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15,300 | 442 | 20 | 2,048 | 1,547 | Darren fixa à blanc le cadavre sur le sol avant lui, en traitant ce qu'il regardait. Lentement, la colère commença à s'édifier en lui. La colère contre le chauffeur de bus, la colère contre les passagers, la colère contre les professeurs du Collège, la colère contre les pompiers à proximité. Comme cette colère poussait l'air autour de lui a gagné une teinte orange qui scintille comme les flammes engloutissant le bâtiment autour de lui. Rempli de colère, Darren s'est tenu, jetant son corps jeté à travers la pièce, qui s'est heurté avec une fissure fatigante, la moitié a révélé des os craquelant sur l'impact. Élevant un bras, le garçon leva le bras et frappa le mur le plus proche, qui éclata de la force. Darren est sorti par sa sortie de fortune, l'aura orange l'entourait encore. | Name: Darren Ryder. He\Him
Age: 18
Personality: Darren wont take other people’s BS. He does what he wants, how he wants. He often blames others when things go wrong and seeks revenge. When he is put into a new environment his usual cockiness dissipates back into his old shy self. Once he adjusts to his surroundings he goes back to how he was before. Sometimes, if there is somebody he knows or likes, he can be nicer and more willing to listen to them.
Interests: Education, solitude, Magic the Gathering, Roleplay, mythological creatures (Specifically Vampires and Werewolves)
History: Darren was introduced to the concepts of Roleplay and MtG at a young age. His first deck was a Black/White deck and he still uses it today (NOTE: Black/White is based on stealing life from the opponent and gaining that life back. It also heavily abuses tokens). He loved them because they gave him a way to get away from the things he hated like people telling him what to do. Darren developed his love for Vampires when he got his first Planeswalker, Sorin Markov, who was a vampire. When he got into his first fight in 5th grade and lost half of his front tooth, he decided to focus on his education as opposed to popularity. After he made this choice, people started to call him names like nerd or geek, so he started to spend more time alone to cope with the verbal abuse. Toward the end of High School, Darren got sick of all the shit and sent it straight back at the people who tormented him.
Appearance: Darren has black hair and green eyes. He is missing half of one of his teeth, Which is broken at an angle, and constantly has his nails bit down as far as he can. He was wearing a suit, too formal for the bus, but perfect for his college interview.
Notes: Nope :P
Realm: Darren’s Realm is still grey dust.
Form: Darren still appears the way he did as a human.
Other: |
15,301 | 442 | 21 | 2,422 | 1,600 | Le nuage d'Aleksa s'est retourné et l'a retirée des flammes qui avaient soudainement éclaté des mains de l'homme. -- D'accord, c'est vraiment dangereux monsieur! Elle a crié avant d'être de nouveau descendue au sol et de sauter du nuage. Quand Aleksa a sauté, elle a atteint le haut et a saisi le bord du nuage et a attendu, alors qu'elle a saisi le nuage, il a commencé à envelopper son bras dans un motif d'hélice qui a voyagé le long de son côté gauche dans un design intime.
Elle a flippé en plein air et s'est posé sur ce qui semblait être une chaise invisible, "wow c'est un grand mur de feu, je me demande..." elle a dit et a flotté jusqu'à un mur de feu et a posé une main dessus. Lorsqu'elle a poussé contre le feu, elle a déchiré puis dispersé dans un dimunitve panache de fumée qui s'est balancé dans l'air avant de disparaître complètement. Elle a percuté l'ouverture et a atterri sur un morceau de métal qui avait commencé à s'effondrer et à souffler comme de la poussière. -- Que dois-je faire maintenant? Elle se demanda alors qu'elle était couchée dans l'air et qu'elle était retenue par une bouffée de nuages qui s'étendait de son corps. | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,302 | 442 | 22 | 2,422 | 1,600 | "Éloignez-vous de moi, rideur de nuages. Cessez vos sarcasmes, et dites-moi ce qui vous intéresse le plus », a dit Jonathan. "À moins que je ne m'échappe ou que je ne sauve ces gens que vous appréciez tant."
Alors que le rasoir de nuages utilisait son propre pouvoir pour faire disparaître son propre pouvoir sous ses yeux, il ne ressentait que le sentiment d'ennui. Si elle avait un grand désir de le suivre et de le combattre, il serait forcé de s'y conformer. Il n'était plus le lâche qu'il était autrefois, car il était maintenant un être grand et puissant, mais en ce moment son but était de trouver l'essence de ce qu'était cet être puissant et grand. Ce qu'il était, et ce qu'il avait prévu de faire. Il garda le dos tourné et continua d'avancer vers une sortie qu'il avait faite. | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,303 | 442 | 23 | 7 | 45 | Le garçon s'est réveillé. Le cocon dans lequel il était à l'origine couvert s'était évanoui, ne laissant que de la matière morte parmi la vie vibrante de plantes belles et mortelles. Ses yeux se sentaient vivants, ils se sentaient réels dans toutes les formes. Son corps tremblait alors qu'il lâchait un chortle très distinct. Le rire de cette jeunesse n'a jamais été tout à fait le même que celui qui s'échappe de sa bouche. Il est devenu plus long, et accentué quand il a mis l'accent sur le rire. Mystérieux était un adjectif qui pouvait être mieux utilisé pour décrire son rire alors qu'il devenait obscurement représentation du changement qu'il a subi après avoir laissé derrière sa vie mortelle. Cette métamorphose pourrait être soit très positive, soit très négative. Néanmoins, il a décidé de se lever et de sourire aux vies qu'il a créées. Il a mordu sa lèvre, s'inclinant la tête sur le cadavre devant lui. Soudain, il ne se souciait plus de la raison pour laquelle la personne était morte. Il a cessé de s'inquiéter de trouver ou non un hôpital ou un policier pour l'informer du cadavre. Au lieu de cela, il a commencé à s'inquiéter de la fumée qu'il a vu monter dans le ciel de la teinte orange lointaine devant.
Le jeune homme a saisi le portefeuille qu'il a empoché du corps derrière lui et l'a mis dans sa poche arrière. Un petit tournesol a germé de la terre sous lui, pointant plutôt vers la lueur chaude quand biologiquement il aurait dû pointer vers le soleil.
"Oui, je sais. Je marche vers ce chemin maintenant. Il n'y a pas besoin de me dire d'aller où je sais que je vais déjà." Il a parlé au tournesol à côté de lui. Il était là, silencieux; ses feuilles soufflaient doucement avec le vent doux qui poussait contre la peau du garçon. Il restait tant de questions sans réponse dans sa tête, mais il décida qu'il valait mieux les mettre de côté. Pour une raison quelconque, il avait un étrange sentiment dans le fond de son esprit que ces questions seraient répondues. Comment, il ne savait pas, mais quand il se sentait arriver très bientôt. Le sol commença à chanter presque pendant qu'il marchait, comme s'il louait un être plus élevé dans ses environs. Un autre chortle étrange a laissé sa bouche, qu'on aurait osé dire sonner bien... fou. Un pas après l'autre, il s'est approché de la chaleur.
Pas à pas, il a finalement atteint le bord de la forêt. Il n'a pas pris note des arbres étrangement tombés qui bordaient directement le cadavre qu'il s'est réveillé devant tout à l'heure. Ce détail particulier n'a pas traversé son esprit jusqu'à ce que ses yeux aient posé sur les débris de métal et d'autres matériaux artificiels éparpillés le long de la route. Antérieurement, une station-service endommagée était en flammes et gravement endommagée par ce qui semblait être une épave entre une collision possible avec un grand véhicule? Il a fallu assez de temps au jeune homme pour rassembler ce que cela signifiait. Un bus s'est écrasé dans une station-service. S'il s'était senti normal, la scène aurait été choquante et incroyable. Mais quelque chose était différent chez lui, et il le savait aussi. Il ne s'est pas contenté de cocon dans une masse de plantes pour rien. Il a noté que c'était très probablement une métaphore subconsciente pour un changement en lui d'une certaine sorte. Son esprit avait tendance à le faire; être artistique et créatif avant même qu'il puisse le voir.
Il se tenait là, regardant l'accident avec des yeux blancs. Et puis, un sourire a traversé son visage comme son esprit a été rencontré par une idée bizarre. | Name: Carin Esposito
Age: 23
By nature a pessimist, Carin is highly uncomfortable with any kind of spontaneity, because she assumes the worst straight away. Any plans that haven't been previously discussed with her or that are imposed on her will shine with her absence from them, as she loathes not knowing what is going on or what could happen. Her calm and polite composure and impeccable lying skills are both leftovers from her childhood, in which they were needed in order to get her through the day unscathed. Although she craves meaningful emotional connection, she can never state her true opinions or feelings in presence of persons she doesn't fully trust, which can be a big hindrance when meeting new people. Care and attachment are things that also don't come easily to her, and she tends to be more focused on her goals than the people around her( Though it depends how much they mean to her).
The biggest conflict that Carin faces is inside of her : she hesitates between what she wants and what she think must be done. Pre-accident Carin will often disregard all of her feelings towards the subject she's studying or the people she thinks she's supposed to hang out with, whereas post-accident Carin realizes that her life is her own and will finally act towards what she wants.
Another aspect of the calm and composed mask is that she always makes sure what she is wearing is formal enough-to the risk of overdressing-, and that she always feels more confident to have a layer of makeup.
Interests: One thing she has always wanted to do, and which contrasts heavily with her chemistry major, is open a bakery. As a child, the only place where she felt safe was the bakery of her neighborhood, which at the time was run by an elderly couple. She was always fascinated with how the baker managed to transform tasteless lumps of ingredients into delicious pastries, which seemed like magic to her at the time.
As a child, the areas she could play in were restrained to the tiny house her mother got after the passing of her father, and the bakery across the street. The former felt quite dull compared to the rush of excitement of a rollercoaster, and the latter's owners did not always have time to take care of a child running around the place, so the amusement park always had a special place in her heart. She loved how the horror house always took her breath away, how the clowns always knew just the thing to cheer her up and make her laugh, and how it seemed like such a brighter and more alive world than her house. Where the bakery felt like her home, the amusement park felt like she was finally living.
When it comes to movies, Carin has a fondness for horror and psychological films, since they remind her of the haunted houses of the amusement park.
Because of once again her childhood, one thing she always wanted to take up but actually never did was boxing, due to the mixed feelings between never wanting to be hurt again and her step father finding out.
History: Most things in her life went well until her father died in a car crash the day after her eighth birthday. Her mother was torn with grief and spent much of her time at the bottom of an alcohol bottle for two years. Meanwhile, Carin desperately tried to cheer her mother up, thinking that making her feel better will also fill the hole she felt getting deeper and deeper in her chest. Exactly two years after the accident, her mother brought someone home, someone from the bar she always went to after she had siphoned the alcohol in their house. He was tall and had more hair than on his chest than on his head, but most importantly, he had a glint in his eye Carin would never forget.
A little while after that when was the hitting began. Her mother's belly started to grow, and she was more excited about the baby than she ever was about Carin bringing back good grades from school, leaving the new man in her life totally in control of Carin's education. And what an education he gave. During the few years he and her mother were together, Carin learned not to show her feelings, to keep a calm and polite composure to avoid any hits, and to lie through her teeth whenever she was compromised. Meanwhile, her mother had triplets and was completely overwhelmed with them, and gave Carin no attention except when she excelled in Chemistry. The man was eventually dumped when he started to show signs of aggression towards the triplets.
Academically, Carin was good at most sciences and math, decent at english when grammar and spelling were involved-but utterly helpless when it came to redactions and essays (since her teacher always insisted on the students having their own opinions), and below average at the rest. She joined the student council as treasurer, and did a good job at stopping irationnal spending (even though she earned many students's dislike for doing so)
When she graduated high school, she voiced out her wish to start her own bakery to her mother, but soon regretted it as she completely refused to acknolwedge that wish. Instead, for the the first time in years, her mother spoke to her as if she was actually interested in her. Unfortunately for the bakery project, it was to convince her to choose chemistry as her major (like she did in college) and to not choose a man before she was done with it. Overjoyed with the attention, Carin followed her mother's advice, but soon found herself torn between what her mother's expectations of her were (and the only way she could get attention from her mother) and what she yearned to do.
Chemistry studies were harder than she thought they would be, and so she has never had much time to actually do things that she enjoyed, which with the more years that passed, only increased her frustration with the whole situation. Eventually those feelings exploded after the accident, when she realized she had just wasted her entire life doing what her mother wanted her to do.
Appearance: Carin is italian from her mother's side, her grand-grand parents being the ones who settled in Avernale, looking for peace away from the facist regime of Mussolini. She has olive skin which darkness can change from slightly tanned to pretty dark according to how much sun she gets. Her thick dark hair is often let loose, as it remains the only part of her appearance she cannot master no matter how much she tries. She often frames her black eyes with eyeliner, nature being kind enough to give her reasonably long lashes. Her nose is her dad's, straight although a bit long except from a bump in the middle (due to it being broken once), and her face shape is her mom's, heart-shaped with relatively high cheekbones.
She feels most comfortable in a tight pencil skirt and a top which depends largely on the day/occasion. Since she has inherited her mother's small height, she likes to wear heels in order not to feel like people are towering over her. (She's a 155 centimeter on a good day)
That day she was going to her last test before she graduated college, and was wearing a tight skirt that was mid thigh long and a black blouse, and a huge trench coat that swallowed her from head to toe.
Notes: Likes puns but absolutely loathe dad jokes. Wish she had a better sense of humor or socialization. Secretly loves cheesy pick up lines, but would never have the gut to tell it to someone. Quite a lot of character development throughout the story is planned, as she's learning to break free of her mother and her past. |
15,304 | 442 | 24 | 150 | 2,973 | Shadrach clignait sur l'homme à mi-chemin, la tête inclinée dans une pose seulement légèrement moins confuse que l'autre haut-parleur. "Que s'est-il passé?" Il a lâché avec un peu de grimace. "Iunno. J'aime juste voir les choses telles qu'elles sont, maintenant que je ne peux pas sentir, nah. Juste... soyez conscient de l'espace qui tombe dans mon lieu de perception, maintenant que je n'ai plus à regarder le monde de l'intérieur d'une cellule cérébrale. La sensation de tout." La viscéralité de la matière, il continua, dans sa tête, mais Shadrach avait déjà couru loin de faire un point et il le savait. Mais ça n'a pas beaucoup d'importance. Il a tourné un autre regard en arrière sur l'adolescent aux cheveux pâles. L'arme qu'il tenait n'était pas moins une proclamation de colère pour le fait qu'il faisait face loin de Shadrach.
-- Merde, j'aurais dû regarder, murmura-t-il, regardant toujours l'épée. Et pourquoi il ne l'était pas? Avec une touche de frustration à ne pas y avoir pensé avant, Shadrach a ouvert ses autres yeux, ceux qu'il n'avait pas encore grandi mais n'avait jamais eu l'intention de fermer à nouveau. Ils s'éparpillèrent irrégulièrement autour de son cou, de ses paumes, des temples de son crâne; Ils s'ouvrirent le long de ses bras en longues fentes minces, laissant entendre qu'un œil était beaucoup plus grand que ce qui pouvait s'insérer dans un corps humain. Ils ont regardé. Ils se sentaient à l'aise. Peut-être aurait-il pu améliorer sa conscience visuelle moins visiblement, mais cela ne lui est pas arrivé.
Les yeux ont aidé à délocaliser sa conscience de tout directement devant son visage, et la première chose qui a frappé Shadrach était le mouvement, d'un côté à l'autre. Avec toute l'incompétence d'un homme qui n'avait jamais aimé les couilles, il leva le bras pour arracher l'objet à l'atterrissage, et avec toute la puissance gaspillée d'un dieu amateur, son bras éclata en vrilles rouges charnues qui attrapèrent l'objet comme un filet et le traînèrent près. Shadrach fit un petit son de "mmph" quand il se rendit compte que ce n'était qu'un autre corps sans âme, et sa main s'enveloppa en arrière, plutôt déformé mais encore surtout humain. Quelqu'un comme lui l'avait jeté avant de partir, laissant un trou dans un immeuble voisin.
"Oui, je pense que je suis sorti aussi," a hurlé le jeune homme, tirant les os du cadavre avec une pensée. Il les a serrés doucement vers le gars tendu avec l'épée pour obtenir son attention à une distance sûre. "Je vais trouver un endroit calme. Viens, si tu veux te calmer. Et mon nom était Shadrach, si vous voulez savoir." Shadrach a tordu la gravité par rapport à lui-même et a monté le bloc de bureau le plus proche dans un flou de déité liquéfiée.
Il voulait voir les étoiles sortir. | Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him.
Age: 19.
Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses.
Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say.
History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life.
Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes.
Notes: ayy lmao
Realm: Empty.
Form: Human.
Other: None. |
15,305 | 442 | 25 | 2,633 | 3,130 | Les os se claquaient autour de lui. Les os de qui? En fait, pourquoi y avait-il des os de toute façon? Josh s'est retourné, balançant l'épée vers l'arrière et sur son épaule, seulement pour laisser reposer là.
"Shadrach, ay? Nomme Josh." Il a dit, en prenant la lame et en pinçant le cadavre le plus proche avec elle. Puis, avant de répondre à sa question, il prit la lame et la jeta sur la tête du corps, la coupant du torse. Pendant qu'il roulait, il se tournait lentement vers la poussière, tout comme les autres.
"Eh bien, c'était ennuyeux comme l'enfer. Bon sang, j'espérais au moins que quelque chose arrive alors que la tête se dissolve. Va te faire foutre." Il a dit, se tournant et jetant l'épée devant Sadrach. Il clique ses doigts et produit une petite flamme, seulement pour le faire une fois de plus et créer une énorme flamme bleue dans sa main. Un peu de lumière. Une lumière amusante. Une lumière pour tout brûler. Il prit alors la flamme et la transforma en une petite boule de cristal. Avec la balle dans la main, il marcha à Sadrach, donnant un léger clin d'œil pendant qu'il allait.
"Oui, bien sûr, je viens avec toi." il dit, jetant le verre derrière lui et appréciant légèrement le son des flammes léchant et craquant; brûlant tout. Des moments amusants. Je me demande ce que je devrais faire... il pensait, tourner sur un axe pour tout prendre. En ramassant les dés, il l'a roulé. Sans nombre, encore. Dans ses mains une autre balle émergea, remplie d'une étrange énergie pourpre. En le jetant à terre, il s'étendait vers l'extérieur et autour de ses jambes, créant un type de bottes violettes. Sautant vers le haut, il est allé plus haut qu'il n'aurait dû et sous lui une plate-forme pourpre est apparue, seulement pour disparaître quand il a ensuite sauté. Avec cela, il a suivi le liquide Sadrach, faisant rouler les dés au fur et à mesure qu'il allait. Quand il a atterri sur 1, il a eu une légère fronce sur son visage alors que les flammes bleues sous lui se sont propagées vers l'extérieur et empiété sur l'ambulance et les civils. Ce n'était pas son problème. Peut-être. Mais cela n'a pas d'importance car il a créé un autre cristal bleu et l'a jeté à l'endroit où le bus était autrefois; l'allumage et la destruction de ce qui restait. Je me demande si ce sera un ciel clair ce soir... il a pensé, sauter après le Dieu liquide. | Name: Josh "Nightmare" Payne
Age: 18
Personality: Very rash, with little to no regard of those around him, even though he pays high attention to those very people. Pretty quiet, but speaks from the heart when talking. No open regard for anything love related, and openly admits to never having a love life. Has a very poor memory, and often forgets crucial information. That or he doesn't hear it because he isn't paying attention.
Interests: A pretty typical, yet diverse geek/nerd. Played video games on a regular basis, a pretty big anime fan, DnD player and partial role player. His love for DnD came about during his primary. One of his friends, named Joe, would always play with his family, and would regale with his tales of adventure and of woe. On the birthday of that very friend, Josh, another friend named Joe and the DM, Joe, all played a version of the DnD starter box. From then on, he always loved playing the game and has run many campaigns, as well as gotten very interested in the fantasy genre.
Also, from a young age, he was an avid, and rather good writer, his favourites being dark fantasy and roleplay. From that age he wanted to become an author, but like most children's dreams they faded, but have somewhat been emerging once again (That's why I'm on this RP site xD)
He had been trying to code for God knows how long, and has since been unsuccessful. He wanted to make something to help those like him. He wanted to make something to help players of DnD create epic encounters, help writers figure out the best vocab to use (Shhhh) and he wanted to make people happy.
History: Josh was a British student in his last year of Sixth Form taking an educational trip to Avernale to study his choice of career; writing. There was everything in this city, from music to art, from technology to science - it was all in Avernale. That pulled him here, to learn the secrets of famous authors and to perfect his style of writing. That all came to an abrupt end however, on one fateful day.
On his way to a university renowned for their students in the field of writing, he boarded a bus. This bus would, supposedly take him to his destination, but that wasn't what fate had in store. Instead, the bus lost it path and sailed forwards into a gas station, killing everyone aboard and ending his dream for good. Or at least that was what he thought...
Appearance: About 6'2, with pretty clear white hair and vibrant blue eyes; easy to spot anywhere. He normally wore casual clothes - Jeans, hoodies, jackets and normal trainers, with glasses to help with his short-sightedness.
Notes: NO!
Realm: After discovering the realm, it's shape began to take form quickly. A pocket universe to suit every race, all in a single, 300m sphere. It was essentially a tiny ecosystem, complete with forests, cities, towns, soaring mountains, deserts and oceans, with great halls of stone under the Earth and a host of creatures that lived and breathed on their own, with even a scaled down version of humans to live in these places. But then their God was Josh, and things unspeakable would happen. Disaster wiped out cities, and creatures would torture and kill others. Murder, violence, poverty, hunger, death, destruction and greed would reign sometimes, and others would be peaceful; the perfect roleplay setting for a DM.
Note: as of becoming a God, the realm is still barren like others. The above is just my current visual of what it will become.
Other: His mind slowly begins to unravel everything he could never accomplish. His almost permanent writers block was lifted, and his mind flooded with endless ideas. |
15,306 | 442 | 26 | 7 | 45 | L'étrange garçon regarda que les deux individus s'envolaient vers l'avant. Tandis qu'ils ont disparu, celui avec les dés étranges a envoyé un feu dévastateur de flammes bleues et de destruction au sol en dessous. Le bus a été incinéré, envoyant des éclats de toutes sortes à travers la région. Beaucoup de ces éclats ont pénétré directement dans les civils restants, blessant et tuant quelques-uns. Les flammes bleues qui surgissent ont commencé à lécher les arbres. L'homme seul s'inclina la tête en sillonnant ses sourcils dans un motif diabolique. Que pensait cette personne en retraite de l'immersion soudaine des flammes bleues? La vie? Il soupira et cliqua sa langue trois fois en désaccord. Avec un fouet de ses doigts minces, le jeune homme tira les flammes bleues de la zone vers le milieu de la route. De son autre main, il tira l'herbe et les branches de la forêt près de lui en vue. Ces deux éléments contrastés ont commencé à tourner les uns contre les autres dans une tornade de terre et de flammes.
"Oui, parfait. Magnifique. Captivant! » L'homme cria alors que la tornade se séparait en deux, formant une rage bleue d'air et un fouet de feuillage terreux. Ces deux constructions se mirent à crier et à crier alors que l'air filait de plus en plus vite. Sous le vent tourbillonnant, les pieds ont commencé à apparaître. Deux paires, l'une faite de feu céruléen et l'autre de racines et de verdure. Ces figures ont grandi plus grand et plus grand, formant les jambes, les poitrines et les bras et même une tête. Les gerbes de fleurs et de feuilles poussaient de l'arrière de la formation de la terre, tandis que la formation de feu léchait au ciel avec la lumière saphir. Les deux figures rugissaient l'une contre l'autre comme si elles étaient destinées à des ennemis. Cela a fait de leur créateur un sourire d'oreille à oreille. C'est exactement ce qu'il voulait.
"Je veux un combat équitable. Le feu, pas de terre enveloppante comme vous le faisiez avant. C'est vraiment pas cool. Voyons ce que la terre peut faire quand elle est dotée d'un pouvoir pur aussi." Il parlait d'une manière très curieuse alors qu'une grande chaise en mousse de fourrure et de chêne se formait derrière lui. Il s'assit, se jetant dans les airs alors que les racines du siège le soulevaient pour avoir une meilleure vue de la bataille qui était sur le point d'être menée. Un champignon, vert et ozing une sécrétion pourpre, germé de l'accoudoir du siège de la plante-comme le garçon puissant assis sur. Il l'a arraché et avalé tout entier ; ses yeux tournaient alors dans une vague de cercles et de couleurs violentes pendant qu'il s'étreignait. Soudain, les deux êtres se sont affrontés. Cette force a envoyé une vague d'énergie à travers la terre autour d'eux, soufflant les feuilles des arbres et le bonnet de la tête du jeune homme. Il riait mal et s'est clapé, comme si c'était un spectacle d'enferuva.
"Encore! Plus fort! Tuez! Tuez! Tuer!" Il s'est retiré de son siège. Il faisait tout ce qu'il y avait d'inhabituel. La construction terrestre a saisi un arbre et l'a tiré de ses racines avec facilité. Il l'a ensuite envoyé en vol vers la construction du feu avec une vitesse d'accélération. Cela allait être extrêmement agité, car la construction de feu se préparait déjà à envoyer environ quatre à cinq boules de feu vers son adversaire. | Name: Carin Esposito
Age: 23
By nature a pessimist, Carin is highly uncomfortable with any kind of spontaneity, because she assumes the worst straight away. Any plans that haven't been previously discussed with her or that are imposed on her will shine with her absence from them, as she loathes not knowing what is going on or what could happen. Her calm and polite composure and impeccable lying skills are both leftovers from her childhood, in which they were needed in order to get her through the day unscathed. Although she craves meaningful emotional connection, she can never state her true opinions or feelings in presence of persons she doesn't fully trust, which can be a big hindrance when meeting new people. Care and attachment are things that also don't come easily to her, and she tends to be more focused on her goals than the people around her( Though it depends how much they mean to her).
