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http://njfrogman.blogspot.com/2010/11/flaming-heat-lebron-james-super-duper.html | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVFlmUGJmSkdwQk5JYUdrRmZ3Tk54elNXWGlpWkxsbXRINWdKNXVuZXpoS3FaTHFDREtTYlB2M0tuNUVDVm81dkFsVXRVb2JMeDhQc2JydUZ5RXBSOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfeTVILUtyZGw4Z252bThTRTJwM2xHT0U3emRwQ1JjU3J3empxdmdCbnZLNmd5YkE2aXhrdE9ITFV2blFwaXlNaElqV2p0RmNUbGhoODdZcmJtbnFFQVRnaF9WNWoxdHdMWkhtMWxGajhfWTBFYjJJdTlMbzlUUDRhdGFLNUVSbGxhR0Z2ZFhDbGh4RXF1cmpQMTBRaEtDSjRoZ3lOLTdjQXFEbnNiTk04LWNfZmNyb0FaSGMzVUJHMFNUaWljc0JSWFJ0UUlUZlZETTRsMHlnMUo2Q1d0dz09 |
i'll use that in the future, thanks | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcGVOVGc1WDVfbzVjVUhBV0M0UlR2QkdSYTF5Y3dJN0pWN3ZhQktJbHRZLXc0SDlWOHJTdDRfT1pDcmRKUlVxNDBzejdrcjVxUmV5S01Sbm5sazNQTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfU1d0Mm10TVVKd01KZl96WVo2LWxMVXhkTm9hSVZrWEpfSXUzbWJvNWV0Z0plbm5GRmYzc0FyMUkzckh6cFFETU9xQ2tjWl8wcDRqb044aGVuX0M0cDFPU3ZkUmZXR1I5MGx1blBGZFFXM3FzYXFPcExZdlZoNm1uN3pBdkprNTl0aExTZzVfZ2Yzd2M2Q2pFQkRtWkpsYkRqS1JVMjNyY1ptLUY2SzdFUU9NYWRZVzVGbm9TM2gxRXNncHo5N0J2dGRyaFhvR1hzb19QbWNMNVZEZ0Ywdz09 |
How would one get started with OneSwarm? I've tried it before, and it was buggy and confusing as hell. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZW00aFBTZVg0ZWgtQ25wQUd0U2tzYzBYd0lRZUIxWW5Ockt1bHF3VGlWRzIwRU5lQmN3dTlwdXp5Z01PRUw4Ui1KdnRqeDBlR2RJQ3Jjd0o3VXFBTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfejEtMUtzXzhMS0JBVHVHRm1qMERWc2traUx2NU5vSmc3OENvWkwyWS1BZWt6UjdjT1FuUTVYYUlXS0VqSnNjM2x1ZjdvV2c4UVppOFktTmhCWXY1eXlhdFY4d2VCMnFxNGhfYmNPUVpOMG5CUjJFM0JsRExfVEk2eTZoUFdMSTc2TVJKNGNvdTNVN0hiejNIUGl6cHpLTVFRUG5tNGQ1QXhSZGtCT1owbm55TElCaFpRMExMVFc3SGxaMkZWV0hH |
What kind of bugs are you referring to?
If you just want to try it out, run it, subscribe to the main community server, wait for a few minutes for your list of "friends" to grow, and enjoy!
Of course if you want to use it seriously it is better to remove community "friends" and start building a network with your actual friends. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTN24xeFF4N19NbHlrSWQ5QU5UVk54anBkUmYyQ25FUWxoLVI4VV9rWGM1ODE1WkE0NkItUkxBeGs3a20zUi1EVVZFNG9QNFljeHFzaHVzb0g5eVNiV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfeTBpMmgtOEFvS21QUHl3aTVKZjZxbVp3RWtGVnhTTEwzRmJELTlDOU9MVHNBUTdwT1BrX2g3MjQxU2hWQll5dGlSdDRRQzdhcmoyWWZwZE1CY3VyU0lsOVZwSEM4RWNjbzY2c05QSWhnOXVSM3pYRFJLYkh2OWFRV3VtLUNkcU9EaXhuVWtQa2J5VlJpNEJ3RFhpZjJ6MExhQXpscDlVNjlsOHpnVzY1bjBQMExoNGY0X3ItRWRqT0d2TTZybVpF |
Anyone know when Battle #3 is going to happen? seems like 2 ended a few days ago and nothing is really happening. If you can inform me in the next hour or so what the secret ingredient is I'll enter tonight. Otherwise I'll probably have to muck it in favour of more tradition finals-food. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcldoM0V0NWN1NkhSRUI0MlBqN2RPQmJXeGRJTVVHd1VoU0pQcV80RXBBZVlJZHJiWVB3amFMRUM1ZWtHSHpadnZUblk3RkJ6YkJQcUVPUzRkajh2b0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOXoxQmZxT3k5QUJoNXFYVlZael9RZG53LW5oQ05sVDRaa2sxcEM5NU5LY1ByX0Z5cTNmTFNxRHQ5U0x4M1FpVkxaTnZBdU9wYjhUUi1HY1VkbVJTczV5YmJkaUpyOW1MNGVja1FXRUdfdW0zeDBQUDFxaGhaMmlXNTVMTGRaaGdTUDBfMXg5RG1SRWlDdkM0RzZuWUo1Zm9mdDg3cGJsaEVCTTY2WkZsa3k4PQ== |
Reddit Stadium has seen its second battle! This time the secret ingredient was cheese, an ingredient that on its own can approach the zenith of flavor. And yet, the lowliest vagrant can enjoy a simple meal of cheese and bread. Our own chefs have made marvelous use of cheese. Some of the dishes were complex and ambitious. Others were wholesome and soul renewing. I continue to be delighted with these creations. Once again, the winner will have the honor of deciding upon the secret ingredient of Battle 3. Here's the verdict.
(piano chords)
I certainly feel more uniform meal presentations and voting rules have rendered a fairer process of selecting our Iron Chef. Battle Cheese absolutely had contenders, but one redditor stood above the rest. Who is it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?
It's [drumlogan](http://www.reddit.com/user/drumlogan)! His [Pecorino Chips with Soprasetta and Bell Pepper and Smoked Gouda and Mushroom Ravioli](http://www.reddit.com/r/IronChef/comments/e8fsa/ic_battle_2_cheeeezze_appetizer_pecorino_chips/) have won out against all contenders! I issue my sincere congratulations, and hope to receive a PM of our next ingredient post haste!
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZFlmdWdmNng2Y0pDczVqNW9jcWw1eHplWVdBekI0SDRFT3lJWFlYS3EzanZCTVZZak9aMFBHUkxhVkM2elZnVWxnbFpHc2w2enI0WkdlY3VKS1dCWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbVg1MjZjMUF3LW0xT1JNZWhCLVpuR3FLejNNY0c2WFBicmQtT3A4LVVSSHlIYk5EYXFSOTVBSnlpZDFkNlJjRlJLT1ZPVGwzTW9UN2x6TmFxWm5yRktMVU5aQXFaVENIWUpMa2MzZUFzck53QUdxQVZETkMzU00wUFVQZDNUQi13S3FwX2lWMy0wRnJKSkZzQld6ZDJIcDd6VWNnNjNLS0x5VkFUTFM3NWRjPQ== |
And as usual, big media completely messes up the story. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOFRzV0EyZ0RGeVdJTEJBNEEyUU1Pb1hIdjRGeTI1SDZwTkdWUVFVczJlYkR4ZjZfWWNMVmVsem1rcHg0b3AxYk9Rd3pSb0NxZDd2aWREQ3ljU2tNLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUUdHOHJPaEs5OFh4QVg2RzJfOGtIc2lZb04zVlp6S1VZbGxuSFdRRmpTQ1RNOVl4amNzd0dHVDRBODVXYm4tcFR2TXU4djRjUGRjcl9ORnk3OWMwQkJLdW9udk50RVZaX1ZpdUVyU3ZyMGJIcFF5ckhFMGJmdk5LemdFQ2FRNzAzb3IxNHRqalFaRHlMVVd3M3lkbktyU2RTZFlPOXlYME9JLXJucnhJVEJreFJrdk5lUnBLOEE1S2tBbGFGWU84MTVianF4cTEydjQtTVBQQUpHTnZTdz09 |
Nearly a month ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, drumlogan was recently declared the winner of Battle Cheese. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. I have since then, received this clandestine culinary choice. I think chefs of all caliber and background will be pleased with this selection. Even the most indigent of vagrants can be found dining on this food. Around the corner, the wealthy indulge themselves with our selection in chic restaurants. It is the universal and yet divided nature of this ingredient that makes it so intriguing.
Mothers are known for mixing this ingredient along with other items to make a healthy lunch for their children. In this form our selection creates the substance of a dish, holding together multiple flavors and textures as the backbone of a meal. The Japanese prefer to enjoy it as a single entity. Considered a delicacy, its flavor is only highlighted by the minimal presence of other edible elements. Perhaps you have already guessed what I am referring to?
Indeed, whether you prefer it sealed in a can or sliced thin on a lone plate, tuna is a fish enjoyed by every strata of society. Whether you elect to take this fish from a lowly processed good into a wholesome creation, or from a natural cut of meat into an aesthetically simple presentation, I will hold no preference between the two. Remember to voice your opinions on the submissions of fellow culinary artists. For this battle, you are to focus your intentions. I am allowing only a single dish to be created from our special ingredient. Focus your soul upon this task! Without further hesitation, we must pitch our beings into the battle. Allez Cuisine!
**Edit** In my fervor I forgot to state frankly, the third thrilling theme of our tussle will terminate at the traditional 11:59 PM EST Sunday the 5th. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTaTR3d1dpWWVqNEoySElnR0gwZ1NfZFZIREZ1bHR4Q2duN3lzUEhtXzE1TV9TMlhRSGMtN0dxNVdYb2daY0s1V1BsSHhvcElRcTRfUkJYYUgtRlNhdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWE1KdWs3MzhzSms4bUVvQndrbk4tWHExemRjVVo1WEJoUFl4TUI0OXlPUGVjSGc1cUNadUdXUk1CdUFfd1pOUll6YzBwMXRsdGt6eHlDT1dRUElwNERNT0FKdm90VEV6TnZTc0NnMEhwZUZncXZxdkRSZnRQRk1kWEJpWjJ1R3VsSmVVaTU0YUJ4czdLQjZYbDMwVHhHSlZPX3l2TmUwMjkzU25FTkpIUTZvZ3hfQ1VFcjR0OVJYNnlGUlRUVkty |
Sourcing all the ingredients for this challenge was, well, a challenge! It took 5 stores and 2 hours to gather everything we needed. However, the results were fantastic!
[money shot](http://imgur.com/rRBrJ)
From bottom to top:
* half a mini pita
* chipotle mayo (about 1/4 cup mayo + 2 chipotles, combined w/ immersion blender)
* blackened tuna (tuna dredged in salt, pepper, cayenne, panko bread crumbs, cooked on a [panini press](http://imgur.com/0rU5r))
* squirt of lemon
* green pepper slices
[prepping the pita and peppers](http://imgur.com/fztwa)
[shot w/ username](http://imgur.com/qtwy9) Printer was on the fritz, so no alien. =(
Super simple, but really delicious. Great blend of savory and spice. Easily a one handed food. Now that we have the bread crumbs, pitas, etc, it would be super easy to use some canned or pouch tuna and make this any day of the week.
Huge thanks to [TeeArrWilliams](http://www.reddit.com/user/TeeArrWilliams)! This was mostly his idea and he drove us all around town to get all the goodies.
[Full album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_3__tuna) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMTZtSHRJSlpuOFJ1MFpSaEVqWVgxLVRyc2FDTG5RYkk4Z3k1cUdaR3ozQmEydHdXdUItTGN4d2swbzhMYXpZVjRnNVY5TlNFVl84aEY3R2ZUanhTN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfeUZyVWdnb1hvbkM4eUR5ejRqcHhSdHB6WXViU2JFb1d3ajZJRUdPZVVvRXBRTlBVeGdmWVVKZDkyc0tmaUNmZG9WWUFGbXd6eHZjWEt3dktjeG5Ib3BlN3Vidk5Xb0JNVDFzSjhzMU90RDRUV3F3YlhlbXU5Nzd4dE1fLVhKSlo3SThXUXpaVm9Yb3FzQXk3NVZ1Tnk2MmJXNUlPVm9oTW0zd095ZWVLYW5yRWljQlJDdXh6a2Y4S2YxdUl2eDV5 |
So I've never been a super-fan of tuna, neither cooked nor in raw sushi form. But I've always wanted to give pan-searing a try. And living in Arizona for a year exposed me to the delights of hot and smoky spices.
Here is [me starting out](http://i.min.us/icUWvU.jpg). The marinade is made up of canned chipotle chili, adobe sauce, garlic, soy sauce, sake (rice wine), and sugar. [Cans of chipotle chili packed in adobe sauce](http://i.min.us/icQdJA.jpg) can be found with other international foods in supermarkets. I [put the tuna in the sauce](http://i.min.us/icQfRI.jpg) and let it sit. After an hour of marinading, I patted the tuna dry, covered it in sesame seeds, and seared it.
[Here](http://i.min.us/icVha8.jpg) is the lime juice, rice vinegar, sugar, green onion and cilantro before turning into lime-soy dipping sauce.
And finally, a picture of me [here trying the first bite](http://min.us/mvfP7O), and another of [me holding up my Reddit username](http://i.min.us/icU8U4.JPG) looking very sad, because I had just learned that one was supposed to include one's username in the final photos of the meal -- and I had already consumed it. Hopefully the other cooking photos help.
[Final image 1](http://i.min.us/icQhZQ.JPG)
[Final image 2](http://i.min.us/icU0xY.JPG)
[Final image 3](http://i.min.us/icU02a.JPG)
Edit: I've posted the recipe down below as a comment. I'll rate everyone on Sunday. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYXJMdGU3cTVxRjFqdE1GMTBzTEFRcExDSk45a25vUnZ6STVIemJzVTgxNjdNU3VNazJEYmN3VERfMUs5a1JtT2t6UnZjaEhWNVJCMkpfWjIxaDJQMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNlRWdDhibVl2Wk83WllsdkVwY2UyQU1CeVY0dng1S1Badlh2SmdJeFhRT3luQWtiQjN3REZOWlU1NXNsYVhYT1JxdVFCa3kxUWhiZHl5anRtbXFxNmZJRzgtZ2kxT1l2TTVPTU9IdFZuYjdFOTZJeFdGRTZ3eE93WXhVMlpYdmVRQ081OWlXNVpjU3pmNTNCNHE5RVYtQTRUc0hmQUg5WFNtN005V3FGaGRjblk0T2MtVlg1OVJvUDV6bW9haFUtWkxFUTFQS2N4Q3g2dzJzSDJHbDZFUT09 |
1) The title is editorialised
2) Your grammar is atrocious
3) I hate you | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTd3hWNjFBeGxRM2g4b2Vxc1ZvUHlFOW1BeXhNalNkQmx5bDMybzJrVTFMMWVrNXNaUjVlVmtzNE5PVF9TbkZlbjJfdUJkWTVYV3RYd2lxalBFS29uVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX3laaFltMmVtampIZkNkbUxUWWszZFlXY2NoQTE4MjBjYzg0VFdnQy1ycHF3b29YWkZNRnROUUFoNVFQZ0NDTVc4RTgxX0d2SUczNDRtVDZMVktQcElCVFhGeVI3dlNRLUVFbHhwa2Vpb0JJUTJ0QnpoYTg0c0ZnRFFFcEN6UTZSVE1sdVVRSDVaVVRneGg1MWplcVdzVVZKTDhHVUM2ckRZV2VObnJtTjBFbDg3ZXl3RmFHQkZvc0RyV1pZTG5uc000MTVvRHpabFh1ejJOMXBXZVJ5TWlrVnIyVXRWZmVPN2xBaUljX1c2cz0= |
This ingredient was particularly challenging, not only because I live in a landlocked state (VT) and have no good source for fresh tuna (I had to buy frozen Ahi, and also got canned Albacore packed in olive oil), but also because my favorite form of truly good tuna is raw, served as sashimi or sushi with very few other ingredients...
That said, I chose to try and marry two worlds of cuisine... the one I live in now (and my love of sushi and all things japanese), and the only one I knew growing up (American, casseroles, meat and potatoes comfort food, etc)...
For this "fusion tuna noodle casserole", I started by sautéing shitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, garlic, and shallot, using the olive oil from the canned tuna... meanwhile, I boiled whole wheat udon noodles (instead of the traditional egg noodles) and got my grill pan screaming hot with a wipe of peanut oil, and seared my sashimi grade ahi steak (which was simply topped with a light rub of sesame oil, sea salt, and fresh cracked pepper) for less than one minute per side, because I knew there would be some cooking when it was mixed into the final casserole mixture...
I then made a simple roux of butter and flour, then a dash of chicken stock and local half and half... then mixed in green peas, the other sautéed veggies, and udon noodles (which I had run under cool water after cooking for 8 mins)... finally the canned albacore and seared ahi went in...
I immediately spooned this into ramekins and topped with parmesan & green onion, and then panko breadcrumbs mixed with a bit of melted butter (I thought about adding black sesame seeds but was afraid they would burn in the oven rather than toast)... These went into the oven at 425 for about 10-15 mins, just enough to brown the breadcrumbs but not dry out the seared ahi..
finally, I served with a squeeze of lemon and crushed wasabi peas for texture and another little Asian twist of flavor...
**honest opinion of it:**
The warm cheesy tuna baked smell was wonderful and took me back to the comfort food days of a kid... the lemon, crunch and delicate heat of the wasabi peas, plus the earthiness of the shittake mushrooms all added to an Asian flavor profile, but unfortunately America sort of overpowered the delicate notes with the creamy cheesy sauce (the bamboo shoots were completely lost)... luckily the peas and green onion provided nice bright veggie notes keeping the sauce from being overly heavy... I was particularly pleased with the mix of tuna though, the ahi stayed pink and moist and the canned tuna took care of the expected comfort food feel of a traditional tuna noodle casserole...
I guess if I were to make a 100% "japanese style" tuna noodle casserole type dish I would lose the cream and cheese and somehow use a daikon, ginger, and white soy bean paste type sauce? | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTam01OTNHLTlmeEhlejJTS2RVQUtFdVRSMERoNDl5cXFmbG1XWUtuOVNsa1FTN2hTWjFFRzNvdHVYaFR6cE9CeHF5aWRGLVk1eDJxSXo3N1UyMGdIYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTm1rY3Z3WDhKOTVPNjB1Qk5pTm0zams0U1FkNTRYbmtzT21TYTJIaFBhckNzQ285NXdPVV9HMXNuSWkyZTMxdUZ2QUl6aWxxckU5a1RNRGNpYmJBaGVzTzRtWEVIak9aU2E3cy1FTEZNRy1yNTVvS2RDbG95RGNhLWFDcXR5cTNpdFVMODl6dWlEU2x0dG1jQlBCbEFkRkdYbVIxazNhUG1ZNktabnN4VWlkZXNUb0NBd3ZLU0hPZk1VYmttajl0 |
newzbin.com is still the best. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbERTTGJKNTY1TUdQTlYwX0RsZXRJN1Nmc2VDT0FZTTE3VnlwN0VVSWhiS3BNWk9TRzY4VFlrUXVhLU5UTktOQ3dHcWNGaWJPTExfZXBZYWhua3hTVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfd2RpMXZJOW55eVdMNTFsNGk0NTdfcFJXejdlUjAtcTl0X1ZhTHpxNHpnUHNNQkxLai1iVnVlR1JBTnczZDRBVWttZkhfY25rb2tiQWpGMTk3XzhLb0lEWDJ1eDdfS21hVmFtRU4tRHduX1ZDM3FQZmd6YzluRVQ3RGNQSlFTNUozaFp4S2JFU0FWSUxHRXhBT3dmUFdqZUhLOXlUNkRCaDE1UmR0MGdmeC1QaGpmSkdoejQ0M01kM1gyeExQY1ha |
My SO has been trying to get me to post some creations for this awesome Iron Chef challenge since it began, and I finally had the camera and the right ingredients in the same place at the same time to make it happen. Hope you guys enjoy it, I know we did!
Marinade Ingredients:
* 2 tbls. Hoisin Sauce
* 2 tbls. Sesame Oil
* 1 tbls. Garlic Aioli Flavor Effects
* 2 cloves fresh garlic (finely chopped)
* 2 green onions (slice up to the green tops and reserve them for garnish)
* 2 tbls. Xiang Liao (Asian Rub)
* 1/4 c. dry vermouth
* 3 tbls. low sodium, soy sauce
* 2 6oz. Ahi Tuna Fillets
I whisked all the above ingredients, except the tuna, in a bowl, when well incorporated I added the tuna steaks and marinated them for about an hour.
