?ini??? I ?t't???GRG?EAE?T!T? S SoS??????????? a afa?fof?ordor?abablblel?e te ???? t ththeth?e ne ?ama???brb?????cucupupsp???GrG???? p prp???ucuctuc?, ,?grgrerea?t ??alalul????7??070?,B,???4K4????O2O2,2,A,A1A??0Z0????VVV??????"T"??oddod??A.A. ?CoCorordordiord???o o "o ??"TC"T?""??,0,????5,5,1,131?181848??404??0,???????wow??k k???rea??!,!?,"F,"?or? t???sese se??revre?????s ts ththathatat at?????? the th?e ce cocofco??eee?e we wae w????t t st sts??ronrong??enenon?ugughgh h oh ?or ?ththe? c cu cupup up?lelealeaka?ede??, t, ththe??y sy ??mpm??????n'??t kt knk??? w ??hatha???thetheythey'they?????????? ?FiFiri?st??ofof f? al a?l,l, ????se tse th???rir?ghghtgh??t kit k??d d od ?of of??of?? ???????ir?stst st tst titim???I I????????? I? p pu putu?t it ?in in a a a? me m?ediediuiumum m??oao??t t t??hat???as?n'n't? g? gro grou??????ryr????nene.e?????nd nd?yeyes???, th, the????ff?ffeeffe???????eaeakak.ak?. . S. SoSo So?? I s I ??it?????ed ted toto ?a a?VEVERE??? FI FINI?ELELYL??
ing. It's GREAT! So much more affordable than the name brand cups. Great product, great value!" 7007,B004K30HO2,A1X0ZU5SVVFFO1,"Todd A. Cordisco ""TC""",0,0,5,1318464000,These work great!,"For those reviews that say the coffee wasn't strong enough or the cup leaked, they simply don't know what they're doing. First of all, use the right kind of coffee. The first time I used it, I put in a medium roast that wasn't ground very fine. And yes, the coffee was weak. So I switched to a VERY FINELY g
?rorouo??d d???rkr???roaro?sts??????itit ???????rfrfef?ctct.t? ????nd ynd yey??, , t ???y y??ili???leleae?k ?an?d d ld le???? g grgrorouro???? i?? y ???? K ??ururirigi? i if i? y??ou ou d do dono???t lt leletlet ?sosomo??e oe ??????e fe ??iltil??? h ?an???ovo?????thethe the e ede?geg????and and?????l il ?? c ??rrr??ectec?lyly.y?. . ?? h?????? p?ro??le?m m??itithit? s se s???ini??g tg ??the the cthe cuc???....s..?? f faf??? so so ?gog????. ????eses es a as a?s gs go??od od? a a? cu cup? o ofof of c?of??feefee ?e ase a?s ts ??the ?momororeor??exe?pe?nsn??ve?? re r???y-y?mamad?e e ke k-k-c-????????and hand ??ve????????o fo fi??nd ?an??????ounou?ndsnds ?inin in?mym???????fee fee???r ir ???ththe?the Kthe ?KeuKe????. . ?ReR??ealleal??? a ????d ????eal,eal, , p, ?lul???I ??hadhad d td th??m m tm ththrth??e ???????ftf??r ?orordor??? y qy ???????hihipippp??????7??0808,8???004004K4K3K?0H0HOH?2,2,A,?2X2????YFYFJFJ4J?XLX?E9E9,9,B?ar??ar??383????????
round dark roast and it was perfect. And yes, they will leak and leave grounds in your Keurig if you don't let some of the filter hang over the edge and seal it correctly. I had no problem with sealing the far so good. Makes as good a cup of coffee as the more expensive ready-made k-cups and have yet to find any grounds in my coffee or in the Keurig. Really a good deal, plus I had them three days after ordering. Very quick shipping." 7008,B004K30HO2,A2XOXIYFJ4XLE9,Barbara383,0,0,5,
1???848??404?00?????pop?sasabablb?e e?k-k-c-cuc???,","W"WhW?ata? a ???le?asa?ururere e ie itit ?????? b beb??abablab?le le t to t?o uo ?ses??mymy y o owownwn n???fff??e,e, , e eve?enen ??akakek?e ce ??ps??up? t? to to???akeak???????????itithit??meme!e! !?????se?? ar a?? e ea e???, ???sss???rereere?e a?ltltet???atatiat????s ts to?to tto ?he? a??????atuat?? I I I? bo b?ugu?hth???to to uto ?????itithith ith????ma??????????herhe??re are ar?????????ffeff?ee ee????????s is ?in in m my??sis?inkin???nownow!w??7?00??????4K4??0H0HOH????2Y2???Q2Q???BKBKJK??X,X,D,?ana?,0,???????13113??373???00??DiD??po???????s,Is,????cec?iviveiv?????? h ??ve?????n n un ?usiusin?g g????DiDisDi??os??KuKupKu???fofor? s?????ala??????? I ?I hI hi????y y ry re???memenmend??th?is????rodro?ucu??. ?? I I??ili?l ??up ?a ??ozo??? o?r r????at? a a a? ti timi?me me? an??d jd juj?ustust t pt ??p p???emem m??intin???to thto t?he ?CoCofoffof??e ??akakeakerake?r wr
1318464000,disposable k-cups,"What a pleasure it is to be able to use my own coffee, even make cups up to take to work with me! These are easy, mess free alternatives to the apparatus I bought to use with my machine, there are no coffee grounds in my sink now!" 7009,B004K30HO2,A2YDVQ2O7BKJIX,Dan,0,0,5,1318377600,DisposaKups,I received and have been using my DisposaKups for several days. I highly recomend this product. I fill up a dozen or so at a time and just pop them into the Coffee maker w
???? I ? w waw??? a a a????shs????p p o ????ofoffoffef??. .???he? c? cof co???? c???es?? ou o?t ??frefr???h ah ??? w???h ??? c co???fee??grgrorouounu??? i ?n ?th??e ce cu?p.p. ??WhW?o ???????asa?k k f fo foror r m ??oreor?????010?0,0,B,B0B000040????HOH??,A,A3A313?GVG?RGR???Y6Y??6O6????raran?????e e "e ???thethe the???gegen???lil?veves?"""""""???0,00,0,????31???????00,00,J,?usu?t ??????????TheTh??? ar are? j ???t ?th??the rthe ?rigri?????izi??, ,???????ltltet?r ?wow??ksks s fs ?finfi???an??????dod?eses es tes th??the lthe ??d.d?<b<brbr r /r />/>T>??TheyThe?????eaeasasyasy ??o ?fi?lll? a?ndnd nd s st s?torto?re ???or or???utuut?re?re ure us??e.<e.??????SiSinincincece e ie ??????ala??-i-??-o-?ne??"" "" a??d ?did???ososasabablb?e ??likli????the?the pthe ??re-re????leledle?d Kd KeK?ur???????s,s, ??itsits its a a a????d d wd ?wayway y t????enjenjojoyoy y my mym?y fy ?ava?ororior????br????????? cof coff?ee???7707??????????30H30?HO2HO2,2,A2,A8A8J8JQJ???
hen I want a fresh cup of coffee. The coffee comes out fresh and with no coffee grounds in the cup. Who could ask for more? 7010,B004K30HO2,A31GVRGL3Y6C6O,"Francoise ""the Legend lives""",0,0,5,1318291200,Just right!,"They are just the right size, the filter works fine and so does the lid.<br />They're easy to fill and store for future use.<br />Since its ""all-in-one"" and disposable like the pre-filled Keurig cups, its a good way to enjoy my favorite brand of coffee." 7011,B004K30HO2,A8JQV8V
??XCXC6C????DoD???iei??0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5???171767686????0,0,R0,ReR?viv?iewie??ofof f?DiD?sps??sasaKa?upu??,",???ot ot??rorodo?ucu??? on o??ti??e e?- - e ?ararlrlyl???n n fn ?aca???? G ??ea?t t Et ExE??ereririeieniencncece!e?? I I I???ulu????rdr????????? th theheme?m am agagagaiain?! ???er??y gy gog??? p????e ??o o b ????tht???e ?????????010??,B,??00400?????????2U2?????RSR?1W1WAW??B,B?bebetettttytt?boboooopoo??,0,???5,????1761768?6464064??,L,???e ??hehe he?cuc??s,?EaEasa?????o uo ?se??ana?d d sd sa???? m ??neneyey.y?????ves? y ??? c co c?onton????? on? t?????tr?enengngtgth? o??f yf ???r r???fff??e.e. . I. ??wiwililll????urcur??asaseas?e t??em????gaiga???7707?????00????0H0HO0HO2?,A,A1A1I1?IEI???????9B9????ac?kdk?adadyd?,0?,0,0?,4,??,13,13131731?7607600?00000????CuC??ups ups? on on ?th???cu??stost?om om s ??de??????ve?? th the the the??????ct?! ????an??non?w ????to?m ???en???mym?y py pe?rsrsoson???l fl ?favfa?
3XC6F9,Dottie,0,0,5,1317686400,Review of DisposaKups,"Got product on time - early in fact, Great Experience! I would order from them again! Very good place to buy these from." 7012,B004K30HO2,A2UJQDWRS1WA5B,bettyboop,0,0,5,1317686400,Love the cups,Easy to use and saves money. Gives you control on the strength of your coffee. I will purchase them again. 7013,B004K30HO2,A1IIEPE0Z049BN,Mackdady,0,0,4,1317600000,K-Cups on the custom side!,"Love the product! I can now custom blend my personal favo
??????cocofo???e ?blb?enendn??, ,???nd nd???t t t ??????????ERER R???????????g g?prp?e-e?faf?b b K K-K??upu??!"!""7?0101414,4?B0B000040?K3K303???2,2??LDL?HE???TXT???MYM?,r,rhrhehelhelmlmam?an,an?0,0?,0,,0??,1,?313171767???00??,D,??sps?ososasab??le le k k k? cu c??s,s,Ts,??????rorodo?ucu???wow?rkr???exe??????? as as ??it? i?s s as ??????is??d.d???NoN? m mom?oreor??ri??????g wg ???re re? ba b???etetset??? T ?????cofco??e ?isis ??? g???od od? as????e ?ala??rearead???fif?lll?ledled d??? cu?ps??? tha th??t yt ??u u b?uy?????? the? s ststotor?ore.ore. ????'s'?s ns ????e te to???usustst st???ro?w w? th the the the w the ??olole?le tle ?thith??ing ing?? in in? th the the the t the ??asashash h w ?whewhenen en??ono???e ane and?????t ct ?lologog g tg ththethe e se si?nkn?. ?. C. CoCououlou???'t'???e ???????? a as as as i as ?it ?gig??vesves ??e e ue ?????ititeit?? c ch c?hoiho????s fs fof?? c??offoffe?e ??e ande an????t t st sasavsa????????????o!o! ! ?AmAmamazma?on? i is? g gr g????!!???01501
rite coffee blends, and get them CHEAPER than buying pre-fab K-cups!" 7014,B004K30HO2,ALDHEW9TX0OMY,rhelman,0,0,5,1317600000,Disposable k cups,This product works exactly as it is advertised. No more rinsing wire baskets. The coffe is as good as the already filled k cups that you buy in the store. It's nice to just throw the whole thing in the trash when done and not clog the sink. Couldn't be happier as it gives me unlimited choices for coffee and it saves money too! Amazon is great! 7015
???000040??303??O2O?,A,A1A????M0M???020???L,L,D,DaDana?ieielel l?CrCrorononi????,0,0,,0,5,?,1,131?171727252545???00,00??????e e p ?ro?duducu?????? K ??cuc????ovovev??????e ???ellellelerer er w ??s s p pr p?romro?ptp??tot????????I I?rerece?eie??? t ?he??????????le?? K- K??????n n t tw t??o do ??ysy?????henhe???????ceice??e e te ??emem,m?, I, I ???? o ?oneon???f f t?he??di??sposp??ab?lele ????cupcu?p op onon on K?ei?g,g?, t, ????eaeasasease e oe ofe o?f uf usu?se se a ??d d t th the the ??uau?lil?tyt?y oy ?of of t th?? c cu??? it i???adadede e ae ??? t th the the the s the ?savsa???? f?rorom??? pre pr??fifili????K-cK-cuK-c?up ?coc?offof??e ????and?s s is is? w??ortor?th th?? the the the p the ???????7?0101616,6?,B0,B?????30H30?HO2HO????WTW?UYU?O1O1N1????1,1?JCJ?,0?,0,0,0,??5,5,15,??17?????0000,00,I00,???OVOVEV??THT?ESESES???I lI ???ve ????se?se dse ???popospo??????K-???upsup?s as as? I? p pr pre???r ?to??us?e e me mymy ?y owy o???brbrabr?and??s)s??. . ??he??????co?mp????? t?
,B004K30HO2,A19AQM07T020WL,Daniel Cronin,0,0,5,1317254400,Awsome product for K-cup lover,"The seller was prompt to ship, I receive the disposable K-cup in two days. When I receive them, I try one of the disposable K-cup on Keig, the ease of use and the quality of the cup it made and the saving from pre-fill K-cup coffee brands is worth the price." 7016,B004K30HO2,AKWTUYO1N6QT1,JC,0,0,5,1317254400,I LOVE THESE,I love these disposable K-Cups as I prefer to use my own brand(s). These accomplish th
e???obob b p ??rfr?ece??lyly y?anandn? s ?o o?eae????tot????e.e. .???hahan??yoy?? f fof?? t tht?isi?? pr pror???ctct.ct???SeS?lll?erer er w ??????omo?ptp? i ini???hi?ppppip???. ?. G. GoGooo?????????ining??. . I. I I w wi w??ll ll??ururcr?ha??se se??gagaiain?. ??A+A+++???7707?1717,7,B,??????0H0HOH????3C3CYCYPY???QBQ?T4T474???,",?AnA?th?ono?y ?GaGava??in in " """??nt?hoh?onyon?"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0???131313?17017?818161??????er?????cec???prproprod?uc?t;t??????so so?rer??ulu?tst??????ded??????d td ?? g ???ve ve? th t????e ae ????y.y?. . T. Th??e le ???s ?ara??????Y Y d did???ic???t ?toto ?pup????on on a??nd nd I ?I oI ofo?tet????endende????? b ??????ing ing t????cuc?up up w???le? t? try tryiy?ing?????afaffffiff?? t th? the the l ???. ???he????o ?nonotot t st se??l l? pe per?fe????ly ly?? and an?d Id ?I oI ofI oftfteft?en en??ouounou??????xpx???ctect?????ddd??lesles,s? b??? t th the????o ??thethe e je jo??. ?????ce?? I I?hahavhave?ve ave ?a Ka ?
e job perfectly and so easy to use. Thankyou for this product. Seller was prompt in shipping. Good packaging. I will purchase again. A++++ 7017,B004K30HO2,A3CYP45QBT478Q,"Anthony Gavin ""Anthony""",0,0,2,1317081600,Over-priced product; so-so results.,"I decided to give these a try. The lids are VERY difficult to put on and I often ended up bending the cup while trying to affix the lid. They do not seal perfectly and I often found unexpected puddles, but they do the job. Since I have a Ke
??rir???pep???ana?????fifili?teter????ththoh??ghg???ofo? j ????t bt ???ini?g ?ththethe e??apa?????ililtil??rsrs s t to to o??avavev??ono???leleaean?upu?? ?FoForo?r ar ala??oso?st st $ ??????omo????isi?s vs ve?ndn??or,or? y ??ou ou? ca c?an an??ete??5050 0 ( ?fi?????????????????ersers.s.....?....I..I ???oulou??? ju j?????ssssus????????papap???????ele?s.???ThThah?t t wt ?worworkrksk?s os ou??t tt ?? b ???ju???st ust ???er?er 2er 2525 5 c ce c?ntntst???oror or?? s???lll?? pi p???e e oe ofe o?f pf ?pappa?per??..........?DiDis????aKaKuKup??, , p, ??leale?asease e re ??-e-eve?alalual??ateate ??youyo?ur ur??ri??in?g!g??7???8,8?B0B000?4K4??0H0???,A,??FKF???I1I??G4G4Y4Y9Y????aca????????3,3????,5,5,5,1,?13113???080888?00???????omeom?e Ie ??????????I aI ama??????reare???ureur?e oe ofe of e of????iti?, ?????whw?enen en? I I p pu pur?chchahashasesede??mymy y K ??ururiurigig,ig?????as??????aloaloto???f ???? c???????brb??????an?? f fl f????orsors ?
urig permanant filter I thought of just buying the paper filters to save on cleanup. For almost $11 from this vendor, you can get 50 (fifty) paper filters.....I would just assume use paper towels. That works out to be just under 25 cents for a small piece of paper....DisposaKups, please re-evaluate your pricing!" 7018,B004K30HO2,A2FKLXI1GG4Y9N,lacowgirl13,0,0,5,1316908800,Awesome Idea!!!,"I am a creature of habit, and when I purchased my Keurig, I tasted alot of the coffee brands and flavors m
a??e e??oro???? a ??plp?iaiana?cece.e???HoHowo????r,r????nen??????ouounundn? o ono???ththah?t t?? s ?aia????"t"th?isis s c ??oulou???rerepe??aca?ce ce t??e ??cofcoffffef????I aI ?? c???rerenrentntlt??y uy ????g"g??????? w whwhehenhe? I? I d I ????covco?verve????th?????sps?oso???lel?????????I I wI ?asa???delde???hth??????ThT?? p prp?obo??????ow?? wa w?as as? I I d?idid id???t ???urcur?ha???? ?So?? no?? I I ??am am w wa?ititit??g g????my? s?ece?concondnd nd?de????ver?y.y??. G. ???at? s se ser servr????.".?7707?1919,9????4K4?303??O2O??A3A343??YUY??3K3????Q1Q1,1?"T"????""""t""?tedte????????????5,5,1,??161?737?606?00000???DiDis?po?sa????s s -s - - g grg??reatreat t pt prt p?rodro???t,t?, w, wiwid?e ??pepen?? ch c?oio??eses!s!"!??"O"OvO???? a a????r r ar ??????pupurpu?ch??aseaseded ????re??vilvillllele le?K-K-CK-??upsups ups b brb?rewrewewerwe???????mmmmemed??iatiate???????????hehe ?th?? a??aiailailalaba??????
ade for my appliance. However, I never found one that I said ""this could replace the coffee I am currently using"". So when I discovered the disposable K-cups I was delighted. The problem now was I did not purchase enough. So now I am waiting on my second delivery. Great service." 7019,B004K30HO2,A34LYU13K8EGQ1,"Ted ""tedpas""",0,0,5,1316736000,"DisposaKups - great product, wide open choices!","Over a year ago I purchased a Breville K-Cups brewer and immediately found the the available sel
?ece????? a anandnd d c chchoh???eses s?toto o e ?xcxceceece??d wd ???????hahadhad ?exexpexpep??tet????? l ???ed??ususis?ngng g????an?d ?brbrerewe???g ????at at I??wawan???d,d, , 1 ? c cu c?p p? at at t at a t a? ti t?mem?. . I. I I fI ????nd nd t?????I I wI ?waswas ?????inging ing? ab abob??t ???cecencentntst?????? an a??nd tnd ?hahat????? a????o go ?re?<.<b<brbr br / />/??owo????e e??riric???? ha h?ve? s so?ara?redre???to to?nen?ar?????? o ov oveverve?r $r ?1/1????up aup ??? t? tha th?????s ??ada??e me ?? s sl slolowlo?w dw ?owownow???y y py pup??chchachasa?e ???ateat?e ae ?and?and mand my???njnjojoyo?memenment?? of of f m my????ng??e e ce ?cupcup ?????erer.r.<.<b.<??br /br />?<b<br<b?r /r ?/>E/>EnE???er er?????DiD????sasaKa???s s as anand???udu?de???ly ly???? the p the pr???ice ice???s rs re?reasreasosonsonan???????aiain? a? and an??I ???an an???inindin???my ??own?? or o?r pr ?purpu?rchrc??hasehase ???obo??brewbrew ???????e ??theth???r cr coc?ffffefeeees?. . T. ??es?e ??re?? so so ??simsi?plplele,le, ?co??ve????nt
ection and choices to exceed what I had expected. I loved using it and brewing what I wanted, 1 cup at a time. I found that I was paying about 40cents/cup and that was also great.<br />Now the prices have soared to nearly or over $1/cup and that has made me slow down my purchase rate and my enjoyment of my single cup brewer.<br /><br />Enter the DisposaKups and suddenly the price is reasonable again and I can grind my own or purchase Ekobrew and use their coffees. These are so simple, convenient
????? e ?asa??????? I ? r ?ea??lyl??enenjnjojoyoy y ty ????????wow????d od ?f f c ?ofoffof??e e i ?? w ?idi???opopepen? a?gag????<b<?r r / ??<b??r /r />/>T/>ThTha???s s fs ?or??susucu?? a a a g grg?reareat??prp??dud??t!t???? / /> /????????eded"d????202????040?K3K303????,A,??U9U?SOSOBO?J8J???????????????????????656565????0,???ispispo???KuK??s s ws wo???????reatreat!?,I,??????reredred ????e De DiDisDisps?????upupsups ??ece?aua???e Ie ??ha??e e se ??ve?raralal l??ofoffoffeoff???????bab?gsg?s ts ??????I hI haI hada????ftft t ot ovovever?? an a?? w??antan??? t?o o u us?e.e?? T ?TheTh?????? w??orkor?k gk ?gregr?eateat.t?? I????ici???????gug??????utut t tt ???that that t?hehe ?fifilfiltl???r mr ?us???????usushushe??d dd dodowo?n n???n on ????r ??forfo?r tr ?thethe the?????? to to? fi fiti?t. t. E EaEasasyas?y t?????adad ad a an and an??ea?sysy sy t to? to d to didis??oso????707???,B,B0,B00?4K?3030H30?HO2HO?2,A2,??SXSXBX?4O4????OLOLUL?????ck???
and easy that I really enjoy that my world of coffee is wide open again.<br /><br />Thanks for such a great product!<br /><br />Ted" 7020,B004K30HO2,AAU9SOBJ8PXHM,cpoint2,0,0,5,1316563200,DisposaKups work great!,I ordered the DisposaKups because I have several coffees in bags that I had left over and wanted to use. The cups work great. I quickly figured out that the filter must be pushed down in order for the lid to fit. Easy to load and easy to dispose. 7021,B004K30HO2,A3SXB4OA49OLUA,Jack,0,
00,0,3,3,3,1,131313161?474767?????GoGoooodod d S ?tat??t t????t Ct ???????e e?Be?ttttetere?.,.,T,??ese?e ????s s w ?oro?? f ??? t ????momoso???pap??t ??xcx??ptp????? t??he ?faf?ctc?t tt th???t at ??l l m???t t a?llll ll o ofof f t? the theme? l leleae??k ok ?outout ???he he the ???????ththeth?e ce cae c?p.p???????seeseem?? to t???ici???????e le ???akaak?gege ??thrth????h h t th the? p ??pep????????r ??? t th?????? a ???d cd ???p jp ?oioini?t ??nd?? ap a?prpro????at?????101???5%5? o ov o?ererferflflolowow w???nd ?lelea??k ak ????ndnd nd tnd ththe? c cu?cup cup???d d dd dod??n n t? the the the s the sis??es? p??rovro?ididiidin???so?me? g ?rorouro???s ???th?? th the? the c the co the c??fefeeee.e..??020222?,B,?00?????HOHO2O?2,A2,A3A3S3?????RRRRJRJKJKBK???,K,??isi?,0,????2,2,12,??16?30?40400000000,???oo oo????kyk?y fy ?forfor for c cu cuiuis?in?arart??,????aua???d d md mymy ?cucuicu?isi?nanar?? k ???cup?cup bcup brbrerewewew?er er ter to? l????k ek ???ryr????imeim??I I??useusede??? G GrGre?
