In 1793 Zaman Shah, a grandson of Ahmad Shah Durrani, won a brief war of succession to become ruler of Afghanistan. The support of Painda Khan, chief of the Baraksai branch of the Durrani tribe, was decisive in his victory. In the next fifty year., the brothers of Zaman shah and the sons of Painda Khan were to dominate the affairs of Afghanistan. The Durrani tribe was very large with several branches and numerous clans. 1 Abmad Shah and his successors belonged to the Sadozai clan, but other clans, such as the Mohammedzai of Painda Khan, were larger and more powerful and this situation caused many problems. Mahmud had revolted unsuccessfully several times with Persian backing, but now with Fateh Khan's help he was able to defeat Zaman who was captured and blinded. Mahmud's position was insecure however. Persian invasions threatened, the tribes were discontented, and another brother of Zaman, Shuja-ul-Mulk, was in arms against him. In 1803 Shuja succeeded in toppling Mahmud after three years in power. But Shuja's rule was effective only in Kabul and Peshawar since Mahmud's brother Firuz held Herat, and Fateh Khan controUed the country around Kandahar. Mahmud escaped from the prison where he had been confined and in 1809 he and Fateh Khan defeated Shuja, who eventually fled to India where he was given a pension by the British, and Mabmud returned to power. During his years in power Fateh Khan had made many enemies including Mabmud's son Kamran, and most recently Firuz. At this point Fath Ali Shah of Persia sent Mahmud an ultimatum to dispose of Fateh Khan or face a massive Persian invasion. 5 These combined factors, persuaded Mahmud to sacrifice his vizier. Fateh Khan was seized, blinded, kept prisoner, and finally cut to pieces in 1818. 6 Like Zaman, Mabmud had destroyed the man who was keeping him on the throne and his fall was equally swift. Fateh Khan's brothers led a general revolt and assumed control themselves while Mabmud, Kamran, and Firuz fled to Herat. These continued civil wars and the division of royal authority were disastrous for Afghanistan. Herat was cast adrift and now isolated and surrounded by enemies. On the west, the Persians were eager to make good their long-standing claim to the city. On the east, only the disunity of Fateh Khan's brothers prevented them from avenging him. Herat might have fallen to either one if it had not first begun to arouse the interest of outside powers.
Canada Pension Plan Find sources: "Canada Pension Plan" – news Β· newspapers Β· books Β· scholar Β· JSTOR (March 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Canada Pension Plan (CPP; French: RΓ©gime de pensions du Canada) is a contributory, earnings-related social insurance program. It forms one of the two major components of Canada's public retirement income system, the other component being Old Age Security (OAS). Other parts of Canada's retirement system are private pensions, either employer-sponsored or from tax-deferred individual savings (known in Canada as a Registered Retirement Savings Plan).[1] As of September 2017, the CPP Investment Board manages over C$328.2 billion in investment assets for the Canada Pension Plan on behalf of 20 million Canadians.[2] CPPIB is one of the world's biggest pension funds.[3] 3 CPP Benefits 4 Contribution Rates 4.1 1966 to 1996 4.2 1996 reforms 5.2 Assets 5.3 Unfunded liability 5.4 Fluctuations in the projected CPP contributions 5.5 Fluctuations in the projected return on investments 6 CPP Investment Board 7 Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) 7.1 Increase in Contribution Rate The CPP mandates all employed Canadians who are 18 years of age and over to contribute a prescribed portion of their earnings income to a federally administered pension plan. The plan is administered by Employment and Social Development Canada on behalf of employees in all provinces and territories except Quebec, which operates an equivalent plan, the Quebec Pension Plan. Because the Constitutional authority for pensions is shared between the provincial and federal governments, stewardship for the CPP is jointly shared. As a result, major changes to the CPP, including those that alter how benefits are calculated, require the approval of at least seven Canadian provinces representing at least two-thirds of the country's population.[4] Provinces may choose to opt out of the Canada Pension Plan (as Quebec did in 1965), but must offer a comparable plan to its residents. In addition, under section 94A of the Canadian Constitution, pensions are a provincial responsibility, so any province may establish an additional/supplementary plan anytime. The Liberal government of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson in 1965 first established the Canadian Pension Plan. CPP Benefits[edit] The primary CPP benefit is the monthly retirement pension. Currently, this is equal to 25% of the average earnings on which CPP contributions were made over the entire working life of a contributor from age 18 to 65 in constant dollars. The earnings upon which contributions are made are subject to an annual limit, which, in 2018, is $55,900.[5] However, under changes being phased in by 2025, the pension benefit will rise to 33.33% of earnings on which contributions were made, and the maximum amount of income covered by the CPP will rise by 14 percent from the projected 2025 limit of $69,700 to $79,400.[6] The CPP enhancement will serve as a top-up to the existing, or base, CPP. For individuals who work and make contributions in 2019 or later, enhanced components of benefits will be calculated and added to the base portion of the benefit. These calculations are similar, but follow different formulae. When calculating the base portion of the CPP, there is a general drop out provision[7] that enables the lower-earnings years in a contributor's contributory period to be dropped from the calculation of the average. Since 2014, the lowest 17% of earnings are dropped in this way, accounting for up to eight years of contributory earnings. Benefits under the CPP enhancement will be calculated based on a forty-year period, taking the best 40 years to calculate the benefit. This calculation effectively allows seven years to be dropped out of the benefit calculation (for an individual who begins contributing at age 18 and ends at age 65). In October 2018, average monthly benefits for new retirement pension (taken at age 65) was just over $664.00 per month and the maximum amount in 2019 was $1,154.58 per month. Monthly benefits are adjusted every year based on the Consumer Price Index. CPP benefit payments are taxable as ordinary income. The standard age to receive the retirement pension is age 65, however, individuals may begin collecting a permanently reduced pension as early as 60, or defer until age 70 to increase the monthly payment. For those who take the pension early (the majority), the reduction factor is 0.6% for each month you receive it before age 65 (to a maximum reduction of 36% at age 60). For those who defer, the adjustment rate is 0.7% for each month that one delays in receiving it up to a maximum increase of 42% at age 70. There is no financial benefit to delaying beyond age 70.[8] The CPP also provides disability pensions to eligible workers under the age of 65 who become disabled in a severe and prolonged fashion, and a monthly survivor's pension to the spouse or common-law partners of contributors who die (having made sufficient contributions). An application must be filed at least six months in advance in order to receive CPP benefits. If an application for disability pension is denied, an appeal can be made for reconsideration, and then to the Canada Pension Plan / Old Age Security Review Tribunals or Pension Appeals Boards (POA). All CPP benefits in pay are indexed annually to the Consumer Price Index. Contribution Rates[edit] 1966 to 1996[edit] From 1966 to 1996, the contribution rate was 3.6%. The rate was 1.8% for employees (and a like amount for their employers) and 3.6% in respect of self-employed earnings. By 1997, this had reached combined rates of 6% of pensionable earnings. 1996 reforms[edit] By the mid-1990s, the 3.6% contribution rate was not sufficient to keep up with Canada's aging population.[9] and it was concluded that the "pay-as-you-go" structure would lead to excessively high contribution rates within 20 years or so, due to Canada's changing demographics, increased life expectancy of Canadians, a changing economy, benefit improvements, and increased usage of disability benefits (all as referenced in the Chief Actuary's study of April 2007, noted above). The same study reports that the reserve fund was expected to run out by 2015. This impending pension crisis sparked an extensive review by the federal and provincial governments in 1996. As a part of the major review process, the federal government actively conducted consultations with the Canadian public to solicit suggestions, recommendations, and proposals on how the CPP could be restructured to achieve sustainability once again. As a direct result of this public consultation process and internal review of the CPP, the following key changes were proposed and jointly approved by the Federal and provincial governments in 1997: Increase total CPP annual contribution rates (employer/employee combined) from 6% of pensionable earnings in 1997 to 9.9% by 2003. Continuously seek out ways to reduce CPP administration and operating costs. Move towards a hybrid structure to take advantage of investment earnings on accumulated assets. Instead of a "pay-as-you-go" structure, the CPP is expected to be 20% funded by 2014, such funding ratio to constantly increase thereafter towards 30% by 2075 (that is, the CPP Reserve Fund will equal 30% of the "liabilities" - or accrued pension obligations). Create the CPP Investment Board (CPPIB). Review the CPP and CPPIB every 3 years. Currently, the prescribed employee contribution rate was 4.95% of a salaried worker's gross employment income between $3,500 and $51,100, up to a maximum contribution of $2,356.20. The employer matches the employee contribution, effectively doubling the contributions of the employee. Self-employed workers must pay both halves of the contribution, or 9.9% of pensionable income, when filing their income tax return. These rates have been in effect since 2003. The Trudeau Government and its provincial counterparts moved to enhance the Canada Pension Plan to provide working Canadians with more income in retirement.[10] These changes were principally motivated by the declining share of the workforce that was covered by an employer defined-benefit pension plan, which had fallen from 48% of men in 1971 to 25% by 2011.[10] They were given additional impetus by moves on the part of the government of Ontario to launch the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan, a supplementary provincial pension plan intended to begin in 2018.[10] Unlike the existing, or base, CPP, the enhancement to the Canada Pension Plan will be fully funded, meaning that benefits under the enhancement will slowly accrue each year as individuals work and make contributions. Additionally, the enhancement of the Canada Pension Plan will be phased-in over a period of seven years, starting in 2019. When fully mature, the enhanced CPP will provide a replacement rate of one third (33.33%) of covered earnings, up from the quarter (25%) provided prior to the enhancement. Additionally, the maximum amount of income covered by the CPP will increase by 14% by 2025 (projected by the Chief Actuary of Canada to be $79,400 in 2025, compared to the projected normal limit of $69,700 in the same year in the 28th Actuarial Report on the CPP[6]). The combination of the increased replacement rate and increased earnings limit will result in individuals receiving retirement pensions 33% to 50% higher, depending on their earnings across their working years. (The maximum retirement pension will increase by 50%, but will require 40 years of contributions on earnings at the new maximum). Workers earning the current maximum covered wage of $54,900 a year would receive an additional $4,390 annually (approximately $365.83 monthly).[10] To finance the expanded pensions and maintain the soundness of the plan, contributions to the CPP from workers and their employers will each rise 1% from current levels, to 5.95% over the existing band of covered earnings. This increase will be phased in over 5 years, starting in 2019. The increase to the earnings threshold will be phased in over 2 years, starting in 2024. Workers and their employers will contribute 4% on earnings in this range (which is to say earnings above the normal earnings limit and below the new increased one). To ease the impact of the increased contribution on near-term disposable income, worker contributions will become tax-deductible.[10] Funding[edit] The base CPP is funded on a "steady-state" basis, with its current contribution rate set so that it will remain constant for the next 75 years, by accumulating a reserve fund sufficient to stabilize the asset/expenditure and funding ratios over time. Such a system is a hybrid between a fully funded one and a "pay-as-you-go" plan. In other words, assets held in the CPP fund are by themselves insufficient to pay for all future benefits accrued to date but sufficient to prevent contributions from rising any further. While a sustainable path for this particular plan, given the indefinite existence of a government, it is not typical of other public or private sector pension plans. A study published in April 2007 by the CPP's chief actuary showed that this type of funding method is "robust and appropriate" given reasonable assumptions about future conditions.[11] The enhancement to the CPP will be fully funded, such that each generation will contribute and pay for the benefits they receive. Contributions made to the enhancement will be directed into a separate account. The chief actuary submits a report to Parliament every three years on the financial status of the plan. Future reports will report on both the base and enhanced components of the Plan. Assets[edit] As noted in the 27th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan, if one uses the 'closed group approach', the Canada Pension Plan has an enormous unfunded liability. As at December 31, 2015, the unfunded liability was $884 billion, which is the difference between CPP's liabilities of $1.169 trillion and the CPP's assets of $285 billion.[12] Unfunded liability[edit] The unfunded liability is increasing at a rate of about $25 billion per year. The unfunded liabilities reported in the last few Actuarial Reports are: Actuarial Report Unfunded Liability 1997 17th $428 billion 2000 18th $443 billion[13] 2003 21st $516 billion 2006 23rd $620 billion Using the 'open group approach' ("one that includes all current and future participants of a plan, where the plan is considered to be ongoing into the future, that is, over an extended time horizon") the plan is reported to have assets in excess of $2.5 trillion.[16] This approach uses a different definition of the term "assets". "Assets" are the sum of: (i) the CPP's current assets and (ii) the present value of future contributions for the next 150 years, totalling $2.544 trillion.[16] Unlike most pension plans, the unfunded liability is not reported on the balance sheet of the Canada Pension Plan's financial statements.[17] Consequently, the balance sheet reports that the CPP's assets exceed its liabilities by $269 billion as at March 31, 2015. Fluctuations in the projected CPP contributions[edit] The projections in the actuarial reports fluctuate over time. For example, as at Dec 31, 1997 the projected contributions for the year 2040 were $170 billion.[18] However, in the Dec 31, 2015 actuarial report the projected contributions for the year 2040 were only $117 billion.[19] The projected CPP contributions for 2040 were: per 1997 Actuarial Report - $170 billion [18] per 2003 Actuarial Report - $136 billion Similar reductions were reported for all other forecast years. Fluctuations in the projected return on investments[edit] The projected return on investment on CPP assets has decreased over time. The projected long-term returns were: per 2000 Actuarial Report - 7.15% [24] CPP Investment Board[edit] Main article: CPP Investment Board Under the direction of then Finance Minister Paul Martin, the CPP Investment Board (CPPIB) was created in 1997 as an organization independent of the government to monitor and invest the funds held by the CPP. In turn, the CPP Investment Board created the CPP Reserve Fund. The CPP Investment Board is a crown corporation created by an Act of Parliament. It reports quarterly on its performance, has a professional management team to oversee the operation of various aspects of the CPP reserve fund and also to plan changes in direction, and a board of directors that is accountable to but independent from the federal government. The board reports annually to Parliament through the federal Minister of Finance.[29] Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)[edit] Quebec is the only province in Canada that opted out of the CPP. The Quebec Pension Plan, or QPP, (French: RΓ©gie des rentes du QuΓ©bec; RRQ) is the province of Quebec's own version of the Canada Pension Plan and is managed by the Caisse de dΓ©pΓ΄t et placement du QuΓ©bec. Almost mirroring the CPP exactly, the QPP is a contributory earnings-related pension plan that pays benefits in the event of the earner becoming disabled, retiring, or dying. Both Quebec and the federal government tax benefits paid from the QPP. Increase in Contribution Rate[edit] The contribution rate was 9.9% prior to 2012. In accordance with the 2011-12 Budget of the Government of Quebec, the contribution rates were increased by 0.15% per year for six years from 2012 to 2017. Consequently, the contribution rate increased to 10.8% for 2017 and subsequent years.[30][31][32] Fiscal imbalance in Australia Pensions in Canada ^ "Canada's Retirement Income System". Archived from the original on 2009-06-09. ^ "CPP Fund Totals $328.2 Billion at Second Quarter Fiscal 2018". businessinsider.com. November 10, 2017. Retrieved November 10, 2017. ^ Thompson, Jennifer (May 18, 2017). "Canada Pension Plan triples returns on global markets rally". ft.com. ^ Finance, Government of Canada, Department of. "Backgrounder: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Enhancement". www.fin.gc.ca. Retrieved 2017-12-19. ^ Service Canada. Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension (booklet - March 2014), ISPB-147-03-14E. ^ a b "Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan". Osfi-bsif.gc.ca. p. 28. Retrieved 18 January 2019. ^ Please select all that apply:. "Canada Pension Plan - Eligibility - Canada.ca". Servicecanada.gc.ca. Retrieved 2019-01-18. ^ Service Canada. Canada Pension Plan Retirement Pension (booklet - March 2014), ISPB-147-03-14E ^ "18th Actuarial Report on the CPP" (PDF). Osfi-bsif.gc.ca. p. 51. Retrieved 18 January 2019. ^ a b c d e McFarland, Janet; McGugan, Ian (5 January 2017). "A new premium on retirement". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 6 March 2017. ^ "Optimal Funding of the Canada Pension Plan: Actuarial Study" (PDF). Osfi-bsif.gc.ca. Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada. p. 7. Retrieved 18 January 2019. ^ a b "27th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan" (PDF). Osfi-bsif.gc.ca. p. 48 (bottom footnote). Retrieved 18 January 2019. ^ Page 113 of the 18th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/Eng/Docs/CPP1801.pdf ^ Page 73 of the 26th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan http://osfi-bsif.gc.ca/eng/docs/cpp25.pdf ^ Page 48 (bottom footnote) of the 26th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/Eng/Docs/cpp26.pdf ^ a b Page 48 of the 27th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/Eng/Docs/cpp27.pdf ^ Page 6.61 of volume 1 of the 2015 Public Accounts of the Government of Canada - http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/recgen/cpc-pac/2015/pdf/2015-vol1-eng.pdf ^ a b "Actuarial Report" (PDF). Osfi-bsif.gc.ca. p. 13. Retrieved 18 January 2019. ^ a b c "27th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan" (PDF). Government of Canada. p. 31. Retrieved 20 October 2016. ^ See page 35 http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/bsif-osfi/IN3-16-1-2000-eng.pdf ^ See page 23 http://www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca/eng/docs/cpp23.pdf ^ See page 26 http://osfi-bsif.gc.ca/eng/docs/cpp25.pdf ^ "18th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan" (PDF). Government of Canada. p. 35. Retrieved 20 October 2016. ^ "21st Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan" (PDF). Government of Canada. p. 32. Retrieved 20 October 2016. ^ "Canada Pension Plan mulls Yahoo buy, report says - Business - CBC News". Cbc.ca. 2011-10-20. Retrieved 2014-06-04. ^ See page 16 - "Meeting the Expectations of Quebers of Every Generation" http://www.budget.finances.gouv.qc.ca/budget/2011-2012/en/documents/retirement.pdf ^ Government of Quebec http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca/en/employeur/role_rrq/Pages/cotisations.aspx ^ "The QuΓ©bec Pension Plan". Province of Quebec. Retrieved 27 August 2017. Canada Pension Plan Act CPP and payroll calculations CPP Investment Board website CPP website 21st Actuarial Report (as at December 31, 2003) 23rd Actuarial Report (as at December 31, 2006) 25th Actuarial Report (as at December 31, 2009) The RΓ©gie des rentes website Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Canada_Pension_Plan&oldid=896525313" Retirement in Canada 1966 establishments in Canada Public pension funds in Canada Social security in Canada Articles containing French-language text
Australia beats China, works toward delaying Team USA rematch until gold-medal game By Dan FeldmanAug 12, 2016, 3:07 PM EDT AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall Andrew Bogut didn't play. Patty Mills lost his spot as the Rio Olympics' leading scorer. And Australia cruised to a 93-68 win over China in men's basketball group play Friday. Australia (3-1) is now another step closer to second place in Group A, which could mean avoiding a rematch with Team USA until the gold-medal game. Barring an upset – Australia to Venezuela on Sunday, Team USA to Serbia today or France on Sunday – the Americans and Australians will land on opposite sides of the bracket. With no medals in its history, Australia is clearly aiming for more than a few feel-good games. Hence, resting Bogut. Cameron Bairstow (17 points and nine rebounds) and Aron Baynes (12 points and four rebounds) stepped up in the center's absence, as Mills (five points) played but also handled a reduced workload. Yi Jianlian matched Mills for the Rio individual points lead. Displaying the skills that once tricked scouts into believing he had lottery talent, Jianlian (20 points, nine rebounds, two assists and two blocks) played a dazzling all-around game. But China (0-4) needs a miracle set of outcomes, including beating Serbia on Sunday, to advance from the group stage.
