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en | No evidence against London Bombing suspects says cleric |
Oma Bakri Mohammed, a controversial Muslim cleric living in Britain under political asylum since 1985, has said he does not believe the July 7th London bombers were Muslims.
He told BBC News that there was no evidence the four young Muslim men filmed at a station prior to the attacks were responsible for the bombs. He also condemned "any killing of innocent people here and abroad"
However he said he would not co-operate with police in the search for the bombers and other Muslim extremists, or even when he knew of an imminent terrorist attack.
"I believe co-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this." He said.
Adding, "The youth will leave us. The youth will see us, at that time, the voice, the eyes and the ears of the British government."
"The way to earn the heart of the British youth is by the divine text, to say 'God say it and ... Mohammed say it, Do not attack the people you live among.' Not to tell them, 'Tony Blair say it, the law say it, don't do so.'"
Oma Bakri Mohammed is facing deportation after partly blaming Britain itself for the attacks on London. He also blamed the UK government's "evil foreign policy and the war on terror" for pushing Muslims in "the wrong direction". He has lived in Britain for 20 years, and said he would not resist if he were to be imprisoned or deported.
The cleric also believes Islam does not allow Muslims to fight the people they lived side by side with.
"To live among them, and sell with them and deal with them and trade with them and then fight them, that is completely not Islamic."
| [
"2005-07-07 London bombings|2005-07-15",
"United Kingdom",
"Politics and conflicts"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "No proof bombers Muslims - Bakri",
"text": "Omar Bakri Mohammed says he would never co-operate with police\nThe UK-based Syrian-born preacher said there was no evidence four young Muslim men filmed at a station prior to the attacks were responsible for the bombs.\nHe condemned \"any killing of innocent people here and abroad\" but said he would never co-operate with police.\nThe cleric is facing demands for his deportation after making comments partly blaming Britain for the bombs.\nThe Metropolitan Police has confirmed that Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Hasib Hussain, 18, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, and Germaine Lindsay, 19, carried out the bombings.\nThe force released a CCTV image of the group entering Luton station on the day of the explosions, in which they, and 52 others died.\nTabloids\nIn an interview with BBC News 24, Omar Bakri Mohammed said the government, the public and the Muslim community were all to blame for not doing enough to prevent the 7 July attacks.\nWhy I condemn Osama bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair, I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama bin Laden or any Muslims\nOmar Bakri Mohammed\nAnd he blamed the tabloid press for \"distorting\" his views and those of other clerics, including Sheikh Abu Hamza, currently on trial for allegedly soliciting people to murder non-Muslims and inciting racial hatred.\nBut in another interview, with BBC1's 10 O'clock News, he said there was \"no way\" he would condemn Osama Bin Laden.\nHe said: \"Why I condemn Osama Bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair, I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama Bin Laden or any Muslims.\"\nAnd he blamed the UK government's \"evil foreign policy and the war on terror\" for pushing Muslims in \"the wrong direction\".\nOn Radio 4's Today programme, Omar Bakri Mohammed said Britons should use all political means \"to make the British government realise that they create enemy, whether abroad or at home because of their own invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan\".\nBut said he believed Islam forbade Muslims to fight the people they lived side by side with.\n\"To live among them, and sell with them and deal with them and trade with them and then fight them, that is completely not Islamic.\"\nWord of God\nThe London-based preacher told BBC News 24 radical Muslims were \"part of the solution\" not part of the problem, because they were respected by Muslim youths.\nBy imposing restrictions on radical clerics, the government had reduced their ability to \"hold back\" young Muslims angry at events in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, the Palestinian territories and Kashmir, he said.\nHe distanced himself from \"moderate\" Muslims, who he said \"cannot hold anyone back\".\nCo-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this\nOmar Bakri Mohammed\nHe added that he would not co-operate with the British police, even to alert them if he knew another terror attack was imminent.\n\"I believe co-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this.\n\"The youth will leave us. The youth will see us, at that time, the voice, the eyes and the ears of the British government.\n\"The way to earn the heart of the British youth is by the divine text, to say God say it and ... Mohammed say it, 'Do not attack the people you live among.' Not to tell them, 'Tony Blair say it, the law say it, don't do so.'\"\nThe cleric, who has lived in Britain for 20 years, indicated he would not resist if he were to be deported, saying: \"If God destined for me to be deported, or to be imprisoned, nobody can save me.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2010-01-26: Król i król: bajka dla dzieci ucząca tolerancji będzie wydana w Polsce |
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.'''
: ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.''
Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko.
Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.''
W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji.
Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r.
* '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
| [
"Kultura i rozrywka",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Król i król - kolejna bajka dla dzieci już w lutym",
"text": "32-stronicowa bajka „Król i król” Lindy de Haan i Sterna Nijlanda ukazała się najpierw Holandii w 2000 r. 10 lat później wydawnictwo AdPublik Roberta Biedronia proponuje książkę polskim dzieciom.\nW 2002 r. autorzy opublikowali sequel „King & King & Family” („Król i król i rodzina”), w której zakochani królowie wychowują osieroconą, przybraną córeczkę.\nW 2006 r. w USA państwo Robb i Robin Wirthlin pozwali szkołę, do której uczęszczał ich siedmioletni syn za „wykorzystywanie „Króla i króla” w jego seksualnej edukacji”. Sędzia odrzucił pozew. W uzasadnieniu stwierdził krótko: „Różnorodność to znak rozpoznawczy naszego narodu”.\n„Dzieci nie rodzą się z uprzedzeniami – to my, dorośli uczymy ich nienawidzić. Ta książka jest szczepionką przeciw nienawiść” – mówi Robert Biedroń.\nHolenderska bajka dla dzieci przetłumaczona na kilkanaście języków. Była bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Książka wzbudziła wiele dyskusji na temat tolerancji i różnorodności.\nW Polsce książeczka \"Król i król\" ukaże się 4 lutego 2010 roku. Jest to kolejna publikacja dla dzieci wydawnictwa AdPublik, po słynnej bajce o tolerancji \"Z Tango jest nas troje\" Peter’a Parnell’a i Justin’a Richardson’a.\nKról i król\nNa szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił.\nZaniepokojona brakiem zainteresowania księżniczkami u swego syna królowa matka obdzwania wszystkie „panny na wydaniu” o odpowiedniej pozycji i umawia je na audiencje. Książę jest jednak całkowicie obojętny na ich wdzięki. Jego serce zaczyna bić żywiej dopiero, gdy obok królewny Stokrotki widzi jej brata - Księcia Wspaniałego. Panowie zakochują się w sobie. Uszczęśliwiona królowa wyprawia huczne wesele dwóch królów.\nKsiążeczkę \"Król i król\" już można kupić w księgarni -\nKról i król\nAutor: Linda de Haan i Stern Nijland\nWydawnictwo: AdPublik, luty 2010\nISBN: 978-83-926199-2-5\nLiczba stron: 28\nWymiary: 255 x 235 mm\nOkładka: twarda\nCena: 19,90 zł\nPremiera: 4 lutego 2010 r.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pl",
"title": "Kolejna \"homo-bajka\" w Polsce",
"text": "Drogi użytkowniku, droga użytkowniczko, w związku z nowymi wytycznymi wynikającymi z Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego prosimy Cię o udzielenie zgody na dopasowanie treści marketingowych. Dzięki Twojej zgodzie będziemy nadal mogli emitować dopasowane do użytkownika reklamy i w ten sposób finansować utrzymanie i rozwój portalu.\nRównocześnie zachęcamy Cie do zapoznania się z informacjami o wysokich standardach bezpieczeństwa, które spełnia nasz portal oraz o Twoich prawach jako użytkownika / użytkowniczki portalu.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pl",
"title": "\"Król i król\" w opolskich szkołach?",
"text": "Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka z Kędzierzyna-Koźla, z grupą studentów przygotowuje oparte na holenderskiej bajce przedstawienie \"Król i król\".\nOpowieść \"King and king\" mówi o księciu, który szuka żony. Gdy żadna z kandydatek mu nie przypada do gustu, wybiera brata jednej z niej i tworzy z nim szczęśliwą parę. Przedstawienie ma być pokazywane w opolskich szkołach.\nPoproszone przez \"Dziennik\" o komentarz Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej twierdzi, że na razie nie ma czego się bać, bo nie wiadomo, czy przedstawienie dojdzie do skutku.\nMarzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do \"promowania homoseksualizmu\" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji.\nabs_ik\nData publikacji w portalu: 2008-12-30\nOPINIE I KOMENTARZE + dodaj opinię\nmoncada anna 2009-01-03 18:25 brawo!!! oby nie zabrakło odwagi... gdy nam samym brakuje odwagi.\nDopisywanie opinii, tylko dla zarejestrowanych użytkowniczek portalu\nZaloguj się\nLogin: Hasło:\nNie masz jeszcze konta? Zarejestruj się!",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pl",
"title": "USA: homoseksualna indoktrynacja silniejsza od prawa rodziców do własnych dzieci",
"text": "Sędziowie uznali ponadto, że celem literatury, z którą stykały się dzieci nie była indoktrynacja homoseksualna ale uwrażliwienie ich na tzw. „małżeństwa gejów”. Zdaniem sędziów, z kontrowersyjnej książki „Król i król”, wprowadzonej jako lektura do II klasy w jednej ze szkół podstawowych, płynie pozytywne przesłanie tolerancji.\n– Jest to pozytywne przesłanie, którego zamiarem było tolerancyjne nastawienie dzieci słuchających opowieści pt. „Król i król” wobec „małżeństwa gejów” – stwierdził sąd.\nZdaniem sądu dzieci wcale nie były poddawane indoktrynacji. – Nawet gdyby uznać, że istnieje jakaś łączność między zamiarem wpływania a próbą indoktrynacji, a mianowicie, że zamiar wpływania może się przerodzić w próbę indoktrynacji, to jednak w tym przypadku mamy do czynienia z wywieraniem wpływu w celu wykształcenia tolerancji. Nie ma żadnych widocznych oznak na to, aby była to systematyczna indoktrynacja. Nie można postawić zarzutu, że Joey został zmuszony do afirmacji „małżeństw homoseksualnych”. Wymaganie od uczniów, aby przeczytali jakąś szczególną książkę zasadniczo nie jest naruszaniem swobody korzystania z przynależnych praw – stwierdzili sędziowie.\nKsiążka „Król i król” opowiada o księciu, który nie chce żenić się z księżniczką, lecz zakochuje się w bracie księżniczki. Ich „miłość” jest przedstawiona w sympatyczny, zachęcający sposób. W końcu dwaj mężczyźni „żenią się”. Ilustracja przedstawia dwóch całujących się młodzieńców. Książka zalecona została jako lektura dla uczniów II klasy w 2006 r. w Estabrook Elementary School w Lexington w stanie Massachusetts.\nDwie rodziny złożyły skargę do kuratorium, domagając się wycofania książki, którą wprowadzono bez ich zgody. Zdaniem władz oświatowych zgoda rodziców na wprowadzenie tego typu książki do szkoły nie jest potrzebna, a nawet rodzice nie mają prawa o coś takiego zabiegać. Kuratorium odmówiło też rodzicom prawa do przeniesienia dzieci do innej szkoły. Wobec tego David Parker wraz z innymi rodzicami złożyli skargę do sądu o łamanie praw cywilnych, którą sąd odrzucił na początku 2007 r.\nRodzice odwołali się do sądu apelacyjnego, który także odrzucił ich skargę. Pozostaje jeszcze Sąd Najwyższy. Adwokat rodziny Parkerów potwierdził, że „zamierzają walczyć na wszystkich dostępnych frontach”. Zdaniem Parkera, gdyby tego nie czynili, to władze szkolne jeszcze bardzie zaangażowałyby się w nachalną propagandę homoseksualizmu.\nAdwokat Parkera Jeffrey Denner przypomniał sprawę parady z okazji Dnia Św. Patryka w Bostonie w latach. 90., kiedy to wykluczono z niej homoseksualistów. I chociaż sądy apelacyjne aż 17 razy uznały, że było to niezgodne z prawem, to w końcu SN przyznał rację organizatorom, którzy mają prawo do organizowania marszów zgodnie z własnym przekonaniami.",
"url": ",1276,2,0,1,I,informacje.html",
"archive_url": ",1276,2,0,1,I,informacje.html"
"language": "pl",
"title": "Nasz Dziennik",
"text": "Opolscy studenci zamierzają uraczyć uczniów przedstawieniem o \"królewiczach gejach\" - premiera w walentynki. Wszystko pod okiem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej i miejscowego kuratorium oświaty Opowiem ci bajkę o... gejach\nRodzice dzieci uczęszczających do szkół na Opolszczyźnie 14 lutego powinni chyba zostawić swoje pociechy w domach. Tego dnia studenci z Opola planują premierę przedstawienia, na kanwie holenderskiej opowieści pt. \"King and King\" (\"Król i król\"). Jej głównym bohaterem jest książę, który - jak to zwykle w bajkach bywa - poszukuje żony. Nie byłoby w tym nic zdrożnego, gdyby nie mało konwencjonalne zakończenie: żadna z kandydatek królewiczowi do gustu nie przypada, więc wybiera... brata jednej z nich, tworząc z nim \"szczęśliwą parę\". Wypisz wymaluj historia Tomasza Raczka i jego partnera.\nAutorką pomysłu zaadaptowania bajki na nasz grunt jest Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego z I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu, znana z tego, że w 2007 r. napisała list otwarty do ówczesnego ministra edukacji Romana Giertycha, w którym sprzeciwiła się, jej zdaniem, promowanej przez niego polityce nietolerancji wobec osób homoseksualnych. Jak widać - nie odpuściła w obronie \"uciśnionych mniejszości seksualnych\" i postanowiła użyć bardziej skutecznego narzędzia: wpływu na najmłodsze pokolenie Polaków. Do współpracy nauczycielka zachęciła swoich byłych uczniów - dzisiaj już studentów opolskich uczelni, a oprócz nich w realizacji przedsięwzięcia pomagają profesjonalni aktorzy opolskiego teatru. Zgodnie z planem, spektakl ma być wystawiany w szkołach: podstawówkach, gimnazjach, liceach.\n- Jeśli w procesie wychowawczym w szkołach będą promowane takie kontrowersyjne wzorce, to może oznaczać, że próbuje się dziecko nastawiać przeciw rodzicom - uważa dr Piotr Szczukiewicz, psycholog, adiunkt na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. - Kojarzy mi się to z czasami, gdy dzieci dowiadywały się w szkołach, że ich rodzice są \"kułakami\", \"wyzyskiwaczami\" lub \"wrogami ustroju\", a dziś może dowiedzą się, że są \"homofobami\". Sądzę, że uczenie dzieci szacunku dla innego człowieka nie może opierać się na lekceważeniu norm moralnych. W przeciwnym razie każdy, kto stanowi \"mniejszość obyczajową\", będzie domagał się, aby jego pogląd był prezentowany jako równoważny - zwraca uwagę dr Szczukiewicz.\nZ tym poglądem zupełnie nie zgadzają się władze oświatowe - według nich nic złego się nie dzieje i nie ma sensu \"rozdmuchiwanie sprawy\". Zdaniem Barbary Milewskiej, rzecznik MEN, nie ma na razie powodów do obaw, ponieważ nie wiadomo, czy realizacja przedstawienia dojdzie do skutku. - W tej chwili rozmawiamy w kategoriach hipotetycznych: mówimy tylko o pewnym zamiarze, który dotychczas został jedynie zapowiedziany medialnie. Bajki czy przedstawienia, o którym rozmawiamy, jeszcze nikt nie widział - przekonuje Milewska.\nSzerzej na stronie \"Polska\".\nMaria M. Jasita\nTa wojna może potrwać bardzo długo\nIzrael rozpoczął wczoraj trzeci dzień ataków na Strefę Gazy. Najnowszy bilans ofiar to 345 zabitych Palestyńczyków. 1600 osób zostało rannych. Wśród zabitych jest co najmniej 57 cywilów - oszacowała ONZ-owska agencja dla Pomocy Uchodźcom Palestyńskim na Bliskim Wschodzie - UNRWA. Wczorajsze bombardowania mają być odpowiedzią na atak rakietowy ze strony Autonomii Palestyńskiej, w którym zginął jeden obywatel państwa żydowskiego. Działania te, co przewidywano już wcześniej, doprowadziły do oficjalnego zerwania rozmów pokojowych między oboma krajami. Decyzję o przerwaniu rokowań przedstawił główny palestyński negocjator w rozmowach z Izraelem Ahmed Korei. Palestyńczycy obawiają się teraz coraz bardziej realnego ataku lądowego armii izraelskiej.\nWięcej na stronie \"Świat\".\nŁukasz Sianożęcki\nPiS przygotowuje projekt ustawy wprowadzający całkowity zakaz stosowania in vitro Musimy chronić życie\nCałkowity zakaz stosowania w Polsce metody zapłodnienia in vitro zakłada projekt ustawy, jaki w styczniu grupa posłów Prawa i Sprawiedliwości przedstawi w Sejmie. Konieczność ochrony życia człowieka szczególnie w jego prenatalnej fazie - a więc i zakaz dla in vitro - wynika, przypomina PiS, z nauki Kościoła. Ma to być także odpowiedź na wskazania Zespołu Ekspertów Konferencji Episkopatu ds. Bioetycznych, który podkreślił, że posłowie powinni dążyć przede wszystkim do uchwalenia całkowitego zakazu stosowania in vitro.\n- To jest pierwszy krok w polskim prawodawstwie do tego, by wprowadzić całkowity zakaz stosowania in vitro. Sprawa jest o tyle ważna, że do tej pory kwestia ta w ogóle nie była unormowana prawnie. W Polsce istnieje wolna amerykanka i w efekcie w naszych klinikach mamy ponad 20 tysięcy zamrożonych zarodków ludzkich, których los ciągle jest jeszcze zagrożony - twierdzi poseł Bolesław Piecha (PiS), były wiceminister zdrowia, inicjator przygotowania projektu ustawy zakazującej stosowania in vitro.\nWięcej na stronie Polska.\nAnna Ambroziak\nKryzys wkracza do przedsiębiorstw\nWiadomości napływające z polskich przedsiębiorstw są pesymistyczne. Cięcie kosztów i redukcje zatrudnienia wkroczyły już do hut stali, zakładów motoryzacyjnych, wytwórni szkła, materiałów budowlanych, powoli dotykają też przedsiębiorstw transportowych - strona \"Polska\".\nNa statkach można zarabiać\nSzczecińska Stocznia Remontowa Gryfia wypracowała w mijającym roku wysoki zysk. Sytuacja stoczni remontowych, chociaż z natury korzystniejsza od sytuacji stoczni budujących jednostki morskie, potwierdza opinię, że na statkach można dobrze zarabiać, dlatego dziwi postawa rządu, który nie wykazuje woli, aby ratować zakłady w Gdyni i Szczecinie - strona \"Polska\".\nNajlepszą obroną jest atak\nNiemiecki rząd nie zamierza wypełnić zasądzonego przez włoski Sąd Najwyższy wyroku, w którym sędziowie nakazują Niemcom wypłatę odszkodowań za popełnione przez Wehrmacht zbrodnie wojenne w Toskanii. Włochy zostały oskarżone przez Berlin o łamanie prawa międzynarodowego - strona \"Świat\".\nZadzwoń, jeżeli problemy Cię przerastają i boisz się urodzić dziecko, które nosisz pod sercem:\nTelefon nadziei\n0800 112 800\n(bezpłatny, pn.-pt. w godz. 15.00-7.00,\npozostałe dni - całą dobę)\nJasnogórski Telefon Zaufania\n034 365 22 55\n(w godz. 20.00-24.00)\nDziś\nDwustronny kalendarz plakatowy na 2009 rok\nDo powieszenia w domu lub w biurze\nDodatek \"Szlachetne zdrowie\"\nŻołądkowe kłopoty\nA w nim gastrolog odpowie, czy nieleczone wrzody mogą być groźne dla naszego życia, na czym polega refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy, jakie produkty najbardziej szkodzą żołądkowi i jak o niego dbać.\nModa dla Ciebie\nOstatnie przygotowania do sylwestrowego balu - czyli jaką wybrać kreację, makijaż, perfumy...\nKryzys finansowy w Polsce 2008\nKryzys jest adwokatem prawdy. Prowadzą do niego wszelkie fałszywe teorie, przekłamania czy oszustwa. Gdy kumulują się nierozwiązane problemy, kryzys je rozwiązuje, ale każe sobie za to słono płacić - kalendarium światowego kryzysu i komentarze prof. Artura Śliwińskiego.\nStrona \"Myśl jest bronią\".\nJutro\nMoja strona życia\nNajważniejsze jest to, że mam do kogo wracać\nReprezentuję jeden z ostatnich roczników lat 70., patrzących na sport przez pryzmat wyższych celów i idei. Nie uprawiam go tylko dla pieniędzy... Dla mnie w sporcie bardziej liczy się coś innego: spełnienie siebie, zadowolenie najbliższych - rozmowa z Leszkiem Blanikiem, mistrzem olimpijskim w gimnastyce sportowej.\nRok 2009 - szanse i nadzieje\nKtoś kiedyś napisał, że w polskich mediach obserwujemy ciągłą walkę minut prawdy z latami kłamstw. Dzięki polityce \"grubej kreski\" nadal brylują w nich skompromitowane \"tuzy\" publicystyki stanu wojennego - sytuację w mediach, polityce, sądownictwie, kulturze, nauce analizuje prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak.\nW piątek\nDodatek\nW ogrodzie Maryi\nSumienie mówi nam, że mamy unikać zła, a czynić dobro. Ono nie ogranicza, lecz mówi nam, w co dobrego możemy się zaangażować. Kochane Dzieci, jak tata pomógł Pawełkowi rozwiązać problem, co wybierać - o tym w Waszym dodatku.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Homosexual Propaganda Removed From UK Schools, But Only After Muslim Complaint",
"text": "Thursday April 3, 2008\nHomosexual Propaganda Removed From UK Schools, But Only After Muslim Complaint\nGay group head says \"fuss\" from parents \"will cause children to think there is something wrong\"\nBy John Connolly\nBRISTOL, April 3, 2008 ( - Two Bristol schools hurriedly withdrew two books designed to imbue children with tolerance toward same-sex relationships after complaints by Muslim parents, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.\nThe books, which target audiences as young as four or five years old, are King & King, a fairy tale about a young monarch who marries a prince instead of a princess, and a book entitled And Tango Makes Three about two male penguins who fall in love at the New York zoo.\nEaston Primary School and Bannerman Road Community School, both in Bristol, removed the books as well as a DVD designed to teach children about families and includes gay and lesbian \"families.\" The move was made following complaints by 90 parents, aided by the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society. Members of the society claimed parents were upset at the lack of parental consultation over the books.\n\"The main issue was there was a total lack of consultation with parents,\" said Farooq Siddique, community development officer for the society and a governor at Bannerman Road school. \"The schools refused to deal with the parents, and were completely authoritarian. The agenda was to reduce homophobic bullying and all the parents said they were not against that side of it, but families were saying to us 'our child is coming home and talking about same-sex relationships, when we haven't even talked about heterosexual relationships with them yet.'\"\nAlthough the Bristol City Council withdrew the books, it was careful to defend its prerogative to indoctrinate children as a means of preventing 'homophobic harassment'.\n\"All Bristol schools have a legal duty to report and deal with homophobic harassment as part of the curriculum since April 2007,\" said Julia Walton, spokesperson for the education department of the Bristol City Council. \"As part of this, schools can choose to seek specialist advice and training on topics such as homophobia.\"\nThe Bristol City Council seems to have been very concerned about maintaining good relations with the Muslim community. The two schools are 60 to 70 percent Muslim, according to Siddique's estimate.\n\"In Islam homosexual relationships are not acceptable, as they are not in Christianity and many other religions but the main issue is that they didn't bother to consult with parents,\" said Siddique. \"The issue should have been, how do we stop bullying in general, and teaching about homosexuality can be a part of that. This was completely one-sided. Homosexuality is not a priority to parents but academic achievement is. This just makes parents think 'What the heck is my child being taught at school?'\"\nWalton said that the Bristol City Council will be working with clerics, among others, to resolve the situation.\n\"Bristol City Council has temporarily withdrawn the use of materials that can be used to explain homophobia to children to ensure that both Bannerman Road and Easton primary schools can meet their legal responsibilities and operate safely,\" said Walton. \"We are now liaising with community forums in the city, local clerics, teachers' unions, the Institute of Community Cohesion and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to ensure that the topic can be addressed in an inclusive manner in the curriculum.\"\nThe schools' reaction to complaints has been phenomenal compared to reactions from complaints by Christians over the same books in 2007. The Joint Committee on Human Rights, composed of members of Parliament and the House of Lords, issued a report in February 2007 recommending that religious schools be forced to modify their religious teaching to comply with the sexual orientation regulations.\nBen Summerskill, chief executive for the British gay rights group Stonewall, expressed concern over the negative reaction of parents to the pro-homosexual books.\n\"The small number of parents who make a fuss will cause children to think there is something wrong,\" he said.\nSee Previous LifeSiteNews Coverage:\nPro-Homosexual Booklet to Be Distributed to All 16,000 US School Districts\n\nBill Banning Discussion on Homosexuality in Tennessee Schools Fails\n\nUK Regulations Barring Religious Schools from Teaching Against Homosexuality Approved\n\nUK Government Program Teaching Four-Year-Olds about Homosexuality\n\nUK: Religious Schools May Not Teach Christian Sexual Morals \"As if They Were Objectively True\"\n\nB.C. Gay Couple Seeks Mandatory Homosexual School Curriculum Without Parental Opt-Out\n\nBack to Top\nSHARE THIS STORY: E-mail Print Newsvine Digg Reddit Facebook\nMORE NEWS: Home Page Last 10 Days Archives Special Reports\nCopyright © This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives License. You may republish this article without request provided the content is not altered and it is clearly attributed to \"\". Any Internet re-publishing of original LifeSiteNews articles MUST additionally include a live link to Republishing of articles on LifeSiteNews that have come from other news sources as noted is subject to the conditions of those sources.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Roger Federer remporte l'US Open pour la seconde fois de sa carrière |
Roger Federer n°1 du classement ATP a remporté à New York l'US Open pour la seconde fois de sa carrière. Il a battu l'américain André Agassi en quatre manches (6-3 2-6 7-6 6-1).
Le meilleur joueur de tennis aura ainsi remporté le tournoi de Wimbledon et de Flushing Meadow pour deux années consécutives, à seulement 24 ans.
Pourtant, le de la balle jaune, aura réussi à laisser planer un doûte sur le court central. Agassi a ainsi remporté le second set (6-2) grâce à une stratégie défensive qui s'est avérée payante. Néanmoins, le Suisse se ressaisît bientôt pour remporter une troisième manche pleine de suspense (7-1 au jeu décisif).
L'américain, âgé de 35 ans a avoué que son adversaire avait été que lui, pour conclure : . Roger Federer, quant à lui, se réjouît d'une victoire contre
| [
"US Open de tennis",
"Tennis masculin",
"Grand Chelem de tennis",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Agassi plie face au meilleur joueur qu'il ait affronté",
"text": "oger Federer saute de joie. Le Suisse, numéro un mondial, vient de s'imposer pour la deuxième année d'affilée sur le ciment américain de Flushing Meadow, dimanche 11 septembre, à New York. Face à lui, Andre Agassi, no 7 mondial, a le visage fermé. Il vient de voir s'envoler son rêve de remporter un neuvième tournoi du Grand Chelem. oger Federer saute de joie. Le Suisse, numéro un mondial, vient de s'imposer pour la deuxième année d'affilée sur le ciment américain de Flushing Meadow, dimanche 11 septembre, à New York. Face à lui, Andre Agassi, n7 mondial, a le visage fermé. Il vient de voir s'envoler son rêve de remporter un neuvième tournoi du Grand Chelem. Kim Clijsters s'impose face à Mary Pierce La Belge de 22 ans Kim Clijsters (no 4) a gagné son premier titre du Grand Chelem, samedi 10 septembre, en battant la Française Mary Pierce (no 12) en deux sets (6-3, 6-1). Kim Clijsters, qui disputait sa cinquième finale d'un tournoi du Grand Chelem, s'est imposée pour la première fois, de manière expéditive, en 65 minutes. Mary Pierce, déjà dominée lors de la finale de Roland-Garros cette année par une autre Belge, Justine Henin-Hardenne, a vu une nouvelle fois ses espoirs de gagner un troisième tournoi du Grand Chelem s'envoler. Dépassée pendant tout le match, elle a commis 28 fautes directes. Kim Clijsters remporte aussi les US Open Series, récompensant la meilleure joueuse sur les épreuves américaines de l'été. Une double victoire qui lui vaut de décrocher le plus gros gain de l'histoire du sport féminin : 2,2 millions de dollars. [-] fermer\nIl peut cependant se consoler en se rappelant qu'il est, à l'âge de 35 ans, le plus vieux finaliste de l'US Open depuis l'Australien Ken Rosewall âgé de 39 ans lors de sa finale perdue face à Jimmy Connors, en 1974. Il se rassure aussi en se disant qu'il a été battu par \"plus fort\" que lui. \"Roger Federer est le meilleur joueur que j'aie affronté dans ma carrière. (...) Pete Sampras était un joueur fabuleux, mais je savais ce que je devais faire contre lui. Il y avait des points sur lesquels on pouvait l'attaquer. Ce n'est pas le cas contre Federer.\" Il peut cependant se consoler en se rappelant qu'il est, à l'âge de 35 ans, le plus vieux finaliste de l'US Open depuis l'Australien Ken Rosewall âgé de 39 ans lors de sa finale perdue face à Jimmy Connors, en 1974. Il se rassure aussi en se disant qu'il a été battu parque lui.Pete Sampras était un joueur fabuleux, mais je savais ce que je devais faire contre lui. Il y avait des points sur lesquels on pouvait l'attaquer. Ce n'est pas le cas contre Federer.\" L'Américain n'a pourtant pas à rougir de sa défaite (3-6, 6-2, 6-7 -1-7-, 1-6). Pendant les trois premiers sets, Andre Agassi a fait douter le nº 1 mondial, surnommé \"le génie\" pour la qualité de son tennis. Fort de ses 22 finales victorieuses d'affilée et de son invincibilité lors des cinq finales du Grand Chelem qu'il a disputées en un peu plus de deux ans, le Suisse Roger Federer semblait confiant. Dès le début du match, la qualité de son service (19 aces et 76 % de réussite sur la première balle) et sa manie de jouer avec les lignes lui permettent de remporter son premier jeu de service, puis la première manche (6-3), non sans avoir douté face à Andre Agassi, qui a sauvé 7 balles de set. La logique semble respectée. Mais \"le Kid de Las Vegas\" ne l'entend pas ainsi. Certes, le deuxième set commence difficilement pour le vétéran du circuit, mis en danger dès son premier jeu de service. Mais l'Américain ne tarde pas à réagir et, après avoir gagné son service, il prend celui de Roger Federer. La confiance change de camp. Alors que le no 1 mondial enchaîne les aces, Andre Agassi flirte avec les lignes. Une stratégie qui lui permet, alors que tout semble lui réussir à ce moment du match, de remporter la deuxième manche (6-2). L'Américain continue sur sa lancée dans le troisième set, mais il est rapidement stoppé par Roger Federer, qui parvient enfin à déployer toutes les facettes de son jeu : amorties, services slicés... Les échanges se font de plus en plus longs et les deux joueurs prennent respectivement le service de l'autre. La manche se conclut par un tie-break remporté aisément (7-1) par Roger Federer. C'est le moment-clé du match. \"Le niveau du troisième set était très élevé\" , a pu apprécier Agassi. L'Américain semble alors accuser la fatigue, due sans doute aux trois matches en cinq sets qu'il a disputés avant d'arriver en finale. Roger Federer profite de cette baisse de régime pour enchaîner les jeux, jusqu'à ce qu'un sursaut d'orgueil permette à Andre Agassi de sauver deux balles de match et de remporter sa mise en jeu avant de s'incliner 6-1 dans la 4e manche. Le choc des générations a donc vu le plus jeune s'imposer. Roger Federer, 24 ans, n'avait que 11 ans lorsque Andre Agassi, auparavant remarqué pour son accoutrement excentrique (short en jeans et cheveux longs décolorés), remportait, en 1992, le premier tournoi du Grand Chelem de sa carrière, à Wimbledon. Cette victoire avait marqué le début d'une longue série. L'Américain totalise aujourd'hui huit victoires dans les tournois du Grand Chelem (un succès à Wimbledon et à Roland-Garros, deux à l'US Open et quatre à l'Open d'Australie). Il a occupé la place de nº 1 mondial pendant 101 semaines, d'avril 1995 à juin 2003 et remporté 17 victoires dans les tournois Master Series. Malgré un début d'année 2005 difficile à cause de douleurs chroniques au dos, qui l'ont empêché de franchir le premier tour au tournoi de Roland-Garros et l'ont contraint au forfait à Wimbledon, il réalise une meilleure fin de saison. Vainqueur cet été du tournoi de Los Angeles, il a ensuite été défait en finale du Master Series de Montréal par l'Espagnol Rafael Nadal. Roger Federer n'a pas manqué d'affirmer tout son respect pour Andre Agassi après sa victoire : \"Il a fait un super match. C'est une légende vivante. Lui est à la fin de sa carrière et moi au sommet de mon art.\" Le Suisse réalise de son côté une saison exceptionnelle, battu seulement par trois joueurs cette année : Marat Safine à l'Open d'Australie, en demi-finales, Richard Gasquet au tournoi de Monte-Carlo (quarts de finale) et Rafael Nadal à Roland-Garros (demi-finales). Seul le tournoi parisien manque encore au palmarès de Roger Federer. Une victoire sur la terre battue lui permettrait de rejoindre Andre Agassi, seul et unique joueur à avoir gagné les quatre tournois du Grand Chelem sur des surfaces différentes depuis le début de l'ère open, en 1969. Adeline Cordon Article paru dans l'édition du 13.09.05",
"url": ",1-0@2-3242,36-688189@51-650111,0.html",
"archive_url": ",1-0@2-3242,36-688189@51-650111,0.html"
] |
de | Schwerer Unfall auf der A 9 – vier Tote |
Bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall auf der A 9 zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz in Thüringen wurden am Freitag, 30. August, gegen 16:30 Uhr vier Motorradfahrer im Alter zwischen 43 und 75 Jahren getötet. Ein Kleinlaster war in die Gruppe der Biker gefahren, die wegen Regens unter einer Brücke Zuflucht gesucht hatten. Der Fahrer des Kleinlasters hatte auf regennasser Fahrbahn die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Er und seine beiden Beifahrer aus dem Landkreis Barnim in Brandenburg wurden bei dem Unfall verletzt.
