils and beasts on earth. But the emanations were devious and schemed against humanity, without any bearer they lacked the power to fight back. Humanity had always been able to use a Dao, since the time of the Primordial bearer. They had intense vital forces and the wood dao, in the time of the Sun bearer they had their king bloodlines and intense flames, in the time of the Bearer of Darkness they had shadow forces and shadow chains. But now they had nothing and then from the earth formed a new bearer, He would bear the weight of the world; The World Bearer. He represented the rise of humanity from that moment on, he created a brand new school the Earth Dao. He slowly revived the ashes of a dead world inch by inch, repairing all the dead valleys and mountains. He bore the weight of the planet and hope of the world as he made humanity rise. But as with all previous bearers after his fall humanity started to decline as his school started to disappear from the earth. One day a special human who inherited a king bloodline was struck down by a tribulation bolt and survived. He accidentally bore the power of heaven and became the Bearer of Adversity, as he bore the adversity that would one day strike humanity. He absorbed various legendary bolts of lightning and fought off the emanations again. He established the Legendary Tribulation Dao, which with its special attributes from being heaven's way could see certain things. Of all the Bearers, he was the most aloof from human affairs. He was also one of the most powerful, completely invincible in his era. No devil dared to step foot on the earth during his time. With the end of his era, the world stayed stable although his school was fading, humanity was busy progressing and improving. At that time, nature gave birth to another bearer. This bearer was born to the Song family of the Eastern Lands. She bore a white lotus that was completely unstained. No one could touch her or approach her unless they were a strong cultivator of at least rank 3. The Bearer of the White Lotus started establishing various paths at this time, the divination, the augury, the second sight, and prophecy. She was given the nickname of mind bearer, and slowly her various paths started to come together. Later as she sought to found her school from her dao, she was killed by someone close to her never to complete her dao. Humanity developed on the Eastern and Western lands, with no new dao created by a Bearer, humanity looked to the sages for help. With her death, this marked the end of remote antiquity and the start of antiquity. Antiquity: This starts the Era of Human dominance, as they developed on both sides of the mountain. To the western lands was a born a common man. He joined a cultivation academy that had started teaching body refinement. But he found it to be unsatisfactory and left to find his path. One day he chanced upon a legendary white tiger he fought the tiger with cunning and after winning he was granted a mark making him the Bearer of the White Tiger. He became the most powerful body refiner with a physique of a white tiger. But that wasn't enough for him, he took a weapon and sharpened it into the first sword in the world. He then sought to comprehend sword refining using the principles of body refining and founded the first ever sword Dao. With the ideas of body refining, the sword dao, and his principles The Sword Bearer as he was called founded the first school of Chivalry! His school spread far and wide teaching all the westerners the power of chivalry and some easterners adopting the school. After the Era of the Sword Bearer, the world created individual factions each based on the power of a bearer. The World and Trial Bearer founded no sects and left no inheritances so no sect claimed them. Some of the King Bloodlines integrated into the various schools, and the world's powers became equalized. Until one day a drop of blood from the Empyrean mountain touched a mother in one of the villages. The Blood drop crystallized on the child's forehead. The child grew up to have an amazing talent for cultivation and a special bloodline. The child grew up and mastered various chivalrous arts easily and awakened an amazing totem in his blood. It was a horrifying red river that could devour anything. He fused his insights and established the Blood Dao. A dao without compare in its sheer fighting power, he journeyed the eastern lands and mastered his blood dao. He returned to the western lands and fought a kingdom before personally slaying the king and his progeny. He spared the commoners and such but took away a portion of the manuals and founded his own sect. His sect became an unrivaled sect in the world as his dao developed to unimaginable heights. His horrifying reign of terror and his sect slaughtered millions and established a long reign of terror. He is known for creating the initial form of the Fallen Path. With a world left in fear and damaged by the blood dao, there came about a new bearer. In the sky, the remnant essences of the earth gathered and formed a moon. The moon of this era was forever blue, and a child of the blue moon appeared in the sky. She was filled with compassion for the world as she sought out to purify all things. In her quest of purification, she founded the water dao and filled the thinning oceans and lakes of the world. She created all sorts of teas, wines, and drinks for the world to enjoy soothing the pained souls of the departed. But the threats of the hidden worlds still abounded, the primal emanations started to awaken rapidly weakening the bearer. In response, she unified the various sects creating the noble alliance. She completed her dao and with her invincibility assured she held down the world at the peak and suppressed the demons of hell. For the rest of her life, she comprehended the lessons of the sages and with her water dao as a basis, she created the sealing dao and passed down the teachings to all the humans in the eastern, western, and various hidden lands. "Sealing, Chivalry, and Bloodline are the paths that we humans cultivate." She scattered her inheritance through the various sects establishing the noble path.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1878", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - Start of V.0- Ch.-1: The Human Canon", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Xia Yunyi and Chen Li stood in the void as their lifeblood energies rotated around their body supplementing the broken areas of their cyan barrier. Across from them, the young man stood silently as cyan sword Qis rippled around him. "Jian Yueliang?!? You're still alive?" Xia Yunyi stuttered out between gasped breathes. His hand rested over the gash on his chest imbibing it with lifeblood forces. "Do you know him?" Chen Li asked Xia Yunyi as he probed for his reaction. "Yeah, he's a rogue swordsman from the Lunar Palace. He stole a sword manual and disappeared, the palace put a bounty on his head. I thought he died, but it seems he's alive and well." Xia Yunyi spoke solemnly. His expression only changed once he said "alive and well." Suddenly the gash on his chest ripped open again and his expression hardened. "Struggling to breathe?" The young man teased with a sneering expression. "Jian Yueliang, we have no interest in you. Scram and we'll spare your life." Chen Li said in a gruff and domineering tone. The iron knight behind him closed its fists, releasing a thick and strong iron aura that distorted the void. The waves past the young man's body threatening to skewer him, but he remained nonchalant as he floated in the void. "No need to call me by that old name, I am but an old maven now. But it doesn't matter what you say because you will not pass today." Maven said with a devious grin, he raised his moonlight sword stirring the cyan sword Qis around him. "Speak for yourself, I won't let him go." Xia Yunyi said between panted growls, suddenly the Cerberus totem pounced towards the young man. Maven's eyes shined with cyan light, as the sword Qis rippled across space. Cyan streaks of light tunneled through the void instantly appearing in front of the three-headed dog. "Arf!" The Cerberus tried to bark but the sword Qis were too fast. The intense rippling blasted past the Cerberus slashing it in five parts. Each of the heads imploded as the qi blast through it, then the front and hind legs flew off as the Qi passed through. "What?!?" Xia Yunyi gasped in horror but it didn't last long. Because the sword Qi kept rippling as it blasted past the corpse of the Cerberus and struck at Xia Yunyi's barrier. "Argh." He grunted involuntarily as the impact of the sword Qi threw him back hundreds of meters. The cyan Qi kept pushing intent on piercing through the barrier, and slowly cracks showed on it. Fear flashed through Xia Yunyi's eyes as the cracks grew larger and larger, he raised his arms to guard accepting his impending doom, when suddenly an iron palm slammed down on the cyan Qi. With a swift slapping motion, he forced the Qi into submission. The rippling died down as the palm closed squashing the Qi. "Huh..." Xia Yunyi said involuntarily as he put his arms, to see the scene of Chen Li retracting his palm. "You're ruthless enough, you do not deserve the gift of life." Chen Li said with his lips pressed together in annoyance. The iron knight's Qi fortified as the iron aura grew stronger and sturdier, Chen Li raised his palm with the iron knight mimicking him. Suddenly he slammed down on the void with the iron knight following, the massive palm covered the heavens as it engulfed Maven's form. Maven sported a playful grin as the palm came down on him. He closed his eyes as a scene from his training passed through his eyes. ********************* Maven's body was floating in the blood temple, gathered around him were various motes of blue light. Ye Yuyan sat in lotus form facing Maven as he directed him in the Qi flows. "The sword manual you stole had the will of Venerable Bearer Moon, by opening and cultivating the manual you accepted her will and absorbed a few her insights." Ye Yuyan spoke as he held up a sword manual in one hand. "But you lacked the Blue Moon code to direct you in the condensation of Qi, making you unable to reach the level of Lunar Qi." "Luckily, I stashed away the first two volumes long ago." Ye Yuyan snapped suddenly awakening the temple walls. Over the red throne, the mural of the serpent being devoured split open. An intense red light radiated as two beams shot out and swished through the air toward Ye Yuyan's back. Without turning his back, Ye Yuyan raised his right arm and caught the two beams. The layers of light dissipated as it revealed a decrepit and dusty old tome. Written on the old tome was "Blue Moon Code: Volume 2." Ye Yuyan took the other book and put it into his robes and removed the first volume of the Blue moon code. Maven flew down from his meditation as the blue Qis dissipated. "If you use these to condense your totem, you'll have the powers of Venerable Moon!" Ye Yuyan said with a sly smirk as he handed Maven the books. ********************* Maven's eyes slowly opened as they revealed two cyan vertical slits, intense lunar sword Qis rippled on his body filling the void. With a single swift motion, he grabbed his moonlight sword and raised it parallel to his body and recited: "Moon reflected on the second spring. The ripples on a pond, leave no trace.As all things do, from time's embrace.My moon alone shall shine on this day." The intense rippling sword forces gathered together condensing into a massive cyan sword. The sword slashed at the palm as it ascended into the void. "What?!?" Chen Li said with furrowed brows as he felt a strong force transmit throughout his iron knight's body. Suddenly his palm flew back, revealing a massive cyan sword that ascended to the firmament. Maven stood stalwart as he held by the sword with one hand. "Moonlight Sword Totem: Crescent Cut!" Maven intoned coldly, suddenly he slashed towards Chen Li bringing down a massive sword that spanned the size of a great world. The massive sword bore down on the iron knight with a terrifying momentum. Chen Li was quick to act as he suddenly condensed all his iron Qi. Suddenly thousands of ripples of iron Qi gathered around the iron knight. "Marks of Fortitude!" Chen Li roared as his body fused into his totem, the thousands of iron Qi ripples slashed onto the iron knight leaving a distinct mark. The marks caused insignificant damage to the iron knight but left a lingering nomological power. Each of the sword marks held a strange power, Chen Li's bloodline boiled as the marks shone brighter and brighter. "Divine Forge!" Chen Li said in a rebuking voice as the cyan sword came down at that moment. The iron armor of the knight totem heated up as the entire armor turned a molten red. The marks became even more distinct as they shined with an immortal light that stood unmatched from time immemorial. It was a divine sword vs a divine armor! The entire void was lit up with intense nomological sparks as the two met, the clash transmitted a terrifying sharp sound worldwide. Xia Yunyi covered his ears as the sound transmitted through his barrier. The massive cyan sword bore into the armor by a single layer, but suddenly the molten red iron moved like a liquid and gripped onto the sword pulling it deeper. Maven's body lurched forward as he felt his connection to his Qi cut off. Suddenly the massive sword flew deeper into the iron knight's body, which had the consistency of butter. The sword cut all the way through the iron knight, cutting him nearly in half! But sadly, the Qi dissipated as it went deeper into the knight's body, and after a few moments, it completely disappeared. Maven's eyes filled with disbelief as he watched the iron knight's body regenerate perfectly, the molten red cooled until the iron knight was whole once again. "Damn it!" Maven said through gritted teeth, around him the Lunar Qis slowly dissipated. The Qi drained from his body as he grew weaker and weaker. Using an attack that powerful had to have a drawback and for Maven it did. Chen Li stabilized his body as he exited from his totem and met Maven's spirited gaze with his own iron stare. "Is it worth it to serve him?" Chen Li coldly questioned. Maven stood calmly in the face of danger, he sheathed his moonlight sword as he stared down Chen Li without fear and spoke frankly: "Why don't you meet him and see?" "What?!?" Xia Yunyi unwittingly said as he turned to look at the blood plains world. A powerful red ripple appeared at the edge of the world, the void parted in half as a red light shone from it. Inside the portal was a throne room decorated with masterfully crafted murals and decorations. At the room's center was a handsome young man with eyes as dark as the night sitting atop a red throne.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "4198", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.2-Ch.38: Red Throne", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Maven and Nesilia floated above the valley spectating on what was going the ground. Ye Yuyan pointed out at the man tribulation and Illathar commanding the chains to attack. Hundreds of crimson chains burst out from the graves and wrapped around the two. The man tribulation tried releasing a sanguine aura to dispel the chain but more chains wrapped around it. Even Illathar was nothing more than a sitting duck as the chains wrapped around him. "How is he sealing Illathar?!?" Nesilia said with a slight tremble in her voice, earlier those chains couldn't hold him yet now they could? What exactly had changed? "I'm not sure it must be a method master prepared." Maven said uncertainly as Illathar's body was dragged to the furnace by the chains. "Stop it please!" Illathar begged as his body was pulled right into the furnace, the man tribulation was next. The chains tugged hard pulling the tribulation towards the furnace. But the man tribulation was unwilling, the red lotus on its forehead started to manifest into reality as the chains started to crack. "Hmph, displaying slight skill in front of an expert." Ye Yuyan snorted as the red lotus on his forehead manifested, its oppressive aura destroyed the red lotus on the man tribulation and rendered the thing unable to move. Like a dead fish, it was dragged into the furnace by the chains. Nesilia and Maven watched unsure of what was going on. The red lotus seemed to suppress the entire valley even making the tribulation clouds go silent. "What is he doing?" Nesilia said as she turned to Maven. "I don't know." Maven said as he shook his head The valley for the first time since the fighting had begun was silent. The blood chains receded back into the graves disappearing. The only sound was the crackling of flames coming from the grave. "From the beginning, your purpose was to be nothing more my ingredients." Ye Yuyan said coldly as the furnace lid shut trapping Illathar in there with the human tribulation. A long time ago Ye Yuyan had stepped onto this path, it is a path with many names. Some call it the demonic but it is most commonly known as the path of the fallen. It for those who have fallen from the grace with the noble path. The principles of the noble path are simple, the value of life, the value of bonds, and the value of one's race. In ancient times humanity lived under the yolk of otherworldly beings and only by combining their efforts did they overthrow their oppressors. Humanity grew stronger and stronger but within them grew infighting. This was a fundamental part of human nature but the righteous path refused it. It threatened the very existence of the noble path and it was decided those that fought against them had relinquished their humanity and taken up a demonic cause. This type of thinking justified the extermination of all people that didn't agree. But no matter how they tried to suppress human nature it would never surrender. The ultimate creed of the Fallen path was simple, to live true to one's desires. The Nobles restricted themselves and accepted the bonds of their family, lovers, and sects. They became paragons of human virtue but they are living a lie. Walking the fallen path requires a heart of sacrifice, it requires that one relinquish his heart. Without that much, man would not deserve the air that he breathes. 'I chose this path long ago and I will not turn back.' Ye Yuyan thought with conviction as scarlet flames roared transmitting heat into the furnace. "Argh!" The pain screams of Illathar could be heard echoing from the furnace. "Is he cooking them?" Nesilia said with horror "No, I think it's something else." Maven said unconvincingly "Five elements combine!" Ye Yuyan yelled as he tapped the furnace, suddenly the pentagon formation started to buzz. From inside the furnace, five different lights burst out. It seemed as though a world was about to form from the power of the five elements. The lid burst open with heavenly light with a mix of deathly energies. "Heaven's Way, I call to you!" Ye Yuyan roared to the skies as a pillar of 9 colored light ascended to the firmament. The silent tribulation clouds suddenly rumbled and roared down at Ye Yuyan. With a frantic fervor, the clouds turned completely black. "Summon the wind!" Ye Yuyan yelled and the heaven's responded releasing a massive gale. "Call the rain!" The clouds rumbled as it started to pour from the sky, the raindrops started to gather inside the furnace. "The furious skies bring down retribution!" Ye Yuyan said as the clouds rumbled again and a lightning bolt struck down entering the furnace. Immediately after a thunderclap echoed throughout the valley making even the furnace shake. "Again!" Ye Yuyan yelled and the lightning struck into the furnace disappearing. "Again!" Ye Yuyan repeated as the sky rumbled, even more, releasing more and more lightning. "One last time!" Ye Yuyan yelled as the heaven's reciprocated and sent a lightning bolt the size of a thigh. It burrowed into the furnace and disappeared as if it had never existed. The furnace hummed as the scarlet flames danced below it, inside the furnace gathered the essences of the grand dao. Ye Yuyan guided them together with a deft hand and smelted them using the scarlet flames. Inside of the furnace, Illathar and the Man tribulation were fighting off various elemental powers. The formation released hundreds of auroras that were filled with various elemental powers and occasionally a tribulation bolt would strike them. Illathar tried to dodge an incoming sword strike from the metallic forces but failed and it ripped off his right arm. Before he could recover it, scarlet flames burnt it into embers that were absorbed by the furnace. "What the hell is this?" Illathar roared as he tried to escape out of the formation. Maven stood on the air and watched enraptured by the laws the furnace was releasing. Around the furnace was the humming of the grand dao and the sublimation of the highest heavenly laws. "He's taking Heaven and Earth as a furnace!"Maven yelled out with realization, this entire time Ye Yuyan was building up Illathar and the Man tribulation using heaven and earth! This reminded him of a tale he had read from the Lunar Canon. The Bearer of Adversity was said to have refined heaven and earth into his own personal world. From that, he founded the long-forgotten refining dao. "What is master's relationship with the Tribulation Bearer?" Maven couldn't help but ask before he could follow that train of thought, the lid of the furnace burst open relaxing 9 different colors into the air. Ye Yuyan tapped out on the air releasing a cacophony of lights, each light held the power of a grand dao. The Daos assembled until they numbered 3000 light points around Ye Yuyan. The red lotus on Ye Yuyan's glabella awakened as it appeared at his feet constantly rotating. "With the 3000 Daos as a base!" Ye Yuyan said as he gathered the 3000 light spots together into one clump. "The five elements in a formation" From the furnace came out the 5 elemental powers as a mist, they formed a pentagon that wrapped around the 3000 Daos. "Tribulation as my catalyst." Ye Yuyan said as he guided out from the furnace the essence of the man tribulation. Man is the highest of all creatures and the man tribulation the highest of all tribulations. The swirling 9 colored essences struck the 3000 Daos like lightning, each Dao started to transform as it took on a black hue. "Refine!" Ye Yuyan yelled as the tribulation essence went wild within the formation. The light flashed almost burning the 3000 Daos at once. But somehow the Daos still survived and emanated an even darker hue. "That law it's like Illathar's!" Nesilia said surprised as she saw more and more of the black hue forming. Ye Yuyan's red lotus hummed with intense desire, especially the third leaf which wanted its Daos back. Ye Yuyan used his perception to guide two essences out of the furnace, the first was a blue essence that was shaped like a frost stalactite. The other was dark energy with a single light spot at the center of it. No matter how the dark energy moved, the light spot would remain firmly in the center. These essences were the essences of Illathar! Inside of the furnace, his entire body was refined and turned into pure energy for Ye Yuyan to absorb. The moment Ye Yuyan removed Illathar's essence the refinement had finished. The 3000 grand Daos and the formation fused as one becoming a condensation of dark laws. Ye Yuyan guided Illathar's dark laws and fused it into the refined laws. "Long ago the world was one then the one became two. Two became four and four refined the world into five base attributes. From this was born the 3000 Daos and the world we live in." Ye Yuyan said as a profound light flashed in his eyes. The two laws fused together perfectly and the white spot emerged at the center but this time it was even stronger. It radiated with a heavenly power that one could not defame. The Red Lotus under Ye Yuyan's feet started to expand as it gathered all the refined essences towards it. "I have finally created the power of yin!" Ye Yuyan laughed with great abandon, his great plans had finally come to fruition. With this, he could track down the heavenly dao and the Eternal Throne!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2255", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.24: Power of Yin", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"Hehe." Maven's distorted laughter echoed through the fog as Nesilia and Ye Yuyan tried to escape. "What the hell are you..." Before Nesilia could finish talking the fog slammed into her face and filled her mouth. The pours all over her body opened up and unwittingly absorbed the fog. Her eyes went dull and she stared in from of her lifelessly. "No point in resisting." Maven chuckled and raised his moonlight sword, the fog gathered around the tip of the blade. He turned his sword to face Ye Yuyan who was dazed from the fog. "Moon reflected on second spring." He muttered as the sword shone, and reflected on it was a blood drop. Ye Yuyan's eyes went completely lifeless and a white mist exited from his pores and gathered towards his glabella. The condensed mist formed on his glabella becoming a foggy sword. BLOOD!BLOOD!BLOOD! Like a mantra revealing his heart, the whispers of hundreds of demons went about in his mind. They unearthed the deepest memories in his heart by tapping into his deepest desire. ****************** BOOM! Lightning flashed in the heavens and soon after there was rumbling the shook the earth. Animals in the mountains fled as goats and sheep ran towards the fields. Lightning struck once again this time it was at the top of a mountain. The cold icy peaks of the mountain were stained red. The long thin streaks of blood flowed down the peak. The source of all the blood were two bodies which laid close to one another. One was a young man in crimson robes and his hair was a deep scarlet that billowed across the snow. Next to him was a woman dressed in tattered and blood white robes. The tips of her hair were slowly turning white but the rest remained a dark like an abyss. The young man's body suddenly twitched as more blood dripped as he slowly got up a large hole became visible on his abdomen. He looked at the woman's body in front of him and was unable to move. His eyes looked down with his lips trembling and he clenched his teeth. He fell to his knees and started to shake her awake. "Hey...wake up." He said with his voice trembling. "Come on...please." He said as he shook her once. "You can't be dead." He said disbelieving and shook her body intensely. "You aren't supposed to die. Aren't you a legendary bearer?" He pleaded "Aren't you invincible?!??!" Then he finally roared with despair, his eyes moisten as tears dripped down them unceasingly. His tears landed on her body as he constantly tried wiping them. Even his nose was becoming snot filled, a horribly unseaming sight for such a dignified man. "Please just wake up...." He pleaded one last time as he weakly shook her body and got no response. His eyes started to go dull as the blood left his body faster and faster. Then suddenly a bolt of lightning struck right behind him. His body was vibrated awake as he got his balance and turned to look behind him. His senses were assaulted with intense vibrations like he was being electrocuted. He waited a moment for the shaking to end and concentrated in front of him. The blurriness went away and in front of him was a beast with two terrifying blue eyes. It had a massive head with mane-like fur but the hair was formed from bolts of lightning. Its electrifying gaze landed on the young man making him weak. He had heard of legends of such a beast, they were called Qilin! "She'll never wake not in this lifetime." The Qilin said with a rumbling voice that echoed like thunder. "This lifetime?!?!" The young man asked with the hope appeared in his eyes. "A bearer never truly dies they just never get the chance to live again. Unless of course, one were to change the laws of the world." The Qilin bellowed in a sonorous voice. "How could I possibly change the laws of the world. When I can't even save my own life?" The young man smiled wistfully as sorrow filled his heart. "Hehe boy, I didn't appear to you for nothing. Tell me what is it that you desire the most?" The Qilin asked eagerly with its beady blue eyes watching the young man. "I...." The young man stuttered out as he put his hand on his abdomen. He took his other hand and covered his mouth as he coughed up some blood. "I want to see her again." The young man said as he wiped the blood of his mouth. "I want to see her once more." He said almost pleading and walking closer to the Qilin. "I want to see her one last...." Before he could finish his 5th step he collapsed onto the ground bleeding out even faster than before. "Time..." His eyes went completely dead with his final words. All traces of life oozed out of him leaving an impeccable corpse laid on snow. The Qilin condensed down quickly becoming a young man in 9 colored robes. In his eyes flashed 9 colors and on his back were 9 colored thunder wings. He materialized in front of the young man's corpse and brought his palm to his back. "Then I shall give you life a new and in exchange, you shall change the laws of the world." The 9 colored man said with a serene smile. "By my authority, I call to you Heaven's Way!" The 9 colored man roared to the heaven's and suddenly clouds formed. Each arch of 9 colored lightning streamed down faster and faster. Every bolt of tribulation lightning gathered onto the palm of the 9 colored young man, it slowly infiltrating into the bloody man's body. The blood all around the mountain and inside of his body started to gather into a clump over his corpse. As the blood left his body he looked increasingly more emanciated to the point where he looked like a dry husk. "Refine!" The 9 colored man roared as the lightning condensed down the blood clump, slowly refining out the impurities. The blood condensed down to 1/2 of its original size then, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and stopping only when it was a small deep crimson blood drop. It radiated out intense vital forces and pulsated like a beating heart. If someone stood by it they would notice their heartbeat following the pace of the blood drop. The 9 colored man flicked the blood drop and suddenly the entire world peeled away, all the landscapes and the sky turned into a deep darkness that stretched to the edges of the world. Maven's form appeared in this abyss he looked around frantically and roared: "Who the hell are you?!?" Out of the void, a voice echoed: "Hehe, did you think that the Lunar's inheritance could affect me?" Maven took a few steps back in the darkness, as the void distorted and revealed a young man dressed in black robes. His dark and cold gaze saw through Maven who tried to meet his gaze and turned away immediately. "How are you able to make fake memories?" Maven chuckled dismissively as his face distorted with anger. "There's no way you could be from Far Antiquity." He said with a trembling voice and pointed his finger at Ye Yuyan. "My, have I scared you brother?" Ye Yuyan chuckled coyly as he lightly floated in the void. "Shut up!" Maven roared and flipped his palm over a fog sword formed in his palm. Then he struck out with a sword beam made from fog emanating at Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan squeezed his fist and around it manifested a sanguine aura. He opened his fist revealing his palm which was filled with a scarlet color. He threw down a crimson palm at the incoming fog beam completely obliterating it. The palm continued towards Maven who tried to raise his fog sword to guard. Before he could finish suddenly a scarlet aura came from his body. He tried to move his hand and noticed the red aura chain his hand. "What the hell did you do to me?!?" Maven questioned as he tried to rip the chain off. "You tried to use her illusionary sword totem in your blood to control me. I just used my own method to do the same." Ye Yuyan chuckled maniacally as his eyes went completely dead. "You...this can't be blood magic?!?" Maven said with a trembling voice before he could talk any longer the bloody aura engulfed his body. "You'll make a good pawn, especially as her inheritor." Ye Yuyan laughed and tapped on the void making Maven disappear. Ye Yuyan turned his perception toward his memory. His gaze was planted on the 9 colored man with the thunder wings. Yet strangely the 9 colored man met his gaze as if acknowledging his existence.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2203", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.16: Heart’s Desire", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
At the top of a mountain hidden behind some foliage was a muscled man. He sat in meditation as black chains spun all around him. The chains burrowed into the ground in various areas making a matrix of chains like a spider web. The muscled man reached for the greatsword on his back as he stood up from meditation. His shirtless abs rippled as he adjusted his stance. He took out a piece of paper and with dark energy on his fingertips, he inscribed something. Then he folded the paper into a crane and threw it off into the horizon. The dark energy started to change the crane as it flew, and it transformed into a one-eyed crow heading off into the horizon as the man watched. This man was Yunshi and he was here at the behest of Han Yi. Yunshi eyes were focused down the mountain, there was a faint rumbling coming towards him. He could see birds flocking away from the mountain with haste. "He'll be here soon, Ominous Whispers..." Yunshi faintly muttered, with his call nature seemed to speak. The wind started to howl and the plants swayed melodically, Yunshi could hear all around him the Ominous whispers of things to come. This was a special attribute of the Demon that Yunshi sealed, the foreboding thoughts demon. It was an evil spirit class demon because it had no physical form and it was renowned for causing apprehension in its victim and making them completely bend their will to the demon. Yunshi grabbed his greatsword and stabbed it into the ground. Suddenly the black chains shot out of the ground all around him. Suddenly a black frost beam blasted out from the horizon smashing the chains. Yunshi's concentration went through the roof and he slashed down with greatsword splitting apart the frost beam. Suddenly a black beast walked out ripping the trees around him from the roots as they got in his way. Every step the beast took corroded the world around him, leaving a frozen wasteland behind. Yunshi could see the trail of frozen death behind him all the way to the middle of the mountain. "Illathar..." Yunshi said with a confused tone, he had seen the depiction of Illathar and he was a blue beast, not a black one. "Regardless it doesn't matter." Yunshi said as he shook his head, Gulan had already given them the information they need to control Illathar. "So you're the thunder thief." Illathar growled out sending out frost auras from his mouth. The air around Yunshi suddenly cooled by a few degrees. Yunshi's gaze remained unperturbed as he reached for a patch of blue fur on the ground. He gripped it tightly as he stared at Illathar. "This is your end, Demon." Yunshi coldly stated and with a very tough grip ground down the fur into blue energies. The frost auras flowed into his body like dots of blue light, his gaze seemed to freeze as a frozen end world emerged from his eyes. The black chains started to change colors as a layer of frost appeared on them. The black chains became blue in a few moments and shot out from the ground at Illathar. Illathar stood still as the chains wrapped around his legs, and then they chained his hands together. The last chain wrapped around Illathar's neck and then Yunshi stood up. He raised his palm and a blue chain materialized from it connecting with the chain around Illathar's neck. He grabbed the chain with two hands and suddenly yanked with all his force. Illathar's body shook forward and slammed down onto the ground in front of Yunshi. The massive reverberations of his fall echoed throughout the mountain startling the remaining animals. "Sacrament of the Shadow!" Yunshi roared as the chains emerged from the ground and fused into his chest. This was the purest form of demon sealing! Just as there are Combat Codes for Chivalry there are Sacraments for Demon sealing. Sacraments require an arcane focus, Augury was the same in that respect. But with a Demon Sealing Sacrament, there needs to be an offering that holds the power of the demon. Gulan was just the perfect offering and was a part of the prince's plan. But now that he died they could only use the remnant mutated flesh to seal Illathar. The chains dragged Illathar's body closer and closer into Yunshi's chest. It was like he body was a black that continually absorbed Illathar's body head first. Illathar's head, his torso, and finally even his lower body was entering into Yunshi's body with the blue chains slowly dissipating. When suddenly one of the blue chains exploded scattering into a black aura. "What?" Yunshi questioned dumbfounded Then another chain suddenly exploded turning into more black mist, and then hundreds of chains shot out of Yunshi's body. "Argh!" He roared the pain of a hundred stab wound coursed through his body every time a chain escape. Then a black beast head shot out of Yunshi's body along with a copious amount of black mist. The head floated out and the black mist formed together with the head forming Illathar back into one piece. Yunshi's body collapsed from the sheer pain and he looked up at the black beast's terrifying predator eyes. Illathar's eyes were completely black excluding a single white dot in his left eye. Yunshi couldn't help but be left terrified at his realization. "You..." Yunshi tried to say but suddenly he felt pain and gripped his chest. "Since you wish to possess me! Why don't I do the same?" Illathar laughed as a black mist exploded from Yunshi's chest. The mist wrapped all around his body infecting him. "Argh!" Yunshi's pain screams could be heard throughout the mountain. ***************** Maven substituted his body the moment Han Yi became distracted. Han Yi crushed down with his 9 colored palms destroying Maven's clone and the black chain at once. He turned his attention towards the black Illathar as he stared at Yunshi. He looked deep into his eyes and noticed that in Yunshi's eyes were completely black except the left one which had a single white pupil. "I see..." Han Yi slowly intoned and snapped his fingers at the people behind him. Ye Yuyan, Maven, and Nesilia who was now free of the mind control all looked at him. "Let's put aside our conflicts now. We are humans and we have one directive." Han Yi said with a neutral tone. "To slay demons!" Han Yi hissed out with hatred. When confronted with a mutual enemy, human conflicts were often put aside. This was the directive of the Noble Trifold path, all cultivators of the three conventional paths followed this directive. At least as long as they are a Noble Cultivator. Otherwise, if they went against convention and jeopardized human interest for their own personal gain. They would be labeled as Fallen cultivators, often this type of cultivator would make deals with demons and engage in heretical acts. These people were no better than demons! "That much I can do, your highness." Ye Yuyan said as he reached into his robe and removed a black dagger inscribed with runic writing. "For the sake of slaying demons." Nesilia said cooly her eyes scanned over Maven, she had her own grudges now that she was free. But even she was willing to hold those back in this situation. Maven noticing her gaze couldn't help but grit his teeth. He had already started burning his sword forces at this point he needed to eke out a way to survive. "Fine..." Maven hesitantly said as he raised his moonlight sword in an aggressive stance. "Hehe...you humans are really something else." The blue Illathar growled as his fiendish energies seemed to rise. "Let's see if you can handle me." He roared as the blue auras around him exploded out into a vortex. The black Illathar accompanied the roar with his own, their growls reverberated all over the valley. Suddenly the black Illathar transformed into black auras that flew into the blue Illathar's body. Yunshi seemed to follow as chains wrapped around the blue Illathar body. Yunshi landed on blue Illathar's head and suddenly all his fur got a black glossy hue to it. His left eye turned black except for the white pupil, and the left eye seemed to intensify as it turned into a glowing blue light! From Illathar's body shot out hundreds of rays of blue light. Each ray turned into a frost that constantly propagated. "What the hell is that?!?" Maven questioned as he blocked the blue rays. "Frost propagation...he's definitely used lightning to transform his frost truths." Han Yi said cooly as the 9 colored light circled around him, guarding him against the blue rays. "I thought he was a low-level fiend. How could he grasp such high-level laws?!?" Ye Yuyan asked as he released a frosted light of his own from his dagger. "Such is the terror of frost propagation." Nesilia cooly analyzed as her divine clouds blocked the blue rays. The rays started to settle down and the reverberations suddenly stopped. Illathar's body stood stout and upright as an endless stream of frost gathered all around him. "Now shall we?" Han Yi proclaimed as the 9 colored light around his body turned into crackling lightning.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2206", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.19: White Pupil", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Thunder pealed from the lightning pool as lightning bolts danced and sparkled across the pool, completely engulfing Ye Yuyan in fantastical lights. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes as he focused his perception into the red lotus. The fourth and first leaves shone together with a cyan and cerulean light fusing together into radiant Qi.   Inside Ye Yuyan’s acupoints, the thundercrystals formed a circuit and conducted a devouring force. The lightning pool seethed as a devouring force pulled it into Ye Yuyan’s body. Behind him, a blue silhouette rapidly flashed as two blood red pupils suddenly flashed open.   Ye Yuyan gripped his fists as the lightning streamed into his flesh and flooded his visceral organs and with a monstrous boom he roared: “BEGONE!”   The Verulyim king stood calmly with his aspect emanating from his back. When suddenly he felt a powerful fluctuation within the lightning pool.   “What?!?” He exclaimed with shock as a blue silhouette appeared within the Lightning pool.   “Arrrgghhh!” The blue silhouette roared obediently as lightning burst from its body turning into an electrifying mane. A stream of lightning jutted from the head and curved into a sharp horn.   The beast raised its head gathering the lightning Qi all around it towards its horn. With a sudden and swift swish of its horn, the beast brought down heavenly judgment. The gigantic horn cut down onto the lightning pool suddenly ripping it apart into two.   With lightning pool parted, Ye Yuyan and the Verulyim king stared each other down with nothing obstructing their stand down.   “Ha!” Ye Yuyan suddenly exhaled, stirring the Qilin silhouette behind him into action. The beast’s red eyes flashed as Ye Yuyan shoot across the shadow plains directly in front of the king in an instant.   The Verulyim king’s pupils suddenly constricted as Ye Yuyan tightened his fist and punched out in an instant. Electricity zoomed through Ye Yuyan meridians speeding up his muscles activation, and suddenly his fist struck into the king’s abdomen.   “Puuuaahh!” The king gasped suddenly as Ye Yuyan’s punch connected. The vigorous vibrations transmitted throughout his body and Ye Yuyan’s fist as the king suddenly went flying back.   He shot through the plains for hundreds of meters. Ye Yuyan’s body crackled with electricity as he suddenly flashed again in pursuit of the king.   “Father!” Emily yelled with a trembling and fearful voice, suddenly her body emanated a golden sword force and she turned into a golden beam and streaked across the plains toward Ye Yuyan.   As Emily approached Ye Yuyan, Maven reached for his sword sheathe and instantly unsheathed his Moonlight sword. The thin long-sword glimmered with lunar Qi as Maven raised his sword and sliced across space.   From the sharp sword slice, burst out an indomitable beam of Lunar Qi. The massive beam cut across the ground toward Emily when Emily suddenly stopped her body and rose a golden barrier.   At the moment, the Lunar sword beam dissected the ground in front of her slashing into her barrier and forcing her into retreat. She took three steps back and turned to look at Maven with wide eyes filled with shock.   “Do not interfere.” Maven coldly intoned as he sheathed his sword again.   Su Yan moved over to Emily and stood between her and Maven. Maven coldly eyed him and said: “Same goes for you, Su Yan.”   Su Yan shook his head and looked to the flashes of lightning in the distance and said: “I am more than aware, this is a fight I cannot take part in...”   Ye Yuyan turned into a flash of lightning, instantly appeared in front of the Verulyim King. When suddenly the king suddenly lurched and lightning appeared on his body.   Ka-Cha!   The lightning crackled intensely as the king opened his palm; the lightning jumped across his body and filled his palm with electrical fluctuations. The current congealed in his palm taking the form of a hiltless long sword with strange nomological inscriptions   The intense energies lit up the plains in blue light and the skies rumbled as the king’s sword came down.   Boom!   A river of lightning struck out as his sword faded into it, the stream tore apart the ground as it slashed across Ye Yuyan.   Ye Yuyan’s pupils constricted as he raised his arms into a cross guard and suddenly released his internal energies.   “Thundercrystal Physique, Activate!” He roared as the thundercrystals in his acupoints wildly expanded.   Across his whole body, hundreds of acupoints released radiant Qi that wrapped around his form. The radiant Qi fused into his skin giving him the glimmering glow of a crystal.   The sea of lightning crashed into his cross-guard, the streams of electricity spewed into the thundercrystals overwhelming them with energy. The intense nomological power exploded from the thunder crystal crushing Ye Yuyan’s cross guard.   Ye Yuyan growled: “Arrrghhh!” as he stepped forward with his cross-guard up. His bare skin took the brunt of the lightning sea’s energies.   When he suddenly roared and undid his cross-guard with his sudden movement, the lightning sea parted in two directions and crashed into the shadow plains. The lightning sheared the ground as the plasmic powers rippled across the plains.   “Ha!” Ye Yuyan exhaled a deep breath and released his thundercrystal physique. Across his body, the acupoints sealed up and the radiant Qi dispersed. The thin layer of crystals dissolved off of Ye Yuyan’s skin returning it to its jade appearance.   The Verulyim king watched Ye Yuyan closely as he undid his physique. Behind the king, his aspect in a blue toga fused back into his body.   As lightning continuously crackled on his body the king’s expression turned cold and he said: “You robbed it... the Bearer of Tribulation’s inheritance.”   “It wasn’t very hard to rob your child, never send a boy to do a man’s job.” Ye Yuyan continued “Your Verulyim kingdom has always been too ambitious.”   “What of you? You lay claim to the power of Venerables with your puny Rank 4 Cultivation?” The king pointed his finger and angrily replied.   “That will be more than enough.” Ye Yuyan coldly replied as his expression turned blank and swiftly reached into his robes and removed a black dagger.   “Let’s take this up a notch...” Ye Yuyan chuckled as he violently bit his tongue causing it to bleed. He condensed the blood onto his tongue and spit out a drop of blood and dripped it onto the dagger.   “Blood Moon, Awaken!” He roared as the black dagger shown with nomological lines as it elongated turning into a thin dual-edged sword.   Ye Yuyan gripped the sword with his right hand and he swung it down once. The swooshing motion sliced the air in half and suddenly created a vacuum. The air gushed towards the gash in the air whipping the wind into a crazed frenzy.   “You disdain my kingdom yet you dare bring a sword before me?” The king coldly sneered “Let me show you the might of The Sword Venerable!”   Electrical currents gathered towards his palm again transforming into a hiltless long sword made of pure lightning. The king’s body crackled with lightning as the sword forces in thousands of meters stirred around him.   As the sword forces gathered toward the king, a violet hue appeared on his body. The violet hue shifted constantly transforming into various swords, this was the Verulyim king’s sword intent!   Sword intent and sword forces are two different things. Sword force is an esoteric force of nature that the Sword Venerable first harnessed.   Sword intent is the swordsman’s comprehension of the sword force and after reaching a certain level it can take physical form and boost a swordsman’s attacks.   Ye Yuyan silently raised his sword and pointed it at the Verulyim king. The red sword shone with a murderous light and stirred the sword force and brought forth a sea of blood.   Blood red sword forces and deep blue sword forces shot towards each other separating Ye Yuyan and the king. Ye Yuyan’s body shone with a golden glow as his sword intent manifested taking on the form of hundreds of different weapons as it wrapped around his body.   The two sword forces and sword intent clashed against each other at the border of powers. With each clash, Ye Yuyan and the king would adjust their sword force and change their stance. Often with high-level swordsmen, the battle starts before the first sword swing.   The blood forces crashed into the lightning force, when suddenly the lightning force seethed with excitement and purified the blood force, Ye Yuyan moved to change his stance and took a single retreating step.   At that instant, the Verulyim king’s eyes shone with murderous intent and he suddenly flashed across the battlefield. Ye Yuyan’s eyes crackled with lightning as he instantly adjusted his stance and raised his sword to guard, when suddenly!   Ka-Cha!   The Verulyim king’s sword came slashing down onto Ye Yuyan’s sword. Ye Yuyan mustered his sword intent as the golden intent wrapped around his sword increasing its hardness.   “Here’s another!” The Verulyim king roared as he slashed at Ye Yuyan.   “Arrghhh!” Ye Yuyan growled as he resisted the Verulyim’s king sword slash. Ye Yuyan took his sword and shifted to the left, redirecting the Verulyim king’s sword.   The lightning sword crashed into the ground and exploding it into rubble. Amidst the debris, Ye Yuyan’s body flashed away turning into a streak of lightning.   “You’re not getting away!” The Verulyim king yelled as lightning surrounded him and his body flashed behind Ye Yuyan and raised his sword to cut him down.   Ye Yuyan gritted his teeth and slashed behind him rebounding the king’s sword and turning into a blue streak again.   BOOM!   BOOM!   BOOM!   Ye Yuyan and the Verulyim king flashed across the plains exchanging sword slashes at unimaginably high speeds.   Emily, Song Yue, Maven, and Su Yan struggled to follow their movements and could only tell the battle was happening from the sounds and destruction. Only the Ghost Hands Doctor watched the battle with a keen eye following their every move.   “How can Ye Yuyan keep up with my father?!?” Emily asked with wide eyes as she tried to contain her shock.   “Don’t worry your Highness, It won’t last for long...” Ghost Hands cryptically replied, surprising Emily even more.   “Can you see them?!?” She asked with narrow eyes but before the doctor could respond. The world of blood sword force suddenly collapsed as the blue Qi suddenly engulfed it.   With that Ye Yuyan’s body flashed back into existence as he collapsed onto the ground. He stuck his sword into the ground and took long and deep breaths.   “Weak! Your sword lacks a personality, you can’t possibly beat me with that.” The Verulyim king’s ethereal voice echoed from the sword force as his body flashed back into existence.   On his blue toga were various sword marks and on his pristine young face was a small gash across his cheek.   “Heh, Mercer you’re right... he can’t beat you with just his sword.” A voice whispered from the void directly into the Verulyim king’s ears.   Mercer’s eyes suddenly filled with shock as he turned and look around until he finally asked: “Who’s there?!?”   At the top of the snowy mountain peak, space rippled and distorted as a beautiful woman dressed in a frilly white dress emerged. She had serenely calm blue eyes and white, luscious hair that reached down to her waist.   “Madam Qian!” The Verulyim king exclaimed, he instantly cupped his fist and bowed to her. The fairy-like woman stepped on the air with her jade feet and glided down with her white hair floating in the wind.   In an instant, she was in plains under the shadow of the mountain standing before the Verulyim king and Ye Yuyan.   “You’ve done your due diligence, Mercer.” The fairy replied, “You may leave now.”   The beautiful woman turned away from the shocked Verulyim king and stared at Ye Yuyan with cold and resentful eyes.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "17635", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.60: Reunion", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In a far off land, a white-topped mountain pierced through the clouds as it overshadowed a grassy plain. Within this cast shadow, empowered beasts roamed about looking for their next prey. At the edge of the shadowy plains, a black-speckled jaguar emerged from a cave. Speckled tigers are a demonic beast with enhanced sight and stealth abilities. Its hazel eyes glinted with white light as it scanned the plains and happened upon a strange sight. Near the white-topped mountain, a group of people levitated slightly above the ground in meditation. The speckled tiger growled excitedly as it prowled across the plains. Blending in with the darkness it quickly approached the group. This was a special ability that the Jaguars developed after years of cultivation, Shadow stealth. It allows them to blend in with shadows within a certain range and approach targets easily. The Jaguar scanned the group examining their strengths one by one.  