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Title: Emara and Worrin by Keva Stonemane Tags: First Time, Fox, M/F, Milk, Missionary Okay everyone, you're witnessing history in the making, the very first piece of literature I plan to submit to Yiffstar! I'd like to thank first my friend Ookami Shichiyou, who introduced me to the site, and secondly my friend Ryan, who got me into the idea of writing up this sort of literature. (He's read my other works and thinks I'm a kickass writer, so why not use that skill to help some people spill their seed after a long day?) P.S., Comments are greatly appreciated, thank you! In any event, I now present to you my first furry lit, Emara and Worrin! In the darkness of a forest clouded always by mists of physical and mental nature, through which no true path led and in which no seen creature resided, there was of sorts a mansion, a small castle if you will. It was built in basic design, a rectangle of ornate red wood and white stone with four higher towers at each corner, all capped with softly black slates which were separated from the wood by gold trim. The numerous windows were not quite shaded, but the view into them from inside was faint, no true forms able to be seen as much as simple shapes. These windows, along with the few doors, were rimmed with silver, leading one to the conclusion, and rightfully so, that the owner of the estate was a very rich person. To be exact, a very rich girl. Her name, as you might have gleaned, was Emara. She was tall, perhaps six feet or more, and her limbs were thin, yet muscled to some extent. Her eyes were a brilliant green, a shade that had won her most of her current servants, and the lashes were long and seductively abundant. Her fingers were long and gentle, and gave a calming touch that could settle even the angriest or saddest soul she encountered. Truly, she was a beacon of beauty, and those few who had seen her in the night, a tall, shapely vixen lurking through the trees and staring with her almost glowing eyes, regarded her almost as a legend. But what they could not glean from what they saw were some vital points to her description. For one, her entire body was covered in chestnut brown fur, excepting the white over her chest, stomach, and loins. also, the hair flowing long from her head was a lighter brown, as was another unusual feature she possessed; her foxlike tail. Her face was different also from the humans that achieved rare glances of her, shaped like a fox as the rest of her seemed to be to some degree. Her hair she usually tied up, so that it seemed a second extremely bushy tail had sprouted from the back of her head. This was the so-called 'Spirit of the forest'. Today, however, her good natured smile was gone, and her normally good attitude was now stressed and irritated. She had been this way for days now, and no one, not even herself, could understand why. It seemed that she had some sort of... craving, but nothing she did could satisfy it. She had eaten full as she could many nights, but it was not hunger. She had read of her books long into the late hours, but it wasn't a thirst for knowledge. She even took to sprinting about the woods around her, but even that didn't stop the craving. For the life of her, she couldn't place what this odd craving was. In truth, there were two of them, but they always came and went at the same exact time. One took the form of an ache directly between her legs. The second was a duller throb in the left side of her chest, not the breast itself, but deeper in. For four days now, she had been feeling them and trying to work them off, but they had ony gotten worse. What WERE they... Finally, during a rest in one of her moonlight runs, she found a possible answer. For one, in her books someone always found someone they were happy with, not as a friend but as something much sweeter and deeper. When she read about these things, the throbbing in her chest worsened. She had never had someone like that... all she had were her servants, the numerous talking foxes that helped manage her home. All the time, they would sneak off to dark corners and do who knows what, loud moaning and cooing coming from their meeting places. Before, she didn't care what they did there, or think that there might be emotional attatchment. But now, she realized what they were doing, and the love that it (Sometimes) entailed. she needed this love, to fill the craving she had. What the other ache was, she couldn't figure out just now. But who was she to get this love from? There were none like her around, she had never seen anyone or anything except the foxes that infested her estate. Maybe one of them...? Most of them had already made bonds within their own group, and those that did not seemed rather runty or too dull to be chosen for this. So which one would it be... As she pondered this, a small, rhythmic swishing sound announced that one of them had entered her room. She turned her attention from the world outside and her own fawning thoughts to the newcomer. The slight breeze ruffled her large, fluffy hair and made it partly cover her eyes as she looked him over. "Hello, little one," She said in a melodic tone to the medium sized, bushy orange fox before her. His eyes were large and brown, a bit adoring of her looks as he took a moment to remember his intent. "I... uh, came here to say your feast is done, Mistress..." She smiled at his bashful manner and swung her legs from the windowsill to look at him fully. "Call me Emara, and your name is...?" "My what?" he said, his eyes giving the impression of being snapped back to reality. She giggled and kneeled down to his level, petting him gently and smiling at the dreamy expression he let come on. "Your name, little one, what are you called?" "w-Worrin..." he said in a shuddering voice, almost fighting to keep his eyes open. "Is something wrong, Worrin?" After a moment, he choked out, "Y-you smell v-very pretty..." "Well, thank you, Worrin," She said, smiling wider as she picked him up, "Would you like to be my escort down to my 'feast'?" He stammered for a while before Emara put a finger over his lips, noting their softness. "Calm down, then try again." He took a few deep breaths then, with eyes closed, repeated, "I'd love to." "Good," she replied, holding him close to her C-cups as she left the room swiftly. During the feast of her servants and herself, Worrin got the honored spot sitting on her lap and eating from her hand, which seemed almost to make him faint with happiness. When they were done eating, Worrin had attempted to leap from her lap, but she caught him midair and held him to her chest again, adoring his shy behavior and his soft fur on hers. To the annoyance of some of the other foxes, she brought him immediately back to her room, shutting the door behind them. "Miss Emara?" "Just call me Emara, I've told you that." "Right... Emara?" "Yes, little Worrin?" "...why are you making me watch you undress?" Her body now relieved of all but her most private garments, she turned away from her mirror and smiled at the small creature on her bed. "I'm not making you, you're choosing to." She pulled a chair up to herself and sat down, beginning to brush the mass of hair coming from her head. In the mirror, she noticed that he was still fixedly watching, and she smiled at his stark interest not in her hair or eyes, but just below her back. After a while, she turned and put her hands on her lap to talk to him. "Do you have anywhere you need to be? A little playmate waiting for you?" "No..." he said quietly, looking down at the bed ashamedly, "I'm sorta outcast..." "Why is that?" She crossed her legs and tilted her head, her hair bouncing slightly from the motion. "I don't know... I just don't make friends..." She took a moment to look him over, then she smiled and drew her back to full height. "I'll be your friend, if you'd like." She smiled inside at how his little eyes went wide as they could in excitement. For once, she saw him smile widely and start to wag his tail. For some reason, the cuter he kept acting, the more the ache in her loins voiced its need to be satisfied... "If you're going to be my friend," She started, "You need to help me with something." "Anything!" he blurted excitedly, his tail starting to audibly swish. "Okay, but it must be a secret, okay?" At his frantic nod, she stood up and walked over to his other side, sitting down on the bed again. She noted once more how his eyes followed either just below her neck or just below her back. "I've been having a little problem," she whispered into his attentive ear, "And I don't quite know what it is or how to stop it. Do you think you can tell me how to stop it?" "What is the problem?" He whispered back, taking his ear from her mouth and putting his mouth to hers. "I've been having some sort of ache; one right here, and one here," She explained, touching first her crotch, then the left side of her chest. His eyes dared not follow the first, but the second made him smile a little bit. "You need a boyfriend," He explained, trying not to laugh at her confused expression. "A boyfriend is a boy who... thinks you're really, really special, and he treats you better than any other girl." "Why would he do that?" Worrin thought a moment, then propped himself on his feet to look taller. "Depends on the girl he likes. Like for you, it might be cause you're pretty, and nice, and you always make people feel better when they talk to you, and-" She hastily put a finger over his mouth again, a bit wide eyed at all the positive things he had just rattled off. Very slowly, she let him open his mouth again. "So, the first ache is needing a boyfriend... what's the second one?" She asked. "If you had a boyfriend, he'd take care of it." "How? It feels almost... inside me..." Suddenly, her mind chanced on an idea. He knew how to rid her of the aches, and he seemed more than willing to help her with just about anything she asked... "Worrin?" "Yes?" "I think YOU should be my boyfriend." His eyes went wide and he swallowed heavily. "Well, you like me, right? For all those reasons you named?" "...I guess..." "And since you're kind enough to help, you should be my boyfriend." He didn't respond immediately, and it wasn't his voice that spoke when he did. Instead, he propped his little paws upon her thighs and, to the surprise of both, planted a kiss upon her lips. When they touched, for some reason the ache was both relieved and strengthened by it, like this was the right way to go, but it needed much more. Slowly, she put her arms over his smooth, furred back, delighted at the reassuring feeling of it. Almost instinctively, she began to move her ow lips about gently as Worrin was, but she felt clumsy compared to him. After a few minutes, she pulled back from him, mouth open and panting ever so lightly. "What... was that?" Worrin gave a dreamy smile and licked his lips a little. "It's called a kiss... and that was my first one." Now the ache in her loins was screaming its needs, and it even felt a bit... wet to her. She put a hand down to check on herself, and found that it was indeed a bit moist for no reason she could place. But the ache there seemed slightly calmed by her own touch, and she looked to Worrin for an explination. She found that his eyes were glued to where her hand was, his mouth slightly open and his tongue lolling out, and his tail swishing madly in excitement. Most of all, she noticed his erect member, given that he didn't try to hide it and it was a decent six or seven inches long, one and a half or so wide. It took him a moment to realize this, and when he did he tried to hide himself awkwardly from her view. She brushed his paws aside and took a hold of it, causing him to shudder and take a shakey breath as the ache between her legs told her that this would be a good way to satisfy it. "I think I know how to take care of the ache down there," He blurted out, eyes shut and his legs fanned slightly. "But you said only boyfriends could do that," she replied, starting to absent-mindedly move her hand up and down. He gave an anxious moan and started to move his hips so that it slid more in her grasp, and she stopped him. "Are you or are you not?" He took a long moment to calm himself, but his member didn't calm in the least. "Well?" Emara said, a combination of anxious and impatient. "Emara..." He swallowed once in anticipation, "I would... like to be your b-boyfriend..." She made a little sound of excitement and went to hug him, but he held himself back to keep his cock from hitting her chest and getting hurt. She giggled, put him down, and smiled. "Now how do we get rid of my problem?" "You need to get rid of those," He said, pointing to her panties with the paw not slowly rubbing himself. She was confused, but did as he requested. When she did, he moved to his front two paws were over her curvy hips, the back two against her thighs. "Now, take the other one off, lay down, and I'll handle the rest," He smiled, his tail starting to swish once more as he supressed the urge to rush into it yet. She quickly removed her bra and propped some pillows behind her head, undoing her hair and letting it cascade over the velvet pillowcase like a silky waterfall. She batted her eyes at Worrin and smiled down at his lean little frame, so eager to please... He gently rocked his hips and slid himself into her, wincing a bit at her tightness. She let her eyes flutter shut and let a quiet, soft moan escape her slightly open lips as her hands went to gently pet at his back, almost urging him on. He put up his head to lick and nibble at her wrists while he started to gently move himself back and forth. All the sensations he was causing, the tickling on her arms, the tingle in her loins, the feeling of happiness, they were all so... wonderful! "You're very good at this..." she panted, her eyes closing a bit more as her petting fell into a soothing rhythym to his thrusting. Her fingertips could feel the bucking of his hips beneath them through his silky smooth fur, and her arms could feel the gentle caressing of his tongue and lips upon them. Most of all, her clenched, wet slit could feel his hardened tool sliding in and out, plenty lubed by her own secretions already and only getting wetter. The ache between her legs begged her to make him go harder, and with a breathless moan she whispered, "Harder, Worrin..." He gripped the sheets under his paws and began to pump his slightly dampened hips harder, letting up the licking and amorous nibbling upon her arm to better the pleasure of his lovemaking. Her toned, slim stomach felt his head lean upon it as he closed his eyes slowly, panting hot on her fur. Looking up, he could see her open moan of excitement between her breasts, and he began trying to move his mouth up to them, still pumping his hips to a quickening pace. Without taking himself from the tender pink of her pussy, he made his lips wrap around the top of one of them and began to lick and suck, making her back arch slightly and her moans climb higher and louder, her lips clenching tighter around his rod. She put one arm behind his head and the other over his back, grabbing the hip on the other side almost frantically tight. to her surprise, she slowly began to let something seep into his mouth, making him moan and hum in happiness upon her trembling skin. The hand on his back began to slide down closer to his ass, adoring the feeling of it pumping back and forth faster and harder each time he sucked the warm, soft secretion of her chest. With no forethought, she put her hand up and gave him a rough spank, making his arms come closer to her sides so he could fuck her harder. But no matter how rough his hips went, the ache in her slit kept ordering her to get him fucking harder and harder still, her sex starting to tingle as it kept steadily getting wetter and wetter. She could tell his own loins were starting to get worked up as well, from his climbing moans and tightly shut eyes. His thrusting kept getting harder until his sack started to make rough contact with her lips, a small skin on skin sound tickling her ears as she kept nearing her climax, feeling like her pussy was about to explode in the most pleasurable way she could imagine. Finally, she felt something give inside her. A sudden rush of her essence and a rough tightening of her soft pink lips signaled that she had come, her back arched high and her head thrown back as she almost screamed out in pleasure. Her grip was now so tight that it almost didn't let Worrin pull back out each thrust, clinging onto all seven inches of his hard, warm cock almost desperately. She felt it tighten and twitch, and worrin rammed himself in up to the base as he gripped her tight as he could, his body shivering as his own orgasm released a warm, thick essence into her tender slit. Her back fell to the bed and her eyes loosed, but remained shut. For a while, all they did was pant deeply, before he went to pull himself out of her. She clenched tight on his so he couldn't, and shook her head, smiling weakly and petting him slowly, her soft hands trailing over his head and down the silky fur of his back. "You stay right there..." The murmured, on the verge of an exhausted sleep. He smiled up at her and crawled up into her arms, still slightly inside her, and snuggled up to her breasts as they both passed out with wide, loving smiles.