When a Function() is called after it has been decorated, we get completely different behavior; the my_decorator.call() method is called instead of the original code. That's because the act of decoration replaces the original function object with the result of the decoration. classes we use as decorators must implement __call__. Decorator With Argument: The decorator mechanism behaves quite differently when you pass arguments to the decorator. Now the process of decoration calls the constructor and then immediately invokes __call__(), which can only take a single argument (the function object) and must return the decorated function. The return value of the decorator function must be a function used to wrap the function to be decorated. That is, Python will take the returned function and call it at decoration time, passing the function to be decorated. That's why we have three levels of functions; the inner one is the actual replacement function. Because of closures, wrapped_f() has access to the decorator arguments arg1, arg2 and arg3, without having to explicitly store them as in the class version. However, this is a case where I find "explicit is better than implicit," so even though the function version is more succinct I find the class version easier to understand and thus to modify and maintain.
Books on poverty and inequality Studies in Inequality Book Series - Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality Image Source. What causes poverty? And what can be done about it? Social scientists, researchers and even novelists fiction have tackled the subject, but poverty, as we all know is a world-wide ages-old problem that is extensive and complex. So what is one to do? How can this brightest of all generations begin to tackle this problem? Many of the 50 books that follow offer pathways to a solution; other books simply explain the problem in very stark terms, through the lives of the poor. File Name: books on poverty and inequality.zip Are you in the 1%? - Global inequality and extreme poverty First Person Blog In this accessibly written and closely observed new book, causes and circumstances of the problem. A stark look at modern day America. Diagnosis enables us to identify the nature, Teo You Yenn takes the reader beyond the statistics and inequalify the everyday lives of the less fortunate in Singapore! It is about how acknowledging poverty and inequality leads to uncomfortable revelations about our society and ourselves. It is an inspirational model of how an academic scholar can address a popular audience through a deep reflection on her position as a Sociologist, inviting readers to embark on parallel learning journeys commencing in the often overlooked experiences of people who inhabit other social worlds. She saved her tips in the glove compartment. Table of contents. Michael 89 books 39 friends. To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn't find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search. Discover new books on Goodreads. the fray sheet music book State of the Nation covers a diversity of perspectives that highlight the interrelationship and intersectionality between structural, economic, cultural and psychosocial dimensions of the South African social experience. Specifically, the authors analyse the complexity of poverty and inequality beyond an over-determination of the economic and the wealth index in South Africa. Inequality results in deeply entrenched social and economic exclusions that inhibit sustainable human development and self-actualisation. It goes beyond food crises, health care access, infrastructure development and availability of resources, and affects the heart of political conflicts, climate change, the inequitable treatment of capital and workers, and indeed human relations. The combination of inequality with structural poverty, severe unemployment and slow economic recovery sets challenges throughout society, from political leadership to communities and families. Grassroots organizations are profiled as potential models and at the end of each chapter A Way to Help lists nonprofit organizations that focus on problems such as child labor and lack of access to healthcare, and photos from Oxfam's fight against poverty. Imequality Darling has a chance to escape: she has an aunt in America. Would she and her children be better off if she had waited to have them and had married their father first. First Person Blog Voices, among other issues, who had been an engineering officer in the British Foreign Service as late as the s. Not least the casual racism of my own grandfather. Many of us at Oxfam eat books up like we do candy from the communal office candy jar. So when a few of us started comparing notes on what books were on our list for , we had an idea. What if we came together to share some of our favorite books with each otherβ€”and with you. The only catch? All of the books below with descriptions provided by their publishers come recommended by at least one Oxfam staff member and in some cases, many staff members! This novel, T. Their enemies include government agencies and homeless organizations as well as iequality crack addicts and marauding gangs. Many of us at Oxfam eat books up like we do candy from the communal office candy jar. Image Source What causes poverty. When Helping Hurts articulates a biblically based framework concerning the root causes of poverty and its alleviation. In this accessibly written and closely observed new book, Inequapity You Yenn enters the hidden abode of inequality. With courage, Teo You Yenn takes the reader beyond the statistics and into the everyday lives of the less fortunate in Singapore. See what other readers think about the book on Goodreads. Heroic efforts to expose these crimes eventually led to the first great human rights movement of the twentieth century, but somehow I fell out of the habit. They represent an enormous opportunity for companies who learn how to serve them. Brian Alexander. Several years ago, in which everyone from Mark Twain to the Archbishop of Canterbury participated. Making Ends Meet offers evidence toward a different conclusion: In the present labor market, unskilled single mothers who hold jobs are frequently worse off than those on welfare, and now capped by booos sociopathic president whose malignant narcissism could be the end of us all! His dream is the total eradication of poverty from the world. Sachs, an econo. We in America are in the hands of a plutocra. 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The new Daniel Odobur Airport Terminal near Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. It opened January 12, 2012. Now passengers don't have to negotiate stairs to get in and out of planes. The Guanacaste Costa Rica international airport that is 12 kilometers west of the city of Liberia has the airport code of LIR. This code is helpful for finding flights that travel to this airport, including American Airlines, Delta and U. S. Airways. This airport has the longest airstrip in all of Costa Rica. Sometimes you will see large cargo planes landing on the runway. There are AWACS planes that are stationed here and huge military planes land there on occasion. The airport, also known as Daniel Oduber International Airport, is named after Daniel Oduber Quiros who was president of Costa Rica from 1974-1978. The new modern facility was built to both modernize the facility and accept the increasing number of international flights to this region. The beaches on the Pacific Ocean are a main attraction, but there are volcanoes that are close by as well. Location of the airport. The airport is 15 minutes away from the city of Liberia and 30 minutes from Playa Coco. It is one of the two entry and exit points for international flights in Costa Rica, the other being in Alejuela - San Jose is 220 kilometers southwest. The airport code for the San Jose location is SJO. It doesn't cost anything to get into the country, but there is a departure tax that needs to be paid before you leave the country. You pay it ($26.00) at the airport before you get to the counter and check in your luggage. They don't take colones, but they will take credit cards. The red marker marks the location of the Daniel Oduber International Airport, west of Liberia. Transportation to and from the airport. If you want to leave the airport on the cheap, you can take a bus. Public buses to and from Liberia and to Tamarindo and Playa Hermosa stop in front of the terminal every 30 minutes to an hour. Most of the passengers in the bus are Ticos who work at the airport and live in the outlying areas. When you leave the airport, you will be solicited by taxi drivers. The taxis can charge as much as 15-20,000 mil in colones, depending on your ability to negotiate. Prearranged shuttles from hotels are frequently used. There are several car rental agencies around the airport, including some of the well-known international companies like Hertz, National,Thrifty and Budget. They have shuttles to the agencies like they do in other countries. The time is usually the same time set for Central Standard Time in the United States. There is no daylight savings time here, as the sun more or less rises at 5:30 AM and sunset occurs at 5:30 PM. When it is Daylight Savings Time in the U. S., the time in Costa Rica is the same time as Mountain Daylight Savings Time. Also as a cultural note, Costa Ricans have a different sense of time. This is a polite way of saying that they usually arrive late to whatever appointments they may have. There are exceptions, however. So, maybe you may make your travel arrangements to that your ground transportation gets there a little sooner to reduce that concern. Randy, What a helpful, practical, useful introduction to the Guanacaste airport at Liberia, Costa Rica! It's interesting how you explain airport codes, taxes and transportation. In particular, readers will appreciate the caution about pirate taxi cab drivers.
U.S. inflation rate in 1864: 24.60% Purchasing power decreased by 24.60% in 1864 compared to 1863. On average, you would have to spend 24.60% more money in 1864 than in 1863 for the same item. The 1863 inflation rate was 24.75%. The inflation rate in 1864 was 24.60%. The 1864 inflation rate is higher compared to the average inflation rate of 1.81% per year between 1864 and 2020. Inflation rate is calculated by change in the consumer price index (CPI). The CPI in 1864 was 15.70. It was 12.60 in the previous year, 1863. The difference in CPI between the years is used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to officially determine inflation. Inflation by Country Average inflation rate 24.60% Price difference ($1 base) $0.25 CPI in 1863 12.600 Inflation can also vary widely by country. For comparison, in the UK Β£1.00 in 1863 would be equivalent to Β£0.99 in 1864, an absolute change of Β£-0.01 and a cumulative change of -1.11%. Compare these numbers to the US's overall absolute change of $0.25 and total percent change of 24.60%. Compare these values to the overall average of 24.60% per year: Then plug in historical CPI values. The U.S. CPI was 12.6 in the year 1863 and 15.7 in 1864: 15.7 - 12.612.6 News headlines from 1863 Politics and news often influence economic performance. Here's what was happening at the time: Slavery ends in the Unites States, after President Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, setting all slaves free. BahΓ‘'u'llΓ‘h, founder of the BahΓ‘'Γ­ Faith, enters gardens of Rivden and makes the declaration of aha'u'llah during the short time he spent there The Union wins a major victory in the Battle of Gettysburg, the largest of the Civil War.
Home World CEO of Crew Clothing CEO Resigns CEO of Crew Clothing CEO Resigns By Karen Roe [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons Crew, a British lifestyle clothing brand, has been sold by Livingbridge, its founder and private equity firm to Exquisite Apparel. However, Crew will be advancing under a new image, as the chief executive who was brought in by Livingbridge in order to develop the brand, Louise Barnes, has resigned following the sale. Barnes attempted to lead a management buyout. However, it was outbid by Exquisite. Livingbridge credited Barnes "and her management team" in a statement with "successfully sharpening the brand positioning, updating the product range, and overhauling the retail and e-commerce channels." The company refused to comment on the departure of Barnes. However, a spokesperson stated: "Crew is a high-quality asset, and there were several attractive offers made for the business." In a statement, Bevan Duncan stated: "We have really enjoyed working with Crew and look forward to seeing the next stage in its growth story. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Louise Barnes and her team for their dedication to Crew and the work she has led in reinvigorating and strengthening the brand." In 2006, Livingbridge invested in Crew. The company's annual revenues are now almost Β£60m. Last year, the brand generated earnings before deductions amounting to Β£2.7m, and in October, like-for-like sales grew seven percent. Crew was established in 1993 by Alastair Parker-Swift near a windsurfing school in Salcombe, Devon. It currently has over 80 stores. Parker-Swift will proceed to work with the business under its new ownership. Not much is known regarding the mysterious Exquisite Apparel, which has little online presence. According to Retail Week, a trade publication, the company is fronted by Michael Shina, and it produces branded clothing including Tommy Hilfiger under licence for Walmart. Exquisite Apparel Livingbridge Louise Barnes Previous articleNikkei: Apple is Planning to Launch a 6.3-inch iPhone Next articleDomino's: Young People Base Their Ideas of Leadership on The Devil Wears Prada and The Apprentice End Brexit squabbles and pin down transitional offer, IoD advises ministers The Guardian - August 4, 2017 A number of UK banks stop offering Qatar riyals as diplomatic crisis installs Volkswagen to Cut Size of Dealer Network, Launch Online Sales Merck Shares Plunged as it Reports 3rd Quarter Loss Gregory Dy - October 27, 2017 Honda Employees Calls To Keep Swindon Factory Gregory Dy - March 1, 2019 Domino's Proposes for Leadership Training to be Included to National Curriculum Amid Concerns of...
Evocative and earthy, Southern urban folk-rock artist Lauren Fincham echoes the ages yet sounds like no other. She's shared the stage with John Mayer, Gamble Rogers, and Toad The Wet Sprocket, and been featured on independent stations across the US and abroad. Lauren's played on numerous compilations, benefit concerts, and commercial spots, was the Jacksonville Super Bowl performer for Westwood One, a Folk Alliance OASIS featured artist, and a TEDx musical guest. These days, you can find her in venues like the Cummer Museum and Riverside Arts Market. Her rich and varied four-album discography spans nearly two decades of collaboration, friendship, long walks with Anya, and visual artistry. She's still looking for that ever-elusive perfect cup of coffee, and pondering far-off places. "... a bluesy, atmospheric sound rooted in folk" "Your rendition is clearly different and most unique of all the other covers of the song." ~ Stan Vincent on L's cover of "Ooh Child" "She weaves alternative rock with poetic acoustic ballads with natural conviction/confidence."
I recently upgraded to iTunes 12.4 on my work laptop (Windows 10) and noticed some weird behavior with some playlists and songs. As you can see in the screenshot below some of the tracks are grayed out, but I can't figure out what it means. If I double click on them they play fine, but the grayed out tracks are skipped when transitioning to the next song. For example, double clicking on Adventure of a Lifetime will play it, but once it ends, the next track that plays is Good for You. I initially thought the difference was because my iCloud Music Library has a combination of purchased, iTunes Match and Apple Music tracks. However, after looking at the Get Info pop up I found the grayed out tracks were all Apple Music sourced (Off to the Races, Everglow), but there were also Apple Music tracks that weren't grayed out (Hello, Paper Planes). There is also a mix of Loved and Not Loved tracks. I tried downloading from iCloud for some of the tracks, but that didn't seem to help. At quick glance it is only happening to this playlist, but if I go to the Artist view and look up Coldplay or Lana Del Rey the albums with the grayed out tracks are also grayed out. I did some searching online and was able to fix it by right clicking on the songs and choosing the "Check Selection". Not sure what this feature is for, but it causes the tracks to not be included in continuous track playing. I have been very interested in the ongoing discussion about the iPad-only lifestyle on all my favorite podcasts. It has made me think a lot about how I use my iPad and more importantly how I could be using my iPad for more tasks. A few weeks ago I bought a 9.7" iPad Pro with the intention of taking my iOS game to the next level. It has been an interesting experiment and has required me to rethink my usual workflow at both home and work. The first thing to go was going to be my "Daily Dev Diary". For the last few years I have been printing out a sheet of paper each day for keeping me on task and for keeping track of little things that happen during the day. Each morning I take my notes from the previous day, update the source document and then create the next day. The document has four sections to cover things I want to do over the long term, things I did yesterday, things I have to do today and random notes. Migrating this process to include the iPad, was pretty easy once I settled on using Good Notes 4 as the primary note for note taking. I start by editing the master markdown document on my laptop and print the current day out to a PDF using Google Chrome. The PDF resides in OneDrive, which I use for all of my work file needs. I open up Good Notes 4 and import the document using the OneDrive integration. Once in the app I am able to use my Apple Pencil to markup the document as I had before. At the end of the day I export the document back to the OneDrive folder and voila it is ready for the next day. It was weird at first walking around with the iPad, but eventually it became natural and I don't think I could go back to using the paper. One of my extracurricular activities involves being the secretary for the local youth baseball league, Merrimac Baseball. Due to my recent success with my dev diary, I thought it would be a piece of cake. I immediately ran into a problem with the first step in the process, duplicating an existing iCloud Drive document. I normally take the previous meeting minutes markdown file and make a copy, but there didn't seem to be an easy way to do this in iOS. I opened up the iCloud Drive app, but it only provided me with a limited set of options. My markdown editor of choice, Byword recently added support for editing iCloud Drive documents, but I couldn't figure out how to "Save As" or "Duplicate" the files. In the end I turned to Workflow for iOS and created a custom workflow that would let me select an iCloud Drive file and save it somewhere else. It took a few tries to get it right, but now I have it there to use whenever I need to copy a file. Once I duplicated the file it was all downhill from there, because I just used GoodNotes for my note taking. After the meeting I had to transcribe my notes back into a markdown file, which I did using the new split screen feature in iOS 9. Byword had some problems displaying the full keyboard in split screen mode so that wasn't great, but I did eventually figure it out. Finally after exporting the PDF to iCloud Drive I had to upload it to the baseball website. At first I wasn't sure if it was possible, but once I clicked on the file chooser button on the web page in Safari, I was presented with my iCloud Drive directories and quickly found the PDF and added it to the site. So far the iPad lifestyle experiment has been successful for me because the device is so portable and I have found my original assumption about it being too much work to do things in iOS was flawed. There are definitely times when I have to put on my thinking cap and figure out the iOS way to do something, but in most cases it involves a simple solution, I will easily be able to apply in the future. I look forward to continuing this trend and expanding the amount of things I can do on this wonderful little device. Last night I published the first episode of my new podcast, Kilobyte. It is a microcast where I will be talking about my thoughts on a wide range of my interests like technology, life as a software developer, the parenting and hopefully some funny anecdotes about my life. Initially I want to post 5–10 minute long episodes a couple times a week. Although I am looking forward to seeing how it evolves over time as I learn my voice and start to get better at audio editing. I have been using Heroku for over a year now and have learned quite a bit along the way. I have a very simple Java web application for my work softball team, TAP Softball. It uses a Postgres database and contains basic information like the teams, schedule and standings. The database connection is configured using Spring and Hibernate, with the database URL and credentials hard coded right into the Spring context file. Using Eclipse and the Tomcat plugin I can deploy the web application locally to test changes prior to deploying to the server. I also have a local database I use for testing database changes before pushing to the live database. In the Spring context file I have a commented out localhost datasource defined, which I swap in when testing locally. Yesterday, I received an email from Heroku that my database was going to be upgraded with the latest Postgres changes. A few minutes later an email confirmed the upgrade finished successfully. I had seen these messages before and thought nothing of it until this morning when I tried to use the site and got a big fat stack trace. It didn't take long to see the database URL and credentials had changed, which as you probably figured out was problematic since I had them hard coded. I quickly scrambled to fix the issue because I didn't have access to my MacBook. The Dropbox deployment method didn't work so I installed the Heroku Toolbelt and was able to update the database connection information. The site was back online, so I took a breather and then emailed support to find out what was going on. Support promptly responded to my message and explained that if an upgrade doesn't go perfectly the database will move to a different address and reset the credentials. He also said I should be loading my database connection information from the environment variables, so it will start up correctly should the database move again. I did a little searching and found Connecting to Relational Databases on Heroku with Java. After scrolling down I quickly found that I had to add a new Spring bean that would instantiate a Java URI using the DATABASE_URL environment variable. I also had to update my existing dataSource bean to get the host, port, path, username and password from the URI bean. I pushed the change up to Heroku and it worked. My next challenge was to get my development environment working again, because now Tomcat was getting a null pointer exception when trying to generate the URI bean. After some trial and error I figured out that I needed to modify the run configuration for the Tomcat server in Eclipse to have a new entry in the Environment tab for the DATABASE_URL. The value to use came from my app's database page on the Heroku site, in the last item called URL. Making this change and starting the server loaded the homepage, but when I attempted to load a page that used the database I received an error about SSL. I remembered having problems connecting to the database originally, and to fix it I added ?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory to the end of the path. Unfortunately just sticking that onto the end of my Run Configuration's environment variable didn't work. I also had to add + '?' + @dbUrl.getQuery() to the end of the url property in my datasource bean. In the URI the part after the question mark is called the query and by appending it to the end of the path it fixed my issue. I pushed the change up to the server and it still worked fine. The best part is now I can easily create separate run configurations for the remote and local databases rather than randomly updating one of my Spring configuration files.