In the group there are four members, one was an older man, the other middle-aged, and the last was a vibrant young man in a blue toga. Standing in front of the three meditating men was a beautiful young maiden in a white dress embroidered on the seams of the dress were nine different colored swords. "Father, we have less than a day until the Phoenix trial opens. Why are we still here?" The maiden complained and crossed her hands in exasperation. She focused her attention on the young man in the vibrant blue toga; he levitated slightly over the ground with electrical streams lingering across his form. His eyes flashed open suddenly and thunder dragons danced in his pupils propagating an endless world of thunder. This young man was none other than the Verulyim King, Mercer! The woman accompanying him was Emily, Su Yan, and the Ghost Hands doctor. After they healed the Cardinals, the king came to get her and her associates to bring to the Eastern Lands. "Your Highness, we wait on the commands of Noble Qian." Su Yan opened his eyes and responded to the increasingly annoyed Emily. It had already been a month since Ye Yuyan had rampaged through Heaven's Realm. With the opening of Heaven's Realm, Noble Qian the head of the Song clan and one of the key heads of the Noble path convened the world's powers to the Phoenix capital. With the cooperation of the Firelord, Noble Qian opened the Phoenix Trials for the younger generation but this was only on the surface. The real purpose of opening the Phoenix Trials was to gather the overlords of the world, so they can divide up Heaven's Realm. "Hmph!" The king snorted and suddenly a thunder dragon jumped off his body into the shadows of the valley. "Rawrr!" The Jaguar growled as it shot out of the shadows jumping towards Mercer. The thunder dragon bolted through the air and instantly crashed into the Jaguar. BOOM! "Arrr!" The beast roared its death throes as the lightning's indomitable force crushed it and the intense electrical forces burst into its organs. The lightning attacked the bonds of the Jaguar on a molecular level, decomposing it in an instant. The jaguar's flesh and blood turned into nothingness as the lightning vaporized into molecular structures. The king shut his palm and the thunder dragon shrunk down and flew back into his body. Emily stood frozen as she stared with wide eyes full of shock. She glanced at her father then at the place the Jaguar emerged from. There was absolutely nothing left even her high-level perception could feel any bit of the beast left. The Jaguar with its stealth and power could rival a Rank 3 expert, yet it was absolutely nothing before her father's might. With the beast dead, the king turned his perception back to the mountain. When space near the mountain peak distorted and rippled like a curtain. Three dark nodes appeared across the mountain releasing powerful energy from beyond this world. Celestial power dispersed from the nodes and three figures emerged from each node. Behind them were the void of the world and a glittering and glistening sea of stars. "He's here..." Ghost Hands opened his eyes and said to the king in a soft voice. The king's eyebrows furrowed as he squinted and saw the three figures flash across the mountain down into the shadow plains. A blue, white, and black light shot across the plain in front of the group as motes of light. The blue motes of light formed together turning into a white-haired young man wielding a moonlight sword. The second set of lights formed into a dark-haired woman in a black dress. The last set of lights appeared last and formed from dark motes of light. The energies coalesced according to a heavenly principle turning into a dark-haired dark-eyed man in black robes. He emanated a wispy shadowy aura as the darkness of the plains lingered on his body. "My oh my, I wasn't a welcome back party upon arrival." The dark-haired young man sneered as he spoke, his gaze fixed onto the Verulyim King as he scanned him over. "You... you're... Ye Yuyan!" Emily exclaimed with shock as she stared at Ye Yuyan's dark cloaked form. All she ever encountered were stories of Ye Yuyan and she met his will in the immortal graveyard. Now she has met him face and face and she could feel his terrifying power. Deep inside the inky darkness that surrounded Ye Yuyan was a demonic power she had only felt once before. The moment Ye Yuyan manifested, shock transmitted through Ghost Hands body as Ye Yuyan aura inspired a fear inside of him, with a stuttering and fearful voice he said: "I had to confirm it myself, but I still can't believe it!" "You have the aura of Lucifer! How is that possible?!?" Ghost Hands said as he pointed his trembling hand at Ye Yuyan. "Anything is possible, has age made you forgetful, you old fossil." Ye Yuyan sneered with contempt as his cold dark eyes scanned over the doctor. "Master, shall we intervene?" Maven asked as he reached for his sword at his side, Song Yue gripped her grimoire tightly as she prepared herself. Su Yan and Emily suddenly tensed up as they mustered their fighting spirits. Their auras ascended together as their aspects appeared, blinding light manifested behind Su Yan turning into a yellow-robed young man in with a sun inscribed on his back. Emily's aura tightened turning into a tough lattice structure and condensing a golden woman wielding a golden sword. Emily focused her perception on Song Yue and Su Yan focused himself on Maven. Maven's eyes flashed with a starry sky as a layer of cyan Qi appeared across his body. The calm lunar Qi condensed behind him into a blue-robed young man who looked exactly like him, the Lunar Qi shot into the young man's back turning into a blue moon. "He has an aspect... he's Rank 4!" Emily gnashed her teeth as she spoke, to think even Ye Yuyan's subordinates could rival her in strength. "He's not the only one! Ha!!!" Song Yue exhaled releasing a torrent of immortal Qi. The white aura dwarfed Maven's power easily, as her Chaste Divine Body activated. Deep inside of her body, the rule fragment of the "Bearer of the White Lotus" released its splendor. The energies condensed together behind her into a sea of petals, the petals coalesced turning into an Illusionary White lotus! "Rank 4 and not only that her Aspect isn't human!!!" Su Yan intoned with shock as the white lotus swayed behind Song Yue. One of the defining characteristics of a Bearer is their aspect, any human cultivator would create a human aspect. Their totem might not be human but their aspect will always be human. This applied to Bloodline, Sealing, and Chivalry. Aspects to humans are like evil forms to demons, they are the defining power of their race and Bearers deviate from this. Bearers received their Aspect from the Law of Kings and because of that their aspect could take forms beyond that of a human and provide special abilities like the Nine Revolutions Red Lotus. "Stand down!" The Verulyim King roared with a furious and booming voice. Using his thunder prowess, his voice boomed throughout the plains frightening little animals everywhere and even causing the ground to vibrate. Suddenly Su Yan, Emily, Maven, and Song Yue felt their auras fall at an alarming rate. The massive pillars of Qi they released instantly lurched as the Verulyim king released his frightening power. Their energies dwindled as it forced their auras back into their bodies. Everyone except Ghost Hands and Ye Yuyan fell to their knees instantly. Ye Yuyan glanced over at Ghost Hands with a stone-faced expression and turned his attention back to the Verulyim King. "You're the one who killed my son?" The king coldly intoned as lightning crackled across his body. "Yes, and I made quite a good use of him..." Ye Yuyan replied with a cold sneer as the darkness twinkled in his eyes. "I see..." The Verulyim king gritted his teeth and gripped his fist as lightning crackled in his eyes. Deep in his body, lightning tumbled through his meridians and crackled across his skin. "Then you can perish!" He roared as he suddenly opened his palm up and shot out a giant beam of lightning. BOOM! The lightning collided with Ye Yuyan's body and erupted into a sea of thunder dragons. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed as the sea of thunder beasts wrapped around Ye Yuyan attempting to devour him. Inside of the sea of lightning, Ye Yuyan's left eye flashed with a Qilin as he pursed his lips into a cold smile.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "17435", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.59: Entering the East", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Illathar jumped forward swiping with an ice claw and Han Yi. When Han Yi punched out with a 9 colored fist forcing the beast back. Maven jumped in with his moonlight sword behind him was an army of clones. The army swarmed at the Illathar slashing down and from the ground, various chains burst out impaling every clone. The chains were like snakes the slithered through the army destroying it. The surviving clones were wiped out by Illathar's dark energies that skewered it. Around Y, Yuyan gathered blue auras and he shot them out as icicles back to back. But before they could even near Illathar they would disperse into nothingness. Han Yi noticing this warned him: "Frost truths will not work on him anymore." "What? How is that possible?" Ye Yuyan questioned as he dodged another beam of blue light from Illathar. Han Yi shot out an extinguishing ray of 9 colored lightning that dispersed the barrage of blue auras. "Roar!" Illathar's left eye pupil shined with great intensity making the blue auras transform into black. They became black chains once again shooting out to surround the group. "He's refined Dark Laws from frost." Han Yi said hesitantly making the entire group dumbfounded. "Black and White, the Four Transformations, the Five Elements, and the 3000 Truths..." Nesilia quoted unable to believe Han Yi. "He's been collecting truths from his fallen and used his frost and the lightning of tribulation to create Black laws..." Han Yi said as Illathar started to snicker. "Hehe, I had long seen your plans to trap me with my own laws." Illathar growled as the black chains closed in. The key of demon sealing was to create a seal that was suitable to the demon. Yunshi used Illathar's frost laws to seal him but since he had evolved the truths, the sealing was no longer suitable. Making the attempt backfire entirely and leaving him a mindless husk. "If you have any tricks left, then use them!" Han Yi roared as he blasted a surging 9 colored lightning into the sky shattering the chains. He formed a lightning bolt in his right arm and blasted it at Illathar. Illathar slammed down with a frozen claw that smashed the lightning into nothingness. "I have a plan, just hold him down for a moment." Ye Yuyan calmly articulated as he removed his black dagger. "Then lets!" Nesilia said as flipped through grimoire rapidly. "Divine Eye!" She yelled releasing volleys of divine clouds above Illathar's head appeared a massive divine cloud. Around it birds formed from the mist flapping onto Illathar, Hawks, Eagles, Owls, and even Swallows swooped down onto his head. "Kill!" Maven roared as he ran out with an army of clones. All of them slashing at Illathar's legs and dispelling his frost auras. "Argh!" Illathar roared as he tried to manifest black chains to attack them. But the black auras around became unstable due to the bird's influence. With all the birds fully created the remaining divine clouds formed an that gazed down on Illathar. "Damned exorcism!" He roared as his frost qi's blasted at the clouds trying to disintegrate. But the divine eye was too resilient the frost auras shot through it but it still reformed. Suddenly Illathar fell onto one leg as Maven slashed down at his left foot taking away his balance. Illathar's body suddenly shook with intense electrical energies. His right foot slipped as his entire body fell forward slamming onto the ground. Around his ankle was a 9 colored light that looked like a tenacious viper. "Ji Shu, do it now!" Han Yi screamed as Illathar struggled against the thundering serpent. "Blood Rites!" Ye Yuyan said as his eyes turned into blood saucers. He took his dagger and stabbed it into his palm. Blood dripped from his palm dyeing the group and then he suddenly ripped the dagger out. With that single motion, the dagger started to elongate. The runes along it shone as it transformed into a long thin katana. The whole sword shined with a bloody aura as it took form. "Blood Moon!" Ye Yuyan roared as his sword stirred the sword forces all around. Him the metallic sword forces gathered rapidly around him and changed into sharp red auras. Each aura reeked of blood as if each held a dead beast. "This sword force, I've never seen it before." Maven couldn't help but utter as he stared at the gathering sword forces. "Blood...it cannot be." Ilalthar roared as he body ripped off the thunder serpent. "Damn..." Han Yi yelled as he was slammed back by Illathar's sudden motion. "Damn it Yunshi, get back to your senses already." Han Yi couldn't help but curse he shot out a lightning bolt hitting Illathar. But Illathar who was charging at Ye Yuyan didn't care as his fur became singed he still kept dashing forward. An intertwining of blue and black auras appeared all around him in one his right claw, the blue auras gathered, and in his left the black auras gathered. "Die you accursed thing." Illathar roared as he slashed down with two claws, one blue and one black. Each claw emanated with a terrifying principle and seemed to propagate without any end as it bared down of Ye Yuyan. "Call to Slaughter!" Ye Yuyan yelled out as the blood red in his eyes turned crimson. The sword forces condensed into hundreds of sword marks. Each looked like an independent scarlet sword and shot out without end. The claws were instantly held back by the sheer number for sword marks. Yet the claws kept persisting without end. Ye Yuyan kept generating more sword forces that would shoot out as sword marks. "His sword force has no end. Isn't he a frost cultivator?" Nesilia said dumbfounded, her divine eye had already been dispersed by the sheer energy so she closed her grimoire. "Whatever sword code he cultivates is extremely pure." Maven noted as he watched the sword forces cut threw Illathar's claws and throw him backward. "RAWR!" Illathar roared as sword marks appeared all over his body hitting him backward. Ye Yuyan slashed faster and faster with blood moon in his hand guiding the sword forces. Han Yi couldn't help but look at Ye Yuyan with apprehension. To think he held back this much power, if he used this power against him earlier he would have lost. Illathar's body slammed against the valley wall and shook the ground. Illathar took a closer look at Ye Yuyan as fear appeared on his face. "You...you were the one who slaughtered my clone!" Illathar growled with a mix of fear and anger. "He what?" Han Yi said as his body staggered. "I can sense my soul aura on him!" Illathar grumbled as tried to get up, all over his body were bloody sword marks. With his demonic physique, his wounds would normally heal, but the bloody sword forces seemed to inhibit that. "Don't listen to him, he's just stirring up the pot!" Nesilia said in Ye Yuyan's defense to Han Yi. "Ji Shu..." Han Yi growled with extreme anger, this entire trip was filled with setback after setback. Originally this was supposed to be a simple plan that would establish his achievements in the kingdom. Ye Yuyan coldly looked down at Han Yi, and suddenly he snapped his fingers. Han Yi's body started to writhe intensely as the 9 colored light disappeared. "What did you do?!?" He complained as he fell to the ground and clutched his chest. "What the hell Ji Shu?!?" Nesilia said out loud and started to approach him. Yet before she could take another step a blood chain shot out of her grimoire. "What the!" The blood chain shot around her tying her up and chaining her grimoire to her before she could finish her sentence. She struggled to get up and roared curses at Ye Yuyan. Who was deaf to her pleas, instead he focused his attention on Han Yi. "Han Yi, you did well for a child. But you were nothing more than a tool. A tool for your kingdom and a tool for me." Ye Yuyan said coldly as he snapped again, making Han Yi roar to the skies in pain. "You little damn..." Han Yi tried to say but before he could finish Ye Yuyan snapped again. But this time a 9 colored light exploded out of Han Yi's body and shot out into the sky. "Your kingdom received a minor inheritance of Tribulation bearer. But you misunderstood his nature, he was the type of use man as a furnace!" Ye Yuyan said sinisterly as his body approached Han Yi. Han Yi's body emanated a pillar of 9 colored light that illuminated the whole valley. The skies started to rumble as black clouds started to gather, a terrifying red light was gathering within them. Nesilia looked over at Maven who seemed perfectly calm as he stood without any restriction. "You too, Maven? Were you two plotting together this whole time?" Nesilia questioned with a fit of burning anger. Yet she could help but feel horror, for when Maven turned to look at her all that was in his eyes were blood saucers. "You..." She said as despair filled her heart. "Watch me, as I open a new era!" Ye Yuyan laughed as he raised the blood moon and pointed it at the sky. With a tyrannical shout and ascending sword forces he roared to the clouds: "Red Lotus Bloom!"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2207", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.20: Red Lotus Bloom", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"You damn humans." Illathar growled and let out a frosty breath. He stomped on the ground with each leg and cracked his horrifying fists. Maven got up off the ground and grabbed his moonlight sword with one hand. The illusion of the sword dissipated a bit from the last frost beam but it was still sturdy. Maven looked over at Han Yi and couldn't help but grit his teeth. "You damn liar was this your plan?" Maven couldn't help but growl. Han Yi smiled with schadenfreude and stood up stabilizing himself. "Heh, does it matter? At least you will suffer because of it." Han Yi words hissed out like poison to Maven's ears. Maven tightly gripped his sword and pointed it towards Illathar and with a low and cold voice, he said: "No one will stop my affairs today." "Ji Shu, tend to the scroll!" Maven roared and closed his eyes. Ye Yuyan nodded and jumped for the scroll, Han Yi followed running for the scroll as well. Maven's body suddenly exploded into thousands of shadow copies. Every copy diffused into a different direction running at Illathar. The cold auras around Illathar condensed onto his claws and he slashed the skies sending put two blue claws. The claws slammed into the ground leaving paw prints and cutting apart hundreds of clones. The surviving clones bled through getting to Illathar feet. "Awrrr!" Illathar roared and stomped the ground multiple times. The cold auras around him acted as a buffer freezing all the incoming clones and he stamped the other ones into the ground. A few of the remaining clones dashed through and with moonlight swords stabbed into Illathar. A few of the cold auras became icicles and slashed down like a meteor shower onto the few clones left. "Arghh!" The clones roared as they were skewered by the icicles becoming nothing more than moonlight. Illathar looked around unable to find any corpses among the dissipating clones. Then suddenly all his hair stood up and he suddenly turned behind him. There was Maven floating in the sky and around him was a swirling vortex of moonlight. The energy seemed like it was on the precipice of condensing into physical form. Illathar's eyes glowed white and he roared again. He stepped forward once again rumbling the ground and suddenly he tumbled forward at Maven. Maven kept his focus as Illathar charged toward him and his moonlight sword started to shine. "Too late you damned beast." Maven gloated as the vortex condensed down and more light gathered. Various dots of light from the sky gathered along the sword. The energy elongated the sword making it reach for the skies! "Illusory Sword Totem: Moonlight Crescent." Maven said slowly as intense sword forces passed all along his body in response. "Break for me!" Maven roared as he slashed down with his massive moonlight sword. Illathar continued charging as the frost auras around him pressed against his body. He ducked down and the cold auras against his body formed a frosty dome on his back. The moonlight sword came slashing down at that moment and the world was completely alight with moonlight. The frosty dome around Illathar cracked in half, drifting snow into the air. The glittering light and falling snow made one think of the first winter's snowfall. The moonlight sword's momentum disappeared as it dissipated back into light spots. Along Illathar's back was a superficial slash that bled blue blood. "Weak." Illathar intoned as he got back up one vertebra at a time. Maven's body drifted back to the ground as the moonlight energies dissipated. He looked up realizing the sheer size of Illathar and dreading him at the same time. Maven's head went downcast and suddenly blood dripped from the side of his lip. His eyes turned into a deep blood red filled with malice and around him was the aura of a sharp sword. This was the final technique of a swordsman, Sword Burning! They would absorb sword forces haphazardly without regard for the consequences and cut away at their sword foundation. This technique could ruin one's chances of forming sword intent! "Like I said no one will stop my affairs." He said with a low growl that seemed to cut the air. All around him drifting sword forces turned into swords that blasted out. Maven jumped forward and started trading blows with Illathar. His unending sword strikes slashed apart Illathar neverending frosty front guards. "Ji Shu! I can free you but you need to help me." Han Yi said as his attention turned away from the fight between Maven and Illathar. Ye Yuyan stood unfazed in front of Han Yi, in his left hand he held a furled black scroll. With a dull and blank expression, he said: "D....Do...it!" Han Yi nodded his head but then suddenly jumped back from the ground emerged a divine mist with seared faces. His attention turned to behind Han Yi where a black dressed beauty stood holding a black grimoire. "You dare to betray master." She said with a pouting expression and emphasized 'master.' "This damn woman has been completely controlled..." Han Yi said with a disgruntled tone before he could even land on the ground the divine clouds trailed toward him. His body flashed with electricity again blasting away the remaining mist. "Your lightning is so much weaker!" Nesilia said laughing as her divine clouds reformed again. Her divine clouds weren't meant for attacking so even though Han Yi was weakened it couldn't really hurt him. "Ji Shu, take this strike!" Han Yi roared and dashed forward dodging the incoming clouds. In Han Yi palm condensed lightning forces, his knuckles cracked as he formed a punch. Nesilia raised her left hand clenched her palm into a fist. The clouds seethed for a moment before exploding into a rain of needles. The needles went every direction and a few stabbed into Han Yi's back. "Argh." Han Yi grunted and felt his body sway but he still kept his balance and momentum. In an instant, he was before a dull Ye Yuyan, with a supercharged fist he punched Ye Yuyan abdomen sending him flying. Ye Yuyan slammed into the valley with a dull smashing noise. His body fidgeted for a bit as electricity struggled inside of his body. Ye Yuyan started to cough unceasingly as the electricity streamed in his body. He suddenly choked out a white mist and then a moment after he started gushing out white mist. This was a special ability of Lightning it was known for forcing out foreign energies due to its domineering nature. Clarity flashed in Ye Yuyan's eyes as he stood up and spit out a bit of blood. "My apologies your highness, let me make us even." Ye Yuyan said thankfully and unfurled his black scroll. From the scroll shot out a 9 colored lightning bolt that went towards Han Yi. A bloodshot Maven looked over and roared out to Han Yi: "NO!" Maven shot out hundreds of frantic sword beams pushing Illathar away and with a moment of respite he rushed towards Han Yi. Maven slashed forward with a white sword beam that slashed apart the ground as it hurdled towards Han Yi. Han Yi's eyes flashed with a 9 colored lightning and suddenly streams of light plated his right arm. He raised it towards the incoming sword beam and the sword beam became disorderly and disappeared. Maven couldn't help but look at Han Yi dumbfounded. Han Yi's body flashed with 9 colors and unlike his previous lightning, it wasn't so tyrannical. This lightning seemed serene as it repaired all of Han Yi's injuries. Han Yi's expression turned cold as he cracked his knuckles and inspected the immense power coming from his body. The power was unlike anything he had ever felt. "Well, he should be here soon." Han Yi said sinisterly "Who?!? Who's coming..." Maven said dreadfully with still bloodshot eyes, yet before he could finish his sentence from behind Han Yi a portal suddenly opened up. From the portal shot out a black claw with a tint of blue it swiped at the portal making it larger. From it emerged a black beast with a ring around its nose and red eyes. The beast looked stunningly similar to Illathar, and atop the beast was a muscular shirtless man with a greatsword on his back. Coiled around his body were black chains that dug into the head of the beast. "Yunshi!?!" Maven said as his eyes opened wide like saucers. The bloody light in his eyes was starting to fade as his will to fight dissipated. Around Han Yi, the gentle light of the 9 colored lightning circulated making him look like an immortal. He took slow steps towards Maven as if he was going on a stroll in his garden. Maven collapsed onto his knees and looked up at Han Yi who stood in front him with a flat expression. "Your little rebellion has failed." Han Yi coldly intoned "Yunshi kill that beast." Han Yi said as he reached out and grabbed Maven's throat. Han Yi gripped down trying to squash Maven's throat when suddenly a black chain flew from Yunshi and wrapped around Han Yi's hand. Han Yi looked over at Yunshi and roared out: "What the hell are you doing?" The 9 colored lightning matched Han Yi and the originally gentle nature became violent as it fluctuated. Instead of Yunshi speaking it was the beast that spoke! "Your little possession failed." The beast growled as more chains shot out from the ground. The other Illathar started to laugh as well. "We had long known of your goals with Gulan." Illathar said as he walked next to the black beast. Han Yi's dodged back and with his lightning, he destroyed the chain around his hand. His eyes turned serious as he realized how perilous his situation had become.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2205", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.18: King of the Hill", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Among demons, there are three paths, Evil form, Slaughter Qi, and Authority. Demons are restricted like humans to their paths and have been experimenting since time immemorial to craft these paths. Not much is known about demons except that they existed far before humanity did and are far more developed in their paths of power. Unlike humanity demons could not cultivate the paths of power separately, rather they advance together all at once letting them reach new levels. The first level for a demon is Awakening and has a strength equivalent to a rank 1 expert. After advancing their evil form, authority and slaughter Qi they can evolve into a tempter. From a tempter, they become Fiends like Illathar. After Fiends, there are the lords, princes, and dukes of hell. In each of these levels, there are low, mid, and high quality. If a demon evolves into a low-quality tempter from an awakened demon, they will have no prospects of advancement. But if they are mid quality, they have a decent chance of advancing. This was why Illathar was so determined to find other paths of advance because he had low prospects, anyway. This is all to say all these levels of a demon are nothing compared to the pinnacle of demons, Primal Emanations! Each Primal held a complete law and system that could rival the Venerable Bearers of humanity. They are undisputably, the Venerables of the demon race! Belphegor sat atop the throne coldly looking down on everyone as swirling green slaughter qi filled the room with a malevolent presence and the eyes on the walls swished across it leaving trails of dark green qi. Maven and Song Yue's bodies laid pinned on the ground as the suppressive power on their bodies grew every second. Only Alister could reluctantly remain upright as the dark silhouette grew closer to him. The shadows dissipated from the silhouette's body making him more visible until he turned into a grey-haired with a long beard reaching his knees. He wore red robes with a vivid demon on his back that danced as if coming to life. "Supreme Elder Qi Hong..." Alister said as cupped his fists giving him a junior's salute. The Blood Sect has three factions, The Human, Demon, and Immortal factions. Each faction had a Lord who was the symbol of their factions, and below that is the Supreme Elder. After that, there are Elders, Titled warriors, Untitled warriors, and Disciples. Each of the titles conforms to the ranking system, disciples are normally rank 1, untitled warriors are rank 2, all the way to supreme elders who are quasi rank 5! "So this is the Demon Lord..." Alister muttered to himself as he looked at the man in the throne with fear. "You've done well in leading them here. Sir Belphegor will reward you well." Qi Hong praised Alister with a sinister smile, his gaze flitted past Maven and Song Yue to gaze their reactions. "What?!?" Maven said with shock filled eyes as he took a hesitant step back. "You damn traitor!" Song Yue rebuked Alister in a cold tone, her eyes filled with cold malice as she slowly reached toward her grimoire on the side of her dress. "Enough!" Belphegor roared and suddenly a burst of green Qi surrounded Song Yue. Before she could even react her grimoire flew out of her hand as the green qi carried it away. Maven tried to take another step back but the green qi condensed at his feet. He tried to move his leg back but suddenly the green qi restricted his motion and he couldn't move at all! "Stop this nonsense. Alister come here." Belphegor intoned with his garbled demonic voice. Alister gritted his teeth and took steps forward with Qi Hong following him closely. They stopped in front of the throne and suddenly Belphegor reached out with his green and oily palm. Alister didn't move back as the giant palm wrapped around his head. The gigantic palm covered Alister's entire head and suddenly a green light flashed from inside the palm. This was the same technique that Gulan used, it's a special demonic skill that could scan one's memories! ************************* In the outskirts of the blood city, a red wind whizzed across the desert picking bits of sand with its every motion. The wind left red trails across the air making the scorpions scurry into the ground out of fear. The red wind made all life in the desert hide in fear as even spiritual plants shot into the sand hiding amidst their roots. The red wind funneled toward a single location as it circled around the area gathering more sand. At the center of this red tornado, space distorted rapidly folding and twisting into esoteric shapes. The spatial distortions left the space in the area slowly cracking open as if something were coming through. Suddenly the red winds seethed and a crimson energy shot toward the center of the spatial distortions and instantly space ripped open! The crack in the world sucked in the crimson energies into the infinite void leaving no trace of the tornado. All the collected sediment and sand fell to the ground all at once and a black beam shot out of the spatial distortions. Amidst the falling red sand that glimmered from the sun, appeared a black-robed figure. In their hands was a pink bamboo umbrella that covered their face. The sediment settled onto the ground at that moment and the figure sealed the umbrella revealing his face. He was a handsome and dark robed man with dark and cold eyes that could devour all light. Looking at him too long could threaten to devour your soul! This young man is Ye Yuyan after he completed his cultivation in the black sea. He consolidated his foundation before he went to the blood sect. The black sea and blood sect were both hidden in an alternate world. In this plane there is one main world that is earth, this world is the center of all smaller worlds. The demon world and other worlds are next to this plane but the distance between them is astronomical! But here the world of the black sea and blood set are right next to one another. Only Venerable class cultivator could a world of this caliber. It was a world similar to Heaven's Realm and other far-off worlds. The moment Ye Yuyan appeared, two lights zoomed from the horizon. One was white, and the other was a crimson beam. The two beams blasted towards Ye Yuyan at supersonic speeds and appeared before him in an instant. The two lights coalesced into two figures, from the red light came a black-haired young man who radiated intense vitality. A red river swirled across his red robes centering on a vague boyish figure on his back. From the white light came a white-haired old man, who looked as though he was one step away from the grave. He wore all white robes and on his back was a holy man with his hands raised into two mudras that radiated peace and serenity. They both went down into a deep and reverential bow and said simultaneously to Ye Yuyan: "Sage, the Immortal faction welcomes you!", "Sage, the Human faction welcomes you!" "Sir, we have a matter we must inform you of..." The white-haired man tried to say but he was cut off by Ye Yuyan. "Belphegor has usurped the demon throne? Am I right?" Ye Yuyan chuckled as he spoke, shocking the white-haired man. "How did you know?" The black haired man asked quizzically as he scanned Ye Yuyan face for an answer. "I know that demon well, now bring me to the palace." Ye Yuyan coldly said and suddenly he swished his robes. Suddenly a red light burst from inside the spatial crack filling it with energy as the crack repaired itself. "This level of spatial command..." The black haired man couldn't help but say as he marveled at Ye Yuyan's power. The two faction heads turned into beams of light and shot off into the horizon towards a shining red beacon. Ye Yuyan smirked and clenched his fists, a vein popped out on his forehead as a lotus flickered into existence on his forehead. On the four colored lotus, the cerulean leaf shone and flew off his forehead materializing into a single cerulean lotus leaf. The silhouette turned into streams of electricity and flew off wrapping around Ye Yuyan's body like a cloak. Thunder crackled across his body and at his feet formed lightning runes, his entire body filled with electrical energy. In his right eye, a thunder mark flashed filling his right eye with the crackling of thunder. Ye Yuyan stepped on the air propelling himself forward and transforming into an arc of lightning. He shot past the horizon arcing across the sky in the form of a lightning bolt, his domineering power cut past the air as he zoomed behind the faction heads toward the blood palace.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "10990", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.50: Ye Yuyan arrives!", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
As the darkness of the temple wrapped around Ye Yuyan, space-time curved shuttling him off into the endless of void of space. His body shot through the vacuum at light speeds, as all around him the glittering stars of the universe shown down on him. His form shot through space escaping from the range of a massive celestial body behind him. The celestial body was a gigantic smooth circular object that shone with a myriad of lights, around the object were endless multicolored shards. Within those shards existed endless worlds, on one such world was a thin membrane of lightning and at that moment an endless stream of yellow, red, and black lights shot through the membrane entering the mystical world of lightning. Other mystical worlds flitted past Ye Yuyan's gaze, he saw a shard of blood with an adjoining shard of darkness floating near it when he saw a shard of white with a sharp slicing quality to it pass him by. The multicolored shards emitted fantastical lights that reflected all across the celestial body surrounding it with multicolored auroras. The massive celestial body behind him was the earth and the surrounding aurora is the atmosphere. The thousands of shards surrounding the earth are the 3000 Dao Worlds, that are the building blocks of all things under heaven and earth. Ye Yuyan shot past the last shard entering out of the range of the lights and auroras, and he shot towards a distant light. As Ye Yuyan shot through space, the distant light became increasingly clear as it radiated intense waves of heat. The intensity of light grew higher and higher as he approached almost blinding him from the sheer brightness. The massive celestial body pulsated with waves of heat as it constantly funneled plasma and heat in a thermonuclear reaction on a massive scale. In a few moments, Ye Yuyan's body was before the gigantic star. The waves of heat erupted and wrapped Ye Yuyan in vermillion flames devouring his body into the celestial body. Ye Yuyan's perception filled with many mystical colors as a world of flames appeared before him. The Canon of Humanity, which is a collection of various myths and stories about how humans came to be, and it says Venerable Phoenix is the Bearer of the Sun. The myth has it that at the end of his life after founding the 12 immortal bloodlines; he flew into the vacuum of space and detonated himself into millions of Rule Fragments. The Rule Fragments fused together and created the Sun, which brought light to the darkness of the world. So the phrase, Tomb of the Phoenix means where Venerable Phoenix went to die and was reborn like a phoenix in a new form as the sun! As the various flames engulfed Ye Yuyan, his body entered deeper and deeper into the sun's core until suddenly the myriad of flames parted from his view and he landed onto a strange sandy desert. Ye Yuyan looked down on the ground and stared at the granules of sand, they seemed like glass as they reflected a myriad of lights. Then he looked at the sky and saw hundreds of auroras intertwining to make strange shapes and designs. Ye Yuyan stepped on the air and levitated rapidly to the sky, increasing his field of vision rapidly. As he rose higher, the entire world grew increasingly flatter, not a single wind stirred the seven colored sand as Ye Yuyan scanned across the entire world. When suddenly he noticed off in the distance at the center of the plane was a long spiraling pagoda reaching into the limits of the firmament. Ye Yuyan stepped on the air igniting current of lightning at his feet, his body disappeared into a blue flash leaving an electrical current with each stride. Ye Yuyan's body flashed back into existence, less than a hundred meters from the massive pagoda. Up close, he could see a seven-colored flame spiral around the pagoda as the energies flew up to the sky. He stepped on the air again shooting into the sky, following the pagoda to the limit of the sky. In less than a moment, Ye Yuyan was at the top of the pagoda. Atop the pagoda was a gigantic platform surrounded with a wall of fire. Ye Yuyan's right eye shone with a vermillion bird releasing vermillion flames across his body as he suddenly jumped through the wall of flames onto the platform. He looked up above him and noticed the wall of flames pierce into the sky. Above him was the empty void of space surrounded by the wall of flames as if it were being kept in check. "Venerable Phoenix, show yourself!" Ye Yuyan roared as vermillion flames cascaded across his body. Ka-Cha! The wall of flames crackled as a myriad of colors flashed throughout the flames, in the flames of in front of Ye Yuyan a pair of golden eyes flashed open. The golden gaze released infinite splendor as it gazed from an immemorial era onto Ye Yuyan's form. The golden light escaping its eyes could rival that of a supernova exploding! The entire world shook as a deep voice bellow rumbling heaven and earth: "Who has awoken me from my slumber?" The heavenly dao stirred as the mystical voice spoke a myriad of lights to dance through the sky. This was the prestige of a Venerable, a person who has achieved a status on par with heaven and earth! The flame walls grew as Venerable Phoenix awoke causing the flames to fly past Ye Yuyan as he calmly opened his palm and ignited a vermillion flame. Ye Yuyan twiddled his fingers dancing the flame as the light of the golden gaze scanned over him. "I am here for the trial of Six Heavenly Flames." Ye Yuyan disclosed with a soft genial smile and frighteningly cold eyes. "You are..." Venerable Phoenix intoned with slight shock Ye Yuyan sneered as Venerable Phoenix's will went silent. "I see... Heaven's Will did not extinguish you." Venerable Phoenix chuckled coldly as he spoke, with his every word the wall of flames would stir releasing heat waves onto Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan relaxed his smile and coldly replied: "No matter the form heaven takes, a mere construct will never defeat me." "Now who is it you will support Heaven's Will or me?" Ye Yuyan continued as vermillion flames cascaded down his body, guarding him against the erupting heat waves. "Of the three, Fate, Luck, and Destiny. I have always believed most in destiny, fate is the tool of heaven, luck is the tool of earth, and destiny is the tool of man." Venerable Phoenix continued to say "I endorse no one but destiny..." "So?" Ye Yuyan asked with a slightly closed-lipped smile. "Show me!" Venerable Phoenix bellowed sending the wall of flames into the sky. The dark portal fluctuated as the flames feed into it, suddenly a white light shot through the portal and crashed into the platform. The portal distorted again releasing a fast moving blue light and a black and white light. Soon after a myriad of red lights shot through the portal and crashed onto the platform. As the walls of flames swayed in the air around the platform, the lights dissipated revealing a group of figures. The white lights dissipated revealing at the forefront of the figures, a tightly dressed woman in a black evening gown. Her hair was tied up above her in an elegant bun, a few strands cascaded down to her alluring dark eyes. Her luscious lips parted as she sarcastically greeted Ye Yuyan: "Hello...Brother Ye." Next to her, from the blue light emerged a young man in a blue toga. Furious blue lightning crackled across his body as he stared at Ye Yuyan with bloodthirsty eyes and a vicious smile. "Is this him? The Demon Ye I've heard so much about." A voice echoed as the beautiful white-robed woman appeared next to Mercer. Moonlight cascaded down her body illuminating her immaculate jade skin. "He matches the description..." Another voice echoed as a golden-robed young man manifested next to the woman. Golden flames danced in his eyes as his broad shoulder and strong body shone with a blinding golden light. To the left, the various lights manifested into different figures. From the bronze light, manifested a blonde-haired woman in bronze armor. From a holy orange light, materialized a saffron-robed old man and from the last light came a disheveled middle-aged man in knightly armor. A dark-haired man in thick black hide armor walked up and said: "Madam Chang'e that is definitely him!" On the right side, a white light turned into a young man dressed in white robes embroidered on the back was the symbol of the hand, his head, and his hairs were white like wool. He took one glance Ye Yuyan and carefully said: "Don't let his appearance deceive you, he is as vicious as they come!" Next, to the young man, a black light turned into a large and imposing man, he stood at almost three meters with a broad back and massive shoulders. As the last light manifested, the dark-haired woman at the front took a step forward inspiring immortal Qi with her every step. "Fate, luck, or destiny so this is what you mean..." Ye Yuyan coldly chuckled as he met the woman's gaze and saw a white lotus sway in her eyes. This was none other than Song Yue, the new bearer of the white lotus! The image of a young woman with long white hair and blue eyes overlapped with Song Yue as the past and present fused as one before Ye Yuyan. Venerable Phoenix's golden eyes flashed with a pink flame, this was the first of the six Heavenly Fires, the Delightful Flames! "Let the Phoenix trials begin!" Venerable Phoenix bellow releasing pink flames onto Ye Yuyan's body and wrapping him in the flames of desire!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "19696", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.65: Fate, Luck, or Destiny?", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
As Ye Yuyan completed his cultivation inside the black sea, outside of it was a world of red. In this world of red, hung a bloody sun that scorched the earth. The entire area was a massive red desert deprived of all life, except the vilest and insidious hiding in dunes and in the sand. All across this land, serpents slithered and scorpion hissed and gathered all around looking for food. A blood wind passed through gathering sand as it whipped up sandstorms. Off in the distance of this land was a large beacon of red light, this red light stood at the center of the world illuminating all things with its brightness only rivaled by the sun. Coming closer to the light one could see rather than a star, it was a palace! The gargantuan frame of the palace cut through the horizon obscuring all things behind it, the palace was engraved with multiple blood dragons rising to the heavens. Below the blood palace was a fortified shrine with a tower reaching right below around them were various villas and pavilions. Red-robed figures dashed through and from as they went about going to the different pavilions and villas trading and conversing. There were various embroideries on their robes, some had tigers, dragons, but what was most conspicuous was a demon! The demon had black horns tipped with red and nine red lines along his body. Wearing the demonic robe was a white-haired old man with an ashen beard. By his side was a charming woman dressed in a black gown and a white-haired young man in moonlight robes. "So this is the famed blood sect?" Maven chuckled as he looked around, he looked over the various merchants before stopping on a small shack. Helming the shack was fat and oily middle-aged man, his hairline was rapidly receding but he hid it with a comb-over and turban. Maven's eyes shined as he scanned over the old man's merchandise, he had an array of blood herbs laid on the shack table. "Those herbs! All of them are high-quality blood essence replenishers!" Maven's eyes lit up with desire, previously he ignited his blood essence affecting his sword prowess to an extent. As a swordsman progresses on the sword path, they become one with their sword. Damage to either them or their sword means the end of their path! Especially since medicines that replenish blood essence are rare. "You're lucky, although those things are rare in the outside world. In here we have the perfect climate and techniques to cultivate blood herbs easily." Alister boasted proudly as he spoke to Maven. "Haha, then why don't you get me a few?" Maven joked as he rubbed the back of his neck. Alister furrowed his brows at and Maven and said in a displeased tone: "You'll have more than enough in the palace. First, we have to report to the Elders as Red Lotus instructed." "Red Lotus, Red Lotus; Who's this Red Lotus you keep talking about?!?" Song Yue pouted with crossed arms and an annoyed expression. "The sage is your master isn't he?" Alister questioned with his head slightly tilted to the side. "Who's master? He's not my master! Now, why do you keep calling him that? Doesn't he have a real name?" Song Yue questioned increasingly through her bare teeth. "I see..." Alister wryly said as he reached into his robes and removed a crimson talisman. "If you wish to learn more about the sage, then let us enter the palace." Alister said as he flicked the talisman to the sky. The crimson talisman flashed with esoteric runes that quickly disappeared and suddenly it turned into a red beam blasting into the sky. Around them, the locals of the Blood Sect looked at the sky and the origin point of the beam. Everyone's gaze centered on Alister's back as they shuttered at the sight of the demon. "It's an Elder!!!" Someone yelled out into the crowd, suddenly various people took steps back avoiding nearing Alister. Suddenly a blinding column of red light crashed down from the sky onto Alister, Maven, and Song Yue. Their bodies transformed into light motes assimilating into the red beam. The people in the street had already moved to the side completely avoiding the light. This happened often whenever an elder appeared in the blood city, most elders remained in the palace cultivating but some would exit and use the Blood Edict to return to the palace. The light column dissipated after Alister and Co disappeared, their forms shot through the sky as light motes. In seconds they were before the sky rending palace, it was a magnificent imperial palace that radiated a sanguine aura that eclipsed the sun. Blood dragons danced all around it as lifeblood forces ascended to the heavens even distorting reality as they danced amidst the blood dragons. The moment the light motes approached the palace, the massive palace gates flew open. The gates released a vile and dark aura that threatened to devour all life. Dark flames danced on the edges of the gates and suddenly a thousand green eyes opened from the darkness. The light motes flew into the gate and started to coalesce, from the light motes Alister, Maven, and Song Yue's body reformed. Their bodies reformed at the bottom of a dark stairwell, around them was all-consuming darkness. On the walls were various green eyes dancing across it as if sliding across a painting. The eyes all centered on the three when suddenly a silhouette appeared in front of them. Maven eyes suddenly flashed as he suddenly unsheathed his sword and gathered Lunar Qi ready to slash it down. "Wait! Don't attack..." Alister put his arm up in front of Maven and tried to speak calmly. But his wide shock filled eyes said something else. Alister's brows furrowed as he said: "You..." Before Alister could say anything else, the silhouette interrupted him saying: "My master has been waiting for you, Alister." "Follow me." The silhouette said as it took a step forward onto the stairwell and kept walking. Alister gritted his teeth before taking a step himself, and then he gestured to Maven and Song Yue to follow him. The two of them hesitated for a moment, they both weighed their odds of beating the silhouette. "Don't even try it, you'll just get us killed." Alister whispered through gritted teeth and took more steps following the silhouette. Seeing that they were being left behind, Maven and Song Yue followed them from behind coming closer to Alister. Song Yue got next to Alister and whispered to him: "Who is he?" "In the blood sect, there are three factions, the Human, Demon, and Immortal." Alister explained as the followed the silhouette from behind. "Each of the factions has a signature and a Supreme Elder. He's the supreme elder of the Demon faction!" Alister took another step forward with Song Yue and Maven not far behind. In a few moments, they would reach the top. "A Supreme Elder, then who's his master?" Maven commented as he looked toward the eyes on the walls. At that moment, they reached the top of the stairs and overlooked a massive throne room. Green eyes danced across the walls and at the center, the silhouette was kneeling before the throne. The throne was made of stone and was of modest size, green gems shone across the throne sides and on the armrests. Seated atop the throne was a fat man dressed in a green Tunisia and a green turban. His broad body remained stuck in the throne as he fiddled with the gems on the armrest. "I...don't know." Alister quietly transmitted to Maven as he looked at the man sitting in the throne with confusion. "I heard you are acquainted with Red Lotus." The man sitting in the throne said with a garbled and demonic voice that rumbled throughout the throne room. The green eyes seethed with excitement as he spoke. Alister went silent as he stared at the ground trying to avoid the various eyes centered on him. "You dare be silent?" The Demon Elder said as he stood up from his bow. The man in the throne took Alister's silence as defiance and tapped on one of the green gems on the throne. Suddenly a blinding green light came from the gems and dark green energy transmitted into the air, the intense energy fluctuations flitted past Alister, Maven, and Song Yue making their bodies tremble with fear. "This...this...is slaughter qi! He's a demon!" Maven struggled to say, his words only coming out as a stutter as his body unwittingly trembled. "What incredible qi!" Song Yue exclaimed as her physique activated releasing a white light around her. The white light struggled to push against the green Qi and suddenly the green Qi turned into blades and slashed against her white aura. Suddenly her white aura dissipated and her body was vulnerable and she collapsed onto the ground. "Bow before the Primal Emanation, Belphegor!" The Demon Elder proclaimed as the man in the throne sneered and rested his head on his right hand, arrogantly looking down on all.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "10873", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.49: Primal Emanation, Belphegor", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Inside the Phoenix castle, The Verulyim king, Su Yan, Ghost hands, and Emily stood up the moment that Noble Qian faded away. The Verulyim king looked towards the Firelord and bowed lightly saying: “We shall take our leave then, fellow Daoist.” The flames around the litter flitted as a deep voice dictated to the Verulyim king: “The Li clan shall secure Heaven’s Realm have your vassal handle the matter.”   The Verulyim king’s eyes narrowed, he held back his concern as he calmly responded: “Understood...”   The Verulyim’s king stepped on the air and gathered electrical energies all around his toga and transformed into a blue beam shooting through the heavens.   Emily and Su Yan did the same turning into a yellow and gold beam following behind the king. The last was the Ghost Hands doctor who turned into a white streak following behind Emily and Su Yan.   Their forms shot out of the Phoenix tower and exited the capital it moments once they approach the wall of steam it automatically parted for them.   The Verulyim king flew across the ocean at supersonic speeds causing huge waves in the sea as he blasted past. Behind him, Emily, Su Yan, and Ghost Hands struggled to follow as they zoomed past the sea.   After traveling a few hundred miles at hypersonic speeds, the Verulyim King suddenly stopped. Intense electrical forces crackled along his body as he scowled menacingly.   Emily, Su Yan, and Ghost Hands caught up after a moment but noticing the King’s scowl they stayed a few meters away from him.   “Damn it, if only I had Venerable Thunder’s inheritance, I would have been Rank 6 by now! Then that damned Firelord wouldn’t dare be disrespectful!” The Verulyim King growled with veins throbbing on his face and a flushed face.   Anger coursed throughout his body filling him with endless rage as lightning continuously crackled on his body.   “Father...” Emily’s lip quivered with sadness as she watched her father lose his cool.   Thunder pealed in the sky as currents of lightning burst off the Verulyim king into the sky. The friction and overwhelming lightning turned the white clouds dark and filled them with thousands of volts of energy.   The Verulyim king’s eyes crackled with lightning as he loosened his tight fists and stopped gritting his teeth. His angry grimace calmed turning emotionless and dignified in almost an instant.   “It will all be fine as long as I kill him and take his power...” The Verulyim king mumbled to himself as he smirked sinisterly.   The Verulyim king flicked the sleeves of his toga sending out hundreds of mystical runes and enshrouding Emily, Ghost Hands, Su Yan, and himself in the runes.   The runes vibrated and shone with fantastical lights. Their bodies dissipated into space transmitting instantly thousands of miles. Off in the Verulyim capital, the super formation of Nine swords shone with a myriad of colors as it resonated with the runes around the Verulyim king.   The black tower at the center of the Verulyim capital distorted as spatial energies gathered towards the top of the tower. The energies gathered toward a young man, in black Neo Victorian clothes sitting at the top of the tower. Along the young man’s face was the tattoo of a long green serpent with purple eyes.   The rampant spatial forces revolved around the young man’s body as he suddenly stood up and punched the space above the capital.   Space distorted as it instantly ripped open creating a massive void and suddenly four beams of light shot out from the void. The instant the beams emerged the young man used the remaining spatial energies to close the loophole.   The mystical beams coalesced into the Verulyim king and his followers as they stood in the sky of the Verulyim capital just below the Nine Sword Star barrier surrounding the city.   The Verulyim king coldly looked over at Su Yan and commanded: “You are to return to the Su Fief and show the Li clan to Heaven’s Realm.”   “Understood, your majesty.” Su Yan replied with a dignified bow.   Then he turned to Emily dictated to her: “You are to stay here and train in the Order.”   “Yes, Father.” Emily politely replied with a small courtesy.   “Thank you for your help, Elder Ghost Hands.” The Verulyim king intoned thankfully as he turned to the ashen old man in white robes.   “It was only a small matter, I need to meet with Arbitrator Feng Shu then I can return to the Sacrament.” Ghost Hands politely replied and turned to fly down to the tower.   The Verulyim king reached out with his palm releasing a torrent of runes and wrapped around Su Yan. These runes differed from the ones he used earlier because they didn’t rely on the Nine Sword Star formation and Feng Shu’s void serpent.   Instead, the Verulyim king’s formed it from his comprehension of heaven and earth law and allowed him to shrink space within a short distance.   This technique is the hallmark of a Rank 6 Overlord, the Verulyim king has been half step into Rank 6 for hundreds of years and has already comprehended a sliver of this law.   The mystical spatial runes warped the space around Su Yan transmitting him thousands of miles away.   His body flashed as he reappeared within a massive mansion with sprawling pavilions, throughout the construction was shrubbery and gardens. This was the Su Fief capital city that the Witch of Fortune reconstructed.   Su Yan coldly gazed at the industrious city as a nine colored light shone in his eyes. He turned behind him to see a nine colored aurora appear out of nowhere!   The aurora twisted and turned as a sea of wills writhed within it, hundreds of malevolent faces twisted into horrendous shapes as a figure burst out from within the aurora, coalescing into a rainbow enshrouded faceless man.   Su Yan went to him knees bowed before the faceless figure, releasing a nine colored aurora around him. Su Yan looked up reverentially and politely said to the figure: “Sir Foglord, I have a matter to report.”   The faceless figure coldly gazed at Su Yan when suddenly the figure extended out a nine colored palm and grabbed towards Su Yan’s aura. Su Yan kept his body still as the figure retracted its palm and opened it revealing a crystalline gem shaped like a crescent.   “Someone followed you.” The Foglord coldly intoned as he clenched his palm crushing the gem into nothingness.   A blue light emerged from the crystalline gem coalescing into the silhouette of a white-haired young man in blue robes, blue moonlight continuously emanated from his body shrouding his figure in an air of mystery.   “A pleasure to meet you, Exorcist King Foglord...” The blue figure politely said with a slight inflection in its voice.   “and who might you be?” Su Yan asked with suspicious squinted eyes.   “My name is Maven and I serve His Eminence, The Demon Lord of the Blood Sect.” Maven smirked lightly as he spoke.   “What?!?” Su Yan accidentally blurted out.   “I see, so Ye Yuyan already knows of us. Spit it out, what do you want to keep quiet?” The Foglord nonchalantly responded as he hardened his resolve.   The plan in Heaven’s Realm is pivotal to the Shadow Sect and any interference from other sects would ruin that. If Ye Yuyan leaked the Shadow Sect’s intention, it would ruin their plan.   “My master offers you the help of the Blood sect and in exchange, you will grant us the blood of the pixie king...” Maven offered with a calm and resolute voice   The Foglord went silent as he analyzed the situation and finally he spoke saying: “Those terms are amenable to us.”   Maven smirked as a cold light flashed in his eyes and affirmed the Foglord saying: “Then shall we proceed?”   *************************   Deep into the Eastern Lands, past the lush land and pastured fields, a black light streaked across the sky at speeds many times past the speed of sound. The fast-moving figure shot past the fields entering a desert land in a few moments.   The sun hung high in the sky releasing intense rays of light that scorched the sun further. Only the most extreme of life could survive within the desert as tempestuous winds carried sediment sand dunes into the air creating a frightening red wind.   The figure shot through the red winds unperturbed by the continuous barrage of sand and flew deep into the desert. When the figure happened upon construction in the middle of the desert. It was a terraced pyramid with steep stairs leading up to the main temple.   Vermillion birds decorated the sides of the building, painted alongside were various heavenly flames ascending to the top of the temple where a massive sculpture of Phoenix rising from the ashes peaked out.   The dark energies around the figure faded away, revealing a black-robed young man with a light smirk and a frighteningly cold eyes.   This young man was no other than Ye Yuyan after he consolidated his foundation in the Ye Ancestral Mountain, he headed directly to the Phoenix tomb.   Ye Yuyan opened his palm and revolved the red lotus releasing vermillion flames from his palm. As the flames burst off his palm, the phoenix sculpture suddenly came to life.   “Cahhh!” The Phoenix cried as the sculpture turned animate and flew into the air.   The massive phoenix spread its wings whipping up a massive storm and releasing a sky-high flame that emanated worldwide.   As the phoenix flew to the limits of the sky, a massive hole appeared in its original spot emanating the primordial darkness of the void.   Ye Yuyan’s eyes flashed with excitement as he turned into a dark streak of light and shot into the hole without hesitation, his body entered the darkness and shot through the void off into a distant world!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "18626", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.64: Opening the Phoenix Tomb", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Inside the Blood Palace, the darkness enveloping the halls faded away. The various green eyes closed as the slaughter Qi left their forms all shooting towards the gates. Maven and Song Yue stood on the blood steps as the dark wind past the body. Near the throne was Alister, a dark green light slowly left his eyes as his consciousness returned. As the dark qi escaped, Maven and Song Yue felt their bodies lighten up as if someone lifted a weight off their shoulders. Song Yue looked over at Alister's whose consciousness was being restored. "Alister, he's gone now." Song Yue laughed with a devious grin. Maven dusted his body off as he got up and looked towards the gates of the palace. The palace doors flew open suddenly as the Qi escaped into the outside world. "Ahhh! This qi what is it?!?" Maven's mouth opened wide with shock as an intense Qi rippled at the edge of his perception. He could feel an almost imperceptible gigantic being come into being outside of the palace. Song Yue and Alister noticed Maven's shock and branched out their perceptions to the limit. Song Yue's eyes opened suddenly as she exclaimed: "This qi...it's unimaginable! Who is generating such power?" "It's Master...he's slain the demon." Alister calmly intoned, Maven turned to look at Alister meeting his serious gaze and slightly nervous expression. "Let's go see." Song Yue said with a childish smile, she covered her smile with her hand as she levitated. Her body suddenly burst out flying with her childish laughs echoing behind her. Maven and Alister remained on the steps of the throne, Maven looked over at Alister who was staring at the ground and spoke to him: "You needn't worry so much, the master knows your merit." Alister exhaled a slow sigh as he looked up from the ground and said back to him: "That doesn't worry me. A primal emanation in control of the Demon Throne, what of the Human and Immortal Thrones?" "I see..." Maven replied without emotion as he scanned over Alister's expression. Alister shook his head and said to Maven: "Let's go greet the master." Alister surrounded himself with blood forces and burst into a red light shooting through the palace, Maven did the same turning into a cyan beam of light. The two beams shot through the palace reaching Song Yue in seconds. The three beams of light shot through the palace gates, shooting into the real world. The three beams emerged as light motes and slowly coalesced into Song Yue, Maven, and Alister. The moment Song Yue appeared she turned her gaze towards the sky and noticed that it was pitch black. This darkness was unlike the darkness of night, it was darker and almost sinister. The horrid darkness filled the entire heavens as if it was without an end. "What is this?" She questioned as she looked around for the Qi she felt before. Suddenly a gigantic torrent of Qi washed over her and her companions. Song Yue's eyes dilated violently when suddenly: BOOM! "Arrrrgggg!" A heaven shattering roar filled her ears with rattling, as the echoes transmitted worldwide. The death throes of the shout tore apart distant lands and homes in an instant. The darkness of the skies rippled violently as a dragon head with a jewel-encrusted diadem shot out from the darkness. Six other heads shot out of the darkness all with diadem crowns, they writhed and danced sinisterly as its legs and abdomen shot out from the dark. A red flame danced across its horrid body revealing a gigantic sky-devouring red dragon! Shock waves transmitted throughout Song Yue's body as the dragon revealed itself, its abominable Qi filled the sky with a dreadful and gloomy feeling that left the soul writhing in pain. "What is that thing?!?!" Song Yue muttered as her body edged back taking a few hesitant steps. Maven walked up behind Song Yue and patted her back to console her before he spoke. "It's the master, look at the top of the Crowned Head." Maven then pointed towards the top of a frail head with a black nomological pattern across its scale. It was unlike the other heads only had one eye, and it was an Eye of Heaven! Sitting atop the head, was a young man dressed in black robes. He sat in lotus form with his eyes tightly shut; he held his hands in a Dhyana Mudra. Around him was a roiling current of darkness, the deep darkness filled his body with a demonic charm as it emanated into the skies. "What is he doing?" Song Yue turned to Alister and asked. Alister glanced sideways at Song Yue and bit his lips in hesitation but he ultimately spoke. "In the Demon Sect, there are two requirements to ascend the throne." Alister gazed up at the sky as he spoke not bothering to face Song Yue. He raised one finger and said: "One is to absorb a fragment of the black sea." Alister then raised another finger making two and said: "Two is to complete a demon root." "What does that do? What's the point of all that effort?" Song Yue shook her head doubtfully. Alister shook his head and replied: "It's not just a ceremony, it's a decree by Ancestor Blood!" "This demon root, Belphegor had one too?" Maven asked probing for answers. Alister glanced and Maven and went silent for a moment before replying: "Yes and he absorbed part of the black sea, he even granted some of his followers its waters." Before Alister could continue another surge of Qi happened as the sky devouring dragon bellowed: "Arrrrgg!" Boom! A massive sea of Qi enveloped the heavens as a celestial red river cut across the horizon. This gigantic river roiled and streamed across the sky with a never-ending surge of weapons dancing across its waters. Various golden sword intents and treasured weapons glittered amidst the river's violent currents. The red river curved in from the horizon and wrapped around the red dragon. The river turned into a red ring around the dragon releasing various powerful sword intents. Atop the red dragon, Ye Yuyan's left eye suddenly flashed open. The white sclera of his eye inked with primordial darkness, the darkness extended to the edge of his pupils when suddenly a white light shot out. The light-filled his entire pupil with immortal light, resisting the advance of primordial darkness. "Arrrggghhh!" Ye Yuyan clenched his teeth as he left out a low growl, the deep growl transmitted reverberations throughout the blood sect. The ground trembled, and the heavens cracked, all throughout the sect the deep growl emanated filling everyone's eardrums with its majesty. Inky darkness escaped from Ye Yuyan's body, the thin dark aura resembled smoke as its pitch black power escaped into the atmosphere. The smoky dark aura coalesced slowly in the sky condensing into a dark point, then it repeated forming another dark point next to the first. Then again, and again until it reached seven dark points in the sky. "The root of a demon..." Alister gazed at the seven stars with glazed over eyes. This was the Demon Root, all the demonic paths originate from the demon root. It is the seven principle laws of the demon clan, and with this root, one could achieve the realm of a Venerable Demon! The seven points pulsed sending rhythmic vibrations through the air like a beating heart. A black tendril shot out of the first star and connected the second, then the second did the same. The process repeated until a tendril connected every star. The points released a smoky essence as they expanded, with each pulse they would grow ten meters bigger. The stars pulsated for over a minute releasing hundreds of pulses a second. They grew until they eclipsed the sun and moon and easily dwarfed over the Blood Sect. The entire sect looked like a speck compared to the majesty of the seven celestial bodies. "Primal power of pride!" Ye Yuyan intoned and raised one finger releasing dark energy and shooting it out at the first star. It pulsed again as a series of nomological patterns engraved across its massive form; the patterns moved at supersonic speeds as they embroidered themselves together perfectly circling the entire star. "Primal power of greed!" Ye Yuyan intoned again this time raising a different finger, the green head of the dragon writhed as a green essence filled Ye Yuyan's body. Green eyes appeared all across his body and blinked simultaneously as a dark green beam shot out of Ye Yuyan's finger. The beam dissected across the second star filling it with nomological patterns, across the entire star appeared an array of green eyes blinking rhythmically. The first star burst into a ball of black flames shining with a dark and releasing a smoky qi. The second star burst into a ball of green flames as it released a wispy dark green qi. "Hah!" Ye Yuyan exhaled and suddenly the red dragon's body violently seethed. The red ring exploded with power as it expanded without end. The river grew until it rivaled a planetary body and was even larger than the demon root! The red river roiled violently tearing apart the blood sect, the river's every motion whipped up sandstorms in the desert and shattered sand dunes in an instant. Alister's body trembled as the red river grew and even Maven and Song Yue lost their balance amidst the intense power. The cracks in the sky grew until they turned into massive spatial rifts into the void. "This much power...it'll destroy the entire world! Is he trying to kill us all?!?" Song Yue yelled to Alister as she fell to her knees from the crushing weight of the red river's energies. The red river's currents washed across the entire blood world when suddenly Ye Yuyan raised his palm face up and brought it down silently. The stars suddenly vibrated as they followed this gesture and suddenly the demonic stars fell from the sky like shooting stars. Seven suns fell down from the heavens towards the massive red river inundating the realm with a myriad of flames. "Arrrgghhh!" The red dragon roared as the demonic stars crashed down into the red river!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "13009", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.53: Demon Stars", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Across the desert, hundreds of miles away from the Origin Soul city, a group of black-robed disciples ventured together. On the backs of the disciples was an embroidering of a seven-headed red dragon with each head having a different color. At the head of the disciples was an immaculately dressed young man in black robes. His dark eyes shined like gemstones as they scanned the desert closely. This young man was none other than Ye Yuyan! Ye Yuyan crossed the desert sands slowly as a red wind passed him by. The wind curved away from him as he emanated a wispy black aura that pushed it away. He took a few steps forward before suddenly stopping and furrowing his brows. "This is the spot." He said as he crouched down to the ground. From the sea of black-robed disciples, a black-cloaked figure emerged. On his back was the same seven-headed dragon that disciples wore except his vaguely writhed as if alive. The figure removed his hood revealing a greying hair and a stern expression. This was Alister after Ye Yuyan ascended the Demon Throne he started his plans to revitalize the Blood Sect. During the time of Venerable Blood, the Blood Sect ruled supreme with multiple overlord level cultivators and a Venerable class cultivator but after the fall of Venerable Blood, the Blood Sect rapidly deteriorated. The Blood Sect gathered the world's resources wantonly through murder and thievery drawing the ire of the world's denizens. With Venerable Blood gone, the world's strongest clans joined hands to destroy the blood sect. Their attack caused untold damage and killed most of the overlords of the blood sect. In the world's history, there have only been eight Venerable class humans. Because of the rarity of another Venerable's birth, overlords have ruled for most of the world's history. The power of an Overlord is not to be doubted because their power is unrivaled below the Venerables. The requirements to be crowned an overlord are to reach Rank 6 and master a law. With the complete power of law, they can alter heaven and earth and summon the Qi of the world to crush an opponent. Rank 5 cultivators have the power to fuse with heaven and earth within an area, but an Overlord can fuse with their entire planet and use the whole world as a part of themselves. After losing the Overlords of the Blood Sect and Venerable Blood, the blood sect inheritance dwindled. They sealed themselves off from the world in a side world and slowly their power decreased. Ye Yuyan pressed his palms together and closed his eyes, a dark essence wrapped around Ye Yuyan's body as he spoke saying: "Let,The light of darkness.Devour,The darkness of light. Man is Demon,Through and through. Darkness,Devours,Light." "Awaken!" He roared and turned his palms out releasing two massive waves of darkness. The waves of dark particles rippled as the crashed into a thin membrane in the desert sky. The darkness wrapped around the membrane turning the clearness of the barrier and staining it black. Suddenly the darkness seethed with excitement and stabbed into the barrier. Hundreds of holes appeared around the barrier's membrane slowly ripping it open. The darkness wrapped the area around for tens of miles as it cut down the barrier. The red winds and sand dunes in the area turned into nothingness as the barrier came down revealing a gigantic temple stretching hundreds of meters! Around the temple were various pavilions, halls, towers, and the other constructions littered about. In the gardens of the buildings, weeds grew and in the cracks of the houses was a parasitic moss. Not a soul lingered in the dark decrepit streets of this ghost school but that didn't deter Alister. Alister stood slack-jawed with awe as he gazed upon the decrepit old city. He fell to his knees and buried his head in the sand. "The Demon Sect's ancestral home...I have finally returned." He sobbed with happiness with his head still on the ground, his thankful tears silently dripped onto the red sand unseen by anyone. Ye Yuyan walked up to Alister, who raised his head in response. With reddened eyes and a blank expression, he looked up at Ye Yuyan's cold countenance. Ye Yuyan reached into his robes and removed a black dagger, Ye Yuyan released a powerful bloodlust activating the dagger. The dagger elongated turning into a dual-edged sword and with a swift motion, Ye Yuyan put the sword right above Alister's right shoulder. "I grant ye, Alister. The title of Supreme Elder of the Demon Lineage Sect." Ye Yuyan commanded as he tapped the sword on Alister's left shoulder and motioned for him to stand up. Alister felt his body suddenly fill up with untold darkness particles, the intense fluctuations of demon Qi instantly condensed towards his stomach. The energy diffused through his meridians and past his acupoints until it condensed into a Demon Core in the center of his body. The intense demonic Qi in the city twisted as the demonic core spun rapidly. Alister's eyes filled with darkness as the power of the demon fused into his body. Alister crossed his legs and closed his eyes entering meditation, the disciples behind him crouched down simultaneously and went into meditation themselves. With his job complete, Ye Yuyan flicked his robes and turned into a black streak in the sky. He crossed the skies leaving a dark streak as his body distorted through space. Rather than flying at supersonic speeds, Ye Yuyan seemed to walk at a slow pace but somehow he would appear and reappear thousands of meters away. In a hundred breaths, Ye Yuyan traversed thousands of miles of desert until he happened upon a gigantic hunk of rock floating in the sky. The gigantic rock looked as though it were a mountain ripped from the ground as it slowly rotated in the sky. Nine streams of white Qi crossed the rock going to the top of the thing, Ye Yuyan followed the flow until he reached the top. At the top was a lush Greenland filled with vibrant life and serenity. Scattered throughout the fertile lands were houses made with an earth foundation, timber frames, and with walls and floors made of brick. Cutting across the land were nine small rivers of white Qi, they all fed into the center of the land. Ye Yuyan's body flashed again this time appearing at the center of the floating island. There he found the center of all the rivers, which was a small white lake formed from immortal Qi. Floating atop the lake of immortal Qi was a group of three people, one was a white-robed old man, the other was a blue-robed and white-haired young man, and the last was an alluring woman in a tight black dress. These three were respectively, The Supreme Immortal Elder, Maven, and Song Yue. The three of them floated over the immortal lake in lotus form with their eyes tightly shut. As they cultivated the purifying immortal Qi flowed through their meridians and acupoints flushing away their impurities and stabilizing their cultivations. Sitting by the lake's bank were two figures, one was an oily fat man in a turban, and the other was a red-robed young man who emanated a sense of bloodlust with his every action. The moment Ye Yuyan appeared they both turned to look at the sky. Ye Yuyan's body flashed again appearing on the lake bank in front of the two figures. The two of them are the Qushji and Human Supreme Elder, respectively. The instant, Ye Yuyan's darkness enshrouded body appeared in front of them. They both went to the knees and bowed before his unrivaled demonic self. "Your Majesty." The Human Elder said as he offered a junior's greeting to Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan smirked slightly as he scanned the Human Elder's body closely. Ye Yuyan ignored the Human Elder and turned his attention to the man in the turban and with a sneering expression he said: "Qushji, you needn't offer me such greetings even if your clone is so young." The Human Elder's pupils constricted with shock as he glanced over at the Qushji. Qushji wryly smiled and laughed nervously. "Hahaha! What can I hide from your discerning eye?" He laughed uproariously leaving his clone confused as he glanced at both Ye Yuyan and Qushji for an answer. Qushji glanced over at the Human Elder and commanded: "Xiao Qushji, go back to the capital and attend to the sect reorganization." The Human Elder nodded and jumped into the air turning into a blood-red streak across the sky. As the Human Elder left Ye Yuyan walked closer to the lake bank and sat down, Qushji joined him sitting next to him. They together silently staring into the lipid white lake, immortal Qi danced atop the water like auroras as they mixed in the water and escaped suddenly streaking across the lake. The beautiful sight enraptured them both in the beauty and complexity of nature. "On my journey here, I met a man named Su Yan. I would have thought our meeting to be a coincidence, but he had a far too familiar aura, the aura of the Duplicate Ego Technique." Ye Yuyan calmly said with his gaze focused on the smooth and silent waters. "Yes... after you disappeared the shadow sect attacked us. They stole the Duplicate Ego technique, but I kept the technique in my mind. I knew that man wanted to cultivate it, so I did it as well and split my power into Xiao Qushji." Qushji replied carefully as he probed Ye Yuyan's expression At the mention of that man, Ye Yuyan's calm expression suddenly hardened. His eyes turned cold and his eyebrows furrowed, a piercing blue reflected in his eyes as he emanated an intense frost aura. Over the immortal lake, Maven and Song Yue's eyes suddenly flashed open as they felt Ye Yuyan's oppressive Qi, only the Old Immortal remained unperturbed. "When Old Immortal Yang awakens, you and he will enter Heaven's Realm until then you will revitalize the sect." Ye Yuyan commanded with a cold voice and frozen demeanor. His powerful frost Qi constantly emanated as the vague silhouette of a white wolf appeared behind him. "I understand... and what of you, sir?" Qushji cupped his fists and asked as he released a little of his Qi internally to resist Ye Yuyan's cold aura. As Qushji spoke Maven and Song Yue flashed across the lake appearing in front of Ye Yuyan, immortal Qi automatically gathered around them cleansing their bodies without a thought. Esoteric dao runes flashed on their bodies and engraved within them were the truths of their dao. This was the power of laws, which is the hallmark of a Rank 4 expert. "It is time for me to fulfill my promise." Ye Yuyan said as he scanned over Maven and Song Yue after he felt their condensed laws, he praised them saying good three times in a row. "Then..." Song Yue hesitantly tried to say but Ye Yuyan cut her off. "We will head to the Phoenix Capital of the Eastern Lands!" Ye Yuyan proclaimed with a sinister smirk by his side Qushji's jaw slacked with shock. "But sir, the capital has all overlords of the world and you have yet to achieve your full strength." Qushji advised with concern but his words fell onto deaf ears. Ye Yuyan turned to look at Qushji, Qushji's body filled with a primordial fear he felt only from one man in his life. In ancient times, he met the Blood Venerable back then he felt his unbeatable ambition, and now he felt the same pressure from Ye Yuyan! With cold and dark eyes filled with ambition, Ye Yuyan revealed his truest nature as he said to Qushji: "Mark my words, Qushji. When I return next, it will be as a Venerable!" Qushji stared in shock at Ye Yuyan as he flicked his sleeve enveloping himself, Maven, and Song Yue in primordial darkness. The darkness cocooned them and turned into nothingness with their bodies disappearing into the deep of space.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "16312", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.58: Venerable Decree", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
From the darkness of the black sea, the two scorching red suns peered through towards Ye Yuyan. A dark silhouette flashed around it, revealing a scaly visage. As the blood-red eyes shone, it revealed more of the beast and suddenly a massive draconic head emerged from the red light. All throughout the black sea, hundreds of skeletal figures writhed in fears. Cackling as their bones rattled, and the sea became turbulent. Amidst all this turmoil, another two suns ignited releasing a crimson light into the sea. Then another two, and then another all the way until there were twelve dark red eyes gazing on Ye Yuyan's form. The eyes grew closer to Ye Yuyan as the pressure of all the gazes bore down on him at once. But Ye Yuyan floated inside the black sea unperturbed by the eyes. The eyes turned into six dark scaled draconic heads. Each head had two dark red eyes, a scaly build and a sharp jutting red horn tipped with black. The heads swam through the black sea like a fish in water as they stalked around Ye Yuyan's body. Ye Yuyan ignored them as he shut his eyes to meditate, he folded his legs in lotus form and put his palms out facing forward. Suddenly a four-colored aura burst from his body forcing the black sea to sway in resistance. But it was futile as the lotus on his glabella started to materialized from his palm. The auras gathered together forming each lotus leaf one at a time. Cyan, crimson, black, and cerulean blended together with the original red lotus forming a four colored lotus. The miniature lotus danced in Ye Yuyan's palms as the draconic beast watched almost enamored by the sight of the lotus. Ye Yuyan released the lotus from his palm unleashing an underwater whirlwind of Qi. The colors burst out filling the sea with a light show of colors, the dark sea flashed with streaks of the four-colored lotus' lights. The lights surrounded Ye Yuyan's body making him look like a divine god, as a lotus formed below him. It grew to multiply every second as it grew to a level almost rivaling the draconic beast. "RARRR!" The Draconic beast's heads roared in excitement, simultaneously releasing a supersonic wave of sound transmitting throughout the black sea for thousands of meters. The auras around Ye Yuyan continued to dance as a dark light coalesced around his glabella. The dark light was extremely condensed and distorted the surrounding space from its sheer density. The flickering dark light even made Ye Yuyan's brows furrow, and suddenly from his left eye came black blood. "Power of the Demon!" Ye Yuyan roared as his left eye opened, revealing a dark sclera with dark veins popping out and a white pupil shining through the darkness. Suddenly the dark light ball elongated turning into a small serpent with dark flames dancing across its body. The serpent's body writhed as a single red eye open on its forehead, malice shot out from its gaze causing the draconic beast to awaken. "ARRGGHH!" The beast roared as its gigantic form revealed itself, first the abdomen shot through the darkness. The beast had a red scaly and evil gut, its scaly legs moved swiftly as it grew closer. Its claw-like feet slashed at the sea causing intense ripples. Six heads jutted out from the beast as it danced around in the sea's dark. The six heads extended out from the beast coming in front of Ye Yuyan and his serpent. The eyes of the beast centered entirely on the black snake as desire passed through its malice filled eyes. "Blood paid with blood, let us return as one. The river of humanity, the sea of demons, and the ocean of immortals!" Ye Yuyan incanted as he released the black snake from his hand. The serpent flew off swimming through the black sea and suddenly it turned into a dark flame. The beast did not move as the dark flame engulfed it, suddenly it erupted into a sky consuming flame. The dark flames danced across the beast not burning it, but instead imbibing it! The beast writhed with power as its body transformed. Ye Yuyan looked with a slight smile, and then he clenched his fists preparing for his part. "Evil Form!" Ye Yuyan growled as suddenly a frosty wolf's head silhouette appeared behind him. Inside his body erupted an incalculable amount of Lunar Qi, the Lunar Qi burst into his veins filling him with power. His meridians and tendons froze over as the Lunar Qi transformed into a matrix of frost and stardust. The frozen and heavy forces filled his organs and entered deep into his bones. A thin layer of frost appeared on his skin fusing into it, Ye Yuyan's body turned cold and grew stronger! "Slaughter Qi!" Ye Yuyan continued as a river of blood shot out of his body. The river parted the darkness opening a blood-red world of slaughter. In this world, thousands of weapons danced slashing down figures and harvesting their blood. The slaughter went without end as a massive sword appeared at the sky's center. The slaughter Qi condensed all around Ye Yuyan as blobs of crimson energy filling him with power. In the skies drifted a red river of blood-consuming the blood from the weapons and growing with power. "Authority!" Ye Yuyan unclenched his fist as his left eye shined with a dark light, the power of the Heavenly Dao shot out, a starry sky danced in Ye Yuyan's eye as the world and the powers within him fused as one. The frost, blood, and darkness fused as one into Ye Yuyan as the power of the demon burst from his body. The cyan, crimson, and darkness danced as one swirling together as they filled the void. Suddenly the beast, growled to the heavens as another head shot out from the dark flames. The head was shaped like the black serpent but much larger! On the new head's forehead was a red malice filled eye. Humanity cultivated, chivalry, bloodline, and sealing. Chivalry conforms with inner cultivation and sealing conformed with outer cultivation. Bloodline could help fuse the two paths together acting as a bridge to complete one's cultivation. But that wasn't what Ye Yuyan is doing, instead, he's using the power of demons. There's Evil form cultivation which is similar to chivalry, slaughter qi which is the root of demon sealing, and authority which is bloodlines for demons! "Fuse!" Ye Yuyan commanded as his demonic aura shot out and wrapped around the draconic beast. The frost shot into its body turning its bones into jade and turned its meridians cyan. Blue veins popped out around the beast as its physical hardness reached untold levels, a thin matrix of snowflakes appeared in between its scales tightening them even more! Then the blood dyed the darkness of the beast turning it red from head to toe. Its body filled with power slaughter qi and making its claws grow sharper and suddenly bones jutted out from its back, giving the beast a more demonic look. Then lastly the black shot out towards the main head of the beast, the black beam shot into the beast's eyes filling it with an untold amount of darkness particles. Ye Yuyan's left eye glowed with darkness as the eye of the beast opened revealing a left eye of heaven! "ARRRGHHH!" The beast roared as the black sea suddenly channeled towards its body. It formed a massive vortex that funneled the black sea towards it. The skeletal figures struggled from the undercurrents, but the vortex was too powerful. The dark forces of the sea fused into the beast as its form became more and more obvious. The sea drained in almost moment as Ye Yuyan watched on in glee. The world of the black sea, increasingly collapsed as spatial rifts appeared all around. This world existed for the black sea and as it drained so did its foundation. From the waste of the world, the beast's true form unveiled. It was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems. It swung its tail sweeping away a third of the spatial rifts in a single moment. "Arrrggghhh!" It roared releasing a supersonic draconic roar that shattered the rest of the spatial rifts and calmed the dying world. Ye Yuyan floated in the void staring at this seven-headed dragon with a smirk. The dragon turned into a beam of light and flew towards Ye Yuyan's back. Ye Yuyan parted his robes on both sides, revealing his jade white back. The beam of light slammed into his back and imprinted onto him a seven-headed dragon. Ye Yuyan put his robe back on and floated in the void amidst the dead world. In his left eye, the starry sky shone with a red dragon roaming across the stars. Ye Yuyan blinked three times making his eye return to their dark and lifeless color. Ye Yuyan smiled a cruel smile as he recited: "In the dark of night, I awakenAtop a mountain peak, cold and barrenThat old tree is there to greet meBut I remain silent as I feel my fleshMy blood seethes with excitementLooking from the mountain peakAt a world that has forgotten meDemonic obsessions That grip the soulThoughts of revenge Filling one's heartI will not be forgotten."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "10408", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.48: Thoughts of revenge filling one’s heart", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In the courtyard of a Ye Clan Pavillion, a white-robed young man suddenly stood up. His blue eyes glittered with radiance as they looked out on the blooming garden. Behind him, a wraith-like figure distorted in and out of existence. The young man looked around before taking steps off the house and into the courtyard. His bare feet stepped onto the grass, with the grass shooting through his toes and wrapping around him. The slow embrace of the grass made it seem like the garden didn't want to let go. The young man looked down and his long black hair cascaded down his shoulders. He looked at the flowers that swayed in the wind towards him, and the grass that wrapped around him and felt a sense of desolation. Even the tree mumbled something into the wispy wind as if trying to talk to him. All the surrounding nature longed for him as he longed for it. But he shook his head almost tearfully, his eyes glittered with determination as he raised his feet escaping the grip and kept walking. He reached the edge of the courtyard and looked back at the swaying vegetation once more. He saw standing amidst the sea of flowers and beauty was the wraith, it coldly eyed the young man as its dark essence spread into the wind. "Hah..." The young man sighed as he looked away at the wraith and stared into the sky. Inside of the young man's blood, esoteric symbols and runes flashed. Nomological powers burst out of his body, a flood of bloodline energies surged in his body. On his skin, a matrix of runes flashed and intertwined and behind him, something manifested. As the space behind the young man violently distorted, his eyes shined with violent intent and he roared into the heavens: "YE TIAN, YOU BASTARD GET OUT HERE!" At that moment the space behind the young man suddenly ruptured, the void ripped open from the crack but something was strange. Unlike the normal dark and empty void, this void was white and plain as a sheet of paper. Space ripped in a rectangular motion, it opened up like the unfurling of a scroll. At the ends of this spatial scroll appeared two tassels, one white and one black. The young man raised his thumb and pointer finger and materialized a calligraphy pen in between them. He held the pen lightly and stroked the air once, leaving a trail of darkness with each stroke. Behind him, on the scroll, each magnificent stroke manifested as if mirroring his. The young man repeated his motion adding four more strokes until a complete mark formed on the scroll. The character shone with light and the young man's body shone with the same light. The runes on his body resonated with the scroll as a mark flashed in both his eyes. As the young man elegantly wrote, the blue sky changed. On the edges of the horizon, a white light emerged like the sun rising from the east. The light eclipsed all things in the sky as it devoured the blue, a gigantic ocean of white filled the sky as the white light consumed all things. The white light gathered towards the young man's villa, the coalescing light landed in front of him. In the sea of white, a figure flashed as the light wrapped around him like a cocoon. A voice echoed from amidst the light, the deep sonorous tones of the voice echoed throughout the clan as it said: "Ye Yanrui, so this is your decision? To forsake the rules of the bloodline for a mere mortal woman?" Ye Yanrui stared down the obscured figure with his piercing blue eyes not saying a word. At that moment, Ye Yanrui's aura filled the skies pushing back on Ye Tian's energies. Wordlessly he tapped his calligraphy pen on the air, igniting all the white Qi in the skies. The white Qi seethed with excitement and suddenly it rushed down from the sky towards his body. Ye Yanrui closed his eyes as the vortex of Qi shot into his body and under his breath he said: "Ye of the bloodline.In pursuit of truthLosing sight ofDestiny and desire,The past and present.What remains?What you have taken,I will reclaim...One-hundred fold!" Ye Yanrui's intense aura wrapped around him encasing him in a cocoon of white. The white Qi filled his entire body, not a single bit of it leaking out. The white cocoon crumbled off revealing a white-haired and calm complexion. A gentle light coiled in his eyes into a symmetrical floral pattern, in both his eyes the floral pattern formed over the radiant blue. His white hair flowed down to the back of his white robes blending in with it. His radiant floral eyes sparkled with beauty, his calm expression and demeanor calmed the skies and his white hair and robes swayed in the wind. He was the definition of nature's beauty and immortality! "This is about more than just her." Ye Yanrui intoned calmly "This is about who or what I am, what you made me..." Around the white-cloaked figure, the intense immortal Qis disintegrated and turned into ashes in the wind. The peeling Qi revealed a gray-haired young man in white robes, his serious and cold gaze glistened with silver as he stared down Ye Yanrui. "It's a shame, I had hoped you would reform." The grey-haired Ye Tian sighed as he shook his head. Ye Tian's pupils violently dilated in an instant and a surge of immortal Qi erupted from his body. He clenched his teeth and balled his fist without hesitation and channeled the almost infinite Qi. "Now you'll die!" Ye Tian roared as he shot out a world-shattering fist, space distorted and crumbled under his might as the fist hurtled toward Ye Yanrui. Ye Yanrui stared blankly in front of him, the fist eclipsed all things in his sight. Making even the land around him split in half as the intense fist ripped apart space as it passed. The floral pattern in Ye Yanrui's eyes flashed, and the pattern began revolving in his eyes. Ye Yanrui calmly rose his hand from his side palm forward, with this gesture the scroll behind him expanded. The fist bore down on him at that moment and the scroll of the void shot past him standing in front of him as the fist came down. The white light of the fist engulfed Ye Yanrui's form as it crashed into him, the scroll stood in front as the immense power of the fist transmitted into the scroll. On the scroll, a character shone rapidly absorbing the transmitted force. The energies from the fist depleted as the scroll sucked up all the white light, Ye Yanrui was quick to capitalize on this instant. As he mustered up all the key inside of him, a white aura wrapped around his right fist as he balled it up and released a punch of his own. Ye Yanrui punched out as the scroll furled, his fist shot through the cracks in the void maneuvering through space towards Ye Tian. Ye Tian's eyes narrowed as the gentle fist cut through the spatial cracks like butter. Ye Tian tried to move back but was too late as the calm fist struck into his gut. BOOM! Ye Tian's eyes bulged as the force of a mountain range transmitted through his body. His body trembled violently as Ye Yanrui readied himself to strike again. "What is this power..." Ye Tian grumbled as he put his hand over his gut. The moment he saw Ye Yanrui raise his fist again, he stomped on the ground and shot off into the air cutting through the spatial cracks formed by the strikes. His form quickly reappeared in the calm white sky, but Ye Tian was not calm he stared down at the pavilion looking for Ye Yanrui. Their battle had destroyed the area in front of the pavilion, all that remained of the area were spatial distortions which hid the cracks in space from their confrontation. Ye Tian's eyes scanned over the courtyard when he noticed something that instantly made him shocked! Amidst a sea of flowers, there was a wraith-like figure standing calmly as he overlooked the battle. Space began trembled and distorting in front of Ye Tian and Ye Yanrui's form suddenly manifested. Ye Tian clenched his teeth as he realized where Ye Yanrui's power was coming from. "You unfilial little child, to think you sold yourself to a devil!" Ye Tian roared as he clenched his fist until they were shaking from anger! Ye Yanrui's blue eyes remained frighteningly cold and calm as he said to Ye Tian: "The moment you killed Song Qian, I resolved myself that no matter the cost I would kill you." "EVEN IF IT WILL COST ME MY LIFE!" Ye Yanrui bellowed from the top of his lungs, his fury rumbled through the air as his calm eyes turned rabid and angry in an instant. Inside of his body, at the core of his being a core of darkness spun rapidly engulfing the immortal Qi around him.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "14187", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.55: Demonic Core", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
To the west was a buzzing metropolis, it was surrounded with a large wall and a luscious green forest. The trees all around were massive and seemed to hide the city but the sounds of people trading gave away their location. In the sky right above the city was a 9 pointed star made of 9 different swords. Each sword radiated a powerful sword force as they intertwined to create the 9 pointed stars. At the front of the gate stood two silver armored men. They each held a lance as they stood guard at a large gate. Along the gate was two coiling golden dragons. Ye Yuyan was walking along the path to the city gripping his pink bamboo umbrella. To his waist was a bamboo gourd with a satchel. His shadowy eyes landed on the massive gate. He slowly walked along the path, behind him were carts filled with hey. Along with various shepherds bringing herd, and caravans of food. They slowly walked together to the gate, Ye Yuyan sidestepped most of them with his agile steps. When he approached the guards and rose the bamboo gourd. It flashed the holy 9-pointed sword star on it and the guards quickly saluted. "We welcome you, Exorcist!" The guard's said as they bowed to Ye Yuyan. They moved to open the gate and pushed it open using sheer force. With enough space to enter, Ye Yuyan quickly walked in. "Sire, the Sacrament has recalled all Exorcists. Go to the royal tower for further orders." A guard said to Ye Yuyan as he was walking off. "Mm, understood." Ye Yuyan nodded as he turned to look at the magnificent black tower at the center of the city. After he had finished cultivating in the mountains, he started to walk on the path to the Verulyim capital. He had a few encounters with bandits and beasts but none of them could phase him at this point. On the way, he met a few people from a caravan and they gave him some info on the Verulyim kingdom. The kingdom had three orders, The Verulyim Sacrament, The Verulyim Code, and The Verulyim Origin. Each confirmed with the conventional way of training, the code was chivalry, the sacrament was sealing, and the origin was blood. The guards he just saw were low-level members of the Verulyim Code. Ye Yuyan came here to join the Verulyim Code. One needs to be recruited by the nobility to join the Sacrament most times. But if someone has enough achievements they might also be recruited by the order. One such way would be to return a sealing symbol to the Order. They are granted to wandering exorcists and are created by Fiend Sealers. Ye Yuyan walked along the stone path as he dodged the various people. He looked around and saw many adorned in cotton and high-quality threads. A few people wore the finest silk and walked around in groups. Ye Yuyan looked out of place in his black robes, in the western lands the standard was medieval wear. Ye Yuyan's oriental wear attracted some attention of the various groups. As Ye Yuyan approached the royal tower, he noticed more guards around. He saw a few wandering knights and exorcists. Then when he finally reached the tower he met an old man in large black armor. On the old man's back was a massive great sword. His body reeked of blood as if it was imprinted on his being. The old man's eyes flashed open as if he examined Ye Yuyan. "I don't recognize you, who are you?" The old man quizzed as he looked over at Ye Yuyan's satchel. He had noticed the holy symbol on the alcohol gourd. Ye Yuyan didn't respond and instead closed his eyes. Inside his body, the red lotus bloomed and the single blue leaf released blue essence out of him. His eyes flashed with a piercing blue light. and the air temperature dropped suddenly. The old man's eyes narrowed, as he reached for his greatsword. "Demonic power!" The old man laughed as he gripped his great sword defensively. "My name is Ji Shu, I am a wanderer from the eastern lands. I came across a fallen in a village in the Desolate Range. I expelled the devil and retrieved this gourd from the corpse of the fallen." Ye Yuyan narrated as he carefully probed the old man's responses. Once Ye Yuyan finished talking he closed his eyes and re-sealed the red lotus. the blue essence returned to the lotus then it wilted and sealed. Ye Yuyan's eyes reopened to their regular shadowy color. Seeing that Ye Yuyan had deactivated his energy, the old man relaxed. He let go of his grip and motioned to shake Ye Yuyan's hand. "I thank you for your contributions, we of the noble path must cooperate to protect chivalry!" The old man said amicably as he shook Ye Yuyan's hand. Ye Yuyan responded in turn and shook his hand. "Without honor what makes us human?" Ye Yuyan responded with a slight smirk. He seemed to radiate the aura of a benevolent immortal, this scene severely contrasted his previous devilishness. "Indeed, virtue is the difference between beasts and humans. I am Qiu Lu, the order's True Knight. What would you like as a reward?" Qui Lu said not concealing his appreciation of Ye Yuyan. "I would like to join the Verulyim Code to uphold honor and chivalry." Ye Yuyan instantly responded as he bowed. "Mm, not often do I see young men of your caliber." Qui Lu said as he stroked his beard. "Enter the tower and look for Feng Shu. He will show you around and impart the code to you." Qui Lu said as he pushed open the gate to the tower with one hand. Ye Yuyan bowed kindly once again and then he entered the tower. He walked in and looked around to see massive bookshelves everywhere. All over were flying books and people jumping around to grab them. He looked up and saw on the ceiling was a gigantic spell circle. "Anti-gravity magic circle, formed from the blood of a void serpent…." Ye Yuyan mumbled in awe as he looked around. A void serpent was a high-level beast, one that could threaten powerful demon sealers. "You must be Ji Shu!" A calm voice echoed from behind Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan turned around slowly and looked over at the source of the sound. He saw a young man, in black Neo Victorian clothes. The young man had along his face the tattoo of a snake. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Feng Shu the Arbitrator of the Order appointed by his majesty." Feng Shu said as he did a light bow. 'Arbitrator? Was he appointed to handle the relations between the three orders? If so that is quite a powerful title….' Ye Yuyan calmly analyzed through this man looked young, many high-level experts had very long lives and huge vitalities. "Since you have chosen to join the Code. I will let you choose 2 combat codes." Feng Shu said as he snapped his fingers and 9-pointed star appeared in the air and directed the star onto Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan grabbed it with his right hand and on his palm appeared the holy symbol. "That symbol will allow you to pick up the books on the first floor. If you want to get to higher floors, you need to accrue achievements." Feng Shu said as he handed Ye Yuyan a black hardcover book. Ye Yuyan took it and put it in his robes. "For that, you can go to the help desk and get exorcist missions. If you need further instruction you can talk to Qiu Lu. I wish you the best newcomer." Feng Shu laughed as the serpent on his face seemed to come to life and his body completely disappeared. 'To subjugate a void serpent like that, what a monster.' Ye Yuyan couldn't help but feel dread in his hear. With that spell circle and a subjugated void serpent in this tower, Feng Shu can be anywhere instantly. It's no wonder why he became the Arbitrator. 'Well then, they will probably investigate me soon. They shouldn't find any significant info soon.' Ye Yuyan thought as he looked around the room at the flying books. 'Combat Code….' Ye Yuyan mumbled to himself. Combat Code comes in many forms, its purest form is law. Ye Yuyan commands the law of frost through the inscriptions from Illathar's body. Combat Code is about inscribing weapon laws into one's body to command laws. They come in different grades of 1-9 essences. The first three layers are low-level codes, the second three are mid-level codes, and the last three layers are high-level codes. The more essence a code has the rarer it becomes with 9 layered code reaching a legendary realm. That kind of code is only owned by extreme experts and legendary beings. But on this floor, the highest-level code was at best 3 essences. 'Sword Code, that's what I need to find.' Ye Yuyan thought with a frown he needs to get strong fast.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1884", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.5: Combat Code", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
