11515050101,1,B,B0B0000202K2KGKGNGN4N4L4LELE,E,A,A2A2U2UUUUIUILIL3L3V3VIVICICQCQQQQHQH0H0,0,E,EmEmimililyly y R R.R.,.,1,1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1313101020250256560600000000,0,B0,BUBUYUY Y E ELELSLSESEWEWHWHEHERERERE,E,YE,YoYouou u c cacanan n f fifinindnd d t ththihisis s 6 6-6-p-papacackck k f fo foror r $ $4$4040 0 d dodolollllalararsrs s ls lelesessss s as atat t d di . N NoNo o r rereaeasasosonon n tn ththetheyey y sy shshohououlouldld d bd bebe e c ch chaharargargigininging g t th thihishis s ms mumucuchch.h..115150150202,02,B,B0,B00002002K2KG2KGNGN4GN4L4LE4LE,E,AE,A2A25A25353U3U7U7U7UEUEJEJQJQCQCVCVJVJIJI,I,","J"JoJohohahanhannnnana a C CaCasastastatananoano o "o """"J"JC"JC"C"""""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,121282858525282862864640400400,0,B0,Be0,Besestest t Ot OrOrgrgagananianicic c m mimilmilklk k ok ououtout t tt y by babababyby y sy swy swiwititctchchecheded d fd frfroromom om S SiSimimimilmilamilacac ac S So Soyoy,y,","O,"OuOurur r 9r 9 9 m mo monontonthth th o ololdold d od ororiorigigiginginanalnallllylly y wy wawasas as s spspipitittittitininging ing u upup p a a a la lolotot.t. . W. WeWe e he hahadhad d hd hihimhim m 1 1s1stst t ot onon on S Si Simimiimililailacac ac rac reregregugululalarlar,r, , t th the thenen n wn wewenentent t tt tot to o So SiSimSimimilmilamilacmilac c Sc SeSenensensisititiitiviveve e ae anandand d fd fid fininainalallllylly lly t to to o So Sio Simimiimilimilalaclac c Sc Soc Soyoy.oy. . . T ThThehe e se sosoysoy y dy dididid d td ththethe the t tr triricickick.k. . H. HeHe e we wawaswas s os onon on son sisimsimimilmilimil
1501,B002KGN4LE,A2UUIL3VICQQH0,Emily R.,1,1,5,1310256000,BUY ELSEWHERE,You can find this 6-pack for $40 dollars less at No reason they should be charging this much. 1502,B002KGN4LE,A253U7UEJQCVJI,"Johanna Castano ""JC""",1,1,5,1285286400,Best Organic milk out baby switched from Similac Soy,"Our 9 month old originally was spitting up a lot. We had him 1st on Similac regular, then went to Similac Sensitive and finally to Similac Soy. The soy did the trick. He was on simili
aacac c s sosoyoy y f foforor r t ththehe e p papasastst t 6 6 6 m momonontnththsths.s. . W WhWhehenhen n t th thehe he S SiSimimimililalacac ac r rerececacalallll l w wewenentnt nt t th thr throrouougughgh,h, , m my my y wy wiwififefe e be bebececaecamameme e de didisisgsgugusuststesteded d w wi witithth th S Si Simimiimililailacac ac aac anandnd d sd susugugguggegeseststestedsted d wd wewe we t tr tryry y ay a a n nenewew w b brbraranandand.d. . I. I I w wa wasas as r re relelulucuctctatanantant t bt bubutut t dt dididdid d sd sod so o a ananyanywywawayay.y. . . W We We e re reremremiminmindndendeded ed o ououroursrseselelvelveveses es t th tha thatat t at asas as bas babababibieieses es ges gegetget t ot ololdldederer,r, , t, ththetheyey y by bebecbecocomomeme me l lelesessess s f fu fusussussysy,y, , l, leleslessss s gs gagasassassysy sy a an andnd nd m ma mayaybaybebe be t th the theyey ey d dodonon'on't't t nt neneeneeded ed Sed SOSOYOY Y a an any anymymomormorere re i ifif if t th tha that that't's's s ws whwhahatat at t th the they they y wy wey werereere e ue ususeuseded ed ted toto.o. . S. SoSo o Io I I wI wewenwentnt nt tnt toto to m my my my l lo lococacalcal l Wl WhWhoWhololeole e Fe FoFoooododsds s ss ststostororeore e ae anandand and b bo bouougoughghtght t tt ththethe the L LaLacactactotostosese se F FrFrereeree e Be BaBababyaby'y's's 's o on onlnlyly y fy . A. ANAN N i in insnststastanantant ant h hihitit it ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! M MyMy y sy sosonson n ln lolovovevesves s is itit it !it ! ! S Se . H. HeHe e ge gogobobbbblblelesles les i it it t dt dot dowownwn.n.......a..alallall l 6l 6 6 o6 ozo
ac soy for the past 6 months. When the Similac recall went through, my wife became disgusted with Similac and suggested we try a new brand. I was reluctant but did so anyway. We reminded ourselves that as babies get older, they become less fussy, less gassy and maybe they don't need SOY anymore if that's what they were used to. So I went to my local Whole Foods store and bought the Lactose Free Baby's only formula. AN instant hit !!!!! My son loves it ! Seriousely. He gobbles it down...all 6 oz
i inin n o ononcncece e s shshohotot.t. . B BeBefefofororere e we wiwitithth h t ththethe e se sisimimimililalacac c s so soyoy,y, , h hehe e we woe wououluldld d h ha havaveve e te toto o t ta takakeke e ae a a b brbrereareakak ak i in in n bn bebetetwtweweeeenen.n. . . M MyMy y w wiwifwifefe e ae ace actctutuaualallllyly y ty tatasaststeteded d td ththethe the m mimilmilklk k a anandnd d sd sasaiaidid d id itit it i is is s d dedelelilicicicioiouousous s cs cocomompmpaparareredred d td tod to o so sisimsimimilmilamilacac ac s so soy soy.y. . . W. WeWelellell,l, , i, ifif f a ad adudulultultsts s ls liliklikeke ke i it it,t, , I, I I a am am m s su sururere re b ba bababibieieses s ws wowououlouldld ld t to toooo o !o ! ! I I I aI amam m vm veververyry y hy hahapappppypy y ty thy thuhusus s fs fafarar ar w wi witithith h oh ouourour r c chchohoihoiciceice.e. . W. WeWe We w we wererere re gre gogoioininging g t to to to g gegetet et N NaNatatuturtureresres s Bs BeBesBestst,st, , b, bubutut t r rereareadread d td thd thahathat t tt ththethe the wthe wawayay y ty thy they theyey y ey exextxtrtraracactact t tt tht theheiheirir r Dr DHDHAHA A i is is is n nonotot ot i id . G. GlGlaladlad d Id I I rI rerearealrealilizlizezeded ed t th thahathat.hat. . . S. SoSo o fo fafarfar r sr soso o go gogoogoodod d !d ! ! W! WeWe We aWe alalwalwawaywaysys s ts ththothouougoughghtht t tt tht that thatat at o ou ourur ur b ba bab babyby y wy wowouwoululduld d bd bebe be s st stutuctuckck k wk wiwitwithth th S SOSOYOY Y f foforformrmumululaula.a.......t..ththathanankank'k's's s ts tos to o to ththethe the sthe sisimsimisimililailacac ac rac rerecrecacalallall l a an a
in once shot. Before with the similac soy, he would have to take a break in between. My wife actually tasted the milk and said it is delicious compared to similac soy. Well, if adults like it, I am sure babies would too ! I am very happy thus far with our choice. We were going to get Natures Best, but read that the way they extract their DHA is not ideal. Glad I realized that. So far so good ! We always thought that our baby would be stuck with SOY formula...thank's to the similac recall an
dd d s sosomomeme e g gogoooodod d od ololdld d fd fafasashshihioiononeneded d pd papararerenentnt t i inintntuntuiuitititioionion,n, , w wewe e re rerearealalilizizezeded ed t ththahatat t it isis s N NONOTOT T t th thehe e ce cacasasease.e. . I I I a amam m h hahaphappppypy y a ab abobououtut t tt ththathatat at s si sinincincece e Se SOSOYOY Y c cacancan n c ca cauaususese e se sosomsomeme me h ho horormrmomononaonalal al p prproroboblblelememsms.s..............b..babababibieieses s as anandnd d ad adadudulultltsts s as als aliliklikeke.e. e. T ThThahanhanknk k y yoyouou ou B BaBababyaby'y's's s os ononlonlyly y fy foforor or m mamakakikininging g a an an n en exexcxcecelcellllelenlentnt nt p pr prorodroduducductct t !t !"!""11515050303,3,B,B0B0000202K2KGKGNGN4N4L4LELE,E,A,A3A3D3DJDJWJW4W4X4XFXFPFP0P0I0ININ2N2K2K,2K,s,shshoshomomaomagag,g,1,1,1,2,2,2,5,5,5,1,12,12828989696060606464040000,00,W,WeWe e ae arareare e ae a e a f fafanfan,n,"n,"W"WhWhehenhen n mn mymy y dy dadauaugaughghthteterer r w wa wasas as a an an an i in infnfafanfantfant,t, , s, shsheshe e we wawasas as aas alallallelerlergrgigicic c t to to o s so somomeometeththithininging ing i in in in m my my y by brbrereareasreaststmtmimililklk k ak anandand d wd wawaswas s ps puputut ut o onon on N Ne Neoeococacatcatete te w wh whihichichch h w wo wororkorkekedked d wd wod wonondondederersers s fs foforfor r hr heherher r ar alallalleallerergergigicgic c cc . . F FoForor or mor mymy my s so son son,n, n, w we we e we wee werereere e te ththetherereereferefoforforefore e ve vevereryery y cy cacarcarerefrefufulul ul w wh whe whenen en i it i
d some good old fashioned parent intuition, we realized that is NOT the case. I am happy about that since SOY can cause some hormonal problems.....babies and adults alike. Thank you Baby's only for making an excellent product !" 1503,B002KGN4LE,A3DJW4XFP0IN2K,shomag,1,2,5,1289606400,We are a fan,"When my daughter was an infant, she was allergic to something in my breastmilk and was put on Neocate which worked wonders for her allergic colitis. For my son, we were therefore very careful when it
c cacamameme e t titimimeme me t to to o p pipicickckikiningng g o ououtut t a a a f foforormrmumululala a ta toto o so susupupppplplelemememenmentnt t bt brbrereaeasaststmtmimililklk.k. . H HiHisis s s ststostomomamacachch h d dodoeoeses s rs rereareacactact t wt whwhehenen n I I I h hahavaveve e ae acaccaccicididedenententatalallllyly y h ha hadad d m momororeore e de dadaiairiryry y ty ththahanhan n In I I cI cacancan n tn totoltolelerleraratatete e se soso o mo mymy y py pepededidiaiatatratririciciiciaianian n rn rerecrecocomommommemenmendmendededded d ad a a la lalaclactctotostosese e fe frfrereeree e fe foe forormormumulmulala,la, , e esespespepecpeciciacialallallyly ly g gigivivevenven n on ouourour r A AsAsisiaianian ian b babacackackgkgrgrorouounoundnd.d. . . I I I w wawanantntenteded ed s so somomeometeththithininging g og ororgorgagananianicic,ic, , n, nonotot t st sosoysoy,y, , l, lalaclactlactotostosetose e fe fre frereeree,ree, , a, anandand d wd wiwitithth th a as as s cs clclelealeanan an o of of f a a a l lalablabebelel l a as as as p po posossssisibsiblblele le a an andnd nd t th thihisis is f fo forormormuormululaula a fa fufululfulfifilillillsls s as alallall all o of of of t th tho thososeose e ce crcriritriteterteririaria.a. . . M. MyMy y sy sosonson n dn dididdidndn'n't't t lt lilikikeke e ie itit it a at at t ft fifirfirsrstst,st, , b, bubutut ut n nonownow w h he he e se swe swiwitwitctchchecheses es e ea easasiasililyily y by bebetbetwtweweeeenen en b br brereareasreaststmstmimilmillllkllk k a an and and d fd foforformrmurmululaula.ula. . . H. HeHe e he hahashas s ns nonotnot t bt bet beeeeneen n gn gagasgassssyssy y ny no
came time to picking out a formula to supplement breastmilk. His stomach does react when I have accidentally had more dairy than I can tolerate so my pediatrician recommended a lactose free formula, especially given our Asian background. I wanted something organic, not soy, lactose free, and with as clean of a label as possible and this formula fulfills all of those criteria. My son didn't like it at first, but now he switches easily between breastmillk and formula. He has not been gassy no
rr r s spspipitit t u upup p o onon n i . I I I r rereaealallllyly y w wiwisishsh h A AmAmamazazozonon on s st stotocockckekeded d i it it.t.".""11515050404,4,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3838X8XPXPXPXHXH1H1K1KQKQDQDJDJ6J6565,5,T,TiTininana,a,5,5,5,55,5,5,55,5,5,5,1,12129297970703036036868080000,00,A,Ab,Absbsosololulututetelelyly ly a awawewesesosomsomeme!e!,!,","I"I I lI lolovoveve e p papasaststata,a, a, b bubutut ut i it it it d dodoeoeses es n nonotot t lt lolovloveve ve m . . I I I j jujusustst st d do donon'on't't t st seseeeemem m t toto to b be be e ae abablblele e te toto to dto didigigegesestest t it it. B BuButut ut tut ththihisis is p pa pasastastata,ta, , n no notot ot o on onlnlyly ly tly tatastaststesteses es ges grgrereareatat,t, , i, itit it i is is s s so so o e eaeaseasysy y ty toto to dto dito digigeigesestest.est. . . A. AnAndnd,d, , a, asas as a an an n an adaddddededed ed b bo bononuonusus,us, , i, it, it t it ist is s hs heheaealealtlththythy y &y & & l lolowlow w i in in n cn . . I. I I hI hahavaveve ve nve nonownow w tw trtririerieded ed eed eveveververyry y vy veverversversisioionon on oon ofof f t th thihishis s ps papaspaststasta a & & & t& ththetheyey y ay ararere re a al allll ll a am amamazmazizininging.g. . . S. SoSomomeme me r re revevievieiewiewewerwersrs s cs cocomompomplplalaiainineineded ed ted ththathatat at t th the the e pe papaspastpastata ta i is is is t to toooo o fo fifirirmrm,m, , b, bubutbut t tt ththathatthat t it ist is t is n no not not t tt tht thehe he c . . Y. YoYouou u s si simimpmplplyply y ny neneeeedeed
r spit up on it. I really wish Amazon stocked it." 1504,B003UIDAHY,A38XPXH1KQDJ65,Tina,5,5,5,1297036800,Absolutely awesome!,"I love pasta, but it does not love me. I just don't seem to be able to digest it. But this pasta, not only tastes great, it is so easy to digest. And, as an added bonus, it is healthy & low in calories. I have now tried every version of this pasta & they are all amazing. Some reviewers complained that the pasta is too firm, but that is not the case. You simply need
ttoto o c cocooookok k i itit t a a a b bibitit it l lolonongngegerer r t ththahanan n r reregegugululalarar r pr papasaststata a &a & & t th thehenen n in itit it iit isis s l li ligighghtht t at asas as a a a f . B BeBececacauaususese e o ofof f h hohowow w w wowonondondedererferfufulul ul i it it t tt tatastaststesteses s &s & & b& bebececaecauausausese se i it it it i is is s ss soso o lo liligighightht,ht, , y yoyouou u w wo wououlouldld d t th thi thininknk k tk ththathatat at y yo youou ou w we werereere e ee eaeateatitininging g h ho homomemememamadadede de p papaspaststasta.a. . . A AlAlmlmomosostst st h ha harardard d td toto to b be beleleleieiviveve e te ththathatthat t tt tht thihisis is s ststustufuffff f cf cocomcomemesmes s os ououtout t ot ofof of a a a b a boboxox!x! ! : :-:-)-)")""11515050505,5,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3T3TJTJGJGCGCKCKCKCDCDKDKEKEAEARARQRQ,Q,K,KaKababbbbabalalilislistst st Kst KaKarKarerenren n Bn BoBoaoazaz,z,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,15,1212929494040909999292020000,00,P,PaPasastastata ta L LoLovoveverversrs s Ds DrDrereareamam,m,","I"I I e eaeateat eat t th thi this this s ps papaspastpastata ta eta eveveververyvery y d dadayay,y, , w, wiwitithithohouhoutut t gt guguiguililtlt.t. . I. I I lI lolovloveve ve t th thi this this this p pa pasastastaasta.a. a. I I I mI mamaimainintintataitainin in m mymy y dy dedesdesisirireredred d wd weweieigeighghtght t wt wiwitwiththothououtout out a an anyny y py prproroboblblelemlem.m. . Y. YoYouou ou hou hahavhaveve ve tve toto to cto cocoocookok ok t th thi this this this p this papaspastpastapasta a aa a a la lilitlittttltlele le l lo lonongongegerger
to cook it a bit longer than regular pasta & then it is light as a feather. Because of how wonderful it tastes & because it is so light, you would think that you were eating homemade pasta. Almost hard to beleive that this stuff comes out of a box! :-)" 1505,B003UIDAHY,A3TJGCKCDKEARQ,Kabbalist Karen Boaz,3,3,5,1294099200,Pasta Lovers Dream,"I eat this pasta every day, without guilt. I love this pasta. I maintain my desired weight without any problem. You have to cook this pasta a little longer
tththahanan n n nonorormrmamalal l p papasaststata,a, , b bubutut t i itit t it isis s e evevevereryry y b bi bitit it a asas as g gogoooodod.d.".""11515050606,6,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3U3UC3UCNCN2N2R2RGRGYGY7Y7O7O6O6S6S1S1,1,","J"JoJoaoanannannene e " """"G"GoGotottttata ta E EaEatat,t, , G, GoGotGottttatta a C CoCooookook"k"""""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,1313131818787272323232020000,00,G,GoGooGoodod!od!,!,","E,"EaEacEachch h b bo boxox x i is is s 8s 8o8ozoz z a an andnd d u usususuaualallallyly y Iy I I m mamakmakeke e 8e 8o8oz8oz z mz mimixixexeded d wd wiwitithith h sh sosomomeme e le leleaeanan an p pr prorototeoteieinin n fn foforor or a a a m me meaealeal l fl foforfor r b bo bot bothth th m my my y hy huhususbusbabanandand d ad anandand and I I,I, , a, anandand and iand ifif f w wewe e he hahavhaveve ve l lelefleftftotovoveverversrs,s, , i, itit'it's's s rs rarararere.e. . T ThThihisis is t titimimeme me h hohowowewevweveverver,ver, , I, I I hI hahadhad d hd hahalhalflf f of ofof f if itit it lit lelefleftleftotovtoveverver ver o ononlnlyly ly b b/ b/c/c c w we we e fe fefeleltlt t ft fufulullll l al anandand and cand cocouoululduldndn'n't't t et eaeateat t at ananyanymymomororeore.e. e. I I I wI wowonondondederer er i if if f tf ththithisis is iis isis is bis b/b/c/c /c o of of f tf thf thehe e he hie higighgh h ah amamtmt t ot ofof of f . W. WhWhahathateteveveeverer,er, , t, ththithisthis s ms momormornrninininging g m my my my h hu hububbbbyby y ty teteltellllslls s ms mes me e he hee he'e's's 's d dodowownown n 3n 3 3 l lb lbsbs.s. . t. totootoo.o. . . I I' I'm'm m j jejeaealealoeal
than normal pasta, but it is every bit as good." 1506,B003UIDAHY,A3UCN2RGY7O6S1,"Joanne ""Gotta Eat, Gotta Cook""",2,2,5,1318723200,Good!,"Each box is 8oz and usually I make 8oz mixed with some lean protein for a meal for both my husband and I, and if we have leftovers, it's rare. This time however, I had half of it leftover only b/c we felt full and couldn't eat anymore. I wonder if this is b/c of the high amt of fiber. Whatever, this morning my hubby tells me he's down 3 lbs. too. I'm jealo
uusus.s. . A AlAlslsoso,o, , I I'I'v'veve e b bebeeeenen n o onon n an anan n en eaeatatitiningng g b bi biningingege e ae alalmlmomosostst t 2 2 2 w weweeeekeeksks,s, , a, alalwalwawayaysys s f fefeeeeleelilininging ing u ununsnsasatatiatiaiatateateded.d. . L. LaLasastst st n ninigighghtht t It I I h hahadad d n no no o s ststrstroronongong g ug ururgrgegesges s ts toto o eo eaeateat t st snsnanacackcksks.ks. . . I I I a atateate ate a an an n an apn apppplplele e me momormorere e oe ououtut t ot ofof f h ha hababibitit t tt toto to e eaeateat eat s so somomemeteththihininging ing ting ththathanan an b b/ b/c/c c I I I w I wawaswas s ts trs trurululyly y h hu hunungungrgryry.y. . I. I I wI wowonon'on't't t st sat sayay ay t ththithisis s is isis is t th thehe e oe oue oututcutcocomomeome e fe foforor r e ev eveververyryoryononeone,e, , b, bubutut ut I I I t I ththothouougoughghtght t It I't I'd'd d sd . . I. I'I'mI'm m u us usisininging ing ting thing thehe he l lelefleftftotovtoveverver ver p papasastastata a i inin in m mymy y by bebeabeanan an san sosousoupup p t to . I. I'. I'd'd 'd l li likikeke e te toto to eto evevevenventntutuaualallallyly ly t tr tryry ry t th the the e de didififfffeferfererenrentnt nt v vavararirieietetietieiesies s os ofof of s sh shahaphapepeses s os ofs of f pf papaspaststasta a na nonowow,w, , t, totootoo.o.".""11515050707,7,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3K3K5K5757B7B9B9O9OHOHFHFDFDZDZUZUNUN,N,M,M.M. . M. M.M. M. J JoJohohnhnsnsonsonon,on,2,2,2,3,3,3,5,5,5,1,13131313133133636666464040000,00,g,grgregreaeateat eat ceat cacalaloalororiorieie ie c cucututtutteterer,r
us. Also, I've been on an eating binge almost 2 weeks, always feeling unsatiated. Last night I had no strong urges to eat snacks. I ate an apple more out of habit to eat something than b/c I was truly hungry. I won't say this is the outcome for everyone, but I thought I'd share. I'm using the leftover pasta in my bean soup tonight. I'd like to eventually try the different varieties of shapes of pasta now, too." 1507,B003UIDAHY,A3K57B9OHFDZUN,M. M. Johnson,2,3,5,1313366400,great calorie cutter,
II I l lolovoveve e t ththihisis s s ststutufuffff f a anandnd d o ononlnlyly y g gegetet t i itit t tt ththrthrorouougughgh h A AmAmamazazozonon.on. . I ItIt t at ararrrririvivevedved d od onon on t ti timimeme e ae anandand d gd gogoooodod d cd coconondondidititiitioionon on aon anandand and I I I e enenjnjojoyoy y iy,8,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,AQAQMQM8M8K8KBKB1B1Q1QWQW0W0C0C9C9X9X,X,","W"WiWililllliliaiamam m A A. A. . R. RoRosossss s "s """"c"chchrhroronroninicic c r rereaeadadederer"r"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13134349495956568680800000000,0,R0,ReReaealeal l P PaPasaststasta a W WiWitWithth th H HaHalalflf f tf ththethe e Ce CaCalaloalororirierieses s as anandand and Mand MoMosostost t ot ofof f tf thf thehe e Te TaTasastastete!e!,!,","J,"JuJusustst st a a a q ququiuicickick k n nonototete.te....... .. a a a v a veververyry y gy gogoogoodod od f frfririerienriendnd nd o of of f mf mimininene e we whwhoho o a al alslsoso o bo babatattttltleleses es w weweieigighghtght t it isississusueueses es aes anandand and land lolovloveve ve p papasastastaasta a ta tuturturnrnenedned d md meme me o on on n t to to o to ththithisis is p pr prorodroduducuctct.t. . . W We We e be bobouougoughghtght ght a a a b a boboxbox x a at at t Wt WhWhoholholele le F FoFoooodoodsds s as ans andnd nd Ind I I wI wawasas as i im impmprpreresressssesseded d bd byby y ty ththethe the t ta tasastasteaste e be bue butut t et esespespepececiciaialiallllylly y by byby by t th thehe he l lo lowow w c cacalaloaloraloririeriesries s as ans ands and d hd hihighighgh gh f fi fibibeberer er c co conontontetententnt.t. t. A AmAmaAmaz
I love this stuff and only get it through Amazon. It arrived on time and good condition and I enjoy it. 1508,B003UIDAHY,AQM8KB1QW0C9X,"William A. Ross ""chronic reader""",0,0,5,1349568000,Real Pasta With Half the Calories and Most of the Taste!,"Just a quick note... a very good friend of mine who also battles weight issues and love pasta turned me on to this product. We bought a box at Whole Foods and I was impressed by the taste but especially by the low calories and high fiber content. Amaz
iiningnglglyly y i itit't's's s a ababobououtut t 4 4040%0% % c chcheheaeapapeperer r a at at t At AmAmamazazozonon n t ththahanan n an atat t Wt WhWhohololele e F FoFoooododsds,s, , a an andnd d b bebeieininging g a an an an A AmAmaAmazazoazonon on P PrPririmimeme e ce cucusuststotomomemermer r sr sasavaveveded d md meme me o onon on son<.<b<brbr r /r />/>I>I'I'l'llll l b be be e be babacackck k f foforor r mr momororeore e se sosoooonoon.n. . I I I l lolovoveve ve q ququaualalilitityity y ay anandand d ad a a b ba".""11515050909,9,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A5A5P5P7P7V7VHVHVHV0V0J0JAJAFAFQFQQQQ,Q,","S"ShShaharharoronon on Eon E.E. . D. DrDririsriscscocololloll l "l """"j"jejewewewelel9l9797"7"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313434848585353131212020000,00,G,GrGrereaeateat t Pt PaPasaststasta,a,","L,"LoLovoveove e te ththithisis s ps papasastastata.a. . . I I I m mimixix x t th thihishis s ws wiwitithith h r reregregugululalarar ar p papaspaststasta sta f fo foror or a a a m me meaealeal,l, , h, hahalhalflf f a an and and d hd hahalhalfhalf.f. . . L. LoLovLoveve ve tve ththethe e le lolowlowewerwer r cr cacalaloalororiorieieses s as anandand and t th the the e fe fifibibeberber r cr cor conontontetenentnt.t."."."11515151010,0,B0,B0B00B00303U03UIUIDUIDADAHDAHYHY,HY,A,A1,A1111818X8XYXYLYLKLK4K4X4XAXA1A1F1F8F8,8,N,NaNanancancycy y Ly LeLewewiewisis,is,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,1313413434333343473472720200200,0,F0,FaFababuabululoulouousous!s!,!,","M,"MyMy y hy huhususbusbabanbandnd nd a an and and and I I I h I hahavhaveve ve bve bebeebeenen en o on on
ingly it's about 40% cheaper at Amazon than at Whole Foods, and being an Amazon Prime customer saved me on shipping.<br />I'll be back for more soon. I love quality and a bargain." 1509,B003UIDAHY,A5P7VHV0JAFQQ,"Sharon E. Driscoll ""jewel97""",0,0,5,1348531200,Great Pasta,"Love this pasta. I mix this with regular pasta for a meal, half and half. Love the lower calories and the fiber content." 1510,B003UIDAHY,A118XYLK4XA1F8,Nancy Lewis,0,0,5,1343347200,Fabulous!,"My husband and I have been on
aa a l lolowow w c cacararbrb b d didieietet t f foforor r t twtwowo o y yeyeaeararsars s a anandnd d I I I m mimisissss s ps papasaststata a ma momosostst st o ofof f a al allll.l. . W WeWe'e'v'veve e t tr tririeiedied d od otoththeherer r lr lolowlow w cw cacarcarbrb rb p papaspaststastasas as a an andnd nd w wewerereerenen'n't't t ct crcrarazazyzy y a ab abobououtut t tt ththethemem,m, , b bubutut ut w we we e le lolovlovevedved d Fd FiFibibeberer er G . T. ThThehe he t ta tasastastete e ie isis is m mi mididwdwawayay y by bebetbetwtwetweeeenen en w wh whihititete te a an and and d wd whwhohololele e we whwhewheaeateat t pt papaspastpastata.ta. . U. UnUnlnlilikikeke e oe otothotheherher r lr lor lowow ow c ca cararbarb b pb papaspastpastapastasas,as, , w, wewe we d di dididnidn'n'tn't t et exexpxpepererierieieniencncece e ae ananyany y sy sisidideide e ee efeffffefecectctsts s is inin n t te terermermsms s os ofof of d di dig digegeseststistiviveve ve i isississusueueses es ( (i(ifif f yf yoyouou ou k knknonowow ow wow whwhawhatat t It I I mI memeameanan)an).). . I. I I cI cacancan'n'tn't n't w wa waiaitit it t to to o to trtryry y oy otothotheotherer er per prprorododuducuctctscts s fs frfroromrom m F FiFibFibeberber r Gr"et.""11515151111,1,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A2A2323Q3QCQCWCWKWKOKO0O0I0IXIXKXK8K8G8G,G,","M"MHMH H " """"M"MM"MMHMH"MH"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313333737272121212828080000,00,F,FiFibFibeFibererGerGoGouGourGourmrmermetrmet t lt liliglighghtht t pt pet penennennene,e,","L,"LoLovoveve ve tve ththithisis is pis papaspastpastapasta.pasta. . . D DoDoeoeses es ces
a low carb diet for two years and I miss pasta most of all. We've tried other low carb pastas and weren't crazy about them, but we loved Fiber Gourmet. The taste is midway between white and whole wheat pasta. Unlike other low carb pastas, we didn't experience any side effects in terms of digestive issues (if you know what I mean). I can't wait to try other products from Fiber Gourmet." 1511,B003UIDAHY,A23QCWKO0IXK8G,"MH ""MMH""",0,0,5,1337212800,FiberGourmet light penne,"Love this pasta. Does c
