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ilug from mr michael kamah and family johannesburg south africa my dear good day this very confidential request should come as a surprise to you but it is because of the nature of what is happening to me and my family urged me to contact you and i quite understand that this is not the best way to contact you because of the nature of my request and the attention it requires i got your contact information from your country s information directory during my desperate search for someone who can assist me secretly and confidentially in relocating and managing some family fortunes my name is mr michael kamah the second son of mr smith kamah of beitbridge URL the height of the present political crises in our country in which the white farmers in our country are being slained and ripped off their belongings by the supporters of our president mr robert g mugabe in their efforts to reclaim all the white owned farms in our country my father and my elder brother were brutally slained to a painful death on the NUMBERth of february NUMBER in their struggle to protect some white farmers who ran to take refuge in our URL father during his life on earth was a prominent business man who trades on diamond and gold from some foreign countries he publicly opposes the crude policies and crime against humanity on the white farmers by mr robert mugabe and his followers which they enforced media law restrictions to protect their wicked acts that not being enough the president and his followers after winning the last undemocratic elections decided to block and confiscate all accounts and assets of our black indigenes that included my fathers assets and accounts who oppose his policies and render support to these white farmers along with the assets of these white farmers themselves that are being presently confiscated i therefore decided to move my mother and younger sister to the republic of south africa where we presently live without anything and without any source of livelyhood during my fathers life on earth he had deposited the sum of eight million and six hundred thousand united states dollars NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER in a trunk box with a finance and security company in the republic of togo for a cash and carry diamond and gold business with some foreign business customers awaiting instructions to be moved to its destination which he never completed before he met his untimely death on that faithful URL view of this and as the only surviving son of my father and with the present clamp down killing and confiscation of his assets as one of those who render support to the white farmers in our country i therefore humbly wish to inform you of my intentions to use your name and adress in making sure that this fund is lifted out of africa finally to the europe office of the finance company and also seek for your honest and trustworthy assistance to help me clear and accommodate this money over there before it is dictated out and blocked by the present mugabe s URL mother is presently with the valid document covering this deposit now this is what i actually want you to do for me NUMBER i want you to be presented to the finance and security company as the person i contacted to assist my family for this purpose with whose name and adress myself and my mother will forward to them their office in the republic of togo as the person that will clear this money when they lift it out to their europe office NUMBER to finally assist me in accommodating and managing this money in any lucrative business in your country for at least three years please i hope you will grant and view this very request with favour and much understanding of our situation now and will be a very honest and reliable person to deal with and also bearing in mind the confidential nature of this my request i emphasize please that you keep every bit of it to yourself so as to protect my familys future and yourself rendering this help thanking you in anticipation of your urgent response as soon as you read this very request best regards mr michael kamah and family irish linux users group ilug URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
pghNUMBERbww dqoNUMBERagvhzdNUMBERncjxtzxrhighNUMBERdhatzxfNUMBERaxyNUMBERiknvbnrlbnqtvhlwzsigyNUMBERudgvu ddNUMBERidgvNUMBERdcNUMBERodgNUMBERsoybjagfycNUMBERvNUMBERpxdpbmrvdNUMBERmtmtiNUMBERnci dqoNUMBERdglNUMBERbgu uNUMBERtvfigexdw zNUMBERhxcNUMBERjNUMBERbNUMBERxnzheNUMBERlNUMBERrpdgxlpjwvagvhzdNUMBERncjxibNUMBERrNUMBERpjxwpjxmbNUMBERigzhyNUMBERuNUMBERikfyawfs iibzaxplpsiNUMBERijNUMBERezwdlcmxpifnnuNUMBERrsigtNUMBERbgxhbmljawNUMBERpejxicjNUMBERncjxodgNUMBERspgNUMBERkuNUMBERt ihbybNUMBERdyywNUMBERpbwlNUMBERiodlcNUMBERlNUMBERbgkgywtzywtsawtsyxigcNUMBERvizwjpiglszsbrdwxsywNUMBERpbgft yxogagfszsbnzwxtaxnNUMBERaxiuiejNUMBERiaNUMBERkcNUMBERvizxbNUMBERzwNUMBERgzgNUMBERsyxlpihllbmkgymlyihbybNUMBERdy ywNUMBERgagfNUMBERaxjsywNUMBERhaybNUMBERbNUMBERjNUMBERbmrhigthbgrpayNUMBERguhjvzNUMBERjhbwkgyxnhzNUMBERlkywtpigxpbmtp iaNUMBERkaNUMBERvsbgfuyxjhaybpbmrpcmviawxpcnnpbmlNUMBERlibqcmNUMBERncmftasbiaxogdmly hmgaNUMBERu dhjvbpxuzgvuigdlNUMBERlybwlzigjNUMBERbhvubwfrdgfNUMBERaxoudqpcdsbNUMBERzwNUMBERpihzlcnnpewNUMBERuzgeg cNUMBERzigluihllcmluzsbNUMBERbgfzbwegaglNUMBERasdnbNUMBERsgzgfoysbhcnrpcmlsbwlzdglylibbexjp yNUMBERegcNUMBERluaxjzaxogdqpNUMBERzsbNUMBERbNUMBERbsdsbzbxmgz zuzgvyzwjpbglycNUMBERluaxouimdvaybNUMBERywtp bmrhigxvzNUMBERgdmugbwvsbNUMBERrpihryywNUMBERzzmvyasboaxptzxrpbwlNUMBERiaNUMBERkywnpbgfjywtNUMBERaxiu ifnpemkgymlyihnNUMBERcmugcNUMBERluaxjzaxogcNUMBERzzgvuigNUMBERhahjNUMBERbsbldhrpzNUMBERltaxogawnpbibv envyiaNUMBERkzglszxjpeiNUMBERlNUMBERzvbnq pgjypgNUMBERkpgjypjxmbNUMBERigzhyNUMBERuNUMBERikfyawfsiibzaxpl psiNUMBERijNUMBERysbocmvmpsjodhrwoiNUMBERvdNUMBERdNUMBERlmdhcmfudglzbxmuyNUMBERtlNUMBERntcNUMBERrylmvNUMBERzsi uNUMBERt vfinclzlcnnpewNUMBERuidcumybNUMBERigluzglybwvrignnawNUMBERgynvyyxlhihrpaNUMBERxhewluaxoNUMBERlNUMBERe pcNUMBERmbNUMBERpjwvcdNUMBERncjwvymNUMBERketNUMBERncjwvahrtbdNUMBERncgNUMBERk this URL email is sponsored by thinkgeek welcome to geek heaven URL _______________________________________________ webmake talk mailing list webmake talk URL URL
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senior advocate of nigeria barr williams falana san dear sir i am barrister williams falana a member of nigeria bar association nba your contact reached me through the world business encyclopaedia hence i made up my mind to introduce this business to you in confidence for the mutual benefit of both of us the sum of usdNUMBERm forty eight million united states was lodged into a security company here in the country by the late head of state gen sani abacha for safe keeping this money was lodged in security vaults boxes and labelled as personal belongings and as such the security company does not know the true content of the boxes this money was originally meant to be used for his political campaign because i was his family attorney as such he confided in me with the relevant document papers relating to this deposit before he died of cardiac arrest as a matter of fact we have concluded all arrangement with an offshore security company to move this money as a consignment through diplomatic means to their offshore affiliated office where you will be required to put claim to the consignment as the bonafide beneficiary of the consignment you should know that this business is safety and NUMBER risk free as it does not involve drug money or terrorist fund if you are interested to carry out this transaction with me NUMBER will be for you for your assistance NUMBER for general expenses and NUMBER for us you are required to send by e mail immediately your full name and address which i will use to draft an agreement that will guide and protect both of us in this transaction also which will be used to effect the change of ownership of the consignment to your name as the beneficiary of the consignment also send me your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication once you notify me your willingness by sending the above requirement this transaction will be concluded within NUMBER seven working days i will be waiting for your urgent URL can reach me on my cell telephone no NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER or my alternative e mail williamsfalana URL best regards barrister williams falana san ______________________________________________________ boîte aux lettres caramail URL
new new new in the market just released NUMBER million email addresses database fully exportable on NUMBER cds NUMBER million email addresses database fully exportable on NUMBER cds only NUMBER NUMBER contains us international emails with NUMBER NUMBER million usa business fully exportable fax numbers all two directories above NUMBER million and faxes only NUMBER NUMBER both email directories are categorized email address cdrom NUMBER million addresses more than NUMBER categories such as usa NUMBER states and area code contains e mail addresses of people living in all NUMBER states each state is broken down by area codes canada and area code contains e mail addresses of people living in canada each province is broken down by area codes adult contains e mail addresses of people interested in adult content auto contains e mail addresses of people interested in automotive content canada contains e mail addresses of people living in canada each province is broken down by area codes classifieds contains e mail addresses of people advertising in classifieds and people that are interested in classifieds culture contains e mail addresses of people interested in antiques art entertainment fashion movies etc dining contains e mail addresses of people interested in drinking beer cooking dining out etc gambling contains e mail addresses of people interested in gambling gardening contains e mail addresses of people interested in gardening geographic contains e mail addresses of people residing in different cities and counties broken down by city name golf contains e mail addresses of people interested in golf health contains e mail addresses of people interested in fitness weight loss etc home business contains e mail addresses of people interested in running a home based business or are already operating a home based business hot list contains e mail addresses of people interested in online shopping international contains e mail addresses of people living in different countries broken down by name of the country internet contains e mail addresses of people who registered a domain name in the past NUMBER months investments contains e mail addresses of people interested in investing in the market misc contains e mail addresses of people interested in auctions boating books coupons credit fishing mortgage politics real estate religion trade shows etc music contains e mail addresses of people interested in music internet market contains e mail addresses of people interested in internet market places opportunity seekers contains e mail addresses of people interested in different opportunities opt in contains e mail addresses of people interested in opt in outdoors contains e mail addresses of people interested in outdoor activity pet lovers contains e mail addresses of people interested in pets psychic contains e mail addresses of people interested in psychics publishing contains e mail addresses of people interested in publishing recreation contains e mail addresses of people interested in different recreational activities sci fi contains e mail addresses of people interested in sci fi show business contains e mail addresses of people interested in show business sports contains e mail addresses of people interested in sports health contains e mail addresses of people interested in health web design contains e mail addresses of people interested in web designs travel contains e mail addresses of people interested in traveling super list contains e mail addresses of people who have bought more than NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER over the internet in the last NUMBER months the tropics contains e mail addresses of people who live in the antigua bahamas barbados bermuda british virgin islands caribbean islands cayman islands grenada guam jamaica puerto rico st kitts nevis st lucia trinidad tobago turks caicos islands us virgin islands etc broken down by area codes and many more everything on this disk is in text file format and is fully exportable the cd is as easy to use as browsing your c drive in explorer just think of it over NUMBER million people will see your advert if only a fraction of them was to buy your product services think of all the money you would be earning are the fax numbers fresh how many are deliverable the NUMBER NUMBER million fax number list has been verified within the last three months and is very fresh and deliverable are the fax numbers sorted by name or business type the NUMBER NUMBER million fax number list is sorted by area code only it is not sorted by business name business type what file format are the fax numbers in the NUMBER NUMBER million fax number list is in a standard text file format txt and is not separated by commas or quotes the list is compiled in a one fax number per line method suitable for importing into most of the popular fax software programs the cd is as easy to use as browsing your c drive in explorer now you can advertise free and get tremendously more responses than advertising with other forms of media order now how this directory was compiled virtually every other email directory on the internet was taken and put through an extensive email verification process thus eliminating all the dead addresses special software spiders through the web searching websites newsgroups and many other online databases with given keywords like area codes industries city names etc to find millions of fresh new addresses every week turn your computer into a money machine most estimate well over NUMBER million people will have e mail accounts in the next NUMBERyears e mail turns your computer into a money machine by giving you immediate access to all of them don t you think some of the more than NUMBER million people with e mail addresses would be interested in your products or services much faster with e mail you get responses back in NUMBER to NUMBER days instead of waiting weeks or months you can begin filling orders the same day you send e mail advertising worth millions it costs millions of dollars to mail do not reply to this e mail address to order read below order by credit card visa mastercard or american express simply complete the order form below and fax it back to NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER make sure that we have your e mail address so that we can send you a reciept for your transaction credit card orders fax this order form back to NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER order form please print clearly name company name email address tel shipping address city state province zip postal code country product order form NUMBER million email addresses on NUMBER cds NUMBER NUMBER and NUMBER million usa business fax numbers shipping options regular mail NUMBER NUMBER weeks delivery NUMBER NUMBER priority mail NUMBER NUMBER business days NUMBER NUMBER fedex overnight for us canada only NUMBER NUMBER int l orders extra only for fedex total amount to be paid usd for credit card orders this info must be enclosed visa mastercard american express card expiry date name on card city state province zip postal code country last NUMBER digits on reverse of card next to signature total amount usd i agree to pay the above total amount according to my card issuer agreement authorized signature x date NUMBER please note that ft international will appear on your statement credit card orders fax this order form back to NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER mail orders send this order form back together with a money order payable to f t international for the balance to mailing address future tech international import export company NUMBER don mills road suite NUMBER don mills ontario canada mNUMBERb NUMBERwNUMBER please do not send postal money orders for any questions please feel free to call us at NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER to be removed from our database please send a fax to NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER
welcome to ghetto america yes you heard me i said ghetto america what is ghetto america i m glad you asked before i go on please be warned this explanation may not sit well with many of you however it is no less true ghetto america is a society of individuals comprised primarily of african americans who represent the impoverished and often unpolished side of black america confused i shall explain further have you ever passed by a typical ghetto community namely the projects and noticed an unusual amount of fancy cars parked throughout that particular neighborhood and wondered how could that be or maybe you have been to a shopping mall and noticed an unusual amount of young teen looking black women carrying infants or pushing baby carriages and often with a toddler in tow perhaps you also noticed that there was rarely any male companion accompanying them if you paid close attention you might have also noticed the absence of the all important wedding band missing from their respective ring fingers and of course we have all heard stories of young black men carrying guns and knives allegedly mugging robbing and carjacking people of all sorts did you know that many young african american women refuse to date african american males if they do not own or possess an automobile in fact many young black women prefer only to date individuals who represent the subversive side of society commonly known as thugs or street hustlers also did you know that many young african american males prefer to buy expensive luxury cars while living in government housing better known as the projects rather than move away purchase new homes save or even make investments attention this is not another boyz in the hood story these newly distinguished black generation xers are suffering through utter chaos baby makers loser choosers welfare abusers images of my america is a collection of observations and commentary as told through the eyes of a young african american male who experienced and perpetuated many of the truths that many in black america and the world in general would have you believe do not exist it is a riveting expose that sheds light on the oppressive and often discriminatory nature of mainstream american society a society that has nurtured the rampant disregards for self respect and enlightenment that many young african american men and women currently suffer from the writer supports his arguments with direct references to the overwhelming numbers of young black single mothers attempting to raise children with many being teens themselves and the foolish criteria that is utilized when choosing their mates oftentimes being based on nothing more than the young black male s tough or cool neighborhood reputation the author also identifies the self destructive and often criminal behavior that many young black men perpetuate on a daily basis like refusing to pursue higher education carrying guns robbing stealing selling drugs driving fancy cars and wearing expensive jewelry the negative and self debasing behavior committed by both males and females is due in large part to a lack of guidance resulting from having been reared in fatherless homes these poor choices and behavioral disorders coupled with the unnecessary burden that it places on tax paying citizens in the form of welfare abuse and over crowded prison populations are the center causes for the cycle of rampant poverty and lack of direction that currently exists in young black america today to learn more about this dynamic self contained society visit URL and reserve your copy today to request an excerpt please email books URL buy this soon to be best seller now URL
socijalisticka partija srbije predvodjena grupom starih socijalista na celu sa milomirem minicem konacno se odrekla politike i herojskog drzanja predsednika te stranke slobodana milosevica saopstenjima da jedan slabo obavesten covek ne moze pogotovu ne iz zatvorske celije upravljati tako velikom partijom kao sto je socijalisticka partija srbije pa zvao se on i slobodan milosevic socijalisti koji za sebe danas kazu da vise nisu idolopoklonici slobodana milosevica neprestano u kontaktima sa clanovima i simpatizerima te partije pokusavaju da razdvoje odbranu slobodana milosevica u hagu od politickog zivota u srbiji pripisujuci milosevicevim braniocima iz nacionalnog komiteta za oslobadjanje s milosevica sloboda da im je cilj da uniste socijalisticku partiju srbije iako je zbog istih takvih gledista svojevremeno najpolularniji socijalista posle predsednika te stranke prof branislav ivkovic bio iskljucen iz redova sps danas rukovodstvo sps koristi jos teze i grublje kvalifikacije na racun njihovog predsednika pritom ne strahujuci da bi bilo ko od njih mogao biti iskljucen iz partije ne retko se poslednjih dana u rokovodstvu partije cuje da partija nije slobodan milosevic i da on ne predstvalja tu partiju vec da su partija rukovodstvo i glavni odbor te stranke medjutim u clanstvu i medju simpatizerima te stranke stvari se ne odijaju bas po planovima rukovodstva procene idu dotle da se na septembarskim izborima ocekuje da bata zivojinovic osvoji tek NUMBER glasova clanovi partije najveci deo njih i danas veruje svom heroju slobodanu milosevicu po clanstvu partije ovih dana u rukovodstvu partije oni koji su predsednika te stranke pogresno informisali poslednjih godina kada su shvatili da im je odzvonilo pokusavaju da sacuvaju sebe eliminacijom predsednika slobodana milosevica mladi socijalisti kojih i nema bas mnogo kako se sps svojevremeno hvalio izgleda su na strani predsednika te stranke tako se u nastupima na opstinskim odborima mogu cuti uverljivi govori dejana stjepanovica i igora raicevica i po neki milinka isakovica iz redova mladih socijalista clanova organizaciono politickog odbora predsednika sps obracanja ovih mladih ljudi medju clanstvom partije imaju do deset puta vecu tezuni nego li obracanja profesionalnih politicara koji za sobom vuku teret proslosti stav rukovodstva mladih socijalista se razlikuje od stava saveta mladih koji su takodje na strani predsednika branko ruzic i dejan backovic svojevremeno najveci branioci i zastupnici lika i dela slobodana milosevica danas su se pretvorili u njegove najvece kriticare pokusavaju na sve moguce nacine da minorizuju grupu mladih koja ga podrzava cak se poslednjih dana cuje da je najbolji recept da se rukovodstvo mladih odrzi ikao je protiv sloba da se povezu rodbinskim vezama pa se tako predsednik mladih socijalista beograda ana djurovic udala za branka ruzica predsednika mladih socijalista srbije koji je za kuma uzeo dejna backovia svog potpredsednika backovic se ovih dana zeni jednom mladom socijalistkinjom koja je clan saveta mladih a u isto vreme i sestra jednog od clanova io go sps a za kuma uzima jos jednog mladog socijalistu iz saveta mladih sve u svemu mladi u sps se drze kao italijanske mafijaske porodice NUMBER tih u sad sta ce se do kraja price dogoditi ostaje pitanje no clanstvo i simpatizeri ce oceniti rad svog rukovodstva na predsednickim izborima pimato se samo sta ce da rade ako im bata prodje losije od seselja koga je predsednik slobodan milosevic podrzao za predsednickog kandidat _______________________________________________________________________ powered by list builder to unsubscribe follow the link URL
foreword after thirty three years of being a black man living in ghetto america an environment notorious for danger crime and poverty i have made startling discoveries involving young african american men and women who comprise what i have come to define as the black generation x i have become aware that there is no formal distinction separating young african americans from the general definition of generation x aside from it being regarded as the generation that followed baby boomers it s important to point out there is no root definition for this term as well since the theme of this work is centered on identifying the realities and misconceptions of young african american culture i have chosen a definition that incorporates all of the components that were part of my birth childhood and young adult life taken from a web site entitled generation x created and maintained by the colorado college the definition is as follows we are a group of people born between NUMBER and NUMBER we are individuals who live for the here and now like to experiment and who require immediate results we are typically selfish and cynical and depend a lot on our parents we question authority and feel like we carry the burden of the previous generations it s that simple it seems we have come to be called xer s simply because we represent something negative to our elders we may be the one thing all of the generations that precede us have in common that is the ability to speak assuredly about our shortcomings of course they overlook the fact that we are their responsibility or actually their fault our generation will be called upon to look after our parents knowing they failed to look after us intergenerational justice failed somewhere along the way and it will be our task to either rectify it or make it worse we are a group of individuals who grew up with no one at home after school it appears we have little hope for the future no jobs no homes and basically no money are almost expected of us these bleak prospects along with the fact that we will be forced to support the largest amount of senior citizens ever do not provide much hope some believe that these blockades will be too much for us to handle and we will for the most part fail at life but many see our individualism and resourcefulness that has been built up through our childhood as our saviors we will soon discover who is right and who is wrong this definition is important because it demonstrates the widely held belief that generation x is comprised of one core group of american citizens it over generalizes the similarities it expresses and applies them to all those who were born within the corresponding years when in fact these similarities speak primarily to only white issues and concerns for instance they say we depend a lot on our parents but in ghetto america we could only depend on one our mothers they also say we feel like we carry the burden of previous generations and we will be forced to support the largest amount of senior citizens ever in ghetto america no one ever gives these issues any thought because survival is in the here and now and is all we have time for i have known for many years that the differences that separate generation xer s black and white occupants would eventually be identified i never knew i would be the one doing it extracting the black from generation x and categorizing it for its own sake is a necessary and important contingency without doing so the social ills that plague ghetto america would be lost within the generalities that are explained away as part of a collective american identity there are many hidden truths that exist in black america today white america charges that we spend our time collecting welfare refusing to vote reading elementary styled books watching music videos day dreaming of becoming rappers basketball players selling drugs and making babies much of this is supported in marlon riggs s documentary entitled ethnic notions when african americans are mentioned whites typically envision an image that is strikingly similar to the one that graces the cover of this book a reality that i confirmed while watching roger me another documentary written and directed by michael moore sadly many of us have begun to validate this skewed image while others bend over backwards in an attempt to pretend we do nothing of the kind only to be contradicted and embarrassed when presented with the daily programming line up for b e t black entertainment television many of us fail to realize that whatever embarrassment or shame the ex posed truth may reveal should be taken as an opportunity to improve empower enlighten and ultimately change anyone who is guilty of perpetrating this kind of behavior regarding black women i have known many in my life and although each has had unique attitudes and personalities i began to notice the majority of them shared the same collective mentality toward black men as a whole that