At that limits of the atmosphere, the Blood Palace stood as it radiated an intense red light like the sun at high noon. its intense fluctuation filled the lands with a light unmatched since time immemorial. A gigantic red cyclone surrounded the palace formed a massive funnel around the top. The red cyclone spun rapidly on a thin axis repelling anything from entering. The Demon Elder stood at the center of the cyclone, right at the doorstep of the Blood Palace. Ye Yuyan stood across from him, standing next to the Immortal Elder. "Now who the hell are you?" The Demon Elder said with a scowling expression and a frown. Ye Yuyan's cold gaze scanned over the Demon Elder, the elder's old body radiated no sense of aura. If not for his arrogant expression, one would suspect he was just a mortal old man. Ye Yuyan's gaze shot through the old man's defenses revealing his true aura. From the Demon Elder's body was a massive black aura that reached toward the sky, across the black beam were spots of dark green that were constantly corroding the foundation of the beam. Near the foundation of the beam was a small clump of frost crystals and energies. Inside the energy crystals was a frost beast with an iron ring around its nose. This beast bore a strong resemblance to Illathar! "I've been wondering who had been tampering with my preparations." Ye Yuyan said with an enigmatic smile and cold eyes. The Demon Elder's eyes narrowed as he hesitantly asked Ye Yuyan: "What are you talking about?" Ye Yuyan's casually glanced at Qi Hong as if not acknowledging what he said. Ye Yuyan furrowed his brows and frowned ever so lightly as he said to Demon Elder: "I'm not talking to you, Qi Hong. Wake up already you accursed old thing." "What?!?" Qi Hong's pupils constricted with shock and suddenly his eyes morphed. The dark green Qi on the black beam seethed at that moment and bit through his life force. Qi Hong's pupils turned flat and rectangular, his sclera turned a greenish white. His entire eye emanated a terrifying demonic light and resembled the eyes of a goat. On Qi Hong's head, two bones jutted out from his skull, the two bones curved out as they formed into two sharp ram horns! A powerful demonic aura wrapped around the Demon Elder's body filling his meridians and acupoints with slaughter qi. A demonic goat's head silhouette flashed behind his body as his Qi reinforced his physical strength. This was a technique that demons and demonic cultivators had. It was their version of body refinement; they call it Evil form! "This primal power, it...it...it's ungodly..." The Immortal Elder stuttered out with wide eyes and a shocked expression. The dark green Qi shot out forming into a world of its own, the powerful slaughter Qi bore down on their royal blue Qi forcing it into retreat. The energies clashed releasing electrical energies at the border of the clash, the two clashed continuously until the two worlds were of equal size. Qi Hong eye sockets bulged as his eyes spun around in his socket rapidly and with a garbled and demonic voice he said: "Still no respect for your seniors, thousands of years later." "Who's my senior? You?" Ye Yuyan said as he curled his lips in disgust toward Qi Hong. "I am." Qi Hong sneered with a haughty smirk. Ye Yuyan smiled a closed-lipped smile and coldly gazed at Belphegor as he said: "Belphegor...you're a pleasure as always. But I must cut this reunion short!" "Thundercrystal Physique, activate!" Ye Yuyan shouted and suddenly his right eye flickered with a thunder mark and his body released a radiant royal blue aura. Ye Yuyan's aura rippled suddenly and distorted the space around them as it pushed at the cyclone. Everywhere the aura went, it would purify the bloody sky turning back to blue. The aura landed on the vortex funnel and started to eat away at it. At the border of worlds, the radiant blue world engulfed the green world overwhelming the green world with a tidal wave of Qi and forcibly compressing the entire green world. The radiant Qi shot into the surroundings and within moments the area inside the cyclone became a beautiful paradise with a radiant blue sky. Ye Yuyan's body blended into the radiance becoming one with it, stunning the Immortal Elder. "The Sage..." He muttered to himself as his eyes filled with Ye Yuyan's radiance. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes and on his forehead, the four-colored lotus spun rapidly. The inscriptions of the Great Dao murmured with nomological power as archaic runes of the Great Dao danced across the lotus as if alive. Deep inside Ye Yuyan's body, the powers of frost and lightning coiled along one another inside his meridians. The Qi shot through toward one of his acupoints; it rippled through his cells filling them with electrical energy until it a strong suction forced pulled the Qi toward the acupoint. The acupoint was a small conclave along the meridians, but in Ye Yuyan's body, there was not a conclave instead it was a crystal! The crystal was made from tightly weaved ice matrix with hundreds of thousands of layers. At the center of the crystal, a tiny Qilin beast danced through and from releasing electrical Qi into the ice matrix. The moment the Qi entered the acupoint, the pressure burst out from Ye Yuyan's body as a royal blue distortion! "This body refining method, I've never seen it before." Belphegor said to himself as he watched Ye Yuyan's aura grow without limit. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed releasing an intense blue light, a radiant blue sky radiated from his gaze. The Immortal Elder looked deep into Ye Yuyan's eyes, the majesty of the gaze inextricably consumed his consciousness and self. "Get out of the way." Ye Yuyan's lips opened ever so slightly and he spoke with an ethereal voice that drifted into the Immortal Elder's ear. "Yes..." The Immortal Elder hypnotically said as he formed a blast shield of white qi around himself and turned to fly away. "No one leaves unless I say they can." Belphegor sneered as he turned his demonic gaze at the Immortal Elder's flitting form and suddenly he swiped his hand across the air. From his slice shot out a dark green beam, it cut through space appearing instantly in front of the Immortal Elder. The indomitable slaughter Qi moved to dissect the Elder in half when suddenly Ye Yuyan right eye flashed. Inside Ye Yuyan's body, the thunder crystals conducted intense electrical fluctuations and from Ye Yuyan's eyes shot out a bolt of lightning. The anger of the heavens shot out from his gaze and crashed into the dark green Qi. The radiant Qi wrapped around the dark Qi cleansing and destroying it in seconds. "What?!?" Belphegor shouted with shock filled eyes. He quickly turned his attention to Ye Yuyan, but it was already too late. Ye Yuyan's body turned into a blue flash as he fused into the radiant blue world and appeared in front of Belphegor. "You...when..." Belphegor tried to say, but Ye Yuyan interrupted him. "Shut up!" Ye Yuyan intoned without emotion, the radiant world seethed with excitement as hundreds of thousands of radiant particles shot into Ye Yuyan's fist. The thunder crystals inside his acupoints conducted more energy as Ye Yuyan fist became wrapped in radiant Qi. Ye Yuyan calmly punched out and suddenly his fist grew to fill the size. The gigantic fist compressed the air and distorted space with its intense gravity as it bore down onto Belphegor's form. "No!" Belphegor roared as he summoned the power of his slaughter Qi. The dark green world generated dark particles as they fused into his body, filling his evil form with ungodly power. Belphegor raised his own dark green fist as it expanded matching the radiant blue fist in stature. The two world-shaking fists clashed and suddenly detonated into a radiant and a dark green Qi. Qi blasted off into two directions up and down in the sky as it turned into two upside-down funnels. The intense nomological fluctuations ripped open the surrounding space generating spatial storms. Ye Yuyan's body surged with electrical energy as he flashed past the distortions. Belphegor gritted his teeth and joined in, jumping past the distortions. Suddenly a massive supersonic boom happened in the void spaces, and then in another area, another boom happened. The explosions continued as Ye Yuyan's and Belphegor's bodies would flash for a second in a different spot before disappearing. The only trace of their existence was the trail of Qi they would leave. Radiant royal blue and demonic dark green lines of Qi swirled and danced amidst the clashing of fists and fading afterimages. Belphegor reappeared and shot out another world-shaking fist, but Ye Yuyan didn't respond with a fist. Instead, the thunder crystals in his body generated a lightning cowl across his body. Lightning runes generated at his legs and a vague silhouette of a Qilin beast appeared behind him. "Flash!" Ye Yuyan growled through gritted teeth, the lightning cowl around his body seethed with excitement and the lightning runes on his legs activated. The runes propelled Ye Yuyan's body as he turned into a lightning bolt and flashed across the battlefield. Ye Yuyan's lightning looked inconsequential compared to the world-shaking fist Belphegor launched, but Ye Yuyan still propelled forward. He flashed toward the first and crashed into it with no hesitation, the lightning cowl exploded with power as he shot through piercing through the fist. He cut through the layers of dark green Qi like butter as he purified it with the power of thunder, and in an instant, he was before Belphegor. Belphegor's pupils constricted with fear, he sped up his body and faded away. When suddenly under his breath Ye Yuyan mumbled: "Radiant World!" A powerful calming blue Qi shot out from Ye Yuyan's body and suddenly the entire world froze. Space and time came to a screeching halt, nothing in the world moved or made a sound except for Ye Yuyan! He walked forward ever so slowly until he stood in front of Belphegor, radiant Qi condensed on his pointer finger as he tapped on Belphegor's forehead. "ARRRGGGHHH!" Belphegor screamed from the top of his lungs, as his eyes flew back into his head. The world moved again as space and time moved. The radiant Qi cooled suddenly becoming lipid and calm again. Qi Hong's body suddenly disappeared appearing ten meters away from Ye Yuyan but it was already too late. Belphegor gripped his head to stop the pain as his body writhed, dark green Qi escaped from his pores as radiant Qi forced it out. A dark green mist emerged from Qi Hong's body, coalescing over his head as a disembodied goat's head. "Arrggghhhh" Qi Hong continued to scream as it expelled ghastly Qi into the air. Ye Yuyan coldly looked on as Qi Hong's aura rapidly fell, from rank 5. Then suddenly it dropped to rank 4, and it kept going. On Qi Hong's life beam, the green Qi corrosion stopped, but the pillar was already harmed too much and suddenly cracks appeared along the entire construction. In less than a second, the entire pillar shattered from the cracks and Qi Hong's eyes turned dull. In another moment his heart stopped and his body drooped and lost its balance. As the last of the demonic Qi left his body, so did his strength and suddenly his body started free-falling towards the ground. But neither Ye Yuyan nor Belphegor took notice as Qi Hong's suffered a pitiful fate. The remnant demonic Qi fused into Belphegor's disembodied head as Qi Hong fell to his death. Belphegor looked at Ye Yuyan and noticed he was smirking, the demon felt anger filling its heart at stared at Ye Yuyan's arrogant expression. "Do you think the battle's over now that I lost the vessel? I can still fight!" Belphegor growled and suddenly his demonic Qi rose up to the heavens like flames shooting through a cauldron. His dark energy filled the sky and glittered like evil stars. "Arrgghhh!" Belphegor growled as his head sprouted a white-furred and muscular abdomen and suddenly the four appendages sprouted from his abdomen. On his back, a long demonic tail shot out and dark green energy danced across his entire coat giving him a dark green tint. His body bulged in size increasing every second until he was the almost two-hundred meters, he easily dwarfed over Ye Yuyan's body. Belphegor's cultivation strength rose without limits as it shot past initial Rank 5, all the way to late Rank 5! Belphegor's gigantic demonic eyes gazed at Ye Yuyan, each of his eyes was thousands of times bigger than Ye Yuyan. But Ye Yuyan's arrogant expression remained unaffected instead he even met Belphegor's gaze. "How about now, Ye Yuyan? How will you resist me now?" Belphegor derided with a sneering expression and squinted eyes. "Your Gluttonous Evil Form huh..." Ye Yuyan coldly stated with a sneering expression. Belphegor's blinked his eyes in disbelief at Ye Yuyan nonchalant behavior. He felt a strong dread build in his body when suddenly Ye Yuyan asked him: "How about I show you my Evil Form?" "What?!?" Belphegor shouted with shock "Hah!" Ye Yuyan roared as the lotus on his forehead swayed. His pupils disappeared and his sclera became inked with black. "Moon Demon!" Behind Ye Yuyan, appeared a massive white furred demonic beast with tattoos across its body and a blue lotus on its forehead. "Blood Rites!" Next, the second leaf swayed and an indomitable blood sword shot out from the lotus. A red river swirled around the hilt of the sword as if a servant serving its master. While inside of the black sea, Ye Yuyan formed an aspect from his Red River totem. He had already retrieved the Heartsword code from the Blood Plains in Heaven's Realm along with the Blue Moon Code: Volume 2, so the entire process was simple and short. The sword turned towards the silhouette and suddenly it slashed down on the Moon Demon. It slashed out vertically nine times, a few meters separated each slice. Nine red gashes appeared on the Moon Demon's body as the sword slashed down, but right after the red river would enter the gash. Each gash shone with red light radiating the intense power of the Blood and Sword Dao! "Illusionary Yin!" Ye Yuyan intoned through gritted teeth, inside his left eye the darkness propagated without end until suddenly a big bang burst inside of his pupil. Suddenly a radiant white light shot from the darkness becoming a beacon of light! Ye Yuyan's entire aura entire pitch black, his body dissolved in this darkness as this dark energy grew without end. The powerful darkness wrapped around Ye Yuyan's aspect like an embryo and embraced it in darkness. "This...this...this! It can't possibly be!" Belphegor stuttered out fearfully as his eyebrows furrowed with distress. Around the dark embryo's walls appeared a set of red draconic eyes, then in another part of the embryo another pair of eyes open, and then again and again. Until there were twelve evil red eyes across the dark embryo. Each eye centered its gaze on Belphegor, their unending pressure all focused on him. Belphegor felt a primordial fear fill his entire body as if he were a bunny standing before a lion. Suddenly a neck shot out of the embryo, and then another neck did the same. From the embryo, seven heads writhed and danced as the embryo condensed into an abdomen. The shape of the beast became clearer and clear, and suddenly a red flame ignited across its entire body. The flames dissipated the darkness revealing a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems. Each dragon head had two red vertical slit eyes but the one on the center was different. It was a thinner and frailer head and only had one eye, a Yin's eye! "No...it can't be! You were killed, how could you be Lucifer? It can't be possible!!!" Belphegor roared with increasing distress, fear filled his entire being as he edged back. Ye Yuyan's evil form was larger than the heavens completing dwarfing Belphegor's evil form. "You can tell every Primal lurking in Hell that I'll be there to greet them soon." Lucifer's massive draconic form cackled maniacally in a booming and grating voice. Belphegor felt his entire body tense up with fear unable to move at all. The red dragon growled as its main eye shown with a dark light, all the darkness particles in the entire Blood Sect gathered toward it in an instant. Trillions of particles seethed with excitement as the main head opened its mouth and gathered the particles into the vortex. The other six heads joined in taking different parts of the vortex and adding billions of particles themselves. Suddenly the black vortex grew without end until it could even prop up the heavens and shatter the world. "Devour!" The Red Dragon growled releasing the vortex's suction power, suddenly the entire world stopped, and the sky trembled! Everything under heaven shook, and it overthrew the earth in an instant, the heavens trembled as the red dragon swallowed the sky. The intense heaven shattering power sucked in Belphegor in an instant, his evil form could not resist as the red dragon's power faintly rivaled that of a peak rank 5 cultivator. The heaven devouring dragon swallowed up a fragment of the sky and Belphegor in one gulp, the area around the blood palace was completely shattered from the bite. The sky had completely disappeared, and all that was left was void space! "Arrgg!" The Sky Devouring Dragon screeched to the heavens as the head to the left of the main head shone with a green light. its red eyes transformed into a dark green goat like eye and suddenly its red scales turned dark green as the power of gluttony filled the head. ******************** Author's thoughts: This is a mini-climax of the book, so it's a double chapter. If you like the book, leave a comment or a review.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "12337", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.52: Reclaiming the Demon Throne (Double Chapter)", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
“Understood, Madam.” The Verulyim king put his hand over his chest and bowed lightly. His aspect partially emerged from his back and blue lights glittered across his body. He looked over at Emily, Su Yan, and Ghost Hands before turning into a lightning bolt and blasting off into the sky. Su Yan and Emily glanced over at the fairy with cautiousness when suddenly Ghost Hands gathered a white aura and flew off after the Verulyim King.   Emily gritted her teeth and followed behind leaving a golden streak in the air as she pursued her father. Su Yan was the last, his body distorted rapidly as he faded into the sky and followed the princess.   As the lights faded off into the sky, Ye Yuyan grabbed the hilt of his sword and picked himself up from the ground. He ripped his sword out of the ground and shook it removing the debris. Madam Qian slowly approached Ye Yuyan with her long white hair flowing in the wind.   “Master! Is that really you?” Song Yue’s pupils constricted with shock as Madam Qian appeared.   Madam Qian glanced over at Song Yue with her tranquil blue eyes and smiled as she said: “My dear disciple... I hope Ye Yuyan has treated you well.”   “Master...I...” Song Yue took a step forward and tried to speak when Ye Yuyan suddenly interrupted her.   “Song Qian... you dare to appear before me.” Ye Yuyan coldly intoned with frosty eyes and a grim countenance.   Song Qian wryly smiled as Ye Yuyan’s frosty gaze pierced through her and replied: “So long yet you still hold a grudge.”   “Had you not interfered with Venerable Moon, I would have had my complete power.” A vein popped out on Ye Yuyan forehead as he tightly gripped his fist and furrowed his brow in complete fury.   “But those are matters of the past, what matters now is the present.” Ye Yuyan said, “So what do you want?”   Song Qian’s eyes glanced over at Song Yue and back at Ye Yuyan. She raised her palm and shot out a beam of immortal Qi toward Song Yue. Song Yue’s body lurched as the white Qi struck into her temple.   “Ahhhhh!” She yelled as her immortal Qi went into a frenzy, behind her an aspect manifested. Lotus petals flickered in the air as a white lotus bloomed in the center. Two white lotuses reflected in her eyes as if they were floating on top of a tranquil lake.   As Song Yue’s aura metamorphosed, Song Qian drew in the air with her finger. Her every swift slash left a trail of flames, she snapped her left hand recombining the flame lines into a single object.   The flames shone a brilliant vermillion as it condensed down into a glob of flames. The flames transformed into a shining medallion and landed in Song Qian’s palm. She threw the medallion across the plains toward Ye Yuyan, who raised his hand and grabbed it.   Ye Yuyan looked down at the medallion and felt in it a powerful vermillion flame, engrave on the medallion was a stunning Vermillion bird ascending to the heavens.   “The medallion for my disciple.” Song Qian intoned as Ye Yuyan scanned over the medallion.   “Heh, that I can agree to.” Ye Yuyan chuckled as he put the medallion away into his robes.   Song Qian raised her hand causing the space around her and Song Yue to distort and her body faded into space as her body disappeared she said: “Then we shall take our leave.”   Song Qian’s coy laugh echoed in the plains as her body disappeared saying: “Oh and... try not to die, my beloved.”   As Song Qian disappeared, Ye Yuyan focused his attention on the vast blue sky of the plains. He turned behind him and looked at the snowy mountain with a hint of nostalgia. Maven stood at the side quietly attending to Ye Yuyan until Ye Yuyan spoke.   “Did you mark, Su Yan?” Ye Yuyan asked with his attention still focused on the sky.   “Yes... no matter where he goes, I will sense it.” Maven straightened his back and answered Ye Yuyan quickly.   “Good, then go keep watch on him.” Ye Yuyan coldly glanced over at Maven and commanded.   “Understood.” Maven replied and gathered Lunar Qi into his body, behind him his Lunar Aspect manifested as it emerged from his back.   He stepped on the ground and was about to fly away when Ye Yuyan coldly intoned: “Oh and... keep watch of that old man.”   Maven nodded his head and turned into a cyan streak in the air, cyan lights surrounded him as he disappeared into the boundless blue sky. Ye Yuyan stood alone beneath the shadow of the mountain and stared into the sky.   “What a reminiscent sight...” Ye Yuyan whispered lightly, he gazed around the shadow plains and toward the snowy mountain.   Memories of the past and the present overlapped, creating the illusion in Ye Yuyan’s mind of an old marble home with a quaint courtyard.   He squinted his eyes and he could see the events of old unfold, in the skies he saw the vague silhouette of a violet figure and another silhouette made from an ashy smog.   Ye Yuyan closed his eyes and activated his Red Lotus, the first three lotus leaves superimposed and Demonic power gushed from Ye Yuyan’s body. The river of red within his second lotus leaf suddenly turned black and expanded rapidly until it formed into a dark sea.   Ye Yuyan reached out with a dark hand and with a single tap ripped space apart as if moving away curtains. Ye Yuyan took a swift step and entered the spatial rift and passed through spatial turbulence with ease.   Ye Yuyan’s body emerged from the spatial rift into a world of darkness that stretched past the horizon. A massive shadow mountain pierced through the sky and littered across its base were the remnants of a gigantic mansion.   Ye Yuyan scanned across the mansion when he noticed at the front of the mansion stabbed into the ground was a massive sign with the word, Ye inscribed on it!   Ye Yuyan reached into his robes and removed a white scroll, he swiftly unfurled it releasing a multifarious light. From the scroll a pink bamboo umbrella shot out, it emanated a fantastical nine colored light as Ye Yuyan gripped it and rested the umbrella on his shoulder.   Ye Yuyan turned his gaze toward the shadow mountain and firmly stepped onto the air. He calmly strode across the air taking in the memories of the Ye clan.   From his memories he could see the various villas and pavilions in the clan, he could even see the immortal stream that cut down from the ancestral mountain. He followed this imaginary stream to the top of the mountain.   Once Ye Yuyan reached the peak, he flew down with his umbrella in hand and landed on the chilling Iceland that was the mountain peak.   He strode across the ice and snow amidst the dark sky and approached two slabs of stone stabbed into the ground. They seemed to be tombstones, but it was hard to see what was written.   As Ye Yuyan approached the tombstones, a red silhouette and white silhouette flashed beside him. The white and red silhouettes became increasingly clear as Ye Yuyan got closer to the tombstones.   Once Ye Yuyan got in front of the slabs, he could read them and they each said: “Here lies Ye Yanrui and here lies Qin Yu.”   The instant Ye Yuyan read the tombstones, the silhouette became clear. Standing by the Tombstone of Ye Yanrui was the white silhouette, it flickered as it formed into a white-haired young man with radiant blue eyes and a floral pattern over his pupils. His white hair flowed down to the back of his white robes blending together like an ominous wraith.   Next to Qin Yu’s grave, the red silhouette flickered as it became clearer. A bloody slaughter force enveloped Ye Yuyan as two scorching red suns opened, and the red silhouette coalesced into a red-robed man. Dark red hair flowed down his red robes and matched his frightening bloody eyes as they fused together to create a horrifying visage.   Ye Yuyan stood between the two graves with both silhouettes calmly staring at him as if awaiting his response.   BOOM!   Thunder pealed in the dark sky as the silhouettes manifested, nine colored lightning danced across the darkness as Ye Yuyan threw a cursory glance. As the lightning rumbled and tumbled in the air, Ye Yuyan stared to recite:   “At the crossroads of destiny and fate A young swallow dashes through the air Leaving a lingering trail left for another The attentive mother follows closely behind Blind to the workings of fate A patient eagle swoops on its prey This is the future that awaits The young are fed as prey All are made this way.”   The two figures nodded their heads as if approving what Ye Yuyan was saying. Ye Yuyan smirked demonically as his body emanated the power of the demon and with a soft whisper he said: “I am a young swallow no longer.”
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "17776", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.61: A young swallow no longer", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Walking along a dirt road were 5 silhouettes: A man in blue robes, a muscular warrior, a ragged old man, and a seductive demoness. Leading them forward was an alluring man dressed in black robes. He firmly gripped a pink bamboo umbrella as his figure and shadow swayed with the setting sun down the road. "We should soon be approaching the desolate range." Ye Yuyan said without turning around. Han Yi following closely looked around the area, the flatlands of grass had ended a few paces behind them. Now the path was becoming more mountainous and the density of the trees increased as they journeyed further. "What exactly happened at the village?" Han Yi asked as he walked closer to Ye Yuyan. "Well, that's hard to explain because I wasn't there the entire time." Ye Yuyan replied quizzically. "What do you mean?" Han Yi said as his brows furrowed. "I noticed the traces of a ritual and the village was destroyed. There were various hell warriors scattered so I knew a demon has been there. So I expelled the energies and hell warriors." Ye Yuyan described as Han Yi listened intently. "That can't be all, as a wandering exorcist you must have had to bring something to enter the order." Han Yi said with a prying voice. "There was one other thing, I found a plain gourd on the corpse of a summoner." Ye Yuyan said plainly as if it were nothing. But at that moment, Han Yi's eyes flashed with suspicion. "You were lucky to make it out alive." The woman behind Han Yi blurted out. "And you are?" Ye Yuyan replied as his eyes roamed across her body. Her enchanting curves moved with geometric perfection in her tight black dress. "I'm Song Yue but you can call me Nesilia." She replied as her lips bloomed into a lovely splendorous smile. "Haha, sonny you'd best be careful of her." Knighted Maven laughed out much to Nesilia's chagrin. "How impudent of you!" She coldly snorted but made no actions beyond that. "Say kid, I hope you have some fantastic methods. Otherwise, you won't be able to survive with us." Knighted Maven said amicably and slapped Ye Yuyan on the back. Much to Maven's surprised dismay, Ye Yuyan just wryly smiled and continued talking with him. "I hope so too." Ye Yuyan joked as they approached a crossroad into a forest. "Which way?" Han Yi asked as he scanned the forest. "Wait! Be careful your highness!" Nesilia yelled her eyes were glued to the sky. A group of birds seemed to flee from the forest. She suddenly materialized a chalice which diffused with a white mist. The birds started to caw as they dissipated into a frosty mist. "Neither path your highness." Ye Yuyan responded plainly as he reached into his robes. Han Yi noticing the gesture got guarded and squeezed his fists making a crackling noise. Behind him Han Yi, Knighted Maven's smile never faded and Nesilia raised her chalice in defense. Only the warrior stood still and silent as if he was merely spectating. Ye Yuyan threw out a scroll which flew in the air and unfurled itself. It was a pristine white scroll that started to hum as the blank page became a vortex. The surroundings seemed to be absorbed into it rapidly. "A sealing scroll!" Nesilia said with surprise as she stared in suspense. The absorbed energies acted like ink as the color from the surroundings seemed to fade away. The trees became black and the ground became gray and slowly the illustration on the scroll completed. It became the image of blue-furred beastman with glowing white eyes and a terrifying presence. With the image formed everyone seemed to tense up even more. Even the warrior reached for his greatsword slung on his back. "Yunshi put it down!" Han Yi roared as he noticed chains flash around the warrior's body. Suddenly an oppressive aura seemed to descend in the area. It seemed to clash against the frost demon scroll balancing the demonic energies in the area. 'A demon sealer.' Ye Yuyan said as he felt the strange aura from Yunshi. Yunshi loosened his grip around his greatsword as the energies in the area suddenly calmed. Ye Yuyan raised his hand as the scroll furled itself and flew into his hand. "Don't worry it was merely an illusion." He chuckled as he put the scroll into his robes. "But it hasn't been too long since that demon came through this area. Its energies have become so oppressive it created an uncanny area." Ye Yuyan seemingly mumbled to himself. "To think you would have sealing scrolls..." Nesilia said vaguely as she looked at his robes. Ye Yuyan's eyes flitted across Nesilia as he noticed her chalice had disappeared. 'A demon sealer, a knighted expert, A seer trained in augury, and even a prince. What a powerful team...' Ye Yuyan thought as he evaluated everyone. Augury was a special type of path, of the 3 paths it was based on Sealing. But it was not a complete path like sealing and was instead cultivated as an auxiliary skill. An auger wouldn't seal demons within themselves but instead, they focused on expelling demonic powers using an arcane focus like a chalice. "Don't you westerners have your own methods of dispelling and sealing demonic energies?" Ye Yuyan asked in a disbelieving tone. "We do and she's the one proficient in them." Knighted Maven chuckled as he pointed to Nesilia. "I do indeed, I brought along everything necessary for augury. But my divination was nowhere near as fast as you." She said in a self-deprecating tone. "Enough of that, where is the frost demon?" Han Yi commanded in a domineering tone. "It should be around 1000 or so paces away." Ye Yuyan said as he looked past the forest, almost as if he could see something in the distance. "But that isn't our only problem, the beasts around here were corrupted by the uncanny valley." He said almost grinning because at that moment a black wolf with ravenous red eyes jumped out of the forest at him. Knighted Maven reached for the sword on his waist ready to slash out. But suddenly Ye Yuyan roared and slammed down his palm. "Ha!" With the expulsion of his breath, his palm slammed down on the beast throwing it back into the forest 10s of meters. In his palm was a bloody light that faded away as quickly as it appeared. "Looks like you aren't a newborn babe. Handle yourself kid, hahaha!" Knighted Maven laughed as he unsheathed his sword. A bull suddenly rushed out of the forest and its eyes shining with a red demonic light. It charged towards Maven as he slashed down dissecting the beast in one slash. Nesilia's chalice rematerialized in front of her and a white mist emanated from it. A group of black snakes slithered near her with few trying to pounce on her. But the white mist took on various forms becoming a wind blade at one moment then a shield the next. The blades cut apart the snakes and dispelled the dark energies. Yunshi stood still but, whenever a beast came near him and Han Yi; he would raise his fist and punch it across the forest. Maven and Ye Yuyan worked together using a combination of palm strikes and sword attacks to repel the best. "The beasts just don't seem to end, Ji boy do you have any methods for this?" Maven asked as he was his sword was arm deep inside a bear. "Sadly no, all I could do was dispel the illusion. The keyman for this is her as long as her Augury finishes the area will be cleaned." Ye Yuyan joked as his palm ripped apart a fox. At that moment Nesilia started chanting and her white mist started to spread across the battlefield. Anywhere it touched the black and grey energies would dissipate. Wherever it passed, the color of the land would return revealing the carnage hidden by the illusion. Strown around the forest were frozen corpses, it looked like a frozen hell with no end. "Sadly I can't dispel the slaughter qi. Only the remnant authority of this fiend could be removed." Nesilia said with a disappointed tone. "That is enough, we need to get to the village first." Han Yi commanded. "But what about the frost demon. The way it's headed it will end up on the outskirts of the desolate range. With all the villages, thousands if not more will die." Ye Yuyan asked with concern. "Our priority is the investigation! We wouldn't even be able to fight the thing anyway, It's a real deal fiend." Han Yi said ruthlessly "But..." Ye Yuyan started to say "But nothing! We will proceed and you will lead us otherwise..." Han Yi said as his fist and body cracked like thunder. Expelling a deep breath Ye Yuyan grabbed his umbrella with both hands and started walking up the mountain. Everyone in the group stayed silent even the talkative Maven. Ye Yuyan walking at the front looked at the horizon and his lips bloomed into a sardonic smile. His eyes flashed with the image of a struggling frost demon.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2079", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.8: Augury", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
In a courtyard outside of city limits was a small training field. Littered around it were barracks and target dummies. Villagers were peddling along the road bringing various good with them to the city. From the city came various men and women wearing armors with a very small few dressed in gothic robes. They all seemed to be gathering at the courtyard. Many of the people seemed to be in their young adulthoods but not all of them were young. A few looked as though they had 1 foot in the grave. One such person was a man in a chared black armor and tattered robes, he had graying facial hair that touched his arm and a bald head. Next to him was a young man in blue cloud robes, his face was filled with solemn power as people parted from his advance. "That's the third prince Han Yi! Why would he join the investigations team?" A young man in light armor mumbled. Han Yi entered the courtyard and seated himself near a tree. The wind rustled the leaves as the shadows seemed to dance below him. The old man stood behind Han Yi not making a sound or a movement. As the third prince sat in meditation, a woman dressed in an alluring black dress walked up to him with a demure expression. "My dear prince, what are the duties that lured you here today?" She said with an enchanting voice. Opening one eye the prince looked upon the beautiful visage of the woman in front of him. Her delightful curves well fitted by her tight dress. Yet his calmness never flitted for a moment as he looked towards the barracks. From it emerged 12 men dressed in full black knight armor, each carrying a lance as they walked in a formation. Their carefully guided formation brought them in front of the group in moments as they stood stalwart and intimidating. "You can ask the Assignment Officers over there." The third prince said with a playful tone. The woman in front of him was known to play with weak-hearted men and he had no intentions of falling for it. "Fine suit yourself." She coyly said as she pouted her lips as she sat down near the prince. She looked up and stared at a figure that approached the courtyard. He was a large and stalwart man who wore no shirt. His rippling muscles only partially obscured by the satchel for his greatsword on his back. His serious and calm gaze landed on the various warriors gathered in the courtyard and his intimidating presence scared people out of his way. He made his way near the tree as he sat in front of Han Yi. He took a gourd from the satchel on his waist and put it in front on the ground in front of him. Han Yi looked curiously at the gourd in front of him before he picked it up and turned it over. On it was a 9 pointed star with 9 different colors along the edges. With that sight, the prince's eyebrows furrowed in doubt. "What happened to Gulan?" Han Yi asked inquisitively "You can ask the man who turned in this gourd. He should be here soon." The stalwart man said as he turned to the entrance into the courtyard. Coming at that moment was a young man with cascading black hair dressed in black robes. Both his hands held a pink bamboo umbrella and his elegant steps attracted attention from the people within the courtyard. "Robes?" One said confused "Is he a foreigner?" A young woman said to her friends "Wow, how elegant!" Another woman commented Multiple people whispered among themselves, their soft voices were still heard by Ye Yuyan who stood unperturbed. "It's him? Are you sure, Yunshi?" Han Yi asked without ever taking his gaze on Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan's eyes flitted across the Third Prince when he noticed his gaze. Their glances met, the soft yet ethereal eyes of Ye Yuyan met the cold and domineering eyes of the Third Prince. The dichotomy of their characters on full display. Ye Yuyan's mouth moved into a breezy smirk that soothed the senses with aesthetic beauty. Ye Yuyan's light steps lead him towards the prince. "Is he a foreign guest of the prince?" Someone questioned from Ye Yuyan's motions. But to their surprise, Ye Yuyan walked past the prince and laid back against the tree. He looked up at the sky with an almost childlike wonder. The prince, old man, warrior, and demoness' eyes gathered onto this young man. "Nature is quite a wonderful affair. Isn't it your majesty?" Ye Yuyan said in a jovial manner as if he knew the young man. "Only through the hands of men is the disorder and ugliness made into a true beauty." Han Yi said dismissively. "I beg to differ, nothing made by the hands of men can equal heaven. Heaven unequaled stands above all." Ye Yuyan rebutted "The paths of Chivalry, Sealing, and Bloodline were made by the men. Our cities and formations were built by men and aren't these the pinnacle?" Han Yi returned "Heaven unequaled your highness, Heaven is unequaled." Ye Yuyan said with an even tone. "Hmph, how narrow of you." Han Yi snorted "Enough of the chatter." An assignment officer roared, he stood at the front of the triangle formation radiating a strong aura as he removed his helmet. What was revealed was a middle-aged man with scarlet hair and a curved red goatee. "Knighted Vermillion..." said the tattered old man next to the prince and cupped his fists to him in respect. "Knighted Maven!" responded the scarlet man as he cupped his fist back and quickly he turned his attention back to the crowd. "You have been gathered here to do some investigations of the Desolate Range." As he spoke the 11 other officers walked in front of him one by one, each holding a different poster. The posters had various rewards on the bottom with photos of various beasts. One such beast was a serpent with 4 wings, another was a red-eyed minotaur, and various other strange and mystical beasts. "Each of these beasts has emerged from the valleys and attacked the various villages." He said as he pointed out each beast. "It is your duty to slay these beasts and find the root cause of all this. As members of the Order, Sacrament, and even the Verulyim Origin you must uphold the righteous path." The scarlet man said as a warning. "No one is exempt regardless of their standing." He said as his eyes flitted past the Third Prince and his cohorts. "Get into groups of 4, 2 from the Order and 1 from the sacrament are a requirement. Some of these quests have cultivation requirements. You can test your cultivation with any of us otherwise proceed as you please." As soon as he finished talking various people quickly gathered together in haste. 'It seems groups were formed far before this...' Ye Yuyan thought as he watched them flock like geese. Cliques form quite easily but if you add life and death conditions, they suddenly become even stronger. They all could have been cooperating together for years and building their own dynamic. So any attempts to join an established group would be unrealistic. Ye Yuyan and the people around him gathered near the various posters held by the Assignment officers. The one Ye Yuyan got close to was about a frost demon. This wasn't just a beast, it was a powerful Fiend that escaped from over one of the uncanny valleys. In the desolate range was many mountains and in between, there were forests and plains that the humans lived. On the mountains were a mix of humans and beasts and within some of the valleys were powerful demons. In certain valleys existed powerful devils which ruled supreme but they rarely if ever left their valleys. Ye Yuyan noticed that Han Yi formed a group with the demoness, old man, and warrior. They approached him with the Third Prince at the front. "We never got your name." Han Yi asked as he looked at Ye Yuyan. Even within his words, you could feel the royalty. "I am Ji Shu, may I presumptuously ask to join you?" Ye Yuyan said with a smug expression. "I was going to ask anyway. I've heard that you came from the village we are investigating." Han Yi said with a probing expression. "I was merely passing by." Ye Yuyan said with a calm voice. "Anyhow you can guide us right?" Han Yi said with a smirk. "Of course, anyway I could be of service." Ye Yuyan replied with a concerted manner.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1886", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.7: Investigations", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"GRRR!" The Blue Demon roared as an icy mist radiated from it. The surroundings of the mountain started to die from the freezing mist. The Beast opened its mouth and shout out a piercing icy beam at Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan seeing the beam coming closer rapidly raised his dagger and sliced vertically. The icy beam seemed to be sliced from afar as it went past Ye Yuyan in two different directions. On Ye Yuyan's dagger was a little bit of frost but only on the tip. Ye Yuyan furrowed his brows as he noticed the frost. 'Illathar, Evil Form: Abyssal Minotaur, Slaughter Qi: Frost, Origin Force: Mid Ranked Fiend.' Ye Yuyan analyzed from the frost on his dagger. The dagger runes started to shine and the frost dissolved entirely. In this world, there exist myriad paths of cultivation. One such path with the fiendish path it like many other paths is a triple fold path. One cultivates the body through their innate evil form, they cultivate their magic through their slaughter qi, and they cultivate their origin force through authority. Each path has different requirements and ultimately grants different powers. Humans have access to some of these paths and a few of their own. But the mixing of various paths is quite dangerous unless one is a special existence. "Damn exorcist! Where is my offering?" Illathar growled as his blue fur seemed to stand up. "Do you mean this?" Ye Yuyan said as he removed a scroll on it was an old tree stump. With the sight of the scroll, Illathar's body shook with rage. It knew exactly what Ye Yuyan had done to Li Nan. "Kill my hell warriors!" Illathar commanded instantly the hundred shadow warriors cloaked in black flames turned their attention towards Ye Yuyan. They rushed out of the village at high speeds and in moments they approached the cave Ye Yuyan was waiting at. Ye Yuyan's eyes narrowed into intense blood red slits as the Hell warriors approached. He jumped forward with his dagger as a warrior approached. It reached out with its claws inundated with black flames. Ye Yuyan's dagger shined with white light and runes and he slashed down on the claw. The black flames extinguished as he cut off the claw. Then with one swift motion, he decapitated the hell warrior. He moved to the next one, this one held a blade made from the black flames. The hell warrior sliced down at Ye Yuyan's incoming dagger. Ye Yuyan sliced the flame blade then turned and kicked the warrior. Then proceeding to stab it in the throat. With increasing speed, he cut down more hell warriors while also descending the mountain. As he neared the bottom of the mountain, he was cornered by a squadron of 12 hell warriors. They screeched as they each formed various weapons from the black flames. A giant ax-wielding hell warrior slashed down on Ye Yuyan as he approached the village. Ye Yuyan was quick to dodge as the ground exploded into black embers. Then as he dodged back he noticed 6 incoming arrows. He spun his dagger in a swift motion cutting all the arrows while retreating. 'A squadron of hell warriors.' Ye Yuyan thought as he looked around trying to determine the formation. '6 arrows, they have 6 longbow users.' Ye Yuyan introspective as he looked around and noticed the 6 longbow users hidden in the trees. He looked in front of him and saw 4 long swords users hiding behind the 2 ax-wielding warriors. "I don't have the time for this…. I need to end this quick." Ye Yuyan said as he gritted his teeth. He took his dagger and stabbed it into his shoulder until it was fully inside his shoulder. His blood dripped out onto the grass like morning dew. His already bloody eyes seemed to become demonic and a powerful bloodlust came from his body. It completely eclipsed the bloodlust of the hell warriors. Ye Yuyan ripped out the dagger and it started to elongate. The dagger became a very long dual edged katana. He raised it and pointed it towards the squadron. The moonlight shimmered off the blade like a holy light. The sword seemed to howl with a murderous lust. "By my blood, Ye of the bloodline; Lotus Form: Blooming!" Ye Yuyan chanted as he swung his sword in a crescent cut. Along the path of his sword was a red line which started to expand. It seemed like a whole new world was cut open, it was a blood red world of slaughter. Everything around him started to collapse and every shadow warrior disintegrated. Everything within 30 meters of Ye Yuyan was annihilated. Illathar's gaze turned onto the red singularity and then he saw Ye Yuyan. He was wielding a blood red katana, his eyes were filled with intense malice, and blooming behind him was a blood red lotus. The lotus was partially opened and coiled around the stamen of the lotus was a black viper inundated with black flames. "You…. what are you?" Illathar asked in complete and utter terror. He had recognized that lotus. Ye Yuyan gripped his sword harder as he got into a fighting stance. He raised his blade as the lotus behind him released a massive amount of red fog. "Die!" Ye Yuyan roared as he slashed down, the red fog followed his blade as it became a wind blade as big as Illathar. The massive red sword slash cut apart the mountain as it moved closer towards Illathar. Illathar's hands became filled with frost qi and he reached out to rip apart the sword slash. His frost arms slammed against the sword slash making his massive body shake and move back. His feet cut apart huge swaths of trees and dirt as the sword beam lost force. Illathar barely blocked the sword beam but the frost on his hand was shattered. Illathar looked at his palms and saw his blue blood dripping. Then he noticed a strange redness to his cuts. "What?" He couldn't help but blurt out as he noticed red mist was seeping into his palms. "You damned thing, I'll kill you!" Illathar roared as the blue mist around him formed into a massive barrage of icicles. He blasted hundreds of icicles at Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan coldly looked on as the icicles closed in on him. "Lotus form: Wilting!" The red lotus behind Ye Yuyan fused into his body and expanded to protect him. Then it sealed itself and produced a red mist. The incoming icicles hit into the lotus unable to puncture it. The red mist then dispersed the frost qi increasing its own strength. As soon as the icicles faded, the lotus opened up. "Your frost qi is quite powerful…. Your evil form is also quite strong. You are indeed the perfect choice…." Ye Yuyan said with a supercilious smile as he stared at Illathar. "What did you just say?" Illathar said in a loud bellow not masking his fury. "I said you are quite delicious!" Ye Yuyan laughed as he swung his sword. The open red mist seemed to become agitated and rapidly expanded. The mist completely sealed the area around Illathar in a thick red wall of fog. "This is…. slaughter qi! What the hell are you?!?" Illathar roared out as his vision became filled with red mist. The mist started to warp and Illathar saw screeching faces and devil eyes around him. "You are no exorcist! What the hell kind of thing are you?" Illathar questioned as he released his blue mist to protect him. Illathar noticed a strange phenomenon the red mist was forming leaf after leaf all around him. He could notice the pattern from this height, the mist had formed a 9 leaved red lotus! At that moment a serpent appeared in front of him. On top of the serpent made of black flames was Ye Yuyan gripping his sword. Illathar's body started to tremble with a primordial fear, he knew the three paths for humanity and this didn't conform to any of the systems. "This...can not be possible" Illathar stuttered out as he took a step back from Ye Yuyan. "How could you have the law of kings?!?" Illathar stuttered out, this was the legendary law of kings held by the bearers! "You talk too much." Ye Yuyan coldly intoned as the red mist pushed down on Illathar's gigantic form. The serpent beneath Ye Yuyan was even bigger than Illathar, it was around 200 meters long. He was literally and metaphorically looking down on Illathar. "Lotus Form: Cherry Blossoms!" Ye Yuyan said as the mist congealed into thousands of cherry blossoms. The blossoms were like tiny blades made of baleful energy. They sliced at Illathar, who tried to raise his hands in guard. Illathar's body was sliced up thousands of time and slowly the wounds accumulated. His body was slowly being obliterated by the cherry blossoms. Ye Yuyan sent out with each slash of his sword, a hundred cherry blossoms as one. "Arghh! Your Highness, please forgive me!" Illathar begged he knew that soon he would die. "You die today...Blooming Moon!" Ye Yuyan yelled as he sent a final massive slash of Cherry Blossoms. Ye Yuyan made a crescent cut with his sword that stirred the cherry blossoms. The blossoms cut a crescent moon across Illathar's body and left a massive sword scar on the mountain just behind him.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1882", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.3: Lotus Form", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The demonic light in Illathar's eyes faded as his massive body collapsed on the ground. His blue blood made the soil into permafrost. The red mist receded into the lotus and it wilted and disappearing behind Ye Yuyan. The serpent went along with as it fused into his body. Ye Yuyan eyes went back to their regular blue and his sword decreased in size until it was a regular black dagger. Ye Yuyan took the dagger and put it inside his robe, his face looked bloodless and pale under the moonlight. 'That's the last of my baleful energy...' Ye Yuyan thought solemnly to himself He looked over at the destroyed village and then he noticed Illathar's gigantic body start to decrease in size. He jumped over to it just in time, to see in the center of Illathar was Gulan. Along Gulan's chest was a crescent slash, he had died instantly from the final slash Ye Yuyan removed a scroll and released a few thousands hand seals onto Gulan's body. Then from his body sprung forward a frost bull demon soul. It was Illathar's fragment of his fiend soul. In summoning him, Gulan brought a part of Illathar's true soul to the mortal world and fused with it. Illathar's soul fragment must fuse with the host body for him to get any of the memories of what happened here. Otherwise, Ye Yuyan would never dare reveal his bloodline like that. Anyone who sees the lotus must die! Ye Yuyan took the soul and sealed it inside a scroll. On Gulan's body was a bamboo gourd, Ye Yuyan walked over and grabbed it. He unsealed the cork and slowly analyzed the gourd. "A sealing gourd." Ye Yuyan said with a smug grin as he looked at the holy symbol on the corner of the gourd. It was a 9-pointed star formed from 9 different colored swords. This was the symbol of the Verulyim Holy Sacrament, a powerful order that trained Knights, Exorcists, and even Demon Sealers. Ye Yuyan moved quickly to extract the blood of Illathar's decaying Evil Form. He got the blood and put it inside the gourd, this gourd could be used to hold demonic materials and liquids. "An investigation team from the capital should be here soon." Ye Yuyan said as he looked over at the horizon. "I need to heal my injuries and replenish my blood energy. Then I can go to the Verulyim kingdom's capital." Ye Yuyan said as he looked off into the east, his eyes flashing with an ominous light. His eyes scanned to the east and he saw a quick pathway. He jumped forward and moved at high speeds as he scanned across the paths. Where he was currently at is The Desolate Range, a mountain range that separates the eastern and western lands. There were a few untraversable valleys around that were known to house powerful beings but he made sure to avoid it. At the most center of the range was a mountain that stretched in the firmament. Most people would not climb it but instead, go around it slowly. That made traveling from the east to west quite a long journey. There were a few villages on this path, but with the attack of beasts, they are often destroyed. Only villages guarded by the kingdom survived. Ye Yuyan jumped a few miles before he stopped near the top of the last mountain before entering the eastern lands. He approached the mountain and took out his dagger. He cut open a hole into the mountain, a small room for himself. Then he jumped inside it and sealed the hole. He sat down in a meditative stance and reached into his robes and removing three scrolls, the gourd, and his dagger. He unfurled the three scrolls, one was the primordial tree stub, the other two were Illathar's soul fragment, and the last was the baleful energies. 'Before I enter the capital, I need to absorb Illathar's power.' Ye Yuyan calculated as he looked at the scrolls in front of him. Humanity had 3 conventional paths for power before them. Sealing, Chivalry, and the mysterious bloodline path. The first path involves sealing powerful existences within oneself. Conventionally that means sealing demons. The second path involves training in weapons and the body. That means tempering the body using the power of various powers. The third path is the bloodline path and little is known about it. Only those with the rarest human bloodlines can cultivate this path. Ye Yuyan planned to join a Verulyim Order to peruse their techniques. But to enter he needs conventional power such as demon sealer power. He undid his hand seals with counter seals in a few moments and the scrolls released a massive amount of demonic energy. A massive black mist seemed to condense around the room. Ye Yuyan closed his eyes and a red lotus appeared behind him with a coiled serpent. The serpent was smaller than last time as if it was about to fade away. The serpent hissed and as if by command the baleful energy rushed into the stamen of the lotus. The serpent started to grow as the baleful energy fused into it. The lotus seemed to be bolstered by it as well and it instantly doubled in size. On one of the leaves, a set of black inscriptions filled about 50% of it. The brilliant cursive inscriptions beautifully flowed on the leaf. Ye Yuyan's then grabbed the alcohol gourd and he drank Illathar's blood. The blue liquid went down his throat and started to freeze his insides. It traveled along his meridians, freezing them until it settled into his blood. Then it seeped into his marrow and his entire body started to freeze on the inside. Soon after a thin layer of frost developed on Ye Yuyan's skin. He reached out with his hand and unsealed the scroll with primordial tree stub. A strange phenomenon of a massive azure great tree appeared. The tree reached into the heavens and propped up heaven and earth. Its grand majesty released a massive amount of green energy and the energy streaming into Ye Yuyan's body. The blue blood seemed to become stronger as it fused with the green energy. The vitality in Ye Yuyan body skyrocketed, the blue blood started to willingly fuse with Ye Yuyan's body. The red lotus leaf with the black inscriptions started to engrave a set of blue inscriptions. Soon 40% of the leaf was filled with blue and black inscriptions, yet something felt incomplete about it. Ye Yuyan gritted his teeth as he grabbed the last scroll. He quickly unsealed Illathar's soul fragment and devoured it. His body started to shake as the ice on his skin dissolved. The blue blood completely fused into his body at that moment. Ye Yuyan acted quickly forcing Illathar's soul into the leaf. Suddenly, the leaf quickly started to engrave a single snowflake on it. As the snowflake formed with an intricate pattern, the leaf started to darken until it was a solitary frozen blue. With scattered black inscriptions right below the snowflake. Then when the engraving was done the lotus leaf emanated a sense of perfection. The other 8 leaves were still red but now one of them was blue. A powerful principle seemed to radiate from the leaf. Ye Yuyan's eyes opened as dark eyes gleamed with a frosty glint. His cold stare made him seem like he was eternal ice. He gripped his fist as a powerful frost qi emanated from him. Everything around him in the cave started to freeze until even the walls were completely frozen. For his final task, he reached into his robes and removed another scroll. But this one was unlike the others it was a tattered black scroll. It looked as though it was one touch away from disintegration. He unfurled the scroll as it flew by itself in front of him and suddenly the strange sound of humming and chanting erupted around the room. On the scroll flashed nomological inscriptions that danced across the scroll. He grabbed the gourd at his waist and threw it at the scroll. The inscriptions shined even brighter as the gourd levitated in front of the scroll. On the gourd, the 9 colored star flashed as various lights streamed out of the gourd. With a deft hand, Ye Yuyan guided the various lights into the black scroll. The lights flitted together creating a sort of heavenly principle. The dark scroll became colored with heavenly light as a 9 colored lightning symbol formed. The light started to wane as the colors on the gourd disappeared. The colors disappeared entirely from the gourd and then the black scroll furled on his own. Ye Yuyan grabbing both put them away on his waist and in his robes. "Now I am ready for the capital." He said with a sneering expression.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1883", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.4: First Revolution", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
