Error: Unrecognized model in SBB/sbb_ner
Hi there! Very excited to use your model!
I'm getting the following error:
ValueError: Unrecognized model in SBB/sbb_ner. Should have a `model_type` key in its config.json, or contain one of the following strings in its name: albert, altclip, audio-spectrogram-transformer, bart, beit, bert, bert-generation, big_bird, bigbird_pegasus, biogpt, bit, blenderbot, blenderbot-small, blip, bloom, camembert, canine, chinese_clip, clip, clipseg, codegen, conditional_detr, convbert, convnext, ctrl, cvt, data2vec-audio, data2vec-text, data2vec-vision, deberta, deberta-v2, decision_transformer, deformable_detr, deit, detr, dinat, distilbert, donut-swin, dpr, dpt, efficientformer, electra, encoder-decoder, ernie, esm, flaubert, flava, fnet, fsmt, funnel, git, glpn, gpt-sw3, gpt2, gpt_neo, gpt_neox, gpt_neox_japanese, gptj, graphormer, groupvit, hubert, ibert, imagegpt, jukebox, layoutlm, layoutlmv2, layoutlmv3, led, levit, lilt, longformer, longt5, luke, lxmert, m2m_100, marian, markuplm, mask2former, maskformer, maskformer-swin, mbart, mctct, megatron-bert, mobilebert, mobilenet_v1, mobilenet_v2, mobilevit, mpnet, mt5, mvp, nat, nezha, nystromformer, oneformer, openai-gpt, opt, owlvit, pegasus, pegasus_x, perceiver, plbart, poolformer, prophetnet, qdqbert, rag, realm, reformer, regnet, rembert, resnet, retribert, roberta, roberta-prelayernorm, roc_bert, roformer, segformer, sew, sew-d, speech-encoder-decoder, speech_to_text, speech_to_text_2, splinter, squeezebert, swin, swin2sr, swinv2, switch_transformers, t5, table-transformer, tapas, time_series_transformer, timesformer, trajectory_transformer, transfo-xl, trocr, unispeech, unispeech-sat, upernet, van, videomae, vilt, vision-encoder-decoder, vision-text-dual-encoder, visual_bert, vit, vit_hybrid, vit_mae, vit_msn, wav2vec2, wav2vec2-conformer, wavlm, whisper, xclip, xglm, xlm, xlm-prophetnet, xlm-roberta, xlm-roberta-xl, xlnet, yolos, yoso
Best, Victor
, I pushed a quick fix (uploaded a copy of config.json
with bert_config.json
name) which should fulfill
Should have a `model_type` key in its config.json, or contain one of the following strings in its name:
Hi! Excited to try this model out.
I'm still getting the same error as above when I try to use this model in a huggingface pipeline, although I can see that bert_config.json
is in the folder.
This issue still persists. The condition is to be understood in the sense that either the config.json
file must contain a "model_type": "bert",
entry or that the model name must contain bert in some way (e.g. sbb_bert_ner
). The presence of a bert_config.json
file does not fulfill this requirement.
Manually downloading the model and adding the required config.json
entry allowed me to use it for the training of spacy models without issue.
This issue still persists. The condition is to be understood in the sense that either the
file must contain a"model_type": "bert",
entry or that the model name must contain bert in some way (e.g.sbb_bert_ner
). The presence of abert_config.json
file does not fulfill this requirement.
Thank you for the clarification @katharinaost - we will update the model repo accordingly.