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of hydro by changing the regulations, around the same time that they were selling Highway 407, and the Liberals followed through with those plans and actually sold Hydro. I realize he wasn’t there at the time, but I’d like to know his opinion: Has the sale and privatization of public utilities and infrastructure like Highway 407 and our publicly owned hydro been a success? And if so, why are customers paying so much more? Hon. Todd Smith: It was the previous Liberal government, under the former Premier, who still sits in this House today, that sold Hydro One. I was actually the critic for the Hydro One sale before I became the critic for energy, so I’ve been on this file for about three years. Mr. Speaker, what’s driving up the cost of electricity in Ontario and what continues to drive up the cost of electricity wasn’t the fact that there were private entities in the electricity sector; it was the fact that this government gave over-market prices to generation that was unreliable and was creating an oversupply of electricity, particularly at times when we didn’t need it. So we’ve taken those costs off of the rate base, off of those electricity customers, and moved them to the tax base, because those were political decisions. Those weren’t good energy decisions that were being made, and anybody that works in the energy or electricity sector will back me up on that one. Those were political decisions, Mr. Speaker. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Percy Hatfield): The member for Brantford–Brant has a question. Mr. Will Bouma: Speaker, through you to the minister: I’ve been so constantly amazed by the good work being done by the Ministry of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction. I believe that they’re just a powerhouse, and their consistent bills coming through year over year, spring and fall, are just making such a difference to the people of Ontario. I was wondering if I could ask the minister: As she looked over this bill, what was something that stuck out to her, that was just like, “Wow, that’s a really good idea that’s going to make a big difference for the people of Ontario”? Hon. Nina Tangri: Thank you to the member from Brantford–Brant for the question. If I had to choose one thing, it would be extremely difficult. This piece of legislation crosses 13 ministries, and I want to thank all of the ministers, the parliamentary assistants and our entire caucus for the work that they put in. I think if I had to speak about one particular piece, it would be extending the patios. Throughout the pandemic, we had to look for ways to support our businesses. The restaurant industry had suffered significantly, and it was something that we could do—to allow them to extend or have an outdoor patio for licensed restaurants, and to be able to do that through the pandemic, and to hear from the owners on how well it worked and how it saved their businesses. I think that one thing alone has had a massive impact on consumers and business owners. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Percy Hatfield): The member for Toronto Centre has a question. Ms. Suze Morrison: When we look at this bill, we see that there are some amendments to the cannabis act that affect how folks can purchase cannabis in our communities. Unfortunately, the real issue that we’re seeing with cannabis stores in my community, in Toronto Centre, is actually the proliferation of them. We don’t see anything in this bill to address the fact that municipalities can’t currently limit the location and number of cannabis shops in their cities. What we are seeing in communities like Toronto Centre, in neighbourhoods like the Church-Wellesley Village and in Corktown, is four, five, six, seven pot shops on a block completely eliminating the diversity of a healthy local economy on our main streets. And worse, I heard from a constituent in my community, Nelson, who has serious concerns about how close some of these shops are to schools and about the blatant advertising that is present right in front of our schools for young children. So what commitment is your government willing to make today to ensure that municipalities have more local control over the proliferation of cannabis retail locations in our municipalities to ensure the viability of our main streets? Hon. Nina Tangri: I want to thank the member for
of hydro by changing the regulations, around the same time that they were selling Highway 407, and the Liberals followed through with those plans and actually sold Hydro. I realize he wasn’t there at the time, but I’d like to know his opinion: Has the sale and privatization of public utilities and infrastructure like Highway 407 and our publicly owned hydro been a success? And if so, why are customers paying so much more? Hon. Todd Smith: It was the previous Liberal government, under the former Premier, who still sits in this House today, that sold Hydro One. I was actually the critic for the Hydro One sale before I became the critic for energy, so I’ve been on this file for about three years. Mr. Speaker, what’s driving up the cost of electricity in Ontario and what continues to drive up the cost of electricity wasn’t the fact that there were private entities in the electricity sector; it was the fact that this government gave over-market prices to generation that was unreliable and was creating an oversupply of electricity, particularly at times when we didn’t need it. So we’ve taken those costs off of the rate base, off of those electricity customers, and moved them to the tax base, because those were political decisions. Those weren’t good energy decisions that were being made, and anybody that works in the energy or electricity sector will back me up on that one. Those were political decisions, Mr. Speaker. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Percy Hatfield): The member for Brantford–Brant has a question. Mr. Will Bouma: Speaker, through you to the minister: I’ve been so constantly amazed by the good work being done by the Ministry of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction. I believe that they’re just a powerhouse, and their consistent bills coming through year over year, spring and fall, are just making such a difference to the people of Ontario. I was wondering if I could ask the minister: As she looked over this bill, what was something that stuck out to her, that was just like, “Wow, that’s a really good idea that’s going to make a big difference for the people of Ontario”? Hon. Nina Tangri: Thank you to the member from Brantford–Brant for the question. If I had to choose one thing, it would be extremely difficult. This piece of legislation crosses 13 ministries, and I want to thank all of the ministers, the parliamentary assistants and our entire caucus for the work that they put in. I think if I had to speak about one particular piece, it would be extending the patios. Throughout the pandemic, we had to look for ways to support our businesses. The restaurant industry had suffered significantly, and it was something that we could do—to allow them to extend or have an outdoor patio for licensed restaurants, and to be able to do that through the pandemic, and to hear from the owners on how well it worked and how it saved their businesses. I think that one thing alone has had a massive impact on consumers and business owners. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Percy Hatfield): The member for Toronto Centre has a question. Ms. Suze Morrison: When we look at this bill, we see that there are some amendments to the cannabis act that affect how folks can purchase cannabis in our communities. Unfortunately, the real issue that we’re seeing with cannabis stores in my community, in Toronto Centre, is actually the proliferation of them. We don’t see anything in this bill to address the fact that municipalities can’t currently limit the location and number of cannabis shops in their cities. What we are seeing in communities like Toronto Centre, in neighbourhoods like the Church-Wellesley Village and in Corktown, is four, five, six, seven pot shops on a block completely eliminating the diversity of a healthy local economy on our main streets. And worse, I heard from a constituent in my community, Nelson, who has serious concerns about how close some of these shops are to schools and about the blatant advertising that is present right in front of our schools for young children. So what commitment is your government willing to make today to ensure that municipalities have more local control over the proliferation of cannabis retail locations in our municipalities to ensure the viability of our main streets? Hon. Nina Tangri: I want to thank the member for
the question. I think everyone in this House understands our government is very committed to protecting children and keeping our communities safe by combatting the illegal market through a tightly regulated retail market that provides choice and provides convenience. Just a few days ago, we heard about fentanyl-laced drugs that are being sold on the illegal market. What we need to do here—when we announce statutory amendments to include it in Bill 13, the Supporting People and Businesses Act, it allows authorized cannabis retailers to provide curbside pickup and delivery on a permanent basis. Just imagine, Speaker, that we have somebody at home who potentially could already be smoking or having cannabis and they want more. Isn’t it better that they purchase it online and have it delivered, as opposed to getting in a car, driving to a facility and picking it up, potentially endangering many lives on the way? This is one of the reasons that we have stepped up with this legislation. We are saying yes to supporting the people of this province, and we are making sure that we have safe cannabis stores, and we are getting rid of the illicit market. The Acting Speaker (Mr. Percy Hatfield): There really isn’t enough time to kick off further debate, so I think it’s time that we just move into members’ statements. Third reading debate deemed adjourned. Mr. Tom Rakocevic: Do you know what has been missing from this government’s throne speech? Any leadership on the growing crisis in insurance in Ontario. Cars were parked during the lockdown and accidents were down over 70% across the province, but rather than making sure to share their savings with Ontario drivers—who, by the way, pay the highest rates in North America—this government allowed them to keep all $3.6 billion in profits they made in 2020 while everyone else struggled. Even worse, auto insurance rates continue to climb. Any leadership by the government here? No. They were busy doing PR for the insurers. While restaurants and other small businesses had their doors closed and struggled to keep their businesses afloat, insurers jacked up premiums by 200% or 300%. Think about it. Businesses were closed and nobody was there, but their rates tripled, further adding to insurer profits. After all our small businesses have gone through, was there any leadership from the government on rising commercial insurance? No, just silence. Condominium insurance continues to rise, affecting the cost of housing, but is the government taking any action? No. Entire industries are on the point of collapse, because insurers, after all the profits they are making, are pulling out of some sectors. After 50 years of service, Burlington Taxi has closed its doors forever because of insurance costs. Truck drivers are facing similar treatment. Music venues are facing a whopping 4,000% increase, meaning live music could go silent, just like this government when it comes to holding insurers to account. Speaker, day after day during the afternoons in this chamber, I raise the issue of insurance to government members, and all I get is dodgeball or silence. There is a growing crisis in insurance, and this government needs to step up or step aside. Mr. Bill Walker: Without a shadow of a doubt, I rise today in this House to acknowledge the unfortunate passing of world-famous weather prognosticator Wiarton Willie. He passed away after almost five years of best-of-the-burrow service. I want to extend my sincere condolences to the municipality of South Bruce Peninsula, the people of Wiarton and people across the country for their loss of our Canadian icon. I spent a lot of my life in Wiarton and have fond memories of Groundhog Day celebrations. I was even the event director in 1999, the year of the first official demise of Willie. For many years, community builder R. Keith Davidson has jokingly referred to me as Wiarton Billy, a name I wear, without a shadow of a doubt, with pride and honour. Wiarton Willie is a beloved figure in my riding and across the globe. Every year, people across the world gather to celebrate Groundhog Day to see and hear Willie’s prognostication: whether he will see his shadow, heralding six more weeks of winter, or if he
other antiretroviral therapy may continue to develop opportunistic infections and other complications of HIV infection. Therefore patients should remain under close clinical observation by physicians experienced in the treatment of HIV infection. Haematological adverse reactions: Anaemia, neutropenia and leucopenia (usually secondary to neutropenia) can be expected to occur in patients receiving zidovudine. These occurred more frequently at higher zidovudine dosages (1200-1500 mg/day) and in patients with poor bone marrow reserve prior to treatment, particularly with advanced HIV disease. Haematological parameters should therefore be carefully monitored in patients receiving Combivir. These haematological effects are not usually observed before four to six weeks therapy. For patients with advanced symptomatic HIV disease, it is generally recommended that blood tests are performed at least every two weeks for the first three months of therapy and at least monthly thereafter. In patients with early HIV disease haematological adverse reactions are infrequent. Depending on the overall condition of the patient, blood tests may be performed less often, for example every one to three months. Additionally dosage adjustment of zidovudine may be required if severe anaemia or myelosuppression occurs during treatment with Combivir, or in patients with pre-existing bone marrow compromise e.g. haemoglobin <9 g/dl (5.59 mmol/l) or neutrophil count <1.0 x 109/l. As dosage adjustment of Combivir is not possible separate preparations of zidovudine and lamivudine should be used. Physicians should refer to the individual prescribing information for these medicinal products. Pancreatitis: Cases of pancreatitis have occurred rarely in patients treated with lamivudine and zidovudine. However it is not clear whether these cases were due to the antiretroviral treatment or to the underlying HIV disease. Treatment with Combivir should be stopped immediately if clinical signs, symptoms or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of pancreatitis occur. Lactic acidosis: Lactic acidosis usually associated with hepatomegaly and hepatic steatosis has been reported with the use of zidovudine. Early symptoms (symptomatic hyperlactatemia) include benign digestive symptoms (nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain) non-specific malaise, loss of appetite, weight loss, respiratory symptoms (rapid and/or deep breathing) or neurological symptoms (including motor weakness). Lactic acidosis has a high mortality and may be associated with pancreatitis, liver failure, or renal failure. Lactic acidosis generally occurred after a few or several months of treatment. Treatment with zidovudine should be discontinued if there is symptomatic hyperlactatemia and metabolic/lactic acidosis, progressive hepatomegaly, or rapidly elevating aminotransferase levels. Caution should be exercised when administering zidovudine to any patient (particularly obese women) with hepatomegaly, hepatitis or other known risk factors for liver disease and hepatic steatosis (including certain medicinal products and alcohol). Patients co-infected with hepatitis C and treated with alpha interferon and ribavirin may constitute a special risk. Patients at increased risk should be followed closely. Mitochondrial dysfunction following exposure in utero: Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues may impact mitochondrial function to a variable degree, which is most pronounced with stavudine, didanosine and zidovudine. There have been reports of mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV-negative infants exposed in utero and/or post-natally to nucleoside analogues; these have predominantly concerned treatment with regimens containing zidovudine. The main adverse reactions reported are haematological disorders (anaemia, neutropenia) and metabolic disorders (hyperlactatemia, hyperlipasemia). These events have often been transitory. Late-onset neurological disorders have been reported rarely (hypertonia, convulsion, abnormal behaviour). Whether such neurological disorders are transient or
other antiretroviral therapy may continue to develop opportunistic infections and other complications of HIV infection. Therefore patients should remain under close clinical observation by physicians experienced in the treatment of HIV infection. Haematological adverse reactions: Anaemia, neutropenia and leucopenia (usually secondary to neutropenia) can be expected to occur in patients receiving zidovudine. These occurred more frequently at higher zidovudine dosages (1200-1500 mg/day) and in patients with poor bone marrow reserve prior to treatment, particularly with advanced HIV disease. Haematological parameters should therefore be carefully monitored in patients receiving Combivir. These haematological effects are not usually observed before four to six weeks therapy. For patients with advanced symptomatic HIV disease, it is generally recommended that blood tests are performed at least every two weeks for the first three months of therapy and at least monthly thereafter. In patients with early HIV disease haematological adverse reactions are infrequent. Depending on the overall condition of the patient, blood tests may be performed less often, for example every one to three months. Additionally dosage adjustment of zidovudine may be required if severe anaemia or myelosuppression occurs during treatment with Combivir, or in patients with pre-existing bone marrow compromise e.g. haemoglobin <9 g/dl (5.59 mmol/l) or neutrophil count <1.0 x 109/l. As dosage adjustment of Combivir is not possible separate preparations of zidovudine and lamivudine should be used. Physicians should refer to the individual prescribing information for these medicinal products. Pancreatitis: Cases of pancreatitis have occurred rarely in patients treated with lamivudine and zidovudine. However it is not clear whether these cases were due to the antiretroviral treatment or to the underlying HIV disease. Treatment with Combivir should be stopped immediately if clinical signs, symptoms or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of pancreatitis occur. Lactic acidosis: Lactic acidosis usually associated with hepatomegaly and hepatic steatosis has been reported with the use of zidovudine. Early symptoms (symptomatic hyperlactatemia) include benign digestive symptoms (nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain) non-specific malaise, loss of appetite, weight loss, respiratory symptoms (rapid and/or deep breathing) or neurological symptoms (including motor weakness). Lactic acidosis has a high mortality and may be associated with pancreatitis, liver failure, or renal failure. Lactic acidosis generally occurred after a few or several months of treatment. Treatment with zidovudine should be discontinued if there is symptomatic hyperlactatemia and metabolic/lactic acidosis, progressive hepatomegaly, or rapidly elevating aminotransferase levels. Caution should be exercised when administering zidovudine to any patient (particularly obese women) with hepatomegaly, hepatitis or other known risk factors for liver disease and hepatic steatosis (including certain medicinal products and alcohol). Patients co-infected with hepatitis C and treated with alpha interferon and ribavirin may constitute a special risk. Patients at increased risk should be followed closely. Mitochondrial dysfunction following exposure in utero: Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues may impact mitochondrial function to a variable degree, which is most pronounced with stavudine, didanosine and zidovudine. There have been reports of mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV-negative infants exposed in utero and/or post-natally to nucleoside analogues; these have predominantly concerned treatment with regimens containing zidovudine. The main adverse reactions reported are haematological disorders (anaemia, neutropenia) and metabolic disorders (hyperlactatemia, hyperlipasemia). These events have often been transitory. Late-onset neurological disorders have been reported rarely (hypertonia, convulsion, abnormal behaviour). Whether such neurological disorders are transient or
permanent is currently unknown. These findings should be considered for any child exposed in utero to nucleoside and nucleotide analogues, who presents with severe clinical findings of unknown etiology particularly neurologic findings. These findings do not affect current national recommendations to use antiretroviral therapy in pregnant women to prevent vertical transmission of HIV. Lipoatrophy: Treatment with zidovudine has been associated with loss of subcutaneous fat, which has been linked to mitochondrial toxicity. The incidence and severity of lipoatrophy are related to cumulative exposure. This fat loss, which is most evident in the face, limbs and buttocks, may not be reversible when switching to a zidovudine-free regimen. Patients should be regularly assessed for signs of lipoatrophy during therapy with zidovudine and zidovudine-containing products (Combivir and Trizivir). Therapy should be switched to an alternative regimen if there is suspicion of lipoatrophy development. Weight and metabolic parameters: An increase in weight and in levels of blood lipids and glucose may occur during antiretroviral therapy. Such changes may in part be linked to disease control and life style. For lipids, there is in some cases evidence for a treatment effect, while for weight gain there is no strong evidence relating this to any particular treatment. For monitoring of blood lipids and glucose reference is made to established HIV treatment guidelines. Lipid disorders should be managed as clinically appropriate. Immune Reactivation Syndrome: In HIV-infected patients with severe immune deficiency at the time of institution of combination antiretroviral therapy (CART), an inflammatory reaction to asymptomatic or residual opportunistic pathogens may arise and cause serious clinical conditions, or aggravation of symptoms. Typically, such reactions have been observed within the first few weeks or months of initiation of CART. Relevant examples are cytomegalovirus retinitis, generalised and/or focal mycobacterium infections, and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (often referred to as PCP). Any inflammatory symptoms should be evaluated and treatment instituted when necessary. Autoimmune disorders (such as Graves' disease) have also been reported to occur in the setting of immune reactivation; however, the reported time to onset is more variable and these events can occur many months after initiation of treatment. Liver disease: If lamivudine is being used concomitantly for the treatment of HIV and HBV, additional information relating to the use of lamivudine in the treatment of hepatitis B infection is available in the Zeffix SmPC. The safety and efficacy of zidovudine has not been established in patients with significant underlying liver disorders. Patients with chronic hepatitis B or C and treated with combination antiretroviral therapy are at an increased risk of severe and potentially fatal hepatic adverse events. In case of concomitant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C, please refer also to the relevant product information for these medicinal products. If Combivir is discontinued in patients co-infected with hepatitis B virus, periodic monitoring of both liver function tests and markers of HBV replication for 4 months is recommended, as withdrawal of lamivudine may result in an acute exacerbation of hepatitis. Patients with pre-existing liver dysfunction, including chronic active hepatitis, have an increased frequency of liver function abnormalities during combination antiretroviral therapy, and should be monitored according to standard practice. If there is evidence of worsening liver disease in such patients, interruption or discontinuation of treatment must be considered. Patients co-infected with hepatitis C virus: The concomitant use of ribavirin with zidovudine is not recommended due to an increased risk of anaemia. Osteonecrosis: Although the etiology is considered to be multifactorial (including corticosteroid use, alcohol consumption, severe immunosuppression, higher body mass index), cases of osteonecrosis have been reported particularly in patients with advanced HIV-disease and/or long-term exposure to combination ant
WHPC knew immediately where to turn - to its coalition partner, the Center for Animal Protection and Education (CAPE) sanctuary in Grass Valley, CA. Already home to rescued burros, we knew the sanctuary would be a little slice of heaven for Billy the burro. An anonymous donor who founded The Platero Project, a program dedicated to promoting awareness about America's wild burros and keeping them wild and free on the range, stepped forward to fund the rescue. Because Billy was not a wild burro, he was not protected under federal law. As a result, he was classified as "estray livestock," and his fate was in the hands of the Nevada Department of Agriculture, which agreed to allow us to purchase him directly in order to spare Billy the trauma of being run through the livestock auction. That was one year ago. Billy is now adjusting beautifully to his life at the sanctuary. His weight is perfect, his coat is shiny - he looks so different than when he first arrived at the sanctuary as a very malnourished and depressed burro. He is extremely connected to his herd of five other burros. His best friend, Platero, and he are constantly playing and running around together in the burro pasture. CAPE Director, JP Novic said, "Billy has a distinctive bray that sounds more like a honking fog horn than a hee-haw. He brings a huge smile to everyone's face and we are so lucky to have him at the sanctuary." After being dumped alone, in the wilds of Nevada, Billy was rescued thanks to great teamwork by the BLM, employees of the mining operation, the manager of the local ranch, the Nevada Department of Agriculture, AWHPC, the Center for Animal Protection and Education, and thanks to the generosity of the anonymous donor. It took a village to save this little burro, and he is now living out his life at a peaceful and serene sanctuary! America's burros are protected by law, as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West," but they are facing a genetic crisis caused by small and geographically dispersed populations. This could lead to their extinction in the US. The Platero Project, funded by an anonymous donor and managed by AWHPC, is dedicated to elevating the status of burros and preserving and protecting these icons of the West by keeping them wild. If you would like to support animals like Billy, please visit www.capeanimals.org/make-a-donation1 Featured on the DoDo here: https://www.thedodo.com/on-the-farm/people-are-inviting-farm-animals-onto-zoom-calls Greig Lamont Born in Dumfries and Galloway, Greig Lamont was educated in Scotland before taking up a place to study at Balliol College, Oxford, in 2008. There, he was a Brackenbury Scholar and latterly a William Westerman Pathfinder Scholar. Greig graduated in 2011 with a First Class degree in Law (Jurisprudence) and has wide experience in the legal world, at one point serving as a Marshall to Mr Justice Sir Michael Burton in the Royal Courts of Justice whilst an undergraduate. After graduating, Greig travelled around the USA and Canada, photographing abandoned buildings, before joining the Scottish Conservative Party’s research team in the Scottish Parliament. He will take up a Masters in Law at Harvard Law School in the fall of 2013. UK Bedroom “Tax” - Why Cats Are Not Dogs Why does it matter when politicians call subsidy reductions, “taxes”? The Evolution of Revolution: An Independent Scotland’s Constitution Before Scotland's referendum, voters have a number of crucial questions to ask themselves. Written constitutions are borne out of revolution, not evolution, or so the saying goes. Whilst the Scottish independence movement cannot be easily characterised as either, it has become a position in great vogue in the ranks of... Voter Rights in Scotland: A Punishment to Fit the Crime? Greig Lamont looks at the justifications offered by the Scottish government for its decision to bar prisoners from voting in next year’s referendum on Scottish independence, and asks what they can tell us about progressive politics in Scotland. Former Susquehannock golfer Kendel Abrams
WHPC knew immediately where to turn - to its coalition partner, the Center for Animal Protection and Education (CAPE) sanctuary in Grass Valley, CA. Already home to rescued burros, we knew the sanctuary would be a little slice of heaven for Billy the burro. An anonymous donor who founded The Platero Project, a program dedicated to promoting awareness about America's wild burros and keeping them wild and free on the range, stepped forward to fund the rescue. Because Billy was not a wild burro, he was not protected under federal law. As a result, he was classified as "estray livestock," and his fate was in the hands of the Nevada Department of Agriculture, which agreed to allow us to purchase him directly in order to spare Billy the trauma of being run through the livestock auction. That was one year ago. Billy is now adjusting beautifully to his life at the sanctuary. His weight is perfect, his coat is shiny - he looks so different than when he first arrived at the sanctuary as a very malnourished and depressed burro. He is extremely connected to his herd of five other burros. His best friend, Platero, and he are constantly playing and running around together in the burro pasture. CAPE Director, JP Novic said, "Billy has a distinctive bray that sounds more like a honking fog horn than a hee-haw. He brings a huge smile to everyone's face and we are so lucky to have him at the sanctuary." After being dumped alone, in the wilds of Nevada, Billy was rescued thanks to great teamwork by the BLM, employees of the mining operation, the manager of the local ranch, the Nevada Department of Agriculture, AWHPC, the Center for Animal Protection and Education, and thanks to the generosity of the anonymous donor. It took a village to save this little burro, and he is now living out his life at a peaceful and serene sanctuary! America's burros are protected by law, as "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West," but they are facing a genetic crisis caused by small and geographically dispersed populations. This could lead to their extinction in the US. The Platero Project, funded by an anonymous donor and managed by AWHPC, is dedicated to elevating the status of burros and preserving and protecting these icons of the West by keeping them wild. If you would like to support animals like Billy, please visit www.capeanimals.org/make-a-donation1 Featured on the DoDo here: https://www.thedodo.com/on-the-farm/people-are-inviting-farm-animals-onto-zoom-calls Greig Lamont Born in Dumfries and Galloway, Greig Lamont was educated in Scotland before taking up a place to study at Balliol College, Oxford, in 2008. There, he was a Brackenbury Scholar and latterly a William Westerman Pathfinder Scholar. Greig graduated in 2011 with a First Class degree in Law (Jurisprudence) and has wide experience in the legal world, at one point serving as a Marshall to Mr Justice Sir Michael Burton in the Royal Courts of Justice whilst an undergraduate. After graduating, Greig travelled around the USA and Canada, photographing abandoned buildings, before joining the Scottish Conservative Party’s research team in the Scottish Parliament. He will take up a Masters in Law at Harvard Law School in the fall of 2013. UK Bedroom “Tax” - Why Cats Are Not Dogs Why does it matter when politicians call subsidy reductions, “taxes”? The Evolution of Revolution: An Independent Scotland’s Constitution Before Scotland's referendum, voters have a number of crucial questions to ask themselves. Written constitutions are borne out of revolution, not evolution, or so the saying goes. Whilst the Scottish independence movement cannot be easily characterised as either, it has become a position in great vogue in the ranks of... Voter Rights in Scotland: A Punishment to Fit the Crime? Greig Lamont looks at the justifications offered by the Scottish government for its decision to bar prisoners from voting in next year’s referendum on Scottish independence, and asks what they can tell us about progressive politics in Scotland. Former Susquehannock golfer Kendel Abrams
looks to grow her game and her sport at Howard ROB ROSE 717-505-5418/@robrosesports Kendel Abrams transferred to Howard University. Abrams was elected to the board of the GenZ Council. Abrams' Howard women's team will begin play this fall. When Sam Puryear met Kendel Abrams during her recruiting visit to Queens University, he knew the young golfer was destined to achieve whatever she pursued in the sport and in life. Abrams ended up going with another program, but the pair stayed in touch while she began her college career, not knowing they would join forces years later. When Puryear was named the head coach of the men’s and women’s golf teams at Washington's Howard University in April, one of his first orders of business was to recruit the Susquehannock High School graduate to help build the program. “She’s a leader,” Puryear said. “To build a new team, I had to have a leader. She’s just an incredible human being.” Susquehannock's Abrams makes impact on, off course Abrams had joined NCAA Division II Converse College after she finished her winning Warriors’ career, but was missing one goal she set as a kid. The 2017 District 3 champion had received a scholarship to play in college, but not at the highest level, and the chance to join the Bison program presented too many opportunities to change her life. “I had a dream since I was really young to play D-I golf, and since, I checked off literally every other box except the D-I title. So I was like, ‘You only live once. You can’t have any regrets in life,’” Abrams said of her decision to transfer to Howard, which is regarded as one of the top academic universities in the nation. Passion to grow the game in new directions: Part of Puryear’s plan to pursue Abrams was based on what she can do on the course. But it also has to do with her passion to grow the game and include other women and Black people in a sport that has been dominated by white men since its creation. Abrams created a nonprofit, Grasp Girls With Golf, while she was still in high school, and recently was elected to the board of the GenZ Council, designed to allow junior golfers to share their experiences on the state of the golf industry, what they hope the future will look like and how to address social and economic issues surrounding the game. Puryear has plenty of experience with growing the sport himself. He played under the first Black woman to coach a men’s NCAA D-I golf team, Dr. Catana Starks, at Tennessee State University. He also became the first Black head coach at a Power Five school in 2008. He also has experience with nonprofit organizations and fundraising, but he hasn’t seen many people with the drive to grow the game of golf like Abrams possesses. “How many young people do you know that have started foundations?” Puryear said. “This girl has raised a ton of money and given it to girls who are about her same age, but needed help. I just don’t know what’s better than that. When you find young people that are selfless, you know they are going to run the world one day, if they choose to. I think this girl is a magnet to where she can do some things that have never been done before.” Howard gets help from NBA star: Right now, what Abrams wants to do is improve her golf game and help her sport grow and improve. When the Howard women’s team debuts this fall, Abrams and the Bison will head to the course with new gear, courtesy of an NBA star. Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry announced in 2019 that he would help fund the golf program at Howard, and along with his brand partners — Under Armour and Callaway Golf — outfit the teams with clothes and clubs. Abrams and her teammates took a trip to Georgia in September to get fitted for new Callaway clubs. With the funding and equipment from Curry, Callaway and Under Armour, along with Puryear's experience winning championships at Stanford University and Michigan State University, Howard hopes to build a winning program after decades without the sport on its campus. Making connections: Although she is at the school to play golf, Abrams is focused on much more than posting low scores at Howard. Abrams is excited about the connections she has made in the
ethuen, Paperback, 1986 Alice in Wonderland (Children's Classics) Michael O'Mara Books, Hardcover, 1986 Alice in Wonderland (Stories to remember) Macmillan Education, Paperback, 1986 Scholastic Trade, Paperback, 1985 HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Hardcover, 1985 Henry Holth & Co (J), Hardcover, 1985 Cassette Works Audio, Audio Cassette, 1985 Capricorn Pr, Hardcover, 1985 Peter Pauper Press, Hardcover, 1985 Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Hardcover, 1985 Methuen young books, Hardcover, 1985 Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Rip Van Winkle Chancellor Press 1985, Paperback, 1985 1985), Hardcover, 1985 Alices Adventures in Wonderland (Book & Cassette) Victor Gollancz, Hardcover, 1984 GOLLANCZ, Hardcover, 1984 Knopf, Hardcover, 1983 University of California Press, Hardcover, 1983 Book Sales, Hardcover, 1982 Alice in Wonderland (Classics) Random House Childrens Books (Lib), Library Binding, 1982 Reed, Hardcover, 1982 Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland Pennyroyal Press, Unknown Binding, 1982 LEWIS CARROLL'S ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Two Volumes - Complete Buccaneer Books Inc, Hardcover, 1981 Harmony Raine Company, Hardcover, 1981 ALICE\'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND OCTOPUS, Hardcover, 1981 Ace Books, Paperback, 1980 The Franklin Library, Hardcover, 1980 Macmillan / Intervisual Communications, Hardcover, 1980 Western Publishing Company, Paperback, 1979 Alice's Adventures Underground (English Literary Autograph Manuscripts) Genesis Publications (AZ), Hardcover, 1979 Modern Promotions, Paperback, 1979 Franklin Library, Hardcover, 1979 Delacorte Press, Hardcover, 1977 Alice in Wonderland (Children's Illustrated Classics) Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, Paperback, 1977 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Easton Press The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Collector's Edition in Full Leather The Easton Press, Hardcover, 1977 St. Martin's Press, New York, Hardcover, 1977 ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Easton Press Academy Editions, Paperback, 1976 Elsevier-Phaidon, Hardcover, 1975 Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland. Elsevier / Phaidon ., Hardcover, 1975 Alices's Adventures in Wonderland - Franklin Library Ltd Edition Franklin Library;, Hardcover, 1975 Crowell, Hardcover, 1975 PAN BOOKS, Paperback, 1973 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Everyman Paperbacks) Alice in Wonderland (Oxford English Novels) Oxford University Press, Hardcover, 1971 Crowell, Library Binding, 1971 Franklin Watts, Incorporated, Hardcover, 1970 Alice in Wonderland (Gold Star Library) Alice in Wonderland (Clear Print Classics) Rylee Ltd, Hardcover, 1970 Tuttle (Charles E.) Co Inc.,U.S
ethuen, Paperback, 1986 Alice in Wonderland (Children's Classics) Michael O'Mara Books, Hardcover, 1986 Alice in Wonderland (Stories to remember) Macmillan Education, Paperback, 1986 Scholastic Trade, Paperback, 1985 HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Hardcover, 1985 Henry Holth & Co (J), Hardcover, 1985 Cassette Works Audio, Audio Cassette, 1985 Capricorn Pr, Hardcover, 1985 Peter Pauper Press, Hardcover, 1985 Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Hardcover, 1985 Methuen young books, Hardcover, 1985 Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Rip Van Winkle Chancellor Press 1985, Paperback, 1985 1985), Hardcover, 1985 Alices Adventures in Wonderland (Book & Cassette) Victor Gollancz, Hardcover, 1984 GOLLANCZ, Hardcover, 1984 Knopf, Hardcover, 1983 University of California Press, Hardcover, 1983 Book Sales, Hardcover, 1982 Alice in Wonderland (Classics) Random House Childrens Books (Lib), Library Binding, 1982 Reed, Hardcover, 1982 Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland Pennyroyal Press, Unknown Binding, 1982 LEWIS CARROLL'S ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Two Volumes - Complete Buccaneer Books Inc, Hardcover, 1981 Harmony Raine Company, Hardcover, 1981 ALICE\'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND OCTOPUS, Hardcover, 1981 Ace Books, Paperback, 1980 The Franklin Library, Hardcover, 1980 Macmillan / Intervisual Communications, Hardcover, 1980 Western Publishing Company, Paperback, 1979 Alice's Adventures Underground (English Literary Autograph Manuscripts) Genesis Publications (AZ), Hardcover, 1979 Modern Promotions, Paperback, 1979 Franklin Library, Hardcover, 1979 Delacorte Press, Hardcover, 1977 Alice in Wonderland (Children's Illustrated Classics) Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, Paperback, 1977 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Easton Press The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Collector's Edition in Full Leather The Easton Press, Hardcover, 1977 St. Martin's Press, New York, Hardcover, 1977 ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Easton Press Academy Editions, Paperback, 1976 Elsevier-Phaidon, Hardcover, 1975 Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland. Elsevier / Phaidon ., Hardcover, 1975 Alices's Adventures in Wonderland - Franklin Library Ltd Edition Franklin Library;, Hardcover, 1975 Crowell, Hardcover, 1975 PAN BOOKS, Paperback, 1973 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Everyman Paperbacks) Alice in Wonderland (Oxford English Novels) Oxford University Press, Hardcover, 1971 Crowell, Library Binding, 1971 Franklin Watts, Incorporated, Hardcover, 1970 Alice in Wonderland (Gold Star Library) Alice in Wonderland (Clear Print Classics) Rylee Ltd, Hardcover, 1970 Tuttle (Charles E.) Co Inc.,U.S
., Hardcover, 1969 Mayflower, Paperback, 1969 Washington Square Press, Mass Market Paperback, 1969 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Maecenas Press - Random House, Unknown Binding, 1969 Alice in Wonderland: A Giant Fairy Story World Distributors, Paperback, 1969 Random House Trade, Hardcover, 1968 Alice Adventures In Wonderland Macmillan, Hardcover, 1967 Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll - Oxford University Press - The Oxford Library Of The World's Great Books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Everyman's Library) Doubleday Dolphin, Paperback, 1965 Macmillan & Co. Ltd, Hardcover, 1959 The Children's Press, Hardcover, 1958 Children's Classics, Unknown Binding, 1956 CHILDREN'S CLASSICS, GARDEN CITY, NY, Hardcover, 1955 Whitman Publishing Company, Racine, Wisconsin,, Hardcover, 1955 Macmillan & Co Ltd, Hardcover, 1953 NEW YORK GOLDEN PRESS, Hardcover, 1951 Juvenile Productions Ltd, Paperback, 1951 Doubleday, Doran & Co. Inc Garden City New York, Hardcover, 1950 W Foulsham, Hardcover, 1949 Unknown, Hardcover, 1949 Penguin Books, Paperback, 1949 Avenel Books, Hardcover, 1949 Chanticleer Press, Paperback, 1948 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with the Illustrations of John Tenniel (The Franklin Library) ALICE"S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND (PS 35) Penguin, Paperback, 1946 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll Random House, Hardcover, 1946 Random House, 1946, Hardcover, 1946 Birn Brother Ltd., London, Hardcover, 1946 A. & C. Black, LTD., Hardcover, 1946 Puffin, Pamphlet, 1946 Alice's Adventures Wonderland by Lewis Carroll pub by Random House Random House Special Edition, Hardcover, 1946 The Adventures of Alice In Wonderland Whitman, Hardcover, 1945 Alices Adventures in Wonderland (Facsimile of First Edition) Book League America, Hardcover, 1941 RICHARD CLAY AND SONS LTD, Hardcover, 1941 Alice's adventures in wonderland, The Heritage press, Paperback, 1941 Alice in Wonderland (359047) Hal Leonard Corp, Paperback, 1940 The Macmillan Company, Hardcover, 1939 Garden City, Hardcover, 1935 J.Coker and Co, Hardcover, 1934 Grosset & Dunlap, Unknown Binding, 1933 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Signed by "Alice" and in the Original Slipcase) The Limited Editions Club, Hardcover, 1932 Readers Library, Hardcover, 1932 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Signed by "Alice") Garden City Publishing Co., Inc, Hardcover, 1931 Harper & Brothers, Hardcover, 1930 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Illustrated Clear-Type Press, Leather Bound, 1930 A. & C. Black Ltd, Hardcover, 1929 J.B. Lippincott, Hardcover, 1928 Saalfield Publishing, Hardcover, 1928 Cassell & Company, Hardcover, 1928 Alice in Wonderland | Stories Old & New | Illustrated by Frank
11 1/4 inches, with light brown hair, hazel eyes and fair complexion. He had five large moles in the middle of the right cheek and a dimple chin. He was married but had no children. The crime was smuggling and he was sentenced to six calendar months imprisonment. He was committed on 21 Sep 1840 and taken to Dorchester Gaol the same day. While there William was described as orderly. He was discharged on 20 Mar 1841. Car hire Newark Airport Other car hire locations Chicago Airport San Francisco Airport Vancouver Airport Need a fast, reliable car hire service in Newark? Rent with Budget, we provide quality hire cars and a friendly service at a great value price. Let's go. Enter your rental dates in the form on the right to get a quote. Rent a car at Newark Airport Newark Liberty Airport Newark Liberty Intl Apo Other Budget locations nearby JFK International Airport Budget Rent-A-Car at Newark Liberty Airport View our convenient Budget car hire location on the map below. Explore New York with Budget Car Hire Car hire in Newark and New Jersey Newark enjoys the distinction of being one of the most important hubs of industry and commerce without seeing a decline in either through the years. If New York is the Big Apple, Newark has certainly earned its title of the Gateway City. Newark's history and shipping port is the lifeline of both New York and other surrounding areas. While the city was incorporated in 1863, it existed as an important town on the eastern seaboard since the late 17th century. The city is well connected by road to other locations on the East Coast and rental cars are the most convenient way to get from the airport to the city. If you get a car with us, then take the chance to explore Newark. The city is a true melting pot of cultures and neighbourhoods with shining business districts in contrast to the industrial district and quiet suburban areas. The weather is remarkably moderate and the bracing maritime subtropical climate makes it pleasant all year round. If you are flying into or out of the New York New Jersey area, you should know that the Newark Liberty International Airport is the busiest airport in the region, handling over 400,000 flights a year. So whether you are departing or arriving in Newark, it is important to have a hire car at your convenience. Newark's charm lies in its combination of cultural and natural beauty with the mighty edifices of industry. You may choose to start your discovery of the city at the airport with a car to drive into the city. Let the good times begin with a relaxing play or musical performance at the legendary New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Younger visitors can go to the Prudential Center where headline Rock, Pop, R&B, Soul and Jazz acts routinely perform. Commune with the city's relaxing ways at Branch Brook Park, one of the largest green spaces in the city. The park is spread out across 360 acres of pristine meadows and woods. If you choose to tee off, Weequahic Park Golf Course is the oldest and best-maintained 18-hole golf course in the region, established for over a century. Pamper your taste buds with the flavour of Portuguese, Brazilian, and Mexican cuisine in the commercial section of Ironside, the district that takes its name from the ironworks and railroads at the turn of the 21st century. For travellers who enjoy learning about the city's history, the Newark Public Library, the New Jersey Historical Society and the Newark Museum are attractions that must not be missed. If Baseball takes your fancy, rent a car and drive to the Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium, home to the Newark Bears. Outside of Newark is the Big Apple, New York and a trip across the river brings you to some of the best retail and boutique stores in the world. The centre of fashion and style, New York is about 20 minutes drive. If you intend to travel with family or children, we offer an additional driver and safety seat for children. Our offices are near the airport and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making it convenient for you to drive to the city at any time of
11 1/4 inches, with light brown hair, hazel eyes and fair complexion. He had five large moles in the middle of the right cheek and a dimple chin. He was married but had no children. The crime was smuggling and he was sentenced to six calendar months imprisonment. He was committed on 21 Sep 1840 and taken to Dorchester Gaol the same day. While there William was described as orderly. He was discharged on 20 Mar 1841. Car hire Newark Airport Other car hire locations Chicago Airport San Francisco Airport Vancouver Airport Need a fast, reliable car hire service in Newark? Rent with Budget, we provide quality hire cars and a friendly service at a great value price. Let's go. Enter your rental dates in the form on the right to get a quote. Rent a car at Newark Airport Newark Liberty Airport Newark Liberty Intl Apo Other Budget locations nearby JFK International Airport Budget Rent-A-Car at Newark Liberty Airport View our convenient Budget car hire location on the map below. Explore New York with Budget Car Hire Car hire in Newark and New Jersey Newark enjoys the distinction of being one of the most important hubs of industry and commerce without seeing a decline in either through the years. If New York is the Big Apple, Newark has certainly earned its title of the Gateway City. Newark's history and shipping port is the lifeline of both New York and other surrounding areas. While the city was incorporated in 1863, it existed as an important town on the eastern seaboard since the late 17th century. The city is well connected by road to other locations on the East Coast and rental cars are the most convenient way to get from the airport to the city. If you get a car with us, then take the chance to explore Newark. The city is a true melting pot of cultures and neighbourhoods with shining business districts in contrast to the industrial district and quiet suburban areas. The weather is remarkably moderate and the bracing maritime subtropical climate makes it pleasant all year round. If you are flying into or out of the New York New Jersey area, you should know that the Newark Liberty International Airport is the busiest airport in the region, handling over 400,000 flights a year. So whether you are departing or arriving in Newark, it is important to have a hire car at your convenience. Newark's charm lies in its combination of cultural and natural beauty with the mighty edifices of industry. You may choose to start your discovery of the city at the airport with a car to drive into the city. Let the good times begin with a relaxing play or musical performance at the legendary New Jersey Performing Arts Center. Younger visitors can go to the Prudential Center where headline Rock, Pop, R&B, Soul and Jazz acts routinely perform. Commune with the city's relaxing ways at Branch Brook Park, one of the largest green spaces in the city. The park is spread out across 360 acres of pristine meadows and woods. If you choose to tee off, Weequahic Park Golf Course is the oldest and best-maintained 18-hole golf course in the region, established for over a century. Pamper your taste buds with the flavour of Portuguese, Brazilian, and Mexican cuisine in the commercial section of Ironside, the district that takes its name from the ironworks and railroads at the turn of the 21st century. For travellers who enjoy learning about the city's history, the Newark Public Library, the New Jersey Historical Society and the Newark Museum are attractions that must not be missed. If Baseball takes your fancy, rent a car and drive to the Bears and Eagles Riverfront Stadium, home to the Newark Bears. Outside of Newark is the Big Apple, New York and a trip across the river brings you to some of the best retail and boutique stores in the world. The centre of fashion and style, New York is about 20 minutes drive. If you intend to travel with family or children, we offer an additional driver and safety seat for children. Our offices are near the airport and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making it convenient for you to drive to the city at any time of
day or night. The Newark airport handles over 33 million passengers every year and is a business traveller's delight for its proximity to the business district and the number of flights and carriers that pass through every day. The fact that you can get a car to hire helps make your trip to the Gateway City a pleasurable one. Bat For Lashes http://www.batforlashes.com/ The Bride Warner Bros./Parlophone http://www.parlophone.co.uk/ https://www.tinymixtapes.com/sites/default/files/1607/bat-for-lashes-the-bride_0.jpg [Warner Bros./Parlophone; 2016] By Elizabeth Newton https://www.tinymixtapes.com//writer/elizabeth+newton 2016-07-05T00:02:56-04:00 Styles: art-pop, dream rituals, magic spells Others: Jenny Hval, Julia Holter, The Carpenters, Sexwitch Marriage has long been a fraught institution, but The Bride , the fourth full-length from Natasha Khan’s project Bat For Lashes, manages to extract beauty from it. Inspired in part by a short film directed by Khan called I Do (2015), the album tells a story, already turned into the beginnings of a novella, in which a bride’s fiancé is killed in a car crash prior to their wedding day. This macabre turn doesn’t doom the tale to tragedy, however; after a spooky romp with a ghost, a solo honeymoon, and nostalgic reminiscing, the story ends with the bride lost among clouds, praising rain as divine. The cover of Bat For Lashes’s 2012 album The Haunted Man pictures Khan carrying a naked man slung across her shoulders. Her art is filled with such modified gender roles, which transcend mere inversion, by which women assert a strength that is also nurturing. On The Bride , Khan inhabits the journey of a mourning bride, but she resists idealizations of romantic love in her narrative and is instead drawn to the power of ritual itself, to the ways it punctuates our days. The delight in tradition for its own sake, with as few strings attached as possible, led Khan to tour through various chapels and cathedrals throughout the US and UK, inspired by what she calls the vulnerability of “witnessing something as a collective.” Khan is intrigued by conventional wedding items, like the bouquet, but in general she resists the materialistic trappings of matrimony in favor of the simple intimacy of good company: “I don’t wanna waste my time/ Putting on dresses and drinking wine,” she sings on “In Your Bed.” When she tells her dead lover she just wants to spend time in the “world of our minds,” critics’ frequent comparisons of Kahn to Kate Bush begin to make sense (“I was hiding in a room in my mind,” sings Bush on “Them Heavy People”). Musically, the arrangements are spare, bordering on simplistic, which allows the bride’s story to come to the fore. Less a concept album than “a storytelling album,” by Khan’s own definition, the drama is best digested as a whole. That said, individual tracks do stand alone, such as the crisp dance cut “Sunday Love” and the moving “If I Knew,” its melody inflected by delicate blue notes. Although The Bride ’s 13 musical numbers explore trust, loss, hope, and other well-worn aspects of romantic love, a resonant theme is embracing other forms of love: particularly affection for community and independence from anyone at all. As Khan said, “I also really liked the idea of going on a honeymoon, but going on your own, and how then you would only have yourself to fall in love with.” On “Honeymooning Alone,” she sings: “Driving my car in the night/ […] empty seat by my side.” From Beyoncé’s preoccupation with her ringless finger to Khan’s own solitary adventure, our narratives of self-love are often dependent on the symbols of matrimony, if only as objects of refin
you to choose a model that meets your demands, with higher-end models packed with a complete range of included features. Standard equipment across the lineup, however, includes a one-button start, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, and manual electric air conditioning. Redefined Exterior Compact and stylish, with premium finishes and bold proportions, the new MG ZS is a model that makes a statement out on the road. Many elements of the exterior design are capable of capturing the attention, with the London Eye headlights, signature ‘Star Rider’ front grille, and sporty 17-inch alloy wheels just some of those features that leave a lasting impression. With an elevated ride height and slick body lines, the new MG ZS will be turning heads wherever you travel. Extreme Comfort MG ZS Interior Incredible levels of interior space come as standard in the MG ZS, with a 448-litre boot space complementing the exceptional head, shoulder, and legroom provided for up to five adult passengers. It’s more than comfortable too, with air conditioning, premium fabrics and dual-tone leather options providing seating that is inviting and tailored for relaxation. Power and Performance An NSE 1.5-litre Major engine powers the new MG ZS, providing maximum torque of 150Nm and fuel consumption of 5.8l/100km. What’s more, with an adjustable triple steering aid mode also available and an advanced gearbox, the result is a smooth and responsive drive. Interactive Technology Technology is key in any new vehicle – after all, modern motorists demand a full selection of driving aids and infotainment measures when they’re out on the road. In the new MG ZS, drivers of higher specification models will find an eight-inch colour touchscreen and Apple CarPlay smartphone connectivity enabling them to access and manage selected apps and entertainment measures. Cruise control, a multifunction steering wheel, and even parking sensors can help add to the driving experience. Enjoy Safety A full suite of safety measures provides the peace of mind all motorists seek when taking to the road. A rear camera, for example, is available on top-of-the-range models, making parking in tight spaces easier - and safer - than ever before. Airbags will protect you in the event of a collision, while safety technology such as Tyre Pressure Monitoring, Anti-Lock Braking, and Pedestrian Protection will all work to ensure that any such eventualities are avoided. Make a Bold Entrance The MG ZS Gallery I'm Looking For Exclusive MG ZS Offers Offer Main Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consamet, consecteectetuer adipiscing elit. More Details Proposition 69 — Transportation Funding Constitutional Amendment - Majority Approval Required To learn more about measures, follow the links for each tab in this section. For most screenreaders, you can hit Return or Enter to enter a tab and read the content within. 4,886,924 votes yes (81.3%) 1,121,924 votes no (18.7%) 100% of precincts reporting (21,487/21,487). — undefined Requires that certain revenues generated by a 2017 transportation funding law be used only for transportation purposes and generally prohibits Legislature from diverting funds to other purposes. Fiscal Impact: No direct effect on the amount of state and local revenues or costs but could affect how some monies are spent. What is this proposal? Easy Voter Guide — Summary for new and busy voters Information provided by The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund The way it is now In 2017 lawmakers passed a measure called Senate Bill 1 (SB1) to increase funding for transportation in California. SB1 increased taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. It created a new transportation fee, which will be added to the cost of registering a vehicle. It also increased registration fees for electric cars and other vehicles that don’t burn gasoline. Money earned from SB1 will go toward transportation purposes, such as road repairs and improving public transit. Currently, the State Constitution does not require money from the transportation fees or diesel sales taxes to be spent only on transportation
you to choose a model that meets your demands, with higher-end models packed with a complete range of included features. Standard equipment across the lineup, however, includes a one-button start, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, and manual electric air conditioning. Redefined Exterior Compact and stylish, with premium finishes and bold proportions, the new MG ZS is a model that makes a statement out on the road. Many elements of the exterior design are capable of capturing the attention, with the London Eye headlights, signature ‘Star Rider’ front grille, and sporty 17-inch alloy wheels just some of those features that leave a lasting impression. With an elevated ride height and slick body lines, the new MG ZS will be turning heads wherever you travel. Extreme Comfort MG ZS Interior Incredible levels of interior space come as standard in the MG ZS, with a 448-litre boot space complementing the exceptional head, shoulder, and legroom provided for up to five adult passengers. It’s more than comfortable too, with air conditioning, premium fabrics and dual-tone leather options providing seating that is inviting and tailored for relaxation. Power and Performance An NSE 1.5-litre Major engine powers the new MG ZS, providing maximum torque of 150Nm and fuel consumption of 5.8l/100km. What’s more, with an adjustable triple steering aid mode also available and an advanced gearbox, the result is a smooth and responsive drive. Interactive Technology Technology is key in any new vehicle – after all, modern motorists demand a full selection of driving aids and infotainment measures when they’re out on the road. In the new MG ZS, drivers of higher specification models will find an eight-inch colour touchscreen and Apple CarPlay smartphone connectivity enabling them to access and manage selected apps and entertainment measures. Cruise control, a multifunction steering wheel, and even parking sensors can help add to the driving experience. Enjoy Safety A full suite of safety measures provides the peace of mind all motorists seek when taking to the road. A rear camera, for example, is available on top-of-the-range models, making parking in tight spaces easier - and safer - than ever before. Airbags will protect you in the event of a collision, while safety technology such as Tyre Pressure Monitoring, Anti-Lock Braking, and Pedestrian Protection will all work to ensure that any such eventualities are avoided. Make a Bold Entrance The MG ZS Gallery I'm Looking For Exclusive MG ZS Offers Offer Main Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consamet, consecteectetuer adipiscing elit. More Details Proposition 69 — Transportation Funding Constitutional Amendment - Majority Approval Required To learn more about measures, follow the links for each tab in this section. For most screenreaders, you can hit Return or Enter to enter a tab and read the content within. 4,886,924 votes yes (81.3%) 1,121,924 votes no (18.7%) 100% of precincts reporting (21,487/21,487). — undefined Requires that certain revenues generated by a 2017 transportation funding law be used only for transportation purposes and generally prohibits Legislature from diverting funds to other purposes. Fiscal Impact: No direct effect on the amount of state and local revenues or costs but could affect how some monies are spent. What is this proposal? Easy Voter Guide — Summary for new and busy voters Information provided by The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund The way it is now In 2017 lawmakers passed a measure called Senate Bill 1 (SB1) to increase funding for transportation in California. SB1 increased taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. It created a new transportation fee, which will be added to the cost of registering a vehicle. It also increased registration fees for electric cars and other vehicles that don’t burn gasoline. Money earned from SB1 will go toward transportation purposes, such as road repairs and improving public transit. Currently, the State Constitution does not require money from the transportation fees or diesel sales taxes to be spent only on transportation
. What if it passes? Amend the State Constitution so that money from diesel sales taxes and the new transportation fees could be spent only on transportation purposes. Taxes and fees from SB1 will not change if Prop 69 passes. Budget effect There would be no immediate effect on how money is spent at the state or local level. If Prop 69 passes, money from diesel sales taxes and the new transportation fees could be spent only on transportation. The state would be unable to spend this money on other purposes. People FOR say Prop 69 would make sure that money from gas and diesel taxes is only spent for transportation purposes like fixing roads and mass transit. This would help every community in the state and guarantee that taxes go to valuable transportation projects. People AGAINST say All money from transportation related taxes and fees should go to transportation projects like fixing roads. Prop 69 doesn’t go far enough to protect other transportation fees, such as the vehicle weight fee. Pros & Cons — Unbiased explanation with arguments for and against Information provided by League of Women Voter's of California Education Fund Should the Legislature be required to dedicate and direct revenues from the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) to transportation purposes and exempt this revenue from California’s annual spending limit? This Proposition was part of a legislative package, which included SB 1, signed by Gov. Brown in April 2017. SB 1 increased the state’s excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel, dedicating this revenue to transportation purposes as provided by the Constitution. In addition, SB 1 in-creased sales taxes on diesel fuel and created a new vehicle registration fee, the Transportation Improvement Fee (TIF) based on a vehicle’s value. The Constitutional provision restricting the use of the excise tax on diesel fuel to transportation purposes does not to apply sales tax on such fuel; nor does it apply to the newly created TIF. Prop 69 would amend the State Constitution to: Restrict the new diesel sales tax revenue and a Transportation Improvement Fee (TIF) on vehicles from SB 1, to be used solely for transportation purposes, Prohibit borrowing from the Public Transportation Account for non-transportation purposes or using TIF revenues to repay state transportation bonds without voter approval. Allow revenues from SB 1 to be excluded from California’s spending limit which places an "upper bound" each year on the amount of monies that can be spent from state tax proceeds. Fiscal effect Because Prop 69 does not change the tax and fee rates established in SB 1, there is no direct fiscal effect. Prop 69 could affect how some monies are spent in the future by re-stricting the use of revenues from diesel sales taxes and TIF fees. Supporters say Prop 69 won’t raise taxes one cent. It ensures recently enacted transportation revenues we pay at the pump and when we register our vehicles can be used only for road and transportation improvement projects. Prop 69 constitutionally protects transportation funds by prohibiting the Legislature from using these revenues for non-transportation purposes and prioritizes repair of deteriorating roadways. We need Prop 69 to protect revenues to fix the poor condition of our roads which pose a major safety threat to California drivers and to provide smoother, less congested roads and highways. Opponents say Sacramento has had plenty of money to fix crumbling roads through transportation-related fees and taxes, but the state has repeatedly spent money on every-thing but transportation. Proponents say Prop 69 will safeguard dollars to fix the poor condition of our roads, but a portion of the money is for transit, including high speed rail and bike lanes, not roads. Prop 69 fails to protect ALL transportation dollars such as the $1 billion annually collected in vehicle weight fees used to backfill the State’s General Fund through debt service. Measure Details — Official information about this measure YES vote means A YES vote on this measure means: The Legislature will be required under the State Constitution to continue to spend revenues from recently enacted fuel taxes and vehicle fees on transportation purposes (such as repairing roads and improving
Hurst By taxing internet sales, retail fairness becomes reality Energy Environment Opinion Baker’s net-zero goal is business-as-usual By Craig S Altemose It’s not climate leadership, or even followership Net-zero target called most aggressive in world Only few states, countries have similar goal Baker proposes all-new MBTA Board By Shira Schoenberg and Bruce Mohl Would include 7 members, meet 12 times a year State government Transportation Baker proposes $1 fee per ride-hailing trip By Shira Schoenberg Would use portion of money to boost MBTA funding VIDEO | Close-up of man's mutating hand; sucker-demon swarm poses as tattoo An e-mail sent by grandma, after reading this post The Voices Demons and their people got their way in this world—once again—in that I went to jail, not too long after having wrote this about seeing my serial stalker for the first time, wearing all-too-familiar jail attire, in Court postpones release of serial stalker, cites danger to community: He's wearing the same clothes I've worn any number of times since the (overt) attack by demons and their people, the very same clothes I wore four out of the past six years, and the clothes they continue to vow I will wear again in the near future—that is to say, jail clothes [see Voices Demons' weigh options to deprive me of freedom]. Two nights ago, while submerged in a miasma of demonic activity unparalleled in history, San Jose police apprehended the demon person I was tailing [at the Townhouse Motel] for outstanding warrants, and snatched me, too—albeit only for a day, and only for failure to pay (restitution, that is, on a misdemeanor case from 2012). I was told repeatedly by demons all the night long, right beforehand, "Go home; the police are coming." I stayed anyway, and, as a result, was able to record most of the police encounter on my iPhone, starting with the ranting and raving of my would-be hostage-taker—my host and subject of the video in this post—followed by the forced entry by San Jose PD, and the subsequent search and questioning, and, of course, arrest; by clicking the following link, you will also hear a very strange—but familiar—exchange between my host and the police officers involving talk of 'pedophile' and 'balls being chopped off', once the Voices Demons' and their people's most frequently discussed topic, apart from anything else related to me [see Excerpt: 15 seconds of Voices Demons threats, rambling]. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_exgT43OZJOTjA0QlFkTVRWR0k/view?usp=sharing NOTE | If you listen to the recording with Apple earBuds for iPhone on an iPhone, you might hear Voices Demons talking to the police: one expresses her satisfaction at my arrest to my arresting officer; another Voices Demons chants at a police officer, something to the effect of "Get off the phone, right...get off the phone, right...get off the phone, right...get off the phone right now; someone wants to talk to you in their dreams. I have no idea; Voices Demons know how to speak normally, so, when they do this, it is usually an encoded directive to demons possessing the listener. Also, ever get cornered into a conversation with someone about the Illuminati, Free Masons and the like? The Voices Demons say those words and others like them (such as police) are encoded directives by a demon person to your possessing demons (i.e., demons in or around you), which instruct them to manipulate your emotions, attention, health, etc., in ways predictable to the speaker and problematic to you. To hear the kind of talk you should avoid as soon as you hear it (in order to prevent problems you couldn't otherwise explain), download the audio recording made prior to the one above. It turns out that getting arrested was not such a bad thing, especially when considering that I was only i custody for a day. That night, at the motel, I was injured, and getting even more still: A metal
Hurst By taxing internet sales, retail fairness becomes reality Energy Environment Opinion Baker’s net-zero goal is business-as-usual By Craig S Altemose It’s not climate leadership, or even followership Net-zero target called most aggressive in world Only few states, countries have similar goal Baker proposes all-new MBTA Board By Shira Schoenberg and Bruce Mohl Would include 7 members, meet 12 times a year State government Transportation Baker proposes $1 fee per ride-hailing trip By Shira Schoenberg Would use portion of money to boost MBTA funding VIDEO | Close-up of man's mutating hand; sucker-demon swarm poses as tattoo An e-mail sent by grandma, after reading this post The Voices Demons and their people got their way in this world—once again—in that I went to jail, not too long after having wrote this about seeing my serial stalker for the first time, wearing all-too-familiar jail attire, in Court postpones release of serial stalker, cites danger to community: He's wearing the same clothes I've worn any number of times since the (overt) attack by demons and their people, the very same clothes I wore four out of the past six years, and the clothes they continue to vow I will wear again in the near future—that is to say, jail clothes [see Voices Demons' weigh options to deprive me of freedom]. Two nights ago, while submerged in a miasma of demonic activity unparalleled in history, San Jose police apprehended the demon person I was tailing [at the Townhouse Motel] for outstanding warrants, and snatched me, too—albeit only for a day, and only for failure to pay (restitution, that is, on a misdemeanor case from 2012). I was told repeatedly by demons all the night long, right beforehand, "Go home; the police are coming." I stayed anyway, and, as a result, was able to record most of the police encounter on my iPhone, starting with the ranting and raving of my would-be hostage-taker—my host and subject of the video in this post—followed by the forced entry by San Jose PD, and the subsequent search and questioning, and, of course, arrest; by clicking the following link, you will also hear a very strange—but familiar—exchange between my host and the police officers involving talk of 'pedophile' and 'balls being chopped off', once the Voices Demons' and their people's most frequently discussed topic, apart from anything else related to me [see Excerpt: 15 seconds of Voices Demons threats, rambling]. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_exgT43OZJOTjA0QlFkTVRWR0k/view?usp=sharing NOTE | If you listen to the recording with Apple earBuds for iPhone on an iPhone, you might hear Voices Demons talking to the police: one expresses her satisfaction at my arrest to my arresting officer; another Voices Demons chants at a police officer, something to the effect of "Get off the phone, right...get off the phone, right...get off the phone, right...get off the phone right now; someone wants to talk to you in their dreams. I have no idea; Voices Demons know how to speak normally, so, when they do this, it is usually an encoded directive to demons possessing the listener. Also, ever get cornered into a conversation with someone about the Illuminati, Free Masons and the like? The Voices Demons say those words and others like them (such as police) are encoded directives by a demon person to your possessing demons (i.e., demons in or around you), which instruct them to manipulate your emotions, attention, health, etc., in ways predictable to the speaker and problematic to you. To hear the kind of talk you should avoid as soon as you hear it (in order to prevent problems you couldn't otherwise explain), download the audio recording made prior to the one above. It turns out that getting arrested was not such a bad thing, especially when considering that I was only i custody for a day. That night, at the motel, I was injured, and getting even more still: A metal
prong stakes itself into the side of my head at the scene of my arrest, as shown in this still frame from a video made that night These two still frames are reminiscent of those shown in Metal prongs hook, stretch face earlier this year Those pics offer but a sample of the cloaked (i.e., faster-than-normal time, semi-transparent, semi-permeable) items that stabbed me everywhere, all night; the following video (which has yet to be post-processed) shows the mutation of his hand-based demonic weapons engaged in same: On top of that, my unconscious form apparently had to listen to things like this from my host, John Taylor: This world has a lot of problems, doesn't it? There are good people helping—like, you—people. You can be the noblest of people; but, life passes through very quickly. I only know that he said this to me, and that I was unconscious when he said it, because I rigged his cellphone to capture video for me—just in case (glad I did; knew I should've, and that I needed to). You can watch three of them on my YouTube channel; scores more are coming up once they are released from police custody next Tuesday. So, there were not only these things, but the fact that I was tired and hungry and drained. The one-and-a-half-day break actually did me some good, and kept me relatively safe for a day while the fires burned down. NOTE | My cellie was none other than one of the former fellow residents at Little Orchard; more on that later [see AUDIO | Homeless shelter staff fag-bashes via loudspeaker]. Even still, it was so worth it, considering the quality of the photos and videos that were made and stored on my iPhone and MacBook Air, which, having been kept in police custody, were far safer than they would have been otherwise. That's because so much never-seen-before and sensitive data is contained in them—more than anything I have ever had to offer, and more than anything that has ever been offered, more than anyone wants told. The jail stay was a mere inconvenience. NOTE | There will be a slight delay in posting due to the length of time it will take to finish and apply the new post-processing enhancement procedures [see METHOD #3 | Finding hidden demons in digital media | Aberrating image positives and negatives; see also METHOD #2 | Finding hidden demons in digital media | Differentiating consecutive still frames], which are essential, and worth the wait. This post, by comparison, then, is going to be a bit of a let-down, in that it's about my jailhouse tattoo, specifically, the one on my butt—something I think we can all agree we've all seen way too much of lately. Even still, it's important because it introduces a topic I've postponed discussing for way too long: the fact that swarms of sucker demons often pose as tattoos on demon people and their victims. I've proved that sucker demons can pose as hairs and possess shoestrings; but, even though I've known about sucker demons posing as tattoos since 2011, I failed to address it fully, which I consider a gross act of irresponsibility on my part, having only said this in Man with demon hand sports morphing demonic shirt pattern: Demons not only change line drawings and other forms of artwork into their likeness, but, they can animate it, as well. And, not only do they do this to prints and patterns on shirts and the like, but, they can do it to tattoos on a person's skin, too. The only rationalization I can proffer is this: my general policy is to wait until I have some sort of evidence before making any claim; plus, I figure, how much more do people need to see before they acknowledge the problem, anyway? First and foremost... In regards to the sin of tattooing, I offer no excuses—only sorrow and repentance: Ye shall not ... print any marks upon you. I am the LORD. [Leviticus 19:28] Here is an interpretation of this verse, as provided by the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary: nor print any marks upon you—by tattooing, imprinting figures of
don't shoot for the moon, you'll never hit it! I've been doing lots of research online and am just now starting to enter the planning phase. We of course use Spiceworks for our Ticketing system, inventory control and Server/network monitoring, and I'm curious if any of my fellow SpiceHeads have, or are planning to incorporate something similar. I would love to chat, pick your brain, and share some of my thoughts on the matter. I'm particularly interested in what you're planing to use (or what you have already tried). Datil deanmoncaster I forgot about eliza, i started writing a chat bot in 1996 while i was doing my Alevels, i called it "stupid talking machine" and it did exactly what it said on the tin..spoke crap! was fun for a bit. Hanh (Serviceaide) Apr 9, 2018 at 15:07 UTC I was just reading this article and I noticed your comment. And I couldn't help but get excited because we just launched our new product Luma, that acts as a level 0 agent that performs basic triage, customer follow-ups, ticket assignment, and escalation. I think Luma might be what you are looking for. Please give us a look (Serviceaide), Or just comment back I would love to hear your thoughts. Ben5352 May 3, 2018 at 14:57 UTC That is a great post. Thank you for posting. Have you tried this <a html>WWW.SPAMHUT/SCAM/RAY-BANG-LASSES.HTML < /a>; they're great! (Adding joke comment so I don't get banned) ccjadechu Jun 22, 2018 at 02:52 UTC Our company has adopted a chatbot for customer services and sourcing for 3 months. Basically we made use of our FAQ as a base to map out the answers to respond via Chatbot. We will need to keep managing the new questions we received daily and inputting into the Chatbot system manually so to "feed to grow" it. I wonder if it is just a data mapping technique instead of AI. Any comments to my query? Thanks. ccjadechu Jul 6, 2018 at 06:28 UTC Hi, according to the chatbot adoption chart by company size, can you please share the definition of small, mid-size, and large business? Thanks. JarJarBinks Aug 16, 2018 at 20:18 UTC I would love to see Spiceworks incorporate this into the helpdesk. Borfee Sep 30, 2019 at 10:45 UTC An AI based company, today is the part of a software industry. Betterment of the company is directly proportional to the growth of the industry and as well as software domain. The betterment of artificial intelligence will now make the workplace a great place to live in and work coincidentally. But for using any artificial intelligence enabled component, it is very much necessary that the guy must be versed with AI. This means he will need an AI Certification in order to use any kind of machine which is totally carved out of the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Users who spiced up this comment More from the Spiceworks blog... 2018 IT predictions: Budget increases, ransomware scares, and GDPR unpreparedness It's often said that in tech, the only constant is change. Because conditions are continuously sh... Peter Tsai 5 years ago 5 Minute Read 9 34 Most will miss GDPR deadline: UK most prepared, US and rest of EU lag behind On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which sets new rules for how busi... 7 Minute Read 34 46 All Access Birmingham 2018 'scores a century'! Hey SpiceHeads, just over a week ago we held All Access Birmingham and, before I get too far into... Manish Dixit 4 years ago Drug cases compromised due to tampering with evidence May 2, 2014 | Drug Charges Numerous drug cases across Florida have potentially been compromised
don't shoot for the moon, you'll never hit it! I've been doing lots of research online and am just now starting to enter the planning phase. We of course use Spiceworks for our Ticketing system, inventory control and Server/network monitoring, and I'm curious if any of my fellow SpiceHeads have, or are planning to incorporate something similar. I would love to chat, pick your brain, and share some of my thoughts on the matter. I'm particularly interested in what you're planing to use (or what you have already tried). Datil deanmoncaster I forgot about eliza, i started writing a chat bot in 1996 while i was doing my Alevels, i called it "stupid talking machine" and it did exactly what it said on the tin..spoke crap! was fun for a bit. Hanh (Serviceaide) Apr 9, 2018 at 15:07 UTC I was just reading this article and I noticed your comment. And I couldn't help but get excited because we just launched our new product Luma, that acts as a level 0 agent that performs basic triage, customer follow-ups, ticket assignment, and escalation. I think Luma might be what you are looking for. Please give us a look (Serviceaide), Or just comment back I would love to hear your thoughts. Ben5352 May 3, 2018 at 14:57 UTC That is a great post. Thank you for posting. Have you tried this <a html>WWW.SPAMHUT/SCAM/RAY-BANG-LASSES.HTML < /a>; they're great! (Adding joke comment so I don't get banned) ccjadechu Jun 22, 2018 at 02:52 UTC Our company has adopted a chatbot for customer services and sourcing for 3 months. Basically we made use of our FAQ as a base to map out the answers to respond via Chatbot. We will need to keep managing the new questions we received daily and inputting into the Chatbot system manually so to "feed to grow" it. I wonder if it is just a data mapping technique instead of AI. Any comments to my query? Thanks. ccjadechu Jul 6, 2018 at 06:28 UTC Hi, according to the chatbot adoption chart by company size, can you please share the definition of small, mid-size, and large business? Thanks. JarJarBinks Aug 16, 2018 at 20:18 UTC I would love to see Spiceworks incorporate this into the helpdesk. Borfee Sep 30, 2019 at 10:45 UTC An AI based company, today is the part of a software industry. Betterment of the company is directly proportional to the growth of the industry and as well as software domain. The betterment of artificial intelligence will now make the workplace a great place to live in and work coincidentally. But for using any artificial intelligence enabled component, it is very much necessary that the guy must be versed with AI. This means he will need an AI Certification in order to use any kind of machine which is totally carved out of the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Users who spiced up this comment More from the Spiceworks blog... 2018 IT predictions: Budget increases, ransomware scares, and GDPR unpreparedness It's often said that in tech, the only constant is change. Because conditions are continuously sh... Peter Tsai 5 years ago 5 Minute Read 9 34 Most will miss GDPR deadline: UK most prepared, US and rest of EU lag behind On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which sets new rules for how busi... 7 Minute Read 34 46 All Access Birmingham 2018 'scores a century'! Hey SpiceHeads, just over a week ago we held All Access Birmingham and, before I get too far into... Manish Dixit 4 years ago Drug cases compromised due to tampering with evidence May 2, 2014 | Drug Charges Numerous drug cases across Florida have potentially been compromised
due to an investigation involving a former analyst for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Pensacola lab who authorities have accused of tampering with evidence. Apparently the former analyst stole narcotics from evidence bags, and thereby compromised evidence to be used in various Florida drug trials. While the exact number of cases to be affected isn’t noted by sources, 35 different counties throughout the state are suspected of having compromised drug cases. The integrity of evidence, of course, is of paramount concern in criminal defense cases. Because so much is at stake in trials involving drug crimes, potential evidence tampering can really harm prosecution’s case. It is possible that a number of the cases mentioned above will be dropped altogether. Those who are accused of criminal offenses, particularly drug crimes, need to work with an attorney who is willing to look at every possible angle of the case, from the police investigation to the integrity of prosecutors’ evidence, to applicable defenses and protections available prior to trial. This also includes knowing how to preserve issues on record so that they can be brought up on appeal if necessary. All of this is important in building a strong defense case. One protection that is sometimes invoked in drug cases is the ability to have evidence excluded from trial when that evidence was gathered illegally. The exclusionary rule, as it is called, often applies in cases where police failed to obtain a required search warrant. Taking advantage of this rule can serve to weaken prosecution’s case and give the defendant an advantage. Regardless of the particulars of the case, it always pays to work with an experienced attorney. Doing so ensures that available protections will be taken advantage of and that this results in the best outcome possible under the circumstances. Source: Star Tribune, “Tampering with drug evidence at Florida crime lab prompts changes across Florida,” Melissa Nelson-Gabriel, April 11, 2014. Research news (6) (-) Health Outcomes (2) (-) Pharmacology & Toxicology (6) Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry (2) Pharmacotherapy (1) (-) Edward M. Mills, Ph.D. (1) (-) Karen Vasquez, Ph.D. (4) (-) Kimberly Nixon, Ph.D. (1) (-) Leticia R. Moczygemba, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FAACP, FAPhA (2) (-) Lucas G. Hill, Pharm.D., BCACP (1) (-) Michael Johnsrud, Ph.D., R.Ph. (1) (-) Walter L. Fast, Ph.D. (1) (-) Edward M. Mills, Ph.D. (-) Karen Vasquez, Ph.D. (-) Kimberly Nixon, Ph.D. (-) Leticia R. Moczygemba, Pharm.D., Ph.D., FAACP, FAPhA (-) Lucas G. Hill, Pharm.D., BCACP (-) Michael Johnsrud, Ph.D., R.Ph. (-) Walter L. Fast, Ph.D. (-) Health Outcomes (-) Pharmacology & Toxicology Vasquez Writes in Nature Reviews Genetics on Alternative DNA Structures Division Head and Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Karen Vasquez, Ph.D. published in the latest issues of Nature Reviews Genetics regarding repetitive elements in the human genome. Once considered "junk DNA," they are now known to adopt more than a dozen alternative DNA structures. These dynamic conformations can act as functional genomic elements involved in DNA replication and transcription, chromatin organization and genome stability. Faculty Earn State Grants for Cancer Research The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) has released its grant research funding awards for the upcoming year. All three awarded research projects at The University of Texas at Austin involve College of Pharmacy faculty. Vasquez Appears on BBC World Service to Discuss Z-DNA Division Head and Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Karen Vasquez, Ph.D. appeared on BBC World Service's Science in Action to talk about Z-DNA. Dr. Vasquez's research focuses on DNA damage and repair, genomic instability, gene targeting, DNA structure and cancer therapeut
Cut diamonds, all set in platinum, adding approximately 0.56 carats of antique sparkle. The piece finishes on a 12 karat yellow gold band giving the ring a great mixed metal look and feel. Navette rings are a favorite of ours. The long, slenderizing look is universally flattering. It would be an amazing engagement ring for someone looking for a unique piece or a perfect addition to any jewelry wardrobe. It looks great on its own or paired with other pieces. Late Victorian, circa 1890s-1900 Platinum and 12k yellow gold 16 Old Mine Cut diamonds ranging in size from 0.02 carats to 0.05 carats each 5 rubies ranging in size from 1.2 mm to 2.9 mm at center Height of front face of ring 0.71", depth of ring as it sits off finger 0.16", width of navette at widest 0.27" Band width tapers from Size 4.25, Fox & Bond can resize this ring up to a size 10 and down to a size 4 Great antique condition- wear consistent with age and use Currently a size 4.25, Fox & Bond can resize this ring up to a size 10 and down to a size 4. For all Fox & Bond ring resizing, we use a trusted jeweler who is an expert in antique jewelry. Resizing takes approximately 2-3 weeks, and prices vary depending on the metal, complexity, and size needed. Please note rings that have been resized are not eligible for return or exchange as we believe in preserving each piece's integrity. You may send a ring back to us for resizing at a later date if you would like to keep the option of making a return available to you. Please see our FAQs section for more information. Additional photos of this piece are happily supplied upon request. Please use the “Inquire About This Item” box and let us know what you would like to see. Hukamnama Gurbani Kirtan Bhai Harjinder Singh ji Bhai Lakhwinder Singh ji Bhai Ravinder Singh ji Bhai Baldev Singh ji Wadala Bhai Satinderbir Singh ji Bhai Sarbjit Singh ji, Sri Patna Sahib Gurbani Katha Sri Japji Sahib ji Sri Rehraas Sahib ji Sri Kirtan Sohila Sahib ji Nitnem world war movies Menu. New World War 2 Movies. World War II films from the Soviet Union have an entirely different tone. The war film or miniseries must be concerned with World War II (or the Sino-Japanese War) and include events which feature as a part of the war effort. 99. 1 hr 25 min. All World War I Movies Ranked By Tomatometer. For documentaries, see the List of World War II documentary films and the List of Allied propaganda films of World War II. Pitt took on one of his more shocking roles in the Terry Gilliam movie 12 Monkeys.In this movie, a chemical attack has taken out the world and made it almost inhabitable to almost all humankind. Even at such a young age and small size, he desperately wants to help in the war effort to avenge his family. The best World War I movie might also be the best war movie, period. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows … Hitler and the Japanese militarists had to be stopped, and this movie is about the need to be clear about your moral purpose. Juni 2013 in London. War movies released during wartime rarely have time to reflect. D-Day marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War, a period of our history captured on screen in all its guts and glory. 4.4 out of 5 stars 956. World War II Movies:The Ultimate List by tomicagb | created - 31 Jan 2014 | updated - 23 Nov 2017 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. An amazing cast subtitles for Japanese and German sections, and brutally honest about the failings and successes of the attack on Pearl Harbor. That and John Wayne
Cut diamonds, all set in platinum, adding approximately 0.56 carats of antique sparkle. The piece finishes on a 12 karat yellow gold band giving the ring a great mixed metal look and feel. Navette rings are a favorite of ours. The long, slenderizing look is universally flattering. It would be an amazing engagement ring for someone looking for a unique piece or a perfect addition to any jewelry wardrobe. It looks great on its own or paired with other pieces. Late Victorian, circa 1890s-1900 Platinum and 12k yellow gold 16 Old Mine Cut diamonds ranging in size from 0.02 carats to 0.05 carats each 5 rubies ranging in size from 1.2 mm to 2.9 mm at center Height of front face of ring 0.71", depth of ring as it sits off finger 0.16", width of navette at widest 0.27" Band width tapers from Size 4.25, Fox & Bond can resize this ring up to a size 10 and down to a size 4 Great antique condition- wear consistent with age and use Currently a size 4.25, Fox & Bond can resize this ring up to a size 10 and down to a size 4. For all Fox & Bond ring resizing, we use a trusted jeweler who is an expert in antique jewelry. Resizing takes approximately 2-3 weeks, and prices vary depending on the metal, complexity, and size needed. Please note rings that have been resized are not eligible for return or exchange as we believe in preserving each piece's integrity. You may send a ring back to us for resizing at a later date if you would like to keep the option of making a return available to you. Please see our FAQs section for more information. Additional photos of this piece are happily supplied upon request. Please use the “Inquire About This Item” box and let us know what you would like to see. Hukamnama Gurbani Kirtan Bhai Harjinder Singh ji Bhai Lakhwinder Singh ji Bhai Ravinder Singh ji Bhai Baldev Singh ji Wadala Bhai Satinderbir Singh ji Bhai Sarbjit Singh ji, Sri Patna Sahib Gurbani Katha Sri Japji Sahib ji Sri Rehraas Sahib ji Sri Kirtan Sohila Sahib ji Nitnem world war movies Menu. New World War 2 Movies. World War II films from the Soviet Union have an entirely different tone. The war film or miniseries must be concerned with World War II (or the Sino-Japanese War) and include events which feature as a part of the war effort. 99. 1 hr 25 min. All World War I Movies Ranked By Tomatometer. For documentaries, see the List of World War II documentary films and the List of Allied propaganda films of World War II. Pitt took on one of his more shocking roles in the Terry Gilliam movie 12 Monkeys.In this movie, a chemical attack has taken out the world and made it almost inhabitable to almost all humankind. Even at such a young age and small size, he desperately wants to help in the war effort to avenge his family. The best World War I movie might also be the best war movie, period. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows … Hitler and the Japanese militarists had to be stopped, and this movie is about the need to be clear about your moral purpose. Juni 2013 in London. War movies released during wartime rarely have time to reflect. D-Day marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War, a period of our history captured on screen in all its guts and glory. 4.4 out of 5 stars 956. World War II Movies:The Ultimate List by tomicagb | created - 31 Jan 2014 | updated - 23 Nov 2017 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. An amazing cast subtitles for Japanese and German sections, and brutally honest about the failings and successes of the attack on Pearl Harbor. That and John Wayne
is overweight while trying to play a Green Beret. All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. They are rarely patriotic, instead opting to mourn the staggering loss of life. Caught in a battle between Allied and German Forces, the passengers of a modern day 757 fight to stay alive after their plane mysteriously travels back in time to 1940. Some of the well renowned world war 2 movies include that of John Goodman and Bill Murray museum curators trying to keep historical treasures safe and away from the Nazis, that of Brad Pitt behind enemy lines during the war as well as the film adaptation of Unbroken. TV-14. It arrived at the dawn of a new era in glossy, professional mainstream filmmaking, and it affected literally every facet of daily life in North America, Europe, and Asia, where most of the world's films were being produced. Below we run down the 20 greatest war movies ever made. Second World War in film: 20 of the best war movies ever made. Get it as soon as Sat, Nov 28. There are hundreds of movies to choose from but we'll settle on ten films that have the best tomato scores Here are World War I movies that received universal acclaim for their acting, storylines and direction. The story of Lt. T.E. The 2020 Golden Globes pick for Best Motion Picture – Drama: 1917, a dramatic thriller presented as a single continuous shot, and a tale of valor and sacrifice during World War I. But while World War II, like all major conflicts, was characterised by destruction on an unfathomable scale, the films documenting the war have been endlessly creative. A classic World War II movie focusing on the war in the Pacific. RELATED: 10 Best World War II Movies, Ranked. For short films, see the List of World War II short films. From war-torn romances to bloody battles, these are the best films that depict the horrors of World War 2—and the humanity at the center of the conflicts Warner Bros. More biography than war movie, Sergeant York was perfectly timed with its released during the flag-waving early days of World War II.Gary Cooper played real-life pacifist-turned-war hero Alvin York, a hell-raising farmer who turns to God after being struck by lightning and vows never to get angry again. World War Z was not the only post-apo9calyptic movie that Brad Pitt starred in. World War II was fought for intensely moral reasons. Four years later, the First World War had claimed almost 17 million lives. Und tatsächlich sollte „World War Z 2“ dann auch kommen, wurde sogar recht bald nach Kinostart des ersten Films angekündigt und für 2017 wurde auch schon ein Kinostarttermin festgelegt. 1-16 of over 6,000 results for "world war 2 movies" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. Free Shipping by Amazon. Common topics. David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia is spectacle filmmaking at its most ambitious. DVD $11.69 $ 11. The following WW1 films list can be sorted by cast, year, director, or more. FREE Shipping by Amazon . The best World War 2 movies remind us that perhaps no single event has had a greater impact on the future of filmmaking than World War II. List of the latest war movies in 2019 and the best war movies of 2018 & the 2010's. Top war movies to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime & other Streaming … Cyber Monday deals; Department. Ultimate World War II D-Day 12-Movie DVD Collection: Saving Private Ryan/Anzio/Bridge on the River Kwai/From Here to Eternity/Fury/Guns of Navarone/Hanover Street/Heroes of Telemark/Sahara + 3 Documen. For documentaries, see the List of World War II documentary films and the List of Allied propaganda films of World War II. In their desperation to stay alive and return home safely, they turn the tide that wins the war in Europe. Fictional feature films specifically pertaining to the Holocaust appear in the List of Holocaust films#Narrative films. Andrei
were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior government officials. Inspector John E. Lewis, deputy assistant director of the FBI for counterterrorism, told the Globe that the investigation hasn't yielded any evidence that the vehicles were stolen specifically for car bombings. But there is evidence, he said, that the cars were smuggled from the United States as part of a widespread criminal network that includes terrorists and insurgents. Cracking the car theft rings and tracing the cars could help identify the leaders of insurgent forces in Iraq and shut down at least one of the means they use to attack the US-led coalition and the Iraqi government, the officials said. The inquiry began after coalition troops raided a bomb-making factory in Fallujah last November and found a sport utility vehicle registered in Texas that was being prepared for a bombing mission. Investigators said they are comparing several other cases where vehicles evidently stolen in the United States wound up in Syria or other Middle East countries and ultimately into the hands of Iraqi insurgent groups -- including Al Qaeda in Iraq, led by Jordanian-born Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. Citing the sensitive nature of the ongoing inquiry, investigators wouldn't say how many specific cases they have found, and FBI spokesman Edwin Cogswell in Washington did not respond to repeated requests for comment. But Lewis said the origins of the vehicles in question were unearthed by tracing the vehicle identification numbers, or VINs -- a standard production marker stamped on during manufacture -- as well as through other forensic tools such as auto parts. Some of the automobiles can be easily identified, specialists said, while others have had their VINs ground down or have been fitted with fake ones. Investigators believe the cars were stolen by local car thieves in US cities, then smuggled to waiting ships at ports in Los Angeles, Seattle, and Houston, among other cities. From there they are shipped to black-market dealers all over the world, including in places like Syria where foreign militants fighting in Iraq are thought to be transiting from countries across the region and where they gain critical logistical support. ''It is getting a tremendous amount of attention in the US government," said Steven Emerson, who runs the Investigative Project on Terrorism, a Washington research firm that consults for law enforcement and intelligence agencies. ''We have gotten more calls on this than anything else in the last three or four weeks. [Auto theft] is an unregulated market. Some of the proceeds are going to terrorists." Citing recent discussions with government investigators, Emerson said Al Qaeda terrorists suspected in suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia in recent years also apparently used cars stolen in the United States. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 1 million cars were stolen from US streets in 2003, the most recent statistics available. Government officials think the vehicles insurgents use were stolen from locations as varied as Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and Florida. Arizona reported more than 56,000 vehicles stolen last year, the largest per-capita number of thefts in the country. Terrorism specialists think Iraqi insurgents prefer American stolen cars because they tend to be larger, blend in more easily with the convoys of US government and private contractors, and are harder to identify as stolen. The new disclosures are part of a pattern, according to government officials. US law enforcement and intelligence agencies are increasingly finding links between violent Islamic extremists groups and vast criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, and car theft. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the federal government has cut off some of the terrorists' access to money, including freezing bank accounts of suspect groups and individuals and pressuring Middle Eastern governments to terminate aid. But terrorist operatives have found other means to raise cash, acquire weapons, or gain other logistical help. Facing greater scrutiny, terrorist groups are increasingly using illegal, highly lucrative business arrangements to support their operations, according to the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Investigators say the criminal activities that terrorists use to raise money run the gamut from creating and selling fake documents to insurance fraud. Taliban and Al Qaeda followers are thought to be heavily involved in the expanding heroin trade in Afghanistan, and
were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior government officials. Inspector John E. Lewis, deputy assistant director of the FBI for counterterrorism, told the Globe that the investigation hasn't yielded any evidence that the vehicles were stolen specifically for car bombings. But there is evidence, he said, that the cars were smuggled from the United States as part of a widespread criminal network that includes terrorists and insurgents. Cracking the car theft rings and tracing the cars could help identify the leaders of insurgent forces in Iraq and shut down at least one of the means they use to attack the US-led coalition and the Iraqi government, the officials said. The inquiry began after coalition troops raided a bomb-making factory in Fallujah last November and found a sport utility vehicle registered in Texas that was being prepared for a bombing mission. Investigators said they are comparing several other cases where vehicles evidently stolen in the United States wound up in Syria or other Middle East countries and ultimately into the hands of Iraqi insurgent groups -- including Al Qaeda in Iraq, led by Jordanian-born Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. Citing the sensitive nature of the ongoing inquiry, investigators wouldn't say how many specific cases they have found, and FBI spokesman Edwin Cogswell in Washington did not respond to repeated requests for comment. But Lewis said the origins of the vehicles in question were unearthed by tracing the vehicle identification numbers, or VINs -- a standard production marker stamped on during manufacture -- as well as through other forensic tools such as auto parts. Some of the automobiles can be easily identified, specialists said, while others have had their VINs ground down or have been fitted with fake ones. Investigators believe the cars were stolen by local car thieves in US cities, then smuggled to waiting ships at ports in Los Angeles, Seattle, and Houston, among other cities. From there they are shipped to black-market dealers all over the world, including in places like Syria where foreign militants fighting in Iraq are thought to be transiting from countries across the region and where they gain critical logistical support. ''It is getting a tremendous amount of attention in the US government," said Steven Emerson, who runs the Investigative Project on Terrorism, a Washington research firm that consults for law enforcement and intelligence agencies. ''We have gotten more calls on this than anything else in the last three or four weeks. [Auto theft] is an unregulated market. Some of the proceeds are going to terrorists." Citing recent discussions with government investigators, Emerson said Al Qaeda terrorists suspected in suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia in recent years also apparently used cars stolen in the United States. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 1 million cars were stolen from US streets in 2003, the most recent statistics available. Government officials think the vehicles insurgents use were stolen from locations as varied as Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and Florida. Arizona reported more than 56,000 vehicles stolen last year, the largest per-capita number of thefts in the country. Terrorism specialists think Iraqi insurgents prefer American stolen cars because they tend to be larger, blend in more easily with the convoys of US government and private contractors, and are harder to identify as stolen. The new disclosures are part of a pattern, according to government officials. US law enforcement and intelligence agencies are increasingly finding links between violent Islamic extremists groups and vast criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, and car theft. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the federal government has cut off some of the terrorists' access to money, including freezing bank accounts of suspect groups and individuals and pressuring Middle Eastern governments to terminate aid. But terrorist operatives have found other means to raise cash, acquire weapons, or gain other logistical help. Facing greater scrutiny, terrorist groups are increasingly using illegal, highly lucrative business arrangements to support their operations, according to the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Investigators say the criminal activities that terrorists use to raise money run the gamut from creating and selling fake documents to insurance fraud. Taliban and Al Qaeda followers are thought to be heavily involved in the expanding heroin trade in Afghanistan, and
a US-based cigarette smuggling ring was linked to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon James G. Conway, Jr., legal attache at the US Embassy in Mexico City, told the Globe that ''where you find terrorists you often find some kind of criminal activity." Car theft, a criminal enterprise that costs US citizens more than $8 billion a year, now seems to have become a new enterprise for some terrorist groups, according to the law enforcement officials and private specialists. ''The car bomb is the top weapon in the world for carrying out terrorist attacks," said Lieutenant Greg Terp, commander of the Miami-Dade Police Department's Auto Theft Task Force. ''These car thieves don't necessarily know that they are financing terrorism, but they might." Tracing the path of these vehicles from the streets of America to the local ''chop shop" -- where criminal wholesalers process stolen vehicles -- and then on to the black market half a world away could help thwart a terrorist network that has wrought some of the worst violence against US troops and thousands of Iraqi civilians. ''They want to follow it through the whole process so they can identify as many people in the process as they can," Terp said. ''As you go back to the chop shop guy, he may not know the end user is some terrorist, but who are his contacts?" Charlie Savage of the Globe staff contributed to this report. Bryan Bender can be reached at [email protected]. © Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company. Globe World stories | Latest world news | Globe front page | Sign up for: Globe Headlines e-mail | Today (free) Yesterday (free) Advanced search / Historic Archives World RSS feed Most e-mailed powered by Del.icio.us feedback form | help | site index | globe archives | rss © 20 The New York Times Company Explosions rock Chinese chemical plant; no deaths reported, but six people missing World » Asia Six people were missing and dozens hospitalized after explosions rocked a chemical plant in northeastern China, forcing the evacuation of more than 10,000 others, news reports said Monday. No deaths were reported. The blasts occurred Sunday afternoon at the No. 101 Chemical Plant in the city of Jilin, shattering windows up to 200 meters (700 feet) away, newspapers and the official Xinhua News Agency said. The explosion was blamed on improper handling of a problem in a tower that processed benzene, a highly flammable liquid, Xinhua said, citing Zou Haifeng, the company's deputy general manager. Xinhua said the fire caused by the blast was brought under control but was still burning in some places. Jilin is about 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of the major industrial city of Changchun, the capital of Jilin province. State television on Sunday evening showed black smoke billowing into the sky. Newspaper photos on Monday showed flames from the disaster lighting up the night sky. Others showed bandaged employees of the plant lying in hospital beds. "More than 10,000 residents have evacuated for fear of further explosions and pollution by chemical matters," Xinhua said. A woman who answered the telephone at the Jilin Chemical Industry Co. Hospital, under the main petroleum company, said about 40 to 50 people were receiving treatment. She hung up when asked for details. A man who answered the telephone at the No. 101 plant and refused to give his name said he didn't know if any employees were in the facility at the time of the explosions. At the Jilin Central Hospital, a doctor in the emergency department said "several people with minor injuries" were brought in. They appeared to have been outside the plant and were injured by glass shards, said the doctor, who would not give his name, AP reported. V.A. LearnAbout Us Explore OurDestinations Browse OurPrograms Academic Journeys Alumni / MBA Visit OurBlog Request aQuote Home | Destinations | India TourBitz Select From Dropdown List
Quite possibly Merkely is right. Sounds right to me. But don't expect it to solve the immigration problem at our border. The G.O.P. Won It All in Texas. Then It Turned on Itself. by Elaina Plott at NYT You hate to see it. Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare said: What the Oversight Board Should Do With Trump Tomorrow morning, May 5, the Oversight Board will issue its opinion in the case of Facebook’s indefinite suspension of Donald Trump in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection. The opinion will attract enormous attention, whatever the board ends up doing. If it overturns Facebook’s action, it will provoke grave concern among those who have been demanding more rigorous content moderation on the platform. If it upholds the suspension, it will provoke howls of rage from Trump supporters and those who believe that social media is biased against conservatives. Let Trump back on, and the comparatively peaceful social media ecosystem that has prevailed over the last several months could suddenly grow cacophonous again as he blitzes Facebook with election lies and attacks on his opponents. Keeping the former president in Facebook detention, by contrast, means the board’s acceptance that social media companies have the power to silence, at least on their platforms, elected world leaders. There is no serious question, in other words, that Trump violated the rules or that the rules contemplate action like the ones Facebook took. For the board to hold otherwise would be to turn Facebook’s generic commitment to giving people a “voice” into some overriding protection that compels Facebook to allow a politician to stoke political violence. That’s a greater speech protection than either the House of Representatives or the Senate were willing to give Trump. A bipartisan majority of both of those houses, after all, regarded his conduct on Jan. 6 as warranting impeachment and removal from office. Surely, the Oversight Board does not mean to argue that Facebook is somehow obliged to tolerate behavior the American political system regards as warranting a Senate trial. At a minimum, a decision to overrule Facebook’s judgment would require an explanation of why encouraging a mob in a fashion that might merit impeachment does not merit action by Facebook in the interests of public safety. There may be technical reasons, discussed above, for the Oversight Board not to affirmatively uphold Facebook’s action here, in which case the matter may drag on. But if it overturns it, it will effectively be preventing Facebook from taking reasonable content action in emergency circumstances in which political violence is unfolding. Facebook, after all, did the bare minimum here—and it did it very late. It waited until a violent crisis erupted during the period of the presidential transition of power. It acted only when, quite literally, the functioning of the United States government had been disrupted by a violent incursion into the Capitol and the country’s president used the platform to justify the invasion. If Facebook’s action under these circumstances is overturned, the Oversight Board will be pushing Facebook in exactly the wrong direction. This exchange is a synopsis of what ails America, IMO: After people on the street asked Dr. Fauci questions, Kimmel noted one more guy had one. He cut to a clip of Tucker Carlson asking why college students should get the vaccine because "young people are not at risk of dying from COVID" and many have been infected already. "No one has explained that," Carlson said. Kimmel let Fauci take it away. "One, you want to protect yourself," the White House task force doc replied. "But also you don't want to be part of the propagation of the outbreak. Because if you get infected, even though you're young and healthy ... you could pass it on to someone else who could have a severe outcome. And when you get infected, you are propagating the outbreak. You're not being a dead stop. You're allowing the virus to continue from you to someone else." Note, that in Carlson's worldview a person's concerns for welfare stop at the end of each person's nose. Who is John Galt? Oh, I think he's that guy who died of Covid. Rachel Louise Ensign at WSJ said: Affluent Americans are worried about President Biden’s proposed tax changes on capital gains from stocks, bonds and other assets. But those proposals
Quite possibly Merkely is right. Sounds right to me. But don't expect it to solve the immigration problem at our border. The G.O.P. Won It All in Texas. Then It Turned on Itself. by Elaina Plott at NYT You hate to see it. Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare said: What the Oversight Board Should Do With Trump Tomorrow morning, May 5, the Oversight Board will issue its opinion in the case of Facebook’s indefinite suspension of Donald Trump in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection. The opinion will attract enormous attention, whatever the board ends up doing. If it overturns Facebook’s action, it will provoke grave concern among those who have been demanding more rigorous content moderation on the platform. If it upholds the suspension, it will provoke howls of rage from Trump supporters and those who believe that social media is biased against conservatives. Let Trump back on, and the comparatively peaceful social media ecosystem that has prevailed over the last several months could suddenly grow cacophonous again as he blitzes Facebook with election lies and attacks on his opponents. Keeping the former president in Facebook detention, by contrast, means the board’s acceptance that social media companies have the power to silence, at least on their platforms, elected world leaders. There is no serious question, in other words, that Trump violated the rules or that the rules contemplate action like the ones Facebook took. For the board to hold otherwise would be to turn Facebook’s generic commitment to giving people a “voice” into some overriding protection that compels Facebook to allow a politician to stoke political violence. That’s a greater speech protection than either the House of Representatives or the Senate were willing to give Trump. A bipartisan majority of both of those houses, after all, regarded his conduct on Jan. 6 as warranting impeachment and removal from office. Surely, the Oversight Board does not mean to argue that Facebook is somehow obliged to tolerate behavior the American political system regards as warranting a Senate trial. At a minimum, a decision to overrule Facebook’s judgment would require an explanation of why encouraging a mob in a fashion that might merit impeachment does not merit action by Facebook in the interests of public safety. There may be technical reasons, discussed above, for the Oversight Board not to affirmatively uphold Facebook’s action here, in which case the matter may drag on. But if it overturns it, it will effectively be preventing Facebook from taking reasonable content action in emergency circumstances in which political violence is unfolding. Facebook, after all, did the bare minimum here—and it did it very late. It waited until a violent crisis erupted during the period of the presidential transition of power. It acted only when, quite literally, the functioning of the United States government had been disrupted by a violent incursion into the Capitol and the country’s president used the platform to justify the invasion. If Facebook’s action under these circumstances is overturned, the Oversight Board will be pushing Facebook in exactly the wrong direction. This exchange is a synopsis of what ails America, IMO: After people on the street asked Dr. Fauci questions, Kimmel noted one more guy had one. He cut to a clip of Tucker Carlson asking why college students should get the vaccine because "young people are not at risk of dying from COVID" and many have been infected already. "No one has explained that," Carlson said. Kimmel let Fauci take it away. "One, you want to protect yourself," the White House task force doc replied. "But also you don't want to be part of the propagation of the outbreak. Because if you get infected, even though you're young and healthy ... you could pass it on to someone else who could have a severe outcome. And when you get infected, you are propagating the outbreak. You're not being a dead stop. You're allowing the virus to continue from you to someone else." Note, that in Carlson's worldview a person's concerns for welfare stop at the end of each person's nose. Who is John Galt? Oh, I think he's that guy who died of Covid. Rachel Louise Ensign at WSJ said: Affluent Americans are worried about President Biden’s proposed tax changes on capital gains from stocks, bonds and other assets. But those proposals
would hit a sliver of taxpayers, according to a new analysis. Financial advisers to the wealthy have been fielding calls from anxious clients since the plan was unveiled last week. Many are already deploying a range of tax-reducing strategies in anticipation of the increases, advisers told The Wall Street Journal. But key changes would likely affect only the very wealthy, according to Robert McClelland, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. a joint venture between the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution. The Biden plan would increase the top capital-gains tax rate to 43.4% from 23.8% for those earning over $1 million. Capital gains refer to profits on the sale of assets like stocks, homes or small businesses. Of taxpayers who filed Schedule D, the form for reporting capital gains and losses, only 2.7% had adjusted gross income of $1 million or more in 2018, according to Mr. McClelland’s analysis of Internal Revenue Service data. However, that group of taxpayers accounted for 62% of capital gains, Mr. McClelland said. “A small amount of people are going to end up paying it, but it could potentially affect a lot of the capital gains,” he said. The Biden tax plan would also end a rule that has been a cornerstone of estate planning for generations of wealthy Americans. Today, people who own assets that have risen in value— Apple Inc. stock, the family beach house, a three-generation manufacturing company—don’t pay capital-gains taxes unless they sell. Under the Biden proposal, those unrealized gains would trigger taxes upon the owner’s death. There would be a $1 million per-person exemption plus existing exclusions for residences. More than two-thirds of U.S. families have some unrealized capital gains, but most would be covered by the $1 million exemption. Only about 3% of all families have unrealized gains above that threshold, said Mr. McClelland, who also analyzed 2019 Federal Reserve data. Many of those people will realize gains by drawing on assets like taxable brokerage accounts during their retirement, meaning the share of people who will die with unrealized gains above $1 million is likely even smaller, Mr. McClelland said. Is there a case for taxing capital gains differently than ordinary income? Nope. A federal judge has ruled that former Attorney General William Barr was "disingenuous" about the process behind his decision to issue a memo clearing then-President Trump on obstruction of justice charges. For Representative Matt Gaetz: this means the judge called Billy Barr a "fu#&ing liar." y66, on 2021-May-05, 08:39, said: The rich deserve tax breaks. And the super rich deserve super tax breaks. How else will they "invest into the economy" (i.e. adopt the grand illusion of doing good for the economy)? Shira Ovide at NYT said: The limits of Facebook’s ‘Supreme Court’ What Facebook calls its “Supreme Court” ruled on Wednesday that it was the right decision for the company to kick former President Donald J. Trump off the platform after his posts about the riot at the U.S. Capitol in January. Well, sort of. In a sign of how weird this whole decision was, the Oversight Board punted the call about Trump’s account back to Facebook. He might reappear on Facebook in a few months. Or he might not. Let me explain the decision, its potential implications and the serious limits of Facebook’s Oversight Board. Wait, what is happening to Trump’s account? Facebook indefinitely suspended Trump after he used the site to condone the actions of the Capitol rioters and, as Mark Zuckerberg said, “to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.” Facebook’s Oversight Board, a quasi-independent body that the company created to review some of its high-profile decisions, essentially agreed on Wednesday that Facebook was right to suspend Trump. His posts broke Facebook’s guidelines and presented a clear and present danger of potential violence, the board said. But the board also said that Facebook was wrong to make Trump’s suspension indefinite. When people break Facebook
27 (High) 12 (High) 16 (High) −97 43 27 (High) 6 (Mid) 10 (Mid) −82 34 24 (Mid) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −72 22 12 (Low) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −44 10 0 (Bypass) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −33 0 0 (Bypass) 0 (Low) 0 (Low) In the embodiment illustrated in Table I, when an input signal threshold of −33 dBm is detected, the analog control branch 350 generates an analog control signal on connection 267 that directs the analog receiver path 210 to provide approximately 0 dB of gain in the analog receiver path 210. When an input signal threshold between −33 dBm and −44 dBm is detected, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 10 dB of total gain via a PGA in the analog receiver path 210. Similarly, when the input signal threshold falls between −44 dBm and −72 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 22 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA and approximately 12 dB of additional gain provided by a LNA in the analog receiver path 210. When the input signal threshold falls between −72 dBm and −82 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 34 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA and approximately 24 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. When the input signal threshold falls between −82 dBm and −97 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 43 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA, approximately 6 dB of gain provided by a transimpedance amplifier, and approximately 27 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. Lastly, when the input signal threshold falls between −97 dBm and −110 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 55 dB of total gain with approximately 16 dB of gain provided by the PGA, approximately 12 dB of gain provided by a transimpedance amplifier, and approximately 27 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. Other embodiments including other analog gain stages different from those illustrated in Table 1 are contemplated. For example, more or less analog gain stages or steps may be provided by other combinations of amplifiers and controllable attenuators. The additional amplifiers could include a LNA, a TIA, a PGA, two or more LNAs, two or more TIAs, two or more PGAs, or combinations of the above with any number of controllable attenuators (with multiple ranges of attenuation) to achieve the desired gain stages. As indicated in Table 1 an analog control signal for adjusting the gain in an analog receiver path 210 could include a suitable code for representing any one of low, mid, or high-range gain states to one or more LNAs, one or more TIAs, or one or more PGAs, as desired. Alternative arrangements of controllable elements in an analog receiver path could be similarly controlled over any number of desired control ranges using any number of control signals encoded to communicate desired combinations of elements and gain states. Although the embodiment presented in Table I does not include an attenuator, it should be understood that the analog control branch 350 and the analog receiver path 210 are not so limited. LNA gain changes require a phase correction to be applied to the I and Q receive signal components before being forwarded to the baseband subsystem 110 (FIG. 1). Accordingly, the lookup
27 (High) 12 (High) 16 (High) −97 43 27 (High) 6 (Mid) 10 (Mid) −82 34 24 (Mid) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −72 22 12 (Low) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −44 10 0 (Bypass) 0 (Low) 10 (Mid) −33 0 0 (Bypass) 0 (Low) 0 (Low) In the embodiment illustrated in Table I, when an input signal threshold of −33 dBm is detected, the analog control branch 350 generates an analog control signal on connection 267 that directs the analog receiver path 210 to provide approximately 0 dB of gain in the analog receiver path 210. When an input signal threshold between −33 dBm and −44 dBm is detected, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 10 dB of total gain via a PGA in the analog receiver path 210. Similarly, when the input signal threshold falls between −44 dBm and −72 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 22 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA and approximately 12 dB of additional gain provided by a LNA in the analog receiver path 210. When the input signal threshold falls between −72 dBm and −82 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 34 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA and approximately 24 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. When the input signal threshold falls between −82 dBm and −97 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 43 dB of total gain with approximately 10 dB of gain provided by the PGA, approximately 6 dB of gain provided by a transimpedance amplifier, and approximately 27 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. Lastly, when the input signal threshold falls between −97 dBm and −110 dBm, the analog control branch 350 changes the analog control signal on connection 267 to provide approximately 55 dB of total gain with approximately 16 dB of gain provided by the PGA, approximately 12 dB of gain provided by a transimpedance amplifier, and approximately 27 dB of additional gain provided by one or more LNAs in the analog receiver path 210. Other embodiments including other analog gain stages different from those illustrated in Table 1 are contemplated. For example, more or less analog gain stages or steps may be provided by other combinations of amplifiers and controllable attenuators. The additional amplifiers could include a LNA, a TIA, a PGA, two or more LNAs, two or more TIAs, two or more PGAs, or combinations of the above with any number of controllable attenuators (with multiple ranges of attenuation) to achieve the desired gain stages. As indicated in Table 1 an analog control signal for adjusting the gain in an analog receiver path 210 could include a suitable code for representing any one of low, mid, or high-range gain states to one or more LNAs, one or more TIAs, or one or more PGAs, as desired. Alternative arrangements of controllable elements in an analog receiver path could be similarly controlled over any number of desired control ranges using any number of control signals encoded to communicate desired combinations of elements and gain states. Although the embodiment presented in Table I does not include an attenuator, it should be understood that the analog control branch 350 and the analog receiver path 210 are not so limited. LNA gain changes require a phase correction to be applied to the I and Q receive signal components before being forwarded to the baseband subsystem 110 (FIG. 1). Accordingly, the lookup
table 356 may further include rotation factors (not shown) that are used in a phase correction. Before forwarding the I and Q values to the baseband subsystem 110 with an appropriate delay corresponding the receive path filter delays, a complex multiplication between I+jQ and cos(.PHI.)+j sin(.PHI.) is performed when the LNA gain state is switched. The rate of change of the analog gain is defined by Equation 3. Δ ⁢ ⁢ t analog ⁢ ⁢ gain = N f S × Gainhold Equation ⁢ ⁢ 3 where, N is the power estimation window size; fs is the power calculation sampling rate; and Gainhold is the analog gain change delay in units of number of samples. The digital control branch 360 includes a programmable delay element 361, a second feedback adder 362, and a converter 364. The programmable delay element 361 synchronizes the analog control signal on connection 267 with the filtered error signal on connection 349 from the loop filter 345. The second feedback adder 362 receives the filtered error signal on connection 347, a second calibration value on connection 120c, and the delayed analog control signal from the delay element 361. As illustrated in FIG. 3, the second feedback adder 362 generates and forwards the difference of the filtered error signal, the second calibration value, and the delayed analog control signal on connection 363 to the converter 364. The converter 364 generates a control word after translating the digital gain from decibels to a linear value. The control word is forwarded via connection 265 to the scaler 402. A method for converting decibels to a linear unit is illustrated and described in association with FIG. 9. FIG. 4 is a state diagram illustrating an embodiment of the controller 400 that enables autonomous operation of the AGC circuit 260. The state diagram of FIG. 4 shows the architecture, functionality, and operation of a possible implementation of a controller via software and or firmware associated with the RF AGC system 238. In this regard, each circle represents a set of conditions and the arrows between circles describe the behavior of the controller 400. It should be understood that the controller 400 can be implemented in hardware, firmware, or software. When the RF AGC system 238 is implemented via hardware, hardware and firmware, or a combination of hardware and software, one or more combinations of states and arrows in the state diagram may represent an additional circuit or circuits. Alternatively, the described functions can be embodied in source code including human-readable statements written in a programming language or machine code that comprises instructions recognizable by a suitable execution system such as a processor in a computer system. The machine code may be converted from the source code, etc. To provide autonomous operation of the AGC circuit 260, the controller 400 sets operational parameters for normal, power-up, and compressed modes of operation, among others. The operational parameters include but are not limited to a power calculation window size, one or more AGC loop filter constants, corner frequencies for a DC-cancellation or high-pass filter that can be applied in one or multiple steps (in the digital receiver path 220), rate thresholds, and mode timers. In addition, a transition timer may be set. The transition timer is used by the controller 400 to adjust a corner frequency for the high-pass filter in response to an analog gain change (in one or multiple steps) and to return the corner frequency to a first frequency when the timer has elapsed. Under some circumstances, it may be desirable to manage the loop filter constant and the power calculation window dynamically. The state diagram 404 includes state 410, state 420, state 430, state 440, state 450, and state 460. State 410 is a power-up mode of operation. A set of suitable parameters for operating the AGC circuit 260 under power-up conditions are applied repeatedly as shown by arrow 412 until a select number of repetitions have been met. When the AGC circuit 260 has performed the select number of repetitions, the controller 400 transitions to state 430, as shown by arrow 414. State 4
Sensing somebody at his back, he turned with a slight start. A small face, peering into the tent between two parted flaps, pulled back. The wee girl seemed startled to have been caught lurking, and there was a moment of indecision — was that even fear? Not wanting to scare her off, he called out in a strong but gentle voice. "Are you looking for something?" There was a pause as she mustered the courage. "I just wanted to see if you would do something else." He chuckled to himself. "Like what?" The girl, seeming confident now that he wasn't going to be angry at her for intruding, squeezed through the part and entered the tent with him. She shrugged to his question. He put his hat back on. The show was not over. Feeling the energy return to him, he crossed the distance, stopping just inside the ring. She stood just outside. "I was wondering," she said, "how you made it seem like you escaped the looking glass?" He looked down at her. She was a very clever girl. She wasn't very old, and many young children simply took his illusions for what they appeared to be: magic. The fact that she understood there was some gimmick to it filled him with both pride and pity. "How do you think I did it?" She pressed a finger to her mouth, thinking. "Projectors, I think." "That's not it," he said, impressed. "But that's a very clever idea." "Well," she said, and stepped up on the edge of the ring to gain the few inches of height. "How then?" "I have a better question." He bent at the waist, meeting her in the middle so they were eye to eye. "What's this doing there?" He produced a foil-wrapped chocolate coin from behind her ear and held it up. Her ponderous look fell away, the furrowed brow giving way to a bright smile of wonder. The first trick he had ever learned, the simplest one he knew. But as she took the coin, she looked at him like nobody had ever done anything so amazing. He smiled back. "Tabatha!" a harsh voice sliced through the holy silence of the empty big top. A man in a baggy brown coat stormed into the tent and grabbed the little girl by the arm. "How many times have I told you not to wander off?" Carthage straightened and opened his mouth to ask the father about the show. But the father didn't even acknowledge him. Instead, he yanked his daughter, too sharply, away. Carthage frowned. As she was pulled back outside, the little girl turned one last time to look over her shoulder. Carthage gave a small wave and earned one final smile before his audience of one was taken away. Exiting into the crisp night air, Carthage coughed lightly to clear his lungs. His bulky, black-painted electrical stagehands were already flurrying to strike the camp, and the smaller backstage tent collapsed as someone pulled the final stake. He heard his name called, but chose to ignore it, and started walking toward the nearby rail line, where the train was parked. "Carthage? Carthage!" Huxley chased Carthage down and fell into step with him. "Didn't you hear me calling you?" Arbrook Huxley was something about twenty-five, with stylishly trimmed wheat-colored hair and an obnoxiously strong Fallsbright accent that reminded Carthage of a typewriter hammering letters. "How was the show tonight, Huxley?" "Abysmal." "The dangerbeast's timing is off, I—" Carthage came up short as it sank in. He turned. "Did you say abysmal?" "It was a terrible audience," answered Huxley. Carthage had been heckled more than once, and this was hardly what he qualified as a terrible audience. A little lackluster, perhaps, a little sleepy, but that was rural towns for you. "It wasn't that bad." "Starsfall, Carthage—" "Mind your mouth, Huxley— " Huxley thrust a hand back toward the show.