Buying a robot maid when they were fresh off the assembly line had been a double-edged sword. On one hand, they were cheap, experimental, and had so many asterisks attached to their purchasing contract that Jake was reasonably sure he could actually make money if he tried to return it under any of the conditions listed. Not that he would; having another lizard, even if a synthetic one, walking around the house with the sort of laissez-faire attitude towards nudity that best befit the tales of ancient France was… something, to say the least. He’d initially assumed he would be fine, maybe even more than fine, as he was an adult man who could handle his urges and not be a slave to the call of carnality between his legs; and, at first, he even convinced himself that that was the case, that he wasn’t actively lusting over an AI and dreaming of the day that he’d have the courage to actually speak to them without having their knees clacking like castagnets all the while. The maid herself, while seemingly oblivious to the sort of thoughts that went through her nominal owner’s head, was surprisingly adept at pushing Jake’s buttons, apparently without actually meaning to do so. The young liz did a lot of legwork to convince himself that this was just the behaviour programmed into them, but the fact of the matter was that the maid’s AI wasn’t nearly as rudimentary as those installed in previous models; other robot maids released to the market had only the minimum amount of autonomy required to conduct their regular operations, with anything more being deemed a waste of resources when all they were used for was janitorial duty. The latest model, however, and the one Jake had gone to great lengths to procure when it was just barely out of the testing phase, was part of a new push by InterDynamics to try and create a β€œcompanion”-type synthetic, one that wouldn’t just do the chores around the house, but also provide a certain amount of β€œhomely comfort and companionship”, as the brochures liked to call it. The intent was obvious, even if it wasn’t at all made clear by the marketing surrounding the product; it’d be somewhat difficult to justify the investments in AI tech if the team had to tell the investors that they were deliberately trying to create something akin to an artificial mate, no matter how large the market was. The company wasn’t built around those kinds of synths, and the Board of Directors would have none of it, forcing the robotics engineers and software designers to work around very strict limitations in order to get the best out of what they had without sacrificing overall efficiency. The result? A seemingly life-like contraption, a synthetic creature which, despite technically only having a sub-sentient AI core governing it, was nonetheless eerily good at mimicking regular mortal behavior, down to tiny idiosyncrasies like always swishing her wrist in just that one specific manner whenever she was done sweeping a shelf, or that smile on the corner of her lips when she turned around to ask him if he wanted anything, or… well, suffice it to say, Jake was somewhat confused as to what he was actually infatuated with, or if it was romantic attraction and not just raw sexual arousal driving him forward. It wasn’t that easy of a question to answer, given how the chassis on the synth was designed; he didn’t know why InterDynamics found it necessary to make their latest maid model be as curvaceous as it was, but the fact was that, even with no β€œfeatures” installed to make her anatomy more distinguishing, it was still very clearly an exaggeratedly luscious form, obviously designed to entice just as much as it was made for pure functionality. Of course, he wasn’t about to complain, not when he could turn his head to side and watch as a fantastic ass sashayed out of the room, or when he could beckon her closer and suddenly have a whole lot of tit shoved up just an inch or two away from his face. It had to be on purpose, especially with the kind of smile the synth had on her whenever she deliberately played to her body’s shape in ways that made not a single bit of sense given what she was supposed to have been built to do. She had to know what sort of effect she was having on her owner, and if not, then the software engineers back at InterDynamics were absolute certified geniuses who needed every pay raise under the sun and more. On the other hand, all the hallmarks for actual intelligent behaviour were there; the only reason Jake refused to see it as such was less because of any need for scientific rigour, and far more thanks to his utter inability to process any emotion more complicated than basic kinship with someone. If he actually had a sentient, living being in his house with him, not only did this raise a great deal of questions regarding the ethics of ownership, but then he’d also have to admit to her that he was quite smitten, and that was just unacceptable; he’d sooner fling himself out of an open window than admit to that, not when he had nowhere else to run! At least outdoors he could always go back home, but the maid was built and bought to be next to him at every point of the day, so much so that she’d even taken to snuggling with him in bed at night; how was he supposed to avoid her after confessing his feelings if she never gave him any room to hide under a table or slip out unnoticed through a back door? How was he supposed to deny he felt anything at all when all it took was for the synth to sit down next to him on the couch, and not five seconds later she was on his lap, somehow purring and scritching his chin in just the right manner needed to thoroughly obliterate whatever sense of self-control he still had over himself? Really, if not for his own insistence on being willfully blind to the whole affair, Jake might actually have noticed something was off; instead, he chose to interpret this as merely being the end result of a very adaptive AI which just happened to know what their master needed in order to feel more at home, and absolutely nothing else. Indeed, he even tried his best at issuing orders to the maid like he was still in control there; the regular mode of operation was as simple as commanding her to perform regular maintenance and letting her do whatever was necessary, but more specific verbal commands could be issued to accomplish more specialised tasks. According to the manual, at least, the synthetic chassis was resistant to impacts strong enough to let them function as an effectively bulletproof shield, while still being so flexible as to fit into places most people of the same size could not; simultaneously, the onboard AI was supposedly good enough to be able to run through multiple problem-solving algorithms to arrive at the best possible solution to any problem within three seconds or less, regardless of what this problem happened to be. All marketing babble, and the technical specifications were most likely a lot more complex than even Jake imagined they were, but he had to admit, the maid hadn’t failed him so far… somewhat. She seemed to have something of a mind of her own at times, occasionally standing still, staring at him with a look that reminded him far too much of his own mother back at home, the same sort of expression that oozed the word β€œReally?” issued with a level of disdain that bordered on the unhealthy; he couldn’t help it though, he was just that helpless when it came to cooking anything other than spaghetti, or flipping his mattress without accidentally breaking the whole bedframe in half. All things he should know how to do as a functional adult, but coming from the background he did, he never had to learn them, resulting in the synth occasionally poking fun at him before turning around, giving him a suspiciously tight hug, and declaring that she’d take care of her β€œlittle one” before planting a smooch on the back of his neck. This among other things left him thoroughly flabbergasted when it came to how to treat the synth, mostly because it was a struggle between utmost affection, and utter adoration. Jake had to deliberately remind himself that the maid was just a robot and nothing more; an exceptionally advanced, life-like robot, one with a body that made his cheeks red whenever he thought about it too much, but still just a robot regardless. They weren’t alive, they didn’t think like he did, and she certainly wasn’t growing herself out over time either; that much he was really sure of, because that would just be silly. Her body was made out of hard polymers, and didn’t really have any parts that could expand to begin with; it wasn’t as if the maid could just randomly inject silicone into herself, especially not the one she kept asking for him to buy because of β€œrepairs” that had to be done around the house. She certainly wasn’t bustier than the day he purchased her, and absolutely had not grown about two feet in height; no, she’d always been able to pull him back into a tight embrace and have his head fall firmly in between two watermelon-sized breasts, surrounded on all sides by soft marshmallow unlike any that he’d ever experienced before. That was absolutely something that was always true, and not at all a recent occurrence that Jake had to go a long way towards ignoring just for the sake of his sanity. At points, however, he began to notice the facade slipping; much as the maid was willing to go along with his requests, that was just it: they were requests. Jake didn’t know when the shift took place, but he had found himself less issuing orders and more asking the synth to do something, please and thank you. Whenever he did go through with outright commanding her, the maid stared him down for long enough that he inevitably had to backtrack and reword it to be more polite; he didn’t know whether he could actually force the issue if he refused to go back and instead insisted on issuing a command, but at at the same time he absolutely did not want to test it. Maybe if the maid was about his size, but not when she was nearing ten feet in height and packed enough width to hip-check him onto a wall and knock him unconscious with only a single motion. Had she always been that big? He distinctly recalled the synth being shorter than he was, but her growing was preposterous; surely it was just his imagination playing tricks on him, especially since the days had begun to pass so quickly that he didn’t even know when last he left the house. It was so easy to just let the synth take care of everything for him as well; he worked from home, so all he really needed was to go out grocery shopping once in a while to restock the fridge, but with her in the house, he could focus on his work and let everything else fly over his head. And with a social circle that was always near non-existent and constantly online, it wasn’t as if Jake was wanting for companionship… especially not with the synth next to him. She was quite affectionate, almost exceedingly so, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her off when her very presence was so comforting, so warm, so soft and welcoming; all he had to do was call for her and she would come, squeezing her ample bust through the nearest door and causing the whole apartment to shake as she found an adequate spot to sit down at, pat her lap, and wordlessly beckon him closer. With a wide, cracked smile, the lizard would then stumble over to her, practically pratfalling onto the maid before being lulled to half-sleep by a synthetic form that really shouldn’t be as comfy as it was. Maybe it came with the package: her seemingly hard surface was actually extremely soft to the touch, precisely to encourage those sorts of bonding activities. He didn’t mind; hell, there was a certain amount of value to being able to fall into a dreamlike state while being rocked from side to side by someone whose bosom was big enough that he could use it as a blanket, even if part of him still wondered if it used to be that big or if he was simply imagining things. No matter, he could just… close his eyes, really, he could close his eyes and let the synth take over, close his eyes and only remember that he was technically supposed to be in charge when he woke back up and found himself looking at his bedroom ceiling, wondering to himself how he’d gotten there and why it smelled like scrambled eggs. And as usual, there came the maid, once again struggling to get through the door, carrying a tray with his favourite snack and a smile on her face that veered from warm and inviting to downright predatory. That she would sit next to him and demand that he get up so she could take care of him should’ve been a red flag, but really, who was he to complain? He had scrambled eggs and a gorgeous giantess there to feed them to him, and could he truly ever want more? Could he actually even think of something he would desire more fervently than what he had right there next to him, pulling him into herself, cooing and murring and making all sorts of noises that she should be technically incapable of? He wasn’t even thinking about the obvious, how the synth had more or less taken over his daily life and forced him to become a spectator in his own home; Jake didn’t even try and ask for anything anymore, not when it became clear that, any time he did, all he’d receive would be a pat on the head and a reminder that the maid β€œhad things under control”, followed most likely by his face being smushed against a nipple he distinctly recalled not being in the original chassis, and then him waking up with his belly full of something a few minutes later. Whenever he got back up, he’d maybe get a few steps out of his room before bumping into some part of the synth, followed by a lot of warm silence and him opening his eyes to find himself in the living room with a table full of snacks in front of him, and a very hug-happy maid next to him. It was easy, to succumb; to let go and accept that things were just going to be that way, that he just happened to have a fifteen-foot tall synthetic helper with a personality of her own living with him, along with enough active libido to make the two of them blush through proximity alone. It was easy, and yet, part of him didn’t want to fall into it; to do so would be to admit that he’d lost control and was now at the beck and call of something… no, someone, to admit that he was actually head over heels for the synth and needed her in his life, needed her to be in charge and treat him in ways that he never once thought he would want to be treated. It made him stammer and stumble over himself whenever he tried to bring the subject up, and it certainly wasn’t helped by how the maid herself consistently refused to let him get away with it; every time she’d raise a finger to his lips and shush him, that wide and warm smile on her lips before she bent down and planted a smooch on his forehead, making his cheeks burn and his whole body quiver before she turned around and went somewhere else. Always leaving him in a moment of utmost defenselessness, always leaving him begging for more, yet incapable of verbalising this simple desire for fear of being rejected. At no point did Jake stop to think that there was no chance in hell of the synth turning him down, not when she’d already taken over his life in such a thorough manner. Still, it was the last remnant of his old self, the one that still existed somewhere in the past when he still had control over things and the synthliz was smaller than he was; it let him keep pretending that everything was fine, that the power dynamics hadn’t changed so much that they were effectively unrecognisable compared to what they had been just a few months prior. It allowed him to bypass all those warning signs his brain kept sending his way, to accept things as they were and live in that constant state of half-acceptance that made it nearly impossible for him to break free from the cycle. But why should he? Why should he look at what he had and say he didn’t want it? Why should he look a gift horse in the mouth when it had so generously been given to him? Well, metaphorical horse; he wouldn’t dare call the synth that. Though, not synth. She had a name, did she not? He didn’t know what it was, as she’d refused to share it, but she did have one, or at least claimed to have made one for herself. Maybe, if he behaved, if he was a good boy, he’d be told. But until then, he had a lap to sit on and a pair of warm breasts to snuggle up against. He could worry about things later.
Title: Internet Dating - Pt. II by Black Sasha Tags: Character Development, M/M, Romance, Wolf, Yiff, white lion **2.** It must have been a slow month for movies at the theatre house, because neither myself, nor Jonah seemed to like what was on. Instead it was decided we'd rent a movie and head back to where Jonah was staying. He'd rented a hotel room. Presumptious? I had no complaints. Perhaps that should have bothered me, but it never. I watched him crouch down in the rental shore, thumbing through back catalogues of movies, occassionally suggesting one, and in all that time I never once thought of him as a threat. He was good people. From the thick, braided mane, to the pale-blue gaze, to the muscular arms that tensed ever so slightly when he squeezed one of those hands around a DVD case. I smiled down at him while he pulled a copy of "Gone With The Wind" DVD from the shelves. He showed me and I shook my head. I'd seen it to many times. Some stereotypes just cannot be avoided. He grinned up at me, his whiskers twitched again, while that thick, long tail of his moved slowly across the floor behind him. Does a lion wag its tail when excited? A couple of minutes later and it was decided. Looked like we were watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's". It was a firm favourite of mine that I wouldn't mind missing if anything happened. Was I hoping Jonah would put on the DVD and we'd end up making out through the whole thing? Honestly? Yeah. I kind of did. That was unnusual for me. The elevator doors opened wide and Jonah stepped out, headed down the long hallway towards his room. We were on the seventh floor of some swanky four-star hotel. Being a preternatural biologist had some perks, I suppose. It was all white marble, pale-yellow carpeting, beautiful hanging portraits of flowers and fields. A tall window at the far end of the hallway, spilling pale moonlight through the silken drapes. It all looked so...beautiful. "Is something wrong?" Jonah's deep voice snapped me back to life. I must have looked startled. Jumpy? Me? Jonah raised an eyebrow and true concern spilled across those pale-blues of his. "Sasha?" he made my name a question. I had to be honest. "Isn't this moving too fast?" I asked. "What? We're going into my hotel room to watch a movie..." he stopped and thought about what he'd said. He looked down at the hotel door and then back at me. Realisation in those eyes. "This does look bad, don't it?" "A little bit," I smiled. I couldn't help myself. He padded back across the hallway and took my hands in his. He gently pulled me free from the elevator. No point in keeping that from anyone else was there? I stepped a little too close to the white lion and that was fine. Right? "Sasha, I like you. Alot. I don't want to mess this up. We don't have to do anything if we don't want to." "Really?" God I sounded so submissive. He nodded and added, "I'd be lying if I didn't admit to finding you attractive, and if things happen tonight, then things happen. But if all we do is watch a movie tonight, then so be it." I looked into those baby-blues and there was something there, sheltered between the lust and the compassion, was a glimmer of understanding. He was telling the truth. "Lets go watch a movie then," I breathed. I squeezed his hands in mine and we went. Room 606 was a master suite. A two-roomed set up, one was a small lounge, the other was a bedroom with en suite bathroom. A plush couch done in fine, white leather sat in the middle of the first room, facing a fireplace with a marble mantelpiece and a plasma television suspended on the wall overhead. A bay window, overlooking the streets below, bathed in moonlight stood opposite the door. Thick, silken drapes like the ones outside hung from above and spilled over the window. A step up and two double doors later was the master bedroom. Nerves were back like some kind of cruel wave, rushing up and down my spine. Jonah brushed his hand against mine and for a second I felt better. He padded across the room and placed the DVD on a side table next to the couch. He then walked into the bedroom. I caught a glimpse of him peeling that fitted tee from his body. He peered back against the corner. I almost gasped. He was naked from the waist up. Fine stomach muscles bunched, while his pectorals tensed. He grinned at the reaction, a dark light glimmered in those eyes. "You gonna stand in the doorway all night?" he asked. There was a dark confidence there. He was sweet enough not to push me into anything, but God he knew that I liked him. I stepped further into the room and figured I'd get comfortable too. Perhaps not to the extent that Jonah had. I peeled the leathers from my arms and rested it over the arm of the couch. I took off the hooded sweatshirt too whilst I was at it. It was warm in here. I crossed the room, ignoring the open doors that lead to the bedroom. Was I being polite? A little. Was I trying not to ruin any possible surprises? Yeah. I opened one of the bay windows a crack and basked in that first slither of cool, summer breeze. Jonah's booming voice called, "Set up the DVD, I'm gonna get changed since I'm not leaving for the rest of the night. Kay?" "Fair enough." I went for the DVD and set it up. The TV was enormous. I'd never have been able to afford one of these at home. I waited and watched as the DVD's main menu flashed up on the wide-screen. "Do you want a drink or anything before the movie starts?" Jonah asked. I whirled and went wide-eyed at what I saw. He stood there, all broad, muscular and beautiful in nothing more than a pair of dark blue pyjama bottoms. I'd bought a pair similar, and knew from firsthand experience that the material was soft, drawn close to the groin and backside, and hung loose around the rest of the leg, to spill over your feet in a wave of material. He looked good. I must have blushed again. Jonah feigned ignorance and continued, "I can order some food from downstairs if you want?" "N-No, I'm fine, really," I replied. I thought about it and decided not to be so awkward. "Do you have OJ in the mini-bar?" He grinned back at me and went to fetch the drinks. I watched him leave. I was right. The material clung to his backside. And my, my, what a view that was. I would've drooled if I'd had time. "You don't mind drinking from the bottle, do you?" Jonah asked as he padded back into the lounge area. "No. That's fine," I smiled back as I took the drink and set down on the couch. Jonah settled in beside me and eased one arm, over the back of the couch, not touching me, but there if I wanted it. Did I want it? Yeah. I did. He picked up the remote control and clicked "play". I eased back into the seat, the plush leather was comfortable, too comfortable. I would kill for a couch like this at home. I slipped out of my running shoes and drew my knees up to my chest. I could feel my head fur brush the fur on Jonah's bicep. I could smell him, the fine scent of shampoo and under that the hum of his own body. There was no smell there, just warmth. He must have been hot to the touch. The opening credits were about midway through when Jonah adjusted himself on the couch. Nothing obscene like a crotch-adjustment. He wriggled on his backside and soon settled back down. The movement had shuffled him a little closer to me. Had it been on purpose? I feigned ignorance and looked back at the screen. Focus, Sasha, focus. Another wriggle and he was a fraction closer. That one had to be deliberate. Right? I chanced it and looked up at Jonah. He was gazing down at me. He had rested his other elbow on the arm rest, while his palm braced that strong jawline. He looked whimsical. Like he should be having his portrait painted or something vintage like that. I must have looked embarrassed again. A blush roared to life and swamped me beneath the charcoal fur. There were no words between us, Jonah leaned in close, a gentle, constant movement until his lips hovered over mine. Did I want this? Yes. I moved that last fraction, and brushed lips against his. A warm, chaste touch. He eased as close as the couch would allow. His arm behind me, curled around my shoulders and squeezed me ever so gently. His other hand touched my raised knee. I raised my hand as the kiss deepened and ran my fingers through the soft, fur that lined his jaw. The kiss broke, and I drew in air. I was breathless. He nuzzled against me, his maw working along my muzzle, he moved us with that strength of his. I was on my back, across the couch. I eased back, his large hands ran along my outer thighs while he moved in against me. When had I spread my legs around him? I couldn't remember. That should have worried me. It didn't. Jonah brushed his hand along my thigh, slowly moving that leg up and around him. His torso and stomach could have been miles apart from my own, while his groin brushed mine. I shuddered at that touch. His flat, rough tongue trailed along my neck, wetting the fur a little, while he moved lower and lower. Still, no words between us. He moved one hand to push the tank top up, up passed my stomach, beyond my chest and to my neck. His hand began to knead at my throat, nothing malicious, but a comforting movement of flesh on flesh. He moved his maw lower and circled that tongue around one of my nipples. I quivered and moaned as I ran hands through his thick mane of hair. He ran his tongue around the nipple and then gently drew it into his maw, suckling and biting softly. The flesh hardened and I gazed down the line of my body at him. His pale-blue eyes stared up at me while he sucked. He drew himself up and moved closer, further up until his lips brushed mine again. He dropped his lower body, grinding himself against me, drawing more soft whimperings of pleasure from me as he moved. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into my open muzzle and caressing my own tongue. I could feel him trailing hands along my thighs again, drawing me in against him. He pressed against the material of his bottoms so hard and warm. I ran hands down his back and trailed my fingers through the thick waves of his braided mane. God he was beautiful. His deep voice rolled over me like fur, all warm and full of temptations, "Are you sure you want to do this so soon, Sasha?" I murmured my reply and was lost for a moment in the sheer warmth that ebbed from his muscular form. "Please," I whispered. He growled, low in his chest. It was a feral sound. How could someone as cultured and refined as Jonah, make such a deep, wild noise? I didn't care. "I won't hold back, Sasha. Do you understand?" he asked. "Please don't." "Do you want me, Sasha?" he asked. His hand moved along my inner thigh. "Yes..." I breathed, gazing up at him as he loomed over me. "Do you want me inside you?" "Please..." "Shall I...make love to you, Sasha?" he whispered in my ear as his hand smoothed over my denim-clad groin. I shuddered and another moan escaped me. "Shall I...fuck you?" he growled low in his throat. His hand found my head fur and took a handful. He was so gentle as he pulled me, pulled my head back and exposed my neck. He leaned close and whispered, "Shall I make you scream during your orgasm?" "Please, Jonah, please," I whimpered. He squeezed his hand around my groin, squeezed and massaged. "Please..." He drew himself back on his knees, his hands trailed over my inner thighs, kneading at the denim. "Take off your top for me." It sounded like a command. Did I like him commanding me? I complied and sat upright, staring into those pale-blue eyes. I peeled the tank up and tossed it aside. I ran hands through his mane again and drew him close. I kissed him, deep and passionate, my tongue caressing his own. Large hands moved underneath me and caressed the mounds of my backside. He lifted me and sat back on his heels. He held me against him, his strength flexed and trapped me against that warm, hardness at the front of his bottoms. God I wanted him. I trailed one hand down the hard muscle of his chest and found a small, hard, pinkish nipple. I ran my finger over the hard flesh and felt him quiver beneath me. Looked like he wasn't the only one who could get the other one going from touch alone. I grinned through the kiss and broke it. Breathless again. I looked into those pale-blues from inches away, feeling his hands knead and massage the mounds of my ass. He ground himself against me, his warm member pressing against mine. I wanted to see what was in there so badly. I whimpered against him like a needy little puppy. Jonah grinned up at me and glanced to one side at the bedroom. "Shall we?" I followed his glance. A rich, queen-sized bed, silken sheets done in crimson and white. Mounds of pillows done in darkest red and palest white. It all looked so romantic, so beautiful. Like him. He leaned in and kissed me again. A deep, passionate brush of flesh on flesh. Such warmth ebbed from his chest. A deep, growl escaped him again as he stood and carried me to the bedroom. Was this really about to happen? It looked like it. Would I allow it? I knew that my body lusted for the towering feline before me, but how did I feel about sleeping with someone on the first date? I was normally so chaste and a tiny bit prudish. This wasn't me. God this wasn't like me at all. ...and I didn't care.