Then melted 2 tbls. of butter in a skillet on medium-high heat. I dredged the tuna in a mixture of black and white sesame seeds, and nigella (black onion seed) to [coat one side of the steak](http://i.imgur.com/p4Ith.jpg). Next, I [seared the tuna steaks](http://i.imgur.com/xPK3m.jpg), 2-3 minutes per side to yield medium rare tuna. I took the steaks out of the pan and reduced the marinade until thick to drizzle on top of them, and garnished with the sliced green onion reserved from the marinade.
[The money shot](http://i.imgur.com/eDhN1.jpg).
The side dish you see in the picture is roasted butternut squash, combined with butter, honey, Sweet Singing Seasons, goat cheese crumbles, a touch of hazelnut oil, and pecans. Not the ideal side for tuna, but I had been craving the butternut goodness for weeks.
[Reddit verification pic](http://i.imgur.com/kfZZY.jpg). | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdk1welhsN2FoT0FzajJ6Y2JyV1NJeTFaRkhiREtnVTZTYnlkVkVENFA1UURXaGltcEZsN2FfSENIUkE2ZHoxb3dVNWdVMmtvS21ETy1RVWQ3MGRqaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfd2s3ZXF5VHRFWUZla1MtT2hNd2NNbkZJZ3B6MHk2S1lDd1JNRl9QNXIweHRjSi03MlBqVHoyYzdJZVhXS01VQ1hJZmhYNjRoX1luWHFvQnVsanl5NC1qenZkcVozWW1lSkI1TklERUs5NzFiZl9kS2Z3TFBXTENsY2dXSFg2ZTBMZ3JzRGhYYWRqZm5POU9pSzJ4QXpUR0FDU1U5dDlMajhyZjZNYTJkOWhvTlROUWhNazZ6OThjMjFCUUQteHB0bkw1TFNLU1FUbmZIeEtLWWs5VHRxdz09 |
thanks! Another kick ass recomendaton. I give you bacon carrot waffles delivered by narwhal. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQUluLUNjWHJaMEtEdFZIdDNxY3VWTG13OXVVZ3RnZjRZZ0h1SHBEYUpoU1ZVbEhtakxmRHJ4UEgyYmRPMnpFcWtVU3BiNURpelkwR3lENG9yUkhPZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfS0ZzZVJqQmxiZExnbEJ5SkVXRWl1d0JVempycjI4ekF1XzQ0UHFCWUw5NDRFbEVmb1R6MUZRVlE4Q3hEYkRuUU8zTGZVU01TUzkwT3JRUDBKX0FVRi1NSzNsdVdHRjMtWVl5MjNPYzhXcDVhUENNaUVweHZ6ZFY1dlUwV0NjVlNHWGVicVRNd3VPTV9NU0ZHd2RtN2tzWVBZZC1FVmFTNzdXMW1aR3VZVHFxZE9xQTZ0eXB4T05EcDNZY21QUW5Q |
The nzb file specifications was created by the original newzbin1 crew. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSk9XdW0yc0hZcmVmNlE1N0NmUG1BbGpGR2NrcWhjNUJWRnkwZVBCM2ZvcTlYdFR0SEo2VHF6eTFUenBSRFdwUG1VbzBlbzFUUUJlOXEyUjczQ0o5Qmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYUVRdXM0b1JsdDJqcEo3c2hYUnp4U3dHcFhzNFRTNHdKemtpUGZZNVNfNl93MFRWUVJoQjJzcjNUNmt6N3l4RlNZdDF3bmtlMGZMaUlFMGNObllKNzY5djA2aEhyOHBESFBPRW9uNC15Mzh5UGU4ZktzVWtXakNBdFdxOWZ1cEUwOEN6RFBTamJXblItamVUZnlXVk5zcHB2dU1BazE2ejFFdDFvb0o1YmZFdjdid3pLeFZERmp1bHQ4NFlnWEhB |
Life just got in the way a little bit, and then in a rush I uploaded all my pictures rather than one or two to imgur and the uploading went way past the deadline. Either way I'm very proud and happy with what I made and it's probably one of the best pizzas Ii've ever made. I'll post the recipe if anyone wants it. I grew up in Italy for a few years, and while tuna is common on pizza there, this is the first time I've ever had it on one. It was really pretty damn good.
That said, I wish I had made the cutoff, the other dishes look great! I can't wait for next week's competition!
Anyway, this is my gallery of my pizza making. I know I took a lot of photos, but I generally SUCK at pictures so I tend to take a lot.... (and the order is backwards of course.....ugh)
(just edited some wording)
Why is this? Didn't OiNK have problems with their .me domain?
Disregard that... it was .me.uk | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYkVEWE05MUUtY1ZiZG4yWEpnN2JFa2dhSU5hZGRRdUk2SnpYYUVSSW54cTB6QTRUdHN4WWZQS1VOZDNRa3BHRDYtaEN2U1BEVmZUWUo5a2cwU0VzRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZklXc0RsU095ZnFJZl9SLTUySVotVDRNNGM2aDJMcG1SM1gyR0NPdlJhdHFOdEN1U2NiMEZhUzVxY2VLSzRKdXppMndRczFEUGprM3VfY1UwVWs3eV9leTNiZXJYZFBQRjhTcWkwS1NVTlhNMHltdEszUFd1TzB5YzZDckItdWpQTktfVk1HQV9pTUlhMHFIRnBacGRyWkJTbHJRMHRFZ3hfenpEbHZhTkFfcGRrQW4zRnhFZ3N1RHN1U1ZlNS1s |
Fucking idiot. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZUcxN1F1QXphTUEzSHNyU1hwNFY0LXJlOUxqRjdTamxtOWdQbFlYNmI4eEZnV1FCU3RHN2FndWE0bHBwRHFuRWU3WGI1S0VBYXprVFFCTXlMSVlnV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWEtwb0hmTkNqZDlnYXg3RENlelpLWTNEVEU4MU9OTEQ0ZHRpaFFMSEFvaTJ3d2pYbEc5ejhYSXd6TlFDRHplSDhiOU5ROUk2Wl9FRzRtMWxNeGxndkcwQ09KVXM4UkNQQl9vQXZEcTNQVFNTYmlqT3NJUFhQUWtSU1dfeXVnZTJNa2tCS3ZnZG41SFRxWldxZm1MQ21kT1pUZVVHcGpWVk5tWFpfY0lRb3pKZU85bFNybmdsSGN6RFNFS01wOUw3 |
I know, I know. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdDg0VjJEajUwMmlBMXpmN2VKZXpYOFU0NDhnWDJYRjZ1eklVbDY4cEc4dmpYM2E0VDZ0MTg2ZjEtWW0wWlg3djJtajJWMDRBU3RsaUtNVzkyX2lOU3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdUZMWGpfN3NfaDFycFNOUGtQaWlYd19wazJOTUU0b2FZaTRNcHI5U05TN0dYVm55aXF1N3RHcEN5WVZwUlZxanNTVjE2OVd6bVNDVTA2MlZjWVBNWWQtYkIyZmtfQzAxcXZvZE1veTZVaTQtMXQ3eHR4aW9lZkQtQ05sNXkxSm1xaFo3VTNVUFVYZVROSjNsTWVnaEJ4ZFJHRk5jVFFtVEJ6aVhYaXZOaUIyRUNoWGFtYWE0M1BNWXE0cDJNQ2x0 |
Got them from an estate sale. | r/kirkland | post | r/Kirkland | 2010-12-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMUlSWmN6QmpWSjlka3Axbm9aZjVlMWFCcUxISU91UWVpQmZiQVZXRVdJUUpveWNLdU03V2NkOVJmQldVbll5dFNncHhFR29rOW5BVTdnYUdUMTNWZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVG9qTFc4ai04a0UwdVo1VzBrTWhKWXVDMjdkdWktZ3JCTHpDdWlwTVhjUXdVT2VRWjlMNms1VVdfVGFONGI2Z3BZN2ItUlhERFpLLTQxdmFMZDBXZGhiSUVtOVFzLXBNRVo5VzFROHNDZzViOWdvMDNEaTZiUkFKMDViQnBRMXY2MGhpZVNpcmdKNDREVEo5VWhzcnpUMU5ER29XaXgtVDJnYkE4bm1KMFpCM1dDYWphZnl1a29WdUhIT1BDeFlH |
This is actually pretty cool. It would be neat if it could also extract specific files/folders from the archive(s) by starting the downloads at the right offsets.
Edit: I've never used Usenet before, so it might not be feasible to implement such a feature if it's not supported by the software. (Is a program needed to utilize Usenet?) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYWVuUV9iZGhVMVF1bTB6ekpyR2VwV3NvM2RMYWJ1eEtheEd6Z2VEdjRpcEp0Z3pJUHpQM3VkbVJWVmdTNXlZYkN2bHkxVUNiRUE2eTk1V193ZWVWYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYldJMlhGN2gzNlJ6MVFSZGpLYXJ3TzRoakZPdTgtMmxHemxWM2k4M3Q4R1lUaXJRSTJDTTVubTJuVVlCUU1xR3FuN3RPVHRiNl9lUVhsVzNwMWJTUFhmRFR2dk52b0xhU2JuTk5odDFHSDNzTGljTUNtT2xNc21mTV90RGVhMVBta21qdWJCWXVfNXNlN1VXSHlGMXRKcjFfRHhIdGNoS2xyeE5TSTVkMC1POE42VVR2WVV3VVk3MTJ0RVF5N05ZT1FoV2prU2JIb1o2eHRXd3RscUZTQT09 |
Great gods of grease and gourmet! This group of geniuses grappled with genuine glory. Give me strength, oh ye gods of cookery, it is with grief that I must grant a sole victor. And yet, this gives me cause for grand hopes. We have gotten closer to the divine with this battle, grazing the edges of supreme grandeur. Here's the verdict.
(piano chords)
Again, Battle Tuna was an exceedingly close competition. If you could believe it, the highest and lowest scores differed by a mere .83 points. These are the dishes I was dreaming of, during the first days of /r/IronChef. I implore you all! Continue to cook with this ingenuity and prowess. But in the end, there can only be one winner of Battle Tuna. Who is it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?
It's [Basil_kun](http://www.reddit.com/user/Basil-kun)! His [Chipotle Seared Ahi Tuna Steak with Lime-Soy Dipping Sauce and Avocado](http://i.min.us/icQhZQ.JPG) has won out against all competitors! Know that you have for this time triumphed against all contenders. Consider your choices for our next battle carefully, and send me a PM so that we may renew our fury and fervor in our arenas of fire.
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcGVYeXk3ekRpTU9qY3U0UnVUdU5DRkU2ZGN0MUZ6TE9Jb0tybnhLY19GMlp4WXpNUkZra1ZKRGVzY2dTbElkeUh0REdUSll2aENuSTBSU0NzZVJFR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZ0NIaktJOGxXSDR1S0tWc3pNZ0RQS0VRdkpCcTV4SzFRZG9wTHAtZng2ekwyZUFvNXIxaGlEX3ZGVEM0Rm9BbnhCM3FmMEZzMHNVOC01c3dxaWNHNGJxdEhCc242Tm1sNVhRYWx4SkFUa09BSmNfNnN3Tm1halJ1LXJYRUZFNGNQSlJxaTByZzVpN0tJblUtRDhyUUtHaWFQUlRlMUJJNXBvbGxQUWw4NC1jVWVoamlGUHY1UV8xNEZDb2hTMjdicWZUeXlFYlM4ampYS3dLZE04WDc2UT09 |
Most of the underlying protocols are described here, though it is a bit out of date:
Essentially the core protocol is a gossip overlay. This generates random connections between peers in the overlay. Over these connections peers transmit information like recently seen torrents, recommendation lists, download/upload totals for other peers etc. Each peer proactively distributes known torrent files so that every peer builds up a database of torrents. Then search just works by broadcasting queries to nearby peers.
The algorithms used have dozens of applications outside of filesharing. I wrote my MSc dissertation on a similar subject:
The code for Tribler is naturally very specialised to their purpose. At some point I want to sit down and reimplement them in such a way that they can easily be reused and recombined for other applications. I have some vague ideas about building a prototype trust-based distributed database for dot-p2p.org based on similar principles. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdWJoTHA0RUdMNE1HbFhKcHVsMnJ0NkltTVNVMFJXSlNNVFhJaHpWempKa24yY2d2aFVqdHYwYWpGYXgzeU9kalVhT0Y2c2RtenpvVDJlTGYwRkxfTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfQk5kXzliLWo3SUFIbXM1NmV4WWM5QjFEMnlfLXRYWXJ2aW5BZFFUaWNQdWJnN3o3bUNKZ3dlZWJ0WktvZ0dnLVBGcHJQVFc3c243SjBPcDRMMVlzNGpiMHF0OE9ETWJya3hkWFd1ZU1RYkpqdXU1WFZHR2pJNlJWMmczeDhVYXhKaFoxRUFlaVVkN3d1alZHaU1ETmRjV2ZXQVl3elpKcW9Za1Q1Nl9vYlFaZHdEWXdQUTFtVzBpWkpCY250UFh4aG5TTjY2VGRjWkVkX3JyNGxPLTBpdz09 |
I downloaded it and tried it out mainly for the p2p streaming video. It didn't work too well for that purpose on several popular seeded videos. Hopefully, [Bram's implementation](http://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-inventor-bram-cohen-on-bittorrents-future-101111/) will work better. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdUREMnNVZExqVjFWSmpGU1RpVXluMFhURzVRQTVxN1Z2UjRQVEVaZGFYbVlJdVQtc1A2cU1ETHhsa0RRS2Ntb2FYRGVRZGFRSjZpME1NZ2JfUkYtdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfRjV1UGczMFZNY2V1dmVaU1pBbm9JdFUtRGV0Z3VQSFk1bzZjZXVPZFdCYktNaS1WeS1heW5mdndSM3htMUs1eWcwSUpVN2FENU9iakROOWo2d2M5MzRMbEFCeTExcjFDQVczMUVoMFI4NTd6b2VZRi1YQVdfTlJEb2tsUVBCMlhKTzNiM1FpQWdOZVYwYWtJQmd5ZEYzbjhEaVhBaEs2cmY3YmVJNmpPT0FuZmNMOVFXTFNwR1g1R0wwV1ZVa3NRNnNTRTN4b0o5SVUwUExWWTZCNXNoUT09 |
They really need to use a mirror, I've got an eta of 2hrs right now. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTci1tSURSU21tRmRzQWVDejNQU2FvcGgxcmFFQkVqa0ptLXNpOXd3T1hCalFMRmllX0NyT2ZLdUVVb0NIM0h2TnJBRndXLWlVZEVneVZST2JBVkJoSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbjFDVGFfblM0UUVRUHJrcW9Xam5SbGZNaW9XLURQSHU0VV9wQXgwbUhEVVE1dTlyRVJycC02V1BldDdCZGg2cVI1Q3BucWs5Y3dNYTJnS3REOG82d0t5WG1mU3l0QXBuRzVCcWlrWjBvVU5PTHdKaXVZdGhZRk4za3JST3kzS25LVGl5UDlUY2JUSVFTU3V3WWpsOU5JUjFuQjRfWGd5T0JaWlJPRjlBdFVxVzBfdjhJQXJDLTYyeTlzQi00RGJCUFpuU21BRzFFWVY4QXMtMy1ERjVadz09 |
Nearly a month ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, Basil_kun was recently declared the winner of Battle Tuna. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. I have since then, received this clandestine culinary choice. It is my belief that this next competition will test the mettle of our subreddit. Basil_kun has selected a most humble ingredient. However, its low station causes some to underestimate the difficulty of preparing it correctly.
Often a food for the common masses, this ingredient is boiled, preserved, or even eaten raw. Perhaps my chefs will devise loftier methods of preparation? And yet cooking is not the only use for this marvelous staple. It can be manipulated in such a way as to produce a dye for textiles. Enjoying widespread use, it has entered human lexicons as a term of both offense and endearment. Have you guessed what I am referring to by now?
If you fail to heed this humble head I cannot help but hold you as a *rosh kruv*. However, a heroic attempt to prepare a hearty helping in your hearths will help you to enter my heart as *mon petit chou*. I expect only greatness from contenders in this battle. To that effect, you must prepare a three course meal. I have decided to give you all until 11:59 on December 19th to post your submissions. Until then dear chefs, *Allez Cuisine!* | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTS1Y3NDhIMHhVWnEwYnQycTVIanhZSXltYk5jTGtublFyTU5lVjRlVjMwNG5KcFFCMjNQd3NyMlJxZkRmQlRuRVVpMUEzQnJJUjk0MXZGZ2QyTGF2WkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNU9VZ2drdUllYy1IdEVWRk1OMlZRMzR1YUV4aWdwRjRZRGVieGs0bUFYZkExZDdXellJbFVQbjNDQnN4NWJYMjJrVVRPNXBDOExlUUFNMUw5ZGtNNUJ0MzdYM3hfYXBxbWFJQmNNSUFrQmRmQ0xuTXRjSXkyOHZ4eUVNZzRQS0x1WHI4eVhNclNCRm1YNlhFbGRTaUZnQjljOExzSjhmQUh2OVZBWXdPZ1B3PQ== |
any idea where to find good xvid's now that a.b.movies.divx is filled with german & french files? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUG5NQnc1VXBFdXhEWUc4d0h0X3kybkp4TG9waXRuOTc1RkhGSE1wRVg2WXpIeTAzVDlLcXBrUndIWTVHdmJ2WllxZUIyQ250bWJYejlQLXV0NU1ST1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZ3ZKRTJQcUpYTTQ5M0E1UnBtWWNmSERMNkVSYlVsZ3ZSOGhsdkEzWFV3RXJUZnhOalplc1Z0Z0F0ejFOd2haWDNqSXlhRi1HSm9KLWJKRUR2Q3VHZl9HLXk4MlBtOXVHSnFhTTFIMjZ2dzVpeFJyWHkwTHB6N1NIMDJNNUVMVWdGOTR3a3JzbElqMlVGVGdIMHkwbXhYYU1LaDI3N2xNVlM2dFNLX25BN3pWNUo5emdOYVMzMFRJTURKT19ueHl6cnZmcWhUeFF1ZXNJVzVCSzd2Rkh4dz09 |
http://imgur.com/EJ4DN.jpg http://imgur.com/z2gxU.jpg
| r/foodnotbombs | post | r/foodnotbombs | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSDJ5enpZUmZGa1ByUTFlTWRuQ2FWS0xieDVNVllGTVhGRUNoWGpBM1lIOWRvMWJEWHo2bUpTajkwZmRFem1ZY2hGOVo3UlF6Z1NpZXk2OXNWaEl4Y3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfM0NtMnlUeGhOU2hFSnFYSnJNSkJEbjNtOEhEdURfWW5zeEN0b05uSnJ3bjVhVzB2OVBvQVpmM05UbzJzdjRaUzV6VVZPbG5tWXZaT2NCZGwwc290MTNyV0tJb1A3MVh3bE5QbmpILVZOVzN0MVRIbkkxb3RUMXBwVEFORnFmb01rYk8tbW1pcWYxSkVJMnFINVNKMXhSMjN0UFlqZ2hMV2tvbGVsZ2U1NTA5MVYteG5ab1hteHRUcVd5RHRjRnNlcy1mMUtNN01xQ0ltOHRrMzlPT1IzZz09 |
Album of cabbage-ness: http://imgur.com/a/vmqFW
For the appetizer, I made a chicken and red cabbage salad. The ingredients are: Ingredients:
Chicken cooked and torn into thin shreds (I am waging a war on leftovers, so the chicken from the other night was used)
1/2 a red cabbage trimmed and shredded
1 carrot shredded
For the dressing:
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp white rice vinegar
3 tbsp nuoc mam
Juice of one lime
2 tbsp sugar
2 dried chillies
1 oz root ginger sliced
3 garlic cloves crushed
2 shallots finely chopped
First off is the dressing. I combined the oil, vinegar, nuoc mam, and the lime juice with sugar and stirred until it dissolved. The chilies, shallots, garlic, and ginger were then added and let sit for half an hour.
The chicken carcass was then picked clean and the meat was quickly turned into shreds. The red cabbage was next to be massacred, joining the chicken in all it's chopped glory. The carrots joined as well.
The garlic was removed from the dressing, poured on, and that salad was tossed. I let it sit for another half hour to let the flavors meld and mellow.