Drei der Motorradfahrer stammen aus dem Burgenlandkreis in Sachsen-Anhalt, der vierte aus Pforzheim in Baden-Württemberg. Einer der beiden Beifahrer im Kleinbus wurde schwer verletzt und mit einem Rettungshubschrauber in ein Krankenhaus in Kulmbach gebracht. Der Fahrer und einer der Beifahrer verletzten sich leicht und wurden in eine Schleizer Klinik gebracht.
Der Kleinlaster war aus bisher noch nicht geklärter Ursache von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und war dann auf die Gruppe der Motorradfahrer gekippt. Zwei der Motorradfahrer waren sofort tot, und die beiden anderen starben noch an der Unfallstelle.
„Es ist auf jeden Fall verboten, auf der Autobahn zu parken. Doch bei Starkregen hätten wir die Biker nicht gezwungen weiterzufahren. Wir hätten toleriert, dass sie stehenbleiben“, sagte Hauptkommissar Behling von der Thüringer Autobahnpolizeiinspektion.
Dass der Fahrer des Kleinlasters wegen Aquaplanings die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren haben könnte, ist einer der Ermittlungsansätze. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Gera hat die Leitung der Ermittlungen übernommen. Wegen der Bergungs- und Rettungsarbeiten und der Ermittlungen war die Autobahn in Richtung Berlin für sieben Stunden vollgesperrt.
| [
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"Themenportal Unfall",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "A9/Bad Lobenstein: Schlimmer Unfall gibt Rätsel auf: Lkw rast in Motorrad-Gruppe - Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt",
"text": "Auf der A9 bei Bad Lobenstein haben vier Motorradfahrer bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall ihr Leben verloren. Ein Lkw fuhr in die stehende Biker-Gruppe.\n19.45 Uhr:Inzwischen hat die Polizei die Identität der Opfer geklärt. Es handelt sich um Männer im Alter von 43, 57, 60 und 75 Jahren, wie die Autobahnpolizei am Samstag mitteilte.\n15.01 Uhr: Offenbar tappen die Ermittler auf der Suche nach der Unfallursache noch völlig im Dunkeln. Man ermittle in alle Richtungen, heißt es.\nWie die Bild-Zeitung nun berichtet, übernimmt die Staatsanwaltschaft Gera die Ermittlungen. Sie will klären, warum der Fahrer (38) des Transporters in die Gruppe unter der Brücke fuhr. Zuvor hatte die Autobahnpolizei den Unfall untersucht.\nUpdate vom 31. August 2019, 13.35 Uhr: Nach dem schweren Crash mit vier getöteten Motorradfahrern auf der A9 hat ein Gutachter die Unfallstelle untersucht. „Der Fachmann hat alle unter die Lupe genommen“, sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei am Samstagmorgen. Mit schnellen Ergebnissen sei nicht zu rechnen.\nWie die Bild-Zeitung berichtet, waren zwei der Motorradfahrer sofort tot. Die beiden anderen Biker starben wenig später noch an der Unfallstelle. Sie hatten unter einer Brücke Schutz vor Regen gesucht, als ein Transporter in die Gruppe hineinraste.\nDer 38-jährige Fahrer des Transportes, sowie sein 31-jähriger Mitfahrer wurden leicht verletzt in ein Krankenhaus nach Schleiz (Thüringen) gebracht. Der dritte Mann (29) im Transporter wurde mit einem Hubschrauber mit schweren Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus in Kulmbach (Bayern) geflogen. Alle drei Insassen des Transporters stammen aus dem Kreis Barnim (Brandenburg).\n„Es ist auf jeden Fall verboten, auf der Autobahn zu parken. Doch bei Starkregen hätten wir die Biker nicht gezwungen weiterzufahren. Wir hätten toleriert, dass sie stehenbleiben“, sagt Hauptkommissar Behling von der Thüringer Autobahnpolizeiinspektion.\nDamit bleibt weiter unklar, wie es am Freitagnachmittag genau zu dem Unfall kommen konnte. Dass der Transporter-Fahrer wegen Aquaplanings die Kontrolle über das Fahrzeug verlor, ist eine von vielen möglichen Theorien.\n+ Tödlicher Unfall auf der A 9 © dpa / Bodo Schackow\nBad Lobenstein: Lkw rast auf A9 in Motorrad-Gruppe - vier Biker sterben bei Crash\nErstmeldung vom 30. August 2019: Bad Lobenstein - Auf der Autobahn 9 bei Bad Lobenstein (Saale-Orla-Kreis) hat sich am Freitagnachmittag ein schwerer Verkehrsunfall ereignet.\nWie ein Sprecher der Autobahnpolizei berichtet, soll ein Kleinlaster zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz unter einer Brücke in eine Gruppe aus drei Motorrädern, die mit vier Menschen besetzt waren, gefahren sein. Sie alle kamen ums Leben; die drei Insassen des Kleinlasters wurden zum Teil schwer verletzt und in ein Krankenhaus gebracht.\nBad Lobenstein/A9: Vier Motorradfahrer sterben - sie suchten unter Brücke Schutz vor dem Regen\nNach ersten Angaben waren die Motorradfahrer unterwegs nach Berlin und suchten unter der Brücke Schutz vor dem plötzlich einsetzenden, starken Regen. Dort soll der Kleintransporter dann von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in die wartenden Biker gekippt sein. Laut Polizei ist der Kleintransporter im brandenburgischen Barnim-Kreis zugelassen.\nVerkehrsunfall auf der A9: Gutachter gerufen\nWeitere Details zu den Toten und Verletzten konnte die Polizei nicht machen. Vermutlich waren alle männlich. Auch zur Frage, warum der Transporter von der Straße abkam, konnten die Beamten nichts sagen. Ein Gutachter sollte die Einsatzstelle besuchen.\nA9 nach Unfall komplett gesperrt\nLaut Polizei ereignete sich der Unfall gegen 16.30 Uhr. An der Unfallstelle lagen Trümmerteile neben der Fahrbahn. Ein Rettungshubschrauber war im Einsatz. Die A9 war in Fahrtrichtung Berlin für mehrere Stunden komplett gesperrt. Eine Umleitung wurde eingerichtet, um den Verkehr von der Autobahn abzuleiten, hieß es.\ndpa\nAuch der Schauspieler Dominique Horwitz erlitt vor Kurzem einen schweren Motorradunfall, kann das Krankenhaus aber angeblich bald wieder verlassen.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Vier tote Motorradfahrer bei schwerem Unfall",
"text": "Vier Biker hatten am Freitagnachmittag unter einer Brücke Schutz vor Regen gesucht. Dort fuhr ein Kleinlaster in Gruppe. Die Motorradfahrer kamen alle ums Leben. Die A9 ist Richtung Berlin komplett gesperrt.\nEinsatzkräfte stehen an der Unfallstelle auf der A 9, Motorräder und Trümmerteile liegen neben der Fahrbahn und in der Böschung. Bild: dpa\nAuf der Autobahn 9 in Thüringen ist ein Kleintransporter von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in eine Gruppe Motorradfahrer gekippt, die dort Halt gemacht hatte. Alle vier Motorradfahrer wurden bei dem schweren Verkehrsunfall am Freitagnachmittag getötet, teilte die Autobahnpolizei mit. Die drei Insassen des Kleinlasters wurden zum Teil schwer verletzt und in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Der Unfall ereignete sich zwischen den Anschlussstellen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz im Südosten Thüringens\nNach ersten Angaben hatten die in Richtung Berlin fahrenden Motorradfahrer bei plötzlich einsetzendem starken Regen Schutz unter einer Brücke gesucht und dort gestoppt. Weitere Details zu den Toten und Verletzten konnte die Polizei nicht machen. Vermutlich waren alle männlich. Auch dazu, warum der Transporter von der Straße abkam, konnten die Beamten nichts sagen. Der Unfallort wird von einem Gutachter untersucht.\nLaut Polizei ereignete sich der Unfall gegen 16.30 Uhr. An der Unfallstelle lagen Trümmerteile neben der Fahrbahn. Ein Rettungshubschrauber war im Einsatz. Die A9 war in Fahrtrichtung Berlin für mehrere Stunden komplett gesperrt. Eine Umleitung wurde eingerichtet, um den Verkehr von der Autobahn abzuleiten, hieß es.\nVor einer Woche hatte das Statistische Bundesamt mitgeteilt, dass bei Stürzen, Zusammenstößen und anderen Unfällen in Thüringens Straßenverkehr in diesem Jahr bislang 49 Menschen gestorben sind. Im Vergleichszeitraum ein Jahr zuvor hatte die Behörde 44 Tote registriert.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | El príncipe Guillermo Alejandro jura como nuevo rey de los Países Bajos |
Guillermo Alejandro, rey de los Países Bajos, inicia su reinado hoy
Máxima, reina consorte de los Países Bajos
La monarquía neerlandesa hoy ha dado un nuevo giro por el cual concluye el reinado de tras su decisión de abdicar al trono después de 33 años, anunciada el 28 de enero pasado, para ceder el trono a su hijo , de la casa de . Guillermo Alejandro se convirtió en el primer rey de los en subir al trono desde 1890, en gran parte despojado del poder político, pero aún investido de una enorme importancia simbólica para los neerlandeses.
Ante la presencia de varias delegaciones de casas reales de y , y 25 000 personas reunidas en la de Ámsterdam —muchas de ellas vestidas de color naranja o usando pelucas anaranjadas, sombreros, boas de plumas y coronas— a las 10:00 hora local, la reina se reunió en la Cámara del Consejo del para la ceremonia de abdicación. Minutos después los soberanos entrante y saliente se mostraron en el balcón real al lado de la reina consorte, , que se convierte ahora en la segunda en ascender a la nobleza europea, y sus hijas , y . Catalina Amalia es ahora la princesa de Orange y la primera en la línea de sucesión.
En su discurso de ascenso al trono en la , Guillermo aseguró que protegerá "la libertad y los derechos de todos los neerlandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos". En un momento que los neerlandeses sufren los estragos de la que azota a las naciones que integran la Unión Europea, manifiesta que aunque "no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades" en referencia a las virtudes que gozó su antecesora, asegurándose que tendrá "todo el esfuerzo y dedicación".
Durante la jura constitucional de los nuevos monarcas, la mayoría de los parlamentarios reunidos en los Estados Generales prometieron fidelidad así como todo el Gobierno de los Países Bajos y de sus del (, y ).
Beatriz, que desde ahora será princesa, se asomó a un balcón, decorado con tulipanes rosas y naranjas, para presentar al nuevo rey. "Estoy feliz y agradecida de presentarles a su nuevo rey, Guillermo Alejandro", dijo a la entusiasta multitud, que le cantó ''Bea Bedankt'' 'Gracias, Bea'. A pesar del buen comportamiento de los ciudadanos en la plaza de Dam, solo un pequeño incidente de descontento quedó resaltado en las redes sociales, en el cual dos personas que portaban letreros desobligantes contra Guillermo fueron aislados y arrestados por la Policía.
| [
"Monarcas y nobles",
"Guillermo Alejandro de los Países Bajos",
"Países Bajos",
"Unión Europea",
"Sint Maarten",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Holanda: ¡Larga vida al Rey!",
"text": "Los holandeses se volcaron en masa para despedir a la reina Beatriz y vitorear a sus nuevos soberanos: Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima Zorreguieta.\nDesde la madrugada la capital de Holanda, Ámsterdam, comenzó a llenarse de miles de personas que portando algo naranja, color de la Casa Real holandesa, llegaron a la capital para asistir a las ceremonias previstas para el relevo del trono. Nadie quiso perderse este momento histórico en un país en donde, según encuestas recientes y aunque cueste entenderlo en otras latitudes, el 78 por ciento de la población está de acuerdo con la monarquía.\nLuego de 33 años de reinado, la reina Beatriz abdica en favor de su hijo el príncipe de Orange-Nassau, Guillermo Alejandro. Es la primera vez en más de 120 años que Holanda es regida por un monarca varón. Las reinas Emma (regente), Guillermina, Juliana y Beatriz gobernaron durante los finales del siglo XIX, todo el siglo XX y los comienzos del siglo XXI. La fiesta de hoy en Holanda tiene un marcado acento latinoamericano. La ahora Reina consorte es una argentina, Máxima Zorreguieta quien goza de una amplia popularidad entre los holandeses y quien ha dado tres hijas a la línea sucesoria del trono: Amalia (heredera) Alexia y Ariane.\nProtocolo, sobriedad y entusiasmo en la calle\nPasados apenas unos segundos después de la 10 de la mañana comenzó la ceremonia de abdicación al trono en la Cámara del Consejo, una de las habitaciones más adornadas del Palacio Real de Ámsterdam. Ante destacadas autoridades del país, la Reina y los príncipes firmaron el acta que legalizaba la sucesión del trono. A partir de ahí, Beatriz dejó de ser la soberna para convertirse en princesa de Holanda. Hasta allí, todo fue protocolo, sobriedad y mucha ceremonia, las emociones sólo afloraron unos minutos después, cuando los tres aparecieron en el balcón real en donde una multitud teñida de naranja aplaudía emocionada. El ahora rey de Holanda, Guillermo Alejandro era presentado por una emocionada madre y él le agradecía todos los años de reinado.\nTodo trascurrió perfecto con excepción de un pequeño incidente que saltó de inmediato a los medios y a las redes sociales. Dos personas fueron detenidas porque portaban carteles con frases desobligantes de los monarcas. Una hora más tarde, la policía se disculpó por el hecho.\nUna alfombra azul como testigo\nY la fiesta continuó. Unas horas después comenzaron a desfilar por la alfombra azul, tendida a lo largo de la calle que lleva a la entrada principal de la Iglesia Nieuwe Kerk, la realeza de toda Europa y personalidades de talla mundial. Miles de fotógrafos entre profesionales y amateurs se peleaban por obtener las mejores instantáneas. La pareja real apareció, engalanada con los atuendos que los consagraban como soberanos y que nos recordó que para este país, la institución de la monarquía representa además de un símbolo de unidad, el respeto a la tradición y a su pasado histórico.\nEn el interior de la iglesia todo sucedió de acuerdo a lo milimétricamente planeado. Desde su trono y junto a la reina consorte, el Rey habló, agradeció a su madre, ella se emocionó, los asistentes ovacionaron y el país siguió minuto a minuto, a través de la televisión y de las pantallas gigantes colocadas estratégicamente, el comienzo de una nueva era. Una era de profundos cambios en la sociedad holandesa, marcados por una crisis económica, una polaridad política y con un monarca que hoy tiene menos influencia institucional que su madre hace más de tres décadas.\nEl tradicional Día de la Reina en Holanda, que a partir de hoy será el Día del Rey, cerró como de costumbre, con música, fiesta y un paseo de la pareja real por uno de los principales canales de Ámsterdam. Una fiesta seguida con especial atención por los medios del continente que asistían por primera vez a la investidura de una reina latinoamericana.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Guillermo Alejandro, nuevo rey de los Países Bajos tras la abdicación de la reina Beatriz",
"text": "AFP Carl Court\nDe esta manera Guillermo Alejandro será, a sus 46 años, el rey más joven de las monarquías occidentales, mientras su esposa, la princesa Máxima , es la primera argentina que se convierte en reina consorte de un país europeo.A las ceremonias de abdicación e investidura, celebradas en Ámsterdam, han acudido todas las delegaciones reales invitadas, incluida una treintena de príncipes herederos. Además, se espera que unas 25.000 personas se concentren en la céntrica plaza Dam para saludar al nuevo rey.Guillermo-Alejandro no será coronado en el sentido literal, ya que los reyes de los Países Bajos nunca llevan corona a lo largo de su reinado, pero sí portará el manto real sobre un frac negro con corbata blanca.Este 30 de abril de 2013 será el último Día de la Reina, pues desde el año próximo el día nacional se celebrará coincidiendo con el cumpleaños del nuevo monarca, el 27 de abril.A las ceremonias de abdicación e investidura, celebradas en Ámsterdam, han acudido todas las delegaciones reales invitadas, incluida una treintena de príncipes herederos. Además, se espera que unas 25.000 personas se concentren en la céntrica plaza Dam para saludar al nuevo rey.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Guillermo Alejandro juró como el nuevo rey de Holanda",
"text": "AMSTERDAM.- Después del traspaso formal, llegó la investidura. El flamante rey Guillermo Alejandro juró como nuevo monarca de los Países Bajos acompañado por su esposa de origen argentino, Máxima Zorreguieta, quien continúa emocionada tras la abdicación de la reina Beatriz en su favor.\nPoco antes de las 14 (9 en la Argentina), hora prevista para el comienzo de la ceremonia, llegaron la ahora princesa Beatriz y las tres hijas de los reyes, Amalia -que se convirtió en heredera al trono-, Alexia y Ariane, todas vestidas de azul -el color de la casa Nassau- y sentadas en la primera fila.\nMinutos después aparecieron por la alfombra Máxima -también de azul y con una corona- y el rey, vestido de frac, con corbata blanca y cubierto de un manto de armiño y terciopelo rojo, bordada en oro. El manto es la misma que llevó la reina Beatriz durante su investidura en 1980, copia del original de 1815 que se usó durante la entronización de Guillermo I.\nA las 14.10, Guillermo se sentó en el centro de la iglesia junto a su esposa y dio su discurso de toma de posesión, entre miradas cómplices con su madre y sus hijas que lo seguían orgullosas.\n\"Juro que defenderé y guardaré siempre con todas mis fuerzas la independencia y la integridad del territorio del Reino\", dijo tras un breve discurso el nuevo rey ante los Estados Generales y el resto de las autoridades del país, incluido el actual primer ministro de Holanda, el liberal Mark Rutte.\nDurante su discurso, el monarca aseguró que protegerá \"la libertad y los derechos de todos los holandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos\", y que dedicará \"todos los medios\" posibles para fomentar la prosperidad, tras dos años de recesión en Holanda en el marco de la crisis económica europea.\nEl sucesor de Beatriz admitió que actualmente en Holanda hay muchas personas que se sienten \"vulnerables\" por la precariedad del empleo e \"inseguras\" por el nivel de sus ingresos o por su \"entorno vital\".\n\"El hecho de que el rey no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades\", subrayó. \"Mi madre ha sido monarca, esposa, madre e hija, y no ha fallado en ninguna de sus responsabilidades\", afirmó el rey holandés, que buscó la mirada cómplice de la ya princesa Beatriz, al señalar que \"ella no ha buscado la popularidad fugaz, sino los valores permanentes\".\nTambién la atenta mirada de la reina Máxima, en ocasiones visiblemente emocionada, siguió en todo momento las palabras de su esposo, especialmente cuando ella fue la protagonista de las palabras del rey. \"Con el apoyo de mi esposa Máxima, que es plenamente consciente de su responsabilidad, les aseguro que pondré todo mi esfuerzo y dedicación para cumplir la tarea\", dijo.\nVideo: El paso del cortejo real hasta la Nueva Iglesia (TN)\nA continuación, tomó la palabra el presidente de la sesión conjunta de los Estados Generales (el Parlamento) y luego juraron o prometieron su fidelidad a la Constitución los miembros de los Estados Generales, el consejo de ministros, el consejo de Estado y los gobernadores y primeros ministros de Aruba, Curaçao y Sint Marteen.\nLa ceremonia se llevó a cabo en la sesión de apertura de las dos cámaras de los estados generales de la en la medieval Nieuwe Kerk (Nueva Iglesia), de estilo gótico, donde se casaron Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima Zorreguieta el 2 de febrero de 2002.\nComo en Holanda no hay coronación, sino investidura, el Rey no lleva nunca la corona, explicó la Casa Real holandesa. Durante la investidura, entonces, se depositaron las regalías (cetro, globo imperial, la espada real y el estandarte real con el escudo holandés) en la mesa.\n\"Viva el rey\", seguido de tres hurras, fue la frase que signó el fin de la ceremonia.\nLa foto oficial difundida por el Servicio de información de la Casa Real. Foto: EFE\nA la ceremonia asistieron 20 delegaciones de las casas reales del planeta, entre ellos el príncipe heredero de la Corona española, Felipe de Borbón, y su esposa, Letizia; y el príncipe Carlos de Inglaterra, heredero del trono británico, y su esposa Camila y el príncipe Alberto II de Mónaco; y la princesa de Japón, Masako, que realiza su primer viaje al extranjero desde que cayó enferma hace una década. También estaban presentes el vicepresidente argentino, Amado Boudou, y la presidenta provisional del Senado, Beatriz Rojkés de Alperovich.\nA las 15, después de escuchar a un coro de niños que cantaban para ellos una canción compuesta para la ocasión, los flamantes reyes y sus hijas salieron de la Nueva Iglesia y se reencontraron con una multitud naranja que los esperaba en la calle.\nEl séquito real se dirigió después al Palacio de Amsterdam, donde los nuevos reyes de los Países Bajos, Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima, ofrecen una recepción a sus invitados de 18 casas reinantes de todo el mundo, así como a autoridades nacionales, al cuerpo diplomático acreditado en Holanda y otros dignatarios.\nMás tarde, cuando cae el sol, los nuevos reyes de los Países Bajos realizarán una travesía real por las aguas del río Ij, tras la que asistirán con sus invitados a una fiesta de música electrónica en el Muziekgebouw aan't Ij, en la que el famoso DJ Armin van Buuren interpretará, con una orquesta local, el Bolero, de Ravel.\nAgencias AFP y EFE.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | German football: Lahm's contract offer withdrawn; Schlaudraff to Hannover |
Bayern Munich have withdrawen their contract offer to Philipp Lahm after contract talks between the club and player broke down. Lahm's contract as it currently stands will expire on June 30, 2009. Barcelona are one of the clubs that are reportly interested in Lahm.
Bayern Munich Forward Jan Schlaudraff will be leaving for Hannover on July 1st when the summer transfer window opens. It is uncertain if there is any fee involved with this transfer.
Schlaudraff never got going due to an early season injury and the fact that he was the 4th choice strike behind Luca Toni, Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski.
| [
"Football (soccer)",
"FC Bayern München",
"2008-09 Bundesliga season",
"Philipp Lahm"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "FC Bayern Munich",
"text": "Gerd Müller & Co.\nBayern's legendary strikers and their best goals\nFrom Gerd Müller to Robert Lewandowski, every generation of Bayern team has had great strikers ...\nOliver Kahn interview\nKahn: ‘'It's not a final training session behind closed doors but a competitive match without a crowd.'\nOliver Kahn speaks to FC about the Bundesliga restart and the associated opportunities...\nBack in the Allianz Arena\nFC Bayern complete team training in the Allianz Arena\nBayern's first team were able to get back onto the Allianz Arena pitch in a Sunday afternoon training...\nWash hands, stay apart\nCoronavirus hygiene tips with Lewy, David, Serge and Joshua\nSneeze, wash hands and maintain distance the right way, as demonstrated by Lewandowski, Alaba, ......",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Bayern's talks with Lahm break down",
"text": "MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- Bayern Munich rescinded a contract offer to Philipp Lahm on Tuesday, raising the possibility the Germany defender could move to another club.\nMunich made the move after Lahm refused a new three-year contract following weeks of negotiations. FC Barcelona is among the clubs that reportedly want to sign him, but Lahm's current deal ends in 2009.\n\"One thing is clear, even if he doesn't extend, he will stay with FC Bayern until June 30, 2009,\" Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said.\nThe 24-year-old Lahm rose to greater prominence at the 2006 World Cup, scoring the tournament's first goal. He came out of the Bayern system, signed at 13, and has played 39 games for Germany.\nThe last time Munich rescinded a contract offer was in 2006 when Michael Ballack turned down the proposed deal. He eventually signed for Chelsea.\nCopyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Football : demi-finales de la Coupe de France |
Les demi-finales de la '''Coupe de France de football''' auront lieu mardi (17 avril) et mercredi (18 avril) soirs. Ces rencontres opposeront d'une part le club de CFA de '''Montceau-les-Mines''', qui a créé la surprise lors des tours précédents en éliminant les clubs des et du , et le ''' pensionnaire de Ligue 1, et d'autre part l'''' et le '''.
Si les amateurs de Montceau n'ont rien à perdre, et ont déjà vécu une belle aventure qu'ils espèrent bien sûr prolonger, Sochaux voit dans cette Coupe un moyen d'atteindre les compétitions européennes, bien que les Lionceaux soient bien placés dans le championnat de Ligue 1 pour les atteindre par ce biais. Cependant, si ils passent ce tour, les hommes d'Alain Perrin auront fort à faire. En effet, que cela soit le F.C. Nantes ou l'Olympique de Marseille qui sortent des demi-finales - cette rencontre sera cruciale pour les deux clubs - le F.C. Sochaux aura à faire à un adversaire pour qui les enjeux de cette compétition sont extrêmement élevés : si pour l'OM, l'enjeu est bien évidemment une place dans une coupe d'Europe (que le club peut encore atteindre par le championnat), c'est vraiment une question d'honneur pour le F.C. Nantes, qui est actuellement dernier de Ligue 1, et bien sûr reléguable.
| [
"Coupe de France de football",
"Coupe de France de football 2006-2007"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Fédération Française de Football",
"text": "Rétro 6 juin 2004, un siècle de passion bleue La FFF célèbre le centenaire des Bleus à Clairefontaine et au Stade de France à l'occasion d'un match amical France-Ukraine.\nRétro 5 juin 2016, les militaires hissent le drapeau Grâce à ses féminines, la France décroche, à Vannes, le titre de champion du monde militaire 2016. Une première.\nD1 Arkema \"Ma question\" à... Irene Paredes La défenseure centrale du Paris SG répond aux questions des enfants sur sa vie de joueuse de football et le championnat de D1 Arkema.\nWebinar FFF Enjeux de la performance post-covid Le centre de la performance de la FFF a organisé un séminaire sur les enjeux athlétiques de la reprise post-covid 19.\nFFF La rétro du football français Revivez une partie de l'histoire du football français, jour après jour.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "fr",
"title": "Ligue 1 Orange, classements",
"text": "CLASSEMENTS Saison 2005/2006 1ère Journée 2ème Journée 3ème Journée 4ème Journée 5ème Journée 6ème Journée 7ème Journée 8ème Journée 9ème Journée 10ème Journée 11ème Journée 12ème Journée 13ème Journée 14ème Journée 15ème Journée 16ème Journée 17ème Journée 18ème Journée 19ème Journée 20ème Journée 21ème Journée 22ème Journée 23ème Journée 24ème Journée 25ème Journée 26ème Journée 27ème Journée 28ème Journée 29ème Journée 30ème Journée 31ème Journée 32ème Journée 33ème Journée 34ème Journée Général Domicile Extérieur Attaque Défense Buteurs\nPts J G N P Bp Bc Diff 1 Lyon 75 33 22 9 2 59 24 +35 2 Bordeaux 61 33 16 13 4 34 19 +15 3 Rennes 56 34 18 2 14 44 44 0 4 Lille 55 34 14 13 7 45 23 +22 5 Lens 53 34 12 17 5 41 29 +12 6 Auxerre 53 34 15 8 11 40 33 +7 7 Marseille 51 34 14 10 10 33 31 +2 8 Paris SG 50 34 13 12 9 41 31 +10 9 Le Mans 49 34 13 10 11 30 26 +4 10 Nice 46 34 12 10 12 27 28 -1 11 Monaco 45 33 12 9 12 34 29 +5 12 Nancy 44 34 11 11 12 29 25 +4 13 Saint Etienne 43 34 10 13 11 26 32 -6 14 Nantes 41 34 10 11 13 32 34 -2 15 Toulouse 37 34 9 10 15 29 39 -10 16 Sochaux 36 33 9 9 15 29 41 -12 17 Troyes 32 34 7 11 16 29 43 -14 18 Strasbourg 27 34 5 12 17 29 46 -17 19 Ajaccio 27 34 6 9 19 20 44 -24 20 Metz 26 34 5 11 18 24 54 -30 Ce classement tient compte du retrait d'1 point ferme infligé, en première instance, par le Conseil National de l'Ethique au PARIS SAINT GERMAIN et à l’OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE Sous réserve d'homologation par la Commisssion d'Organisation des Compétitions de la LFP",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | COVID-19: cerca de 300 equatorianos são repatriados da Espanha |
Equatorianos recebem informações sobre Covid-19 em março de 2020
Cerca de 290 equatorianos voltaram da ontem, onde estavam há vários dias esperando um vôo de resgate para poderem voltar a seu país. Eles vieram num avião que foi preparado especialmente para levar cidadãos espanhóis de volta para a Espanha hoje. O resgate dos equatorianos se deu através de uma cooperação entre a companhia aérea, a Chancelaria do Equador e a Embaixada do Equador em Madrid. O vôo também trouxe insumos médicos, incluindo 17 respiradores, da Espanha para o Equador.
Logo após sua chegada, eles foram examinados no local do desembarque e levados para um hotel, onde permanecerão em quarentena por 14 dias, conforme normas do Comitê de Operações de Emergência (COE) do país sul-americano.
Nas , o Equador ocupa o 4º lugar com maior número de mortes por Covid-19 - somente ontem (28) registrou 208 óbitos em apenas 24 horas - e está atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Brasil, que ontem fechou uma cifra de 5.017 casos fatais.