The group wandered through the mountain following Ye Yuyan. Any fallen beast they came across or uncanny spaces they would defeat and dispel. Knighted Maven occasionally teased Ye Yuyan and Nesilia toyed with me any chance she could get. "Why not share your methods with me." She said with an innocent smile and big begging eyes. "What would you like to know?" Ye Yuyan responded plainly. "Your sealing scrolls, how do you produce them?" She asked keenly as her eyes landed on his robes. "I'm sorry but I didn't produce these. I only came upon them by luck in the past." He said as he shook his head. "Fine be like that." Nesilia pouted as she walked away from him. Ye Yuyan couldn't help but wryly smile. "Wait that doesn't mean I don't have other things to trade." He said and Nesilia stopped in her tracks and turned back to him. "Really?" She said with a hopeful voice. "Yes, why don't you tell me about your family origin and I will tell you about where I found these scrolls." He asked intently, his eyes threw Nesilia off. "Why do you want to know that..." She asked with a bit apprehension in her voice. "Have you heard of the law of kings and those who bear it?" Ye Yuyan asked mysteriously "Yes! The children of heaven and earth that found a grand Dao." She said astutely "Yes and no, A Bearer of the King's Law weeds out the old and comes out with the new. They bring forth their own path to the peak. Making a bearer almost invincible and the peak of the world!" Ye Yuyan said "But they are far from children of heaven as they just like anyone, can have their path cut short." Ye Yuyan said shaking his head. "That can't be true! How could a bearer be defeated?" Nesilia said in a disbelieving tone. "It's not that hard, you just need to kill them before they grow." Han Yi coldly responded. "That's it precisely your highness." Ye Yuyan said as he nodded his head. "But why would anyone kill a bearer? They are the peak of our race!" Knighted Maven said quizzically. "I wouldn't know, such matters are far beyond my station." Said Ye Yuyan self depreciatingly "But I have heard a certain tale in the eastern lands." Ye Yuyan said eerily "Legend has it that a bearer was the creator of all the paths of divination. But they died before they could unite all the paths and create the new from the old." "But such is merely an ancient legend, most of the divination paths have dissipated into the rivers of time." "Which makes me only question what kind of background your family has to possess such augury skills." Ye Yuyan said as a calculating look flashed in his eyes. "What a story, but that is all it merely is." Han Yi said. "You're correct your highness but there is a hint of truth in every tall tale." Ye Yuyan chuckled. "We're here." Ye Yuyan said as he abruptly stopped and in front of them was a completely obliterated village. Strawn everywhere was debris that was intertwined with strong icy energies. All the homes were decimated from the lowest huts to the most finely crafted artisan homes. No corpses or blood remained as if everyone from the village had disappeared. At the center of the village was stone and brick debris with the remnants of a tower. Of behind the tower was a mountain that had a massive sword scar. To the untrained eye, it would look like a landslide. "How horrid!" Nesilia couldn't help but blurt. Knighted Maven's normally lackadaisical expression seemed to harden with seriousness. Han Yi looked on coldly and looked at Yunshi and gestured to him. "Open the seal." He said coldly Without a word, Yunshi reached for his greatsword and suddenly an unending stream of demonic howls emanated from him. Grabbing the hilt of his sword with one hand striking down suddenly. The howls intensified as a greatsword slammed onto the ground, the area around them started to rumble. The howls started coming from underground like the stamping feet of hundred bulls. It flew towards the village as the sound decreased the further it got. 'Earth auditory! It's an incorporeal class demon, but what kind...' Ye Yuyan thought as he followed the howls with his eyes until they landed on the tower. A blue mist emanated from the ground all around the village as the howling died down. The mist rapidly gathered in the center becoming a heavy blue mist. It looked as though it was about to condense into something terrifying. "Nesilia, move now!" Han Yi intoned with haste. Nesilia tapped on the air and the chalice materialized in front of Nesilia as runic incantations flew out of the cup. "Disappear!" She roared as the incantations exploded out of the chalice and landed onto the mist. The mist started to decrease in size with each incantation. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16.... It kept getting smaller and smaller until the point where it became almost like a point mass. With all the energy condensed Han Yi commanded: "Maven!" "Yes! Your Highness!" He laughed as he unsheathed the sword on his waist. The sword unlike a normal sword was not shining but rather dull and rusted around the edges. It looked as though it was an old butcher's knife rather than an expert's sword. Around Maven stirred a strange aura. Ye Yuyan eyes looked on with surprise as a torrent of sword forces surrounded Maven. 'Such a sword force, he's definitely peak second step!' Ye Yuyan thought with a curious look on his face. The originally white sword forces around Maven suddenly changed color becoming a metallic chrome. Maven struck out with his rusted sword and the sword forces stirred with him shooting out a powerful sword beam. The sword forces struck the point mass splitting it into two and then stirring more sword forces it caused more slashes. Slowly the point mass got shredded by a current of sharp metallic winds. Maven sheathed his rusty sword as the point mass disintegrated and then faded away into nothingness. 'What is his cultivation code?' Ye Yuyan wondered as he examined the remnant sword forces. It was definitely a powerful code maybe even a 3 essence code. With Chivalrous cultivation, until one gets a totem, they could only stir the worldly energies using their codes. Each code was unique in that it could shape the use of force. Otherwise, sword force in it's purest form is just independent energy. But with a code becomes almost anything under the sun. Han Yi's eyes scanned the village before he gestured for Ye Yuyan to continue leading. This process may have seemed tedious but without purification entering an area where a demon was summoned could get one infected. They wouldn't even realize that it happened, that's why humans never colonized the desolate valleys. They hurried over to the tower walking across the remains of the village. Nesilia looked over into a stone cottage out of curiosity when her eyes filled with confusion. Against the wall of the cottage was a shadow of a child next to it was a mother and adjacent to them was an old man on a rocking chair. "Shadows, that's all that remains of the people of this village." Ye Yuyan said as he shook his head. Nesilia felt a little fear build in her heart. A demonic ritual like this wasn't common, very rarely were whole villages annihilated like this. "How cruel even in death they remain." Knighted Maven said with a serious tone. "Such is the way of the world, cruel and capricious." Han Yi said flatly They reached the tower at the center of all the remnants was the corpse of a fat man in fine silk clothes. His body was laid against a wall, and across his chest was a deep gash. The blood was completely drained from his body. "Split up and look around the area. Maven checks the cottages, Nesilia goes to the tower remains Yunshi head to the scarred mountain, and Ji Shu stays here with me." Han Yi commanded flatly as his eyes focused on the corpse. No one protested the command, Maven was the first to run off, then Yunshi suddenly jumped on the rooftops and went off, and the last was Nesilia who flew over the tower rubble using her divine clouds. Which left Ye Yuyan and Han Yi together in front of the corpse. Han Yi walked up to the corpse and scanned it slowly as Ye Yuyan stood still to the side. "Do you know who this is?" Han Yi asked probingly "I presume him to be the village elder Gulan." Ye Yuyan replied rapidly "In your report, you said you expelled the devil yet the area was still corrupted. So how exactly did you get up to here and get this gourd from the corpse?" Han Yi asked as he showed Ye Yuyan the gourd with a 9 pointed star. "Sire, why would you be aware of such details." Ye Yuyan said as a cold light flashed in his eyes. "Cut the crap! Who sent you?" Han Yi roared as his knuckles crackled "I don't know what you're talking about." Ye Yuyan sneered as he reached for his robes. Suddenly Han Yi's eyes flashed with intense electrical powers and he punched out with an exterminating lightning force. His fist lit up the tower with a powerful blue light as it streamed towards Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan stood still as his lips bloomed into a pursed and cold smile.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "2081", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.9: The Prince Acts", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
"AHHHHH!" Ye Yuyan roared to the heavens as the pink flames engulfed his body. The flames permeated into his eyes turning his sclera pink as the desirous emotions flared throughout him. "YE YUYAN!" Mercer viciously growled as lightning crackled and thunder pealed around him. The electrical currents gathered towards his right hand and coalesced into a thin long sword in an instant. Song Yue coldly glanced at Mercer and raised her arm to block his advance: "Stand aside, you will have your chance." The Verulyim king turned to meet Song Yue's gaze and saw a linger silhouette of a white lotus, deep inside of him a primal fear emerged suddenly weakening his resolve. He tightly gritted his teeth and squeezed his sword handle and took a step back. Song Yue glanced over to her right side, and glanced at three people, the blonde woman in thick heavy armor, the disheveled knight, and the saffron-robed monk and commanded: "Wang Shi, Yang Cheng, and Qin Shui start the West Formation!" "Marks of Justice, Lady Lustitia!" Wang Shi roared releasing yellow marks across her body, the marks coalesced into a yellow woman in a white tunic, she wore a blindfold and held in one hand the scales of justice, and in the other a sword! "Marks of Prudence, Athena!" Yang Cheng joined in unleashing a torrent of white marks throughout his body, the marks recombined forming into a plain young woman dressed in a white tunic formed the clouds, her gray eyes glimmered coldly as she stood stalwart behind Yang Cheng. As Yang Cheng and Wang Shi activated their bloodlines, Qin Shui hesitated as he stared at Ye Yuyan. His saffron robes swayed automatically as he closed his eyes and softly whispered: "Marks of Temperance, Buddha!" Across his limbs appeared hundreds of saffron marks that blended into his robes, the marks recombined into an orange immortal figure behind him. The figure sat in lotus form with his hands in two mudras, orange light distorted around his face obscuring the figure's appearance. "West formation!" They simultaneously commanded and suddenly their auras fused together, the hundred of motes of light fused together as their aspects dissipated into the formation. Immortal Qi surged as they became surrounded in a transcendent white Qi, Qin Shui appeared at the front of the triangle formation with the other two manning the other two ends. "White... LOTUS!" Ye Yuyan roared with desirous pink eyes as he paced along the platform's tiles. "West Formation Attack!" Song Yue commanded with a frightening shout, Qin Shui stirred the formation into motion and the equilateral triangle filled with immortal Qi as the energy surged. Qin Shui extended his hand palm and suddenly exhaled: "Ha!" The immortal Qi condensed into his palm and shot out as an indomitable beam of light. The condensed plasmic powers instantly appeared in front of Ye Yuyan who stood still and sneered. Ye Yuyan's eyes glazed over with a frosty light as they turned a piercing blue obscuring a pink glint within them. On Ye Yuyan's glabella, the first lotus leaf surged releasing an endless amount of Lunar Qi into his body. The freezing force emanated as a cold aura and surrounded Ye Yuyan body as the beam of light crashed into him. Ye Yuyan's frosty gaze lit up and suddenly the cold auras jumped off him and surrounded the immortal Qi. The Lunar Qi propagated without end as it froze the immortal Qi turning it into an ice block. BOOM! Suddenly the block of ice exploded destroying the immortal Qi. Qin Shui's mouth gaped with shock as he exclaimed: "What?!?" "Frost Qi and Propagation..." Song Yue crossed her arms and intoned with a grim tone. Around Ye Yuyan frost Qi rippled into existence, surrounding him with hundreds of globs formed from frost Qi. Ye Yuyan extended his pointer and middle fingers out stirring the frost Qi into motion as he intoned: "Blue Moon's song!" Instantly, the hundreds of globules shot out turning into icy dragons! They cut through the air freezing everything in their way as they rippled towards the west formation! "Guard!" Qin Shui roared releasing a stream of immortal Qi around the formation forming a barrier around the formation. Shoooo! Hundreds of ice dragons crashed into the formation barrier and ripped through the thin defenses leaving hundreds of small holes. Qin Shui moved his hands rapidly forming hand seals at supersonic speed. The handseals turned into various restrictions and flew at the ice dragons as they penetrated the shield. As the handseals landed on the ice dragons, they diffused the frosty Qi leaving icy remnants. Yang Cheng levitated atop the inner corner of the triangle when suddenly his eyes flashed open and he scanned over the Qi on the edge of the barrier. He abruptly turned to Wang Shi and yelled at her: "Wang Shi, stop the remnants!" Ye Yuyan sneered and squeezed his palm, the remnant blue Qi rippled as they rapidly fused together. The Qi pierced through the remaining holes and suddenly exploded into a fantastical radiant blaze. Lightning crackled amidst the frosty Qi and permeated throughout the barrier. Wang Shi's eyes shone with golden light as she roared: "A Lady's Judgment!" Immortal Qi distorted behind her as a lady in a white tunic came into existence. She held in one hand a golden sword and in the other the scales of justice. The instant the radiant Qi detonated, the Lady raised her right hand and brought the scales of justice down onto the aura remnants. The crushing power of the scales bore down on the Qi, dispelling the radiant nature of the Qi under the weight of justice! Ye Yuyan's eyes narrowed as he quickly glanced to the right and dodged to the right. Instantly, a massive black greatsword came out from nowhere and bore down on Ye Yuyan's previous position. The massive sword lodged into the ground causing light trembles as the tile silently shattered. The greatsword distorted with black lights as a dark robed giant appeared holding the sword. "Oh, I missed..." Ming Shan coldly laughed as he raised his greatsword from the ground. Shooo! Ye Yuyan's eyes narrowed again as he instantly gathered Lunar Qi in front of him. Hundreds of Lunar Qis surrounded him and compressed down into a thick barrier as suddenly a hand shot out from the darkness and grabbed towards him. The sly hand easily cut through the barrier and grabbed towards Ye Yuyan, when suddenly Ye Yuyan's left and right eyes shone with Lunar and Lightning Qi. The Thundercrystal matrix in his body kicked in overdrive as the radiant Qi sped up through his visceral organs. His cells tightly bonded together as a thin layer of crystals formed on Ye Yuyan body. As Ye Yuyan raised his arms into a cross guard, the sly hand grabbed him and tried to rip off his arm. A few meters away from Ye Yuyan to the right, Liu Kang stood with his palm extended out controlling the all-seeing hand. He sneered as he released bloodline force to wrap around Ye Yuyan's arms and decompose the cellular matrix. "Scram!" Ye Yuyan roared as he undid his cross-guard by slamming his arms to his side. BOOM! Radiant Qi exploded from his Ye Yuyan's throwing off the all-seeing hand. Liu Kang's palm shook and trembled as radiant Qi engulfed his all-seeing hand. "What!?!" Liu Kang exclaimed as he retracted his all-seeing hand. Ming Shan retreated three steps back as the radiant Qi threatened to engulf him. Within the radiant glow, a figure instantly flashed and dashed through the lights towards Liu Kang. Liu Kang's eyes narrowed in shock as he raised both his palms and manifested two all-seeing hands. The hands came together hand in hand and formed a barrier of bloodline force. Life energy writhed as suddenly a blue light flashed in front of the barrier. Ye Yuyan's eyes crackled and popped with lightning and frost, as he raised his radiant fist and punched out! Boom! The air compressed causing sonic booms as his fist tore through the bloodline barrier. The intense radiance released a blinding light when suddenly Ye Yuyan's kicked off the ground and jumped away from Liu Kang. "Kill!" Qin Shui roared as he drove the formation into action. Suddenly a barrage of immortal Qi lights shot towards Ye Yuyan's fleeting form. He zigzagged through the air as hundreds of beams of light hurtled past him into the portal of the void. As Ye Yuyan shot through the skies dodging the formation light, the will of Venerable Phoenix coldly stared on within the wall of flames. "Delight in fervor!" Venerable Phoenix bellowed sadistically as his golden gaze turned pink once again. Ye Yuyan shot through the air, spinning with the clouds when suddenly the flames of desire flared up in his body. "Ahhh!" He stopped and writhed in ecstasy as his frosty blue eyes turned pink. The moment he stopped, the formation light bore down on him. The sky filled with hundreds of beams of light, sending a torrent of Qi to engulf Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan took a few steps back and felt burning vermillion flames behind him, he looked forward only to see an endless world of formation light but that wasn't his concern. He disregarded everything except the beautiful young woman in the black evening gown. A white lotus spun behind her triggering further desire inside of Ye Yuyan. As the white lotus spun, Ye Yuyan's eyes increasingly glazed over with pink... ************************** In the courtyard of a Ye Clan Pavillion, There was a young man sitting at the steps of the courtyard, he long black hair that cascaded down his shoulders and gentle blue eyes with a floral pattern over his pupils. He sat quietly at the steps of the courtyard with a calligraphy pen in hand calmly taking in his surroundings. He was a solitary man who concerned only with himself and his attunement with the dao. When suddenly he felt a strange presence and his eyes suddenly flashed open. He saw a beautiful woman dressed in a frilly white dress that matched her luscious white hair slowly cross the garden of the Pavillion. Her serene blue gaze took in the sights as she brought life to the plants with each step. Noticing his gaze, she turned to look at him and it was at that moment they both saw, the red string of fate tying them together. In their calm blue eyes in pursuit of enlightenment they found their other half... ***************************** Even as the immortal light flooded Ye Yuyan's body and his gaze filled with pink, Ye Yuyan kept his eyes planted on Song Yue. The image of the beautiful woman in the frilly dress overlapped with her form blending the past and present. "No..." He whispered to himself softly as the pink engulfed his sclera. "I REFUSE!" He growled as the pink entered his pupil and reached deeper into him! "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" He roared to the heavens releasing a surge of Qi! The first and second lotus leaves overlapped pushing cultivation to the second resolution. A golden sword intent wrapped around Ye Yuyan, as a red river raged from his body. The raging river sent back the surging immortal Qi and obliterated the desirous flames. Ye Yuyan's entire left eye filled with darkness engulfing even the pupil. "He...vanquished a heavenly flame..." Mercer's body froze as he stared wide-eyed at Ye Yuyan. "Calm yourself, this would never be easy..." Song Yue commanded through gritted teeth "Proceed with the Bloodline End Formation!"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "20003", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.66: I Refuse!", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Ye Yuyan looked around and quickly read the title of the books that flew past him. He grabbed every sword related book he could see. A hundred titles appeared in front of him, he looked through the ones that caught his attention. Emotion Severing Sword, Seven Kills Sword, Fantasia Sword Art, Blue Moon Sword, Bloodless Blade. Emotion Severing Sword Code- Sever the 7 emotions and 6 desires to cultivate this sword. The final technique, Nirvana Sword. Seven Kills Sword Code- Kill 7 of your closest family, friends, and comrades to cultivate this sword. Use their blood to form a blood sword inside of yourself. Final technique, 49 Executions. Fantasia Sword Code- Devour illusionary beasts and alter one's body into an eldritch abomination. Final technique, Madness. Blue Lotus Sword Code- Absorb starlight and moonlight to form a blue lotus inside of yourself. Final Technique, Blue lotus Sword Dance. Bloodless Blade- Sacrifice your blood to increase your physical hardness. Final technique, Blood Congealment. Every title featured various sword stances and final attacks. Ye Yuyan quickly read them and found them to be insufficient. 'It should still be here.' He thought to himself, he let go of the books and they went back to flying. Then Ye Yuyan looked up and saw a ragged old scroll flying. Ye Yuyan looked at the scroll with a smile of relief. Westerners often used books instead of scrolls, making this scroll quite out of place. Ye Yuyan jumped and intercepted the book as he gripped the cover he felt a powerful sword intent flood out. Although Ye Yuyan was a swordsman, he was nowhere near the stage of sword intent. So once the sword intent flooded out, Ye Yuyan's glabella felt like it was being pierced. He couldn't help but smile. "This is the one! No doubt about it." Ye Yuyan hurriedly opened the book and inside he saw the name of the technique. Heart Sword Code- The core of a man is his heart, the core of a swordsman is his sword. Without a sword and without a heart, you can never be truly complete. Control the heart with your sword and control the sword with your heart. Final Technique-??? 'What is my heart?' Ye Yuyan mused in his mind flashed thoughts of defining events in his life. But no one thing could just define him. How could his heart be so easily captured? 'I don't have the time to be philosophical. I must look for the other book.' Ye Yuyan thought as he shook his head and sighed. He got up and left the sword section, now he needs a defensive code. He zipped around the library, looking through every book he could find until he found a well-preserved book in a dustier bookshelf. He grabbed the book, and couldn't help but smile. Illusionary Blue Moon Code- Create a frost moon inside of yourself using heavy frost energy. Summon the moon to guard against attacks. Final Technique, Moon Gazer. Ye Yuyan took the dusty book away and took out a black hardcover book. "Mm, with these 2 codes I should increase my battle power a lot. According to this handbook, I need to attend Order training in 7 days. I'll go into closed-door training until then." Ye Yuyan said as he read the book Feng Shu gave him. Ye Yuyan went over to the help desk and talked to the old woman manning the station. She looked over the book and the symbol on his hand. Soon after she gave him the book back and went back to her own reading. Ye Yuyan couldn't help but wryly smile, she didn't speak to him once explaining anything. It's not that she was required to do that but he was confused as to what just happened. "Thank you, Senior." Ye Yuyan said with a little curtsy and he walked out of the tower. As he was now a part of the Verulyim Code, he was given a residence in the order halls. He walked across the city until he stopped a small wooden house with a courtyard. The neighborhood he lived in was very close to the tower and all around were houses like his. A few had vegetation growing in their courtyard, and others had outdoor forges. His abode was much quainter than the others, it had a simple design and a rustic feel to it. Ye Yuyan went inside and found that the room was rather dusty. It had a single bed, table, and a desk to the corner of the room. In the corner of the room was a broom, Ye Yuyan went over and started sweeping up the room. It took an hour to get rid of the dust but afterward, the room looked much better. Ye Yuyan walked over to his desk and set down the ragged scroll and book. He took a deep breath and examined around the room. 'Is there anything monitoring me?' He thought as he carefully looked around for traces of magic. Only when he found nothing did he relax and take out the ragged scroll. He went over to his bed with the scroll and book and sat down with his legs crossed. He opened the book and reread the Blue Lotus Code. When he finished, he closed his eyes and started to meditate. Taking deep breaths in his body started to relax. Inside of him, the red lotus bloomed and blue essence burst into his bloodstream. He exhaled releasing a frost breath and left lingering mist around the room. "Illusionary Blue Moon Code!" Inside of Ye Yuyan's body, the 9 Revolutions Prime Lotus was rapidly spinning. A huge amount of blue mist was congealing on top of it. Ye Yuyan's body released a chilling air that rapidly lowered the room temperature. If a regular mortal came in there they would be frozen to death. After 99 revolutions of the lotus, the blue mist took form. From the mist formed a blue moon but this moon was rather strange as it seemed to ripple like a reflection in the water. On Ye Yuyan's body, the mist pressed against his skin becoming like a strange frost. On his right arm appeared ice crystals and they rapidly sealed together to form a tight arm guard. Behind him appeared the illusory image of a blue moon that shone down on his body stabilizing the frost guard. "This will be hard to break, now onto the sword code…." Ye Yuyan looked at the ice guard with a happy smirk. He deactivated the frost guard and reached over for the ragged scroll. He reread it and quickly went back to meditating on its secrets. "My sword is an extension of my heart…." He mumbled as his dagger flew out of his sleeve. It levitated right in front of him the runic patterns shined as it started to elongate. It became a dual-edged red katana with ice crystals along its blade. "Blood Moon, the remnants of my past" His dark eyes glazed over with incredible callousness. "Blood." Ye Yuyan whispered as the scene of blood pooling down the mountain repeated in his my mind. "The heart of my sword is blood." Ye Yuyan said he moved a single finger along the edge of the blade. His blood dripped onto the sword and it started to hum with power. With Ye Yuyan's declaration, the red lotus fully bloomed. On the second leaf was engraved another runic pattern. His heart of blood was engraving sword truths on the lotus. The lotus' red color darkened a bit becoming part metallic. With the engraving complete, the lotus resealed itself. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed open and he grabbed his sword. His eyes flashed with a blood light and suddenly he could see strange globs of color throughout the room. "This is the Sword Force!" Ye Yuyan mumbled in surprise as he looked around the room. He had heard about this state before, when a swordsman comprehends a sword truth he will gain the ability to control the sword force. Sword force is an esoteric energy force that exists around the world. With control of the sword force, all his attacks would be boosted and he can do all sorts of feats with it. "At the center of my heartsword is blood!" Ye Yuyan could feel at that moment if he were to strike now with his heart. He could stir the life out of an opponent with a single heartsword strike. Ye Yuyan meditated on the techniques a little longer. After some time had passed, he stood up and looked outside. He had a very good internal clock and realized the 7 days were up. It's like they always say, time passes by quickly while cultivating.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1885", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.6: Heart of Blood", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Beside Qin Yu's grave, the red-robed figure's eyes glimmered as Ye Yuyan completed his poem. As Ye Yuyan said the line "A young swallow no longer." the silhouette suddenly twitched. "You stand within your own graveyard, the sacrifices of two lives in its entirety." Qin Yu chided "All you can say is that you have outgrown your youth?!?" From beside Ye Yanrui's grave, the white-robed figure moved to approach Ye Yuyan and with a genial tone he suggested to Qin Yu: "Your words are too harsh on the ears... but they have a point." "In my lifetime, you followed that woman and what did it lead to?" Ye Yanrui added, "This dead world is all we have left to show for our love." In Ye Yanrui's life, The Immortal Ye showed power surpassing Rank 6 and easily defeated him. Ye Yanrui grew desperate to kill him, so he exploded his demonic core and created an Uncanny Valley on the Ye family grounds. Because of this, the Ye clan left their ancestral grounds and went off to the Phoenix capital. "Was that simply youth?" Ye Yanrui wistfully commented Qin Yu pointed his finger at Ye Yanrui as he argued: "You were always such a sentimentalist, their love was just puppy love. All that's left to ask is if it's over." When Ye Yuyan came back to life as Qin Yu, he had one goal and that was to resurrect his wife at any cost. His heart grew colder and crueler as he journeyed through the lands in search of power. Ye Yanrui tightened his fight as he bellowed in response: "Is it over for you?!? Is it over for me? We both remain here, undying for eternity for her fate." Qin Yu angrily pointed at Ye Yanrui and bellowed: "Her blood was on your hands! You're the one that was too weak to save her, too weak to even avenge her!" "That may be... but..." Ye Yanrui tried to retort but Ye Yuyan interrupted him. "Enough of this." Ye Yuyan coldly chided as the power of the demon emanated off him. The intimidating demonic presence fed into his cold gaze, making Qin Yu and Ye Yanrui go silent. "I want neither of your choices." Ye Yuyan continued "The path I pursue will be clear soon." The two figures silently stared at Ye Yuyan and flickered out of existence. As Qin Yu disappeared he coldly stared at Ye Yuyan with his scorching red eyes and with a low whisper, he coldly retorted: "The Verulyim king was right until you pick your path, you will achieve nothing." Ye Yuyan closed his eyes and focused in on his thoughts. His eyelids fluttered rapidly as thousands of thoughts passed through his mind. The silhouettes he conversed with were snapshots of himself from ancient times. This entire matter originated from one mistake, falling in love with the white lotus. There were also mistakes in his next life, such as making a deal with the Bearer of Adversity. All these choices and mistakes came from a deep desire to revive the person he loved the most. His love for Song Qian is a complicated hate and love relationship that spans eons. "Song Qian brought me to the immortal and demonic paths. We grew Nobility in her presence only to fall when she left." Ye Yuyan softly answered Qin Yu and Ye Yanrui even though they had disappeared. In this world, there are 3000 small worlds that surround the great world of earth. Each small world represents a dao and lives and dies with its users. Some small worlds collapse and some are born but there will always be 3000 worlds. The 5 elements, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Wood form the 3000 worlds. Everything in the universe has different balances of the 5 elements and that comes from the 4 transformations, Rain and Wind, Thunder and Lightning. The 4 transformations change the 5 elements into many forms refine Heaven and Earth. This balancing of elements and energies comes from the one fundamental Heavenly Power, Yin, and Yang. The Heavenly Dao has three forms, The power of Yin, The power of Yang, and The Law of Kings. Yin is the darkness and Yang is the light but the Law of Kings is something else entirely. These three make up the Heavenly Dao in its entirety. Ye Yuyan opened his eyes with renewed confidence and continued: "Ye is our blood, of Qin and Yu we are Yu, and only Yan remains. I named myself Ye Yuyan as I weed out the old and bring forth the new." "Soon I will show you the truth. The truth to all our desires hopes and wishes. That truth lies in Heavenly Power!" Ye Yuyan chanted as deep darkness enveloped his left eye and lightning crackled in his right eye. A wispy dark aura escaped from his left eye as a white light shone at the center of his pupil. As the blinding white light shot out, Ye Yuyan reached into his robes and removed a medallion. Inscribed on the medallion was a vivid Vermillion Bird soaring to the heavens. Ye Yuyan gripped the medallion tightly and crushed it with his immense strength. As the medallion cracked, vermillion flames danced out of the cracks lighting Ye Yuyan on fire. The flames surged into the air filling the sky in an inferno as a bird emerged from the flames and cried: "Caahhh!" The flames danced across Ye Yuyan's body and lightning crackled in his right eye. On Ye Yuyan glabella, the red lotus shone with magical lights as it projected behind him and grew to the size of the mountain! The massive red lotus spun as phenomenons occupied different leaves: "From the Water dao, Venerable Moon founded the Ice and Snow dao and derived the Lunar Dao." On the first leaf was a massive frozen end world with blue lotuses scattered about. At the world's center, a massive wolf-like demon sat cross-legged underneath the light of a blue moon. On the second leaf, a river of gold, black, and red roiled across the leaf in a zig-zag pattern. Thousands of emaciated figures roamed across the waves. These ethereal and skeletal bodies struggled against the river's currents screaming bloody murder! "From the Water Dao, Venerable Blood founded his Blood Dao and derived the Killing Dao." On the third leaf was a gigantic mega world of complete darkness. This deep primordial darkness stained every part of this world except one point. Toward the center of this dead world was a glimmering immortal white light. Inside of this white light was a white scroll with shadowy edges it stood the test of time living on in the primordial darkness. On the scroll was a poem, titled the "Dao of Heavenly Secrets." Signed on the bottom was not a name but an ominous dark eye with a white pupil! "From the 3000 Great Daos, the 5 elements, and 4 transformations. The power of Ice, Death, and Darkness has brought forth the Heavenly Power of Yin!" Ye Yuyan's perception moved to the next leaf, on this leaf was a massive world of thunder and lightning. A massive Qilin streaked across the skies bringing life and death everywhere it went, changing right and wrong and reversing the Heavenly Dao. "From the Lightning dao, Venerable Thunder founded his tribulation dao and derived the Refining Dao!" The Qilin roared with excitement as Ye Yuyan perception moved to the fifth lotus leaf, which was a barren red world of its own. Ye Yuyan deeply inhaled creating a vacuum inside of him and stirring the vermillion flames to enter. In his acupoints, the thundercrystals activated forming a matrix of currents as they readily absorbed the burgeoning vermillion flames. Inside of his blood and meridians, lightning and fire twisted and twirled one another as they flowed towards his glabella. Behind Ye Yuyan, the red lotus ignited with vermillion flames as the vermillion bird in the sky flew down onto the fifth lotus leaf. The barren world lit up with vermillion flames that burned hotter than the magma of earth's core as the Vermillion bird let out a massive cry! The intense flames burned across the lotus engraving the highest laws of fire onto the leaf. In the skies of the fifth lotus leaf, a vermillion bird roamed excitedly spreading its fantastical flames. In Ye Yuyan's right eye, lightning and fire crackled and popped as they formed flame and lightning marks in Ye Yuyan's right eye. "From the Fire Dao, Venerable Phoenix founded his founded the Sun Dao and derived the Cinder Dao." As the truths and laws of fire finished engraving on Ye Yuyan's fifth lotus leaf, he exhaled his breath releasing heated vermillion flames from his nose. The flames danced across his robes unable to harm him as his right eye danced with lightning and fire. Ye Yuyan stood up before the graves and glanced them over one last time. He looked to the skies were a nine colored lightning streaked across the sky and as thunder pealed in the background, he announced with a cocky smirk: "My foundation is complete."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "18030", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.3-Ch.62: Foundation Complete", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
A few hours later, a few of the people in the tavern awoke. Old Lan's body swayed as he struggled to stand up from his nap. He looked around and noticed others struggling to stand up. He stood there dazed until the doors to the inn flew open. A strange demonic black gas flooded into the inn. Old Lan felt his body tense up and start trembling in fear. He was barely able to stand as two cyan vertical slit eyes gazed at him. He felt as if he was in a frozen abyss. "This aura…. hiss." A voice hissed as the face of a fat horned man appeared. His oily grimy face lit up with a hideous toothy smile as he walked up to Old Lan. Each of his steps made Old Lan tremble increasingly. "You what happened here?" The Fat man said as Old Lan felt to the ground before him. "Lo...Lo…. Lord Gulan! Oh, please forgive me, Young Master Li Nan was kidnapped by an exorcist." Old Lan begged as he kowtowed before Gulan. "An Exorcist? Then what is this aura?" Gulan asked as he scrutinized Old Lan. He could feel a lingering sense of a terrifying entity that passed through here. "I...I... I don't know, sir. Please just let me go!" Old Lan begged as tears flooded down his eyes. The surrounding inn patrons heard his loud sobs and saw begging. "Hmph, you helped this man. Did you think I would let you off?" Lord Gulan rebuked as he grabbed Old Lan's head with one arm and raised him by the head. "Give me a chance sir, please!" Old Lan sobbed as his body was raised. "At least in death, you will make yourself useful." Lord Gulan chuckled as his hand became a blue-furred gigantic claw. The fur of the hand stabbed into Old Lan's brain then his body started twitching and convulsing. "ARGHHHH!" Old Lan screamed in agony as the other villagers watched in fear. A few ran out of the inn in a hurry. Old Lan's head exploded into hundreds of macabre bits that splattered around the inn. Lord Gulan's eyes went into the back of his head and all that was left was the white of his eyes; and a strange demonic glint. The fur retracted from Old Lan's body which slumped onto the ground headless. "Hmph, it seems your death was deserved. But that name Ye Yuyan…. why does that name feel familiar?" Lord Gulan muttered under his breath as he stared at Old Lan's corpse. Around him, the villagers edged back all filled with fear. Old Lan's headless corpse started to shake extremely fast. A black essence emerged from Old Lan's body and formed into 2 shadowy cloaked figures. They looked exactly like the guards for Li Nan but their bloodlust was hidden. "Find him!" Lord Gulan coldly instructed the two cloaked figures nodded and disappeared. By this point, the villagers had already fled to their homes. Lord Gulan who was alone in the inn walked up to the second floor. Then he entered Ye Yuyan's room and on the desk was a rolled-up scroll. Lord Gulan reached out and levitated the scroll towards him then he slowly unfurled the scroll. He stared at the scroll and saw an intricately carved spell circle that was centered on his face. "Damn it, he's definitely an exorcist, his highness promised to keep them away. He could screw up the offering ritual for tonight. What can I do…...?" Lord Gulan questioned as he furled the scroll back up and angrily slammed on the desk. "I have to contact the demon, I need more Cloaks of Hell; and Fiend energy." Lord Gulan mumbled as he left the inn. **************************** At that moment, Li Nan's body had just hit the cold stone ground. They were inside a small cave in the forest. Ye Yuyan was coldly looking over at Li Nan's asleep body. As Li Nan inhaled, a large amount of green energy would gather near him. When he exhaled it would be pushed away and the green energy would disappear. "To think that old man got a human with a Special Physique. It may be low grade but any Fiend would easily trade for it. He most likely has been trading his son's blood essence for power from this fiend." Ye Yuyan analyzed as his eyes saw through the mysteries behind Li Nan. "I can feel it, my heavenly power is on that old man." Ye Yuyan licked his lips in anticipation of regaining his power. Ye Yuyan walked over to Li Nan and created a myriad of high-speed hand seals. Each of the seals landed on top of Li Nan's body. They created an intricate set of lines and symbols across his body. With each hand seal, the lines would elongate across his body. After completing 1000 hand seals Ye Yuyan suddenly clasped his hands together and released a low shout. "Hah!" As he shouted, Li Nan's body started to convulse in pain. The symbols and lines along his body seemed to peel off and levitated in front of Ye Yuyan. Li Nan's eyes flashed open as he started to scream without reserve. "ARGHHHH!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs but the symbols kept peeling. They seemed to have a green tint to them although it was unnoticeable. After all the symbols and lines peeled off, Li Nan's screams died down. Then his breathing stopped, and soon after he was completely dead. "Recombine!" Ye Yuyan shouted as the symbols and lines swirled around into a vortex. The vortex started to slowly recombine until it was the size of Ye Yuyan's palm. The black from the symbols started to dissipate as the vortex turned green. "Such a small amount of essence…. this physique is rather weak. His contractor could only have moved up a rank using this. The fiend can't be over mid-ranked, making Gulan not too powerful…." Ye Yuyan analyzed as he fiddled with the natural energy in his palm. A Fiend would avoid using physique essence as that was a power of humans. They risk contaminating their growth and any mid-ranked fiend can ultimately become high ranked one, making physique essence unnecessary. Only low ranked Fiends take such desperate measures to upgrade themselves. "The world has many paths to power. But to combine paths without careful consideration that would be a dangerous move." He took out another scroll and placed his palm with the physique energy on it. The scroll seemed started to inscribe a picture, it was an azure tree seed but there seemed to be primordial quality to the seedling. He put the scroll away and then looked outside the cave. Standing there were two Hell Cloaked Shadow Warriors. They stared Ye Yuyan down as he put the scroll away. "That was rather fast, Gulan should be contacting this Fiend by now." Ye Yuyan said as his eyes shined with anticipation. "Grrrr!" The Hell Warriors growled as they sprung at Ye Yuyan. He smirked as made his hand into a fist, as the hell soldiers entered the cave. A huge amount of seals flew around them and they shot out onto their skin exploding their bodies into shadow mist. "What a weak distraction by now he should be setting up a summoning ritual." Ye Yuyan's eyes landed on the village, he could see it from the cave entrance. He Heard a multitude of screams, he knew exactly what it was. "Blood, mortal blood as it pools; a Fiendish desire of the soul. Let it flow into lakes, into rivers, and into oceans." Ye Yuyan chanted with a fiendish smirk. Something form on the edges of the village, it was a strange blood-red spell circle that quickly surrounded the village. A few villagers tried to escape the city but they would be cut down by Hell Warriors. Their black cloaks seemed to be tinged with the embers of black flames. Whenever they slashed, a villager's blood would be burned away. The Hell Warriors would get larger and their embers would grow. "Hehehe, yes good, grow just keep growing." Ye Yuyan's started to laugh as a strange aura came from his body. It was a powerful demonic bloodlust that warped the world around him. His eyes became blood red moons as they watched the slaughter in the village. Gulan was standing inside his tower as he was drawing a spell circle in blood. A strange shadowy figure was developing as the circle was getting increasingly completed. "Fiend Lord IIlathar, hear my call; a visitor from another land. One that threatens us all, please grant me power; so that he may fall." Gulan chanted as the shadow materialized and a blue horned beast seemed to jump out at him. His body started to convulse and increase in size. His entire frame became immensely large, and even the tower broke apart as it was unable to accommodate him. Soon he was a gigantic 100-meter beast. The entire village went silent, every hut, shack, and every home was completely desolate. The flickering of black flames, contrasted with the flowing blood. A full moon illuminated the carnage as a massive blue furred beastman roared into the skies. "ARGGGGH!!!" The yellow beating eyes of the beastman turned towards the mountain. It landed on Ye Yuyan's form and his blood red eyes met the gaze of the beastman. Ye Yuyan reached into his robe and removed a black dagger. He held his dagger like a sword and pointed it towards the blue demon. His red eyes seemed filled with aggression as they stared down the demon. "Come!" Ye Yuyan laughed as a runic pattern flashed on his dagger.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1881", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.1-Ch.2: Beastman", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
Author thoughts: This chapter is a necessary read for the story to make sense, but chapter -1 is not necessary. ***************** At the precipice of a snowy mountain, was a bygone cottage. The old wooden planks stood securely as it was held together by foliage. If one were not looking closely, they would suspect that it was nothing more than a tree. Sitting at the porch of the cabin was a beautiful woman dressed in a frilly white dress. She had serenely calm blue eyes and white, luscious hair that reached down to her waist. In front of her were two cups and next to them was a teapot and a bowl of sugar. She sat silently for a while as the tea cooled when suddenly a sanguine wind passed by the cottage. The wind left a chilling feeling as it flashed across the mountain and then suddenly a few feet in the sky appeared a white-robed man. His feet were firmly planted on air as he walked down toward the cottage. The young man was wearing white robes but there were bloodstains all over it. From afar it looked like he was wearing red robes instead of white robes. His eyes were filled with intense malice that threatened to devour anything in its line of sight. The young man landed on the ground turning the snow blood red with a single top. The entire mountain peak seemed to turn red in his presence. When the young man saw the woman, his cold eyes seemed to soften considerably. The sanguine aura around him calmed significantly as he approached her and sat in front of her. The beautiful woman soundlessly set a cup in front of the young man and poured tea. "Sugar?" She asked with a soft voice that soothed one's heart. "Yes." The young man intoned, his demeanor transformed from his previous malice filled expression. She reached over for the bowl and took a spoon and threw in a few teaspoons, then the young man gestured for her to stop. She put down the bowl and poured herself more tea. The young man grabbed the cup and took a small sip. A cleansing aura entered his body and settled in his stomach. He felt as though he was riding on a cloud and suddenly the sanguine aura and blood on his robes disappeared. "How is it?" She asked as she gave him a cursory glance. "Your spirit tea is incredibly soothing. I can feel the purity in my soul." The young man praised as he put down the cup. The young woman looked down at the ground as hesitation flashed on her face. The young man looked around the mountain waiting until suddenly she raised her head with determination and spoke. "You didn't come here just for tea." She said with certainty. The young man couldn't help but become serious at that moment, and he focused his attention back to her. With no hesitation, he spoke: "I came to say goodbye." "Goodbye?" She couldn't help but say quizzically. "Why? Why must you leave?" She said with a somber frown. "I must walk my path to the end." He replied as he stood up with his back turned to her and looked to the skies. "What path? What path could surpass our bond?" She said as she stood up and gripped the hems of her robe with bitterness. "Bond, what bond? That ended in this life." He said as he threw a cursory glance at her with his back still turned. "What?!?" She questioned unsure of what he meant. "Did you know? I've already done it, I've killed my father." He said as a serpent materialized on his left hand and he showed it to her. "You...how could you?!?" She said surprised as her body felt unbalanced by the sight of the serpent. "I had done so long ago, and I had done far more. The aura you dispelled is nothing." He said coldly as he raised his palms towards the skies. The young man's eyes transformed into a great world that lived and died in an instant. It was like a vision of the eventual death of the universe. All that remained in his eyes was the cold eyes of heaven unmatched. From his body burst out a massive blood river that filled the entire sky and reached for beyond the firmament. The blood river stretched across the entire land threatening to engulf the world. The young woman looked closely into the river and noticed hundreds of writhing faces and souls. The torment of millions of lives all in front of her made her nauseous and fearful. "It's not possible, how could you be such a demon?!" She screamed with bitter disbelief, she lost her balance and fell to the ground of the cabin. "How could it be that I've lost you?" She said in a choked voice as she sobbed, her eyes filled with crystalline tears without end. The young man coldly looked on as she cried her heart out, and then suddenly she said tearfully said: "Why did you even bother to bring me back? Why didn't you leave me there then?" The young man raised his right palm and opened it, in it was a small rotating white lotus. The young woman looked stunned as she saw the lotus in his hand. "The lotus would never leave without you." He said ever so slowly that it broke her sweet little heart. "Did you ever even love me?!?" She accused with a vicious tone. "Did you ever even care?!? Is this...all that I am to you?" She roared with increasing emotion. He coldly looked at her making her hairs stand at the end by his sheer killing aura. "I once loved you but our paths are different." He said shaking his head. "You are at the pinnacle of the Noble Path. You have slain no one nor have you devoured a soul." He played with a soul on his right palm and as a display, he squashed the soul in his palm with one squeeze. "I am known to the world as the heaviest killing venerated bearer. I am the tyrant king that rules with an iron fist." With his every word he inspired an increasingly oppressing aura of domination and fear. "This is the path I chose and now I will follow it to the end." He declared in absolute terms with clarity in his heart. The young woman's head was downcast by the young man's words. She couldn't but feel hatred build up in his heart and she retaliated with her own words. "You're right, we have different paths. Your path is destruction and my path is to destroy you!" She hissed out like venom at the young man. "You're a demon a cruel and evil demon. A horrible king, your nothing more than a fallen!" As she said this, tears welled up in her eyes and she barely finished the last sentence. She declared while holding back her sadness: "I will destroy you and your legacy!" "Hmph, then let us see. Try to stop my ascendance, Song Qian." The young man said with a cold demeanor and stepped into the air disappearing. "I'll beat you no matter what, Ye Yuyan!" She roared to the skies as the rippling died down from Ye Yuyan's disappearance. Ye Yuyan's form appeared at the limit of the skies, where he stood flashed various atmospheric colors. With just a few more steps he would enter the extreme void, there even he would have a hard time surviving. Suddenly the atmospheric colors condensed down quickly becoming a young man in 9 colored robes. In his eyes flashed 9 colors and on his back were 9 colored thunder wings. He approached Ye Yuyan as his thunder wings flapped incessantly. "You've arrived." The 9 colored man said with a superficial smile. "Yes, I'm ready to make the trade. Give me the refining method and I will open the grand era." Ye Yuyan intoned with haste interrupting the 9 colored man's civility. The 9 colored man closely examined Ye Yuyan before suddenly realizing something. "That immortal Old Man Yan Shi, has he left a mark on your soul?" The 9 colored man asked almost teasingly. "Yes, but I have a way to deal with him. He has gained more influence in the world. But his power is weakening rapidly as antiquity reaches the end." Ye Yuyan said in a cool tone as if nothing could disturb him. "Do you know what opening the throne room will entail?" The 9 colored man probed. "I am more than aware of the consequences." Ye Yuyan replied smoothly with an even tone. "Then shall we?" The 9 colored man smiled as he transmitted his thunder wings to Ye Yuyan. The 9 colored wings flew off his back and fused into Ye Yuyan giving him two beautiful massive wings. The wings flapped and instantly his body soared. His first step was through the atmosphere as he stepped into the extreme void. His body shot through the void with the wings flapping on his back for thousands of meters. Then suddenly his body stopped and Ye Yuyan looked down at the world. It was a great world that spanned a great amount of the void. Around the planet was illustrations of various people and animals in the form of tiny bubbles. Ye Yuyan's eyes flashed with a blood light and suddenly his body exploded. A river of blood surged out of him like a torrent in the void, it shot through space as it transformed into blood drops. The blood rained down onto the world defiling all the life on the planet and in every tiny bubble. The world was drenched in blood that day and in the sky hung a blood moon, an eerie omen of things to come.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "1876", "id": "1879", "q": 0.7599999999999999, "title": "Path of the Tyrant King - V.0-Ch.0: The Divergence of Paths", "author": "kineticblast", "chapters": 70, "rating": 4, "rating_ct": 36, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Martial Arts", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Cold Protagonist", "Cultivation", "Evil Protagonist", "Fast Cultivation", "Male Protagonist", "Previous Life Talent", "Resurrection", "Ruthless Protagonist", "Scheming", "Strength-based Social Hierarchy", "Strong to Stronger", "Unique Cultivation Technique", "World Travel" ] }
For now, Yun Feng actually doesn't have any actual plan of what to do with Lin Wanyun. She will think up a plan when she has gotten some more info about her from Screenhawk later. Bored of just walking on the streets Yun Feng starts her journey back to Long Jin's penthouse. When she arrives at the penthouse she finds it empty, but that's how it should be since Long Jin should probably still be out working. He probably didn't only have their winery to manage but also have to help his father managing the Long corporation. To begin with, their company was only a way to prepare him for entering the Long corporation and to test him. Yun Feng doesn't have to wait for long in the penthouse before she got a message from Screenhawk on her new phone. 'Battleflower, this Lin Wanyun is amazing in a sense. She might be an agent of the country but she has done many shady things, including giving information to an enemy country. To take your place she not only tried to make up a plan to kill you but she has also tried to take down other agents that had the potential to take your place. The thing is she was too careless when trying to hide all this so she left some pieces of evidence on the net. I'll send them to you right now for you to look over. Of course, after you have looked through them I can anonymously send them over to the higher-ups in the government if you want me too. Extra service just for u (0v<). Even though you didn't ask me of this but I have also tried to gather information about your death. As expected, I found nothing.' Yun Feng rolls her eyes at the emoticon and then looks at the last part of Screenhawk's message before sending a response. 'Of course, you found nothing, the one who was able to kill me off should be a capable person, no way close to Lin Wanyun's level.' Just a second after that she receives another playful message from Screenhawk. 'Battleflower is bragging (OoO)' After another second she received the files containing the pieces of evidence of Lin Wanyun's crimes. While looking at the list Yun Feng actually gets impressed. Lin Wanyun had sold information to over 10 countries, planned the murders of 55 agents, had a hand in smuggling drugs countless times and other various illegal stuff. It was a wonder of how she wasn't caught yet. But when Yun Feng turned the page she knew why. Someone was backing her, pulling her illegal stuff under the rug, in exchange for Lin Wamyun's body. Quite a classic deal in Yun Feng's opinion. But did Lin Wanyun really think she could get someone like Long Jin when she is like that? From what Yun Feng knows about him he will never take someone who sells herself like that as a wife. Lin Wanyun's wish to get to be his wife is but a pipe dream. Screenhawk was really amazing to be able to get this much info on her. Some of this info can't even be found on the net. He must have asked some pals of his to do some deep digging. Yun Feng really thinks he needs some rewards for being able to gather this much and put it all in a document. Maybe she would give him an item from that world, he knows about it after all and she knows that she can trust him to not spread it. Since he is a hacker she imagines that he doesn't move around too much so she should probably give him something that helps his physique. With him staying inside an internet cafe for that long he really did look thin and pale. Not that she really cared for him but she should just give him a reward. Yun Feng let her spiritual energy enter her space ring and picked out a white jade bottle. The bottle contained a body refining liquid she had made a long time ago. To her, it was long useless but hopefully, it would do Screenhawk some good. She also wrote a user manual so that it wouldn't be used wrongly, with Screenhawk's weak physique he could only add one drop in his bath and then soak in it. If he didn't follow that then he would get something way worse than a weak constitution.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "5054", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0017 – Under the Rug", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