The biggest conflict that Carin faces is inside of her : she hesitates between what she wants and what she think must be done. Pre-accident Carin will often disregard all of her feelings towards the subject she's studying or the people she thinks she's supposed to hang out with, whereas post-accident Carin realizes that her life is her own and will finally act towards what she wants.
Another aspect of the calm and composed mask is that she always makes sure what she is wearing is formal enough-to the risk of overdressing-, and that she always feels more confident to have a layer of makeup.
Interests: One thing she has always wanted to do, and which contrasts heavily with her chemistry major, is open a bakery. As a child, the only place where she felt safe was the bakery of her neighborhood, which at the time was run by an elderly couple. She was always fascinated with how the baker managed to transform tasteless lumps of ingredients into delicious pastries, which seemed like magic to her at the time.
As a child, the areas she could play in were restrained to the tiny house her mother got after the passing of her father, and the bakery across the street. The former felt quite dull compared to the rush of excitement of a rollercoaster, and the latter's owners did not always have time to take care of a child running around the place, so the amusement park always had a special place in her heart. She loved how the horror house always took her breath away, how the clowns always knew just the thing to cheer her up and make her laugh, and how it seemed like such a brighter and more alive world than her house. Where the bakery felt like her home, the amusement park felt like she was finally living.
When it comes to movies, Carin has a fondness for horror and psychological films, since they remind her of the haunted houses of the amusement park.
Because of once again her childhood, one thing she always wanted to take up but actually never did was boxing, due to the mixed feelings between never wanting to be hurt again and her step father finding out.
History: Most things in her life went well until her father died in a car crash the day after her eighth birthday. Her mother was torn with grief and spent much of her time at the bottom of an alcohol bottle for two years. Meanwhile, Carin desperately tried to cheer her mother up, thinking that making her feel better will also fill the hole she felt getting deeper and deeper in her chest. Exactly two years after the accident, her mother brought someone home, someone from the bar she always went to after she had siphoned the alcohol in their house. He was tall and had more hair than on his chest than on his head, but most importantly, he had a glint in his eye Carin would never forget.
A little while after that when was the hitting began. Her mother's belly started to grow, and she was more excited about the baby than she ever was about Carin bringing back good grades from school, leaving the new man in her life totally in control of Carin's education. And what an education he gave. During the few years he and her mother were together, Carin learned not to show her feelings, to keep a calm and polite composure to avoid any hits, and to lie through her teeth whenever she was compromised. Meanwhile, her mother had triplets and was completely overwhelmed with them, and gave Carin no attention except when she excelled in Chemistry. The man was eventually dumped when he started to show signs of aggression towards the triplets.
Academically, Carin was good at most sciences and math, decent at english when grammar and spelling were involved-but utterly helpless when it came to redactions and essays (since her teacher always insisted on the students having their own opinions), and below average at the rest. She joined the student council as treasurer, and did a good job at stopping irationnal spending (even though she earned many students's dislike for doing so)
When she graduated high school, she voiced out her wish to start her own bakery to her mother, but soon regretted it as she completely refused to acknolwedge that wish. Instead, for the the first time in years, her mother spoke to her as if she was actually interested in her. Unfortunately for the bakery project, it was to convince her to choose chemistry as her major (like she did in college) and to not choose a man before she was done with it. Overjoyed with the attention, Carin followed her mother's advice, but soon found herself torn between what her mother's expectations of her were (and the only way she could get attention from her mother) and what she yearned to do.
Chemistry studies were harder than she thought they would be, and so she has never had much time to actually do things that she enjoyed, which with the more years that passed, only increased her frustration with the whole situation. Eventually those feelings exploded after the accident, when she realized she had just wasted her entire life doing what her mother wanted her to do.
Appearance: Carin is italian from her mother's side, her grand-grand parents being the ones who settled in Avernale, looking for peace away from the facist regime of Mussolini. She has olive skin which darkness can change from slightly tanned to pretty dark according to how much sun she gets. Her thick dark hair is often let loose, as it remains the only part of her appearance she cannot master no matter how much she tries. She often frames her black eyes with eyeliner, nature being kind enough to give her reasonably long lashes. Her nose is her dad's, straight although a bit long except from a bump in the middle (due to it being broken once), and her face shape is her mom's, heart-shaped with relatively high cheekbones.
She feels most comfortable in a tight pencil skirt and a top which depends largely on the day/occasion. Since she has inherited her mother's small height, she likes to wear heels in order not to feel like people are towering over her. (She's a 155 centimeter on a good day)
That day she was going to her last test before she graduated college, and was wearing a tight skirt that was mid thigh long and a black blouse, and a huge trench coat that swallowed her from head to toe.
Notes: Likes puns but absolutely loathe dad jokes. Wish she had a better sense of humor or socialization. Secretly loves cheesy pick up lines, but would never have the gut to tell it to someone. Quite a lot of character development throughout the story is planned, as she's learning to break free of her mother and her past. |
15,307 | 442 | 27 | 2,422 | 1,600 | "Awww, venez un que vous n'avez pas à être si grincheux que je veux faire est d'être amis avec quelqu'un" Aleksa dit comme elle a utilisé une partie de son nuage pour soutenir son corps pendant qu'elle flottait vers l'homme qui essayait de s'en aller. "Par la façon dont je m'appelle Aleksandra, Al-ek-san-dra" Aleksa a dit quand elle s'était approchée assez "Pas guide de nuage ou quelque chose comme ça... alors quel est votre nom M. démarreur de feu?" Elle demanda alors qu'elle dériveait paresseusement à côté de lui.
Alors qu'Aleksa dérive l'explosion de l'autobus envoie des éclats d'obus vers elle, mais s'arrête quand une vrille de verre s'éteint et bloque les éclats de projectiles métalliques. "Wow, c'était très proche... Je pense qu'elle a réfléchi et a laissé sortir un soupir. Aleksa a attendu que l'homme réponde pendant qu'elle plongeait et filait sur le nuage. | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,308 | 442 | 28 | 2,422 | 1,600 | Et ainsi les choses avaient changé, la situation avait été considérablement modifiée, de sorte que Jonathan avait été en fait surpris. Il regarda vers le guide des nuages, qui s'arrêta au-dessus de lui. Il a arrêté son mouvement, et s'est permis de se mettre au repos. Combien surprenante qu'elle n'ait pas eu de véritable hostilité, et a voulu étendre sa main pour participer à une sorte de comportement cordial. On s'attendait plutôt à ce qu'elle veuille prendre ses pouvoirs jusqu'à sa limite, et tester l'étendue à laquelle elle pourrait participer en dépensant son pouvoir destructeur. Les héros sont toujours ceux qui prêchent le pacifisme et l'amour, et pourtant leur nature turbulente les conduit à chercher le contraire, car les héros cherchent toujours des amants dont la vie conduit à des turbulences et qui cherchent toujours à combattre tout ce qu'ils sont autorisés à combattre. Le guide-nuage serait comme ça finalement, car elle, comme tous les héros, a adopté la pratique dépréciatrice de la protection des faibles. Ce sont les forts qui ont régné, et les faibles devraient vouloir mourir pour les forts. Le guide-nuage devrait accepter la réalité de l'univers, mais les héros ont toujours essayé de subvertir la loi naturelle.
La guide-nuage avait dit que son nom était Aleksandra. Elle s'était approchée de lui, et avait des gardes. Pourtant, il n'était pas nécessaire pour elle d'avoir sa garde, car des êtres comme eux n'en avaient pas besoin. Il pouvait sentir à quel point ils étaient semblables tous les deux, et pourtant ils étaient fondamentalement différents. Ils étaient tous fondamentalement différents. Jonathan donnait tout ce qu'il fallait pour donner un être semblable à lui, mais il ne la voyait pas comme un être égal. Non, il ne voyait personne qui n'était pas tout à fait comme lui comme un égal.
-- Mon nom est Jonathan, dit-il. "C'était mon prénom. Il en demeure ainsi en ce moment, et pourtant ce nom est impropre à la route de la gloire. Vous aurez besoin d'un nouveau nom aussi bien pour réaliser cela à l'intérieur, et pourtant je sais que vous ne le ferez pas." | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,309 | 442 | 29 | 150 | 2,973 | Étrangement, malgré tout ce qui venait de se passer, Ross se sentait plutôt obligé de suivre ce 'Shadrach'. Peut-être qu'il en savait plus qu'il ne le voulait. Ou peut-être qu'il aboyait tout simplement fou. Pour être vrai, il n'était pas tout à fait sûr qu'il lui faisait confiance car il était certainement fou de rage... Bien que la mort ferait probablement ça
"Je suis heureux de faire votre connaissance. Je suis, ou peut-être plus exactement, le docteur Ross." Ross répondit, le suivant lentement en regardant sa montre et en lisant l'heure. Il soupirait faiblement alors qu'il se rendait compte qu'à peu près à ce moment-là, il aurait enseigné une classe d'anglais a-- Il se demandait si Mme Henderson avait repris la classe en son absence? Ou peut-être qu'ils n'avaient pas encore entendu du tout, et qu'en fait, il ne le pensait pas exactement en retard. C'était une pensée plutôt inconfortante; Il connaissait trop bien sa classe du matin et était tout à fait conscient qu'en l'absence d'autorité, ils se transformaient en hooliganisme. Il avait fait l'erreur de les laisser seuls pendant quinze minutes au moment où il est arrivé à terme et quand il est revenu a trouvé son dossier superglué fermé.
Il était tout à fait incapable de suprimer un petit ronflement; Il était un fantôme ou quelque chose du genre, avait regardé son corps juste quelques minutes avant et pourtant il pensait encore à son travail.
Son sourire s'est évanoui assez rapidement car il s'est rendu compte précisément de ce que son esprit essayait de faire pour faire face à ce stress. Une partie de lui voulait crier, une autre partie voulait se lancer dans une sorte de rancune folle et en colère... et surtout il voulait comprendre ce qui s'était passé ici. C'était juste... faux. Et pourquoi s'est-il senti plus... Puissant. Non, il ne sentait pas seulement qu'il savait; il pouvait dire que s'il le voulait, il pouvait faire de si grandes choses... et de si terribles choses.
"Ça change tout." Il murmura à haute voix en sillonnant son front, en regardant ce 'Josh' un moment. Tout le monde prenait ça remarquablement bien, du moins à la surface.
Ouais, d'une certaine façon mon message a été supprimé quand je l'ai envoyé la première fois. Toutes mes excuses. | Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him.
Age: 19.
Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses.
Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say.
History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life.
Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes.
Notes: ayy lmao
Realm: Empty.
Form: Human.
Other: None. |
15,310 | 442 | 30 | 150 | 2,973 | La rapide promenade verticale de Shad s'est arrêtée brusquement à peine à mi-chemin de la hauteur du bureau. Il partit du mur de verre et de béton et s'y trouvait suspendu, flottant, regardant le garçon aux cheveux pâles avec une certaine incrédulité tandis que le monde brûlait en bleu iris sous son dos. "Pas de froid du tout, hein?" Il fit des commentaires agressifs alors que Josh courait devant lui. "N'as-tu pas envie d'agir tranquillement? Est-ce que la paix vous offense?" Il était clair que cela l'a fait, et il ne l'a pas fait; mais la notion a pris un certain temps Shadrach pour traiter. Il n'aimait pas les gens enragés, même quand il les comprenait.
Il était facile de flotter au milieu de l'air, mais le sentiment ne plaisait pas à Shadrach. Il voulait se sentir puni, mais il a refusé de retourner en bas, et ne voulait pas retourner au bâtiment Josh grimpait. Quelqu'un de puissant jouait dans le désordre qu'il avait laissé, alimentant la vie dans le feu et regardant les anges qui en résultent se battre. Les yeux sur le corps de Shadrach ont repéré des morceaux d'arbres enfouis dans le sol. Leurs cris et leurs rugissements étaient bizarrement hors de la place dans la rue. Ross est toujours là quelque part. Je ne pense pas qu'il nous ait suivis... Quoi qu'il en soit, je ne vais pas le chercher. J'ai besoin de construire mon propre terrain pour rester debout.
Et qu'il l'a fait. En entrant dans la structure du bâtiment avec sa nouvelle perception, il l'a déchirée dans une scie triangulaire dentée, utilisant la barre d'acier et les résidus de béton pour construire une langue dentelée s'étendant de l'embouchure du bloc dans l'air pour se tenir debout. Il a parlé sans se tourner vers Josh. "Si tu vas te faire foutre, fais-le. Si tu veux casser la merde, fais-le ailleurs." Il s'arrêta de parler, et l'embouchure du bâtiment, à trois jarrets, gronda un instant, puis vomit une vague de neige et s'écroula de la glace sèche sur les béhémothes qui se disputaient en bas. Pas assez pour éteindre la flamme; Shad n'a pas eu le temps de le faire correctement. Mais le feu cesserait de se propager. Et peut-être que ça calmerait celui qui était là-bas.
" vais aller faire mon propre truc un moment," murmura Shadrach, se sentant un peu dépassé. Au-dessous de lui, la langue ruineuse se tendait et volait vers l'avant, devenant de plus en plus longue et le transportant avec elle au fur et à mesure qu'elle allait. Quelque deux cents mètres plus loin, sa croissance s'arrêta et l'enfila vers le haut sur le toit extensible d'une arène de sport vide avant de s'effondrer, sans vie, en morceaux de verre et de ciment dans la rue.
Tout le monde brise des choses, ou fait des choses qui se brisent les unes les autres. Il soupira, fermant certains de ses yeux. C'est tout ce que personne n'a jamais fait pour toute l'histoire. Même maintenant. Même quand on a une chance de faire quelque chose de bien. Quelqu'un a fait une forêt là-bas avant que Josh ne la mette en feu, une forêt! Shadrach s'est souvenu de quelque chose que son père lui avait montré comment faire, il y a longtemps, en cousant un tissu avec des fils en lignes droites positionnés juste ainsi, jusqu'à ce qu'ils forment une courbe entre eux. C'était apaisant, et bien qu'il n'ait jamais pris un intérêt pour la broderie après cela, Shad a senti que c'était un bon moment pour commencer.
Il ferma ses paumes, puis les ouvrit de nouveau, les ouvrit jusqu'à ce que la chair se fende pour révéler des faisceaux de fils brillants aux couleurs pastel, jaune et rose et cyan. Se jetant du toit et dans le vert abandonné de l'arène, les fils scintillants traînaient après lui, se divisant et s'étendant et couvrant les rangées de bancs en traînées de lumière parallèles. Faisons quelque chose de calmant. | Name: Ivo Shadrach, he/him.
Age: 19.
Personality: Ivo's aversion to crowds has occasionally portrayed him as a quiet individual, but he's no less social than anyone- So long as he doesn't have to deal with too many people at once. In this way he can actually end up putting more effort into seeking and maintaining conversation than most, as a chance to chat in an environment he finds comfortable might not come around often. When he feels overwhelmed, he simply vanishes into his own thoughts and keeps doing whatever he thinks is most useful for him to do. When conversing, he is prone to change the subject to something more abstract or unusual suddenly and abruptly, though he tries to avoid speaking over anyone. Ivo laughs little, but smiles very often. It is difficult to say whether he is a friendly person, partially because he treats everyone like a friend, and partially because he seems so disinterested in what people are doing in their relationships and careers, much preferring to ask about their dreams, their emotions, their fantasies and guesses.
Interests: Ivo has long wished about overcoming the inherent materialism of his Avernalese upbringing and styling himself into a spiritualist, fanning the flames of a childish belief that there really is something under the bed, that mirrors winked at you when you looked away. The commercialisation of classical monsters held no appeal to him, and Ivo has always sought out entertainment that emphasises the unknowable and the forgotten. Lovecraft's sonnets were his bedtime stories, and old chants and ambient recordings were what he defined as music. Though applying his capacious memory to science was the only way he stood a chance of passing at his public school, Ivo secretly and privately wished that he'd forget everything and discover his own beliefs about the nature of the world, and did poorly in all but mathematics, which he enjoyed for its abstract, almost otherworldly nature. He keeps himself busy with sketches and poetic records of his emotions when he's alone in a new place, neither of which will ever be worth publishing. After many attempts to apply for work in novelty shops that sold dreamcatchers and practiced crystal healing, he eventually found his employment in a factory, hand-crafting gorgeous candles and perfumed soaps. He smokes irregularly with hand-grown tobacco, though what else might be in his cigarettes is hard to say.
History: Born to an old and somber family in Avernale, Ivo was raised in the shadow of his much older brother Ezra, who was very alike to himself, almost to the point of being twins. Like Ivo, Ezra did poorly in school but quickly found work, and left the family with barely a trace when he knew he was financially secure. Though difficult at first, both of Ivos parents soon surmounted their loss, knowing that Ezra had left only to seek independence, and not because there had been a lack of love or good parenting between them. A quiet expectation permeated the family that Ivo, too, would leave when he was able and no later. Knowing that Ezra had turned out well even without a successful education, they waited patiently as Ivo's grades collapsed, and did what they could to help him when he started seeking employment. Now that he has a job, they wait, neither impatiently nor regretfully, for him to take control of his own life.
Appearance: Unimpressive. Though he's more fit than he looks from long wanders and hours of overtime work, Ivo still looks like a twelve-year-old, with a bulky body and just the faintest touch of pudge still lingering in his face. His hair is short, dark and uncombed. While travelling to work on the day he died, he was suited up in a simple blue factory work jacket and trousers, stained by wax and dyes.
Notes: ayy lmao
Realm: Empty.
Form: Human.
Other: None. |
15,311 | 442 | 31 | 7 | 45 | Roars de gauche et de droite sonnaient dans les oreilles du garçon pendant que les constructions grondaient vers et vers. La fureur du feu s'envole dans la forêt, détruisant quelques arbres instables. Il s'envola alors si soudainement dans la fureur de la terre, laissant une trace de feu bleu dans son sillage. La collision a envoyé une autre onde de choc d'énergie pure dans l'air, sonnant fort et destructif. La neige a commencé à tomber très soudainement pendant un bref moment, mais les êtres l'ont ignoré. Alors que les deux êtres se battaient, l'homme fou se leva dans son siège vert et fit un concert irlandais. Ses yeux changeaient furieusement de couleurs, du rouge au vert, au bleu, au jaune, et tout autour du spectre des couleurs. Les ingrédients psychoactifs dans le champignon étaient en train de frapper dedans. Il voyait des choses de grande admiration et d'exaltation. Est-ce qu'il devenait fou? Ou était-il déjà fou?
Il a pointé son doigt sur la flamme envahie. Avec un éclair de lumière, il a étourdi et a disparu dans une houle de fumée bleue. La terre élémentale gémit d'une manière très douce quand ses yeux étaient liés à ceux de son créateur. Il avait trouvé son nouveau maître, un être de puissance et d'intelligence supérieures qui était prêt à suivre et à adorer. L'être trent-like a craqué son chemin vers son dieu et sourit passionnément. Le jeune homme ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir content et chaud. Le Trent devenait presque un enfant pour lui. Sa main sortit vers l'être terrestre comme un autre sourire, cette fois-ci beaucoup plus gentil et doux, crevé sur ses lèvres pâles. Le trent frottait sa face de bois contre sa paume et grognait dans le confort.
Avec un saut, le garçon s'est posé sur l'épaule du Trent.
-- Quel sera votre nom? Il parlait doucement tout en lui donnant des coups de pied sur les jambes. Le trent gémit d'un sourire très vieux. Vous pourriez certainement sentir la sagesse dans ses yeux creux.
Une idée lui était apparue dans l'esprit. "Je vais t'appeler Wormwood.
"Allons quelque part. T'es cool. Pour être honnête, je t'aime bien... tu as une belle aura. C'est agréable. Emmène-moi loin. Quelque part paisible... quelque part où je peux faire le mien ici. Je peux le sentir vous savez. Quelque chose a changé. Je ne peux pas dire si je l'ai fait, ou si le monde a changé à la place. Je me sens puissant. Fort. C'est vrai. Je me sens chaud et je me sens froid en même temps. Je peux faire ce que je veux. Littéralement... n'importe quoi. Suis-je inarrêtable? Oh mon Dieu. Je ne connais pas mon nom. Tant de questions à répondre... mais tant de jeux à jouer aussi. N'est-ce pas?" Il a parlé au Trent. Wormwood regarda son maître, sourit et grogne.
"Vrai." Il chuchotait à Wormwood. Et comme ça, ils ont commencé à se diriger vers la forêt. Mais quelque chose a arrêté les deux sur leur piste. L'enfant sentait une présence très forte, plus d'une présence même. Avec un sillon de ses sourcils, il commença à renifler l'air comme un animal éloigné. C'était maintenant son but de trouver qui était proche. | Name: Carin Esposito
Age: 23
By nature a pessimist, Carin is highly uncomfortable with any kind of spontaneity, because she assumes the worst straight away. Any plans that haven't been previously discussed with her or that are imposed on her will shine with her absence from them, as she loathes not knowing what is going on or what could happen. Her calm and polite composure and impeccable lying skills are both leftovers from her childhood, in which they were needed in order to get her through the day unscathed. Although she craves meaningful emotional connection, she can never state her true opinions or feelings in presence of persons she doesn't fully trust, which can be a big hindrance when meeting new people. Care and attachment are things that also don't come easily to her, and she tends to be more focused on her goals than the people around her( Though it depends how much they mean to her).
The biggest conflict that Carin faces is inside of her : she hesitates between what she wants and what she think must be done. Pre-accident Carin will often disregard all of her feelings towards the subject she's studying or the people she thinks she's supposed to hang out with, whereas post-accident Carin realizes that her life is her own and will finally act towards what she wants.
Another aspect of the calm and composed mask is that she always makes sure what she is wearing is formal enough-to the risk of overdressing-, and that she always feels more confident to have a layer of makeup.
Interests: One thing she has always wanted to do, and which contrasts heavily with her chemistry major, is open a bakery. As a child, the only place where she felt safe was the bakery of her neighborhood, which at the time was run by an elderly couple. She was always fascinated with how the baker managed to transform tasteless lumps of ingredients into delicious pastries, which seemed like magic to her at the time.
As a child, the areas she could play in were restrained to the tiny house her mother got after the passing of her father, and the bakery across the street. The former felt quite dull compared to the rush of excitement of a rollercoaster, and the latter's owners did not always have time to take care of a child running around the place, so the amusement park always had a special place in her heart. She loved how the horror house always took her breath away, how the clowns always knew just the thing to cheer her up and make her laugh, and how it seemed like such a brighter and more alive world than her house. Where the bakery felt like her home, the amusement park felt like she was finally living.
When it comes to movies, Carin has a fondness for horror and psychological films, since they remind her of the haunted houses of the amusement park.
Because of once again her childhood, one thing she always wanted to take up but actually never did was boxing, due to the mixed feelings between never wanting to be hurt again and her step father finding out.
History: Most things in her life went well until her father died in a car crash the day after her eighth birthday. Her mother was torn with grief and spent much of her time at the bottom of an alcohol bottle for two years. Meanwhile, Carin desperately tried to cheer her mother up, thinking that making her feel better will also fill the hole she felt getting deeper and deeper in her chest. Exactly two years after the accident, her mother brought someone home, someone from the bar she always went to after she had siphoned the alcohol in their house. He was tall and had more hair than on his chest than on his head, but most importantly, he had a glint in his eye Carin would never forget.
A little while after that when was the hitting began. Her mother's belly started to grow, and she was more excited about the baby than she ever was about Carin bringing back good grades from school, leaving the new man in her life totally in control of Carin's education. And what an education he gave. During the few years he and her mother were together, Carin learned not to show her feelings, to keep a calm and polite composure to avoid any hits, and to lie through her teeth whenever she was compromised. Meanwhile, her mother had triplets and was completely overwhelmed with them, and gave Carin no attention except when she excelled in Chemistry. The man was eventually dumped when he started to show signs of aggression towards the triplets.
Academically, Carin was good at most sciences and math, decent at english when grammar and spelling were involved-but utterly helpless when it came to redactions and essays (since her teacher always insisted on the students having their own opinions), and below average at the rest. She joined the student council as treasurer, and did a good job at stopping irationnal spending (even though she earned many students's dislike for doing so)
When she graduated high school, she voiced out her wish to start her own bakery to her mother, but soon regretted it as she completely refused to acknolwedge that wish. Instead, for the the first time in years, her mother spoke to her as if she was actually interested in her. Unfortunately for the bakery project, it was to convince her to choose chemistry as her major (like she did in college) and to not choose a man before she was done with it. Overjoyed with the attention, Carin followed her mother's advice, but soon found herself torn between what her mother's expectations of her were (and the only way she could get attention from her mother) and what she yearned to do.
Chemistry studies were harder than she thought they would be, and so she has never had much time to actually do things that she enjoyed, which with the more years that passed, only increased her frustration with the whole situation. Eventually those feelings exploded after the accident, when she realized she had just wasted her entire life doing what her mother wanted her to do.