oooookok k u upup p a a a l lilitittttltlele e f fifirirmrm,m, , c cocooookookekeded d i itit it a a a b bibitit it lit lolonongngegerer.r. . H HaHadad d id itit it wit wiwitithith h p pepeseststoto o v vevereryery y g gogoooodood.d. . . M MyMy y hy huhususbsbabanandnd d cd cocoucoululdld d nd nonotot t t tetelellll l t th thehe e de didififfffeferereerenencncece e se soso o Io I I k knknonownow w i it it t it isis s g go goooodood.ood. . . H. HeHe e ie isis is v ve vereryery ery f fu fusussussysy.y.".""11515151212,2,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A2A2525X5X4X4R4RBRBIBIHIHAHA1A1C1CACA0A0,0,","J"J.J. . J. JoJohohnhnsnsosonson n " """"J"JG"JGJGJ"J"""""""",",0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,1313333434242727575252020000,00,I,ItItatalalilialianan an B BoBorornrn n Pn PaPasaststasta a La LoLovoveverver r G GiGivivevesves s Ts ThThihisis is 5is 5 5 S StStatartarsrs!s!,!,","W,"WoWowow w .w ....... .. t th thi thisis is pis papasastastata ta t ta tasastasteasteses es j jujusustust t lt liliklikeke ke t th the the e re rereaealal al t th thi thin thingng ng u un unlnliliklikelike e te ththehe he b br braranandandsds s ls lalababebeleleeleded ed a as as s ws whwhohololele le w whwhewheaeateat t pt papaspaststasta.sta. . I. I I tI trtririeieded ed ted ththethemem m m mamananyany y ty titimimemeses es aes anandand and s sisimimpimplplyly y cy cocoucoulcouldld ld n nonotnot t gt gegetget t tt ththethe the s sa samameme me p pa pasastastaasta-a-e-eaeateatieatiningng ng eng exexpxpeperperirierienencencece.ce. . . I. I I eI eaeateat eat h hahalalfalf f t th the the the b bo boxox x a at at t at a a ta titimtimeme,me, , w, whwhiwhicichch h ih isis is ais ababoabouo
ook up a little firm, cooked it a bit longer. Had it with pesto very good. My husband could not tell the difference so I know it is good. He is very fussy." 1512,B003UIDAHY,A25X4RBIHA1CA0,"J. Johnson ""JGJ""",0,0,5,1334275200,Italian Born Pasta Lover Gives This 5 Stars!,"Wow ... this pasta tastes just like the real thing unlike the brands labeled as whole wheat pasta. I tried them many times and simply could not get the same pasta-eating experience. I eat half the box at a time, which is abou
tt t 4 4 4 o ozozszs,s, , a anandnd d i itit't's's s s soso o f fifililllliliningng g I I I c cacanan'an't't t et eaeatat t mt momororere e i if if f I I I w wawanantanteteded.d. . I It It t kt kekeeeepepsps s ms meme e se sasatatiatiaiatateateded ed a al allll ll n ninigighghtht.t. . I. I I dI dodonon'n't't 't e evevevenen n g gegetet t tt ththehe e ue ururgrgege ge t toto o so snsnanacackck.k. . T. ThThihisis s is isis is l liliklikeke ke a a a m mimiriraracaclaclele e te toto to m me me.e. . . E EvEvevenven n mn mymy y c ch chihilhildldrdrerenren n wn whwhoho o ao ararere re t th thehe he a ab absbsosolsolulututete te p pipicickckickieiesestst t et eat eatateateratersrs s is ins in n tn ththethe e we wowororlorldld ld l lo lovoveve ve t th thi thisis is pis papasaststasta a a an andnd nd w wi wilillill l e ea eatat at i it it t it inin in s su sububsbstbstititituitututeute e fe foforor or t th the the e "e """"r"rerearealal"l"""" "" ( (a(anandand d ud ununhnheheahealaltalththythy)y) ) a al alt . T. Th. Thehe he ohe otoththetherther r r rerevrevivieiewiewsws s as arareare e ae ababsbsobsololulutluteteltelyly y cy cocororrorrerecrectct t it int in n tn thn thahatat at yat yoyouou u s sh shohouhoululdld ld cld cocoocookok k i it it it 2 2 2 - - - 5 5 5 m mi mininuinututeutesutes s ls lolonongongegerger r tr ththathanan an y yoyouyou u wu wowouwoululduld d cd cocoocookcook k ok otothotheherher r pr papaspaststasta sta o or or r er eveveevenen en w wh whahathat t tt tht thehe he bhe boboxox x s sa sayaysys.s. . . I. I'I'm'm m n no notot ot s su sur surere re ire ifif f Af AmAmamazazozonon on w wi wil willll ll lll liliklikelike e t
t 4 ozs, and it's so filling I can't eat more if I wanted. It keeps me satiated all night. I don't even get the urge to snack. This is like a miracle to me. Even my children who are the absolute pickiest eaters in the world love this pasta and will eat it in substitute for the ""real"" (and unhealthy) alternative. The other reviews are absolutely correct in that you should cook it 2 - 5 minutes longer than you would cook other pasta or even what the box says. I'm not sure if Amazon will like t
hhihisis s c cocomommmmemenentnt,t, , b bubutut t i itit t it isis is m mumucuchch h c ch cheheaeapapeperer r o onon n t ththehe he F FiFibibeberer er G GoGouoururmrmemetmet t wt wewebeb b s sisititeite e a atat t at ababobououtout t dt dodououboublblele e te ththethe e ae amamomouounountnt nt f foforor r tr ththethe the s sa samameame e pe prpriricicece e oe onon on t th thehe he dhe dadayay y I I I a am am m w wrwriritrititiningng g t th thi thisis is ris rerevevivieiewew.w.".""11515151313,3,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,AJAJ2J2N2N6N6Y6YOYOSOSVSV4V4I4ICIC,C,S,SuSususisiesie e Me M,M,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131321325258580808080800800000,00,F,FAFANANTNTATASASTSTITICIC,IC,I,I I aI amam am o on on n an a a l lolowow w c ca cararbrb b db didieietiet t at ant andnd d h hahavaveve e le loloslostst t 2t 2525 25 p popouounoundoundsds.s. . I I I w wa wasas s ss soso o t ti tirireredred d od ofof f e eaeateatitintingng ng m me meaeateat eat a al allll l t th the the e te tie timimeme me b bu butut ut t to toooo o no nenerervervovouousous s ts toto o so spsplplulururgurgege e oe one on n pn papasastastata a ua ununtntintilil l Il I I cI cacamameame ame a ac acrcrorosossss s ts ths thihishis s ps prproprododuducuctuct t ot onon on Aon AmAmamazazozonon.on. . . I I I c I cocoocookok k i it it t at a t a m mi mininuinututeute e oe ore or r tr twr twowo o lo lolonlongngengerer er ter ththathanan n tn ththethe the dthe didirdirerecrectctitiotiononsons s as anandand d td totoptop p i it it it w wi witithith h fh fufulullll ll f fa fatat at G Gr Grereereekek k yk yoyogogugururturt t at ant andt and d pd paparparmrm rm c ch che cheeeesesese e ae ane andnd nd o
his comment, but it is much cheaper on the Fiber Gourmet web site at about double the amount for the same price on the day I am writing this review." 1513,B003UIDAHY,AJ2N6YOSV4IC,Susie M,0,0,5,1325808000,FANTASTIC,I am on a low carb diet and have lost 25 pounds. I was so tired of eating meat all the time but too nervous to splurge on pasta until I came across this product on Amazon. I cook it a minute or two longer than the directions and top it with full fat Greek yogurt and parm cheese and o
nnene e s seserervrviviningng g i isis s s so so o f fifilillllilininging g ag anandnd d y yuyumummmmymy.y. . D DeDefefifinfininititetelelyly y c cucururereses s ms mymy my c cr craravavivinvingngsngs s as anandand d ad amam m n nonowow w o onon n s su sububsbscscrcriribibebe e ae anandand and s sa savaveave.e. . . M MyMy y hy huhububbubbyby y ay anandand and sand sosonon on l lolovoveve e ie itit it t totoooo!o!!11515151414,4,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3U3UN3UNJNJ1J1O1OTOTNTN4N4L4L3L3131616,6,P,PaPatatrtriricriciciaia a M Ma Maiaininsinststeterter,r,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313232222424343838484040000,00,F,FaFababubululoloulousus s ps prprorododuducuctct,t,I,I I d dodonon'on't't t k knknonownow w hw hohowow ow t th theheyey y dy dodo do i it it t bt bubutbut t tt ththihisis is p prproprododuoducuctuct t it isis is tis totootoo o go gogoooodood d td toto to b bebe be t tr trurueue.e. e. H HaHalalflf f t th the the e ce cacalaloalororirierieses es o of of f rf reregregugululaularar r p pa pasaststasta!a!!!! ! W WoWowow.ow..115151515515,5,B5,B0B00B00303U03UIUIDUIDADAHDAHYHY,HY,A,A5,A5W5WOWOFOFSFSMSMPMP2P2P2PIPI4I4545,5,M5,MJMJSJS,S,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,131311319191915155155252020000,00,P00,PaPasPaststasta,sta,G,GrGrereareatat at p pr prorodroduducductct.ct. . . R. ReRececocomommmmemmenendndendeded d bd byby by D Dr Dr.r. . O. OzOz.z. . . W. WeWe e le lolovloveve ve p pa pas paststasta sta b bu butut t nt nonotnot t tt tht thehe he c ca calaloaloraloririeriesries.s. . . T. ThThihishis s is isis is mis mumucuchuch h b be betetttteterter ter t th tha thanan an w whwhoholholele e we
ne serving is so filling and yummy. Definitely cures my cravings and am now on subscribe and save. My hubby and son love it too! 1514,B003UIDAHY,A3UNJ1OTN4L316,Patricia Mainster,0,0,5,1322438400,Fabulous product,I don't know how they do it but this product is too good to be true. Half the calories of regular pasta!! Wow. 1515,B003UIDAHY,A5WOFSMP2PI45,MJS,0,0,5,1319155200,Pasta,Great product. Recommended by Dr. Oz. We love pasta but not the calories. This is much better than whole wheat. 15
11616,6,B,B0B0000303U3UIUIDIDADAHAHYHY,Y,A,A3A3131F1FBFBRBR5R5H5HRHR4R4S4SISIJIJ1J1,1,B,Ba,Bararbrbabararaara a Z Z.Z. . C ChChihiaiarariarieielellllolo,o,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13131316316969090808888080000,00,I,I I t ththohouougughghtht t i itit t wt wawasas s e exexcxcecepeptptitioiononanalal,l,I,I ,I b brbrorouougoughghtght t at a a ba boboxox x w wiwitithith h m meme e t to to o v vivisisisitit it m my my y d dadauaugughughthtehterer r a anandnd d f fafamamimililyly.y.<.<b<brbr br / />/>W>WeWe e ae alallall l e en enjnjojoyoyeyededjdjtjththethe e fe fifibibeberer er g gogouourourmrmemetmet t lt liligighghtght ght p pepenennnnene e e v ve vereryery y my mumucuchch.h..11515151717,7,B,B0,B00003003U3UI3UIDIDAIDAHAHYAHY,Y,AY,A1A1O1OSOSZSZVZVKVK0K0202Z2Z2Z2929N9N9N9,9,","P"PaPasasqasququaualaleale e Je J.J. . P. PrPraratatiticticoco o "o """"F"FaFatatpatpapatat"at"""""""",",0,0,,0,2,0,2,2,3,3,3,1,13,1313103104042428288880880000,00,"00,"F"Fi"FibibeibererGerGoGouourourmourmemetmet met L LiLigighightht ht P PePenennennene,ne, , 8 8-8-O-OuOununcncece ce B BoBoxoxeoxeses s (s (P(PaPacPackck k o ofof f 6 6)6)")",",I",ItIt t it isis is a a a g go goooodod d td tatasastastitintingng g p pr prorodroduducuctuct.t.I.ItIt It d do doeoeses es n nonotot t rt rarairaisiseise e me mymy y by blblolooloodod od s susugugaugarar ar a as as s ms mumucmuchch ch a as as as r reregegugululalarar ar par papaspaststata ta b bu butut t yt yoyouou ou s st stitiltillll ll c cacanan'an't't t et eaeatat at a a a w a whwhoholholele e be boboxbox x ax anandand d ed exexpexpepecpectct t yt yot youourour our g gl glulucucoucososese e le le
16,B003UIDAHY,A31FBR5HR4SIJ1,Barbara Z. Chiariello,0,0,5,1316908800,I thought it was exceptional,I brought a box with me to visit my daughter and family.<br />We all enjoyedjthe fiber gourmet light penne very much. 1517,B003UIDAHY,A1OSZVK02Z29N9,"Pasquale J. Pratico ""Fatpat""",0,2,3,1310428800,"FiberGourmet Light Penne, 8-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6)",It is a good tasting product.It does not raise my blood sugar as much as regular pasta but you still can't eat a whole box and expect your glucose le
vvevelelsls s w wiwilillll l b bebe e n nonorormrmamalal.l..11515151818,8,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,A2A2G2G3G3A3ABABJBJ8J8080M0MXMXAXAXAXYXY,Y,K,K.K. . P PoPorortortetererara,a,9,9,9,9,9,,9,5,5,5,1,1212525353030505959292020000,00,I,I I w wi wilillill l nl neneveveverver r g gogo o b ba bacackck k t toto o So SeSenensnseseoeo o po popododsds s as asas s ls lolonongng g a asas as t th thehesesese se a ar arere e ae avavavaiaililailabablblele.e.,.,","F"FiFirirsrstst t o ofof f a al allll,ll, , i itit t it isis s ws wowonondondedererferfufulul l tl toto to h hahavaveave e te ththeheshesese se pse popodpodsds ds d dedeldeliliviveververevereded d t to to o mo mymy y d do dooooror or f frfrereeree e oe ofof of c chchaharhargrgege.e. e. O OnOn n a au aututoto to dto dedeldelideliviveivereryery,y, , t, ththetheyey y ay ararere re c ch cheheaheapapeperer er t th tha thanan n tn ththethe the c ch che cheaeapapeapesestest t St SeSenSensnsenseoeo eo p popodpodspods s ts ththathatat t It I I hI hahavhaveve ve f fo fouounundnd d (d (T(TaTarargargegetget/t/W/WaWalalmalmamarmartrt)t).). . . B BuButut ut c ch che chec checkck ck o ou outut ut tut ththethe the wthe weweieigighghtht t ot ofof of cof cocofoffoffefeeee e pe peperper r Sr SeSenSensSenseseoseo o po poo podod od v vsvs.s. . t. ththithisis is p pa parartartiticicucululaularar ar B Ba Bararoarononeonetet t ct cocofcoffffefeefee e pe poe podod.od. . . N. NoNotot t at alallall l Bl BaBararoaronaronenetnet t pt popodpodspods pods a ar are are e te the thihisis is wis weweiweigighightht,ht, , h, hohowowewevweveverver,ver, , s, soso o co chchechececkck ck ock ououtout t tt ththethe the pthe prprorododuoducuctc
vels will be normal. 1518,B001LQNX8S,A2G3ABJ80MXAXY,K. Portera,9,9,5,1253059200,I will never go back to Senseo pods as long as these are available.,"First of all, it is wonderful to have these pods delivered to my door free of charge. On auto delivery, they are cheaper than the cheapest Senseo pods that I have found (Target/Walmart). But check out the weight of coffee per Senseo pod vs. this particular Baronet coffee pod. Not all Baronet pods are this weight, however, so check out the product
ss s c cacararerefefufulullllyly.y. . I I I g gugueuesessss s Is I I hI hahadad d b bebetetttteterer r m memenentntitioionon n t ththahathat t t th thehe e c co cofoffffefeeee e fe flflalavavovoror r ir isis s gs grgrereareatat!t! ! O OnOnene e oe orordordederer er i isis is f foforor or t th thr threreeree e be boboxoxexeses es o ofof of t th the theseseese e pe popododsds.s.".""11515151919,9,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,ASASESETETNTNNNNKNKSKSBSBFBFJFJRJRCRC,C,K,KeKenennennenetnethth th A AsAshshehe,he,0,0,0,0,0,,0,1,1,1,1,13,13434747777575353636060000,00,D,DiDisisgisgugusguststitintingng,g,T,ThThihisis is cis cocofoffoffefeefee e ie isis is ais ababsbsosololulututeteltelyly ly h hohororrorrerenrendndodouousus.s. s. I I I cI cacancannnnonotot t bt bebelbelilieieveveve e ie ite it t ht hahashas s as ananyny y f fa favavoavororaorabablablele e re rerevrevivieiewiewsws s as ans andnd nd a agagrgregreeee ee w wiwitithth th tth ththethe e oe ote oththetherther r rr rerevrevirevieiewieweiewerer er wer whwhoho ho b be belelilielieveveeveses es pes poposposisititiitiviveve ve r rerevrevireviereviewewsws ws w we werereere e we wrwriritittittetenten n bn byby y ey emempmplploloyoyeyeeeesees.s. s. s. I I I c ca canannannonotnot t st ststrstreresressss ss e enenoenouougoughgh h h ho howow w b ba badad ad t th thi thisis is cis cois cofoffoffeoffeeee ee iee . . I It It t dt dodoedoesesnesn'n't't t et eveveeveneven n tn tatasaststeste e le liliklikeke e ce . . T. ThTheThe e be bee besestest t wt wawayay y ty toto o d dedesdescscrcriribribebe be i it it t it isis is ais a is a c cu cupup p o of of f c ch chehemhemimici
s carefully. I guess I had better mention that the coffee flavor is great! One order is for three boxes of these pods." 1519,B001LQNX8S,ASETNNKSBFJRC,Kenneth Ashe,0,0,1,1347753600,Disgusting,This coffee is absolutely horrendous. I cannot believe it has any favorable reviews and agree with the other reviewer who believes positive reviews were written by employees. I cannot stress enough how bad this coffee is. It doesn't even taste like coffee. The best way to describe it is a cup of chemic
aalalsls.s. . I I I a amam m r rereaealallallyly y b bubumummmmemeded d I I I c cacanannnnonotot t r re retetutururnrneneded ed t ththihisis.s. s. A A A c co comompmplpleleteteete e w wawasaststete e oe ofof f m momononeneyney.y. . . I It It t at alallall all w we wenentnt t it inin n t th thehe e ge gagararbrbabagagege.e..11515252020,0,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,A2A2121K1KMKMEMEYEY9Y9S9SRSRSRS4S4T4THTH,H,C,CaCalalialififoforornrnirniaia a C CoCololllleleclectctotororsors s G GrGrorououpup,p,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,1313434545757676666464040000,00,","B"BiBigig g p popododsds,s, , g grgrereareatat t vt vavalalualueue,e, , d, dedelelilicicicioiouousous s ds dedecdecacafcaf f cf cocofoffoffefeeee!e!"!",",","T,"ThTheheshesese e pe popodpodsds ds a ar arere re s soso o m mu mucuchch h b be betettetteterter r t th tha thanan an t th the the e Se SeSenensenseseoseo o po popodpodspods!s! ! A At At t 1t 1010 0 g gr graramamsams,s, s, t th the thes thesese se p po pododsods s as arareare e pe pae pacackckekeded ed wed wiwitithth th m mo mororeore e ce cocofcoffffefeefee e te ththathanan an tan ththethe e Se See Senensenseenseoeo o po poo pododsods,ods, , m, mamakakikininging g fg foforfor r ar a a ba bebetettetteetterer,r, , s, ststrstroronrongngegerger,r, r, m mo mor morere re fre flflalavavovororforfufulul l c cu cupup up o ofof of c co cof . . I. I I uI ususese se tse ththethesthesese se ise inin in m my my y My MeMelelielitittittata a Oa OnOnene-ne-O-OnOneOne.e. e. A Al Alslsolso o lo lolovoveve e te the thahatat at e eaeaceachch ch p po pod pod d id isis is i inindindidivivivididuduaualallallyally y py papac
als. I am really bummed I cannot returned this. A complete waste of money. It all went in the garbage. 1520,B001LQNX8S,A21KMEY9SRS4TH,California Collectors Group,0,0,5,1345766400,"Big pods, great value, delicious decaf coffee!","These pods are so much better than the Senseo pods! At 10 grams, these pods are packed with more coffee than the Senseo pods, making for a better, stronger, more flavorful cup of coffee. I use these in my Melitta One-One. Also love that each pod is individually pac
kkakagagegeded,d, , s soso o t ththeheyey y s st statayay y fy frfrereseshsh.h. . T ThTheheyhey y cy cocomomeme e i inin n a a a s st sta stanandnd-d-u-upup p b boboxox x d didisispspepenensnseserer r w whwhihicichch h i is is s n niniciceice e te totoooo.o. . . I I I c cacanan'an't't t u unundndendererserststatantandnd nd t th thehe he o otoththetherer er r rerevrevivieiewewewerer er her heherherere re w wh whoho o do dididdidndn'n't't 't l lilikikeke e te the thehe he che cocofcoffffefeeee e -e - - I I I l lo lovoveve e te the thie thisis is d de dececacafcaf!f! ! I ItIt t rt rerearealallllyly y iy isis is tis ththethe the b be besestest t pt popodod d I I' I'v'veve ve f fofouounundund.d. . . A. AlAlslsoso so t th the the e ve vavalalualueue e he heherherehere e ce cacancan'n'tn't t bt bebe e be bebeabeatat.t. . . C. CoComomeomeses es 3 3 3 b bo boxoxeoxeses es ies inin in e eaeacachch ch o or ordrdederer,er, , s, soso so iso inin in ein eaeaceachch ch och orordrderderer er yer yoyouou ou g gegetget t 5t 5454 4 p popodpodsds!s! ! ! A AnAndnd nd Bnd BaBararorononenetet t ht hahasas s ss soso so mso mamananyany y fy fly flalavavovororsors.s. . . D. DoDo o co chchechececkeck k o on on n tn ththethe the othe otothotheherher her B BaBarBaroronronenetnet t ft flflalavlavovorvorsrs,s, , t, ththothouougoughgh,h, , b, bebecbecacaucaususese se a al allll ll t th the the the B Ba Bararoarononeonetet et p po pododsods s as arareare e ne nonotot ot 1 1010 0 g gr graramamsms,s, s, a an andnd nd and alallall l t th the the the p the popodpodspods s ds dodonon'on't't 't c't cocomcomeme me i in indndindivivividviduduaualallallyally y py papacackackakagkagegedged.d. d. S StStit
kaged, so they stay fresh. They come in a stand-up box dispenser which is nice too. I can't understand the other reviewer here who didn't like the coffee - I love this decaf! It really is the best pod I've found. Also the value here can't be beat. Comes 3 boxes in each order, so in each order you get 54 pods! And Baronet has so many flavors. Do check on the other Baronet flavors, though, because all the Baronet pods are not 10 grams, and all the pods don't come individually packaged. Sti
cckck k t toto o t th thehe e 1 1010 0 g grgraramam,m, , i inindndidivivivididuduaualallllyly y p papacackckackagagegeded d p po pododsds,s, , y, yoyouou u w wowonon'n't't t b bebe e de didisdisasapappppopoioinintinteteded.ed. . I I I g ge getet t tt ththrhrereeee e de die dififfffeferererenrentnt t Bt BaBararorononeonetet et c cocofoffffeffeeee ee p po pod pod d fd flflalavavovororsrs,s, s, a alallall l o onon on a au aututoto-to-d-dedeleliliviveivereryery.y. . . H HiHigighghlhlyly ly r rerecrecocomcommmmemenendnd.nd. . . Y. YuYumum.m.".""11515252121,1,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,A2A2Q2QAQA5A5W5W8W8484L4LGLGMGMGMG8G8L8L,L,D,DeDeeee,ee,0,0,0,0,0,,0,1,1,1,11,13134342427274742424424040000,00,T,ThTheheshesese e ae arareare e ae abe absbsosololulututeutelelyely y ry rerevrevovolvoltltitininging,g,","T"ThTheThe e fe flflaflavavoavoror or o of of f t th the thesesese se p po pod pods pods s i is is s hs . . I. I I oI orordordederdereredred d td ththethemem m o on onlnlyly ly bly bebecbecacauaususese se Sse SeSenensenseseoseo o wo wawasas s os ououtout t ot ofof of s ststotoctockck ck f foforor or sor soso so l lolonongong,g, g, a an andnd nd I I I n neneeeedeedededded d sd sosomsomeme me d dedecdecacafcaf f pf popodpodsds,ds, , a, anandnd nd tnd ththethesthesese se hse hahadad d rd rerecrecereceieiviveivedived d ad a a c co cououpouplplele e ge gogoooodod od r re revevivieviewewsws s (s (w(whwhihicichch h I I I n I nonowow w s su sususpuspepecectct t wt wewerereere e we wrwriritrittttetenten n b by by y By BaBarBaroronronenetnet t et emempemplploployoyeyeeeesees)s).). . . I. I . I h hahavhaveve e ne
ck to the 10 gram, individually packaged pods, you won't be disappointed. I get three different Baronet coffee pod flavors, all on auto-delivery. Highly recommend. Yum." 1521,B001LQNX8S,A2QA5W84LGMG8L,Dee,0,0,1,1342742400,These are absolutely revolting,"The flavor of these pods is horrid. I ordered them only because Senseo was out of stock for so long, and I needed some decaf pods, and these had received a couple good reviews (which I now suspect were written by Baronet employees). I have n
eeveveverer r t tatasaststeteded d s susucuchch h a awawfwfufulul l c cocofoffffefeeee e b bebefefofororere.e. . A A A b bi bigig g " """"Y"YUYUKUK"K"""" "" f foforfor r Br BaBararorononenetet.t.".""11515252222,2,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,A3A3N3N2N2V2VGVG8G8989V9VUVUDUD7D7272P2P,P,A,Am,Amamazazozonon on A Ad Addddidicictct,t,0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,13133335351513139139292020000,00,","N"NiNiciceice e se ststrstrerenrengngtgthth,h, , m mamaymaybybebe be t to toooo o m mu mucuchuch h vh vavananinilillllala?a?"?",",","I,"I I a am am m e enenjnjojoyoyiyiningng ng t th thihisis s c co cofoffoffefeefee e be bubutut t t th the the e ve vavanvaninilnillllalla a i isis is a a a l lilitittttltlele e oe ovoveververprpopowowewererierininging.g. . . T ThThehe e se ste strtrerenrengrengtgthgth h oh ofof of t th the the the c co cof coffffeffeeee ee i it itstseselelflf f i is is s vs veververyvery y g gogoooodood.d. . . I. I I cI cacanan an u ususese se o ononeone e pe papacackckeketet et t to to to m ma makakeke ke 2 2-2- - 4 4 4 o oz oz.z. . c. cucupupsps s ws wiwitithith h th ththethe e Se SeSenensenseseoseo o co cocofcoffffeffeeffee e me mamakmakekerker r sr soso o io itit it d dedefefiefininiinititeitelelyely y sy sasavavevesves s ms meme e me moe mononeoneyoney.y. . . P. PlPlulusus,us, , i, itit it iit isis is jis jujusustust t st soso so e ea easasyasy y ty toto o mo mamakmakemake e ce cocofcoffcoffefeefee fee a an andnd d cd clclelealeanan an uan upup up i in in n t th the the the m the momorornornininningng!ng!"!""1"15152152323,3,B,B0,B00001001L1LQ1LQNQNXQNX8X8SX8S,S,AS,A2A2121212M2MDMDPDP6P6K6K4K4V4VJVJSJS5S5,5,","W,"W.W. . R.
ever tasted such awful coffee before. A big ""YUK"" for Baronet." 1522,B001LQNX8S,A3N2VG89VUD72P,Amazon Addict,0,0,4,1335139200,"Nice strength, maybe too much vanilla?","I am enjoying this coffee but the vanilla is a little overpowering. The strength of the coffee itself is very good. I can use one packet to make 2- 4 oz. cups with the Senseo coffee maker so it definitely saves me money. Plus, it is just so easy to make coffee and clean up in the morning!" 1523,B001LQNX8S,A212MDP6K4VJS5,"W. R
.. . S StStotocockckskststitilillll l J JrJr.r. . ". """"&"&#&#3#3434;4;B;BiBilillill&l&#&#3&#3434;34;";"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13133332328289892928280280000,0,R0,RiRicichch h a anandnd d F FlFlalavavovororfrfufulul.l.,.,","I"I I h hahadad d bd bebeeeenen n u ususisiningng g < <a<a a h hr hrerefef=f="=""""h""hthttttptp:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.amamamazazozonon.n.c.cocomom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prprorododuducuctct/t/B/B0B00000000U0UBUBHBH9H9Y9YEYE"E"""">"">S>SeSenensenseseoeo o D DeDececacafaffffefeieininainatateteded d Cd CoCofoffffeffeeee,ee, , 1 1818-8-C-CoCouCoununtnt t P PoPododsods s ( (P(PaPacackck ck o ofof of 6 6)6)<)</</a/a>a> > i inin in m mymy y < <a <a a ha hrhrerefref=f="f=""""h""ht""httttpttp:p:/p:////w//"A"""">"">H"">HaHamamiamililtiltotonton n Bn BeBeaeacachach h Ph PePerersrsosononaonalal l Cl CuCupup p S St Statayay y oy oror or G GoGo o Po POPODOD D B BrBrerewrewewerer<er</</a</a>a>.a>. . A. AlAltlththohouougughgh h th ththethe e S Se Senensenseenseoeo eo c cocofcoffffeffeeffee e ie isis s vs vevereryery y gy gogoooodod,od, , I, I I wI wawanantantetedted d sd sosomsomeme e ve vavararirieietetyty.y. . T. ThThihisis is i is is s ws whwhahathat t It I I fI fofouounoundnd nd a an andnd nd ind ititsts s es exexcxcecelellllellenentent.t. . T. Th. Thehe e ve vae vananianilillillailla a fa flflalavlavovorvor r i is is is r riricrichch ch a an and and d md momosostst st i im impmpoporortortatantantntlntlyly,y, , l, leleaeaveavevesves s ns nono o ao afaftafteterter r tr tatastaststeste.e.