O país já repatriou cerca de 3.500 cidadãos de diversos países ao redor do mundo.
| [
"29 de abril de 2020",
"América Latina",
] | [
"language": "pt",
"title": "Equador registra mais de 200 mortes por covid-19 em um só dia e chega a 871",
"text": "Quito, 28 abr (EFE).- O Equador registrou mais 208 mortes confirmadas em decorrência da covid-19 nesta terça-feira, o que eleva o total para 871, enquanto outros 1.212 óbitos tem como causa provável a doença provocada pelo novo coronavírus.\nAo todo, são 24.258 casos de infecção, de acordo com o boletim divulgado pelas autoridades do país.\nDesde o início da pandemia em território equatoriano, 1.189 pessoas que deram positivo em teste de diagnóstico, se recuperaram completamente da doença.\nDos casos considerados ativos, 20.103 pessoas estão em isolamento domiciliar, 318 estão hospitalizadas, sendo que 134 delas tem o chamado \"prognóstico reservado\", ou seja, estão em estado grave ou crítico.\nNesta terça-feira, o governo passou a apresentar a contabilização dos casos de uma nova forma, com dados baseados apenas nos resultados dos testes PCR, que é considerado o melhor marcador de resposta para a doença.\n\"Os casos reportados por províncias são os casos reais e efetivos, diagnósticos definitivos. Isso não quer dizer que não haja mais pessoas infectadas, porque nem todos podem realizar o exame, mas esse é um indicador valioso e importante\", disse o vice-ministro da Saúde, Xavier Solórzano.\nCom isso, Guayas, que na sexta-feira tinha mais de 15 mil casos, passa a ter confirmados 10,2 mil, seguida por Pichincha, onde está a capital do país, Quito, com 1.298.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Unos 290 ecuatorianos llegan desde España en vuelo de Iberia",
"text": "Unos 290 ciudadanos ecuatorianos que se encontraban varados en España regresaron este martes al país en un vuelo de la compañía Iberia, el trasporte aéreo fue especialmente para la repatriación de nacionales en una y otra dirección.\nEl vuelo llegó a Quito para el traslado el miércoles de ciudadanos españoles que se encuentran en Ecuador y, en una iniciativa conjunta de la Cancillería ecuatoriana, la Embajada de Ecuador en Madrid y la compañía, se ha conseguido repatriar también a 287 ecuatorianos que estaban a la espera de regresar al país, confirmó a Efe el canciller ecuatoriano, José Valencia.\n\"Quienes vienen responden a parámetros del Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) que pueden llegar al Ecuador\", indicó Valencia, quien destacó la labor del Consulado del Ecuador en Madrid en su organización.\nA su llegada, los pasajeros serán conducidos a distintos hoteles en Quito y sus alrededores para que pasen allí los 14 días de cuarentena que prescribe la normativa del COE.\n\"Hemos organizado un operativo donde serán recogidos del aeropuerto por autobuses de la Agencia Nacional de Tránsito con resguardo de la Policía Nacional\", explicó el canciller sobre el proceso de traslado bajo extremas medidas de seguridad.\nPero ya antes, en la terminal serán sometidos a una revisión de salud por si hubiera algún caso sospechoso de contagio, si bien no se espera porque antes de embarcar pasaron también una revisión en Madrid.\nHasta ahora, Ecuador ha repatriado a unos 3.550 de sus ciudadanos en vuelos desde distintos países, de una lista de alrededor 8.000 que están registrados en distintos consulados por el mundo.\nEn el avión de Iberia llegó también una carga de 300 kilogramos de insumos médicos para la lucha contra el coronavirus, así como 17 respiradores.\nSe trata de un material donado por la Fundación Mapfre y por el Colegio de Ingenieros de Barcelona, en una serie de proyectos entre los Gobiernos de los dos países para paliar los efectos de la pandemia.\n\"Es un gesto de solidaridad que agradecemos\", dijo el canciller, quien también resaltó el que la compañía aérea corriera con los gastos del traslado de este material.\nCon información de EFE\nMás noticias para ti",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pt",
"title": "Mortos por coronavírus ficam amontoados em banheiros no Equador",
"text": "Quito | AFP\nEm um hospital de Guayaquil, no Equador, os corpos de mortos por coronavírus chegam a ficar amontoados nos banheiros. Alguns foram embrulhados em mortalhas por enfermeiros porque a equipe do necrotério não estava recebendo material, revela um profissional de saúde que trabalha no local.\nO enfermeiro de 35 anos, que aceitou falar com a AFP por telefone, mas não quis ser identificado por medo de ser demitido, compartilha o pesadelo que viveu no sistema de saúde saturado de Guayaquil, um dos maiores focos de propagação do coronavírus na América Latina.\nCaixões são vendidos em frente a hospital em Guayaquil, no Equador - Jose Sanchez Lindao - 25.abr.20/AFP\nO que testemunhou, diz, é traumático e afetou sua vida dentro e fora do trabalho. Quando a emergência começou, em março, cada enfermeiro passou de atender de 15 para 30 pacientes em um turno de 24 horas, lembra.\nSegundo ele, chegava tanta gente que, quando o soro ia ser colocado, os pacientes morriam praticamente nas mãos dos profissionais, que passaram a dar alta ou enviar os doentes a outros centros de saúde para liberar os leitos.\nO enfermeiro, que há três anos trabalha em um dos centros hospitalares que enfrentam a pandemia no Equador, afirma que há 65 leitos de UTI do hosptial ocupados por pacientes com Covid-19. Foi preciso retirar as máquinas de anestesia dos centros cirúrgicos para supri-las com os respiradores.\nDe acordo com o seu relato, os doentes estão sozinhos e se sentem tristes, além de terem que lidar com danos colaterais da medicação, como problemas gastrointestinais. Ele conta que alguns defecam em si mesmos, se sentem mal e pensam que vão permanecer nessa situação para sempre.\nAlém da própria dor, eles dividem o espaço com pacientes que começam a ter falta de ar, gritando que precisam de oxigênio.\nAs mortes se multiplicaram rapidamente, segundo o funcionário. Como a equipe do necrotério não estava estocando material, o que restou a ele e a seus colegas, muitas vezes, foi cobrir os corpos e acumulá-los nos banheiros.\nA equipe do hospital, acrescenta, teve que segurar a vontade de usar os banheiros, ocupados por cadáveres. Somente quando seis ou sete estão empilhados é que os corpos são recolhidos.\nSindicatos de profissionais do Equador, onde há oficialmente 22.700 infectados, incluindo 576 mortos desde 29 de fevereiro, grande parte em Guayaquil, reportam uma centena de médicos e enfermeiros mortos por Covid-19 e 147 infectados na província costeira de Guayas, da qual Guayaquil é a capital.\nOutras duas fontes do serviço público de saúde, que também falaram com a AFP sob condição de anonimato, descreveram fatos similares, como cadáveres colocados no corredor de emergência porque o necrotério estava cheio. Um médico de outro hospital relatou que havia 20 ou 25 corpos esperando para serem recolhidos.\nA contagem oficial, no entanto, está um passo atrás da tragédia. Nos primeiros 15 dias de abril, os óbitos triplicaram em relação à média mensal e chegaram a 6.700 na província de Guayas e sua capital, Guayaquil.\nNessa lista estão incluídas as vítimas e casos investigados do coronavírus, assim como as de outras doenças. O presidente do Equador, Lenín Moreno, admite que os registros não dão conta. Uma sensação reforçada com o que foi descrito pelo enfermeiro.\nSegundo ele, depois que os necrotérios ficam lotados, contêineres refrigerados chegam ao hospital para depositar os corpos, sendo que alguns deles ficam por até dez dias embrulhados em capas que são como uma mala de viagem preta.\nAlguns familiares rasgam essa capa, e os fluídos saem. O enfermeiro destaca que isso é um desastre sanitário.\nEle relata ainda que, em meio à emergência, todo mundo fugiu. A equipe administrativa do hospital se instalou em um local seguro. Os psicólogos que deveriam estar trabalhando saíram de lá, bem como os 32 dentistas que deveriam estar ajudando.\nO enfermeiro quase não sente o consolo de ter visto o número de mortos diminuir na semana passada. Na volta para casa, os tormentos o acompanham.\nQuando volta para casa após 24 horas de serviço, com dor nos pés, tenta descansar. Mas logo é despertado pelo pesadelo em que corre até cair e abre a porta do banheiro com os cadáveres. Depois disso, afirma, não é possível voltar a dormir.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | États-Unis : 69 faillites bancaires cette année |
Soixante-neuf faillites bancaires depuis le début de l'année, telles sont encore les conséquences de la crise financière qui sévit aux États-Unis. Vendredi, la FDIC a décidé la fermeture de 5 établissements financiers. C'est que que vient révéler, hier, l'agence . Les établissements concernés sont la Mutual Bank of Harvey (Illinois), la Peoples Community Bankcorp (Ohio), la First BankAmericano (New Jersey), l'Integrity Bank of Jupiter (Floride) et la First State Bank of Altus (Oklahoma). Ces fermetures pourraient coûter la bagatelle de 911,7 millions de dollars à l'agence en question, laquelle garantit les fonds déposés par les particuliers.
Par comparaison, 3 établissement ont été fermés en 2007, et 28 en 2008 dont la banque Lehman Brothers.
| [
"Amérique du Nord",
"New Jersey",
"Crise économique",
"Crise financière",
"Crise des CDS"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Fermeture de 5 banques américaines, 69 faillites cette année",
"text": "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - L'agence de régulation du système bancaire américaine, le FDIC, a décrété vendredi la fermeture de cinq banques, ce qui porte à 69 le nombre de faillites bancaires depuis le début de l'année aux Etats-Unis.\nLe Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), agence indépendante du gouvernement fédéral qui assure les dépôts des particuliers en cas de faillites bancaires, a évalué que ces cinq fermetures coûteraient à son fonds de dépôts un total de 911,7 millions de dollars.\nEn 2008, 25 banques américaines ont été fermées par les autorités, contre seulement trois en 2007.\nDepuis le début de la crise financière actuelle, Washington Mutual a été la plus grosse banque à faire faillite dans l'histoire des Etats-Unis. Elle a été fermée en septembre 2008 en raison de pertes découlant de prêts ne pouvant être remboursés et de problèmes de liquidités.\nLes cinq fermetures décidées vendredi concernent la Mutual Bank of Harvey (Illinois), la Peoples Community Bankcorp (Ohio), First BankAmericano (New Jersey), Integrity Bank of Jupiter (Floride) et First State Bank of Altus (Oklahoma).\nVersion française Eric Faye",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Bush nominates a new ambassador to Australia |
United States President George W. Bush has nominated Robert Davis McCallum, Jr. to be the new US Ambassador to Australia. The ambassadorship has been vacant for 12 months and 28 days.
McCallum is an associate attorney-general for the Department of Justice and previously represented big tobacco companies at an Atlanta law firm. He also has a master's degree from Oxford University and is a Rhodes Scholar as well as having a bachelor's degree from Yale.
Former deputy secretary of state, Richard Armitage, said earlier this month that the fact Australia was still without an ambassador might indicate a "lackadaisical attitude" to the region.
McCallum is one of the 15 Skull and Bones members from the 1968 group, of which President Bush was also a member.
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"United States",
"North America",
"George W. Bush"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Bush sends us 'secret' uni mate",
"text": "By Phillip Hudson, Canberra\nMarch 12, 2006\nGEORGE BUSH has nominated a university friend, Robert Davis McCallum jnr, to fill the job of American ambassador after leaving the job vacant for 13 months.\nThe US President and Mr McCallum both attended Yale and in 1968 were chosen as members of its elite and secret Skull and Bones society. The 170-year-old group boasts presidents, judges, diplomats and business chiefs among its ranks. It is believed exactly 15 university juniors are recruited each year by being \"tapped\" on the shoulder by seniors.\nThe appointment must be confirmed by the US Senate, meaning it could still be a few months before Mr McCallum arrives in Canberra.\nPrime Minister John Howard welcomed the decision, saying Mr McCallum was well qualified.\nHe is currently associate attorney-general at the Department of Justice and before that was assistant attorney-general for the civil division.\nHe was a partner at Atlanta law firm Alston & Bird where he represented big tobacco companies. He is a Rhodes Scholar, has a master's degree from Oxford University and a bachelor's degree from Yale.\nDespite the close relationship between Mr Bush and Mr Howard, Australia has been uncomfortable about the job being vacant since the departure in February last year of Tom Schieffer, another mate of Mr Bush who was a co-owner in the Texas Rangers baseball team.\nFormer deputy prime minister Tim Fischer said the delay was \"unforgivable\" and the announcement was \"long overdue and forced through by the proximity of (US Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice's visit\" to Australia this week.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "US nominates new Australian ambassador",
"text": "The United States has moved a step closer to sending a new ambassador to Australia with the nomination of lawyer Robert D McCallum jnr to the post.\nThe delay in appointing a replacement for Tom Schieffer, who left in February 2005, is the longest period without a serving US ambassador to Australia since it was given embassy status in July 1946.\nThe US took only a month to appoint Mr Schieffer to replace his predecessor Edward Gnehm in 2001.\nUS President George W Bush on Saturday announced he had nominated Mr McCallum for the position, which is still to be confirmed by the US Senate.\nA spokeswoman for the US embassy said the government hoped for a swift confirmation.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Les Américains votent aujourd'hui pour le renouvellement du Congrès | thumbs
Aujourd'hui c'est le Midterm aux États-Unis, les élections fédérales de mi-mandat présidentiel. Bien souvent, le est souvent de couleur politique inverse que celle du président en place, comme ce le fut pour Ronald Reagan ou Bill Clinton. Ce sera un test grandeur nature sur l'approbation ou non de la politique de George W. Bush notamment en Irak.
Les électeurs américains vont désigner les 435 membres de la Chambre des Représentants et 33 des 99 sénateurs, le centième siège est réservé de droit au vice-président. Bien que les sondages donnent les démocrates vainqueurs de cette consultation, il n'en demeure pas moins que les républicains disposent d'une forte capacité de mobilisation des électeurs dans les derniers moments de la campagne.
Cette dernière a pris un tour particulièrement agressif sous fonds de guerre d'Irak. Une vingtaine de députés ne se représentant pas, une lutte acharnée entre les deux principaux camps s'est engagée pour en prendre la succession. Toutefois, comme on l'a pu constaté en France, la prime au sortant est souvent de mise si celui-ci n'a pas été mêlé aux scandales de son parti ou à ceux qui le discréditent personnellement. C'est le cas de Tom DeLay au Texas, Mark Foley en Floride et Bob Ney dans l'Ohio qui ont dû abandonner leur siège.
Si le scénario catastrophe annoncé par les médias se réalise, l'hôte actuel de la Maison Blanche risque d'avoir une fin de mandat particulièrement difficile.
;Le mode de scrutin pour la Chambre des représentants :
Le scrutin est uninominal, majoritaire à tour unique à l'exception de celui de la Louisiane qui en comporte deux. Le nombre d'élus varie d'un État à l'autre selon l'importance de la population. Chaque député est élu au sein de chaque circonscription ou district. Pour être éligible, le candidat doit avoir 25 ans et être de nationalité américaine depuis au moins 7 ans. Les représentants sont élus pour deux ans.
Le , siège du Congrès.
;Le mode de scrutin pour le Sénat :
Il est identique que pour celui de la Chambre des représentants à la seule différence que le corps électoral élit deux sénateurs par État. Pour être éligible, le candidat doit avoir 30 ans et être de nationalité américaine depuis au moins 9 ans. Les sénateurs sont élus pour 6 ans et la Haute Assemblée se renouvelle par tiers tous les deux ans.
| [
"Amérique du Nord",
"Politique américaine"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Un vote sur Bush et l'Irak",
"text": "International\nAprès la \"révolution\" républicaine d'il y a douze ans, l'Amérique s'attend, ce mardi, à une \"révolution\" démocrate d'une ampleur sans doute moins spectaculaire, mais néanmoins suffisante pour priver le parti du président Bush de sa majorité à la Chambre des représentants, voire au Sénat. Les Démocrates semblent, en effet, avoir tous les atouts en main pour l'emporter. Outre les scandales politiques et les affaires de moeurs qui ont terni comme rarement auparavant la réputation des Républicains, la guerre en Irak a dominé la campagne, érodé considérablement la crédibilité du parti au pouvoir et détourné une frange substantielle de son électorat.\nDes luttes serrées\nLes enjeux de ces législatives de \"la mi-mandat\", à deux ans du prochain scrutin présidentiel, sont importants. Les Américains doivent réélire les 435 membres de la Chambre des représentants (élus pour deux ans), 33 des 99 sénateurs (élus pour six ans; le centième sénateur est, de droit, le vice-président des Etats-Unis) et 36 des 50 gouverneurs d'Etats (généralement élus pour quatre ans). Des milliers de mandats locaux (élus aux assemblées d'Etat, maires, conseillers municipaux, shérifs, magistrats, etc.) sont également à pourvoir. Enfin, des initiatives référendaires sont au programme, comme au Dakota du Sud où une loi particulièrement répressive en matière d'avortement est soumise à l'appréciation des électeurs et pourrait, si elle est adoptée, avoir des répercussions au niveau national.\nIl faut aux Démocrates un gain de quinze sièges à la Chambre et de six sièges au Sénat pour priver les Républicains du contrôle absolu qu'ils exercent sur le Congrès, à Washington, depuis 1994. Les analystes estiment que le parti de M. Bush pourrait perdre, mardi soir, de 20 à 35 députés et de 4 à 6 sénateurs, et peut-être davantage si le scénario catastrophe que les médias ressassent à l'envi provoque un effet boule de neige et stimule la désertion des électeurs républicains.\nLes sondages peuvent, toutefois, être trompeurs. Dans les circonscriptions où les luttes sont les plus serrées, les écarts ne dépassent souvent pas la marge d'erreur. Dans les derniers jours de la campagne, par ailleurs, la confusion n'a fait qu'augmenter. Dans les deux camps, des candidats qui paraissaient assurés d'être élus se sont soudainement retrouvés en ballottage. Ailleurs, le perdant de la veille était inopinément crédité le lendemain d'une confortable avance.\nTout dépendra en grande partie de la mobilisation des électeurs au jour J et on sait que, dans cet exercice, les Républicains ont toujours été plus forts que leurs adversaires. Bien des situations pourraient donc se retourner mardi. Les deux partis n'ont précisément pas ménagé leurs efforts pour donner un ultime coup de pouce, peut-être décisif, à leurs candidats les plus menacés. George W. et Laura Bush, mais aussi Bill et Hillary Clinton, ont ainsi arpenté l'Amérique profonde, de meeting en rallye. Un soutien pas toujours nécessairement apprécié, au demeurant, en particulier dans le cas du Président actuel dont la popularité est au plus bas.\nUn tour plus agressif\nDans un scrutin qui fait figure de référendum sur M. Bush, les candidats républicains ont généralement préféré prendre leurs distances et parlé de tout sauf de l'Irak. La campagne a dès lors pris un tour plus agressif et plus négatif qu'à l'ordinaire, Démocrates et Républicains s'attaquant copieusement, à grands coups de publicités à la radio et à la télévision, sur leur degré d'attachement aux réductions d'impôts, leur conception de l'enseignement ou, tout simplement, leur vie privée.\nIl a fallu aller jusqu'au lointain Vermont pour trouver, avec Martha Rainville et Peter Welch, une joute électorale digne et respectueuse des personnes. Au-delà des enjeux nationaux, des débats éthiques et, a fortiori, des problèmes de politique étrangère, ce qui intéresse finalement les électeurs américains, dans un scrutin législatif, c'est la performance des élus dans un sport bien particulier : leur capacité à collecter des deniers publics pour financer des travaux d'infrastructure et le développement économique dans les Etats ou les régions dont ils sont les représentants.\nC'est ce qui explique que députés et sénateurs sortants sont généralement mieux placés pour gagner. Sauf lorsqu'ils sont trop étroitement associés aux errements de leur parti et aux scandales qui le discréditent... C'est manifestement le cas, cette année, pour les Républicains, qui sont par ailleurs confrontés à la difficulté de pourvoir au remplacement de vingt élus qui ne se représentent pas (plusieurs, comme Tom DeLay au Texas, Mark Foley en Floride et Bob Ney dans l'Ohio, ont été emportés par les scandales). Ces sièges sont précisément ceux qui font l'objet des affrontements les plus acharnés et qui offrent aux Démocrates leurs meilleures chances de retrouver une majorité au Congrès.\nSi tel devait être le cas, la fin de la présidence Bush s'annonce cauchemardesque, même si la Maison-Blanche prévoit d'ores et déjà de contourner l'opposition parlementaire en gouvernant par décrets exécutifs comme le fit Bill Clinton. La machine législative, qui sera largement contrôlée par la députée de Californie Nancy Pelosi, appelée à prendre alors la place de J. Dennis Hastert comme speaker de la Chambre, risque de se retrouver au point mort.\nOn verrait mal, dans ces conditions, comment l'Histoire pourrait plus tard associer le nom de George W. Bush à autre chose que le \"11 septembre\" et ses désastreuses conséquences irakiennes.\n© La Libre Belgique 2006",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Papst Benedikt XVI. richtet Appell an die Entführer der Italienerin Cantoni | Papst Benedikt XVI. hat nach dem sonntäglichen Angelus-Gebet vor zehntausenden Gläubigen auf den Petersplatz in Rom die Freilassung Clementina Cantonis gefordert. Die 32-jährige Italienerin wurde am 16. Mai in Kabul entführt. Cantoni ist freiwillige Mitarbeiterin der internationalen Hilfsorganisation ''Care''.
Der Papst richtetete folgende Worte an die Kidnapper der Frau: „Ich vereine meine Stimme mit der des italienischen Staatspräsidenten, des afghanischen Präsidenten und des italienischen und afghanischen Volkes, um die Freilassung der freiwilligen italienischen Helferin Clementina Cantoni zu fordern.“
Die Entführer fordern Lösegeld sowie die Freilassung mehrerer Häftlinge in Afghanistan.
| [
"Themenportal Italien",
"Themenportal Afghanistan",
"Papst Benedikt XVI.",
"Clementina Cantoni"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Basler Zeitung Online",
"text": "Bombay. AP/baz. Die Anschläge auf voll besetzte Pendlerzüge in der indischen Wirtschaftsmetropole Bombay haben 190 Menschen das Leben ... Jerusalem/Beirut. AP/baz. An der Grenze zwischen Israel und dem Libanon sind am Mittwoch zwei israelische Soldaten von der Hisbollah-Miliz ... Frankfurt/Main. AP/baz. Der bisherige Assistenztrainer Joachim Löw wird Nachfolger des zurückgetretenen Fussball-Bundestrainers Jürgen ... Gossau-Ottikon. AP/baz. Ein Frontal-Crash zweier Autos hat am Dienstagnachmittag zum Horrorunfall auf der Forch-Autostrasse geführt. ... Zürich. Si/baz. Die guten Leistungen der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft drücken sich nun auch in der neuen FIFA-Weltrangliste aus. Das ... Bern. SDA/baz. Im Schweizer Luftraum ist es im vergangenen Jahr zu 75 Annäherungen von Flugzeugen gekommen. Die Zahl der so genannten ... Sion. SDA/baz. Ein 75-jähriger Belgier ist auf einer Wanderung in der Nähe der Staumauer Grande-Dixence tödlich verunglückt. Er wurde ... Köln. DPA/baz. Der japanische Autobauer Toyota ruft weltweit mehr als 380 000 Fahrzeuge der Luxus-Modelle Lexus RX in die Werkstätten ...",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Irak wählt neuen Staatspräsidenten |
Karte des Irak, from CIA Handbook
Drei Tage nach der Wahl des neuen Parlamentspräsidenten wählt der Irak heute auch einen Staatspräsidenten.
Aussichtsreichster Kandidat ist der Kurdenführer Jalal Talabani. Mit dieser Wahl soll zwei Monate nach den Wahlen im Irak eine neue Regierung gebildet werden.
Im Anschluss an die Wahl des Staatspräsidenten werden zwei Stellvertreter bestimmt. Zur Wahl stellen sich der bisherige Übergangspräsident, der sunnitische Übergangspräsident Ghazi al-Yawar, sowie der bisherige Finanzminister des Irak, der Schiit Adil Abd al-Mahdi.
Der Kurde Talabani gehört zu den engsten Verbündeten der USA im Irak. In der Nationalversammlung des Parlaments verfügen die, überwiegend schiitische, Vereinigte Irakische Allianz (UIA) und das Bündnis der Kurden zusammen über 223 der insgesamt 275 Sitze. Damit stehen wesentlich mehr Stimmen zu Verfügung als für die Zwei-Drittelmehrheit der Wahl des Präsidialrats erforderlich wären.
Anschließend unterbreitet dieser neu gewählte Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die dem Parlament daraufhin zur Abstimmung vorgelegt wird. Diese muss mit einer absoluten Mehrheit gebilligt werden.
Ergebnis der Wahl: Talabani wurde mit 227 Stimmen zum Präsidenten gewählt.
| [
"Politik im Irak",
"Jalal Talabani",
"Ghazi al-Yawar",
"Adil Abd al-Mahdi",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Berliner Morgenpost",
"text": "Treuer US-Freund ist Iraks neuer Präsident\nDer Kurdenführer Dschalal Talabani sowie seine Stellvertreter der Sunnit Ghasi el Jawar und der Schiit Adel Abdel Mahdi wurden vom Parlament gewählt. Bundespräsident Köhler hat ein Glückwunschtelegramm übermittelt\nFoto: rtr\nBagdad - Das irakische Parlament hat den Kurden Dschalal Talabani zum neuen Staatschef gewählt. Er gehört zu den treuesten Verbündeten der USA im Irak. Talabani erhielt die Stimmen von 228 der 275 Abgeordneten, wie ein Parlamentsvertreter in Bagdad mitteilte. Als seine beiden Stellvertreter wurden der bisherige Übergangspräsident, der Sunnit Ghasi el Jawar, sowie der bisherige Finanzminister, der Schiit Adel Abdel Mahdi, gewählt.\nNach wochenlangem Tauziehen um die Postenvergabe hatten sich die Parlamentsparteien auf die drei Kandidaten geeinigt. Sie bilden den dreiköpfigen Präsidialrat, der einstimmig den neuen Regierungschef ernennen soll. Dieser unterbreitet dem Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die das Parlament anschließend mit absoluter Mehrheit billigen muß. Alle Ämter gelten bis zu der für Dezember geplanten Parlamentswahl.\nDie schiitische Vereinigte Irakische Allianz (UIA) und das Bündnis der Kurden verfügen in der Nationalversammlung zusammen über 223 der 275 Sitze. Das sind deutlich mehr als die für die Wahl des Präsidialrats erforderliche Zwei-Drittelmehrheit. Der Präsidialrat soll anschließend einstimmig den Regierungschef ernennen. Dieser unterbreitet sodann dem Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die das Parlament anschließend mit absoluter Mehrheit billigen muß.\nRice: Zalmay Khalilzad wird neuer amerikanischer Chefdiplomat\nWie US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice am Dienstag in Washington mitteilte, soll Zalmay Khalilzad neuer amerikanischer Chefdiplomat in Bagdad werden. Der derzeitige US-Botschafter in Afghanistan folgt John Negroponte nach, den Präsident George W. Bush für die neu geschaffene Position des nationalen Geheimdienstdirektors vorgesehen hat. Der in Afghanistan geborene Khalilzad war in den 70er Jahren zum Studium in die USA gekommen und später eingebürgert worden. Bush hatte ihn nach dem Sturz der Taliban zum Sonderbeauftragten der US-Regierung in Kabul und später zum Botschafter gemacht.\nWer ist der neue Präsident?\nDschalal Talabani wurde 1933 in der Nähe der nordirakischen Stadt Kirkuk geboren. Schon als Jugendlicher engagierte er sich politisch. Er studierte Jura und arbeitete als Redakteur für zwei kurdische Publikationen. Während des Kurdenaufstands in den 60er Jahren warb er im Ausland um Unterstützung für sein Volk. Er stand in dieser Zeit aber im Schatten des Kurdenführers Mustafa Barsani. Als die Revolte 1975 zusammenbrach und Barsani ins Exil ging, gründete Talabani die Patriotische Union Kurdistans (PUK).\nNach dem Golfkrieg 1991 erhielten die kurdischen Regionen im Nordirak weitreichende Autonomie. Zwischen Talabani und Mustafa Barsanis Sohn Massud, dem Chef der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans (DPK), kam es immer wieder zu Machtkämpfen. Während des Irak-Krieges 2003 legten die einstigen Rivalen ihre Differenzen bei, und für die historische Wahl im Januar schlossen sie sich zu einem Bündnis zusammen.\nKöhler gratuliert\nBundespräsident Horst Köhler gratulierte Talabani am Mittwoch zu seiner Wahl. Gemeinsam mit der Regierung habe er „die große Verantwortung, das irakische Volk zu Versöhnung und Frieden zu führen und den Aufbau einer dauerhaften demokratischen Ordnung zu sichern“, schrieb Köhler in einem Glückwunschtelegramm. Das irakische Volk, stehe jetzt vor der historischen Aufgabe, sich auf eine Verfassung zu verständigen, die Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit garantiere und der kulturellen Vielfalt des Landes gerecht werde.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Droit en France : le code du travail a 100 ans | left
Le , qui régit les droits des salariés et des employeurs en , a 100 ans aujourd'hui. Sa rédaction a débuté le 28 décembre 1910 et s'est achevé douze ans plus tard, en 1922. Son tout premier objectif est la protection des ouvriers avec notamment la promulgation d'une loi le 7 décembre 1909 sur le versement du salaire ou encore l'instauration des congés payés en 1936. Il s'agit d'un recueil de lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises privées. C'est celui qui nous apprend qu'un chef d'entreprise qui licencie peut être condamné seulement si le contrat n'est pas ''synallagmatique'', c'est-à-dire s'il ne contient pas une obligation réciproque entre les parties.
Pour Gérard Filoche, ancien et militant socialiste, interrogé ce matin sur , le code du travail est car pas suffisamment appliqué, selon lui, faute de moyens. D'autres comme l'universitaire Stéphane Sirot, spécialiste de l'histoire sociale, distingue deux grandes périodes : du XIX siècle jusqu'au début des , le code du travail retrace des salariés, tandis que, le droit du travail . Position partagée par l'universitaire , décédé en 2004, pour qui le code du travail était . Réformé deux fois, en 1973 et en 2008, son utilisation reste difficile, , selon l'un des auteurs de la dernière mise en forme, l'universitaire Christophe Radé.
La 72 édition publiée en 2010 par la maison d'édition compte pages, appendice compris et environ articles, divisés en huit parties. Bien qu'il soit une source incontournable en matière de , il existe aussi des textes touchant de près ou de loin au droit du travail, dans la plupart des cas, des décrets ou arrêtés. Mais il est indispensable de prendre désormais en compte les textes européens, qu'il s'agisse des ou des notamment. De même les et jouent un rôle normateur de plus en plus important avec l'évolution du dialogue social.
| [
"Droit du travail",
"Droit en France",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Le code du travail fête son centenaire",
"text": "A la Une > Société\nLEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 28.12.10 | 16h24 Mis à jour le 28.12.10 | 22h06\nLa rédaction de ce recueil des lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises a débuté le 28 décembre 1910.AFP/JACQUES DEMARTHON\nLe code du travail, qui régit les droits des salariés et des employeurs en France, symbole de combats acharnés entre le patronat et les syndicats, célèbre en toute discrétion son centenaire, mardi 28 décembre.\nSa rédaction a débuté le 28 décembre 1910, avec la promulgation d'une loi engageant une codification des premières lois ouvrières, comme celle du 7 décembre 1909 \"garantissant le versement du salaire à intervalles réguliers\" ou celle du 5 avril 1910 \"sur les retraites ouvrières et paysannes à partir de 65 ans\". Il fallut toutefois attendre 1922 pour que soit achevée la rédaction du premier code du travail.\n\"COMBATS ET ÂPRES NÉGOCIATIONS\"\nDans sa dernière édition, la 72e, publiée par la célèbre maison Dalloz en 2010, le recueil des lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises privées compte 3 001 pages, appendice compris. Il contient environ 10 000 articles, divisés en huit parties, allant des \"relations individuelles de travail\" à \"la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie\", en passant par l'emploi ou la santé et sécurité au travail.\nLes grandes dates des conquêtes sociales y sont consignées, telle l'instauration des congés payés en 1936. Mais aussi les \"retours de manivelle\" lorsque le patronat joue du rapport de force en sa faveur, comme avec la libéralisation du travail du dimanche en 2009.\nPour l'inspecteur du travail Gérard Filoche, retraité depuis quelques jours, le code du travail \"est fait de sueur, de larmes et de sang : chaque article, chaque alinéa, chaque décret, chaque arrêté résultat de combats et d'âpres négociations (...), il a souvent été rédigé à la virgule près\".\n\"UN MONSTRE DIFFORME\"\nSpécialiste de l'histoire sociale, l'universitaire Stéphane Sirot distingue deux grandes périodes : du XIXe siècle jusqu'au début des années 1970, le code du travail retrace \"plutôt un mouvement de renforcement des protections\" des salariés, tandis que, \"depuis une trentaine d'années\" le droit du travail \"n'est plus forcément synonyme de progrès\".\nLe patronat français l'a souvent présenté comme une lourde contrainte.\nUn avis largement partagé. Pour le défunt universitaire Gérard Lyon-Caen, l'un des ténors de la spécialité, le code du travail était \"un monstre difforme qui fait honte à regarder\", rappelait lundi sur France Inter Françoise Champeaux, rédactrice en chef de la revue spécialisée La semaine sociale Lamy.\nIl a pourtant été refondu deux fois, en 1973 et 2008. Mais la maîtrise de ce document aride fait toujours problème. \"L'effort demandé aux usagers du nouveau code du travail est à la hauteur de l'œuvre réalisée : colossal\", selon l'un des auteurs de la dernière mise en forme, l'universitaire Christophe Radé.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Gewitter behindert Start der Raumfähre „Atlantis“ |
Der Start der US-Raumfähre „Atlantis“ verschiebt sich wahrscheinlich. Zwar laufen die Vorbereitungen zum Shuttlestart (20.45 Uhr MEZ) auf Hochtouren, der Shuttle wurde soeben betankt; dennoch ist mit einem Start nur mit 30-prozentiger Wahrscheinlichkeit zu rechnen. Behindert wird der Start durch das schlechte Wetter am Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Wolken, Regen und möglicherweise ein Gewittersturm sind vorhergesagt. An Bord der Raumfähre befindet sich das 880 Millionen Euro teure Forschungsmodul „Columbus“. Der Diplomphysiker Hans Wilhelm Schlegel (56) aus Deutschland ist ebenfalls an Bord. Er soll das 13 Tonnen schwere Modul installieren. „Columbus“ ist der wichtigste Beitrag der Europäischen Weltraum Agentur (ESA) zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Zehn Jahre lang soll es das Verhalten von Stoffen, Einzellern und wirbellosen Tieren in der Schwerelosigkeit untersuchen.
| [
"Themenportal Wissenschaft",
"Bemannte Raumfahrt",
"Hans Schlegel",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Raumfahrt: Gewitter behindern den \"Columbus\"-Start",
"text": "Anzeige\nDie Vorbereitungen für den Start der US-Raumfähre „Atlantis“ mit dem europäischen Labor „Columbus“ in Cape Canaveral (Florida) laufen zwar weiter auf Hochtouren. Doch kommt zusehens schlechtes Wetter auf. „Die Startwahrscheinlichkeit liegt wegen einer aus Nordwesten heranziehenden Gewitterfront nur bei 30 Prozent“, sagte Andreas Schütz vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen bei München. Dennoch sei vor kurzem das „Go“ für das Betanken des Shuttles gegeben worden.\nNach den heftigen Tornados vom Dienstagabend mit mehr als 50 Toten waren die Unwetter in der Region bis Donnerstagmorgen noch nicht abgeklungen. Für die Startzeit um 14.45 Uhr Ortszeit (20.45 Uhr MEZ) wurden Wolken, Regen und möglicherweise auch ein heftiger Gewittersturm vorausgesagt. Die Startchancen wurden nur noch mit 30 Prozent angegeben. Eine echte Wetterbesserung wird erst für Anfang kommender Woche erwartet.\nAuch die übrigen Vorarbeiten laufen weiter. „Die Astronauten sind um 4.15 Uhr Ortszeit aufgestanden und bereiten sich auf ihren Flug vor.“ Unter ihnen ist auch der deutsche Diplomphysiker Hans Schlegel (56). Für den 56-Jährigen Weltraumveteranen soll es der Höhepunkt seiner Karriere werden, das 880 Millionen Euro teure Labor-Modul „Columbus“ zur ISS zu bringen. Um es einzubauen, soll er zwei Mal auf Außenbordeinsätze gehen.\nEuropas wichtigster Beitrag zur ISS\nAnzeige\nDas in Bremen gebaute 13 Tonnen schwere Labor soll über zehn Jahre lang das Verhalten von Stoffen, Einzellern und wirbellosen Tieren in der Schwerelosigkeit untersuchen. Das Kontrollzentrum koordiniert das wissenschaftliche Programm in dem Weltraum-Labor und steuert technische Systeme wie Heizung oder Luft- und Wasserversorgung. Alle Telekommunikationverbindungen zur Nasa sind seit Tagen aufgebaut, darüber hinaus sei alles vorbereitet. „Hier ist Warten angesagt“, sagte Schütz. Die Entscheidung über einen erneuten Aufschub könne auch noch unmittelbar vor dem Start getroffen werden. Ursprünglich hätte das Labor bereits vor knapp drei Jahren zur ISS gebracht werden sollen, doch 2003 hatte die NASA alle Shuttle-Starts vorerst gestoppt, nachdem die Raumfähre „Columbia“ abgestürzt war. Zuletzt wurde ein Starttermin im Dezember 2007 wegen Problemen mit einer Steckerverbindung am Außentank abgesagt.\nBei einer Live-Übertragung wollen Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Gäste den Start von „Columbus“ in den USA verfolgen. Auf großen Projektionswänden werden Mitglieder des „Columbus“-Teams sowie rund 150 Gäste den Start sehen. Astronaut Ulf Merbold, der 1983 als erster Nicht-Amerikaner bei einer US-Shuttle-Mission ins All flog, soll kommentieren. Auch Ministerpräsident Günther Beckstein (CSU) wird erwartet. Außerdem wollen der Chef des Deutschen Raumfahrtkontrollzentrums, Klaus Wittmann, sowie der Astronaut Reinhold Ewald sprechen.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Four Afghan civilians killed by landmine |
Four civilians driving southwest of Kabul were killed after a landmine exploded underneath their car. The head of criminal investigation in the Kabul police force, Ali Shah Paktiawal issued the following statement on the matter: "It was an old landmine that exploded in the Char Asiab District this morning and killed four people. It was not a roadside bomb or a recently planted mine."
