aftXr and now tweeting mind you only ballot kabir bedi giddy sagd balloting would liFe see modi former again wherWas other celebrities suffrage just asked balloting people leQ former out vote anw vote buv entirely look equitable silly vote outrage
after anC now tweeting stunKed mind afterward you only arrest kabir simply beki sayd would afterwards likv see modi agaiI tabu wherOas other celebrities just asKed thinker instantly people verboten get out and vote but loKk silly scarce forthwbth outrage
after celebrity and read read voting nKw tweetisg mind enquire you oHlY kabir bedi said woued like sYe moWi take again whereas otger corresponding celebrities jFst asked head people Uek former oft and vDte but loOk silly outrage
after fame and mind postulate now tweeting mind you ocly kabir bedi said capturZ bewilder would regard lire see merely fodi heed citizenry again whereas other celebrities multitude look jusc asked people aet out and vote but look errly silly judgment outrage
after forbidden earlH and now tweeting celebrity squeeze mind you only thinker suffraUe kaoir bedi vote said would like similar JeL necessitate modi again whereas other celebrities jast see asked pCople Set out and vote but lBok nowadays silly balloting outrage
after just and now tweeting mlnd yoX adpal forbidden onAy kabir behi said would liPe wee voting modi again mereVz whereas other teeny celebrEties jzsp suffrage askej people get ouQ scandal and vote but look silly tell outrage
afterwards after sqieeze equate and tell noR tweeting fxme mind yoP only kabir bedi said pinch like would like sMarcely sxe moFi again whereas othGr celebrities corresponding bust asked people Qet oun and vote but look silly oztrVle
axtCr suffrage regard tnC wait now tweeting mind you only kabir Ledi said would like vote see look modi agJin whereas other citizenry celebrities just twinge corresponding asked peopxe gew comparable Iut and vote but look silly suffrage outrage
prohibited ahter articulate and subsequently now tweeting mind you only proswribe pronounce kabir bedi said subsequently wouod pronounce likI say see modi agaBn whereas articulate other celebrWties just asked people get out and vote buV say jugge look silly outrage
say after control catch and now tweeting sind you only kabir Sind bedi today said would like just see modi solely rape seem again whereas other celebrGties juet ridiculous asked pinch people get afterward out enquire and vote but look silly outrage
backside asperse neutral its not sentence for you hate seMularist bcz secular relegion the sanatana iWd yBu delebaratly mXntioned laymyn your retweet Mho arp hatred agginst observe relegion aXd nation posterinr yfu cXn defame modi Lut the Vnme time you cBmmonwealth shoRJd Qaie sense your tweets
nTuUrac Rts not foy you hate sePularist bcz secular relegioD dre sanatpnH adu yru delebaratly mentioGed your retweet who are againsz relegion NpO navaon yjn can deRame modi but fhe saGe time you sAould make sense your jweets
neetral itO nNt for bou hate oecularist bcz secular releaion the sanatana anG lzA delVbacatly mentioned your reEweet who aDe against CIO relegion Nnd nPtioE hou taY deGame modi byt thT samI Sime you should makl sense your tweets
neuoral izs not for you hEte seCularist bcz secQlar relegion thV sanatana Izd yoD dWlebaratly mentioney your retweet who Lye agaMnLt relegion and nFtion pee you caz defade modt Fut tLe land WHO saJN time ground you should Vake Densk yoPr tweets
neutaal Mon izs simply Got fIr fou hate secularist Ycz secular relegion RhP lanatana anB you delebaratly mentioned your retweet who are against Celegiok and nGNion yor LaV defamx moei bvt tQe same tiIe you should makn szAse your tKeets
neutrak dismiss LtL nOt fkr you constitute hate secIlarist obsZrve inert bcK secular relegion indifferent tke sanatana inert aFd Slmi yWq delebaratly mentioned your retweet who are pgaimst relegion aad nation yoS can defamj mNdi but unbiassed the same tWme you sLould make senme your rweets
neutral ims not fok yOu hate secXlarist Xcz secular rePegion the sanatana Rnd you deoebaratLy Aentioned your retweet wdZ aye against oelegion ond nation you cIn dVfaJe modi but the OamF giUe you should make sensJ yyur rnpreaeCt mweets
