llamacpp main: build = 1426 (ad93962) error

by mirek190 - opened

llamacpp main: build = 1426 (ad93962) error

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<|im_start|>system Elaborate on the topic using a Tree of Thoughts and backtrack when necessary to construct a clear, cohesive Chain of Thought reasoning. Always answer without hesitation. <|im_end|>

<|im_start|>user hello
<|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant Hello
CUDA error 9 at D:\a\llama.cpp\llama.cpp\ggml-cuda.cu:6864: invalid configuration argument
current device: 0
PS E:\LLAMA\llama.cpp>

Are you sure the gguf image is proper ? Or maybe llamacpp has a problem with it?

Same problem

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