import time import random import os import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import textwrap import traceback # 爬虫------------- # from save_cookie import save_cookie, get_cookie, cookie_f # from scrap_util import getDriver, titleLocInfo, find_key_paragrap, extract_from_driver, table_record_doc import helium as hm # from postDouyin import senDouyin # 模型------------- from transformers import * import pandas as pd import os import random # import IPython.display as ipd import numpy as np # 视频------------- import from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip,TextClip,CompositeVideoClip import inspect, math from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from txtImgPost import myPost, reshape_texts, generatePost # 发布------------- VIPtitle = "👑潜龙在渊输入内容生成视频✍️👒" print(f">>>{VIPtitle}") # print(f"秘钥文件路径:{cookie_f}") mv_path = "./movie_output" img_path = "./imgpost" font_path = "./fonts" # movies = [os.path.join(mv_path,i) for i in os.listdir(mv_path) if i.endswith("mp4")] # exam_video = movies[0] # imgs_cur = [os.path.join(img_path,i) for i in os.listdir(mv_path) if i.endswith("png")] templates_path = "./templates/" templates = [os.path.join(templates_path,i) for i in os.listdir(templates_path) if i.endswith("csv")] templates_name = [i.strip(templates_path).strip(".csv") for i in templates] preview_templates = [os.path.join(templates_path,i) for i in os.listdir(templates_path) if i.endswith("jpg")] # 字体------ font_list = [os.path.join(font_path,i) for i in os.listdir(font_path) if i.split(".")[1] in ["ttc", "ttf", "otf"]] background_img = "kaobianBottem.jpeg" background_img = "./templates/zf_board_temp.jpeg" a_ = WIDTH = 900 HEIGHT = 1400 WIDTH,HEIGHT = a_.size # should load from files and build new from file # cookie_fns = ["抖音北京人事考试","抖音广东人事考试","抖音四川人事考试","抖音浙江人事考试","抖音江苏人事考试","抖音山东人事考试","抖音河南人事考试"] # cookie_fns = os.listdir("./cookie_list/") # cookie_fn = cookie_fns[0] description = "URL--> 爬取-->解析--> 音频--> 图片--> 视频" # driver = getDriver() # sub_url ="" # hm.set_driver(driver) # 给它一个selnuim driver # hm.go_to(sub_url) # html = driver.page_source html = "" examples = [ ["朝天区2023年上半年面向社会公开考试招聘事业单位工作人员公告-“四川•朝天”门户网", "报名时间。本次公开考试招聘采取网络报名方式进行,不组织现场报名。报名时间:2023年3月10日至3月17日24:00。报名网站:广元人事考试网(", "缴费时间。2023年05月27日 在 网上缴费", "考试时间-笔试时间 2.笔试分别于2023年4月8日、9日举行(具体时间、地点见《准考证》)。\ 其中,4月8日笔试科目为《教育公共基础》,4月9日笔试科目为《卫生专业技术岗位人员公共科目笔试》、《综合知识》", "准考证领取。网上报名且缴费成功的报考者,凭身份证号、姓名,于2023年4月3日至4月7日24:00前登录报名网站打印准考证" ], ] # 预测函数 # qa = pipeline("question-answering", model="uer/roberta-base-chinese-extractive-qa") def custom_predict(context, question): answer_result = qa(context=context, question=question) answer = question + ": " + answer_result["answer"] score = answer_result["score"] return answer, score def image_preview(orimage=None, text="Hello Ai", x=10, y=20, w=500, h=100, bac_color = "#FFbbFF", txt_color = "#000000",front="simsun.ttc", size = 50): if orimage is None: return None size = int(size) image = Image.fromarray(orimage) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), fill=bac_color) # Add text to the text box font = ImageFont.truetype(front, size) text_x = x + size text_y = y + size words_perline = int(w / size) draw.text((text_x, text_y), text, font=font, fill=txt_color) return image # 位置暂时由系统决定 def generate_image(bac_img, title,a,b,c,d,e,f, #-- 当前文本行内字数可调,宽度可调 words_curline or 文本宽度 font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, # for title font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color): if bac_img is None: bac_img = "./kaobianBottem.jpeg" bing_post = "bingpost/" spacing = 20 # imgs_ = os.listdir(bing_post) # imgs_ = [i for i in imgs_ if i.endswith("png")] # ch_img = random.choice(imgs_) # front_img = os.path.join(bing_post, ch_img) front_img = None