"Right, let us get you naked. You can bend over for the first six."
I stepped over to the sofa and slowly undressed. I could not hide my arousal from Sophie. She did look at me in my erect state and smiled. "Do you find this exciting?"
"Sorry, I cannot help it."
"Oh well, we will give him something else to think about very soon. Bend over, all the way over, legs apart and head down."
Anyone who has read any spanking stories knows the traditional bent-over position. The stories do not do justice to just how exposed you feel in this position. Your legs are wide apart, and your bottom feels so very vulnerable and exposed. My throat was dry as a desert and my heart rate was setting new records. But there was excitement mixed with the trepidation.
"Please keep still and keep the count for me. Ask yourself, was the view of a girl's panties worth the pain you will be receiving. Let us get started, shall we?"
The cane was placed low down on my bottom, and Sophie tapped a couple of times where she intended to strike. I did not have to wait long. The stroke exploded across my bottom. No matter how hard you try, nothing prepares you for the first stroke of the cane. All the breath seemed to leave my body. I shook my head, bent my knees, and whispered, "One. Thank you."
"One. Thank you, Mistress, if you please."
"One. Thank you, Mistress," I repeated.
The cane was placed even lower down my bottom, tapped, and then returned with force to announce the second stroke. I stamped my foot as I tried to absorb the pain.
"Two. Thank you, Mistress."
After six strokes. Sophie asked, "What did you see up the skirts you were looking at?"
Still bent over. I gasped, "Their knickers and sometimes a flash of stocking top."
"You liked that, did you?"
"Would you like to see my knickers and stockings?"
I could only be honest. "Yes, it would be a dream to see that."
"It might prove a painful dream, yet. Stand up."
I stood and my hand flew to my bottom to vainly rub the hurt away.
"Turn round, and I want you to lay over there with your head between the two piles of books."
I was puzzled about what she could mean. I looked over towards the bookcase in the corner.
There were two piles of large textbooks of equal height spaced apart; the stacks were about a foot high. In between the piles of books, there was a folded towel.
"Lie on your back with your head on the towel, young man."
I rushed to comply with her request and soon found myself staring at my office ceiling. Sophie came and stood over me with her feet just next to each book pile. My view was, therefore, straight up at Sophie. Her stockings, her striped bottom, and her crotch. She looked down. "Enjoying the view?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Would you like a closer look?"
Although I knew what was coming next, I replied very enthusiastically, "Yes, please."
"We still have six strokes of the cane to come, a closer look will cost you a spanking and twelve strokes. Is that a price you are willing to pay?"
I said, "Yes, please," before I had any time to think.
"Mmmm, ready?"
"Yes, totally."
Sophie slowly, so slowly lowered herself so she was sitting on the books with her crotch just an inch from my face. With her gown around me, I was in semi-darkness. I was also in paradise; she smelt wonderful, she looked divine and I could think of no place I would rather be.
From above me, I heard, "Is this what you were trying to see?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Do you like my thong?"
I looked and saw the front of the thong was latex with the string disappearing between her beautiful buttocks.
"It looks wonderful."
"You may kiss your Mistress."
With that, I lifted my head and started to slowly kiss her along the crease of her vagina through her panties. This started to get Sophie pushing down on my face. The more I kissed, the harder down she pressed. After a few minutes of this, Sophie asked, "Would you like me to remove my thong?"
"Oh yes, please." I was expected to hear of an increase in my punishment, but nothing was said.
Sophie stood, she slowly peeled down her thong and brushed it over my nose. "Do you like the smell of me mixed with the latex?"
"It is wonderful."
"You are a very naughty boy. I think we will have to arrange regular detention to work through this issue."
"If you say so, Mistress."
"I need a sit-down," said Sophie and slowly lowered herself back over my face. Once seated, she said, "I would like you to bring me to orgasm now. Take your time."
I got to work. My tongue flicked and teased her; she was incredibly wet, and I was getting a wet face from her. I could feel her excitement building as I slowly teased her and eventually, the dam broke and Sophie was hit with a huge orgasm. I had a bird's-eye view and what a sight it was.
As she came back down, She announced, "Right. I would like you to worship my bottom, paying particular attention to between my buttocks."
She repositioned herself so she was exposed to me. "Use your tongue." I did as I was asked. I worshipped her bottom, and she tasted wonderful. She moaned and pushed down and then asked I push my tongue into her anus. I was happy to oblige.
Eventually, Sophie stood and returned to sit at my desk. "Right. To continue with your punishment, what did we agree?"
"Twelve strokes and a spanking."
"Ah yes, let us start with the spanking." With that, she opened the top drawer of my desk and removed a pair of black latex gloves. "These help to protect my hands and help me to smack you all the harder, do you like?"
"Very much, Mistress."
"I wonder if you will be saying that in a few minutes."
She pulled on the gloves and flexed her fingers until they fitted perfectly. "Right, come and stand here next to me."
I walked to the spot she indicated. I was stood next to her with my renewed erection pointing out. She took my penis in her hand and gently stroked it. "He seems to be enjoying himself?"
"Yes, Mistress, you are having that effect."
"Oh, how nice, but we are not here for that, you are here to be punished. Over you go."
I carefully arranged myself over Sophie's lap. Looking up, I could see the back of her stockinged legs. Then I felt her gloved hand massaging my bottom, which started my earlier stripes throbbing.
"Right, a long hard spanking coming up."