Very simple appetizer, but also very tasty. There was just enough chillies in the dressing to give it a nice little kick. [Finished product](http://i.imgur.com/FXhl1.jpg)
Next I made the creamy cabbage and potato soup. The ingredients were:
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 onion, diced
pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 potatoes, peeled and shredded (I used the food processor)
1 carrot, shredded
salt and pepper
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 medium sized head of cabbage, shredded
5 cups chicken stock
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup gruyere cheese, shredded
I heated the oil in a large soup pan and tossed in the onion and red pepper flakes. They were sauteed for five minutes. The garlic was added next and cooked for a minute. Then the potato and carrot were added and seasoned with salt, pepper, and thyme. The cabbage and the five cups of chicken broth were put in and brought to a boil. I reduced the heat and simmered for forty minutes. One can of evaporated milk was poured in and the soup was removed from the heat. Gruyere was added a little at a time, stirring in between additions.
It's a little cold out and has been raining all day, so I figured we needed some hearty soup. It came out very good, extremely creamy. I usually do not like cream based soups, but would definitely make this one again. I also needed to shred the carrots much finer. [Finished product](http://i.imgur.com/6xv9Z.jpg)
Finally, I made a cabbage quiche. Ingredients as follows:
For the Dough:
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
3.5 fl oz white wine
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup warm water
1 pinch salt
For the Filling:
1/2 head cabbage
1/2 cup raisins
2 oz pine nuts
2 eggs
olive oil
1 garlic clove diced
salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste
First off, mix all the ingredients for the dough. Make sure you pour yourself a glass of the white wine to sip through out. It makes things a lot more interesting. Work the dough to form a smooth ball and let rest for half an hour.
Boil some water and toss your cabbage into it. Cook until tender, drain well, and shred.
In a large frying pan, heat the oil and cook the garlic. Then, add the cabbage, raisins, pine nuts, and salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste. Cook for about five minutes. Let it cool, then add the eggs and stir it up.
Take two thirds of the dough, roll it out, and put into a ten inch pan. Spread out the filling on top. Roll out the rest of your dough, cover the filling, and riddle the surface. I baked in a preheated oven at 355°F for fifty minutes. I then turned the oven off and let the quiche sit in there for another ten minutes.
The quiche was decent, but I did not drain the cabbage as well as I thought so it was slightly soggy on the bottom. I also think it could have used a little more raisins. [Finished product](http://i.imgur.com/oAWsb.jpg)
All in all, everything turned out good. It was a little simple, but still tasty. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNXR5Z3ZwX20wSlcxRDY3NTNpaXdQakFKMEhjR3U5cW5iQ3pVbDZEVHotMDBhUk9VV2lnQTFPZEx2b0pTWWpTRG10MjB2OEVkMzByaHRxQkxOeTdWWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdHRHQ3ExZFZpVWF1MllUQ3QtWVRyaWhEMTZfMFB0LUlvOVAxSVdtNHJFWG5PenlIV3JGbmF0cDU2WHQ4LTI0X19OUElhd1Y4Sy1QbGI3VnFnY0xPakctaGpJNUxaa2tsemtBOXpiR2w5ai1Idldrb1hXdW9sU2JoYlVMZlZWQVVmWTdIOF9ycDlCb0c5dzZRUl9uTDRudmhOMzBGeE5FNVVhSkF6RTdWdWx5SC11N2tJZWxfXzFHbFU3U3VRc3RW |
Only about 20 minutes into it, but sounds nice so far. Thanks for the contribution! | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-12-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNmVJaHIxaFNYSzczdl8wSjR2TTFrQ3ZRZVQ0ZWhhODhqdW5ZbHB3M1p0bDlSTFMwanBfSTdhM01QTU1mNzNaUlJid2pYaXNEWVZPVzNqaThyeDlxQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTVJuUUo4NkpMdnNPV29XSHhaQzhUa3FqSnNQMm9BVWhhbzJScVQyS2hfQlhBRlBJNkY1STVXM1BoSFQ1MGlabmJuMnJsTlZ2V1VvWVFldEdJYWJnU2d0QnVkTWdLeUxkcTMyR0Z0WktsRlc5RGplM0UtWHpDVk85NERONkhaXzQyZS1NcUpnMkYtZXBCajloM2JoMHMwSmE4M1NKQy14Z2VTTXlVcVhVWktqZzhJZFFmdk1vS0NiUnF4YVFJazVl |
Initially, the first thing I thought of was corned beef and cabbage, but that wasn't really original enough, so we poked around and found some good stuff. This whole meal really was pulled off by [TeeArrWilliams](http://www.reddit.com/user/TeeArrWilliams) (he did pretty much all the work and did an awesome job!), but he has graciously allowed me to post for the both of us.
First up, the slaw. This is entirely TeeArrWilliams' creation. It was super delicious! Light, flavorful, with great texture from the green beans and craisins.
1. Find yourself some [napa cabbage](http://imgur.com/5KmnA)
2. [Julienne](http://imgur.com/JOClk) it real nice.
3. Blanch some [green beans](http://imgur.com/DbmM1).
4. Mix up a sauce of mayo, dijon mustard, rice wine vinegar, and apple cidar vinegar.
5. Toss everything together.
6. Add blue cheese and craisins.
Next up, a North African inspired stew. Very earthy and hearty.
1. Soak beans overnight.
2. Trim some [lamb shoulder](http://imgur.com/V3vbd) into stew pieces.
3. Make a paste of olive oil + turmeric, red pepper, coriander, caraway, and salt. Marinate the meat in the paste for 30 minutes or longer.
4. Chop some onions and [saute](http://imgur.com/2Nn1e) with the meat until the lamb is cooked.
5. Add crushed tomatoes, garlic, a dash of cinnamon, a bay leaf, a dash of lemon juice, chopped carrots, and (you guessed it!) cabbage.
6. [Simmer](http://imgur.com/Vj5Wy) for a couple hours.
7. Cook the beans in some water until tender, then add to the stew. Add tomato juice and/or water to thin to desired consistency.
[Finished stew](http://imgur.com/52u7E)
The cabbage rolls, while a mess, turned out really good flavor wise.
1. Blanch cabbage leaves in hot water to soften for rolling.
2. Saute onions, garlic, ground beef, salt, pepper, dill weed, and curry.
3. Rinse rice and soak in water about 5 minutes.
4. Add rice to meat and spoon filling into cabbage leaves.
5. [Roll up!](http://imgur.com/us1qA)
6. The recipe calls to boil them in water, but they ended up getting a little waterlogged and leaked out. Next time we will steam them in the bamboo steamers I forgot I owned. =)
[The whole meal](http://imgur.com/UwzpB) - I hope you like cabbage!
[meal with verification](http://imgur.com/dieuv)
[Imgur album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_4__cabbage)
Full album: [Battle #4: Cabbage](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage)
Cabbage has two things going for it. It can take on many flavors. And it can take on many textures. So I tried highlighting those in different ways.
**Shrimp and Cabbage Soup**
[Sautee'd shrimp with butter, garlic, salt, pepper, ginger.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/rYUDj)
[Add water and cabbage heart, to be removed later.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/sWV7y)
[Simmer, remove heart, and serve.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/40egF)
This one was much creamier than I had expected. And it turned out to be a good way to use the heart, which no one wants to eat anyways. If I were to make it again, I'd add a roux, and make it a chowder.
**Fried Cabbage Rolls with Chicken and Vegetables**
[Blanch leaves.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/nKDoN) [And cool them off.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/x6Lgg)
Not pictured: This was my first step, and I let it drain the entire time to try and get as much water off as possible.
Also not pictured: Stir-fry chicken, carrots, shredded cabbage, onion, garlic, fresh ginger, peanuts, and various flavorings.
[Roll up the mix into the big cabbage leaves.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/I6bQL)
[And pin it with a toothpick.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/czDNT)
[Back to the cast-iron to fry both sides](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/b7Mgn)
Thus why I tried to get as much water off as possible. Still splattered a bit, but we were cleaning the kitchen afterward anyway.
[Finished fried cabbage roll on a bed of rice](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/ir8Y4)
My favorite dish of the day. Not as crispy as I would have liked, but the caramelization on the outside was great. They fall apart as soon as you open them though.
**Slaw with many Asian-esque flavors**
Not pictured: shredded cabbage, toasted sesame seeds, or sauce to pour on the slaw.
Sauce contained (starting from largest amount to smallest): Soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, honey, crushed red pepper, Angostura bitters, salt, pepper, coriander.
[Mix it all together.](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/pT4Fi)
Crunch crunch crunch. Mmm...
**[Full meal](http://goattnder.imgur.com/cabbage/9P2FS)**
With, perhaps, the saddest drawing of the Reddit alien you will see in your lifetime. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZ2dnWlRUWTB1Ump1a1hYZXRZbmRTN0ZFalN1dHcxdU55R0V1UGc1NEIwb3hQLTZYdXB0SmxoZlVkbVFqUkNoSTFuWi15VFBoYW1RdmtDVWJ3RUI0ZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX1ZmdEVZRnNwSjhRUjNrTTBYWHoyRWpSY3Zib1VqS2pqYmhsMkRrajFuME5uclZ3SS1WZlVmWVc1OTZlWFJSN1Q5SFN1b0Nic2hlOGg2MUZBWVk3c3l4NEkyd19JU0dONF9kbWpwNkMwc0I1a1N4WVJ4LUF6Y1JVMmhVVURSMDk1OTZCRXZrNjJzWEN0Uk96U2NPSElvSFIyVnVYVmdXVzZPUGdRZnlLSWNVQTRXcTJYX294RzZBNzZlMzNRbkth |
I personally think it is a wonderful idea, and the execution isn't half bad either. The freezing, and stuttering and other minor breaks will get fixed soon enough | r/dcuniverseonline | post | r/DCUniverseOnline | 2010-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTM0ZqbGI4bU5uOHJVQm5uVTV3OWRUQTFFaHk3cnlhR0ZaSC1CeS1DdXU3SEFPYXNxbUJwbXE3a0pHSV9LVllOUHlwc0FPT0dqdTVmVWJZRkZET2sxT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfaVdSWm9IaWRBNXN3aDBGSmFINndsaUo4VF9PQWl1WXdRTUpPemF0Tlk4Y3k3c3hJdmR3ZTJmUk9ia28zTVljdmNyMWZla1FDb2U0N21wemJlSDJUNlhQVlVRN3V4bVBWWFQ2Y3loX205M0hkNmw0eGU1QWZvQWMtZHdhaHNiWE55Q3Y1TC1qX3g1UW12TGlmT3o2YlhCMUZnSTQ4MjhqSTlJTlN4UUc0NU9vQVhCcTFtRnYyeWRkRk80TUhmeDloRUotZXh1Z2t1cnY4bnpHckNmZ2NzQT09 |
Jan. 14, 2011 For the UK.
No word on an Australian release date.
http://ps3.ign.com/articles/114/1141254p1.html | r/dcuniverseonline | post | r/DCUniverseOnline | 2010-12-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQ0RoWFF3LTh6OHhpbFhyeGFiWlhDODFuVkdMMi1OUFlFVnNMbDlLNHpGNERBeFI1ZW1YUHlhS3d0cG5ldzR5bFVTNlhmRS0xSmFWRlFCMzAyMzBHR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfMmtwV2YwUDZUZXdsNjQwMTVOdmVYUy0xbjZoMTM3R2QtcmF0N0kzdW1EbW9kdXZCWHFXOHhINk9IR0pnNENpVVBmaTBCTXJoZzZhdEVrTXJLR0pGYmdaa1g2SVZGdkVPTVFyQV9lbGFPdHU2TXVIT25mUHRUUEgtRHhjNG03eFUxTXlxMWJNX2hNblZfbkhWTm9JYjBZM0VXSDVBMmNIWC1jcHVud0FDeTBxbTk5RF9TOS00MlRFSkpmUTZKazhCUVd3T3NfbWNDdnhQQVVNWXJUZXFzZz09 |
This homemade buffalo chicken dip is a must to serving serving buffalo wings. It is easy and quick to make with just a few simple ingredients. It is also great on salads or a grilled steak. | r/sauce | comment | r/Sauce | 2010-12-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbnEwQ2x6S3lIR3NVZi1YQzREOWFiWkxPWFFmN1hvb3JObV93LWExYnlXTW03OE1fVTB5dUpzUVJJU0pwd094UTViQzVqQXpoOVIxTVFvdkJLNUxDYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOTlpM1AzLWhKSTRJTTd2bDBMSDg5RmU4UnBiNkpud0FIMk0zUm9zTkxPVEZXM1ExWW5tMkxWTHB5QkZibnBlTDhQdGRIZVktRlJDNnBsZjVpRklvTU1IelFRQ3dCeVJ6QThUQWk3YWV6STZwajc0bXpFTjZMeGpmZ0JfU0xmdjdmV2hYVTFUUjZKaHVqenJGTkRYNmw0WFlKSEpzbmpiS25OS1ozVi1wZGU4PQ== |
Perhaps /r/dcuonline | r/dcuniverseonline | post | r/DCUniverseOnline | 2010-12-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWVBwNmw3blpqRGtYWkdlVVRVVjJlQkk0SFo1cHRQNWRPdjlVM3NvdW11OTU3b2RWM3ZtdkZ6SnBnbUxVQm5DbmdLYjl5a1VSU2ktOHBZZUxfaUNjeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX3h1Wk5UWmhLUWMwUlhtOXRsbWZwclBfQnJuWVhieEV6Q2lrcVpQZjFwcFdZSjliOHhxSkszdk9nNnplanh2eVFZVmgwRnVhWlpreENvWjk0allMU0haUk1BWDRpZ2xremlGUlBnYThfUWpYWGxLRm5BSFBUMHRmRmNYcWUzTGt2UWpWdFhVZG0yQVBnQlYtSVgyUDhLalRVaHp5WGJlR3VGRXlRRlJ5QmtSZWhiOXN3MEpfeTAzdHN1R2w5eWxDZENEcW84endFRlpBaTVNUlItN19sUT09 |
The leveling system, well XP in general doesn't make sense to me. Usually when you kill an enemy with a higher level than you net more XP. I'm currently an 11. By myself I killed one of the SoulCrushers(?) at Ford Hall. It was a level 24. I didn't expect 200 XP, but 5XP?
The levels don't make sense. Queen Bee. She's a level 9. Again, I'm an 11. I made sure all my equipment was repaired before entering. She rapes me. I'm down in two hits and fifteen on her and she has almost full power. I understand I can't harm her while she's surrounded by the orangish orb. The same goes for when I arrested the hoods on the one side mission. They're fighting some of Bane's thugs. A level 7 Razor dominates me. Same thing with the Stingers.
Basically I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Besides having a bunch of people I kind of expected it to perform like a traditional western RPG. If the enemies were scaling with me it would make more sense, but that is not the case. At least from appearance. Any help is appreciated. | r/dcuniverseonline | post | r/DCUniverseOnline | 2010-12-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbHZmOHNJWl9uODhNUzB2c1VoZVRKWXNkQmIxZzlidTh2ZGI4VTZDSGN4MHgwMGpPdTB6TDJ5NWFvV19RUFQ5ejM5MWo0NEJpY1dhbDJjSXVZZlplQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWTlmSmk3Y3BIYjFrYW90aVUzS3hhV2pTSzNLcnZ5Q3BQWmw3cFpybThDRVREdzFMdTdwc2dMVjNOWmplRVI4T3o3U09HZVhTTVNQeHhwMFdZeWJXRFhDWkpsWWVXb252NndvT1A1NjRZSl8tVkZyWVpPM0dIRm5BTUh3RWd0UmlvUWdGckI2LXU5VXNsV25iWlZxTjVDQUE3ajNXa095YzJKMjNpcXYwTVhFNklDbFVnYVZodzVrcUxiZFF6WjJhODl1VnZaLTBBOER2N3pHS1NwYW1Qdz09 |
Yay, Classical Revolution! I'm part of the [DC group](http://classicalrevolutiondc.org). | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTS2ZrbkdCRXliNVVCT0RBNzQzdGxoS3hjZ2FwclhFV2Jnc2JjV0xWV2Z5R0lnS0FCak81M25lLThuV01fUFRUOU5vd0VPekp4VDVzdjFMMFNFS3QtelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVUJQd21kdFBJdVlCQlhHcUlyY1M3LVZiVExDWFV6Nm5MSnd5Z0FFQmc1Ty13akpwZ1NUWmkwX1R1WHI5dGhFNUtxX3F5SnFoV0I0bF9NNkRSaW1OMWlVTE5PX244bThMdHBuZ192dDUzQ1lXZ3JCbGdVOE43ZDZNZXJBR0F6OUtqTFRMOVhwdVJPcXNEVThqenBSXzhXQVd3QXU4WGVzbjR3WldxbTdUdEl3QkV5ZGoxTV95SUc3akZfX2ZWS0twbnlxRmtsMU82akE2aXRDRVhraG1idz09 |
I hope "when more people like a channel" is a gross simplification. Otherwise an attacker (spammer) can simply inject large numbers of "people" saying the same thing.
No detail on content licenses either... it pisses me off when people say at the same time "there are copyright-respecting ways of using P2P search network X", but then when someone asks "how do I tell which results are legal", the answer is simply "that's your problem".
Yes, it's not a problem you can "solve" technically. But if there's not at least proper fields in the metadata for "licensed under CC-NC-ND", "published by DisneyCorp", and "see <http://disney.com/free-samples/mickey-goes-to-the-zoo/>"... then I'm not sure I want to rely on it. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVFFQY25mdFVFM0g3ZzlaNXlrclVvRmZFbnUwTnNwejRTVXFLQ000TWdFd1kzeXk4R1ZiUl9ocG9RWUpCWHdSTXRwM1JKRkNaSXV5STEtVFVPelNoOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYVR1SWw4RnRfOFJWTkhkN3hQOGd0TXZIRlpGSGNGdGFIWXgtT0lfbzNMZGFqMVNHYzMydmJGZDRLUFFFUWhxYlN6SUZZZzdLVVNTbkNEU2JHdmlQX3ptMzg4OGNvb0x5dWdBbXFOczdfWV9jQ2o1RXRkR29hQ0VxY2V3R2ZzY3FMTlF1azNBWVlpSWw2VGt5TDBRTEl2d1J5QUpTeC1yZ0twNnVjWUpXM2lLVE83VzVNVEZRRHhmRXdwdndTeDNOckNEWmFxWjRQcDlpS19BcUNab0tDQT09 |
Another Iron Chef reddit battle has drawn to a close. The choice of cabbage was certainly creative, and I am thankful that the little leafy heads were not overlooked. These cute cultivations had a chance to shine in our creations. Whether you chefs celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or feast upon curdled cries of infants under a clear moon, I hope this battle has warmed your kitchens for at least an evening. Here's the verdict.
(piano chords)
Battle Cabbage was interesting in that so many of the courses were, if not contiguous, at least similar. So many stews, soups, slaws, salads, rolls, and wraps. To see your variations on these traditions was quite amusing. Though we strive for the inspired and unheard of in /r/IronChef, there is something to be said for more conventional routes. I am particularly glad that no one thought to turn on the ice cream machine. Yet after the pots have cooled and the chopping knives cleaned, there can only be one winner of Battle Cabbage. Who is it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?
Once again [drumlogan](http://www.reddit.com/user/drumlogan) has proven his merit! His [Miso Napa Soup, Brussels Sprouts & Guaniciale, and Braised Red Cabbage with Duck Breast & Mustard Sauce](http://imgur.com/a/pCCJD/battle_cabbage) have won out against all competitors! The next battle awaits us all, so employ your expertise and ecumenical education to evaluate an ingredient that will elevate our elation in the approaching year! PM me with your idea, for 2011 awaits /r/IronChef with baited breath and an empty stomach.
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSnU4MTlNa09qbjBkVVRpOXQtQWtZSmhSMmFXR0E3ZEdSbml5Qy1EU0tTNGloVmU3bmZIc3c1dUxPYjhRQmxCaHYyNnpNbGh1amI5aVNkRTV3QXVGWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfQmJNMFZoV1hlUzM5cHNabTlyZFJoazFWSWF2N3pCNWdnaUNaSzlZUDFCMHdUdzdtYWEtWkFxV3hKVWhnb2YtVWZPQThnS2VzY1lVTHJFaFk3Q0VwLU1BX1V0MTh0LTJGN2xtNnU1Y3JydDJJU0sxRnh1aEdvNk13UkxtUWRkQmo0NDdNV1Fjb1pjMmZwSGlaMmVFQnVnVUhwTkZseC1tTllhWklNMXl3WnhfYnlrbHh5eEtTREpWM240S0Y0U0JE |
> keep it up.
Not my normal thing really. Although I've written my share of chamber music, I've been much more passionate about electro-acoustic music (which sometimes includes chamber ensembles) for the last few years.
