2 values
9 values
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
June gold ends at $1,224.20/oz, up $5.30, or 0.4%
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
bitcoin slump drives up investors' appetite for gold
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold prices to trade sideways today: Angel Commodities
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
finmin to float discussion paper on gold monetisation plan
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
oil down 9.2%; gold gains 1.3% on week
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
gold futures end up for the day, down for the week
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price going up? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price staying constant? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price going down? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about price in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the past? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline talk about a general event (apart from prices) in the future? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.
Gold futures end at highest level since Sept. 9 ahead of FOMC decision
Does the news headline compare gold with any other asset? Please choose an answer from {Yes/No}.