Appearance: Carin is italian from her mother's side, her grand-grand parents being the ones who settled in Avernale, looking for peace away from the facist regime of Mussolini. She has olive skin which darkness can change from slightly tanned to pretty dark according to how much sun she gets. Her thick dark hair is often let loose, as it remains the only part of her appearance she cannot master no matter how much she tries. She often frames her black eyes with eyeliner, nature being kind enough to give her reasonably long lashes. Her nose is her dad's, straight although a bit long except from a bump in the middle (due to it being broken once), and her face shape is her mom's, heart-shaped with relatively high cheekbones.
She feels most comfortable in a tight pencil skirt and a top which depends largely on the day/occasion. Since she has inherited her mother's small height, she likes to wear heels in order not to feel like people are towering over her. (She's a 155 centimeter on a good day)
That day she was going to her last test before she graduated college, and was wearing a tight skirt that was mid thigh long and a black blouse, and a huge trench coat that swallowed her from head to toe.
Notes: Likes puns but absolutely loathe dad jokes. Wish she had a better sense of humor or socialization. Secretly loves cheesy pick up lines, but would never have the gut to tell it to someone. Quite a lot of character development throughout the story is planned, as she's learning to break free of her mother and her past. |
15,312 | 442 | 32 | 2,048 | 1,547 | Darren, par hasard, s'est tourné vers une forêt voisine pour avoir un aperçu d'un gars qui conduisait une sorte de construction. Le type a regardé, non, se sentait semblable à lui-même d'une manière qui était au-delà de lui à ce stade. C'était la première personne à proximité qui s'était sentie normale. Tout le monde avait l'impression que les marionnettes étaient tirées par des cordes invisibles. Quelque chose dans la pensée d'un autre comme lui, qui était mort, l'a quelque peu calmé. Avec un mouvement rapide de sa main, il souleva un morceau de terre du sol et le fit planer. Sautant dessus, il l'a guidé vers le gars sur son golem, criant un salut légèrement rempli de rage. | Name: Darren Ryder. He\Him
Age: 18
Personality: Darren wont take other people’s BS. He does what he wants, how he wants. He often blames others when things go wrong and seeks revenge. When he is put into a new environment his usual cockiness dissipates back into his old shy self. Once he adjusts to his surroundings he goes back to how he was before. Sometimes, if there is somebody he knows or likes, he can be nicer and more willing to listen to them.
Interests: Education, solitude, Magic the Gathering, Roleplay, mythological creatures (Specifically Vampires and Werewolves)
History: Darren was introduced to the concepts of Roleplay and MtG at a young age. His first deck was a Black/White deck and he still uses it today (NOTE: Black/White is based on stealing life from the opponent and gaining that life back. It also heavily abuses tokens). He loved them because they gave him a way to get away from the things he hated like people telling him what to do. Darren developed his love for Vampires when he got his first Planeswalker, Sorin Markov, who was a vampire. When he got into his first fight in 5th grade and lost half of his front tooth, he decided to focus on his education as opposed to popularity. After he made this choice, people started to call him names like nerd or geek, so he started to spend more time alone to cope with the verbal abuse. Toward the end of High School, Darren got sick of all the shit and sent it straight back at the people who tormented him.
Appearance: Darren has black hair and green eyes. He is missing half of one of his teeth, Which is broken at an angle, and constantly has his nails bit down as far as he can. He was wearing a suit, too formal for the bus, but perfect for his college interview.
Notes: Nope :P
Realm: Darren’s Realm is still grey dust.
Form: Darren still appears the way he did as a human.
Other: |
15,313 | 442 | 33 | 2,422 | 1,600 | Ross s'arrêta un moment, se débarrassant de la tête et de la pensée; non pas cette fois-ci, sur ce qui s'était passé, mais plutôt sur ce qui devait se passer ensuite.
Il était mort, beaucoup était indiscutable, mais il semblait qu'il avait été transformé, avec les autres personnes impliquées dans l'accident, en quelque chose de nettement paranormal. Qu'ils viennent de montrer cela au monde en général aurait sans doute des répercussions majeures et franchement, il n'était pas sûr qu'il puisse être tué une deuxième fois ou non.
Et... Il regarda vers sa main et glissa le petit anneau doré de son doigt, le faisant glisser dans sa poche avec un petit soupir. Franchement, il ne voulait pas que ses enfants soient "les enfants avec le père fantôme"; Ils avaient assez eu à traiter avec le directeur étant leur père. Les humains ont historiquement rejeté des choses qu'ils ne comprenaient pas.
Il se maudit tranquillement sous son souffle: s'il avait agi plus tôt, s'il venait de se débarrasser de son propre corps, alors il aurait pu facilement agir comme s'il avait survécu, d'autant plus que les gens avaient été distraits au départ par ce que les autres avaient fait, surtout que cosplayer ou ce qu'ils appelaient ces jours-ci. Mais maintenant, il devrait s'en sortir.
Il a tourné à droite et s'est dirigé vers la rue, l'air anxieux lorsqu'il a ouvert la porte du supermarché et est entré à l'intérieur. Il regarda vers les signes, les regardant le long d'eux avant de marcher lentement à travers les allées, en gardant les yeux épluchés.
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant qu'il trouve le panneau indiquant les toilettes. Il ouvrit la porte et entra à l'intérieur, notant un homme qui avait l'air glauque à l'intérieur, se lavant les mains. L'homme l'a regardé et d'après le regard, Ross a pu dire qu'il avait dû être dans tout l'état. Il a fait semblant de ne pas remarquer et est allé à la cabine, en entrant et en le ramassant.
Il a attendu que l'homme séchât les mains et écoutait la porte, déverrouillant la cabine seulement une fois qu'il était certain que l'homme était parti. Il s'approcha du miroir et regarda sa réflexion.
Il avait vraiment l'air d'un bazar.
Ses cheveux n'étaient plus à l'état bien peigné qu'il avait laissé à la maison, il avait plusieurs petites coupures sur sa joue et son nez semblait tordu. Il se fixa pendant plusieurs instants alors qu'il se rassemblait et secouait la tête.
Heureusement, il n'avait pas l'air d'avoir une fuite de cerveau sur son crâne, donc au moins c'était un début. Pourtant, il se sentait comme...
Il s'arrêta encore et se concentra fort; Bien sûr, il trouva qu'il le pouvait. Lentement, ses cheveux blancs s'obscurcirent et les coupures le long de sa joue scellèrent ; les rides sur sa chair s'évanouirent lentement dans le néant et son visage s'amincit légèrement. Enfin, c'était complet et... Oh, c'était comme s'il avait retourné l'horloge à l'époque où il avait commencé son doctorat!
Ross ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire à la réflexion plutôt charmante (s'il l'a dit lui-même). Il ne se considérait en aucun cas comme un homme vaine, mais c'était bien de revoir son plus jeune moi.
Peut-être... trop jeune.
Il s'est arrêté et s'est concentré à nouveau. Une fois de plus, son visage commença à se métamorphoser, mettant sur une décennie et demie; Quelques rides lui gracièrent encore le visage et ses cheveux se mêlèrent d'argent.
Cela le rendrait beaucoup plus difficile à reconnaître, du moins pour le profane. Il était mort. Il ne voulait pas attirer l'attention excessive, donc il était beaucoup plus logique de changer son apparence. Peut-être qu'à une date ultérieure, il ferait quelque chose de plus dramatique, mais pour l'instant, il pensait que changer son âge suffirait.
Ross s'est tourné vers la porte de la salle de bains et s'est approché pour l'ouvrir, mais s'est arrêté à court. Étrange, quelque chose lui disait... Non, il sentait quelque chose à l'intérieur... Ou il savait juste? Quoi qu'il en soit, il s'arrêta et se concentra de nouveau sur la porte, attendant quelques secondes avant de l'ouvrir et révélant un vide violet où le supermarché aurait dû être.
Oh, oui, maintenant il a compris... | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,314 | 442 | 34 | 2,422 | 1,600 | Et qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans un nom? Il y a beaucoup de choses dans un nom. Vous ne pouvez pas le voir, dans votre attachement à votre ancienne vie. Vous souhaitez rester attaché à votre vie et à votre ancien nom, mais rien de ce que vous avez fait dans votre vie ne peut se comparer à ce que nous pouvons faire maintenant. Alors jette-le, je dis. Quand vous êtes ici les noms du Christ, de Zeus et de Shiva, vous savez en leurs noms que la gloire est infinie. Avec un tel pouvoir dans nos mains maintenant, ayant été ressuscités d'entre les morts et laissant derrière doppelganger poupées, qui est de dire que nous ne méritons pas la même gloire? Seul un être supérieur à nous aurait cette autorité, et nous savons tous qu'un tel être ne peut pas exister. Je vous le dis, Aleksandra, je ne peux pas supporter de garder mon propre nom, si associé à mon temps d'esclave servile à la société. Je ne sais pas quel sera mon nouveau nom, mais ce sera un nom que les multitudes connaîtront et apprendront à vivre dans la peur et la crainte. Quand j'étais en vie la première fois, je n'étais qu'un esclave de ceux au-dessus de moi. Je n'avais aucune autorité, vivant dans la peur de représailles de ceux au-dessus de moi. Un lâche et un idiot, je méritais d'être traité comme de la saleté et ainsi était. Nous avons tous notre place dans le monde, et j'étais là où j'appartenais, mais finalement j'ai surgi! Je ne serai plus jamais traité comme ça!
Jonathan semblait trouver ce qu'il était simplement en parlant à un autre de lui, et semblait le trouver, ou du moins déterminer quelle serait sa réponse à la question. Cependant, même pour Jonathan, accepter la position d'être un divin prendrait un certain temps. Il y a toujours des sons d'au-delà de lui et de la fille, et il semble qu'il y ait encore plus de rameurs. Jonathan ne pouvait imaginer être capable de contenir tout cela, peu importe à quel point il se sentait grand de son ascension.
Si vous voulez vraiment me parler, suivez-moi hors d'ici, a dit Jonathan. Il semble que notre famille ait décidé de briser tout l'enfer. Je l'entends même jusqu'ici. Puisque je ne vois aucune chance en moi même maintenant de pouvoir l'arrêter, je ferais mieux de partir d'ici. Cet endroit est en feu, et ce n'est pas un endroit où je resterais. | Name:
Aleksandri "Aleksa" Roybane
She is a child, plain and simple. Aleksa loves soft things and candy, but this doesn't mean she is all play. Aleksa has a deadly serious side to herself when something of interest happenes or she needs to be more "mature". She has a strong feeling of trust for other people
Aleksa loves collecting plushies and is an avid collector/reader of manga and comics alike. If you had looked at her room when she was normal you would have seen a mass of plushies and blankets filling space up as well as a gaming console or two. She also has a bit of an obsesion with anime style fights.
She loves to dress in light a dress and skirts or in cosplay which she orders special from shops around the area though she doesn't wear these as often is it would seem.
Aleksa was born to a mildly rich russian family though she was the opposite of what her parents wanted her to be like. Most of her family was clean-cut and proper, while she was bubbly and "fluffy" though kinda violent, which was not what Aleksandi's parents had in mind for her. Eventually they had given up on trying to change her and instead started enabling her to be herself, by means of supplying her with some money to fill her desire for her personal interest. She doesn't even like to use the family car to get places, opting to rather take public transportation.
Aleksandri is a young girl with dark blue eyes and light olive skin. Her shoulder length hair is light pink with red tips and bounces slightly while she walks. She is about 5'2" and pretty thin, at the time of the accident she was wearing a white flowing, lightly frilled sundress with red accents. She was also carrying around a copy of "Ansatsu Kyoushitsu" (really good Manga by the way) on her way home from the local manga store as well as a fuzzy blue novelty backpack full of snacks and whatnots.
Later.... I shall add more later
Her Realm is a completely inside out orb that surrounds both a small sun and moon which orbit eachother, the realm has a huge red and blue lake that sparkles with silver orbs of light. surounding the lake is a forest full of evergreen trees topped with what looks like dripping blue paint that falls yet seems to never touch the ground. The mile of ground that surrounds the lake and separates it from the forest is a large stretch of smooth ice that is so slippery that it you have to slide across it, though you won't slow down unless you something akin to ice skates. While the sun and moon orbit each other that means that htere is always an eclips occuring where the moon is facing.
A skinny, 5'2", pink and red haired girl with a frilly sun dress and dark blue eyes.
15,315 | 443 | 0 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Angelo soupira doucement alors qu'il se réveillait de sa sieste, on lui dit qu'il n'était pas nécessaire pour les opérations quotidiennes du navire alors Angelo a juste décidé de faire la sieste jusqu'à ce qu'il soit temps pour leur braquage. Angelo a vérifié sa table de lampe à côté de lui et il a sorti sa montre de poche et a vérifié l'heure. Heureusement, il n'a pas fini de dormir car ils étaient encore une heure jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent du saut de la FTL et atteignent leur cible de croisière de luxe.
Angelo sourit à lui-même heureux qu'il soit devenu un capitaine du navire qui appartenait autrefois à son père, il était réconfortant de penser qu'il était encore leur guide et le garder en sécurité. Si quelqu'un avait dit à Angelo il y a 2 ans qu'il serait capitaine d'un vaisseau pirate de l'espace, il aurait cru qu'ils étaient fous mais maintenant Angelo pense que cela lui vient naturellement même après sa première année de sa vie de capitaine. En ce moment, Angelo avait besoin d'aller s'habiller pour qu'il puisse se préparer pour le braquage. On lui a dit que ce ne serait pas un travail très difficile, mais le paquebot de luxe a deux navires d'escorte, ce qui rendra difficile de les contourner, mais son équipage s'en chargera facilement.
Angelo a rapidement changé ses casuals et il a mis sur sa tenue de capitaine qui lui convient parfaitement si apparemment lui et son père ont dû avoir la même construction physique ou ils ont décidé de la changer avant de rencontrer Angelo de toute façon il était très confortable de porter.
Angelo a ensuite mis son chapeau pirate et est sorti de sa chambre jusqu'au pont où il s'est assis dans la chaise des capitaines attendant que les autres arrivent avant leur braquage sachant que le navire était sur pilote automatique quand dans leurs sauts FTL... | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,316 | 443 | 1 | 464 | 1,183 | Bottes fait un court son de coupure qui fait écho très doucement à chaque étape sur le sol dur lisse. Bien sûr, bientôt ils ne feraient pas de bruit du tout comme Iona a sorti des gardes de sécurité avec la grâce lisse d'une panthère... une panthère bionique. Iona s'était demandé si elle avait pu entrer dans l'alcool qu'elle avait pris du dernier braquage, et a décidé d'attendre après celui-ci. Alors, alors qu'elle marchait vers le pont, elle mâchait sur un morceau de chocolat. C'était du chocolat, presque aussi bon que le truc de Morganian.
Oh, comment elle a manqué sa vie là-bas parfois. Les domestiques qui attendaient tous ses désirs, les petits amis chauds qu'elle pouvait jeter à chaque fois qu'elle voyait quelqu'un de plus chaud, le chocolat. Oh, mon Dieu, le chocolat. C'était un miracle que Iona n'ait pas été obèse au moment de son petit accident.
La jeune femme s'assit, secouant le désir. C'était une vie meilleure et elle le savait. Elle avait gagné son droit d'être ici. Elle a été utile. Et elle avait pu essayer une si grande variété de bonbons qu'il n'en valait pas la peine de retourner sur sa planète. Elle a sorti la boîte qu'elle transportait, pleine de chocolat bien sûr, et l'a glissé sur la table à Angelo avec son bras en métal.
"Bonjour, capitaine. J'ai pensé qu'aujourd'hui sera un grand, donc le chocolat est pour le moral », a-t-elle dit après avoir retiré le masque qui couvrait la partie inférieure de son visage. La plupart de ses dents étaient un peu trop blanches : synthétiques ; c'était évident chaque fois qu'elle souriait comme elle le faisait maintenant. Les originaux avaient été perdus dans l'incendie. | Name: Iona Glinn
Age: 26
Her entire right side consists mostly of metal parts. Her abdomen has a lot of various lit-up thingies here and there where there are electronics functioning in place of her organs.
race: Cyborg/human
personality: For an assassin, she can come off as a surprisingly "good" person. Her personal rules are to kill quickly and painlessly, and to leave absolutely no evidence. Torture is something that she wants to make a real statement, and therefore it is reserved solely for her parents and maybe an ex or two if she ever sees them again. With her crew, she is a friendly and open person who laughs easily. She has a stockpile of chocolate and really likes sweets. More than sweets, she likes to get drunk on her spare time. She can be flirty on occasion, but it increases about ten-fold when she's inebriated.
history: When Iona was sixteen, she was a regular and entirely natural human being. She was part of a rich family, and in fact grew up on Morganian. She was beautiful and let everyone know it, but the one thing she didn't enjoy was the fact that she was treated like a trophy or an object rather than a thinking, feeling human being. She was popular, had a few boyfriends, and all around enjoyed her life until her first trip into space. On the way back into the atmosphere, the heat shield failed and Iona bore the brunt of the damage with horrible burns all over her body as well as permanent damage to some of her organs. It is a miracle she survived at all, and in fact suffered cardiac arrest several times while in the hospital after the accident.
The damage to her body was so bad that the doctors replaced much of her body with cybernetic parts. After her recovery, though, her family no longer seemed so keen on showing off Iona. She lost her high social ranking among the other teenagers. No one looked to want to date her anymore. This sudden 'fall from grace' resulted in a lot of emotional suffering, and she turned to a variety of unhealthy coping mechanisms, including vicious pranks, hard drugs, ridiculously-strong alcohol, and theft. She no longer felt like she had a purpose, even after the first time someone paid her to murder a man.
At 18, she started traveling through space in luxury spacecraft, making the most of what remained of her money to enjoy the view. At 21, she was in a craft that was raided by the Tsuki no Kama pirates, and she convinced them that she was useful enough to join.
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Clean, quiet, and quick killing. Very detailed knowledge of anatomy allows her to be both an effective medic and assassin.
Skills: Expert medic and assassin, average engineer.
Other: Bisexual. |
15,317 | 443 | 2 | 2,466 | 174 | Lucas s'est empressé d'aller-retour et d'y jeter l'inventaire dans la soute. Il s'arrêta au milieu de l'étrier, spotant un espace vide entre deux boîtes rectangulaires sur l'étagère "marchandises spéciales".
"Eh bien, eh bien." Il a peigné un mousqueton errant dans sa barbe. C'était un geste qui indiquait souvent une pensée profonde. Ou l'ennui. "On dirait que le bandit chocolaté frappe à nouveau." Lucas sourit alors qu'il en faisait une petite note. Il a ouvert l'interface holographiquement affichée à partir du gantelet de son costume et a commencé à mettre la clé dans son rapport quotidien. Tout comme il a fini, une fenêtre de notification est apparue.
Rendez-vous sur le pont
Les portes coulissantes auto ont fait place à Lucas, qui est entré dans le pont avec la grâce d'un chat maison insouciant. Il a repéré Iona glisser sur une barre de bonbons au capitaine.
"C'est là qu'allaient les bonnes choses." Il a souri, il s'est déplacé vers elle. "Est-ce aussi bon que les bonbons Morganiens que tu gâches toujours?"
Lucas a tourné son attention vers le capitaine. "Tu as l'air plutôt sournois aujourd'hui, Cap." Il mit sur la table son chapeau de poussoir à larges bords, gesticulant Iona pour lui donner un bar. | removed |
15,318 | 443 | 3 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul s'assit sur sa couchette en faisant de l'entretien sur son arme et son armure. Son esprit profond dans la pensée pendant qu'il travaillait, le clivage des plaques de son armure pendant qu'ils bossent ensemble. en plus de lui assis un petit joueur de musique, il jouait de la musique classique douce. Alors que Paul travaillait, il se moquait doucement, beaucoup de gens ne comprenaient pas son genre de musique classique. En fait, beaucoup se sont moqués de lui pour cela, mais pour lui-même cela représente un grand moment. Un temps de messieurs et un temps d'honneur. Bien qu'il n'ait aucune vision personnelle de l'honneur, il aimait l'idée de celui-ci.
Comme Paul travaillait un des hommes d'équipage est monté vers lui "Paul une heure jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions... se mettre en vitesse." l'équipage a dit. Avec un sourire Paul fait un dernier chèque "Merci Peter mieux faire votre auto prêt." Il a dit qu'il se levait et partait pour le pont.
Après plusieurs minutes Paul a trouvé le pont. Comme les portes s'ouvrent Paul regarder tous les présents. "Hé patron" il a dit à Angelo quand il entre. "Lucas, Iona" Paul dit à chacun avec un sourire, il ne voulait pas manquer de respect, il savait que Iona avait gagné sa place, et il la respectait pour cela. Pour Paul Lucas était ennuyeux, assez gentil, avec l'expérience qui l'éclipsait et avait son respect comme quelqu'un qui pouvait lui montrer une chose ou deux. En toute honnêteté, Paul les aimait bien.
-- Alors Boss, qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Paul a demandé alors qu'il s'asseyait "Je sais..." il a dit comme il a remarqué le chocolat "Puis-je?" Il demande une motion au chocolat. | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,319 | 443 | 4 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Angelo sourit alors qu'il attendait et la première à arriver était leur douce fille folle de cyborg Iona qu'Angelo a cru être encore mignon même si Angelo ne sait pas à quoi elle ressemblait avant qu'elle aille à moitié robot sur eux et il a hurlé à ses remerciements, agréable obtenir des bonbons de quelqu'un encore plus doux Angelo a dit souriant à elle sachant qu'elle était une noble alors un flirt ici et leur était sa façon de lui donner un sentiment de normalité.
Le prochain membre d'équipage à arriver était Lucas le vieux chien de mer qui a fait l'expérience d'Angelo a fait Angelo ressembler à un touriste. Quand Angelo a appris pour la première fois qu'il serait capitaine, c'est Lucas qui est venu lui offrir ses condoléances et lui a appris les cordes jusqu'à ce qu'Angelo s'en empare. Angelo lui a donné un bar de bonbons et il a souri quand il a dit qu'Angelo avait l'air sournois et Angelo ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de dire que c'est à l'aise et j'aime penser que ça me donne l'impression que mon père me regarde encore. Angelo a dit sourire
puis finalement c'était Paul leur pilote de chasse Angelo ne savait pas grand-chose de Paul mais il était un gars vraiment gentil et il s'est assuré qu'Angelo ne faisait pas d'erreurs stupides quand ils étaient sur leur premier braquage alors Angelo pense toujours à lui comme faisant partie de leur famille. Angelo a ri un peu quand il a soudainement cessé de parler et a demandé une partie du chocolat alors Angelo lui a donné la moitié de son et Angelo a mangé l'autre moitié aimant la saveur douce. Parfois, on doit juste apprécier les petites choses de la vie.
Une fois qu'Angelo a fini ses bonbons il s'est levé et a commencé à expliquer ok les gars aujourd'hui nous allons prendre sur un autre croiseur de luxe, mais celui-ci a une escorte de deux navires de ce que j'ai compris qu'ils ne sont pas des navires de guerre empire donc c'est un plus, mais ils sont classe de frégates comme nous donc attendez la résistance. Tout ce qu'on doit faire, c'est leur donner quelques coups d'avertissement et ça devrait les faire capituler, je ne veux pas détruire les navires si nous le pouvons. D'autres trucs pour nous s'ils se rendent? Tout le monde entre dans vos stations cause allaient apparaître près d'eux pour voir à propos de donner l'élément de surprise Angelo dit avant de s'asseoir et de faire démarrer le logiciel de guerre électronique... | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,320 | 443 | 5 | 464 | 1,183 | Comme les bonbons Morganiens? C'est impossible. Rien de tel. Quelle question stupide, dit Iona avec une légère teinte de sarcasme dans sa voix. Elle n'admettrait pas que tant qu'elle aimait ce riche chocolat Morganien, son goût s'estompait de sa mémoire. Dix ans feront ça à une personne. Son sourire s'est un peu évanoui; peut-être que ce prochain braquage livrerait les marchandises qu'elle voulait vraiment: le chocolat et l'alcool fort qui pourrait faire une personne bâillonner au début- mais pas Iona.
Iona a fait un clin d'œil à Angelo, appréciant le flirt, et s'est penchée sur son siège en partie pour écouter et en partie pour regarder ses camarades finir le chocolat qu'elle espérait se baver, à part partager avec le capitaine pour bonne chance. "M'envoyer dans un sas ou quelque chose - de préférence des ordures et non des excréments - et je vais prendre la sécurité, comme d'habitude", a-t-elle dit. Elle avait vécu ça plusieurs fois maintenant. Elle était prête.
Elle a jeté un pouce vers Paul. "Si tu trouves du chocolat, recharge mes stocks, veux-tu?" Et avec ça, son masque est parti. | Name: Iona Glinn
Age: 26
Her entire right side consists mostly of metal parts. Her abdomen has a lot of various lit-up thingies here and there where there are electronics functioning in place of her organs.
race: Cyborg/human
personality: For an assassin, she can come off as a surprisingly "good" person. Her personal rules are to kill quickly and painlessly, and to leave absolutely no evidence. Torture is something that she wants to make a real statement, and therefore it is reserved solely for her parents and maybe an ex or two if she ever sees them again. With her crew, she is a friendly and open person who laughs easily. She has a stockpile of chocolate and really likes sweets. More than sweets, she likes to get drunk on her spare time. She can be flirty on occasion, but it increases about ten-fold when she's inebriated.
history: When Iona was sixteen, she was a regular and entirely natural human being. She was part of a rich family, and in fact grew up on Morganian. She was beautiful and let everyone know it, but the one thing she didn't enjoy was the fact that she was treated like a trophy or an object rather than a thinking, feeling human being. She was popular, had a few boyfriends, and all around enjoyed her life until her first trip into space. On the way back into the atmosphere, the heat shield failed and Iona bore the brunt of the damage with horrible burns all over her body as well as permanent damage to some of her organs. It is a miracle she survived at all, and in fact suffered cardiac arrest several times while in the hospital after the accident.