There's actually a lot more too the piece than just what you hear. This group is a hybrid ensemble that includes elements of dance/theater into their performances. [Here's a short clip from the piece](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKQmFrEzu6I). We don't yet have the whole piece video recorded/edited.
As far as the score thing goes, I personally like to listen to a piece first before getting analytical, so I'm not the type that puts scores up most of the time. Part of this is that I think the first time you hear a piece should be surprising. If you see a big hairpin and a triple forte coming up, what's the fun? However, if you want to get to the sources, you can check out Pièces de Clavecin, 1724 – Jean‐Philippe Rameau:
• Le rappel des oiseaux
• Les cyclopes
• Musette en rondeau
• La villageoise
> especially with the syncopated beats
Do you mean the beginning? If so, I wholeheartedly disagree. Cohesive or not (not my concern), the hemiola happening right at the beginning is a direct complement to the vibraphone attacks which in turn supports the flute melody. If I were to remove it, it would no longer have a character that differs from Rameau's original work.
> I felt that it was too sparse
Me too, but this is what you get with an ensemble that includes one percussionist and no real middle range. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQmlQbkxTT3lxOUtjUTlZTGNvWEVpNnFFc1dPa3AyMGkzVzNaZGNuV2Q4azFxUVBCZUNXRHBfeURuWEJvZ3VPMmpfZ05aMU1MMkloU0FROEp3YmIxWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfU0I2WkZYS0pSVDhxQ0VKbmlhaXl5d2djVkQ1anhVVFpDSm1taWRNSnlGRGtXem1ZMXgwSDRXNVRyRXNyeTN1ZEVUdzE5WGRfaWotLU8yVEhSNV92ZkV1T2FJd3JFNVBIa1Zmb0NGSW8wV2NFV3JUVTkyUFY1RFU0YlFuZzJPVkRMNS03TWNIa2s5SDQ1N2Q4S1RtMURqcEZtY2V2b0dXTHhGMkN4MmdSWHlRZEFnN3FSb25ocUJoOE91anBMcnNnYm1wM0stUnZPMXYzX3VBd1BNeXZzdz09 |
Nearly a month ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, Drumlogan was recently declared the winner of Battle Cabbage. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. The news of what this item would be came as a delight. I believe it will cheer us with its color and flavor during these dark weeks of winter.
This food is known for both its sweetness as well as its acidity. Originating in Southeast Asia at the dawn of cultivation, it has been referred to in several languages as a Chinese Apple. Others call it bortucali, a reference to its growth in Portugal. The unique taste this ingredient has infused practically anything with a scent or flavor. Perhaps you will know when I say that it is also a color?
Correct. These marvelous fruits of pip and pith. Oranges, Tangerines, Blood Oranges, Navels, Mandarin Oranges, Valencia Oranges. Peel the skin back and tear into its joyous slices. They are quite the treat on their own, but your task is to design and create a three course meal based on our lovely fruit. This contest will extend into the new year, and you have until 11:59 PM EST on Monday, January 3st 2011 to post your results. To you all I wish a happy New Year, and Allez Cuisine!
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQzBhdUhuaTdEdHJHVGM4T094MHZQY1hFYmFFeENXdThfQnJpazBBMl83LW1GLVAwWDZxTE9EdkJlU25NazIwVEtQV3Nnby1EYUxWOENyMXJuRUdZSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfR3N3SXAzRzVzS2t4OWUzME5fcW9DYzBoMTV1Q3Zxa2xsN3R0S1MxYmYzbVp0WGgzUHp4TDhRZ09BbnV3YzVNTEdiZVk3dzBnN2YyVVBuX2RMRFNyRTFZalhLY0JOa0VoWUdkZ3hPZGpHVkhaUFR2aXp2ZTExak9qakZqRTlNaFZMbGhPQTlsM2dwY2pGNHEtdFJzbWg4NWthTXkwalhKTl9UanNXRGtNbVlXXzdMX0xlc0NWRXcxZnI1cXYxcHpz |
Voice coil actuators by Motran Industries Inc. Motran are the worldwide leader in the design, development, and manufacture of ultra-high performance voice coil actuators. Utilizing the latest in high tech materials and components Motran have developed these actuators with outstanding performance characteristics and zero maintenance over the actuator’s service life. | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2010-12-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcl9vQjJoczBkeTRudmJNR21NcFh2Y0FDZmkyRnZhSXJBdG9TQWNZZlhwVi1aanJzMC12RzJScTY3NnAxYUFiYWN0aEtIR1NiWlpMTmdrYkNuV0VjN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX3hxYVJGS0tQYjV0czl4SG1oRmFyVXJWU213eWJ5MHJ5Tmxjcm55WkRVYzZCSkhFTm4yZXQtblU4WWI1ZWFSMEN5eUZCU19sN2oydThhQi12bUoxU083amhRdFRwaFFnYUs1ZmEwMjNUZE1qRVZHUG9yOVhXd1B5eF9LcUJ3ZTFWZzNtZ01nS1pvbktScWJ6QjhzbUIxek15d3BHMnBBMHc2M2J1VEIyVER3TVRHSjBlekZzVXBCV05uN0VsMFBv |
For me (at the very moment) it's Blair's Pure Death, simply because it's an every day hot sauce with a fantastic natural Habanero flavour, and it doesn't contain any extracts, which (in my opinion) has an overpowering chemical-like flavour and aroma that can ruin a sauce.
Despite being a massive chilli fiend, I can't have blisteringly hot sauces every day, as I'll end up regretting it in the morning just before work. Also, baby wipes are seriously the best invention ever! | r/hotsauces | post | r/HotSauces | 2010-12-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTc2o4VVRKbENfUUdJN0VfV1o2bzFwX0E1WFNrVk8xbktWV0dJZ2hKZGdtUmphc25SVHgtbUdRRlFPOFIzMWJ6OVlUS0d6TFNUUWlaaTBpbHJ5TTNGQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVVBXX0ZUdHlMa09fZ3RqS2lVT0JrNThBUHR1Wmp6Yi1kczVBV3FNSHNndFJYMHRUS0JJeHBIQVJYMUUxdkExOXBJUzFFQmk2S0hGNldOdldoZzVxdzVtc1pjeUJoZmloNlRZcmdRQTNiVzA2WV85Y1ktM1p4MFNmOWZ6OUFhTElicjZsUzg1R1hUUlpVb2lCWGlXVC1FZVFndm5fdzFVSTdIUGV0bEdSdWZBVHNKUjhSRE1BU1FNWTNoNUlCX1Z5 |
Hey, since you already released the track under Creative Commons, why don't you make it downloadable?
Nice music, by the way. :) | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2011-01-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVFA5bFkyZW5BTzlLUnY4UW9MaGRYQXpsSVVwTUgyRmVVVC1TQ2sxYUlVcmF5dzI3aXYwQlBVQ1BSaWR0dFh4clQ2dUw3MHlPOEdkS2xsaVVDQjB1bGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfcjZqN0VnZmxjd1RtZ0xzN0JFeHQxZm92NmxiOXNTWlFpNjNYTzlCaTk2UU5xQmdsT1dtYVl6MWpkcmtjbzZRMTdhUThJbVNtVlBpd0V1eXJYdDRTY2NfTVhQWWJ1ajNpTUJKU0toN1VkRVc0Y3VXVTF2NGhpR3JyWUdmYkFSTUxLSmxxR2VacTZOcDlYNGJkWmE5eFlqX3VUNWhzN0VNbGFTSjl0NDRrTVBGQ3pwRDBaQW1kN21WWkk0TGhwR200c0NrVHUxTmN1N2NRaTNXR1A3TWdTUT09 |
Oranges was a great challenge! It pairs with a lot of food and it was fun being more creative with this one. I'm finally feeling like I'm *cooking* and not just following a recipe. [Sooo many oranges](http://imgur.com/yeOSM).
TeeArrWilliams and I had an absolute blast making our dishes. The kitchen was crazy and everything turned out AMAZING. The salsa was bright and the craisins added a great texture. The pork loin was juicy, sooooo flavorful, and looks great on the plate. The granitas couldn't be simpler and is a great way to showcase the fruit. I know all our friends enjoyed eating everything as much as we enjoyed making it.
**[Fruit Salsa](http://imgur.com/CnR1H)**
* Cara Cara pink oranges
* blueberries
* craisins
* served on a dried kiwi chip
**[Rolled Pork Loin stuffed with Blood Oranges](http://imgur.com/O0J75)**
* butterflied pork loin
* smashed out thin
* [sprinkled with](http://i.imgur.com/Tvxgp.jpg) garlic, salt, pepper, fresh dried basil, chopped red chili, cloves
* [rolled up](http://imgur.com/P7360) with roasted blood orange wedges
* baked in cast iron skillet and [glazed](http://imgur.com/5PdjP) with a orange-hefeweizen glaze
[Final dish](http://imgur.com/O0J75) plus a side of broccoli with whiskey compound butter
**[Orange and Pomegranate Granita](http://imgur.com/VZ5xI)**
* sugar + orange juice + splash of vodka, frozen and shaved
* sugar + pomegranate juice + splash of vodka, frozen and shaved
* sprig of parsley for garnish =P
[Verification pic](http://imgur.com/SdC5N)
[Complete album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_5__oranges) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdjc5TE5xc2NrbjlyeFM0THdSVWFqVEVFU2JFb0dLQmptc3hWOFlOM0ZJa0tGaHFTNUk2ZWs0NF8wSndfLWhJWkRYRkU1d1FHUUdOZ0JfQkllbm1rTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOUVycDhOWE1RYWZuNUFudEJkbTZZTXR3WGFxcHdwTm1tQ2hMUlZvUnFRUjhMU05XQkkyOTBBeWREZWstY0hwTGZxSElHRlotbGR1dVBkelJEQUR3QTIxdzZxT3BZZnZjWjNCN09ndGhiQmZmcW51UWNVa2p6QlJsNjZlODBBZ3F1cXR2YmxHWko2b0h4LTJURjRDb25renpnM2JsRmtEZXYzMWZGUW1xelZtZVliSHkyTjh0cUFaYVZZc0lTU1B4a253X2trakVOeEhlcnFpRHU0cmVRdz09 |
[Full Album](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange) - We took lots of pictures.
We used Navel Oranges, paying homage to my hometown of Riverside. And we made Mexican food, paying homage to my skin color.
**Orange Salsa Three Ways**
First, a **Pico de Gallo** with: orange, tomato, red onion, jalapeño, cilantro, salt, pepper, cumin. Everything chopped and mixed fresh for a sweet, crisp flavor. Chilled.
[Picture 1](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/zqqyk); [Picture 2](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/LDSkr)
Second, a **Salsa Verde**: tomatillos, mariachi pepper, red onion, garlic, orange zest and flesh, a little cilantro (it was left over from the Pico de Gallo), pepper and salt. Roasted the tomatillos, mariachi, and garlic. Cooked it down with a little flesh and lots of zest. Added a healthy amount of pepper and some salt. Blended, and chilled.
[Picture 3](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/6sEAm); [Picture 4](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/nlRUN); [Picture 5](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/rXgOX); [Picture 6](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/dLC86)
Finally, a **Fire-Roasted Orange-Red** ;) salsa: stewed tomatoes; roasted onion, garlic, and jalapeño; juice of an orange, crushed dried red chile, cumin, coriander, salt, pepper, oregano, and juice of half a lime. Stewed tomatoes, roasted onion, garlic, and a jalapeño, and crushed red chile in a molcajete. Brought to boil, simmered until cooked/combined. Blended. Left at room temperature.
[Picture 7](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/RvsiV); [Picture 8](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/zOWuo); [Picture 9](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/MCksR); [Picture 10](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/m5fjE); [Picture 11](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/8OI3I)
Also we made some [chips](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/2ssI5).
**Chicken Mole with Orange/Chocolate Sauce**
Boiled chicken in chicken stock, seasoned with orange juice, salt/pepper, garlic, cumin, and coriander. Made a flour/oil roux for the base, added my newly-formed chicken broth, some chile powder, tomato sauce, dark chocolate, orange slices, ground pepitas (pumpkin seeds). Cooked to let it combine. Shredded the chicken and mixed in. Served with roasted pepitas sprinkled on top.
[Picture 1](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/jjKdb); [Picture 2](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/4dmE5); [Picture 3](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/uIQRc); [Picture 4](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/olN7Z)
**Cinnamon Orange Flan with Orange-Infused Caramel Sauce, Served with Mexican Coffee**
Scalded whole milk infused with cinnamon (sticks), a pinch of salt, and orange peel. While cooling, beat 2 eggs and an additional egg yolk with sugar. Added in the orange-infused milk, beat together, and filled 4 oz ramekins. Placed in a baking dish, filled half-way with water, and baked in oven. Removed, cooled to room temperature.
[Picture 1](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/4eMQ6); [Picture 2](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/mFQbi); [Picture 3](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/zKLBl); [Picture 4](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/77R7B)
In a sauce pan, simmered juice of an orange (pulp and all) until reduced, added to room-temp cream to cool. In same pan, melted butter and caramelized sugar until golden brown, then added cream/juice mix, simmered until combined.
[Picture 5](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/L1Gj0); [Picture 6](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/rx0r2); [Picture 7](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/qrVJv); [Picture 8](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/bpJv1); [Picture 9](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/vil6u); [Picture 10](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/VdX2R)
Freshly ground coffee (a mild bodied bean), and brewed with orange peel and cinnamon stick. Served with cinnamon stick as a "swizzle."
[Picture 11](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/rMAoK)
[**FULL MEAL**](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/OrDx6), with Reddit alien wearing a sarape.
[Close-up of Salsa 1](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/VO6YP); [Close-up of Salsa 2](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/IYsyT)
[Mole](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/zJsB0), flanked by tortillas and orange slices.
[Flan, sitting pretty with coffee](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/SjMhB), garnished with a cinnamon-sugar tortilla chip.
And, [**The Aftermath**](http://goattnder.imgur.com/orange/8uY6i). | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTaGgyOW1Mdm9rUnIzNHlSQl9DdEw5R3o1NW1CdXlaTGpMREI4WHdFTGVKY1FZQnhSTlR0azdELVU0WXp5TzhtR212X2xHS1ItdmpMR0xLQ1lacDNWTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfV3dUZzJtMmY3UDBxNWUzS09BckxqbjJyWXZxZC1OSFFBZFhfY1RRR2lHMXl6ZkV5a19Fc1RiNkIwUFd1QTVqdnVtNGlHZTBUdWZKVUwxTDdBVzNpeDlLeFgxTm0yRnhFY3lLeDdBYUJuZW84RHZPX0V5WGFGN3Zfdkl3WmZ2ZHRIczNoXy03WVNXbFVkanhnYmJxUzFsdGR2NkNEUmptVUZlVWZCNUltOFBLeGd0cmU5TU5JTlFqalRORmxGOGlhSll1SDFDaTVSOWtfTGpTa0tPZlZSZz09 |
Orange you glad oranges are tasty? [Here is the album](http://whowantstoknow.imgur.com/orange), I borrowed a new camera and it's not the greatest piece of equipment, but, so it goes.
First off, orange and walnut crostini. Ingredients are:
2 cup walnuts chopped
3/4 cup honey
2 Tablespoons orange zest
Juice from half an orange
1 teaspoon ground corriander
1 teaspoon lemon juice
salt and pepper
8 ounces room temperature cream cheese
1 loaf of baguette
Put the cream cheese, honey, orange juice, orange zest, corriander, lemon juice, and the salt and pepper into a [bowl](http://i.imgur.com/x3JRk.jpg) and mix it. Then add your walnuts and [mix](http://i.imgur.com/hGjKc.jpg) again.
Spread the mix onto your [baguette](http://i.imgur.com/iabgG.jpg) and pop it into the oven and broil it until it's a nice, light [brown](http://i.imgur.com/IcapX.jpg).
The [crostini](http://i.imgur.com/XwMcV.jpg) was excellent. Warm, gooey, and very orangey tasting. I would definitely make it again, up cut the recipe in half. I have a lot of the mix left over and not much baguette left.
For the main course, I decided on crispy orange beef since the Chinese restaurants here are not the greatest.
1 1/2 pounds beef top sirloin, thinly sliced
1/3 cup white sugar
1/3 cup rice wine vinegar
the juice from one orange
1 tsp salt
1 tbs soy sauce
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 tsp orange zest
two cloves of garlic
steamed broccoli
oil for frying
Cut your sirloin into strips and spread it out on a paper towel. Stick it in your fridge for at least thirty minutes to let it dry a little.
Meanwhile, mix together sugar, vinegar, orange juice, salt, and soy sauce. Also, make your rice and steam your broccoli.
Take out for [sirloin](http://i.imgur.com/8UyYQ.jpg). Heat up the oil in your wok over medium-high. Toss the sirloin with cornstarch then drop them in your [wok](http://i.imgur.com/Fw43n.jpg) and enjoy the sizzle. Let them turn a lovely brown.
Let the steak drain a [little](http://i.imgur.com/BRSlK.jpg). Pour out all but one tablespoon of the oil. Add your orange zest and garlic to the remaining oil and cook briefly until fragrant. Then, add the orange mixture, bring to a boil, and cook until thick. It should take about five minutes. Add the beef, heat through and stir to coat. Finally, [eat with rice and steamed broccoli](http://i.imgur.com/eKQ9c.jpg).
The crispy beef turned out very well. Next time, I would definitely add more juice and some chilies. It could have used the extra little kick of the spice.
Finally, I made Nigella Lawson's clementine cake. All you need for this one is:
5 clementines
6 eggs
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
2 1/3 cups ground almonds
1 heaping tsp of baking powder
1 oz of semi-sweet chocolate
1/4 cup confectioners sugar
Put your clementines into a pot of water, bring to a boil, and cook for two hours. Take your clementines out, reserving the left over syrup. Once cool, cut the clementines in half and remove any seeds that happen to be in [there](http://i.imgur.com/yFTwI.jpg). There shouldn't be many. Then puree those suckers, skin, pith, and fruit all.
Preheat your oven to 375 and butter and line a springform pan with parchment paper.
Beat your eggs. Add the sugar, almonds, and baking powder. Mix well, then add your clementines and mix some [more](http://i.imgur.com/ZjoQh.jpg).
Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake for one hour. Let it cool in the pan. This cake is very moist, so be careful removing it. I let it cool overnight after I tried to take it out and it started to crack. So stick your reserved syrup in the fridge and go to sleep or something.
[Pop it out the next morning](http://i.imgur.com/v3nTM.jpg).
Put your semi-sweet chocolate in a double broiler and let it melt. Pour the chocolate into the reserved syrup and add your confectioners sugar, spread it on top.
[This cake is very moist](http://i.imgur.com/AXIGE.jpg). The pith does make it a little bitter. Depending on your tastes, adding the [chocolate](http://i.imgur.com/iyHRY.jpg) will help with that. It really comes down to what you like. Personally, I thought the slight bitterness helped offset the sweetness of the orange. Since not everyone in the house agrees, I added the chocolate. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdWlVdUxPR3ZhY0xBOTJtNF9JdTVpUHIxUC1qc1BmSndGOUdtYm9RRGVZdHZXWm4tcEdXNi1POUs5N083NGpTQldybHZVZXhSbVlHUktyRS1rZXk2eWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbXlxbjFjNTcxSjhmci1nN3lFR3ZwNUdpdVdXaUd3dEsxTFB5eVBvdmI0eDFRd3lkdmFraW9FVndRM0JDUFhrNllZczF4RlBfdlp2S1lwNmVqdG1jQU1ab2dFZXpCZWI2d0hBX0hrWjFFOEY3T1U5NExvampxdk1nQkxWbEZ3clFtdjI0Snh5NDR0THNBak9hUDdkdkN2Z1V2VHFVc2NUS01QdDFOV3htR0YxTmdjbDBHT1Bubm92d2t2VjlvSGoxNFhsOWRVOGJLa2FHcWJEMzktVVk3dz09 |
This company went out of business in the early '80s due to shoddy products. Apparently there were a significant number of house fires, and eventually a Congressional investigation.