. Stockstill Jr. ""&#34;Bill&#34;""",0,0,5,1332892800,Rich and Flavorful.,"I had been using <a href="""">Senseo Decaffeinated Coffee, 18-Count Pods (Pack of 6)</a> in my <a href="""">Hamilton Beach Personal Cup Stay or Go POD Brewer</a>. Although the Senseo coffee is very good, I wanted some variety. This is what I found and its excellent. The vanilla flavor is rich and most importantly, leaves no after taste.
II I d drdririninknk k t tatalallll l c cucupupsps,s, , 1 1616 6 o ozoz,z, , s, soso o w whwhahatat t I I I aI amam m d do doioininging g i isis s u ususisininging ing 1 1 1 o of of f e eaeacachch h t ty typypepe.e. . T ThThehe e v vavananinilillllalla a i is is s ss ststrtroronongng g eg enenonouougughgh h th ththahathat t it itit t st ststistilillill l tl tatastaststesteses s gs grgrereaeateat.t. . T. ThTheThe e Se SeSenensenseseoeo o do dedececacafaf f if isis is a a a la lilitittittltlele e ce chchecheaeapeapeperper,r, , s, so, so o Io I I dI dodo o to ththathatat at a as as s as a a ca cocosostst st s sasavavivininging ing ming . I. I I aI alI alslsoso so s si sigigngneneded d u up up p f foforor r S SuSububsbscscrcriribribebe e ae anandand d Sd SaSavaveave e te toto o fo fufururturththetherer r rr reredreduducucece e ce coe cosostost.t. t. I If If f yf yoyouou ou l liliklikeke e ve vavanvaninilnillllalla lla c co cofoffffefeeee e ae ane andnd d hd hahavhaveve e ae a e a p popodod d bd brbrerewrewewerer,er, , I, I I aI amI am m cm coconconfnfifididedendentnt t yt yoyouyou u w wi wilillill ill l lo lovoveve ve t th thihisis is cis".""11515252424,4,B,B0B0000101L1LQLQNQNXNX8X8S8S,S,A,A2A2H2HTHTVTVWVWXWX1X1N1NWNWMWM3M3333W3W,W,M,M.M. . S. ScScocotcotttt,t,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131313151511518180808080800800,0,G0,GrGrereareatat at tat tatastasttastete!e!,!,S,SoSo o mo mamananyany y d di dififfffefferffererenrentnt nt f fl flalavavoavororsors s ts toto to c ch chohoooososeose e fe frfroromrom.m. . . I I I o or ordrdederdereredred red t th thi thisis is bis brbrabranandand and f fo foror or
I drink tall cups, 16 oz, so what I am doing is using 1 of each type. The vanilla is strong enough that it still tastes great. The Senseo decaf is a little cheaper, so I do that as a cost saving measure. I also signed up for Subscribe and Save to further reduce cost. If you like vanilla coffee and have a pod brewer, I am confident you will love this coffee." 1524,B001LQNX8S,A2HTVWX1NWM33W,M. Scott,0,0,5,1315180800,Great taste!,So many different flavors to choose from. I ordered this brand for
tththehe e f fifirirsrstst t t titimimeme e ae anandnd d t th thehe he t ta tasaststeste e ie isis s w wowonondndendererfrfufulul.l. . I ItIt t wt wawasas as t th the the e oe ononlonlyly y d dedececacafaf f f fr frerenencnchch h v vavananianilillllala a I I I c cocouoululduld d fd fifinfindnd.nd. . . I I I h I hahavaveve e de dedecdecicididededded d td toto o s swswiwititctchch ch f fr fro fromom m m mymy y oy ololdld d bd brbraranandand d td tod to o to ththithisis is o ononeone.e..11515252525,5,B,B0B0000000E00E1E1H1HUHUEUEEEE,E,A,AFAFQFQ9Q9D9DVDVNVNVNV0V0Z0Z3Z3O3O6O6,6,C,CaCararlrl l R R.R. . O. OlOlslsosonon,on,9,9,9,9,9,,9,5,5,5,15,12120200002002626868888080000,00,G,GrGrereareatat t dt dedesdesssseserertert,t,","T"ThThihisis is bis byby y fy fafarar ar t th the the the b bebesestst st p pupududdddidiningng g m mi mixix,x, , y yoyouou ou d do donon'on't't t st seseesee e te ththithisthis s os onon on t th the the the s the ststostororere re s sh shehelhelvlvevesves.s.... . E. EvEveververyryoyonyonene e se seseeseemseemsms s ts toto to j jujusustst st bst bubuyuy y my mimililkilk k c ch chohocococolcolalatlatete e pe pupudpuddddiddininging.g.... .. a anandand and I I I g I gugueuesessess s ms momosostst st dst dodonon'on'ton't t lt lilikikeke e te toe to o co cocoocookok k pk pupudpuddpuddidindingng ng o on on n t th the the the s the st the stotovtoveve,ve, , i, itit it i isis is bis beis besestest t wt wht whehenhen n pn pupudpuddpuddipuddininging ing i is is s cs cocoocookcookekedked d cd cocoocookcookecookeded.d.... .. I.. InInsnststastanantant t pt pupudpuddpuddipuddinpuddingng ng dng dodoedoeses es n nonotot t et eqeququaualal l tl ththithisthis.this.... .. .. C CaCarCarl
the first time and the taste is wonderful. It was the only decaf french vanilla I could find. I have decided to switch from my old brand to this one. 1525,B000E1HUEE,AFQ9DVNV0Z3O6,Carl R. Olson,9,9,5,1200268800,Great dessert,"This by far the best pudding mix, you don't see this on the store shelves.. Everyone seems to just buy milk chocolate pudding.. and I guess most don't like to cook pudding on the stove, it is best when pudding is cooked cooked.. Instant pudding does not equal this.. Carl
"""11515252626,6,B,B0B0000000E00E1E1H1HUHUEUEEEE,E,A,ASASVSVSVSXSX0X0R0R3R3I3IPIP0P0P0P6P6,6,s6,shshohopoppppeperer,r,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,1313232525050303030404040000,00,P,PuPududdddidiningng,g,W,WeWe'e'v'veve e b bebeeeenen n s seseaeararcrchchihininging g e eveveververyrywywhwheherereere e le lolococacalallllyly y f foforor r t ththihishis s p . I I I w wawasas s ss soso o e el elalatateteded d t to to o fo fifinindind d id itit t o onon n An AmAmamazazozonon.on. . . T ThThihishis his i isis s ts ththethe e oe ononlonlyly ly p pu pududduddidindingng ng m mymy y my momotoththetherther r mr mamadmadede e he heherher r cr chchochococoocololalatlatete te p pi pieieses s ws wiwitithith h a anandnd d nd nonowow w t th thehe he t tr traradadiditdititiotionon on c . . T. ThThaThanankank k y yoyouou u s so so o mo mumucuchch ch A AmAmaAmazazoazonon!on!!!!!!!!!115152527527,7,B,B0,B00000000E0E1E1HE1HUHUEHUEEEE,EE,A,A2,A2B2B5B5Q5QDQDGDGDGD0D0T0T7T7L7L1L1616,6,D6,DoDonon on Ron RoRotottottmtmamanmannnn,n,0,0,0,4,4,4,1,1,,1,1,12,1262662662627278784840400400,0,c0,cocoocookok k &k & & s se sererverveve ve c ch chohochoc.c. . f. fufududgudgege e pe pupudpuddddiddininging,ing,h,hohowhow w cw cocomcomeme e ye yoyouyou u su sesensentnt t mt meme me i in insnststatanantant t ct chchochocchoc.c.fc.fufudfudgdgege ge p pu pud<..<b<brbr r /r />/>t>ththethe the o or ordrdederder r tr totololdold d yd yoyouyou you t to to to s se sen sendnd nd m me me e te ththethe the Cthe COCOOOOKOK K & & & S& SESERERVRVEVE E c ch cho chococ.oc.f.fufudfudgfudgege ge pge pupud
" 1526,B000E1HUEE,ASVSX0R3IP0P6,shopper,2,2,5,1325030400,Pudding,We've been searching everywhere locally for this putting. I was so elated to find it on Amazon. This is the only pudding my mother made her chocolate pies with and now the tradition continues. Thank you so much Amazon!!! 1527,B000E1HUEE,A2B5QDGD0T7L16,Don Rottmann,0,4,1,1266278400,cook & serve choc. fudge pudding,how come you sent me instant choc.fudge pudding...<br />the order told you to send me the COOK & SERVE choc.fudge pud
ddidiningng.g...........<.<b<brbr r / />/>y>yoyouou u s shshohowow w t ththehe e p pipicictctutururere e oe ofof f i itit.t.............<.<b.<brbr br / /> />w>whwhyhy y c cocououlouldldndn'n't't t s se senendnd d i it it t tt toto o m meme.e.............<....<b<br<br r /r />/>i/>itit it m ma makakekeses s m me me e we wowonondndenderer r ir ifif f If I I s sh shohouhoululdld ld o orordrdederer er a ananynytyththithininging g e elelslsese e fe frfroromom m y yoyouyou.u.............<....<b....<brbr br /br />/>p/>pipispissssesedsedd11515252828,8,B,B0B0000404545T5TDTDEDE4E4Q4Q,Q,A,A2A2020P0P2P2121818X8XUXU6U6565L5LCLCKCK,K,6,6161010M0MaMararyry,y,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,131333303010121282802800000000,0,","Q"QuQuiuicickick,k, , E EaEasasysy y ay anandand d Dd DeDelelieliciciicioiouousous"s",",","M,"MyMy y hy hohonhoneneyey y hy hay hasas as a a a s se ser seririoiouiousus s ss swsweweeeetet t tt tot tooootothth,th, , w, whwhiwhicichich h I I I aI acaccccocomcommmmomododadatatete e be byby y py prprereprepaparariarininging ing h hihimim m am a a w weweeweekeklklyly y dy dedesdessssesserertert.t. t. M MaMarMartrththatha a Wa WhWhihithitete'te's's s Ms MuMufuffffifinin in M Mi Mixix x i is is s vs vevereryery y cy coconconvnvevenveninieienentent t tt tot to t to p pr prereprepareparareare e be bee bececacauaususeuse e ie itit it oit ononlonlyly ly r rereqreququiuiruireresres s os ononeone-e-h-hahalalflf f cf cucupup p o of of f mf mimililklk,k, k, w wh whihichichch h Ih I I tI totostossss ss i in intntoto to m my my y cy cuy cuiuisuisisininainarartart;t; ; a an andnd nd w wa wahah-h-l-lala a sa sisixsix x bx bebeaeauautautitififuifulul ul m mu m
ding....<br />you show the picture of it....<br />why couldn't send it to me....<br />it makes me wonder if I should order anything else from you....<br />pissed 1528,B0045TDE4Q,A20P218XU65LCK,610Mary,2,2,5,1330128000,"Quick, Easy and Delicious","My honey has a serious sweet tooth, which I accommodate by preparing him a weekly dessert. Martha White's Muffin Mix is very convenient to prepare because it only requires one-half cup of milk, which I toss into my cuisinart; and wah-la six beautiful mu
fffffifininsns s w wiwitithth h v vivirirtrtutuaualallllyly y n nono o p prprerepep p t titimimeme.e. . T ThTheheyey y ay ararere re m momoioisistst,t, , d dedelelilicicicioiouousus,s, , a, anandnd d e ececoconononomnomimicic.ic.".""11515252929,9,B,B0B0000404545T5TDTDEDE4E4Q4Q,Q,A,AZAZVZV2V2626L6LPLP9P9292E2E6E6W6WUWU,U,","M"M.M. . H. HaHamammmmomonmondnd nd " """"C"CoCololelememamananFanFlFlGlGuGuyuy"y"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13434747171414848888080000,00,e,eaeasasysy y ty toto o mo mamakmakeke e a alalsalsoso,o,i,i i f fofolollollolowoweweded d td ththethe e ee eaeaseasysy sy i ininsinststrstrurucuctctitiotiononsons s as anandand d td thd theheshesese e te tuturturnrneneded ed o ououtout t d de . i. i i ai atatete e te the thehemhem m a al allll.ll. . t. ththethertherere re wre wewerwerere re ore ononlonlyly ly 6 6 6 o of of f t th thehemhem.hem. . i. i . i m mi mixixexeded ed 1ed 1/1/2/2 2 c cucupup p op ofof f mf mimilmilklk k i in intntoto to t th the the e de drdryry y my mimixmix x a an andnd nd snd slslolowlowlwlyly ly mly mimixmixemixeded ed ied itit it t to togogegeteththetherther.ther. . i. i . i p. i popououroureredred d td thd thed the e me mimixmix mix i in int intoto to mto mymy y sy spsprpraprayayeyeded ed ced cacasastast t it iriroironon on 6 6 6 c cu cupup up m mu mufuffffiffinin in p pa . i. i . i c. i cocoocookokekedked d td thd thed themd them m im inin in min mymy my s smsmamalmallll ll c co cononvonvevecectectitiotiontion n o ov ovevenven n an anandand and t th the they they y cy cocoocookcookekedked ked u upup up nup niniciceicelelyely.y. . t. th. theheyhey y wy wewerwerewere e me moe moioisoistst st o on on
ffins with virtually no prep time. They are moist, delicious, and economic." 1529,B0045TDE4Q,AZV26LP92E6WU,"M. Hammond ""ColemanFlGuy""",1,1,5,1347148800,easy to make also,i followed the easy instructions and these turned out delicious. i ate them all. there were only 6 of them. i mixed 1/2 cup of milk into the dry mix and slowly mixed it together. i poured the mix into my sprayed cast iron 6 cup muffin pan. i cooked them in my small convection oven and they cooked up nicely. they were moist on
tththehe e i ininsnsisididede.e. . t ththethe e me mimixixexeses s w wewererere e ve vevereryery y f frfreresreshsh h s smsmemelellllilininging g a anandnd d h hahadad d ad a a f fr freresreshreshnhnenesessess s ds dadatatete e we wewelwellll ll i in intntoto o 2 2020101313.3. . t. ththethe the p popououcuchch h ih isis s as a a na ninicicece e te totoutougughgh h ph plplalasaststiticic ic o ononene ne a an andnd nd w wi wilillll ll kll kekeeeepep p t th thehe he m mimixmix x f fr fre freseshesh.h. . i. itit t i is is s vs veververyry y ey eaeasasyasy y ty toto to o op opepenen n a al alslsoso.o..11515353030,0,B,B0B0000404545T5TDTDEDE4E4Q4Q,Q,A,ASASJSJ8J8282828Y8YAYAJAJ6J6N6NGNGRGR,R,","L"LiLisisaisa a Aa A.A. . C. CuCururtrtitistis s "s """"L"Li"LisisaisaCisaC"C"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13131515015000080080800000000,0,B0,BEBESESTST T M MUMUFUFFFFIFININSNS S I ININ IN T THTHEHE E W WOWORORLRLDLD D ! !!!!!!!,!!,","W,"WEWE E LE LOLOVOVEVE E LE LOE LOVOVEOVE E LE LOE LOVE LOVEVE VE t th the theseseese e me mue mufuffffifininsins.s. . T. ThTheheyhey y ay ararere re m mo moioisistist t at anandand d dd dedeldeliliclicicioiouousous s !s !!!! !! W We We e le liliklikeke ke t th the them them m b bebesestest t tt ththethe the dthe dadayday y yy yoyouou ou b ba bakakeke ke tke ththethemthem.m. . T. Th. Thehe he 2he 2n2ndnd nd dnd dadayday day t th the they they y dy dodo o do drdryry ry o ou outut t at a t a b bi bitit it b bu butut ut a ar arere re wre wowonondondederderfrfufulul l i if if f y yoyouyou u p po popop p tp ththethemthem them i in in in t th the the the t to toaoasastasteterter r o ov ovevenven n fn foforor r ar a a fa fefewew w m mi minin in t to
the inside. the mixes were very fresh smelling and had a freshness date well into 2013. the pouch is a nice tough plastic one and will keep the mix fresh. it is very easy to open also. 1530,B0045TDE4Q,ASJ828YAJ6NGR,"Lisa A. Curtis ""LisaC""",1,1,5,1315008000,BEST MUFFINS IN THE WORLD !!!,"WE LOVE LOVE LOVE these muffins. They are moist and delicious !! We like them best the day you bake them. The 2nd day they do dry out a bit but are wonderful if you pop them in the toaster oven for a few min to
w wawararmrm m t ththehemem m um upup,p, , t th thehenhen n t th the theyey y a arareare e g gogoooodod d a as as s n nenewew.w. . O OuOurur r o ononlnlyly y cy cocomompmplplalaiainintnt t i isis s ts ththathatat t tt ththetheyey ey a ar arere e De DIDIFIFFFFIFICICUCULULTLT T t to to o f fifinindind d !d !!!! ! B BUBUTUT T DT DEDEFEF F W WoWorortrthth th e evevevereryry y py pepenennnnyny y !y !!!!"!!""11515353131,1,B,B0B0000404545T5TDTDEDE4DE4Q4Q,Q,A,A1A1S1SDSDDDD9D9292Y2YHYHPHPVPVZVZRZRMRM,M,","H"HaHararoarololdld d Sd S.S. . F. FrFrereereememaemanan n "n """"s"ststutututatacac2c2"2"""""""",",1,1,1,11,1,1,41,4,4,1,13,130301015152152929696060000,00,M,MaMarartarththatha tha W Wh Whihititete e Ce ChChohocococolcolalatlatete te C ChChoChococoocololaolatateate e Ce Che Chihiphip p M MuMufuffffifinfin n Mn MiMixix,x,","T,"ThThihishis s ws wawaswas s ms mymy y fy fifirfirsrstst st t ti timimeme e pe pupururhurhchcacasasisininging g m mumufuffuffifinfin fin m mi mixix ix a as as as w we welellll l a as as as b as babakakikininging ing m mu mufuffuffiuffininsins.s. . . T ToTo o mo meme me t th the the the m mu muf muffffiffininsins ins c cacamcameme me ome ououtut ut a a a l lilitittittltlele e de drdryry,ry, , b, bubutut ut tut tatastaststesteded d gd grgrereareatat at a an andnd d td ththethe the p pepeopeopoplpleple e Ie I I s shshahararearedared d td thd thehemhem m wm wiwitithith h s sa saiaidaid d td thd thed theyey ey wey wewerereere e ge gogoogoodod od t to too too.o. . . I. I I wI wiwilwillll,ll, , m, momororeore e te ththathanthan n ln liliklikekelelyely,y, , p, pupurpurcrchchahashasese e Me MaMarMartrthrth h Wh WhWhihithitete te Mte MuMufMu
warm them up, then they are good as new. Our only complaint is that they are DIFFICULT to find !! BUT DEF Worth every penny !!" 1531,B0045TDE4Q,A1SDD92YHPVZRM,"Harold S. Freeman ""stutac2""",1,1,4,1301529600,Martha White Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin Mix,"This was my first time purhcasing muffin mix as well as baking muffins. To me the muffins came out a little dry, but tasted great and the people I shared them with said they were good too. I will, more than likely, purchase Marth White Muf
ffifinin n M MiMixix x i inin in t ththehe e f fufutututururere.e. . T ThThehe he m mumufuffffifinfin n mn mimixix ix c cacamameme e ae atat t a anan n en exexcxcecelellllelenentnt t pt prpriricicece ce a an andnd d I I I c ca canan'an't't t ct<.<b<brbr r / />/>T>ThThaThanankank k y yoyouou u A AmAmamazazozonon.n.c.cocomcom m f fo foror r hr hahavavivininging g m mo mosostst t et evevevereryrytyththithininging ing u unundndenderer er t th thehe he she susunun un f fo for for r sr sasalalele.le.".""11515353232,2,B,B0B0000404545T5TDTDEDE4E4Q4Q,Q,A,A1A1S1SWSWAWAEAEIEI6I6363R3R5R5P5P6P6666,6,p,pepeaeacachcheheshes,s,0,0,0,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,13,132323323333030202424040000,00,W,WoWororsorstst st c co cooookokikieieses s e eveveeverer!er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!,","I"I I tI trtririerieded d td ththethe e Me MaMarartrththatha a W WhWhihititete e Te TuTururturtltlele le F FuFududgdgege e Ce ChChohocococolcolalatlatete te C ChChiChipip p C Co Cooookookikiekie e re rerecrecicipipeipe e ae ane andnd nd t th the theseseese e ae are arere re t th the the the w wowororsorstorst t ct cot cooookookiookieiesies s Is I I hI hahavhaveve ve e ev eveverver r mr mamadmadede.e. e. E EiEitithitheherher r tr ththethertherere re ire isis s ss sosomomeomeoeononeone e oe onon on t th the the the s the ststastafaffff ff o ofof f M Ma Marartarththatha tha W Wh Whihithitete te wte whwhoho ho h hahashas s as a a la lolopopspsisididededded d sd sesenensensese se o of of f hf huhumumomoror or O OROR R t th the thei theirir r tr tar tasaststeste e be bubududsuds s hs hahavhavehave e te tatakakekenen en a a a p peperpermrmamanmanenenentent t vt vavacacaacatatiat
fin Mix in the future. The muffin mix came at an excellent price and I can't complain.<br />Thank you for having most everything under the sun for sale." 1532,B0045TDE4Q,A1SWAEI63R5P66,peaches,0,4,1,1323302400,Worst cookies ever!!!!!,"I tried the Martha White Turtle Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe and these are the worst cookies I have ever made. Either there is someone on the staff of Martha White who has a lopsided sense of humor OR their taste buds have taken a permanent vacati
oonon.n. . I I I w wawasaststeteded d m mymy y t titimimeme,e, , a a a l lolotot t o ofof f m mo mononeoneyey y oy onon on c chchohocococololalatatete te a an andnd d pd pepececacanansns,s,a,anandand d md mymy my e efeffffoforortrt.t.M.MaMarartrthrthaha a Wa WhWhihititete te ete eieitithitheherer r n neneeeededseds s t to to o t tw tweweeeekeek k t th thihishis s rs rerececiecipipepe pe o or or r tr tatakakeke e i itit it o of offff ff t th the the e we wewebwebsbsisititeite e se soso o no nono o oo otothotheherher r ur ununsnsunsususpspepecpectctitintingng g h hohouhoususeusewewiwififefe e we wie wilillll l w wa wasastastete te hte heherher her m mo mon moneneyney y ay anandand and t ti timimeime e oe onon on ton ththeheshesese e we woe worortorththlthlelesessss s cs . M. MyMy y hy huhususbusbabanandand and pand pipicickckekedked d ud upup p o on onene ne o on on on h hi hisis s ws wawayway y ty ththrthrorouougughgh h t th the the the k kikitkitctchchechenen n a an and and d wd wiwitwiththithinin n tn twtwowo o so sesecsecoconcondndsnds s hs hehe he c ca camameme me b babacbackck ck i in in n an anandand and tand ththrthrethrewew ew i it it t it inin in t th the the the g the gagararbarbabagbagege.e.".""11515353333,3,B,B0B0000000K00KMKM7M7D7DVDVCVC,C,A,A1A1F1F8F8Z8ZVZVEVEPEP1P1818F8FLFL4L4545,5,J,JiJimim,im,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,13131312121215156156868080000,00,L,LoLovoveve e ie itit!it!!!!,!,","I"I I bI brbrorourougughughtht t 2t 2 2 b bo botottottltlelesles.s. . . O OnOnene ne Ine I I cI cacarcarrrryry y iy inin in min mymy my pmy popocockockeketket t at anandand and tand thand thehe he ohe otothotheotherer er f foforfor r hr
on. I wasted my time, a lot of money on chocolate and pecans,and my effort.Martha White either needs to tweek this recipe or take it off the website so no other unsuspecting housewife will waste her money and time on these worthless cookies. My husband picked up one on his way through the kitchen and within two seconds he came back in and threw it in the garbage." 1533,B000KM7DVC,A1F8ZVEP18FL45,Jim,0,0,5,1312156800,Love it!!,"I brought 2 bottles. One I carry in my pocket and the other for home.