Sensing somebody at his back, he turned with a slight start. A small face, peering into the tent between two parted flaps, pulled back. The wee girl seemed startled to have been caught lurking, and there was a moment of indecision — was that even fear? Not wanting to scare her off, he called out in a strong but gentle voice. "Are you looking for something?" There was a pause as she mustered the courage. "I just wanted to see if you would do something else." He chuckled to himself. "Like what?" The girl, seeming confident now that he wasn't going to be angry at her for intruding, squeezed through the part and entered the tent with him. She shrugged to his question. He put his hat back on. The show was not over. Feeling the energy return to him, he crossed the distance, stopping just inside the ring. She stood just outside. "I was wondering," she said, "how you made it seem like you escaped the looking glass?" He looked down at her. She was a very clever girl. She wasn't very old, and many young children simply took his illusions for what they appeared to be: magic. The fact that she understood there was some gimmick to it filled him with both pride and pity. "How do you think I did it?" She pressed a finger to her mouth, thinking. "Projectors, I think." "That's not it," he said, impressed. "But that's a very clever idea." "Well," she said, and stepped up on the edge of the ring to gain the few inches of height. "How then?" "I have a better question." He bent at the waist, meeting her in the middle so they were eye to eye. "What's this doing there?" He produced a foil-wrapped chocolate coin from behind her ear and held it up. Her ponderous look fell away, the furrowed brow giving way to a bright smile of wonder. The first trick he had ever learned, the simplest one he knew. But as she took the coin, she looked at him like nobody had ever done anything so amazing. He smiled back. "Tabatha!" a harsh voice sliced through the holy silence of the empty big top. A man in a baggy brown coat stormed into the tent and grabbed the little girl by the arm. "How many times have I told you not to wander off?" Carthage straightened and opened his mouth to ask the father about the show. But the father didn't even acknowledge him. Instead, he yanked his daughter, too sharply, away. Carthage frowned. As she was pulled back outside, the little girl turned one last time to look over her shoulder. Carthage gave a small wave and earned one final smile before his audience of one was taken away. Exiting into the crisp night air, Carthage coughed lightly to clear his lungs. His bulky, black-painted electrical stagehands were already flurrying to strike the camp, and the smaller backstage tent collapsed as someone pulled the final stake. He heard his name called, but chose to ignore it, and started walking toward the nearby rail line, where the train was parked. "Carthage? Carthage!" Huxley chased Carthage down and fell into step with him. "Didn't you hear me calling you?" Arbrook Huxley was something about twenty-five, with stylishly trimmed wheat-colored hair and an obnoxiously strong Fallsbright accent that reminded Carthage of a typewriter hammering letters. "How was the show tonight, Huxley?" "Abysmal." "The dangerbeast's timing is off, I—" Carthage came up short as it sank in. He turned. "Did you say abysmal?" "It was a terrible audience," answered Huxley. Carthage had been heckled more than once, and this was hardly what he qualified as a terrible audience. A little lackluster, perhaps, a little sleepy, but that was rural towns for you. "It wasn't that bad." "Starsfall, Carthage—" "Mind your mouth, Huxley— " Huxley thrust a hand back toward the show.
"It was half empty!" Carthage looked at Huxley and almost laughed, the frustrated kind. As usual, they were talking about two different things. They first met on a street corner on Astoria Isle where Carthage was busking. Huxley had been the worst kind of onlooker, the type that stood there for thirty minutes, arms folded, staring at your hands. It was called a burn — when a person was so intent on "beating" the effect that they refused your misdirection and simply stared. Finally, when the crowd dispersed, Huxley approached Carthage and told him how the trick worked. He was wrong. When Carthage told him he was wrong, Huxley surprised him by laughing. Pleased, instead of frustrated, that he had been fooled. That laugh warmed Carthage immediately. In his young life, Huxley had been a bank clerk and then a Sixes dealer, but over coffee, he introduced himself as a producer, sermonizing show business with the fervor of a door-to-door salesman. He said Carthage was talented, and could be a star, and didn't need to be playing for tips on a sidewalk. Listening, Carthage found himself believing it. A partnership felt like an opportunity he'd been waiting his whole life for. Together, they went in and bought a train, 50/50, named themselves The Electrical Menagerie, and set out with their roadshow. But everything appealing about Huxley turned out to have fine print. He was smart — so smart that he always knew a "better" way of doing things. Full of youthful stamina — meaning he could continue an argument indefinitely. Intensely focused — which was a polite way of saying neurotic. And, as Carthage learned after they went in together, his new "producer" knew literally nothing about stage magic or even the theater when they met. Silver-tongued, perhaps, but not exactly sterling. Although Huxley's varnish had come off, Carthage didn't regret striking out on tour. This was what he lived for — the thrill of a live audience, the heat of the lights and the always-changing view outside his window. Didn't Huxley have any passion? What they were doing meant more than a bottom line. "Why are you always so worried about money?" he asked. "When we went into business together, you said, verbatim, 'I want you to worry about the money'." "Well, I didn't expect you to take it so literally." They started walking again, and Carthage reached the gangway of the train's freight car. "What was the take?" "We spent a hundred and twenty dollars," Huxley said. Carthage turned again, certain he misheard. His ears were still ringing from standing too close to the pyrotechnic blast caps and the electrical band. "We only made one hundred and twenty dollars?" "No, no. We spent one hundred and twenty dollars. As in, we lost money." Carthage came back down the ramp. "We lost money? How did that happen?" Huxley ran a hand over the gold watch chain strung across his waistcoat. "Uh, well... do you want the thorough answer or the short one?" "Thorough." "Local permits. Location fees. The isle imposes its own taxes on public gatherings larger than fifty people, and there was a fifteen-dollar fee attached to the—" Carthage waved off. "Alright. The short answer." "Advertising," said Huxley. "We desperately need advertising. We have to fill sixty percent of the seats just to break even — and by that, I mean break even on production expenses. Not counting our salaries. If we don't sell out the next three shows, we'll be forced to cancel the tour." "Sell out...?" Carthage stared at Huxley. It felt like someone had severed his power completely. He'd never sold out a show in his life. Huxley didn't seem to want to say it twice. Carthage was silent for a moment, staring off as the last of their patrons dispersed across the field, headed home. When he looked
ancholy time from our past when we were happy and can be brought on from a smell, a sight, or even the buzz of a motor vibrating a piece of metal. That is right, we got to enjoy the rebirth of Electric Football from Tudor Games recently and the moment we pushed the button to cause the players to move and I heard that familiar sound, I was filled with nostalgia. I remember playing this game with friends and the excitement as we watched our players “move” across the field like we were at a real football game. We didn’t have a local NFL team in Charlotte back then and this was our way creating our own memories of going to a game. Not only that, we were the coach. We had our playbook and the satisfaction of watching a receiver run a route to perfection and score was a huge sense of accomplishment. But don’t forget the curiosity this game creates because as a kid, I wanted to understand how it worked. Why did the vibrating metal make those little plastic tabs move across the board. With Tudor Games celebrating 70 years of football, which I didn’t realize it was that old, and the resurgence of board games, this is something you need to check out. With refined rules, an application to help with the flow of the game, and the ability to design even more complex plays, Electric Football from Tudor Games just makes smile. Then we moved on to fantasy football and not the one where you draft pro players of today. We are talking the stream lined version of Blood Bowl which is now Blitz Bowl. When I tried Blood Bowl, I enjoyed it, but y’all know me, long play time is not my thing. So with Blitz Bowl, my ears perked up and I was interested. I will say, this game was more of a chess match than a football game for me. It was about player pieces on the board and the strategy that was associated with them. Not so much about getting a touchdown. Anyway, other than the dice not being kind, this was a fun one on the table. Finally, the episode is around our exploits at Mega Moose Con. This is a local con put on by Scurry Reported Mark Kale and he and his team do an incredible job. Thanks to everyone we say and got to play games with over the weekend. This is our Gen Con recap show and we have joining us, like he had a choice, is Rodney Smith from Watch It Played. We discuss the shiny things we saw at the show and the adventures we had while there. Marty and I were also lucky enough to sit down with Joe Manganiello and discuss his new line of clothes Death Saves. We even have time to discuss the recently released game Railroad Rivals by Forbidden Games. Love my train games and this is a straight forward pick up and deliver game where you are trying to manipulate the prices of stocks that you are collecting so you have the most money at the end. What makes this game different is the strategy of placing the city tiles in hopes of connecting more than one route which if done, can greatly benefit you in the game. There were other games we played, but didn’t go into any details. The breakdown of the show is in the table below, so hopefully that will help you navigate to the parts you might want to hear. The ADS is excited to announce that we now have over 30,000 reports in our Grey Literature Library. A notable contribution to this number has been the addition of around 1,500 backlog reports that have been digitised and deposited with us from the North Yorkshire HER with more to come. Since the start of 2015, 734 reports have been added from 85 different organisations and 729 of those reports were submitted via OASIS. All Three of our European Projects are in Full Swing! The ADS is currently a partner in three major European projects, and all are well on their way. We have passed the midpoints for the three-year Local Content in a Europeana Cloud (LoCloud) project and the four-year Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking (ARIADNE) project. We are also now in year two of our five-year New Scenarios for a Community Involved Archaeology (NEARCH) project. It’s been a lot of hard work for us and for our wonderful partners, but we are starting to see results! Pushing my body up into wheel position, I couldn't help but think that yoga class is a bit more intriguing when your instructor has an accent. It also didn
ancholy time from our past when we were happy and can be brought on from a smell, a sight, or even the buzz of a motor vibrating a piece of metal. That is right, we got to enjoy the rebirth of Electric Football from Tudor Games recently and the moment we pushed the button to cause the players to move and I heard that familiar sound, I was filled with nostalgia. I remember playing this game with friends and the excitement as we watched our players “move” across the field like we were at a real football game. We didn’t have a local NFL team in Charlotte back then and this was our way creating our own memories of going to a game. Not only that, we were the coach. We had our playbook and the satisfaction of watching a receiver run a route to perfection and score was a huge sense of accomplishment. But don’t forget the curiosity this game creates because as a kid, I wanted to understand how it worked. Why did the vibrating metal make those little plastic tabs move across the board. With Tudor Games celebrating 70 years of football, which I didn’t realize it was that old, and the resurgence of board games, this is something you need to check out. With refined rules, an application to help with the flow of the game, and the ability to design even more complex plays, Electric Football from Tudor Games just makes smile. Then we moved on to fantasy football and not the one where you draft pro players of today. We are talking the stream lined version of Blood Bowl which is now Blitz Bowl. When I tried Blood Bowl, I enjoyed it, but y’all know me, long play time is not my thing. So with Blitz Bowl, my ears perked up and I was interested. I will say, this game was more of a chess match than a football game for me. It was about player pieces on the board and the strategy that was associated with them. Not so much about getting a touchdown. Anyway, other than the dice not being kind, this was a fun one on the table. Finally, the episode is around our exploits at Mega Moose Con. This is a local con put on by Scurry Reported Mark Kale and he and his team do an incredible job. Thanks to everyone we say and got to play games with over the weekend. This is our Gen Con recap show and we have joining us, like he had a choice, is Rodney Smith from Watch It Played. We discuss the shiny things we saw at the show and the adventures we had while there. Marty and I were also lucky enough to sit down with Joe Manganiello and discuss his new line of clothes Death Saves. We even have time to discuss the recently released game Railroad Rivals by Forbidden Games. Love my train games and this is a straight forward pick up and deliver game where you are trying to manipulate the prices of stocks that you are collecting so you have the most money at the end. What makes this game different is the strategy of placing the city tiles in hopes of connecting more than one route which if done, can greatly benefit you in the game. There were other games we played, but didn’t go into any details. The breakdown of the show is in the table below, so hopefully that will help you navigate to the parts you might want to hear. The ADS is excited to announce that we now have over 30,000 reports in our Grey Literature Library. A notable contribution to this number has been the addition of around 1,500 backlog reports that have been digitised and deposited with us from the North Yorkshire HER with more to come. Since the start of 2015, 734 reports have been added from 85 different organisations and 729 of those reports were submitted via OASIS. All Three of our European Projects are in Full Swing! The ADS is currently a partner in three major European projects, and all are well on their way. We have passed the midpoints for the three-year Local Content in a Europeana Cloud (LoCloud) project and the four-year Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking (ARIADNE) project. We are also now in year two of our five-year New Scenarios for a Community Involved Archaeology (NEARCH) project. It’s been a lot of hard work for us and for our wonderful partners, but we are starting to see results! Pushing my body up into wheel position, I couldn't help but think that yoga class is a bit more intriguing when your instructor has an accent. It also didn
't hurt that the Another_Space yoga class I was taking was in London. Recently, I was across the pond for an article I'm working on for an Atlanta outlet and was invited to visit the studio. (So, disclaimer, y'all, I was hosted by the spot.) Located in the hip Seven Dials area, Another_Space offers yoga, spin, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) classes. From the moment I walked in for my Saturday morning class (I tried the Yoga 75), I loved the vibe. The space was decorated in white and was open and airy. I didn't really have a chance to check out the HIIT or spin spaces, but the yoga area was beautiful. And toys (like blocks) and towels were available right next to my assigned mat. The instructor, Ale, was as spot on as the studio. She was great about pushing us to play and try challenges like arm balances but also encouraged easier modifications if we needed them. After 75 minutes of flowing, I felt like I was ready to take on the hustle and bustle of the city again. And bonus — they also have a smoothie bar! So, I put in my order for an Alkalime (think kale, avocado, lime, dates, banana, and cashew nuts deliciousness), and it was ready to go post class. The verdict? The next time I'm in London, I will absolutely return to this foreign "fit." After all, I still need to try out the spin class, right? Bub and Guy Wish Upon a Star is a children s picture book for beginner readers This book teaches children about friendship and love, and how to be selfless. A nice message. Drawings similar to the show "South Park." Located on the Prinsengracht, just around the corner of Spiegelgracht, A.A. Knoop offers a wide variety of Asian antique from the Han, Northern Qi, Tang and Ming dynasties. The unique gallery has a wide collection of authentic family portraits. A.A. Knoop also offers beautiful European antique from the 17th, 18th and 19th century. Just looking for a present or something to for the ambience of your house? A.A.Knoop is exclusive dealer of scented candles and room spray of Cire Trudon (the 4 century old French candle maker). If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us. We are available for you during office hours from 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00 on business days. No articles in your basket. A great show in Milan is over and we thank you for the generous attention for our individual concepts for outdoor living. fischer möbel celebrated a special premiere of the new lounge furniture concept Kairos at the IMM with the start of the new outdoor season. See the impressions from our stand here. The success of Fischer Möbel began in 1984 with the idea to bring craftsmanship, best materials and new design in line. A new way to set up the garden, with furniture that blend into the area harmoniously has always been a major motivation and an important part of our innovative product philosophy. Our company from the Stuttgart region has hereby internalized the values of sustainability and longevity from the start. The collection includes everything that makes life outdoors so beautiful. Comfortable lounge collections invite to relax. Functional furniture for the dining areas provide plenty of space and seating comfort for any occasion. In this way, Fischer Möbel design habitats that meet the demand for high quality of living. The careful selection of materials is monitored down to the smallest detail. Highest standards must be met for the use in our furniture to ensure that you can enjoy your collections even after many years thanks to weather resistance, durability and professional manufacturing. The quality of high class workmanship stands out from the crowd. Distinctive, independent and always an eye-catcher. From armchairs to tables to lounge areas. You will not want to stand up again. ((NUFORC Note: This individual was interviewed, at length, by one of the investigators involved in the follow-up investigation. The investigators were highly impressed with the witness's credentials, and with the accurate description of the event. We deem this witness to be extremely highly credible. Ok
ton Series, 2000/01 Sri Lanka in New Zealand ODI Series, 2000/01 Pakistan in New Zealand ODI Series, 2000/01 England in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2000/01 Australia in India ODI Series, 2000/01 Bangladesh in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2000/01 ARY Gold Cup, 2000/01 South Africa in West Indies ODI Series, 2000/01 NatWest Series, 2001 Coca-Cola Cup (Zimbabwe), 2001 Coca-Cola Cup (Sri Lanka), 2001 West Indies in Kenya ODI Series, 2001 South Africa in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2001/02 England in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2001/02 Standard Bank Triangular Tournament, 2001/02 Khaleej Times Trophy, 2001/02 Zimbabwe in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2001/02 LG Abans Triangular Series, 2001/02 VB Series, 2001/02 England in India ODI Series, 2001/02 Pakistan in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2001/02 England in New Zealand ODI Series, 2001/02 Pakistan v West Indies ODI Series, 2001/02 Zimbabwe in India ODI Series, 2001/02 Australia in South Africa ODI Series, 2001/02 Sharjah Cup, 2001/02 New Zealand in Pakistan ODI Series, 2002 India in West Indies ODI Series, 2002 New Zealand in West Indies ODI Series, 2002 Pakistan in Australia ODI Series, 2002 NatWest Series, 2002 Bangladesh in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2002 Morocco Cup, 2002 PSO Tri-Nation Tournament, 2002 ICC Champions Trophy, 2002/03 Bangladesh in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 West Indies in India ODI Series, 2002/03 Pakistan in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2002/03 Sri Lanka in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 West Indies in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2002/03 Kenya in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2002/03 Pakistan in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 VB Series, 2002/03 India in New Zealand ODI Series, 2002/03 ICC World Cup, 2002/03 Cherry Blossom Sharjah Cup, 2002/03 TVS Cup (Bangladesh), 2003 Bank Alfalah Cup, 2003 Australia in West Indies ODI Series, 2003 Sri Lanka in West Indies ODI Series, 2003 NatWest Challenge, 2003 NatWest Series, 2003 Bangladesh in Australia ODI Series, 2003 Bangladesh in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003 South Africa in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003/04 TVS Cup (India), 2003/04 England in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2003/04 England in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2003/04 West Indies in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2003/04 New Zealand in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003/04 Pakistan in New Zealand ODI Series, 2003/04 VB Series, 2003/04 West Indies in South Africa ODI Series, 2003/04 South Africa in New Zealand ODI Series, 2003/04 Australia in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2003/04 Bangladesh in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2003/04 India in Pakistan ODI Series, 200
ton Series, 2000/01 Sri Lanka in New Zealand ODI Series, 2000/01 Pakistan in New Zealand ODI Series, 2000/01 England in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2000/01 Australia in India ODI Series, 2000/01 Bangladesh in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2000/01 ARY Gold Cup, 2000/01 South Africa in West Indies ODI Series, 2000/01 NatWest Series, 2001 Coca-Cola Cup (Zimbabwe), 2001 Coca-Cola Cup (Sri Lanka), 2001 West Indies in Kenya ODI Series, 2001 South Africa in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2001/02 England in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2001/02 Standard Bank Triangular Tournament, 2001/02 Khaleej Times Trophy, 2001/02 Zimbabwe in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2001/02 LG Abans Triangular Series, 2001/02 VB Series, 2001/02 England in India ODI Series, 2001/02 Pakistan in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2001/02 England in New Zealand ODI Series, 2001/02 Pakistan v West Indies ODI Series, 2001/02 Zimbabwe in India ODI Series, 2001/02 Australia in South Africa ODI Series, 2001/02 Sharjah Cup, 2001/02 New Zealand in Pakistan ODI Series, 2002 India in West Indies ODI Series, 2002 New Zealand in West Indies ODI Series, 2002 Pakistan in Australia ODI Series, 2002 NatWest Series, 2002 Bangladesh in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2002 Morocco Cup, 2002 PSO Tri-Nation Tournament, 2002 ICC Champions Trophy, 2002/03 Bangladesh in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 West Indies in India ODI Series, 2002/03 Pakistan in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2002/03 Sri Lanka in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 West Indies in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2002/03 Kenya in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2002/03 Pakistan in South Africa ODI Series, 2002/03 VB Series, 2002/03 India in New Zealand ODI Series, 2002/03 ICC World Cup, 2002/03 Cherry Blossom Sharjah Cup, 2002/03 TVS Cup (Bangladesh), 2003 Bank Alfalah Cup, 2003 Australia in West Indies ODI Series, 2003 Sri Lanka in West Indies ODI Series, 2003 NatWest Challenge, 2003 NatWest Series, 2003 Bangladesh in Australia ODI Series, 2003 Bangladesh in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003 South Africa in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003/04 TVS Cup (India), 2003/04 England in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2003/04 England in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2003/04 West Indies in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2003/04 New Zealand in Pakistan ODI Series, 2003/04 Pakistan in New Zealand ODI Series, 2003/04 VB Series, 2003/04 West Indies in South Africa ODI Series, 2003/04 South Africa in New Zealand ODI Series, 2003/04 Australia in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2003/04 Bangladesh in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2003/04 India in Pakistan ODI Series, 200
3/04 England in West Indies ODI Series, 2003/04 Sri Lanka in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2004 Bangladesh in West Indies ODI Series, 2004 Australia in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2004 NatWest Series, 2004 Asia Cup, 2004 South Africa in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2004 Videocon Cup, 2004 NatWest Challenge, 2004 NatWest International, 2004 ICC Champions Trophy, 2004 Paktel Cup, 2004/05 New Zealand in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2004/05 BCCI Platinum Jubilee Match, 2004/05 England in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2004/05 Chappell-Hadlee Trophy, 2004/05 India in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2004/05 Sri Lanka in New Zealand ODI Series, 2004/05 World Cricket Tsunami Appeal, 2004/05 VB Series, 2004/05 Zimbabwe in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2004/05 England in South Africa ODI Series, 2004/05 Australia in New Zealand ODI Series, 2004/05 Zimbabwe in South Africa ODI Series, 2004/05 Pakistan in India ODI Series, 2004/05 South Africa in West Indies ODI Series, 2005 Pakistan in West Indies ODI Series, 2005 NatWest Series, 2005 NatWest Challenge, 2005 Indian Oil Cup, 2005 Afro-Asian Cup, 2005 Videocon Triangular Series, 2005 Bangladesh in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2005 ICC Super Series ODIs, 2005/06 New Zealand in South Africa ODI Series, 2005/06 Sri Lanka in India ODI Series, 2005/06 South Africa in India ODI Series, 2005/06 Chappell-Hadlee Trophy, 2005/06 England in Pakistan ODI Series, 2005/06 Sri Lanka in New Zealand ODI Series, 2005/06 VB Series, 2005/06 India in Pakistan ODI Series, 2005/06 West Indies in New Zealand ODI Series, 2005/06 Sri Lanka in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2005/06 Kenya in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2005/06 Australia in South Africa ODI Series, 2005/06 Pakistan in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2005/06 Kenya in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2005/06 England in India ODI Series, 2005/06 DLF Cup, 2005/06 Australia in Bangladesh ODI Series, 2005/06 Zimbabwe in West Indies ODI Series, 2006 ICC Tri-Series (in West Indies), 2006 India in West Indies ODI Series, 2006 England in Ireland ODI Match, 2006 NatWest Series [Sri Lanka in England], 2006 Pakistan in Scotland ODI Match, 2006 Sri Lanka in Netherlands ODI Series, 2006 Bangladesh in Zimbabwe ODI Series, 2006 European Championship Division One, 2006 Kenya in Canada ODI Series, 2006 Bangladesh in Kenya ODI Series, 2006 India in Sri Lanka ODI Series, 2006 Bermuda in Canada ODI Series, 2006 ICC World Cricket League Americas Region Division One, 2006 NatWest Series [Pakistan in England], 2006 DLF Cup, 2006/07 Zimbabwe in South Africa ODI Series, 2006/07 ICC Champions Trophy, 20
Committee, London. November 13: Classics for All National Meeting. November 7: Forward with Classics! book reading and discussion at ‘TORCH’ at the Ioannou Centre, Oxford. November 1: Classics for All Teacher Training (GCSE Latin, Greek) at Fulham Free School. November: Classics for All Teacher Training (A level Ancient History) at Burford School, Oxfordshire. October 16: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Greenshaw School, Sutton. October 13: Starting to Teach Classics – Keynote Speech Classics Now!, Manchester Classical Association. October 9: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Oasis Academy, South Bank, London. September 28: Classics for All Teacher Training (Entry level certificate) at Bishop Challoner’s School, London.. September 24: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Bellerive School, Liverpool. September 12-16: IB Diploma Programme for Classical Languages Curriculum Review, Development Meeting. The Hague, Netherlands. September 5: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Birmingham University. July 30 – August 3: Director of ArLT Summer School at Uppingham School, Uppingham. Including sessions on KS4 Latin and Teaching Classics using Educational Technology. July 19: The Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis. Teacher training (KS4 Latin). July 16-17: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Bishop Challoner’s School, London. July 11-12 July: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Broadoak School, Weston Super Mare. July 5: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 and KS4 Latin) for Winston Churchill School, Woking. July 3: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Faversham. June 29: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 and KS4 Latin) for Winston Churchill School, Woking. June 28: Elm Tree and Dell Primary Schools, Lowestoft. Teacher training (KS2 Latin). June 26: Liverpool College. Teacher training. June 21: Initial Teacher Training for Primary Schools at Ryde Academy, Isle of Wight. June 16: Hands-Up Education event at the Museum of London. Teaching Classical Civilisation Literature. Talk and discussion. June 12: Teaching CLC: Guildford Classical Association Teachmeet, St Catherine’s School. Talk and discussion. June 11: Classics for All teacher training for Skinners’ Academy. June 9: Teaching Classics: Birmingham Classical Association. Talk and discussion. April 13: Classics for All training event at Bishop Challoner’s School, London. April 6-9: Classical Association Annual Conference, Leicester. CUCD Panel: Communicative Latin Teaching in Schools and Universities: paper to present and workshop; convener of ARLT Panel on classroom pedagogy. March 29: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. March 26: Classics teachers’ event at Lea Manor High School, Luton, for Classics for All. 21 March: Classics teachers’ event for the Manchester Classical Association. 14 March: Classics for All training event at Addey and Stanhope School. February 26: Classics for All training event at Hope Valley College, Derbyshire. February 22: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. February 20: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. February 13: Initial Teacher Training with Cambridge PGCE at Bath Museum. February 12: Initial Teacher Training for the KCL PGCE, London. February 2: Initial Teacher Training for the Sussex PGCE, University of Sussex. January
Committee, London. November 13: Classics for All National Meeting. November 7: Forward with Classics! book reading and discussion at ‘TORCH’ at the Ioannou Centre, Oxford. November 1: Classics for All Teacher Training (GCSE Latin, Greek) at Fulham Free School. November: Classics for All Teacher Training (A level Ancient History) at Burford School, Oxfordshire. October 16: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Greenshaw School, Sutton. October 13: Starting to Teach Classics – Keynote Speech Classics Now!, Manchester Classical Association. October 9: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Oasis Academy, South Bank, London. September 28: Classics for All Teacher Training (Entry level certificate) at Bishop Challoner’s School, London.. September 24: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Bellerive School, Liverpool. September 12-16: IB Diploma Programme for Classical Languages Curriculum Review, Development Meeting. The Hague, Netherlands. September 5: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) at Birmingham University. July 30 – August 3: Director of ArLT Summer School at Uppingham School, Uppingham. Including sessions on KS4 Latin and Teaching Classics using Educational Technology. July 19: The Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis. Teacher training (KS4 Latin). July 16-17: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Bishop Challoner’s School, London. July 11-12 July: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Broadoak School, Weston Super Mare. July 5: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 and KS4 Latin) for Winston Churchill School, Woking. July 3: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 Latin) for Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Faversham. June 29: Classics for All Teacher Training (KS3 and KS4 Latin) for Winston Churchill School, Woking. June 28: Elm Tree and Dell Primary Schools, Lowestoft. Teacher training (KS2 Latin). June 26: Liverpool College. Teacher training. June 21: Initial Teacher Training for Primary Schools at Ryde Academy, Isle of Wight. June 16: Hands-Up Education event at the Museum of London. Teaching Classical Civilisation Literature. Talk and discussion. June 12: Teaching CLC: Guildford Classical Association Teachmeet, St Catherine’s School. Talk and discussion. June 11: Classics for All teacher training for Skinners’ Academy. June 9: Teaching Classics: Birmingham Classical Association. Talk and discussion. April 13: Classics for All training event at Bishop Challoner’s School, London. April 6-9: Classical Association Annual Conference, Leicester. CUCD Panel: Communicative Latin Teaching in Schools and Universities: paper to present and workshop; convener of ARLT Panel on classroom pedagogy. March 29: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. March 26: Classics teachers’ event at Lea Manor High School, Luton, for Classics for All. 21 March: Classics teachers’ event for the Manchester Classical Association. 14 March: Classics for All training event at Addey and Stanhope School. February 26: Classics for All training event at Hope Valley College, Derbyshire. February 22: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. February 20: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. February 13: Initial Teacher Training with Cambridge PGCE at Bath Museum. February 12: Initial Teacher Training for the KCL PGCE, London. February 2: Initial Teacher Training for the Sussex PGCE, University of Sussex. January
29: Classics for All training event at Aureus School, Didcot. January 25: Classics for All event at King’s College London. January 25: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. January 18: Classics for All Training event at Gildridge House School, Eastbourne. January 15: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool. January 11: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool. January 4: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. December 4-5: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. November 20-21: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. November 30 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. November 21 2017: Classics for All Training event, London. CfA hubs presentation; The State of Classics Education. November 6-7 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. October 19 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. October 10 2017: Teacher Training with Minimus at Wisborough Primary School, Billingshurst. October 5 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. October 3 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. September 26 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Liverpool Hope University. September 21 2017: Teachmeet at Norwich Castle Museum for VI Form Classics Teachers in the Norwich area. September 18-19 2017: Teacher Training at St Leonard’s Academy, West St Leonards. September 14 2017: Initial Teacher Training at Harris Academies ITE, London. September 13 2017: Teaching Students with Anxiety Conference: ‘Narrative, Fantasy and Latin; a teenager talks about his worlds’. Paper at TLAR at the Institute of Classical Studies, London. September 11 2017: PGCE Cambridge and PGCE Harris Academy Initial Teacher Education courses commence. September 5 2017: Teacher Training with Minimus at Elm Tree Primary School, Lowestoft. July 2017: Teacher training at Peacehaven Community School, East Sussex. July 2017: Teacher training at Norwich Castle. July 2017: Teacher training at Stowupland School, Suffolk. July 2017: Teacher training at Manningtree High School, Essex. July 2017: Association for Latin Teaching Summer School, Uppingham School. Starting to Teach CLC. June 2017: CSCP Annual Conference, Cambridge. ‘Starting to Teach the CLC’ and ‘The narrative matters: CLC scope and sequence’. May 2017: Teacher Training for the Sussex PGCE: ‘Rome as our classroom.’ Rome, Italy. April 2017: Classical Association Annual Conference, Canterbury. Round table discussion on ‘University-School Classics Outreach’. March 2017: Teacher Training for Grieg City Academy, London. March 2017: Teacher Training for Jewish Community School, London. February 2017: Classics for All Teacher Training, London: ‘Teaching challenging Latin grammar’ and ‘Teaching Latin literature’. January 2017: Meeting with Minister for Education, Wales, to discuss the provision of training for the Welsh Education Department. November 2016: Filming for Latin teaching, at University of Oxford. October 2016: Book-signing at Bloomsbury, in conversation with Professor Edith Hall (KCL). October 2016: Training observation for Suffolk and Norfolk SCITT. September 2016: PGCE Cambridge starts. Harris Academy ITT starts. August 2016: Classics for
man, b. Ontario, married; Harriet, 22, b. Pennsylvania, married; Julia A., 51, b. Ontario; Sarah, 12, b. Ontario Census: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 40 at 1880 Census: Gould, Edward F., 40, b. Cda, parents b. NY & Cda, farmer, married; Harriet C., 32, b. Penn., parents b. NY & Penn. married; Seth B., 9, b. MI, parents b. Cda. & Penn.; Letta E., 5; James A., 3; Munger, Ida, 24, b. MI, parents b. NY & Pen., sister-in-law, housekeeper (Ancestry.com) Family: Harriet Charlotte Munger b. 1848, d. 16 Jan 1938 Seth Burr Gould b. 1871 Lottie E. Gould b. 1875 James Agard Gould+ b. 23 Mar 1877, d. 15 May 1946 Franklin per Groeg Branc's email, Aug 6, 2002. Frances per Troy Brown's tree. Harriet Charlotte Munger1 F, #11669, b. 1848, d. 16 January 1938 Birth*: 1848; Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Per 1870 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Marriage*: 5 July 1869; Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; From Troy Brown's GEDCOM.; Principal=Edward Franklin Gould Death*: 16 January 1938; Freeland, Michigan, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Married Name: 5 July 1869; Gould Census*: 1 June 1870; Midland, Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 22 at 1870 Census: see Edward Gould Census: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 32 at 1880 Census: see Edward Gould Family: Edward Franklin Gould b. 20 Feb 1840, d. 30 Jun 1926 Per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Seth Burr Gould Father*: Edward Franklin Gould b. 20 Feb 1840, d. 30 Jun 1926 Mother*: Harriet Charlotte Munger b. 1848, d. 16 Jan 1938 Birth*: 1871; Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date per 1880 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Census*: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 9 at 1880 Census: see Edward Gould Lottie E. Gould F, #11671, b. 1875 James Agard Gould1 M, #11672, b. 23 March 1877, d. 15 May 1946 Birth*: 23 March 1877; Warren Twp., Coleman, Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Location per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Date per 1880 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Marriage*: before 1901; Michigan, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002.; Principal=Grace Eunice Lewis Death*: 15 May 1946; Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.A.; Date and location per George Brand's email
man, b. Ontario, married; Harriet, 22, b. Pennsylvania, married; Julia A., 51, b. Ontario; Sarah, 12, b. Ontario Census: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 40 at 1880 Census: Gould, Edward F., 40, b. Cda, parents b. NY & Cda, farmer, married; Harriet C., 32, b. Penn., parents b. NY & Penn. married; Seth B., 9, b. MI, parents b. Cda. & Penn.; Letta E., 5; James A., 3; Munger, Ida, 24, b. MI, parents b. NY & Pen., sister-in-law, housekeeper (Ancestry.com) Family: Harriet Charlotte Munger b. 1848, d. 16 Jan 1938 Seth Burr Gould b. 1871 Lottie E. Gould b. 1875 James Agard Gould+ b. 23 Mar 1877, d. 15 May 1946 Franklin per Groeg Branc's email, Aug 6, 2002. Frances per Troy Brown's tree. Harriet Charlotte Munger1 F, #11669, b. 1848, d. 16 January 1938 Birth*: 1848; Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Per 1870 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Marriage*: 5 July 1869; Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; From Troy Brown's GEDCOM.; Principal=Edward Franklin Gould Death*: 16 January 1938; Freeland, Michigan, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Married Name: 5 July 1869; Gould Census*: 1 June 1870; Midland, Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 22 at 1870 Census: see Edward Gould Census: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 32 at 1880 Census: see Edward Gould Family: Edward Franklin Gould b. 20 Feb 1840, d. 30 Jun 1926 Per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Seth Burr Gould Father*: Edward Franklin Gould b. 20 Feb 1840, d. 30 Jun 1926 Mother*: Harriet Charlotte Munger b. 1848, d. 16 Jan 1938 Birth*: 1871; Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date per 1880 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Census*: 17 June 1880; Warren Twp., Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 9 at 1880 Census: see Edward Gould Lottie E. Gould F, #11671, b. 1875 James Agard Gould1 M, #11672, b. 23 March 1877, d. 15 May 1946 Birth*: 23 March 1877; Warren Twp., Coleman, Midland Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Location per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Date per 1880 Census. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Marriage*: before 1901; Michigan, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002.; Principal=Grace Eunice Lewis Death*: 15 May 1946; Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.A.; Date and location per George Brand's email
, Aug 6, 2002. From Troy Brown's GEDCOM. Census: 18 April 1910; St. Charles, Saginaw Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 33 at 1910 Census: Gould, James A., 33, b. MI, parents b. Cda. & Penn., Proprietor of Drugstore, married; Grace, 27, b. NY, parents b. NY & NY, married; Lucius, 6, b. MI, parents b. MI & MI; Clayton, 4; Harold, 2; Edward F., ?/12 (Ancestry.com, pg. 5 of 39) Census: 13 January 1920; Saint Charles Twp., Saint Charles, Saginaw Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 43 at 1920 Census: Gould, James A., 43, b. MI, parents b. Cda & Penn., married; Grace, 36, b. NY, parents b. NY & NY, married; Lucius, 15, b. MI, parents b. MI & NY; Clayton, 13; Harold, 12; Edward, 9; Frederic, 7; Agard, 5; McEwen, 3 11/12; Don F., 1 1/12 (Ancestry.com) Family: Grace Eunice Lewis b. 23 Jan 1883, d. c 1977 Kathleen Gould b. 8 Jan 1902, d. c 1903 Charles Lucius Gould b. 21 Jun 1902, d. c 1903 Lucius Charles Gould b. 6 Mar 1904, d. c 1948 Clayton Lewis Gould b. 13 Jan 1906, d. 14 May 1986 Harold Lawrence Gould+ b. 5 Oct 1907, d. 2001 William Frederick Gould b. 20 Mar 1909, d. c 1918 James Agard Gould III b. 14 Jul 1914, d. 1984 William Hunter McEwen Gould b. Feb 1916, d. 1985 Francis Gould b. c 1921, d. c 1921 Frances Lewis Gould b. 28 Mar 1928, d. c 1930 James Agard per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. James Able per Troy Brown's tree. Grace Eunice Lewis1 F, #11673, b. 23 January 1883, d. circa 1977 Birth*: 23 January 1883; Jamestown, New York, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Marriage*: before 1901; Michigan, U.S.A.; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002.; Principal=James Agard Gould Death*: circa 1977; per George Brand's email, Aug 6, 2002. Married Name: before 1901; Gould Census: 18 April 1910; St. Charles, Saginaw Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 27 at 1910 Ccensus: see James A. Gould. Census*: 13 January 1920; Saint Charles Twp., Saint Charles, Saginaw Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 36 at 1920 Census: see James A. Gould Family: James Agard Gould b. 23 Mar 1877, d. 15 May 1946 Harold Lawrence Gould M, #11674, b. 5 October 1907, d. 2001 Father*: James Agard Gould b.
Canton. Kelly’s deafness was diagnosed at age 2. The honoree graduated with honors from Timken High School in 1994. She graduated from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in American Sign Language in 2008. In 1993, she was Quota’s Outstanding Deaf Teen. / The Repository Free U301 3G/4G USB Modem at Deaf Pager Store * Shop the Deaf Pager Store for the U301 3G/4G USB Modem. It delivers the best of both worlds: Turbo-charged Sprint 4G Network (available in 30 markets and counting) and nationwide 3G coverage of virtually everywhere else. For more information, go to the Deaf Pager Store, the store with the devices and low-cost data plan for deaf and hard of hearing people. Go to: http://www.deafpagerstore.com/?utm_source=dw&utm_medium=news&utm_campaign=053010 * After $50 mail-in rebate, eligible upgrade (or new-line activation) and two-year Agreement. Other monthly charges apply, see www.deafpagerstore.com/newsletter/Monthly_Charges.pdf . ASL/ITP Faculty Across the U.S. Are Using the Sony Virtuoso™ and Soloist® ASL Software Suite. One ASL/ITP Lead Faculty in TX comments: “With the Sony Soloist software I now have the ability to record video and audio for multiple students at one time as opposed to the old way --- one at a time with a camcorder. It’s really nice for my students to have digital recordings of their voiced and signed interpretations to help them build resume portfolios.” Contact SANS Inc. at [email protected] for a product preview CD or to arrange a demo or visit at www.sansinc.com. RAYMOND LUCZAK, DEAF WITH A CAPITAL D Raymond Luczak (pronounced with a silent “c”), a native of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, is the author and editor of eleven books, starting with Eyes of Desire: A Deaf Gay & Lesbian Reader (Alyson, 1993). As a filmmaker, he has had two full-length documentaries distributed on DVD. As a playwright, 18 of his plays have been staged in three countries and four full-length works have been collected in Whispers of a Savage Sort and Other Plays about the Deaf American Experience (Gallaudet University Press, 2009). After living in New York for 17 years, he is now single and living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. / Lambda Literary Affordable Housing for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Deaf-Blind seniors. Featuring a deaf manager, communications technology and design features to enhance the lives of people with hearing loss. Daily activities: -Club room with kitchen; -Appliances/heat included; -Communication barrier free; -Heated underground parking -State-of-art communication equipment and design; -Convenient location to shopping, restaurants, medical centers, and more; -Safe area for walking -Pets allowed; -Too many features to list here. Check out this link: http://www.cardinalcapital.us/rentals_hearing_impaired.html Contact: Carol Comp - 414.937.5841 [email protected] Mattituck, NY DEAF DRIVER MAKES HISTORY AT RIVERHEAD RACEWAY History was made at Riverhead Raceway Saturday night when Daryn Miller won the Chargers race that night. Miller, 36, of Franklyn Square, is deaf, and his victory marks the first time a deaf driver has ever won a race at Riverhead Raceway, according to track announcer Bob Finan. Miller has been racing cars for about seven years, and while other drivers have radios in their cars with which to communicate with their crews, Miller has a series of four colored lights in his car to give him direction. / Riverhead News-Review TINY BOD
Canton. Kelly’s deafness was diagnosed at age 2. The honoree graduated with honors from Timken High School in 1994. She graduated from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in American Sign Language in 2008. In 1993, she was Quota’s Outstanding Deaf Teen. / The Repository Free U301 3G/4G USB Modem at Deaf Pager Store * Shop the Deaf Pager Store for the U301 3G/4G USB Modem. It delivers the best of both worlds: Turbo-charged Sprint 4G Network (available in 30 markets and counting) and nationwide 3G coverage of virtually everywhere else. For more information, go to the Deaf Pager Store, the store with the devices and low-cost data plan for deaf and hard of hearing people. Go to: http://www.deafpagerstore.com/?utm_source=dw&utm_medium=news&utm_campaign=053010 * After $50 mail-in rebate, eligible upgrade (or new-line activation) and two-year Agreement. Other monthly charges apply, see www.deafpagerstore.com/newsletter/Monthly_Charges.pdf . ASL/ITP Faculty Across the U.S. Are Using the Sony Virtuoso™ and Soloist® ASL Software Suite. One ASL/ITP Lead Faculty in TX comments: “With the Sony Soloist software I now have the ability to record video and audio for multiple students at one time as opposed to the old way --- one at a time with a camcorder. It’s really nice for my students to have digital recordings of their voiced and signed interpretations to help them build resume portfolios.” Contact SANS Inc. at [email protected] for a product preview CD or to arrange a demo or visit at www.sansinc.com. RAYMOND LUCZAK, DEAF WITH A CAPITAL D Raymond Luczak (pronounced with a silent “c”), a native of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, is the author and editor of eleven books, starting with Eyes of Desire: A Deaf Gay & Lesbian Reader (Alyson, 1993). As a filmmaker, he has had two full-length documentaries distributed on DVD. As a playwright, 18 of his plays have been staged in three countries and four full-length works have been collected in Whispers of a Savage Sort and Other Plays about the Deaf American Experience (Gallaudet University Press, 2009). After living in New York for 17 years, he is now single and living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. / Lambda Literary Affordable Housing for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Deaf-Blind seniors. Featuring a deaf manager, communications technology and design features to enhance the lives of people with hearing loss. Daily activities: -Club room with kitchen; -Appliances/heat included; -Communication barrier free; -Heated underground parking -State-of-art communication equipment and design; -Convenient location to shopping, restaurants, medical centers, and more; -Safe area for walking -Pets allowed; -Too many features to list here. Check out this link: http://www.cardinalcapital.us/rentals_hearing_impaired.html Contact: Carol Comp - 414.937.5841 [email protected] Mattituck, NY DEAF DRIVER MAKES HISTORY AT RIVERHEAD RACEWAY History was made at Riverhead Raceway Saturday night when Daryn Miller won the Chargers race that night. Miller, 36, of Franklyn Square, is deaf, and his victory marks the first time a deaf driver has ever won a race at Riverhead Raceway, according to track announcer Bob Finan. Miller has been racing cars for about seven years, and while other drivers have radios in their cars with which to communicate with their crews, Miller has a series of four colored lights in his car to give him direction. / Riverhead News-Review TINY BOD
YBUILDER STEALS SHOW The most impressive of the 40-plus athletes attending the Gulfcoast Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness and Bikini Championships last week was also the smallest. In fact, he wasn't even competing. Yet little doubt remained after Billy Adams, 9, circled the stage at Ida Baker High School on his tricycle waving to the day's only two standing ovations. Billy has that effect on people. The second-grader at Allen Park Elementary was born deaf and with Down Syndrome. He used a walker until he was four, and now is doing fitness routines in front of packed arenas. / The News-Press Do you wear an Advanced Bionics HiRes90k or Clarion II Cochlear Implant? Weitz & Luxenberg P.C., a leading plaintiffs’ litigation law firm, is expanding litigation against Advanced Bionics related to defective cochlear implants. If you believe that you may have received an “Important Notification” letter from Advanced Bionics about your HiRes90k or Clarion II cochlear implant in either 2004 or 2006, we urge you to contact us to receive important legal information -- even if you CI is working. Many of our clients’ cochlear implants stopped working prematurely as described in the letter. We have a Deaf attorney and VP available. To find out more, please click here and follow instructions on the screen or go to www.weitzlux.com/failed-cochlear-implants_1937570.html. Stewartstown, PA SANDY J. ZELLER, CAREGIVER FOR DEAF AND BLIND CHILDREN Sandy J. "San" Zeller, who had worked with blind and deaf children at the Maryland School for the Blind and later co-founded a soap company, died May 19 of breast cancer at her parents' home in Stewartstown, Pa. The Fawn Grove, Pa., resident was 49. "She was a child care giver for deaf and blind children," said her husband of 24 years, Robert M. Zeller, who had also been a child care worker at the Taylor Avenue school. / Baltimore Sun 'VIBRANT MAN' DIES SUDDENLY AT 67 Friends paint Harold Hayes as something of a paradox: a generous soul who loved being with people, yet was fiercely independent — even though he could neither hear nor see. Mr. Hayes, 67, was found dead in his South Knoxville apartment May 26 from natural causes. Deaf since birth, Mr. Hayes lost his vision about 20 years ago, said his niece, Sherry Hall, who lives in North Carolina. Despite that, Mr. Hayes held a job at Don Pablo's restaurant and was a near-daily presence at Knoxville Center of the Deaf. "He was a very vibrant man" who will be remembered for his positive attitude and constant smile, said Executive Director Bob Rittenhouse. / Knoxville News Sentinel POKER RUN JUNE 12 ALLOWS DEAF STUDENTS TO ATTEND CAMP Communication Services for the Deaf is hosting a poker run June 12 to help send deaf youths to summer camp. The Camp Lakodia Poker Run will help campers attend the National Leadership and Literacy Camp this summer at Camp Lakodia on Lake Herman in Madison. The poker run begins at 11 a.m. with registration at J&L Harley-Davidson. / Argus Leader You can advertise your job openings here for just $20 a week (up to 100 words, 10 cents each add'l word). Start spreading the news! To place your ad, send the announcement to [email protected]. EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT GLAD, INC. * Community Advocate - Bakersfield, CA * Community Advocate - Riverside, CA * Community Interpreter - Los Angeles, CA To learn more about these positions, please visit our website, www.gladinc.org. MassRelay Community Relations Manager Hamilton Relay in Massachusetts currently has a full time position open for a “MassRelay Community Relations Manager”. Position summary: Position is responsible
a national significant number into geographical * area code and subscriber number. It works in such a way that the resultant * subscriber number should be diallable, at least on some devices. An example * of how this could be used: * * <pre> * var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); * var number = phoneUtil.parse('16502530000', 'US'); * var nationalSignificantNumber = * phoneUtil.getNationalSignificantNumber(number); * var areaCode; * var subscriberNumber; * * var areaCodeLength = phoneUtil.getLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number); * if (areaCodeLength > 0) { * areaCode = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(0, areaCodeLength); * subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(areaCodeLength); * } else { * areaCode = ''; * subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber; * } * </pre> * * N.B.: area code is a very ambiguous concept, so the I18N team generally * recommends against using it for most purposes, but recommends using the more * general {@code national_number} instead. Read the following carefully before * deciding to use this method: * <ul> * <li> geographical area codes change over time, and this method honors those * changes; therefore, it doesn't guarantee the stability of the result it * produces. * <li> subscriber numbers may not be diallable from all devices (notably * mobile devices, which typically requires the full national_number to be * dialled in most regions). * <li> most non-geographical numbers have no area codes, including numbers * from non-geographical entities. * <li> some geographical numbers have no area codes. * </ul> * * @param {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumber} number the PhoneNumber object for * which clients want to know the length of the area code. * @return {number} the length of area code of the PhoneNumber object passed in. */ i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.prototype.getLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode = function(number) { /** @type {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneMetadata} */ var metadata = this.getMetadataForRegion(this.getRegionCodeForNumber(number)); if (metadata == null) { return 0; } // If a country doesn't use a national prefix, and this number doesn't have // an Italian leading zero, we assume it is a closed dialling plan with no // area codes. if (!metadata.hasNationalPrefix() && !number.hasItalianLeadingZero()) { return 0; } if (!this.isNumberGeographical(number)) { return 0; } return this.getLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number); }; /** * Gets the length of the national destination code (NDC) from the PhoneNumber * object passed in, so that clients could use it to split a national * significant number into NDC and subscriber number. The NDC of a phone number * is normally the first group of digit(s) right after the country calling code * when the number is formatted in the international format, if there is a * subscriber number part that follows. An example of how this could be used: * * <pre> * var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); * var number = phoneUtil.parse('18002530000', 'US'); * var nationalSignificantNumber = * phoneUtil.getNationalSignificantNumber(number); * var nationalDestinationCode; * var subscriberNumber; * * var nationalDestinationCodeLength = * phoneUtil.getLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number); * if (nationalDestinationCodeLength > 0) { * nationalDestinationCode = * nationalSignificantNumber.substring(0, nationalDestinationCodeLength); * subscriberNumber = * nationalSignificantNumber.substring(national
a national significant number into geographical * area code and subscriber number. It works in such a way that the resultant * subscriber number should be diallable, at least on some devices. An example * of how this could be used: * * <pre> * var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); * var number = phoneUtil.parse('16502530000', 'US'); * var nationalSignificantNumber = * phoneUtil.getNationalSignificantNumber(number); * var areaCode; * var subscriberNumber; * * var areaCodeLength = phoneUtil.getLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number); * if (areaCodeLength > 0) { * areaCode = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(0, areaCodeLength); * subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(areaCodeLength); * } else { * areaCode = ''; * subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber; * } * </pre> * * N.B.: area code is a very ambiguous concept, so the I18N team generally * recommends against using it for most purposes, but recommends using the more * general {@code national_number} instead. Read the following carefully before * deciding to use this method: * <ul> * <li> geographical area codes change over time, and this method honors those * changes; therefore, it doesn't guarantee the stability of the result it * produces. * <li> subscriber numbers may not be diallable from all devices (notably * mobile devices, which typically requires the full national_number to be * dialled in most regions). * <li> most non-geographical numbers have no area codes, including numbers * from non-geographical entities. * <li> some geographical numbers have no area codes. * </ul> * * @param {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumber} number the PhoneNumber object for * which clients want to know the length of the area code. * @return {number} the length of area code of the PhoneNumber object passed in. */ i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.prototype.getLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode = function(number) { /** @type {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneMetadata} */ var metadata = this.getMetadataForRegion(this.getRegionCodeForNumber(number)); if (metadata == null) { return 0; } // If a country doesn't use a national prefix, and this number doesn't have // an Italian leading zero, we assume it is a closed dialling plan with no // area codes. if (!metadata.hasNationalPrefix() && !number.hasItalianLeadingZero()) { return 0; } if (!this.isNumberGeographical(number)) { return 0; } return this.getLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number); }; /** * Gets the length of the national destination code (NDC) from the PhoneNumber * object passed in, so that clients could use it to split a national * significant number into NDC and subscriber number. The NDC of a phone number * is normally the first group of digit(s) right after the country calling code * when the number is formatted in the international format, if there is a * subscriber number part that follows. An example of how this could be used: * * <pre> * var phoneUtil = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); * var number = phoneUtil.parse('18002530000', 'US'); * var nationalSignificantNumber = * phoneUtil.getNationalSignificantNumber(number); * var nationalDestinationCode; * var subscriberNumber; * * var nationalDestinationCodeLength = * phoneUtil.getLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number); * if (nationalDestinationCodeLength > 0) { * nationalDestinationCode = * nationalSignificantNumber.substring(0, nationalDestinationCodeLength); * subscriberNumber = * nationalSignificantNumber.substring(national
DestinationCodeLength); * } else { * nationalDestinationCode = ''; * subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber; * } * </pre> * * Refer to the unittests to see the difference between this function and * {@link #getLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode}. * * @param {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumber} number the PhoneNumber object for * which clients want to know the length of the NDC. * @return {number} the length of NDC of the PhoneNumber object passed in. */ i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.prototype.getLengthOfNationalDestinationCode = function(number) { /** @type {i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumber} */ var copiedProto; if (number.hasExtension()) { // We don't want to alter the proto given to us, but we don't want to // include the extension when we format it, so we copy it and clear the // extension here. copiedProto = number.clone(); copiedProto.clearExtension(); } else { copiedProto = number; } /** @type {string} */ var nationalSignificantNumber = this.format(copiedProto, i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL); /** @type {!Array.<string>} */ var numberGroups = nationalSignificantNumber.split( i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.NON_DIGITS_PATTERN_); // The pattern will start with '+COUNTRY_CODE ' so the first group will always // be the empty string (before the + symbol) and the second group will be the // country calling code. The third group will be area code if it is not the // last group. // NOTE: On IE the first group that is supposed to be the empty string does // not appear in the array of number groups... so make the result on non-IE // browsers to be that of IE. if (numberGroups[0].length == 0) { numberGroups.shift(); } if (numberGroups.length <= 2) { return 0; } if (this.getNumberType(number) == i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberType.MOBILE) { // For example Argentinian mobile numbers, when formatted in the // international format, are in the form of +54 9 NDC XXXX.... As a result, // we take the length of the third group (NDC) and add the length of the // mobile token, which also forms part of the national significant number. // This assumes that the mobile token is always formatted separately from // the rest of the phone number. /** @type {string} */ var mobileToken = i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getCountryMobileToken( number.getCountryCodeOrDefault()); if (mobileToken != '') { return numberGroups[2].length + mobileToken.length; } } return numberGroups[1].length; }; /** * Returns the mobile token for the provided country calling code if it has * one, otherwise returns an empty string. A mobile token is a number inserted * before the area code when dialing a mobile number from that country from * abroad. * * @param {number} countryCallingCode the country calling code for which we * want the mobile token. * @return {string} the mobile token for the given country calling code. */ i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getCountryMobileToken = function(countryCallingCode) { return i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.MOBILE_TOKEN_MAPPINGS_[ countryCallingCode] || ''; }; /** * Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number by replacing * all characters found in the accompanying map with the values therein, and * stripping all other characters if removeNonMatches is true. * * @param {string} number a string of characters representing a phone number. * @param {!Object.<string,
a double header. If you unload and you have a good car in the first race, you have an opportunity to score a lot of point in two days. Our Smithfield Ford Mustang was really, really fast. We opted to score a lot of points and that probably hurt us on strategy a little bit> I am proud of Bugga and these guys. They have been bringing some awesome race cars. I felt like we were tit for tat with the 4 when we were on older tires there and in clean air. I am proud of everybody at Stewart-Haas Racing and Roush Yates engines and Ford Performance and everybody that helps this program out. We are just trying to keep the momentum going. Three top five’s in a row. I am really proud of my race team.” BRAD KESELOWSKI, No. 2 Western Star/Alliance Auto Parts Ford Mustang FROM WHERE YOU STARTED TO WHERE YOU FINISHED, WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WILL HELP TOMORROW? “We didn’t start where we wanted to but we adjusted really well and I thought by the end we were one of the best cars. It was incredibly difficult to pass. I caught cars that I was a second faster than and then I just couldn’t pass. It was a big track position day. I think you saw that with the guys that started up front all finished up front. We tried to make some moves to make some passes and probably caught ourselves some spots. If we rode around all day we would have maybe got two or three more spots out of it. I appreciate the fact that my team has a lot of effort and was shooting for the stars.” HAVE YOU REACHED OUT TO BUBBA AT ALL THIS WEEK AND WHAT DID YOU GUYS TALK ABOUT? DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TAKEN ANYTHING AWAY FROM THE LAST COUPLE OF WEEKS? “Yeah, I talked to him a little before the race Sunday, or gosh, I don't know what day it is anymore with all this rain. Whatever day it was that we raced Talladega, Monday. Yeah, I talked to him Monday before the race. I pulled into the race track and he was just finishing a workout and I told him that if he needed anything I was there for him. Other than that I didn’t have a lot to say. I feel like he has enough people in his ear he probably doesn't need me to be bothering him. It has certainly been an interesting few weeks. It kinda feels a little like a soap opera. I am not sure if it is real or fiction. We are all just trying to get through it and keep our own lives going at the same time, which is a challenge.” HOW WOULD YOU SAY THE LAST MONTH OR SO BEING QUITE EVENTFUL OFF THE TRACK FOR THE SPORT COMPARES TO ANY OTHER TIME YOU CAN REMEMBER IN YOUR CAREER WHEN THINGS WERE HECTIC THAT DIDN’T HAVE TO DO WITH THE RACE TRACK? “I don't know that there has been any time period like this that I can ever remember but my memory ain’t so great either, to be honest with you. It feels like a soap opera with the turn of events left and right and it is almost not even believable. But it is real and happening and we are all trying to do the right thing by each other and the sport and the fans. I think we are doing that. I feel good about the things we are doing but it is a flurry of emotions and obligations mixed in with rain days and delays not being able to be with your team. Everything you are operating with is partial facts all the time in everything you do and it is very hard to make heads or tails of what is going on to be quite honest.” HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS DOUBLEHEADER WEEKEND? “I really like the schedule stuff that I have seen from NASCAR so far. I think that we are making the most of what is a really tough situation and they -- I should say making the most -- that is not to me at the level of praise I think they deserve. They have done it better than I ever thought they could do with this schedule. Given the COVID and the Governors and all the precautions we have to do, I challenge you to find any sport doing a better job with making this whole
a double header. If you unload and you have a good car in the first race, you have an opportunity to score a lot of point in two days. Our Smithfield Ford Mustang was really, really fast. We opted to score a lot of points and that probably hurt us on strategy a little bit> I am proud of Bugga and these guys. They have been bringing some awesome race cars. I felt like we were tit for tat with the 4 when we were on older tires there and in clean air. I am proud of everybody at Stewart-Haas Racing and Roush Yates engines and Ford Performance and everybody that helps this program out. We are just trying to keep the momentum going. Three top five’s in a row. I am really proud of my race team.” BRAD KESELOWSKI, No. 2 Western Star/Alliance Auto Parts Ford Mustang FROM WHERE YOU STARTED TO WHERE YOU FINISHED, WHAT DID YOU LEARN THAT WILL HELP TOMORROW? “We didn’t start where we wanted to but we adjusted really well and I thought by the end we were one of the best cars. It was incredibly difficult to pass. I caught cars that I was a second faster than and then I just couldn’t pass. It was a big track position day. I think you saw that with the guys that started up front all finished up front. We tried to make some moves to make some passes and probably caught ourselves some spots. If we rode around all day we would have maybe got two or three more spots out of it. I appreciate the fact that my team has a lot of effort and was shooting for the stars.” HAVE YOU REACHED OUT TO BUBBA AT ALL THIS WEEK AND WHAT DID YOU GUYS TALK ABOUT? DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TAKEN ANYTHING AWAY FROM THE LAST COUPLE OF WEEKS? “Yeah, I talked to him a little before the race Sunday, or gosh, I don't know what day it is anymore with all this rain. Whatever day it was that we raced Talladega, Monday. Yeah, I talked to him Monday before the race. I pulled into the race track and he was just finishing a workout and I told him that if he needed anything I was there for him. Other than that I didn’t have a lot to say. I feel like he has enough people in his ear he probably doesn't need me to be bothering him. It has certainly been an interesting few weeks. It kinda feels a little like a soap opera. I am not sure if it is real or fiction. We are all just trying to get through it and keep our own lives going at the same time, which is a challenge.” HOW WOULD YOU SAY THE LAST MONTH OR SO BEING QUITE EVENTFUL OFF THE TRACK FOR THE SPORT COMPARES TO ANY OTHER TIME YOU CAN REMEMBER IN YOUR CAREER WHEN THINGS WERE HECTIC THAT DIDN’T HAVE TO DO WITH THE RACE TRACK? “I don't know that there has been any time period like this that I can ever remember but my memory ain’t so great either, to be honest with you. It feels like a soap opera with the turn of events left and right and it is almost not even believable. But it is real and happening and we are all trying to do the right thing by each other and the sport and the fans. I think we are doing that. I feel good about the things we are doing but it is a flurry of emotions and obligations mixed in with rain days and delays not being able to be with your team. Everything you are operating with is partial facts all the time in everything you do and it is very hard to make heads or tails of what is going on to be quite honest.” HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS DOUBLEHEADER WEEKEND? “I really like the schedule stuff that I have seen from NASCAR so far. I think that we are making the most of what is a really tough situation and they -- I should say making the most -- that is not to me at the level of praise I think they deserve. They have done it better than I ever thought they could do with this schedule. Given the COVID and the Governors and all the precautions we have to do, I challenge you to find any sport doing a better job with making this whole
deal work than NASCAR right now. Has it been flawless and perfect? No. But I think that would be an unrealistic expectation. I think it has been really impressive and done really well to date. I am proud of that. They deserve a lot of credit for what they are doing with the schedule and making things happen. On top of rescheduling around tracks that are open and race shops that are closed, I feel like we have had rain for at least three-quarters of these races that has pushed our schedule around. They find a way to make it work and I have to give NASCAR a lot of credit for that.” DO YOU FEEL SAFE COMING TO THE TRACK AND THEN GOING HOME TO YOUR FAMILY EVERY WEEK LIKE THIS? “Yeah. Everyone has their own definition of safe, right? Which is probably why you are asking my opinion. We accept risk the second we walk out of our house, everyday. It is just what level of safety - what is your threshold, that is what safety is. The second you walk out of your door you are taking a chance of getting hit by a bus or meteor or whatever. It is a pretty low chance. I think getting sick is probably a higher chance than getting struck by lightning but I also am more nervous getting on an airplane and that thing running into a mountain that I am of getting COVID. Maybe that is some perspective for you. I am not saying I won’t or can’t get sick, shoot, but from a safety factor I am okay.” CLINT BOWYER, No. 14 Mobil 1 Ford Mustang “That was a struggle early today for our Mobil 1 Ford. We were really loose and in traffic we were terrible. But I think we found our direction in the last part of the race. We had a vibration late or I think we could have gotten more spots. What a swing! Johnny Klausmeier and my guys did a good job calling the race. Glad Kevin could get the win. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” COLE CUSTER, No. 41 HaasTooling.com Ford Mustang “Solid day for us today. We ended up 16th and at the end, I felt we were fast enough to run up front. It’s just trying to get track position and I think I can get my restarts better for tomorrow. It was a solid day, which is what we needed. We can improve on it tomorrow. I think we have a good car and I cannot thank my guys enough. Looking forward to improving on it all tomorrow.” Mainer Sydney Releases New Video Illustrated by Corona, NY Native Sydney Choate Facebook Who knew there was a Corona, New York - and a very talented illustrator from there just helped a very talented singer from Maine. Sydney grew up in Richmond and thanks to her Instagram account, she's doing great things in her singing career - including a new video! A couple of years ago we met Sydney (yes...just Sydney...think Cher only decades younger). She grew up in Richmond and was approached a couple of years ago by DaCav because of her Instagram account. They asked her to be featured on some tracks and then - she was so impressive, they asked her to join the band! She was also given a beat for 'No Time'. Just a beat, and told to do something with it. She wrote her parts and they are REALLY GOOD! They recorded in New Jersey and released 'No Time'. Sydney is venturing out on her own and still doing some great stuff for DaCav. But last summer she released '100' Do you think the video has a familiar feeling? It should - it's 100% Maine! The videographer, the props, the car, the dancers (Red Claw Dancers!) and locations. The beach and arcade scenes are in Old Orchard Beach and the boat scene is at the DiMillo's pier! Plus, Sydney directed the video herself! Her latest is 'Make Me Stay' - an animated video, and yes...the animation was done by 23-year-old Fanny Bravo from Corona, New York. I know, the first time I heard the word Corona and didn't cringe. This talented powerhouse is a nice distraction right now. Enjoy her latest and keep an eye out for more great things... Filed Under: Corona, mainer, Make Me Stay, New York, Song, Sydney, video Major League BaseballAmerican League Report
ini has been stirred or shaken, for example. But in other cases, Flynn’s confidence is just part of his delusion, e.g., his expertise in flying an Apache helicopter is all fantasy. And while this constantly shifting ground of factual vs. imaginary beliefs keeps the plot moving and the laughs coming, it also detracts a bit when Orkin wants to create drama. In particular, some of the fight scenes are vicious, but it’s difficult to feel too concerned about Flynn when you never know if he’s going to beat everyone with a single finger or his laser pointer. The dilution of drama, however, is a small price to pay for all the laughs. The issues in craft are small. There are a few typos, e.g., “She was even more beautiful then he remembered.” There are a few changes in point of view within a single paragraph. And while the author usually refers to the protagonist as Flynn, occasionally he’d say ‘James’ did something. Those missteps, however, are more than offset by the humor and the affinity you’ll feel for Flynn and his band of reluctant followers. In fact, by the end of the book, you may want to join them in the next installment. I know I do. See on Amazon: https://amzn.to/37U96r6 (I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.) Ventures and Visions: A Short Story Collection by Kayla Hicks and Steph O'Connell A Fantasy Shines in a Collection Sometimes Missing Realistic Conflict and Suspense Ventures and Visions is a collection of eight short stories, described by the authors as thrillers, action/adventure, and mystery. The stories representing the first two genres showed good pacing—there are plenty of battles, strange occurrences, and mass devastation as you would expect. And the stories that leaned toward mystery clearly raise the whodunit issue—who blew up the capitol, for example. But my favorite of the group, The Quietus, is more in the realm of a paranormal fantasy with a side of humor. One of the main characters, Sophia, is the grim reaper … or one of them, since being the grim is a job where the long-dead are guides for the recently deceased, rather than the harbinger of death. And because Sophia loves wearing black and has a flair for the dramatic, she dresses the part even though that’s not a job requirement. She comes across like a veteran tour host, with her canned lines and well-practiced patter. But her thoughts still reflect the mystery of being dead—what’s time when you live exist forever, strike-throughs being the author’s way to show these evolving mental concepts. I appreciated the technique. Overall, this short story was a fun reinterpretation of a common myth. The stories, however, were not without some issues. Simple attention to detail was one when, for example, a character named Mick was occasionally called Mike. Several sentences, such as “Seizing my chance and I went for it” were unusual (conjunctions don’t usually connect a prepositional phrase and an independent clause). Some word choices were incorrect, e.g., “Mateo hadn’t seemed phased at all.” From the context, it should be “fazed”. And telling something before it’s spoken happened often. “She ate so fast, I doubt she tasted it at all. ‘Did you taste any of that?’ I asked.” The repetitions slow the plot. An additional, independent edit would have helped the flow substantially. But the primary limitation of most of the stories was that they failed to develop sufficient conflict, tension, or suspense, and the reason varies from tale to tale. In some, the story just seems to end—no twist, no surprise, no thought-provoking question. Others are too implausible to generate tension in the reader. After the Shock, for example, involves a bombing in Washington DC sufficient to destroy the capitol and several nearby buildings. But since there are no first responders for days, the devastation had to be wider. And there’s no communications, so all the cell towers must have been destroyed. The secrecy, expense, and expertise that such a large-scale operation would require is far beyond the capabilities
ini has been stirred or shaken, for example. But in other cases, Flynn’s confidence is just part of his delusion, e.g., his expertise in flying an Apache helicopter is all fantasy. And while this constantly shifting ground of factual vs. imaginary beliefs keeps the plot moving and the laughs coming, it also detracts a bit when Orkin wants to create drama. In particular, some of the fight scenes are vicious, but it’s difficult to feel too concerned about Flynn when you never know if he’s going to beat everyone with a single finger or his laser pointer. The dilution of drama, however, is a small price to pay for all the laughs. The issues in craft are small. There are a few typos, e.g., “She was even more beautiful then he remembered.” There are a few changes in point of view within a single paragraph. And while the author usually refers to the protagonist as Flynn, occasionally he’d say ‘James’ did something. Those missteps, however, are more than offset by the humor and the affinity you’ll feel for Flynn and his band of reluctant followers. In fact, by the end of the book, you may want to join them in the next installment. I know I do. See on Amazon: https://amzn.to/37U96r6 (I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.) Ventures and Visions: A Short Story Collection by Kayla Hicks and Steph O'Connell A Fantasy Shines in a Collection Sometimes Missing Realistic Conflict and Suspense Ventures and Visions is a collection of eight short stories, described by the authors as thrillers, action/adventure, and mystery. The stories representing the first two genres showed good pacing—there are plenty of battles, strange occurrences, and mass devastation as you would expect. And the stories that leaned toward mystery clearly raise the whodunit issue—who blew up the capitol, for example. But my favorite of the group, The Quietus, is more in the realm of a paranormal fantasy with a side of humor. One of the main characters, Sophia, is the grim reaper … or one of them, since being the grim is a job where the long-dead are guides for the recently deceased, rather than the harbinger of death. And because Sophia loves wearing black and has a flair for the dramatic, she dresses the part even though that’s not a job requirement. She comes across like a veteran tour host, with her canned lines and well-practiced patter. But her thoughts still reflect the mystery of being dead—what’s time when you live exist forever, strike-throughs being the author’s way to show these evolving mental concepts. I appreciated the technique. Overall, this short story was a fun reinterpretation of a common myth. The stories, however, were not without some issues. Simple attention to detail was one when, for example, a character named Mick was occasionally called Mike. Several sentences, such as “Seizing my chance and I went for it” were unusual (conjunctions don’t usually connect a prepositional phrase and an independent clause). Some word choices were incorrect, e.g., “Mateo hadn’t seemed phased at all.” From the context, it should be “fazed”. And telling something before it’s spoken happened often. “She ate so fast, I doubt she tasted it at all. ‘Did you taste any of that?’ I asked.” The repetitions slow the plot. An additional, independent edit would have helped the flow substantially. But the primary limitation of most of the stories was that they failed to develop sufficient conflict, tension, or suspense, and the reason varies from tale to tale. In some, the story just seems to end—no twist, no surprise, no thought-provoking question. Others are too implausible to generate tension in the reader. After the Shock, for example, involves a bombing in Washington DC sufficient to destroy the capitol and several nearby buildings. But since there are no first responders for days, the devastation had to be wider. And there’s no communications, so all the cell towers must have been destroyed. The secrecy, expense, and expertise that such a large-scale operation would require is far beyond the capabilities
of the culprits revealed, making the story seem surreal rather than gut-wrenching. Overall, this debut collection shows promise, but for short stories to work, they need more conflict, tension, or realistic suspense than some of these supplied. See on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3eD5z3m The Kafir: The Unbeliever by Abigail Rook A Web of Secrecy and Bad (Political) Assumptions Keep the Thrill Going If you’re looking to get away from talk of viruses (e.g., the coronavirus) for a while, The Kafir will let you escape into a world of international, political intrigue and espionage (although the story revolves around the threat of an epidemic). And if you haven’t had enough about these infective agents, the novel still works. Though I have no background, the medical information in the book feels authoritative, which is further supported by the fact that the author is a doctor. I greatly enjoyed the interplay of life-and-death drama with medical information about viruses, manmade vs. natural. It’s a great combination to keep the pages turning. Our heroine, Carolin Falkenberg, is a German doctor investigating a virus outbreak in Zimbabwe on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO). Not all is what it seems and eventually, she forms something of an alliance with Nathan Cole, a National Security Agency (NSA) agent. Together, they try to disentangle a web of misinformation and bad assumptions involving secret biological warfare programs, religious groups, and military organizations. The author kept me guessing about the true culprit long into the tale, although at least part of the mystery is maintained by the number of possibilities; there are quite a few characters to keep straight. And along the way, the American military system and intelligence services receive some criticism, as they too frequently opted for political answers over evidence. There are a few, minor issues that probably came from the translation from German. For example, when a man was described as boarding a plane in Washington DC, he is actually getting off the plane. These confusions, however, are limited and detract little from the tale. More concerning to me was a somewhat inconsistent characterization of our protagonist. At the start of the book, she seems quite uneasy with people, and yet later, she’s described as extremely empathetic, seeing through Coles’ fake identity almost immediately. Perhaps under the circumstances in the tale, her transition is supposed to represent a personality change, but it seemed too abrupt and too extreme. And finally, the event that allowed the epidemic to occur is a bit too convenient. In the context of authoritative medical information on viruses, how the virus was obtained felt contrived. Overall, if you look beyond the epidemic’s initiating event, the medical information on the virus, the individuals involved in investigating and spreading it, and their motivations make for some captivating reading. See on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2T0Irlf Old Bones (Nora Kelly Book 1) by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child What Do Grave-Robbing and Murder Have in Common? Grave-robbing and murder. Those two crimes are perhaps not the most common of bedfellows, but they make for some fascinating reading in Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s new series, Old Bones. The hero of this new set of tales is familiar—at least for readers of the Pendergast series by the same authors—Nora Kelly, archaeologist. When she is approached by Clive Benton, Stanford-educated historian, to lead an archaeological expedition in search for the “Lost Camp” of the ill-fated Donner Party, a compelling historical setting is added to the story (the Donner Party was believed to have resorted to cannibalism to survive when they became snow-bound in the California mountains in 1847). But to sell the expensive archaeological expedition to Nora’s boss, Benton adds evidence that one of the party was carrying gold, now worth 20 million dollars. That, of course, is sufficient motive for murder, but wait. Two murders occurred before the expedition even started. And both happened in the context of grave-robbing where all that was apparently taken was part of a skeleton. Since when is a skull worth killing for? That question remains until the final pages of the novel. It is via one of these murders at a grave site
preventable and inexcusable. If your child reported abuse to the principal, you'd expect an immediate call. Not at Horace Mann. We know more about the sanitation of the restaurant down the street than about the risk our children face in the schools we trust to take care of them every day. With any abuse event, knowing how and why is essential to prevention. Despite 4 decades of abuse, HM refuses to investigate or cooperate to learn the truth. We expect our schools to be accountable. You can learn more in our report of the investigation by concerned alumni, online soon. Read what we found. Assess your school. And find out what your school is doing. A man who sued Horace Mann School over alleged sexual abuse that took place years ago in New Jersey has settled with his alma mater. The unnamed plaintiff was one of a few people believed to have suffered at the hands of Horace Mann educators who did not settle with the school in the months after the institution’s legacy of abuse came to light in 2012. Rosemarie Arnold, the plaintiff’s lawyer, confirmed the settlement on April 2, but declined to provide any further information, including the terms of the deal. She previously said that, based on the substantial evidence provided by her client, she would seek a settlement between $10 and $15 million. Horace Mann administrators did not return press inquiries and a communications firm the school hired to discuss the sexual abuse also declined to comment. An organizer for the Horace Mann Action Coalition, a group of graduates who have called for justice over the abuse, had mixed feelings about the outcome of the New Jersey case. “Surely we all hoped for more from the justice system, but the outcome is historic, with implications for the school and other victims,” said Peter Brooks. Mr. Brooks added that he hopes the success of the settlement encourages other victims to come forward with their cases. Since 2012, about 30 former Horace Mann students have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse at the elite school from the 1960s through the 1990s. But since the accusations came more than 15 years after the alleged crimes — the window of opportunity to seek justice, according to the state’s statutes of limitations — most reportedly accepted small “now-or-never” settlements out of court. Activists familiar with the plaintiffs estimated the payouts ranged from $20,000 to $350,000. However, New Jersey, which has a more liberal statue of limitations on child sexual abuse, left an opening for an anonymous plaintiff who walked out of the earlier negotiations. The plaintiff accused Johannes Somary, a music instructor at the school who died in 2011, of sexually abusing him 450 times between 1973 and 1977. A closely watched sexual-abuse lawsuit filed in New Jersey against Horace Mann, the elite private school in the Bronx, has been settled. Dog Aware Tip #6: Interact Only with Happy Dogs Who Come to You | Doggone Crazy! Only pet or play with a dog if he comes to you first. If you have to follow a dog around or go into his space to play with him or pet him, then he isn’t interested at the moment. Dogs like kids they feel safe with. Read a terrific article from dog and kid relationship expert Madeline Gabriel about how to teach your kids to be that kid that a dog feels safe with. Just like people, dogs have different moods. Even your own dog can be happy at some moments and tired, busy or even grumpy at other moments. Dogs don’t necessarily want your attention or attention from you kids at every moment. The safest dog for kids to interact with is a happy, relaxed dog. You can tell a dog is happy and relaxed by his body language. If he’s all loose and wiggly, shows a happy panting face and is wagging his tail loosely, then he may be receptive to petting or play. If he’s stiff, closes his mouth during the interaction, turns away, walks away, yawns, flicks his tongue out or shows a half moon of white in his eye, then he’s not comfortable with the interaction. Parents, you should intervene if you see these signs while a
preventable and inexcusable. If your child reported abuse to the principal, you'd expect an immediate call. Not at Horace Mann. We know more about the sanitation of the restaurant down the street than about the risk our children face in the schools we trust to take care of them every day. With any abuse event, knowing how and why is essential to prevention. Despite 4 decades of abuse, HM refuses to investigate or cooperate to learn the truth. We expect our schools to be accountable. You can learn more in our report of the investigation by concerned alumni, online soon. Read what we found. Assess your school. And find out what your school is doing. A man who sued Horace Mann School over alleged sexual abuse that took place years ago in New Jersey has settled with his alma mater. The unnamed plaintiff was one of a few people believed to have suffered at the hands of Horace Mann educators who did not settle with the school in the months after the institution’s legacy of abuse came to light in 2012. Rosemarie Arnold, the plaintiff’s lawyer, confirmed the settlement on April 2, but declined to provide any further information, including the terms of the deal. She previously said that, based on the substantial evidence provided by her client, she would seek a settlement between $10 and $15 million. Horace Mann administrators did not return press inquiries and a communications firm the school hired to discuss the sexual abuse also declined to comment. An organizer for the Horace Mann Action Coalition, a group of graduates who have called for justice over the abuse, had mixed feelings about the outcome of the New Jersey case. “Surely we all hoped for more from the justice system, but the outcome is historic, with implications for the school and other victims,” said Peter Brooks. Mr. Brooks added that he hopes the success of the settlement encourages other victims to come forward with their cases. Since 2012, about 30 former Horace Mann students have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse at the elite school from the 1960s through the 1990s. But since the accusations came more than 15 years after the alleged crimes — the window of opportunity to seek justice, according to the state’s statutes of limitations — most reportedly accepted small “now-or-never” settlements out of court. Activists familiar with the plaintiffs estimated the payouts ranged from $20,000 to $350,000. However, New Jersey, which has a more liberal statue of limitations on child sexual abuse, left an opening for an anonymous plaintiff who walked out of the earlier negotiations. The plaintiff accused Johannes Somary, a music instructor at the school who died in 2011, of sexually abusing him 450 times between 1973 and 1977. A closely watched sexual-abuse lawsuit filed in New Jersey against Horace Mann, the elite private school in the Bronx, has been settled. Dog Aware Tip #6: Interact Only with Happy Dogs Who Come to You | Doggone Crazy! Only pet or play with a dog if he comes to you first. If you have to follow a dog around or go into his space to play with him or pet him, then he isn’t interested at the moment. Dogs like kids they feel safe with. Read a terrific article from dog and kid relationship expert Madeline Gabriel about how to teach your kids to be that kid that a dog feels safe with. Just like people, dogs have different moods. Even your own dog can be happy at some moments and tired, busy or even grumpy at other moments. Dogs don’t necessarily want your attention or attention from you kids at every moment. The safest dog for kids to interact with is a happy, relaxed dog. You can tell a dog is happy and relaxed by his body language. If he’s all loose and wiggly, shows a happy panting face and is wagging his tail loosely, then he may be receptive to petting or play. If he’s stiff, closes his mouth during the interaction, turns away, walks away, yawns, flicks his tongue out or shows a half moon of white in his eye, then he’s not comfortable with the interaction. Parents, you should intervene if you see these signs while a
child is interacting with your dog. Read our previous article on how to speak dog for more details. Tightens facial features and becomes stiff…done! Respect…now that the dog has given feedback that you observed during the pause…respect what the dog has communicated. The hard thing for most people is to recognize when the dog has had enough. A dog may want several pets and then may choose to walk away and be left alone. We often put our desire to pet the dog over the need of that particular dog. This can backfire! You're able to depend on House Inspector Crew to offer the most suitable professional services when it comes to House Inspector in Burchard, NE. You'll need the most sophisticated modern technology around, and our workforce of well trained professionals will provide just that. We use high quality products and cash conserving solutions to make certain that you get the finest solutions for the greatest value. We're going to assist you to put together choices for your own job, reply to your concerns, and arrange a meeting with our workers whenever you contact us by dialing 888-506-4448. Here at House Inspector Crew, we know that you will need to remain in your financial budget and lower your costs anywhere it is possible to. You will still require professional quality results for House Inspector in Burchard, NE, and you're able to put your confidence in our company to help you save money while still supplying the highest quality services. We provide you with the finest quality even while still helping you save money. Whenever you deal with us, you will get the advantages of our knowledge and top quality products to be sure that your project lasts even while saving time and funds. We are able to achieve this by offering you the best prices available and avoiding pricey mistakes. If you wish to lower your expenses, House Inspector Crew is the service to connect with. Call up 888-506-4448 to communicate with our customer support associates, right now. Concerning House Inspector in Burchard, NE, you need to be knowledgeable to come up with the best choices. We ensure that you understand what can be expected. You won't encounter any sort of unexpected surprises when you work with House Inspector Crew. Start by talking about your task with our customer care reps once you call 888-506-4448. We're going to review your concerns as soon as you call us and help you get arranged with a meeting. Our team will arrive at the scheduled time with all the needed equipment, and can work together with you through the entire job. You have plenty of reasons to choose House Inspector Crew for House Inspector in Burchard, NE. We'll be the best choice whenever you need the best money saving strategies, the best quality products, and the top rank of customer satisfaction. We are aware of your expectations and ambitions, and we are ready to help you using our experience. Dial 888-506-4448 to connect with House Inspector Crew and explore all of your goals about House Inspector in Burchard. ISTANBUL (AA) – A Turkish-African business meeting in Istanbul bore fruit Wednesday in the form of three new pacts with both private and public concerns. Zimbabwe, Senegal, and the African Union all signed deals with parties in Turkey during the 2nd Turkey-Africa Economy and Business Forum in Turkey's economic hub. The first agreement — a memorandum of understanding (MoU) — was signed by Senegal’s Mines and Geology Ministry and Turkey’s Tosyali Holding for the company to invest in iron and steel in the West African country. Another MoU was signed between Turkey's Trade Ministry and the African Union Commission for collaboration on trade and investment. The last trade cooperation pact was signed by the Turkish and Zimbabwean governments. The two-day forum, which started on Wednesday in Istanbul, is bringing together 3,000 African and Turkish businesspeople. The forum was organized by Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board in coordination with Turkey’s Trade Ministry and the African Union. Before the FDA starts meddling with the legality of bio-implants, rogue hackers are pushing the man-machine boundary in an attempt to augment and improve our natural senses. A small collection of rogue engineers are pioneering a field known as biohack
an interesting case. He’s a late-round pick from 2009 who never really stuck around in preseason much for fans to get a handle on, but has done the grunt work down in Providence as an enforcer. He’s a player with a good set of hands- he once scored 4 goals for the Kitchener Rangers during a 2012 OHL playoff game against the Plymouth Whalers (who featured Washington power forward Tom Wilson). Randell’s not much of a skater, but the guy can fight and he could find a spot for himself with his toughness. He wouldn’t be an every game player, but could slot in when the B’s needed to add some bite to their roster. I keep seeing Randell linked to Shawn Thornton as a comparable player and I won’t go there other than to say that they are two different players and fans have to understand that Thornton came to the B’s as an established NHL veteran who was added as much for his character as he was for the toughness he displayed. Randell’s not there yet, so temper the expectations- he’s still growing and learning as a player. I’ve been impressed with Anton Blidh– he’s fast, gritty and energetic. He’s always moving his feet and qualifies as a grinding agitator type. It might be a situation where the B’s feel like he’s better served getting more minutes in Providence initially and then bringing him up when the inevitable injury happens up front, or he could very well make the Boston roster to start the season. These last couple of games will be critical for him, but because he can go down and not be subject to the waivers process, the team at least has options with Blidh. He’s on the bubble and close, but I predict he’ll start the year in Providence. Ditto Brian Ferlin, who has played well in preseason, but will find himself the odd man out on the right side with a chance to go back to the AHL and play top-two line minutes and in all situations. Finally, I’m sold on Joonas Kemppainen to start the year as Boston’s fourth-line center. He’s mature, smart and does the little things for the position. I like his faceoff work and he does a nice job of making the right reads coming out of the zone and moving the puck to the open spaces on the ice. He’s not going to wow you in any one area, but I can see why the Bruins signed him out of Finland at age 27. The final roster picture is coming into focus, but after the sluggish night against Detroit in the 3-1 loss Monday, that’s a harbinger of more nights to come. Loui Eriksson’s goal was too little, too late and the offense will have to overachieve to score regularly this season by the looks of it. Would like to be proven wrong, but even in Boston’s victories, the cup of offense has not runneth over. September 27, 2015 2015 NHL Training Camp, Boston Bruins, Boston Bruins prospects Adam McQuaid, Alexander Khokhlachev, Anton Blidh, Austin Czarnik, Boston Bruins, Brad Marchand, Brett Connolly, Brian Ferlin, Chris Casto, Chris Kelly, Claude Julien, Colin Miller, David Krejci, David Pastrnak, Dennis Seidenberg, Don Sweeney, Frank Vatrano, Jeremy Smith, Jimmy Hayes, Joe Morrow, Joonas Kemppainen, Kevn Miller, Linus Arnesson, Loui Eriksson, Matt Beleskey, Matt Irwin, Max Talbot, Patrice Bergeron, Ryan Spooner, Seth Griffith, Tommy Cross, Torey Krug, Tuukka Rask, Tyler Randell, Zac Rinaldo, Zach Trotman, Zdeno Chara Leave a comment More cuts on Sunday as 4-0 preseason Bruins roster takes shape Patrice Bergeron is Boston’s “Mr Everything” and the team will need him to be that and more at age 30. (Photo courtesy of Alison M. Foley) The Boston Bruins and GM Don Sweeney announced today that eight players under NHL contract have been sent down to Providence of the AHL. Defenseman Chris Breen and forward Brandon DeF
an interesting case. He’s a late-round pick from 2009 who never really stuck around in preseason much for fans to get a handle on, but has done the grunt work down in Providence as an enforcer. He’s a player with a good set of hands- he once scored 4 goals for the Kitchener Rangers during a 2012 OHL playoff game against the Plymouth Whalers (who featured Washington power forward Tom Wilson). Randell’s not much of a skater, but the guy can fight and he could find a spot for himself with his toughness. He wouldn’t be an every game player, but could slot in when the B’s needed to add some bite to their roster. I keep seeing Randell linked to Shawn Thornton as a comparable player and I won’t go there other than to say that they are two different players and fans have to understand that Thornton came to the B’s as an established NHL veteran who was added as much for his character as he was for the toughness he displayed. Randell’s not there yet, so temper the expectations- he’s still growing and learning as a player. I’ve been impressed with Anton Blidh– he’s fast, gritty and energetic. He’s always moving his feet and qualifies as a grinding agitator type. It might be a situation where the B’s feel like he’s better served getting more minutes in Providence initially and then bringing him up when the inevitable injury happens up front, or he could very well make the Boston roster to start the season. These last couple of games will be critical for him, but because he can go down and not be subject to the waivers process, the team at least has options with Blidh. He’s on the bubble and close, but I predict he’ll start the year in Providence. Ditto Brian Ferlin, who has played well in preseason, but will find himself the odd man out on the right side with a chance to go back to the AHL and play top-two line minutes and in all situations. Finally, I’m sold on Joonas Kemppainen to start the year as Boston’s fourth-line center. He’s mature, smart and does the little things for the position. I like his faceoff work and he does a nice job of making the right reads coming out of the zone and moving the puck to the open spaces on the ice. He’s not going to wow you in any one area, but I can see why the Bruins signed him out of Finland at age 27. The final roster picture is coming into focus, but after the sluggish night against Detroit in the 3-1 loss Monday, that’s a harbinger of more nights to come. Loui Eriksson’s goal was too little, too late and the offense will have to overachieve to score regularly this season by the looks of it. Would like to be proven wrong, but even in Boston’s victories, the cup of offense has not runneth over. September 27, 2015 2015 NHL Training Camp, Boston Bruins, Boston Bruins prospects Adam McQuaid, Alexander Khokhlachev, Anton Blidh, Austin Czarnik, Boston Bruins, Brad Marchand, Brett Connolly, Brian Ferlin, Chris Casto, Chris Kelly, Claude Julien, Colin Miller, David Krejci, David Pastrnak, Dennis Seidenberg, Don Sweeney, Frank Vatrano, Jeremy Smith, Jimmy Hayes, Joe Morrow, Joonas Kemppainen, Kevn Miller, Linus Arnesson, Loui Eriksson, Matt Beleskey, Matt Irwin, Max Talbot, Patrice Bergeron, Ryan Spooner, Seth Griffith, Tommy Cross, Torey Krug, Tuukka Rask, Tyler Randell, Zac Rinaldo, Zach Trotman, Zdeno Chara Leave a comment More cuts on Sunday as 4-0 preseason Bruins roster takes shape Patrice Bergeron is Boston’s “Mr Everything” and the team will need him to be that and more at age 30. (Photo courtesy of Alison M. Foley) The Boston Bruins and GM Don Sweeney announced today that eight players under NHL contract have been sent down to Providence of the AHL. Defenseman Chris Breen and forward Brandon DeF
azio were put on waivers yesterday and designated for assignment- they both cleared today and will participate in the Baby B’s camp. Defenseman Ben Youds, on an AHL deal, was released from Boston camp (PTO) and sent to Providence. You can read the transaction announcement here. Additionally, the B’s returned their remaining junior players to their respective teams, with Jakub Zboril (Saint John- QMJHL), Jake DeBrusk (Swift Current- WHL) and Brandon Carlo (Tri-City- WHL) all going back to the CHL. The B’s released Zach Senyshyn (Sault Ste. Marie- OHL) and Jeremy Lauzon (Rouyn-Noranda- QMJHL) prior to the weekend’s slate of games. In the spirit of and with a nod to the always outstanding Mike Reiss and his Patriots blog at ESPN Boston throughout the NFL training camp leading up to the final cuts day before the start of the 2015 NFL season, here’s the remaining players- locks and bubble guys along with a little analysis on what it all means going forward. Locks: Patrice Bergeron, David Krejci, Ryan Spooner, Chris Kelly, Max Talbot (5) On the bubble: Joonas Kemppainen AHL-bound: Alex Khokhlachev, Austin Czarnik, Zack Phillips Patrice Bergeron and David Krejci…Krejci and Bergeron…Boston’s 1-1A center punch is well entrenched, and I won’t fool around with the argument I see some people engage in over who is the B’s 1 and 2…it’s a pretty meaningless debate, because without one or the other, the team’s in deep trouble. Ryan Spooner hasn’t had a great deal of time to establish himself with new linemates, but he’s been an opportunistic scorer with the man advantage and is clearly the No. 3 man in the center pecking order. Even if the B’s might opt not to use Chris Kelly and/or Max Talbot at center, expect the team to retain both as veteran options for the bottom line with the ability to play the wings- they’ve done it before. Joonas Kemppainen has been a solid if unspectacular presence in the exhibition games he’s suited up for, and he’s effective on the draws, plays a mature two-way game, and has the size and strength to start the year as the team’s fourth-line center if that’s the plan. Austin Czarnik has been a revelation in his first pro camp after signing with the B’s last spring, using his speed, smarts and quick hands to make an impact in all three zones, but he’s better off playing on Providence’s first or second line and on both PK and PP units. If injuries take a toll on the B’s depth, don’t be surprised to see him get a chance at some point this season. If not, he’ll make it tough to cut him next year with a full season under his belt. Alex Khokhlachev, for all his talent, just hasn’t been able to find the production in his game. He’s without a doubt more talented than Kelly, Talbot or Kemppainen, but building an NHL roster isn’t just about plugging in the most skilled guys on the bottom line and expecting them to thrive. He’s improved his overall game, but if Koko had found a way to actually…you know…score some goals, then you might have more of an argument than the simple “SKILL!” that I have people hit me with onTwitter quite a bit. The B’s need to figure out how to best use him or trade him, but just because he said he doesn’t want to play in Providence forever does not mean he’s ready for primetime now. He’ll have a few more chances before the final cuts come in, so if ever there was a time for him to impress the brass with a breakout individual performance, it’s now. Zack Phillips was waived yesterday (and cleared) but is still with the team, where he is rehabbing an injury. Even if he had played in any of the preseason games, it’s hard to see Phillips being in the mix for a center job given how deep the team is at that position right now. Right Wings Locks: David Pastrnak, Loui
goodwill in the country. She is in her 90s. She should not have to see the United Kingdom she so carefully nurtured from Empire to Nation fall to pieces because of unscrupulous politicians in her lifetime. Her son the heir, Prince Charles, does not carry the same moral authority. The state of affairs is appalling. Here’s a brief summary: The simplistic referendum of 2016 asked a simple question – Yes to Leave, No to Remain. A small majority voted for Yes to Leave. How this was to be operationalised was never defined. Instead a new Prime Minister (Theresa May) drew up needlessly rigid negotiating positions without consulting opinion in the country. No one in the Conservative Party, when campaigning for Brexit, had even bothered to read the Good Friday Agreement with Ireland that brought peace to Northern Ireland – in particular how dependent it was on NOT having a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Since the red lines involved leaving the Single Market and Customs Union, it requires a hard border with the EU at the Northern Ireland frontier. Scotland was the first to protest these red lines. Scotland does not suffer from the scourge of anti-Europeanism. Being part of the EU was very much part of the attraction of being with the UK. Almost immediately the SNP raised the bogey of Independence. Of late even Wales, which has been part of the United Kingdom since the 14th century, has started to talk of Independence. A hard border in Northern Ireland invalidates the GFA. To square this circle a complicated Withdrawal Agreement was drawn up which preserves the Customs Union and Single Market until such time as the Irish (both Republic of Ireland and their Northern cousins) agree on a solution. Effectively kicking the can down the road. But this does not meet with the extremist views of the English Right Wing, who hanker for the days of Empire and think British membership of the EU is a surrender of sovereignty. It is not. Its a voluntary pooling of sovereignty on common economic matters. Its regulatory heft sets global standards, its economic heft gives it a huge advantage in trade negotiations. None of them seem to be aware of critical Britain is to the EU and how valued the UK is to the EU. Instead the less read and the well read among them, lead by poisonous papers like the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, have propagated this myth. The Withdrawal Agreement was accepted by all members of the Theresa May cabinet. The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and the British Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab were part and parcel of the negotiating team. Under the principle of Collective Responsibility all Cabinet Ministers signed on to it. The next day both Ministers resigned disavowing the Withdrawal Agreement, and the Agreement was put to vote in Parliament three times, and defeated three times. Members of the Conservative Right Wing voted en masse against it. The Prime Minister stepped down. The EU, recognizing the mess, extended the deadline for leaving to October 31st, accompanied by a stern warning from the EU President Donald Tusk not to waste this time. Boris Johnson was elected Prime Minister by 76,000 people in the UK who are members of the Party. He promptly put together a Cabinet of all the right wingers who had voted against the previous Prime Minister. And of course, spent most of July and August wasting time. He first disavowed the Withdrawal Agreement and asked the EU to drop the Irish “backstop”. He asked the Irish to merge with the UK, then denied it, then told the Irish to tell the EU to drop the backstop. He met the German Chancellor. In an idiotic display he misunderstood what Angela Merkel told him – that if a solution can be found in 30 days when it could not be found in 2 years (to the Irish backstop) then of course the EU will reopen. His spin doctors duly told the Press that we had 30 days. After much ridicule from the German press this piece of spin was quietly retired. He then shifted to telling the EU and the British public that the 2016 vote was actually about leaving without an Agreement. This means Britain will instantly lose access to the Common Market, lose all preferential access, be cut off from all European supply chains, lose the benefit of highly advantageous Free Trade Agreements the EU has concluded, and make all UK citizens living in the
goodwill in the country. She is in her 90s. She should not have to see the United Kingdom she so carefully nurtured from Empire to Nation fall to pieces because of unscrupulous politicians in her lifetime. Her son the heir, Prince Charles, does not carry the same moral authority. The state of affairs is appalling. Here’s a brief summary: The simplistic referendum of 2016 asked a simple question – Yes to Leave, No to Remain. A small majority voted for Yes to Leave. How this was to be operationalised was never defined. Instead a new Prime Minister (Theresa May) drew up needlessly rigid negotiating positions without consulting opinion in the country. No one in the Conservative Party, when campaigning for Brexit, had even bothered to read the Good Friday Agreement with Ireland that brought peace to Northern Ireland – in particular how dependent it was on NOT having a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Since the red lines involved leaving the Single Market and Customs Union, it requires a hard border with the EU at the Northern Ireland frontier. Scotland was the first to protest these red lines. Scotland does not suffer from the scourge of anti-Europeanism. Being part of the EU was very much part of the attraction of being with the UK. Almost immediately the SNP raised the bogey of Independence. Of late even Wales, which has been part of the United Kingdom since the 14th century, has started to talk of Independence. A hard border in Northern Ireland invalidates the GFA. To square this circle a complicated Withdrawal Agreement was drawn up which preserves the Customs Union and Single Market until such time as the Irish (both Republic of Ireland and their Northern cousins) agree on a solution. Effectively kicking the can down the road. But this does not meet with the extremist views of the English Right Wing, who hanker for the days of Empire and think British membership of the EU is a surrender of sovereignty. It is not. Its a voluntary pooling of sovereignty on common economic matters. Its regulatory heft sets global standards, its economic heft gives it a huge advantage in trade negotiations. None of them seem to be aware of critical Britain is to the EU and how valued the UK is to the EU. Instead the less read and the well read among them, lead by poisonous papers like the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, have propagated this myth. The Withdrawal Agreement was accepted by all members of the Theresa May cabinet. The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and the British Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab were part and parcel of the negotiating team. Under the principle of Collective Responsibility all Cabinet Ministers signed on to it. The next day both Ministers resigned disavowing the Withdrawal Agreement, and the Agreement was put to vote in Parliament three times, and defeated three times. Members of the Conservative Right Wing voted en masse against it. The Prime Minister stepped down. The EU, recognizing the mess, extended the deadline for leaving to October 31st, accompanied by a stern warning from the EU President Donald Tusk not to waste this time. Boris Johnson was elected Prime Minister by 76,000 people in the UK who are members of the Party. He promptly put together a Cabinet of all the right wingers who had voted against the previous Prime Minister. And of course, spent most of July and August wasting time. He first disavowed the Withdrawal Agreement and asked the EU to drop the Irish “backstop”. He asked the Irish to merge with the UK, then denied it, then told the Irish to tell the EU to drop the backstop. He met the German Chancellor. In an idiotic display he misunderstood what Angela Merkel told him – that if a solution can be found in 30 days when it could not be found in 2 years (to the Irish backstop) then of course the EU will reopen. His spin doctors duly told the Press that we had 30 days. After much ridicule from the German press this piece of spin was quietly retired. He then shifted to telling the EU and the British public that the 2016 vote was actually about leaving without an Agreement. This means Britain will instantly lose access to the Common Market, lose all preferential access, be cut off from all European supply chains, lose the benefit of highly advantageous Free Trade Agreements the EU has concluded, and make all UK citizens living in the
EU foreigners, and vice versa for EU citizens living in the UK. Further a Government Assessment drawn up in August 2019 documents that this would be an economic disaster. Knowing all this, the PM has staked his political future on crashing out. Shortly after that, after denying strenuously that he will not close Parliament down before October 31, he did. Parliament is prorogued for about a month from the middle of September to the middle of October. Proroguing the Parliament is a device for the Prime Minister to close the Parliament with the view to asking the Queen to re-open it with a new legislative program. Johnson told the Queen there is a new program. But actually he was doing this to stop Parliament having the time to debate his Brexit plans and instead, be able to simply force an exit on October 31. The uproar caused by this move galvanized the Opposition to quickly put together a Bill to delay Brexit. Aided by the Speaker who bent procedural rules here and there, the Queen provided her assent to an Opposition Bill obligating the Prime Minister to ask the EU for a delay upto January 31 2020. The bill came into effect on September 7. The Conservatives broke ranks and 22 MPs – including the Father of the House Kenneth Clarke – voted with the Opposition. All of them were expelled from the Party. The PM’s brother and another Cabinet Minister also quit the Party. Jo Johnson, the Prime Minister’s brother said he could not put family loyalty above the national interest. The PM then made speeches stating he will disregard this law. Immediately the legal fraternity warned the PM that he will go to jail if he does that, and risk immediate disqualification from the House. He is being egged on by the extremists and indeed may do just this. A few minutes ago, an exasperated EU warned the UK that they see no seriousness, no proposals and no intent – and to avoid a moral hazard of rewarding this lack of purpose they may just not grant an extension. And the PM’s men tell every channel that while they intend to obey the law, they also intend to break it. The United Kingdom is in grave danger from its own political class. Until galvanized by the twin threats of a No Deal Brexit and a prorogued Parliament, the Leader of the Opposition was countenancing a disastrous Brexit cooked up by the Conservatives while pretending to oppose it, and all the time floating schemes to return to the leftist politics of the 70s. The PM on the other hand, is behaving like a charlatan, a spoilt child, intent on ruining the credit of the United Kingdom in all respects. The choice between the British is between two futures – the Central African Republic of the United Kingdom, and the Socialist People’s Democratic Republic of the United Kingdom. If there is a United Kingdom left. On October 19th the PM is under compulsion to ask the EU for an extension. If he refuses and resigns, another Conservative PM could be elected to ask for such an extension. It is quite likely that the EU will grant this extension. Even then if the EU provides some changes to the May Withdrawal Agreement (highly unlikely) the PM can put this to vote in Westminster. The chances of this WA passing with the backstop intact are remote. Of course the Political Declaration that accompanies the Withdrawal Agreement (that sets out the future relationship between the EU and the UK but is not binding in nature) has also been amended as part of the recent Bill and that may enable some Labour MPs to vote for the Withdrawal Agreement. It is also possible that the backstop only covers Northern Ireland – hence putting the Customs Border in the Irish Sea. Doing so will ensure a much closer embrace between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and in that case Irish reunification is not far away. No one knows the sense of the country. It is clear that any form of Brexit will divide the United Kingdom, and yet Brexit has become the poster-child of English nationalism. As Tony Blair puts it so passionately, there are only two forms of Brexit – a pointless one and a disastrous one. The pointless one – as exemplified by the Withdrawal Agreement – binds us to the EU for a period of time without any influence on the rules. The disastrous one is to leave severing all links to the biggest trading
Italy[1] Image of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. [2] 1 Etiology/Bacteriology 1.1 Taxonomy 2 Pathogenesis 2.1 Transmission 2.2 Infectious dose, incubation, and colonization 2.3 Epidemiology 2.4 Virulence Factors 3 Clinical Features 4 Diagnosis 5 Treatment 6 Prevention 7 Host Immune Response 8 Damage Response Framework Etiology/Bacteriology | Domain = Bacteria | Phylum = Proteobacteria | Class = Gammaproteobacteria | Order = Enterobacteriales | Family = Enterobacteriaceae | Genus = Salmonella | species = S. enterica | serotype = Typhi Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is a gram-negative, rod-shaped facultative anaerobe that only infects humans. It is unclear to scientists as to why this pathogen does not infect other organisms and has such a selective host behavior. When this bacteria first enters the human body it initially propagates inside the intestinal tract and spreads throughout the peripheral lymphatic system, such as the bone marrow and Peyer’s patches, to cause typhoid fever [3]. This disease has an incubation period of 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of any initial symptoms. This period may vary depending on the host’s immune system and the severity of the infection. It generally occurs in four stages throughout a four-week period [4]. Beginning with a fever between 103-104°F, the patient’s condition will continue to deteriorate due to symptoms including diarrhea, rashes, and delirium. Occasionally, complications from illnesses such as myocarditis, intestinal bleeding, or perforations will result, which often lead to patient death [5]. This pathogen has thrived in environments with unsanitary condition, especially in crowded areas, for thousands of years. The word Typhi was originally derived from the ancient Greek work typhos, or an ethereal smoke or cloud believed to cause madness and disease. Some scientists and historians have suggested that this bacterium may have been responsible for the Plague of Athens in the final stages of the Peloponnesian War. Antibiotics have reduced the frequency of typhoid fever, yet it still remains prevalent in developing countries. The relatively new serotype, S. Paratyphi causes similar, albeit milder symptoms with a more abrupt onset and a shorter course of infection. Both S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi serovars are referred to collectively as typhoidal Salmonella [6]. Typhoid fever is most commonly treated with antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin, a second-generation fluoroquinolone. Due to the overuse of this medication throughout the past 10 years, antibiotic resistant strains have been discovered. For example, the clonal expansion of the haplotype H58 has increased in Asia and Africa where the invasive Salmonella Typhi continues to constitute a severe risk. However, other strains and haplotypes of typhoid fever remain sensitive to antibiotics despite the growing selection for antibiotic resistant strains [7]. Additional experimentation and research regarding Salmonella Typhi is difficult due to its preference for human hosts. Mouse models infected with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium have been the main source to observe pathogenic effects due to its similar genome, which differ only by 11% [8] [9]. The transmission of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, like most Samonella serovars, occurs through the fecal-oral route. The pathogen generally spreads through contaminated food and water sources. Some hosts of Salmonella Typhi become asymptomatic carriers and can unknowingly transmit the pathogen to others. Because they are unaware of their condition, these carriers often do not take proper preventative measures for slowing the spread of bacteria. Without proper prevention, the bacteria are able to attain a high transmission rate. While lacking symptoms themselves, these carriers excrete large amounts of the bacteria in their feces and pass on the pathogen by contaminating food and water sources [
Italy[1] Image of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. [2] 1 Etiology/Bacteriology 1.1 Taxonomy 2 Pathogenesis 2.1 Transmission 2.2 Infectious dose, incubation, and colonization 2.3 Epidemiology 2.4 Virulence Factors 3 Clinical Features 4 Diagnosis 5 Treatment 6 Prevention 7 Host Immune Response 8 Damage Response Framework Etiology/Bacteriology | Domain = Bacteria | Phylum = Proteobacteria | Class = Gammaproteobacteria | Order = Enterobacteriales | Family = Enterobacteriaceae | Genus = Salmonella | species = S. enterica | serotype = Typhi Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is a gram-negative, rod-shaped facultative anaerobe that only infects humans. It is unclear to scientists as to why this pathogen does not infect other organisms and has such a selective host behavior. When this bacteria first enters the human body it initially propagates inside the intestinal tract and spreads throughout the peripheral lymphatic system, such as the bone marrow and Peyer’s patches, to cause typhoid fever [3]. This disease has an incubation period of 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of any initial symptoms. This period may vary depending on the host’s immune system and the severity of the infection. It generally occurs in four stages throughout a four-week period [4]. Beginning with a fever between 103-104°F, the patient’s condition will continue to deteriorate due to symptoms including diarrhea, rashes, and delirium. Occasionally, complications from illnesses such as myocarditis, intestinal bleeding, or perforations will result, which often lead to patient death [5]. This pathogen has thrived in environments with unsanitary condition, especially in crowded areas, for thousands of years. The word Typhi was originally derived from the ancient Greek work typhos, or an ethereal smoke or cloud believed to cause madness and disease. Some scientists and historians have suggested that this bacterium may have been responsible for the Plague of Athens in the final stages of the Peloponnesian War. Antibiotics have reduced the frequency of typhoid fever, yet it still remains prevalent in developing countries. The relatively new serotype, S. Paratyphi causes similar, albeit milder symptoms with a more abrupt onset and a shorter course of infection. Both S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi serovars are referred to collectively as typhoidal Salmonella [6]. Typhoid fever is most commonly treated with antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin, a second-generation fluoroquinolone. Due to the overuse of this medication throughout the past 10 years, antibiotic resistant strains have been discovered. For example, the clonal expansion of the haplotype H58 has increased in Asia and Africa where the invasive Salmonella Typhi continues to constitute a severe risk. However, other strains and haplotypes of typhoid fever remain sensitive to antibiotics despite the growing selection for antibiotic resistant strains [7]. Additional experimentation and research regarding Salmonella Typhi is difficult due to its preference for human hosts. Mouse models infected with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium have been the main source to observe pathogenic effects due to its similar genome, which differ only by 11% [8] [9]. The transmission of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, like most Samonella serovars, occurs through the fecal-oral route. The pathogen generally spreads through contaminated food and water sources. Some hosts of Salmonella Typhi become asymptomatic carriers and can unknowingly transmit the pathogen to others. Because they are unaware of their condition, these carriers often do not take proper preventative measures for slowing the spread of bacteria. Without proper prevention, the bacteria are able to attain a high transmission rate. While lacking symptoms themselves, these carriers excrete large amounts of the bacteria in their feces and pass on the pathogen by contaminating food and water sources [
10]. A primary example of an asymptomatic carrier who caused high transmission rates is "Typhoid Mary." Mary Mallon, an Irish cook in the New York City area, was the first known typhoid carrier in the United States. Despite her complete lack of symptoms, it is believed that Mallon caused a minimum of seven outbreaks of typhoid fever, resulting in 57 cases of the disease and 3 deaths [11]. Infectious dose, incubation, and colonization Salmonella Typhi lacks acid tolerance, so a high infectious dose of 103 to 106 bacilli is needed for infection. Since it cannot survive in acidic conditions, a large portion of the bacteria are destroyed as they pass through the stomach, which can have a pH as low as 1-2. For this reason, there must be enough bacteria to overcome the condition of the stomach to successfully infiltrate the host [6]. After first encountering a large enough dose of Salmonella Typhi, the first symptoms will not appear until 7-14 days have passed. To colonize, S. Typhi adheres to the mucosal lining of the small intestine and penetrates the epithelial cells. The bacteria spread to the peripheral lymphoid organs during secondary infection. The gallbladder serves as the primary reservoir of chronic infection. The formation of biofilms in the gut and on gallstones is a critical factor in the carriage and shedding of S. Typhi [12]. Typhoid fever has continued to be a persistent threat in developing countries such as India, South American, Southeast Asia, and Africa due to the poor sanitation conditions and having no access to clean water [13]. 80% of typhoid cases are believed to have originated from Bangladesh, India, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, or Pakistan [14]. The CDC reported that 22 million people are affected by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi yearly, which resulted in approximately 200,000 deaths [15]. The United States reports between 200 and 300 of these cases yearly. Approximately 80% of the cases in the U.S. are a consequence of traveling to countries with a high occurrence of typhoid fever [16]. Before the use of antibiotics in the United States, the fatality rate was between 9-13%. However, modern day medicine has decreased this rate to just below one percent. For patients that receive no treatment, the mortality rate remains greater than 10 percent [3]. The World Health Organization claims that statistics are difficult to verify due to lack of proper supplies and measuring techniques in regions throughout Africa. However, they believe that the rate of typhoid fever infections has been gradually declining over the past several years in countries such as India and Chile. These results are attributed to increased attention towards health and sanitation methods [17]. Virulence Factors Salmonella pathogenicity islands, SPI, are responsible for the majority of the virulence factors of the bacterium. Most of the effector molecules associated with the pathogen’s virulence are encoded from the Salmonella pathogenicity islands. For example, after entering a host cell, Salmonella Typhi will secrete effector proteins including SIPA and SptP. SIPA and SptP will alter the actin cytoskeleton of the host cell, which is responsible for cell migration [6]. SPI7 is the most important pathogenicity island because it codes for the Vi antigen that is expressed on the cells surface. The Vi antigen resides within a polysaccharide capsule, which is essential for increased virulence and severity of symptoms. Some believe that the polysaccharide capsule prevents lipopolysaccharide recognition by Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) to avoid immune response, however, more research is needed. Secretion of the protein invasin allows non-phagocytic cells to ingest the bacterium permitting intracellular access that leads to the inhibition of oxidative leukocytes and rendering the innate immune response ineffective. Other possible factors include ion transporters, fimbriae, and flagella that are required for attachment and colonization [6]. Chimeric A2B