I learned about them due to an electrical problem in my apartment building, the Federal Pacific circuit breaker did not trip in my neighbor's apartment, but fortunately the fuse at the head of the line blew, preventing a fire. | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2011-01-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcmp1SGpBVEY4QWVEbHhqZHdPVUxmekc5cW1CTDNaQmZzeFpUSjFKTEF4TjJ0WG95dEFpVnJCUGJuMVhUUG41R0ZMR1hVanNtZVdNME8tbGNndlAtdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfb0g2NWx4emtXOGtiT3AtcFFaMy12ZDF3WWJGWTk1Zi1PQ1U4SE44Z045WnhjVTFhdEI5V2s1UGdkb25rZkdVTFNleHo0SDdpZlloSnBKMkZLSTctRmVNcGFEX1BuOG8zeHVsQktEZGozMlFQZUNuVWlkdDNaQlFHVDU3TGhJdWlXR2FuZlRwQk4yNkQ2U1BjY0xQbVg3aDJiblBERV9zVWY3MXFVZEtkQkx5QWo4ajU1ZlV2WVpqU1FzbU5Kc3Jl |
[The Full Album](http://alliekins.imgur.com/iron_chefit_5__oranges)
Oranges! So much one can do... I got a little [excited](http://i.imgur.com/JOj1V.jpg) and bought blood oranges, navel oranges, and tangerines for this challenge. And I used them all!
First up on the docket, **Salad with Chicken, Cheese, and Orange Vinaigrette**
The salad itself is pretty plain, mostly because I spent all my money on oranges (instead of salad fixings). It's just green leaf and romaine lettuce, shredded/sliced into medium-sized leaves, and topped with chicken (recipe follows), freshly shredded NY cheddar, and orange vinaigrette (recipe also follows).
* 2 medium chicken breasts, cubed
* 1 medium clove garlic, diced
* A handful? of diced cooking onion
* ~1 Tbsp fresh shallot, diced
* ~3 Tbsp olive oil
* Salt
* Black Pepper
* Paprika
* Lightly season chicken with salt, pepper, and paprika (about equal amounts each).
* In a pan over medium, heat olive oil, shallots, onion, and garlic until they get sort of transparent.
* [Add chicken and sauté until chicken is thoroughly cooked.](http://i.imgur.com/m2gTW.jpg)
**Orange Vinaigrette**
* Juice from one navel orange (1/3 cup)
* 1 Tbsp zest from said orange, minced
* 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
* 3/4 cup olive oil (I used 1/4 cup olive, 1/2 cup canola because I was running out of olive)
* Blend all ingredients. Shake well before using!
Final picture: [mmmmm](http://i.imgur.com/3SvNe.jpg)
Then comes the main course, Tangerine Garlic Prawns on Brown Rice! The rice is prepared normally, just heat it up with water. We won't add spices to it- instead we'll let the prawns' sauce flavor it when we ladle it on top.
**Tangerine Garlic Prawns**
* 1/2 lb tiger prawns, uncooked and in shell
* 2 Tbsp butter
* 3 cloves garlic
* 1/2 cup fresh-squeezed tangerine juice (this was 2 Sunburst tangerines for me)
* Melt butter in a pan on medium to medium-low. The butter should not brown.
* Add garlic and sauté for a minute or two.
* Add prawns. When they start to turn pink around the edges, add the tangerine juice.
* [Sauté until prawns are all pink.](http://i.imgur.com/JNFgb.jpg)
* Scoop prawns onto bed of rice; drizzle with tangerine garlic butter sauce.
Final photos: [1](http://i.imgur.com/9AMjB.jpg) [2](http://i.imgur.com/BIR2I.jpg)
Finally, we have a delectable layered orange mousse and cream dessert! This one requires making two mousses, one with navel oranges and one with blood oranges, then layering them with some fresh whipped cream and garnishing with a bit of zest. And a bit of a warning, this makes a LOT of mousse. I used about 1/3 of it in that whole glass. But it's hard to reduce because of the gelatin. I suppose you could use half a packet on one mousse and half on the other. But it's 100% delicious, I'd recommending making it all!
**Orange Mousse**
* 1 packet unflavored gelatin
* 1/2 cup orange juice (blood orange or navel, depending on which mousse you're making)
* 1 Tbsp minced zest from appropriate orange
* 1/4 cup white sugar
* 4 eggs (yes, that's right)
* 1 cup heavy cream
* Dissolve gelatin in juice in a small saucepan over low heat (to ease gelatin dissolving).
* Beat zest, eggs, and sugar with an egg beater in a mixing bowl until uniform.
* Add juice/gelatin mixture, beat until uniform.
* Add cream, and beat until thinker in texture (about 7-10 minutes).
* Chill in the fridge to let set or, better yet, spoon into serving dish then chill that.
**Fresh Whipped Cream**
(in case you didn't know)
* 1 cup Heavy cream
* 2 Tbsp confectioner's sugar
* Beat/whisk together until it desired stiffness is achieved.
Then just layer your mousse and cream. I did the bottom of navel, then some cream, then a layer of blood orange, then another topping of cream garnished with some tangerine zest left over from the shrimp's tangerines.
Final: [1](http://i.imgur.com/ivujF.jpg) [2](http://i.imgur.com/O2qKD.jpg)
And so, we have our meal. [Here is a badly-framed photo.](http://i.imgur.com/1wWGe.jpg) [Here is a better one.](http://i.imgur.com/N1Qsf.jpg) [And here is one where I forgot my reddit sign but you can see some of my kitchen table detritus.](http://i.imgur.com/nbB5I.jpg) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTc3lab1cydXEyUGd1TWFYdWdRNlYyUHFEOVFOdWFaeTlIZjlpYzNKTm8yLUliOUNwdDRnVzZnZW5mbmF3cTd4akh2VVEzR29YOXFvNzAzdGZiWUpEbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYkp4Q0dFdldsbDZXcmM5OGg0MlRIWVg3RjdTUERnNzMzdzRzTkdqZmN2dVI0NUl2TWtmVkdBcW90b21DMldWbE1GMWMyOENLMEZFWVhCbWxRdHZ0N2U2cGxsWnIyNWY2ejFRQU5sX3RZSGV6VWREcDMtM1ZUV3NDYU11R3JpOEFmc21wUWJsdnQzWk9DT1V6aThzUFRQS2tQcDNxZ2VtM2lkWGxZZUNSLVJrMmZQU0xMYkFLMnQ5S2sxeUxHWjA1 |
A new year is upon our growing subreddit! The choice of oranges for this competition was a pleasant surprise. It is clear from the photographs and comments that the chefs are pouring their hearts into these submissions. Battle Orange is fantastic example of how hard our chefs work to design new dishes, But as always there can one who is selected as this competition's Iron Chef. Here is the verdict.
(Piano Chords)
The modest orange was employed spectacularly in this battle. In the past, the secret ingredient was an obvious and hearty part of the meal. This time our combatants employed the orange in more subtle ways. Hidden in sauces, secreted away in pieces of meat, gently accenting salads. It is true that even the slightest hint of a flavor can make the difference between a meal being merely satisfying, and a meal being memorable. So who's cuisine reigns supreme? Who's foodstuffs got the good stuff?
It's [Amalas](http://www.reddit.com/user/Amalas)! Her [Fruit Salsa, Blood Orange Pork Loin, and Orange Granita](http://imgur.com/SdC5N) three part meal have won over the voters. Congratulations! Please send me a PM with your selection for the next secret ingredient. I excitedly await the sixth battle, of /r/IronChef! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNUlpOFFKNUFkOHhEU3BvelAwODI4TzRBUXlVcVEyZkNHNk53czk3TGFadWY0Y2JiRnUya3Q3cFhENGlZUndyVjJ5ZFdIOGZlUWQyYXNsOWpUUmdUcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfb3VKMWhTaTE2RHY2c2diNjZySWltdU1FQ1U5RnlQSlBKeWNlc1MyeXBReDRPZDNLX2Y4REg0LThzSS1vcm52VlhFNFVtd1JpNXpTdDhMa3dpcHhzSHFhYTBJTmRaend6dEd4b0x4R1lCME1yc1NrWTI0TmJkTy1zMUh0b1J6T05PdmlJZ0JsOHhjbUd6ekxINUw5SXpOOHBXbkFDVmdZUEtIcWtCc3lienNRVlJNYkJjdGFzajgxSW0wNk0zZFMt |
Get Tube Expander Manufacturers, Tube Expander Suppliers, Tube Expander Exporters, Boiler Tube Expander, Condenser Tube Expander, in India. | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2011-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQ01NQVFBUGtKUlZfam1CTkRncVZndGlWY1JqVnBmU2xOSHZSUU5mTV8xbkZibDIzNXhMUmxVbjJ0QWxxeDJMRGRXR0tkYUVETDNQcFFlNVdKWmhVSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfU3FxVFZyRDdQb1pJYlF1cEJNdm55M2ZtUGZEeEk3OVN0TWlVU2Z5QnlJel9xWWFCTGNWLW5Kb3ZwMTdpUV9wYk5JbzlzRHRxcXFuTGd0NzluVkpIOTVncGdiRFFpa0VsWFF1M3BOZWVHWGg0bFlCdjRXMV9vZHY5MHlpS0s4TlZBLUpWc1hqYjN0M0p4Nl9CNHh0Ul9BejM0QnNaTnVKUHRMSGdsM3p0LXZERnJVXzIxeEVEdXVvQU5kakpMYTlo |
Cryocooler motors are the preferred choice of every industrialist. Of great utility and easy accessibility to these motors make them fulfill requirements of the users in an effective away. | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2011-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQzJPbTVNMEwtV3BZUENUM0g4dHppaHN3TUJXaE55Yy0yNkM1V29JMkU5ZTFFaEVoNktER2NDeTlRU2FKeHhza1piR25TN2xPZnE5SDJ1RVp2N081bFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfMTlEdno4VmFNTWRaeDdQN0pIRWRrNzZMQjF1b2R1Zm9EZ0pvSHVaQkg0RllnZVd1LURWVGtPSFF2WVJ1TC1DU1U3OGw2ajk2bXhsMmctb0UyQWc4Q0gzVXAzem11SjJiQ1pGYUdLMGh0anEwWWlCdlI1aS1odTRWSWUtazVsY3hMTTI1cjZqVVd6WmY0My1uWXp2QVU5UkpVazhaREx4Tk0yeDhDNFpTeVNDSURaZmRPeXdvWDEwdTBfRFR0MEl4S1ZnX2ZuQnpZakZJazJVODJ6WU5xUT09 |
No, the url of the file provided should be direct.
But anyway, it would have been awesome if it had worked that way. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQVdNMGVNcHVHY0prZjEtRExTckFRdHFTc2RnMS01bXNsZHlzaXBhVEx3YmNneUtucXlOVDVCeDhRQ05WN2toam5jb3FvaWhYTlk4cGprTDQtZUtyYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfemxiUmptUVNjVy1VUlk1bVFwSUFFZUJ2a3BhcTZtWDRKTV9TRF9TTVRXdENlMVJHV0lYTDFfM2FoS1p1RkV1TE1pZVhoYWREM1pKbkNMamZsVE1PM1FFbEtlNnJjdklodHg1OEoydHloZm5qbDFEVjY5YWVYS293TTB5WnpueUwtUDloLVVVVHktVWliRDRzSjU2OWJ5SXRTb0FPVm5sQ2pVenFBaFJ6b0lfZmlxS1paSDJSWHR1UTZNLXo3WHV2WWpqVWVjMGpocWt1VjZvcVExOGJBZz09 |
good | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2011-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTc1M4a21nZlB3RDVQQWdlNy00eWU2S0JMSUF5VnBLQS1wWGRJN3QwQTRIZ3lsR0xiTnJrZ0VFUUtjMGVFTmFieWhHUXJoenZtb1B3UXgzYk9UcnBjS2tFRjhhU1o1blZOS2JBOHNNdUc0TlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbXBLaWx0MF9HRzBNVzMtbnNqYVN6WGpHcUUyUk10VFFhNHpOYjk0TDlfWGI3ZDd4bW9QTEdXaWZ3ek5ybzcyNzBxbVNyUlhwMzl2YURZZ25jVzgxZG1yakFEeGNSdDA5MHI2QS15bW04Ry1YWDY2WGZoZjE5UzFpSVRZVkd1QzhWMC1HVmFVLVFfQ3pTSHhCN0lCNmtCUWRlMXNvZUV1WkRERjlPemhGa2NZPQ== |
One of the hottest compilations around i think :P | r/darkpsy | comment | r/DarkPsy | 2011-01-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTeFJLcDBVVFRwNms3dnpib3hzaGJLX1k0TDY4Qmh6Z3kxT2ZoRWJrMC10MmVkY0lNZUlXQzRkMWRZdTN3VkZqY3htNWNVVWowVmpqR0s3QnFIRmE3ckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSkxRZGtuY0xGdmNFcHpKZzdFN0liNDdPTzVfZXpyV2hzRkFwenpQTm9BMXlXcWVuRkgzYUtoMkFvRFg5WWQ1TlRkbkdkb0twQ0t0b0VJdnpBYkRDTzk1c2VrV1NYLTBNNGE3eHdVcHlxTXo5c3FQN283dTV6QWxRTEItSHBSMERqT1pRMFVVcFFQSzJ1RkJYcjZUZ3dtMXktN1cxS1ZLOGpTLTJrNkhySDdvPQ== |
This song....It's sooo amazing.
The beats, the sounds and the crossovers..... hotness all over.....
Also check out Traumatic Level the cd where this track comes from, one of the best compilations with maybe 1-2 songs that are not so good but still not even close to being bad. | r/darkpsy | comment | r/DarkPsy | 2011-01-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTR3NNRUhkdldHSzQ3X0lhbGZCaDE0dUtmTXBISWZCU09HVjBSVVNTejlKZ05RXzE0UWlUZFdaQ2ZvdEIwdjlvZUxySTBaT0tlcHFuSXhSVnNlSUZvOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfd1JkRFpWR2RBWlhRWGFhU0lJNGdORmdUVWQwVVEybFcxRFoxcURDLXNnQkNZcHVPbExzd0pCcjZJa0dHcVU1bHZUZVQ5cllHZ2Nta3dCNmU4NUVyaC16T3RfSGtTSU9iXzhlMDMtMEs2Si1FTjczS2NZUFVlSmN4d2hfSGc0ejRDZ193VlVZYVBBREpwNDZOSkpteWZzclFMcGQxME1kdEwyTlJ6RWZaWGJ3WEY4R0Z6ZUFYZzMwMjdZQ3F3M2picHFGNEozX1JEMENNRUdnYktwbnk3dz09 |
Nearly two months ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, Amalas (along with TeeArrWilliams) was recently declared the winner of Battle Orange. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. The numerous styles and variations of the secret ingredient she chose will make for an intriguing sixth battle.
This battle's secret ingredient was created as a means of preserving food. Appearing in ancient China and Greece, it was widely employed due to both its efficiency and simplicity. Be it in a nomadic tribe's campfire or a city's high religious festival, this foodstuff could be found all over the Old World. Though modern technology has made production of this item automated, those who produce it by hand manage to preserve its soul. Apart from the varying animals that enter into this item are an onslaught of herbs, spices, and salts. My secret ingredient has a first name, its...
Salami, Blood Sausage, Andouille, Bratwurst, Kielbasa, Bangers, Salsicce, Polish, Chorizo, Cooked, Dry, Raw, Pickled, Smoked! No Oscar Meyer wieners for you, only the best of the wurst! Amalas suggested an interesting variation on our traditional theme, and I am inclined to try it. My chefs, you are tasked with the creation of three entrees! One for every meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sides are optional and encouraged! This shall be a grand feast to celebrate the myriad possibilities of our ingredient. Prepare to stuff yourselves in this cold January, and excite your palates for a new year of /r/IronChef. This contest will conclude Sunday, January 23 at 11:59 pm.
Before we part, [a message from the Chairman](http://vocaroo.com/?media=vX0BQAk87GXCe97x9) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTd0M1Q3N5eFh6NHYyTGJVOHNibURPQzF1WHZUYUJ6UTlRVjdOOTFOVV9nQXFOUFZMTEl3c0kxT1M3VE9xRzhfQkR3UUh0bThxRDgwWi1wbTRsTWlwb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTkNUcHRJYzQxbEs3TlVDUHBObUF3dU90Umo2OTF2dkFDWnh0SE5PaHVlZzBjTjNzVktxNDMydE1kMjRkczBkUmRDblozSThLZXlmMUs5QWJwN29Nb25pQjhkNnAzRWZmSFhyanladXg4X3FTelc2LXpyNXE5RFRESldWODVJRjlIZ29CUWkwcVYxbzhRZXpLVGRmaTlta3dZV3NhSzU0N1F3MTlLMEZQM0tJPQ== |
Hello chairman, Iron Chef submitters and lurkers. I have a request if possible. I enjoyed the tomato battle I participated in. However, I found that it's extremely difficult to plan for 3 different meals or courses on our very limited budget and often can't convince my husband to have meals featuring the same ingredient for three nights in a row. Could we please, please, please have one course battles more often? | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUDJsdVVTdTVWczZET0VfRmh0X0FFTW5BWmlDb3d5MVJOUi1ZRk91RDBOWWZTbFVucnE4Q2gzcXlTTDdFZHJ5M2hieG1xaHMzak1ldndPYjl4OExsVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbVJSN29VaVEwbWJoU0ZSaExDbmlYQ0llMVhpZnlQMjVBdmFmQi0zRzhEZGlrVlgxZkJvdjgwaXV6cnQ1eldMUnV1WFBRdHJGWmduWDE3R2F6UlBYeWZkZFRmM2RTR2VmSnYya3NCMmZfS0dtMXpyV25SVDF3U1lqcThFQnB6a09WYXdmSHZMTW9JZzdyU0F1OXhZd3lzcWFoekxLYkpsSU1pUUM4YXhXMzZKVWtqTUdrV1I4Wlp2bk1OZkNZd216 |
*hug* | r/hugs | post | r/hugs | 2011-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTV1Y0WFBDMFBKRHctV0pidmotTmJzbFZFVW1uZkFIb3pjcTlaUlVZNnJrM3dUd09KeF9aRTFZcFdfNG1CLTZRUzNsU2hyVjRmMTZhZm5XMEo1a3VucWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNlhqSEUxQWM3bVpoNExnRXFtZXFBZDVVWkQwMEJ5TVBOcnBfRUxwdGNtb0FLeEtncWM2eE1HMV9DUHV0OXFiZ3pvWnE1ZFhibmpSb2U1VThQRjNBTmx5RXZvSE96LTZDNFBVeWU2b2k5QW1ta25vc28tZmRwVEpaQWFuU2tQajJDZWFKaE5wRDBTRTlrMF9LUFhiQnNBPT0= |
¤hugs¤ | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTUNyWU1HQVJSU045N0lVUW45VHMtamcxY2VLUVhXM3F4bXBMRFhmN3BRVEZaOV84TWFYNFRVWW1DV01vdzVBNlNnck9SNU5rdENRV1I0TkZoeHpTTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZ1I3UENoUkZqSGlVZ0d0bXhTaDYxc0lxZjFzbndZMlFfeUNENjRTaWdFWlFQZnFCQU5iMm9qNkw3dWhERUVkUFZaTnM5a0dfdklra3NUZW41MVpzN1pjTkxnUjZRTmM0TjNzNk5CNVBMcFFFQ1Mzc3YtTDlkN0ttMEFEallQMDBJUk5ybFNxWkNOWWlKRVVscFdZODJnPT0= |
/hug | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTeG9lU2psWEp3WGJqX1pYMzFlVEtIdHJmQTdrYjJLWnE1b0Y3RmI2NjZfMHVIbk9HRDlDYkp0UXlCVlA5elJkTnE1bDIwUDEyVTF5ck44WHl0MzdLb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbXJkaHpsRnlPRmdJeWZxQkh3MDV3S3dsZ1djVUtKNkVKcWRkQ1dMV2N1cnBpMUhFM0tiOE9ZdXo2M2ZZVS10bzU5b1VwcV9XM2Q3WVZ0ZV9QRUVKc1VBa2dTZ2ZwTzdIdGpTMHJLajNVelFaYUxkbkJYR3p5U0VvTnZUaS1Td3pzZHp2TklydWVhR3poeEdLT0FFUnJnPT0= |
{{{hugs}}} | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTa2E0Q0tualA1UEZ5c3lISUhqSFZJa2hHaEVpdkw3ZU1VOGFQZ3ptbGx0Z3JpS0R0OWFRemc4MVVydllGWDB2QUFkSV9xVFpMSV92akkyZVMyNlRFMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfamExUE1kbnpUdEhoYVp5d3dOZDFZNG5KWGt4WUltUk80WjdWOEZUWEJFZDBuZnZiZVA4d3VweERTTlNFa2xONENYa0J1MkV1eVNXYzBZUksxRmlTeXl6ZGRhUk0yX0N5NjJwSkxUQnVudlNtajBXdWEzYS1YcHhmcllhSHZYVXBTOEFNa3ZmWUhxd3B6MTJXQm82aXpRPT0= |
___ ____ ___
____( \ .-' `-. / )____
(____ \_____ / (O O) \ _____/ ____)
(____ `-----( ) )-----' ____)
(____ _____________\ .____. /_____________ ____)
(______/ `-.____.-' \______) | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQWU1X2ZlVUJnU2IzSHNmT1dhUnYzZXY1NmFrT2dmQWlaVlhkZFpPc3NScG5LaHFJQkdHWUxTUUhrYmxMdmIwUjQyNUNYQ0lBMHJTWEJOZ3hiOHVKNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWUZON0k3VGRqYWhLSmRzTk1halllVHg5aFBUajhnOW54VWpDU3UzdFkzUXZqRm1pOUkzZXNVSksza1NmVG1HNVBmUktwd0xaNU1sSTU1OHFEeHdOOXRUSV92M2hrWTBuQXA1YXVxN1NySlMtS0J6empoRTZHTThNUUlJNXhIZE1HRkVFWE5FNGo2cUZHUGc1NC13cWJRPT0= |
*hug* | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTejk5eGVIdEg3WVU1dDVPWGl5WVJxYXlCSl9VbEZyQTZZUURKMEstU3I3bFlNNEtBQnVCOHlxTjNIb3d0ZzdneWJJUGtCQkFwZWFVZjg2ZXhxdFRyUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNFRubm0zV0dLbFN4OTdwRUk5S2hXMHRrY1NXclVtcXNzNVdCcDVPc1BPQXB5MVJydGRMTEZaMVB0eHFaa0Z0dnViVHVZYm1Yb3piS29VU3lwSHFLV2RpX1g5M0xEcnJMOXVpak9Ia2p4ZHJBY2VwZnZjcEg3Q2p2dlFCLUwzWFZTYTNIU0c1Y21fQ0NTRmlySXR5bVlRPT0= |
*hug* | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYWlnMFlUVWNxYXdLa3RSU3BmWExjT2RPYWFITmNfMVRzdUo5ZjFoWE50c1lDOGN1ZVpDbl9ta29IWjRJVTRQNjhtdFpNY2NwdGcyUFpuWnVCT0o4MGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfa1h2dWJ3TjctUlQwdU9Wc25zeFRrUVAtZ2hWZFlnV1BEcVVuS1FFRE5ZX3AwNjdVZWlBT3htZTJ4cFAxRmpYMjVxdXdXXzIyRjctcDNFYnJIaEhUQ0hzMjBnaXkzREoxUVZkN0k2X183dC1uSU5yOUhFUEwtZ0lpWGRwV1AwSGxGeDhmZXFLZDlXc1hJRmdnOHZucEVRPT0= |
*hug* | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSll0bHBmWUxrcTZ1YlNyUWpOSnI2SlllM0ZkNlF4NmZST1VMTnc0U1p6WFhMRFFvbG9xUE5GYkZfZHFoYThab2NlWkFrcE1PWkFpQjBPSkVJcTg0cFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTnN4amtIU3VVQU5ZckhYazdmR3YyNmlhdE4wS0hXNzk0YWM2ajM2dGJ6Z3paY3NwbUhWT3Ywc1NSTDloTzJQcE1wUHgxQXpfUlJFX3FtYWgwMVRxa1dGUGRKMHFMMXV2bXZyVkZqTEd5dWlndFlGRmFqNmM2ZUJDS0J4NmNDLVNueWI4ellrUlFsZnQxX20tUTBuN05BPT0= |
*hug* | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTX2ZwVzNSX1dCZ2RlaFd4RkJTWF9wakc1UllXSnFaX0o5ZFM2VTA0Y0xVMzNiNVVVckhqa1NCWk9xaV9lckVtZGFxc3lXVzBSNzlzOHVhdUZab2tGZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfMlJWYkFVa1UwQUo1MGRURTVlWGtzYV8xeHM5dG9LVEMyYnU0bzdsT0JCRDlqTXFjRWVLRzdsQmNaSjk0S0Jta0FvYWNrUDdvclAwMzBmdVBwM0VmRU5EWG5SQjJqcUVnR0ljUmthQ3ZtSEoxQ1FDcHprcXR2NGZ5ODVFRkgzcmhxR2syV055NUQ4bWtqbFJISHZnb2NBPT0= |
hug™ | r/hugs | comment | r/hugs | 2011-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTRjdib3RkZXZaanZQUjJtanhicW4yck00MDJCU05KRVJHcklRdXdxaGpGQlFPcFhVb0RJUFMyTFprdTJOV1lCSWVScXlHdlFOUUllOXJmb3ozUlhTc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbUhMNGZ0cUtHVEVQUjBNYlNwZzlEQWVxUE9FaGxwTDA1M2RWaHV1MGctbUliVFJ3ZktqMEg1VWdrZm1TTE9ud2Vzam94anFsR0RuMHlYblhqVjN0bUxZa054bF9wVk5BUFNxLTVZYzRMTkw2MUQ4d1RTakRWLWsxenBJb2pCTTNlYW9CWHJqemNuRVppR2laUUgzbkdnPT0= |
This was my first time actually cooking in an IC challenge and I really enjoyed it. I thought sausage was an interesting secret ingredient and offered lots of possibilities, all while being fairly inexpensive and accessible. As you'll probably be able to tell I tend to lean towards European cooking, especially French, Italian, and Spanish. Also, apologies in advance for the large files, I forgot to change the resolution back to medium. Anyway, enough blabbering, onto the food!