I I I f fefelellll l i inin n l lolovoveve e w wiwitithth h t ththithisis s w wh whihililele e oe onon n vn vavacacacatatitioionon on i in in n Bn BeBelelielizizeze.e. . J JuJusustst t a a a c cocououpuplplele le d drdroropopsps s ds dodoeoeses s ts ththethe e te trtriricickck.k. . . P PaPacackacksks s as a a ta totonon on oon ofof f f fl flalavavovoror,r, , b bubutut t nt nonotot t tt totootoo o h hohotot ot t th thahatat at i it it t ot ovoveovererprpopowowewerersers s ys yoyouourour r f fo foooodod.d.".""11515353434,4,B,B0B0000101111616666262929A9A,A,A,A3A3F3FAFAQAQAQACACBCBPBPKPKDKDODOWOWCWC,C,","J"J.J. . L. LeLehehrhrererer er " """"J"JL"JL"L"""""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2,4,4,4,14,12123234347347474242424040000,00,G,GoGoooodood d b bu butut ut w wa wayay y t to toooo oo e exexpxpepenensnsisiviveve,ve,","G,"GoGooGoodod od p prprorodroduducuctct t at anandnd d dd dedecececenentent t st shshihiphippppipininging.g. . H. HoHowoweoweveveverver,r, r, t th the the e pe prpripriciceice e we wawasas s $s $1$1515.15.9.9595 5 a an andnd nd I I I l la latateaterer er fer fofouounoundnd nd tnd ththethe the s sasamameme e ie ititeitemem m i in in in a a a l lo lococacalcal l sl ststostororeore e fe foforfor r $r $6$ . W. WhWhahathat t at a t a g gogouougougege.e."e.""1"15153153535,5,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A2,A2323J23JFJFAFATFATITICICRCR3R3K3KZKZ1Z1,1,T,TaTaiai i C ChChihi,hi,2,2,,2,2,2,2,2,32,3,3,1,111161165658588881816160160000,00,"00,"N"NoNotot ot bot babadad,d, , b, bubutbut t it itit it r rerearealallllylly y iy isis is j jujusustust t at a t a tt a tatasastastete e oe ofe of f tf ththath
I fell in love with this while on vacation in Belize. Just a couple drops does the trick. Packs a ton of flavor, but not too hot that it overpowers your food." 1534,B00116629A,A3FAQACBPKDOWC,"J. Lehrer ""JL""",2,2,4,1234742400,Good but way too expensive,"Good product and decent shipping. However, the price was $15.95 and I later found the same item in a local store for $6.95. What a gouge." 1535,B000E7WM0K,A23JFATICR3KZ1,Tai Chi,2,2,3,1165881600,"Not bad, but it really is just a taste of tha
ii"i",",","N"NoNotot t b babadad d f foforor r a a a p prprerepepapacackckakagagegeded d ad anandnd d qd ququiuicickckickieie e m memeaealal.l. . I IfIf f y yoyouou'u'r'rere re l lolooookokikiningng g f fo foror or a au autuththehenentntiticic ic T ThThahaiai,i, , t ththithisis s w wiwilillll l g gigiviveve e ye yoyouyou u o ononlnlyly y h hahalhalflf f tf ththethe e fe flflalavavovoror,or, , s, soso o t th thehe he n nanamameme me t th tha thatat t it itit t it ist is s os ononlonlyly ly a a a t ta tasaststete e oe ofof f Tf ThThaThaiai ai i isis is q ququiquititeite e ae acaccaccucururaratateate.e. . C. CaCarartrtotononsons s as arareare e fe fae fanancancycy,y, , b, bubutut ut b bi bigig g fg foforfor r tr ththethe the a am amomouounountnt nt t th the theyey y hy hohololdld.d. . I. ItIt t it ist is t is d dedefefifininiinititeitelitelyly ly ely enenoenouougoughgh h f fo for for r ar a a ma memeamealal,al, , b, bu, butut ut iut ifif f yf yoyouyou'you'r're're e le loloolookokiokininging g fg fog foror or aor a a fa fufulullll ll t ta tak takekeoeououtout t ct cacarartartotonton n o of of f ff fofoofoodod d td toto to e eaeateat,t, , y, yoyouyou you h ha hadad ad b be betetttteterter r gr grgrarabrab b t tw twowo.o. . I. It. It t it ist is t is tt is tatasastastyty y ey enenoenouenougughgh gh f fo for for for a a a m a memeamealmeal,l, , b, bu, but, but t it ift if f yf yof youou ou c cacancan n gn gegetget t yt yoyouyouryoursrseselelflf lf t to to o ao anan an a au aut auththethenthentntinticic ic Aic AsAsisiaianan an san susupupeperermrmamararkarkeketket,t, t, I I I g gu guauararaaranantanteteetee e ye yoe youou ou wou wiwilwillll ll fll fifinfindnd nd m mu mucuchch h th tatastaststistieierie
i","Not bad for a prepackaged and quickie meal. If you're looking for authentic Thai, this will give you only half the flavor, so the name that it is only a taste of Thai is quite accurate. Cartons are fancy, but big for the amount they hold. It is definitely enough for a meal, but if you're looking for a full takeout carton of food to eat, you had better grab two. It is tasty enough for a meal, but if you can get yourself to an authentic Asian supermarket, I guarantee you will find much tastier
o opoptptitioiononsns s t ththahatat t a ararere e a al alslsoso o q ququiuicickck k a an andnd d e eaeasasysy y t to to o mo mamakakeke e we wiwitithth th m momororere re s susububsbststatanancncece e ae anandand d fd flflalavavovoror or a an and and d ad atat at a a a m mu mucuchch h l lolowowewerer r p prpririciceice e (e (i(ieie e 6e 6 6 b boboxoxexeses s os ofof f n nonoooododldleleses es f foforor or $or $6$6)6) ) - - - a an and and and I I'I'm'm m n no notot t tt tataltalklkikiningng g a ab abobouboutut t Ct CuCupup p O O'O' ' N NoNoooodoodldledleses es oes oror or tor ththithiningingsgs s ys yoyouou u f fi finindind d ad atd at t At AmAmemereriericicaicanan an s su supupeuperermermamarmarkrkeketketsts.s. . B BuButut ut o ov ovevereraeralallll,l, , m my my y hy huhususbsbabanandand and a an and and and I and I,I, , b, bebeieininging ing t th thehe e ne nonoonoododlodlele-le-m-momonmongngengerersers s ts ththathatat at wat wewe we a ar arere,re, , d, dididid d ed enenjnjojoyoy y ty ththetheseseese e ae ase as s ss sosomsomemetmeththithinthingng ng n ne newew w f fo foror or tor thor thehe he p pa palalaalatateate.e. . H. HoHowoweoweveveverver,r, , w, wewe we wwe wiwilwillll ll p pr prorobobababbablblyly y oy opoptopt t tt tot to o oo orordordederer er T ThThahaihai i t ta takakeakeoeououtout t ft foforfor r fr frfreresreshsh h nh nonoonoodnoodldledlesdles s ns nenexextxt t tt tit timimeme me w wewe we hwe hahavhaveve ve a a a c a".""11515353636,6,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A2A2D2DYDYWYW9W9Y9Y2Y2D2D82D8E8E4E4343L3L,L,","K"KrKririsris s Cs CaCayayoyocyoccccaca a " """"C"CaCayCayoyotyotetejejrjr"r"""""""",",1,
options that are also quick and easy to make with more substance and flavor and at a much lower price (ie 6 boxes of noodles for $6) - and I'm not talking about Cup O' Noodles or things you find at American supermarkets. But overall, my husband and I, being the noodle-mongers that we are, did enjoy these as something new for the palate. However, we will probably opt to order Thai takeout for fresh noodles next time we have a craving." 1536,B000E7WM0K,A2DYW9Y2D8E43L,"Kris Cayocca ""Cayotejr""",1
,,1,1,1,3,3,3,1,11,11616969494242424040000000,00,G,GoGoooodod d f flflalavavovoror r b bubutut.t.......,..,I,ItIt't's's s l lilikikeke e e eaeatatitiningng g a a a l la larargrgege e be boboxox x o ofof f p papasaststete.e. . I I I e en enjnjojoyoy y t ththehe e fe flflaflavavoavoror or b bu butut ut I I I u usususuaualallllyly y cy cocooookook k t th thehemhem m a an andnd d td ththethenen n m mimixix x wx wiwitithth th s sosomomemeteththithininging g eg elelslsese e Ie I'I'm'm m em eaeateatitintingng ng a as as s is itit'it's's 's a a a n nono-o-g-gogo o s st strtraraiaigighghtht t o ou outut ut out ofof of t th the the e be boe boxox!ox!!11515353737,7,B,B0B00000000E0E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A1A1K1KMKM3M3Z3ZVZVOVOYOY0Y0P0PJPJ3J3C3C,C,","P"PePeieiwiwewenen en L LiLiuiu u " """"B"BaBaoao"o"""""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,,1,2,1,2,2,1,11,116,1167673735350504040400400,0,a,arartartitiftifificiciciaialal al f fl flalavlavovorvor,r,","I,"I I sI sisimimpmplplyly ly d dodonon'n't't t lt liliklikeke ke i . I. ItIt It i is is s es eaeaseasysy y ty toto o po prprerepepaparparere,re, , b bu but but t wt whwhehenhen n In I I eI eaeateat eat i it it,t, , I, I I fI fefeeeelel el t th tha thatat at i i i a am am m em eam eatattattitintingting g ag a a la lolotot t ot ofof of aof arartartiartififificficiciacialal al ial iningingringreredredidieienententsts.s. . I. I . I c cacanannnnonotnot t et evevevenen en fen fifinfininisishsh h o on onene e fe foe fouoururtrthth th oth ofof of iof"..""115153538538,8,B,B0,B00000000E000E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,A3,A3S3S4S4747I7IHIH2H2020R0RNRNWNWHWHKHK,K,nK,nonornorsrskskaka,a,1,1,,1,1,1,
,1,3,1169424000,Good flavor but...,It's like eating a large box of paste. I enjoy the flavor but I usually cook them and then mix with something else I'm eating as it's a no-go straight out of the box! 1537,B000E7WM0K,A1KM3ZVOY0PJ3C,"Peiwen Liu ""Bao""",1,1,2,1167350400,artificial flavor,"I simply don't like it. It is easy to prepare, but when I eat it, I feel that i am eatting a lot of artificial ingredients. I cannot even finish one fourth of it....." 1538,B000E7WM0K,A3S47IH20RNWHK,norska,1,1
,,3,3,3,1,1111616464747575858484040000,0,N,NeNeeeededsds s a a a l lilitittttltlele e s sosomomemeteththihiningng,g,","O"OvOvevereraralallll,l, , t ththithisis s ws wawasas s gs gogoooodod,d, , b, bubutut t n nonotot t gt grgrereaeatat.t. . T ThThehe e ge giginingingegerer er s sa sauaucucece e se seseeeemeememedmed d l li likikeke e ie itit it n ne neeeedeed d ad anan n e exextxtrtrara ra s so somomeometethethihinhingng ng t to to o g gegetget t it itit it ait a a fa fofouoururtrthth th s st statarar.r. . . I I I t th thihinhinkhink k I I I w wawaswas s es exexpexpepecectctitininging ing a a a l li lit littttlttlele le m momororere re g gi giningingeingerer er ter tatastaststete.e. . . I. I'I'd'd d bd bubuybuy y i itit it ait agit agagaiainin,in, , e, esespspepecpeciciaialallallyly y iy ifif f I I I c I cacanan an f fifinindind d ad a d a g go goooodood d wd wawayway y ty toto o po pupununcnchch h i it it t ut upup p j jujusustst st a a a l a lilitlittttlttlettle e me . . I. I . I m ma mayay y ty try tryry y ty thy thahatat at e eg egggg g t ti tipip!p!"!""11515353939,9,B,B0B00000000E0E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A2A2424F4FTFTITIZIZ8Z8U8U0U0T0TITI6TI6U6U,U,J,JaJahahnhnnnnana,a,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,4,1,4,4,1,11,1161631631311116116868080000,00,R,ReReaealeallllylly y gy gogoogoodod!od!,!,","T,"ThTheThe e Te TaTasastastete te o ofof f Tf ThThaThaiai ai C CoCocococononunutut ut G GiGiningingeingeringer r N NoNoooodoodloodlelesles s as arareare e re rerearealallallyally y yy yuyumummmmymy!y! ! T Th Thehe he c cococcococonconunutnut t at anandand d gd gigingingngengerer er fer flflalavavovororsors s as ars arere re vre veververyry ry m mi m
,3,1164758400,Needs a little something,"Overall, this was good, but not great. The ginger sauce seemed like it need an extra something to get it a fourth star. I think I was expecting a little more ginger taste. I'd buy it again, especially if I can find a good way to punch it up just a little more. I may try that egg tip!" 1539,B000E7WM0K,A24FTIZ8U0TI6U,Jahnna,1,1,4,1163116800,Really good!,"The Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles are really yummy! The coconut and ginger flavors are very mi
lldld.d.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>E/>EaEacachch h r rerececlclolososeseaeabablblele,e, , C ChChihininenesesese-se-t-tatakakekeoeououtut-t-s-shshahapapepeded d b boboxox x c cocononvnveveneninieienententltlyly y s seserservrvevesves s a asas s as a a m mimicicrcrorowowawavaveveaveabablablele le c co conontontataitainineinerer.r. . O OnOnene ne b bo boxox ox m ma makakeakeses es e enenoenouougoughgh h fh foforor r mr meme e t toto o h hahavhaveve ve 2 2 2 v veververyry y fy fifilillllilininging g l lulununcnchchecheses es oes oror or f foforfor r mr myr my y wy whwhohololele le fle fafamamimilmilyly ly t to to o so shshashararere re a as as s as a s a s si sididede e de . (. (T(ThThehe e ke kikididsids s as als alwlwawaywaysys s ls lulunlungngege e ae atat t t th thehe he o opoppppoporortortutununiunitityty y ty toto to h ha havaveave e te ththeheshesese!se!)!)<)<b<br<br <br / /> /><><b><brbr br / /> />T />ThTheThe e oe ononlonlyly ly nly nenegnegagatatiativiveve ve tve ththithininging ing I I I c ca canan n s sa sayay y iy isis is t th tha thatat at I I I w wiwisishish h th ththetherereere e we wewerereereneren'n't't t st soso o mo mamananyany y sy sesepsepapararaaratateate e le lilitlittttltletle e se seseaseasasoasononionininging ing ping papacpackckeketketsts s ts toto to mto mimixmix x ix inin in ( (3(3,3, , p, plpluluslus s ts ths thehe he nhe nonoooododldlelesles)s);); ; a a a s si sin singnglnglele le cle cocomcombmbibinineinedined d sd spspipiciceice e pe papacpackpackeketket ket w wo wououlouldld ld b be be e ee eaeaseasisieierier.r. r. ( (O (OfOf f c co cou courursrsese,se, , o, ononeone e be bebeneneenefefifitfit t ot ofof f mf
ld.<br /><br />Each recloseable, Chinese-takeout-shaped box conveniently serves as a microwaveable container. One box makes enough for me to have 2 very filling lunches or for my whole family to share as a side dish. (The kids always lunge at the opportunity to have these!)<br /><br />The only negative thing I can say is that I wish there weren't so many separate little seasoning packets to mix in (3, plus the noodles); a single combined spice packet would be easier. (Of course, one benefit of m
uulultltitipiplplele e p papacackckeketetsts s i isis s ts ththehe e ae ababibilililitityty y t toto o l lelealeavaveve e oe ououtut t a a a c cecerertrtataiainin n s spspipicicece ce i if if f y yoyouou'ou'r'rere e ne nonotot t ft fofonondnd d o ofof f if itit,it, , b bubutut ut I I I l li likikeke ke t th thehemhem m a al allll!l!)!)")""11515454040,0,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,ADADFDFYFYGYGTGTUTU2U2B2B7B7I7I1I1R1R,R,L,LoLononnonnini i W W,W,0,0,0,00,0,0,20,2,2,1,13133337375755558584840400400,0,N0,NoNotot ot s so so o mo mumucuchch.h.......,..,","W"WeWe e ee enenjnjojoyoy y Ay A A T TaTasaststete e oe ofe of f Tf TaTaiTai'i's's s Ps PePeaeananunutut ut Nut NoNooNoododldlelesles.s........ . t th the theyey y ry . . T Th Thahatat t pt pepeaeaneanunutnuttttyty ty f ... s so so so w wewe e de dedececicididededded d td toto to t tr tryry y ty ththethesesese.e........ ... u... umum,m, , G, GiGiningingegerer,er, , n, nonotnot t st soso o mo muo mucuchuch.h. h. N NoNotNoththithininging ing r rerearealallllylly y dy didisististitintingnguguiuisishisheheshes s ts ths theheshesehese e fe frfroromrom m am ananyany y oy otothotheherher r n nonoonoododlodlele le f fl flalavlavovoror,or, , a, anandand d td thd thehe he g giginingingeingerer er i is is s as a a ba bibitbit t ot<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>TaTakTakeke ke tke ththithisthis s rs rerevrevivieiewew w i in in n sn ststrstriridridede de t th tho thouougoughgh,h, , i, ifif f yf yoyouyou'u'r're're e ae a e a G GiGinGingngengerer er ler lolovoveoverer er (er (a(anandand and
ultiple packets is the ability to leave out a certain spice if you're not fond of it, but I like them all!)" 1540,B000E7WM0K,ADFYGTU2B7I1R,Lonni W,0,0,2,1337558400,Not so much...,"We enjoy A Taste of Tai's Peanut Noodles... they rock. That peanutty flavor...mmm... so we decided to try these... um, Ginger, not so much. Nothing really distinguishes these from any other noodle flavor, and the ginger is a bit overpowering.<br /><br />Take this review in stride though, if you're a Ginger lover (and
II'I'm'm m n nonotot t t tatalalklkikiningng g G GiGililllliligigaganan'n's's s I IsIslslalanandand d h hehererere)e),), , t th thehenhen n t th the thesesese e m mamayay y b bebe e re ririgighightht t ut upup p y yoyouourur r a alallalleleyey.y. . J JuJusustst t at a a b bi bitit t ot ououtoutstsisididede e fe foforor r mr meme,e, , t, ththohouougoughgh h ( (i(ifif f I I I m ma mayay ay m mi mixix x m my my y my memetmetataptaphphohorhorsrs)s).).".""11515454141,1,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A2A2G2GBGBFBFTFT3T3I3IGIGKGK7K7878686262,2,","F"FrFraranankanklklyly y Sy SpSpepeaeakakikinkingng ng " """"H"HaHarardrd d wd wowororkork k n ne neveveverer er k kikilkillllelleded d ad ananyanyoyo.yo......."..",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,13130309098982824240400000000,0,M0,MoMororeore e te ththathanan an j jujusustust t at a t a t ta tasaststeste e oe ofof f Tf ThThahaiai,i,","P,"PrProrovovividideideded ed y yo youou ou u ususeuse e ce clclelealeanan an (an (p(prprerefrefefereraerabablblyly ly p pupururiurififiifieieded)ed) ) w wawatateterer er ter toto o c cocooookok k tk ththithisis,s, , i, itit it c ca canan an ban bebe be a a a g grgrereareatat at t ta tas taststistininging g hg hoholholdld d od ovoveoverer er ter toer to o ao a a ma mamaimainin in m me meaealeal.l. . F. FaFarar ar s susupupeupererierioioror or t to to o mo momosostst st i ininsinststastanantant t nt nonoonoododldlele le p pa pacackckakagagegeses es o ououtout out t th the ther therere re a an andnd d fd foforfor r tr ththethe e me momosmostst st pst paparartart,t, , g, glglulututetenten n an anandand and m me mea meatat at fat frfrereeree e (e (e(exexcxcecepeptp
I'm not talking Gilligan's Island here), then these may be right up your alley. Just a bit outside for me, though (if I may mix my metaphors)." 1541,B000E7WM0K,A2GBFT3IGK7862,"Frankly Speaking ""Hard work never killed anyo...",0,0,4,1309824000,More than just a taste of Thai,"Provided you use clean (preferably purified) water to cook this, it can be a great tasting hold over to a main meal. Far superior to most instant noodle packages out there and for the most part, gluten and meat free (except
f foforor r t ththehe e s shshrhririmimpmp p f fl flalavavovoror)or).).<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />W>WhWhihililele e se sosomomeme e pe pepeoeopoplplele le h hahavaveave e re rerememamararkrkekeded d o onon n t th thehe he " """"o"ovoveverer-r-s-sisizizezeded"ed"""" "" p papacackckakagagiginingng,g, , t th thi thisis s a acactactutuaualallllyly y a al allllollowowsws s fs foforfor r ar a a g gogoooodod d ad anandnd d td ththothororoorouougughgh h m mimixixixininging g o of of f t th the the e fe flflalavlavovorvor r pr papacpackckecketetsts s as anandand d nd nonoooodoodldlelesles s ws wiwitithth th l lilitittittltlele le cle chchahanhancncece e oe ofof f sf spspipilillillalaglagege.e.<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />W>Wh>Whihilhilele le tle ththethe e ce cococococonconunutut t g gi giningingeingerer er v vavarariarieietetyety y ty tatasaststeteses s gs gogoogoodod,od, , i, itit it m ma mayay y by bebe e ae a a ba bibitit it tit totoooo oo s su sububtbtltletle e fe foe foror or t th tho thososese e le lolooookookikininging ing f fo foror or aor anan an a ac actctutuatualal al " "" ""t"tatastaststeste e oe ofe of f Tf THTHAHAIAI.I."."""" "" I"" I'I'd'd d rd rerecrecocomcommmmemenmendnd nd t th the the the T ThThahaihai i P PePeaeananuanutut ut n nonoonoododlodlelesles les f fo for for r tr ththothosthosese se s se seeeekekikinkingng ng s so somomeometethethihinhingng ng wng wiwitwithth th ath a a ba bia bitit it mit momororeore e oe ofe of e of a a a p pr prorononoonouounouncncenceded ed T Th Thahaihai hai f fl fla flavavoavoror or aor anor andnd nd hnd hihighighghlghlyly ly r rerecrecorecomommommemenmendmend d Td ThTheThe e Ae A A T Ta Tasastastete te O OfOf
for the shrimp flavor).<br /><br />While some people have remarked on the ""over-sized"" packaging, this actually allows for a good and thorough mixing of the flavor packets and noodles with little chance of spillage.<br /><br />While the coconut ginger variety tastes good, it may be a bit too subtle for those looking for an actual ""taste of THAI."" I'd recommend the Thai Peanut noodles for those seeking something with a bit more of a pronounced Thai flavor and highly recommend The A Taste Of
TThThahaiai i P PePeaeananunutut t S SaSalalaladad d D DrDreresessssisiningng g ( (a(adaddaddededed d td toto o s sasalalaaladadsads,s, , m memeaeateatsts s o oror r t ththehe e P Pe Peaeaneanunutnut t Nt NoNoooododldleleses)es) ) f foforor or a a a v vevereryry y s sp spipicicycy y Ty ThThaThaiai ai e exexpxpepererierieienencncece.e.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />O>OvOveververaralallall l f fo foror or tor ththethe e te tatasaststete e ae anandand d qd ququauanantantititityty,y, , t, ththethe the s su sububsbscscrcriribibebe e ae ane andnd d sd sasavsaveve ve o of offffeferer er p prprorovovivididedesdes s ts ththethe the bthe bebesbestst st d . C CoComompmpaparararatratitivtivevelvelyly y sy spspepeapeakakikininging g ig inin in t te terermermsms s os ofof f p pr priricricece,ce, , W, WaWalal-al-M-MaMarartart t ot ofoffoffeferfersrs s ms momosostst st ost ofof of t th theheshesese e ne nonoooodoodldledleses es a a a f fe fewew w c cecencentntsts ts c ch cheheaheapapeperper r (r (c(cocomompompaparpareredred d td tod to o to ththethe the sthe susububsubscscrscriripriptptitiotionon n p pr pri priciceice)e) ) b) bubutut ut d do do o no nonotnot t st seseeseemem m t to to o co cacararrarryry ry t th the the e Ce CoCocCococonconunutnut nut G GiGiningingeingerer er Ver VaVarariarieietietyty.ty. . A. AtAt t lt lelealeasastast t nt nonotnot not a at at t tt ththethe the sthe stthe stotortorere re n neneaearear r mr<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />I>IfIf f yf yoyouou u h hahavhavevenven'n't't t tt trt tririerieded ed t th thi thisis s bs brbrabranandand and o of of of i ininsinststastanantant ant n no noooodoodloodlelesles s ys yeyetet,t,
Thai Peanut Salad Dressing (added to salads, meats or the Peanut Noodles) for a very spicy Thai experience.<br /><br />Overall for the taste and quantity, the subscribe and save offer provides the best deal. Comparatively speaking in terms of price, Wal-Mart offers most of these noodles a few cents cheaper (compared to the subscription price) but do not seem to carry the Coconut Ginger Variety. At least not at the store near me.<br /><br />If you haven't tried this brand of instant noodles yet,
II I t ththihininknk k y yoyouou'u'l'llll l b bebe e i inin in f foforor r a a a t tr trereaeatat.t.".""11515454242,2,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A1A1M1MJMJVJV8V8L8L3L3K3KIKIDIDDDDXDXDXD,D,C,CaCararorololele e ie inin in Oin OKOK,K,0K,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,1212525555959999696868080000,00,T,TaTasaststete e oe ofof f T ThThahaiai i C CoCocococononunutut t G GiGiningingegerer r sr sosououpoup,p,I,I I rI rerearealallllylly y l lilikikeke e te ththithisis s s sosousoupup.p. . I ItIt t it isis is m mimilildld d a an andnd d Id I I dI dodonon'on't't t lt liliklikeke ke a an any anytyththithinthingng g t th thahathat t it ist is s ts toto o h hohotot.t. t. I ITIT T i is is s js jujusustst st r ririgighghtht.t. t. t. H HaHasas as a a a g gogoooodod d fd flflalavavovoror or a an and and d id isis is sis sosomsomemeteththithinthingthing g Ig I I cI cacanan n t ta takakeke ke tke toto to w wowororkork k ak anandand d pd popopop p i in in n tn ththethe e me mimicmicrcrorowrowawavaveave.e. . I. I I wI wowouwoululdld ld b bu buyuy y iy itit t at agagagaiainain n an anandand and a ag,3,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,AV,AV7V7272727S7S2S2121M1MQ1MQ8Q8I8IBIB,B,K,KiKikikiikititaitasastastrtroroprophphehe,e,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,5,0,5,5,15,1212412454555545542424424040000,00,D00,DeDeleliliclicicioiouousous!s!,!,","T"ThThiThisis is iis isis is qis ququiuicickck,k, , e eaeaseasysy y ay anandand and pand poporportrtatabablblele,le, , a, anandand and Iand I I tI ththithinthinkthink k ik itit it t ta tas taststesteses s gs grgrereareatreat!t! ! I It It't's's s ms mymy y fy fafavavoavororiorititeite e fe flflaflavavoavoravo
I think you'll be in for a treat." 1542,B000E7WM0K,A1MJV8L3KIDDXD,Carole in OK,0,0,5,1255996800,Taste of Thai Coconut Ginger soup,I really like this soup. It is mild and I don't like anything that is to hot. IT is just right. Has a good flavor and is something I can take to work and pop in the microwave. I would buy it again and again. 1543,B000E7WM0K,AV727S21MQ8IB,Kikitastrophe,0,0,5,1245542400,Delicious!,"This is quick, easy and portable, and I think it tastes great! It's my favorite flavor
..".""11515454444,4,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A3A3B3BSBSTSTFTFFFFIFIKIKKKK5K5Y5YTYTWTW,W,","B"BOBOAOATATSTS9S9999 9 " """"B"BO"BOAOATOATSTS9TS9999"99"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3,1,12124242420200000000000000000000,0,O0,OKOKAKAYAY Y I ININ N A A A P PIPININCINCHCH.H.......,..,I,I I b bobouougughghtht t t ththehesesese e a atat t wt wawalalmlmamarartrt t ft foforor r l lelesessess s t th thehenhen n $ $2$ 00 d dodolollllalararsars s as a a b bo boxox.x.T.ThTheherherere e oe ovoveverer r r $ $2 $ 0 a a a b bo box box x @ @A@AmAmamazmazozonon n fn foforfor r (r (b(boboxbox x ox ofof f s sisixix)x).).T.Th.Thehenhen hen y yoyouou ou n neneeeeded d t to to o a ad adddd d ad ananonotoththetherer er $ $7 $ 0 d0 dodoldollllallararsars ars t to to to y yo youourour r or orordordederer er ter toto o go gegetet t ft frt frereeree e se shshihipippppipiningng g . ...........I..I I wI wowououlouldld d nd nonotnot t bt bubuyuy y t th the theseseese e ae agagagaiainin in c cocououlouldould d bd bebe e be bebetbetttteterer er ier ifif f yf yoyouyou u a ad add addededded d cd chchihichickckekenen n on oror or a an an n en egegggg g lg lilikikeke ke o otothotheherher her r rerevrevivieiewewewerersers s ms memenententitioiononeoneded.ed. . M MyMy y by boboxbox box d do doeoeses es s sa sayay y gy glglulututetenten n fn frn frereeree ree s so so o mo mamaymaybybebe be t th the ther therere re a ar arere re 2re 2 2 v veverversrsisiosiononsons.s..115154545545,5,B,B0,B00000000E000E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,A3,A3N3NINITITETESES6S6060909Z9Z2Z2L2LNLN,N,J,JeJenennenn n Ln L,L,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,30,3,3,13,1212312353585868656
." 1544,B000E7WM0K,A3BSTFFIKK5YTW,"BOATS99 ""BOATS99""",0,0,3,1242000000,OKAY IN A PINCH...,I bought these at walmart for less then $2.00 dollars a box.There over $2.80 a box @Amazon for (box of six).Then you need to add another $7.00 dollars to your order to get free shipping ....I would not buy these again could be better if you added chicken or an egg like other reviewers mentioned. My box does say gluten free so maybe there are 2 versions. 1545,B000E7WM0K,A3NITES609Z2LN,Jenn L,0,0,3,1235865
66060000,0,N,NoNowow w c coconontntataiainininininging g g glglulututetenen!n!,!,","A"A A y yeyeaearar r o oror r sr soso o a agagogo,o, , I I I u ususese e t toto o bo bubuyuy y t th thehesesese se q ququiuititete te o of oftftetenten n b bebececacauaususeuse e te ththeheyhey y wy wewererere e ge glgluglututeutenen-en-f-frfrereeree.e. . L LaLasastst t m momonontonthth th I I I d dedececiecididededded d t to to o oo orordordederder r sr sor somomeme e ae agagaagaiainain n an anandnd d td ththithisis s p prprorododuducuctct t nt nono o lo lolonongongegerer er s sasayaysys s "s """"g"glgluglutglutetenten-ten-f-fr-frereeree"ree"""" "" o on on n tn ththethe e pe papacackckakagagiagininging ing a an andnd nd c co conontontaontaiainainsains s ws whwheheaheatat.t. . . I I I d I didididnidn'n't't t wt wawanantant t tt ththethemthem m t to to to g go go o to toto to w wawaswaststeste,e, , s, soso so I I I a I atateate e oe ononeone e ae ane anynywywawayway.y. . . I. I I bI bebecbecacamcameme me v vevereryery y sy . . I. I . I d do do o eo enenjenjojoyoy y ty ththithisthis s ps prproprododuoducuctuct t bt bubutbut t wt wit wilillll l n nonotnot t bt bet be e pe pue pururcrchchahasasiasininging ing aing agagaagaiagainin in b be bececaecauausausese se ose ofof f t th the the e we whwhewheaeateat.t. t. J JuJusustust t at a a w wa wararnarnininningng g fg foforor or t th tho thososese se ose ofse of f yf yoyouou u w wh whoho o ao alalslsoso so hso hahavhaveve ve i isississusueueses es w wi witithith h w wh whe wheaeateat/eat/g/glgluglutgluteglutenen.en.".""11515454646,6,B,B0B00000000E0E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A3A3E3ELEL8L8P8P5P5050J0JQJQ5Q5O5OIOIFIF,F,A,A.,A
600,Now containing gluten!,"A year or so ago, I use to buy these quite often because they were gluten-free. Last month I decided to order some again and this product no longer says ""gluten-free"" on the packaging and contains wheat. I didn't want them to go to waste, so I ate one anyway. I became very sick. I do enjoy this product but will not be purchasing again because of the wheat. Just a warning for those of you who also have issues with wheat/gluten." 1546,B000E7WM0K,A3EL8P50JQ5OIF,A.