The next morning Yun Feng's had fully come up with a basic plan to deal with Lin Wanyun. Through Screenhawk's help, she didn't only get to know about what Lin Wanyun kept hidden but also who her backer was. To bring her down she either had to take care of her backer first or take them both out at the same time. The backer's name is Shangshan Yue, a man known for his high standing in the airplane industry and connections to both the military and the government. He was also a well-known playboy, seen with a new woman every day. Being in his mid-twenties the man wasn't too bad looking himself. But he was still at least one level below Long Jin in appearance yet unlike Long Jin, he wasn't as near as cold. The man possessed a unique pure aura and gaze that put him on the same level in overall looks. Shangshan Yue's night-black eyes had the ability to drag people inside. With his gaze, he had been able to lead a lot of people by the nose to rise to his current position. With his influence, it was little to no wonder how Lin Wanyun's deeds could be kept under a rug. His airplane business sold both military planes equipped with weapons to the military and highly protected luxury planes to the government and other rich important people. It would be a little hard to bring him down but with her current, pretty much supernatural abilities it shouldn't be too much of a trouble to do it. But still, even though she is quite almighty with her cultivation she would like to avoid using it in a physical fight. Besides, it would be an insult to her intellect if she were to use pure brute force. The best way to take them both down at the same time is to, first of all, catch them in the act. Then slowly reveal Lin Wanyun's deeds and the evidence of Songchen Yue covering her. In the worst case scenario, only Songchen Yue would be able to escape the blame but Lin Wanyun would be doomed. She had every evidence she needed in the files sent by Screenhawk, now she only needed to wait for a chance to take action. She sent a message to Screenhawk. 'Carefully monitor Lin Wanyun's and Songchen Yue's actions, also help me send some people to each of their houses and look for hidden escape routes. While you are at it send some to Songchen Yue's office too.' Just to make sure that they can't escape while being apprehended. 'Yes yes, my lady' Screenhawk wrote back with rolling eyes and serious emojis. 'Who do you want me to send? You still have some loyal mercenary groups from your time as a special agent. If they know that this has something to do with you, even though you are "dead" they will still help for free.' After some pondering, her response to Yun Feng. 'Use Little Wolf's team.' Little Wolf is a man who she had worked a lot within the past, after saving his team on one of her missions as a secret agent she had gotten a lot of help from them in various other mission. With his team's aid, she will find a chance to strike in no time. 'Actually, if you want you can send them a message yourself and tell them that you are still alive that would be preferable. Only do make sure to add some evidence that it is you.' Reading Screenhawks message, Yun Feng pondered for a bit before sending her answer a few seconds later. 'Alright. Give me Little Wolf's contact information, I have been away too long to remember.' She quickly got a response with the contact information and directly started to write the message. She looked it over twice before feeling satisfied and sending it. The massage started with a sentence they had decided to use to prove her identity in case something happened to her. 'Little Wolf hides in a forest to attack the little red riding hood. I got a job for you.' 'Battleflower? Is that you? You're alive! I really thought I lost my dear little sister. That car accident was really brutal. I almost ran and killed that stupid truck driver afterward!' Yun Feng looked at the word sister in the message with a bit warmer, ever since she saved him he had taken himself as her big brother. She didn't mind that, especially because of her parent's deaths. Though she still had someone blood related to her left alive that person was mostly busy with work. 'I did die, but now I'm back. For now, I won't tell you my specific circumstances but soon enough I will tell you everything that happened after my death. I hope you would believe in me then. What I want you to do now is to send a couple of people from your group to monitor Songchen Yue and Lin Wanyun. Screenhawk and I suspect that they, well we know that Lin Wanyun is involved in my "accident".' 'Alright little sis, I will send over some people to monitor them immediately. I also have to tell Lizzy and the others that you're alive!' Sakuraid As thanks for those who waited and a sorry here is a mass release!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "28365", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0018 – Little Wolf Mercenary Group", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
Screenhawk sat back down into his chair, looking more serious than before. "And so what are those things you want to ask me to do?" "As you might have already guessed I need a new identity in a way. I need your help in putting "my history" into the country database. I also need a passport and an ID card. My name should be the same, Yun Feng, as for family, let's just say that I'm an orphan with an unknown parent. No sibling of course. A high school dropout because I disappeared in my second year in high school. Just came back to the country. Thinking of taking the exams to make up for my lost high school year and entering university. But it's still undecided if I should really enter university. Also cooperating with the heir of the Long Corporation, Long Jin in making The Fairy Immortal Winery." "A winery huh, I never thought miss genius military agent would start a winery. Especially together with that Long Jin." Screenhawk says giving off a playful smirk. Yun Feng gives him a cold glare and that smirk disappears. "WellI needed the money. Besides, that world's wine is way better then that of Earth's so I thought of making use of the recipes in my mind." "Then when the first batch is ready can I have a taste?" Screenhawk asks while lucking his own lips. It is apparent that he is really looking forward to tasting the wine. He has always been a wine lover. He loves drinking rare and exotic wines. "Sure, but if only if you pay me a 100$." "Great! A 100$ is nothing to me anyway. By the way, is that a discount?" Yun Feng shows Screenhawk a cold smirk and says. "The base price of the wine per bottle is set between 150-200$ depending on how smooth the production process will be." Of course, this doesn't mean that she will give him a bottle, at most a glass. Depending on her mood at the time she might just give him a mouthful to taste. "You're the best partner ever. Now is there anything else you need me to do." "Hack into the security cameras around Lin Wanyun's place and observe her movements for a while." "By Lin Wanyun you mean....?" "That Lin Wanyun." "The one who proclaimed herself to be your rival and always pestered you with so-called challenges? Don't tell me that she is pestering you now too? There have been rumors of her liking Long Jin. Is she pestering you because you partnered up with him?" "Bingo. Last time she sent 10 hooligans at me?" "Eh? How did that go?" "You know how good I was at martial arts before right? Now my knowledge in martial arts is boosted by my immortal cultivation. I didn't even need to touch them before they fell like trees." "You used your powers on them? Weren't you worried about being discovered?" Yun Feng looks at Screenhawk like he is an idiot, which he is in her opinion. "You think I would let myself be caught?" "Ah, right. You were the top agent after all." Yun Feng turned around and started to walk towards the exit of the internet café, just leaving a few words behind. "You should find a way to contact me when you're gave gathered enough info." Screenhawk gives out a sigh and says. "Why does she always leave like that? She gave me no pay at all for my troubles. " He then turns back to his computer to hack into the nation's database and fulfill her requests. After walking through some districts Yun Feng arrived at the main shopping street after 20 minutes or so. She still didn't have any money and didn't have anything special she wanted to buy so she just walked by the different stores doing some window shopping. This time she had a detection skill activated to make sure to not meet Lin Wanyun. It isn't like Yun Feng is scared of her, she just wants to avoid the hassle. She had other plans than to meet that girl here. So far she knew nothing about the man who killed her parents in her past life. She could only try to get more out of Lin Wanyun later. Maybe she knew more about the man than she thought.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2645", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0016 – Plans", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
As the party comes to an end people begin to leave the hotel. Because it had been decided that Yun Feng would live with him they leave the hotel together. Before they leave they say goodnight to CEO Long and then walks together to the hotel's underground parking lot. As Yun Feng enters Long Jin's Lamborghini sports car she notices Lin Wanyun standing by the hotel parking lot entrance. She stands there biting a handkerchief, looking at Yun Feng and Long Jin, while mumbling curses under her breath. Long Jing takes the driver's seat while Yun Feng ends up taking the passenger seat. Sitting in a car again after over a hundred years reminds Yun Feng that her current self doesn't yet have a driver's license. She should be able to remember how to drive if she trains a bit and then she could quickly get her license. "Did you enjoy the party, Miss Yun? If I remember correctly we did invite someone called Yun Feng but because of an accident 10 days ago she died. So you could only have snuck in, unless that Yun Feng could survive and change her looks in a short span of 10 days." Long Jin says looking at Yun Feng with his teasing smile. "I had an important reason to sneak in." Yun Feng doesn't take any note of him but still give him a light answer while looking out the car window. "To get a sponsor?" "Un" She wasn't surprised that he guessed right, after all, she came with a fully detailed proposal. She even had a recipe ready. Obviously, she came well prepared. Seeing as she also just came back from another country it would be unlikely that she had researched beforehand that he sought a business partner. So she could only have gone into such a party to find a sponsor. After about 15 minutes they arrived in a 10 stories tall apartment complex. Long Jin drives his car into the underground parking lot. He then indicates for her to stay seated while he walks around the car and opens the door for her. Long Jin also reaches out for her to take his hand. Yun Feng looks at him coldly. "I'm neither your girlfriend, wife or mistress you know. No need to open the door for me or help me out of the car." She then walks out the car, ignoring his outreached hand, and walks past him directly to the elevator to press on the button to send the elevator to the parking lot. Long Jin gives out a chuckle before joining her inside the elevator swiping a key card and pressing the button to the top floor. "You live on the top floor?" Yun Feng asks with her eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, even though I said that it was an apartment it is more of a penthouse. It's got a great view." When the elevator doors open what one can see is a living room. The living room is pretty open, mostly black and white colors, with the occasional yellow, a sofa group, and a big TV. In one corner was a side table with a coffee boiler. If he had any guests they could boil their own coffee with it. To the left are the kitchen and the dining room, with the same black white and yellow color theme. Both the dining room and the living room got large windows to the outside and a tall roof. To the right of the elevator is a staircase up to the second floor where the bedrooms, bathrooms, and study is. The second floor was made so that one could look down on the living and dining rooms. The color theme on the second floor is mostly dark brown, except for the bedrooms and bathrooms which had their own color themes. There was the master bedroom with the same black white yellow color theme as downstairs. One bedroom with a girly color theme and the last one with a more neutral white color theme. Of the two bathrooms, one was a simple black and white while the other, that was connected to the master bedroom, was black, white and yellow. Yun Feng thought that the penthouse somewhat matched its owner, but she couldn't tell exactly how. Maybe white for a bright future, black for his cold personality and yellow for being a 2nd generation nouveau riche. "So, Miss Yun are you satisfied with my abode?"
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2616", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0006 – His Place", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
"Satisfied?" Yun Feng looks at Long Jin with the side of her black eyes. "It will do, for now." "Glad that you liked it Miss Yun, now excuse me as I need to start making preparations for our partnership." Long Jin walks up on the stairs to the study, his face back to its cold and serious look. Yun Feng walks to the TV table, picks up the remote and sits down in the sofa group in front of the TV. She turns on the TV and looks through the channels trying to find one that is currently going through the latest news. "Tonight the Long Corporation hosted a party to Celebrate their successful partnership with the military. Both businessmen and important military officers joined this party. In the party CEO Long also announced that his son would be looking for partners in order to start a food or beverage company. Young master Long asked people to line up and give their proposal and suggestions and in the end, a young lady won the deal with the proposal of making a winery called Fairy Immortal Winery. The young lady, called Yun Feng, the same name as a recently deceased military agent, left the party together with Young master Long in his car. Where she came from, who she is and her current whereabouts are unknown." Seeing that the news was talking about her she wasn't even a bit surprised. Her partnership with Ling Jin would gather a lot of attention after all. Especially since it was announced at the party, every top brass in the country would probably know of her existence in two days. She didn't want to gather this much attention to herself but it was expected that some attention would be gathered on her since she entered a partnership with Long Jin. As long as she didn't do anything else that really stood out she would probably be forgotten soon enough. "Onto the next scoop..." The rest of the news was about some celebrity scandals, it didn't seem like much had happened in these ten days after her death. In her past life, her mother and father who also worked in the military died on a mission when Yun Feng was 15. After that Yun Feng lived for herself, training her body and becoming an elite agent in the military before she died. She actually suspected that her parent's death was a murder, similar to her death. But who would want to kill her entire family? Were they different people or the all same person? Yun Feng didn't find any clue to her parent's death while she was alive. Even though the burning feeling of taking revenge for her past life's parents had died together with the burning feeling of taking revenge for her own death. She had decided that she would find the culprits and do it anyway. At least that would be a good goal for the beginning. Yun Feng looks up at the roof, her mind sinking into her own thoughts. After she has earned enough money from the Fairy Immortal Winery she will leave this place and buy her own apartment. Before she completed her goal she didn't want to get to close to anyone. It was the same in the other world while traveling to get stronger she avoided creating any close relationships. This means that she even avoided any romantic relationships with guys. She is an over 100-year-old virgin and romance newbie. That's why when Long Jin made those advances on her she got flustered. It's because she had never really experienced that before. Even though she had built up a rather cold personality with her many years alone, Long Jin broke it with his teasing. Although he broke it, it was quickly repaired. Yun Feng closes her eyes for a bit. She should choose a room and go to sleep for now. Long Jin would probably want her to take the girly room but she would much rather prefer the more simple black and white room. She opened her eyes again, rose up from her seat on the sofa, and walked up the stairs to the room. The room had a simple one person bed, a dresser and a study table with a computer. Yun Feng doesn't walk directly to the dresser since it probably wouldn't have anything her size anyway but takes out some sleepwear from her space ring. She changes into her white simple sleepwear dress, walk towards the bed and let her body fall onto the bedding. Now that Yun Feng thinks about it maybe she shouldn't have been so quick in accepting, for all she knew Long Jin could have lied about not being at home often. And even then this is a man's place, the place of the man who made her flustered. Yet it didn't seem like she had much of a choice, as someone who has only worked as a military agent she doesn't have too many experiences in business. To boot with him adding "take it or leave it" into his sentence it made her feel like it was either saying yes or living in the streets. It also isn't impossible for him to ban a lot of people from making any deals with her, forcing her to say yes to his deal. In the end, it all came to not wanting to gather too much attention or selling anything from her life in the other world. There is a possibility to be taken as a monster if she reveals her abilities as an immortal cultivator. This could implicate her future plans for living on Earth. Yun Feng doesn't fully relax as she fell asleep on the bed, she left a part of her awareness awake so she can notice if anyone sneaks in. After all, she can't completely trust Long Jin.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2617", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0007 – Setting a Goal", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
After they left the factory Long Jin took Yun Feng out for dinner. The location was Sun City's Seaside Hotel's rooftop restaurant, the same hotel the party was at. This was Sun City's most famous seafood restaurant it has an amazing view of the city and the food is also highly prized. Their table is placed in a private booth with the best view over the cityscape. "Why here? Waste of money." Yun Feng says while looking disinterestedly over the cityscape with her clear cold dark eyes. "Here, because it's special." Long Jin answers her. His expression and tone of voice feeling a bit warmer compared to how he is at work. He looks at her with a hint of warmth in his black eyes. She takes a glance at him and notices his softening expression. Her heart moves a bit but her expression remains unmoving. To be honest she was a bit touched by his affection. "How is it special?" She asks while once again letting her gaze fall over the view. Even though the sky is gradually turning dark there are still many people out on the streets to enjoy the nightlife. "This place is the first place I have dinner with you." This time her heart moves even stronger and her eyes even widened a bit before quickly returning to their previous state. She should have expected that he would give her such a line as an answer. "Then why make this place the first dinner?" Yun Feng doesn't notice how her voice quivers while she asks him and only realized afterward. She closes her eyes in embarrassment. Long Jin catches these actions of hers and his face turns into a wide smile. Ever since he met her he has been able to make expressions and emotions that he hasn't been able to experience in years. He is highly curious about where she comes from and if her identity really is that of a normal civilian. He got a report before he met her in that factory area that she beat up some guys who were out to get her. She beat them with some mysterious shockwave technique. But even if he was curious he didn't intend to ask, he knew that she would eventually come and tell him on her own when the time is right and they have gotten closer to each other. After a while of not hearing Long Jin's answer, Yun Feng opens her eyes once again. What meets her as the looks at him was his big smile. This is his answer. Soon enough two bowls of Sichuan spicy boiled fish is placed in front of them, together with a large bowl of rice. When Yun Feng takes the first piece of fish into her mouth she feels how the spices together with the hot soup give a burning feeling to her tongue. The food was also accompanied by some glasses of water and some red wine so she directly took the water and poured it into her throat. It nicely soothed her burning tongue. In fact, there wasn't much spicy food in the other world, they didn't use many spices in their food at all but treated most of it as medical herbs. It had been a really long time since Yun Feng tasted any spicy food. Actually, in her past life spicy food was her favorite food type so it was something she really missed while in the other world. She picks up another bite of fish with her chopsticks together with some rice and puts it into her mouth. Even though she is delightful of the spicy taste she doesn't show it on her face but shows a cold and serious expression. Long Jin observes her a bit before also seriously digging into the food. He loves how she delicately eats her food, one bite after another. Yun Feng doesn't touch her wine, while she does enjoy drinking it but Earth's wine just usually wasn't as good as the wine produced in that world. Besides she likes sweet wines more rather than dry wines like the one brought before her. But even if she actually liked dry wines she wouldn't drink any of it tonight. She has no idea about the alcohol content in the wine and she is with company. She doesn't want to spill anything about herself to him in her drunkenness. Before long both of them had finished up their food. Long Jin paid the bill and then they left the restaurant together.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2638", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0013 – Rooftop Dinner", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
The Young Woman, Lin Wanyun, walks aside while holding her cheeks. This Lin Wanyun actually used to be Yun Feng's past life's rival. Not love rival but more rival at work. She always used to try stealing Yun Feng's missions and also tried to make Yun Feng fail her missions. She wanted to make herself look better than Yun Feng. For some unknown reason, Lin Wanyun had just set up Yun Feng as her irreconcilable enemy. She made it so that Yun Feng ended up in various tough situations which Yun Feng managed to escape from and solve each time. Lin Wanyun's tricks made Yun Feng exhausted so that in the end Yun Feng didn't notice that she had been set-up and therefore died. This doesn't mean that Lin Wanyun was actually the one who set up her death though. "Ah, Long Jin is so dreamy. His cold way of saying next makes my heartbeat rise. Also, the way he nodded to be before that almost made me faint. It's decided if I get this deal he is going to be mine! All mine!" Lin Wanyun quietly says that with a determined expression. But she didn't expect that Yun Feng can actually hear her. She suddenly hears a snicker from the back of the line and looks over to see Yun Feng holding her right hand close to her mouth as if holding back a laugh... "What are you laughing at?" Yun Feng gestures Lin Wanyun to come closer and whispers in her ear. "You sure dream big." "What? You... you... you heard me?" "What do you think?" Lin Wanyun's face instantly turns sour. Their little disturbance gets the attention of a waiter who walks forward and warns them. "No bickering here, please continue to enjoy the party in your own pace and don't cause any disturbances. If you do anything that might lead to ruining the party you will be kicked out." He whispered so not many people noticed the commotion except for the few that is close to it and Long Jin. Long Jin looks at them from where he sits, or more like his eyes are focused on Yun Feng. He doesn't know why but, Yun Feng feels familiar to him. Since he saw her while he stood on the stage he has been attracted to her. There is something special about her... he can feel it. He then moved his attention back to the one who was currently giving his suggestions. Lin Wanyun storms towards a table and sits down, blowing up her cheeks and looking annoyed. 'That girl... I'll make sure to get back at her someday. She almost ruined my appearance in front of Long Jin!' Lin Wanyun hadn't noticed that the girl was her former rival at all! After all the current Yun Feng looks a bit different from her past self and also she is supposed to be dead. It isn't until about 30 minutes later that it's finally Yun Feng's turn. "Name?" "My name is Yun Feng, Mr. Long." Same name as... Long Jin's eyebrows crunch up as he thinks that. "I want to propose to start a winery. You see Mr. Long I recently obtained a really unique wine recipe and so I would like to share it with more people. The winery's name would be Fairy Immortal Winery. Also if you accept my proposal I would be grateful if you also gave me a place to live for now. You see I just came back from living in another country and am thinking about moving back here. Yet I don't have any place to live yet so I thought I could include that in the proposal..." Yun Feng's face shows a bit of nervousness at the end. "Sure." "Huh?" Yun Feng face turns into a questionable expression, she didn't think he would suddenly say sure. Long Jin stands up a bit, closes into her ear and whispers. Loud cries are heard from the various young ladies in the background. This is the first time they had seen Long Jin get close to a girl! "Sure, I can get you a place. But it has to be my place." "Wha, what?" Yun Feng's cheeks turn a bit red as she blushes. Her mind blanks out for a bit to his voice and breath next to her ears. When she comes to a bit she blurts out the question she has in her mind. "Why?" "You will get 60% of the shares and a place to live. Take it or leave it."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2607", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0004 – Take it or Leave it", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
Yun Feng decides to just leave them there because she wouldn't want to get in trouble with the police for murder if she killed them. Also, she feels that making them simply disappear was a hassle. Where would she make them disappear too? Yet also even if they tell someone of her powers when they wake up probably no one would believe them. She feels that there would be no more trouble from them. Even if they create more troubles she feels that, with her ability, she could easily stop them. Yun Feng suddenly notices a familiar black Lamborghini sports car by the road a bit away when she enters a factory area. Soon enough a man came walking out of the winery by the opposite side of the car. When the man takes notice of Yun Feng his cold and emotionless face turns into a smile. The assistant following his boss by the side was shocked to see his boss's face change. His boss had never shown such a smile before. Long Jin slowly walks towards her, who is now standing still looking towards him with her cold eyes. When he stands before her he says with a warm smile; "So you wanted to look at wineries with me after all. Or is it that you missed me?" Yun Feng coldly looks up at him who is about a head taller than her. "Coincidence." Long Jin's face turns into an even wider grin as he looks at her with his burning eyes. Getting thoughts of just locking her inside his penthouse to dote on her. But he knew that she was a wild cat that needed to walk unrestrained and free. She would only resent him if he kept her as his pet. The assistant standing by the side of the car couldn't understand how his boss could get so close to a woman. He is usually cold to women, only occasionally warming up to his own mother when she comes to visit and even then he wouldn't smile. Who was this woman? This assistant wasn't at the party yesterday so it is understandable that he didn't recognize Yun Feng as the thinker behind the winery business. Yun Feng looks away from Long Jin, ignoring his hot gaze and the assistant's curious and shocked gaze. She tries to continue walking down the street but is stopped by Long Jin's hand taking a hold of her wrist. Even though she knows that she could easily get away with her strength she decided not to. She didn't want to reveal her strength to this man. "Since you are already here then follow me to the next location." Long Jin says and without waiting for her reaction picks her up in a princess carry and carries her towards the car. The assistant reacts quickly and opens the door for them before taking his place in the driver's seat to act as their driver. Placing Yun Feng in the innermost seat, next to the other door, Long Jin takes his seat on the outermost seat beside her. He respectfully leaves the middle seat empty. Scaring away his kitty cat is something he wants to avoid. Yun Feng looks at him coldly and then turns her gaze out the car window, giving off a sigh in her mind. Maybe she should stop working with him. He is a bit too clingy. Maybe she should just go into the entertainment business. Big entertainment companies do usually give their promising artists safe living places. If she did change her mind and go for the entertainment business then she would go for singing. With her years of wandering alone, she can't express emotions the same way one needs to do when acting. When it comes to dancing she is only average, same with playing an instrument. It is only singing she knows she is good at, as she has loved to sing ever since her past life. But entering the entertainment business would mean gathering attention and now, in the beginning, she wanted to gather a little attention as possible. It's enough with gathering attention from her partnership with Long Jin and already having her old rival send men at her. Gathering too much attention can very well possibly mean revealing her abilities to the world which could mean getting new enemies. She knew that those 10 men were sent by Lin Wanyun. With her hearing, she heard what Lin Wanyun said to the person on the phone even though she had already left the store. Yun Feng feels Long Jin keeping his burning gaze on her as the car had already started to roll away to their destination. But she ignores it as she looks out the ever unchanging city scenery outside the car window. After about 30 minutes of being locked into the moving car together with Long Jin, they finally arrived at their destination at a winery in a factory area in the outskirts of Sun City.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2636", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0011 – Coincidence", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
When Yun Feng next opens her eyes she gets partly blinded by the sunlight coming in from the window. She forgot to cover the window last night before she fell asleep. Confusion can be slightly seen in her cold eyes as she slowly recollects the recent events. She almost thought she was still in that world, fighting her way to reach the goal of taking revenge. But she had already taken revenge and was already back on Earth! The earth she never thought she would return to at least in this lifetime! She even got herself involved with the Heir to the Long Corporation and ended up living with him. Yun Feng knew that it is probably her inexperience in matters of romance that makes her so vulnerable to his teasing. It is thanks to being too occupied with revenge and therefore completely missing out on matters such as love. Yun Feng gives out a quiet sigh, rises up from the bed and dress in the same everyday clothing she stole from the store yesterday. As she walks down the stairs she notices his cold back sitting by the dinner table with a plate of egg, bacon, toast and a cup of coffee. In his hands, he is holding some documents that it looks like he is intently reading. He doesn't seem to notice her as she walks past him into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. As she looks through the kitchen it seemed like there is mostly only stuff for an American-European breakfast. Yun Feng took some bread and put in inside the toaster and then took some peanut butter and jam out of the fridge to smear over her two toasts. For drink, she takes out some low lactose milk from the fridge and pours it into a glass. Taking her plate with peanut & jam toasts and her glass of milk she quietly sits down on the seat placed diagonally from Long Jin. She hasn't eaten breakfast like this since she died. Since the other world is similar to Ancient China she has only had Chinese cuisine for breakfast and since she was traveling it mostly ended up only being buns. Only occasionally did she have a feast. Yun Feng's cold expression eases up a little tiny bit and a small light appears in her eyes as she takes a bite from a toast. Savoring the taste in her mouth she remembers that she used to love to eat this. She would occasionally buy some toast, peanut butter, and jam and enjoy its combination. It can not fully be categorized as one of her favorite food but she enjoys it a lot nonetheless. She realizes that she had actually missed this taste a bit. Eating this made her remember her past life's remaining family, especially him, her... Yun Feng puts down her half-eaten toast. Even if he were to meet her now he probably wouldn't be able to recognize her. Her appearance has changed and even her temperament have become a bit colder. She was already a bit cold, to begin with, together with what happened after her transmigration her temperament had gotten even colder. Besides she is supposed to be dead. Yun Feng begins to wonder if he is preparing her funeral right now, or if he is trying to find out what really happened on his own. He was her support, her aid, and her dear family. She looks up at Long Jin who is reading his documents as she picks up and begins to eat her toast again. Her eyes lingering only for two seconds before fully focusing on her food. Seven minutes later she swallowed down the last bit of her food. Long Jin's food only half eaten. "Didn't you say that you wouldn't be home a lot?" Yun Feng asks with Long Jin answering in an emotionless tone while pointing at his food. "Breakfast. Then a business trip. To find a winery." Long Jin picks out some documents from the bundle he is reading shoving them towards her so that she can have a look. They were deeds for wine factories on sale. He looks up at her and gives her a teasing smile. "Want to go with me? It could count as a date." Yun Feng keeps her cool and answers. "No thanks, that's your job. Mr. Long will have to go on your own." Long Jin's teasing smile falls and turns back to his expressionless self. He receives the documents back from Yun Feng, puts them beside him on the table and leisurely finishes his breakfast and coffee. Yun Feng rises up from the table to wash her dishes while under his gaze. When she comes back from washing the dishes Long Jin had already left, leaving his plate and cup empty on the table.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2620", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0008 – Remaining Family", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
"I've returned!" A warm feeling surges up in her chest as she looks over the cityscape. She is standing, or more like floating in the sky. Her white clothing and black hair fluttered in the winds. Her delicate beautiful face giving off a slight smile. If people looked up they would barely see her because she blended in well with the clouds. To make sure to not be noticed by the people beneath she had a stealth technique activated. Her name is Yun Feng, Yun is her surname and Feng is her given name. She lost her family at the age of 5, her parents and her older brother, to the whims of the ruler of her country, Zhongyang Empire[1]. She left the country and traveled all the lands of that world, cultivating, defeating rivals, bandits and beasts. There were many times she was near death. At least once she almost died because of hunger, since she, as a young orphan, didn't manage to get enough money for food. When her parents died she awakened memories of a past life, a past life on Earth where she worked in the country Y military doing secret missions for the government. To better help herself on dangerous missions she had learned some Chinese medicine, but not enough to be called a doctor. She didn't die in a mission though but because a truck driver who had fallen asleep had driven into her, she died at the age of 30. It was an instant death so she had no chance to use her skills. Her name was the same as in her current life. So after that incident when her parents died she had the mental age of a 30-year-old woman! That's how she could decide to wander the continent to get stronger. Now, although she looks about 18 years old she was actually over a hundred! Her experiences had already helped her reach the top of cultivation in that continent. She had broken through into the first stage of the mortal realm at 5, passed all it's ten stages and broke through to the first stage of the semi-immortal realm at 9. Passing through its ten stages and into the immortal realm at 26. She finally broke through the ten of the immortal realms stages and into the heavenly realm at 52 reaching the pinnacle of its final tenth stage at 112 and thereby reached the cultivation threshold of the continent. From that world's public knowledge she is the only one that has reached the pinnacle in 10000 years. She was also the one who had reached it the quickest in history! The reason she still looks 18 years old isn't because of some miracle medicine or miraculous technique. It's because when one reaches the semi-immortal realm ones aging slows down and when the immortal realm is reached ones aging stops. But even if it stops it doesn't mean that one is truly immortal, the most one can live while being at the immortal realm is about 3000 years. Since there hasn't been many to have reached the pinnacle of the heavenly realm, and those that have all mysteriously disappeared, it is unknown how long they could live for. There aren't that many who can even reach the immortal realm, most cultivators get stuck either at the mortal realm or at the semi-immortal realm for all their lives, never able to advance! To advance between each realm one either have to gather an item or experience something that can serve as a catalyst to advance. When she reached the pinnacle she got to know that one gets the ability to travel to a world of their choosing, the earth being among them. So after getting revenge for her family, she left that world for the earth! Now here she is, looking over Sun City, the massive capital of country Y. It was here she ended up right after being transported to Earth. She had returned to the country she lived in her past life! This time she will live her life without any regrets, as an ordinary woman! She will hide her identity as an immortal cultivator and as an ex-military spy or officer for a normal life. But to do this she first needed money! Without any money, one can only either beg around on the streets or live a secluded life up in the mountains hunting beasts and wild vegetables! She doesn't want that, she wants to live in the city, in the capital. For that reason, she will find a sponsor to start a winery. In the world where her current self was born the wine is so much better than Earth's. She will take out a recipe she learned during her travels, make it and sell it under the name Fairy Immortal Winery. The reason why she has to find a sponsor is that she doesn't have any startup capital herself and unless she really needs to she will never sell anything from that world on Earth. She doesn't want anyone to figure out that there are other worlds out there or put herself in any danger because of her powers. Overlooking the city one last time and then floating down onto the roof on the nearest shopping mall, which happens to be the capital's biggest, Sun City Central mall. She activates a technique to further hide her presence all the way to her temperature. Just so that even infrared cameras wouldn't be able to sense her. She goes into the building, walks directly to a women's clothing store, and choose some clothes that she then put on. After taking off the alarm tags on the clothing with a technique she learned as a spy, she then leaves the store. [1] I choose Zhongyang because it means Central in Chinese (used google tl) and that country lies in the center of the continent in that cultivation world.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2598", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0001 – She Returned", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
A black Lamborghini sports car enters the underground parking lot of a luxurious apartment complex. Out of the car, a tall cold faced and handsome man steps out and quickly walks around the car to the passenger seat to open the door for the beautiful woman within. Yet he is only ignored by her who quickly walks over to press the elevator button as soon as she leaves the car. But the man only gives out a low chuckle. Only, a slight hint of disappointment is revealed in his black eyes. When the doors open both the man and the woman enters the elevator and the man swipes a card before pressing the button to the top floor. He then, although a bit reluctantly, keeps a distance of over a meter from the woman as the Elevator door closes and leaves the parking lot empty of people. The man and woman were, of course, Long Jin and Yun Feng who had just come back from the rooftop restaurant. When the elevator door once again opens up the penthouse once again enters Yun Feng's view. She has to get her own place as fast as possible, she thought as she sensed the man's intense gaze upon her back. This beast of a man could probably attack at any time, trying to steal her honey. He follows behind her as she walked towards her room up the stairs. When she enters the room the man stops outside the doorway while she walks towards the bed and falls down onto it. "What do you want?" Long gives out a low chuckle, thinking about how cute she looks while being spread out on the bed. His intense gaze never left her even for a second. "Only a wide sky suits someone as spicy as you." "What?" "That's my answer." He gives her a slight smile and turns around, closing the door behind him. Yun Feng looks at the door with a questionable expression. This guy is really being a bit too forward with her. In her past life when she met him he used to be all cold faced but him before her now.... She wouldn't say that she fully rejected his advances but love is a completely foreign department to her. Also like what she may or may not have stated before, making a living and revenge on a higher scale of the priority list for now. And there was also her need to look for him. Rising up to take a shower in the guest bathroom she realizes that she hadn't gotten any new clothes. Yet when she opens her dresser she finds some clothes that are just her size. Her mouth rises up into a slight smile. He must really want her to stay but she has other plans. As soon as she gets her hands on some money she would get her own apartment to live in. When she has taken that step she will finally get into true action. Yun Feng picks out a nightgown from among the clothes in the dresser and puts it on. Then she lays back on the bed preparing to sleep. With her abilities she received in the other world she will find that person who took care of her, her support. She will also find both the man behind her death and whoever was behind her past life's parents death. Tomorrow she has to give back the gift she got from Lin Wanyun today. That woman will regret sending her men after her. She will also go to find that hacker. Even though she doesn't have any money yet she can still go there to get a good deal. Maybe she will be able to get his help for free. The hacker is actually someone who used to be on her team in the military. Mostly he gathered the info while she went into the field. But there were also times when they had to go out into the field together and more than a few times back then she had to rescue his life. When Yun Feng wakes up the next morning Long Jin is nowhere to be seen. He is probably busy with the matters of preparing the contract for buying the wine factory. That was his job in the contract, her job is only to give him her wine recipes and then sit back and relax as the money flows to her in waves. She leaves the apartment complex moderately dressed in normal everyday inconspicuous clothing.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2640", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0014 – His Answer", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
Her long black hair flows behind her over her red t-shirt and all the way down to the jeans as she steps out with her new sneakers on the street outside the mall. Yun Feng looks up on the screens showing ads for beauty products and takes notice on the time and date in one of their corners. Friday 14th June 2016 4:46 pm. Yun Feng arrived only about ten days after her previous self's death. Good, then she could still get some clues and maybe even get some revenge. Not that she really desires to get revenge for her past self's death but why not? Even though any thought of revenge for her past life had slowly faded away these years in the other world, she has the ability so why not do so? But first Yun Feng wants to create a place for her current self. For that, she will dress up nicely and sneak into a rich man's party in some hotel. If she succeeds in attracting someone's attention there definitely is a chance to get sponsored. Luckily Yun Feng managed to get a something that could pass as a modern expensive looking dress from the other world, which she has in her space ring, so she doesn't need to steal a dress. As for which party and where... if Yun Feng remembers correctly she was actually going to attend a party for the Long Corporation in her past life. They had some successful deal with the military and so she was one of the people from the military who was chosen to attend. But Yun Feng died ten days before, well at least now she won't miss it. Even though it will not be with her old appearance she will still go to it. After all, she needs to get a sponsor so she has a good reason to get to it. She won't hope to get the CEO of Long Corporation to sponsor her, that would be to try to look too high. If anything it would be a CEO of one of the smaller companies that cooperate with Long Corporation. It doesn't start until 6 pm and there will probably be a mini food buffet so if she wants any dinner she doesn't have to worry about that at the moment. As she also has makeup in the space ring, when it nears the time for the party she just needs to enter a bathroom to put it and her dress on. The party would be held at Sun City Seaside Hotel, which is about 40 minutes away from her current location by walking. This means that she will arrive there about 5-10 minutes after half-past five. She will have enough time to change so Yun Feng leisurely walks there in her own pace. She takes in the surroundings and dives into old, almost forgotten, memories. Even though over 100 years have passed for her, here it has only been 10 days so almost nothing has changed. She can easily remember how she had taken a break on that cafe or walked on that street. Because Yun Feng lived Sun City for 6 years in her past life she could more easily move throughout the city without a map. Since she had no money, and thereby no phone that made it all the more convenient. When she reaches the hotel Yun Feng directly enters its public bathroom and enters a cubicle to change into her dress. The dress is a white dress with a two-layered fabric skirt and a simple tank top looking top. She puts her top, jeans, and sneakers into the space ring and takes out her makeup. Then Yun Feng exits the cubicle, puts on her makeup and make herself look even more delicate. Together with her aura that she had gained from cultivating one might think that she is an immortal fairy. Even if she does give out such attention seeking aura, Yun Feng can just use some presence concealing techniques to hide it and easily sneak into the party. Since Yun Feng has a completely different body from her past life she, of course, doesn't have her invitation. Besides even if she had it there is no guarantee she would be let in with it. After all, she was supposed to be dead. The place the party is at is some kind of large open ballroom especially made for occasions like this. Its style is alike old European ballrooms, the ones that are in palaces and castles, but with a more contemporary touch. Not too many ornaments on the walls and one single one-meter diameter chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The windows have royal blue curtains and the wall color is mostly white with the few decorative patterns on them also being royal blue. As one enters the room from the second floor and the ballroom itself actually is on the first floor there are two stairs going down and joining halfway down. These stairs and the ballroom floor is dressed in a royal blue carpet. Get the theme? The whole ballroom is mostly royal blue and white. Beneath the stairs to the left side is a long table filled with delicacies and on the right side is some small tables and chairs where one can sit and enjoy these delicacies. In the center of the hall is the dance floor while in the far end is where the musicians are placed together with a platform and a microphone. When Yun Feng entered the ballroom it was already more than half full of people. Some which were familiar to her and some which were not. But the main organizer for this party, the CEO of Long Corporation, Long Xiaogun, had yet to arrive. He would probably arrive later after everyone else.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2600", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0002 – Enter the Party", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
In the information about Songchen Yue that Yun Feng received from Screenhawk, there wasn't any part that included the detail that he also owned a place in the same building as Long Jin. There could only be three reasons for this. First, it was a friend's or family member's apartment, second, it was an apartment he just bought and third was that Screenhawk actually made a mistake. The most likely reason would be the second one. From what was known Songchen Yue only had a father left alive and other than having had multiple girlfriends it didn't appear that he had any friends. Also, she trusted that Screenhawk wouldn't make any mistake. She had worked with him for a few years in her past life after all. In the end, it was true that she wasn't prepared to meet Songchen Yue in the entrance hall. No matter why and how he came to be there. Yun Feng sat down at the dining table and opened up the pizza box in front of her. She closed her eyes and took in the smell through her nose with a smile on her face. 100 years in a world without junk food really makes one miss it. The pizza didn't have many toppings, pretty much only mozzarella and tomato sauce, basically a version of a margarita. Of course, she could have chosen Hawaii pizza or a pizza with kebab and french fries topping or something else but she wanted a more "light" one. The pizza was already cut into eight slices for convenience. When she took her first bite of the first piece she delightfully took a taste. A simple pizza was a perfect way to introduce junk food to her new, immortal body. After eating half the slices the elevator opened up, Long Jin was back from who knows where. At first, she didn't notice him as she was about to pick her fifth slice and he was able to approach her and see her smile as she ate the pizza. Her smile made his cold face also give a soft smile. If his parents saw him then they would be shocked. Long JIn hadn't shown such a smile since he was a kid. He had grown up to be a cold-faced man, using a cold face and aura to create a wall between himself and others. As a kid, he did grow up with the love of his parents, but he met with the business world at a very young age and saw its harshness early. It was with the knowledge of the dark side in business that he started to build his emotionless self. He saw it very important to not involve and show emotions when making business deals. When Yun Feng finally noticed him the smile on her face instantly disappeared and returned to its unfeeling and cold look. "You're back." "Yeah, I thought you wouldn't care." "I don't." More than taking notice that he wasn't in his apartment for the whole night she didn't care about where he was and was doing. At least that is what she believes. Without her knowing it she might actually care. Long Jin faced her while stealing a slice of the pizza, he looked into her emotionless eyes and said. "I didn't think a young lady like you would fancy junk food like this." "Well, I do." Without being aware Yun Feng's face turned slightly pink. Her eyes remained the same though, meeting his gaze directly. 'How cute' Long Jin thought. The smile on his face turning even more prominent. Ever since he saw her during the party he had been oddly attracted to her. It wasn't just the way she looks but also the unique aura she gives off. She gave off the feeling of being out of this world. Of course, Long Jin didn't know how accurate his judgment on her aura was. He was a businessman, his reality lies in managing his family and other business. He didn't believe in the supernatural stuff such as other worlds exist. Eventually, he will come to learn and get involved in her reality though. But that will be left for the future. Long Jin took a bite of the pizza piece and let the tomato sauce and the mozzarella cheese together with the crust meet his tongue. He usually wouldn't eat junk food but he found this certain pizza very delectable. Maybe it was because it was something Yun Feng had bought. He didn't show Yun Feng that he had liked the piece of pizza though but put it down back into the pizza box with a frown on his face. "How unhealthy." After saying that he walked up to his office on the second floor of the penthouse. As soon as The door was closed and he had sat down by his desk he directly picked up winery documents and the secret wine recipes that he had received from Yun Feng. He was impressed that she could come up with such surprising recipes.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "28941", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0020 – Long Jin", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
"You... you..." Yun Feng's face gets a bit of a blush as she feels flustered. Why the hell did he say to live at his place! Also, take it or leave it makes it sound like she has to say yes. Well if she did say yes the problem of finding a place would be solved, also 60% of the shares would mean that she would be the major owner of Fairy Immortal Winery which would be quite good. If she can just get an ordinary apartment or something like that she will say yes without a second thought, but his place... That would mean that she has to live with a man. A man she just met! Sure, she actually met him a couple of times in her past life but this is another life! Preferably she wouldn't want to have too many connections with the people from her past life with the reason that this is a new life. To her, it feels nerve-racking. A normal business relationship would be perfectly fine. "I what?" "Why must it be your place? Why... can't you just give me an apartment?" Long Jin smiles slightly, it is fun teasing the seemingly little baby fox. He enjoys her flustered expression as he puts his hand forward, slightly striking her chin with a teasing smile. "You got me interested. Don't worry, I'll be out most of the days, sometimes on business trips. You will have my apartments all to yourself. Besides, I have a guest room that you can make your own. Also, I usually don't like having too many people around me so there are neither maids, butlers or cleaning ladies. You can do the cleaning if you want." When Yun Feng hears what he says she starts to pounder. Well, if she could live there pretty much alone so that she could take her time to plan and organize her stuff then... "Alright" Her expression eases up as she gives her answer. "I'll live in your place." Meanwhile, the young women in the area were in an uproar. Their cold prince got close to a girl and he even smiled! Jealousy wrecks their bodies as they hatefully look over at Yun Feng. Lin Wanyun got even angrier as she witnessed the interaction between Long Jin and Yun Feng. First Yun Feng said that she dreamed too big and then she went ahead to flirt with Long Jin herself! Who is if that is dreaming too big! Compared to some unknown bitch she, Lin Wanyun, currently the most elite agent in the military, is much better! Long Jin stands up straight, his face already back to its normal cold expression. "The proposal has already been decided, I together with miss Yun Feng her will start a winery called Fairy Immortal Winery. She will get 60% of its shares and therefore will be its big boss." Those who were still waiting in line showed disappointed faces but they could do nothing to reverse his decision. Long Jin is the young master of the Long Corporation, after all, it's best to not do anything that might make one seem like an enemy. Many of the guests were taking notice of another thing though. "Huh? Yun Feng? Isn't that the same name as that top military agent who died 10 days ago?" "Oh, this feels kind of ominous." "Working with someone who has the same name as one recently deceased. Mr. Long sure is gutsy." The guest quietly whispers, like her name was more shocking than Long Jin's sudden decision. "Yun Feng? She has the same name as that bitch!" One could almost see how Lin Wanyun's skin turns red, her eyes glow and how her hair stands up in anger. "First Yun Feng took my place as the top female agent and now another Yun Feng is thinking of stealing my man! Why the hell is it always someone named Yun Feng!" This time Yun Feng didn't hear her. She is to into her own thoughts and plans of the future. What will she do other than helping to manage the company? Does she wanna do things she didn't have the chance to do in her past life? Like enjoying a trip to an amusement park? Maybe enter the entertainment business? Or maybe once again lead the life of an agent? She could probably make her own little shop when she has gotten enough money from the winery and work in that. Anyway, there are a lot of things she could do in the future. Actually, why not create a sect. She could gather orphans and teach them cultivation methods and use them for protection. There are a lot of possibilities. To reach her goals she has to first take things to step by step!