**Breakfast - Poached egg with sauteed spinach, crispy potatoes, and Sherry-glazed chorizo**
* 1 large egg
* A large handful of fresh spinach
* 5 or 6 fingerling potatoes
* 1 fresh bay leaf
* 1 medium garlic clove, sliced paper thin
* 1 fresh spicy Spanish chorizo, cut into thick (1") rounds
* Olive oil
* Splash of Sherry vinegar
* Salt and fresh ground black pepper
* **For the potatoes**, [put them in a pot with the bay leaf](http://i.imgur.com/zKaHi.jpg) and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, season the water with salt, and simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 15 minutes). When tender, drain the potatoes and [cut in half and allow to steam for a few minutes](http://i.imgur.com/DBa9y.jpg). Heat a pan with some olive oil and [add the potatoes (cut side down) once it shimmers](http://i.imgur.com/vKN6a.jpg). Season with salt and pepper and fry for about 2-3 minutes or until they are golden brown. [Flip, season, and crisp the other side](http://i.imgur.com/s5wzl.jpg). When they are crispy on both sides, turn them back onto the cut side and keep the pan on a low heat to keep crispy until ready.
* **To poach the egg**, bring a small pan of water to the boil with some white vinegar (about 1 tbsp per quart of water) and crack the egg into a ramekin or small cup. Lower the heat to a low simmer, stir the water in one direction with a whisk to build some momentum, [then gently slip the egg into the center of the vortex](http://i.imgur.com/YAEZ5.jpg) in the same direction the water is moving. Cook for about 3-4 minutes for a soft poached egg, then remove with a slotted spoon, run under cool water and drain on paper towel.
* **For the chorizo**, heat a bit of olive oil in a pan and wait for it to start shimmering. [Fry for a couple minutes](http://i.imgur.com/cDO8i.jpg) or until browned and crispy, [then flip and fry the other side](http://i.imgur.com/YqgLp.jpg). When browned on the other side, drain off and reserve the oil, then deglaze the pan with a splash of vinegar and shake the pan to coat the chorizo. When the vinegar is nearly evaporated, remove the chorizo from the pan and reserve on paper towel.
* **For the spinach**, first heat some olive oil in a pan, add the sliced garlic and slowly fry until golden brown and crispy, then remove and drain on paper towel. Heat the oil over about medium heat and [add the spinach](http://i.imgur.com/HtPl6.jpg). Season with salt and pepper then quickly toss in the pan with a spoon for a few seconds, then remove from the heat and keep stirring until the spinach is all wilted then remove from the pan and reserve on paper towel.
* **[When ready to plate](http://i.imgur.com/XrGf4.jpg)**, make a small mound out of the spinach off center on the plate, top with the egg and season the egg with salt and pepper. Make a mound of the crispy potatoes on the side and add chorizo. Put the garlic chips over top then drizzle the spicy oil from the chorizo around. **[Finished plate](http://i.imgur.com/Xrdj9.jpg)**
**Lunch - Selection of charcuterie**
I'm of the belief that when you have product that tastes so good on its own, there's little need to mess with it so just serve it as is and enjoy its flavour. I picked out some of my favourite salamis as well as a nice bread and some mustard to go along with it. It's a really nice light lunch and obviously dead simple to do. I served it just on my cutting board since it all had a fairly rustic feel.
**[Picture](http://i.imgur.com/qcoJd.jpg)** (From the top [closest to the knife] and going clockwise) - Rosette de Lyon (red wine, pepper), Spicy wild boar salami, Truffle salami, Finocchiona (wild fennel salami), and Saucisson sec au confit de citron (dry sausage with preserved lemon)
The Finocchiona is probably my favourite of the five but this was my first try of the prerserved lemon salami and it was absolutely delicious too.
**Dinner - Grilled Tolouse sausage with lentils and mustard sabayon**
I love sausage with lentils so this was an easy choice for the third dish. I wanted to have some sort of sauce and I thought a sabayon would be a really cool way of getting a mustard sauce on the plate that would also lighten up the dish a bit with its airiness.
* 1 good quality Tolouse sausage
* **For the lentils:**
* Handful of Puy lentils (about a scant 1/3 cup)
* 1 medium carrot, bottom half roughly chopped, top half finely diced
* 1 medium stalk of celery, half roughly chopped, half finely diced
* 1 shallot, half roughly chopped, half finely diced
* 2 small cloves of garlic, 1 gently crushed, 1 finely grated/minced
* 1 bouquet garni (2 or 3 sprigs of parsley, 1 large sprig of thyme, 1 small bay leaf)
* Small bunch of tarragon leaves, chopped
* Zest of about 1/3 of a lemon
* Olive oil
* Salt and fresh ground black pepper
* **For the sauce:**
* 1 egg yolk
* 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
* 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
* Pinch of sugar
* Splash of water (Optional; if needed to thin sabayon)
* About 1/2 teaspoon of grainy mustard
* **For the lentils**, quickly rinse them [then put in a small sauce pan](http://i.imgur.com/Fmbn7.jpg) along with the roughly chopped carrot, celery, shallot, crushed garlic clove, and bouquet garni. Cover with water by a couple inches then bring to the boil, then reduce to very gentle simmer (similar to when making stock) and cook until tender (about 25 minutes, but depends on the age of your lentils). Once tender, drain in a sieve then pick out the aromatics once cooled. Heat a medium fry pan with some olive oil and gently fry the diced carrot, celery and shallot for 2-3 minutes until softened, then season with salt, add the garlic and cook briefly (about 30 seconds), then add the lentils and toss well to mix everything through. Add some more olive oil if needed to dress all the lentils, then take off the heat until ready to serve.
* **For the sausage**, heat a grill/grill pan to about medium-high heat so it smokes a bit, then oil and season the sausage and grill slowly until just cooked (about 10 minutes). Rest the sausage until ready to serve (don't slice it until the very last second); while it's resting you can prepare the mustard sauce.
* **For the sabayon**, heat about an inch of water in a sauce pan over low heat until it starts to gently steam then put a heat proof bowl over the top of the pan. Add the egg yolk, vinegar, mustard, and sugar to the bowl and begin to [vigorously beat with a whisk](http://i.imgur.com/asfHy.jpg). Continue to whisk the mixture until it thickens and triples in volume (about 5 minutes). The sabayon is ready when you lift the whisk out and there's a trail left: if it gets too thick and pasty, add a bit of lukewarm water to thin it then beat it again to aerate it. When it's ready, add the grainy mustard and whisk through again.
* **To plate**, add the tarragon and lemon zest to the lentils and stir through, then mound them in the center of the plate. Slice the sausage on the bias into thick slices and arrange on top. Spoon the mustard sabayon around the plate and serve. **[Finished plate](http://i.imgur.com/vIaYW.jpg)**
Overall I was really happy with the way things turned out for all 3 dishes. The only thing I would change would be the plating on the sausage and lentil dish to make it more visually appealing; it felt like it needed something so maybe just some whole tarragon leaves over the sausage and lentils would have been enough. The sauce turning out as well as it did made up for that though and it's definitely going into my "tool box" (although I'd probably use white wine instead of vinegar next time but that's all I had and it worked well with the mustard). I was also really happy with the way the breakfast dish turned out, although it might have been better with a couple eggs instead of just one for that amount of potatoes-- oh well! I look forward to seeing what other people came up with and the next battle :)
Edit: Formatting, typos | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZkNzbDRZT0VWcVNZekUxQ09zZTdBbS1ab24wQm5ZVDJCb2ZfdzdUQWxjVUFfNl9sM2VneDV5bzBtbU9IeFM1cVNvUXQ4U2FrTUlYX3loR1JYQkVHZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZTZQbENlaHpMSEg1RTVjanVZcmpsS3dId2QyamZQZXFRMXhMQU9MVFpNb3NmOW5FYlQ2VlMwVUdlSjA4MTFUanNYRDg2d0lzZkpYWFl5THZlU0dPWHZCTW5WTnlIUHNjYlJQNHFISHlUSEQ1N2N6aEFKcHJZQ3FMc2ZmVzBBRV94bUtqdlQ4SjZBLXBqbUo5VnJVbEdzVy1DZFBfUnpZLXBGNWdEYzh3T0NSTzl5UVVhbk1Oa2pGUUZ5c2xyblRaUnhzRjRPLVZKb3JybzQ0NUtLUVZWUT09 |
TeeArrWilliams and I busted out a new tool this week: a meat grinder attachment for my stand mixer. We ground our own sausage and are now completely spoiled!
**[Breakfast - Pork Pasty](http://imgur.com/SyQUX)**
This is our take on a Cornish Pasty. In theory, it was supposed to be hand sized, but it's more of a fork and plate sort of meal.
Here's what went into our [home-ground sausage](http://imgur.com/5dDMZ):
* pork butt
* pork fat
* pepper, sage, thyme, rosemary, brown sugar, nutmeg, cayenne, red pepper flakes
[Prepping](http://imgur.com/qIK5d) the pasty, using a homemade pie crust. The meat end also has potatoes and as a surprise, there is a dessert end!
* diced pears
* raisins
* brown sugar
* cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
[Inside the meat end](http://imgur.com/V5rVz) - [Inside the dessert end](http://imgur.com/o4liq) - [Verification pic](http://imgur.com/6JCQV)
It was super hearty delicious and even better the next day after all the flavors mingled together. We made all our coworkers jealous at lunch!
**[Lunch - Chorizo Tacos](http://imgur.com/pbSEj)**
Chorizo is a great Mexican sausage and we had never seen them in tacos, so we gave it a try. We were going for a street taco vibe, but friends said it was more like what you would get at a high-end fusion restaurant.
* hot chorizo, [chopped](http://imgur.com/jqqkV) and sauted
* [carrot and chili slaw](http://imgur.com/V1V1p): carrots, green chili, red chili, mayo, apple cider vinegar, lime juice
* feta cheese
The chorizo was nice and spicy, but the cheese and slaw cooled it off a bit. The chilis in the slaw made a great slow burn that you kept tasting as you ate. Tons of flavor in this lunch!
[Verification pic](http://imgur.com/817Eb)
**[Dinner - Mini Burgers](http://imgur.com/uFRhA)**
Yes, it's a bit unoriginal, but our goal was more to explore the making-of part of sausage. This was a beef-pork blend that was very juicy and not something you can just buy at any store.
* beef sirloin tip
* pork butt
* garlic
* brown sugar, coriander, sage, paprika, cayenne, rosemary, mustard, pepper, nutmeg, salt
[Burger toppings:](http://imgur.com/7kyTe)
* swiss cheese
* lettuce
* tomato
* pickle
* chipotle mayo
* all on homemade buns
I would have maybe liked to see more spice/heat. I think next time I will try grinding in jalepenos. =)
[Full album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_6__sausage) - [Full album link 2](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_6__sausage#5dDMZ) in case the first link is a little flaky | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTaFZteE9MWVp4Qnl6dlctald5d0kxYU9kdVVBZm52aHlQU3FJR2tVZG9mSkdvR1JjUjd6LVJ5LVE5XzJyZm1JamRDRmp1aFNENG9NY3hRWG9Odk9LZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTkZIZTlaaThHUDJxZzZjOFJ0dWdnb1d6RkJFRHE0eWM1X1BEY2kwQ3I5S1JGdFZVbUdHcmFyd3BkQWYtTVFaLUdGeU84eUZ4Vkh5QjVpajJkZkxXMW5Zc04yUzdEaEF1M1U2MVg3Z3VLZmYxV3MweU9veGJoZlNSTTlsZmxvOUlmaFB1eDhvZ000cjJYNTUydmNUMG52M241NXdudVJ6QVdpeEkyclI2VVhzallycURQSjFxck9ZWEdFbWZWcTRw |
The next dishes will be presented by readaholic and her fiance xircso.
Okay! Today we are presenting our breakfast, lunch, and dinner sausage recipes. I've got to tell you, I didn't really like sausage much (most of my experience with the meat is pizza hut sausage pizza, which I hate, and my lack thereof is due to the persecution pig products have faced in my family because of religious reasons), but my fiance is a fan so he insisted we had to compete. And through the course of this battle, my eyes have been opened. Sausage is sensational!
In this battle, our strategy was to showcase how fun and delicious sausage can be. (the requisite response to begin; the forms must be observed)
[**First, we call this Egg-Stuffed Little Links on the Potato.**](http://i.imgur.com/6AeFr.jpg)
* Eggs + season
* Onion
* Potatoes
* Eckrich smoky original breakfast sausage links
* Thick cut bacon
* Maple syrup
Seriously, if you don't have a [grater with a hand crank](http://imgur.com/HofK8.jpg), you need one. We ran through two potatoes in less than [two minutes](http://imgur.com/SD5lY.jpg) for the hash browns.
It's really fun to build your own log cabin, but it's even better to be able to eat it...and the prairie on which it stands...mwhahaha...er hem. Yes, well...it tastes very good. I've always loved breakfast sausages, so my fiance didn't have to convince me that this would be good. But just so you know, the log cabin was my idea.
We mix our eggs with horseradish and a small amount of soy sauce, so they are also top notch. My fiance likes his eggs runny so he thought they were overcooked, but I thought they were perfect. The hashbrowns were good, but they weren't crunchy the way we prefer them, however the bacon-sausage drippings we fried them in gave them a great flavor. And maple syrup on top of everything is like icing on a cake.
[**Ok, next up is Sausage Corn Chowder and Chorizo Spinach Salad.**](http://i.imgur.com/bgXyF.jpg)
[Ingredients for Sausage Corn Chowder](http://i.imgur.com/noMCc.jpg)
* Locally made Polish Sausage from D&R market (if you life in Lafayette, IN area and have never been, you should remedy that. Super nice folks with good, wholesome food selection. And delicious BBQ)
* Corn
* Sweet Potatoes
* Onions
* Gouda
* Half and half
* Beef broth
* Olive oil
* Flour
* s & p
* Tumeric
One word: Delicious. Our batch of soup made a ton, way too much for two people to eat, but we weren't worried. We both ate it for lunch at work for three days in a row with nary a complaint in sight. I would definitely make this soup again.
Polish sausage was one of those that my fiance had to convince me of. He said it would be a nice safe step from breakfast sausage, and he was right. I actually might never go back to breakfast sausage again. I'll just have to figure out how to make them into log cabins.
The soup definitely has a rich, sweet taste to it, creamy with savory, crispy dots of sausage in each tantalizing bite. And it smells great, definitely a mouth watering lunch that everyone in the office was jealous of. The only complaint about we have is that we didn't use enough of the polish sausage in the original batch.
Ingredients for Chorizo Spinach Salad
* Chorizo
* Spinach
* Home made honey mustard dressing
* Scallions
* Cheddar cheese (shredded)
This salad was really easy to make, and I love any opportunity to use my homemade honey mustard dressing (dijon mustard, honey, mayo, and white wine). I definitely had reservations about eating chorizo. I'm not too much a fan of spicy things. I was so surprised! The flavor is like a fiesta in your mouth, such an ideal Mexican meat.
I don't think pairing the chorizo with honey mustard was quite the best design, but it was still delicious. (xircso: I thought it was fantastic!) The creamy sweet dressing made a succulent contrast to the savory, spicy chorizo. I think the crumbly texture and deep flavor definitely make chorizo a great salad topping.