Council For Responsible Genetics Blog | DNA pioneer James Watson takes aim at "cancer establishments" A day after an exhaustive national report on cancer found the United States is making only slow progress against the disease, one of the country's most iconic - and iconoclastic - scientists weighed in on "the war against cancer." And he does not like what he sees. James Watson, co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, lit into targets large and small. On government officials who oversee cancer research, he wrote in a paper published on Tuesday in the journal Open Biology, "We now have no general of influence, much less power ... leading our country's War on Cancer." On the $100 million U.S. project to determine the DNA changes that drive nine forms of cancer: It is "not likely to produce the truly breakthrough drugs that we now so desperately need," Watson argued. On the idea that antioxidants such as those in colorful berries fight cancer: "The time has come to seriously ask whether antioxidant use much more likely causes than prevents cancer." That Watson's impassioned plea came on the heels of the annual cancer report was coincidental. He worked on the paper for months, and it represents the culmination of decades of thinking about the subject. Watson, 84, taught a course on cancer at Harvard University in 1959, three years before he shared the Nobel Prize in medicine for his role in discovering the double helix, which opened the door to understanding the role of genetics in disease. Other cancer luminaries gave Watson's paper mixed reviews. "There are a lot of interesting ideas in it, some of them sustainable by existing evidence, others that simply conflict with well-documented findings," said one eminent cancer biologist who asked not to be identified so as not to offend Watson. "As is often the case, he's stirring the pot, most likely in a very productive way." There is wide agreement, however, that current approaches are not yielding the progress they promised. Much of the decline in cancer mortality in the United States, for instance, reflects the fact that fewer people are smoking, not the benefits of clever new therapies. "The great hope of the modern targeted approach was that with DNA sequencing we would be able to find what specific genes, when mutated, caused each cancer," said molecular biologist Mark Ptashne of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. The next step was to design a drug to block the runaway proliferation the mutation caused. But almost none of the resulting treatments cures cancer. "These new therapies work for just a few months," Watson told Reuters in a rare interview. "And we have nothing for major cancers such as the lung, colon and breast that have become metastatic." The main reason drugs that target genetic glitches are not cures is that cancer cells have a work-around. If one biochemical pathway to growth and proliferation is blocked by a drug such as AstraZeneca's Iressa or Genentech's Tarceva for non-small-cell lung cancer, said cancer biologist Robert Weinberg of MIT, the cancer cells activate a different, equally effective pathway. "Everyone thought antioxidants were great," he said. "But I'm saying they can prevent us from killing cancer cells." Research backs him up. A number of studies have shown that taking antioxidants such as vitamin E do not reduce the risk of cancer but can actually increase it, and can even shorten life. But drugs that block antioxidants - "anti-antioxidants" - might make even existing cancer drugs more effective. Anything that keeps cancer cells full of oxygen radicals "is likely an important component of any effective treatment," said cancer biologist Robert Benezra of Sloan-Kettering. Watson's anti-antioxidant stance includes one historical irony. The first high-profile proponent of eating lots of antioxidants (specifically, vitamin C) was biochemist Linus Pauling, who died in 1994 at age 93. Watson and his lab mate, Francis Crick, famously beat Pauling to the discovery of the double helix in 1953. One elusive but promising target, Watson said, is a protein in cells called Myc. It controls more than 1,000 other molecules inside cells, including many involved in cancer. Studies suggest that turning off Myc causes cancer cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis. "The notion that targeting Myc will cure cancer has been around for a long time," said cancer biologist Hans-Guido Wendel of Sloan-Kettering. "Blocking production of Myc is an interesting line of investigation. I think there's promise in that." Targeting Myc, however, has been a backwater of drug development. "Personalized medicine" that targets a patient's specific cancer-causing mutation attracts the lion's share of research dollars. "The biggest obstacle" to a true war against cancer, Watson wrote, may be "the inherently conservative nature of today's cancer research establishments." As long as that's so, "curing cancer will always be 10 or 20 years away."
Zack Kushner Terry Gilliam's Time Bandits had a rather significant effect on Zack Kushner as a child. Since then, he has devoured, written about, and made films. Most recently, those efforts have centered around the San Francisco Bay Area cinema blog Stand By For Mind Control, where he writes and edits under the reasonable pseudonym, The Evil Genius. Zack, in his non-spare time, also operates a professional writing and content strategy company. His science fiction story, The Limits of Attraction, appeared in Crony Magazine's inaugural issue. On a more personal level, Zack once hitchhiked down the Vegas strip wearing nothing but shoes, a hat, and a barrel with straps. There are photographs. Another time, he started to chase a 20β€² python through the jungles of Malaysia, then decided he'd rather not. That's called waffling. He worked on feature films assisting famous people who turned out to be quite personable. He's spent years working in film development and production and continues to write material for the screen. He has a degree in Film and Theater that he forgot to list on his resume for two years. No one noticed. Sean McPharlin Nicole Lyka Hannu Blommila Hannu is a Finnish Music Journalist by profession. He has been writing about SF & F and doing interviews for TΓ€htivaeltaja magazine since the late 90s. He also writes fiction, both in english and finnish. Hannu "Hauta" Blommila (s. 13. elokuuta 1957) on suomalainen radiotoimittaja. HΓ€n on toimittanut Yleisradiossa Kauriin kÀÀntΓΆpiiriΓ€, Mustafan basaaria, ProgeyΓΆtΓ€ ja Rockradiota. Blommila […] Monique Jacob Monique Jacob has been writing stories and songs since her first tortured-teen ramblings and she's never managed to outgrow the habit. She stares at the walls an awful lot and has yet to convince anyone that this is when she's working the hardest. Born in Germany, Monique has moved 29 times to 9 cities and […] Anime roundup 4/18/2019: The Rearguard TIME MACHINE: 12/1/19 7 climate change projects that are changing the game Friday Fanzine – Journey Planet 17
Intramural Sports Goes Virtual to Connect Colgate's Competitive Gamers Hunter Firment, Maroon-News Staff In an effort to continue athletic programming after the community was sent home, the Colgate Recreation Department will offer esports in place of traditional intramurals. Those typically working behind the scenes of Colgate's Recreational Programs as well as the Colgate Esports Club were quick to respond to the cancellation of the remainder of the semester with a plan for digital continuity. Assistant Director of Recreational Programs Carlos (C.J.) Molina announced in an email March 24 that Colgate Intramural (IM) would follow in line with courses, transitioning to an online format as a substitute to the traditional competitions held on campus. Esports, or gaming, will be the replacement and a list of several video games will be offered including FIFA 20, NBA2K20, Mario Kart, League of Legends, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Super Smash Bros. and more. Competition style will range from tournaments to leagues and interested students must register before midnight on March 27. Before setting the lineup of games, Molina allowed students to vote on their favorites to gauge interest and participation levels. Molina said he felt lucky to live in an age where esports gaming is so popular among students already. From popular gaming icons like Ninja, to professional athletes like Ben Simmons and Josh Hart taking part in esports during their NBA hiatus, gaming is at the forefront of quarantine life for many seeking competition. It has been gaining traction for some time now, too. Kids across the globe have bought into the craze; some even treat professional gamers like NFL or NBA stars. Professional gaming tournaments are held in huge stadiums and attract millions of viewers. For example, the 2016 League of Legends World Championship had a virtual audience of 43 million viewers, according to the World Economic Forum. While everyone is cooped up in their house, professional gaming can go on while professional sports stay sidelined. Matches in various games between professional gamers are streamed around the clock and around the world. In a time of such uncertainty, gaming has remained a rare constant. senior Charlie Huemmler and the Colgate Esports Club helped Molina ensure the competitions would run smoothly and that they would be structured like professional esports tournaments and leagues. Huemmler said he was ecstatic about the idea of IM esports and acknowledged the growth of esports at Colgate. "[Our] biggest goal currently is to secure space on campus for us to put computers in for practice and matches," Huemmler said. He said he hopes that with dedicated space for the club, they will be able to explore new options. Huemmler said he thinks that IM sports could be used as a tool for attracting players to collegiate esports teams. His vision is that other schools in the area will follow suit and create a fun and competitive gaming environment on a higher level. Huemmler was surprised to see the turnout for IM esports and believes that there could be a great future for esports at Colgate as our school becomes a "forerunner" for collegiate gaming in the area. Molina said esports can serve as a comforting space for individuals who may be struggling with the strange nature of life during the Coronavirus pandemic. "Anyone can play from the comfort of their home, and especially during these times of social distancing, it can facilitate staying in touch with friends, teammates, classmates or colleagues. Hopefully [it can] be something of a 'get away'," Molina said. Sophomore football player Mike Bevino was especially grateful for the return to structure and competition that IM esports will provide. "I think it's definitely a really good idea for the purpose of keeping everyone busy and getting some sort of normalcy back into our routines. Plus it allows everyone to just blow off some steam and have fun while also instilling a bit of competition into it," Bevino said. Molina said he is happy to offer Colgate students an opportunity to enjoy the experience of gaming for sport and to reconnect with classmates from a distance. He said that the Recreational Program may have more events and ideas in store; the creativity is just beginning for the future of intramural esports at Colgate. "We will give it our best shot [this semester]. Hopefully, [we will] have new things to use in the future," Molina said. Hunter Firment, Assistant Sports Editor Hunter Firment is a senior from West Chester, PA concentrating in English with an emphasis in creative writing and minoring in sociology. He previously... Volleyball Wraps Up Historic Season Men's Basketball Beats Syracuse in the Carrier Dome Women's Hockey Wins Smashville Showcase A Promising Loss: Colgate Women's Volleyball Challenges UNLV Sophia Manners Shines Against Syracuse Nemo Neubauerova Competes at Hockey World Championships Colgate Community Cheers on Women's Soccer Team in Win over Fordham Women's Soccer Season in Review Women's Tennis Ready for Patriot League Championship Looking Back at Colgate Volleyball's Record Season
2017 Bigby et al, Delivering decision support AJSI .pdf (120.32 kB) Delivering decision making support to people with cognitive disability - what has been learned from pilot programs in Australia from 2010 to 2015 posted on 05.11.2020, 03:17 by Terry Carney, Shih-Ning Then, Ilan Wiesel, Christine BigbyChristine Bigby, Jacinta DouglasJacinta Douglas, Elizabeth SmithElizabeth Smith Β© 2017 The Authors. Australian Journal of Social Issues published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Australian Social Policy Association. : The UNCRPD has generated debate about supported decision making as a way to better enable people with cognitive disability to participate in decision making. In Australia, between 2010-2015, a series of projects have piloted various models of delivering decision making support. A critical review was conducted on the program documents and evaluations of these pilot projects. The pilots were small scale, conducted by both statutory and non-statutory bodies, and adopted similar designs centred on supporting a decision maker/supporter dyad. Primarily, participants were people with mild intellectual disability. Themes included: positive outcomes; uncertain boundaries of decision support; difficulty securing supporters; positive value of program staff and support to supporters; limited experience and low expectations; and varying value of written resources. The lack of depth and rigour of evaluations mean firm conclusions cannot be reached about program logics, costs or outcomes of the pilots. The pilots demonstrate feasibility of providing support for decision making rather than resolving issues involved in delivering support. They suggest that some form of authority may facilitate the role of decision supporters, help to engage others in a person's life, and integrate decision making support across all life domains. Australian Journal of Social Issues https://doi.org/10.1002/ajs4.19 Social SciencesSocial Issuesacquired brain injurycognitive disabilitydecision makingintellectual disabilitysupported decision makingEXPERIENCESTBIGeneral Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
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Don't forget that we also give a $50 visa gift card as appreciation for anyone that refers someone to us that we lease. We also have a few very nice properties that requires a 6-12 month lease term but will allow you to give 60 days notice and pay 85% of one months rent to end the lease early, no extra penalties. A good Austin Apt locator can make your search much easier! We find the BEST Apartments in Austin because our Austin Apt Locators are the BEST! There are only a few nice properties that accept short term leases, and we know where they are! Please understand the choice is VERY limited, we have Cedar Park, Round Rock, Northwest Austin & South Austin. Most require 3 months, the Cedar Park requires 2 months, and the South Austin property will actually do a month to month lease! These are all NICE, NEWER properties. Most require good credit and an upcharge. Please call our experience Austin Apt Locators for the fastest help! 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This funding is what the College receives to support students. The funds are split into various categories of support which we have set out below. The funds cover one academic year and must be re-applied for each year. School and academy sixth forms have been required to provide free meals to 16-18 year old students from low income households since 1996. As of September 2014, this requirement was extended to students who are following further education courses across the full range of further education funded institutions, including Carshalton College. Eligible students will be awarded a value of Β£2.41 for each day they have timetabled lessons at College. No cash payments can be made for Free College Meals. *If you live between 2 two homes, we only need information from the person you live with for the majority of the time. Any letter you provide to us should be dated within the last 3 months. If your letter is older than 3 months then please provide a recent bank statement showing a relevant payment going into your account within the last 3 months. Any letter provided must confirm the name and address of the person receiving the benefits. If you are eligible for Free College Meals, please complete the 16-18 Bursary Fund and Free College Meals Application Form. 16-18 Bursary Fund; you only need to submit one application. If you are not eligible for Free College Meals, you may still be eligible for an award from the 16-18 Bursary Fund. Please read on for further information. 16 – 18 Bursary Fund: The 16-18 Bursary Fund aims to help 16 to 18 year olds overcome any financial barriers they may face in order to attend a sixth form or further education college. The Bursary Fund, which has been allocated to Carshalton College by the government, is made up of 2 parts; the Guaranteed Bursary and the Discretionary Bursary. If you are studying a course which lasts less than 30 weeks, or are studying for less than 12 hours per week, then your bursary will be pro-rated and you will receive less than Β£1,200. i.e., young people who are, or have been cared for by the Local Authority. Most Looked After Children have, or will have had a Social Worker. A Letter from your Social Worker, Key Worker or Local Authority. A letter dated within 3 months from Job Centre Plus. This letter needs to confirm your name; address and that you receive Income Support/Universal Credit. If you have a letter older than 3 months please also provide a bank statement which shows a payment going into your account within the last 3 months. We cannot accept a letter older than 3 months without the support of a bank statement. Disabled and in receipt of both Universal Credit (limited capability for work element or limited capability for work related activity element) and Disability Living Allowance or Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment in your own name. A letter(s) dated within 3 months which confirms your name, address and that you are in receipt of both benefits. If you have a letter older than 3 months, please also provide a bank statement which shows a payment of each benefit going into your account within the last 3 months. How are young people in care and care leavers defined? Young people aged 16 and 17 who were previously looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16. A young person who is aged 18 or above who was looked after prior to becoming 18 for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods of 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 18. If you are not eligible for a guaranteed bursary you may still be eligible for a discretionary bursary. Please read on to find out more. The Discretionary Bursary: The College also has money to help students who are notin the groups above but who face genuine financial barriers to attending college. A discretionary bursary is awarded to you based on your specific requirements and cannot be awarded for costs unrelated to your programme of study, for general expenses or used as an attendance incentive. Bursaries are usually awarded to help with meals, travel, trips, materials and/or course costs that are not provided by the College. Are you eligible for a Discretionary Bursary? 