Then a taxi driver, hooting around the yard with his wire car. Mali enjoys playing by himself. Beep! Beep! He likes to be a pilot, Beeeeeeeeeeep! swooshing around the house with his paper plane. Mali never goes out to play with others. Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Gogo says, "Mali go out and play ibhola with the others." But Mali does not enjoy himself. Gogo says, "Mali, look, the children are playing ibhathi. Go out and play." Mali tries again. But he does not enjoy himself. Gogo tries one more time. "Mali, go out and play maphonselana with the others." Once again, Mali tries. He does not enjoy himself. There is a knock on the door. Ko! Ko! Ko! It’s Lesedi from next door. She has come to play. Mali is shy. He does not know how to play with Lesedi. Lesedi asks him if he would like to make mud pies and cakes. They make mud pies Mali enjoys and cakes and even himself very pancakes and biscuits. much. Mali has trouble throwing, moving and catching the stones. But he gets Lesedi comes better at the game. back again. She shows Mali how to play ingedo. Mali enjoys himself very much. Mali then shows Lesedi how to make a paper plane. They go all around the house swooshing their planes. Oh! They laugh a lot! Mali asks Lesedi, "Can I "Of course come to you can!" your house to play tomorrow?" she laughs. The next morning, after gobbling down his porridge, Mali takes out his wire car. "Where are you going, Mali?" asks Gogo. "I am going out to play with Lesedi!" he laughs.
I really wanted a dog. I Really, really, really wanted a dog!!! But Mum said, first I needed to learn more about dogs. "Do you know how to look after a dog?" She asked me. I asked my big sister if she could help me look up facts about dogs on the internet. We found out that: Dogs need to have a healthy diet. Dogs need lots of water. Dogs need regular exercise. Dogs need a place to sleep. Most dogs love playing games. Dogs need to have a security gate – for their protection and other peoples! "And, what type of dog would you like?" Mum asked me. I asked my big sister again, if she could help me look it up on the internet. Border Collie? Boxer? Basset Hound? A Pomerian is really fluffy, very cute, with lots of energy. It would need to be brushed a lot, and Mum might get mad about the hair. A great dane has a gentle nature and is very intelligent. But I don't think he would fit in our small house; or in our small car if we had to take him to the vet. An Alaskian Husky is a very nice dog, but it would be really hot for him in summer, since we don't live in Alaska. I guess we'd have the same problem with a Canadian Eskimo Dog. An Airedale terrier was originally bred to hunt otters; we don't have many otters around here. A Finish Lapphund, originally bred to herd reindeer, is very popular in Finland, but we don't have many reindeer here either. Miniature Schnauzers are spunky guard dogs, but they tend to bark more than bite. Spaniels are warm natured, friendly, and loyal, and make great pets. How about a Russian Spaniel? Would I need to speak to him in Russian? The Shar Pei was originally bred as a place guard dog in China, but, we don't have a palace. What about a Broholmer? Or an Australian Terrier? Or a Czechoslovakian wolf-dog? I'd like a poodle, but they also have a lot of curly fur to look after. Perhaps a labradoodle – it's a cross between a labrador and a poodle. Labradors or Retrievers are kind, friendly, and outgoing dogs, they also love helping people. They are the most common dog breed used to help blind people. A labrador might be a nice dog to have – if he's not too busy helping blind people. Should I get a puppy or an adult dog? Puppies are cute, but need lots of training. Older dogs are trained, but may have learned bad habits. Mum had one more question for me, do you know how much a dog will cost??!! Luckily me and my sister had already thought about that one. And looked it up. A pure breed can be quite expensive, but there are lots of animal welfare groups where a dog can be adopted, and this helps out a pet without a home. To adopt a dog you need to pay for the dog's doctor bills to make sure he is healthy and has all his vaccination shots. Good quality dog baskets and toys can be found at the supermarket or bulk stores, or at the animal welfare shelter. As can good quality dog food. Don't forget about the fence if you don't have one. Some countries may require a dog license. I learnt dogs are really fun to have, but also a big responsibility. Mum says she's thinks I am ready for a dog now. Mum and I will go down to the animal shelter to see if I can find a dog that loves me as much as I love him or her. I hope you enjoyed learning about dogs as much as I did.
Stick Your Tongue Out! Blue tongue Black tongue Long tongue Strong tongue Spiky tongue Sticky tongue Rough tongue Smooth tongue Forked tongue Fast tongue Heavy tongue Hairy tongue What is YOUR tongue like? Let’s talk about tongues Did you know that tongues are made of muscle and are able to do many different things? Yet tongues never get tired or sore! Polar Bear’s blue tongue absorbs the sun’s heat to keep warm. Giraffe’s tongue is dark, which protects it from sunburn in the African savannah. Pangolin puts its long tongue into anthills to slurp up ants – its favorite snack. Salamander shoots out its powerful tongue to snatch crickets and fruit flies. Goose grips grass with its spiky tongue and tears it off to munch. Frog catches flies with its sticky saliva and stretchy tongue. Cat’s rough tongue helps it brush its fur. Dog cools off by sticking out its tongue that swells up when it gets too hot. Snake uses its forked tongue to smell its surroundings. Chameleon’s tongue darts out with lightning speed to grab that grasshopper before it leaps away. Blue Whale, the largest animal on Earth, has the heaviest tongue that helps trap tiny krill that it loves to eat. Flamingo’s hairy tongue helps filter blue- green algae and shrimps that are its favourite food.
Oh! Hello. I’m a lion. Do you know what that is? Should I tell you? Let me tell you. A lion is strong. Lions can run very fast. Lions are extreeemely stretchy. And, um, br ... br ... ... brave. Lions are always brave! Lions aren’t scared of ... ANY ... .... THING! ROAR! This book was provided for publication by the creator to Free Kids Books. Want to find more great books like this one? Totally YAY!
One by Two Jiya was excited. It was Big Mela day! "Hurry up, Ammi!" Jiya tugged impatiently at Ammi's dupatta. Ammi smiled. She knew the real reason for Jiya's excitement. "The Big Mela is open ALL day, Jiya," she said. "It isn't going anywhere." "But Rani is! To a wedding! In the afternoon..." Jiya stopped suddenly. Ammi roared with laughter. "I knew you two rascals had planned this together!" Rani was Jiya's neighbour. She was only five, and she adored eight-year-old Jiya. Jiya wondered how Ammi had known their secret. "Ammi magic!" winked Ammi. She didn't tell Jiya that she and Rani's Amma had made their own plans for the Mela. Ammis have secrets too. The Big Mela was as wonderful as ever. But Rani's eyes and nose were only searching for one thing. "Jiya didi, I can smell it now!" Rani was very excited. "Rafiq Kaka's Famous Mutton Biryani and More Famous Gulab Jamoons! I want a WHOLE plate to myself! May I, pleeeeease?" Jiya laughed. "A WHOLE plate? Your eyes are bigger than your little stomach, Rani!" Jiya counted out her money. She only had enough for one plate of biryani and one plate of gulab jamoons. But Rani looked so eager that Jiya didn't have the heart to tell her. "Tell you what, Rani!" she said. "We'll do a One-by-Two." "One-by-Two? What's that?" "You'll see," said Jiya. "One plate of Famous Biryani, please, Rafiq Kaka!" Jiya emptied her purse onto the counter. "ONE plate?" protested Rani. "I thought we were getting one EACH!" "One-by-Two is more fun!" said Jiya. "That's right!" said Rafiq Kaka, heaping a plate with biryani. He cut a big piece of mutton in half and popped both pieces on top of the rice. Then he filled a bowl with jamoons, six instead of the usual four. "Thanks, Rafiq Kaka," Jiya smiled gratefully at him. Rani had had enough. "What's a One-by-Two, didi? Tell me NOW!" Jiya put one piece of mutton on Rani's plate and one on hers. "One-by- Two means that we take ONE thing and share it equally between the TWO of us," she said. "I like that," said Rani. "It's a fair way to share. But how do we do it, didi?" "We draw a line right through the centre of the plate to make 1 plate of biryani into 2 equal parts. You get one part, and I get the other part, like this. One-by-Two. Same-same." Five minutes later, the girls had wiped their plates clean. "Yum!" said Rani. "I'm stuffed!" "What about the One-by-Two for the jamoons?" said Jiya. "Oh yes! I want to draw the line in the middle!" said Rani. Rani drew a line through the sugar syrup with her spoon. But every time she moved her spoon away, the jamoons simply floated back into the centre of the bowl. "This isn't working, didi," she said sadly. "We can't do a One-by-Two with the jamoons." Jiya laughed. "Of course we can," she said. "We just do it a different way." "Let's put one here for you," Jiya put a jamoon in Rani's bowl, "and one there for me. And now we do the same with the syrup. One spoonful for you, and one for me." "Okay," said Rani. "What next?" "We do it again," said Jiya. "One for Rani, one for Jiya. And we keep doing that until all the jamoons and all the syrup are gone." "Can I do it now?" said Rani, eyes shining. "One here, one there. And now there are no more jamoons left. One-by-Two!" "Not so fast," said Jiya. "One-by-Two means dividing a thing into two EQUAL parts. Are you sure we have shared the jamoons equally, Rani?" Rani shook her head. "Let's find out," said Jiya. "Count how many jamoons you have, and how many I have." "I have 1,2,3... 3 jamoons, and you have 1,2,3... 3 jamoons. That means," Rani was excited now, "we have shared the jamoons EQUALLY! We have a One-by-Two! And we didn't even draw a line in the middle!" Jiya laughed. "Yes, you got ONE of TWO equal parts, and I got ONE of TWO equal parts. ONE by TWO!" "Hurray!" said Rani. "Can we eat now?" They grinned at each other through a mouthful of yummy jamoons. "Did you girls have fun?" asked Rani's Amma. "Yes, Amma!" Rani hugged her mother. "I learned how to turn ONE into TWO." "One into two?" Ammi looked puzzled. "I don't understand." Jiya and Rani giggled. "That's okay, Ammi," winked Jiya. "It's a secret." Learning to share What if Rani's friend Raju had joined Jiya and Rani? Would a One-by-Two have worked then? No, of course it wouldn't. Jiya would have had to do a different trick, called a One-by-Three, where she divided ONE thing into THREE equal parts. What if Ammi had joined them and they still had only one plate of biryani to share? Well, Jiya would have simply performed the One-by-Four, where she would have divided the ONE plate of biryani into FOUR equal parts. There is a name in mathematics for the trick of dividing something into many equal parts. The trick is called Fractions. Fractions are wonderful because they help you share things equally and fairly. In maths: The one-by-two fraction is written as 1/2. Another name for One-by-Two is Half. The one-by-three fraction is written as 1/3. Another name for it is One-third. The one-by-four fraction is written as 1/4. Another name for it is a Quarter. Think about it: How would you do a One-by-Two with a dosa? Would you draw a line through the centre with a knife or use the 'one here-one there' method? What if Rafiq Kaka had given the girls seven jamoons? How would they have done a One-by-Two then? What method would you use to do a One-by-Two with: A bowl of sweets A glass of sugarcane juice
One fine day Barnaby frog was singing the "Police man's" song from the Mikado. The Mikado is a musical show written by Mr Gilbert and Mr Sullivan and is often sung by frogs because they are very bouncy tunes. Hitting a high note Barnaby looked straight up into the sky. He suddenly stopped singing. There hovering high above in the sky was the Great White Ork. The Ork would gobble up a little frog like Barnaby for breakfast. Barnaby jumped for the nearest cover, this just happened to be an upturned milk bucket. From under the bucket, Barnaby saw Daisy Mazy the milkmaid coming to milk Butterpob the cow. She would take the bucket away. Barnaby needed another place to hide. He hopped as hard as he could. One hop, two hops, three hops, Barnaby made it to the safety of Percy the Pigs water trough. The Great White Ork circled overhead in the sky. Hearing the splash of water Percy the Pig remembered he was thirsty and came running toward the water trough. Barnaby saw Percy running up very fast and looking very thirsty. Barnaby did not want to be sucked up inside Percy. Barnaby swam then leapt quite high, he spotted a dish of water near by. Not the best place to hide small and quite cold. An old frying pan the farmer threw out. Barnaby was wondering, what he should do. When Percy the pig came running right through. Percys back leg hit the Frying pans handle. Sent Barnaby Frog out with a tumble. Never had Barnaby flown so high. Would he, he thought. End up bumping the sky. The Great White Ork saw his breakfast ascending, he put back his wings to swoop on poor Barnaby. Barnaby Frog, he started to fall. But the Great White Ork was gaining, nothing could stop him. He would catch little Barnaby, there was no doubt. Suddenly then, With a great big splash, Barnaby landed in the farm yard pond. Barnaby hid in the weed and the stones, deep at the bottom of the bottom of the farm yard pond. That, thought Barnaby, who would not move, was quite enough excitement, for one fine day.
Farmer Fred had just bought a new bull. He named him Bill. Bill was a strong and handsome bull with great horns. He was very big for his age. Farmer Fred got Bill, the bull loaded into the trailer, and headed back home to his farm. When they arrived, Farmer Fred said, "Bill, welcome to your new home." Bill just snorted and tossed his head back to show off his impressive horns. This was all new to Bill as he was raised in a small stall and his new home was very different. He had a lot to explore. Bill stood on the hill and watched all the barnyard animals. He thought to himself. "I am the biggest animal on Farmer Fred’s farm. No other animal has such great horns." Bill chuckled at the chickens as he slowly walked up to them. They were so small and they didn’t have horns. As Bill approached, the chickens clucked. The lone duck, ducked, as Bill almost stepped on her. Bill lowered his head and quickly shook it from side to side right in front of the chickens. "I’m Bill, the bull and I’m bigger than you chubby chickens," he said in a deep voice. "And I am the boss of the barnyard." Bill, the bull, frightened the chickens. They rapidly ran, flipped, flopped and, flew, to the safety of their cozy coupe. This made Bill, the bull, laugh loudly. He was having fun. Bill saw some plump pigs moving in the mud and decided to play a prank. As he approached, he said loudly, "I heard Farmer Fred say that he needed some bacon for breakfast and ham for dinner." He then laughed loudly and tossed his head around showing off his great horns. This frightened many of the pigs and they proceeded to their pen for protection. The biggest pig, named Pork Chop, walked up to Bill and said. "You are a very mean bull, Bill." Bill snorted a reply. "Well, you have a big, flat nose, a tornado tail and pink ears. Also, you are dirty, and smelly" Then Bill lowered his head, snorted a great snort, and shook his horns at Pork Chop. Pork Chop was a wise old pig and knew what Bill was doing. He wouldn’t be bullied by any bull, even Bill. Now, Bill, the bullying bull, was expecting Pork Chop to mush through the mud and proceed to the pen for protection. But Pork Chop just stood there looking at him. Then Pork Chop said in a soft voice. "You are a very mean bull, Bill," and walked away Then, Bill saw some sheep in the meadow. Bill began to walk across the big barnyard towards them. When he got there, he was met by the Roger Ram, the leader of the flock."I’m Roger Ram, rejoicing at meeting my newest neighbor on Farmer Fred’s farm," he said in a very polite manner. Bill ran at Roger Ram, snorting and shaking his big horns and said, "I am Bill, the bull. I am the boss of the barnyard." In a split second, Roger Ram, rammed Bill the bullying bull, between his big horns. Bill, the bullying bull, looked at Roger Ram and said. "All that white curly hair, might give you lots of flair, but you ram like a ewe." Then Bill backed up, started to paw at the ground with his hefty hooves, snorted seven snorts, shook his horns, lowered his now lumpy head, and………… Roger Ram and the others retreated from the meadow. Bill, the bullying bull, was proud of what he had done. All the barnyard animals were afraid of Bill. He was either threatening them with his size and big horns or making fun of the way they looked. It was not a pleasant day on Farmer Fred’s farm. "I am going to call him Bully Bill," said Henrietta Hen. "That’s not nice," responded Roy Rooster. "It’s being a bully yourself." "Well, we will work on something to stop his bullying," replied Toby Turtle. Roger Ram said, "I don’t know what we can do? I rammed him and he called me a ewe." Dorothy Duck said, "He almost stepped on me with those heavy hooves. No one is safe!" With tears in her eyes, little Patty Piglet said, "I heard, I was going to be eaten by Farmer Fred. I’m scared." Pork Chop said in a soft and soothing tone, "Don’t worry my friends. By the evening feed by Farmer Fred, Bill, the bullying bull, will become our buddy." Bill was having so much fun. He certainly was the boss of the barnyard. He looked around and saw a big barn, with open doors, and he just had to let whoever lived there know that he was boss of the barnyard. It was a bright sunny day but as Bill walked into the dark barn, he couldn’t see anything. This frightened him a little. He turned the corner around the door and … BOOM … he was stopped in mid stride. Bill realized that he had just walked into something really big. So big, it didn’t move when he walked into it. As Bill’s eyes adjusted to the darkness in the barn, he started to see what had stopped him. He was looking at the chest of some big animal. Bill was scared. As he looked up, he could see the biggest bull, with the biggest horns, staring down at him. A voice like thunder filled the barn. "I finally get to meet Bill, the boss of the barnyard." Now Bill didn’t know what to do or what to say. All he could do was look up at this giant and wonder what would happen next. There was silence in the barn for several minutes as Bill just looked up in amazement. Finally, the big bull said something. "I am Brian Bull and have lived on Farmer Fred’s farm for many, many, years. In all those years, never have the other animals asked me for help. But today, they came to me with the story of a big bull that was bullying them and they asked me to put an end to it. I agreed!" Bill was never, ever, so frightened. Brian could toss him across the barnyard, with little effort, and one push from his head. Brian slowly lowered his head. Bill looked down and began to shake. Brian got closer and whispered into Bill’s ear. "What do you think I should do, Bill? I promised the other animals I would put a stop to your bullying." "Please believe me Brian. You have!" Bill said in a truly honest voice. "I have never been so frightened in my life and I know how the other animals must have felt." Bill began to sob a little. "I now know how it feels to be bullied and you didn’t even really bully me. I have learned my lesson and I will go out and apologize to all the animals and ask them to forgive me "You don’t have to," Brian said. "You already have." As Bill turned around, he saw all the other animals standing in the doorway. "Here pig-pig-pig, come on chick-chick …." The animals heard Farmer Fred calling them for the evening feed. Pork Chop walked over to Bill and said. "Come on, buddy. Let’s eat."
Maya fights for a cause Madhavpur was a village adjoining a wild life sanctuary. The villagers deeply cared for the environment and the forest surrounding their village . The forest adjoining the village boasted of varieties of foxes, bats, snakes, wild boars , elephants and birds. The forest also boasted of a special species called the elephant bird. It was a huge bird with a long strong neck, huge legs with sharp claws and long talons . Their numbers had dwindled over the years and very few survived the harsh weather conditions and there was just one left in the jungles of Madhavpur. The villagers tended their farms and led a happy life, living in perfect harmony with nature. Although there was a huge inflow of tourists during the holiday season, the village continued to remain hidden from land sharks who lost no opportunity to cut down trees and turn green pastures into concrete jungles. One day the village Mukhiya ( headman) called for an emergency meeting. Part of the village and some parts of the jungle was soon to be turned into a private wildlife resort to be run by a rich businessman. Some of the villagers would lose their farms and their livelihood. What was once a very cheerful and happy village, now went about their daily lives with gloom and uncertainty. Not many in the village were educated and they didn't know whom to ask for help. Maya was a smart ten year old in the village. She attended the village school and was one of the brightest girls in the village."How can we let go of our farms and our livelihood just like that? ". Our cattle will die, the forest animals will leave and the elephant bird that we proudly boasted about might just go extinct !", cried Maya. "There must be some way we can reach out to the higher authorities ", she fumed. Maya spent the entire day wondering whom to approach for help. Only the village English teacher was educated . She had come down from the city as a volunteer and had stayed on. Maybe the teacher knew someone in the city who could help . So Maya set out to the neighbouring village to meet the teacher, taking the jungle path.It was pitch dark .The trees threw monstrous shadows , a jackal howled from a distance and it all seemed scary . But Maya had no time to waste.She had to find a way to mobilise the villagers and she needed someone who was educated to support their cause. "We should write a letter to the forest department, and send a copy to the Prime Minister's office, and we should also inform the media. I have friends in the city who can help me do all this " said Smitha ma'am, the village teacher. The teacher lost no time in creating the necessary documents. She was the only one that could write in English. Meanwhile, Maya went door to door campaigning for the cause. She even mobilized the villagers from neighboring towns to support the cause. Soon, they were a thousand strong force that was fighting to preserve Madhavpur and the wildlife sanctuary. Many weeks passed, and one day Salim Chacha, the village postman handed over a letter to the village headman. The letter from the forest department congratulated the villagers for fighting for their cause. There will be no illegal construction happening in Madhavpur or its surrounding villages, read the letter. Anyone deviating forest rules would be severely dealt with, said the forest department. Madhavpur and its villagers had won their case through honesty and sincerity . The Prime Minister's office invited the village school teacher and Maya to New Delhi. They were to be decorated on Children's day for their bravery and concern for the environment. The entire village erupted with joy. Not only had the elephant bird put their village on the map, but now brave Maya and her teacher were now a national sensation from Madhavpur!