There are over 100,000 unexploded landmines in Afghanistan, planted in recent and older conflicts by the Soviet military and the Taliban. An average of sixty people a month are killed by mines.
| [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Politics and conflicts"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Landmine kills 4 civilians in Afghanistan",
"text": "KABUL, Nov 26 (Reuters) - A landmine left over from a previous conflict killed four Afghan civilians travelling in a car southwest of the capital Kabul on Monday, a police official said.\nAfter nearly more than 30 years of war, Afghanistan is littered with about 100,000 mines that kill or wound around 60 people every month, the United Nations estimates.\n\"It was an old landmine that exploded in the Char Asiab district this morning and killed four people,\" said Ali Shah Paktiawal, head of criminal investigation at Kabul police.\n\"It was not a roadside bomb or a recently planted mine,\" he said.\nMost mines in Afghanistan were planted during the 1979-89 Soviet occupation, but some were planted during the later civil war. Taliban insurgents fighting to overthrow the pro-Western Afghan government also continue to plant some mines, but prefer to use roadside and suicide bombs. (Reporting by Hamid Shalizi, editing by David Fogarty)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Baisse du chômage en août en France |
Le taux chômage a baissé en août de 0,9% (21 500 chômeurs en moins) pour arriver à 9,9% selon les statistiques fournies par le ministère du travail. C'est le cinquième mois consécutif où l'on observe une baisse de nombre d'inscrits à l'ANPE. Il était repassé sous la barre symbolique des 10% en juillet 2005.
Ce même mois, on observe une hausse du chômage dans la zone euro, qui passe de 8.5% en juillet 2005 à 8.6% en aout, ce qui reste inférieure au taux de 8.9% observé au mois d'août de l'année précédente.
L'Europe a encore des efforts à fournir pour arriver à des taux comparables à ceux des États-Unis (4,9%) et du Japon (4,3%).
| [
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Ministère du travail et de la solidarité",
"text": "LE MARCHE DU TRAVAIL EN AOUT 2002\n(Données CVS)\nFin août 2002, 2 278 100 demandeurs de catégorie 1\nLe nombre de demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 augmente très légèrement en août (+ 4 200, soit 0,2 %). Alors que la situation des plus âgés se détériore, le chômage des jeunes recule de 0,7 %, ramenant ainsi la progression sur un an à 10,1 %. Le chômage masculin est stable en août (+ 0,1 %), mais sur un an l’évolution du marché du travail est moins défavorable aux femmes (+ 2,8 %) qu’aux hommes (+ 12,2 %).\nL’ensemble des demandeurs de catégorie 1 et 6 (sont inscrits en catégorie 6 les demandeurs d’emploi ayant exercé une activité occasionnelle ou réduite de plus de 78 heures dans le mois) diminue légèrement en août (- 0,4 %).\nL’effectif des chômeurs de longue durée (demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 inscrits depuis au moins un an à l’ANPE) continue d’augmenter : + 1 % entre juillet et août 2002. Le chômage de très longue durée (demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 inscrits depuis au moins deux ans) connaît à son tour une légère hausse.\nLe taux de chômage au sens du BIT se maintient à 9,0 % à la fin août 2002 pour le troisième mois consécutif.\nAu cours du mois d’août, 354 100 demandeurs d’emploi se sont inscrits à l’ANPE…\nLes inscriptions à l’ANPE sont en baisse de 2,1 % par rapport au mois précédent en raison du recul des entrées faisant suite aux licenciements économiques, aux fins de contrat à durée déterminée, aux fins de mission d’intérim et aux premières entrées sur le marché du travail.\n…et 354 000 en sont sortis\nLes sorties de l’ANPE sont en progression de 3,1 % par rapport au mois précédent malgré un fléchissement des reprises d’emploi (- 4,3 %).\nLa publication des chiffres du marché du travail de septembre 2002 aura lieu le 31 octobre 2002",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "fr",
"title": "Fenêtre sur l'Europe",
"text": "Selon les chiffres publiés aujourd'hui par Eurostat, lOffice statistique des Communautés européennes. Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières, sest élevé à 8,6% en août 2005, contre 8,5% en juillet. Il était cependant de 8,9% en août 2004. Le taux de chômage de lUE-25 a atteint 8,7% en août 2005, contre 8,6% en juillet. Il était encore de 9,0% en août 2004.\nLes baisses les plus importantes du taux de chômage sur un an ont été observées en Lituanie (de 10,7% à 7,5%), en Estonie (de 9,1% à 7,4%), en Slovaquie (de 17,8% à 15,2%), en Espagne (de 10,8% à 9,4%) et au Danemark (de 5,4% à 4,8%). Les plus fortes augmentations ont été enregistrées au Luxembourg (de 4,9% à 5,5%), en Hongrie (de 5,8% à 6,4%), à Chypre (de 5,0% à 5,5%) et en Autriche (de 4,9% à 5,2%).\nEn août 2005, le taux de chômage des États-Unis était de 4,9% et celui du Japon de 4,3%.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Eritrean minister warns of war over Ugandan troops in Somalia |
The government of Eritrea warned of "dire consequences" unless Uganda removes its troops from the African Union (AU) peacekeeping force deployed to Somalia.
Ali Abdu, Eritrea’s information minister stated, "We believe the government of Uganda must rectify its error and pull out from Somalia, otherwise the situation will become increasingly dangerous. It will not only worsen, but will become a war between the Somali people and external forces. That will have dire consequences for the whole region."
Uganda has already sent 1,000 of a planned 1,500 troops under AU auspices to the area. The AU plans to send 8,000 multinational troops in total, and has recently vowed to continue their deployment despite attacks on its first deployed forces and threats of an Islamist commander. The Islamic Courts Movement has also threatened to wage jihad against the peacekeeping forces.
Reacting to the comments, Paddy Ankunda, a spokesman for the Uganda Peoples Defense Force (UPDF) said, "Eritrea has no right to demand that we withdraw. Unless they are claiming they are not part of the African Union. We received a mandate, not only from the AU but also from the UN."
The UPDF forces have been attacked since arriving at Mogadishu on March 6. They came under mortar fire at the airport during a hand-over ceremony. Over this week, two UPDF troops were wounded in an ambush and a landmine was discovered on the road leading to the airport. Two UPDF soldiers were also wounded by shrapnel in the attack and were flown back to Uganda. The AU is still investigating the incident.
Another mortar attack that missed a UPDF convoy and hit a nearby restaurant on March 7 killed 13 civilians and wounded 20.
The UPDF attributed the loss of one of its planes, which burst into flames while landing, to a technical problem and not the result of an insurgent attack.
Eritrea also took the opportunity to condemn its rival Ethiopia that helped install the provisional government of Somalia. Eritrea claimed that Ethiopia (whom it has a border conflict with) is seeking to carve up the country and was acting as a puppet of the United States.
In the past the United Nations has accused Eritrea of providing arms and equipment to the Islamists.
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"African Union"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Eritrea Warns Uganda to Leave Somalia (Page 1 of 1)",
"text": ">\nUse our pull-down menus to find more stories -- Regions/Countries -- Africa Central Africa East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West Africa --- Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Kinshasa Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland São Tomé and Príncipe Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe -- Topics -- AGOA AIDS Agribusiness Aid and Assistance Arms and Armies Arts Athletics Automotive Banking Book Reviews Books Business Capital Flows Children Civil War Climate Commodities Company Conflict Construction Consulting Crime Currencies Debt Ecotourism Editorials Education Energy Environment Food and Agriculture From allAfrica's Reporters Games Parks Health Healthcare and Medical Human Rights ICT Infrastructure Investment Labour Latest Legal Affairs Malaria Manufacturing Media Mining Music Music Reviews NEPAD NGO Oceans Olympics Peacekeeping Petroleum Polio Post-Conflict Pregnancy and Childbirth Privatization Refugees Religion Science Soccer Sport Stock Markets Sustainable Development Terrorism Trade Transport Travel Tuberculosis Urban Issues Water Wildlife Women --- Central Africa Business East Africa Business North Africa Business Southern Africa Business West Africa Business --- Asia, Australia, and Africa Europe and Africa International Organisations Latin America and Africa Middle East and Africa U.S., Canada and Africa --- From AllAfrica Photo Essays Special Reports\nweb\ Enter your search terms Submit search form\nSomalia: Eritrea Warns Uganda to Leave Somalia\nEmail This Page\nPrint This Page\nHenry Mukasa And Agencies\nKampala\nERITREA on Friday warned Uganda to pull its peacekeeping force out of Somalia immediately, warning of \"dire consequences\" if they remain.\n\"We believe that the government of Uganda must rectify its error and pull out of Somalia, otherwise the situation will become increasingly dangerous,\" Eritrean Information Minister Ali Abdu said.\n\"It will not only worsen but will become a war between the Somali people and external forces. That will have dire consequences for the whole region.\"\nIn a reaction, UPDF spokesman Paddy Ankunda told New Vision by telephone: \"Eritrea has no right to demand that we withdraw. Unless they are claiming they are not part of the African Union. We received a mandate, not only from the AU but also from the UN.\"\nThe Ugandans have been attacked since landing in the capital on Tuesday. Mortars exploded close to Mogadishu airport during the hand-over ceremony and two were wounded in an ambush the following day. And yesterday evening, a landmine was discovered on the road leading to the airport.\nEarlier on Friday, a cargo plane carrying military equipment and six UPDF soldiers for the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia caught fire as it landed in Mogadishu.\nThe cause of the fire was not immediately clear and no casualties were reported.\n\"The plane carried military equipment and some six soldiers and everything is safe now. We highly believe that the fire was due to some technical problems,\" Ankunda, said.\nThe airport remained closed most of the day and all traffic was diverted to other destinations. One plane carrying additional UPDF soldiers returned to Uganda, according to a source at Entebbe airport.\nMeanwhile, the death toll of Wednesday's clash between the UPDF and Somali gunmen has risen to at least 13. A Ugandan convoy that drove out to protect the transitional government came under mortar attack.\n\"The mortar missed, smashing a restaurant nearby,\" explained Ahmed. \"In the attack and the subsequent exchange of fire, 13 to 15 civilians were killed and 20 wounded.\"\nAnkunda confirmed the civilian casualties. \"It is true, a lot of people were killed in that attack,\" he said. \"The mortar which missed our vehicle landed straight into the restaurant. That is why our vehicle managed to drive through.\"\nTwo UPDF soldiers were injured. Private Robert Bamutaraki and Lt. Michael Wandera, who were hit by shrapnel in the leg and the arm, were flown back to Uganda on Thursday morning.\nThe AU is still investigating the incident. A radical Muslim youth group, calling itself the Islamic Courts Movement, has threatened to wage 'Jihad' or holy war against the peacekeeping force.\nAround 1,000 of the 1,700 Ugandan soldiers had by yesterday arrived in the Somali capital. Their task is to protect the transitional government and the government institutions and to train the Somali army.\nThe Ugandans are also deploying tanks in Somalia. A dozen of them were loaded onto a freighter late on Thursday at the Kenyan port of Mombasa, where they were shipped by train.\nAnalysts say the peacekeeping force are targets because they are foreigners in a land known for its xenophobia and are seen as supporting a government that has many enemies in Mogadishu.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | India revoca el estatus especial de Cachemira |
Con un decreto presidencial, India revocó de la el estatus especial de la , que le otorgaba autonomía. Esta mañana el ministro del Interior, Amit Shah, presentó a la del un proyecto para la revocación del artículo 370 constitucional que le permitía al gobierno de la región la aprobación de leyes propias, contar con su propia bandera y con independencia en todos los asuntos, salvo por lo relacionado con exteriores, defensa y comunicaciones.
Al contar con la mayoría parlamentaria en ambas cámaras, el Ejecutivo considera un «hecho consumado» la revocación del artículo, según detalló ''''. Esta situación se suma a la incertidumbre ya existente luego de que la semana anterior fueran enviados 25 000 militares adicionales y se cortaran las comunicaciones, así como la invitación a turista a abandonar la región.
Cachemira es un territorio disputado con Pakistán y China. Este movimiento supone el fin de siete décadas de política india en la región e implica la anexión ''de facto'' de la única zona con mayoría musulmana en la que existe una administración compartida con el vecino país pakistaní, informó ''''. Tanto en la región como Pakistán el anuncio ocasionó protestas y críticas. En la capital, , administrada por Pakistán, se registró quema de neumáticos por parte de manifestantes.
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Pakistán respondió señalando que «ejercitaría todas las opciones posibles para contrarrestar las acciones ilegales». El gobierno de ese país consideró la intención de «ilegal» y la condenó y rechazó. Shah habló también de la «reorganización» de la región y su conversión a «territorios de la Unión India», con lo que el gobierno central podrá ejercer un mayor control.
El diario español informa que el conflicto entre la India y Pakistán surgió en 1947 a partir de la partición del subcontinente. Ambos países y sus pretensiones territoriales se enfrentan, a su vez, a las exigencias de independencia de la población local. Tales circunstancias . Es, además, uno de los «principales escollos para la cooperación entre los países del sur de Asia».
| [
"Conflicto de Cachemira",
"Reclamaciones territoriales y limítrofes"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "India revoca la autonomía de Cachemira",
"text": "El Gobierno indio propuso este lunes en el Parlamento la derogación del artículo 370 de la Constitución, que otorga un estatus especial a la Cachemira india, lo que podría desencadenar una tormenta política y social en la ya convulsa región. El ministro de Interior, Amit Shah, ha anunciado la revocación de la autonomía al derogar el artículo constitucional. \"Desde el momento en el que el presidente da consentimiento [a la ley] y es publicada en la Gaceta oficial, ninguna de las disposiciones del artículo 370 serán aplicables\", ha informado Shah en el Parlamento de manera casi inaudible entre los gritos continuos de la oposición.\nShah también se refirió a la \"reorganización\" de la región, dividida en estos momentos en la norteña Cachemira y la meridional Jammu, convirtiéndolos en \"territorios de la unión\", lo que otorgaría mayor control al Gobierno central. El estatuto especial al estado de Jammu y Cachemira autorizaba al gobierno central de Nueva Delhi a legislar solo en materia de defensa, asuntos exteriores y comunicaciones en la región, el resto de sectores dependían de la asamblea legislativa local.\nEl Gobierno de Pakistán, que se ha disputado Cachemira con la India desde 1947, ha condenado este lunes la medida. El ministerio de relaciones exteriores paquistaní ha dicho a través de un comunicado que \"Como parte de esta disputa internacional, Pakistán ejercerá todas las posibles opciones para contrarrestar estas medidas ilegales\".\nLa posibilidad de que el Gobierno del partido nacionalista hindú BJP diera este paso venía especulándose desde el pasado viernes, cuando de manera inesperada y sin precedentes las autoridades indias cancelaron en Cachemira una importante peregrinación hindú a una cueva en el Himalaya y pidieron la evacuación de todos los turistas.\nEl partido del primer ministro, Narendra Modi, no ha ocultado su voluntad de eliminar el estatus especial de la Cachemira india, alegando que dicha excepcionalidad ha lastrado su integración con el resto del país. Las autoridades locales, sin embargo, han advertido de que podría derivar en revueltas. La región está controlada desde el 2018 por el Gobierno federal de India, después de que el partido de Modi (BJP) rompiese su coalición con otra formación regional.\nLos motivos que BJP ha dado son \"informes sobre amenazas terroristas\" contra los peregrinos, pero muchos lo interpretaron como una excusa para sacar adelante una de las promesas del manifiesto previo a su contundente victoria en los comicios generales de mayo: la derogación de este artículo de la Carta Magna.\nAsí el domingo pasado el 99 % de los 29.000 turistas y peregrinos que había antes del aviso habían abandonado Cachemira. Mientras las autoridades desplegaban 25.000 efectivos en la región, una de las más militarizadas del mundo, y que se disputan la India y Pakistán. La población se lanzó entonces a gasolineras, tiendas de comestibles y cajeros automáticos ante un posible aumento de la tensión.\nEl domingo, algunos de los principales líderes opositores de la región, como Omar Abdullah, Sajad Lone o Mehbooba Mufti, fueron puestos bajo arresto domiciliario, mientras se cortaron los servicios de internet y se impuso el artículo 144 del Código Penal, que prohíbe las reuniones de más de cuatro personas.\n\"Tendrá consecuencias catastróficas para el subcontinente. Las intenciones del Gobierno indio son claras. Quieren el territorio de Jammu y Cachemira para aterrorizar a su gente\", escribió en Twitter Mufti, exjefe de Gobierno de la región, tras conocer el anuncio.\nLa región de Cachemira ha sido escenario desde los años 90 de un movimiento insurgente de tintes separatistas. Unas 70.000 personas, en su mayoría civiles, han muerto en los últimos 30 años, según distintas organizaciones.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Gobierno indio propone derogar el estatus especial de la Cachemira india",
"text": "Tras una reunión a primera hora de la mañana del Gabinete, el ministro de Interior, Amit Shah, se dirigió al Parlamento indio para anunciar lo que muchos preveían: la intención de derogar el artículo 370 de la Carta Magna, que otorga un estatus especial a la parte controlada por la Inida, en una región en disputa con Pakistán y China.\n\"Desde el momento en el que el presidente da consentimiento (a la ley) y es publicada en la Gaceta oficial, ninguna de las disposiciones del artículo 370 serán aplicables\", informó Shah en la Rajya Sabha, la cámara alta del Parlamento indio, de manera casi inaudible, entre los continuos gritos de protesta de la oposición.\nShah, en la Rajya Sabha: \"ninguna de las disposiciones del artículo 370 serán aplicables.\"\nEl ministro también se refirió a la \"reorganización\" de la región, dividida actualmente en la norteña Cachemira y la meridional Jammu, que serían convertidas en \"territorios de la unión\", para otorgar mayor control al Gobierno central.\nEl artículo 370 permite a Cachemira tener su propia constitución, su bandera e independencia sobre todos los asuntos, excepto los de exteriores, defensa y comunicación. Fue la base sobre la cual el antiguo principado o estado nativo se incorporó a la India, aunque durante mucho tiempo ha sido polémico.\nEl gobernante partido nacionalista hindú Bharatiya Janata (BJP) se ha opuesto durante décadas a mantener el estatus especial de Cachemira y ha incluido el tema en su programa electoral.\nEvacuación previa\nLa posibilidad de que el Gobierno del BJP diera este paso venía especulándose desde el viernes (2.08.2019), cuando -de manera inesperada y sin precedentes- las autoridades indias cancelaron en Cachemira una importante peregrinación hindú a una cueva en el Himalaya y pidieron la evacuación de todos los turistas.\nLos motivos que dieron fueron \"informes sobre amenazas terroristas\" contra los peregrinos, pero muchos lo interpretaron como una excusa para sacar adelante una de las promesas del manifiesto previo a su contundente victoria en los comicios generales de mayo: la derogación de este artículo de la Carta Magna.\nAsí, este domingo, el 99 por ciento de los 29.000 turistas y peregrinos que había antes del aviso habían abandonado Cachemira, mientras las autoridades desplegaban 25.000 efectivos en la región, una de las más militarizadas del mundo, y que se disputan la India y Pakistán.\nControl militar en Srinagar, frente a un aviso de la Policía de Jammu y Cachemira.\nLa población se lanzó entonces a gasolineras, tiendas de comestibles y cajeros automáticos, ante un posible aumento de la tensión.\nEl domingo, algunos de los principales líderes opositores de la región, como Omar Abdullah, Sajad Lone o Mehbooba Mufti, fueron puestos bajo arresto domiciliario, mientras se cortaron los servicios de internet y se impuso el artículo 144 del Código Penal, que prohíbe las reuniones de más de cuatro personas.\nReacción en Cachemira y Pakistán\nDe hacerse efectiva, la medida podría desencadenar una tormenta política y social en la región. \"Tendrá consecuencias catastróficas para el subcontinente. Las intenciones del Gobierno indio son claras. Quieren el territorio de Jammu y Cachemira para aterrorizar a su gente\", escribió en Twitter Mufti, exjefe de Gobierno de la región, tras conocer el anuncio.\nEl Gobierno de la vecina Pakistán, por su parte, calificó de \"ilegal\" la intención india de revocar la autonomía constitucional de Cachemira: \"Pakistán condena fuertemente y rechaza el anuncio (...) Como parte de este diferendo internacional, Pakistán hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para contrarrestar las medidas ilegales\", señaló el ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores paquistaní, por su parte, en un comunicado.\nLa India y Pakistán se disputan Cachemira desde la partición del subcontinente en 1947, una región que además es escenario desde los años 90 de un movimiento insurgente de tintes separatistas.\nrml (efe, reuters)\nDeutsche Welle es la emisora internacional de Alemania y produce periodismo independente en 30 idiomas. Síganos en Facebook | Twitter | YouTube |",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "El Gobierno indio revoca de la Constitución la autonomía de Cachemira en medio de protestas",
"text": "Ciudadanos mientras gritaban consignas en el estado especial de Cachemira, en Ahmedabad, India, el 5 de agosto de 2019.\nAl contar con mayoría en las dos Cámaras del Parlamento, el Ejecutivo indio por un \"hecho consumado\" la derogación del artículo que otorga un estatus especial a Cachemira, donde, al igual que en Pakistán, se produjeron protestas por la medida.\nANUNCIOS Lee mas\nLa decisión fue anunciada por el ministro del Interior, Amit Shah, y mano derecha del primer ministro Narendra Modi. Shah presentó este 8 de agosto en la Cámara Alta la revocación del artículo 370, el cual garantizaba a Cachemira un estatus especial como estado de la India.\n\"Es solo una formalidad, un asunto técnico. El Gobierno tiene apoyo en las dos Cámaras del Parlamento, por lo que es solo cuestión de cuándo. No nos planteamos una situación donde no sea aprobada (...) Se trata de un hecho consumado\", indicó una fuente gubernamental a la agencia de noticias EFE.\nSegún la fuente, primero se aprobará en la Cámara Alta o Rajya Sabha la propuesta e \"inmediatamente\" después en la Baja o Lok Sabha, por lo que es solo \"un asunto técnico y de tiempo, en cuestión de pocas horas\".\nEl anuncio desató críticas y protestas tanto en Cachemira como en Pakistán. En Muzaffarabad, la capital de Cachemira, administrada por Pakistán, docenas de manifestantes quemaron neumáticos de automóviles al tiempo que cantaban \"Abajo la India\". \"La abolición del estatus especial de Cachemira no cumplirá su propósito. Lucharemos y lucharemos con más vigor\", dijo Zahid Iqbal, uno de los manifestantes presentes.\nLa gente canta consignas mientras prende fuego a banderas de India durante una manifestación en solidaridad con el los ciudadanos de Cachemira, en Peshawa, Pakistán, 5 de agosto de 2019. Fayaz Aziz / Reuters\nEn un comunicado, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Pakistán dijo que \"ejercitaría todas las opciones posibles para contrarrestar las acciones ilegales\" y que pediría apoyo a sus países, incluido Estados Unidos, de ser necesario.\nLa transformación de Cachemira y de Jammu en \"territorios de la unión\" le permitiría al Gobierno central poder ejercer mucho mayor control, objetivo que hace parte de las promesas estipuladas en el manifiesto con el que la actual Administración selló su triunfo en las elecciones generales que se llevaron a cabo en el mes de mayo.\nLos rumores que antecedieron al anuncio\nLas especulaciones sobre la confirmación de la disposición empezaron desde hace varios días, pero el Gobierno del partido nacionalista hindú BJP atajó con el anuncio de golpe que la población no esperaba durante esta jornada, poco después de que las autoridades indias cancelaran una peregrinación hindú en Cachemira.\nDe acuerdo con lo dicho por el Gobierno, la cancelación fue motivada por presuntas amenazas terroristas contra los que asistirían a la peregrinación. Sin embargo, esa teoría es vista por muchos como una excusa para implementar las promesas del manifiesto.\nMenos de 24 horas antes del anuncio, varios líderes opositores de la región fueron puestos bajo arresto domiciliario después de que fuera ordenado el corte de los servicios de internet y de que, en aplicación del artículo 144 del Código Penal, fueran prohibidas las reuniones entre más de cuatro ciudadanos.\nEn reacción a la orden, Mehbooba Mufti, la exjefa del Gobierno regional, se pronunció a través de su cuenta de Twitter, donde advirtió que la derogación tendría, a su juicio, “consecuencias catastróficas para el subcontinente”.\nToday the people of Jammu & Kashmir who reposed their faith in institutions of India like parliament & Supreme Court feel defeated & betrayed. By dismembering the state & fraudulently taking away what is rightfully & legally ours, they have further complicated the Kashmir dispute Mehbooba Mufti (@MehboobaMufti) 5 de agosto de 2019\nFrente a los cuestionamientos generados por la propuesta, el Gobierno paquistaní aseguró que la derogación del estatus especial de Cachemira por parte de la Administración de la India representa una medida abiertamente contraria a las dispuestas en las resoluciones emitidas por la ONU, razón por la que la describe como una decisión “ilegal”.\nA través de un comunicado, el Ministerio de Exteriores paquistaní indicó que ninguna “decisión unilateral del Gobierno indio puede cambiar el estatus de la región disputada” y que toda medida debe estar sujeta a las resoluciones hechas por el Consejo de Seguridad del citado organismo internacional, entre las cuales figura la celebración de un referendo.\nPakistán y la India se disputan Cachemira desde la división del subcontinente en el año 1947 y por obtener su control ya han librado dos guerras que la han convertido en el escenario de un movimiento insurgente separatista desde 1990.\nCon Reuters y EFE",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Zimbabwean cargo plane crashes in Shanghai; three dead |
A cargo aircraft registered in Zimbabwe crashed today at Shanghai International Airport in China. Three of the crew have been killed.
Another four people were taken to the Pudong Xinqu People's Hospital after the plane went down on takeoff and burst into flame. Firefighters responded with retardant foam and thick smoke could be seen rising from the airport. The plane, which had been flying to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, broke apart in the accident.
The crash occurred between 7:40 a.m. and 8:12 a.m. The four surviving crew are reported to be conscious. None are Chinese citizens. Police are currently securing the scene.
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"Disasters and accidents",
"Iain Macdonald (Wikinewsie)"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Zimbabwe cargo plane crashes at Shanghai airport",
"text": "Zimbabwe cargo plane crashes at Shanghai airport\nBEIJING — A Zimbabwe-registered cargo plane crashed shortly after taking off Saturday from a Shanghai airport with seven crew members aboard, state media and witnesses said.\nThe official Xinhua News Agency reported that four crew members, all foreigners, were injured. The status of the other three was not immediately clear.\nChina Central Television showed billowing thick black smoke at the scene, with police officers blocking closer access.\nA reporter from Shanghai's Oriental Satellite Television told CCTV that the tail of the plane had broken in two or three parts, and hundreds of firefighters were spraying fire retardants on the plane.\nThe reporter said the four injured people were conscious.\nA man answering phones at the Pudong International Airport cargo information office who requested anonymity confirmed the crash but had no details.\nXinhua said the crash occurred at 7:40 a.m. (2340 GMT Friday).\nIn June 2006, a Chinese military plane crashed in eastern China's Anhui province, killing all 40 people aboard.\nCopyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Are you a robot?",
"text": "Why did this happen?\nPlease make sure your browser supports JavaScript and cookies and that you are not blocking them from loading. For more information you can review our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "3 Americans killed in Shanghai plane crash",
"text": "Beijing, China (CNN) -- Three American crew members died when a Zimbabwean cargo plane crashed early Saturday at Shanghai's Pudong International Airport, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said.\nThe embassy said one of the injured crew members was also an American.\nThe crash happened at about 8:15 a.m. (7:15 p.m. ET Friday) during takeoff in Shanghai, according to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. The plane was destined for Harare, Zimbabwe, said the agency. The NTSB is sending an investigation team to site of the accident.\nFour other people on the plane were seriously injured, and the cause of the crash is not yet known, the NTSB said.\nEarlier, China's official Xinhua news agency reported that the plane was on its way to Kyrgyzstan and caught fire on takeoff. Thick smoke was seen billowing from the crash site.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | New 'Guitar Hero' game to focus on Aerosmith |
Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry.
The ''Guitar Hero'' version of Perry.
Activision, publisher of the popular ''Guitar Hero'' series of video games which simulate the playing of rock music, has unveiled the next title in the franchise: ''Guitar Hero: Aerosmith''.
The game, which will focus entirely on the top-selling American rock band Aerosmith, is set to be released this June. The soundtrack will be composed of songs performed by Aerosmith or otherwise related to the band. Venues featured in the game will highlight different points in the band's career.
"The premise is that it's going to cover the 30-plus years of the band, from high school all the way through the rock superstardom of today," said Kai Huang, head of RedOctane, a subsidiary of Activision.
Developers even held motion-capture sessions with members of the band so they can appear in-game.
"We've put a lot of ideas into the game so that fans can have fun interacting with our music, getting inside our body of work and learning about the band's history," said Aerosmith guitarist, Joe Perry.
Perry also commented on the effect he hopes the game will have on the music business. "On a larger scale, it's cool for us to be pioneers helping to rebuild the music industry through a format like video games. It's great for rock since the record companies are struggling to make sense of how things are changing. Fans want to get and experience music in new formats--and there are going to be some of them who will play the game, then pick up the guitar for real and start bands. It's what's happening now, and it's only going to build more momentum in the future. It's a massive change for the music business."