There were no warmup smacks, just a flurry of smacks alternating between my buttocks. I never expected it to hurt so much, but it did. She then concentrated on one spot then another for a time. The tops of my thighs were also treated to this punishment. Tears were forming in my eyes and my bottom felt on fire. After what felt like hours but was probably five minutes, the spanking ceased.
"That is a very well-spanked bottom, very red and with six lovely stripes."
"It feels that way too."
"Good then, I am doing my job properly." There was no sympathy in that voice. "We finish with twelve hard strokes of the cane. Over the desk this time, I think."
I slowly walked around and laid myself over the desk. Sophie picked up the cane and swished it. She put her hand in front of my face. "Please kiss the hand that will punish you."
I smelt the latex and happily complied with her request.
The hand was withdrawn, and the cane was placed onto my bottom. The first stroke was incredible; it was very painful landing on an already punished bottom. I let out a small cry and grabbed onto the desk.
"One, thank you, Mistress."
"I will give you a thirty-second rest between each stroke, to give you time to absorb the full effect."
The caning, therefore, lasted over the next five minutes or so. Each stroke seemed to build the fire but eventually, we reached the end. I did feel I had endured this punishment well and did maintain most of my dignity.
"Well done, your punishment is over. Please stand."
I slowly eased myself upright. Sophie stood beside me. She looked down and spoke, "He does not look quite so happy now."
"He is happy it is over."
"Would you like some cold cream on your bottom?"
"Oh, yes, please."
"Well, I suppose you have earnt it. Follow me."
She led me into my bedroom. "Lie face down."
I eagerly got in position. Sophie produced a jar of cold cream and slowly massaged it into the affected areas. It was so soothing. She then started to work between my cheeks and then with her gloves still on pushed her fingers an inch or so into my anus.
"You are very tight there."
"You are the first to venture there."
"Mmm, interesting, maybe next time."
We got to know each other the way normal couples do for the rest of the evening. In the beginning, we made love very passionately and as time passed, we got to know each other more intimately. Sophie did indeed spend the night and it was wonderful.
In the morning, Sophie awoke and spoke, "The kids are back this afternoon; I need to get back and arrange things for the rest of the week. Thank you, I had a lovely time. See you tomorrow."
And with that, she left, leaving me and my sore bottom alone.
Later that afternoon I looked into the office. On the desk, I found Sophie's latex thong she had worn with a sticky note reading: 'A memento.'
I wondered if there would be the next time. I certainly hope so.
The End
I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to comment or connect, please send me private feedback.
Ideas for other stories are, of course, welcomed.
My Mother, Nurse O'Sullivan
Lewis stormed along the field as fast as his tired out legs would carry him, dribbling the black and white soccer ball past the opposing players who attempted to snatch it from his possession, not daring to give it up to the Ohio Ravens. Sticking close to the faded white line marking the edge of the grassy playing area, Lewis just barely prevented the ball from going out of play as his outstretched arms struggled to fend off the defending player, using his nimble body to balance himself in spite of the attempts to throw him off the pitch. A grimace crossed his lips when the defender snatched a handful of his red and white jersey, pulling it hard enough to tear the threads and leave a section of it flapping as Lewis sped towards the corner.
Seeing an opening, he turned his body and flicked the ball across to his teammate, taking a small breather when the attention was taken away from him. But with less than a minute left on the clock, Lewis surged back into action and rushed over to the box at full speed, shrugging off the player tasked with marking him and sidestepping any attempts to impede his approach. With his opponents proving all too willing to play a dirty game, Lewis wasn't prepared to take any risks and kept an eye on his footing to reduce the possibility of being tripped up.
Lewis briefly cast his gaze towards the packed-out bleachers, scanning across the mass of family members and fans of Steelmore High's home fans exploding with excitement, driven by the frenzy produced by such a close tie. Among the cheering crowd was his mother and younger sister, both of whom were stood right at the front of the bleachers and sharing in the assembled crowd's, though he noticed that his sister was far more interested in her phone than watching the knife-edge game.
But his mother, Martha O'Sullivan, couldn't have been any more exuberant if she tried. Leaping up and down on the steel bench, she cupped her hands around her mouth and chanted his name at the top of her voice, with the swell of her bust stretching her own matching jersey to breaking point. Her platinum blonde hair twinkled as the blazing sun bore down on the field, with her stunning blue eyes shielded from the glare by a pair of designer sunglasses. As hard as he tried to keep his eyes firmly locked on the game at hand, he couldn't stop himself from quickly appreciating the way her slim-fit jeans hugged her long legs, moulding to every contour she had worked so hard to preserve, leading down to the wedge heels that only further enhanced her sumptuous figure.
However, his moment of distraction didn't go unpunished, earning him another kick to his leg when the ball was abruptly returned to him. The scraping of his opponent's studs was enough to rip his sock to shreds, leaving a chunk of it dangling pointlessly as Lewis fought to keep possession of the ball. Determined to do his mother proud -- and to make himself stand out in front of any college soccer programme scouts lurking in the crowd -- Lewis launched into a sprint, becoming far more conscious of those around him when the opposing players resorted to desperate measures.
A handful of risky moves enabled him to move deeper into the box, holding his arms out to reduce to the impact of the body checks came his way, each one designed to use the referee's reluctance to call a foul to try and throw him to the ground. But with the final within reach, Lewis decided that the risks were worth it, even if it earned him a fond scolding from his mom after the game was over. A few well timed passes between his teammates and himself within the box allowed them to drag out the clock, wearing down the defenders in the process. He jolted, skipping over a slide tackle that made no attempt to touch the ball, aimed directly at his legs.