There are 64 students trying out for the school's trivia teams. If 36 of them didn't get picked for the team and the rest were put into 4 groups, how many students would be in each group?
Nancy uploaded 41 pictures to Facebook. She put 37 pics into one album and put the rest into 2 different albums. How many pictures were in each album?
A magician was selling magic card decks for 2 dollars each. If he started with 5 decks and by the end of the day he had 3 left, how much money did he earn?
Will bought 7 boxes of chocolate candy and gave 3 to his little brother. If each box has 4 pieces inside it, how many pieces did Will still have?
Olivia was making baggies of cookies with 9 cookies in each bag. If she had 13 chocolate chip cookies and 41 oatmeal cookies, how many baggies could she make?
Each chocolate bar in a box cost $4. If a box had 11 bars total and Vanessa sold all but 7 bars, how much money would she have made?
Bianca had 45 coloring books. If she gave away 6 of them, but then bought 20 more, how many would she have total?
Cody bought 7 boxes of chocolate candy and 3 boxes of caramel candy. If each box has 8 pieces inside it, how much candy did he have total?
April's discount flowers was having a sale where each rose was 9 dollars. If April started with 11 roses and had 8 roses left, how much money did she earn?
Roger was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays, but he could only carry 4 trays at a time. If he had to pick up 10 trays from one table and 2 trays from another, how many trips will he make?
Rachel bought two coloring books. One had 24 pictures and the other had 39. After one week she had already colored 4 of the pictures. How many pictures does she still have to color?
Tiffany was playing a video game where she scores 6 points for each treasure she finds. If she found 3 treasures on the first level and 5 on the second, what would her score be?
Megan baked 68 cupcakes for her school's bake sale. If her brother, Todd, ate 32 of them how many packages could she make if she put 6 cupcake in each package?
A new building needed 11 windows. The builder had already installed 4 of them. If it takes 8 hours to install each window, how long will it take him to install the rest?
Olivia was playing a video game where she scores 8 points for each treasure she finds. If she found 2 treasures on the first level and 2 on the second, what would her score be?
A waiter had 33 customers to wait on. If 31 customers left and he got another 26 customers, how many customers would he have?
A magician was selling magic card decks for 9 dollars each. If he started with 12 decks and by the end of the day he had 7 left, how much money did he earn?
Katie uploaded 30 pictures from her phone and 51 from her camera to facebook. If she sorted the pics into 9 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album, how many pictures were in each of the albums?
Will had 83 dollars. If he spent 47 bucks on a new game, how many 4 dollar toys could he buy with the money he had left?
Haley and her friends were recycling paper for their class. For every 3 pounds they recycled they earned one point. If Haley recycled 11 pounds and her friends recycled 16 pounds, how many points did they earn?
Roger had 68 dollars. If he spent 47 bucks on a new game, how many 7 dollar toys could he buy with the money he had left?
Mike invited 13 friends to a birthday party, but 7 couldn't come. If he wanted to buy enough cupcakes so each person could have exactly 4, how many should he buy?
Maria was making baggies of cookies with 5 cookies in each bag. If she had 33 chocolate chip cookies and 2 oatmeal cookies, how many baggies could she make?
Tom bought 12 boxes of chocolate candy and gave 7 to his little brother. If each box has 6 pieces inside it, how many pieces did Tom still have?
Chloe was playing a video game where she scores 9 points for each treasure she finds. If she found 6 treasures on the first level and 3 on the second, what would her score be?
A painter needed to paint 12 rooms in a building. Each room takes 7 hours to paint. If he already painted 5 rooms, how much longer will he take to paint the rest?
Bianca's team won their dodgeball game and scored 75 points total. If Bianca scored 45 of the points and everyone else scored 6 points each, how many players were on her team?
Megan's class is going on a field trip to the zoo. If each van can hold 5 people and there are 25 students and 5 adults going, how many vans will they need?
Tom and his friend were buying trick decks from the magic shop for 8 dollars each. How much did they spend if Tom bought 3 decks and his friend bought 5 decks?
A pet store had 41 siamese cats and 28 house cats. During a sale they sold 15 cats. How many cats do they have left?
John made 6 dollars mowing lawns and 18 dollars weed eating. If he only spent 3 dollar a week, how long would the money last him?
Edward was working as a sacker at a grocery store where he made 6 dollars an hour. On Monday he worked 3 hours and on Tuesday he worked 5 hours. How much money did Edward make in those two days?
Luke made 9 dollars mowing lawns and 18 dollars weed eating. If he only spent 3 dollar a week, how long would the money last him?
A pet store has 8 bird cages. If each cage has 2 parrots and 7 parakeets in it, how many birds does the pet store have total?