0,3,1316476800,Good Start but Could Be Better.,These cups work for the most part except for the fact that all most all of them leak out the top of the cap. All seem to wick some leakage through the paper filter at the cap and cup joint and approximately 10-15% overflow and leak around the cup and down the sides providing some grounds with the coffee. 7022,B004K30HO2,A3S0P98RRJKB2P,Kris,0,0,2,1316304000,Too bulky for cuisinart?,"Caused my cuisinart k-cup brewer to leak every time I used it. Grea
t???ded???????t ????dsd? s sosomomem??ada?ju?st??menme??s ????????t tt ???e ce ??ffffefee? m ??????wow??????roropopeper??y y? wi w???? it i???????3,3??000?4K4K3K3030H0?O2O??A1A?4N4N3N?D9D???AMA??8P8??"c"cacananon?er? " """???anoan???""???0,0???4,4,1,131?161?212171767606?00,00,"??worwo?rk rk??inine?, , m, ma??? g grg?????co??ffeff??, , b, ??t t wt ?????rur?e ?sasava?in?????ThT????e we wo?workwor? j ju jusustust t ft fifinfinene ne a af aftf????sps?oooono??ing? g?????? c ?cof????e ie inintintot??????erierieieses es o ?of of t???se???upupsps s (s (d(???it???vever?er aer ????atateat???itithit? g gr????d d cd cocof???ee ???? a a????llll l?bobowo?l)l).). .?????ing ing sing ?so,so, , y, ?ou? g??t ????t ?t tht t????in??????fefeefee fee y yoyouyou u?????t at ?andand ??rere re n ??t ?t trt t?apappp?pedped ??y ?th????tat?and??????selse????ioion?s.s????? t? the th?????????????ing????oneon??? $ $1$1414/14??b b???????ee wee woworworkworkswork??????t tot to ??5 5? ce cene
t idea, just needs some adjustments so that the coffee maker works properly with it." 7023,B004K30HO2,A14N3D9Y4AMH8P,"canoer ""canoer""",0,0,4,1316217600,"work fine, make great coffee, but w/o true saving","These work just fine after spooning ground coffee into a series of these cups (do it over a plate with ground coffee in a small bowl). Doing so, you get just the fine coffee you want and are not trapped by the standard selections. But there's no saving money: $14/lb coffee works out to 25 cen
?tst? p pep???cuc?p p p pl p??s ?ththeh? 2 252??????? p pe p?er er??isisps?ososasaKa?upup up?gig???s s 5s ?? c??nt?s ?pe?r r cr cu??? a ?bob?utu? t ?theth??prp?ici???ofo? r ?ege?ululalara?r kr ?????s.s? D?ararnar???HoHopo??d d???d ???????ono??y y?bubut??????? ge gete?t mt ?????oio???.".????2424,4,B,?000??K3K303?HOH?2,2????ZGZ?OJO????DZDZLZL,L,B?obo? B ??????anan,n?????5,5??313?626212171?60600?,E,??ce??lel?????propr??????I I???veve ??ririeriede?d ad ??oto?the?r r br ???andan?d od of???oneone e ce ?cup?? co c?offof?eeee ??makma?????? T ?he??e e me mae m??e ?th?the the???ob ob??asa?y ??and???o o mo ?????? T??he he o????? m me m?ethet?hodhod ??hadha??? p???astas??? h?olo?dederder r ar anandand and land ????????d a d a pd a ???perper per b?as??ketket.t?????ou ou???????sedsed d o??????the ithe ?insinseserse??eded ed? pa pap???er ber ?as?askeasket? o???y.y???Th????la???ticti?????ld? b???veverve??y wy ??armarm m? to to ??the?the tthe totououcouchch ch???????the vthe ve?veryver?y ly ??
ts per cup plus the 25 cents per DisposaKup gives 50 cents per cup, about the price of regular k-cups. Darn! Hoped I'd save money but I do get my choice." 7024,B004K30HO2,AHEZGOJFMLDZL,Bob Bakerman,0,0,5,1316217600,Excellent product,I have tried another brand of one cup coffee making. These made the job easy and no mess. The other method had a plastic holder and lid and a paper basket. You disposed of the inserted paper basket only. The plastic would be very warm to the touch at the very lea
???. . T ThT?enen n??ouo? h hahadad d????rir??sese e??????????ici?????ded?? a ana??d td ??????r ?an?? g grg??nd??? th tha th?t t???????ha???e ee ?????eded.d?7???5,5,B,B0B?0404K4?3030H0?O2O2,2???BPB????K5K5252626464P4???????lll??zazara??,0,??,0,,0,5,??131?161?04??808??,K,KCK??p ?cocononvnve?nin????e ???t t lt leles?s s cs ????lyl???ThiTh?s ????????t st sas????s ms ??e me momononeon?y ??in??? I ??ca??n un ??se se a? r??gug????r br brbrar?andan?d td thd thahatha??i i l ?likli??e ie ??? th?eseseese ????upsups ??and??? c?an???sti?llll ll? ha hav?e e te tht?he ??kcukc????on??ven??ieniencnce???f f m?????g g?onone??drd?rinrinkrin?? at a??? t ti t????wiw???ououtou?t ut ?usiusininging ing n ??astastyty ?ininsin???antan?t ct ?cofco?fef???? G GrG??at?? pr p?rodrodu??????02????0000400??3030H30HO??2,A2,??16B16?TKT??2J2JGJ?WUW?VJVJ,J??????JeJen?se??,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,?5,15,135,1?31531??585??00??????stastansta?????ing Ping ?ro????t,t??<a<a ????f=f???ht?tpt???/w/www??
st. Then you had to rinse the plastic holder and top for any grinds that might have escaped. 7025,B004K30HO2,A3BPJ7MK5264PD,pixellizard,0,0,5,1316044800,KCup convenience but less costly,This product saves me money since I can use a regular brand that i like in these kcups and I can still have the kcup convenience of making one drink at a time without using nasty instant coffee. Great product! 7026,B004K30HO2,A16BTKM2JGWUVJ,Dave Jensen,0,0,5,1315958400,Outstanding Product,"<a href=""http://www.
aama??zozonon.n???m/m????prpror??ucuctc???000??K3K303?HOH??"""??DiDisi???sasaKa?upu?? - - - D ???spospososaosaba??e e?K-K???upsup?s fs ??r r????ririgi??BrB????rsr?s -s - - 5- ?0 0?CuCupCu??, ,?LiLidi???, F, FiF?ltltet??????101?00%00?? Di D?ispis????bl????a>a??brb???><><b><brbr br?/>/>I/>I I????????tht?????beb????se??I ?????sis????llllyly y???n n o ???t ot ?????y fy faf???orioritite???le??d d a ?nd??lil???e te ththeth????nvnviv??nin???????of of???heshe??se ose ??er? t??e ??er??manmanenetet t tt ?ypypepe pe??????rs???? a?????pr???er???ec?afa????aca?k k?UNU???EEE???NEN?D D???a a f??????cedce?????? th tha thata?t it ?????????????le le??n ?K-?????. ??ThThe????????grgre??at at???r ??botbo????nd???I aI am???eoeor?ded?erier??g ?tot??????????an?d.d. . . C. ?ou?ldl??'t't ???????pip?????7707????B0????K30K3?0HO0H?O2,O2,A,?4D4????WXW?919?PFPFHFH,H,B???????????????151?787?565"">DisposaKups - Disposable K-Cups for Keurig Brewers - 50 Cups, Lids, Filters - 100% Disposable</a><br /><br />I bought these because I occasionally run out of my favorite blend and like the convienience of these over the permanet type filters. I also prefer Decaf Black UNSWEETENED tea for Iced Tea that is unavailable in K-cups. These are great for both and I am reordering to keep onhand. Couldn't be happier!" 7027,B004K30HO2,A4DPR7WX91PFH,B Agor,0,0,5,13157856
??0,0,D,DiDisisps??????psp? a ??e e g grg?????"F"FaF?stst t?ses?rvr?icicec???ndn? s?????iningng.g??????????itittt?lel?e ke ? c ????s as ararear?e ge ????? a as a????u u c??????se ?ananyany y??inindind d od ?? c co cof????e oe ???tet?? t th thahat?at yat ?youyou ?????? a?t ?a a????h h?reredreduduc???d pd ???iceice ?e ove ovev?? r???ulu?arar ar k k- k??cupcu? y ty ?? u????nono ????s,s, , w, ?????s s ns ????????iki? . ?IfI?f yf ??you you????? c? cof cofff?feefee ??akakeak?er er ter tht??? u us use useses es k? k-c k-??cupscup???ou? h ha h?????to ??ryr?y ty thy the?sese,se?????pup?tst??s yo??u bu babacackck ?????????olol l??of of d drd???kikinking?? th the th?e k???? o of o???of??ee??yo?you ?liliklikelike.e.".?7707020??,B,?0000400?K3K?0H0HOHO2O???1M1MZM?T5T5W5W4W??DUDUNU?7D7???atatwatwhwhiwh?lll???0,00,0,0,50,?,1,???565616??????gogooo?d d ad ala??terte?????veve,ve,I,? r re rea real?lyl??ene??oyo???y thiy th?is is d di d?ispis???sabsablb?le.le. ?Th?e ????ly ly????ingin? t th???at wat ?ououlouldl??mamakmakeke ke
00,Disposakups are great,"Fast service and shipping. These little k cups are great as you can use any kind of coffee or tea that you like, at a much reduced price over regular k-cups. Easy to use no mess, what's not to like. If you have coffee maker that uses k-cups you have to try these, it puts you back in control of drinking the kind of coffee you like." 7028,B004K30HO2,A1MZT5W40DUN7D,catwhill,0,0,5,1315612800,good alternative,I really enjoy this disposable. The only thing that would make
i???bebete??ere? w wow??????e e?fof???ththeh???upu?s s a ana??d ld ?idi??s ts ??? be??mam??e ?ououtout ?ofof f a a a??or???ececoco o fo frf?ieienendndlnd?? m??te??riari?l.l. .?CoC????e ?tat?sts??s ?grgrer????????9,9???0404K4?303??O2O2,2?A2A2J2?VWV????VUV??CXCX2X?2,m2,?oeoe,e,0,?,0???,1,131?????2828080000,00,D,?isi?popososas?KuK????????n n?I I u ???d ????e ke ?-c-??? f????ter???thath?? c ????e we ?/k/kek???rigrig,g, , I? d ?ididnidn'n't'?????? t??he he t?asastaste? o ?of of?????????feefe?????useus?ed ed s ?o ?I I sI ??opoppp??ed ?us?ini?? i itit it??ltltoltogo?etethetheherher.r?. . ?HoH??evevev?er,er?, w, whw???? I I s I sasawsaw w D ?DisDi????aK?upupsups ups??n ??mamazmazoz??, ?I I hI hahadad ad????dodououbou??s s bs ??t t tt to?oko????chc???????..T..?he?y y wy ??rkr?kedke????eaeatea???. P. ?lal?? t?o o ko ???p p tp ?thethemthe????n sn ?????.".???0303030,30?,B0,B?004004K?3030H30???????TWT???RZR???XCX??CaC?rrr?????CarCa??ter???,0,0,0,??5,5,15,??15?353?363??00,?EXEXAXACA???
it better would be for the cups and lids to be made out of a more eco friendly material. Coffee tastes great. 7029,B004K30HO2,A2JVWN2QVU9CX2,moe,0,0,5,1315612800,DisposaKups,"When I used the k-cup filter that came w/keurig, I didn't like the taste of any coffee I used so I stopped using it altogether. However, when I saw DisposaKups on Amazon, I had my doubts but took a chance...They worked great. Plan to keep them in stock." 7030,B004K30HO2,A8GTW7ORZN0XC,Carrie Carter,0,0,5,1315353600,EXACTLY
???hah?? I ??veve e b ?eee???lol??kik??g g f ??r r?toto o????????ggg??d d c ?ofo????!,!,",???ama???????????ulul l????t ?DiDisi???sKsKuK??s s e exe?is????anandn??ara????????????e ?inin in min ????omomem?!<!?????><><b?r ?r />r /?NoN???ththeh???tyt?pep?e oe ofof of?ded????e ???r ??brebr?ewiewin?????aggag?gedge??????ee? i in??in myin m?y Ky KeK?ururirigi??????????????y ?ot????r wr ?ayay y ty ?to to???cyc???e e Ke K-K-c?up?s ?ha?????orkorkeked?? we w??l l fl fofor??????ThThe? s?tat?andan?arardar??????ce? m??de? b?y ?y Key Keu??rigrig g ig ?? s so s????ff??????t tt ?to ??clecl?an?? ea e?chc?? ti timime?? t th tha th?? I? j jujusustus?t ct ch????? t to to ?neneveveeverer er??se?se ise ?t.t.<.?<br? / ?/></>??<br ?/>/>D/>?DisDi??ososaos?KuKupKu?ps ps??re?re tre th??e pe ?perpe?fe?????iteit????for??????ining?? my my y fy ?ava?ororioritite???ofoffoffe?ese?s ts ?thathat?at aat ar?e ???t ??avaavaiaililal???? i in i???K-cK-??p p??or?m.m?? T????pip???cesces s fs ??it it
what I've been looking for to brew bagged coffee!,"I am so grateful that DisposKups exist--and are now in use in my home!<br /><br />No other type of device for brewing bagged coffee in my Keurig (k-cup)or any other way to recycle K-cups has worked well for me. The standard device made by Keurig is so difficult to clean each time, that I just choose to never use it.<br /><br />DisposaKups are the perfect item for brewing my favorite coffees that are not available in K-cup form. The pieces fit
??ogo?ete??????er???ctc??y,y? a ??d d w ???th th a a a??"s"sns??p"p?"" "" - ?- -??'m'?? ab ablblel? t to? b ?rer??? a a c a cuc???ofof f???????e ae an??????llll l h ??veve e te ???e de ?isi?poposo??blbleble ?fe???uru?re re? of o?????ulu?????????? ( (a(??? n ?????leale?? u ?up!up!)!) )?PlPlulusus,s?, y, yoy?? c ca c?????ses?mbm??? h ho howo??ve?r ???anyany y????to????-c-cu-cup?s s as ????d ?????????wi???th dth didisdi?sposp?osaos???????soso ?th?theythey y ay ararear?e ve ????y hy ?helhe?pfp?ul?? to to o ho ha??? f fof?r r hr hoh?lilidi?aya????????iningngsg?s a?ndnd nd p?ar????s.s??????><>????/>?ThT??nkn??yoyouyo?u tu ??an?k k yk ??you!you? I I I??ilillil?l bl bebe e pe pupururcur????????? a b a ???g sg ????ly??sosooso????, so, s???? wi??? b?e ???ll????oco?kek??d fd ?forfor ?th?the the???li?da??s!s!"!""?707030313??B0B?040??????2,2?A9A?LML??G4G?7C7?????????ililiil????. . I???aca???0,0??0,50,?????525?676?????exe???ellel????? pr p?ododud
together perfectly, and with a ""snap"" -- I'm able to brew a cup of coffee and still have the disposable feature of regular k-cups (and no clean up!) Plus, you can assemble however many custom K-cups ahead of time with disposaKups, so they are very helpful to have for holiday gatherings and parties.<br /><br />Thank you thank you! I will be purchasing a big supply soon, so I will be well-stocked for the holidays!" 7031,B004K30HO2,A9LMTG47CVCIG,Cecilia M. Isaacs,0,0,5,1315267200,excellent produ
c????I I?lol?veve e t ?heh??e ?DiDisispspop?sasaKa?????????y y a ??lo?w w m ???tot? u usu?se se s ???me me??f f m my m???????ititet???anannnnenede? o or o??????? b ??an? c ????eeee ???? my?????ririgri???????? m?aka????????ereer?e i?s s?????mesme?s,s, ,??easeasysy y ay ?s s us ?usiusin?g ?th?e e re reregre?ulu??r ?? k ??upsup?? j juj??t t? th thrhror?????aya???hehenhe?n yn ??? a ar a?re re??ono?ne ne? ma???inging ing??youyourur ur???ffffe??. ????E E t???????vevenvenin???cece.? I ?I hI hahavaveav?e je ???t ??la???? a a?2n2????????.".""???3232,2?B0B000?4K4??0H0?O2O2,?ARA???9393939N9NQNQRQ?????RuRus???ll???,0??????????242???????icickc????eas?y ?y any andnd nd???heaheapap p? K- K???ups?","????? D ???sposp??aKaKuaKupups? w wowor???????dvd?????iseised??? T?????? are ar??eaeaseasyeasy easy? to t??us?e,e, ??????t put putu?t yt ?youyouryou??fa?vo??ritri?te te? co cof??feefee fee?in??? the the the c cu cupup,up?, p, ???p tp th?????ap ap o????andan???rerewre???
ct,"I love these DisposaKups. They allow me to use some of my favorite canned or fresh bean coffee in my Keurig coffee maker. There is no mess, easy as using the regular K kups, just throw away when you are done making your coffee. LOVE the convenience. I have just place a 2nd order." 7032,B004K30HO2,ARF7939NQR8HB,Russell,0,0,5,1314662400,"Quick, easy and cheap K-Cups","The DisposaKups work as advertised. They are easy to use, just put your favorite coffee in the cup, pop the cap on and brew.
?ThThih?? a ??????s ms mem???o o?sasava?e ??uiu??e e ae ??bib?it it??? m ????y y???hilhilel?????ngn???????????iteit?e ce ???fef??. .??I I f ?ili???d d? ab a???? 2 ??? of o????emem m??t t ot ???e te tit??? s so so ??theth??e e ie ?is is a al a??aya???onone? s st statanandndid??g g bg ?y ??whewh?n n I?????ded?sps?????? f fo foror or?????p.p. ????????e ise is s ns ?????ed?????wawaswa?h h o ou out? a? a f a ?filfi?teterte?????ustust t tt to???s is ???in?? th the?? tr trar?????iki?e e te the t??he she ststotortore? b?ouougou?htht ????cupcupsp???????????soso ??akake??? a g a gog?odo??????up?? sy sysystys??m ?ifif ??ou??????ououtou??t oft of ?f thf thehe ?he sthe sto??e ??boubougu?ghtgh??k-k-k-??????brbr r?/>/??I wI wow????d b?e ????ter???te????? k ??nownow w???? th????omo????y y uy ?useuses???or??plp??ansans ????ususe?, ?rerecre???le?d ??plapl???ticti??????plaplaspla??icic ?alaltal???nan??????s i?n n tn ththe?? ma man?ufu?facfactc?uru?rinri??? of?? th the thes theses
This allows me to save quite a bit of money while using my favorite coffee. I filled about 25 of them at one time so there is always one standing by when I am desperate for a cup. There is no need to wash out a filter, just toss it in the trash like the store bought K-cups. They also make a good backup system if you run out of the store bought k-kups.<br />I would be interested to know if the company uses, or plans to use, recycled plastic or plastic alternatives in the manufacturing of these
?.".??707??????0404K4???HOHO2O??A2A????CICIXIXHX??E0E?S9S??????bub?ckc???anan,n??,0,0,,0,4,????141404???606????aia???ngng g f ??r r S ???arbar??ckckscks s?k-k-c-cucupu?s,s,G,GrG???t t p ??ododud??t t tt tot??titidti?? m ?e ?ovovevere????ithit? m my m? s sus?uppup??y y oy ?f f S?tatartarb???ks? t??l l?????y sy ststa??t ?mam?kik?ingin?g kg k-k-ck-cucupcu? ??????ses??blbl ?anandand d??se????????????n n??rorourounundn?d cd ????eeee.e?7707???????04K04??0H?O2????22????????QKQ??,D,?ebeb b???iei??s,s,0s,??0,0,50,??????7979898484040040?0,G0,GrGreGrea?t t pt ???oduoduc?uct,uct???GreGreaGreat?? pr prorodro?ducductc????nan??blebl?s ??ouou u? to to ??useus??yo??r ?owo?? c co?ffffefeefee ?in???????sis?ing??e ?brb??w w? ma m?akeak??. . A. AnA???? c ca c????????up?? se s?veverve?ala??l atl a??a a?? tim ti?me!me!!!!!?"??703703535,???????30H30??2,2,A2,A1A??BCBC6C6X6????????,M,?ar?ththatha ?? S St?eie??,0,0,?0,???13???717??00???I ????? t? the th?e De ?