that require carriers to provide comprehensive benefits. Ryan and Price have unveiled frameworks for replacement plans that rely on tax credits based on enrollees’ age, not income. However, health policy experts have said those credits will have to be generous in order to make coverage affordable. And that could run afoul of Republicans’ promise to lower federal spending on health care. The-CNN-Wire ™ & © 2017 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved. (PHOTO: CNNMoney) Filed Under: WMAL News Now, WMAL News Now Headlines, WMAL Politics Page Columbia rolls to 56-10 road win over Lee COLUMBIA56 LEE 10 Star of the game: RB Lonnie Underwood ran for 108 yards and scored four TDs to help the Tigers clinch a playoff spot in District 3-6A. Turning point: Late in the second quarter, the Tigers' Roderick Broomfield recovered a punt snap that sailed over the head of Lee's Jordan Belle at the Generals 11 yard line. Three plays later, Daylon Sheppard started off right tackle, cut left, cut left again and powered across the goal line for a score that put the Tigers (6-2, 4-1) ahead 20-3. On defense: Sheppard scored the game's first points when he blocked a punt, picked the ball up and ran 25 yards to the end zone. Fast facts: Underwood burst through a gaping hole on the right side for 56 yards and a score on the Tigers' second possession, and also scored on runs of 5 and 28 yards and caught a pass for an 11-yard TD. ... QB Davin Schuck came off the bench to give the Tigers a boost, completing 7 of 10 passes with one TD and rushing for 75 yards and another score. ... Tony Belle had three catches for 80 yards and scored on a 73 yard catch and run for Lee (6-3, 3-3). They said it: "We went to more of a zone read mentality on offense. We worked extremely hard on it all week, and the kids did a great job of executing it." ­- Columbia's Brian Allen. Mike Zima For the Times-Union UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing Why Housing? a critical The Right to Housing Despite the substantial guidance international law has provided, there has been a severe lack of progress for the right to housing around the world. At the domestic level, there has been a neglect of the right in the design of public policy, a lack of government commitment, and an absence of necessary resources. Globally, a lack of coherent and concrete data conceals the human rights crisis faced by over one billion people, facilitated by the prioritization of the interests of wealthy investors over the human rights of others. The global state of housing, tied so inextricably to dignity, security, and to life, is in crisis. In recognition of the urgent need to respond to this crisis, Leilani’s mission is to promote, facilitate and achieve change that resituates human rights as the priority and underlying principle in all actions regarding housing, by both public and private actors. These are her goals: Transform housing strategies around the world to be based in human rights principles in order to address the housing crisis that persists in most countries around the world. Promote access to justice, accountability and participation in the right to housing Respond to the global disparity in access to the right to housing in a way that reflects the central principles of non-discrimination and equality for all Highlight the positive obligations that states have in order to respect, protect and realize the right to housing, such as: The obligation to ensure all actors, including private actors, multi-national corporations, transnational financial institutions and local governments, comply with human rights principles The obligation to implement strategies in which housing is a means to ensure security and inclusion The obligation to allocate sufficient resources to forward and realize the right to housing The right to housing does not mean that everyone is entitled to a government provided home immediately. It means governments must ensure that everyone – particularly the most disadvantaged groups - should have access to housing that is adequate. Housing is only adequate if
that require carriers to provide comprehensive benefits. Ryan and Price have unveiled frameworks for replacement plans that rely on tax credits based on enrollees’ age, not income. However, health policy experts have said those credits will have to be generous in order to make coverage affordable. And that could run afoul of Republicans’ promise to lower federal spending on health care. The-CNN-Wire ™ & © 2017 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved. (PHOTO: CNNMoney) Filed Under: WMAL News Now, WMAL News Now Headlines, WMAL Politics Page Columbia rolls to 56-10 road win over Lee COLUMBIA56 LEE 10 Star of the game: RB Lonnie Underwood ran for 108 yards and scored four TDs to help the Tigers clinch a playoff spot in District 3-6A. Turning point: Late in the second quarter, the Tigers' Roderick Broomfield recovered a punt snap that sailed over the head of Lee's Jordan Belle at the Generals 11 yard line. Three plays later, Daylon Sheppard started off right tackle, cut left, cut left again and powered across the goal line for a score that put the Tigers (6-2, 4-1) ahead 20-3. On defense: Sheppard scored the game's first points when he blocked a punt, picked the ball up and ran 25 yards to the end zone. Fast facts: Underwood burst through a gaping hole on the right side for 56 yards and a score on the Tigers' second possession, and also scored on runs of 5 and 28 yards and caught a pass for an 11-yard TD. ... QB Davin Schuck came off the bench to give the Tigers a boost, completing 7 of 10 passes with one TD and rushing for 75 yards and another score. ... Tony Belle had three catches for 80 yards and scored on a 73 yard catch and run for Lee (6-3, 3-3). They said it: "We went to more of a zone read mentality on offense. We worked extremely hard on it all week, and the kids did a great job of executing it." ­- Columbia's Brian Allen. Mike Zima For the Times-Union UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing Why Housing? a critical The Right to Housing Despite the substantial guidance international law has provided, there has been a severe lack of progress for the right to housing around the world. At the domestic level, there has been a neglect of the right in the design of public policy, a lack of government commitment, and an absence of necessary resources. Globally, a lack of coherent and concrete data conceals the human rights crisis faced by over one billion people, facilitated by the prioritization of the interests of wealthy investors over the human rights of others. The global state of housing, tied so inextricably to dignity, security, and to life, is in crisis. In recognition of the urgent need to respond to this crisis, Leilani’s mission is to promote, facilitate and achieve change that resituates human rights as the priority and underlying principle in all actions regarding housing, by both public and private actors. These are her goals: Transform housing strategies around the world to be based in human rights principles in order to address the housing crisis that persists in most countries around the world. Promote access to justice, accountability and participation in the right to housing Respond to the global disparity in access to the right to housing in a way that reflects the central principles of non-discrimination and equality for all Highlight the positive obligations that states have in order to respect, protect and realize the right to housing, such as: The obligation to ensure all actors, including private actors, multi-national corporations, transnational financial institutions and local governments, comply with human rights principles The obligation to implement strategies in which housing is a means to ensure security and inclusion The obligation to allocate sufficient resources to forward and realize the right to housing The right to housing does not mean that everyone is entitled to a government provided home immediately. It means governments must ensure that everyone – particularly the most disadvantaged groups - should have access to housing that is adequate. Housing is only adequate if
it is affordable, if it has potable water, sanitation facilities, electricity and other basic services and if it is close to schools, health services and employment opportunities.The right to housing is interdependent with other socio-economic human rights such as rights to health, education, and employment. It is also integrally connected to rights to non-discrimination and equality. And, because adequate housing is crucial to the social conditions necessary for human dignity, it is intimately connected to the right to life. Too often violations of the right to housing happen across the globe with impunity. We need not look far to see homelessness, grossly inadequate housing, informal settlements without basic services, people living on streets and pavements, people living with no security of tenure, and people suffering in precarious or temporary shelters. Forced eviction and displacement in the name of development and real estate investment are commonplace. All of these are violations of the right to housing and all can be attributed to the failure of States to implement this human right through appropriate government policy and programmes, including national housing strategies Stay a while longer Our mandate is thorough and detailed Make The Shift A change in the way we think and interact with housing and home. Read our Reports Access over a decade of thematic and country reports. More About Us Read more about Leilani Farha and her team. Keep us close through all of our channels [email protected] Green Party on Civil Rights Recognize gay marriages & civil unions from abroad in visas We will pursue legislation against all forms of hate crimes, including those directed against people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgender, and intersex. Offenders must pay compensation to the LGBTIQ people who have suffered violence and injustice. The Green Party will end all Federal military and civilian aid to national governments whose laws result in the imprisonment or otherwise bring harm to citizens and residents based on sexual orientation, or gender identity, characteristics, and expression. The Green Party will enact a policy that the U.S. Government recognize all international marriages and legal equivalents, such as civil unions, in processing visitor and immigration visas. The Green Party would end security surveillance and covert infiltration of organizations that promote equal rights on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Source: Green Party Platform adopted by National Committee Jul. 2014 , Jul 31, 2014 Enact anti-hate crimes; repeal DADT The Green Party would repeal don't ask don't tell, abolish security clearances denied on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and supports the rights of defense personnel and volunteers to serve their country openly without penalty irr Source: Green Party Platform adopted, July 12-15 2012 in Baltimore , Jul 15, 2012 Support affirmative action to remedy discrimination One of our key values is Respect for Diversity. We are committed to establishing relationships that honor diversity; that support the self-definition and self-determination of all people; and that consciously confront the barriers of racism, sexism, homophobia, class oppression, ageism, and transphobia, and the many ways our culture separates us from working together. We support affirmative action to remedy discrimination. Source: 2008 Green Party Platform from 2008 Chicago Convention , Jul 13, 2008 Support equal rights of all persons on civil marriage We support equal rights of all persons, regardless of sexual orientation, to housing, jobs, civil marriage, medical benefits, child custody, and in all areas of activity enjoyed by all citizens. Source: 2008 Green Party Platform from 2008 Chicago Convention , Jul 13, 2008 Confront barriers of racism, sexism, heterosexism, & ageism Ten Key Values: (#3) Social Justice and Equal Opportunity All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment. We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, barriers such as racism and class oppression, sexism & heterosexism, ageism and disability, which act to deny fair treatment and equal justice under the law. Source: Ten Key Values as rat
athies are common genetic disorders affecting the synthesis of one of the globin chains of hemoglobin molecule. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard procedure for treatment of patients with normal hemoglobin and symptomatic gall stones, but doubt is still to date regarding safety of this procedure in patients with hemoglobinopathy. Aims:1. To assess the safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for hemoglobinopathic patients, 2. To describe the perioperative events that might happen before, during or after this procedure. Patients and Methods: This is a record-based comparative study conducted over a period of seven years, involved 62 hemoglobinopathic patients and 148 patients with normal hemoglobin variant. All underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and comparison done regarding perioperative events. Results: The overall complication rate was 56.5% in hemoglobinopathic patients and 21.6% in the other group and the difference was statistically significant (P- value ˂0.001). Vaso-occlusive crisis occurred in 9 patients (14.5%), respiratory complications (atelectasis and bronchitis) in (9.7%), acute chest syndrome in (4.8%) and hemolysis in (4.8%). Conclusions: 1. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe in well prepared hemoglobinopathic patients but it is associated with significantly higher rate of disease related complications, namely acute chest syndrome, hemolysis and vaso-occlusive crises.2- Hemoglobinopathic patients require special pre, intra and post-operative care which should be offered by the surgeon, the physician and the anesthetist Knowledge and practice of adults attending primary health care centers regarding major coronary heart disease risk factors in Basrah city Jhood Abdul Samad Molan; Narjis Ajeel Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are common in the general population, affecting the majority of adults past the age of 60 years. The prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) is approximately one-third to one-half that of total CVD. Knowledge of CHD risk factors has been identified as a prerequisite for changes in behavior and is often targeted by prevention programs. Objective: The study aimed to study the knowledge of risk factors and the practice of CHD related behaviors among individuals > 18 years of age attending PHC centers in Basrah city center and to find out the sociodemographic factors that affect such knowledge and practice. Methods: The study involved 423 male and female aged 18 years and above, attending 6 primary health care centers in Basrah city. Data were collected through direct interview of the participants by the investigators, using a special questionnaire form prepared for the purpose of the study. Results: The results of the study showed that 77.3% of the participants had good level of knowledge (know at least 7 risk factors). The most common knowledgeable risk factors by the participants were stress, smoking, fatty diet and obesity in descending order. Older age groups, high educated persons, governmental employees and participants with history of coronary heart disease related illness were more likely to have higher knowledge score. Practicing diet modification and regular exercise were prevalent in 23.5% and 12.8% of the participants respectively. Conclusions: The knowledge level of risk factors for CHD in selected PHC centers in Basrah seems to be good, however, the practice of CHD preventive behaviors was quite poor, this necessitates the need for public health education programs. ‘He would have made it hard for me to keep my spot’ 2nd Jan 2020 9:29 AM Steve O'Keefe believes he may have been ushered into first-class retirement if Will Somerville remained at NSW, such is the New Zealand offspinner's talent. Somerville, who moved from Sydney to Auckland in 2018, has replaced injured spearhead Trent Boult in NZ's Test squad and is expected to be recalled for the series finale. An SCG call-up would be a dream in several senses for the dual citizen, who
athies are common genetic disorders affecting the synthesis of one of the globin chains of hemoglobin molecule. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard procedure for treatment of patients with normal hemoglobin and symptomatic gall stones, but doubt is still to date regarding safety of this procedure in patients with hemoglobinopathy. Aims:1. To assess the safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for hemoglobinopathic patients, 2. To describe the perioperative events that might happen before, during or after this procedure. Patients and Methods: This is a record-based comparative study conducted over a period of seven years, involved 62 hemoglobinopathic patients and 148 patients with normal hemoglobin variant. All underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and comparison done regarding perioperative events. Results: The overall complication rate was 56.5% in hemoglobinopathic patients and 21.6% in the other group and the difference was statistically significant (P- value ˂0.001). Vaso-occlusive crisis occurred in 9 patients (14.5%), respiratory complications (atelectasis and bronchitis) in (9.7%), acute chest syndrome in (4.8%) and hemolysis in (4.8%). Conclusions: 1. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe in well prepared hemoglobinopathic patients but it is associated with significantly higher rate of disease related complications, namely acute chest syndrome, hemolysis and vaso-occlusive crises.2- Hemoglobinopathic patients require special pre, intra and post-operative care which should be offered by the surgeon, the physician and the anesthetist Knowledge and practice of adults attending primary health care centers regarding major coronary heart disease risk factors in Basrah city Jhood Abdul Samad Molan; Narjis Ajeel Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are common in the general population, affecting the majority of adults past the age of 60 years. The prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) is approximately one-third to one-half that of total CVD. Knowledge of CHD risk factors has been identified as a prerequisite for changes in behavior and is often targeted by prevention programs. Objective: The study aimed to study the knowledge of risk factors and the practice of CHD related behaviors among individuals > 18 years of age attending PHC centers in Basrah city center and to find out the sociodemographic factors that affect such knowledge and practice. Methods: The study involved 423 male and female aged 18 years and above, attending 6 primary health care centers in Basrah city. Data were collected through direct interview of the participants by the investigators, using a special questionnaire form prepared for the purpose of the study. Results: The results of the study showed that 77.3% of the participants had good level of knowledge (know at least 7 risk factors). The most common knowledgeable risk factors by the participants were stress, smoking, fatty diet and obesity in descending order. Older age groups, high educated persons, governmental employees and participants with history of coronary heart disease related illness were more likely to have higher knowledge score. Practicing diet modification and regular exercise were prevalent in 23.5% and 12.8% of the participants respectively. Conclusions: The knowledge level of risk factors for CHD in selected PHC centers in Basrah seems to be good, however, the practice of CHD preventive behaviors was quite poor, this necessitates the need for public health education programs. ‘He would have made it hard for me to keep my spot’ 2nd Jan 2020 9:29 AM Steve O'Keefe believes he may have been ushered into first-class retirement if Will Somerville remained at NSW, such is the New Zealand offspinner's talent. Somerville, who moved from Sydney to Auckland in 2018, has replaced injured spearhead Trent Boult in NZ's Test squad and is expected to be recalled for the series finale. An SCG call-up would be a dream in several senses for the dual citizen, who
was born in Wellington then shifted to Sydney at age nine. Stream the AUS v NZ Domain Test Series LIVE & Ad-Break Free During Play on KAYO with FOX CRICKET's unmatched commentary line-up. New to Kayo? Get your 14-day free trial & start streaming instantly > The 35-year-old moved back to New Zealand as a teenager for university studies, made his first-class debut with Otago then returned to Sydney for work. The chartered accountant earned a Sheffield Shield call-up in 2014 and snared a total of 48 wickets at 25.29 for NSW, including a haul of 8-136 at the SCG against a Queensland XI featuring Joe Burns and Marnus Labuschagne. O'Keefe declared his former Blues and Sydney Sixers teammate would be a handful for Australia in the third Test. "He took bundles of five-fors for the Blues. He gets lovely bounce, puts enough revs on the ball to get good spin," O'Keefe said. "If he stayed around it would have been a real challenge to keep him out of the Shield team, I reckon it would have been hard going to keep my spot. "He's world class. He showed that against Pakistan in the UAE (on debut), where he won them a Test. "I wish him all the best. Hopefully he takes a five-for in a losing side, that'd be the ideal scenario." Steve O'Keefe had nothing but praise for his former teammate. O'Keefe, who has claimed more wickets this Shield season than any spinner, added his former teammate was a "bloody good bowler and an even better bloke". "If you had to pick a good bloke XI, he'd be your No.1," the left-arm tweaker said. O'Keefe played nine Tests for Australia, with the veteran's prolific 2017 tour of India coinciding with Somerville's purple patch for the Blues. Somerville has fond memories of learning from O'Keefe and Nathan Lyon at NSW training. "I bowled a lot with SOK, Beau Casson was our bowling coach, and I always chatted to Nathan when he was around and tried to feed off the GOAT," he said. "I was very proud to receive my baggy blue, that was a dream in itself ... I was loving playing for NSW. "I wanted to play more cricket and that forced the move." Langer’s heartwarming New Year’s gift Premium Content Healy: No contest, Paine’s the man for the job Premium Content Langer: I like what Burns brings Prospect of SCG smoke break looms large Cricket icon makes huge Sharon Stone play Premium Content Swepson may struggle to break up winning formula Premium Content India may be out but Abbott is still thinking pink Premium Content Henriques preparing for the one delivery he won’t miss Pictures: cricket world rings in the new year Premium Content ‘Bring it on’: Smith happy to take Wagner hits for the team International Stories You Loved In 2020 By Alex Leff Health workers from Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, share an emotional embrace with their peers from a hospital in Jilin province at the Tianhe Airport. Colleagues who worked on the front lines together bid farewell as Wuhan lifted its coronavirus lockdown in April. This past year was like no other. The world suffered deeply from the novel coronavirus and many endured difficult sacrifices. But other news never stopped in 2020. Tensions escalated with Iran after the U.S. killed a top Iranian general. Britain made an arduous exit from the European Union. China enacted tough new authority over Hong Kong. The racial justice movement in the United States set off solidarity protests in many other countries. And that was just in the first half of the year. All the while, NPR's far-flung journalists and contributing reporters labored harder than ever to cover the globe, as pandemic travel and physical-distancing rules forced them to adapt. Here are some of the International Desk's most popular digital stories of 2020, based on page views
have to increase competitive pressure through free trade. 5. Free trade strengthens the individual Adversaries of free trade contend that “our industry” must be protected and “our standards” must be enforced. These notions follow the antiquated “us against them”, the ideas of collectivism and nationalism, which have so often lead our world into disaster. Free trade, by contrast, is blind towards nations, particular industries or any other collective group. Only the smallest unit in the economy matters where free trade prevails: the individual. With free trade, no individual is forced to submit to a greater group. Free trade allows single contract parties to decide which products and services they want to buy or sell. Free trade is a cosmopolitan idea. It is not surprising that the current revival of nationalist ideas presses free trade massively given that it was always a motor of denationalization. 6. Free trade is the best foreign aid By now it is increasingly accepted that it neither helps to support potentates and bureaucrats in developing country by financial aid nor to destroy local markets by flooding them with relief supplies. The biggest opportunity for poor countries consists in our willingness to open our markets. The fact that since 1990 the part of the world population living in extreme poverty has decreased from 37 to less than 10 percent was largely driven by the worldwide trade liberalization that occurred in this time. Since 2001 the EU has increasingly opened its markets for the about 50 poorest countries in the world. However, there are still plenty obstacles that producers and merchants from these countries must overcome. Regulations and standards get more by the month and render it often impossible to provide products in these parts of the world. This, too, is a part of free trade: abolishing barriers that emerge as a result of small groups imposing their notions on others through laws and regulations. 7. Free trade facilitates more participation The German politician Ludwig Erhard, the father of post-war Germany’s economic miracle, once said that trying to restrict trade was “pure egoism”. Free trade provides a wide variety of opportunities for people who were until then excluded from wealth and progress in society to benefit from these advantages, too. For some, products and services became more affordable because there was a wider supply and more competition. For others, it was easier to earn money by developing new markets. As a result, resources were unleashed that now could be brought to a different use: In an industrialized state, someone can save for a sustainable investment, whereas in a developing country somebody can now acquire the financial means to fund his childrens’ education. Then, wealth and progress are not any more the privilege of a small group but are accessible for everyone. 8. Free trade promotes prosperity By abolishing trade barriers, completely new possibilities emerge to combine work force, talent, and resources. The easier it gets to cooperate with others across borders the faster innovations can come about. More and better products are developed at lower prices. New markets open up and new jobs are created. In the process, not only the number of products increases but also their quality improves. People from developed countries already have high standards with regards to pressing issues such as humane labor conditions and environmentally friendly production methods. If western markets are also open to suppliers from developing countries, then the developing world has also the incentives to comply with these standards. Such consumers’ pressure can contribute more effectively and accurately to improve labor and environment conditions in developing countries than any program of an international organization. 9. Free trade is a process of progress Abolishing trade barriers has always been a path of trial and tribulation. The first free trade agreement was concluded between Great Britain and France in 1860, inspired by Richard Cobden. It did not get rid of all tariffs and barriers at once but whittled them away over time. Also in our times, it is not about all or nothing, but rather about reducing trade barriers constantly. Of course, in this process making compromises is inevitable. Every trade treaty and WTO agreement has flaws. But every step towards freer trade is important. And fortunately, our democratic institutions allow us to learn from mistakes so that we can conclude ever better agreements. The history of globalization bears witness that these many small steps into the right direction are part of a process of progress that benefits everyone in the end. 10. Take to the street for free trade! In the 19th century a mass movement for free trade arose – first in Great Britain, then throughout all of Europe. Above all
have to increase competitive pressure through free trade. 5. Free trade strengthens the individual Adversaries of free trade contend that “our industry” must be protected and “our standards” must be enforced. These notions follow the antiquated “us against them”, the ideas of collectivism and nationalism, which have so often lead our world into disaster. Free trade, by contrast, is blind towards nations, particular industries or any other collective group. Only the smallest unit in the economy matters where free trade prevails: the individual. With free trade, no individual is forced to submit to a greater group. Free trade allows single contract parties to decide which products and services they want to buy or sell. Free trade is a cosmopolitan idea. It is not surprising that the current revival of nationalist ideas presses free trade massively given that it was always a motor of denationalization. 6. Free trade is the best foreign aid By now it is increasingly accepted that it neither helps to support potentates and bureaucrats in developing country by financial aid nor to destroy local markets by flooding them with relief supplies. The biggest opportunity for poor countries consists in our willingness to open our markets. The fact that since 1990 the part of the world population living in extreme poverty has decreased from 37 to less than 10 percent was largely driven by the worldwide trade liberalization that occurred in this time. Since 2001 the EU has increasingly opened its markets for the about 50 poorest countries in the world. However, there are still plenty obstacles that producers and merchants from these countries must overcome. Regulations and standards get more by the month and render it often impossible to provide products in these parts of the world. This, too, is a part of free trade: abolishing barriers that emerge as a result of small groups imposing their notions on others through laws and regulations. 7. Free trade facilitates more participation The German politician Ludwig Erhard, the father of post-war Germany’s economic miracle, once said that trying to restrict trade was “pure egoism”. Free trade provides a wide variety of opportunities for people who were until then excluded from wealth and progress in society to benefit from these advantages, too. For some, products and services became more affordable because there was a wider supply and more competition. For others, it was easier to earn money by developing new markets. As a result, resources were unleashed that now could be brought to a different use: In an industrialized state, someone can save for a sustainable investment, whereas in a developing country somebody can now acquire the financial means to fund his childrens’ education. Then, wealth and progress are not any more the privilege of a small group but are accessible for everyone. 8. Free trade promotes prosperity By abolishing trade barriers, completely new possibilities emerge to combine work force, talent, and resources. The easier it gets to cooperate with others across borders the faster innovations can come about. More and better products are developed at lower prices. New markets open up and new jobs are created. In the process, not only the number of products increases but also their quality improves. People from developed countries already have high standards with regards to pressing issues such as humane labor conditions and environmentally friendly production methods. If western markets are also open to suppliers from developing countries, then the developing world has also the incentives to comply with these standards. Such consumers’ pressure can contribute more effectively and accurately to improve labor and environment conditions in developing countries than any program of an international organization. 9. Free trade is a process of progress Abolishing trade barriers has always been a path of trial and tribulation. The first free trade agreement was concluded between Great Britain and France in 1860, inspired by Richard Cobden. It did not get rid of all tariffs and barriers at once but whittled them away over time. Also in our times, it is not about all or nothing, but rather about reducing trade barriers constantly. Of course, in this process making compromises is inevitable. Every trade treaty and WTO agreement has flaws. But every step towards freer trade is important. And fortunately, our democratic institutions allow us to learn from mistakes so that we can conclude ever better agreements. The history of globalization bears witness that these many small steps into the right direction are part of a process of progress that benefits everyone in the end. 10. Take to the street for free trade! In the 19th century a mass movement for free trade arose – first in Great Britain, then throughout all of Europe. Above all
, common people took to the street. Workers and small business people were protesting tariffs and trade barriers. Whoever wants to restrict the power of small interest groups today; who wants to create new opportunities for the poor here and in all the world; who wants to do something about nationalism, xenophobia and conflicts – must rally for free trade. Ending isolationism, not only through tariffs and subsidies, but also through regulations and standards, can improve this world. We are talking about crucial milestones on the path towards that world which Richard Cobden dreamt of when 170 years ago he called out to the fellows of his free trade movement: “I see in the free trade principle that which shall act on the moral world as the principle of gravitation in the universe, – drawing men together, thrusting aside the antagonism of race, and creed, and language, and uniting us in the bonds of eternal peace … when man becomes one family, and freely exchanges the fruits of his labour with his brother man. Diese Kampagne wird organisiert von Prometheus – Das Freiheitsinstitut gGmbH (E-Mail) Mehr über Prometheus erfahren | Impressum | Datenschutz billy burnette wife Kingsman The Golden Circle Mp4, After graduating from high school in 1969, his father took him to Memphis to meet record producer Chips Moman, who had recently finished recording Elvis's songs "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto". Hero Weezer Lyrics, Dreams Ps4 Controls, John Marascalco later was persuaded to release Dorsey's version, which he still owned. Attended Blessed Sacrament School, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Memphis Catholic High School. French researchers Giles Vignal and Marc Alesina place the demo session at the Sun Records Studio in November 1956, and they have Dorsey's being backed by Johnny Burnette and Paul Burlison. Cartoons working with the Oh Yeah! Who Is Better Messi Or Ronaldo Stats, The album had one cover, "Believe What You Say". Madame Masque, photos, By the 1970s Dorsey had become a born-again Christian and had returned to country material. Amish Beard, Country music sensation Billy Burnette (Fleetwood Mac) makes his movie debut in this sexy suspenseful thriller in the tradition of body heat. Watch Top Gear Full Episodes Online, The show's premiere received the highest ratings for a new show premiere in the network's history at the time, and continued for five years with high ratings and a passionate following. Jammu Weather For 10 Days, [1] The 'e' at the end of his surname was added later. Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, [1] In 1987 he wrote "(All I Can Do Is) Dream You" for Roy Orbison. Jobs For Americans In Switzerland, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Recruit Holdings Indeed, Ronda Stryker House, Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulator Cost, Dorsey William "Billy" Burnette III Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Dorsey William "Billy" Burnette III (born May 8, 1953 in Memphis, Tennessee) is an American guitarist, singer and songwriter who was part of the band Fleetwood Mac from 1987 to 1995. The album included cover versions of "Everything Is Broken" by Bob Dylan, "Oh Well by Fleetwood Mac, "Big Hunk of Love" by Elvis Presley, "It's Late" and "Tear It Up" by Rick Nelson, and "Bye Bye Love" by The Everly Brothers. In the late 1950s, struggling musicians Johnny and brother Dorsey Burnette camped out in front of teen idol Ricky Nelson 's home in an attempt to have him record some of the songs they had written. The label was discontinued in April 1965, and from then on, Dorsey recorded without luck on a series of labels, including Liberty, Merri, Happy Tiger, Music Factory, Smash (where he re-recorded "Tall Oak Tree"), Mercury, Hickory and Condor, which released "The Magnificent Sanctuary Band"/"Can't You See
Greek rower Vassilis Polymeros won the gold medal in the light-weight men's single sculls final at dawn in Japan on Saturday during the World Rowing Championships at the Nagaragawa International Regatta Course in Kaizu, Gifu Prefecture. Polymeros won the final with a time of 7:17.19 seconds. The 29-year-old champion from Volos, central Greece, became the first Greek rower to win a gold medal in a world champion-ship. He had won a bronze medal, along with Nikos Skiathitis, at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The Greek national soccer team left for Kazakhstan on Sunday morning with renewed optimism following the dramatic 2-2 draw between Turkey and Denmark in a World Cup European zone group 2 matches played in the neighboring country on Saturday night. In other matches played for the same group Georgia and Ukraine drew 1-1, with the latter qualifying for the World Cup finals for the first time in its history, and Albania edged Kazakhstan 2-1. Greece will be playing with Kazakhstan on Wednesday afternoon and has two more matches with Denmark away on October 8 and Georgia at home on October 12 before the qualifying round ends. "Turkey's 2-2 result with Denmark is an extremely positive result. We were pleased with it and it fills us with optimism. We have many hopes of qualifying and now we are going for 'three out of three'," said Greek striker Angelos Charisteas, adding that "if we beat Kazakhstan we will be taking a step towards winning second place." Standings in group 2 after 10 matches played:Ukraine 24, Turkey 17, Greece (nine matches) 15, Denmark (nine matches) 13, Albania 12, Georgia (nine matches) 9 and Kazakhstan (nine matches) 0. Results of Greek First Division soccer matches played since the start of the championship on Sunday, August 28 until Sunday, September 4. Kallithea Athens-Egaleo Athens 1-1 Xanthi-PAOK Thessaloniki 1-0 Akratitos Athens-Iraklis Thessaloniki 3-1 Apollon Thessaloniki-OFI Crete 2-1 Panathinaikos Athens-Olympiakos Piraeus 0-2 Panionios Athens-Larissa 1-1 Atromitos Athens-AEK Athens 0-0 Levadiakos-Ionikos Piraeus 1-1 Atromitos and AEK played on Monday, August 29 and Levadiakos and Ionikos played on Sunday, September 4. Standings and points after first game played: Akratitos 3 points, Olympiakos 3, Apollon 3, Xanthi 3, Egaleo 1, Larissa 1, Panionios 1, Kallithea 1, AEK 1, Atromitos 1, Ionikos 1, Levadiakos 1, PAOK 0, OFI 0, Panathinaikos 0, Iraklis 0. LARNACA, 05/09/2005 (CNA/ANA) Cypriot Foreign Minister George Iacovou has said that he is very satisfied with the outcome of the EU Foreign Ministers' informal meeting in Wales last week, that discussed the issue of an EU counter-statement to Turkey's unilateral declaration that it does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus. Speaking to the press upon returning to Cyprus, Iacovou stressed that the climate at the meeting was very favorable for Cyprus and he expressed conviction that the EU counter - statement's text would be further improved at the Permanent Representative's Committee meeting (COREPER) in Brussels. ''The British EU Presidency has made efforts to satisfy our positions. The first text for the counter-statement has been improved to our benefit'', he said. Answering questions the minister said that EU Foreign Ministers deem that ''Turkey's declaration that it does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus has damaged its image in Europe, especially taking into consideration the current negative climate in Europe against Turkey''. Regarding
Greek rower Vassilis Polymeros won the gold medal in the light-weight men's single sculls final at dawn in Japan on Saturday during the World Rowing Championships at the Nagaragawa International Regatta Course in Kaizu, Gifu Prefecture. Polymeros won the final with a time of 7:17.19 seconds. The 29-year-old champion from Volos, central Greece, became the first Greek rower to win a gold medal in a world champion-ship. He had won a bronze medal, along with Nikos Skiathitis, at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The Greek national soccer team left for Kazakhstan on Sunday morning with renewed optimism following the dramatic 2-2 draw between Turkey and Denmark in a World Cup European zone group 2 matches played in the neighboring country on Saturday night. In other matches played for the same group Georgia and Ukraine drew 1-1, with the latter qualifying for the World Cup finals for the first time in its history, and Albania edged Kazakhstan 2-1. Greece will be playing with Kazakhstan on Wednesday afternoon and has two more matches with Denmark away on October 8 and Georgia at home on October 12 before the qualifying round ends. "Turkey's 2-2 result with Denmark is an extremely positive result. We were pleased with it and it fills us with optimism. We have many hopes of qualifying and now we are going for 'three out of three'," said Greek striker Angelos Charisteas, adding that "if we beat Kazakhstan we will be taking a step towards winning second place." Standings in group 2 after 10 matches played:Ukraine 24, Turkey 17, Greece (nine matches) 15, Denmark (nine matches) 13, Albania 12, Georgia (nine matches) 9 and Kazakhstan (nine matches) 0. Results of Greek First Division soccer matches played since the start of the championship on Sunday, August 28 until Sunday, September 4. Kallithea Athens-Egaleo Athens 1-1 Xanthi-PAOK Thessaloniki 1-0 Akratitos Athens-Iraklis Thessaloniki 3-1 Apollon Thessaloniki-OFI Crete 2-1 Panathinaikos Athens-Olympiakos Piraeus 0-2 Panionios Athens-Larissa 1-1 Atromitos Athens-AEK Athens 0-0 Levadiakos-Ionikos Piraeus 1-1 Atromitos and AEK played on Monday, August 29 and Levadiakos and Ionikos played on Sunday, September 4. Standings and points after first game played: Akratitos 3 points, Olympiakos 3, Apollon 3, Xanthi 3, Egaleo 1, Larissa 1, Panionios 1, Kallithea 1, AEK 1, Atromitos 1, Ionikos 1, Levadiakos 1, PAOK 0, OFI 0, Panathinaikos 0, Iraklis 0. LARNACA, 05/09/2005 (CNA/ANA) Cypriot Foreign Minister George Iacovou has said that he is very satisfied with the outcome of the EU Foreign Ministers' informal meeting in Wales last week, that discussed the issue of an EU counter-statement to Turkey's unilateral declaration that it does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus. Speaking to the press upon returning to Cyprus, Iacovou stressed that the climate at the meeting was very favorable for Cyprus and he expressed conviction that the EU counter - statement's text would be further improved at the Permanent Representative's Committee meeting (COREPER) in Brussels. ''The British EU Presidency has made efforts to satisfy our positions. The first text for the counter-statement has been improved to our benefit'', he said. Answering questions the minister said that EU Foreign Ministers deem that ''Turkey's declaration that it does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus has damaged its image in Europe, especially taking into consideration the current negative climate in Europe against Turkey''. Regarding
Turkey's participation at the informal meeting, Iacovou said that ''Turkey followed its usual policy of black-mailing by saying that it would abandon its EU aspirations''. ''At least seven Foreign Ministers have stressed that it is about time Turkey changes the way it deals with the Republic of Cyprus. They indicated to Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, that his country would start negotiating with 25 countries, one of which will always be the Republic of Cyprus''. Regarding the appointment of a new UN Special Representative for Cyprus, Iacovou said that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has sounded out three persons about their interest for the post, adding ''this is a positive development''. Turkey signed the Protocol extending its Customs Union with all new EU member states including the Republic of Cyprus, which was expected by the EU to begin accession negotiations with Turkey, scheduled to start October 3rd. However, Turkey issued a declaration accompanying the Protocol, that it does not recognize Cyprus. Turkey refuses to implement the Protocol regarding Cyprus, and does not open its ports and airports to Cypriot ships or aircrafts. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied the island's northern third. Head of the Greek Investigating Commission on Air Accidents, Akrivos Tsolakis, said Sunday that the commission was leaving Cyprus Sunday with enough information regarding the cause of the crash of an Helios Airways Boeing 737, that killed all 121 people on board, most of them Cypriots last month. Speaking after meeting Communications and Works Minister Haris Thrasou, Tsolakis said the Commission will examine all information it has collected in Cyprus and in Athens, and the information it will obtain this week in the UK and if there is anything that needs clarification, the Commission will return to Cyprus, even for a few hours. He also said the Commission will convene in Athens on Monday to coordinate the next steps. Tsolakis also announced that he will be heading to London in middle of the week while a re-enactment of the flight of 14 August that crashed near Athens will take place 15 days later. Asked whether the information, which the Commission obtained in Cyprus point towards the direction of the information, it had collected in Athens, Tsolakis said the "directions are many, they have not changed, they simply lead us to path which we will finally take". Tsolakis also responded positively to a question whether the Commission has decided which direction it will take. He also said the two Helios British engineers have consented to giving statements to the Commission. Meanwhile Communications Minister Thrasou said he believed that very soon the cause of the accident will become clear. He told reporters after meeting Tsolakis that every time he meets the Greek head of the Commission he is more certain that the cause of the accident will be found and added that with the statements that will be taken in London "pretty soon the whole setting will become clear so that we can answer the questions of the public opinion" on the issue. Thrasou also said he was certain that there is no suspicion against any Cypriot Air Traffic controller. You are here:Home>>Gideon Nyan>>Displaying items by tag: Forbes Displaying items by tag: Forbes Forbes World Most Powerful People For third time in a row the most powerful person in the world according to FORBES is not President Barack Obama. This time around the person is the Russian Bear, the most powerful Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. Also in the Forbes list of the Most Powerful People in the World, the two Africans and Black that made the list were Aliko Dangote of Nigeria at 64 in the list and Mo Ibrahim of Sudan at 71. These two Africans are billionaires and Dangote is the richest Black person in the world. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia Barack Obama, President United States Xi Jinping, General Secretary, Communist Party China Pope Francis, Pope Roman Catholic Church Angela Merkel, Chancellor Germany Bill Gates, Co-Chair Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Ben Bernanke, Chairman, Federal Reserve United States Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, King Saudi Arabia Mario Draghi, President European Central Bank Michael Duke,
). This analysis showed the pooled risk ratio estimate for TST to be 2.58 (95% CI: 1.72–3.88) and for IGRA 4.94 (95% CI: 1.79–13.65). The pooled risk ratio in the three studies that evaluated both the TST and IGRA was 2.07 (95% CI: 1.38–3.11) for the TST and 2.40 (95% CI: 1.26–4.60) for IGRA. In both analyses, the confidence intervals around effect measures for the TST and IGRA overlapped and were imprecise. There was insufficient data to provide evidence on predictive utility of the tests among specific high-risk subpopulations or groups. Pooled estimates in the predictive utility of IGRA and TST in head-to-head studies that evaluated incident active TB in untreated individuals. The Panel reviewed the evidence generated from the systematic reviews and discussed benefits and harms of the alternative screening options to rule out active TB. The Panel noted the potential limitation of using data from the general population as a proxy for ruling out active TB among at-risk populations. However, it concluded that this would have no implication in the development of the algorithm that will be used to test and treat individuals from high-risk populations. The Panel reiterated that active TB disease should be excluded before LTBI testing and treatment. Symptom screening and chest radiography were considered acceptable for individuals and programme managers, and the benefit outweighs increased costs and logistic demand. The Panel noted that comparative analysis between TST and IGRA in the head-to-head studies showed no evidence that one test should be preferred over the other to assess progression to TB disease. The Panel also noted that equity and access could vary depending on the type of test used. For example, the single visit required for IGRA compared to two consultation visits required for TST may favour client preferences. However, the Panel could not be confident of the overall programmatic impact of this in terms of access and equity for clients due to the additional cost required. It was noted that serial testing for LTBI including for health-care workers was beyond the scope of these guidelines. The Panel noted that resource requirements could vary and that the decision to implement LTBI testing and treatment needs to consider several factors, including the structure of the health system, feasibility of implementation, infrastructure requirements and Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination coverage. The Panel noted that the incremental cost-effectiveness of IGRAs compared to TST appeared to be influenced mainly by the accuracy of the two diagnostic tests, with BCG vaccination playing a decisive role in reducing the specificity of TST and leading the choice towards IGRA-only strategies. However, IGRAs are more costly and technically complex to do than the TST. Given comparable performance but increased cost, replacing TST with IGRAs as a public health intervention in low-income and other middle-income countries is not recommended (8). 2.3. Treatment options for LTBI The following treatment options are recommended for the treatment of LTBI: 6-month isoniazid, or 9-month isoniazid, or 3-month regimen of weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid, or 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin, or 3–4 months rifampicin alone. (Strong recommendation, moderate to high quality of evidence) Remark: There was consensus of the Panel on the equivalence of 6-month isoniazid, 9-month isoniazid, and 3-month rifapentine plus isoniazid. However, the Panel could not reach a consensus and voted on the equivalence of 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin and 3–4 months rifampicin alone as alternative options to 6-month isoniazid. Sixty per cent of the Panel members voted for 4-month rifampicin alone as an equivalent option to 6-month isoniazid while 53% voted for 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin as an equivalent option to 6-month isoniazid. Rifampicin- and rifapentine-
). This analysis showed the pooled risk ratio estimate for TST to be 2.58 (95% CI: 1.72–3.88) and for IGRA 4.94 (95% CI: 1.79–13.65). The pooled risk ratio in the three studies that evaluated both the TST and IGRA was 2.07 (95% CI: 1.38–3.11) for the TST and 2.40 (95% CI: 1.26–4.60) for IGRA. In both analyses, the confidence intervals around effect measures for the TST and IGRA overlapped and were imprecise. There was insufficient data to provide evidence on predictive utility of the tests among specific high-risk subpopulations or groups. Pooled estimates in the predictive utility of IGRA and TST in head-to-head studies that evaluated incident active TB in untreated individuals. The Panel reviewed the evidence generated from the systematic reviews and discussed benefits and harms of the alternative screening options to rule out active TB. The Panel noted the potential limitation of using data from the general population as a proxy for ruling out active TB among at-risk populations. However, it concluded that this would have no implication in the development of the algorithm that will be used to test and treat individuals from high-risk populations. The Panel reiterated that active TB disease should be excluded before LTBI testing and treatment. Symptom screening and chest radiography were considered acceptable for individuals and programme managers, and the benefit outweighs increased costs and logistic demand. The Panel noted that comparative analysis between TST and IGRA in the head-to-head studies showed no evidence that one test should be preferred over the other to assess progression to TB disease. The Panel also noted that equity and access could vary depending on the type of test used. For example, the single visit required for IGRA compared to two consultation visits required for TST may favour client preferences. However, the Panel could not be confident of the overall programmatic impact of this in terms of access and equity for clients due to the additional cost required. It was noted that serial testing for LTBI including for health-care workers was beyond the scope of these guidelines. The Panel noted that resource requirements could vary and that the decision to implement LTBI testing and treatment needs to consider several factors, including the structure of the health system, feasibility of implementation, infrastructure requirements and Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination coverage. The Panel noted that the incremental cost-effectiveness of IGRAs compared to TST appeared to be influenced mainly by the accuracy of the two diagnostic tests, with BCG vaccination playing a decisive role in reducing the specificity of TST and leading the choice towards IGRA-only strategies. However, IGRAs are more costly and technically complex to do than the TST. Given comparable performance but increased cost, replacing TST with IGRAs as a public health intervention in low-income and other middle-income countries is not recommended (8). 2.3. Treatment options for LTBI The following treatment options are recommended for the treatment of LTBI: 6-month isoniazid, or 9-month isoniazid, or 3-month regimen of weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid, or 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin, or 3–4 months rifampicin alone. (Strong recommendation, moderate to high quality of evidence) Remark: There was consensus of the Panel on the equivalence of 6-month isoniazid, 9-month isoniazid, and 3-month rifapentine plus isoniazid. However, the Panel could not reach a consensus and voted on the equivalence of 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin and 3–4 months rifampicin alone as alternative options to 6-month isoniazid. Sixty per cent of the Panel members voted for 4-month rifampicin alone as an equivalent option to 6-month isoniazid while 53% voted for 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin as an equivalent option to 6-month isoniazid. Rifampicin- and rifapentine-
containing regimens should be prescribed with caution to people living with HIV who are on antiretroviral treatment due to potential drug-to-drug interactions. See annex 3 for drug dosage. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment for LTBI (11). Fifty three studies, all of which were randomized controlled trials and recorded at least one of the two pre-specified endpoints (preventing active TB, hepatotoxicity of Grade III or above), were included. Data from the systematic review was available for 15 treatment regimens, although relatively few direct comparisons were reported, some with sparse data, particularly for modern regimens. Pyrazinamide-containing regimens were excluded from further consideration because of reported toxicity. The estimate of the rates of severe hepatotoxicity and death of pyrazinamide-containing regimens was measured in comparison with an historical isoniazid control (10). Rifampin-pyrazinamide combinations had fatality and hospitalization rates of 0.9 (95% CI: 0.4–1.9) and 2.8 (95% CI: 1.8–4.3) per 1000 rifampicin–pyrazinamide therapy initiations, respectively, compared with fatality rates of 0.0–0.3 deaths per 1000 persons in individuals under isoniazid preventive therapy. No placebo or treatment trial directly compared the efficacy and safety of the 9-month isoniazid regimen. It was also noted that clinical trials comparing the 3-month regimen of weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid with placebo or no treatment were not available. This is because when the 3-month weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid regimen trials were being carried out,comparison with placebo/no treatment arms was not ethically acceptable. The expert panel comparatively appraised the evidence on efficacy and safety of available treatment options. The results of the pair-wise comparisons with placebo are reported in Table 2 — isoniazid for 6 months was used as a reference comparator in the analysis of rates of incident TB, and hepatotoxicity (Grade III/IV) with other regimens (Table 3). Regimens that showed significant efficacy when compared to placebo and profile of heptotoxicity. Comparison of efficacy of 6-month isoniazid with other regimens for the development of incident TB and hepatotoxicity. In general these comparisons did not show the superiority of one regimen over any other. However, in terms of safety, a 3–4 months rifampicin regimen and a 3-month weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid regimen had fewer hepatotoxicity events compared to the 6-month and 9-month isoniazid regimen, respectively. In the absence of any direct comparison of efficacy of 6- and 9-month isoniazid, the Panel reviewed a reanalysis of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) trials conducted in the 1950s and 1960s that concluded that optimal protection from isoniazid appears to be obtained by nine months (12). Based on this, the Panel judged that 9-month isoniazid can be considered as an equivalent treatment option to 6-month isoniazid. The Panel reviewed the evidence for efficacy of the different treatment regimens against incident TB compared to the placebo, the hepatotoxicity profile of each regimen, and the comparison of the different regimens against 6-month isoniazid as a reference. The Panel unanimously agreed on the equivalence of 6-month isoniazid, 9-month isoniazid and 3-month weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid regimens as alternative treatment options to each other. However, the Panel could not reach a consensus and voted on the equivalence of 3–4 months isoniazid plus rifampicin and 3–4 months rifampicin alone to 6-month isoniazid. Sixty per cent of the Panel members who attended the meeting voted for 3–4 months rifampicin alone as an equivalent option to 6-month isoniazid while 53% of them voted for 3–
you are accustomed to. The owner will look at offers so please contact our office today quoting reference 13093. My name is Zach, and I am a freshman undergraduate student studying computer science at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. I am facinated with building things, and I have experience in the field of user experience design and software development. Thanks for stopping by! Nikhedonia is a two-player strategy game based off the board game Go. Written in Swift using SpriteKit. Available on the Apple App Store. An online community for creating, printing, and shipping 3D objects. Provides cheaper printing for individual creators while allowing printing enthusiasts to profit. Landing page design for the "Hello, World!" coffee table book. Mobile app design screens for Contrast Security. Added the functionality of the web platform, while adapting the UX for mobile users. While the stereotypes commonly associated with FBI agents and accountants are very different, the reality is that the FBI does employ accountants. In fact, there are a few tracks accounting professionals can consider when pursuing positions with the bureau. They can use their accounting expertise to launch a career as a special agent, a forensic accountant or an accountant professional charged with handling the bureau’s financial business. Is working for the FBI your dream? Here are five tips to help you make it come true. The competition for jobs with the FBI is fierce, so you need to be ready. Begin by visiting the FBI’s website for job seekers to learn what the bureau is looking for in new hires in terms of education, background and experience. Bear in mind that this varies depending on the exact position you hope to achieve. As the time to apply nears, keep an eye on the job boards for appropriate openings. Hiring windows are often short, so it is important that you are prepared to move when the right opportunity appears. Once your application is in, be ready to wait. The application process can take six months or longer. If you are hoping to eventually work for the FBI, it is vital that you avoid certain missteps because they will automatically disqualify you for any position with the bureau. To protect your career hopes, do not default on your student loans, do anything that will result in a felony conviction or fail to register for the Selective Service System if you are male. The FBI also forbids illegal drug use, and anyone who has used these substances in the last three years is considered ineligible for employment. Failure to pass the drug screening administered by the bureau will also disqualify an applicant. A bachelor’s degree is an absolute must for those who hope to become special agents, forensic accountants or the FBI’s professional accountants. Without one, you will not be considered for either position. For special agents, a bachelor’s degree in most subjects in acceptable, and an accounting degree is definitely welcome. For those looking for accounting positions, the bachelor’s degree should be either in accounting or include at least 24 semester hours of accounting coursework. The accounting field offers several credential that can help people demonstrate their proficiency, and having one of these respected credentials on your resume can help you stand out when you are competing for a position with the FBI. While aspiring special agents with accounting backgrounds are not required to be certified public accountants, those who hold the credential may be able to use it to meet part of the experience requirements. When it comes to filling the ranks of its forensic accountants, the bureau prefers to hire people who are certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners, certified internal auditors or certified in financial forensics. Internships can pave the way for job offers with many organizations, and the FBI is no exception. The bureau has a highly competitive internship program that allows select undergraduate and graduate students to gain invaluable experience while working alongside its employees. Participating in the program is an excellent way to get a better idea of what working for the FBI is really like. Interns are selected based on their academic achievements, experiences, area of study and the bureau’s needs. Accountants have been an integral part of the FBI since the agency’s founding in 1908, and with the increasing complexity of financial investigations, their skills are still highly valued today. While competition for positions with the bureau is tough, accounting professionals who are ready to demonstrate their competency and drive
you are accustomed to. The owner will look at offers so please contact our office today quoting reference 13093. My name is Zach, and I am a freshman undergraduate student studying computer science at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. I am facinated with building things, and I have experience in the field of user experience design and software development. Thanks for stopping by! Nikhedonia is a two-player strategy game based off the board game Go. Written in Swift using SpriteKit. Available on the Apple App Store. An online community for creating, printing, and shipping 3D objects. Provides cheaper printing for individual creators while allowing printing enthusiasts to profit. Landing page design for the "Hello, World!" coffee table book. Mobile app design screens for Contrast Security. Added the functionality of the web platform, while adapting the UX for mobile users. While the stereotypes commonly associated with FBI agents and accountants are very different, the reality is that the FBI does employ accountants. In fact, there are a few tracks accounting professionals can consider when pursuing positions with the bureau. They can use their accounting expertise to launch a career as a special agent, a forensic accountant or an accountant professional charged with handling the bureau’s financial business. Is working for the FBI your dream? Here are five tips to help you make it come true. The competition for jobs with the FBI is fierce, so you need to be ready. Begin by visiting the FBI’s website for job seekers to learn what the bureau is looking for in new hires in terms of education, background and experience. Bear in mind that this varies depending on the exact position you hope to achieve. As the time to apply nears, keep an eye on the job boards for appropriate openings. Hiring windows are often short, so it is important that you are prepared to move when the right opportunity appears. Once your application is in, be ready to wait. The application process can take six months or longer. If you are hoping to eventually work for the FBI, it is vital that you avoid certain missteps because they will automatically disqualify you for any position with the bureau. To protect your career hopes, do not default on your student loans, do anything that will result in a felony conviction or fail to register for the Selective Service System if you are male. The FBI also forbids illegal drug use, and anyone who has used these substances in the last three years is considered ineligible for employment. Failure to pass the drug screening administered by the bureau will also disqualify an applicant. A bachelor’s degree is an absolute must for those who hope to become special agents, forensic accountants or the FBI’s professional accountants. Without one, you will not be considered for either position. For special agents, a bachelor’s degree in most subjects in acceptable, and an accounting degree is definitely welcome. For those looking for accounting positions, the bachelor’s degree should be either in accounting or include at least 24 semester hours of accounting coursework. The accounting field offers several credential that can help people demonstrate their proficiency, and having one of these respected credentials on your resume can help you stand out when you are competing for a position with the FBI. While aspiring special agents with accounting backgrounds are not required to be certified public accountants, those who hold the credential may be able to use it to meet part of the experience requirements. When it comes to filling the ranks of its forensic accountants, the bureau prefers to hire people who are certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners, certified internal auditors or certified in financial forensics. Internships can pave the way for job offers with many organizations, and the FBI is no exception. The bureau has a highly competitive internship program that allows select undergraduate and graduate students to gain invaluable experience while working alongside its employees. Participating in the program is an excellent way to get a better idea of what working for the FBI is really like. Interns are selected based on their academic achievements, experiences, area of study and the bureau’s needs. Accountants have been an integral part of the FBI since the agency’s founding in 1908, and with the increasing complexity of financial investigations, their skills are still highly valued today. While competition for positions with the bureau is tough, accounting professionals who are ready to demonstrate their competency and drive
have an excellent chance of being hired. elevation: 3,543 m. height gain: 1,690 m. Scramble: After scrambling up Cascade and Rundle, I wanted to climb the highest mountain in Kane's book; as long as it was not rated difficult. Temple was the objective. We left early weighed down by many unnecessary things. In Larch Valley we found a spot to leave thermarest and MSR, we figured an extended break would be needed after the ascent. The weather was relatively mild with high clouds. Mitch, Eric, Dan and I were set on reaching this very lofty summit. With a steady pace, we followed the nice trail up Sentinel Pass. A path continues towards the ridge, well indicated by numerous cairns. Even with a bit of snow we proceeded up the trail with little difficulty. That is a wonder to me, we were all so inexperienced. I recall crouching behind a boulder to reduce the wind-chill at the top. I had stuffed my jacket in Dan's pack and was at the summit quite ahead of him; a lesson well learnt... Still, I was happy to be there, it is so incredibly beautiful. After taking pictures, passing the alpine axe for the pose, we quickly made our way down. We took advantage of a few snow patches for our first glissades; yahoo, that's awesome. Larch Valley with Eiffel Peak in the back. Further, we leave unnecessary items. The trail is visible under the snow. Sheltered behind a rock because I stowed my jacket in Dan's pack. Eric looks cold too. Dan bringing up the rear. Fantastic view from our first 11 000'. Real tourists high up on a mountain. A glissade for the camera. A hearty chicken pot pie made easy with store-bought puff pastry for the topping. Great use for leftover turkey, too! Do ahead: Thaw puff pastry and the roll out on a lightly floured surface into a 1/4-inch thick square or rectangular larger than the dimensions of your baking dish (or disheby about 3 inches on each side. Transfer to a baking sheet, cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Remove chilled dough from refrigerator, and place on a cutting board. Place your intended baking dish directly onto the dough, with the opening side down. With a sharp knife, cut around the dish so that you have an even 3 inches around the dish on all edges. Return the dough to the baking sheet, wrap tightly with plastic, and chill for an additional hour. Prepare vegetables and chicken and have ready. In a large heavy pot, melt 5 tablespoons butter over medium-high heat. Add the onion, potatoes, and carrots. Cook, stirring regularly, until the potatoes and carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Add the mushrooms, cooking until mushrooms are heated through. Add cognac (if usinand cook down for about 30 seconds. Add flour, and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Pour in chicken stock and milk. Stir well. Bring to a simmer and cook until thick and bubbly, stirring constantly, 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in chicken, peas, parsley, and thyme. Taste and season well with additional salt and pepper, if necessary. Transfer filling to your baking dishes, filling not quite to the top, so there will be a bit of space between the filling and the topping. Let stand to allow to cool 10 -15 minutes before topping. Meanwhile, place oven rack in lower third of the oven and preheat oven to 425° F. Prepare your egg wash by combining 1 egg and 1 tsp. water. Remove dough from refrigerator and brush surface evenly with egg wash. Measure how bit a piece your will need to cover the top of your baking dishes and cut pieces of puff pastry to that size. Invert dough (with egg brushed side down) and place directly over the casserole, pressing lightly to seal overhanging crust to the side of the dish. Brush top surface of dough with egg wash. Trans
to vote for election of directors or other managing authority. Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Colonial Total Rewards Association, 350 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103. Country refers to: Connecticut, United States Feedback means feedback, innovations or suggestions sent by You regarding the attributes, performance or features of our Service. Terms and Conditions (also referred as "Terms") mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between You and the Company regarding the use of the Service. Third-party Social Media Service means any services or content (including data, information, products or services) provided by a third-party that may be displayed, included or made available by the Service. Website refers to Colonial Total Rewards Association, accessible from https://colonialrewards.org These are the Terms and Conditions governing the use of this Service and the agreement that operates between You and the Company. These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all users regarding the use of the Service. Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service. By accessing or using the Service You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If You disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions then You may not access the Service. Your access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your personal information when You use the Application or the Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service. Placing Orders for Goods By placing an Order for Goods through the Service, You warrant that You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts. If You wish to place an Order for Goods available on the Service, You may be asked to supply certain information relevant to Your Order including, without limitation, Your name, Your credit card number, the expiration date of Your credit card, Your billing address, and Your shipping information. You represent and warrant that: (i) You have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Order; and that (ii) the information You supply to us is true, correct and complete. By submitting such information, You grant us the right to provide the information to payment processing third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of Your Order. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel Your Order at any time for certain reasons including but not limited to: Errors in the description or prices for Goods Errors in Your Order Any Goods you purchase can only be returned in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and Our Returns Policy. Our Returns Policy forms a part of these Terms and Conditions. Please read our Returns Policy to learn more about your right to cancel Your Order. Your right to cancel an Order only applies to Goods that are returned in the same condition as You received them. You should also include all of the products instructions, documents and wrappings. Goods that are damaged or not in the same condition as You received them or which are worn simply beyond opening the original packaging will not be refunded. You should therefore take reasonable care of the purchased Goods while they are in Your possession. We will reimburse You no later than 14 days from the day on which We receive Your order cancellation notice. We will use the same means of payment as You used for the Order, and You will not incur any fees for such reimbursement. You will not have any right to cancel an Order for the supply of any of the following Goods: The supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with Your prior express consent and You have acknowledged Your loss of cancellation right. We are constantly updating Our offerings of Goods on the Service. The Goods available on Our Service may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and We may experience delays in updating information regarding our Goods on the Service and in Our advertising on other websites. Prices Policy The Company reserves the right to revise its prices at any time prior to accepting an Order. The prices quoted may be re
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-laws of Honeypreet's brother — who stay in the Fazilka district of Punjab — have told local news outlets that she stayed with them for two days at their Abohar residence, but was too sad and withdrawn to talk to them. They told a vernacular-language daily that she arrived in Abohar on August 28 with some people they thought were commandos and some Dera Sacha Sauda followers, and stayed with them till the next day. She left on the evening of August 29, they have been quoted as saying. It now remains to be seen what the police do with this information. What is sure is the family will have to answer some tough questions, like why they had not come forward with information all throughout this search, which is reaching the one-month mark. After over a decade of research and development, Nike revealed its game changing Flyknit technology to the world in 2012. After proving its success with medal after medal at the London Olympics, its application in the streetwear scene was soon after rolled out. Its extremely lightweight and breathable properties quickly found its place on the re-engineered uppers of retro classics like the Air Max 90, but also paved the way for a contemporary design direction with styles like the Zoom Mariah Flyknit Racer. Less weight, less waste. VISUAL DIVE GLOBAL KOREAN WAVE CARDNEWS Choi Si-won to be removed from Super Junior’s comeback activities Friends, colleagues grief-stricken over actor Kim Joo-hyuk’s sudden death TWICE members thrilled to release first full-length album ‘Twicetagram’ Marriage of Song Joong-ki, Song Hye-kyo shrouded in complete secrecy Korean filmmaker to make Hollywood debut in collaboration with Marbel Comics mastermind AllKOREAN WAVECULTURELIFESTYLE Home KOREAN WAVE Suzy, Lee Jong-suk’s new TV series asks if future can be altered at will, at what cost By Woo Jae-yeon SEOUL, Sept. 22 (Yonhap) — Ever dreamed of having the power to see future? The ability might be a blessing only when it accompanies another uncanny power: the ability to stop an unfortunate event from happening. In SBS’s new series “While You Were Sleeping,” Nam Hong-ju, played by Bae Suzy, is locked in a perennial state of helplessness and guilt, as she has long been unable to prevent the bad things she sees in her dreams from coming true. At a press conference at the SBS headquarters in Seoul on Friday, the actress, better known as Suzy from girl group missA, said her character is deeply frustrated over her powerlessness and is prone to giving up. She sees, however, a glimmer of hope after prosecutor Jung Jae-chan, played by Lee Jong-suk, enters her life. Bae Suzy (L) and Lee Jong-suk pose for photos before a press conference for SBS TV’s upcoming series “While You Were Sleeping” at the network’s headquarters in Seoul on Sept. 22, 2017. (Yonhap) “We are asking if it’s possible to change the course of our lives if we tried, and if so, what would be the consequences?” she said. Director Oh Chung-hwan, who produced “Doctors” and “My Love from the Star,” said the drama touches upon a question of constant decision-making in life. “In a nutshell, it is a story about locking the stable door after the horse is stolen. We constantly make decisions and accept the outcome. From time to time, we wonder what kind of outcome a different decision would have produced,” the director said. The drama, which will premier at 10 p.m. Wednesday, has been already fully produced. The 32-episode series was written by Park Hae-ryeon of “Pinocchio” and “I Hear Your Voice,” in which Lee played one of the main characters. Lee said he chose to work with Park again out of complete faith in her story and the strong bond that he has built up with her over the years. “It is my third time working with the writer. In this drama, we often talk about decisions
-laws of Honeypreet's brother — who stay in the Fazilka district of Punjab — have told local news outlets that she stayed with them for two days at their Abohar residence, but was too sad and withdrawn to talk to them. They told a vernacular-language daily that she arrived in Abohar on August 28 with some people they thought were commandos and some Dera Sacha Sauda followers, and stayed with them till the next day. She left on the evening of August 29, they have been quoted as saying. It now remains to be seen what the police do with this information. What is sure is the family will have to answer some tough questions, like why they had not come forward with information all throughout this search, which is reaching the one-month mark. After over a decade of research and development, Nike revealed its game changing Flyknit technology to the world in 2012. After proving its success with medal after medal at the London Olympics, its application in the streetwear scene was soon after rolled out. Its extremely lightweight and breathable properties quickly found its place on the re-engineered uppers of retro classics like the Air Max 90, but also paved the way for a contemporary design direction with styles like the Zoom Mariah Flyknit Racer. Less weight, less waste. VISUAL DIVE GLOBAL KOREAN WAVE CARDNEWS Choi Si-won to be removed from Super Junior’s comeback activities Friends, colleagues grief-stricken over actor Kim Joo-hyuk’s sudden death TWICE members thrilled to release first full-length album ‘Twicetagram’ Marriage of Song Joong-ki, Song Hye-kyo shrouded in complete secrecy Korean filmmaker to make Hollywood debut in collaboration with Marbel Comics mastermind AllKOREAN WAVECULTURELIFESTYLE Home KOREAN WAVE Suzy, Lee Jong-suk’s new TV series asks if future can be altered at will, at what cost By Woo Jae-yeon SEOUL, Sept. 22 (Yonhap) — Ever dreamed of having the power to see future? The ability might be a blessing only when it accompanies another uncanny power: the ability to stop an unfortunate event from happening. In SBS’s new series “While You Were Sleeping,” Nam Hong-ju, played by Bae Suzy, is locked in a perennial state of helplessness and guilt, as she has long been unable to prevent the bad things she sees in her dreams from coming true. At a press conference at the SBS headquarters in Seoul on Friday, the actress, better known as Suzy from girl group missA, said her character is deeply frustrated over her powerlessness and is prone to giving up. She sees, however, a glimmer of hope after prosecutor Jung Jae-chan, played by Lee Jong-suk, enters her life. Bae Suzy (L) and Lee Jong-suk pose for photos before a press conference for SBS TV’s upcoming series “While You Were Sleeping” at the network’s headquarters in Seoul on Sept. 22, 2017. (Yonhap) “We are asking if it’s possible to change the course of our lives if we tried, and if so, what would be the consequences?” she said. Director Oh Chung-hwan, who produced “Doctors” and “My Love from the Star,” said the drama touches upon a question of constant decision-making in life. “In a nutshell, it is a story about locking the stable door after the horse is stolen. We constantly make decisions and accept the outcome. From time to time, we wonder what kind of outcome a different decision would have produced,” the director said. The drama, which will premier at 10 p.m. Wednesday, has been already fully produced. The 32-episode series was written by Park Hae-ryeon of “Pinocchio” and “I Hear Your Voice,” in which Lee played one of the main characters. Lee said he chose to work with Park again out of complete faith in her story and the strong bond that he has built up with her over the years. “It is my third time working with the writer. In this drama, we often talk about decisions
. I told her that working with her is one of the best career decisions I have made so far,” he said. Having made her debut as an actress with Park’s “Dream High” on KBS 2TV in 2011, Bae also showed her deep trust in the writer. “On top of my wish to work with the writer again, the script was simply too interesting to pass up,” she said. This image provided by SBS shows a poster of “While You Were Sleeping.” (Yonhap) Despite the fantastical element of seeing the future, the series, Lee said, successfully delivers a convincing, realistic story that viewers can relate to. And he said he is perfectly happy with being ordinary and that he would never wish to have such a supernatural power. “If I could foresee my future, I hope to see myself spending yet another ordinary day with serenity of mind. I think it is just tragic to be too different from other people,” he said. Suzy, however, jovially said, “I am curious how long I would live. What if I had only a few days of my life remaining? Then I would have to live today more fully.” Actor Lee Sang-yeop, who plays Lee Yoo-beom, another prosecutor who has a complicated relationship with Jung, came up with a witty response. “I wish to know who I will marry. If I knew that, I would find her and treat her well.” [email protected] 슈퍼관리자 Uber launches food delivery service in S. Korea Nexon’s ‘Dark Avenger 3’ to hit S. Korea this week Lotte World Tower, 123th floor observatory ‘Seoul Sky’ opened EXO to release new heat-related song this summer TWICE to release fourth EP album this month Hong Sang-soo’s ‘The Day After’ invited to Toronto, New York film fests Web reality show features idols producing own TV drama Name: Visual Dive Co., Ltd. | Internet Newspaper registration number: Seoul, 아 02735 호 | registration date: July 16, 2013 Title: Visual Dive | Publisher: Eun Jung-Jin | Edited by: Lee Da-som | Address: A 9F, 32, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Main Phone: +82-2-3397-7860 | Fax: +82-2-3397-7866 | Date of Issue: July 16, 2013 | Youth Protection Officer: Eun Jung-Jin © VISUAL DIVE. All rights reserved. Man launches GoFundMe to raise money for Indigenous LGBTIQ+ people, in response to Folau Israel Folau set up a page earlier this week, encouraging the public to help him raise money for his legal costs. Staff Writers — June 21, 2019 Left: Israel Folau. Right: Black Rainbow. A Sydney man has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Indigenous LGBTIQ+ organisation Black Rainbow, to counter a recent page set up by Israel Folau. Folau set up a page earlier this week, encouraging the public to help him raise money for legal costs. The rugby star, whose $4 million dollar contract was terminated in May over a number of anti-LGBTIQ+ posts he made on social media saying LGBTIQ+ people would go to hell, has already raised over $300,000. “I believe the termination of my contract is unlawful, which is why I have started legal proceedings against Rugby Australia and Rugby NSW,” Folau said on his GoFundMe page. “Rugby Australia have already said that they will ‘divert significant resources’ to fight me in court. “The money I am asking for is solely to fund the rest of my action in court.” In response, Sydney resident Ryan Carter decided to establish his own GoFundMe page, with all proceeds going towards supporting Indigenous LGBTIQ+ people. On the page, Carter criticised Folau’s appeal for money from the public. “In the wake of his damaging homophobic remarks, and doubling
co/xjBb1N1oOI © 2019 by Symmetrica Inc. Symmetrica and the Stylized S are Trademarks of Symmetrica Inc. Indian Wedding Program Templates Here you will find wedding program examples and wedding ceremony program wording for Hindu Weddings. The Hindu Samskaras (religious rituals) cover the full span of one's life. They act as guides that direct the life of an individual from conception to death. The Vivaha Samskara is one of the most important rituals, as it launches an individual from the Brahmachari (Bachelor) stage to the Grihasta (married) stage. The Hindu wedding ceremony celebrates the solemn union of two individuals in an eternal bond of love and mutual respect. The rituals are rooted in the Rig Veda, one of the four Hindu Vedas or scriptures, which are in the Sanskrit language. The ceremony unites two families and is very important from physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual perspectives. The wedding ceremony takes place in a Mandap (an altar whose four pillars represent the foundations of a fulfilled life) in the presence of Agni (the god of fire), the divine witness and the most important constituent of all samskaras. Agni is believed to dispel darkness and ignorance and serves as a link to cosmic power. The core of today's ceremony is a collection of rituals performed by the bride, bridegroom, parents of the bride and close relatives. Each ritual has a deep philosophical meaning and purpose. During the ceremony the bride and the groom are regarded as divine, representing Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity and Narayana, the sustainer of the universe. The Vedic Mantras chanted during the sacred ceremony refer to the bride and bridegroom as Prukruthi and Purusha. Purusha is the all-pervading potential force of nature and Prukruthi is its earthly physical expression. Indian Wedding Program Template 1 Indian Wedding Program Template 10 Indian/Christian Wedding Program Template 11 Download Template (.docx) Om Shri Ganeshay Namah The Hindu Wedding Ceremony The Hindu Wedding ceremony is a long and elaborate ceremony, with every step rooted in Vedic tradition, signifying various aspects of life that is to follow after the wedding. The mandap-canopy or marriage stage is decorated with flowers and with a fire as witness, the Hindu wedding ceremony begins. Varaagman - The Groom’s Arrival The groom arrives for the wedding with his family. They are all greeted by the bride’s family. The bride’s mother then performs a welcoming ritual and leads the groom to the Mandap. Ganesh Pooja - Worshipping Lord Ganesh The wedding ceremony begins by offering a prayer to Lord Ganesh. Lord Ganesh is worshipped, so he may remove all obstacles and bless the couple. Kanya Aagman - The Bride’s Arrival The bride is escorted down the aisle to the Mandap by her maternal uncles. Upon arrival, the bride’s father takes her hand and leads her into the Mandap. The couple are separated by the Antarpat (curtain), which is lowered once the Maharaj (Priest) invokes a prayer for the couple. Kanta Daan & Hastamilap - Giving Away the Bride In the Hindu religion, the Kanya Daan is considered the most magnificent offering a Bride’s parents make. The Kanya Daan symbolizes the Bride in the form of Goddess Laxmi and groom as Lord Narayana. Here, the bride’s family displays the act of giving her to the groom and his family. Jaimala - Exchanging of Garlands At this time, the couple exchange fresh flower garlands, signifying the acceptance of one another and to pledge their respect for one another as partners in life. Mangalpheras - Circling of the Holy Fire During the Mangalpheras, the couple circles the holy fire four times with their wedding scarves tied together. The bride’s brothers are also called in to participate in the ceremony. The four circles symbolize the four basic human goals of Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha. Dhar
co/xjBb1N1oOI © 2019 by Symmetrica Inc. Symmetrica and the Stylized S are Trademarks of Symmetrica Inc. Indian Wedding Program Templates Here you will find wedding program examples and wedding ceremony program wording for Hindu Weddings. The Hindu Samskaras (religious rituals) cover the full span of one's life. They act as guides that direct the life of an individual from conception to death. The Vivaha Samskara is one of the most important rituals, as it launches an individual from the Brahmachari (Bachelor) stage to the Grihasta (married) stage. The Hindu wedding ceremony celebrates the solemn union of two individuals in an eternal bond of love and mutual respect. The rituals are rooted in the Rig Veda, one of the four Hindu Vedas or scriptures, which are in the Sanskrit language. The ceremony unites two families and is very important from physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual perspectives. The wedding ceremony takes place in a Mandap (an altar whose four pillars represent the foundations of a fulfilled life) in the presence of Agni (the god of fire), the divine witness and the most important constituent of all samskaras. Agni is believed to dispel darkness and ignorance and serves as a link to cosmic power. The core of today's ceremony is a collection of rituals performed by the bride, bridegroom, parents of the bride and close relatives. Each ritual has a deep philosophical meaning and purpose. During the ceremony the bride and the groom are regarded as divine, representing Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity and Narayana, the sustainer of the universe. The Vedic Mantras chanted during the sacred ceremony refer to the bride and bridegroom as Prukruthi and Purusha. Purusha is the all-pervading potential force of nature and Prukruthi is its earthly physical expression. Indian Wedding Program Template 1 Indian Wedding Program Template 10 Indian/Christian Wedding Program Template 11 Download Template (.docx) Om Shri Ganeshay Namah The Hindu Wedding Ceremony The Hindu Wedding ceremony is a long and elaborate ceremony, with every step rooted in Vedic tradition, signifying various aspects of life that is to follow after the wedding. The mandap-canopy or marriage stage is decorated with flowers and with a fire as witness, the Hindu wedding ceremony begins. Varaagman - The Groom’s Arrival The groom arrives for the wedding with his family. They are all greeted by the bride’s family. The bride’s mother then performs a welcoming ritual and leads the groom to the Mandap. Ganesh Pooja - Worshipping Lord Ganesh The wedding ceremony begins by offering a prayer to Lord Ganesh. Lord Ganesh is worshipped, so he may remove all obstacles and bless the couple. Kanya Aagman - The Bride’s Arrival The bride is escorted down the aisle to the Mandap by her maternal uncles. Upon arrival, the bride’s father takes her hand and leads her into the Mandap. The couple are separated by the Antarpat (curtain), which is lowered once the Maharaj (Priest) invokes a prayer for the couple. Kanta Daan & Hastamilap - Giving Away the Bride In the Hindu religion, the Kanya Daan is considered the most magnificent offering a Bride’s parents make. The Kanya Daan symbolizes the Bride in the form of Goddess Laxmi and groom as Lord Narayana. Here, the bride’s family displays the act of giving her to the groom and his family. Jaimala - Exchanging of Garlands At this time, the couple exchange fresh flower garlands, signifying the acceptance of one another and to pledge their respect for one another as partners in life. Mangalpheras - Circling of the Holy Fire During the Mangalpheras, the couple circles the holy fire four times with their wedding scarves tied together. The bride’s brothers are also called in to participate in the ceremony. The four circles symbolize the four basic human goals of Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha. Dhar
ma - Religeon and Ethics Artha - Wealth and Prosperity Karma - Love, Fertility and Family Moksha - Spiritual Liberation and Salvation Saptapadi - Seven Steps The bride and groom take seven steps together representing the vows and promises they are making to each other. The first step to provide a nourishing and pure diet for our household and avoid the things which are harmful to our healthy living. The second step to develop physical, mental and spiritual powers. The third step with the aim of increasing our wealth by righteous means and proper use. The fourth step to acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony by mutual love and trust. The fifth step to be blessed with strong and virtuous children. The sixth step for accomplishing self-restraint and longevity. The seventh step with the vow that we shall always be true to each other, work together for prosperity and happiness and remain lifelong partners. Kansar Bhakshan - First Meal Together The bride's mother brings the couple sweets (Kansar). Kansar Bhakshan is the couple's first meal together. The couple offer Kansar to one another to symbolize their union. Kansar is a sweet made from crushed wheat, sugar and ghee. Mangal Sutra, Sindoor & Ring Exchange The Mangal Sutra is a sacred necklace made from black beads that the groom ties around the bride’s neck. This symbolizes their marriage. The groom then applies Sindoor in the center parting of the bride’s hair as a promise to fulfill her every wish. Lastly, the couple exchange wedding rings. Akhand Saubhagyavati - Blessings Married women from the couple's family come and bless the bride by whispering "Akhand Saubhagyavati", in the bride's ear, which means "Good luck, prosperity, and a long, happy life." Ashirvaad - First Blessing as Husband and Wife The Wedding ceremony has now concluded and the Maharaj, along with parents and elders of the couple's families offer them blessings for a long and happy married life. The couple bend down to touch the feet of the Maharaj and their family elders as a form of worship known in the Hindu ceremony. Vidai - Farewell to the Bride The Vidai is one of the most emotional parts of the ceremony. Now that the couple are married, she bids farewell to her family. She throws a fistful of rice behind her shoulder wishing her childhood home happiness and security. Vivaha Sanskara - Marriage A traditional Hindu Wedding (Vivaha) is comprised of a series of religious ceremonies and rituals. Vivaha is one of the 16 sacraments (Sanskar) of Hindu life. It is meant to unite two persons so firmly that, although they retain two separate bodies, they become one in spirit. Vivaha is the sacred, spiritual partnership between two individuals in mind, body, spirit, and soul in this and their future lives. No man or woman is so whole or fully rounded as to not need the other for completeness. Manu, The Great Sage and Lawmaker, gives expression of this idea. Many of the rituals in the Hindu Wedding ceremony stem from the The Vedas, the oldest of Hindu Scriptures, and are chanted in Sanskrit. The ceremony takes place in the Mandap, a wedding pavilion (canopy built of four poles to represent the universe). Each of the five elements - fire, water, air, earth, and space - are represented within the Mandap. Agni (the Holy fire) exists as a divine witness to this sacred union and symbolizes the illumination of knowledge and happiness. Agni’s smoke, coupled with the recitation of Mantras, is believed to convey the message to God for a blessing of the spiritual union. Baraat Swagat and Dwar Puja (Welcoming the Groom) The groom arrives with his family and friends (Baraat procession) and is warmly greeted by the bride’s family and friends. The bride’s mother welcomes the grpp, and asks him if he is prepared to make the commitment of marriage to her daughter. The bride’s mother places kumkum (red vermilion powder), signifying
] Reform around the turn of the 20th century The period both before and after the turn of the 20th century saw education reform. In the late 19th century, the political class became aware that the traditional system of education was not well-adapted to the needs of an industrial society. Economic developments had created new social and professional classes. A middle class of employees and civil servants emerged from the growth of state services and administration. Artisanship and trade were transformed by industrial and commercial progress. The government of Baron Félix de Blochausen (1874-1885) enacted a decisive reform of primary education when it introduced obligatory schooling over the opposition of conservative deputies. School absenteeism was particularly widespread in rural areas, where the children helped on the fields. The "loi Kirpach" of 10 April 1881 (named after Henri Kirpach, the Director-General for the Interior) made school attendance mandatory between the ages of 6 and 12.[12]: 44 This reform provoked bitter debates over the role of the state in society and the relations between church and state. The law also provided for a single system of public schools, and made it the state's duty to organise education. At the same time, however, the church remained involved, since the local parish priest was an ex officio member of the local commune's school commission, and the schoolteacher was under his supervision.[12]: 44–45 Through a far-reaching reform of the education system, the government of Paul Eyschen (1888-1915) attempted to respond to the changes in society. Eyschen was an advocate of the idea of specialisation of schools: the Athénée de Luxembourg for those intending to later pursue university studies, an industrial school for those destined for a technical occupation, an agriculture school for farmers' sons, and a craftwork school for the sons of craftsmen. Particular attention was given to vocational education.[12] The law of 1892 split off the industrial and commercial school from the Athénée and added to it a commercial section. In 1908, it moved to Limpertsberg, to later become the Lycée des Garçons de Luxembourg. The law of 1896 created an artisanal school. These efforts were accompanied by an increase in students attending secondary school under the Eyschen government: 875 in 1879-1880 compared to 2500 in 1919-1920.[12] In 1891, the Soeurs de la Doctrine Chrétienne had responded to the government's invitation by opening a domestic agricultural school for young girls. In the latter half of the 19th century, Echternach and Diekirch had each received a so-called "pro-gymnasium", which operated under the supervision of the headteacher of the Athénée. Later, these too became autonomous institutions, and the Athénée lost its tight grip on secondary and higher education in Luxembourg.[10] Eyschen's government also tackled primary education through the Education Law of 1912. This abolished school fees, and made school mandatory for 7 years. Most controversially, it rolled back the Church's position in schools: teachers no longer needed a certificate of morality from their priest to be employed, and were no longer obliged to teach religious education. The law of 1912 was the subject of bitter arguments between the Left Bloc (socialists and liberals) and the clerical Right.[12] While in the rest of Europe, universities were opening their doors to women, Luxembourg was a late-comer in this regard. The establishment of two Lycées for young girls in 1909 and 1911 revealed the government's preoccupation with denying girls access to the Latin section, which granted sole access to universities. It was not until after the First World War, when they received the right to vote, that the first women attended exams for academic awards.[11]: 46–47 The state and the middle-class liberals who ran the government steadfastly refused to allow the opening of non-state schools, as demanded by the Church. At the same time, they allowed the clergy a lot of influence in teaching. The liberal Deputy Robert Brasseur complained of a "clericalisation of education". Ar
] Reform around the turn of the 20th century The period both before and after the turn of the 20th century saw education reform. In the late 19th century, the political class became aware that the traditional system of education was not well-adapted to the needs of an industrial society. Economic developments had created new social and professional classes. A middle class of employees and civil servants emerged from the growth of state services and administration. Artisanship and trade were transformed by industrial and commercial progress. The government of Baron Félix de Blochausen (1874-1885) enacted a decisive reform of primary education when it introduced obligatory schooling over the opposition of conservative deputies. School absenteeism was particularly widespread in rural areas, where the children helped on the fields. The "loi Kirpach" of 10 April 1881 (named after Henri Kirpach, the Director-General for the Interior) made school attendance mandatory between the ages of 6 and 12.[12]: 44 This reform provoked bitter debates over the role of the state in society and the relations between church and state. The law also provided for a single system of public schools, and made it the state's duty to organise education. At the same time, however, the church remained involved, since the local parish priest was an ex officio member of the local commune's school commission, and the schoolteacher was under his supervision.[12]: 44–45 Through a far-reaching reform of the education system, the government of Paul Eyschen (1888-1915) attempted to respond to the changes in society. Eyschen was an advocate of the idea of specialisation of schools: the Athénée de Luxembourg for those intending to later pursue university studies, an industrial school for those destined for a technical occupation, an agriculture school for farmers' sons, and a craftwork school for the sons of craftsmen. Particular attention was given to vocational education.[12] The law of 1892 split off the industrial and commercial school from the Athénée and added to it a commercial section. In 1908, it moved to Limpertsberg, to later become the Lycée des Garçons de Luxembourg. The law of 1896 created an artisanal school. These efforts were accompanied by an increase in students attending secondary school under the Eyschen government: 875 in 1879-1880 compared to 2500 in 1919-1920.[12] In 1891, the Soeurs de la Doctrine Chrétienne had responded to the government's invitation by opening a domestic agricultural school for young girls. In the latter half of the 19th century, Echternach and Diekirch had each received a so-called "pro-gymnasium", which operated under the supervision of the headteacher of the Athénée. Later, these too became autonomous institutions, and the Athénée lost its tight grip on secondary and higher education in Luxembourg.[10] Eyschen's government also tackled primary education through the Education Law of 1912. This abolished school fees, and made school mandatory for 7 years. Most controversially, it rolled back the Church's position in schools: teachers no longer needed a certificate of morality from their priest to be employed, and were no longer obliged to teach religious education. The law of 1912 was the subject of bitter arguments between the Left Bloc (socialists and liberals) and the clerical Right.[12] While in the rest of Europe, universities were opening their doors to women, Luxembourg was a late-comer in this regard. The establishment of two Lycées for young girls in 1909 and 1911 revealed the government's preoccupation with denying girls access to the Latin section, which granted sole access to universities. It was not until after the First World War, when they received the right to vote, that the first women attended exams for academic awards.[11]: 46–47 The state and the middle-class liberals who ran the government steadfastly refused to allow the opening of non-state schools, as demanded by the Church. At the same time, they allowed the clergy a lot of influence in teaching. The liberal Deputy Robert Brasseur complained of a "clericalisation of education". Ar
ound 20% of the secondary school professors were clerics, and this did not include the lay members of the Jesuits (Jésuites en courte robe) alleged by Brasseur. Students in the cours supérieurs were obliged to participate in religious processions, and to attend Mass and confession every Sunday and Thursday. Some criticised the philosophy lessons, firmly in the hands of the philosopher-preachers, as being a "theology course in disguise." In 1903 the Athénée's director tried to forbid students from attending a conference on the subject of the formation of the world, given by a Brussels professor. To some, it appeared that maintaining the cours supérieurs was a means of keeping a check on the students' ideology, whereas those who studied abroad might pick up foreign, radical ideas.[11] Catholic university Until 1881, the Church still had plans for establishing a Catholic university in Luxembourg. In 1867, the General Assembly of Catholic Associations in Germany was looking for a location for a new free Catholic university—that is to say, one run by the Church. Luxembourgish priests campaigned for this to be in Luxembourg, emphasising the benefits this would bring to the country, and the government pledged its help, but the Chamber of Deputies was opposed. In any case, the new university was established in Fribourg in Switzerland instead. In 1881, Luxembourgish priests attempted to establish a university run by the Jesuits, who had been expelled from France. Neighbouring countries, however, were against the Jesuits setting up in the Grand Duchy, and the project was abandoned.[11] 1968 reforms The Werner-Cravatte government (1964-1969) once again saw an urgent need to reform the education system, due to economic and social changes. The government attempted to respond by diversifying the types of Lycées in existence. 1965 saw the creation of middle schools (écoles moyennes): these were intended to cater to young people not quite suited for a university education, in order to prepare them for mid-level careers in the administration or the private sector, and to take the weight off the over-crowded Lycées. May 1968 also saw unrest in Luxembourg: the students of the cours supérieurs went on strike, demanding a reform of higher education and the awarding of academic degrees.[12] The Werner-Cravatte government drafted a law which would not, however, come to a vote until the next government was in office.[12] The Werner-Cravatte Ministry did introduce changes in the secondary education system: it aligned girls' education—previously in separate Lycées—with that of boys, and introduced co-education. Secondary education (as opposed to technical secondary education) was unified: two streams could be chosen, "classical" with Latin, and "modern", without Latin. For the upper school years, four sections were introduced.[10] It was under the second Werner-Schaus ministry that the system of academic awards dating back to 1848 was finally abolished, fulfilling the demands of the 1968 students. The law of 18 June 1969 stipulated that instead, degrees from other countries would be certified in Luxembourg.[12] In 1970, the cours supérieurs were integrated into the new "Centre universitaire de Luxembourg". The Werner-Flesch government (1980-1984) introduced a move that harmonised public and private secondary schools: the law of 31 May 1982 provided for state subsidies for private schools, in return for allowing the state to supervise their curricula and their teachers' qualifications.[12]: 202 The initial idea of creating a Luxembourgish university was raised in a debate in the Chamber in 1993. In 2000, the government introduced a white paper on the matter. The law creating a University of Luxembourg was approved by the Chamber on 17 July 2003. The Juncker-Polfer government also introduced further changes in secondary education. Tests conducted for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranked Luxembourgish students 30th out of 32 countries. The government therefore launched a "back to basics" programme.[12]: 239 The conservative-socialist government from 20
ed. What’s so special about Kramer besides this? While there are a number of companies out there that include elementary instructions with their visual effects creation tools, only Kramer and Co. go the extra mile and provide dozens of video tutorials that are of key interest to the website’s core audience: aspiring visual effects artists and those who simply love eye candy. Many common (and hotly requested) motion graphics techniques are available for the benefit of all. In teaching many others how to do these “tricks of the trade” and receiving thousands of comments in praise in return, Kramer, through his exceptional knowledge-sharing, has propagated his style and encouraged others to adapt and improve on it. And should you want to make your own Fringe-like location titles, Kramer’s got a “3D Shadows” video tutorial for that too. In the beginning – of Photoshop, that is – there were the Knoll brothers. There was also Russell Brown, a wild-eyed maverick whose name you can find alongside the Knolls on the early “About” dialog boxes. Brown would help Adobe acquire Photoshop, then champion it for over 20 years to come. That’s endurance nearly unheard of in the rapidly shifting technology field! You can presently find him hosting wacky, inimitable tutorials on Adobe TV that teach you how to improve your Photoshop Fu. Insanely great design is one thing. But great marketing is another, and marketing isn’t just about selling ad space: it’s about empowering your users with the skills to use your product or service with confidence, so that they get more value out of it and, in turn, share it with friends. Guy Kawasaki popularized it as “evangelism.” Before Internet viral marketing was all the rage, Brown realized this and went on the road (as he still does) promoting the good of Photoshop as if it were some blessed enabler of creative vision. Which it is. How right he is, and we can learn a lot about inspirational design at its highest levels from him. More than ever before, multimedia experiences are at the forefront of our senses. Visual style informs sonic riffing: thus, it’s suitable that the last person I’m going to look at is not a visual designer, but an accomplished musician (among other things). The film itself, divided into two volumes, is a buffet of multicultural cinematic samplings and sound design, drawing on a broad range of influences; it draws admiration from those who “get” the references and motivates others to look up what they’re all about. Suitably, the film’s soundtrack is diverse. Surprisingly yet expectedly, Tomoyasu Hotei’s guitar-blazing “Battle Without Honor or Humanity” scored the trailer, which was parodied many times over (including a sly allusion during the princess fight sequence in Shrek 3). Hotei is one of the world’s best-selling guitarists, and his performances have encouraged many a Japanese youth to pick up an ax to grind. “Battle” itself has several lesser-known variations, featured on Hotei’s Electric Samurai album, which are full of dynamic changes and slick sound effects alongside the meaty beats. And what of those beats? Well, in the most popular version of “Battle,” the drums are none other than a sampled loop from Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks,” which has also been used to bombastic effect in Enigma’s “Return to Innocence,” among many other songs. I think this was meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but ultimately it all comes down to delving into the artistic atmosphere around you, choosing what appeals to you most, and uniquely improvising on it for your oeuvre. I believe the best artists create both what is copied and stolen, traveling ahead without equal, inspiring many in their wake. What will you take away from these stories? I hope they’ll help fuel the next directions you take and make. And if you’ve got a story of great inspiration, share it without hesitation in the comments! At least 400,000 Malaysians work in Singapore. This number could possibly be higher these days given this figure was from 2012. A majority of these workers are blue-collared. Thousands of them brave the congested checkpoints daily just to earn a living
ed. What’s so special about Kramer besides this? While there are a number of companies out there that include elementary instructions with their visual effects creation tools, only Kramer and Co. go the extra mile and provide dozens of video tutorials that are of key interest to the website’s core audience: aspiring visual effects artists and those who simply love eye candy. Many common (and hotly requested) motion graphics techniques are available for the benefit of all. In teaching many others how to do these “tricks of the trade” and receiving thousands of comments in praise in return, Kramer, through his exceptional knowledge-sharing, has propagated his style and encouraged others to adapt and improve on it. And should you want to make your own Fringe-like location titles, Kramer’s got a “3D Shadows” video tutorial for that too. In the beginning – of Photoshop, that is – there were the Knoll brothers. There was also Russell Brown, a wild-eyed maverick whose name you can find alongside the Knolls on the early “About” dialog boxes. Brown would help Adobe acquire Photoshop, then champion it for over 20 years to come. That’s endurance nearly unheard of in the rapidly shifting technology field! You can presently find him hosting wacky, inimitable tutorials on Adobe TV that teach you how to improve your Photoshop Fu. Insanely great design is one thing. But great marketing is another, and marketing isn’t just about selling ad space: it’s about empowering your users with the skills to use your product or service with confidence, so that they get more value out of it and, in turn, share it with friends. Guy Kawasaki popularized it as “evangelism.” Before Internet viral marketing was all the rage, Brown realized this and went on the road (as he still does) promoting the good of Photoshop as if it were some blessed enabler of creative vision. Which it is. How right he is, and we can learn a lot about inspirational design at its highest levels from him. More than ever before, multimedia experiences are at the forefront of our senses. Visual style informs sonic riffing: thus, it’s suitable that the last person I’m going to look at is not a visual designer, but an accomplished musician (among other things). The film itself, divided into two volumes, is a buffet of multicultural cinematic samplings and sound design, drawing on a broad range of influences; it draws admiration from those who “get” the references and motivates others to look up what they’re all about. Suitably, the film’s soundtrack is diverse. Surprisingly yet expectedly, Tomoyasu Hotei’s guitar-blazing “Battle Without Honor or Humanity” scored the trailer, which was parodied many times over (including a sly allusion during the princess fight sequence in Shrek 3). Hotei is one of the world’s best-selling guitarists, and his performances have encouraged many a Japanese youth to pick up an ax to grind. “Battle” itself has several lesser-known variations, featured on Hotei’s Electric Samurai album, which are full of dynamic changes and slick sound effects alongside the meaty beats. And what of those beats? Well, in the most popular version of “Battle,” the drums are none other than a sampled loop from Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks,” which has also been used to bombastic effect in Enigma’s “Return to Innocence,” among many other songs. I think this was meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but ultimately it all comes down to delving into the artistic atmosphere around you, choosing what appeals to you most, and uniquely improvising on it for your oeuvre. I believe the best artists create both what is copied and stolen, traveling ahead without equal, inspiring many in their wake. What will you take away from these stories? I hope they’ll help fuel the next directions you take and make. And if you’ve got a story of great inspiration, share it without hesitation in the comments! At least 400,000 Malaysians work in Singapore. This number could possibly be higher these days given this figure was from 2012. A majority of these workers are blue-collared. Thousands of them brave the congested checkpoints daily just to earn a living
in Singapore. Many take up jobs offering salaries Singaporeans shun. And many are faceless. One such Malaysian is Ah Hao (pictured above), who has worked in Singapore for almost three decades. He said many Malaysians are motivated to work in Singapore because the salary is better. He has worked as a shipyard worker in Jurong for the past 27 years, but was retrenched in February 2017. After job hunting around Jurong East, he found work as a shop assistant for a store selling cheap goods. He was paid S$6 an hour. “Like many other fellow Malaysians, especially those from Johor Bahru, I came to work in Singapore for the sake of three meals,” Ah Hao said as a matter-of-fact. “I came because of 1 to 3,” Ah Hao explained in Mandarin that the draw of working in Singapore is the S$1 to RM$3 exchange rate. “Like many other Malaysians, we need to earn enough in order to get a housing loan from the banks. With a salary of around RM$2,000, it is difficult to get approval to buy apartments in JB worth RM$300,000 to RM$400,000,” Ah Hao added. “So what is the price we have to pay? It is our health,” Ah Hao lamented, citing lack of sleep and exhaustion as the consequences he faces. Ah Hao said the daily commute from Malaysia to Singapore and back takes a total of five to six hours, depending on the traffic. Starting his day at 5am, he has to travel from his house to the JB Checkpoint. After crossing the border, he has to pass through the Woodlands Checkpoint and then take a bus and train to work in Jurong East. His current job starts at 9.30am and ends at 9.30pm and he gets about 5 hours of sleep daily. This is a luxury compared to his previous job as a shipyard worker where he had to leave home at 2am to make it in time for work at 7am in the shipyard. The 48-year-old said he just slept a meagre three hours a day for those 27 years. He revealed that the work itself is not the most tiring part, but it is the long daily commute which is the most exhausting. Ah Hao said he is not alone. His story is a common one among many fellow Malaysians. He recounted an incident where a 42-year-old friend from JB dropped dead one day before he could even finish his dinner, apparently out of pure fatigue accumulated over the years. Other casualties he has heard of are the frequent motorcycle accidents that occur when Malaysians make the arduous journey back and forth between the two countries. Some of the casualties are young. They get involved in crashes when the road conditions become slippery during and after downpours. This situation has driven some motorcycle riders to resort to sleeping on the grass patches around the Woodlands Checkpoint. Ah Hao used to do that in his younger days but now he catches up on his sleep on buses and trains. His wife used to work in Singapore too, he said, and she had to get up at 3.30am. But she has since stopped to look after their three kids. Personal safety is another concern, especially for women who leave home in the wee hours of the morning and return home late at night. “One might get robbed or raped”, he said. Malaysians increasingly are opting not to rent a place in Singapore. “The situation has become less financially sustainable over the last few years”, Ah Hao said, judging by his own insights gained from his long experience of working in Singapore. “When I was here in the 1990s, there were almost no Chinese nationals, Burmese, Filipinos, Bangladeshis or Indian workers. After the PRCs (Chinese nationals) started arriving in droves from the year 2000 onwards, many Malaysians left due to the increase in room rental rates. The Boon Lay area used to be full of Malaysians, now there are not many,” Ah Hao reminisces. About 15 to 20 years ago, it was possible to rent a room for two for S$350. Now it costs around S$250
™ © 2021 Sedition Ltd Error occured We have been notified about the error and we will deal with the issue as soon as possible. RE “I don’t want to be in this house” 7 Home / 2017 / January / 24 / RE “I don’t want to be in this house” 7 From the moment I started the game, after all the cut scenes, I felt like this would be pretty immersive. The back woods look amazing. The opening cut scene didn’t really look that hot and I was hoping they did a better job on the environment and they did. While it’s not quite 60fps, you are still given pretty amazing graphics, by RE-engine standards. One thing that stood out is that the actual game looks better than the demo, which is rare. In RE7 you play as Ethan whose wife, Mia, disappeared 3 years ago and magically sent an email saying where she was with a picture of herself and other papers, so as Ethan you go to the swamp to a house that was mentioned in the email and begin to look for your wife. Besides the characters we are introduced to in the demo, the character design and detail could have been a lot better. However, the environment detail surely makes up for it. The controls are very similar to the demo with almost no changes. The touch pad is used to bring up the map and the objectives, like “run from everything”. Hand gun controls are kind of annoying and almost absent like they did this on purpose, while other weapons feel better. Slow creeping of music and combination of very detailed movement with natural sound makes it an auditory game as well. I always hype about having a good surround sound but this time around I so suggest if you haven’t made an investment in surround sound, games like RE7 are practically made for it. Story / Mechanics Story is slow and the explanations of things are straight lined. However, it’s all in good old fashion RE 1 like surroundings and creepy over tones. The game does a good job of pulling you in and keeping you in the constant struggles of “do I go in there or not” while knowing you have to progress further through the story. Like in very earlier RE games you have a single point of saving, a tape recorder. Which if you remember the first Resident Evil it was a typewriter. Dark is Dark inside RE7, even with brightness kind of high you can still see pitch black corners and hallways. Don’t rely on the demo to get you through the first part of RE7, while many things are the same, details are very different and you will find things in different places. I’ll personally recommend playing on Normal Difficulty, Madhouse Difficulty will defiantly combine RE7 with Dark Souls. Healing after taking lots of damage does come about in a silly Far Cry way but doesn’t really take from the overall experience. Lighting and tessellation are greater than expected. The lighting, once in the confines of the house, becomes apparent. The tessellation is spotted early on as you are under the guest house for a brief moment (you don’t know how hard it is to write about it without giving anything away). With that said, RE7 makes you feel uncomfortable walking around for long amounts of time without anything happening then when something does happen you feel like the game is really giving you a break. If you’re looking for jump scares you may find some but I’m not that much of a jump scare person, so I can admit there was just one moment that did make me jump and that is worth $60 to me personally. While the gun control is bad and I stated it before, the fact I couldn’t zoom in on all items kind of sucks. I wanted to know more of the lore and what happen in this house, I was hoping to get some information from the items other than Ethan’s perspective. The House of Horrors RE7 looks to be a good setting for a good horror game that really doesn’t play like other RE games and if you are going into this as a RE game, don’t; it’s too different to be pinned against the rest of the sister games. It is survival horror in its most basic form and the execution of the horror/thriller is good but not great while it does make you uneasy, here and there, there are still areas in which it could improve on it. I would love to see another installment based off of this design. In the end, for now, without considering DLC or other factors, RE
™ © 2021 Sedition Ltd Error occured We have been notified about the error and we will deal with the issue as soon as possible. RE “I don’t want to be in this house” 7 Home / 2017 / January / 24 / RE “I don’t want to be in this house” 7 From the moment I started the game, after all the cut scenes, I felt like this would be pretty immersive. The back woods look amazing. The opening cut scene didn’t really look that hot and I was hoping they did a better job on the environment and they did. While it’s not quite 60fps, you are still given pretty amazing graphics, by RE-engine standards. One thing that stood out is that the actual game looks better than the demo, which is rare. In RE7 you play as Ethan whose wife, Mia, disappeared 3 years ago and magically sent an email saying where she was with a picture of herself and other papers, so as Ethan you go to the swamp to a house that was mentioned in the email and begin to look for your wife. Besides the characters we are introduced to in the demo, the character design and detail could have been a lot better. However, the environment detail surely makes up for it. The controls are very similar to the demo with almost no changes. The touch pad is used to bring up the map and the objectives, like “run from everything”. Hand gun controls are kind of annoying and almost absent like they did this on purpose, while other weapons feel better. Slow creeping of music and combination of very detailed movement with natural sound makes it an auditory game as well. I always hype about having a good surround sound but this time around I so suggest if you haven’t made an investment in surround sound, games like RE7 are practically made for it. Story / Mechanics Story is slow and the explanations of things are straight lined. However, it’s all in good old fashion RE 1 like surroundings and creepy over tones. The game does a good job of pulling you in and keeping you in the constant struggles of “do I go in there or not” while knowing you have to progress further through the story. Like in very earlier RE games you have a single point of saving, a tape recorder. Which if you remember the first Resident Evil it was a typewriter. Dark is Dark inside RE7, even with brightness kind of high you can still see pitch black corners and hallways. Don’t rely on the demo to get you through the first part of RE7, while many things are the same, details are very different and you will find things in different places. I’ll personally recommend playing on Normal Difficulty, Madhouse Difficulty will defiantly combine RE7 with Dark Souls. Healing after taking lots of damage does come about in a silly Far Cry way but doesn’t really take from the overall experience. Lighting and tessellation are greater than expected. The lighting, once in the confines of the house, becomes apparent. The tessellation is spotted early on as you are under the guest house for a brief moment (you don’t know how hard it is to write about it without giving anything away). With that said, RE7 makes you feel uncomfortable walking around for long amounts of time without anything happening then when something does happen you feel like the game is really giving you a break. If you’re looking for jump scares you may find some but I’m not that much of a jump scare person, so I can admit there was just one moment that did make me jump and that is worth $60 to me personally. While the gun control is bad and I stated it before, the fact I couldn’t zoom in on all items kind of sucks. I wanted to know more of the lore and what happen in this house, I was hoping to get some information from the items other than Ethan’s perspective. The House of Horrors RE7 looks to be a good setting for a good horror game that really doesn’t play like other RE games and if you are going into this as a RE game, don’t; it’s too different to be pinned against the rest of the sister games. It is survival horror in its most basic form and the execution of the horror/thriller is good but not great while it does make you uneasy, here and there, there are still areas in which it could improve on it. I would love to see another installment based off of this design. In the end, for now, without considering DLC or other factors, RE
7 gets a C+. About the author: Ben Guyton Owner/Founder|Fantasy Driver Software PREY: Welcome to TALOS-1 Review Horizon: Zero Dawn Review Final Fantasy 10 + 7 + 8 + 13 = 15 Watch Dogs 2 | Everything Is Rooted Battlefield 1. A beautiful representation of a horrible time. 133 comments to “RE “I don’t want to be in this house” 7” You can leave a reply or Trackback this post. 검증사이트 - January 12, 2021 at 1:12 pm Reply Your web site offered us with useful info to work on. You’ve performed an impressive task and our entire neighborhood can be thankful to you. My site … 검증사이트 CBD oil UK - January 7, 2021 at 11:41 pm Reply Cannabidiol or CBD oil is an outstanding little plant that has actually been made use of in Africa for centuries. It is the most powerful cannabis yet has extremely little THC, which is the compound that is discovered in cannabis. This fantastic little plant has actually gained a great deal of popularity over the past couple of years and also is now gaining more areas as people are beginning to realize its recovery buildings. There are no recognized negative effects from using this oil and also there are only a few minor negative things that may take place if you take it by mouth like if you have high blood pressure or abscess. If you want to take CBD oil, you should know that it is taken into consideration a Set up II medicine, which means that you need a prescription for it. my homepage; CBD oil UK best CBD oil in UK - January 7, 2021 at 6:35 pm Reply CBD or Cannabidiol is a really interesting medication since it is completely untapped and also the oil is removed from another plant that does not contribute to worldwide warming in all! It has been located to be really efficient in treating many kinds of conditions such as joint inflammation, clinical depression, anxiousness, queasiness, epilepsy, impotence and also a lot more. The oil is stemmed from the cannabis plant as well as has been used for several years in the United States, in Mexico, in Canada, in Russia and lots of European nations. Here is my website best CBD oil in UK Comment pages Last edited by Nilrajas 1 edition of Brandeis reader found in the catalog. Brandeis reader the life and contributions of Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis 6 Want to read Published 1956 by Oceana in New York . A collection of writings by and about Brandeis. Statement edited with commentary by Ervin H. Pollack. Series Docket series -- Vol.7 Contributions Brandeis, Louis D., Pollack, Ervin H. For a book that is in many ways a ghost story, Brandeis removes the magical, fabled elements and makes the reader focus on the real-life consequences of violence committed against girls’ bodies. This focus removes the power we see in the Countess as her purpose becomes to show the reader that violence can come from anywhere and anyone. Brandeis Athletics Brandeis. blind musician. Trial of modernity The vision of Ray legal practiotioners and bar council act, 1973 Sixty million jobs Carving the native American face Numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for the first order phase-locked loop Trial prep for the new advocate The role of medicine and medical theories in the rise and fall of witch hunts in England treatise on a practical method of training choristers. state and the doctor Techniques of scoring for resistance to diseases of maize in India laws and regulations governing school pupil transportation in Kansas. Engineering a Cathedral Brandeis reader Download PDF EPUB FB2 "A most timely re-presentation that captures the full range and richness of Brandeis's writings in his own compelling words."--James MacGregor Burns, author of The American Experiment and Government by the People "Philippa Strum puts her considerable skills