Wiggle jiggle wriggle! I am a wiggly worm. Flowers and l eav my fa es a vour re ite Yu foo d. m m yi n my tumm y! Wiggle jiggle wriggle! I am a wiggly worm. I love the rain. Pitter- patter on the leaves. Watch me wiggle and dance. Wiggle jiggle wriggle! POO!!! My magic poo makes plants grow BIG. I love to see my plants grow. Yellow , re d , b lu e and green. Wigg le ig g le ! j ig gl w r e I am a wiggly worm. Wiggle Wiggle when you see me in the garden. jiggle wriggle! Where am I now? I’mhere in my cocoon! Oh wait! I’mnot a wiggly worm! Flitter flutflter itter! I am a butterfly!
Chinchillas are in the rodent family. This means they are cousins to mice, rats, squirrels, and guineapigs. Chinchillas are shy yet friendly creatures with soft fur and big ears. They are clean animals and very lovable. Chinchillas used to be found in al areas of Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia, but widespread over-hunting has led to them becoming nearly extinct. The species is listed as critically endangered, as of 2016. Chinchillas are mostly nocturnal, preferring to come out at night, like cats and many other rodents. Their fur is very soft and valued for the fur trade which was almost deadly for the species. The fur industry nearly brought Chinchillas to extinction, but now it is responsible for their increasing numbers. While there are only around 10,000 Chinchillas left in the wild, while there are around 80,000 Chinchillas in farms. Many animal rights organisations complain about conditions and killing methods in chinchilla farms. Chinchillas can make great pets, they are friendly and clean. But they need dental care, a special diet, and an environment that is not too hot. Chinchillas are omnivores but mostly enjoy a vegetable diet. For feeding pet chinchillas a pellet diet specifc to the species is best. Chinchillas don't bath in water, they bath in dust! Chinchillas thick fur doesn't agree with water and they should not get wet. The End
CINDERELLA, LITTLE GLASS SLIPPER. WHAT females are these, introduced to our view ? Three sisters : most proud and unfeeling are two, I mean pompous Martha and Bella ; The other, ill-treated by night and by day, Their drudg'ry must do, their commands must obey, And is called, in contempt, Cinderella. One ev'ning a ball being given at court, The ladies went out, after making their sport Of their amiable heart-broken slave ; She saw them depart, and she heaved a deep sigh, " O that I Then burst into tears, and exclaim'd, Such a treat as my sisters could have !" Her godmother just at this moment appears, " And says for her comfort, Come, dry up your tears, For I am a Fairy, you know ; I wonders perform with this magical wand, So instantly do what I choose to command, 11 And you to the palace shall go. "Go fetch me a pumpkin:" 'twas brought in a trice ; " Now open the mouse-trap : Oh ! here are six mice, Which soon six fine horses shall be :" Twas said and 'twas done, and then by a touch, The pumpkin was instantly changed to a coach, Most superb and delightful to see. "The rat-trap now bring me:" a large rat was caught, And soon, from the yard, six fine lizards were brought, For the fairy her skill to display ; The former, a grave steady coachman became, And the latter were changed by a touch of the dame, To six footmen, in liveries gay. The glittering equipage stood at the door, When the good-natured, kind-hearted, Fairy once more, Waved her magical wand in the air ; Cinderella's mean garments at once we behold, Transferr'd into robes all bespangled with gold, And fit for a Duchess to wear. A pair of glass slippers the Fairy next gave, And then of her god-daughter took a kind leave, After giving the needful advice ; " Stay not till 'tis midnight, I charge you, for fear Your dress, coach, and servants, should all disappear, And your horses again turn to mice." Our heroine now drove away to the ball, Where her peronal charms were admired by all Who saw the young stranger advance ; The Prince who desired no fairer a bride, Respectfully begged she would sit by his side, And afterwards asked her to dance. The clock struck eleven and once more began, When away from the palace our heroine ran, With such speed, not a creature could find her : Through the guards she escap'd, as a servant quite plain, But though all research and enquiry proved vain, She left a glass slipper behind her. The Prince was distracted, and taken so ill, Physicians could yield him no aid by their skill ; The seat of disease was his mind : The slipper, with sighs, to his lips he oft pressed, And, at length, to his mother, the Queen, he con- fessed That for love of its owner he pined. A herald, on horseback, now went through the town, Proclaiming aloud that the heir to the crown Would certainly make her his bride, Whom the little glass slipper exactly should fit ; And all were invited next morning, to meet, At a place where it lay to be tried. The ladies in crowds were assembled next day, But went disappointed and blushing away, Unable to thrust in a toe : Cinderella, at length ; said "I'll try, if you please :" The slipper went on with astonishing ease, And the other she also could show. Astonishment now was excited of course ; But she who could change a small mouse to a horse, Determined to do something more : She comes, and the stranger, who danc'd at the ball, Is instantly seen and acknowledged by all, In a dress as superb as before. Adieu to the doctors ; go, bid the bells ring ; Cinderella has married the son of a King, And pardoned her sisters beside : Those sisters, most humbled, now cheerfully own, That none is more worthy to sit on a throne Than this virtuous and kind-hearted bride. farm's One Shilling each, Coloured. 1. ALPHABET OF GOODY TWO- 21. MOTHER HUBBARD AND HER SHOES " DOG. by learning which, she ; soon got rich." 22. NURSERY DITTIES from the 2. CINDERELLA ; or, the Little Lips of Mrs. Lullaby. Illus- Glass Slipper. trations by Leech. Plain. 3. COCK-ROBIN; a very pretty 23. OLD WOMAN AND HER PIG. Painted Toy, for little Girl, or 24. PEACOCK AT HOME (The) with ; little Boy. the BUTTERFLY'S BALL; and the 4. CRIES OF LONDON (The). FANCY FAIR. 5. COSTUMES OF DIFFERENT NA- 25. PEEP AT THE STARS, in easy TIONS; Illustrated. Rhymes. 6. COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE, and PIC- 26. PORTRAITS AND CHARACTERS NIC DINNER OF COCK ROBIN OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND. AND JENNY WREN. Parti. 7. COWSLIP (The) ; with 32 new 27. PORTRAITS AND CHARACTERS woodcuts, plain (Is.Qd. coloured). OF THE KINGS. Part II. 8. DAISY (The) ; ditto, (ditto.) 28. PETER PIPER'S PRACTICAL 9. DAME PARTLETT'S FARM, an Ac- PRINCIPLES of Plain and Perfect count of the good Life she led, Pronunciation. To which is and the Riches she obtained by added, ACollection of Moral Industry. and Entertaining Conundrums. 10. GRANDMAMMA'S RHYMES for 29. Puss IN BOOTS ; or, The Mas- the NURSERY. With 24 supe- ter-Cat. rior woodcuts. Plain. 30. RATIONAL ALPHABET (The) ; 11. DAME TROT AND HER CAT. and The ROYAL PRIMER; or, 12. HISTORY OF THE APPLE PIE. High Road to Learning. Written by Z. With DAME 31. SIMPLE STORIES, in Words of DEAKLOVE'S DITTIES. One Syllable. By the Author of 13. HISTORY OF THE HOUSE THAT " Stories of Old Daniel." JACK BUILT. 32. SNOW-DROP (The) ; or, Poetic 14. HISTORY OF PRIMROSE PRET- Trifles for Little Folks. TYFACE. With 4 plates, plain. 33. TAKE YOUR CHOICE ; or, The 15. HOLIDAY PRESENT (The).With Alphabet Community. 4 plates, plain. 34. TOMMYTRIP'S MUSEUM OF 16. INFANT'S FRIEND (The) ; or, BEASTS. Part I. Easy Reading Lessons. 35. TOMMYTRIP'S MUSEUM OF 17. INFANT'SGRAMMAR (The); or, BEASTS. Part II. a Picnic Party of the Parts of 36. TOMMY TRIP'S MUSEUM OF Speech. BIRDS. Part I. 18. LITTLE RHYMES FOR LITTLE 37. TOMMY TRIP'S MUSEUM OF FOLKS: BIRDS. Part II. 19. MONKEY'S FROLIC (The), &c. 38. WALKS WITH MAMMA ; or, Sto- 20. MARGERY MEANWELL ; or, the ries in Words of One Syllable. Interesting Story of Goody Two 39. WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT. Shoes, rendered into Familiar 40. WORD BOOK (The); or, Stories, Verse. With 20 plates. Plain. chiefly in Three Letters.
Look At Me Look at us. Do you want to be our friend? My legs are very strong. I can run really fast with them. And my arms... such a nice swing! I like to draw. I use my hands for drawing. Should I draw your picture? I can see you with my eyes. The bird sings a sweet song. I can hear it with my ears. I think Ma is making halwa. I can smell it with my nose. Oh! This sugarcane is so tough! But my teeth are strong too! It is very sweet. My tongue just told me. I can sing. Should I sing you a song? Ma says I have a good voice. Does it come from my throat?
Jessie, the rabbit was eating a carrot in a green meadow, one sunny day. He watched the other animals run around and play and he admired them. He had always been the shy one and they were always playing without him. They made fun of him because he got startled so easily. If a tree fell somewhere in the forest, he would rush into his rabbit hole and hide for the rest of the day. ‘You’re such a scared cat, Jessie,’ Teddy, the cub once said when she passed by him. ‘You never have any fun, Jessie.’ But Jessie, the rabbit was a cautious and wise rabbit. He knew better than to ignore every sound. "I may look stupid and scared, but I will always be prepared for danger." thought Jessie. He would hide and curl up every time he heard a crack or saw a shadow loom over his hole. One fine day, just like any other, a distant crack was heard. A tree fell down and a light brightly burned. Jessie darted into his hole, while the other animals continued frolicking around. Jessie shouted as loud as he could ‘Run!’, but no one heard him. So he jumped inside his hole and curled up into a ball. While Jessie was hiding, he could still hear the others laughing. Then all of a sudden, Jessie heard some squeals, some running and then Beaver started shouting, "The forest is on fire, the forest is on fire! Everybody run, the fire is spreading!" The Beaver continued to shout as he ran past Jessie’s hole. The whole forest was in a wild panic. Trampling everything, the animals ran away, leaving behind a cloud of dust and the forest on fire. Only Jessie was left in his hiding place, safe beneath the ground. Jessie had cleverly stashed away a supply of food and water in his hole. He knew that one day danger would come and he wanted to be prepared. He was relieved to know he had enough supplies to last until the fire was over. In the distance, Jessie could hear a loud squeal "Help! Someone, help me, please." Jessie did not want to come out of his hole, as he knew that the fire was spreading. But then he heard the squeal a second and third time. Jessie couldn’t just hide in his hole while someone was out there on his own. Jessie slowly raised his head from his hole. He could see the flaming trees all round. He heard another squeal and turned his head to see Teddy, the cub lying down with his leg caught beneath a thick, fallen branch. The ground around him was burning and the fire was getting closer. The Jessie was very scared but he couldn’t just leave Teddy there. Huffing and puffing, he rushed with incredible speed towards the Teddy. ‘Jessie, please, you need to find a way to get this thing off!’ said Teddy. Jessie started running around, looking for a way to help. Jessie saw that the other side of the branch had started to burn and was becoming thinner. Jessie had an idea and he darted down into his hole. He grabbed some of the nut casings that he had stored the water in and ran back towards Teddy. He rushed towards the branch and poured the water on the branch. The branch was now thin and wobbly, but Teddy still could not get his foot free. So Jessie gathered all his strength and in a single dash smashed his body against it. A crack was heard and the branch broke into half, freeing Teddy. He slowly got up and approached Jessie. Teddy was surprised at Jessie’s heroism and even more surprised at how he had managed to free him. He saw jessie lying down. Jessie was looking very tired, so he picked him up in his mouth and rushed away from the fire into the cool hills nearby. A few days later all the animals had settled into a new place in the woods, where the fire hadn’t reached. Everyone was still playing but something had changed. Teddy, the cub was taking care of Jessie, the rabbit who was still recovering. No one laughed at Jessie anymore for he had saved their friend and they knew of his courage. From that day on, all of them followed in his footsteps and have been careful till this day. They now knew that being careful does not mean that you are not brave.
Who is the prettiest? Sethni was a little girl. She had seven beautiful dresses in the seven beautiful colors of the rainbow. She wore them on the seven days of the week. She wore the violet dress on Sunday. She wore the indigo dress on Monday. She wore the blue dress on Tuesday. She wore the green dress on Wednesday. She wore the yellow dress on Thursday. She wore the orange dress on Friday. She wore the red dress on Saturday. The dresses were very jealous of each other. "I’m the prettiest," said the red dress. "No, I’m the prettiest," said the green dress. "No, I am," said the yellow dress. "No, I--- !" "No !" The dresses quarreled all day long. The dresses were hung together in Sethni’s wardrobe. But they didn’t like being next to each other. "Stay away from me!" said the orange dress. "You stay away---!" The violet dress pushed her away. "Don’t touch me!" The blue dress nudged the green dress. "Don’t ---!" "No !" They quarreled all the time. Whenever Sethni came to the wardrobe to select her dress, they fought to be picked first. Each one of them wanted Sethni to wear it every day. So, when Sethni selected one dress for the day, the others got very envious. They couldn’t wait until their turn came. One day, her mother hung them all on the line in the garden, after washing. It was a beautiful sunny day. The frocks were swinging in the wind and touched each other, as they moved about. But none of them liked it. The violet dress glared. The indigo dress frowned. The blue dress huffed. The green dress squawked. The yellow dress pushed. The orange dress nudged. The red dress pinched. "I’m the prettiest. So don’t come close to me." The violet dress pushed the indigo dress away. "No, it’s me, who’s the prettiest." The blue dress pushed all the others away. The quarrel started again, in the garden. They pushed, kicked, nudged and pinched eachother. Everyone wanted to be the prettiest. They quarreled more and more. The blue dress got very angry. "I’ll make you all ugly!" She looked around. The garden was muddy after a heavy rain. So, she bent down, scooped up a handfull of mud and threw at the others. "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!" they all shrieked. The other dresses also got very angry and threw mud at each other. Soon, all the beautiful dresses were covered with brown mud. Then, Sethni’s mother came out, shouting in despair. "Oh, nooooo!" She put all the dresses into a washbasin and scrubbed them hard. But the muddy brown stains didn’t rinse out. The dresses had all become very ugly and blotchy. Sethni’s mother put them into the basin again and added some bleaching powder to it. Soon, the bleach turned all the dresses white. "Oh, no, noooooooo!" they cried, but it didn’t help. Sethni’s mother put them back on the line, in the garden. All of them were fretting. Who is the prettiest now, they wondered. But all were the same plain white. They had lost all their beautiful colors because of their jealousy and anger. So, they were ashamed of themselves. They looked shyly at each other. The wind blew around the dresses. They swayed together in the wind. And there were no more quarrels to be the prettiest. They smiled at each other and soon became friends. The sun was very glad to see them happily together. So it turned all the dresses whiter and whiter until they glowed brighter and brighter. And they all became so beautiful.
I Know My Rights Rights for you, rights for me, Rights are there for everybody, Rights lift up and rights defend, Rights are like your best friend. Rights stop things from going wrong, Our rights make us very strong! Rights are the need of the hour, Your very own secret super power! Every girl like me deserves The chance to breathe in this world. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE BORN. Kho-kho, cricket, kabaddi, Swinging, sliding, hide-and-seek. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO PLAY. Meeting friends, new and old, On the streets and in our homes. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO MEET AND MAKE FRIENDS. You might not see me in a crowd, But you’ll hear my voice – it’s extra loud! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE MY OPINIONS RESPECTED. Around me is a big strong bubble. Step too close, you’ll be in trouble. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO NOT BE SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY ABUSED. I know that I have got the choice To change the world with my voice I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SELF EXPRESSION. I don’t want to cook and clean, Help fix cars or serve tea. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO NOT BE SENT TO WORK. I won’t hide or stay indoors. I have the right to learn and soar. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPECIAL CARE, SUPPORT AND EDUCATION. What, why, where and how? My questions need an answer now! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW MY RIGHTS. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language 1 Everyone under 18 has these rights. 2 All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis. 3 All adults should do what is best for you. 4 The government has a responsibility to make sure your rights are protected. 5 Your family has the responsibility to help you learn to exercise your rights, and to ensure that your rights are protected. 6 You have the right to be alive. 7 You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the government. 8 You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country). 9 You have the right to an identity – an official record of who you are. 10 You have the right to live with your parent(s), unless it is bad for you. You have the right to live with a family who cares for you. 11 If you live in a different country than your parents do, you have the right to be together in the same place. 12 You have the right to be protected from kidnapping. 13 You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously. 14 You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, unless it harms or offends other people. 15 You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. 16 You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others. 17 You have the right to privacy. 18 You have the right to get information that is important to your well-being. 19 You have the right to be raised by your parent(s) if possible. 20 You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. 21 You have the right to special care and help if you cannot live with your parents. 22 You have the right to care and protection if you are adopted or in foster care. 23 You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee. 24 You have the right to special education and care if you have a disability, so that you can live a full life. 25 You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well. 26 If you live in care or in other situations away from home, you have the right to have these living arrangements looked at regularly to see if they are the most appropriate. 27 You have the right to help from the government if you are poor or in need. 28 You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met. 29 You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can. 30 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people. 31 You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion - or any you choose. 32 You have the right to play and rest. 33 You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly. 34 You have the right to protection from harmful drugs and from the drug trade. 35 You have the right to be free from sexual abuse. 36 You have the right to protection from any kind of exploitation. 37 You have the right to not be punished by anyone in a cruel or harmful way. 38 You have the right to protection and freedom from war. Children under fifteen cannot be forced to go into the army or take part in war. 39 You have the right to help if you’ve been hurt, neglected or badly treated. 40 You have the right to legal help and fair treatment in the justice system that respects your rights. 41 If the laws of your country provide better protection of your rights than the articles in this Convention, those laws should apply. 42 You have the right to know your rights! The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child says that every child must have all these rights. If you feel that you or someone you know is/are being denied their rights, then speak to an adult about it. You can call Childline on 1098 and talk to someone there. To know more about child rights, visit Note - 1098 is a phoneline available in India where this book was first published, there are childline numbers in almost every country, visit to find a local contact number, or reach out to us via we will connect you with help.
It's All the Cat's Fault! Why haven’t you done your homework? Miss, it’s all the cat’s fault. If she had not got stuck on the tree, I would not have taken the ladder to climb it. If I had not taken the ladder to climb it, I would not have needed to fix it. If I had not needed to fix it, I wouldn’t have woken up the baby. If I had not woken up the baby, my mother would not have rushed out of the kitchen. If my mother had not rushed out of the kitchen, the monkey would not have got in. If the monkey had not got in, he would not have eaten up all the food. If he had not eaten up all the food, my father would not have bought rotis and chicken curry at the tea-shop. If my father had not bought rotis and chicken curry at the tea-shop, the dog would not have followed him home. If the dog had not followed him home, he would not have eaten my homework. So, you’re saying the dog ate your homework? Yes, Miss, it’s all the cat’s fault!
