{ "en": "polar continent in the Southern Hemisphere", "ja": "地球の最も南にある大陸" }
{ "en": "general-purpose device for performing arithmetic or logical operations", "ja": "算術演算や論理演算を実行するための汎用デバイス" }
{ "en": "global system of connected computer networks based on IP addressing and routing protocols", "ja": "世界規模で接続されたコンピュータ・ネットワーク" }
{ "en": "song from the film and musical Mary Poppins", "ja": "映画「メリー・ポピンズ」の劇中で歌われる楽曲の名前" }
{ "en": "eleventh month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "ja": "グレゴリオ暦で年の第11の月" }
{ "en": "species of big cat", "ja": "食肉目ネコ科の動物" }
{ "en": "country in East Asia", "ja": "東アジアの国" }
{ "en": "country in South America", "ja": "南アメリカの国" }
{ "en": "popular Italian dish with a flat dough-based base and toppings", "ja": "トッピングを乗せてオーブンで焼いて作るイタリア発祥の料理" }
{ "en": "90° angle : an angle that bisects the angle formed by two halves of a straight line", "ja": "垂直に交わる2つの線分がなす角, 度数法における 90° の角" }
{ "en": "autocratic form of government which is ruled by a sole leader", "ja": "一個人・少数者または一党派が絶対的な政治権力を独占する政治体制" }
{ "en": "English-language edition of Wikipedia", "ja": "ウィキペディアの英語版" }
{ "en": "plaque attached to the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft in case extraterrestrial life finds them", "ja": "宇宙探査機パイオニア10号及び11号に取り付けられた金属製の銘板" }
{ "en": "scientific study of animals", "ja": "動物を対象とする学問" }
{ "en": "general encyclopedia published in Paris, France between 1751 and 1772", "ja": "18世紀に刊行されたフランスの百科事典" }
{ "en": "digestive track waste expulsion opening", "ja": "消化管の出口" }
{ "en": "French poet and critic", "ja": "フランスの詩人" }
{ "en": "sexual reproductive structure found on flowering plants", "ja": "種子植物の生殖器官" }
{ "en": "study of the internal structure of organisms and their parts", "ja": "生物の形態や構造を研究する学問" }
{ "en": "avenue in Paris, France", "ja": "フランス・パリの大通り" }
{ "en": "capital city of Norway", "ja": "ノルウェーの首都" }
{ "en": "capital city of Portugal", "ja": "ポルトガルの首都" }
{ "en": "Polish mathematician and astronomer", "ja": "ポーランド出身の天文学者" }
{ "en": "longest river in Italy", "ja": "イタリア北部を流れる川" }
{ "en": "island country in Oceania", "ja": "南太平洋の島国" }
{ "en": "province of the Netherlands", "ja": "オランダの州" }
{ "en": "Portuguese sandwich", "ja": "ポルトガルのサンドイッチ" }
{ "en": "biological kingdom, separate from plants and animals", "ja": "生物分類における界の一つ" }
{ "en": "country in Middle East", "ja": "西アジアにある共和制国家" }
{ "en": "country in Southeast Asia", "ja": "東南アジアの国" }
{ "en": "ancient Greek philosopher", "ja": "古代ギリシアの哲学者" }
{ "en": "artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt", "ja": "エジプトの国際運河" }
{ "en": "country in West Africa", "ja": "アフリカ西部の国" }
{ "en": "country on the west coast of Southern Africa", "ja": "アフリカ南西部にある共和制国家" }
{ "en": "island of Croatia", "ja": "クロアチアの島" }
{ "en": "sovereign state in West Africa", "ja": "アフリカ西部の国" }
{ "en": "country in Northeast Africa", "ja": "北東アフリカにある共和制国家" }
{ "en": "Italian Marshal of the Air Force and minister", "ja": "イタリアの空軍大臣、空軍参謀総長" }
{ "en": "set of chemical reactions and pathways by which living organisms transform chemical substances", "ja": "有機体が外界から取り入れた無機物や有機化合物を素材として行う一連の合成や化学反応" }
{ "en": "French composer and conductor", "ja": "フランスの作曲家" }
{ "en": "unincorporated territory of the United States of America", "ja": "カリブ海にあるアメリカ合衆国の自治連邦区" }
{ "en": "chemical element with atomic number 113", "ja": "原子番号113の元素" }
{ "en": "emperor of Ancient Rome", "ja": "ローマ帝国の皇帝" }
{ "en": "longest river in France", "ja": "フランス最長の川" }
{ "en": "Roman Catholic cathedral in Lyon, France, and the seat of the Archbishop of Lyon", "ja": "フランスのリヨンにあるカトリック大聖堂及びその司教管区" }
{ "en": "founding pharaoh of Ancient Egypt's Nineteenth Dynasty", "ja": "第19王朝の初代ファラオ" }
{ "en": "quarter in Hamburg-Mitte, Hamburg, Germany", "ja": "ハンブルク市都心部の区域" }
{ "en": "city of the Philippines in Metro Manila", "ja": "フィリピンのメトロ・マニラ内の都市" }
{ "en": "federal subject of Russia", "ja": "ロシアの州" }
{ "en": "element with the atomic number of 64", "ja": "原子番号64の元素" }
{ "en": "province of Indonesia", "ja": "インドネシアの州" }
{ "en": "year", "ja": "年" }
{ "en": "province of Canada", "ja": "カナダの州" }
{ "en": "administrative division in Chile", "ja": "チリの州" }