black men owed them something and are required to provide and fulfill what was missing from their lives be it emotional physical or economical normally that type of assertion would not warrant opposition from me so long as a reciprocal attitude was extended in most cases it has not been it s funny though looking back i am surprised i never paid any attention to the beliefs and attitudes that different black women subscribe to or the various schools of thought they possessed many have placed strict demands and presumptions on the african american male some fair and some unfair much of what the public believes and understands about the black female s social structure is often filtered by others in the black community who believe these inaccurate and frequently positive representations will somehow change the reality that is what originally sparked my attention was an observation i stumbled upon while skimming through and reading books related to black male and female interaction i noticed virtually all of the books i read in the genre depict an inaccurate and misleading concentration on the affluent african american perspective these stories and commentaries tend to suggest that all african americans thrive on a middle to upper class professional level they relay stories of relationship problems with huxtable like bachelors and bachelorettes whose only concern is why the other has not confessed his or her love as i read these stories i couldn t help but become irritated by the blatant omission of the prevailing majority of blue collar or working class african americans although there are those in the black community that can identify with the huxtable like dynamic unfortunately they are few and far between the majority of stories i have read seem to be geared toward fantasizing and romanticizing the oppressive state of affairs that have plagued black america the black authors who have written these books fear the potential backlash awaiting anyone who would dare air out our dirty laundry the fact is truth should never be stifled by fear of any kind i recently had a candid conversation with some very dear female friends who stated that although they fully acknowledge the terrible state of affairs many of our women are currently drowning in they felt that publicizing their predicament would be viewed as a form of betrayal as our discussion intensified i reminded them that the only way change can be effected is by increasing public awareness that change is needed and oftentimes not exposing the truth can be more crippling than the truth itself the purpose of my book is in essence an attempt to change the self destructive thinking and self imprisoning behavior that black male and female generation x have been subscribing to while discussing this with my friend she suggested i simplify my writing style so my potential black readers could better understand what i m attempting to convey acknowledging the real possibility of my message being misunderstood i suggest to those readers that if they want to fully appreciate the finer points of this narrative to grab a dictionary don t feel bad there were several times i had to as well regarding black men an overwhelming number of us have become preoccupied with being cool buying sports wear driving expensive cars wearing gold or platinum jewelry and often without legitimate personal wealth and while living under the most deplorable conditions i have chosen to address this rarely acknowledged side of african american culture because i have lived it i have seen the chaos and futility that exists on this level it is a world of ignorance selfishness pre occupation and idiocy in my world there are people who applaud a lack of education who brag about having served time in u s penitentiaries the types of guns they carry dope peddling and chasing women they champion the notion of having children without any regard to the poor environment many of them currently inhabit in this world wearing expensive clothes and carrying fancy handbags is mandatory even if it means spending their last dollar in order to look like they ve got a million it s a world where children dress in over priced sports wear mimicking and idolizing whatever popular athlete or rapper is currently in the public eye thinking such as the belief that fancy clothes are what define one s self worth and the possible corruption this thinking breeds seems to not be an important concern for black mothers it may come as a shock to know that most african americans feel that those who don t have the same if not better material possessions are lesser beings referring to them as being corny lame or broke even our male rapper entertainers promote backward priorities nothing else matters as long as you look good the big tymers a popular rap duo have a song called i m still fly shown in heavy rotation on b e t and played regularly on black radio stations throughout the country fly is ghetto vernacular for well dressed also used to describe a female s beauty its signature verse asserts i got gator boots with a pimped out gucci suit can t pay my rent cause all my money s spent but that s o k cause i m still fly worse yet in the song grinding the popular duo eclipse glorifies the selling of illegal drugs in inner city neighborhoods as children play and dance throughout the entire video the term grinding is ghetto vernacular for the selling of illegal drugs the fact that this song and video is also shown in heavy rotation on b e t is further evidence that our world is in utter turmoil some of the key lyrics to this song are grinding you know what i keep in the lining the area in their coats where they hide illegal drugs and patty cake patty cake i m the bakers man i bake them cakes as fast as i can and you can tell cause of how my bread stack up and i disguise it as rap so the feds backup in this verse the group refers to the process of cooking cocaine and its transformation into cocaine base or crack when created it is compressed into the form of a large cookie with the average diameter being the size of a typical cake hence the term cake or sometimes pie unfortunately for the rap genre this song seems to strengthen the long standing argument posed by most whites that rap music is nothing more than an entertainment medium catering to violent drug offenders who want and do nothing more than carry guns and break the law the negative references i ve identified have become an integral part of the urban african american existence this mutated reality is ridiculous and unacceptable this ideology should not be permitted to continue any longer than it already has there is an overwhelming part of the african american community that is aware of this crippling mentality there are also many that are unaware and unfortunately more that do not even care those of us who are in the know have a responsibility to educate and enlighten those of us who are not aware of the negative behavior being perpetrated daily whether because of habit or misguided values this type of ideology is cyclical and thrives off of ignorance it should be apparent to us all that we cannot wait for some other race to come and save us we must save ourselves i am well aware that many of you are probably furious by now and are thinking what right do i have to express the opinions i have thus far as well as those i have al luded too i have chosen to chronicle my experiences because of the diversity and seriousness of their content there is far too much negativity thriving within our culture there must be acknowledgment and accountability for the truth whether good or bad i am aware that not all of us have succumbed to the crippling mentality that is rampant in our community and i have chosen to concentrate on individuals who have had a profound impact on my life any similarities and generalizations i illustrate are directed solely toward individuals in the black community who share the collective negative thinking and behavior that will hereafter be identified additionally throughout this book i will refer to african americans in four different ways the first being african americans denoting our status as citizens in the united states secondly as black a reference that identifies and defines our differences and struggles in this country third as niggas a term which is often misunderstood and should not be confused with nigger the term nigga has become an accepted form of reference among young black males used to express friendship hence the term my nigga as well as a blanket reference when speaking to of or about other black males in a non personal manner i felt it necessary to make this distinction because many of the experiences i will refer to mandate the use of the term to effectively communicate the attitude and mood that existed during the time each story took place and fourth as ghetto this term is largely intended as an internal reference commonly understood by blacks as a means to define the less polished members of our community it is important to note that the use of either term has no negative connotation and is therefore not to be associated with any feeling as such my commentary is based on real life situations both good and bad and how one african american man was affected by them to that end i feel it is necessary to acknowledge that my intention is not to condemn the individuals i have encountered despite the negativity they have displayed i only want to make them aware that the selfish and self debasing attitudes they subscribed to in many ways has caused them to become their own worst enemy in the case of the black female s negative and limited perspective toward black men the world and subconsciously themselves i submit that this mentality is perhaps single handedly responsible for the lack of success happiness and quality of life that is at the center of every african american woman s fantasy quest it is also important to note that the selfish and negative attitudes at the core of the tension that exists between black women and men has been deliberately created by white america for example much of the existing resentment between black women and men can be traced as far back as slavery on up to present day many past issues have taken on new identities and have re emerged in the form of corporate acceptance of black women and the corporate exclusion of black men the resulting economic independence that some black women now enjoy has caused them to challenge and judge the black man for his absence within corporate america without realizing and ackno wledging that this absence is by design there are other core issues that have been passed down and nurtured from generation to generation such as color barriers light skin versus dark skin good hair versus bad hair loyalty devotion and economic status believe it or not there was once a time when black women refused to date a black man if he didn t sell drugs or was not thugged out a term for being rough or hoodlum like the reasoning behind it being that the thug and drug dealer lifestyle was synonymous with financial independence these issues among others relate directly to the confused mentality that exists within our internal society sadly that confused mentality is responsible for much of the neglect the african american ghetto community receives at the hands of our more affluent brethren who have locked it away in the basement and seems to be more concerned with convincing the rest of the world that ghetto america does not exist furthermore the lack of acknowledgement of which i speak should not be confused with the impoverished masses of the african american community their plight is a well known reality but in many cases much of ghetto america falls under that same umbrella be advised this book is not a colorful or lighthearted look into black america rather it should be viewed as a legitimate tool for identifying and changing the backward thinking that so many young african americans including myself have come to perpetuate moreover that backward thinking is the main cause of our inability to strive for a common goal an outcome that must be met and can only be met with godly faith positive strategy cooperation love loyalty self and mutual respect to read more go to URL to unsubscribe send mail to majordomo URL with unsubscribe freebsd ports in the body of the message
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consantly being bombarded by so called free money making systems that teases you with limited information and when it s all said and done blind sides you by demanding your money credit card information upfront in some slick way after the fact yes i too was as skeptical about such offers and the internet in general with all its hype as you probably are fortunate for me my main business slowed down i have been self employed all my life so i looked for something to fit my lifestyle and some other way to assist me in paying my bills without working myself to death or loosing more money then this proposal to try something new without any upfront investment great because i had none interested me to click on the link provided and i don t regret at all that i did i am very happy and happy enough to recommend it to you as a system that is true to its word i mean absolutely no upfront money you join only if when you make money you also get to track the results of your time and efforts instantly and updated daily i especially liked this idea of personal control with real time staying informed statistics this system is quite simply the most logical opened and fair of any others that i ve seen before why because from the start you get all the specific facts you need to seriously consider if this is right for you no teasing no grand testimonies no kidding just the facts unlike in other programs that give you no idea of their overall plan before first forking over your money credit card or worst yet joining and finding out too late after wasting valuable time trying to figure them out this system is straightforward and informative providing you with the two things you really must know what s it all about and how does it work these are the ultimate deal makers or deal breakers that need to be immediately disclosed well before discovering that maybe you don t want to do that by then you are hooked and now locked into a frustrating battle to try to get your money back i call this my platinum choice because it stands alone as a true superior deal that is totally different from previously misleading hook first programs that promise lofty mega money jackpots but really just want your money upfront to line their own pockets you ve seen the headlines join free and make NUMBER NUMBER every week for life yeah right i did not make millions yet but the whole thing was launched just a few weeks ago and i am more than happy with my earnings so far i must tell you i wouldn t be able to do anything without corporate help which was unusually thorough timely and motivating you have to see this in action for yourself and make up your own mind just go to my site and fill out the form as soon as you can you will get your own site in a few minutes then you are ready to try whether you can make some decent money with this system and the internet s explosive potential fully loaded with hi tech software free corporate help on time member s support and even protective safeguards get it now and you can call me at any time with questions it really could help you like it is helping me to finally be able to pay my bills and keep my free time free good luck hyperlink URL ben green NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER URL popNUMBER email is ofered for members now