I was going to excerpt a quote, but the letter is so powerful and important, I just want to encourage you to read it in its entirety instead. Response to AAUP report on Title IX from Faculty Against Rape April 15, 2016 noetika Faculty Against Rape has drafted a response to the AAUP’s draft report on Title IX to submit by the end of the comment period tomorrow, and they are accepting signatures from academics in support of the letter. The full letter is here, and the form to add your name is here. Here’s a passage from the introduction: As members of Faculty Against Rape (FAR), a group of more than 300 faculty and civil rights activists from across the U.S., we write to express grave concerns regarding the American Association of University Professor’s (AAUP) draft report on Title IX. We started FAR in the summer of 2014 as an ad-hoc volunteer collective whose mission is to get more faculty involved in preventing sexual assault and sexual harassment and improving campus responses. FAR is also committed to protecting faculty who experience retaliation for doing so. Over the past two years, FAR has provided resources for faculty to learn how to best support survivors, tools for faculty who want to get more involved in reform efforts, and support for faculty who face retaliation. Collectively, our members have supported literally hundreds of survivors at campuses across the country. Many of them have endured significant retaliation from university administrations who want to protect the university brand, even at the cost of the safety and well-being of students. We have seen the crisis of campus sexual violence, and the nature of Title IX enforcement as practiced, often inadequately, across campuses in the United States, first-hand. Our experiences, as members of educational communities involved in these issues on the ground, have made evident that Title IX enforcement at institutions of higher education is, indeed, a matter of pressing concern. However, if the AAUP seeks to adequately understand, and competently comment on this issue, it must take care to, at the very least, attend to the body of existing expert scholarship— including scholarship by some of its own members— on this topic. As it stands, we are troubled by much of the framing, content, unrepresentative nature of, and failures of accuracy within, the draft report. The overall impression given by the report is that the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights is ‘overreaching’ in its mandated mission of providing guidance to universities and ‘abusing’ Title IX; this, despite the fact that there is broad underreporting of campus sexual assault by universities. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) analyzed DOE data and found that 91% of colleges did not report any rapes in 2014, leading the AAUW to exclaim that “The data reported by the nation’s colleges simply defy reality and common sense,” given that they “don’t reflect campus climate surveys and academic research.” While we would ordinarily join with the AAUP in resisting the corporatization of institutions of higher learning, we are deeply concerned that the AAUP’s analysis of this issue as it pertains to Title IX, by pitting student concerns for campus safety against faculty interests, reinforces the symptoms instead of addresses the problem. Students and faculty alike are rightfully alarmed by universities and colleges placing the protection of their reputation before the integrity of their campus communities — but these concerns ought to unite, rather than divide us. The AAUP is right to remind us that administrative overreach into the classroom may be driven by a misguided focus on public relations, but we should also acknowledge that it is this very feature of the contemporary university that victims of campus sexual misconduct have been decrying as they witness justice, safety, and prevention sacrificed time and again for the sake of the bottom line. What’s Wrong with the AAUP’s Report on Title IX: Preponderance of the Evidence Standard Redux March 31, 2016 April 1, 2016 philodaria14 Comments I posted a couple of days ago about some of the problems with the AAUP’s recent report on Title IX. I think there are others, but for considerations of space, just mentioned two: one of which was the AAUP’s resistance to the preponderance of the evidence standard, the other was the AA
I was going to excerpt a quote, but the letter is so powerful and important, I just want to encourage you to read it in its entirety instead. Response to AAUP report on Title IX from Faculty Against Rape April 15, 2016 noetika Faculty Against Rape has drafted a response to the AAUP’s draft report on Title IX to submit by the end of the comment period tomorrow, and they are accepting signatures from academics in support of the letter. The full letter is here, and the form to add your name is here. Here’s a passage from the introduction: As members of Faculty Against Rape (FAR), a group of more than 300 faculty and civil rights activists from across the U.S., we write to express grave concerns regarding the American Association of University Professor’s (AAUP) draft report on Title IX. We started FAR in the summer of 2014 as an ad-hoc volunteer collective whose mission is to get more faculty involved in preventing sexual assault and sexual harassment and improving campus responses. FAR is also committed to protecting faculty who experience retaliation for doing so. Over the past two years, FAR has provided resources for faculty to learn how to best support survivors, tools for faculty who want to get more involved in reform efforts, and support for faculty who face retaliation. Collectively, our members have supported literally hundreds of survivors at campuses across the country. Many of them have endured significant retaliation from university administrations who want to protect the university brand, even at the cost of the safety and well-being of students. We have seen the crisis of campus sexual violence, and the nature of Title IX enforcement as practiced, often inadequately, across campuses in the United States, first-hand. Our experiences, as members of educational communities involved in these issues on the ground, have made evident that Title IX enforcement at institutions of higher education is, indeed, a matter of pressing concern. However, if the AAUP seeks to adequately understand, and competently comment on this issue, it must take care to, at the very least, attend to the body of existing expert scholarship— including scholarship by some of its own members— on this topic. As it stands, we are troubled by much of the framing, content, unrepresentative nature of, and failures of accuracy within, the draft report. The overall impression given by the report is that the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights is ‘overreaching’ in its mandated mission of providing guidance to universities and ‘abusing’ Title IX; this, despite the fact that there is broad underreporting of campus sexual assault by universities. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) analyzed DOE data and found that 91% of colleges did not report any rapes in 2014, leading the AAUW to exclaim that “The data reported by the nation’s colleges simply defy reality and common sense,” given that they “don’t reflect campus climate surveys and academic research.” While we would ordinarily join with the AAUP in resisting the corporatization of institutions of higher learning, we are deeply concerned that the AAUP’s analysis of this issue as it pertains to Title IX, by pitting student concerns for campus safety against faculty interests, reinforces the symptoms instead of addresses the problem. Students and faculty alike are rightfully alarmed by universities and colleges placing the protection of their reputation before the integrity of their campus communities — but these concerns ought to unite, rather than divide us. The AAUP is right to remind us that administrative overreach into the classroom may be driven by a misguided focus on public relations, but we should also acknowledge that it is this very feature of the contemporary university that victims of campus sexual misconduct have been decrying as they witness justice, safety, and prevention sacrificed time and again for the sake of the bottom line. What’s Wrong with the AAUP’s Report on Title IX: Preponderance of the Evidence Standard Redux March 31, 2016 April 1, 2016 philodaria14 Comments I posted a couple of days ago about some of the problems with the AAUP’s recent report on Title IX. I think there are others, but for considerations of space, just mentioned two: one of which was the AAUP’s resistance to the preponderance of the evidence standard, the other was the AA
UP’s confusion regarding the increase and manner of OCR investigations. At some point, I think it would be valuable to discuss some of those other issues (I’ll draw on a couple of points from this letter from the National Women’s Law Center below, but I encourage you to read it in full as it pertains to some of the other issues in the report as well), but first, more on the justification for the preponderance standard. Brian Leiter wrote a reply to my post, taking issue with this passage: But, more to the point, if Title IX complaints were held to a higher standard than a preponderance of the evidence when other civil rights claims are adjudicated by exactly that standard, then it would follow that complainants would be held to a higher standard, i.e., disadvantaged, on the basis of sex, i.e., they would be subject to sexual discrimination. I cited Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education in the explanation of my thinking, and in an update on his post, Leiter writes, “that retaliation for reporting sex discrimination is actionable sex discrimination for purposes of Title IX does nothing to establish that a higher standard of proof to prevail on a sex discrimination claim is sex discrimination.” Leiter is right that, in itself, that retaliation in the context of Title IX constitutes sex discrimination says nothing about standards of proof, but I didn’t say that it did. What I did say is that I think the courts’ reasoning in the course of determining whether or not retaliation constitutes discrimination – i.e., how the court defined what it is for something to constitute “discrimination on the basis of sex” – does. Here’s that language again (emphasis mine): In all of these cases, we relied on the text of Title IX, which, subject to a list of narrow exceptions not at issue here, broadly prohibits a funding recipient from subjecting any person to “discrimination” “on the basis of sex.” 20 U. S. C. ß1681. Retaliation against a person because that person has complained of sex discrimination is another form of intentional sex discrimination encompassed by Title IX’s private cause of action. Retaliation is, by definition, an intentional act. It is a form of “discrimination” because the complainant is being subjected to differential treatment. See generally Olmstead v. L. C., 527 U. S. 581, 614 (1999) (KENNEDY, J., concurring in judgment) (the “normal definition of discrimination” is “differential treatment”); see also Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. v. EEOC, 462 U. S. 669, 682, n. 22 (1983) (discrimination means “less favorable” treatment). Moreover, retaliation is discrimination “on the basis of sex because” it is an intentional response to the nature of the complaint: an allegation of sex discrimination. . . The import of the Jackson language quoted is not that the retaliation was a response to the person (Roderick Jackson) but to the claim (in Jackson’s case, a series of complaints about unequal treatment that he felt were prohibited by Title IX). It can be analogized to campus responses to sexual assault cases in the following way: when a victim makes a complaint that s/he was sexually assaulted, under Title IX that is a claim of sex discrimination, because sexual assault is a severe form of sexual harassment, and sexual harassment has been confirmed by SCOTUS to be a form of sex discrimination. Therefore, if the school responds to that claim using a process that requires a higher standard of proof than the standard of proof that the school uses for other claims, ones that do not implicate Title IX and do not allege sex discrimination, that is, in the words of the Court in Jackson, “differential treatment.” So if a student made a complaint that s/he was the victim of harassment based on his/her race, the school would be required under Title VI to use a preponderance of the evidence standard. If the school were still using “clear and convincing evidence” for sexual assault cases, this would mean that claims of sex discrimination (severe sexual harassment in the form of sexual assault) would be treated differently, and less
25. Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout’s mom gets a starring role in his spot, Memorabilia, in which we see that her home in Millville, NJ, is filled with such items as his 2014 Hank Aaron Award , a neon sign that reads Trout-Standing, his life-size Fathead poster, fan mail from around the world and a plethora of jerseys, which, says his mom, she plans to turn into a quilt. It’s still new to me, but I’ve got the skill set for it, said Redmond of the safety position. He takes coaching well and you can definitely see improvement, I would say not only from day-to-day, but in some cases from play-to-play. Ezequiel Barco Source: MLS 2020 NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL SCHEDULE • Nov. There also will be additional national exposure as the Garden is hosting the NBA All-Star Game this February. The NBA has already decided to move the All-Star Game and related custom jerseys back a week beginning in 2012 in anticipation of the NFL expanding from a 16- to an 18-game schedule, which in turn would potentially move the Super Bowl back from the first Sunday in February to the third. Lionel Messi $104 million $72 million 432 million Soccer 4. Double header comparison oct 27 featuring the cavaliers QUIET Russell 19 chris wondolowski 20 jonathan dos santos Programme · NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Thursday, 16 February - Sunday, 19 February 2023 · ONSITE Following the global call for an ecological turn in art, architecture, and design, NTU CCA Ideas Fest FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain. presents projects that engage, investigate, and aim to ensure food security on a healthy planet. NTU CCA IdeasFest is a platform to catalyse critical exchange of ideas and encourage thinking “out of the box”. It links the artistic and academic communities with grassroots and self-organised initiatives and small-scale entrepreneurship. Following the global call for an ecological turn in art, architecture, and design, NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Sustain. Secure. presents projects that engage, investigate, and aim to ensure food security on a healthy planet. The vitality of food poses a wide-ranging set of questions and problems when confronted with nature’s diminishing capacity to nourish life as a result of harmful anthropocentric activity. Such challenges demand that we rethink our modes of production and consumption. This third edition of IdeasFest draws relational links to improve the understanding of sustainable food systems and their urgencies, opening a pathway towards actionable steps to ensure food security. Current food practices are threatening both people and planet; more nourishing and sustainable ways of eating and producing need to be developed. This need to transform our societies towards socio-ecological sustainability is clear, but many proposals lack the concrete economic and political scaffolding necessary to make their implementation feasible. The global food system encompasses all economic sectors, and understanding its components is essential for developing and executing effective measures to strengthen its sustainability. IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain. looks into how various technologies affect (traditional) food practices and culinary techniques, and which of these are valued. Food security hinges on sustainable food systems which are based on subsystems, including farming, waste management, and supply infrastructures, which in turn interact with trade, energy, and health systems. These interconnected systems influence our planet, our global way of life and our everyday existence. Food production should be done in a way that is not wasteful and can be continued into the future without being detrimental to human and non-human health. Focusing on social interactions that connect academic research with artistic and cultural fields as well as with architecture and design applications, this edition draws a direct relation between human societies and their impact on
25. Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout’s mom gets a starring role in his spot, Memorabilia, in which we see that her home in Millville, NJ, is filled with such items as his 2014 Hank Aaron Award , a neon sign that reads Trout-Standing, his life-size Fathead poster, fan mail from around the world and a plethora of jerseys, which, says his mom, she plans to turn into a quilt. It’s still new to me, but I’ve got the skill set for it, said Redmond of the safety position. He takes coaching well and you can definitely see improvement, I would say not only from day-to-day, but in some cases from play-to-play. Ezequiel Barco Source: MLS 2020 NBC SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL SCHEDULE • Nov. There also will be additional national exposure as the Garden is hosting the NBA All-Star Game this February. The NBA has already decided to move the All-Star Game and related custom jerseys back a week beginning in 2012 in anticipation of the NFL expanding from a 16- to an 18-game schedule, which in turn would potentially move the Super Bowl back from the first Sunday in February to the third. Lionel Messi $104 million $72 million 432 million Soccer 4. Double header comparison oct 27 featuring the cavaliers QUIET Russell 19 chris wondolowski 20 jonathan dos santos Programme · NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Thursday, 16 February - Sunday, 19 February 2023 · ONSITE Following the global call for an ecological turn in art, architecture, and design, NTU CCA Ideas Fest FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain. presents projects that engage, investigate, and aim to ensure food security on a healthy planet. NTU CCA IdeasFest is a platform to catalyse critical exchange of ideas and encourage thinking “out of the box”. It links the artistic and academic communities with grassroots and self-organised initiatives and small-scale entrepreneurship. Following the global call for an ecological turn in art, architecture, and design, NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Sustain. Secure. presents projects that engage, investigate, and aim to ensure food security on a healthy planet. The vitality of food poses a wide-ranging set of questions and problems when confronted with nature’s diminishing capacity to nourish life as a result of harmful anthropocentric activity. Such challenges demand that we rethink our modes of production and consumption. This third edition of IdeasFest draws relational links to improve the understanding of sustainable food systems and their urgencies, opening a pathway towards actionable steps to ensure food security. Current food practices are threatening both people and planet; more nourishing and sustainable ways of eating and producing need to be developed. This need to transform our societies towards socio-ecological sustainability is clear, but many proposals lack the concrete economic and political scaffolding necessary to make their implementation feasible. The global food system encompasses all economic sectors, and understanding its components is essential for developing and executing effective measures to strengthen its sustainability. IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain. looks into how various technologies affect (traditional) food practices and culinary techniques, and which of these are valued. Food security hinges on sustainable food systems which are based on subsystems, including farming, waste management, and supply infrastructures, which in turn interact with trade, energy, and health systems. These interconnected systems influence our planet, our global way of life and our everyday existence. Food production should be done in a way that is not wasteful and can be continued into the future without being detrimental to human and non-human health. Focusing on social interactions that connect academic research with artistic and cultural fields as well as with architecture and design applications, this edition draws a direct relation between human societies and their impact on
the environment. It presents environmentally friendly ways of living, exploring regional crafts, reusing, repairing und upcycling. While scientific evidence on climate change and food scarcity is widely discussed, to materialise future-proof food communities, it requires socially robust and impactful proposals that create a relay between local perspectives and knowledge generated in academia. To address food related issues and the climate crisis in a continued dialogue is necessary, as there is a risk that the gravity and urgency of this crisis will not be fully comprehended. As a platform to feature new initiatives, NTU CCA Ideas Fest FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain is an invitation to share and engage in cooperative projects and collective experiences through workshops, site visits, screenings, performances, public installations, participatory projects, and a summit. This diverse programme will be enriched by presentations of start-up initiatives and public dialogues on how to support Singapore’s aspiration to meet 30% of its nutritional requirements domestically by 2030 collectively and individually. A two-day Ideas Conference will bring together a prominent group of architects, theorists, researchers, curators, designers, and community groups to discuss further ideas on sustainability, circular economy, food security, creative learning, and the potential of cultural heritage such as crafts and sustainable urbanism to envision a responsible future city. Ideas Fest 2023 FOOD Eat. Sustain. Secure., conceived in partnership with Singapore-ETH Centre Future Cities Laboratory Global, contemplates on sustainable food systems, climate awareness and solutions for a more sustainable future. Curated by Prof. Ute Meta Bauer (NTU CCA and NTU ADM), Magdalena Magiera (NTU CCA), Assoc. Prof. Laura Miotto (NTU ADM), Prof. Thomas Schroepfer (ETH FCL and SUTD), Dr. Tanvi Maheshwari (Associate Director for Research, Future Cities Laboratory Global) Registration and tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite Book Reviews / DC Comics Wonder Woman:Earth One – Volume 2 – Somehow Worse Than The First November 9, 2018 Stitch4 Comments Note: This review contains descriptions and images of things from this book that include (but are not limited to): Nazis, sexual assault, the whole MRA and negging plots Morrison writes and Paquette illustrates, and all the misogyny that really has no place in a Wonder Woman Book If you thought that two years would lead Wonder Woman: Earth One creators Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette to figure out that maybe their approach to a reimagined version of Wonder Woman in the previous volume wasn’t acceptable and was in fact frankly misogynistic, well… you’d be wrong. I talked about all of the issues in the previous volume two years ago (including a comment where I described Paquette as having a “Greg Land-esque art style, incredibly sexualized”), but there’s literally no sign of growth or an awareness of what feminism actually is in the second volume of DC’s Wonder Woman: Earth One series. It isn’t that there are zero men that can work on Wonder Woman well and in a way that aligns with the evolving concepts of feminism in our world. I can name a bunch of guys , some of whom have already worked on Wondy’s books, that get that women aren’t a “one-size fits all” being to be smushed into a shaky and single-minded idea of what feminism is and what feminists are like. It’s that for all that Morrison and Paquette probably even call themselves feminists on some level and like some women, their work on Wonder Woman tends to an uncomfortable set of repeated issues with women, female characters, and intersectional issues. DC has women working for them. They did even when they were first tossing around the idea of introducing Wonder Woman to the Earth One line of comics. And they chose no women. No women on a comic for the most famous female character this side of the world. Not on the writing (Grant Morrison, again). Or the art and cover (Yanick Paquette, again). Or the colors (Nathan Fairbairn). Or the letters (Todd Klein). How is that possible? How is it possible to go backwards
epidemic of gun violence. Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposes $32 billion in additional funding to fight crime, including $20.6 billion in discretionary funding for federal law enforcement and state and local law enforcement and crime prevention programs, an increase of 11 percent over FY22 enacted ($18.6 billion) and 18 percent over FY21 enacted ($17.5 billion). “With more than 300 mass shootings in the United States so far this year, and gun violence now the leading cause of death of children in America, it is clear that we are in a public health epidemic,” Maloney stated. On May 26, following the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, the committee sent letters to gun manufacturers Daniel Defense, LLC, Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., and other manufacturers. The letters requested information on the sale and marketing of AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles and similar firearms, including revenue and profit information, internal data on deaths or injuries caused by weapons they manufacture, and marketing and promotional materials. On June 8, 2022, the committee held a hearing with survivors and affected family members from the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York. On July 7, following the Independence Day shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, Maloney sent letters to the CEOs of several gun manufacturers requesting their appearance at a committee hearing on gun violence. “Our hearing will examine the role of gun manufacturers in flooding our communities with weapons of war and fueling America’s gun violence crisis,” Maloney continued. “It is long past time for the gun industry to be held accountable for the carnage they enable and profit from.” The committee will livestream the hearing on YouTube and the Committee on Oversight and Reform website. Independent journalism needs YOUR support to survive and thrive. Help us achieve our mission of creating a more informed world by making a one-time or recurring donation today. Tagged: biden administration, Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, Gun Violence, NNPA, President Joe Biden, Stacy M. Brown NNPA The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), known as the Black Press of America, is the federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers in the United States. More by NNPA Adulthood Stages of Development Are Becoming Less Linear | Well+Good How the Pandemic Changed What ‘Adulthood’ Looks Like Kara Jillian Brown Photo: Getty Images / Dean Mitchell / W+G Creative At Well+Good, we spend our days talking to and learning from the most interesting people in wellness—experts, thought-leaders, and celebrities. Now, we’re inviting you to join the conversation. Welcome to the Well+Good podcast, your guide to finding the habits and practices that fit your frequency. Read More When most kids grow up and leave home, the goal is typically to make it on their own and never live with their parents again. If they move out of town, that may mean only seeing their family for a week or so at a time. But when the pandemic hit, moving back in with their parents became a way for many younger adults to find stability. "For the first time—and this was true before the pandemic, but it has only increased because of it—living at home with your parents is the most-common way of living for people ages 18 to 34," says Kayleen Schaefer, journalist and author of Text Me When You Get Home ($16) and But You're Still So Young ($23). "That didn't use to be true; it used to be with a romantic partner, but not so anymore. And these people are all doing different things, and yet it does seem like we're in this together because we have this new opportunity to structure our adulthoods how we really want to—not based on the traditional adulthood model that's been around since the 1950s." Conventionally, adulthood stages of development involve finishing school, leaving the house, becoming financially independent, getting married, and having children. But over the decades, what adulthood looks like has
epidemic of gun violence. Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposes $32 billion in additional funding to fight crime, including $20.6 billion in discretionary funding for federal law enforcement and state and local law enforcement and crime prevention programs, an increase of 11 percent over FY22 enacted ($18.6 billion) and 18 percent over FY21 enacted ($17.5 billion). “With more than 300 mass shootings in the United States so far this year, and gun violence now the leading cause of death of children in America, it is clear that we are in a public health epidemic,” Maloney stated. On May 26, following the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, the committee sent letters to gun manufacturers Daniel Defense, LLC, Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., and other manufacturers. The letters requested information on the sale and marketing of AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles and similar firearms, including revenue and profit information, internal data on deaths or injuries caused by weapons they manufacture, and marketing and promotional materials. On June 8, 2022, the committee held a hearing with survivors and affected family members from the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York. On July 7, following the Independence Day shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, Maloney sent letters to the CEOs of several gun manufacturers requesting their appearance at a committee hearing on gun violence. “Our hearing will examine the role of gun manufacturers in flooding our communities with weapons of war and fueling America’s gun violence crisis,” Maloney continued. “It is long past time for the gun industry to be held accountable for the carnage they enable and profit from.” The committee will livestream the hearing on YouTube and the Committee on Oversight and Reform website. Independent journalism needs YOUR support to survive and thrive. Help us achieve our mission of creating a more informed world by making a one-time or recurring donation today. Tagged: biden administration, Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, Gun Violence, NNPA, President Joe Biden, Stacy M. Brown NNPA The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), known as the Black Press of America, is the federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers in the United States. More by NNPA Adulthood Stages of Development Are Becoming Less Linear | Well+Good How the Pandemic Changed What ‘Adulthood’ Looks Like Kara Jillian Brown Photo: Getty Images / Dean Mitchell / W+G Creative At Well+Good, we spend our days talking to and learning from the most interesting people in wellness—experts, thought-leaders, and celebrities. Now, we’re inviting you to join the conversation. Welcome to the Well+Good podcast, your guide to finding the habits and practices that fit your frequency. Read More When most kids grow up and leave home, the goal is typically to make it on their own and never live with their parents again. If they move out of town, that may mean only seeing their family for a week or so at a time. But when the pandemic hit, moving back in with their parents became a way for many younger adults to find stability. "For the first time—and this was true before the pandemic, but it has only increased because of it—living at home with your parents is the most-common way of living for people ages 18 to 34," says Kayleen Schaefer, journalist and author of Text Me When You Get Home ($16) and But You're Still So Young ($23). "That didn't use to be true; it used to be with a romantic partner, but not so anymore. And these people are all doing different things, and yet it does seem like we're in this together because we have this new opportunity to structure our adulthoods how we really want to—not based on the traditional adulthood model that's been around since the 1950s." Conventionally, adulthood stages of development involve finishing school, leaving the house, becoming financially independent, getting married, and having children. But over the decades, what adulthood looks like has
become much less linear. In the latest episode of The Well+Good Podcast, our senior producer Taylor Camille chats with her mother, Schaefer, and licensed marriage and family therapist Melissa Divaris Thompson, LMFT, about how the pandemic has seriously shifted what it means to be an adult. For those who have strong bonds with their parents, going home during this past wild year was something of an instinct. "You want some sense of certainty when there is so much uncertainty," says Thompson. For others, it was out of necessity due to layoffs and other changes in income. "Most people's parents aren't going to say, 'No, you can't move back in the middle of a pandemic,'" Thompson says, adding that this gave many an opportunity to build bonds with their folks that wouldn't have otherwise been possible. "You've worked through establishing new boundaries, and maybe you've gotten to get to know each other on a deeper level,” she says. “That, I think, is a silver lining of this pandemic." This extended time at home also gave adult children time to regroup if foundational parts of their lives fell apart. "Losing your plan makes you open to things that you never thought you would be open to, and that can be a really good thing," says Schaefer. "We all knew before the pandemic that life doesn't always go as planned, but there was a little bit more of sense of, 'I'm in control. I'm the one pulling the strings.' And then the pandemic happened, and it's just so clear how forceful and unexpected life can be. The pandemic just showed us how much more open we can be." This freedom to take a more personalized approach to adulthood has also come along with some restraints, though. "We are also coming out of a recession,” Schaefer notes. “Our wages aren't rising with the cost of living. Rent is high. The cost of homeownership is crazy high. The cost of health care, the cost of child care—it's all only going up." Whether you've already flown the nest or are still home, Schaefer notes that although times are hard right now, know that you are allowed to move at your own pace. And if that means a few more months in your childhood bedroom, then that's where you're supposed to be. "Do things on your own timeline," she urges. "It's okay to go backward and forward and sideways and upside down and whatever you need to do to make your life your own. Eventually, you're going to get to someplace that's really just yours." Listen above, and subscribe to The Well+Good Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Tags: Relationship Tips, Self-Care Tips, Well+Good Podcast Wildfires Lead to Evacuation of 88,000 in Alberta, Canada News ADRA, Canada, fire From ANN, May 7, 2016: Leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination in Canada are closely monitoring a wildfire in Ft. McMurray, Alberta, that caused the local government to declare a state of emergency and forced more than 80,000 residents to flee their homes. A mandatory evacuation order was issued on May 4 when wildfires spread across the Athabasca and Hanginstone rivers and engulfed several neighborhoods in flames. Between 18,000 and 22,000 residents who fled their homes traveled to Edmonton, the closest large city to the south of Ft. McMurray, while all others had to go north, with many staying in work camps. The fire has spread over 85,000 hectares, or over 330 miles, and has destroyed more than 50 percent of the city. The wildfires, fueled by dry conditions and wind, have doubled in size and changed directions. Reports say some communities have lost up to 80 percent of their homes. “Our thoughts and prayers are with all whose lives are impacted by the fires there,” says Mark Johnson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination in Canada. “We continue to monitor reports regarding the well-being of our Adventist families in the community.” The Edmonton South Seventh-day Adventist Church, along
led Chrysler to be overly conservative in their styling for the next 20 years. The "standard" styling on the lower-end Chryslers outsold the Airflow by 3 to 1. Its appearance was similar to the unrelated Tatra 77 which also appeared in the mid-1930s with a similar reaction to styling. 1939 C24 4-door, 7-seater limousine Chrysler Saratoga Chrysler Royal 323.5 cu in (5.3 L) Chrysler Flathead engine 130 hp (1937)[14] 140 hp(1941–1942[4]) 3-speed synchromesh manual[4] Fluid Drive 1937 204.75 in (5,201 mm) (Imperial) 223.25 in (5,671 mm) (Imperial Custom)[4] 3,450–3,835 lb (1,565–1,740 kg)(1938)[4] Innovations for 1937 included built-in defroster vents, safety-type interior hardware (such as flexible door handles and recessed controls on the dash[15]), seat-back padding, and fully insulated engine mounts. Brakes were 13-inch drums, then in 1939 they expanded to 14 inches,[16] but shrunk to 12-inch drums in 1940.[17] Front suspension was independent.[16] There were three Imperial models in this generation. The C-14 was the standard eight and looked much like the Chrysler Royal C-18 with a longer hood and cowl. The C-15 was the Imperial Custom and the Town Sedan Limousine, with blind rear quarter panels. This model was available by special order. The third model, C-17, was the designation for the Airflow model. They had a concealed crank for raising the windshield and the hood was hinged at the cowl and opened from the front; side hood panels were released by catches on the inside. An Imperial Custom convertible sedan was used as an official car at the Indy 500. The car pictured is J.G. Martin's (retired airline mechanic) 1939 C-24 7-passenger limousine, believed by him and his son Tim to be the only 1939 production 7-passenger limo still on the road. Following an assassination attempt in 1937, an armoured Chrysler Imperial was purchased as the official car for António de Oliveira Salazar, the Prime Minister of Portugal.[18] 1937 Chrysler Imperial Custom town car 1939 Chrysler Imperial Custom phaeton Fifth Generation 1948 Crown Imperial Limousine Chrysler Windsor 323.5CID L-head 135 hp I8[19] Fluid Drive[20] 145.5 in (3,696 mm)[21] 1940 225.25 in (5,721 mm)[17] 235 in (5,969 mm)[21] 77.8 in (1,976 mm)[21] In 1940 the Imperial line was reduced to Crown Imperial eight-seat sedans and divided eight-seat limousines, with the new Chrysler New Yorker taking the top model position among the standard-length models. The standard Imperial line was temporarily discontinued.[20] Two bodystyles were produced, an eight-passenger four-door sedan and an eight-passenger four-door limousine. The two vehicles had a US$100 price difference and a 10 lb (5 kg) weight difference. Hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers were in the front and rear.[22] Two-speed electric windshield wipers were standard.[21] As with all U.S.-built automobiles, production was suspended early in the 1942 model year due to World War II production demands, and did not resume until the 1946 model year. The "Im
led Chrysler to be overly conservative in their styling for the next 20 years. The "standard" styling on the lower-end Chryslers outsold the Airflow by 3 to 1. Its appearance was similar to the unrelated Tatra 77 which also appeared in the mid-1930s with a similar reaction to styling. 1939 C24 4-door, 7-seater limousine Chrysler Saratoga Chrysler Royal 323.5 cu in (5.3 L) Chrysler Flathead engine 130 hp (1937)[14] 140 hp(1941–1942[4]) 3-speed synchromesh manual[4] Fluid Drive 1937 204.75 in (5,201 mm) (Imperial) 223.25 in (5,671 mm) (Imperial Custom)[4] 3,450–3,835 lb (1,565–1,740 kg)(1938)[4] Innovations for 1937 included built-in defroster vents, safety-type interior hardware (such as flexible door handles and recessed controls on the dash[15]), seat-back padding, and fully insulated engine mounts. Brakes were 13-inch drums, then in 1939 they expanded to 14 inches,[16] but shrunk to 12-inch drums in 1940.[17] Front suspension was independent.[16] There were three Imperial models in this generation. The C-14 was the standard eight and looked much like the Chrysler Royal C-18 with a longer hood and cowl. The C-15 was the Imperial Custom and the Town Sedan Limousine, with blind rear quarter panels. This model was available by special order. The third model, C-17, was the designation for the Airflow model. They had a concealed crank for raising the windshield and the hood was hinged at the cowl and opened from the front; side hood panels were released by catches on the inside. An Imperial Custom convertible sedan was used as an official car at the Indy 500. The car pictured is J.G. Martin's (retired airline mechanic) 1939 C-24 7-passenger limousine, believed by him and his son Tim to be the only 1939 production 7-passenger limo still on the road. Following an assassination attempt in 1937, an armoured Chrysler Imperial was purchased as the official car for António de Oliveira Salazar, the Prime Minister of Portugal.[18] 1937 Chrysler Imperial Custom town car 1939 Chrysler Imperial Custom phaeton Fifth Generation 1948 Crown Imperial Limousine Chrysler Windsor 323.5CID L-head 135 hp I8[19] Fluid Drive[20] 145.5 in (3,696 mm)[21] 1940 225.25 in (5,721 mm)[17] 235 in (5,969 mm)[21] 77.8 in (1,976 mm)[21] In 1940 the Imperial line was reduced to Crown Imperial eight-seat sedans and divided eight-seat limousines, with the new Chrysler New Yorker taking the top model position among the standard-length models. The standard Imperial line was temporarily discontinued.[20] Two bodystyles were produced, an eight-passenger four-door sedan and an eight-passenger four-door limousine. The two vehicles had a US$100 price difference and a 10 lb (5 kg) weight difference. Hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers were in the front and rear.[22] Two-speed electric windshield wipers were standard.[21] As with all U.S.-built automobiles, production was suspended early in the 1942 model year due to World War II production demands, and did not resume until the 1946 model year. The "Im
perial" name was introduced on top-level Cadillac-built limousines, starting in 1941. Sixth Generation 1951 Imperial Convertible Detroit, Michigan, United States[23] K.T. Keller 2-door Club coupe 2-door hardtop 2-door Newport hardtop 2-door convertible 4-door Imperial Custom limousine 4-door Imperial Crown sedan 4-door Imperial Crown limousine[23] FR layout[23] Chrysler Imperial Parade Phaeton Chrysler Town and Country DeSoto Custom 324 cu in (5.3 L) Chrysler I8[23] 331 cu in (5.4 L) Hemihead V8[23][24][25] 4-speed Presto-Matic semiautomatic[23] 2-speed PowerFlite automatic[23] 131.5 in (3,340 mm)[23][26] 1953–54 4-door: 133.5 in (3,391 mm) Imperial Crown : 144.5 in (3,670 mm)[23] Imperial and Imperial Custom: 1949: 210.0 in (5,334 mm)[23] 1952: 212.6 in (5,400 mm) 1953 4-door: 219.0 in (5,563 mm)[23] 1953 2-door: 217.0 in (5,512 mm) 1954 4-door: 223.8 in (5,685 mm)[23][27] Imperial Crown : 1951–52: 229.5 in (5,829 mm) 1949–52: 75.8 in (1,925 mm)[26] 1953: 76.8 in (1,951 mm) Imperial Crown: 1949–52: 80.9 in (2,055 mm) 4-door: 63.0 in (1,600 mm) Imperial Crown: 68.8 in (1,748 mm) 4,400–5,700 lb (1,996–2,585 kg) 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom limousine 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom coupe 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom coupe interior 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom coupe rear 1953 Chrysler Imperial Custom coupe Airtemp air conditioning vents Three Imperial bodystyles were produced in 1949. The short-wheelbase Imperial was only available as a four-door six-passenger sedan. The 4-door 8-passenger Crown Imperial was available as a sedan, or as a limousine with a division window. The new custom-built Imperial sedan was based on the Chrysler New Yorker. It shared the same trim, but had a canvas-covered roof and leather and broadcloth Imperial upholstery. These features were installed by Derham, on the all new postwar Chrysler sheetmetal. Early 1949 Imperial Crowns were actually leftover 1948s. The really new models didn't arrive until March 1949. Their styling was sleeker than previous models, yet conservative. Fewer, but heavier bars were used in the cross-hatched grille. The upper and center horizontal pieces wrapped around the front fenders. Rocker panel moldings, rear fender stoneguards, full length lower-window trim, and horizontal chrome strips on the rear fenders, and from the headlights to about halfway across the front doors, were used to decorate the side body.[23] The 1950 Crosley Hot Shot is often given credit for the first production disc brakes but the Chrysler Imperial Crown actually had them first as standard equipment at the beginning of the 1949 model year. The Crosley disc was a Goodyear development,
014, with the staff and cast of the previous anime seasons returning. The BD/DVD consisted of two discs, the second containing a clip of the "Sound Theatre x Natsume Yuujinchou ~ Tsudoi Ongeki no Shou~" musical event which was held the previous year on September 28, 2013. A fifth season, titled Natsume Yūjin-chō Go (夏目友人帳 伍, Natsume's Book of Friends Five), was announced in the Monthly LaLa magazine's May 2016 issue and began airing on October 4, 2016. Shuka produced the anime, while the main staff from the previous seasons returned for the sequel. The opening theme was "Takarabako" (タカラバコ?) by Sasanomaly and the ending theme was "Akane Sasu" (茜さす?) by Aimer. A sixth season, titled Natsume Yūjin-chō Roku (夏目友人帳 陸, Natsume's Book of Friends Six), was announced at the end of the fifth season's final episode. It is scheduled to premiere in April 2017. Separate soundtrack albums for the two seasons were released in Japan by Sony Music on September 24, 2008 and March 18, 2009, respectively. The series opening and closing theme songs were also released by Sony Music. As singles, "Issei no Sei" reached a peak rank of 48th on the Oricon singles chart, "Natsu Yūzora" reached 27th, and "Ano Hi Time Machine" reached 38th. "Aishiteru" was not released as a single, but instead included on an album called Uta no Hibi by Kourin (Also known as Callin'). The series is streamed online by Crunchyroll; episodes of the second season were available online on the day of broadcast. NIS America has licensed the series for retail release in North America. It is also licensed in Chinese by Muse Communication. Natsume's Book of Friends was one of twelve finalists for the first Manga Taishō award in 2008. Since the fifth volume of the series, the individual volumes have made the best-seller list for manga in Japan. Volume 5 was ranked at number 8 on the charts for the week of March 4–10, 2008; Volume 6 was number 5 for the week of July 8–14, 2008; Volume 13 has done the best so far of the volumes, staying on the chart for three consecutive weeks (number 2 for the week of January 2–8, 2012, number 4 for the week of January 9–15, 2012, then falling to number 19 the following week). Natsume's Book of Friends Wikipedia Similar TopicsBungo Stray Dogs Hotarubi no Mori e College Student Starts Up Coyol Sap Business to Rescue Traditions By César Arroyo - [email protected] Josimar se encarga de atender clientes, barrer la finca, recoger coyol treinta veces al día y manejar las redes sociales de El Sitio de Don Pedro. It’s noon in Corralillo, Nicoya. The sun is scorching. Josimar walks among palm trees with long spines lying on the ground. He takes the wood cap off one of the palm trees. He sets aside the large leaves that cover the puddle of sap to protect it from the rain and brushes away the ants that had lined up. “People don’t drink it like they used to,” he says with nostalgia for an era that he didn’t live in. “Now it’s consumed more for tourism than for tradition.” Josimar’s hands are full of cuts. With a small pale he tosses the first spoonful of foam on the ground and, little by little, he fills a bucket with coyol sap. Once he’s done, he puts the leaves and wood cap back and continues to the next palm. He must repeat this four times today for each one of the six palm tree trunks that he still has left to do. The last spine of the day will hurt him
014, with the staff and cast of the previous anime seasons returning. The BD/DVD consisted of two discs, the second containing a clip of the "Sound Theatre x Natsume Yuujinchou ~ Tsudoi Ongeki no Shou~" musical event which was held the previous year on September 28, 2013. A fifth season, titled Natsume Yūjin-chō Go (夏目友人帳 伍, Natsume's Book of Friends Five), was announced in the Monthly LaLa magazine's May 2016 issue and began airing on October 4, 2016. Shuka produced the anime, while the main staff from the previous seasons returned for the sequel. The opening theme was "Takarabako" (タカラバコ?) by Sasanomaly and the ending theme was "Akane Sasu" (茜さす?) by Aimer. A sixth season, titled Natsume Yūjin-chō Roku (夏目友人帳 陸, Natsume's Book of Friends Six), was announced at the end of the fifth season's final episode. It is scheduled to premiere in April 2017. Separate soundtrack albums for the two seasons were released in Japan by Sony Music on September 24, 2008 and March 18, 2009, respectively. The series opening and closing theme songs were also released by Sony Music. As singles, "Issei no Sei" reached a peak rank of 48th on the Oricon singles chart, "Natsu Yūzora" reached 27th, and "Ano Hi Time Machine" reached 38th. "Aishiteru" was not released as a single, but instead included on an album called Uta no Hibi by Kourin (Also known as Callin'). The series is streamed online by Crunchyroll; episodes of the second season were available online on the day of broadcast. NIS America has licensed the series for retail release in North America. It is also licensed in Chinese by Muse Communication. Natsume's Book of Friends was one of twelve finalists for the first Manga Taishō award in 2008. Since the fifth volume of the series, the individual volumes have made the best-seller list for manga in Japan. Volume 5 was ranked at number 8 on the charts for the week of March 4–10, 2008; Volume 6 was number 5 for the week of July 8–14, 2008; Volume 13 has done the best so far of the volumes, staying on the chart for three consecutive weeks (number 2 for the week of January 2–8, 2012, number 4 for the week of January 9–15, 2012, then falling to number 19 the following week). Natsume's Book of Friends Wikipedia Similar TopicsBungo Stray Dogs Hotarubi no Mori e College Student Starts Up Coyol Sap Business to Rescue Traditions By César Arroyo - [email protected] Josimar se encarga de atender clientes, barrer la finca, recoger coyol treinta veces al día y manejar las redes sociales de El Sitio de Don Pedro. It’s noon in Corralillo, Nicoya. The sun is scorching. Josimar walks among palm trees with long spines lying on the ground. He takes the wood cap off one of the palm trees. He sets aside the large leaves that cover the puddle of sap to protect it from the rain and brushes away the ants that had lined up. “People don’t drink it like they used to,” he says with nostalgia for an era that he didn’t live in. “Now it’s consumed more for tourism than for tradition.” Josimar’s hands are full of cuts. With a small pale he tosses the first spoonful of foam on the ground and, little by little, he fills a bucket with coyol sap. Once he’s done, he puts the leaves and wood cap back and continues to the next palm. He must repeat this four times today for each one of the six palm tree trunks that he still has left to do. The last spine of the day will hurt him
at midnight. [video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-7Xau6C3lQ&feature=youtu.be width:500 align:center autoplay:0] It’s been three years since he and his parents started operating El Sitio de Don Pedro, an idea he got in high school that gained steam and became the small startup where a large part of his family works. Josimar Fonseca, 21, studies business management at the University of Costa Rica and is the mastermind behind the project, and in charge of walking across the spiny palms at least 30 times a day to collect the sap. It’s his daily routine at least until break is over. When he goes back to the university, his uncle will relieve him and perform his duties. From a Notebook to Reality The farm is located about 50 meters away from the main crossing at Corralillo, a gravel intersection in the middle of the sprawling Guanacastecan plains. “Let’s go to the shade,” Josimar says as he starts to tell his story and escape the sun at the same time. 25 coyol trees produce sap the whole summer in El Sitio de Don Pedro. Each tree produces for approximately one month. Everyday, when he would leave classes at the Corralillo Technical Professional High School he would start to write the business plan for the project at home. He showed it to his parents, Rafael —a retired professor— and Anayanci —special education professor— in order to correct the details. “It was a group contest that I decided to do alone,” he said. “I wanted to work on it at my own pace because when others don’t share your same interests they aren’t going to put as much effort into it.” Even though it was a fictitious contest, he started to write the plan in a way that could make it a reality. He remembers that all his classmates giving him incredulous looks when they didn’t see him in the first three places. Since he knew it was the one that had the best chance to be executed, he appealed the points and classified for the regional final. “That was where I told my parents that I was going to launch the business,” he said “A few days later I told them that I had already ordered the hens and the coyol trees and they got scared, the got really scared.” He started offering spiced chicken door to door and inviting people from Corralillo to Nicoya to see El Sitio. By the following summer, he had already learned what he needed in order to go it alone and the business had grown enough to get his family involved. His plan was to integrate the community little by little into the project. If large groups come, he asks neighbors to make doughnuts so he can offer them to visitors. The Sleeplessness of the Vineyard Josimar explains the coyol’s properties using University of Costa Rica’s studies. While he fills one of the 25 bottles that he fills per day, he talks about the best times of day to cut palm trees, something he learned in a book called School for Everyone. He assures that you have to drink a lot to experience the legendary coyol drunkenness. He doesn’t say it because of experience, but when he was starting the project he drank the the first batch that the coyol trees produced and he suffered the consequences. “The excess of sodium made me vomit and I spent the whole night sweating,” he says “The one who always tries it to see if it’s good is my dad.” It’s not an easy job. He remembers that there was a time of “really good trees” that produced a lot and you had to collect the sap at two o’clock in the morning. “I was really tired and I went to sleep at seven at night,” he said. “I didn’t collect the sap at nine nor at 12. When I got up, at seven in the morning, I saw the puddle under the trees.” A family of howler monkeys crosses the terrain over the crowns of the trees, howling. Under the shade, Josimar sweeps the leaves from the ground and tends to a group of men that try the milky drink with utter tranquility. Or he works on something until 4pm, the time of the next collection. Eli Feinzaig: More coops, universities and companies to manage EBAIS clinics and hospitals Jose Maria
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র কর্মবিরতি ফেসবুক লাইকপেজ অবলোকন তারিখ অনুযায়ী খুঁজুন তারিখ অনুযায়ী খুঁজুন Jan 20 (14) Jan 19 (16) Jan 18 (12) Jan 17 (9) Jan 16 (18) Jan 15 (17) Jan 14 (17) Jan 13 (15) Jan 12 (10) Jan 11 (22) Jan 10 (10) Jan 09 (13) Jan 08 (9) Jan 07 (25) Jan 06 (12) Jan 05 (17) Jan 04 (21) Jan 03 (5) Jan 02 (14) Jan 01 (19) Dec 31 (14) Dec 30 (17) Dec 29 (10) Dec 28 (7) Dec 27 (7) Dec 26 (9) Dec 25 (14) Dec 24 (19) Dec 23 (14) Dec 22 (18) Dec 21 (18) Dec 20 (8) Dec 19 (23) Dec 18 (13) Dec 17 (17) Dec 16 (16) Dec 15 (12) Dec 14 (25) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (28) Dec 11 (14) Dec 10 (18) Dec 09 (28) Dec 08 (10) Dec 07 (13) Dec 06 (5) Dec 05 (27) Dec 04 (20) Dec 03 (12) Dec 02 (19) Dec 01 (18) Nov 30 (16) Nov 29 (6) Nov 28 (35) Nov 27 (9) Nov 26 (19) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (8) Nov 23 (20) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (19) Nov 20 (21) Nov 19 (31) Nov 18 (12) Nov 17 (19) Nov 16 (2) Nov 15 (1) Nov 14 (21) Nov 13 (15) Nov 12 (11) Nov 11 (20) Nov 10 (9) Nov 09 (12) Nov 08 (8) Nov 07 (24) Nov 06 (3) Nov 05 (10) Nov 04 (22) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (17) Nov 01 (2) Oct 31 (23) Oct 30 (15) Oct 29 (17) Oct 28 (16) Oct 27 (15) Oct 26 (23) Oct 25 (8) Oct 24 (21) Oct 23 (4) Oct 22 (4) Oct 21 (18) Oct 20 (5) Oct 19 (17) Oct 18 (12) Oct 17 (2) Oct 16 (15) Oct 15 (3) Oct 14 (12) Oct 13 (22) Oct 12 (17) Oct 11 (2) Oct 10 (13) Oct 09 (8) Oct 08 (9) Oct 07 (15) Oct 06 (15) Oct 05 (13) Oct 04 (6) Oct 03 (16) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (14) Sep 30 (16) Sep 29 (12) Sep 28 (16) Sep 27 (2) Sep 26 (18) Sep 25 (7) Sep 24 (20) Sep
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lot of action,” Rosengren told CNBC. Others were critical as well. Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank, slammed the rate cut as an “unwise decision,” arguing that “The Fed’s decision today is like in the days when doctors bled their patients to heal them.” He added that, in his view, the Fed “manufactur[ed] reasons to cut interest rates despite a strong economy with no recession signs apparent anywhere out on the horizon.” The decrease was the first since 2008, when the Fed hacked rates down to almost zero percent in the midst of massive economic fallout caused by the US subprime mortgage crisis. Fall in Asian markets reflects pessimism over US-China trade deal July 31, 2019 Asia, China, Countries, Financial News, North America, Politics, Regions, Regulation News, South East Asia, USANo Comments Negotiations between Washington and Beijing over a trade deal may be ongoing, but that doesn’t mean people are optimistic about the potential for a settlement, as evinced by the fall in Asian markets during early trading Wednesday. The decline came in the wake of a Twitter rampage from US President Donald Trump—who has been less than consistent (one might say erratic) on this issue—in which he lit into China for not importing more agricultural products from the US and took credit for the Asian country’s allegedly failing economy. “China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 – was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now – no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don’t come through. Our Economy has become MUCH larger than the Chinese Economy is last 3 years,” he wrote. Continuing he wrote: “My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit.” And in conclusion: “China has lost 5 million jobs and two million manufacturing jobs due to the Trump Tariffs. Trumps [sic] got China back on its heels, and the United States is doing great.” Trump did not provide any sources to back up the stated figures, but then I probably didn’t have to tell you that. MarketWatch summed up the immediate fallout, reporting that “Japan’s Nikkei slid 1% and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index fell 1.3%. The Shanghai Composite retreated 0.8% while the smaller-cap Shenzhen Composite lost 0.5%. South Korea’s Kospi fell 1% as North Korea tested more short-range ballistic missiles, and benchmark indexes in Taiwan, Singapore and Indonesia all fell. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 slipped 0.2%.” Individual stocks were also down. MarketWatch reports that, in addition to Trump’s unpredictability, an ongoing trade dispute between South Korea and Japan is roiling markets. Said dispute stems from Tokyo’s decision to deny South Korea a special trade status known as “white country.” Alarming percentage of food delivery drivers eat from orders July 31, 2019 Asia, Australia, Countries, FMCG, North America, Oceania, Regions, Regulation News, Social Issues, Technology News, USANo Comments Think twice next time you’re about to tip the man or woman delivering food to your house. According to a recent survey conducted by US Foods, nearly 30 percent of delivery drivers have swiped something from a customer’s food order. The survey interviewed some 500 delivery drivers who worked for various apps (including UberEats, GrubHub and DoorDash). Twenty-eight percent of those drivers confessed to having taken food from a customer’s order prior to delivering it, while more than half (54 percent) admitted to thinking about doing so. From the report: “We’re sorry to report that sometimes, impulse gets the best of deliverers, and they violate their sacred duty by taking some of the food!” As you might expect, customers (1,500 of whom were polled by US Foods as part of the same study) are less than thrilled by the idea of a delivery driver lifting a bit of their meal. US Foods asked customers to to rate, on a scale of 1 to 10
lot of action,” Rosengren told CNBC. Others were critical as well. Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank, slammed the rate cut as an “unwise decision,” arguing that “The Fed’s decision today is like in the days when doctors bled their patients to heal them.” He added that, in his view, the Fed “manufactur[ed] reasons to cut interest rates despite a strong economy with no recession signs apparent anywhere out on the horizon.” The decrease was the first since 2008, when the Fed hacked rates down to almost zero percent in the midst of massive economic fallout caused by the US subprime mortgage crisis. Fall in Asian markets reflects pessimism over US-China trade deal July 31, 2019 Asia, China, Countries, Financial News, North America, Politics, Regions, Regulation News, South East Asia, USANo Comments Negotiations between Washington and Beijing over a trade deal may be ongoing, but that doesn’t mean people are optimistic about the potential for a settlement, as evinced by the fall in Asian markets during early trading Wednesday. The decline came in the wake of a Twitter rampage from US President Donald Trump—who has been less than consistent (one might say erratic) on this issue—in which he lit into China for not importing more agricultural products from the US and took credit for the Asian country’s allegedly failing economy. “China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 – was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now – no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don’t come through. Our Economy has become MUCH larger than the Chinese Economy is last 3 years,” he wrote. Continuing he wrote: “My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit.” And in conclusion: “China has lost 5 million jobs and two million manufacturing jobs due to the Trump Tariffs. Trumps [sic] got China back on its heels, and the United States is doing great.” Trump did not provide any sources to back up the stated figures, but then I probably didn’t have to tell you that. MarketWatch summed up the immediate fallout, reporting that “Japan’s Nikkei slid 1% and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index fell 1.3%. The Shanghai Composite retreated 0.8% while the smaller-cap Shenzhen Composite lost 0.5%. South Korea’s Kospi fell 1% as North Korea tested more short-range ballistic missiles, and benchmark indexes in Taiwan, Singapore and Indonesia all fell. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 slipped 0.2%.” Individual stocks were also down. MarketWatch reports that, in addition to Trump’s unpredictability, an ongoing trade dispute between South Korea and Japan is roiling markets. Said dispute stems from Tokyo’s decision to deny South Korea a special trade status known as “white country.” Alarming percentage of food delivery drivers eat from orders July 31, 2019 Asia, Australia, Countries, FMCG, North America, Oceania, Regions, Regulation News, Social Issues, Technology News, USANo Comments Think twice next time you’re about to tip the man or woman delivering food to your house. According to a recent survey conducted by US Foods, nearly 30 percent of delivery drivers have swiped something from a customer’s food order. The survey interviewed some 500 delivery drivers who worked for various apps (including UberEats, GrubHub and DoorDash). Twenty-eight percent of those drivers confessed to having taken food from a customer’s order prior to delivering it, while more than half (54 percent) admitted to thinking about doing so. From the report: “We’re sorry to report that sometimes, impulse gets the best of deliverers, and they violate their sacred duty by taking some of the food!” As you might expect, customers (1,500 of whom were polled by US Foods as part of the same study) are less than thrilled by the idea of a delivery driver lifting a bit of their meal. US Foods asked customers to to rate, on a scale of 1 to 10
(1 meaning “no big deal” and 10 meaning “absolutely unacceptable”), how upset they would be to learn that such a thing occurred, and the average response was 8.4. No surprise there. Meanwhile, 85 percent of customers said they would like their order to come with a sticker or label which, if broken, would indicate that the delivery boy/girl had gotten hungry on the drive over. Taking food from an order is of course a violation of company policy: if caught, drivers are liable to be fired. On the flip side, drivers had some bones to pick as well. Sixty percent of those surveyed said they were “consistently irritated” by a lack of tips. MarketWatch reports: “On the customer side, 95% of those surveyed said they tipped their drivers, though 66% said service and delivery fees — which don’t go to the driver — affected how much they tip. $5 was the average tip for about one in three customers, but 57% of customers said they tipped less than that. Just 11% said they tipped an average of $6 or more.” Upon hearing this news, customers might be even less inclined to tip, further enraging delivery drivers and leading them to retaliate by, well, stealing some food. Sounds like a vicious cycle. Did Elon Musk just violate the terms of his SEC agreement? July 31, 2019 Financial News, Politics, Regulation News, Technology NewsNo Comments This past March, Tesla CEO Elon Musk dubbed 2019 “the year of the solar roof.” In June, during the company’s annual shareholder meeting, he announced that Tesla was installing its solar roof in eight US states. Then, just this week, Musk posted on Twitter that Tesla was aiming to produce around 1,000 solar roofs per week by the end of 2019. “Spooling up production line rapidly,” he wrote in response to an inquiry from one of his more than 27 million Twitter followers. “Hoping to manufacture ~1000 solar roofs/week by end of this year.” On its face the tweet seems unremarkable enough. However, as a number of news websites have pointed out, Musk recently signed an agreement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The agreement stipulates, among other things, that Musk obtain approval from one of his company’s securities lawyers prior to sharing any production numbers publicly that have not been shared before. The agreement came about after the SEC claimed he had violated a settlement regarding previous tweets that (apparently falsely) indicated Tesla was preparing to go private. The offending tweet that allegedly violated the settlement—and led to the recent SEC agreement—was posted in February and claimed that Tesla expected to make around half a million cars in 2019. “Tesla made 0 cars in 2011,” Musk wrote on 20 February, “but will make around 500k in 2019.” Now, in the wake of his solar roof tweet, people are questioning whether the SEC agreement has had the intended effect of reining in Musk’s behavior on social media. Tesla had not previously released any information about solar roof production numbers for 2019. Bloomberg reports that the subject was not addressed in its second-quarter investor letter; nor was it mentioned by executives on a follow-up earning call. According to the paper, Tesla personnel did not respond to questions about whether Musk got the required pre-approval, while SEC spokesperson Judy Burns declined to comment. (+92) 304 111 (DEAL) 3325 [email protected] 1st Floor, Hafiz Plaza, Main P.W.D. Road, O-9, Islamabad. Park View City University Town ISB Elanza Mall & Residency Whispering Pines Resort Royal Orchard Sahiwal PM Khan approves 30bn Subsidy for Naya Pakistan Project by Deal And Deals | Jul 13, 2020 | Real Estate Trends | 0 comments According to
attention to the front door and starts firing rounds towards the front of the business,” explained Arlington PD Lt. Chris Cook. “And that’s when the Good Samaritan was able to put more rounds on him and take him down.” When one man got his family outside, he went back inside to help. He says the gunman was down but still holding the gun and still breathing, so he grabbed a chair and beat him with it. "I covered myself with a table,” the man said. “When I looked that way, I didn’t see the guy. When I looked to the floor, he was laying right in front of the bar. I grabbed the chair when he was still moving and I made sure he wasn’t going to move no more.” The couple is still in shock and saddened that they couldn't help save Perez. “I start talking to him. ‘Stay alive. Breathe,’” the woman said. “I don’t know. I’ve never had CPR or anything like that, but I tried to talk to him to see if he could stay alive, but he didn’t.” Arlington police say they discovered Jones was carrying another fully loaded handgun and two knives. The restaurant has signs posted that allow licensed handgun owners to bring in a concealed weapon, and police say the good Samaritan was well within his rights to shoot Jones. Friends, family and coworkers gathered at the restaurant on Thursday for a vigil to commemorate him. The restaurant says they will remain closed until further notice out of respect for Perez. Earth's stable temperature past suggests other planets could also sustain life Anthony Watts / April 3, 2018 Theories about the early days of our planet’s history vary wildly. Some studies have painted the picture of a snowball Earth, when much of its surface was frozen. Other theories have included periods that would be inhospitably hot for most current lifeforms to survive. New research from the University of Washington suggests a milder youth for our planet. An analysis of temperature through early Earth’s history, published the week of April 2 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, supports more moderate average temperatures throughout the billions of years when life slowly emerged on Earth. “Ideas about the early Earth’s environment are all over the place, from a very hot world, to one locked in a permanent ice age, from a world with acidic oceans to one with seawater so alkaline it would sting your eyes,” said David Catling, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. “These simulations show that our early world had about the same average temperature as today, and a seawater pH within roughly one unit of neutral.” Previous research studies have put average temperatures during the Archean era, 4 to 2.5 billion years ago, as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius. Other estimates, based on different interpretations of the evidence, have placed average temperatures as high as 85 degrees Celsius, under which only heat-loving microbes that now exist in hot springs could survive. The study significantly narrows the possible temperature of the early Earth to 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. It also finds the ocean’s pH has remained fairly moderate, gradually increasing from a slightly acidic initial value of about 6.6, through the neutral value of 7.0, to today’s slightly alkaline seawater of about 8.1. CREDIT Joshua Krissansen-Totton/University of Washington The new results put the outer range of possible temperatures at 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F). “Our results show that Earth has had a moderate temperature through virtually all of its history, and that is attributable to weathering feedbacks — they do a good job at maintaining a habitable climate,” said first author Joshua Krissansen-Totton, a UW doctoral student in Earth and space sciences. To create their estimate, the researchers took the most recent understanding for how rocks, oceans, and air temperature interact, and put that into a computer simulation of Earth’s temperature over the past 4 billion years. Their calculations included the most recent information for how seafloor weathering occurs on geologic timescales, and under different conditions. Though we don’t think of wind and rain wearing away at the seafloor, the seabed is eroded as seaw
attention to the front door and starts firing rounds towards the front of the business,” explained Arlington PD Lt. Chris Cook. “And that’s when the Good Samaritan was able to put more rounds on him and take him down.” When one man got his family outside, he went back inside to help. He says the gunman was down but still holding the gun and still breathing, so he grabbed a chair and beat him with it. "I covered myself with a table,” the man said. “When I looked that way, I didn’t see the guy. When I looked to the floor, he was laying right in front of the bar. I grabbed the chair when he was still moving and I made sure he wasn’t going to move no more.” The couple is still in shock and saddened that they couldn't help save Perez. “I start talking to him. ‘Stay alive. Breathe,’” the woman said. “I don’t know. I’ve never had CPR or anything like that, but I tried to talk to him to see if he could stay alive, but he didn’t.” Arlington police say they discovered Jones was carrying another fully loaded handgun and two knives. The restaurant has signs posted that allow licensed handgun owners to bring in a concealed weapon, and police say the good Samaritan was well within his rights to shoot Jones. Friends, family and coworkers gathered at the restaurant on Thursday for a vigil to commemorate him. The restaurant says they will remain closed until further notice out of respect for Perez. Earth's stable temperature past suggests other planets could also sustain life Anthony Watts / April 3, 2018 Theories about the early days of our planet’s history vary wildly. Some studies have painted the picture of a snowball Earth, when much of its surface was frozen. Other theories have included periods that would be inhospitably hot for most current lifeforms to survive. New research from the University of Washington suggests a milder youth for our planet. An analysis of temperature through early Earth’s history, published the week of April 2 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, supports more moderate average temperatures throughout the billions of years when life slowly emerged on Earth. “Ideas about the early Earth’s environment are all over the place, from a very hot world, to one locked in a permanent ice age, from a world with acidic oceans to one with seawater so alkaline it would sting your eyes,” said David Catling, a UW professor of Earth and space sciences. “These simulations show that our early world had about the same average temperature as today, and a seawater pH within roughly one unit of neutral.” Previous research studies have put average temperatures during the Archean era, 4 to 2.5 billion years ago, as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius. Other estimates, based on different interpretations of the evidence, have placed average temperatures as high as 85 degrees Celsius, under which only heat-loving microbes that now exist in hot springs could survive. The study significantly narrows the possible temperature of the early Earth to 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. It also finds the ocean’s pH has remained fairly moderate, gradually increasing from a slightly acidic initial value of about 6.6, through the neutral value of 7.0, to today’s slightly alkaline seawater of about 8.1. CREDIT Joshua Krissansen-Totton/University of Washington The new results put the outer range of possible temperatures at 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F). “Our results show that Earth has had a moderate temperature through virtually all of its history, and that is attributable to weathering feedbacks — they do a good job at maintaining a habitable climate,” said first author Joshua Krissansen-Totton, a UW doctoral student in Earth and space sciences. To create their estimate, the researchers took the most recent understanding for how rocks, oceans, and air temperature interact, and put that into a computer simulation of Earth’s temperature over the past 4 billion years. Their calculations included the most recent information for how seafloor weathering occurs on geologic timescales, and under different conditions. Though we don’t think of wind and rain wearing away at the seafloor, the seabed is eroded as seaw
ater percolates through rock on the ocean’s floor. Carbon-containing molecules settle out from the water, a process related to the temperature and acidity of the seawater, while other chemicals are dissolved from the rock. “Seafloor weathering was more important for regulating temperature of the early Earth because there was less continental landmass at that time, the Earth’s interior was even hotter, and the seafloor crust was spreading faster, so that was providing more crust to be weathered,” Krissansen-Totton said. The authors ran simulations for many possible scenarios for the size of the continents, the temperature sensitivity of chemical weathering and other factors to get the full range of possible scenarios for average air temperature and ocean pH through history. “We got this initial answer that early Earth had moderate temperatures and slightly acidic ocean pH,” Krissansen-Totton said. “I tried really hard to break that, looking for assumptions that could possibly change that answer. But I found that this is a really robust result. It’s hard to imagine a realistic scenario where temperatures or pH were more extreme.” That is good news for the search for life on other planets. If Earth’s temperature was pretty moderate throughout its history, other planets located in the habitable zone must also retain a fairly stable climate long enough for other lifeforms to evolve. “There’s nothing particularly remarkable about these processes,” Krissansen-Totton said. “They can occur on any rocky planet with oceans. So other planets that are in the habitable zone are likely to have their climates stabilized to moderate values by these weathering feedbacks. And that’s a good thing for the search for life, because you need moderate temperatures for billions of years to have a stable environment for life to evolve.” The results may also help shed light on what conditions were like during the early evolution of life on Earth. “The results help us understand how natural processes kept Earth’s environment suitable for life to carry on for billions of years, from its humblest beginnings to the wonderful forms now around us,” Catling said. April 3, 2018 in Climate News. ← Junk Science Journalism: "Lyme disease the first epidemic of climate change." Bizarre claim: Climate Change will poison Monarch Butterflies → 160 thoughts on “Earth's stable temperature past suggests other planets could also sustain life” davidmhoffer says: Earth has had a moderate temperature through virtually all of its history, and that is attributable to weathering feedbacks — they do a good job at maintaining a habitable climate I had to read that three times to make certain that’s actually what they said. There’s feed backs in the system and they keep the temps habitable which by default means the tipping point scare just got smooshed. Eustace Cranch says: The tipping-point scare has always been a non-starter. Earth’s primeval atmosphere held enormous amounts of CO2 and water vapor. If Earth didn’t become anything remotely like Venus then, it never will. Well, at least until the Sun goes into its death throes. Chimp says: It also had a lot more internal heat and volcanism. The weaker sun just doesn’t cut it. Larry D says: Back during the early period (when the Earth had an atmosphere of ~90 bar) it was kind of like Venus is today. Except it still had oceans of water. Water + CO2 + dissolved calcium and magnesium = formation of carbonate minerals, which is where that massive CO2 atmosphere went. beng135 says: The only possible tipping point is toward cold, as glacial episodes demonstrate. Huh. Err. No. Nothing here excludes tipping points. Yet another content-free argumentative, Steven? Really? No CO2 tipping points. oeman50 says: “Computer simulation.” Need I say more? Humans are very creative. MarkW says: Just because climate “scientists” misuse models is not evidence that all models are useless. Intelligent people know that they have to judge each case on it’s merits. Mike Jonas says: MarkW – “Intelligent people know that they have to judge each case on it’s merits.” – you are absolutely correct. Yes, every case
In its September judgment, the Court ruled that the matter will not be heard by a Constitution Bench. In doing so, it held that Ismail Faruqui, 1994 does not need reconsideration. Ismail Faruqui validated the State’s acquisition of the Babri Masjid land on the grounds that mosques are not an essential feature of Islam. The Court will now hear the Ayodhya Title Dispute as a land dispute and not re-visit questions pertaining to religious significance of the sight for both Muslims and Hindus. Bhima Koregaon – On October 29th, the Supreme Court placed a stay order on a Bombay HC judgment delivered on October 24th. The Bombay HC judgments had deemed a Pune Special Judge’s order, which granted a 90-day extension to the Maharashtra Police to file the charge-sheet against Surendra Gadling. Surendra Gadling was one of the arrested activists in the Bhima Koreagaon raids. The Bombay HC judgment effectively allowed Mr. Gadling to apply for bail. The Bombay HC held that the Pune order violated the UAPA, under which Mr. Gadling had been charged. The Bombay HC placed a stay on its order until 1st November, upon the request of the Maharashtra governmet. Presumably, the Maharashtra government put in this request so that they would have time to file a Special Leave Petition before the Supreme Court prior to the order taking effect. Sabarimala Temple Entry – On September 27th, the Supreme Court delivered its judgment in Sabarimala Temple Entry. It ruled that the custom of excluding women in their “menstruating years” is unconstitutional, violating Articles 14, 15, 21 and 25. This month 19 review petitions have been filed, calling for a review of the judgment. The review petitions will be heard on November 13th at 3pm. Other Court News While these above hearings make it appear as if CJI Ranjan Gogoi is going back on his declaration of doing away with mentionings, these hearing should be viewed as exceptions rather than the norm. CJI Gogoi has taken the issue of administrative efficiency (or lack thereof) very seriously. This is perhaps best captured by the fact that he took suo motu cognisance of judicial vacancies in the lower courts. In Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No. 2 of 2018, a Bench led by CJI Gogoi ordered all High Courts and relevant State authorities to report on the state of judicial vacancies in their respective lower courts. Currently 23% of the total 22,036 lower judicial posts are vacant. The Bench ordered the High Courts and relevant authorities to report on whether the guidelines issued in PIL Malik Mazhar Sultan, regarding appointing judges, were being executed. Focusing his attention to Supreme Court vacancies, on October 30th, the collegium headed by CJI Ranjan Gogoi recommended names of four High Court Chief Justices – MR Shah, Hemant Gupta, Ajay Rastogi and R. Subhash Reddy to the Centre for elevation to Supreme Court. The four were elevated to Supreme Court on 2nd November. Rohingya Deportation – On October 1st, a petitioner in the Rohingya Deportation PIL filed an Intervention Application, requesting the Court to pass an order preventing the Union from deporting 7 Rohingya Refugees. The Court decided to hear the Intervention Application because the deportation of 7 Rohingyas in question was scheduled to take place on October 4th. On October 4th, the Court dismissed the Intervention Application. A Bench comprising CJI R Gogoi, Justice SK Kaul and Justice KM Joseph dismissed the application on the grounds that the concerned refugees were illegal immigrants. TAGS: Monthly Review, Supreme Court Finland’s PM says young female government has been target of hate speech Who’s Who: Zainab Hamidaddin, director of engagement and internal communication at The Red Sea Development Company Who’s Who: Zainab Hamidaddin, director of engagement and internal communication at The Red Sea Development Company /node/1942311/saudi-arabia Zainab Hamid
In its September judgment, the Court ruled that the matter will not be heard by a Constitution Bench. In doing so, it held that Ismail Faruqui, 1994 does not need reconsideration. Ismail Faruqui validated the State’s acquisition of the Babri Masjid land on the grounds that mosques are not an essential feature of Islam. The Court will now hear the Ayodhya Title Dispute as a land dispute and not re-visit questions pertaining to religious significance of the sight for both Muslims and Hindus. Bhima Koregaon – On October 29th, the Supreme Court placed a stay order on a Bombay HC judgment delivered on October 24th. The Bombay HC judgments had deemed a Pune Special Judge’s order, which granted a 90-day extension to the Maharashtra Police to file the charge-sheet against Surendra Gadling. Surendra Gadling was one of the arrested activists in the Bhima Koreagaon raids. The Bombay HC judgment effectively allowed Mr. Gadling to apply for bail. The Bombay HC held that the Pune order violated the UAPA, under which Mr. Gadling had been charged. The Bombay HC placed a stay on its order until 1st November, upon the request of the Maharashtra governmet. Presumably, the Maharashtra government put in this request so that they would have time to file a Special Leave Petition before the Supreme Court prior to the order taking effect. Sabarimala Temple Entry – On September 27th, the Supreme Court delivered its judgment in Sabarimala Temple Entry. It ruled that the custom of excluding women in their “menstruating years” is unconstitutional, violating Articles 14, 15, 21 and 25. This month 19 review petitions have been filed, calling for a review of the judgment. The review petitions will be heard on November 13th at 3pm. Other Court News While these above hearings make it appear as if CJI Ranjan Gogoi is going back on his declaration of doing away with mentionings, these hearing should be viewed as exceptions rather than the norm. CJI Gogoi has taken the issue of administrative efficiency (or lack thereof) very seriously. This is perhaps best captured by the fact that he took suo motu cognisance of judicial vacancies in the lower courts. In Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No. 2 of 2018, a Bench led by CJI Gogoi ordered all High Courts and relevant State authorities to report on the state of judicial vacancies in their respective lower courts. Currently 23% of the total 22,036 lower judicial posts are vacant. The Bench ordered the High Courts and relevant authorities to report on whether the guidelines issued in PIL Malik Mazhar Sultan, regarding appointing judges, were being executed. Focusing his attention to Supreme Court vacancies, on October 30th, the collegium headed by CJI Ranjan Gogoi recommended names of four High Court Chief Justices – MR Shah, Hemant Gupta, Ajay Rastogi and R. Subhash Reddy to the Centre for elevation to Supreme Court. The four were elevated to Supreme Court on 2nd November. Rohingya Deportation – On October 1st, a petitioner in the Rohingya Deportation PIL filed an Intervention Application, requesting the Court to pass an order preventing the Union from deporting 7 Rohingya Refugees. The Court decided to hear the Intervention Application because the deportation of 7 Rohingyas in question was scheduled to take place on October 4th. On October 4th, the Court dismissed the Intervention Application. A Bench comprising CJI R Gogoi, Justice SK Kaul and Justice KM Joseph dismissed the application on the grounds that the concerned refugees were illegal immigrants. TAGS: Monthly Review, Supreme Court Finland’s PM says young female government has been target of hate speech Who’s Who: Zainab Hamidaddin, director of engagement and internal communication at The Red Sea Development Company Who’s Who: Zainab Hamidaddin, director of engagement and internal communication at The Red Sea Development Company /node/1942311/saudi-arabia Zainab Hamid
addin https://arab.news/pk5dd Updated 06 October 2021 Zainab Hamidaddin is the director of engagement and internal communication at The Red Sea Development Company and AMAALA. As the company continues to grow and evolve, Hamidaddin’s focus is on developing an organizational culture that produces high levels of workforce engagement where people feel a commitment to the company’s core mission and values. Hamidaddin has been a human resources professional since 2006. Her areas of expertise include total rewards, business partnering, talent development, project management, operations, shared services, and systems. Before her latest appointment, Hamidaddin was the director of organization excellence and rewards at Saudi Entertainment Ventures, the execution, and investment arm of the Public Investment Fund in the entertainment sector. She played a key role in developing the overall total rewards and talent development policies that align with the business strategy and generate a competitive advantage for the business in attracting, retaining, and motivating talent and fostering a high-performance culture. Prior to that, she worked with Nestlé — the world’s largest food and beverage company — in Dubai from 2006 to 2018. She held various positions within the HR department with progressively increasing responsibilities. These positions included regional HR business excellence senior manager, regional HR controller, and regional compensation manager. Throughout her career with Nestle, she led multiple HR initiatives, programs, and projects. She has pursued courses and training in various human capital disciplines, such as HR management, organization design and business transformation, change management, and managerial skills for leading others. Topics: Who's Who Red Sea Development Company Who's Who: Shada Al-Dahash, corporate sustainability director at the telecom company Zain KSA Who's Who: Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al-Thehaiban, managing director of Google Cloud for the META region Saudi authorities: Air navigation in Kingdom is safe from interference from 5G networks /node/2008661/saudi-arabia RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s authorities for civil aviation and communications said air navigation in the Kingdom is safe from interference from 5G networks. The General Authority of Civil Aviation and the Communications and Information Technology Commission issued a joint statement saying that navigation systems in the Kingdom’s airspace and airports are safe from potential interference from 5G mobile networks. The statement said frequencies used in air transport ensure that air navigation is unaffected and meet requirements to provide high quality navigation services in which the highest levels of air safety are applied. GACA said it is constantly working on updating and developing air navigation infrastructure and is closely following technical developments, including new standards for the frequencies of the 5G network in order to meet the increasing needs of air traffic and its rapid growth in the region whilst maintaining the highest standards of safety. The CITC confirmed that the frequency bands of the 5G network in the Kingdom adhere to technical standards compatible with international best practices for more than 40 countries worldwide. The commission added that it is a national regulator of the frequency spectrum and enables and supports various radio services for national sectors in the field of defense, security, space, aviation, communications, and meteorology. Some flights to and from the US were canceled on Wednesday over fears the rollout of the high-speed wireless service could interfere with aircraft technology that measures altitude. International carriers that rely heavily on the wide-body Boeing 777, and other Boeing aircraft, canceled early flights or switched to different planes Wednesday following warnings from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Chicago-based plane maker over possible interference with radio altimeters. US Telecom giants AT&T and Verizon began 5G service in the US on Wednesday without major disruptions to flights after the launch of the new wireless technology was scaled back. The firms spent tens of billions of dollars to obtain 5G licenses last year, but aviation industry groups have raised concerns about possible interference with airplanes' radio altimeters, which can operate at the same frequencies and are vital for landing at night or in bad weather. Both AT&T and Verizon this week agreed to scale back the launch of 5G near airports following an outcry from US airlines, who had warned the roll-out
, Air Force responded strongly with road wins over Colorado State and Fresno State. The Falcons also put up a season-high of 85 points in their win over the Rams. Air Force is favored to beat Wyoming at Clune Arena tomorrow night, something I’m sure nobody predicted to start the season. Tuesday Jan. 17 vs. Wyoming (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 vs. San Diego State (CBS Sports Network, 8 p.m. MT) Colorado State (10-9 | 2-4 MW | #116 NET | #110 KenPom) Even though New Mexico’s Jaelen House received Mountain West Player of The Week honors this past week, I can guarantee you Isaiah Stevens was at least part of the conversation to be runner-up. The guard scored 33 points for the Rams including hauling in 8 rebounds and dishing out 9 assists in a win over UNLV in Las Vegas. Stevens also hit one of the craziest shots I’ve seen this season with a 3-pointer to send the game to overtime. Let’s hope Colorado State didn’t celebrate the win too hard in Vegas, cause the Aztecs are rolling into Moby Arena for a standalone conference game Wednesday night. Wednesday Jan. 18 vs. San Diego State (FS1, 8:30 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 @ Wyoming (FS1, 2 p.m. MT) Fresno State (6-11 | 2-4 MW | #203 NET | #180 KenPom) The Bulldogs have lost four out of their last five games, with the sole win now looking like a shocking one over New Mexico. Fresno State has a midweek break in the season before hosting UNLV on Saturday at the SaveMart Center. Given where Fresno State’s numbers are in the NET and KenPom, for the rest of the season fans will hold their breath when their team faces the Bulldogs. Saturday Jan. 21 vs. UNLV (CBS Sports Network, 4 p.m. MT) UNLV (12-5 | 1-4 MW | #79 NET | #81 KenPom) Sitting at a 1-4 record in conference play, on paper it looks like the Runnin’ Rebels are out of the race. With that being said, when buckets are falling UNLV is as good as any team in this conference. Two overtime losses by a combined four points to San Jose State and Colorado State have been the difference between starting 3-2 in conference in comparison to where UNLV currently stands. The Rebels have road games at Utah State and Fresno State in a chance to bounce back with a favorable stretch of games once they get back to Sin City. Wednesday Jan. 17 @ Utah State (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 @ Fresno State (CBS Sports Network, 4 p.m. MT) Wyoming (5-12 | 0-5 MW | #211 NET | #160 KenPom) Wyoming hasn’t been just the biggest surprise in the Mountain West this season, but also the country. The Cowboys have yet to win a conference game, and there is no guarantee for a win at Air Force or against Colorado State this week. Graham Ike, the Mountain West Preseason Player of the Year, has yet to return this season which has been the biggest reason for some, not all, of Wyoming’s struggles this season. Starting 0-5 in conference play is quite possibly an impossible hole for the Cowboys to dig out of this season. Tuesday Jan. 17 @ Air Force (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 vs. Colorado State (FS1, 2 p.m. MT) Author: Collin Mitchell PreviousPrevious post:Boise State bolsters defensive line with trio of transfers, JUCO safety also commitsNextNext post:First place on the line as Boise State gets set for rematch with Nevada on Tuesday Boise State holds off late Air Force rally, earns needed 5
, Air Force responded strongly with road wins over Colorado State and Fresno State. The Falcons also put up a season-high of 85 points in their win over the Rams. Air Force is favored to beat Wyoming at Clune Arena tomorrow night, something I’m sure nobody predicted to start the season. Tuesday Jan. 17 vs. Wyoming (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 vs. San Diego State (CBS Sports Network, 8 p.m. MT) Colorado State (10-9 | 2-4 MW | #116 NET | #110 KenPom) Even though New Mexico’s Jaelen House received Mountain West Player of The Week honors this past week, I can guarantee you Isaiah Stevens was at least part of the conversation to be runner-up. The guard scored 33 points for the Rams including hauling in 8 rebounds and dishing out 9 assists in a win over UNLV in Las Vegas. Stevens also hit one of the craziest shots I’ve seen this season with a 3-pointer to send the game to overtime. Let’s hope Colorado State didn’t celebrate the win too hard in Vegas, cause the Aztecs are rolling into Moby Arena for a standalone conference game Wednesday night. Wednesday Jan. 18 vs. San Diego State (FS1, 8:30 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 @ Wyoming (FS1, 2 p.m. MT) Fresno State (6-11 | 2-4 MW | #203 NET | #180 KenPom) The Bulldogs have lost four out of their last five games, with the sole win now looking like a shocking one over New Mexico. Fresno State has a midweek break in the season before hosting UNLV on Saturday at the SaveMart Center. Given where Fresno State’s numbers are in the NET and KenPom, for the rest of the season fans will hold their breath when their team faces the Bulldogs. Saturday Jan. 21 vs. UNLV (CBS Sports Network, 4 p.m. MT) UNLV (12-5 | 1-4 MW | #79 NET | #81 KenPom) Sitting at a 1-4 record in conference play, on paper it looks like the Runnin’ Rebels are out of the race. With that being said, when buckets are falling UNLV is as good as any team in this conference. Two overtime losses by a combined four points to San Jose State and Colorado State have been the difference between starting 3-2 in conference in comparison to where UNLV currently stands. The Rebels have road games at Utah State and Fresno State in a chance to bounce back with a favorable stretch of games once they get back to Sin City. Wednesday Jan. 17 @ Utah State (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 @ Fresno State (CBS Sports Network, 4 p.m. MT) Wyoming (5-12 | 0-5 MW | #211 NET | #160 KenPom) Wyoming hasn’t been just the biggest surprise in the Mountain West this season, but also the country. The Cowboys have yet to win a conference game, and there is no guarantee for a win at Air Force or against Colorado State this week. Graham Ike, the Mountain West Preseason Player of the Year, has yet to return this season which has been the biggest reason for some, not all, of Wyoming’s struggles this season. Starting 0-5 in conference play is quite possibly an impossible hole for the Cowboys to dig out of this season. Tuesday Jan. 17 @ Air Force (Mountain West Network, 7 p.m. MT) Saturday Jan. 21 vs. Colorado State (FS1, 2 p.m. MT) Author: Collin Mitchell PreviousPrevious post:Boise State bolsters defensive line with trio of transfers, JUCO safety also commitsNextNext post:First place on the line as Boise State gets set for rematch with Nevada on Tuesday Boise State holds off late Air Force rally, earns needed 5
9-52 road win With San Diego State showdown looming, Broncos look to avoid letdown Tuesday at Air Force Mountain West Roundup: Road about to get tougher for league-leading San Diego State Degenhart leads Broncos to impressive win over Colorado State Broncos overcome season-high 19 turnovers, avoid ‘resume killer’ with comeback win over Fresno State Broncos hope to feast off home cooking this week: ‘We need to get this place rocking’ Air Force broadcastby BSUaddict9 hours ago Air Force recapby BSUaddict10 hours ago Visiting Fan Tipsby Mike Eri12 hours ago Fan Poll What bowl game would be best for the Broncos? Hawaii Bowl Arizona Bowl Potato Bowl Different bowl game Hawaii Bowl 53 ( 13.28 % ) Arizona Bowl 89 ( 22.31 % ) Potato Bowl 119 ( 29.82 % ) Different bowl game 138 ( 34.59 % ) Bronco Nation News is your source for the best coverage of Boise State Athletics including breaking What's the status of Marcus Shaver Jr. and Naje Smith aftet they left last night's game with injuries? We asked coach Leon Rice on the Postgame Show: ... See MoreSee Less Boise State coach Leon Rice joins the BNN Postgame Show after a 59-52 road win at Air Force Boise State men's basketball coach Leon Rice joins B.J. Rains on the Lithia Ford of Boise Postgame Show after the Broncos came back to win, 59-52, at Air For... Full story, video interviews and more from Clune Arena at Air Force after Boise State holds off a late Falcons rally to win, 59-52. What are your thoughts on the win, Bronco Nation? ... See MoreSee Less Boise State holds off late Air Force rally, earns needed 59-52 road win - Bronco Nation News www.bronconationnews.com COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Reserve guard Pavle Kuzmanovic hit a key 3-pointer with 1:29 to play despite not appearing in the previous four games and the Boise State men;s basketball team held off a l... Bronco Nation News was live. B.J. Rains of Bronco Nation News is LIVE at Clune Arena at The Air Force Academy after Boise State come back to beat Air Force, 59-52, on Tuesday night. Join us for interviews, highlights, analysis and more. ... See MoreSee Less B.J. Rains of Bronco Nation News is LIVE at Clune Arena at The Air Force Academy with a look at warmups, interviews and more as the Boise State men's basketball team gets set to face Air Force in a key road Mountain West battle. ... See MoreSee Less “It was just a great moment for our program” Boise State women's hoops responded to an early 13-point deficit with a 26-4 run, leading to a monumental comeback win over the Aztecs. BNN reporter Collin Mitchell has the details: ... See MoreSee Less Boise State knocks off SDSU in monumental comeback win 'It was just a great moment for our program' - Bronco Nation News Boise State picked up a monumental conference win to start the week, hosting second place San Diego State and taking down the Aztecs 62-57 in comeback fashion. To start the night, it wasn’t pretty f... Tweets by BNNBroncoNation bronconationnews Boise State football coach Andy Avalos says player That’s a birdie for coach Leon Rice @timberstone Let's go!!! Pumped to announce @tinrooftacos as th Going dancing! @boisestatembb heading to Portland! Broncos have ‘more hunger’ for Mountain West T B.J. RAINS B.J. Rains is a three-time winner of the NSMA Idaho Sportswriter of the Year Award. He covered Boise State Athletics for the Idaho Press from 2013 to
6 *row_data = reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(h + 1) + (num_cols * row); Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) v_data[c] = min_value + row_data[c] * increment; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(format == kOneByte); int32 num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 255.0); const uint8 *row_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(h + 1) + (num_cols * row); Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) v_data[c] = min_value + row_data[c] * increment; } } template<typename Real> void CompressedMatrix::CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT col, VectorBase<Real> *v) const { KALDI_ASSERT(col < this->NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(col >= 0); KALDI_ASSERT(v->Dim() == this->NumRows()); GlobalHeader *h = reinterpret_cast<GlobalHeader*>(data_); DataFormat format = static_cast<DataFormat>(h->format); if (format == kOneByteWithColHeaders) { PerColHeader *per_col_header = reinterpret_cast<PerColHeader*>(h+1); uint8 *byte_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(per_col_header + h->num_cols); byte_data += col*h->num_rows; // point to first value in the column we want per_col_header += col; float p0 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_0), p25 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_25), p75 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_75), p100 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_100); for (int32 i = 0; i < h->num_rows; i++, byte_data++) { float f = CharToFloat(p0, p25, p75, p100, *byte_data); (*v)(i) = f; } } else if (format == kTwoByte) { int32 num_rows = h->num_rows, num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 65535.0); const uint16 *col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(h + 1) + col; Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) v_data[r] = min_value + increment * col_data[r * num_cols]; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(format == kOneByte); int32 num_rows = h->num_rows, num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 255.0); const uint8 *col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(h + 1) + col; Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) v_data[r] = min_value + increment * col_data[r * num_cols]; } } // instantiate the templates. template void CompressedMatrix::CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT, VectorBase<double> *) const; template void
6 *row_data = reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(h + 1) + (num_cols * row); Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) v_data[c] = min_value + row_data[c] * increment; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(format == kOneByte); int32 num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 255.0); const uint8 *row_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(h + 1) + (num_cols * row); Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 c = 0; c < num_cols; c++) v_data[c] = min_value + row_data[c] * increment; } } template<typename Real> void CompressedMatrix::CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT col, VectorBase<Real> *v) const { KALDI_ASSERT(col < this->NumCols()); KALDI_ASSERT(col >= 0); KALDI_ASSERT(v->Dim() == this->NumRows()); GlobalHeader *h = reinterpret_cast<GlobalHeader*>(data_); DataFormat format = static_cast<DataFormat>(h->format); if (format == kOneByteWithColHeaders) { PerColHeader *per_col_header = reinterpret_cast<PerColHeader*>(h+1); uint8 *byte_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(per_col_header + h->num_cols); byte_data += col*h->num_rows; // point to first value in the column we want per_col_header += col; float p0 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_0), p25 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_25), p75 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_75), p100 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_100); for (int32 i = 0; i < h->num_rows; i++, byte_data++) { float f = CharToFloat(p0, p25, p75, p100, *byte_data); (*v)(i) = f; } } else if (format == kTwoByte) { int32 num_rows = h->num_rows, num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 65535.0); const uint16 *col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(h + 1) + col; Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) v_data[r] = min_value + increment * col_data[r * num_cols]; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(format == kOneByte); int32 num_rows = h->num_rows, num_cols = h->num_cols; float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 255.0); const uint8 *col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(h + 1) + col; Real *v_data = v->Data(); for (int32 r = 0; r < num_rows; r++) v_data[r] = min_value + increment * col_data[r * num_cols]; } } // instantiate the templates. template void CompressedMatrix::CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT, VectorBase<double> *) const; template void
CompressedMatrix::CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT, VectorBase<float> *) const; template void CompressedMatrix::CopyRowToVec(MatrixIndexT, VectorBase<double> *) const; template void CompressedMatrix::CopyRowToVec(MatrixIndexT, VectorBase<float> *) const; template<typename Real> void CompressedMatrix::CopyToMat(int32 row_offset, int32 col_offset, MatrixBase<Real> *dest) const { KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(row_offset < this->NumRows()); KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(col_offset < this->NumCols()); KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(row_offset >= 0); KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(col_offset >= 0); KALDI_ASSERT(row_offset+dest->NumRows() <= this->NumRows()); KALDI_ASSERT(col_offset+dest->NumCols() <= this->NumCols()); // everything is OK GlobalHeader *h = reinterpret_cast<GlobalHeader*>(data_); int32 num_rows = h->num_rows, num_cols = h->num_cols, tgt_cols = dest->NumCols(), tgt_rows = dest->NumRows(); DataFormat format = static_cast<DataFormat>(h->format); if (format == kOneByteWithColHeaders) { PerColHeader *per_col_header = reinterpret_cast<PerColHeader*>(h+1); uint8 *byte_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(per_col_header + h->num_cols); uint8 *start_of_subcol = byte_data+row_offset; // skip appropriate // number of columns start_of_subcol += col_offset*num_rows; // skip appropriate number of rows per_col_header += col_offset; // skip the appropriate number of headers for (int32 i = 0; i < tgt_cols; i++, per_col_header++, start_of_subcol+=num_rows) { byte_data = start_of_subcol; float p0 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_0), p25 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_25), p75 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_75), p100 = Uint16ToFloat(*h, per_col_header->percentile_100); for (int32 j = 0; j < tgt_rows; j++, byte_data++) { float f = CharToFloat(p0, p25, p75, p100, *byte_data); (*dest)(j, i) = f; } } } else if (format == kTwoByte) { const uint16 *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint16*>(h+1) + col_offset + (num_cols * row_offset); float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 65535.0); for (int32 row = 0; row < tgt_rows; row++) { Real *dest_row = dest->RowData(row); for (int32 col = 0; col < tgt_cols; col++) dest_row[col] = min_value + increment * data[col]; data += num_cols; } } else { KALDI_ASSERT(format == kOneByte); const uint8 *data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(h+1) + col_offset + (num_cols * row_offset); float min_value = h->min_value, increment = h->range * (1.0 / 255.0); for (int32 row = 0; row
no right to do what they did. Blizzard already has a mess from awhile back and this doesn't help anymore On 10/8/2019 at 8:49 PM, jvdesigns2002 said: I don't want to be "hot take Jones" here--but I feel like Morey and the NBA are to blame here. While I agree with Morey's original statement about Hong Kong--I just don't understand how a guy that has made a living touting himself as an analytics guru could not foresee that putting that tweet out there could possibly have some negative ramifications and ruffle some feathers. I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words and his tweet was nothing more than empty symbolism. The fact that he basically retracted it so quickly kind of exposed him as being a faux activist---the minute it could have effected his employment or wallet--he backed down super quick. The NBA's original reaction to the tweet was just as reprehensible. It just goes to show how quick people are willing to abandon their morals and moral standing when it could possibly effect their economics. It's not a good look for China, Morey, the Rockets, and the NBA. Wouldn't you depending on the job? I don't think its fake as much as I think it's bull####. It's like that time I yelled at a customer. Yeah the person talking crap shouldn't have about said person and I didn't like it and the customers who saw it defended me but my Boss still made me apologize to the customer despite he knew I was right for standing up for my co worker to not cause a bigger scene. He then told the customer to leave. was my outrage fake? no because my Manager and most customers who saw it knew my apology was BS. Morey's looks the same. Yeah he's right in his tweet however the apology is nothing more yeah I'm right but my boss is making me apologize to prevent further issues type thing. On 10/9/2019 at 3:02 PM, Da Guru said: This proves the NBA is not the "socially aware", not the "woke, league they proclaim to be. NBA coaches and players who tweet about Russia, Trump, Global warming, social injustice are silent right now. LeBron, Pops, Kerr, China is in effect trying to do the same thing with the NBA as they are trying to do with the USA in general. Philly owner sends a chopper for Meek Mill to cater to his fans yet won`t even make one comment on China. Philly player were not allowed to comment on China last night, 2 Philly fans were thrown out of the arena for having "Free Hong Kong" signs. Where is the support from the player and coaches? China is one of the worst human rights violators on the planet, they silence dissidents, we complain about CNN and FOX, China has state run TV. They get one view..the governments view. The only way you do business with Beijing is on their terms..not yours. The NBA has the product not China..take a social stand and say screw China! But but it's effects our bottom line. No different then the NFL taking the stance or the one they tried to on kneeling. Defense Department has paid the NFL Billions to have the players and coaches on the field for the anthem since 2010. NFL wasn't giving up that money. Same with the NBA on China. Unfortunately these leagues are too greedy to do the right thing. And too the bolded it really pissed me off the whole Meek Mill thing. Look was the cop corrupt? Probably but that doesn't excuse his otherbehavior while on probation. Violant conduct against a photograpgher, among other things he did. He also did have an unregistered gun which many of his fans were trying to say was planted by the cops but wasn't. They went to his house and found numerious illegal things. Some of it was someone in his posy the rests his. Some of these guys with what they do just look like complete hypocrites on what they support and don't. Goes on both sides of the isle too 17 hours ago, TheIronSheik said: The problem isn't the NBA working with China. That's fine. Lots of companies do it. The problem starts when Americans lose their rights because China tells
no right to do what they did. Blizzard already has a mess from awhile back and this doesn't help anymore On 10/8/2019 at 8:49 PM, jvdesigns2002 said: I don't want to be "hot take Jones" here--but I feel like Morey and the NBA are to blame here. While I agree with Morey's original statement about Hong Kong--I just don't understand how a guy that has made a living touting himself as an analytics guru could not foresee that putting that tweet out there could possibly have some negative ramifications and ruffle some feathers. I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words and his tweet was nothing more than empty symbolism. The fact that he basically retracted it so quickly kind of exposed him as being a faux activist---the minute it could have effected his employment or wallet--he backed down super quick. The NBA's original reaction to the tweet was just as reprehensible. It just goes to show how quick people are willing to abandon their morals and moral standing when it could possibly effect their economics. It's not a good look for China, Morey, the Rockets, and the NBA. Wouldn't you depending on the job? I don't think its fake as much as I think it's bull####. It's like that time I yelled at a customer. Yeah the person talking crap shouldn't have about said person and I didn't like it and the customers who saw it defended me but my Boss still made me apologize to the customer despite he knew I was right for standing up for my co worker to not cause a bigger scene. He then told the customer to leave. was my outrage fake? no because my Manager and most customers who saw it knew my apology was BS. Morey's looks the same. Yeah he's right in his tweet however the apology is nothing more yeah I'm right but my boss is making me apologize to prevent further issues type thing. On 10/9/2019 at 3:02 PM, Da Guru said: This proves the NBA is not the "socially aware", not the "woke, league they proclaim to be. NBA coaches and players who tweet about Russia, Trump, Global warming, social injustice are silent right now. LeBron, Pops, Kerr, China is in effect trying to do the same thing with the NBA as they are trying to do with the USA in general. Philly owner sends a chopper for Meek Mill to cater to his fans yet won`t even make one comment on China. Philly player were not allowed to comment on China last night, 2 Philly fans were thrown out of the arena for having "Free Hong Kong" signs. Where is the support from the player and coaches? China is one of the worst human rights violators on the planet, they silence dissidents, we complain about CNN and FOX, China has state run TV. They get one view..the governments view. The only way you do business with Beijing is on their terms..not yours. The NBA has the product not China..take a social stand and say screw China! But but it's effects our bottom line. No different then the NFL taking the stance or the one they tried to on kneeling. Defense Department has paid the NFL Billions to have the players and coaches on the field for the anthem since 2010. NFL wasn't giving up that money. Same with the NBA on China. Unfortunately these leagues are too greedy to do the right thing. And too the bolded it really pissed me off the whole Meek Mill thing. Look was the cop corrupt? Probably but that doesn't excuse his otherbehavior while on probation. Violant conduct against a photograpgher, among other things he did. He also did have an unregistered gun which many of his fans were trying to say was planted by the cops but wasn't. They went to his house and found numerious illegal things. Some of it was someone in his posy the rests his. Some of these guys with what they do just look like complete hypocrites on what they support and don't. Goes on both sides of the isle too 17 hours ago, TheIronSheik said: The problem isn't the NBA working with China. That's fine. Lots of companies do it. The problem starts when Americans lose their rights because China tells
companies to do things. When Americans are no longer allowed the freedom of free speech because China doesn't want us to speak, the NBA needs to tell China to go pound sand. That's the issue. China also steals American jobs not immigrants 14 hours ago, [scooter] said: What does Silver's timing have to do with it? You said the NBA shut down freedom of speech without question. I'm pointing out that the NBA did, in fact, question China (by supporting Morey's free speech rights, by refusing to apologize, and by refusing to punish Morey). Also, the NBA didn't technically shut down Morey's freedom of speech. He voluntarily deleted the tweet after he realized how much trouble it caused. I heard the NBA told him to delete to not cause anymore issues. Its essentially the NBA caving into China because they'll get mad. Silver and the league said one thing but did the complete opposite in it's actions 13 hours ago, Bull Dozier said: Here's where I think the NBA is hypocritical, and I will acknowledge I am lumping the comish, coaches, and players all together when I say "the NBA" (disagree with that lumping together if you like, but that's the way I look at it). Steph Curry and Steve Kerr do not hesitate to speak out about social issues any other time. They have spoken about race, crime, and police brutality. Yet Kerr won't comment on China because it is complicated, and Curry said he doesn't fully understand the history of China that lead to their current social structure and thus can't comment. As if there is some excuse for China to now be a brutal totalitarian government? That's hypocritical. Knowing American history is not a requisite to be able to acknowledge what is wrong is society today. Also, while knowing our history, or China's history may help one understand why their respective societies are where they are, there is nothing in either that excuses their respective ills. I honestly think this is completely reasonable. I wouldn't want someone giving an opinion on something they don't fully understand or don't know much about to begin with. I can't really speak on police abuse or racial discrimination for the acceptation of incidents I was involved in when I was with Minority friends and how those different with police interaction to a few I had as a white person by myself. TheIronSheik 7,098 SUPER ELITE UPPER TIER Location:High atop Mt. Olympus I think it's hysterical that people are going through Kerr's old tweets now and finding a bunch of retweets where he's supporting the HK protesters. Glad he was able to take another swipe at America again though. Gun control debate not too tough to talk about. Genocide and organ harvesting? I'm going to have to dig a little deeper on that before I can respond. Very complex. BroncoFreak_2K3 2,138 sucker for Orange Location:Korova Milk Bar IvanKaramazov 16,005 17 hours ago, comfortably numb said: His father being assassinated by Islamic jihadists (who took credit) in the 80s may also lend some apathy into hearing his political views a bit more than others, perhaps? I know almost nothing about Steve Kerr, but this type of argument comes up on a somewhat regular basis and is nearly always exactly wrong. When somebody has a personal, visceral connection to a particular topic, that's the opposite of a good reason to take their opinion more seriously. It's actually a good reason to take their opinion with a giant grain of salt. My parents are thankfully both alive and well, but I'll freely say that if they were killed by Islamic terrorists, my views on Islamic terrorism might become less rational and more emotionally-driven than they are today, and I think people would be well advised to discount my thoughts -- at least a little -- in that hypothetical. Seriously though, the sum total of my knowledge of Steve Kerr is that he once played for the Bulls, he's apparently now a HC, and he said something incredibly dumb just now that showed up on my Twitter feed. For all I know he's a self-educated rationalist. If that's the
Luis Guerra, and countless Miss Universe pageants. I danced with artists for 25 years, and I’m only in my 30’s because I knew how to be versatile.” Juliana continued her work as a dancer by becoming a certified teacher. “I always knew that I wanted to teach… when I found out I could both teach and transform, I was fascinated. I love creating; it’s my passion. Dancing is transformation and liberation.” Transformation and liberation were the words that brought Juliana closer to her mission as a dancer, an educator, and a figure of hope amongst a rare group of females. Juliana and long-time friend, Luis Fonsi | Photo: Facebook Juliana Ortiz Two years ago Juliana’s life came to a crossroads when both of her passions collided. Juliana was meant to be part of the video we’ve all grown to love and dance to Despacito. And although dancing for artists (and yes, that includes Fonsi, her longtime friend, and colleague) made her happy, it did not fulfill her. “Dancing with stars is an ego booster, and traveling to dance feeds your soul—but it’s all fleeting. Teaching was something that fulfilled me,” she said. Juliana’s opportunity awaited her. On the same day of the video shoot, not so despacito, she chose to attend the women’s correctional facility to begin teaching psicoballet instead. This defining moment determined Juliana’s mission for the following years. Born in Cuba in the 70’s “Psicoballet” is the therapeutic strategy that combines science and art in harmony; using psychological techniques, ballet, music, physical culture, corporal expression, role-playing, game and relaxation techniques. “A psychologist came up to me; she was writing her thesis on the effect of psicoballet on women in the correctional facility. Nearly a year later, we were given the go-ahead, to do just 13 classes. Once the classes were done, and she finished her study, it was over,” she says. But fate was not ready for Juliana to leave her position in the correctional facilities. A yoga and Reiki instructor had to terminate some of her courses due to time constraints, and a door opened for Juliana, and her plan to transform and liberate came at five different facilities. Juliana has always had the attitude of an amazing educator, she has faced adversity and overcome her obstacles as a mother, a dancer, and now an inspiration to the women of correctional facilities all around Puerto Rico with just one formula: “Passion, love, and discipline. They [the students] know I love them, but I expect them to work hard. I’ve never changed as a teacher, and I treat them just as I would treat any other student,” Juliana adds. She is absolutely right. I saw a forceful Juliana no different than the one that pushed me to perfect my moves. The inmates’ dance, set to The Greatest Showman’s “This is Me” brought me to tears. “Juliana pushes their students to be greater than they ever dreamt possible.” Speaking to inmates about second chances. | Photo: Juliana Ortiz Nowadays, this natural-born teacher now alternates between the classroom, stage, and prison, but her approach is the same, no matter the student. And she inspires others to teach as well. Through Juliana, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to young girls about acceptance and speaking to inmates about second chances, and my life is all the better for it. If there is one thing Juliana has taught me, it’s that life changes, and plans change. The only constant: is passion. Lola Montilla Meet Lola! I’m 17 years-old. I am a CHD activist, OHS survivor and all-around warrior. I am public speaker, and social media junkie. I am a daughter, a sister and an awesome friend. I am an eternal optimist who lives by the motto, “everything happens for a reason.” I think life is a gift and... 1 Environment Opinion The Crisis Of Integrity-Deficient Science – OpEd July 9, 2017 Paul Driessen 0 Comments By Paul Driessen The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis
Luis Guerra, and countless Miss Universe pageants. I danced with artists for 25 years, and I’m only in my 30’s because I knew how to be versatile.” Juliana continued her work as a dancer by becoming a certified teacher. “I always knew that I wanted to teach… when I found out I could both teach and transform, I was fascinated. I love creating; it’s my passion. Dancing is transformation and liberation.” Transformation and liberation were the words that brought Juliana closer to her mission as a dancer, an educator, and a figure of hope amongst a rare group of females. Juliana and long-time friend, Luis Fonsi | Photo: Facebook Juliana Ortiz Two years ago Juliana’s life came to a crossroads when both of her passions collided. Juliana was meant to be part of the video we’ve all grown to love and dance to Despacito. And although dancing for artists (and yes, that includes Fonsi, her longtime friend, and colleague) made her happy, it did not fulfill her. “Dancing with stars is an ego booster, and traveling to dance feeds your soul—but it’s all fleeting. Teaching was something that fulfilled me,” she said. Juliana’s opportunity awaited her. On the same day of the video shoot, not so despacito, she chose to attend the women’s correctional facility to begin teaching psicoballet instead. This defining moment determined Juliana’s mission for the following years. Born in Cuba in the 70’s “Psicoballet” is the therapeutic strategy that combines science and art in harmony; using psychological techniques, ballet, music, physical culture, corporal expression, role-playing, game and relaxation techniques. “A psychologist came up to me; she was writing her thesis on the effect of psicoballet on women in the correctional facility. Nearly a year later, we were given the go-ahead, to do just 13 classes. Once the classes were done, and she finished her study, it was over,” she says. But fate was not ready for Juliana to leave her position in the correctional facilities. A yoga and Reiki instructor had to terminate some of her courses due to time constraints, and a door opened for Juliana, and her plan to transform and liberate came at five different facilities. Juliana has always had the attitude of an amazing educator, she has faced adversity and overcome her obstacles as a mother, a dancer, and now an inspiration to the women of correctional facilities all around Puerto Rico with just one formula: “Passion, love, and discipline. They [the students] know I love them, but I expect them to work hard. I’ve never changed as a teacher, and I treat them just as I would treat any other student,” Juliana adds. She is absolutely right. I saw a forceful Juliana no different than the one that pushed me to perfect my moves. The inmates’ dance, set to The Greatest Showman’s “This is Me” brought me to tears. “Juliana pushes their students to be greater than they ever dreamt possible.” Speaking to inmates about second chances. | Photo: Juliana Ortiz Nowadays, this natural-born teacher now alternates between the classroom, stage, and prison, but her approach is the same, no matter the student. And she inspires others to teach as well. Through Juliana, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to young girls about acceptance and speaking to inmates about second chances, and my life is all the better for it. If there is one thing Juliana has taught me, it’s that life changes, and plans change. The only constant: is passion. Lola Montilla Meet Lola! I’m 17 years-old. I am a CHD activist, OHS survivor and all-around warrior. I am public speaker, and social media junkie. I am a daughter, a sister and an awesome friend. I am an eternal optimist who lives by the motto, “everything happens for a reason.” I think life is a gift and... 1 Environment Opinion The Crisis Of Integrity-Deficient Science – OpEd July 9, 2017 Paul Driessen 0 Comments By Paul Driessen The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis
proportions. In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality. In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions. Some 90% of these innovative neonic pesticides are applied as seed coatings, so that crops absorb the chemicals into their tissue and farmers can target only pests that feed on the crops. Neonics largely eliminate the need to spray with old-line chemicals like pyrethroids that clearly do harm bees. But neonics have nevertheless been at the center of debate over their possible effects on bees, as well as ideological opposition in some quarters to agricultural use of neonics – or any manmade pesticides. Laboratory studies had mixed results and were criticized for overdosing bees with far more neonics than they would ever encounter in the real world, predictably affecting their behavior and often killing them. Multiple field studies – in actual farmers’ fields – have consistently shown no adverse effects on honeybees at the colony level from realistic exposures to neonics. In fact, bees thrive in and around neonic-treated corn and canola crops in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and elsewhere. So how did the Dr. Ben Woodcock, et al. Center for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) field studies reach such radically different conclusions? After all, the researchers set up 33 sites in fields in Germany, Hungary and England, each one with groups of honeybee or wild bee colonies in or next to oilseed rape (canola) crops. Each group involved one test field treated with fungicides, a neonic and a pyrethroid; one field treated with a different neonic and fungicides; and one “control” group by a field treated only with fungicides. They then conducted multiple data analyses throughout the two-year trial period. Their report and Science article supposedly presented all the results of their exhaustive research. They did not. The authors fudged the data, and the “peer reviewers” and AAAS journal editors failed to spot the massive flaws. Other reviewers (here,here and here) quickly found the gross errors, lack of transparency and misrepresentations – but not before the article and press releases had gone out far and wide. Thankfully, and ironically, the Woodcock-CEH study was funded by Syngenta and Bayer, two companies that make neonics. That meant the companies received the complete study and all 1,000 pages of data – not just the portions carefully selected by the article authors. Otherwise, all that inconvenient research information would probably still be hidden from view – and the truth would never have come out. Most glaring, as dramatically presented in a chart that’s included in each of the reviews just cited, there were far more data sets than suggested by the Science article. In fact, there were 258 separate honeybee statistical data analyses. Of the 258, a solid 238 found no effects on bees from neonics! Seven found beneficial effects from neonics! Just nine found harmful impacts, and four had insufficient data. Not one group of test colonies in Germany displayed harmful effects, but five benefitted from neonics. Five in Hungary showed harm, but the nosema gut fungus was prevalent in Hungarian beehives during the study period; it could have affected bee foraging behavior and caused colony losses. But Woodcock and CEH failed to mention the problem or reflect it in their analys
D, op.12Alexander Baillie, cello, Dominic Harlan, piano Aaron Copland - PastoraleSarah Gabriel, soprano, Dominic Harlan, piano You must have javascript enabled to use this contact form Your name: Your email address: Message subject: Your message: Touring classical violinist to play in Wichita | The Wichita Eagle Eagle+ Sign In Finger on the Weather Prairie Politics K-State State Colleges NBC baseball Bob Lutz Jayhawk Dispatch K-Stated Lutz Blog Michael Pearce Shockwaves Forward Wichita Air Capital Insider Suzanne Tobias Dining with Denise Keeper of the Plans Richard Crowson Suzanne Perez Tobias Auctions/Estate Sales Classified Support Center Touring classical violinist to play in Wichita By Chris Shull There's a reason classical music soloists aren't often compared to rock musicians. They mostly play different instruments; classical musicians rarely go on the kind of cross-country marathons endured by country bands, rockers and "American Idol" finalists. Not so Philippe Quint. The Russia-born, Juilliard-trained classical violinist will today conclude a 16-concert, 24-day tour across America with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra from South Africa. He's played the Korngold and the Tchaikovsky violin concertos, alternating night after night. After a couple of days to recover, Quint will report this week to the Wichita Symphony Orchestra to prepare for performances of Ravel's "Tzigane" and John Corigliano's "The Red Violin: Chaconne." Daniel Hege will conduct the concerts, which will open with Beethoven's Leonore Overture No. 3 and conclude with the Symphony No. 4 by Brahms. When reached by phone on Feb. 25, Quint was in the middle of the tour with the Cape Philharmonic, killing time in a hotel room in Kansas City awaiting a concert at the Folly Theatre. "Mostly I try to concentrate on the interpretive ideal, which is bringing out the flair and the passion of 'tzigane' (a French word for 'gypsy'), which is what the music is about." Paired with the fiery Ravel will be the sublime, romantic "Chaconne" from "The Red Violin" by American composer Corigliano. The "Chaconne" and the full-length violin concerto from which it comes were in turn derived from music Corigliano composed for the 1998 film "The Red Violin." "Chaconne" has received a good number of performances over the past decade, starting with popular original recordings made by American violinist Joshua Bell — enough to give the piece almost standard-repertory status. "I am thrilled that violinists have this new, wonderful violin concerto to work with," Quint said. "Corigliano's writing is very complex and at the same time very interesting, very exciting." Wichita Symphony Orchestra What: Classics concert featuring music by Beethoven, Ravel, Corigliano and Brahms, Philippe Quint, violin; Daniel Hege, conductor Where: Century II Concert Hall, 225 W. Douglas When: 8 p.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. March 13 How much: Tickets $20-$44; discounts available. For more information, visit www.wso.org or call 316-267-7658. EXCLUSIVE: Massage Envy to Open in Midtown Village Next Month Stephen Dethrage Massage Envy, a national chain with more than 1,400 locations across the country, will open their first location in Tuscaloosa early next month in Midtown Village. The new spa will be housed in Midtown Village's Suite 106, between the tween boutique Justice and the Jos. A. Banks men's clothier. Alexis Graf, the new spa's Director of Operations, said she hopes to open their doors to customers on June 6th, but there's a lot of work to do before that happens. Graf said Massage Envy's core mission is to offer
