#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CHECK_CUDA(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.device().is_cuda(), #x " must be a CUDA tensor") #define CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.is_contiguous(), #x " must be a contiguous tensor") #define CHECK_IS_INT(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Int, #x " must be an int tensor") #define CHECK_IS_FLOATING(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Float || x.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Half || x.scalar_type() == at::ScalarType::Double, #x " must be a floating tensor") inline constexpr __device__ float SQRT3() { return 1.7320508075688772f; } inline constexpr __device__ float RSQRT3() { return 0.5773502691896258f; } inline constexpr __device__ float PI() { return 3.141592653589793f; } inline constexpr __device__ float RPI() { return 0.3183098861837907f; } template inline __host__ __device__ T div_round_up(T val, T divisor) { return (val + divisor - 1) / divisor; } inline __host__ __device__ float signf(const float x) { return copysignf(1.0, x); } inline __host__ __device__ float clamp(const float x, const float min, const float max) { return fminf(max, fmaxf(min, x)); } inline __host__ __device__ void swapf(float& a, float& b) { float c = a; a = b; b = c; } inline __device__ int mip_from_pos(const float x, const float y, const float z, const float max_cascade) { const float mx = fmaxf(fabsf(x), fmaxf(fabs(y), fabs(z))); int exponent; frexpf(mx, &exponent); // [0, 0.5) --> -1, [0.5, 1) --> 0, [1, 2) --> 1, [2, 4) --> 2, ... return fminf(max_cascade - 1, fmaxf(0, exponent)); } inline __device__ int mip_from_dt(const float dt, const float H, const float max_cascade) { const float mx = dt * H * 0.5; int exponent; frexpf(mx, &exponent); return fminf(max_cascade - 1, fmaxf(0, exponent)); } inline __host__ __device__ uint32_t __expand_bits(uint32_t v) { v = (v * 0x00010001u) & 0xFF0000FFu; v = (v * 0x00000101u) & 0x0F00F00Fu; v = (v * 0x00000011u) & 0xC30C30C3u; v = (v * 0x00000005u) & 0x49249249u; return v; } inline __host__ __device__ uint32_t __morton3D(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) { uint32_t xx = __expand_bits(x); uint32_t yy = __expand_bits(y); uint32_t zz = __expand_bits(z); return xx | (yy << 1) | (zz << 2); } inline __host__ __device__ uint32_t __morton3D_invert(uint32_t x) { x = x & 0x49249249; x = (x | (x >> 2)) & 0xc30c30c3; x = (x | (x >> 4)) & 0x0f00f00f; x = (x | (x >> 8)) & 0xff0000ff; x = (x | (x >> 16)) & 0x0000ffff; return x; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// utils ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rays_o/d: [N, 3] // nears/fars: [N] // scalar_t should always be float in use. template __global__ void kernel_near_far_from_aabb( const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_o, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_d, const scalar_t * __restrict__ aabb, const uint32_t N, const float min_near, scalar_t * nears, scalar_t * fars ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate rays_o += n * 3; rays_d += n * 3; const float ox = rays_o[0], oy = rays_o[1], oz = rays_o[2]; const float dx = rays_d[0], dy = rays_d[1], dz = rays_d[2]; const float rdx = 1 / dx, rdy = 1 / dy, rdz = 1 / dz; // get near far (assume cube scene) float near = (aabb[0] - ox) * rdx; float far = (aabb[3] - ox) * rdx; if (near > far) swapf(near, far); float near_y = (aabb[1] - oy) * rdy; float far_y = (aabb[4] - oy) * rdy; if (near_y > far_y) swapf(near_y, far_y); if (near > far_y || near_y > far) { nears[n] = fars[n] = std::numeric_limits::max(); return; } if (near_y > near) near = near_y; if (far_y < far) far = far_y; float near_z = (aabb[2] - oz) * rdz; float far_z = (aabb[5] - oz) * rdz; if (near_z > far_z) swapf(near_z, far_z); if (near > far_z || near_z > far) { nears[n] = fars[n] = std::numeric_limits::max(); return; } if (near_z > near) near = near_z; if (far_z < far) far = far_z; if (near < min_near) near = min_near; nears[n] = near; fars[n] = far; } void near_far_from_aabb(const at::Tensor rays_o, const at::Tensor rays_d, const at::Tensor aabb, const uint32_t N, const float min_near, at::Tensor nears, at::Tensor fars) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( rays_o.scalar_type(), "near_far_from_aabb", ([&] { kernel_near_far_from_aabb<<>>(rays_o.data_ptr(), rays_d.data_ptr(), aabb.data_ptr(), N, min_near, nears.data_ptr(), fars.data_ptr()); })); } // rays_o/d: [N, 3] // radius: float // coords: [N, 2] template __global__ void kernel_sph_from_ray( const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_o, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_d, const float radius, const uint32_t N, scalar_t * coords ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate rays_o += n * 3; rays_d += n * 3; coords += n * 2; const float ox = rays_o[0], oy = rays_o[1], oz = rays_o[2]; const float dx = rays_d[0], dy = rays_d[1], dz = rays_d[2]; const float rdx = 1 / dx, rdy = 1 / dy, rdz = 1 / dz; // solve t from || o + td || = radius const float A = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; const float B = ox * dx + oy * dy + oz * dz; // in fact B / 2 const float C = ox * ox + oy * oy + oz * oz - radius * radius; const float t = (- B + sqrtf(B * B - A * C)) / A; // always use the larger solution (positive) // solve theta, phi (assume y is the up axis) const float x = ox + t * dx, y = oy + t * dy, z = oz + t * dz; const float theta = atan2(sqrtf(x * x + z * z), y); // [0, PI) const float phi = atan2(z, x); // [-PI, PI) // normalize to [-1, 1] coords[0] = 2 * theta * RPI() - 1; coords[1] = phi * RPI(); } void sph_from_ray(const at::Tensor rays_o, const at::Tensor rays_d, const float radius, const uint32_t