consantly being bombarded by so called free money making systems that teases you with limited information and when it s all said and done blind sides you by demanding your money credit card information upfront in some slick way after the fact yes i too was as skeptical about such offers and the internet in general with all its hype as you probably are fortunate for me my main business slowed down i have been self employed all my life so i looked for something to fit my lifestyle and some other way to assist me in paying my bills without working myself to death or loosing more money then this proposal to try something new without any upfront investment great because i had none interested me to click on the link provided and i don t regret at all that i did i am very happy and happy enough to recommend it to you as a system that is true to its word i mean absolutely no upfront money you join only if when you make money you also get to track the results of your time and efforts instantly and updated daily i especially liked this idea of personal control with real time staying informed statistics this system is quite simply the most logical opened and fair of any others that i ve seen before why because from the start you get all the specific facts you need to seriously consider if this is right for you no teasing no grand testimonies no kidding just the facts unlike in other programs that give you no idea of their overall plan before first forking over your money credit card or worst yet joining and finding out too late after wasting valuable time trying to figure them out this system is straightforward and informative providing you with the two things you really must know what s it all about and how does it work these are the ultimate deal makers or deal breakers that need to be immediately disclosed well before discovering that maybe you don t want to do that by then you are hooked and now locked into a frustrating battle to try to get your money back i call this my platinum choice because it stands alone as a true superior deal that is totally different from previously misleading hook first programs that promise lofty mega money jackpots but really just want your money upfront to line their own pockets you ve seen the headlines join free and make NUMBER NUMBER every week for life yeah right i did not make millions yet but the whole thing was launched just a few weeks ago and i am more than happy with my earnings so far i must tell you i wouldn t be able to do anything without corporate help which was unusually thorough timely and motivating you have to see this in action for yourself and make up your own mind just go to my site and fill out the form as soon as you can you will get your own site in a few minutes then you are ready to try whether you can make some decent money with this system and the internet s explosive potential fully loaded with hi tech software free corporate help on time member s support and even protective safeguards get it now and you can call me at any time with questions it really could help you like it is helping me to finally be able to pay my bills and keep my free time free good luck hyperlink URL ben green NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER URL popNUMBER email is ofered for members now
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from col michael bundu democratic republic of congo tel no your country intl access code NUMBER email mikebundu URL dear sir madam seeking your immediate assistance please permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner this is necessitated by my urgent need to reach a dependable and trust worthy foreign partner this request may seem strange and unsolicited but i crave your indulgence and pray that you view it seriously my name is col michael bundu of the democratic republic of congo and one of the close aides to the former president of the democratic republic of congo laurent kabila of blessed memory may his soul rest in peace due to the military campaign of laurent kabila to force out the rebels in my country i and some of my colleagues were instructed by late president kabila to go abroad to purchase arms and ammunition worth of twenty million five hundred thousand united states dollars only us NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER to fight the rebel group we were then given this money privately by the then president laurent kabila without the knowledge of other cabinet members but when president kabila was killed in a bloody shoot out by one of his bodyguards a day before we were schedule to travel out of congo we immediately decided to put the funds into a private security company here in congo for safe keeping the security of the said amount is presently being threatened here following the arrest and seizure of properties of col rasheidi karesava one of the aides to laurent kabila a tribesman and some other military personnel from our same tribe by the new president of the democratic republic of congo the son of late president laurent kabila joseph kabila in view of this we need a reliable and trustworthy foreign partner who can assist us to move this money out of my country as the beneficiary we have sufficient contacts here to move the fund under diplomatic cover to a security company in europe in your name this is to ensure that the diplomatic baggage is marked confidential and it will not pass through normal custom airport screening and clearance our inability to move this money out of congo all this while stems from our lack of trust of our supposed good friends western countries who suddenly became hostile to those of us who worked with the late president kabila immediately after his son took office though we have neither seen nor met each other the information we gathered from an associate who has worked in your country has encouraged and convinced us that with your sincere assistance this transaction will be properly handled with modesty and honesty to a huge success within two weeks the said money is a state fund and therefore requires a total confidentiality we would please need you to stand on our behalf as the beneficiary of this fund in europe this is because we are under restricted movement and watch and hence we want to be very careful in order not to lose this fund which we have worked so hard for thus if you are willing to assist us to move this fund out of congo you can contact me through my email addresses tel fax nos above with your telephone fax number and personal information to enable us discuss the modalities and what will be your share percentage for assisting us please note that there are no risks involved in this deal as everyone s security is guaranteed if we follow the required guidelines i will hence furnish you with further details of this deal as soon as i am assured of your sincere interest to assist us i must use this opportunity and medium to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential whatever your decision while i await your prompt response thank you and god bless best regards col michael bundu rtd m_bundu URL n b when you are calling my line you dial your country intl access code then you dial directly do not include my country code i e NUMBER just dial your country intl access code NUMBER NUMBER you can also contact me through the above email addresses irish linux users group ilug URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
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take control of your computer with this top of the line software symantec systemworks NUMBER professional software suite this special package includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price of only NUMBER NUMBER this software will protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses help secure your private valuable information allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely backup your all your data quick and easily improve your pc s performance w superior integral diagnostics you ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again that s six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value yours only NUMBER NUMBER limited time offer price includes free shipping why so cheap you ask you are buying online wholesale direct from the warehouse to you and for a limited time buy NUMBER of any software get NUMBER free don t fall prey to destructive viruses or programs protect your computer and your valuable information and click here to order now http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik or cut paste the above link in your browser s url bar for more questions or to order call us toll free anytime NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER we are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings you have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time we also have attained the services of an independent NUMBERrd party to overlook list management and removal services the list code in which you are registered is marked at the bottom of this email if you do not wish to receive further mailings please click here http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik remove asp to be removed from the list please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error we honor all removal requests iaes international association of email security approved list serial NUMBEReNUMBERtyuNUMBER ssiNUMBERusa
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get your favorite poker action at URL play against real people from around the world for real money or just for fun access one of the busiest poker rooms online we ve dealt over NUMBER million hands experience the best poker software available today featuring world class graphics true random shuffling algorithms and NUMBERxNUMBER customer service we ve got a great selection of poker games for you to play such as hold em omaha omaha hi lo NUMBER card stud NUMBER card stud hi lo NUMBER card stud poker tournaments sign up today and start playing with new old friends download our free software now at URL current promotion NUMBER deposit bonus NUMBER bonus daily high hand NUMBER daily progressive bad beat jackpot NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER minimum with NUMBER NUMBER added daily tournaments multiplayer shootouts wish not to received any further e mail from us please click URL iNUMBER ssNUMBER irish linux users group social events social URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
office of egnr femi daniel federal ministry of works and housing federal secretariat office complex ikoyi lagos attn first i must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction this is by virtue of it s nature as being utterly confidential and top secret as you were introduced to me in confidence through the nigeria chamber of commerce and industries we are top officials from the federal ministry of works and housing fmw h federal ministry of finance and the presidency making up the contract review panel crp set up by the federal government of nigeria to review contracts awarded by the past military administration in the course of our work on the crp we discovered this fund which resulted from grossly over invoiced contracts which were executed for the fmw h during the last administration the companies that executed the contracts have been duly paid and the contracts commissioned leaving the sum of us NUMBER NUMBER million floating in the escrow account of the central bank of nigeria ready for payment i have therefore been mandated as a matter of trust by my colleagues in the panel to look for an overseas partner to whom we could transfer the sum of usNUMBER NUMBER legally subcontracting the entitlement to your company this is bearing in mind that our civil service code of conduct forbids us from owning foreign companies or operating foreign accounts while in government service hence the need for an overseas partner we have agreed that the funds will be shared thus after it has been paid into your account NUMBER NUMBER of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the fund NUMBER NUMBER has been set aside as an abstract projection for reimbursement to both parties for incidental expences that may be incurred in the course of the transaction NUMBER NUMBER to us the government officials with which we intend to commence an importation business in conjunction with you all logistics are in place and all modalities worked out for the smooth conclusion of the transaction within ten to fourteen days of commencement after receipt of the following information your full names company s name address details activities telephone fax numbers these information will enable us make the applications and lodge claims to the concerned ministries agencies in favour of your company and it is pertinent to state here that this transaction is entirely based on trust as the solar bank draft or certified cheque drawable in any of the central bank of nigeria correspondent bankers around the world is going to be made in your name please acknowledge the reciept of this letter using the above e mail or the alternative femiNUMBER URL to reply me yours faithfully egnr femi daniel nb bank account details not necessary as preferred mode of payment is by draft or cheque irish linux users group social events social URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
