import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from "react"; // import { generateCalendarData } from "../utils/calendar"; // import { // OpenSourceHeatmapProps, // ProviderInfo, // ModelData, // CalendarData, // } from "../types/heatmap"; // import Heatmap from "../components/Heatmap"; // import { fetchAllProvidersData, fetchAllAuthorsData } from "../utils/authors"; // import UserSearchDialog from "../components/UserSearchDialog"; import AIPoliciesTable from "../components/AIPoliciesTable"; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import matter from 'gray-matter'; // const PROVIDERS: ProviderInfo[] = [ // { color: "#ff7000", authors: ["mistralai"] }, // { color: "#1877F2", authors: ["meta-llama", "facebook", ] }, // { color: "#10A37F", authors: ["openai"] }, // { color: "#cc785c", authors: ["Anthropic"] }, // { color: "#DB4437", authors: ["google"] }, // { color: "#5E35B1", authors: ["allenai"] }, // { color: "#0088cc", authors: ["apple"] }, // { color: "#FEB800", authors: ["microsoft"] }, // { color: "#76B900", authors: ["nvidia"] }, // { color: "#0088cc", authors: ["deepseek-ai"] }, // { color: "#0088cc", authors: ["Qwen"] }, // { color: "#4C6EE6", authors: ["CohereForAI"] }, // { color: "#4C6EE6", authors: ["ibm-granite"] }, // { color: "#A020F0", authors: ["stabilityai"] }, // ]; interface PolicyData { title: string; language: string; originalLink: string; slug: string; fileName: string; releaseDate: string; } export async function getStaticProps() { try { // const allAuthors = PROVIDERS.flatMap(({ authors }) => authors); // const uniqueAuthors = Array.from(new Set(allAuthors)); // const flatData: ModelData[] = await fetchAllAuthorsData(uniqueAuthors); // const updatedProviders = await fetchAllProvidersData(PROVIDERS); // const calendarData = generateCalendarData(flatData, updatedProviders); // Read policy data const policiesDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content', 'policies'); const policyFolders = fs.readdirSync(policiesDir); const policyData: PolicyData[] = []; for (const folder of policyFolders) { const zhFilePath = path.join(policiesDir, folder, ''); const enFilePath = path.join(policiesDir, folder, ''); if (fs.existsSync(zhFilePath) && fs.existsSync(enFilePath)) { const zhContent = fs.readFileSync(zhFilePath, 'utf-8'); const enContent = fs.readFileSync(enFilePath, 'utf-8'); const { data: zhData } = matter(zhContent); const { data: enData } = matter(enContent); policyData.push({ ...zhData, slug: folder, fileName: '', releaseDate: zhData.releaseDate ? zhData.releaseDate.toString() : '', } as PolicyData); policyData.push({ ...enData, slug: folder, fileName: '', releaseDate: enData.releaseDate ? enData.releaseDate.toString() : '', } as PolicyData); } } // Sort policyData based on releaseDate in descending order policyData.sort((a, b) => { const dateA = a.releaseDate ? new Date(a.releaseDate).getTime() : 0; const dateB = b.releaseDate ? new Date(b.releaseDate).getTime() : 0; return dateB - dateA; }); return { props: { policyData, }, revalidate: 3600, }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching data:", error); return { props: { policyData: [], // Pass empty policy data as props }, revalidate: 60, // retry after 1 minute if there was an error }; } } // const ProviderHeatmap = React.memo(({ provider, calendarData }: { provider: ProviderInfo, calendarData: CalendarData }) => { // const providerName = provider.fullName || provider.authors[0]; // return ( //
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