# coding: utf-8 import os from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image,ImageFilter,ImageFont,ImageDraw import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import textwrap import random import IPython.display as ipd post_img = "res_post.jpg" # 底图,确定尺寸 import textwrap # 最佳实践 # lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=40) # y_text = h # for line in lines: # width, height = font.getsize(line) # draw.text(((w - width) / 2, y_text), line, font=font, fill=FOREGROUND) # y_text += height # 将文字居中显示 def longTextCut(text, line_words): """cut the text to len / given_num lines""" total_len = len(text) num_line = math.ceil(total_len/line_words) num_line = max(num_line, 1) res = [] for i in range(num_line): start_inx = int(i*line_words) end_inx = int(line_words* (i+1)) sub_seq = text[start_inx : end_inx] res.append(sub_seq) lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=line_words) return res return lines # lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=10) # w文字变形,每行不超过多少字,方便阅读 def reshape_texts(lines, line_words): new_lines = [] for it in lines: sub_lines = it.split("\n") split_lines = [] for inx, sub_it in enumerate(sub_lines): if len(sub_it) > line_words: relen_text = longTextCut(sub_it, line_words) split_lines.extend(relen_text) else: split_lines.append(sub_it) new_lines.extend(split_lines) return new_lines # w文字变形,每行不超过多少字,方便阅读 def reshape_texts_end(lines, line_words): new_lines = [] for it in lines: sub_lines = it.split("。") # t_ = [len(i) for i in sub_lines] # y_ = [i > line_words for i in t_] split_lines = [] for inx, sub_it in enumerate(sub_lines): if len(sub_it) > line_words: relen_text = longTextCut(sub_it, line_words) split_lines.extend(relen_text) else: split_lines.append(sub_it) new_lines.extend(split_lines) return new_lines #高斯模糊类 class MyGaussianBlur(ImageFilter.Filter): name = "GaussianBlur" def __init__(self, radius=2, bounds=None): self.radius = radius self.bounds = bounds def filter(self, image): if self.bounds: clips = image.crop(self.bounds).gaussian_blur(self.radius) image.paste(clips, self.bounds) return image else: return image.gaussian_blur(self.radius) # self.background_url=get_bing_image() #卡片生成类 16:9 class myPost: def __init__(self, front_img=None, img = r'./broadcast/kaobianBottem.jpeg' ): self.frontground = Image.open(front_img) if front_img else None # bing img # if type(image) is str: # return image # elif type(image) is Image.Image: # return encode_pil_to_base64(image).decode() self.img= Image.open(img) if type(img) is str else Image.fromarray(img) #底稿,确定尺寸 self.icon=None # self.icon=Image.open(self.icon_url).convert("RGBA") #纵向间距 # self.spacing=spacing self.width, self.height=self.img.size #加载小图 def loadIcon(self, point=(50,50)): """point=(x,y)""" pass # self.img.paste(self.icon,point,self.icon) def get_width_height(self): return self.width,self.height def getLinesCount(self, sz, spacing): words = int(self.width / sz) - 2 rows = int( self.height / (sz + spacing)) return (words, rows) #高斯模糊图片作为背景 def drawBlur(self): backflur = self.frontground.resize((self.width,self.height), resample=3).filter(MyGaussianBlur(radius=35)) self.img.paste(backflur,(0, 0)) #添加前景图片 def drawFrontground(self): """添加一个前景图壁纸,高斯虚化 """ if not self.frontground: return x=0 y=int(self.height*2/3.3) # 在下半部分画这个图 srcwidth,srcheight=self.frontground.size height=int(srcheight * self.width / srcwidth) #重设图片尺寸 frontground = self.frontground.resize((self.width, height),Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) alpha_layer = Image.new('L', (self.width, height), 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(alpha_layer) sz = (self.width/2-100, 0, self.width-30, height) # print("the area is :", sz) draw.ellipse(sz, fill=150) self.img.paste(frontground,(x,y),alpha_layer) def get_res(self): return self.img def postTextLine(self, title="Text--test", font="./simsun.ttc", sz=50, x=40, y=90, color = "red"): """main title""" draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.img) font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=sz) draw.text((x,y), title, font=font, fill=color) def postBoxText(self, texts=["Text--test\n