D, op.12Alexander Baillie, cello, Dominic Harlan, piano Aaron Copland - PastoraleSarah Gabriel, soprano, Dominic Harlan, piano You must have javascript enabled to use this contact form Your name: Your email address: Message subject: Your message: Touring classical violinist to play in Wichita | The Wichita Eagle Eagle+ Sign In Finger on the Weather Prairie Politics K-State State Colleges NBC baseball Bob Lutz Jayhawk Dispatch K-Stated Lutz Blog Michael Pearce Shockwaves Forward Wichita Air Capital Insider Suzanne Tobias Dining with Denise Keeper of the Plans Richard Crowson Suzanne Perez Tobias Auctions/Estate Sales Classified Support Center Touring classical violinist to play in Wichita By Chris Shull There's a reason classical music soloists aren't often compared to rock musicians. They mostly play different instruments; classical musicians rarely go on the kind of cross-country marathons endured by country bands, rockers and "American Idol" finalists. Not so Philippe Quint. The Russia-born, Juilliard-trained classical violinist will today conclude a 16-concert, 24-day tour across America with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra from South Africa. He's played the Korngold and the Tchaikovsky violin concertos, alternating night after night. After a couple of days to recover, Quint will report this week to the Wichita Symphony Orchestra to prepare for performances of Ravel's "Tzigane" and John Corigliano's "The Red Violin: Chaconne." Daniel Hege will conduct the concerts, which will open with Beethoven's Leonore Overture No. 3 and conclude with the Symphony No. 4 by Brahms. When reached by phone on Feb. 25, Quint was in the middle of the tour with the Cape Philharmonic, killing time in a hotel room in Kansas City awaiting a concert at the Folly Theatre. "Mostly I try to concentrate on the interpretive ideal, which is bringing out the flair and the passion of 'tzigane' (a French word for 'gypsy'), which is what the music is about." Paired with the fiery Ravel will be the sublime, romantic "Chaconne" from "The Red Violin" by American composer Corigliano. The "Chaconne" and the full-length violin concerto from which it comes were in turn derived from music Corigliano composed for the 1998 film "The Red Violin." "Chaconne" has received a good number of performances over the past decade, starting with popular original recordings made by American violinist Joshua Bell — enough to give the piece almost standard-repertory status. "I am thrilled that violinists have this new, wonderful violin concerto to work with," Quint said. "Corigliano's writing is very complex and at the same time very interesting, very exciting." Wichita Symphony Orchestra What: Classics concert featuring music by Beethoven, Ravel, Corigliano and Brahms, Philippe Quint, violin; Daniel Hege, conductor Where: Century II Concert Hall, 225 W. Douglas When: 8 p.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. March 13 How much: Tickets $20-$44; discounts available. For more information, visit www.wso.org or call 316-267-7658. EXCLUSIVE: Massage Envy to Open in Midtown Village Next Month Stephen Dethrage Massage Envy, a national chain with more than 1,400 locations across the country, will open their first location in Tuscaloosa early next month in Midtown Village. The new spa will be housed in Midtown Village's Suite 106, between the tween boutique Justice and the Jos. A. Banks men's clothier. Alexis Graf, the new spa's Director of Operations, said she hopes to open their doors to customers on June 6th, but there's a lot of work to do before that happens. Graf said Massage Envy's core mission is to offer
massage, facial and stretching services at affordable prices, making wellness accessible to people of all walks of life. An introductory one-hour massage at the spa will cost $55, Graf said, then customers have the option to become members for $65 a month, which guarantees an hour-long session at Massage Envy each month. Any sessions not used can be rolled over into the next month, Graf said, and members can even gift their monthly sessions to friends and family who might be interested. She added that because Massage Envy is a nationwide brand, a membership at the Tuscaloosa location will be recognized at any other franchise in the US, so even when you're traveling you can find a nearby spa and get your massage in. The biggest obstacle for Graf right now is staffing the new location, she said -- there are 11 rooms in the new spa, and she hopes to hire at least that many licensed massage therapists and estheticians. Graf said there are only 50 licensed massage therapists in Tuscaloosa, though, leaving a shallow pool to fish for new hires in. Any qualified candidate interested in working for Massage Envy in Tuscaloosa can click here to e-mail Graf. Categories: Breaking News, Community Arab world hopes 'butcher' will seek peace To most Arabs Sharon is the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla and the assassin of Sheikh Yassin. sharon 88. (photo credit: ) To most Arabs he's the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, the man who locked Yasser Arafat in the Mukata, the assassin of Sheikh Yassin. The Arab world despises Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for masterminding the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and what they see as his part in the massacres there, for his hard-line approach in dealing with the Palestinians during the intifada, and for his policy of "liquidations." That view remains strong despite his move Monday to leave the Likud and establish a party left of it. "Nobody sees him as someone nice and cuddly," an Arab banker told The Jerusalem Post in a phone call from Bahrain. The banker asked not to be identified on the record speaking to an Israeli paper. One Arab expert said that Sharon's image would not change in Arab eyes no matter what he does. "In my opinion Sharon will remain an ugly face to Arabs and Muslims," Hassan Satti, a political analyst from the respected London-based Asharq Alawsat daily Arabic newspaper, told the Post. "I think the Arabs will never forgive the hard line he took against the leadership of the Palestinians, first against [former Palestinian president] Yasser Arafat and later against Mahmoud Abbas, when he was in power for a short time." During the intifada, Sharon said he would never negotiate with Palestinian leaders while terror attacks took place. Yet, while Sharon may never be loved or trusted by the Arab world, his departure Monday from the increasingly right-wing Likud party to create a center party has some Arabs thinking that the "man of war" may become their partner in peace. "This guy has always been perceived as warrior, but he seems to be moving in the direction of peace," said the banker. "Maybe he will surprise us all." A middle-aged Jordanian businessman who opposes normalizing ties with Israel before it makes a settlement with the Palestinians, said he never trusted Sharon. "He has killed too much," said the businessman, who asked to remain anonymous. But now he believes that Sharon wants to make peace. "Sharon wants to finish his life with doing something great: to leave his stamp on Israel and the world. He is old and he spent many years fighting. He came to the conclusion that war cannot continue forever." Some Arabs said that Sharon's right-wing identity may be key to him realizing peace with his Arab neighbors. "Historically it is the Likud which makes peace and Labor which goes to war," said Satti. "Sharon may try to break this rule and try to achieve peace." According to the banker, "Sharon has the credibility [among Israelis] to make concessions that a leftist prime minister would not be able to make." Like many Arabs, the banker was knowledgeable of the Israeli political scene. Arabs talking to the Post pondered what
we won't get the truth of the tragic death of Oleg Bebenin, until this regime and its henchmen are long gone. Meanwhile, let's hope Europe doesn't swerve from its mission to pressure Lukashenka and get the release of the political prisoners like Andrei Sannikov, Vladimir Neklyayev and others -- even though the EU hasn't done a stellar job of this mission yet, and let's hope Russia can be drawn into the job of trying to send Lukashenka on his way, without putting their own controllers in his place. Not a good situation. A situation into which someone who wanted to bomb the metro in Minsk could easily walk into.... Posted at 09:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Distracting Men's Minds with Foreign Peace? There's a fascinating story up at The Cable about the State Department doing battle with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly over a contract to the International Peace Institute (IPI). That is, fascinating if you are an OSCE geek like me and follow the somewhat obscure doings at the unwieldly 56-country assembly, where the politics are almost never covered in the press like this. At one level, the story sounds like it's about diplomatic pork, a cushy contract for a conference handed to some friends of friends (Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, the Secretary Generay of OSCE itself, is on the board of IPI). Of course, diplomats can't get very far on pork that has a budget of only $83,400, which might be enough for one or two conferences, given the high cost of dinner, hotel, translation, etc. in Vienna. But at another level, it's about a lot of other things. BUDGET-SLASHING CLIMATE IN DC First, I'm wincing -- ouch, raising *any* budget dispute in *this* climate where Congress is slashing absolutely anything that looks like it might be about "distracting men's minds with foreign peace," i.e. not wars, which they readily approve money for, but things like the UN Human Rights Council. NGOs have already been fretting for months how to admit criticisms of the HRC, but yet convince members to support U.S. activity at the UN (something I totally support myself -- you have to be in the game to win it.) But if you complain about any one item these days, you risk having *all* funding cut as a particular activity starts to seem shrouded in controversy. I find that exasperating, as these international bodies do need criticizing badly, but trying to convey the subtleties of why they need lots more financial and intellectual support than they get, but critical support is something very hard to convey in a Congressional hearing. Congress should *not* cut any funding for OSCE work -- if anything, they need to realize this is where the international battlefield for hearts and minds is taking place. Let's remember that it took strong American leadership to get Turkmen dissidents seated at the OSCE Review Conferences last year, for example, and it is the U.S. delegation that takes the lead at the Permanent Council in condemning human rights violations in OSCE member states such as are alarmingly occuring in Belarus now. But trying to keep the support *with* the criticism is very difficult. HOSTILE CLIMATE FOR CRITICIZING OSCE That's something I faced myself in trying to discuss Turkmenistan in a hearing at the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) some years ago -- and at the end, got a reprimand from Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) for criticizing OSCE PA -- a body of which of course CSCE itself is a member -- and in fact, one of the models for membership. I would argue that not all election monitoring that the OSCE PA does of elections is credible precisely because it has undemocratically elected members -- chief of which is Russia's delegation -- and has opted to monitor some elections that would be better off not blessed by the act of monitoring at all. This is of course the sort of politically-uncorrect truth that diplomats try to avoid saying aloud because it lets you in for an endless wrangle. Yes, Russia's parliamentary elections have been declared flawed by the OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) -- and rightly so. (ODIHR opted
we won't get the truth of the tragic death of Oleg Bebenin, until this regime and its henchmen are long gone. Meanwhile, let's hope Europe doesn't swerve from its mission to pressure Lukashenka and get the release of the political prisoners like Andrei Sannikov, Vladimir Neklyayev and others -- even though the EU hasn't done a stellar job of this mission yet, and let's hope Russia can be drawn into the job of trying to send Lukashenka on his way, without putting their own controllers in his place. Not a good situation. A situation into which someone who wanted to bomb the metro in Minsk could easily walk into.... Posted at 09:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Distracting Men's Minds with Foreign Peace? There's a fascinating story up at The Cable about the State Department doing battle with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly over a contract to the International Peace Institute (IPI). That is, fascinating if you are an OSCE geek like me and follow the somewhat obscure doings at the unwieldly 56-country assembly, where the politics are almost never covered in the press like this. At one level, the story sounds like it's about diplomatic pork, a cushy contract for a conference handed to some friends of friends (Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, the Secretary Generay of OSCE itself, is on the board of IPI). Of course, diplomats can't get very far on pork that has a budget of only $83,400, which might be enough for one or two conferences, given the high cost of dinner, hotel, translation, etc. in Vienna. But at another level, it's about a lot of other things. BUDGET-SLASHING CLIMATE IN DC First, I'm wincing -- ouch, raising *any* budget dispute in *this* climate where Congress is slashing absolutely anything that looks like it might be about "distracting men's minds with foreign peace," i.e. not wars, which they readily approve money for, but things like the UN Human Rights Council. NGOs have already been fretting for months how to admit criticisms of the HRC, but yet convince members to support U.S. activity at the UN (something I totally support myself -- you have to be in the game to win it.) But if you complain about any one item these days, you risk having *all* funding cut as a particular activity starts to seem shrouded in controversy. I find that exasperating, as these international bodies do need criticizing badly, but trying to convey the subtleties of why they need lots more financial and intellectual support than they get, but critical support is something very hard to convey in a Congressional hearing. Congress should *not* cut any funding for OSCE work -- if anything, they need to realize this is where the international battlefield for hearts and minds is taking place. Let's remember that it took strong American leadership to get Turkmen dissidents seated at the OSCE Review Conferences last year, for example, and it is the U.S. delegation that takes the lead at the Permanent Council in condemning human rights violations in OSCE member states such as are alarmingly occuring in Belarus now. But trying to keep the support *with* the criticism is very difficult. HOSTILE CLIMATE FOR CRITICIZING OSCE That's something I faced myself in trying to discuss Turkmenistan in a hearing at the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) some years ago -- and at the end, got a reprimand from Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) for criticizing OSCE PA -- a body of which of course CSCE itself is a member -- and in fact, one of the models for membership. I would argue that not all election monitoring that the OSCE PA does of elections is credible precisely because it has undemocratically elected members -- chief of which is Russia's delegation -- and has opted to monitor some elections that would be better off not blessed by the act of monitoring at all. This is of course the sort of politically-uncorrect truth that diplomats try to avoid saying aloud because it lets you in for an endless wrangle. Yes, Russia's parliamentary elections have been declared flawed by the OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) -- and rightly so. (ODIHR opted
not to monitor the 2007 elections when their experts faced obstructions and some didn't get visas in a timely manner; OSCE PA did send an observers' delegation, however (although they didn't go to monitor the presidential election). And I suspect that while conditions have only worsened in Russia, we may not see ODIHR doing *that* again, so furious has the Kremlin been over this characterization, and so busy have they been trying to spin it. Indeed, under Lenarcic, ODIHR has now been criticzed as being too timid, and not sufficiently critical of the elections in Moldova, under Russian pressure. And OSCE PA was rapped for its statement of being "delighted" by the Moldovan elections which brought Communists a landslide victory. MORAL EQUIVALENCE MAGNETIC FIELD BTW, because of the inherent magnetic field of moral equivalency that always vectors this debate, I have to add this: Making this statement about the inherent flaw of the OSCE PA -- that it has undemocratic members who are state cronies -- doesn't somehow bless the U.S. as a system free of flaws. I find that whenever you try to have this debate, someone is sure to start barking about how the U.S. itself is flawed, and that the 2000 election in particular was suspect. (Indeed, Rep. Hastings commented pointedly that OSCE didn't monitor those elections, and should have been more critical, and enthused that Russian monitors in the 2008 elections were some of the greatest people he had ever dealt with). You don't have to somehow be unwitting or not admitting of the flaws of American democracy, the need for even-handed monitoring, and even the warmth of Russians even from an undemocratic system to be entitled to criticize the obvious about Russia: with the use of "administrative resources" by incumbents, with the media controlled, with journalists killed or maimed, with NGOs terribly pressured, with demonstrations about basic rights crushed by police, with constant violations -- like one of the former parliamentarians put in jail for 15 days (Boris Nemtsov), and ultimately with no liberal caucus, even a tiny one, remotely possible -- it shouldn't be so hard to criticize Russia's elections as unfair. But it is, for all kinds of lingering Cold War reasons, not the least of which are actual people with actual old line pro-Soviet views in the U.S. Congress as well as in OSCE PA. They were also terribly soft on Kazakhstan and other Russian allies as well. RUSSIA'S ASSAULT ON OSCE If you want to understand the real context for this story of a rather modest contract going to a Western-friendly think-tank, read what Vladimir Putin said in Munich in 2007: They [unnamed Western States] are trying to transform the OSCE into a vulgar instrument designed to promote the foreign policy interests of one or a group of countries. And this task is also being accomplished by the OSCE's bureaucratic apparatus, which is absolutely not connected with the state founders in any way. Decision-making procedures and the involvement of so-called non-governmental organizations are tailored for this task. These organizations are formally independent but they are purposefully financed and therefore under control. Project much? Kazakhstan, carrying water for the Kremlin, rammed through the Astana security summit with a reluctant West (and Eastern Europe) and packed the review meetings with its own state-funded NGOs -- and also limited the space for critical NGOs at the summit itself. Those few NGOs that still bother with OSCE -- mainly the remnants of the international Helsinki movement in Europe and the former Soviet Union -- are mainly credible groups making the right judgement calls on unfair and unfree elections in CIS states. DEMOCRACY BEGINS AT HOME There's much more to this issue, as Josh Rogin's story indicates. Spencer Oliver is absolutely right to question this no-bid contract without any competition. But Spencer Oliver himself has been in power at OSCE PA for 22 years, and before that had a distinguished career at CSCE for 22 years. I'm all for continuity and institutional memory, but one has to ask, when first OSCE PA
film and TV. And a slight obsession with the Lord Of The Rings, The West Wing and Steven Gerrard. Rorge talks Arya, The Hound, & Jaqen H'ghar Liz Garbus talks Love, Marilyn Dredd 3D with Karl Urban - Part 2 The Hobbit with James Nesbitt onWheels Business Law Features Networking Brief onScreen Money and Insurance Coach Meddy: The Man Behind World Class Footballers Anelka, Matuidi & Evra on the Science of Fitness Coaching Mark Simpson / May 17, 2019 March 19, 2019 Celebrity fitness is a niche segment in the world of fitness simply because of the high standards involved. While coaching athletes or even actors for specific roles, fitness instructors have to deliver a ton of requirements. Working closely with dieticians, nutrition specialists and sometimes even physiotherapists, celebrity fitness instructors have to ensure holistic fitness schedules for their clients. One such example of the celebrity fitness industry is Coach Meddy, who has a long list of achievements along with an equally long list of notable clients who swear by his training methods. What makes athletes like Nicolas Anelka, Patrice Evra, Miralem Pianic (teammate of Cristiano Ronaldo at the Juventus Turin Football Club) and Mike Phillips (former captain and legend of the Welsh rugby) follow Coach Meddy’s verdict on fitness like gospel? Coach says, “The significant thing about my work is that it is something unique. The reason why many athletes come to me is that I have created a unique method of work adjusted to football players from the martial art conditioning, I called it MMF Protocol which stands for Mixed Martial and Football Protocol. The MMF Protocol gives fast and sustainable results and it is optimized with a specific nutrition plan.” It is this win-win combination of two of the most physically demanding sports that helps in establishing a perfect aerobic-anaerobic-hormonal equilibrium that further results in optimum health and fitness levels achieved by a human body. Coach Meddy is on a long-term mission of understanding the science of fitness and create a path through which fitness enthusiasts can slowly and steadily increase their physical potential to its highest optimum level. After having won many accolades for being nominated as the Best Physical Trainer in 2017 and Best Gym Facilities in UAE in 2018, Coach Meddy has launched sports media ‘NA 39’ in collaboration with Nicolas Anelka to make his unique fitness regime available to the mass. At present, he works in close coordination with the best Football Clubs such as Juventus Turin, Borussia Dortmund and AS Monaco; trains players for Football World Cup and also overlooks the editorial content of NA 39. He even interviews celebrities on fitness. When it comes to fitness, the world is clearly divided into two halves – one for whom fitness in non-negotiable because their bread and butter depends on it. This lot includes athletes and other celebrities. The second half are the regular folk who are in it purely to lead healthier lives. While celebrities are well-educated on the benefits of rigorous fitness regimes, there generally tends to be a lot of confusion among the latter half about body-specific fitness regimes and how to go about it. This is where Coach Meddy comes in by getting things into the right perspective. So, it really is no surprise that celebrity footballers and star athletes personally vouch for Coach Meddy’s principles of fitness. He hopes that the goodwill he has earned by big names backing him will allow him to spread the message of his personal brand of fitness, far and wide. Finally a reason for his fans to rejoice! Categories HealthPost navigation How IoT is making Transportation smarter? Starting a summer camp: What to do before the kids arrive The Two Most Innovative Notebooks At CES Anthony Munchak Explains the Importance of Corporate Investment Firms and Risk Management for Company Growth WHO visits Wuhan as China Announced First Covid Death After More Than Six Months House Pushes for Trump’s Impeachment After U.S Capitol Ri
film and TV. And a slight obsession with the Lord Of The Rings, The West Wing and Steven Gerrard. Rorge talks Arya, The Hound, & Jaqen H'ghar Liz Garbus talks Love, Marilyn Dredd 3D with Karl Urban - Part 2 The Hobbit with James Nesbitt onWheels Business Law Features Networking Brief onScreen Money and Insurance Coach Meddy: The Man Behind World Class Footballers Anelka, Matuidi & Evra on the Science of Fitness Coaching Mark Simpson / May 17, 2019 March 19, 2019 Celebrity fitness is a niche segment in the world of fitness simply because of the high standards involved. While coaching athletes or even actors for specific roles, fitness instructors have to deliver a ton of requirements. Working closely with dieticians, nutrition specialists and sometimes even physiotherapists, celebrity fitness instructors have to ensure holistic fitness schedules for their clients. One such example of the celebrity fitness industry is Coach Meddy, who has a long list of achievements along with an equally long list of notable clients who swear by his training methods. What makes athletes like Nicolas Anelka, Patrice Evra, Miralem Pianic (teammate of Cristiano Ronaldo at the Juventus Turin Football Club) and Mike Phillips (former captain and legend of the Welsh rugby) follow Coach Meddy’s verdict on fitness like gospel? Coach says, “The significant thing about my work is that it is something unique. The reason why many athletes come to me is that I have created a unique method of work adjusted to football players from the martial art conditioning, I called it MMF Protocol which stands for Mixed Martial and Football Protocol. The MMF Protocol gives fast and sustainable results and it is optimized with a specific nutrition plan.” It is this win-win combination of two of the most physically demanding sports that helps in establishing a perfect aerobic-anaerobic-hormonal equilibrium that further results in optimum health and fitness levels achieved by a human body. Coach Meddy is on a long-term mission of understanding the science of fitness and create a path through which fitness enthusiasts can slowly and steadily increase their physical potential to its highest optimum level. After having won many accolades for being nominated as the Best Physical Trainer in 2017 and Best Gym Facilities in UAE in 2018, Coach Meddy has launched sports media ‘NA 39’ in collaboration with Nicolas Anelka to make his unique fitness regime available to the mass. At present, he works in close coordination with the best Football Clubs such as Juventus Turin, Borussia Dortmund and AS Monaco; trains players for Football World Cup and also overlooks the editorial content of NA 39. He even interviews celebrities on fitness. When it comes to fitness, the world is clearly divided into two halves – one for whom fitness in non-negotiable because their bread and butter depends on it. This lot includes athletes and other celebrities. The second half are the regular folk who are in it purely to lead healthier lives. While celebrities are well-educated on the benefits of rigorous fitness regimes, there generally tends to be a lot of confusion among the latter half about body-specific fitness regimes and how to go about it. This is where Coach Meddy comes in by getting things into the right perspective. So, it really is no surprise that celebrity footballers and star athletes personally vouch for Coach Meddy’s principles of fitness. He hopes that the goodwill he has earned by big names backing him will allow him to spread the message of his personal brand of fitness, far and wide. Finally a reason for his fans to rejoice! Categories HealthPost navigation How IoT is making Transportation smarter? Starting a summer camp: What to do before the kids arrive The Two Most Innovative Notebooks At CES Anthony Munchak Explains the Importance of Corporate Investment Firms and Risk Management for Company Growth WHO visits Wuhan as China Announced First Covid Death After More Than Six Months House Pushes for Trump’s Impeachment After U.S Capitol Ri
ot 2021 © tgdaily.com. Powered by a hamster on a treadmill. Designed by a drunk we met on the subway. Home > Net News > Research Director, Inc.: Exclusive August ... Research Director, Inc.: Exclusive August PPM Analysis For Miami, Seattle, Detroit, Phoenix, Minneapolis September 5, 2019 at 8:17 AM (PT) Exclusive Analysis From Research Director, Inc. The ratings road show continues with another round of revelations and remarks fueled by The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. and algorithm alchemists from XTRENDS. Our subject today is the third round of reviews concerning the AUGUST book. A period precisely defined by NIELSEN as running from 7/18 through 8/14. The true dog days of summer. Let’s see if it was a good dog … Miami-Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood: Same Old, Same Old There was precious little drama in the 6+ ranks as the top five stations remained the same as before – with one small addition. COX RADIO AC WFEZ (EASY) was #1 for the eighth straight survey (7.3-7.6). COX RADIO Urban AC WHQT (HOT) was #2 for the sixth book in a row but with its highest share in over a year (6.3-7.0). UNIVISION Spanish Contemporary WAMR (AMOR) repeated at #3 (5.7-5.6) while ENTERCOM AC WLYF (LITE) returned as the #4 station (5.5-5.5). SBS Tropical WCMQ (ZETA) was #5 for the fourth straight survey (5.1-4.9) but was joined by ENTERCOM Classic Hits WMXJ (THE BEACH) which ended a small three-book slide (4.6-4.9). iHEARTMEDIA Classic Rock WBGG (BIG) had its best book in over a year to move up to #8 (3.2-3.8). Things were not quite as static 25-54 as WHQT moved up to #1 for the first time since SEPTEMBER. It led the demo by a whisker over WFEZ which saw its two-book reign come to an end with a small loss. WAMR stood alone at #3 with a small gain while WLYF fell back to #4 despite a slight increase. COX RADIO Urban WEDR (JAMZ) had its best performance since JANUARY to climb three spots to #5. This pushed a flat iHEARTMEDIA Spanish Contemporary WZTU (TU 94.9) back to #6. The status was anything but quo 18-34 as every station was in motion. Congrats to iHEARTMEDIA Urban WMIB (THE BEAT) which captured the crown with its highest share in over a year. WEDR moved up to #2 with its best score since APRIL while WZTU stepped up to #3 with its best book since FEBRUARY. ENTERCOM Top 40/R WPOW (POWER) saw its two-book run come to an end as it dropped back to #4. WHQT had a huge increase as it rose from #11 to #5. Meanwhile, COX RADIO Top 40/M WFLC (HITS) got back about half of last month’s huge decrease and rose five spaces to #7. It was tied with a slightly down iHEARTMEDIA Top 40/M WHYI (Y100). WFEZ had its smallest share in over a year as it fell from #5 to #10. Last survey WFEZ and WPOW were the 18-49 co-leaders. That partnership did not endure. EASY was off a bit but remained on top. POWER ended a strong four-book surge and fell all the way to #11. WEDR was up three slots to #2 with a solid increase while a flat WAMR remained at #3. WLYF was also flat as it stood still at #4 but it was paired with WHQT which advanced from #9 with its highest share since FEBRUARY. SBS Tropical WXDJ (EL ZOL)
– Relative to other Halos, this feels to me like a slightly more powerful Halo 3 AR. Some people might have some prejudice against the weapon because it’s not the newest, flashiest weapon on the block and there are a lot of other things that will catch your eye first. That being said, this is one of the best looking weapons in the game IMO. Gameplay-wise, we’ve tried to extend the range on the AR a bit from what it’s traditionally been and made it a tad more accurate. This is one of my favorite weapons in Halo 4 and I’m particularly fond of pairing it with a long range rifle in MP using the Firepower armor mod. DESIGNATION: BR85 Heavy-Barrel Service Rifle Utilizes precise, three-round burst functionality, making it a formidable mid-range, semi-automatic weapon. Frank – Designed to be precise at mid-range and reasonably predictable at long range, the BR is currently my favorite loadout rifle. It’s not as precise or surgical as the DMR and feels more predictable to me than the LightRifle, its closest Promethean counterpart. For headshots and quick takedowns for an intermediate player like me, it’s just a great balance. David – Like a well-oiled baseball glove, pick up the Battle Rifle in Halo 4 and you’ll feel right at home. With the BR being hitscan (projectiles register hits immediately upon trigger pull), it is definitely a force to be reckoned with at mid to long range. Roll into battle with a teammate or two at your side, and enemies will turn and run at the mere threat of your groupshots. There’s just something inherently satisfying about that triple thud unleashed with each trigger pull. Chris – The firing cadence and rhythm of the BR are music to my ears. This one features a 2x zoom vs. the DMR’s 3x so I tend to utilize it more on smaller maps like Haven and Adrift, although it’s still effective on larger maps as well. It features a tad bit of recoil. This means you will need to realign your target (especially in a prolonged duel) but also has the added upside of being slightly easier to get a finishing headshot as you can focus more on the upper torso and land the headshot via recoil on the second or third bullet. Vic – I love playing with the new BR in Halo 4. It feels and sounds oh-so-solid, and I didn’t have to re-learn how to use it, which made me happy. Much to my surprise, the custom skins for it are a nice addition. I didn’t think I’d like them since I lean towards a more purist approach when it comes to the UNSC weapons but after playing around with them, I think they are actually pretty sweet. DESIGNATION: M395 Designated Marksman Rifle Premiere marksman rifle of the UNSC, offering impressive single-fire accuracy at reasonably long distances. Frank – Laser precise, predictable, but with the associated slower rate of fire, I definitely prefer it in long-range encounters or purpose-specific “mini-snipe” conditions, like taking someone off a turret, for example. In my experience over mid-long range combat, I am invariably defeated when bringing BR to bear, but the closer those encounters are, the less likely it is to happen. David – This might surprise some people, but based solely on pure lethality, I’d have to give the ever-so-slight edge to the DMR right now. As Frank mentioned, it’s incredibly precise and simplified with lower rate of fire than in Reach. Now the only info you need to juggle in your head when going toe-to-toe is the middle of the reticle as you line it up to dome your unfortunate foe. For my money, BR with groupshot is greater than DMR, but if you’re lone wolfing, DMR is the way to go. Chris – This thing is absolutely ridiculous long-range. While it does feature a slight amount of bloom to balance it at extreme distances, for the majority of mid to long range encounters it doesn’t really come into play. The combination of the accuracy, headshot functionality and the improvements we have made to the aim assist system make this one of the best feeling guns in any Halo game IMO. One other
– Relative to other Halos, this feels to me like a slightly more powerful Halo 3 AR. Some people might have some prejudice against the weapon because it’s not the newest, flashiest weapon on the block and there are a lot of other things that will catch your eye first. That being said, this is one of the best looking weapons in the game IMO. Gameplay-wise, we’ve tried to extend the range on the AR a bit from what it’s traditionally been and made it a tad more accurate. This is one of my favorite weapons in Halo 4 and I’m particularly fond of pairing it with a long range rifle in MP using the Firepower armor mod. DESIGNATION: BR85 Heavy-Barrel Service Rifle Utilizes precise, three-round burst functionality, making it a formidable mid-range, semi-automatic weapon. Frank – Designed to be precise at mid-range and reasonably predictable at long range, the BR is currently my favorite loadout rifle. It’s not as precise or surgical as the DMR and feels more predictable to me than the LightRifle, its closest Promethean counterpart. For headshots and quick takedowns for an intermediate player like me, it’s just a great balance. David – Like a well-oiled baseball glove, pick up the Battle Rifle in Halo 4 and you’ll feel right at home. With the BR being hitscan (projectiles register hits immediately upon trigger pull), it is definitely a force to be reckoned with at mid to long range. Roll into battle with a teammate or two at your side, and enemies will turn and run at the mere threat of your groupshots. There’s just something inherently satisfying about that triple thud unleashed with each trigger pull. Chris – The firing cadence and rhythm of the BR are music to my ears. This one features a 2x zoom vs. the DMR’s 3x so I tend to utilize it more on smaller maps like Haven and Adrift, although it’s still effective on larger maps as well. It features a tad bit of recoil. This means you will need to realign your target (especially in a prolonged duel) but also has the added upside of being slightly easier to get a finishing headshot as you can focus more on the upper torso and land the headshot via recoil on the second or third bullet. Vic – I love playing with the new BR in Halo 4. It feels and sounds oh-so-solid, and I didn’t have to re-learn how to use it, which made me happy. Much to my surprise, the custom skins for it are a nice addition. I didn’t think I’d like them since I lean towards a more purist approach when it comes to the UNSC weapons but after playing around with them, I think they are actually pretty sweet. DESIGNATION: M395 Designated Marksman Rifle Premiere marksman rifle of the UNSC, offering impressive single-fire accuracy at reasonably long distances. Frank – Laser precise, predictable, but with the associated slower rate of fire, I definitely prefer it in long-range encounters or purpose-specific “mini-snipe” conditions, like taking someone off a turret, for example. In my experience over mid-long range combat, I am invariably defeated when bringing BR to bear, but the closer those encounters are, the less likely it is to happen. David – This might surprise some people, but based solely on pure lethality, I’d have to give the ever-so-slight edge to the DMR right now. As Frank mentioned, it’s incredibly precise and simplified with lower rate of fire than in Reach. Now the only info you need to juggle in your head when going toe-to-toe is the middle of the reticle as you line it up to dome your unfortunate foe. For my money, BR with groupshot is greater than DMR, but if you’re lone wolfing, DMR is the way to go. Chris – This thing is absolutely ridiculous long-range. While it does feature a slight amount of bloom to balance it at extreme distances, for the majority of mid to long range encounters it doesn’t really come into play. The combination of the accuracy, headshot functionality and the improvements we have made to the aim assist system make this one of the best feeling guns in any Halo game IMO. One other
thing worth mentioning on this one… I can’t get over how awesome this weapon sounds – it has an insanely meaty punch to each shot and gives me an adrenaline rush just firing it! Joel – When compared to the BR, the DMR is better at long ranges and taking down shields, but is a little tougher to pull off that last headshot with. Also, it sounds like I’m firing a cannon with each shot from a DMR. SO MUCH POWER! DESIGNATION: M6H Personal Defense Weapon System UNSC’s personal sidearm of choice due to its excellence at close-range to mid-range engagements. Frank – I only ever used this weapon historically in Halo: CE because it was a beast (or dual wielded it in Halo 2), and in SWAT because it let me spam in panicky corners. In Halo 4, I am still trying to figure out what to use it for. I seldom pack it as a loadout, but I am getting beaned by it consistently so I may experiment more. David – The Magnum in Halo 4 is designated as a secondary weapon and as such it should be a just a little weaker than your primary options. With a faster rate of fire, it’s more deadly than the DMR close-range, but a twitchy trigger finger will limit its effectiveness at longer ranges. Chris – The Halo 4 Magnum isn’t meant to compete with the big boys (DMR, BR, Carbine, LightRifle) so its role is a bit different than in the past. It definitely won’t compete with the Halo 1 Magnum (although, what weapon will?). It’s still lethal but best used as a backup (switch to a Magnum to finish someone vs. waiting for a long reload on your primary weapon) or to pair with a fully auto primary weapon like the AR or Storm Rifle (drop an enemy’s shields and then finish them with a single headshot). In the hands of a skilled player though, this thing can still be a beast as it’s one of the fastest firing guns in the game. The other big change I think players will notice is that we have drastically sped up animation times when using a pistol. So you will be able to switch to it quicker, pull off melees and grenade throws faster, etc. than you will with primary weapons. Specialty UNSC Weapons: DESIGNATION: M45D Tactical Shotgun Dominant close-quarters weapon specializing in boarding actions, breach maneuvers, and urban operations. Frank – Definitely not as overpowered as it has been in the past, it’s a one-shot kill at point-blank range (usually) but I find it’s not quite as deadly as Reach’s in close quarter strafing encounters. I use a LOT of ammo trying to take folks down without risking swapping weapons, if that makes sense. David – I’ve always been the kind of guy who loves to jump in the middle of a squad of enemies to see how many I can take out in my blaze of glory. As such, the Shotgun, if I might borrow a phrase, scratches that particular itch for me. With the aesthetic redesign, the Shotgun feels like a future bangstick designed with one purpose: to blow heads clean off their shoulders. Unlike Frank, I actually find this shotgun to be easier to use than the one in Reach, but when getting the jump on enemies, you better make that first shot count. Otherwise, you’ll be left wondering what could have been while waiting to respawn. Chris – The new Shotgun model is SICK and definitely reads as a bit more futuristic than the previous versions. It actually has a lot longer range now, less damage falloff, and is quite a bit more powerful than say the Reach version overall, but some of that dialed up power is countered by the other changes in the game like Sprint by default, mobility-based Armor Abilities, and generally faster movement speeds. This is definitely one of my favorite ordnance weapons. I especially love finding one when I have the Speed Boost in MP. DESIGNATION: M739 Light Machine Gun Squad automatic weapon used in protracted engagements where sustained or suppressive fire is required. Frank – I LOVE the
and Ukraine.[99] In India, Hindu nationalism has gained ground due to the rise of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's closely affiliated Bharatiya Janata Party, emphasizing Hinduism as a guiding principle of the country as opposed to the secular stance taken by India's founders.[100] Militant Buddhist nationalism is on the rise in Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka.[101][102] A referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was held on 18 September 2014. The proposal was defeated, with 55.3% voting against independence. In a 2016 referendum, the British populace voted to withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union (the so-called Brexit). The result had been largely unexpected and was seen as a victory of populism. As the promise of continued EU membership was a core feature of the pro-unionist campaign during the Scottish referendum, the months since the EU Referendum vote have seen renewed calls for a second referendum on Scottish independence. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, sometimes called a "Tropical Trump", with U.S. President Donald Trump The 2016 U.S. presidential campaign saw the unprecedented rise of Donald Trump, a businessman with no political experience who ran on a populist/nationalist platform and struggled to gain endorsements from mainstream political figures, even within his own party. Trump's slogans "Make America Great Again" and "America First" exemplified his campaign's repudiation of globalism and its staunchly nationalistic outlook. His unexpected victory in the election was seen as part of the same trend that had brought about the Brexit vote.[103] On October 22, 2018, two weeks before the mid-term elections President Trump openly proclaimed that he was a nationalist to a cheering crowd at a rally in Texas in support of re-electing Sen. Ted Cruz who was once an adversary.[104] On October 29, 2018 he equated nationalism to patriotism, saying "I'm proud of this country and I call that 'nationalism.'"[105] In Japan, nationalist influences in the government developed over the course of the early 21 century, thanks in large part to the Nippon Kaigi organization. The new movement has advocated re-establishing Japan as a military power and revising historical narratives to support the notion of a moral and strong Japan.[106][107] In 2016, Rodrigo Duterte became president of the Philippines running a distinctly nationalist campaign. Contrary to the policies of his recent predecessors, he distanced the country from the Philippines' former ruler, the United States, and sought closer ties with China (as well as Russia).[108] During 2017, Turkish nationalism propelled President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to gain unprecedented power in a national referendum.[109] Reactions from world leaders were mixed, with Western European leaders generally expressing concern while the leaders of many of the more authoritarian regimes, as well as President Donald Trump, offered their congratulations. Since 2010, Catalan nationalists have led a renewed Catalan independence movement and declared Catalonia's independence. The movement has been opposed by Spanish nationalists.[110][111] Political science[edit] Many political scientists have theorized about the foundations of the modern nation-state and the concept of sovereignty. The concept of nationalism in political science draws from these theoretical foundations. Philosophers like Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau conceptualized the state as the result of a "social contract" between rulers and individuals.[112] Weber provides the most commonly used definition of the state, "that human community which successfully lays claim to the monopoly of legitimate physical violence within a certain territory".[113] According to Benedict Anderson, nations are "Imagined Communities", or socially constructed institutions.[114] Many scholars have noted the relationship between state-building, war, and nationalism. Many scholars believe that the development of nationalism in Europe (and subsequently the modern nation-state) was due to the threat of war. "External threats
and Ukraine.[99] In India, Hindu nationalism has gained ground due to the rise of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's closely affiliated Bharatiya Janata Party, emphasizing Hinduism as a guiding principle of the country as opposed to the secular stance taken by India's founders.[100] Militant Buddhist nationalism is on the rise in Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka.[101][102] A referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was held on 18 September 2014. The proposal was defeated, with 55.3% voting against independence. In a 2016 referendum, the British populace voted to withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union (the so-called Brexit). The result had been largely unexpected and was seen as a victory of populism. As the promise of continued EU membership was a core feature of the pro-unionist campaign during the Scottish referendum, the months since the EU Referendum vote have seen renewed calls for a second referendum on Scottish independence. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, sometimes called a "Tropical Trump", with U.S. President Donald Trump The 2016 U.S. presidential campaign saw the unprecedented rise of Donald Trump, a businessman with no political experience who ran on a populist/nationalist platform and struggled to gain endorsements from mainstream political figures, even within his own party. Trump's slogans "Make America Great Again" and "America First" exemplified his campaign's repudiation of globalism and its staunchly nationalistic outlook. His unexpected victory in the election was seen as part of the same trend that had brought about the Brexit vote.[103] On October 22, 2018, two weeks before the mid-term elections President Trump openly proclaimed that he was a nationalist to a cheering crowd at a rally in Texas in support of re-electing Sen. Ted Cruz who was once an adversary.[104] On October 29, 2018 he equated nationalism to patriotism, saying "I'm proud of this country and I call that 'nationalism.'"[105] In Japan, nationalist influences in the government developed over the course of the early 21 century, thanks in large part to the Nippon Kaigi organization. The new movement has advocated re-establishing Japan as a military power and revising historical narratives to support the notion of a moral and strong Japan.[106][107] In 2016, Rodrigo Duterte became president of the Philippines running a distinctly nationalist campaign. Contrary to the policies of his recent predecessors, he distanced the country from the Philippines' former ruler, the United States, and sought closer ties with China (as well as Russia).[108] During 2017, Turkish nationalism propelled President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to gain unprecedented power in a national referendum.[109] Reactions from world leaders were mixed, with Western European leaders generally expressing concern while the leaders of many of the more authoritarian regimes, as well as President Donald Trump, offered their congratulations. Since 2010, Catalan nationalists have led a renewed Catalan independence movement and declared Catalonia's independence. The movement has been opposed by Spanish nationalists.[110][111] Political science[edit] Many political scientists have theorized about the foundations of the modern nation-state and the concept of sovereignty. The concept of nationalism in political science draws from these theoretical foundations. Philosophers like Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau conceptualized the state as the result of a "social contract" between rulers and individuals.[112] Weber provides the most commonly used definition of the state, "that human community which successfully lays claim to the monopoly of legitimate physical violence within a certain territory".[113] According to Benedict Anderson, nations are "Imagined Communities", or socially constructed institutions.[114] Many scholars have noted the relationship between state-building, war, and nationalism. Many scholars believe that the development of nationalism in Europe (and subsequently the modern nation-state) was due to the threat of war. "External threats
have such a powerful effect on nationalism because people realize in a profound manner that they are under threat because of who they are as a nation; they are forced to recognize that it is only as a nation that they can successfully defeat the threat".[62] With increased external threats, the state's extractive capacities increase. Jeffrey Herbst argues that the lack of external threats to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, post-independence, is linked to weak state nationalism and state capacity .[62] Barry Posen argues that nationalism increases the intensity of war, and that states deliberately promote nationalism with the aim of improving their military capabilities.[115] Sociology[edit] The sociological or modernist interpretation of nationalism and nation-building argues that nationalism arises and flourishes in modern societies that have an industrial economy capable of self-sustainability, a central supreme authority capable of maintaining authority and unity, and a centralized language understood by a community of people.[116] Modernist theorists note that this is only possible in modern societies, while traditional societies typically lack the prerequisites for nationalism. They lack a modern self-sustainable economy, have divided authorities, and use multiple languages resulting in many groups being unable to communicate with each other.[116] Prominent theorists who developed the modernist interpretation of nations and nationalism include: Carlton J. H. Hayes, Henry Maine, Ferdinand Tönnies, Rabindranath Tagore, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Arnold Joseph Toynbee and Talcott Parsons.[116] Henry Maine in his analysis of the historical changes and development of human societies noted the key distinction between traditional societies defined as "status" societies based on family association and functionally diffuse roles for individuals; and modern societies defined as "contract" societies where social relations are determined by rational contracts pursued by individuals to advance their interests. Maine saw the development of societies as moving away from traditional status societies to modern contract societies.[117] Ferdinand Tönnies in his book Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (1887) defined a Gemeinschaft (community) as being based on emotional attachments as attributed with traditional societies, while defining a Gesellschaft (society) as an impersonal society that is modern. While he recognized the advantages of modern societies he also criticized them for their cold and impersonal nature that caused alienation while praising the intimacy of traditional communities.[117] Émile Durkheim expanded upon Tönnies' recognition of alienation, and defined the differences between traditional and modern societies as being between societies based upon "mechanical solidarity" versus societies based on "organic solidarity".[117] Durkheim identified mechanical solidarity as involving custom, habit, and repression that was necessary to maintain shared views. Durkheim identified organic solidarity-based societies as modern societies where there exists a division of labour based on social differentiation that causes alienation. Durkheim claimed that social integration in traditional society required authoritarian culture involving acceptance of a social order. Durkheim claimed that modern society bases integration on the mutual benefits of the division of labour, but noted that the impersonal character of modern urban life caused alienation and feelings of anomie.[117] Max Weber claimed the change that developed modern society and nations is the result of the rise of a charismatic leader to power in a society who creates a new tradition or a rational-legal system that establishes the supreme authority of the state. Weber's conception of charismatic authority has been noted as the basis of many nationalist governments.[117] Primordialist evolutionary interpretation[edit] Another approach emerging from biology and psychology looks at long-term evolutionary forces that might lead to nationalism. The primordialist perspective is based upon evolutionary theory.[118][119] This approach has been popular with the general public but is typically rejected by experts. Laland and Brown report that "the vast majority of professional academics in the social sciences not only ... ignore evolutionary methods but in many cases [are] extremely hostile to the arguments" that draw vast generalizations from rather limited evidence.[120] The evolutionary theory of nationalism perceives nationalism to be the result of the evolution of human beings into identifying with groups, such as ethnic groups, or other groups that form the foundation of a nation.[118]
being so reductivist with my proposed "subtitles" for various Trek series. It's only natural that not every episode fits the theme nicely, but it isn't without merit. As I said, TOS is, broadly speaking, about bringing civilisation to the frontier. TNG, first season aside, is mostly set within the "main body" of the Federation and is most firmly associated with Trek's utopian future. Sure, there are multiple episodes that show us the other side of the coin, but those were never the focus of the show. DS9, on the other hand, is once more set on the frontier, but weaves in the way "centre" reacts with said frontier. It "deconstructs" the paradise and tries to see what makes it tick and whether its values survive extreme pressures on multiple fronts. For all my efforts, I can't quite see what Voyager contributes to the larger Trek universe. What points of view does it represent that haven't already been explored? Moving away from ethos, what plot elements does it introduce. explore, and move forward that make it a worthwhile addition to the franchise? That's the root of the problem many have with Voyager. Say what you will about the first 3 Trek shows, at least they were trailblazers in a way, each revealing a new facet of the universe they inhabit. Or put it this way: look at the essential and the most thematic representatives of the first three shows and you'll see those episodes would never work in the other two. You can't pick a TOS episode and interchange it with a TNG one (well, you can, but then you get TNG Season 1). Likewise, DS9 is recognisably its own. Voyager? Take a random TNG episode, slap some new paint and voila, there's a Voyager episode. Exaggerating a bit, of course. There are some eps that really *are* Voyager (this very one, for example), but they are with barely any internal cohesion to the show's larger themes and without any connection with what came before or what comes after that I hesitate to call it "essential Voyager". The show is simply derivative, that's all. Mon, Jul 7, 2014, 1:32pm (UTC -6) Reductivist? Forgive me, I don't mean to come across as pedantic here, but do you mean reductionist, or are you saying that Trek, as an artform, can be appraised in minimalist terms? I'm going to assume you meant reductionist, in which case, your choice to subtitle the shows as you did is a sign of *your* reductionism, not mine. As I said, the whole concept of "paradise" was not brought up *except* on DS9. Looking back at all the other Trek series from that perspective, introduced on that one show, you have a point, but that's a very DS9-centric way of appraising the franchise's values. Even in those terms, however, Voyager's contribution to the Universe is valid : If TOS represents a 23rd-century evolved humanity, stretching out and civilising their immediate Universe, and TNG represents the fallout from that civilising, a fully realised and integrated 24-century evolved humanity living within the boundaries of its expansion, and DS9 represents the reactionary element of that civilisation, as well as the influence of external pressures on that evolved humanity, then VOY represents the isolation of the evolved 24th-century humanity and its effects. Regarding your "essential Trek" analysis, I think we all know there are multiple episodes of every series (TOS included) which could be easily transposed into one of the other incarnations. I'd go so far as to say that many of the episodes the Treks are versions of one another. Examples : TOS "Space Seed" ENT "Regeneration"--TOS does it better DS9 "Accention" VOY "Mortal Coil"--VOY does it better VOY "The Killing Game" DS9 "Far Beyond the Stars" -- DS9 does it better TNG "Measure of a Man" DS9 "Dax"--TNG does it better VOY "Prototype" ENT
being so reductivist with my proposed "subtitles" for various Trek series. It's only natural that not every episode fits the theme nicely, but it isn't without merit. As I said, TOS is, broadly speaking, about bringing civilisation to the frontier. TNG, first season aside, is mostly set within the "main body" of the Federation and is most firmly associated with Trek's utopian future. Sure, there are multiple episodes that show us the other side of the coin, but those were never the focus of the show. DS9, on the other hand, is once more set on the frontier, but weaves in the way "centre" reacts with said frontier. It "deconstructs" the paradise and tries to see what makes it tick and whether its values survive extreme pressures on multiple fronts. For all my efforts, I can't quite see what Voyager contributes to the larger Trek universe. What points of view does it represent that haven't already been explored? Moving away from ethos, what plot elements does it introduce. explore, and move forward that make it a worthwhile addition to the franchise? That's the root of the problem many have with Voyager. Say what you will about the first 3 Trek shows, at least they were trailblazers in a way, each revealing a new facet of the universe they inhabit. Or put it this way: look at the essential and the most thematic representatives of the first three shows and you'll see those episodes would never work in the other two. You can't pick a TOS episode and interchange it with a TNG one (well, you can, but then you get TNG Season 1). Likewise, DS9 is recognisably its own. Voyager? Take a random TNG episode, slap some new paint and voila, there's a Voyager episode. Exaggerating a bit, of course. There are some eps that really *are* Voyager (this very one, for example), but they are with barely any internal cohesion to the show's larger themes and without any connection with what came before or what comes after that I hesitate to call it "essential Voyager". The show is simply derivative, that's all. Mon, Jul 7, 2014, 1:32pm (UTC -6) Reductivist? Forgive me, I don't mean to come across as pedantic here, but do you mean reductionist, or are you saying that Trek, as an artform, can be appraised in minimalist terms? I'm going to assume you meant reductionist, in which case, your choice to subtitle the shows as you did is a sign of *your* reductionism, not mine. As I said, the whole concept of "paradise" was not brought up *except* on DS9. Looking back at all the other Trek series from that perspective, introduced on that one show, you have a point, but that's a very DS9-centric way of appraising the franchise's values. Even in those terms, however, Voyager's contribution to the Universe is valid : If TOS represents a 23rd-century evolved humanity, stretching out and civilising their immediate Universe, and TNG represents the fallout from that civilising, a fully realised and integrated 24-century evolved humanity living within the boundaries of its expansion, and DS9 represents the reactionary element of that civilisation, as well as the influence of external pressures on that evolved humanity, then VOY represents the isolation of the evolved 24th-century humanity and its effects. Regarding your "essential Trek" analysis, I think we all know there are multiple episodes of every series (TOS included) which could be easily transposed into one of the other incarnations. I'd go so far as to say that many of the episodes the Treks are versions of one another. Examples : TOS "Space Seed" ENT "Regeneration"--TOS does it better DS9 "Accention" VOY "Mortal Coil"--VOY does it better VOY "The Killing Game" DS9 "Far Beyond the Stars" -- DS9 does it better TNG "Measure of a Man" DS9 "Dax"--TNG does it better VOY "Prototype" ENT
"Dear, Doctor"--ENT does it better Is Voyager derivative of TOS? Yes, of course, as are ALL the incarnations of Trek in one way or another. I know I like to dig at Voyager and am a big DS9 fan. I was thinking about this the other day, as you do, that DS9 and Voyager have a lot more memorable episodes across 7 seasons than TNG. In my opinion of course. TNG's just happen to be the best but they're fewer in my opinion. I have every season of DS9, 5 seasons of Voyager and exactly zero TNG on DVD. I'm loathe to pay out for a boxset for 1 maybe 2 really stand out episodes whereas DS9 and Voyager (regardless of their flaws) have much more watchable decent episodes. TNG is clearly the most Trekkian of them all. Voyager moralistly (is that a word) tries, sometimes suceeds and sometimes fails. DS9 treads that middle ground with complicated characters and decisions that made, on first airing, shocking viewing. Anyway, I think the point I am trying to make is this discussion has gone on years and years. Voyager vs DS9 has outlasted Nintendo vs Sega and will probably outlive PlayStation vs XBox. All have moments of greatness and even the biggest DS9/Voyager hater can't be impressed by the quality and entertainment of many of the stories that both series have provided. @Elliott: "then VOY represents the isolation of the evolved 24th-century humanity and its effects." Only it doesn't. Voyager pays lip service to the idea of being stranded far away from home, it pretends that the ship's situation has meaning and repercussions. But it doesn't. In what appreciable way does the crew (apart from Doc and Seven, and even they sporadically) evolve and/or change to showcase this? And please don't answer with an answer of your own: "And in what way does the crew of TNG change?" because, as you yourself said, "TNG represents the fallout from that civilising, a fully realised and integrated 24-century evolved humanity". Again, put it this way. If we were to completely erase any of the first three Trek shows form our collective memories, Trek ethos as well as its general themes and ideas would be pretty different. Trek without TNG would in all probability drastically change all "second generation" Trek because it laid the foundation for all the series that came after in tone, spirit, worldbuilding, you name it. Trek without DS9? Well, you are the best evidence on this site as to the influence of the show. It undeniably impacted Trekkian values and its outlook on human nature, the role of institutions, etc. If we are to move away from discussing Trek values for a moment, DS9 was very distinct in its approach to serialisation, support cast, and plot arcs. If nothing else, it's hard to dispute that it was a departure in those terms at least. If we disregard Voyager? I honestly can't see the franchise being one iota different. What Paul wrote isn't "bullshit", Elliott, it's a good concise summary. Moreover, it is also, of course, Paul's subjective opinion (which I happen to agree with), so your claim of it being "bullshit" cannot even apply as there is no objective truth here. I disagree with much of what you write, Elliott, but I'd never call it "bullshit" because I have a basic openness to other people's opinions and a respect and empathy for the other commenters - things you seem to lack, which is why I'm taking you on right now. When you make comments like that, you bring down the whole site and the whole level of discussion. Consider this scenario: someone comes to the site, maybe for the first time, with an interesting and thoughtful comment. You call it "bullshit", and then maybe they decide this site isn't worth commenting on due to the presence and people such as yourself, and they don't come back. So that's one fewer thoughtful commenter. A loss to the site and the community. That's what this is ultimately about. I also can't imagine calling the writers of even my
prison songs. I save that for later Because the journal entry written that day specifically states that they ate fresh, warm bread? Someone took the time to actually write out that oddly specific detail. I'd say it's rather important to keep in mind when looking at the photos and seeing a bunch of kids with bread in hand. Are we sure thats the day.... I.E, picture and entry? The photo and the entry are from the same day. What do you think are they eating? https://dyatlovpass.com/diaries?lid=1#27jan Quote from: Teddy on June 02, 2018, 02:05:46 PM I dunno.... there is 24 hours in a day, and that bag Zolotaryov was carrying is in the picture.... opened. Lets play 'wheres the rusk bag'. OK... they ate bread. How does this change anything? I don't know it's just fun to follow you in every thread and bat for the opposite side of your argument Seriously though, I do think they were eating fresh, warm bread--NOT husks--just because of the diary entry itself: it was like he was writing about it in an other worldly sense--that fresh, warm bread is a delicacy. They were savoring the moment. They wanted to eternalize this memory of this fresh, warm bread and took a picture to remember all of the wonders of the fresh, warm bread in their hands on a really cold day in the snow. Nothing like fresh, warm bread you know? Ever walked into a kitchen where fresh, warm bread is baking? The smell of yeast from fresh, warm bread is like "home" and a hug. Fresh, warm bread is the sustenance of generations since antiquity after all. Marchesk There's no amount of drinking I've ever done that would cause me to abandon a warm tent for trying to survive the Siberian winter in the woods. But then again, I'm not one to pass out in the bushes. Always found may way home to a bed. Still, 9 people aren't going to be pass-out drunks that manage to hike a thousand meters to a mile in deep snow without shoes to the woods, and then build a fire and make a snow den. Quote from: Per Inge Oestmoen on June 01, 2018, 11:33:49 AM But it makes the story so much better! I'm now convinced as well that there's no way to say they cut their way out of the tent. It's amazing how every single recounting of the incident has them cutting their way out of the tent. It makes me wonder what else everyone got wrong. Do you have a theory as to what happened? So they probably didn't cut their way out. That means they were neither buried, smoked out, or freaked out to the point of destroying their tent (or at least exposing the inside to the cold). Nor did some other group cut it open to force them out. So now what? They exited the tent the old fashioned way and proceeded to hike down to the tree line without proper clothing? Because ...? This suggests that apparently someone stayed in the tent much later than others, maybe for a day. Because the person from nothing to do will not cut the stick, which can still come in handy. I've never seen this speculation before. Interesting! Is it possible one of them stayed behind? But that makes no sense, because the next day they should have been able to leave the tent fully clothed. And how could they stay behind if there was such an emergency that the other eight had to flee? Leaving one person behind at the tent to help guild them back to the tent would make sense, if the problem was inside the tent, and that person was more fully clothed because they had left the tent to take a leak, or snap pictures of lights in the sky. But then what? Quote from: Loose}{Cannon on June 01, 2018, 07:54:35 AM First, we quickly forget this drawing. For me it's just an undetailed, inaccurate drawing I can not work with: This one is much better and more detailed. You can work better with these things (then things become clearer): source: http://taina.li/forum/index.php?topic=5623.0 Is this an official
prison songs. I save that for later Because the journal entry written that day specifically states that they ate fresh, warm bread? Someone took the time to actually write out that oddly specific detail. I'd say it's rather important to keep in mind when looking at the photos and seeing a bunch of kids with bread in hand. Are we sure thats the day.... I.E, picture and entry? The photo and the entry are from the same day. What do you think are they eating? https://dyatlovpass.com/diaries?lid=1#27jan Quote from: Teddy on June 02, 2018, 02:05:46 PM I dunno.... there is 24 hours in a day, and that bag Zolotaryov was carrying is in the picture.... opened. Lets play 'wheres the rusk bag'. OK... they ate bread. How does this change anything? I don't know it's just fun to follow you in every thread and bat for the opposite side of your argument Seriously though, I do think they were eating fresh, warm bread--NOT husks--just because of the diary entry itself: it was like he was writing about it in an other worldly sense--that fresh, warm bread is a delicacy. They were savoring the moment. They wanted to eternalize this memory of this fresh, warm bread and took a picture to remember all of the wonders of the fresh, warm bread in their hands on a really cold day in the snow. Nothing like fresh, warm bread you know? Ever walked into a kitchen where fresh, warm bread is baking? The smell of yeast from fresh, warm bread is like "home" and a hug. Fresh, warm bread is the sustenance of generations since antiquity after all. Marchesk There's no amount of drinking I've ever done that would cause me to abandon a warm tent for trying to survive the Siberian winter in the woods. But then again, I'm not one to pass out in the bushes. Always found may way home to a bed. Still, 9 people aren't going to be pass-out drunks that manage to hike a thousand meters to a mile in deep snow without shoes to the woods, and then build a fire and make a snow den. Quote from: Per Inge Oestmoen on June 01, 2018, 11:33:49 AM But it makes the story so much better! I'm now convinced as well that there's no way to say they cut their way out of the tent. It's amazing how every single recounting of the incident has them cutting their way out of the tent. It makes me wonder what else everyone got wrong. Do you have a theory as to what happened? So they probably didn't cut their way out. That means they were neither buried, smoked out, or freaked out to the point of destroying their tent (or at least exposing the inside to the cold). Nor did some other group cut it open to force them out. So now what? They exited the tent the old fashioned way and proceeded to hike down to the tree line without proper clothing? Because ...? This suggests that apparently someone stayed in the tent much later than others, maybe for a day. Because the person from nothing to do will not cut the stick, which can still come in handy. I've never seen this speculation before. Interesting! Is it possible one of them stayed behind? But that makes no sense, because the next day they should have been able to leave the tent fully clothed. And how could they stay behind if there was such an emergency that the other eight had to flee? Leaving one person behind at the tent to help guild them back to the tent would make sense, if the problem was inside the tent, and that person was more fully clothed because they had left the tent to take a leak, or snap pictures of lights in the sky. But then what? Quote from: Loose}{Cannon on June 01, 2018, 07:54:35 AM First, we quickly forget this drawing. For me it's just an undetailed, inaccurate drawing I can not work with: This one is much better and more detailed. You can work better with these things (then things become clearer): source: http://taina.li/forum/index.php?topic=5623.0 Is this an official
sketch from the case files I'm not familiar with? « Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 12:11:22 AM by Loose}{Cannon » Quote from: Mash on June 04, 2018, 07:05:11 AM Explain to me the person figure drawn on the new tent sketch please? Here's the deal. We have ONE original drawing (the one you don't like). Clearly shown on the original drawing used as evidence of the case is 'cut' #3 having a curvature that is the opposite direction from 'cut' #2. Unfortunately, the new sketch is fake news. The curvature of 'cut' #3 has been inverted to match the curvature orientation of 'cut' #2. This is yet another failed attempt to alter facts and reality for the sole purpose of pushing an agenda based narrative. The sad part is, whomever thus far has seen this scetch has been fooled. Just keeping it real. Hta Lor (Ta Lar Aww K’Lar) Hta Lor (Talar Aor Klar) School is a primary and middle school which is located just inside Burma, on the other side of the Moei river, about 35 km north of Mae Sot. Not far from Maw Taw Lu and Nya Ly Ar Tha learning centres. This school was in an area where only Karen families used to live before. However, 2 years ago, with the arrival of roads, more Thai people settled in this territory and claimed it for themselves. It became more and more difficult to maintain this school in Karen language, a desire expressed by the parents, because Thai teachers would not allow classes to be held in their mother tongue. Consequently, as the situation in Burma became more peaceful, the solution for this Karen school was to relocate this school back in Burma, in a new village formed by Karen families displaced by war. The school has a boarding house for children wishing to attend grades 5-7 and coming from other villages. Date Established: 2005 Enrolment 2015-2016: 201 Grade Levels: Nursery to Grade-7 Head Teacher: Saw Dee Ku Students (Male): 103 Students (Female): 98 Total number of teacher: 12 Home Events CLS 2018 raises the bar for innovation and excellence CLS 2018 raises the bar for innovation and excellence Mohit Rathod Serving as a one-stop platform for India’s IT channel ecosystem, CRN Channel Leadership Summit 2018 deep-dived into a plethora of opportunities, innovation, and growth The second edition of CRN India’s flagship Channel Leadership Summit (CLS), held in Goa on September 7-8, reiterated the the burgeoning growth of India’s IT channel community. Kickstarter of the two-day summit, the fireside chat with RS Shanbhag, CMD, Valuepoint Group reflected the promising future of the Indian channel community and how Valuepoint Group has embarked on its growth journey. Revealing to Srikanth RP, Group Editor, CRN and Express Computer, Shanbhag said, “The channel ecosystem has created a big future for itself. Valuepoint has set an aim to become a 300 million organisation by 2022; and we are ambitious and futuristic in our approach to achieve this growth. As part of our practice, we keep interacting with CIOs and the industry decision makers to keep pace with the latest trends. For instance, over the last five years, we have grown well in the cyber security space, Software Defined Networks and SDWAN.” Sharing more, he informed that Valuepoint Group, in the SI business, is exploring opportunities in mobile services. Additionally, the organisation has created seven IP which have created US$22 – 23 million business, with over 40 per cent of profitability. Indian Channel League The major highlight of the two-day summit, was Indian Channel League (ICL), a first-of-its-kind initiative, wherein partners were challenged with real business problems and were required to present a viable solution to the same. The jury, which presented the business
elected. However, of the members elected at the first election, the terms of seven members shall expire at the end of three years. The members whose terms are to expire at the end of the initial period of three years shall be chosen by lot by the Secretary- General of the Council of Europe immediately after the first election has been completed. A member of the Commission elected to replace a member whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term. The members of the Commission shall hold office until replaced. After having been replaced, they shall continue to deal with such cases as they already have under consideration. The members of the Commission shall sit on the Commission in their individual capacity. Any High Contracting Party may refer to the Commission, through the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, any alleged breach of the provisions of the Convention by another High Contracting Party. The Commission may receive petitions addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe from any person, non- governmental organization or group of individuals claiming to the victim of a violation by one of the High Contracting Parties of the rights set forth in this Convention, provided that the High Contracting Party against which the complaint has been lodged has declared that it recognizes the competence of the Commission to receive such petitions. Those of the High Contracting Parties who t)ve made such a declaration undertake not to hinder in any way the effective exercise of this right. Such declarations may be made for a specific period. The declarations shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe who shall transmit copies thereof to the High Contracting Parties and publish them. The Commission shall only exercise the powers provided for in this article when at least six High Contracting Parties are bound by declarations made in accordance with the preceding paragraphs. The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognized rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken. the Commission shall not deal with any petition submitted under Article 25 which (a) is anonymous, or (b) is substantially the same as a matter which has already been examined by the Commission or has already been submitted to another procedure or international investigation or settlement and if it contains no relevant new information. The Commission shall consider inadmissible any petition submitted under Article 25 which it considers incompatible with the provisions of the present Convention, manifestly ill-founded, or an abuse of the right of petition. The Commission shall reject any petition referred to it which it considers inadmissible under Article 26. In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to it: (a) it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts undertake together with the representatives of the parties and examination of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the Commission; (b) it shall place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights as defined in this Convention. The Commission shall perform the functions set out in Article 28 by means of a Sub-Commission consisting of seven members of the Commission. Each of the parties concerned may appoint as members of this Sub-Commission a person of its choice. The remaining members shall be chosen by lot in accordance with arrangements prescribed in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission. If the Sub-Commission succeeds in effecting a friendly settlement in accordance with Article 28, it shall draw up a Report which shall be sent to the States concerned, to the Committee of Ministers and to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe for publication. This Report shall be confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached. If a solution is not reached, the Commission shall draw up a Report on the facts and state its opinion as to whether the facts found disclose a breach by the State concerned of its obligations under the Convention. The opinions of all the members of the Commission on this point may be stated in the Report. The Report shall be transmitted to the Committee of Ministers. It shall also be transmitted to the States concerned, who shall not be at liberty to publish it. In transmitting the Report to the Committee of Ministers the Commission may make such proposals as it thinks fit. If the question is not referred to the Court in accordance with Article 4
elected. However, of the members elected at the first election, the terms of seven members shall expire at the end of three years. The members whose terms are to expire at the end of the initial period of three years shall be chosen by lot by the Secretary- General of the Council of Europe immediately after the first election has been completed. A member of the Commission elected to replace a member whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term. The members of the Commission shall hold office until replaced. After having been replaced, they shall continue to deal with such cases as they already have under consideration. The members of the Commission shall sit on the Commission in their individual capacity. Any High Contracting Party may refer to the Commission, through the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, any alleged breach of the provisions of the Convention by another High Contracting Party. The Commission may receive petitions addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe from any person, non- governmental organization or group of individuals claiming to the victim of a violation by one of the High Contracting Parties of the rights set forth in this Convention, provided that the High Contracting Party against which the complaint has been lodged has declared that it recognizes the competence of the Commission to receive such petitions. Those of the High Contracting Parties who t)ve made such a declaration undertake not to hinder in any way the effective exercise of this right. Such declarations may be made for a specific period. The declarations shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe who shall transmit copies thereof to the High Contracting Parties and publish them. The Commission shall only exercise the powers provided for in this article when at least six High Contracting Parties are bound by declarations made in accordance with the preceding paragraphs. The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognized rules of international law, and within a period of six months from the date on which the final decision was taken. the Commission shall not deal with any petition submitted under Article 25 which (a) is anonymous, or (b) is substantially the same as a matter which has already been examined by the Commission or has already been submitted to another procedure or international investigation or settlement and if it contains no relevant new information. The Commission shall consider inadmissible any petition submitted under Article 25 which it considers incompatible with the provisions of the present Convention, manifestly ill-founded, or an abuse of the right of petition. The Commission shall reject any petition referred to it which it considers inadmissible under Article 26. In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to it: (a) it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts undertake together with the representatives of the parties and examination of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the Commission; (b) it shall place itself at the disposal of the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights as defined in this Convention. The Commission shall perform the functions set out in Article 28 by means of a Sub-Commission consisting of seven members of the Commission. Each of the parties concerned may appoint as members of this Sub-Commission a person of its choice. The remaining members shall be chosen by lot in accordance with arrangements prescribed in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission. If the Sub-Commission succeeds in effecting a friendly settlement in accordance with Article 28, it shall draw up a Report which shall be sent to the States concerned, to the Committee of Ministers and to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe for publication. This Report shall be confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached. If a solution is not reached, the Commission shall draw up a Report on the facts and state its opinion as to whether the facts found disclose a breach by the State concerned of its obligations under the Convention. The opinions of all the members of the Commission on this point may be stated in the Report. The Report shall be transmitted to the Committee of Ministers. It shall also be transmitted to the States concerned, who shall not be at liberty to publish it. In transmitting the Report to the Committee of Ministers the Commission may make such proposals as it thinks fit. If the question is not referred to the Court in accordance with Article 4
8 of this Convention within a period of three months from the date of the transmission of the Report to the Committee of Ministers, the Committee of Ministers shall decide by a majority of two-thirds of the members entitled to sit on the Committee whether there has been a violation of the Convention. In the affirmative case the Committee of Ministers shall prescribe a period during which the Contracting Party concerned must take the measures required by the decision of the Committee of Ministers. If the High Contracting Party concerned has not taken satisfactory measures within the prescribed period, the Committee of Ministers shall decide by the majority provided for in paragraph 1 above what effect shall be given to its original decision and shall publish the Report. The High Contracting Parties undertake to regard as binding on them any decision which the Committee of Ministers may take in application of the preceding paragraphs. The Commission shall meet 'in camera'. The Commission shall take its decision by a majority of the Members present and voting; the Sub-Commission shall take its decisions by a majority of its members. The Commission shall meet as the circumstances require. The meetings shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. The Commission shall draw up its own rules of procedure. The secretariat of The Commission shall be provided by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. The European Court of Human Rights shall consist of a number of judges equal to that of the Members of the Council of Europe. No two judges may be nationals of the State. The members of the Court shall be elected by the Consultative Assembly by a majority of the votes cast from a list of persons nominated by Members of the Council of Europe; each Member shall nominate three candidates, of whom two at least shall be its nationals. As far as applicable, the same procedure shall be followed to complete the Court in the event of the admission of new members of the Council of Europe, and in filling casual vacancies. The candidates shall be of high moral character and must either possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be jurisconsults of recognized competence. The members of the Court shall be elected for a period of nine years. They may be re-elected. However, of the members elected at the first election the terms of four members shall expire at the end of three years, and the terms of four more members shall expire at the end of six years. The members whose terms are to expire at the end of the initial periods of three and six years shall be chosen by lot by the Secretary-General immediately after the first election has been completed. A member of the Court elected to replace a member whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term. The members of the Court shall hold office until replaced. After having been replaced, they shall continue to deal with such cases as they already have under consideration. The Court shall elect the President and Vice-President for a period of three years. They may be re-elected. The members of the Court shall receive for each day of duty a compensation to be determined by the Committee of Ministers. For the consideration of each case brought before it the Court shall consist of a Chamber composed of seven judges. There shall sit as an 'ex officio' member of the Chamber the judge who is a national of any State party concerned, or, if there is none, a person of its choice who shall sit in the capacity of judge; the names of the other judges shall be chosen by lot by the President before the opening of the case. Only the High Contracting Parties and the Commission shall have the right to bring a case before the Court. The jurisdiction of the Court shall extend to all cases concerning the interpretation and application of the present Convention which the High Contracting Parties or the Commission shall refer to it in accordance with Article 48. Any of the High Contracting Parties may at any time declare that it recognizes as compulsory 'ipso facto' and without special agreement the jurisdiction of the Court in all matters concerning the interpretation and application of the present Convention. The declarations referred to above may be made unconditionally or on condition of reciprocity on the part of several or certain other High Contracting Parties or for a specified period. These declarations shall be deposited with the Secretary- General of the Council of Europe who shall transmit copies thereof to the High Contracting Parties. The Court may only deal with a case after the Commission has acknowledged the failure of efforts for a friendly settlement and within the period of three months provided for in Article 32. The following may bring a case before the Court,
a not-for-profit affordable housing developer, whose mission is to find and purchase aging affordable housing projects with expiring affordability restrictions and to maintain the affordable nature of the project, in the purchase and rehabilitation of a 102 unit affordable housing project in Dover, New Hampshire. Represented a not-for profit affordable housing developer it the acquisition and development of a $5,500,000 affordable housing project in the historic district of Amherst, New Hampshire. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, CDBG Funds, State HOME Funds, Municipal HOME Funds and various grants. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $12,000,000 two (2) phase, ninety nine (99) unit affordable housing project in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Represented the developer in acquiring the site and securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, 1602 Funds, and State HOME Funds. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the refinancing of two affordable housing projects, totaling $24,000,000 in loan funds obtained through the Housing and Urban Development HUD 223(f) loan program. Represented a not-for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $10,000,000 affordable housing project in downtown Manchester. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Multi-Family Housing Bonds, State HOME Funds, Municipal HOME Funds and various grants. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $5,000,000, ninety (90) unit affordable housing development. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Multi-Family Housing Bonds, and Municipal HOME Funds. Spearheaded negotiations with HUD and lenders on adjacent premises to secure access easements critical to project development. Ongoing representation of national manufacturer of yogurt and yogurt related products. Services include negotiation of supply and other contracts with national producers and vendors of food and other products. Contact the Affordable Housing Group Kenneth A. Viscarello Named to CATCH Neighborhood Housing Board of Directors 28 State Street, 22nd Floor 1000 Elm Street, 17th Floor Hanover Office 17 1/2 Lebanon Street, 3rd Floor Hanover, NH 03755 Concord Office Two Eagle Square, Third Floor © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer Powered by CyberspaceToYourPlace.com Malibu Fellowship Local Community. Global Vision. Jonathan Morris, Senior Pastor Jonathan has been traveling to various nations for the last few years, training leaders and leading evangelism and church planting teams. He’s seen more than 100,000 come to faith in Christ, and hundreds of new churches and Christian groups started. Currently, his short-term campaigns are focused in the Philippines, Russia, South Asia, and East Africa. He is also President of CMC International, a global church planting and pastor’s unity movement that has helped plant more than 25,000 churches in more than 45 countries. Jonathan is passionate about bringing people to Christ and making disciples in many regions of the world. Through his work in SPAN, he wants to see ‘people’ movements to Christ and ‘church planting’ movements so that Christ can be worshipped “in every village.” Since 1970, he has pastored churches in the United States. He currently pastors a church in Malibu, California, USA. Jonathan lives with his wife, Cathy, in Santa Rosa, California. His five grown children
a not-for-profit affordable housing developer, whose mission is to find and purchase aging affordable housing projects with expiring affordability restrictions and to maintain the affordable nature of the project, in the purchase and rehabilitation of a 102 unit affordable housing project in Dover, New Hampshire. Represented a not-for profit affordable housing developer it the acquisition and development of a $5,500,000 affordable housing project in the historic district of Amherst, New Hampshire. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, CDBG Funds, State HOME Funds, Municipal HOME Funds and various grants. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $12,000,000 two (2) phase, ninety nine (99) unit affordable housing project in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Represented the developer in acquiring the site and securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, 1602 Funds, and State HOME Funds. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the refinancing of two affordable housing projects, totaling $24,000,000 in loan funds obtained through the Housing and Urban Development HUD 223(f) loan program. Represented a not-for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $10,000,000 affordable housing project in downtown Manchester. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Multi-Family Housing Bonds, State HOME Funds, Municipal HOME Funds and various grants. Represented a for profit affordable housing developer in the development of a $5,000,000, ninety (90) unit affordable housing development. Represented the developer in securing financing for the project through numerous funding sources, including the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Multi-Family Housing Bonds, and Municipal HOME Funds. Spearheaded negotiations with HUD and lenders on adjacent premises to secure access easements critical to project development. Ongoing representation of national manufacturer of yogurt and yogurt related products. Services include negotiation of supply and other contracts with national producers and vendors of food and other products. Contact the Affordable Housing Group Kenneth A. Viscarello Named to CATCH Neighborhood Housing Board of Directors 28 State Street, 22nd Floor 1000 Elm Street, 17th Floor Hanover Office 17 1/2 Lebanon Street, 3rd Floor Hanover, NH 03755 Concord Office Two Eagle Square, Third Floor © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer Powered by CyberspaceToYourPlace.com Malibu Fellowship Local Community. Global Vision. Jonathan Morris, Senior Pastor Jonathan has been traveling to various nations for the last few years, training leaders and leading evangelism and church planting teams. He’s seen more than 100,000 come to faith in Christ, and hundreds of new churches and Christian groups started. Currently, his short-term campaigns are focused in the Philippines, Russia, South Asia, and East Africa. He is also President of CMC International, a global church planting and pastor’s unity movement that has helped plant more than 25,000 churches in more than 45 countries. Jonathan is passionate about bringing people to Christ and making disciples in many regions of the world. Through his work in SPAN, he wants to see ‘people’ movements to Christ and ‘church planting’ movements so that Christ can be worshipped “in every village.” Since 1970, he has pastored churches in the United States. He currently pastors a church in Malibu, California, USA. Jonathan lives with his wife, Cathy, in Santa Rosa, California. His five grown children
live in various locales around the United States. Currently there are twelve grandchildren. Wayne Headley, Pastor & Elder Wayne has more than 15 years’ experience as a pastor and missionary. Recently, Wayne has been helping to lead an Malibu Fellowship home group in Malibu. Wayne spent several years as a missionary with ENM. He was previously a Children’s Pastor at the Bethel World Outreach Center in Nashville and General Manager and Associate Pastor at the Global Café, a project of Dr. Rice Broocks and Every Nation Church. Professionally Wayne developed and sold a successful clothing retailer and has many years’ experience as a sales professional. His wife and two daughters live in Canoga Park, CA. Gerard Long, Elder President of Awakening To God, a global ministry focused on sharing faith, hope and love to bring healing to the Brokenhearted. Gerard is also Executive Director of Alpha USA, minister, evangelist, author, motivational speaker, and former banking executive. He was formerly the Director of Alpha USA, an organization specialized in introducing people to Christianity supported by multi-denominational churched in over 169 countries. Robert Steele, Worship Pastor & Elder Robert has been ministering in Malibu since 2003. As a worship leader, over the past ten years, he has played worship in many churches around Southern California and recorded on two worship albums. Robert hosts a church in his home on Wednesday at 7 pm at 11907 Bray Street in Culver City, CA. He also serves on the board of CMC International, a global missions organization. Robert has more than twenty-five years experience as a technology entrepreneur. [email protected] 3602 Winter Canyon Road Malibu, CA 90265 Triumph Is Just Around The Corner You Can Change The World God’s Protection Is Also Beautiful © 2019 Malibu Fellowship Senate Finance Committee Considering Measure to Largely Repeal IRC Section 530 Safe Harbor for Most Businesses Using Independent Contractors On July 8, 2014 by Schnader in Labor and Employment By Scott J. Wenner Sen. Sherrod Brown (D.Ohio) reintroduced the “Fair Playing Field Act,” S.1706, in November 2013. The bill, which first appeared in 2010 under then-Senator John Kerry’s sponsorship, purports to close an ostensible loophole in the application of the common law test generally used by the Internal Revenue Service to determine whether a worker is properly classified as an independent contractor. The purported loophole referred to by Sen. Brown and his predecessor sponsors is Section 530 of the Internal Revenue Code, which the bill would repeal for workers who do not provide professional services. The bill defines “professional services” as services performed in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, consulting, or financial services and insurance. Section 530 of the Internal Revenue Code Far from a mere “loophole” that permits big companies to cheat, Section 530 provides important protections for businesses, many of which are small, whose business model was and remains built around legitimate use of independent contractors, including independent sales representatives and mystery shoppers. Many of these businesses maintain that they have relied on Section 530 in growing their businesses, and that its repeal would have devastating consequences for them because, e.g., they cannot afford to employ a national network of workers who may work just a few hours at a time, two or three times per year, distributing surveys or undertaking some similar task. Moreover, because in many cases entire industries treat workers in a specific position as independent contractors using Section 530, one central thesis of the legislation – that some companies gain an unfair competitive advantage by misclassifying a position – in fact fails to justify repeal of Section 530. Section 530 was added by Congress to the Internal Revenue Code by the Revenue Act of 1978. Under the Section 530 safe harbor, a qualifying employer is not responsible for payment of past employment taxes for workers who the IRS
, Immigration, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Mr. Miguel Palmeiro is a Plaintiffs Trial attorney in DC and Maryland. He has recently been selected as a Top Personal Injury Lawyer under 40. He manages a firm that takes pride in working closely with clients like you to help you get the personalized justice they deserve. The son of immigrants, Mr. Palmeiro grew up in the DC Metro area. In 2006, He entered law school as a Leadership Scholar and became involved in trial advocacy classes and civil litigation as a member of Maryland's National Trial Team. Upon graduation in 2009 Mr. Palmeiro began litigating personal... Justin Katz Bethesda, MD Products Liability Attorney with 15 years experience (888) 540-2599 6701 Democracy Blvd Justin Katz is a Member in the Personal Injury Practice Group. He is admitted to practice in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia. Justin has spent his entire career handling a wide array of complex personal injury matters, including motor vehicle collisions and automobile negligence claims, bus and trucking accidents, uninsured/underinsured motorist claims, swimming pool and drowning accidents, wrongful death, traumatic brain injuries, animal attacks and dog bites, workers’ compensation claims and first-and third-party bad faith claims. In 2011 Justin was named a “Rising Star” by Maryland Super Lawyers and continued to recieve this recognition in every year that has since followed.... Benjamin Boscolo Greenbelt, MD Products Liability Attorney with 32 years experience (888) 591-4008 7852 Walker Drive Greenbelt, MD 20770 Products Liability, Maritime, Personal Injury and Workers' Comp Lafayette College and Lafayette College When you speak with Ben for even a few minutes, it’s impossible to ignore his energy. His enthusiasm comes both from his roles as Attorney, Chief Executive Officer, and Owner at CHASENBOSCOLO, and, more importantly, his passion for people. When it comes to his clients, he is a trial lawyer whose sole focus is on fighting for his client’s rights. Ben cannot tolerate a world where working men and women are not treated fairly by the legal system. Ben and the CHASENBOSCOLO team believe in better. They work tirelessly to hold wrongdoers accountable and help their clients overcome troubles. Ben was... Jonathan Scott Smith Columbia, MD Products Liability Lawyer with 39 years experience (410) 740-0101 10490 Little Patuxent Parkway Products Liability, Criminal, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Top rated former prosecutor with over 30 years experience aggressively fighting for people and achieving successful results. Many satisfied clients. Call now (410) 740-0101. Thomas Cardaro Baltimore, MD Products Liability Attorney with 34 years experience (800) 810-6780 201 N Charles St The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law Christopher T. Casciano Baltimore, MD Products Liability Attorney with 9 years experience (410) 547-0202 7 St. Paul Street Free ConsultationProducts Liability, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Home and Personal Injury Christopher T. Casciano, an associate attorney with Brown & Barron, is a seasoned litigator and trial attorney who has spent his entire legal career fighting for the most seriously injured victims of medical malpractice, nursing home negligence and abuse, birth trauma, cerebral palsy, wrongful death and other catastrophic personal injuries. Chris has recovered many millions of dollars for his clients and their families, through both settlement and trial verdict. As a result of his reputation, leadership, dedication, and success, the National Trial Lawyers have identified Chris as one of America’s top young trial attorneys, having named him to their... Barry Gogel Balt
, Immigration, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Mr. Miguel Palmeiro is a Plaintiffs Trial attorney in DC and Maryland. He has recently been selected as a Top Personal Injury Lawyer under 40. He manages a firm that takes pride in working closely with clients like you to help you get the personalized justice they deserve. The son of immigrants, Mr. Palmeiro grew up in the DC Metro area. In 2006, He entered law school as a Leadership Scholar and became involved in trial advocacy classes and civil litigation as a member of Maryland's National Trial Team. Upon graduation in 2009 Mr. Palmeiro began litigating personal... Justin Katz Bethesda, MD Products Liability Attorney with 15 years experience (888) 540-2599 6701 Democracy Blvd Justin Katz is a Member in the Personal Injury Practice Group. He is admitted to practice in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia. Justin has spent his entire career handling a wide array of complex personal injury matters, including motor vehicle collisions and automobile negligence claims, bus and trucking accidents, uninsured/underinsured motorist claims, swimming pool and drowning accidents, wrongful death, traumatic brain injuries, animal attacks and dog bites, workers’ compensation claims and first-and third-party bad faith claims. In 2011 Justin was named a “Rising Star” by Maryland Super Lawyers and continued to recieve this recognition in every year that has since followed.... Benjamin Boscolo Greenbelt, MD Products Liability Attorney with 32 years experience (888) 591-4008 7852 Walker Drive Greenbelt, MD 20770 Products Liability, Maritime, Personal Injury and Workers' Comp Lafayette College and Lafayette College When you speak with Ben for even a few minutes, it’s impossible to ignore his energy. His enthusiasm comes both from his roles as Attorney, Chief Executive Officer, and Owner at CHASENBOSCOLO, and, more importantly, his passion for people. When it comes to his clients, he is a trial lawyer whose sole focus is on fighting for his client’s rights. Ben cannot tolerate a world where working men and women are not treated fairly by the legal system. Ben and the CHASENBOSCOLO team believe in better. They work tirelessly to hold wrongdoers accountable and help their clients overcome troubles. Ben was... Jonathan Scott Smith Columbia, MD Products Liability Lawyer with 39 years experience (410) 740-0101 10490 Little Patuxent Parkway Products Liability, Criminal, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Top rated former prosecutor with over 30 years experience aggressively fighting for people and achieving successful results. Many satisfied clients. Call now (410) 740-0101. Thomas Cardaro Baltimore, MD Products Liability Attorney with 34 years experience (800) 810-6780 201 N Charles St The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law Christopher T. Casciano Baltimore, MD Products Liability Attorney with 9 years experience (410) 547-0202 7 St. Paul Street Free ConsultationProducts Liability, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Home and Personal Injury Christopher T. Casciano, an associate attorney with Brown & Barron, is a seasoned litigator and trial attorney who has spent his entire legal career fighting for the most seriously injured victims of medical malpractice, nursing home negligence and abuse, birth trauma, cerebral palsy, wrongful death and other catastrophic personal injuries. Chris has recovered many millions of dollars for his clients and their families, through both settlement and trial verdict. As a result of his reputation, leadership, dedication, and success, the National Trial Lawyers have identified Chris as one of America’s top young trial attorneys, having named him to their... Barry Gogel Balt
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def render_nothing(status = nil) #:nodoc: render_text(' ', status) end def render_partial(partial_path = default_template_name, object = nil, local_assigns = nil, status = nil) #:nodoc: add_variables_to_assigns render_text(@template.render_partial(partial_path, object, local_assigns), status) end def render_partial_collection(partial_name, collection, partial_spacer_template = nil, local_assigns = nil, status = nil) #:nodoc: add_variables_to_assigns render_text(@template.render_partial_collection(partial_name, collection, partial_spacer_template, local_assigns), status) end def render_with_layout(template_name = default_template_name, status = nil, layout = nil) #:nodoc: render_with_a_layout(template_name, status, layout) end def render_without_layout(template_name = default_template_name, status = nil) #:nodoc: render_with_no_layout(template_name, status) end # Return a response that has no content (merely headers). The options # argument is interpreted to be a hash of header names and values. # This allows you to easily return a response that consists only of # significant headers: # # head :created, :location => person_path(@person) # # It can also be used to return exceptional conditions: # # return head(:method_not_allowed) unless request.post? # return head(:bad_request) unless valid_request? # render def head(*args) if args.length > 2 raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments to head" elsif args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "too few arguments to head" elsif args.length == 2 status = args.shift options = args.shift elsif args.first.is_a?(Hash) options = args.first else status = args.first options = {} end raise ArgumentError, "head requires an options hash" if !options.is_a?(Hash) status = interpret_status(status || options.delete(:status) || :ok) options.each do |key, value| headers[key.to_s.dasherize.split(/-/).map { |v| v.capitalize }.join("-")] = value.to_s end render :nothing => true, :status => status end # Clears the rendered results, allowing for another render to be performed. def erase_render_results #:nodoc: response.body = nil @performed_render = false end # Clears the redirected results from the headers, resets the status to 200 and returns # the URL that was used to redirect or nil if there was no redirected URL # Note that +redirect_to+ will change the body of the response to indicate a redirection. # The response body is not reset here, see +erase_render_results+ def erase_redirect_results #:nodoc: @performed_redirect = false response.redirected_to = nil response.redirected_to_method_params = nil response.headers['Status'] = DEFAULT_RENDER_STATUS_CODE response.headers.delete('Location') end # Erase both render and redirect results def erase_results #:nodoc: erase_render_results erase_redirect_results end def rewrite_options(options) #:nodoc: if defaults = default_url_options(options) defaults.merge(options) else options end end # Overwrite to implement a number of default options that all url_for-based methods will use. The default options should come in # the form of a hash, just like the one you would
def render_nothing(status = nil) #:nodoc: render_text(' ', status) end def render_partial(partial_path = default_template_name, object = nil, local_assigns = nil, status = nil) #:nodoc: add_variables_to_assigns render_text(@template.render_partial(partial_path, object, local_assigns), status) end def render_partial_collection(partial_name, collection, partial_spacer_template = nil, local_assigns = nil, status = nil) #:nodoc: add_variables_to_assigns render_text(@template.render_partial_collection(partial_name, collection, partial_spacer_template, local_assigns), status) end def render_with_layout(template_name = default_template_name, status = nil, layout = nil) #:nodoc: render_with_a_layout(template_name, status, layout) end def render_without_layout(template_name = default_template_name, status = nil) #:nodoc: render_with_no_layout(template_name, status) end # Return a response that has no content (merely headers). The options # argument is interpreted to be a hash of header names and values. # This allows you to easily return a response that consists only of # significant headers: # # head :created, :location => person_path(@person) # # It can also be used to return exceptional conditions: # # return head(:method_not_allowed) unless request.post? # return head(:bad_request) unless valid_request? # render def head(*args) if args.length > 2 raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments to head" elsif args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "too few arguments to head" elsif args.length == 2 status = args.shift options = args.shift elsif args.first.is_a?(Hash) options = args.first else status = args.first options = {} end raise ArgumentError, "head requires an options hash" if !options.is_a?(Hash) status = interpret_status(status || options.delete(:status) || :ok) options.each do |key, value| headers[key.to_s.dasherize.split(/-/).map { |v| v.capitalize }.join("-")] = value.to_s end render :nothing => true, :status => status end # Clears the rendered results, allowing for another render to be performed. def erase_render_results #:nodoc: response.body = nil @performed_render = false end # Clears the redirected results from the headers, resets the status to 200 and returns # the URL that was used to redirect or nil if there was no redirected URL # Note that +redirect_to+ will change the body of the response to indicate a redirection. # The response body is not reset here, see +erase_render_results+ def erase_redirect_results #:nodoc: @performed_redirect = false response.redirected_to = nil response.redirected_to_method_params = nil response.headers['Status'] = DEFAULT_RENDER_STATUS_CODE response.headers.delete('Location') end # Erase both render and redirect results def erase_results #:nodoc: erase_render_results erase_redirect_results end def rewrite_options(options) #:nodoc: if defaults = default_url_options(options) defaults.merge(options) else options end end # Overwrite to implement a number of default options that all url_for-based methods will use. The default options should come in # the form of a hash, just like the one you would
use for url_for directly. Example: # # def default_url_options(options) # { :project => @project.active? ? @project.url_name : "unknown" } # end # # As you can infer from the example, this is mostly useful for situations where you want to centralize dynamic decisions about the # urls as they stem from the business domain. Please note that any individual url_for call can always override the defaults set # by this method. def default_url_options(options) #:doc: end # Redirects the browser to the target specified in +options+. This parameter can take one of three forms: # # * <tt>Hash</tt>: The URL will be generated by calling url_for with the +options+. # * <tt>String starting with protocol:// (like http://)</tt>: Is passed straight through as the target for redirection. # * <tt>String not containing a protocol</tt>: The current protocol and host is prepended to the string. # * <tt>:back</tt>: Back to the page that issued the request. Useful for forms that are triggered from multiple places. # Short-hand for redirect_to(request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]) # # Examples: # redirect_to :action => "show", :id => 5 # redirect_to "http://www.rubyonrails.org" # redirect_to "/images/screenshot.jpg" # redirect_to :back # # The redirection happens as a "302 Moved" header. # # When using <tt>redirect_to :back</tt>, if there is no referrer, # RedirectBackError will be raised. You may specify some fallback # behavior for this case by rescueing RedirectBackError. def redirect_to(options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference) #:doc: case options when %r{^\w+://.*} raise DoubleRenderError if performed? logger.info("Redirected to #{options}") if logger response.redirect(options) response.redirected_to = options @performed_redirect = true when String redirect_to(request.protocol + request.host_with_port + options) when :back request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] ? redirect_to(request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]) : raise(RedirectBackError) else if parameters_for_method_reference.empty? redirect_to(url_for(options)) response.redirected_to = options else # TOOD: Deprecate me! redirect_to(url_for(options, *parameters_for_method_reference)) response.redirected_to, response.redirected_to_method_params = options, parameters_for_method_reference end end end # Sets a HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header. Defaults to issuing a "private" instruction, so that # intermediate caches shouldn't cache the response. # # Examples: # expires_in 20.minutes # expires_in 3.hours, :private => false # expires in 3.hours, 'max-stale' => 5.hours, :private => nil, :public => true # # This method will overwrite an existing Cache-Control header. # See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html for more possibilities. def expires_in(seconds, options = {}) #:doc: cache_options = { 'max-age' => seconds, 'private' => true }.symbolize_keys.merge!(options.symbolize_keys) cache_options.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? or v == false } cache_control = cache_options.map{ |k,v| v == true ? k.to_s : "#{k.to_s}=#{v.to_s}"} response.headers["Cache
to rethink their stance toward Latinos, but toward women as well. According to a number of sources, the former actress is doing her due diligence in preparing for a possible US Senate run from Kentucky. Apptopia raises $20 million Series C to expand its competitive intelligence business outside of mobile Sophie Blake May 11, 2021, 3:14 pm 4.3k Views Real-time competitive intelligence company Apptopia announced that it has closed a $20 million funding round led by ABS Capital Partners. Existing investors, including Blossom Street, also participated in the round. As part of the transaction, Mike Avon and Paul Mariani from ABS Capital are joining Apptopia’s board. With this round, the company plans to expand its competitive intelligence market through “investing in ethically sourced data outside of mobile apps”. Founded in 2011, Apptopia has seen a 50% year-over-year growth in revenue in the past three years in a row. “As digital continues to be a large part of brand strategy and people’s lives, measurement is becoming even more crucial,” said Jonathan Kay, co-founder and CEO of Apptopia. “Over the past few years, we’ve seen the importance in the questions we help brands answer increase dramatically. Seeing where the industry is headed, we have a unique opportunity to become the data intelligence platform with the largest breadth and visibility across all connected devices. ABS Capital’s experience, network, and leadership is crucial in achieving this goal.” Also read: Zynga agrees to acquire mobile ad and monetization platform Chartboost for $250 million Following this round, Apptopia co-founder and COO Jonathan Kay will take place as CEO, and co-founder and CEO Eliran Sapir will transition to chairman of the board. “We have seen a burgeoning need for access to a comprehensive, best-in-class competitive intelligence solution across the entire business organization,” said Eliran Sapir. “Apptopia is uniquely suited to provide this intelligence and is changing the way businesses understand and engage with customers. The additional capital will enable us to accelerate our current momentum, empowering businesses across the world with the data they need to outsmart their competition in today’s digital-first economy.” India’s Mobile Premier League Raises $90 Million In Series C Funding Everli raises $100 million in Series C funding AppTweak raises $22 million in Series B funding Secure messaging app Wire raises $21 million Series B funding round Spanish food delivery app Glovo raises $528M to expand its Q-Commerce unit Facebook starts testing its Clubhouse-rival Live Audio Rooms Roblox revenue grows 140% in the first quarter of 2021 Pony League champs celebrate 50th anniversary Take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack I don’t care if I ever get back, ‘Cause it’s root, root, root For the home team. If they don’t win it’s a shame. For it’s one, two, three strikes You’re out At the old ball game. Fifty years ago this summer, Hamtramck had baseball fever. No, it wasn’t the Detroit Tigers that residents here were crazy about. It was the city’s Pony League team that was handpicked to represent Hamtramck in the Pony League World Series held in Pennsylvania. The year was 1961, just two years after Hamtramck won the Little League World Series. Many of the same kids from the Little League team were off once again to represent Hamtramck. And once again, our boys came back as world champs. This weekend, the National Pony League office will commemorate the 50th anniversary of that 1961 win in-between World Series games in Washington, Pennsylvania. Only two of the players will be able to make it: Stan Nalepa and Alan Shulgon. Baseball isn’t quite the sport is once was around here. Fifty years ago, though, it was everything. In fact, Hamtramck had been a powerhouse in sports for many years back then: on the football grid
to rethink their stance toward Latinos, but toward women as well. According to a number of sources, the former actress is doing her due diligence in preparing for a possible US Senate run from Kentucky. Apptopia raises $20 million Series C to expand its competitive intelligence business outside of mobile Sophie Blake May 11, 2021, 3:14 pm 4.3k Views Real-time competitive intelligence company Apptopia announced that it has closed a $20 million funding round led by ABS Capital Partners. Existing investors, including Blossom Street, also participated in the round. As part of the transaction, Mike Avon and Paul Mariani from ABS Capital are joining Apptopia’s board. With this round, the company plans to expand its competitive intelligence market through “investing in ethically sourced data outside of mobile apps”. Founded in 2011, Apptopia has seen a 50% year-over-year growth in revenue in the past three years in a row. “As digital continues to be a large part of brand strategy and people’s lives, measurement is becoming even more crucial,” said Jonathan Kay, co-founder and CEO of Apptopia. “Over the past few years, we’ve seen the importance in the questions we help brands answer increase dramatically. Seeing where the industry is headed, we have a unique opportunity to become the data intelligence platform with the largest breadth and visibility across all connected devices. ABS Capital’s experience, network, and leadership is crucial in achieving this goal.” Also read: Zynga agrees to acquire mobile ad and monetization platform Chartboost for $250 million Following this round, Apptopia co-founder and COO Jonathan Kay will take place as CEO, and co-founder and CEO Eliran Sapir will transition to chairman of the board. “We have seen a burgeoning need for access to a comprehensive, best-in-class competitive intelligence solution across the entire business organization,” said Eliran Sapir. “Apptopia is uniquely suited to provide this intelligence and is changing the way businesses understand and engage with customers. The additional capital will enable us to accelerate our current momentum, empowering businesses across the world with the data they need to outsmart their competition in today’s digital-first economy.” India’s Mobile Premier League Raises $90 Million In Series C Funding Everli raises $100 million in Series C funding AppTweak raises $22 million in Series B funding Secure messaging app Wire raises $21 million Series B funding round Spanish food delivery app Glovo raises $528M to expand its Q-Commerce unit Facebook starts testing its Clubhouse-rival Live Audio Rooms Roblox revenue grows 140% in the first quarter of 2021 Pony League champs celebrate 50th anniversary Take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack I don’t care if I ever get back, ‘Cause it’s root, root, root For the home team. If they don’t win it’s a shame. For it’s one, two, three strikes You’re out At the old ball game. Fifty years ago this summer, Hamtramck had baseball fever. No, it wasn’t the Detroit Tigers that residents here were crazy about. It was the city’s Pony League team that was handpicked to represent Hamtramck in the Pony League World Series held in Pennsylvania. The year was 1961, just two years after Hamtramck won the Little League World Series. Many of the same kids from the Little League team were off once again to represent Hamtramck. And once again, our boys came back as world champs. This weekend, the National Pony League office will commemorate the 50th anniversary of that 1961 win in-between World Series games in Washington, Pennsylvania. Only two of the players will be able to make it: Stan Nalepa and Alan Shulgon. Baseball isn’t quite the sport is once was around here. Fifty years ago, though, it was everything. In fact, Hamtramck had been a powerhouse in sports for many years back then: on the football grid
iron, the tennis courts, in basketball and on the baseball diamond. Heck, if there had been a hockey team, Hamtramck would have likely excelled in that too. For a boy in Hamtramck in the 1950s and 1960s, it was no easy thing to get on a baseball team and be able to play all the time. The competition was tough. Nalepa remembers being consumed with the game from the moment he got up in the morning to the moment he flopped on bed to go to sleep at night. “Besides my marriage and the birth of my kids, baseball was number one,” he said. “I loved it.” Stan was 13 at the time of the World Series, and he played just a few innings in it. He made one standout play, though, that helped his teammates pull ahead to victory. It’s a funny story. Stan was up to bat, and it was important for him to move up the runner on base. The coach took him aside before he went to the plate and told him “use your head.” Now, the way Stan tells it, that could have meant for him to be careful at what he swung at, or literally, “use your head” – heh-heh, wink-wink. Yes, Stan used his head all right. He dipped his head forward into a pitch — and boink! — got beaned in the helmet. The coach took him out and let Shulgon run in Stan’s place. You know, to make sure Stan was OK. Shulgon remembers that season as a “long, hard grind.” “It took a lot of discipline,” he said. Compared to today, Shulgon said, there is no comparison to how the game is played. Back then, there was no rule that forces today’s coaches to make sure every kid plays in every game. “You’d go out there to win,” Shulgon said. “Today, it’s become goody two-shoes.” Some of the Pony League players went on to play professional ball. Probably the most well-known player of that era was Art “Pinky” Deras. He not only threw no-hitters, he could mash the ball as a batter. Consider these stats: Pitching-wise, he had an 18-0 record that included 16 shutouts and 10 no-hitters. He struck out 298 batters. As a batter, he had a .641 average, hit 33 home runs and knocked in 112 runs. That was when Deras was in Little League. Those stats will never be surpassed because today’s Little League rules curtail how many innings pitchers can pitch, besides a bunch of other new rules. That means Deras’ record will remain immortal. Deras’ accomplishments are so outstanding that a documentary has been made about him called: “The Legend of Pinky Deras.” It will be shown on Aug. 27 on Major League Baseball’s cable TV channel. The time of the showing isn’t known yet, but it will be air sometime in the afternoon. Deras eventually went on to play in the Major Leagues, and then after baseball he became a police officer for Warren. Locally, he’s still remembered and revered. Last week, city officials and others gathered at the corner of Dan and Jos. Campau for the unveiling of a street marker honoring Deras. It reads: “Art ‘Pinky’ Deras Way, The greatest Little Leaguer there ever was.” 4 Responses to Pony League champs celebrate 50th anniversary Lynn Hall Hamtramck pony league. I remember that team well. In 1964 or 1965 … if memory serves me well … I played in a tournament against your boys. I pitched a 1 hitter in the 1st round & hit the winning single. I got carried off on my teams shoulders. We lost the next round & your boys defeated us in the finals. I played in the Detroit Joe Koppe pony league. Played out of Patton Park. Hamtramck was a very polished team.Solid at all positions. I hope they won it all. Back then – baseball was king. We lived & breathed baseball 24/7. Frank Rodriguez I was the pitcher for
of the film, they really don’t have a lot to do other than run around doing silly things. Everyone in the group admitted that they were stoned most of the time, and so that probably didn’t help to make them put a lot of effort into their performances. The rather thin story is simply an excuse for a series of gags of rather dubious quality and the nonsensical running around of the cast. The only part of the film that still holds up today are the music performances, and they are generally good. The one that has them goofing around in the snow is less so, but it’s easy to see why fans at the time were enamored of the film. The film opens on a fictional far-Eastern temple, with Leo McKern about to make a human sacrifice. But he’s stopped when one of his acolytes, Eleanor Bron, sees that the victim isn’t wearing the sacrificial ring. As the worshipers begin looking for the ring it is suddenly seen on the hand of, who else but Ringo, as the opening credits begin with the Beatles singing the title song. The video is in black and white, and halfway through the reason becomes clear as darts begin to hit the drummer. McKern is watching them on film and throwing the darts, then decides to go after the ring. In London the four lads are seen going into adjoining houses, with no walls between inside. And that’s when the comedy, if it can even be called that, ensues. Lennon reads his own book on his sunken bed, Harrison has grass in his bedroom complete with a gardener, Starr has vending machines along one wall, and McCartney is seen playing a Wurlitzer organ that comes up out of the floor. All the while McKern and Bron try all kinds of convoluted ways to get the ring off of Ringo’s finger. Mercifully, the group plays another song to stop the lame attempt humor that permeates the film. While McKern and company make several attempts to chop off Ringo’s hand to get the ring, for some unknown reason Bron stops them. At the same time, scientists Roy Kinnear and Victor Spinetti are after it too. Finally the group learns that if he can’t get the ring off, he’ll have to be sacrificed, which leads to chases through the Alps and the Bahamas. The film was generally given positive reviews at the time, and there is a certain type of British comedy film of the period that the film can be considered part of. The original version of The Italian Job is one example of this kind of comedy, which doesn’t really translate to modern audiences at all. Part of the idea for the film sends up the James Bond films, which United Artists owned, but much of the action failed to capitalize on that connection. Leo McKern does about as well as could have been done with the script he was given. Eleanor Bron, who was supposed to be the Bond girl of the film, was great to look at but her motivation was a bit muddy. Even after she had saved her sister from sacrifice she continues to rescue Ringo. And as nonsensical as McKern and his followers are, Roy Kinnear and Victor Spinetti make an already confusing plot even more incomprehensible. But then, that was probably the point. Contemporary audiences seemed to enjoy simply seeing the Fab Four in anything. And the film was highly influential, as it provided the template for the Monkees television show and their subsequent success in the U.S. Ultimately, robbing the Beatles of their true persona--the primary element that made A Hard Day's Night such a successful film in its own right--is what really nullifies whatever potential Help! had as a film. As a piece of Beatles paraphernalia it’s actually quite endearing. As a piece of art, however, it fails miserably. Labels: 1960s, Music Films, United Artists Director: Ken Russell Writer: Paddy Chayefsky Film Score: John Corigliano Cinematography: Jordan Cronenweth Starring: William Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban and Charles Haid Though Altered States was released in 1980, it is very much steeped in a mid-seventies ethos. One only has two look at two Blair Brown films to see the monumental difference. Everything about this film feels as if it was produced in 1973, from the special effects and lighting to the film stock and the direction. Yet her very next film, Cont
of the film, they really don’t have a lot to do other than run around doing silly things. Everyone in the group admitted that they were stoned most of the time, and so that probably didn’t help to make them put a lot of effort into their performances. The rather thin story is simply an excuse for a series of gags of rather dubious quality and the nonsensical running around of the cast. The only part of the film that still holds up today are the music performances, and they are generally good. The one that has them goofing around in the snow is less so, but it’s easy to see why fans at the time were enamored of the film. The film opens on a fictional far-Eastern temple, with Leo McKern about to make a human sacrifice. But he’s stopped when one of his acolytes, Eleanor Bron, sees that the victim isn’t wearing the sacrificial ring. As the worshipers begin looking for the ring it is suddenly seen on the hand of, who else but Ringo, as the opening credits begin with the Beatles singing the title song. The video is in black and white, and halfway through the reason becomes clear as darts begin to hit the drummer. McKern is watching them on film and throwing the darts, then decides to go after the ring. In London the four lads are seen going into adjoining houses, with no walls between inside. And that’s when the comedy, if it can even be called that, ensues. Lennon reads his own book on his sunken bed, Harrison has grass in his bedroom complete with a gardener, Starr has vending machines along one wall, and McCartney is seen playing a Wurlitzer organ that comes up out of the floor. All the while McKern and Bron try all kinds of convoluted ways to get the ring off of Ringo’s finger. Mercifully, the group plays another song to stop the lame attempt humor that permeates the film. While McKern and company make several attempts to chop off Ringo’s hand to get the ring, for some unknown reason Bron stops them. At the same time, scientists Roy Kinnear and Victor Spinetti are after it too. Finally the group learns that if he can’t get the ring off, he’ll have to be sacrificed, which leads to chases through the Alps and the Bahamas. The film was generally given positive reviews at the time, and there is a certain type of British comedy film of the period that the film can be considered part of. The original version of The Italian Job is one example of this kind of comedy, which doesn’t really translate to modern audiences at all. Part of the idea for the film sends up the James Bond films, which United Artists owned, but much of the action failed to capitalize on that connection. Leo McKern does about as well as could have been done with the script he was given. Eleanor Bron, who was supposed to be the Bond girl of the film, was great to look at but her motivation was a bit muddy. Even after she had saved her sister from sacrifice she continues to rescue Ringo. And as nonsensical as McKern and his followers are, Roy Kinnear and Victor Spinetti make an already confusing plot even more incomprehensible. But then, that was probably the point. Contemporary audiences seemed to enjoy simply seeing the Fab Four in anything. And the film was highly influential, as it provided the template for the Monkees television show and their subsequent success in the U.S. Ultimately, robbing the Beatles of their true persona--the primary element that made A Hard Day's Night such a successful film in its own right--is what really nullifies whatever potential Help! had as a film. As a piece of Beatles paraphernalia it’s actually quite endearing. As a piece of art, however, it fails miserably. Labels: 1960s, Music Films, United Artists Director: Ken Russell Writer: Paddy Chayefsky Film Score: John Corigliano Cinematography: Jordan Cronenweth Starring: William Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban and Charles Haid Though Altered States was released in 1980, it is very much steeped in a mid-seventies ethos. One only has two look at two Blair Brown films to see the monumental difference. Everything about this film feels as if it was produced in 1973, from the special effects and lighting to the film stock and the direction. Yet her very next film, Cont