The damage to her body was so bad that the doctors replaced much of her body with cybernetic parts. After her recovery, though, her family no longer seemed so keen on showing off Iona. She lost her high social ranking among the other teenagers. No one looked to want to date her anymore. This sudden 'fall from grace' resulted in a lot of emotional suffering, and she turned to a variety of unhealthy coping mechanisms, including vicious pranks, hard drugs, ridiculously-strong alcohol, and theft. She no longer felt like she had a purpose, even after the first time someone paid her to murder a man.
At 18, she started traveling through space in luxury spacecraft, making the most of what remained of her money to enjoy the view. At 21, she was in a craft that was raided by the Tsuki no Kama pirates, and she convinced them that she was useful enough to join.
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Clean, quiet, and quick killing. Very detailed knowledge of anatomy allows her to be both an effective medic and assassin.
Skills: Expert medic and assassin, average engineer.
Other: Bisexual. |
15,321 | 443 | 6 | 2,466 | 174 | Lucas s'inclina silencieusement comme Angelo parlait de son père. Le garçon a fait un long chemin... Il a repensé à l'époque ancienne, rappelant les temps passés à enseigner rigoureusement à Angelo tout ce qu'il savait sur ce mode de vie gênant. Si c'était n'importe quel autre équipage piratant, selon la loi des pirates, Lucas aurait dû prendre les rênes comme capitaine des Tsuki no Kama. Mais en vérité, le navire était un héritage familial, et Lucas n'avait pas le droit de l'enlever à Angelo et ce n'était pas un équipage ordinaire. Angelo avait la moitié de son âge, mais il avait l'endroit d'un vétérinaire chevronné. "La pomme ne tombe pas loin de l'arbre, Angelo. Si le vieil homme était là, il serait fier."
Paul a enfin trouvé le pont. Les chocolats étaient partagés, malgré les réticences d'Iona, et l'exposé de mission était en cours. C'était une prise de base et aller sur un paquebot de luxe. Rien de trop fou, mais assez sérieux pour garder la tête de Lucas dans le jeu. "Une bonne explosion de l'EMP les enverra dans les âges sombres assez longtemps pour que nous fassions notre sale travail. Le mieux, c'est que notre nav brouillonne leurs communications au cas où. Ne voulez pas gaspiller du combustible précieux sur un chat et une souris avec des canons d'empire à nouveau..." Il a écouté la demande d'Iona d'être passé en contrebande à bord du croiseur de luxe via des poubelles et non des déchets humains. "Je suis d'accord avec ça." Lucas s'est ridiculisé. "La dernière fois que nous avons fait nager Iona à travers un port d'égout, nous avons dû stériliser tout le navire pour les parasites de graisse. Rappelez-vous quand tout le monde à la passerelle portait des filtres masque à un moment?" La mémoire a apporté un autre rire copieux alors qu'il giflait son genou et se levait de sa chaise. | removed |
15,322 | 443 | 7 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul a riposté doucement à la remarque de Lucas alors qu'il mangeait le chocolat. "ce n'est pas mal... Merci Boss et Iona" il dit comme il a fini le chocolat "Donc patron avons-nous un plan de ce navire?" il demande "Gonna rendre ce travail beaucoup plus facile." Il mute en regardant le patron : "Quel genre de Haul pensions-nous ici? Il demande quand il pense à qui et comment cela irait pour s'assurer qu'ils étaient efficaces et sont entrés et sortis avant que n'importe qui puisse aider. Paul aimait Angelo, il respectait qu'il n'aimait pas parler de lui-même, et il avait même l'air tendrement sur leur premier braquage quand il devait aider le capitaine. Il avait toujours respecté l'homme et il se sentait presque comme son frère aîné à l'époque.
"tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour établir un ordre de priorité? un autre chocolat bien sûr." | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,323 | 443 | 8 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Angelo sourit en regardant vers le bas quand Lucas dit qu'Angelo père serait fier de lui, mais il n'a jamais vraiment connu son père pour commencer pour qu'il ne le sache pas, mais c'était bon de savoir que Lucas le pense. Puis il a parlé de la fois où Iona a traversé la serrure d'égout et Angelo frissonné ne me rappelle pas, im toujours de faire des cauchemars à ce sujet Angelo a dit seulement la moitié de plaisanteries puisque sa grande peur était de mourir d'un parasite le mangeant lentement de l'intérieur dehors, c'était juste une façon horrible de mourir pour lui. Angelo s'est ensuite tourné vers Paul alors qu'il a demandé ce qu'il croyait que le transport serait le transport n'est pas un mauvais cette fois-ci, considérant que nous avons affaire à des nobles de haute classe de Morgan, n'étaient pas prendre l'esprit de la famille royale, mais sans doute ces gars sont en train d'emballer quelques bonnes pièces. Je veux la priorité sur le trésor des navires puisque c'est là que la plupart des objets de valeur seront conservés si vous arrivez à obtenir quelques nobles pour abandonner leurs bijoux encore mieux. Je suis déjà bon d'aller avec notre guerre électronique donc j'ai besoin de temps pour entrer dans leurs systèmes après qu'il devrait être facile de les rendre. Angelo a dit qu'une sirène a commencé à partir comme un indicateur qu'ils étaient sur le point de sortir de leur saut FTL Très bien tout le monde que vous savez faire. | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,324 | 443 | 9 | 464 | 1,183 | Ne me faites pas penser à ce jour-là, Muttered Iona à Lucas, sa voix étouffée fortement par le masque. "J'étais aux toilettes pendant toute une semaine après ça. J'étais convaincu que la moitié de mon électronique échouerait parce qu'ils étaient tellement encombrés de merde." Même avec la moitié de son visage couvert, le schowl était évident. « Et je ne voulais rien avoir à voir avec le chocolat un peu plus tard », a-t-elle ajouté.
Elle se tenait rapidement au son de la sirène, alerte comme un chien qui venait de se verrouiller à un écureuil. Son ton a changé pour quelque chose qui ressemblait presque à des affaires quand elle a vérifié qu'elle avait ses armes: "Meilleure chance pour vous tous, pas que vous en aurez besoin. Bonne chasse." Elle a tiré un pistolet en l'air, bien qu'il ne s'agisse pas d'un pistolet et qu'elle ait simplement tiré un boulon tranchant et barbelé et qu'il s'agisse clairement d'une courte distance. L'un d'eux dans le tronc cérébral et les victimes d'Iona étaient gentils, calmes et morts. Elle a rétracté le boulon et a attendu. | Name: Iona Glinn
Age: 26
Her entire right side consists mostly of metal parts. Her abdomen has a lot of various lit-up thingies here and there where there are electronics functioning in place of her organs.
race: Cyborg/human
personality: For an assassin, she can come off as a surprisingly "good" person. Her personal rules are to kill quickly and painlessly, and to leave absolutely no evidence. Torture is something that she wants to make a real statement, and therefore it is reserved solely for her parents and maybe an ex or two if she ever sees them again. With her crew, she is a friendly and open person who laughs easily. She has a stockpile of chocolate and really likes sweets. More than sweets, she likes to get drunk on her spare time. She can be flirty on occasion, but it increases about ten-fold when she's inebriated.
history: When Iona was sixteen, she was a regular and entirely natural human being. She was part of a rich family, and in fact grew up on Morganian. She was beautiful and let everyone know it, but the one thing she didn't enjoy was the fact that she was treated like a trophy or an object rather than a thinking, feeling human being. She was popular, had a few boyfriends, and all around enjoyed her life until her first trip into space. On the way back into the atmosphere, the heat shield failed and Iona bore the brunt of the damage with horrible burns all over her body as well as permanent damage to some of her organs. It is a miracle she survived at all, and in fact suffered cardiac arrest several times while in the hospital after the accident.
The damage to her body was so bad that the doctors replaced much of her body with cybernetic parts. After her recovery, though, her family no longer seemed so keen on showing off Iona. She lost her high social ranking among the other teenagers. No one looked to want to date her anymore. This sudden 'fall from grace' resulted in a lot of emotional suffering, and she turned to a variety of unhealthy coping mechanisms, including vicious pranks, hard drugs, ridiculously-strong alcohol, and theft. She no longer felt like she had a purpose, even after the first time someone paid her to murder a man.
At 18, she started traveling through space in luxury spacecraft, making the most of what remained of her money to enjoy the view. At 21, she was in a craft that was raided by the Tsuki no Kama pirates, and she convinced them that she was useful enough to join.
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Clean, quiet, and quick killing. Very detailed knowledge of anatomy allows her to be both an effective medic and assassin.
Skills: Expert medic and assassin, average engineer.
Other: Bisexual. |
15,325 | 443 | 10 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul s'est cassé le cou. "On dirait que j'ai besoin de me préparer." Paul se leva et se dirigea vers le sifflement de l'armure pendant qu'il partait. Après quelques minutes, Paul s'est retrouvé devant l'armurerie. Après avoir pénétré dans l'armure, Paul saisit son armure. Il ne s'attendait pas à beaucoup de combats, mais il était plus pour effrayer l'équipage et les passagers sur le navire et dans le cas où il devait sortir dans le vide de l'espace, ce qui était rare, mais il était une fois il a été forcé de traverser d'un navire à l'autre.. Après avoir changé dans son armure, il a pris un Smg. Encore une fois, il ne s'attendait pas à beaucoup de combats mais mieux de l'avoir et pas besoin alors de l'avoir et de ne pas l'avoir. Il savait qu'il avait le temps, car il avait besoin d'attendre que le navire soit à portée d'embarquement. Après s'être préparé, Paul a attendu que le reste de l'équipage arrive et soit prêt pour l'embarquement. | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,326 | 443 | 11 | 2,466 | 174 | Lucas a riposté à l'imagerie que Iona a transmise au sujet de son équipement couvert d'excréments. "Eh bien, ma sœur, si on touche la charge de la mère sur ce travail, embrasse tes jours de natation de merde au revoir."
L'équipage a disparu dès que la sirène est partie. Ils ont préparé comme ils l'ont toujours fait, s'engageant dans leurs rituels séquentiels avant de frapper dans l'horloge et de se mettre au travail. Lucas a commencé sa routine en enquêtant ses doigts autour des bras latéraux modifiés enfermés sur ses hanches. Satisfait du Ride, ma famille, au ciel étoilé de nuit
Ni Rois, ni Reines, ni Princes, ni Chevaliers
Nous sommes des voleurs! Nous sommes des bandits! Nous sommes des enfants du Crâne!
Nous nous battons, et nous buvons, jusqu'à ce que le soleil se lève
Oh Maiden Aurora, la déesse des vieux
Guide-nous hors de la tempête, et dans l'or
Le prix d'être un pirate n'est sûrement pas bon marché!
Pose-moi avec mon trésor et enterre-moi profondément.
Pose-moi avec mon trésor et enterre-moi profondément.
La vie d'un pirate est tout ce que je cherche.. | removed |
15,327 | 443 | 12 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Après quelques moments de silence agonisants, ils sont finalement sortis du saut FTL devant le paquebot de luxe et les deux navires d'escorte, puis Angelo est immédiatement allé travailler pour obtenir la guerre électronique va contrôler leurs systèmes et ont le contrôle complet de leur navire. Ce n'était pas aussi flashy que de tirer sur un canon à particules, mais il était tout aussi efficace et assurerait peu ou pas de victimes puisqu'il sera en mesure de contrôler leurs systèmes de survie qu'ils n'aiment pas se battre. timonier difficile à porter et les amener dans nos larges côtés, Paul sortir et amarrer avec leur navire, Iona se mettre au travail et leur envoyer un message pour leur dire qu'ils doivent se rendre ou nous allons ouvrir le feu Angelo leur a immédiatement dit de prendre le contrôle de la situation en essayant de tirer le plus de leur élément de surprise avant que leur dessus parte rapidement... | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,328 | 443 | 13 | 464 | 1,183 | Iona était presque giddy; elle était pratiquement comme un chien qui avait parfumé sa proie. Son travail principal, et le plus important, commencerait quand ils seraient amarrés, mais cela ne voulait pas dire qu'elle ne pouvait pas commencer maintenant. Elle a utilisé un appareil monté sur son bras cybernétique pour assembler un message radio après avoir quitté pour se tenir dans le hall où elle pouvait se concentrer. Iona a décidé qu'il devrait être court, doux et au point:
"Bonjour. Comme vous le savez, si vous ne dormez pas au travail, votre doublure est... visitée. Il n'est pas utile de se battre. Nous avons le contrôle, et si nous n'obtenons pas un message radio de retour nous disant de votre reddition dans une heure, nous ouvrirons le feu. »
Fin du message. Elle a envoyé l'enregistrement de la voix robotique et a appelé Angelo, "Message envoyé. Soyez à l'affût de l'annonce de la reddition dans l'heure. » Et avec ça, elle s'est enfuie, prête à monter à bord. C'était sa partie préférée. | Name: Iona Glinn
Age: 26
Her entire right side consists mostly of metal parts. Her abdomen has a lot of various lit-up thingies here and there where there are electronics functioning in place of her organs.
race: Cyborg/human
personality: For an assassin, she can come off as a surprisingly "good" person. Her personal rules are to kill quickly and painlessly, and to leave absolutely no evidence. Torture is something that she wants to make a real statement, and therefore it is reserved solely for her parents and maybe an ex or two if she ever sees them again. With her crew, she is a friendly and open person who laughs easily. She has a stockpile of chocolate and really likes sweets. More than sweets, she likes to get drunk on her spare time. She can be flirty on occasion, but it increases about ten-fold when she's inebriated.
history: When Iona was sixteen, she was a regular and entirely natural human being. She was part of a rich family, and in fact grew up on Morganian. She was beautiful and let everyone know it, but the one thing she didn't enjoy was the fact that she was treated like a trophy or an object rather than a thinking, feeling human being. She was popular, had a few boyfriends, and all around enjoyed her life until her first trip into space. On the way back into the atmosphere, the heat shield failed and Iona bore the brunt of the damage with horrible burns all over her body as well as permanent damage to some of her organs. It is a miracle she survived at all, and in fact suffered cardiac arrest several times while in the hospital after the accident.
The damage to her body was so bad that the doctors replaced much of her body with cybernetic parts. After her recovery, though, her family no longer seemed so keen on showing off Iona. She lost her high social ranking among the other teenagers. No one looked to want to date her anymore. This sudden 'fall from grace' resulted in a lot of emotional suffering, and she turned to a variety of unhealthy coping mechanisms, including vicious pranks, hard drugs, ridiculously-strong alcohol, and theft. She no longer felt like she had a purpose, even after the first time someone paid her to murder a man.
At 18, she started traveling through space in luxury spacecraft, making the most of what remained of her money to enjoy the view. At 21, she was in a craft that was raided by the Tsuki no Kama pirates, and she convinced them that she was useful enough to join.
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Clean, quiet, and quick killing. Very detailed knowledge of anatomy allows her to be both an effective medic and assassin.
Skills: Expert medic and assassin, average engineer.
Other: Bisexual. |
15,329 | 443 | 14 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul a fait un sourire alors que lui et son équipe d'embarquement entraient dans le sas pour les emmener au navire. "Le patron veut ses richesses, il ne faut pas décevoir." Il dit : "Oh et sois à l'affût du chocolat." L'un des membres de l'équipage hoche la tête : "Allons être des méchants." Il dit alors que Paul et le reste de l'équipage d'embarquement chuchotent "Rappelez-vous ne tuez personne à moins que vous n'ayez à le faire. S'ils parlent en arrière, ou s'ils sont défiants, enseignez-leur une leçon, mais ne les tuez pas... quiconque lève les bras... vous pouvez tuer ou donner l'exemple. » Comme Paul l'a dit, il n'a pas besoin de donner l'exemple à personne. La dernière personne qui s'est fait tirer sur un sas. Alors qu'il détestait cela, il savait que si l'un d'eux était tué pour assurer la sécurité de son équipage et la survie continue ou le reste des otages, il n'aurait pas à en tuer un ou deux. "Deux d'entre vous sont prêts, une fois le tube connecté, nous serons prêts à résister. " Après le premier groupe passe, ils seraient suivis en fonction de la quantité est dans le coffre par une navette et certains hommes pour transporter la grande quantité. D'autres sages Paul et son premier groupe seraient parfaitement des packs de remplissage fins pour le transporter à travers le tube. | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,330 | 443 | 15 | 2,466 | 174 | Lucas a rejoint le groupe d'embarquement dans la navette. Il portait son costume d'espace standard et son chapeau de cowboy, mais il a laissé son long manteau dans ses quartiers. Le vieux pirate a fait signe à l'équipage alors qu'il se dirigeait vers l'arrière du groupe. Dans ses jours les plus jeunes, il aurait été le premier en ligne, mais ces jours étaient partis depuis longtemps. Que les jeunes s'amusent. C'est ce qu'il a toujours dit, mais en vérité, il jouait le rôle de l'arrière-garde, observait leur dos et cherchait quelque chose de suspect. Au moins, c'est ce qu'il s'est dit. Le boulot semblait être ton truc, mais ici, dans le vide, rien n'est certain... | removed |
15,331 | 443 | 16 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Après quelques moments précieux Angelo est entré dans leurs systèmes, il avait maintenant le contrôle complet sur tous les navires dans la région qui a pris une certaine énergie de lui. Après qu'ils se sont rendu compte qu'ils étaient à la miséricorde d'Angelo, ils ont rapidement rendu Angelo sourit et a appelé sur l'intercom veni vidi vici! D'accord les gars ils se sont rendus et s'ils essaient de tirer un coup rapide sur alors je peux enlever leur soutien de vie avec la pression d'un bouton. Aller de l'avant et aller dans le croiseur de luxe Angelo a appelé sur l'interphone à Lucas et Paul sachant que c'était leur cible puis Angelo s'est tourné vers Iona aller et sortir les navires d'escorte, assurez-vous qu'ils n'essayent rien de drôle comme envoyer une balise homographique ou un SOS et pour une fois essayer de ne pas tuer tout le monde à bord Angelo lui a dit de le laisser à peu près sur les contrôles sur le pont lui-même pendant que ses hommes d'équipage de confiance allaient faire leur travail... | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,332 | 443 | 17 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul s'est branlé et a tourné sa com "C'est Jéricho Nous sommes verts! Il a dit que les autres autour de lui applaudissaient, oupsaient et criaient qu'ils étaient présents. après une seconde Paul a appuyé sur un bouton. Moments plus tard Le tube s'est détaché du navire et a flotté vers la cible. Au bout de quelques secondes, le tube s'attache à l'autre vaisseau, et le sas "Les bons garçons laissent aller les méchants!" Il crie alors que le sas est inondé d'un feu vert qui avertit l'équipage qu'il était clair de traverser et que le tube d'embarquement n'avait aucun problème. En dirigeant le groupe Paul a traversé et est entré dans le nouveau navire. La vue l'a surpris, même après tant d'emplois, il a été surpris par la qualité des bateaux à l'intérieur. Il était juste à l'entrée du navire et il s'est trouvé face à des portes en bois épaisses avec des fenêtres et avec un tel bon poli qu'il pouvait clairement se voir, Il savait qu'ils étaient pour ascétique et n'a servi à rien d'autre alors saluer les passagers avec une entrée agréable. Paul dit à lui-même qu'on pouvait presque se retirer après cela... après avoir poussé les portes ouvertes, il s'est retrouvé à un grand escalier avec des chandleurs en cristal et de belles œuvres d'art accrochées au mur. Contre le mur de l'escalier, des sculptures très chères sur le velours et le satin dans des statues miniatures sculptées expertement étaient plusieurs hommes d'équipage effrayés s'enfuirent dans la terreur «... n'est-ce pas une chose de beauté?» Il s'est demandé alors que le reste de ses hommes se précipitait devant lui et a attrapé les hommes d'équipage "Boss que devrions-nous faire d'eux?" des hommes de Paul demande « Rassemblez tout ce que vous pouvez, et placez-les dans la salle de bal... assurez-vous que nous en avons... | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,333 | 443 | 18 | 464 | 1,183 | Bien reçu, je vais faire ce que je peux, radioner Iona, bien que sa voix ait été chargée d'incertitude alors qu'elle a violé la doublure sur sa propre. Habituellement, il était inévitable que quelqu'un essaie de jouer le héros, et il était assez facile de les mettre à terre, mais s'il y avait des témoins, l'idée se répandait habituellement. Sous son masque, elle s'est cognée, mais en apparence, elle était cool en faisant son chemin dans le couloir, son fusil à boulon dans une main détendue, vers le cerveau du navire.
La porte était verrouillée. Elle roula les yeux, tapota quelques clés sur son bras robotique, et envoya un petit EMP à travers l'électronique locale. Avec un son presque vaincu, la porte s'ouvrit et Iona entra à l'intérieur, son regard balayant le capitaine ainsi que ce qui ressemblait à plusieurs électriciens dont les expressions disaient qu'ils avaient été pris dans l'acte de quelque chose. "Viens ici, Cap", a-t-elle ordonné calmement au capitaine croustillant. -- Je ne vous ferai pas de mal, ajouta-t-elle, tant que vos petits amis arrêteront ce qu'ils font.
Les électriciens levèrent les yeux et Iona les ordonna à genoux, les mains sur la tête. | Name: Iona Glinn
Age: 26
Her entire right side consists mostly of metal parts. Her abdomen has a lot of various lit-up thingies here and there where there are electronics functioning in place of her organs.
race: Cyborg/human
personality: For an assassin, she can come off as a surprisingly "good" person. Her personal rules are to kill quickly and painlessly, and to leave absolutely no evidence. Torture is something that she wants to make a real statement, and therefore it is reserved solely for her parents and maybe an ex or two if she ever sees them again. With her crew, she is a friendly and open person who laughs easily. She has a stockpile of chocolate and really likes sweets. More than sweets, she likes to get drunk on her spare time. She can be flirty on occasion, but it increases about ten-fold when she's inebriated.
history: When Iona was sixteen, she was a regular and entirely natural human being. She was part of a rich family, and in fact grew up on Morganian. She was beautiful and let everyone know it, but the one thing she didn't enjoy was the fact that she was treated like a trophy or an object rather than a thinking, feeling human being. She was popular, had a few boyfriends, and all around enjoyed her life until her first trip into space. On the way back into the atmosphere, the heat shield failed and Iona bore the brunt of the damage with horrible burns all over her body as well as permanent damage to some of her organs. It is a miracle she survived at all, and in fact suffered cardiac arrest several times while in the hospital after the accident.
The damage to her body was so bad that the doctors replaced much of her body with cybernetic parts. After her recovery, though, her family no longer seemed so keen on showing off Iona. She lost her high social ranking among the other teenagers. No one looked to want to date her anymore. This sudden 'fall from grace' resulted in a lot of emotional suffering, and she turned to a variety of unhealthy coping mechanisms, including vicious pranks, hard drugs, ridiculously-strong alcohol, and theft. She no longer felt like she had a purpose, even after the first time someone paid her to murder a man.
At 18, she started traveling through space in luxury spacecraft, making the most of what remained of her money to enjoy the view. At 21, she was in a craft that was raided by the Tsuki no Kama pirates, and she convinced them that she was useful enough to join.
Role: Assassin
Specialty: Clean, quiet, and quick killing. Very detailed knowledge of anatomy allows her to be both an effective medic and assassin.
Skills: Expert medic and assassin, average engineer.
Other: Bisexual. |
15,334 | 443 | 19 | 2,466 | 174 | Lucas est entré furtivement, se tenant hors de vue alors qu'il faisait route vers le pont de la frégate de luxe. Son gantelet s'est allumé, clignotant une carte holographique de la mise en page. Il a tapé sur une fenêtre et entré plusieurs commandes. Une barre de progression entièrement téléchargée et en un clin d'œil, Lucas avait piraté les caméras de sécurité sur le pont. Il y avait un sentiment de panique dans leur langage corporel. Certains se disputaient même entre eux. Le capitaine s'est joint à la discussion passionnée. Lucas ne pouvait pas entendre ce qu'on disait, mais s'il pariait une supposition, cela impliquait probablement des héroïques mal conseillés. Tsk Tsk. Après un sprint en haut de quelques escaliers et en bas d'un couloir, Lucas avait infiltré le système de serrures très basique sur les portes coulissantes menant à la passerelle avec son gantelet. Il a glissé droit dedans et a sans problème dérobé son bras latéral, le nivelant à l'équipage de la passerelle, en particulier le capitaine, qui était à quelques centimètres de la station de communications.