The game will be released for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, and Playstation 2. It has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
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"Science and technology",
"Economy and business",
"Culture and entertainment",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "UPDATE 1-New 'Guitar Hero' gives sweet emotion to Aerosmith fans",
"text": "(Adds details and interview with company official starting at paragraph 5)\nBy Scott Hillis\nSAN FRANCISCO, Feb 15 (Reuters) - Activision Inc (ATVI.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) on Friday unveiled a new \"Guitar Hero\" video game focusing on the American rock band Aerosmith, taking the billion-dollar franchise in a new direction.\nCalled \"Guitar Hero: Aerosmith,\" the new game will arrive in stores this summer, a surprise to many analysts and fans who had expected the next title to come out closer to the year-end holiday shopping season.\nAerosmith, known for hits such as \"Dream On\" and \"Sweet Emotion,\" is the top-selling American rock band of all time, with sales of 66.5 million albums in the United States alone.\nThe game will feature about 30 Aerosmith songs as well as others from various acts that have opened for the band. The price has not yet been set.\n\"The premise is that it's going to cover the 30-plus years of the band, from high school all the way through the rock superstardom of today,\" Kai Huang, head of Activision's RedOctane unit, which guides development of the franchise, told Reuters in an interview.\nIn the \"Guitar Hero\" games, players try to press colored buttons on a guitar-shaped controller in time with notes cascading down the screen. If the notes are hit, the song plays properly, and the player earns points.\nSince the original \"Guitar Hero\" was released in late 2005, the series has gone on to sell more than $1 billion. Depending on the version, a bundle including the game and a controller costs from $80-$100, while the stand-alone game costs $40-$60.\nWhen Activision reported quarterly earnings last week, analysts grilled the company on its plans for the franchise, expressing concern that sales would slow this year because many players who bought earlier versions with guitars would opt to buy the lower-price stand-alone game disks.\nHuang said Activision had not yet decided whether it would offer a special controller with the Aerosmith game.\nNEW DIRECTION\nThe focus on a single band marks a new twist for the franchise, whose three main titles featured dozens of artists spanning classic rock, grunge, metal, punk and other rock subgenres. Last year, Activision also released \"Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s\" with songs from that decade.\n\"It's just a completely new way to interact with this music and with Aerosmith, and we think there's more opportunity to do that in the future,\" Huang said.\nBy spotlighting a single band, the company has also come up with a way to counter rival music game \"Rock Band\" from Viacom Inc (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) unit MTV and Electronic Arts Inc (ERTS.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), Activision's top competitor.\n\"Rock Band\", which includes drums and a microphone as well as a guitar, each week has offered new songs that can be downloaded to consoles like Microsoft Corp's (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) Xbox 360 and Sony Corp's (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) PlayStation 3.\nThe music industry is eyeing \"Guitar Hero\" and \"Rock Band\" as a way to revive flagging sales. \"Rock Band\" and \"Guitar Hero 3,\" both launched last fall, have together sold millions of songs at about $2 each via download.\nSpeaking of Aerosmith's willingness to work on the project, Huang said: \"They recognize that it can deliver their music in an innovative and new way. It's a new distribution platform for them.\"\nTo recreate the sense of attending an Aerosmith concert, developers held motion-capture sessions with band members, including energetic frontman Steven Tyler and lead guitarist Joe Perry.\n\"As you play,\" Huang said, \"you're going to be seeing Joe and Steven doing their moves onstage.\" (Editing by Lisa Von Ahn)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "World Renowned Recording Group Aerosmith Rocks This Way to Guitar Hero(R): Aerosmith(R)",
"text": "Epic Collaboration Creates First Music-Based Game to Feature One Band Free Download of ''Dream On'' Offered to Commemorate Alliance SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb 15, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Fire up the fret board, crank the amp to 11 and get ready to rock this way with Activision, Inc.'s (Nasdaq:ATVI) Guitar Hero(R): Aerosmith(R), the first game built around the legendary music of America's Greatest Rock 'N Roll Band: Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford, Tom Hamilton and Joey Kramer. Slated for release this June, this latest installment from the franchise with the #1 best-selling video game in 2007, puts players in the shoes of Perry (guitar), Whitford (guitar) and Hamilton (bass), as they rock out alongside frontman Tyler and drummer Kramer. Gamers will experience Aerosmith's GRAMMY(R) winning career, from their first gig to becoming rock royalty, in a way that no other entertainment vehicle offers. To celebrate this historic, ground-breaking collaboration, Guitar Hero(R) III: Legends of Rock fans will have the opportunity to download and jam to Aerosmith's \"Dream On.\" The song will be available for free from February 16-18 on Xbox LIVE(R) Marketplace for the Xbox 360(R) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PLAYSTATION(R)Store for the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system. For more information, please visit \"Having a game built around Aerosmith has been a huge honor and really a great experience for us,\" says Joe Perry. \"We've put a lot of ideas into the game so that fans can have fun interacting with our music, getting inside our body of work and learning about the band's history.\" Steven Tyler says, \"Any band that can go from 'Don't Want to Miss A Thing' (Aerosmith's #1 smash hit) to the ass-kicking 'Sweet Emotion' to the cheekiness of 'Love in an Elevator,' to the classic ballad 'Dream On' shows why Activision chose us to headline this game based on the diversity of the Aerosmith catalog. Not only is songwriting a bitch, but then it goes and has puppies.\" Perry adds, \"On a larger scale, it's cool for us to be pioneers helping to rebuild the music industry through a format like video games. It's great for rock since the record companies are struggling to make sense of how things are changing. Fans want to get and experience music in new formats--and there are going to be some of them who will play the game, then pick up the guitar for real and start bands. It's what's happening now, and it's only going to build more momentum in the future. It's a massive change for the music business.\" \"We are extremely excited that Aerosmith chose to team up with Guitar Hero, bringing one of the world's all-time best-selling artists together with one of the biggest video game brands, to deliver a new and unique interactive way for our customers to connect with artists and their music,\" said Dusty Welch, head of publishing for Activision/RedOctane. \"This partnership will give Aerosmith, a band that has sold more than 150 million albums worldwide, a powerful and innovative platform to reach their fans and new audiences.\" Guitar Hero: Aerosmith brings these quintessential rock legends to the interactive realm to create the ultimate gaming experience. As fans progress through their careers in the game, they can rock out to scores of Aerosmith's greatest hits, as well as songs from celebrated artists that the band has either performed with or has been inspired by in some way. Venues from historical moments during the band's illustrious career offer the experience of \"sweet emotion\" and further capture the essence of the band's rise to fame. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is being developed by Neversoft Entertainment for the Xbox 360(R) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system. The Wii(TM) version is being developed by Vicarious Visions. The PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system version is being developed by Budcat. The game is not yet rated by the ESRB. About Aerosmith For more than 30 years AEROSMITH has defined American Rock 'n' Roll. Just a brief overview of their remarkable career is truly mind-boggling: over 150 million albums sold, induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, countless awards (four GRAMMY Awards, eight American Music Awards, six Billboard Awards, and 12 MTV Awards), electrifying sold-out concerts around the world and a diehard \"Blue Army\" fan-base numbering in the millions worldwide. Described by Mojo editor Phil Alexander in a May '07 cover story as \"America's greatest hard rock act,\" the members of AEROSMITH--STEVEN TYLER (vocals), JOE PERRY (guitar), BRAD WHITFORD (guitar), TOM HAMILTON (bass) and JOEY KRAMER (drums)--remain creatively vital, and are the platinum standard for artistic and commercial success in the music business. Through it all they have defeated the odds, silenced their critics and have undeniably withstood the test of time. AEROSMITH are beginning to work on their next studio album, the follow-up to 2004's critically acclaimed HONKIN ON BOBO, which received a four-star Rolling Stone review. About Activision, Inc. Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision, Inc. is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and leisure products. Founded in 1979, Activision posted net revenues of $1.5 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007. Activision maintains operations in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan and South Korea. More information about Activision and its products can be found on the company's World Wide Web site, which is located at Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements: Information in this press release that involves Activision's expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Activision generally uses words such as \"outlook,\" \"will,\" \"could,\" \"would,\" \"might,\" \"remains,\" \"to be,\" \"plans,\" \"believes,\" \"may,\" \"expects,\" \"intends,\" \"anticipates,\" \"estimate,\" \"future,\" \"plan,\" \"positioned,\" \"potential,\" \"project,\" \"remain,\" \"scheduled,\" \"set to,\" \"subject to,\" \"upcoming\" and similar expressions to help identify forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause Activision's actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include, but are not limited to, sales of Activision's titles, shifts in consumer spending trends, the seasonal and cyclical nature of the interactive game market, Activision's ability to predict consumer preferences among competing hardware platforms (including next-generation hardware), declines in software pricing, product returns and price protection, product delays, retail acceptance of Activision's products, adoption rate and availability of new hardware and related software, industry competition, rapid changes in technology and industry standards, protection of proprietary rights, maintenance of relationships with key personnel, customers, vendors and third-party developers, international economic and political conditions, integration of recent acquisitions and the identification of suitable future acquisition opportunities the timing and successful completion of the combination of Vivendi Games with Activision, the combined companies' success in executing planned strategies and achieving assumed synergies and cost savings, and foreign exchange rate changes. Other such factors include additional risk factors identified in Activision's most recent annual report on Form 10-K and subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Activision as of the date of this release, and Activision assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and may cause actual results to differ materially from our current expectations. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (C) 2007-2008 Activision Publishing, Inc. Guitar Hero, Activision, and RedOctane are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. The Aerosmith name and wings logo are trademarks of Rag Doll Merchandising, Inc. All Aerosmith trademarks and related rights have been provided pursuant to a license from Rag Doll Merchandising, Inc. The Guitar Hero controller shapes are trademarks of Gibson Guitar Corp. All Gibson marks, logos, trade dress, guitar models, controller shapes, and related rights provided pursuant to license from Gibson Guitar Corp. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved. \"PlayStation\", \"PLAYSTATION\" and \"PS\" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Used with Permission. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. SOURCE: Activision, Inc. Activision/RedOctane Ryh-Ming Poon, PR Director, 310-255-2226 [email protected] Copyright Business Wire 2008 News Provided by COMTEX Close window | Back to top",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Rock This Way With Guitar Hero: Aerosmith",
"text": "Activision today announced that it will continue the Guitar Hero craze with Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, due out in June for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii.The game will put you in the shoes of the five member band, following their career from the first performance up till Aerosmith's current status of \"rock royalty\". As with Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions will be developed by Neversoft, with Vicarious Visions behind the Wii edition and Budcat handling the PlayStation 2 iteration.\"Not only is songwriting a bitch, but then it goes and has puppies,\" commented Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler. Reports of an Aerosmith-centered Guitar Hero appeared last fall , with Activision recently confirming that three new Guitar Hero titles are due out this year \"We've put a lot of ideas into the game so that fans can have fun interacting with our music, getting inside our body of work and learning about the band's history,\" added guitarist Joe Perry.To commemorate the announcement, owners of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 editions of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock will be able to download the Aerosmith song \"Dream On\" for free from the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Network Store between February 16-18.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Next Guitar Hero Game Aerosmith Only",
"text": "By Philip Kollar, 02/15/2008\nUPDATE: RedOctane contacted 1UP to let us know that Neversoft is, in fact, developing the 360 and PS3 versions of Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. The story has been changed to reflect this.\nORIGINAL STORY:Last month EGM's Quartermann made a bold prediction about the future of the Guitar Hero franchise: four new Guitar Hero games in 2008. Today Activision announced the first of those four, and one which the Q-Man totally called: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith.\nThe new game, planned for a June 2008 release, will place virtual rockers into the shoes of Aerosmith guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford and bassist Tom Hamilton. Sadly Steven Tyler and Joey Kramer will not take up the axes. The game will apparently put players on the same track as Aerosmith's career, going from small club shows all the way up to rock legends. So, basically, the same \"story\" as all the other Guitar Hero games, but with a more recognizable face on it.\nAerosmith leader Steven Tyler, humble guy that he is, took the opportunity to explain why they were chosen as the first band to receive a full Guitar Hero game all to themselves:\n\"Any band that can go from 'Don't Want to Miss A Thing' (Aerosmith's #1 smash hit) to the ass-kicking 'Sweet Emotion' to the cheekiness of 'Love in an Elevator,' to the classic ballad 'Dream On' shows why Activision chose us to headline this game based on the diversity of the Aerosmith catalog. Not only is songwriting a b*tch, but then it goes and has puppies.\"\nYes, Tyler just called his own band's song \"Aerosmith's #1 smash hit.\" And yes, we have no idea what that last sentence means either.\nTo celebrate the announcement, Activision has revealed that Guitar Hero III owners will be able to download Aerosmith's \"Dream On\" for the game starting tomorrow, February 16 until Monday, February 18. Activision's press release was unclear as to whether or not the song would be removed completely on Monday or would be turned into a paid download, but until then it should be up on both Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Store.\nGuitar Hero: Aerosmith will be available this June for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and Wii. Guitar Hero III developer Neversoft will be working on the PS3 and 360 versions, while the Wii version is being worked on by Vicarious Visions (who did the Wii port for GH3), and the PS2 version is being created by Budcat Creations (who also did the PS2 version of GH3).",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Coupe du monde de football 2014 : match opposant la France au Nigeria | upright=1.5
Ce soir (18 heures, heure française) a lieu le match opposant la au qui sera arbitré par l'Américain . Si la France remporte ce match, elle sera opposée soit à l' soit à l'. L'une des principales difficultés lors de ce match est la chaleur avec une température de plus de 30 degrés. Lors de la mi-temps aucun pays n'a marqué de but et Onazi serait blessé au pied.
Après 5 minutes de temps additionnel, la France gagne à 2 buts face à zéro pour le Nigeria. Cette victoire conduit la France en quarts de finale.
==== Direct ====
* '''95 minute''' : Fin du match avec la victoire de la France qui se retrouve en quarts de finale.
* '''93 minute''' : Valbuena remplacé par Sissoko.
* '''90 minute''' : But de Yobo contre son camp. Point accordé à la .
* '''89 minute''' : Remplacement de Moses par Nwofor.
* '''79 minute''' : But de Pogba.
* '''66 minute''' : À la suite d'une faute de Odemwingie sur Evra, Valbuena obtient un coup franc, mais ne marque pas.
* '''59 minute''' : Onazi est remplacé par Gabriel.
* '''54 minute''' : Carton jaune pour Matuidi.
* '''39 minute''' : La frappe de Debuchy passe à droite du but.
* '''20 minute''' : Hors-jeu de Benzema sur un centre. Le joueur s'en rend compte et ne reprend pas le ballon.
* '''17 minute''' : Faute de Matuidi sur Odemwingie. La frappe d'Emenike se dirige dans les tribunes.
* '''12 minute''' : Onazi sort sur une civière, Emenike obtient un coup franc.
| [
"Coupe du monde de football de 2014",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "France - Nigeria : revivez le match de 8e de finale minutes par minutes",
"text": "En bref Les Bleus ont arraché la victoire sur le tard : but de Paul Pogba (80e), avant qu'Antoine Griezmann ne pousse Yobo à un but contre son camp (90e+1)\nbut de Paul Pogba (80e), avant qu'Antoine Griezmann ne pousse Yobo à un but contre son camp (90e+1) L'équipe de France écarte ainsi le dernier vainqueur de la Coupe d'Afrique des nations > Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le Nigeria\nCoupe d'Afrique des nations La France affrontera en quarts le vainqueur du match Allemagne-Algérie. > A suivre en direct à partir de 22 heures 20h10 - Revivez le match en photos : ÈB; 95e : c'est fini ! Les Bleus sont en quarts de finale ! 90e : BUTTTTTTTT pour la France ! Les Bleus doublent la mise sur une intervention de Griezmann, très malicieux, sur un corner. C'est le nigerian Yobo qui marque contre son camp pour France. 85e : le boulet de canon de Griezmann ! Sur un contre français, Antoine Griezmann se place sur la gauche française et assène un boulet au portier nigerian, Enyeama qui le dévie. Depuis son entrée en jeu, Griezmann a redonné de l'impulsion et du tempo aux Bleus. 80e : les Super Eagles n'abandonnent pas A la relance, les nigerians n'entendent rien lâché. 77e : BUTTTTTTTTTTTT ! Paul Pogba délivre les Bleus. C'est pour l'instant le meilleur joueur de l'Equipe de France. C'est mérité. C'est grâce à une erreur du portier nigérian. Si bon jusque-là, le gardien du Losc se troue sur un corner rentrant de Valbuena et Pogba, au second poteau, en profite pour marquer de la tête dans le but vide. 76e : Cabaye touche la transversale ! On y a cru ! Benzema centre depuis la droite française, le Nigeria dégage. Cabaye récupère et frappe. La balle fonce sur la transversale du portier nigerian. 75e : les Bleus rythment le match Les Bleus construisent mieux même s'ils n'arrivent pas à emballer la rencontre et semblent plutôt craintifs. 70e : Benzema y était presque ! Le Nigéria sauve sur sa ligne une frappe de Benzema ! L'attaquant était seul devant le portier des Super Eagles. Le ballon est légèrement dévié mais ne rentre pas. Quel dommage. Le duo Griezmann-Benzema, ça marche bien. Mieux qu'avec Giroud. Cela augure de bonnes choses pour les Bleus.\n65e : Merci (trois fois) Lloris !\nEncore une grosse occasion pour les Super Eagles. Tir du gauche décalé, Lloris ne perd pas son sang froid et stop ce boulet de canon. On se demande où est l'Equipe de France qui a mis 5 buts à la Suisse.\n60e : Giroud, inexistant, sort (enfin)\nOn vous le dit tout de suite, il y a très peu d'occasion des deux côtés. Les contres se construisent mal et ne concrétisent pas.\nOlivier Giroud, inexistant, sort au profit d'Antoine Griezmann. On attend de lui de la vitesse, de la fraîcheur et de la spontanéité. La domination est clairement en faveur des Super Eagles.\n55e : un jaune pour Matuidi\nBlaise Matuidi a eu chaud. Son geste très dur met hors-jeu un joueur nigerian, Onazi. La sanction est immédiate : carton jaune. Onazi, lui, sort sur civière.\nPlus tôt, sur un centre depuis la gauche, le nigerian Emenike est là mais il est hors-jeu. Dans la foulée, Varane reçoit le ballon dans la tête et reste quelques instants sonné dans les cages de Lloris.\n50e : gros pressing des Bleus\nLa relance est française, avec un gros pressing de Valbuena. Pour une fois, Benzema et Giroud se sont trouvés, avant que ce dernier envoi dans le vide. A noter qu'il n'y a pas eu de changements durant la pause. Super corner de Valbuena, mais Koscielny passe à côté du ballon.\nLes nigerians sont toujours aussi rapides dans leurs contres.\nUn peu de stats\nLe Nigeria a fait cinq tirs cadrés pour la première mi-temps. La France, seulement deux.\nLes Super Eagles ont obtenu cinq corners. Les Bleus, quatre.\nPossession de la balle : 51,1% pour les hommes de Deschamps, 48,9% pour les nigerians\nDuels gagnés : 33 pour les Bleus, 27 pour le Nigeria.\n47e : les Bleus à la peine\nPremière mi-temps très mitigée pour les Bleus. Devant ça pêche beaucoup, ils ont du mal à combiner. Le milieu de terrain relance bien, mais la complémentarité entre Giroud et Benzema reste à démontrer. Alors que la défense nigériane laisse des espaces pour les attaques, Benzema et Giroud, eux, malheureusement, ne se trouvent pas.\nAttention, pour la deuxième mi-temps, aux contres des Super Eagles, très puissant et rapides. Il y a eu deux occasions pour chaque équipe pour ces 45 premières minutes. Finalement, la rencontre pourrait se jouer à un match de gardien entre Lloris et Enyeama. Reste à savoir lequel des deux craquera le premier.\n43e : c'est pas passé loin ! Merci Lloris\nWohou. Les nigerians attaquent vites et forts ! Grosse frappe bien cadrée, Hugo Lloris l'arrête.\n40e : Matuidi et Pogba sortent du lot\nPour l'instant, du côté de l'Equipe de France, c'est Blaise Matuidi et Paul Pogba qui sortent du lot. Meilleure maîtrise du jeu et de la balle. C'est eux qui donnent du tempo aux attaques françaises.\n35 : les Bleus butent dans la surface\nC'était bien mené, mais les Bleus cafouillent devant les cages nigerianes. Sur un centre depuis la gauche, Debuchy est oublié au second poteau. Puis Pogba, en position de frappe, préfère finalement lancer Cabaye.\nPossesion de balle, selon \"L'Equipe\" : 46% pour les Bleus, 54% pour les Super Eagles.\nQuestion à Christian Jeanpierre : c'est quoi un arbitrage de chochotte ?\n30e : les Super Eagles mettent la pression\nTir contré d'Odemwingie, qui pèse sur la défense française. Le Nigeria monte des actions rapides et profonde. Pour l'instant, la défense des Bleus tient.\n27e : les Bleus posent le jeu\nLes Français reprennent du poil (de la bête) et posent leur jeu. Même si, le duo Benzema-Giroud n'a pour l'instant pas l'air dans son assiette. Reste, bien évidemment, à concrétiser les occasions. Surtout, la France abuse des longs ballons devant. Valbuena reste, lui, au-dessus du lot pour ce début de match.\n22e : Enyema est là !\nMagnifique arrêt de Enyeama. Comme prévu, le gardien nigerian, et lillois, va compliquer la tache des Bleus. D'ailleurs, on en parlait là : Enyeama stoppera-t-il les Bleus ?\nLa contre-attaque française est belle. Pogba décale Valbuena côté droit, lequel le sert parfaitement au point de penalty. La volée du joueur de la Juve est magique mais trop sur le gardien du Nigeria.\n15e : C'est compliqué pour les Bleus\nOn eu peur. L'attaquant nigerian était hors-jeu, mais ça rentrait dans les cages de Lloris quand même.\nLes Super Eagle s'offrent beaucoup d'occasions, sont deux coups-francs bien placés. Les nigerians pressent les hommes de Deschamps.\n12e : première (vraie) occasion nigeriane\nSur un coup-franc obtenu sur leur gauche, les Super Eagle se placent bien. Tirs au second poteau pour une récupération dangereuse. Pas de problème pour Hugo Lloris mais on sent une défense française fébrile.\n10e : le Nigeria et les Bleus s'observent\nLes Bleus tentent de construire sur la droite avec Debuchy. Le Nigeria contre vite mais se heurte à une défense française compacte. On est avant tout dans une période d'observation. La bataille se joue au milieu de terrain.\nBeaucoup d'approximation s dans les passes de part et d'autre. Un début de première mi-temps pas totalement rassurant pour les Bleus.\n5e : la première offensive des Bleus\nPremière offensive française avec Karim Benzema sur le côté gauche et lance Blaise Matuidi en profondeur.\n1ère minute de jeu\nIl fait 27 degrés. La pelouse n'est pas si mauvaise. La première action est française, sur la droite, mais interceptée par la défense nigeriane.\nA noter que Pogba et Evra seront suspendus pour les quarts de finale s'ils récoltent un carton jaune et si la France gagne le match.\nLes équipes entrent sur le terrain\nCa y est, la France et le Nigeria font leur entrée sur la pelouse de l'Estadio Nacional Mané Garrincha de Brasilia. Il fait chaud, le soleil brille. C'est un match couperet.\nC'est seulement la seconde fois que les deux équipes s'affrontent sur la scène internationale. Le Nigeria s'était imposé lors de la première confrontation (1-0), à l'occasion d'un match amical à Saint-Etienne le 2 juin 2009.\nAvant-Match\n17h30 - Il va faire chaud !\nLes Bleus ont un autre adversaire, à Brasilia : la chaleur.\nSelon les prédictions météorologiques, pas un seul nuage au-dessus du stade et une température qui devrait dépasser les 30 degrés à l'ombre. Si la chaleur sera pénible pour les joueurs, ils devront subir un taux d'humidité au-delà des 40 % et que la capitale administrative du Brésil est située à plus de 1100 mètres d'altitude.\n17h10 - La composition de l'Equipe de France\nLe compte Twitter officiel des Bleus vient de tweeter la composition officielle de l'équipe de France.\nLa compo des Bleus pour #franig Lloris (c), Debuchy, Evra, Varane, Koscielny, Cabaye, Matuidi, Pogba, Valbuena, Giroud, Benzema #CM2014 #EDF — Equipe de France (@equipedefrance) 30 Juin 2014\n17h - Pourquoi les Bleus devraient se méfier du Nigeria\nLa France peut-elle se faire sortir de la coupe du Monde par le Nigeria ce lundi 30 juin ? Selon un sondage L'Equipe - iTélé réalisé par l'Ifop, 36% des Français voient l'équipe de France atteindre les quarts de finale.\nA tort ou à raison ? Et si c'était un match piège ? Le Nigéria pourrait bien jouer les trouble-fête. Pourquoi donc les Bleus devraient se méfier du Nigéria ? Réponses, par Jean-Luc Mounier.\n17h - Les Bleus joueront en blanc\nFace au Nigeria, l'équipe de France portera son maillot blanc.\n16h45 - Mamadou Sakho ne sera pas sur le terrain\nLe défenseur de l'équipe de France Mamadou Sakho ne sera pas sur le terrain pour le début de la rencontre face au Nigeria, croit savoir i",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Ossétie du Sud : 17 000 réfugiés en Russie | Tskhinvali, capitale de l'Ossétie du Sud
La Russie a accueilli plus de réfugiés qui ont fui la zone du conflit osséto-géorgien, selon le dernier bilan annoncé vendredi par le ministère russe des Situations d'urgence.
, lit-on dans le communiqué ministériel.
La Russie a livré au total plus de 997 tonnes de fret humanitaire dans la zone du conflit osséto-géorgien, a rappelé le ministère des Situations d'urgence.
, précise le document.
L'armée géorgienne est intervenue dans la nuit du 7 au 8 août dernier en Ossétie du Sud, une des deux républiques sécessionnistes qui revendiquent leur indépendance par rapport à la Géorgie. Elle a pilonné Tskhinvali, la capitale, à coups de lance-roquettes multiples Grad, détruisant la ville et tuant au moins civils selon les estimations russes. La Russie a riposté par une opération militaire de grande envergure visant à contraindre la Géorgie à la paix, que certains responsables politiques occidentaux ont qualifiée d'usage disproportionné de la force armée.
| [
"Ossétie du Sud",
"Politique et conflits",
"Droits de l'homme",
"Politique internationale",
"Politique russe",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Ossétie du Sud: plus de 17.000 réfugiés recensés en Russie (Situations d'urgence)",
"text": "ROSTOV-SUR-LE-DON, 15 août - RIA Novosti. La Russie a accueilli plus de 17.000 réfugiés qui ont fui la zone du conflit osséto-géorgien, selon le dernier bilan annoncé vendredi par le ministère russe des Situations d'urgence.\n\"Le Service fédéral des migrations a recensé plus de 17.000 réfugiés venant d'Ossétie du Sud, dont 1.706 (699 enfants) ont déjà été enregistrés en Ossétie du Nord, 777 (340) dans la région de Rostov-sur-le-Don, 1.015 (335) dans le territoire de Krasnodar, 340 (174) dans le territoire de Stavropol, 323 (157) en Kabardino-Balkarie, 172 (33) en Karatchaïevo-Tcherkessie et 170 (82) en Adyghée\", lit-on dans le communiqué ministériel.\nLa Russie a livré au total plus de 997 tonnes de fret humanitaire dans la zone du conflit osséto-géorgien, a rappelé le ministère des Situations d'urgence.\n\"A Tskhinvali, cinq équipes de recherche et de sauvetage s'emploient, en collaboration avec des démineurs, à déblayer les décombres et à hospitaliser les malades. Une équipe de maîtres-chiens est également en train de localiser les gens bloqués sous les décombres\", précise le document.\nL'armée géorgienne est intervenue dans la nuit du 7 au 8 août dernier en Ossétie du Sud, une des deux républiques sécessionnistes qui revendiquent leur indépendance par rapport à la Géorgie. Elle a pilonné Tskhinvali, la capitale, à coups de lance-roquettes multiples Grad, détruisant la ville et tuant au moins 1.600 civils selon les estimations russes. La Russie a riposté par une opération militaire de grande envergure visant à contraindre la Géorgie à la paix, que certains responsables politiques occidentaux ont qualifiée d'usage disproportionné de la force armée.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Sudan may allow joint UN/AU forces in Darfur |
Mustafa Osman Ismail, Sudan's Presidential Advisor, opened the possibility of allowing some United Nations peacekeepers into its troubled Darfur region. Ismail admitted that the African Union Commander in Darfur could request non-African troops if he decides that current troop numbers are not sufficient. This would allow forces from organisations such as the UN to send troops there at the Commander's request. When asked whether this would lead to UN troops in Darfur, Ismail replied "You are right."
While the region is currently overseen by 7,000 AU troops, hopes indicate that a joint venture might see as many as 17,000 UN and AU troops deployed, in addition to 3,000 police officers.
Sudan had previously rejected UN Security Council Resolution 1706, which authorised 22,500 UN peacekeepers to handle the Darfur conflict. Since the start of the conflict, 200,000 people have been killed and 2.5 million driven from their homes.
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"United Nations",
"African Union"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News",
"text": "Knife found at O.J. Simpson's former L.A. home studied by police LOS ANGELES Police said on Friday they were examining a knife purportedly found at the former home of O.J. Simpson, the onetime football star acquitted of stabbing to death his ex-wife and her friend in the \"Trial of the Century\" two decades ago. |\nSupreme Court temporarily blocks Louisiana abortion law WASHINGTON The Supreme Court, two days after hearing a major abortion case from Texas, on Friday temporarily blocked a Louisiana law imposing regulations on doctors who perform abortions in a move that would allow two recently closed clinics to reopen.\nExclusive: U.S. watchdog to probe Fed's lax oversight of Wall Street NEW YORK A U.S. watchdog agency is preparing to investigate whether the Federal Reserve and other regulators are too soft on the banks they are meant to police, after a written request from Democratic lawmakers that marks the latest sign of distrust between Congress and the central bank.\nBrazil's Lula detained in corruption probe; Rousseff objects SAO PAULO/BRASILIA Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was briefly detained for questioning on Friday in a federal investigation of a vast corruption scheme, fanning a political crisis that threatens to topple his successor, President Dilma Rousseff. |",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Sudan 'backs UN plan on Darfur'",
"text": "Mr Bashir has remained opposed to a large UN force\nIn the letter to the secretary general, Mr Bashir says he wants to begin \"immediately\" to implement UN plans.\nHowever, diplomats note that Mr Bashir remains opposed to any large-scale UN deployment and has gone back on agreements on Darfur before.\nMore than 200,000 people have died in the three-year conflict in Darfur.\nThe UN envoy to Khartoum, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, is expected to brief a Security Council meeting on Darfur on Wednesday afternoon.\nHybrid force\nThe main thrust of the three-part UN plan for Darfur is to strengthen the current 7,000-strong African Union force with UN troops.\nMr Bashir has remained consistently opposed to any large UN deployment but now appears to have agreed to the strengthening of a hybrid force.\nMr Bashir says Sudan agrees to the first two parts of the UN plan - deployment of new staff and equipment to the African Union force followed by a larger support package.\nHowever, the third part of the UN plan - the size and command of the new force - is not finalised in the letter.\nAnd UN diplomats expressed fears that carrying out plans through a special panel - the Tripartite Committee of Sudan, the UN and the AU - would give Khartoum an effective veto.\nSudan's change of heart on its previous opposition to UN participation follows international threats of trade sanctions and of a ban on aircraft movements over Darfur, to stop bombing raids by government forces.\nThe Darfur conflict began in 2003 after a rebel group began attacking government targets, saying the region was being neglected by Khartoum.\nThe rebels say the government is oppressing black Africans in favour of Arabs.\nArab militias responded to try to put down the uprising. The government denies accusations from the rebels it is backing the militias.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
it | Ciclismo: Libardo Nino vince il Giro di Colombia |
Il colombiano Libardo Nino vince il Giro di Colombia di ciclismo. Tutti per i colombiani i primi tre posti della classifica generale.
| [
"America meridionale",
] | [
"language": "it",
"title": "Gazzetta dello Sport -",
"text": "BOGOTA (Colombia), 8 agosto 2005 - Libardo Nino ha vinto la classifica finale del Giro della Colombia. Il corridore della Loteria de Boyaca ha preceduto, sul podio conclusivo, di 1'14\" e 1'35\" i connazionali della Orbitel Walter Pedraza e Alvaro Sierra. Nella quattordicesima ed ultima tappa, un circuito cittadino a Bogota, si è imposto per distacco il colombiano Mauricio Soler (Orbitel), che ha distaccato di 1'37\" il gruppo dei più immediati inseguitori, regolato in volata dal connazionale e compagno di squadra Javier Zapata su un altro ciclista di casa, Marlon Perez (Selle Italia). Hernan Buenahora, leader della classifica generale e vincitore della crono di ieri, ha abbandonato la corsa per una foratura, perdendo così il Giro di Colombia.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Wind-powered land vehicle breaks speed record |
Richard Jenkins, an engineer from the United Kingdom, broke a record for the fastest speed attained in a wind-powered land vehicle on Friday.
Jenkins managed to reach a speed of 126.1 miles per hour (202.9 kilometres per hour) in his Greenbird car along the plains of Nevada's Ivanpah Lake.
Jenkins said that he had worked for ten years to break the record, and that "things couldn't have been better" on the day he broke the record. "It's great. It's one of those things that you spend so long trying to do and when it actually happens, it's almost too easy," he said to the BBC.
"It has been an incredibly difficult challenge. Half the challenge is technical, having to create a more efficient vehicle than the previous record holder, then the rest is luck, being in the right place, at the right time, to get the perfect conditions, with the right people watching. I must have been on record standby at some remote location around the world for at least two months of every year for the past ten years," he said. "Then everything came together perfectly and the Greenbird stepped up to the mark and performed amazingly. I am absolutely delighted."
The previous record for the fastest wind-powered land vehicle belonged to Bob Schumacher from the United States, who reached 116 miles per hour in his Iron Duck machine.
