55 values
What is going on in Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe
the blockade of gaza
The Gaza blockade is illegal
the blockade of gaza
The attacks would not contribute to the security of Israel
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Corruption distorts and retards development
voter participation in the United States was higher when people could only vote in the primary for their own party
open primaries
The Israeli government's use of force in the Gaza Strip are acts of self-defense
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
abortion should be legal in all circumstances
partial birth abortions
High-rise buildings also cast shadows over public spaces, reducing their amenity value
high rises for housing
Reducing earmarks does not reduce government spending
congressional earmarks
the state has a legitimate role in providing public goods
the free market
Democracy is economically inefficient
advertisements promote a negative message about body image
The cost of operating a hydroelectric plant is nearly immune to increases in the cost of fossil fuels
hydroelectric dams
The limited trickle of items into Gaza force the counter-productive reliance on tunnels for daily essentials
the blockade of gaza
poverty decreases after countries adapt welfare programs
poor communities
welfare empowers individuals
poor communities
government intervention could serve a useful purpose
the free market
the concept of democracy as a constant process is flawed and detrimental
A dependency on the future versions and upgrades for a proprietary software package can create vendor lock-in, entrenching a monopoly position
governments should choose open source software
monopolies have historically developed only because of government intervention rather than due to a lack of intervention
the free market
Defamation of religions is a modern expression of religious hatred and xenophobia
the policy has created abuse for women in China
the one-child policy of the republic of china
affirmative action is racial division, not racial reconciliation
the use of affirmative action
The escalation of tensions in the Gaza Strip [鈥 has been triggered by rocket attacks launched by Hamas against innocent Israeli civilians
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
A homogeneous community grounded on consensus may be unable to criticize the injustice and exclusionary practices that undermine it
the state should confine its role to protecting individual liberty and property
the free market
Internet gambling is a legitimate activity that citizens have the right to engage in
attempting to reduce the Earth's population is the only moral option
intervention is necessary to solve market-created externalities
the free market
Open primary may dilute the vote of a particular party and lead to a nominee who does not represent the views of his particular party
open primaries
free trade agreements generally do not increase the economic freedom of the poor or the working class, and frequently make them poorer
the free market
differences are recognized as a uniting component rather than a separating one
monarchs are not impartial
the monarchy
The right to freedom of thought and expression, sanctioned by the Declaration of the Rights of Man, cannot imply the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers
biodiversity has intrinsic aesthetic and spiritual value to mankind
endangered species
Women and men in advertising are frequently portrayed in unrealistic and distorted images that set a standard for what is considered "beautiful
exposure to violent video games causes both short term and long term aggression in players and decreases empathy and prosocial behavior
the sale of violent video games to minors
Wind turbines do not consume fuel or produce pollution during normal operation
wind power
The Keystone XL pipeline would allow the U.S. to increase its energy security and reduce its dependence on foreign oil
the keystone xl pipeline
unlike conventional weapons, nuclear weapons successfully deter all-out war between states
all nations a right to nuclear weapons
there is a direct relationship between economic growth and economic freedom
the free market
constructive engagement with the Burmese junta has failed
re-engage with myanmar
studies of abstinence programs have not produced sufficient evidence to justify their widespread dissemination
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
freedom of speech helps to provide a balance between stability and change
freedom of speech
Self-defense is considered to be a fundamental and inalienable human right
the right to bear arms
most of the world's major economies are resorting to protectionist measures as the global economic slowdown begins to bite
the free market
Affirmative action is intended to promote equal opportunity
the use of affirmative action
affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of people who are chosen based on the social group to which they belong rather than their qualifications
the use of affirmative action
boxing may cause DP
property rights encourage their holders to develop their property or generate wealth
intellectual property rights
gun ownership is a civil liberty
the right to bear arms
Access to information is increasingly recognised as a prerequisite for transparency and accountability of governments
leaking of military documents
a voucher system would weaken public schools
fund education using a voucher scheme
Israel is inflicting collective punishment on the Gaza population
the blockade of gaza
Americans support a flag desecration amendment
burning the stars and stripes
by avoiding reproduction for ethical reasons the childfree will only aid deterioration of concern for the environment and future generations
inequality is harmful for economic development
poor communities
Wind energy does not emit greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide
wind power
ASEAN Way has recently proven itself relatively successful in the settlements of disputes by peaceful manner
Unfair competition is inherent in the structure of the BCS
implement playoffs in collegiate level american football
The idea that political freedom can be preserved in the absence of economic freedom, and vice versa, is an illusion
the free market
Large hydro dams can control floods, which would otherwise affect people living downstream of the project
hydroelectric dams
multiculturalism has shifted from tolerating multiple cultures to tolerating multiple value systems, which can be hostile to liberalism
the "restrictions imposed on the civilian population by the continuing blockade of the Gaza Strip amount to collective punishment, a violation of international humanitarian law
the blockade of gaza
most guns are in the hands of people who are unlikely to misuse them
the right to bear arms
Abstinence-only sex education does not decrease rates of unplanned pregnancy
only teach abstinence for sex education in schools
A hydroelectric power source has no fuel and low escape risk
hydroelectric dams
immigrants must always lose their own culture - that is the price of immigration
parents are in favor of the year-round schedule
year round schooling
People who live close to nature can be dependent on the survival of all the species in their environment
endangered species
liberty of expression 'is not absolute
freedom of speech
The responsibility of all governments is to ensure full respect of all religions
Months or years of service amongst the most fit and capable subtracts from the productivity of the economy
national service
Hamas is guilty of war crimes
israel's 2008-2009 military operations against gaza
Multiculturalism can not be allowed to create a society where all values are equal