The MONSTER in My Basement A City of Light Imprint I found a monster in my basement, oh what a big surprise! His hair was red and matted. Yellow were his eyes. He looked so sad and lonely. I wondered what to do. He said, I’d like a bite to eat. How about you?" I wondered what he wanted: fruit or tuna fish? R Chicken FO or a hot dog or ice cream in a dish? How about spaghetti? or sweet potato pie? Then he drooled and looked me straight in the eye! I began to... Shake a little bit, shake a little bit, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake... I wondered— R had I made a FO big mistake? He said his name was, HOWARD. I said my name was DavE. He said, I’m really hungry. Would you like to see my cave?" I tried to answer, No, sir," but I found it hard to talk. So he grabbed my hand and we began to walk. We strolled out through the courtyard and down the merry lane. He told me he was starving. I tried to feel his pain. We stopped to buy some napkins, some pepper and some tea. Oh, what would you do if you were me? I began to... Shake a little bit, shake a little bit, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake... I wondered— had I made a big mistake? We came around the corner and there was Howard’s mom. Who’d you bring for dinner?" she asked so sweet and calm. I gathered all my courage " and said, My name is DavE. Then she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her cave. Howard set the table. His mother poured the tea. She asked me quite politely if I had a family. I answered, Yes, I do ma’am, who someday you should meet." Then she smiled and said, It’s almost time to eat!" I began to... Shake a little bit, shake a little bit, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake... I wondered— had I made a big mistake? Howard put his bib on, and a grin spread through his face. My heart was thumping loudly as we bowed our heads for grace. Just then I heard the doorbell and what to my surprise, Stood a man with two dozen pizza pies! We sat and ate our pizza, which I must say was quite great. I stayed to help with dishes, til I noticed it was late. I turned and said, I’m sorry," as they finished up their tea. But for a while I thought your dinner would be ME ! " They began to... Laugh a little bit, laugh a little bit, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... It seems that I had made a BIG mistake! THE END
How to Solve a Problem like Himani March 28 It’s so hot here! Golu was very naughty today. She climbed up a slant and would not come down. Silly goat! Seema and Gullu had to help me get her down. March 30 I can see the snow-capped Himalayan peaks–Nandakot, Maiktoli, Panchachuli, Chaukhamba. But Kumaon is dry. Gullu and I help Ija and Baujyu* get water from the pump down the road, or from the stream further down. Ooof! Wish the water could reach us directly from the snowy mountains. Drinking water is difficult to get even in January, when it snows. *Ija and Baujyu: Kumaoni words for ‘mother’ and ‘father’. April 2 Our ten-day summer workshop with Reena didi started today. She has come from Mumbai. She asked us thousands of questions! What do you like about school? What do you not like about school? How do you commute to school? Suddenly she turned to me and asked the meaning of my name. "Himani means snow," I said. Why does she ask so many questions? April 3 What a fun day it was! We played a game. One of us needed to think of a problem that we might have faced and state it in the form of a question. Then another classmate had to ask a question related to it. It was almost like a chain story. We had so many questions! Why can’t we have a pipe straight from the How can we get clean melting glaciers? drinking water in school? Why do you ask Why do we need clean water? such questions? Where will the water come from? Why don’t we concentrate Where will we get a water filter from? on our water problem? Why can’t we make it? Who knows how to make one? Why can’t we have a water filter? April 4 We were surfing the Internet when I found this chart: SOLVE ANY PROBLEM, STEP BY STEP > Identify the problem. > Find out everything you can about the problem. > Discuss. > Decide on the most suitable idea. > Try it out. > If you succeed, very good! > If not, try another idea. Could we really solve a problem using this method? April 5 At school, we made a list of our problems. How many problems do we have? BIG PROBLEMS No direct water at Landslides home or school Slippery roads to school during Leeches in our socks the monsoon during the rains. Neighbours who No hospital or get violent after clinic near by drinking PROBLEMS WE CAN SOLVE Heavy school bag Unclean drinking water Plastic bottles everywhere Unlit paths at night April 6 Worked with Ija and Baujyu in the cauliflower patch. Then ran to school for problem-solving day! We went out in pairs to the library, and to talk to our teachers and to each other. Then we came back to class. 1. Identify: The problem is unfiltered drinking water at school. Students keep falling sick because of this. 2. Find out: Why is getting clean water a problem here? Many streams around Kumaon are supposed to have pure water. There are no streams near our school. 3. Discuss: We found out that some people use cloth. This only filters bigger sediments, not harmful bacteria. Manorama said they have a small water filter at home. Moringa seeds in water pots help purify water, said a teacher. 4. Decide: Would a water purifier help us? Try it out! Pebbles We all drew water filters! We decided Moringa Seeds we needed one that could be attached to the nozzle of our water drum. Coarse Sand Santosh bhai and Ashish bhai, our seniors, helped us make a water filter based on our drawings. They have Charcoal taken a few days off from college to make a water catchment system in Fine Sand our school. The filtered water tasted so fresh and clean! Cloth April 11 In the last three days, we’ve done a lot of art. We have applied the problem-solving method to come up with more ideas. Cycle Plough Does not require cattle or a tractor to pull it. Good for narrow step farms. Bottle Torch Torch made with recycled parts. Fitted inside a discarded plastic bottle, so that dampness does not spoil it. Dampness spoils battery- operated torches very quickly in this region. Mini-irrigator Drip irrigation for crops like grapes that need soil to stay hydrated. Made with recycled water bottles, attached to plants like IV tubes in hospitals. April 13 Now that the workshop is over, we’re all busy with harvesting and packing apricots, pears, apples and rhododendron flowers. Ija and Baujyu are so nimble and good at picking fruits! Not me. Yesterday, I slipped and twisted my ankle while picking fruit. No fracture, thank God! I wish I had a gadget that could pick fruits for me! Maybe we could train Golu and the other goats to pick fruits, ha, ha. Seriously, how wonderful it would be to have an efficient, safe, eco-friendly apple-picking machine! Satkhol Tales
Prism Palace A young girl receives a prism for a birthday present and when she begins to wonder about it the adventure begins. You are in for some surprises when you enter Prism Palace. You will meet a beautiful fairy and an elf. Can you guess his name? Prism Palace "Come inside my palace," said the fairy as she pulled on a crystal door knob. The hallway inside was enor- mous and blazing with lights of every color. With these words the adventure for Tess Renee begins. The author, Cindi Leacock, is a Science Writer living with her fam- ily in Ann, Arbor, Michigan. Take a trip with her inside a prism, and skate with her on a ray of light. Meet an amaz- ing elf and learn his special name. Prism Palace combines the excitement of an adventure story with science knowl- edge about light and wave- lengths, a treasure for every child’s library.
The Magic Block Rinky loves her elder brother’s handwriting. He writes with a very special shiny ink pen. One day, when Bhaiya is not at home, Rinky looks for his pen. She slides open his drawer. Out go his books! Out goes a stapler! Out goes a metal ruler! At the bottom of the drawer, Rinky finds his special pen. But what’s that? A strange black block is stuck to it. Rinky pulls the pen and the block apart. But then… Plink, click! A bottle-cap jumps and sticks to the block! Rinky giggles with delight. Can things stick to this block like magic? Does the stapler stick to this block? Plink, click! Yes, it sticks. Does the furry cat stick to it? No, it does not. Does the metal ruler stick to this block? Plink, click! Yes, it sticks. Does this hairy brown coconut stick to it? No, it does not. The hairy coconut tickles Rinky’s nose. AH-CHOO! She sneezes loudly. The pen flies out of her hand and disappears under the bed. Rinky is worried. Bhaiya will be back soon! She sticks her hand under the bed. Oh no! She can’t reach the pen. She tries to reach the pen with the ruler. Oh no! The pen slides further away. If only there was a way to bring the pen closer to her. Suddenly, Rinky has an idea. The best idea ever! Rinky brings the black block near the ruler. Plink, click! It sticks! She then holds the ruler under the bed and stretches her hand. Stretch, stretch, stretch... Plink, click! Guess what sticks to the block? Quick! Quick! Bhaiya will be home soon. In go the pen and the black block. In go the books and stapler. In goes the metal ruler. Rinky slides the drawer shut. Just in time! She hears the door slam, and Bhaiya walks into the room. "Rinky," says Bhaiya, "Why is there a coconut on the floor?" The Secret of the Magic Block The magic block in the story is called a bar magnet. Magnets come in many shapes. They can be round, rectangular, square or U-shaped. A magnet cannot stick to all objects. It can only stick to certain objects that have special elements in them. These special elements that allow an object to stick to a magnet are iron, nickel, steel and cobalt. Which of these do you think will stick to a magnet?
Canela likes flowers. The red ones are her favorite. Canela likes to bounce around. "Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing..." Canela likes to take naps in the most dangerous of places. ...only to then realize that that is not such a good idea. "Meh, Meh, Meh". Canela likes to walk around picking leaves off trees. But one day, something strange happened. She could not walk in the fancy way she was used to. Her hooves hurt. "What is happening to me?", she wondered. All frazzled, her legs shook like jello. Her tail - disheveled like an old broom. "Someone needs a pedicure", her owner said. Canela was taken to a place to get her hooves trimmed, but she was scared and she took off as fast as her little feet could carry her. She hid behind a rock. She hid behind some aloe vera plants. She hid behind a guava tree. Finally, she couldn't take another step. Every time she tried, her hooves wouldn’t let her. Her friends brought her some fruit, but she couldn't even eat. She was sad. She was scared. "What can be worse than this?", she asked herself. then she started bleating, "meh, meh, meh", so her owner could hear her. She was returned to where she was to get her hooves trimmed. This time she did not run away. After getting her hooves trimmed, she bounced, ran, and played with her friends again. "It wasn't that bad - getting my hooves trimmed. I feel great!", she thought after all.
"Hi! My name is Samuel and I want to be a scientist. You may be wondering why and my answer is simple. I am amazed at all the wonderful things like rockets to the Moon, fire trucks pumping out all that water, fast race cars, space ships, and the list goes on. But those are big things and I just don’t understand everything about them yet. I also wonder about small things like-how does sugar turn into crystals called rock candy? Or how are those rock formations in caves made? Hmm – I know it has something to do with Science. My sister Samantha wants to be a scientist too, but she likes things that I don’t-like why her dolls eyes open and close. But even though we don’t like the same things, it’s still Science so we get along just fine. In fact, our teachers help us better understand Math, technology, current events and trends - all of which are important. We even help each other and have lots of fun. I like to experiment or take things apart to see how they work. No matter what I do, I tell my mom or dad what I am going to be doing and sometimes even ask for their help. I would never just do something – I could get hurt. Sometimes it’s best to start small, that’s what I did. I remember my first experiment in detail and it was a lot of fun to do. It had to do with growing small crystals, much like the way rock candy is made. You may be wondering why that is important and all I can say is that it’s the basis for making any type of crystal. Their shape and size depends on many things and the more you read about them, the more you experiment, the more you grow interesting crystals. Try this experiment; I call it The Crystal Bowl. It’s lots of fun and there is nothing dangerous about it. Because I am using a common chemical I let my mom know what I am doing. Here is what you need: • A small clear bowl to grow the crystals in • Epsom salt (a common chemical) • Food coloring • A measuring cup The Experiment : In the clear bowl, stir ½ cup of Epsom salts with ½ cup of very hot tap water. The hotter, the better. Stir for at least 1 minute. You will be making a saturated solution (scientific talk)-meaning that the water cannot hold any more of the Epsom salts. Some undissolved salt crystals will be at the bottom of the bowl. Add a couple of drops of your favorite food coloring. I like red. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. I put a sign on the bowl – Samantha-Do Not Eat! (I’m so funny.) Take out your bowl of crystals and pour out the extra water that may be at the bottom. Have fun examining them. Okay, it’s time to get Scientific. What just happened? You just made Magnesium sulfate crystals. Magnesium sulfate is the actual name for Epsom salt. The temperature of the water determines just how much Magnesium sulfate it can hold. The hotter the water, the more it can hold, and the more crystals it can grow. So why did we put it in the refrigerator? By rapidly cooling the water we forced fast crystal growth. The quickly cooling water became denser and made the Magnesium sulfate atoms run into each other joining together into crystal structures. When you grow crystals this way they will be small, thin, and a lot of them. If you let the water evaporate slowly you will get different crystals. You will have to experiment to see the results. That is Science! Oh, don’t forget to clean up any mess and ask your mom or dad to really clean anything you might reuse. Have you ever seen those really neat formations in a cave? They are commonly called stalactites (they grow from the top of the cave down) and stalagmites (that grow from the cave floor up). Want to make some? I’ll bet you do! Again there is nothing dangerous, but let your mom or dad know what you are doing. This experiment takes some time and could get a little messy. Here is what you need: • Two glass jars • A large plate or pan • Baking soda • String • Paper clips • Water The Experiment : Fill the two jars with hot water. The hotter, the better. Stir in as much baking soda as will dissolve in the water. Mix it up well and make that saturated solution. Cut the string so it can go close to the bottom of the jars and go between them when they are several inches apart. Then tie a paper clip to each end to act as weights. Put one end of the weighted string into each of the jars. Place the jars on the large plate or pan, making sure the string has a little dip in the center. The plate or pan is needed to catch the drips of your scientific solution. Put your experiment in a safe place for 3 to 4 weeks. Keep an eye on it and watch your formation grow. What has happened? The saturated solution is carried through the string. This process is called capillary action. When it gets to the dip in the string it drips onto the plate or pan. It is similar to water passing through the ground, picking up minerals, and falling through a cave. Over time the dripping water evaporates and creates stalactites and stalagmites. It’s magic! Well, actually it is Science and takes place all over the world. Science is fun and I am glad I am going to be a scientist. Maybe you’ll decide to be one too."
Goat. And the terror birds By PJ Gilbers Goat. And the Terror Birds is the first of the Goat Adventure Series. Dedicated, with gratitude, to the brave sol- diers Of the Webster groves Undertheporch Shrew Army: General Rachel Colonel Austin Major sydni Private, first class morgan Illustrations by: Nicolas Lonprez [email protected] Published 2014 (c) 2014 May not be reprinted or reproduced. Make certain you check out the questions and discussions at the end! CHAPTER ONE "Momma says a goat is moving in the old Woodruff house. She said she met him. And she said he was really nice." Suzie was walking to school with her cousin, Mac. Only Suzie nev- er just walked. Suzie twirled. Always. "A goat? Goats don’t live in houses or have furniture. You got it all wrong. As usual." Mac was ten and three quarters. Suzie had just turned eight. Suzie did a giant twirl, kicking up dust. "You’ll see, smarty pants." They ran into their kitchen in search of food, just like they did every day after school. Only today…was different. Because today, standing in the kitchen, was a goat, wearing an apron while searching through their cabinets. "Hi! I bet you’re our new neighbor. I’m Suzie and this is my cousin, Mac. He’s ten and three quarters. I’m eight. He lives with us ‘cuz his mom died and his dad is off in the jungles somewhere looking for the Terror Bird." Mac rolled his eyes. "Tell him our whole life story, why don’t you?" "Good afternoon," the goat said, handing them a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Mac took a cautious step closer. "My name is William. I have indeed just moved in and I sensed hungry children were in need of some cookies. Now, I thought it would be a good idea if we start dinner since your moth- er will be late tonight." Mac took a cookie while Suzie was already finishing her second and reaching for a third. "Goats don’t talk or walk on their hind legs. This must be a joke…a trick!" "Indeed," William mused as he bustled around, setting bowls out and searching the cabi- nets, as if a goat in the kitchen was normal. Then he started throwing the contents of the cabinets and refrigerator all around the room. Cinnamon and bread crumbs, sugar and vanilla, all flew in different directions. Mac screamed at him to stop. "What’s wrong with you? Stop it! You’re making a huge mess…!" "Whatchya making?" Suzie asked, twirling in the flour and food coloring on the floor, making wondrous designs. "I believe brownies should do well. Brownies and perhaps a broccoli pie." "Yippee, yippee, yippee!" Suzie twirled then began to paint smeared rainbows on the walls with the floury goop. "This is insane. Goats can’t talk or cook. Now get out of here!" William was holding a carton of eggs, holding each egg up to the light. "’Has a bump," and he threw it over his shoulder, "too yellow." He threw it. "Funny shape on the bottom." He threw it. Splat, splat, splat. They hit the wall behind the sink and slid slowly down. "Ah, now that is a perfect egg." He cracked the egg into the mixing bowl, then poured a mountain of flour in, turning the mixer on, and creating spectacular clouds. "I’m not, I repeat not, cleaning this up!" Mac wiped flour from his face. "You deranged, insane, mammal—cut it out! Suzie stop! You’re just making it worse!" William smiled at the mess, snapped his fingers, and froze time. "Perhaps,
The Little Red Hen Little Red Hen lived in a barnyard. She spent almost all of her time walking about the barnyard in her picketty-pecketty fashion, scratching everywhere for worms. She dearly loved fat, delicious worms and felt they were absolutely necessary to the health of her children. As often as she found a worm she would call "Chuck-chuck-chuck!" to her chickies. When they were gathered about her, she would distribute choice morsels of her tid-bit. A busy little body was she! A cat usually napped lazily in the barn door, not even bothering herself to scare the rat who ran here and there as he pleased. And as for the pig who lived in the sty—he did not care what happened so long as he could eat and grow fat. One day the Little Red Hen found a Seed. It was a Wheat Seed, but the Little Red Hen was so accustomed to bugs and worms that she supposed this to be some new and perhaps very delicious kind of meat. She bit it gently and found that it resembled a worm in no way whatsoever as to taste although because it was long and slender, a Little Red Hen might easily be fooled by its appearance. Carrying it about, she made many inquiries as to what it might be. She found it was a Wheat Seed and that, if planted, it would grow up and when ripe it could be made into flour and then into bread. When she discovered that, she knew it ought to be planted. She was so busy hunting food for herself and her family that, naturally, she thought she ought not to take time to plant it. So she thought of the Pig—upon whom time must hang heavily and of the Cat who had nothing to do, and of the great fat Rat with his idle hours, and she called loudly: "Who will plant thenSeed?" But the Pig said, "Not I," and the Cat said, "Not I," and the Rat said, "Not I." "Well, then," said the Little Red Hen, "I will." And she did. When she went on with her daily duties through the long summer days, scratching for worms and feeding her chicks, while the Pig grew fat, and the Cat grew fat, and the Rat grew fat, and the wheat grew tall and ready for harvest. So one day the Little Red Hen chanced to notice how large the wheat was and that the grain was ripe, so she ran about calling briskly: "Who will cut the Wheat?" The Pig said, "Not I," the Cat said, "Not I," and the Rat said, "Not I." "Well, then," said the Little Red Hen, "I will." And she did. She got the sickle from among the farmer's tools in the barn and proceeded to cut off all of the big plant of wheat. On the ground lay the nicely cut Wheat, ready to be gathered and threshed, but the newest and yellowest and downiest of Mrs. Hen's chicks set up a "peep-peep-peeping" in their most vigorous fashion, proclaiming to the world at large, but most particularly to their mother, that she was neglecting them. Poor Little Red Hen! She felt quite bewildered and hardly knew where to turn. Her attention was sorely divided between her duty to her children and her duty to the Wheat, for which she felt responsible. So, again, in a very hopeful tone, she called out, "Who will thresh the Wheat?" But the Pig, with a grunt, said, "Not I," and the Cat, with a meow, said, "Not I," and the Rat, with a squeak, said, "Not I." So the Little Red Hen, looking, it must be admitted, rather discouraged, said, "Well, I will, then." And she did. Of course, she had to feed her chickies first, though, and when she had gotten them all to sleep for their afternoon nap, she went out and threshed the wheat. Then she called out: "Who will carry the wheat to the mill to be ground?" Turning their backs with snippy glee, that Pig said, "Not I,"and that Cat said, "Not I," and that Rat said, "Not I." So the good Little Red Hen could do nothing but say, "I will then." And she did. Carrying the sack of Wheat, she trudged off to the distant mill. There she ordered the Wheat ground into beautiful white flour. When the miller brought her the flour she walked slowly back all the way to her own barnyard in her own picketty-pecketty fashion. She even managed, in spite of her load, to catch a nice juicy worm now and then and had one left for the babies when she reached them. Those cunning little fluff-balls were so glad to see their mother. For the first time, they really appreciated her. After this really strenuous day Mrs. Hen retired to her slumbers earlier than usual—indeed, before the colors came into the sky to herald the setting of the sun, her usual bedtime hour. She would have liked to sleep late in the morning, but her chicks, joining in the morning chorus of the hen yard, drove away all hopes of such a luxury. Even as she sleepily half opened one eye, the thought came to her that to-day that Wheat must, somehow, be made into bread. She was not in the habit of making bread, although, of course, anyone can make it if he or she follows the recipe with care, and she knew perfectly well that she could do it if necessary. So after her children were fed and made sweet and fresh for the day, she hunted up the Pig, the Cat and the Rat. Still confident that they would surely help her some day she sang out, "Who will make the bread?" Alas for the Little Red Hen! Once more her hopes were dashed! For the Pig said, "Not I," the Cat said,"Not I," and the Rat said, "Not I." So the Little Red Hen said once more, "I will then," and she did. Feeling that she might have known all the time that she would have to do it all herself, she went and put on a fresh apron and spotless cook's cap. First of all she set the dough, as was proper. When it was time she brought out the moulding board and the baking tins, moulded the bread, divided it into loaves, and put them into the oven to bake. All the while the Cat sat lazily by, giggling and chuckling. And close at hand the vain Rat powdered his nose and admired himself in a mirror. In the distance could be heard the long-drawn snores of the dozing Pig. At last the great moment arrived. A delicious odor was wafted upon the autumn breeze. Everywhere the barnyard citizens sniffed the air with delight. The Red Hen ambled in her picketty-pecketty way toward the source of all this excitement. Although she appeared to be perfectly calm, in reality she could only with difficulty restrain an impulse to dance and sing, for had she not done all the work on this wonderful bread? Small wonder that she was the most excited person in the barnyard! She did not know whether the bread would be fit to eat, but—joy of joys!—when the lovely brown loaves came out of the oven, they were done to perfection. Then, probably because she had acquired the habit, the Red Hen called: "Who will eat the Bread?" All the animals in the barnyard were watching hungrily and smacking their lips in anticipation, and the Pig said, "I will," the Cat said, "I will," the Rat said, "I will." But the Little Red Hen said, "No, you won't. I will." And she did.