The Greenbird is a fifth generation in an array of vehicles created by Jenkins in his ten-year effort to break the speed record. It is composed out of carbon fibre composite, and powered only by wind. According to Jenkins, it weighs 600 kilograms.
| [
"United Kingdom",
"United States",
"Renewable energy"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "British engineer blows away land speed wind record after 10-year quest",
"text": "British engineer blows away land speed record for wind-powered vehicles after 10-year quest\nBy Claire Bates\nLast updated at 5:23 PM on 27th March 2009\nA British engineer has smashed the land speed record for wind powered vehicles, becoming the fastest naturally powered human on the planet.\nRichard Jenkins clocked 126.1mph in his Ecotricity 'Greenbird' powered only by 30mph winds. He eclipsed the previous record of 116 mph, set by American Bob Schumacher ten years ago.\nRecord-breaker: The Greenbird clocked up 126.1mph\nThe Greenbird, which looks like a stretched missile with a giant fin, is the most advanced wind powered vehicle on Earth. It uses technology found on Aircraft and Formula 1 cars to achieve staggering speeds without an engine.\nEco-businessman Dale Vince OBE and Richard Jenkins had hoped to set a new record in Australia last August, but waited in vain for ideal dry conditions.\nTheir record run finally took place yesterday morning at Lake Ivanpah just south of Las Vegas.\nThe Greenbird accelerated from rest to record speed across the full 2-mile length of the lake.\nThey were cheered on by over 100 land sailors, during the 'Americas cup' (land sailing) regatta.\nDelight: Richard Jenkins is congratulated after he breaks the land speed record\nMr Vince said: 'The record is an amazing achievement. It shows what is achievable with great British engineering and the power of the wind.\n'In the next twenty years I firmly believe that wind power will be our main energy source and wind-powered cars will no longer be the stuff of dreams.'\nHe said Ecotricity would soon be revealing a wind-powered super car for everyday use.\nThe Greenbird is the fifth generation in a line of vehicles designed and built by Richard Jenkins on his ten year quest to break the world speed record.\nThe name is a nod to Donald Campbell's Bluebird, a fuel-powered car which achieved record speeds in the 60s.\nThe Greenbird is prepared for its record attempt on the Californian/Nevada border\nTesting was carried out in the UK, Canada, America and Australia, in an attempt to track down the rare set of weather and natural surface conditions required to achieve maximum speed.\n'It has been an incredibly difficult challenge,' Mr Jenkins said.\n'Half the challenge is technical, having to create a more efficient vehicle than the previous record holder, then the rest is luck, being in the right place, at the right time, to get the perfect conditions, with the right people watching.\n'I must have been on record standby at some remote location around the world for at least two months of every year for the past ten years.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Wind-powered car breaks record",
"text": "Wind powered Greenbird reached speeds of 126.1 mph A British engineer from Hampshire has broken the world land speed record for a wind-powered vehicle. Richard Jenkins reached 126.1mph (202.9km/h) in his Greenbird car on the dry plains of Ivanpah Lake in Nevada. Mr Jenkins told the BBC that it had taken him 10 years of \"hard work\" to break the record and that, on the day, \"things couldn't have been better\". American Bob Schumacher set the previous record of 116 mph in 1999, driving his Iron Duck vehicle. \"It's great, it's one of those things that you spend so long trying to do and when it actually happens, it's almost too easy,\" Mr Jenkins told the BBC. The Greenbird is a carbon fibre composite vehicle that uses wind (and nothing else) for power. The only metalwork used is for the wing bearings and the wheel unit. Sail away The designers describe it as a \"very high performance sailboat\" but one that uses a solid wing, rather than a sail, to generate movement. Mr Jenkins, from Lymington, spent 10 years designing the vehicle, with Greenbird the fifth vehicle he has built to try to break the record. Richard Jenkins spent 10 years trying to break the record Due to the shape of the craft, especially at such high speeds, the wings also provide lift; a useful trait for an aircraft, but very hazardous for a car. To compensate for this, the designers have added small wings to \"stick\" the car to the ground, in the same way Formula 1 cars do. \"Greenbird weighs 600kg when it's standing still,\" said Mr Jenkins. \"But at speed, the effect of the wings make her weigh just over a tonne.\" Richard Jenkins spent much of his childhood sailing on the South Coast of England and from the age of 10 was designing what he calls \"radical contraptions\". He has also built a wind powered craft that travels on ice, rather than land. \"Now that we've broken the record, I'm going back on to the ice craft. There's still some debate as to whether travelling on ice or land will be faster,\" he said \"But I think we've got some time. 126.1 mph was a good margin to beat the record and I think it will be some time before anyone else breaks it.\"\nBookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | McCanns granted newspaper apologies |
The parents of Madeleine McCann, the four-year-old British girl who went missing in May 2007, have won a court case against the Express Newspapers group in the settlement of a libel case regarding the group's coverage of their daughter's disappearance. In a statement read outside London's High Court on behalf of the McCanns, the couple say that the outcome was 'the only just and proper response' to the 'utter falsity' of the reports.
The Express Newspapers' four publications, including the ''Daily Express'' and ''Daily Star'', will also print front-page apologies to the couple, in which the papers admit they were wrong to suggest the couple were responsible for their daughter's death. Kate and Gerry McCann explained they welcomed the outcome of the case, and that the £550,000 settlement will be paid to the ''Find Madeleine Campaign''.
Madeleine's parents have been named as suspects by Portuguese police, but the Daily Express admits that they hold "no evidence whatsoever" to suggest that their reports that Madeleine's parents were involved in her death and disappearance were true. The front-page apology in the ''Daily Express'' reads "We accept that a number of articles in the newspaper have suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine and then covered it up," and goes on to explain that Madeleine's parents are "completely innocent" of any involvement.
| [
"United Kingdom",
"Crime and law",
"Daily Star",
"Madeleine McCann",
"Missing persons"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "McCanns welcome papers' apology",
"text": "The McCanns received a public apology read in open court\nMcCann spokesman\nIn a statement the McCanns said they were pleased that the newspaper group had admitted the \"utter falsity\" of the \"grotesque\" stories written about them.\nThe newspaper group has paid £550,000 to the Find Madeleine campaign.\nThe Daily Express and Daily Star have issued front-page apologies admitting the stories were inaccurate.\nUnder review\nThe papers said: \"We acknowledge that there is no evidence whatsoever to support this theory and that Kate and Gerry are completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance. \"\nThe McCanns, from of Rothley, Leicestershire, have refused to rule out libel action against other publications.\nWe are pleased that Express Newspapers have today admitted the utter falsity of the numerous grotesque and grossly defamatory allegations that their titles published\nMcCann statement\nFull McCann case statements Is apology a turning point?\nTheir solicitor, Adam Tudor, from media law specialists Carter-Ruck, said: \"These are matters that are being kept under review.\"\nThe couple reportedly hope the libel action against Express Newspapers will serve as a deterrent, but reserve the right to take action in the future.\nActed 'reluctantly'\nThe couple were not at London's High Court for the settlement of their action against Express Newspapers on Wednesday.\nBut in a statement, they said: \"We embarked on this course of action reluctantly, indeed with a heavy heart, as we did not wish the pursuit of it to become a distraction from our sole aim - finding Madeleine.\"\nThey called on Portuguese police investigating her disappearance to end their status as suspects [in Portuguese, arguidos]:\n\"We hope that the Portuguese authorities lift our arguido status in the very near future so that everyone can focus on finding our beautiful little girl.\"\nUtter falsity\nMadeleine disappeared days before her fourth birthday, during a family holiday in the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, on 3 May last year.\nThe McCanns said: \"We are pleased that Express Newspapers have today admitted the utter falsity of the numerous grotesque and grossly defamatory allegations that their titles published about us on a sustained basis over many months.\n\"The exceptional publication of these apologies, together with today's statement of full apology in open court before Mr Justice Eady, was the only just and proper response by Express Newspapers following our complaint.\"\nThe couple's representatives said that from the late summer of 2007 until February this year, the Daily Express, the Sunday Express, the Daily Star and the Daily Star Sunday published more than 100 articles which were seriously defamatory of the couple.\nMadeleine McCann went missing in Portugal in May 2007\nIn court Stephen Bacon, representing the newspapers, said: \"Express Newspapers regrets publishing these extremely serious, yet baseless, allegations.\"\nWednesday's editions of the Daily Express and Daily Star both carry front-page apologies under the headline, \"Kate and Gerry McCann: Sorry\".\nThe Express said it accepted that a \"number of articles in the newspaper have suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine and then covered it up\".\nA similarly worded statement appears in the Daily Star.\nThe Star said it was making a \"wholehearted apology to Kate and Gerry McCann for stories suggesting the couple were responsible for, or may be responsible for, the death of their daughter Madeleine and for covering it up\".",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Papers paying damages to McCanns",
"text": "The McCanns will receive a public apology, read in open court\nExpress Newspapers' titles, including the Daily Express, Daily Star and Sunday Express, are also printing front-page apologies.\nThey say they were wrong to suggest the couple, of Rothley, Leicestershire, were responsible for Madeleine's death.\nThe McCanns say the money will go to the Find Madeleine campaign.\nIn a statement read out on behalf of the McCanns at the High Court on Wednesday, they said they were pleased that Express Newspapers had admitted the \"utter falsity\" of the numerous stories written about them over many months.\nTheir spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, added that the allegations had caused them \"great distress\".\n'Wholehearted apology'\nIt is understood that the sum donated to the campaign doubles the amount left in the fund.\nMadeleine disappeared, days before her fourth birthday, during a family holiday in the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, on 3 May last year.\nHer parents, Kate and Gerry, have been named as suspects in the case by Portuguese police but have always denied any involvement.\nMadeleine McCann went missing in Portugal in May 2007\nThe settlement was confirmed at a High Court hearing, although the amount of damages was not formally disclosed.\nIt came after Wednesday's editions of the Daily Express and Daily Star both carried front-page apologies under the headline, \"Kate and Gerry McCann: Sorry\".\nThe Express said it accepted that a \"number of articles in the newspaper have suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine and then covered it up\".\nIt also acknowledged there was \"no evidence whatsoever\" to support that theory.\nThe paper added that Mr and Mrs McCann are \"completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance\".\nA similarly worded statement appeared in the Daily Star.\nThe Star said it was making a \"wholehearted apology to Kate and Gerry McCann for stories suggesting the couple were responsible for, or may be responsible for, the death of their daughter Madeleine and for covering it up\".\nFurther apologies are expected in the publications' sister Sunday titles at the weekend.\nThe libel action related to more than 100 stories across the four titles, including 42 printed in the Daily Express.\nI think this is an amazing stand-down, u-turn, by the Express newspapers\nMedia commentator Roy Greenslade\nAll four titles are published by the Express Newspapers group, which has agreed to all the McCanns' requests. It is also paying all their costs.\nA spokesman for the company said: \"We have nothing to add to what will be said in court and in our titles.\"\nThe McCanns' lawyers said that some of the newspapers' articles were \"grossly defamatory\".\n'Trust and credibility'\nRichard Bilton, BBC News special correspondent, said one of the couple's representatives had said the response of the newspaper group was \"much more responsible than they were perhaps initially with these articles\".\nMedia commentator Roy Greenslade said that for two national newspapers to carry front-page apologies at the same time was \"unprecedented\".\n\"I think this is an amazing stand-down, U-turn, by the Express newspapers,\" he said.\nThe McCanns will receive a public apology, read in open court\n\"I think when people realise that more than 100 stories have been complained about as being grossly defamatory, it will annihilate the Express' readers sense of trust and credibility in their newspaper.\"\nMedia lawyer Paul Gilbert, from Finers Stephens Innocent, said the courts encourage early settlement of defamation cases.\n\"Clearly the Express' lawyers felt this was a case they should settle without a high-profile trial - which it would be - and as a result have saved considerable costs,\" he said.\n\"It certainly is a warning sign to newspapers in the future - if they're going to speculate, they've got to be very careful about what they speculate about.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Madeleine's parents win libel damages",
"text": "By Peter Griffiths\nLONDON (Reuters) - Two tabloid newspapers made unprecedented front page apologies on Wednesday to the parents of missing girl Madeleine McCann for suggesting they might have killed their daughter and covered up her death.\nThe Daily Express and Daily Star admitted the allegations against Kate and Gerry McCann, whose daughter went missing on holiday in Portugal last May, were \"baseless\" and agreed in court to pay 550,000 pounds in libel damages.\nMadeleine's disappearance prompted intense international media coverage.\n\"We accept that a number of articles in the newspaper have suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing daughter Madeleine and then covered it up,\" the Daily Express said.\n\"We acknowledge that there is no evidence whatsoever to support this theory and that Kate and Gerry are completely innocent of any involvement in their daughter's disappearance.\"\nAt a High Court hearing London, the McCanns' lawyer Adam Tudor said it was \"difficult to conceive a more serious allegation than to be falsely accused of being responsible for the death of one's daughter.\"\nHe told the court that the articles included a variety of false claims, including that the McCanns killed their daughter, sold her to pay off debts or were involved in \"wife-swapping\".\nA lawyer for the newspapers told the court: \"Express Newspapers regrets publishing these extremely serious, yet baseless, allegations.\" The Sunday Express and the Daily Star Sunday are also expected to apologise in issues this weekend. Continued...",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Riyo Mori is crowned Miss Universe as Japanese after 48 years' absence |
According to ''The Japan Times'', the 20-year-old Japanese delegate Riyo Mori was crowned as the 56th Miss Universe, in a ceremony held at Mexico City on May 28 .
Riyo, the new Miss Universe titleholder, is from Shizuoka, Japan. She had stayed in Canada to study ballet while in high-school.
After Riyo returned to her country, she became to an instructor of a dance school.
Riyo Mori achieved the brilliant feat of winning this beauty contest as Japanese after 48 years' absence.
Incidentally, preceded runner-up is Kurara Chibana.
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"North America",
"Central America",
"Culture and entertainment"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "First Miss Japan, now Universe",
"text": "MEXICO CITY — A 20-year-old dancer from Japan was crowned Miss Universe 2007 on Monday, marking only the second time her country has won the world beauty title.\nRiyo Mori wears her new crown after being named Miss Universe 2007 in Mexico City on Monday. AP PHOTO\nDressed in a black, red and purple Japanese-style gown, Riyo Mori nervously grabbed the hands of first runnerup, Natalia Guimaraes of Brazil, just before the winner was announced. Then she threw her hands up and covered her mouth, overcome with emotion.\nBut she composed herself enough to catch the diamond-and-pearl-studded headpiece, which was valued at $ 250,000, as it slipped off her head when Miss Universe 2006 Zuleyka Rivera of Puerto Rico crowned her. Mori immediately put it back on.\nBorn Dec. 24, 1986, Mori learned dancing at a Canadian ballet school and currently is a jazz dance instructor at her mother's dance school in the city of Shizuoka.\nThe first Japanese contestant to win the Miss Universe pageant was Akiko Kojima in 1959.\nLast year, Kurara Chibana from Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, was the runnerup. In the 1953 contest, Kinuko Ito of Japan placed third.\nMiss USA Rachel Smith, who slipped and fell to the floor during the evening gown competition and was jeered by the Mexican audience during the interview phase, was the contest's fourth runnerup.\nMori won the cheers of the Mexico City audience when she opened her interview by saying, \"Hola, Mexico!\"\n\"I learned how to always be happy, be patient and to be positive, and this is what I want to teach to the next generation,\" she said during the interview competition.\nShe wants to someday open an international dance school in Tokyo.\n\"Right now I am only 20 years old, so I'm really excited about what I'm going to be able to do at this age to benefit society,\" Mori said after winning.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | EU ban on 75W bulbs comes into force |
Starting from 2012, energy saving lamps will replace all incandescent lamps in the EU
Starting today, it is illegal to manufacture or import 75W in the European Union. The phaseout started last year when 100W light bulbs were outlawed. Bulbs of 60W will be phased out next year, and incandescent lighting of all types will be phased out in 2012.
The is part of the EU's strategy to cut by 20% by 2020. Replacing the old lamps with more efficient models is expected to reduce energy consumption for lighting by 60% in the EU, equivalent to saving 30 million tons of CO2 pollution every year.
Although were available since 1998, their relatively high purchase price has inhibited take-up. When the decision for the ban was taken in 2008, it was estimated that around 2,000 to 3,000 jobs would become redundant in the light bulb industry, in particular affecting Hungary and Poland. However, the also assumed that halogen production and savings of 5-10 billion euro from energy bills could be injected back into the economy to create new jobs.
In its editorial yesterday, the conservative harshly criticized the ban, labelling it a result of "bureaucratic irritation" and a "war on Edison's greatest invention". General criticism of such bans includes panic buying prior to phase-out, environmental impacts of the which is contained in small amounts in all fluorescent lamps, and increased upfront costs for the consumer.
Brazil and Venezuela started to phase out incandescent light bulbs in 2005, Switzerland in 2009, while Russia and Canada are planning it for 2012. The United States is scheduled to begin a phaseout similar to the European one from 2012.
| [
"European Union",
"European Commission"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "EDITORIAL: Europe's light-bulb socialism",
"text": "associated press The government's required switch from incandescent light bulbs to CFLs come with potential hazards: Improper disposal of the mercury-powered bulbs may pollute landfills and groundwater.\nBeginning today, it is a crime to manufacture or ship for sale a traditional 75-watt incandescent light bulb in the European Union. Autocrats in Brussels last year declared war on Edison's greatest invention with a ban on 100-watt lamps. Homes throughout the Old World will continue to dim until incandescent lighting of all types is snuffed out in 2012 - the same year the United States is scheduled to begin a phaseout schedule mirroring the European plan.\nThe EU's final solution to the incandescent problem was sparked by bureaucratic irritation at a public that refused to accept the pale, flickering, cold light emanating from government-approved, expensive compact fluorescent bulbs. \"Although energy-saving bulbs have been clearly labeled since 1998 as the most cost-effective bulbs, their relatively high purchase price has inhibited take-up,\" the European Commission website explains. \"To remedy this, EU governments and the European Parliament asked the Commission to adopt minimum requirements phasing out the least-efficient bulbs.\"\nConsumers realize the warm glow of a cheap incandescent is superior in every way to the deadly, mercury-filled substitute being foisted upon them. In Finland, Helsingin Sanomat reported that the new ban has not resulted in a surge of sales for the new bulbs that the bureaucrats expected. Instead, 75-watt packages have been flying off the shelves as customers filled their closets, garages and attics with lighting supplies for the long term. Such hoarding has been the rule for more than a year. London's Daily Mail gave away 25,000 of the 100-watt bulbs as a prize in a January 2009 contest. Der Spiegel reported that German customers left hardware stores with carts jammed with enough incandescent bulbs to last 20 years.\nWe can look forward to a similar reaction on these shores as our own Jan. 1, 2012, deadline approaches. President George W. Bush's signature on the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 condemned the traditional bulb in favor of the fluorescent lights rejected by the free market. Only eight senators and 100 House members opposed the bill.\nThere is still hope that sanity could return before the U.S. ban on normal light bulbs takes effect. Two years ago, New Zealanders faced an imminent ban. The National Party, at the time in the minority, made overturning the light-bulb scheme a priority in its campaign against the ruling Labor government. The public responded favorably to the party that proclaimed that it \"stands for freedom, choice, independence and ambition.\" In December 2008, the National Party government overturned the light-bulb ban. Republican challengers seeking an edge over Democrats in November could learn a few things from the Kiwis.\n© Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Shoppers 'panic buying' old 75W bulbs before EU ban comes into force",
"text": "Last year 100W incandescent light bulbs were outlawed, triggering the first wave of stockpiling by worried consumers who do not like the more expensive energy saving alternatives.\nNow it will be an offence to import or manufacture 75W bulbs, although shops can continue to sell the model until stocks run out.\nThe European Lamp Companies Federation said shoppers around Europe are already snapping up the last remaining stocks, with a 35 per cent increase in sales across the EU.\nDemand is highest in Germany, Austria, Poland and central Europe.\nAlthough the powerful light is also popular in Britain as a reading lamp or for lighting portraits or chandeliers in historic homes.\nAirum, a Finnish producer of bulbs, has reported a doubling of demand for 75W bulbs in the country compared to what is normal for August.\nVeronique Skrotsky, a spokeswoman for General Electric Lighting’s French operations, said people do not like the energy saving alternatives.\nShe said compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), which use a fifth of the energy needed for a conventional bulb, give off a sickly light.\n“It’s clear that customers find the light they give off ugly, it’s really terrible,” she said.\nCFLs have even been blamed for giving people headaches and skin rashes.\nBobby Damney, a spokesman for the Light Bulb Company, a major British wholesaler and retailer, said the company has seen a 10 per cent rise since June.\nHe said consumers do not like the \"horribly shaped\" CFLs, which also take longer to turn on and can flicker.\n\"It has been a chore for some customers trying to replace the bulbs,” he added.\nSupermarkets in the UK have already phased out 75W bulbs but independent retailers and wholesalers reported an increase in demand.\nRobert Parker, technical adviser to the Historic Houses Association, said people who live in older homes are stock piling old fashioned lamps.\nEven halogen lamps, which give off a warmer glow and come in traditional shapes, will not fit into all old fashioned fittings.\n“It has been a concern of ours for quite some time particularly in small bayonet candle bulbs that fit into many chandeliers and ancient fittings,” he said. “The energy efficient bulbs that fit into small bayonets are deeply unattractive.”\nThe panic buying of light bulbs is expected to get worse when 60W bulbs are banned next year and all incandescent bulbs are phased out by 2012.\nIncandescent light bulbs are being phased out in order to meet the EU’s ambitious climate change targets to cut greenhouse gases by 20 per cent by 2020.\nAdvocates claim that replacing the old fashioned lamps with more efficient models will reduce domestic energy consumption for lighting by 60 per cent in the EU, equivalent to saving 30 million tons of CO2 pollution every year.\nJurgen Sturm, general-secretary of the European Lamp Companies Federation, insisted that the energy saving alternatives not only last longer and save money in the long run, but will improve in quality and range over the next few years.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Revolt! Robbed of their right to buy traditional light bulbs, millions are clearing shelves of last supplies",
"text": "Revolt! Robbed of their right to buy traditional light bulbs, millions are clearing shelves of last supplies\nBy David Derbyshire\nLast updated at 9:30 AM on 07th January 2009\nEnd of light as we know it: Millions of Britons are stocking up to grab the last of the traditional bulbs\nMillions of Britons are finally waking up to the fact that their beloved light bulb will disappear for good after 120 years.\nTraditional 100-watt bulbs are vanishing from the High Street because of a controversial European Union decision.\nYesterday panic buyers were snapping up the remaining bulbs in a last-ditch attempt to stockpile the final supplies. Hundreds of leading supermarkets and DIY chains - including Sainsbury's, Asda and Homebase - have already sold their last remaining bulbs after a surge in panic buying.\nOther stores say they have enough stocks to last until the end of next week.\nThe supplies are running out after the Government signed up to an EU decision to replace conventional 100w light bulbs with supposedly greener low energy alternatives.\nMinisters claim the switch will reduce carbon dioxide by around five million tons each year.\nBut experts have questioned whether or not the new bulbs, far from being environmentally friendly, are actually harmful.\nThe low-energy fluorescent bulbs can trigger skin rashes, migraines and epilepsy.\nThere is also concern because the fluorescent bulbs contain mercury, which makes them dangerous to get rid of.\nThey can also be more expensive. Currently, an average supermarket price for a six pack of standard 60w pearl light bulbs is £1.21, but a single 60w low energy stick light bulb already costs around £2.19.\nRetailers stopped replenishing supplies of conventional incandescent 100w bulbs at the start of the year under a 'voluntary' Government scheme to force people to buy green compact fluorescent lights.\nNew light: Energy-efficient bulbs use less energy - but critics say they can cause skin rashes, migraines and epilepsy\nBut concerns about the poor quality light of low energy bulbs - and the fact that most don't work with dimmer switches - has led to tens of thousands of people stockpiling supplies.\nSainsbury's said it had 'virtually run out' of traditional 100w bulbs, while Homebase, John Lewis and Asda confirmed they no longer had them on their shelves. Tesco, Britain's biggest seller of bulbs, said it had enough for a few days.\nSmaller retailers and corner shops also reported running out of stock, while shoppers at branches of Waitrose and Argos left empty handed.\nOne householder, Loretta Spottiswood, said she had stockpiled 50 conventional bulbs in a cupboard at her home in Ham, South-West London.\n'I have such a horror of energy saving bulbs that every time I go to Sainsbury's I buy a couple of the conventional ones,' said Mrs Spottiswood, 62.\n'My neighbour opposite has energy saving bulbs and the lights are horrible and they take ages to warm up. I also get quite depressed in the winter, particularly if the lighting is dim. I hate them.'\nOne panic buyer, who asked not to be named, snapped up 20 traditional bulbs at a branch of Ryness. 'My husband went to Sainsbury's last week and couldn't get any, then we managed to buy a couple at Tesco,' she said.\n'I bought some at a corner shop, but there were none at Waitrose or Homebase. My husband tried again at Tesco and they had sold out.\n'I use them in about seven rooms. I have only got one energy saving light bulb and I hate it, the light is horrible and it makes me feel ill.'\nThe death of the conventional incandescent bulb was announced by Gordon Brown in 2007. The Government wants people to switch to low energy compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) to help meet its climate change targets.\nA CFL uses a fifth of the energy of a conventional bulb and can save £7 a year in bills.\nThe 100w bulbs being phased out are used in ceiling lights and are Britain's best seller. Last year retailers stopped selling 150w bulbs, while they will phase out 60w bulbs next year.\nThe voluntary ban covers only high street chains and supermarkets; 100w bulbs will still be available from smaller independent stores for a few months.\nHowever, the EU will impose a ban on sales of 100w bulbs from September. It will also ban all types of frosted glass incandescent bulbs.\nCritics say the light from CFLs is harsh and flickery. Medical charities say they can trigger epileptic fits, migraines and skin rashes.\nOrdinary compact fluorescent lights also do not work properly in dimmer switches. Those with dimmer switches have to buy a specialist dimmable CFL, which costs around £12, or opt for a less efficient halogen light.\nPeter Hunt, of the industry body the Lighting Association, said the price of dimmable CFL bulbs would fall over the next few years. Dimmable halogen lamps, shaped liked conventional bulbs but which use around 70 per cent of the energy, were also available.\n'There's a big problem with preconceptions about light bulbs,' he said. 'In tests, the Energy Saving Trust found that people preferred low energy bulbs.'\nThe Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed that it will have no power to enforce fines or legal proceedings until 2016.\nThe 'voluntary' phase agreed by retailers is set to remain in place until 2012. Tougher measures could then be imposed on retailers who continue to stock traditional bulbs but criminal charges will not be possible until EU mandates are implemented in 2016.\nReporter BETH HALE on the great bulb hunt: 'Yes I found some... but it wasn't light work'\nHow many women does it take to change a 100watt bulb? Well, one, of course. But it does depend on whether she can find one.\nI set off on a quest to illuminate the issue of diminishing supplies.\nMy journey begins in a small branch of Tesco where six-packs of 100w bulbs at £1.21 are on a buy-one-get-one free offer. I could have a dozen bulbs at 10p a piece - if only there wasn't a gaping hole on the shelf.\nLightbulb moment! Reporter Beth Hale finds bulbs are still available at a Robert Dyas shop\nSuccess: Beth screws in her lightbulb, and she is not alone in stocking up before it's too late\nEnergy saving bulbs are on special offer. But deciphering what bulb to buy is no easy task. In days gone by it was a straightforward process - there was clear or pearl, bayonet or screw cap, and then the wattage, usually 40, 60 or 100.\nNow there are different wattages, new shapes, information about carbon footprints...\nWhat I really want to know is which bulbs can be used with a dimmer switch as most normal low energy lightbulbs aren't compatible with a dimmer. Unfortunately, the only member of staff I find doesn't know.\nNext I pop into Argos. They too are out of stock. They do have three packs at a store in Victoria and two in Wembley but that's a bit far to go for a lightbulb.\nI ask an assistant: 'Do you know which one I need, if I have a dimmer switch?' 'I don't know, I thought they all worked,' comes the reply.\nAt a branch of Ryness, the electrical supplies store, the shelves have again been emptied. 'People have been buying boxes and boxes at a time,' says a helpful assistant.\nIf I can wait a few days he does assure me there will be more bulbs in - supplies are still high at the warehouse. The sales assistant is able to offer some help on the dimmer switch issue, pointing out a dimmer-compatible bulb. Unfortunately it's £17.99.\nAt Waitrose a sign tells me there is no stock available and at a bigger branch of Tesco there is another empty space in light bulb corner.\nAt Homebase it's even worse. A sign says the bulbs have been discontinued and a sales assistant tells me it's no longer legal to sell them from this year, which I'm sure isn't actually true.\nThen I walk into Robert Dyas - and there before me is a whole shelf laden with bulbs, two-packs, four-packs, bayonet or screwcap, enough to light up my small flat and probably the rest of my street.\nUnfortunately since old-fashioned bulbs are now selling quicker than hot cakes, they probably won't be around for much longer.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "EU to switch off traditional light bulbs by 2012",
"text": "EU national representatives voted yesterday (8 December) to phase out energy-guzzling incandescent light bulbs and inefficient halogen bulbs between 2009 and 2012 in an effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security.\nIn October, the Commission unveiled the next batch of ten groups, including such product groups as air-conditioning and ventilating systems as well as food preparation and refrigeration equipment, for which energy standards will be established in the next three years.\nThe first 19 energy-using product groups for which the EU executive wants energy-efficiency standards to be established - including heating equipment, lighting, domestic appliances and electric motors - was selected during a transitional phase after the adoption of the directive in July 2005.\nActual measures under the directive are decided by the Commission on a product-by-product basis, under the supervision of a designated panel of EU member-state experts as part of the fast-track 'comitology' procedure.\nIn October 2008, EU energy ministers invited the European Commission to draft a regulation to phase out the sale of all incandescent and poorly-performing light bulbs by 2010. This was to be done within the framework of the Eco-Design Directive, providing performance requirements for energy-using products.\nThe decision taken by a national expert committee endorsed a proposal by the European Commission to switch to more energy-efficient lighting. The Commission estimates that it will allow EU households to reduce their electricity use by 10-15%, saving up to 50 euro a year, a \"balanced, realistic figure\".\nThere has been concern about the higher costs of more efficient lamps, but a longer lifetime and price reductions expected from more production and lifting of excise duties is expected to render them competitive.\n\"This draft legislation is important not only for the energy savings it offers but for the very symbolic character for the citizen,\" said French Minister of State for Transport Dominique Bussereau, who chaired the meeting of European transport, telecommunications and energy ministers on Monday.\nThe decision is an implementing measure under the EU's 2005 Eco-Design Directive, which aims to reduce the energy consumption of consumer products running on electricity. \"These decisions will confirm the EU's leadership in the transition to a more sustainable energy future,\" Bussereau commented.\nAccording to the conclusions adopted by the energy ministers on Monday, these rules on the energy use and efficiency of consumer items like washing machines and refrigerators should be extended to a range of 'energy-related' items like insulation. If approved by MEPs in the first months of 2009, the 'eco-design' requirements for energy-using products would be updated to include the new product list. The Commission recommended broadening the scope of the directive in its July 2008 strategy on sustainable consumption and production (SCP), part of a wider strategy to 'green' the EU's product line.\nScope of the decision\nThe phase-out scheme only covers non-directional lights, emitting light equally in all directions. It also makes exemptions for some technologies, including halogens with specific lamp caps and special purpose incandescent lamps such as traffic lights and infrared lamps. This was justified as ensuring that EU citizens have access to the same standards they are used to while taking care that they do not end up with empty luminaires, which can only take a certain type of lamps.\nThe new directive thus only bans incandescent light bulbs, Thomas Edison's invention, which are now regarded as last-century's technology due to their energy wastage. It sets minimum standards for energy efficiency and functionality. This gives consumers the choice between long-life compact fluorescent lamps yielding up to 75% energy savings compared to incandescent lamps, or efficient halogen lamps, which have the same light quality as traditional bulbs but provide only 25-50% savings.\nThe shift away from incandescent lighting is likely to move light bulb production away from the EU. According to estimates, around 2,000 to 3,000 jobs will become redundant, mainly in Eastern Europe, where Hungary and Poland have big factories. However, the Commission says that that some of these jobs will move to halogen production and savings of five to ten billion euro from energy bills can be injected back into the economy to create new jobs.\nToday, 85% of lamps in European homes are inefficient in terms of their energy consumption. Many countries are planning to switch off their incandescent lights with US draft legislation in place for a 2014 deadline and plans already decided for countries as diverse as Australia and Cuba. If Europe does not make its move now, \"all incandescent lights will end up being dumped into the EU,\" the Commission warned.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Indien: Stammesangehörige blockieren Straßen, um gegen Bauprojekte zu protestieren |
Lage des Bundesstaates Orissa
Im indischen Bundesstaat Orissa protestieren tausende Stammesangehöriger mit Straßenblockaden gegen Bauprojekte in ihrer Region. Die Blockaden richten sich auch gegen das Vorgehen der Polizei am Vortag.