S SmSmimitithth,h,0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,1,11119196963638380808080800800,0,"0,"n"nonotot t b babadad,d, , b bu butut t It I I w wowonon'n't't t rt rereoeorordrdederer"r",",","T"ThThahananknksks s f foforor or t ththethe e e egegggg g t ti tipip,p, , i, itit it w wo wororkorksks ks v vevereryery y w we welellll l a anandand d r rerearealallllylly y hy hehelelpelpsps s ts ththithisis s ps prprorododuducuctct.t. . N NeNeveveververtrththethelthelelesessss,s, , I, I I eI enendndededded d ud upup p g gigiviviviningng g ag awawawayay y ty ththrthrereeree e oe ofof f t th thehe he s sisixix x c coconontontataiainineinerersers s bs bebececacauaususese e Ie I I wI wawaswas s ns nonotnot t tt ththrthrithrilillllelleded d wd wiwitithith h t th the the e ne nunututrutrirititiitioiononaonalal al i ininfinfoforformrmamatatitioionion.n.".""11515454747,7,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,AIAININZNZRZRFRFRFRVRVIVI8I8H8H8H8E8E,E,","J,"JuJululilieietet t "t """"C"CeCelelieliaiacac c K KiKidid d Md MoMomom"m"""""""",",0",0,0,00,0,0,40,4,4,1,11,117173739391916168680800800,800,G,GrGrereareatreat t gt glglulututeutenen en f fr frereeree ree q ququiuicickck k f fi fixix ix m memeaealal,al,","I,"ItIt't's's s vs veververyvery y ty tay tasaststyty y ay anandand and v ve vereryery ery e ea easasyasy y ty toy to o m ma makakeke.e. . . I IfIf f yf yoyouou'u'r'rere re i in in n n neneeeeded ed o ofof of a a a v ve ver veryry y qy ququiquicickick,k, , f, fifilillillilinlingng ng m me meaealeal l al anandand and iand itit it nit neneeneededseds s ts tos to o bo bebe be g gl glulutlutetenen en fen frfrereeree,ree, , t, ththithisthis s ws woworworkrksks ks oks ou
Smith,0,0,2,1196380800,"not bad, but I won't reorder","Thanks for the egg tip, it works very well and really helps this product. Nevertheless, I ended up giving away three of the six containers because I was not thrilled with the nutritional information." 1547,B000E7WM0K,AINZRFRVI8H8E,"Juliet ""Celiac Kid Mom""",0,0,4,1173916800,Great gluten free quick fix meal,"It's very tasty and very easy to make. If you're in need of a very quick, filling meal and it needs to be gluten free, this works ou
tt t g grgrereaeatat.t. . T TrTryry y t ththehe e T Th Thahaiai i P PePeaeaneanunutut t ot ononene,e, , t to toooo.o.".""11515454848,8,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A3A3B3BJBJ9J9N9NSNS0S0909Y9YGYGQGQTQT5T5,5,","A"AtAtltl l C ChChrhririsis s " """"A"At"Atltl tl C Ch Chrhrihrisis"is"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,1111616464545858585656060000,00,E,EaEasasysy y ay anandnd d d dedelelilicicicioiouousus,s,","W,"WeWe e oe orordrdederdereredred d ad a a p papacackck k o ofof f t th theheshesese e ae anandand d ad atd atete e te ththrthrorouougoughgh h t th the themem m v vevereryry ry q ququiuicickicklklyly!y! ! M MyMy y hy huhususbusbabanandand and a anandand and Iand I I b bobotothth th l liliklikeke e te tae takakikiningng g t th the them them m tm toto o w wowororkork k fk foforor or l lu lununcnchch.h. . H. HeHerereere'e's's s ms mymy y ry rerecrecicipcipepe,e, e, s soso o to ththathatat at I I I gI gegetet t mt momororeore e pe prprorotroteteiteinin:in: : I I I s sl sliliplip p a a a f frfreresreshsh h uh ununbunbrbrorokrokekenken n e egegggg g ig inintintoto to t th the the the b bo boxox x b be befefoforforere re I I I l I leleaeaveaveve ve h hohomomeme e ie inin in t th the the the m the momormornrninininging,g, , t, ththethenen n In I I aI adadddd d td ththethe the e eg egggg gg t to to to t th the the the w the wawatateaterer er b be bef befoforforefore e Ie I I cI cocooookook k ik itit t at atat at lat"."."115154549549,9,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,A1,A16160160J0JZJZXZXEXEDED5D5K5K7K7P7P1P1,1,g,gfgf f gf gagalal,l,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,40,4,4,1,111161163630303030304304040000,00,G00,GlGlu
t great. Try the Thai Peanut one, too." 1548,B000E7WM0K,A3BJ9NS09YGQT5,"Atl Chris ""Atl Chris""",0,0,5,1164585600,Easy and delicious,"We ordered a pack of these and ate through them very quickly! My husband and I both like taking them to work for lunch. Here's my recipe, so that I get more protein: I slip a fresh unbroken egg into the box before I leave home in the morning, then I add the egg to the water before I cook it at lunchtime." 1549,B000E7WM0K,A160JZXED5K7P1,gf gal,0,0,4,1163030400,Glu
ttetenen n f frfrereeee e g gogoooododndnenesessss,s,V,VeVereryry y t tatasaststyty y gy glglulututetenten-n-f-frfrefreeee ee o opoptptitioionon.n. . M MyMy y ky kikididsds s l lolovoveveded d i itit t a asas as i it it t wt wawasasnasn'n't't t tt totoooo oo s spspipicicycy.y..11515555050,0,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A3A3G3G1G1212K2K8K8Y8YIYIPIPCPCKCKQKQ,Q,","J"JaJananiniciceice e Me MiMilillllelerer er " """"A"AmAmamazazozonon on W WaWararrrririoiorior"r"""""""",",0,0,0,00,0,0,40,4,4,1,1111515615646464646406400000000,0,T0,TaTasastastyty ty a an andnd d Ed EaEasasyasy,y,T,ThThehe e Te ThThaThaiai i C CoCocococononuonutut ut G GiGiningngegerer er Ner NoNoooodoodldlelesles s as arareare e qe ququiuicickick k a an and and d ed eaeasasyasy asy t to to o p prprereprepaparareare.are. . Y. YoYouou u w wiwilillill l b bebe e re rerewrewawarwardrdededed ed w wi witithith h d dedeldeliliciciicioiouiousus s ns nonoooodoodloodlelesles les t to to to e enenjenjojoyoy y by byby y yy yoyououroursrseselelflf f o or or r s sh shaharareare are a as as s as a s a s si sidideide e de didisishsh h wh wiwitwithth h ah ananoanotoththetherer er ner nonoonoododlodlele le e en,1,B,B0,B00000000E000E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,A2,A2A2AJAJ5J5V5VNVNBNBXBX7X7R7RGRGPGPPPP,P,L,LuLucucycy cy A AcAckcklklalanandand,d,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,5,0,5,5,1,11,115156156115611118118484040000,00,","Q,"QuQuiuicuickck,ck, , Y YuYumummmmymy,y, y, U UnUnunususuusuaualal l Sl SoSououpoup"p",",I",I I l li likikekeded ed ted ththithisis is s so so o mo mumucuchuch h th ththathatat t It I I rI rere-re-o-orordrderderereereded ed aed an
ten free goodness,Very tasty gluten-free option. My kids loved it as it wasn't too spicy. 1550,B000E7WM0K,A3G12K8YIPCKQ,"Janice Miller ""Amazon Warrior""",0,0,4,1156464000,Tasty and Easy,The Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles are quick and easy to prepare. You will be rewarded with delicious noodles to enjoy by yourself or share as a side dish with another noodle enjoyer. 1551,B000E7WM0K,A2AJ5VNBX7RGPP,Lucy Ackland,0,0,5,1156118400,"Quick, Yummy, Unusual Soup",I liked this so much that I re-ordered an
dd d w wiwilillll l k kekeeeepep<p<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>r/>rere-e-o-orordrdedereririningng.g..11515555252,2,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,AMAMRMRNRNRNR2R2G2G8G8V8VYVYZYZUZUMUM,M,J,JoJononanataththahanan n W WiWililcilcocoxox,x,1,1,1,2,2,2,22,2,2,12,11117176760607076768768080000,00,E,EhEh.h.......,..,","I"I I h hahadhad d rd rerecrececenentntltlyly y t trtririerieded d ad a a s sisimimimililailarar r pr prprorododuducuctct t f frfroromrom m T TrTraradadederder r Jr JoJoeJoe'e's's s a anandand,d, , n nonotot t ht hahavhavivininging g a a a T TJ TJ'J's's 's a ar arorourounundnd d md meme e p prprepresesesenententltlytly,y, , I, I I dI dedecdecicididededded d td toto o t tr tryry y ty ththithisis s ms momororeore e re rereareadadiadililyily-y-a-avavavaiaililailabilablblele e ve vavarvaririariatatiatioionon.on. . I I I dI diI dididnidn'n't't t rt rerearealreallllylly y ly lilikikeke ke t th thihisis is t th thi thininging ing t to toooo o mo mumucuchuch.h. h. F FoForor or s st statarartarteterersers,s, , t, ththetherereere e ie isis is tis totootoo o mo muo mucuchuch uch p pa pacackckakagagigininging ing fing foforor or mor mymy y ly liy . . T To Toooo oo m mamananyany y ty thy thihinhingngsngs s ts toto to t th thr throrowrow w a aw awawayay.y. . . A. AnAndnd nd I I I a ag agrgrereeree e we wiwitwithth th a a a p a prpreprevprevivioviouousus s rs rerevrevivieviewewewerer er t th tha thatat at t th the theyey'y'r'rere re k ki kinindind d od ofof f b bibigig g cg cacarartartoartononsons s fs foforfor r hr hohowow w mw mumucmuchch h t th the they they y hy hoholholdld.d. . . I. InInsnsisidsidede de t
d will keep<br /><br />re-ordering. 1552,B000E7WM0K,AMRNR2G8VYZUM,Jonathan Wilcox,1,2,2,1176076800,Eh...,"I had recently tried a similar product from Trader Joe's and, not having a TJ's around me presently, I decided to try this more readily-available variation. I didn't really like this thing too much. For starters, there is too much packaging for my liking. Too many things to throw away. And I agree with a previous reviewer that they're kind of big cartons for how much they hold. Inside t
hhehe e c coconontntataiaininenerer r a ararere e 4e 4 4 p papacackckakagagegeses s - - - o ononeone e fe foforor r nr nonoooododldleleses,es, , a an andnd d t ththrhrereeree e fe foe foror or v vavarariarioiouousus s ss seseaeasasosononioniningingsgs.s. . T ThThehenhen n y yoyouou ou h hahavaveve e te toto o a ad adddd d wd . . T Th Theheyhey y g gigiviveve ve y yo youou ou aou a a f fifilillll l l lilinineine,e, , b, bubutut t i itit't's's s ks kikinindind d od ofof f a aw awkwkwkwawarwardrd.d. . . T. ThTheThenen n mn mimicicrcrorowowawavwaveve ve fve foforfor r 3r 3 3 m . . T. Th. Thehenhen hen s ststitirir,r, , t, ththethenen en m mi micicricrorowrowawavwavewave e ae agagaagaiainain n fn foforfor for o on onene ne m mi min minunutnutete.te. . . T. Th. The. The e oe ononeone one f fr froromrom m T Tr Traradadederer er J JoJoeoe'e's's 's o on onl onlyly y hy hahashas s ts twtwowo o po papacpackckecketetsts s -s - - o- ononeone one fone foforfor for nfor nonoonoododlodlelesles,s, , o, ononeone one fone foone foror or sor sasauaucucece e -e - - a- anandnd nd n nono no w wawatwateterter r ir ininvinvovololvlvevedved.d. d. J JuJusustust t mt mimicmicrcrocrowowaowavaveave e fe foe fore for r 2r 2 2 m mi min minu minututeutesutes s as anandand d yd yoyouyou'u'r'rere re d . . A. AnAndnd nd tnd ththothososese se a ar arere re are a a la lolotot t tt er. I I I d di dididndn'n't't t lt liliklikeke e te the thehe he t te texextxtutururere re ore ofof of t th thihisis s ts ths thihinhingng g ( (e(eveveververyrytyththithininging ing c cl clulumumpmpepeded d td totogtogegetgeththetherther r tr totooto
he container are 4 packages - one for noodles, and three for various seasonings. Then you have to add water. They give you a fill line, but it's kind of awkward. Then microwave for 3 minutes. Then stir, then microwave again for one minute. The one from Trader Joe's only has two packets - one for noodles, one for sauce - and no water involved. Just microwave for 2 minutes and you're done. And those are a lot tastier. I didn't like the texture of this thing (everything clumped together too
m mumucuchch)h) ) a anandnd d i itit t r rereaealallllyly y d didididndn'n't't t ht hahavaveve e m mu mucuchuch h t tatasaststete,e, , e esespspepececiciaialallallyly ly c cocononsnsisidideidereririningng g t th thehe e te ththrhrereeree e de didifdiffffeferereerenentnt t pt papacackckeketetsts s o ofof f s seseaeaseasosononionininging g Ig I I p puputut t it . T TiTimimeme e te toe to o t tr tryry y ay a a c co cououpuplplele e oe ofof of t th the the e oe ote oththetherer er b brbraranandandsds s os ofof of tof ththethesthesese se t th thi thiningingsings.s......."..""11515555353,3,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A2A2K2KLKLFLFHFH9H9F9FCFCWCWUWURURBRBJBJ,J,","A"AnAngngengelelala a Ba BuBulullll ll " """"L"LaLadadydy y Ry RoRoxoxixiaianiannnnana"a"""""""",",0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,,1,1,11,11919999393131818484040000,00,H,HoHororrrriribriblblele le s sm smemelmellll,ll,I,I I bI bobouougoughghtht t tt ththethesthesethese e fe foforor or m my my y sy sosonson n t to to o to tataktakeke ke t to to to w wowororkork k f foforfor r l . A. ApAppppaparparerenrentntlntlyly ly hly hihisis s cs coco-co-w-woworworkrkekerkersrs s fs fofoufounundund d td ththethe the s sm sme smelellell l s so so o oo ofoffoffefenfensnsinsiviveve ve t th the they they y ay asy askskekedked d hd hihimhim m n nonotot t tt tot to o eo eaeateat t it itt it t at atat t wt woworworkwork k ak in. M MaMayaybybebe e ie itit it w wa wasas as a a a b ba badad ad b ba bat,4,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0K0K,0K,A,A2,A2P2PNPNONOUOU7U7N7NXNXBXB1B1J1JEJE4E4,4,"4,"P"PePegeggggygy y "y """"p""papabpab9b
much) and it really didn't have much taste, especially considering the three different packets of seasoning I put in. Time to try a couple of the other brands of these things..." 1553,B000E7WM0K,A2KLFH9FCWURBJ,"Angela Bull ""Lady Roxianna""",0,1,1,1199318400,Horrible smell,I bought these for my son to take to work for lunch. Apparently his co-workers found the smell so offensive they asked him not to eat it at work again. Maybe it was a bad batch... 1554,B000E7WM0K,A2PNOU7NXB1JE4,"Peggy ""pab9
22020"0""""""","",0,0,0,1,1,1,3,3,3,1,11,11616868383030000808080000,00,F,FoForor r $ $2$ 00 a a a b boboxox x i itit't's's s o okokakayay,y,","I"I I d dodonon'n't't t p plplalanan n o on on n rn rereoeorordordedereririningng g i it it,t, , b bu butut t it itit it w wawasas s ds dedefdefifininiinititeitelelyly y e ededidibiblblele e a an andnd d f fifilfillllilininging g sg sisinincincece e Ie I I aI adaddddededded d cd chchihicickckekenen.n.".""11515555555,55,B,B0B00000000E0E7E7W7WMWM0M0K0K,K,A,A1A1M1MJMJSJSWSWIWI8I8787Z7ZMZMEME8E8383,83,G,GiGilillllilliaianan,an,1,1,,1,3,3,,3,1,1,,1,1,1,1111717676262424949696060000,00,T00,TaTasastasteteleleelesessss s ms memesessess,s,","I,"I I tI trtririerieded ed t ththeheseseese e ae asas as I I I lI lolovoveve e Te ThThahaiai i f fo foooodod,d, , g, giginingingeingerer er a an and and d cd cod cocococononuonutut.ut. . T ThThaThatat t wt wawaswas s ms mys my y py prproroboblbleblemem,m, , a, asas as tas ththithisis s ms mes mesessess ess d do doeoeses es n nonotot t et evevevenven n vn vavagagugueuelelyely y ry reresresesemembemblbleble ble T Th Thahaihai i fi fofoooodood d ad anandand d hd hahashas s ns nono no d di disisciscecercernrninibibliblele le g gigingingngengerer er oer oror or c cococcococonconunutut ut t ta tasastasteaste.e. . P. PlPlulusus,s, s, t th thehe he n no noooodoodloodlelesles s ss ststiticickick k t to togogegeteththetherer,er, , e, eveveevenen en w wh whehenhen n pn prpreprepepaparareredred d ad asd as s ss sus suguggggegesgeststesteded,ed, , a, an, andnd nd c co comomeme me o ou outut ut iut inin in a a a b bi bigig g cg clclulumlumpmp p w wh whe whenen en yen yoyouou u
20""",0,1,3,1168300800,For $2.00 a box it's okay,"I don't plan on reordering it, but it was definitely edible and filling since I added chicken." 1555,B000E7WM0K,A1MJSWI87ZME83,Gillian,1,3,1,1176249600,Tasteless mess,"I tried these as I love Thai food, ginger and coconut. That was my problem, as this mess does not even vaguely resemble Thai food and has no discernible ginger or coconut taste. Plus, the noodles stick together, even when prepared as suggested, and come out in a big clump when you
ttrtryry y t toto o e eaeatat t t th thehemem.m.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>A/>AlAlslsoso,o, , t th the the e n nunututrtritritititioionon n l lalababebelel l i isis s m mimisislisleleaeadeadidiningng.g. . I I I a amam m d didiedietetitintingng ng a an andnd d r rereaeadead ead l la lababeabelelsels s vs vevereryry ry c cacararerefrefufulullllyly.y. . T. ThThihisis is s sasayaysys s as a a s se serervervivininging g i is is s os ononeone e ce cucupup p a an and and d ad alalslsolso o so sasaysaysys ys o ononeone one p papacackckakagagege e we weweieigighghshs s 4s 4o4ozoz z ( (h(hahalalfalf f a a a c cu cupup)up).). . I. I I fI fifigiguigurureredred,d, , a, asas s is itit it d di didid d nd nonotot t st sasaysay say o ot oththeherherwrwiwisiseise e ae anandnd nd a as as s ts ththithisis is tis tytypypepe e oe ofof f mf memeaealeal l il isis is uis usususuaualallallyly ly o on onene e se sesererverviervininging,ing, , t, ththathatat at a af aftfteterer er a ad addddidindingng ng wng wawatateaterer er ter ththetherereere e we woe wouoululduld d bd bebe be o on one one e se see sererverviervinervingng ng png peperper r pr papacpackckackagageage.e. . N. NoNotot ot s so so,o, o, o on one one one p pa pacackackakagkagege ge i is is is a ac actctutuaualuallllylly y ty twtwowo o so seo sererverviervinervingervingsgs,s, , o, oror r or ovoveverver r 5r 5050000 0 c ca calaloalororiorieieses.s. . T. Th. Thihishis s is iss is s fs fafarar ar m mo mororeore e te ththathanthan n an ananyany y oy otothotheherher her p pr prere-re-p-papacpackpackakagkagekageded d nd nod noooododldlele le m me meaealeal eal I I I h hahavhaveve ve s se see seenen.n.<.<b.<brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />/>T/>ThTheTh
try to eat them.<br /><br />Also, the nutrition label is misleading. I am dieting and read labels very carefully. This says a serving is one cup and also says one package weighs 4oz (half a cup). I figured, as it did not say otherwise and as this type of meal is usually one serving, that after adding water there would be one serving per package. Not so, one package is actually two servings, or over 500 calories. This is far more than any other pre-packaged noodle meal I have seen.<br /><br />The
e exexcxcecesessssisiviveve e c cacalalolororirieie e ce coconontntetenentnt nt m mimigighghtht t h hahavaveve ve b bebeeeenen en O OKOK K h ha hadad d t ththehe e pe prprorododuducuctct t tt tatasaststetedted d gd gogoooodod,od, , b bu butut t it itit t dt dodoeoesesnesn'n't't.t. . I I I w wowououluldld d dd dedefefifinininititeitelelyly y r rerececocomcommmmemenendend d yd yoyouou ou s ststastayay y ay awawawayay ay f frfroromrom m t th thihisis s m me mesessess.s.".""11515555656,6,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0U0U,U,A,A1A1P1P5P5F5FEFEFEFXFX2X2J2JNJNKNK4K4T4T,T,C,C.C. . C. CrCrorowrowewe,e,5,5,5,5,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,1111717171212323838484040000,00,Y,YuYumum!m!,!,","T"ThThihishis s is isis is a a a g grgrereareatat t at anandnd d dd ded delelielicicicioiouousous s ws wawayway y ty toto o e ea eatat at T ThThiThiaia a fa fofoooodood d ad atat at hat . . J JuJusustst st " """"m"memelmeltlt"t"""" "" t th the the e ee enententitirirere re p papacackckeketet t (t (i(ifif f y yoyouyou u l lilikikeke ke i itit it s sp spipicicyicy)y) ) i in intntonto o to twtwowo wo c ca canansans s os ofof f cf cococcococonconunutut ut m mi mililklk k i in in in a a a p pa . . T. ThTheThenen en aen adaddadd d yd yod youourour r f fa favavoavororiorititeite ite m me mea meatat at aat anandand d vd vevegveggggigieiesies.s. s. I I I u ususuusuaualallallyly ly u us usese e ce che chihichickckeckenen en sen ststrstriripripsps s as anandand and a a a b a babagag g o ofof of f fr frorozrozezenen en aen asen asisiasianan an v"."."115155557557,7,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0U0U,0U,A,A3,A3535H5HOHOUO
excessive calorie content might have been OK had the product tasted good, but it doesn't. I would definitely recommend you stay away from this mess." 1556,B000E7WM0U,A1P5FEFX2JNK4T,C. Crowe,5,5,5,1171238400,Yum!,"This is a great and delicious way to eat Thia food at home. Just ""melt"" the entire packet (if you like it spicy) into two cans of coconut milk in a pan. Then add your favorite meat and veggies. I usually use chicken strips and a bag of frozen asian veggies." 1557,B000E7WM0U,A35HOU
WWHWHAHAYAYZYZZZZNZN6N6,6,H,HeHedededererara a F FeFememmmmeme,e,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,1111717979696161919292020000,0,t,tatasaststyty y a anandnd d s soso o e eaeasasyasy,y,","W"WhWhihililele e t ththehe e re rereseststastauaururaranrantntsts s a al alwlwawayaysys s ds dodo o io itit t b bebesestest,t, , t th theheshesese e ce cucururrurryry y py papasastasteteses es a ar arere re p prpreretrettttyty ty t ta tasastastyasty.y. . I ItIt't's's s es eaeaseasysy y ty toto o uo ususese,se, , , f fafasastast,ast, , a, anandand d yd yoyouou u c cacanan an a ad adddd d td ththethe e me memeameatat t at anandand and v vevegeggggigieieses es oes ofof f y yoyouyourur ur c ch chohoioicicece.e. . F. FoForor r t th tho thososese se o ofof of y yo youou ou s sc scacarcareredred d od ofof of sof sosomsomemetmeththithiningng g s sp spipicicyicy,y, y, y yo you you u mu mimigighghtht t ut ususeuse e ae a a la lilitittittltlele le l leleslessss,s, , b, bubutut t ft foforor or m momosostost,t, t, i itit'it's's 's j jujusustust t rt ririgighightht,ht, , a, an, andnd nd f fo foror or tor ththothososeose e te ththathatat at l li likikeke e ie itit it s sp spi spiciciicieierier,r, , y, yoyouyou you c ca canan an aan adadddd dd a a a l li lit littttlttlele le cle crcrurusushushehedhed d rd reredred red p pe . S. SiSinincincece ce t th the the e ce coe cocococononunutut ut m mi mililkilk k h hahasas as t to to o bo bebe be a ad add addededded d sd sesepsepaparpararatrateteltelyly,y, y, yy, yoyouyou you cyou cacancan n a al als alsoso so c co conontontrtrorolol l t th the the the f fa fatat at cat coconcontntentenentnt-nt----y-yoyouyou you cyou cayou canan an gan gogo o lo liliglighghtgh
WHAYZZN6,Hedera Femme,3,3,5,1179619200,tasty and so easy,"While the restaurants always do it best, these curry pastes are pretty tasty. It's easy to use, fast, and you can add the meat and veggies of your choice. For those of you scared of something spicy, you might use a little less, but for most, it's just right, and for those that like it spicier, you can add a little crushed red pepper. Since the coconut milk has to be added separately, you can also control the fat content--you can go light
o oror r g gogo o w wiwitithth h t ththethe e m mumucuchch h yh yuyumummmmimieierer,r, , c crcrereaeamamymy y s ststutufuffff.f. . I I I f fifinindnd d t th thehe e ge grgrereereenen n c cu cururrrryry y iy isis s a a a l lilitittittltlele e se swsweweeeeteteterer er t th tha thanan n tn ththethe the r reredred d ad anandand d pd papananaananangang g c cu cur currrrirrieiesies,s, , a, anandand and i isis is m ma mayaybybebe e ae a a la lilitlittttltletle e le leleslessss s ss spspipicicycy.y.".""11515555858,8,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0U0U,U,A,A1A1Q1QEQEZEZ0Z0101P1P4P4P4PHPH8H8282D2D,D,","R"RuRufufuufusus s ts ththethe the Dthe DoDogog g "g """"R"Ru"Rufufuufusufus"s"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,11116162625251512120200000000,0,H,HoHotot t H HoHotHot t Ht HoHotHot,Hot,M,MuMucuchuch h hh hohotottotteterter r tr ththathanan an y yoyouourur ur n nonorormormamalal l g gr grereereenreen n cn cucururrurryry.ry. . O. OnOnene e pe papacpackck k m ma mak makekeses s ms mamanmanyny y sy sesererverviviningingsgs.s..115155559559,9,B,B0,B00000000E000E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0U0U,0U,A,A1,A1W1WOWOMOMXMXOXOEOEXEX9X9090A0ARARIRI,I,","A,"AvAvividvid d Cd CaCamampampeperer er "er """"W""WSWS"S"""""""",""",1,1,,1,1,1,,1,4,1,4,4,1,12,12727575454343636868080000,00,V,VeVereryery y Gy GoGoooodod d Td ThThahaiai i G GrGrereereenreen reen C CuCururrurryurry!y!!!!!!!,!!,","U,"UsUsesedsed d td toto o uo ususeuse e ae ane anonotnoththetherther r br brbraranandand and (and (t(ththathatthat t ct chchachanangangeangeded)d),), , i, inin in a a a j jajarar,r, r, b bubutut t tt ththithisis is iis isis is sis soso o mo mumucmuchch ch b be betettetteterter!ter! ! H Ha Hasas s as a a va