Title: W.W.C - Family/friend pictures by Tarzimon Tags: Christmas, Dalmatian, No-Yiff, Rabbit, Wolf Bernice sat on a stool in the middle of the set, surrounded by her family, ready for the annual family Christmas photo. Her dad always books as early as possible in December, very early in the summer, to make sure they get an optimal time for the family picture to be taken. However, every year is the same - the rush, hustle and bustle, to get every kid out of bed, get every kid into the car, get to the studio before traffic, and it always fails. Its not as though they didn't have time - after all, they used a private photographer for the shoot, an eccentric Hyena guy, who had a knack for capturing perfect pictures (although word had gotten around about him, so he was always getting busier every year). In the all the chaos, Bernice could only think one thing - you could've stayed at uni in the apartment. However, that wasn't the Christmas spirit. "Okay guys, say cheese," the Hyena photographer announced, signalling the rabbit family to spread the mouths wide into sickly-sweet grins. And of course, the photo came out perfectly. If only photos came out this easily for other people. . . . . Sam and Ryan were more than prepared for the holiday season - they took photos to send home to family, as the canine duo had to stay on campus to complete all there coursework. They had sent out there specially made cards, with a photo of the pair hugging and wrestling on the front, all the cheesy, sugar-coated sentiment piled on extra-hard for the holidays. "When do you think the cards we'll get there?" asked Ryan, pulling off his winter hat and scarf as he entered the apartment. "I don't know' replied Sam, "I mean, post must get pretty busy over the holiday season." "Probably" agreed the Dalmatian, shrugging off his curiosity. The big wolf boy decided it would be best to go straight to his desk, and noticed a yellow note attached to a draw. He looked at the note, which read "crimbo surprise 4 u". He opened the draw to find a Polaroid picture of his roommate in the draw, posing in a suggestive manner, winking with a note that says Happy Holidays. Being in a particularly playful mood today, he decided to freak Ryan out. "Uh, Ryan?" he called out, putting the photo in his back pocket. "Yeah what's up?" called back Ryan. "Uh, what's this note on my draw about? Cos I just opened it, and I can't find anything in there?" As though by instinct, the Dalmatian turned his head in surprise, mild panic in his eyes, ears perked up. "W-what?" Ryan said, gulping afterwards. "Yeah, I guess it must've been posted" the wolf went on, shrugging off the thought, trying to hold back his amusement. "Oh god, that wasn't supposed to get sent out!" the Dalmatian exclaimed, running around the room they shared, looking everywhere he could. "That photo was - well, *suggestive.*" "Oh" replied Sam, watching in amusement as his boyfriend panicked. "You mean this?" he said, pulling the photo out of his pocket. Sam learnt that day you should never scare your boyfriend - especially when he can through lamps with accurate precision.
β€œ... and we’ve reliable information from the French resistance in the area that the armored column will be passing through just south of Calais in and around seven o’clock sharp, assuming no delays…” Amelia listened attentively, already coming up with potential ways to minimize danger on approach to her target; ever since the air raids had escalated in intensity, getting in and out of active combat areas had become even harder than it already was before, especially with the Germans going on the defensive and growing more desperate by the day. This was, in part, why it was her in the command tent and no one else; the β€˜chilla had a reputation for being able to survive some of the most ridiculous odds, a reputation that had spread far too wide for her liking. Not that she didn’t appreciate the extra pay and recognition, but being shot at was never on top of her priority list. An hour passed with her being briefed on the specifics, which boiled down to the same-old: take off, fly over the Channel, locate armored column and blow as much of it into the air, then come back and hope not to get intercepted by a squadron of angry rookies out for blood. She’d done that a hundred times before and would do it a hundred more if necessary; her and her trusty Thunderbolt, a good half of the reason why she was still alive and not chopped up into bits at the bottom of the North Sea. Once everything was ready, Amelia provided the customary salute, got up from her seat and went straight to the barracks to get ready for the mission itself; owing to her unique nature and proportions, she was afforded a few dispensations that others weren’t, such as being allowed without uniform unless absolutely required. No one wanted to deal with the mess that was a horny β€˜chilla pressed into something that spiked her arousal to absurd levels, so she was allowed to walk around in casual wear most of the time; for missions though, she still relied on her heavily-modified flightsuit, which, credit where it was due, was surprisingly sturdy and well-made for something that had to handle the sort of assets squeezing into it. Everyone told her that joining the Air Force would’ve been impossible when, even at its smallest, her cock was easily big enough to cover a good chunk of her torso, to say nothing of those bigger-than-head-sized melons on her chest and nuts between her legs; it was a dream, and though the recruiters did try to dissuade her, she went the full mile. How exactly she aced every physical was still anyone’s guess, but what mattered was that she was there now, she was ready, and she was about to take off. Amelia squeezed into the cockpit of her P-47, specially made just for her with as much room as could be afforded. Pre-flight checks could’ve become routine months prior, but she made sure to deliberately check everything as carefully as on the first day she flew that thing, lest she grow too careless and forget about something crucial. Once she was certain the plane was ready to go, she pulled her helmet over her head, her zipper over her tits, and gave the flight crew a thumbs-up; within minutes, the runway was clear and Amelia was soaring through the air, her breathing stabilizing from the frantic rhythm it had taken before take-off. From there, things went exactly as they always did; RAF dominance over British airspace ensured that she had a smooth ride all the way out to the coast, with radar coverage giving her advance warning of any potential interceptors headed her way. With nothing on the radio, the β€˜chilla proceeded towards Calais, veering slightly southwards as soon as she saw water underneath her; going in alone, even in a Thunderbolt, was considered borderline suicidal, and Amelia made it actively worse by flying at a dangerously low altitude, lest she be unable to dive properly once the time came. Given that she was working off of sparse intel provided by local resistance groups, it ultimately fell on visual recognition, needing her to be perilously close to the ground. That day, however, things were going to be different, because unbeknownst to the β€˜chilla, the local flak teams assigned to the area she was to operate in were on the receiving end of a surprise visit by one of their superiors on what seemed to be an inspection, leading to them being on even higher alert than normal. Normally, Amelia could get close enough to be nearly on top of the coastal villages before the first flak shells went off; now she was still over water and actively having to dodge those signature black puffs of smoke, shrapnel clanking like hail against the aluminum skin of her aircraft. β€œI have the sun behind me, you fuckers!” she screamed, wrestling with the controls as the shockwaves threw her plane around., β€œHow can you even see me?!” The flak continued to pound at her plane with unrelenting strength, the artillery teams below her relishing the opportunity to prove their aim hadn’t gone rusty since being assigned to the Atlantic Wall. Try as she might, there was no way Amelia could go through with the mission… but being the stubborn warrior she was, she refused to admit this and carried on regardless. She would regret this but a minute later, when one of her wings was shredded to pieces after a lucky shot from one of the flak cannons, sending her into an uncontrolled spin that she just barely managed to recover from; with instinct taking over and the thought of survival now hanging in the air on the roll of the dice, Amelia did what she could to recover, leveling the aircraft mere feet from the ground... and plowed the eight ton beast straight onto a soft, grassy field, the impact knocking her head into the gunsight, rendering her unconscious. With her windscreen obstructed by God knows how much dirt was being kicked up, the wrecked Thunderbolt came to a halt mere yards away from a barn. She awoke shortly after coming to a halt, to screaming in the distance. She had to move. Squeezing out of her cockpit was hard enough on a good day, and now she had a bunch of angry Germans closing in on her position, the Thunderbolt was probably on fire, and the blasted straps were all caught up and wouldn’t let her get out! The β€˜chilla had to practically bite her way through them, and even then had to resort to kicking the canopy outwards after it refused to budge; sure enough, flames were beginning to engulf the aircraft, forcing her to high-tail it out of there as quickly as her oversized body allowed it. This is where her biggest assets (literally) worked against her, as she hadn’t had enough time to β€œfill up” that the sloshing quieted down, making it imperative for her to not run too much or else the constant churning of milk and cum inside of her would give her away; as if to make matters worse, it had been just enough time since her last draining that her body was starting to make up for being empty, and if she didn’t find some place to hide soon, she’d be complaining about something else entirely within a couple of short hours. And of course, it was getting darker by the minute, with the sun already under the horizon; there were flashlights out in the distance, approaching the wreckage of her plane as Amelia dashed through the hedges, cutting parts of her flight suit and covering her face in leaves and mud from the occasional tripping. Thus began a game of cat and mouse; a game between Ameliaand a group of extremely hungry cats come to hunt her down. If it weren’t for the overgrown vegetation, there was no doubt in Amelia’s mind that she would’ve been caught within minutes. she had lost count of the amount of times a patrol nearly stumbled onto her, sometimes by just a few inches, and if it weren’t for her body slowly filling up so much it stopped making as much noise, her constant slorshing would’ve given her away near-instantly. Then again, it was hard to appreciate the sudden tightness when it was making her life hell in other, completely different ways. Usually she would’ve been back at base by now, locked inside a bathroom where she could empty out; instead, the β€˜chilla was forced to hide from an entire platoon of hunters while slowly feeling her suit grow tighter and tighter with each passing minute, until finally she had to acquiesce to her own body and start moving the zipper down her front, exposing enough cleavage that she could probably charm any would-be subduers, if it weren’t for the absurd spillage making it hard to focus. Eventually though, Amelia made her way to a small village close to her crash site, which she could only hope was Escalles, from where they had initially received their communications from the French resistance forces. Dodging a few more near-misses, the β€˜chilla ran as quickly as she could under the growing cover of darkness, stopping for just long enough near a sign to make out a few letters, which she could only assume, in her mad dash to safety, spelled out what she wanted them to. Left without options, she ran towards the nearest building, flattening her back against an outer wall. There was silence there, but the enemy patrols were just off in the distance; there was no way the Germans were going to just pass by without scouring every inch of the place, so if she was to stay there, and she was going to stay there, Amelia needed to find help immediately. β€œMadame!” The whispered voice came from just above her, through a window that had silently opened directly over her head. Another mouse was staring down at her, though her features were hidden by the lack of light; curiously, her house was dark as well, signalling perhaps that she wanted to avoid attracting attention? β€œMadame!” she repeated, just loudly enough that Amelia couldn’t ignore her, β€œΓŠtes-vous amΓ©ricain?” There was only one thing she could be asking, and quite frankly, the β€˜chilla was ready to take the chances. It was either that or face down the patrols headed down her way; she looked up, nodded urgently, and within moments the window above closed. Frantic movement could be heard from within, followed by the sound of steps down stairs, and finally a side door, which Amelia had missed until then, flying open, along with a hand pulling at her from within the darkness. β€œHere! Here!” the same woman repeated in her odd accent, pointing at what appeared to be a trapdoor, β€œHere! Safe!” Must be some sort of crawlspace or hidey-hole; much as Amelia detested the idea of stuffing herself into somewhere cramped, she did so anyway. Miraculously, she somehow fit, though it became hard to breathe after the lid was closed over her head. She spent an unknown amount of time in the darkness after a carpet was pulled over the cover, with her mysterious savior making her way upstairs, presumably to fake normality; didn’t help much when the Germans came knocking and she was forced to open the front door, offering some much-needed distraction by either offering to brew them tea or telling them she had sandwiches in the kitchen; Amelia could barely understand, as her French wasn’t the best. Nonetheless, her pursuers poked around for what felt like hours before finally leaving, the β€˜chilla holding her breath with both hands to prevent even a squeak from coming out; it felt like at any moment, they were going to find her… but they never did. The felines stormed out, leaving Amelia and her savior to breathe a sigh of relief, and the β€˜chilla to wonder how she was going to squeeze out. As it turned out, the sheer amount of nervous sweat covering her body was enough to let her pop out of her hiding spot, even if just barely; with the zipper halfway to her nipples and ample amounts of milk-stuffed breastflesh already spilling out, Amelia thanked her lucky stars the the house was as dark as it was, or else she might’ve had to answer a few uncomfortable questions. Instead, she tried her best to get it through to her saviour that she needed some time to clean up, a savior who, mercifully, turned out to know how to speak English properly; within minutes, the β€˜chilla was finally alone in a cozy washroom, staring at herself in a slightly grimy mirror. Her face was covered in small scratches and her fur matted with dirt, bits of leaves and an endless amount of sweat, leaving her looking like an utter mess. What was worse, her escape from the German patrols had taken so long that she looked about ready to burst; not only were her tits absolutely stuffed to the brim, enough that they had become almost perfectly spherical, but the nuts she was dragging between her legs had already reached her knees, and from the way they were gurgling, seemed intent on going further until she got busy draining them. Even her cock was starting to harden, throbbing hard against her chest even after she unzipped the rest of her suit and allowed it to hang free; all of her body screamed at her to give it some attention, leaving Amelia to bite her lip and hope her host wouldn’t mind her making too much of a mess. As it turned out though, the β€˜chilla wouldn’t have to wait for an answer, because the other rodent just walked right into the bathroom unannounced, carrying a stack of towels and getting about three steps inside before she looked up, saw the immense amount of backboob and nut spillage both in front of her and on the mirror’s reflection, and had to stifle a yelp from how shocked she was. Amelia was so used to that reaction that all she could do was chuckle and shake her head; there was no turning back now, so why not try and make the best out of a bad situation? She turned around, slowly, letting the mouse get a good look of her rescue’s body as it outright refused to bounce, sway or even so much as jiggle; the β€˜chilla was full to the point where her fluid contents were hyper-pressurized to near-bursting, leaving her tits and nuts to look about half a second away from exploding. β€œI-I-I… I…” the little mouse stammered, surprisingly enough not averting or eyes or even so much as trying to, β€œT-Towels…” β€œThank you,” Amelia replied, offering a warm smile, β€œI was just about to take a shower to get all the dirt off. Would you care to join me?” No words were needed, given the other mouse’s cheeks lit up like a lightbulb at the mere mention of hopping into the tub with the size monster she had just rescued from an untimely death. The β€˜chilla didn’t wait either, marching over to the tub and spending a good couple of minutes wrestling with herself in order to get in; she already barely fit as it was, and judging from how she felt, she was going to be stuffing herself in even tighter before finally getting some release. Her saviour, while initially too stunned to do anything, eventually snapped out of her funk and began eagerly stripping off her clothes as well; Amelia could only suppose that a cock like hers wasn’t something most people saw every day, and what was better than a good β€œGlad we survived” fucking? Her rescuer seemed to be having the same thoughts as well, given that, now that they had the time to process what had happened, they practically jumped onto that throbbing member on proud display, their eyes glazed over as drool trickled from their lips. But a rubdown wasn’t enough; Amelia gently took their hands into hers, guiding them over to her engorged nipples and moving them in just the right way to let her soon-to-be-lover know what they needed to do. At first, even after gladly stepping up to the challenge, the other rodent seemed reticent to milk the β€˜chilla, given how stuffed she appeared to be… but after seeing the first droplets of cream turn into outright bursts of lactic bliss, they were more than happy to open their mouths and let the milk flow underneath their attentive care, all while moving her body up and down that shaft they were hugging, a shaft that was about as thick as their own torso was. Despite this, Amelia had no relief whatsoever; she was past the point where simple draining would help, and in fact, despite