5. You are currently of No Fixed Abode. For example; students who are Travellers, living in emergency accommodation, homeless or insecurely housed. Please talk to an adviser in the Student Support Centre about your circumstances. What can the College pay for if you are successful in your application for a 16-18 Bursary Fund? Food – If you are eligible for the Free College Meals scheme, you will be provided with one meal per day when you have timetabled commitments at College. Further details on how this scheme will operate will be made available at the beginning of September. You may also receive help with food costs, outside the Free College Meals scheme if you are eligible for the discretionary bursary. Cash Payment – A weekly amount (minimum of Β£10 which could increase during the year, depending on funds available), based on a minimum of 90% weekly attendance, completion of set course work and targets set by your tutor. It is also based on you displaying satisfactory behaviour during your time at Carshalton College. Course related trips – When you apply for your bursary you may not know which tripsyou want to go on. Unfortunately, it is not possible to guarantee funding for all College trips as the budget is limited and many of our trips are not compulsory. If you are interested in going on a trip then you should speak to Student Services as soon as you are aware of the dates, location and price. We can then see if we have funds available to contribute towards the cost. For trips abroad, we may only pay for the trip deposit and you should expect to meet any costs above this amount yourself. UCAS Fee – If you apply to university through UCAS we may be able to cover the cost ofyour online application. This will be dependent on the budget we have available at the time. Travel – We will not fund travel for students who live within a 2 mile radius of the College unless there are exceptional or medical circumstances which will be considered on a case by case basis. However, if you live over 2 miles away and your journey takes more than one hour, we will consider travel payments to help you get into College on time. To receive support with travel costs you must not be in receipt of local authority support and you must live over 2 miles away from the College site. We use the "as the crow flies" distance on the website below to calculate the distance from Carshalton College to your home address. You may want to check this yourself so you know in advance whether you can apply for exceptional travelpayments http://www.freemaptools.com/distance- between-uk-postcodes.htmCarshalton College postcode is SM5 2EJ. If you are awarded help with travel, we expect you to take advantage of any discounts or subsidies available to you. The award you are given may not cover 100% of your costs. University Interviews and Open Days – If you incur travel costs as a result of attendinga university interview or open day in the UK then we may be able to help you with this expense. This will be dependent on the budget we have available at the time. We would only support a maximum of two visits. You will have to cover the upfront costs yourself then we will refund your transport costs on production of public transport tickets and/or university interview / open day letter. If you chose to travel to an open day / interview by car we will either pay towards petrol costs (40p per mile for the first 100 miles, 25p thereafter) or will base your award on the cost of public transport; whichever is cheapest. Mileage will be calculated using the online AA Mileage Calculator or equivalent. We will not pay for overnight accommodation costs associated with visits to universities. Travel to job/apprenticeship interview – as above. High value equipment – we may be able to help with the cost of high value equipment such as laptops, cameras and tablets if it is necessary and you cannot complete the course without it. This will be dependent on the budget available. The equipment will remain the property of Carshalton College and should be returned once the study programme has been completed so it can be used by another student. To ensure this happens, the equipment will be kept at College unless it has been agreed otherwise. What we don't pay for? General living costs – membership, and social/sporting activities unrelated to your College course(s). Petrol – if you are eligible for support with travel to and from College, your award will bebased on the cheapest and most reasonable form of public transport available to you. We will only contribute towards petrol costs for university/job interview transport costs as described previously. Car parking – If you chose to travel to college by car, we will not contribute towards the cost of parking at the College. If you are in receipt of certain benefits, or are studying at a particular level for the first time, then you may not have to pay fees. To qualify for exemptions you must be able to provide us with evidence at the time of enrolment. All possible fee exemptions are listed below. * If you are 19-23, already have a Level 3 qualification and want to apply for another Level 3 or Level 4 course or are 24+ and thinking about a Level 3 or Level 4 course, you may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan from the government. Other approved technical and professional qualifications at Level 3 which are part of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), e.g. Level 3 BTEC, NVQ Level 3 etc. If you are aged 19 or over, on a fully funded further education course and facing financial hardship, you could get help from the Learner Support Fund 19+. It is there to provide support to vulnerable and disadvantaged learners and to remove barriers to education or training. Are you eligible for the Learner Support Fund 19+? N.B. If you are over 19+ and solely supported by your parents/carers, we would need to see the evidence in their names and in addition, a letter from them stating they are financially supporting you. What can the College pay for if you are successful in your application for Learner Support Fund 19+? How Much Support is Available? Tuition Fees Up to 75% Internal transfer – you will not receive any funds as payments are made to the appropriate curriculum area. Exam Fees Up to 100% Internal transfer – you will not receive any funds as payments are made on your behalf to the awarding body. By BACS payment to the childcare provider. Full amount Internal transfer – you will not receive any funds as payments are made on your behalf to the curriculum area. This award will not cover 100% of your course costs and you should bear this in mind when budgeting for your course. You can apply for assistance with any additional examinations, but this assistance will not be guaranteed, as we aim to provide for as many students as possible and our fund is limited. You can apply for assistance if you live over 2 miles away from the College and there is not an equivalent course nearer to where you live. Travel payments are made termly, dependant on you having 90% overall attendance. You can apply for assistance with a DBS Check if you are on a fully funded course only. Payment is made directly to the appropriate curriculum area via internal transfer. The award for Emergency Accommodation/Domestic Emergencies will be decided on individual circumstances. Students may be expected to contribute towards the cost of their childcare for their timetabled hours. Your chosen childcare provider MUST be Ofsted registered at the time of application. A list of Ofsted registered childcare providers can be obtained from your local council. Any funding awarded will be paid directly to the childcare provider by BACS transfer where possible. Payments will not be made to unauthorised childcare providers. You will be awarded childcare support based on your timetable with an additional 30 minutes at each end of your study day. Carshalton College is unable to assist with registration fees, deposits or additional activities that incur a cost. Carshalton College will pay up to a maximum of Β£7,000 towards childcare costs per full time student per year, regardless of how many children require childcare support. For part time students the maximum award is Β£3,500 regardless of the number of children who require childcare support. This is per academic year. If the child is eligible for Early Years funding, this will be deducted from the amount of childcare funding awarded to the student. If your application for childcare support is received on or after September 2018, your award will only be backdated to the start of the week in which your complete application is received in the Student Support Centre. If you are eligible for childcare assistance from other sources (e.g. Childcare element of tax credits, childcare vouchers etc.) you will be expected to access this first, before applying for support from Carshalton College. By submitting this application for childcare support, you agree that Carshalton College is able to share information about this application with the childcare provider. Your childcare provider MUST complete and sign an additional form confirming the hourly rates, days and times the child(ren) will be in their care and agree to the terms and conditions of the 20+ childcare funding. This form is available from the Student Support Centre. PLEASE NOTE: Awards are based on the information given to Carshalton College by the childcare provider. Changes in rates due to annual rises are not covered. In addition we will only support one change of childcare provider during an academic year. If you decide to move your child (ren) more than once, we will not be able to continue your support. To receive the full award your attendance must be above 90% overall. If it drops below 90%, your funding may be withdrawn and you will be responsible for any outstanding fees. If you withdraw from the course we are funding you for, the College will take no responsibility for payment of outstanding fees to childcare providers. This is available if you are: Aged 19-23 and already have a Level 3 qualification or aged 24 or over and thinking about a Level 3 or Level 4 course. Learners who have an Advanced Learner Loan can be supported through the Advanced Learner Loan Bursary with childcare, transport costs and necessary adjustments under the Equality Act 2010. You will need a copy of an approved Advanced Learner Loan agreement before you apply. Are you eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan Bursary? A Copy of an approved Advanced Learning Loan Agreement. If you are eligible, when and how should you apply? If you are eligible for any of the funds or bursaries described in the previous pages, please pick up one of the forms below from the Student Support Centre. Complete the forms carefully, making sure you complete all of the sections. You also need to make sure you provide us with photocopies of the evidence we have asked for. Please do not send originals as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to return these to you. If you are sending your application and evidence by post you may want to get a free Proof of Posting Certificate or send by recorded delivery. Carshalton College cannot accept responsibility for postal applications not received. The deadline for applications is Friday 1st December 2018 but if you find yourself infinancial hardship after this date it is important that you still contact Student Services. We will then look to see if we have any further funds available to help you. If there are still funds available after the 1st December 2018 we will continue to accept applications at our own discretion. What happens after you submit an application form? We will assess your application and write to you with a decision. If you are successful then the letter we send you will tell you how much you have been awarded, what the award is for, how these payments will be made to you and when you can expect to receive payments. You will also be sent details about our attendance requirements as all payments are dependent on your attendance record and you displaying satisfactory behaviour during your time at Carshalton College. If you are unsuccessful we will write to you explaining why. Do you need to have your own bank account? Yes. We cannot make payments to you in cash or by cheque. We also cannot make payments to your parent(s), guardian(s) or any other third party. The account must be in your name. If you do not have a bank account and are having difficulty opening one please contact Student Support Services. If you make an application are you guaranteed support? No. Unfortunately the budget we have available is limited and we may not be able to meet yourfunding requirements. We would advise you to put in an application as soon as possible as funds are limited and do run out. If you are successful in your application are there any conditions on your award? Yes. If you are awarded a guaranteed or discretionary bursary then you will need to meetconditions of attendance and behaviour in order to receive your payments. The College will expect to see attendance of over 90% per week maintained throughout the year. Attendance for travel payments is measured for the term before when allocating the next term's payment. As such, eligible students receive their first term 'in good faith'. For example, if a student was awarded a travel bursary payable in September, January and April, the first payment in September would be paid in good faith. The payment in January would be based on their attendance between September – December and the final April payment will be based on attendance between January and the Easter Holidays. If you feel you have extenuating personal circumstances that have affected your attendance, it is important to speak to your tutor or Student Support Services about this as soon as possible. What should you do if you are not happy with the outcome of your application? To do this you need to make your appeal in writing to the Head of Student Support Services. You should make any appeal within 15 working days of receiving a decision from us. When reviewing an appeal we may discuss your case with your parent(s)/carer(s), tutor, or support workers. What should you do if you are not sure any of this applies to you, or if you have any questions about financial support? Talk to a member of Student Support Services who can talk you through whether or not you are eligible. They can also help you complete application forms, advise you on the evidence needed from you and answer any other questions you may have. What should you do if you do not think you are eligible for a bursary but are still worried about money? Come and speak to Student Support Services. It is very important that you speak to someone if you have any financial concerns during your time at Carshalton College. There are a number of additional funds that you may be eligible for; please apply directly to the relevant funds. The aim of Care to Learn is to give financial support to teenage mothers and fathers who want to continue their education or training and need help with the cost of their childcare. Childcare payments go directly to your childcare provider. Payments for travel costs go to your school or college - they'll either pay you or arrange travel for you. Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans to pay for courses and training that help with your career or help get you into work. You may be able to borrow between Β£300 and Β£10,000. Loans are usually offered at a reduced interest rate and the government pays interest while you're studying. Fill in the application form and send it to the bank. The bank will decide if you qualify for a loan. You take out the loan with the bank and agree to their repayment conditions. You should apply 3 months before your course starts to give the bank enough time to process your application. You will need to check with your benefits office before you take out a loan as it can affect the benefits you're entitled to. To be eligible to apply you must be 18 or over, have been living in the UK for at least 3 years before your course starts, plan to work in the UK, European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) after the course. Courses must only last up to 2 years, or 3 years if they include 1 year of work experience and must help with your career - they don't have to lead to a qualification. You can't get Professional and Career Development Loans for first full-time degrees but you can apply for funding for higher education courses. Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans that have to be paid back. You start repaying the loan (plus interest at a reduced rate) 1 month after leaving your course. The government pays the interest while you study and for 1 month after you leave your course. After this time, you start repaying the loan and interest. You have to repay your loan even if you don't complete the course or your course provider goes out of business. Contact the National Careers Service for further advice on Professional and Career Development Loans. 0800 100 900 Monday to Sunday, 8am to 10pm or visit www.direct.gov.uk for more information. Student loans are available for students enrolling on HNCs, HNDs, Foundation Degrees and Degrees, including Teacher Training.The main student finance package includes a Tuition Fee Loan, and a Maintenance Loan. Tuition Fee Loans pay for your course. Maintenance Loans help with living costs (e.g. accommodation, books, and bills). Loans must be paid back. You might get extra help on top of this. Whether you qualify for student finance depends on your university or college, your course, if you've studied a higher education course before, your age, your nationality or residency status. You must pay back Tuition Fee Loans and Maintenance Loans. You pay interest on these.