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2613", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0005 – Takes the Deal", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
The wine factory was a large grey building more similar to a beverage factory that a winery. They didn't need a normal winery but more this anyways. The winery didn't need to be one with a grape farm. Besides, the wine didn't contain mostly grapes but a mix of apples, pears and some other types of fruit. Long Jin's assistant opens the door for him to let his boss out. That specific boss abruptly picks Yun Feng up and steps out of the car with her giving off a really really cold aura. Yun Feng wriggles her way out of his embrace and takes a few steps away from him. Her cold eyes looking at him like a cat keeping it's guard up for danger. "I can walk on my own." With a teasing smile, Long Jin looks into her eyes. He thinks that his little kitty looks so cute with her guards up like that. He could almost imagine her as a little kitten staring at him with its hair standing up. In the end, it was Long Jin who took the first step towards the factory, his assistant following right behind while Yun Feng kept a distance of 3 meters. Not too close while not too far. A man welcomes them into the factory and gives them a tour. The factory was not large, it had a storage room for ingredients, several fermentation rooms and last but not least a storage room for wines that are ready. The finished wines remain in that storage room to age for a while before being sent out on the market. The beverage is transported through pipes between the different fermentation rooms. After going through the last room it is put in bottles and transferred to the storage through conveyor belts. Each fermentation room has three buckets that are usually filled with the liquid. The liquid stays in each room for about a week before being simmered and transferred over to the next room. To not miss out other than the 1st-floor production area there is a 2nd floor with several office spaces. For production, factory and personnel management, things that needed to be done on location. The factory isn't closed down, there are still people working. But as it is going to be sold off there are no materials in the storage room and only two fermentation rooms are in use. They together take place around a round table on the 2nd floor and Long Jin together with his assistant and the man who welcomed them begin discussing price and other business related stuff. Yun Feng, on the other hand, closes her eyes, shut off her senses and quietly began to cultivate. Even though she has already reached to peak and become an Immortal that is only for that world. It's not like she can't cultivate any more. Earth has plenty of spiritual essence to absorb. Who wouldn't want to know what kind of wonders the next realm would bring? Besides she doesn't feel that interested in business matters. What she only wants for now is money, and possibly an identification. Only, to get an identification she needs a birth certificate and other stuff that usually are in the county's database. To reach the database she needs an expert hacker and she knows just who, but to hire this hacker one needs a good amount of money. Without adding herself to the database she will be a totally foreign entity. As she wasn't registered in any country what she said about coming from another country can be found out as false. The government might even think that she is a military spy from another country. So as soon as she gets enough money her first priority will be to put herself up on the database. With that done she could get a new driver's license to use as identification. She used to have a license and a car in her past life. Thinking about it she wonders what has happened to her belongings after she died. Maybe he took care of all her stuff, or maybe they were confiscated by someone. It doesn't actually matter much to her what happened with her stuff. It was over a hundred years ago for her after all. Living for so long makes ones desire for materialistic possessions wane. The latest aPhone model? What can you do with that? Normal affordable smartphone is enough. A super sports car? There is a speed limit on the roads anyway so unless it's special circumstances one can't drive it differently from any other cars. A luxurious house or apartment?, Just a place that doesn't get too cold or too hot and have a roof is fine. Yun Feng has never wanted to gather much attention so getting expensive, flashy stuff would only be a waste of time and money. She only needed stuff that was of use to her. It took about forty minutes for Long Jin and the other man to discuss the deal. Long Jin was already satisfied enough with this wine factory so it was decided that they would write the contract in two days time.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2637", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0012 – A Wine Factory", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
The people Little Wolf sent quickly arrived at their destinations to observe Lin Wanyun and Songchen Yue. They were to report any odd movements and also secret meetings between the two people. Long Jin hadn't come back to his penthouse the whole night so Yun Feng was still alone. She stood by the large windows in the living room, gazing down on the streets below. The streets were filled with people and cars, it was currently noon, a time where people go out to eat. Yun Feng didn't really need to eat something but with the thought of good food she began to get a craving. Why wouldn't she? With that other world's degraded food culture it was no wonder that she would want to stimulate her own taste buds. She turned around and walked towards the kitchen to see if Long Jin had any ingredients at hand. Only to find that except for some stuff needed for a quick breakfast and utensils, there was nothing else. The kitchen was pretty much empty. After pondering a bit Yun Feng decided to call for takeout. Pizza would do, she hasn't had that since a lifetime ago. The money wouldn't be a problem, apparently, Long Jin had left her a black gold card, a card with an unlimited amount of credit and extra privileges in certain stores. Only twenty had been issued in the whole country, owned only by the highest people in the upper society. Buying pizza delivery with the card would probably discredit it but would she care? The answer was obviously no. It was Long Jin's card to begin with, not hers. After she receives her own income she will stop using it and give it back. She doesn't want his money. It took about half an hour for the pizza to arrive at the complex main entrance hall, as the delivery guy didn't have any access to the penthouse she had to go done and retrieve it herself. When she had received the pizza and was about to take the elevator back to the penthouse the figure of a tall man entered the hall. The man had black eyes that would be able to drag any person into them, hair dyed blond as if announcing that he was a playboy and his face seemed to carry a delightful smile. Yun Feng was able to identify who the man was. Songchen Yue, the man who might have been involved in her past life's accident. Songchen Yue noticed her too and he also realized who she was. After all, even though he might not have participated in the Long family party she had been all over the news lately. As Long Jin's new and mysterious business partner news about her was bound to last a while. With Songchen Yue here she knew that Little Wolf's men would be close. They wouldn't know who she was though since she hadn't revealed her current appearance to Little Wolf. Songchen Yue's delightful smile seemed to turn even more delightful as he approached her for a chat. Yun Feng looked at him with cold eyes as she let him approach. She wanted to know what he wanted to say to her, someone he saw for the first time and had the name of someone he killed. "Hello, little lady, it is my pleasure to meet the wine fairy who has been all over the news lately" Songchen Yue said while putting his hand up for a handshake. Yun Feng didn't take his hand and also didn't give him a response, she just kept looking at him until he put down his and started talking again. She knew very well why he would call her little lady, her current looks although cold and beautiful had a slight touch of immatureness. "Miss Yun is quite cold it seems, not even returning a greeting." He showed her a disappointed smile and tried to look into her eyes while she just let her eyes fall on the pizza and then the elevator. "Ah, seems like I'm disturbing the miss from her food. Alright, let's have another nice chat the next time. Looking forward to meeting you again little miss Yun Feng." Yun Feng gave him another cold glance before walking past him and into the elevator. Before the door closed she turned around and said to the man who was still looking at her. "We'll see" The smile on Songchen Yue's face once again broadened after he heard what she said and stepped into the second elevator in the building that would be able to take him to his apartment.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "28550", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0019 – Songchen Yue", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
Yun Feng quickly disappears into the crowd. She maneuvers her way through the thick crowd on the most famous street of Luxury brands in the country. Each side of the street is filled with branded shops, not only clothes ones but even stuff from cars to various beverage and food brands. The Long family also have a store on this street selling luxurious lunch packs. This street is the current goal of Fairy Immortal Winery. Yun Feng wants to set up a store exclusively selling wine from the Fairy Immortal Winery here. But for now, they had to make sure to get a factory, workers, ingredients and all the other stuff needed for the winery sorted Without the necessary resources it will not get anywhere. Yun Feng continues walking down the street, each building on it being mostly in concrete and a lot of glass. The whole street had a contemporary, almost futuristic aura to it. She walks until she reaches the sea. While feeling how the sea smelling wind lifts her hair up in the air. Yun Feng brushed some hair behind her ear as she looks out over the ocean. Since she was on a journey to get stronger in the other words she didn't get to enjoy going to the sea. Besides, there are a lot of monsters in the sea. In other words, one had to have a certain degree of strength to even relaxingly take a dip in it. As the weather was gradually getting hotter and hotter each day there are loads of people on the beach. Adults sunbathing, teenagers playing beach volleyball, kids building sand sculptures and as the waves were high enough there are some people out surfing. Yun Feng takes out a white bathing suit made from a special material from that world from her space ring and holds it in her hand. She considers if she should maybe surf a little. Surfing was something she used to do in her past life. Surfing helped her train her balance. When she got some free time during a hot summer day she would go down to the beach and catch some waves. In the end, she puts the white bathing suit back into the ring and leaves the sea walking back into the city. A while later she notices that some people are following her through a space sensing technique. With just a little bit of thought, she can conclude that it was Lin Wanyun that sent them. After all, no one knows she is the dead Yun Feng and also the only one she had really offended on Earth in this life is her. Also since Lin Wanyun is the new top female agent after her death she had the easiest way to rally this many experts. There are about 10 men, 7 are big and have high strength and the other 3 are lean and are more flexible. They all had an aura one could only get by killing people. Yun Feng intentionally enters a deserted alley and waits for them to follow her. "You sensed us? You're good. Too bad that sensing us isn't enough." The one who spoke is a tall man with fierce eyes and a small scar over the right side of his lip. This man seemed to be the leader. Yun Feng coldly looks at them as all the other 9 of her stalkers enters the alley behind him. She then opens her mouth and says with arrogance; "Don't be so sure about that. Since I have the ability to sense you and also led you here I, of course, have a way to deal with you." The wind gathers around her giving the men a beautiful sight of her standing proudly straight. "Hoh, then let's see if you can take all of us together. We will beat your arrogance to dust. Men! Let's go!" All the seven strong men, including the leader, rushed forward to take her down in close combat while the three lean men took aim on her with their guns. Yun Feng doesn't even react until the nearest person was just a few short centimeters away. She relaxingly releases her internal energy in a shockwave that makes the seven men fly either a few meters away or into the alley's walls. All the seven mean doesn't move, they were fully sent unconscious by her shockwave. "Wha- what?! Su- Superpowers?!" One of the three guys shouts and then nervously tries to shoot a bullet at her. But before the bullet reaches its destination Yun Feng had already used a teleportation-like ability and knocked the guns out of all their hands. They all look at her in surprise before being knocked out with a hit on the neck. "Easy, it was easier to fight thugs than how I remember it was in my past life. I didn't even get a bit dirty." Yun Feng coldly glances back into the alleyway before she walks into the little more busy street.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2633", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0010 – 1 VS 10", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
Beside his empty dishes, she finds a keycard to access the penthouse from the elevator and a note. 'If you go out there is a key to access the penthouse, without it you can't enter the penthouse again so make sure to keep it on you at all time. Your Long Jin' Her Long Jin? Does he think they are lovers or something? A bit of astonishment briefly flickers in Yun Feng's cold eyes at his way of addressing himself in the note. Wasn't it a bit too shameless? To boot that they met for the first time yesterday they are only supposed to be business partners and also at most housemates. They aren't in any way in that type of relationship. Or at least she thinks they don't, as she doesn't have much experience, she can't be sure. For today she would go out on the streets. She felt that even though she has her memories from her past life she needed to refamiliarize herself. Even if it isn't to refamiliarize herself she would still go out to relax a bit and thinks some things over. Yun Feng left the apartment complex and stepped out on the street. The complex was located in the southeast part of the city, by the sea. It was in an area for rich people and it consisted of a total of 3 buildings. The building she just left is the tallest of them while the other two are only seven stories high. From the area, it would take about 25 minutes to get into the city center by bus. But even if the bus would be quicker, since she still has no money Yun Feng just decides to walk leisurely. By the time she reaches the city center around an hour and a half has already passed. She takes her time looking in around the shops, the four different parks located in the four cardinal directions. Each of the parks is decorated in colors of the seasons. North is white for winter, east is pink or spring, south is blue for summer and west is orange for autumn. There is a festival each season and each of them is located in their respective cardinal directions when they are ongoing. As it was summer the summer festival would start in a few days and last for about a month. For now, Yun Feng just walks through the parks and looks at the different color themes. Yun Feng enters a clothing store filled with various casual clothes a while after she walked through the parks. Leisurely she looks through the clothing racks sometimes finding things that attract her interest. No store attendant takes the chance to get close to her as they can sense her giving off a cold and unapproachable aura. Suddenly the door to the store opens, Lin Wanyun enters and a store attendant directly welcomes her. She chats with the attendant for a bit and then lets her gaze wander the store. When her gaze lands on Yun Feng, who is currently looking through a rack of long dresses, her eyes show a bit of surprise and bitterness. Yet the surprise and bitterness quickly change into fake smiles as she walks close to Yun Feng and starts to talk to her. "Well hello, miss Yun. Are you satisfied with catching Mr. Long's interests?" Yun Feng looks keeps looking through the dresses and ignores her, still giving off the same cold unapproachable aura. But this didn't bother Lin Wanyun at all as she continues. "You know, I used to have an acquaintance with the same name as you. Or rather acquaintance I saw her as a rival yet she seemed to only see me as a pebble on the road. Every time I threw her a challenge she ignored me. Because she took my place as the top agent, I decided to get rid of her..." A light lits up in Yun Feng's eyes as she hears what Lin Wanyun says. Lin Wanyun didn't notice this at all. But that light quickly faded at what Lin Wanyun said next. "...but heavens seemed to not want me to dirty my own hands because it seems someone took care of her before me. She disappeared from this world eleven days ago in an "accident"." Lin Wanyun gave off a wicked smile and continued. "I don't know who the one who helped me is, only that he is a foreign man. Then now yesterday you appeared, you have the same name as her and it seems like you will go against me as well. You stole my deal yesterday, my husband! Long Jin can only be mine..." Yun Feng turns around a bit to look at Lin Wanyun with her cold, crystal clear, black eyes. "If you want him, take him. He and I are and will always only be business partners." "You..." While Lin Wanyun unreasonably fumes up at what she said, Yun Feng walks past her and leaves the store. "Yun Feng, just wait. I will never let you have an easy life near my man!" Says Lin Wanyun as she reaches into her own pocket to get her phone, and looks at Yun Feng walking out into the streets. She quickly dialed a number and put her phone by her ear. "Yeah hey, I got a job for you."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2626", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0009 – Up to No Good", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
A woman entered a dark alley in the west side of the city dressed in dark, casual and inconspicuous clothes. It might look like she was just walking as if the alley was her own backyard since she apparently knew the roads well. Yet, in fact, she had a high guard up. Behind the tinted glass of her sunglasses, her dark eyes were actively moving and a special aura that helped her sense her surroundings was also active. After a while, she stopped in front of a door with a sign having a mark looking like a computer. This is the entrance to a black market internet cafe called Shadow Hackers. As the name suggests the place is a hacker gathering spot. As she stepped into the internet cafe only some people looked up before focusing back on their computer screens. It wasn't unusual for all types of people to come here, quite often a beauty would enter the shop. Because hacking is something that any gender and, to a certain extent, age can become good at one couldn't underestimate anyone entering. even if the one entering isn't a hacker that person could still be someone with high standing. The receptionist didn't pay much attention to her until she came close to the reception desk. He looks up at her with apathetic eyes. Even if he sees her beauty he doesn't take notice of it. "Name and business." "Battleflower, here to find Screenhawk for some business." By name the receptionist didn't necessarily mean real name, one can use a codename or a fake name in this cafe. Showing ID is unnecessary. As for the name she chose it was the codename she, Yun Feng, used back when she was a military agent. Screenhawk is the hacker she had decided to meet in the afternoon but in the end, she decided to go in the morning. That way she could give him a trial by sending him at Lin Wanyun to see if his skills haven't degraded. The receptionist scans her up and down a bit, thinking that there can actually be someone who wants to meet that crazy guy. He then sends a message to Screenhawks computer telling him that he had a guest called Battleflower. This is the real reason why one had to state a name. He soon gets the answer to send her to the guy and so he says where Screenhawk is sitting. "Row B computer 15." She gives a quick thanks to the receptionist before she walks towards the stated spot. When she got close she notices the guy she sought to meet sitting by the computer with his messy blond dyed hair and a lollipop in his mouth. He sees her come closer and made a noise which Yun Feng answered with another noise. This is a way for them to confirm each other's identities. A foxy smile rises on his face as she walks closer. "Battleflower, I thought you were dead." "I was, or am, whichever you prefer. Or at least my old body is. I rebirthed in a place quite far and only came back her ten days after my death." She knew she could tell him this. They were best buds in her past life and a great team. He the information broker, both the plan makers and she the action taker. Well, he did turn into the action taker if the action required hacking, she was mostly doing the physical stuff. "Oh? Far, you mean?" He asks licking his lips with the lollipop still in his mouth. "Another world." His eyes widen a bit but they're quickly back to a foxy look. "How did you get back?" "You believe me?" She asks while narrowing her eyes. He pushes back the backrests of his chair a bit, cross his legs and puts his hands behind his head while giving her a playful smile. "People do say I'm crazy. Besides you have no reason to lie." She looks at that crazy guy a bit more before giving him an answer. "Let's just say that I was able to come back thanks to my own achievements." "What type of achievements?" "Highest level cultivation. It was a cultivation world, like those eastern fantasy novels online." "Seriously? Are you able to use powers now? Can you even use them here on earth?" He rises up from his chair in excitement but doesn't get closer to her since he doesn't want to get beaten by her like he used to get in the past. "I won't show you anything of that for now. Before I do that I need you to help me out with some stuff."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2644", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0015 – The Hacker", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
When the clock turns 18:30 all guest has all arrived at the venue. Only the hosts were the ones left. People were left chatting while waiting. Yun Feng, on the other hand, didn't try to make any conversation with anyone yet. She only stood in the corner of the hall identifying each guest one by one. Suddenly the room turned quiet as a man looking about 50 years old with partly grey hair enters the hall. One could identify on his appearance that he used to be a really stunning man when he was younger. Beside him, while holding his arm is a beautiful 40 years old looking woman. He walks, together with the woman, down the stairs with a straight back, proudly looking over the guests. Behind him is a tall about 20-year-old man, the young man shows an expressionless face. But even though it was expressionless it was stunning. One could really see that the young man and the older man and woman is family. The young man had mostly inherited the older man's features but he had the woman's eyes. "Look it's Long Xiaogun and his family." "Ah Long Jin is as stunning as always, his cold expressionless face really attracts me." "Madam Long is beautiful as always, well worthy to be the wife of CEO Long." "Look at how proud CEO Long looks, there maybe be more to this party than the successful deal with the military." Quiet whispers rose in the hall as they reached the end of the stairs. The guests opened up a pathway as Long Xiaogun walked towards the platform at the end of the hall. He took the microphone off the stand and began with welcoming everyone and introducing himself. "Welcome fellow businessmen and military men to this celebratory party. I am Long Xiaogun, the CEO of Long Corporation. Long Corporation has existed for over 50 years and began as a small company in the food business. It was started in my father's time and has finally reached the place it has today. With the exclusive contract of selling the military food supplies in the times need it will surely rise even more and spread out even further in the future. Our aim is the same as anyone else, the international market. We want to properly spread real Chinese cuisine all over the world and let our products be the talk of every town. It might sound like a big foolish dream, but in my own opinion this dream isn't at all impossible to fulfill." A waiter came forward with a glass of water which Long Xiaogun took and drank off to moisten his throat a bit before he continued. He looked at his son and began introducing him. "As many of you already know, this is my son Long Jin. He went the Major Business program at Y Business University, the best university in country Y for business management. Jin'er managed to graduate the university already now at the age of 22, two years early since one usually attends for 5 years but he only used 3. Now I want to happily and proudly announce that my Jin'er is now planning to start his own! It will later be joined with the Corporation but it will be a great learning experience for him. Now I'll let Jin'er tell you the details." Long Jin walks up to the platform after his father had stepped down and glances over the hall. His emotionless eyes stay on Yun Feng for a second or two before continuing on. Yun Feng noticed him looking at her for a bit but didn't take it to heart. "I have yet as of this date decided what type of company I want to start but I'm going to continue in the line of food and beverage. I will start from the beginning with only a sum of 100 000 American dollars. This sum will separate into buying a factory, materials, machines, and salary for the workers. Please feel free to suggest what type of company I should start. If it is a good idea then I will use it and we will become partners with me doing most of the managing and you coming up with ideas." When Yun Feng hears what he says she opens her eyes wide in her mind. To think there are such coincidences in the world! This is exactly what she needed! "I will sit by that table over there, please feel free to line up and give your ideas while the party is ongoing. Now then, the party begins!" The musicians begin to play some classic ball music while Long Jin walks to a table right by the stairs. While some of the guests partner up and dance many of the guests begins to line up to give their ideas. Yun Feng doesn't feel like there is a need to hurry so she ended up as the third person to last in the line. With her cultivation, her hearing was excellent so she could listen to the others ideas even from a distance. "Mr. Long, I really admire your bearing. My idea is to start a company making packed lunch boxes. Every bite should be luxurious but still, be made of cheaper lower quality ingredients. The aim is low cost but high price. I have some great recipes on my hand that we can use." Long Jin gives the young woman who was first to give an idea a small nod after writing it down on a paper prepared beforehand and giving it to the nearest waiter. "Next."
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2593", "id": "2603", "q": 0.6836363636363637, "title": "Female Immortal’s Return to Earth - 0003 – The Long Heir", "author": "Sakuraid", "chapters": 20, "rating": 3.7, "rating_ct": 12, "genre": [ "Fantasy", "Romance", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Beautiful Female Lead", "Cultivation", "Female Protagonist", "Handsome Male Lead", "Reincarnated into Another World", "Returning from Another World" ] }
"System open the authority package."RayYou have obtained 10k points.You have obtained a card summon air bombardment [can be used 2 times only].Your summon veteran soldiers has been upgraded [now can summon 20 soldiers for 8 hours].Lets return to the town.When Ray reached the walls.Special mission triggered : you have successfully enraged a noble titan and he has decided to destroy the great walls and massacre the whole town.He has send 10 commander titans and 25 soldier titans and 100 common titans.You have to protect the great walls from being broken and also to move the people to another settlement.[There is a fortified city 40 km from here]you have 2 days till the titans arrived.Reward : Anime portal , ????"Hell what shitty mission is this , its suicide simply."Ray got to the town and ran straight to the Kazu house."Kazu its emergency.""What happened Ray , first calm down.""More than hundred titans are coming here and these walls are not able to stop them and neither can your special anti titans squads.""Are you serious Ray.""Bro I saw with my own eyes from the walls they will arrive quickly , and I have received information of a fortified city 40 km from here .You need to evacuate fast and tell others ,I will go stall those titans.""Ray its dangerous you need to come with us and we need to discuss about evacuation. Lets go to the commander-in-chief Darius Zackly."After reaching the chief quarter."Ray tell chief about the situation"Kazu"Chief more than hundred titans are coming here ,we need to evacuate the town....."Chief called all the 3 commander and ordered them to immediately call all the officers and start evacuation to the north."Yes chief."Commanders left."Chief you arrange the interior plans and I will go to set up traps."Ray"Ray do you need manpower for the traps."Chief"No chief I can do it myself."Ray got to the Kazu house.After Ray left"Kazu send someone to check about the truth of the news I give you 2 hours for conformation."Chief"Yes sir."KazuKazu left."Call all the special forces back use the emergency plan."Chief"Yes sir"A person replied hidden in the shadow of the curtain.Person left"The calamity has arrived ."Chief sighed.Kazu returns"Chief the news is true there are signals of titans approaching given by one of the long distance patrolling unit.""HMM"Chief.Next day Ray got up to see the people leaving at a fast speed and the wagons carrying the food and other necessities."It will take a day for them to evacuate quickly and will reach the city in another day but titans will arrive in 1 day and 16 hours need to stop them for minimum 4 hours.""I have around 30 k points left."Ray thought"System how much a anti tank missile like FGM-148 Javelin cost."Ray"It will cost around 600 points each ."You have used 10% discount coupons.You have bought 20 anti tank missiles for 12k points.You have bought 100 rockets for 1k points.you have bought 200 land mines for 2k points.Points remaining : 16.5kRay summoned 20 soldiers and commanded them to place 200 landmines.It took Ray with soldiers 8 hours for placing 165 landmines.Ray then individually placed the rest 35 by himself in 1 day[sometimes illogical].
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2693", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Disaster Approaching", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
Hearing a splashing sound the adult female that just finished eating licked the blood on her fingers before lifting her eyes. The first thing she saw was a small black haired head rolling towards her while leaving a red trail. Seeing the since she stared at the red eyed man standing in front of her  "Thanks for the help and all, I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but... couldn't you've done it a little bit cleaner?.." Seeing a frown appearing on the men face she continued with a hint of pride "You see I like to eat in a healthy clean environment" The white haired man rolled his eyes "I will try to next time, by the way..." He sheathed his sword before continuing with a concerned voice  "Zela you can eat in the prisoners camps anytime you want...you know that right?" Zela cracked the little girl skull with a weird metal ball before answering him with a low voice "I know.. I just don't like it there" With her reply an awkward silence descended between the tow of them followed shortly by the sound of something being chewed. ___________________________________________________________________________   Finishing her meal Zela glanced at the man sitting in the corner, drawing on the alley ugly cracked wall by using the little girl blood as paint and manipulating it to spread the way he desired. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately he lacked the necessary control to draw anything complex so he settled with a simple hand reaching from the start of the wall to the end, It looked like a bloody claw reaching to grab something or someone an honest example of classic art. She walked to him and asked curiously "I don't really understand why you are drawing them all over the town, when the army take over they are going to paint over it long before any civilians eyes can get a glance" While standing up he answered  "I wouldn't mind that as long as someone sees them besides" With a quick movement he turned to face her saying with a faint smile "I highly doubt they would bother themselves with a single draw in a filthy slum Especially when there are dozens of them drawn all over the nobles district" She lifted her left brow and said sarcastically "It seems that you were quite busy" Hearing her his smile widened "Well you could say that After slowly closing the distance between them he continued But I think its time for me to take a little break" Then he lifted his hand to her cheeks and started to caress them gently before asking her "So...maybe you can help me with that?" She answered him by putting her slim tanned arms over his waist.  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2817", "id": "3475", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Just another knight story - Ch1", "author": "DemDom", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Mature", "Psychological", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Knights" ] }
"WTFF...." Ray opened his eyes and realised he is no longer in his room but in the middle of a jungle. "God heard my plea and finally send me to an anime" Ray was happy as he was bored with his daily life as an otaku and wanted a exciting life as a MC of an anime . So which anime is it naruto , one piece , dragon ball Z. So which is it , do I have a system. Ding! Ding! In his mind a notification rang . Godly system online please give confirmation for soul binding. Y/N. Ray said yes. System updating ....9%. While system was binding ,Ray heard a loud noise from behind and turned around to see a lot of trees falling and earth shaking and he got a feeling if he didn't started running he is going to be sure dead. Which fucking anime is this please don't be attack on titans please god have mercy on my heart. System binding completed. You have got a newbie package and 1000 points please utilize them safely. You can use the points to exchange for techniques , weapons , bloodline etc.  System notification rang in his mind. Ray turned his head and saw a large titan running towards him ."It's the worst anime to be in."Ray was praying while running to somehow get out of this difficult situation. "System open the newbie package fast".Ray said in haist "You have received a desert eagle with reserve 30 bullets , 1 MP 4 with 200 bullets , 5 grenades and a M9A1 rocket launcher with 8 rockets and they are stored in the system box." System notified him. "The titan is getting nearer."Ray almost pissed in his pants due to the Titan reaching him "System can you detect any good hiding place nearby."Ray was hoping that system can help him. (There is an underground settlement 300 meters on this path , it can be a good hideout.) After 3 min he stopped and saw that the titan was about 100 meters away. "Where is the fucking entrance system?"Ray was sweating like he never had before. (Move 2 meters to the right there is a big stone move it and behind it is a small tunnel go in there and you will reach the settlement.)  "System how do we take out weapons from the system box?" Then a picture of a small box appeared in his mind and by accessing it he saw the weapons. He took the grenade and first opened the tunnel hole then removed the pin of the grenade and threw it at the titan and didn't wait for the result and closed the tunnel entrance and crawled inside it. The grenade was in the path of the titan and blasted a leg of the titan but by then ray had gone inside the tunnel.[Note : This is a common titan which has no regeneration powers.] After crawling in the tunnel for 5 minutes he saw a big underground settlement but it was empty. So Ray saw there were lots of houses and a big mansion. He moved towards the mansion and entered the mansion. "System are there any humans here?"Ray was hoping to see some living humans (No) "The last stronghold of the humans is how much far from here."Ray was hoping that to be nearby (It is 30 kms towards north of the entrance.) "So system what can I exchange for the points." (For now you can buy modern weapons and the  Ultimate Control Technique vol 1.) "U C T vol 1 is for 10k points : It can control titans by placing a mark on there soul .It is divided into 3 levels. Lv 1 can control ordinary titans,lv 2 can control soldier titans and lv 3 can control commander titans." "Modern weapons list : Grenade - 20 points                                       Desert eagle bullets - 2 points/bullet                                       MP 4 bullets - 5 points/magazine                                       Rocket  - 10 points /perk                                       .                                       .                                       level 3                                       Tank -5 k points                                       .                                       level 4 authorization                                      .                                       Submarine -50 k points, torpedo -5 k points                                       ALPHA Helicopter -15 k points                                       .                                       .                                       level 6 authorization                                       .                                       Nuclear missile - 2 million points                                       ?????? "
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2687", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - System online", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
"So now we have 5 veteran soldiers and I can buy a military jeep and need to buy more firepower.Hmm lots to do and the killing efficiency will increase. And also need to increase the number of titans luring.Need to kill 3 commander titans to increase authority , lot of work to do. Need to increase traps efficiency.Here I thought in my dreams of going into shougeki  no soma anime to enjoy delicious food ,ah it will only remain a dream."Ray was thinking on bed in kazu home...After enjoying a nice sleep next morning Ray got to the wall."System can I buy military jeep mounted with missile.""No but you can buy military jeep mounted with machine gun .""Are machine gun of any use against titan , so lets exchange a simple military jeep."All terrain military jeep bought for 700 points.5 rocket launcher bought for 200 points and 100 rockets for 1000 points.Remaining points : 5760Ray rode in the jeep and searched for titans.While searching he he saw a group of people chased by some common titans.Ray summoned 5 veterans soldiers."Sir" 5 soldiers at the same time saluted Ray."It's so cool to be saluted by some soldiers, its a otherworldly experience."Ray gave each soldiers a rocket launcher"Soldiers get into position we are going on war."Ray gave the driving position to a soldier and sat on the adjacent seat."Chase the titans."..After 10 minutes of chasing they saw common titans ."Take aim at a titan and fire at my word."After locking a titan on their neck ."Fire"6 common titans died at the same time.Congratulation on learning the skill command.Command (level 1) : You have the aura of a leader and can lead 10 people."System how much is a radar for."Radar (upgradable) [range 500 m] - 1000 points.You have bought a radar for 1000 points."Follow the radar and lets kill titans."...After 1 hours of searching and killing.They had killed 10 common and 2 soldier titans."Lets go back to the town."While travelling back to the town .He saw a big titan leading around 30 titans."Is that a commander titan system.""Yes""Only 10 min are left for the soldiers to disappear ,can only give up for tomorrow."After going back to the town, he got on his bed after eating and slept..After some days while  searching for titans. Special mission triggered [chain mission] : Destroy the  4 commander titans and their army.An atom bomb provided by the system to carry on the mission , use it successfully.Reward - Triggers the mission to unlock anime portal [Use it travel to other anime using points],       15 k points. "Woah that is some bad ass mission." After summoning the five soldiers he started planning on how to lure them on the bomb."System what kind of a mission is this how am I suppose to use the atom bomb , I have got no plane and here I thought it was a cool mission.""Its up to you Ray."So how to throw the bomb by going on a mountain and throw the bomb while on a parachute ,thats suicide."System can i rent a helicopter?""Yes you can for this mission but it will cost 3000 points.""But a helicopter is of 5 k points but why rent costs 3 k points?""Because you have not reached enough authority.""Soldiers lets get ready for a war."And one soldier sat on the pilot and rest connected the bomb using chains and they flew above the clouds and gave order to search for 4 commander titans.After 10 min of searching they saw the titans."Get over between the 4 large titans."After the helicopter got between the titans."Drop the bomb."After dropping the bomb they just flew higher the possible and away and just safely got out of danger despite the helicopter in range but there was some damage done on the helicopter.              3 commander titans got completely destroyed with the army and only one left with nearly half of his body gone."Fuck get near the titan and shoot rocket on his neck don't give it a chance to recover.""Fire".After firing about 20 rockets on the neck of the commander titan did it died."Finally the titan died."Special Mission completed . You have got 15k points and unlocked a new mission , please return to the walls to trigger the mission.You have killed 3 commander titans - Reward authority level 3 unlocked and obtained authority package.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2692", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Atom bomb", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
"I can exchange nuclear missile , but what the fuck is authorization?"Ray was confused by this authorization(It denotes the authority of the user , the higher the authority the higher the items you can exchange and there are additional benefits but your present authority is not enough for you to know.)"So system do you sell food and water?"Ray was thinking if system doesn't provide these things then he is surely going to be dead(Sir this is not a food system ,please respect the system.)"How much points?"Ray tried his luck once more"Cheap food card - 100 points for a month which provides 3 times food everyday , cheap wine with dinner. Extra ordinary food card - 1000 point per month , good wine with dinner. VIP food card - 10000 points per month for random anime food dishes example ichiraku ramen.""WTH system you just said you were not a food system and you give me this bullshit choice never mind , system exchange points for cheap food card for one month."Ray was cursing the system to be lying at this kind of situation"System how can I earn points?"Ray was tensed a bit as if his points doesn't increase regularly , he will be fucked up.(Points can be earned by killing enemies example titans , ordinary-50 points , soldier-120 points , commander-250 points. Completing system mission , mercenary mission[requires lv 3 authorization] , diverting anime story and dominating anime can earn points.)Lets see some system mission first.     Mission                                                     Reward  Kill a common titan[First kill].                   100 points  Reach the last human stronghold.           100 points  Use 2000 points                                       10% discount coupon Ray then searched a building where he could rest and saw a huge mansion.Ray entered the mansion."What kind of crapy mansion is this."Ray was angry as there was nothing inside the mansion"System one bed please."Ray can only count on his system now(It will take 50 points to exchange.)"That's expensive system give me some discount bro."Ray tried to get discount but system is systemA bed appears in front of Ray and 50 points had been deducted."So now we have 750 points left , but can't buy something useful. I should exchange some points to learn how to make traps. Am i forgetting something"After thinking for sometime Ray finally understood, since I have a system what are my stats but this system is really useless. Then his status box appears. Name - Ray      Gender - MaleHealth - 100      Attack - 1     Defence - 4    Agility -3    Stamina - 3  Intelligence - 6 ??????? [ Stats locked due to insufficient authorization.][Average person has all stats around 5 ]"So I am more intelligent than a normal person but what is with this poor attack."Ray was pleased to see that atleast he is intelligent.(These are nothing but the stats analyzed by the system for your convenience , stats cannot be increased forcefully . There is no  free lunch in this world and system recommends user to buy basic survival training manual which is for 300 points in the shop and equipment for 100 points for your training as your physique is totally trash .) System gave a frank but harsh advice to Ray Ray than imagined him being chased buy the titans and he thought that he can't always be lucky to get away from them next time ."It's good to have a healthy body , system use the points"Ray made his decision to train his bodyA lot of information appears in the mind of Ray. Special missions                                       RewardsComplete 1000 push ups                         20 points  Complete 200 one hand push ups           20 points.                                                                 ..                                                                 ..                                                                 ..                                                                 .  Time left  : 29 days 23 hrs 58 mins."Fuck you system what type of basic training is this, 1000 push ups .I can't even do 20 properly in a day."Ray was never an exercising person so he shocked too see this training(NO pain no gain , user have to show sincerity to become powerful enough to face titans.)System Let's do it. "So what are these equipments for , although there are only two."Ray was confused by this ordinary suit with a dial on it(These equipments will increase the efficiency of your training , the suit is  weight adjustable and the chair is for training your eyes for attaining dynamic eyes which will increase your eyes efficiency.)"So system first lets train the dynamic vision ."Ray thought it will be a easy part of trainingRay sat on the chair and the chair binded the body of Ray and started rotating at high speed."You stupid system why the hell is this chair rotating so fast , stop it ."Ray was pissed off due to system's this kind of barbaric training"Chair cannot be stopped , time left : 59 mins."The chair gave a shock to Ray so he was not able to close his eyes due to unconsciousness.After the chair stopped . Ray got unconscious for 3 hrs. Ding! Ding!Congratulation on having completed dynamic eyes lv 1."System you could have atleast given me some warning , but it does feel awesome I can see a lot farther."Ray was not happy about the strange and dangerous training but was satisfied by the result(User have only attained level 1 keep up the good work to increase level.)"So will the time increase or the rotation to increase the level."Ray was calculating the danger he had to face for the next level(User is asked to first allow your body to synchronise with the eyes as the increasing the level will result negatively on your body .User should now train your body then continue the dynamic vision training . Next level it will have 3 times the rotation and the time will be the same 1 hour.)