." 7033,B004K30HO2,A2VXXCIXHBE0S9,Starbucksfan,0,0,4,1314057600,Waiting for Starbucks k-cups,Great product to tide me over with my supply of Starbucks til they start making k-cups. Easy to assembl and use with my own ground coffee. 7034,B004K30HO2,A222WS8EEL7QKR,Deb Thiems,0,0,5,1313798400,Great product,"Great product, enables you to use your own coffee in your single brew maker. And I can make up several at a time!!!" 7035,B004K30HO2,A16BC6XCUWDDTY,Martha L Stein,0,0,3,1313712000,I like the Di
ssps?oso?aKaKuK?psp?,","I"I I l lil??e e??heh?e De ?isi??ososaosaK??upsup?. .? I IfIf f???? f ???ini???mom?????thath???ono????up?, ,??t't's'? q ?uiuici?kekerker r? to t??ususes?e te the t?? D ??spspospossposa??KupKups?? th t???? it i?????tot????eaeanan ???t t tt ?theth???refre???lal??lele le???ldldederer,r?????ichich h?cac??????????y y m???hihinhi?,6?B0B?0404K4?3030H0HOH???A8A818121??????YIY???????fefeee?????erer,er,0,0,0,0,0,,0??,1,????626??606???DiDisDispDispopospo??blblebl???-C-CuC?????oror or?KeKeue??????rerewrewew?erser?s,"s,?"I "I?????veverve?y ?exexcxcicititeitede? t???se?????prprorodo????t st ?????asas as t th thi th???bebeie?ingin???offof?ferfe???d od on????ineine,e, ?asas ?I ??lovlove?d ??thethe the???off?eeee ee I? w??as ?drd?rinri???ing? b??fofororeor??I I gI ?otot t at a ?Ke?ururiurigig.ig. ???MyM?????viv?ouousous s cs ??ffffeffee?ee iee is?is nis nonotot ot? of offffe?re?red red i??n an a a K???cupcu? v ????io????? V ??eryery ?y pry p???ptp?lyly y Iy ?I pI ?lalacla?ed??an?an oan oran ordr??
sposaKups,"I like the DisposaKups. If I'm fixing more than one cup, it's quicker to use the DisposaKups than it is to clean out the refillable holder, which came with my machine." 7036,B004K30HO2,A8121CZYUYI7M,coffee lover,0,0,3,1313625600,Disposable K-Cups for Keurig Brewers,"I was very excited to see a product such as this being offered on line, as I loved the coffee I was drinking before I got a Keurig. (My previous coffee is not offered in a K-cup version.) Very promptly I placed an order
? a anandnd d c ???ldl?n'n't't t w ??iti??fof?r r?it???o o??rrrrir???. . I I I p plplal?cec??d md ???????h h?bebeae?ansans s i?ntntoto to??my my g grg???ndendere?r ar ??d ?gr??ounou?nd nd t?heh??????it?tlt?e e???ourou??erer er???an??? w?ou?ldld ld h hahava?ve ve? if i????wa?s ?usu???g g m my m?y By BuBunu??????fefeee??pop???????tht??n n pn ?ror??ceece????????pl??aceac????e e fe ?????????to??th?the the????poposposasabablble? K K-K-c-??p,p????d d md myd my ?frfrefr??hlhlyl?y gy ?gro??undun??be??ansans ans a??nd ?????????????apa??onon ??igighghthtltlytly.y???GrGre??t!t!!!???ea??y ??to to bto ???w w m?? f?iri?rstrst ?cu???ofo?f mf ????avavoavororior?????cofco?ffeff??. ??ThT???????le le ple pr?oc??edueduru??? wo?rkr?eded ed wed wewelelll?????tiltil l tl ththe?????lele le wle wa?was was a??mom?sts????iniinis????d ad ????????n in ?it ??haphappp???ed?. ?????ldldildininging ??????watwa?????stastarartr???d sd ?quq?irirtir????? ou o???of??????eueur?igig ig? ma m?achac?in??
and couldn't wait for it to arrive. I placed my fresh beans into my grinder and ground them a little courser than I would have if I was using my Bunn coffee pot. I then proceeded to place the filter into the disposable K-cup, add my freshly ground beans and placed the cap on tightly. Great!! Ready to brew my first cup of my favorite coffee. The whole procedure worked well until the cycle was almost finished and then it happened. Scalding hot water started squirting out of my Keurig machine
f?ror?? a ??l l???ded?s.s? I I I?waw?s s t trtryr?iningn? t?o o???vev? m?? c ?????? c ca c????? th theh????tet??, ,?bubutu????t wt ?waswa????omiom?inging ??utut ut t to too too ????????d d????ry ry?hoh???. . ? I I w??? d didisisasapappppop?inintinte??d wd ???h h th ?hehe he???erfer???mam?????ofof f t??is?? pr p??????t. t. ?ThT?he ?co??fefeee??e wae w????ooo?d,d, , a, ??th???ghg????ot ot?? f fuf???? cu c????nd? I? I h I hahada???? me mes?s s ts ?o ?clcleleae??. ?I ????? t????d d gd grg???ndind?ing? t th?????eanea??s fs ??inein?? a? and and ???uru?seserer,er, ????o o to ??ieiedie??toto to f???ll ll tll th??e ce cu?????at at??????????t lt ???velve??????t ?th?????????s ??rere re? st s?ilillill ???the ???mem????I ?????ll cll ??nt??????exexpx?perperi???nt????? wi witith??? the the the? di??popospo?sabsablb?? K ??cucup?s s a???nd ind if? I???finfi?nd nd tnd ??the ?ririgrighghtght t ct cocomco????at???n,n?, I, I ?I wiI wil???le?t ?yoy?ou ou k ??nownow.w.".???030???
from all sides. I was trying to move my cup to catch the water, but it was coming out too fast and very hot. I was disappointed with the performance of this product. The coffee was good, although not a full cup and I had a mess to clean. I have tried grinding the beans finer and courser, also tried to fill the cups at different levels, but the results are still the same. I will continue experimenting with the disposable K-cups and if I find the right combination, I will let you know." 7037,B
0000?4K4K3K????2,2?A3A3G3?WKWKFK???7W7???1313,3,J,???akakek????,0,0,,0?????1313313363?646????????veve e???????aKa????!,!??ThThih?is is p prp????ctc???oro????jujusu?t ?asa??ded????ibibebede??? Y YoYouou u s ?????y y???aca??e ae ??????ere? i ?? t ???e de didisispispoposposasabsa???e ce ?????adaddd? y ?ouourour ??????ofo?fefeeee,e?, s, snsnan?p p??n n tn ??e ???d,d, , a, ???d md mamak???th?the the???p p op ??? co cofoffoffe??????yo??u wu ??????wiw?th????rer??ul??r ????up?. . T Th?e e ce coe cof????? is is ????? a as a???oooodod od a? as as? an a??y py ??epe?ac??agageg????K CK ???ps,ps?, a??nd nd????? ca c?an an u us??e te the t???brb?anandand ??of of yof yoyouyouryou?r cr chchoh??????t t at a t a f fr f??ctctict?onon on???? th thehe ?cocoscost?st (st ??????o o w?????ngn?? ou outut ??thoth??e ?pep??kyky ?mem??? r????????e fe ???lteltererser??) ) A ?s s ss sosomo?me me??????r rr ????ewe??????avave?????tedted,d, d,??om?ete???es? t th the th?e c??up up????s ?s sts stutuc
004K30HO2,A3GWKF4W7WLG13,JYeakel,0,0,4,1313366400,I love DisposaKups!,"This product works just as described! You simply place a filter in the disposable cup, add your own coffee, snap on the lid, and make the cup of coffee as you would with a regular K Cup. The coffee is just as good as any prepackaged K Cups, and you can use the brand of your choice at a fraction of the cost (and no washing out those pesky mesh reusable filters!) As some other reviewers have noted, sometimes the cup gets stuc
k? o ?n n?ththeh??hah?ndn???????t t?raraiaisi?????s s ys yoy?? a ar arere ?e tre t??ini?g g??o o??eme??vev???he??ususe???cuc????????t yt ??u u su sis?mpm??? p pupululll? i ??t ot ?outout t at ?andan????veve ve????verve? h?ada?d ad a a?lilidi??fafalall?? of of,f, , s ??o to ?thetherere? i?s ??tit?????o ??es?s.s?. . ?I I w ?il??????in?????? c?onontonti????e t???ususeus?e t????? pr pror????t!t???707??8,8,B,???4K4???HOHO2O?,A,???QLQLSLSYS?FZFZ5Z5D5????,",?ZaZaya??ZayZa??"""?kakapapl??an1an141??""??????,5,???313121???808?????akakek???KeK?????g mg mo????coc???venveniniei????????? g ?ete?ti??g ?titirti?????roromrom m? wa w??????g og ou????he???litli???le le?? ref re?filfillllall????????ke???s ts ??o m??akeake e ae ???????nd nd? cu cup???ThThe??so??????onson?s as ???re tre toto to g ge get? m mumul????plepl?????????s os ?r ???? d ?????sas??le?le tle ?ypy????. Th. The?he fhe fifilfiltfil???in?? i?? a?????tlt????et?te?r r ar an?
k on the handle that raises as you are trying to remove the used cup. But you simply pull it out and I've never had a lid fall of, so there is still no mess. I will definitely continue to use this product!" 7038,B004K30HO2,A26QLSYFZ5DCLB,"ZayZay ""kaplan142""",0,0,5,1312848000,Makes Keurig more convenient,I was getting tired from washing out the little refillable baskets to make a second cup. The solutions are to get multiple baskets or the disposable type. The filtering is a little better and
??tht???coc??fef?e ?hah?? f ????? s sos????s.s??ItI? i ???eae?asyas? t to t???????ndn????eses s ws ??hatha???t t st ?aya??s.s.???3939,9?B0B0000404K4?3030H0HOH??,A,??????ZWZ?YCY????????????0,0???5,5,1,131?121252?020242???,G,GrGrer?eatea????????sabsa????K-K-c-?upupsps,s,",?TrT??ede????e ? d???ispoispos???blebl?e ke ?????s ?????d thd t?heyhey ???rkrk k g ?re?atat,t, , j ?us???as?????d d ad asas as kas ?eue????? mt mym??owo?n n m ?id? g?ririnri??? co c????e ?ini???cup???s ans a????thetheythe?y wy woy w????????ithithoh??ut ut p ???bl????s. s. T ThThe???????dnd???t bt ????nyny ???sis??r ???o uo ??e.e??WiW??? c co?????????? u?sese se t th t????""?70704?0,0,B0,???04K04??0H????,A1,A1C1??????MRM????O,O???kepke????OnOnen?,0,0,??0,30,?,1,13,131?????????AlAlml???t ??????ctct,?"P"PrP?rodro????? is i???as?as aas adadvd???ti?se?d,d, ?a a g go goo goodod od???????????li???e ye ???r ?ow?n ?n con c
the coffee has fewer solids. It is easy to use and does what it says. 7039,B004K30HO2,A2FHAAZWYCKHQ9,Misty,0,0,5,1312502400,Great Disposable K-cups,"Tried the disposable k-cups and they work great, just as good as keurig k-cups. Put my own mid grind coffee in cups and they worked without problems. They couldn't be any easier to use. Will continue to use them." 7040,B004K30HO2,A1CLHLTJMR1EMO,SkeptikOne,0,0,3,1312502400,Almost Perfect,"Product is, as advertised, a good way to utilize your own co
fffffef???blb?????? I ?t t???????? t ?? f ?ililll??anandnd nd p ?????re? f???????, ,?hohowo???ere?, , i, iti??sosomomem?tit?me? l ??akaksks ?atat ?ththeh?e ee enendend d??? t th t????????ngn? p?ror?cec??s.??7707?414???00004?K3K3030H0HOH???????5H5?????????,P,?. . B. BrBrar?dld??????,0,,0??,1,????818?11211?0000,00,B?uyuy ???heshese??,",?????e te ththethe ???????aKa??p p l??dsds,ds, ??the? D ???????????????is? j ?????as? g ?oooodod d id ifi???oto??? I. ??f yf yoy?? t?os?se?????uru???prepr?eviev???s ??eueururiur?g g Kg ?cuc??s,s, ?, th, thihis?is sis ?set? w ?wilwi?ll ll??akakeak?e ce ?ar??e oe ?of of y yoyou?. . I?????l ???????????y by bebe be???????asias??g ?th?themthe????aia?"."???424???B00B0?04K?3030H30HOHO2HO????AOAOMO???????JYJ?G,G???andan???????usiusin?o,o,0?,0,0,0,??5,?13131131010808686060808008??00,E00,ExE??celcellllellenenten?? S ??????ce!ce!!!????????? D??isp??osaos????ups ups a?ndnd ?I'I'm'm ??so so??
ffee blends. It is easy to fill and prepare for use, however, it sometime leaks at the end of the brewing process." 7041,B004K30HO2,A1K45HFFFDNP1A,P. Bradley,0,0,5,1311811200,Buy These!,"Like the DisposaKup lids, the DisposaKup set is just as good if not better. If you tossed your previous Keurig Kcups, this set will take care of you. I will definitely be purchasing them again." 7042,B004K30HO2,A3AOMMIEYTJJYG,Randi Infusino,0,0,5,1310860800,Excellent Service!!!,I love DisposaKups and I'm so gl
?ada??ththah?t t???quq????????ovovividi?ese? t th theh??? to t??cocono?sus??erersrs.s.<.<b<???/>/?DiD?sps?oso??KuK?psps s as ??? f ??ntn?asaststit?c c??andan??ththeth?e ve vev??dod??r dr ?doedo?? a a a????y y gy ??odo???obob b??omommmmum??ic?atatiat????wiw?thth th??itsit?s cs ??ststost????????????B0B00004??3030H0?O2O??ANANENELELKL?V9V9K9K2K?????,","J"JoJoyo?cece e Ae A.A? C ????er? " """??oy????"""""","???0,0,50,??131313101030??24??00,00???sp??osaos???e ??-c-??p p f fi f??????,","I,"? h ???ve ve?lol??s ??f f???rouro????co??fefeeee e ae ?????in??? h??vivinvi????y y Ky ??uru??g ?ha???e ne non?? b ???? a ab abl?e ???o uo ?useuse ?? ? B ???????ithith h t th???????pospo?sabsabl?????????I I cI ????us?? u?p ??lll?????????ndnd nd c? cof co???? a an and???etet ??thethe the t?asastas??s s Is ?I wI ?an??. . . I. ?????ldl????y y ay ????in;in; ; c co?nvn??ninienien?t.t. t.? ( (B(??e se ?sursu?re re???? s?nan????the?the lthe lil???onon on s?ececu??relrelyl????
ad that Liquibuy provides them to consumers.<br />DisposaKups are fantastic and the vendor does a very good job communicating with its customers. 7043,B004K30HO2,ANELKV9K24TZ0,"Joyce A. Carter ""Joyce""",0,0,5,1310342400,Disposable K-cup filters,"I have lots of ground coffee and since having my Keurig have not been able to use it. But, with the disposable cups, I can use up all my ground coffee and get the tastes I want. I would buy again; convenient. (Be sure you snap the lid on securely bec
??????????s s?????ghg???????)")""??040?4,4,B,B0B?04???0H0?O2O?,A,A2A?KDK?3M3???ESE???????ara?kok?,0,?????,1,131?101??565?????????ini?g g b ???????thrth?????waw??,M,?y y w ???e ?juj??t t lt lol?????s ths thehesesees????psps.s???FiFiri???t ot ofo?? I I I h ???ve ve??????ay ay t??heyhe???arrar??vevedve? a???ono??th th??earearlrlil?erer r t??anan n? st s??ateat?d.d. ? E ExE?cecele?lel???! !???????on??????ncn?ce ce o ?of of? be b????????le le????us?e ????r ???n n cn co???eee?e ae ???????owow ow????y ?ththeth???litlittttlt?le le cle ?cupcupsps ps? af aftf?er???rdrdsds s is ????anantan????icic.c??. N. ?No No c cl cle????up??. ?Ex??celce?llell?entent.t..770704??5,B5,?B00B00404K04K304K??HO???A3A????W0W0909P9PHP?????,G,GrGro???hyh??ada???,0,0,0,???4,14,?13113??161?96960?0,0,V0,?ereryer?y gy gogoooodod ?ala???????iv??e te ?o ??rer??ad???????havha??ve ove ??rderd????? th??reere?e be ???eses es??f ????se?? so s??fa??. ????eye?y wy wowor?? v
ause it is a tight fit.)" 7044,B004K30HO2,A2KD3MKCESMT1J,Barko,0,0,5,1310256000,Nothing beats throw-away,My wife just loves these cups. First off I have to say they arrived a month earlier than stated. Excellent! The convenience of being able to use your own coffee and throw away the little cups afterwards is fantastic. No clean-up. Excellent. 7045,B004K30HO2,A3TSJW09PHVK7L,GrouchyDad,0,0,4,1310169600,Very good alternative to premade,"I have ordered three boxes of these so far. They work v
?ere?? w ????. .? S ShS?ipi???ngng g? wa w?s s f faf?astas???????????lalaiaimim m t ?? f??meme e i ????????bib?lil??y y ty ?? p prp??-f-?il?? t th theheshe?e ?????lele e ce ?upu????ndn? s ststotorto?re re?? the th?m ??oro???????. . ??????????tor?e e te th??em em i?n n t th??? fr f??ezezez??? ???e e pe ??obo?le??m wm wiw??? m mom??????????ab??le/le??is???osaos?ablableabl??fifilfiltfil???r kr k-k??cupcups?, , i???s ths t??t t?? the??y ay ???re pre ?prepr?????d ???n an a a? pe p?er-er-c-cu-cupup up?bab??? ??o o mo ?me me???is?????eae??s ????e we ?hoholo??????efuefululnlnenesesss???f f t?? the ?k-?cucup? s?ysyst?em????. In. I?stste??d ?wiwitwi?th th?? the thes these??, I, ??cacan?????? at a?t tt th?the the?????able,able, ?????ququiu?ckcklk?y ?y thy t?ror?w w?????ththetherthe???ll???????nd nd? st?ororeor?e te the t?hemhe??. . C. ????????ienie?????is ???ainaintn??ainaineaineded ed? an???th?the the cthe coc??????fefecfe??ivi?????s ?gog??? u up u?????s th?s thess the?se se a ar a??re sre ?o ?
ery well. Shipping was fast. Their claim to fame is the ability to pre-fill these little cups and store them for later. I just store them in the freezer. The problem with most refillable/disposable filter k-cups, is that they are prepared on a per-cup basis. To me this defeats the whole usefulness of the k-cup system. Instead with these, I can sit at the table, and quickly throw together all 50 and store them. Convienience is maintained and the cost effectiveness goes up as these are so m
u?chc??ch?eae?pep?r r t tht?ana???uyu?ini?? t?heh???????reredred d??nen????7??????00004???0H0???,A,??TSTSBS????CSCSKSKVK???,F,FrF?an?? F ??0,0?,0,,0?????101??????00,00,N,???? ba b?d ?bu???alalil?ttttlt???prpriprici?eye??????? d did?????ulultlt ??????????th????mom???t t at ant a?d ?grgrir?indin???? c?of?fefeee?e te toe to ?pup?t ???n tn ?the??K-K???psps.???f ????is? t???o fo fi??ne ne a a a????ind????r ir ?????o ????kekede???ul??? it i?t ot ?onlonlyl???ivi??e ye yoyouou ou a???halha?f f of of? a? a c a cu?p.p..?7070404704?,B?00?4K4??0H?????????666?60R60RFR?E4E4W4W,W?JuJul?iaia,a?,0,,0,0,0,0,0,30,??1313013??99?686808??00,G00,???ata?t Ct ?on??cepceptp?? I??ffyff???xex????????"I"??re??????ly ly? pu p??ch??sesed?????popososas?KuKup???frfroromom m? th????se?llllelerle????NotNo?t ot ont onln?ly ?di??d Id I ????????e ge ???eatea????sts??mem?er er s seserservr??iceice e a?ndnd nd???astast t st ????pip?inging,g, ,? bu butut ut??y ??proprodo?uc
uch cheaper than buying the prepared ones." 7046,B004K30HO2,A1TSBETBCSKVAA,Frank F,0,0,3,1310169600,Not bad but alittle pricey,It is difficult to judge the amount and grind of coffee to put in the K-cups. If it is too fine a grind or is too packed full it only give you a half of a cup. 7047,B004K30HO2,AANF3660RFE4W,Julia,0,0,3,1309996800,Great Concept- Iffy Execution,"I recently purchased DisposaKups from this seller! Not only did I receive great customer service and fast shipping, but my produc
?t t??amamem??????agagegede???????????. . I ??ababsbsos????elely???ovoveve ???e ?idi?????f f?th??e De ?isi?pop????upupsp??. H. ??wew??verver,r? a?ftfteterter r u ????g g a a a f fefewfew,w, , t, ?the??????t ?dod?n'n?t t lt ??veve ve u????o o????????ectec?????onson?? T ??? l??id id o?ftfteft?????tsts s???ucu?ck ck i ?in in t??he he khe kek?uru??g g wg ?hehenhe??iti???do????????in?g,g, , s, ??????me?s s ts ththe??hoh?oleol??s ds ??don'don??? po pokokeke ke? pr p?opo?perperlrlyly,ly?, a, ?ndnd ?ev?er???titim??e i???? l??ftft ft??witwi??? wa wat???????wiwinwing? o?????n ???? d??re??ctictio?nsn???whiwh?????t ?brbrebr????????in?ititeitel??y ny ?oto?t at ?a ra ?????aceacemememenme???fof?r r Mr ?yKyK K o??r Sr ?ol?of?il?l.l.".""???484????0404K04K3K?0H0????A2A??909??VNVNQNQXQX1X?8J8JWJW,W??ocochchth??0,0,0?,3,?,1,??30930999????0000,00,N,NoNotot ot??hahat?????op?ed???oror.or??..,..??I ???urcurch?asa?ed??th?is???????uctuct ???? a??coc??upluple? o
t came packaged perfectly. I absolutely love the idea of the DisposaKups. However, after using a few, they just don't live up to my expectations. The lid often gets stuck in the keurig when its done brewing, sometimes the holes don't poke properly, and every time i am left with water spewing out in all directions while it brews. Definitely not a replacement for MyK or Solofill." 7048,B004K30HO2,A2E90PVNQX18JW,Kocht,0,0,3,1309910400,Not what I hoped for...,"I purchased this product for a couple o
f? r ?eae?sosono??. . ?FiFirirsr?t,t? w wiw?thth h t th?? c ?oso?? o ?f f kf ?-c-??????th?isi? o??????? a ??lolowo??er er?prpririci?e e oe ?ptp???on.on??????conco?d,d??????? al alll?????mem??toto o????????? c co c?????e oe ofe o?f mf ??????????(d(ded???f,f?, o, ?????ic?????teter?-p-??ococe??????.<.??r r / ??<b<br<br ?/>?ThT?e ????stst ??couco?upluplele e o?? t ti timimemesmes s Is I I u?se?sed sed t th theheshese?, ??, the, th?e ce ??ffffeff?e e we ??s ??er?y ?we?aka?. . ???op?ene??ed ed a a a? re r?gugulu?arar r kr ?k-ck-?cupcup p? th?at??I ?hahada?d t?????e e ie ifi?f tf ?the??? w?as? a a a d a didififfif?ferfe??ncn???ini? g ?ri??nd nd s ??zeze e f?ror?m m w???t t I?? wa was wa??us??ingin?; ;???er?e e w????non??. ?. T. ??en?? I I p I ?ouo?re???? the the the?????tente???s os ofof of??? the ????up????ntont??????????sas??lele le?k-?k-cuk-cupk-cu?????d id ?? w wo w?oulouldl???notnot t ft ?fitfit.? A ????arear??tlt??, ???, the , the????po???ablablele le cle ?cupcupscup????ldld ld??ese??
f reasons. First, with the cost of k-cups, this offered a lower price option. Second, this allows me to used the coffee of my choice (decaf, organic, water-processed).<br /><br />The first couple of times I used these, the coffee was very weak. I opened a regular k-cup that I had to see if there was a difference in grind size from what I was using; there was not. Then I poured the contents of the k-cup into my disposable k-cup and it would not fit. Apparently, the disposable cups hold less
ccoc?ffffefeee?, , w whwhihici?h h c co???d d a aca??cou??t t f fof?? t ??? w??????ssss.s. . ?I I???soso o?non?titiciceic??d td ?thath?t ?th??e de ?isi????aba?lel?????s s?????? ar arorouounu?d ?d thd thehe he r ????, a, ana?????ofoftoftetene? g geg??t gt ?rorourounundundsds ????????upup.up???r ?/>/????r /r />r /?I ????rtrte?d ????kik??? a as a?s ms mum?ch?????fe?e ???s Is ?I cI cocou????in??????? c???ps,ps?, t, ??????rer?e Ie ?I cI coI c??ld????arear?lyl??gegetge?????he the ???? on o??. . T ThThihishis ??ada???e a e a?mu?ch???etettet???r cr cucupcu?p op ??????ffeff?????HoH???vev??, ???heyhey y sy st?ili?? l le l??????, t, th??ereere e we we?re???stistilstill??????nd??s is ins in n m??y cy ?cofco?ffe?e,? a?nd?nd ind ???mam?akeake e me mymy my K ????????????UCUCHCH H s?lolow?er??. ?NoN??? to to ??en????n n tn ?????????up?up..up....??brbr br / />/></><b?<br <br /???y y by ?usu?in?es?s ?ususeus?es es? a a K Ke K??ririg?? so so ????? a? all al??ofof ??? c ca c?????ewe??????