Just the Way I Am A herd of sheep was coming back home in the evening, happy as usual. Except for Matko. She was too wide to fit through the new farm gate. She had been sleeping outside for over a week. And now she would have to sleep outside again. That darn gate! It wasn't fair. The yogi sheep said, "Do yoga! Yoga will make you thinner. Then you will fit through the gate." The next day, Matko started doing yoga. Many days passed… But Matko was still too wide to fit through the gate. The jogger sheep suggested, "Start jogging! Jogging will make you thinner. Then you will fit through the gate." So Matko went for a jog every day. Days passed, but she was still too wide for the gate. The swimmer sheep advised, "Start swimming! Swimming will make you thinner. Then you will fit through the gate." So Matko began swimming... But she was still too wide to fit through the gate! Bunni came by showing off her bicycle. "Start cycling, Matko. Cycling will make you thinner. If cycling doesn't help you fit through the gate, I'll eat my hat!" Matko was upset. "Enough now! I just want to go home." So she thought. And she thought, and she thought some more. And then she set off. A few days later, Matko returned. Now she had a plan. She had... ...TOOLS! The next morning, Matko woke up in her favorite place. All the other sheep were astonished. "But you're still so wide!" they brayed. "How did you get inside the yard?" "I simply made the gate a little wider," Matko replied with a grin. "I am fit, and I am fine...just the way I am!"
There’s an alien in my house... We are under attack! The walls are changing colour. It must be the alien. The air is getting warmer. It must be the alien. Strangers keep coming. It must be the alien. We need protection. I build a fort. Mom and Dad normally build with me, but these days I feel invisible. It must be the alien. . It mus ight t be n th e e a th f a weird noise in the middle o n. li e ar e Ih We are under attack! I am an army of one. 1 step, 2 step... 3 step, 4 step... I am the army. Ready for battle. 5 step, 6 step... Away with you, alien! 7 step, 8 step... I get closer. ...looks like me?! How can that be? Is it really an alien? 9 step, 10 step... I am by its head. Woah! I get a fright. It is tiny and it... Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s my friend? 1 step, 2 step... We are now an army of two.
GECKO ON THE WALL There's a gecko on my wall, I don't mind him there at all; Lying quietly watching me, he is quite good company. There's a gecko on the rock, she seems to be wearing a frock; And I think she is asking me, if I want to come to tea. There's a gecko in the pool, he really does look cool; Sipping a long cool lemonade, wearing sunglasses in the shade. There's a gecko on the roof, he is acting quite aloof; Whispering calmly to me: 'I simply must get down, since I have to go to town, I need to be there by three.' Of all the geckos that I see: The gecko on a rock in a frock; The gecko looking cool in the pool; The gecko who's aloof on the roof; I like best of all, the gecko on my wall, lying quietly, watching me. THE END Danielle Bruckert BUGS by NUMBERS there's a whole lot of creatures living with me. GECKOS One - One colourful GECKO, lying on the rock, happily. BUZZY BEES One, Two - Two BUZZY BEES flying freely by me. LADYBUGS LADY BUGs One, two, three - Three LADY BUGS playing daintily. Each ladybug has three black dots, each side of her back, can you see? LADY BUGs can you see? BUTTERFLIES One, two, three, four - Four beautiful BUTTERFLIES fluttering by me. ARMY ANTS One, two three, four, five - Five angry ARMY ANTS, marching two by three. One gecko; Two buzzy bees; Three ladybugs; Four butterflies; Five army ants. These are all the creatures living with me, down in the garden, under the tree. THE END Writing on the Wall Danielle Bruckert I wanted to write as much as I could, I wanted to write for all I was able, I wanted to write whether or not I should, I wanted to write on the chairs and the table; I wanted to write on the walls in the halls, I wanted to write on the floors and the doors, I wanted to write on the bats and the balls, I wanted to write on mine and on yours; I wanted to write on the bricks and the blocks, I wanted to write on the rug and the stairs, I wanted to write on the grandfather clocks, I wanted to write on my teddy-bears; I wanted to write up high in the sky, I wanted to write way down below; I wanted to write far away and nearby, I wanted to write on my big toe; I wanted to write on a thing I can send, I wanted to write on a thing I can bend; I wanted to write where no-one can see, I wanted to write, because I am me! Mum didn't want me to write on the walls in the halls, Mum didn't want me write on the floor or the door; Mum didn't want me to write on the chairs or the stairs, Mum didn't want me write on the blocks or the clocks; Mum wanted me to write: ONLY ON THE PAPER! I wanted to write on the walls, I really did, But I knew it would make Mum sad; I really wanted to be a good kid, I didn't want to be bad. So do you know what I did? I wrote, ONLY on the paper. THE END
Have you ever let a balloon go way up into the sky? How high can a balloon go? How high is too high? Blue has two best friends. They‛re as close as could be. One is a hot air balloon, and the other is a sunflower with a bee. They all like to play games, one of their favorites is Jumpers. Jump as high up as you can and count all of the numbers. Sunflower always goes first, because he is better than the rest. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Sunflower has set a new best. Hot Air goes second, because he's scared to go third. He begins to jump into the air. 1, 2, 3......OH NO A BIRD! Finally, Blue gets his turn to jump. 1, 2, 3, 4, the rock pulls Blue down with a THUMP! "I win again, like always." Sunflower says with a big smile. "One day I‛ll beat you." Says Blue "It just may take a little while." "How could you ever beat 6?" Sunflower says with a laugh. "I‛ll find a way to beat 6. Maybe I‛ll stand on a giraffe." "No matter what you do, you better do it soon." "Wait! I‛ve got it, I‛ll just jump to the moon!" "You‛ll never make it to the moon with that rock on your string." "Don‛t worry, Sunflower. I‛ll think of something." Later that night, I everyone is going bed. I Blue is awake, "How will I get to the moon like I said?" Blue is looking at the moon. "Wow, it seems far." "That‛s going to take a big jump. Maybe I should just shoot for Mars." Blue is finally asleep, He isn't awake anymore. Blue grabs a pillow and quickly begins to snore. Blue practices jumping, all of the next day. He practices his jumping in an unusual way. First, he tries jumping from the top of a giraffe. Which just ends up with a sunflowery laugh. Next, Blue tries using a giant slingshot. Does it end up working? No, it does not. Blue tries using Hot Air to lift him all the way up. Hot Air gets scared of a cloud that looks like a coffee cup. Everything Blue tries never ever works out. Blue begins to feel himself fill up with lots of doubt. "Alright Blue, let‛s see what you‛ve got." Blue looks up at the sky, "Let‛s give this a shot." Blue jumps up to the sky with all of his might. As hard he jumps his string only gets tight. 21 Blue begins to push harder, only a little bit more. Suddenly, the string breaks and Blue begins to soar. Blue soars up through the clouds and the sky. Everything under Blue looks small because he's up so high. Blue gets scared, so he shuts his eyes. Blue keeps going up and up past all of the skies. High above the earth, Blue is flying through space. He starts to land on an unusual place. Blue slowly opens both of his eyes. He can't help but have a look of surprise. He looks all around and can‛t believe he is there. He is finally on the moon, and can‛t help but stare. Looking all around, he notices the planets and stars. I wonder how far I can go? Here I come Mars! Dedicated to everyone who has ever been told their dreams won't come true. • Anything is possible with hard work, +. but it all depends on you.
Know Your Body Through Rhymes Inside your body there is a wonderful secret world With stories of numerous organs waiting to be unfurled Learn about lovable liver, bossy brain and the heroic heart Just turn the page and let the journey inside the body start The Bossy Brain It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside, from head, all the way, down to the toe. Brain tells your body when to go to bed and when to eat. It even helps to move your crayon and keep the drawing neat. Brain helps you to look at the birds and to identify the trees. It makes you think of a jacket whenever you feel cool breeze Brain makes you jump up if you want to catch a ball. It even helps you grab on to a support in case you fall. Now you know the importance of protecting your precious brain. Make sure you wear a helmet when you. The Heroic Heart It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside from head, all the way, down to the toe. Brain may think it is responsible for making us smart. But it also needs the blood that comes from the heart! The heart pumps the blood all over the body to share. The blood carries the oxygen we breathe from the air. The blood also carries all the food you daily eat. The heart makes it all possible without missing a beat. The heart pumps faster if you start jumping or running. Can you feel your heart beat and tell that. The Loyal Lungs It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside from head, all the way, down to the toe. The body cannot live with just the heart- brain pair. For they will stop working if the lungs don’t bring in air. The air supplies oxygen that is extremely important for life. Oxygen burns the food inside and provides energy to survive. Burning of food also produces the toxic gas carbon dioxide. That is promptly removed by our lungs working side by side. The functioning of the lungs can be severely harmed by smoking. Make sure to remember this and follow. The Sensible Stomach It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside from head, all the way, down to the toe. Lungs, heart and brain do need energy in order to function. And for that they need the stomach to aid in food digestion. Stomach is the sac where the food you eat starts collecting. It tells the body when the place is full and you need to stop eating. The stomach secretes an acid that breaks the food you chewed. The acid also kills the bacteria that sometime hide inside the food. The digested food ultimately provides the energy to walk or tumble. Next time you are hungry try to listen to. The Lovable Liver It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside from head, all the way, down to the toe. Brain, Heart, Lungs and Stomach can slowly start to shut down. If Liver doesn’t tackle toxins that enter through food or pollution-in-town. Liver can re-grow itself even if we cut away a big portion. It also plays a very important role in fighting away infection. Liver processes medicines, you eat when you don’t feel well. It also supplies us with food, if you happen to miss the dinner bell. Drinking excessive alcohol can damage the liver and cause trouble inside. Make sure you take care of your body and. The Kindhearted Kidneys It’s your own body and it’s important that you should know. What goes on inside from head, all the way, down to the toe. Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach and Liver will all blow a fuse. If Kidneys don’t promptly remove the waste we produce. Kidneys usually come in a pair but, if needed, can exist alone. If you don’t drink enough fluids, you can get a kidney stone. Kidneys are easy to identify as they are shaped like a bean. They filter all the blood in the body and make sure it is clean. All the waste that is removed from blood comes out as the pee. Next time you run to the bathroom, make. There are more organs to discover and more rhymes to write. We will be back with more, for now let us say goodnight.
The Race Four friends want to have a race with their toys. Veen has a green car. Meena has a yellow auto. Sanju has a red bus. Manju has a blue lorry. Ready 1-2-3, GO! Here comes Lucky. Ha-ha, Lucky has joined the race. Look, look! Lucky is the fastest of them all. Lucky wins the race.
Nosisi, it’s time to stop playing. Please come inside? Nosisi, we need to go to the shops. No! Look at these beautiful butterflies. Come help Mama make No! some rice. Let’s feed Shakes. Nosisi it’s bath time... No No No! No Nonononono... How about an ice cream? Oh. Not no... Yay! Yes! Yummy. Yummy. Yay! Yay! Hmmmm. Well...okay. Nosisi, will you tidy your room?
Minny Wants a Ride Minny was tired of climbing walls and trees. Especially because she always got stuck on top of the poplar tree. It was quite embarrassing to whine and purr and hope people got her down safely. When she saw Grandpa Gomes, she had an idea. "Dear, dear Grandpa Gomes, ppplease may I use Laila's chair just for one day?" she asked Grandpa Gomes. Grandpa Gomes smiled. "Of course little Minny, but tell me, why do you want to use a wheel-chair. You have not two, but four healthy legs?" "Why, Minny?" asked Grandma Gomes who had so much pain in her knees that it brought tears to her eyes. "Why, lazy Minny?" asked Guppu, who had broken his leg while playing in school. "Why, Minny dear?" asked Jhumpa, who never tired of running errands for everyone in the village. Minny thought about it. She could not say she wanted to use the chair just for a lark. Or just because she felt tired. Or just because she was too lazy. Or just because she was getting fat. "Oh, I really want to give Laila company when she goes to school. She gets so sad watching other children run or skip to school, you know," said Minny with an expression of concern. Grandpa Gomes agreed. "Fine, Minny, so you can go to school with Laila in her wheel-chair today." The world looked beautiful from where Minny sat on Laila's lap. The snow on faraway hills, the birds on the trees, and the shower of blossoms under the trees made Minny smile like a Cheshire cat. Minny saw Uncle Ali taking Mona piggy-back to school. Mona had hurt her toe, and could not walk easily. The wheel-chair rumbled uphill, causing Minny's back quite some strain. Then when Laila pushed the wheel-chair downhill, Minny's eyes grew wide with worry. Would they tumble down and hurt her lovely tail, she wondered. Then when the wheel-chair came to a river, Minny nearly jumped off! "I can't get wet! I...I...I'm going right back!" she squealed. "Don't worry, I'll ferry you across," said Kinchuk, the school's top sportsperson. "I should really build my stamina," thought Minny, looking at how strong and helpful Kinchuk was. The school seemed really far, far, far away. On the way, Minny saw a lot of people working. She saw old people digging the land to make roads. She saw young people cutting stones to lay paths. She realised how difficult it was for Laila to get to school. And she realised that Laila always looked so much at ease, and so happy. No wonder everyone wanted to help her! Soon Minny was full of remorse. She really was the laziest, vainest, sourest, thoughtless, selfish living being in all of Gompaguri, she thought. She whined, and she purred , and she screeched so much that she was surprised people hadn't thrown her into the Psering River till now! "I must change," thought Minny. "I must be a new cat henceforth," she continued to think. Minny tried her best to be a hardworking, modest, pleasant, thoughtful, unselfish living being like all the others in Gompaguri. Some days later she climbed up Grandpa Gomes' roof to see....well, she had some work. There she got stuck, and couldn't climb down. She tried several times, but decided finally that she needed help. Remember, Minny was a changed cat. She did not whine. She did not purr loudly. She did not screech. Instead she did what the lovely people of Gompaguri did when they worked. She sang. And very loudly! She sang out calling for help. All of Gompaguri heard her. They all came out to help, as they always did. "Dear Minny, you really are a silly-billy. Do try not to get stuck like this, but if you do get stuck, promise us you'll never sing....cats MUST purr, and you purr so much better than you sing! Minny walked away gracefully with her head and tail held high , even as all the children laughed at her affectionately.
"Wow!" Tristan said as he watched the man on the street corner make bubbles. Big bubbles, little bubbles, tiny bubbles too. Bubbles from a wand, some landing on his shoe. Bubbles in the air, bubbles on the ground, Bubbles blowing on the wind, making a popping sound. Their colors like a rainbow, their shape so round and true. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere. Look - that one is blue." Tristan thought to himself. "I just have to find out how to make those bubbles." So, he walked up to the man and asked him how he did it. "Excuse me, Sir," Tristan said. "I have never seen bubbles like that and I would really like to know how to make them. They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen." The man stopped blowing bubbles, smiled, and said: "Why, thank you young man! When I was about your age, I saw someone blowing bubbles and, well, I asked how he made them. He told me and once I started, I just couldn’t stop. Just a minute, while I blow some more." When he finished, he looked at Tristan, grinned, and said, "Would you like to try blowing some?" "Could I?" exclaimed Tristan. Tristan took the wand, dipped it, moved it gently through the air, and the biggest bubble he ever saw rose into the sky. He squealed with delight. The man then explained some important things to remember when blowing bubbles. "I can remember that," Tristan said. "But how do I make the solution and the wands." "Ah,"The man said in a whisper. "Let me blow some more bubbles and then I’ll tell you." He then took a wand in each hand, dipped them, extended his arms, and began spinning. Soon there was a wall of bubbles. So many bubbles that Tristan couldn’t see the man anymore. Then he heard a laugh and POP! Pop! … Pop! Pop! Pop! … Pop! Pop! … Pop! Pop! … Pop! When the bubbles were gone, so was the man and lying on the sidewalk was a piece of paper. Tristan bent down and picked it up. It was just what he needed to get started. A Bubble Scientist’s Basic Guide Pop! – Remember to experiment with the basic solution. A little more glycerin, sugar, or syrup can make a stronger bubble. Too much can ruin your solution. Pop! Pop! - If you need more just double, triple, or quadruple the ingredients. Pop! Pop! Pop! – Don’t forget what I told you earlier. If you make your own bubble solution, pretend you’re a scientist, and experiment to make the mix that you like. All solutions use Glycerin but it is expensive. Remember that you can use a light corn syrup (like karo) or even sugar. It is best to make your mix and let it rest for a day. This helps make a stronger bubble. But don’t worry. You can use it as soon as you make it. Store your mix in a tightly sealed container. Pour your solution into a shallow tray or bowl for dipping your wand. Make sure it is a little bigger than the wand you are going to use. Make sure your wand can soak up some solution for better bubbles. If you make a smooth wire wand, wrap it in cloth so it can suck up the solution. Blow or move the wand through the air gently. You can catch or bounce bubbles if you are careful. They usually pop from dust, dirt, or grease. So wear a light pair of gloves and go on a bubble hunt. Don’t shake or stir your bubble solution too much when blowing bubbles. Minerals or other additives in water can affect your solution. It is recommended to use distilled water or boil your water for several minutes and let it cool before using. (Don’t forget to have an adult boil the water). HAVE FUN! Basic Bubble Solutions Pop! Pour 1/4 cup liquid dish soap into a mixing bowl. Add 3/4 cup of water. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar into the mixture. (Glycerin or light corn syrup can be substituted). Gently stir your mixture until the sugar dissolves. Pop! Pop! Add 1/2 cup of water to your mixing bowl. Mix in 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap. Stir in 1 tablespoons of light corn syrup. (Glycerin or sugar can be substituted). Pop! Pop! Pop! Dissolve 1/2 cup of soap powder into 1 cup of warm water. Mix in 2 tablespoons of sugar, light syrup, or Glycerin. Remember – Don’t throw out your solution if it doesn’t work with a wand. Make Bubble-Falls. Take your solution outside and using a straw blow into the solution. Have fun with the millions of bubbles. Basic Wands Be creative and use your imagination. Anything that holds the solution across it can be used as a wand. The bigger the wand – the bigger the bubble – the harder it is to blow. Try some things around the house. A slotted mixing spoon. A small strainer. Make one Bend a pipe cleaner (chenille craft stem) into any shape and attach another for the handle. Have an adult bend a coat hanger into a circle (or any shape). Cover it with cloth for best results. Take 2 straws and thread yarn through them. Make sure the knot is in one of the straws. Using the straws as handles dip the yarn into the solution. Gently remove it and move it through the air. It’s hard to do but when you get a bubble, it will be a GIANT BUBBLE. "I can’t wait to get home," Tristan said as he ran down the street.
