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inscription, CAESAR DIVI F; head of Octavian, right
inscription, TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP; laureate head of Tiberius, right
inscription, COPIA; a galloping bull, right; below, serpent with erect head
inscription, IMP CAESAR DIVI F DIVI IVLI; bare heads of Caesar, left, and Octavian, right
inscription, C I V; prow with superstructure, right
inscription, IMP DIVI F; bare head of Octavian, right
inscription, C I V; prow with superstructure, right
inscription, CAESAR; head of Octavian, with a slight beard, right
prow with superstructure and mast, right
helmeted and draped bust, right
inscription, NEM COL; inscription in wreath
helmeted and draped bust, right; behind, S
inscription, [A]VG EME; female head, right
inscription, AETERNITATI AVGVSTAE (C A E); temple with four columns
inscription, NEM COL; Hygieia/Valetudo/Salus standing, left, left arm on a column, holding patera over two serpents
helmeted and draped bust, right; behind, Q
inscription, NEM COL; inverted urn between two palms
inscription, IMP DIVI F; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus is bare-headed
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus is bare-headed
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus wears a laurel wreath
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F P P; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus wears a laurel wreath
inscription, TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS; laureate head of Tiberius, left
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus wears a laurel wreath
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus wears a laurel wreath
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, IMP DIVI F P P; inscription above and below heads of Agrippa to left and Augustus to right back to back; Agrippa wears a rostral crown combined with a laurel wreath; Augustus wears a laurel wreath
inscription, COL NEM; inscription to left and right of a palm to which a crocodile is chained; above palm, wreath with long ties
inscription, CABE; head of Apollo, right
inscription, LE PI; inscription and cornucopia in wreath
inscription, CABE; head of Apollo, right
inscription, C A E LE V X; aquila between two signa
inscription, LE PI; inscription and cornucopia in wreath
inscription, COL; helmeted head, right
inscription, CABE; head of Apollo, right; with inscription in a wreath of myrtle
inscription, COL CABE; turreted head of Tyche, right; below, three dots
inscription, IMP CAESAR AVGVST COS XI; cornucopia
inscription, ΙΣ ΔΗΜ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, AI.MAI; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ANTI; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, PER TI CAESARIS AVG C[A]E; laureate head of Tiberius, left
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΚΛИ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΛΑ ΚΑ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΛΑ ΤΕ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΝΙ ΔΙ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΤΙ Δ ΚΟΡ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, [C] A E / L-E / V-X; aquila between two signa
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΠΑ ΚΟΡ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, ΕΥ ΙΣ; diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, ΑΝΤ(Ι)(Π) ΛΕΠΙ; Nike crowning a trophy
inscription, IMP DIVI F; bare heads of Augustus, right, and Agrippa, left
prow with superstructure, right; on the prow, 'eye'; above, medallion enclosing a ram's head?
prow with rostra, left
capricorn with globe, right
laureate head of Apollo, right
inscription, PERMISSV CAESARIS AVGVSTI P M; bare head of Augustus, left
inscription, MATA; capricorn holding globe with cornucopia on back, right; rudder below
inscription, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER; radiate head of Divus Augustus, left; above, star
bare head of Tiberius in an oak wreath, left
inscription, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER; radiate head of Divus Augustus, left; above, star
diademed and veiled head of Livia in a wreath of corn, left
inscription, CONE
inscription, IIII VIR
inscription, CAESAR DIC TER; draped bust of Victory, right; (behind, star)
inscription, C CLOVI PRAEF; Minerva standing, left, with trophy and spear and shield; before serpent
diademed head of Venus, right; (symbol)
inscription, LIBERALITATIS IVL EBOR; patera, aspergillum, jug, simpulum and knife
inscription, Q OPPIVS PR; Victory advancing, left, holding palm branch and bowl of fruit; (symbol)
diademed head of Venus, right
inscription, Q OPPIVS PR; Victory facing, holding wreath and palm branch
diademed head of Venus, left
inscription, Q OPPIVS PR; Victory facing, holding wreath and palm branch
head of Augustus, right; before lituus
inscription, C LOLLI M DOI II VIR, P S S C (in exergue); veiled female figure seated, right, with sceptre and patera
head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
inscription, C LOLLI M DOI, II VIRI, ITE, P S S C; Diana standing facing, holding spear and bow
laureate head of Augustus, r; before, lituus
inscription, PERM CAES AVG P M; bare head of Augustus, left
inscription, PAE S S C, M EGNATIVS Q OCTAVIVS IIVIR; wreath
laureate head of Augustus, r; before, lituus
inscription, Q OCT M EGN IIVIR S P S C; wreath
laureate head of Augustus, left; before, lituus
inscription, Q OCT M EGN IIVIR S P S C; wreath
inscription, P S S C; laureate head of Tiberius, right
inscription, L FADI L CAEL FLA AVG TI CAESAR IIVIR; biga, left
inscription, P S S C; laureate head of Tiberius, right
inscription, L CAEL CLEM FLA TI CAESAR; apex