or go with the much yummier, creamy stuff. I find the green curry is a little sweeter than the red and panang curries, and is maybe a little less spicy." 1558,B000E7WM0U,A1QEZ01P4PH82D,"Rufus the Dog ""Rufus""",3,3,5,1162512000,Hot Hot Hot,Much hotter than your normal green curry. One pack makes many servings. 1559,B000E7WM0U,A1WOMXOEX90ARI,"Avid Camper ""WS""",1,1,4,1275436800,Very Good Thai Green Curry!!!,"Used to use another brand (that changed), in a jar, but this is so much better! Has a v
eereryry y p plpleleaeasasisiningng g h hohotot t s spspipicicycy y ty tatasastastete e w wiwitithth h a a a h hi hinintint t ot ofof f l lelemlemomonon/n/l/lilimimeme e ae anandnd d a a a g gogoooodod d ad amamomoumoununtnt t ot oft of f hf heheaeateat.t. . I ItIt t it isis s a a a l a lilitlittttltlele le t totoooo oo s sa salaltltyty y ty thy thohouhougughgh,h, , i ifif f yf yoyouou u l li likikeke e te toto to u ususese e ae a e a f fafaiairir r a am amomoumounmountnt nt t to to o " """"s"spspispiciceice e ie itit it u up up"p""""."". . W. WeWe e we wiwiswishsh h ih itit it hit hahadad d ad a d a l lo lowowewerer er s so sododiodiuiumum m c coconontontetententnt.nt. . W. Wh. Whihililele,le, , m, mamadadeade e fe frfroromom m sm scscrcraratatctchch h wh wiwitwithth th f fr frereseshsh sh i in ingngrngreredredidieienentntsnts s is isis is a al alwlwawayaysys s bs bebetettttetterer;er; ; t th thihishis s is iss is s ts ththethe e ne nenexextxt t bt bebesbestst t tt ththithininging!g! ! R ReReaealeallllyly y gy gogoogoodod od w wi witithith h ch chchichicickickekenken,n, , b, bebeebeefef,f, , p, popororkrk,k, , t, totoftofufu u au anandand d vd vevegeggggigieie ie d . Q. QuQuiuicickick ick a an andnd nd e eaeaseasysy y ty toy to o mo mamakmakeke ke g go goooodood-d-f-foforor-or-y-yoyouyou u mu memeamealalsals.s. . W. We. We e de dodonon'on't't t lt liliklikeke ke tke ththethe the p pa pacackckakagagigingingng ng a an and and d wd wiwiswishwish h ih ith it t wt wewerwerere re i in in in a a a j a jajarar,r, , b, bu, butut t ot ott oththetherther r tr ththathanan an t th tha thatat at a an and and and t th the the e se sosododiodiuodiumum um c co con
ery pleasing hot spicy taste with a hint of lemon/lime and a good amount of heat. It is a little too salty though, if you like to use a fair amount to ""spice it up"". We wish it had a lower sodium content. While, made from scratch with fresh ingredients is always better; this is the next best thing! Really good with chicken, beef, pork, tofu and veggie dishes. Quick and easy to make good-for-you meals. We don't like the packaging and wish it were in a jar, but other than that and the sodium con
ttetenentnt,t, , w wewe e l lilikikeke e ie itit.t. . W WiWilillll l b bubuyuy y a agagagaiainin!n!"!""11515656060,0,B,B0B0000000E00E7E7W7WMWM0M0U0U,U,A,ACAC8C8282K2K4K4646M6M2M2J2JVJV8V8Y8Y,Y,J,JaJanannnnenememamanan,an,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,1212828888383131010404040000,00,C,CuCururrrryry y Py PaPasaststete,te,","S"SeSececoconondnd d o orordrdederer.r. . . V VeVereryery y gy gogoooodod,d, , h, hohotot t w wh whihicichch h I I I l li likikeike e be bubutbut t bt bebesestst st t toto o s sasamampmplplele e ae asas as p peperer er y yoyouourur ur p pr".""1"15156156161,1,B,B0,B00000000E0E7E7WE7WMWM0WM0U0U,0U,A,AH,AH6H6B6BIBI8I8F8F3F3E3EEEE6E6K6K1K1,1,A1,AmAmamazmazozonon on A AdAddddidicictict,t,0t,0,0,00,0,0,0,5,5,5,15,1212612666666626624240400400000,00,"00,"T"ToTononsons s o of of f f flflalavavovoror,or, , v, vevereryery ery s sp spipicicyicy,y, , e, exexcxcecelcellllellenentent.t."t.",",","I,"I I wI wawasas as ras rerearealallllylly y iy imimpmprmpreresresssseseded d wd wiwitithith h th ththihishis.s. . . T. ThTheherereere ere a ar arere re m mamanmanyny y fy flflaflavavoavororsors,s, , a, anandand d qd ququiuititeite e ae a e a b bi bitit it o of of of h heheaheatat.t. t. W Wi Witithith ith t th thihishis his a an andnd nd y yo youourour r f fa favavoavoravorirititeite ite b br braranandand and o of of of c of cococcocucunununutut t mt mimililkilk k y yo you you u c cacanan an m ma makakeke ke s so somomeme e ge grgrereareatreat t Tt ThThaThaiai ai c cu cururrurririerieses es a at at t ht"."."115156562562,2,B,B0,B00,B00505252B2BRBRVRVTVTKTK,K,A,A2,A2V2VJVJ5J5A5ALA
tent, we like it. Will buy again!" 1560,B000E7WM0U,AC82K46M2JV8Y,Janneman,0,0,5,1288310400,Curry Paste,"Second order. Very good, hot which I like but best to sample as per your preferences." 1561,B000E7WM0U,AH6BI8F3EE6K1,Amazon Addict,0,0,5,1266624000,"Tons of flavor, very spicy, excellent.","I was really impressed with this. There are many flavors, and quite a bit of heat. With this and your favorite brand of cocunut milk you can make some great Thai curries at home." 1562,B0052BRVTK,A2VJ5AL
NN1N1B1BIBIVIV3V3B3B,B,","t"teterersrststeterter r " """"T"TeTererserststesterer"er"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313434747474040808080000000,00,H,HoHouoususese e B BlBlelenendnd d i isis s g gogoooodod d cd cocofoffffefeeee,e,","D,"DiDififfffefferereerenentent t f flflalavavovororsrs rs f fo foror or d didififfiffeferfererenentent ent p pepeoeopoplplele.le. . N NoNotot t et evevevereryeryoyononene e ie isis is g go goioiningng g t toto o l lilikikeke e te ththihisis is jis jujusustust t at asas s os otothotheherersers,ers, , l li likikeike e me meme,e, e, w wiwilillll l l lo lovoveve ve t th thihishis s cs cocofcoffffeffeeffee.e.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />I>ItIt't's's s ts totottotatalallllylly y s<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />I>I >I g gi giviveive e ie ite it t 5t 5 5 s st . . I I I e enenjenjojoyoy y ty ththithisis is cis cocofcoffcoffefeefee e ae a a l lo lot lot t at ant andnd nd t th the the e pe prpriricicece e ie ise is s vs veververyry y ry rereareasasoasononaonabablblele,le, , i, inin in m mymy y oy opopiopininiinioionon.on. . . I. ItIt It m ma matatctchcheheshes s ms mymy my l lo loc locacalal al b bibigig g bg boboxox x g gr grorococecerceryry ry s st sto stororeore.e."e.""11515656363,3,B,B0B00001001E1EUEU5U5S5S9S9S9S,S,A,A2A2E2E6E6B6BRBR5R5S5S45S4K4KHKHHHH5H5555,5,K5,KJKJ,J,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,131341343433334347347272020000,00,m00,mymy my omy orordordederer,er,","I,"I I wI wawasas as a atat at a a a 5 5 5 s5 ststastarar r hr hohototeotelel l al anandnd nd wnd wawaswas s ss seserservrvevedved d td ththithisthis s ts tes teaea a da dudururirinri
N1BIV3B,"terster ""Terster""",0,0,5,1347408000,House Blend is good coffee,"Different flavors for different people. Not everyone is going to like this just as others, like me, will love this coffee.<br /><br />It's totally subjective.<br /><br />I give it 5 stars. I enjoy this coffee a lot and the price is very reasonable, in my opinion. It matches my local big box grocery store." 1563,B001EU5S9S,A2E6BR5S4KHH55,KJ,1,1,5,1343347200,my order,"I was at a 5 star hotel and was served this tea durin
gg g a a a m memeeeetetitiningng.g. . I ItIt t w wawasas s f fafanantntatasastastitictic.c. . . I I I a as askskekeded d t ththehe e s seserervrveverer er i ifif f t th theheyhey y c cocououluldld d gd gegetet et m me me e te ththethe e ne nanamameme me o ofof f tf ththethe the c co comompmpapananyany,y, , b bubutut t tt ththetheythey y wy wewerereere e ue ununanabnablblele.e. . . T. ThThahanankank k g gogoooododndnenesessss s fs foforor r A AmAmamazazozonon n I I I w I wawaswas s as abablbleble e te toe to o f fi finindind d id itit.t. . . I. ItIt'It's's s ts ththethe the bthe bebesestest t It I I h hahavhaveve ve h ha hadad d id ind in n mn mamanmanyny y yy yeyeaeararsrs.s. . . I. It. It t at ararrarririvivevedved d od onon on t ti timimeme me ame anandand d vd veververyry y sy sesecsecucururerelelyly y py papacpackckekedked.d.".""11515656464,4,B,B0B0000101E1EUEU5U5S5S9S9S9S,S,A,A2A2121P1PUPU1U1111G1G0G0808T8TUTUTUTLTL,L,g,gegekgekkkkoko,o,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,126262622221217217676060000,00,D,DEDELELILICICICIOIOUOUSUS!S!,!,","I"I I tI totototataltallllyly ly l lolovoveve ve tve ththithisis s ts tes teaea.ea. . . I. It. It . It b br brerewrewsws s ts tos to o ao a a ba bebeabeauaututiutififuifulul ul r reredreddddidisishish h c co col cololorlor.r. . . I. It. It . It i. It isis is v veververyvery y ay araroaromomaomatatitictic tic a an andnd d bd bebeabeaubeaututiutifutifufulul ul tul toto to l lo looookook k ak . . I. It. It . It c. It cocoucoululduld d bd bed be e pe popototpotpopoupoururrurriri.ri. . . I. I . I l lo lov loveve ve tve thve thehe he s sa sacachchehethetsts s is itit it c co com comemesmes s is ins in n -n - - v ve vereryery y ey
g a meeting. It was fantastic. I asked the server if they could get me the name of the company, but they were unable. Thank goodness for Amazon I was able to find it. It's the best I have had in many years. It arrived on time and very securely packed." 1564,B001EU5S9S,A21PU11G08TUTL,gekko,1,1,5,1262217600,DELICIOUS!,"I totally love this tea. It brews to a beautiful reddish color. It is very aromatic and beautiful to look at. It could be potpourri. I love the sachets it comes in - very e
llelegegaganantnt.t. . I I I j jujusustst t b bobouougughghtht t mt mymy y t ththihirirdrd d c cacananianisiststesterer r o ofof f i itit t tt ththithisis is m momorornrnininingng.g. . . I I I h hahavaveve e e eveveververyryoyononene e ae atat t mt myt my y oy ofoffoffificicece e ae ane andnd d md mymy my f frfririeienendndsnds s l lolovovivininging g i it it,t, , t to toooo!o! ! B BeBesestst st w wiwitithith h h ho hononeoneyey y py pepeaeararlrlsls s as alalslsolso o s sosololdld d bd byby y Wy WhWhihithitete e Le LiLioionon on T TeTeaea.ea. . . A. AnAndnd nd i it it' it's's s os ororgorgaganganinicnic!c!"!""11515656565,5,B,B0B0000101E1EUEU5U5S5S9S9S9S,S,A,A1A1P1P9P9R9R0R0303131I1IIII2I2626767B7B,B,","V"ViVicictictotororioriaia a B BaBararkarkekerer er P PiPininoino o "o """"V"Vd"VdidivivavaPaPiPinPinono"o"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,15,121252565665668688880800000000,0,S,SoSoooooooooooooooooooo o go gogoooodood!d!!!!!!!,!!,T,ThThihishis s ss ststustufuffff f rf rorocockcksks!s!!!!!!!! ! I! I'I'v'veve ve h ha hadad d id itit it a atat at t tw twowo o do didifdiffffefferereerenentent t st spspapasas s as ans andnd nd Ind I I jI jujusjustst st lst lolovloveve ve ive . I. ItIt't's's 's t ta tarartart t at anandand d rd rereaealeallllyly y uy . A. A A r rerearealal al t tr trereareatreat.t.t.115156566566,566,B,B0,B00001001E1EU1EU5U5SU5S9S9SS9S,S,AS,A9A9999D9D0D0606868M68MZMZXZX8X8J8JTJT,T,N,NaNatataatalalialieie,ie,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,15,135,133338386868681681616060000,00,N,Ne,Newew w F FaFavavoavororioritoritete,te,T,Th,Thihishis his i is is s ms mymy my hmy huhususbusbabanand
legant. I just bought my third canister of it this morning. I have everyone at my office and my friends loving it, too! Best with honey pearls also sold by White Lion Tea. And it's organic!" 1565,B001EU5S9S,A1P9R031II267B,"Victoria Barker Pino ""VdivaPino""",1,1,5,1256688000,Soooooo good!!!,This stuff rocks!!! I've had it at two different spas and I just love it. It's tart and really unusual. A real treat. 1566,B001EU5S9S,A99D068MZX8JT,Natalie,0,0,5,1338681600,New Favorite,This is my husband
''s's s n nenewew w f fafavavovororirititete e t teteatea!a! ! I I'I'm'm m n no notot t h huhugugege e oe onon n h hi hibibibisiscscucusus s bs bubutut t tt ththihisis is d dodoeoeses s ts tatasaststete te g gogoooodod.d. . I I' I'm'm 'm s susururere e we wewe'e'l'llll l b bebe e be bubuybuyiyiningng g m momororeore.e..11515656767,7,B,B0B0000101E1EUEU5U5S5S9S9S9S,S,A,AEAE1E1U1UMUMHMHNHN3N3T3TUTU6U6N6NANA,A,G,GrGrereereeneninieie,e,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13133331315159159696868080000,00,N,NiNicicece e te teteatea.tea.......v..vevereryry y s st strtroronongong g cg crcrarananbnbeberberrrryry ry f fl flalavavoavoror,or,N,Ni,Niciceice e te tee teaea.a. . I. I I c cacanan an s st ste steeeepep p u upup p tp totoooo oo 3 3 3 t ti . I. It. It t ht hahasas as a a a s st str stroronrongng ng c cr craranranbnbenbererrerryry ry fry flflalavlavovorvor.r. . P. PrProrobrobababablblyly y wy wowououluldld d b be be e ge gogoogoodod od a as as s as a a ca cocololdld ld t te teaea.ea. . I. I . I r rerecrecocomcommmmemenmendnd d id ifif f y yoyouou ou L LOLOVOVEVE E c cr cra crananbanbeberberrberryry.ry..1.15156156868,68,B,B0,B00001001E1EU1EU5U5SU5S9S9SS9S,S,AS,A1A1O1O2O2F2F0F0Z0ZBZB6B6J6JVJVYVY0Y0Y0Y,Y,S,SiSimimpimplpleleSeSuSununnnnyny5y5,5,05,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,15,131321323236364648480800800000,00,B00,BeBesestest t Tt TeTeaea ea E EvEveverver,r,","I"I I fI fofouounoundnd nd t th thihishis s ts tes teaea ea 5ea 5 5 y ye yeaearearsrs s as ags agogo,go, , w whwhihilhilele le s st sta stayayiyinyingng ng ang atat t at a a Sa SpSpapa a Ra ReResesoesorortort t it inin in W WaWasashashihinhingngtngtotonton.n.<.<b<brbr r / />/><>
's new favorite tea! I'm not huge on hibiscus but this does taste good. I'm sure we'll be buying more. 1567,B001EU5S9S,AE1UMHN3TU6NA,Greenie,0,0,5,1331596800,Nice tea...very strong cranberry flavor,Nice tea. I can steep up too 3 times. It has a strong cranberry flavor. Probably would be good as a cold tea. I recommend if you LOVE cranberry. 1568,B001EU5S9S,A1O2F0ZB6JVY0Y,SimpleSunny5,0,0,5,1323648000,Best Tea Ever,"I found this tea 5 years ago, while staying at a Spa Resort in Washington.<br /><
bbrbr r / />/>I>I I a ababsbsosololulututetelelyly y l lolovoveve e i itit!t! ! I ItIt't's's s h hehererbrbabalal,l, , a an andnd d h he helelpelpsps s ms meme e te toto o r rerelelaelaxax x w wiwitithith h i it itsts s vs veververyry y fy flflalavavovororfrfufulul l t tatasaststete te a an and and d cd cocololooloror.or. . G GrGrereareatat t f foforor or c cocolcoldldsds,s, , a, asas as w we welellell l al asas as cas clcleleaearaririningng g t th thehe he s sisininuinusus.s. . S. SoSooootoththihininging,g, , b, bebeaeaueaututiutififufulful,l, l, a an and and and d dedelelielicicicioiouousus!us!<!<b<brbr br / /> /><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I hI hahavaveave e oe orordordederdereredred d td ththithisis s ts teteatea a e eveveververyvery y yy yeyeaearear,r, , f, frfroromom m A AmAmamazazozonon.n.c.cocomcom,m, , b, be, bececacauaususeuse e te the thehe he phe prpriricricece e ie isis is a am amamazmazizininging,ing, , a, an, andnd nd w we wel wellll l wl woworortorthth th i it it. it. . L. LiLikikekewewiwiswisese,e, , I, I'I'v'veve ve g gigivivevenven n i it it it t to to o oo otothotheherhersrs s as asas as aas a a ga gigifgiftft,t, , w, whwhehenhen n In I I cI cacancan n an afaffffoforfordrd d td tod to.o.<.<b<br<br <br / /> />< /><b<br<br <br /<br />/>T/>ThThihishis s ts tes teaea ea i is is s ws wowonwondndendererferfufulful ful w wi witithith ith h ho hononeoneyey,y, , s, susugugagarar,ar, , s, sw, sweweeeetetetentenenerer,er, , o, oror or jor jujusustust t bt byby y iy ititsitseselselflf!f! ! A! A A m mumusustust ust p pupururcrchchahashasese se f fo foror or eor eveveevereryery y hy hohouousousesehsehoholholdld.ld. . A. AlAlslsoso so g gr grereareatreat t ft fofor
br />I absolutely love it! It's herbal, and helps me to relax with its very flavorful taste and color. Great for colds, as well as clearing the sinus. Soothing, beautiful, and delicious!<br /><br />I have ordered this tea every year, from, because the price is amazing, and well worth it. Likewise, I've given it to others as a gift, when I can afford to.<br /><br />This tea is wonderful with honey, sugar, sweetener, or just by itself! A must purchase for every household. Also great for
o onon-n-t-ththehe-e-r-roroaoadad,d, , f foforor r t teteaea a d drdririninknkekerersrs.s.".""11515656969,9,B,B0B0000101E1EUEU5U5S5S9S9S9S,S,A,A3A3434O4OUOUGUGLGLMLMQMQCQCXCXXXX1X1U1U,U,L,LTLTYTYoYouounungng,g,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13132321214140401016016060000,00,D,DeDelelilicicicioiouousous!s!,!,","L"LoLovoveve e i itit,t, , l, lolovoveove e ie itit,it, , l, lo, lovoveove ove i it it!t! ! B BoBotothth th m meme e ae anandnd d m my my y 1 1010 0 y yeyeaearear r or ololdld d dd drdridrininkink k t th thihisis s h heherherbrbabalal l t te teaea ea q ququiuititeite e oe ofoftftetenten.n. . V VeVereryery y ty tatasaststyty!y!"!""1"15157157070,0,B0,B0B00B00101E01EUEU5EU5S5S95S9S9S,9S,A,A3,A3030404242W2WJWJDJDYDYJYJ2J2222S2S8S8,8,","S,"SuSununnunnyny y Sy SiSididede e Ue UpUp p " """"C"CoCofoffoffefeeeeBeBuBuzuzzzz"z"""""""",",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,13131131414214232303043040400400,0,D0,DeDelDelilicliciciociouousous ous C CuCupup p op o'o' ' T TeTeaea,ea,T,ThThihishis s is isis is v veververyry y gy gogoooodod d td teteatea a ia inin in a anan an e eleleelegegaganantant t s sasacachchehethet.t. . A. A A l lilitlittttltlele e pe prpriricriciciecierer er t th tha thanan an san sosomomeme me b bubutut t pt prproprododuoducuceceses s as a a wa wowonondondederderfrfufulul l fl flflalavavovoror or w whwhehethethhetheherher her y yo youou'ou'r'rere e de drdridrindrinknkinkininging g i it it it h ho hotot ot o or or r cr cocololdold.d..11515757171,1,B,B0,B00004004444343Y3YFYFCFCSCS,S,AS,A1A1C1CHCHGHGUGU5U54U54H4HVHVTVTCTCWCWYWY,Y,m,mamatatttthtthehewhew,w,0,0,,0,0,0,0,,0,0,1,1,,1,1,13,1353505020252595
on-the-road, for tea drinkers." 1569,B001EU5S9S,A34OUGLMQCXX1U,LTYoung,0,0,5,1321401600,Delicious!,"Love it, love it, love it! Both me and my 10 year old drink this herbal tea quite often. Very tasty!" 1570,B001EU5S9S,A3042WJDYJ22S8,"Sunny Side Up ""CoffeeBuzz""",0,0,5,1314230400,Delicious Cup o' Tea,This is very good tea in an elegant sachet. A little pricier than some but produces a wonderful flavor whether you're drinking it hot or cold. 1571,B00443YFCS,A1CHGU54HVTCWY,matthew,0,0,1,1350259
22020000,0,p,prprorododuducuctct t i isis s g grgrereaeatat t pt prpripricicece e i is is s is ininsnsasananene,e,F,FoFouounundnd d t ththihisis is p prproprododuoducuctuct t ft foforor r s sasalsalele e oe onon n v vavacacacatatiatioionon on i in in n Nn NoNorortorthth th C CaCararorolrolilininaina a a anandand d ld lolovoveveded d id itit.t....... .. g gr grereareatat at m mamapaplplele le f flflalavavovoror!or!!!! ! W WaWalalmlmamarmartrt t st sosololdld d id itd it t ft fot foror or 3$9$ $ f fo foror or tor ththethe e 2e 2424o4ozoz z p pa pacackack.k. . W Wi Wisishish h i i i w wowououlouldld ld h hahavaveave e be bobouougoughghtht t st sot somomeme e me momororeore e we whwhihilhilele le Ile I I w wa wasas s ts ththethertherere re b bebececacaucaususese e ie i'i'm'm m n nonotot t pt pat payayiyininging g 1 1515$5$ $ f$ foforfor r wr whwhawhatat at Wat WaWalWalmlmalmarartart t ct cacancan n sn seselsellll l f fo for for r 4r 4$4$.$. . T. ThThahathat t it isis is jis jujusustust t rt rorobrobbbbeberberyry.y........ . v. veververyry ry d didisisaisapappappopoioinintinteteded ed i in in in @ @#@#@#@z@zozonon on fon foforfor for t th theheieirir r ir ininsinsasansanenelnelyly y h hi higighgh gh p pr pririciceice.e........ ... I IfIf f p pr pri priciceice ice w wa was was s rs rereareasreasosonsonanabablblele le wle wowouwoululdld ld lld lolovloveve ve t to to o b bu buyuy y my momormorere re are anandand and r raratateate e me mue mucuchuch h hh hihighighghegherer!r!!!!!!115157157272,2,B,B0B00000000909Q9QWQWTWTMTMMMM,M,A,A3A3M3MOMOFOFXFX0X0J0JOJORORSRSBSBIBISIS,S,E,ElElalailainineine e Ce C.C. . S. ShShaharharprpepe,e,0e,0,0,00,0,0,20,2,
200,product is great price is insane,Found this product for sale on vacation in North Carolina and loved it... great maple flavor!! Walmart sold it for 3.99$ for the 24oz pack. Wish i would have bought some more while I was there because i'm not paying 15$ for what Walmart can sell for 4$. That is just robbery... very disappointed in @#@zon for their insanely high price... If price was reasonable would love to buy more and rate much higher!! 1572,B0009QWTMM,A3MOFX0JORSBIS,Elaine C. Sharpe,0,0,2,
11212323333636161919292020000,0,","J"JiJitittttetereryry,y, , l lalacackcksks s b bobododydy"y",",","I,"I I h hahadad d h hi higighgh h h ho hopopepeses s ws whwhehenen n I I I oI orordrdederereereded d td ththihisis s ts teteatea,a, , a, asas s ys yeyeaeararsrs s as agagogo o i inin n Sn SaSanan n Fn FrFraranancancicisisciscoco o Io I I uI ususeseded ed t toto o bo bubuyuy y a a a l lo lovovevelelyly y ry rorososese se b bl blalaclackck ck i in in n Cn ChChihinhinanatatotowtownwn n wn whwhiwhicichch h wh wawasas as m mymy y fy fafavavovororiorititeite e t te teaea ea e eveveverver.r. . U UnUnfnfoforortortutununanatnateteltelyly,ly, , t, ththithisis is b bl ble blenendend d ld lalaclacklacksks ks b bo bododyody y ay anandand d id isis is vis veververyvery y hy hihighighgh gh i in in in c cacafaffffefeieinineine.e. . I. I I pI prprerefefeferfer r t th thehe he o opoppoppopososiosititeite,ite, , a, a , a f fufulullll-l-b-bobodbodidieieded ed ted teteatea tea I I I c ca canan an b br brerewrew w s ststrtroronrongng g w wiwitithithohououtut t s se senendendiendininging g mg mymy my b bl blo bloooodod od p prprepresessessusururere re t th thr throrourougughgh gh tgh ththethe e re rorooroofof.f. . . B BuButut ut f fo foror or s so somomemeoeononene e we whwhowho o wo wawanwantntsts s as a s a l li ligighightht t tt tatasastastitininging ing t te tea tea a wa wiwitwithth th a a a p po powowewererferfufulful l c ca caf caffffeffeieineinene ne p pu pununcunchch,ch, , t, th, thihishis s ms mimigighightight t bt bebe e ae a a ga gogoogoodod od cod chchochoioiciceice.e."e.""11515757373,3,B,B0B00001001C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A2A2M2MUMUGUGFGFVFV2V2T2TDTDQDQ4Q
1233619200,"Jittery, lacks body","I had high hopes when I ordered this tea, as years ago in San Francisco I used to buy a lovely rose black in Chinatown which was my favorite tea ever. Unfortunately, this blend lacks body and is very high in caffeine. I prefer the opposite, a full-bodied tea I can brew strong without sending my blood pressure through the roof. But for someone who wants a light tasting tea with a powerful caffeine punch, this might be a good choice." 1573,B001CWZXIY,A2MUGFV2TDQ4