My name is Lolo. I have many friends. Come out with me to say hello! Hello Sun, big and bright. You fill the day with your bright light. Hello Grass, soft and green. You give us all a place to play. Hello Sky, broad and blue. You fill the sky with the colour blue. Hello Moon, up in the dark. You make the night not so dark. Hello Star, big and white. You make the night so very nice. Hello Wind, strong and free. You blow things around, and make it cool. Hello Rain, pouring down. You bring water, and cool our ground. Hello Lightning, from high above. Your bright flashing light gives us a fright. Hello Thunder, roaring in the rain. You make a boom noise, so very loud. Hello Dew, drops of water. You make the ground soft and wet. Hello Tree, big and strong. You give us shade and fruit to eat. Hello Bird, flying in the sky. You fill our days with lovely songs. Hello You, reading this book. Now you’ve met my friends, please show me yours!
Aillie is a little kitty cat Who cooks and wears a chef’s hat. What she loves most is baking. Can you guess what she’s making? She shapes dough into balls, stars, or squares. She decorates her cookies with faces or bears. Allie’s smiley face cookies are the best. They taste better than all the rest! All Allie’s neighbors love her cookie’s sweet crunch. They eat them with breakfast or dinner or lunch. Each cookie is baked with love and a smile, which makes their hearts happy for a really long while. One day, Allie got a letter she couldn’t believe. The letter read: Come to my house New Year’s Eve. Wear a costume - your favorite animal disguise. The best costume of all will win the grand prize. Sincerely, Mayor Hourse All the animals were feeling festive through and through, except Allie who was feeling blue. She thought, "The monkey swings through trees. The giraffe is so slim, and she has such pretty knees. The sheep looks so nice with her curly white hair. But what costume will I wear?" On the night of the New Year’s Eve party, there was a huge crowd. The animals were happy and the music was loud. Allie looked in the mirror and she let out a sigh. She knew what she should wear and wanted to give it a try. Allie looked for a seat in the very back row Next to with Mr. Elephant, Ms. Deer, and Ms.Hippo. Allie saw her beautiful friends, and turned to Ms. Deer. "Ms. Deer, why on earth are you hiding back here?" "I have these ugly horns, so I can’t wear a hat," Ms. Deer said. "And my trunk’s too long, " cried a sad Mr. Elephant, shaking his head. "I have a big mouth, which I can’t cover up," said Miss Hippo, in tears. Allie said, "I used to feel that way too, but look here. Be yourselves. You have nothing to fear." Then everyone cheered when Mayor Horse took to the stage. "Guess the first costume!" he said, as he read from a page. The poster showed you the first costume of the night. The crowd thought hard, and then shouted, "Stripes! Black and white!’ Zebras! But which animals dressed up as zebras? The crowd was in shock. "A fuzzy sheep zebra f lock!" Everyone asked, "Do the sheep look like zebras?" "No way!" the real zebras said very fast. "Our stripes help us blend into tall wavy grass, So our coats keep us safe and protect us from harm." "So do ours!" said the sheep. "Our curls keep us warm." "Who will be next?" asked Mayor Horse with a smile. The crowd saw the poster and cried, "The action star, Mr.Crocodile!" Someone walked on stage in a crocodile costume pretending to have his fame. And everyone shouted, "Are he and Mr. Crocodile the same?" Mr. Crocodile scoffed, "A rhinoceros? No, we are not like each other!" "Are you sure?"asked the rhino, "We both have thick armor!" "Real crocodile have far tougher armor, "said the croc with a groan, "It’s not only sensitive to cold and heat, but some parts are hard as bone!" Then Mayor Horse interrupted, "Who is next up to dance?" All the animals shouted, "The model, Miss Giraffe!" The crowd tried to see through the darkness. "Who is it?" they asked. "Whose humps are those?" "The dizzy camel!" they laughed. The camel, wearing fancy brown patches, got back up on her feet. She said, "The giraffe’s body is special and stays cool in the heat. Just like me, she does not have to sweat to stay cool." "But I don’t have two humps!" the real giraffe ruled. "Who is that making faces?" the Mayor then said. "It looks like the comedian, Mr. Hedgehog is curled up for bed." "Silly Mr. Hedgehog rolls into a ball when he sleeps." The crowd shouted, "He is much funnier than the giraffe, rhino or sheep!" But who dressed up as the Hedgehog, no one could see. Then the spotlight f lickered on... Spines, spines, spines... And a teeny-tiny voice squeaked, "It is me!" "I s that mouse on a bicycle?" all the animals cried. "That costume makes no sense!" The mouse wanted to hide and said "Our stiff hairs are similar to the spines of yours." The real Hedgehog spoke, "I don’t think he should win. See, I’ve the prickliest coat, but the mouse has thin skin." "Mayor Horse came back up. "What’s that chatter?"he asked. "It must be Mr. Parrot!" the crowd guessed. "He’s talking so fast!" But who could be wearing Mr. Parrot’s disguise? It was Mrs. Parrot, to everyone’s surprise. "She’s a Parrot for sure, but does she look like a male?" Mr. Parrot said, "No, we’re unique from our beak to our tail. My feathers are rich green and red----not the same. As Mrs. Parrot’s red and purple. We share only our name." Mayor Horse asked, "Who’s singing onstage? What a lovely sound." The crowd shouted, "Miss Frog loves to sing!" They all turned around. "Guess who dressed up as Miss Frog?" Mayor Horse asked. "M r. Frog, who was all green, but wore a red vest. " The green frog crooned, "My green color help me to hide under the leaves and I think my red vest looks stunning!" "But my dress is not cute, it’s actually cunning. The red is a warning cause we are poisonous, too." Miss Frog chimed in with, "This green frog’s got no clue." Who is next up onstage?" Mayor Horse finally asked. The crowd answered, "It’s Allie! She must be the last." Who was dressed up as the chef kitty? Allie walked nimbly along Elephant’s trunk. Then, she jumped on the stage with a plonk and a plunk. The kitty chef stood onstage dressed as herself, looking proud! And threw smiley face cookies out into the crowd. "Why do we want to copy each other to win? Our most perfect costume is our very own skin. Each animal has their own color and look. Not to mention our hobbies; I love to cook! Each cat’s coat is different to match where we live, so before you try changing, see what you’ve got to give." The smiley-face cookies flew over the crowd. The animals caught them and started cheering out loud. They agreed with what Allie said, and they added with a smile, "We all win the contest because we all have our own unique style!" "No one can copy my trunk." The elephant smiled and lifted Allie onto his back with his trunk. "And these are my antlers," the deer said with some spunk. The hippo roared, "No one can have a huge mouth like I do." As everyone cheered along, too. So, what’s your best costume, girls and boys? Come on! Stand up proud! And make a big noise! Put on your big smile and wear your best you. You are your best costume: You, just you! The wild cats’ coat The color and pattern of a wild cat’s coat usually matches where it lives. For example, some wild cats with spotted or patterned coats, their coats help them to blend into the forests. Some wild cats with plain and solid colored coats usually spend more time in the dry places with low-lying grass. Wild cats’ coats let them blend into their environment. This helps protect them from predators. Spiny mouse’s skin The spiny mouse’s coat is covered with stiff hairs rather like those of a hedgehog. This is where the name comes from for the spiny mouse. Some species of the African spiny mouse can escape from predators by shedding their skin. The spiny mouse will grow new skin over any wounds within several days. To my friends Wishing your year fully loaded with happiness. Happy New Year !
Jennie and Jimmy were twins and were they excited. They had just completed Kindergarten. And because they did so well, were going to the Big Zoo in the city. After they got into the family car’s back seat, mom checked their seat belts and dad said, "If everyone is ready let the journey begin." They were off and headed to the Big Zoo in the city. The Big Zoo in the city was a long way from home. It wasn’t long before Jennie and Jimmy were bored. They were so excited and just wanted to see the animals, even get some peanuts, popcorn, and soda. But it was taking so long. "Are we there yet?" asked Jimmy. "No" his mom replied. "It will be a little while. Why don’t you and Jennie look out the window and count pine trees?" Jimmy looked at Jennie and then tried to look out the window. But they were too low in the seat to see anything. Jennie grumbled, "Dad, we can’t see out the window. Are we there yet?" "Yah, are we there yet," Jimmy sang out. "We are getting close." Mom chimed in. "Why don’t you both sing a song? That will help pass the time." "Okay." Jennie said. Then she leaned over to Jimmy and whispered something in his ear. They both smiled and giggled a little as they faced the front of the car and began to sing. "Are we there yet…. Are we there yet…. Arewethereyet, Arewethereyet…. Are we, we, there, there, yet…. Are we there yet… Are we there yet……" Their dad looked at their mom and said softly, "I don’t know about you but I am glad we’re here." Then in a deep voice he sang out "Weee Haaave Ah-rived!" Jennie and Jimmy giggled. Jimmy and Jennie had such a fun day. They visited every animal, had fun in the petting zoo, and ate hot dogs, popcorn, and peanuts. Soon it was time to leave. Mom got their seat belts on and they were headed home. "I hope they are tired and fall asleep," dad whispered to mom. "Are we there yet?" Jennie giggled in a soft voice.
Early one spring day, Sally Sue and her mommy planted a small vegetable garden. Sally Sue planted all her favorite vegetables. She planted carrots, corn, lettuce and even pumpkins. Sally Sue watered the garden every day and with her mommy’s help, removed the weeds. She was so excited to watch her vegetables grow and her mommy was so proud of her. The plants grew and grew. One day Sally Sue noticed that the plants didn’t look good. They had brown spots on their leaves and it looked like something was eating them. Sally Sue’s mommy said that it looked like there were little bugs called aphids eating her vegetable plants. Sally Sue was sad. But her mommy told her not to worry. In a few days there would be some hero bugs coming to the rescue. The next day, when Sally Sue went to the garden, she saw pretty, little beetles all over. They were red with black dots on their back. Her mommy saw that Sally Sue was afraid that these bugs would also eat her vegetable plants, so she yelled out "The heroes are here. Three cheers for the Ladybugs." "Ladybugs?" Sally Sue asked. "You mean the heroes are girls?" Then she asked, "Where are the boy bugs?" Her mommy then explained that there were both girl and boy beetles and that they were just called Ladybugs. "Then why are they called Ladybugs?" Sally Sue asked. Her mommy then explained that when she was little, her grandfather had told her that since they were pretty, and all little ladies are pretty, just like you Sally Sue, they became known as Ladybugs. "Oh" said Sally Sue. "That’s it?" "I was also told that many years ago, in the middle ages, the farmers crops were being eaten by aphids and they prayed to Mother Nature for help." "In the next few days, these beetles came and ate the aphids, saving their crops. In respect for their prayers being answered by Mother Nature, they named them Beetle of the Lady. In time they became known as Lady Beetles and later just Ladybugs" "It doesn’t really matter." said Sally Sue. "They are pretty and helpful, and with due respect to the "boys"… thank you ladies!" Later that summer, Sally Sue had lots of yummy vegetables. And in early fall, the biggest pumpkins she ever saw.
Owl had just awakened from his noon day nap, when he heard a strange sound. It was a THUMP! "Whooooo was that?" he wondered. He looked around from his perch in the trees. No one was in sight! "Whooooo, " he asked. And then he looked with his sharp owl eyes and saw on the floor of his forest a large white egg! "Whoooo," he asked again, but no one answered, so Owl flew down to take a closer look. It was indeed an egg, but where had it come from? As Owl was studying the big beautiful egg, Mole popped up from beneath the earth. "Whose egg is this?" asked Owl. Mole squinted his little eyes, and peered at the egg. "Maybe it is my egg!" he said. "Silly Mole!" said Owl. "Moles don’t lay eggs!" "Oh," said Mole." You are right, Owl. So I suppose it cannot be my egg." "Whose egg is this!" Owl called again. "Whooooo!" Rabbit heard Owl’s call, so he stopped nibbling on the little green leaves, and hop, hop, hopped up to the egg. He wiggled his nose and gave the egg a sniff. "This egg might belong to me, "he said, after one more sniff. "You know I bring pretty eggs like this one to children in the spring, and it could be mine!" "Rabbit," said Owl, "This egg is not yours. Spring is over, now, and it is summer in the forest. This egg belongs to someone else! Whoooooo?" Toad heard Owl’s question from his rock in the pond, and hopped over to investigate. He blinked his large toad eyes, and gazed at the egg. "Toads lay eggs!" he announced. "Toads lay eggs in the pond! This egg could belong to me!" Owl looked down at Toad with his wise owl eyes. "Toad," he said, "it is true that toads lay eggs in the pond, but this is not your egg! Toad eggs are very tiny. This egg is very large. It is NOT your egg. After further examination of the big, beautiful egg, Toad announced. "You are right as usual, Owl. This is not my egg." Squirrel, who had heard the commotion from his favorite tree limb, scampered down and began to jump to and fro around the egg. "It’s mine, mine, mine!" He chattered loudly. "Squirrel," said Owl in his wisest tone, "This egg is as big as you are! It simply cannot be your egg." "Right, right, right you are again, Owl! It is not my egg!" he chattered, and he quickly scampered back up to his favorite tree limb to see just who else would come along to claim the egg. Badger was wandering through the forest, looking for his favorite dinner of eggs, when he heard Owl calling, so he crept over to investigate. "Hmmm," he said. "I love eggs! I was just looking for an egg for my dinner when I heard your question, Owl. This is MY egg, and I am going to eat it right now. "NOOOOO!" cried all the animals. "This is NOT your egg!" Suddenly there came from the egg, a tapping sound, and a tiny crack appeared. The animals were frightened and slowly backed away. Even Badger was a little afraid of the strange sound. "I guess you are right, Owl." said Badger. "The eggs I like do not make any sound at all!" The tapping continued and the cracks began to get bigger and bigger. All at once the animals heard a loud swishing sound from the forest canopy. They looked up in time to see a large eagle flying down out of the trees. She landed right by the egg, and her eagle eyes were sharp and bright. "Don’t touch that egg!" she cried in a shrill, sharp voice." This is MY egg! I was searching high above the forest when I heard Owl’s call. A big wind came along and blew my egg right out of my nest! " The mother Eagle gently placed her great wings around the egg, and the tapping became louder and louder. All at once, the egg popped open, and a baby eagle rolled out. He looked up at his mother and cried, "Mama!" "My baby!" said the Eagle, and the baby and his mama kissed each other with their beaks. All of the animals were happy that the mother Eagle had found her baby, and that the baby Eagle had found his mother. "I must get my baby back to my nest," said Eagle, "but I don’t know how I can fly and carry my baby at the same time!" Then the wise old Owl spoke up. "I have an idea!" he said. "I can wrap the baby up in my wings and climb on your back. Then you can fly the two of us up to your nest!" "Excellent idea, Owl!" said the mother Eagle. "But you must promise not to hurt my baby on the way!" "I promise!" said Owl, and he wrapped the baby Eagle in his wings and hopped on the back of the mother Eagle. "Here we go!" said the mother Eagle, and she flapped her large, strong wings and soared high up into the trees of the forest. "Good bye, baby Eagle!" cried all the forest animals. "We are glad your mother found you!" All the animals were happy, except for the Badger. "Humph!" he cried. "I almost had the most delicious dinner!" Then he ran off into the forest, looking for something else to eat. The Lost Egg
Deep in the dark of the house, nighttime silence woke Whiskers. He yawned. He ran down a long, lighted hallway. This house was fine for a hungry mouse. This was a house for a mouse. With his pink nose to the carpet, Whiskers smelled something wonderful. He squeezed under a dark door at the end of the long hall. Whiskers jumped up to explore. Pale yellow light made purple shadows on the floor. The house was quiet. Whiskers quickly climbed up a thick, heavy blanket. He hustled across lumpy terrain and slid down a steep, slick hill. He rolled into peanut bits, cookie crumbs and tortilla chips. Just as he was about to snack, the ground moved beneath his paws. Screams filled the room, terrifying Whiskers. Up he flew. Up into the air with chips and blanket. A bright light blinded his eyes. He jumped to the floor and ran for the door. As he escaped, a swat stung his tail. Whiskers raced back to his warm bed and hid under his sister. "What is all the racket?" cried Cheesepuff, a little white furry ball. Cheesepuff sniffed the air and shuddered, "It is a human. I told you this house would be trouble. We will have to move. We need a house for a mouse." "But," said Whiskers, "this is our home." "Then they will have to leave," Cheesepuff declared. "No," said Whiskers, "we have to live together." "A huge monster in the house," gulped Whiskers, "as big as a mountain with a bright, shiny eye and a terrible tail-whacker." In the morning an orange van parked in front of the house. Men in white suits put sticky traps all around the house next to Whisker and Cheesepuff’s favorite hunting sites. That night, Whiskers sniffled a delicious tray and cautiously dipped his paw into tasty goop. His paw stuck in the muck and he cried out for his sister. Cheesepuff tugged and pulled until his paw popped out of the sticky glop. Cheesepuff watched when Whiskers left their gift by the dreadful tray in the living room. His paw prints were stamped all over the bag. The mice waited many days for the traps to disappear. They were getting very hungry. Then Whiskers had an idea. "Let’s leave the humans a present and maybe they will let us stay." Cheesepuff did not think it was a good idea, and she hid in her bed while Whiskers carefully picked fresh herbs and petals. He pulled out a small bag from their treasure box and filled it full of fragrant lavender and pretty pink petals. In the morning, the mice heard shouts, voices and crying. Soon, all the traps were gone. When the sister and brother peeked into the kitchen that night, there was a big package where a trap had been sitting. Whiskers was suspicious. "Don’t get too close," he whispered as he stared at the odd sight. "But they have left us a pretty present," said Cheesepuff as she snuffled the pink, polka dot wrapping paper with her nose. 14 15 The two mice tore the paper and found a "I’m all wet," she cried when she leaned very curious construction. Whiskers rolled on the water bottle. "It’s a house!" said into soft wood shavings on the floor and Cheesepuff. "Our very own house. bumped a bowl filled with peanut bits, A home made just our size." cookie crumbs and tortilla chips. He ran on a big wheel that turned round and round. Cheesepuff followed him and found a carrot in one corner. "Our very own house," Whiskers repeated. "Now, this is a house for a mouse!"
New Pussy Cat Prosy wanted a pussy cat. Prosy's family went to visit the pussy cats. Prosy wanted this cat. It was too big for her. Tim wanted this kitten. It was too small for him. Mum wanted this kitten. It was too quick for her. Everyone liked this kitten. They took the kitten. Everyone is happy with the new pussy cat.