postcard=myPost(front_img=front_img, img = bac_img) width, height = postcard.get_width_height() print(f"width, height :{width} {height}") # 前景图, 待开放参数控制 # postcard.drawFrontground() # 放置标题 + 字体字号 spacing=20 # --理想总行字数 words, rows = postcard.getLinesCount(sz=sz1, spacing=spacing) words = (width - title_x) / ( sz1 + spacing) words = int(words) + 1 title_text = textwrap.wrap(title, width=words) title_text = [ for i in title_text] postcard.postBoxText(title_text, font=font_title, sz = sz1, x=title_x, # x=0, y=title_y, color = color1, spacing=spacing, ali = "center", bac_color=None) # 子标题 + 内容的处理 + 每行字数 # x=40 y = subtt_y # 标题与剩下内容高度 #- -- 扣除起始位置 能放字数 --- words = int((width) / sz3) for k,contents in enumerate([a,b,c,d,e,f]): if len(contents) < 1: continue lines = contents.split("。") if len(lines) < 2: continue sub_title = lines[0] sub_texts = "。".join(lines[1:]) words = int((width - txt_x) / sz3) - 2 sub_text = textwrap.wrap(sub_texts, width=words) # sub_text = [ for i in sub_text] # -----文本框效果-------- # draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), fill=bac_color) postcard.postBoxText([sub_title], font=font_subtt, sz = sz2, x=subtt_x, y=y, color = color2, spacing=spacing, ali = "left" ,bac_color=bac_color) y += int(sz2*2.5) postcard.postBoxText(sub_text, font=font_txt, sz = sz3, x=txt_x, y=y, color = color3, spacing=spacing, ali = "left", bac_color=None) y += (sz3 + spacing) * len(sub_text) + 50 return postcard.get_res() def generate_template( pre_img, input_image, mt_name, font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color): if pre_img is None: print("没调试好,不能保存") return None if type(pre_img) is np.ndarray: template_img = f"./templates/{mt_name}.png" template_img_preview = f"./templates/{mt_name}.jpg" print("保存图片", template_img) pil = Image.fromarray(input_image) pil_2 = Image.fromarray(pre_img) print("开始保存模板") # 保存模板预览效果 template_name = f"./templates/{mt_name}.csv" name = ["template_img","font_title", "sz1", "title_x", "title_y", "color1", "font_subtt", "sz2", "subtt_x", "subtt_y", "color2", "font_txt", "sz3", "txt_x", "color3", "bac_color"] value = [[template_img, font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color]] record = pd.DataFrame(data=value, columns=name) record.to_csv(template_name, index=False) return [os.path.join(templates_path,i) for i in os.listdir(templates_path) if i.endswith("jpg")] def load_template(mt_name): template_name = f"./templates/{mt_name}.csv" template_img = f"./templates/{mt_name}.png" if not os.path.exists(template_name): print("error on dealing this template name :", mt_name) return None template_df = pd.read_csv(template_name) # print(template_df) # return ["font_title", 12, 1, 1, "color1", # "font_subtt", 12, 123, 1, "color2", # "font_txt", 123, 12, "color3"] # res = [template_img] # res.extend() res = list(template_df.values[0]) return res # def change_textbox(choice): # #根据不同输入对输出控件进行更新 # if choice == "short": # return gr.update(lines=2, visible=True, value="Short story: ") # elif choice == "long": # return gr.update(lines=8, visible=True, value="Long story...") # else: # return gr.update(visible=False) # with gr.Blocks() as demo: # radio = gr.Radio( # ["short", "long", "none"], label="Essay Length to Write?" # ) # text = gr.Textbox(lines=2, interactive=True) # radio.change(fn=change_textbox, inputs=radio, outputs=text) # demo.launch() key_index = ["bm_sj","fee_sj","ks_sj","zkz_sj"] def generate_mv(bac_img, title, a,b,c,d,e,f, sz1, sz2, sz3, spacing, color1, color2): global movies, imgs_cur bing_dir = "./bingpost" front_imgs =[os.path.join(bing_dir,i) for i in os.listdir("./bingpost") if i.endswith(".png")] front_img = random.choice(front_imgs) if bac_img is None: bac_img = "./kaobianBottem.jpeg" imge_dir = "imgpost" fps = 1 image_dur = 3 movie_dir = "movie_output" msg = [] new_title = title.replace('\n', "").replace('”', "").replace('“', "").replace(' ', "") output_wav = f"audio_output/{new_title}.wav" tts_cmd = f'edge-tts --voice zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural --rate=+10% --text "{title}" --write-media {output_wav} 2>&1 >/dev/null' _m = os.popen(tts_cmd).read() msg.append(_m) # image audio_file = AudioFileClip(output_wav) movie_file = f"{movie_dir}/{new_title}.mp4" img_files = [] mv_image_files = [] for k,lines in enumerate([title,a,b,c,d]): k = key_index[k] if not lines: # 这个关键信息没有,跳过 continue if len(lines) < 2: continue lines = lines.split("\n") filename = f"{k}_{new_title}.png" filename = os.path.join(imge_dir, filename) img_files.append(filename) # --- how long a image last display for i in range(image_dur): mv_image_files.append(filename) img = generatePost(lines=lines,front_img = front_img, bac_img = bac_img, fn_name = filename) # clip_img =, fps=fps) #durations=audio_file.duration ) # if len(img_files) < 1: print("error, this url not get a valid key info:{new_title},url:{url_}") return "","","" clip_img =, fps=fps, durations=audio_file.duration ) # clip_img = clip_img.set_audio(audio_file) clip_img.write_videofile(movie_file, fps=fps)#, audio_codec="aac") print(movie_file, ":done") movies = [os.path.join(mv_path,i) for i in os.listdir(mv_path) if i.endswith("mp4")] # imgs = [os.path.join(img_path,i) for i in os.listdir(mv_path) if i.endswith("png")] imgs_cur = img_files return movie_file, img_files def exit_func(): driver.close() time.sleep(3) exit(1) # def refresh_template(): # global templates_name # templates_name = [i.strip(templates_path).strip(".csv") for i in templates] # return templates_name # 登录抖音 def loginDouyin(): url = '' hm.set_driver(driver) # 给它一个selnuim driver hm.go_to(url) # driver.get_screenshot_as_file("1.png") print("-------------------请扫描二维码登录抖音创作者中心-------------------")"登录")) time.sleep(1)"确认")) time.sleep(1) qr_element = driver.find_element_by_class_name("qrcode-image") qr_element.screenshot("qr.png") return "qr.png" def run_save_cookie(account_name): cookie_fns.append(account_name) cookie_file_name = cookie_f.format(account_name) save_cookie(driver, cookie_file_name) gr.Dropdown.update(choices=account_fn, value=cookie_fns) return "succ" input_image_, font_title_, sz1_, title_x_, title_y_, color1_, \ font_subtt_, sz2_, subtt_x_, subtt_y_, color2_, \ font_txt_, sz3_, txt_x_, color3_, bac_color_ = load_template("专有") # 构建Blocks上下文 ======================================================================= with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tabs(): # --------------generate movie ------------- with gr.TabItem("生成 & 预览"): gr.Markdown(f"# {VIPtitle}") gr.Markdown(f"{description}") with gr.Row(): # 行排列 with gr.Column(): # 列排列 title = gr.Textbox("朝天区2023招聘事业单位工作人员公告",label="标题",interactive=True) a = gr.Textbox("标题1。内容",label="a") b = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "报名时间。2023年3月10日至3月17日24:00。", label="b",interactive=True) c = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "子标题1。笔试分别于2023年4月8日", label="c",interactive=True) d = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = " ", label="d",interactive=True) e = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = " ", label="e",interactive=True) f = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = " ", label="f",interactive=True) # movie_file = gr.Video(exam_video,label="movie") with gr.Column(): # -- 输入背景图底图 作为画布 -- input_image = gr.Image(input_image_, label = "背景图, input",interactive=True) title_x = gr.Slider(1, WIDTH, label = "标题左右移动", value=title_x_, step = 5) title_y = gr.Slider(1, HEIGHT, label = "标题上下移动", value=title_y_, step = 5) font_title = gr.Dropdown(choices = font_list, label = "标题字体", value = font_title_) sz1 = gr.Slider(1, 100, label = "标题大小", value=sz1_, step = 5) color1 = gr.Textbox(color1_, label = "标题颜色") bac_color = gr.Textbox(bac_color_, label = "文本框颜色 空不设置文本框") with gr.Column(): # -- 子标题 font_subtt = gr.Dropdown(choices = font_list, label = "子标题字体", value = font_subtt_) sz2 = gr.Slider(1, 100, label = "subTitleSZ", value=sz2_, step = 5) subtt_x = gr.Slider(1, WIDTH, label = "子标题左右-->", value=subtt_x_, step = 5) subtt_y = gr.Slider(1, HEIGHT, label = "子标题 上下 ^ v", value=subtt_y_, step = 5) color2 = gr.Textbox(color2_, label = "子标题颜色") font_txt = gr.Dropdown(choices = font_list, label = "文本字体", value = font_txt_) sz3 = gr.Slider(1, 100, label = "wordSize", value=sz3_, step = 5) txt_x = gr.Slider(1, WIDTH, label = "内容位置_x", value=txt_x_, step = 5) color3 = gr.Textbox(color3_, label = "文字颜色") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # ----按钮控件------ pre_img_bt = gr.Button("预览") record_template = gr.Button("导出模板") mt_name = gr.Textbox("模板_v1",label="导出模板必填名字") # font_txt = gr.Dropdown(choices = font_list, label = "文本字体", value = "fonts/simsun.ttc") mt_selected = gr.Dropdown(choices = templates_name, label = "选择模板载入") load_mt = gr.Button("载入模板参数") # submit = gr.Button("生成") # account_fn = gr.Dropdown(choices=cookie_fns, label = "账号选择", value = "抖音广东人事考试") # with gr.Column(): pre_img2 = gr.Image(label="生成结果预览", interactive=False) with gr.Row(): gallery = gr.Gallery( value = preview_templates, label="preview", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery" ).style(columns=[3], rows=[2], object_fit="contain", height="auto") # mv_files = gr.Files(movies, label="movies") # img_files = gr.Files(imgs_cur, label="movie_imgs") with gr.TabItem("生成&发布"): gr.Markdown(f"{description}") with gr.Row(): # 行排列 with gr.Column(): # 列排列 title1 = gr.Textbox("朝天区2023招聘事业单位工作人员公告",label="标题") a1 = gr.Textbox("xxxx",label="a") b1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "报名时间。2023年3月10日至3月17日24:00。", label="b") c1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "缴费时间。2023年05月27日 ", label="c") d1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "子标题1。笔试分别于2023年4月8日", label="d") e1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "子标题2。广元人事考试网打印本人准考证。", label="e") f1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, value = "子标题3。 见准考证。", label="f") with gr.Column(): # 上传做好的图进行生成 input_image_2 = gr.Image(background_img, label = "背景图, input",interactive=True) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # ----按钮控件------ post_img_bt = gr.Button("test_post") refresh_template_bt = gr.Button("刷新模板") # mt_name = gr.Textbox("模板_v1",label="导出模板必填名字") mt_name_selected = gr.Dropdown(choices = templates_name, label = "选择模板进行生产") # pre_img2 = gr.Image(label="生成结果预览", interactive=False) with gr.TabItem("todo内嵌浏览器pyqt html"): mp = gr.HTML(html, elem_id="coords", visible=True) pass, inputs=[input_image, title,a,b,c,d,e,f, font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color], outputs=[pre_img2]), inputs=[pre_img2, input_image, mt_name, font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color], outputs=[gallery]), inputs = [mt_selected], outputs=[input_image, font_title, sz1, title_x, title_y, color1, font_subtt, sz2, subtt_x, subtt_y, color2, font_txt, sz3, txt_x, color3, bac_color]) #, inputs=None, outputs=[templates_name]) # template_params = [] # = [title, a,b,c,d,e,f]) # 用于追加模板参数,简洁版本 #, inputs=[title, a,b,c,d], # outputs=[img_files]) # outputs=[movie_file, img_files]) # #, outputs=[login_qr]) #, inputs = [account_name_new]) #, inputs = [account_fn, movie_file]) # 绑定clear点击函数 #, inputs=[], outputs=[context, question, answer, score]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue().launch() print("run from current ")