9 values
SELECT Date FROM table WHERE Home team score = 7.11 (53)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What date has a Home team score of 7.11 (53)?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Release date FROM table WHERE Subtitles = english AND Publisher = magna pacific
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the release date that has english as the subtitles, and magna pacific as the publisher?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Winning score FROM table WHERE Runner(s)-up = Birdie Kim
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the winning score in the tournament, ending with Birdie Kim as a runner-up?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the lowest geo id?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Name FROM table WHERE Marriage = disputed
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who had a disputed marriage?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT venue FROM table_name_92 WHERE sport = "basketball"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What Venue has Basketball as a Sport?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT result FROM table_name_78 WHERE director = "mirza idrizović category:articles with hcards"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Result when Director is Mirza Idrizović category:articles with hcards?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT length__female_ FROM table_name_15 WHERE common_name = "panther chameleon"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the length of the Panther Chameleon?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN Vinto Municipality FROM table WHERE Language = Spanish
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
If the language is Spanish, what is the Vinto Municipality minimum?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Winning score FROM table WHERE Margin of victory = 2 strokes AND Tournament = cyber agent ladies
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the winning score that has victory of 2 strokes for the margin, and cyber agent ladies for the tournament?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT title FROM table_2701851_2 WHERE written_by = "Michael Price"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the name of the episode written by Michael Price?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(weight__kg_) FROM table_name_53 WHERE height__cm_ = 180 AND position = "d"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average weight of the player with a height of 180 cm and plays the d position?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Driver FROM table WHERE Grid = 9
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What driver has a 9 grid total?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT time FROM table_name_70 WHERE set_3 = "25–14"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the Time when Set 3 was 25–14?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(against) FROM table_name_66 WHERE status = "tour match" AND venue = "ravenhill , belfast"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which the lowest Against has a Status of tour match, and a Venue of ravenhill , belfast?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Guest 3 FROM table WHERE Guest 2 = Iyare Igiehon
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the guest 3 for iyare igiehon.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Interview FROM table WHERE Average > 9.233 AND Swimsuit = 9.473 AND Evening Gown > 9.671
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which mean interview number had an average of more than 9.233, a swimsuit stat of more than 9.473, and an evening gown score of more than 9.671?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT score FROM table_name_86 WHERE country = "south africa"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the score of the player from South Africa?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Competition FROM table WHERE Date = 26 jan 2005
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Competition On 26 jan 2005.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT tdp FROM table_16729930_18 WHERE release_price___usd__ = "$72"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
For a release price of $72 what is the TDP of the microprocessor?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Builder FROM table WHERE Name = uss cambridge
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the builder for the USS cambridge?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(cup_goals) FROM table_10556257_1 WHERE season = "1911-12"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the most cup goals for seasson 1911-12?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT school_club_team FROM table_name_16 WHERE round > 4 AND position = "wide receiver"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which school(s) had a wide receiver drafted in round 4?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN("Year of Release") FROM table_10590 WHERE "Label(s)" = '艺能动音'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the earliest year of release for the album labelled ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Class AAAAA FROM table WHERE Class AAA = mont belvieu barbers hill AND School Year = 1993-94
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the class AAAAA of the school year 1993-94 with a class AAA of Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT First elected FROM table WHERE Member = h.b. higgins
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When was H.B. Higgins first elected?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT na__350_ FROM table_13663434_1 WHERE title_and_source = "Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what's the na -350- with title and source being paper wars: cannon fodderIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT t1.customer_name, t2.order_date FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customer_orders AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE order_status = "Delivered"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Find the customer name and date of the orders that have the status "Delivered".It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT("Podiums") FROM table_2494 WHERE "Position" = '9th'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
If the position is 9th, what is the total podiums number?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT record FROM table_name_33 WHERE date > 27 AND opponent = "st. louis blues"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the record for the date above 27 and an opponent of the St. Louis Blues?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Result" FROM table_53754 WHERE "Competition" = 'friendly' AND "Date" = '9 october 2010'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the result for friendly competition on 9 october 2010It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT chassis FROM table_name_65 WHERE points = 0 AND entrant = "automobiles gonfaronnaises sportives"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which chassis used by the entrant Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives scored 0 points?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT round FROM table_name_92 WHERE club_team = "brandon wheat kings (whl)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Round has a Club team of brandon wheat kings (whl)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT College FROM table WHERE Player = Francis Bellefroid
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What college did Francis Bellefroid go to? .It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT entrant FROM table_name_15 WHERE engine = "offenhauser l4" AND year < 1955 AND chassis = "kurtis kraft kk500a" AND points = 9