77K7K,K,","L"LyLynynrnririeie e " """"O"OhOh h H HEHELELLLL L n nono"o"""""""",",1,1313,3,1,13,13,3,53,5,5,1,12,12525959494545252828080000,0,H,HiHigighgh h Qh QuQuaualalilitityty y M MyMy y Dy DoDogog g E EnEnjnjojoyoysys s a anandnd d M My My y By BuBududgdgegetet t D DoDoeDoeses s Ts ToToooo!o!,!,","M,"MyMy My d dodogoggoggigieie ie r rereaealallallyly y ly liliklikekeses es N NeNewewmwmamanan'an's's s Os OrOrgrgagananianicic c b bebetettetteterer r t ththahanan an s sosomomeme e oe otoththetherer er d do dogog og f fofoooodoodsds s ps pepetet et a an andnd nd b bi bigig-ig-b-boboxox x s st stotororeresres s ss seselellll.l. . M My My My b bu bududgudgegetget t dt dodoedoesesnesn'n't't t lt liliklikelike e Ne NeNewNewmwmawmanan'an'san's s Os Ors Orgrgargananianicanic c ac asas s ms mumucuchch h ah asas as H Ha Hararmrmomononyny y Fy FaFararmarmsms.s. . I. ItIt't's's 's t th thehe e ce cocomompomprproromomiomisisese se t th tha thatat t kt kekeekeepepsps s ts ththethe the d do dog doggggigiegie e Ae ANANDND D m mymy y by bubududgudgeudgetet et het hahaphappppypy.y. . . B BeBececacauaususese se hse hehe he e eaeateatsts s is itit it h heheahearartartitililyly,ly, , I I I d do don don'n'tn't t wt wowororrorryry y ty ththathatat at h he he'e's's 's g's gegetgettgettitintingng g eg enenonounougughgh gh h hi higighigh h qh ququaualualilitlityty ty f fo foooodood.ood. . . O. OtOththethertherwrwiwisiseise e he hehe he whe wowonwon'n'tn't n't e ea eatat at hat hihisis is f fo foo foodod d ad anandand d hd hehe'he'l'llll ll g grgrarazazeze e ie inin n t th the the e te trtrarasrashsh h sh seseeseekekikininging g eg egg egggg gg s sh shehelhellllslls s as an
7K,"Lynrie ""Oh HELL no""",13,13,5,1259452800,High Quality My Dog Enjoys and My Budget Does Too!,"My doggie really likes Newman's Organic better than some other dog foods pet and big-box stores sell. My budget doesn't like Newman's Organic as much as Harmony Farms. It's the compromise that keeps the doggie AND my budget happy. Because he eats it heartily, I don't worry that he's getting enough high quality food. Otherwise he won't eat his food and he'll graze in the trash seeking egg shells an
dd d b bobononeneses s t toto o f fifilillll l t th thehe e v vovoioidid.d.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>T/>ThTheherherere'e's's s ns nono o bo babararfrfifinfingng,g, , d didigigegesestestitioionon on p prproroboblblelememsms s os oror r ar acaccccicidideidenentntsts.s. . H HiHigighigh h Q QuQuaualalilitityty y f fo foooodod d md memeaeanansns s gs gogoooodood d dd didigdigegesgeststitiotionon,on, , a, a a s shshihininyny y cy cocoaoatat,t, , h, hihighighgh h eh eneneenerergrgygy,y, , b, brbribrigighightight t e eyeyeyeses es a anandand d ad a a ga gogoogoodod od a at attttitittitutududede e We WIWITITHTHOHOUOUTUT T t to tononsons s os ofs of f a ad addddiditdititiotiontionanalal al e el elilixlixexerersers,s, , t, trtrereareatatsats s os ors or r vr vevetet t bt bibilillillsls.s. s. A A A d de defefifinfinifinititeite e ce cocoscostst st e ef effffefecectctitivtiveve ve W WIWINWIN:N:W:WIWINWIN WIN f fo for for r dr dodogoggggigieie e Ae ANANDND D m<.<b.<brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />/>I/>I'I'v'veve ve hve hahadad d gd grgrereareatreat t rt reresresusulultltsts ts w wiwitithith h Nh NeNewewmwmamanan'an's's 's D DoDogog og F FoFoooodood ood t th tha thatat at I I I o orordordederderdrd d td ththrhrorourougughgh gh A Am Amamazmazozonon on Bon BUBUTUT UT t th the therereere'e'se's s 5s 5 5 p po pouounundndsds s Ls LELESESSSS S f fo for for for a ab abobouboutut t tt ththethe e se sasamameme me p pr priricicece.e.<.<b.<br.<br r /r />r /><><b><br><br r /r />r />Pr />PsPsssstst st Ist I'I'mI'm m n nonotnot t at anan an o or orgrgargananianicic ic f fa fananaanatatiaticic,ic, , i, itit'it's's 's t's ththethe the n nu nututrutriritrititiotiontionation
d bones to fill the void.<br /><br />There's no barfing, digestion problems or accidents. High Quality food means good digestion, a shiny coat, high energy, bright eyes and a good attitude WITHOUT tons of additional elixers, treats or vet bills. A definite cost effective WIN:WIN for doggie AND me.<br /><br />I've had great results with Newman's Dog Food that I orderd through Amazon BUT there's 5 pounds LESS for about the same price.<br /><br />Psst I'm not an organic fanatic, it's the nutritiona
ll l v vavalalulueue e t ththahatat t c cocouoununtntsts s f foforor r m mymy y f fu furur r br babababyby y ay anandnd d h huhumumamanan an k kikididsds!s!<!<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />U>UpUpdpdadatateate e 3e 3/3/2/2626/6/2/20/20101111:1: : N NoNototiticiceceded d td ththithisis s hs hahashas s js jujumumpumpepeded ed t to to o a alalmalmomosostst t Tt THTHIHIRIRTRTYTY Y B BUBUCUCKCKSKS,S, , w wiwilillll l ol opoptpt t ft foforfor r Nr NeNewewmwmamanman'n's's s Os OrOrgrgagananianicic ic w wh whehenen n t th thehe he c co cosostoststs ts p peperper r pr popouounoundnd nd a ar arere e te ththethe e se sasamameme.e.......m..mymy my d dodogog g l lilikikekeses s Bs BOBOTOTHTH TH H HaHararmrmomonmonyny y ay any andnd nd Nnd NeNewNewmwmawmanan,an, , m, mymy my bmy bubududgdgegetet t lt liliklikekeskes s ts ththethe the o ononene e me momosmostst st c co cos costst st est efeffffefecectctitivtiveve e ae atat at t th the the e te tie timimeme me o of of f p pu pururcurchchahashasehase e :e :):)<)<b<br<br <br / />/></><b<br<br <br /<br />/>U/>UpUpdUpdadatdatete e 5e 5/5/1/1717/7/2/20/201/201212:2: : L: LaLasastst st bst babatbatctchch ch O OfOf f Hf HaHarHarmrmormononyony y Fy FaFararmarmsms s Is I I o or ordrdederereredred d hd hahadhad d ad a a r raranancancicidid id o oi oilil il s smsmemelmellll ll w wh whe whenen en I I I oI opopeopeneneeneded ed ted ththethe the bthe babagbag g ag anandand d td thd thehe he phe popoopoocochch ch wch wowououlouldldndn'n'tn't t et eaeatat at iat itit t at asas as r re reaeadeadidililyily y ay asy as s hs hes he e he hahashas has i inin n tn ththethe the pthe papasastast.t. . H He He e we wowouwoululdldnldn'n'tn't n't e eaeateat
l value that counts for my fur baby and human kids!<br /><br />Update 3/26/2011: Noticed this has jumped to almost THIRTY BUCKS, will opt for Newman's Organic when the costs per pound are the dog likes BOTH Harmony and Newman, my budget likes the one most cost effective at the time of purchase :)<br /><br />Update 5/17/2012: Last batch Of Harmony Farms I ordered had a rancid oil smell when I opened the bag and the pooch wouldn't eat it as readily as he has in the past. He wouldn't eat
ffoforor r a a a d dadayay y a an andnd d s ststatarartrteteded d cd chchehececkckikiningng g o ououtut t t ththehe he t tr trarasashsh.h. . I I I s su sububsbseseqeququeuenentntltlyly y py pupururcrchchachasaseaseded ed s so somomeme e c cacanannnneneded ed aed anandand d pd popououcouchch ch f fofoofoododsds,s, , c co cooookokekeded ed bed brbrorowownwn n r riricicece e ee etetctc c a as as s m mimixix-x-i-ininsins s ts toto o " """"e"enencencocouourouraragragege"e"""" "" h hihimim m t to to o mo mamakakeke ke i itit t tt ththrthrorourougughgh h t th thihishis s ps prpriricriceceycey y by babagag.g. . N. NoNotot t st susurureure e he hohowow ow t th thi thisis s is isis is s st stotortorereded ed bed beed befefoforforere re i it it t at ararrarririvriveveses s ts tos to o mo myo my y hy hohomhomeme,me, , B, BUBUTUT T t th the the e Te TeTexexaxasas as h he heaeatat t ct cacancan n mn mamakmakeke ke ake ananyanytyththithininging g sg ststastalalele/e/r/raranrancncicidid/d/y/yuyucuckckycky y qy . I. I I pI prproprobobababbablblyly ly s sh shohouhoululdld d hd hahavaveve ve c ca calallalleledled d Cd CuCusuststostomomeomerer r Sr SeSererverviviciceice e be bubutut ut f fe feleltlt t tt tht thehe he rhe rerepreplplalacacecemcememenmentnt nt w wowououlouldld ld h ha havaveave e te ththethe e se sasamameme me i is issssusuesue e de dudueue ue t to to to t th the the the H HOHOTOT T wT weweaeateaththetherther r hr . D. DeDefefiefininiinititeitelelyely y ey exexpexplploplororiorininging ing h ho hotot ot w we weaeateatheatheherher her a al altltelterernernanatatiativivevesves.s.".""11515757474,4,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZW
for a day and started checking out the trash. I subsequently purchased some canned and pouch foods, cooked brown rice etc as mix-ins to ""encourage"" him to make it through this pricey bag. Not sure how this is stored before it arrives to my home, BUT the Texas heat can make anything stale/rancid/yucky quickly. I probably should have called Customer Service but felt the replacement would have the same issue due to the HOT weather here. Definitely exploring hot weather alternatives." 1574,B001CWZ
XXIXIYIY,Y,A,A1A1U1UKUKNKN7N7G7G4G4A4AMAM2M2727575R5R,R,","B"BiBilillll l H HaHamamimililtiltotonon n " """"D"DaDaBaBaBalaldldGdGuGuyuy"y"""""""",",1,1212,2,1,12,12,2,52,5,5,1,12,124,124848989999898484040000,0,T,ThThihisis s i isis is g grgrereaeatat t d dodogog g f fofoooodod!d!,!,","A,"A A f fe fewew w y yeyeaearearsrs s bs babacackck,k, , p prproromompmptpteteded d b byby y t ththehe e d de deaeateathth th o ofof f o on onene e oe ofof of o ou ourur r d do dogogsogs s ds dudueue e te toto to a anan n in ininonopopepererarabablblele e be brbrarairainin in t tu tumumomoror,r, , I, I I s swswiwititctchchehedhed d md mymy y dy dodogdogsgs s ts toto to fto fofoofoododsods s ws wiwitwiththothououtut t ct cocorornorn.n. . I I I wI wawasas s cs coconconvnvivinincinceceded,ed, , r, ririgighghtht t ot oror or w wrwroronrongng,g, , t, ththathatat at m mymy my a an aninimimamalal al d di dieieded ed n neneeneededledleleslesssslslyly y by bebececacauaususese e oe ofe of f af anan an o ov oveverer er u ususausagagege e oe ofe of e of s st steterteririoriododsods ods p pr preresrescscrcriribribebedbed d td toto to cto cucurureure e he heherher r cr coconconsconststatanantant t et eaearear ear i in infnfefecectectitioiononsons.s. . . I I I b be belelilieievieveve,ve, , a, agagaagaiainin in rin ririgrighghtght t ot ort or r wr wrwrowronongong,g, g, t th thahatat at tat ththethe e re rerecrecucurcurrrririnringng ng e eaearear ear iear ininfinfefecfectctitiotiononsons ons w we werereere e ce cacaucaususeuseded ed bed byby by a an an an a al allllellerergergygy y ty toto to cto coto corornorn.orn.......w..whwhihichichch ch t tu tur turnrnenedned d od ououtout t tt
XIY,A1UKN7G4AM275R,"Bill Hamilton ""DaBaldGuy""",12,12,5,1248998400,This is great dog food!,"A few years back, prompted by the death of one of our dogs due to an inoperable brain tumor, I switched my dogs to foods without corn. I was convinced, right or wrong, that my animal died needlessly because of an over usage of steriods prescribed to cure her constant ear infections. I believe, again right or wrong, that the recurring ear infections were caused by an allergy to corn...which turned out t
oo o b bebe e t ththehe e me mamaiainin n i iningingrgrerededidieienentnt t i in in n hn heherher r f fofoooodod!d! ! S SoSororrrryry,y, , I I'I'l'llll l g gegetet t ot ofoffff f m mymy y s sosoaoapapbpboboxox x a anandnd d a ad addddrdreresressss s t th thehe he i is issssussueue e ae atat t ht hahanandand.d.......I..I I f fo fouounundnd nd t th thi thisis s fs fofoofoodod od b by by y ay acaccccicididedenentent.t. . T ThThehe he ohe ononlnlyly y ty tytypypepe e te ththethe e se ststotororeore e he hahadhad d wd wawasas s ts ththethe the w weweieigighghtht t lt lolosossss ss f fo for formrmumululala.a. . . T TuTururnrnsns s os ououtout t mt mymy my d dodogogsgs s ls lolovloveve e ie itit!t! ! ! I I I h hahavhavevenven'n't't t st seseeeenen en t th the themem m s so so o so spspupununkunkyky y ay any andnd nd fnd fufulullull l ol ofof of e eneneenerergrgygy.y. . . I. I'I'vI'veve ve g go gotot t at a a c cocoooonoon n hn hon houounoundnd nd and anandand and t tw twowo o jo jajacackack k r rurusussssesselellllslls s (s (m(miminineine e ae are arere re n nonotot ot t th the the the " """"b"bobouboununcuncece e oe ofoffoff f tf ththethe the wthe wawalwallll ll k kikinindind"d"""","", , m, miminminene e ae are aree are e me mee melellellolowlow,w, , l, lalailaidid id b ba bacackack ack k ki kinindindainda a da dudududedesdes!s!)!) ) T Th Theheyhey y gy gogobobbbblblele e te the thihisis is s st stutufuffff ff u upup p a an andnd nd snd seseeseemem em t to to o so sto statayay y fy fufulfullll.ll........n.nono no m mo mororeore ore b be begeggggigininging ing i in in in t th the the the k the kikitkitctchchehenhen n tn ththathanan an n no norormormamalmal!l! ! E!
o be the main ingredient in her food! Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox and address the issue at hand...I found this food by accident. The only type the store had was the weight loss formula. Turns out my dogs love it! I haven't seen them so spunky and full of energy. I've got a coon hound and two jack russells (mine are not the ""bounce off the wall kind"", mine are mellow, laid back kinda dudes!) They gobble this stuff up and seem to stay more begging in the kitchen than normal! E
vvevereryryoyononene'e's's s s skskikinin n s se seeeememsms s ss smsmomooootoththeherer,er, , e eyeyeyeses s as ararere e b brbririgighghthteterer,er, er, h hehecheckck,k, , I, I I t ththithininkink k I I'I'l'llll l g gogo o h ha havaveve ve a a a b bo bowowlwl!l! ! A AlAllll ll I I I c cacanan n sn sasayay,y, , i, isis s is ifif f y yoyouyou u a ar arere re l lolooookookikinkingng g f foforor r a a a g go goooodood d q ququaualalilitityty y d dodogog g fg fofoofoodod,d, , t, ththithisthis s is iss is s ts ththethe e oe ononeone e fe foforfor r yr . Y YOYOUOU U W WIWILILLLL L N NONOTOT T B BEBE E D DIDISISASAPAPPPPOPOIOININTNTETEDED!D!"!""11515757575,5,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A2A2V2V1V1010D0DEDEHEH7H7G7G5G5A5AYAY2Y2,2,C,C.C. . B. BoBosoststotocockck,ck,1,1111,1,1,11,11,1,51,5,5,15,12127271713137376760600000000,0,I,I I wI wowououluldld d gd gigiviveve ve Hve HaHararmarmomonmonyny y Fy FaFararmarmsarms s es exextxtrtrara a sa ststastararsars s is ifs if f If I I cI cocououlouldld!ld!,!,","I"I I hI hahavaveave e ae a a 2a 2 2 y ye yeaearar ar o ololdld ld P PoPorortortutugugugueueseseese e We WaWatateterter r Dr DoDogog og w whwhoho o ao alalwalwawayaysays s ss ses seeeemeememeded d td toto to h ha hav haveve ve ave a a sa sea senensnsisititiitiviveive e se ststostomomamacachch,h, , a, anandand d ad a a 1a 1515 15 y ye yea yearar ar oar ololdold d Sd ShShehephephpheherherdrd d Xd X X d do dogog og wog whwhowho o wo wawaswas s bs bebegegiginginnnninininging g tg toto to lto loloslosese e we weweieigighightht,ht, , s, shshehe he s sl slelepeptpt t a al almlmomosmostst st a al all all l tl th
veryone's skin seems smoother, eyes are brighter, heck, I think I'll go have a bowl! All I can say, is if you are looking for a good quality dog food, this is the one for you. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!" 1575,B001CWZXIY,A2V10DEH7G5AY2,C. Bostock,11,11,5,1271376000,I would give Harmony Farms extra stars if I could!,"I have a 2 year old Portuguese Water Dog who always seemed to have a sensitive stomach, and a 15 year old Shepherd X dog who was beginning to lose weight, she slept almost all th
ee e t titimimeme,e, , a anandnd d s shshehe e we wawasas s g gegetettttitintingng g v vevereryry y f fufusussssysy y ay ababobououtut t w whwhahatat t st shsheshe'e'd'd d ed . ( (I(I I b bebelelilieieveveve ve t th thahathat t wt wiwitithth h a a a d dodogogsgs s ss sesenensnsese se o ofof f s sm smemelmellll l t th the theyey y Ky KNKNONOWOW W e exexaxacactctltlyly y wy whwhawhatat at i isis s is inin n t th the thei theirir r f fo foooodod;d; ; h hohowoweweveveeverer er t th the they they y hy hahavhaveve ve nve nono o c chchohoihoicicece e be bubutut ut t to to o eo eaeateat t wt wht whahathat hat w we we e fe fefeeeeded d td ththethemem.m.......j..jujusustust t Gt GoGoooogooglglele e we whe whahathat hat ihat isis is i in in n mn momosostst t ct cocomommmmemermercrciciaialal l dl dodogdog g fg fofoooodoodsds,s, , a, anandand d yd yoyouou'ou'l'llll ll s se seeee ee w wh whyhy y yy yoyouyourur r dr dodogdog dog m mamayay y ny nonotnot t bt bebe be t th thr thririlillllelleded ed t to to to e ea eatat at iat itit it u upup.p........i.ifif f af a a d do dogog og c ca canan an d de deteteetecectct ct c ca can cancncecercer r ir inin in a a a p a peperersersosonon,n, , t, ththetheythey y cy cacanan an dan dedeteteetecetectct ct act alallall l sl sosorsortrtsts s os ofof of o ot oththetherther r tr ththithiningingsgs gs t th tha thatat at aat ararerenen'en't't t st sut supuppuppopososeoseded ed ted toto o bo bebe be ebe eaeateateeatenen.en.).) ) A AnAnynywywawayway.y........I...I I uI ususeuseded ed ted toed to o fo fefeefeeded ed Ped PuPururiurininaina a la lalamambmb b a an andnd nd r riricricece ce t to to to m to mymy y dy dodogdogsdogs,s, s, b bu butut ut Iut I I wI wawaswa
e time, and she was getting very fussy about what she'd eat. (I believe that with a dogs sense of smell they KNOW exactly what is in their food; however they have no choice but to eat what we feed them...just Google what is in most commercial dog foods, and you'll see why your dog may not be thrilled to eat it up...if a dog can detect cancer in a person, they can detect all sorts of other things that aren't supposed to be eaten.) Anyway...I used to feed Purina lamb and rice to my dogs, but I was
f fifinindndidininging g m mymy y y yoyouounungng g Pg PoPorortrtyty y wy wawasas s h hahavavivininging ing t trtrorououboublblele e w wiwitithth h i itit,it, , a anandnd nd m my my y 1y 1515 5 y yr yr r o ololdld d w wo wououlouldld ld e eaeatat t a a a f fe fewew w b bibititsits s as anandand d td ththethenen n l lelealeavaveave e he heherer r dr didisdishsh.h. . S SoSo,o, , I, I I s ststatarartrterteded d md mamakakikininging ing ting ththetheitheirir r fr fofoooodod,d, , a, anandand and c cacamameme e ue upup p w wi witithith h ah a a w wo won wondndendererferfufulullllyly y ny nunututrtritrititiitioiouousous s as ans andnd nd tnd tatastaststysty y ry rerececicipipepe.e. . T. ThThehe he d dodogogsgs s ls lolovoveveded ed m my my my h ho homomememmemamadmadede e de dodogdog g fg fofoofoodod,od, , a, an, andnd nd mnd mymy my 1 1515 15 y yr yr yr o ol oldld ld bld bebegegaganan an p pupututtuttitininging ing oing onon n wn weweieigighghtht t at agagagaigainin,in, , b, bubutut ut I I I dI dididdidndn'n't't t at alt alwlwawaywaysys s hs hahavhaveve ve t ti timimeme me t to to o m ma makakeake e te ththetheitheirtheir r fr for foooodood.d. . A. AnAndnd,nd, , h, hohomomeomememamadmademade e de doe dogog og f fo foooodood ood i is is s ks kikinkindnd nd ond ofof f h ha harardard d od onon on t th thehe he whe wawalwallllelletet.t. . S. SoSo,So, , I, I , I s st statartartrtertedrted d td tod to o ro reresreseseaearearcrchch h ah alh allll ll t th the the e ne nanatatuatururaralal l d do dogog og fog fofoofoodfoodsds s os ououtout t tt ththethertherere,re, , c, cocomompompaparareare e ce cocoscoststssts s es etetcetc.c. . I. I I aI ararrarririvivevedved d od ond on n Hn HaHararmarmomononyony
finding my young Porty was having trouble with it, and my 15 yr old would eat a few bits and then leave her dish. So, I started making their food, and came up with a wonderfully nutritious and tasty recipe. The dogs loved my homemade dog food, and my 15 yr old began putting on weight again, but I didn't always have time to make their food. And, homemade dog food is kind of hard on the wallet. So, I started to research all the natural dog foods out there, compare costs etc. I arrived on Harmony
FFaFararmrmsms,s, , a anandnd d g gugueuesessss s w whwhahatat.t.......m..mymy y d dodogogsgs s Ls LOLOVOVEVE E i itit t j jujusustst t at asas s ms mumucuchch h a as as s ts ththeheyey y ly lolovoveve e m mymy my h hohomomeme e me mamadadede e de dodogdog g f fofoooodod.d. . M MyMy y yy yoyouounungng g Pg PoPorortrtyty y ny nono o l lolonlongngengerer r h ha hasas as s ststostomomaomacachch ch t trtrorououboublbleleses es a an andnd nd s sh shehe he l lo looookooksks s gs grgrereaeatat;at; ; m my my y 1y 1515 5 y yryr r or ololdld d fd fifinininisishsheheshes s hs heherher r mr memeamealalsls s as anandand d ld loloolookoksks ks f fo foror or m mo mororeore.e. . B. BoBotothth th h ha hav haveve ve s sh shi shininyiny y cy cocoaoatatsats s as ans andnd nd end enenenerergergygy.y. . N. NoNo o oo ononene ne c cacanan an b bebelelilieieveveve ve mve mymy my omy ololdold d gd gigirirlrl l i is is s 1s 1515 15 y ye yeaearearsrs s os ololdold.old. . I. I I h ha hav have have e te totololdold old m my my my f fr fririeieniendndsnds s as abs abobououtout t Ht HaHararmarmomononyony y Fy FaFarFarmrmsrms s ds dodogdog dog f fo foo foodod,od, , a, anandand and w wh whehenhen n t th theheyhey'y'v'veve ve sve swswiwititcitchchecheded d od ovoveoverer,er, , t, ththetheyey'ey'v've've e re rereprepoporortorteteded ed s si simimimililalarar ar p poposposisititiitiviveve ve rve reresresusulultltsts.s. . M. MyMy My b br brorotroththetherther-r-i-inin-in-l-lalawlaw'w's's s ds dos dogog og h ha had had d ad alalwalwawayaysys s bs bebeebeenen en a a a v veververyry y fy fufusussussysy y ey eaeateateterter,r, , a, an, andnd nd hnd hahadhad d sd skskikinin in p pr prorobroblbleblememsms ms
Farms, and guess dogs LOVE it just as much as they love my home made dog food. My young Porty no longer has stomach troubles and she looks great; my 15 yr old finishes her meals and looks for more. Both have shiny coats and energy. No one can believe my old girl is 15 years old. I have told my friends about Harmony Farms dog food, and when they've switched over, they've reported similar positive results. My brother-in-law's dog had always been a very fussy eater, and had skin problems
wwiwitithth h a a a t ththithininnnninininging g c cocoaoatat.t. . W WhWhehenen n t th theheyhey y s ststatarartrteteded d t to to o f fefeeeeded ed h heherher r H HaHararmarmomononyny y Fy FaFararmarmsarms,s, , s sh shehe he b bebececacamameme e a an an n en eaeagagegerer r er eaeateateterter,r, , m, momormorere e he hahapappppypy y ay anandnd d od ouoututgtgogoioininging,ing, , a, anandand d hd heherher her s sk skikinin in a an and and d cd cocoacoatat at c co conondondidititiitioionon on h ha hasas s c co com compmplpleleteteteltelyly y cy clclelealearareareded ed ued upup p ( (.(.......I..I'I'm'm m t th thi thininkinkikinkingng g sg shshehe he hhe hahadhad d ad anan an a al allllelerlergrgygy y ty toto o wo whwhahathatetevteveverer er w wawasas as i inin in hin heherher her oher otoththetherer er fer fofoooodod,d, , w, whwhiwhicichch h Ih I I t th thi thin thinknk k w wa wasas as Ias IaIamamsams)s).). . O. OtOththetherther r fr frfririeienendendsds s hs hahavhaveve ve c co com comm commemenmentntetedted d od ond on n hn hohowow w h ha hap happppyppy y ty thy theheiheirir r dr dodogogsgs s as arareare are a at at t m memeamealal l t ti timimeme me n nonowow.ow........a.anandand and t th the theyey y hy hahadhad had a al all all l bl bebeebeenen en f fe feeeedeedidindingng ng t th the thei theirir ir d dodogdogsgs gs p prpreremremimiuiumum,m, , t, totoptop p op ofof f t th the the the l lilinineine e de dodogdogsdogs s fs fofoofoododsods s As ANANDND D p pa payayiyininging ing t to top top p op ofp of f tf ththethe the l li linineine ine p pr priricriceceses.s. . H. HaHarHarmrmomonmonyny ny F FaFarFarmrmsrms s ps prproprododuoducuctctsts s as ars arere re v veververyry y ry rereareasasoasononaon