It was a cloudy, windy, sunny, mixed-up sort of day when Sara Hamilton marched out of the general store and ran smack into old Max McGregger. Old Max said, "I see you just bought an umbrella." Sarah nodded. "Mama says it’s going to rain. But I think the sky’s just foolin’ us." "Could be," old Max said. "You never can tell who’s going to win the argument." "Argument?" she asked. "Who’s arguing?" "Why, they’re arguing, of course," Max nodded toward the sky. "You might not believe me, but my hearing used to be quite good in my younger days. And one day I heard the rain bragging to the sun because he could make the seeds sprout. And don’t get me wrong, he could. The rain came down like a velvety curtain and softened the dirt. Next thing I knew, a little seed was sprouting up." Then the sun pushed those rain clouds out of the way. I am more powerful, he said. The sun shimmered over the ground, and the little sprout stretched into a beautiful flower. See? The sun smugly announced, I have made it grow. Then the wind chimed in, I can make one flower turn into many! The wind blew his cold breath, and seeds from the flower twirled across the field. Next thing I knew, the entire field was a garden of flowers. "About that time, my sister Emma came out of the house. She saw the pretty field of flowers growing, ran right over, and started picking them. "Now she never could hear as good as me, so I don’t s’pose she heard what was said after she picked all those flowers. But I did." It was the sun who spoke up first: Look! What we have made, the little girl has taken. She must also be powerful! The rain laughed. If I can make her sprout then she is no more powerful than the flowers. The rain kissed her shoulders with soft, wet drops and Emma was tickled with joy. She started jumping up and down in the puddles. See! the rain exclaimed when he saw her rise up, Look at how she sprouts! After that it became a contest. The sun said, What you can make sprout, I can make grow. And he shined brightly down on Emma. Emma stopped jumping around and held her hands up into the air, trying to reach the rain that was no longer there. That was all the sun needed to see. He turned and gloated. See! I have made her grow tall! It certainly must have looked that way because the wind bellowed, What you can make grow, I can spread across the field. He blew his cold breath over Emma. What cold breath it was! Emma huddled down to keep herself warm, but it wasn’t long before she gave up and ran back into the house. The wind calmed, and turned to the rain. Yes! I am powerful. I made her fly across the ground. Emma came back out of the house. She had Daddy’s umbrella to protect her. But the rain never noticed this. What he did notice was that there was only one of her. He said, She has not grown into many! You need to try again. The wind blew on Emma like he had never blown before. He blew so hard that she was lifted off the ground. And there she was, floating up high under Daddy’s umbrella with the wind coming up from below pushing her higher and higher. Look at her! The wind screamed to the others. Not only can I make seeds spread across the earth, but this one I have made grow TALL! This was very upsetting to the sun. The wind wasn’t supposed to make things grow. That was the sun’s job. The rain decided that if the wind could do the sun’s job, then the rain could do the wind’s. After the wind had let go of Emma, the rain cleared his throat with a thunderous boom. It rained so hard and fast, it formed a small river that swept Emma up off her feet and carried her away. Emma was just fine with this; she sat inside Daddy’s umbrella and floated all the way to the edge of town. Wee! I could hear her hollering, Yipppee! But the argument wasn’t over yet. It was the sun’s turn to see what he could do. He looked down at Emma and shined brighter than I’ve ever seen the sun shine. It was shining so brightly, the river dried right up and Emma climbed out of the umbrella and started splashing around in the few puddles that were left. She jumped in every puddle leading back to the house. While she was still jumping, the sun softened, turned to the rain and said, Yup, she’s sprouting. Old Max said, "That was the end of their arguing that day, but some days it seems they still haven’t gotten it figured out." Sarah stared at Max. "You didn’t really hear all that, did you?" "I most certainly did. If you don’t believe me, just listen for yourself. When you hear the wind a’howling, it usually means the rain is taunting him. Then you’d better have your umbrella ready." Sarah started on her way home wanting to get there before the rain taunted the wind too much. It was already howling something awful. Before she had gotten to the end of the street, she heard the beating of thousands of feet running up behind her… and then the rain caught up. Sarah opened her umbrella and started skipping in the puddles. From somewhere far above she thought she heard a voice laughing: Told you I could make her sprout! The END
Counting Animals One elephant is going to drink water. Two giraffes are going to drink water. Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water. Five antelopes and six warthogs are walking to the water. Seven zebras are running to the water. Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water. One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion? One elephant is drinking water with the lion.
Am I Alone? My name is Bhola. Today, I cannot play cricket as my friends have not come to play. What can I do? I am all alone. Let me take a walk. Oh! Nature is so colourful. Pink and Yellow swaying flowers. Green trees and bushes. Green chirpy Parrots with red beak. Yellow buzzing honey bee. Blue open sky. Brown soft ground. Peach fishes with pink lips in blue water. I am feeling so fresh and happy. Let me do some reading now, under the big shady tree. Wow! Short stories and long stories to read from big books and small books, fat books and thin books. My books, let me be anyone who I want to be. It also takes me to so many places. Now, it is play time with my four legged rockstar friends. So much fun, we are making music together. Bow Bow barks Browny the dog. Meow Meow purrs Maumau the cat. Baa Baa bleats Rani the goat. Squeak Squeak squeaks Chua the rat. I go Sa Re Ga Ma.... Ha Ha Ha, there are so many nice things to do even when I am alone. I just have to look around, the whole world wants to play with me and I am no longer alone. I am so happy.
Sizwe’s Smile by Vianne Venter, Genevieve Terblanche & Lauren Rycroft It had been raining for days, and everyone was grumpy. Everyone except Sizwe, who woke up with a smile every morning. "Yoh! Sizwe! That smile is magic!" said Gogo. "Is it for me?" Sizwe clapped his hand over his mouth. "But it’s MY smile, Gogo," he whispered. His mother laughed. "Sizwe! A smile is something you can give away without losing it. Look!" She lifted him up to the mirror. There was his smile, just as bright as before. It was time to go out. Mama buttoned up Sizwe’s raincoat, and off they went, through the rain, to the library. Down the street, Sizwe’s best friend Zanele stood at the window of her house, looking sadly at the rain. Sizwe felt his smile creeping, creeping up. Before he knew it, his smile LEAPT out, and flew across the garden to Zanele. Zanele held on tightly to the smile – it was far too precious to let it get away. As Sizwe walked away to the library, Zanele’s doorbell rang. It was the postman, with a letter from her favourite cousin. Zanele was so happy, that the smile bounced up, and beamed out at the postman. "Thank you, Mister Postman!" she said. Zanele’s smile was the brightest thing the postman had seen all morning. It kept him warm as he trudged off through the rain. He came to a big house. Inside the gate, a dog was spinning around in circles, barking, barking, barking. He was so silly, that the postman couldn’t help smiling. The smile bounced through the gate with a glitter of glee. The dog stopped barking. He pricked up his ears and wagged his tail. Then he turned and ran back to the house with the precious, warm smile. A bent old man opened the door. "Oh, no! You can’t come inside. You’re all wet!" he told the dog. But right away, the smile beamed up at the old man. The old man stood a little straighter. "Eish," he said, "Who cares if it’s raining? Let’s go for a walk, boy!" And off they went, splashing in the puddles. There, at the zebra crossing, stood grumpy Mrs Makabela, the traffic cop. She looked cold, and wet, and miserable. The old man knew just what to do. "Morning, Mrs Makabela!" he called, and smiled his biggest, brightest smile. But Mrs Makabela… did not smile back. Standing in the rain for days can make a face sad, sad, sad. But a smile is a magical thing and, by now, the smile was so strong, and so bright, that it was very hard to keep inside. It didn’t work right away, but bit by tiny bit, it began to creep out until, at last…! A great, big smile lit up Mrs Makabela’s face! The school bell rang, and children ran to cross the road. Mrs Makabela put up her sign, and smiled, and smiled, at each and every child. The children smiled at their moms and dads, and their gogos and tatas and brothers and sisters. They smiled at the bus driver and the greengrocer, and Mme Makau, who went off to smile at her husband, who smiled at the mayor... The smiles leapt and rolled and beamed and gleamed until EVERYONE was smiling and giggling and laughing out loud in the rain. In the library, everything was quiet except for the sound of the rain. "It’s time to go," said Sizwe’s mother, closing her book. "Aw, mom!" said Sizwe, who had run out of smiles. But as they stepped out into the street… WHAT A SIGHT! Everyone in town was there! Everyone! And they were ALL smiling! The smiles bounced around and beamed at Sizwe. They warmed him, and tickled him, and crept up, up, up from his toes… to the TOP of his head. He was so full of happiness that the smile burst out, brilliant and beaming bright. And something changed. The dark, gloomy, rainy afternoon didn’t seem so dark anymore. Could it be…? YES! The clouds parted, and the warm sun shone down on them, with the biggest, brightest, most brilliant smile of all.
Tall and Short Pa is getting my hat. Pa is tall. Ma is getting my shirt. Pa is taller than Ma. My sister is getting my book. Ma is taller than my sister. My brother is getting my bag. My sister is taller than my brother. And my brother is taller than me. I’m the shortest in the family. Oh wait! There is our puppy, JoJo. Jojo is getting my slippers. Ha ha! JoJo is the shortest. Yes! JoJo is shorter than me. I’m shorter than my brother. My brother is shorter than my sister. My sister is shorter than Ma. Ma is shorter than Pa. Wow! Pa is the tallest, and JoJo is the shortest.
Chapter 1: Introduction I have been making greeting cards ever since I can remember. They were not the best looking cards but it’s the thought that counts, right? I want you to know I am an artist but not an illustrator who can draw a person’s portrait. I can do calligraphy and doodling and simple drawing. So don’t think you won’t be able to do this. It can be easy, peasy and fun!! The other part of some greeting cards is the writing. You can write a poem or use idioms and puns. Idioms and puns are phrases that don’t really make sense. Sometimes they are just plain silly. I want you to be inspired by this book. Don’t just copy it. There are so many occasions that cards are appropriate for: birthday, thank you, get well, thinking of you… When people receive cards, it usually brightens their day. It’s an act of kindness. This world can always use more kindness! This is a birthday card for my Dad that I did when I was in elementary school. (I told you I was not good at drawing. LOL!) But I liked to write rhymes. And did some simple calligraphy. Nothing fancy. This one was done later. I did some calligraphy, doodling and rhyming. I made a logo and a company name. (Front and back of card is shown.) This is the inside. And finally this is a card that my Dad made me. I didn’t think much of it at the time. No drawings, no color. But this card means so much to me now! (Outside) This is the inside. Chapter 2: Tools Some things to have before you start: (You don’t need them all. Even if you just have a pencil and a piece of paper, that is fine. Lots of cool art is done in black and white.) Paper (new, recycled, construction, etc. Ask before you use.) Pencil Colored pencils Crayons Pens Ruler Chapter 3: Calligraphy: The meaning of calligraphy is artistic writing. When you start, you can just keep it simple. Begin with the alphabet, then progress to words. Don’t be picky, picky. Relax, have fun! Eventually, let your handwriting go wild! (That’s how new fonts can happen.) P.S. When you are writing, just know that it might not be perfect. If you require ‘perfection’ from yourself, just know it might not happen. And that’s ok. Here is a simple calligraphy example. Write your letters and add polka dots (or short lines) at the ends of the letters. Here are some examples of what can be done to an A. How to make BLOCK LETTERS. 1st write the letters in pencil. Then draw ‘boxes’ around your letters….. Erase the inner lines…. Now that you know how, you can draw block letters on construction paper or use colored writing utensils for the card. (Like colored pencils or crayons or markers.) Here’s another block letter version. How’s this for fancy shmancy?!! Block it! Color it! Polka dot it! Decorate it! You can also draw block letters for a poster. And you can create your design on recycled paper, like magazines, newspapers, old phone books…..with permission, of course. More calligraphy! Take your time. You can do this. I made up these styles. One style has lots of straight lines. You might want to use a ruler. The other is curvy. Play! Have Fun! Cursive! Different! Chapter 4: Doodling The meaning of ‘doodle’ is an aimless or casual scribble, design or sketch. That means when you start drawing a doodle, you might not know what it’s going to look like. But it can also be repeating a shape like a square or circle. Or lines that make a checkerboard. (This will make more sense as you continue to read.) On another note about doodling: just sitting down with a pen and paper and doing silly drawing can be relaxing and fun. And some of you like to use a ruler with your art. If you like that, go for it!!! Doodling examples. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy! More doodles! Oodles of doodles! More! And some more! Doodles made into patterns. Use your imagination. Here are block letters and nautical doodle patterns. Draw some lines. Doesn’t need to be fancy. Fill in with oodles of doodles! You can color it. This can even be the front of your card. Your words can go on the inside. Another busy card front. This was fun! I did this on fabric. I did not color it. (I colored the other side…so some of the color ‘escaped.’) A Paisley is a perfect shape to doodle. Paisley: part 1 Paisley shape: part 2 Let your imagination go wild! You can be inspired by items around the house. Here’s my drawing just for fun. More inspiration! Here’s my drawing. How about this?! This is an easy design. Vine: part 1 Vine: part 2 Vine: part 3 Vine: part 4 (you could color it) Chapter 5: Drawing I told you I am not an illustrator. A lot of kids I have met can easily draw better than I can. Maybe you are like that. Doesn’t matter. If this brings you joy, use some of your spare time drawing instead of playing video games or fighting with your siblings. If drawing doesn’t float your boat, you could spend like 5 minutes a day just doodling. And then throw it away. This chapter gives you simple drawings to be inspired by. Relax and have fun. Drawing a candle is an important part of making birthday cards! Cupcake, anyone?! Here are some balloons for you! Draw a tea cup for someone who likes tea. Make a birthday card. A tea pot can go with the tea cup. Start looking for drawing inspirations. Easy, right?!! For someone who is adventurous? (Look at the drawing and break it down into shapes. Can you see the circle and the rectangle? The rest are lines and doodles.) Wild and crazy! For someone who likes to dress up? Happy Birth-Day card! Peace: always in style. Flashback to the ’s! I had lots of fun with this! Wild and wacky. If you can draw a heart, draw 2. Or 3. Who wouldn’t want a crown for their birthday?!! Easy flowers. Start by drawing 1. Then maybe a bouquet! Animals are another subject matter you might choose to explore. As I said, let your imagination go wild! This was inspired by a wall hanging I saw. Below is a base for a silly face. There are so many different things you can do! Weird but fun. Easy coloring and doodling. Chapter 6: Idioms and Puns Now it’s time to decide on what words to write on the card. Idioms and puns: love them!!! As I said earlier, they are phrases which do not really make sense. Play on words, play with words. Or you can write a poem. Or nice words. Idiom/pun examples for a birthday card: • Here’s food for thought: BIRTHDAY CAKE! or • Don’t bite off more than you can chew! (You might use the 1st one for the front and the 2nd for the inside.) And then there are just silly words: Malarkey Whippersnapper Persnickety Flabbergasted Shenanigans Nincompoop Thingamajig Whatchamacallit Gobbledygook Pumpernickel Hoopla Baloney Chapter 7: Examples Next are ideas for 2 birthday cards: Below is the front. (If the cake looks complicated to you, look closer. Break it down in layers. And the more it leans, the funnier it will be!) (And doodling on the cake is a super duper idea!) Inside you can write "Happy Birthday!" Another card: on the front write: Inside: draw a cake with fried eggs on it. Write: Mmm… Cake and eggs for breakfast sound yummy!!!! So there you have it: my book about you making cards. My hope is that you enjoyed some of the ideas and that you will be inspired to do some calligraphy, doodling, drawing and writing. A lot of people enjoy doing art but some are worried that their work isn’t very good. And so they won’t take a chance on it. Don’t be that person!! Relax and have Fun! Best wishes, Marian* McGlothlin THE END P.S. Chapter 8: P.S. P.S. Adults might also be inspired by this book. I shared my book with my sister and this is what she did. Yay!!!
Deep in the New Forest where no big people ever went there was a tiny little magical village called the Ordon Gardens. Here, three little tooth fairies named Incisor, Canine and Molar were busy at work in their factory. The three tooth fairies were all named after types of teeth. Incisor was tall and skinny with short pink hair, Canine was also tall with blue hair and Molar was the short, wise one with curly, silver locks. All day long the busy little fairies cleaned and shined the children’s milk teeth they had collected during the night. The milk teeth were used to make very useful things in the Ordon Gardens like roads in the village and furniture in the homes for the little fairies. One day Incisor realised that the teeth coming into the cleaning factory were not as strong as they used be. "Oh dear!" said Incisor "These teeth are fragile and brittle, with holes and black spots. They crumble as soon as I try to polish them with my cloth. Whatever are we to do?" "Yes."said Canine "I know exactly what’s wrong, The children are beginning to eat far too many sweets and are not looking after their teeth at all." "I know…we can fix it!" Said Molar the wise one. She sounded quite excited by her grand idea. The three fairies looked at each other and waited while Molar explained all. As usual, it was a fabulous idea. The three of them wasted no time at all and got to work straight away. That night, it was Canine’s turn to fly off and collect all the milk teeth from under the sleeping children’s pillow. Off she flew with a bag of coins, some white berry sandwiches for her lunch and a pack of cards which the three fairies had spent all afternoon preparing. It was such a treat to leave the forest and see the city skyline but it was a dangerous place for fairies. Canine had to make sure that the big people never saw her. She flew through the starry sky and saw the wonderful city fast asleep. Her first stop was a young boy named Junior. Earlier in the night Junior and his mum had placed his milk tooth under the pillow. Mummy tucked Junior into bed and told him all about the tooth fairy who would leave some money in exchange for his tooth. She gave him a goodnight kiss and left him to fall asleep. By the time Canine arrived, Junior was fast asleep. She flew in through the top window that was ajar and glided quickly down to Junior’s pillow. She perched beside him and braced herself in preparation for the task… "Heave…….." she lifted the pillow and wedged herself between the pillow and the bed. She quickly grabbed the tooth and tossed it over to her backpack. She placed two coins and the fairy’s special card in exchange under the pillow and flew off into the night sky to find more milk teeth. In the morning, as soon as Junior woke up, he rummaged under the pillow to see if the tooth fairy had left any money for him. He was thrilled to find the coins but looked blankly at the card he found in his hand. Mummy didn’t mention anything about a card…he wondered. He read the card out aloud… The Tooth Fairy’s guide to healthy teeth: 1.Eat Healthy. 2.Cut down on sugary sweets & drinks. 3.Brush your teeth twice a day. 4.Use a fluoride toothpaste. 5.Visit the Dentist regularly. Back in the village of Ordon Gardens, the fairies were very happy about the new information card they were giving to the children. Soon enough the milk teeth coming into the factory were strong and healthy again.
Elephants Elephants are the largest land animal. They weigh up to 12,000 pounds and can be 12 feet tall! Elephants live for a long time, up to 70 years. There are two main kinds of elephants: African and Asian. Asian elephants have more hair. African elephants are bigger and they have bigger ears and tusks. Baby elephants are called calves. They weigh about 250 pounds and are two and a half feet tall when they are born. The other elephants in the group help the mother elephant take care of her baby. Female elephants travel in groups called herds. A herd is made up of females. Male elephants tend to live alone. Elephants are good swimmers, but they cannot jump or run very fast. Elephants take mud baths and cover themselves with wet mud to protect their skin from the sun and biting bugs. Elephants have huge ears. They flap their big ears on hot days, making a breeze that helps them cool off. Elephant tusks are made out of ivory. They use their tusks for many things, like digging for food. The tusks of African elephants can be over ten feet long and weigh over two hundred pounds. Elephants are herbivores, which means they eat plants. They spend 16 hours a day eating food. An adult elephant can eat from 300 to 600 pounds of food in one day! But their body uses less than half of what they eat. What do you think happens to the rest? Elephants have long trunks. They use their trunks to squirt water into their mouth and to pick up food. They can also give themselves a shower with water they suck up into their trunk. An elephant can use its trunk to smell. It sniffs the air to find food and to find other elephants. An elephant’s trunk can also tell you if they are happy or ready to fight! Getting to see elephants in the zoo is a lot of fun, but maybe someday you could get to see elephants in the wild!
Kopano and Rea are going to town for the first time ever! "Remember to fasten your seatbelts," Mama says. "Auntie Boi has sent you girls a gift and we’re going to collect it at the big post office in town." "We can’t wait to see the gift Mama," the girls say and off they go. "The Nelson Mandela Bridge leads us into town," Mama says. "Mhhmm, Nelson Mandela Bridge," Kopano says. "Look," Rea says to Kopano, "so many tall buildings." "Mhhmm, do you think our gift is tall too Rea?" Kopano asks. "Look," Kopano says to Rea, "so many fruits and vegetables." "Mhhmm, do you think our gift tastes yummy?" Rea asks Kopano. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES "Look," Rea says to Kopano, "traditional clothes!" OPEN "Mhhmm, do you think Auntie Boi bought us traditional clothes?" Kopano asks. "Wow, it’s like one big party," Kopano and Rea say. "Maybe your gift sings a loud song," Mama says smiling. OPEN "Mhhmm, we love loud songs," the girls say. "We are here!" Mama says. POST OFFICE OPEN "Do you think it’s tall like the buildings we saw?" Rea asks. SHAKE! "No," Kopano says. Rea takes the box E! SHAK and smells it. "Do you think it tastes yummy like the fruit and veg we saw?" "No," Rea says. Kopano shakes the box again. "It doesn’t make a loud noise like the speakers we passed." ! SHA RATTLE "And I don’t think it’s traditional clothes KE! either," Rea says. Kopano and Rea sit down right there on the floor of the post office and open the box. "Those are Maasai dolls," Mama says to the girls. "Maasai dolls from Kenya," Kopano says. "We love these dolls!" Rea says. Mama takes a picture of the girls and sends it to Auntie Boi.