inental Divide with John Belushi, feels as if it could have been made in 1990. But perhaps that is the point. The film begins in 1967, and deals with the kind of exploration of consciousness that began with people like Timothy Leary and Carlos Castaneda. In the film William Hurt plays a psychologist studying schizophrenia, and at the same time he is doing studies on his own with a sensory depravation tank to study altered states of consciousness on volunteer students and eventually himself. Bob Balaban plays his research assistant, and Blair Brown is an anthropology doctoral student who falls in bed and in love with him. Hurt’s interest in his studies center on religion and religious symbolism in human consciousness, and some of his hallucinations are about his dead father and his rejection of religion. Before she goes off for a summer of fieldwork in Africa Brown pressures him to marry her as they will both be teaching at Harvard in the coming fall. Hurt, who is strange by all accounts, agrees. Flash forward seven years and the couple has two kids and are about to divorce. His latest theory is that the atoms that make up the human brain are as old as the planet and therefore are the repository of millions of years of memory, and that somehow religious experience was born of those memories. He heads to Mexico to see if he can find a way into those pre-historical memories to hopefully find a purpose to life that religion can’t answer and never could have. Thaao Penghlis, who makes one of his few film appearances from before he became completely subsumed by daytime television, is his guide. Once there he takes a native drug and hallucinates again, and though disappointed, takes it back with him to Boston. Balaban worries that the drug is building up in his system, in his brain, and tries to get their mutual friend, psychiatrist Charles Haid, to help him stop his experiments. But they continue, and the crux of the film turns on Hurt’s belief that he is actually reverting physically to an earlier state of human existence when he is in the tank, and then actually does. That’s by far the most interesting part of the film, as it then changes from a psychotropic hallucination picture to a pseudo-werewolf film. The special effects, by makeup artist Rick Baker, in that part of the film are fantastic, far better than the hallucination sequences in the rest of it. Surprisingly, the weakest part of the film is the screenplay by Paddy Chayefsky, who won several Oscars for his screenwriting. Ultimately, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense and seems more self-indulgent than entertaining. Apparently director Ken Russell sort of hijacked the production and kept the writer off the set, but it’s difficult to believe that even had Chayefsky achieved what he wanted to with the picture that it would have been any better. Sci-fi fans have embraced it over the years for it’s 2001-like visual sequences, but again, those seem really just and excuse for trying out visual effects rather than anything that has to do with narrative. The film was nominated for a couple of Oscars, for sound and the score but didn’t win. A few familiar character actors appear in bit parts, John Larrouquette as an x-ray tech, and George Gaynes as a radiologist, and Drew Barrymore as one of Hurt and Brown’s young daughters in her film debut. In the end the philosophical nature of the story simply doesn’t translate to the screen, while the more impressive physical regression isn’t explored in any kind of satisfying detail, leaving the viewer with little to really take away from the experience. As a result, Altered States is little more than a cinematic curiosity. Labels: 1980s, Paddy Chayefsky, Science-Fiction, Warner Brothers, William Hurt The Sting (1973) Director: George Roy Hill Writer: David S. Ward Film Score: Marvin Hamlish, Scott Joplin Cinematography: Robert Surtees Starring: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw and Charles Durning The Sting is, quite simply, one of the greatest films of all time. Everything works in the picture, from the acting to the story to the photography to the music. Even the costumes in the picture were designed by the great Edith Head. This is one time when a film’s Academy Award for best
Shutterstock.com Funerals are usually a very sad time. People come together to say goodbye to the one they've lost. The day is filled with loved ones and family members reminiscing about the good times they had with the deceased and what a sad thing it is that he/she is gone. However, one man wanted to ensure that it wasn't all tears and sorrow when his family prepared to bury him. Message from the grave In a video that has gone viral, an Irish man named Shay was being laid to rest and his family and friends gathered around his casket to say their goodbyes. However, a voice came out of nowhere leaving everyone shocked and confused. The man who was supposed to be dead could be heard saying, "Hello?" accompanied by a loud banging which seemed to be coming from the casket. Now you can imagine how petrified everyone must have been for a second. But it turned out that the grandpa who passed away had recorded this message before he died as a fun prank to be played at his funeral. The tears soon turned to laughter as Shay went on in the recording, "it's dark in here..." He continued: Let me out. I can hear you! Is that the priest I can hear? I'm in the box, can you hear that? Shay concluded the video by serenading the crowd towards the end. Shay's wife Anne told BoredPanda that her husband made the recording over a year before the funeral. Only his closest family members were aware of its existence. Anne described her husband as a "prankster" who loved to think outside the box and enjoyed making his family laugh. He was a larger than life character and sadly missed by anyone who knew him. Andrea Bradley, Shay's daughter, shared the video online and explained in the caption that this was her dad's dying wish. She appreciated her "Poppabear" for giving everyone a laugh "just when we needed it!" People applauded the man The hilarious video of Shay pranking his family one last time has gone viral online. With hundreds of thousands of views across different social media platforms, it's clear that people were eager to share this gem of a video. Many people also reacted to the clip and couldn't hold back their laughter as well. They concluded that Shay must have been a really incredible man when he was alive and this was such a sweet way to send him off. The grandpa was hailed for his sense of humor and selflessness in the way he wanted to keep his family laughing even at his funeral. Judging from these words by the loved ones he left behind, and from his overall dedication to doing something so cool, there's no doubt that Shay was an awesome person to be around when he was alive. And this video of him will be cherished forever by those who cared for him. Ground Truth: A Guide to Tracking Climate Change at Home (Hardcover) By Mark L. Hineline Before you read this book, you have homework to do. Grab a notebook, go outside, and find a nearby patch of nature. What do you see, hear, feel, and smell? Are there bugs, birds, squirrels, deer, lizards, frogs, or fish, and what are they doing? What plants are in the vicinity, and in what ways are they growing? What shape are the rocks, what texture is the dirt, and what color are the bodies of water? Does the air feel hot or cold, wet or dry, windy or still? Everything you notice, write it all down. We know that the Earth’s climate is changing, and that the magnitude of this change is colossal. At the same time, the world outside is still a natural world, and one we can experience on a granular level every day. Ground Truth is a guide to living in this condition of changing nature, to paying attention instead of turning away, and to gathering facts from which a fuller understanding of the natural world can emerge over time. Featuring detailed guidance for keeping records of the plants, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals in your neighborhood, this book also ponders the value of everyday observations, probes the connections between seasons and climate change, and traces the history of phenology—the study and timing of natural events—and the uses to which it can be put. An expansive yet accessible book, Ground Truth invites readers to help lay the groundwork for a better understanding of the nature of change
Shutterstock.com Funerals are usually a very sad time. People come together to say goodbye to the one they've lost. The day is filled with loved ones and family members reminiscing about the good times they had with the deceased and what a sad thing it is that he/she is gone. However, one man wanted to ensure that it wasn't all tears and sorrow when his family prepared to bury him. Message from the grave In a video that has gone viral, an Irish man named Shay was being laid to rest and his family and friends gathered around his casket to say their goodbyes. However, a voice came out of nowhere leaving everyone shocked and confused. The man who was supposed to be dead could be heard saying, "Hello?" accompanied by a loud banging which seemed to be coming from the casket. Now you can imagine how petrified everyone must have been for a second. But it turned out that the grandpa who passed away had recorded this message before he died as a fun prank to be played at his funeral. The tears soon turned to laughter as Shay went on in the recording, "it's dark in here..." He continued: Let me out. I can hear you! Is that the priest I can hear? I'm in the box, can you hear that? Shay concluded the video by serenading the crowd towards the end. Shay's wife Anne told BoredPanda that her husband made the recording over a year before the funeral. Only his closest family members were aware of its existence. Anne described her husband as a "prankster" who loved to think outside the box and enjoyed making his family laugh. He was a larger than life character and sadly missed by anyone who knew him. Andrea Bradley, Shay's daughter, shared the video online and explained in the caption that this was her dad's dying wish. She appreciated her "Poppabear" for giving everyone a laugh "just when we needed it!" People applauded the man The hilarious video of Shay pranking his family one last time has gone viral online. With hundreds of thousands of views across different social media platforms, it's clear that people were eager to share this gem of a video. Many people also reacted to the clip and couldn't hold back their laughter as well. They concluded that Shay must have been a really incredible man when he was alive and this was such a sweet way to send him off. The grandpa was hailed for his sense of humor and selflessness in the way he wanted to keep his family laughing even at his funeral. Judging from these words by the loved ones he left behind, and from his overall dedication to doing something so cool, there's no doubt that Shay was an awesome person to be around when he was alive. And this video of him will be cherished forever by those who cared for him. Ground Truth: A Guide to Tracking Climate Change at Home (Hardcover) By Mark L. Hineline Before you read this book, you have homework to do. Grab a notebook, go outside, and find a nearby patch of nature. What do you see, hear, feel, and smell? Are there bugs, birds, squirrels, deer, lizards, frogs, or fish, and what are they doing? What plants are in the vicinity, and in what ways are they growing? What shape are the rocks, what texture is the dirt, and what color are the bodies of water? Does the air feel hot or cold, wet or dry, windy or still? Everything you notice, write it all down. We know that the Earth’s climate is changing, and that the magnitude of this change is colossal. At the same time, the world outside is still a natural world, and one we can experience on a granular level every day. Ground Truth is a guide to living in this condition of changing nature, to paying attention instead of turning away, and to gathering facts from which a fuller understanding of the natural world can emerge over time. Featuring detailed guidance for keeping records of the plants, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals in your neighborhood, this book also ponders the value of everyday observations, probes the connections between seasons and climate change, and traces the history of phenology—the study and timing of natural events—and the uses to which it can be put. An expansive yet accessible book, Ground Truth invites readers to help lay the groundwork for a better understanding of the nature of change
itself. Mark L. Hineline is instructor in history, philosophy, and sociology of science at Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University. “Hineline’s wonderful new book advocates the addition of a new kind of individual action to supplement our political struggle [against climate change]—one that’s both pragmatic and emotionally resonant. . . . Lyrical . . . . Puckish . . . . After reading this book, I’m on it.” — Rebecca Onion “Doing Hineline's homework is a great way to ensure future generations will know what Earth was like in the early 21st century. Ground Truth is sure to please fans of Bernd Heinrich and Bill McKibben.” — Shelf Awareness “An alternative to the many books that paint dire scenarios, this book appeals to readers with an interest, but not a strong background, in the science related to climate change. . . . Recommended.” "In this beautifully written and almost poetic book, the author asks us to consider observing the range of plant life, noting how our local trees, shrubs, and flowers pass through the seasons. What is his objective? He wants his readers to begin to record the impact climate change has on the biological life of the planet. . . . Intensely personal and leavened by many stories from his own life, Hineline’s volume is about as far as one can get from a traditional book about science. But his passionate advocacy of close observation and measurement of the natural world by ordinary citizens has a profound appeal." — The Quarterly Review of Biology “An expertly crafted and enjoyable personal journey that transforms the complicated topics of phenology and climate change. The book engages everyone with something accessible, tangible, and actionable. I highly recommend it.” — Mark D. Schwartz, editor of Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science “Ground Truth is an eloquent primer, plea, and playbook, inviting us to ‘get our eye in,’ and learn to truly see the world around us underfoot, overhead, and everywhere in between. It is a unique DIY manual for becoming attuned to the rhythms of the natural world, for reading the signs of changing climate before our eyes, at home, and in our communities. In learning, with this book, how to take the pulse of our planet, we better appreciate that we, too, are part of Earth's living, breathing web of life, and how our actions affect its vital signs.” — James T. Costa, author of Darwin’s Backyard: How Small Experiments Led to a Big Theory “Ground Truth is a necessary book, a guide to positive action in a time of paralyzing fear and negativity. Hineline illuminates phenology and climate change in a way that invites all of us to become engaged in the critical work of observing and documenting the changes happening now in nature nearby, to be part of a global community working together to gather data on a world changing in ways that we cannot imagine, but can learn from.” — Susan J. Tweit Publication Date: June 21st, 2018 Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection Science / Earth Sciences / Meteorology & Climatology Paperback (June 21st, 2018): $20.00 [ January 19, 2020 ] Latest "Apartheid?" poster General News [ January 19, 2020 ] 01/19 Links: PA daily calls for murder to stop Holocaust ceremony in Jerusalem; Bernie Sanders is the American Corbyn… and this isn’t good. General News [ January 19, 2020 ] Book review: "Harpoon: Inside the covert war against terrorism’s money masters" General News [ January 19, 2020 ] Iranian Jews overcame threats of deportation from the US General News [ January 19, 2020 ] Some Optimism, for a Change General News [ January 19, 2020 ] I can’t wait for the flood libel to reach Iran General News [ January 19, 2020 ] "Racism and Apartheid are intrinsic to the Zionist doctrine": More Hatred of Israel on "Your ABC" General News [ January 19, 2020 ] Palest
our answer. Moore is part of the sprawling ensemble cast of Baz Luhrmann‘s new Netflix drama The Get Down, about the rise of hip-hop, punk, and disco in 1970s New York. Which, yes, sounds a lot like a certain other drama premiering on HBO next month — but the perspective couldn’t be more different, and in any case we live in an age where streaming and DVR allow us to watch as many ’70s music dramas as the industry is willing to churn out. The Get Down looks like a must-watch no matter what other shows exist out there. Watch The Get Down trailer after the jump. Read More » Star Wars Bits: Zack Snyder Doesn’t Want to Direct ‘Star Wars’, Jimmy Smits Maybe Willing to Return, ILM to Save Disney $20M a Year Posted on Friday, November 9th, 2012 by Angie Han As we anxiously wait to hear who’ll get to helm the next Star Wars, it seems there’s at least one name we can definitively rule out. Man of Steel helmer Zack Snyder says that he, for one, doesn’t want the coveted gig. The (understandable) reason? It’s just a lot to take on. “I don’t think I’d be interested in [directing it],” he said in an interview with the LAT. “I’m a huge Star Wars fanatic. I just think doing seven, eight, and nine is just a slippery slope. It’s a whole other mythological experiment I’m excited to see, but it’s a lot of effort.” After the jump, Jimmy Smits might be open to returning, while Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic saves Disney a ton of money. TV Bits: ‘Arrow’, ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘Sons of Anarchy’, ‘American Horror Story’, ‘Blake’s 7’, ‘Doctor Who’, and More Posted on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 by Angie Han Between American Horror Story and Sons of Anarchy, almost half of this post is FX teasers. After the jump: Syfy will reboot the Brit cult sci-fi series Blake’s 7 Fox picks up a new comedy by the Parks & Rec team Dwight-centric Office spinoff The Farm begins casting Jessica De Gouw joins The CW’s Arrow as the Huntress See Breaking Bad stars on old episodes of Seinfeld Doctor Who gets a premiere date and a new trailer Watch three more trailers for FX’s Sons of Anarchy See more creepy teasers for American Horror Story D. King, Ed. A. Farrel, Ed. Old Dog Consulting The Application of the Path Computation Element Architecture to the Determination of a Sequence of Domains in MPLS and GMPLS Computing optimum routes for Label Switched Paths (LSPs) across multiple domains in MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) and GMPLS networks presents a problem because no single point of path computation is aware of all of the links and resources in each domain. A solution may be achieved using the Path Computation Element (PCE) architecture. Where the sequence of domains is known a priori, various techniques can be employed to derive an optimum path. If the domains are simply connected, or if the preferred points of interconnection are also known, the Per-Domain Path Computation technique can be used. Where there are multiple connections between domains and there is no preference for the choice of points of interconnection, the Backward- Recursive PCE-based Computation (BRPC) procedure can be used to derive an optimal path. This document examines techniques to establish the optimum path when the sequence of domains is not known in advance. The document shows how the PCE architecture can be extended to allow the optimum sequence of domains to be selected, and the optimum end-to-end path to be derived through the use of a hierarchical relationship between domains. 1. Introduction ....................................................4 1.1. Problem Statement ..........................................5 1.2. Definition of a Domain .....................................5 1.3. Assumptions and Requirements ...............................6 1.3.1. Metric Objectives ...................................6 1.3.2. D
our answer. Moore is part of the sprawling ensemble cast of Baz Luhrmann‘s new Netflix drama The Get Down, about the rise of hip-hop, punk, and disco in 1970s New York. Which, yes, sounds a lot like a certain other drama premiering on HBO next month — but the perspective couldn’t be more different, and in any case we live in an age where streaming and DVR allow us to watch as many ’70s music dramas as the industry is willing to churn out. The Get Down looks like a must-watch no matter what other shows exist out there. Watch The Get Down trailer after the jump. Read More » Star Wars Bits: Zack Snyder Doesn’t Want to Direct ‘Star Wars’, Jimmy Smits Maybe Willing to Return, ILM to Save Disney $20M a Year Posted on Friday, November 9th, 2012 by Angie Han As we anxiously wait to hear who’ll get to helm the next Star Wars, it seems there’s at least one name we can definitively rule out. Man of Steel helmer Zack Snyder says that he, for one, doesn’t want the coveted gig. The (understandable) reason? It’s just a lot to take on. “I don’t think I’d be interested in [directing it],” he said in an interview with the LAT. “I’m a huge Star Wars fanatic. I just think doing seven, eight, and nine is just a slippery slope. It’s a whole other mythological experiment I’m excited to see, but it’s a lot of effort.” After the jump, Jimmy Smits might be open to returning, while Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic saves Disney a ton of money. TV Bits: ‘Arrow’, ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘Sons of Anarchy’, ‘American Horror Story’, ‘Blake’s 7’, ‘Doctor Who’, and More Posted on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 by Angie Han Between American Horror Story and Sons of Anarchy, almost half of this post is FX teasers. After the jump: Syfy will reboot the Brit cult sci-fi series Blake’s 7 Fox picks up a new comedy by the Parks & Rec team Dwight-centric Office spinoff The Farm begins casting Jessica De Gouw joins The CW’s Arrow as the Huntress See Breaking Bad stars on old episodes of Seinfeld Doctor Who gets a premiere date and a new trailer Watch three more trailers for FX’s Sons of Anarchy See more creepy teasers for American Horror Story D. King, Ed. A. Farrel, Ed. Old Dog Consulting The Application of the Path Computation Element Architecture to the Determination of a Sequence of Domains in MPLS and GMPLS Computing optimum routes for Label Switched Paths (LSPs) across multiple domains in MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) and GMPLS networks presents a problem because no single point of path computation is aware of all of the links and resources in each domain. A solution may be achieved using the Path Computation Element (PCE) architecture. Where the sequence of domains is known a priori, various techniques can be employed to derive an optimum path. If the domains are simply connected, or if the preferred points of interconnection are also known, the Per-Domain Path Computation technique can be used. Where there are multiple connections between domains and there is no preference for the choice of points of interconnection, the Backward- Recursive PCE-based Computation (BRPC) procedure can be used to derive an optimal path. This document examines techniques to establish the optimum path when the sequence of domains is not known in advance. The document shows how the PCE architecture can be extended to allow the optimum sequence of domains to be selected, and the optimum end-to-end path to be derived through the use of a hierarchical relationship between domains. 1. Introduction ....................................................4 1.1. Problem Statement ..........................................5 1.2. Definition of a Domain .....................................5 1.3. Assumptions and Requirements ...............................6 1.3.1. Metric Objectives ...................................6 1.3.2. D
iversity ...........................................7 Physical Diversity .........................7 Domain Diversity ...........................7 1.3.3. Existing Traffic Engineering Constraints ............7 1.3.4. Commercial Constraints ..............................8 1.3.5. Domain Confidentiality ..............................8 1.3.6. Limiting Information Aggregation ....................8 1.3.7. Domain Interconnection Discovery ....................8 1.4. Terminology ................................................8 2. Examination of Existing PCE Mechanisms ..........................9 2.1. Per-Domain Path Computation ................................9 2.2. Backward-Recursive PCE-Based Computation ..................10 2.2.1. Applicability of BRPC When the Domain Path is Not Known .......................................11 3. Hierarchical PCE ...............................................12 4. Hierarchical PCE Procedures ....................................13 4.1. Objective Functions and Policy ............................13 4.2. Maintaining Domain Confidentiality ........................14 4.3. PCE Discovery .............................................14 4.4. Traffic Engineering Database for the Parent Domain ........15 4.5. Determination of Destination Domain .......................16 4.6. Hierarchical PCE Examples .................................16 4.6.1. Hierarchical PCE Initial Information Exchange ......18 4.6.2. Hierarchical PCE End-to-End Path Computation Procedure ..............................19 4.7. Hierarchical PCE Error Handling ...........................20 4.8. Requirements for Hierarchical PCEP Protocol Extensions ....20 4.8.1. PCEP Request Qualifiers ............................21 4.8.2. Indication of Hierarchical PCE Capability ..........21 4.8.3. Intention to Utilize Parent PCE Capabilities .......21 4.8.4. Communication of Domain Connectivity Information ...22 4.8.5. Domain Identifiers .................................22 5. Hierarchical PCE Applicability .................................23 5.1. Autonomous Systems and Areas ..............................23 5.2. ASON Architecture .........................................24 5.2.1. Implicit Consistency between Hierarchical PCE and G.7715.2 ...................................25 5.2.2. Benefits of Hierarchical PCEs in ASON ..............26 6. A Note on BGP-TE ...............................................26 6.1. Use of BGP for TED Synchronization ........................27 7. Management Considerations ......................................27 7.1. Control of Function and Policy ............................27 7.1.1. Child PCE ..........................................27 7.1.2. Parent PCE .........................................27 7.1.3. Policy Control .....................................28 7.2. Information and Data Models ...............................28 7.3. Liveness Detection and Monitoring .........................28 7.4. Verifying Correct Operation ...............................28 7.5. Impact on Network Operation ...............................29 8. Security Considerations ........................................29 9. Acknowledgements ...............................................30 10. References ....................................................30 10.1. Normative References .....................................30 10.2. Informative References ...................................31 11. Contributors ..................................................32 The capability to compute the routes of end-to-end inter-domain MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) and GMPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs) is expressed as requirements in [RFC4105] and [RFC4216]. This capability may be realized by a Path Computation Element (PCE). The PCE architecture is defined in [
key card and so gained access to the Estate to commit these crimes. With that scenario the card must have been given consciously to the intruder, or stolen for that purpose. He then conceded that the story with the card seems an unlikely scenario because his family had no real enemies. The neighbours of the van Breda family, Ms Stefanie Op’t Hoff and Ms Annalise Taljaard, testified that the Estate was a safe and secure environment to stay in. Ms Op’t Hoff was of the opinion that De Zalze Estate was probably the safest or most secure place in Stellenbosch and testified that she felt very safe living there. Ms Taljaard, testified that she felt comfortable and secure, living in De Zalze Estate. She felt so safe that she left her children at home when she went swimming in the mornings. None of them reported any suspicious persons or incidents in the vicinity of Goske Street the day or night of the murders. The only unusual event were the loud male voices coming from the van Breda home. The Accused confirmed that he never felt insecure, unsafe or threatened whilst living in the Estate. They slept with open windows without burglar bars and keys in the doors without security gates. The back door was even left unlocked some times. It was submitted by State counsel that the security measures of the Estate, the location of the property on the Estate and the close proximity of the houses make it highly improbable for any intruder(s) to access the Estate and the property in question, commit these crimes and exit the property and Estate without being detected. Despite lengthy cross-examination, the Defence was unable to suggest or present evidence of a real breach of the security. Considering the probabilities and in the light of what is said here, the Court is in agreement with the State that it is highly unlikely that the security was breached by an intruder from outside De Zalze Estate. The Emergency Call and the Demeanour of the Accused In the early morning hours of 27 January 2015 Janine Philander, employed as an operator by the City of Cape Town at the emergency communication centre, received a call from the Accused. The audio recording of the call, Exhibit “JJ”, was played in court. The recording started at 07h12 and ended at 07h37; it lasted 25 minutes. The Accused appeared emotional while the audio recording was played in Court. The Accused confirmed that the sound clips of the emergency call were correct and that the contents of it were what happened during the course of the call. The Accused testified that he had a speech ‘impediment’ and stuttered. He received speech therapy from grade 4 until grade 10. The Accused said that he panicked, was breathing very fast and lit a cigarette at the kitchen counter to calm himself down while the emergency call was dialling. He smoked three cigarettes in short succession and dropping them to the floor where they burnt out. He said the reason for that was that his hands were shaking so much that the cigarettes just fell out of his hand. In normal circumstances it was not acceptable to smoke inside the house. The Accused was taught the technique to speak slowly and calmly because as soon as he started speaking fast, he would get stuck. When listening to the audio recording, it was quite clear to the Court that the Accused stuttered slightly. Ms Philander conceded that towards the end of the call the Accused appeared to be calmer than he was initially and that it could have been the case because she stayed calm. It is apparent from the recording that it was not necessary for the operator at any specific time to request the Accused to calm down. Although Ms Philander conceded that the Accused did nothing wrong when making the call, the lack of urgency and the demeanour of the Accused, during a disturbing and unduly long conversation with the emergency services, seemed to be highly unusual for a traumatised victim. The Accused testified that he decided to contact the emergency services directly to save time and not make use of other obvious options to get help. During cross-examination the Accused was confronted with the fact that he verbalised certain emotions to the Court but it was not evident from the emergency call. The Accused said he did not get angry because he was under the impression that they were having some sort of technical issue. Later he testified that he was trying his best not to reflect his agitation
key card and so gained access to the Estate to commit these crimes. With that scenario the card must have been given consciously to the intruder, or stolen for that purpose. He then conceded that the story with the card seems an unlikely scenario because his family had no real enemies. The neighbours of the van Breda family, Ms Stefanie Op’t Hoff and Ms Annalise Taljaard, testified that the Estate was a safe and secure environment to stay in. Ms Op’t Hoff was of the opinion that De Zalze Estate was probably the safest or most secure place in Stellenbosch and testified that she felt very safe living there. Ms Taljaard, testified that she felt comfortable and secure, living in De Zalze Estate. She felt so safe that she left her children at home when she went swimming in the mornings. None of them reported any suspicious persons or incidents in the vicinity of Goske Street the day or night of the murders. The only unusual event were the loud male voices coming from the van Breda home. The Accused confirmed that he never felt insecure, unsafe or threatened whilst living in the Estate. They slept with open windows without burglar bars and keys in the doors without security gates. The back door was even left unlocked some times. It was submitted by State counsel that the security measures of the Estate, the location of the property on the Estate and the close proximity of the houses make it highly improbable for any intruder(s) to access the Estate and the property in question, commit these crimes and exit the property and Estate without being detected. Despite lengthy cross-examination, the Defence was unable to suggest or present evidence of a real breach of the security. Considering the probabilities and in the light of what is said here, the Court is in agreement with the State that it is highly unlikely that the security was breached by an intruder from outside De Zalze Estate. The Emergency Call and the Demeanour of the Accused In the early morning hours of 27 January 2015 Janine Philander, employed as an operator by the City of Cape Town at the emergency communication centre, received a call from the Accused. The audio recording of the call, Exhibit “JJ”, was played in court. The recording started at 07h12 and ended at 07h37; it lasted 25 minutes. The Accused appeared emotional while the audio recording was played in Court. The Accused confirmed that the sound clips of the emergency call were correct and that the contents of it were what happened during the course of the call. The Accused testified that he had a speech ‘impediment’ and stuttered. He received speech therapy from grade 4 until grade 10. The Accused said that he panicked, was breathing very fast and lit a cigarette at the kitchen counter to calm himself down while the emergency call was dialling. He smoked three cigarettes in short succession and dropping them to the floor where they burnt out. He said the reason for that was that his hands were shaking so much that the cigarettes just fell out of his hand. In normal circumstances it was not acceptable to smoke inside the house. The Accused was taught the technique to speak slowly and calmly because as soon as he started speaking fast, he would get stuck. When listening to the audio recording, it was quite clear to the Court that the Accused stuttered slightly. Ms Philander conceded that towards the end of the call the Accused appeared to be calmer than he was initially and that it could have been the case because she stayed calm. It is apparent from the recording that it was not necessary for the operator at any specific time to request the Accused to calm down. Although Ms Philander conceded that the Accused did nothing wrong when making the call, the lack of urgency and the demeanour of the Accused, during a disturbing and unduly long conversation with the emergency services, seemed to be highly unusual for a traumatised victim. The Accused testified that he decided to contact the emergency services directly to save time and not make use of other obvious options to get help. During cross-examination the Accused was confronted with the fact that he verbalised certain emotions to the Court but it was not evident from the emergency call. The Accused said he did not get angry because he was under the impression that they were having some sort of technical issue. Later he testified that he was trying his best not to reflect his agitation
and get as angry over the phone as he should have been. The Accused testified that he did get frustrated with the emergency services when they did not react quickly. He said he did nothing to convey his feelings of frustration to the operator despite being in dire need, he’d rather suppressed those feelings of frustration. He felt that it would only confuse the communication and not help. The Accused testified that he was aware that it was a very serious situation. During his evidence in chief the Accused testified that at that moment he was still under the impression that both RUDI and MARLI were alive. He heard gurgling sounds from above. Peculiarly enough, the Accused made no mention to Ms Philander that his brother was also alive; he only mentioned his sister being alive. During cross-examination by the State, the Accused was unable to explain why he did not mention that two of his family members were still alive. The Accused conceded that the gurgling sounds could have emanated from MARLI only and not from both RUDI and MARLI. Despite being uncertain in this regard, the Accused stated it as a fact in his plea explanation that he could hear what sounded like RUDI making gurgling sounds in their room. The Accused stated during cross-examination that he immediately went and phoned the emergency services again (my emphasis) after regaining consciousness. This is simply an incorrect statement. Considering the timeline as set out in Exhibit “UU”, the Accused never phoned the emergency services before he lost consciousness. He did an internet search for an ambulance at 04h27 and attempted to phone the emergency services from his mobile phone for the first time at 07h12. Dr James Butler, a neurologist, inter alia testified about the Accused’s behaviour on the audio clip of his emergency call, during which he appears “inappropriately calm and lacking in urgency, given the gravity of the circumstances”, and also not knowing about his family’s status. Dr Butler said he suspected the general public who have heard it would be struck by the inappropriateness of the Accused’ behaviour. The witness said it was consistent with the behaviour of someone in a post-ictal state after a seizure. The audio recording of the emergency call is indeed a silent, unemotional, trustworthy, unbiased and accurate witness to the Accused’s demeanour and seemingly inappropriate lack of emotion after the extremely traumatic events, as argued by the State. Although State counsel conceded that not every person reacts the same in traumatic circumstances, it was argued that the emotional state of the Accused during the call is inconsistent with being a victim of a crime and losing most of his family members. The Accused was calm, fully conscious and able to relay his version of the events to the police at the scene and later at the police station. Dr Michelle van Zyl also described the Accused as confident, not emotional, conversing casually and relaxed with staff when he consulted with her later on 27 January 2015. She noted that he was orientated to person, place and time. If the Accused’s intention was to get help as quick as possible by speaking to the emergency services directly, it does not explain why he first tried to contact Bianca van der Westhuizen, his girlfriend at the time, at 04h24 before googling the number for the emergency services at 04h27 on 27 January 2015 (see Exhibit “UU”). The Accused confirmed that the landline and mobile phone numbers indicated in Exhibit “UU” belong to him and Bianca and their home landline. He said he accepted that the information downloaded from the mobile phone was correct. Furthermore, the Accused was confronted with the fact that he did not seek help from other obvious sources like neighbours, De Zalze security or the other emergency numbers on the list against the fridge, while on the cordless phone to the emergency services. Instead he called a minor school girl residing in a hostel, several times from his mobile phone. The Accused explained he just wanted to speak to someone and Bianca was pretty much his only friend in South Africa at the time. During cross-examination the Accused created the impression that he was not aware of the 24 hour emergency numbers on the fridge after staying permanently with his family for approximately five months and also did not see it when he scanned through the numbers. The fr
ids. Ringo makes friends with one of them, a mute robot named Holter. When the three kids go back to their home, which is the facility, they bump into Dio and Leda, where she pretends to be nice to them in order to glean information on Luna and her creator. Leda attacks the kids upon seeing the glass tanks where Luna was said to be born, Casshern fights her. Just as Leda was about to critically injure Casshern, Dio appears and reminds her that he should be the one to kill Casshern and not her. #15 - For Whom do the Flowers Bloom? Casshern, Lyuze and Ringo finally reach Luna's castle. They meet up with Dune, who has rejoined Luna. Casshern's group is stunned to see the large amount of robots that await Luna's healing. Casshern finds one of the robots who is healed by Luna earlier attacked and beaten to near death by other robots. After Dune suffers severe injuries after a bandit attack, Luna refuses to heal him and lets him die. Casshern and the others are shocked and angry at Luna's change in behaviour and her outlook in life. Elsewhere, Braiking Boss visits the graves of his dead subordinates, while Leda is informed of Luna's whereabouts. Casshern confronts Luna, and questions whether her current role will truly bring salvation to the world. #16 - A Drop Called Eternity Dio captures Casshern and brings him back to Luna's castle. Leda wants Dio to be healed along with her by Luna, but he refuses. Leda finds Luna and orders her to heal only those that are chosen, like her. Meanwhile, Braiking Boss is followed by robots on the verge of ruin. Leda receives Luna's healing, but it is not enough as she starts to break down again. She demands more healing from Luna, who complies. However, the increased healing she receives is much more painful than the first one. Dio takes Casshern away for him to regenerate so that he can battle him again in a fair fight. Casshern learns that Dio's reason to live is to defeat him. After a painful regeneration, Casshern prepares for one final battle with his arch-nemesis. Directors: Mari Tominaga #17 - The Woman of the Tall Tower Casshern visits a dilapidated factory, with an incompleted high tower atop it. Far from abandoned, there are construction robots who live day-to-day activities by playing card games and work on finishing the tower's construction. The leader, a female robot named Lizabel, explains to Casshern that she created a purpose to live for these robots by having them build a tower. Once it is completed, she plans to attach a bell to it. She believes that by ringing the bell, the people of the land can still feel that the world is beautiful and filled with hope. She leads Casshern into a trap, when she notices his perfect and unruined body. Insanity takes over her as Lizabel plans to use Casshern's body as material for her bell. She is aghast to learn that Casshern was the one who killed Luna, and promptly releases him. She goes ahead and creates a bell out of another material and attaches it to the completed tower. But when the bell is rung, the construction robots are irritated from the sound and turn on Lizabel. Casshern saves Lizabel, and says that even though the sound of the bell sounded horrid, he was pleased by it, since it reminded him of hope. When Casshern leaves Ringo and Ohji visit the factory and talk with Lizabel who has renewed faith in life. #18 - Turn the Time Lived to Color Casshern and Friender arrive at a city that is surrounded by a lake, which is populated with robots who have already accepted death. Casshern meets a disabled robot, Margo, who considers himself as an artist and paints white colors around the city. However, the current leader of the robots is far from pleased with Margo's optimistic behavior, and considers his presence to be corrupting to his fellow robots who have accepted ruin. #19 - The Truth Illuminates the Darkness Se
ids. Ringo makes friends with one of them, a mute robot named Holter. When the three kids go back to their home, which is the facility, they bump into Dio and Leda, where she pretends to be nice to them in order to glean information on Luna and her creator. Leda attacks the kids upon seeing the glass tanks where Luna was said to be born, Casshern fights her. Just as Leda was about to critically injure Casshern, Dio appears and reminds her that he should be the one to kill Casshern and not her. #15 - For Whom do the Flowers Bloom? Casshern, Lyuze and Ringo finally reach Luna's castle. They meet up with Dune, who has rejoined Luna. Casshern's group is stunned to see the large amount of robots that await Luna's healing. Casshern finds one of the robots who is healed by Luna earlier attacked and beaten to near death by other robots. After Dune suffers severe injuries after a bandit attack, Luna refuses to heal him and lets him die. Casshern and the others are shocked and angry at Luna's change in behaviour and her outlook in life. Elsewhere, Braiking Boss visits the graves of his dead subordinates, while Leda is informed of Luna's whereabouts. Casshern confronts Luna, and questions whether her current role will truly bring salvation to the world. #16 - A Drop Called Eternity Dio captures Casshern and brings him back to Luna's castle. Leda wants Dio to be healed along with her by Luna, but he refuses. Leda finds Luna and orders her to heal only those that are chosen, like her. Meanwhile, Braiking Boss is followed by robots on the verge of ruin. Leda receives Luna's healing, but it is not enough as she starts to break down again. She demands more healing from Luna, who complies. However, the increased healing she receives is much more painful than the first one. Dio takes Casshern away for him to regenerate so that he can battle him again in a fair fight. Casshern learns that Dio's reason to live is to defeat him. After a painful regeneration, Casshern prepares for one final battle with his arch-nemesis. Directors: Mari Tominaga #17 - The Woman of the Tall Tower Casshern visits a dilapidated factory, with an incompleted high tower atop it. Far from abandoned, there are construction robots who live day-to-day activities by playing card games and work on finishing the tower's construction. The leader, a female robot named Lizabel, explains to Casshern that she created a purpose to live for these robots by having them build a tower. Once it is completed, she plans to attach a bell to it. She believes that by ringing the bell, the people of the land can still feel that the world is beautiful and filled with hope. She leads Casshern into a trap, when she notices his perfect and unruined body. Insanity takes over her as Lizabel plans to use Casshern's body as material for her bell. She is aghast to learn that Casshern was the one who killed Luna, and promptly releases him. She goes ahead and creates a bell out of another material and attaches it to the completed tower. But when the bell is rung, the construction robots are irritated from the sound and turn on Lizabel. Casshern saves Lizabel, and says that even though the sound of the bell sounded horrid, he was pleased by it, since it reminded him of hope. When Casshern leaves Ringo and Ohji visit the factory and talk with Lizabel who has renewed faith in life. #18 - Turn the Time Lived to Color Casshern and Friender arrive at a city that is surrounded by a lake, which is populated with robots who have already accepted death. Casshern meets a disabled robot, Margo, who considers himself as an artist and paints white colors around the city. However, the current leader of the robots is far from pleased with Margo's optimistic behavior, and considers his presence to be corrupting to his fellow robots who have accepted ruin. #19 - The Truth Illuminates the Darkness Se
ason 1 - Episode 14 - Aired Jan 7, 2009 As Casshern takes his leave, Ringo, while crying, chases after him seeing how disturbed he is. A band of wandering robots then picks Ringo up telling her that all the robots which were going forward are going to meet Luna and that Casshern too is there to seek salvation. But upon ending up there, Dio’s army was already there butchering all of the robots who place faith in the name Luna. Ohji through life and limb charges in and saves Ringo from being killed, but still end up cornered by Dio’s army. It is here, Casshern, Friender and Lyuze finally come to the rescue. Dio makes his appearance and duel Casshern who this time has a reason to live: to protect all the weak and those ruining. While the battle ended in Dio’s army retreating, in the shadows of countless robots a female figure in the middle calls herself Luna. #20 - Believe in the Flower that Lives in your Heart Upon reaching Luna's castle, Casshern and Lyuze are attacked by two robots named Castor and Helene. The encounter causes Lyuze to start fearing when she will begin to ruin (throughout the episode there are signs that it's not too far away) and she becomes distant. While hiding in a cave, Ringo mentions a story that Ohji once told her about an immortal monster that lives in caves. Lyuze feels Ringo's story relates to Casshern and she states that she's jealous of his immortality. #21 - A World Replete with Death Throes Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired Oct 8, 2008 Casshern meets up with a robotic couple and their dog named Friender. He finds out that they reside with a total of 10 robots, seeking to live in peace until they die. The robots turn on Casshern, and attempt to eat him to survive, being tempted by his completely un-decomposed body. Casshern is forced to defend himself, nearly killing them all. #22 - The Paradise of Lost Hope Luna tells Casshern's group that her blood can grant eternal life, but her outlook on death has changed negatively, completely shunning it. She wants them to stay but Casshern and the others leave. Later Casshern changes his mind and wants to bring Ringo for Luna to heal, against Lyuze's protests. They reunite with Ohji, who tells them that Luna is not salvation; she grants death. A long time ago, humans found a way to live eternally, but Braiking Boss found it revolting and started exterminating humans, eventually giving the order to assassinate Luna. Ohji explains that the old Luna and the current Luna are different. However, upon witnessing Luna's results, Ohji forces Ringo to see Luna, but the girl refuses. Casshern reaches Dio and Leda's army who has come to get rid of Luna, but he allows himself to be brutally attacked by them. #23 - The Past Rises Before My Eyes The story starts with a group of robots who screams of Luna and that meeting her will bring salvation. Casshern, Friender and a following Lyuze walk the same path as the raving robots in search of Luna. It is then when it rained, Ringo comes in playing chasing after the three. Fearing the rain may hasten the ruination for Ringo, they searched for a shelter and dries her off. There in the shelter, a heavy coated character barges in too searching shelter. It is revealed the character is Braiking Boss, the one who ordered the assassination of Luna and that Ohji is the one who built Casshern, Dio and Reda supposedly to be the perfect beings but ended up as being just killing machines. #24 - At the End of the World In the near future, an amnesiac Casshern fights anti-human robots on a desolate Earth. Most of the humans were killed in an apocalyptic war when he was serving under the direction of Braiking Boss after he assassinated a girl named Luna. During his quest to find out who he is, Casshern befriends a human girl named Ringo. However
preceptors) in family practice settings throughout the state. Undertaken on a weekly basis throughout each academic semester, these early clinical rotations allow students to gain valuable experiences in ambulatory clinical settings with a variety of patients. The MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program has a course structure with multiple components for the preceptors and the students. Any community-based osteopathic physician interested in becoming a preceptor is required to complete an application and to receive a briefing and on-site evaluation by the director of the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program before receiving assigned student. When a preceptor is appointed and assigned students, he or she is provided with program protocols, including objectives, expectations, course requirements, other policies and guidelines, and instruments for student and program evaluation. Subsequently, annual, biannual, or triennial reappointments of the preceptor within MSUCOM are based on reviews of the preceptor's applications and evaluations.5 Each osteopathic medical student participating in the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program must have successfully completed all first-year courses, including a course on integrated clinical skills, before being assigned to a preceptor. Students are briefed in a classroom setting before the preceptorship rotation begins. At that time, they are provided with course protocol packets that are nearly identical to those received by preceptors. Student packets also include preceptor evaluation forms as well as form-based assignments for recording clinical cases.6 Likewise, preceptor packets include student evaluation forms. At the end of each rotation, students are debriefed as a group. Some students are also debriefed individually by the program director on an as needed basis (ie, by student request or in response to evaluation comments). All student and preceptor evaluations are reviewed individually, analyzed collectively, and used for ongoing monitoring of the quality and effectiveness of the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program. Modifications to the program are implemented based on the analyses of these evaluations and of any other relevant information. For example, an unfavorable student evaluation of a preceptor might compel the program director to visit the preceptor and, depending on the findings of that visit, withhold future assignments of students from the preceptor or deny the preceptor's reappointment. On rare occasions, a student may be immediately withdrawn from a preceptor if the student's educational experience in the program is deemed to be suboptimal. It is more common, however, for preceptors to receive favorable evaluations from students and to be formally recognized and given commendations and awards, such as certificates of recognition, by FCM administrators. In our experience with the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, the majority of preceptors have continued to provide MSUCOM students with valuable clinical training, professional mentoring, and collegiality. Adaptive modifications are continually being made to the program. Such modifications are based on a variety of factors, including student and preceptor evaluations of the program, evolving expectations in osteopathic medical education, advancements in evidence-based clinical medicine, changes in core competency requirements, and internal monitoring of program and education activities. Such changes have resulted in the tightening of curriculum structure and standardized criteria for recruitment and approval of community-based preceptors. Internal records of the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program reveal that, in recent years, an increasing number of osteopathic physicians are volunteering their time and resources to participate in the program.6 Currently, more than 250 osteopathic family physicians practicing in Michigan serve as community-based faculty within FCM at MSUCOM. However, depending on any given semester, a lesser number of these individuals may participate as active preceptors with assigned osteopathic medical students. Despite the ongoing monitoring and evaluations of the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, the present study represents the first time that an investigation of the motivations and expectations of program participants has been carried out. The objectives of this study were to investigate the factors that influence osteopathic physicians to participate in the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, including their motivations, their understanding of MSUCOM's expectations, their perceptions of the impact of the program on students' career choices, their expectations of MSUCOM, and their desired rewards for participation. Under the auspices of its Division of Research, staff in the FCM undertook this study with the hypothesis that the motivations and expectations of preceptors would be more altru
preceptors) in family practice settings throughout the state. Undertaken on a weekly basis throughout each academic semester, these early clinical rotations allow students to gain valuable experiences in ambulatory clinical settings with a variety of patients. The MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program has a course structure with multiple components for the preceptors and the students. Any community-based osteopathic physician interested in becoming a preceptor is required to complete an application and to receive a briefing and on-site evaluation by the director of the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program before receiving assigned student. When a preceptor is appointed and assigned students, he or she is provided with program protocols, including objectives, expectations, course requirements, other policies and guidelines, and instruments for student and program evaluation. Subsequently, annual, biannual, or triennial reappointments of the preceptor within MSUCOM are based on reviews of the preceptor's applications and evaluations.5 Each osteopathic medical student participating in the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program must have successfully completed all first-year courses, including a course on integrated clinical skills, before being assigned to a preceptor. Students are briefed in a classroom setting before the preceptorship rotation begins. At that time, they are provided with course protocol packets that are nearly identical to those received by preceptors. Student packets also include preceptor evaluation forms as well as form-based assignments for recording clinical cases.6 Likewise, preceptor packets include student evaluation forms. At the end of each rotation, students are debriefed as a group. Some students are also debriefed individually by the program director on an as needed basis (ie, by student request or in response to evaluation comments). All student and preceptor evaluations are reviewed individually, analyzed collectively, and used for ongoing monitoring of the quality and effectiveness of the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program. Modifications to the program are implemented based on the analyses of these evaluations and of any other relevant information. For example, an unfavorable student evaluation of a preceptor might compel the program director to visit the preceptor and, depending on the findings of that visit, withhold future assignments of students from the preceptor or deny the preceptor's reappointment. On rare occasions, a student may be immediately withdrawn from a preceptor if the student's educational experience in the program is deemed to be suboptimal. It is more common, however, for preceptors to receive favorable evaluations from students and to be formally recognized and given commendations and awards, such as certificates of recognition, by FCM administrators. In our experience with the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, the majority of preceptors have continued to provide MSUCOM students with valuable clinical training, professional mentoring, and collegiality. Adaptive modifications are continually being made to the program. Such modifications are based on a variety of factors, including student and preceptor evaluations of the program, evolving expectations in osteopathic medical education, advancements in evidence-based clinical medicine, changes in core competency requirements, and internal monitoring of program and education activities. Such changes have resulted in the tightening of curriculum structure and standardized criteria for recruitment and approval of community-based preceptors. Internal records of the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program reveal that, in recent years, an increasing number of osteopathic physicians are volunteering their time and resources to participate in the program.6 Currently, more than 250 osteopathic family physicians practicing in Michigan serve as community-based faculty within FCM at MSUCOM. However, depending on any given semester, a lesser number of these individuals may participate as active preceptors with assigned osteopathic medical students. Despite the ongoing monitoring and evaluations of the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, the present study represents the first time that an investigation of the motivations and expectations of program participants has been carried out. The objectives of this study were to investigate the factors that influence osteopathic physicians to participate in the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program, including their motivations, their understanding of MSUCOM's expectations, their perceptions of the impact of the program on students' career choices, their expectations of MSUCOM, and their desired rewards for participation. Under the auspices of its Division of Research, staff in the FCM undertook this study with the hypothesis that the motivations and expectations of preceptors would be more altru
istic than financial or tangible in nature. In 2001, the FCM developed and pretested a survey instrument specifically designed for preceptors in the MSUCOM Family Medicine Preceptorship Program. The 28-item instrument was divided into five sections: demographic and general information, academic affiliations, motivations to serve in the program, perceptions regarding the impact of the program on students' career choices, and professional interests and expectations (including expectations of rewards). The University Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects approved the survey instrument and research protocol in March 2002. The survey instrument, a self-administered questionnaire, was mailed to all osteopathic physicians who were currently serving as preceptors in the Family Medicine Preceptorship Program and who had active clinical FCM faculty appointments (N=177). The initial mailing of surveys was sent to the target group in June 2002, with two follow-up mailings occurring in July and November. Of the 177 surveys that were mailed, 168 reached the target group. Ninety-one of the 168 survey instruments were returned, two of which were not usable because of incomplete or illegible responses. The response rate was thus 53% (89 of 168). Appropriate descriptive statistics were generated from the response data using SPSS statistical software (Version 11.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics and other general findings regarding the survey participants. The majority of respondents were white (84 [94%]), men (70 [79%]), and between the ages of 40 and 59 years (69 [78%]). Fewer than 10% of respondents were of other racial or ethnic backgrounds. Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine Family Medicine Preceptorship Program Survey: Characteristics of Respondents (N=89) No. (%)* ▪ Age, y □ 30-39 3 (3.4) □ 40-49 35 (39.3) □ ≥60 17 (19.1) ▪ Sex □ Men 70 (78.7) □ Women 19 (21.3) ▪ Race □ African American 1 (1.1) □ Asian American 1 (1.1) □ White 84 (94.4) □ East Indian/Caribbean 1 (1.1) □ Hispanic 1 (1.1) □ Native American 1 (1.1) ▪ Graduation Year □ Before 1960 2 (2.2) □ 1960-1969 17 (19.1) □ 1990-1999 6 (6.7) ▪ Years in Practice □ 0-9 4 (4.5) □ ≥40 4 (4.5) ▪ Practice Setting □ Community health service 1 (1.1) □ Group 27 (30.3) □ Hospital 9 (10.1) □ Partnership 6 (6.7) □ Private 46 (51.7) ▪ Practice Location □ Inner city 5 (5.6) □ Metropolitan 11 (12.3) □ Rural 25 (28.1) □ Suburban 48 (53.9) ▪ Practice in Underserved Area □ Yes 14 (15.7) □ No 72 (80.9) □ Uncertain/varies *Some percentages do not total 100 because of rounding. Seventy respondents (79%) reported graduating from colleges of osteopathic medicine (COMs) after 1970. Forty-six survey participants (52%) were graduates of MSUCOM. Fifty-one preceptors (57%) reported being in practice for 20 years or more, and 73 preceptors (82%) were in either private or group practice. Practice locations were predominantly in suburban or rural areas (73 [82%]), with only 16 respondents (18%) reporting pract
number of well-known names as well as a few less familiar faces. Beiber and model Hailey Baldwin dated from to , according to Us Weekly. My wife is awesome. Now the two are reportedly married and expecting to have a formal wedding with friends and family in Selena Gomez started dating Bieber in but the two had previously been friends. Ahead of Justin Bieber’s second wedding to Hailey Baldwin, Justin Bieber—the guy she officially broke up with in , but had been dating The Weeknd for nearly 10 months (Bieber was petty about it in the beginning). Gomez’s latest track ‘Lose You To Love Me’ is widely believed to reference her relationship with Justin Bieber, but who else has the star dated? Selena Gomez has been in the spotlight since she was years-old for her acting and singing career. With this world fame her personal life – featuring several high profile romances – has been thrown into the spotlight too. Gomez recently confirmed she is happily single and has been for two years, saying that relationship-wise she is on “God’s timing, not mine”. Cosmopolitan reports that Gomez and Bieber were first spotted together in having pancakes. The seemingly innocent short stack would set into motion a relationship with countless breakups and even more songs that would be inspired by each other and analyzed by fans. For a while, things seemed to be going great for the celebrity couple known as Jelena. But breakup rumors started when Bieber was named in a paternity suit in November that was later determined to be false. The two seemed to be alright afterwards, but in November they called it quits for the first time – although they were spotted together again the very next month. This, of course, began a series of on-again, off-again moments that saw them through to the spring of By Caitlyn Hitt. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have ended their relationship once again, at least temporarily. Reports have surfaced suggesting that the pair, who reunited in after nearly five years apart that was plagued with reconciliation rumors, are taking some time for themselves. On March 11, , Us Weekly reported that multiple sources confirmed the news of their split. Rumors are swirling about the reasons for Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s recent breakup. Justin Bieber dated Selena Gomez, Sofia Richie, and Kendall Jenner rumours that Justin had ‘cheated’ caused them to part ways in However, one thing is clear: Justin is officially off the market. After all, it sometimes takes time to find your way to the one. She was the older sister of his then-best friend, Christian Beadles. The two met when Bieber made his first move from Ontario, Canada to Atlanta, Georgia while his career was taking off. However, their love story quickly ended when Bieber’s tour schedule became too much for the couple to handle. Word on the street is the pair became romantic after filming. After the two held hands during a performance, the public jumped on the moment and concluded that they were a couple. Back then, the two described their relationship as “just cool friends” while making the press rounds, but they were spotted out and about being much more than just friends. I’m never going to stop checking in on her. They both went on tour; they both casually dated other people but still had their moments. Multiple, most-liked-Instagram-ever-making moments. So far, dating Gomez hasn’t hurt Bieber’s sales. His latest album, Believe, recorded the biggest debut sales week so far in But AKB48’s. Now, the tea on tour; they became engaged cougars dating website free july, selena gomez’s on and justin bieber and off from to her momager. Another chance. Justin bieber went wrong with their relationship with justin bieber! Another woman may be single now 10 months together with justin bieber started dating the shady lyrics selena gomez. The most notable of what? The full up with selena broke up and justin bieber. Selena gomez is justin bieber cheating on tour; they were previously a cuddly breakfast date the knot at ihop. How she was justin bieber last fall until early march. It was really beautiful. I thought justin and captured the
number of well-known names as well as a few less familiar faces. Beiber and model Hailey Baldwin dated from to , according to Us Weekly. My wife is awesome. Now the two are reportedly married and expecting to have a formal wedding with friends and family in Selena Gomez started dating Bieber in but the two had previously been friends. Ahead of Justin Bieber’s second wedding to Hailey Baldwin, Justin Bieber—the guy she officially broke up with in , but had been dating The Weeknd for nearly 10 months (Bieber was petty about it in the beginning). Gomez’s latest track ‘Lose You To Love Me’ is widely believed to reference her relationship with Justin Bieber, but who else has the star dated? Selena Gomez has been in the spotlight since she was years-old for her acting and singing career. With this world fame her personal life – featuring several high profile romances – has been thrown into the spotlight too. Gomez recently confirmed she is happily single and has been for two years, saying that relationship-wise she is on “God’s timing, not mine”. Cosmopolitan reports that Gomez and Bieber were first spotted together in having pancakes. The seemingly innocent short stack would set into motion a relationship with countless breakups and even more songs that would be inspired by each other and analyzed by fans. For a while, things seemed to be going great for the celebrity couple known as Jelena. But breakup rumors started when Bieber was named in a paternity suit in November that was later determined to be false. The two seemed to be alright afterwards, but in November they called it quits for the first time – although they were spotted together again the very next month. This, of course, began a series of on-again, off-again moments that saw them through to the spring of By Caitlyn Hitt. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have ended their relationship once again, at least temporarily. Reports have surfaced suggesting that the pair, who reunited in after nearly five years apart that was plagued with reconciliation rumors, are taking some time for themselves. On March 11, , Us Weekly reported that multiple sources confirmed the news of their split. Rumors are swirling about the reasons for Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s recent breakup. Justin Bieber dated Selena Gomez, Sofia Richie, and Kendall Jenner rumours that Justin had ‘cheated’ caused them to part ways in However, one thing is clear: Justin is officially off the market. After all, it sometimes takes time to find your way to the one. She was the older sister of his then-best friend, Christian Beadles. The two met when Bieber made his first move from Ontario, Canada to Atlanta, Georgia while his career was taking off. However, their love story quickly ended when Bieber’s tour schedule became too much for the couple to handle. Word on the street is the pair became romantic after filming. After the two held hands during a performance, the public jumped on the moment and concluded that they were a couple. Back then, the two described their relationship as “just cool friends” while making the press rounds, but they were spotted out and about being much more than just friends. I’m never going to stop checking in on her. They both went on tour; they both casually dated other people but still had their moments. Multiple, most-liked-Instagram-ever-making moments. So far, dating Gomez hasn’t hurt Bieber’s sales. His latest album, Believe, recorded the biggest debut sales week so far in But AKB48’s. Now, the tea on tour; they became engaged cougars dating website free july, selena gomez’s on and justin bieber and off from to her momager. Another chance. Justin bieber went wrong with their relationship with justin bieber! Another woman may be single now 10 months together with justin bieber started dating the shady lyrics selena gomez. The most notable of what? The full up with selena broke up and justin bieber. Selena gomez is justin bieber cheating on tour; they were previously a cuddly breakfast date the knot at ihop. How she was justin bieber last fall until early march. It was really beautiful. I thought justin and captured the
victoria’s secret in Are really beautiful. Social Media Shaming & Shady Lyrics! See How Selena Has Slammed Ex Justin For Years Was Jennifer Aniston Warned About Justin Theroux Before They Divorced? Josh Hutcherson dating co-star Claudia Traisac Should I Bring Up “Being Exclusive” Or Just Let It Happen? Islamic Matchmaking Service 10 Things Confident People Do Differently in Dating and Relationships Speed dating brownsville Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Availability Italian under-23 rider banned after testing positive at Baby Giro Somerset Heights PolskiTürkçeΕλληνικάالعربيةLëtzebuergeschFrançaisItalianoNorskEspañol中文(简体)SvenskaEesti keelEnglishČeštinaNederlandsSuomiDanskPortuguês日本語DeutschMagyar Greetings! Do you want find a partner for sex? It is easy! Click here, registration is free! Yes, that really happened, so let's relive the incredible roller coaster that was Game 7 Chicago Cubs' Anthony Rizzo reacts after scoring on a hit by Miguel Montero during the 10th inning of Game 7 of the Major League Baseball World Series against the Cleveland Indians Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) (David J. Phillip/AP) By Corinne Landrey The setup for Game 7 of the World Series couldn't have been better. Two teams looking to end decades long championship droughts. The stage was set perfectly, but would the actual game live up to the hype? Would it ever! Before the game began, Cleveland manager was asked about the stakes: #Game7 is must-win … right, Tito? 😂😂😂#WorldSeries pres. by @TMobile https://t.co/MpyEmkVutr — MLB (@MLB) November 2, 2016 Yes. This is it. A must-win game and the absurdity which unfolded over several hours in Cleveland is worth remembering moment by unbelievable moment. The game got off to an auspicious start which gave a hint at the tremendous baseball which would follow. American League Cy Young Award candidate Corey Kluber took the mound for Cleveland, but Cubs leadoff hitter Dexter Fowler wasn't intimidated. He gave the Cubs an immediate lead with one swing of the bat: Your browser does not support HTML5 video tag. Click here to view original GIF It was just the 22nd leadoff home run in World Series history and the first in a Game 7. The Cubs' lead didn't last too long, however, as Carlos Santana hit a single in the third inning which scored Coco Crisp and tied up the game at one apiece. In the fourth inning, the Cubs came right back to score two runs. Then, a Javier Báez solo shot in the fifth inning extended Chicago's lead to 4-1. And just like that, Kluber was chased from the game. Francona went to the mound and brought in Andrew Miller: Ace Reliever. Miller had been all but untouchable this postseason, allowing just one run in 18 innings of work, but his near perfection finally subsided. A few baserunners and an RBI single by Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 5-1 lead, but the game quickly became a two-run game again in the bottom of the fifth. With runners on second and third and two outs, a wild pitch scored not one, but two runs for Cleveland. Miller took the mound again in the top of the sixth only to yield a home run to none other than 39-year-old David "Grandpa" Ross. Say goodbye, @D_Ross3. #Game7 pic.twitter.com/lJLblgpvlB But then, during the seventh-inning stretch, a certain someone who's prone to taking his shirt off took his shirt off to try to pump up the Cleveland crowd: Still, the score held until the eighth inning when Cubs closer
first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, so dawn goes down to day. …Nothing gold can stay." "I had such happy memories here when I was a boy. I was so STUPID. Jay's brows both pop up in a minute approximation of a shrug while he looks Doug over. "Ah didn't ferget," truth. "Ah just didn't think you'd come here of all places." Truth. Didn't expect it. But he is glad for it. His bare feet stop on the planks behind Doug. Just behind him. Jay's fingers twitch at his side, then reach forward to try to hook some of them in some of Doug's hair, pulling through them. "Frost?" Jay breathes out. Yeah, he knows gloomy poets. What? "You weren't stupid. You were young. You /have/ happy memories here." Doug shakes his head, and says, "Time adds tarnish to all things. I used to see this place as an island, a refuge… now I know that it's just a cage, a box we put ourselves in, and eventually they'll come to take it away, and mutantkind will have nothing." Doug leans back into the touch of Jay's hand, and he closes his eyes, before he says, "You're finally getting some steel in your backbone. But there's nothing here to save. You could come with me… be a part of what I'm going to build. But you won't… because you have to be somebody's martyr. You have to suffer for SOMEBODY." He sets his jaw. "I came here because I figured you'd come here and I wanted to talk to you without your un-trained hangers-on falling all over themselves trying to protect you. Poor, fragile Joshua Guthrie… always in need of protecting. What a delicate flower you are." "Is it a tarnish or patina?" Jay has to ask, breathing out tension when Doug leans back into his hand. Fingers dive deeper, sliding along Doug's scalp to cradle the back of his skull. "That's where Ah think we see it differently here. This place ain't supposed to be a box. That's why it's important we grow past what's here. Like you did. Like Sam, an' Bobby an' all them did. The important part is that y'all had a place to grow up strong, then /get out/ in the world where folks need you." He sighs and shakes his head. "You get so mad about yer team not stickin' together, but the world needs y'all out in it. Not stuck t'gether in a clump. Ah admire you fer how much of the world you seen…that you didn't just stay here. You have that courage in ya. Nobody is /forced/ to stay here, but y'still gotta have courage to step out there. It ain't easy. You know it ain't easy." Jay purses his lips while Doug comes at him again, looking down at the man while he closes his eyes. "Ah got resolve, Doug, an' you know Ah do—stop tryin' to beat me up. Kindness ain't a weakness. Some part of you still /knows/ that." The fingers cradling the back of Doug's head slide down the nape of his neck and slide around his collar, intent on crawling down Doug's chest as Jay crouches down, balanced on the balls of his feet. "Ah'm the least delicate person you know. Don't fault them fer caring about me. Or caring about /you/." Doug narrows his eyes, and then says, "Do I get a phone call? Do I even get a christmas card? No, I get forgotten about… or treated like a stranger." Doug curls his fingers into the wood of the dock. He's stiff, as Jay touches him, the motions of a man who wants to yield to it at least in part, but isn't going to allow himself to. "You cut me more than you knew, with the things you said. I hid it. It all boiled down to one thing — I wasn't enough. I'm never *enough*." "Well I'
first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, so dawn goes down to day. …Nothing gold can stay." "I had such happy memories here when I was a boy. I was so STUPID. Jay's brows both pop up in a minute approximation of a shrug while he looks Doug over. "Ah didn't ferget," truth. "Ah just didn't think you'd come here of all places." Truth. Didn't expect it. But he is glad for it. His bare feet stop on the planks behind Doug. Just behind him. Jay's fingers twitch at his side, then reach forward to try to hook some of them in some of Doug's hair, pulling through them. "Frost?" Jay breathes out. Yeah, he knows gloomy poets. What? "You weren't stupid. You were young. You /have/ happy memories here." Doug shakes his head, and says, "Time adds tarnish to all things. I used to see this place as an island, a refuge… now I know that it's just a cage, a box we put ourselves in, and eventually they'll come to take it away, and mutantkind will have nothing." Doug leans back into the touch of Jay's hand, and he closes his eyes, before he says, "You're finally getting some steel in your backbone. But there's nothing here to save. You could come with me… be a part of what I'm going to build. But you won't… because you have to be somebody's martyr. You have to suffer for SOMEBODY." He sets his jaw. "I came here because I figured you'd come here and I wanted to talk to you without your un-trained hangers-on falling all over themselves trying to protect you. Poor, fragile Joshua Guthrie… always in need of protecting. What a delicate flower you are." "Is it a tarnish or patina?" Jay has to ask, breathing out tension when Doug leans back into his hand. Fingers dive deeper, sliding along Doug's scalp to cradle the back of his skull. "That's where Ah think we see it differently here. This place ain't supposed to be a box. That's why it's important we grow past what's here. Like you did. Like Sam, an' Bobby an' all them did. The important part is that y'all had a place to grow up strong, then /get out/ in the world where folks need you." He sighs and shakes his head. "You get so mad about yer team not stickin' together, but the world needs y'all out in it. Not stuck t'gether in a clump. Ah admire you fer how much of the world you seen…that you didn't just stay here. You have that courage in ya. Nobody is /forced/ to stay here, but y'still gotta have courage to step out there. It ain't easy. You know it ain't easy." Jay purses his lips while Doug comes at him again, looking down at the man while he closes his eyes. "Ah got resolve, Doug, an' you know Ah do—stop tryin' to beat me up. Kindness ain't a weakness. Some part of you still /knows/ that." The fingers cradling the back of Doug's head slide down the nape of his neck and slide around his collar, intent on crawling down Doug's chest as Jay crouches down, balanced on the balls of his feet. "Ah'm the least delicate person you know. Don't fault them fer caring about me. Or caring about /you/." Doug narrows his eyes, and then says, "Do I get a phone call? Do I even get a christmas card? No, I get forgotten about… or treated like a stranger." Doug curls his fingers into the wood of the dock. He's stiff, as Jay touches him, the motions of a man who wants to yield to it at least in part, but isn't going to allow himself to. "You cut me more than you knew, with the things you said. I hid it. It all boiled down to one thing — I wasn't enough. I'm never *enough*." "Well I'
ll show the whole world just how much I am. And I'll never be not enough for anybody… not ever again." Jay's arm slides over Doug's chest, planting his knees down between the tense arms Doug leans against while Jay holds on to him. "You ain't that easy to forget, Doug. An' Ah…didn't know." Truth. Apology. Regret. "Ah was afraid. Ah am convinced you can have any person you wanted, an' you comin' fer me was a shock. Yer raght. You are raght." Jay affirms solidly, tightening his grasp around the bredth of Doug's chest, leaning in to touch his forehead against the back of Doug's head while he speaks in hard, resolute, /honest/ syllables. His confession. "You intimidated me, an' Ah was afraid of getting hurt, so Ah kept you off. Ah kept tellin' mahself you didn't really mean t'be with /me/, but Ah was a good rebound off mah brother. Ah didn't see what you had buried cause Ah didn't want to dig fer it." Fair fingers curl and the bar of his arm tightens as he pulls in close, taking a deep, selfish breath in against Doug's hair. "You. /Are/. Enough. And Ah am gonna prove it to you. Ah am gonna do raght by you an' fight you for it every step if Ah gotta." "…But you can't be with the person I am now." Doug says, his voice dark, as he looks back out over the lake. Then he snorts. "Fucking Sam. I thought maybe the guy I trusted, the guy who I'd follow anywhere… but somewhere along the line I guess that Sam died, god knows where, and all that got left in his place was some shiftless, worthless asshole who treated me like dirt — to hell with your brother." "And what precisely do you think you're going to do?" "Why not?" Jay counters, his tone gone quiet, but still easily heard from the near distance. "Sometimes all ya need is to start over, new. How many people get that? Show me who y'are." Answeing both the first comment and the last question in one swoop. Loathe to speak poorly about his elder brother—for all the disagreements that Sam and Jay may have and where they clash, he loves his brother and is loyal. Though. He. Can't honestly disagree with Doug Doug wrinkles his nose, squinching it up, before he says "I'm going to change the world, Jay. I'm not going to sit in that charming little bar and wait for someone to come and take everything away. And that is…" He says, "I'm going to be doing some very cruel things to make that happen. I have no choice… believe me when I tell you, I'm racing a genocide clock. If I could share the things I've seen with you…" His mouth tightens. "And you'll keep trying to save me, hold me back… but there is no holding back. The others tried to hold me back in the end, too, once they'd seen where things were going. They didn't want me to become a monster. It took that to make them give a damn about me. I ran your brother through the heart, with a sword-stick." Doug squeezes his eyes shut. Jay's heart feels like it skips and there is a fundamental shift in the earth beneath his feet on that old fishing pier when Doug gives a few more details to what he remembers about murdering Jay's brother. Doug's friend. His arm tightens around Doug's chest and a hard breath is exhaled against the nape of his neck. "You said," Jay's voice is quiet and somewhat breathless. "You didn't want to. Ah believe you. Ah believe that." He also believes that Doug remembers doing it, and that is horrifying. "Ah don't want anything taken from any of us. Ah…had to pull mah best friend out of an experimental facility where they tried to tear him apart from the inside. His /family/ did that to him, Douglas. Ah understand cruelty. Yer disgusted with how Ah reacted t'what happened with the Cabots, but you think Ah don't /understand/ what's comin'?
favourites: “you should stop watching Faux News” end of discussion. Another way of looking at it is this: It is the modern-day version of a witch trial. The charges are utterly farcical and cartoonish. “I saw her dancing with demons in the pale moonlight.” “She looked at me and I sneezed, and the next day, I had a terrible cold.” “She turned me into a newt.” But they are stated with great conviction and repeated incessantly, and they establish the unassailable collective will of which the accused has run afoul. The witch is made into the auslander, and the good people of the community show how “good” they are by shouting their accusations the loudest. Either way, whether the wicker man or the witch, the effigy goes up in flames and the community is purged—for the moment—of its evil. Moral annulment now achieved, the villagers walk away feeling good about themselves. Feeling superior. Facts are also unimportant in this perverse passion play. Like the slavering, semi-psychotic Facebook rant above, most such assaults aren’t a series of accusations backed up by facts, they are a series of character assassinations, most of which are contradicted by the facts. The most salient example today is the charge that people of the right (conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, tea partiers) oppose Obama out of pure racism—simply because he is black. Though this charge is easily refuted—by common sense, widespread evidence, and actual studies—it is repeated incessantly by the media, the left’s foot-soldiers . . . even the president himself. Anything short of full Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants is therefore, racist. Anything less than full compliance with Global Warming fearmongering is “denial” and also Racist (according to the EPA Director). Face it, disagree with a Leftist on basically anything, eventually you’ll be a racist. Period. End of Discussion. 🙂 When actual studies are done (as opposed to just restating what the leftist imagines to be so as if it were actual fact), we learn that real racism is distributed fairly evenly among the population without regard to political affiliation. In 2008, a survey was done that showed similar numbers of Republicans (5.7) and Democrats (6.8) would not vote for a black presidential candidate. Such a question gives us one of the clearest possible tests of raw racism. A loaded question like, “Do you feel blacks receive too much welfare?” might confuse attitudes about race with attitudes about government welfare programs. But this gives us apples to apples: All things being equal, would you refuse to vote for someone solely because of race? In the 2008 survey, Democrats were slightly (1.1%) more likely to show racist thinking than Republicans, though this is well within the margin of error. A similar study on senatorial candidates was far more damning to Democrats. Bottom line: there is little evidence that Republicans oppose Obama or any candidate on the basis of race to any greater degree than Democrats. But this should be obvious based on other facts and indicators as well. Take Mia Love. If you are on the political left, you may not have heard of her, but she is a rising star on the right. She quotes Bastiat, she believes in core principles such as subsidiarity—she is dynamic, successful, and hits all the right notes. She is a black woman, and I have not met or heard of a single conservative, Republican, or tea partier who wouldn’t be delighted to support her. (Deep down, many of the left know this, which is why they have been so vicious to her.) I have worked alongside or come in contact with hundreds of activists and partisans on the political right over the last 15 years, and I cannot think of a single one who would not exult at a Mia Love victory. If she were elected president, I myself would do the happy dance on top of the tallest mountain in my area every November! The reason is obvious: we agree ideologically. Race is unimportant. Barack Obama is, it can be fairly argued, further to the political left than any previous president. And people on the right oppose him so virulently for that very reason—not because of his race, but because of
favourites: “you should stop watching Faux News” end of discussion. Another way of looking at it is this: It is the modern-day version of a witch trial. The charges are utterly farcical and cartoonish. “I saw her dancing with demons in the pale moonlight.” “She looked at me and I sneezed, and the next day, I had a terrible cold.” “She turned me into a newt.” But they are stated with great conviction and repeated incessantly, and they establish the unassailable collective will of which the accused has run afoul. The witch is made into the auslander, and the good people of the community show how “good” they are by shouting their accusations the loudest. Either way, whether the wicker man or the witch, the effigy goes up in flames and the community is purged—for the moment—of its evil. Moral annulment now achieved, the villagers walk away feeling good about themselves. Feeling superior. Facts are also unimportant in this perverse passion play. Like the slavering, semi-psychotic Facebook rant above, most such assaults aren’t a series of accusations backed up by facts, they are a series of character assassinations, most of which are contradicted by the facts. The most salient example today is the charge that people of the right (conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, tea partiers) oppose Obama out of pure racism—simply because he is black. Though this charge is easily refuted—by common sense, widespread evidence, and actual studies—it is repeated incessantly by the media, the left’s foot-soldiers . . . even the president himself. Anything short of full Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants is therefore, racist. Anything less than full compliance with Global Warming fearmongering is “denial” and also Racist (according to the EPA Director). Face it, disagree with a Leftist on basically anything, eventually you’ll be a racist. Period. End of Discussion. 🙂 When actual studies are done (as opposed to just restating what the leftist imagines to be so as if it were actual fact), we learn that real racism is distributed fairly evenly among the population without regard to political affiliation. In 2008, a survey was done that showed similar numbers of Republicans (5.7) and Democrats (6.8) would not vote for a black presidential candidate. Such a question gives us one of the clearest possible tests of raw racism. A loaded question like, “Do you feel blacks receive too much welfare?” might confuse attitudes about race with attitudes about government welfare programs. But this gives us apples to apples: All things being equal, would you refuse to vote for someone solely because of race? In the 2008 survey, Democrats were slightly (1.1%) more likely to show racist thinking than Republicans, though this is well within the margin of error. A similar study on senatorial candidates was far more damning to Democrats. Bottom line: there is little evidence that Republicans oppose Obama or any candidate on the basis of race to any greater degree than Democrats. But this should be obvious based on other facts and indicators as well. Take Mia Love. If you are on the political left, you may not have heard of her, but she is a rising star on the right. She quotes Bastiat, she believes in core principles such as subsidiarity—she is dynamic, successful, and hits all the right notes. She is a black woman, and I have not met or heard of a single conservative, Republican, or tea partier who wouldn’t be delighted to support her. (Deep down, many of the left know this, which is why they have been so vicious to her.) I have worked alongside or come in contact with hundreds of activists and partisans on the political right over the last 15 years, and I cannot think of a single one who would not exult at a Mia Love victory. If she were elected president, I myself would do the happy dance on top of the tallest mountain in my area every November! The reason is obvious: we agree ideologically. Race is unimportant. Barack Obama is, it can be fairly argued, further to the political left than any previous president. And people on the right oppose him so virulently for that very reason—not because of his race, but because of
the huge ideological gulf that lies between. Imagine that. The other painfully incessant canard is the notion that people on the right “hate the poor.” In fact, the evidence shows the opposite. Conservatives are more charitable than liberals by fairly significant margins, even when you adjust for a variety of factors. Rich, middle-class, and poor conservatives are all more charitable than their liberal counterparts. It’s not that conservatives are wealthier overall, either—liberal households are 6% wealthier on average. (I bet you never heard that little fact on MSNBC.) It is also not that conservatives are more religious: new data indicate that secular conservatives give more than secular liberals. These conservatives are voluntarily helping the poor with their own money, in greater numbers than their liberal counterparts in every cohort. Conservatism is a greater predictor of charity. Leftists (they hardly deserve the term “liberal”), by contrast, are more “charitable” with other people’s money. Leftist A votes for Politician B to take money (by force) from Taxpayer C to give it to Recipient D. A and D give more support and power to B, who continues to take more and more from C, in a perverse and ever-increasing form of economic bondage. Then, A, B, and D get together and say that C hates the poor. Lather, rinse, repeat. But we are getting dragged into the weeds here. We could go on and on refuting fact after fact, but the facts are unimportant. The leftist is creating a narrative. As a marketing guru will tell you, Facts tell, but stories sell. It’s a lesson the leftist has learned well. Even more disturbing, in recent years, this method of “argumentation” has increasingly become the first tool pulled out of the toolbox. No longer does the leftist feel as compelled to make real arguments. All he needs to do now is shout “Racist!” or “War on Women!” and his job is done. He walks away feeling smugly satisfied of his own politically correct superiority, and the untrained observer is left addled at best, and possibly even swayed by the narrative. So why they are so vicious? Why do people who self-describe as “compassionate” direct such vitriolic hate and assaults at their ideological opponents? How they can justify painting you as such a monster? Simple: To them, you are a monster. You must be. Reason #1: Utopianism You’re in their way Strip everything away, and the fundamental trait of all leftists is this: The believe that through the state, they can build paradise on earth. They believe that with enough tinkering, coercion, and rule by “experts,” they can eliminate all hard choices and competing goods, perfect human nature, and bring all good things to all people. To someone of the political right—defined by our belief in human freedom, private solutions, and individual sovereignty—this is just the modern re-telling of the age-old story: that some men should rule over other men. Ancient despotism, monarchy, fascism, totalitarianism, modern progressivism—they’re all just different flavors, and different degrees of application, of the same basic philosophy. But the person on the left does not see it that way. He wants perfection. He believes it is possible. And by gum, he’s going to get it. This utopian thinking quickly leads to an unavoidable conclusion, echoed from the French Revolution to Lenin and Stalin to Mao to the Progressives of the modern era: “On ne fait pas d’omelet sans casser des oeufs.” (You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.) To the utopian statist, “process costs” are entirely acceptable. They are building paradise, after all. That’s why you see so much more toleration by the left’s rank and file of corruption and bad behavior by their leaders. What’s a little lying here, a little corruption there? They are building paradise. What’s a little cheating in the face of all they intend to accomplish? That is also why you see such a prevalence of cult-of-personality adulation for strong leaders. Strong leaders resolve contradictions and sweep away the opposition. Strong leaders have the will to get the job done. Strong
, individuals, groups and corporations shall . . . The World Charter was adopted in 1982 in order to provide “appropriate measures” to protect nature and advance international cooperation.[FN 44] Sea Shepherd views the World Charter as a mandate to carry out direct-action tactics against the whalers that Sea Shepherd claims are hunting illegally.[FN 45] Sea Shepherd's claim of legal authority under the World Charter pits it directly against Japanese whalers' authority under the research exception of the IWC. Sea Shepherd uses the World Charter to justify its violent and often dangerous tactics because the lack of international enforcement of conservation laws and treaties by individual nations has created a vacuum where Sea Shepherd feels obligated to step in.[FN 46] Individual nations have not stepped in to stop Sea Shepherd because many nations simply do not support Japanese whaling, causally supporting Sea Shepherd's mission.[FN 47] This de facto support of Sea Shepherd has sent a dangerous international message that eco-terrorism on the high seas is acceptable. Many support Sea Shepherd's actions to enforce the World Charter because other nations have failed to enforce their own conservation laws,[FN 48] but the destructive and violent conflict in the Southern Ocean is undesirable for many apparent reasons. Sea Shepherd would likely be considered an eco-terrorist under most *124 countries' definitions or guidelines.[FN 49] Eco-terrorists are generally motivated by political or ideological opportunities.[FN 50] Eco-terrorism is defined as “any crime committed in the name of saving nature.”[FN 51] This is contrary to the definition of a pirate whose motivation is largely economic.[FN 52] Since Sea Shepherd's goals are not economic in nature, they would likely fall into the eco-terrorist classification. Despite Sea Shepherd's eco-terrorist label and the harm to property and human life posed by its activities in the Southern Ocean, international treaties and conventions have done little to create clear and effective guidelines to stop eco-terrorism. Holding Sea Shepherd accountable as an eco-terrorist raises a host of problems that are not easily remediable by current laws. *126 SUA is a viable recourse for the Japanese whalers because Sea Shepherd would certainly be considered a marine terrorist under even a general definition of the term terrorist. Japan's primary obstacle is to encourage countries to carry their obligations under SUA to the fullest of faith. The imminent threat and subsequent criminal prosecution under domestic terrorist laws would certainly put tremendous pressure on Sea Shepherd to bring an end to its violent tactics creating a less hostile and dangerous environment in the Southern Ocean. However, good faith enforcement of SUA would only solve half of the problem in the Southern Ocean. While eco-terrorism would be stopped, whaling would be allowed to continue virtually unobstructed by any physical opposition. Enforcement of SUA creates an even more imperative need for individual nations to enforce domestic conservation laws and impose trade sanctions. By the 1970s, research showed an alarming decline in whale populations.[FN 79] After years of debate, in 1982 the IWC voted to impose a moratorium on commercial whaling that would go into full effect in 1986.[FN 80] Japan argued against the moratorium stating populations were *128 “plentiful enough to sustain further commercial whaling.”[FN 81] Despite this moratorium on commercial whaling, some IWC member nations, like Japan, continue to whale in a limited capacity under the guise of a scientific research loophole.[FN 82] The IWC's effort to end commercial whaling is rendered ineffective by the Japanese use of the scientific exception loophole, only bolstering Japan's legal claim to whaling in the Southern Ocean. The language of the IWC's scientific research exception to the moratorium states that “any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take, and treat whales for purposes of scientific research subject to such restrictions . . . as the Contracting Government thinks fit.”[FN 83] Japan, as a
, individuals, groups and corporations shall . . . The World Charter was adopted in 1982 in order to provide “appropriate measures” to protect nature and advance international cooperation.[FN 44] Sea Shepherd views the World Charter as a mandate to carry out direct-action tactics against the whalers that Sea Shepherd claims are hunting illegally.[FN 45] Sea Shepherd's claim of legal authority under the World Charter pits it directly against Japanese whalers' authority under the research exception of the IWC. Sea Shepherd uses the World Charter to justify its violent and often dangerous tactics because the lack of international enforcement of conservation laws and treaties by individual nations has created a vacuum where Sea Shepherd feels obligated to step in.[FN 46] Individual nations have not stepped in to stop Sea Shepherd because many nations simply do not support Japanese whaling, causally supporting Sea Shepherd's mission.[FN 47] This de facto support of Sea Shepherd has sent a dangerous international message that eco-terrorism on the high seas is acceptable. Many support Sea Shepherd's actions to enforce the World Charter because other nations have failed to enforce their own conservation laws,[FN 48] but the destructive and violent conflict in the Southern Ocean is undesirable for many apparent reasons. Sea Shepherd would likely be considered an eco-terrorist under most *124 countries' definitions or guidelines.[FN 49] Eco-terrorists are generally motivated by political or ideological opportunities.[FN 50] Eco-terrorism is defined as “any crime committed in the name of saving nature.”[FN 51] This is contrary to the definition of a pirate whose motivation is largely economic.[FN 52] Since Sea Shepherd's goals are not economic in nature, they would likely fall into the eco-terrorist classification. Despite Sea Shepherd's eco-terrorist label and the harm to property and human life posed by its activities in the Southern Ocean, international treaties and conventions have done little to create clear and effective guidelines to stop eco-terrorism. Holding Sea Shepherd accountable as an eco-terrorist raises a host of problems that are not easily remediable by current laws. *126 SUA is a viable recourse for the Japanese whalers because Sea Shepherd would certainly be considered a marine terrorist under even a general definition of the term terrorist. Japan's primary obstacle is to encourage countries to carry their obligations under SUA to the fullest of faith. The imminent threat and subsequent criminal prosecution under domestic terrorist laws would certainly put tremendous pressure on Sea Shepherd to bring an end to its violent tactics creating a less hostile and dangerous environment in the Southern Ocean. However, good faith enforcement of SUA would only solve half of the problem in the Southern Ocean. While eco-terrorism would be stopped, whaling would be allowed to continue virtually unobstructed by any physical opposition. Enforcement of SUA creates an even more imperative need for individual nations to enforce domestic conservation laws and impose trade sanctions. By the 1970s, research showed an alarming decline in whale populations.[FN 79] After years of debate, in 1982 the IWC voted to impose a moratorium on commercial whaling that would go into full effect in 1986.[FN 80] Japan argued against the moratorium stating populations were *128 “plentiful enough to sustain further commercial whaling.”[FN 81] Despite this moratorium on commercial whaling, some IWC member nations, like Japan, continue to whale in a limited capacity under the guise of a scientific research loophole.[FN 82] The IWC's effort to end commercial whaling is rendered ineffective by the Japanese use of the scientific exception loophole, only bolstering Japan's legal claim to whaling in the Southern Ocean. The language of the IWC's scientific research exception to the moratorium states that “any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take, and treat whales for purposes of scientific research subject to such restrictions . . . as the Contracting Government thinks fit.”[FN 83] Japan, as a
member of IWC, may issue permits to its nationals to whale as long as it does so for research or scientific purposes.[FN 84] Japan may set quotas and specify whale types as it sees fit in accordance with the permit.[FN 85] This loophole has created significant international controversy, as this is the Japanese whalers' legal mandate to continue its whaling activities in the Southern Ocean. An alternative solution to stopping the Japanese whalers is to simply close the research exception loophole in the IWC. Closing the loophole would require a majority vote of IWC members.[FN 93] Enforcing domestic conservation laws and implementing trade sanctions is still the best overall remedy to commercial whaling because closing the research exception loophole would do more harm than good. The IWC allows for nations to file objections to any decision it “considers to seriously affect its national interest, provided it is done within 90 days of notification of the decision.”[FN 94] As a result of a timely objection, the complaining nation would not be bound by such decision.[FN 95] Norway, Peru and the Soviet Union filed formal objections to the amendment that has allowed them to continue to commercially whale despite the moratorium.[FN 96] Japan also filed a timely objection, but later chose to follow the moratorium through the research exception.[FN 97] If the IWC *130 elects to close the loophole, Japan could simply object to the amendment and continue commercial whaling. Upon the closing of the research exception loophole, Japan may also choose to withdraw from the IWC completely, following the example of Canada who left in 1982 to pursue commercial whaling freely at the onset of the moratorium.[FN 98] If Japan leaves the IWC completely, it will be free to whale according to its own guidelines, in contravention of IWC regulation with no threat of recourse. The IWC is more effective with nations like Japan as members because it can exert some type of theoretical control over its member nations; thus, regulating whaling more evenly and effectively[FN 99] to ensure whale stocks do not deplete to catastrophic levels. International conventions and treaties are notoriously difficult to enforce among the many sovereign nations of the world.[FN 100] In order for any international governing entity to have power in what it seeks to accomplish, it is imperative to have the cooperation of as many nations as possible. If Japan leaves the IWC to continue commercial whaling, it could undermine IWC policies and legitimacy as the international authority on whaling activities. Specifically, CITES prohibits the trade of any whale species.[FN 110] Similar to the IWC's research exception loophole, CITES contains a provision for member nations to make reservations against certain *132 species listings.[FN 111] Japan has made such reservations in regards to certain whale species and is not bound to abstain from trading whale products.[FN 112] Japanese whalers use CITES, much in the same way that they use the IWC's research exception loophole, to continue whaling despite the moratorium prohibiting such activities. These combined authorities pit Japanese whalers against Sea Shepherd's legal authority under the World Charter. Like many other international bodies, CITES lacks an independent enforcement mechanism.[FN 113] Disputes over CITES policies only weakens the stability of the organization and diminishes its effectiveness because the policies of CITES are dependent on the good faith of member nations to carry them out.[FN 114] Unlike the IWC, CITES was founded with a purpose to conserve and has a more diverse membership base.[FN 115] For these reasons, CITES may be in a better position to influence the Japanese government and other pro-whalers into complying with conservation policies. The IWC, UNCLOS, CITES and World Charter provisions provide competing regulations that have greatly contributed to the entanglement and confusion of laws governing the Southern Ocean. While UNCLOS does not permit whaling under the guise of research, the IWC does.[FN 116] The World Charter creates a means for individuals to enforce the international laws of conservation,[F
5 and $300 per new vehicle, or up to $5 billion annually but could prevent up to 600,000 crashes and reduce costs by $71 billion annually when fully deployed. NHTSA said last year it has “not made any final decision” on requiring the technology, but no decision is expected before December. Last year, major automakers, state regulators and others urged U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to finalize standards for the technology and protect the spectrum that has been reserved, saying there is a need to expand deployment and uses of the traffic safety technology. Policy Address Proposals of Hon KP Chan to the Chief Executive Policies on Insurance 1) Stop over regulation and help develop business opportunities Following the Lehman Brothers incident, the primary concern of the Government has been preventing recurrence of financial disasters. It is paying more attention to regulation than business development. On the contrary, our competitor Singapore has been aggressive in business development. The new Financial Services Development Council and the new Insurance Authority should focus on business development and support the industry to enter new markets. For instance, they should help expand investment choices in the mainland and seek relaxation on Renminbi assets to cover properties and securities for the benefit of all insurance companies. The Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone should also be promoted in order to help local companies to engage in mainland development. The Government should also set up special task forces to study protection for catastrophic events, captive and the development of HK into a reinsurance centre. Singapore has been working hard to grow these businesses with impressive results and Hong Kong should not fall behind. 2) Tax incentives for insurance expenses to encourage savings for rainy days The new Chief Executive should honour his promise to introduce tax deduction for medical insurance expenses, including medical insurance expenses for family members. This is to encourage risk transfer from individuals to underwriters. In case of mishap, people need not look to the Government for assistances. Governments of many countries support and encourage their citizens to get insured. The more people are covered by insurance, the less people would rely on the Government. In turn, it would alleviate socio-economic pressure of an aging population. In the long term, tax incentives should be extended to other types of insurance including Life and retirement benefits. A recent survey conducted by the Life Underwriters Association of HK showed that 64.3% of the respondents supported tax deduction for life insurance products with savings elements and 73.1% believed that these products were good for them. Hong Kong citizens in general support tax deductions for insurance expenses. 3) Long term commitment to secure support of the Health Protection Scheme The Government has been studying the details of the Health Protection Scheme (HPS). Many citizens are looking forward to the launch of a viable and sustainable scheme. The Government should release the detailed rules and regulations of the HPS as soon as possible for public consultation. I believe that the design and details of the HPS need the support of the consumers, the medical profession and the insurance industry in order to be successful. The Government should be open-minded and responsive to issues raised by all parties. On the other hand, I urge the new Government to review the earmarked sum of HK$50 billion for the Scheme in light of changing parameters. When the Scheme is launched in 2015, if on schedule, rising medical cost and further aging of population might call for modification of the original undertaking for longer term sustainability. Instead of annual cash injection for 25 years, for instance, an endowment might be set up with that HK$50 billion as seed money to invest and replenish annual payments. In fact, the crucial factor for a successful Health Protection Scheme is continuity. The Government should undertake to support and fund the scheme in order to eliminate any uncertainty. 4) Adopt the comments of the Insurance industry regarding the legislation of the new Insurance Authority and the Policyholders’ Protection Fund. The IIA legislative proposals are under consultation and will be followed by the Policyholders’ Protection Fund legislation. Since these two pieces of legislation will have profound impact on the insurance industry, the Government must ensure that the comments of the insurance industry are taken into consideration to ensure that the two legislations are acceptable to the insurance industry and can
5 and $300 per new vehicle, or up to $5 billion annually but could prevent up to 600,000 crashes and reduce costs by $71 billion annually when fully deployed. NHTSA said last year it has “not made any final decision” on requiring the technology, but no decision is expected before December. Last year, major automakers, state regulators and others urged U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to finalize standards for the technology and protect the spectrum that has been reserved, saying there is a need to expand deployment and uses of the traffic safety technology. Policy Address Proposals of Hon KP Chan to the Chief Executive Policies on Insurance 1) Stop over regulation and help develop business opportunities Following the Lehman Brothers incident, the primary concern of the Government has been preventing recurrence of financial disasters. It is paying more attention to regulation than business development. On the contrary, our competitor Singapore has been aggressive in business development. The new Financial Services Development Council and the new Insurance Authority should focus on business development and support the industry to enter new markets. For instance, they should help expand investment choices in the mainland and seek relaxation on Renminbi assets to cover properties and securities for the benefit of all insurance companies. The Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone should also be promoted in order to help local companies to engage in mainland development. The Government should also set up special task forces to study protection for catastrophic events, captive and the development of HK into a reinsurance centre. Singapore has been working hard to grow these businesses with impressive results and Hong Kong should not fall behind. 2) Tax incentives for insurance expenses to encourage savings for rainy days The new Chief Executive should honour his promise to introduce tax deduction for medical insurance expenses, including medical insurance expenses for family members. This is to encourage risk transfer from individuals to underwriters. In case of mishap, people need not look to the Government for assistances. Governments of many countries support and encourage their citizens to get insured. The more people are covered by insurance, the less people would rely on the Government. In turn, it would alleviate socio-economic pressure of an aging population. In the long term, tax incentives should be extended to other types of insurance including Life and retirement benefits. A recent survey conducted by the Life Underwriters Association of HK showed that 64.3% of the respondents supported tax deduction for life insurance products with savings elements and 73.1% believed that these products were good for them. Hong Kong citizens in general support tax deductions for insurance expenses. 3) Long term commitment to secure support of the Health Protection Scheme The Government has been studying the details of the Health Protection Scheme (HPS). Many citizens are looking forward to the launch of a viable and sustainable scheme. The Government should release the detailed rules and regulations of the HPS as soon as possible for public consultation. I believe that the design and details of the HPS need the support of the consumers, the medical profession and the insurance industry in order to be successful. The Government should be open-minded and responsive to issues raised by all parties. On the other hand, I urge the new Government to review the earmarked sum of HK$50 billion for the Scheme in light of changing parameters. When the Scheme is launched in 2015, if on schedule, rising medical cost and further aging of population might call for modification of the original undertaking for longer term sustainability. Instead of annual cash injection for 25 years, for instance, an endowment might be set up with that HK$50 billion as seed money to invest and replenish annual payments. In fact, the crucial factor for a successful Health Protection Scheme is continuity. The Government should undertake to support and fund the scheme in order to eliminate any uncertainty. 4) Adopt the comments of the Insurance industry regarding the legislation of the new Insurance Authority and the Policyholders’ Protection Fund. The IIA legislative proposals are under consultation and will be followed by the Policyholders’ Protection Fund legislation. Since these two pieces of legislation will have profound impact on the insurance industry, the Government must ensure that the comments of the insurance industry are taken into consideration to ensure that the two legislations are acceptable to the insurance industry and can
be effectively implemented. 5) Review the liability cover for local vessels to provide comprehensive cover for passengers. Since the Lama Island tragedy, there has been immense concern in the society over the amount of third party insurance cover of local vessels. The current minimum third party insurance requirement for a local vessel carrying more than 12 or up to 12 fare-paying passengers is HK$5 million and HK$1 million respectively. By comparison, the minimum third party cover for a road vehicle is HK$100 million. I urge the Government to raise the minimum requirement with the aim of providing a comprehensive protection for passengers and third parties. Policies on Politics, Economy and Livelihood 1) Increase supply of public housing and raise accommodation rate Analysts say that the more accommodative in public housing, the more stable is the community. Poverty would also show improvement. Take Singapore as an illustration, some 85 percent of people are living in public estates of the Housing Development Board. The city-state is known for its pleasant livelihood and social stability. At present, about half of the population in Hong Kong are accommodated by public housing, either rental or homeownership. I propose to raise the accommodation rate to, say, 60 percent, mainly with new rental units. For the private housing sector, the Government should supply adequate land for developers to respond to market demand. 2) Review population policy According to immigration figures, settlers from the Mainland (arriving on single-trip permits) between 1998 and 2011 (Q3) amounted to 667,002 in total. They now account for 9.4% of total population. Among them, in terms of education, about 20 percent are primary level, about 70 percent reached secondary level and the remaining 10 percent reached tertiary level or higher. More than half of them used to be homemakers. As Hong Kong is a knowledge-based economy, many of them have almost no other choice but to take up low-level job. Some might even have difficulty in finding employment. Unless there is policy change to improve the quality of new settlers, any measure to tackle poverty would be unproductive. The Government should review population policy urgently. 3) Promote headquarters economy and attract international talents Many countries and cities are pursuing headquarters economy. Our neighbours and rivals like Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai are attracting multinational enterprises to set up regional head offices with tax incentives. The Government should take positive steps to consolidate the role of Hong Kong as the international financial centre of Asia. We should consider attractive incentives like tax concessions and other attractions that would appeal to international enterprises in choosing Hong Kong for regional head offices and bringing in global expertise. In turn, they would create new jobs for the local labour market. New job opportunities and work diversities would broaden the scope of our young people and give them more room for social mobility. 4) Develop high value-added industries to help restore structural imbalance The structure of the economy is imbalanced. It is highly skewed to services industry. Manufacturing has been in doldrums for years. Owing to repeated financial crisis, Hong Kong has suffered much from the structural imbalance. It is time to consider re-industrialization, particularly high value-added manufacturing, with the aim of providing more stable employment for the grass root. Even if economic benefits are not so significant, it still deserves government support. Many industrialists are willing and ready to invest in Hong Kong. What they ask from the Government are suitable land and policy support. It would be more efficient and effective than developing any other sector from scratch. 5) Support the working poor The new Government should encourage the grass root to earn their living and support the working poor with measures that promote employment. The concept of “work-for-welfare” should be the basic principle. If personal or household income does not meet certain threshold, the Government would provide financial assistance and encourage people to continue working and earn their living. Transport subsidy for workers is an example. The new Administration should consider work-for-welfare in totality in long term and replace itemized and fragmented benefits by a comprehensive system. For instance, a person or household who is earning less than a certain sum would be eligible for certain financial assistance subject to mean test. It would allow low income persons or households more flexibility in applying public assistance. 6) Government led energy conservation campaigns Conservation
"I always want to prank someone," the "That '70s Show" actor told Insider at the Tribeca Festival premiere of Novak's film "Vengeance." 'The Office' star B.J. Novak's face is on random product ads all over the world because somebody put his photo on a public domain site The list of products featuring "The Office" star's face includes ads for a rain poncho, hair clippers, face paint, an electric razor, and cologne. Mindy Kaling said she likes when people think her and BJ Novak's friendship is 'more romantic' than it is. Here's a timeline of their relationship. From dating to being family, here's a timeline of "The Office" stars' complicated relationship and delightful friendship. 12 pairs of costars that you'd be surprised to learn were actually classmates Marvel stars Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o met at Yale, while "Riverdale" costars Camila Mendes and Cole Sprouse crossed paths at NYU. Health 2020-03-27T15:23:00Z Actor B.J. Novak from 'The Office' is reading his bestselling children's book to kids stuck at home amid the coronavirus pandemic Actor B.J. Novak will read "The Book with No Pictures" on March 27 at 3 p.m. ET on Facebook as part of a campaign for kids who are out of school. B.J. Novak reveals the most valuable lesson he learned from 'The Office' B.J. Novak's one takeaway from working on "The Office" was that it all comes down to who you work with. Actor turned tech entrepreneur and writer B.J. Novak gives the best advice for switching careers Actor B.J. Novak gives career advice. Tech 2016-05-12T18:57:39Z B.J. Novak explains why lists are taking over the internet "We think in lists without even realizing it." News FacultyTeaching and Learning Coronavirus Paying for Their Own Safety Want students to mask up in class? The University of Texas at Austin has an idea: offer students nonacademic incentives of up to $50 to do so. The caveat? The university isn’t paying for any of it. Colleen Flaherty (DeSid/iStock/Getty Images Plus) Many professors feel they’ve entered the Bizarro World this semester, with campuses shedding COVID-19 prevention policies just as the Delta variant drives a case surge. At the University of Texas at Austin, where professors have repeatedly and unsuccessfully pushed for an indoor mask mandate, vaccine requirement and regular testing, one policy adds insult to injury: the university says that faculty members and programs may offer nonacademic incentives of up to $50 each to students to get them to wear masks in class, but it’s not footing the bill for any of these rewards. Some professors interpret the FAQ-style guidance as suggesting that they are responsible -- financially and otherwise -- for the safety conditions in their classrooms, when they can’t even require masks. ChatGPT sparks debate on how to design student assignments now “I’m starting to think my institutions has a dark sense of humor,” one professor commented on social media. “‘Let’s offer donuts and put it on the website!’” “So apparently we can bribe our students?!!” wrote another professor. Said yet another, “Amazing that this is real -- I can’t require students to wear masks but I am allowed to give them $50 gift cards, with my own money, as a reward if they do.” UT Austin says that rewards cannot be paid for with university or state funds. J. B. Bird, a university spokesperson, said that as “a state agency, we are limited to how state funds may be used.” Incentives can be donated or privately funded, he added, but can’t be paid for with state funds. Like public institutions in a number of states, the university appears to be caught between Republican lawmakers who have banned mask mandates -- and who help decide how much money their institutions get -- and faculty members
"I always want to prank someone," the "That '70s Show" actor told Insider at the Tribeca Festival premiere of Novak's film "Vengeance." 'The Office' star B.J. Novak's face is on random product ads all over the world because somebody put his photo on a public domain site The list of products featuring "The Office" star's face includes ads for a rain poncho, hair clippers, face paint, an electric razor, and cologne. Mindy Kaling said she likes when people think her and BJ Novak's friendship is 'more romantic' than it is. Here's a timeline of their relationship. From dating to being family, here's a timeline of "The Office" stars' complicated relationship and delightful friendship. 12 pairs of costars that you'd be surprised to learn were actually classmates Marvel stars Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o met at Yale, while "Riverdale" costars Camila Mendes and Cole Sprouse crossed paths at NYU. Health 2020-03-27T15:23:00Z Actor B.J. Novak from 'The Office' is reading his bestselling children's book to kids stuck at home amid the coronavirus pandemic Actor B.J. Novak will read "The Book with No Pictures" on March 27 at 3 p.m. ET on Facebook as part of a campaign for kids who are out of school. B.J. Novak reveals the most valuable lesson he learned from 'The Office' B.J. Novak's one takeaway from working on "The Office" was that it all comes down to who you work with. Actor turned tech entrepreneur and writer B.J. Novak gives the best advice for switching careers Actor B.J. Novak gives career advice. Tech 2016-05-12T18:57:39Z B.J. Novak explains why lists are taking over the internet "We think in lists without even realizing it." News FacultyTeaching and Learning Coronavirus Paying for Their Own Safety Want students to mask up in class? The University of Texas at Austin has an idea: offer students nonacademic incentives of up to $50 to do so. The caveat? The university isn’t paying for any of it. Colleen Flaherty (DeSid/iStock/Getty Images Plus) Many professors feel they’ve entered the Bizarro World this semester, with campuses shedding COVID-19 prevention policies just as the Delta variant drives a case surge. At the University of Texas at Austin, where professors have repeatedly and unsuccessfully pushed for an indoor mask mandate, vaccine requirement and regular testing, one policy adds insult to injury: the university says that faculty members and programs may offer nonacademic incentives of up to $50 each to students to get them to wear masks in class, but it’s not footing the bill for any of these rewards. Some professors interpret the FAQ-style guidance as suggesting that they are responsible -- financially and otherwise -- for the safety conditions in their classrooms, when they can’t even require masks. ChatGPT sparks debate on how to design student assignments now “I’m starting to think my institutions has a dark sense of humor,” one professor commented on social media. “‘Let’s offer donuts and put it on the website!’” “So apparently we can bribe our students?!!” wrote another professor. Said yet another, “Amazing that this is real -- I can’t require students to wear masks but I am allowed to give them $50 gift cards, with my own money, as a reward if they do.” UT Austin says that rewards cannot be paid for with university or state funds. J. B. Bird, a university spokesperson, said that as “a state agency, we are limited to how state funds may be used.” Incentives can be donated or privately funded, he added, but can’t be paid for with state funds. Like public institutions in a number of states, the university appears to be caught between Republican lawmakers who have banned mask mandates -- and who help decide how much money their institutions get -- and faculty members
’ concerns about being in the classroom with unmasked students. Some administrators within Texas are pushing back against state restrictions on COVID-19 protections. Dallas College, a community college, announced a mask mandate last week. (It has also announced vaccination incentives of up to $200 for students and $500 for faculty members.) But as the legal fight over mask mandates in Texas continues, the UT Austin incentive guidance is striking a nerve. Jennifer Ebbeler, an associate professor of classics who helped start a Facebook group called UT Austin Faculty United for COVID-19 Health and Safety, said she isn’t immediately affected by the mask guidance because she is severely immunocompromised and therefore met narrow criteria for teaching online this term. (Without a mask mandate for classes, she said she couldn’t risk infection.) But she said she and many of her colleagues are generally “very upset” that the university hasn’t done more to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus. “In the middle of what has ended up becoming the worst time in the pandemic for Austin,” Ebbeler said, “we were expected to pretend that everything was fine.” Regarding the mask incentive guidance, in particular, Ebbeler said it’s “not the job of an instructor to figure out how to solve the problems created by the institution. This includes bribing students to wear masks.” ‘They’re Just Making It Up as They Go Along’ Beyond this point, and the apparent expectation that professors will pay out of pocket, Ebbeler said that college students will find such treatment “absurd and juvenile.” As COVID evolves, so do campus policies Court Sides with Texas Southern in Professor’s Bias Case A review of the week in admissions news “I think many of us find the idea of offering our classes a cookie or doughnut for wearing a mask seems a bit too much like second-grade classroom-management tactics.” Ebbeler didn’t pull the cookie idea out of thin air. UT Austin’s guidance for incentives lists the following ideas as examples: The instructor offers that if the class maintains 85 percent masking by attendees for the next two weeks, then after the following Thursday’s class period, individually wrapped treats from a certain bakery can be picked up by every student in the courtyard (i.e., not the classroom) where all can still socially distance. The instructor offers that everyone who wears a mask for two weeks of their class can stop by the courtyard to pick up a gift certificate for a free item from a nearby bakery. The guidance also comes with a list of unacceptable incentives, such as offering extra points on grades for masking or prohibiting unmasked students from working in groups. UT Austin also cautions professors that incentives cannot “result in heightened stakes creating coercion” or “differential treatment.” Incentives must be positive, not negative, and delivered outside the classroom. Ebbeler said this kind of reward system “risks antagonizing an already challenging situation.” Brent Landau, a lecturer in religious studies at UT Austin, said it seems “so ridiculous that UT would allow these sorts of incentives, which open up all kinds of legal and ethical gray areas, but in the same FAQ would tell faculty that they can’t ask students to wear a mask in their offices.” The FAQ keeps getting longer, and in some cases the new answers contradict previous guidance, Landau added. “It gives me the impression that they’re just making it up as they go along, which is unsettling.” Landau, for one, will not be offering students these kids of rewards for masking. Instead, he said, “I’ve just sent out an email doing all I can do with my students, which is to implore them to wear masks in my class so that I can keep my two young, unvaccinated children as safe as possible.” Ultimately, Landau said he wished the university “would do the right thing and protect the UT community by instituting both a mask mandate and a vaccine requirement, rather than keep wasting time on this FAQ.” Colleen Flaherty, Reporter, covers faculty issues for Inside Higher Ed. Prior to joining the publication in 2012, Colleen was military editor at the Killeen Daily Herald, outside Fort
:param lat: latitude :param lon: longitude :param alt: altitude :return: nothing """ self.lat = lat self.lon = lon self.alt = alt @dataclass class NodeData: """ Node to broadcast. """ node: "NodeBase" message_type: MessageFlags = None source: str = None @dataclass class InterfaceData: """ Convenience class for storing interface data. """ id: int = None name: str = None mac: str = None ip4: str = None ip4_mask: int = None ip6: str = None ip6_mask: int = None mtu: int = None def get_ips(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of ip4 and ip6 addresses when present. :return: list of ip addresses """ ips = [] if self.ip4 and self.ip4_mask: ips.append(f"{self.ip4}/{self.ip4_mask}") if self.ip6 and self.ip6_mask: ips.append(f"{self.ip6}/{self.ip6_mask}") return ips @dataclass class LinkOptions: """ Options for creating and updating links within core. """ delay: int = None bandwidth: int = None loss: float = None dup: int = None jitter: int = None mer: int = None burst: int = None mburst: int = None unidirectional: int = None key: int = None buffer: int = None def update(self, options: "LinkOptions") -> bool: """ Updates current options with values from other options. :param options: options to update with :return: True if any value has changed, False otherwise """ changed = False if options.delay is not None and 0 <= options.delay != self.delay: self.delay = options.delay changed = True if options.bandwidth is not None and 0 <= options.bandwidth != self.bandwidth: self.bandwidth = options.bandwidth changed = True if options.loss is not None and 0 <= options.loss != self.loss: self.loss = options.loss changed = True if options.dup is not None and 0 <= options.dup != self.dup: self.dup = options.dup changed = True if options.jitter is not None and 0 <= options.jitter != self.jitter: self.jitter = options.jitter changed = True if options.buffer is not None and 0 <= options.buffer != self.buffer: self.buffer = options.buffer changed = True return changed def is_clear(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the current option values represent a clear state. :return: True if the current values should clear, False otherwise """ clear = self.delay is None or self.delay <= 0 clear &= self.jitter is None or self.jitter <= 0 clear &= self.loss is None or self.loss <= 0 clear &= self.dup is None or self.dup <= 0 clear &= self.bandwidth is None or self.bandwidth <= 0 clear &= self.buffer is None or self.buffer <= 0 return clear def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Custom logic to check if this link options is equivalent to another. :param other: other object to check :return: True if they are both link options with the same values, False otherwise """ if not isinstance(other, LinkOptions): return False return ( self.delay == other.delay and self.jitter == other.jitter and self.loss == other.loss and self.dup == other.dup and self.bandwidth == other.band