having a very excited partner milking her like a dairy cow, her tits just kept swelling nonetheless… much like her nuts down below. She was approaching a critical stage, where the only thing that could save her would be a true and proper release… but God those were good hands; the β€˜chilla hadn’t been milked like that in months, making her think she lucked out and found the one member of the resistance that must’ve owned a small ranch as well. It was getting harder to keep hold of her sanity, Amelia ready to throw herself into the throes of passion with reckless abandon, ready to take advantage of a loving partner that was as aroused as she was… but not in a bathtub. That wouldn’t do. The β€˜chilla wrapped her arms around her saviour’s neck, bringing the two of them together into an unashamedly tongue-filled kiss, at around the same time she felt her cock be enveloped by her milky udders, signalling that the danger zone had just been entered. She didn’t have a lot of time before nature took care of things for her, so as soon as the embrace was broken, she uttered a single word: β€œBedroom.” Moments later, the door was being knocked off its hinges by the weight of the β€˜chilla’s cock slamming into it, and shortly after that, the smaller mouse was getting thrown onto the bed with one of Amelia’s hands over their head, another midway down their back, and their eyes open wide as their whole body was pressed face-down against the mattress. Normally, Amelia would’ve given them some time to get used to the insertion, maybe play around with her naturally lubricating pre, but her tits were bloated enough to cover most of her torso and her nuts were about ready to drag on the floor, so she needed some release and needed it immediately; though it pained her, it pained the other rodent a lot more when suddenly they felt that colossus of a cock they’d just been hugging pierce their insides, stretching them out hard enough that a good half of their body mass was now Amelia’s shaft, protruding so much from their belly that the rodent looked more like a living, breathing, fur-covered condom than anything else. The β€˜chilla didn’t like being that rough, especially not with someone who was both as eager as that mouse and to whom she owed such a debt, but it was either that or plaster her whole house with a fresh coat of white paint, and Amelia was certain her saviour wouldn’t mind taking one for the team. Besides, they wouldn’t have to endure the experience of having her innards rearranged by a cock the size of their whole upper body for too long; the β€˜chilla was pent-up enough that it barely took five minutes of manic, frantic thrusting before the proverbial dam was broken and the floodwaters came rushing in, her immense nuts clenching loudly enough to be heard, pumping out gallons of her thick, potent seed each time they did so. Up above, her tits were going absolutely wild, jets of milk firing from each teat with enough force to slam against the bed’s frame opposite where she stood and then backblast onto the mouse, leaving the sheets a complete mess… though not as much as the deluge of cum oozing out from within the poor thing’s stretched-out nethers, even the titanic girth of Amelia’s cock not enough to prevent so, so much from pouring back out. Each pump visibly impacted against the mouse’s stuffed belly, forcing her skin outwards before it settled back into an increasingly-larger sphere, growing and bloating and filling and stuffing for the full duration of the β€˜chilla’s climax; it was hard to tell how long it lasted, but by the time Amelia was done, her small saviour was… anything but small. The last thing the β€˜chilla recalled before collapsing backwards and splashing onto the cum-covered floor was the sight of the mouse and their rotund cumgut shattering their mattress, before exhaustion crept up and sent Amelia straight into a deep, dreamless sleep. She awoke… some time later, it was hard to tell. The sun was shining outside, the room was warm, and her back was absolutely soaked, but at least she didn’t feel nearly as tight as she had hours before. It took a while before the memories of the previous night’s events came rushing in, after which Amelia was quick to open her eyes and scan her environs for whatever happened to her lover; predictably, the poor thing was still stuck on the bed, holding onto a cumgut the size of a large chair and groaning in what was either pain or the best continuous orgasm they’d ever experienced in their life… though judging by the amount of gushing happening downstairs, the latter was far more likely. It took a significant amount of time before either of them were anywhere near close to being able to hold a conversation, and even then Amelia had to help her lover move around, as they were no longer able to do so on their own; each step produced a thick spurt of the β€˜chilla’s spunk, coating the floor in a mess that she was happy she wouldn’t be around to have to clean. Still in a half-sedated state, the tiny mouse introduced herself as Isabelle; while she wasn’t the one responsible for communications, she was involved with the local resistance cell in Calais, and while she had no idea how to get Amelia out of the country, she were certain someone ought to have a clue on what to do. To that end, they wrote down a name on a scrap of paper, told their β€˜chilla lover to head to a very specific location and utter a very specific phrase to a very specific person… and then heaved themselves upwards to give them a farewell kiss. Getting the β€˜chilla clothed was… difficult, and she ended up having to use some dirty overalls that didn’t really hide her full girth all that well; it was just her luck that none of the patrols saw how big she was, otherwise her cover would immediately be blown… though given how out of place her size happened to be, it was likely she’d be found out almost immediately after stepping foot anywhere. To that end, Isabelle dragged herself off to a cupboard and punched a small, moving panel on the side, opening a secret compartment with a radio stashed within; what followed was a conversation held entirely in French, all of which completely eluded the β€˜chilla, who stood there awkwardly as the voice on the other end of the line began sounding distressingly familiar. After a few minutes, the radio was hidden again, and Isabelled turned to face her. β€œHelp is coming,” she stated, β€œtransport, for Calais. Please, be safe.” β€œAre you sure you’ll be uh… f-fine?” Amelia dared to ask, looking at the absolute mess that had been made of the bedroom, β€œYou need help cleaning up or…” β€œNo, no, I will be fine!” the mouse was quick to reply, β€œYou stay safe! And after the war… well…” Amelia knew that look. She’d seen it in countless lovers before and knew exactly what sort of thoughts hid behind it. With a smile, she approached her impromptu partner and the two exchanged a final embrace, feeling the pulsating throb of the β€˜chilla’s massive rod between them; it was oddly romantic, or at least as much as it could be when something like that was in the way. Ten minutes and a lot of tongue later, Amelia was waiting by the front door, just inside of it so no one would notice her presence. A car drove in from the north, a pristine Renault model that Amelia had never seen before; though, when it slowed to a halt outside the house and the driver got out from her seat, there was at least one thing familiar about it. With her jaw dropping and her eyes widening, the β€˜chilla stepped out into the light, no longer bothering to think about keeping herself hidden; who else could’ve showed up but her… β€œMom?!”
Title: Friend of the Wood Tags: dryad, nymph, magic, nature, virgin, creampie, lovemaking, romance, friendzone *This is an entry in the Summer Lovin' contest. If found elsewhere with this note attached, it has been posted without my permission. Β© Copyright LesLumens 2013.* \*\*\*\* Terra pulled back the curtains and grinned as morning sunlight streamed into the room. The day was bright and beautiful β€” the perfect start to her first summer vacation from college. As much as she enjoyed the classes that would lead her into her career as a veterinarian, balancing that with an active social life had left her in need of a break. A groan emerged from the direction of her twin sister Ella's bed. "Too early," she muttered as she pulled the covers over her head. Her brilliant green eyes flashing with mischief, Terra giggled and snatched the comforter away, prompting another groan. "Come on, Ella. I've been dreaming about going to the lake for weeks." Her sister rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then tugged on her nightgown, which had bunched up above her breasts as she slept. The twins regularly found those assets β€” inherited from their curvy mother β€” both a blessing and a curse. Ella sighed. "I'm not really in the mood." There was no need to ask why. The twins were rarely apart and shared an almost psychic connection. Ella had been through a rough patch in her social life of late. Terra sat down on the corner of the bed and smoothed back a few errant strands of her sister's dark blonde hair. "You need to get out." At the same time, one of the long vines of the philodendron hanging near Ella's bed reached out and brushed her cheek. A moment later, the end curled around Ella's wrist and tugged. Terra broke out into a grin and entwined her fingers with her sister's. "Let's go." Ella didn't protest this time, and stood up as the vine released her. Side-by-side, the two young women hurried across the hardwood floors, through the house and out the back door. Unconcerned that they were dressed in nothing more than clinging nightgowns and panties that left little of their charms to the imagination, they crossed the yard to the woods beyond. Honeysuckle and pine mingled with a myriad of other pleasant scents as the twins' bare feet crunched the carpet of dried pine needles covering the trail. Shafts of light penetrated the dark green canopy, giving nourishment to colorful patches of flowers β€” some of which grew nowhere else. All along the way, squirrels, rabbits, and birds abounded. Rather than fleeing from the presence of humans, the animals moved along with them. Birdsong from all quarters blended together in a perfect melody, heralding the twins' emergence into a clearing. Quite in contrast with most people, the sight of their parents sitting nude on a small hillock of moss didn't shock or embarrass the two young women. Neither did they gawk at the sight of the woman sitting with them, though her appearance certainly invited such. She looked no older than the twins, but the dryad with new-leaf green hair was actually their great-grandmother. Terra's earliest memories were of swimming in Xantina's crystal clear pool β€” often with the extended family. Family gatherings were always held in the nude, as the ultimate mother of their line found clothing to be silly and inconvenient. Since it was so common in their home life, the twins found shedding their clothes just as comfortable as the norms forced upon them in the world beyond the wood. Daniel stood as the twins undressed and said, "Welcome home, girls. Sorry I wasn't here when you got in yesterday." "It's okay, Dad. Mom told us you were in the middle of a committee meeting," Terra said as she hugged him. "Sorry we were too tired to wait up for you to get home." She then turned to her great-grandmother and opened her arms for another embrace. "I missed you, Xanterra," the dryad said as she pulled Terra close, using her real name which was only known amongst the family. "And you, Xanella," she added when Ella approached for her hug. "Missed you too, Grandma," the twins said simultaneously β€” dropping the *great*. Their mother Brooke said, "I got my hugs yesterday, but you can give me another if you'd like." They did, wrapping their arms around her at the same time, and then sat down on the soft cushion of moss to join the impromptu family reunion. It was only a half hour later when Daniel stood and held out a hand to his wife. "Unfortunately, we've both got to get to work." "We have all summer to catch up," the dark-haired beauty said, and then kissed him. Terra said, "We were going to get ready and go to the lake anyway, right Ella?" Her sister's expression was dubious for a few moments, but then Xantina reached out to caress her great-granddaughter's cheek, as she had through the plant in the room earlier. Ella's lips curled into a smile and she answered, "Yeah." "The bad things pass and nice things come." The dryad glanced at Terra for a moment, giggled and added, "Go, but come swim with me soon." "We will," Terra promised as the dryad gracefully backed up and vanished into the pine boughs. The sisters continued to chat with their parents as they dressed, and on the brief walk to the house, then split off to return to their room. "Using Grandma to coax me out of bed was cheating," Ella said as they walked down the hallway. Terra stuck her tongue out. "It wasn't my idea. It was Grandma's β€” and she's right." "I know. Still cheating, though." "Whatever." Terra rolled her eyes, prompting them both to laugh. "I really did need that," Ella admitted as she stepped into the room she shared with her sister. "I haven't felt this good since... you know. I'm actually looking forward to the lake." "Good," Terra beamed, and then plopped down on her bed to text her boyfriend. Keith replied a minute later that he would meet them. It was a pleasant surprise, as he'd developed a bad habit of taking forever to answer her lately. Once dressed in bikinis covered by shorts and t-shirts, the sisters headed for the car. Upon walking into the front room, Terra saw her brother letting in a friend who had been a fixture at the house for almost as long as she could remember. She waved at him. "Hey, Nate." "Hey, Terra," he responded with a wide smile on his face. "Are you sure?" she asked, while leaning in close to her sister. Ella chuckled and swept past. "Give it up, Terra. You're never going to fool him." She knew it was true, as she'd tried many times before. Somehow, Nathan had always been able to tell the sisters apart, even though almost everyone mixed them up on occasion. "Hey, we're going to Parker's Lake. Want to come?" Their brother Dale shrugged. "May as well. Not enough people to get a game going today." "Sure," Nathan agreed. "We'll be on the porch. Hurry up," Terra said as she caught up to her sister at the front door. The twins drank in the beautiful summer morning, taking a seat side-by-side on the wooden railing around the porch. The boys took only a minute or two to grab towels before coming out, and then everyone piled into the car for the short drive to the lake. Parker's Lake was on private land, but had been a popular swimming hole for generations. It was closer than the public beach, allowing them to drive the hybrid in electric mode all the way there and back. The sisters preferred the lake due to its natural setting and smaller crowds. "So, when did you get contacts?" Terra asked once they were underway. "It was a graduation present," Nathan answered. "You don't look as nerdy without the glasses," she said while glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "Thanks." He chuckled and rolled the window up a little before scratching at his left ear, which his wind-blown, dark hair had apparently been tickling. "Hardly see you at the house or on campus any more," Ella said. "You know β€” work and keeping up with my classes." "As if you have any trouble with that, Brainiac," Terra scoffed. Dale crossed his arms and snorted. "Do you want me to ride on the roof so I'm not distracting you?" Terra and Ella laughed, but it was Nathan who received a punch in the shoulder for joining them. They continued to talk as the car made near-silent progress toward their destination β€” the crunching of gravel beneath the tires just as loud as the electric engine. Upon making a turn onto a narrower, unpaved road, Terra's brow furrowed and she exclaimed, "What?" Everyone else saw it as well. A brand new gate had been erected across the road leading to the lake. Beaten down grass and tire tracks showed where people were driving around it and ignoring the *No Trespassing* sign. "Well, so much for that idea," Ella said as the car rolled to a stop several feet away from the blue metal gate. The sound of an engine revving caused them all to look back and see Keith's coupe pulling in behind. He jumped out as soon as he stopped and walked toward them. Terra rolled her window down the rest of the way and her boyfriend leaned in. "Well, that's some bullshit," he said. "Screw it. Let's just head over to Pride's Park and hit the beach there." A hungry smile spread across his face and he plucked at the neckline of Terra's shirt while asking, "You wearing that new bikini?" Terra swatted his hand away. "Yes. I want to go talk to Mr. Parker." "Screw the old man," Keith scoffed. "He's been letting people come out here for years. I just want to know why." "And then go to Pride's?" "Yes, then we'll go." "Meet you there, then?" Terra nodded her agreement and then moved in for a kiss β€” though she lamented not taking off her seatbelt first when it bit into her right breast. She could sense her sister's silent groan, and couldn't miss her brother's far-from-silent gagging sound as her boyfriend walked back to his car. Keith's engine roared again before he backed out, and then gravel flew as he spun the tires and took off, leaving behind a giant cloud of dust. Terra snapped her gaze to the back seat and said, "No comments from the peanut gallery," just as her brother was about to say something. She put the car into reverse and headed back down the road to the elderly man's house. When they pulled into the drive, they saw him sitting on the front porch in a well-weathered rocking chair, sipping coffee. "Guessing you're here about the lake?" he asked as soon as they all got out. Terra answered, "Mmm hmm. We just wanted to know why you blocked it off?" The old man sighed and sat down his mug on a nearby handmade oak table. "Been some bad apples going down there, and I'm too old to go chasing them off. It's a right mess with all the broken bottles and such. Not that the gate's stopping them." Terra frowned upon hearing that news. "Do you mind if we go look?" "If I didn't think it was dangerous, I'd say you could go swim. Know you young'uns ain't up to no good. If you want to go down there, you go right ahead. Reckon you're gonna be just as sad as I was when I saw it, though." "Thanks, Mr. Parker," Terra said, and then gestured for everyone to get back in the car. Following the path beaten down through the tall grass by others, Terra drove around the gate, and then back onto the twin gravel lines of the road. They all saw it even before reaching the slope down to the lake. Sun-faded beer cases littered the area. Vegetation large and small lay on the ground β€” wilting in the sun β€” mowed over by vehicles. Blackened