[**Our final meal is Stuffed Salami Rolls with Marinara and Asparagus**](http://i.imgur.com/OAogI.jpg)
Ingredients (Sorry, no food porn layout picture)
* Genoa Salami
* Homemade ricotta cheese
* Homemade marinara sauce
* Asparagus
This one was also a winner and something I would make again. My fiance made the marinara sauce, and it was so good, I was eating it out of the sauce pan like soup. It reminded me a lot of a really good sauce, Newman's Own Sockarooni. We used onion, garlic, red pepper, and whole canned tomatoes. Really if you're going to make tomato sauce you have to remove the seeds, and my fiance did a lot of work to make sure there wasn't a single seed in the sauce. Then we (read: he) ran them through a food mill to get em nice and smooth.
Sorry, I'm a huge fan of marinara sauces...but anyways, yeah the salami. We lightly fried it into cylinder shapes in order to be able to fill it with ricotta and then baked it. It was nice and crispy and fantastic with the creamy homemade ricotta (milk and vinegar, plus some seasoning and fresh basil).
We simply blanched the asparagus. This was a surprisingly light, fresh meal, which left us plenty of room for dessert.
[**Finally dessert, Candied Sausage on Ice Cream**](http://i.imgur.com/Oy6zW.jpg)
* Polish sausage
* Brown sugar
* Ice Cream
We just had to think of some way we could use sausage in a dessert setting. I mean, it goes so well with maple syrup for breakfast, there must be some dessert application just waiting out there.
We used vanilla bean ice cream, but I could see the [candied sausage](http://i.imgur.com/zRTBP.jpg) going well on butter pecan or maybe a citrus flavored ice cream like mango. The sausages were so good, we had to be careful not to snack on them so much we wouldn't have any left for the ice cream.
My fiance liked the sausage with the ice cream, but I think I prefer just the candied sausage on its own. The sausage was probably sliced too thick to candy well, or not enough brown sugar; either way it was a tasty snack but not really good with ice cream. The brown sugar was gone too fast so all you had was sausage and ice cream.
We had a lot of fun working on our first Iron Chef-reddit, and we hope to be able to contribute more. I know, for my own part, this battle has opened up my eyes to sausage. For example, with some of the left over chorizo, we made [stuffed-crust mexican pizza](http://i.imgur.com/6mABV.jpg), [excellent](http://i.imgur.com/wyDLk.jpg)! The possibilities are endless!
Tomorrow we'll go through and do our voting, until then, we bid you... Good Eating!
ninja edit: formatting, changing to imgur for pictures | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTenhJc2RoZnRQVzVtNkdrZVVGYk9DWk56b3BKUTBxd19jenBfVmFxaVJRN2pweU9sQVI0bFFFd0l2c3FTY2lTQnloVWVveVBzNGZzRDNodklfSVFWdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUDRZMlhFQ1ZINUtWZ3N4dU5DUERCbEVOX1ZwVjRfNWNyV3poV29SQWlqTDFzc2d3TkoxU1IwNGJCb2c4blI0UmloM0oyZHRNMVdSSnFURjhpRUVZeGhvbEFlRl9UcFdtbXhxa204bzJuRDJhcjBVMFlDLUJsbEdHdVFXTmtKQnFGVHZzT3BibWVnazAwUXpsanRQWkNfLVpFUEtzbzVKbURLMUVDRy0wbU9kSW9UU3kwZkhKTXpMSGoxNnk5Zi1RMUNGNlJlVnZnZEw5WXBORjZTelBpZz09 |
The main thing I wanted to do was to have a variety of sausages while eschewing the Italian. So, for breakfast, we have a chicken sausage with sun-dried tomatoes and basil, for lunch we have beef kielbasa, and for diner we have linguiça, Portuguese sausages.
Here is the [full album](http://whowantstoknow.imgur.com/sausage#PtpyO)
First off is the [strata](http://i.imgur.com/WWvoI.jpg). The ingredients are:
6 large eggs
2 ½ cups milk
5 green onions
½ cup whipping cream
½ cup Parmesan
2 tablespoons herbs de provence
1 tablespoon paprika
½ teaspoon kosher salt
½ cup Ricotta
5 sundried-tomato and basil sausages
1 red bell pepper
A loaf of ciabatta cut into one inch cubes
1 cup Fontana
Preheat your oven to 350 and butter a baking dish.
Wisk together the eggs, milk, onions, whipping cream, parmesan, herbs, and paprika.
Sauté sausages until browned. Sauté red pepper until it’s softened.
Arrange half the bread on the bottom of the [dish](http://i.imgur.com/56vtn.jpg). Pour half the met mixture on top. Sprinkle the sausage and pepper on next, followed by the [ricotta](http://i.imgur.com/vmpSf.jpg). Then sprinkle the Fontana. Repeat layering.
Press bread down to submerge in custard.
Let stand for twenty minutes.
Bake until the strata is puffed and browned, about one hour. [The finished](http://i.imgur.com/4C83g.jpg) product makes a very [tasty](http://i.imgur.com/aciUO.jpg) breakfast.
For lunch, we have [perogies with beef kielbasa and horse radish cheddar](http://i.imgur.com/7DE3X.jpg). Ingredients are:
4 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 cups sour cream
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
8 potatoes, peeled and cut into three pieces
1 cup [horse radish cheddar](http://i.imgur.com/uPmcK.jpg) (Which I forgot to photograph before putting in with the potatoes)
1 kielbasa
In a large bowl, stir together flour and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, sour cream, eggs, yolk, and oil.
Stir the wet ingredients in with the flour mixture, cover with a towel, and let stand for twenty minutes.
Place your potatoes into a pot to boil and cook until tender.
Drain and mash the potatoes. Stir in the cheese while the potatoes are still hot.
Sauté your kielbasa, then chop it up and mix with the [potatoes](http://i.imgur.com/6yrEN.jpg).
Roll out your dough and cut out circles with a cookie cutter.
Brush a little water around the edges and spoon some filling into the [center](http://i.imgur.com/Na8xy.jpg). Fold over the circles and seal them with a fork.
Now fry [them](http://i.imgur.com/7Cw8W.jpg) and then place them into your [mouth](http://i.imgur.com/HpoOE.jpg).
Finally, for diner, we have the national dish of Brazil, [feijoada](http://i.imgur.com/48reB.jpg). It has been cold and snowy here and there’s nothing like stew to warm you up. You will need:
4 cups dried black beans, soaked in water overnight
4 ox tails
1 pound top round
3 [linguicas](http://i.imgur.com/Gv18c.jpg)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion
3 stalks of celery
1 leek
1 shallot
½ cup scallions
3 garlic cloves
3 bay leaves
Take your soaked black beans, place in a large pot, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to medium and cook, covered, for an hour, until the beans are well cooked but not mushy.
Drain the excess water, but keep about two cups of the liquid in with the beans.
While that is boiling, brown your [ox tail](http://i.imgur.com/r2CKv.jpg), top round, and [sausage](http://i.imgur.com/xSIKf.jpg) in batches, reserving the drippings.
Cook your onion, celery, leek, shallot, and scallions in the drippings of the meats until they are [tender](http://i.imgur.com/O5xcV.jpg). Add the garlic and stir to blend.
Add the vegetables to the pot of beans along with the bay leaves. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. Add the meats and the reserved drippings. Season lightly with salt and pepper and cover the pan. Simmer at low heat for at least three hours, until the meats are tender and are falling off the [bone](http://whowantstoknow.imgur.com/sausage#GSEs6).
Everything was delicious. The only thing I would change about anything was next time, I would toss the bread in the strata with garlic butter. The perogies were great coupled with the horse radish cheddar and kielbasa. And the feijoada was excellent, though like any stews, it is better the next day. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTRUcwSlJmYXp2d0p2R01tOWtiVlJxWGhrUGMyOTE5Y1RHTTlnU1lEdi1FRFRvd2FkcldEdWF5cEMwaFpQN18yaU1RX29aaDRKclYta2F5c2NqMURXS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfeGVKT0JoUDk5WDBEUGVnQ1pINnZoQjF1MkpwUDJ5TVQ4M0JnRDcwVmE1TlBEWXVsOTU2WmFZeWpfQ1lySlU1VVRXblpBcHk3ZmxhWlBtTWZGY1Nfbkd6Y3FVNUhzTUsxWHZqcGdDUE9qakxOM3lqQmU5eVpjTFpBUldmV2ZwUEZIcV91RzZSUXp5SnItbEhLNHRSN0dwQUFhZEhYT21EZHROdHhieWNxSFd6SmR1ZEJSbGFydmVTRVdzamZ6NUZRd2hZWW9GOHp2dDV2SU5Ic3NySnFSQT09 |
Breakfast: Chicken sausage, egg, and cheese on a bagel.
* Chicken sausage links
* Extra virgin olive oil
* eggs
* pepper jack cheese
* bagels
* sriracha
* ketchup
* [First I scrambled 4 eggs and fried 8 chicken sausage links on the stove.](http://i.imgur.com/31Cai.jpg)
* While they were cooking I toasted two bagels and made some Sriracha ketchup.
* When everything finished cooking I [put it all together](http://i.imgur.com/7Jh5r.jpg) and added a slice of pepper jack cheese.
Presentation isn’t fancy but it was very tasty. As far as breakfast sandwiches go it was a 9/10. The sriracha ketchup was very good and added some spice (my roommate and I love spicy food).
Lunch: Sausage and peppers sandwich.
* Pork sausage
* Red, orange, and yellow bell pepper
* onion
* garlic
* E.V.O.O.
* Fichelle rolls
* Sriracha
* [First I sliced the peppers, onions, and garlic and fried them in some olive oil.](http://i.imgur.com/EgmVr.jpg)
* [Then I fried some pork sausage until it browned.](http://i.imgur.com/zzWgt.jpg)
* Then I baked the bread for 10 mins at 350 degrees.
* Then I added sriracha and red pepper flakes to the peppers and onions to add some kick.
* Then I [added it all together](http://i.imgur.com/Kaev9.jpg) and my roommate and I feasted.
Once again a simple plating but it was fantastic. It was so delicious especially the bread. It was the best sausage and peppers sandwich I’ve ever eaten. Definitely a 10/10 on taste.
Dinner: Mozzarella stuffed sausage meatballs with a tomato pesto sauce, parmesan and garlic mashed potatoes, and a salad with walnuts and feta cheese and raspberry vinaigrette.
* I cut and removed the casings and combined all of the sausage together.
* [Then I scored it and wrapped the meat around a ball of fresh mozzarella.](http://i.imgur.com/vqLcc.jpg)
* [I then baked the meatballs at 400 degrees for 20 mins.](http://i.imgur.com/6Zm16.jpg)
[Tomato Pesto sauce](http://i.imgur.com/aiQxj.jpg)
* I crushed peeled whole tomatoes in a saucepan and added basil pesto and some red pepper flakes.
* I let it simmer for a little while then it was ready to serve.
[Parmesan mashed potatoes](http://i.imgur.com/trTlR.jpg)
* [I quartered Yukon gold potatoes and boiled them.](http://i.imgur.com/X7ZyB.jpg)
* Salted the water when it came up to a boil and drained when the potatoes were fork tender.
* After draining I added about half the container of parmesan cheese, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, a little milk, 2 tbsp of butter, a couple of dabs of sour cream, and a shitload of black pepper.
* Tossed with chopped walnuts and feta cheese.
* Dressed with raspberry vinaigrette.
[Final product.](http://i.imgur.com/CzMFb.jpg)
I really liked how the meal turned out. It was very tasty and I'd give it a 9/10 deliciousness.
Lets do this!
[Australia day!](http://www.foxsports.com.au/football/asian-cup/fox-sports-football-commentator-andy-harper-previews-afc-asian-cup-australia-v-uzbekistan-semi-final/story-e6frf4fu-1225994061375) | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2011-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTME9KT1dKMUZUQVlZZnNhUHNIY0xsMUtOMFdZSDJBTWVZbGhZS21kZmJMRVZVa2dZQjhJNDdPNHVWME1YUjBTNVk1Y09TcVRUNzVOeFR5YmtjcGZUdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfY1FqUmp3Nk42T0JVNkJZRHQyYXhsVVlVQ3R1S3psY2lDc1BuQ0k4cjlqc1IzUlVoNFZmbUh4c1VHM1BvRXJ3ZGUzbmU0cl9GNGRHN0FJUkFtYUpubkcyc2N3SDdiUWxLcWJQTTVLWWRnQjlZZU9zOERtUDFBeHRlY2xNc1J5UGdjY1hkcGVFbTRYNkx6MVFid0x2VDVaVXl5czZhYkxldXJRbElId0F0THVEMmQ3R0lCcHBSNDdPVXNQdC02TFNs |
Hopefully this place will flourish in the coming months/years! | r/statesboro | post | r/statesboro | 2011-01-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZWwxYzVoMGpNMWN1V2xiOWN5M09mY1N2eU84LWt6bGpOY0JIQ1RKUk82TGR1V0JXYlR5N1R1Nm40YlpmUGo4WTdELWUyRjViN1lZMUx4OHp1bS1uMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfS3hQZDQzdUMyVDl5SE9DSXNiM1VFcS0wLWVsZDVwMnFRR2pxZDNqcHZ3TkpOcWU3T0MzRWxsQndpVDk4Y3VVRHhjQjZ5dzZ1V0o0anZTbE5lN1BXZkRabmpDQUJYQy02a0FvQVdRRlJud1lhbXQ4MHdGSmRsVEFLN3JyamI4YXc5blZocWZvT29FVGg4T3ZXcld1UWZ0NnJ0SWRDUmIxX0IwZl8wZlQ5cE8ybnRZUG1kT2dvRlRaRmt1ZDl4OENn |
[DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/) Even supports SSL. This is my google replacement.
There is off course [bing](http://bing.com) by microsoft. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWVR3dXJ4X0hFdkdYM1NNdlEzUXRDbDNqMFY5WHE4WkdfSnFNdDhjTlp6TGItWG81cy1vT2o4bmFOV21rWVBadEdhTUxOMkZzX2QwMXlmTnFyMV9wWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNWZtdUhLdWVMT1Q0S3hXUUQyU2ZremVBc3BmMU5yWmNxNnVHSFd3VlVYT0xMRzJGMlpTSnA5NEZwZk9lbF8zSlItTm9fOUpiYmFPY1M2Uy1fa3RhQTRsQ3VTUno0Y0JPNS1LamxXTzM5cGc0cUhMOWdJUWRXQlJucG5LdDlwMjhiY29rU3VDWFM5M3czNmxCTVEzdldRX3dSQ0djeXlWTTA2S1lhV0dHRHAtblQ4bi0wMlJfclVZaWZFQjdPRzVxNTRJbXdLcm5vM204WDhFdzZpLWM5UT09 |
The title is a bit misleading, OP. The searches themselves aren't being censored; it's just that autocomplete and google instant wont suggest torrent related stuff.
Not that this is good news, but the sky isn't falling just yet.
| r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdzlHbVNOcDZMY1ktUlhNWThOdFVwVzA3dHlRVDBjTTJLWHA0X2FnMW1QTjRVOVM3c0VEVzRqMHIxSFVUY0Nhd3N6OG9waFRTMENWUGJPczJxMVgteUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfakI3TGhfQ0pkWllreDNzUVRCdE10aDJMOFVmYTFxbEY4SWRWblpnUlcwbWd3b1VYYmZJbEhDclk5a19OenZzU0laR28wdVNPX2x2SE55LWFuVm92LWVfcFYzMzQzSDNSa1FWcG5UYkotYXN5YTVnRFBUUzNFRWpfTUMyTDc3TmdCRDFUcldDVmRTVXcxRFlfLTFaeS1lUUxWdXAxUlRQQXQ1Sk85czgydjZTTTZGS2JqUm42bEo3clk1UzlHSllaQU1Ma25vdnhmaXl2d3lRNXZqa3JqQT09 |
I agree, sorry about that. I took the original title, but I should have edited it. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTckNVV01hVzRVb0t4dy1rTURtZ1lvUHVyRThJd2h5UlRXcFlWTjltc09vaE5kZjV4WVFwUTY4dzZkay1RaWZIZ1Y1TTFCY3JCcFFtb04wWVdWU2VyNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVGU2RE1ZMG9ibEk0MnFEOUUwd01aM0R2SHJNd1AyMG5qdTlBUEpKeUZaTFVBbXowMzZhY19vc2hGZ1IyX19XMVlSRzE5aWtvUnhURHdOdlVfeG1zbVlIbnQ2Q2tGamw0Mld0LS1ZQl9fSEFfVTJoYjc1T1F1em1mVDU5ckVmNU4wN0VHZTNTbTZWNDBYM0N6MUlXNjg2eXpKanlORFZ3cTR3V0h1Ujg2VVRlajF4cVZ4NEd6SzVXNFZzRzJENXNYQUdOR0VBWEJfWTZobG8zWGNqZUNGUT09 |
the title doesn't specifically mention the search or does it? it's still censorship even if it isn't global.
also the important thing here is that it sets a precedent upon which further actions can be demanded. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-01-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZHVXSUVxUG5HVkUtcGRrMzctUmFrN0dQMndxLTBDR0JWYjl5LXpZSXJlWk5BaUt0RFlKclBWNWJFangwS1dYYmtvdTJya3ZDTUoybWFRc0VOclhHN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNjdzdjBNYWY5TG55QVBEeG13OHoweDJVemt5allmNS1RNURrWlNxTzYwUTRvRVE0WXBlV0t6Z1JqSVVibGpRekJ6cTd4RUx6clpnQ0hzTDh1SG83c2pxOTdVaXo5c3Z0UENnTFpzWEwwbUNuZmNwbXZTQ0ZicUFxUjRxRkFpWkFyeV9NMHFoOWlIM1VyMW40cGprMXg5ZFJyWkJpclR5Ql9aQkUxVVNFWmtHaGFlVHFtMHIxZ3NrRVdJRjl5MS02S3BfNk93Y2JCTjZSM21zclE0TFNOZz09 |
Thanks for this vid. The music goes really well with the imagery. | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2011-01-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbUVfYUNBT1VhQi1RWkV5SWtoU2dDdEtsVGVPTUNQeXhKS1R1cnZzLVBxa0JET0loQUlNeDlLbHZRazR6LWRreUlNM3FRMW1ObERZYUxxWkwyT3FUUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTnd4amxjaGx1QmFRbmljVHRfOFdYV3JxRmFUUGF4ekMyTm1Mc2FXYWp2eG1HRExVZ3hEWEx2S3BDb3JCb1dRWjBFU0xzNVBnTmY5Zzh0SjloREs1VWpLSUlLWko0V01IcFNFcnhWYW9JS0xEbTFhTktjdnRhbjRNU3RjdE5pbDh4OGxVZXFYQXo5aXByeU5iUUpEdWFRWTU4M0dMVWVYOEwzWDZVN2JXV0EyMWplOGlYYjB2YWJWcmR0dzZaenpV |
This one takes me there. | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2011-01-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQ2tGZXVCcmFqNGM5YlFCWnRHSlF2V3g0NklEOVdYakR0OHhGQzBMVkZhN0NlQUIxLUJFb0JoMWk3MG9CNnJaRG5FLVZuRmFOVTl1NE56WVdNQ1RmWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSnZUTXd4cGZkNVJiLXpvOFlHRThJdVRYR2JvM0VDc1k2d0NLM1NPUVNuMTJkbkFhbEhuUno1SEc0SUFKTTktTUo2d1BtSVFhODBvV2Vsc19YMG1hejhWM1VNUlkxYmdBVWNSbWpfNFR6T3RwYUdfaW03d0UwajNhMUI3TlI5MW4xRktGa3d1Ty1DMkFSUXp0enlCTmpIMnpYWjNmdVhwd2xKZURRWnpZSE5jPQ== |
Battle Sausage was among the more demanding of our Iron Chef competitions. The requirement of creating three entrees, one for each meal of the day, proposed a challenge that our combatants used to pull themselves up into the realms of cooking divinity. Their responses to this battle reveal the creativity and mettle that lives in all of our chefs. As always, the contestants of /r/IronChef have demonstrated supreme effort and ingenuity in their submitted dishes. But as always, there can only be one chosen as victor. Here is the verdict.
(Piano Chords)
I was once again taken aback upon viewing the submissions for Battle #6. Some incorporated sausage into dishes that it was not traditionally a part of, giving these meals a unique new spin. Others favored simplicity, allowing their selection of sausage to speak for itself. Once again, I am gratified to see /r/IronChef being used to its full potential. The invention of original and dazzling dishes that surprise the diner and satisfy the belly. This is what /r/IronChef is all about. So now, who is the winner of Battle Sausage? Whose cuisine reigns supreme? Whose foodstuffs have the good stuff?