sub text"], font="./simsun.ttc", sz=50, x=40, y=390, color = "red", spacing=40, ali = "left", bac_color=None): """lines""" # 定义文本内容 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.img) font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=sz) text = "\n".join(texts) bbox = draw.multiline_textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font, spacing=spacing) # 计算文本的宽度和高度 width = bbox[2] - bbox[0] width += int(width * 0.3) height = bbox[3] - bbox[1] height += int(height * 0.3) if bac_color is not None: draw.rectangle((x-int(width * 0.15), y-int(height * 0.15), x + width, y + height), fill=bac_color) # 计算文本的位置 # x = (self.width - width) / 2 # y = (remain_height - height) / 2 # 在剩下的高度中居中显示 # y = 0 + spacing * 2 # 从头开始展示 # 绘制文本 draw.multiline_text((x, y), text, fill=color, font=font, align=ali, spacing=spacing) # 放置文字 def postText(self, texts=["Text--test\n sub text"], font="./simsun.ttc", sz=50, x=40, y=390, color = "red", spacing=20): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.img) # Set the font, text contents, and line spacing font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=sz) # 定义文本内容 text = "\n".join(texts) draw.multiline_text((x, y), text, fill=color, font=font, align="left", spacing=spacing) # 获取文本的边界框 # bbox = draw.multiline_textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font, spacing=spacing) # 绘制文本 # draw.text((x,title_y), title, font=title_front, fill="red") # draw.multiline_text((x, y), text, fill=color, font=font, align="left", spacing=spacing) def drawCard(self): if frontground: self.drawFrontground() self.postText(title, texts, sz = 40) def drawCardExample(self): self.drawFrontground() self.postTextLine(title="Text--test", font="./simsun.ttc", sz=size, x=40, y=90, color = "red") self.postTextLine(title="content of sub text", font="./simsun.ttc", sz=size, x=40, y=90, color = "green") def show(self): pass #保存到本地 def saveCard(self, path_name): save_name = path_name # save_name = str(datetime.today()).split()[0]+'.png' self.img.save(save_name) return save_name def generatePost(lines = [""], front_img=None, bac_img="./kaobianBottem.jpeg", fn_name = "test_v1.png"): """给定背景,前景,文字,size,生成单张图, 并环肥内存中的图对象""" postcard=myPost(front_img=front_img, img = bac_img) line_words, rows = postcard.getLinesCount(sz, spacing) texts = reshape_texts(lines, line_words) print("总行数",len(texts)) postcard.drawFrontground() postcard.postText(texts[0], texts[1:], sz = 40) save_name=postcard.saveCard(fn_name) # ---opend image generated_image = postcard.get_res() return generated_image if __name__ == '__main__': # 输入 -======================== title = "大王叫我来巡山并发布公告,解决就业问题山中有老虎猴子承办问" lines = ['四、报名及网上缴费','本次公开考试招聘采取网络报名方式进行,不组织现场报名。报名时间:2023年3月10日至3月17日24:00。', '报名网站:广元人事考试网(http://gypta.e21cn.com/)。'] # text = doc['fee_sj'] # lines = content_with_date(text) # 只需要有日期信息的字符串 # texts = "\n".join(lines) result_post_file = "post_v1.png" bac_img = "./kaobianBottem.jpeg" # front_img = "./bingpost/2023-05-13.png" bing_post = "bingpost/" imgs_ = os.listdir(bing_post) imgs_ = [i for i in imgs_ if i.endswith("png")] ch_img = random.choice(imgs_) front_img = os.path.join(bing_post, ch_img) postcard=myPost(front_img=front_img, img = bac_img) postcard.drawFrontground() # 放置标题 + 字体字号 sz=80 spacing=20 words, rows = postcard.getLinesCount(sz=sz, spacing=spacing) title_text = longTextCut(title, words) title_text = textwrap.wrap(title, width=words) print(title_text) postcard.postText(title_text, font="./simsun.ttc", sz = sz, x=40, y=150, color = "blue", spacing=20) sz=50 spacing=20 words, rows = postcard.getLinesCount(sz=sz, spacing=spacing) texts = longTextCut(lines[1], words) print(texts) postcard.postText(texts, font="./simsun.ttc", sz = sz, x=40, y=490, color = "green", spacing=spacing) texts = reshape_texts(lines, words) print("texts 长文本 总行数",len(texts)) postcard.postText([lines[0]], font="./simsun.ttc", sz = int(sz*1.5),x=40, y=790, color = "red", spacing=spacing) postcard.postText(texts, font="./simsun.ttc", sz = sz,x=40, y=990, color = "green", spacing=spacing) save_name=postcard.saveCard(result_post_file) print(save_name) # postcard.show()