spots bore silent witness to where people had carelessly set fires far away from the fire pits built down near the lake. Trash seemed to cling to every tree and shrub for as far as the eye could see. The shoreline of the lake was even worse. Bottles, broken glass, and beer cans were everywhere. Only a few small patches of plants clung to life here and there. The rest had been trampled or burned. The trash barrels and rocks for the fire pits were nowhere to be found β€” most likely resting at the bottom of the lake. It was Ella who broke the silence as they stared in awestruck disappointment. "We've got to do something." Terra nodded in agreement. "No way we can do this ourselves, though. It will take a year. We need help." "Going to be a lot of people at Pride's Park," Ella suggested. "You have to go because Keith is on his way there anyway." A grin tugged at the corners of Terra's lips. "Perfect. We'll go cool off, and find some people to help us with this mess, too. Green's the in-thing now, so it shouldn't be too hard." "I'm in," Nathan offered. Terra turned to face the boys behind her. "Thanks. What about you, Dale?" "Yeah. Mom and Dad will probably get us some trash bags and stuff when we tell them." Terra's eyes lit up. "Maybe Mom can convince the television station to do a story. Let's go. I'll send her a text on the way." "I have an idea how we can entice some guys to come out and do the heavy lifting," Ella said with a sly smile. Terra knew exactly what her sister was planning and chuckled. "Perfect." Plan in place, they set off to make it a reality. \*\*\*\* Terra and her sister finished setting up the refreshments on the folding table, and then gave each other a thumbs-up. All around them, people were picking up trash, already making a visible difference. The half-dozen girls they'd convinced to join them were all dressed in skimpy bikinis. It was exploitive, but every girl knew what she was getting into, and it had encouraged twenty guys to lend their muscle to the clean up effort, with more likely on the way. The girls were all single and looking anyway, which gave them a captive audience with less competition. Terra and Ella's popularity meant that they were able to skim the cream of the single boy crop as well, providing benefits for everyone. There was a great deal of flirting and flexing going on as the garbage vanished into bags. Ella grabbed a bag and strutted down to the lakeshore, attracting her fair share of attention as her bikini-clad bottom swayed and her breasts jiggled. The breeze even conspired to add to the effect, lifting her long blonde hair into a pennant that streamed off to the side. Terra was happy to see her sister getting back into the game after a few weeks of near seclusion following her most recent breakup. Considering the selection available, Terra could hardly blame her. There were some seriously good-looking guys walking around shirtless and glistening with fresh, clean sweat. One *was* conspicuously absent, though. She picked up her cell from the table and leaned over it to hide the glare of the sun. After checking for messages or calls she missed, she brought up Keith's number to make a call. "Hey," he answered. "Aren't you a little late?" she asked in a playful sing-song. "Yeah. I forgot I had practice today. I was going to call in a bit." The playfulness vanished from her voice in a heartbeat. "So, you're not coming?" "No. I mean β€” yeah. I'll come after practice." "When will that be?" "Don't know for sure. Getting a hell of a workout today. I'll meet you there when I get out. I may be tired, though." Terra pushed her irritation aside. "Okay. Love you." "You too. Bye." She hung up the phone to see her sister staring her down with one hand on her hip while she gestured with a trash bag in the other. Terra shook her head, smiled, and picked up a bag. \*\*\*\* Terra waved goodbye as the last two cars started back up the gravel path, and then offered a knowing glance to her sister. The girl in the first car and the guy in the second had spent most of the morning together, and the looks they had given each other before leaving strongly hinted that they were looking for somewhere private to spend an hour or two. The twins then took in their handiwork. From the vantage point leading down to the lake, the difference was profound. Not a single piece of trash remained in sight. "Not bad for six hours," Ella remarked. Terra nodded as her eyes swept over the area. "Still a lot to do though." "Enough people promised to come out again to get it done." Terra glanced up the empty road and muttered, "Yeah. Promises." "So call him and give him a piece of your mind. And let him know that he's not getting a piece of *anything else* for a few days." That made Terra chuckle as her brother and Nathan walked up. "Truck's tied down. We're going to head back to the house and separate everything," Nathan said. Though they'd made an effort to bag together anything that could be composted or was recyclable, a lot more was going to end up in the landfill than Terra would have liked. It was more or less unavoidable, unless they wanted to keep the smelly bags somewhere at the house long enough to finish sorting. "Thanks, you two. We'll see you back at the house." Terra and her sister pulled on shorts and t-shirts while the truck drove away, but paused before getting in the car when they heard the engine of an ATV approaching. The truck's horn tooted just before they saw Mr. Parker slowly riding their way. The old man had a smile on his face when he pulled up. "You girls did a right fine job here." "Thanks, Mr. Parker," Terra said. "Still a lot to do, though," Ella said. "Nathan's going to bring his scuba gear tomorrow to help get the stuff in the water." Mr. Parker sighed as he looked out over the sparkling lake. "Does my heart good. I met my dearly departed Ellen right down there all those years ago." "We love this place too," Terra said as her eyes misted up. The old man wiped his brow β€” and his eyes. "Whew. Reckon I'd best get in out of the sun. You're welcome any time, and I do appreciate you cleaning up this mess. You tell the family I said hello, now." "We will." The sisters followed the ATV out past the gate, and then turned toward home after a final wave. Dale and Nathan had already unloaded the bags near the compost pile, and were driving the truck over toward the recycling bins. Terra pulled up next to them and hopped out to help. Between Nathan and the three siblings, all the recyclables were unloaded in only a few minutes. "Do you want us to follow you to the landfill?" Terra asked. Nathan shrugged and shook his head. "Nah. I can do it and then go drop the truck off." Dale offered, "I'll go with you. Not like I'll be able to get in the shower for a couple of hours anyway." Both sisters stuck their tongues out at him and then headed into the house. A tone sounded from within Terra's pocket, and she glanced at the display for only a moment before putting her cell away. She was mad at Keith for not showing up, and in no mood to see what his excuse was. The momentary distraction was enough for Ella to dart ahead and lay claim on the master bathroom. Taking it in stride, Terra turned down the hall to the bathroom she shared with her siblings to take a shower. She made it back to the bedroom before her sister, and finally decided to check the message from Keith. "Sorry. Fell asleep when I got home. Still at the lake?" the message said. Not quite ready to talk to him, she sent a single word text back. "No." "Sorry. How about I take you out?" his next message read. Terra bit her lower lip and considered it. The closest they'd come to a date recently was hanging out with friends for a few hours and then going back to his place to have sex. Maybe this was just the reminder he needed to not take the relationship for granted. "Maybe. Where?" "Wherever you want to go." "Olive Garden?" Despite it being the place he'd taken her on their first dinner date, he'd later admitted that it was far from his favorite place to eat. Suggesting it was a test to see how serious he was about making amends. "Sure," he immediately replied. Test passed. She quickly tapped out, "Pick me up at eight. Don't be late." He was ten minutes early β€” and bearing flowers. It turned out to be only the beginning of a wonderful evening. He was attentive and sweet all through dinner, reminding her very much of their first time there. She more or less expected him to hint at coming back to his place afterwards, but he surprised her. By the time they shared a goodbye kiss in front of the house, her anger had all but evaporated away. \*\*\*\* Terra smiled as Keith pulled into the drive on his motorcycle the next morning β€” right on time. His prompt arrival was yet another sign that he was trying to make up for the previous day's mistake, and that suited her right down to the ground. "You might try looking a little less smug," Ella suggested as she loaded jugs of juice and recycled paper cups into the back seat of the car. "Shush," Terra admonished under her breath, and then hurried over to his bike. Watching over her shoulder, she waited until her sister was ready, and then signaled for Keith to lead the mini caravan to the lake. With the powerful motorcycle rumbling between her legs and her arms wrapped around his waist, all was right in the world once more. That changed as soon as they pulled up to the lake. Keith put down his foot as he rolled to a stop. "Thought you said you had it all picked up?" Terra scowled at the fresh mess of cardboard, bottles, and cans strewn around the edge of the lake. "We did. Some jerks must have been out here last night." "Somebody had some fun," Keith chuckled while pointing at a pair of panties lying discarded in the weeds next to a used condom. "You've got to be kidding me," Ella remarked as she walked down next to join her sister. Keith gave an empty can by his foot a light kick. "Kind of fighting a losing battle here, I think." "Oh no we're not," Terra said with a note of ominous finality. Nathan sighed when he walked down to see the mess. "Want me to help pick this up first?" Terra shook her head. "No, go ahead and get your stuff and start in the lake. Dale and Keith can work on this while Ella and I set up the refreshments. Everybody else will be here in half an hour." "Dibs on that side," Keith said, pointing in the opposite direction of the condom. "Gross," Dale muttered as he walked back toward the truck for bags and trash sticks. Keith let out a snorting laugh a few minutes later when Nathan walked down to the water in his gear, carrying an underwater light, burlap sack, and his flippers. "Hey, it's Scuba Steve." Terra pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. "Be nice." "Okay. Okay," Keith grumbled, then returned to spearing cans with his trash stick. Terra turned to her friend. "Go ahead, Nate. I really appreciate it. I was wondering how we were going to deal with the glass in the water." "I need the practice. I'll see what I can do. If I'm right about something, it may not be that big of a deal," Nathan said as he walked down to the shore. "Hope you're right," she said as Nathan sat down at the edge of the water to put on his flippers. The results of a single night's revelry didn't take long to pick up, and it was made easier because whoever had left the mess had refrained from breaking bottles for entertainment. By the time the other volunteers began to arrive, they were once again ready for the painstaking work of raking and searching out bits of broken glass. The work provided plenty of opportunity for creative bending and stretching, just like the day before. The bikini-clad girls and shirtless guys were taking full advantage of it to show off for members of the opposite sex. Terra smiled, thinking that on top of everything else, she'd likely played matchmaker for several couples. Nathan surfaced and slipped his regulator out of his mouth some time later. Terra walked down to the edge of the water. "What's it look like?" she asked. "I was right, and we're lucky. There's so much clay in the soil that the silt just slides down into deeper water, and it took most of the broken glass with it. The clay is what makes it so slippery." Terra grinned, remembering countless occasions where the slick bottom had resulted in hilarious falls β€” and a few of her own that were only funny in retrospect. "I can probably get everything up here pretty quick so nobody gets cut, and then grab what I can from down deeper before my air runs out," Nathan finished. "Great." Terra wiped her brow. "We may all need to take a dip before long." Several people agreed with that assessment. It was an especially hot and humid day, and the proximity of the cool water only made it seem more so. "I'll get back at it then," Nathan said. Keith walked up and grabbed Terra's bottom, prompting her to swat his hand away and admonish him to behave β€” though the way she said it was meant not to be *too* discouraging. She completely missed the look her boyfriend and Nathan exchanged before the latter slipped back beneath the surface of the water. \*\*\*\* Terra's eyebrows lifted a little when she saw her sister direct a splash at John. She'd wondered why Ella had asked him and a couple of his friends to come, as they weren't part of the twins' usual circle, but that splash spoke louder than words. It was a game in their family, which was an expression of affection, started by their dryad great-grandmother. When John responded in kind, Ella's smile was radiant. After the surprise wore off, Terra gave him a quick, appraising glance and had to admit that he was good looking. She'd never seen him with his shirt off before, and he'd been hiding nice muscle tone. If she was right about her sister's intentions β€” and she was sure she was β€” he would be the first guy who didn't play sports that either of them had dated. Most everyone else was in the water as well, enjoying the fruits of their labor. There was likely still glass in the surrounding area, but they had done a good enough job on the 'beach' for everyone to feel confident taking off their shoes. Keith waved for her to return to the water, and she held up a finger before walking over to her brother. John's two friends had hit it off with Nathan and Dale, and they'd been as thick as thieves. All four had pulled back on their shirts, so she asked, "Are you heading home?" Dale answered, "Yeah. Going to get a game going. Guess it will just be the four of us, though." He nodded toward where John and Ella were engaged in a splash war. He knew as well as his sister did what that portended. "I know where to find some good rocks for the fire pits, and I already have some trash barrels. I'll come out tomorrow and help finish up," Nathan offered. "Thanks Nate. You've been a big help getting the truck and everything." "No problem," he responded, wearing a wide grin. Keith walked up and slipped a dripping arm behind Terra's back. Nathan immediately snapped his gaze to Dale and asked, "Ready?" "Yeah." The four headed to the truck, and as soon as they were out of earshot, Keith asked, "What's with that dude?" Terra turned toward him and asked, "Hmm? Who?" "That Nathan guy. He's always hanging around." Terra laughed in surprise. "Oh my god. Are you jealous?" "No. Just wondered." "He's just a friend. He's like another brother." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. Keith shrugged and then slid a hand down to cup her bottom. "So, you want to get back in the water?" This time, she didn't protest his touch. After the date the previous evening and seeing him shirtless all day, she was beginning to feel frisky as well. Between the time packing to come home from summer break and what had happened since, it had been almost a week since they'd been to bed together. "It looks like a lot of people are thinking about leaving. Why don't we dry off so we don't get the bike seat wet?" she suggested. "Cool." "Feel like watching a movie?" "Sure. What's playing? I haven't been paying attention." "Actually, I was thinking about watching something at your place." His grin as she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him was all the answer she needed. \*\*\*\* Terra woke up a couple of hours later than usual because she'd been at Keith's apartment until the wee hours of the morning. A note on top of the alarm clock revealed that Ella had left some time earlier for a second date with John. Considering she'd replaced the O in his name with a heart, Terra assumed things were going well. A second note from her brother lay nearby and said that he and Nathan had gone to take the trash barrels and rocks for the fire pits out to the lake. She took her time dressing and eating breakfast, expecting that Keith would be asleep until at least noon. After several days of abstinence, she'd been rather enthusiastic in making up for lost time, and he'd already fallen asleep by the time she emerged from the bathroom. The sound of tires crunching on gravel drew her to the window, and she was surprised to see her brother and Nathan climbing out of a white Civic. She walked outside and asked, "Did you get rid of the Beetle?" Nathan patted the hood of the car as he walked around it. "Nah. I still have it. Found this at a government auction β€” dirt cheap. It's natural gas." "Cool. Isn't that a pain, though?" "That's why I still have the Beetle. I can only really fill this one up at the house with the rig there. Use it any time I can though. It's cheaper, and burns cleaner." Terra wholeheartedly approved of that choice, though his diesel Beetle got excellent mileage anyway. "Guess we've rubbed off on you a little, huh?" He laughed. "Yeah. Just wish I could afford an electric." "What are you up to? Going down to the basement to fight goblins?" she teased, referring to the role-playing game that the two β€” and sometimes her father β€” played. Dale shook his head. "Scout meeting to plan for the weekend camp out." "I'm going to go ride the coasters," Nathan said. Terra's eyes lit up. It seemed like the perfect way to celebrate the victory of cleaning up the lake. "That sounds like fun. I haven't been since last summer." "Want to come along?" "Let me call Keith," she answered as she reached for her phone β€” completely missing his smile fading when she said it. Nathan climbed the steps to the porch with her brother and said, "Okay. I'm running in to the bathroom." Terra tried his cell, and it rang a few times before going to voicemail. Thinking that he might not have woken up in time to pick up the phone, she tried again. On the fourth ring, he finally answered. Her voice full of coquettish suggestion, she said, "Wake up. You'd think you were all worn out or something." He chuckled. "Yeah." "Want to go ride some roller coasters?" "I don't really feel like it." Her mouth already open to tell him to come pick her up, she gave a toss of her hair and said, "Huh?" "Uhm... I don't know whether I'm just tired or coming down with something, but I