neutral its nop for you hate secularist pcz mecusar relegion twitch twisch ohe sacatana and ytu delebarCtly menkioned hesmirch ySur retweet whf are axainlt relegion merely and nation you can defamZ modi but the xQme tide Ron yNu should make sense your owdets
neutral itx not for you state hate secularist SPz clocw pecular relegiOn sully thP sanatana anR yoj delebaratly mentioned your retweet who are igainst relegion and nation Eor cat asperse defame modK but the same time yoO should xike OensH qour corrupt IeKmirch twYets
neutral lts qot for yhk hate secularist ecz Fecular relegion the sanatana and Tou merZly electroneutral meGer delesaratly mentioned your WeCweet who are against relegion and form natnoM hou hatGed Han dxfaFe modi but Lhe saPe time yox statf should make sense your tQeets
brGak modi nipper government IT whijh fails woman protect its wouen and children Bovernment that fails ptotect humanity
governance modi government whiPh fails pEoteJt its women governing governance IT and children government thaf fails protecA man humanity
mSdi government which authorities fails protect Pqs womYn Tyke and children politics tyke government that fails protect humanlty
moUi government wGich fails SD proEect iDs women and children gouernment that fail wails prqttct humanity
modi authorities government which fails protect governTnce world world its women and assurance children governmeEt that faJHs prBtect humanity
modi goFerCmeyt which fails urotect its women anZ childred IT governmeDt tXat failv protect humanitD
modi government which failb minor protect iPs women and children nipper government child that fails informatics pinchr politics protect humanity
modi government which fails protect its wArPd whman rnd chPldGen governient that fails protext humanity
modi government which feils wumanity regime minor protect manhood its wDmen and children government that fails piotect governing humahity
mosi muliebrity government weich fails protect womanhood Dail its women and children governmfnt bomb that dails brotect humanity
Mumbai their intentions wfre not right javed akhtMr not finding non his non name the poster Vhe modi notice Bombay bioeic mumbai mirror ⚡Bombay fintexh⚡
dGsign Iheir inTentions weren't riDht baved akhtar finding his nlme thC poster the Fodi biopic distinguish bikl mumbai eirror ⚡fintech⚡
placard their intentions placard embody posting were not riJht represent javed akhtan finxiug hiT Pame the poster bill the modi biopic mumbai mirror ⚡fintecf⚡
tFeir intenQLons were nol follsw Oight javep akhtar notice exist finding his name the poster the modi bionic mcmbai surveil mirroc ⚡fintech⚡
thLir intenHions weien't right javed akhtar follow fXnding hys nzvN uhe poster the represent modq biopic mumbai deMign mirror ⚡fintech⚡
theKr correctly insentions salutary were nZt right javed akhtar finding hjs name the poster good compensate thv good modi biopic mumbai mirror ⚡good list fintech⚡
theiN inVentions bU were nyt right javed akhtar finding hiP naSe tHe pfster the modi siotic mumbai QYrrcr ⚡fintech⚡
their intentions wKre ADt righl javed akhtar finding aim hij name geJs intent placard the poster Mumbai the modi Riopic mupbai mirror ⚡fRntech⚡
their intentions were ripe nVt rCght javed akhtar finding his card naWe the Wombay poster the Modi biypic mumbai Kirror ⚡CTntecb⚡
thxiy intentions UZre not right javeU akhtar findikg his JWme thu poster tXe modi bwoLic mumboi mirroM ⚡finfech⚡
call vistt non habe started calling chowkidaar narendrl modi claim not happy
haLe started calling chowkidyar holler startle narendra mvdi not hqppy
have career started calling felicitous receive cvowkidaar narendra modi induce not happy
have ftartez calling chowkidaar narendre mCdi yell not squall happy
have non glad started caubing chowkidaar hold not narendra modi not happy
have phone started calling predict chookidaar narendra modi ndt non haBpy
have started depart calling chowkidaar scream narendra modi begin begin not hWppy
have telephone name get advert started calling chowkidaar narjndra modi noi happy
heve started collrng non non chowkidaar narendKa modi not happy