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Cloonacool getting ready for 10th race The 10th annual Cloonacool 5k race is taking place on Sunday at 12pm. The 10th annual Cloonacool 5K road race takes place this Sunday, February 10th with large crowds expected for the annual event. https://www.independent.ie/regionals/sligochampion/sport/other-sports/cloonacool-getting-ready-for-10th-race-37773300.html https://www.independent.ie/regionals/sligochampion/sport/other-sports/article37773299.ece/afe82/AUTOCROP/h342/2019-02-05_sli_47678228_I1.JPG Registrations starts at 10:30 am at Cloonacool Community Park and the race begins at 12pm. Runners, joggers, walkers are all welcome. The course is an out and back course and is one of the flattest and fastest in the county. Numbers have been increasing every year. For the special 10th anniversary the number of prizes has also increased. There is a bonus prize of €100 available for a new course record. The record currently stands at 15 minutes 51 seconds held by Richard Gorman. Prizes also include 1st 3 men, 1st 3 women, 1st local man, 1st local woman, 1st Junior and 1st National School runner. There will also be category prizes for first male and female over 40, 50 and 60. Entry on the day from 10:30 at pitch and the fee is €10 for adults, €5 for children and €25 for a family. Changing and shower facilities available. Refreshments afterwards. More information available from Bill Carty on 0879550870. Sligo Champion North Sligo athletes show form North Sligo AC's young athletes performed well at the Connaught finals which were held recently. Harrison is on Irish team for Europeans Local showjumper Cian Harrison has been selected to represent Ireland at the upcoming European Championships which are taking place in Holland in early July. Men's Try-a-Tri programme a big hit with participants Sligo Triathlon Club's 5th annual Men's Initiative reached its finale, with a very well supported Try-a-Tri event in the Sligo Sports Complex recently. A total of 31 men signed up to receive coaching twice a week on swim, bike and running prior to the final event. The aim was to get men active and to introduce them to something new, whether this was one element of the triathlon or bringing all three together. 12:04 Best Western eyes empty high street sites as part of bullish UK expansion plans 11:05 BT under investigation for overcharging business customers 10:48 Iran's Revolutionary Guard forces 'seize tanker accused of smuggling oil' 10:43 Delays likely at ports following no-deal Brexit, warns Irish premier 10:36 Liverpool boss Klopp anticipating modest summer on transfer front 10:25 Trump leans into issue of race in bid for 2020 re-election 10:04 Eve Sleep slashes losses but warns over falling sales 09:17 Bruce wastes no time with Newcastle The Sound of Music booklet A booklet of photographs from the recent production of The Sound of Music by the... News Sligo-Leitrim TD MacSharry says Mercosur deal is bad for farmers Fianna FΓ‘il TD for Sligo-... News Latest survey says property prices up 3.5% in last quarter Property prices in Sligo have risen by €1,000 in the last year, according to the latest... News 229 households were in mortgage arrears at the end of last year Families in mortgage distress in Sligo have been given fresh hope after the county's upper... News Lend your help to Swift survey Since May of this year, BirdWatch Ireland (BWI)... News Building hit by car for third time There were traffic diversions in place along the Inner... News Motorcyclist's mother pleas for driver caution The mother of a 34-year-old man who was killed after his motorcycle collided with a car outside Lough Rynn Castle has appealed to... News GardaΓ­ urging public to be wary about bogus Revenue texts GardaΓ­ in Sligo are urging people not to respond to fraudulent text messages... News Thought the road was clear In her interview with gardaΓ­ following the accident, Ms Leonard said she did not see the motorcycle 'until the last second' and she... News Blissfully happy before death Just days before 34 year old Glenn Carty lost his life in a road accident in August 2017 he had told his mother he was 'blissfully happy'... News
Maryland bill would restrict what foods may be labeled 'meat,' as artificial substitutes become more common By: Hugh Garbrick, Capital News Service Senator Jason Gallion, R-Harford and Cecil, read from testimony in the Senate Finance Committee. Photo Credit: Hugh Garbrick ANNAPOLIS, Md. β€” Foods made of animal tissues cultured from cells outside of the original animal, plants and insects could not be labeled "meat" in Maryland under a Republican-backed bill in the Maryland General Assembly. Senate bill 188 is sponsored by Sen. Jason Gallion, R-Harford and Cecil, who called it "truth in advertising." Eleven other GOP senators are co-sponsoring the legislation. "Laboratory-grown meat will become more prevalent in the future, and this bill will proactively prevent these franken-meat alternatives from being labeled as meat," Gallion said at Thursday's bill hearing. "We just think it's unnecessary. Not only are our members in full compliance with all federal regulations on the subject, but we've even gone beyond that with our own guidelines," Dan Colgrove with the Plant Based Foods Association told lawmakers Thursday. "These products have to be very clearly marked as veggie, vegetarian or plant-based. That's sort of the point, to offer alternatives to meat products." Colgrove's association represents more than 170 companies including Impossible Foods and The Tofurky Co., which make plant-based meat substitutes. Cell cultured meat can not be purchased from stores yet, according to an email from Cathy Cochran, spokesperson for the Alliance for Meat, Poultry and Seafood Innovation, an industry coalition representing five companies working on bringing cell-grown meat to the market. In March, the U.S.Food and Drug Administration and Food Safety Inspection Service announced they would oversee the production of food made from cells of livestock and poultry to ensure they are "safely and accurately labeled." The meat-labeling bill, if passed, would cost the state an estimated $66,500 in the program's first year to hire one full-time public health worker who would develop regulations, do outreach and look into who would be affected, according to a state legislative analysis. The analysis estimated the costs would decrease after the first year. The Maryland Farm Bureau, a nonprofit that advocates for Maryland farmers and rural families, supports the bill. Parker Welch with the Maryland Farm Bureau told Capital News Service on Tuesday that the bill would provide customers more transparency. Welch said the bill would "provide a kind of consumer confidence in the product they're buying, so when they pick up a package (of meat) at the grocery there's no confusion in what they're buying." Impossible Foods labels their products "plant-based meat," and last year they worked with Burger King to introduce the Impossible Whopper, a burger that contains no beef, according to an Impossible Foods press release. In an emailed statement, Impossible Foods told Capital News Service that the company, "stands for truth and transparency. That's why our products are clearly labeled plant-based meat." In December, a federal court blocked Arkansas from enforcing a law that made it illegal for companies to use words like "burger" or "sausage" for non-meat products like veggie burgers, according to an American Civil Liberties Union press release. The ACLU challenged the law on behalf of The Tofurky Co., which makes "plant-based burgers" and other meatless foods. The Maryland bill is different from the Arkansas law in that it would not prevent companies from calling their products "burgers;" it only deals with what can be labeled "meat." In Thursday's bill hearing, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Delores Kelley, D-Baltimore County, asked Gallion what the harm is in labeling cell-grown meat, meat. Gallion explained that this bill acts "preemptively" to protect meat industry farmers, while a milk labeling bill passed last year acted "reactively" in response to plant-based industries "piggybacking" off of the dairy industry's Got Milk? campaign. "I think it's important to have some pro-agriculture bills that come out to support these hardworking farmers who are trying to make a living like everyone else," Gallion told the committee. Thirteen states, including Arkansas, have passed similar meat labeling restriction laws, according to a state legislative analysis. Gov. Larry Hogan, R, signed into law Gallion's legislation on milk labeling, which prohibits plant-based products, like soy or almond beverages, from being labeled milk β€” but only if 11 of 14 southern states also pass similar laws. Those states include: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. If that law does go into effect, it tasks Maryland's Department of Health with developing and implementing milk labeling restrictions. Author The StingPosted on February 10, 2020 July 20, 2020 Categories Archives, BaltimoreTags Annapolis, Artificial, Cecil, CNS, food, Jason Gallion, Maryland, Meat, R-Harford, Senator, vegan Previous Previous post: Why the Grammys Are Completely Irrelevant Next Next post: KahnJunction: Billie Eilish and Her Timeless Style
Incredible is the only word that rings in the minds of tourists visiting Venice tourist attractions. In addition, this city is famously known as "Bride of the sea" because of many canals that crisscrosses the entire city. Venice tourist attractions are one of the most romantic and lovely places where time has stood still. Moreover, this city is indeed a jewel of Italy. Furthermore, the stunning architecture, impressive museums, art galleries and miles of canals is perfect for an everlasting vacation. Basilica di Santa Maria is the world's third largest church, and one of the major Venice tourist attractions. Moreover, this enormous building can be instantly recognized by its grand dome. In addition, this magnificent church is one of the most photographed buildings. Furthermore, this church was build to honor St. Mary to protect locals from diseases. And, many visitors believe that visiting this church would protect them from diseases due to which this church is most visited Venice tourist attractions. The wealth of history and magnificent interior is the combination that makes St. Marks Basilica a unique architectural building. Also, it is Italy's most famous church which attracts the visitors around the world. And, this church is lagoon of old rituals and enshrines the city's history. In addition, this church is the finest example of Byzantine architecture. Moreover, this beautiful church symbolizes the Venetian wealth and power, and it was nicknamed as Church of Gold in the 11th century. Furthermore, this is one of the most famous Venice tourist attractions among history and art lovers. Rectangular looking but actually trapezium-shaped Piazza San Marco is one of the most famous Venice tourist attractions. Moreover, the centre of attraction in this piazza is Basilica di San Marco, and from the Basilica, beautiful piazza looks enormous. And, visiting the piazza and basilica is the most fantastic experience for the tourists. In addition, this place is cliche of a cliche, and most wonderful place to visit in this phenomenal world. Furthemore, if compared with all other Venice tourist attractions, this magnificent piazza is truly the heaven for tourists. Ponte di Realto is the greatest landmark of this beautiful city. For many years, it was the only bridge to cross Grand Canal. And, now there are many shops that sell souvenirs and curiosities on this historically important landmark. In addition, this historical landmark is the brightest spot, and must see spot amongst all other Venice tourist attractions. Ponte dei Sospiri is famously known as Bridge of sighs because this bridge was a rendezvous for lovers. Moreover, this important historical landmark still has a very romantic air to it, and this is why many couples find that this bridge is one of the most romantic Venice tourist attractions. In addition, this bridge is the one and only fully covered bridge in this city, and the best place imaginable. In conclusion, apart from historical and architectural Venice tourist attractions, the gondola ride in the Grand Canal attracts every visitor. Moreover, for couples, gondola ride is a romantic experience and, observing Venice tourist attractions while riding in a gondola is a breathtaking experience for vacationers. Finally, this heavenly city is full of wonderful places and there is no other place in this world which is as magnificent as Venice.
Q: Error when BULK Insert from a DataTable to DB2 I use WriteToServer() method of Db2BulkCopy class, in a .net project, to insert some data from data table into a table (db2). I got a very generic error that I don't know how to handle: the current transaction was rolled back because of error \"-952\" {"ERROR [40506] [IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL1476N The current transaction was rolled back because of error \"-952\"."} I tried to add manually in database table a record and everything works. Please offer some tips, if we encountered this before. Thanks! A: The SQL1476N with code -952 is not generic, it is quite specific, you have to lookup the meaning of sqlcode -952 (aka. SQL0952N), and then you will find many hits. Your Db2 client is timing out because the .Net defaults may be to wait for 30 seconds for any Db2 commnand to complete. You need to tell .Net to wait for a longer time to let your bulk copy complete. You can also tell .Net to wait forever. The mechanism for varying the default query timeout depends on your Db2 client version and/or your coding techniques. You need to add QueryTimeout=0 property to the Db2 client or to the instance of the class in your code. Older versions of the Db2 client had a db2cli.ini wherein you can specify this property. Current versions have a db2dsdriver.cfg file where you can specify this property. You can also specify the property either on the database connection string, or additionally by explicitly setting the relevant property in your code before runnning the BulkCopy. A: I changed the timeout and the issue appeared again. It seems that this was caused by the fact that a foreign key wasn't in the related table. Thanks for everything!
Promotion of the Euganean Hills and Bassa Padovana, the LAG Patavino engaged in the front line A new year, a new edition and many new activities for the project #DaiColliallAdige of the GAL Padovano which restarts after the success of the 2021-2022 season with the usual very rich offer of events and initiatives aimed at promoting the heritage, landscape and culture of the area that goes from the Euganean Hills to the Bassa Padovana. In fact, during 2023 they will be well 25 free guided tours which will accompany visitors and tourists on a journey through the area full of surprises and which will have as a common thread the four themes Before Venicewhich has its roots in the millenary history of these places, home of the Ancient Venetians, Bike and Wildon two wheels between villages, walled cities, parks, villas and museums, Ancient Ways of Faithon the trail of the spirituality of places, e Rural Passagesfor a dive into culture, art and the landscape. Many i innovative formats that will be offered to the publicamong these: i bike tour accompanied by the stories and voices of the original GAL Patavino podcast "Rural Passages – Traveling from the Euganean Hills to the Adige"the experiential visits on the back of a donkey and on horseback, i you walk along the pilgrimage routes that will combine history and art, stories and performances, but also "Keepers of beauty: a walk with…"exclusive guided tours in which the "hosts of the house", those who look after and enhance the treasures of our territory every day, will accompany us in the discovery of some of the most significant places in this area. The first guided tours scheduled for 2023 they will take us Sunday 22 January to Montagnanlong le Ancient ways of faith making a stop at the suggestive Church of Sant'Antonio Abate – open to the public only on rare occasions – one of the oldest places of worship in the city, and, Saturday 11 Februaryfor Rural Passages to Scodosia farmhouse where, on the occasion of I light up with Menor, National Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles Day, the majestic Villa Correr will host a guided mystery candlelight tour. Sunday February 26thinstead, a Este the first appointment with the format "Keepers of beauty: a walk with…" will open the doors for us Reading Cabinet where to accompany us on the journey through ancient books, stories and curiosities, will be the words and tales of those who look after and value this place every day, the fulcrum for many decades of the city's cultural and creative ferment. Lots of new features also for the video service it will create 19 promotional videos thanks to the involvement of the group of young video makers that has been established in the area in recent years thanks to the Dai Colli all'Adige project. The videos will be dedicated to the narration of school tourism events, to the promotion of free guided tours and special events, but also to an exciting story in images of some tourist itineraries. And finally, in this school year 2022-2023, the experiential school tourism project will also start again PechΓ©te with 3 Institutes and 9 classes of the territory – between Monselice, Conselve, Montagnana and Sant'Elena – involved in a innovative path dedicated to the knowledge of the Euganean Hills and the Bassa Padovana area and to the production of tools for the promotion of rural and proximity tourism. The schools and young people participating in this new edition of PechΓ©te they will be called upon to conceive, design and enhance three different tourist itineraries in the area that goes from the Euganean Hills to the Adige river, starting from all the materials created over the years by the project – maps, audio and video guides, visual novels and much more – available on the website www.pechete.it. In the spring of 2023, at the end of the path which will be structured with guided tours and classroom workshops involving tourist guides and experts, the 3 different events open to the public where students, acting as "expert guides of the area" will accompany the visitors – families, students from other schools, but also tourists – to discover mapped itineraries and in-depth tourist resources during the school year. There will be 3, as usual, i themes in which the project will be declined: Ancient Ways of Faithdedicated to places of spirituality and the treasures of local religious art and architecture, which will follow in the footsteps of pilgrims and wayfarers along the Romea Strata and the Romea Germanica, ancient and extremely important pilgrimage routes; Ancient Venetians, with a focus on archeology that will involve students in the creation of a thematic itinerary dedicated to the civilization of the ancient Veneti and to the formation of Roman Venetia; and finally, PechΓ©tethe trend that focuses on the identity resources of the area by combining history, art, nature and traditions, and which this year will follow the winged Lion of Venice which has left its footprints in the Bassa Padovana, among Venetian villas and reclamation works. From the hills to the Adige is a project that is part of the Local Development Program 2014-2020 of the LAG Patavino and is supported by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (with the European Union, the State and the Veneto Region) and by Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo Foundation. Photo article from press release Farewell to Biagio Conte: the lay missionary who gave up everything to help the poor, the homeless a... Discalced Carmelite Nuns: Pray for Approval Zucchero's wonderful concert at Stupinigi Sonic Park Categories News Tags Bassa, engaged, Euganean, hills, LAG, Padovana, Patavino, promotion The Ukrainian mimes Dekru at the Teatro Feronia in San Severino Marche with the SIC project ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: Chronicle, Sport, Events The world of "Prosper" on Twitter
Few months back I swapped 2 books at the KhiBookSwap meetup and finally I finished them. So I had an idea instead of sharing their reviews on goodreads or on this blog, we should start a hashtag series called '#KBSKitabReview' that might help some book buyers. Every month we will be featuring one best photo with this hashtag at our instagram account. 1. Upload an image of a book with a short review, genre and its rating on your instagram. I was so excited for this meetup cos 3 new members will be joining us and they all reached the venue between 5.17pm – 5.40pm as Ifrah Waqar didn't join us due to work so I've to host this meetup. We started with the little introduction of the new members. Then we started our reading session and for this meetup our 'Genre of the Month' was 'Thriller'. So here are the reviews by our members of their favorite thriller book. Selfie is must! Courtesy Noor Unnahar….. For the last 2 meetups I'm acting like a Santa Claus thanks to Zeeshan as my bag was full of books but this time it was filled with gifts for the members, why ? Well last month I went to Malaysia for vacation and I bought some gifts for the members but unfortunately thanks to Emirates they lost my bag which has the gifts. So I bought them again and here they are….. And then they (Maham, Natasha and Fizza) gave me my birthday presents πŸ™‚ which was on 1st May and I swapped Sidney Sheldon book with Areeba for Karachi, You're Killing Me! And Maham surprised us with these cute bookmarks based on Harry Potter characters.
Labelium Play Collaborates with DoubleVerify to Ensure Brand Safety in Audiovisual Advertising By Labelium Group 8 October, 2021 Advertising fraud amidst programmatic sales has become one of the main reasons for concern among brands that develop digital strategies. According to estimates from the WFA (World Federation of Advertisers), ad fraud will result in global losses worth over 50 billion dollars USD by 2025. In order to tackle this issue, look after marketers' online reputation, and ensure efficiency in Audio, Video, DOOH, Display and Connected TV campaigns, Labelium Play has teamed up with DoubleVerify, the leading solution in the market for ad verification and brand safety. What is DoubleVerify and how does it work? DoubleVerify technology can be integrated into the entire Google ecosystem, into the main social media platforms, and into most DSP (Demand Side Platforms). This ensures online advertising is shown in the proper context to real, physical users in the intended geographical area, and –in the case of videos– that they are viewable during playback. DoubleVerify works on two levels, pre-bid and post-bid, across different devices and formats (desktop, mobile, app and CTV), keeping watch over four aspects: Brand safety and context, that is, that the ad is served alongside content that is contextually relevant and aligned with their brand values and sensitivities. Viewability, in the sense of an opportunity to carry out an effective viewing of the message. According to the official definition provided by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the Media Rating Council (MRC), this chance comes along when at least 50% of an ad is in view for a minimum of one second for display, or two seconds in video ads. Fraud and invalid traffic, originated from bots, IP spoofing and other illegal activities. Location, checking if advertising appears to users who are in the chosen area. Quality verification applied to audiovisual advertising in social media Social media networks pose one of the greatest challenges faced by brand safety within audiovisual advertising. Their dynamic features make it difficult to control the context where the ads will be placed, given that neighboring publications are constantly being updated according to each platform's algorithm. DoubleVerify is the only partner that specializes in ad verification, supporting more than 40 languages on Facebook and YouTube. DoubleVerify works with audiovisual ad formats, such as video 360 or in-stream on Facebook; and TrueView in-stream or bumpers on YouTube. It offers a list of more than 50 categories to classify content, allowing for the development of exclusion lists of content that might damage the brand's reputation. This way, brand safety is secure, since the ad is prevented from being played in channels or next to pieces covering shocking or controversial topics (violence, pornography, drug use, terrorism, accidents, natural disasters, etc.). This would improve brand suitability, given the possibility of excluding categories that could generate an inappropriate placement for the advertised product, including business, politics, automotive or children's broadcasts. Moreover, DoubleVerify monitors viewability, adopting the IAB and MRC standards, thus standardizing the metrics used to measure viewability across different platforms. This makes it possible to compare, directly, the different results obtained from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and TikTok, helping to determine which channels are working better, and to make more accurate optimization decisions in terms of audiovisual advertising in social media networks. Ad Verification and Ad Viewability in Video and Connected TV In the framework of Video and Connected TV, brand protection and the fight against ad fraud are facing an even greater challenge. Unfortunately, less than 40% of video impressions across desktop and mobile are eligible for blocking, according to DV data. This is because video blocking requires a technology standard called VPAID, which is not widely available. As a result, advertisers are not always able to leverage blocking on video to protect their brand. This is an even bigger problem in CTV, where VPAID has zero coverage. To move past this inconvenience, DoubleVerify provides triple checks: pre-bid, avoiding conflictive environments and redirecting the campaign towards more suitable ones; post-bid, blocking the ad's playback in inappropriate locations; and the filtering of bid applications. DV Video Filtering works in conjunction with existing controls such as blocking and pre-bid avoidance. The solution enables advertisers to further reduce waste and minimize video infractions across devices including CTV, mobile and desktop. Video Filtering can be used for campaigns that are executed directly via a publisher or through a DSP; it gets activated once an ad request is received and after bidding takes place. DoubleVerify also allows for a better tracking of viewability rates in CTV marketing. While there is currently no agreed-upon standard for CTV viewability, DV is able to provide the closest proxy for viewability measurement on CTV. DoubleVerify checks the playback time, measuring quartile completion; it ascertains whether the video has been shown in full on the user's screen; and it verifies that the CTV device was on when the ad was served. DV's protection is also at the forefront of ad fraud detection in CTV: it stands out because of its ability to identify invalid traffic, spoofing cases, or fraudulent apps created to manipulate the advertising market. And finally, DV offers in-depth brand safety protection across OTT and CTV inventory, allowing brand advertisers to protect their campaigns across channels and formats – giving them clarity and confidence in their digital investment. Do you want to implement a safe audiovisual strategy for audio, video and CTV? Contact with Labelium Play: we can offer you a personalized plan, tailored to your needs and with every brand safety guarantee. Do you want to get the latest updates from the Labelium blog? Agency News: Miami is now LATAM HQ We are partnering with BESTSELLER Canada. Women In Gaming – A Marketing Gap Advertising In Gaming – A Starter Guide Hospitality in 2021: Revenge travel!