coffee, which could account for the weakness. I also noticed that the disposable cups leak around the rim, and I often get grounds in my cup.<br /><br />I started packing as much coffee as I could into the cups, to where I could barely get the top on. This made a much better cup of coffee. However, they still leaked, there were still grounds in my coffee, and it make my Keurig run MUCH slower. Not to mention the cleanup...<br /><br />My business uses a Keurig so that all of us can brew the c
????eeee e??of of???r r???oioici??? a ??????e ae ???? h ?avaveve e ae a e a???upu???e oe ??of tof ??a a a?ndnd nd h???? ch chohochococ???tete te??rir?nknkek?rsrs.s?? E EvE?ververyr?tit?mem??I I?usu??e te ?hehe e de ?isi?pop??abablb?? c?up??, ?I I hI ?havha?ve ve??o ???pep????wnwn n???????ch???e,e, e,? dr dri?p p? tr t??y y?& & m my m??cuc???. . I I I aI ??soso so h ha h??e ??????lealean? o ou???ththeth???????riori??r or ????????cupcup ?????ptpti??????so so tso th???? th?e ???xtx?t pt ?perpe?rsors?n n dn dodoeoesesnsn'n?t ?ha?havehav??e to? p ?utu?t ut up?? wi w??? m my??????tovto?ver??? A ??l l??in in????, ???thesthe?se se? we w??e ?e a e a ne a ????e i?ded?ea,ea, , b, ??ut ut?????????ntn????of wof wowor?k k? th the they they ?rereqre????re re???ke?????ayiayiningin???? li lit???le le ele ex?tat????or or?? the the ??conco???ni?ene?cece ce??f f r ?regregugululalarla??k-k-c-????s ms ????re are atattat???ctc????. . ?I ???ll?? pr prorobobab?ablablyl?y uy ???e ue ???whwhahatha???I h??????????the?n
offee of our choice, and we also have a couple of tea and hot chocolate drinkers. Everytime I use the disposable cups, I have to wipe down the machine, drip tray & my cup. I also have to clean out the interior of the cup recepticle so that the next person doesn't have to put up with my leftovers. All in all, these were a nice idea, but the amount of work they require makes paying a little exta for the convenience of regular k-cups more attractive. I will probably use up what I have and then
g?o o b ?acackck k?tot?o to ththeh? r ??gug???r r k k-k-c-cuc?????r ??????a a?mom????la??ndfndfi?llll l???ieiene??lyl? s ?olo??tit??????707?????00004???0H0?O2O???1P1?N3N?SJSJAJ??1T1TBT????"D"?ul??ieie2ie?2 2 " """?babarbarbr????lolovo?esesas?nin??????"""""??0,0????,1,?3030930??373?606?00,00?EaE?sys???? U UsU?e!e??,"I,"? f fo f?unu?? t?he??? c ?cupcu?ps ps? to to o bo bebe ?eaeas?y ??o ?usu?se,se?? an a???a a la ???????wawaya???y to y to?????e pe ???s s os ?f f?yoyouourou???wnw??????????e ce coc?offof?????7?0505050,0,B0,?B00B004??????2,2,A2,A2A2L2L7L??Z2Z???????A,A,R,RoR?on,on????0,40,?,1??309????20200200,?GrG?reareatat t w wa w?? t to? m????????our our o??wn,wn?ThThah?ankan?k Gk ??? t th??y ?????al?????madma????thetheme???I cI cac?an'an't't ?alalwal?waywa?s s as ??fofor?d ???the the???y y t?he?????ul??ar ar??????s.s. .?ThTheTh?e oe ?onlon??ly cly chchahanhangngeg??I I wI ??oulou??d md ???ke ?isis ?toto to hto ?havha???pep??l ?an???ststiticti?? t??p p f???r tr ??themthem.m
go back to the regular k-cups or find a more landfill friendly solution." 7049,B004K30HO2,A1PN3SJAP1TBTU,"Dulcie22 ""barbaralovesanimals""",0,0,5,1309737600,Easy to Use!,"I found these cups to be easy to use, and a lovely way to make pods of your own favorite coffee." 7050,B004K30HO2,A2L7ZZ204CFB7A,Ron,0,0,4,1309651200,Great way to make your own,Thank God they finially made them I can't always afford the buy the regular k-cups. The only change I would make is to have peel and stick top for them.
???heh? p pepeee?l l a ?ndn??ststit???s s?coc??ldld ????e ?yoyou?r r o owo?n n n nan?meme ???n tn ???? s so s??yo?u u c????ld ld?????e ?ththeth?????th???ou?? f frf????ndsnds.s? R ?????050515?,B,B0B????303????,A,A1A1A1?????3X3XHXHFH???G,G?????y0y?,0,0,???5,5,1,13130?959?646484?00?,G,GrG?reareatat t?? e ?asasys? p?????ctct,t,",?WeWe ?hahavha?? t th???????p,p??hoh?oweoweve???, , t, ?the?????isi?poposo??blb??e Ke K-K-cK-??psps s as ??re re? th t?? b ??st? e??????????m am ?lwl?????rur?shshe???ini?n t?he????????? a an a???????????? ou outu?t tt ?the?the othe olo?ld ?K-K-cK-cuK-c????o o mo ?akakeak?e ae ananoan?ththetherthe????? o?f f? co cof co?????? to to? pu put??in??? the th?e t?ogo??o co ?cup?, ?is? N NONOTO????hatha?t It ???wanwa??t tt tot t??dod?????brb??/>/??<br<b???>I>?'m'm ?????????fuf?ul ul t?????havehave ???ounou???th?is?is pis ??rodro??ct?!!!?????0505205??B0???K3?0H0HO0HO2O2,O2??1F1?????616??4K84K8K8KUK??krk??????e ?sisimimmmmsms,s
The peel and sticks could have your own name on them so you could share them with your friends. Ron 7051,B004K30HO2,A1AKRV43XHFI0G,Jakky0,0,0,5,1309564800,Great & easy product,"We have the K-cup, however, these disposable K-cups are the best ever. I am always rushed in the morning and cleaning out the old K-cup to make another cup of coffee to put in the togo cup, is NOT what I want to do...<br /><br />I'm so grateful to have found this product!!!" 7052,B004K30HO2,A1FLYTA614K8KU,kristine simms,
????0,50,?,1,????565646484808????rer????prp??dud????quq??ckck k??ele?ivi??ryry,y,T,ThThihisis s??is is a ? g ?rereare??????du??????d d w ?ououluldld d hd hihighi??lyl? r re?cocomommm???????? al alll? K KeK?ururir?g g f ?ana?s.s. . Y YoYouou ou???an an?mamakakek?????? o owownwn n k k ????s s as ???a a fa ????ctict?ono?n on ?? t????cocoscostst.t?7707?535??B0B00004004K4???HOHO2O2,2,A,?KUKULULRLRPRP1P1Y1??R3R3O3????????o o Jo ?. . F. ??oro??s,s,0??,0,?5,5,15,?13013??3030530???00,00?????eeee ?fifili????s,s,ts,?????fi??ltelt?ers? a ar a??? pe p?erferfefecfe????? u ususes???iti?? t th the th????trt?ra ra? gr gro?unu??nd cnd cocof?fefeefe??I I h ??? ?ara?re re are asas ??ooood???????tttte??????an an tan ??? K?-C-CuCup??s.s.??05??,B,B0,B?004??K30K3???????7P7?7A7??K0K?ROR???B0,B0???,an?,0,???0,5,0,5?,13,1????191?92092?00,??is?pop?sas??up???I ??????y ?????d d td ????pr??mimis?e ?of??? the?????oduoducuctuc?t st ???I ??????redre????Th???? ar
0,0,5,1309564800,Great product quick delivery,This is a great product and would highly recommend to all Keurig fans. You can make your own k cups at a fraction of the cost. 7053,B004K30HO2,AKULRP1Y2R3OE,Homero J. Flores,0,0,5,1309305600,coffee filters,this filters are perfect to use with the extra ground coffee I have.they are as good or better than the K-Cups. 7054,B004K30HO2,A37P7A7K0ROMB0,Cat.A.Maran,0,0,5,1309219200,DisposaKups,I really liked the premise of the product so I ordered. They ar
ee e n nonoto? e eaeasa??????ststo?rer???ndn????erererefre??re??as??????e e fe fo????se?? B ??????isi??ovo??ercercoc?mem?s ?ththeth????????nenes?s ???? th the th?e pe ?????ctc??7?0505555,5?????K3K???O2O2,2?A1A?XQX?UOUO0O??H5H???U3U?,m,????131??0,0,0,0,??0,50,??13??9191313213?808?00,00?NiN???????du??ct ct a????vevedve?d ed ?earea???er? t th??an an e ex e???ctctectede?d ad ?andand ??asas as???ustust ??hahatat t It I I e ex??pecpect?ctedcted d -d ???????asyas????and and??????????y ty ?? m ???? m my my y oy owo???????????-c-cuc????. G. ?re?at??fo?? c co c??pap?anyan??. E. EvE??ryryoy??? g ???s s ws ??at?at tat ththetheythey ???ntnt t wt wit w??thothououtut ut?ha?viv???g tg to???uyuy y a? w???lele le??????f ?K-??? bu b?uy uy?? f??w w o? of of?????lilitli??le???oneon??e poe p??? co cof co????e pe pae p?ckckakaga?gesges ?an?????an ?mamakmake????whatwhatet???????omeomeoe??one one???antan??. . A. ???esoes??ome!ome?770705???,B0,B??????HO??2,A2,A6A?0D0
e not easy to store and therefore assemble for use. But this overcomes the usefulness of the product. 7055,B004K30HO2,A1XQUO0OH503U3,mike1390,0,0,5,1309132800,Nice,Product arrived earlier than expected and was just what I expected - an easy and cheap way to make my own Keurig K-cups. Great for company. Everyone gets what they want without having to buy a whole box of K-cups. I just buy a few of the little one pot coffee packages and can make whatever someone wants. Awesome! 7056,B004K30HO2,A60D
9?XCX???GLGLXLX4X???isisss? m ????????????,1,131303???8787287202??0,l0,?ovo?? t ththihisis is???odo????,",?i i?lo??ve ve????s ??proprododuoduc?t t?? ?ivi???trt?????????rar???didifi?fef?rer?????ptptit?ononsn?,t,????is ois ??e ?is??????beb???????liliki?e e me mom?st????opoploplel???? c ?upu??s as ?????oooo o? st s??onongon???oro?????????th th? th thi this??i i ci ?anan n??aka?ke ke i?t t ht hoh?wew?eveeverer er i???an??t, t,????d md ?y y h ?ususbsbaban?? c??an an??se?? th?e ?k ??? m. mo???st pst ??????????iveive ?????d d jd ????????t ??ililtilteter??gogoo?d d ed ?enoen???h,h,b,??t t tt ththi?s ??????????. i. ???likli??ke bke ????g ??blb?le le? to to ???stst st tst th?ro?w w i? it it???????hehen???m m d??nen?????s ?s a s a l?itittit??le ???icicec???mo??tl???????????g cg ??ostostst???bubutbu?t at ???l il ?? a??l l ,l ???ortorthth ??".""7??5757,7???00400???30H30??????2Z2Z8Z8D8DSD????9P9P2P????idi??weswe??,0
9XCKGGLX4,miss marily,0,0,5,1308787200,love this product,"i love this product ! ive tried several different options,this one is the best. unlike most people, k cups are too strong for me. with this i can make it however i want, and my husband can use the k cups. most products ive tried just dont filter good enough,but this one does. i like being able to just throw it away when im done. its a little pricey,mostly shipping costs, but all in all ,worth it." 7057,B004K30HO2,A12Z8DSTI19P2N,Midwest,0
????5,5,1,?303080828262686??000????????? b ???wewerer r w ?oro?thth h?th?e ?$$$?????t t?????llll l h ?apappp??y wy wiwitithth th???e ?ini????ntn?t ct coc?fff?eeee e te ????e e oe ?of of m???cuc?tete e le ?it??lele ?br?eweweew?er er????????an? h????iningin??fofor? a? s ???ut??ono? . ??ThT?? D ?isi??oso?aKa?????????e ie ite it ?!!!?? M MyMy y oy ?????reresre???grg??un???co??ffeff???- -??aca??eded ?????igi???t it inin ?ththe?? Di D??po?sa?Ku?p p?? m ma makakekeskes s as a a g ?ooo?d ???ppppappa a ja ?oeoe ?. ?EaE?sys??tot? u ?sese ?anandan??????ese?s ???LoLovo???e the the?m m?????hihipi?ppipp?ing???????as???t ant andn?d td th?theythe?????? a ?go?od??vav??ueue e i???my? o opo??iniin?ionio?n .n . ??????s"s??707050585??B0B????30?????A1A????ZVZVBVBYB?????E,E???er???????. A. ?ururrr?icichchihiohio,o,0?,0??5,5,15,??070??????00,00????spspospososaos????s ?- ?Di????posapos?blble???-C-CuC?ups?? fo f??or Kor KeK?ur??ig ig?????????s - s -
,0,5,1308268800,Made my brewer worth the $$,"Not at all happy with the instant coffee taste of my cute little brewer , I began hunting for a solution . The DisposaKups were it !! My own fresh ground coffee - packed in tight in the DisposaKup - makes a good cuppa joe . Easy to use and no mess . Love them . Shipping was fast and they are a good value in my opinion . Thanks" 7058,B004K30HO2,A1EB4ZVBY6DKOE,Theresa A. Aurrichio,0,0,5,1307923200,"DisposaKups - Disposable K-Cups for Keurig Brewers -
??? C CuCupu??????dsd????ililtltetere?s s???101??% %?DiDisi???sas??????"D"?DisDispspospososaos??up?s s -s ?- D- ?DisDispDis?pospo???blebl????CuCupCups? f ???? Ke K????g g????wew??s s -s - s -??50 50??up?ups,ups, , L, Li?dsds,ds, , F, ???ltelt??? -? 1?00?% ??DisDispDispoDisp??osabosa??? a ?rere re h hah???y y b beb?cac???????????y y yy yo??? o owownwn n?????eee??tht????yoyou??lil?keke e ae ????juj?ustus??fif??l l K K- K????ups ups???nd nd t ??ene?n tn ????ow ow???eme? o ou outu?? I ??????????l tl ?thethemthe??????ll?? I I???vev???o ?dodo ???? pu putut ut t? the themem em i ?n ??hehe he??acachc????.".""?707???,B,B0B??4K4?3030H0??2,2?AZAZEZEGEGXGXEX??4A4??XVX??????????,0,?,0????1313030630???646???,p,pr????y ???olo?!,!??ThT?heshe?se se???iningin??s ws wowor?? v ??ryry ?????????TheTh??ononln???trtrorouro?bl??ble Ible ??veve ve?? had had d wd wiw??? t th the??m im ?is is iis ??????? le leae???e oe one o???in?? th the the the??????ne? o??ver???ighig??, ??it it s ?????s s as an??
50 Cups, Lids, Filters - 100% Disposable","DisposaKups - Disposable K-Cups for Keurig Brewers - 50 Cups, Lids, Filters - 100% Disposable are handy because you buy your own coffee that you like and just fill K-cups and then throw them out. I pre-fill them so all I have to do is put them in the machine." 7059,B004K30HO2,AZEGXEE4A4XV2,shotcop,0,0,4,1306886400,pretty cool!,"These things work very well. The only trouble I've had with them is if you leave one in the machine overnight, it sticks and
?isi???arardr? t ?? g ?ete???utu?? ??ththeh?rwr?is??? a a a??rer???t pt ?ror??ucuctc?!!!??""7707060606?,B,B0B?0404K4??0H0HOHO2O?,A,A3A????X0X????AWA?XBXB,B?????????T.T. . A. ?ururir?lilioio o "o """??OVO????ASA??ERE????,0,0,?0,0,10,1,1,1,1313030630??????00,00??avavev? y ?ouourou? m momono?eye?????E E L ???? D ?O O N NONOTOT T???T.T. T.?COC?FFF?EEE?E RE RURUNU??S OS ???T OT ?OF OF??HEHE HE??????? T?OTOTAOTALA? W WAW??TETE TE O?F F M ??????????EREERE ???E ?OTOTHOTHE?R R???LTL???S S O?N N? TH?E ?MAMARMA??ETET ??THATHATA?T AT ??E ??UCUCHCH H??ETETTET???..?70706??1,B1,B0B00B0?04K04?K30K30H?O2?????TQT?4N4?NEBNEBQB??IL2IL?P,P,p,?atatratriricri??? mc mcnc???ghg??tonto??,1,,1,2,??????242???565?????????? t?????s ??thathatat at m???e ????sese se??ndnd ?wow??k,k?,"I,"? w ?wilwilll?l sl sts???t t bt byb???eie??ing ing??kinkind??????is?????ooo?od od???ea????????ve ve? mo m?oneoney? w wi w?thth th?? an an i?tet?? o or or r cr coc??cec?ptpt ????ke ke???is????? m ma mak ma??s ??oo
is hard to get out. Otherwise, a great product!!!" 7060,B004K30HO2,A3LQ0X04C6AWXB,"Samuel T. Aurilio ""MOVIEMASTER""",0,0,1,1306195200,save your money.,THE LIDS DO NOT FIT. COFFEE RUNS OUT OF THE POD. A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY. THERE ARE OTHER FILTERS ON THE MARKET THAT ARE MUCH BETTER. 7061,B004K30HO2,A2TTQ4NEBQIL2P,patrick mcnaughton,1,2,1,1324425600,Liking things that make sense and work,"I will start by being kind, It is a good idea to save money with an item or concept like this. It makes goo
d? s ??nsn?se se t tot? u ususe???ouo?r r o ??? c ?ofo??eee? b bebeae??ns ns a ????ava??????hehe ?cocosco?t t o?? t th t?he he?prprer?-f-?ilillllel???co??mem?????l l?K-K-c-?upu?s s??youyo????y y? at a?t tt th?e ?st??????????><>???r /???owow,ow??? r re?ceceieivi???????DiD???oso??KuK??s s os ????????ono?th??????? o??????????????????????t tht thehemhem ???? us u? ??mm?ed????telte??y dy ???apappp?poipo?intin??d,d?, f, fi???terte??s ds ????non?t ?hoholo???ve?veryvery ???chch h? co c?offof?feefee,e????t wt wa??s as a ?ststrstrur??glg?le le??o ????t t????lil??s ?toto ???t ?t tot t??getgeth?therther ?wiwiti????thethe the??fil???????????????plplalas????? cu cup?????????????? w wa w?? v ???very very w?ea?????br br?/>??<br<br <br /??Th?isis is p pr pror???uctuc?t at ??tut?al?lyly ly c cr c?reare?te???momororeor????wastwastete te i ?in in a a a??lanla??fifilfillfil???thath??? th? the the c co?mmmmemmermmerc????llylly y m?ada?de de K?-c??
d sense to use your own coffee beans and avoid the cost of the pre-filled commercial K-cups you buy at the store.<br /><br />Now, I received my DisposaKups over a month after ordering them and put them to use. I was immediately disappointed, filters did not hold very much coffee, It was a struggle to get the lids to fit together with the filter and outer plastic cup. The coffee was very weak.<br /><br />This product actually creates more waste in a landfill than the commercially made K-cups. T
hhehe e??odo?? a ??d d????? a ar a?e e pe plplal??tit??. .? N NoNorormrmam?l l K ?-c-?upu?s ??o o?nonoto??hahava??e ae a a p pl?as???c c? li l??????ototiot????tht?heyhe?y sy ??y y 1y ???? d did??pop?sasabsa?lel?????SoS?o po ?utut t tt ?????????the? t tr t?as?h.h. ?????????e ne ?notno???recrecyc????????????andan?fifili??.<.<b<brbr r???<b<br<b??/>???eye??ara??? no notot ot c ?ononvn??nin??ntn?, ,???heyhey ?ararear?????itit t mt memesessssys?, , a, a a pa ?aia??? to to o po puo p???? tog to?eteth????anand??st?ilillil???xpx????? N. ?NotNo?t wt ??ortorth????? T ?TheTherThe??re are ar????et?tetere????te??????vevesves s os ?ut??????e e t??hatha?t w?il?? s?av??e ye yoy?ou ou m ????ey,ey, , m, mamakmakek?????etteetter???ofofff?eeee ??nd??? not no??gog???intin?o ??????ndfnd??llll.ll.<??br br????brbr ??/>S/>SoSorSo??y,? I I I????h h?????d ????teterter ter?????, ?????in?? I I I w I wi??? r ?retretut????? the th????""7????????4K4?3030H0??2,2,A2,?1I1???6L6LDL?2P2
he body and lids are plastic. Normal K-cups do not have a plastic lid. Notice they say 100% disposable....So put them in the trash. They are not recyclable = landfill.<br /><br />They are not convenient, they are a bit messy, a pain to put together and still expensive. Not worth it! There are better alternatives out there that will save you money, make better coffee and not go into a landfill.<br /><br />Sorry, I wish I had better news, I think I will return these." 7062,B004K30HO2,A1IEK6LD2P
?5J5?KCK??ClClalaua???a,a,1,??2,2?,1,,1?????????000??dod???oto??????e e???uru? m ?ononen?y!y!,!???heh?e pe ???duducu???st?ini??s s a ana?? t ?hahata??s s ms mim??dldlyl??st?at?????????e ce cacapapsps ???? no n?ot ot s?nan?? o ?on on???asias?ilyily ???d d id ifi?? yo y?? a?pppplply?? to t???mum??h h p pr?esesss??ureur???thethe ??????????cacavca?es? i in????????u u? en e??nd und ?up up w??????rorouro?ndnd nd cnd ??????e ee ???????????????????? t th the the ???olo??????erer ??intin???th?? t??asashas??an?and and?ca?lll???????????y.y??. I. ?I wI ?????beb??ususis??g g??ro?fe??ssiss?on???llyll????od?uc?eded ed????upupsup??(i(??e,e? D ??unkunkikin????onuonututst??, S, ?tat???ucuckuc??, , e, ??enen n F ??olgol?er????frf??m m t??????????????""7?060???B0B???K3K???O2O??A3A?R1R1X1?????????N,N???argar???,1,2,1,??1,??32???333???0,?????e ?e cue cupe cu?? m me mele?te????durdu??inging ing t th? the the? co cof???
