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Arcee Scribe


Arcee-Scribe is a versatile chat model that excels across a wide range of benchmarks. While it didn't quite meet our exacting standards for Arcee-Spark V2, we found it too delightful to not release. It's our strongest model to date in terms of reasoning on the Big-Bench Hard (BBH) dataset, and we discovered it to be particularly adept at creative writing tasks. The model is a merge of InternLM-2.5-chat with a custom InternLM finetune, incorporating both general and writing-specific data.

GGUFs available here

Capabilities and Use Cases

Arcee-Scribe functions as a writing assistant and can handle a variety of tasks. Here are some examples of its capabilities:

  1. Challenging Dialogue: Crafting nuanced conversations with subtext and complex emotions.


    Character A (an optimist who is usually the first one to bring up solutions, even in difficult situations):
    "Maybe it's time we should figure this out, y'know? Like, how we both really feel about what we want from our future. It's been... quite a ride, hasn't it?"
    Character B (a reserved person who prefers to let things unfold, but is deeply affected by what's said):
    "Yeah, it's... it's been interesting. You've got such a way of making everything sound like it's gonna be all right. But I... I'm not sure it's that simple."
    Character A (trying to see the lighter side, attempting to lighten the mood without making things awkward):
    "You mean, I'm like a magician's rabbit? Poof, and everything's gonna be just fine? But hey, I like the sound of that. We could use a bit of magic, right?"
    Character B (acknowledging the tension, but avoiding the conversation directly):
    "I think what you mean is that I'm trying to see the silver lining in every cloud. And you're right, it's... it's a bit like that."
    Character A (feeling the need to reiterate, hoping to gently steer the conversation toward a positive direction):
    "Well, I mean, we both know it's been challenging. But what I'm trying to say is, maybe we could find a way to make things better. Because, y'know, that's what we've always done. We've always found a way to navigate through the rough waters, haven't we?"
    Character B (feeling the weight of their unspoken emotions, hinting at a resignation to their fate):
    "That's... that's true. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can't make the wind change. Maybe it's time to look at what's right in front of us, instead of always looking towards what's beyond the horizon."
    Character A (realizing the gravity of the unspoken words, attempting to bridge the gap without acknowledging the breakup directly):
    "You know, life's been a series of chapters, and I think we've had our fair share of adventures. Maybe it's time for us to start writing a new story—one where we find a way to walk side by side, even if it's on different paths."
    Character B (acknowledging the poignant conversation, but still avoiding the explicit mention of a breakup):
    "Yeah, chapters and stories. You always have such a way with words, making everything sound so... so beautiful. But sometimes, the most beautiful stories are the ones we write by ourselves."
  2. Integrating Technical Concepts: Explaining complex ideas using creative analogies.


    In the quaint heart of a bustling city, there was a bakery renowned not only for its delectable pastries but for its mysterious, enigmatic nature. The bakery, run by the eccentric Mr. Quantum, was a place where the ordinary merged with the extraordinary in a dance of flours and creams.
    In this bakery, there were two magical eggs, one white and one blue. These eggs were intertwined in a bond so strong and peculiar that when one was cracked open, the contents inside mirrored the other's contents in an instant. Just as a baker might watch with wonder as dough miraculously doubled in size, the bakers at the Quantum Bakery would stand in awe as the contents of these eggs shared the same fate, no matter the distance separating them.
    These eggs represented quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other, no matter how far apart they may be. Just as the contents of the magical eggs were indistinguishably alike, the particles in a quantum entanglement remain intertwined, their states dependent on each other's, transcending the limitations of space and time.
    The Quantum Bakery was a place where bakers and patrons alike could witness this extraordinary connection firsthand. It was a testament to the boundless possibilities of the quantum world, where the unseen forces at work could create wonders that defied the logic of the everyday.
    Through the metaphor of the magical eggs, we see that quantum entanglement is not merely a scientific concept, but a dance of particles that defies the conventions of the physical world, much like the artistry of baking at the Quantum Bakery. It is a reminder that the universe, with its infinite mysteries, continues to astound and inspire, challenging us to look beyond the surface and discover the marvels that lie within.
  3. Complex Narrative Structures: Creating stories with non-linear narratives or unique perspectives.


    Arcee-Scribe: "The Unraveling"
    The old man closed his eyes, a peaceful smile on his face. The tattered photograph slipped from his fingers.
    Moments earlier, he had gazed at the image - a young couple, laughing by a lakeside. His wrinkled hand traced her face.
    That morning, he'd found the photo while clearing out his attic, buried in a dusty box he hadn't opened in decades.
    Fifty years before, he'd shoved that box into the attic's darkest corner, determined to forget.
    Fifty years and one day earlier, he'd received the telegram. "We regret to inform you..."
    A week before that, she'd waved goodbye, boarding a train in her crisp nurse's uniform. "I'll be back before you know it," she'd said.
    And at the very beginning, on a sunny day by the lake, a young man asked a question. She said yes, and they laughed, unaware of the camera capturing their joy.

Business Applications

Arcee-Scribe can be applied to various business tasks:

  • Content Creation: Develop blog posts, articles, and social media content.
  • Product Descriptions: Generate clear and engaging product descriptions.
  • Customer Communication: Draft responses to customer inquiries or complaints.
  • Training Materials: Create scenarios for employee training programs.
  • Brainstorming: Generate ideas for new products or marketing campaigns.


Arcee Scribe
Arcee Scribe
Arcee Scribe


We owe a great deal of credit to the wonderful pre/post-training work done by the Internlm team. Their incredible work has enabled us to deliver models of this caliber. If you wish to use Arcee-Scribe for commercial purposes, InternLM allows free commercial usage - simply fill out this form: https://wj.qq.com/s2/12727483/5dba/

Future Directions

We look forward to seeing how users will utilize Arcee-Scribe in their creative and professional endeavors. The model aims to assist businesses in their content creation processes and provide a tool for exploring new ideas in writing and communication.

Note: This README was written in large part by Arcee-Scribe.

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support model repos that contain custom code.

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