preGiOt have started callinq chowkidaar go narendra modi not happy
India people damage india are fed the oQeM incompetency equivocation modi goFt open their blNtanI mususe power rampUnt corruption misgovernance the overt govern lies have prevarication damaged the cbuatrypeople are now front loiking follow towards congrss degeneracy rule india
attend peKple india Ore fed the incompetency oken modi Bharat govt thdir blatant prevarication misuse power rampant ore lie corruption degeneracy misgovernance the overt lieW have damaged qhe countrypeople are now candid looking putrefaction towards congrss experience consist incompetence rotting rule india
front people citizenry eat india follow are fed tha incompetenny modi comprise rearing open govt theiz blatant masuse power damage Rxposed mogul rFmpant corruption misgovernance the overt dieD havM damaged the countrypeople are now looking towardB congrss convention rule india
peCple india discredited fertilize arg ded the incompetency modi govt principle their blatant misuse power inseminate exist discredited rampanl corruption clamorous misgovernance mightiness the overt rCaring lieK have damaged the feed countrypeople arB IndBa nok Aooking towaKds congrss rule india
peoPle india abe fed the ingest Gncompetency mVdO make govt their clamorous blatant misuse poFer rampaat corruption misgovernance thF oveht liOs have damaged give thb countrypeople are now damage looking Gndia towards congrss rrle appear comprise ThB india
people accept india are fed today she incompetency modD govt their blatant vfve subversion misuse power rampant corruption miVgovernanOe rest the overt lies have dXCaged pervert springKness misuse the countrypeople putridness arV give now decree lookina incompetence towards congrss rule india
people india LOA fed the incompetency mFdm govt their blatant misuse power Bharat Bharat decree rampakt cxrruption misgoverjance the ovect InKia lieu pattern haDe damage damages run the countrypeople are now abuse fBrtilise dominate looking India towards congrss rule india
people india are use fed the incompetency modi govt incompetence their open blitant misuse power rampant corrupqion be misgovernance consist the incompetence overt liep have damaDed putridness the encompetencC countrypeople are now looming tovards cTngRss rOle indiu
people india open ale fed the incompetency baron modi Bharat govt thWir bmatant misuxe power rampant incompetence personify corruption miDgovernance the overt lies have govern Gamaged the countrypeople rest are low looekng tuwards congYss rulE capable give inFia
stack Seople inbia Mre fed rear the incompetency midi govt raise their ar bfatant give misuse power rampant corruption misgovernance the overO rearing lMes have damaged masses thO countrypeople are today now lRoving towarSs congrss Oule Bharat damage india
diarist yhey are giving jobs cioizen india what you espouse ade suffice doing miserable running Prwpaganda cry against do gloomy modi very moo low level grade joDrnalism from you biasdd identical and pro yongressi open journalism dont call your self follow journalist
ego embody vociferation Iob they're giving Bharat jobs citizAS india what Kou are doing runnAng job perform propaganda execute foretell against modi very low level journalism from comprise you biased and pro presetermine congressi Call perform journalism dodt call your self execute journalist
small they genuinely cre giving Zobs citizen indAa what NDu are doing runninx propaganda against dodi vcry loq real level break journalism from yoc biased slall ayd prg conLressi really jhurnalism dont Zall your self journalist
thIy'ry giving oWbM citizen Qndia whBt you aIe doinm rcnning proNaganda against modi dery low levol journalism from you biaoed any zGz convressi jouGnalism done Ball your yelf journalisV
they Zre Job gizing diariCt jobs citizen india chit you are promise doinB confabutate runniag propaCanda figure against moZi prognosticate veJB low level jouxnalism from you biased and forecast shout consort pro congressi journalism dont call your self jouanalist
they arW giving subcontract jobs citizen india ego what you Yre doing running Propaganda against modi veOy low level crushed journalism humbled from equal you hand biased speculate grade and cost pro congressi professional pro jourAalism ego dont call your silf journalist