While on vacation, Debby took 24 pictures at the zoo and 12 at the museum. If she later deleted 14 of the pictures, how many pictures from her vacation did she still have?
Robin's class is going on a field trip to the zoo. If each van can hold 8 people and there are 22 students and 2 adults going, how many vans will they need?
A vase can hold 5 flowers. If you had 6 carnations and 19 roses, how many vases would you need to hold the flowers?
A magician was selling magic card decks for 7 dollars each. If he started with 16 decks and by the end of the day he had 8 left, how much money did he earn?
Adam bought 13 boxes of chocolate candy and gave 7 to his little brother. If each box has 6 pieces inside it, how many pieces did Adam still have?
Zoe bought two coloring books. One had 44 pictures and the other had 44. After one week she had already colored 20 of the pictures. How many pictures does she still have to color?
For Halloween Robin scored 23 pieces of candy. She ate 7 pieces the first night and then her sister gave her 21 more pieces. How many pieces of candy does Robin have now?
Each chocolate bar in a box cost $4. If a box had 8 bars total and Emily sold all but 3 bars, how much money would she have made?
While shopping, Maria bought 40 green towels and 44 white towels. If she gave her mother 65 of them, how many towels did Maria end up with?
Each chocolate bar in a box cost $6. If a box had 13 bars total and Zoe sold all but 6 bars, how much money would she have made?
There were 2 friends playing a video game online when 2 more players joined the game. If each player had 3 lives, how many lives did they have total?
In fourth grade there were 35 students at the start of the year. During the year 10 students left and 10 new students came to school. How many students were in fourth grade at the end?
At the arcade Jerry won 4 tickets. If he spent 2 tickets on a beanie and later won 47 more tickets, how many would he have?
Dave was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays, but he could only carry 9 trays at a time. If he had to pick up 17 trays from one table and 55 trays from another, how many trips will he make?
A toy store had 4 giant stuffed bears in stock when they got another shipment with 10 bears in it. The put the bears onto shelves with 7 on each shelf. How many shelves did they use?
Paige and her friends were recycling paper for their class. For every 4 pounds they recycled they earned one point. If Paige recycled 14 pounds and her friends recycled 2 pounds, how many points did they earn?
At lunch a waiter had 10 customers and 5 of them didn't leave a tip. If he got $3 each from the ones who did tip, how much money did he earn?
Katie was selling her necklaces at a garage sale. She sold 4 bead necklaces and 3 gem stone necklaces. If each necklace cost 3 dollars, how much money did she earn?
A trivia team had 12 members total, but during a game 4 members didn't show up. If each member that did show up scored 8 points, how many points were scored total?
A waiter had 9 tables he was waiting on, with 2 women and 6 men at each table. How many customers total did the waiter have?
Debby had 30 coloring books. If she gave away 7 of them, but then bought 35 more, how many would she have total?
Victor and his friend were buying trick decks from the magic shop for 8 dollars each. How much did they spend if Victor bought 6 decks and his friend bought 2 decks?
Jerry had 7 action figures, but needed 16 total for a complete collection. If each one costs $8, how much money would he need to finish his collection?
Sarah had 4 pages of math homework and 6 pages of reading homework. If each page had 4 problems on it, how many problems did she have to complete total?
Gwen had 18 math problems and 11 science problems for homework. If she finished 24 of the problems at school, how many problems did she have to do for homework?
While playing at the arcade, Ned won 26 tickets playing 'whack a mole' and 19 tickets playing 'skee ball'. If he was trying to buy candy that cost 9 tickets a piece, how many could he buy?
Isabel uploaded 2 pictures from her phone and 4 from her camera to facebook. If she sorted the pics into 3 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album, how many pictures were in each of the albums?
Katie's team won their dodgeball game and scored 12 points total. If Katie scored 4 of the points and everyone else scored 4 points each, how many players were on her team?
Tiffany was playing a video game and had 43 lives. In a hard part of the game she lost 14 lives. If she got 27 more lives in the next level, how many lives would she have?
Victor was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays, but he could only carry 7 trays at a time. If he had to pick up 23 trays from one table and 5 trays from another, how many trips will he make?
Katie baked 18 cupcakes for her school's bake sale. If her brother, Todd, ate 8 of them how many packages could she make if she put 2 cupcake in each package?
Zoe had 6 songs on her mp3 player. If she deleted 3 old songs from it and then added 20 new songs, how many songs does she have on her mp3 player?
Nancy and her mom were picking carrots from their garden. Nancy picked 38 and her mother picked 47. If only 71 of the carrots were good, how many bad carrots did they have?