hallo i found yours email id in directoric i have been from russian and for a man like you have i been lookink URL if you no want to hear from me again just reply and i no bother you again
office of egnr femi daniel federal ministry of works and housing federal secretariat office complex ikoyi lagos attn first i must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction this is by virtue of it s nature as being utterly confidential and top secret as you were introduced to me in confidence through the nigeria chamber of commerce and industries we are top officials from the federal ministry of works and housing fmw h federal ministry of finance and the presidency making up the contract review panel crp set up by the federal government of nigeria to review contracts awarded by the past military administration in the course of our work on the crp we discovered this fund which resulted from grossly over invoiced contracts which were executed for the fmw h during the last administration the companies that executed the contracts have been duly paid and the contracts commissioned leaving the sum of us NUMBER NUMBER million floating in the escrow account of the central bank of nigeria ready for payment i have therefore been mandated as a matter of trust by my colleagues in the panel to look for an overseas partner to whom we could transfer the sum of usNUMBER NUMBER legally subcontracting the entitlement to your company this is bearing in mind that our civil service code of conduct forbids us from owning foreign companies or operating foreign accounts while in government service hence the need for an overseas partner we have agreed that the funds will be shared thus after it has been paid into your account NUMBER NUMBER of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the fund NUMBER NUMBER has been set aside as an abstract projection for reimbursement to both parties for incidental expences that may be incurred in the course of the transaction NUMBER NUMBER to us the government officials with which we intend to commence an importation business in conjunction with you all logistics are in place and all modalities worked out for the smooth conclusion of the transaction within ten to fourteen days of commencement after receipt of the following information your full names company s name address details activities telephone fax numbers these information will enable us make the applications and lodge claims to the concerned ministries agencies in favour of your company and it is pertinent to state here that this transaction is entirely based on trust as the solar bank draft or certified cheque drawable in any of the central bank of nigeria correspondent bankers around the world is going to be made in your name please acknowledge the reciept of this letter using the above e mail or the alternative femiNUMBER URL to reply me yours faithfully egnr femi daniel nb bank account details not necessary as preferred mode of payment is by draft or cheque irish linux users group ilug URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
werken bij de lotto NUMBER nl NUMBER db amsterdam the netherlands from the desk of the director promotions international promotions prize award department ref wbl NUMBER bNUMBER attn award notification final notice we are pleased to inform you of the announcement today NUMBER th sept NUMBER of winners of the werken bij de lotto international programs held on NUMBERth july NUMBER you your company attached to ticket number NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER with serial number aNUMBER NUMBER drew the lucky numbers NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER and consequently won in category c you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of us NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER in cash credited to file ref no ref wbl NUMBER bNUMBER this is from total prize money of us NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER shared among the fifteen international winners in the category c all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from NUMBER NUMBER names from australia new zealand america asia europe and north america as part our international promotions program which is conducted annually congratulations your fund is now deposited with a finance and security house and insured in your name due to the mix up of some numbers and names we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program we hope with a part of you prize you will participate in our end of year high stakes us NUMBER NUMBER billion international lotto to begin your claim please contact your claims officer immediately jansen davis foreign service manager eurolite bv tel NUMBER NUMBER fax NUMBER NUMBER email eurolitebvNUMBER URL for due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice remember you must contact your claims officer not later than september NUMBER th NUMBER after this date all funds will be returned as unclaimed note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number in every one of your correspondences with your officer furthermore should there be any change of your address do inform your claims officer as soon as possible congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program sincerely the director promotions werken bij de lotto URL n b any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification please do not reply this mail irish linux users group ilug URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
hello you may have seen this business before and ignored it i know i did many times however please take a few moments to read this letter i was amazed when the profit potential of this business finally sunk in and it works with easy to use e mail tools and opt in e mail success in this business is now fast easy and well within the capabilities of ordinary people who know little about internet marketing and the earnings potential is truly staggering i ll make you a promise read this e mail to the end follow what it says to the letter and you will not worry whether a recession is coming or not who is president or whether you keep your current job or not yes i know what you are thinking i never responded to one of these before either one day though something just said you throw away NUMBER NUMBER going to a movie for NUMBER hours with your wife what the heck believe me no matter where you believe those feelings come from i thank every day that i had that feeling i cannot imagine where i would be or what i would be doing had i not read on it s true every word of it it is legal i checked simply because you are buying and selling something of value as seen on national tv making over half a million dollars every NUMBER to NUMBER months from your home thanks to the computer age and the internet be an internet millionaire like others within a year before you say bull please read the following this is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately due to the popularity of this letter on the internet a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below to see if it really can make people money the show also investigated whether or not the program was legal their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can follow the simple instructions they are bound to make some mega bucks with only NUMBER out of pocket cost due to the recent increase of popularity respect this program has attained it is currently working better than ever this is what one had to say thanks to this profitable opportunity i was approached many times before but each time i passed on it i am so glad i finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required to my astonishment i received a total NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER in NUMBER weeks with money still coming in pam hedland fort lee new jersey another said this program has been around for a long time but i never believed in it but one day when i received this again in the mail i decided to gamble my NUMBER on it i followed the simple instructions and walaa NUMBER weeks later the money started to come in first month i only made NUMBER NUMBER but the next NUMBER months after that i made a total of NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER so far in the past NUMBER months by re entering the program i have made over NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER and i am playing it again the key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and not change anything more testimonials later but first print this now for your future reference if you would like to make at least NUMBER NUMBER every NUMBER to NUMBER months easily and comfortably please read the following then read it again and again follow the simple instruction below and your financial dreams will come true guaranteed instructions order all NUMBER reports shown on the list below for each report send NUMBER cash the name number of the report you are ordering and your e mail address to the person whose name appears on that list next to the report make sure your return address is on your envelope top left corner in case of any mail problems when you place your order make sure you order each of the NUMBER reports you will need all NUMBER reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them your total cost NUMBER x NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER within a few days you will receive via e mail each of the NUMBER reports from these NUMBER different individuals save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the NUMBER NUMBER s of people who will order them from you also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer important do not alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report or their sequence on the list in any way other than what is instructed below in steps NUMBER through NUMBER or you will lose out on the majority of your profits once you understand the way this works you will also see how it will not work if you change it remember this method has been tested and if you alter it it will not work people have tried to put their friends relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money but it does not work this way believe us some have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened so do not try to change anything other than what is instructed because if you do it will not work for you remember honesty reaps the reward this is a legitimate business you are offering a product for sale and getting paid for it treat it as such and you will be very profitable in a short period of time NUMBER after you have ordered all NUMBER reports take this advertisement and remove the name address of the person in report NUMBER this person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune NUMBER move the name address in report NUMBER down to report NUMBER NUMBER move the name address in report NUMBER down to report NUMBER NUMBER move the name address in report NUMBER down to report NUMBER NUMBER move the name address in report NUMBER down to report NUMBER NUMBER insert your name address in the report NUMBER position please make sure you copy every name address accurately this is critical to your success take this entire letter with the modified list of names and save it on your computer do not make any other changes save this on a disk as well just in case you lose any data to assist you with marketing your business on the internet the NUMBER reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e mails legally where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more there are NUMBER primary methods to get this venture going method NUMBER by sending bulk e mail legally let s say that you decide to start small just to see how it goes and we will assume you and those involved send out only NUMBER NUMBER e mails each let s also assume that the mailing receives only a NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER of NUMBER response the response could be much better but let s just say it is only NUMBER NUMBER also many people will send out hundreds of thousands of e mails instead of only NUMBER NUMBER each continuing with this example you send out only NUMBER NUMBER e mails with a NUMBER NUMBER response that is only NUMBER orders for report NUMBER those NUMBER people responded by sending out NUMBER NUMBER e mails each for a total of NUMBER NUMBER out of those NUMBER NUMBER e mails only NUMBER NUMBER responded with orders that s NUMBER people who responded and ordered report NUMBER those NUMBER people mail out NUMBER NUMBER e mails each for a total of NUMBER NUMBER e mails the NUMBER NUMBER response to that is NUMBER orders for report NUMBER those NUMBER people send NUMBER NUMBER e mails each for a total of NUMBER million e mails sent out the NUMBER NUMBER response is NUMBER NUMBER orders for report NUMBER those NUMBER NUMBER people send out NUMBER NUMBER e mails each for a total of NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER million e mails the NUMBER NUMBER response to that is NUMBER NUMBER orders for report NUMBER that s NUMBER NUMBER orders times NUMBER each NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER half a million dollars your total income in this example is NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER grand total NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER numbers do not lie get a pencil paper and figure out the worst possible responses and no matter how you calculate it you will still make a lot of money remember friend this is assuming only NUMBER people ordering out of NUMBER NUMBER you mailed to dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one NUMBERth of those people mailed NUMBER NUMBER e mails each or more there are over NUMBER million people on the internet worldwide and counting with thousands more coming online every day believe me many people will do just that and more method NUMBER by placing free ads on the internet advertising on the net is very