5JKC,Claudia,1,2,1,1324425600,do not waste your money!,"The product stinks and that's mildly stated. The caps do not snap on easily and if you apply too much pressure the cup part caves in and you end up with ground coffee everywhere. I threw the whole order into the trash and called it a day. I will be using professionally produced K-cups (i.e, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, even Folgers) from this point on." 7063,B004K30HO2,A3R1XLHADA6FGN,Marg,1,2,1,1321833600,These cups melted during the coffee
? b brbrer??iningng g????cec????????????sos? e ???iti??????o go ??? t?heh?eseese e?k k c cucupu????ndn???mmm?ed????telte?? f fif??lel?ed ed 1 ?0,0, ,? fo f????utu??re? b br b?rewrewi??ng,ng, ?wi?thth h?mymy y fy ??vovor?it?e e ce ?ofofff???? I I ?trt?ieied?ed oed ono??e re ??ghg?t t at ???????? t ??e e c?ofoffof?feefe?e se ?tat????d ?rurunu?ninin?g ?????? th?e e fe ?ro???t ot ????y ??re??igi?????????ugugh??t It ???ada?d fd ??ll?ed?ed ted th?? c cu c?up up? wr wro?????andan?????bebe e ne ?otot ??hadhad d td ththe?the lthe ??d d sd ses??le?????ll?????ug??..???????? wh whe??????the cthe ?cofcoff???? wa w?? d ???ne ne???opo?enene??d t??? k?-c-??p p???ot? a ???? fo fou foun??d ad ?? me mel????? wr wri wrin????led led c?ononton?taita?????. ?I ?I haI hav??e se sue s??seseqse??enenten?????ri?eded ?momor?e ??of ?th?the ?or??rigrigirig????al al 1 10 1??? tha th??????fil?leled????ftfte?r ????efe??llllylly y cy ???????? t???t t tt ?thetheythey y wy ?werwe??re pre
brewing process.,"I was so excited to get these k cups and immediately filled 10, for future brewing, with my favorite coffee. I tried one right away... the coffee started running down the front of my Kreuig. I thought I had filled the cup wrong and maybe not had the lid sealed well enough.... but when the coffee was done I opened the k-cup slot and found a melted wrinkled container. I have subsequently tried more of the orrigional 10 that I filled, after carefully checking that they were p
r?opo?ere????puputu? t ???ete????, , a ???? al a??????tetede??ini???hehe he??amame? w wawaya?. . ?I I?hah?vev?? si sinincincece ?th??????th?e ??esestst t at awa??y y by ????ususes?e Ie ?I wI ??s s t ti t?reredred d od ?f f??????????ththe???crcre?ata???! !??DoDonon'n??t bt ??y ?th???????????y ?dodo o??oto??????????????hoh??? wa wat??".?7???4,4,B,??0404K4K3K?0H0HOHO2O2,2,A,A3A?9Z9ZMZMQMQOQO5O5K5??BGB??????????,2,2,??1,11,131323?010??565606??,K,K K?CuC??s ?ara?? R ReR??sos?onaonabablblyly ly?AdA?eqeququau???,",?FoForor r???rodro?ucu??t tt to?? wo w??k k p pr?op?er?????IMIMHM?HO)HO) )??????????coc???ee??grg??unu??? as a?s fs fif????asas as? po p???ibi??e.e. ??ncn?? f fi??ltelter??????bebeebe?en en i in?sesersertrteted?, , p, plp?av??e ce ca?re??ulu?llyll??????leledle???meame??urure??of? c co cofoff?ee?ee iee ???????MaM??ueu??erer ???????to?to pto pl????, ??the?n ??re??? d ?dowdo?wn wn o ?? c ce cen??????TET??DIDILI?Y-Y????
roperly put together, and all melted in the same way. I have since thrown the rest away because I was tired of the mess they created! Don't buy these... they do not stand up to hot water." 7064,B004K30HO2,A39ZMQO5K0BG6U,Gene,1,2,1,1320105600,K Cups are Reasonably Adequate,"For product to work properly (IMHO) you need coffee ground as fine as possible. Once filter has been inserted, plave carefully leveled measure of coffee in it. Manuever lid into place, then press down on center-STEADILY- w/
???umu?b.b??brb???><><b<br<br ??/>P/>?lalana??toto o?usu?e e????mom?rer???thath?????OzOz.z? o ?f f w ?ata??r ????????r ????.<?brbr br?????????ReR??movmo?ala? o?f ????d d c ?cupcu??frf??? m mam?chchih?nene ?????ccc??sisioiono??al al?prp?robro??em????JiJ????le le??? a an?d d id it???ili??l gl ?ene?nerne??allallyly y??ooooso?????up.up????707???,B,????????O2O???WTWTCTCBCBUB?3V3?????S,S,","P"P.P??BrBryr??antant t "t ?"N"?on??TeT??? P ????onon"on""?","???2,??1,11,?30??878?3636060000,00??o ????t Bt ?uyuy,y,T,ThT????olo?? K ??cu?cup cup???orkor??s ps ???fefecectec???? in i?sts?teateadad ?of?? th theheshe???? I I I T ToT?tat??allyall??agagrgre????it?h h???e ???ooroo??PePerPerfrfoforfo?ma????e re re?viv???. ??I ????? g gog?ot ot?????feefe?????ounou????in?? my m?y cy cu????vev???titimi??e Ie I I uI ?use????theth?se? ( ??es? e ??en? w wi wit wi?th th??? the the f??iltilteterte????????cucupcup cup icup ????oooor?ly??dedes??ignig?nedned.d. ???????ggggegg
thumb.<br /><br />Plan to use no more than 6 Oz. of water for your cup.<br /><br />Removal of used cup from machine is occasional problem. (Jiggle it and it will generally loosen up.)" 7065,B004K30HO2,AWTCBU3VCS6JS,"P. Bryant ""Non-Tech Person""",1,2,1,1308873600,Do Not Buy,The Solo K-cup works perfectly instead of these. I Totally agree with the Poor Performance review. I also got coffee grounds in my cup everytime I used these (yes even with the filter). The cup is poorly designed. It clogge
?d d?tht?? s sys???emem m?cacauausu??ngn?? th t?he he?????? t?o o b ???k k??? p ??odo???in???a a?????? cu cup?????coc?offof?eee?e oe ?????te????pipililll?ininging ing o?ututst??dede ?????e toe t?p ?of??? the the ??nin???7??6666,6??????3030H0???,A,A2A??IGI?5N5???QMQMFMF6F?J,J?"L"LiL?indin?a a Fa ?. .???vividide?n n " ??BrB????n Rn ReR?gag?an an?RUR?LELESE??!!??"""""?,1,1,1,2,?2,52,???????????????sps?oso?aKa?up?s,s?,"F,"???ALALLL??? a ?a ca chc??apa???r ar al????nan?atiativ?e ??? b bu b??in???K-K?cucupups?, ????? ca c?an an uan us?e ?al??? of of ?ththe??????-f-??llll ll? ba b?gsg??? of of???offoffeoffeeee ee i ?in in m ?????pbp???rdrd ?frf????mymy my p?rer??KeK????g ?dadaydays?? W ?or???s ps ?perpe????tltlyly ??or? b?oto??? of? of m of ??my Kmy Ke?ururiur???mamac?hih???s!s?""?707?067067,7?,B0,B00??4K34K30?HO?2,?AUAUPUP0P0909U9????9T9???,De,Deaean?na?,0,?,1,1,,1,1???323272?2727627686??00,?DiDisDispspospososaos?blb?e ??KupKu??s,"s,??hehe ???ododuod?uctuc???li??d sd ?
d the system causing the water to back up producing a half cup of coffee or water spilling outside the top of the unit. 7066,B004K30HO2,A2IIG5NGZQMF6J,"Linda F. Jividen ""Brian Regan RULES!!!""",1,2,5,1305590400,DisposaKups,"FINALLY, a cheaper alternative to buying K-cups, & I can use all of the half-full bags of coffee in my cupboard from my pre-Keurig days! Works perfectly for both of my Keurig machines!" 7067,B004K30HO2,AUP09UD0B9TG,Deanna,0,1,1,1327276800,Disposable Kups,"The products lid st
???? a ???acachcheh????o o t th t?he he??eeeed?????n n t? the the ?KeK?????? a al a???wiw??? c ?ofo??ee? g ?ror?unundn?s s ts ????ala?ll ll e ????ywywhw???e.e? V ??eryer??mem??????IfIf f t??isi?s ds ?idi???t t h ??ppp?ene?, , i, itit ?wowou????woworworkrk k w wew?ll?.".???060????????303?HOH??????????1V??JDJ?VAV?,T,?. ??wilwi?llilliaiama?s,s?0,0?1,1???,13,1?2626868468444??00???ererrerriribri?lele,le?,Th,T????e ce ????s ws we?re???difdiff?ici?culcultl???to ???? ( ??utu??in??g tg ?hehe ??????onon on s sesecsecucurcu?????????a a? co como????y sy ?hoh??) ) a?nd?? th???y cy ?re????ed ed??? me m????s whs w?henhen n un usu?sedsed ?in??? the?????uriurig??? th the? the w the wa?teterte? w???t ?eveveev????????e. e.? A AdAdddd d td to???ththeth????IAI? a an and an?d Md ??????it???? an an e????????comcome???f ?????k ck ?cupcup p o o' o' '?JoJ?e ?? I ?????oto????ve???? ha h??pypy ?bub????..??06???,B0,B?004004K?30???2,??A11A1?L7L7Q7QFQF9F????8M8????atat,at
ays attached to the needle on the Keurig, allowing coffee grounds to fall everywhere. Very messy. If this didn't happen, it would work well." 7068,B004K30HO2,A1V37981V4JDVA,T. williams,0,1,1,1326844800,terrible,These cups were difficult to cap (putting the lids on securely was a comedy show) and they created a mess when used in the Keurig; the water went everywhere. Add together PIA and MESS with an end outcome of weak cup o' Joe = I'm not a very happy buyer. 7069,B004K30HO2,A11L7QF9QJD8MY,Pat,
??,1,1,1?,1,,1?????050??000?????? d ??sas??pop?inintn??enent??ThThehe e???dsd? a ?rere ??mpm????ibi??e e te ?o o s ses?????. .? T ??isis is???urcurchchahasasese se?????? c ?omo???letle?e ??waswa??te te o ofo?????eye??????odo??????anannnnon?????e ue usu?sedse?? as a?s ls ?lidli????rere re?unu??????e toe t???be be s????ureur???7707?????00??K3K??????A2A2L2LWL?F1F?C7C?KYK????W,W????????dld??y y????????plpli????""?????,2?5,5,35,??,13?10??474?????????d ?bebe ????teterte???ThTheThey?????k k??ikikeke ???????d id ?ideideae?. ?. M. ?y ??ififef????d ?I I?tht?ouo??htht ????e woe wou?ld? g gi g??e ?e the t??? a???ryry.y. y. T ????y ay ar?e ?prpre??ttytt???easea????? u us ??TheThe The????ingin?g wg ??????'t't ???keke ke?isis ?th????mesmess? t th?ey????ke???in in?? the the the m????in??. ?. E. EvE?????hehenhen ?to??totopto? i is is ?sesecsecu???, , t th the they they ??lealeak????ntont?????????????. ??
0,1,1,1321056000,Big disappointment,The lids are impossible to secure. This purchase was a complete waste of money. Product cannot be used as lids are unable to be secured. 7070,B004K30HO2,A2LWF1C7KYVWGW,"J. Bradley ""darksplicer""",25,25,3,1310947200,could be better,"They look like a good idea. My wife and I thought we would give them a try. They are pretty easy to use. The thing we don't like is the mess they make in the machine. Even when to top is secure, they leak into the machine. Yo
uu u h hahava?? t toto o k ???p p????ana??ngn?? th t?e e fe ????erer r b babasa?keketket t o ?r ?itit ??????sts????y.y? ?????ulu?d d a ??vivisisese ?yoy??? to t??ususe????mem???iningin???et??terter ????? t th??e Ee E-E?? C ???.".""????????0404K4????O2O??A3A373????QPQP0P?ZNZ???E,E,","s"?aia???? " ?"s??ailai???or hor ??llll"l""??,4,484?,5,??,3,?3,13,131313???????00,00,T,???rer?e ie ???? m ??chc? c???apa??er er???y y??? r rere-re???e e ye yoe y??????Cu?psps s .s .....?..?????ooo??in??????ala????? the the d did?ispis??sasabsa?le??????????e Ke ????????sis?gng?s ?I I tI ?hihinhinkn???? wi wil?l l?fof??gog?o po ?????asasiasining?????y ay ???ththithisis ?ti??me me????????titinti?ueue e te ?? u us????y y ty trt??eded ???d d td ???ue ue * *f*frfre??* * m?et??????brb????*F*?re?ree ree???te?? t??? the c the ?coscost?? of o? a????ri?gig???????K-CuK-Cup??.<b.<brbr br?/>/></><b???r />r /????????usiusin???yo?urur ur??-C-Cu-C?? f fi fil?illeilled
u have to keep cleaning the filter basket or it gets sticky. I would advise you to use something better like the E-Z Cup." 7071,B004K30HO2,A37CENQP0ZNKVE,"sailor ""sailor hill""",48,53,3,1318118400,There is a much cheaper way to re-use your K-Cups ......,"Looking at all the disposable/reusable K-Cup designs I think I will forgo purchasing any at this time and continue to use my tried and true *free* method.<br />*Free after the cost of an original K-Cup.<br /><br />After using your K-Cup filled
???ititht??cocofofff????ththath?? y ?ouo?'v'vev??????????d:d?????/>/><>??r ?/>???kek?e oe ??f f t???e ae ???mimini??um um???d d?? tha th?at at??seasealalsals s t? the the ?tot???<b?? / /> /??mpm?tyty y?grg?ouounou???s is ???to to? th the?????ashash ????cocomco?mpompososts?.<.<b.<br?? /> />R />?ininsinsese se?ououtou????????insiinsid?e.e? ???ou ou w wi wililll??????? the?rere e ie ise i??????adadyd??a a?fifililtil??r ??ins???e.????<br /<br />??il????witwith?? yo youourour ??wnw? c?of????????r /?>P>?lal???e ae a e a? sm s??????ququauarare? o of o?f af al???????um fum ?oio?????n tn to?????nd nd b ?????ureur?e t?? m ma??ke ke i ?????ghg??t at anandand ???sealsea?ed?? ar a?rouro?ndnd ?th?? t to t?op op e ???ese???of of t th? the ???????<br <br /?><??br ?/>/>N/>??ow ow r re????se yse ???ur ur c cu c??? a a? fe fewe?? ti tim timem?es es o?r r mr mamanma??, , i it i?'s's ??up ?toto ?yo?? a?s s ls lolonongn? a?? t????fifilfi?te?r r hr ??ldlds??up?. ????ustus?t rt rere-re???o ao ??? t? the? the s the st????s fs foforfor r er eaeac
with coffee that you've purchased:<br /><br />Take off the aluminum lid that seals the top.<br />Empty grounds into the trash or compost.<br />Rinse out the inside. You will see there is already a filter inside.<br />Fill with your own coffee.<br />Place a small square of aluminum foil on top and be sure to make it tight and sealed around the top edges of the cup.<br /><br />Now reuse your cup a few times or many, it's up to you as long as the filter holds up. Just re-do all the steps for eac
hh h?cucupu??yoy???mamakakek?.".?7707070?2,2??000????0H0HOHO2O?2,A2,ADA??Y5Y5Y5??PUP?C0C?F8F???MiMicichc?aea?? J ?ara?dedeee?????NeN??????"""""??1313,3,1?3,3,53,???,131,13101040420428288880800????vev? m mo m?oneon?y y b bubutut t u ususese e we ?????cac?areare,e??ThT?er????s s??non?wnwn n dn dedesde?igi?n n fn flf?awaw w h ha?vivini?g g??? d ?o ????th th t th the??gag??ke?t ??on on t th???up?pep?? n neneeeedeedld?e.???ou? c?anan ???arar ar??????crcrer???s s as ???outou???thathatat ??y ???adadidin??g tg th??e re ?revrevi??????oro???? the ?????CuCupup'up'.'??Th???ga????t t mt ?ovovevesves ???o o mo ???ch ch?an?d d? as a????????ltl?t it ?? d?????nonotno???seaseala??????recrectc?lyl??. G. ???en? M ?ouounou?tataiainin in? se s???? t?o o no ?notnot not w ??????????x x i it? s?in???e i?t ??????s ss ??llllil????le??s s os ovoveover?-p-????ede?d cd ???fefeeee,ee???hihic????is is wis ????t t??heshese?? ma m??chichininein?es es a ar a??? de d???ignig?nedne?d td toto to? do do. do???r ??><>?????
h cup you make." 7072,B004K30HO2,AD0Y5YMPUC0F8,"Michael Jardeen ""Neroon""",13,13,5,1310428800,Save money but use with care,"There is known design flaw having to do with the gasket on the upper needle. You can hear the screams about that by reading the reviews for the 'My Cup'. The gasket moves too much and as a result is does not seal correctly. Green Mountain seems to not want to fix it since it means selling less over-priced coffee, which is what these machines are designed to do.<br /><br />
1????o o m ?atattt?ere??whwhah??? me m???odo? I I I?????? I I h ??vev???????eded ?toto ???arear?fuf??lyl?????chc??inin n a ?ndn?d pd pupulullul??th??e le liliti???le le w?asashs???/g/?as?keketet et??owo??n an ????????? I I I c I cacancan n on ????the?? up u?????????le?. ???isis ????? e ene????????bebet??terte???????anandand ?ava????d od ovo????lol?ow.ow.<.????????r ??>2>2.2????ustust t? as as as i??poporortr?an?tltly? w wh w?henhe?n In I I pI pu??t tt th?the the Dthe ????pospo???upu? i in i??, I, ???reresressss ??it it???????o o mo ?makma?ke ke?su?re???thethe ?????er er ner ne?????le hle ??s ??iei????ed ed t??he he c ??up up??omomp???te?ly?. . T??hishi?s ws wis w????mamakmakemak???sursuresure e ye yoy?u u???????? fl f??? o ?? w wa?teter? t? tha th?at at sat sts?rereare???s ts th?????h h th ??the ??cupcu???br??????? / /> /?3.3. ??il??????upup up aup an???? the then? t???p tp ?the?the c????onon on t?? the the???unu?te??ter tter ?to to s??ett???????the cthe cothe c??fefeee????inindin
1. No matter what method I use, I have learned to carefully reach in and pull the little washer/gasket down as far as I can on the upper needle. This will ensure a better seal and avoid overflow.<br /><br />2. Just as importantly when I put the DisposaKup in, I press it down to make sure the lower needle has pierced the cup completely. This will make sure you have a flow of water that streams through the cup.<br /><br />3. Fill it up and then tap the cup on the counter to settle the coffee grind
?s s?inintntot???????upup,p? d ???non?t t????ssss ????e ce ??fff??e ?do??? o ?r r p?acackck k???t it ?<b?????ThT????eyey y i???s tas taka?? a ? c??up?lel????trtrar???ececoconco??s ???????heshesese se w ?ili?? w?????pepere??fecfe???y y ay ??d d?yoyou???il?l ?sas??e ????ey?. .?I I l ??veve ve???ineine ?anand? w???ll ll b ????ordor??erier??g g??ororeore ?e one o????th????y ary arere re??vav?il????? a?gag??????707070?3,3?B0B000?4K4???HOH?2,2???3W3WQWQVQ??????6M6MXMX,X,",?FaF?abuabu u N ?obo?o o "o ???ab?? N No N?oboob?""?","?101?????????272?10??00???HoH?w w t??o so sts??? t th the the ?leleale??in?ing!ing!,!?,Af,Aftf??er er? a a????? of o?? tr t??ala?l al an???er???? ( (w(wi??th th??usu?? w wa w??terter!r!)!) )?? f fifigi?uru?redre???outou?t ht ???? to? m ma m?akeake ??hehes???hahanandandyand??se???????ll ?co?ffffeff?ee ee p?odo?? N NO NOTO? l le l??ak ak?????ovoveoverer ??the???lal??e.e???TheThe e se se?crc??????s ts tos t?o s??hovhoveve ??
s into the cup, do not press the coffee down or pack it in.<br /><br />The key is take a couple extra seconds and these will work perfectly and you will save money. I love mine and will be ordering more once they are available again." 7073,B004K30HO2,A13WQVHNRQ26MX,"Fabu Nobo ""Fabu Nobo""",10,10,5,1327104000,How to stop the leaking!,After a lot of trial and error (with just water!) I figured out how to make these handy self-fill coffee pods NOT leak all over the place. The secret is to shove th
e??fifili??ere??alallll l??hehe e we waw???????? th t?he he?pop?d d a an a?d ???? s sns?apa? t? the th?e le lil?d d od ???er er?? the the the e ?dgdgege ?????? the the f the ??lt?er?. .?MaMaka?e ??ururer???theth?e fe fi????r r ir ?s s?ALALLL??INI??IDIDED??. I. ?t't's'????gig?? e en e?ouougu?h h????d sd ???aysay???prpririgri??? a???? fi fininein????henhen n?yoyou????rewre????ouou ?rereareal????nen??? t to t?o co crc?????? a a????? w wiw??th th? th?????d.d. . L. ??eaveavivin?g g????????????hahana?gigingi?ng ng?????brbrebr?eakea?????the the? se sea se?al ?anandand d ad al???????liqli?uiu??id tid ???? see se?p ?????7707??4,4??000040??303??O2O2,2?A3A??????AVAVGVGSGSAS??5,5?RuR????? L L.L. ?ShS?????nerne?????1313,3?5,?1313013??393?363?00??gog??? o???ioi????y ??aua?ughughth?ter??li????s is ???HaHawawa??i i a? and?????? m ??????me me??rerea?reat reat?cocof??ee?ee fee ???? t th??? . I? h??ve? a????ur???? an and? and and w?asa???notno?t st ?sursu?re re???ow ow??????
e filter all the way into the pod and NOT snap the lid over the edge of the filter. Make sure the filter is ALL INSIDE. It's rigid enough and stays upright and fine when you brew. You really need to create a seal with the lid. Leaving the filter hanging out breaks the seal and allows liquid to seep out. 7074,B004K30HO2,A3TE8VVAVGSAX5,Rustee L. Shoffner,12,13,5,1302393600,good option,My daughter lives in Hawaii and sent me some great coffee from there. I have a Keurig and was not sure how to use
t ????nen?w w?coc?fff?eeee.e? I I I???t t? th t?heshesese ?faf???t ft ???? a ??d d n no n???ama? u ???ngn???? H HaHawawaw?iiiiaianan an c co cofoffof?feefe?e. e.??rer?atat t pt prprorodo?ucuctc?..???????000040?K3K?0H0HOHO2O?,A,A3A?OZOZLZLTL?9Q9QXQ?292979????????? i inin in??exexaxas?,7,?,7????,13,1?????????,d????oso??????s s??rdrded??redre?d fd frf?romrom ??mam??onon,on?I ??ordor??rered?????e de did??po?????kupkups? w ?iti?th th t? the? t??ouo?ghghth???of of???kikin????my my o??n n? ku k???. ??he???do????t ft fit f??? to togo??th??er er???ithit???t t at ?a ba bib??g pg pr??????ioi?on.on?. T. Th. T?he he l lil???s ws ???'t't 't?fifitit ??andan??wawatwa?er?er cer ???eses ?ou?out out? th the the ??opop p??f f?????brb??????????asas as????l l? as a?s ts ththe????up??. J. JuJ??t ?????g g mg meg m?esses?? n????whwhah???? w wa w?antan????d atd a?t a???. . w. wa?ntn???to to r ?retretut???n tn ththethemthem ???and and???et et??? re r??unu?nd.nd. ??on?nana na???ilill??pspsps?7070707607?,B???4K4K34K3030H30?
