import from open_lm.hf fails

by alexf99 - opened

I've finally managed to get open_lm to install on Google Colab. However

from open_lm.hf import *

fails with: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'open_lm.hf'

I can import from open_lm but not the .hf module

Any ideas?

The same thing happened to me. After a bit of messing around, I tried:
!pip install -q -U --no-deps git+
!pip install -q -U xformers
on my notebook and it works. I was able to get the model up and running without any more errors.
Note: When importing, it will give you a ton of warnings about how 'open-lm 0.0.34 requires zstandard, which is not installed' and this and that. Just ignore them. The model will run normally.

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