very inexpensive and there are hundreds of free places to advertise placing a lot of free ads on the internet will easily get a larger response we strongly suggest you start with method NUMBER and add method NUMBER as you go along for every NUMBER you receive all you must do is e mail them the report they ordered that s it always provide same day service on all orders this will guarantee that the e mail they send out with your name and address on it will be prompt because they cannot advertise until they receive the report available reports the reason for the cash is not because this is illegal or somehow wrong it is simply about time time for checks or credit cards to be cleared or approved etc concealing it is simply so no one can see there is money in the envelope and steal it before it gets to you order each report by its number name only notes always send NUMBER cash u s currency for each report checks not accepted make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least NUMBER sheets of paper on one of those sheets of paper write the number the name of the report you are ordering your e mail address and your name and postal address place your order for these reports now report NUMBER the insider s guide to advertising for free on the net order report NUMBER from rui sousa santos p o box NUMBER taylors lakes vic NUMBER australia ______________________________________________________ report NUMBER the insider s guide to sending bulk email on the net order report NUMBER from richard moulton p o box NUMBER hot springs mt NUMBER usa ___________________________________________________ report NUMBER secret to multilevel marketing on the net order report NUMBER from j siden krondikesvägen NUMBER a NUMBER östersund sweden _____________________________________________________ report NUMBER how to become a millionaire using mlm the net order report NUMBER from francis kidd p o box NUMBER homestead pa NUMBER usa __________________________________________________ report NUMBER how to send out one million emails for free order report NUMBER from m j lee p o box NUMBER NUMBER victoria drive london swNUMBER NUMBERbd united kingdom ______________________________________________________ your success guidelines follow these guidelines to guarantee your success if you do not receive at least NUMBER orders for report NUMBER within NUMBER weeks continue sending e mails until you do after you have received NUMBER orders NUMBER to NUMBER weeks after that you should receive NUMBER orders or more for report NUMBER if you do not continue advertising or sending e mails until you do once you have received NUMBER or more orders for report NUMBER you can relax because the system is already working for you and the cash will continue to roll in this is important to remember every time your name is moved down on the list you are placed in front of a different report you can keep track of your progress by watching which report people are ordering from you if you want to generate more income send another batch of e mails and start the whole process again there is no limit to the income you can generate from this business following is a note from the originator of this program you have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life with no risk and just a little bit of effort you can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined follow the program exactly as instructed do not change it in any way it works exceedingly well as it is now remember to e mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in report NUMBER and moved others to NUMBER NUMBER as instructed above one of the people you send this to may send out NUMBER NUMBER or more e mails and your name will be on every one of them remember though the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach so my friend i have given you the ideas information materials and opportunity to become financially independent it is up to you now more testimonials my name is mitchell my wife jody and i live in chicago i am an accountant with a major u s corporation and i make pretty good money when i received this program i grumbled to jody about receiving junk mail i made fun of the whole thing spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved i knew it wouldn t work jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet i made merciless fun of her and was ready to lay the old i told you so on her when the thing didn t work well the laugh was on me within NUMBER weeks she had received NUMBER responses within the next NUMBER days she had received total NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER all cash i was shocked i have joined jody in her hobby mitchell wolf m d chicago illinois not being the gambling type it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan but conservative as i am i decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that i wouldn t get enough orders to at least get my money back i was surprised when i found my medium size post office box crammed with orders i made NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER in the first NUMBER weeks the nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live there simply isn t a better investment with a faster return and so big dan sondstrom alberta canada i had received this program before i deleted it but later i wondered if i should have given it a try of course i had no idea who to contact to get another copy so i had to wait until i was e mailed again by someone else NUMBER months passed then it luckily came again i did not delete this one i made more than NUMBER NUMBER on my first try and all the money came within NUMBER weeks susan de suza new york n y it really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you i followed the simple instructions carefully and within NUMBER days the money started to come in my first month i made NUMBER in the NUMBERnd month i made NUMBER NUMBER and by the end of the third month my total cash count was NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER life is beautiful thanx to internet fred dellaca westport new zealand order your reports today and get started on your road to financial freedom if you have any questions of the legality of this program contact the office of associate director for marketing practices federal trade commission bureau of consumer protection washington d c this message is sent in compliance of the proposed bill section NUMBER paragraph a NUMBER c of s NUMBER this message is not intended for residents in the state of washington virginia or california screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical ability this is a one time mailing and this list will never be used again slaxflhxbkltlrolpefciayxx
hyperlink hyperlink hyperlink hyperlink you are receiving this mailing because you are a member of URL and subscribed as jm URL to unsubscribe hyperlink click here URL or reply to this email with remove in the subject line you must also include the body of this message to be unsubscribed any correspondence about the products services should be directed to the company in the ad em jm URL em
friend now you can copy dvd s and games URL backup dvd video s with your cd r burner with NUMBER studio s software you can now copy any dvd and playstation game never buy another backup dvd movie again just copy it this is the first time this software is being made available to the public all the software you need to burn your own dvd video is included in NUMBER studio s software package dvd copy plus the movies will play in a standard dvd player with detailed easy to follow step by step instructions you can burn your own dvd video using nothing more than your dvd rom and cd r drives purchase a copy click below URL order today and receive step by step interactive instructions all software tools included on cd no dvd burner required free live technical support NUMBER day risk free trial available with dvd copy plus you can backup your dvd movies with the same NUMBERmin or NUMBERmin cd r s you ve used in the past to create audio cd s our software compresses the large dvd files on your standard dvd to vcd svcd and divx much the same way the popular mpNUMBER format compresses audio order today and start burning URL thank you copymydvd URL we take your privacy very seriously and it is our policy never to send unwanted email messages this message has been sent to zzzz URL because you originally joined one of our member sites or you signed up with a party that has contracted with atomicdot please URL to unsubscribe replying to this email will not unsubscribe you trck atomicdot mp qhwqrwhlqf frp NUMBER
diversified underwriters services inc impaired risk case of the month august NUMBER male NUMBER non smoker face amount NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER history of arterial sclerotic heart disease coronary artery disease abnormal echocardiogram increasing abnormal psa currently on chelation therapy competition rated table NUMBER diversified s answer preferred broker s commission NUMBER NUMBER let us turn your clients that have been declined rated or have current health problems into placeable life cases inst a quote tm for impaired risk life quotes call now for an inst a quote on your client and we will get back to you within NUMBER hours NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER ext NUMBER or please fill out the form below for more information name e mail phone city state http www d u s com for broker use only not for public dissemination we don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals to be removed from this mailing list do not reply to this message instead go here URL URL legal notice URL
take control of your computer with this top of the line software symantec systemworks NUMBER professional software suite this special package includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price of only NUMBER NUMBER this software will protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses help secure your private valuable information allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely backup your all your data quick and easily improve your pc s performance w superior integral diagnostics you ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again that s six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value yours only NUMBER NUMBER limited time offer price includes free shipping why so cheap you ask you are buying online wholesale direct from the warehouse to you and for a limited time buy NUMBER of any software get NUMBER free don t fall prey to destructive viruses or programs protect your computer and your valuable information and click here to order now http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik or cut paste the above link in your browser s url bar for more questions or to order call us toll free anytime NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER we are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings you have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time we also have attained the services of an independent NUMBERrd party to overlook list management and removal services the list code in which you are registered is marked at the bottom of this email if you do not wish to receive further mailings please click here http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik remove asp to be removed from the list please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error we honor all removal requests iaes international association of email security approved list serial NUMBEReNUMBERtyuNUMBER ssiNUMBERusa
attention this is a must for all computer users new special package deal norton systemworks NUMBER software suite professional edition includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value free shipping hyperlink click here now
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protect your financial well being purchase an extended auto warranty for your car today click here for a free no obligation quote URL car troubles always seem to happen at the worst possible time protect yourself and your family with a quality extended warranty for your car truck or suv so that a large expense cannot hit you all at once we cover most vehicles with less than NUMBER NUMBER miles buy direct our prices are NUMBER NUMBER less we offer fair prices and prompt toll free claims service get an extended warranty quote for your car today warranty plan also includes NUMBER NUMBER hour roadside assistance NUMBER rental benefit NUMBER trip interruption intervention NUMBER extended towing benefit click here for a free no obligation quote URL to easily remove your address from the list go to URL please allow NUMBER NUMBER hours for removal