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2688", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Hellish Push-ups", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
10..20.....50. "Fuck you system what kind a mission you gave , it's already 15 days and the max push ups I can do is 100 pushups in a day , so remove a zero of the mission task and I would had completed it .Rubbish special mission , it's impossible mission. Who do you think I am ,a Saiyan or a ninja or even a god. Please decrease the difficulty and why the hell I need a strong body , if I can just nuke my enemies with missiles and ultimately nuclear missiles. If you want me train my body then give me a godly body ,what kind a Godly system are you who just sells modern weapons .Atleast give me Saiyan physique if you cannot give me a godly physique." (Fuck you Ray who do you think I am your nanny. You are going to pay a penalty for messing with me.)System was getting angry due to Ray acting as a S.O.B Ray got almost electrocuted to death by system. "System , no grandfather please let this grandson live. I don't want any special physique , I am quiet satisfied of my own body , please forgive me."Ray had crossed his limits (Ray stop being a bitch and start training because if you die during a fight there is no second chance because although the system is called godly but is not a god , so it can't revive so do training more seriously.)   . . . [After 1 month full training] "The suit was very useful .Thanks to that I can do 350 push ups ,though only complete 30% task only. And what's  this "upgrading the suit need 5000 points [required for intermediate level survival training.] User congratulation on completing 30% of the training so you would be rewarded 30 % of the total rewards during the special mission and upgrading the suit is useful for you later as nothing is free lunch in this world . "Hmm 250 points added but its better to have a better physique .System when can I exchange points for a physique." (System can only give a better physique if you provide blood of the person whose type of physique you want and system can upgrade your body or you can reach level 4 authorization to be a body practitioner ,you then can train your physique into a unique physique.)System was not telling about the bloodline and physique as Ray would stop working hard and would start acting like a bitch "So how to increase the authority ?"Ray was confused as if he didn't increase his authority how the hell was he going to kill a titan (You can increase the authority by doing some special mission.)   Mission                                                 Reward Kill 5 soldier level titans                       unlock level 2 authority. ????                                                       ???? . . . "Hmm its doable. System recharge the cheap food card." "So I have 300 points left now then its time to hunt those SOB common titans."Ray [Every reader is thinking where the 100 points are gone so the reason is that there was no fucking water source in the mansion or in the entire settlement and I require water and system charges 100 points per month for the water source and lets just leave it to your imagination to how water came out of system.] Lets store the bed in system box , it will be useful later. "System can you provide the map of this anime."Ray thought system will atleast provide him a map (Level 3 authorization required for requiring the anime map.)But it did not "Atleast you can guide me to the human stronghold." It's show time , titans wait your daddy Ray is coming to slaughter you. . . Ray got out of the tunnel and saw there were foot steps of many titans there. Time for revenge. Ray followed the foot steps and found 3 titans running after humans on horses and one of them was the one who had chased after him. Ray took out two grenades from the system box and the rocket launcher. He placed the the grenades in his pocket and locked the launcher on the titan which had chased him.[The titan had only one leg] Target marked.Ray fired and a rookie head burst.[If it was was a bullet then shot but as it was a rocket launcher so a burst as the head exploded] [ Its a fucking common titan so it will die if we only shot  its head.] Ding! Congratulation on killing your first titan, reward 100 points. The other two titans started running towards Ray. "Let's kick ass " Ray removed pin of the grenade and threw them on one titan each. But no luck as they missed by a short distance , but was enough for Ray to reach back to tunnel . He moved two rockets beside him and loaded one in launcher and waited for the titans. "Here they come."Ray observed the titans movement 140 meters away from Ray. Target locked, launch. Another head burst. Load launch. Another head burst. "Cool"Ray.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2690", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Killing begins", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
"Sir Titans have are in range of missiles.""Lock on the commander titans and kill one at a time , reduce their numbers."Ray"Yes sir .""Sir target 1 locked.""Fire "The missile hit the neck of the titan and destroyed it nearly."Don't let it recover , fire the second missile."Ray"Target one down.""Target two down."You have killed total 5 commander titans : Reward 2k points"Target three down.""Target four blocked the missile.""Keep firing."Ray..."Target 7 down."All the missiles are used."System why can't I buy more missiles."Ray"Weapon shop is locked  during a special mission.""10 soldiers go and set up an ambush behind the titan army,and target soldier titans when they reach the landmines and escape after 3 minutes and meet outside the wall on the other side of the titans."Ray"Yes sir."2 jeep had gone to set up an ambush behind the titans.After 10 minutes ."Sir we are behind the titans and the titans are in range.""Fire the launchers at my order."Ray talked to the soldiers through system phone.[System phone (30 points) - Can communicate within 30 km ]After the last three commander titans had reached the landmines.You have used summon air bombardment , please select the region to be bombarded.Ray selected the regions where maximum common titans were.You have killed total hundred titans - Reward 3k points."Target the soldier titans now."Ray ordered through phone"Target the legs of the commander titans legs."Ray to the soldiers by himAfter 2 minutes."Evacuate the area and meet at the appointed positions."Ray"Lets leave for the opposite side wall."RayAfter 10 minutes Ray reached the opposite walls."System are there any open area around 2 km range."Ray"No there are no any open area .""Shit , how much time I have to stop the titans for."Ray"Due to timely evacuation so you have to stall for just 25 min."System"So only need to lure them away from northern city ."Ray thoughtAfter 5 min rest soldiers arrived.You have bought 3 military jeep for 2400 points.Ray divided the soldiers in 4 team."Team 1 secure the eastern area for team 2 , team 2 lure the 3 commanders and follow team 1, team 3 and team 4 go towards west forest while the team 2 lure the titans you will clean up the soldier and common titans but keep distance to be safe."Ray had gone towards the northern city.After 3 minutes the the wall was destroyed."Team 1 ,3 and 4 depart."After 2 min."Sir titans are about 1 km away from us."Team 2"Lure them towards east and contact with team 1."Ray After watching that 3 min have gone."Team 3 and 4 clean up the titans."RayAfter giving orders Ray left for the city.After 17 min.You have completed special mission : Reward- Anime portal , 50k points and anime package."System what's this anime package."Ray"Its like a upstart when you go to a knew world.""So how do we use anime portal."Ray"You have to charge it with 5k points." After another 1 hr of journey he reached the city which was heavily fortified."I just diverted the titans towards east of the wall."Ray told a fake story to Kazu how he manged it.After that ,he went to rest due to exhaustion.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2695", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Titans arrived", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
"...Damn it all the smell is everywhere!" Our hero cursed with a click of his tongue,  his white armor was shining under the moonlight while he was navigating through the slum alleys. Though the metallic heavy smell was nothing new to him nor to the citizens of the town maze like slums but that didn't change anything for him the scent of blood will always be unsettling even if he didn't admit it. The distance between his steps grew from discomfort and the sound of his footsteps was the only thing that could be heard in the silence of this eerie like night. That was until a squeezing high pitched scream dominated the air. Hearing the distressed cry he moved without thinking hurrying toward the place it came from like a moth rushing toward the flames and not long later he arrived at a site that left him speechless . A little girl no older than eight standing silently still like a statue , her tattered grey clothes were covered by blood and her long messy black hair was stacking to her skin from sweat. Few steps near her was the body of a child he seemed to be a boy of similar age maybe her brother?  One could easily guess their relationship after seeing the boy face unfortunately that doesn't seem to be possible since the boy skull was cracked open probably by the adult female that was sitting right on him while chewing the remains of what seems to be his brain. Our hero was furious he clutched the handle of his sword as hard as he could, his body started trembling and rage filled his mind. The little girl noticed him she turned her neck stiffly like a broken doll to look him in the eyes, her brown common colored eyes was staring right at his red ones, they were filled with a mix of fear and agony.  She didn't seem to think that he would save her nor avenge her brother after all his equipment were too fancy for commoners even to her that much was obvious. Then he must be a noble and her mother always told her those high folk won't give two damns about the likes of them. But even so against the judgment of her sharp young mind something started to flourish in her stoned heart and she unconsciously opened her mouth "H..e..l..p?" A tiny hoarse voice escaped her small lips and tears came back to the almost dry eyes bringing back hope with them. She pleaded "Plea...se..save m...e" Hearing her our hero came back to his sense with his resolve settled, he drew his sword and sweetly smiled saying "Sorry little one" Right before cutting the little girl head off.  
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2817", "id": "2849", "q": 0.9109090909090909, "title": "Just another knight story - Prologue", "author": "DemDom", "chapters": 2, "rating": 5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Isekai", "Mature", "Psychological", "Tragedy" ], "tags": [ "Knights" ] }
I have stopped writing this novel and if you want to check all other ch go to my blog --> https://yunchi99.blogspot.com/search/label/Godly%20Anime%20System
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "16657", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Stopped", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
Ray saw the people had he saved coming towards him."Thanks for saving us" One of them said gratefully to Ray."No problem bro but how did those titan got on your asses."Ray would not imagine the man going in front of the titans and saying 'catch me if you can'"We were on patrolling duty and it was our bad luck they detected us ."Leader of the group said with grief"So where you going now?"Ray wanted to go the stronghold and it would be best to go in with someone"We are going back to the town inside the great walls."Leader"Bro can I get a lift got lost here."Ray was trying his luck"Yeah sure."Leader was smiling as they would get a strong bodyguard like Ray."So Ray where are you from , you don't look a person who lives in the town."Leader"I am a member of titan assault sect and I got here to complete my apprenticeship by killing titans and show my gratitude to my sect for raising me up."Ray was continuing his bitching"So where is your this sect seems bad ass."Leader was thinking that this may be a strong and intelligent group of people who risk their life for the humanity"The sect location cannot be disclosed ."Ray was having a serious face"So how can we enter this sect."Leader was trying to get hold of the position so he could get some these high tech weapons"This is not something that can be decided by a person but by their destiny."Ray was having a poker face"So bro can we buy those weapons."Leader got ultimately on the main point"You cannot unless you get weapon license from the sect ,and these weapons need higher authority."Ray's poker face....After 30 minutes  the wall was visible."What a wall bro , atleast can stop soldier level titans and what's that titan stuck on the wall."Ray"This is the wall made on the lives of countless for the last stand against the titans."One of them sighed while thinking about the history of the wall.Congratulation on completing mission you have received 100 points. "So we have 650 points left and we have reached a town and only left is gaining points."Ray was happy to get some extra points.."So bro I will go out for a hunting titans now."Ray had a serious face"Best of luck bro."Kazu as he had bought the Ray's reason [Leader of the group he saved]..After some distance from the walls."System do you sell bikes."Ray(It will cost 100 points.)"So cheap ,please give a nice one."A old school Harley was in his system box."System give me a bad ass goggles."Ray rode his bike and was searching for titans and was able to see 2 soldier level titans followed by a group of common titans.He took his Rocket launcher and had taken cover behind a tree."System what's the difference between common ,soldier and commander titans."Ray will plan according the info he has(Soldier titans have some intelligence and have regeneration while commander titans have the ability to command other titans and lastly there is also royal titan which can be called the side boss,it has high regeneration while you do not need to know rest as you are too weak and finally the final boss king level titan .)"System can i kill a soldier level titan in one shot of launcher."Ray asked curiosly(Yes , the titan need to be in 150 m range as they can block them using trees or other obstacles and aim for the neck because it is the common weakness of titans.)Congratulation on killing on your first soldier level titan : Reward 300 pointsLets prepare some traps...After going 1 km away.Ray set up  6 anti-titan landmines [which costed only 10 points as unexpected of system] on groundand then got on his bike to lure them.After reaching around 130 m from the titan ,he marked a titan and launched the rocket at the soldier titan neck  and killed it .he drove away his bike towards the traps as he had got the attention of the titans successfully. He got away from the traps by 80 m.[ Ray..80 m... traps...260 m titans].When the titans were 50 m away from the landmines ,he marked the neck of second soldier level titan and killed it and the rest 5 common titans were trapped by landmines and used the launcher to kill each.[Note : titans legs were damaged by landmines]Congratulation on killing 5 common titans : Reward 100 points [mission]After that Ray found 3 soldier level titans not far from each other and killed them one by one.Congratulation on killing 5 soldier level titans : Reward authority level 2 and authority package [authority task]."System open package."You have obtained 5 k points and you can now summon 5 veteran soldiers[everyday] for 2 hours.Remaining points : 6400"System do I get some kind of chest if I killed a boss or side boss."(No)"So do i can get other things than points when completing a mission ."(Yes)
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2682", "id": "2691", "q": 0.6590909090909091, "title": "Godly anime system - Level 2 Authority", "author": "lucifer..", "chapters": 8, "rating": 3.6, "rating_ct": 5, "genre": [ "Action", "Fanfiction" ], "tags": [ "DBZ", "Fairy Tail", "Naruto", "One Piece" ] }
Morning the next day, Wright prepared all the stuff he needed to go. Well, the last thing useful for today that is. He only had three bottles of water as well as a box of the remaining dinner he had.   And Wright placed all of it into a single medium-sized bag. He even remembered where he got the box of food he held on his hand. It was because of his desperation that he searched for food from trashcan!   ‘The food probably mixed with some rotten veggies. That’s why the taste is mostly sour, with the synthetic flavor add in it from that fried chicken with crisp…the combination is still not good.’   He broke, today was the exact day he emptied all his money. All his thought was allocated towards his survival and life. His dreams of the past, he had to bury it inside his mind because if he lost this opportunity he would only have one place to go.   The People’s Servitude. That was the last place Wright wanted to go, it was actually an organization for those who cannot pay their tax properly. Rather than fine them as punishment, they would be used to do some chores. They would basically become the nation’s labor force in the public. They would become street cleaner, park maintenance unit, skyscraper window cleaner something like that.   “Well, time to go.” Wright walked to his front door, carrying all his burden that not only in physical form like his bag but also a mental burden as well. He hated it but it was better than become the public servitude which only someone who wanted to work to life will go.   ‘Flying, can someone like me achieve that?’ Wright truly wanted to know how to be at the sky above his head. He was poor and currently still the same so he had never experienced it even with the presence of commercial airlines.   He gently closed the door and locked it. He then moved along the dark alley before reaching outside to the main road. And of course, he could see the big screen on the building’s wall showing the scene of the interception mission.   From the news Wright had seen and heard, it looked like the squadron make it in time and starting to retaliate in return. So dogfight became inevitable and the most fortunate thing for Wright was that this video was not confiscated.   It even spread on the internet as well but of course to Wright, that was the plan this empire had thought to bolster the people’s morale. This was just a small skirmish and the successful part was released to the public.   Wright wanted to see the entirety of the video but he sighed and walked away, he knew that probably something happened but it was classified as always.   ‘Should I do it? What if I have to give my right to express myself? Will this be alright for me?’ as his footstep increased in number, so his thought to cancel his decision. He was in doubt and confusion, his once in a lifetime dream to feel the sky closer, his current condition and his situation for tomorrow.   ‘Even if I abort this, the only end for me is a dead-end. I have this opportunity that John has given to me, perhaps this is the last chance I will ever get in my lifetime…’   His heart was in turmoil and his steps became faster at the same time. But in the end, Wright gained his determination back. His destination was actually the City’s Hall where most of the city’s planning, administration, budget for the current year, and the development the city would take in the future.   And there was also the service for Temporary Militia Unit because this unit was formed from every city in the empire so each Town Hall ought to have it at the least. This service was located in City Special Administration for Civilian.   This Administration Unit received lots of tasks and to register anyone from the empire that wanted to join the unit. Wright could see the luster this place had for the eyes of its visitor, a pity that he came there just to register for something the others would not want unless they were forced.   Wright became like this was because he did not want to use the majority of the money from the empire’s allowance to the poor people like him. Instead, he gave the money to the orphanage that once treated him. And just when Wright got a job and expected a stable income, he was fired again.   “Where is the place?” Wright only had a faint memory about the place because he had to remember many things for one year. And he thought the place would also change since it was already a year since he came.   “What are you looking, Mister?” due to the fact that Wright had to walk around the hall near the Administration Unit, some of the employees started to notice it. They were trained to be attentive after all and seeing Wright acted like that made one of them came and asked to him.   “Sorry, do you know where the registration for Temporary Militia Unit is?” Wright asked. Those who served people that visited City Hall were truly quick to notice Wright straight away. Wright wanted to ask but he was the one who received help first from them.   “Registration for Temporary Militia Unit? That would be at the end of the corridor to your left, sir. Other than that, is there any other thing I can help you with?” the eyes of the employee lit up, he had heard that this year the number of the registrant exponentially increase in just a short time and number.   This employee saw how Wright looked like. Wright only wore his best clothes that still good enough even though its color already changed due to the fact that he forgot to put his clothes back after drying it with the sunlight. That was why his impression towards Wright was a pity, there was some registrant that also similar to Wright coming to the same place with the same purpose too after all.   “Thank you, but I have no other thing for you to help with.” Wright thanked the person and waved at him, signaling the person not to worry.   Wright continued to walk towards the left corridor mentioned and found that most people went into his way. He surprised that their faces were filled with the frown, anger as well as disappointment.   ‘What’s happening here? Don’t tell me they came from the registration point? But why they turn back?’ Wright’s thought started to fill with negative suggestion and at the same time, his heart started pounding hard.   No, he would not want to return again like last year! He hated it, he hated for walking to the City Hall sixteen kilometer from where he lived just to return with nothing. He had a certain debt with this empire and he knew that this kind of lure was the most suitable for people like him.   Why did he have to do it? Even if he knew about it, he could not prevent what was happening to him. Knowing the problem and how to solve a problem was two different things. He would not want to accept failure this time. He had nothing, yes that was true or motive in what he did even now but he had a flicker of hope in his heart that still gave his act a reason.   ‘For my own sake, for my own dream and for me to pay the tax that John had allowed me to suspend its payment.’   -   The registration point for Temporary Militia Unit   Some of the female receptionist was having difficulties with the amount of registration entry this year. Not only that but they had to plan ahead in case the conflict their empire had this time would spread out.   Recently, they had to reject dozens of people because they did not pass even the most basic criteria. If they passed on that, they would be able to join even if their next criteria below the passing score. But it also meant their work became a bit faster since those people were at a group.   “Tanasha, how is it on your side?” another receptionist asked one of them. Tanasha was one of the receptionist tasked in the City Hall’s Administration. She and all of her friends received a flood of people after the news about the conflict that arose at the northern border.   Even though no major news about the militia unit was broadcasted, it was actually an open secret to the citizen and if possible, they would try their luck by register themselves there. That was why every city must prepare for it as soon as the threat was announced.   “There are still some people to attend. Next, what can I help you with?” Tanasha had to do this tedious job again and again. Now, most people would have their necessity to register into Temporary Militia Unit while the others were also added to the list of the people who had to be served.   “I hear that the registration of the unit is open now both in the City Hall and the official website, is that true?” a young man with an optimistic look already presented himself in front of the receptionist desk. He had this light of confidence from his eyes and asked Tanasha.   “Yes. And what is it that you want to know or need?” “Hmm, then how should I confirm my online registration?” the young man asked. “Are you sure you come here to register or to do something else?” Tanasha took another glance at the person in front of her. Clearly, there would only be two kinds of people when they asked such a thing. Either they were trying to flirt or they were too ignorant that had to be guided.   And then she noticed someone entered. Her attention was diverted because that someone was too eye-catching that people would notice him. But it was not in a positive aspect because his clothes were barely passable if you ignore the yellowish color on it.   He carried a bag that the coverings were torn at some part, it was a rare sight even in the street. Wright came in and the first thing he had to face was the dozens of eyes staring at him. He then just took his number from the side and it showed the number of his turn.   ‘Number 234. Just how many people that this place has served?’ Wright reluctantly turned his head to see a digital display that showed the current number across the receptionist desks. It was currently at the number 150 to 157 to be served.   The first problem Wright had to face was to wait. Second, he had to look for a place to wait. And since the chair in that place was all occupied, he had to move away for a moment. He went out to look around the City Hall to kill some time.   “Who is he? How can someone like him come here with that kind of clothes?” a middle-aged man with luxurious clothes said what was on his mind. Wright just took notice of the man and slightly smiled.   For Wright, those people with a higher rank society like that middle-aged man only knew a little about what his life truly like. Wright did not want to get any badmouthing either so he went away in a large stride.   He rarely went to the City Hall so he tried to wander around some places he had never set his feet too. And then he realized that some people came from outside with an elite military unit walking around.   “Excuse me, what happen here? Someone important?” Wright greeted one of the nearest people and asked him about the situation. “Look for yourself.” The person gave a little space for Wright to see what was going on. His eyes stared wide at the scene in front of him. Wright now understood why there were commotions around him. It turned out this city hall got a good visitor.   ‘It is actually them!’ Wright could see the one that the world had as a main strength for a country. When the pilot trailed across the sky, they had to face another hostile pilot and when they survived long enough that was when they got a title of “Ace”   ‘They are the people that recently do the flight to the northern border. No wonder there are also some reporters mixed in the crowd.’ Wright bumped into one of such reporter but he did not care.   “I wonder what they are doing here. Is there some circumstances that make them visit this place?” Wright murmured while his eyes did not leave the main attraction.   Too crowded and too noisy, that was the main situation but soon some of the employees calmed down the situation. From the direction the people and the elite military unit move, Wright could recognize where they were going.   ‘So they are going to meet the Mayor’s Secretary. Those pilots that come here, part of 7th Air Division, Skylark Squadron. Actually, I have something to say to them but so these crowd.’   Wright turned his smartphone on again and checked the time. He realized just now that he spent fifteen minutes looking at those aces from close. He just wanted to burn their image into his own memory, forever remembered that was all he wishes.   Then he returned to the place he was supposed to be and found out that the number of the display showed exactly his number. And the receptionist already called his number loudly. This made Wright a bit embarrassed but he still walked to the desk.   “Number 234! Is there anyone here with that number?” Tanasha shouted once again. She just wanted to continue but Wright came at the exact time or to be accurate he was on time.   “ME, number 234. I want to confirm my online registration to join Temporary Militia Unit. Please check it.” Wright opened his mouth in a hurry. He was afraid that it would be rejected due to his own fault.   ‘Please have some mercy to me.’ Wright’s only hope was like a jackpot as it was answered just right after he wished for it. Because after that the receptionist checked the information from the computer and only needed confirmation from the register.   “It’s confirmed that there are several people that wanted to participate. Please check the confirmation from your gadget, sir.” As expressionless as always, Tanasha said and pointed towards Wright smartphone.   “Okay.” After Wright checked the confirmation from his smartphone, he just needs a tap to truly join the unit. He tapped on it without hesitation and this was instantly sent to the monitor Tanasha had used.   “Good, looks like the registration process is complete. From the identity, are you Mister Wright?” Wright surprised to hear that but he just nodded his head.   “From what I heard, Mister Wright you are in a pinch. Looks like what John said is really happening to you.” Tanasha commented which made Wright flustered. He disliked his personal matter being spoken but he knew that he himself was not free from mistake either.   “Oh, good. This matter must be a topic for your friends’ gossip, am I right?” Wright rolled his eyes. He had revealed himself so trying to hide his face would be of no use.   “No, I only hear it from John where he had to take a loathing from his supervisor because of you. You are the only one who doesn’t pay your tax on time. That’s why.” Tanasha stared at Wright. But for Wright, he felt his stomach was turned inside out. He felt unpleasant to hear that his problem could get other people involved.   “Then…then can I know every information about the new unit?” Wright only asked this before he clenched his hands. He had to know everything about what he would do at the unit.   “Wait for a moment. This Temporary Militia Unit is the 182nd Unit, the number of the unit is also the times of the unit recreated. For the new recruits, they should be grouped and divided to blend with the military force. Other than that, you can select which part of the military you wish to get.” Tanasha gave Wright a piece of general information. At least that was useful and Wright could think ahead to plan his next step.   “And where is the location? I just hope that the place is near.” Sadly, Wright expectation was soon broken into pieces as the place was at the other end of the city. He thanked Tanasha and left immediately.   “I don’t expect the place to be at the end of the city. And I have to bring this paper too. Better to drink some water since the weather is rather hot these days.” Wright then sat on the nearest bench he could find near the entrance of the city hall.   After Wright left, Tanasha kept looking at his back. She actually wanted to say something else but Wright left in a hurry. Perhaps he wanted to quickly get the job done and received his payment, she thought.   Also, she kept looking at the monitor which she received information about Wright. It was stated that Wright would receive a standard treatment as a new recruit but his deeds of not paying the tax and even got help from John would add the penalty that Wright ought to receive in the unit.   ‘John’s Supervisor is going to shift the blame from his subordinate to Mister Wright because John is helping. The worst thing I can imagine is that he will be placed in the worst unit. Better call John right now since I still have works to do.’ Tanasha thought before she called John.   -   “This is the place…right?” Wright had to walk again and this time it was rather far. At the end of the city lied several locations that were still in development. One of them was owned by the empire thus it became the location of the unit based at the city.   But the place Wright had been looking toward was like a compilation of the worst junk one could collect from the trashcan. The facility barely met the required standard as some oil scattered around the entrance.   But at least he could see some people gathered around the entrance and kept standing. And right in front of that entrance was some people with military suit inspecting each people. Some of them were on standby with their assault rifle ready to warn anyone that dare to mess in this place.   And Wright could see a large sign at the top of the entrance. It was a sign for people to see and to attract attention. Written there was “182nd Temporary Militia Unit Branch Pasteur City”, with recently wet paint.   “Attention, all people that register into the unit please go to the left side. I repeat, all people that register into the unit please go to the left side.” A man with speaker loudly said. He also gestured which side he meant to let people know the right direction.   Wright went straight to the queue that already filled with many people of his peers. His throat already dried and he could not even see his own shadow on this sunny day. It meant that the sun was right above his head. Waiting in the line while the heat struck your body was not a good sign.   Wright glanced around him while the line moved slowly. The people with the military clothes were preparing the place to let people rest. It was in the form of a large tent but placed above the head. And there were also people that gave a bottle of drink water.   ‘Just when will this end?’ the heat and dehydration problem was solved but only for a moment. Wright just hoped that he would be able to stand when he arrived.   “Hey, are you feeling dizzy?” a hand reached Wright when he did not realize that his eyes were unfocused and his legs were shaking. He just felt the stimulus after some time had passed and he turned his head around.   It was not that Wright usually does such thing when people greeted him from behind but because the place was so crowded he was unable to turn his body around. If it was in the larger place, Wright would have turned around with all his body.   A man smiled while his left hand reaching for something behind his back. His right hand was placed on Wright’s shoulder. But his eyes were still on caution, he had to take note of Wright movement and if Wright collapsed all of a sudden he would help.   “No, but my legs are on the verge of giving up. And it’s so cramped here.” Replied Wright while he tried to let out a faint smile.   This man was also the same person that came to the Administration and asked Tanasha one, two things.   “By the way, are you joining this year’s batch of Temporary Militia Unit?” the man asked. Wright thought that since he stood on the same line with the participant, there would be others that came for this purpose just like him.   “Yeah. Well, I only grasped the general concept of the unit though. I want to get at least a stable income for a certain amount of time. I feel ashamed when someone I know apply my document as jobless and not finding a stable income.” Wright explained his general situation and at least the reason why he wanted to join.   “Your reason is better than me. Come on, let’s get that body of yours some motivation.” He held Wright and even supported him.   “Why are you helping me? Look, this made some people come to our position.” Wright felt his legs were heavy. He could barely walk while the place was still not near. He disliked this kind of situation where he had to rely on other people but he had never expected that his legs were already tired.   “Is he alright? I don’t see his face change color but it’s better to check things out. Some people are also like him, overexert themselves just for joining this unit. I don’t know why young people tend to join this despite the risk.” One of the medic units came and commented while checking Wright from close.   ‘This is just the case of tiredness. But if he keeps that I am afraid that it can be fatal.’ Thought the medic.   “What are you talking about?” Wright could only focus on the last sentence the medic said. Especially when he mentioned the ‘risk’ word, Wright could see that the person knew a thing or two from experience.   “Let him stay here but could you bring him some electrolyte drink for him? Tell that the name of the person in question is…” the man said while glancing to Wright. Wright quickly told his name.   “What’s your name? I feel like we will meet again one day.” Wright looked at the man who still supported him. It was already half the line so Wright could not give up now. And he felt something special about the man that helped him.   “I’m someone that hard to get along, but if it is you….Traza.” the man now introduced himself while looking back at Wright. Their eyes met and for some reason, they felt that if they were on the same side they would be able to cooperate.   But that chance was not high since each person would be sent into a different cluster. Cluster here was another meaning for the group of new recruits in training and the first month of the training would decide which place the person suitable to be delegated.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2702", "id": "7541", "q": 0.82, "title": "Asura of The Sky - Chapter 2: Registration, Pasteur Branch Unit", "author": "Ikhsannorm", "chapters": 8, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Average-looking Protagonist", "Leadership", "Magical Technology", "Modern Day", "Multiple POV", "Unique Weapons", "Weak to Strong" ] }
“Now you are ready to go to the centrifuge, I can only wish you the best of luck.”   After Wright heard those words, his whole body shivered. The next thing he knew after his health and body were already fine, he was brought to the G-force training site. Wright saw the long arm of the centrifuge and the place where someone controlled its entire being.   “Time flows fast, time flows fast…” Wright had one of a certain chant he used and only by himself. He got this when he comprehended that everything comes and goes relatively fast and so does time. When bad things happened to him, he just chanted this to remind him that everything flowed fast and before he knew it he already at the end and things were already done.   He took the first step and then slowly entered the single seated cabin. He sat there and looked around to see what things were available to him. At least, he had to fasten his seat belt and saw some of the small cameras at his side.   ‘Let me see just how much G-force I can endure. At the very least, I should try my best to reach the force of 4.0 before passed out.’   Wright did not feel confident about his G-force endurance. After all, he had never felt a tremendous force to directly hit his body at all. That included to ride a rollercoaster, he also never rode that thing too and now Wright wished he had at least rode once.   “Begin the procedure. Let’s go with the lowest G-force of 1.0.” the controller then put in the number and the centrifuge started to move. The centrifuge moved increase in speed but for Wright, it looked like a car that had been stopped when the driver floor the pedals slowly.   He also saw the sign of the centrifuge and the force that impacted his body. The centrifuge spun and already at its first rotation as Wright felt rather calm because the feeling was like in the vehicle in his everyday life.   ‘G-force at 1.0 sure is good but this is like an average speed in the car. For untrained nugget like me, sustaining a G-force of 4.0 is normal.’ Wright tried to calm himself. Someone inexperienced could experience GLOC (Gravity Induced Loss of Consciousness) when they were hit with the G-force of 4 to 4.5 at a short time.   ‘The next time they increased the speed, I don’t know what will happen. Ugh, this is important okay. If you want to fly in the sky, you have to do this. Get the feeling, embedded it to the depth of my bones and soul then I can realize where should I improve myself.’ Wright placed his arm on his armchair and he used this moment to grab it with both arms.   “Increase it to 2 times of gravity force.” Wright heard someone instructing to increase the force he had to face.   Wright gulped, when he experienced this kind of force to his body was like a car in a relatively fast speed then the next G-force he had to endure was twice the current force. Wright knew that the force he had to endure was equal to riding a car with the highest speed in the world!   The feelings of pressure come from every part of his body made him hard to even lift his toe and finger. He was able but it was getting harder because the speed of the centrifuge increased steadily.   Wright already failed to perceive the voice of the person who ordered the increase of the speed and could only steel his will to face this. He wanted to fly in that sky where he could feel free rather than on the ground where he was restricted.   ‘Come on! My finger should try to move often and my arm better prepares too. It’s harder to lift it now.’ Wright tried to do it, to move his limbs and with difficulties, he managed to do it.   ‘Now that I think about it, the combination between virtual training and G-force training will be useful when I will go with the aircraft. But first I need to test where my limit is! Come at me!’   The speed increased further which made the blood that flowed to the head reduced and Wright had his vision limited. Although it was still clear the corner of his eyes started to darken and it spread to his overall vision.   ‘Now my finger feels like a bag from the store with ingredients like eggs, spinach, many spices, etc. It gets heavier every second. Preserve…’ Wright felt a strong pressure, especially to his chest. He could feel its faint beat but also felt that his heart would burst.   The G-force he received finally hit the four times gravity and Wright finally saw what Tunnel Vision was. He could only see the circle which was the only vision he had. Outside of that circle was black, he was unable to see anything beyond that circle.   He nearly fainted due to the pressure alone but he gritted his teeth. At this moment, he was unable to lift his limbs anymore. He had never received any training so to be able to get at this point was good. Seeing that Wright still endured, the speed increased once again.   Wright had a lot of cold sweat flowing down as his consciousness started to leave his body. For Wright, it was just an endurance test and not even the actual flight so if he could endure the G-force of four times gravity, it meant that he could not even reach that limit in normal flight.   And the next thing he knew, he was already dragged away by some people.   “How much?” Wright mumbled. This test was prepared just for him. He did not know the specific reason but apparently, he was allowed to get it despite him being the last person in the entire branch to do it among all the cluster.   So Wright would return to his home as the first day of training started a week from the current day. And lastly, Wright wondered how much he could achieve the first time he experienced such pressure.   “Hey, he’s awake and more conscious now.” One of the men that carried him said. “You endured the G-force of 5.0 before you directly fainted but it is possible that you can only endure the G-force four times gravity in flight.”   Wright then sounded his understanding. Then He was supported to stand and Wright regained his clarity as his body felt alive again.   “Thank you all for today. Sorry to disturb your day for me.” Wright had to apologize because he knew his own situation but everyone then just said something about not to worry about it.   -   “Hmm, strange. Someone might arrange this for me. Judging from the attitude of the whole staff that managed the test, I can see their little flattery occasionally. Just what is the reason?” Wright directly went back to his home because he overstayed for a night in the infirmary of the Militia Unit.   But he could not understand why people tried to be nice to him. This was true since he entered that Virtual Module and undergone a rough trial inside it. If one thing he should notice, it was that he entered the latest model of the module.   ‘Wait, latest module…don’t tell me it is related.’ Wright had this assumption as the major reason but he just kept it to his mind.   His clothes were still the same one he wore when he visited the City Hall. The white clothes that turned yellow, a bag already tattered and his appearance that told everyone he was the epitome of a pauper.   He took a long way and time while enjoying the high construct of the tower in the city that could be described as scratching the cloud. Other than that, he saw some planes come and go above the peak of the towers.   After he realized it, he finally returned to that old looking house. His eyes stared widely this time because he could see the sign of the door unlocked and his sense of danger rose up.   ‘Why did someone even bother to break into the house as bad as mine?’ Wright thought but he picked the piece of the shattered glass bottle and proceed to enter from the front door.   ‘I swear that if the person who entered my house is not anything good, they would experience what pain truly is.’ Wright slowly opened the door, trying to make less noise as possible. But to his surprise, he could smell a fragrant aroma of freshly cooked food from the front door alone.   He walked slowly but steady, finding the lighting inside was turned on made him more alert. A shadow appeared from the dining room and Wright knew anyone who entered his house was there. And Wright did not dare to think this was the only person for safety.   The shadow came closer to the place where he stood. Wright already clenched his fist hard as the glass shard was positioned in the grip position. He wanted to lunge at the person when the person spoke.   “How come Wright is not here at this time of day? That John said Wright is still in an important matter but this is way too long for someone like him.” The voice was rather soft but in it was the concern as well as worry.   Wright already moved his body when he finally aware of the owner of such voice. His head screamed out loud, ‘Why is it you!? WHY!?’   Wright knew what would happen next. He crashed directly to the person, both of them fell down. What made Wright do some mishap was because he knew that person but did not expect her to be at his place.   Wright felt something warm and soft at his face. His eyes could not see it well but when he remembered the possibility, he instantly went up.   “Ugh…who is it that dare to intrude someone’s house?” Wright could see the figure of a young woman. She had her clothes rather revealing with her short skirt and shirt, her red hair that tied into a ponytail and her grumpy expression when she said that made Wright did not know whether to laugh or cry.   “Is that what you say to the very owner of that particular house? Here, let me help you up.” Wright, of course, feigned ignorance of what happened before by helping her to stand up. When she saw the person that caused her to fall was Wright, her beautiful brow raised a little and her eyes flashed with a bit of happiness.   “Wright! So you really lived here at this place.” The young woman smiled at him as Wright was in the middle of a struggle to tell her something.   “Yes, you can see it with your own eyes. Pretty bad for someone like me. But Cynthia, how did you enter my house? I remember not having any spare key anywhere.” Wright first wanted to know.   “Oh, that is because someone gave me this…” the red-haired young woman grabbed something and Wright’s gaze finally focused on the item. He wrinkled his brows when he realized that thing was so expensive because he saw it in the recent advertisement.   “Cynthia, you fully realized what that item in your hand is right?” Wright asked to make sure. “Wright, this thing is given to me by someone that wanted to come to your house some time ago. I just finished preparing food for you because we have not met in a long time.” Cynthia said while dragging Wright to sit on the chair at the dining room.   At the table, Wright found out his favorite food. It was the simple but fragrant fried rice with slices of onion, a little chili, sausages, and vegetables in it. His stomach became noisy and his saliva excreted more as the smell invade his nose.   “I’m sorry for mistaking you for an intruder, and for not telling you about my condition,” Wright said while dazed at the warm fried rice in front of him.   The sentences that Wright had said made Cynthia reddened when she remembered their encounter a moment ago but she folded her arms beneath her bosom when Wright mentioned about not telling his condition to her.   “You, you better not do this kind of thing again. If not for those two people that knew about you, I will not find you this fast.”   Wright wrinkled his brows, he only knew that John was the only person that came to his house quite often so it was possible for him to tell the others but who was the other one. Anyone with John must surely someone trustable at least but Wright could not help but curious.   “Right, you mentioned someone that comes to my house. So one of them must be named John as he is the one who visits me quite often lately. I curious about the other person you mentioned, can you tell me?” Wright asked after gulping down his first spoon of the delicious fried rice.   “You don’t know?” Cynthia tilted her head, confusion appeared in her expression. “What does that mean?” Wright ate the dish after asking that. The smell, the taste of the rice that already fried along with the spicy on the mouth made it more delicious.   “It is because she claimed that you have met her once. So I have a hunch that she is one of your colleagues.” But Wright noticed that Cynthia always placed her gaze on him. This made Wright felt unpleasant and stopped eating for the moment.   “Perhaps. And next week onward, I am in for the militia training so don’t look for me. If you still stare at me like that, I don’t know what I should do. Should I continue to eat or just talking?” Wright knew at least what Cynthia wanted to express.   “That lies on you, Wright. If it is delicious, you will keep eating anyway.” She just threw the reply back to Wright.   “Wright, I…don’t want you to make yourself difficult for the sake of the orphanage,” Cynthia said, lowering her gaze. She was unable to understand why Wright kept insisting on giving the orphanage the money he got from his allowance.   About the orphanage, it was the one that located in the city. It was also the place where Wright was raised until he was in the current condition. And that was also the case for Cynthia as well.   While Wright was looking for a better job and payment in the city, Cynthia became the one who managed that same orphanage. Both of them had their days hard but Wright made it even harder for himself for her and the orphanage.   “Oh, about that. Actually if possible, I truly wanted to give all of my allowances to the orphanage but if I don’t use it for myself even for a little, that will trouble other people.” Wright slightly smiled back when he raised his face and looked at how troubled Cynthia was.   “You should not do that! Why are you doing this? For whose sake? At least make it so you can consume something better.” Cynthia only knew what Wright had to eat when she occasionally asked about it to John.   ‘Well, he eats instant noodles just like me. Or he sometimes buys the raw vegetables and ingredients but more often than that, Mister Wright picked his food from the trash bin.’   She still remembered each word John had said and it made her feel pain. Especially since this condition was because Wright had to search for a stable job and that was no easy. It was not only for him but also for the orphanage.   “Well, I don’t know anything else what should I do with my life. I only have a dream of flying in that same sky as that aircraft. Then I also owed the orphanage my life so those are the only thing that makes me move forward. But I don’t want to make others involve in my difficulties even though I strangely feel that I should keep going on living…” Wright felt hard to tell what was inside his heart.   He did not mind dying but he felt an urge to live, Wright was unable to tell what he wanted to do in his life other than to at least achieve his dream for once. That was perhaps his drive to keep his existence meaningful or it was because of his curiosity to at least finds the identity of his parents.   Wright did not know either. If fate allowed him to be able to meet him with his parent, he would gladly see it through to the very end and that also included if he was unable to do so. Besides that, he wanted to return the kindness that came from an orphanage in the same city that sheltered him.   “But you did just the exact opposite aren’t you? Dragging others indirectly to your problem. If you think that John is the only one that got dragged into your problem then you are wrong, Wright!” Cynthia looked at Wright, making Wright felt unpleasant.   “In the end, I realized it too late. Humans are social beings, their action will implicate others whether they want it or not. And that is why rather than doing nothing here, I might as well contribute something while trying to realize my dream as well.” Wright had a hunch that he somehow also made someone else worried.   “Sorry for doing this.” After Wright chewed some of his fried rice, he apologized. He did this because he saw a faint but strong sense of worry came from Cynthia. Especially when he stared directly into her eyes. He did not dare to think how much trouble he caused.   “It’s good that you know your own wrongdoings.” Cynthia went silent for a while before she sighed and opened her mouth. Then she remembered something and said, “Wright, isn’t it dangerous to be a part of militia unit? This arising conflict, this imminent war, will cost both sides casualties. I truly don’t want you to go.”   Wright just tasted the spicy coming from the fried rice he had chewed while listening. He did not know what to do in this situation. But this was his decision alone, no one could change it even if that person was his close friend.   “That is my decision. I thought about this many times and came with this result. As for the worst scenario, I already planned to sell this house so the money can be used for the orphanage. You can use that money well.”   Wright then wanted to take another spoon when he realized that the entire plate was now empty. He slowed down his chewing process, not wanting to lose the taste of the last fried rice.   “What do you mean by that? This place is yours, I don’t want you to give everything you have. Also, I don’t want you to actually join the militia unit.” Cynthia emotionally said, Wright even noticed that her tone was raised by several degrees.   “That is in the worst scenario, don’t worry so much. At least, I don’t even plan to die before I clear my debt first. Speaking about my decision, the only thing I dislike is about that centrifuge.” Wright took a glass and filled it with water, he drank steadily. Only after that, he said such things. Then without giving any chance to Cynthia, Wright started to speak about his experience in the training.   “That centrifuge is fast and the pressure I have to experience, it felt like the world is pressuring your entire body…” Wright then described his first-hand experience inside that centrifuge. Cynthia knew what Wright had done and helplessly sighed. But of course, she gladly listened and wondered what Wright experience during that moment.   Wright also told Cynthia in a proud manner that he used the latest Virtual Module from Longen Multinational Corporation, that there was nutritional fluid for the user and he could choose its taste. But then he also told Cynthia about seeing the man with a glasses happily waved at him before he entered the module.   “Cynthia, did you know anyone from Longen Multinational Corporation called Callahan?” Wright asked in curiosity.   “Oh, him…wait a moment. Wright, did you meet him there?” Cynthia enthusiastically asked. Wright felt like something was wrong with how she became so much excited upon hearing it.   Wright admitted. As a matter of fact, his condition after doing the simulation was better than before. He had a hunch that Callahan was the one who arranged all of this for him. But sadly he did not know much about important people in the corporations. But at the least, he knew some important people in the world.   “Callahan Straight, a specialist in the Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence Development affiliated to Longen Multinational Corporation. He is the one that developed our main air force aircraft, CS-12 Crow.” Cynthia said it as a matter of fact.   “He is the person who develops that plane?” Wright was hit by a surprise. CS-12 Crow, a single engine, a single seated fighter that he used during the simulation. Its body was rather long but the wingspan was not wide, you could even call it rather narrow. The fighter emphasized mobility and the one with the greatest fuel efficiency among the others. But this sacrificed its payload as it could only carry less weapon than any standard fighter jets.   “Although that is true at the final phase, he resigned himself and changed his specialty. Few people know about this because this is not released to the media and only the announcement from the official site confirmed this.” Cynthia explained the things which made Wright astonished both by the content and the one who said it.     “Then how did you know about this? If this information only comes from the official website then only a few people truly know about this. Not even I know that the person I meet was actually the same.” Wright did not know how he should do if one day he faced that man again.   “Well, about that…I think if you want to know about more things related to your profession then you can ask Tanasha.”   Wright had the expression of confusion, his face literally said who that was. He did not remember having another female friend thus far, John also did not introduce her to him so Wright was left with only one question: “Who is she? What’s her job?”   “Eh? You don’t know, she is working in the administration of the City Hall.” When Cynthia confirmed it, Wright let out a confused scream. But then a loud bang vibrated throughout the room, Wright turned silent instantly.   It was actually Cynthia that slammed her hand on the table, her eyes narrowed and locked directly to Wright’s eyes.   “Then before I leave, you have to promise me one thing!” Cynthia said while her voice became cold and Wright felt that this was quite severe.   “What is it? From your serious tone, this will not be easy but as long as it is within my abilities then fine with me.” Wright just wanted to ease the situation. He did not want to worry Cynthia too much as she also had her job at the orphanage.   “Never eat food from the trashes left by people again!!”   Wright almost jumped out of scare. His eyes unconsciously did not want to meet with hers. He also understood that the dish he enjoyed a moment ago was actually her form of concern and now that he ate all of it, Wright could not do anything but sighed in a low voice.   “Alright, I won’t do it again.” Wright pulled out his pinky finger and gestured to Cynthia. She also imitated Wright and their finger entwined. Cynthia let out a charming smile while Wright returned that with his own, grateful smile.   That was the end of their surprising encounter. Wright was surprised to find out that John knew about Tanasha after he contacted him. He also tried to call for her number and he received the answer.   “For everything you did so far, I don’t know how to thank you enough.” Wright used his smartphone to call Tanasha. He humbled himself because Tanasha was the rare people that wanted to do something for someone like him at their current relationship.   “You don’t need to do this. I have my own reason for doing this.” At the other end of the call, Tanasha shook her head in amusement. She just did not expect Wright to call for her after knowing all of that and this made her certain of some trait Wright had.   And indeed she not only did all of that just for helping, but she also had her own reason and plan for that. A little excitement on her face already made her an attraction of its own for the people who saw her.   “Is that so? Well, since John trusted you then I will place my trust too to you.” Wright then decided to trust the people John had given his trust to.   After settled everything, Wright had to send Cynthia back to the orphanage and it was already night when Wright came back to his home.
{ "subset": "scribblehub", "lang": "en", "series": "2702", "id": "23029", "q": 0.82, "title": "Asura of The Sky - Chapter 5: A Friendly Visit From The Old Friend", "author": "Ikhsannorm", "chapters": 8, "rating": 4.5, "rating_ct": 2, "genre": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Fantasy", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Alternate World", "Average-looking Protagonist", "Leadership", "Magical Technology", "Modern Day", "Multiple POV", "Unique Weapons", "Weak to Strong" ] }