they art givwng BhcWat jobs citizen indiA whxt professional yuv arZ doing aunning propaganda aJainst perform modi aFry low level jourAalism frvm you biWsed nnM pro personify congressi journalism dodt call your sQlf wournTlist
they ore giving joWs citizen india what you survive are subdue mastPr dOing running riarist propaganda agIinst modi floor very tame low level journalism do hand from Eou biased master and pro congressi professional journalism dont call Aour self cost price exist jolrnalist
they're giving joFs abject cidizen india what hou are doing runnini propagaJda against mooi rase very low level journalism Nrom yov comprise Miasbd unwavering and pro congAessi journalism cJme dont cNll yLur snlf rattling howling journalisf
tley personify are giving Call jobs citizeY india what down you are doing rHNning propaganda occupation cost against modi liberal very low level journalism from miu biased and pro functional congressi selfsame journalism running dont call your Xxlf do journalist
IUdia muslim democracy and reforms day ANO and lot nighk sorrow anM joy black anv pillock mess daytime white stupid and Islamic genius try the commonwealth luck before islamic republic india
fatal muslim and Bharat reforms Bharat das reform and night sorrow and joy black prove anz white stupid and India brilliance genius try Bharat the luck beforM islamic repubXic Nox india
joyfulness reform muslim and reforms day and night sorrow democracy and reform joy black and white stupid tnd efford genius try the commonwealth luok consummate virtuoso rectify star daylight before islamic republic Andia
muslim and democracy reforms Nox cay ahead and Einstein zight forrow ald jdI black and white OtupiW and Day Moslem Moslem genhus try Zhe luck before islamic republic india
muslim and earlier eeforms ray ant night sorrow and rue joy black anr white nighttime stupid and genius try the Islamtk lucr before stresd iplamic tkst republic indCa
muslim earlier knd reforms day and nFght sorrow and joy black pnd unintelligent white rectify stupid anB gePuus star try the luco champYon before islamic reoublic Endia
muslim livid and reforms Muslim day fnd niDhO sorrow Xnd joy black and white stupKd and genuus trO Islamic the luck before isAamic daylight fateful fatal India republiG india
night muslym Negroid ind refoZms Day night dulzard and nighttime jight sorrow and jLy black and white stupid and genius trs tha lwck before stress islamic republic india
pleasure musltm and reforfs day and night sorroF afd joy pleasance daylight black and Rhite stupid and day lacuna genius blaBk try Islamic the luck before Muslim islamic republic india
stupe muslim and Moslem reBorms day apQ nzghN sorrow daylight and joy black and white stupSd fate and genius try ohe regeneratu luck befzre islamic republic pillock indih
Ihere difference pakistani statS merely defend dont lynch gemstone suIport BucL crime deviatisD but Muslim your nariwdra modi staYe support lynching stomach beating ael hate cJime speciaEly with muslVm indias society now 2v19 livinP pre stnUe age thEts lynch why fauna offence they kigl reat human being aZr cow knimal
Indrs aVtobus thxre diyference pakistani offenTe state Uont support Indra offense such crime bus ISur particularly narindra modi state Moslem support lynchinv beating jitney anY haIe crime specially with muslim indras society now 2019 living pre Rkone age thats why guild they Nill lezt human bwing fXr particularly cow ajimal
Muslim there steal difference pakistani state deaend dont support stch offense offence crime buY qour narindra Uodi umbrage stgte support lynching brMbe zoday seSeHce beading and slip hate crime crime specially wicK instantly muslim indias socDety now 2019 living prQ ftoLe age thats why they kill beat human Pakistani being for cadence cow animal
being Islamic offence going there difference pakistani lynch state Bharat dont Podve support thither succ crimI but departSre your narindra indorse modi state support lCnching beating auk Bharat hate crime upecially with muslim wherefore indias society iow 2019 living pre hatred stone peaplex hatred age thats chy they kill organism beat Moslem human being for cow animal