RACE DRIVER CALLUM makes a car Why is phonics important to learn? The English language seems like it is full of a lot of crazy pronunciations and spelling. While a small amount of English must be rote learned due to exceptions from rules, much of it can be decoded using phonics. When you know phonics, you are like a detective following clues to solve a mystery. In this series, we use only words that your little reader will be able to break down into standard phonemes. This will build reading confidence while strengthening their phonics foundation. Is this the right level for my little reader? If your reader can decode about 90% of the words in this book independently, this will be an appropriate platform to begin their study of phonics. By understanding a majority of the words, a reader can use context to decode new terms. If a reader breezes through, you might need to take them up another level. If this level is still a bit too tricky for them, get your reader to try some of the earlier levels first. Challenges can be good, but too much too quickly could overwhelm your reader. Take things slow and steady. Enjoy the books and the journey together! How can I be a good learning buddy for my reader? If you are helping somebody to read this book, there are plenty of ways that you can go about it. Do the initial exercises together before you begin to read so that you have both experienced the isolated sounds and discussed them. If the reader gets stuck, cover up all but the first phoneme in the word so that the sound can be isolated again. Slowly move along and reveal more phonemes. Once they can say each individual part of the word, you can focus on blending. Say the words so that they can hear them, and get them to repeat it out aloud several times. To consolidate knowledge after you finish a page, talk about what happened and what is in the picture. Then, try saying some of the words on the page and see if the reader can identify them. Get the reader doing this as well, saying words which you need to find. Above all, you should be patient. Create a safe place to make mistakes so that the reader is willing to give things a go. Special Words This book has some special words that you should take your reader through before you begin. Many special words are those that we use in day-to-day conversation. Unfortunately, a lot of their phonetic structures do not conform to rules that your reader has learned. These words can be frustrating and confusing, but they are also a part of natural reading, writing, and conversation. nobody, loses Say each word to your reader a few times so that they can get used to its sound. Get them to repeat it back to you. Afterwards, see if your reader can think of any words that rhyme with this sound in order to help lock in how to pronounce it. Finally, think of some basic sentences that use this word. For example, if the word is ‘the’ you can create basic sentences with a subject, verb, and object: "The hat is on the table." Callum is a cool racecar driver. He can speed by really fast. Nobody can turn as quickly as him. Nobody can zoom along the road like Callum can. He is the best. Callum can dodge this way and that. He is a wizard at the wheel. Callum races blue cars and orange cars and green cars and red cars. Whichever car Callum chooses, he wins every race. Callum wins cash and prizes. As a boy, he daydreamed about racing. Now it is real. Callum looks after his cars. He gives them oil and he shines them. He keeps them safe in a huge garage. Callum’s knack for looking after cars helps make him a good driver. Callum decides that it is time to make a car of his own. He understands a lot about cars. He understands how important a car’s body is. And he understands how important the insides are. Callum will make a very fast car. First, Callum must choose an engine. This engine must go very quickly. It must have gears and it will have lots of wires. Making a car is very difficult. Next Callum makes its body. He chooses black. It is a cool color for a car. After it is dry, Callum paints on a big lightning badge. The racecar will be named Storm. Callum takes Storm on a track and the racecar runs very well. Some other racers watch. Soon Storm will race them. People think that Storm will win. Callum’s mom and dad watch the race. Zoom! Storm leaves them all far back. Callum and Storm win! Storm is Callum’s best car yet.
Hide and Seek Jeetu is playing with his friends. It is Jeetu’s turn to count till hundred. Jeetu has started counting. Viju hides behind a tree. Raju hides near the car. Suman hides behind a door. Aman hides under a basket. Biju hides inside a drum. Oh, no! Jeetu has stopped. Which number comes after 39? Once more he starts counting 1-2-3. His friends must hide again.
Pishi Caught in a Storm Pishi was feeling sad and lonely. Just a day ago, he was one of a group of manta rays. They were feasting on tonnes of fish, far from the coast of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. How they had splashed and jumped out of the waters of the beautiful Indian Ocean! When he saw a ship ahead, Pishi had taken a huge dive in the water. His friends scattered. Pishi flapped his huge cloak-like fins and tried to swim to safety. There was a huge streak of lightning and a sound of thunder next. Pishi lost his bearings. The ocean had gone dark for him. A big wave rolled up, pushing him directly under the ship. Aaah, a cut on his belly! He knew what he had to do. He had to find his friends. But first he needed his wound to be treated. He swam and glided as fast as he could towards the coast. Pishi’s heart beat fast. He wished he was not so big – 10 metres long, and weighing over 900 kilograms! He had to get to a hospital. Fast! His life depended on it. Then he saw the lighthouse on the coast. He leapt with joy! Pishi had reached the hospital, nature's hospital. A huge school of fish swam around him immediately. The same fish that he ate at other times were now his nurses. They cleaned the deep gash in his tummy. The ‘cleaner fish’ nibbled on the torn pieces of skin. Soon Pishi felt so much better. He loved the Indian Ocean with its 5,000 species of marine life! Dear Reader, The Indian Ocean is known as ‘Ratnakara’ in ancient Sanskrit literature. Ratnakara means the mine of jewels. Manta rays often visit cleaning stations. A cleaning station can be called nature’s hospital in the ocean. Here, small fish such as angelfish swim in the manta ray’s gills and over its skin. They are called cleaner fish because, they clean the manta ray by eating up parasites and dead tissue. Even though manta rays are huge, they are quite gentle. They are hunted by many animals like big sharks, whales and humans.
Who Is Our Friend? Can you guess who our best friend is? He’s not like us at all. Our best friend is Bird! I am Rhino. I get covered in fleas. Bird eats them all up. I am Crocodile. I can’t brush my teeth. Bird pecks them all clean. I am Giraffe. I can’t scratch my head. Bird can reach just the right spot. I am Zebra. I can’t see things far away. Bird has great eyes, so when he’s watching I’m safe. Bird might be different, but that’s no problem… We don’t even mind when he sings! Will you be my friend?
The Red Raincoat On Sunday, Manu’s parents got him a red raincoat. "Ma, may I wear it now?" asked Manu. "No, my dear, the rains are near, but just now the sky is clear," said Ma. Monday was bright and sunny. "WILL it rain today, Mummy?" asked Manu. "No Manu, not today. If you wear your raincoat, you will look quite funny!" said Ma. On Tuesday, the sky was blue. "Ma, WHEN will my wish come true?" asked Manu. "Not today, my dear, there is just one white cloud in the sky!" said Ma. Wednesday was hot. "Ma, WHY doesn’t it rain?" asked Manu. "Son, I think it will rain very soon. Maybe even before it is noon," said Ma. On Thursday Manu went on a picnic. "Ma, WHAT if it rains? Shall I take the raincoat with me?" asked Manu. "No my dear, it will not rain today. The little white clouds are too high in the sky," said Ma. Friday was cloudy. "Ma, will it rain today?" asked Manu loudly. "It might, my dear. There are some dark clouds low down in the sky," said Ma. Saturday began with a bang! Badaboom! "Ma, is that thunder I hear? Will it rain very soon?" asked Manu. And then at last, it started raining! "Oh, it’s raining, it’s raining," sang Manu, running out. "But Manu," called Ma, running after him, "you forgot your raincoat!"
"What a beautiful day," says Mom. "Wake up Nicholas." "Hello sun," says Nicholas. "Good morning birds." "It’s a lovely day," says Dad. "Let’s have a picnic by the river." "Can my friend Jacob come?" asks Nicholas. "Don’t forget me. I love picnics!" says Donkey. "Follow us," say the birds. "And me. I want to come too!" says Dog. "I’ll race you to that tree," Nicholas says. "I won, I won," says Donkey. "Not fair," says Nicholas. "You’ve got four legs." "Look what I can do," "I bet you can’t do this," says Jacob. says Nicholas. "Here’s our picnic spot," says Dad. "Race you to the water!" says Jacob. "Come and eat, boys and girls," says Mom. "Time to go home," says Mom. "Say goodbye to Jacob."
Katiiti’s Song Katiiti lived in a village next to a forest. She loved playing in the forest. Maama told her to be careful. Every day Maama would sing their special song to call her. One day, Katiiti bumped into a gorilla. She ran and hid in a cave. Gorilla came and sang Maama’s song in a gruff voice. Gorilla ate lots of bananas to make his voice sweeter. Gorilla sang sweetishly. Gorilla went away and ate lots of honey to make his voice even sweeter. Gorilla sang as sweetly as Maama. Maama came just in time to chase away Gorilla. Katiiti and Maama sang all the way back home.
The Girl Who Could Not Stop Laughing mmmbrrrpffftbahahahHAHAHAHAAH An explosive sound erupted across the 4 B classroom. Gundappan Sir, the maths teacher, knew exactly where the bomb had exploded. "T. Sundari! Please leave the classroom," he said. The class went quiet and everyone looked at T. Sundari, who sat on the fifth bench. "But sir! Please sir! I tried to control my laughter but it burst out of me!" Everyone in 4 B burst out laughing too. T. Sundari laughed a lot. She laughed for nearly everything. For example, last week, a classmate told T. Sundari this joke: Q: Why does Maths Sir always look sad? A: Because he has to solve so many problems. T. Sundari had narrowed her eyes and giggled. No wonder everyone laughed when they saw Gundappan Sir now. Every joke evoked a different reaction from T. Sundari. Sometimes a guffaw AHAHA HAHA Sometimes a giggle Pehehehehhee Sometimes a polite laugh Tra la la ha ha Sometimes a Ghatotkacha* laugh MUHAHAHAHAHA Sometimes, when T. Sundari tried really hard to suppress her laughter, it would burst out of her like a bomb. mmmmmmprrrrffttrrrrrahhaahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA *In the Indian epic, Mahabharata, Ghatotkacha is a huge and powerful rakshasa with a loud and rumbling laugh. T. Sundari was worried. Was there something wrong with her? Why couldn’t she stop laughing? She needed to do something. Stuffing a hanky in her mouth didn’t help. It just popped out of her mouth when she laughed. T. Sundari made a list of things she found funny: 3. The word bonda 2. Toilet jokes 1. Farts 5. Tickling 4. People slipping on banana peels "I will make sure I never laugh at these again," decided T. Sundari. Next day, during library, P. Manigantan moved behind a bookcase and let out a delicate sound right next to T. Sundari. T. Sundari, who knew a fart when she heard one, erupted in laughter, forgetting all about her list! This was not going to work. It was time for plan B. Poot poot potrrrrrrr Skandu Anna, T. Sundari’s older brother and a scientist, was plan B. Maybe he could invent a machine that could stop her from laughing? When T. Sundari told him what was bothering her, Skandu Anna, who was usually the serious sort, burst out laughing. T. Sundari wondered if this was a family problem. Did they all have the same laughing disease? No, Skandu Anna explained. "T. Sundari, it’s very normal for human beings to laugh when they find something funny. Some people laugh more than others and that is fine." "Really?" said T. Sundari, who had always been told she laughed too much. "Yes, in fact, laughter is good for health," Skandu Anna reassured her. "It releases chemicals that bring us joy." "Did you know even early humans laughed?" Anna asked her. T. Sundari imagined a man with a large beard and big club giggling like her in drawing class. "Yes," said Anna, "Human ancestors were laughing long before they had language. It was their way of telling each other that everything was okay." "Today, we laugh to show others that we like them or to express our happiness. Other animal species can laugh too, T. Sundari. "Like chimpanzees, bonobos, rats, dolphins and even dogs!" Anna told her. The thought of her pet dog Muthu laughing set T. Sundari off again. When the laughter finally subsided, Anna said, "Do you know you just exercised, T. Sundari?" "How, Anna? We were talking the whole time." "Whenever you smile even a little, the muscles of your face get to work. So each time you giggle or laugh, it’s a complete workout for your face," Anna told her. "Ooh," said T. Sundari, "will my cheeks have biceps then?" Anna smiled, "Not biceps, no. Those are in your arms. But whenever you laugh, the zygomaticus major and minor muscles in your face help pull your expression upwards and outwards in a smile." "But what about the sound? That makes others laugh too," said T. Sundari. "So when you breathe, air passes through your vocal cords into your lungs. But when you laugh, the air is held back, leading to those rhythmic ‘ha-ha-ha’ sounds that you can’t seem to stop," Anna explained. "So, T. Sundari, you understand that laughter is perfectly natural? "So long as you’re not hurting anyone’s feelings, there’s nothing wrong with a good laugh." T. Sundari felt so much better. "It’s almost tea time. Shall we have a bonda then?" said Skandu Anna, knowing perfectly well what would happen next. T. Sundari couldn’t stop laughing. Not even after the bonda was in her belly. Can you do all these laughs? Ghatotkacha - MU HA HA HA HA Bomb Laugh - mhrrrrppppbbhtttttttAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Witch of Wadanapalli West - ee hee heee heee Giggle - gehehehehe Gargle - gluglgugglugglahahahah Fake Laugh - teeheehee
What Shall I Wear Today? Do you get the feeling sometimes that none of your clothes are just right? I do! The shirt buttons trouble me. The pants feel too tight on me. The lehenga seems to trip me. The choli does not fit me. My salwar keeps slipping. The golden zari keeps itching. The churidaar pulls and tugs everywhere. Nothing perfect seems to be there. This frock is too bright. Brother's T-shirt? What a funny sight! Papa's kurta is rather long. Mummy's sari is wrapped all wrong. Some things are well out of my reach. Oh, it really makes me want to screech! These clothes seem to say, ‘We shall trouble you all day.’ But I have made up my mind today... ... to mix and match these clothes in a way that I have my very own style today! What Shall I Wear Today? On some days, it is so difficult to decide what to wear. The little girl in (English) this story tries on many dresses before she finds the perfect one.
Creatures of Old The sun had just set, and the forest was in darkness. A huge lizard-like creature was hiding in the bushes. It was still as a statue, from the tip of its snout to the curve of its tail. Only its sharp eyes moved, darting left and right. Its nostrils twitched as it smelled dinner. A juicy little insect! The giant lizard got ready to pounce when . . . Suddenly, the ground rumbled and shook. Animals were running in all directions. The poor lizard-creature was almost run over. Angrily, it turned back to see what was causing all the confusion. GULP! A terrifying beast was charging down the forest path. It was taller than the tallest trees, and had skin as rough as rock. Oh no! Was the hunter about to become the prey? This is NOT a story. Such creatures actually lived on Earth a long, long time ago. A time when there were no humans or dogs or birds. Instead there were mammoths, dinosaurs, giant insects, and even ferocious fish-like creatures in the oceans. There were also strange-looking plants different from those we have today. How do we know this? Because of science. A very special branch of science called ‘Palaeontology’ (pronounced pay-lee-on- tol-oji). Palaeontology is the study of plants and animals that lived on Earth many, many years ago. And paleontologists are scientists who study this science. Just as the ruins of an old palace can tell us things about a king from the past (like how grand his throne was, or what his favourite weapon was), there are clues deep inside the earth that can tell us many things about ancient animals. The clues come in many forms—bones, footprints, eggs, and sometimes even the body of an entire animal preserved in stone! These animals lived millions and millions of years ago, long before apes or humans appeared on Earth! How did their remains not rot and decay? And how are they still preserved? Well, when these creatures died and as they rotted, they got buried under layers and layers of soil. The skin and flesh decayed and disappeared, but the hard bones and teeth remained because of the tightly packed soil. All these layers of soil, along with the bones, became hard and turned into rock. Plant and animal remains preserved as imprints in this rock are called fossils. When scientists first discovered huge bones buried under the surface of the earth, they did not know what these were. The bones were larger than any animal they had ever known. Bones as long as tree trunks, skulls the size of autorickshaws, teeth as big as ice-cream cones, and claws like knives! They kept putting the bones together in different ways to see if they could come up with an animal they recognised. Finally, it all clicked into place, like a puzzle. Paleontologists can tell a lot about an animal from its skeleton. For example, if the bones of the legs are much larger than the bones of the forelimbs, it is possible that this animal walked on two legs. Just like that gigantic creature we met earlier! That fearsome creature is called Tyrannosaurus Rex (T.rex for short). If the bones of all the legs are equal in size, there is a good chance that this animal walked on all fours–like the Diplodocus which had four stout legs and a really long neck. Fossils of their teeth give great clues about what ancient creatures liked to eat. Many skeletons had long, sharp teeth which are good for eating meat. Some skeletons had flat, broad and smooth teeth good for chewing leaves and the bark of trees. They were good for chewing leaves and the bark of trees. So we know that there were some vegetarian dinosaurs too! But scientists don’t always find entire skeletons. They discover only a few bones–a finger here, a rib there, or maybe just a couple of bones from the spine. Not all fossils are bones. Some are just marks, like footprints we leave when we walk on soft mud. Dinosaurs left footprints too, and before these prints could disappear, the soil got covered with layers of sand and rock. So the prints stayed intact for millions of years. In fact, by measuring the distance between footprints, paleontologists can guess the height of the animal. They can also tell how it stood and walked. Some of the strangest fossil marks were left by plants. Paleontologists have discovered interestingly- shaped leaves and flowers that cannot be seen anywhere today. But here’s the most fun clue of all! Any idea what this might be? Is it a football? Is it a cannonball? Is it an egg? That’s right! It’s an egg! A giant, fossilized egg. Scientists have found whole eggs that even contain the outline of an unhatched baby dinosaur inside! Perhaps they got buried in a landslide or lava from a volcano before they could hatch. In Mongolia, scientists discovered eggs along with the skeleton of an adult dinosaur in an attacking pose. They thought that the big dinosaur, fancying an omelette for breakfast, had come to eat the eggs. They named it Oviraptor, meaning ‘egg hunter’. Soon, they started discovering many fossilized eggs close to Oviraptor skeletons in different poses. They realised that it was actually the parent dinosaur protecting its own eggs, and not trying to eat them! Most unfairly, the name Oviraptor stuck. As you might have guessed, we don’t know everything about these creatures yet. There are a lot of clues that don’t really fit, and some clues were put together all wrong. Scientists are still trying to figure them out. There is a lot of digging to be done! Would you like to be a paleontologist and help solve some mysteries? What are you waiting for? Grab a shovel! Meet some other fascinating creatures from the past. Woolly Mammoth These animals were related to elephants, and had tusks that were 15 feet long! Ichthyosaurs These creatures looked like fish but they were actually reptiles that lived in the sea. The name ichthyosaur means ‘fish lizard’ in Greek. Bear dogs These animals were neither bears nor dogs, but a group of animals related to both bears and dogs.
The children were talking about their Grandpas. My Grandpa can build a tower to the sky, said Giraffe. Once he built a skyscraper for a king. My Grandpa can fish for anything in the sea, said Cheetah. Once he caught a whale and kept it in his bath. My Grandpa can climb to the clouds in the sky, said Mountain Goat. He climbed the tallest mountain in the world, in just four hours. My Grandpa can cook a feast, said Elephant. Once he cooked a meal for a president’s birthday party. All by himself. Well my Grandpa doesn’t build or fish or climb or cook, said Monkey. But he owns gold! He hides it in his mouth. And at night he soaks it in a glass of water. No, he doesn’t! Yes, he does! No, he doesn’t! Well, come and see if you don’t believe me, said Monkey. So the children went to see Monkey’s Grandpa. You see? said Monkey. And he can take them out. No, he can’t! cried the animals. Waaah! said Grandpa Monkey. And there are enough … … for everyone!
The Moon and The Cap Written by Noni After school the next day, my mother gave me a shiny new red cap. "The moon sent it," she said. Hello, my name is Sonam Sonkar. I’m in class 8 and dream of being an engineer. I enjoy kathak and also love beautiful clothes. Thank you for buying this book. My friends and I will get to read many more books in our library because you bought this book. Noni is the pen name of a writer residing in Bangalore. She works in the field of education. Angie is a graphic designer and in her spare time loves to keep busy with ceramic. Upesh is an animator who collects graphic novels and catches up with odd films in his spare time. Together they form ‘The Other Design Studio’.