{ "en": "protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise", "ja": "漫画『ドラゴンボール』の主人公" }
{ "en": "municipality in the district of Fürth, in Bavaria, Germany", "ja": "ドイツ、バイエルン州フュルト郡の市" }
{ "en": "suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark", "ja": "デンマークの村" }
{ "en": "capital city of Yemen", "ja": "イエメンの元首都" }
{ "en": "German Emperor and King of Prussia from 1888 to 1918", "ja": "第9代プロイセン王国国王・第3代ドイツ帝国皇帝" }
{ "en": "moment in time used as a reference point for some time-varying astronomical quantity", "ja": "主に天体観測や測量において、時間的な起点をいう用語" }
{ "en": "date", "ja": "日付" }
{ "en": "capital of Paraguay", "ja": "パラグアイの首都" }
{ "en": "capital of Suriname", "ja": "スリナムの首都" }
{ "en": "largest moon of Neptune", "ja": "海王星の第1衛星" }
{ "en": "river in central Africa", "ja": "アフリカの川" }
{ "en": "river in West Africa", "ja": "西アフリカの川" }
{ "en": "Chile's territorial claim in Antarctica", "ja": "チリの海外領土" }
{ "en": "capital of Cape Verde", "ja": "カーボベルデの首都" }
{ "en": "capital city of Ghana", "ja": "ガーナの首都" }
{ "en": "capital of Benin", "ja": "ベナンの首都" }
{ "en": "capital of Gabon", "ja": "ガボンの首都" }
{ "en": "minor planet of the inner Solar System; not a comet", "ja": "太陽系小天体のうち、星像に拡散成分がないものの総称" }
{ "en": "capital of Zambia", "ja": "ザンビアの首都" }
{ "en": "autonomous community of Spain", "ja": "スペインの自治州" }
{ "en": "oblast of Russia", "ja": "ロシアの州" }
{ "en": "2010 film by Shane Van Dyke", "ja": "2010年制作のアメリカの映画作品" }
{ "en": "national park in Indonesia", "ja": "インドネシアの国立公園" }
{ "en": "German volleyball club", "ja": "ドイツのバレーボールクラブ" }
{ "en": "currency of the Solomon Islands", "ja": "ソロモン諸島の通貨" }
{ "en": "French classical composer", "ja": "フランスの作曲家" }
{ "en": "Western Romance language of the Indo-European language family", "ja": "ロマンス諸語に属する一言語" }
{ "en": "clock with special mechanisms and dials to display astronomical information", "ja": "文字盤を備えた時計の一種" }
{ "en": "motorsport involving the racing of cars for competition", "ja": "モータースポーツにおいて自動車を用いて行われる競技" }
{ "en": "major international multi-sport event organised by International Olympic Committee", "ja": "国際オリンピック委員会が開催する総合スポーツ大会" }
{ "en": "river in eastern Europe", "ja": "リトアニアで最長級の川" }
{ "en": "Iraqi poet", "ja": "アラブの詩人" }
{ "en": "region of Finland", "ja": "フィンランドの県" }
{ "en": "city in Sri Lanka", "ja": "スリランカの都市" }
{ "en": "capital of Shaanxi Province, China", "ja": "中国陝西省の省都" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city and capital of Tibet", "ja": "チベット自治区の首府" }
{ "en": "red wine along with various spices and raisins", "ja": "香辛料などを入れ温めたワイン" }
{ "en": "metropolitan city of Nepal", "ja": "ネパールの都市" }
{ "en": "mountain in the Pyrenees of southern France", "ja": "フランス国内ピレネー山脈の山" }
{ "en": "association of professional astronomers", "ja": "天文学の国際組織" }
{ "en": "identifier for a time offset from UTC of +6", "ja": "協定世界時を6時間進ませた標準時" }
{ "en": "time period between January 1, 1701, and December 31, 1800", "ja": "西暦1701年から西暦1800年までの100年間" }
{ "en": "city in Ticino, Switzerland", "ja": "スイスの都市" }
{ "en": "Identifier for a time offset from UTC of +9:30", "ja": "世界標準時との時差+9:30" }
{ "en": "Identifier for a time offset from UTC of +14", "ja": "協定世界時を14時間進ませた標準時" }
{ "en": "scientific study of the relationships between living organisms", "ja": "生物と環境の間の相互作用を扱う学問分野" }

Wikidata parallel descriptions en-ja

  • Parallel corpus for machine translation generated from wikidata dump (2024-05-06).
  • Currently we processed only English/Japanese pair.
  • The jsonl file is ready-to-train by Hugging Face transformers trainer for translation tasks.

Dataset Details

Dataset Creation

  • As Wikidata description field does not represent exact direct translation, filtering is required for machine translation task.
  • We did word count based filtering by using Japanese tokenizer MeCab and did some word-based filtering like ウィキメディア
  • We also did deduplication.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

  • The data is still noisy and might not be very parallel.


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Models trained or fine-tuned on Mitsua/wikidata-parallel-descriptions-en-ja