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which entrant with an Offenhauser L4 engine and a Kurtis Kraft KK500A chassis scored 9 points before 1955?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Model FROM table WHERE Total production = 1347
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Tell me the model for total production of 1347.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT premiers FROM table_name_17 WHERE details = "1951 nswrfl grand final"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which premier team played the 1951 NSWRFL Grand Final?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Date FROM table WHERE Winning Driver = ayrton senna AND Location = monza
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the date that Ayrton Senna was the drive in Monza?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Attendance FROM table WHERE Week = 15
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was average attendance during week 15?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_type = "EMERGENCY" AND prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "BACT2C"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
give the number of patients with drug code bact2c and admitted in emergency.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Runner(s)-up FROM table WHERE Margin of victory = 3 strokes AND Winning score = –6 (65-70-70-69=274)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is runner-up where the winning score is –6 (65-70-70-69=274) and the margin of victory is 3 strokes?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_86 WHERE region = "united kingdom" AND catalog = "ft 507"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
On what date did the United Kingdom have a catalog of FT 507?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT position FROM table_name_73 WHERE height__cm_ < 183 AND weight__kg_ < 91 AND birthplace = "bloomington, minnesota"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Position with a height of less than 183 and a weight of less than 91 kg and born in bloomington minnesota?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_204_802 WHERE "tie no" = 'replay'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
how many replays were there in the first round proper , november 1988 ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Party FROM table WHERE Candidates = Albert Sidney Camp (D) Unopposed
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which party is associated with the candidate Albert Sidney Camp (D) unopposed?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_78 WHERE venue = "taunton" AND name = "sc ganguly"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Date when Venue is "Taunton" and when Name is "SC Ganguly"?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Team #2 FROM table WHERE Team #1 = gambrinus sika brno
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Team #2 has a Team #1 of gambrinus sika brno?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(round) FROM table_name_21 WHERE method = "decision (unanimous)" AND opponent = "john howard"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the lowest round with the opponent John Howard that had a method of Decision (unanimous)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Team FROM table WHERE Points = 56
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the team that scored 56 points?Qh.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Snatch FROM table WHERE Clean & jerk > 132.5 AND Total (kg) = 315 AND Bodyweight = 68.63
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Tell me the total number of snatches for clean and jerk more than 132.5 when the total kg was 315 and bodyweight was 68.63.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Team FROM table WHERE Home city = koprivnica
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What team has a home city of Koprivnica?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Score FROM table WHERE Location = olympia fields, illinois
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the score at Olympia fields, illinois?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Stage (Winner) FROM table WHERE Sprint Classification = mark cavendish AND Team Classification = garmin-chipotle-h30 AND Young Classification = mark cavendish
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the winner for a Sprint Classification and Young Classification to Mark Cavendish and Garmin-Chipotle-H30 for team?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Oklahoma" FROM table_62541 WHERE "Nevada" = 'clinton' AND "Colorado" = 'clinton'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the value for oklahoma when nevada and colorado are clinton?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Week FROM table WHERE Attendance = 50073
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the number of weeks for 50073 attendance.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT week_of FROM table_name_71 WHERE winner = "jana novotná arantxa sánchez vicario 5–7, 7–5, 6–4"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
In which week is the winner listed as Jana Novotná Arantxa Sánchez Vicario 5–7 7–5 6–4?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG 3620 FROM table WHERE 5432 = 1277 AND 15122 < 1540
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average 3620 value that has a 5432 of 1277 and a 15122 less than 1540?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(round) FROM table_name_56 WHERE position = "tight end" AND player = "randy bethel"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average round at which is the position of Tight End and Randy Bethel?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT potential FROM table WHERE period = 5 AND element = antimony
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which potential's period 5 is 4 and has an element of antimony?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Episodes FROM table WHERE Viewers (in millions) = 14.41
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What episode number had 14.41 million viewers?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Outcome FROM table WHERE Date = august 20, 2007
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the outcome of the August 20, 2007 match?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Round FROM table WHERE Competition = uefa cup AND Series = 5–2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Round has a Competition of uefa cup, and a Series of 5–2?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM Year FROM table WHERE Location = pacific ring of fire AND Eruptions = pinatubo
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many years have a Location of pacific ring of fire, and Eruptions of pinatubo?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(enrollment) FROM table_name_53 WHERE mascot = "hot dogs"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the enrollment of the school whose mascot is hot dogs?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Away team FROM table WHERE Venue = windy hill
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is the away side at windy hill?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Result FROM table WHERE Competition = 2006 world cup qualification
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the result of the competition in 2006 world cup qualification?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT network FROM table_22514845_4 WHERE s_analyst = "Eddie Arcaro"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which network has s analyst of eddie arcaro?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT T1.Other_Item_Details FROM ORDER_ITEMS AS T1 JOIN Products AS T2 ON T1.Product_ID = T2.Product_ID WHERE T2.Product_price > 2000
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What are the order details of the products with price higher than 2000?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Round FROM table WHERE College = appalachian state AND Overall < 156