"Maintenant, maintenant. Pas besoin d'être imprudent." Lucas a dit au capitaine. Il s'est éloigné de la station de communication et a mis ses mains en l'air. Son équipage fit de même, s'inclinant la tête dans une défaite frustrée. "Tout le monde, à genoux. Les doigts se sont entreroulés et derrière la tête. Tout le monde sauf le capitaine." Lucas s'est faufilé et a attrapé l'homme par son collier et l'a traîné sur sa chaise. L'équipage a plaidé, mais Lucas n'a rien fait. "Allez sur l'interphone et dites à tout le monde de rester calme. On ne te fera pas de mal, mais tu commences à faire l'idiot? Eh bien, notre gentille routine de gars sort du sas, avec le reste d'entre vous. Comprende?" | removed |
15,335 | 443 | 20 | 1,118 | 7,627 | Angelo sourit alors qu'il voyait tout aller selon le plan jusqu'ici rien de mal ne leur arrivait au moins. Paul a parlé de quoi faire avec les gens à bord d'Angelo a utilisé sa radio et lui a dit comme je disais que la prorité est le trésor sur le navire, mais si vous avez des otages, alors prenez les bijoux qu'ils ont. L'assurance les couvrira de toute façon. Angelo a ensuite changé pour parler à Lucas Lucas juste utiliser quelques-uns des hommes d'équipage vous devez s'assurer que leur capitaine n'essaye rien de drôle. On doit toujours aller dans leur chambre forte et s'assurer que tout est chargé.
Le capitaine du paquebot de luxe soupira doucement d'un souffle agité et lui hoche la tête alors qu'il parlait dans l'interphone dames et gentleman s'il vous plaît rester calme, ne faites rien d'imprudent, ils prendront tout simplement ce qu'ils veulent et laisseront ce sera bientôt fini Il a dit comme il était assis dans sa chaise attendant le bon moment pour appuyer le signal SOS silencieux sous son fauteuil... | Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 20
except with black hair and green eyes
race: human
personality: a smiling and joking person to a fault, Angelo Is known to be a smart ass all the time with his comments but he is always a nice guy to everyone and tries not to take life unless absolutely necessary. While he is a nice guy and it isn't often that he will be serious but when he is serious you can feel a chill in the room and his dark green eyes almost glow in anger. Angelo despises those without a code of honor, he will do what he can for people but only if they allow him to help.
history: born on the blue jewel planet with his family he has lived a normal life even if his father wasn't around he was always the man of the house and able to take care of his mother and his little sister. Up until a few years ago his family was fine until his sister was diagnosed with deadly disease being the one to worry about his family Angelo looked for all ways he could to get her to health again but he could never earn the money he needed working a 9 to 5 job. Soon some people came in all black cloths and Angelo could only assume the worse but fortunately it wasn't about his sister but his father who he hasn't seen since he could barely stand he was said to be the captain of the Tsuki no kama.
A pirate ship and while Angelo was on the fence about taking his fathers place he knew his sister didn't have much time without help so he went on the ship and soon took over making sure to take on their first heist of a luxury cruiser and he made more money just from that since heist then he ever did working a month at his job so he quit his job and went into piracy Now he still commits to his life as a space pirate captain but he will go home as often as he can to take care of his sister and makes sure she lives, Angelo cant afford to stop being a pirate for her sake...
Role: captain of course
Specialty: a skilled negotiator: able to talk a beggar out of his last coin.
Expert electronic warfare specialist= knows just how to push the ships electronics into doing what he says
Expert recruitment officer= skilled in seeing a good person when he sees it
average medic= knows basic medications and what not to do basically
wears a gold necklace that his mother gave him and has never taken off since.
Whenever he wins a ship battle he will cry out Veni, vidi, vici! (I saw I conquered) |
15,336 | 443 | 21 | 379 | 1,852 | Paul a supervisé le reste de l'équipage en fouillant à moitié les otages pour des objets de valeur. silencieusement, il regarda les otages murmurer à eux-mêmes. Deux particules étaient plus bruyantes qu'elles ne l'auraient dû. "Où est la sécurité?" "Pourquoi avons-nous même la sécurité si ce n'est pas pour nous assurer que cela n'arrive pas!" Paul écouta et regarda le vieil homme comme il criait. Après une minute d'écoute de sa rancune et d'essayer de le calmer, le vieux gentleman a remarqué que Paul les regardait bien. "Couleur doux, je pense que vous devriez vraiment arrêter de parler maintenant..." elle a dit alors que Paul marchait lentement vers eux alors qu'il sortait un couteau qu'il gardait sa ceinture "Je ne le ferai certainement pas! Nous sommes riches, pas un marchand de terre non cultivé qui a besoin de prendre ce genre de chose!" Il chuchotait brutalement alors que la femme regardait dans la peur Paul debout juste derrière l'homme. L'homme s'est tendu alors qu'il voyait l'ombre que Paul jetait. "Pourquoi ne m'as-tu rien dit!" Il s'en est pris à la femme. Avant que la femme ne puisse répondre, Paul tira l'homme à ses pieds. Comme il l'a fait L'homme a remarqué le couteau de combat dentelé dans la main de Paul. "Si votre désir de parler de votre esprit nous permet de parler en privé." Paul a dit qu'en retirant l'homme, en toute honnêteté Paul s'en fichait s'ils parlaient, quelqu'un assez stupide pour faire quoi que ce soit serait fait un exemple de, mais le fait que l'homme se sentait autorisé l'a énervé. Même si Paul n'avait pas envie de tuer notre homme, il était prêt à rire, et c'était la seule façon de le faire. | Name: Paul "Jericho" Vekt
race: Human
personality: Paul is very professional when on duty, During boarding actions he is very calm and collected, rarely saying anything other then what is required. For him killing is not an issue, no matter if they are enemy or innocents caught in the cross fire. Off duty he is a very present man, who enjoys reading meditation, and music. On a personal level he disapproves of his actions when an innocent is killed, but knows that such things happen when people get stupid.
history: Born on an frontier world of Jericho (Hope thats okay..), a small recently settled world that was rich in ores and minerals The colony had its independence and sold its ores to the empire. Paul grew up with a tough childhood poverty, pirate raids, crime, and corrupt planetary officials made Paul thick skinned as his mother along with his six siblings had to do whatever they could to survive. Paul himself was very smart, and very open with people, he enjoyed the outdoors and working with his hands. As the Eldest Paul bared the brunt of the responsibility for caring for the younger ones and ease the burden of his mother having to work several jobs to just have food on the table. Paul loved his family, along with his neighborhood and the few friends he made. If you could have asked anyone at the time they would have called "little Paul" a good kid born in a tough world. From about 10 years old he worked odd jobs in the neighborhood, fixing windows, cleaning off graffiti of a rival neighborhood kids. At sixteen he started his first job, as a Mechanic for his planets local settlement Guard Due to his age he was unable to be legally enlist so he was paid on the side. For about a year he worked hard to just make ends neat.
The only saving grace for Paul, The one thing that kept him going was a girl named Laura. His mother would tease him that they were meant for each other. From almost the time of birth these two were together. She was the only one who tried to talk him out of enlisting in the settlements security forces at the young age of 1, his mother supported him due to the pay and benefits and signed the guardian signature for his enlistment. After a quiet six months of nothing the worst thing Paul could ever think of happened. At 1:23AM local time the settlement was attacked. Empire soldiers arrived and after several hours of fighting the planetary governor surrendered. As the newest territory of the empire the security forces were forced into the military. for four years Paul was forced to serve on multiple fronts, and throughout the treatment he received as a frontiersmen, and many times being considered less than dirt, he fought on to prove himself even knowing that back home the empire were cruel in their rule and suppressed protests with force. During his time with the empire his squad was given the call sign Jericho after their planet, even to this day, he uses that so as to not use his real name on a job. After his discharge he attempted to return home, only to see the cruelty of the empire and of his people. Since he served with the Empire he got treated as a traitor and an outcast. Laura refused to speak or be near him, his family cast him out. For the next few weeks he attempted to find work and make a life. After a while he found a ship to take him on as security. For about a year he did this until one day in some Bar on some backwater world he found a member of the Tsuki no kama. He some how got himself a spot on the ship.
Role (specific duty that you’re given as a member of this ship): Security/boarding leader
Specialty (what you are most proud of, a skill you are the best at): Expert Recruitment chief
Skills (abilities you have learned over the years, 2 expert skills and 3 average skills max): Expert gun chief, Expert Recruitment chief, Average helmsmen, medic, and assassin Skills.
Other: smokes, and surprisingly interested in music. |
15,337 | 444 | 0 | 308 | 350 | Quoi? D'où vient ce chalutier? Je ne l'ai pas vu à quai, Derkins a murmuré, essuyant son front avec l'arrière de sa main couverte de suie. Il faisait trop chaud aujourd'hui.
"Aucune idée," Marlo a lâché. "Dernièrement, j'ai regardé qu'il n'y avait que deux navires amarrés ici."
Grognant sous son souffle, Derkins s'est jeté à travers le port pour une inspection plus étroite. Rien n'a semblé particulièrement étrange ou hors de la place au sujet du modeste navire, en plus qu'il soit ici. Elle avait déjà été fixée à la jetée et semblait vacante. Écrasant ses cheveux mats, il regarda de nouveau son compagnon d'amarrage. "Peut-être devrions-nous regarder de plus près. Qu'est-ce que tu penses?"
Marlo n'a pas répondu. Au lieu de cela, ses yeux étaient maintenant dirigés vers la mer. Quand Derkins a tracé son regard, il est devenu évident pourquoi.
"...Bellamy est une merde de merde, c'est un joyeux roger!"
Au loin il était clair de voir: Un sloop, à environ un mile dehors, volant le crâne et les os croisés fièrement au sommet de son mât central. Il se dirigeait vers eux, et en quelques minutes, il atteindrait les quais.
"Il faut prévenir la ville! Allez, Marlo!"
Curtis avait hérité du Smokey Saddle de son père, comme il l'avait hérité de son père avant lui. La taverne faisait partie de leur famille depuis des générations, servant de petite ville de l'établissement le plus populaire de Boaduor.
Maintenant, il a servi d'endroit le plus populaire pour établir une barricade contre les pirates. Des dizaines de gens de la ville s'étaient repliés à l'intérieur et avaient déplacé chaque table et chaque chaise qu'ils pouvaient mettre la main sur pour bloquer les portes avant et arrière. Curtis n'aimait toujours pas leurs chances.
Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un bâtiment robuste, il n'a pas été fait pour endurer des raids de pirates.
"Oi, est-ce que je peux avoir un peu plus de rôti aux côtes ici?" La femme qui mangeait au bar a appelé, faisant un regard irrité de Curtis. Elle était venue ici il y a une heure, et avait déjà mangé une vingtaine de nourriture. Où était-elle en train de mettre tout ça?
A en juger par ses écluses rouges cerises et son teint pâle, elle était de Bélessia, une île pas trop loin d'ici. Et pour quelque raison que ce soit, cependant, elle portait une écharpe rouge autour de son cou bien qu'il soit chaud comme l'enfer dehors. Elle s'en foutait aussi qu'ils soient attaqués par des pirates!Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
"Ne pensez-vous pas que nous avons de plus grandes priorités, mademoiselle?" Curtis m'a demandé avec insistance.
-- Non, répondit-elle. "Parce que j'ai toujours faim."
Si elle n'était pas si séduisante, il l'aurait limacée. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,338 | 444 | 1 | 2,765 | 219 | Montant dans la taverne avec les autres pirates, Galen Jones réfléchit à ce qui allait se passer. Il n'a jamais aimé cette partie du travail. Le raid était si inutile, surtout pour un équipage aussi remarquable que celui dans lequel il était. Même s'ils n'étaient qu'un équipage subordonné du Marquis, les Pirates de Redwell étaient encore une force bien connue. Pourquoi ne pas envoyer un seul gars pour négocier? Cela empêcherait beaucoup de vies perdues des deux côtés et pourrait permettre aux pirates d'obtenir plus d'argent. Encore une fois, un type comme le Marquis ne ferait pas ce qu'il faisait s'il tenait à préserver des vies. Ses pensées ont cependant été interrompues.
Bonjour Jones! Jones, fils de pute! Faites attention!
Un gros gros homme poilu dont le seul vêtement était une paire de pantalons criait sur Jones maintenant.
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Claire? Tes cris me donnent mal à la tête! » Jones a dit, en lui tapant la tête et en lui frottant le front.
C'est Carl! Dites mon nom à droite ou je vous frapperai! » Carl s'est jonché de ses poings comme un boxeur pour illustrer son point.
Jones a répondu, et comme j'adore vous le dire, nous avons beaucoup de muscle dans notre équipe, mais seulement quelques médecins. Si vous faites autant que me toucher, le capitaine vous tuera plus vite que vous ne pouvez dire "Une pièce".
"Ouais, eh bien... Reculez! Nous sommes presque ici, a dit le gros homme, se tournant vers la force qui a été rassemblée sous son commandement, ces gens sont tous dans leur taverne. J'ai faim, alors laissez-nous chercher notre argent et notre nourriture. Compris?C'est quoi, ça?
Sans même attendre une réponse des pirates, Carl a frappé la porte, la forçant largement ouverte malgré le fait qu'il y avait des tables et des chaises là. Marcher avec les pirates, le gros homme a crié OK, nous voulons de la nourriture! ton argent. Donne-nous ce que tu as, ou je vais le faire! » Il a ensuite attrapé le bras d'un homme voisin et l'a écrasé dans sa main, puis jeté le gars au sol.
Avant que quelqu'un ne puisse faire quoi que ce soit d'autre, Jones courut vers l'homme et commença à faire un plâtre improvisé pour lui en utilisant des serviettes qui étaient à proximité.
"Désolé de tout cela," il a dit avec irritation, "Claire" est un idiot. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,339 | 444 | 2 | 308 | 350 | Un nuage de poussière et de bois éclaboussé annonça l'entrée des pirates. Curtis avait vu les gens passer la meilleure partie des quinze dernières minutes à barricader cette porte, et avec un seul coup, tout avait été annulé.
Il a craché sous son souffle.
Ils surpassaient encore le nombre des pirates par une forte marge, mais comme pour dissiper toute pensée de résistance, leur chef apparent saisit Perry Hendricks - le boucher local - par le bras, écrasant son membre comme s'il était fait de papier. Sa femme Abigail cria dans l'horreur à la vue, se précipitant à ses côtés. Quand l'un des pirates se précipita pour son mari déchiqueté, elle lui donna un éclat entrelacé de terreur et de rage.
"Ne t'approche pas de lui, bande de salauds!" Elle s'est ridiculisée.
Un soupir audible de derrière lui a attiré l'œil de Curtis sur la Bélessienne, ses yeux vert bouteille qui le regardaient brillamment. "Maintenant, je n'ai plus de rôti de côtes! Qui permettrait qu'une chose aussi horrible se produise?"
"Avez-vous heurté la tête du port en venant ici?" Curtis s'est cassé. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,340 | 444 | 3 | 2,765 | 219 | Madame, je suis juste le docteur, Jones lui a répondu d'un ton poli, si vous me laissez travailler, le bras de votre mari guérira. Sinon, il sera probablement paralysé pour la vie. Si vous souhaitez vous plaindre, vous pouvez parler à Claire.Le médecin a jeté un coup d'œil à l'homme gras pour indiquer qui il voulait dire. Mais je conseillerais contre cela. Tant que vous coopérez, vous et votre mari devriez être bien... Espérons. » Il reprit alors son travail sans attendre une réponse.
Pendant ce temps, l'attention de Carl était davantage axée sur la question du rôti des côtes. C'est du torréfaction? Tu as mangé tout mon rôti aux côtes?Si les regards pouvaient tuer, la Bélessienne serait morte. Il s'est dirigé vers la dame. Il a crié, je jetant son poing sur la dame tandis que les autres pirates (moins le docteur) ont levé leurs armes, prêts à se battre si nécessaire. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,341 | 444 | 4 | 308 | 350 | Abigail a réparé le "docteur" avec un regard dur qui l'a averti de ne rien essayer de drôle, comme si elle pouvait faire quoi que ce soit. Pourtant, elle s'est suffisamment écartée pour lui permettre de bander son mari.
Curtis ne pouvait même pas commencer à imaginer pourquoi quelqu'un sur un bateau pirate s'en soucierait s'ils étaient blessés, mais leur situation n'était pas si insouciante qu'il pouvait regarder un cheval cadeau dans la bouche.
Malheureusement, les choses se sont rapidement intensifiées.
Quand le pirate rotund qui a frappé leur porte a appris qu'ils étaient hors de rôti de côtes, il a volé dans une rage. Retirant son poing de barricade, il l'a cogné sur le côté du visage de la femme, ce qui lui a fait s'effondrer sous ses selles. Curtis... s'attendait à beaucoup, bien pire. Tous les deux pour la fille, et sa taverne.
S'élançant vers le bas du tabouret avec une fronce, la femme s'est immédiatement repliée sur ses pieds et a regardé le barman assiégé, "Je ne paie pas pour ce tabouret là, genre. C'est sa faute."
Curtis sentit sa mâchoire toucher le sol. Bien qu'elle ait pris le coup de poing monstrueux du pirate, elle semblait complètement inébranlable. C'était quoi ces gens?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Recentrer son regard sur le pirate qui l'a attaquée, la femme sourit lentement. "Mais celui-ci..."
Elle s'est cognée le poing dans la mâchoire du pirate, son visage s'est tordu et s'est moulée à ses doigts avec la même facilité que de la crème fouettée sous une cuillère. Le grand homme s'est immédiatement relevé des pieds, se dirigeant vers l'assemblage de pirates derrière lui, comme une boule de canon blubbery. Il s'est écrasé à travers le mur arrière de la taverne.
"Celui-ci est de ma faute." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,342 | 444 | 5 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones a complètement ignoré Abigail et le bruit venant de la bouche de Carl, se concentrant plutôt sur son travail. Ce n'était pas tout ce qu'il n'avait pas fait auparavant, donc c'était assez facile. Cependant, quand cela a été presque fait, sa concentration a été interrompue par un bruit d'écrasement. Étonnamment, Jones regarda dans la direction du son pour voir que le mur était manquant et que les autres personnes avec qui nous étions étaient toutes assommées par le froid. La plupart d'entre eux avaient été frappés par Carl, en fait.
On pourrait penser que Jones serait inquiet maintenant que tous ses alliés étaient incapables de se battre. Au lieu de ça, il s'est mis à rire. - Hahahahahahahaha! C'était génial! Il prit une profonde respiration pour se calmer, puis retourna au boucher et prit quelques secondes pour terminer ce qu'il avait commencé. Après cela, il regarda sa femme. En utilisant le même ton poli qu'il a utilisé plus tôt, Jones a dit qu'il devrait garder le plâtre pendant environ six semaines, madame. Alors allez voir un médecin et il devrait être en mesure de vous dire si son bras est guéri ou non.
Sans attendre qu'elle réponde, il s'est tourné pour s'adresser à la chambre et a dit "OKay, c'était drôle et Claire le méritait certainement, mais vous devriez tous rentrer chez vous maintenant. Quand Redwell apprendra cela, il va être ennuyé, et croyez-moi, vous ne voulez pas être autour de lui quand cela arrivera. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,343 | 444 | 6 | 308 | 350 | Curtis était toujours sans voix quand le médecin de l'équipage a commencé à les avertir de partir. La grande majorité de la taverne obéit sans hésitation, inondant de la porte cassée et du trou qui avait été laissé à Claire--nom od pour un homme-- le réveil.
Après que sa taverne eut été vidée, sauf pour lui-même, la femme et le médecin, Curtis put enfin trouver sa voix.
"Qu'est-ce que c'était?" Il a crié à la femme. "Pourquoi n'as-tu pas fait ça quand les pirates sont entrés?"
C'est lui qu'elle a griffé le côté du visage. "Ah, donc ce sont des pirates."
Il se cognait la tête sur le comptoir, quand Curtis se levait de nouveau le front rouge. "Bien sûr que c'étaient des pirates! Pourquoi pensez-vous qu'on barricade les portes? »
-- Je pensais que c'était votre passe-temps, répondit-elle brusquement, bien qu'elle porte maintenant un léger sourire sur son visage. Il s'est rapidementompé, cependant, étant remplacé par un regard de détresse légère. "Ah, merde... Mon vaisseau est là-bas avec des trucs dedans. Il vaut mieux qu'ils ne le pillent pas pendant que je mange!"
En regardant son pas vers les restes de la porte, Curtis lui a téléphoné. "Hé, qu'en est-il de tout ce repas que tu as mangé?"
S'arrêtant sur ses traces, elle se tourna vers lui et ferma les mains. "Gochisousama."
« Merci pour votre patronage, » Curtis s'inclina en réponse. "...ce n'est pas ce que je veux." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,344 | 444 | 7 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones sourit alors qu'il écoutait l'échange entre le barman et la dame qui a transformé Claire en boulet de canon humain. Cette nouvelle femme était intéressante et pas mauvaise, il pouvait dire beaucoup. Alors que Claire n'était pas le pirate le plus dur qu'il ait jamais vu, il était assez curieux au sujet de la dame qui l'a assommé froid pour la suivre pendant qu'elle partait. Jones fit signe à Curtis pendant qu'il partait, regarda le tas de pirates de Claires pour s'assurer que personne n'était mort, puis rattrapé l'autre pirate conscient et commença à lui parler. Il savait qu'elle était techniquement l'ennemi, mais Jones a pensé que si elle le frappait, au moins il n'aurait pas à participer à des raids pendant un certain temps.
Depuis que nous nous dirigeons dans la même direction, je peux marcher jusqu'aux quais avec vous? Jones ne mentait pas; il aurait besoin de retourner au baron rouge pour signaler cet incident au capitaine. Redwell ne serait pas content.
C'était une belle attaque que vous avez faite là-bas, a ajouté le docteur.
Pendant ce temps, sur les quais, le navire de la jeune fille était en effet pillé. Les Pirates de Redwell n'étaient certainement pas discriminatoires avec leur descente, c'est certain. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,345 | 444 | 8 | 308 | 350 | C'est quoi, ça?
Ce qui avait commencé à ressembler à une journée plutôt banale et ennuyeuse s'était avéré être assez intéressant. La dernière chose que Siobhan s'attendait à rencontrer dans cette petite ville endormie était des pirates, mais elle se plaignait à peine. Ça faisait un moment qu'elle n'avait pas réussi à frapper quelques têtes ensemble, et elle commençait à s'inquiéter qu'elle puisse devenir rouillée.
Quand le seul pirate qui restait sur ses pieds la suivit hors de la taverne et lui demanda de se rendre sur les quais avec elle, elle se craignit un sourcil. "N'êtes-vous pas un de ces pirates? Vous semblez plutôt heureux que j'aie battu vos camarades."
Ce n'était pas une longue promenade vers les quais, étant donné la petite taille de la ville. Malheureusement, quand ils sont arrivés, elle a vu exactement ce qu'elle ne voulait pas voir : une bande de muppets saccageant son chalutier. Une veine se levant lentement sur le côté de sa tête, elle s'accroupit. Ses veaux enflaient légèrement, elle se poussait du sol dans un saut qui laissait la zone baignée dans un nuage de saleté.
Atterrissant sur le pont de son bateau, il berça furieusement sur l'eau, menaçant presque de chavirer. "Sortez d'ici, bande d'enfoirés!"
Momentanément stupéfaits par son arrivée, les pirates furent rendus sans voix. Un long regard a commencé entre eux qui a duré un bon nombre de secondes. Quand un cutlass s'est cogné, c'était la fin. Dans un flou de mouvement, les trois pirates ont été envoyés voler, certain de trouver leur chemin de retour à la mer le chemin dur dans l'ordre court.
Exhalant, Siobhan secoua la tête. À travers sa cargaison maintenant déshonorée, elle sourit en soulagement quand tout semblait intact. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,346 | 444 | 9 | 2,765 | 219 | Cette femme n'arrêtait pas de faire sourire Jones, bien qu'elle ne savait pas ce qui était si amusant à ce sujet. "Camarades", a-t-elle dit. Il ne pouvait pas lui en vouloir, elle ne savait pas quel genre de personnes étaient les Pirates de Redwell.
Camarades, il lui a répété, presque juste pour s'assurer qu'il a obtenu ce qu'elle a dit. Oh, c'est vrai. Disons juste que certains camarades sont meilleurs que d'autres. » Jones espérait lui parler plus, mais après avoir terminé sa dernière phrase, il a été rencontré avec la dame qui sautait de nouveau à son chalutier.
Encore une fois, il ne pouvait pas lui en vouloir. Ces pirates dans son bateau étaient des gonzesses, donc ce n'était pas comme si elle était en danger. Même si elle savait qui étaient les Pirates de Redwell, ce n'est pas comme si elle ne pouvait pas s'envoler dans le temps qu'il lui faudrait pour aller dire au capitaine ce qui s'est passé. Jones a même été impressionnée par la façon dont elle s'occupait des trois pirates.
...mais elle ne semblait pas pressée de partir. En fait, elle n'a pas vraiment l'air de faire beaucoup plus que de passer par ses affaires. C'était une honte; cette femme commençait à grandir sur lui. Peut-être était-ce juste le temps qu'il passait avec son équipe actuelle, mais voir quelqu'un qui ne harcelait pas les gens au hasard dans la rue était un bon changement de rythme pour lui.
Malgré une partie de lui-même lui disant qu'il devrait juste aller parler à Redwell du pirate qui a attaqué un groupe de personnes dans son équipage, Jones savait qu'il ne pouvait pas faire ça. Au lieu de cela, il est monté sur le navire et s'est tenu à côté d'elle.
Ne pas me répéter trop, mais encore une fois, vous devriez probablement sortir d'ici. Quand Redwell apprendra ça, il va être ennuyé, et crois-moi, tu ne veux pas être avec lui quand ça arrivera, a dit Jones. Il espérait que la dame l'écouterait. Cette femme avait déjà sauvé quelques vies aujourd'hui, donc le médecin a voulu l'aider à savoir dans quel genre de danger elle se mettait en danger. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,347 | 444 | 10 | 308 | 350 | Se concentrant sur la remise en ordre de ses affaires, elle avait tout oublié de l'homme qui avait parlé à ses moments plus tôt. C'est seulement quand il est monté à bord de son navire qu'elle lui a offert un regard curieux. Se montant jusqu'à sa pleine hauteur de 6'2, elle l'écouta parler d'un prétendu gros plan nommé Redwell.