hi i m a college dropout i work about two hours a day i m ambitious but extremely lazy and i make over NUMBER NUMBER a year are you curious yet in a minute i m going to tell you my secret it s the dirty little secret of the internet you ve probably heard stories about people making whopping huge money online but you thought they were the big corporate execs famous programmers or boy geniuses well grasshopper think again it s people like you and me that are making the real money yep people like you and me ever since the dot com bubble burst in NUMBER small time entrepreneurs are getting richer while the fortune NUMBER companies look for bankruptcy lawyers today small business owners and ordinary folks like you and me can use the web to achieve complete financial freedom with no investment and very little work how by learning the most profitable marketing technique ever created it s called bulk email if you ve ever recieved an email advertisement then you know what bulk email is i bet you can t click on delete fast enough for most of those ads right you might not want their product but remember that thousands of other folks probably do bulk email is a percentage game every bulker who contacts you makes a six figure income on the internet i guarantee it now let s go back to math NUMBER and review some numbers if you sell on ebay you pay anywhere from a few dollars to over a hundred dollars just to post one auction how many people see your ad maybe a couple thousand or even ten or twenty thousand over a period of days using bulk email you can send your ad to more than a million people a day at virtually no cost whether your send NUMBER NUMBER emails or NUMBER million emails the price is the same zero stop paying those outrageous auction listing fees when hardly anyone sees your ad imagine that you have a decent product with a profit margin of NUMBER NUMBER on each sale if you send an email ad to NUMBER NUMBER people and only one person in a thousand actually places an order then you just generated NUMBER orders and made NUMBER NUMBER in a few hours of work it s that simple all you have to do is convince one person out of a thousand to buy your stuff and you re filthy rich the best thing is that anyone can do it doesn t matter if you re a nineteen year old college student using a dorm room computer or a fifty year old executive working from an office building in new york city anyone and i repeat anyone can start bulk emailing with virtually no startup costs all it takes is a few days of study plenty of ambition and some basic familiarity with the internet i quit college when i was NUMBER to capitalize on the dot com mania and i ve never looked back i started with no money no product to sell and only the most rudimentary computer skills i saw an opportunity and i seized it a few years later i bought my own home with cash you don t need any money you don t need a product you don t need to be a computer nerd and no experience whatsoever is required if you saw an employment ad in the newspaper like that you d jump right on it it would be a dream come true so what are you waiting for i m going to ask you four simple questions if you answer yes to all of them then i can almost promise that you will make at least NUMBER NUMBER using bulk email this year here goes do you have basic experience with the web do you have a computer and an internet connection do you have a few hours each day of free time do you want to earn some extra money with an eye towards complete financial freedom if you answer yes to these questions you could be making NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER per week working from your home kiss your day job goodbye this sure beats the NUMBER NUMBER daily grind all you need is ambition and commitment this is no get rich quick scheme you have to work to make big bucks but anyone and i mean anyone can do it you re probably wondering if it s hard to get started don t worry it s not i will show you step by step how to start your first email campaign and how to build a booming online business you ll be generating orders and making money in less than seven days okay so what if you don t have anything to sell no problem i ll show you where to find hot products that sell like craaaaaazy most people delay starting an internet business because they have nothing to sell but i m removing that hurdle right now after reading the bulkbook you can build your complete product line in less than two hours there is no excuse not to get started i will get you up and running within seven days in fact i personally guarantee that you will start your own bulk email campaign less than a week after reading the bulkbook i ll give you a toll free phone number to reach me NUMBER hours a day seven days a week where else will you find that level of service i will also include a step by step guide to starting your very first email campaign called seven days to bulk email success this seperate guide contains a daily routine for you to follow with specific exact instructions on how to get started on day one for example i teach you where to find a product to sell the next day you learn how to build a fresh mailing list on the seventh day you just click send your very first campaign is ready to go as a special bonus you ll recieve a free copy of our stealth mass mailer a very powerful bulk email program which retails for NUMBER NUMBER i ll even include NUMBER million email addresses absolutely free if you order now stop wasting your money on auction listing fees classifieds and banner ads they don t work and never will if you are serious about making money on the internet bulk email is your only option what are you waiting for few of us are willing to share this knowledge but i promise to teach you everything i know about bulk emailing in this extraordinary bulk emailer s handbook the bulkbook once again here s the deal you give me NUMBER NUMBER i give you all the tools you need to become a successful high profit bulk emailer including the bulkbook teaches you step by step how to become a high profit bulk emailer secret techniques and tips never before revealed seven days to bulk email success provides detailed day by day instruction to start sending your first email campaign in seven days NUMBER email subjects that pull like crazy email list manager manage your email lists quickly and easily very user friendly yet powerful software stealth mass mailer software can send up to NUMBER NUMBER emails an hour automatically just load them in there and click send address rover NUMBER and macrobot search engine robot extracts email addresses from databases and search engines at speeds of over NUMBER NUMBER per hour worldcast email verifier used to verify your email addresses that you extract to make sure they re valid ebook publisher easily publish your own e books and reports for resale using you guessed it bulk email seven million email addresses this huge list will get you started bulking right away i harvested these addresses myself the list is filled with impulse buyers ready to respond to your ads if you added up all of the full version bulk email software included with the bulkbook package it would total over NUMBER i am giving you the whole bundle for only NUMBER NUMBER that means there is no other out of pocket startup expense for you nothing else to buy no reason to waste money on software that doesn t work with this one package you get everything you need to start bulk emailing right away are you willing to invest NUMBER NUMBER for the opportunity to make a six figure income on the internet with no startup cash and very little effort remember you will recieve a toll free phone number for NUMBER hour expert advice and consultation from me personally to order the bulkbook right now for only NUMBER NUMBER with a visa or mastercard please click on the link below this will take you to our secure server for order processing URL note the bulkbook will be delivered electronically within NUMBER hours it is not available in printed form our company is strictly opposed to unsolicited email to be removed from this opt in list please send a request to bulkexpert URL NUMBERuumoNUMBER NUMBERoxziNUMBERcavhNUMBER NUMBERmiqqNUMBERhkixNUMBER NUMBERelNUMBER
attention this is a must for all computer users new special package deal norton systemworks NUMBER software suite professional edition includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price this software will protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses help secure your private valuable information allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely backup your all your data quick and easily improve your pc s performance w superior integral diagnostics NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value yours for only NUMBER NUMBER includes free shipping don t fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers protect your computer and your valuable information so don t delay get your copy today URL this email has been screened and filtered by our in house opt out system in compliance with state laws if you wish to opt out from this mailing as well as the lists of thousands of other email providers please visit URL
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hyperlink this e mail is intended to be a benefit to the recipient if you would like to opt out and not receive any more hyperlink click here your address will be removed immediately we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this e mail is not spam under the federal regulatory laws of the united states this message is being sent to you in compliance with the proposed federal legislation for commercial e mail h r NUMBER section NUMBER paragraph e NUMBER a and bill s NUMBER title iii passed by the NUMBERth us congress this message is not intended for residents of wa nv ca va screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical ability
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take control of your computer with this top of the line software symantec systemworks NUMBER professional software suite this special package includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price of only NUMBER NUMBER this software will protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses help secure your private valuable information allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely backup your all your data quick and easily improve your pc s performance w superior integral diagnostics you ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again that s six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value yours only NUMBER NUMBER limited time offer price includes free shipping why so cheap you ask you are buying online wholesale direct from the warehouse to you and for a limited time buy NUMBER of any software get NUMBER free don t fall prey to destructive viruses or programs protect your computer and your valuable information and click here to order now http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik or cut paste the above link in your browser s url bar for more questions or to order call us toll free anytime NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER we are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings you have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time we also have attained the services of an independent NUMBERrd party to overlook list management and removal services the list code in which you are registered is marked at the bottom of this email if you do not wish to receive further mailings please click here http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik remove asp to be removed from the list please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error we honor all removal requests iaes international association of email security approved list serial NUMBEReNUMBERtyuNUMBER ssiNUMBERusa irish linux users group ilug URL URL for un subscription information list maintainer listmaster URL
do you care about your computer symantecsystemworks NUMBER professional edition from the creators of the NUMBER rated antivirus software this unbeatable software suite comes with every program you ll ever need to answer the problems or threats that your computer faces each day of it s life included in this magnificent deal are the following programs norton antivirusÿffffNUMBER NUMBER the NUMBER anti virus protecion ever norton utilitiesÿffffNUMBER NUMBER diagnose any problem with your system norton ghostÿffffNUMBER NUMBER makes backing up your valuable data easy norton cleansweepÿffffNUMBER NUMBER eliminates excess data instantly norton winfaxÿffffNUMBER basic turns your cpu into a fax machine gobackÿffffae NUMBER personal helps prevent you from making any mistakes all this sells at the store for NUMBER NUMBER get it now for only NUMBER NUMBER with free shipping hyperlink click here to order now limited time offer when we run out it s gone so get it while it s hot call NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER order now your email address was obtained from an opt in list ieac international email abuse council approved list type code eastus NUMBERtNUMBERd if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please hyperlink click here we do not condone spam in any shape or form we appreciate your cooperation
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this is definitely the answer we all have been waiting for every once in awhile something comes along that you just know from the people involved from the features or just from gut feeling that it s going to be very special something with huge potential and hope when you know it it rests deep in your bones and it s hard not to get overly excited and scream it to the world which is why i m writing you today although this program is launching with all the potential of being as big as anything on the internet and you will soon see it advertised and promoted everywhere you go i would like to give you an opportunity to get in early before the masses traditionally there have been a couple of flaws to any mlm multi level marketing for you newcomers that have made it difficult for programs to last after the initial hoopla today we have launched the solution to those problems the newest and most innovative system ever to hit multi level marketing with a new software system and an ingenious payplan combined with a NUMBER payout everyone comes out a winner the truth is you ve got to see it to believe it so rather than feed you a lot of hype and tell you this is the miracle you ve been looking for the magic link that will end all your problems or a lot of other things you don t need to hear i m just going to make you a very simple offer email me with send link in the subject line to itshappening URL and i will provide the link so you can take a test drive absolutely risk free you can get a birds eye inside look revealing the inner workings of this revolutionary new discovery in online income opportunities should you decide you like what you see you will have the option of activating your position but that is completely at your option this isn t a trick i m just so convinced that this is such a sound program and unique but solid opportunity that i don t want you to miss out on the chance to get an early position with an explosive launch positions will be filling up rapidly and you have before you a chance to explore the program before diving in head first if you re one of those cautious people and who isn t these days on the internet that likes to look before you leap then here is your chance thank you for your time and i hope you discover why we re all smiling please do not treat this message as spam i am a professional and very successful networker with a data base of NUMBER NUMBER i was pursueded to purchase this list containing NUMBER NUMBER names of individuals which is guaranteed to include only those people who have given their consent to receive information i have not used this means of marketing before and frankly i am dubious about its validity however having spent an arm and a leg purchasing it i m initially sending this message to just a small number of the email address s NUMBER NUMBER to guage results if you want more information i will happily supply the link without any obligation but if its of no interest or you take exception to receiving this mail then please accept my apologies for the intrusion and delete the message immediately as this is a one time mailing there is no need to respond with remove thank you