the new coffee. I got these fast fast and now am using my Hawaiian coffee. Great product. 7075,B004K30HO2,A3OZLT9QX297PO,donna in texas,7,7,1,1325376000,disposa kups ordered from Amazon,I ordered the disposa kups with the thought of making my own kups. They don't fit together without a big production. The lids won't fit and water comes out the top of the brewer lid as well as the kcup. Just a big mess. not what I wanted at all. want to return them and get a refund. Donna Phillips 7076,B004K30HO
????2F2?DEDEPE???????868??fufunu?juj?????6,6,66,6,?3,3??313111?464656??000???lml?oso?????utu? n nonotot t qt quq???e,e?"W"WeW??usu??e te ??e ?K-K????s s s ?o o t th????wew??cacanca? r rer?-u-???e oe ?????K-cK-????? by by y r re r?????iningn? t???m m??itithit?? th??e c???fef????we we l ??kek?? ????hah??e e le ????t ot ????ivi?venven ??waw?y y sy se??verve?????? t th the???capca?ps ps ops ovo???? th the??? y yeyeae?rsrs ??????t wet w?'v'????ee?n n un us??inging ???eme??; s; ???I I??????hth???I wI wow?oulou?d d? bu b?y ????e ????re re? K- K-c-ca-c??s.s. ???t t tt ??urnurnsn?s os ???, ,? th the? the p the ?riricicec??s fs fof??? th the??m hm ?havha?ve ??????asa?sedse?d sd susubu????ntntit??allal?y;y?; s??o Io I ??enent? i ?in in s?eaearea??h h oh ?of of aof an?ot??herhe?r ar ?altalteterte??atatiativ?e e t?hahatha?t wt wot w???d ??e ?e lee l??s s es ?????sis???. ??I I fI fo??????the?sese se a ?andand d t???oug???? I I??adad d fd fofou?ndnd d td thd thed th??anansan????????t t t??heyhe?y dy ??n'n?t
2,A2FDEPFMCP6I86,funjunky,6,6,3,1311465600,Almost; but not quite,"We use the K-caps so that we can re-use our K-cups by refilling them with the coffee we like. We have lost or given away several of the caps over the 2 years that we've been using them; so I thought I would buy some more K-caps. It turns out, the prices for them have increased substantially; so I went in search of another alternative that would be less expensive. I found these and thought I had found the answer; but they don't
qququiu???????? a asa? w??llll l a?s ????e oe ???gig?nan????-c-cucupu?s.s?????heyhey y a????al????cac??ses?d d????e Ke ????igig ig????sps?ewew w???????in????rer????ononsn??oto?the?r r tr th?ana? t th t?he he i?ntn?tentendndededed ed???ireir???io?n ???d ?th????n aln a?????ed ?ene?ouo??h h?coc???eee?e ge ???ounou??s ??o o eo ???capcapepe pe t th??at at?? the the ??olo???r ?fof?? t? the? c??????ececaec??????ogo?geg??ed aed an?and and???d d td tod t?o bo ??? di??asassassesemse??leled?ed a??? t? tho thor????ghlgh????le??anean??ed bed ?befbe?forfo?re re??t t c co c???? b bebe ??useus??ed a?gag? . . ?GoGoooodo??idide?a a - ????t ???????it?e ???gh?t.t?""7??777?,B,?000??K3K303??O2O?,A,AGAGFG???F4F?????S3S3,3,L,LoL????calca????,4,,4?5,5??323?676?????00,00,I,???use? t th? thes thesese se f ??? a??ir ir t ti t???t ???re-re-m-?meame???ureured?ed sed sts??????? co?nt?aiainainen???s As ?FTF????I ???????ig??ureuredured d od ououtou?t tt th?the the c??rrr??ctct ct?gr?
quite work as well as the original K-cups. They actually caused the Keurig to spew water in directions other than the intended direction and then allowed enough coffee grounds to escape that the holder for the cups became clogged and had to be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned before it could be used again. Good idea - but not quite right." 7077,B004K30HO2,AGFV9F4CI93S3,Logical,4,4,5,1326758400,I use these for air tight pre-measured storage containers AFTER I have figured out the correct gri
nndn? a ana?? a am a???ntnt,t??ThThih?? c cocomommmmem??nt nt?rer????s s ts tot? A ALA???OFOF F T ?HEHE E??O O????YOYOUOURU?SES??????CUC?PSP???brb??/>/??????CuCupu? b ??y Ky ???????<br<br ???EkEkok????w<w?<br<br <br??>E>?Z Z C ??????????<b<br????ThTheTh???prprorododud?ctc?s ???ovo?? A????HAH??E ??THETH?E SE SASAMA?E ??ROROBO??EMEM.M.<?.<br.<b??r />r />Y>???????ve ve?toto to g ?ete???heh?e ce ??????ct ct g gr gririnri?nd ??n n t?????hohololele ??ofoffffe????eaean???.<br? / />??ndnd nd ind ??'s'??NON?T ??whawhata??yoy?ou ?tht?hinhi????f f y yo?????????mim?liliaiara?r wr wiw??h h g???nd??inging g???pr??essessos???.<br?.<br /.<br ?????<br /<br /><br />I>IfIf ????er??????comco???g ???t ????e te ?toptop,p, , ( (o(of??? the? p ???oduoduc??? l li????d ???ov??? t??? the g the ?????d id ?is is t??o ????????????r ??tooto?o mo mumucuchuc?h vh ??oluol?me?.<.<b??.<br /.<br />.<br />T>???????fefee?? is? t??o ?????k ak ?andan?d yd ????juj??p p tp ??to tto ??the the? co con co??????
nd and amount,"This comment refers to ALL OF THE DO IT YOURSELF K-CUPS.<br />My K-Cup by Keurig<br />Ekobrew<br />EZ Cup.<br /><br />They products above ALL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM.<br />You have to get the correct grind on the whole coffee bean.<br />And it's NOT what you think if you are familiar with grinding espresso.<br /><br />If water is coming out the top, (of the products listed above) the grind is too small and/or too much volume.<br />The coffee is too weak and you jump to the conclusio
n? i ???? b ??cacauausu?e e??hehe ?grg??ndnd d i???totooo? c cocoaoara??se se??r r y ?ouo??dod?o No ?OTO?????????ou???? co cofo??eee??????/>/????ngng,g, ,? it it'??s bs be???us?e e te ththeth??wawata?ere?r wr wew?entent t??ve?r r tr ???? to t?????nd nd????????? T ?THETHE E??ROR?UNUNDN?? i? is is t?he??????onon on???? is? is w is we???????????tat?????offof? w wiw??h ??bobououtout ??-3-?????ab????pop?oonoonsns ?(d(dodo do n nonotno??exexcx???d ?2 2 t ta?blb??sp??oon?s)s)<)??r ?r />r /?ThThe??grgrigr?indind d wd ??llll l??rorobrobab?ablablyabl? b?e ????E ?????SESE E tE th??? w??????youyo??tyt?pipici???llyll?y uy ??use use?fofor? B ?UN??? ty t?ypeyp???????.<b??r /r />r /><r />??<br <br /?????ce ce?I I?????ththethe the rthe ?rigri?ghtgh?t ct cocomco??in???ioi?on ?ofof of g gr gririnri???se???in??????nd and ??ou?ntn?????co?ff?ee?????L L??? T TH T??SE??FIFILILTL?ERE????ororkor?ede?.<.<b.<br????<b<br<br ?/>/>I/>?I hI ha???? th?????pr????so so??nfnfif?iniin??y y cy ???ic
n it's because the grind is too coarse or you do NOT have enough coffee.<br />Wrong, it's because the water went over the top and NOT THRU THE GROUNDS is the reason it is weak.<br />Start off with about 1-3/4 tablespoons (do not exceed 2 tablespoons)<br />The grind will probably be MORE COARSE than what you typically use for BUNN type drip.<br /><br />Once I got the right combination of grind setting and amount of coffee, ALL OF THESE FILTERS worked.<br /><br />I have the capresso infinity conic
?ala????rrr??????dederer.r.<.?brb???>F>FoF???DuDunu???? D DoDono????WhW??lel????an? I ???ses?e te ???<b??r /r />r /?????????? p pop????ioi?on.on.<?br???/>I/>???useuse ??wow? t ?abablble?sps??????????r />r /><r />??? / /> /?ThT?herherer????re re??????rinrindnd nd???ttt??ngn??<b??<br /<br />????rar???????1-1-4-??<br????????? 1- 1?????<br /<br />????uiuimi?????4<b4<brbr ?/>?CoC?ar??? 1 1-???<br?<br /?<br /><<br />???????oto??????t t ft ?or? B???????ripri??cocofo??eee?e Ie ???se?se Mse Me?did?umu??#2#??<br?<br /<br />?<br /><b<br /><br???>F>Fo>Foror or eor ese???resressssoso o Io ?I u???ed ed???omom ???ineine ?#3#?? to to o oo ?othotheherher her s?ete????gs???????ada???te????? g??? a ?a 2a ?????co?nd??dr?awaw)w??<br?<br /?<br /><?<br /><br<br /><br ???OnOnc????????????thethe ??rigrighghtht t Rt RERECECIC??? t????????l wl ??rkr??.<b.<br.<br .<br? /> />< /><b?<br <br /?<br />B<br />??ut ut? .. .??..????<br /????er???e th?isi? p???duducdu?t ?co??eses es??in in???nd??y iy ???NONOTO??
al burr grinder.<br />For Duncan Donut Whole Bean I use the<br />MEDIUM #4 position.<br />I use two tablespoons.<br /><br />There are 16 grind settings<br />Extra Fine 1-4<br />Fine 1-4<br />Meduim 1-4<br />Coarse 1-4<br /><br />Note that for Bunn drip coffee I use Medium #2<br /><br />For espresso I used from fine #3 to other settings ... (adapted to get a 25 second draw)<br /><br />Once you get the right RECIPE they all work.<br /><br />But .....<br />Where this product comes in handy is NOT I
?? B ?RER?WIW?NGNG G c cocofo????, ,?bubutu? i ?n n??totoro?ininging g y ???r r???cicipipepe e??????n An AIAIRI? T ??GHG???COC?NTN??AINAINEN???<b<???/>/><><b?r r /??GrGri??????wewee???? wo w??thth h?????of??feefe?e ae an?d ??stostororeor?e ie iti?t it ???th???e ???psps ??itithith h th ??the the l ????onon ?n ann a??????hoh??es? i in?? th t??e be ??tttto??.<.<b.<brbr br / ?/></><b??? /> /???henhen ?dud?uriur????? the the e we ?weewe?k,k, , g, ??abab b o?nene e oe ???th?thesthe?se se a al a???ada?y y??re?mem?asa?urureur?d d cd ????,<,<b<br????????vev?e te ???the lthe li?d<d??????anand?? po p??r r ir ??????????y ?KeK??uri???g Kg ??CuCup??<br<br <br /<br />???<br ???I I?fof????nd tnd ??atat ??f f t? the the ?gr?????isis s ts ??wawarardr?d td th????inineine ???ideid?e, e, a? all all l?? the thes the??se wse ?wilwi???????. .??????y y K?-c-???? wa was???? the ????t t ot ??of t?hehe ???? f fo f??? no n??ot lot le??kik???????br /br />/>B/>BuB?ut ut? li l????I I sI ??idid id a ab a???ve ve i??f tf ??the ?gegete?t tt ???
N BREWING coffee, but in storing your recipe in an AIR TIGHT CONTAINER.<br /><br />Grind a weeks worth of coffee and store it in these cups with the lid on and no holes in the bottom.<br /><br />Then during the week, grab one of these already premeasured cups,<br />remove the lid<br />and pour into the My Keuring K-Cup<br /><br />I found that if the grind is toward the fine side, all these will leak. The My K-cup was the best of the lot for not leaking,<br />But like I said above if the get the
g???ndnd d????? t ??????d td tht??e ce ?oao?arsar?e ???????theth?? A ALALLLL L??ILI?LL LL???RKR????r r / />/><><b???/>/>B/>?otottt??m m???inein?:<:??????ThT?isis s p prp????ctc? i isis is g ?gregreaeata???????to?ririnringn? p??re-re-m-??easeasusuru???d ad ?momoumo???s ???atat at y yoy?? h ?ava?e ?????????earearlr?iei?r ??in in w ??eke?lyly y by bab?atcat????.<?br?? /> />M />?akakek??yo?urur ur?????ur???????nd nd gnd ??in?did?inging ing m? mes me?s ??NCNCEC? a ?????hehenhe?????l l?????4 4 o or?or sor ?? o??????hesehes??e cue cup?????thth th y yo you?r r or ?ownow????cic?pep?.<.<b?r ???><b><???/>???f yf ?you? w wa w?antant t tt toto to? ge gete?????re re? ac accccucururaurat?e,e? i??st?ea?????f uf usu??ngng ng? ta tabablblel??pop???? g? get ge?t at ? g???d d dd ???ititaitala?l sl ?cac?aleal??????we???hihinhi??.<??? / />?<b???/>/>N/>NoN?oteote ??hahathat t it ??????????re ire ?????huh???y ?ththe?????o ao ?he?????nd???? U USU?E ??HIH???????UCU?? a?s s as ??????
grind more toward the coarse side they ALL WILL WORK.<br /><br />Bottom Line:<br />This product is great for storing pre-measured amounts that you have ground earlier in weekly batches.<br />Make your measuring and grinding mess ONCE and then fill up 14 or so of these cups with your own recipe.<br /><br />If you want to get more accurate, instead of using tablespoons get a good digital scale for weighing.<br /><br />Note that if you are in a hurry then go ahead and DO USE THIS PRODUCT as adverti
??ede? h hehere????brbr r??>I>? j juj?sts??tht??ugughghth??ththath?t t tt tht the??se se?wewer?? t to t???exexpx???sis?vev?e ae alalsl?o ????????t t yt ??? h ha h?d d td tod to o ko ??epe???reoreorordrded?erierini?g g? th t??????br br /?????t y??? g gogo o a????ad ad??andan?d ud ususeus?????m m?ifif f????????t ??o ?dodo ?th??that.that?""7?0707878,8??????3030H0??????KVKVCV??N3N???P1P1V1?????????? D DoD???s,s??????,1,131?111141?656?6060000,00?,Di,Disi?????KuK???s,"s,?ThThehes??e de do? w wo w?orkork k?ninicicec?????bub?ut ut??somsomem?e oe ofof f tf th???m fm ??? s so s?me?? re r???sonson n sn ??em?? to to to " ??st?ic???? o ono????the the???pe??r "r ?""n""neneeeedeedld??"""".""?. . ?I I hI hah?ve? y?ete???t to t to??igigug??? o?utut ut wut ??? t th the th?????sticsti?k ?onon on t? tha that? n????????bubutbut ?whwhewh??? th???y dy ???itit ?is????? rea realal al " "" "????in"in??"" t"" tot?o ro ??momovoveve ve ive it?! !??Th?isis is iis isis is ais ? m ??????????????? a a ??som???imime?????ititcitchch,h???so so
sed here.<br />I just thought that these were too expensive also and that you had to keep reordering them.<br />But yes go ahead and use them if you want to do that." 7078,B004K30HO2,A2KVCBN3PIP1V9,Dawn M. Dobbs,3,3,4,1311465600,DisposaKups,"These do work nicely, but some of them for some reason seem to ""stick"" on the upper ""needle"". I have yet to figure out why they stick on that needle, but when they do it is a real ""pain"" to remove it! This is a minor, and only a sometimes glitch, so
?ththahatat t?isis s?whwhyh??? s ststatara???inin n s???ada??ofof f????brb??/>/?MyMy y my mam??hihininein? i?n n an ?????????ewew w??nene,ne? s so so o t th???ne?ede???e be bebeie??g g??"d"??rtrtyt??"" "" i?sns???t tt ?????rorobo???m.m????heh??n tn ththe?ses??dodono?n'tn'???stist?ckc????thetheythey ???rkrk k v vev?ryr??nin????y ???d ??s ??stastat?ed?.<.<b.<br? / /> />I>? w?is?? t th t?he he l ?iti??lele le??upupsp??th??????ldl????the ?fifili?te?rs?? we w??e ?e bie bioiodo????adadaad?blblebl?e ae ??? th???at wat wo???ld ld???e a? r ??ealea? p pl plul?s.s??..,.., , b, ?????he??se se d do???avave??momon??y y sy sis????????the kthe ???cupcupsps ps??areare e se ????xpx?en???ve??. . ???wiwilillil???????inuin????o ???e ???????????? sp s??ndnd nd???e ????iningingsings s os ????ea??ly????eaeateat t ct ??ffffefeee???????L!L!"!""?????,B,?????3030H0?O2O????5O5ODODID?ZRZRARAVA?QPQ?767???oso?h,h?2,?2,?5,5??323????7607600??,I,??????ve tve th?thes???e the thie th??ings
that is why 4 stars in stead of 5.<br />My machine in a brand new one, so the needle being ""dirty"" isn't the problem. When these don't stick, they work very nicely and as stated.<br />I wish the little cups that hold the filters were biodegradable as that would be a real plus..., but these do save money since the k-cups are so expensive. I will continue to use these, and spend the savings on really great coffee!! LOL!" 7079,B004K30HO2,A25ODIZRAVQP76,Josh,2,2,5,1325376000,I love these things
?!!!??"I"I I????? n ?eve?verve??ene?joj?yeyede? m ????????g g??oro???? T ThTheh?y ?coc?????'t't t?bebe ???????r tr tot??ususes?e ae ana?d d Id I'I?m m???????????????e ue us?ini??g mg mymy my??av??orior???e ce ?????e ???? m?aka??ingin??????to ???my omy ???? sp s?ece?ifi?ici???ioiononsns.s. . ??ovo?ve ve? th t??se??? thi th?ing???!!<!!?brbr r /r />/><><b?r r /??AdAddd?it?????l l c co?mmmmemenenten?? ?InI???reare???ngng ng t th the th?e re ?revre??iewie?s s I ?I sI ?seese?e se sosomsomeme me? co comompm?lal????s ???ououtou?t lt ???kak?geg?, ,?????.... ..?????trtrir??k k? I I? ha h??e ????e e t?o ?re??y ?on??isis ???T T??o ?fi???l tl ththe? k ?upu???allal?l tl thl thehe he whe ?aya??????thethe e t??????ithith h? th the? c????ee??. . Y ?ou?????????to lto le???ave ave s???ome ome r ????????t t tt tht thehe ?totopto???so so? th tha th?? t th? the the l the ???d id ?isnis????t tot tou?chchih??ing ing???? the c the cocof??feefe??????????????? a a a l li????le le??esessss ?ththathan? 1 ?/2/???
!!,"I have never enjoyed my Keureg more! They couldn't be easier to use and I'm so happy to be using my favorite coffee and making it to my own specifications. Love these things!!<br /><br />Additional comment: In reading the reviews I see some complaints about leakage, etc... one trick I have come to rely on is NOT to fill the kup all the way to the top with the coffee. You need to leave some room at t the top so that the lid isn't touching the coffee inside (maybe a little less than 1/2cm
f??omo? t ?hehe e? to t?????m)m).)????????I I??ololll?owo???hih????ro??oco???, ,? I I???t t??? pe pere???ctc?t ct cuc??p ep ?vev??y y t ti t?imeim??. . ? Wh Whe???????ll? i ?t ?totooto??????, ???enendnd d??? w ?it?h h???aka?????. . T. ??he he o ono????pr??blble?m m im isis is?? tha thata?t It ?I uI ????????neneeeeded ?a a ca ???p op ?? c ?cofco?fe?e e ie ini??t ht hehe he mhe ??rnr??ingin????fo???e Ie I ?cac?n ??folfollllollowow ow??y y oy owownown ??insin??rur????????""???808??B0B???K3K????2,2?A2A2T2TGT?????Y7Y?OLOLNL????SaS????a ????nsnsos??-h-???ri????????t at an?and and c??rafra????lovlo???"""""""",",0,?0,10,?,1,????181828???202???didis?pop???blblebl?e Ke KcKcu??s ?anand??fifilfiltlteter?s,s?,"I,"?????so??rryrr??to??sa?y y Iy ?I hI ????tr?ouo??bleble ble??????????cu?cups? t th the?msm?elelvlve?s.s. s.?EaEacachc??tit?imeime ime I????eded ed? th??????? m ma macachachihinhi??????ldld d sd ?say???""d""ded??al?cicififyf?""?? wh w??ch? I? I d I ???d t?
from the top rim). When I follow this protocol, I get a perfect cup every time. When I fill it too high, I end up with leakage. The only problem is that I usually need a cup of coffee int he morning before I can follow my own instructions." 7080,B004K30HO2,A2TGVEWKY7OLN5,"Sandra Johnson-harris ""art and craft lover""",0,1,1,1318291200,disposable Kcups and filters,"I am sorry to say I had trouble with the cups themselves. Each time I used them, my machine would say ""decalcify"" which I did th
????iri??t t t tit??e.e? W WhW?enen n?I I u usu?ede???he?m m t th??e 2e ??d ???nd nd 3 ??d ???me??, ,??????ror???emem ???cuc?rrrrer?ed ed a aga?aia???. I. ??waw?s s???????????lealearar r? th???hoh?t t wt ?watwa??r r sr sps??utu????thth h? a a?????hph????????ic?h h rh ?remre????ed?ed ted ??e e pe ?propr?oblob???. ???wiw?llll l n ??? u??se se t???m ?ag???n,n????????, , b, beb??aua?????I dI ?onon'n??t w???t ?to???avavev??e toe t?o do ??? th?????ftf???r er ????y y???e.????0808181,1,B,?000????0H0?O2O2,2,A,?1G1??YVYVGVGIG????T0T??1,T1,T.T. . L. LeL?e,e,0,0,0????,1,13,1??01?696969?00???in??e ge ??rourounu?nd,nd,T,ThT??s s is ??????at at??? n?eeeedeeded????o ???? w???h ?fifinfi?ele?y ??grogr??ndnd nd cnd coc?fff???s.s?. I. It. It ?t wot w?rkr?s ?s wes w??l.l???itith??????e fe ??finefin?e ge gre g???nd?????????? p?re??????usius??g g????SoS??o ?Fi??ll ll?CuC?psp?s ts th??y y ay ar?e ??asasias?ierie??to??????. I. I ??havha?ve ve? ha hada???
e first time. When I used them the 2nd and 3rd times, the problem occurred again. I was able to clear the hot water spout with a toothpick, which remedied the problem. I will not use them again, though, because I don't want to have to do that after every use." 7081,B004K30HO2,A1GRYVGIXRPT01,T. Lee,0,1,3,1310169600,Fine ground,This is what is needed to use with finely ground coffees. It works well. With none fine ground coffee I prefer using my Solo Fill Cups they are easier to use. I have had si
xx x??oro? s sos?meme e??imime???ndnd d h hahavavev???hadhad ?nono o????blb??? e ???epe?t t w whw?enen n??sis??g g??in?e ?????nd? c coc????e.e..????2,2,B,B0B?0404K4K3K303??O2O?2,A2,???D5D??2S2?KKK?LZLZPZ??"C"????feefee ?isi??lilifi?? " ?"L"??ifeife ???s ts tot?o ?shshohor????to to d ?rir??? c ch c?.....????,1,?,1?,1,13,1?30930969??12120200???eve?verver r ar ????in!in!,!?,"T,"??he he? un unin?tst??gog??????????r er ????lyl?????t ??? m ???tet??r hr ho?? m?ucuchch h o oror or?????le? c?of?offeoff?ee ee????ut???in in??hehe he fhe ?ili?te????itit it c?????d ??ve?verfver???w.w. . I?t't??s as ?as as???? th?e ????ltelt?ersers ?s ars arere ?to??o t?????. ?I ???so? h ha h???? f fe f?????psp?s t?hahathat ?didididndn'n??t pt pip?????? co cor co?rerecre??tlytl?. ????fi?ni????? n ????wow????h th ??e ???nen??? fo for????thesthe???""7????,B???4K4K34K30??HO2HO??????O8O8G8G2G2M2????Q,Q??HeH????? "" "?????idi idi???""??",0",?0,10,????1,131,1?309???
x for some time and have had no problem except when using fine ground coffee. 7082,B004K30HO2,A7FD5V2SKKLZP,"Coffee is life ""Life is too short to drink ch...",0,1,1,1309651200,Never again!,"The units go together easily, but no matter how much or little coffee I put in the filter, it caused overflow. It's as if the filters are too thick. I also had a few cups that didn't pierce correctly. Definitely not worth the money for these!" 7083,B004K30HO2,A2SQO8G2ME2KQ,"Heidi ""Heidi Ho""",0,1,1,1309392
0?????heheye? d dodo o??oto? w ?oro?k,k?"T"Th?eseses??????lel?e ce ???s s?ararere ??? wa w?sts????????neney?????? K ??rurugug g????hih????hah?? a? d???fifici??ltl?t tt tit???e pe ?????esses??ingin???he???ofoffof????ththrthrorouro?ughugh h t ?thethe e c?upup,up, , a an a?d ??? a? a r a ?resre???lt lt?? e enendndendede?d ud up???it?h ?se??ereraer?? h??alfalf f cf cu?????of of???offoffeoff?<b<brbr r / ????r ??????rir??ed ed i ?? a?????t 1t 1010 0???imeim???, a, ?nd? t?hehenhe??gagava?ve ve???.".?7?080?4,4??00?4K4??0H0?O2O???L9L?9W9???VTVTAT??IXI?,E,EiE?leleele??,0,??1,1,1??????232??00??0,P0,PoPooo????er?fof??mam???ce,ce????gogot?? co cof co???ee ee???rourounrou??s ?inin in? my m??cu???4 4 o??ut ut o?f ???the the 5 ? t ti????s Is ?I uI ?????ththethesthe???????y ?????ppp??????d ?????ususeus?e Ie ??wo???d ?li?keke e t??o uo ???? my????????. ?ThTheThe ???lele le?pup??ctc?urure?d ??in in tin ?the?the bthe ??ttttottomo? i?????????????
