LibreChat / config /install.js
Marco Beretta
LibreChat upload repo
history blame
3.48 kB
* Install script: WIP
const fs = require('fs');
const { exit } = require('process');
const { askQuestion } = require('./helpers');
// If we are not in a TTY, lets exit
if (!process.stdin.isTTY) {
console.log('Note: we are not in a TTY, skipping install script.');
// Save the original console.log function
const originalConsoleWarn = console.warn;
console.warn = () => {};
const loader = require('./loader');
console.warn = originalConsoleWarn;
const rootEnvPath = loader.resolve('.env');
// Skip if the env file exists
if (fs.existsSync(rootEnvPath)) {
// Run the upgrade script if the legacy api/env file exists
// Todo: remove this in a future version
if (fs.existsSync(loader.resolve('api/.env'))) {
console.warn('Upgrade script has yet to run, lets do that!');
// Check the example file exists
if (!fs.existsSync(rootEnvPath + '.example')) {'It looks like the example env file is missing, please complete setup manually.');
// Copy the example file
fs.copyFileSync(rootEnvPath + '.example', rootEnvPath);
// Update the secure keys!
loader.addSecureEnvVar(rootEnvPath, 'CREDS_KEY', 32);
loader.addSecureEnvVar(rootEnvPath, 'CREDS_IV', 16);
loader.addSecureEnvVar(rootEnvPath, 'JWT_SECRET', 32);
loader.addSecureEnvVar(rootEnvPath, 'MEILI_MASTER_KEY', 32);
// Init env
let env = {};
(async () => {
// Lets colour the console
console.purple('=== LibreChat First Install ===');'Note: Leave blank to use the default value.');
console.log(''); // New line
// Ask for the app title
const title = await askQuestion('Enter the app title (default: "LibreChat"): ');
env['APP_TITLE'] = title || 'LibreChat';
const key = await askQuestion('Enter your OPENAI_API_KEY (default: "user_provided"): ');
env['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = key || 'user_provided';
// GPT4???
const gpt4 = await askQuestion('Do you have access to the GPT4 api (y/n)? Default: n');
if (gpt4 == 'y' || gpt4 == 'yes') {
env['OPENAI_MODELS'] = 'gpt-3.5-turbo,gpt-3.5-turbo-0301,text-davinci-003,gpt-4,gpt-4-0314';
} else {
env['OPENAI_MODELS'] = 'gpt-3.5-turbo,gpt-3.5-turbo-0301,text-davinci-003';
// Ask about mongodb
const mongodb = await askQuestion(
'What is your mongodb url? (default: mongodb://',
env['MONGO_URI'] = mongodb || 'mongodb://';
// Very basic check to make sure they entered a url
if (!env['MONGO_URI'].includes('://')) {
'Warning: Your mongodb url looks incorrect, please double check it in the `.env` file.',
// Lets ask about open registration
const openReg = await askQuestion('Do you want to allow user registration (y/n)? Default: y');
if (openReg === 'n' || openReg === 'no') {
env['ALLOW_REGISTRATION'] = 'false';
// Lets tell them about how to create an account:
'Note: You can create an account by running: `npm run create-user <email> <name> <username>`',
// sleep for 1 second so they can read this
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
// Update the env file
loader.writeEnvFile(rootEnvPath, env);
// We can ask for more here if we want
console.log(''); // New line'Success! Please read our docs if you need help setting up the rest of the app.');
console.log(''); // New line