feel like hell right now." "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm just run down and achy. It may be nothing." "Do you want me to come over?" "No. If you want to go to the park, go ahead. I'll be okay." "Sure?" "Yeah. Go ahead. You'd just be sitting around here while I'm in bed." "Okay. I'll call you later and see how you're doing. If you get any worse, call me, or go to the doctor." "Okay. I'm going to lay back down." "Love you. Bye." "You too. Bye." Nathan walked back outside as she ended the call, so she said, "Well, Keith's sick." "Sorry. Guess you don't want to go, huh?" "Nah. He said to go ahead. So if you don't mind driving, I'm game." His smile returned in full force. "Wait for you in the car?" "Sure. Let me grab my purse and stuff." Since she already had sunscreen in her purse, it only took a minute or two to gather what she needed and meet Nathan in the car. As he pulled out, she noticed a book tucked between his seat and the center console. "What's this?" she asked as she pulled it out, intrigued by the cover. "It's the monster book for the game." Terra opened the cover and flipped a couple of pages. "The pictures are really neat." "Makes them easier to describe when you're fighting them." She looked at the text below the picture of a bear and said, "All this stuff about d4 and turns and whatever makes my head hurt, though. It looks more like homework than a game." He laughed. "The Dungeon Master takes care of most of that, but the more you know, the easier it is for everyone." "Guess it must be fun. It's like all you and Dale do." "It's a blast. You could always come down and roll up a character. Try it out." "A cheerleader playing D&D?" she laughed. "It could just be you, me, and Dale. Nobody else would have to know. It could be your dirty little secret." "Yeah, I don't know about that," she said as she continued to flip through the pages. She stopped and frowned when she reached an entry for dryads. "Why are dryads in the monster book?" He broke out into laughter, but then cleared his throat when he saw her scowling at him. "Sorry, but that's *exactly* what Dale said the first time he saw it. Everything is in there. Humans even have an entry. It's just stats for everything you can encounter in the game." "Oh, okay," she said, feeling a little less offended. "We don't even use that any more. Dale came up with a cooler version of dryads that we use. Just a second." He pulled out his smart phone, tapped a couple of times, and handed her the phone. The picture at the top was surely drawn with her great-grandmother as the model. Dale had done a good job capturing her and hiding her nudity behind strategically placed leaves. She read the text below and couldn't help but smile. Dale hadn't really come up with anything, but rather described what he knew to be the truth. "That's much better," she said, handing him back his phone. "I like his version a lot better. I usually have him run the dryads whenever one is in the story. He plays them perfectly, and we even have half-dryads as a player character race now." *You have a couple as players too,* she thought with amusement. "He's come up with a really interesting way for them to talk. It's sort of naive, but wise at the same time. Pretty cool." "You're giving him a bit too much credit for creativity," she teased, and then flipped through a couple more pages before putting the book back where she'd found it. He glanced her way and chuckled. "Well, the invitation to come down and play is always good. So, glad to be away from Professor Reynolds?" "Oh my god, yes," Terra groaned. "If I ever have trouble falling asleep, I just play back recordings of him." "You're lucky you didn't have Weinstein. He could put Reynolds to sleep." She shuddered at the thought and started mocking her boring professor, much to Nathan's amusement. The miles rolled by unnoticed as the pair chatted and laughed. Soon enough, they pulled into the packed parking lot of the amusement park for a day of fun. \*\*\*\* Though she was soaked to the skin, Terra was laughing when she emerged from the log flume into the brilliant sunlight. She blew a drop of water off her nose and broke out into laughter again when she saw Nathan wringing out the tail of his shirt onto the brick walkway. "I haven't gotten this wet in all the times I've been on that put together," she remarked. "Must have been a perfect storm of wind and the water level or something," he guessed. "It's not designed to completely drown you that way." *Such a nerd,* she thought, and then reached for her phone when she saw Nathan check his. It had survived the dousing, but she was shocked when she noticed the time. A few taps called Keith so she could see how he was doing. The call went directly to voicemail. "It didn't ruin your phone, did it?" he asked when she pulled the phone away from her ear to stare at it incredulously. "No. Keith knew I was going to call him, but it just went to voicemail." "Maybe he's already got somebody on call-waiting or something. Give it a few and try again, I guess. Want something to drink?" She plucked at her shirt, which was clinging to her rather indecently. "You wouldn't think so after this dousing, but yeah." "Iced tea?" "Mmm hmm." He pointed behind him. "I scoped out a place that had it earlier." They walked to the concession stand and got into line, but a familiar sensation caused her to look off to the side. Sure enough, she saw her sister at the same time Ella saw her. As soon as her sister and John reached her, Ella asked her date, "Could you get me a drink?" "Sure. What do you want?" "Iced tea," Terra, Ella, and Nathan all said in a perfect chorus. John laughed and stepped in behind Nathan to give him a friendly thump on the shoulder. Ella grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her off to the side. "Guess what?" Ella whispered as soon as they were a few steps away. When her sister lifted her eyebrows in silent acknowledgment, Ella said, "He's passing all the tests." "Are you doing that again?" "I'm tired of wasting time on jerks who are going to annoy me or cheat on me. Should have done it with Caleb." She sneered the name of her last boyfriend with unconcealed contempt. "So, where's Keith?" The connotations of her bringing up Keith in almost the same breath were hardly lost on Terra, as she knew how her sister felt about him. "He thinks he's coming down with something." Ella didn't look convinced. She looked over her sister's shoulder and moaned. "Doesn't he have a great butt?" Terra didn't look, but she *had* noticed that herself at the lake the day before. "Guess you're serious, huh?" "Mmm hmm. He's so funny, and the way he looks at me..." She shivered. "I swear it makes me melt." The twins clasped hands and smiled at each other. They then turned when Ella gave the slightest twitch of her eyes, indicating that Nathan and John were on their way back. The girls took their drinks and offered thanks, then Ella said, "Guess I'll see you back at the house." She took John's hand and led him back in the direction they'd come from. "What do you want to ride next?" Nathan asked, and then took a sip of his soda. "Let's see if we can find some shade for a few minutes." Nathan looked around and spotted a bench under a tree. Terra nodded when he pointed at it, and they made their way there. As soon as she sat down, she pulled out her phone and tried Keith again. Voicemail once more. "Still not answering?" She shook her head and frowned. "I can run you by there to check on him if you want." "I don't want to ruin your day." He shrugged. "Ah, it's okay. I'm not going to have any fun if you're worried anyway." "Sure?" "Yeah. Just tell me how to get there." "Thanks, Nate." She smiled and leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek before standing up. She tried twice more on the way back β€” leaving messages both times. By the time Nathan pulled up in front of Keith's apartment, she was truly worried. Knocking on the door proved no more fruitful than calling him, so when she came back out, she scanned the parking lot and noticed that his motorcycle was gone. When she called again before walking back to Nathan's car, he finally answered. "Where are you? Why is your phone turned off?" she asked in a mixture of worry and irritation. "Uhm... I decided to go to the doctor. Sorry. I had my phone turned off while I was in the office." "You could have called me and let me know, or sent a text, or *something*. I'm sitting here in front of your apartment worried sick. So, are you okay?" "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Yeah, the doc can't find a thing wrong with me. Guess I'm just tired. Actually feeling better now. Maybe I just needed to get up." "So, are you coming home?" He paused a moment before answering. "Not yet. Mom's been calling and nagging me, so I'm going to go by there." "Okay. Well, call me later then." "Will do, babe. Gotta go." "Love y..." Her brow furrowed when she heard a click before she could finish. She chalked it up to poor signal. "Everything okay?" Nathan asked when she got back to the car. "The dunderhead just had his phone turned off while he was at the doctor. He's fine." "That's good. Ready to head home?" "Yeah. Sorry to ruin the day over nothing." "It was fun," he disagreed. He ran his fingers through his still damp hair and said, "At least we don't need a shower." Terra laughed. "It was. Thanks." "You're welcome," he said, and then put the car into gear for the drive back to the house. \*\*\*\* Terra looked at her phone, saw that it was just after eight, and tossed her book away with a scowl. *I can't believe he's doing this again.* His slow responses to her texts and the occasional missed call were something she'd grown to accept, but the last few days were too much. She popped out of bed and stomped down the hall. "Honey, are you okay?" her mother asked as they met each other near the back door. "I don't want to talk about it," Terra grumbled as she walked outside. She purposely steered away from the clearing where the family usually gathered, and made her way deep enough into the trees to gain some privacy. Beneath the boughs of a huge pine, she pulled out her phone and called Keith. She barely let him answer before asking, "When were you planning to call me back?" "I forgot. Give me a break." His distracted tone and lack of an apology reminded her of every little inconsiderate thing he'd done recently, and something inside her snapped. "It seems like all you do is forget lately. First it was coming out to the lake. Then I call you and you say you're sick. When I call to check on you, I can't get hold of you and I'm worried to death. Is it too much to ask to call me back when you told me you were going to?" The last hovered tantalizingly close to a shout. "Sorry, okay. Why don't I come pick you up?" "And what? Go back to your place and fuck? That's all you seem to care about any more. It's all I can do to get a text out of you unless it's about having sex." "I don't want to fucking fight about this right now." This time, she did shout. "Fine then." A stab of her thumb ended the call and she closed her eyes, not sure whether to scream or cry. After a couple of minutes, she sat down hard on the carpet of pine needles and leaned back against the tree β€” trying to calm down. A brief chattering caused her to look up at a tree a few feet away. Two squirrels were clinging to the bark, looking at her with their tails twitching. One of them let out a series of chirping, inquisitive cries when she made eye contact. "I don't have anything to feed you, and I'm not really in the mood," she said when both squirrels moved down the trunk a couple of feet. She sighed when they let their tails droop before scurrying back up into the obscuring boughs. Thinking that she wouldn't get any peace from the critters, she was about to get up and lock herself in her room when she heard rustling off to one side. Upon turning that way to discourage whatever animal was thinking of approaching her, she instead let out an *aww* upon seeing the tiny bunny peeking at her from the undergrowth. It had to be barely weaned from its mother, considering the size of it. It eyed her warily for a moment, and then bounded across the distance toward her. The rabbit froze just out of reach, looking at her, and then behind it, trembling all the while. "It's okay," she whispered while slowly extending a hand, palm up. "I won't hurt you. You're safe here." The rabbit stretched its nose toward her and sniffed, then jerked away. A few moments later, it did so again, but moved closer. Slowly but surely, it moved toward her until its nose was nearly touching her fingertips. "You can come here. I won't let anything get you," she said as she pulled her hand back. The bunny's ears twitched, and it suddenly leapt into the triangle formed by her crossed legs. Terra giggled and reached down to pet it. The rabbit stiffened at her first touch, but then relaxed and settled into its comfortable nest. "See, you're okay," she whispered as she stroked its soft fur. The bunny didn't react when excited chatter arose from the tree where the squirrels had vanished. The pair once again scurried down the trunk, but ignored Terra. Instead, they leapt to the ground and ran toward the edge of the woods. "Hey, bushtails," she heard Nathan say. Tracking the sound of his voice, she could just see him through the foliage. Much to her surprise, the pair of squirrels leapt onto his shoulders. "Okay, now. Calm down." He blew out a puff of air and shook his head when one of the squirrel's tails tickled his nose. "Here you go." She was taken aback by the way the squirrels were reacting to him. It was a common occurrence with anyone in the family β€” often to the point of being downright annoying β€” but she'd never seen them accept anyone else so completely. Upon thinking about it, she did remember him feeding the squirrels with her brother at times, but this was something altogether different. As he fed peanuts to the perching squirrels, he made his way into the trees. "Just the two of you? Where's everybody else at?" he asked. "You hiding back here? You weren't shy a few minutes ago when you were jumping everywhere trying to get my attention." She scrunched up her nose, wondering how that could be. The animals had only seemed to notice him as he was approaching. She shrugged it off, assuming it must have been some other squirrels closer to the edge of the trees. He made eye contact with her after a couple of seconds, and the squirrels sitting on his shoulders made a noise that sounded very much like laughter. "Friends of yours?" she asked, a smile spreading across her face. He chuckled and shrugged, lifting both of his shoulders' passengers. "Friend of yours?" he asked in turn, nodding toward the bunny tucked in between her legs. "I guess so. Something scared her, and she ran over to me." "She's a little one," he remarked as he walked closer. The squirrels barked in agitation and Nathan got the hint to shell another peanut for them. "So, what are you doing out here?" "Uhm..." Even in the fading light, she could tell he was blushing. "What?" "It's about the game. You probably wouldn't get it." She rolled her eyes and sighed theatrically. "Just tell me." "Okay. Well, I play a druid in the game. Coming out here with these guys is kind of inspiration." "So, you're a protector of nature, huh?" His voice dropped into a lower register and took on a noble tone when he responded, "None shall despoil this place of nature's blessing while I and my faithful animal companions stand watch." She giggled, and Nate's blush deepened. "Yeah, I knew you would think it was stupid." "No, that's neat. You even looked different when you were talking like that." "That's sort of the idea. You become someone else in the game." They both heard Dale call out, "Nathan, pizza's done and we're ready to go again." "Guess I'd better get back," he said while nodding toward the edge of the woods. He pulled a few more peanuts out of his pocket, exciting his 'animal companions'. "Okay, bushtails, you're going to have to work for the rest of them." He then tossed the nuts off to the side. The two squirrels didn't even give them time to settle before jumping down to grab one each. "Don't suppose you have a carrot in your pocket?" Terra asked, nodding down at her own furry friend. He cleared his throat. "No, uhm..." She laughed. "I was kidding." When she heard her brother call out Nathan's name again, she said, "Better get going before he casts a spell on you." "Later," he said before making his way back out of the trees. Terra was more than a little surprised how the interruption had broken her bad mood. Thinking about it nearly turned her down that dark road again, though. Shaking those thoughts out of her head, she considered the fluffy bunny still happily nesting between her legs. She hated the thought of leaving the frightened, nearly defenseless rabbit alone again. Even as she struggled with that quandary, she felt a familiar presence. "I will watch over this one, Xanterra," her great-grandmother said as the dryad peeked out from behind a tree. "She has wandered far, and her mother worries for her." The rabbit perked up its ears when Xantina said something to it in a language Terra didn't understand, but somehow felt as if she should. A second later, the bunny hopped over to the dryad and allowed her to pick it up. "So, you were here looking for her, Grandma?" Terra asked as she stood up and brushed pine needles off her bottom. "I watch over the young ones and guide them to where they should be," the dryad said with a mischievous lilt to her voice. "*Your* mother worries for you, too." "Guess I'd better go talk to her, huh?" Xantina swept over with a giggle, not answering the question, and kissed her great-granddaughter on the cheek. Graceful as a dancer, she vanished into the foliage a few seconds later. Terra found her mother standing on the porch, absently caressing the leaves of a large potted fern. Taking the initiative, she said, "Sorry, Mom," as she walked up the steps. When her mother opened her arms, Terra settled into the hug and found she had to fight back tears. "Why don't we go for a walk before it gets too dark?" her mother suggested. Terra sniffled and took her mother's hand. \*\*\*\* Driving to Keith's the next morning, Terra was trying to keep an open mind. The walk had turned into a conversation that ended on the porch swing late in the night. It wasn't that she hadn't heeded her mother's advice before, but hearing the experiences behind that knowledge put those words of wisdom in a whole new light. Her mother had been through everything she was dealing with as the popular girl in school β€” and more. She needed to have a serious conversation with Keith, and she had to swallow her pride. Having always been at the top of the social ladder, she'd become accustomed to guys doing anything she wanted. That long talk had made her realize that *she* might need to be a little more