En fait, ce nom me semblait familier, mais elle ne pouvait pas le placer.
"Redwell..." elle a besoin de son temple droit, essayant de se souvenir. "Je sais que j'ai déjà vu quelque chose comme ça dans les journaux." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,348 | 444 | 11 | 2,765 | 219 | Le sourire de Galen a disparu quand elle semblait nonchalante à propos de toute la situation. Elle le connaissait vaguement, mais le fait qu'elle ne remercie pas Jones et qu'elle parte l'inquiétait. Il ne voulait pas insulter la dame, mais il savait par expérience que si elle ne l'écoutait pas, elle finirait dans beaucoup d'ennuis.
"Vous avez probablement entendu parler de lui," Jones a dit, "parce qu'il est l'un des Rainbow Raiders. Ces capitaines sont tous assez effrayants par eux-mêmes. Crois-moi, je l'ai vu. Mais ce qui est pire, c'est le leader des Raiders ; le marquis n'est pas quelqu'un contre qui vous voulez monter. Supposons que vous réussissez miraculeusement à battre Redwell quand il arrive ici. Ensuite, vous devez traiter avec les autres Rainbow Raiders et leurs équipages, ou peut-être même Blackwell lui-même! C'est pour ça que tu dois sortir d'ici! Sinon, le docteur est parti pour une seconde, vous serez vendu en esclavage ou tué.Cette dernière partie, il murmura d'un ton plus bas avec un mélange de dégoût et de regret. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,349 | 444 | 12 | 308 | 350 | Raiders arc-en-ciel?! Siobhan s'est effondrée, elle a failli tomber sur son dos alors qu'elle éclatait de rires hystériques. Retenant son intestin, elle a doublé, incapable de l'arrêter hors de la cadence de contrôle. "Kahuhuhuhuhu!! Qu'est-ce que les pirates pillent pour leur libération sexuelle?
Pourtant, quelque chose qu'il a dit s'était finalement enregistré auprès d'elle, la faisant enfin prendre la main sur elle-même. "Blackwell, c'est ça! C'était ça. Je me souviens maintenant..."
C'était l'homme le plus puissant de West Blue en ce moment. Il commandait plusieurs équipages de pirates, et pire encore, des esclavagistes. Il dirigeait une sorte de racket de protection sur de nombreuses îles ici, où s'ils ne payaient pas ses "droits de protection", ses pirates se présenteraient et attaqueraient leurs colonies côtières comme un avertissement. S'ils continuaient de refuser, il enverrait ses esclaves...
Après s'être enfin complètement remise de son gré, elle s'est redressée, ses lèvres glissent dans un sourire. "Donc ce 'Redwell' fonctionne pour ce type. C'est parfait!"
"Kickin' son cul sera un grand moyen de commencer mon aventure!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,350 | 444 | 13 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones s'est moqué au début. La libération sexuelle... Peut-être Claire est-elle là!
Le fait que cette femme parlait de combattre Redwell a finalement été enregistré avec lui. Il a tenu sa paume devant elle, maintenant préoccupé à nouveau. Vous ne pouvez pas être sérieux?! Ce n'est pas comme si vous pouviez juste obtenir quelques Marines pour vous aider avec cela et ce n'est pas comme si vous aviez quelqu'un d'autre avec vous pour vous aider. Le docteur se demandait si cette dame avait mangé trop de nourriture expirée à la taverne.
Malgré tout cela, la dernière partie de ce que cette dame a dit a rendu Jones un peu curieux. Qu'est-ce que c'était qu'une aventure? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,351 | 444 | 14 | 308 | 350 | Bien sûr que je suis sérieux! Elle a répondu, regardant vers la mer presque à l'avance. "Ce n'est pas quelque chose dont je plaisanterais."
Non, s'il y avait une chose qu'elle détestait plus que tout, c'était des gens qui parlaient beaucoup de merde qu'ils ne pouvaient pas reculer. Une fois de plus, quand il l'interrogea, elle lui donna un sourire aveuglant. -- Juste ce que j'ai dit!
S'attachant les bras au ciel, elle jeta la tête en arrière et cria : « Je vais trouver une pièce, et l'utiliser pour détruire le monde! » | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,352 | 444 | 15 | 2,765 | 219 | Il semblait qu'elle s'était mise sur ce cours. Il n'y avait rien de plus que Jones puisse dire à ce stade. Il aurait juste à regarder cette femme prendre Redwell, probablement mourir dans le processus. Jones adorerait probablement sa détermination si ce n'était pas si suicidaire-attente, qu'est-ce que c'était?
Vous allez utiliser One Piece... pour détruire le monde? Comment ça va marcher? Vous allez juste tuer tout le monde, ou quoi? Juste quand il pensait qu'il ne pouvait plus être confondu, cette dame lui montra un nouveau niveau de confusion (avec une torsion morbide) qui dépassait ce qu'il imaginait possible. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,353 | 444 | 16 | 308 | 350 | Son sourire rayonnant semblait seulement s'intensifier avec sa confusion, ses mains tombant sur ses hanches. "Je vais briser les fondements de ce monde qui en font ce qu'il est."
"Les nobles du monde, le gouvernement, les esclaves, même les empereurs! Je les écraserai tous en morceaux, et je ferai tomber ce monde! Ce n'est qu'alors que ces mers seront vraiment libres! »
Fermant les yeux pendant un moment pour tirer un souffle lourd, elle semblait enfin s'être quelque peu calmée. "C'est la sorte de Pirate King Grace D. Siobhan qui va l'être!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,354 | 444 | 17 | 2,765 | 219 | Après avoir écouté le but de Siobhan, Jones sourit. Alors qu'il pensait qu'elle était un peu folle, c'était peut-être le bon genre de fou. Elle semblait assez sincère, de toute façon, et contrairement à lui, elle avait en fait un rêve. Il se demandait si elle allait devenir Pirate King après tout.
Le médecin a ensuite grincé un sourire qui correspondait à celui du fracas potentiel du monde et a serré ses mains ensemble. Eh bien, Mlle Grace D. Siobhan, je vous aime bien! Je vais vous dire quoi; si vous pouvez vaincre Redwell et son équipage, alors moi, docteur Galen X. Jones, ne vous rejoindrai pas seulement en tant que médecin de votre équipage, je serai aussi votre premier compagnon. Ça te va?
Jones ne pensait pas vraiment que Siobhan accepterait, mais il ne le saurait pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle réponde. Quel genre d'équipage a un médecin pour un premier ami, de toute façon? Malgré cela, pour quelque raison que ce soit, l'idée de naviguer avec elle l'a rendu heureux. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,355 | 444 | 18 | 308 | 350 | Oh, c'est ça! Son visage s'est allumé, son enthousiasme brut menace maintenant de brûler un trou dans le bateau. "Vous êtes Galen X. Jones? Tu es sur ma liste, genre!"
Atteindre dans son manteau, elle a produit un morceau de papier assez remarquable qui semblait avoir une série de quatre noms écrits dessus. Après avoir retiré un stylo, elle en a gratté l'un d'eux. "Désormais! Un en bas, trois à partir!"
En rangant le papier et le stylo, elle semblait incroyablement satisfaite de ce tour des événements. "Toute la raison pour laquelle je suis venu à cette mer était de te trouver! Eh bien, vous et trois autres, genre."
Parmi les pirates ici, les compétences du Dr Jones étaient devenues assez célèbres. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,356 | 444 | 19 | 2,765 | 219 | Siobhan était vraiment enthousiaste, et honnêtement, c'était un peu infectieux. Jones était confus qu'il ait été considéré comme assez remarquable pour être sur une liste, mais il n'allait pas s'inquiéter à ce sujet maintenant. Il y avait d'autres choses à penser en ce moment, donc ce n'était qu'une question d'au moins quelques-unes qu'il avait à l'esprit qu'il pourrait lui poser plus tard.
Eh bien, alors! Il semble maintenant que vous avez un capitaine à écraser, il a dit, souriant, et je pense que je sais comment nous pouvons vous y amener.
Laisse-moi te capturer et t'emmener à Redwell, alors tu pourras le combattre. Il aime se vanter de son pouvoir quand il le peut, donc il n'y a aucun moyen que vous ne puissiez pas le voir, a expliqué Jones, puis ajouter, juste essayer de ne pas me faire trop de mal quand vous devez ‘échapper, d'accord? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,357 | 444 | 20 | 308 | 350 | Semblant accepter son plan sans hésitation, Siobhan hoche la tête. "Ah, c'est sûr! Ça a l'air génial. Il faut faire semblant d'être captif, non? Je peux faire mieux que vous ne l'imaginez."
En lui offrant ses poignets, elle a présumé qu'il allait lui gifler des chaînes ou d'autres moyens de retenue pour obtenir une authenticité maximale. "Oh, est-ce que tu veux t'allonger un peu qu'il essaie de faire de moi sa femme, genre?"
Ce type tendait à être douloureusement prévisible comme cela. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,358 | 444 | 21 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones a ri. "Ha! Je ne ferai pas ce pari. Bon, voyons ce que j'ai...
Le médecin a fouillé son sac à dos pendant quelques secondes jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve ce qu'il cherchait. J'ai compris!
Jones a ensuite attaché un morceau de corde autour des poignets de Shioban, en veillant à ne pas le rendre si serré qu'elle ne serait pas en mesure de se libérer, mais pas si lâche qu'il serait évident qu'il n'était pas vraiment essayer. Ce n'était pas une paire de menottes, mais ça le ferait. Il a ensuite tenu le cutlass près du cou de la femme.
"Alright, "prisonnier, " laisse bouger. Le vaisseau est juste un peu à l'ouest d'ici, a dit le docteur. Les deux ont alors commencé leur marche jusqu'au baron rouge, où la prochaine phase du plan se produirait. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,359 | 444 | 22 | 308 | 350 | Siobhan ne plaisantait pas quand elle a prétendu savoir comment agir la partie d'un prisonnier. La jeune fille gaie que Jones avait rencontrée à la taverne a eu -- le moment même où leur acte a commencé -- vanité. Sa posture confiante était devenue laxiste, ses mouvements lugubres et vaincus. Ses yeux toujours exubérants ont été remplacés par un regard troublantment authentique de désespoir et de désespoir, des yeux qui attendaient le pire.
C'était comme si elle s'était transformée en une personne complètement différente à ce moment-là.
Pendant tout le chemin, son regard creux était fixé au sol. Elle n'a jamais dit un mot. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,360 | 444 | 23 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones a été impressionnée par la façon dont Siobhan a joué son rôle. Cela s'était poursuivi tout au long de leur promenade jusqu'au baron rouge, où Jones parlait maintenant avec le pirate de bas niveau qui gardait le navire.
Une fille captive? Dans cette petite ville? Qu'est-ce qui se passe, Jones?
Don't me questionne, gamin, Jones a répondu avec un ton d'irritation, cette femme a frappé Claire et les autres membres de notre équipe en un coup de poing! La seule raison pour laquelle j'ai pu la capturer c'est parce que je l'ai prise au courant. Laissez-moi passer, je dois l'amener au capitaine.
C'est bon, sors d'ici. J'ai un travail important à faire ici!Le gardien a dit, essayant et ne pas maintenir sa dignité.
Le nom du baron rouge était très approprié - il a été peint en rouge sur tout le navire. Jones devait se demander combien d'argent était dépensé pour acheter de la peinture qui pouvait résister à être porté par l'eau de l'océan. Il n'était pas un naufragé, alors il s'est concentré sur ce qu'il allait dire à Redwell.
Le capitaine du navire, un autre grand homme comme Carl mais avec une veste rouge, un chapeau pirate, et un pantalon, polissait son épée quand le médecin et Siobhan sont arrivés. L'épée semblait presque aussi grande que lui et le sabreur était même assis sur un trône rouge géant. Le capitaine Redwell, Jones a dit, j'ai un prisonnier pour vous. Je l'ai capturée après qu'elle ait vaincu notre premier conjoint et les autres.
"Carl a été battue par une fille? Amenez-la vers moi, Jones, a dit le capitaine. Jones l'a fait, en allant de l'avant avec elle pour empêcher un Échappement.
"Maintenant jeune fille," Redwell a dit, "Vous avez peut-être vaincu Carl, mais clairement vous n'étiez pas assez intelligent! Parce que même Jones a été capable de vous capturer - et laisse-t-il être honnête, il n'est pas vraiment intelligent ou capable de toute sorte de stratégie du tout - et maintenant vous êtes sur mon navire, entouré de mon équipage!
En ce moment, les membres de l'équipage du navire formèrent un cercle autour duquel les trois étaient, soulevant leurs armes au cas où Siobhan tentait de s'échapper. Une fois en position, le capitaine continua son discours. "Non seulement cela, mais j'ai mon épée mortelle, la Lame Rouge, à ma disposition!" Redwell a levé l'épée et l'a pointée sur elle pour lui montrer ce qu'il voulait dire avant de parler plus. Tu sais pourquoi ça s'appelle la lame rouge? Parce que je me baigne avec le sang de n'importe qui assez bête pour me résister! Maintenant tu pourrais essayer de t'échapper et tomber comme tant d'autres, mais je suis de bonne humeur aujourd'hui. Si vous rejoignez mon équipage et devenez ma femme, je vous laisserai vivre.Le capitaine sourit comme un cerveau qui venait de gagner une bataille majeure.
Jones sourit quand le discours prit fin. Il était content qu'il n'ait pas pris ce pari. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,361 | 444 | 24 | 308 | 350 | Darn, elle aurait pu faire du béli là-bas. Peu importe.
Redwell était un homme assez grand, plus grand que Carl pour sûr. Elle a aussi eu l'impression qu'il était plus fort que lui. Vu son apparente absence de tout ce qui ressemble au charisme, il devrait certainement être le gars le plus dur ici pour maintenir le contrôle. De plus, son équipage l'avait encerclée de tous côtés. ...C'était en fait un bon endroit pour qu'ils soient tous.
-- Oh, je vous le ferai, répondit-elle, en se débarrassant rapidement des cordes qui lui lient les poignets. Elle a rappelé qu'elle était censée le rendre convaincant, mais cela n'avait pas vraiment d'importance à ce stade.
Les pirates qui l'entouraient répondirent presque instantanément malgré sa facilité d'évasion, leurs lames se fermant sur elle et les marteaux de leurs pistolets s'abaissant. Pour elle, c'était comme regarder quelqu'un bouger (ironiquement) comme s'ils étaient sous l'eau. En plantant ses pieds fermement sur le pont, Siobhan a fait tomber son poing dans l'air nu sous elle.
À ce moment-là, l'anneau de pirates a été arrêté dans leurs traces. Leurs corps ont alors commencé à plier et à contorser d'une manière même un maître Yogi ne pouvait jamais espérer atteindre. Enfin, ils ont tous été projetés à l'envers; la plupart tombant par-dessus bord dans le processus, avec quelques malchanceux claquement dans le mât central avec des fissures refroidissantes. "Arabesque Brick Fist!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,362 | 444 | 25 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones s'attendait à ce qu'elle se libère, mais il ne s'attendait pas à ce que le pêcheur attaque qu'il a connu maintenant. Alors que le médecin ne pouvait pas blâmer Siobhan de l'avoir frappé (elle était entourée à tous les angles, après tout), il était encore un peu ennuyé d'être blessé malgré avoir été impressionné par son talent de combat.
L'évaluation de Redwell au sujet de l'esprit stratégique de Galen, cependant, était complètement erronée; l'utilisation du coutelas pour ralentir en le pressant sur la surface du navire combiné à l'utilisation d'un des autres membres d'équipage comme coussin a permis à Jones d'échapper à la plupart des dommages subis par les pirates moins chanceux, et contrairement à la plupart des pirates, ses blessures n'étaient que mineures.
Pourtant, il a fallu une seconde au médecin pour obtenir ses repères et voir ce qui se passait. Comme il l'avait prédit, Redwell était en effet ennuyé.
"Damn toi, espèce de pute stupide!" Redwell a crié. Contrairement à Carl cependant, il avait en fait l'intention de soutenir ses paroles, se précipitant à Siobhan et essayant de lui couper la lame rouge. Étonnamment pour un homme aussi grand, lui et son épée étaient assez rapides. Si la femme a été frappée par l'arme, ça allait faire mal.
Pendant ce temps, Jones a pris un pistolet chargé que l'un des autres pirates avait lâché et s'est lentement rapproché de l'endroit où les deux se battaient. Le médecin ne serait pas en mesure de combattre très bien Redwell par lui-même, mais si Siobhan en avait besoin, Jones pourrait fournir de l'aide dans un moment critique. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,363 | 444 | 26 | 308 | 350 | Oh merde, je suis désolé! Siobhan s'est rendue compte qu'elle avait attrapé Jones dans son attaque. Elle était tellement habituée à ses camarades qui savaient instinctivement revenir quand elle a fait ce mouvement qu'elle n'avait même pas pensé qu'il aurait pu s'y être pris. Pourtant, il avait l'air de l'avoir bien pris, toutes choses considérées.
Pendant qu'elle était occupée à s'excuser, cependant, Redwell avait emménagé pour l'attaque. Il ne faisait que tourner à temps pour voir sa lame se refermer rapidement sur elle, Siobhan savait qu'il était maintenant trop tard pour éviter. Pour qu'elle ne le fasse pas.
Un chant aigu et douloureux résonne dans l'air, le bruit de métal percutant une surface dure. Il fut immédiatement suivi d'une poutre semblable aux gouttes de pluie, avec trente-deux pépites d'os frappant le pont sous les pieds de Siobhan. La lame rouge était maintenant fermement enfermée dans ses mâchoires, maintenue en place par des dents ressemblant à des poignards. Ses lèvres s'étirant de l'oreille à l'oreille, elle a vu une toile d'araignée de fissures travailler leur chemin à travers l'épée avant qu'elle ne se brise finalement.
En remuant plusieurs fragments de métal, elle essuya une trace de sang de ses lèvres. Ça fait mal à l'enfer d'expulser un ensemble de dents comme ça, mais elle n'avait pas le choix. Bien qu'elle n'ait pas eu l'intention de le faire, l'acte de passer à ses dents de requin a également fait émerger sa nageoire.
Reprenant avec une écharpe, elle s'est approchée pour enlever son écharpe, exposant une série de branchies sur ses épaules supérieures et son cou inférieur.
"Qu'est-ce qu'elle...?" L'un des hommes d'équipage encore à peine conscients a murmuré.
"Je suis une pêcheuse!" Elle répondit avec un sourire large et dentelé. -- Eh bien, la moitié. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,364 | 444 | 27 | 2,765 | 219 | Alors que Jones appréciait le sentiment derrière les excuses de Siobhan, il ne voulait pas vraiment qu'elle le fasse. Le docteur comptait sur l'élément de surprise pour pouvoir frapper Redwell quand ça comptait et maintenant ça a été tiré en enfer. Jones était maintenant irrité et inquiet qu'il aurait à combattre tous les traînants laissés sur le navire qui pourrait se rendre compte de ce qui s'est passé. En fait, il était tellement distrait par cela que le fait que Siobhan était une demi-fishwoman à peine enregistré auprès de lui.
...sauf que les membres de l'équipage étaient trop battus et que Redwell était trop en colère pour s'en rendre compte, alors Jones a tout simplement continué à se rapprocher du combat.
Lame rouge! Merde, putain! ─ Redwell a crié, écraser la poignée de l'épée cassée. Maintenant, une petite lame de poignard est sortie là où la grande épée était, couverte dans ce qui semblait être une sorte de poison. Il a ensuite accusé en avant, essayant de poignarder Siobhan avec l'arme. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,365 | 444 | 28 | 308 | 350 | Étreignant les yeux sur le pirate surdimensionné, elle intercepta encore une fois son poignard avec ses dents, avec les mêmes résultats. La lame s'est brisée sous ses mâchoires d'acier, mais alors qu'elle craignait les durs, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de sentir un picotement se précipiter dans son corps. Quelque chose était sur cette dague... une sorte de liquide, et il avait réussi à nager dans sa gorge quand elle a brisé la deuxième arme de Redwell.
Gagnant du sentiment de nausée qui se précipitait à travers elle, elle garda néanmoins son sang-froid. Elle avait besoin de mettre fin à ça avant tout ce qui a été obtenu le meilleur d'elle.
Au lieu d'attendre le prochain coup de Redwell, Siobhan se chargea en avant, tirant son poing en arrière. Il n'y aurait pas de bruit cette fois-ci. Au contraire, son poing s'est claqué dans la poitrine de l'autre pirate, un geyser vaporeux de l'air qui s'est évadé du dos. Élevé de ses pieds par la grève, il a été renvoyé en vol dans le mât central du Baron rouge à des vitesses suffisantes pour casser complètement le grand pilier en bois en deux. "Deux-cent poing en brique!"
En regardant la forme imposante de Redwell devenir une lucarne dans le ciel pendant que le mât s'est écrasé sur le pont, Siobhan s'est évanoui. "La peinture rouge était bâclée de toute façon."
En se tournant rapidement pour vérifier Jones, elle s'est trouvée trébucher en avant quand elle a fait un pas vers lui. "Ouwoah...!"
Élevant une main sur son front, elle sentait que le monde commence à tourner autour d'elle. Tout ce qui se trouvait sur cette dague avait réussi à traverser son système maintenant, et elle a trébuché sur le bord du navire, l'utilisant pour le soutenir. "Eh bien, baise-moi... il a été empoisonné après tout, genre." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,366 | 444 | 29 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones regarda avec inquiétude le combat qui s'ensuivit. Si Redwell frappe Siobhan avec la dague, ça pourrait lui coûter la vie. Il s'avère qu'elle était aussi imprudente qu'elle était forte, mordant le poignard malgré le fait qu'il ait été empoisonné. Au moins sa force lui permit d'envoyer Redwell en avion (ce qui était tout aussi grand que quand c'était arrivé à Claire), mais le bonheur de la victoire se tourna rapidement vers de graves préoccupations une fois que Jones retourna rapidement son attention sur le fait qu'elle avait été empoisonnée.
Depuis le temps était critique, le médecin n'a même pas répondu à Siobhan, au lieu de trouver divers plantes et ingrédients dans son sac de duffel à mélanger dans une sorte de poudre. Une fois qu'il a fini, il a remis un petit bol à la dame disant : « Mangez ça rapidement, ou autrement. » Le remède était très amer, mais c'était mieux que la mort.
Une fois qu'elle l'a fait, il a ensuite regardé autour du navire pour voir s'il restait encore des pirates. Il serait bon que Siobhan se rétablisse, mais s'il y avait assez de pirates qui pourraient se battre, ça pourrait être un problème. Heureusement, tout le monde était inconscient ou s'était enfui lorsque son capitaine avait été frappé hors du navire.
Revenant à son capitaine avec inquiétude, Jones a demandé à Siobhan, est-ce que ça va? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,367 | 444 | 30 | 308 | 350 | Sa vision commençait à s'estomper grâce aux effets du poison, mais elle pouvait encore voir clairement Jones quand il courut vers elle avec un bol en bois. C'était un docteur! C'est pour ça qu'elle était là...
Shakily prenant le bol dans ses mains, elle a incliné la tête en arrière et a glissé la concoction putride vers le bas. "Blegghh, ça a le goût du chat comme de la merde!"
Purchant ses lèvres de façon serrée pour éviter de vomir jusqu'à son traitement, elle s'inclina lentement quand Jones s'interrogea sur sa santé. "En dehors de ma dégustation de bouche comme je l'ai rincé avec de l'eau d'égout, je suis."
Gérer un sourire malgré l'arrière-goût persistant, elle a légèrement frappé Jones sur le côté de son bras. "Bien joué, docteur! Je savais que je t'avais mis sur la liste pour une bonne raison! » | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,368 | 444 | 31 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones sourit à Siobhan, la criant légèrement. Merci, et c'est bon! Si vous aviez attendu beaucoup plus longtemps pour prendre ce truc, vous auriez plus à vous soucier de que le goût. Ce poison est très mortel, soyez plus prudent la prochaine fois.
Après avoir attendu un moment pour que cela coule dedans (bien qu'il ait eu l'impression qu'il le ferait), Jones continua à parler. Nous devrions probablement obtenir des choses de ce vaisseau et sortir d'ici. Je sais que Redwell a des cartes, des outils et du béli, et on a besoin de tout ça. Peux-tu m'aider à en porter un peu? C'est surtout dans ses quartiers, il ne faisait pas confiance à ses membres d'équipage avec des choses comme ça.
Le docteur essayait de penser s'il y avait quelque chose d'autre dont ils avaient besoin de ce vaisseau, mais il ne pouvait penser à rien. C'était tout aussi bien de toute façon; ils avaient besoin de sortir de là. Siobhan était fort, mais il ne pensait pas que les deux d'entre eux pourraient prendre le marquis par eux-mêmes, et Jones savait qu'il voudrait se venger de la défaite de Redwell. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,369 | 444 | 32 | 308 | 350 | Bien sûr! Faisons des trucs autant qu'on peut sur mon bateau! Siobhan répondit avec enthousiasme, toujours debout pour un phat lewt.
C'était tellement exaltant! Elle a eu son premier nouveau camarade, un docteur! Alors qu'elle aimait toujours son ancienne équipe, Jones et les autres personnes sur sa liste étaient celles qui se tenaient avec elle alors qu'elle réalisait son rêve.