with a thinning coat. When they started to feed her Harmony Farms, she became an eager eater, more happy and outgoing, and her skin and coat condition has completely cleared up (...I'm thinking she had an allergy to whatever was in her other food, which I think was Iams). Other friends have commented on how happy their dogs are at meal time now...and they had all been feeding their dogs premium, top of the line dogs foods AND paying top of the line prices. Harmony Farms products are very reasona
bblblyly y p prpririciceceded.d. . N NoNotot t t ththehe e c chcheheaheapapepesestst t dt dodogog g f fofoooodod d o onon n t th thehe he s shshehelhelflf,f, , b bubutut,t, , i, inin n mn mymy y oy opopipininiinioionon,on, , y, yoyouou u a ararere e be bubuybuyiyininging g tg ththethe e be bee besestest t qt ququaualalilitityty y fy fofoofoodod od o on on n tn ththethe the m mamararkarkeketet,t, t, s so so o i itit'it's's s a an an n in inincincrcreredredidibiblblybly y Gy GOGOOOODOD D D DEDEAEALAL!L! ! I ItIt t mt mamaymay y ay alalsalsoso o mo memeaeanan n yn yoyouyou u mu mamakmakeke ke f fe fewewewerer r t tr triripripsps s ts toto o to ththethe the vthe veveteteetererierininainarariariaianan'an's's 's o of offffificiceice.e. . I. I I a an and and d md mymy my f fr fririerienendndsds s as arareare e se soso so h hahapappappypy y wy wewe we h ha havaveve ve f fo fouounoundnd nd t th thi thisis s fs fofoofoodfood d fd foforfor r or ouourour r dr dodogdogsgs.s. . :. :):)")""11515757676,6,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A1A1111U1UZUZ0Z0202K2KXKXZXZ6Z6K6K9K9898,8,","E"ErEriricricaca a C ChChrhririsriststistinineine e "e """"E"Er"Eriricricarica a Ca ChChrChririsristristitinineine"ine"""""""",",5,5,5,5,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,121272707050515121201200000000,0,A,Aw,Aweweswesosomsomeme!me!,!,","M,"MyMy y cy coco-o-w-wowororkrkekerker r tr ththathatat t dt dot doeoeses es a an ani animimamalmal l r reresrescscucueue e be bre brorouougoughghtht t it inin in a a a ' 'W'WhWhohololele e De DoDogog og J JoJouourournournanalal'al' ' r re recececencentntltlyly ly a an and and and I I I w wawasas s as ass aststostouounoundoundededed ed a at at t tt ththethe the fthe
bly priced. Not the cheapest dog food on the shelf, but, in my opinion, you are buying the best quality food on the market, so it's an incredibly GOOD DEAL! It may also mean you make fewer trips to the veterinarian's office. I and my friends are so happy we have found this food for our dogs. :)" 1576,B001CWZXIY,A11UZ02KXZ6K98,"Erica Christine ""Erica Christine""",5,5,5,1270512000,Awesome!,"My co-worker that does animal rescue brought in a 'Whole Dog Journal' recently and I was astounded at the f
eeaeatatutururere e a arartrtiticiclclele e fe foforor r t ththahatat at m momonontnthth th w whwhihicichich h c cocovoveverereredred d d dodogog g f fofoofoododsds,s, , I I I h hahadhad d bd bebeeeenen n f fe feeeedeedidiningng g mg mymy y d do dogog og B BeBeneneenefefufulul l w wh whihichichch h ih isis s b babasasisicicaicalallllyly y jy jujusustst t j jujunjunknk k f fo foooodod.od. . I I I s swswiwititctchchecheded d hd heherer er o ofoffff f i imimmmmemedediediaiatateatelelyly,ly, , h, huhununtntenteded ed a ar arorouounundund d od onon on A AmAmamazazozonon on ton toto o f fi finindind d ad anan n an alallall l nl nanatatuatururauralal al f fo foo foodod od a an andnd d td ththithisis is f fi fit fit t tt ththethe e be bibilillll,ll, , s, shshihiphippppipininging g wg wawasas as f fr frereeree e we whwhiwhicichich ich w wa wasas as aas awawewesesosomomeme me a an and and d md mymy my d do dog dog g Lg LOLOVOVEVESES S t th thehe he f fo foo food food,d, , I, I I wI wowororrorririeieded ed aed ababobououtout t tt tht thahathat t bt b/b/c/c c I I' I'v'veve ve s sw swiwitwitctchtchehedhed d hd hed herer er ber bebefbefoforforere re a an and and and s sh shehe'he's's s bs bebeebeenen en u ununiuninintinteterereeresestestetedted d ad and andnd nd I I' I'v I'veve ve hve hahadhad had t to to o to totoptop p w wi witithith h gh grgraravavyvy,y, , e,<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />D>DoDo o yo yoyouourour r rr reresreseseaearearcrchch,ch, , i, itit it w wi wil willll ll b bl blolowow w y yoyouyourur ur m mi minindind ind w wh wha whatat at yat yoyouyouryour r pr pepetetsets s as arareare e ee eaeateatitintingng ng i in in n rn reregregugululaularar ar g
eature article for that month which covered dog foods, I had been feeding my dog Beneful which is basically just junk food. I switched her off immediately, hunted around on Amazon to find an all natural food and this fit the bill, shipping was free which was awesome and my dog LOVES the food, I worried about that b/c I've switched her before and she's been uninterested and I've had to top with gravy, etc.<br /><br />Do your research, it will blow your mind what your pets are eating in regular g
rrorococecereryry y s ststotororere e d dodogog g f fofoooodod,d, , i itit't's's s t tytypypipicicacalallllyly y ay a a h hihigighgh h r raratatitioio o o ofof f c cocorornorn n w whwhihichichch h ih isis s as a a fa . I IfIf f yf yoyouou u w wa wanantnt t y yoyouyourur r p pepetet t tt toto to l liliviveve e ae a a la lolonongng g ag anandand d h he heaealaltalththyhy y ly liliflifefe e we whwhawhatat at t th theheyey'y'r'rere re i in ingngengeseststistiningng ng s sh shohououlouldld d bd bebe e he hihighighgh gh u upup p o on on n yn yoyouyouryour r lr . . I I' I'm'm m g glglaladad d td toto to hto hahavaveve ve t th the the e ke knknonowowlwlelededgdgege e ne nonownow w a anandand and I I I r re reaealeallllylly y wy wiwisishish h Ih I'I'd'd d ld loloolookokekeded ed m momororeore e ie inintintoto to tto ththithisis is w wi witithith h mh mymy y ty twtwowo o oo otoththetherer er d do dogogsogs s ys yeyeaearearsrs s as ans andnd d yd yeyeayeararsrs rs a ag agogo.o.".""11515757777,7,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A3A3737V7VAVANANHNHHHHWHWZWZ4WZ4M4MVMV8V8,8,C,C.C. . H. HaHayaymymamanan,an,5,5,5,5,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,1212727070404242525656060000,00,Q,QuQuaualalialitityity y dy dodogdog g fg fofoofoodod od d de delelilivliveververeredred d td tod to o yo yoyouyouryour your d do doo dooror!or!,!,","N"NoNo o mo momormorere re hre heheaheavavyavy y gy grgrorocrocecerceryry ry b babagagsgs s fs foforfor r mr meme e -e ---- - I I' I'v I'veve ve jve jujusustst st o or ordrdederereereded ed med mymy my f fi firirsrstrst t bt babagbag g og ofof of H HaHarHarmrmomonmonyny y Fy FaFararmarmsms s ds dodog
rocery store dog food, it's typically a high ratio of corn which is a filler. If you want your pet to live a long and healthy life what they're ingesting should be high up on your list. I'm glad to have the knowledge now and I really wish I'd looked more into this with my two other dogs years and years ago." 1577,B001CWZXIY,A37VANHHWZ4MV8,C. Hayman,5,5,5,1270425600,Quality dog food delivered to your door!,"No more heavy grocery bags for me -- I've just ordered my first bag of Harmony Farms dog
f fofoooodod d - ---- - a anandnd d id itit t w wawasas s d dedelelilivivevererereded d td toto o m mymy y d do dooooroor r b byby y Uy UPUPSPS.S. . T ThThehe e f fo foooodood d id isd is s es exexcxcecelellellelenentnt t qt ququaualalilitlityty y -y ---- -- I I I b bo bouougughghtht t tt ththihisis s ps prprorododuoducuctct t bt babasaseaseded ed o onon n i ititsits s hs heheahealaltalththythy y iy iningngrgreredredidieienententsts;s; ; t ththethe e de dodogogsgs s ls lolovoveve ve i it it t at anandand d Id I I lI lolovloveve ve Ave AmAmamazazozonon on f fo for for r mr mamakmakikininging g i it it it s soso o eo eaeasasyasy y ty toto to b bu buyuy!y!<!<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />J>JuJululyly y 2y 2020101010 0 - - - o on onene e oe ofof f m my my y dy dodogdogsgs gs h hahasas as h ha hadad d bd bobououtoutsts ts o of of f if ininfinflflalamammmmamatmatotortoryry y by bobowbowewelel el d di disiseiseaeaseasese:e: : p prpreprevevivioiouousouslslyly ly s sh shehe he h ha had had d td tod to o ho hahavhaveve ve sve spspepececiciaialal al f fo foo foodod od f fr froromrom m m my my my v vevetvet t (t (R(RoRoyoyayalal al Cal CaCananaanaaaanan an D DuDucuckuck k & & & P PoPototatatatoto to fto foforfor r tr ththethe the p papasastast t 4t 4+4+y+yeyeaearearsrs)s) ) - -- -- - S- ShShehe he hhe hahashas s ts totoltolelerleraratateateded,ed, , e eveveevenen en t th thrhririviveiveded ed oed onon,on, , t, ththethe the Hthe HaHararmrmomononyony y Fy FaFararmarmsms s fs fofoofoodod od wod w/w/o/o o ao ananyany y py . E. EaEacachch h b ba bagag g og ofof of H HaHarHarmrmormononyony ony F FaFarFarmrmsrms s is isis is a
food -- and it was delivered to my door by UPS. The food is excellent quality -- I bought this product based on its healthy ingredients; the dogs love it and I love Amazon for making it so easy to buy!<br /><br />July 2010 - one of my dogs has had bouts of inflammatory bowel disease: previously she had to have special food from my vet (Royal Canaan Duck & Potato for the past 4+years) -- She has tolerated, even thrived on, the Harmony Farms food w/o any problems. Each bag of Harmony Farms is a
bbobououtut t $ $2$2020 0 c chcheheaeapapeperer r t ththahanan n t th thehe he R RoRoyoyayalal l C . H HaHarardrd d t to to o f fifigighghtht.t. . . I I I a amam m a a a b<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>ThThehe he che cacanannanneneded d fd fofoooodod d id isis s g grgrereaeateat,t, , t to too too.o.<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />S>SeSepeptptetemembmbeberber r 2r 20201201111 1 - ---- - m mymy y d dodogog g w whwhoho o ho hahashas s hs hahadhad d id ind infnflflalamammammamatatotororyry y by bobowbowewelel el d di disiseiseaeaseasese e i inin n tn ththethe e pe papasastst t (t (v(veververirifififiefieded ed b by by y sy susururgrgegereryery)y) ) h hahashas has n nenevneveverver ver f fe feleltelt t bt bebetbetttteterter r -r ---- -- s shshehe he ihe isis is a a a w a wiwirirere re a an andnd d hd hahashas has thas ththethe the e enenenernergrgyrgy y oy ofof f a a a 2 a 2 2 y yryr r or ololdld d dd dodogdog g (g (s(shsheshe e ie isis is 7is 7)7);); ; s sh shehe he ihe ishe is s ns nonotot t ot onon n an ananyany y dy dadaiaililyly y my memedediedicicacatcatitioionon.on. . . T. ThThiThisis is His HEHEAEALALTLTHTHYHY Y W WEWEIEIGIGHGHTHT T F FOFORORMRMUMULULALA A h ha hasas as h he helelpelpepedped d hd hed herer er t to to to t th thr . . E. EnEnonounougughgh gh p prprorototeoteieinin,in, , n, nonotnot t tt totootoo o mo mumucuchch ch f fa fatat at s se seeeemem em t to to to d to dodo do t th the the e te trtriricrickck.k. . I. I I hI hihigighighlhlyly ly r rerecrecocomommmmemenmendnd nd i it it.t."t.""11515757878,8,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y
bout $20 cheaper than the Royal Canaan. Hard to fight. I am a believer.<br /><br />The canned food is great, too.<br /><br />September 2011 -- my dog who has had inflammatory bowel disease in the past (verified by surgery) has never felt better -- she is a wire and has the energy of a 2 yr old dog (she is 7); she is not on any daily medication. This HEALTHY WEIGHT FORMULA has helped her to thrive. Enough protein, not too much fat seem to do the trick. I highly recommend it." 1578,B001CWZXIY,
AA7A7C7C7C7Q7QGQG6G6O6O3O3Z3ZHZHXHXDXD,D,","A"A.A. . C C.C. . S. SmSmimitithth h " """"A"A."A.C.C.C.SC.SmSmiSmitithith"h"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,2,2,2,1,13131310108086860608080080000,0,D,DiDididndn'n't't t d dodo o w wewelellll l f foforor r m mymy y d do dogog,g,I,I I w wa wasas s g gigiviviviningng g m my my y sy shshihihihthtztzuzu u t ththethe e F FrFroromommmm m A AdAdudulultlt t Gt GoGololdld d d do dog dog g fg fofoofoodod.d. . S. Sh. Shehe e de didididnidn'n'tn't t st seseeeemem m tm toto o wo wawanantnt t tt toto to e eaeatat t it itit it t th thohouougughgh h sh soso o Io I I tI ththothouougoughghtght t It I I wI wowououlouldld ld t tr tryry y sy soy somomeometeththithininging g dg didifdiffffeferererenentnt.nt. . I. I I fI fofoufounundnd d td ththethe the H HaHararmrmomononyny y Fy FaFararmarmsms s as anandand d td thd thohouhougughughtht ht I I'I'd'd d gd gigivgiveve e ie itit it ait a a t tr try try.y. . S. Sh. She. She e ae acactctutuaualallllylly y ly lilikikekeded d id . I. It. It't's's s cs chcheheaheapapeperer er t th the thenen en t th the the the o otoththetherther r fr fofoofoodfood d ad anandand and i itit it sit seseeseememeemeded ed t to to o co coconontontataiainin in r rerearealallallyly y hy heheahealhealtlthlthyhy y iy iningingringreredredidiedienententsts.s. . I. I . I c cocoucoululduldndn'dn't't 't b bebelelielieieveveve ve h hohowhow w s shsheshe e ge gogobobbbblbleleded ed ted ththithisthis s us upup.p. . B. BUBUTUT T a afaftfteterer er her hahavavivinvingng ng h he herer er oer onon on t th thi thisis s fs foforfor r ar a a wa weweeweekek k s sh shehe he d de deveveeveleloelopopepedped d ad a d a r ra rasashash h oh on
A7C7QG6O3ZHXD,"A. C. Smith ""A.C.Smith""",3,3,2,1310860800,Didn't do well for my dog,I was giving my shihtzu the Fromm Adult Gold dog food. She didn't seem to want to eat it though so I thought I would try something different. I found the Harmony Farms and thought I'd give it a try. She actually liked it. It's cheaper then the other food and it seemed to contain really healthy ingredients. I couldn't believe how she gobbled this up. BUT after having her on this for a week she developed a rash on
h heherer r s ststotomomamacachch.h. . T ToTooookok k h he herer er o ofoffff f a anandnd d t ththehe he r rarasashsh h w wewenentnt t a aw awawayay y c cocomompomplpleletetetelelyly y iy inin n 2 2 2 d dadayaysays.s. . H. HeHerer er her hahaiairir r ar alalslsoso o w wa wasasnasn'n't't t at asas as s so sofoftoft.t. . T. ThThihisis s k kikibibbbblblele le d di didid d nd nonotot t dt dodo o wo wewelwellll l f foforor r hr heherher.r..11515757979,9,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A2A2828484444F4FUFUDUDCDCBCBLBLULUMUMZMZ,Z,R,R.R. . B. B.B. . B. Br. Bririgiggggsgs,s,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,12126264648489896960600000000,0,","T"ThTheThe e C CaCatat t lt lilikikekeses s is itit,t, , t to toooo!oo!"!",",","I,"I I w wa was was s us ususisininging g C Ca Casastastotortor r ar anr andnd nd P PoPolollllulluxux x f fr froromom om A AmAmamazmazozonon n fn foforfor r mr mymy y dy dodogdog g ag anandand d Id I I dI dedececicidideideded d td toto to t tr tryry y sy sosomsomemetethethihinhingng g dg didififfffefferereerenentent.t. t. M MyMy y dy doy dogog g dg dug dugug g ig inintintoto to tto ththithisis is d do dogog og f fo foooodood d rd ririgrighghtht t at awt awawayway!y! ! I ItIt t ht hahashas s hs hehelhelplpepeded ed t to to to m mamaimainintintaintaiainain n hn heherher her r ro rouougughugh h ch cocoacoatat at s so so so t th thahathat t it itit it i isis is sis sosofsoftfteterter r ar anr andr and d sd . . A An Andnd nd tnd ththithisthis s fs fofoofoodod d rd red reaealallallyly ly h he hel helplpslps s ks kekeekeepep p h he her her r wr weweiweigighightht ht a at at t at a t a h he hea healaltalththythy y ly le
her stomach. Took her off and the rash went away completely in 2 days. Her hair also wasn't as soft. This kibble did not do well for her. 1579,B001CWZXIY,A2844FUDCBLUMZ,R. B. Briggs,3,3,5,1264896000,"The Cat likes it, too!","I was using Castor and Pollux from Amazon for my dog and I decided to try something different. My dog dug into this dog food right away! It has helped to maintain her rough coat so that it is softer and smoother. And this food really helps keep her weight at a healthy le
vvevelel.l.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I c cacatatctchch h m mymy y c ca catat at s snsneneaeakakikiningng g o ovoveverver r tr toto o m my my y dy dodogog'g's's s f fofoooodod d b bobowowlwl l a anandnd d ed eaeateatitininging g tg ththihisis s fs fofoofoodod,od, , t totootoo.o. . I I I hI hahavaveve ve t to to o lo lolooookook k i inintintoto to g gegetettttitintingng ng h heherer r sr sosomomeme e H HaHararmrmomononyny y Fy FaFararmarmsms!s! ! I I I cI cacancan n d dodo do t th thihishis s bs bebececacaucaususese e He HaHarHarmrmormononyony y Fy Fay Fararmarmsarms s is isis is r rereaealeallllyly y gy gogoooodood d qd ququaualalilitityty y fy fofoofoodfood d td ththathatat at iat isis is ais afaffffoforfordrdadabablblele.e.".""11515858080,0,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A1A1Z1Z8Z8282020S0SNSN3N3V3VBVBUBU0U0S0S,0S,","K"K.K. . W. WhWhihithitete e "e """"K"K."K. . W. Wh. Whihithit"hit"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,12126262625256563632320200200,0,M0,MyMy y fy fuy fusussussysy y My . D. DaDacachchschshshuhunundnd nd l lolovlovevesves s ts ththethe e te tatasaststete!te!,!,","I,"I I jI jujusustust t o or ordrderderereereded d td thd thihishis,his, , c, cacamcameme me t to tod todadayday y ay anandand d td thd thod thouougughghtht t It I I wI wowououlouldld d jd jujusjustst st t tr tryry y iy itit,it, , w, wewelellell l tl toto to mto mymy my a am amamazazezemememenmentnt,t,M,MyMy My l li litittittltlele le D DaDaiDaisisyisy y ay aty atete te i it it t at anandand and w wawanantantetedted d md My lMy lilitlittttlttlele le Dle DoDogog og i is is s js jujusjustjust t 8t 8 8 y yryrsrs s b
vel.<br /><br />I catch my cat sneaking over to my dog's food bowl and eating this food, too. I have to look into getting her some Harmony Farms! I can do this because Harmony Farms is really good quality food that is affordable." 1580,B001CWZXIY,A1Z820SN3VBU0S,"K. White ""K. Whit""",3,3,5,1262563200,My fussy Min. Dachshund loves the taste!,"I just ordered this, came today and thought I would just try it, well to my amazement,My little Daisy ate it and wanted more.My little Dog is just 8 yrs b
uutut t h hahasas s t trtrorououbublblele e w wiwitithth h F FlFlalararere-e-u-upupsps s ws wiwitwithth th h he herer r p papanancncrcrereareasas,as, , I I I h ha havaveve e te toto o a avavoavoioidid d f fafatatsts s as anandand d cd cocorornrn n w wi witithith h hh heherer er a an andnd d sd shshehe he n neneeeededsds s ms momororeore e fe . I I I h ha hav haveve ve b bebeebeenen n mn mamakakikiningng g h he her her r dr dodogog g fg fofoooodod d ,d ,b,bubutut ut s shsheshe e me mimisisssseseded ed e eaeatatiatininging g tg ththethe e de drdryry,y,I,I I wI wowonondndenderereereded ed ied ifif f i itit it w wa wasas as s sm smamalmallll l e en enonouougoughgh h fh foforfor r hr heherher r tr toto to c chchehewhew w , , , b, bubutbut t it itit it wit".""11515858181,1,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,AGAG6G6Q6QHQH4H4P4P5P5656C6CRCRIRIOIO,O,","G"GlGlelenlen n Mn M.M. . C. CoCououvouvivilillllillioionon on " """"K"KaKatatratririninaina a S SuSururvrvivivvivovoror"or"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,1212525757272929292828080000,00,M,MyMy y d dodogdogsgs s ls lolovoveve ve ive itit!it!!!!!!!,!!,H,HaHadad d bd bebeebeenbeen n fn fefeeeedeedidininging ing m mymy y 3y 3 3 h ho houounoundndsnds s Ps PuPururiurininaina ina O OnOnene ne ( (w(whwhihicichch ch t th theheyhey y ly lilikikekeded)ed) ) a an and and d td ththothouougoughoughtht t It I'I'd'd d td trd tryry ry t th thi thisis is s si sinincincece e ie itit'it's's s ns nonotnot t mt mumucuchch ch mch momormorere re a an and and and I I I l I liliklikekedked d td thd thehe he ihe iningingringreredredidiedienententsts.ts. . T. ThTheheyhey hey L LOLOVOVEVE E i it i
ut has trouble with Flare-ups with her pancreas, I have to avoid fats and corn with her and she needs more fiber. I have been making her dog food ,but she missed eating the dry,I wondered if it was small enough for her to chew , but it was." 1581,B001CWZXIY,AG6QH4P56CRIO,"Glen M. Couvillion ""Katrina Survivor""",3,3,5,1257292800,My dogs love it!!!,Had been feeding my 3 hounds Purina One (which they liked) and thought I'd try this since it's not much more and I liked the ingredients. They LOVE it
a anandnd d I I I p plplalanan an t toto o o orordrdederer r m momororeore e i inin n t th thehe e fe fufutututururere!e!!11515858282,2,B,B0B0000101C1CWCWZWZXZXIXIYIY,Y,A,A1A1111A1ATAT9T9P9PGPG4G4C4CZCZ0Z0909P9P,9P,B,Bl,Blalaklakeke e Ne NeNeueumumemeieisiststeterer,er,2,2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,1,13132326261615153153636060000,00,P,PaPasasssseseded d td ththehe he t ta tasastastete te t te tesestst!st!,!,","E"EvEvevereryeryoyononene e se shshohououluldld d kd knknonowow w t th thi thisis is i is is s a a a h heheahealaltlththithieierer er d dodogog g f fofoooodod d td thd thahanan an wan wawalalmalmamarartrt t b brbraranandandsds,s, , l lilikikeke ke p pu pururiurininaina,a, , i, iaiamamsms,s, s, o or or r gr gogodod od f fo fororborbibidid d md momoimoisistist t &t & & m me meaeatatyty.y. . I In Ingngrgreredredidieienientntsts s ls liliklikeke ke gke grgrogrouounoundnd nd f fl flalaxlax x s seseeseeded,ed, , p, pepeaeaseas,s, s, ws, whwhoholholele e ce cacararrarrorototsts,ts, , w, whwhowhololele le s sw sweweeeetet t pt popototaotatatoatoeoeses,es, , a, apapppplplepleses,es, es, b bl blulueuebebebererrerririeiesies s as anandand and p pr prorobrobibiobiototioticicscs s as ans andnd nd tnd ththethe e le lalaclackck k o of of f s sw swe sweeeeteetetentenenernersrs,s, s, bs, byby-y-p-prprorodroduducuctctsts,ts, ts, a an andnd nd lnd lolowow-ow-q-ququaualalialitityty ty c cocorornorn n sn shshoshowow ow t th thi this this s ts toto to b be be e te trtrurueue.ue.<.<b<brbr br / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I jI jujusustst st d di didid id a a a t a tatasastasteaste e te tee tesestest t wt wiwitithith h t th thi this this this h ha hararmarmomonmoninicic ic
and I plan to order more in the future! 1582,B001CWZXIY,A11AT9PG4CZ09P,Blake Neumeister,2,2,5,1326153600,Passed the taste test!,"Everyone should know this is a healthier dog food than walmart brands, like purina, iams, or god forbid moist & meaty. Ingredients like ground flax seed, peas, whole carrots, whole sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries and probiotics and the lack of sweeteners, by-products, and low-quality corn show this to be true.<br /><br />I just did a taste test with this harmonic

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