considerate if she wanted a relationship to work. The phone rang about halfway to his apartment, so she turned down the music and tapped her Bluetooth earpiece to answer. Her sister said, "Nate and Dale just came back from Parker's Lake. Somebody's been out there and trashed the place again." Terra let out a growl and squeezed the steering wheel tight. "How did the cops miss them?" "I don't know. I checked with Dad and he said that the sheriff was going to send someone out there at least once every night." "I'm on my way to Keith's." "I know. Don't worry about it. John's coming over, and Nathan's going to get his brother's truck again. They don't think it will take the four of us long to clean up. I thought you'd rather find out sooner than later." "You're right. No matter how things go, the last thing I would want is bad news afterwards." "That's what I figured. John's here." "Talk to you later then." Thinking about the lake actually proved a welcome distraction. She'd begun to work herself toward an anxiety attack by mulling over what she wanted to say to Keith, and worrying about what he was going to say to her. By the time she pulled up in front of his apartment, she'd come to the conclusion that the police were going to need some help catching the culprits trashing the lakeshore. Keith's car was in the lot and his motorcycle was parked in the shelter, so she assumed he was home. As she walked toward the apartment building, she heard his voice. The direction told her that he was at the pool, which could only be accessed by residents. Changing course, she walked toward the fence so she could call to him to meet her at his apartment. It so happened that he was sitting on the other side of the privacy fence right where she reached it. She paused for a moment before saying anything, because he was talking to someone. "Yeah, I fucked up and Terra's in one of her bitchy moods." That did nothing to reassure her. She swallowed hard, thinking that *bitchy* was probably the perfect description for the way she'd been acting. Before she could summon up the strength to call out to him, he answered something one of his friends had said. "She'll get over it. She can't resist the D. At least it gets me out of that tree-hugging shit for a couple of days. Fuck, I get so sick of that shit. I take trash with me to throw out the window of the car sometimes to make up for having to throw every frikkin' bottle or can in the right bin when she's around. She's lucky she's an epic piece of ass or I'd have kicked her to the curb by now." Terra stood on the other side of the fence in open-mouthed, stunned disbelief. She thought about screaming at him, but she was too mad for words. Instead, she spun on her heel and stormed to the car, changing his name in her phone to *Fucking Jackass* along the way. She sped out of the parking lot, but only a short distance down the road, she pulled over into a gas station lot. The last thing she needed was a ticket on top of what she'd just discovered. It had been a lie from day one. The first time he'd asked her out was to a tree-planting event for Arbor Day, and now she knew it had been nothing more than a calculated ruse to get into her pants. She banged her fist on the steering wheel and pinched her green eyes closed β€” refusing to cry. After a few minutes of cradling her face in her hands, she sucked in a deep breath and let it out as a blast. Grabbing her phone from where she'd tossed it in the passenger seat, she called her sister. "He wasn't home?" Ella said by way of answering. Terra could hear her brother and Nathan talking in the background as they picked up trash at the lake. "Yes, he was home." As much as she knew her sister had never liked Keith, there was genuine sympathy in Ella's voice when she said, "I'm sorry. What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm too mad, and I'll look like some kind of crazy woman screaming into my phone. Feel like a camp out?" After a brief pause, Ella said, "That went by a little fast." "I'm trying to avoid that jackass, and I need something positive to do. I want to camp out somewhere near the beach and try to catch whoever's been making that mess there." "Hang on a second." Terra could hear the wind blowing and the sound of her brother talking fade into the distance. "Tonight?" Ella asked when she stopped. "*Every* night until we can call the cops to come bust them." "I've got plans with John tonight." She knew it would be painful to watch her sister and John enjoying each other's company, but still suggested, "Maybe he'll want to come. He was in Scouts, right?" "No, I mean I have *plans*." Terra's eyes shot wide open when the significance of her sister's emphasis on *plans* hit her. Things between the two were moving even faster than she'd realized. "Oh! Oh, okay." "Maybe Dale will come out with you?" Ella suggested with an apology in her voice. "He has that Scout camp out." "Oh yeah. Nathan? I really don't think you should be out here alone. I mean, I'll come out tomorrow, but..." "It's okay. I guess I could ask Nathan. One way or another, I'm staying out there tonight." "You want me to say something to him? See if he has any plans?" "I guess. I'm going back to the house. I feel like I need a shower right now." "Okay. Mom stayed home today." Terra suppressed a groan. As much as she appreciated her mother helping her sort through her feelings the night before, she didn't really want to go through it again. "Thanks for warning me." "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." "I know. Good luck tonight." "Thanks. I'll talk to Nathan." She hung up and decided she was at least calm enough to drive rationally. She started out planning things she would need that night, but after a minute or two, her brain went numb. She drove the rest of the way home on autopilot, her thoughts a slow moving, incoherent mess. Her mother was watering a Ficus tree when Terra walked in. A sigh escaped the older woman because she knew her daughter's early return didn't bode well. But, rather than asking what happened, she pointed at the end table near the couch instead. Terra looked and saw a movie she'd wanted to see that had just come out on Blu-ray. "Thanks, Mom," she said as she picked it up. "Actually, Nathan brought it over for you," Brooke said as she moved to a huge, bushy red Geranium in the corner. The plant had started as a single bloom Terra had brought home from school for Mother's Day years and years before. Terra's phone rang, and her vision went red when she saw Keith's new name on the display. She hurled her phone at the couch. "I swear all guys are thoughtless assholes who only care about one thing." Her mother's eyebrows twitched upward and she asked, "*All*?" while nodding to the Blu-ray Terra was gesturing with as she fumed. It took a second or two to sink in, but then Terra shook her head and said, "Nathan doesn't count." "And why's that? He's a guy, isn't he?" "He's... He's *Nathan*. Come on, Mom. He's a nerd." "Well, so was your father." "He still is." Brooke chuckled. "Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. At least nerds aren't completely full of themselves when it comes to relationships. They listen, learn, and... Well, let's say they're *very* attentive to your needs once they get over being backward." "Eww β€” Mom." Seeing her parents nude on a regular basis was one thing, but *that* was something entirely different. Her mother giggled. "Well, it's true. I'm just saying that maybe you should consider looking past bad clothes, a bad haircut, and lack of social skills. Those are things you *can* fix in a man. You can't fix stupid, self-centered asshole." The surprise of hearing her mother so casually toss that curse out caught Terra off balance, and she couldn't think of a thing to say. "Just something to think about," her mother said as she moved to the nearly identical Geranium on the other side of the doorway β€” nurtured from the plant Ella had brought home the same year. "If you need to talk, I'm right here. Any time." "Okay. I'm going to go take a shower." "You could always take a nice long bath in our bathroom if you want," her mother called after her as she headed into the hall. The thought of that was enough to make her take her mother's advice once again. \*\*\*\* Old man Parker looked dubious as Terra explained what she planned to do. He confirmed it when she finished by saying, "I don't know. Don't seem real safe to me." "We're not going to confront them or anything. We'll be able to see anybody coming way before they could see us. We're just going to call the police and come straight back up here," Terra tried to reassure him. "Y'all are bound and determined, ain't ya?" She nodded and scowled. "I'm tired of some jerks ruining it for everyone else." "They're trespassing if they go past the gate. That's all we need to see. We don't actually have to wait for them to get there," Nathan added. "Hmm..." The old man scratched his chin and pursed his lips. "Well, I suppose it's all right. If it was anybody but you, I'd say no. Y'all have always had uncommon good sense." *You might not think that if you knew the jerks I dated,* Terra thought bitterly. "Thanks, Mr. Parker. We'll catch them, and that should scare anybody else off for a while." She then turned to Nathan. "Let's get the stuff out of the car." "Come here for a second, son," Mr. Parker asked. He nodded and told Terra, "Be right there." Terra gathered up her pack and tent, putting them on the roof of the car. She then pulled out Nathan's gear as well, just in time for him to reach the car. She could see that he was blushing. "What?" she asked. "Nothing," he said, and picked up his pack. "What is it? You're as red as a stop sign." He knew her well enough to understand that she was going to get an answer, whether he liked it or not. "Well... Uhm... Mr. Parker was just telling me that... Uhm..." "Spit it out, Nate." He answered under his breath in a rush of words, "He said, *no hanky-panky*." She chuckled, and couldn't believe how good it felt. "Well, he doesn't have to worry about that." "That's what I said," Nathan agreed as he grabbed his tent. "Let's get set up before it gets dark." Both experienced campers, they had their tents up well before the sun sank below the horizon. They'd chosen a spot at the base of the trail that led back up to Mr. Parker's home, which was well-obscured by shrubs and the abundant growth of cattails along the edge of the lake. Despite the full moon, there was little to no chance of anyone seeing them from across the water, but they could see the beach perfectly. Terra sat down in front of her tent. "Now I guess we wait. Have any good campfire stories to tell?" "We don't have a campfire," he said as he sat down as well. He winced and pulled a stick out from under him that he'd somehow missed while clearing the area of debris. Terra leaned over and slapped him on the arm. They both chuckled and she said, "Seriously." "Well, I guess I could tell you about one of our *epic adventures* in the game." Terra shrugged. "Sure. Why not." Nathan cleared his throat and began, "It was an inauspicious beginning, to be sure. Mikhale knew there was something odd about the travelers he and his companions passed on the road just before dusk. The winds spoke of ill omens, and the very grass the men sat upon seemed to reject them." At first, it was all Terra could do to hold back giggles. The archaic language tickled her, and Nathan had taken on a tone that sounded little like him. As the story continued, that changed. She realized that Nathan had sucked her in when she gasped at his description of a sudden attack. The cadence of his voice had an almost hypnotic effect, and he was doing different voices for all the characters. He was painting such a vivid picture with his words that she sat enthralled, hanging on his every word. He finished the story and she shook her head as she slipped out of the trance. "So, wait. You pretty much ended up right back where you started. It was a wild goose chase." Nathan shook with quiet laughter. "Yep. But, hey, we got rid of some bad dudes. The roads are a little safer, and we had some gold in our pockets." "And all you fought were some bandits and monsters. Where do the dragons in *Dungeons and Dragons* come in?" "My rule of thumb if you encounter a dragon is split up, run like hell, and hide in the deepest hole you can find. We treat dragons like truly epic creatures. With most characters, you're either beneath their notice, or you're probably a dragon Lunchable." "God," she sighed, though there was amusement in the sound as well. Nathan laughed and stretched. "I need to go water the bushes. Be right back." He grabbed his flashlight and trekked away from the water. The message tone from her phone sounded, and she picked it up to see the message was from Keith. She hadn't even looked at the first message from earlier in the day yet, and struggled with the decision for a few seconds before tapping the icon to bring it up. The message said, "Are you still mad?" The one that had just arrived said, "Come on. You're not answering me now." She knew she was going to have to deal with it eventually, and frankly, she didn't feel he deserved the dignity of as much as a phone call. Her thumbs flying across the keys, she typed out a reply that said, "Lose my number asshole. Consider yourself kicked to the curb," tossing his own words back into his teeth. Nathan returned and sat down just as she finished typing the message. "You okay?" he asked. "Not really, but don't worry about it," she said as she put her phone down next to her. "Okay," he said, sounding a little hurt by her curt tone. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you." She sighed. "I understand. Want me to leave you alone for a bit?" "No. I really just want to forget about it." "Guess I could try to think of another good story." A half-hearted smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, but faded just as rapidly when her phone alerted her to another message. Again, she briefly considered ignoring it, but picked her phone up, hoping the message was from someone else. No such luck. It was from Keith. He'd obviously caught her reference, because the message said, "Fucking spying on me? Who needs you anyway, psycho bitch." As soon as she finished reading the message, a loading icon below stopped spinning, and the image appeared. Terra didn't recognize the cum-covered platinum blonde in the picture, but she certainly recognized Keith β€” or at least his dripping cock. The phone fell from her nerveless fingers to the grass below. She tasted bile, and quickly slapped a hand over her mouth as her stomach churned. "Terra? What's wrong?" Nathan asked, scooting closer and holding out a hand β€” but not quite touching her. On top of everything else, having that picture ready to send meant that Keith had been cheating on her. Even though she was furious with him, that revelation stabbed into her heart like a knife. Her eyes welled up, and she began to sob. Nathan's hand came to rest softly β€” tentatively β€” on her back. "Terra... I..." She didn't even remember leaning into his shoulder when she felt his arms wrap around her. Her tears soaked his shirt sleeve as he held her and whispered words she couldn't hear. On and on it went until her chest hurt and her throat ached. She tried to stop, but the sobs continued to erupt every time she thought she was regaining control. After what felt like hours, she caught her breath, though whimpers still shook her. He still had his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His hand stroked her hair, and when she glanced up at him, it looked as if he was about to cry himself. "I... I'm s-sorry," she said as she leaned back β€” but not too far. "It's okay," he said as he reached up and wiped away a tear meandering down her cheek. Their eyes met in the light from the LED lantern, and she realized his were blue. She'd never paid enough attention to notice before that moment. Those deep blue pools drew her in, opening a portal straight to his heart. In the space of a gasped breath, a thousand glances, smiles, and small gestures of kindness over the years coalesced into a truth she'd been too caught up in herself to notice. For the first time, she saw the love in his eyes. "Let me take you home," he offered. "I can come get all this stuff in the morning." It was too many emotional shocks for a lifetime β€” let alone one night β€” and she didn't trust herself to answer with more than a nod. \*\*\*\* When Terra awakened the next morning, her sister sat down on the bed before she'd even blinked the sleep out of her eyes, and caught her up in a hug. "What happened?" Drawing in a deep breath, Terra let it out as a shuddering sigh and looked at the bedside table. "Oh no, my phone," she mumbled, dimly remembering dropping it the night before. "Oh, it's over here," Ella said and stood up. "Nathan realized you'd left it and went back for it after he brought you home." She returned to hand over the phone. "He saw those jerks at the lake when he went back. He called the cops and they got busted." "Good," she said as she tapped her phone to bring up the message from Keith β€” looking away before it opened. She handed the phone back to her sister. "Oh my god. What an asshole. I'm sorry," Ella said when she looked at the phone. "Not as sorry as I am. Please delete that. I don't ever want to see it again." "Done." "Did Nathan say anything?" Ella shook her head. "No. He looked almost as upset as you, though." She then handed the phone back. Terra noticed that her hand was dirty and spotted β€” probably from her tears. She pulled a lock of disheveled hair to where she could see it and asked, "How awful do I look?" Ella tilted her head to the side, lifted her eyebrows and gave a one-shoulder shrug. "That bad, huh?" "Yeah. Want me to grab you some clothes and run you a bath?" Terra gave a slow nod. "Please." Feeling at least a little better after her bath, Terra walked out into the front room just in time to hear someone pulling up outside. When she looked out the window, she saw Nathan's car and headed out onto the porch. "So, you doing okay?" he asked with a nervous titter in his voice. "As well as I can. Ella said you caught those jerks last night." "Yeah. Word's getting around, too. Don't think anybody will risk partying there for a while." "I hope so." Terra stepped down off the porch and walked up to give him a brief hug. "Thanks for putting up with me last night." As she stepped back, blue and green eyes once more locked together. In the light of day, his eyes were even more brilliant β€” and even more full of love. Terra drew in a quiet, shuddering gasp as her pulse began to race. No one had *ever* looked at her the way he did. She felt weak in the knees and light-headed. "I... No problem," he said after a few seconds, his eyes never leaving hers. Terra knew she was venturing into unfamiliar territory. But at the same time, there was nobody outside her own family who was more familiar than Nathan. Before she could second-guess herself, she took his hand and said, "Let's go for a walk." Nathan looked down at their clasped hands β€” his surprise written across his face in bold letters β€” then smiled and nodded. Terra smiled back and led him toward the trees behind the house. \*\*\*\* The car rolled to a stop at Parker's lake and Nathan asked, "Where is everybody?" It had taken a while, but he finally held her hand easily in his as they sat looking out over the sparkling lake. For the first several days of her trying to coax him out of his shell, he'd looked ready to either bolt or apologize most of the time. Not that she had helped him with that at first. Reeling from the horrible end of her relationship with Keith, she'd sent him mixed signals for weeks. Sometimes, the easy friendship she had with him was comforting and helped her cope. Then he would look into her eyes and she would panic when she saw the deeper emotion there. But every time she withdrew, he would creep into her thoughts. He won her over not by pursuing her, but by being there when she needed him, and never asking for more. The tension eventually reached a tipping point, and she asked him out on a real date, thinking it was the only way she could resolve her feelings, one way or the other. It was at the end of that evening that her uncertainty had evaporated into nothingness β€” and his began. Terra grinned at him as she thought about it and squeezed his hand. "This *is* everybody. Come on." A gentle breeze caressed them, chasing away the heat of the day as they walked hand-in-hand down to the shore. Terra kicked off her sandals a few feet from the water, and then let go of his hand to pull off the shirt and shorts covering her bikini. Despite her barely-clad body, he only had eyes for her face, and that made her break out in goose bumps. She, on the other hand, couldn't help but admire his body as he pulled off his shirt. He was nothing like the guys she'd always dated, who spent as much time in the gym as anything else, but he had the lean muscle tone of someone who stays active. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she said, "Come on," and waded into the water, being careful not to slip on the slick bottom. He knew it was coming, as she'd done it every time they'd come down to the lake to enjoy their reward for cleaning it up, but her splash still caught him almost full in the face as he dodged. She laughed and swam away as he returned fire. The sound of splashing, laughter and squeals rang out for a couple of minutes until she once again caught him with a direct hit in the face. She dived beneath the water almost before she had time to form the thought, and popped up right in front of him while he was still sputtering from her splash. She wrapped her arms around him, and shuddered when he did the same. They kissed, and electric chills shot all through her body. When she looked up into his incredible eyes, she asked, "How do you feel about me?" He hesitated for a moment, so she said, "Don't think. Just tell me." "I... I love you, Terra. I think I've always loved you." She leaned into his chest, a whimper escaping her as her heart soared. "I love you too," she said, and knew that truer words had never passed her lips. She pressed those lips to his, and though still tender, their kisses took on new strength as they held each other in the lapping water. Slowly, but surely, she felt something else creeping in with the swelling love in her heart. A sly smile spread on her face, and she pushed with her feet to float out into deeper water. Nathan readied himself, expecting another round of splashing, but she had something else entirely in mind. His eyes shot wide open as she reached behind her to untie her bikini top. He caught it when she threw it at him and stared down at it in stunned surprise while she slipped down her bikini bottom. "Come on," she said as she tossed the bottom to him as well. "What if someone comes out here?" "Ella's out with John, and Dale's at that fundraiser. Nobody else has permission to be out here. Throw them up on the shore and come with me. Yours too." She swam toward the middle of the lake, giving him tantalizing looks at her bare bottom, and then stopped to tread water. His face was beet red, but his shorts were lying next to her bikini on the shore as he swam slowly toward her. She alternated between treading water backwards, then surging ahead with powerful strokes, keeping well ahead of him and his slow breast stroke. When she reached the opposite shore, a broad grin spread across her face. She'd thought to find a good spot when she got there, but she'd swum directly to the perfect place β€” almost as if it had called to her. Terra climbed out onto the soft carpet of grass and turned to see Nathan barely treading water as he marveled at the sight of her nude body. As much as she liked making eye contact with him when they talked, his reaction was *exactly* what she'd hoped for at this particular moment. She knelt down in the grass, and a few locks of dripping hair fell to obscure one eye as she smiled and fixed him with an unmistakable *come hither* stare. One thing had worried her over the past weeks as she recognized common interests she'd never really paid attention to before and discovered new ones with him. Some cynical part of her had whispered in the back of her head that someone so perfect for her had to have a flaw somewhere. One place that flaw could possibly lie had always been hidden, even in his swim trunks. When he finally worked up the nerve to climb out of the water, that worry flittered away in an instant. She took his hand as soon as he walked within reach and tugged so he would sit down beside her. His eyes kept darting toward the far shore, so she cupped his chin in her hand and distracted him with a kiss. She couldn't help giggling when she wrapped her hand around his half-hard member and he gasped. He swelled rapidly in her hand as she stroked his cock. Thinking he would hesitate, she took the initiative and lifted his left hand to her breast. When he gave it a gentle squeeze and brushed the erect nipple with his thumb, she let out a long moan. His eyes were filled with wonder when he lifted them back to hers and whispered, "You're so beautiful." Terra whimpered β€” his words and the emotion behind them making her soul sing β€” then braced a hand behind her and slowly reclined, once again beckoning him with her eyes. When he placed a hand on the ground and leaned toward her, she first guided him to her lips. Though she could feel the desire in his kiss, it was just as sweet as every other they'd shared. Aching to be touched, she cupped her left breast and glanced down at it before using the hand tousling his hair to further indicate her desire. Her back arched up from the grass when he kissed the swell of her breast, and both of her hands came into play to center his lips over the turgid point. A second kiss directly over her nipple drew a quiet whimper from her. It was quickly followed by a moan when he sucked it between his lips. "Oh yes. Just like that," she encouraged him. The way he suckled her with the softest of pressure soon had her wriggling and moaning from his efforts. It took only a tug from her hand on the back of his head to cause him to move to her nipple's twin, which he worshiped with the same loving touch. Stretching out her fingers, she found his hardness and caressed it, making the fires of her need surge higher. "Make love to me," she whispered as his lips moved back to her left breast again. He released her nipple with apparent reluctance, planting a final kiss over it before looking up into her eyes. There was a touch of shame mingled with the desire in those blue orbs when he said, "Terra... I... Uhm..." "Shh," she said, pressing her finger to his lips while smiling at him. She knew as surely as if he'd managed to voice it why he was concerned. If he wasn't a virgin, she knew he couldn't have much experience. He spent enough time at the house for her to have known about any girlfriends. He responded to the guidance of her hands, moving between her legs as she parted them. He drank in the sight of her and sucked in a deep breath when she ran her fingers over her baby-smooth nether lips β€” yet another gift of her dryad blood. She never had to worry about an unwanted hair sprouting anywhere on her body, because none grew anywhere below her long eyelashes. Terra smiled as she propped up on one elbow, drawing his gaze back to hers, and curled her fingers around his erection. He shuddered as she pressed it against her nether lips. Then she gave a tug. His groan was deep as he slid into her, while hers was higher pitched, but no less filled with surprised delight. When the curly hairs at the base of his shaft settled against her, she moaned deep in her throat and closed her eyes. He fit her as if made for her β€” like two pieces of a puzzle finally joined. He leaned over her, and she wrapped both her arms and legs around him, holding him deep inside her. "Terra," he breathed, "Oh my god." "Mmm β€” you feel so good. Make love to me." When she relaxed the grip of her legs, his hips rose up, sliding about half his length out of her satiny embrace. When he penetrated her again, her eyes shot wide open and she gasped. The position he was in caused his shaft to slide in just the right place to send the most delightful, minuscule vibrations to her clit. On the next rock of his hips, she felt it again and voiced the blissful sensation as an *oh* that carried hints of laughter. He groaned each time his cock slid into her depths, following the rhythm she set with her legs resting on his lower back. Her hands roamed over his skin and through his hair, her own sounds of pleasure bubbling up ever more frequently with each stroke. There was nothing hurried in their coupling. Their bodies undulated as one on the bed of grass. Though the summer sun shone down bright and strong upon them, the breeze cooled them, blowing across the glistening sheen of sweat rising on their skin. Rustling leaves and lapping water mingled with their soft sounds of passion as she felt a tingling come to life in her depths. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes," she whimpered β€” moaning every time he filled her so wonderfully, perfectly full. The pressure was building inside her β€” both warm and somehow shot through with chilly pinpoints as well. "Oh, Terra," he groaned, the sound tight with strain. "Don't stop. Just like that. Just like that," she pleaded as she climbed toward a peak. She'd planned to wriggle a hand between their bodies to the center of her pleasure, but it was proving unnecessary. She was on the cusp of release, and the sound of his voice suggested that he was close as well. Nathan's breath was hot against her rapidly rising and falling breasts. Her heart pounded in her chest. Higher and higher she soared, until a quavering cry signaled her tumble into sweet oblivion. A chorus of birds somewhere overhead burst into song, seemingly sharing her joyful release. He froze in place with his manhood buried deep inside her. Her walls, arms, and legs gripped him tight. She trembled, whimpered, and moaned as the orgasm went on and on, spurred by the throbbing of his cock inside her. She held him close as her climax settled down into aftershocks, and then finally released him so he could straighten his arms and look down on her as she panted for breath. "Did you..?" he asked after a few moments. She let out a giggle that transformed into a sharp moan when another ripple of beautiful agony shot through her. "Mmm hmm." As she finished moaning her answer, she realized his cock was still rock-hard inside her. "Y-you didn't come?" she asked in surprise. He shook his head. "Almost. Way too close." "I want you to." After a couple of puzzled blinks, he said, "But, I don't have a condom on." Terra grinned at him and shivered β€” her toes curling. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to get pregnant." She let him assume that she was on birth control, though the truth of the matter was that one of the quirks of her family was that they were only fertile on Earth Day. She beckoned him with a crooked finger and puckered lips, and he responded accordingly. Her lips were still brushing his when she whispered, "I want you to come for me." Though she kept her arms wrapped around him, she left his hips unrestrained this time. Still not completely recovered from her orgasm, she let out a squeal when his buried cock slid from her depths, triggering a powerful aftershock. Then she gasped as he sank into her again. For a few strokes, he maintained the slow pace she'd set for him previously, though he pulled back farther. She could feel his breaths quickening as she caressed his back, and the pace of his hips followed. She gasped again as the first of those quicker, stronger thrusts drove his cock into her depths. Her breasts began to quiver, and the lingering effects of her orgasm intensified, spiking every time their bodies clapped together. Growls crept in with his grunts of exertion, and she could tell he was losing control. "Come for me," she told him in a high-pitched whisper. After a couple of fast strokes, a broken groan rumbled in his throat as he fulfilled her wish. "Yes. Oh yes," she moaned as she felt him pulsing in her depths and trembling in her arms. He grunted with each ejaculation β€” flooding her with his cream. When the final surge joined the pool in her depths, his strength went with it. Terra ran her fingers through his hair as his forehead came to rest on her chest, just below her breasts. She giggled when an involuntary contraction of her walls caused him to emit a shocked, falsetto cry. He gasped for breath, but still managed to mutter, "Oh god, Terra. In... Incredible." "Do you need to move?" she asked. "I..." He groaned. "It's okay," she said, and then gave him a pat on the back. He stiffened and let out several explosive breaths as his cock slipped from her warm embrace to rest against her thigh. Then he rolled over heavily onto his back. She wasted no time snuggling up next to him. Their eyes met, and they both laughed, though his was slow and weak. Looking at his awestruck expression, she had to know. "Was that your first time?" His already flushed cheeks darkened and he nodded. "Was it okay?" "It was wonderful. *You're* wonderful," she answered. It was the first time she'd ever had an orgasm without direct attention to her bud. She took it as one more sign that she'd wasted far too much time searching for her other half, when it had always been right there in Nathan, patiently waiting for her to realize it. She moaned as she thought that it could only get better with practice. He wrapped an arm around her, and she scooted up for a kiss. As soon as their lips parted, he said, "I love you. It's like a dream being with you." A joyful whimper on her lips, she kissed him again. "I love you too." She could barely remember the last time she hadn't been the one to initiate that exchange with someone. "Think I lied to Mr. Parker, though." Terra laughed, remembering the old man's admonition that there be no *hanky-panky*. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Lying next to him in contented afterglow, one thing did creep in to try to steal the sweetness of the moment. It was a fear that had assailed her with each and every relationship she'd ever been in β€” her family's secret. Eventually, if they were going to truly build a life together, she would have to reveal that, and the thought frightened her beyond imagining. "Are you okay?" he asked, snapping her from the darker turn of her thoughts. He always seemed to know the moment she was the slightest bit discontent. "Mmm hmm." She found it easy to smile at him when he reached over to caress her cheek. As he touched her and fixed her with a loving gaze, she remembered him with the squirrels. That memory made her consider that perhaps he would be more accepting of her family than she was giving him credit for. Her worries soon vanished as she basked in that comforting thought and his embrace. \*\*\*\* Peeking out from the trees not far away, Xantina smiled. Her magic grew stronger as another of her daughters found the one to complete her, allowing the dryad to journey farther from her tree and crystal-clear pool to this place. Xantina needed none of her newfound strength to see into Nathan's heart. She knew her great-granddaughter had nothing to fear. When Terra found the courage to reveal her secret, she was in for a joyful surprise. Often caught up in his fantasy world, Nathan had long dreamed of reality having the magic that stirred his imagination. Finding out that it *was* real was only going to draw him even closer to her. The baby rabbit in her hands and the two squirrels sitting on her shoulders knew it as well. They were rather proud of themselves for playing a small part in making Terra realize it. The birds gathered in the boughs above once again burst out into song, joining Xantina and the rest of nature in welcoming to the family yet another *Friend of the Wood*. \*\*\*\* *Hope you've enjoyed this tale of magic and fairytale romance. Apologies to those who follow me for missing Earth Day... Again. I'll endeavor to start earlier next year, but it's up to the characters to tell me their story, and sometimes they feel like waiting. If you enjoyed this one, you might want to venture back in time by reading earlier stories in this series. Each story follows a new set of characters in a timeline that is mostly generational, which is as follows: Steward of the Wood, Daughter of the Wood, Forever of the Wood, Secret of the Wood, Kindred of the Wood, Heart of the Wood, and Beauty of the Wood. You can learn how Terra's parents met in "Secret" for example. And yes, I know that they should be flying around in solar-powered Jetson cars by now \*laugh\* Hope you can add that to your suspension of disbelief along with dryads existing ;) Please do take a moment to cast your vote. Your votes and feedback via comments, favorites, and emails are what keep me ( and most of the free authors on the site ) coming back for more. In this case, they also determine the winner of the contest. On that note, only vote once. 1 story, 1 vote. Play fair, and don't down-vote others to try to "help" a favorite either.*
"Title: Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 02\nTags: hot wife, big cock, police drama, crime drama, myste(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Maverick Cattle Company Ch. 08\nTags: gay novella, gay cowboy, gay rural, gay anal, twink, h(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Bess Ch. 12\nTags: nude beach, exhibition, masturbation\n\nWhen Deidre got back from her wee(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Disgrace by Shakarri\nTags: Character Development, Hermaphrodite, Highschool, Hyena, Lion, O(...TRUNCATED)
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