Smirking subtilement pendant que son médecin mène le chemin vers les quartiers de Redwell, elle ne pouvait pas attendre de voir à quel destin camarade la conduirait à la suivante.
Quelques jours plus tard
Le petit chalutier avait quitté Boaduor peu de temps après la défaite de Redwell, mais pas avant que Siobhan ait peint son jolly roger (une nageoire noire montant pour éclipser partiellement le soleil) sur le côté du baron rouge. Quelles que soient les réserves que son nouveau médecin aurait pu avoir avec une telle action, elle voulait que le marquis sache exactement qui a bousillé son homme.
Naviguer sans interruption depuis, la nourriture (peut-être étonnamment) n'était pas un problème malgré l'appétit du capitaine. La raison en était assez simple.
Elle était très douée pour la pêche.
"Giant Angler à l'arrivée!" La voix du capitaine a appelé, un gros poisson qui sortait de l'eau un moment plus tard. Le chalutier sans nom a violemment heurté les vagues qui en ont résulté, alors même que la créature a heurté le pont, c'est une horrible mare de dents déchiquetées qui grincait encore violemment dans la direction de Jones.
En montant au-dessus de la rampe, Siobhan, portant son maillot de bain standard d'une pièce, a roulé ses épaules. "Ça devrait être bon pour le dîner!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,370 | 444 | 33 | 2,765 | 219 | Cela avait été une semaine productive depuis qu'ils avaient mis la voile. Malgré les réserves de Galen, il savait que le marquis y arriverait de toute façon. Avec cela à l'esprit, il avait essayé de planifier le mieux qu'il pouvait ; ce n'était pas comme s'il était un navigateur, donc il ne serait jamais le prochain Nami, mais Jones avait un sens général de la région de la voile dans l'équipage de Redwell.
Une autre chose qu'il avait su était que les Rainbow Raiders étaient qu'ils n'étaient jamais ensemble. Le marquis avait besoin de gens dans différents endroits pour extorquer de nouvelles îles, pour que Jones et Siobhan puissent sortir chacun des quatre Raiders individuellement tout en cherchant les nouveaux membres d'équipage sur sa liste, puis ils pourraient se concentrer sur sortir Blackwell lui-même. C'était aussi bon d'un plan que n'importe quel autre qu'il pouvait monter.
Dans le présent, Jones ne faisait que profiter de son temps sur le chalutier de pêche sans nom. Il avait été pirate pendant un certain temps maintenant, mais c'était la première équipe dont il se sentait heureux de faire partie. Giobhan était génial et il s'est senti comme s'ils pouvaient prendre le monde. Il avait lu un livre médical qu'il avait pris dans les quartiers de Redwell (pourquoi il en avait un là-bas était-il au-delà de lui, mais le médecin devinait que cela valait de l'argent) quand il a été interrompu.
"Giant Angler à l'arrivée!" C'était son capitaine, qui avait pris leur prochain repas. Le chalutier a lutté pour rester à flot alors que le poisson flopait autour et faisait rage dans la direction du médecin, mais Jones était maintenant habitué à cela.
"Ça devrait être bon pour le dîner!" Siobhan a dit.
Tu es sûr de ça? Peut-être que nous avons besoin de 10 de plus d'entre eux pour s'assurer que vous n'avez pas faim plus tard, | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,371 | 444 | 34 | 308 | 350 | Grinçant à son commentaire sur son appétit, elle commença le processus d'éviction et de désossage des poissons gigantesques. Ils naviguaient vers leur prochaine destination depuis quelques jours maintenant, après qu'un journal lui avait remis un numéro du West Blue Times qui parlait d'un certain homme qui avait été actif dans la région.
Bien qu'elle ne prétende pas être le plus grand navigateur à avoir jamais vécu, elle connaît son chemin autour d'une carte nautique, peut lire les étoiles, et est intimement consciente des signes d'une tempête qui arrive. Pour atteindre l'île de son choix, c'était un morceau de gâteau, surtout par rapport à la Grand Line...
Alors qu'ils mangeaient sa dernière prise, Siobhan regarda dans la direction de leur cap actuel. "Notre prochain camarade est quelque part dans cette direction, je peux le sentir."
"Vous ne comprenez pas, Grauwulf? Un mauvais mouvement et le sang de ces gens sera sur vos mains," Ragnold, alias "Bluewell" a averti le sabreur devant lui.
Derrière lui se trouvaient plusieurs douzaines de membres des Pirates de Whip-Fang, leurs lames serrées à la gorge d'un villageois. "Et ne pensez pas que vous pouvez utiliser votre vitesse contre nous non plus. Nous avons plus dans l'ancienne église, et si mon équipage entend quelque chose de suspicif, ils ont l'ordre d'exécuter les gens à l'intérieur."
Ce n'était pas comme ça que Ragnovald voulait que les choses aillent. Avec un célèbre chasseur de primes, son navire s'est écrasé sur la côte d'une île abandonnée. Quel désastre. Le marquis aurait sa tête s'il avait découvert qu'il avait échoué dans sa mission d'extorsion à cause d'une tempête.
Il a dû reprendre le cours avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, et ça voulait dire se débarrasser de ce bâtard.
"Donc, tu vois, ton seul choix est de reculer et de nous laisser mettre notre vaisseau en ordre. Si c'est le cas, nous quitterons cette ville en paix."
Leur véritable cible attendait, après tout... la ville où cet idiot de Redwell s'était fait tuer. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,372 | 444 | 35 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones a recueilli quelques-uns des os de poisson comme Siobhan a fait son travail, sachant qu'ils seraient des ingrédients utiles qu'il pourrait avoir besoin un jour pour faire la médecine un jour. Le médecin a ensuite commencé à manger, mais comme Siobhan parlait de la direction où leur prochain membre d'équipage serait trouvé, Jones s'est souvenu d'une question sur quelques-unes qu'il avait voulu poser à son capitaine.
Siobhan, je sais à la fin que vous allez être le Roi Pirate de toute façon, a dit Jones, mais que allons-nous faire si quelqu'un sur votre liste ne veut pas vous rejoindre? Je sais que nous sommes des pirates, mais nous ne pouvons pas juste forcer les gens à nous rejoindre.C'était quelque chose dont il était sûr; alors qu'ils pouvaient techniquement faire que les gens se joignent à eux, cela ne les ferait pas mieux que Blackwell.
Jones a continué à manger son poisson comme la femme a répondu. Même si elle n'était pas cuisinière, Siobhan savait bien préparer un poisson. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,373 | 444 | 36 | 308 | 350 | Siobhan savait bien préparer le poisson. En vérité, elle possédait toutes les compétences de base qu'un marin expérimenté devait connaître. Bien qu'en dehors de la navigation, elle n'excellât à aucun de ceux-ci, elle comprit les bases de la cuisine, des premiers soins et de la conduite d'un navire. C'était dur de ne pas le faire, quand tu as grandi sur un bateau pirate.
-- Je suis sûr qu'ils se joindront à lui, lui répondit Siobhan, en poussant un filet de pêcheurs dans sa bouche. "C'est l'équipage que j'ai besoin d'atteindre One Piece. Personne ne peut le faire seul. J'ai besoin d'un équipage solide qui couvrira les faiblesses les unes des autres, y compris la mienne. »
Inélégamment farcissant un autre gros morceau de poisson dans sa gorge, elle regarda Jones. "Mon vieux capitaine m'a beaucoup parlé de ce qu'il faudrait pour atteindre One Piece, et c'est à peu près la chose la plus difficile au monde à accomplir." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,374 | 444 | 37 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones a écouté la réponse de Siobhan avec intérêt. Contrairement à son capitaine, le médecin utilisait une fourchette et un couteau pour couper chaque morceau de poisson avant de le manger. Sa réponse n'était, à sa manière, pas surprenante. Sa confiance était quelque chose que Jones avait vu plus d'une fois maintenant, donc bien qu'il n'était pas entièrement sûr que c'était le meilleur plan, il avait le sentiment que cela fonctionnerait bien pour eux à la fin de toute façon.
Après avoir fini son dernier morceau de poisson et posé son argenterie, Jones a dit "OKay, alors une question de suivi. Comment déterminez-vous qui vous voulez rejoindre votre équipage? Je comprends que vous ayez besoin de gens avec des compétences différentes, mais comment décidez-vous qui vous pensez être ici? Par exemple, je ne suis pas vraiment un grand pirate même selon les standards de West Blue, mais me voici.
Jones savait à quel point le monde était grand. Bien qu'il ait grandi dans une île lointaine de Blue Est, le médecin avait vu des cartes et entendu des histoires sur des équipages comme les Chapeaux de Straw. Dans le grand plan des choses, Jones n'a pas vu ce qu'il en était. Bien sûr, c'était un bon docteur, mais il devait y en avoir de meilleurs là-bas. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,375 | 444 | 38 | 308 | 350 | Plongée les mains par-dessus bord dans l'eau pour les laver après avoir fini de manger son immense portion de la pêcheuse, elle sourit par-dessus son épaule au médecin. « D'abord, West Blue était à l'origine ma mer natale... même si je suis parti depuis longtemps. C'est pourquoi je suis venu ici en particulier."
« Et vous n'étiez probablement pas au courant, mais vous avez acquis une belle réputation de médecin qualifié qui travaille exclusivement à bord de navires pirates », explique Siobhan. "C'est une combinaison rare, avec la plupart des médecins pirates qui sont soit des otages, soit juste de la merde."
Respirant dans l'air de mer, elle a considéré les autres noms sur sa liste. "Chacun d'eux est quelqu'un d'uniquement amazin' à sa façon, que ce soit comme un guerrier ou un brillant scientifique." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,376 | 444 | 39 | 92 | 2,185 | Tsk. - Oui. Eadgar avait merdé. Il avait complètement oublié d'essayer au moins de se fondre dans. Il avait suivi ces pirates pendant un certain temps maintenant et quand ils avaient détruit leur bateau, il pensait que ce ne serait qu'une question de temps avant de les attraper. Cependant, il avait navigué vers cette île sur son petit dinghy et venait juste d'entrer en ville. C'était une surprise pour toutes les parties impliquées de dire le moins, Bluewell d'avoir réalisé qu'un chasseur de primes était après lui et Eadgar pour se souvenir qu'il s'est coincé comme un pouce douloureux dans ses vêtements gros sac, écharpe, et pieds nus. Les pirates Whip-Fang avaient rapidement mis leurs lames au cou des ouvriers forcés à la vue du sabre. "Alors, Rags, il semble que tu sois encore plus lâche que je ne le pensais."
Eadgar a rapidement regardé la scène autour de lui en essayant de déterminer le nombre d'ennemis qu'ils étaient et le nombre d'otages. Ça l'énerve qu'il ne puisse pas se battre sans risquer la mort de quelqu'un d'autre. Ça n'a pas aidé qu'il n'ait pas mangé en une journée. Ça l'a mis en colère. Il a regardé Rags et a dit : "Si tu penses qu'avoir des otages va te sauver la peau, alors je ne t'arrêterai pas. Sache le moment où tu t'y attends le moins, je te couperai cette moche tasse. Ou je vais juste t'assommer. Si tu as besoin de moi, je serai là." A cette Eadgar s'assit dans une position de fudoza et ferma les yeux. Il a fait de son mieux pour concentrer ses sens pour comprendre combien de personnes il y avait et où elles étaient. | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,377 | 444 | 40 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones n'était en effet pas au courant de sa réputation. Il avait su que les médecins pirates étaient rares ; c'est pourquoi il a été capable de trouver du travail sur les bateaux pirates si facilement. Le docteur ne pensait pas qu'il aurait été si remarquable. Après tout, il n'avait été pirate que pendant quelques années, et la plupart des équipages avec lesquels il avait été n'ont pas duré. Non pas que d'être un pirate était son premier choix, bien sûr, mais il ne se sentait pas comme ennuyeux Siobhan avec son histoire de vie. Jones sourit à la femme alors qu'elle expliquait comment les gens sur la liste étaient tous bons à ce qu'ils faisaient, en hoignant d'accord.
Son histoire de vie, d'un autre côté, semblait plus intéressante, et Jones voulait en savoir un peu plus. C'est bien! Donc vous avez dit que vous aviez un capitaine avant ça? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,378 | 444 | 41 | 308 | 350 | Je suis un pirate, Ragnold l'a corrigé. "Je ferai ce que j'ai à faire pour survivre."
En voyant le sabre s'enfoncer sur le sol, une veine s'élève lentement sur la tête du capitaine pirate. Dire qu'il était énervé serait un euphémisme pour le moins. "D'accord, tu veux être difficile, enfoiré?"
Tirant un pistolet à silex sur sa ceinture, Ragnvald l'a dirigé vers un otage voisin, lâchant la gâchette sans autre mot. La fissure d'un coup de feu a vu la tête de l'homme jetée en arrière, son corps tomber boiteux sur le sol. Retournant son regard à Grauwulf, il éternue. "À chaque minute où tu restes ici, je vais en exécuter un autre!"
"Prenez votre décision, sabreur!"
Quand Jones a élevé son vieux capitaine, l'expression surprise de Siobhan a rapidement été échangée contre un sourire chaleureux. "Je l'ai fait... c'est un grand homme, comme personne d'autre. C'est plus comme un da pour moi que n'importe quoi. Certainement plus que mon vrai."
Reposant son menton sur le bord du petit chalutier, elle regarda la lumière du soleil s'estomper lentement sous l'horizon lointain. "C'est un Fishman, et un chasseur d'amazin, comme personne que j'ai jamais vu. Même moi, je ne lui ressemble pas encore. Il m'a aussi appris tout ce que je sais sur le fait d'être un pirate, de la façon de jeter un coup de poing à la façon de gérer le gréement."
Atteindre pour remorquer un côté de sa chemise récemment enfilée vers le bas, elle a montré à Jones le tatouage sur le côté droit de son haut du dos : un soleil flamboyant. "Son nom est Jinbe, et il a une fois navigué avec le singe D. Luffy, jusqu'à la bataille avec la barbe noire." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,379 | 444 | 42 | 92 | 2,185 | Quand Eadgar entendit le coup de feu, il s'élança aux pieds et fixa des poignards à Ragnovald. "T'es qu'un petit con! Tu dis de ne pas faire un geste alors de te laisser tranquille. J'ai fait les deux en le faisant pour que tu saches exactement où j'étais pour que je ne sois pas en travers de ton chemin. Je te rendais ça facile, mais il semble que tu n'aies pas de cerveau dans ta petite tête. Si tu veux que je ne te regarde pas, je serais heureux de le faire. Malheureusement pour vous, cela signifie que vous n'aurez pas l'avantage de savoir où je suis. Je te rejoins sur la prochaine île, Rags." Eadgar tourna le dos à la honte de l'humanité et s'en alla.
Une fois hors de vue, il a utilisé toute sa vitesse pour revenir à son dinghy. S'assurer que personne ne l'a regardé, il a coulé le petit radeau pour le faire apparaître comme s'il était parti, puis s'est rapidement faufilé à l'église puis a sauté au sommet. Il cherchait une bonne cachette et une fois qu'il était sûr que personne ne le verrait, il s'assit dans la même position qu'avant d'essayer de déterminer à quoi ressemblait la situation à l'intérieur. Il limitait ses chances d'avoir ce type mais il a dû être arrêté tôt ou tard. Il fallait absolument le faire avant que ces idiots de pirates puissent partir. | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,380 | 444 | 43 | 2,765 | 219 | Les sourcils de Galen's se sont levés quand Siobhan lui a montré son tatouage et lui a dit que son capitaine était Jinbei. Il avait entendu parler de lui. Un utilisateur très compétent de karaté poissonnier qui était extrêmement honorable aussi bien. Bien que Siobhan ne semble pas hériter du sens de la stratégie de Jinbei, elle a certainement pris après lui dans le combat et le plus important, dans l'intégrité.
Jones se joignit à elle par le bord, regardant le soleil se coucher, et sourit. C'est beau, c'est vraiment, le docteur a dit, c'est comme si vous aviez un bon professeur. Vous êtes très chanceux.
Jones se demandait s'il aurait fait mieux avec un professeur, mais il semblait aller bien jusqu'ici, donc il ne s'inquiétait pas vraiment pour ça. Cela lui a aussi fait penser à sa famille à la maison. Ses parents étaient encore en vie; ils n'étaient pas d'accord avec ce qu'il a fait, mais ils comprenaient pourquoi il l'a fait. Peut-être qu'un jour après que Siobhan soit devenu le roi pirate, il pourrait rentrer chez lui et les revoir.
Mais pour l'instant, il était juste heureux d'être là où il était.
Qui sont les autres noms sur votre liste, de toute façon? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,381 | 444 | 44 | 308 | 350 | S'élançant vers l'endroit où ses vêtements réguliers étaient empilés dans une pile soignée, Siobhan sourit. "Leurs noms sont Taimi Taitale, Eadgar Grauwulf, et... euh..."
Cramponnant la tête, elle sentit ses joues rougir quand elle se rendit compte qu'elle avait oublié le nom du troisième. "Il... je sais que c'est un gars..."
En se couchant sur ses vêtements, elle a commencé à les fouiller pour la liste. Juste comme elle a réussi à le trouver dans sa poche de manteau droit, quelque chose dans le coin de son œil a attiré son attention loin de la tâche à portée de main. C'était une ombre qui s'élevait au-dessus de l'horizon du côté bâbord... terre!
"Hé, tu vois ça?" Siobhan s'est percé comme un chien de prairie stupéfait. Elle grinçait sur les étoiles, elle grinçait. « C'est vrai, j'ai perdu la trace de l'époque! Nous sommes là!"
Débarrassez-vous du bateau, maintenant dans son manteau et son pantalon habituels, les yeux de Siobhan dardaient sur l'île. "Par habitude, j'ai fait un travail brillant qui nous a amenés là où nous devions être! Bienvenue à Coverie!"
Éparpillant ses bras, elle s'attendait à voir une ville animée pleine de lumières lanternes et d'activités nocturnes. Ce qu'elle reçut à la place étaient le bruit de criquets, et nary une ombre en vue.
"...j'ai dit bienvenue à Coverie! Allô? | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,382 | 444 | 45 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones sourit à Siobhan's l'oubli apparent. Il n'avait pas de mémoire photographique, mais c'était la première fois qu'il l'avait vue rougir et le docteur pensait que c'était plutôt mignon. L'attention de Galen a changé avec ses capitaines, cependant, quand elle a dit qu'elle a vu la terre. Il ne l'a pas remarqué auparavant, mais il l'a vu quand Siobhan l'a signalé. Jones a rapidement répondu, disant que c'est génial! Laissez-les arriver à la rive!
Avant que Siobhan ne puisse crier plus, Jones a couvert sa bouche de capitaine. Il a dit dans un murmure, c'est étrange. Il devrait y avoir au moins quelques personnes ici en ce moment. Peut-être que nous ne devrions pas attirer autant d'attention sur nous-mêmes.
Le médecin regarda alors autour de lui, se lançant sur quelque chose qu'il vit au loin. Pour confirmer ce que c'était, il a sorti une paire de jumelles de son sac de duffel et l'a regardé à travers ceux-ci. C'était en effet un naufrage, mais le drapeau qui était là était ce que Jones trouvait le plus remarquable. Elle a été déchirée, mais le médecin pouvait encore distinguer dont il était joyeux roger; il appartenait aux Pirates Whip-Fang, dirigé par Bluewell lui-même.
Remettre les jumelles en arrière, Jones chuchotait à son capitaine Okay, si mauvaises nouvelles et bonnes nouvelles. La mauvaise nouvelle est que les Pirates de Whip-Fang sont naufragés ici et que les gens pourraient être en danger en ce moment. La bonne nouvelle est que vous aurez probablement à frapper Bluewell bientôt.
Pensant un moment, il a ensuite ajouté aussi, nous devrions probablement cacher notre chalutier pendant que nous découvrons ce qui se passe. Si c'est leur seul vaisseau, ils pourraient essayer de prendre le nôtre. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,383 | 444 | 46 | 308 | 350 | Mmnmmnmnn, Siobhan a répondu.
Elle a ensuite enlevé sa main. "Ah, donc c'est encore eux."
Eh bien, c'était assez évident qu'ils rencontreraient plus d'hommes de Blackwell à un moment donné, elle était juste un peu surprise que ce soit ce peu après avoir eu affaire avec le dernier gars. Il semble que celui-ci n'ait pas vraiment choisi d'être ici, cependant, compte tenu de l'état de son vaisseau... pas qu'elle se plaignait. Plus elle a enlevé les hommes du marquis, plus elle a de chances de lui faire face personnellement!
-- Très bien, cachons notre vaisseau et voyons ce que votre homme peut faire, dit Siobhan.
Ils pourraient probablement s'en tirer avec l'amarrer à environ un kilomètre de la ville. Elle doutait qu'ils seraient à la recherche d'un si petit navire de cette distance, particulièrement pendant qu'il fait noir dehors.
"Oui, donc je n'ai jamais été ici," a admis Siobhan, "mais j'ai entendu dire que c'est une ville assez occupée, en raison d'être un peu un centre commercial pour l'île."
Ayant sécurisé leur petit chalutier à une certaine distance de Coverie, ils étaient maintenant une fois de plus à la périphérie de la colonie. Ils pouvaient voir des paires de flambeaux se déplacer dans les rues à l'occasion, mais sinon toutes les structures étaient sombres. Les seules concentrations de lumière semblaient provenir du navire détruit des pirates Whip-Fang et d'une ancienne église près du centre de la ville.
"Donc, à moins qu'ils ne tuent tout le monde, alors ils ont probablement pris la ville en otage." | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,384 | 444 | 47 | 2,765 | 219 | Mon homme? Jones a pris l'insulte d'être affilié à eux, même en passant, mais il faisait partie de leur équipage dans le passé donc il a supposé que c'était juste. Maintenant à la périphérie de la ville, les deux étaient en train d'évaluer la situation et Siobhan avait probablement raison; les citoyens ici étaient probablement des otages de Bluewell.
Le docteur a hurlé, puis il a réfléchi une seconde avant de parler. Nous devrions essayer d'obtenir de l'intelligence avant de faire quoi que ce soit. Si on entre dans un piège, ça pourrait coûter la vie aux gens. Trouver une bonne position pour repérer leurs forces serait agréable, et comme il y a probablement des pirates par leur navire, l'église serait le meilleur choix.
Il a demandé confirmation à son capitaine, puis a commencé à se faufiler avec elle vers leur destination. C'était une ville plus grande que la dernière, donc ça a pris un peu plus de temps, mais ils ont finalement pu arriver à l'église sans être détectés.
Quand la paire était à un point où ils pouvaient repérer l'église et ses environs, ils ont vu une paire d'yeux rencontrer le leur du toit du bâtiment. Jones pensait qu'il avait vu une arme sur cet homme, c'était une épée? Juste pour être en sécurité, le médecin a saisi son pistolet, espérant que ce qui est arrivé ensuite ne s'est pas terminé avec la perte de vies innocentes. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,385 | 444 | 48 | 92 | 2,185 | Eadgar était assis au même endroit depuis un bon moment. Il était presque sûr qu'il savait combien de personnes étaient à l'intérieur de l'église à ce stade. Malheureusement, il n'a pas pu distinguer le nombre d'ennemis et le nombre d'otages. C'est à ce moment-là qu'il entendit le faible bruit des pieds qui tremblait dans la direction du bâtiment sur lequel il était perché. Il se leva de sa position et marcha jusqu'au bord quand il vit une paire qui ne ressemblait pas à des habitants ou à des membres de l'équipage de Bluewell. Il se tenait là un moment à les regarder se diriger vers l'église. C'est là que l'homme a regardé et leurs yeux se sont rencontrés. Eadgar a regardé de près les deux et s'est rendu compte qu'ils n'étaient certainement pas Whip-Fang. Quand Eadgar a vu l'homme prendre son arme, Eadgar s'est avancé et est tombé du toit au sol. D'un ton brouillé, "Imbecile. Rangez ce truc avant de vous blesser ou de blesser quelqu'un d'autre. Les débris de décence humaine ici ont des otages dans l'église et travaillent sur leur bateau. Je ne sais pas si tu as une idée de qui tu as affaire, mais l'homme en charge est Ragnovald. Il a déjà tué quelqu'un. Donc, soit restez en dehors de mon chemin ou aidez à libérer les otages." Il a regardé la paire de haut en bas. L'homme, malgré son chapeau cool, avait l'air de ne pas pouvoir s'arracher d'un sac en papier. La femme, cependant, semblait différente. Eadgar n'était pas sûre, mais elle semblait forte. Eh bien, au moins plus fort que l'autre gars. | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,386 | 444 | 49 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones pensait que cela avait la chance d'empirer. Alors qu'il était soulagée que ce type n'était pas avec Bluewell, l'arrogant et assomptueux façon dont il a agi lui a fait se demander ce qui se passait dans sa tête. Comment était-il censé savoir qui était et n'était pas avec Ragnovald? Ce n'était pas comme si cet homme portait un signe qui donnait son allégeance. Néanmoins, n'importe quel allié était bon et ce n'était pas le moment de discuter avec ce gars. Peut-être qu'il pourrait leur tirer dessus pendant qu'ils libéraient les otages. Jones a rangé le pistolet et a pris une profonde respiration, puis s'est adressé à l'homme d'épée apparent dans un murmure.
Nous le savons. Après avoir dit cela, Jones a fouillé son sac à dos pour obtenir des preuves, en prenant la poignée de Red Blade et en le montrant à ce type avant de continuer. Nous devons travailler ensemble pour trouver un moyen de sauver ces gens. Capitaine?