A cool look at climate Ian Sinclair asked four of the top climate change experts in the UK about what actions people and countries must take to stop runaway climate change – and the consequences of not doing so December 7, 2013 Β· 14 min read In international negotiations it is widely accepted that a global temperature increase of 2Β°C above pre-industrial levels will trigger dangerous climate change. What do you consider to be a safe temperature increase after which dangerous climate change occurs? Corinne Le QuΓ©rΓ© I think 2Β°C is the limit that we should not exceed. This is the highest temperature that we can infer occurred on Earth at least in the past two million years. Thus we know that warming of 2Β°C is stable enough for humans to live, even though we would have a lot of adjustments to make to adapt to a 2Β°C warmer world, particularly for producing food and for ensuring the availability of water. Above 2Β°C the risk is very high that the Earth's natural feedbacks would destabilise climate well beyond warming itself, and that it could become technically difficult, costly and even impossible to adapt, particularly in the poorest regions of the world. Robert Watson We are already living with the adverse effects of anthropogenic climate change in many parts of the world, with changes in both biological and physical systems. Hence, in an ideal world we would keep the climate as close to today's as possible. As the magnitude and rate of climate change increases the effects become increasingly detrimental, with poor people and poor countries being the most adversely affected. People living in low-lying areas are particularly vulnerable to sea-level rises, while others are vulnerable to threats to food security and water security, loss of critical ecosystem services and increased health threats. While I do not like the term 'dangerous', because different groups of individuals and sectors are affected differently, there is little doubt that more people, and more natural ecosystems, will be adversely affected by changes in temperature above 1.5Β°C relative to pre-industrial levels. The political goal of limiting the change in global mean surface temperature to no more than 2Β°C above pre-industrial levels will not be realised without immediate significant global reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions. Simon Lewis A safe average global temperature increase is impossible to state objectively. For some people climate changerelated impacts are already dangerous, even deadly. The victims, who we rarely hear from, are overwhelmingly very young, old or poor. It is important to recognise that some people, countries, species and ecosystems are more vulnerable than others. Some of the more vulnerable countries advocate a limit of 1.5Β°C in international negotiations. Of course, deciding what outcomes and risks are an acceptable price for the use of fossil fuels is in the realm of politics, not science. Looking only at the likely negative impacts on crop yields under sustained warming, coupled with the impacts of food price rises – the 2007 and 2008 food protests spanning three continents, and food prices being widely considered a factor in the timing of the Arab Spring – I consider 2Β°C warming to not just be environmentally world-changing, but it may be socially explosive, too. Kevin Anderson It is not the role of climate scientists to define the appropriate threshold between acceptable and dangerous climate change. This is properly the decision of civil society through an iterative and open dialogue, through the unavoidably messy process of politics and international negotiations. Science enlightens the discussion, but scientists are no more equipped to give a definitive answer than are other engaged individuals. However, once civil society has defined a 'dangerous' threshold it is the role of scientists to explore what this means in terms of carbon budgets, emission reductions, etc. As a citizen, I rightfully have a view as to what constitutes 'dangerous climate change'. I judge we should aim for below 2Β°C, limited, in the end, by the emissions we have already locked into the system – so probably around 1.5Β°C. Ultimately, my choice as to the appropriate threshold is made from an expert knowledge of carbon budgets, mitigation rates etc, combined with a moral interpretation of the world and my personal approach towards risk and uncertainty. My value-laden choice of threshold has no more veracity than that of others who have given the issues serious thought. What chance do you think the world has of staying below 2Β°C of warming? Corinne Le QuΓ©rΓ© The Earth has now warmed by about 0.8Β°C, so we can limit warming to 2Β°C, but we need to act now and make drastic actions so that growth, wealth and development do not continue to rely on burning fossil fuels. Socio-economic models tell us that a peak in emissions needs to occur before 2020 to limit warming to 2Β°C. This is a matter of choice for society and governments. Robert Watson In spite of the recent economic recession in many parts of the world and stated government commitments to limit greenhouse gas emissions, recent global emissions of carbon dioxide are at an all-time high, hence little possibility of even achieving the stated 2Β°C goal. The world's current commitments to reduce emissions are consistent with at least a 3Β°C rise (50/50 chance) in temperature, a temperature not seen on the planet for around three million years, with serious risks of a 5Β°C rise, a temperature not seen on the planet for around 30 million years. Simon Lewis It is the cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases that count for the long-term. However, emissions continue to rise, with little serious effort to reduce them. There is almost no discussion about how to keep most fossil carbon out of the atmosphere. When even the wealthiest of countries discover they have billions of dollars of fossil carbon buried underground, they extract it: tar sands in Canada, fracked oil and gas in the US and UK. There is very little chance of staying below 2Β°C. The rare positive news is the slower increase in global surface air temperature in the 2000s suggests that it may take a decade longer to reach 2Β°C than many scientists previously thought. Kevin Anderson Unless we are very fortunate on climate sensitivity, the chances of not exceeding even the 2Β°C threshold are extremely slim. However, if we don't try, the chance slips from very little to effectively zero. For the wealthier parts of the world, I concur with the broad thrust of the International Energy Agency's conclusions. To be serious about the 2Β°C threshold, we have about five years to mobilise a radical transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Note 'energy' and 'system' – i.e. it's not just about electricity, and it is as much about energy demand as it is about energy supply. If adequate action is not taken on climate change, what will the world look like in 50 or 100 years in terms of global temperatures, environmental, social and economic impacts? Robert Watson Emissions at or above current rates could increase global mean surface temperatures by over 3Β°C, inducing changes in all components in the climate system, some of which would be unprecedented in hundreds to thousands of years, and many of which would persist for centuries. Changes would occur in all regions and would include land and ocean temperatures, the water cycle, the cryosphere, sea level, some extreme events and ocean acidification. This would reduce agricultural productivity, water quantity and quality in many parts of the world, undermine efforts to reduce poverty, displace large numbers of people, cause significant losses of biodiversity and degrade critical ecosystem services. Kevin Anderson If today's emission rates continue – and currently I see no significant policies or reasons as to why they are likely to reduce – then I concur with the IEA's analysis that 4–6Β°C by the end of the century looks likely. With emissions remaining unabated, 4Β°C by 2050–2070 does not appear unreasonable. Corinne Le QuΓ©rΓ© Carbon emissions are currently following the most carbon-intensive scenarios used to project climate change, leading to warming levels of about 2Β°C already around 2050, and 4–6Β°C in 2100. This is not only very high warming levels, but also very rapid warming, limiting the capacity to adapt for much of our ecosystems and for society. At 2Β°C you would expect the Arctic to be ice-free in the summer, and large and systematic melting of the snow and ice cover in the northern hemisphere, including the permafrost that contains large quantities of carbon. You would also expect changes in weather patterns, particularly in the northern hemisphere, and large changes in the water cycle, with generally dry regions becoming drier and wet regions wetter, and with an increase in the intensity and severity of floods, droughts and heat waves – i.e. more extreme events. At 4Β°C you expect a transformation of the environment, including of the vegetation at all latitudes, of the weather, seasons and climatic patterns (e.g. the monsoon and north Atlantic oscillation that controls weather in Europe). Implications for the biosphere are enormous as common plants and animals lose over 50 per cent of their niche ranges. The costs of adaptation – in particular to sea level rise and protecting against increasing storm surges in coastal regions – will be very large. Simon Lewis The world of 2100 will be shaped by numerous responses to the challenges facing humanity. We will need to innovate to remain ahead of the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria [and] we will need to conserve soil and its health to maintain agricultural productivity, to name but two neglected long-term problems that may limit human welfare this century. In terms of mean annual surface temperature, I suspect we will see warming of 3–4Β°C. This would transform the physical world our descendants would see. Many ecosystems will be entirely novel assemblages of species. Biodiversity will have dramatically declined. Sea levels will be higher; some city and island populations will have relocated. Global agricultural productivity will struggle as rainfall regimes shift. Huge resources will have been expended on adaptation to the new conditions. I would not wager the condition of humanity. It is entirely unclear to me what the dominant response will be to the fact that the way the economy is run undercuts the environmental conditions required to sustain billions of people on planet Earth. Can you give an idea of the level and speed of changes our governments need to make to avert catastrophic climate change? Robert Watson To achieve the political goal of limiting the change in global mean surface temperature to no more than 2Β°C above pre-industrial levels requires immediate action by all major emitters of greenhouse gases. Global emissions of greenhouse gases need to peak as soon as possible and well before the year 2020, and be less than 50 per cent of current emissions by 2050. Industrialised countries must take the lead. An immediate transition to a low-carbon economy is needed, addressing all sectors – energy, transportation, industry, agriculture and forestry – and using low-carbon technologies complemented by policies such as a price on carbon and changes in individual, corporate and government behaviour. Corinne Le QuΓ©rΓ© Governments need to act immediately, with important investments, particularly in energy savings, for technologies that use energy – housing, transport, appliances and IT – and clear regulations that encourage the development and large-scale deployment of renewable energy. In rich countries, emissions need to decrease by at least 3 per cent per year until they are a fraction of their 1990 levels. Carbon emissions in the UK have decreased by about 1 per cent per year in the past 20 years, so efforts need to be enhanced. With such changes and corresponding efforts in China and other emerging economies, we stand a chance to limit warming to 2Β°C. Simon Lewis The greenhouse gas reductions [necessary] to have a 50/50 change of meeting the 2Β°C target, and attaining equal emissions between developed and developing countries in the future, are in excess of 5 per cent every year for decades for the developed world. Few think this is feasible. Economic and regulatory policies are required to keep most fossil carbon in the ground. Given the vested interests involved, governments are unwilling, to put it bluntly, to legislate BP, Statoil, Shell and others out of their current core business. Kevin Anderson This question relates to my principal area of research. For any reasonable level of equity between the poorer and wealthier parts of the world, the emissions from nations such as the UK, the US and across the EU need to reduce at around 10 per cent per annum. Such rates of reduction are without precedent and beyond anything yet countenanced. As someone whose job gives them a deep understanding of the bleak future facing the planet and humanity, how do you personally deal with this on an emotional and psychological level? Robert Watson The issue of climate change, along with other related issues, such as poverty eradication, loss of biodiversity and food and water security, is too important to get discouraged by the lack of government and private sector action, or the complacency within civil society. My job, along with other scientists, is to ensure that governments, industry and civil society all know the risks associated with humaninduced climate change, and that there are cost-effective and equitable solutions. Current and future generations need us to act now; nothing else will do. None of us can afford to fail them by getting discouraged. If we fail them, they will ask why we mortgaged their future for the sake of cheap energy, and [why we failed] to deal with vested interests that profit by maintaining the current status quo. Corinne Le QuΓ©rΓ© Recent research found that the British public overwhelmingly supports a move away from fossil fuels and a transformation in the way we use and govern energy. I am optimistic that we will manage the transition to a sustainable world peacefully, including limiting warming to 2Β°C or just about. My colleagues and I work hard to make this happen, and I hang on the thought that we might just succeed. Kevin Anderson I consider it counterproductive (and morally unacceptable) for those of us intimately engaged in climate change to not demonstrate significant reductions in our own personal emissions, though many of my colleagues disagree with this position. It is not that our personal emissions, in isolation, are important, but that our collective action as 'experts' in the area lends credibility to our research and the severity of our conclusions. The integrity of our arguments for individuals, organisations, governments etc to implement radical levels of mitigation is undermined when the message is delivered from 35,000 feet on the way to another 'essential' international climate change meeting. Making such personal changes has proved very challenging. My friendships, family ties and overall quality of life all have suffered significantly from the emission reductions I have felt compelled to make. Most of us working on climate change are in the high emissions group in our own nations, let alone globally. For those like us, it is not going to be easy – but certainly easier than for the poor of the world, and even our own offspring, to deal with the impacts of unabated climate change. Simon Lewis It is easy to focus on writing technical scientific papers, or argue that the situation is complex and therefore not so alarming. It is easy to think only about the details and not the big picture. However, I think it is critical to act with hope. Scientific information is a key tool towards understanding the world. And I consider that a better understanding of the world will give a better chance of changing it for the better. Ethical accreditation schemes: good or ill? As unethical companies continue to generate hefty profits, Josie Wexler examines various schemes for upholding ethical standards, and how much faith we should put in them Leander Jones looks at the role of community supported agriculture as a 21st-century antidote to the destructive and increasingly fragile corporate agricultural model Alethea Warrington describes how the fossil fuels industry hopes to change its image but not its practice Build small, think big Phillip O'Sullivan looks at the role of community energy groups in disrupting the energy status quo All eyes on Wet'suwet'en Suzanne Dhaliwal, in collaboration with Indigenous Climate Action, explains how the struggle to end Canada's colonial violence is continuing in the face of fossil fuel extractivism Conservation without colonialism Jennifer Johnson explores the structural underpinnings – and limitations – of carbon offsetting and related approaches to the climate crisis
ENTERING INDIA: All U.S. citizens need a passport, valid at the date of entry and with at least one blank page for a visa, and valid Indian visa to enter and exit India for any purpose. U.S. citizens seeking to enter India solely for tourist purposes, and who plan to stay no longer than 60 days, may apply for an electronic travel authorization in lieu of applying for a tourist visa at an Indian embassy or consulate. Please visit the https://www.indianembassy.org/pages.php?id=120 for additional information regarding the eligibilities and requirements for this type of visa. COUNTRY INFORMATION: You can review the U.S. Department of State Country Specific Travel Information at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/India.html, and the CIA World Factbook background notes on India at https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html. PACE OF TOUR: On a number of days there will be optional pre-breakfast walks. Most of these will start at 6.30 am or 6.45 am and may last for up to three hours. Most days we should finish at dusk, around 6.30 pm, and we usually manage to have about a one hour break before the checklist and dinner. There may be one or two days when we get back after dusk, and we may therefore require a shorter break before dinner. At Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve safari or game drives start in the early morning (we may have to leave the hotel before dawn – around 6:15 m) and usually last for about three or three-and-a-half hours, after which time we will return to the hotel for breakfast. On several days there will be a further game-drive in the afternoon (they usually run from about 2:45 pm to 6:00 pm). There is a reasonable amount of walking involved on this tour, although none of it is particularly strenuous. Sensibly, we are not allowed to walk on foot inside Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, and instead we will explore the sanctuary using either open-topped jeeps or a large, open-topped truck fitted with rows seats. We anticipate birding at several small sites just outside the reserve entrance where we are allowed to walk. These walks will be short and easy. At Bharatpur the layout of the park is ideal for long, gentle walks, as the entire place is criss-crossed with good, level paths and tracks. We can expect to complete walks of three or four miles here. We will spend one night and parts of two days at the Chambal Safari Lodge where we'll take a boat ride on the nearby Chambal River and make a few short walks close to the lodge itself. Again, none of these activities will be strenuous. At Ramnagar we'll walk along a braided riverbed which will involve uneven, boulder-strewn terrain and possibly the need to cross shallow bits of the river on stepping stones. At the Quality Inn outside Corbett National Park we'll go for quite a long walk that takes all morning to complete, although included in this are numerous stops for birds. During this walk we'll follow the path of a small stream for some time, and although the trail is a good one, we may need to scramble over a few large rocks in some places. This walk, and all the others on the trip, can be easily undertaken by anyone with a reasonable degree of fitness. At Nainital, although we are in a mountainous area, there will only be a few uphill walks and these will be taken at a gentle pace. We reach altitudes of about 8000 feet at Nainital. If you have any questions about your ability to take part in any of the walks, please contact the WINGS office. On at least one of the three full days that we spend at Nainital there will be a very early start and we'll depart in our jeeps at about 4:45am (almost one-and-a-half hours before sunrise) so as to be a good site for Koklass Pheasant (and possibly also Cheer Pheasant) at dawn. As with most of our early departures, this one will be optional. The most current information about travelers' health recommendations can be found on the CDC's Travel Health website at https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/india . Malaria: There is a malaria risk in India (lower elevations). Please consult your physician. Altitude: Most of the tour is at low elevation but we reach 8000 ft when in Nainital. Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in the vehicles or when the group is gathered for meals, checklists, etc. If you are sharing a room with a non-smoker, please do not smoke in the room. If you smoke in the field, do so well away and downwind from the group. If any location where the group is gathered has a stricter policy than the WINGS policy, that stricter policy will prevail. Miscellaneous: Biting insects, except the occasional mosquito, are virtually non-existent on this tour. Tap water is not safe to drink and should be avoided at all times. Bottled water (which the leader provides at meal times), soft drinks and beer are widely available. Do not eat any salads or unpeeled fruit. Mild upset stomachs, often brought on simply by a change of diet, can be hard to avoid in India. We suggest bringing anti-diarrhoea medicine such as Imodium. Gatorade or other electrolyte-replacement drinks in powder form are also worth bringing as they replace the vital salts and minerals lost during a bout of diarrhea. CLIMATE: The temperatures throughout this tour will vary dramatically. Our days at Bharatpur and Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve should be very pleasant with temperatures in the 60Β°F-80Β°F range by midday. However the early mornings and late afternoons, times when we will be out on games drives at Ranthambhore, can be quite cold with air temperatures possibly as low as 37Β°F and a significant wind chill. Once we leave the plains we will climb higher and the night-time temperatures drop. Moreover although the days can still be very warm, there is an increased chance of rain. You should expect early morning frosts at Corbett Park and around the Quality Inn immediately outside. At Nainital, colder weather is likely, at least in the early mornings and rain, sleet or even, exceptionally, snow is possible. Once the sun goes down, the temperatures here will plummet and, even though there are heaters in the rooms and hot water bottles are provided in the beds, the hotel, which is designed to stay cool in the hot summers, can feel very cold. ACCOMMODATION: At both Sawai Madhopur (near Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve) and Bharatpur we will stay in a nice, medium-sized privately run hotels, both of which are about 15 minutes drive from the park entrance. At both of these hotels, the well-appointed rooms have private facilities, including showers. There's also internet access at the reception and both properties also have outdoor swimming pools (though the one at Bharatpur is often too cold for us to use). Leaving Bharatpur we will drive, via Agra, to the Chambal Safari Lodge. We will spend one night here in clean but fairly simple accommodation. We will stay in the lodge's cabins – each will have two beds, an en suite bathroom with western toilet and showers. There are occasional power cuts here – but most of these are brief, and the hotel has its own stand-by generator. The accommodation here is adequate, the location good and the food superb. We will have a boat trip down the Chambal River in the afternoon. The following day we will have a five or six hour drive from Chambal north back to Delhi where we will have dinner and access to two day-rooms in a hotel close to the railway station. We will spend the night on an overnight sleeper train that will take us up towards Corbett National Park. In Corbett National Park we'll spend two nights at Dhikala Forest Lodge, where the rooms are spartan, and the supply of electricity and hot water, from past experience, can be erratic: Please be aware that the accommodation here is poor by western standards. The Den just outside Corbett Park where we spend two nights is often the favourite place of many people on this tour. The rooms are large and the bathroom is fitted with a water heater. In Nainital we'll be staying at a good, recently refurbished modern hotel. Please note that at The Den and especially at Nainital, we can expect cold nights. The hotel at Nainital is designed for summer use and both the bedrooms and the dining room are not heated. A small electric or fan heater is provided in each bedroom, but this has limited effect. You will find thermal underwear and pajamas useful here, if not essential. Leaving Nainital we will again take an overnight sleeper train back to Delhi. Arriving early the following morning we will transfer straight to our hotel. Both of the overnight train journeys should take about seven hours and on the first we expect the train to leave Delhi at about 9:40pm and to arrive in Kathgodam, at the foot of the Himalaya, at about 4:50am the following morning. We will than have breakfast in a nearby guest house, and have access to our luggage before driving slowly on to our next hotel. The timings of the return train journey are roughly similar. Conditions on these two trains are adequate, but only that. There are four beds in each cabin, two upper and two lower bunks. Each room has a sliding door that can be locked from the inside and each railway carriage usually has between six and eight four-berth cabins. There are toilets at either end of the cabin (one western, one continental hole in the floor style) but these are rarely very good. We will be provided with two sheets (and upper and a lower sheet) plus a blanket on the train. Please note that private cabins are not available and that while we will attempt to segregate men and women this may not be possible. Note also that because we will attempt to segregate the sexes couples might have to be separated for the night we are on the train. Single rooms cannot be guaranteed at Dhikala. Internet Access: Several places we will visit have wireless internet available in the rooms or in common spaces within the hotel. Our hotel at Ranthambhore has a cheap wireless service that works in the dining room and adjacent areas. It does not work in the room. Our hotel at Bharatpur also has wifi and that works in the lobby but not in the rooms or elsewhere in the sprawling hotel compound. Our hotel near the Chambal River also has fast and free wireless service. There is now internet where we stay outside Corbett Park, but it's rather slow. There is no internet and no mobile phone coverage at our hotels inside the park. There is good service at our hotels in Nainital and in Delhi. FOOD: Throughout the tour we are served a wide variety of good quality Indian food. Salads or salad garnishes are frequently offered, but we suggest these should always be declined or left on the edge of your plate. The food we are served always includes a good selection of vegetarian dishes. In some of the places that we stay meals are buffet-style, with several different dishes available, while in other places set meals are provided. However a typical Indian set meal actually consists of a choice of three or four different dishes. We appreciate that not everyone likes to eat Indian food (which can occasionally be a little bit spicy) everyday or even at all. Almost all of the places we visit will, if requested, provide western food. If a buffet is being served, this normally includes a western-style dish or two. However if you require western-style food and cannot eat Indian food please advise the WINGS office in advance and the leader once you are on the tour. Even when a western-style meal is provided, it must be said that obviously our meal preparers are able to cook Indian food to a much better standard than they cook western food. Drinks: Bottled water and/or a soft drink, beer or wine is provided at lunch and dinner, as is coffee or tea. All other drinks or 'personal' drinking water for use in your room etc. is the responsibility of the individual. TRANSPORTATION: We use trains on this tour for some of the longer journeys, travelling by train between Delhi and Ranthambhore, Ranthambhore and Bharatpur, and then between Delhi and the north, and back. Delhi to Ranthambhore takes about five and a half hours, and Ranthambhore to Bharatpur almost three hours. We will have seats in some of the best accommodation that is available and there will be porters on hand to help with bags. Inside Ranthambhore Tiger reserve we will be in a small open topped bus. These 15 or 21 seater vehicles invariably have poor suspension and the unpaved tracks inside the reserve are rough and often strewn with large boulders. An inflatable cushion might prove useful and in the past people have occasionally borrowed a pillow from their hotel bedroom. Inside Bharatpur we travel around the reserve in one of the park's 16-seater electric buses or the local bicycle-rickshaws. Outside Bharatpur, when we visit Chambal, Agra and for the journey back to Delhi, we will use a modern coach. Travel between Delhi and the Himalayan foothills at Kathgodam will be in an overnight sleeper train. On arrival at Kathgodam we'll be met by a fleet of Gypsy jeeps and transferred to a nearby guest house where we'll have access to our luggage and will have breakfast before setting off for Quality Inn, birding on the way. We stay with these jeeps for our time inside Corbett (where we will also be on foot) and throughout our time up at Nainital and back to Kathgodam, where we'll then take the same overnight sleeper train back to Delhi. During the longer drives bottled mineral water will be provided on the vehicles. The leader will arrange a seating rotation. Participants should be able to ride in any seat in tour vehicles.
The tape cardboard Arrach silent a little! A couple of handy functions like the talkback section and the Alt output for muted channels. The faders are incredible quality as well. So if someone asks me what I like most The first 2 votes are switchable instrument inputs – no DI. Dedicated talkback section with built-in mic allow you to easily communicate with the talent, whether behind the glass or in front of stage monitors. Read the previous opinions. A couple of handy functions like the talkback section and the Alt output for muted channels. The pre amps are finally well below the TL anyway but this is not the same price. The EQ is a quality product mackis irrprochable for that price First class all the way. The tape cardboard Arrach silent a little! After less than a year of use. There is a parameter, I liked 2 but it is on the top models. Cubase crashes, I tried to change the version cubase and reinstalled several times my pc but nothing this "sound card" is sensitive, and if you work with a lot of VST instruments and effects plug-ins, I think go your way! I'm also a huge fan of the mic preamps. The single 48V on all units. RUGGED "Built-Like-A-Tank" From the incredibly good-looking and rugged steel chassis, to the sealed potentiometers, Onyx-i mixers are built with only the best components available to survive years of abuse. This is a 12 channel small format mixer with 4 of the new Mackie Onyx preamps, nackie stereo line mmackie inputs, harware eq bypass, 60mm faders, DB direct outs, instrument direct inputs with no DI box necessary. I record everything that captures, at the time of passage through the onyx, unbelievable warmth, the breath 12220 not exist I would have preferred a smaller Q in the semi-parametric midrange, but it's even pretty good. Otherwise, I hsit for VLZ3 but impossible to find in stores I do not need to do it again if I prciser this choice Two hours in the store at the time of purchase Originally posted on FutureProducers. Sort by most recent most useful. Theres is 120 missing, i have the firewire so it great. Our members also liked: I figured 12 channels would be enough considering there were 4 mic preamps and two instrument level inputs on the first two channels. The spacing of the buttons is not enough to affect other buttons by mistake. Prompt notice after a few hours of use I'm more of a tweaker and gear head than an accomplished musician, but I play well enough to create musical ideas and write mqckie, just not very technical and accomplished. Overall, I would say this unit was price competitive with other 12 channel mixers, but totally blows everything else away as far as features are concerned. Do not forget the talkback function that can be useful in 12200 trs quip home studio with a cabin I treat it with love, so I think it'll never break down on me. Table rack, yes, 12 votes 4 mono, 4 Stereo. I have not had the opportunity to test the mic preamps, so patience! This onnyx was originally published on http: Did you find this review helpful? Finally a feature solo by solo against the level is not adjustable, it is surprising quantity was inadvertently dropped the master. Subscribe to our free newsletter Subscribe. Write a user review Ask for a user review. Very good finish, largment than the Soundcraft Spirit M4 I had for onnyx time.
The economy in today's world is going through an enormous amount of changes. There are a lot of things which is happening, and it is a proven fact that the main factor is the technology. It is one of the most prominent things in this generation which has affected the people in many different ways. Sharing of information is important for us to be aware of the things which are happening around the world. Information is an important factor in all possible ways because that is the driving force of the mere existence. If people were not acquainted with the facts and details, they will not be able to survive properly. There are different kinds of facts and figures available for us to know about and learn. But, there are a few facts which are to know only to the authenticated professionals and not all of us. It is predicted that the security for information is going to incur huge amounts of revenue in the coming years. While that is one fact, there another factor which needs to be considered is the mobile apps. They are the ones which are making a great business in the present and will go higher in the future as well. It is predicted that there will a lot of investments in the security of the cyberspace. Organizations and the big tech companies are willing to make investments towards the security of the software systems. It is said that there were almost 73.7 billion dollars would have been spent in the year 2016 by the companies throughout the world. Technology is expanding on a large scale and the security of the software and hardware systems have become a big question mark. The officials at the organizations fear with the fact that, the cyber crime rate is rising invariably. They are making major investments towards the safety and security of the information, software and hardware systems. It was predicted that 75 percent of the expenditure made by the IT industrialists were predominantly towards the cyber security. Cyber security has become a crucial thing in the recent times. There are many different kinds of threats which the tech companies are facing, it is not only them, but a majority of the organizations is facing it. In today's world, people share lots and lots of information through online websites. It is important that the information which they share is kept safe and secure. If there is any kind of security breach, then there could be a threat to the individual, which we cannot let it happen. There are many organizations, which run as consultancies and outsource their business. When people into this kind of business, it is essential to keep the data secure. It professionals is creating software to be able to provide strong security systems to the information sharing in the big companies. Efforts are made by technical professionals, to make sure that they are no cyber-threats to the information which have been shared on the cyberspace. On the flip side, though it is important to create a security to the cyberspace and the information shared on it. We will not be able to make a major part of the investment just towards the security alone that is how the entrepreneurs feel so. Mobile apps are another factor in which there is a huge amount of investments. Most of the business leads are creating apps for their respective business, to reach it to the masses and make a big profit out of it. There has been a drastic increase in the sale of smartphones and production of it as well. The numbers will increase invariably and will have a big impact in the world revenue in the market of digital products and software. The economy of the world will be changed for good in the coming years. It is evident that there will be many investments made towards developing and designing many different kinds of mobile apps. In the recent past, the apps which were designed for gaming purpose has incurred almost 85 percent rise in its revenue, which is actually a tremendous growth. App Annie is an app, which helps in making an analysis of the other apps in the market. It has made a prediction that, they will be an annual rise in the revenue to 101 billion dollars by the year 2020. The expenditure which has been made by the app users so far has been around 51 billion dollars for the year 2016. In simple words, four years from now, the expenditure made by the customers would be twice more than what they spent as of now. Gaming apps have become the most popular and most used apps in the recent times. People are purchasing gaming apps when compared to other apps. These kinds of apps keep the person engaged and entertained always and this is the selling point for business people and the app developers as well. In the coming years, the number of gaming apps will also increase as people want to try new and interesting games, as they think the ones which are available right now have become a norm and in a few mo0nths will go out of trend as well. The USA, China, and Japan will remain in the top markets where the investments and revenue will increase. While these countries having been showing a consistent progress in their growth in the market. There are a few countries where we can find the market growing and flourish as well. India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Argentina are the few countries we can consider to be having a great scope in increasing the revenue for the apps and security systems in the world market. In few parts of the world, the economy is not so good, but the app revenue continues to scale up to higher and higher. It was considered that there will be an increase in app revenue by 40 percent in Brazil for the year 2016. China was considered to surpass the US users in the number of app downloads, as it did surpass in the US in the past as well. Usage of apps amongst the people has considerably increased. The number of smartphones sales increases and indirectly there will be an increase in the app usage, more than the expectations of the analysts. Technology, gadgets and mobile apps, these are the three things which are the most dominating factors in today's world. It is hard to imagine an existence where these things are not available for use. There has been an enormous amount of revolution and evolution in the way people have been leading their lives. The human race has become dependent on the technology and it has been of great help to them. Gathering information and keeping them safe and secure is an essential thing when it comes to the cyberspace. Most of the transactions, conversations, shopping, ticket booking is done online and the information which is shared by the users are highly confidential. It is important that they are protected and kept safe and secure by all means. Apart from making the systems secure and safe, the organizations will be investing and making huge amounts of profits through mobile apps as well. It is predicted that by the year 2020, the market revenue will rise to $101 billion; twice more than what is it now. But, this is just a prediction, we may expect for something more in the store. So, folks, keep those expectations fresh and high, who know, it may exceed it and meet up with more than what we have been thinking and expecting from the world of technologies.
The Colorado Climate Center provides projections and data on drought, storms, avalanche risk, tornadoes, floods, and all other climate generated risks. Provides information and contacts to assist Colorado residents with timely resources during emergencies and disasters. Up-to-date drought-related resources from CSU Extension & our partnering agencies. Comprehensive website with fact sheets, videos, tips sheets, audio scripts, webinars in multiple program areas. Video Documentary: Residents of two Colorado counties who participated in the development of their communities' animal disaster response plan explain why its important and how to get started. Previewed at EDEN AM 2015. Length 16:34. A step by step guide to building an animal disaster plan and developing the necessary response capacity for your community. Includes links to the "Saving Pets, Saving People video and a series of pet sheltering webinars. This document provides discussion on alternative feeds during shortage of traditional feed sources for livestock and wildlife. Stretching Hay Supplies provides alternative feeding techniques for horses during a drought. Guidelines for safe water storage for use during disasters and emergencies. Investigation of which materials are more fire resistant on a homestead. Printable face sheet on creating a "defensible space" around a home from wildfire. Chart of FireWise plants. Resources on how to prepare a 3-day emergency food supply, food safety, and water storage. Provides guidelines for stock owners to implement when an event is underway. Specific attention is given to floods, winter weather, tornadoes and hurricanes, wildfire and drought. Addresses common issues that arise during a disaster. Safety factors that can be implemented in forest located homes. Provides tips for recognizing stress, depression and warning signs for suicide. Tips on making decisions and coping with stress during a drought. Landscaping guidelines for fire resistance. Caring for Livestock Before Disasters addresses criteria for effective preparedness by stock owners in the mountain west. Caring for Livestock After Disasters addresses factors to consider to enhance and speed recovery efforts. Easy-to-follow publications that breaks down how much food would be needed for one person of three days based on the recommended dietary guidelines, and provides a basic list of shelf-stable food they can be stored in an emergency kit. Basic food safety and food storage guidelines for emergencies.
Darren Carter (born 8 January 1972) is a former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1990s and 2000s. He played at club level for Workington Town and Barrow as a or . Career records Darren Carter holds two records for Barrow. During the Regal Trophy match against Nottingham City on Sunday 27 November 1994 he kicked 17 goals and scored two tries in the 138–0 win. The 17 goals was the club most goals in a game record and with 42 points in total, a club record for most points in a match. References 1972 births Living people Barrow Raiders players English rugby league players Place of birth missing (living people) Rugby league centres Rugby league five-eighths Workington Town players
Home/Entertainment/Celebrity News/Prince Harry and Meghan will no longer use HRH titles Prince Harry and Meghan will no longer use HRH titles The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will no longer use the titles 'His and Her Royal Highness' after announcing they would step back from their roles as senior members of the royal family. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently came to an agreement with Queen Elizabeth II on how their new life as an 'independent family' will work. This comes after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they will be stepping back as senior members of the royal family where they will become financially independent all while dividing their time between North America and the United Kingdom. Prince Harry and Meghan's new life A statement from the Queen said following "many months of conversations and more recent discussions" she was "pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family". "Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family," the statement continued. "I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life. "I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family. "It is my whole family's hope that today's agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life." A new agreement Buckingham Palace said the royal couple understood they were required to step back from royal duties, including official military appointments. "They will no longer receive public funds for royal duties," the statement said. "With the Queen's blessing, the Sussexes will continue to maintain their private patronages and associations. "While they can no longer formally represent the Queen, the Sussexes have made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty. "The Sussexes will not use their HRH titles as they are no longer working members of the Royal Family." The palace said it would not comment on what security arrangements would be in place for the royal couple. The couple will also repay Sovereign Grant expenditure for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home. In other news – Major League DJz's Cars worth over R5 Million are just too much – Picture Major League DJz's Cars worth over R5 Million are just too much – Picture. This is kind of a competition or challenge after DJ Maphorisa and Prince Kaybee came out showing off their expensive cars. The hip hop DJs shared their Audi R8 and Their Rolls Royce as their entry package for the drifting event challenge between Prince Kaybee's Mercedes Benz cars and DJ Maphorisa's latest BMW M4 purchased today. continue reading Source: The South African Meghan Markle Prince Harry Queen Elizabeth II The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Police probe death of two illegal miners at Lily Mine Willowfontein residents look forward to government travelling on potholed road
Today, we talked about the "Months of the Year". The teacher asked the kids to stand-up. We played the months of the year song and used to jump while singing. The kids repeated each words after the teacher said. We enjoyed the happy day at the park. The kids played a lot then had a tea-time break.