It's Amalas! Once again she and TeeArrWilliams have proven themselves a dynamic duo. Their [Sausage/Pork Pasty, Chorizo Tacos, and Mini Burgers](http://www.reddit.com/r/IronChef/comments/f7b98/battle_6_sausage_pork_pasty_chorizo_tacos_and/) stand above the rest in one of our most impressive battles. As always, PM me once you have selected our next secret ingredient. Battle #7 awaits your decision.
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-01-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWnliZENnYUpYaG1DYmVVd2xfbmV4ck83b2dDZzFxRGFSOU9BcHZ2YnhST3pYWkdlYU1JWHNsWlkwOE4yUzRvQ3dxR2pCSTNkYkM0MmlFU3ZFU2VObkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUFdwOW9OWGd0TkpDMU9tNEY1bGtQdlFwdTdZVFRfVGtHOWNKVVUwbVpUYjBDZXRpTDJWSG91bDFaampZYUZ2UTV5V2tXWnpoMy1kYlhOXzBGaklXVzlWc0ExaGM4VEVIblZhbFlNR0lUOXZxOUdzYmc4ZFBhS3gzRk1QdEx4VFdiNVZ0ZC1KT2Z1MnRUc245VndGcDk3MDhEOXpwWVliMjhReEMxNlRuWGo4PQ== |
Guys, can someone provide me with a link to a stream of the final tonight???
Much much appreciated!! | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2011-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdGEyT2J2cXZRYnhDSXZXVVM3T1Q0Vl9ZeW1LeUFFV09uNVlBaGF5Z25KQk9pS2pvZm9TbXdmSE0wZjZ0TVQwNDlEVjVkLVhNNTR3eTVRaWE1Nm1GVklLZlVId05fRVU3RldRSEJ3dUVraWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfREJYQ3VBcDJZLV9JUXBxXzZwWUhpemNrUDhQTVVseGVEamhMdWlQNTlCaE9iVXNtRFdlWTdOVTgwTTJIZWNlbHRBM18yMjZNeDNnRW5aQVlaTDJIRmVOU2J2Y0JWV2VxN0V2cmxZQnRmV2MxMGdHTU4xejdtN284WEZZOWRTdnVRd1R6cjB2ckloRlFxS0ItLWZnM3hKekVMU2VfQnVzbFpES1VCRGtsTXZ3PQ== |
If I've posted this in the wrong place and you'd like to leave this subreddit purely for talk about the international side, I apologize in advance.... | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2011-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbVJiY3JRMFV3T1p0QmlDYzdPQWNaTU1KWFdXYUVpM2hORXhzN1dEcHBVRUdGOVc2LUJjZHQ1OVdqSV9ZSmtiR0ZPeVNsVEhMc2k1ZzdQXzN2S3pPOUd1VVJjU2JKZkQwZ2tMb3Vfb2Z6M2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfQUJfZ1VwMzFiWnNEbG8tOWpTTm9VZTMwWU9GSERtQk1xb3VmQmIwY25adlgwOUFDdXIzeU1hTUpDRW10ckQ4aXJRTnFFSW9GamZFWU1vVWd3QjVDUDJUdkdHOUxXQVdSY0wwOUYweEtnVDdoeXY1MHVTeXdHUWx6cGNCbDMxRkVEbjV3VEVJYUZpcG1Pd0xfVUxndEpBUHZaS1I5T0JBMV9RUkNiZ01uUEJfSU9Ed1pfY3RkZ0RzbGZUTWkwV0Z5Q0J1aTdrdjk4eHBRUnNHeEVYU0ZyZz09 |
IMHO it would have to be **Schwarzer**
With very honorable mentions to debutantes
* **OGS**
* **Mckay** | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2011-01-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNUszeXQwN2NlMVU4aWdZNlpBdmR0anByUjNOM2tEbmJUd0tJZ1BpR2hhWURXZ0lCckJLNkRrd3VuRTN3VmtlRlhaTXM0eWZzVS1DZHFfNXgwOUppbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTVRPRUNJUU1MUUM4Z1ZuMFlYOUdsRFhWWWpJX29jVHpQQWJad3pkQ1c4cmdBbjNvc2RoR1dHRlJxZHZ1TndLUFV4RmdIWVd1UTZZSWNnMnhXUGRIT0dmclJzaWpwSmlVS1pZWlh0RHV3T2V6X05hdzBxQk4waFRqTGFBSTBQTzFVb1ZGbzBSZ1ZMaGNDUXdraUVTUjZRZmJ0NEpQSmFHYVNtSjhselN2T3JuWkJiUzhZXzRmSVF3dzlEeXlvc0thR21ZUnNtN2JidEVmdWh4VC04M1M3UT09 |
In your opinion which Aussie players could fill this position with some class? I personally think even Wilkshire is suspect at RB... I dont think he is world-class quality there at all.... | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2011-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZVlGaVlpUlJvNm9kQm00Z05JT2x4NnZ5QXlXVFk2TzZFUHdFalY4cHlCTkZWMWlsalNGeFhlYm8yRGhJZE9QWW1Mb0xEWVFsRXVYa0VPN2FJZ3h1OVpqSzc1eDMtbFNQQkRsbTBhbGo2dTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdHBpRl85U3A3Vk96S0dSZ2FQZXN4blNvMFNXOGw1WnFnQl9ILWJ6VG5nQ3ItQlJzUVRZeHl4MUVLdHFnTmh2Y0VkNmtZZm8zeW9rWWVkM3JCOUtoQmFrMlZhc0VHMkY1ejlBQnBUNmVXZTRFendsNDhWY19Jd2Vmci1HbHdPbDhqT2RhUVV3aTJHaDJtQ0ZzNEZGMEh0M0o2WEJpcm94ZEVYaGJXS09USTZmLUtscVA3ZG9LLVdwbDh4SFRGQ2V3 |
I have been enjoying everyone's creations very much, but I am noticing that sometimes the photos are lacking the punch that matches the delicious food. I know not everyone has a fancy camera or equipment, but it is possible to take great photos with even the simplest of tools.
**STEP 1: Lighting**
As any photographer will tell you, this is key. A super simple tip is to make sure that all your light is of the same type. If you are using natural light, use *only* natural light; if you are using fluorescent, use *only* fluorescent; if you are using incandescent, use *only* incandescent. This will make color balance super easy.
If you don't have a ton of light, you can use something as simple as a desk lamp and a white piece of paper to bounce the light. [Example](http://imgur.com/xBxhV)
If the desk lamp is too harsh, you can mute it by holding up another piece of paper in front of it. [Example](http://imgur.com/yElPJ)
There is not a ton of light in TeeArrWilliams' kitchen (one little overhead light that is covered by a dome), but the added desk lamp makes a huge difference. [Example](http://imgur.com/QRAis)
**STEP 2: Crop**
In theory, you want to make sure that you get all of the food in the shot, but what's actually more important is that you get *only* the food in the shot. There's a lot of unnecessary things that can get cropped out, and you end up with a better photo.
[Before](http://imgur.com/AWmeC) - [After](http://imgur.com/gA4fg)
I will admit that this example is not super dramatic. The original shot is already pretty close to the appropriate crop level.
Here's a better example of some ice cream I had made.
[Before](http://imgur.com/5i0vo) - [After, with some additional fixing](http://imgur.com/08z0P)
Yes, the first photo is accurate, but the second is so much better. It makes you want to lick the screen. =)
**STEP 3: I'm Feeling Lucky**
There is a great free photo editing program that Google makes called [Picasa](http://picasa.google.com/). Go ahead and download it now. I'll wait.
Picasa is super simple to use and does all the basics. However, the best part is the "I'm Feeling Lucky Button." It will automatically fix your photo and make it better. [The magic button](http://imgur.com/AIqrI)
[Before](http://imgur.com/gA4fg) - [After](http://imgur.com/gCN1U)
Since we had some pretty decent lighting to begin with, the difference isn't super dramatic.
More examples:
[Before](http://imgur.com/BXYdS) - [After](http://imgur.com/dvhwC)
[Before](http://imgur.com/6Hpce) - [After](http://imgur.com/0SLPK)
Again, I have done nothing other than click the button. It really does make a difference. If you want to get fancy, there are other adjustments that Picasa can do. Edits are non-destructive, so you can roll back any changes you make.
Food photography is a tough art, but it mostly just takes practice. And don't feel like you need a super fancy camera to do any of this. All pictures (with the exception of the ice cream and of course, the picture of the camera itself) were taken with [this Canon Powershot SD400](http://imgur.com/dM91o). It's only 5MP and we only used Auto mode with flash turned off. iPhones also take really good pictures! [Example](http://imgur.com/g8PwB)
Best of luck to you all and I look forward to seeing your creations! [Full album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_photo_lesson#xBxhV) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTM3hXdHRieExuYVRnckxHT2FNUnhvemdjaDFFbTRTUUY0bXduWDFDR3NsV3FYdWhBcGFWZ2tyRDFWODRuYVZNeFdrVHVmWHd6SUJfNXdmaHdETGpnNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZF8xSndZdFVPTjJfekNNQkRkVTFTNlVfTkpzOUREOEdoZS02MG9JS1RhWEh3ZEZDZ08tbm5MZVZLTmcyc2JBeGJJaXRGRkdnbVhXdnN6RldUamVNODVlSGQtTWxJcXB4VmY0U0NWQzVpbjExODVWN1VQS1QtZERrM05xTEJPaTFKWEN3YzFIM3haQlVjWjRCOTBiWmsycVdlMkFaV1EtbmYxb3VLTVBkMjRzPQ== |
ʘ‿ʘ | r/emoticons | post | r/emoticons | 2011-02-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTURydTVGQmVxLTdFdUJITTZDNnRCT2k2NWZza0VXRmo0QWl3dkFPamZFalpUaUF2d3B2V0dMandFS2xPM1FPNkM2YVdkQ1pmdl9OMzEyWWtUdDlhNUh5ZUVteHpiX0syX2doc2dSU0lhaFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOVg2NktfT3p2TTF0aG9kb1I5YmtkWnJxZmFhWVpIUzRjM2N5ZkJnOV9PX2plejRISmlueVlOZlAwcDdaejZULXB5N0xsMXZSYXNRNFhtVEEtNU5GY3ZnNE1qUUp6X01YR3JQdk9Nd2hFUnZqMENOZkY1azhORWZIaHJEV1VrN1VUOWd4amFlY080MEFDbHdxWU9kT0dBPT0= |
Nearly two months ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, Amalas and TeeArrWilliams combined their powers to once again win an /r/IronChef competition, this time using sausage. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. I have received their selection, and shall reveal it to you all momentarily.
Their choice for the secret ingredient can be found all over the world, with a variety of species existing in Europe, Asia, and America. It has been consumed by humans since time before history, so the taste is quite familiar to the human tongue. The experience can vary from soft and sweet to firm and tart. Indeed, the range of flavor one can enjoy with this item has led to its use across all levels of dining, from pastries to salads to entrees, even alcohol. Our little secret ingredient has inspired annual festivals that celebrate its natural beauty and symbolism. Have you guessed by now what our ingredient is?
Fresh cherries, dried cherries, maraschino cherries, sour cherries, krieks, sakura garnishes on a cherry wood plate! Sweet or sour, heaven or hell, the choice is yours! You are tasked with creating a single dish using cherries as the focus. This contest will conclude Sunday, February 13 at 11:59 pm.
The only thing left to say is ALLEZ CUISINE! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-02-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTczFyZUZwY09zNWt0Uk1YMFJTeDE2cGNiQnIwc3FzQVFUY0ZIRFV0LWprT3g4YnNKUFYxclNEUnZFVlpDM3p5eFN1ZUVCY0FhQ3AyX3dRNVdDeXhLYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfRmZ5Wm96RjVVSEZZdV9vV0N2NWlpM2wxaVBzZ1Z5djdRVG84Q0lIb29WTXM4YWFKVm1nSmZvMnJNbm0yUUJMZ1lUOFZ3ODBYZ3ByVFlpMGFzd00yQ1ZoS1c3UmVhM21FbWlDSWVCWlZxVGVkeUxnSkp6b05rTzFDdVN3QnhGNjBSM3pUQlBmX2FjMUoyVTFLRHhJamF2QWFUaUJON09CWDcwYVdud01OSHAwPQ== |
Wow, this is really awesome. I've got to dedicate some colored pencils to this task. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2011-02-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTeGRyNk9ZYlBtV3RIY0Fvc2ltXzNqSUYxMDVpU3M0QTFzTk1od1hMcVQyd1BKRTlLZGZuT0ZIZVBOTVE0MDhpS2Z5TzhJS2VjSmJTUWlPY1hMMDVocUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUHdGdlpqOUJJOVVWbU1xdjh3Mmx4SHFaQkZ6eUtCcEpXTEZjRWdjWW5CcHkxLVdJb1J2MGZHRGxsRHRzd25fbTJ6WHFGdEdRcThBelRqT3FlTi15MW1MNlBiV0RoYW5NMWxOUzI5MFpFeUU3QVIzMWRqVW1qRGJhcld3cWRidS1SX2M0THZIUHJMLUlwSUZJdExjMktFYmFpNXpXX3c3aWJZQzRiSUZoVmc1ck5rVEVKTnhySm9RSmNOOTZwekdOZ180U1Y2Y3FkeGdnQjBBYlhmY2d2Zz09 |
Impressive... Thank you!!! Bookmarked!! | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2011-02-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNVZoeGdsWUp3OC1HS0lwT2kzc0R6ZWdET2xvRTVUNnhnSmxUeGpoZlZjZTlZM21QcjBFQi02S0xrOVNkb2VWUmIwRVgyOUkzR04tTWpZZkhCZ0ZhaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfQS1JM3NnQmUwZjNBblJ4czBxNEl3VXlHdG0zODRWN1lNSVBLVEhYRmtoV2JuQ3phZ20zS3R5cEdXYjRkOGFJd2VfaktOd3VKQ3pRMjhfcENmN3hpYUptNGotaWlyaHp3bnk0SEt2R28zSTZYX1RMeG9JTlFyRkQzUDFnR2daZlpoZHpkU2xocTE3bnMyaHhDSnYwS2pIWEdVRVEtZDNkT1dSS2JxMWt1R2gwUnUwMm9mVUVYcHV0cTdfeWtScFVFdklLWXZLVG1GNzJJdEh2cmpmUjZ6UT09 |
Okay, well follow up question then: What are the cool trackers for unique stuff? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-02-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTLWtLbmlnNDk2QnBKWVhLQm9XZ2YxQnJrZzgwbXlkV014VXJ1SldNaWExY3hhWnJKcUFCYmZKQWJMOFMzLWk4U21zcy1rdzhGRjJVQlBjaUJteG11aWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfd1J0UFZibnItWGFOYzB6NzNhZGhFUFR2alN0cjJFV0FiMHZGYXVGQWNEVHREOHJHMWN3SDNxd2VwVUpoLUpxSkxFVGNCN0xDbTltOTVNNG55SGpDNERSOTFiV2dpcnBmT3lmOHlxTkxReDUzRjdlU0c4SnBmak1PYTF4LWFaMUpfLUFncnd3VkJaQ2laS2hiZEFZWGk0RjBWbWR5V3g2VnZDMTBwMW9NTXR6ZzVwQ3lnRVc5b2xMQldTMWxyRWEwakFHak96bEhUMDEwek1PR2tkS1d5UT09 |
Cool. Thanks! By weird, I mean just all the miscellaneous junk that gets out there. Stuff that appears in the Other category on Demonoid is like what I mean.
The nes roms tracker is interesting, and I already know about mvgroup which is kind of like what I mean. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2011-02-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTallGMmkzOERGbFBWSzlDMEN3QmdCaU9hNXRLeWhGY0JUaXJxRk1hZ3BTUmNnOEhsR3ZUQ3ByNFdRWDZPb1oyc0dwdEdYcl9NOU9pbERUSW81aHdRUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfMnhCbHNCNmdBSGJxS09RSGh4VXZrWnlMUk9jZkJkVFFvcnJGT3dSaHlzZC1mZGhWU1dfVmJrbk92Q2htcEl1N0YtUHI4WklvUGRIS0FWMy1ReW5HV3lTX0JrRnpFVDhoQTRCaFB0Y2RjNjRGVjljYUxhTG8ySENDc3RfNGV4OGdnbVZuQ0hsdGFxLXZOQUQzdkk3LU9HcjJqRzdybi1nN01ycUZmNUUzLWtNUDdrQzNOYmR0ZmZyR2YzekJhWW9JazBSaE1sc2xjNENMV04wRW1RWHR4Zz09 |
Voice coil actuators, as the name indicate is used in all kinds of instruments that is related to speakers of radio, music systems etc. | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUmNDN1BGN0hRcVE2Y3BYdUVNRjU1Z0RvcFU1VHJKSmxpX0Z4OWcyRzVQZnMzVlhSS3FWYlFhamZOajhPR2V5TFdHRWxmSVBEa1dleF93RDAyN3hRa3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZDgtYWtNVlc2QlMzZUFJakJXVl9WU2l4akhsbHFBRVB5TU9EQTVKYmQtNkZkejNFdEd4WGRjMEZONTd5VUJtVS0yaFR1eHpYT2RKYWpyWFoxcmx3dDk1RENqTW55dUhMV0dydFphWUJOeUJrd1B4TTBFSS05YTFtTlg1bk1zTkZiVk9PRG1rM3RDdDJTR0ROZXhhMTlZMWt1OVNINnV1cDN3alRwbmdQOWRKUlczU2V2a1V5U1VwaE8yQ2NSb2dsYWpIZmtEOF81YmVXU3g1WFl1aXpMUT09 |
After taking off a couple battles due to business busy-ness, I thought I'd throw my contribution to Battle Cherry into the mix. I give to you my spin on a Cherry Chutney Bruschetta.
Fresh, local food is always my first pick, but since it's the dead of winter, I knew I wasn't going to find fresh cherries anywhere. I wanted to do a dish that would still highlight the cherry, but didn't completely necessitate the use of fresh-picked. Like the best Italian food, the dish comes across as pretty "simple", in that it didn't take hours of prep-time or fancy technique, but the results were amazing. My honest opinion of this one: Simple, but delicious. I'm looking forward to trying it in the summer with fresh cherries too.
My [mis en place](http://i.imgur.com/U8jyU.jpg) all together...
[Dump](http://i.imgur.com/85ROe.jpg) everything into a pot with a little boquet garni of cinnamon and star anise, and start that bitch [a'simmering](http://i.imgur.com/pU78L.jpg).
[Toast](http://i.imgur.com/E9P04.jpg) some fresh bread, flip it over and add a [slice of Jarlsberg](http://i.imgur.com/1QqkO.jpg).
After the chutney's come together, about an hour and a half, [add a spoonful](http://i.imgur.com/nKjo3.jpg) to the bruschetta. Broil til the cheese is melted, brown and gooey, and you get this:
[The Money](http://i.imgur.com/YW4gG.jpg)
Fuiki San! Good luck everyone!
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQTRfVk9iS05WUWVQNTczODc3dVB6RkdBd2RZaGYtRkpLOVpoNm11Y2FNNkYxeFgtNUk1XzhSd2had3lfMUpaUmxTTl9QbmFEUkZveXNuWFh4UnE4YkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfcTZBNVRHcnFUS1FxZW4tUzU0eThreHRIZHhBQ19NdHAzVTlqYkVndnVTUlNrTXFBV2RGYUdlbnU1M2tmc1dYSTNkUWgxYlFLLUc0Skpyd1RnSzFYRGxIZmZWQjlzdUlOZWplbzBqdnRmRE41Q3JJN2ZmaEVrN0JQVnEycUd2a0JEbHJtYVBFMlpraVRzNmpDWHhNS1VvLUFhOXJZaV9tNHE1WEtUNGNmNjZrendyNjVodzRydUl1SHNPLWNQeXBj |
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/ | r/emoticons | post | r/emoticons | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOEdGLVc4b2JzaGUxTzNQM1dVWU1DZUhaeEhvMzRsT0JLUGp0VjJUaFk0VHFrZHhhdFl3eW1Ka0V5RnBGTmtCcFN5WVZpdlkxSDFWX0pIbl9qSDB4akE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdVlnYVQ3VUlxZ0ZuaDVNU3JyNnQ0ajdMU3VLV0lZbTVJRzJ5UzhZaVRjQnZvTWV6SnBQVDNqb1pHWDJUWmw0ZFlMb2F1cm9fR2NtZDc0Z0VrZDc2elgxSWszSEF3MTRiYl93dmVnZUFEa21NSVRaMW0zcTZVMFdWUUIxVWp6WTlMQXZEak5GSWs1czFuWmVkN0RUaGw0NlUzZlhyWWRKVHloRHI2cFVuREdjPQ== |