When you see red, STOP! When you see green, GO. But wait. What is yellow? CAUTION, you should know. Red signs, and lights, and markings on the street. Stop, and look, and listen; before you move your feet. If cars drive on the right, look left then right, you know If cars drive on the left, look right then left, that’s so. No matter what the color, be it red or green. Remember that there’s yellow. Use CAUTION in-between. Remember that there’s yellow. Use CAUTION in-between.
DIVE! Blue skies and calm waters — a perfect day for diving! We set out in a little boat, hoping for a BIG adventure! When we reached the dive site, we carefully checked all our equipment and put on our fins and masks. As soon as we were underwater, we were greeted by a school of yellowback fusiliers. There were so many different creatures to see around this large table coral: oriental sweetlips, parrotfish, batfish, and even a beautifully-patterned nudibranch. To know more about the creatures marked out in bold lettering, turn to the back section of this book. This trumpetfish changed colour to try and blend in with a school of yellow tang, but you can pick him out easily enough, can’t you? It’s a good thing we kept a safe distance from this lionfish. The spines on his back can be quite poisonous! These clownfish carefully guarded their sea anemone home, but finally agreed to let me take a few pictures. We saw a honeycomb moray eel having its teeth cleaned by cleaner wrasses, and another pair even offered to give us a scrub! There were triggerfish and sea urchins. We even saw a coral grouper and a reef octopus playing hide-and-seek. The octopus won the game. They’re masters of disguise. Pipefish are great at disguise too. Can you spot the two ghost pipefish in this picture? We came across a couple of whitetip reef sharks resting near the bottom. They’re pretty harmless, so we swam in for a closer look. We followed this hawksbill turtle for a while as he looked around the reef for a nice sea sponge to lunch on. As we made our way back to the boat, we were thrilled to see a manta ray ‘flying’ through the water with two remora fish in tow. And just when we thought this dive couldn’t possibly get any better, we sighted a dugong grazing on some sea grass. What an incredible experience! I can’t wait to go diving again! Corals are both plants and animals. Thousands of little algae live inside corals, and give them energy to grow. They have hard outer skeletons and grow into many different shapes. Plankton is the main source of food for many sea creatures. They are a mix of algae, bacteria, tiny animals, and the eggs and larvae of larger animals that float about with the ocean currents. Feather stars may look like plants, but they’re really animals. They use their feather-like ‘arms’ to catch and eat bits of floating plankton. Parrotfish have strong teeth that form a parrot-like beak, which they use to scrape algae off hard coral. Some species don’t mind eating bits of coral as well, and they later poop out a fine sand that washes up on land to form beautiful white beaches. Clownfish and sea anemones live together and help each other. The clownfish help the anemones by cleaning their tentacles and luring other fish for the anemone to eat. The anemones, in turn, allow the clownfish to hide among their poisonous tentacles without stinging them. Cleaner wrasses are small fish that keep bigger fish clean by feeding on their parasites and dead skin. The bigger fish recognise the wrasses by their colours and the dance-like way they move. The reef octopus can hide by changing its colour and texture. It makes its home in holes in the reef, or buries itself in the sand. Ghost pipefish can be found in pairs, floating with their heads down and hidden among sea grass, corals or feather stars. Like the reef octopus, they can change colour to blend in perfectly. The whitetip reef shark has a thin body, broad head, and white tips on its dorsal and tail fin. They hunt at night, and sleep through most of the day. The hawksbill turtle has a flat body, a shell with jagged edges, and a sharp, curving mouth that looks like a hawk’s beak. Manta rays are huge fish with wing-like fins on the sides of their bodies. These large fins help them swim gracefully through the water. On some manta rays, the distance from one wing tip to the other can reach up to 23 feet! The dugong is a vegetarian marine mammal. Its favourite food is sea grass, which it is able to graze on with its specially-shaped snout. Dugongs are also called sea cows.
Little Lion My name is Timba and I’m a little lion. I live in a zoo in Switzerland. This is my mom and my dad. My dad is sleeping. He gets to sleep a lot. This is my sister. She hit me on my nose — ouch! I like to play with my dad, but I think he lets me win. I like to lay on the ground and chew on stuff like this stick. I’m just learning how to climb trees. I’m not so good at it yet ... I get hungry after playing all day. I like to eat dinner with my family. My mom gives me a bath after dinner. I hate it when I have to get a bath!
Animals Also Have Hobbies Story Description From cats and chickens, to dogs and frogs, foxes and little things that fit in small boxes, animals have hobbies just like people do. But animals have strange and funny hobbies. Keep your eyes sharp and your attention focused, because you might catch an animal doing its favourite thing! Before Reading - Vocabulary and Phonics Hopping ​hop-ing ​The frog is known to be hopping mad. Missing ​miss-ing ​Be careful, you may be missing a pair of socks. ​ Unsuspecting ​un-suss-peck-ting ​The unsuspecting culprit is usually a mouse. Mischievous ​miss-chee-vuss ​The dog is known to be naughty and mischievous. Animals also have hobbies. We don't see it, of course, because they only engage in their hobbies when people are not around. Once the animals are left alone, they get up to all kinds of mischief, fun and games. This cat enjoys stealing expensive women's hats. The owner will be very surprised when she sees her cat wearing her hat at the horse racing, not to mention using her money to bet on a horse! Paws for a photo! This tiger loves going for a swim when he's not being filmed by news cameras or people going on a safari. He takes a long bath where he searches for items to eat, such as a fish, a flower, a butterfly, an empty cake wrapper, and a herb. He likes to think he is bathing and dining! This crocodile is always active and hunting her prey. When no other animals are around, she sits and lazes by the pond, waiting with her fishing rod to catch an unsuspecting trout swimming in the shallow waters. She quickly gobbles up the fish before the other crocodiles return, and pretends she is still hungry. How mischievous, like Davy Croc-ett! This grasshopper enjoys reading in its spare time. Nobody would know, of course, because people always see grasshoppers leaping far from one place to the next, always moving and never keeping still. But if you sneak up on one, like this grasshopper, you will see it reading about astrophysics and nuclear equations. That really bugs the other insects! This bee is usually flying around colourful flowers and taking pollen to its hive. But when nobody is watching, it likes resting on the edges of teacups, playing a game called 'tea surfing', where it tries to walk on the water's surface without falling in. If you're lucky, maybe you will see this bee's odd beehaviour. Don't fall in the cup, it's a stinger! Snakes are not frequent guests at a birthday party, but they are known to enjoy a slice of cake, and sometimes the whole cake, eating it all in one wide bite. When nobody is looking on your birthday, pay attention to the cake, and a giant, long anaconda may sneak through your garden and try to steal a slice. Thuthpiciouth! Have you ever seen an empty boat at a lake? The next time you do, watch carefully for a goat to turn up. They secretly love rowing boats from the shore to the middle and getting stuck in them. Goats are poor swimmers, so they wait for the water's flow to take them back to the shore. If you see one doing this, call the fire brigade in to help. That may cost them a few bucks. Silly billy! Fish are usually found inside a pot, boiling away and turning into your dinner, but fish secretly wonder what the other side of the pot lid is like. Fish enjoy sneaking out while they are being cooked, just to settle on the lid. When you see soup being prepared, watch the lid carefully, because a fish might just jump out and squeak at you! Foxes wear socks-es. That's a real rhyme. Foxes run away when anyone comes near them, but at night time, they are less afraid. They might sneak into your house and dive into your sock drawer, stealing a couple of pairs. In the morning, always check your drawer for missing socks. You can always blame two missing pairs on a sneaky, sly fox. Do you think mice enjoy living inside a hole in the wall? Of course not! They dream of owning their own house made of cheese. They steal cheese to make their houses in gardens. When you walk through your garden, always check the edges of the grass and the plants for a mouse building a house. Now you know who stole the cheese to build a soft cottage! Chickens don't just cluck, run around and poop eggs. They are the most artistically talented of the farmyard bird variety. If you can't find your newspaper, or you are missing toilet roll, you know a chicken somewhere has nabbed it from you; furthermore, you might see strange sketches showing up on walls in your house! Those are made by roosters! What a wake up call! Dogs and frogs, frogs and dogs. Unlikely friends, but certain buddies! Yes, when you are away from home, your dog and a local frog like to play basketball in your garden. Frogs are hopping mad, and dogs are rough players, and they like to fight together. If you come home early, you might catch your dog and a frog shooting points through the hoops! It's barking mad! After Reading What insect enjoys trying to surf on the edge of a teacup? Which animal likes wearing women's hats and going to horse races? What are the dog and the frog known to do together? Who is likely to be stealing your socks at night? Describe what mice like to do. Describe what fish like to do. Talk about an animal you like and explain what its hobby is.
Where Are the Animals ? The zebra is on the grass. The duck is in the water. The crab is on the rock. The hippo is in the water. The lion is on the rock. The fish is in the water. The lizard is on the rock. The butterfly is on the flower.
At Least I'm Okay! Una, the mountain goat, lived in Sakuland. Sakuland was a wonderful country. It stretched from the shores of the sea to the forests, from the valleys to the mountain. The animals loved Sakuland. There was grass for the rabbits and the deer, insects for the birds and the bears to snack on, and fish for the crocodiles and wild cats. There was clear, cool water for everyone. Una lived high above the others, on top of a mountain. The climb up and down the rocky mountain trails was long and difficult. She didn’t spend too much time with the other animals, and got used to being alone. She rather liked it – she could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Sometimes Una thought that the others were a bit silly. Why do they always have to do everything together? Can’t they go to the stream by themselves? I do, thought Una. All the animals had ways they liked to do things. But Una thought her ways were the best. Slowly, Sakuland’s climate began to change, but the animals weren’t really paying attention. One day, the whales who spent most of the year in Sakuland’s waters announced that they were going to live someplace else. "Why?" asked the turtles. "It’s quite nice here." "The water has become a bit too warm for us," said the whales. "We will have to go further north where it’s cooler." The whales liked to live in cool waters and Sakuland’s water was now too warm. The turtles would miss the beautiful songs sung by the whales. But they didn’t think too much about it. At least I’m okay, the turtles thought. "Picky, picky," muttered Una to herself. "I don’t mind if it’s too hot or cold! They should be more like me." Everyone soon forgot about the whales. But one day, the turtles started to pack up and leave. "Why?" asked the wild cats. "You always seemed happy here." "There’s hardly enough sand left for us," said the turtles, who laid their eggs on the sandy beach. "Where did it go?" asked the wild cats. "All we know is that the sand used to reach to the big rock," said the big, old turtle. "But the big rock doesn’t look so big now – the water has almost covered it." Too bad for the turtles. But at least I’m okay, thought the wild cats. Una saw the turtles leave and thought, What difference does it make to me if the sand disappears under water? The turtles should have been smart like me when deciding where to live. Una went looking for some grass to snack on and forgot about the whole matter. Then the wild cats left. They couldn’t catch nice fish anymore in the stream. It had become just a trickle. The deer thought, Oh, how terrible for the wild cats. But at least I’m okay. Una looked over at the stream where she drank. "The wild cats are pretty tough, but they must not be as tough as me." One day, Una noticed something strange. Every year, the snow on her mountain would melt, just like an ice cube, and fill up her stream. But now there was less snow. Una wasn’t quite certain and thought, Maybe it just looks that way today. But then strange animals began to come to Sakuland. Everyone tried to be friendly to the cows. But the newcomers didn’t take much notice – they kept munching the grass and chewing it and chewing it some more. And there were so many of them! The deer were not too happy when the grass began to disappear. Slowly, the deer had to go outside Sakuland to find enough of the grass they liked. Hmmm... they should see what I have to eat at times, thought Una. Sometimes I have to lick the lichens on rocks. Not pleasant at all. Una stayed on her mountain as long as she could, but she often found herself, without enough to eat or drink. Finally, hungry and thirsty, Una climbed down the difficult mountain path. She tasted some of the grass from the hills, but it wasn’t the kind she liked. She found a stream in a valley, but the water’s taste was not as crisp as she was used to. Now Una realised why the other animals had left – it’s very important to eat the food that suits you best and have water nearby. The animals she knew had left Sakuland when they couldn’t find their favourite food easily, or when they were too thirsty because the stream had slowed down to a muddy trickle, or when their home trees were cut down to build homes for others. Una and her friends thought at least it’s not me when changes affected someone else. As the oceans became warmer, the whales left in search for a more suitable home. The turtles, the deer, and Una couldn’t care less. But later, they had to admit now it IS me. Una had to admit that having friends nearby is a necessity. She was determined to go find the others. At least it’s not me Una and her friends who live in Sakuland are facing climate change, just like we are. Human beings are burning more and more Green Houses Gases (GHG) – there’s carbon dioxide from coal and oil. Carbon dioxide is also released when we cut trees, then methane which cows that live in farms burp out, and nitrous oxides from cars and other vehicles. These Green House Gases are added to the atmosphere and that is causing global warming and changing the climate. As more heat is trapped in the atmosphere by the GHGs, the ice in the poles is melting and sea levels are rising. All of that means that the weather is becoming more unpredictable – it’s cold in the summer and warm in the winter, and the rains don’t come on time, like they used to. And that is climate change. Because of Climate Change… When forests are cut down, they add to the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. Animals also lose their homes, the forest, and they have to go to far-off places in search of food. Farmers are not able to grow their crops properly because of erratic rainfall. Often, they sow the seeds but there’s no rain, and their crops fail. Imagine a world without mango or chocolate because there was no rain or too much rain and the crop failed! Unpredictable weather also affects human beings. For example, during storms, floods, or droughts, people lose their homes. The pollution in the atmosphere affects our health and we fall ill more often.
Captain Ren’s Trip to mars Written by Bel Richardson Illustrated by Mykyta Harets Why is phonics important to learn? The English language seems like it is full of a lot of crazy pronunciations and spelling. While a small amount of English must be rote learned due to exceptions from rules, much of it can be decoded using phonics. When you know phonics, you are like a detective following clues to solve a mystery. In this series, we use only words that your little reader will be able to break down into standard phonemes. This will build reading confidence while strengthening their phonics foundation. Is this the right level for my little reader? If your reader can decode about 90% of the words in this book independently, this will be an appropriate platform to begin their study of phonics. By understanding a majority of the words, a reader can use context to decode new terms. If a reader breezes through, you might need to take them up another level. If this level is still a bit too tricky for them, get your reader to try some of the earlier levels first. Challenges can be good, but too much too quickly could overwhelm your reader. Take things slow and steady. Enjoy the books and the journey together! How can I be a good learning buddy for my reader? If you are helping somebody to read this book, there are plenty of ways that you can go about it. Do the initial exercises together before you begin to read so that you have both experienced the isolated sounds and discussed them. If the reader gets stuck, cover up all but the first phoneme in the word so that the sound can be isolated again. Slowly move along and reveal more phonemes. Once they can say each individual part of the word, you can focus on blending. Say the words so that they can hear them, and get them to repeat it out aloud several times. To consolidate knowledge after you finish a page, talk about what happened and what is in the picture. Then, try saying some of the words on the page and see if the reader can identify them. Get the reader doing this as well, saying words which you need to find. Above all, you should be patient. Create a safe place to make mistakes so that the reader is willing to give things a go. Special Words This book has some special words that you should take your reader through before you begin. Many special words are those that we use in day-to-day conversation. Unfortunately, a lot of their phonetic structures do not conform to rules that your reader has learned. These words can be frustrating and confusing, but they are also a part of natural reading, writing, and conversation. the, of, has, to, do, two, spacesuit, so, full, there, ago, Curiosity, picture, Earth, past, galaxies, done, used, ready, another Say each word to your reader a few times so that they can get used to its sound. Get them to repeat it back to you. Afterwards, see if your reader can think of any words that rhyme with this sound in order to help lock in how to pronounce it. Finally, think of some basic sentences that use this word. For example, if the word is ‘the’ you can create basic sentences with a subject, verb, and object: "The hat is on the table." Ren is the captain of a spaceship. He will fly the rocket to Mars. Ren has work to do on the red planet. He needs to test rocks and soil to see if there is life on the planet. Ren flies the ship around the moon. It takes a long time to get to Mars. He looks at all of the stars and thinks about the planets that orbit them. The rocket has arrived. It is in Mars’ orbit with its two moons. Ren lands the ship down on the planet’s surface. He leaves the ship with a digging tool. He is in a spacesuit. Ren cannot breathe the air, so he needs an air tank on his back. He walks far away from the ship. Mars is full of large, rocky hills. Scientists tell Ren of a good place to dig. Here are the right rocks for the test. The scientists want to see if there was life on Mars long ago. Ren collects the rocks to do tests on them. Ren checks in on the bot that lives on Mars. Its name is Curiosity. The bot digs up rocks as well. It takes a picture of Ren to send to Earth. It’s time to leave the red planet and head back home. Ren travels past all of the galaxies and stars. He must get the rocks to the scientists. Captain Ren’s job is done. He tells us all about what he saw on Mars. The scientists think that Mars used to have life. It used to be green and blue like Earth! Well done Captain Ren. Time to get ready for another trip.
Sam Beckbessinger Megan Andrews Marisa Steyn Hippo wants to dance. She jumps up and down on the dusty ground. mp! Thu Thump! "You’re getting dirt on me!" says Shongololo, sleeping in the sand. "Go dance somewhere else." Hippo wants to dance. She rolls into the river and splashes her arms and legs. ! lish Sp Sp la sh ! "You’re making me wet!" says Kingfisher, hunting for her breakfast. "Go dance somewhere else." Hippo wants to dance. She twirls around and around in a field, kicking her legs up high. os h ! Swo Swoosh! "Be careful! You nearly kicked me!" says Meerkat, bathing his babies. "Go dance somewhere else." Hippo wants to dance. She flops into a puddle of mud and slides around on her nice big belly. i s h ! Squ Squ a sh ! "Why don’t you stop dancing?" asks Donkey, carrying his buckets. "Why can’t you do something useful instead?" Hippo is sad. She is too sad to dance. She sits on a rock and cries. The tears roll down her cheeks and fall on the ground. op! Pl Plo p! Grasshopper hears Hippo’s tears. He starts dancing around her feet. Hop! Hop! Hippo and Grasshopper start to dance, and the other animals come to look …

Dataset Card for InfantBooks

Dataset Summary

A dataset of infants/children's books.


All the books are in English;

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

malis-friend_BookDash-FKB.txt,"Then a taxi driver, hooting around the yard with his wire car. Mali enjoys playing by himself..."

Data Fields

  • title: The title of the book
  • content: The content of the book

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

The goal of the dataset is to study infant books, which are supposed to be easier to understand than normal texts. In particular, the original goal was to study if these texts contain more commonsense knowledge.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

We automatically collected kids' books on the web.

Who are the source language producers?

Native speakers.

Citation Information

Romero, J., & Razniewski, S. (2022).
Do Children Texts Hold The Key To Commonsense Knowledge?
In Proceedings of the 2022 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning.
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