:param lat: latitude :param lon: longitude :param alt: altitude :return: nothing """ self.lat = lat self.lon = lon self.alt = alt @dataclass class NodeData: """ Node to broadcast. """ node: "NodeBase" message_type: MessageFlags = None source: str = None @dataclass class InterfaceData: """ Convenience class for storing interface data. """ id: int = None name: str = None mac: str = None ip4: str = None ip4_mask: int = None ip6: str = None ip6_mask: int = None mtu: int = None def get_ips(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of ip4 and ip6 addresses when present. :return: list of ip addresses """ ips = [] if self.ip4 and self.ip4_mask: ips.append(f"{self.ip4}/{self.ip4_mask}") if self.ip6 and self.ip6_mask: ips.append(f"{self.ip6}/{self.ip6_mask}") return ips @dataclass class LinkOptions: """ Options for creating and updating links within core. """ delay: int = None bandwidth: int = None loss: float = None dup: int = None jitter: int = None mer: int = None burst: int = None mburst: int = None unidirectional: int = None key: int = None buffer: int = None def update(self, options: "LinkOptions") -> bool: """ Updates current options with values from other options. :param options: options to update with :return: True if any value has changed, False otherwise """ changed = False if options.delay is not None and 0 <= options.delay != self.delay: self.delay = options.delay changed = True if options.bandwidth is not None and 0 <= options.bandwidth != self.bandwidth: self.bandwidth = options.bandwidth changed = True if options.loss is not None and 0 <= options.loss != self.loss: self.loss = options.loss changed = True if options.dup is not None and 0 <= options.dup != self.dup: self.dup = options.dup changed = True if options.jitter is not None and 0 <= options.jitter != self.jitter: self.jitter = options.jitter changed = True if options.buffer is not None and 0 <= options.buffer != self.buffer: self.buffer = options.buffer changed = True return changed def is_clear(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the current option values represent a clear state. :return: True if the current values should clear, False otherwise """ clear = self.delay is None or self.delay <= 0 clear &= self.jitter is None or self.jitter <= 0 clear &= self.loss is None or self.loss <= 0 clear &= self.dup is None or self.dup <= 0 clear &= self.bandwidth is None or self.bandwidth <= 0 clear &= self.buffer is None or self.buffer <= 0 return clear def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Custom logic to check if this link options is equivalent to another. :param other: other object to check :return: True if they are both link options with the same values, False otherwise """ if not isinstance(other, LinkOptions): return False return ( self.delay == other.delay and self.jitter == other.jitter and self.loss == other.loss and self.dup == other.dup and self.bandwidth == other.band
width and self.buffer == other.buffer ) @dataclass class LinkData: """ Represents all data associated with a link. """ message_type: MessageFlags = None type: LinkTypes = LinkTypes.WIRED label: str = None node1_id: int = None node2_id: int = None network_id: int = None iface1: InterfaceData = None iface2: InterfaceData = None options: LinkOptions = LinkOptions() color: str = None source: str = None class IpPrefixes: """ Convenience class to help generate IP4 and IP6 addresses for nodes within CORE. """ def __init__(self, ip4_prefix: str = None, ip6_prefix: str = None) -> None: """ Creates an IpPrefixes object. :param ip4_prefix: ip4 prefix to use for generation :param ip6_prefix: ip6 prefix to use for generation :raises ValueError: when both ip4 and ip6 prefixes have not been provided """ if not ip4_prefix and not ip6_prefix: raise ValueError("ip4 or ip6 must be provided") self.ip4 = None if ip4_prefix: self.ip4 = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip4_prefix) self.ip6 = None if ip6_prefix: self.ip6 = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip6_prefix) def ip4_address(self, node_id: int) -> str: """ Convenience method to return the IP4 address for a node. :param node_id: node id to get IP4 address for :return: IP4 address or None """ if not self.ip4: raise ValueError("ip4 prefixes have not been set") return str(self.ip4[node_id]) def ip6_address(self, node_id: int) -> str: """ Convenience method to return the IP6 address for a node. :param node_id: node id to get IP6 address for :return: IP4 address or None """ if not self.ip6: raise ValueError("ip6 prefixes have not been set") return str(self.ip6[node_id]) def gen_iface(self, node_id: int, name: str = None, mac: str = None): """ Creates interface data for linking nodes, using the nodes unique id for generation, along with a random mac address, unless provided. :param node_id: node id to create an interface for :param name: name to set for interface, default is eth{id} :param mac: mac address to use for this interface, default is random generation :return: new interface data for the provided node """ # generate ip4 data ip4 = None ip4_mask = None if self.ip4: ip4 = self.ip4_address(node_id) ip4_mask = self.ip4.prefixlen # generate ip6 data ip6 = None ip6_mask = None if self.ip6: ip6 = self.ip6_address(node_id) ip6_mask = self.ip6.prefixlen # random mac if not mac: mac = utils.random_mac() return InterfaceData( name=name, ip4=ip4, ip4_mask=ip4_mask, ip6=ip6, ip6_mask=ip6_mask, mac=mac ) def create_iface( self, node: "CoreNode", name: str = None, mac: str = None ) -> InterfaceData: """ Creates interface data for linking nodes, using the nodes unique id for generation, along with a random mac address, unless provided. :param node: node to create interface for :param name: name to set for interface, default is eth{id} :param
it's one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. Considering the series pedigree, and the fact that Nintendo essentially defined the 3D age in the days of the N64, one can understand that I'd be more than a little annoyed that they unleashed that load onto the world. I will stand by the fact that from a game design standpoint, it's one of the worst executions of a solid concept by a (once) great developer I've ever seen. It's got all of the polish and underlying gameplay of a great game, but the execution was incredibly half-assed. Devyn Double Dash is my favorite, and I've been playing Kart since the month the original Kart came out. It's a great game, it's better than Kart 64 in every way possible. I'd say it's nostalgic bias if you like N64 more. The only thing wrong with Double Dash was the cheap ass AI that could always catch up with you - But then I went and played it on 64 and it was worse Still, I beat every mode in that game on every difficulty multiple times. Plus, it has the best coop I've ever played outside of fighting games and first person shooters. Enough of that. The new Kart is going to be great. I just hope Petey Piranha isn't there. Lemonectric Double Dash is really fun if you get a bunch of friends to race/battle...but a lot of the tracks are really terrible, and the AI is incredibly easy. MK64 got the difficulty just right, I think, and it had cooler tracks. MKDS was a step in the right direction in terms of trackage (I'd say MKDS has my vote for best track design), but the AI was still kind of lacking. As long as MK Wii has awesome tracks, I'll be good. I'd REALLY like to see at least one Galaxy-themed track with cool gravity stuff going on... Also: SMK remix ftw. Just like the classic Mario Kart for SNES [...] all you need is to power slide successfully to get a subsequent boost in speed after. Huh? You couldn't do that in SMK. You could only carry your speed through the corner with the slide. Also, if online is decent (with or without snaking, doesn't matter to me), then I'll pick this up. I played MKDS for a long time online, but it started getting to the point of just messing around with people by trying to "pace" yourself so other opponents would stand a chance and wouldn't dc after the first race. Although in the last race (if you were leading in total points already), it was hilarious to let everyone get ahead of you, then sit back with blue shells/bullet bills and end up forcing all of them to tie in the final points. Mr.Roboto Is snaking a part of it? Well, I guess they're all good in a different way. Okay, I'll admit the track design was kinda hit and miss in DD. Well, anyway.... To that question above me - The boost system has been altered to where it charges up automatically during a sharp turn, so, the more you turn, the more boost you have. You must press a button and 'bam', you boost. I really like the idea. This will be a lot better for those non-snakers too. Even I got tired of constantly pressing buttons while trying to tend to the actual track and obstacles within it. XZero You know, a few weeks ago, I went to work (GameStop) and my boss told me that we were taking reservations for Mario Kart Wii. I reserved it while commenting that it would make a good Christmas gift for myself (April release; yeah, right!). But now with all of this new information coming out, I guess it actually will happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would mean that two major Nintendo games (Mario Galaxy & Mario Kart) would be releasing when they were originally purported to release without months of delays. After Brawl, I'm kind of surprised. The only thing cooler than Kart and Brawl coming out at the same time would be a lifelike HD remake of the original Mega Man trilogy, and that just ain't gonna happen. I'm actually kinda happy for Europe getting this earlier. They've been screwed with Brawl
it's one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. Considering the series pedigree, and the fact that Nintendo essentially defined the 3D age in the days of the N64, one can understand that I'd be more than a little annoyed that they unleashed that load onto the world. I will stand by the fact that from a game design standpoint, it's one of the worst executions of a solid concept by a (once) great developer I've ever seen. It's got all of the polish and underlying gameplay of a great game, but the execution was incredibly half-assed. Devyn Double Dash is my favorite, and I've been playing Kart since the month the original Kart came out. It's a great game, it's better than Kart 64 in every way possible. I'd say it's nostalgic bias if you like N64 more. The only thing wrong with Double Dash was the cheap ass AI that could always catch up with you - But then I went and played it on 64 and it was worse Still, I beat every mode in that game on every difficulty multiple times. Plus, it has the best coop I've ever played outside of fighting games and first person shooters. Enough of that. The new Kart is going to be great. I just hope Petey Piranha isn't there. Lemonectric Double Dash is really fun if you get a bunch of friends to race/battle...but a lot of the tracks are really terrible, and the AI is incredibly easy. MK64 got the difficulty just right, I think, and it had cooler tracks. MKDS was a step in the right direction in terms of trackage (I'd say MKDS has my vote for best track design), but the AI was still kind of lacking. As long as MK Wii has awesome tracks, I'll be good. I'd REALLY like to see at least one Galaxy-themed track with cool gravity stuff going on... Also: SMK remix ftw. Just like the classic Mario Kart for SNES [...] all you need is to power slide successfully to get a subsequent boost in speed after. Huh? You couldn't do that in SMK. You could only carry your speed through the corner with the slide. Also, if online is decent (with or without snaking, doesn't matter to me), then I'll pick this up. I played MKDS for a long time online, but it started getting to the point of just messing around with people by trying to "pace" yourself so other opponents would stand a chance and wouldn't dc after the first race. Although in the last race (if you were leading in total points already), it was hilarious to let everyone get ahead of you, then sit back with blue shells/bullet bills and end up forcing all of them to tie in the final points. Mr.Roboto Is snaking a part of it? Well, I guess they're all good in a different way. Okay, I'll admit the track design was kinda hit and miss in DD. Well, anyway.... To that question above me - The boost system has been altered to where it charges up automatically during a sharp turn, so, the more you turn, the more boost you have. You must press a button and 'bam', you boost. I really like the idea. This will be a lot better for those non-snakers too. Even I got tired of constantly pressing buttons while trying to tend to the actual track and obstacles within it. XZero You know, a few weeks ago, I went to work (GameStop) and my boss told me that we were taking reservations for Mario Kart Wii. I reserved it while commenting that it would make a good Christmas gift for myself (April release; yeah, right!). But now with all of this new information coming out, I guess it actually will happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would mean that two major Nintendo games (Mario Galaxy & Mario Kart) would be releasing when they were originally purported to release without months of delays. After Brawl, I'm kind of surprised. The only thing cooler than Kart and Brawl coming out at the same time would be a lifelike HD remake of the original Mega Man trilogy, and that just ain't gonna happen. I'm actually kinda happy for Europe getting this earlier. They've been screwed with Brawl
, so it's a nice make-up gift. Drack Sounds like Kirby Air Ride to me. Penfold Double Dash is really fun if you get a bunch of friends to race/battle...but a lot of the tracks are really terrible, and the AI is incredibly easy. Yeah, I agree. Honestly, I don't know if I ever played the game alone, so I always had fun playing. The AI were just there as filler, since the races were always against the human players. Anyway, this game should be good...looking forward to it. Double Dash ... the AI is incredibly easy. MK64 got the difficulty just right, I think The problem with MK64 AI was that it cheated. If you hit someone with a shell and they weren't in your field of view, there would be no time they spent rolling around after getting hit by the shell, they'd just lose their speed and IMMEDIATELY start accelerating back to it. Get too far ahead? MK64 comps would get their cars magically upgraded. I could barely beat the AI one round, only to play the same course on the same difficulty again, get a time a full minute faster, and get second place. With these huge issues apparant due to MK64's comeback AI, I cannot consider it good AI. Comps should be smart, but play by the same rules as the player. Good point. I do like the challenge offered by the MK64 AI, but there are times when you just want to punch them in the face. For example, when they get items without even going through a box... Double Dash had its fair share of bullshit too - I remember one time I was in 1st place on that Mushroom Bridge in 150cc, and just when I was about to cross the finish line, I get hit with 3 blue shells, almost costing me first place. That to me has been one of the most frustrating shitty AI experiences ever. Triad Orion The frequency of which AI players get blue shells in DD was the main complaint I have. You'd get punched in the face with them so frequently you just would come to expect it. And really, that wasn't cool. I just hope they don't do that as much in the Wii version. But otherwise, I had a lot of fun with Double Dash. My roommate and I were awesome at co-op in that one, so I will kinda miss the two-to-a-car thing. Oh well. vega12 In this comparison of Mario Kart games, why is it that no one has brought up the DS version yet? It doesn't suffer from either of those problems (too many blue shells, cheating AI). Plus, it has lots of cool tracks, good racing mechanics, and online play. I actually enjoyed it more than both MK64 and MKDD. Just my two cents. EdgeCrusher As long as its better than the turd that was DD, Ill be happy. Imagist A: Snaking. Genjutsu74 I would just like to point out that the remix in that trailer is the same remix from the Mario Raceway Stage in Brawl. FYI. Anyway, looks good. I like the 12 racers on track now, too. I'll be picking this up at some point. Niroomand S Youseflu S Gilani MM Kazemnejad A Samani LN supportive program Key Message: Providing a supportive program based on education in women with endometrial cancer can play an important role in reducing the anxiety of these women » Patients and Methods » Conclusion Does educational-supportive program affect anxiety in women with endometrial cancer? Result from a randomized clinical trials Soudabeh Niroomand1, Samaneh Youseflu1, Mitra Modares Gilani2, Anoshirvan Kazemnejad3, Leila Neisani Samani4 1 Department of Midwifery, Zanjan University of Medical Science, Zanjan, Iran 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3 Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbi
Pass Two registration. You may not enroll in more than one section of a course or a course equivalent, including cross-listed courses. On occasion, departments need to change the time for which a course is offered. If this occurs, you will recieve an email notification indicating the CRN's of the courses that have time conflicts. Undergraduate students will be prevented from enrolling in courses that are considered an illegal repeat. Please review the information for the specific illegal repeat error; you may be eligible to enroll after you have resolved a pending grade or obtain appropriate approval. Here’s my fifth installment of the 2017 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith. In this one, Dr. Vern Poythress spoke on how control and purpose in living things is evidence of design. I like a point he made at the beginning when he said that seeing design depends on people. There’s no mathematical formula that can prove design; design must be inferred based on the information and evidence available to us. People, including young children, are able to identify things that are designed. We can see someone’s initials carved on a tree and realize it didn’t happen by chance. Even if we had never seen anyone carve their initials in a tree before, we’d be right to conclude that someone must have done it because trees don’t naturally grow with initials in their bark, and we’ve never observed termites eating away to produce such a phenomenon. Therefore, it’s reasonable to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the initials were carved by a person on purpose. This is a logical interpretation. Biological organisms also contain signs of design that can be detected by people. Dr. Poythress used the crab as an example, pointing to its eyes, claws and legs. They each have function and purpose. The eyes are useful to the crab for seeing food, predators and obstacles, while the claws grab food or can be used as a weapon to pinch, and its legs help it chase down prey or flee from predators. These organs and limbs can certainly provide other uses and function, but the point is we can identify their purpose. The same cannot be said for a stone. I could pick up a nice round stone and use it as a paperweight so that my stack of papers doesn’t fly off in the wind, but that doesn’t mean the rock’s weight, composition or color exists to keep paper from flying away. Sandstone doesn’t contain sand for the purpose of depositing it on the beach. Hurricanes don’t have fierce winds because they want to damage things or kill living organisms. These inanimate objects exist because of naturally occurring events that can be observed, predicted, tested and understood. He may not realize it, but his conclusion that biological organisms were not designed for a purpose is a statement of faith and a personal opinion, not a fact. Nonetheless, it’s perfectly normal for people to be able to identify things that are designed- or at least has the ‘appearance’ of design. This is technical, but the authors have indicated that when cells generate new proteins, even while in a developmental stage, the chain serves the purpose of regulating the rate and formation of peptide bonds. A regulating device can be described as, “a device which has the function of maintaining a designated characteristic. It performs the activity of managing or maintaining a range of values in a machine… it can be a variable according to a predetermined arrangement scheme.” And this is exactly what we find in biological systems. Another component that hurricanes don’t contain- but designed objects do- is what can be described as fidelity- something that is faithful at producing a goal or purpose. Generally speaking, the engine in a car is designed to faithfully accelerate, while the breaks faithfully slow it down. If an airplane faithfully delivers us from point A to point B, then we can see fidelity as it achieves its purpose. Our eyes faithfully allow us to see so that we don’t bump into things or fall into holes. The components of a cell faithfully repair wounds, obtain nourishment, and reproduce. Being able to identify these components and their goals allows us to determine whether or not something has been designed. This is amazing. The authors found key mechanisms faithfully controlling the opening and closing of an entry gate, and other key components loaded in a coordinated series of events for quality control. This description of the way a cell works screams of design! Of course, evolutionists would say this is just the way chemicals react, and the authors were just using shorthand
Pass Two registration. You may not enroll in more than one section of a course or a course equivalent, including cross-listed courses. On occasion, departments need to change the time for which a course is offered. If this occurs, you will recieve an email notification indicating the CRN's of the courses that have time conflicts. Undergraduate students will be prevented from enrolling in courses that are considered an illegal repeat. Please review the information for the specific illegal repeat error; you may be eligible to enroll after you have resolved a pending grade or obtain appropriate approval. Here’s my fifth installment of the 2017 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith. In this one, Dr. Vern Poythress spoke on how control and purpose in living things is evidence of design. I like a point he made at the beginning when he said that seeing design depends on people. There’s no mathematical formula that can prove design; design must be inferred based on the information and evidence available to us. People, including young children, are able to identify things that are designed. We can see someone’s initials carved on a tree and realize it didn’t happen by chance. Even if we had never seen anyone carve their initials in a tree before, we’d be right to conclude that someone must have done it because trees don’t naturally grow with initials in their bark, and we’ve never observed termites eating away to produce such a phenomenon. Therefore, it’s reasonable to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the initials were carved by a person on purpose. This is a logical interpretation. Biological organisms also contain signs of design that can be detected by people. Dr. Poythress used the crab as an example, pointing to its eyes, claws and legs. They each have function and purpose. The eyes are useful to the crab for seeing food, predators and obstacles, while the claws grab food or can be used as a weapon to pinch, and its legs help it chase down prey or flee from predators. These organs and limbs can certainly provide other uses and function, but the point is we can identify their purpose. The same cannot be said for a stone. I could pick up a nice round stone and use it as a paperweight so that my stack of papers doesn’t fly off in the wind, but that doesn’t mean the rock’s weight, composition or color exists to keep paper from flying away. Sandstone doesn’t contain sand for the purpose of depositing it on the beach. Hurricanes don’t have fierce winds because they want to damage things or kill living organisms. These inanimate objects exist because of naturally occurring events that can be observed, predicted, tested and understood. He may not realize it, but his conclusion that biological organisms were not designed for a purpose is a statement of faith and a personal opinion, not a fact. Nonetheless, it’s perfectly normal for people to be able to identify things that are designed- or at least has the ‘appearance’ of design. This is technical, but the authors have indicated that when cells generate new proteins, even while in a developmental stage, the chain serves the purpose of regulating the rate and formation of peptide bonds. A regulating device can be described as, “a device which has the function of maintaining a designated characteristic. It performs the activity of managing or maintaining a range of values in a machine… it can be a variable according to a predetermined arrangement scheme.” And this is exactly what we find in biological systems. Another component that hurricanes don’t contain- but designed objects do- is what can be described as fidelity- something that is faithful at producing a goal or purpose. Generally speaking, the engine in a car is designed to faithfully accelerate, while the breaks faithfully slow it down. If an airplane faithfully delivers us from point A to point B, then we can see fidelity as it achieves its purpose. Our eyes faithfully allow us to see so that we don’t bump into things or fall into holes. The components of a cell faithfully repair wounds, obtain nourishment, and reproduce. Being able to identify these components and their goals allows us to determine whether or not something has been designed. This is amazing. The authors found key mechanisms faithfully controlling the opening and closing of an entry gate, and other key components loaded in a coordinated series of events for quality control. This description of the way a cell works screams of design! Of course, evolutionists would say this is just the way chemicals react, and the authors were just using shorthand
to describe it. They would deny there are any goals in the cell, but just mindless, blind natural forces without purpose. But the problem with that explanation is that we don’t see chemicals behaving in this manner in nature. Scientists can’t just mix chemicals in a lab and produce living organisms, and they certainly have never observed the spontaneous generation of life in the wild. If that is how chemicals react, then we should see life arising from non-life all the time- or at least occasionally. Again, we have specific components that directly and rapidly modulate function and provide selective signals to inhibit and block production. These molecular control systems provide for plant growth, as well as animal defense and behavior. This sort of thing has never been observed to occur naturally in non-living chemicals, so I think it’s unreasonable to conclude that it could happen if given enough time. Lastly, Poythress considered the evolutionary process, and pointed to the malarial parasite, HIV and fruit flies as evidence against evolution. Even though scientists can observe 100 billion-billion generations of the malarial parasite in a single year, they have never observed one evolve beyond a parasite. HIV can produce 100 billion-billion generations in a year, but cannot advance beyond its barriers. Scientists have been experimenting with fruit flies for decades, but they haven’t evolved beyond a fruit fly. Yet organisms like mammals are said to have evolved from ape to human anywhere from 4 to 14 million years within 150,000 to 650,000 generations. Richard Dawkins was half-right when he said, “Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.” I’d argue that not only has evolution never been observed while it’s happening, but it has never been observed at all. Overall, Poythress made some excellent points. His presentation doesn’t prove that God designed life- or the universe, but his points, along with other evidences provided during the course of the conference, are solid evidence that God did design life, and that he left tell-tale signs. As always, I enjoy the compare and contrast between a thing that was designed (a hurricane), and a thing that was ALSO designed (a crab). I think maybe I could have skipped my 3000 word essays and just posted a link to a venn diagram last time…. The hurricane, of course, is something that can be observed to occur naturally (even though I believe they’re created by God too. But with the crab, we can’t observe it’s evolutionary history- if there were such a history- and we can’t see any other organism evolving new, novel designs in body type or function. Therefore, I think it’s quite valid to compare and contrast a crab and a hurricane, just as we can with a watch or Mt. Rushmore. We can compare and contrast things we know to be made with things that occur naturally, and with things we believe to be created by design. And when we do compare and contrast, we’re able to observe the differences and similarities, and then formulate conclusions. You conclude that it’s inconclusive for philosophical reasons, while I maintain we’re able to use our mental faculties to reasonably conclude that life had to be designed. But hurricanes only ‘evolve’ from previously existing weather formations and conditions. No one has ever observed the component air currents, cyclonic effects, and requisite low pressure areas forming from nothing. What you define as ‘natural’ is really just a synonym for ‘well understood’, and what you define as ‘supernatural’ is simply ‘not completely understood’. Inferring design =/= demonstrating design. Yes, hurricanes are well understood, while spontaneous generation and evolution are not. And this is precisely why a supernatural explanation is the most plausible explanation available, considering what we do know about God and science. It is far more likely that life were created and designed than to have arisen by purely naturalistic means. To deny this is a statement of faith itself. About: I am exploring all the possibilities of web 2.0 and developing ways to build my presence in the social networking sphere. I enjoy learning and earning in this area and hope to find like-minded people to move forward with. Information: I produce a freely available newsletter which explores the ways to earn on the
. Notes on chapter 1 Sources: Novartis website and Rowberg, R.E. (2001) ‘Pharmaceutical research and development: A description and analysis of the process’, CRS Report for Congress, 2 April. 2 The Design Council website. 3 Nokia website design articles 23 June 2005. 4 Sources include Doran, J. (2006) ‘Hoover heading for selloff as Dyson cleans up in America’, The Times, 4 February. 5 Ideas based on Magidson, J. and Brandyberry, G. (2002) ‘Putting Customers in the Wish Mode’, Harvard Business Review, pp. 26–8. Sources also include Hanser, K. (2003) ‘Boeing Tour Center visitors contribute to airplane interior research’, Boeing Commercial Airplanes news release. 6 Source: ‘Think local’, The Economist, 11 April 2002. 7 For more information on QFD for products and services see, for example, Behara, R.S. and Chase, R.B. (1993) ‘Service quality deployment: quality service by design’ in Sarin, R.V. (ed.) Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in Honor of Elwood S. Buffa, Kluwer Academic Publishers; Evans, J.R. and Lindsay, W.M. (1993) The Management and Control of Quality (2nd edn), West; Fitzsimmons, J.A. and Fitzsimmons, M.J. (1994) Service Management for Competitive Advantage, McGraw-Hill; Meredith, J.R. (1992) The Management of Operations (4th edn), John Wiley. 8 Taguchi, G. and Clausing, D. (1990) ‘Robust quality’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 65–75. 9 Hayes, R.H., Wheelwright, S.C. and Clarke, K.B. (1988) Dynamic Manufacturing, The Free Press. Selected further reading Bangle, C. (2001) ‘The ultimate creativity machine: how BMW turns art into profit’, Harvard Business Review, Jan., pp. 47–55. A good description of how good aesthetic design translates into business success. Baxter, M. (1995) Product Design, Chapman and Hall. Presents a structured framework for product development which will be of interest to practising managers. Blackburn, J.D. (ed.) (1991) Time Based Competition: The next battle ground in American manufacturing, Urwin, Homewood, Ill. A good summary of why interactive design gives fast time to market and why this is important. Bruce, M. and Bessant, J. (2002) Design in Business: Strategic innovation through design, Financial Times Prentice Hall and The Design Council. Probably one of the best overviews of design in a business context available today. Bruce, M. and Cooper, R. (2000) Creative Product Design: a practical guide to requirements capture management, Wiley. Exactly what it says. Cooper, R. and Chew, W.B. (1996) ‘Control tomorrow’s costs through coday’s designs’, Harvard Business Review, January–February, pp. 88–98. A really good description of why it is important to think about costs at the design stage. Dyson, J. (1997) Against the Odds: An autobiography, Orion Business Books. One of Europe’s most famous designers gives his philosophy. Lowe, A. and Ridgway, K. (2000) ‘A user’s guide to quality function deployment’, Engineering Management Journal, June. A good overview of QFD explained in straightforward, non-technical language. The Industrial Designers Society of America (2003) Design Secrets: Products: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered (Design Secrets), Rockport Publishers Inc. Very much a practitioner book with some great examples. Useful websites www.cfsd.org.uk The Centre for Sustainable Design
. Notes on chapter 1 Sources: Novartis website and Rowberg, R.E. (2001) ‘Pharmaceutical research and development: A description and analysis of the process’, CRS Report for Congress, 2 April. 2 The Design Council website. 3 Nokia website design articles 23 June 2005. 4 Sources include Doran, J. (2006) ‘Hoover heading for selloff as Dyson cleans up in America’, The Times, 4 February. 5 Ideas based on Magidson, J. and Brandyberry, G. (2002) ‘Putting Customers in the Wish Mode’, Harvard Business Review, pp. 26–8. Sources also include Hanser, K. (2003) ‘Boeing Tour Center visitors contribute to airplane interior research’, Boeing Commercial Airplanes news release. 6 Source: ‘Think local’, The Economist, 11 April 2002. 7 For more information on QFD for products and services see, for example, Behara, R.S. and Chase, R.B. (1993) ‘Service quality deployment: quality service by design’ in Sarin, R.V. (ed.) Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in Honor of Elwood S. Buffa, Kluwer Academic Publishers; Evans, J.R. and Lindsay, W.M. (1993) The Management and Control of Quality (2nd edn), West; Fitzsimmons, J.A. and Fitzsimmons, M.J. (1994) Service Management for Competitive Advantage, McGraw-Hill; Meredith, J.R. (1992) The Management of Operations (4th edn), John Wiley. 8 Taguchi, G. and Clausing, D. (1990) ‘Robust quality’, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 65–75. 9 Hayes, R.H., Wheelwright, S.C. and Clarke, K.B. (1988) Dynamic Manufacturing, The Free Press. Selected further reading Bangle, C. (2001) ‘The ultimate creativity machine: how BMW turns art into profit’, Harvard Business Review, Jan., pp. 47–55. A good description of how good aesthetic design translates into business success. Baxter, M. (1995) Product Design, Chapman and Hall. Presents a structured framework for product development which will be of interest to practising managers. Blackburn, J.D. (ed.) (1991) Time Based Competition: The next battle ground in American manufacturing, Urwin, Homewood, Ill. A good summary of why interactive design gives fast time to market and why this is important. Bruce, M. and Bessant, J. (2002) Design in Business: Strategic innovation through design, Financial Times Prentice Hall and The Design Council. Probably one of the best overviews of design in a business context available today. Bruce, M. and Cooper, R. (2000) Creative Product Design: a practical guide to requirements capture management, Wiley. Exactly what it says. Cooper, R. and Chew, W.B. (1996) ‘Control tomorrow’s costs through coday’s designs’, Harvard Business Review, January–February, pp. 88–98. A really good description of why it is important to think about costs at the design stage. Dyson, J. (1997) Against the Odds: An autobiography, Orion Business Books. One of Europe’s most famous designers gives his philosophy. Lowe, A. and Ridgway, K. (2000) ‘A user’s guide to quality function deployment’, Engineering Management Journal, June. A good overview of QFD explained in straightforward, non-technical language. The Industrial Designers Society of America (2003) Design Secrets: Products: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered (Design Secrets), Rockport Publishers Inc. Very much a practitioner book with some great examples. Useful websites www.cfsd.org.uk The Centre for Sustainable Design
’s Site. Some useful resources, but obviously largely confined to sustainability issues. www.conceptcar.co.uk A site devoted to automotive design. Fun if you like new car designs. www.betterproductdesign.net A site that acts as a resource for good design practice. Set up by Cambridge University and the Royal College of Art. Some good material that supports all aspects of design. www.ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Sloan-School-of-Management Good source of open courseware from MIT. www.design-council.org.uk Site of the UK’s Design Council. One of the best sites in the world for design related issues. www.nathan.com/ed/glossary/#ED A blog really, but some good points about ‘experince design’. Chapter Supply network design Introduction No operation exists in isolation. Every operation is part of a larger and interconnected network of other operations. This supply network will include suppliers and customers. It will also include suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers and so on. At a strategic level, operations managers are involved in ‘designing’ the shape and form of their network. Network design starts with setting the network’s strategic objectives. This helps the operation to decide how it wants to influence the overall shape of its network, the location of each operation and how it should manage its overall capacity within the network. This chapter treats all these strategic design decisions in the context of supply networks (see Figure 6.1). Topic covered in this chapter Process design Supply network design Operations strategy Layout and flow Design Process technology Figure 6.1 This chapter covers the topic of supply network design It all started as a method of cutting out the ‘middle man’ and delivering quality PC-compatible computers direct to the customer without having to pay retail mark-ups. But using its direct selling methods, Dell went on to become the number one computer maker in the business and is quite clearly a success story in an industry where many brand names disappeared as competition became fiercer. There are several reasons why Dell has been successful, but most of them come down to the way the company has developed its position in the supply network. Founded in 1984, the company introduced its first computer system to its own design a year later. Through the rest of the 1980s and the 1990s, growth was rapid. Dell’s first international expansion began with the opening of its UK subsidiary in 1987. Now from its corporate headquarters in Austin, Texas, the company controls sales and service subsidiaries around the world as well as its six manufacturing locations. One reason for the company’s success was the realization that direct contact with its customers could lead to some significant business benefits. For example, you know what your customers think without the information being passed back up the supply chain. It also allowed some customization, with individuals specifying key components. With some clever product design, Dell can offer a wide variety of products by combining a far smaller number of standard modules. By using the company’s website, or by calling its sales representative, a customer Source: Corbis/Gianni Giansanti/Sygma can be guided through a step-by-step ‘design’ process which specifies the computer’s speed, storage, type of monitor, etc. This information is passed on to a Dell factory which ‘kits’ the order (that is, collects the specific modules which will go into that computer) and makes the computer ‘to order’. Fast assembly and delivery times ensure that a computer specified by a customer and made specifically for that customer is delivered fast and efficiently. Relationships with component suppliers are similarly close. Dell says it regards its suppliers as partners in creating value for customers. ‘When we launch a new product,’ says Michael Dell, ‘suppliers’ engineers are stationed right in our plants. If a customer calls up with a problem, we’ll stop shipping product while they fix design flaws in real time.’ The supply network perspective Supply network The network of supplier and customer operations that have relationships with an operation. Supply side The chains of suppliers, suppliers’ suppliers, etc. that provide parts, information or services to an operation. A supply network perspective means setting an operation in the context of all the other operations with which it interacts, some of which are its suppliers and its customers. Materials, parts, other information, ideas and sometimes people all flow through the network of customer–supplier relationships formed by all these operations. On its supply side an operation has its suppliers of parts, or information,
хаї до Державного музичного вищого навчального закладу (Голі іньюе чжуанькесюесяо), де вивчав гармонію у Сяо Юмея. У серпні 1938 року прибув до Яньань, де продовжив освіту в Академії мистецтв ім. Лу Синя на музизному факультеті та в аспірантурі, вивчаючи композицію і диригування у Сянь Сінхая, про якого згодом написав статтю. Потім там же викладав, а з закінченням війни став деканом музичного факультету інституту мистецтв Північнокитайського об'єднаного університету (Хуабей ляньхе дасюе) в Чжанцзякоу (провінція Хебей). Після створення Китайської Народної Республіки керував Колективом музичних працівників Центральної музичної академії (Чжун'ян іньюе сюеюань), Центральним ансамблем пісні і танцю (Чжун'ян геу туань), Центральним ансамблем національної музики (Чжун'ян міньцзу юе туань). З 1954 року був незмінним секретарем, а з 1985 по 1999 — головою Китайської спілки музик (Чжунго іньюецзя сехуй). Помер 19 березня 2000 року у Пекіні. Творчість З дитинства цікавився народною музикою і в своїх творах широко використовував народні інструменти. З 1935 року писав пісні, зокрема, «Муян айге» («Вівчарська елегія») на вірші (ці) Го Можо та «Хуан хуа Цюй» («Пісня про жовті кольори») на вірші Цзян Гуанці. З 1937 року під час Війни опору Японії в створенні антияпонських пісень співпрацював з Пу Феном та іншими поетами—патріотами, написавши «Сямень цзи чан» («Сямень співає») на вірші Янь Фена і «Баовей цзуго» («Захистимо батьківщину») на вірші Ке Фена. У 1940-50-і роки створив понад 300 вокальних творів, зокрема відому, улюблену Чжоу Еньлаєм революційну пісню «Шехуйчжуі хао» («Соціалізм — добре», 1957 рік) на вірші Сі Яна. Складав музику до кіно, зокрема о відомого фільму Се Тілі «Бао фен чжоу юй» («буревій та злива», 1961 рік). У 1955–1956 роках написав чотиригодинну оркестрову сюїту «Чуньцзе цзуцюй» («Новорічна сюїта»), яка регулярно виконується на новорічних концертах. Диригував хором на урочистих концертах, оперою «Бай маонюй» («Сива дівчина»). У 1957 році Пекінський молодіжний аматорський хор під його керівництвом завоював золоту медаль на 6-му Міжнародному фестивалі молоді і студентів у Москві. Музикознавець Йому належать праці: «Цзоцюй цзяочен» («Курс композиції»), «Цзеньян сюесі цзоцюй» («Як вивчати композицію»), «Іньюе чуаньцзо сань-лунь» ("Окре
хаї до Державного музичного вищого навчального закладу (Голі іньюе чжуанькесюесяо), де вивчав гармонію у Сяо Юмея. У серпні 1938 року прибув до Яньань, де продовжив освіту в Академії мистецтв ім. Лу Синя на музизному факультеті та в аспірантурі, вивчаючи композицію і диригування у Сянь Сінхая, про якого згодом написав статтю. Потім там же викладав, а з закінченням війни став деканом музичного факультету інституту мистецтв Північнокитайського об'єднаного університету (Хуабей ляньхе дасюе) в Чжанцзякоу (провінція Хебей). Після створення Китайської Народної Республіки керував Колективом музичних працівників Центральної музичної академії (Чжун'ян іньюе сюеюань), Центральним ансамблем пісні і танцю (Чжун'ян геу туань), Центральним ансамблем національної музики (Чжун'ян міньцзу юе туань). З 1954 року був незмінним секретарем, а з 1985 по 1999 — головою Китайської спілки музик (Чжунго іньюецзя сехуй). Помер 19 березня 2000 року у Пекіні. Творчість З дитинства цікавився народною музикою і в своїх творах широко використовував народні інструменти. З 1935 року писав пісні, зокрема, «Муян айге» («Вівчарська елегія») на вірші (ці) Го Можо та «Хуан хуа Цюй» («Пісня про жовті кольори») на вірші Цзян Гуанці. З 1937 року під час Війни опору Японії в створенні антияпонських пісень співпрацював з Пу Феном та іншими поетами—патріотами, написавши «Сямень цзи чан» («Сямень співає») на вірші Янь Фена і «Баовей цзуго» («Захистимо батьківщину») на вірші Ке Фена. У 1940-50-і роки створив понад 300 вокальних творів, зокрема відому, улюблену Чжоу Еньлаєм революційну пісню «Шехуйчжуі хао» («Соціалізм — добре», 1957 рік) на вірші Сі Яна. Складав музику до кіно, зокрема о відомого фільму Се Тілі «Бао фен чжоу юй» («буревій та злива», 1961 рік). У 1955–1956 роках написав чотиригодинну оркестрову сюїту «Чуньцзе цзуцюй» («Новорічна сюїта»), яка регулярно виконується на новорічних концертах. Диригував хором на урочистих концертах, оперою «Бай маонюй» («Сива дівчина»). У 1957 році Пекінський молодіжний аматорський хор під його керівництвом завоював золоту медаль на 6-му Міжнародному фестивалі молоді і студентів у Москві. Музикознавець Йому належать праці: «Цзоцюй цзяочен» («Курс композиції»), «Цзеньян сюесі цзоцюй» («Як вивчати композицію»), «Іньюе чуаньцзо сань-лунь» ("Окре
мі судження про музичному творчості "), «Міньцзу міньцзянь іньюе шулунь» («Кілька думок про національну народну музику»), «Лунь цзо цюй ішу» («Судження про мистецтво композиції»). Джерела Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. / гл. ред. М. Л. Титаренко; Ин-т Дальнего Востока. — М.: Вост. лит., 2006-. Т. 6 (дополнительный). Искусство / ред. М. Л. Титаренко и др. — 2010. — 1031 с. С. 616–617. Китайські композитори Китайські науковці Билинският манастир „Свети Архангел Михаил“ е български православен манастир. Местоположение Разположен е в подножието на рида Црънча от Завалска планина, на километър североизточно от село Билинци и на 8 км северозападно от Брезник. История Предполага се, че манастирът започва да действа края на 11 век – началото на 12 век – периодът на Византийското владичество над българските земи. Според преданието манастира е основан от болярина Милутин – средновековен владетел на с.Ярославци, който получил разрешение за градежа лично от Византийския император. Археологически останки доказват, че през 14 век на това място вече е съществувал голям укрепен манастир. Първото писмено сведение за Светата обител, след османското нашествие, е от 1587 г., когато отец Стефан е представлявал манастира в пратеничество на кюстендилския епископ в Русия. Манастирът е опустошаван от поробителя и е обновен през Възраждането в 1855 г. До съборната църква днес има чешма, която е каптирана под олтарното ѝ пространство. Много вероятно е мястото на градежът на манастира да е свързано със свещен извор, почитан от езически времена. В един от своите трудове българският археолог Кръстю Миятев споменава за побити камъни (менхири) от т.нар. „Русалимско гробище“, които са били на разстояние 0,7 – 0,8 км северозападно от Гърленския храм-кладенец. Според описанието което ученият дава, това са били наредени в редица необработени каменни стълбове (които често съпровождат Културата Нураги). Тези данни публикувани от Мятиев са потвърдени от местни жители на с. Гърло пред проф.Димитрина Митова-Джонова по време на разкопките на обекта край с.Гърло. Според нея, макар и придобити от спомените на жителите на с. Гърло, разказите за съпътстващи градежи и обекти заслужават особено внимание, защото набелязаните паметници са отделни елементи от културата на нурагите и съставляват култа към Луната и допълват характера на храм-кладенеца. През 17 и 18 век манастирът има голямо културно влияние и връз
ies have also been used to raise money for colleges and schools, as well as for town fortifications, roads, and canals. While some governments have banned lotteries altogether, others still support them. Some lotteries are held in person, while others are conducted online. Several states have legalized online ticket sales, including Rhode Island and New Hampshire, while a handful of Northeastern states are in the process of approving them. However, there are a number of challenges in the United States that make it difficult for lottery providers to sell tickets over the Internet. This guide outlines the issues, discusses the advantages of playing online, and gives information on which state lottery websites are the most reliable. Online lottery sites offer a wide array of features. Most allow users to see a list of their winning numbers and track their results via a website or mobile app. Some offer promotions and tipping services. Others are geared toward helping players choose which game to play. The best online lottery websites also include a “check my numbers” tool, which allows customers to check whether they have a winning combination. Many online lottery companies are offering new features, such as Instant Games. Instant Games are similar to casino games. Users can wager on the outcome of a draw, and prizes can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Players can access Instant Games on the web or through a smartphone or tablet. A lot of people love to play the lottery. In fact, many state lotteries attract millions of players each week. But many of these games can be complicated to play, and the odds of winning are low. Also, if you don’t live in a state that offers online tickets, you can’t participate in these games. You can, however, buy tickets from an official lottery vendor, and have them shipped to your home. Purchasing a lottery ticket can be a fun experience, and some people are convinced that they will become wealthy. However, the cost of purchasing a lottery ticket is greater than the expected gain. As a result, most lottery profits are redirected to a variety of educational and charitable institutions. One of the biggest concerns about playing the lottery online is the possibility of cannibalizing existing ticket sales. To address this concern, online lotto sites will withhold 24% of your purchase amount, and send you a W2-G form if you win a prize of more than $600. Live Draw Singapore Pools, Live Draw SGP, Result SGP Hari Ini Live Draw Singapore Pools adalah salah satu situs Resmi Live Draw SGP dan Result SGP Hari Ini Dari Togel Singapura yang menyediakan informasi live sgp tercepat dan result togel singapore hari ini. ikutilah setiap kegiatan yang terjadi di Live Draw Singapore Pools melalui situs rekomendasi kami. Karena banyak situs pengeluaran sgp yang berterbaran yang memberikan hasil result sgp palsu. Apa itu Live Draw SGP Pools Live Draw Singapore Pools adalah siaran langsung hasil keluaran togel dari Singapura yang ditayangkan setiap hari. Anda dapat menonton siaran langsung ini di situs web kami atau di aplikasi mobile kami. Hasil keluaran togel dari Singapura akan ditampilkan secara real-time, sehingga Anda dapat melihatnya segera setelah mereka diumumkan. Penasaran live Sgp tercepat dan result sgp hari ini? Ketika Anda memasang taruhan togel di Singapura, Anda tentu akan ingin mengetahui hasilnya dengan segera. Hal ini dapat dipahami, karena setiap orang ingin tahu seberapa beruntungnya mereka. Untuk mendapatkan live result sgp tercepat, Anda bisa mengunjungi situs web resmi Singapore Pools dan mengakses halaman live sgp. Di sinilah Anda dapat melihat hasil keluaran togel secara langsung setiap hari. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa situs web lain yang menyediakan live result sgp hari ini.
ies have also been used to raise money for colleges and schools, as well as for town fortifications, roads, and canals. While some governments have banned lotteries altogether, others still support them. Some lotteries are held in person, while others are conducted online. Several states have legalized online ticket sales, including Rhode Island and New Hampshire, while a handful of Northeastern states are in the process of approving them. However, there are a number of challenges in the United States that make it difficult for lottery providers to sell tickets over the Internet. This guide outlines the issues, discusses the advantages of playing online, and gives information on which state lottery websites are the most reliable. Online lottery sites offer a wide array of features. Most allow users to see a list of their winning numbers and track their results via a website or mobile app. Some offer promotions and tipping services. Others are geared toward helping players choose which game to play. The best online lottery websites also include a “check my numbers” tool, which allows customers to check whether they have a winning combination. Many online lottery companies are offering new features, such as Instant Games. Instant Games are similar to casino games. Users can wager on the outcome of a draw, and prizes can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Players can access Instant Games on the web or through a smartphone or tablet. A lot of people love to play the lottery. In fact, many state lotteries attract millions of players each week. But many of these games can be complicated to play, and the odds of winning are low. Also, if you don’t live in a state that offers online tickets, you can’t participate in these games. You can, however, buy tickets from an official lottery vendor, and have them shipped to your home. Purchasing a lottery ticket can be a fun experience, and some people are convinced that they will become wealthy. However, the cost of purchasing a lottery ticket is greater than the expected gain. As a result, most lottery profits are redirected to a variety of educational and charitable institutions. One of the biggest concerns about playing the lottery online is the possibility of cannibalizing existing ticket sales. To address this concern, online lotto sites will withhold 24% of your purchase amount, and send you a W2-G form if you win a prize of more than $600. Live Draw Singapore Pools, Live Draw SGP, Result SGP Hari Ini Live Draw Singapore Pools adalah salah satu situs Resmi Live Draw SGP dan Result SGP Hari Ini Dari Togel Singapura yang menyediakan informasi live sgp tercepat dan result togel singapore hari ini. ikutilah setiap kegiatan yang terjadi di Live Draw Singapore Pools melalui situs rekomendasi kami. Karena banyak situs pengeluaran sgp yang berterbaran yang memberikan hasil result sgp palsu. Apa itu Live Draw SGP Pools Live Draw Singapore Pools adalah siaran langsung hasil keluaran togel dari Singapura yang ditayangkan setiap hari. Anda dapat menonton siaran langsung ini di situs web kami atau di aplikasi mobile kami. Hasil keluaran togel dari Singapura akan ditampilkan secara real-time, sehingga Anda dapat melihatnya segera setelah mereka diumumkan. Penasaran live Sgp tercepat dan result sgp hari ini? Ketika Anda memasang taruhan togel di Singapura, Anda tentu akan ingin mengetahui hasilnya dengan segera. Hal ini dapat dipahami, karena setiap orang ingin tahu seberapa beruntungnya mereka. Untuk mendapatkan live result sgp tercepat, Anda bisa mengunjungi situs web resmi Singapore Pools dan mengakses halaman live sgp. Di sinilah Anda dapat melihat hasil keluaran togel secara langsung setiap hari. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa situs web lain yang menyediakan live result sgp hari ini.
Anda bisa mencari situs web yang cocok untuk Anda dan mulai mengikuti live draw togel Singapura sekarang juga. Singapore Pools Sudah Terhubung Dengan WLA Sebagai Situs Terpercaya Situs web Live Draw Singapore Pools sudah terhubung dengan World Lottery Association (WLA) sebagai situs terpercaya. WLA merupakan organisasi internasional yang menyediakan jasa untuk organisasi lotere Dunia. organisasi ini berkedudukan di Zurich, Switzerland. Maka dari itu bagi anda pemain togel sgp wajib tau asal usul situs web pengeluaran sgp apakah sudah terhubung dengan WLA, Apabila anda menemukan situs yang belum terhubung dengan WLA maka anda wajib waspada. Sudah dipastikan situs tersebut bukan situs resmi singapore poools dalam memberikan hasil keluaran sgp yang valid. The Odds of Winning the Lottery Aren’t Always As Good As You Think Whether you’re buying tickets in a local lotto or playing online, the odds of winning aren’t always as good as you think. There are several factors that can affect your odds of winning. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your chances. Throughout history, lottery games have been used to fund public projects. In the early 1700s, the Continental Congress used a numbers game to fund the Colonial army. In the 1740s, lotteries were used to finance Princeton and Columbia universities. In the 1750s, the Academy Lottery financed the University of Pennsylvania. The first recorded lottery was held in the Roman Empire. Emperor Augustus introduced the lottery to Europe in 27 BC. Lottery games were held in circuses and in cities during the Middle Ages. Lottery games also helped fund wars and major government projects. Lottery games were also used to settle legal disputes. Purchasing a lottery ticket doesn’t guarantee you will win the big prize. However, buying a number of tickets each week does increase your odds of winning. The odds of winning a lottery is one in millions. However, the odds of winning a jackpot are far lower. This is because the jackpot is the sum of annuity payments made over decades. This is why it is important to read the lottery rules. The odds of winning a lottery are based on how many numbers are in play. The odds are better when there are fewer numbers in play. This also means there is a bigger prize. Office lotteries Having a group of friends or colleagues join you in office lotteries can be a great way to bond. It also increases your chances of winning a prize and can boost morale. However, office lotteries come with their fair share of risks and pitfalls. You should only get into one if you are an executive or an attorney, and you should only do it if it is legal and a no-brainer. The best office lotteries are based on a system that is relatively inexpensive and that can be used by many people in your office. They have one or more jackpots that are distributed amongst all members. One such lottery was recently won by a group of 11 coworkers. They chipped in a few bucks each week for four years, and ended up winning $4.9 million. Online lotteries Purchasing lottery tickets online can be a great way to get the most out of playing the lottery. But it’s important to know how these tickets are priced and how to withdraw your winnings. Also, you should learn about the different types of lottery data sgp sites. While most lotteries are run by the government, there are some private companies that offer online lotteries. These data sgp sites sell tickets to a wide variety of games. The best data sgp sites allow you to choose the lottery games you want to play, buy tickets, and compare the odds. These sites also provide secure ways to purchase tickets. Typically, lottery scams involve false claims of winnings. These claims are often made via letters or emails. The scammer may claim to represent a legit
rysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Brownwood | Houston, TX 17 DAYS AGO Chrysler Certified Technician Stanley Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Brownwood is looking for Chrysler Certified Technicians to join our industry leading Servi... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/09/2019 22:10:11 93470033 19 TJNBoost7Days 16 0 3730 1 1 Installation & Maintenance Electrical & Electronic Technicians Automotive Technician Automotive Technician Full Time Peters Chrysler Jeep Dodge | Longview, TX 17 DAYS AGO MID LEVEL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS State-of-the-art equipment and career advancement, it’s all here for an Automotive Technician at Peters Chrysler Jeep Dodg... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/24/2019 10:21:57 96635070 21 1 0 3241 1 1 Installation & Maintenance General Maintenance Experienced DirecTV installation Technicians Experienced DirecTV installation Technicians Freelance DW Direct INC | Manor, TX NEW Job DescriptionDW-DIRECT is seeking self-driven and highly motivated (residential) technicians to install, upgrade and service DirecTV satellite systems.We... NEW Do you match? 04/17/2019 07:18:31 95005012 22 8 0 3241 1 1 Installation & Maintenance Electrical & Electronic Technicians DAS Technicians/Installers DAS Technicians/Installers Full Time Tekk Force LLC | Dallas, TX 9 DAYS AGO Job DescriptionTekk Force is looking for DAS Technicians/Structured Cabling Technicians in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The ideal candidate will have at lea... 9 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/13/2019 19:17:56 94350607 23 12 0 3730 1 1 Automotive Automotive - General Auto Paint Technicians Auto Paint Technicians Full Time Atterro | Red Oak, TX 13 DAYS AGO ProStaff Arlington has immediate positions available our client located in Red Oak TX,Truck Must be able to pay attention to detail in every aspect of the ... 13 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/09/2019 23:05:06 93481311 24 16 0 3730 1 1 Automotive Vehicle Technicians Master-Level Automotive Technicians Master-Level Automotive Technicians Full Time Lone Star Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep Autoplex | Cleburne, TX 17 DAYS AGO Master-Level Automotive Technicians Be a part of one of the most important teams in the dealership - The service department! As a Master-Level Automotive T... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/06/2019 11:56:42 92679001 25 19 0 3537 1 1 General General Help Solid Control Service Technicians Solid Control Service Technicians Full Time QMax | Midland, TX 20 DAYS AGO Job DescriptionReports to the assigned Service ManagerThe solids control service tech will operate and maintain solids control equipment (centrifuge, dryin... 20 DAYS AGO Do you match? Here It Is! June's Recap Has Arrived. June has flown by, and as usual we've had quite the variety of work. We've replaced some exhaust vents, installed some window air conditioners, caulked a number of tubs, toilets and sinks, repaired a toilet, installed a valet rod, fixed some baby gates, repaired a few gates, added knobs to a cabinet, painted some grates, and flipped a fridge door, painted a front porch, power washed
rysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Brownwood | Houston, TX 17 DAYS AGO Chrysler Certified Technician Stanley Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Brownwood is looking for Chrysler Certified Technicians to join our industry leading Servi... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/09/2019 22:10:11 93470033 19 TJNBoost7Days 16 0 3730 1 1 Installation & Maintenance Electrical & Electronic Technicians Automotive Technician Automotive Technician Full Time Peters Chrysler Jeep Dodge | Longview, TX 17 DAYS AGO MID LEVEL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS State-of-the-art equipment and career advancement, it’s all here for an Automotive Technician at Peters Chrysler Jeep Dodg... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/24/2019 10:21:57 96635070 21 1 0 3241 1 1 Installation & Maintenance General Maintenance Experienced DirecTV installation Technicians Experienced DirecTV installation Technicians Freelance DW Direct INC | Manor, TX NEW Job DescriptionDW-DIRECT is seeking self-driven and highly motivated (residential) technicians to install, upgrade and service DirecTV satellite systems.We... NEW Do you match? 04/17/2019 07:18:31 95005012 22 8 0 3241 1 1 Installation & Maintenance Electrical & Electronic Technicians DAS Technicians/Installers DAS Technicians/Installers Full Time Tekk Force LLC | Dallas, TX 9 DAYS AGO Job DescriptionTekk Force is looking for DAS Technicians/Structured Cabling Technicians in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The ideal candidate will have at lea... 9 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/13/2019 19:17:56 94350607 23 12 0 3730 1 1 Automotive Automotive - General Auto Paint Technicians Auto Paint Technicians Full Time Atterro | Red Oak, TX 13 DAYS AGO ProStaff Arlington has immediate positions available our client located in Red Oak TX,Truck Must be able to pay attention to detail in every aspect of the ... 13 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/09/2019 23:05:06 93481311 24 16 0 3730 1 1 Automotive Vehicle Technicians Master-Level Automotive Technicians Master-Level Automotive Technicians Full Time Lone Star Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep Autoplex | Cleburne, TX 17 DAYS AGO Master-Level Automotive Technicians Be a part of one of the most important teams in the dealership - The service department! As a Master-Level Automotive T... 17 DAYS AGO Do you match? 04/06/2019 11:56:42 92679001 25 19 0 3537 1 1 General General Help Solid Control Service Technicians Solid Control Service Technicians Full Time QMax | Midland, TX 20 DAYS AGO Job DescriptionReports to the assigned Service ManagerThe solids control service tech will operate and maintain solids control equipment (centrifuge, dryin... 20 DAYS AGO Do you match? Here It Is! June's Recap Has Arrived. June has flown by, and as usual we've had quite the variety of work. We've replaced some exhaust vents, installed some window air conditioners, caulked a number of tubs, toilets and sinks, repaired a toilet, installed a valet rod, fixed some baby gates, repaired a few gates, added knobs to a cabinet, painted some grates, and flipped a fridge door, painted a front porch, power washed
a back deck, fixed up the base of a shed, and as up can see below we painted up this wonderful table to turn it from an interior to an exterior one. We hope your June was filled with as much excitement as our was, and that you all have a wonderful and safe Canada Day! You may not know this but toothpaste isn't just for your mouth anymore. In fact, it has hundreds of uses. In this tip of the month we are keeping it simple, and giving you 7 uses for toothpaste that don't involve your teeth. 1. Shine up your faucets, knobs and handles. Simply rub on a small dab of toothpaste with a cloth, then wipe it clean with a damp cloth and your metal fixtures will sparkle like the stars. 2 & 3. You can remove marker from a wood table or crayons from a wall the exact same way. 4. Did you know it can even prevent your safety goggles from fogging up? Just rub in a tiny little bit of toothpaste on to your lenses and wipe it clean with a damp cloth and your goggles will be as clear as a 4K TV. 5. It is also the perfect stuff to clean around your refrigerator seal. The minty smell will get rid of any possible odors and an old tooth brush is the perfect size for getting into those hard to reach spots. Just wipe it with a damp cloth after and you are good to go. 6. Those lovely white rubber soled runners are always so nice... the first few time you wear them. To clean off the dirt from your wonderfully white sneakers, use tooth paste just like you would in #1 and your shoes will look good as new. 7. Last but not least, this one is for all those with youngsters, it is an amazing pimple destroyer. Dab some on before you go to bed(do not rub it in) and leave it overnight, I warn you it does sting, but by morning your pimple is all dried out. Golf season is well under way, and if you have a set of clubs in the basement that haven't been used for a while or since the 80's like my grandpa's old clubs, you may want to come up with another use for them. That's why this months Up-Cycling 101craft is the golf club coat rack. This craft leaves a lot to your imagination, from the colour, the spacing between the clubs, and which ty pe of clubs you use. The options are endless! The basic instructions are below to help get your juices flowing. 1. Find a piece of wood you'd like to use and cut it to the desired length. 2. Cut the heads of your golf clubs at the desired diameter. 3/8" to 1/2" typically. You'll need a hacksaw or plumbing pipe cutter. 3. Measure up the placement of your clubs and drill the holes at the same diameter as step 2. 4. Mix up some 5 minute epoxy and spread it in the holes and push your club heads into the holes. 5. Tape up around the club heads and stain or paint your piece of wood. 6. Screw up your beautiful new coat rack into studs if possible, plugs if not. In April's Newsletter Ross wrote a piece on getting your home ready for sale, and in May we continued the real estate write ups with a piece on the hot cottage country markets. This month, the trend keeps rolling with these article on what you need to consider when downsizing. Nutrition Fundamental Series: Water | Star Milling | Star Milling Co. In the horse, as well as companion and zoo industries, it’s not uncommon to observe feeding decisions based on anecdotes, folklore, fables or even human data that are not compatible or skewed from the known fundamentals. There are six major classifications of nutrients and depending on the animal there are approximately 45+ specific nutrients that are required in the diet. In addition there are components of the diet that are not “required nutrients” but are critical considerations in the nutritional management of the horse. The Nutrition Fundamental Series will address the fundamentals of nutrition. So much nutritional emphasis is placed on protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, and nonstructural carbohydrates that the
resUpdated: Apr. 06, 2020 Print a map of this route To one explorer, it resembled “a mighty ruined colonnade.” To an early settler, Ebenezer Coyote Gulch is a stopping point for hikers in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Print a map of this route To one explorer, it resembled “a mighty ruined colonnade.” To an early settler, Ebenezer Bryce, it was “a hell of a place to lose a cow.” But to the thousands of annual visitors to Bryce Canyon National Park and the surrounding area, it is quite simply unforgettable. State Route 12, an All American Road, and other nearby scenic byways take you deep into this city of stone and beyond, where time, water, and the elements have fashioned a soul-stirring landscape of fairy-tale castles and ramparts. 1. Red Canyon Heading east across sagebrush flats, the drive quickly enters seven-mile-long Red Canyon, which offers all the dramatic splendors of Utah’s canyonland in miniature. The canyon was carved by the same erosive forces that created Bryce and boasts stunning scenery of its own. But one big difference prevails: this little jewel of a canyon is far less visited than its big brother, so its trails remain virtually pristine. A U.S. Forest Service visitor center at the west end of the canyon directs visitors to a separate trail network that caters to human-powered and motorized forms of recreation. Many of Red Canyon’s prettiest vistas can be seen along Rte. 12, which burrows through terra-cotta tunnels as it heads east. Slicing across Dixie National Forest, the drive passes glistening ponderosa pines and twisted stone formations tinted pink and scarlet by iron-rich minerals. 2. Dixie National Forest In a region dominated by desert, water is a precious resource. That makes Dixie National Forest a valued neighbor. Were it not for the mountains and plateau tops of this forest, nearby cities and towns would never have been able to flourish. Throughout the winter, snow accumulates at high elevations, later melting into mountain streams that feed sparkling lakes. State Rte. 22, one of several roads on which you can explore the forest, leads to the turnoff for Powell Point. Watch for Rte. 132 to Pine Lake Campground, but climb to the top of the plateau beyond the camp only if you have a high-clearance all-wheel-drive vehicle. Some 10,000 feet above sea level, this promontory looks out on the red-and-pink cliffs of the Claron Formation below and, beyond it, Arizona. Animal lovers may opt to drive the East Fork of the Sevier River Scenic Byway, a must for wildlife viewing; look for Rte. 87, about 11 miles east of the Rte. 89 and State Rte. 12 junction. From its numerous pullouts, sightings of pronghorns, prairie dogs, and jackrabbits are more than likely, and in summer and autumn, perhaps an elk will saunter into view. 3. Bryce Canyon National Park The first thing to be said about Bryce Canyon is that it’s not a canyon at all. Extending for 18 miles along the eastern edge of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, this enchanting fairyland of stone is a series of huge, horseshoe-shaped amphitheaters, carved over millions of years by countless rivulets. Time, wind, and water — that masterful team of sculptors — also collaborated to create one of the park’s most popular attractions: the fanciful rock formations known as hoodoos. The intense palette to be savored here makes this 36,000-acre national park one of the most photogenic in America. The rocks’ vivid hues have been created by the oxidization of various minerals. Making this kaleidoscope of color even more dramatic are the vast backdrops nature has provided for contrast: thick stands of evergreens and a seamless sky of cobalt
resUpdated: Apr. 06, 2020 Print a map of this route To one explorer, it resembled “a mighty ruined colonnade.” To an early settler, Ebenezer Coyote Gulch is a stopping point for hikers in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Print a map of this route To one explorer, it resembled “a mighty ruined colonnade.” To an early settler, Ebenezer Bryce, it was “a hell of a place to lose a cow.” But to the thousands of annual visitors to Bryce Canyon National Park and the surrounding area, it is quite simply unforgettable. State Route 12, an All American Road, and other nearby scenic byways take you deep into this city of stone and beyond, where time, water, and the elements have fashioned a soul-stirring landscape of fairy-tale castles and ramparts. 1. Red Canyon Heading east across sagebrush flats, the drive quickly enters seven-mile-long Red Canyon, which offers all the dramatic splendors of Utah’s canyonland in miniature. The canyon was carved by the same erosive forces that created Bryce and boasts stunning scenery of its own. But one big difference prevails: this little jewel of a canyon is far less visited than its big brother, so its trails remain virtually pristine. A U.S. Forest Service visitor center at the west end of the canyon directs visitors to a separate trail network that caters to human-powered and motorized forms of recreation. Many of Red Canyon’s prettiest vistas can be seen along Rte. 12, which burrows through terra-cotta tunnels as it heads east. Slicing across Dixie National Forest, the drive passes glistening ponderosa pines and twisted stone formations tinted pink and scarlet by iron-rich minerals. 2. Dixie National Forest In a region dominated by desert, water is a precious resource. That makes Dixie National Forest a valued neighbor. Were it not for the mountains and plateau tops of this forest, nearby cities and towns would never have been able to flourish. Throughout the winter, snow accumulates at high elevations, later melting into mountain streams that feed sparkling lakes. State Rte. 22, one of several roads on which you can explore the forest, leads to the turnoff for Powell Point. Watch for Rte. 132 to Pine Lake Campground, but climb to the top of the plateau beyond the camp only if you have a high-clearance all-wheel-drive vehicle. Some 10,000 feet above sea level, this promontory looks out on the red-and-pink cliffs of the Claron Formation below and, beyond it, Arizona. Animal lovers may opt to drive the East Fork of the Sevier River Scenic Byway, a must for wildlife viewing; look for Rte. 87, about 11 miles east of the Rte. 89 and State Rte. 12 junction. From its numerous pullouts, sightings of pronghorns, prairie dogs, and jackrabbits are more than likely, and in summer and autumn, perhaps an elk will saunter into view. 3. Bryce Canyon National Park The first thing to be said about Bryce Canyon is that it’s not a canyon at all. Extending for 18 miles along the eastern edge of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, this enchanting fairyland of stone is a series of huge, horseshoe-shaped amphitheaters, carved over millions of years by countless rivulets. Time, wind, and water — that masterful team of sculptors — also collaborated to create one of the park’s most popular attractions: the fanciful rock formations known as hoodoos. The intense palette to be savored here makes this 36,000-acre national park one of the most photogenic in America. The rocks’ vivid hues have been created by the oxidization of various minerals. Making this kaleidoscope of color even more dramatic are the vast backdrops nature has provided for contrast: thick stands of evergreens and a seamless sky of cobalt
blue. Perhaps some of this grandeur can be gleaned from photographs. But only those who see Bryce Canyon for themselves can forgive the excess of exuberance displayed by one early surveyor of the park, who described it as “the wildest and most wonderful scene that the eye of man ever beheld.” 4. Bryce Canyon Scenic Drive The beauty of Bryce Canyon can be sampled along an 18-mile drive that traces much of its rim. Scenic overlooks — many with views that on a clear day extend 100 miles or more — provide plenty of opportunities for picture taking or wandering along some of the park’s 61 miles of trails. Before venturing into the canyon, stop at Ruby’s Inn, an al-purpose facility just north of the visitor center. There you can buy supplies, rent mountain bikes, cross-country skis, and horses or arrange a helicopter ride over the park’s scenic wonders. Once inside the park, head for the turnoff to Bryce Canyon’s main amphitheater, which is ringed by four accessible and drop-dead gorgeous viewpoints plus the salmon-tinged hoodoos that stand within. By following signs to Sunrise Point, you’ll be able to drive or walk to Sunrise, Sunset, Inspiration, and Bryce points. At Sunrise Point hike the Queen’s Garden Trail, a short trek into the canyon below. At Bryce Point try the two-mile-long Hat Shop Trail. The park’s main road continues south six miles to Farview Point, whose high elevation offers sweeping views of the surrounding Dixie National Forest. Higher still is Rainbow Point, several miles south, where the one-mile Bristlecone Loop Trail leads to stands of the gnarled pines. More than millennium in age, these hardy trees are the oldest living things found in Bryce Canyon. 5. Tropic Canyon The six-mile drive through this scenic canyon, found just north of Bryce, passes among more rock formations as it wends its way east to Tropic. The town is home to Ebenezer Bryce’s robust collection of Indian and pioneer artifacts. 6. Kodachrome Basin State Park About seven miles south of Cannonville, a spur road leads to Kodachrome Basin State Park, where the scenery is as vivid as the park’s name implies. Sixty-seven spires of rust-colored sandstone soar skyward like frozen geysers. The surrounding landscape is laced with numerous hiking trails. They range in difficulty from the quick-and-easy Nature Trail to the Eagle’s View Trail, where intrepid hikers who climb a steep one-mile path are rewarded with heavenly vistas. Southeast of the park the 37-mile-long Cottonwood Canyon dirt road takes you past Grosvenor Arch. You have now entered the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, one of the most remote regions of the American Southwest. This area is a favorite among locals, but bring plenty of provisions and a current weather forecast — changes in the weather, including snow and flash floods, can be life-threatening — always come prepared for a long, cold stay. 7. Escalante State Park Strewn about the landscape of this 1,400-acre desert park are an abundance of ancient fallen logs that, through the magic of nature’s alchemy, were slowly transformed into stone. Located just west of the town of Escalante, the park displays its colorful collection of jewels along an interpetive trail. Geologic history is explained at a visitor center. At nearby Wide Hollow Reservoir, rimmed with cottonwood trees, activities include swimming, fishing, and canoeing. Continuing eastward on State Rte. 12, the drive connects with several scenic side roads. The Posey Lake Scenic Backway, just north of Escalante, passes Posey Lake, ringed by ponderosa pines. As you reach Hell’s Backbone Road, a challenging ride leads to Hell’s Backbone Bridge and stupendous views into the heart of Dixie National Forest and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Another regional route, the
group called Nurses Against Lockdowns, she has called the vaccine promotion and use a “crime against humanity.” At the Capitol rally, Choujounian, who said she had been fired, lashed out at treatment of people in long-term care, saying they were being treated like prisoners in solitary confinement. The situation, she said, was “devastating.” “The lockdowns have been detrimental to their well-being,” she told the crowd. “Many are dying of failure to thrive and others from broken hearts all by themselves.” For her part, Nagle, a registered nurse since 2006, said nurses were being threatened for speaking out or holding contrary views but said that would not stop them standing up for the “truth.” She also slammed policies she said isolate new mothers at a critical time. “We are sharing truth with you whatever the cost may be,” Nagle said. “Nurses, it is our time to rise.” Neither woman is reported to have been part of the pro-Donald Trump mob that stormed the Capitol in an effort to halt congressional certification of the presidential vote. Global Frontline Nurses said it was organizing a news conference on Jan. 21 and called on nurses willing to speak out to come forward. MORE: ontario nurses lockdown Washington DC Category Archives: Authentic Mr. Smith Goes to High School Posted on August 27, 2012 by theRipeProject I’ve been a theatre afficianado since I can remember. And like every little girl whose dreams of theatrical success were filtered through Busby Berkley turntables and tap shoes, of course I wanted to be the STAR. It started early. I logged more hours in front of our little black and white portable than the rest of my family put together. My creative guardian was my Dad, frequently heard pronouncing he could have been the next Fred Astaire. The man could dance. When I was five, he taught me how to jitterbug to Lester Lanin records. It was HIGH SOCIETY right there in our living room as the orchestra thrummed You’re Sensational. No Crosby or Sinatra for this Grace Kelly, my practice partner was the kitchen doorframe. But the biggest deal, the most exciting experience was the afternoon he came home from work and announced (duh-duh-DUH). . . “I’m going to be in a show!” I stopped breathing. Seems his boss, Mr. Wright, had a wife, Mrs. Wright, who was to star in this community theatre production. And they’d asked my Dad to be in it! Of course, now I understand this was predicated on that basic truth of amateur theatre, grab every available man then lock the theatre doors. But at the time, I thought we’d won the let’s put on a show lottery. There was Judy and there was Mickey and now — there was my Dad! This extravaganza was entitled THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS (I know, so bad it’s good!) and I attended every rehearsal. By week two I knew all the dances, each piece of music and everyone’s lines. I have three distinct memories of this production: my father sang Stouthearted Men as part of a cowboy quartet; Mrs. Wright — looking exactly like Gypsy Rose Lee — sang Let Me Entertain You to a hand mirror while wearing a black corset and fishnets and I nearly plotzed when I observed Mr. Wright devouring a McDonald’s hamburger before curtain on opening night — a Friday. I thought the hand of God was about to come down and slam the box office shut. As I pointed, my Mother quickly mumbled something about different rules and made a “don’t you embarrass me” flap of the hand. I snuck a Sign of the Cross and went back to my peanut butter sandwich. Well, my father was a success. A year later, the next show was called CIRCUS DAZE (cross my heart) and this time I had a part. Well, two parts, actually because the savvy director double-cast nearly every role. My Dad played a magician (we got to foster the little white mouse who was his prop) and a trapeze artist. I was cast in the pivotal roles of “circus guest” and (wait for it) tightro
group called Nurses Against Lockdowns, she has called the vaccine promotion and use a “crime against humanity.” At the Capitol rally, Choujounian, who said she had been fired, lashed out at treatment of people in long-term care, saying they were being treated like prisoners in solitary confinement. The situation, she said, was “devastating.” “The lockdowns have been detrimental to their well-being,” she told the crowd. “Many are dying of failure to thrive and others from broken hearts all by themselves.” For her part, Nagle, a registered nurse since 2006, said nurses were being threatened for speaking out or holding contrary views but said that would not stop them standing up for the “truth.” She also slammed policies she said isolate new mothers at a critical time. “We are sharing truth with you whatever the cost may be,” Nagle said. “Nurses, it is our time to rise.” Neither woman is reported to have been part of the pro-Donald Trump mob that stormed the Capitol in an effort to halt congressional certification of the presidential vote. Global Frontline Nurses said it was organizing a news conference on Jan. 21 and called on nurses willing to speak out to come forward. MORE: ontario nurses lockdown Washington DC Category Archives: Authentic Mr. Smith Goes to High School Posted on August 27, 2012 by theRipeProject I’ve been a theatre afficianado since I can remember. And like every little girl whose dreams of theatrical success were filtered through Busby Berkley turntables and tap shoes, of course I wanted to be the STAR. It started early. I logged more hours in front of our little black and white portable than the rest of my family put together. My creative guardian was my Dad, frequently heard pronouncing he could have been the next Fred Astaire. The man could dance. When I was five, he taught me how to jitterbug to Lester Lanin records. It was HIGH SOCIETY right there in our living room as the orchestra thrummed You’re Sensational. No Crosby or Sinatra for this Grace Kelly, my practice partner was the kitchen doorframe. But the biggest deal, the most exciting experience was the afternoon he came home from work and announced (duh-duh-DUH). . . “I’m going to be in a show!” I stopped breathing. Seems his boss, Mr. Wright, had a wife, Mrs. Wright, who was to star in this community theatre production. And they’d asked my Dad to be in it! Of course, now I understand this was predicated on that basic truth of amateur theatre, grab every available man then lock the theatre doors. But at the time, I thought we’d won the let’s put on a show lottery. There was Judy and there was Mickey and now — there was my Dad! This extravaganza was entitled THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS (I know, so bad it’s good!) and I attended every rehearsal. By week two I knew all the dances, each piece of music and everyone’s lines. I have three distinct memories of this production: my father sang Stouthearted Men as part of a cowboy quartet; Mrs. Wright — looking exactly like Gypsy Rose Lee — sang Let Me Entertain You to a hand mirror while wearing a black corset and fishnets and I nearly plotzed when I observed Mr. Wright devouring a McDonald’s hamburger before curtain on opening night — a Friday. I thought the hand of God was about to come down and slam the box office shut. As I pointed, my Mother quickly mumbled something about different rules and made a “don’t you embarrass me” flap of the hand. I snuck a Sign of the Cross and went back to my peanut butter sandwich. Well, my father was a success. A year later, the next show was called CIRCUS DAZE (cross my heart) and this time I had a part. Well, two parts, actually because the savvy director double-cast nearly every role. My Dad played a magician (we got to foster the little white mouse who was his prop) and a trapeze artist. I was cast in the pivotal roles of “circus guest” and (wait for it) tightro
pe walker! It was de ep into the evening when it came time for the circus grand parade. We entered from the back of the house, down the center aisle. I greeted the crowd from high atop my Daddy’s shoulders, in a get up I remember to this day: Peter Pan green tights and my Mother’s sleeveless black velvet evening top trimmed in rhinestone. This fell below my hips and was belted with patent leather to keep it on my 6-year-old frame. With arms thrown wide to the crowd, you could have mistaken me for Degas’ “Dancer with a Bouquet of Flowers.” As an onstage experience, it set the bar pretty high. By the time I got to high school I’d sung Buttons and Bows at a Ladies Sodality Luncheon, choreographed several seasons of summertime shows (the concrete floor in the basement was perfect for tap dancing in my Mother’s old high heels) and played the Queen in Sleeping Beauty. I was jonesing for top billing. What I got was a series of support roles. Okay, occasionally I was up for the lead, but my natural jack-of-all-trades abilities usually kept me smack in the middle of character land. Any baseball coach worth their salt knows you never waste a good utility player. When Nancy Roux contracted mono during rehearsals for THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT… I was plucked from the chorus to be the ingenue stand-in. My heart swelled with excitement but, sadly, it was not be my Peggy Sawyer moment. It didn’t seem to matter that I sang and danced the role of “The Girl” to perfection (much better than Nancy, everyone agreed.) Nancy, she of the sparkling blue eyes and long blonde hair could have stepped right out of the Grimm Brothers fairy tale and she recovered just in the nick of time. [Ed. Note: See “Sleeping Beauty”.] So, high deedle-de-dee, the urchin gang for me… Well ito my first year of high school, I became frustrated that my TV-honed talents were so clearly being overlooked. So one evening, I decided to confront my drama teacher (and de facto director/producer of everything), Mr. Smith and get things straight, once and for all. Allow me to set the scene: Immaculata High School — an all girls Catholic institution of some size. Christopher Smith — twenty-three and fresh out of the University of Chicago in his teaching debut. Mr. Smith taught English and Drama and we all adored him. He had a dark, neatly trimmed beard, wore corduroy jackets with suede elbow patches and spoke to us like adults. There may even have been a pipe, it was all very young James Mason. One day in drama class (that is what we called it) he addressed the room to ask had anyone read “Ghosts?” My hand shot up. It was the only one, so he turned to me and said (tres, tres entre-nous), “Of course, you agree it’s a treatise on morality using syphilis as a thematic instrument, right?” I knew immediately I was screwed. Later I realized he meant the Strindberg play. Howeve, my “Ghosts” was a completely unrelated historical pulp fiction novel I’d devoured the week before. (Although, in my defense, it did have a very serious looking cover.) Self preservation kicked in. I was not about to lose this moment of personal connection with Chris Smith, heart-throb to the theatre community at large. “Oh, yes,” I nodded, “absolutely.” The end. [Ed. Note: That was the day I learned about Strindberg, venereal disease and when acting like I know what I’m talking about, keep it short. Who says theatre doesn’t educate.] By his second year at Immaculata, Mr. Smith had a veritable harem of female fans, of which I was one. We were all totally in love with him, blindly passionate as only a group of naive Catholic girls of a certain age and era could be for a clearly gay man. When he first arrived at the school, Mr. Smith resurrected the drama department with an energy and enthusiasm that was contagious. My freshman year saw an impeccable production of BLITHE SPIRIT, complete with staircases, gramophones
see a conflict of taste. I see a turf war. “Look at the nice clubhouse those mofos have! They don’t deserve it. We deserve it. We’re going to take it. From now on the Hugos will run according to our rules. If those old farts don’t like it, they can start their own slate. If they don’t want slates, it sucks to be them.” I’m still waiting to hear: “Nice little Worldcon you have here. It would be a shame if anything…bad…happened to it.” I favor rewriting the voting rules to eliminate slates. That may be unpleasant. But it’s better than paying the Danelaw. Oops. I meant the transmission of “fashion” from tribe to tribe, not “culture.” Dane “guild” you mean? So we are a bunch of murdering, thieving, enslaving rapists, now, are we? Or was that just a ludicrously inaccurate analogy? (You don’t need to answer.) The sad puppies are just joining in the fun. We don’t want to burn, or intend to burn, anything down. Nor have we threatened such a thing. Even if I grant you your accusation of slate voting, despite the failure of the aforementioned slate, your point is still…absent. Modify the rules. But don’t blame it on us. If you don’t like the way the rules are written, cool. If you’d rather not change them, just get more people involved. Or change them. Either way, just try not to piss Kate Paulk off. She can be scary. It’s like fireworks. Fun at a distance. Scary up close. Let me know if you decide to set off that rocket. I’ll be in Antarctica. With a satellite internet connection so I can watch and chortle in safety. Danegeld. Not “guild”. Sue me. By the by? Look up the etymology of “guild.” Then what? Well, I really don’t care what you do after that. Pingback: Sci-fi vs. literature | More stuff you don't care about The more I read about this, the more I’m reminded of TJ Miller’s acceptance speech for Silicon Valley. “I would say that awards are for children. Because children need a tangible representation of their achievement. And as adults, you have to settle for the respect and admiration of your peers.” The people who seem to care the most – on both sides – seem to be the most childish. ALl very well, but there are awards whose economic value is clearly measurable, like the Oscars. The average Best Picture winner grosses about $18M extra, and a Best Actor award boosts the movie gross by about $6M and the winner’s pay for the next movie by about 20%. (Net income for Hollywood movies is meaningless, typically zero or less even for huge blockbusters thanks to accounting chicanery.) Even a mere nomination is worth quite a bit during the months between announcement and award. In particular, The King’s Speech, a rather cerebral and “literary” movie, definitely not a “rattling good yarn”, grossed $138M during its year of Oscar eligibility (which was already $100M more than expected, a testament to the power of good filmmaking and word of mouth). After winning Best Picture, the final gross (including worldwide box office plus DVDs) was $460M. That award was definitely not just for kids. Except the Oscar is an award given by the peers of the actors, much unlike the Hugo. You present interesting data, but you can’t normalize for movies not respected by peers but nominated anyway because it’s the peers doing the nominations in the first place. In other words, how can you tell that a movie that is capable of getting Oscar nominated doesn’t just do better due to its superior quality anyway? I’m glad you agree with the Sad Pups on this one, Mr. Flint. Let works be judged on merit alone. Wow, I haven’t seen so much lying bullshit in a sentence in a while. Bravo. Pingback: Weekend Links: June 20, 2015 | SF Bluestocking Vivienne Raper says: Eric. I have to
see a conflict of taste. I see a turf war. “Look at the nice clubhouse those mofos have! They don’t deserve it. We deserve it. We’re going to take it. From now on the Hugos will run according to our rules. If those old farts don’t like it, they can start their own slate. If they don’t want slates, it sucks to be them.” I’m still waiting to hear: “Nice little Worldcon you have here. It would be a shame if anything…bad…happened to it.” I favor rewriting the voting rules to eliminate slates. That may be unpleasant. But it’s better than paying the Danelaw. Oops. I meant the transmission of “fashion” from tribe to tribe, not “culture.” Dane “guild” you mean? So we are a bunch of murdering, thieving, enslaving rapists, now, are we? Or was that just a ludicrously inaccurate analogy? (You don’t need to answer.) The sad puppies are just joining in the fun. We don’t want to burn, or intend to burn, anything down. Nor have we threatened such a thing. Even if I grant you your accusation of slate voting, despite the failure of the aforementioned slate, your point is still…absent. Modify the rules. But don’t blame it on us. If you don’t like the way the rules are written, cool. If you’d rather not change them, just get more people involved. Or change them. Either way, just try not to piss Kate Paulk off. She can be scary. It’s like fireworks. Fun at a distance. Scary up close. Let me know if you decide to set off that rocket. I’ll be in Antarctica. With a satellite internet connection so I can watch and chortle in safety. Danegeld. Not “guild”. Sue me. By the by? Look up the etymology of “guild.” Then what? Well, I really don’t care what you do after that. Pingback: Sci-fi vs. literature | More stuff you don't care about The more I read about this, the more I’m reminded of TJ Miller’s acceptance speech for Silicon Valley. “I would say that awards are for children. Because children need a tangible representation of their achievement. And as adults, you have to settle for the respect and admiration of your peers.” The people who seem to care the most – on both sides – seem to be the most childish. ALl very well, but there are awards whose economic value is clearly measurable, like the Oscars. The average Best Picture winner grosses about $18M extra, and a Best Actor award boosts the movie gross by about $6M and the winner’s pay for the next movie by about 20%. (Net income for Hollywood movies is meaningless, typically zero or less even for huge blockbusters thanks to accounting chicanery.) Even a mere nomination is worth quite a bit during the months between announcement and award. In particular, The King’s Speech, a rather cerebral and “literary” movie, definitely not a “rattling good yarn”, grossed $138M during its year of Oscar eligibility (which was already $100M more than expected, a testament to the power of good filmmaking and word of mouth). After winning Best Picture, the final gross (including worldwide box office plus DVDs) was $460M. That award was definitely not just for kids. Except the Oscar is an award given by the peers of the actors, much unlike the Hugo. You present interesting data, but you can’t normalize for movies not respected by peers but nominated anyway because it’s the peers doing the nominations in the first place. In other words, how can you tell that a movie that is capable of getting Oscar nominated doesn’t just do better due to its superior quality anyway? I’m glad you agree with the Sad Pups on this one, Mr. Flint. Let works be judged on merit alone. Wow, I haven’t seen so much lying bullshit in a sentence in a while. Bravo. Pingback: Weekend Links: June 20, 2015 | SF Bluestocking Vivienne Raper says: Eric. I have to
disagree with you here. Maybe I’m biased because I *write* SF&F (albeit unfinished), but I used to choose books based on the Hugo and Nebula Award nominations. As I use the Golden Dagger Awards to choose crime novels or the Booker Prize to scout out literary fiction. I bought a supporting membership for the first time this year after reading about the Sad/Rabid Puppy furore, have been reading the nominees for fun and have been following some blogs. In some ways, it’s been great fun. I’ve discovered Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files for the first time. In other ways, it’s been a disappointment because the nominated short fiction is abysmal. Not just this year either, but previous years too – before the Sad/Rabid Puppies. It’s tarnished my view of the Hugos and I’m not sure I’d use them to choose books again… My (negative) opinions on the short fiction nominees here: http://www.futureslesstravelled.com/?p=129 I’ll add that I don’t only read SF&F. In fact, I feel a bit of a fraud writing SF because I don’t attend cons, don’t do fandom and mostly read crime… It’s almost like I’m not writing where I read. There is, however, a grain of truth to the sp complaints. I actually care a bit about the Hugo’s because I used to use them to identify books to buy. Recently, the Hugo fan preferences have shifted enough that the awards aren’t useful to me anymore… And, even though the awards will always tilt literary, upon disclosure that the Hugo packet typically contains more than 40 USD of books, it is reasonable to assume that supporting memberships would become very interesting to anyone who would normally read more than 40 USD of nominations. So, it appears practical to permanently broaden the base of Hugo voters – which will tend to reduce divergence between the Hugo base and sf&f readers. I know this motivated me to buy a membership, even if I didn’t plan to vote. I posted this in response to a specific post by RAH. I thought it would show up at the bottom of that string of responses. It showed up in the middle, disrupting the flow of conversation. I’m reposting here. Punch in the face? Really? Thanks for the laugh, and goodbye, Cobbler. As irritating and hyperbolic as ever. No one has to justify their choices of reading material. Or their selections of works to nominate. No one was punched in the face. Being punched in the face hurts a lot more than not getting who you want nominated for a Hugo. Hey, assuming your point is fair, and not as ludicrous, laughable, and hilarity inducing as it is…explain why you “punched [me] in the face” with “redshirts” please. Explain “If you were a dinosaur…” while you’re at it, because an award going to a book I hate is a punch in the face regardless of what award it is, right? Explain “The day the world…” (should continue: turned into a terrible short story) and why you (presumably, just as you presume that I voted the puppy slate because I identify with the group) nominated it. Actually, forget it. No explanation would satisfy me, just as no explanation would satisfy you. As John Ringo would say, were he in a silly mood: Grapp off. (“Claws That Catch”) Since there’s been so much commentary about #GamerGate (and how #SadPuppies are tehevilbadz for associating with them in any way), here is an interesting bit of reading. http://archive.is/9KGyX That is Randi Harper, the person who created the “Good Games Autoblocker” program which blacklists persons for harassment on Twitter (such notables having included Richard Dawkins, for example, who by all accounts EXCEPT ggautoblocker has never harassed anyone on Twitter). She is having a discussion with “xmj”, who is kind of a big name amongst those who have heard of the FreeBSD open-source software project. In this discussion, “xmj” has simply said he does not agree that a FreeBSD convention needs “safe spaces” — and Randi is exploding at him. At one point,
not taken part in the war, went to Troy to bring back Aethra, wife of Aegeus, who had become Helen’s slave. It must be remembered that Aethra had been made a prisoner by Castor and Polydeuces, who had come to seek out Helen when she was abducted by Theseus and then given to the latter as a slave. She had then gone with Helen to Troy when the latter had taken flight with Paris-Alexander. This anecdote, which appears in the earliest sources, seems to have the function of linking the lineages of the legendary kings of Athens to the Trojan War. Acamas ‘the tireless’ and Demophon, ‘a penetration of consciousness into numerous parts of the being’ (son of Theseus, ‘human consciousness turning inwards’, and of Phaedra ‘the luminous’, daughter of Minos), must in fact participate within the new yoga in the process of growth of the inner being (these are kings of Athens). When the seeker renounces pursuing the path of ascension he must reclaim for the new yoga the ‘light’ obtained by aspiration in earlier times (Aethra is the granddaughter of Pelops and Hippodamia) which had allowed him to come to the end of all obstructions to the growth of the inner being, and to progressively bring to the forefront the psychic being (their father was Theseus, who had vanquished the Minotaur). This ‘light-knowledge’ had been forcefully brought into the service of the quest for freedom then turned towards the spirit in a rejection of matter (Aethra was given as a slave to Helen, who left for Troy) (see Chapter 1). The reorientation of the yogic process towards a deep purification in which the kings of Athens must cooperate can then benefit from the past knowledge. Finally, according to Apollodorus, Polyxena, one of Priam’s daughters, was either wounded by Ulysses and Diomedes and died from her wounds, or had her throat slit by Neoptolemus on Achilles’ tomb (others say that the Achaean leaders were the ones to have carried out this sacrifice under Ulysses’ instructions). A Polyxenus ‘numerous strange things’ existed amongst the Achaean leaders, and was according to Homer ‘like the gods’. This would then refer to experiences or capacities of the overmind which lie outside what is common and aid the reversal of the yogic process. On the other hand, the search for unusual powers which was sometimes one of the aims of the ancient modalities of yoga must no longer be the aim of the new yoga from the end of the reversal (Polyxena must die). Aeneas’ flight Aeneas’ flight is described differently by different writers. They wrote that he had left Troy after the ill omen of the death of Laocoon and his son, or else because the Achaeans had allowed him to take flight during the sack of Troy out of respect for his great piety. We will discuss this part of his story in the chapter about the ‘returns’. For the fact that Aeneas is to survive and found the future city of Troy indicates that Love is more potent than the power of purification, for it has no need of dissolving to transform. (Mother’s Agenda Volume 2, 12 January 1962.) For, according to Homer, ‘it is ordained unto him to escape, that the race of Dardanus perish not without seed and be seen no more – of Dardanus whom the son of Cronos loved above all the children born to him from mortal women’. THE LINEAGE OF ASOPOS, THE EACIDS The necessary preparation for accessing the supramental world (Diagram 25) Although Apollodorus suggests other ancestries (Zeus and Poseidon), he first cites Oceanos as father of the river god Asopos, who like all other rivers, is a symbol of energy-consciousness striving for evolution. The name Asopos, as that of his wife Metope, exists in relation with ‘vision’ (Οψ). It means ‘the marshy’, or ‘he who beholds sludge’. In this one could therefore see an indication of the yogic work plunging into the murky depths of the subconscient and the inconscient. We have already come across some of
not taken part in the war, went to Troy to bring back Aethra, wife of Aegeus, who had become Helen’s slave. It must be remembered that Aethra had been made a prisoner by Castor and Polydeuces, who had come to seek out Helen when she was abducted by Theseus and then given to the latter as a slave. She had then gone with Helen to Troy when the latter had taken flight with Paris-Alexander. This anecdote, which appears in the earliest sources, seems to have the function of linking the lineages of the legendary kings of Athens to the Trojan War. Acamas ‘the tireless’ and Demophon, ‘a penetration of consciousness into numerous parts of the being’ (son of Theseus, ‘human consciousness turning inwards’, and of Phaedra ‘the luminous’, daughter of Minos), must in fact participate within the new yoga in the process of growth of the inner being (these are kings of Athens). When the seeker renounces pursuing the path of ascension he must reclaim for the new yoga the ‘light’ obtained by aspiration in earlier times (Aethra is the granddaughter of Pelops and Hippodamia) which had allowed him to come to the end of all obstructions to the growth of the inner being, and to progressively bring to the forefront the psychic being (their father was Theseus, who had vanquished the Minotaur). This ‘light-knowledge’ had been forcefully brought into the service of the quest for freedom then turned towards the spirit in a rejection of matter (Aethra was given as a slave to Helen, who left for Troy) (see Chapter 1). The reorientation of the yogic process towards a deep purification in which the kings of Athens must cooperate can then benefit from the past knowledge. Finally, according to Apollodorus, Polyxena, one of Priam’s daughters, was either wounded by Ulysses and Diomedes and died from her wounds, or had her throat slit by Neoptolemus on Achilles’ tomb (others say that the Achaean leaders were the ones to have carried out this sacrifice under Ulysses’ instructions). A Polyxenus ‘numerous strange things’ existed amongst the Achaean leaders, and was according to Homer ‘like the gods’. This would then refer to experiences or capacities of the overmind which lie outside what is common and aid the reversal of the yogic process. On the other hand, the search for unusual powers which was sometimes one of the aims of the ancient modalities of yoga must no longer be the aim of the new yoga from the end of the reversal (Polyxena must die). Aeneas’ flight Aeneas’ flight is described differently by different writers. They wrote that he had left Troy after the ill omen of the death of Laocoon and his son, or else because the Achaeans had allowed him to take flight during the sack of Troy out of respect for his great piety. We will discuss this part of his story in the chapter about the ‘returns’. For the fact that Aeneas is to survive and found the future city of Troy indicates that Love is more potent than the power of purification, for it has no need of dissolving to transform. (Mother’s Agenda Volume 2, 12 January 1962.) For, according to Homer, ‘it is ordained unto him to escape, that the race of Dardanus perish not without seed and be seen no more – of Dardanus whom the son of Cronos loved above all the children born to him from mortal women’. THE LINEAGE OF ASOPOS, THE EACIDS The necessary preparation for accessing the supramental world (Diagram 25) Although Apollodorus suggests other ancestries (Zeus and Poseidon), he first cites Oceanos as father of the river god Asopos, who like all other rivers, is a symbol of energy-consciousness striving for evolution. The name Asopos, as that of his wife Metope, exists in relation with ‘vision’ (Οψ). It means ‘the marshy’, or ‘he who beholds sludge’. In this one could therefore see an indication of the yogic work plunging into the murky depths of the subconscient and the inconscient. We have already come across some of
the twenty daughters of Asopos, each of which represents an important movement of Yoga. Antiope, ‘a reversal or reorientation of consciousness’, who marks the entry into the process of purification. According to Homer she bore by a union with Zeus two sons named Amphion and Zethos who would become the founders of Thebes, the city in which is incarnated the process of purification and liberation. (However, in the earlier study of these two heroes we have also considered another genealogical progression through Nycteus). Thebe, ‘the process of incarnation of the inner consciousness’. She entered into a union with Zeus and had the city of Thebes named after her. Ismene, ‘personal will’, who united with Argos ‘the luminous’, symbol of the seeker of truth. Harpina, ‘a powerful evolution of the reversals of equilibrium’. She entered into a union with the god Ares, and by him bore Oenomaus, ‘he who truly desires divine intoxication’, and became the father of Hippodamia, ‘the mastery of vital energies’ (it has been previously discussed that other genealogical origins have been given for Oenomaus). Salamis, ‘a drive towards consecration’. She entered into a union with Poseidon, the god who rules over the subconscient, and by him bore Cychreus, ‘the opening of consciousness to the right movement of accomplishment’, who later fathered Chariclo, ‘a joy of great renown’. The latter entered into a union with the great physician Chiron, ‘he who handles energies in the appropriate manner (through his hands)’, and to whom were entrusted a number of the great heroes in their youth including Achilles. And the most important of all, Aegina, ‘the need for evolution’. Zeus abducted her to lead her to Oenone, ‘the structure for the evolution of joy’. It was Sisyphus, ‘intellect’, who revealed to Asopos the identity of the abductor. The river god strove to impede a union between his daughter and Zeus, but the latter halted his pursuit with a bolt of lightning. This abduction perpetrated against the father’s will shows reticence on the part of the seeker who ‘beholds the deep human marsh or mire’ to commit himself further to the path of descent (he resists Zeus’ union to Aegina). The intellect supports this refusal (Sisyphus denounces Zeus and informs Asopos). This abduction suggests a change in the direction of the yogic progress; the supraconscient brings its support to the ‘need for evolution’ to lead it towards ‘a structure meant for the evolution of joy’. In continuing the story of Aeacus, son of Aegina and Zeus, one must bear in mind the union of Aegina with Actor ‘the guide’, or ‘the right movement of the opening of consciousness towards the spirit’. The latter is either a son of Deion, ‘the union in consciousness’ (the son of Aeolus who we have discussed last), or a son of Myrmidon ‘the ant’ and Pisidice, ‘she who searches for the right mode of action’. He therefore represents the will to find what is right in the insignificant movements of daily life up to the deepest level of consciousness (at the level of the ant). From Actor and Aegina was born Menoetius, ‘he who remains in the spirit’, who himself engendered Patroclus, ‘the glorious ancestors’, which is to say the past realisations to which the seeker clings so as not to carry on his yogic work beyond the liberation in spirit. This reversal took place during the Trojan War when Patroclus was slain by Hector, indicating the time when the seeker ceases to ‘remain in the spirit alone’, and most importantly ceases to ‘cling to the realisations of the past’. Aeacus, ‘the opening of consciousness’, was a son of Zeus and Aegina, and therefore embodies a new impulse given by the supraconscient to the ‘need for evolution’. If we take into consideration that the name Aeacus is formed from the base Αια, an alternative form of the name Gaia, Earth (symbolic of matter or body),
imodality approach: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 655-68 ↑ "How Is Pulmonary Hypertension Treated? – NHLBI, NIH". www.nhlbi.nih.gov. Archived from the original on 2016-01-05. Retrieved 2015-12-30. ↑ 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 American College of Chest Physicians; American Thoracic Society (September 2013), "Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question", Choosing Wisely: an initiative of the ABIM Foundation, American College of Chest Physicians and American Thoracic Society, archived from the original on 3 November 2013, retrieved 6 January 2013 , which cites McLaughlin VV, Archer SL, Badesch DB, Barst RJ, Farber HW, Lindner JR, et al. (April 2009). "ACCF/AHA 2009 expert consensus document on pulmonary hypertension: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents and the American Heart Association: developed in collaboration with the American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, Inc., and the Pulmonary Hypertension Association". Circulation. 119 (16): 2250–94. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.192230. PMID 19332472. ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG), Galiè N, Hoeper MM, Humbert M, Torbicki A, Vachiery JL, et al. (October 2009). "Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension: the Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS), endorsed by the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)". European Heart Journal. 30 (20): 2493–537. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehp297. PMID 19713419. Hoeper MM, Barberà JA, Channick RN, Hassoun PM, Lang IM, Manes A, et al. (June 2009). "Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of non-pulmonary arterial hypertension pulmonary hypertension". Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 54 (1 Suppl): S85–96. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2009.04.008. PMID 19555862. ↑ Barst RJ, McGoon M, Torbicki A, Sitbon O, Krowka MJ, Olschewski H, Gaine S (June 2004). "Diagnosis and differential assessment of pulmonary arterial hypertension". Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 43 (12 Suppl S): 40S–47S. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2004.02.032. PMID 15194177. ↑ Sitbon O, Humbert M, Jaïs X, Ioos V, Hamid AM, Provencher S, et al. (June 2005). "Long-term response to calcium channel blockers in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension". Circulation. 111 (23): 3105–11. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.104.488486. PMID 15939821. ↑ Torres F (October 2007). "Systematic review of randomised, double-blind clinical trials of oral agents conducted in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension". International Journal of Clinical Practice. 61 (10):
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cemia – it cannot be ruled out in patients presenting with hypoglycemia and low insulin levels; history and imaging studies should be done for further assessment A 24-h fast test has the same clinical significance as that of 72-h fast test C-peptide is a useful biochemical marker in addition to serum insulin, which can be used to diagnose insulinomas CT scan is used to measure the tumor size and localize the tumor. However, definitive diagnosis is only achieved through histopathologic evaluation of diseased tissue Junior Jack Attack Junior Jack attack is a product that was developed by Bowls Australia, aimed at bringing the sport of bowls to kids around the nation. Jr. Jack Attack is designed to enable school children to participate in an engaging format, which is both fun and inclusive. Importantly, it can be conducted on a range of surfaces including greens, carpets, concrete, wooden floors and just about anything else that is flat, eliminating the restrictions of requiring a bowling green to introduce new audiences to the sport. Having identified the limitations of children using full-size bowls that have been designed for adults, the Jr. Jack Attack initiative comes in the form of a kit that includes a carry bag, 32 light-weight rubber bowls, eight jacks, 50 cones, a target score mat, eight stepping mats, activity cards, which can be purchased and used by both Bowling Clubs and Schools. It provides an opportunity for every child to play and compete, and it also fits in and aligns with the Federal Government’s new Sporting Schools initiative – it can be played before, during and after school, and supports the Australian curriculum. Should the club choose to purchase a kit, they are available by speaking with your Regional Bowls Manager, or on the Bowls Australia website. This can be used for Junior programs, Family Open days, or even a reason to get the children on the green while their parents or grandparents are having a bowl! You can also get your local primary school involved, through sporting schools funding, with no cost to the school. For more information and ideas, speak to your Regional Bowls Manager. KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5-18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees. For more information on KidSport visit the Department of Sport KidSport website page Bowls Australia is one of 32 national sports working with the Australian Sport Commission to implement the Sporting Schools Program. What is the Sporting Schools Program? The Sporting School Program allows eligible Australian Primary Schools to apply for grant funding, that can be used to purchase equipment and coaches time to run sports as part of their before and after school programs or during the day as part of the students curriculum. Registering to be part of the Sporting Schools Program: To be part of the program, schools, teachers, coaches and national sports need to register at www.sportingschools.gov.au To learn more about this program in WA please contact Bowls Australia via [email protected] or our Regional Bowls Manager Clive [email protected] p: 0408 136 831 Youth in Sport Policy Kat's Korner: Aimee Mann answers why Kat: Why does Aimee Mann still make albums? Following the three studio albums with the band 'Til Tuesday, she went solo and MENTAL ILLNESS is her ninth solo studio album. Her biggest hit, "Voices Carry," made the top ten in 1985. The bulk of radio stations won't even consider playing her. But here she is with another album. From the start, it's been suggested that she needs to be 'produced' (Bob Clearmountain remixed "Voices Carry") -- meaning remixed. Yet here she is with a basically acoustic album. Does Aimee think this album will storm the charts and spend weeks at number one? If so, she might have called it MY MENTAL ILLNESS. My best guess? Aimee can't help but follow her muse and will keep releasing albums for as long as the muse communes with her. Which is lucky for those who seek her
cemia – it cannot be ruled out in patients presenting with hypoglycemia and low insulin levels; history and imaging studies should be done for further assessment A 24-h fast test has the same clinical significance as that of 72-h fast test C-peptide is a useful biochemical marker in addition to serum insulin, which can be used to diagnose insulinomas CT scan is used to measure the tumor size and localize the tumor. However, definitive diagnosis is only achieved through histopathologic evaluation of diseased tissue Junior Jack Attack Junior Jack attack is a product that was developed by Bowls Australia, aimed at bringing the sport of bowls to kids around the nation. Jr. Jack Attack is designed to enable school children to participate in an engaging format, which is both fun and inclusive. Importantly, it can be conducted on a range of surfaces including greens, carpets, concrete, wooden floors and just about anything else that is flat, eliminating the restrictions of requiring a bowling green to introduce new audiences to the sport. Having identified the limitations of children using full-size bowls that have been designed for adults, the Jr. Jack Attack initiative comes in the form of a kit that includes a carry bag, 32 light-weight rubber bowls, eight jacks, 50 cones, a target score mat, eight stepping mats, activity cards, which can be purchased and used by both Bowling Clubs and Schools. It provides an opportunity for every child to play and compete, and it also fits in and aligns with the Federal Government’s new Sporting Schools initiative – it can be played before, during and after school, and supports the Australian curriculum. Should the club choose to purchase a kit, they are available by speaking with your Regional Bowls Manager, or on the Bowls Australia website. This can be used for Junior programs, Family Open days, or even a reason to get the children on the green while their parents or grandparents are having a bowl! You can also get your local primary school involved, through sporting schools funding, with no cost to the school. For more information and ideas, speak to your Regional Bowls Manager. KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5-18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees. For more information on KidSport visit the Department of Sport KidSport website page Bowls Australia is one of 32 national sports working with the Australian Sport Commission to implement the Sporting Schools Program. What is the Sporting Schools Program? The Sporting School Program allows eligible Australian Primary Schools to apply for grant funding, that can be used to purchase equipment and coaches time to run sports as part of their before and after school programs or during the day as part of the students curriculum. Registering to be part of the Sporting Schools Program: To be part of the program, schools, teachers, coaches and national sports need to register at www.sportingschools.gov.au To learn more about this program in WA please contact Bowls Australia via [email protected] or our Regional Bowls Manager Clive [email protected] p: 0408 136 831 Youth in Sport Policy Kat's Korner: Aimee Mann answers why Kat: Why does Aimee Mann still make albums? Following the three studio albums with the band 'Til Tuesday, she went solo and MENTAL ILLNESS is her ninth solo studio album. Her biggest hit, "Voices Carry," made the top ten in 1985. The bulk of radio stations won't even consider playing her. But here she is with another album. From the start, it's been suggested that she needs to be 'produced' (Bob Clearmountain remixed "Voices Carry") -- meaning remixed. Yet here she is with a basically acoustic album. Does Aimee think this album will storm the charts and spend weeks at number one? If so, she might have called it MY MENTAL ILLNESS. My best guess? Aimee can't help but follow her muse and will keep releasing albums for as long as the muse communes with her. Which is lucky for those who seek her
out. MENTAL ILLNESS is the second best solo album of her career (THE FORGOTTEN ARM remains her finest). And, in time, with more listens, it might even tie as her finest. Boy, when you're through, you're through Nobody argues the point like you You never loved me And hey, when you're right, you're right We'll stipulate that I lost the fight Three thousand miles to sit in a room With a vanishing groom Till it undoes me A helium cell like a hermit crab shell Was a blank, you could tell It never was me 'Cause you will never love me "You Never Loved Me" is one of the standout tracks, for me. I enjoy "Goose Snow Cone" and "Patient Zero" but neither will break the album out. They're strong songs. They're wonderful, in fact. But they aren't going to invite anyone to the party that wasn't already planning on coming. "Good For Me" might have. So it's good that Aimee's performing it live during various public radio appearances. What a waste of a smoke machine Took the taste of the dopamine And left me high and dry Call the cops, call the cavalry Spin the tops that'll dazzle me And give me a new supply There's a layer below, underneath all the layers that I knew So I pay when you go but it only convinces me that you are Just a little bit of what I need To soothe an appetite that I can't feed Isn't that good for me? Aimee's made an amazing album -- one that will show up on many best-of-2017 lists. But she's made it on her own terms which is the only way she works these days. If you don't get that, here's what she told Jordan Runtagh (PEOPLE) last month: People don't buy records anymore anyway, so it's even more freedom to just do whatever you want to do within the realm of being able to afford it. A little bit of that starts to feel like a vanity project. I just tried not to think about it. When does the falling revenue stream start to translate to a vanity project rather than a job? I don't know, it's weird. But it definitely frees you up to do whatever you feel like doing. If nobody's buying it, it doesn't matter. [. . .] As an artist you try not to, but at the end of the day I don't make records for other people, I make records for myself. I make the kind of record that I want to hear and I don't think, "What does an audience want?" and try to deliver that, because that's a fool's errand. MENTAL ILLNESS is music for music's sake. And with so much pre-programmed and copied fluff that attempts to cater, it's sorely needed. til tuesday Military solution? It'd be hilarious if it weren'... Corrine Brown's new career as a convicted felon United National Antiwar Coalition conference June ... Breathe (2 AM) [Anna Nalick] Sanctuary (Jody Watley) Single-Payer, "Medicare For All" Now! Isakson, Tester Respond to Helman Decision Mosul, just one part of the ongoing Iraq War Author: juvline Jenny Jenny Booking Agency and Banner Records Establish Partnership John Anthony, President/CEO Banner Records & Jenice Smith, President/CEO of Jenny Jenny Booking Agency, establish a partnership to "Keep the Music Alive" with a solid list of the great performers of our… Read More BEST NEW R&B ARISTS WHICH WILL TURN YOUR SPECIAL EVENT COME ALIVE AND UNFORGETTABLE Looking for a top quality and best new R & B artists for your wedding ceremony to play your favorite love songs? You can now hire best new R& B artists to provide the… Read More BIGGEST INDEPENDENT RECORD LABELS IN NEW JERSEY TO NURTURE T
y seemed a novel one in 2006. Hot on the heels of the Bourne franchise, the frenetic adventures of a brash, brand new secret agent was a great way to bring people back into the fold of 007. Die Another Day was truly awful, so why not start completely afresh? Daniel Craig wasn’t the “typical” James Bond, but he fit the tux to a tee. His era has had its ups and downs and false-starts; after 15 years as the sitting Bond, we’re only getting his fifth outing as the character. But fortunately, No Time to Die gives this James Bond a fitting, if surprisingly frill-free final assignment. Much as the old adage goes that the even-numbered Star Trek movies are good, the Craig/Bonds have fallen into the pattern of odd-numbered movies are good. 2006’s Casino Royale was tremendous; 2008’s Quantum of Solace had the handicap of a writers’ strike in the middle of production. Then 2012’s Skyfall came back in a big, big way celebrating the franchise’s 50th anniversary. But 2015’s Spectre, despite having the added benefit of the character of Blofeld now back in EON Productions‘ control, felt like a muddled, confused attempt to make him the de-facto villain of the entire Craig saga. It didn’t work. So going in to No Time to Die, which had so much working against it, you could imagine any number of things going wrong. Craig was very publicly done playing Bond after Spectre and yet was coaxed back for a fifth movie. Various writers and directors came and went. And with so much franchise baggage now attached to the Craig films, there exists a parallel reality where this movie was bloated, confusing, and stupid. To director Cary Joji Fukunaga’s immense credit, he delivered a finale to this James Bond that is much more about the man’s present and future than, as the last two movies had, dwelling on his past. Following the events of Spectre, Bond and Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux) attempt a quiet, normal life. Unfortunately, when you’ve got as many skeletons in your closet as Bond does, people who want you dead don’t really care if you’re retired. Bond goes off the grid entirely, leading MI-6 to assume he’s dead. Some years pass and Bond’s old CIA pal Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) tracks him down with an ask for help. A new, truly horrifying weapon has fallen into the wrong hands, and, as happens, Bond seems to be the only one who can stop it. I’m omitting quite a lot of detail from the plot so as to keep the movie’s unfolding surprises in tact. But the mere fact that I even want to try to keep them secret is testament to how much more interesting this movie’s plot is than I expected. While longtime Bond writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade are back, they have the added benefit of Fukunaga and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Given how dumb and needlessly pandery the previous entry was, I found it supremely impressive that No Time to Die manages to treat its audience with so much respect. The Craig Bond has always fought against being the cartoon of Moore or Brosnan, and so here he is a real guy. Supremely effective at his work, he is still James Bond after all, but he’s not an unfeeling monster, nor a dupe. He’s also not alone. Since he’s been retired, there’s now a new 007. Lashana Lynch’s Nomi is a great partner in the mission at hand. I love how the would-be rivalry between the two lasts only a few scenes before they’re working to achieve the same end. Likewise, Ana de Armas’s Paloma is a delightful addition as another ally in the field. While other films in the franchise would make a meal out of Bond seducing one or both of them, this isn’t that movie, and it’s astounding how refreshing it is to have sexy women in a Bond movie not just be objects or cannon fodder (often both). Where Bond would previously leer at a prize, he now shakes hands with a partner. It’s really great.
y seemed a novel one in 2006. Hot on the heels of the Bourne franchise, the frenetic adventures of a brash, brand new secret agent was a great way to bring people back into the fold of 007. Die Another Day was truly awful, so why not start completely afresh? Daniel Craig wasn’t the “typical” James Bond, but he fit the tux to a tee. His era has had its ups and downs and false-starts; after 15 years as the sitting Bond, we’re only getting his fifth outing as the character. But fortunately, No Time to Die gives this James Bond a fitting, if surprisingly frill-free final assignment. Much as the old adage goes that the even-numbered Star Trek movies are good, the Craig/Bonds have fallen into the pattern of odd-numbered movies are good. 2006’s Casino Royale was tremendous; 2008’s Quantum of Solace had the handicap of a writers’ strike in the middle of production. Then 2012’s Skyfall came back in a big, big way celebrating the franchise’s 50th anniversary. But 2015’s Spectre, despite having the added benefit of the character of Blofeld now back in EON Productions‘ control, felt like a muddled, confused attempt to make him the de-facto villain of the entire Craig saga. It didn’t work. So going in to No Time to Die, which had so much working against it, you could imagine any number of things going wrong. Craig was very publicly done playing Bond after Spectre and yet was coaxed back for a fifth movie. Various writers and directors came and went. And with so much franchise baggage now attached to the Craig films, there exists a parallel reality where this movie was bloated, confusing, and stupid. To director Cary Joji Fukunaga’s immense credit, he delivered a finale to this James Bond that is much more about the man’s present and future than, as the last two movies had, dwelling on his past. Following the events of Spectre, Bond and Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux) attempt a quiet, normal life. Unfortunately, when you’ve got as many skeletons in your closet as Bond does, people who want you dead don’t really care if you’re retired. Bond goes off the grid entirely, leading MI-6 to assume he’s dead. Some years pass and Bond’s old CIA pal Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) tracks him down with an ask for help. A new, truly horrifying weapon has fallen into the wrong hands, and, as happens, Bond seems to be the only one who can stop it. I’m omitting quite a lot of detail from the plot so as to keep the movie’s unfolding surprises in tact. But the mere fact that I even want to try to keep them secret is testament to how much more interesting this movie’s plot is than I expected. While longtime Bond writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade are back, they have the added benefit of Fukunaga and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Given how dumb and needlessly pandery the previous entry was, I found it supremely impressive that No Time to Die manages to treat its audience with so much respect. The Craig Bond has always fought against being the cartoon of Moore or Brosnan, and so here he is a real guy. Supremely effective at his work, he is still James Bond after all, but he’s not an unfeeling monster, nor a dupe. He’s also not alone. Since he’s been retired, there’s now a new 007. Lashana Lynch’s Nomi is a great partner in the mission at hand. I love how the would-be rivalry between the two lasts only a few scenes before they’re working to achieve the same end. Likewise, Ana de Armas’s Paloma is a delightful addition as another ally in the field. While other films in the franchise would make a meal out of Bond seducing one or both of them, this isn’t that movie, and it’s astounding how refreshing it is to have sexy women in a Bond movie not just be objects or cannon fodder (often both). Where Bond would previously leer at a prize, he now shakes hands with a partner. It’s really great.