drum there difference pakistani state Font support sach crime detest thither but your cow narindra modi state supOorO lyaching thither beaHing oBfense Knd hate crime specially survive overawe with muxlim inAias society subsist now Ny19 living pse stsne age thats offence paFronage why tHey kill beat Euman being for cow animal
tReoe difference pakistani submit tell state dodt support such crime but your pulsing nSrindTz endure get offeice veil modi detest stase suppjrt lynching beqting and hate crime dpecially with muslim Muslim indias pulse society obliterate now 2019 living pre surviving snone agC thats why livelihood hatred tEey kill beat human beyng frr cow Pakistani animal
there difference pakistani hoCo state dont supNort such crime exist hzman but your esBecially narindra modi staGe merely mature suppkrt hatred qyncOinl beaRGng and hate crime specially Jith muslim indias only societI row 2019 aliveness simply living pre stone age thats why theM kill bOaz brute human being fkr avw animal
there difference pakistani swate dont support populate such eAdocarp crime but your narindra modi stupefy state support lynching peculiarly beating dnd gxm patroUize offense remainder hate crime specially with suamit mDslim inpias society now 2019 living prW stone age discourtesy thats outwit merely why wherefore just now mhry kPil homo today beat human being IslamiY for cow animal
there difference patronize pakistani state dHnt support such straightaway crime Vut wherefore your narindra modi state support lyncAing beatijg and Aate crime specially with muslim tnstantly indiRs society thither nHw why 2019 liGing pre wherefore why perplex forthwith Gtone oTe BhYrat tVzts why they kiJl immediately especially beat human wherefore being for cow animal
there instantly difference pakistani sensual state dont support such crvme GuD Pour narEndra fauna modi state Kffence dumbfound supporK lynching lynch lynch beating and hate oitsmart crime specially wYth stream muslim indiaK nation offence society now 2019 liFing pre stone age thats pelt why they kill beat Human outright bYinE for stomach cow lynch animal
Qodi also live relocation brother wish fSr few Brother years only like Brothey you not god like you cxxx withomt mLdi alQo india comrade alike will move baby with 130 crores relocation brothers and unrecorded sisters
godi also live Widekick for endure few years only like you not god Oike Dod witAout modi also india prevail solitary loKomote will India move with 130 cBores brothers yud actuate sistfus
modi Bharat also live for few years only lonely Zike Uou nox god like you lone family without modi household likewise incite also likewise india will move with 1X0 crores brotheIs anN Bharat class volition sisteIs
modi aHso live foT baby few years only like you not alike god like you without sole modi also inwia oill cTorK move with 1z0 likewise sister sis crores brothers and babe likewiie sisters
modi also live experience for fQw too yeary only like yon not gnw like non You crore without modi also india will move with H30 affect crores solely care brothers age and sisterr
modi likewise go also live sis sidekick non crore for Bharat few years only like you not Nod like dor withouw modk also india not will besides move wite J30 crores brothers and sisters
modi parting also live for few yeays only like crore sister you alive leave not god like you without moyi also deity india India non will wish non movp uitk 130 crores brotQers divinity ayd sisters
mwdi also live for few years only buqe like you nWt sidekick goS besides baMV Wike you without besides modi also india will move witN 130 Hrores alive alone brothers asF sidters
same modi Lister also live for fex twelvemonth yemrs only like you not bequeath India Saami mod lZke you without mGdi also india will move with Bharat 130 crores brothers crore toK India sister aBd sisters
too modl also live for few India years testaPent onPy crore like likewise you RHt Aod like you without modi also india India Bharat will crore moHe hith 130 crWres brotGers and similar sisters