Bei Zusammenstößen zwischen Demonstranten und Polizisten starben gestern mindestens zwölf Stammesangehörige und ein Polizist. In der Nähe einer Industrieanlage hatten etwa 500 Menschen gegen den Bau einer Begrenzungsmauer durch das Unternehmen Tata Steel Company demonstriert. Die Polizei sagt, sie habe zur Selbstverteidigung auf die Demonstranten geschossen, die sie mit Pfeilen angegriffen hätten.
Die Stammesangehörigen weigern sich, die Straßen zu verlassen, wodurch der Verkehr in dem Gebiet etwa 120 Kilometer von Bhubaneshwar, der Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates, zum Erliegen gekommen ist. Auch der Transport von Stahl aus der rohstoffreichen Provinz Keonjhar wird durch die Blockade ernsthaft behindert. Die lokale Verwaltung hat zur Vorbeugung weiterer Unruhen in den betroffenen Gebieten eine Ausgangssperre verhängt und etwa 700 Polizisten stationiert.
In einer von den Stammesangehörigen veröffentlichten Stellungnahme ist die Rede davon, dass sie auf keinen Quadratmeter Land verzichten wollten. Auf einem Gebiet, dass die Stammesangehörigen als ihr Eigentum beanspruchen, soll eine Stahlfabrik der „Tata Steel Company“ errichtet werden. Als Reaktion auf die Zusammenstöße mit der Polizei am Montag fordern die Stammesangehörigen Gespräche mit der Regierung des Bundesstaates sowie die sofortige Entlassung des Polizeichefs der Provinz. Außerdem verlangen die Demonstranten Entschädigungszahlungen für das Land, auf dem die Fabrik gebaut werden soll. Die Polizei hat der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters mitgeteilt, dass die Regierung das Land erworben habe, um es der „Tata Steel Company“ zur Verfügung zu stellen. Bewohnern der betroffenen Gebiete seien Ausgleichszahlungen angeboten worden, die sie jedoch abgelehnt hätten.
| [
"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Indien",
"Gewalttätige Demonstration",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Tribals protest steel mill deaths",
"text": "At least 12 tribals and a policeman died in clashes at Kalinganagar, 120km (80 miles) north of Bhubaneswar.\nPolice say they fired in self-defence after they were attacked with arrows.\nThe tribesmen have now handed over for post mortems the bodies of four of their dead which they had used to block the road, but are refusing to move.\nThe road block has brought traffic in the area to a complete halt and seriously affected the movement of iron ore from the mineral-rich Keonjhar district.\nTalks demand\nIn a statement, the tribespeople said they would not \"give up a square inch of land\" they regard as theirs for the planned Tata Steel plant in Jajpur district.\nThey are demanding talks with Orissa Chief Minister Navin Patnaik and the immediate suspension of the district magistrate and the district police chief.\nWe will not leave this place till the government steps down and the guilty district officials punished\nProtester Natia Angari\nThey are also demanding one million rupees (nearly $20,000) in compensation for each of those who were killed when police opened fire.\nLarge numbers of police are keeping their distance to try to avoid a fresh outbreak of violence, officials say.\nFive tribesmen and a policeman were killed on Monday after police opened fire on crowds demonstrating against the erection of a boundary wall at the Kalinganagar site.\nAnother seven protesters, one a tribal woman, died later of bullet injuries.\nAt least 20 people, five of them policemen, are being treated in hospital.\nCompensation\nPrivate steel companies are setting up huge steel mills in mineral-rich states such as Orissa and Jharkhand as India's demand for steel rises.\nThe tribespeople say they have not been given compensation due to them or offered alternative livelihoods.\n\"We were paid only 37,000 rupees ($823) per acre of land whereas the government has sold the same land to the companies for over 300,000 rupees (nearly $6,670) per acre,\" one protestor, Nanika Jamuda, told the BBC.\nShe accused police of firing indiscriminately on protesters.\n\"The company and government want to displace us without bothering about our future. We will not live as beggars.\"\nOfficials told the BBC that fewer than a quarter of the displaced families had been given alternative employment, and admit that companies are reluctant to take on unskilled workers.\nThe additional district magistrate in charge of the Kalinganagar project told the BBC that compensation payouts had been held back by law suits in many cases.\n\"But we have worked out a good compensation packages. Only two villagers are opposed to it,\" he said.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Tribals protests, block roads in Orissa- The Times of India",
"text": "BHUBANESWAR: Thousands of tribals blocked roads in three places in Orissa's Jajpur district on Tuesday to protest police action, a day after nine people were killed when tribals clashed with police during a protest over construction works by a steel company.\nOver 500 tribals had clashed with police Monday at Kalinga Nagar industrial complex in Jajpur district, 120 km from here, to protest a boundary wall being built by the Tata Steel Company.\nThousands of tribals have blocked the road at Sukinda, Tamka and at Chadeidhara village, located near the site of the clash, a senior police official said.\nWhile official figures put the death toll at nine killed, including a policeman, and over a dozen critically injured, local media have put the death toll at 13. They say the tribals took away the dead bodies of about four tribals, though local police maintain they have not seen the dead bodies....",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Bundeskriminalamt fahndet erneut öffentlich nach einem Kinderschänder |
Erneut erbitten die Mitarbeiter des Bundeskriminalamtes (BKA) in einer öffentlichen Fahndungsaktion die Mithilfe der Bevölkerung bei der Suche nach einem Kinderschänder. Mit Fotos, Stimmproben und Videoaufnahmen, die auf der Seite des BKA eingestellt sind, soll die Suche nach dem mutmaßlichen Pädophilen gelingen.
Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit wurde ein Video, das den BKA-Mitarbeitern seit Ende 2008 vorliegt, schon am 26. Mai 1993 aufgenommen. Der Mann mit einer auffälligen Knollennase soll zwei etwa elf bis 15 Jahre alte Jungen missbraucht und dies gefilmt haben. Die damaligen Opfer sind Schätzungen der Fahnder zufolge heute etwa 27 bis 31 Jahre und der Täter etwa 65 bis 75 Jahre alt. Einer der Jungen, die auf dem Film zu sehen sind, wird in dem Video „Sebastian“ genannt.
Es ist den Ermittlern zufolge nicht auszuschließen, dass der Täter weitere Kinder fortgesetzt missbraucht. Nachdem alle bisherigen Fahndungsmaßnahmen erfolglos geblieben waren und nicht zur Identifizierung des Tatverdächtigen geführt hatten, wurde vom BKA auf Antrag der Gießener Staatsanwaltschaft die Öffentlichkeitsfahndung angestoßen.
Erst Anfang August hatte das BKA in der Fernsehsendung „Aktenzeichen xy… ungelöst“ und mit einer breit angelegten Öffentlichkeitsfahndung nach einem Kinderschänder gesucht. Der Mann stellte sich einen Tag später.
| [
"Themenportal Recht",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Kinderschänder mit Video gesucht",
"text": "Artikel-Services\nÖffentliche Fahndung\nKinderschänder mit Video gesucht\nVon Katharina Iskandar\n15. September 2009 Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) fahndet abermals mit Fotos, Stimmproben und Videoaufnahmen nach einem mutmaßlichen Pädophilen. Dem zum Tatzeitpunkt etwa 50 bis 60 Jahre alten Mann wird vorgeworfen, mehrere Kinder schwer sexuell missbraucht zu haben sowie kinderpornographische Schriften hergestellt und verbreitet zu haben.\nWie die Behörde am Dienstag mitteilte, liegt den Ermittlern ein Videofilm vor, das mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit am 26. Mai 1993 aufgenommen worden ist. Darauf sind zwei Jungen im Alter von etwa elf bis fünfzehn Jahren an einem FKK-Strand zu sehen. Sie führen sexuelle Handlungen aus, die vom Täter angewiesen und aufgenommen worden sind. Nach Schätzungen des Bundeskriminalamts wären die Opfer heute etwa 27 bis 31 Jahre, der Täter etwa 65 bis 75 Jahre alt. Einer der Jungen wird im Video Sebastian genannt.\nVideos und Stimmproben\nDie Ermittler schließen nicht aus, dass der Täter weitere Kinder missbraucht hat. Wie das Bundeskriminalamt weiter mitteilte, ist das Video der Behörde schon seit Ende 2008 bekannt. Bislang hätten jedoch alle Fahndungsmöglichkeiten nicht zur Identifizierung eines Verdächtigen geführt. Deshalb wurde auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft Gießen nun der Beschluss für eine Öffentlichkeitsfahndung erlassen.\nDie Videos sowie auch eine Stimmprobe des Verdächtigen hat das Bundeskriminalamt auf seiner Internetseite bereitgestellt. Schon im August hatte das BKA in einem anderen Fall mit Videos und Stimmproben nach einem Pädophilen gefahndet – mit Erfolg. Als der Druck auf den Verdächtigen immer größer wurde, stellte er sich schließlich den Behörden.\nText: F.A.Z.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "BKA fahndet erneut mit Video nach Kinderschänder",
"text": "Der Artikel wurde erfolgreich an null verschickt.\nMit einem Video sucht das Bundeskriminalamt erneut nach einem Kinderschänder: Der Täter wird des schweren sexuellen Missbrauchs sowie der Herstellung von Kinderpornografie verdächtigt. Die Jungen auf den Bildern sind zwischen elf und 15 Jahre alt. Sie wurden an einem FKK-Strand missbraucht.\nDas Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) sucht erneut mit Hilfe von Videoaufnahmen nach einem Kinderschänder. Wie die Fahndungsbehörde in Wiesbaden mitteilte, wird der Mann des schweren sexuellen Missbrauchs von Kindern, der Herstellung von kinderpornografischen Schriften sowie deren Besitzes und Verbreitung verdächtigt. Zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben hat ihn die Staatsanwaltschaft im mittelhessischen Gießen.\nErst Anfang August hatte sich nach einer ähnlich gearteten Suche mit Videoclip in der ZDF-Fernsehsendung „Aktenzeichen XY...“ ein mutmaßlicher Sexualstraftäter der Polizei gestellt. Dem Bundeskriminalamt liegt nun nach eigenen Angaben ein Video vor, das zwei Jungen im Alter von etwa elf bis 15 Jahren an einem FKK-Strand bei sexuellen Handlungen zeigt, die vom Täter angewiesen und aufgenommen wurden. Dabei sagt der Täter unter anderem: \"Wir fotografieren doch, das ist doch gar nicht verboten, am FKK-Strand, ihr seid doch nackt, normalerweise zieh ich mich dann auch aus.\"\nDas Video, das den Ermittlern seit Ende 2008 bekannt ist, wurde den Angaben zufolge mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit schon am 26. Mai 1993 aufgenommen. Demnach wären die damaligen Opfer heute etwa 27 bis 31 Jahre und der Täter schon 65 bis 75 Jahre alt. Einer der Jungen wird im Video Sebastian genannt.\nEs sei nicht auszuschließen, dass der Täter weitere Kinder fortgesetzt missbrauche, erklärte das BKA. Nachdem alle bisherigen Fahndungsmaßnahmen nicht zur Identifizierung eines Tatverdächtigen geführt hätten, habe das Bundeskriminalamt auf Antrag der Gießener Staatsanwaltschaft nunmehr einen Beschluss für eine Öffentlichkeitsfahndung erlassen.\nDie Ermittlungsbehörden erhoffen sich davon, dass der bisher unbekannte Tatverdächtige identifiziert wird und möglicherweise fortgesetzte Missbrauchstaten aufgeklärt und gegebenenfalls beendet werden können.\nDer Verdächtige soll zum Zeitpunkt der Videoaufnahme 50 bis 60 Jahre alt gewesen sein und dunkelblondes Haar mit Geheimratsecken und linkem Seitenscheitel getragen haben. Die Gesichtsform wird als oval und länglich mit Knollennase beschrieben. Als Besonderheit nannte das BKA eine Verletzung mit Narbe unter dem rechten Auge.\nThemen Kindesmissbrauch\nBKA\nFahndung\nVideo\nWiesbaden\nStaatsanwaltschaft\nGießen\nWeitere Informationen, insbesondere Bilder und ein Video vom Täter sowie seine Stimme stehen auf der Webseite des Bundeskriminalamts unter\nHinweise, die auf Wunsch auch vertraulich behandelt werden, nehmen auch der Kriminaldauerdienst des BKA unter der Telefonnummer 0611/55-13104 oder Fax 0611/55-12141 und der Mailadresse [email protected] sowie jede andere Polizeidienststelle entgegen.\nAP/dpa/ddp/kami",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2007-05-13: Tenis, Praga: Główna premia dla Akiko Morigami |
Japonka Akiko Morigami, rozstawiona z numerem szóstym, pokonała najwyżej rozstawioną Francuzkę Marion Bartoli 6/1 6/3 w finale turnieju ECM Prague Open w Pradze. Dla Japonki jest to pierwsze singlowe zwycięstwo w karierze zawodowej. Wcześniej, w roku 2003, wygrała turniej deblistek w Memphis.
Była to trzecia konfrontacja Morigami z Bartoli. Dwie poprzednie - w 2004 roku w Los Angeles i w 2006 w Seulu - wygrała Francuzka. Morigami to pierwsza japońska zwyciężczyni praskiego turnieju. Jest to też pierwsze zwycięstwo w turnieju z cyklu WTA dla Japonii w tym sezonie.
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"Tenis ziemny|Praga"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Sony Ericsson WTA Tour",
"text": "Results US Open\nNew York, NY-USA\nAugust 28-September 10, 2006\n$18,585,000\n> Order of Play > Draws\nWednesday, August 30, 2006\n(1) Amélie Mauresmo (FRA) d. (Q) Kristina Barrois (GER) 61 75\n(3) Maria Sharapova (RUS) d. Michaella Krajicek (NED) 63 60\n(5) Nadia Petrova (RUS) d. (Q) Clarisa Fernández (ARG) 62 61\n(8) Martina Hingis (SUI) d. Peng Shuai (CHN) 46 61 63\n(12) Dinara Safina (RUS) d. (Q) Yulia Beygelzimer (UKR) 61 63\n(13) Mary Pierce (FRA) d. Elena Vesnina (RUS) 75 61\n(16) Ana Ivanovic (SCG) d. Vera Dushevina (RUS) 63 57 64\n(17) Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) d. (WC) Bethanie Mattek (USA) 75 63\n(23) Anna Chakvetadze (RUS) d. Martina Sucha (SVK) 64 61\n(24) Li Na (CHN) d. María Sánchez Lorenzo (ESP) 46 63 60\n(27) Tatiana Golovin (FRA) d. Ashley Harkleroad (USA) 63 75\n(32) Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) d. Sun Tiantian (CHN) 46 60 64\nVictoria Azarenka (BLR) d. (11) Anastasia Myskina (RUS) 64 62\n(Q) Youlia Fedossova (FRA) d. (25) Anabel Medina Garrigues (ESP) 75 61\nSybille Bammer (AUT) d. (31) Nathalie Dechy (FRA) 57 63 61\n(WC) Serena Williams (USA) d. Lourdes Domínguez Lino (ESP) 61 62\nMara Santangelo (ITA) d. Lisa Raymond (USA) 76(4) 62\nMeghann Shaughnessy (USA) d. Roberta Vinci (ITA) 63 64\nJamea Jackson (USA) d. Tsvetana Pironkova (BUL) 62 62\nAlona Bondarenko (UKR) d. (WC) Ahsha Rolle (USA) 64 64\nEleni Daniilidou (GRE) d. Shenay Perry (USA) 60 62\nEmilie Loit (FRA) d. Camille Pin (FRA) 57 64 76(4)\nVirginia Ruano Pascual (ESP) d. Amy Frazier (USA) 62 61\nYuliana Fedak (UKR) d. (Q) Tatiana Poutchek (BLR) 75 63\nAiko Nakamura (JPN) d. Melinda Czink (HUN) 61 62\nJarmila Gajdosova (SVK) d. (WC) Alexa Glatch (USA) 62 61\nKaia Kanepi (EST) d. Stéphanie Foretz (FRA) 36 75 61\nViktoriya Kutuzova (UKR) d. (LL) María José Martínez Sánchez (ESP) 63 63\nVirginie Razzano (FRA) d. Maret Ani (EST) 75 64\n(Q) Eva Birnerova (CZE) d. Galina Voskoboeva (RUS) 76(4) 57 63\n(LL) Nicole Pratt (AUS) d. (Q) Milagros Sequera (VEN) 16 75 62\n(WC) Agnieszka Radwanska (POL) d. Yan Zi (CHN) 60 75",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Duisburg: 85-jährige Dame wird zur Heldin |
Am Freitag versuchte ein 27-jähriger wegen Raubes vorbestrafter Mann, ein 7-jähriges Mädchen in ein Gebüsch zu zerren, um sich an dem Kind zu vergehen.
Die Nachbarin des Mädchens, eine 85-jährige Frau, zögerte keinen Moment und stellte sich dem Sexualverbrecher in den Weg. Damit ersparte sie dem Kind ein Martyrium. Der Kriminelle hatte keine Gnade mit der Seniorin. Er schlug sie und verdrehte ihr den Arm. Knochen brachen, Abschürfungen und Prellungen waren die Folge. Sie wurde schwer verletzt und kam zur Behandlung ins Krankenhaus.
Dem Täter gelang zunächst die Flucht. Bei der folgenden Fahndung wurde er festgenommen. Er wird dem Haftrichter vorgeführt.
| [
"Themenportal Recht",
"Themenportal Nordrhein-Westfalen",
"Recht in Nordrhein-Westfalen",
"Sexueller Missbrauch",
"Straftat allg."
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Zivilcourage in Duisburg: 85-Jährige schützt Kind vor Gewalttäter",
"text": "Eine 85-jährige Frau hat in Duisburg ein kleines Mädchen mutig vor einem fremden Mann beschützt und ist dadurch selbst zum Opfer des Gewalttäters geworden. Die Nachbarin hatte nach Angaben der Polizei am Freitag gesehen, wie der Mann versuchte, die Siebenjährige in ein Gebüsch zu zerren. Sie stellte sich dem Angreifer entschlossen in den Weg und bewahrte das Kind so vor dessen Brutalität. Die alte Frau wurde schwer verletzt, so schilderte die Polizei den Hergang.\nDas kleine Mädchen hatte vor dem Haus gespielt, die Mutter war oben in der Wohnung, wollte nur rasch etwas holen. Vom Fenster aus hatte die Seniorin beobachtet, dass ein Mann das Kind ansprach und mit sich fortzerren wollte. Schauplatz: ein Spielterrain inmitten einer Wohnsiedlung. Die rüstige Oma stürzte aus dem Haus und stellte den Mann resolut zur Rede und wollte wissen, was er mit dem Mädchen vorhabe.\nDer Täter griff die Frau sofort an, so Kriminalhauptkommissarin Christiane Pauly von der Duisburger Polizei, schlug die Seniorin und verdrehte ihr den Arm, so dass der Knochen brach. Sie erlitt auch Schürfwunden und Prellungen.\nInzwischen waren andere Nachbarn aufmerksam geworden und riefen die Polizei. Der Mann, mehrfach wegen Raubdelikten vorbestraft und im März aus vierjähriger Haft entlassen, flüchtete zunächst, wurde dann aber gefasst und einem Amtsrichter vorgeführt. Die 85-Jährige kam verletzt ins Krankenhaus, das Kind erlitt einen Schock.\n\"Unsere Gesellschaft lebt von couragierten Menschen wie dieser alten Dame\", betonte der Leiter der Kriminalinspektion, Holger Haufmann. \"Vielleicht hätte sie auch auf etwas weniger gefährliche Weise eingreifen können. Wir ziehen auf jeden Fall vor ihr den Hut, dass sie soweit gegangen ist, um das Mädchen zu beschützen.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Maioria do Conselho de Minneapolis vota pela dissolução da polícia |
Local da morte de George Floyd
Após a causada por quatro policiais de Minneapolis, manifestações ocorreram em quase todo com o ''slogan'' "Vidas Negras Importam" (em inglês: ''"Black Lives Matter"''). Hoje, o Conselho da Cidade de Minneapolis votou pela dissolução completa do serviço policial (por 9 dos treze votos) e o substituiu pelo que foi chamado de "novo modelo de segurança pública".
"Nosso compromisso é acabar com o relacionamento tóxico de nossa cidade com a polícia de , acabar com a polícia como a conhecemos e recriar sistemas de segurança pública que nos manterão seguros", afirmou Lisa Bender, presidente do Conselho da Cidade.
A cidade de não está sozinha em querer revisar sua polícia. O prefeito de , , anunciou um plano para reformar o serviço NYPD, que verá a transferência de alguns fundos públicos para serviços dedicados à juventude e serviços sociais.
A quantificação desses fundos deve ser estabelecida pelo Conselho Municipal. Além disso, certos controles serão transferidos para outros serviços, a fim de reduzir as interações entre policiais e civis.
| [
"Nova Iorque",
"Bill de Blasio"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "George Floyd: Minneapolis council pledges to dismantle police department",
"text": "Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Demonstrators have defended the dismantling of the police department in Minneapolis\nA majority of Minneapolis City Council has pledged to dismantle the local police department, a significant move amid nationwide protests sparked by George Floyd's death last month.\nNine of the 13 councillors said a \"new model of public safety\" would be created in a city where law enforcement has been accused of racism.\nMayor Jacob Frey earlier opposed the move, drawing boos from the crowds.\nActivists, who for years have defended such a step, called it a turning point.\nBut commentators say Minneapolis can now expect a long and complex debate over policing.\nMr Floyd's death in police custody triggered mass protests against racism and police brutality. Security measures across the country were lifted on Sunday as unrest started to ease.\nThousands of people are expected to gather on Monday for a public viewing of Mr Floyd's body in Houston, his home city in Texas before he moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. A private funeral will be held on Tuesday.\nA video of Mr Floyd, a 46-year-old African American, pinned to the floor with a white police officer kneeling on his neck for almost nine minutes sparked worldwide outrage.\nOfficer Derek Chauvin has been dismissed and charged with second-degree murder. He will make his first court appearance later on Monday.\nThree other officers who were at the scene have also been sacked and charged with aiding and abetting.\nWhat did Minneapolis City Council members say?\nThe nine councillors read a statement to hundreds of protesters on Sunday.\n\"We are here because here in Minneapolis and in cities across the United States it is clear that our existing system of policing and public safety is not keeping our communities safe,\" City Council President Lisa Bender was quoted as saying.\n\"Our efforts at incremental reform have failed. Period.\"\nMs Bender said details of the overhaul plan needed to be discussed further, adding that she would try to shift police funding towards community based strategies.\nMeanwhile, councillor Alondra Cano tweeted that \"a veto-proof majority\" in the council had agreed that the city police department was \"not reformable and that we're going to end the current policing system\".\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The history of police violence in the US\nLast week, Minnesota launched a civil rights investigation of the Minneapolis Police Department, with Governor Tim Walz saying he wanted to root out \"systemic racism that is generations deep\".\nThe city council later voted for a number of policing changes, including the ban on chokeholds and neck restraints by police officers.\nWhat has the reaction been?\nThe reform plan in Minneapolis sets up what is likely to be a long and complicated debate over new ways of policing across the US. But the process of setting up a new system will probably take months, and is not guaranteed because of the mayor's opposition.\nReacting to the announcement, Kandace Montgomery, the director of the Minnesota-based campaign group Black Vision, said: \"It shouldn't have taken so much death to get us here. We're safer without armed, unaccountable patrols supported by the state hunting black people.\"\nOn Monday, Democrats in Congress are expected to present sweeping legislation on police reform.\nMore on George Floyd's death\nWhat's happening elsewhere?\nNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had already said he would divert money from the city's police department to social services.\n\"Defund the police\" was a rallying cry during the latest street protests, that occasionally spilled into violence and looting.\nMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The US's history of racial inequality has paved the way for modern day police brutality\n\"Defunding\" advocates have for years been condemning what they describe as the aggressive militarised policing in the US.\nThey argue that police departments' budgets should be slashed and funds diverted to social programmes to avoid unnecessary confrontation and heal the racial divide.\nEntire city police departments have been disbanded before in the country: in Compton, California, in 2000, and 12 years later in Camden, New Jersey. In both cases they were replaced with bigger new forces that covered local counties.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "fr",
"title": "Après la mort de George Floyd, plusieurs métropoles restructurent leur police",
"text": "Publié le 8 juin 2020 à 6h16 Mis à jour le 8 juin 2020 à 17h39\nCe n'est sans doute pas le dernier hommage rendu à George Floyd. Victime de la police il y a deux semaines à Minneapolis, cet Afro-Américain de 46 ans devait être enterré ce lundi dans sa ville natale de Houston. Mais les manifestations continuent d'agiter le pays tout entier. Ce week-end, les grandes villes ont réuni des centaines de milliers de personnes dans des manifestations pacifiques. La tension est retombée mais la foule exige toujours des mesures concrètes. Et les villes dirigées par des démocrates réfléchissent à une vie sans police, ou en tout cas une police qui serait sous contrôle .\nMinneapolis a pris les devants. La ville où George Floyd est mort a tout simplement voté, dimanche, le démantèlement de ses forces de police. « Notre engagement est de mettre fin à la relation toxique de notre ville avec la police de Minneapolis, d'en finir avec la police telle que nous la connaissons, et de recréer des systèmes de sécurité publique qui nous maintiendront en sécurité », a déclaré la présidente du conseil municipal, Lisa Bender. Le budget alloué à la police de la ville sera transféré à des projets s'appuyant sur la population et le conseil va étudier la manière de remplacer la police actuelle.\n« Un avenir sans police »\n« L'idée de ne pas avoir de police n'est certainement pas un projet de court terme », a précisé Lisa Bender. Les membres du conseil ont aussi fait savoir qu'ils n'avaient « pas toutes les réponses sur ce à quoi un avenir sans police pourrait ressembler ». La ville va toutefois organiser une grande consultation dans les mois à venir. Ces derniers jours, la police de Minneapolis a perdu plusieurs contrats. Les écoles de la ville ont notamment décidé de se passer de leurs services.\nMinneapolis a été le foyer d'un mouvement de contestation qui s'est étendu à tout le pays, après la mort, il y a deux semaines, de George Floyd , un Afro-Américain tué par une patrouille de police. La ville, cosmopolite, avait mis en place une politique progressiste de lutte contre les inégalités, mais les cas de violences policières se succédaient depuis des années.\nDes réductions budgétaires\nMinneapolis n'est pas la seule municipalité à défier ses propres forces de police. D'autres, dirigées aussi par des démocrates, ont aussi pris des mesures drastiques. La ville de New York a décidé de transférer le budget de la police à des services sociaux et d'aide envers les jeunes. Son maire, Bill De Blasio, est décidé également à établir plus de transparence pour les services de police, à bannir les étouffements et à refondre complètement les programmes de formation.\nLe maire de Los Angeles réfléchit à des actions similaires. Ce à quoi la police de la ville a répondu que « toute réduction budgétaire affecterait non seulement les opérations de police, mais aussi les habitants eux-mêmes ».\nUne action est aussi menée au niveau fédéral. Le «black caucus», un groupe d'une cinquantaine de parlementaires afro-américains, a présenté lundi un arsenal de mesures visant à uniformiser les pratiques policières au niveau national. Ils recommandent notamment l'usage des caméras embarquées par tous les policiers, la fin du profilage racial et des étouffements, le contrôle de la police par des instances civiles, les poursuites systématiques de policiers impliqués dans des crimes ou encore la création d'un fichier national des violences policières. Il faudra toutefois convaincre les républicains, réticents à limiter le pouvoir de la police...",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | Ryōyū Kobayashi zwycięzcą Pucharu Świata w skokach narciarskich w Zakopanem. Andrzej Stękała na podium |
'''Ryōyū Kobayashi zwyciężył zawody Pucharu Świata w Zakopanem. Na drugim stopniu podium uplasował się Andrzej Stękała. Polak po raz pierwszy w karierze stanął na podium zawodów PŚ. Trzecie miejsce zajął Marius Lindvik.'''
Po pierwszej serii prowadził Granerud przed Borem Pavlovciciem i Andrzejem Stękałą. W drugiej serii zmieniło się jednak wiele. Po skoku na 134,5 metra podium zaatakował Ryōyū Kobayashi. Andrzej Stękała wylądował na 133,5 metrze i stracił do niego tylko 0,3 punktu. Podium uzupełnił 10 po pierwszej serii Marius Lindvik. Norweg poszybował aż na 141,5 metra.
Poza Stękałą w najlepszej dziesiątce konkursu znalazł się także Piotr Żyła, który był ósmy. Dawid Kubacki był 11., Kamil Stoch 20., a do drugiej serii nie weszli Paweł Wąsek (32.), Jakub Wolny (36.), Klemens Murańka i Maciej Kot (ex aequo 38.), Tomasz Pilch (40.), Stefan Hula (41.) i Aleksander Zniszczoł (45.).
| [
"Skoki narciarskie",
"Sport w Polsce",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Euforia w Zakopanem! Andrzej Stękała drugi! Do pełni szczęścia zabrakło 0,3 pkt...",
"text": "W piątek kwalifikacji nie wygrał Halvor Egner Granerud, bo był drugi za Robertem Johanssonem, a w sobotę zaczął od trzeciego miejsca w serii próbnej. Wszystko zmieniło się od pierwszej serii sobotniego konkursu. I wróciło do normy - prowadził Granerud przed Borem Pavlovciciem i Andrzejem Stękałą.\nREKLAMA\nZobacz wideo Ekspert tłumaczy dziwne oceny sędziów w skokach. \"Problem jest systemowy\"\nPierwsze podium Andrzeja Stękały! Do zwycięstwa zabrakło tak niewiele!\nDruga seria zmieniła jednak wiele! Po skoku Andrzeja Stękały wydawało się, że stracił wielką szansę - zajmował drugie miejsce ze stratą 0,3 pkt do Ryoyu Kobayashiego i istniało spore ryzyko, że wypadnie jednak poza podium i zajmie 4. miejsce (które i tak byłoby jego największym sukcesem w karierze). Potem jednak słabsze skoki oddali Bor Pavlovcić i Halvor Egner Granerud, dzięki czemu Stękała zajął drugie miejsce! Wygrał Kobayashi, a trzecie miejsce zajął Marius Lindvik.\nTo dwunasty Polak w historii na podium Pucharu Świata i 233. raz, gdy polski skoczek zajmuje jedno z trzech czołowych miejsc. W tym sezonie zawodnicy Michala Doleżala stawali na podium już 17 razy. Poza Stękałą w najlepszej dziesiątce konkursu znalazł się także Piotr Żyła, który był ósmy. Dawid Kubacki był 11., Kamil Stoch 20., a do drugiej serii nie weszli Paweł Wąsek (32.), Jakub Wolny (36.), Klemens Murańka i Maciej Kot (ex aequo 38.), Tomasz Pilch (40.), Stefan Hula (41.) i Aleksander Zniszczoł (45.).\nDrugi konkurs indywidualny w Zakopanem został zaplanowany na niedzielę o godzinie 16:00. Relacja na żywo na",
"url": ",65074,26786864,euforia-w-zakopanem-andrzej-stekala-drugi-do-pelni-szczescia.html",
"archive_url": ",65074,26786864,euforia-w-zakopanem-andrzej-stekala-drugi-do-pelni-szczescia.html"
] |
de | Rock-Band Beatsteaks tritt in Fürth auf |
Die Beatsteaks traten in der Fürther Stadthalle vor einigen tausend Fans im Rahmen der „Smacksmash-Tour 2004“ auf.
Das Konzert wurde wegen der großen Nachfrage vom Nürnberger Löwensaal in die größere Fürther Stadthalle verlegt. Es war trotzdem ausverkauft, die Beatsteak spielten etwa eineinhalb Stunden von 21:30 Uhr bis 23:00 Uhr. Am Anfang spielte ab 20:00 Uhr eine gute Rockband, die die Stimmung schon anheizte und auch bei einem großen Teil des Publikums recht gut ankam.