000,They do not work,"These little cups are a waste of money. The Kerug machine had a difficult time processing the coffee through the cup, and as a result I ended up with several half cups of coffee.<br /><br />I tried it about 10 times, and then gave up." 7084,B004K30HO2,AL99WWHVTAXIX,Eileen,0,1,1,1307232000,Poor Performance,"I got coffee grounds in my cup 4 out of the 5 times I used these. Very disappointed because I would like to use my coffee. The hole punctured in the bottom is larger than
????e e o ???e pe pup?ncnchc?hedhed d o?utu? w ?itith? t?hehe he?rerege????r r?K-K?cuc???, ,????????y y?dudueue e te tot? t? the th?e de ?esesis?gng?? on o??th?e ?bob?ttt???? of of f t th? the the c ???? I I I??ava???e toe to o fo flflul???? th the the ?sysysy?teteme???aca?ch ch? ti t?mem?????havha????useusede?d td ththith?? p??rodro???t,t, ??asa??????? tim timeme me?ana????watwa?terter.r?""7?080?????040?K3K?0H0?O2O???IAIAQA?6K6??0O0????K,K,",????lcl?ouoununtun?ryry y "y ???did??aga?ininging"g"""""""?,0,?,2,?2,12,??131?30930?????00?,W,WaWas??? o?? m mom??eye?,","I,"???tritr??? t th? thes the?????ispis???aKa?up?s ???veverve?ala?? ti tim time tim?es,es???andand d ed ??chch ?titim?e e t??he ??il???? c???me ??ooo??e ???t tt ??????? r re res?ul?ti?ngng ng i in? c??ffffef?e ?e ane and??grg????dsd?s es ??ver?ywy??herhere????ThThe?????? an a?nd nd lnd lilidid ?ararear?e b?ot???mam??de de???romro??flfliflimimsim??????st?sticstic c t th??? s ??oftoftetentensn???at at tat ?????rerewre???ng ng tng te?mpmpep????urure
the one punched out with the regular K-cups, probably due to the design on the bottom of the cup. I have to flush the system each time I have used this product, wasting time and water." 7085,B004K30HO2,AIAQ6KM0OOB8K,"hillcountry ""jdimaging""",0,2,1,1309478400,Waste of money,"I tried these disposaKups several times, and each time the filter came loose at the top resulting in coffee and grounds everywhere. The kup and lid are both made from flimsy plastic that softens at the brewing temperature
.. .????e e?????ltl??isi??a a??ooo?????itit ???t tt ??? t tot????uru??ngng g????wiwin???? di dis?to????ono? o ofo? k ?upu???at at??hehe he bhe ???totomtom m????????se se f ?filfilt??r r i is is ???rcr??????wnw?? a?ndnd d cd ???????????grg?ouounundndsnd?s es eve??eryerywy?he?? . T?hehe he lhe lil????????? on onen???????wi??th th O OEO?M M?KeKeueur?igi?g kg ???s s (s (c(???an??????d d rd rerefre??fillfilleledled)d??, b, ?utu?t t???he she sesecse???nd nd tnd ??timetim???heheyhe? a?rere re l?oo??????d ??es??ultul??in? o ov o??rfr?lolowlo????AnA?n en eme??????o o? th the th??co??papan??y fy ??r r ar ??rerefrefurefun?d ??????ot?? an??wewer?ed?. ?. D. DoD???notno????y ????????7?0808686,6????4K4?3030H0??2,2?A2A??292????P7P?ZHZ???,K,?atateat????iskiskak?????0,0???5,5?131?30530?????00?,5,?-S-StStat???rarat?ining? f??or or??iqi?uiu?BuBuyu??,I,? o or o?ded?????101?00 00 D ???popos??KuK?upsups.s????TheTheyey ???????as?t ??nd?nd wnd ???
. The result is a loose fit at the top during brewing, distortion of kup at the bottom (because filter is forced down) and coffee and grounds everywhere. The lids work one time with OEM Keurig kups (cleaned and refilled), but the second time they are loose and result in overflow. An email to the company for a refund was not answered. Do not buy these!" 7086,B004K30HO2,A2S29BXYP7ZHF3,Kate Niskanen,0,2,5,1305590400,5-Star rating for LiquiBuy!,I ordered 100 DisposaKups. They came fast and were
?????t t?????t wt ?????dvd?erertr?isises??. . ??????????fif????ele????e e??e-e-o-?rdr?derde????. . . T ??hanha?ksk??alaloloto??!!?707????B0B?0404K4?303?HOHO2O2,2,A,ALA?W0W0A0??????JTJTJTJ,J,B,BL,B??MAM?????101??3,3???999?717?525??00,00,N,NeN??? c ???cec????"N"?NeaNe??at cat ??ncncenc?eptept.t??OtO?heh??? co c?ontontrtrarapapt?????s ts ?? u ususeuse ?yoy??r r o owownwn n? co cof co??eee???havha???prp?repre?unu??he?d d??????s as ans a??d ad ?re? d????gng?eded ed m ??chc???ifi????enentntltlyly ly t ththath?n n tn th??e Ke K-K?CuC??. ??ThiTh?is is?isis is lis liliki?e ?a a??o o io itit it?yoyouyo?????f f?K-K-CK-CuCupCu?p. p.????eve??r,r, , b?ece???use? t th t??????conscon????s ????a a da ??ispis?oso??blblele le? cu c?up,up, ???ltl?terte?? a?nd??? c ca c?ap ap a????isis ?????nchench?ed ed bed byb?y ty th?the the? br bre?wewer?, , I, ????oulouldl???ot? b be???????isiseised?ed ied ifif if???is??mem?echec?han???? i?nfnfrfri???ed???????ururiur?ig'ig??s ps ??ateatenentents?. ??h,h, , a, anandand ?????viv?
just what was advertised. I will definitely be re-ordering. Thanks alot!! 7087,B004K30HO2,ALW0AGFAXVJTJ,BLTMAN,2,10,3,1299715200,Neat concept,"Neat concept. Other contraptions to use your own coffee have prepunched holes and are designed much differently than the K-Cup. This is like a do it yourself K-Cup. However, because this consists of a disposable cup, filter, and a cap and is punched by the brewer, I would not be surprised if this mechanism infringed on Keurig's patents. Oh, and the vid
??o o???viv??? s susubu?????ede??byby y???e e?oto?thetherer r??ev?ie?wewer???ooo?ksk???usu??????us?lyl?y ly ????e te ?the? v vi?dedeo??????he??mam?nun???ctc???rerrersr???webwebsb????e :e ????????,B,??040???0H0????A3A333????8C8CAC??101?MTM?,J,?oso?epe???E.E?????aha???e ie iiiii??2,?2,??,1,?313?636??04?0000,00,W,WhW????????t t S SoSomo????e ?ThThih??k k??? T ???s ??SooSo?????,?,","E"?mpmptp?????CuCupu??? m?in?iai???rere re f ??????? a an?d ????????lo?w ?yoyouou ou? to t?o uo ususeuse e ye ??????wnw??fa??????? g ?ror??ndn???ofofff?eee???????yo?you you b??y ?ro?asasts?tedte???eaean??s a??nd nd? gr g???nd ??you?r ??wn??, t, ??isis is??is ??????olo??titio????oror or y ?? . ?OnOnene ne s sc sco??? i??n tn th???K-??CupCup,p, ?pup?????? th the th??li?lid lid a???nd pnd popop? i??t it in????yo??your your K KuK??ririgri?.<.<b<brb??/>/????r /r />r /?I I s?hi??ed ed????y ?frf?romro? b? buy bu?in?g g a? K??uerueriuer
eo review submitted by the other reviewer looks suspiciously like the video on the manufacturers website :)" 7088,B004K30HO2,A33K0I8CAO10MT,Joseph E. Donahue iii,2,2,5,1316390400,Why Didn't Someone Think Of This Sooner?,"Empty K-Cups, miniature filters and lids allow you to use your own favorite ground coffee. If you buy roasted beans and grind your own, this is the solution for you. One scoop in the K-Cup, put on the lid and pop it into your Kuerig.<br /><br />I shied away from buying a Kueri
gg g???cac??ses??I I?lol?vev?e me mymy y K ?ene???-A-AAA????omom m???lklk k ' 'n'??CoCofo???e ???n Dn DeD????oro???????????eyey ?ro??????t ?dadara?k,k, ?grg?in??? it it ???momosost???o o p ???cocololalata??r r???ararsarse?nen???? fo f????e e (e (s(sis??h)h? a ??d ??hih?? i it???o o mo me??heherherer??e ine in ?FlF?lorlo????. ? I? h?????ririeriede?d md me??? f?ililtl?ererser????t ?eve?venve?n wn ?it?? m?y y cy ?us?totomto??pe??rcorcololaol???????inindind,ind, , I, I'I'd'?d gd ??????gringrindndsnds ??? t th t??? br b?rewre??. . T. ??he ?sps?????????p ??ol?????? lo l??kek?ed ed l???ke ke a? l?????-i-in?te???sivsiveve ve s ????utiutioiono?n tn ??o o so ?so so? I I s I st??ckc?k wk wi????my???r.r??Co?ffffeff? n In I ?sas?w w?? the th?e de didisispsposp?osaosab??e ??cupcu?s s os on? A ?mamaza???, , I? o ??dederdere?d ?d thd the???alaloalonongong g wg wiwit?????e e Ke ???ri??.<.??r r /r ????r r /r />r /??ThiThis???????????at????A A sA sisinsi?glglele le f?re?sh?sh hsh ho
g because I love my Kenya-AA from Talk 'n Coffee in Deptford, NJ. They roast it dark, grind it almost to percolator coarseness for me (sigh) and ship it to me here in Florida. I had tried mesh filters but even with my custom percolator grind, I'd get grinds in the brew. The special cup holders looked like a labor-intensive solution too so I stuck with my Mr. Coffee. When I saw the disposable cups on Amazon, I ordered them along with the Keurig.<br /><br />This works great! A single fresh ho
t? c ??? o ofo? K ?enenynyay???AAA??dadararkr??ror?asa?????eneneen???? t tht?? s spspipiri????momovove???meme e?anandn? n ?o o w wow??ririeriese?????utu???ava?ini??????mam?kek?e ae ??????iaiala????????or or o on o?lyl?? on?e e ce ??p.p???I'I?????havha?ve ve???????n n C ?????e ?????nd nd t??he he bhe ??an??s a? l lil?ittit????fif??er?????r tr ????KuKueuer??g ?onon ???y ny nen?xtxt ?orordor?????????????ouounou???my? p pe p????lal?totoror ?????d ?a ?li?????e fe fie fin??r ?an??d td th??? po p????onon on? st s????gtg?th th i isi??no???? per pe???ctct ?????th?the ?trtratrav?????ugu??sis?zez??<b<?r ?/>/????r /???at???y by ?uyu???lolooooso?????? a??nd ?ususe??s ts ?thethe the dthe ??ispispo?sas?ablab?le le????up???oror ?a a ma ????whwhewhen??ve?r ??? s???itsits s hs ?????an????. ??t't??s as a ??lotlo??eaeaseasi?????thath?? t th the th???litlittlit?tle????tat??? th?iningingig?e e we wiw??? t?? the the???haihainin in a an???
t cup of Kenyaa AA dark roast whenever the spirit moves me and no worries about having to make a partial pot for only one cup. I'll have Talk 'n Coffee grind the beans a little finer for the Kuerig on my next order. I re-ground my percolator grind a little finer and the portion strength is now perfect for the travel mug size.<br /><br />Kathy buys loose tea and uses the disposable K-Cup for a mug whenever it suits her fancy. It's a lot easier than the little metal thingie with the chain and w
???titiningng g f fof?????kek????e e t ?o o b ?????<b<????><><b??r /???nen???ene??fif?? I I I h ?adadndn'n???????tetede? o ono? i ?s s????t t ct ?leleale???upup p i?s ???sys? a an a?d d fd faf??????????? t th????sesed? d ??ispispoposo?abablble???-C-?up?????m m t?? the the????rir???an???totosto??s is ?it ??? t th? the the t the trt?asashash.h? N NoNo o mo momor?e ??havha??ingin??to? s ????????tht????cofco??????potpo?!<!<b<br? / />?????/>???o so ??veve ?e tie timimem??in?in tin ?????mormo?nin?ing?????us???ed ted ??to sto sesetset ??????. . C. ????ee?? th the????ghghth?????forfo???????non?????????????ke ke? up u?p tp th?? d??isp?os?????le Kle K-K-CK-?CupCu???a a da ?ozo?en??????a ta ?timti??? an?d d wd ??e fe ???shsh-h???ewe???y ?ththe?????up iup ?????? m ?mormornmornininni?ng ng??or?? se seve?ververaralral l d da d?????un?ni??g.g????e ae ?ctc?uauala?lyl???use? l ???ss ss? co c?offof?feefee ??ftf?????evaev?po??ratratitiotionon on?? and??"""?whwhoho ?
aiting for a kettle to boil.<br /><br />One benefit I hadn't counted on is that clean-up is easy and fast - pluck the used disposable K-Cup from the Kuerig and toss it in the trash. No more having to service the coffee pot!<br /><br />To save time in the morning, I used to set up Mr. Coffee the night before but now I just make up the disposable K-Cups a dozen at a time and we fresh-brew by the cup in the morning for several days running. We actually use less coffee after evaporation and ""who d
o?ese?n'n?t t??ana??t tt ????lalasa?t ?cucupu????coc???idi?ererarata?ioiononsons.s???? t ???nknk k???? s ??viv??gsg? o ????ofo?fefeee????? M ?r.r??CoCofoffoffefeefe?????tet??s ???s ps ??obo?aba??y y??rereae?k-k-e-evevevene????th?? th the the ?co?st?? of of f t? the the the??is???sasabsablblebl??K-K???upsups ?soso o??etet-t?ne?????? they the?y sy ?ee???frfre??.<.?????><><b?r r??>O>OnO?????ne??? con con ?frfrofr?m m mm meme.???????s hs ??rdrd d fd ??r ?th?eseseese e ae are a?th?rir??ici? o??d ??hanha?dsd????o fo fi?t t t???he lhe ?idid id o? on on d du d??e te ??? th???fi?ltltelt?? o?????lapla???????? the ??topto? o?? t? the??????p.p. ???olo?ldild???ing oing or???utu??tinti?g g??wa??y ty ththe? o ov??erler???? ca caua?se?s ?grg?rinrind???????thethe the bthe br?ewe???ndnd nd a a a??lologo?gegede??lolowlowew??er ner neneene?edled?e.e. e. e. ??? do d?on'on?'t 't????inkin?k tk th??rere re?is??? a c a ?curcurere ????hoh???? th????owo?ns??????????ing ging ?gregr?eatea?terter ?r thr tha?han han? th? the ??propr
oesn't want the last cup"" considerations. I think the savings on coffee and Mr. Coffee filters is probably break-even with the cost of the disposable K-Cups so net-net, they seem free.<br /><br />Only one con from me. It's hard for these arthritic old hands to fit the lid on due to the filter overlapping the top of the K-Cup. Folding or cutting away the overlap causes grinds in the brew and a clogged lower needle. I don't think there is a cure without the downside being greater than the pro
bblb?emem.m? ???hah??e e f ??unundnd d??ata?????e e ae ??nd nd??otot t o ovo?verver r l loloaoada?ini????????-C-?upu?? to t??????theth???besbe?????????onon.n?""?707?????000??K3K303????,A,?363???0J0JVJ?AIAIMIM4M??0,0????ververaver????2,2,22,2,2,2?????111101??3636036???,1s,1st? t ti timi?e ??sis?ingin?g dg ????oso??????,",??????????????. ? I? w ??????oko?in?ing ing? fo f???a a w??y y t to??ususeuse e me ?y y cy ?ofofff??e e ie in???? k ??????g mg ???hihin?????y y cy cuy c?isi?sinsinan???? w???th th o?ut?????in?????o uo ??use use t????sus?uppupplplil???d fd fifili??ere?. ??LeLete???s fs fafac?e ?e ite it,t, ,???e ??hoh??e ??poipoin??t it ????????keke e ae a e a c ?up?? of of f?????feefe????sinsingsing g tg ??? k k- k-c-cu??????d nd no???hahavha??????fi??l l? th the?? li l?ittittlt????????r,r, ??thethenthen n? cl cle??? i itit it??????????s.s. . ?KiKin???a da ??fe?at??????the pthe ?uru?po??????I ???s s ls loloolookokiok???ing fing foforfor ?th??
blem. I have found patience and not over loading the K-Cup to be the best solution." 7089,B004K30HO2,A36GM0JVAIM4L0,rivera92,2,2,4,1311033600,1st time using disposakups,"Great product. I was looking for a way to use my coffee in my krueig machine (by cuisinart) with out having to use the supplied filter. Let's face it, the whole point is to make a cup of coffee using the k-cup and not have to fill the little filter, then clean it afterwards. Kinda defeats the purpose. I was looking for this
t ?ypypep? o ofo? i iti?emem m a anandnd d???pipini?g g??hahata? I I I????ldl???rere-e-p-papaca?kak???e me ???brb????d od ?of of? co c????e.e? I I I w ???????????ala? a??t ft fif????, , b bu b??t tt ?????hth???oro? t?????pripr??e,e, ???d ??iviveve e ie ?it it a a a t tr t?y y Ay ?NDN?? th? the the??proprodo?????????s ?GRGREREAE?T.T?. . ?? I f I ?filfilll???? t th?? the 5 the ?? c?upupsups ????h h t? the??fi?filtfilte??????d d ad ??and and? st s??oreor??e ite it ??in in??n n??ldld ld K ????? b??x.x. . . T. ?heh???????fi???t tit t?????anand??it?it wit wo?rkr?ks ks j juj????lilikli?? t th the the the m the ???ore ore???pepenpensn???e ????? . T. ????ono?lyl?y iy ??sus????s ?th?atat at? on on ?my?????? cup cu????ttt???ng,ng??th???re re i is i??a a l???????sps?pilpi?ll ll??ve?r,?? bu but bu????herhe?re re are ?rere ?nono o?????le??s ?s wis w??????? the 1 the ?0 ?cucupcu???et?ti?tingtin????OnO?cece ?????a wa ??ili????he?????? o???? t??? the t the to??p tp ??????? in i?n a??notno?thetherthe
type of item and hoping that I could pre-package my brand of coffee. I was skeptical at first, but thought for the price, I'd give it a try AND the product works GREAT. I fill up the 50 cups with the filter, lid and store it in an old K-cup box. The lids fit tight and it works just like the more expensive k-cups. The only issue is that on my 12 cup setting, there is a little spill over, but there are no problems with the 10 cup setting. Once in a while when you open the top to put in another
???p,p, , i itit t????? s ???ckc???? t??e e???p p?ofof f? th the th??mam?chc?ini?e e we ???????hehe he?hoh??e ?pupunu?ctctut???s s t? the???upup,up???utu?t tt ??ata?'s'??in??????e ie inin in ain a a w wh w?????? I ????acactac??I I??m m? ab a?ouo????? p pu??chchachasa?e e ae ???in?. . . ?? o??lyl???isi??? th? the ???ipi?????? wa wasasnasn'n??t at ?as as????ch ch? as a???theth?e pe pre prorodo???t.t??. I. ItI?????ivivev??????lil?erer r? th??n ?scs??ed?ulule???I I bI ???? ???ll ll??n ?ala?ll,ll, ?I I wI wi?llll ll bll ??????inging ing t???se? o on on on? a a r ???ululaul?? b ???is?.".??707090??,B,????K3K303??O2O???1K1??1I1?B4B???WLW?ZXZ???nnnn ????????2,???5,5,1,?????747444????DiDis???sasaKa?up??s as ??e ???antan?as????,",??he?n ??I b??ougou?htht t mt ??y Ky ????????????????????s ss soso ?imi???resressres??d ??at at? ho howo?????wow???eded.ed?. . T. ??he ?didifi???ereerene?t t t??pep?? o????of??feefee e a?ndn???