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Round has a College of appalachian state, and an Overall smaller than 156?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_13 WHERE opponent = "at saskatchewan roughriders"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Date when Opponent is At Saskatchewan Roughriders?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT length FROM table_name_37 WHERE stage = "9"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which length has a Stage of 9?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Year FROM table WHERE Competition = friendly AND Club = everton
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average Year when the Competition was friendly, and a Club of everton?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT PostTypes.Name, Posts.Id AS "post_link", Posts.Score AS Score, Posts.CreationDate FROM Posts INNER JOIN PostTypes ON Posts.PostTypeId = PostTypes.Id LEFT JOIN Posts AS ParentPosts ON Posts.ParentId = ParentPosts.Id WHERE Posts.PostTypeId IN (1, 2) AND Posts.ClosedDate IS NULL AND ParentPosts.ClosedDate IS NULL AND NOT (Posts.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL) AND (ParentPosts.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL) AND Posts.OwnerUserId = '##UserId##' ORDER BY Posts.CreationDate
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
My Non-Closed Community Wiki Posts. Get a user's Question and Answer that are Community Wiki but not closed. Don't list answers of a Community Wiki Question because they cannot be removed from Community Wiki Status without removing the Question's Community Wiki Status.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT round FROM table_name_49 WHERE record = "3-4"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What round has 3-4 as the record?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Points" FROM table_68128 WHERE "Entrant" = 'ats wheels' AND "Chassis" = 'ats d2'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many points did the ATS Wheels entrant with an ATS D2 chassis have?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_40 WHERE record = "12–2–4–1" AND november > 22
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Points have a Record of 12–2–4–1 and a November larger than 22?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT co_drivers FROM table_name_14 WHERE year < 1986 AND team = "martini lancia"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which co-driver was part of team Martini Lancia earlier than 1986?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT director FROM table_name_93 WHERE year__ceremony_ = 2001
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the Director with a Ceremony of 2001?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT competition FROM table_name_8 WHERE year > 2009 AND notes = "team"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What competition took place in a year later than 2009 with team notes?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT driver FROM table_name_42 WHERE year = "1969"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is the driver from 1969?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(1995) FROM table_name_4 WHERE 1990 > 36 AND 1987 < 1987 AND 2007 > 107
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the highest 1995 with a 1990 less than 36, a 1987 less than 1987, and a 2007 value greater than 107?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT _number FROM table_1014206_2 WHERE commissioned = "September 30, 1967"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
List the # for ships commissioned on september 30 1967.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT country FROM table_name_84 WHERE player = "david toms"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What Country is David Toms from?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Year FROM table WHERE Award = tony award AND Category = best revival of a musical
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What year was there a Tony award category of Best Revival of a Musical?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Rounds FROM table WHERE Truck(s) = chevrolet silverado AND Team = rbr enterprises
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the most number of rounds that the Team from RBR Enterprises and having a Chevrolet Silverado ran?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT event FROM table_name_4 WHERE date = "april 20, 2013"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is Event when Date is April 20 2013?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Result FROM table WHERE Incumbent = John Breaux
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What were the results when the incumbent was John Breaux?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.admission_location = "TRANSFER FROM HOSP/EXTRAM" AND demographic.discharge_location = "DISC-TRAN CANCER/CHLDRN H"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
how many patients whose admission location is transfer from hosp/extram and discharge location is disc-tran cancer/chldrn h?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT result FROM table_1342233_24 WHERE incumbent = "W. Arthur Winstead"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the result for w. arthur winstead?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
For those employees who was hired before 2002-06-21, return a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the average of employee_id bin hire_date by time, could you show in descending by the Y-axis?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT nationality FROM table_2897457_2 WHERE nhl_team = "Washington Capitals"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the nationality of the player picked to go to Washington Capitals?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Wins FROM table WHERE Played < 30
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average Wins, when Played is less than 30?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT New adherents per year FROM table WHERE Religion = Buddhism
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the new adherents per year for buddhism.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT party FROM table_2668243_20 WHERE incumbent = "Richard Coulter"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What party was represented by incumbent Richard Coulter ?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(number_of_episodes) FROM table_name_99 WHERE original_air_date > 1991 AND series_number < 21 AND dvd_region_2_release_date = "26 march 2012"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the sum of the number of episodes that originally aired after 1991 with a series number smaller than 21 and a DVD Region 2 release date of 26 march 2012?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT country FROM table_name_79 WHERE score = 72 - 68 - 67 = 207
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the country when the score is 72-68-67=207?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Stations FROM table WHERE Managed By = tramlink AND Zone = 5 AND Platforms = 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the stations for zone 5 and 1 platform by tramlink.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Year FROM table WHERE Wins = 2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What year has 2 wins?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MIN(l) FROM table_24224991_2
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the lowest amount of L in any season?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT record FROM table_name_64 WHERE opponent = "new york"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the record when they played New York?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.