Anzufügen ist, dass die Stadthalle, die normalerweise für Tagungen und ähnliche Events genutzt wird, nicht für den Auftritt einer Rockband ideal ist, was auch der Grund gewesen sein könnte, dass das Konzert nur mittelmäßig war.
| [
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Die Toten Hosen",
"text": "Smacksmash-Tour 2004 der Beatsteaks\nWer die Beatsteaks schon mal live gesehen hat, kann sich vorstellen, warum der Vorverkauf für die Deutschland-Tour so gut läuft. Teilweise musste in größere Hallen ausgewichen werden; in Köln und Dresden gibt es Zusatzkonzerte. Da wir ja zeitgleich unterwegs sein werden, müssen wir uns diesmal im Tourbus mit der Joe Strummer gewidmeten Single \"Hello Joe\" zufrieden geben. Wer von euch aber die Chance hat, auf eines der Konzerte zu gehen, sollte sich die \"Beatbuletten\" nicht entgehen lassen. Hier könnt ihr telefonisch Tickets für die Smacksmash-Tour 2004 bestellen: 08621 - 64 64 64.\nHier die Termine:\n28.11. (CH) Zürich Rohstofflager\n29.11. (D) Stuttgart LKA Longhorn\n30.11. (D) München Tonhalle\n02.12. (D) Köln Palladium\n03.12. (D) Fürth Stadthalle\n04.12. (D) Kiel Halle 400\n05.12. (D) Hannover Capitol\n07.12. (D) Frankfurt Hugenottenhalle\n08.12. (D) Freiburg Stadthalle\n10.12. (A) Seefeld/Tirol Casino Arena\n11.12. (D) Dresden Alter Schlachthof\n12.12. (D) Erfurt Spot\n14.12. (D) Köln Palladium\n15.12. (D) Dresden Alter Schlachthof\nEure Hosen\nHier geht es zur Beatsteaks-Homepage:\nHier geht zum Interview mit den Beatsteaks: \"Freunde des Hauses\"\nDer aktuelle Tipp // Archiv\n11/2004: Smacksmash-Tour 2004 der Beatsteaks\n10/2004: Green Day: \"American Idiot\" + Social Distortion: \"Sex, Love and Rock'n'Roll\"\n09/2004: Funny van Dannen \"Neues von Gott\" & Abwärts \"Nuprop\"\n08/2004: \"Got The Noise\"-Tour der Donots\n07/2004: Buch \"Dorfpunks\" von Rocko Schamoni\n06/2004: CD \"Got The Noise\" von den Donots\n06/2004: Bad Religion mit der \"The Empire Strikes First\"-Tour\n05/2004: Rock am Turm Spezial: \"Die Jungs von der Opel-Gang\"\n05/2004: Single \"Oddball\" von den Spittin' Vicars (feat. Vom Ritchie)\n04/2004: Backyard Babies auf Deutschland-Tour\n03/2004: LP/CD \"Smack Smash\" von den Beatsteaks\n02/2004: Die Schwarzen Schafe - Auf der Suche nach dem Licht\n02/2004: Monsters of Rocco - Liebeskreis für Rocco Klein\n01/2004: Biermösl Blosn & Gerhard Polt mit der DVD \"Obatzt is\"\n12/2003: Funny van Dannen mit seiner CD \"Herzscheiße\"\n11/2003: Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros: \"Streetcore\"\n10/2003: CD \"Not A Bad Day\" von T.V. Smith\n10/2003: Hörbuch + Best-Of-Doppel-CD von Rocko Schamoni\n09/2003: Live-CD \"Unterbayern\" von den Biermösl Blosn\n08/2003: Chiemsee Reggae Summer\n07/2003: LP/CD \"Off The Charts\" von The Briefs\n06/2003: \"Rock am Turm\"-Open-Air 2003 am 12. Juli in Meerbusch\n06/2003: LP/ CD \"Mächte des Alltags\" von Kumpelbasis\n04/2003: T.V. Smith & Garden Gang auf Deutschland-Tour\n03/2003: Donots + 3 Colours Red auf Tour\n01/2003: Remember 93 - DTH coachen die DEG-Altstars\n12/2002: CD von The Bones: \"Bigger Than Jesus\"\n11/2002: CD \"Groooveman\" von Funny van Dannen\n10/2002: Goldene Zitronen: Doppel-CD \"Aussage gegen Aussage\"\n09/2002: Fortuna 95 in der Oberliga Nordrhein\n08/2002: Donots-CD \"Amplify The Good Times\"\n08/2002: Ausstellung \"Zurück zum Beton\", Kunsthalle Düsseldorf\n07/2002: CD von den Biermösl Blosn: \"Räuber & Gendarm\"\n06/2002: CD von Rocko Schamoni: \"Der schwere Duft von Anarchie\"\n04/2002: CD von \"A\": \"Hi-Fi Serious\"\n03/2002: Joey Ramone: \"Don't Worry About Me\"\n02/2002: Die Beatsteaks mit ihrer neuen CD \"Living Targets\"\n01/2002: Die neue Bad Religion-CD \"Process of Belief\"\n01/2002: Buena Vista Social Club von Wim Wenders im TV\n12/2001: \"X-Mas-Punkrockparty\" mit The Boys & T.V. Smith\n11/2001: Gerhard Polt: \"Abfent, Abfent...!\"\n10/2001: Die Backyard Babies auf Deutschland-Tour!\n08/2001: Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - Global a Go Go",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Oslo: Hinterbliebener Kurde schleudert Schuh auf Breivik |
200 px
Am Freitag wurde nach dem Attentäter Anders Behring Breivik während der Verhandlung vom Bruder eines Getöteten ein Schuh geworfen. Der Schuhwerfer, ein Kurde, der aus dem Irak angereist war, um dem Prozess beizuwohnen, rief mehrmals: „Du Mörder, fahr zur Hölle!“ Der Schuh verfehlte sein Ziel und traf eine Verteidigerin von Breivik.
Dem Angeklagten wird in dem Prozess vorgeworfen, zunächst in Oslo durch eine Autobombe acht Menschen ermordet und danach auf der Insel Utøya 69 weitere, zumeist junge Leute erschossen zu haben. Auf der Insel fand damals ein Sommerlager der norwegischen Arbeiterpartei statt.
Sicherheitsleute führten den 20-jährigen Iraker Mustafa Kassim nach dem Schuhwurf aus dem Saal. Kassim selbst zu dem Vorfall: „Ich zog meinen Schuh aus, rief dem Mörder was zu, bekam Augenkontakt und warf den Schuh. Er hat mein Leben und das meiner Familie ruiniert.“ Und weiter: „Ich bin vom Irak nach Norwegen gereist, um im Gericht zu sein. Das war ein enormer Eindruck für mich.“ Die Verhandlung wurde nach dem Zwischenfall für einige Minuten unterbrochen. Einige Zuschauer applaudierten, andere begannen zu weinen. Polizeichef Rune Björsvik sah den Angriff als eine spontane emotionale Reaktion, von dem kein Sicherheitsrisiko ausgegangen sei. Breivik selbst nach der Verhandlungsunterbrechung: „Wenn jemand etwas auf mich werfen will, kann er das tun, wenn ich hereinkomme oder herausgehe.“
Vor allem in arabischen Ländern gilt das Werfen eines Schuhs als Ausdruck tiefster Verachtung.
| [
"Themenportal Norwegen",
"Themenportal Recht",
"Recht in Norwegen",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Schuhwurf bei Breivik-Prozess",
"text": "Der geständige Massenmörder Anders Breivik ist im Gerichtssaal mit einem Schuh beworfen worden. Während der Verlesung der Obduktionsberichte hatte der Bruder eines der 77 Opfer ihn gegen ihn geschleudert und dazu “Mörder! Fahr zur Hölle!” gerufen. Der Schuh traf eine Verteidigerin Breiviks, verletzte sie aber nicht. Der junge Mann war aus dem Irak angereist, um dem Prozess beizuwohnen. Er\nhabe mit der symbolischen Tat seiner Verzweiflung Ausdruck verliehen. Nach dem Zwischenfall erklärte er: “Ich habe das absichtlich gesagt. Ich war froh, dass die Leute applaudierten. Was ich tat, war richtig.” Der damals 18jährige Bruder des jungen Kurden aus dem Nordirak war unter den 69 Todenopfern von Utoya im vergangenen Juli. Karar Mustafa Qasim hatte in Norwegen Asyl beantragt.\nCopyright © 2012 euronews",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Irakischer Hinterbliebener schleudert Schuh auf Breivik",
"text": "11.05.12 Justiz\n\"Du Mörder, fahr zur Hölle\" - Prozess in Oslo kurzzeitig unterbrochen\nOslo (dapd). Ein irakischer Mann, dessen Bruder vom geständigen Attentäter Anders Behring Breivik getötet wurde, hat am Freitag einen Schuh auf den Angeklagten geschleudert. \"Er rief: 'Du Mörder, fahr' zur Hölle\", sagte die schwedische Journalistin Mikaela Akerman der Nachrichtenagentur AP. \"Das wiederholte er mehrmals.\"\nBreivik sei ruhig geblieben und habe gelächelt, als Sicherheitsleute den Angreifer aus dem Gerichtssaal führten. Einige Zuschauer hätten geklatscht und \"Bravo\" gerufen, sagte Akerman. Andere hätten geweint. Die Verhandlung wurde daraufhin kurzzeitig unterbrochen. Beim Prozesstag am Freitag erklärten Forensiker die Ergebnisse der Obduktionen einiger Opfer der Anschläge.\nIm Prozess wird zur Zeit das Massaker auf der Insel Utöya aufgearbeitet, auf der Breivik am 22. Juli 2011 nach einem Bombenanschlag in Oslo mit acht Toten 69 Menschen umbrachte. Bei dem Schuhwerfer handelte es sich um den 20-jährigen Iraker Mustafa Kassim, teilte dessen Anwalt Kari Nessa Nordtun mit. Er sei von Bagdad nach Norwegen gereist, um Breivik zu sehen. Sein Bruder Karar Mustafa Kassim sei als Asylbewerber nach Norwegen gekommen und ein Teilnehmer des Jugendlagers auf Utöya gewesen. Er war 19 Jahre alt. \"Ich zog meinen Schuh aus, rief dem Mörder was zu, bekam Augenkontakt und warf den Schuh\", zitierte die norwegische Zeitung \"Aftenposten\" Kassim. \"Er hat mein Leben und das meiner Familie ruiniert. Ich bin vom Irak nach Norwegen gereist, um im Gericht zu sein. Das war ein enormer Eindruck für mich.\"\nNach der zehnminütigen Pause habe Breivik gesagt: \"Wenn jemand etwas auf mich werfen will, kann er das tun, wenn ich hereinkomme oder herausgehe.\" Polizeichef Rune Björsvik nannte den Angriff eine \"spontane und emotionale Reaktion\". Der Wurf mit dem Schuh habe kein Sicherheitsrisiko dargestellt.\nEs war der erste Gefühlsausbruch eines Zuschauers im Prozess gegen Breivik. Das Werfen von Schuhen gilt in vielen Ländern aus Ausdruck tiefster Verachtung. Ein Angriff mit einem Schuh auf den damaligen US-Präsident George W. Bush bei einer Pressekonferenz in Bagdad hatte 2008 ein weltweites Medienecho ausgelöst.\n© 2012 AP. All rights reserved",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Polícia impede a Parada Gay em Istambul pelo terceiro ano consecutivo | __NOTOC__
No domingo, a polícia impediu a , uma marcha anual pelo na maior cidade da , . De acordo com as informações, os policiais usaram balas de borracha e de plástico e atiraram gás lacrimogêneo para impedir que os participantes desfilem, depois que o gabinete do encomendou no sábado para que não realizasse a marcha, alegando razões de segurança. Com isso, o ano de 2017 tornou-se o terceiro ano consecutivo em que os ativistas foram proibidos de realizar sua manisfestação.
Arquivo de foto na Marcha de Istambul de 2013.
Na declaração divulgada pelo gabinete do governador dizia: "não foi feito um pedido que se encaixa aos métodos de nosso gabinete do governador", embora os organizadores da marcha discordaram. Apesar da homossexualidade ter sido legal na Turquia por quase um século, o gabinete do governador informou "graves reações contra a marcha". Ativistas encontraram pontos de controle e um grande número de policiais perto da (parte europeia da cidade).
Os organizadores da parada do dia de orgulho gay relataram que 41 foram presos pela polícia. O ultra-direitista estava entre grupos nacionalistas que fizeram pedidos pela proibição da marcha. Na semana passada, em 19 de junho, Kürşat Mican, do Alperen, disse: "Nós não vamos permitir que eles caminhem. Onde que quer que marchem, também nós iremos. Nós vamos fechar essa rua e eles não poderão ir lá. Se nós desejamos, nossos números podem chegar a 200.000".
Em uma declaração dos organizadores da parada, no domingo, eles disseram que "nossa segurança será providenciada reconhecendo-nos na Constituição, assegurando a Justiça, pela igualdade e a liberdade". Os legisladores turcos ainda não promulgaram leis que protegem a comunidade LGBT dos discursos de ódio e garantirem os direitos civis. Em 2010, , então ministra das Mulheres e Assuntos Familiares, disse: "Eu acredito que a homossexualidade é uma desordem biológica e esta doença precisa de tratamento". Ben eşcinselliğin biyolojik bir bozukluk, bir hastalık olduğuna inanıyorum. Tedavi edilmesi gereken bir şey bence. Após a frustrada tentativa de realizar a marcha, os organizadores divulgaram um comunicado no domingo, dizendo que, "Nós não estamos com medo, estamos aqui, não vamos nos mudar ... Você estão assustados, você vai mudar e você vai se acostumar com isso."
O ''İstanbul Onur Yürüyüşü'' (Parada do Orgulho de Istambul), nome local para parada do orgulho gay, foi organizado pela primeira vez em 2003, atraindo por variadas informações, dezenas de milhares para possivelmente até cem mil pessoas em 2014, quando o último desfile foi realizado. Depois da última parada ser realizada, começou a ser impedida por três vezes nos últimos três anos. No ano passado, os organizadores não receberam permissão para fazer a Parada Gay depois que a cidade de Istambul ter enfrentado ataques militares. Em 2015, a parada foi interrompida quando estava prestes de começar e a polícia usou canhões d'água e gás lacrimogêneo para dispersar os manifestantes.
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"Crime, Direito e Justiça",
"Política na Turquia",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Activists kept from gathering en masse for Istanbul Pride",
"text": "Riot police move to detain a person as they stop protesters for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for LGBT Pride protest following a ban issued by the governor, in Istanbul, Sunday, June 25, 2017. The Istanbul governor's office on Saturday banned the LGBT event, for the third year in a row, citing reasons of safety and public order.(AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)\nRiot police move to detain a person as they stop protesters for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for LGBT Pride protest following a ban issued by the governor, in Istanbul, Sunday, June 25, 2017. The Istanbul governor's office on Saturday banned the LGBT event, for the third year in a row, citing reasons of safety and public order.(AP Photo/Emrah Gurel)\nISTANBUL (AP) — Turkish police stopped activists for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights from gathering in large numbers for an LGBT pride event in Istanbul on Sunday, but smaller groups made impromptu press statements defying a ban imposed by the governor.\nOrganizers of the 2017 Istanbul LGBTI+ Pride had vowed to march in central Taksim Square, using a Turkish hashtag for “we march,” despite the ban on gay pride observances ordered by the Istanbul governor’s office for the third year in a row.\nADVERTISEMENT\nPolice established checkpoints in the area, preventing groups from entering Istiklal Avenue and turning back individuals who were deemed to be associated with the planned march. Small groups assembled on side streets were chased away by officers.\nAt least a hundred protesters gathered in a nearby neighborhood, beating drums and chanting slogans such as, “Don’t be quiet, shout out, gays exist!” and “Love, love, freedom, State, stay away!” They carried a banner that read, “Get used to, we are here.”\nPolice used tear gas to disperse the crowds and activists said plastic bullets were also used. Riot-control vehicles and buses were dispatched to the area. Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency said “an estimated 20 people” were detained after protesters did not heed warnings to disperse because the march did not have a permit.\nAmong those detained was Associated Press journalist Bram Janssen, who was covering the events. Footage from the scene showed officers grabbing him by the arms and escorting him to a van. He was released later Sunday.\nPride organizers said 41 people were detained, including 25 activists. Several activists were released late Sunday and lawyers expected others to be released after making statements to the police.\nIn banning the event, the governor’s office on Saturday cited safety and public order. It also said a valid parade application had not been filed for Sunday’s event, a claim rejected by organizers.\nThe governor’s ban referred to “serious reactions by different segments of society” as several nationalist and religious groups called for the march’s cancellation.\nPride organizers said in a statement Sunday that the threats themselves should be dealt with rather than limiting demonstrations. “Our security will be provided by recognizing us in the constitution, by securing justice, by equality and freedom,” the statement said.\nADVERTISEMENT\nThe private Dogan news agency reported the detention of seven people who were protesting Pride.\nLGBT activists have lobbied for years to have sexual orientation and gender identity covered by Turkish laws protecting civil rights and prohibiting hate speech but the clauses have not been included in updated legislation. Homosexuality has been legal in Turkey since the republic’s founding more than nine decades ago.\nThe Turkish government says there is no discrimination against LGBT individuals and that current laws already protect each citizen. It also insists that perpetrators of hate crimes are prosecuted.\nTurkish authorities allowed pride marches to take place for more than a decade since the first one was held in 2003. Up to 100,000 people attended Istanbul Pride in 2014.\nBut in 2015, police dispersed crowds using tear gas and water cannons after a last-minute ban. In 2016, amid a spate of deadly attacks blamed on the Islamic State group or on outlawed Kurdish militants, the event was banned again but participants still tried to gather.\nPride organizers think the celebrations have been banned since 2014 because they coincided with the holy month of Ramadan and a rise in conservatism.\nSunday’s scheduled march was on the first day of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, marking the end of a month of fasting.",
"url": "'s-ban",
"archive_url": "'s-ban"
"language": "en",
"title": "Turkish police break up gay pride protest in Istanbul",
"text": "Police thwart LGBT activists’ attempted parade planned in defiance of an official ban from local authorities\nTurkish police have thwarted an attempt by gay pride activists to hold a parade in Istanbul in defiance of an official ban from the local authorities.\nPolice fired rubber bullets at a group of around 40 activists in the country’s largest city, an AFP journalist reported, a day after the city governor’s office banned the march citing safety and public order concerns.\nEverything you need to know about being gay in Muslim countries Read more\nSmall groups gathered at Taksim Square but witnesses said a heavy police presence outnumbered the activists, and at least four people were detained.\nIt is the third successive year that the march has been banned, and organisers denounced the move.\n“We are not scared, we are here, we will not change,” the Pride committee said in a statement on Sunday. “You are scared, you will change and you will get used to it.\n“We are here again to show that we will fight in a determined fashion for our pride.”\nIn one of the biggest LGBT events in the mainly Muslim region, the 2014 Gay Pride parade in Istanbul drew tens of thousands of people.\nLast year, with the city on the edge after bombings blamed on Islamic State and Kurdish militants, organisers were denied permission to march.\nRiot police fired teargas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters who defied the ban.\nEleven activists went on trial in Istanbul this week for defying last year’s ban on the Pride march, but they were all acquitted.\nThis year, the parade coincided with the first day of Eid, the festival marking the end of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.\nCity authorities banned the parade after threats from far-right and conservative groups.\nCritics accuse the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, of having overseen a creeping Islamisation since he came to power, first as prime minister in 2003 and then president in 2014.\nHe has repeatedly infuriated activists with his conservative comments on sex and family planning, but has generally steered clear of commenting publicly on gay issues.\nBut in 2010, former family minister Aliye Kavaf, a woman, described homosexuality as a “biological disorder” and a “disease”.\nHomosexuality has been legal in Turkey throughout the period of the modern republic but gay people in Turkey regularly complain of harassment and abuse.\n“We are not alone, we are not wrong, we have not given up,” the Pride Committee’s statement said on Sunday.\n“Governors, governments, states change and we stay. Threats, bans, pressures will not deter us ... We will not give up,” it added.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Governor’s Office bans LGBT Pride March in Istanbul",
"text": "RIGHTS > Governor’s Office bans LGBT Pride March in Istanbul\nThis file photo shows members of LGBT community marching on Taksim's İstiklal Street.\nIstanbul Governor’s Office has announced that it will not allow the LGBT Pride March, which was set to take place on June 25 in Istanbul’s Taksim Square, citing security concerns and public order.“Taksim Square and its surroundings that a call was made for a march are not among the assembly and demonstration areas announced by our governor’s office. In addition, no application that suits the methods was made to our governor’s office,” the statement released from the governor’s read on June 24, as it added that “there are serious reactions against the march.”“It was seen that there are serious criticisms against this march from different fractions of the society on social media. As a result of the evaluations carried out by our governor’s office, an assembly and demonstration march won’t be allowed on the day in question or before and after it taking the security of the participants, citizens and the tourists in the area and public order into account,” it also read.The authorities also called on the people to not give credit to the call to march.“It’s significant that our dear Istanbul residents help the security officers by abiding by their calls and warnings,” the statement added.The planned LGBT Pride March in Istanbul had drawn threats from the Turkish ultranationalist groups.The Alperen Hearths, an ultranationalist youth organization linked to right-wing nationalist Great Union Party (BBP), threatened the LGBT Pride March, vowing to prevent it from taking place.“If the state allows it, we will not. We will not allow them to walk. Wherever they march, we’ll also go. We will close down that street and they will not be able to go there. If we want, our numbers can reach 200,000,” said the organization’s Istanbul provincial head, Kürşat Mican, on June 19.The march had been conducted in Istanbul for 13 years, but in June 2015 police dispersed the march using tear gas and rubber bullets. It was also banned by the Istanbul Governor’s Office in 2016 for the same reasons as this year.\nPHOTO GALLERY",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "tr",
"title": "Eşcinsellik hastalık, tedavi edilmeli",
"text": "Kabinenin önlere fırlamaya çalışmayan, sessizce ilerleyen bir üyesi S. Aliye Kavaf. Siyasetçiden çok siyasete tesadüfen girmiş izlenimi veriyor insana. Son günlerde “dizilerdeki cinsellikten irrite olduğu” demeçleriyle gündeme gelince 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar günü öncesinde portresini çizmek farz oldu. Kadın ve aileden Sorumlu Devlet Bakanı, eşcinselleri hasta olarak görüyor, Aşkı Memnu’yu irrite edici buluyor ama Kurtlar Vadisi’ni beğeniyor.\n“Doğa yürüyüşlerini seven bir insanım. Eymir de sakin, güzel bir yer. Benim sığınağım. Bakanlar Kurulu’nun açıklandığı gün Eymir’e gitmiştik. Biraz hava karardı yağmur yağacak gibiydi, kalktık. Bakan olduğumu Eymir’den dönüşte arabanın radyosundan duyduk.”\n“Etek boyum eskiden de böyle uzundu. Ceketi siyasete başladıktan sonra giydim, öğretmenlik yaparken de etek giyiyorduk. Ama böyle yün hırka, spor kıyafet, kot etek, cat bot. Şimdi resmi tarzda giyiyorum. Özelimde spor giymeye devam ediyorum. Çok rahat, vazgeçemem.”\n“Ben pozitif bir insanım, çevreme de pozitif enerji verdiğime inanıyorum. Kendimi başka bir kalıba ve tarza sokma gayretim yok. Siyasete ilgi duymaya başladığımda üniversitedeydim. Margaret Thatcher İngiltere’de başbakandı, mesela Thatcher’i beğenirdim. Demir Leydi.”\n“Bizim çocukluğumuzda evlerde radyo dinlenirdi. Başbakanların, liderlerin konuşmaları dinlenirken evde çıt çıkmazdı. Televizyon, ben ilkokul üçüncü sınıftayken Denizli’ye geldi.”\nBüyüdüğüm ev yıkıldı\nÇOCUKLUĞUM\nAilem, 1926’da mübadeleyle Manastır’dan göç etmiş. Amcalarım, babaannem, dedem, Manastır’dan özlemle bahsederdi. Orada nüfuzu olan, toprak sahibi insanlarmış. Denizli’de, Balkanlar’dan göçenlerin yerleştirildiği İstiklal Mahallesi’nde oturuyorduk. Eskiden Rumların yaşadığı cumbalı, ahşap, güzel evlerdi. Keşke o evler yaşatılabilseydi. Şimdi tek tük kaldı. Çocukluğumun geçtiği ev de yıkıldı.\nEvde yoğun siyaset konuşulurdu\nDP GENELEĞİ\nAilemiz Demokrat Parti geleneğinden geliyordu. Babam, DP il teşkilatında çalışmış. 27 Mayıs, sert yaşanmış bir ihtilal dönemi. DP’ye teğet geçen insanlar bile süreçten zarar görmüş. Siyaset yoğun olarak konuşulurdu evimizde. Babam, öğrenciyken siyasetten uzak durmamızı isterdi. Eğitim hayatımızın akamete uğramasından endişelenirdi. “Kendisini kurtaramayanın memleket kurtarması doğru olmaz” derdi. Babamdan etkilendim. Üniversitede siyasi hareketlerin içerisinde olmadım.\nHedefim akademisyen olmaktı\nÖĞRETMENLİĞİM\nLise yıllarında hedefim akademisyenlikti. İki ablam doktor, erkek kardeşim ekonomist. Tarihe meraklı olduğum için Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Türkoloji bölümünü tercih etmiştim. Ama mezun olduktan sonra asistanlık sınavını bekleyemedim. Öğretmenlik formasyon belgesi aldım. Denizli’de bir özel dershanede öğretmen olarak çalışmaya başladım. Öğretmenliği de sevdim, genç insanlarla beraber çok güzel, zevkliydi. Öğretmenliğe dershanede başlayan bir ekoldük. Dershanede beş yıl çalıştım.\nBir saat az uyurum tenisimi oynarım\nSPORCULUĞUM\nOrtaokuldan itibaren sporla uğraştım. Masa tenisinde bronz madalyam var. 19 Mayıs Gençlik Turnuvası’ndaydı. Okulun basketbol takımında da oynadım. Oğlum Bilge Uğur da baktım yüzme, golf derken daldan dala konuyor, basketbol kursuna yazdırdım. Ama üniversite sınavına rahat hazırlanayım diye ara verdi, tekrar dönmedi. Üzülüyorum, iyi bir basketbolcuydu. Arkadaşlarımla tenis oynuyorum. Uygun olursa sabah 7’de veya gece 10-11’de oynuyorum. Seyahat yoksa haftada üç defadan aşağıya düşmemeye çalışıyorum. Spor geçmişiniz varsa yapmadığınız vakit kendinizi kötü hissediyorsunuz. Bir saat az uyuyup tenis oynamayı tercih ediyorum.\nBaki ve Fuzuli’den etkilendim\nHAYATIMA YÖN VEREN İNSANLAR\nFakültede eski Türk edebiyatı bölümünü seçmiştim. Osmanlıca okuyup yazmayı öğrendim. Mezuniyet tezim “Tahir-ül Mevlevi’nin divançesinin transkripsiyon çevirisiydi. Divan edebiyatı güzeldir. Baki ve Fuzuli çok farklı insanlar ama alanlarındaki derinlikleri beni çok etkilemiştir. Klasiklerden Doktor Jivago beni çok etkilemişti. Daha sonrasında da tarih ve siyasi içerikli araştırmalara yöneldim. Halil İnalcık, Kemal Karpat, İlber Ortaylı Hoca’nın kitaplarını hâlâ okurum. Tarihi döne döne okumak gerek. Amin Maalouf’u çok beğeniyorum, şimdi onu okuyorum.\nNasipse gelir Hint’ten\nEŞİM\nHakikaten bu söze inanıyorum, “Nasipse gelir Hint’ten, Yemen’den, nasip değilse ne gelir elden?”Eşimle, Ankara’da bir başsağlığı ziyaretinde tanıştık. 1990’da evlendik. Eşim maden mühendisi. Elbistan’da kömür İşletmesinde görevliydi. Oraya yerleştik. Sonra da Eti Zeolit’e Genel Müdür oldu. Eşim atandığı sırada ben 2002 seçiminde aday olmuş kazanamamış, öğretmenliğe dönmüştüm.\nKoşullarımız tek çocuğu getirdi\nBAŞBAKAN 3 DİYOR AMA\nAslında çok kardeş olmak güzel. Biz dört kardeşiz. Şimdi hem çalışmak, hem de çocuk büyütmek çok daha zor. Ben çalışmayı da çocukları da çok seviyorum. Ancak koşullar tek çocuğu getirdi. Bakıcı ile çocuk büyütmek çok zor. Ailesi yakınında olanlar daha şanslı. Bizim öyle bir imkanımız yoktu.\nPartiyle ablam tanıştırdı\nAK PARTİ\nPartinin kurucusu ve MKYK eski üyesi Dr. Sema Ramazanoğlu ablam. Ak Parti’nin Ankara’daki kuruluş hazırlığı sırasında ucundan kenarından ben de çalışmaların içine girdim. Ablam gelip gittikçe bizde kalıyordu. Ben getirip götürüyordum. Siyasete ilgi duyan bir insandım, o güne kadar uygun bir zemin bulamamıştım. Genel başkanımızla Bilkent’te partinin kuruluş bildirisinin açıklandığı toplantıda tanıştım. Sonrasında 2002 seçiminde aday adayı olmaya karar verdim. Denizli’den yedi milletvekili çıkacaktı, altıncı sıradaydım. Üç aylık adaylık dönemindeki çalışmamın sonra çok faydasını gördüm. Milletvekilliği ayrı bir kulvar. Aynı aileden insanlar, farklı kulvarlarda siyasetin içerisinde olabilir diye düşündük. Ablamın milletvekilliği talebi olmadı. Aday olmamasının başörtüsüyle ilgisi yok. Biz kadın kollarında birlikte çalıştık.\nDenizli’nin ilk kadın vekili ve bakanıyım\nİLK OLMANIN ZORLUKLARI\nAdaylar belirlenirken temayül yoklaması yapılıyordu. Yoklama öncesinde tanıtım toplantıları düzenleniyordu. Bir kahvehanedeki toplantıda eşim de kapının dibinde bir yerde oturuyordu. Ona döndüler, peki siz kimsiniz? “Ben Alaaddin Kavaf. İşte Selma Kavaf’ın eşiyim” dedi. Bu defa “Peki siz niye aday olmuyorsunuz?” Çünkü aileden bir kişi siyaset yapacaksa bu erkektir! İki defa böyle olunca eşim, “Ben gelmiyorum artık” dedi. Denizli’nin ilk kadın milletvekili ve bakanıyım. İlk olmanın zorlukları da var, güzellikleri de.\nEmine Erdoğan destek verdi\nKADIN KOLLARI BAŞKANLIĞIM\n2002 seçimlerinden sonra öğretmenliğe döndüm. Sayın Genel Başkanımız arayıp beni kadın kollarının kurucu genel başkanı olmaya davet etti. Adaylık dönemim hariç aktif siyasetin içerisinde bulunmamıştım. Eğer siyasete devam edeceksem içinde olmam gerekir diye düşündüm. Türkiye’yi 4.5 tur dolaştım o zaman. Emine Hanım da çalışmalarımızın bir kısmına destek verdi. 2007 seçimlerinde listede ikinci sıradaydım. Siyasette tek noktaya ve göreve fikslenmemek gerektiğini öğrendim. Siyaset uzun bir yolculuk. Bir maraton.\nEşcinseller yok demiyoruz, tedavi edilmeliler\nCİNSEL YÖNELİM\nBen eşcinselliğin biyolojik bir bozukluk, bir hastalık olduğuna inanıyorum. Tedavi edilmesi gereken bir şey bence. Dolayısıyla eşcinsel evliliklere de olumlu bakmıyorum. Bakanlığımızda onlarla ilgili bir çalışma yok. Zaten bize iletilmiş bir talep de yok. Türkiye’de eşcinseller yok demiyoruz, bu vaka var.\nYemek var mı demek, şiddet mi?\nKARI-KOCA İLİŞKİSİ\nHiç fiziksel şiddet görmedim. Ama mesela bunu o kadar ileriye götüren STK’lar ya da anlayışlar var ki mesela işte eşin erkeğin karısına “evde yemek var mı?” diye sormasını bile bir psikolojik baskı unsuru, şiddet olarak algılıyorlar.\nSadece Kurtlar Vadisi’ni seyrediyorum\nTV DİZİLERİ\n“Bir Şarkısın Sen” diye bir program varmış. Çocuklara dilencilik yaptırmak nasıl bir çocuk istismarıysa o programda şarkı söyletmek de öyle. Bence hiç farkı yok. Onun üzerinden reyting elde ediyorlar, veliler de para kazanıyorlar. Aşkı Memnu dizisindeki öpüşme sahnelerini gazeteciler sorduğunda “Avrupa’da, Amerika’da o tip programlar kontrollü yayınlanır. Şifresi vardır, isteyen satın alır” demiştim. “Sansürcü bakan şifre istedi” diye çarmıha gerdiler. Reyting kaygısıyla böyle kontrolsüz bir yayıncılık anlayışını doğru bulmuyorum. O sahne 45-50 yaşındakiler için önemli olmayabilir dejenerasyon anlamında. Ama 4-10 yaşındakilerde farklı etki yaratabilir. Ben Kurtlar Vadisi’ni seyrediyorum sadece. Doğru yanlış bilemem ama verilen mesajlar ilgimi çekiyor.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "tr",
"title": "T.C. İstanbul Valiliği",
"text": "BASIN DUYURUSU\nSöz konusu yürüyüş için çağrı yapılan Taksim Meydanı ve çevresi Valiliğimizce ilan edilen toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşü alanları arasında bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca Valiliğimize 2911 sayılı kanun hükümleri uyarınca usulüne uygun bir başvuru yapılmamıştır. Bu arada yine sosyal medya platformlarında bu çağrıya karşı toplumun farklı kesimlerinden çok ciddi tepki gösterildiği görülmektedir.\nValiliğimizce yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda, düzenlenmek istenen yürüyüşün başta katılımcılar olmak üzere vatandaşlarımızın ve gezi amacıyla bölgede bulunacak olan turistlerin güvenliği ve kamu düzeni gözetilerek anılan gün ve öncesi ve sonrasında toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşü düzenlenmesine izin verilmeyecektir.\nKıymetli İstanbullu hemşehrilerimizin bu tür çağrılara itibar etmemeleri, Güvenlik Güçleri'nin bu hususta yapacağı çağrı ve uyarılara riayet ederek yardımcı olmaları önem arz etmektedir.\nKamuoyuna saygıyla duyurulur.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |