import { render, waitFor } from 'layout-test-utils'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import Login from '../Login'; import * as mockDataProvider from '@librechat/data-provider'; jest.mock('@librechat/data-provider'); const setup = ({ useGetUserQueryReturnValue = { isLoading: false, isError: false, data: {}, }, useLoginUserReturnValue = { isLoading: false, isError: false, mutate: jest.fn(), data: {}, isSuccess: false, }, useGetStartupCongfigReturnValue = { isLoading: false, isError: false, data: { googleLoginEnabled: true, openidLoginEnabled: true, openidLabel: 'Test OpenID', openidImageUrl: '', githubLoginEnabled: true, discordLoginEnabled: true, registrationEnabled: true, socialLoginEnabled: true, serverDomain: 'mock-server', }, }, } = {}) => { const mockUseLoginUser = jest .spyOn(mockDataProvider, 'useLoginUserMutation') //@ts-ignore - we don't need all parameters of the QueryObserverSuccessResult .mockReturnValue(useLoginUserReturnValue); const mockUseGetUserQuery = jest .spyOn(mockDataProvider, 'useGetUserQuery') //@ts-ignore - we don't need all parameters of the QueryObserverSuccessResult .mockReturnValue(useGetUserQueryReturnValue); const mockUseGetStartupConfig = jest .spyOn(mockDataProvider, 'useGetStartupConfig') //@ts-ignore - we don't need all parameters of the QueryObserverSuccessResult .mockReturnValue(useGetStartupCongfigReturnValue); const renderResult = render(); return { ...renderResult, mockUseLoginUser, mockUseGetUserQuery, mockUseGetStartupConfig, }; }; test('renders login form', () => { const { getByLabelText, getByRole } = setup(); expect(getByLabelText(/email/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByLabelText(/password/i)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('button', { name: /Sign in/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /Sign up/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /Sign up/i })).toHaveAttribute('href', '/register'); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /Login with Google/i })).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByRole('link', { name: /Login with Google/i })).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'mock-server/oauth/google', ); }); test('calls loginUser.mutate on login', async () => { const mutate = jest.fn(); const { getByLabelText, getByRole } = setup({ // @ts-ignore - we don't need all parameters of the QueryObserverResult useLoginUserReturnValue: { isLoading: false, mutate: mutate, isError: false, }, }); const emailInput = getByLabelText(/email/i); const passwordInput = getByLabelText(/password/i); const submitButton = getByRole('button', { name: /Sign in/i }); await userEvent.type(emailInput, ''); await userEvent.type(passwordInput, 'password'); await; waitFor(() => expect(mutate).toHaveBeenCalled()); }); test('Navigates to / on successful login', async () => { const { getByLabelText, getByRole, history } = setup({ // @ts-ignore - we don't need all parameters of the QueryObserverResult useLoginUserReturnValue: { isLoading: false, mutate: jest.fn(), isError: false, isSuccess: true, }, }); const emailInput = getByLabelText(/email/i); const passwordInput = getByLabelText(/password/i); const submitButton = getByRole('button', { name: /Sign in/i }); await userEvent.type(emailInput, ''); await userEvent.type(passwordInput, 'password'); await; waitFor(() => expect(history.location.pathname).toBe('/')); });