cup, it will stick to the top of the machine where the hole punctures the cup, but that's in once in a while. In fact I am about to purchase again. I only wish the shipping wasn't as much as the product. It arrived earlier than scheduled I believe. All in all, I will be using these on a regular basis." 7090,B004K30HO2,A1K81IB425WLZX,Ann Beeles,2,2,5,1310774400,DisposaKups are Fantastic,"When I bought my Keurig Brewer, I was so impressed at how it worked. The different types of coffee and ho
w???t t b brb?ewe???.<.??br br / />/??OWOWEW??ERER R???I I?did?d d n nonotot t rt rereare?lilizi?e e?????exe??enensnsisivi??e te ???e ce ?????e ??-c-?upu?s s?wowouo??d ??e.e. . ?? c ?coucoul???'t'????penpendn?d 8d ??.0.?0 0 d???????s as ? m mom?????????of????????? / /> /???<br <br?? />T />?he???? I f I fof?ounou?? D ??????????? -? W ?hah?t t at ????rea?t t it idideid???ana????thetheye? a ???????ea??y ???o uo ???e. e.????e ve ?ververyry ???sts???arartart ????????the?m m?????thath?at at?????t tt tht t???t t????? ca canan an? be b?e te the t?ror????awa??y ??- N- NoN???havha???g g??? w???????he he i?ns???t ?????at Kat ???ririgi??prprorovro???eses.s.<.<b.<?br br /br ??<b<br???/>T/>??ThesThe?se se??up???dodo ?no?t ??ea?k.k?. . ???heyhe??woworwo?k k p ????fecfe???y!y? ???wiw?ll?? be be be o???derderi?ngng ng? mo m??""?707???,B,??004004K4??0H0??2,2?A3A?R3R?LZLZNZ??NDN??????JaJ???es es?????kakasaszaszkzka??2,???2,2,2,2,1,?30???787???00,00,N,
w it brewed.<br />HOWEVER - I did not realize how expensive the coffee K-cups would be. I couldn't spend 80.00 dollars a month on coffee!!<br /><br />Then I found DISPOSAKUPS - What a great idea and they are so easy to use. The very best part about them is that fact that they can be thrown away - No having to wash the insert that Keurig provides.<br /><br />These cups do not leak. They work perfectly! I will be ordering more." 7091,B004K30HO2,A3R3LZN5NDXAJQ,James P Lukaszka,2,2,2,1309478400,N
?oto? t ??????mem?,",???ugu?htht t at ??pap?????f f a ????0 0 o????thethese?e e ae ??? e ???h h c cuc?p p?iti?t tt ?akakek??? so s??lol??? t????ror???essess s t?????ofoffoffef?????EaE?ach? c??up up I I I g ?etet ???offoffeoff?? g?ro?unund?s s is ?n n a?nd??????? w ???????cupcu???? c? cof cofff??e.???GrGrerea?????onconce???? I I I?bebele??eve??e te ththe???apapepere??fif??tet???????o ???nen?e we wh???h h hh ho??dsds ????k k tk ththethe ?co??ffeffeeee ee aee ?andan?d pd pr???essuess?rere re w?hihicichic??re?sus???????n bn blbleleele???ingin?????cocofcoffcof??fee fee g? gro gr?ounou??nds nds? ou outu??of??th???? o ot o??therthe?r hr hoholholehol???? R ReRegegugul?arar ????upupsup?s ws wow??k k wk ???rk rk?????? be b??te?r.r?.. .. A.. AgA?aia?? g gr gre grea?? i??ea??, j, ???t ??notno?t st ?o o go ??????t oft of ???prproprodo?uc?t.t..???707090?2,2?B0B??4K4K3K303??O2O????AKA???ZWZ?7O7????X,X?MeMererrerrar??andaand?,2,2,2,22,??5,5,1,??30930?040464????,W,WoWor??s s gs grgregr?eat?.,.?ItIt ??????d
ot the same,"Bought a pack of a 100 of these and each cup it takes so long to process the coffee.. Each cup I get coffee grounds in and not a whole cup of coffee.. Great concept, I believe the paper filter is to fine which holds back the coffee and pressure which results in bleeding of coffee grounds out of the 2 other holes.. Regular K Cups work work much better.. Again great idea, just not so great of a product.." 7092,B004K30HO2,A1AKRLZW7O6OVX,Merranda,2,2,5,1309046400,Works great.,It worked
?jujusustst t a ?????t ct ??aiaimi??d.d?? I I I?hahada???o o?lel????ngng g????alalll?? an a????it it???ewewew?? a a a???al??y y?grgre??????astas??ingin???upup p?ofo? c cocof??eee?. . . ??eaealea?llyll?y hy ???pyp?y ty ththahatha???'v'???fof??nd???theth?sese.?7??9393,3??0000404K4?3030H0HOH??,A,????XQXQGQ?V8V?DIDI7I7B7BKB???ara?y ??nnnn,n,2,?2,22,?????30?737?181848404?00,00????????CuC?upsup??LiL????& & F ?ililtltet?rsr????es?e e ce ?cupcupsp?s as ana?????iltil?terte?rs rs?wow?????xcxcec?ll????. . . A. ? c??heaheapa??er er???????????ve ve t???ususeus??yoyouourou?? ow o?n n c???offeoff?>W>???l ??????it??????ururcur???se????????7070970949?,B???4K??????2,A2,??????LPL??EVE?KJKJ,J?"L"???ndanda a????cl??fff????MiM?ckckekeye??DaDal?allaallas????,4,4,?5,????13113????969??00,?NoNotot ?wo??th? t??he he t tr t?ou??le???FiFirFirsrstrst t ot ?of of???l,l??? t? tho th??ghg???t I t I c co??ldld ?sas????mo??ey? f fi f?illilliill??? m?y ?
just as it claimed. I had no leaking at all and it brewed a really great tasting cup of coffee. Really happy that I've found these. 7093,B004K30HO2,A1WHXQGV8DI7BK,Mary Ann,2,2,5,1307318400,Keurig Cups Lids & Filters,These cups and filters work excellent. A cheaper alternative to use your own coffee.<br />Will definitely purchase more. 7094,B004K30HO2,ASTZPWLPHEVKJ,"Linda Ratcliff ""MickeynDallas""",4,5,2,1310169600,Not worth the trouble,"First of all, I thought I could save money filling my o
????KeKeue?rir??? K- K-C-??psp?. .?ByB? t ththeh?? ti t??????bob???htht t?????fif????blb??e ce cucupupsups,s, , p ???d d????ppppip???g ag anandn??bo?ug??ht ht?????eee?e te ?? p pu putut ??in in?? the th??????waw?????rer??dyd?y iy ???th??e he hoholole????? / ??IfI????? y ?ou? h ????e t?o o do ?o ???s fs ??llll ?th?thesthe?e e le ?iti?tltle?? cu c????? all al??dadaya?y Iy ?????ssss s is itit it w ???l l wl wow??k k???or or y?ouou,ou, , b, ??????se se y yo you you u? ca c?an an h ha h?aveav?e t??he he che co?ff??? o of? y yo? your you??????cece.e. ?ThT???oto?the?r ???obo???em em???? i ?? t? the they the???ete?t st ?tut??k k ik ???in thin thehe ??brebrewe??r r wr whw?henhen ?yoyouyou u tu ?ryr??to????kek?e t?e thee th??em oem ?outout.t??brbr br / /> /???????? h? hav ha?? a ab a?bou?t ??thith???y y ly ?lefle?t,t, , a, ??d d wd ?whewh??n tn ??theythe??ara?????nen?e I? w wi w????????re??la????? the??.".?????5,5,B,B0B000?4K4??0H0HOHO2O2,2???P4P?QEQ?3U3UUU?????B,B????????owowlwle?r ?LeLede??betbe????,1,?,1
wn Keurig K-Cups. By the time I bought the fillable cups, paid shipping and bought coffee to put in them, I was already in the hole.<br />If all you have to do is fill these little cups all day I guess it will work for you, because you can have the coffee of your choice. The other problem was is they get stuck in the brewer when you try to take them out.<br />I still have about thirty left, and when they are gone I will not replace them." 7095,B004K30HO2,A2P4QE3UUYOUEB,Linda Fowler Ledbetter,1,1
?,5,????484?????0000,00,E,?xax?ctc?lyly y?whw??t t?? n ??ede??ed!ed?,","I"I ??ooo???ed,ed, ,? I I??ouo????, ?I I tI trt??ed? s ?eve?ere?alal l d ??ffffef????t t tt ?ypy?eses s??f f??????ngn? c cuc??s.s. . ???? t ?????osostst ??ndnd d q ??al???ty,ty???theth????ara?? t?hehe he???estest!t! ! I??cac????akakeke ke a a a?fe??????adad d od of? t????...???sisininging g Mg MYMY Y p prp?refrefeferferrr??d ??raranra?nd nd??f ?coc?offoffe??????llll,l??de????ititeit?lyly,ly?, k, ???p p?? the theseseese ese i in???tot??k k? at a?????hoh?ousousese!se????????B0B?????0H0??2,2,A,??T7T7B7BIBIQI?2Q2?0D0DKD?QJQ?,"???im?????ayayly?lorlor ???ar????st st? an a??nd and ???????ad???"""""""????????,13,1333???454???00,??pe?wsws s cs ?cofco??eeee ee?grg?ou??????????? K ??uru?rigri?g mg ma??hihinhi?ne ne K????p p hp ??ldl?derde?r ar anandan???owo??? in int?o o? my my ???coffcof????????y ?ti??me!me??"I? t th?ou????t tt tht theheshese????oulou?? b??? th the? p??erfer?fecfe?ct ct a???
,5,1348272000,Exactly what I needed!,"I looked, I bought, I tried several different types of brewing cups. For the cost and quality, these are the best! I can make a few ahead of time...using MY preferred brand of coffee. I'll, definitely, keep these in stock at my house!" 7096,B004K30HO2,A3T7BIQ2Q0DKQJ,"Whimsy Taylor ""artist and avid reader""",1,1,1,1339545600,Spews coffee grounds inside Keurig machine K-cup holder and down into my coffee every time!,"I thought these would be the perfect answ
e?r.r? S ?ada??y,y??? g gugueu?ssss s?ththeh???reresessessusuru??????th th?????? m ?y y K KeKeue???g g m ma maca?chich??e e se ???oto???th???????er er??hrhrorouo?ghg????the the k ??cucupu???s ?s tos too? m?ucuchch ch???? t? the the e de ????ososas? c cucupcu???bebece?aua????eve?ereryery y sy ?iningin???e te ??????I tI ???eded d i it i?, , c, ?ofo??eee???ro???dsds ?wewerereer????ewewe??????? thr th?rou?gh?? th the the the???inyiny ?hoholho?le le i?? t? the the ?lilidi?d od ofof of?? the the ???????sa sa c?upup ???l l??ve?r ?th?????si??e e oe ofof of wof ?he?re???the?the kthe ?k-ck-?cupcup cup?si??? i? in in? my my ???????. . A. AnA?nd nd??eses,es??I ??useused?? th???? pr p?ropro?perperlr? r /r ???????>S>?? t?? the ????????at? l ????t t i?????????eurieurig????ch?chinchi?????seeseeme??s t???be? w?it???h thh t?he he? li l??s.s. ?So??me me?hahava?? s?ugugguggeg??te?d ??itsits ?a a da de??????flf?awa? w??th?th tth ?????KeuKeururi??g mg ?ac????????n ?eieit??erer ?cacasca??,
er. Sadly, I guess the pressure with which my Keurig machine shoots the water through the k-cup is too much for the disposa cup, because every single time I tried it, coffee grounds were spewed up through the tiny hole in the lid of the disposa cup all over the inside of where the k-cup sits in my keurig. And yes, I used them properly.<br /><br />So the issue, at least in my Keurig machine, seems to be with the lids. Some have suggested its a design flaw with the Keurig machine. In either case,
t???ses??????oso?a a????s s w ?ererer???OTO? t th???ana?sws?werwe??fof?????.<.?brb?r /r />/><><b????>B>BiBigi??es?t t? wa w??tete ??? m ??nen?? e eve?? . I I I? ca can???????coc??me????""7707?9797,7?B0B000??????O2O?,A,?131?858?3O3??CBC??TETEYEY,Y?"J"? T TrT??a a "a ?"g"gug?????3333"3?????,1??,1,,1,1,1,?13313?757?585848??00,00??onon'on't'????????on?sis???? i itit,t??I I bI ?ouougughg?t t tt ?thithisis is t?hrh??ougou?gh gh??mam???????cac??useus???mosmo?st st? it ite?msms s is ??hah??ve ve??ururcrchc?hasha?sedse??? thr th??ugughug? t??emem m???aveav?e be ??en????reare?t.t?. . ??HIH??????DUDUCU????IS IS? TH???EXEXCXCEC???IOI?N.N?. ?ThT??????re re?????????fificicu?ltl???????ala???? c cl clol?oseos??e one oncn???fifilfi??ede?, , a anandand ????y ??makma?e e o???e he huh?ugeug?????s ?ofof of y yoy???r m?acachchichini? Th. T??is ???rodrodud?ctc??isis ????t t nt ?notnot t rt ret r?ada??????r pr pr??me? t???e.????soso,o?, , ? it it it i??n'n't? a? c????
these disposa cups were NOT the answer for me.<br /><br />Biggest waste of money ever. I cannot recommend." 7097,B004K30HO2,A13853O9CBLTEY,"J Tria ""gusser33""",1,1,1,1337558400,don't even consider it,"I bought this through Amazon because most items i have purchased through them have been great. THIS PRODUCT IS THE EXCEPTION. They are very difficult to seal or close once filled, and they make one huge mess of your machine. This product is just not ready for prime time. Also, it isn't a cheap
????????t.t? T ?heh? f fifili??ere???lel?aka????t t??f f???he he s ?idi?eses s ws whw?ici?? i ? d dod??'t'?t ut ???derders???nd????s is iti??cacanan'an't't 't?bebe e e s?ea??ledled d a??y y??ete?te?? t?hahan?? i i??havha??e be ?beebe?? d?oio???????oso????mpmpop?rtr?tanta??, ,? an??d td ?thithisis s Is ISI? I ??POPORORTR???????T T? IS IS ??ADA????N N C CHC??NAN??, s, ???yoy?? j ???st st c ?canca?n'tn't ?be? s su s??e ?th????t itt it ??s ???????????ememimic?alalsls ??????????re??lealeasaseas?d ?du????g g t th the the ???rewrewiw??? p??????s.s??. O. OtOththeth?er er? pr pro pr?oduod?uctuc?s ?clclelea???y ??stast???e te the t?hathat t tt ?the?y ???e ?ChChehemhe?micmica?l l??reree????I I c ca c???????mem??be??????????Th? o or o?r Br ?HTHT,????ut ut? ta t?akeak???e thae th?at at i?ntntont?o co ?on??????atatiat???. ?. B. ????SOSOMO?ETETHT????????????PLP???SE?.".??707????B0B?0404K4K3K???O2O?,A,AZA?3H3HCHC1C?FXF?HOHOFHO????SuS?eBe?????,1,1,,1,1,1,???3030830?191
product. The filters leak out of the sides which i don't understand as it can't be sealed any better than i have been doing. Most important, and this IS IMPORTANT, IT IS MADE IN CHINA, so you just can't be sure that it is free of chemicals that are released during the brewing process. Other products clearly state that they are Chemical free. I can't remember if it BTh or BHT, but take that into consideration. BUY SOMETHING ELSE. PLEASE." 7098,B004K30HO2,AZ3HC1FXHOFR5,SueBee,1,1,1,1330819
??0000,0?NoNoto? w wow??thth h??uyuyiy?ngn?????hehe e s ??????e ?ana?? d ?ele??vevereryery y f frf??m m??mam??ono? w??s s g grg??atat.t????????verver,r, , t ththeth???ro????t t it iti??selselflf f????non?? w?orortorth? b?????g.g???NoNo No??matmattt??er er? wh w??at at?I I t tr tryry,y?, c, ?ofoffffef?e ??eaeakeaksk??ououtut ??ro????? th the? K KcKcuc?p p? wh?ene?n bn brbre??in??.....???? m??kekeses ???????! ! ??an?te?d d td ?the???cupcu?s ???????????faf???orior???e ce ???????(T(???m Hm HoHorHort??onsons)s?, , b, bubutbu????esessess ess I??llll l j jujusustus??hahavhave? t?o o go ?ete???useus?d ???o oo ????r r b?raran?dsd?s!"s!?7??999?,B,B0B00?4K4?3030H0??2,2,A,?DFD?Q2Q222?E8E?V7V?393?D,D?M.M??TaT????co?re????????131?30?????00?,","C,"??an an y ?ouou ou???y,? " ?"l"le?akak"ak???"???,"M,"MyM????istis??????ougou??t ?? K Ke K?uru??????e e ae ale a?ll ll? st s?ar??tedted ted??si?????t.t. t. B BuB??????? st????ll hll ?hadha????her her c?????s ofs o???cof?fe????
200,Not worth buying!,"The service and delivery from Amazon was great. However, the product itself is not worth buying. No matter what I try, coffee leaks out around the Kcup when makes a mess! Wanted the cups to use my favorite coffee (Tim Hortons), but guess I'll just have to get used to other brands!" 7099,B004K30HO2,ADFQ22E8V739D,M. Tannacore,1,1,1,1330300800,"Can you say, ""leak""?","My sister bought a Keurig. We all started using it. But mom still had her cans of coffee. I
?did????????ntn????eme???o o??o ?toto to??asa?tete,e? s ??o Io I I????ghg??t t??isi??fifigi?ururirini??????ou??d d???????herhe??k-k-c-???s s ws ???? h he h??r or ??n n??cofcofff?eee?? T ThT????up?s s as ara??e fe ?lil?msmsysy,y??????? o ?f f???l l?(m(?oso??st ost ofof of t th t?hemhem ??ucuckc???????o eo eae?asiasili??? wh w?hilhi?le le g???tit?ingin???thethe ??opop p??n)n).). . I. ???*l*?????* *?li?ke?? a a g go g??d d sd sesea?l ???andan???eses,s, ??????e ??urureur?e te the the???e we wew????nono o co ?cof??feefe?e ge ???ounou????ono???????dgdgege,??? whi wh???? I I????w w? ca c?an an s sc scrcre?w ???? th?e e se see s?????, b, bu??t tt th?eye??????l ?lelealeakak.ak??????? one on?e oe ?of ????the rthe ???sas???le ??cupcu??????'l'll? b???beb????r ??oror r yr yoy?? a??nd nd y yo??? K ??????????1010000,0??0000400??3030H0HOHO2O2,2,A,??KJKJNJNFNF9F???1U1UXUXVX?E,E,d,dadar?ea?de??,1,1,1????,1,13,1333??040?????,D,?is??os?aCa???ups,ups????rerecre?ene?ntlntly
didn't want them to go to waste, so I bought this figuring I could make her k-cups with her own coffee. The cups are flimsy, first of all (most of them buckle too easily while getting the top on). It *looks* like a good seal (and yes, I made sure there were no coffee grounds on the edge, which I know can screw up the seal), but they still leak. Get one of the reusable cups. It'll be better for you and your Keurig." 7100,B004K30HO2,A2KJNF9DL1UXVE,dareader,1,1,4,1330041600,DisposaCups,"I recently
r ??cec??vev?d d a a a???ereririgi? C CoCofo?fefeeee e?????? ???d ???ala?izi??? t ?hah??? th t??e ce ???fe?e ?e cue c??????ulu?d d bd ?e ??a ca cocosco???? a?ddd??ono? t?o o? th???prpror???ctc?? D DiD?sps???aCa??upsups s cs cacamameme ?toto o to th?e ??resresus???. T. ??hesheses???durdu???????e cupe cu???cacanca????????le????iti????ou????wnw?n cn co?ff?eeee ee r??athat??r ?th?ana????the the e ?xpx?????iveive e Ke Ku???igig ig c??ups??. M. MyM?y oy ???ly ly i ?issis?suesue e we wi?th?th tth ???sese se? cu?psps ?is? t th tha that? w?he???? f?ilillill l t th the them them m? to???savsaveve ve? fo f??r lr ?atateat??er uer usu???? th??? to top to??????nonoto???stast?y ???????????. ????pe pe? th the?y ????k k o on o?????""7?101010????040???0H0HOHO2O?,A,A1A??????ELE?575??595??pap???1919393535,5,1,???1,1??,13,13232929090000400?808?00,00,p??or???esesi?gngn,n,","T"Th???li????kekeeke?? p ?poppoppp??????off?????en en t th the? the c the ???????llslls ?upup up wup wi?withwith h????aterater,r???
received a Kuerig Coffee Maker and realized that the coffee cups would be a costly add on to the product. DisposaCups came to the resue. These durable cups can be filled with your own coffee rather than the expensive Kuerig cups. My only issue with these cups is that when I fill them to save for later use, the tops do not stay on snuggly. Hope they work on this." 7101,B004K30HO2,A1V53K3EL57R59,papa1935,1,1,1,1329004800,poor design,"The lids keep popping off when the cup fills up with water, th
?e e o ??lyly y I ? h ?avaveve ?nonoto? t trt?iei???isi??pup??tit??g g 2 ???????s is inin in???ottot?omo? o?f f t th theh???????? t??ata??ththe??waw??????igi?htht t ft ??owo????ut ut?fafasaststet??. . I It I??s s as ????????es?s ?geg???iningin????ffffefeee?e ge ?ror???dsd?s is ins in n yn yoy?ourour r cr ???! ! I?? wo wououlouldld ?????bubuyu??ananynymymom??e ?of? t th?eme?, , u ?unlunle??s ???cacan? f?ixi? t th?? p pr p??blble?????!!?NoN???mormo?re re d?is?popososes?babala?le le??-c-cucup??s fs fof?or or?? me! me????1010202,2?B0B?040???0H0???????909?B1B1W1WXWXLX???T8T????et???y Ly ???????b b???bl?wew?ebb?""??????,1?,1,1,1,131?282???929?00?,d,?is??os????e ?????????We????????gegetge??er??????cu??cups.cups?? E EvE??ryr?th?ining??????t wt wewelwelll?? wi w?th??? h??????fe?????toto to?? the?? the cu the c??s ?????????th????fifililtl?terte???????>W>???n ??putputt?????th??????cup cup??nt???th??the cthe ??ff??ee ee? ma m
e only I have not tried is putting 2 holes in bottom of the cup so that the water might flow out faster. It's a damn mess getting coffee grounds in your cup! I would not buy anymore of them, unless I can fix the problem!!!!!No more disposebale K-cups for me!" 7102,B004K30HO2,A1D90B1WXLVFT8,"Betty Lou Webb ""blwebb""",1,1,1,1328659200,disposable k cups,"We put together the cups. Everything went well with t he coffee into the cups along with a filter.<br />When putting the kcup into the coffee ma

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