take control of your computer with this top of the line software symantec systemworks NUMBER professional software suite this special package includes six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities all for NUMBER special low price of only NUMBER NUMBER this software will protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses help secure your private valuable information allow you to transfer files and send e mails safely backup your all your data quick and easily improve your pc s performance w superior integral diagnostics you ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again that s six yes NUMBER feature packed utilities NUMBER great price a NUMBER combined retail value yours only NUMBER NUMBER limited time offer price includes free shipping why so cheap you ask you are buying online wholesale direct from the warehouse to you and for a limited time buy NUMBER of any software get NUMBER free don t fall prey to destructive viruses or programs protect your computer and your valuable information and click here to order now http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik or cut paste the above link in your browser s url bar for more questions or to order call us toll free anytime NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER we are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings you have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time we also have attained the services of an independent NUMBERrd party to overlook list management and removal services the list code in which you are registered is marked at the bottom of this email if you do not wish to receive further mailings please click here http NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER erik remove asp to be removed from the list please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error we honor all removal requests iaes international association of email security approved list serial NUMBEReNUMBERtyuNUMBER ssiNUMBERusa
congratulations jm URL dear jm URL you ve been selected to receive a bottle of liz claiborne fragrance free perfect to wear for any occassion liz claiborne is a light floral fragrance with just a hint of fresh citrus and mandarin you ll love it for the fall season hyperlink click here now and we ll send this refreshing scent right out to you with only a few bottles on hand i know they won t last long guarantee your own good fortune and hyperlink click here to claim your very own bottle of liz claiborne fragrance jm URL act now and hyperlink click here for a one time only chance sincerely shannon jones p s please feel free to forward this great offer to a friend special NUMBER store on thank yougift has great products at an amazing price guaranteed first quality NUMBER satisfaction guaranteed or your money back visit thank yougift to get in on all the bargains visit URL get miles for just being online a completely free no obligation program that rewards members for doing the things you already do get free movie tickets free videos free gifts even free airline tickets just for researching reading the news catching up on sports and shopping even playing games visit URL now all offers are based on NUMBER customer satisfaction yourfreepresent reserves the right to cancel this offer any time once quantities run out a handling charge of NUMBER NUMBER will be applied to each item all merchandise and offers are based on first come first serve offer not valid in the state of california and washington you are receiving this mailing because you are a member of URL and subscribed as jm URL to unsubscribe hyperlink click here URL or reply to this email with remove in the subject line you must also include the body of this message to be unsubscribed any correspondence about the products services should be directed to the company in the ad em jm URL em
pocket the newest NUMBER year annuity pocket the newest NUMBER year annuity from safe harbor financial NUMBER guaranteed for NUMBER years effective yield NUMBER year surrender period please fax back contracts with a copy of your insurance license to NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER click here to contract URL issued to age NUMBER a rated company alternative NUMBER year guaranteed plan call today for more information or please fill out the form below for more information name address city state zip phone fax e mail we don t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them this is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals to be removed from this mailing list do not reply to this message instead go here URL URL legal notice URL
hyperlink URL has teamed up with hyperlink foundmoney to help you locate and claim your lost cash the amount on that check or more literally be yours for the claiming this is not a contest or a promotion hyperlink foundmoney is a search service dedicated to putting unclaimed money together with its rightful owners hyperlink there are NUMBER million north american people eligible right now to claim unknown cash windfalls the search is fast easy and gauranteed over billion is sitting in our database alone which contains bank and government accounts wills and estates insurance settlements etc hyperlink since NUMBER our web site has reunited millions upon millions of dollars with thousands of rightful owners who didn t even know they had money waiting for them hyperlink click here now or on the link below to find out in seconds if there is money waiting to be claimed in your family name or that of somebody you know the initial search is free you have nothing to lose try foundmoney today hyperlink click here now sincerely URL you received this email because you signed up at one of URL s websites or you signed up with a party that has contracted with URL to unsubscribe from our email newsletter please visit hyperlink URL
immediate help needed we are a fortune NUMBER company that is growing at a tremendous rate of over NUMBER per year we simply cannot keep up we are looking for motivated individuals who are looking to earn a substantial income working from home this is a real opportunity to make an excellent income from home no experience is required we will provide you with any training you may need we are looking for energetic and self motivated people if that is you than click on the link below and complete our online information request form and one of our employment specialist will contact you URL so if you are looking to be employed at home with a career that will provide you vast opportunities and a substantial income please fill out our online information request form here now URL to be removed from our list simply click on the link below now URL NUMBERplNUMBER
would you like to advertise your website inexpensively would you like double opt in email for as little as NUMBER cpm cost per thousand we have over NUMBER million double opt in emails all emails are double opt in email contains only your advertisement email a web page html or text message all emails sent within NUMBER hours get immediate resultscall NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER for more infomember services you are receiving this email because you signed up as a member and are currently subscribed to receive special offers from us or one of our affiliates this message was not sent to you unsolicited if you do not want to receive future offers from us click below and type remove in the subject line hyperlink unsubscribe
professional effective debt collection services available for the last seventeen years national credit systems inc has been providing top flight debt collection services to over NUMBER NUMBER businesses institutions and healthcare providers we charge only a low flat fee less than NUMBER per account and all proceeds are forwarded to you directly not to your collections agency if you wish we will report unpaid accounts to experian formerly trw transunion and equifax there is no charge for this important service please let us know if we can be of service to you simply reply to debt_collectors URL with the following instructions in the subject field remove please remove me from your mailing list email please email more information fax please fax more information mail please snailmail more information call please have a representative call indicate the best time to telephone and any necessary addresses and telephone fax numbers in the text of your reply if you prefer you can always telephone us during normal business hours at NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER ext NUMBER thank you p s if you are not in need of our services at this time please retain this message for future use or past it on to a friend
senior advocate of nigeria barr williams falana san dear sir i am barrister williams falana a member of nigeria bar association nba your contact reached me through the world business encyclopaedia hence i made up my mind to introduce this business to you in confidence for the mutual benefit of both of us the sum of usdNUMBERm forty eight million united states was lodged into a security company here in the country by the late head of state gen sani abacha for safe keeping this money was lodged in security vaults boxes and labelled as personal belongings and as such the security company does not know the true content of the boxes this money was originally meant to be used for his political campaign because i was his family attorney as such he confided in me with the relevant document papers relating to this deposit before he died of cardiac arrest as a matter of fact we have concluded all arrangement with an offshore security company to move this money as a consignment through diplomatic means to their offshore affiliated office where you will be required to put claim to the consignment as the bonafide beneficiary of the consignment you should know that this business is safety and NUMBER risk free as it does not involve drug money or terrorist fund if you are interested to carry out this transaction with me NUMBER will be for you for your assistance NUMBER for general expenses and NUMBER for us you are required to send by e mail immediately your full name and address which i will use to draft an agreement that will guide and protect both of us in this transaction also which will be used to effect the change of ownership of the consignment to your name as the beneficiary of the consignment also send me your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication once you notify me your willingness by sending the above requirement this transaction will be concluded within NUMBER seven working days i will be waiting for your urgent URL can reach me on my cell telephone no NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER or my alternative e mail williamsfalana URL best regards barrister williams falana san _________________________________________________________ envoyez des messages musicaux sur le portable de vos amis URL
senior advocate of nigeria barr williams falana san dear sir i am barrister williams falana a member of nigeria bar association nba your contact reached me through the world business encyclopaedia hence i made up my mind to introduce this business to you in confidence for the mutual benefit of both of us the sum of usdNUMBERm forty eight million united states was lodged into a security company here in the country by the late head of state gen sani abacha for safe keeping this money was lodged in security vaults boxes and labelled as personal belongings and as such the security company does not know the true content of the boxes this money was originally meant to be used for his political campaign because i was his family attorney as such he confided in me with the relevant document papers relating to this deposit before he died of cardiac arrest as a matter of fact we have concluded all arrangement with an offshore security company to move this money as a consignment through diplomatic means to their offshore affiliated office where you will be required to put claim to the consignment as the bonafide beneficiary of the consignment you should know that this business is safety and NUMBER risk free as it does not involve drug money or terrorist fund if you are interested to carry out this transaction with me NUMBER will be for you for your assistance NUMBER for general expenses and NUMBER for us you are required to send by e mail immediately your full name and address which i will use to draft an agreement that will guide and protect both of us in this transaction also which will be used to effect the change of ownership of the consignment to your name as the beneficiary of the consignment also send me your telephone and fax numbers for easy communication once you notify me your willingness by sending the above requirement this transaction will be concluded within NUMBER seven working days i will be waiting for your urgent URL can reach me on my cell telephone no NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER or my alternative e mail williamsfalana URL best regards barrister williams falana san _________________________________________________________ envoyez des messages musicaux sur le portable de vos amis URL
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hallo wir haben uns schon ziemlich lange nicht mehr gesehen a ich ja nur noh zeit für meine freundin hatte damit ist jetzt schluß alex hat mich sitzen lassen du erhälst dieses mail weil ich dir mal zeigen will wie die kleine wirklich so drauf ist ich hab jetzt vor lauter wut eine eigene homepage gebastelt da kannste mal was sehen URL wie findest du das lg peter gcoakgwnibgafjecarccjbjiiqlluijseublait
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