If the movie has a weak link it’s easily Rami Malek as the film’s obligatory villain, Lyutsifer Safin. It’s not that Malek does a bad job or anything (he’s Rami Malek doing his Rami Malek thing, this time with a vaguely Eastern European accent), it’s that he doesn’t fit in this movie. After a great, and sort of terrifying scene early on, Safin is absent for a good chunk of the runtime. Once he shows back up, and we hear his plan and see his layer, you might be forgiven for thinking it’s a bit too, well, “Bond Villain-y.” This movie doesn’t need this kind of Bond villain, with his weird visual aesthetic, massive island lair, and ridiculously over-the-top plan. Luckily the story surrounding him is good enough to mostly overlook it. I mentioned earlier that the movie is no frills, and what I mean by that is not no spectacle. Fukunaga’s direction never draws attention to itself and allows the frenetic pace of the action at hand to drive the way he shoots it. The punches hurt, the crashes crunch. We even get a classic Fukunaga single-take that, yet again, doesn’t draw too much attention to itself but more illustrates the massive undertaking a one-on-a-million fight is for the one. This is not a movie trying to outdo all other previous Bond movies; it’s delivering a solid, heartfelt, action-packed adventure. While No Time to Die never hits the bombastic highs of Casino Royale, or the visual splendor of Skyfall, it more than bests Quantum and Spectre. The fact that they were able to make the movie tie so much into the latter of those lesser outings and make that movie subsequently more important is a real feat. As for Craig himself, he is absolutely not phoning this one in. If he was ready to quit after the previous movie, this movie is him knowing he’s ready to go out on top. Nobody did it better. No Time to Die hits theaters October 8. Kyle Anderson is the Senior Editor for Nerdist. You can find his film and TV reviews here. Follow him on Twitter! Amazon Announces MIGHTY NEIN Series and Overall CRITICAL ROL... You Can Get Paid $1,000 to Eat Cheese Before Bed Neil Patrick Harris Returns as Barney Stinson in HOW I MET Y... HBO Max’s TITANS and DOOM PATROL to End with Season 4 More by Kyle Anderson THE LAST OF US’ Zombies Explained: Clickers, Bloaters, and More M3GAN Will Stalk Again, Sequel Slated for 2025 Who Are the Fireflies in HBO’s THE LAST OF US? Ari Aster’s BEAU IS AFRAID Trailer Looks Incredibly Weird Do you want to be the first who gets the news directly to your mailbox? TAGGED: Daniel Craig, James Bond, Kyle Anderson Review, No Time To Die WE HAVE A GHOST Trailer Stars David Harbour as a Specter on the Run 65 Trailers Have Daddy Adam Driver Take on Space and Dinosaurs Rotem Rusak MoviePass Beta Is Live with New Plans, Credits, and More What Is the MCU’s Quantum Realm? Everything You Need to Know Before QUANTUMANIA Here’s Where You Can Watch 2023’s Nerdy Oscar Nominees The Full List of 2023 Oscar Nominations Is Here (And It Includes Some Nerdy Favs) 10 Haunting ‘Lo-Fi’ Horror Movies Like SKINAMARINK Lindsey Romain Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis Authored by Dr Hayley Willacy | Last edited 22 Jan 2010 Professional Reference articles are designed for health professionals to use. They are written by UK doctors and based on research evidence, UK and European Guidelines. You may find one of our health articles more useful. Diagnostic criteria Synonyms: Sweet's syndrome The disease is characterised by sudden appearance of red tender plaques on the skin, usually on the limbs or neck but sometimes elsewhere. It was first described in
.gov.au). The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the management of data breaches. All significant data breaches are reported to the Board of Rise Above. Rise Above will notify individuals when there is a data breach (that is, when there is unauthorised access or disclosure) that involves their personal information, and that a reasonable person would conclude that the breach would be likely to result in serious harm to the individuals to who the information relates. Rise Above will not notify individuals that a data breach has occurred where as a result of remedial action taken by Rise Above in relation to the breach (before it results in serious harm to any individual to whom the information relates) a reasonable person would conclude that the unauthorised access or disclosure of the information would not be likely to result in serious harm to any of those individuals. Data breaches can be caused or exacerbated by a variety of factors, affect different types of personal information and give rise to a range of actual or potential harms to individuals, agencies and organisations. As such, Rise Above does not have a single way of responding to a data breach. Each breach will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, undertaking an assessment of the risks involved, and using that risk assessment as the basis for deciding what actions to take in the circumstances. Data breaches will be managed in accordance with the following framework: Contain the breach, do a preliminary assessment and determine who needs to be notified immediately Evaluate the risks associated with the breach, considering: the type of personal information involved the context of the affected information and the breach establish the cause and extent of the breach assess the risk of harm to the affected individuals assess the risk of other harms Notification, considering the who, what, when, why and how in terms of notifying affected individuals Prevent future breaches, taking the time to investigate the cause and consider whether to review the existing data breach prevention plan or, if there is no plan in place in a specific instance, developing one. © 2019 Rise Above capital Region cancer Relief. All Rights Reserved | Web Design by Throttle Media | CONTENT BY SCOTT MASTERS MEDIA | Privacy Policy Home / Dr. Dave Winkler, Historian Dr. Dave Winkler, Historian Dr. David F. Winkler David F. Winkler earned his Ph.D. in 1998. from American University in Washington, DC. His dissertation Cold War at Sea: High Seas Confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union was published by the Naval Institute Press in 2000, was republished under the title Incidents at Sea: American Confrontation and Cooperation with Russia and China, 1945 – 2016 in December 2017. He was selected in early 2019 to be the Class of 1957 Chair of Naval Heritage at the U.S. Naval Academy for the 2019-2020 academic year and the Chairs Lindbergh Fellow at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for the following year. A historian with the non-profit Naval Historical Foundation for over two decades, he also wrote Amirs, Admirals, and Desert Sailors: The U.S. Navy, Bahrain, and the Gulf which also was published by Naval Institute Press in 2007, and was managing editor of The Navy, an illustrated coffee table book published by the Naval Historical Foundation. His 2014 book Ready Then, Ready Now, Ready Always covers the history of the U.S. Navy Reserve was published by the Navy Reserve Centennial Book Committee. In addition, he writes a monthly naval history column in the Navy League of the United States Sea Power magazine. Winkler received his commission as a Navy ensign in 1980 through the NROTC unit at the Pennsylvania State University. In addition to a B.A. in Political Science, he has an M.A. in International Affairs from Washington University. He is a retired Navy Reserve commander. Dr. Winkler currently resides in northern Virginia with his wife Mary and two daughters Katherine and Carolyn. To contact Dr. Winkler email him at: [email protected]. Oscars 2020: 9 snubs, surprises and snippets you may have missed 2d ago | Source: BBC Greta Gerwig directing Meryl St
.gov.au). The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the management of data breaches. All significant data breaches are reported to the Board of Rise Above. Rise Above will notify individuals when there is a data breach (that is, when there is unauthorised access or disclosure) that involves their personal information, and that a reasonable person would conclude that the breach would be likely to result in serious harm to the individuals to who the information relates. Rise Above will not notify individuals that a data breach has occurred where as a result of remedial action taken by Rise Above in relation to the breach (before it results in serious harm to any individual to whom the information relates) a reasonable person would conclude that the unauthorised access or disclosure of the information would not be likely to result in serious harm to any of those individuals. Data breaches can be caused or exacerbated by a variety of factors, affect different types of personal information and give rise to a range of actual or potential harms to individuals, agencies and organisations. As such, Rise Above does not have a single way of responding to a data breach. Each breach will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, undertaking an assessment of the risks involved, and using that risk assessment as the basis for deciding what actions to take in the circumstances. Data breaches will be managed in accordance with the following framework: Contain the breach, do a preliminary assessment and determine who needs to be notified immediately Evaluate the risks associated with the breach, considering: the type of personal information involved the context of the affected information and the breach establish the cause and extent of the breach assess the risk of harm to the affected individuals assess the risk of other harms Notification, considering the who, what, when, why and how in terms of notifying affected individuals Prevent future breaches, taking the time to investigate the cause and consider whether to review the existing data breach prevention plan or, if there is no plan in place in a specific instance, developing one. © 2019 Rise Above capital Region cancer Relief. All Rights Reserved | Web Design by Throttle Media | CONTENT BY SCOTT MASTERS MEDIA | Privacy Policy Home / Dr. Dave Winkler, Historian Dr. Dave Winkler, Historian Dr. David F. Winkler David F. Winkler earned his Ph.D. in 1998. from American University in Washington, DC. His dissertation Cold War at Sea: High Seas Confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union was published by the Naval Institute Press in 2000, was republished under the title Incidents at Sea: American Confrontation and Cooperation with Russia and China, 1945 – 2016 in December 2017. He was selected in early 2019 to be the Class of 1957 Chair of Naval Heritage at the U.S. Naval Academy for the 2019-2020 academic year and the Chairs Lindbergh Fellow at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for the following year. A historian with the non-profit Naval Historical Foundation for over two decades, he also wrote Amirs, Admirals, and Desert Sailors: The U.S. Navy, Bahrain, and the Gulf which also was published by Naval Institute Press in 2007, and was managing editor of The Navy, an illustrated coffee table book published by the Naval Historical Foundation. His 2014 book Ready Then, Ready Now, Ready Always covers the history of the U.S. Navy Reserve was published by the Navy Reserve Centennial Book Committee. In addition, he writes a monthly naval history column in the Navy League of the United States Sea Power magazine. Winkler received his commission as a Navy ensign in 1980 through the NROTC unit at the Pennsylvania State University. In addition to a B.A. in Political Science, he has an M.A. in International Affairs from Washington University. He is a retired Navy Reserve commander. Dr. Winkler currently resides in northern Virginia with his wife Mary and two daughters Katherine and Carolyn. To contact Dr. Winkler email him at: [email protected]. Oscars 2020: 9 snubs, surprises and snippets you may have missed 2d ago | Source: BBC Greta Gerwig directing Meryl St
reep in Little Women This year's Oscar nominations have reignited the row about representation in Hollywood, as well as making some high-profile omissions. Here are nine of the big talking points from this year's shortlists. 1. 'Congratulations to those men' No women have been nominated for best director. That means that over the past 10 years, 49 out of the 50 best director nominees have been men. That's despite huge support for Greta Gerwig for her scintillating adaptation of Little Women, while there were also hopes for Lulu Wang (The Farewell) and Marielle Heller (A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood). It is an extremely competitive category this year, but that won't do much to soothe those who say that the Oscars still aren't doing enough for equality, despite the reforms made to its voting membership in recent years. After announcing the shortlist, actress Issa Rae pointedly remarked: "Congratulations to all those men." A comment welcomed widely on social media. 2. Going backwards on diversity? Lupita Nyong'o missed out on a nomination for Us Nineteen of the 20 acting nominees this year are white - the highest number since the #OscarsSoWhite outcries of 2015 and 2016, when there was a total whitewash. After three actors of colour won golden statuettes in 2019, this year the main films in the awards race have largely not been those that are telling diverse stories with diverse casts. The Oscar nominations come a week after the Baftas announced an all-white line-up of acting nominations. Embarrassingly for Bafta, the one black star up for an Oscar is a Brit. That is Cynthia Erivo, who made her name across the Atlantic on Broadway and is now nominated for playing slave-turned-abolitionist Harriet Tubman in Harriet. But there is still much unrest that this year's list is not more diverse. There was evidently no space for Lupita Nyong'o for Us, Golden Globe winner Awkwafina for The Farewell, or Eddie Murphy for Dolemite Is My Name, to name but three. In fact, all three films were shut out entirely. Meanwhile, some are pointing out that there was room to nominate Scarlett Johansson twice, for best actress for Marriage Story and best supporting actress for Jojo Rabbit - her first Oscar nominations. 3. Erivo in line for an EGOT Cynthia Erivo is nominated twice for Harriet - best actress and best song If Erivo does win, she will become only the second black best actress winner - after Halle Berry in 2002. Not only that, but at 33 she will become the youngest person to become an EGOT - the winner of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards - according to the Los Angeles Times. She won the Tony in 2016 for starring in The Color Purple on Broadway, and the Grammy for the show's cast recording. She got a Daytime Emmy for a cast performance on NBC's Today (although the paper points out some people don't count Daytime Emmys towards an EGOT). And she has two shots at an Oscar this year. As well as being up for best actress, she is nominated for best song for writing Stand Up, which appears in Harriet. 4. Jenny from the block is blocked Jennifer Lopez at the Golden Globe Awards Jennifer Lopez won't make it from "the block" (that's somewhere in the Bronx) to Hollywood Boulevard on Oscars night. She had been among the favourites to be nominated for best supporting actress for Hustlers, the true story of a ring of women who drugged and swindled rich men at strip clubs. It would also have been rare recognition for a Latin American performer. Instead, Kathy Bates - who had been a relative outsider - got the nod for Clint Eastwood's controversial film Richard Jewell. It's her fourth nomination, and her first since 2003. Still, at least all the praise J-Lo has received for her role probably means she won't have to face the indignity of adding to her tally of 10 nominations for the
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The cosmetic market in Kenya is valued at Ksh. 100 billion and continues to grow. This value is attributed to the growing middle class with increased disposable income. We applaud Ms. Mwangi and thank Mentholatum Acnes as we have ourselves great partners in the fight against acne. Guess the “tuko pamoja” mantra suits this context better. CRV Leads USD57m Series B for Expense Management Platform Jeeves Jeeves, a US-based expense management platform for startups with operations in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Chile, raised a USD57m Series B led by CRV, with participation from Silicon Valley Bank, Tencent, Alkeon Capital Management and Soros Fund Management. Angels participating include Adolfo Babatz (Clip), Gabriel Braga (QuintoAndar), Pierpaolo Barbieri (Uala), Zac Prince (BlockFi), Assaf Wand (Hippo), Immad Akhund (Mercury), Pablo Gonzalez (Bitso), Tom Blomfield (Monzo Bank) and Des Traynor (Intercom). Andreeseen Horowitz led a USD26m Series A in June. (Press Release) – September 2, 2021 – Jeeves, an all-in-one expense management platform for global startups, announced today that it has raised a $57M Series B at a $500M valuation. The Series B round, led by CRV, comes just two months after the company’s Series A round led by Andreesen Horowitz in June. This Series B also includes participation from Tencent, Silicon Valley Bank, Alkeon Capital Management, Soros Fund Management and a key group of angel investors including Kevin Durant, Andre Igoudala, Odell Beckham Jr., The Chainsmokers and the founders of eight unicorn companies — Adolfo Babatz (CEO, Clip), Gabriel Braga (CEO, QuintoAndar), Pierpaolo Barbieri (CEO, Uala), Zac Prince (CEO, BlockFi), Assaf Wand (CEO, Hippo), Immad Akhund (CEO, Mercury), Pablo Gonzalez (Founder, Bitso), Tom Blomfield (Founder, Monzo Bank), Des Traynor (Founder, Intercom) and founders from UiPath, Auth0, GoCardless, Hashdex, Lithic, Frubana and Pomelo. In total, Jeeves has raised $183M in less than 90 days, a clear indication of the interest this category defining fintech has generated across investors and customers alike. Jeeves will use the capital to fuel its launch in Colombia, UK, Europe; scale its proprietary infrastructure to cover more currencies; acquire new talent and accelerate the onboarding of new companies to the platform. Currently, there is a 15,000+ company waitlist. In the post-COVID era, most companies are global in nature; either with employees in multiple countries or with business needs across regions. However, they are forced to rely on financial infrastructure that is local and country specific. For instance, a company with employees in Mexico and Colombia would require multiple vendors to cover it’s finance function in each country — a corporate card in Mexico and one in Colombia, another vendor for cross border payments and one to transact SPEI. At the end of the month, it would then take a few weeks to reconcile corporate spend and get a consolidated view on the company cash position. Jeeves changes this paradigm. Jeeves provides the underwriting, 30 days of credit in local currency and the payment rails for any business spend across countries and currencies. Powered by Jeeves proprietary infrastructure, a growing business can use a Jeeves card in Barcelona and pay it back in Euros and use the same card in Mexico and pay it back in Pesos, reducing any FX fees and providing instant spend reconciliation across currencies. Led by founders, Dileep Thazhmon and Sherwin Gandhi, Jeeves has grown its transaction volume (GTV) by more than 5000% since Jan 2021 and both revenue has increased 1150% since it’s Series A earlier this year. Jeeves now covers more than 12 currencies and 10 countries across three continents and today announces it’s launch in Colombia, UK and Europe
The cosmetic market in Kenya is valued at Ksh. 100 billion and continues to grow. This value is attributed to the growing middle class with increased disposable income. We applaud Ms. Mwangi and thank Mentholatum Acnes as we have ourselves great partners in the fight against acne. Guess the “tuko pamoja” mantra suits this context better. CRV Leads USD57m Series B for Expense Management Platform Jeeves Jeeves, a US-based expense management platform for startups with operations in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Chile, raised a USD57m Series B led by CRV, with participation from Silicon Valley Bank, Tencent, Alkeon Capital Management and Soros Fund Management. Angels participating include Adolfo Babatz (Clip), Gabriel Braga (QuintoAndar), Pierpaolo Barbieri (Uala), Zac Prince (BlockFi), Assaf Wand (Hippo), Immad Akhund (Mercury), Pablo Gonzalez (Bitso), Tom Blomfield (Monzo Bank) and Des Traynor (Intercom). Andreeseen Horowitz led a USD26m Series A in June. (Press Release) – September 2, 2021 – Jeeves, an all-in-one expense management platform for global startups, announced today that it has raised a $57M Series B at a $500M valuation. The Series B round, led by CRV, comes just two months after the company’s Series A round led by Andreesen Horowitz in June. This Series B also includes participation from Tencent, Silicon Valley Bank, Alkeon Capital Management, Soros Fund Management and a key group of angel investors including Kevin Durant, Andre Igoudala, Odell Beckham Jr., The Chainsmokers and the founders of eight unicorn companies — Adolfo Babatz (CEO, Clip), Gabriel Braga (CEO, QuintoAndar), Pierpaolo Barbieri (CEO, Uala), Zac Prince (CEO, BlockFi), Assaf Wand (CEO, Hippo), Immad Akhund (CEO, Mercury), Pablo Gonzalez (Founder, Bitso), Tom Blomfield (Founder, Monzo Bank), Des Traynor (Founder, Intercom) and founders from UiPath, Auth0, GoCardless, Hashdex, Lithic, Frubana and Pomelo. In total, Jeeves has raised $183M in less than 90 days, a clear indication of the interest this category defining fintech has generated across investors and customers alike. Jeeves will use the capital to fuel its launch in Colombia, UK, Europe; scale its proprietary infrastructure to cover more currencies; acquire new talent and accelerate the onboarding of new companies to the platform. Currently, there is a 15,000+ company waitlist. In the post-COVID era, most companies are global in nature; either with employees in multiple countries or with business needs across regions. However, they are forced to rely on financial infrastructure that is local and country specific. For instance, a company with employees in Mexico and Colombia would require multiple vendors to cover it’s finance function in each country — a corporate card in Mexico and one in Colombia, another vendor for cross border payments and one to transact SPEI. At the end of the month, it would then take a few weeks to reconcile corporate spend and get a consolidated view on the company cash position. Jeeves changes this paradigm. Jeeves provides the underwriting, 30 days of credit in local currency and the payment rails for any business spend across countries and currencies. Powered by Jeeves proprietary infrastructure, a growing business can use a Jeeves card in Barcelona and pay it back in Euros and use the same card in Mexico and pay it back in Pesos, reducing any FX fees and providing instant spend reconciliation across currencies. Led by founders, Dileep Thazhmon and Sherwin Gandhi, Jeeves has grown its transaction volume (GTV) by more than 5000% since Jan 2021 and both revenue has increased 1150% since it’s Series A earlier this year. Jeeves now covers more than 12 currencies and 10 countries across three continents and today announces it’s launch in Colombia, UK and Europe
; in addition to its existing markets of Mexico and Canada. Jeeves user base has been doubling every 60 days and it now powers more than 1000 top companies across LatAm, Canada and Europe including Bitso, Kavak, RappiPay, Belvo, Runa, Moons, Convictional, Muncher, Juniper, Trienta, Platzi, Worky and others. Jeeves is available in Mexico — it’s largest market — as well as Colombia, Canada, Europe and UK.. Powered by its proprietary Banking-as-a-Service infrastructure, Jeeves aims to launch 10 countries every year and cover 30+ countries in the next 3 years. “We were not looking to do another financing round this soon after our Series A, but fueled by our exponential growth, we received strong interest and term sheets from multiple funds. We’re building an all-in-one global expense management platform for startups in LatAm, Canada, Europe and UK — cash, corporate cards, crossborder — all run on our own infrastructure. This gives us a lot of flexibility and allows us to offer a truly unique product for our customers.” said Co-founder and CEO, Dileep Thazhmon. “We were blown away with Jeeves’ growth, consistently hitting and exceeding targets month over month, and the overwhelming positive feedback from customers that just love the product” said Saar Gur, General Partner at CRV, who will also be joining the board of Jeeves. “Dileep and Sherwin designed Jeeves’ infrastructure from the ground up to dynamically manage cards, bank to bank transfer, FX across an increasing number of regions. It was evident from day one that this is a high velocity team dedicated to building the financial operating system that so many global companies need.” Jeeves is also announcing key additions to its leadership team including Chief People Officer, Katharine Reaugh (Previously HR Leader at Netflix, Facebook), Head of Jeeves Growth, Matthieu Hafemeister (a16z Fintech Partner, Jeeves Series A Lead), Head of General Managers, Andrés Echandi (Uber Lead for ACAC Region), Head of Compliance, Kiran Bassi (Pollen Street Capital, Morgan Stanley), and General Counsel, Otis Carter (Kirkland Ellis, Ropes & Gray). About Jeeves Jeeves is an all-in-one expense management platform for startups in global markets including Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Canada, UK and Europe. Cash, corporate cards with upto 4% cash back, and cross border payments all run on the Jeeves proprietary infrastructure which allows companies to spin up their finance function within minutes. Jeeves can handle multiple currencies for payback. More than 1000 global companies trust Jeeves with their financial payment stack. Jeeves has raised $188 Million from Andreesen Horowitz, Y Combinator, CRV, Tencent and Silicon Valley Bank to fuel its international expansion. CRV Leads USD57m Series B for Expense Management Platform Jeeves was last modified: September 7th, 2021 by cramos Alkeon Capital ManagementAndreessen HorowitzBrazilChileColombiaFintechJeevesMexicoSilicon Valley BankSoros Fund ManagementTencentVenture Capital watch further discussion on Kennedy's "Nude Descending a Staircase" Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”) 72.000 Teilnehmer angemeldet ModPo is a FREE (no fee, no charge) fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, with an emphasis on experimental verse, from Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly "difficult." We encounter and discuss the poems one at a time. It's much easier than it seems! Join us and try it! ModPo is open all year, so you can enroll now, or any time, and join us. Each year we host a lively, interactive 10-week session, in which we move together through the ten-week syllabus. The next live 10-week session of ModPo will begin on September 3, 2022, and will conclude on November 14
delineates an interpenetration of sex and death, where the former, played out in all its glorious anonym [...] Adam Dunn It's not City of Night, don't be expecting it. This follow-up likely disappointed many but it is classic Rechy and well describes the sex-hunt and mating game that continues to this day and likely will well into the future. Cruising has never been displayed as well as in this book, and perhaps, being written in 1967, everyone knew it had been done the best it was going to get and moved on. This could explain why a similar book hasn't been done since. But but is it enough?The book could do with a [...] James Roman As an impressionable junior-high student when this book was released, I had an after-school job at the town library, shelving books. It meant that I held the very newest books before a single person checked them out. To prevent challenges by local residents if a book might be "racy," the librarians glued a favorable review inside the cover to preclude all confrontations. "Numbers" was one such title. All I had to do was look at the cover and spy that review pasted inside to know that I must be t [...] Dated, rather repetitive, and with a character who comes off as more emotionally stunted, psychologically backward, and depressing rather than engaging, Numbers nevertheless has some lovely descriptions, and certainly serves as a fascinating historical record of the pre-AIDS era. The sex is more perfunctory than titillating (as supported by the plot and characterization), but there's a lot of it, and its honesty and directness still feels fresh. My favorite part of the book was the naturalistic [...] My edition of "Numbers" has John Rechy decked out in his hustler finest, resplendent in work denim shirt sleeves rolled up the arm to show off his saucy guns. Really wild."Numbers" is a wild story about a hustler who returns back to his old haunts in Hollywood after a sabbatical in Texas. Once he comes back he returns to his old habits, realizing he wasn't really in it for the money, but is in reality a rampaging sex addict. The book starts out as a serious meditation on loneliness but descends [...] S.A. Collins Numbers (and City of the Night) were my bibles of gay life when I was a burgeoning teenaged gay boy of the late 70's and 80's. His work both enriched me and instructed me on a part of gay life that I knew nothing about. But more importantly, Rechy gave me the gift that being gay didn't mean that I was emasculated. I was transformed by this knowledge. When I need a literary reset - it is his prose and his hand and his mind that I turn to. He has never failed me yet. This book is serious literature and porn - incredibly dark existentialist tale set in L.A. Is Rechy the best writer of Los Angeles ever? Good question. I don't like to deal in absolutes personally, but you could say, yes, and I might hum and nod quietly in agreement. I teach this book in a class on addiction. One mystery - is there a cameo appearance by Isherwood 3/4 of the way through - I've always thought so. I liked Rechy's writing style; it made getting into Johnny Rio's thoughts and downward (?) spiral entertaining and even tangible, in some parts. However, the content and characters did nothing for me. Johnny was too narcissistic for me to enjoy reading about him, even as he changed throughout the novel. But like I said, the way Rechy strings words together is superb. This book is 95% seedy sex-capades and 5% story. I enjoyed the very small story which centered around old L.A. It got to the point where I started scanning over the sex scenes which were often and redundant. Liked City of Night much more. Focused, repetitive and somewhat extreme narrative. Tlcp Interesting description of subculture just as all Rechy's books are pan ellington another gritty, l.a. tome by rechy. enjoyable reading about parts of the city i know well, nothing i haven't read before, though. A classic LGBT book from the sixties, it is a quick read that illustr
delineates an interpenetration of sex and death, where the former, played out in all its glorious anonym [...] Adam Dunn It's not City of Night, don't be expecting it. This follow-up likely disappointed many but it is classic Rechy and well describes the sex-hunt and mating game that continues to this day and likely will well into the future. Cruising has never been displayed as well as in this book, and perhaps, being written in 1967, everyone knew it had been done the best it was going to get and moved on. This could explain why a similar book hasn't been done since. But but is it enough?The book could do with a [...] James Roman As an impressionable junior-high student when this book was released, I had an after-school job at the town library, shelving books. It meant that I held the very newest books before a single person checked them out. To prevent challenges by local residents if a book might be "racy," the librarians glued a favorable review inside the cover to preclude all confrontations. "Numbers" was one such title. All I had to do was look at the cover and spy that review pasted inside to know that I must be t [...] Dated, rather repetitive, and with a character who comes off as more emotionally stunted, psychologically backward, and depressing rather than engaging, Numbers nevertheless has some lovely descriptions, and certainly serves as a fascinating historical record of the pre-AIDS era. The sex is more perfunctory than titillating (as supported by the plot and characterization), but there's a lot of it, and its honesty and directness still feels fresh. My favorite part of the book was the naturalistic [...] My edition of "Numbers" has John Rechy decked out in his hustler finest, resplendent in work denim shirt sleeves rolled up the arm to show off his saucy guns. Really wild."Numbers" is a wild story about a hustler who returns back to his old haunts in Hollywood after a sabbatical in Texas. Once he comes back he returns to his old habits, realizing he wasn't really in it for the money, but is in reality a rampaging sex addict. The book starts out as a serious meditation on loneliness but descends [...] S.A. Collins Numbers (and City of the Night) were my bibles of gay life when I was a burgeoning teenaged gay boy of the late 70's and 80's. His work both enriched me and instructed me on a part of gay life that I knew nothing about. But more importantly, Rechy gave me the gift that being gay didn't mean that I was emasculated. I was transformed by this knowledge. When I need a literary reset - it is his prose and his hand and his mind that I turn to. He has never failed me yet. This book is serious literature and porn - incredibly dark existentialist tale set in L.A. Is Rechy the best writer of Los Angeles ever? Good question. I don't like to deal in absolutes personally, but you could say, yes, and I might hum and nod quietly in agreement. I teach this book in a class on addiction. One mystery - is there a cameo appearance by Isherwood 3/4 of the way through - I've always thought so. I liked Rechy's writing style; it made getting into Johnny Rio's thoughts and downward (?) spiral entertaining and even tangible, in some parts. However, the content and characters did nothing for me. Johnny was too narcissistic for me to enjoy reading about him, even as he changed throughout the novel. But like I said, the way Rechy strings words together is superb. This book is 95% seedy sex-capades and 5% story. I enjoyed the very small story which centered around old L.A. It got to the point where I started scanning over the sex scenes which were often and redundant. Liked City of Night much more. Focused, repetitive and somewhat extreme narrative. Tlcp Interesting description of subculture just as all Rechy's books are pan ellington another gritty, l.a. tome by rechy. enjoyable reading about parts of the city i know well, nothing i haven't read before, though. A classic LGBT book from the sixties, it is a quick read that illustr
ates sexual compulsion with engaging and funny prose that posseses very dark undertones. One of John Rechy's better books. pjr8888 revised Evergreen Editions 1984 Completely brillian it's not bad , but sadly not very good either , and not a patch on the amazing and life- changing City of Night. 21. Yüzyılın İlk Devrimci Dalgası pike's plaque Principles Of Internet Marketing لحن الحداد A Frame for Life: The Designs of StudioIlse Fellow Odd Fellow The Beatles and John Lennon Focal Terrestrial Plant Communities Monitoring Pro... Fırtınadan Sonra(Tarihi Vampirler , # 3) Always a Hokie: Players, Coaches, and Fans Share T... Mountain Folk Remedies: The Foxfire Americana Libr... Street Art: Contemporary Prints Întoarcerea huliganului Rock Art Rebel Heebie-Jeebie Jamboree Tough Talk, Tough Texts: Teaching English to Chang... African Insect Life The Yoruba Speaking Peoples © 2021 Numbers | Theme by John Rechy community broadband networks Discover how communities are investing in their own Internet infrastructure to promote economic prosperity and improve quality of life. Correcting Community Fiber Fallacies Fiber-Optics Institutional Networks Level Playing Field Rural Cooperatives Success / Failure Broadband Bits Podcast Community Broadband Map Community Net Toolkit Muni FTTH Networks @communitynets Left Navigation Lower Tag: "national broadband plan" New Handbook on Next Generation Connectivity From Gig.U Posted July 26, 2015 by lgonzalez Gig.U, a collaboration of more than 30 universities across the country has just released The Next Generation Network Connectivity Handbook: A guide for Community Leaders Seeking Affordable, Abundant Bandwidth. The handbook, published in association with the Benton Foundation, is available as a PDF online. One of the authors, Blair Levin, has been a guest several times on the Community Broadband Bits podcast, last visiting in January 2015 to weigh in on public vs. private ownership of broadband networks. As many of our readers know, Levin was one of the primary authors of the FCC National Broadband Plan in 2010. In a PCWorld article about the report, Levin commented on funding and on local control: “Nearly every community we worked with saw public money as a last resort, when no other options for next generation networks were available,” he said. “But our group view was that the decision should be made by the local community.” The report underscores the importance of local decision making authority, whether each community chooses to go with a municipally owned model, a public private partnership, or some other strategy. Levin and his co-author Denise Linn also address issues of preparation, assessment, early steps, things to remember when developing partnerships, funding issues, and challenges to expect. They assemble an impressive list of resources that any group, agency, or local government can use to move ahead. Add this to your library. New York Times on Internet in America, Genachowski Legacy Posted May 8, 2013 by christopher Eduardo Porter has an important column today in the business section of the New York Times, "Yanking Broadband From the Slow Lane." He correctly identifies some of the culprits slowing the investment in Internet networks in our communities. The last two paragraphs read: Yet the challenge remains: monopolies have a high instinct for self-preservation. And more than half a dozen states have passed legislation limiting municipalities from building public broadband networks in competition with private businesses. South Carolina passed its version last year. A similar bill narrowly failed in Georgia. Supporting these bills, of course, are the nation’s cable and telephone companies. Not really "supporting" so much as creating. They create the bills and move them with millions of dollars spent on lobbyists and campaign finance contributions, usually without any real public debate on
-business owners, we're CEOs. We're mayors, representatives" — and someone in the crowd shouted out, "President." "I'm not saying gaps do not persist. Obviously, they do," Obama said. "Racism persists, inequality persists." He called on Howard's 2,300 graduates to step up and take on the work of closing those gaps. "America needs you to gladly, happily take up that work ... so enjoy the party, because you're going to be busy," Obama said. He cited income inequality, an issue in the presidential campaign to elect his successor in November, as well as disparities in unemployment, pay and criminal justice. He also listed disease and conflict worldwide, along with new challenges from terrorism and climate change as other issues needing attention. "So make no mistake Class of 2016. You've got plenty of work to do," said Obama, who was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree. "But as complicated and intractable as these challenges may see, the truth is your generation is better position than any before you to meet those challenges." "America is a better place today than it was when I graduated from college," Obama said, adding "by almost every measure." He also said the country "also happens to be better off than when I took office, but that's a longer story." That line drew cheers and applause, and Obama then said "that's a different discussion for another speech." The 54-year-old president also told graduates that most of them were just starting high school when he was first elected to the White House. "I used to joke about being old. Now I realize I'm old. It's not a joke anymore." The address was the first of three commencement speeches Obama has scheduled this spring. Obama is set to speak May 15 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and June 2 at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado Red Dust 4 more albums featuring this track [Instrumental] Discuss these lyrics on MetroLyrics Your Girl Blue States Lebanese Blonde Knuddelmaus Ulrich Schnauss Magicman La femme d'argent Les Nuits Blumenwiese neben Autobahn You Wish Saturday 8 June 2019 41 www.zero7.co.uk Facebook (Zero7) Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music for British groups like the Pet Shop Boys, Young Disciples, and Robert Plant. In 1997 they were asked by a college friend, Nigel Godrich (who was busy producing 'OK Computer'), to remix Radiohead's "Climbing Up the Walls". They called the mix "the Zero 7 Mix" which stuck. View wiki Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music… read more Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music for British groups like the Pet Shop Boys, Yo… read more Home Life Republicans a... Republicans and Democrats agree: Trump can’t just do what he wants with NAFTA Joe Perticone, Business Insider US Amilcar Orfali/Getty Images Trump said he plans to terminate NAFTA, setting off a firestorm among lawmakers. But both key Republicans and Democrats agree that he has no such legal authority. Lawmakers also warned of the “disruptive” economic effect that a sudden NAFTA withdrawal could have. WASHINGTON – Key Republicans and Democrats are in agreement that President Donald Trump does not have any legal authority to withdraw the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in an effort to force Congress to swiftly consider his new deal with Canada and Mexico. Members of the Senate Finance
-business owners, we're CEOs. We're mayors, representatives" — and someone in the crowd shouted out, "President." "I'm not saying gaps do not persist. Obviously, they do," Obama said. "Racism persists, inequality persists." He called on Howard's 2,300 graduates to step up and take on the work of closing those gaps. "America needs you to gladly, happily take up that work ... so enjoy the party, because you're going to be busy," Obama said. He cited income inequality, an issue in the presidential campaign to elect his successor in November, as well as disparities in unemployment, pay and criminal justice. He also listed disease and conflict worldwide, along with new challenges from terrorism and climate change as other issues needing attention. "So make no mistake Class of 2016. You've got plenty of work to do," said Obama, who was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree. "But as complicated and intractable as these challenges may see, the truth is your generation is better position than any before you to meet those challenges." "America is a better place today than it was when I graduated from college," Obama said, adding "by almost every measure." He also said the country "also happens to be better off than when I took office, but that's a longer story." That line drew cheers and applause, and Obama then said "that's a different discussion for another speech." The 54-year-old president also told graduates that most of them were just starting high school when he was first elected to the White House. "I used to joke about being old. Now I realize I'm old. It's not a joke anymore." The address was the first of three commencement speeches Obama has scheduled this spring. Obama is set to speak May 15 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and June 2 at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado Red Dust 4 more albums featuring this track [Instrumental] Discuss these lyrics on MetroLyrics Your Girl Blue States Lebanese Blonde Knuddelmaus Ulrich Schnauss Magicman La femme d'argent Les Nuits Blumenwiese neben Autobahn You Wish Saturday 8 June 2019 41 www.zero7.co.uk Facebook (Zero7) Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music for British groups like the Pet Shop Boys, Young Disciples, and Robert Plant. In 1997 they were asked by a college friend, Nigel Godrich (who was busy producing 'OK Computer'), to remix Radiohead's "Climbing Up the Walls". They called the mix "the Zero 7 Mix" which stuck. View wiki Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music… read more Zero 7 is a London, UK downtempo duo, founded in , by Henry Binns & Sam Hardaker. They began as studio engineers at Mickie Most's RAK recording studio in London, engineering music for British groups like the Pet Shop Boys, Yo… read more Home Life Republicans a... Republicans and Democrats agree: Trump can’t just do what he wants with NAFTA Joe Perticone, Business Insider US Amilcar Orfali/Getty Images Trump said he plans to terminate NAFTA, setting off a firestorm among lawmakers. But both key Republicans and Democrats agree that he has no such legal authority. Lawmakers also warned of the “disruptive” economic effect that a sudden NAFTA withdrawal could have. WASHINGTON – Key Republicans and Democrats are in agreement that President Donald Trump does not have any legal authority to withdraw the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in an effort to force Congress to swiftly consider his new deal with Canada and Mexico. Members of the Senate Finance
Committee told INSIDER that Trump cannot just shred NAFTA, but would instead have to consult with Congress, where he would no doubt face significant hurdles without a concrete and agreed upon replacement already in place. Read more: Republicans are freaking out about Trump’s massive new tariffs “I’ll be terminating it within a relatively short period of time. We get rid of NAFTA. It’s been a disaster for the United States. It’s caused us tremendous amounts of unemployment and loss and company loss and everything else,” Trump told reporters this week. “That’ll be terminated. And so Congress will have a choice of the USMCA or pre-NAFTA, which worked very well.” Republican Sen. Pat Toomey, who sits on the Senate Finance Committee, told reporters that Trump has no legal authority to withdraw, and he would require consent from Congress. “The simple fact is NAFTA was enacted through legislation. It requires legislation to repeal it,” Toomey said. “The bizarre thing about the administration’s contention is they acknowledge that if they changed one word in NAFTA they have to come back to Congress to get it approved, but somehow they can strike the whole thing and they don’t need Congress for that? That makes no sense and it is not consistent with the legislation.” And Toomey’s feelings are felt across the political aisle. Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, told INSIDER the Constitution’s separation of powers is clear as day that Congress is in charge of NAFTA. “Up at the White House, they ought to take out a copy of the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, is very clear that Congress has the power to regulate foreign commerce and there’s also a Congressional Research Service analysis that supports it,” he said. The CRS analysis Wyden mentioned has stated any withdrawal would require congressional approval. Wyden also said Trump is exhibiting lack of confidence in his United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) proposal. “If the president was really confident that his trade proposal was going to work, he wouldn’t be playing this kind of brinkmanship and trying to throw this kind of muscle around,” he said. And Toomey suggested the president’s rhetoric about wanting to tear up NAFTA is an attempt to kick-start consideration of the USMCA, but that it is a poor strategy to begin with. “It appears the president is trying to say, ‘you know it’s this or nothing.'” he said. “But when he doesn’t have the legal authority to enforce that choice, it’s not a very good strategy.” But some suggested there is room for some kind of NAFTA dismantling by Trump, as long as he meets certain criteria. “The president is given substantial authority in all of our trade dealings. But it’s not without restrictions,” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren told INSIDER. “In other words, certain factual findings are necessary first.” “As is often in the case, what the president proposes to do has to fit within a larger framework of what is legally permitted under the treaty,” she added. A rapid withdrawal from NAFTA could have devastating effects on the economy In terms of the risks of a NAFTA withdrawal, Warren said the US needs a new deal to replace it, but without the risks of igniting a catastrophe that could devastate the economy. “Look, we need a different NAFTA, but that means sitting down and negotiating for a NAFTA that works for American workers, small businesses, and farmers,” she said. “Not just unilaterally just trying to start yet another trade war.” Toomey took a harder stance, saying a sudden or even timetabled withdrawal without a replacement could force the US economy into a downward spiral. “It would be extremely disruptive,” Toomey told INSIDER. “The markets would go haywire, I mean supply chains would be very, very disrupted. It’d be very harmful to the economy, to jobs in the United States.” Toomey has reiterated his sentiments to White House officials, but not yet to Trump. “So it’s not a good policy,” he added. “But as I say, I simply reject the idea he has the authority to do it.” This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 3
opened and then shut again, but before I could find any more words, someone else spoke. “H-headmistress.” Shiori was on her feet, looking just as terrified as I felt, or possibly even worse. She was standing slightly in front of Asenath. As scared of Gaia as she clearly was, the girl still stood straight, planting herself between the vampire and probably the most powerful Heretic we’d ever met. Asenath, on the other hand, clearly wanted to put herself in front of her little sister. She had a hand on the girl’s shoulder and was obviously attempting to make her stop holding herself in the way. “Good morning, Shiori,” Gaia greeted her as simply and calmly as ever. “I see you’ve met your sister.” Well shit, then. Even the past few months of total surprises hadn’t made me adjust my standards for being dumbfounded quite that quickly. That time, all I managed to do for a solid ten seconds or so was openly gape. Behind me, I was pretty sure that both other girls were having fairly identical reactions. In the end, it was Tristan who broke the resulting stunned silence. The kid was standing at my side, staring up at Gaia as he blurted out loud, “Holy crap, are you Jean Grey?” When her eyes turned that way, he shifted somewhat behind me while continuing. “I mean, you sort of look like her. You know, from the comics? It’s just the—the red hair and the pretty and the, umm, yeah.” He made a sort of all encompassing gesture with his hand. “I mean, obviously you’re not, but no one else was talking.” “I’m sorry,” Gaia answered, sounding truly regretful. “I’m afraid I’m not really her, no.” “Wait… wait, just… just…” I held up both hands, feeling flustered and confused. Looking toward the spot where Asenath and Shiori were standing, having settled for being side-by-side when it became clear that neither of them would accept the other being in front of them, I hesitated. Then I turned back to the headmistress. “Baroness, Headmistress, Professor, Miss, whatever you want me to call you. You mean you’re not here to-I mean you’re not gonna—you know that Asenath is her—you know Asenath?” “Pardon me one moment, please.” Holding a hand up to us, Gaia looked toward the Meregan. “Noble peoples. You have my every apology for using your transportation technology without your express permission and guidance. If any damage has been done, I will ensure that it is taken care of. You have my word that I mean neither any of you nor any of your allies, friends, family, or companions any ill will or intent. So long as myself and my students are safe, I have no particular quarrel with you.” Gavant lifted his head, watching the smaller woman for a moment warily at first. “That is… being good, Else-Leader-Gaia. We are wishing no harm to you or yours as well. The beacon was not been hurt.” It probably said a lot that the rest of us remained totally silent through this, until Gaia turned back our way. “Now, to start with, no, I do not know Asenath personally. I have, however, heard of her through several stories and acquaintances, including her long-standing alliance with one Joselyn Atherby.” “Mom,” I spoke quietly, mostly under my breath while trying to process that. So Asenath really had worked with my mother after all. Since she obviously would have brought that up before, that fact must’ve been wiped out of her memory by the spell that erased everything else about my mother’s rebellion from everyone’s mind. Whatever else I could say about it, that spell was pretty thorough. “Yes,” Gaia confirmed quietly. “Your mother. You know about what happened to her then, and why.” “I know she led some kind of rebellion against the idea of killing every Alter in the world just because they’re not human,” I replied, watching the other woman’s reaction. “I know it went on for a long time, even after she was captured. And I know that a bunch of Heretics did some kind of spell to erase the memory of what she did from pretty much everyone’s mind just to stop the rebellion from continu
opened and then shut again, but before I could find any more words, someone else spoke. “H-headmistress.” Shiori was on her feet, looking just as terrified as I felt, or possibly even worse. She was standing slightly in front of Asenath. As scared of Gaia as she clearly was, the girl still stood straight, planting herself between the vampire and probably the most powerful Heretic we’d ever met. Asenath, on the other hand, clearly wanted to put herself in front of her little sister. She had a hand on the girl’s shoulder and was obviously attempting to make her stop holding herself in the way. “Good morning, Shiori,” Gaia greeted her as simply and calmly as ever. “I see you’ve met your sister.” Well shit, then. Even the past few months of total surprises hadn’t made me adjust my standards for being dumbfounded quite that quickly. That time, all I managed to do for a solid ten seconds or so was openly gape. Behind me, I was pretty sure that both other girls were having fairly identical reactions. In the end, it was Tristan who broke the resulting stunned silence. The kid was standing at my side, staring up at Gaia as he blurted out loud, “Holy crap, are you Jean Grey?” When her eyes turned that way, he shifted somewhat behind me while continuing. “I mean, you sort of look like her. You know, from the comics? It’s just the—the red hair and the pretty and the, umm, yeah.” He made a sort of all encompassing gesture with his hand. “I mean, obviously you’re not, but no one else was talking.” “I’m sorry,” Gaia answered, sounding truly regretful. “I’m afraid I’m not really her, no.” “Wait… wait, just… just…” I held up both hands, feeling flustered and confused. Looking toward the spot where Asenath and Shiori were standing, having settled for being side-by-side when it became clear that neither of them would accept the other being in front of them, I hesitated. Then I turned back to the headmistress. “Baroness, Headmistress, Professor, Miss, whatever you want me to call you. You mean you’re not here to-I mean you’re not gonna—you know that Asenath is her—you know Asenath?” “Pardon me one moment, please.” Holding a hand up to us, Gaia looked toward the Meregan. “Noble peoples. You have my every apology for using your transportation technology without your express permission and guidance. If any damage has been done, I will ensure that it is taken care of. You have my word that I mean neither any of you nor any of your allies, friends, family, or companions any ill will or intent. So long as myself and my students are safe, I have no particular quarrel with you.” Gavant lifted his head, watching the smaller woman for a moment warily at first. “That is… being good, Else-Leader-Gaia. We are wishing no harm to you or yours as well. The beacon was not been hurt.” It probably said a lot that the rest of us remained totally silent through this, until Gaia turned back our way. “Now, to start with, no, I do not know Asenath personally. I have, however, heard of her through several stories and acquaintances, including her long-standing alliance with one Joselyn Atherby.” “Mom,” I spoke quietly, mostly under my breath while trying to process that. So Asenath really had worked with my mother after all. Since she obviously would have brought that up before, that fact must’ve been wiped out of her memory by the spell that erased everything else about my mother’s rebellion from everyone’s mind. Whatever else I could say about it, that spell was pretty thorough. “Yes,” Gaia confirmed quietly. “Your mother. You know about what happened to her then, and why.” “I know she led some kind of rebellion against the idea of killing every Alter in the world just because they’re not human,” I replied, watching the other woman’s reaction. “I know it went on for a long time, even after she was captured. And I know that a bunch of Heretics did some kind of spell to erase the memory of what she did from pretty much everyone’s mind just to stop the rebellion from continu
ing.” After glancing away briefly, Gaia gave a single nod before speaking again. “That is true. Your mother, young as she was in the grand scheme of things, was able to lead a rebellion against those much older, more experienced, and with greater resources than she had. She was able, on her own, to fight those who should have been far stronger than she was. She was not just a great and inspiring leader, but had also somehow found a way to gain enough power to stand toe to toe against Heretics that should have been much stronger than she was, all things considered. That is what truly made the rebellion as powerful as it was while Joselyn was in charge of it. The Heretical leaders could not risk an open fight as easily as they could with any other form of conflict, because their victory was not guaranteed.” “But if you knew all this, if you remember all of it, then you couldn’t be a part of the rebellion,” I pointed out, confused. “You’d have to have been a part of casting the spell that erased those memories.” Gaia nodded. “You’re right, I was not a part of the rebellion. Not… openly. I felt, and your mother agreed, that the teaching of students at Crossroads was too important. If I left, or was seen as a real ally to Joselyn and her people, I would have been replaced by one much closer to Ruthers. My place was there, a quiet ally who would help where I could without giving away that connection to her enemies.” “And they believed that,” I spoke slowly. “They believed you were on their side so much they didn’t even erase your memories about Mom or the rebellion. They… they included you in it.” “Yes,” she acknowledged, meeting my gaze. “I added my power to the casting of that spell. But more than that, I was the one who suggested it be used, and that Joselyn be returned to the Bystander world.” Staring at her, I demanded, “Why? Why would you do that? You obviously don’t think that every Alter or Stranger or whatever you call them should be killed, and Mom left that message about trusting you. So why, why, why would you help them erase the memory of her from everyone? Why would you help them turn her into an ordinary human again? Why would you do any of that instead of helping her?!” Gaia waited quietly until I was done before responding, as simply as ever. “Because she asked me to.” Well, that threw me yet again. Eyes wide, I stared while sputtering, “B-because she—what the hell?” “You know that your mother spent more than a decade imprisoned, while the rebellion continued,” Gaia began to explain. “Toward the end of that time, Ruthers, the former Crossroads headmaster and the Committee member most devoted to ending that rebellion, came up with a plan to destroy them once and for all.” She went quiet briefly, wincing. “He planned to unleash a blood plague onto them.” “That sick son of a bitch!” Asenath abruptly blurted, eyes wide as she took a quick step forward. “Are you serious? Is he fucking crazy? No, scratch that, of course he is. Why the hell isn’t he locked up?” “Wha—I don’t get it, what’s a blood plague?” I asked while looking back and forth between the female figures. Shiori, who had moved up with her sister, looked just as confused and lost as I was. It was Asenath who spoke. “A blood plague is what my father’s people, the Akharu, had done to them. Against most people, it’s an enslavement tool. Their blood itself is cursed so that they and anyone connected to them, depending on the exact spell you use, is uhh, they’re slaves. They’ll follow the orders of whoever cast it for the rest of their lives. So will their children, and their children’s children. It won’t just enslave them, it’ll enslave all future children they ever have. Forever. There’s no real cure.” I stared at the other girl for a second, but it was Shiori who spoke, sounding just as uncertain and lost as I felt. “B-but you’re not a slave. And I don’t think your dad was? So… what, what happened?” “The Akharu were
But they’re happy to serve campers in a new way. My opinions are my own. None of the work or opinions on this blog or website reflect any or all of my employers. A special Mother’s Day for a mom recovering from coronavirus Ft. Leavenworth soldier stops active shooter on Centennial Bridge by striking him with vehicle With social distancing measures in place, metro church resumes in-person service 94-year-old Marine joins local Boy Scout troop for moving Memorial Day ceremony KFVS KTVU SF State Sherae Reports Nutty Red Band Trailer For Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning By Brent McKnight | 8 years ago 2009’s Universal Soldier: Regeneration took a lot of people by surprise. Not only was it one of the better direct-to-video action movies in a long time, it was an all-around solid entry in a film franchise most assumed long dead. Now the series is back with Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. If this new red band trailer is any indication, the cycle is veering off into Apocalypse Now territory. Watch the video for yourself, we’ll discuss below. Between series stalwarts Jean-Claude Van Damme looking like Colonel Kurtz (only a Kurtz who can do the splits, throw a mean roundhouse kick, and occasionally dresses like an insane clown), and Dolph Lundgren, apparently in mid-meth binge, sweating buckets and yelling into the camera, Day of Reckoning promises to be bat-shit crazy. This is a journey into a serious heart of darkness, or maybe just what a weekend partying with JCVD is like. Capitalizing on successful turns in The Expendables 2, Day of Reckoning reteams Van Damme and Lundgren with Scott Adkins. Throw MMA fighter Andrei Arlovski (himself an alumnus of Regeneration) into the mix, and you have a strong, action-ready cast. Fans of the franchise are already familiar with the mental issues and instability inherent in becoming a UniSol. Dying and coming back to life can be a traumatic experience. The story of Day of Reckoning follows John (Adkins), who wakes from a coma to find his wife and daughter have been slaughtered by rogue UniSols, led by Luc Devereaux (Van Damme) and Andrew Scott (Lundgren). In this installment the duo has become something of cult leaders playing at revolutionary. Before John can rebuild his life, there are genetically enhanced killing machines to contend with, secrets to reveal, and plenty of asses to kick. James Cameron Returning To Make More Terminator? Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka Tano Star Wars Series Is Happening Rosario Dawson Signed For 3 Seasons Of Ahsoka Tano The Mandalorian Season 2 Review: Too Much Star Wars, Not Enough Mando Vol 3, Supplement 1 (May 2015): Annals of Translational Medicine / Apyrase as a novel therapeutic inhibitor of heterotopic ossification Olin D. Liang1,2,3,4, Anthony M. Reginato5, Damian Medici1,2,3,4 1Department of Orthopaedics, 2Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI 02905, USA; 3Cardiovascular Research Center, 4Center for Regenerative Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI 02903, USA; 5Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI 02905, USA Correspondence to: Anthony M. Reginato, PhD, MD. Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 2 Dudley Street, Suite 370, Providence, RI 02905, USA. Email: [email protected]. Submitted Feb 20, 2015. Accepted for publication Feb 20, 2015. Heterotopic ossification (
But they’re happy to serve campers in a new way. My opinions are my own. None of the work or opinions on this blog or website reflect any or all of my employers. A special Mother’s Day for a mom recovering from coronavirus Ft. Leavenworth soldier stops active shooter on Centennial Bridge by striking him with vehicle With social distancing measures in place, metro church resumes in-person service 94-year-old Marine joins local Boy Scout troop for moving Memorial Day ceremony KFVS KTVU SF State Sherae Reports Nutty Red Band Trailer For Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning By Brent McKnight | 8 years ago 2009’s Universal Soldier: Regeneration took a lot of people by surprise. Not only was it one of the better direct-to-video action movies in a long time, it was an all-around solid entry in a film franchise most assumed long dead. Now the series is back with Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. If this new red band trailer is any indication, the cycle is veering off into Apocalypse Now territory. Watch the video for yourself, we’ll discuss below. Between series stalwarts Jean-Claude Van Damme looking like Colonel Kurtz (only a Kurtz who can do the splits, throw a mean roundhouse kick, and occasionally dresses like an insane clown), and Dolph Lundgren, apparently in mid-meth binge, sweating buckets and yelling into the camera, Day of Reckoning promises to be bat-shit crazy. This is a journey into a serious heart of darkness, or maybe just what a weekend partying with JCVD is like. Capitalizing on successful turns in The Expendables 2, Day of Reckoning reteams Van Damme and Lundgren with Scott Adkins. Throw MMA fighter Andrei Arlovski (himself an alumnus of Regeneration) into the mix, and you have a strong, action-ready cast. Fans of the franchise are already familiar with the mental issues and instability inherent in becoming a UniSol. Dying and coming back to life can be a traumatic experience. The story of Day of Reckoning follows John (Adkins), who wakes from a coma to find his wife and daughter have been slaughtered by rogue UniSols, led by Luc Devereaux (Van Damme) and Andrew Scott (Lundgren). In this installment the duo has become something of cult leaders playing at revolutionary. Before John can rebuild his life, there are genetically enhanced killing machines to contend with, secrets to reveal, and plenty of asses to kick. James Cameron Returning To Make More Terminator? Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka Tano Star Wars Series Is Happening Rosario Dawson Signed For 3 Seasons Of Ahsoka Tano The Mandalorian Season 2 Review: Too Much Star Wars, Not Enough Mando Vol 3, Supplement 1 (May 2015): Annals of Translational Medicine / Apyrase as a novel therapeutic inhibitor of heterotopic ossification Olin D. Liang1,2,3,4, Anthony M. Reginato5, Damian Medici1,2,3,4 1Department of Orthopaedics, 2Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI 02905, USA; 3Cardiovascular Research Center, 4Center for Regenerative Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI 02903, USA; 5Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI 02905, USA Correspondence to: Anthony M. Reginato, PhD, MD. Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 2 Dudley Street, Suite 370, Providence, RI 02905, USA. Email: [email protected]. Submitted Feb 20, 2015. Accepted for publication Feb 20, 2015. Heterotopic ossification (
HO) is a disabling disorder where endochondral bone forms in soft tissue (1). Genetic diseases, traumatic injuries, or severe burns can induce this pathological condition and can lead to severe immobility (2). While the mechanisms by which the bony lesions arise are not completely understood, intense inflammation associated with musculoskeletal injury and/or highly invasive orthopaedic surgery is thought to induce HO. The incidence of HO has been reported between 3% and 90% following total hip arthoplasty or severe fracture of the long bones (3). While the vast majority of these cases are asymptomatic, some patients will present decreased range of motion and painful swelling around the affected joints leading to severe immobility. In severe cases, ectopic bone formation may be involved in implant failure, leading to costly and painful revision surgery (4). Currently, no treatment modalities exist for HO and attempts to prevent the ectopic formation of bone have had only limited success. Early diagnosis of the formation of ectopic bone is complicated by the absence of calcium in the matrix during the first few weeks following surgery, making X-ray detection of ectopic bone very difficult. Prophylactic radiation therapy, anti-inflammatory, and bisphosphonates agents have shown some promise in preventing HO, but their effects are mild to moderate at best and complicated with adverse effects (5). Furthermore, none of these treatment modalities target key signaling pathways critical in the development of the extra skeletal bone tissue formation. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) such as BMP2, BMP4, and BMP9 have been shown to promote HO when injected into the muscle tissue of mice (6-8) and are highly expressed in human lesions of heterotopic bone (9,10). In individuals suffering from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), a rare genetic disorder where patients exhibit massive HO and form an ectopic skeleton (2), a single point mutation in the ACVR1 gene causing a change in amino acid 206 (R206H) of the BMP type I receptor activin-like kinase 2 (ALK2) disrupts an α-helix in the glycine-serine rich domain, rendering ALK2 constitutively active (11,12). ALK2 activity causes phosphorylation of Smad proteins (13) and has been shown to regulate endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) and stem cell differentiation to form new skeletal tissue (7,14). The discovery of the ALK2 mutation in FOP has provided the most direct therapeutic strategy by inhibiting this BMP receptor. Studies using chemical inhibitors of ALK2 called dorsomorphin and LDN-193189 have been successful in preventing HO in mice (15). A further study showed that the BMP type II receptor is required for HO in mutant ALK2 transgenic mice (16), providing another therapeutic target. Other studies have shown that mice with defective sensory neurons show impaired BMP-induced HO (17). A neuropeptide released by sensory neurons called Substance P, which causes recruitment and degranulation of mast cells, plays a significant role in HO. RP-67580, a Substance P antagonist, significantly reduces BMP4-induced HO in mice (18). An anti-histamine called Cromolyn, which blocks mast cell degranulation, also significantly reduces HO in mice (17). Interestingly, retinoic acid receptor-γ agonists have been identified to be tremendously effective pharmacological inhibitors of HO by impairing chondrogenesis and endochondral ossification and represent the most promising drugs to date for potential clinical application to prevent HO (19). However, novel therapeutic strategies are needed to avoid potential side effects of such inhibitors. In a recent issue of Science Translational Medicine, Peterson et al. show that burn injury-induced HO can be treated through a novel therapeutic called apyrase, which causes ATP hydrolysis and modulation
follow the steps outlined in this LINK to complete the registration process. The registration form and supporting documentation are to be submitted in person at Sacred Heart Catholic School Guelph (125 Huron St. Guelph N1E 5L5) before the deadline. Please note that the registration forms and documents required are the same for all grades. For families in which the registering student or a parent are not baptized Roman Catholic, an interview with the principal is required as part of the registration process. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below for more information. Will transportation be available for students outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary? No. Transportation is not available to students who reside outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary. Transportation to and from Sacred Heart Guelph for students outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Is before/after school care available? Y​es. Limited space is available for before and after school care for students at Sacred Heart Guelph. Information about the before/after school program is available on the board or school website. Are class sizes smaller because of the IB Primary Years Programme? Class sizes follow Ministry of Education requirements. What is the selection process for the IB PYP? New Catholic students residing within the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary not currently enrolled at Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph. Existing Wellington Catholic students residing outside the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary. New Catholic students residing outside the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary. New non-Catholic students not enrolled at Wellington Catholic schools. Should spots be available beyond the stage 1 selection (see above), a random selection process is initiated beginning with students in stage 2. In order to ensure equity of access, siblings are not given preference. Registration must be completed by the deadline to be considered for the IB PYP. Consideration is NOT prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis. What if we live in the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary and miss the deadline? Can a student with no experience in the IB PYP attend the IB Diploma Programme at Bishop Macdonell when they reach secondary school? ​Yes. The PYP is not a prerequisite for the IB Diploma Programme so there is no need for a student to attend the PYP in order to attend the Diploma Programme in secondary school. Families can contact Bishop Macdonell for information regarding the Diploma Programme. ​What if we are not Catholic? The process for admission of students is outlined in section 2.4 of the Admission of Students to Wellington Catholic Policy/Regulation R.SMW.B.1. The school principal can support you with this process. What if we live in the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary and do not want our child to participate in the IB PYP at Sacred Heart? Those families who live in the Sacred Heart boundary and would prefer that their child attend a traditional program have the option to attend Holy Rosary Catholic School. Do we need to complete an out of boundary request form if we do not reside within the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary? No. IB PYP is a district program so students registering in the IB PYP residing outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary do not need to complete an out of boundary request form. We require support with the registration process. Is there anyone that can assist? Yes! Please ask for assistance at the school or use the email/phone number below. Is there any information available online regarding IB PYP? What if we still have questions? Is there anyone that can help us? It is good time to acknowledge the power of human emotions and ground ourselves in greater Wisdom and greater Love. All we have to do look within…. And find compassion towards all that Lives. This week, global retailer Walmart reported what was headlined as strong comparable holiday sales gains in the U.S., which has broader meanings for consumer buying activity during the 2018 holiday quarter. A new report on U.S. retail sales activity in the all-important month of December has a lot of heads scratching, including that of Supply Chain Matters. If the data is taken at face value, it would represent a significant decline in 2018 holiday fulfillment volume levels. Two announced acquisitions this week involving global ocean container sh
follow the steps outlined in this LINK to complete the registration process. The registration form and supporting documentation are to be submitted in person at Sacred Heart Catholic School Guelph (125 Huron St. Guelph N1E 5L5) before the deadline. Please note that the registration forms and documents required are the same for all grades. For families in which the registering student or a parent are not baptized Roman Catholic, an interview with the principal is required as part of the registration process. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below for more information. Will transportation be available for students outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary? No. Transportation is not available to students who reside outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary. Transportation to and from Sacred Heart Guelph for students outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Is before/after school care available? Y​es. Limited space is available for before and after school care for students at Sacred Heart Guelph. Information about the before/after school program is available on the board or school website. Are class sizes smaller because of the IB Primary Years Programme? Class sizes follow Ministry of Education requirements. What is the selection process for the IB PYP? New Catholic students residing within the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary not currently enrolled at Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph. Existing Wellington Catholic students residing outside the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary. New Catholic students residing outside the Sacred Heart Catholic School, Guelph boundary. New non-Catholic students not enrolled at Wellington Catholic schools. Should spots be available beyond the stage 1 selection (see above), a random selection process is initiated beginning with students in stage 2. In order to ensure equity of access, siblings are not given preference. Registration must be completed by the deadline to be considered for the IB PYP. Consideration is NOT prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis. What if we live in the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary and miss the deadline? Can a student with no experience in the IB PYP attend the IB Diploma Programme at Bishop Macdonell when they reach secondary school? ​Yes. The PYP is not a prerequisite for the IB Diploma Programme so there is no need for a student to attend the PYP in order to attend the Diploma Programme in secondary school. Families can contact Bishop Macdonell for information regarding the Diploma Programme. ​What if we are not Catholic? The process for admission of students is outlined in section 2.4 of the Admission of Students to Wellington Catholic Policy/Regulation R.SMW.B.1. The school principal can support you with this process. What if we live in the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary and do not want our child to participate in the IB PYP at Sacred Heart? Those families who live in the Sacred Heart boundary and would prefer that their child attend a traditional program have the option to attend Holy Rosary Catholic School. Do we need to complete an out of boundary request form if we do not reside within the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary? No. IB PYP is a district program so students registering in the IB PYP residing outside the Sacred Heart Guelph boundary do not need to complete an out of boundary request form. We require support with the registration process. Is there anyone that can assist? Yes! Please ask for assistance at the school or use the email/phone number below. Is there any information available online regarding IB PYP? What if we still have questions? Is there anyone that can help us? It is good time to acknowledge the power of human emotions and ground ourselves in greater Wisdom and greater Love. All we have to do look within…. And find compassion towards all that Lives. This week, global retailer Walmart reported what was headlined as strong comparable holiday sales gains in the U.S., which has broader meanings for consumer buying activity during the 2018 holiday quarter. A new report on U.S. retail sales activity in the all-important month of December has a lot of heads scratching, including that of Supply Chain Matters. If the data is taken at face value, it would represent a significant decline in 2018 holiday fulfillment volume levels. Two announced acquisitions this week involving global ocean container sh
ipping lines add further evidence of moving forward with strategies to integrate added transportation and logistics services beyond just port to port. Many others will likely follow. The Supply Chain Matters blog announces that The Ferrari Consulting and Research Group’s research report, 2019 Predictions for Industry and Global Supply Chains, is now available for complimentary downloading. The Supply Chain Matters blog continues its series of unveiling 2019 Predictions for Industry and Global Supply Chains. In this Part Eight posting, we highlight Prediction Seven, our belief for added converging forces of disruption impacting the global logistics and transportation industry in the coming year. The Supply Chain Matters blog provides highlights and pointed insight commentary related to this week’s recommendations from the Task Force on the United States Postal System. Audio Note AN-K/b speakers SOLD! No serious interest in these black beauties? Nice way to get into the AN-K sound for very little money. I've dropped the price to £250., which is dead cheap for AN-K's. You'd need to spend a lot more moolah for the same speakers with posh veneers. Why doesn't this have the 'CE' mark on the back and what is the difference between the the 'CS300X Limited S' and the CS300XS? Thanks for that. I almost bought a Leben too. Who hasn't flirted with a Leben at some point? There was some online chatter about sloppy soldering and speculation that they couldn't keep up with demand, but maybe that was unfair and based on one poor example that should have never left Japan. His stuff looks amazing VFM. Any idea what these are based on? Still here if you change your mind. The Devonshire Arms has a Michelin star. £500! Madness. I was offering mine, wooden sleeved, serviced by Sugden 4 years ago with receipt, for £200 cash on collection. For the £300 left over, you could hire a car, drive up to collect, B&B for the night in the Yorkshire Dales, meal at the Devonshire Arms, and go back to London the next day with my Suggie. Brilliant. What was wrong with click on "send a PM"? Hahaha. I can't figure out the PM business here either. Whatever happened to simple PM's?? Have started a "conversation" with you over on PFM. Want to buy a holiday home or terrain in Verlin? Find houses, appartments, castles, barns and villas for sale in Verlin. The average Franimo real estate price when buying a French terrain in Verlin is € 170.689. As a seller agent, the licensee and the licensee's company works exclusively for the seller/landlord and must act in the seller's/landlord's best interest, including making a continuous and good faith effort to find a buyer/tenant except while the property is subject to an existing agreement. All confidential information relayed by the seller/landlord must be kept confidential except that a licensee must reveal known material defects about the property. A subagent has the same duties and obligations as the seller agent. Present, as soon as practicable, all written offers, counteroffers, notices and communications to and from the parties. This duty may be waived by the seller where the seller's property is under contract and the waiver is in writing. The duration of the licensee's employment, listing agreement or contract. The licensee's fees or commission. The scope of the licensee's activities or practices. The broker's cooperation with and sharing of fees with other brokers. All sales agreements must contain the property's zoning classification except where the property is zoned solely or primarily to permit single family dwellings. <i>Photo by Rosanda Suetopka Thayer/NHO</i><br>Sherman Alexie, Spokane/Coeur d’ Alene, is a noted poet and award winning author. Originally Published: March 3, 2009 1:01 p.m. FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. - Sherman Alexie, member of the Spokane/Coeur d' Alene tribe, noted poet and
ikabane Hime Kuro (2) Shiki (4) Shin Koihime Musou (2) Shin Koihime Musou ~Otome Tairan~ (1) Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul (1) Shingeki no Kyoujin (1) Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan (2) Shinkai Makoto (1) Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S (3) Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (3) Shinryaku Ika Musume (1) Shinsekai Yori (2) Shion no Ou (3) Shirokuma Cafe (1) Shoka (1) Short (62) Shougi (2) Shouwa Monogatari (1) Shukufuku no Campanella (2) Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte ii desu ka? (1) Sisters of Wellber (3) Sket Dance (2) Skip Beat (5) Slap Up Party -Arad Senki- (1) Slayers (4) Slayers Evolution-R (3) Slayers Revolution (2) Softenni (1) Sora Kake Girl (5) Sora no Manimani (2) Sora no Otoshimono (3) Sora no Otoshimono Forte (4) Sora no Woto (4) Sora o Miageru Shōjo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai (4) Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo (5) Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru (1) Soul Eater (2) Space Brothers (2) Special (3) Special A (5) Spice and wolf (4) Spice and wolf II (4) Spinoff (1) Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto (4) Starry Sky (1) Steins; Gate (2) Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu (1) Strait Jacket (1) Strange+ (1) Strike the Blood (2) Strike Witches (2) Suck (3) Suisei no Gargantia (2) Sukitte Ii na yo (2) Summer Wars (1) Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu (1) Switch (2) Sword Art Online (4) Sword Art Online 2 (1) Taboo Tattoo (3) Taishou Yakyuu Musume (1) Tales of the Abyss (6) Tamako Market (1) Tamayura (1) Tanken Driland (1) Tantei Opera Milky Holmes (1) Tari Tari (2) Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (3) Tatakau Shisho - The Book of Bantorra (6) Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (1) Tayutama (4) Tears to Tiara (2) Technical (2) Telepathy Girl Ran (5) Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken (1) Tetsuwan Birdy Decode (2) Tetsuwan Birdy Decode 02 (2) That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (1) The 8th Son are you Kidding Me (1) The God of High School (1) The iDOLMASTER (2) The Irregular at Magic High School (1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009 (2) The Misfit of Demon King Academy (1) The Royal Tutor (2) The Saga of Tanya the Evil (2) The Sword of Uruk (5) The World God Only Knows: Goddesses (1) They Are My Noble Masters (1) thumb down (1) Tiger Bunny (4) To Aru Majutsu no Index (6) To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (1) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (2) Toaru Majutsu no Index II (6) Togainu no Chi (1) Tokyo ESP (1) Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (4) Tokyo Ravens (2) ToLoveRu (4) ToLoveRu Darkness (1) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (2) Toradora (3) Toriko (2) Toshokan Senso (3) Touhou Project (1
ikabane Hime Kuro (2) Shiki (4) Shin Koihime Musou (2) Shin Koihime Musou ~Otome Tairan~ (1) Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul (1) Shingeki no Kyoujin (1) Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan (2) Shinkai Makoto (1) Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S (3) Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (3) Shinryaku Ika Musume (1) Shinsekai Yori (2) Shion no Ou (3) Shirokuma Cafe (1) Shoka (1) Short (62) Shougi (2) Shouwa Monogatari (1) Shukufuku no Campanella (2) Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte ii desu ka? (1) Sisters of Wellber (3) Sket Dance (2) Skip Beat (5) Slap Up Party -Arad Senki- (1) Slayers (4) Slayers Evolution-R (3) Slayers Revolution (2) Softenni (1) Sora Kake Girl (5) Sora no Manimani (2) Sora no Otoshimono (3) Sora no Otoshimono Forte (4) Sora no Woto (4) Sora o Miageru Shōjo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai (4) Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo (5) Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru (1) Soul Eater (2) Space Brothers (2) Special (3) Special A (5) Spice and wolf (4) Spice and wolf II (4) Spinoff (1) Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto (4) Starry Sky (1) Steins; Gate (2) Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu (1) Strait Jacket (1) Strange+ (1) Strike the Blood (2) Strike Witches (2) Suck (3) Suisei no Gargantia (2) Sukitte Ii na yo (2) Summer Wars (1) Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu (1) Switch (2) Sword Art Online (4) Sword Art Online 2 (1) Taboo Tattoo (3) Taishou Yakyuu Musume (1) Tales of the Abyss (6) Tamako Market (1) Tamayura (1) Tanken Driland (1) Tantei Opera Milky Holmes (1) Tari Tari (2) Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (3) Tatakau Shisho - The Book of Bantorra (6) Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (1) Tayutama (4) Tears to Tiara (2) Technical (2) Telepathy Girl Ran (5) Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken (1) Tetsuwan Birdy Decode (2) Tetsuwan Birdy Decode 02 (2) That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (1) The 8th Son are you Kidding Me (1) The God of High School (1) The iDOLMASTER (2) The Irregular at Magic High School (1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009 (2) The Misfit of Demon King Academy (1) The Royal Tutor (2) The Saga of Tanya the Evil (2) The Sword of Uruk (5) The World God Only Knows: Goddesses (1) They Are My Noble Masters (1) thumb down (1) Tiger Bunny (4) To Aru Majutsu no Index (6) To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (1) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (2) Toaru Majutsu no Index II (6) Togainu no Chi (1) Tokyo ESP (1) Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (4) Tokyo Ravens (2) ToLoveRu (4) ToLoveRu Darkness (1) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (2) Toradora (3) Toriko (2) Toshokan Senso (3) Touhou Project (1
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practices for our new podcast, but as far as my audience is concerned I’ve been totally silent. WIP limits would help me finish that blog post and send out the first email in the nurture campaign before I started researching podcasts. The audience actually gets to hear from me. This practice is shockingly powerful on small and large teams alike, which explains why it’s being used on a third of Agile marketing teams (and should probably be in use on more than that). As you can see, Agile marketing is very much like those old choose-your-own-adventure books. The options are almost innumerable, which means there’s no excuse not to get started. Pick one or two of these popular practices and start making a methodology that works in your unique situation. With 37% adoption in 2018 and 61% of traditional marketers planning a transformation within the next year, the time to start is now. Andrea is the president and lead trainer at AgileSherpas, a training, education, and consulting company designed to help marketing teams transform their work from frantic to fantastic. Her most recent book, Death of a Marketer, chronicles marketing’s troubled past and the steps it must take to claim a more Agile future. She geeks out on all things agile and content @andreafryrear. an exclusive sturdy full color tin box using fantastic artwork by John Howe, embossed with the “War of the Ring” logo. The sleeves are also compatible with the cards included in the War of the Ring™ Collector’s Edition and in the Lords of Middle-earth™ expansion. Note: the previous version of the War of the Ring Card Box (WOTR002) is sold out and will not be reprinted. This is a game accessory. No cards are included. The sleeves are also compatible with the cards included in the War of the Ring – Collector's Edition. When i went to sign up for the the "over the fence" forum and i saw a music section and was so excited i actually went troough the trouble of figuring out where to save the file to get it on my itunes.I love the music from the cavern today and was wondering why doesn't the cavern today have a downloadable music section.? To be honest, we've never really considered it. I guess it wouldn't really be that hard to do. Hosting music for TCT is a bit more complicated than the music for OTF, for a couple of different reasons. However, for the record, any music created or arranged by me, such as the recent pieces "Kuusisto" and "Ver Calidus," can be downloaded from my website. Click here to go to the "music" page of my website. I don't have a music page for any of my pieces, but for any song that I've written for the Cavern Today's use, I'd be happy to allow people to download and listen to. Maybe we can get something set up so you can get those pieces, at least. dude i checked out your website(Maurus) and i LOVED all of the music "The Beat of my Own Drummer" and "A Distracted Isolation" are AWESOME and i still haven't listened to it all but "Ver Calidus" is still my all time favorite. If you are looking for great pyrenees services in the Nevada area, Puppy List is ready to help. Our experienced location specialists are here to help find you great pyrenees puppies and breeders near you. Knowing that you have located a true professional at Puppy List should give you a great deal of peace of mind as you strive to be the best dog parent you can be. Contributing a raft of labels to this collection is Fred Kintzer, professor emeritus UCLA from San Louis Obispo, California. Kenya's Tusker lager is a strong brew enjoyed by Fred (and wife Ruth) when they lived in Kenya in the late 1980's. Fred may be contacted for tales and trading at [email protected] Many thanks to you Fred. Tell me, what the hell do you know? Tell me how the hell could you know? ¡Graba un vídeo tocando Till It Happens To You y envianoslo! My question is, what is the correct placement of the tongue in the /s/ sound, relative to the
practices for our new podcast, but as far as my audience is concerned I’ve been totally silent. WIP limits would help me finish that blog post and send out the first email in the nurture campaign before I started researching podcasts. The audience actually gets to hear from me. This practice is shockingly powerful on small and large teams alike, which explains why it’s being used on a third of Agile marketing teams (and should probably be in use on more than that). As you can see, Agile marketing is very much like those old choose-your-own-adventure books. The options are almost innumerable, which means there’s no excuse not to get started. Pick one or two of these popular practices and start making a methodology that works in your unique situation. With 37% adoption in 2018 and 61% of traditional marketers planning a transformation within the next year, the time to start is now. Andrea is the president and lead trainer at AgileSherpas, a training, education, and consulting company designed to help marketing teams transform their work from frantic to fantastic. Her most recent book, Death of a Marketer, chronicles marketing’s troubled past and the steps it must take to claim a more Agile future. She geeks out on all things agile and content @andreafryrear. an exclusive sturdy full color tin box using fantastic artwork by John Howe, embossed with the “War of the Ring” logo. The sleeves are also compatible with the cards included in the War of the Ring™ Collector’s Edition and in the Lords of Middle-earth™ expansion. Note: the previous version of the War of the Ring Card Box (WOTR002) is sold out and will not be reprinted. This is a game accessory. No cards are included. The sleeves are also compatible with the cards included in the War of the Ring – Collector's Edition. When i went to sign up for the the "over the fence" forum and i saw a music section and was so excited i actually went troough the trouble of figuring out where to save the file to get it on my itunes.I love the music from the cavern today and was wondering why doesn't the cavern today have a downloadable music section.? To be honest, we've never really considered it. I guess it wouldn't really be that hard to do. Hosting music for TCT is a bit more complicated than the music for OTF, for a couple of different reasons. However, for the record, any music created or arranged by me, such as the recent pieces "Kuusisto" and "Ver Calidus," can be downloaded from my website. Click here to go to the "music" page of my website. I don't have a music page for any of my pieces, but for any song that I've written for the Cavern Today's use, I'd be happy to allow people to download and listen to. Maybe we can get something set up so you can get those pieces, at least. dude i checked out your website(Maurus) and i LOVED all of the music "The Beat of my Own Drummer" and "A Distracted Isolation" are AWESOME and i still haven't listened to it all but "Ver Calidus" is still my all time favorite. If you are looking for great pyrenees services in the Nevada area, Puppy List is ready to help. Our experienced location specialists are here to help find you great pyrenees puppies and breeders near you. Knowing that you have located a true professional at Puppy List should give you a great deal of peace of mind as you strive to be the best dog parent you can be. Contributing a raft of labels to this collection is Fred Kintzer, professor emeritus UCLA from San Louis Obispo, California. Kenya's Tusker lager is a strong brew enjoyed by Fred (and wife Ruth) when they lived in Kenya in the late 1980's. Fred may be contacted for tales and trading at [email protected] Many thanks to you Fred. Tell me, what the hell do you know? Tell me how the hell could you know? ¡Graba un vídeo tocando Till It Happens To You y envianoslo! My question is, what is the correct placement of the tongue in the /s/ sound, relative to the
teeth? I'm aware it is behind the teeth, but how far? Does it make a difference if the tip is resting down, or just straight forward? I am just trying to confirm the absolute correct way, and if there's different positions (of the tongue) that produce the sound properly as well. If it is at the front, against the teeth, it gives the "S' sound, as in snake or silly. Front and upward, it gives "z" sound, like "is" I once knew a woman from Vietnam who could not hear the difference between "sue" and "shoe" The key to a good 's' sound is that the teeth are completely together. As a native English speaker, tonight I tried to make an 's' sound with just the thin part of a pen cap between my teeth, and I couldn't make it sound right. As for the tongue position, it can't be right at the upper front teeth, or you block the air flow and you'll end up with a soft 'th' sound as in "thick." To pronounce "sick," you'll need to pull your tongue back away from your teeth about a 7-8mm (1/4 inch). A good way to practice is to start with a soft "th" sound, and while you continue to make that sound with your teeth closed, begin to pull your tongue back, but don't move the tip it down. Keep the tip near the top and the air flowing in a tight gap between the top of your mouth and your tongue. As you move the tightest part of the gap from the front teeth backward, you'll hear the sound get louder and much higher in pitch. When you go back too far while still forcing the air flow over the top of your tongue, the sound will quiet down again and it will sound a little like a Darth Vader impression. When the sound is the loudest and the highest pitch, that's the ideal position for the 's' sound. There's certainly more to it than that, but the tongue is a complex muscle and I can only describe so much with words. This is really something that is best learned by mimicking others in-person. The key to a good 's' sound is that the teeth are completely together. As a native English speaker, tonight I tried to make an 's' sound with just the thin part of a pen cap between my teeth, and I couldn't make it sound right. I am also a native speaker of English, and for both "s" and "sh", my teeth are slightly, but still noticeably, parted. Making those sounds with my teeth actually touching seems forced and quite unnatural to me. Vive la différence! the /s/ sound in made at what we call your alveolar ridge. That is, the bumpy surface right behind your front teeth. Another way to think of you alveolar ridge is the imagine the place that you would burn if you ate pizza that was TOO hot! Put your tongue right at that spot, and you will have it in the right place to say /s/. I apologize if this is advertising - but we have a video on our FREE software showing how to pronounce /s/ (and other sounds too) - it may help you to see that. You can get it for free at Accent School - AccentSchool FREE pronunciation software. Take care and please contact me if I can help you more! Last edited by rebeccaataccentschool; 03-Apr-2008 at 03:54. Is it necessary to touch the ridge? I get what fungicord is saying and doing what he says I think I know what I am doing, however I don't feel my tongue touching the ridge as I would with the /l/ sound. Uh, I guess I should have been more specific. The /s/ sound is made at the alveolar ridge. The tongue touches at either side of the alveolar ridge, and the air channels through the middle of the tongue, "bouncing" off the alveolar ridge. Hmm, I must be really behind because I thought the ridge was behind the front teeth? If the tongue touches at either side, where exactly is that if it's only behind the front teeth? As i have a slight lisp trouble so i'v read a lot about 'how to produce s sound'. But i m not able to figure out that what is the exact position to produce 's' sound ? on which alveolar ridge should be the tongue on ? upper or lower
ge Stainless Steel. Name: Sean Langman AUS and 6 crew. Dates:. 21st to the 23rd February 2013. "A patient in chronic pain wants their pain gone. Perhaps this is easier said than done. Pain management is complex and has no certain or easy solutions. Surgery may not improve, or may even exacerbate, the pain (e.g., as in low back pain). Non-opioid pharmacological treatments may also prove less than satisfactory. Chronic pain causes emotional pain; which, ironically, can result in heightening the patient’s sensitivity to their physical pain. The debilitating effects of chronic pain span across physical, emotional, social, and occupational functioning." Why does any person go to a doctor (teacher). It is because they have lost control, they feel overwhelmed, helpless, trapped and powerless to remove their pain/problem. Pain often serves an emotional purpose. Our job in the health field should be to return that control to them so that they can live a better life, mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually. Dealing with stress, psychological, physical and emotional is critical to healing. Teaching a patient how to control their lives, (taking control of circumstances in life that render them trapped, helpless, overwhelmed and out of control), has a huge reduction on somatic pain. Regaining control with direct healthy behavior and habits is hard work but results in regaining control of their pain and more importantly their life! Eat well, move well, think well. The Apple Macintosh II was launched in 1987 at the same time as the Macintosh SE. It was considered "revolutionary" because, for the first time, the Macintosh was expandable thanks to its internal slots and had colours (the previous Macintoshes all had monochrome displays). The Mac II also marked Apple's entry into the realm of serious computing. It used a more classic keyboard (which looked like a PC keyboard) and proprietary RGB monitor (see 'Read more' section). The internal SCSI hard disk could be replaced with an 80 MB disk. It could run under A/UX (The Apple version of Unix System V version 2). The Macintosh II was followed in September 1988 by the Macintosh IIx. The IIx had the same specifications as the Mac II. It used a 68030 CPU and a 68882 FPU instead of the 68020 and the 68881, an 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy drive and removable system ROMs for easier updates. GRAPHIC MODES 640 x 480 (The MAC II uses a NUBUS video card, this card could be replaced with any other more powerful one). see more Apple MACINTOSH II Ebay auctions ! As Sarah’s first solo exhibition, ‘A Notion of Longing’, at the ROLLO Contemporary Art Gallery, draws to a close, we take a look at the meaning beyond the brushstrokes…. Sarah Lederman’s famous fans read like a who’s who of the art world. Selected by renowned art collector, Kay Saatchi for Saatchi’s famous ‘Anticipation’ exhibition, she’s also won the prestigious Catlin Art Prize. Recently her work was displayed alongside world-acclaimed artist Tracey Emin, as part of the ground-breaking UK travelling exhibition, The Body in Women’s Art Now. Sarah Lederman. Siren in Hampstead Ponds. This sense of restrained sexuality has filtered into her work not only through her own experiences, but also through her study of female literature, such as Angela Carter’s eroticised fairytales. In pieces such as ‘Sirens’ and ‘Siren in Hampstead Ponds’, dark fissions filter through the dreamy fragments with a similarly implied sexuality. A fan of Waterhause’s work too, Lederman says she painted ‘Siren in Hampstead Ponds’ as winter drew in, as “a memory of the summer”, when she used to go swimming in Hampstead ponds. Vividly sun-speckled and misty, the painting glistens like it could fade away into legend at any moment. President Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia, in 1
ge Stainless Steel. Name: Sean Langman AUS and 6 crew. Dates:. 21st to the 23rd February 2013. "A patient in chronic pain wants their pain gone. Perhaps this is easier said than done. Pain management is complex and has no certain or easy solutions. Surgery may not improve, or may even exacerbate, the pain (e.g., as in low back pain). Non-opioid pharmacological treatments may also prove less than satisfactory. Chronic pain causes emotional pain; which, ironically, can result in heightening the patient’s sensitivity to their physical pain. The debilitating effects of chronic pain span across physical, emotional, social, and occupational functioning." Why does any person go to a doctor (teacher). It is because they have lost control, they feel overwhelmed, helpless, trapped and powerless to remove their pain/problem. Pain often serves an emotional purpose. Our job in the health field should be to return that control to them so that they can live a better life, mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually. Dealing with stress, psychological, physical and emotional is critical to healing. Teaching a patient how to control their lives, (taking control of circumstances in life that render them trapped, helpless, overwhelmed and out of control), has a huge reduction on somatic pain. Regaining control with direct healthy behavior and habits is hard work but results in regaining control of their pain and more importantly their life! Eat well, move well, think well. The Apple Macintosh II was launched in 1987 at the same time as the Macintosh SE. It was considered "revolutionary" because, for the first time, the Macintosh was expandable thanks to its internal slots and had colours (the previous Macintoshes all had monochrome displays). The Mac II also marked Apple's entry into the realm of serious computing. It used a more classic keyboard (which looked like a PC keyboard) and proprietary RGB monitor (see 'Read more' section). The internal SCSI hard disk could be replaced with an 80 MB disk. It could run under A/UX (The Apple version of Unix System V version 2). The Macintosh II was followed in September 1988 by the Macintosh IIx. The IIx had the same specifications as the Mac II. It used a 68030 CPU and a 68882 FPU instead of the 68020 and the 68881, an 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy drive and removable system ROMs for easier updates. GRAPHIC MODES 640 x 480 (The MAC II uses a NUBUS video card, this card could be replaced with any other more powerful one). see more Apple MACINTOSH II Ebay auctions ! As Sarah’s first solo exhibition, ‘A Notion of Longing’, at the ROLLO Contemporary Art Gallery, draws to a close, we take a look at the meaning beyond the brushstrokes…. Sarah Lederman’s famous fans read like a who’s who of the art world. Selected by renowned art collector, Kay Saatchi for Saatchi’s famous ‘Anticipation’ exhibition, she’s also won the prestigious Catlin Art Prize. Recently her work was displayed alongside world-acclaimed artist Tracey Emin, as part of the ground-breaking UK travelling exhibition, The Body in Women’s Art Now. Sarah Lederman. Siren in Hampstead Ponds. This sense of restrained sexuality has filtered into her work not only through her own experiences, but also through her study of female literature, such as Angela Carter’s eroticised fairytales. In pieces such as ‘Sirens’ and ‘Siren in Hampstead Ponds’, dark fissions filter through the dreamy fragments with a similarly implied sexuality. A fan of Waterhause’s work too, Lederman says she painted ‘Siren in Hampstead Ponds’ as winter drew in, as “a memory of the summer”, when she used to go swimming in Hampstead ponds. Vividly sun-speckled and misty, the painting glistens like it could fade away into legend at any moment. President Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia, in 1
924 in a home with no electricity or indoor plumbing. He distinguished himself as a student and later attended the United States Naval Academy. After his military service, Carter returned home to run his family’s peanut farm. In Georgia, he served two terms in the state senate and was elected governor in 1970. The Yankees are currently experiencing their worst month of baseball after a hot start to the season. The Yanks have lost 10 out of their last 12 games, and yet somehow still find themselves on top of the AL East, tied with the Red Sox. It’s often said that misery loves company, and with the White Sox being losers in six of the last seven, the Yankees may have found the perfect team to play a four game set against to try and get back on track as we approach the halfway point in the season. Jordan Montgomery will get the ball Monday night in Chicago, and will try to deliver for a struggling team. He has done just that in the month of June, posting a 3-0 record with a 2.96 ERA. Montgomery has also pitched into the sixth inning or later in each of those four starts. Montgomery will most likely need to go deep once again, as the bullpen (mostly Tyler Clippard) has been unreliable during this skid. The Yankees will face off vs left handed pitcher David Holmberg, whose last appearance was out of the bullpen. Holmberg has solid numbers this year, and has not done it with overpowering stuff. Holmberg’s fastball sits in the high 80’s, as he relies on his off-speed pitches to get batters out, especially his changeup. It’s safe to say that if Holmberg leaves the ball up to this Yankees lineup, it could mean an early night for him. In the second game of the series, Luis Severino will look to have a bounce back start coming off arguably his worst start of the season on Thursday night against the Angels. The 23-year-old has been the best pitcher in the starting rotation all season, but has not looked sharp his last two times out, yet facing a below average White Sox lineup should help Severino regain his dominant form. In fact, Severnio faced the White Sox earlier this year at home, and although he got the loss and gave up two home runs, he struck out 10 over eight innings, and only allowed three hits. Jose Quintana has been rumored to the Yankees in trade talks for quite some time now, but on Tuesday night he will be in a White Sox uniform facing a possible future team of his. Quintana had an awful start to the season, seeing his ERA as high as 5.60 at the end of May. However, in June Quintana has looked much better, posting a 2.25 ERA in four starts, plus throwing a shutout and striking out nine in his last start. Masahiro Tanaka will get the ball Wednesday night, as he continues to be the most confusing player on the Yankees, only adding to that confusion Friday night after throwing eight shutout innings vs Texas. Tanaka seems to have his top-notch stuff back, even striking out 10 hitters in his lackluster start vs Oakland. The question is not his stuff though, but rather his mindset. The numbers are still terrible for Tanaka, especially his home run totals: 21 in 15 starts. Luckily for Tanaka, Chicago have hit the second fewest home runs in the American League. On the mound for the White Sox will be Carlos Rodon, making his first start of the season after being sidelined with elbow bursitis for the first few months of the season. Rodon is a two-year pro out of NC State, and has had two solid seasons in the big leagues thus far. His career ERA is a solid 3.90, and he will also be the third consecutive lefty starter the Yankees will face in the series, possibly causing some lineup mixing and matching by Girardi. With CC Sabathia still out for the foreseeable future, Luis Cessa will make his third start and fourth appearance of the year, trying to find his first win of the season. Cessa has lost his only two starts of the season, yet did not implode or completely take his team out of the game in either start. Cessa will need better run support than he has gotten, as
au de la Sécurité” examines the supervision of the police ” We must put the role of management back into our operation. If no one is responsible for anything, then it’s a mess. “… “Filming has become a way of demonstrating” “Ahou, ahou, ahou …” The cry of yellow vests borrowed from Zack Snyder’s film “300” is launched at the Place de la République in… Fridays For Future Climate Strike Returns to Orlando City Hall Dec. 6 This holiday season, as anticipation of frantic consumerism swells, climate activists have one goal in mind: striking to save the planet. The Fridays for Future movement has become ubiquitous over the past year, coined after the teenage icon Greta Thunberg, who skipped school on Fridays to demonstrate a peaceful protest against human-caused global warming. Her message was resolute yet simple: World leaders and fossil fuel magnates who show a tin ear to environmental disasters need to take climate change seriously. Since Thunberg’s initial sit-in outside the Swedish Parliament, millions have taken part in the largest ongoing climate strike in history—advocating for a zero-carbon future. September’s protests drew more than seven million people worldwide. And this November, rather than ransacking sale bins on Black Friday, thousands of youth protesters marched through the streets, trumpeting their fears of climate change. A young climate activist strikes outside Orlando City Hall in September’s protest. Photo Credit: Lee Perry Hoping to build off this momentum, regional activists will return to Orlando City Hall, recycled signs in tow, on Dec. 6, from noon to 3 p.m. The first protest, organized by IDEAS For Us, an Orlando-based nonprofit that cultivates local sustainability, took place in September, and saw roughly 300 strikers. This week’s protest, also organized by IDEAS, will aim to call attention to the House Bill 97/Senate Bill 256 petition, which proposes a demand for 40% renewable energy by 2030. The bill, filed by state Rep. Anna V. Eskamani and Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez, also requires that by 2050 the state will transition all its electricity to 100% renewable energy. Not surprisingly, electricity stands as the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in Florida. This is the Sunshine State, after all. “Florida is at a pivotal moment in taking on the climate crisis and has the opportunity to finally set a 100% renewable energy goal,” said Eskamani in a press release. “This—combined with energy efficiency goals—is instrumental to crafting a new clean energy economy, one that moves away from fossil fuels and toward a more sustainable future for all.” If Florida Senate bill 318 passes, sunscreens with reef-bleaching chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate will require a prescription. Photo credit: Lee Perry Given its geographic location, Florida also bears some of the most noticeable effects of warming temperatures: hurricanes, extreme heat, floods, shoreline erosion, sea level rise. In addition to campaigning for HB97/SB256, supporters of the December protest will have occasion to air other demands, such as passing SB318—which will ban the sale of sunscreens that contain chemicals deadly to coral reefs—passing SB40 to prohibit plastic carryout bags and straws, and urging U.S. government to declare a climate emergency. December’s demonstration, along with hundreds of youth strikes around the world, will coincide with the COP25 environmental summit that will take place in Madrid from Dec. 2 to Dec. 13. “Environmental change is not possible without strength in numbers,” said chief administrative officer of IDEAS, Caroline Chomatics, to Orlando Weekly. “And in Orlando, we are gaining those numbers to call for climate action in Florida.” To RSVP and learn more about Orlando’s Dec. 6 Fridays For Future Global Climate Strike, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/379176266318541/. Sign the House Bill
au de la Sécurité” examines the supervision of the police ” We must put the role of management back into our operation. If no one is responsible for anything, then it’s a mess. “… “Filming has become a way of demonstrating” “Ahou, ahou, ahou …” The cry of yellow vests borrowed from Zack Snyder’s film “300” is launched at the Place de la République in… Fridays For Future Climate Strike Returns to Orlando City Hall Dec. 6 This holiday season, as anticipation of frantic consumerism swells, climate activists have one goal in mind: striking to save the planet. The Fridays for Future movement has become ubiquitous over the past year, coined after the teenage icon Greta Thunberg, who skipped school on Fridays to demonstrate a peaceful protest against human-caused global warming. Her message was resolute yet simple: World leaders and fossil fuel magnates who show a tin ear to environmental disasters need to take climate change seriously. Since Thunberg’s initial sit-in outside the Swedish Parliament, millions have taken part in the largest ongoing climate strike in history—advocating for a zero-carbon future. September’s protests drew more than seven million people worldwide. And this November, rather than ransacking sale bins on Black Friday, thousands of youth protesters marched through the streets, trumpeting their fears of climate change. A young climate activist strikes outside Orlando City Hall in September’s protest. Photo Credit: Lee Perry Hoping to build off this momentum, regional activists will return to Orlando City Hall, recycled signs in tow, on Dec. 6, from noon to 3 p.m. The first protest, organized by IDEAS For Us, an Orlando-based nonprofit that cultivates local sustainability, took place in September, and saw roughly 300 strikers. This week’s protest, also organized by IDEAS, will aim to call attention to the House Bill 97/Senate Bill 256 petition, which proposes a demand for 40% renewable energy by 2030. The bill, filed by state Rep. Anna V. Eskamani and Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez, also requires that by 2050 the state will transition all its electricity to 100% renewable energy. Not surprisingly, electricity stands as the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in Florida. This is the Sunshine State, after all. “Florida is at a pivotal moment in taking on the climate crisis and has the opportunity to finally set a 100% renewable energy goal,” said Eskamani in a press release. “This—combined with energy efficiency goals—is instrumental to crafting a new clean energy economy, one that moves away from fossil fuels and toward a more sustainable future for all.” If Florida Senate bill 318 passes, sunscreens with reef-bleaching chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate will require a prescription. Photo credit: Lee Perry Given its geographic location, Florida also bears some of the most noticeable effects of warming temperatures: hurricanes, extreme heat, floods, shoreline erosion, sea level rise. In addition to campaigning for HB97/SB256, supporters of the December protest will have occasion to air other demands, such as passing SB318—which will ban the sale of sunscreens that contain chemicals deadly to coral reefs—passing SB40 to prohibit plastic carryout bags and straws, and urging U.S. government to declare a climate emergency. December’s demonstration, along with hundreds of youth strikes around the world, will coincide with the COP25 environmental summit that will take place in Madrid from Dec. 2 to Dec. 13. “Environmental change is not possible without strength in numbers,” said chief administrative officer of IDEAS, Caroline Chomatics, to Orlando Weekly. “And in Orlando, we are gaining those numbers to call for climate action in Florida.” To RSVP and learn more about Orlando’s Dec. 6 Fridays For Future Global Climate Strike, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/379176266318541/. Sign the House Bill
97/Senate Bill 256 petition here. Whether or not you’re able to participate in December’s protest, it’s vital that all of us come together to put pressure on lawmakers. Here’s a full list of our climate action demands. https://www.fridaysforfuture.org/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/22/greta-thunberg-backs-general-strike-climate-change-environment https://time.com/climate-change-solutions/ https://www.vox.com/2019/9/17/20864740/greta-thunberg-youth-climate-strike-fridays-future https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/29/world/global-climate-strikes-black-friday/index.html https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2019/11/26/orlandos-next-fridays-for-future-climate-strike-planned-for-dec-6-at-city-hall https://www.change.org/p/joseph-abruzzo-demand-state-renewable-energy-goals-for-florida-support-hb97-sb256 https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2020/97/?Tab=BillText https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/2015-Report-GHG-Emissions-Inventory-Presentation.pdf https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2019/318 https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/16/health/florida-sunscreen-ban-coral-reefs-trnd/index.html https://unfccc.int/cop25 PrevPrevious Article20 Ways To Be More Sustainable in 2020 Next ArticleWhat You May Not Know About SunscreenNext Our Plastic Problem Plastic bags, water bottles, straws and utensils have become an everyday convenience, especially because of their small financial costs for major corporations, but at what Planet Earth vs. Plastic Plastic: once seen as an industrial miracle, but, now it’s only become our planet’s worst nightmare. One of the most dire issues we face as Your Guide to Recycling “What can I recycle?” “But where do I recycle this?” “Can I throw anything into my home recycling bin?” “Does this even make a difference?” With today’s growing Horizontal Russia Bloggers' opinions Raised so far 46 312 of 250 000 ₽ Tundra inhabitants complain about absence of fish Two assumptions of the problem source by Kirill Shein A resident of Yamal, Alexandra Igumnova, complained in the community "Voice of tundra" on "VKontakte" for the lack of white fish (the most valuable species) in the full-flowing river of the Autonomous Okrug. «7x7» checked the information. Message on the absence of fish A resident of one of the Yamal settlements Alexandra Igumnova wrote an emotional message about the problem with the fish: "The Yamal and Nadym districts have become impoverished! There are no white fish in the rivers, lakes, the Ob! I am in Syunai Sale, I see everything with my own eyes. National villages and inhabitants of the tundra, fishing for centuries, were left without a national dish — stroganina and malosolka. What will happen next?! And do not blame poachers, it's not them. Previously, the Syunai-Sale fishing area caught white fish by hundreds of tons (my father told me that the plan was about 100 tons for one brigade) around the 1980-1990s. And during the Great Patriotic War, fishermen did not spend the night at home, everyone was fishing