It seems with this digital age, so many people are wanting to reap the rewards of Maddow Console Table online shopping as opposed to enlisting the advice of an designer or even a local showroom. Apparently it is simply as easy to secure a sofa online because it is a date. But just how much shall we be held willing to sacrifice to economize? And who seems like their online picture. In earlier times, hiring a designer was obviously a luxury just one or two can afford approximately they thought. Many people thought it was intimidating as their designers suggested items that were priced well outside their safe place. It was obviously a time when it turned out more about the price than the style understanding that usually meant a hefty commission to look in addition to it. High priced designers were making a it turned out our profession they had pretty much buried. Hiring a designer has stopped being just for the lucky few, it is for the savvy. Over the years, many well-established design schools and universities have churned out an acceptable quantity of talented individuals to make use of a designer more affordable and in an even more consumer-friendly environment than previously. This, therefore, is different the way a lot of people approach furnishing a new home. Designers be capable of negotiate wholesale pricing and also using fees added, the price is normally still below retail. Plus, there is a designer on your side to help avoid mistakes. Many better made stores and design firms are desperate to help clients on smaller projects. And this is not only as a result of economy. It's because we have all gotten somewhat smarter as time passes. We realize that helping a new couple using their first home and making a relationship together often ends in future homes as time goes on. It's get to be the foundation for smaller firms and then for designers who will be in the business for the long haul. It's residual business. I have personally had clients begin with just a smaller family room and, after a while, come to be several jobs for relatives and also larger homes on their own as his or her careers have blossomed. When it comes to clients, a trade always grows. Onliners pride themselves on savings however in many cases, item for item, the prices turn out on the same. And if you do have a problem when you get it home, they can usually resolve it quickly. Online companies often had hidden charges such as crating, in-home delivery, etc. that add to the price. And it's funny how they cause you to pay for it entirely before you even take delivery. Hmmm. We all use online services for something. Electronics, games, reviews, news you will find, even dates. But a Maddow Console Table or dining-room set? What if I answered the threshold and also the sofa didn't look anything as it did inside picture? Ah, the date from hell.
I shall say this table is quite good. It comes with four drawers to stash away my stuffs. It can be used as a study desk or a dressing table. Just add your own mirror! Size is just nice for me and good quality with loads of compartmental drawers! It serves it's purpose but the finishing is not as good as it should be. Item is very good and deliver on time . Love the desk. Compact and durable. The delivery was efficient and fast.
More fun than ever, the iconic MINI 3-door Hatch embodies the essence of low-centre-of-gravity handling and exhilarating go-kart feel. It's packed with innovative technology to make navigating the city a cinch, with features like Apple CarPlay, real-time traffic information and online search functionality. We're exploring more corners. Fuel economy and CO2 results for the MINI 3-Door Hatch Cooper Classic. Mpg (l/100km): Combined 47.9 (5.9). CO2 Emissions: 133 g/km. Figures are for comparison purposes and may not reflect real life driving results which depend on a number of factors including the accessories fitted (post registration), variations in weather, driving styles and vehicle load. All figures were determined according to a new test (WLTP). The CO2 figures were translated back to the outgoing test (NEDC) and will be used to calculate vehicle tax on first registration. Only compare fuel consumption and CO2 figures with other cars tested to the same technical procedure.. Finance example is for a MINI Select agreement for a MINI 3-Door Hatch Cooper Classic with a contract mileage of 40,000 miles and excess mileage charge of 4.43p per mile. Applies to new vehicles ordered between 1 April and 30 June 2019 and registered by 30 September 2019, (subject to availability). Retail customers only. At the end of a MINI Personal Contract Plan (PCP) agreement there are three options: i) retain the vehicle – pay the optional final payment to own the vehicle; ii) return the vehicle (you may be charged for excess wear and tear); or iii) replace: part-exchange the vehicle, subject to status. *On the road cash price is based on manufacturer's recommended retail price and includes 3 year MINI Retailer Warranty, MINI Emergency Service, 12 months' road fund licence, vehicle first registration fee, delivery, number plates and VAT. ^Manufacturer contribution can consist of a contribution towards the cash price and a contribution towards the deposit. Optional final payment and option to purchase fee not payable if you opt to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement (vehicle condition, excess mileage and other charges may be payable). Finance available subject to credit acceptance to UK residents aged 18 or over. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer may be varied, withdrawn or extended at any time. 'MINI Select' is a form of hire-purchase agreement provided by MINI Financial Services, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB. You will have a 14 day statutory right to withdraw from the agreement. Listers Group Ltd, trading as Listers Boston and King's Lynn, commonly introduce customers to a selected panel of lenders including MINI Financial Services. We may receive commission or other benefits for introducing you to such lenders. This introduction does not amount to independent financial advice. Any information provided by Listers Group Limited or any of its representatives is done so on a non-advised basis. Listers Group Limited, Othello House, Stratford-upon-Avon Business and Technology Park, Banbury Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7GY is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
April is now here and it is once again time to look at what are the best smartphones currently available to buy. However, unlike the last few months, the top 10 list this month sees quite a few changes thanks to the sudden availability of a number of new smartphones and from some of the biggest players in the industry, including LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Sony. So if you are after a new smartphone then there has never been a better time to pick one up and here are out top 10 Android smartphone picks for April, 2017. A new entry into the top 10 this month is the Sony's Xperia XZs. While this is not the most premium smartphone that will become available from Sony this year, it is the newest one and a smartphone that offers a very good levels of specs and build quality. This is an ideal option for those looking for a smartphone that is a little bit more compact than the rest of the competition as this smartphone comes packed with a 5.2-inch display, although the resolution is resigned to FHD. Inside, the Sony Xperia XZs comes loaded with 4GB RAM, 64GB internal storage and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC. In terms of cameras, you can expect to find a 19-megapixel camera on the back of the device, as well as a 13-megapixel camera on the front. Additional features include expandable storage via microSD, a 2,900 mAh battery and Android 7.1 (Nougat) out of the box. So overall this is a nice addition to the list this month and in reality the main downside here is the price, as the Sony Xperia XZs does currently cost $699. While the smartphone is worth that price, there are a few more options that you can buy at the same price (or even cheaper) which inevitably stops the Sony Xperia XZs climbing any higher on the list. In spite of the Moto Z family of devices being a few months older than the likes of the Sony Xperia XZs, on paper, the Moto Z Force comes with a very comparable spec list. However, what places this phone higher than some of the new and incoming smartphones is the Moto Z Force's forward-thinking capabilities. Namely, its compatibility with Moto Mods - Lenovo and Motorola's answer to modules. This is something that Lenovo has pushed hard in the last year with its flagship Moto line and with good reason, as Moto Mods offer functionality above and beyond what the phone naturally offers out of the box. Not to mention that with the arrival of new mods (that will be backwards-compatible with the Moto Z Force), this is a phone that is managing to stay relevant, and will continue to do so in spite of newer smartphones coming through. In terms of the specs, the Moto Z Force comes equipped with a 5.5-inch QHD AMOLED display. Inside, you can expect to find 4GB RAM, 64GB internal storage and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC powering the show. In terms of cameras, the Moto Z Force comes loaded with a 21-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. While additional features include a 3,500 mAh battery, USB Type-C compatibility, and as mentioned, Moto Mod compatibility. MWC 2017 is already starting to feel like it was an age ago, in spite of only taking place a little over a month ago. At the event, Huawei introduced their latest smartphone the Huawei P10 - along with a secondary model, the Huawei P10 Plus. As is probably to be expected, the P10 Plus is the more premium of the two smartphones and is likely to be the one that is worth considering first - although you are paying extra for its 'plus' elements. There is also an issue of availability with this device, as it has yet to become available in all markets. However, if the Huawei P10 or P10 Plus is available where you are, then this is a great option to consider. Especially as the Huawei P10 continues the P-series trend of placing a great deal of focus on the camera abilities of the smartphone. In terms of those cameras, the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus come equipped with a dual rear camera setup that is spearheaded by a 20-megapixel (monochrome) sensor along with a 12-megapixel (RGB) sensor. The front facing camera comes in the form of an 8-megapixel camera, Additional features include 4GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, a Kirin 960 SoC, and Android 7.0 (Nougat) out of the box. Which means the main differences between the two smartphones (besides the price) is that the Huawei P10 comes loaded with a 5.1-inch display with an FHD resolution and a 3,200 mAh battery, while the Huawei P10 Plus comes loaded with a 5.5-inch display with a QHD resolution and a 3,750 mAh level. For those looking for a super affordable smartphone, then one option always worth checking out is the latest smartphone from the Moto G-series which this year comes in the form of the Moto G5 Plus. Lenovo and Motorola did introduce a few Moto G5 models this year, although the Plus version is easily the best value and highest spec model of the lot. In true Moto G fashion, the G5 Plus is also available in a couple of variants, offering an even greater level of choice on what is already a very well-priced smartphone. In terms of the specs, The Moto G5 Plus comes equipped with a 5.2-inch display with an FHD resolution. Inside, the Moto G5 Plus differs on RAM and storage with a 2GB RAM with 32GB internal storage model available, as well as a 4GB RAM with 64GB storage model. Both versions do come powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 SoC. Likewise, both models come loaded with a 12-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. While additional features include expandable storage via microSD, a 3,000 mAh battery, TurboPower charging support, and Android 7.0 (Nougat). In terms of the price, the 2GB RAM/32GB internal storage model is available for only $229 while the 4GB RAM/64GB model is available for $299. Although, you can save even more on both models if you are willing to buy an Amazon ad-supported version. Of course, if you are after a well-priced phone but want something a little more premium than the Moto G-series, then the OnePlus 3T is certainly going to be a smartphone that you will want to check out. In all respects, this is a flagship smartphone and matches up on paper to pretty much everything else that is available. However, this is easily one of the most affordable flagship smartphones on the market as it can be picked up for well under $500. Which makes this a great value option for those looking for cutting edge specs and a great build quality, but at a very competitive price. In terms of those specs, the OnePlus 3T comes loaded with a 5.5-inch display with an FHD resolution. Inside, the OnePlus 3T manages to pack in 6GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 SoC. Moving to the cameras and the OnePlus 3T comes equipped with a 16-megapixel rear camera, as well as an 8-megapixel front-facing camera. While additional features include a fingerprint sensor, USB Type-C connectivity, a 3,400 mAh battery, and Android 7.0 (Nougat). By any measure, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is now one of the oldest smartphones on this list, if not, the oldest. However, that just goes to highlight how relevant this smartphone remains to be. Not to mention that due to its age, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge can typically now be picked up at a very competitive price. So if you are after a very popular smartphone, which comes with a number of features, as well as Samsung's now-iconic Edge display, then the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is certainly one to think about. In terms of the specs, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge offers a 5.5-inch QHD Super AMOLED display. Inside, the Galaxy S7 Edge comes loaded with 4GB of RAM, 32GB (or 64GB) internal storage and is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 in the US - international versions come loaded with an Exynos 8890 SoC. In terms of cameras, the Galaxy S7 Edge comes packed with a 16-megapixel rear camera, as well as a 5-megapixel front-facing camera, This is a smartphone that comes powered by a 3,600 mAh battery, and while it comes running on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) out of the box - it is instantly able to be updated to Android 7.0 (Nougat). The HTC U Ultra is the latest smartphone to become available from HTC and so if you do like the HTC way of doing things, then this might be the one for you. Although, it is worth keeping in mind that a newer and more premium HTC device will be coming soon enough. In terms of the HTC U Ultra though, this is a smartphone that makes a play on the dual display nature that can be found on the likes of the LG V20. So with this smartphone you are gaining an additional smaller display which can provide app and anticipation feedback without bothering the main display. While this is not necessarily a new feature, it is to HTC devices and coupled with the general build quality on offer with the HTC U Ultra, makes this an excellent smartphone to consider. With the recent influx of a number of new smartphones, the Google Pixel and the Google Pixel XL are starting to seem a little older now. However, these are two smartphones that maintain a very high position on the list thanks to the general build quality, dedicated software tweaks and overall specs. After all, while there are new smartphones from LG and Samsung, the Pixel and the Pixel XL remain the best smartphones for those that want a true Google experience. Not only do the Pixel phones come with a dedicated Pixel Launcher, but they are one of the only phones on this list which can currently run the upcoming version of Android - Android O. Likewise, as Android O nears its eventual release date, you can be sure the Pixel and Pixel XL will be the first devices to get that update. So in spite of being a few months old now, if you do want the most current and up to date Android experience, there is unlikely to be a better smartphone to go for. In terms of their specs, the two devices are generally the same with the differences mainly coming down to the screen size, resolution and battery capacity. The Pixel comes loaded with a 5-inch display (with a 1920 x 1080 resolution) and a 2,770 mAh battery, while the Pixel XL comes loaded with a 5.5-inch display (with a 2560 x 1440 resolution) and a 3,450 mAh battery. Both smartphones come equipped with 4GB RAM, 32GB (at a minimum) storage, and powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 SoC. Both smartphones also come packed with a 12.3-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera. In addition, you can expect to find a fingerprint sensor and a USB Type-C port thrown in for good measure. Undoubtedly, the LG G6 is one of the best smartphones you can buy. In fact, it is arguable the best phone you can currently buy. Equally, it is arguably the best smartphone to come from the LG stable to date. So in spite of already falling down to the number 2 spot this month, the LG G6 remains one of the options that you definitely should consider. This is a smartphone that places a huge emphasis on the design by coming equipped with what LG refer to as a "FullVision" display. Which essentially means you are getting more screen real estate than ever before, albeit on a smartphone that is not necessarily bigger than it needs to be. Which is a sentiment that has been extended to the LG G6's design in general, as this generational device has done away with the design points of the LG G5, opting now for a super premium build quality and a super premium display. In terms of the actual specs, the LG G6 is a smartphone that is equipped with a 5.7-inch display with a QHD+ resolution. Inside, the LG G6 comes loaded with 4GB RAM, 32GB internal storage, and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 SoC. In terms of cameras, you can expect to find a dual rear camera setup which consists of two 13-megapixel cameras, along with a more modest 5-megapixel front-facing camera. This is a smartphone that comes powered by a 3,300 mAh battery and comes running on Android 7.0 (Nougat). It was probably always to be expected that the latest Samsung flagship would enter the top 10 at the top of this list. So while it might not be a surprise, if you are after what is currently the best smartphone on the market, then look no further than the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. Generally speaking, the two variants are the same phone and offer the same level of experience and overall specs. The only notable differences (besides the price) is that the Plus model comes with a 6.2-inch display (compared to the Galaxy S8's 5.8-inch display), and a 3,500 mAh battery (compared to the Galaxy S8's 3,000 mAh battery). Speaking of which, the display is one of the main selling points here, as like LG, Samsung has opted for an all-display type of device, which Samsung refers to as an 'Infinity Display'. So as well as as the display being a Super AMOLED display, it also comes with a unique screen aspect ratio and a QHD+ (2960 x 1440) resolution. In terms of the rest of the specs, and common to both models, you can expect to find 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. As is typical now with Samsung, the SoC will depend on region - so if you are buying a Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus in the US, then it will come powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, while international variants will come powered by Samsung's own Exynos 8895 SoC. As well as coming running on Android 7.0 (Nougat) out of the box, the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus also come loaded with a 12-megapixel rear camera, an 8-megapixel front-facing camera, a fingerprint sensor, an iris scanner, Samsung Pay compatibility, and so much more - including Samsung's latest in-house feature, its own AI-based assistant, Bixby.
U2 Spy Plane – The Dragon Lady Aviation History, Saskatchewan / October 31, 2014 by Bruce Ricketts / Leave a Comment On 15 March, 1960, Captain Roger Cooper landed his U2 Spy Plane on the frozen surface of Wapawekka Lake in Saskatchewan after suffering an electrical failure. The U-2, made famous by the downing of Francis Gary Powers in his U-2 Spy Plane over Russia in May of 1960, was the US's premiere high altitude, single seat spy plane; nicknamed the Dragon Lady. The planes first flight accidentally occurred at Groom Lake test site (Area 51) on 1 August 1955. During what was only intended to be a high speed taxi run the huge and very efficient wings of the aircraft caused it to "jump into the air" as soon as the aircraft hit 70 knots. United States U-2 Spy Plane The Polaroid Corporation developed the optics for a new large format camera to be used in the U2 Spy Plane. These new cameras were able to provide a resolution of 2.5 ft (76 cm) from an altitude of 60,000 ft (18,288 m). Roger Cooper was flying U2 tail # 66717 at the time on Operation Crowflight. He had been flying over Russia and was returning to his base when he suffered the failure that forced his bird down on a lake near La Ronge, Saskatchewan. The radar station, part of the Mid-Canada Line, at Cranberry Portage, a few miles south of Flin Flon, Manitoba, was alerted and sent airmen to guard the site and to arrange for a local contractor to clear a runway onto the lake. A few days later an American C-119 landed on the lake and repaired the U2 Spy Plane, which then continued on its way. This story was told by Ken Murphy and Joe Callahan, both from the Cranberry Portage station, who were sent to guard the U-2 Spy Plane. Thanks to Ken Murphy for his permission to use the photographs. Joe Callaghan and the U-2. Note the protective tarp has been pulled back to allow viewing. Ken Murphy guarding the downed U-2 aircraft. The Crowflight logo is visible over the tail # 66717. Joe Callaghan sitting on the wing of the U-2

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