Le docteur a ensuite fait un geste à Siobhan pour qu'elle puisse ajouter tout ce qu'elle voulait. À ce stade, Jones avait besoin de penser à un plan de toute façon, donc maintenant n'était pas le temps de parler de toute façon. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,387 | 444 | 50 | 308 | 350 | Siobhan a visiblement gagné quand Jones a retiré un pistolet, ses mains agitant pour qu'il ne tire pas. Heureusement, il l'a abaissée sans tirer sur l'étranger. "Oi, garde ce truc caché pour l'instant. On essaie d'être furtifs, tu te souviens? Un coup de feu ferait savoir à chaque pirate ici où nous étions."
Exhalant un moment, elle se tourna vers l'épéeur et étendit une main. "Désolé pour tout l'incident de l'arme à feu là-bas, sham. Le nom est Grace D. Siobhan, et voici mon médecin, Galen X. C'est Jones."
La situation avait l'air plutôt terrible, cependant. Honnêtement, elle détestait des scénarios comme ça, où elle ne pouvait pas juste frapper le méchant au visage. Cela allait nécessiter beaucoup de réflexion. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,388 | 444 | 51 | 92 | 2,185 | Quand l'homme a mentionné qu'ils avaient vaincu le sourcil de Redwell Eadgar levé comme s'il était surpris. Il avait entendu dire que l'homme avait été enlevé mais par une fête de deux. Redwell garanti n'était pas le plus fort du groupe, mais peut-être que ces deux-là étaient plus forts que ce qu'il pensait. En entendant le mot capitaine, Eadgar regarda encore Siobhan de haut en bas. Elle n'a pas regardé Marine alors il a supposé que ces deux-là étaient des pirates. Déjà Eadgar était intrigué par les deux. Il avait entendu les histoires de Straw Hat Luffy et de son équipage. Une des raisons pour lesquelles Eadgar et son père n'ont pas poursuivi les gens juste parce qu'ils avaient une prime. Mais la plupart des pirates qu'il avait rencontrés étaient des crapules. Les deux avant lui semblaient déjà différents. Il a été encore plus surpris que ce Siobhan se soit présenté semi-officiellement. Il s'approcha de lui serrer la main et lui répondit : « Noms Eadgar Grauwulf. Je suis plus connu sous le nom de Silver Swordsman. Si vous êtes prêts à aider, ce serait bien. L'un d'entre vous a-t-il des idées?" | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,389 | 444 | 52 | 2,765 | 219 | Après réflexion, Siobhan avait un point. Un coup de feu attirerait trop d'attention. Jones avait pensé qu'il tirerait sur le gars s'il avait commencé à appeler ses alliés, à quel moment ça n'aurait pas compté, mais vu les circonstances, ça aurait probablement été...
Jones entendit alors l'homme se présenter comme Eadgar Grauwulf et ses pensées s'arrêter. "Oh dieu damnit, il est sur sa liste," le médecin a pensé, "Je sais que Siobhan sait des choses sur ces gens que je n'ai pas, mais"
C'était la deuxième fois en une minute ou deux que ses pensées avaient changé en un instant. Cette fois, c'était parce qu'Eadgar avait posé des questions sur les idées. Les vies des gens étaient en jeu ici. Jones savait qu'il devait se concentrer, donc il a rapidement pensé à un plan et l'a révélé.
J'en ai une. En chemin, je lisais un livre que j'ai pillé de Redwell; Gangster Gastino, encyclopédie médicale. C'est un livre sur la fabrication de poisons. Je pense que si on empoisonne furtivement Bluewell pendant qu'il est seul, on devrait pouvoir enlever les autres membres de son équipage avant qu'ils ne tuent des civils. Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,390 | 444 | 53 | 308 | 350 | Les yeux de Siobhan jetèrent brièvement les ténèbres de la nuit quand l'épéeur se présenta comme Eadgar Grauwulf. Éliminant à peine l'envie de sauter dans l'air et de crier dans la joie, elle lui a plutôt tiré un sourire brillant. "C'est mortel! Tu es sur ma liste!"
C'était parfait. Non seulement ils ont pu enlever un autre des capitaines pirates de Blackwell, mais ils ont aussi pris un autre camarade! Très bien, Eadgar, c'est réglé! Nous sauverons les otages, briserons Bluewell, et vous rejoindrez mon équipage! »
Jones a ensuite commencé à décrire son idée. En écoutant attentivement le plan de son médecin, Siobhan a réfléchi au menton. Est-ce que l'un d'eux avait vraiment les compétences furtives pour tirer quelque chose comme ça? Elle-même ne l'a probablement pas fait, car elle a été entraînée à être une artiste martiale, et a seulement eu l'idée la plus barbante de comment se faufiler efficacement autour des ennemis.
"Hmm, alternativement... nous l'avons laissé réparer son navire," Siobhan a offert son propre plan avec un sourire. « Puis, quand il partira et sera assez bien pour aller à la mer, je nagerai sous le navire, endommagerai son gouvernail et frapperai un trou dans le fond. Pendant ce temps, vous deux allez naviguer sur notre chalutier et attaquer!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,391 | 444 | 54 | 92 | 2,185 | Une liste. De quoi cette femme parlait-elle? L'esprit d'Eadgar était sur le point d'être rasé. Qu'est-ce qu'elle veut dire par liste? Puis elle a dit qu'il rejoindrait son équipage! Il serait en colère s'il n'était pas si surpris. Il avait à peine la capacité de penser maintenant et encore moins de répondre. Quand Jones donna alors son idée, Eadgar repoussa la surprise pour être en colère. POISON! Eadgar détestait l'idée d'utiliser du poison. Seuls les lâches et les faibles penseraient à utiliser la substance. Puis Siobhan s'est évadé de la sienne. Eadgar n'aimait pas non plus, mais au moins ça l'a aidé à comprendre comment ils pensent. "Je vais oublier que tu as dit quelque chose à propos de moi en rejoignant ton équipage pour que nous puissions nous concentrer sur la question à l'étude. En ce qui concerne vos projets, Jones, je refuse d'y participer. L'empoisonnement équivaut à de la lâcheté. Siobhan, votre plan serait idéal si ce n'est pour le fait que nous n'avons aucune idée de ce que Bluewell pourrait faire aux villageois une fois leur tâche terminée. Notre seul choix d'agir bientôt. D'après ce que je sais, les pirates et les otages sont divisés en deux endroits distincts. Un groupe ici à l'église et l'autre à l'époque bateau. Je crois que notre meilleure façon d'agir est d'éliminer ceux de l'église, puis de passer au groupe plus large. »
En regardant et en s'emparant du menton, il a commencé à passer en revue tout ce qu'il savait jusqu'à présent. Il savait qu'il n'y avait pas autant de pirates dans l'église qu'il y en avait sur le navire, mais il n'avait aucun moyen d'entrer sans qu'ils s'en rendent compte. "S'il y avait un moyen de faire sortir les pirates, je sais que je pourrais les éliminer avant qu'ils puissent prévenir leurs camarades." | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,392 | 444 | 55 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones était incroyablement en colère maintenant. Alors que le plan de Siobhans était défectueux pour la raison qu'Eadgar a déclaré, au moins c'était un plan. Le plan « Silver Swordsman » équivalait essentiellement à « attaquer les pirates et espérer que personne ne meurt ».Le médecin savait à quoi Bluewell ressemblait ; au moins, les pirates qu'ils attaquaient tueraient certains citoyens dans le feu croisé, et au pire, leur capitaine trouverait un moyen de s'assurer que des innocents seraient tués. Ragnovald pourrait et voudrait ordonner à ses hommes de se battre juste pour tuer des gens, plus son épée / arme de fouet qu'il avait été mortelle. Jones avait fait partie de l'équipage de Redwell ; il savait trop bien à quel point ces gens pouvaient être cruels.
Le médecin chuchotait ensuite ses objections à Eadgar avec un regard de rage incomparable. Écoute. Les gens pourraient mourir si ça tourne mal. Votre plan n'est pas un plan; vous espérez attaquer les gens, causer une scène, et espérer que personne ne remarque ou ne se fait tuer. La seule chose qui se réalise est de mettre les gens en danger inutile. Vous sous-estimez ces pirates et vous mettez les gens sur la ligne pour le bien de la fierté stupide. Bluewell est un homme maléfique et je sais qu'il tuerait les gens simplement par dépit. Vous avez même dit qu'il avait déjà tué une personne. Si le poison n'est pas le meilleur plan, très bien, mais je refuse de laisser les gens mourir si je peux l'aider.
Après tout cela, Jones a pris une longue, profonde respiration et a demandé calmement Siobhan, peut-être l'un de nous pourrait empoisonner leur capitaine pendant que les autres se faufilent et libèrent les otages? Peut-être pourriez-vous utiliser ce mouvement de pêcheur à 360 degrés que vous avez fait la dernière fois pour bloquer n'importe qui les attaquant. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,393 | 444 | 56 | 308 | 350 | Siobhan avait le sentiment qu'ils étaient sur le point de se disputer, et ce n'était vraiment pas le moment. Si ces deux-là voulaient vraiment sauver ces gens aussi mauvais, alors ils devaient tous être sur la même page. Pointant fermement dans la direction d'Eadgar, elle sourit. « Cet homme va devenir mon sabre, nous devons avoir confiance en ses capacités. S'il dit qu'il est assez rapide, alors il l'est."
"Le seul problème," a noté Siobhan, "est de les faire tous sortir. J'ai le sentiment que même si nous faisions quelque chose pour attirer leur attention, seuls certains sortiraient, tandis que d'autres resteraient à l'intérieur pour garder les otages. »
Elle se retourna ensuite vers le navire naufragé. "Il y a aussi le défi de faire une distraction assez forte pour attirer les pirates dans l'église sans alerter les pirates avec Bluewell."
« Aussi, » elle n'avait pas manqué de considérer ce que Jones avait dit, » mon Arabesque Brick Fist est un peu aveugle, comme vous l'avez remarqué. User autour de civils ne serait pas intelligent. Cependant, j'ai quelque chose d'autre..."
En entrant dans son manteau, elle a produit une paire de gants noirs. Malgré l'obscurité, ils pouvaient voir qu'ils n'étaient pas tout à fait normaux: il y avait des toiles entre les doigts. "Ayant les mains humaines comme moi, certaines techniques de karaté Fishman sont un peu difficiles pour moi, particulièrement sous l'eau. Alors je les porte..."
Elle a glissé les gants sur les mains, ses dents ont glissé dans la nuit. La tenant maintenant fermée paumes opposées l'une à l'autre, une minuscule sphère bleue formée entre eux. "Il n'y a pas grand chose à voir ici sur terre, mais sous l'eau c'est une autre histoire."
« J'ai un plan que je pense que je vais travailler maintenant, mais je vous préviens », regarda-t-elle entre eux, le sourire de Siobhan disparaissant et ses yeux prenant une dureté angoissée que Jones n'avait pas encore vu chez la fille normalement optimiste, « ce plan est tout simplement notre meilleure option pour minimizin' le nombre d'innocents qui meurent ici. En toute équité, certaines personnes mourront encore. C'est la réalité."
Sa voix ne portait pas de condescendance ou d'arrogance à cela, plutôt, il était une de l'acceptation. "Ce n'est pas un monde où vous pouvez promettre une fin heureuse à tout le monde. Dans certaines situations, il vous suffit de faire le meilleur choix que vous pouvez, et ce n'est pas toujours clair."
« Je crois cependant que ce plan est le meilleur choix », a-t-elle conclu. "Est-ce que vous voulez vivre avec les conséquences de cela?" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,394 | 444 | 57 | 92 | 2,185 | Eadgar n'était pas heureux. Il n'est pas près. Si ce n'était pas pour le fait qu'ils étaient un si petit groupe, il envisagerait légitimement de frapper cette nimrode. Ça n'a pas aidé ça juste après que Siobhan ait dit qu'il allait être son sabre. Quand elle a mentionné le karaté de poisson, il a été surpris. Tant de secrets derrière cette personne. Elle est ensuite allée sur une tangente sur ses compétences et ensuite sur la fragilité de la vie. Il connaissait cette merde. Il avait déjà vu la mort. Je suis venu avec le boulot. Sa seule pensée était de garder autant de gens en sécurité tout en sortant Bluewell et tous les membres de son équipage. Il a regardé Siobhan et a dit, "Allez-y avec le plan. Nous avons peu de temps ici." | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,395 | 444 | 58 | 2,765 | 219 | Jones écoutait ce que Siobhan devait rester avec un mélange d'émotions. Il n'avait pas vraiment la certitude que ce sabreur puisse faire ce que son capitaine a dit qu'il pouvait simplement à cause de la façon dont il avait agi jusqu'à présent. Cependant, Jones savait que le plan de Siobhans était meilleur que le sien. Il attirerait les pirates loin de l'église, ce qui leur permettrait de sauver tous les citoyens qui étaient là.
C'est ce que son capitaine a dit sur le fait de minimiser les pertes qui ont vraiment ennuyé le médecin. En règle générale, Jones avait toujours essayé de sauver n'importe qui qu'il pouvait traiter. Il l'a fait même au détriment de ses amis et de sa famille; c'est pourquoi il était un pirate en premier lieu. Au fond, le médecin savait que Siobhan avait raison; il n'y avait aucun moyen que tous ceux qu'il rencontrait puissent être traités. Même sans les dangers associés aux pirates, les maladies peuvent tuer les gens. Mais si c'était vrai, pourquoi s'est-il ennuyé avec ça? Pourquoi ne pas laisser ce pirate mourir et continuer à traiter les gens à la maison sans vivre comme un hors-la-loi? Jones n'a pas eu de réponse à cela en ce moment et il n'a pas eu le temps de penser à un, mais il savait que les gens auraient besoin de son aide très bientôt. Il résolut donc d'aider autant d'entre eux qu'il le pouvait, même si cela lui coûtait la vie.
Jones n'a rien dit aux deux personnes à côté de lui. Au lieu de cela, dans sa voix calme habituelle, il a simplement dit à Siobhan Okay. Que veux-tu que je fasse? | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,396 | 444 | 59 | 308 | 350 | Il était important que tout le monde soit derrière elle. Ils n'ont pas pu faire ça avec une équipe divisée. Ils étaient déjà ridiculement plus nombreux, et pour une fois cela comptait vraiment. Heureusement, les deux hommes ont pu mettre de côté leur fierté et accepter de la suivre.
-- Bien, répondit-elle. "Écoute bien, alors..."
-- Il est une heure du matin, Cap'n, et tout va bien! Le pirate du fouet rapporta à Ragnvald, le plus grand homme qui trempait la tête en reconnaissance.
Heureusement, ils n'avaient pas vu de cachette ni de poils de Gauwulf depuis plus tôt dans la journée. Il semblait que son exécution de l'otage avait frappé à la maison. Bien, parce qu'il ne voulait pas être ici plus que ce sabre qui l'a voulu ici. Cependant, il y avait toujours la possibilité qu'il vienne après eux après la voile, donc il allait probablement devoir prendre quelques-uns des habitants avec lui comme assurance.
Avec l'"assistance" de la ville, cependant, leur navire devrait être bientôt en état de navigabilité. Ils pourraient même garder jusqu'au délai certes court que Blackwell leur avait donné.
Ils ne savaient toujours pas qui était derrière la perte de contact avec Redwell. Ça aurait pu être une tempête comme celle qui les a frappés. Quoi qu'il en soit, ils devaient enquêter, puis achever sa tâche en s'assurant que la ville payait son dû au marquis.
Smoke versé de sa tasse de joe, le capitaine épuisé dessinant une grosse serve. Il préférerait beaucoup le rhum, mais il devait rester éveillé en ce moment, juste au cas où...
"Quoi? Ne me dites pas que c'est Gauwulf?" Ragnovald gémit au cri paniqué de son subordonné, sachant déjà que cela allait être quelque chose qu'il ne voulait pas entendre.
L'homme transpirait abondamment. "N-non, Cap'n, la marée autour du Lynx Bleu commence sérieusement à battre la coque! Les hommes commencent à paniquer et...
"Gyagh!" Ragnvald yelped quand son vaisseau berça, son café se répandit sur ses genoux. "Mon Dieu! C'est quoi ce bordel?
Poussant rapidement devant l'homme plus petit, le capitaine de dix pieds de haut des pirates Whip-Fang monta jusqu'au pont au-dessus. Ce qu'il a vu a rendu son visage pâle.
Il s'agissait d'un véritable « whirlpool » au large des côtes de l'île, et il envoyait des vagues de plus en plus violentes sur les côtés de leur coque. A ce rythme, il allait être traîné vers la mer.
"Qu'est-ce que la météo aujourd'hui?! Abandonnez le vaisseau!" | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |
15,397 | 444 | 60 | 92 | 2,185 | Eadgar sourit alors qu'il entendait la commotion venant du navire. On dirait que le plan était en cours. C'était intéressant, pour le moins, mais c'était définitivement fait. Comme il était assis perché dans le seuil de la fenêtre pour ne pas être repéré, il a entendu les hommes à l'intérieur parler des bruits forts. Il savait qu'il y avait une quinzaine de pirates et quand on a dit, "Roku, garde un oeil sur les civs pendant que nous vérifions." il a ajusté sa position pour être prêt à tomber sur les imbéciles. À ce moment les pirates ont commencé à déposer hors de l'église. Eadgar a attendu jusqu'à ce qu'il semble qu'ils soient tous à l'extérieur pour tomber de sa position. En descendant, il a entendu les pirates parler de leur confusion sur ce qui se passait. Cependant, ils n'ont pas eu longtemps à contempler alors qu'Eadgar frappait le sol tout de suite en démêlant sa lame. Avant que les pirates ne puissent même se retourner complètement, c'était fini alors qu'ils entendaient Eadgar dire, "Silver Fang Slash." Tandis qu'ils tombaient, on le vit debout devant eux avec le sourire diabolique que beaucoup de malheureux de lui faire face ont pu voir.
Il marcha jusqu'à la porte et frappa tout simplement et, couvrant sa bouche, dit, "Roku, sors d'ici." Il entendit le mouvement de l'intérieur alors que le pirate final ouvrit la porte pour se rencontrer face à face avec sa défaite. Avant que l'homme ne puisse réagir, Eadgar a frappé l'homme de l'autre côté de la poitrine, ce qui l'a immédiatement évanoui. Eadgar est entré à l'intérieur de la foule des habitants et a dit, "Moi et deux autres font tout ce que nous pouvons pour sauver vos amis et votre famille. Mais tu dois t'en aller pour ne pas être blessé. Trouve un endroit où te cacher. Vite!" Eadgar tenait la porte ouverte tandis que la foule buvait rapidement tranquillement à la sortie de l'église à la recherche d'un abri. Il était sur le point de partir pour le navire quand il a remarqué une petite fille pleurer dans le coin et sa mère la consolant. | Name:
Eadgar Grauwulf
168 lbs.
Above image
Devil Fruit(if any):
None yet.
Ankoku no ha
Expert Swordsmanship : Eadgar was trained by his father who is very skilled with a blade.
Tracking : After having to hunt various criminals he has taught himself to track anything from animal to human.
Superhuman Pain Tolerance : Through years of training his body and mind he has gotten to the point where he can mostly block the feeling of pain from his mind.
Extreme Strength, Speed, and Reflexes : Due to constantly training and fighting Eadgar has increased his bodies physical abilities to that of way above the average level.
Eadgar was born to one of the greatest family of bounty hunters the world has ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't have the chance to know them as the family was destroyed from the inside when he was two. To their knowledge only he and his father escaped the destruction of this once great family. Once he turned four his father began teaching him how to fight so that one day they may avenge their family name together.
For years the father and son duo struck fear into criminals that originated from the West Blue. It's said that only a small few have escaped their blades, those few going on to be powerful within the criminal world. Despite how many criminals they have struck down the main target they have chosen for their revenge has eluded them.
Being bounty hunters is a rough world where one can easily stray down the wrong road. As such the remaining Grauwulf's have lived by a strict moral code. This has often gotten them in a pickle or two especially with the marines. One of their main codes is that if they don't witness the crime then they can't take down the criminal. Obviously with this policy many pirates have learned the way to avoid having the blades of the Grauwulf's pointed at them. The duo has even taken down the occasional Marine due to them witnessing a crime that the government would not acknowledge. Because of this the father has developed a meager bounty of |
15,398 | 444 | 61 | 2,765 | 219 | Siobhan's prowess a une fois de plus impressionné le médecin alors qu'il la regardait distraire Bluewell et ses hommes avec son...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
En attendant, Jones a décidé de faire bon usage de son temps et a tranquillement travaillé à l'élaboration d'un poison, juste au cas où. En raison du temps limité qu'il avait et des circonstances exigeant la fureur, il ne serait pas en mesure de faire une grande partie de lui, mais une petite fiole de celui-ci serait suffisante pour tuer une personne. Le médecin se souciait d'aider tous les citoyens qui en avaient besoin, mais si Siobhan était en danger de Ragnold, il espérait pouvoir l'aider aussi. | Name: Galen X. Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Human
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 160 pounds
Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens.
Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P)
Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening.
Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end.
Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on.
Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town.
Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results.
He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that.
Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. |
15,399 | 444 | 62 | 308 | 350 | Merde, le Lynx Bleu est fini! Ragnvald cracha de colère, se retournant pour regarder son navire alors qu'il glissa lentement de la plage où il avait été marbré. Pirate et civil avaient fui le navire qui pleuvait comme des rats, grouillant devant le capitaine imposant alors qu'il saisit sa tête dans la frustration.
Qu'est-ce qu'il devait dire à Blackwell? Il allait devoir demander à quelqu'un de venir le chercher maintenant, une humiliation qu'il ne vivrait jamais. "D'abord la tempête et maintenant ça? C'est comme si j'avais été maudit ou quelque chose...
Une lueur d'air a coupé sa phrase court, un froid ayant été attiré sur le côté droit de son visage par une force invisible. Tournant la tête, il vit l'un de ses hommes couché sur le sol dans un petit bassin de sang. "Quoi?! Un coup de feu? D'où?"
Grauwulf n'a pas utilisé d'armes, n'est-ce pas? Pas à ce qu'il savait, du moins. Peut-être qu'il avait improvisé. Ses hommes étaient encore perdus dans un état de confusion à l'heure actuelle et n'avaient même pas remarqué une de leurs propres chutes. "Mon Dieu, arrête de paniquer à propos du vaisseau et attrape ces otages!"
Certains au moins ont écouté, mais beaucoup d'entre eux ont rapidement été abattus par le même attaquant invisible. Tirant son propre pistolet à silex, Ragnovald a mis une balle dans la tête d'une des femmes fuyantes de la ville. "Vous voyez ça?! Arrêtez cette attaque tout de suite ou-ARGH!"
Une douleur aiguë dans sa poitrine l'a fait trébucher, une blessure saignante le marquant maintenant... mais ça semblait différent d'une balle normale. Alors qu'il s'accrochait à la blessure, il s'est rendu compte qu'il n'y avait pas de projectile à l'intérieur de lui. Levant la tête dans la direction où il l'avait senti l'impacter, il défourna rapidement son infâme "whip-fang", une arme connue sous le nom d'Urumi. "... voilà!"
Avec une touche de poignet, le capitaine pirate a dévié les attaques entrantes avec une nette précision. Sentant qu'une légère tache de liquide lui frappait le visage, ses yeux s'élargissaient. "Qu'est-ce que... l'eau?"
"Water Shot, plus exactement", une voix féminine l'a corrigé, une figure solitaire émergeant lentement du surf. "Des gouttelettes d'eau lancées avec une telle force qu'elles ressemblent à des balles."
Ce n'était certainement pas Grauwulf. Il ne pouvait pas faire grand chose sur la façon des détails en raison du noir de la nuit, mais de sa voix et de sa silhouette façonnée, c'était clairement une femme. "Qui êtes-vous? Pourquoi m'avez-vous attaqué?
-- Je suis Grace D. Siobhan, répondit-elle, le pirate qui va détruire le monde!
Il a failli tomber sans même se faire tirer dessus cette fois. De toutes les choses qu'il aurait pu prévoir, aucune des cinq dernières minutes n'était dans son domaine de spéculation. Son vaisseau était parti, un grand nombre de son équipage étaient morts... et maintenant cette femme. -- Quoi, êtes-vous une sorte de sirène de l'enfer venue me punir?!
"Ne sois pas si prétentieux, espèce de gobshite," les dents de Siobhan glissé sous le clair de lune, "tu n'es qu'une bosse sur ma route vers One Piece!"
Elle se lança sur lui dans une bouffée de vitesse qu'il semblait incapable de suivre. Alors que Bluewell tentait de lever son fouet en défense, c'était finalement futile. Plonger son poing dans le côté de son visage, la tête tordue d'un côté et son corps s'envole profondément dans la ville comme une balle fusillée, plusieurs structures lointaines étant serrées en deux par le pirate surdimensionné.
Exhalant après son attaque, Siobhan regarda sa main gantée avec une légère fronce. "Je n'ai peut-être pas mis assez d'efforts dans celui-ci. Ce type est plus fort que Redwell ne l'était."
Il survivrait probablement, et reprendrait conscience en peu de temps. | Crew positions:
Captain/Navigator: Claimed
Swordsman: Claimed
Cook: Claimed
Doctor: Claimed
Shipwright: Claimed
Gunner/Marksman/Sniper: Vacant
Musician/Entertainer: Vacant
Archeologist: Claimed
Height Chart: |