While playing at the arcade, Luke won 2 tickets playing 'whack a mole' and 13 tickets playing 'skee ball'. If he was trying to buy candy that cost 3 tickets a piece, how many could he buy?
For the school bake sale Katie made 26 cupcakes. If she sold 20 of them and then made 20 more, how many cupcakes would she have?
A pet store had 81 puppies. In one day they sold 41 of them and put the rest into cages with 8 in each cage. How many cages did they use?
Nancy uploaded 51 pictures to Facebook. She put 11 pics into one album and put the rest into 8 different albums. How many pictures were in each album?
A pet store had 102 puppies. In one day they sold 21 of them and put the rest into cages with 9 in each cage. How many cages did they use?
Haley uploaded 65 pictures to Facebook. She put 17 pics into one album and put the rest into 6 different albums. How many pictures were in each album?
Emily was planting vegetables in her garden. She started with 42 seeds and planted 36 of them in the big garden and in each of her small gardens put 2 seeds each. How many small gardens did Emily have?
Tiffany uploaded 7 pictures from her phone and 13 from her camera to facebook. If she sorted the pics into 5 different albums with the same amount of pics in each album, how many pictures were in each of the albums?
At a restaurant each adult meal costs $5 and kids eat free. If a group of 15 people came in and 8 were kids, how much would it cost for the group to eat?
John had 5 action figures, but needed 7 total for a complete collection. If each one costs $5, how much money would he need to finish his collection?
Paul bought 6 boxes of chocolate candy and 4 boxes of caramel candy. If each box has 9 pieces inside it, how much candy did he have total?
Lana's favorite band was holding a concert where tickets were 6 dollars each. Lana bought 8 tickets for herself and her friends and 2 extra tickets in case anyone else wanted to go. How much did she spend?
Chloe was unboxing some of her old winter clothes. She found 4 boxes of clothing and inside each box there were 2 scarves and 6 mittens. How many pieces of winter clothing did Chloe have total?
Haley was playing a video game and had 14 lives. In a hard part of the game she lost 4 lives. If she got 36 more lives in the next level, how many lives would she have?
Amy had 4 music files and 21 video files on her flash drive. If she deleted 23 of the files, how many files were still on her flash drive?
A teacher had 6 worksheets to grade. If she graded 4, but then another 18 were turned in, how many worksheets would she have to grade?
Sarah had 60 homework problems. She finished 20 of them but still had 5 pages of problems to do. If each page has the same number of problems on it, how many problems are on each page?
Wendy uploaded 45 pictures to Facebook. She put 27 pics into one album and put the rest into 9 different albums. How many pictures were in each album?
For the school bake sale Wendy made pastries. She baked 41 cupcakes and 31 cookies. After the sale she had 32 to take back home. How many pastries did she sell?
Rachel bought two coloring books. One had 23 pictures and the other had 32. After one week she had already colored 44 of the pictures. How many pictures does she still have to color?
While shopping for music online, Nancy bought 3 country albums and 5 pop albums. Each album came with a lyric sheet and had 8 songs. How many songs did Nancy buy total?
Edward earned 9 dollars for each lawn he mowed. If he had 6 lawns to mow, but forgot to mow 2 of them, how much money did he actually earn?
At a restaurant each adult meal costs $2 and kids eat free. If a group of 9 people came in and 2 were kids, how much would it cost for the group to eat?
Kaleb was collecting cans for recycling. On Saturday he filled 4 bags up and on Sunday he filled 6 more bags. If each bag had 4 cans in it, how many cans did he pick up total?
A vase can hold 6 flowers. If you had 7 carnations and 47 roses, how many vases would you need to hold the flowers?
There were 8 friends playing a video game online when 5 players quit. If each player left had 5 lives, how many lives did they have total?
Olivia and her mom were picking carrots from their garden. Olivia picked 20 and her mother picked 14. If only 19 of the carrots were good, how many bad carrots did they have?
Edward earned 4 dollars for each lawn he mowed. If he had 17 lawns to mow, but forgot to mow 9 of them, how much money did he actually earn?
A worksheet had 2 problems on it. If a teacher had 14 worksheets to grade and had already graded 7 of them, how many more problems does she have to grade?
John had 5 dollars. At the store he spent $2 on a new game. If he got another 26 dollars for his allowance, how much money does he have now?
Bianca uploaded 33 pictures to Facebook. She put 27 pics into one album and put the rest into 3 different albums. How many pictures were in each album?
Zoe had 42 bottles of water in her fridge. If she drank 25 of them and then bought 30 more, how many bottles would she have?
A trivia team had 9 members total, but during a game 3 members didn't show up. If each member that did show up scored 2 points, how many points were scored total?

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