N, at::Tensor coords) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( rays_o.scalar_type(), "sph_from_ray", ([&] { kernel_sph_from_ray<<>>(rays_o.data_ptr(), rays_d.data_ptr(), radius, N, coords.data_ptr()); })); } // coords: int32, [N, 3] // indices: int32, [N] __global__ void kernel_morton3D( const int * __restrict__ coords, const uint32_t N, int * indices ) { // parallel const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate coords += n * 3; indices[n] = __morton3D(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]); } void morton3D(const at::Tensor coords, const uint32_t N, at::Tensor indices) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; kernel_morton3D<<>>(coords.data_ptr(), N, indices.data_ptr()); } // indices: int32, [N] // coords: int32, [N, 3] __global__ void kernel_morton3D_invert( const int * __restrict__ indices, const uint32_t N, int * coords ) { // parallel const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate coords += n * 3; const int ind = indices[n]; coords[0] = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 0); coords[1] = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 1); coords[2] = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 2); } void morton3D_invert(const at::Tensor indices, const uint32_t N, at::Tensor coords) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; kernel_morton3D_invert<<>>(indices.data_ptr(), N, coords.data_ptr()); } // grid: float, [C, H, H, H] // N: int, C * H * H * H / 8 // density_thresh: float // bitfield: uint8, [N] template __global__ void kernel_packbits( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grid, const uint32_t N, const float density_thresh, uint8_t * bitfield ) { // parallel per byte const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate grid += n * 8; uint8_t bits = 0; #pragma unroll for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bits |= (grid[i] > density_thresh) ? ((uint8_t)1 << i) : 0; } bitfield[n] = bits; } void packbits(const at::Tensor grid, const uint32_t N, const float density_thresh, at::Tensor bitfield) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grid.scalar_type(), "packbits", ([&] { kernel_packbits<<>>(grid.data_ptr(), N, density_thresh, bitfield.data_ptr()); })); } // grid: float, [C, H, H, H] __global__ void kernel_morton3D_dilation( const float * __restrict__ grid, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, float * __restrict__ grid_dilation ) { // parallel per byte const uint32_t H3 = H * H * H; const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= C * H3) return; // locate const uint32_t c = n / H3; const uint32_t ind = n - c * H3; const uint32_t x = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 0); const uint32_t y = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 1); const uint32_t z = __morton3D_invert(ind >> 2); // manual max pool float res = grid[n]; if (x + 1 < H) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x + 1, y, z)]); if (x > 0) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x - 1, y, z)]); if (y + 1 < H) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x, y + 1, z)]); if (y > 0) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x, y - 1, z)]); if (z + 1 < H) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x, y, z + 1)]); if (z > 0) res = fmaxf(res, grid[c * H3 + __morton3D(x, y, z - 1)]); // write grid_dilation[n] = res; } void morton3D_dilation(const at::Tensor grid, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, at::Tensor grid_dilation) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; kernel_morton3D_dilation<<>>(grid.data_ptr(), C, H, grid_dilation.data_ptr()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// training ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rays_o/d: [N, 3] // grid: [CHHH / 8] // xyzs, dirs, deltas: [M, 3], [M, 3], [M, 2] // dirs: [M, 3] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps template __global__ void kernel_march_rays_train( const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_o, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rays_d, const uint8_t * __restrict__ grid, const float bound, const float dt_gamma, const uint32_t max_steps, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, const uint32_t M, const scalar_t* __restrict__ nears, const scalar_t* __restrict__ fars, scalar_t * xyzs, scalar_t * dirs, scalar_t * deltas, int * rays, int * counter, const scalar_t* __restrict__ noises ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate rays_o += n * 3; rays_d += n * 3; // ray marching const float ox = rays_o[0], oy = rays_o[1], oz = rays_o[2]; const float dx = rays_d[0], dy = rays_d[1], dz = rays_d[2]; const float rdx = 1 / dx, rdy = 1 / dy, rdz = 1 / dz; const float rH = 1 / (float)H; const float H3 = H * H * H; const float near = nears[n]; const float far = fars[n]; const float noise = noises[n]; const float dt_max = 2 * SQRT3() * (1 << (C - 1)) / H; const float dt_min = fminf(dt_max, 2 * SQRT3() / max_steps); float t0 = near; // perturb t0 += clamp(t0 * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max) * noise; // first pass: estimation of num_steps float t = t0; uint32_t num_steps = 0; //if (t < far) printf("valid ray %d t=%f near=%f far=%f \n", n, t, near, far); while (t < far && num_steps < max_steps) { // current point const float x = clamp(ox + t * dx, -bound, bound); const float y = clamp(oy + t * dy, -bound, bound); const float z = clamp(oz + t * dz, -bound, bound); const float dt = clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); // get mip level const int level = max(mip_from_pos(x, y, z, C), mip_from_dt(dt, H, C)); // range in [0, C - 1] const float mip_bound = fminf(scalbnf(1.0f, level), bound); const float mip_rbound = 1 / mip_bound; // convert to nearest grid position const int nx = clamp(0.5 * (x * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int ny = clamp(0.5 * (y * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int nz = clamp(0.5 * (z * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const uint32_t index = level * H3 + __morton3D(nx, ny, nz); const bool occ = grid[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8)); // if occpuied, advance a small step, and write to output //if (n == 0) printf("t=%f density=%f vs thresh=%f step=%d\n", t, density, density_thresh, num_steps); if (occ) { num_steps++; t += dt; // else, skip a large step (basically skip a voxel grid) } else { // calc distance to next voxel const float tx = (((nx + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dx)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - x) * rdx; const float ty = (((ny + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dy)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - y) * rdy; const float tz = (((nz + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dz)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - z) * rdz; const float tt = t + fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(tx, fminf(ty, tz))); // step until next voxel do { t += clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); } while (t < tt); } } //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, near=%f, far=%f, dt=%f, max_steps=%f\n", n, num_steps, near, far, dt_min, (far - near) / dt_min); // second pass: really locate and write points & dirs uint32_t point_index = atomicAdd(counter, num_steps); uint32_t ray_index = atomicAdd(counter + 1, 1); //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, point_index=%d, ray_index=%d\n", n, num_steps, point_index, ray_index); // write rays rays[ray_index * 3] = n; rays[ray_index * 3 + 1] = point_index; rays[ray_index * 3 + 2] = num_steps; if (num_steps == 0) return; if (point_index + num_steps > M) return; xyzs += point_index * 3; dirs += point_index * 3; deltas += point_index * 2; t = t0; uint32_t step = 0; while (t < far && step < num_steps) { // current point const float x = clamp(ox + t * dx, -bound, bound); const float y = clamp(oy + t * dy, -bound, bound); const float z = clamp(oz + t * dz, -bound, bound); const float dt = clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); // get mip level const int level = max(mip_from_pos(x, y, z, C), mip_from_dt(dt, H, C)); // range in [0, C - 1] const float mip_bound = fminf(scalbnf(1.0f, level), bound); const float mip_rbound = 1 / mip_bound; // convert to nearest grid position const int nx = clamp(0.5 * (x * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int ny = clamp(0.5 * (y * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int nz = clamp(0.5 * (z * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); // query grid const uint32_t index = level * H3 + __morton3D(nx, ny, nz); const bool occ = grid[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8)); // if occpuied, advance a small step, and write to output if (occ) { // write step xyzs[0] = x; xyzs[1] = y; xyzs[2] = z; dirs[0] = dx; dirs[1] = dy; dirs[2] = dz; t += dt; deltas[0] = dt; deltas[1] = t; // used to calc depth xyzs += 3; dirs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; // else, skip a large step (basically skip a voxel grid) } else { // calc distance to next voxel const float tx = (((nx + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dx)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - x) * rdx; const float ty = (((ny + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dy)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - y) * rdy; const float tz = (((nz + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dz)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - z) * rdz; const float tt = t + fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(tx, fminf(ty, tz))); // step until next voxel do { t += clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); } while (t < tt); } } } void march_rays_train(const at::Tensor rays_o, const at::Tensor rays_d, const at::Tensor grid, const float bound, const float dt_gamma, const uint32_t max_steps, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, const uint32_t M, const at::Tensor nears, const at::Tensor fars, at::Tensor xyzs, at::Tensor dirs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor rays, at::Tensor counter, at::Tensor noises) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( rays_o.scalar_type(), "march_rays_train", ([&] { kernel_march_rays_train<<>>(rays_o.data_ptr(), rays_d.data_ptr(), grid.data_ptr(), bound, dt_gamma, max_steps, N, C, H, M, nears.data_ptr(), fars.data_ptr(), xyzs.data_ptr(), dirs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), counter.data_ptr(), noises.data_ptr()); })); } // grad_xyzs/dirs: [M, 3] // rays: [N, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // grad_rays_o/d: [N, 3] template __global__ void kernel_march_rays_train_backward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_xyzs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_dirs, const int * __restrict__ rays, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t M, scalar_t * grad_rays_o, scalar_t * grad_rays_d ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate grad_rays_o += n * 3; grad_rays_d += n * 3; uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; // empty ray, or ray that exceed max step count. if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) return; grad_xyzs += offset * 3; grad_dirs += offset * 3; deltas += offset * 2; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < num_steps) { grad_rays_o[0] += grad_xyzs[0]; grad_rays_o[1] += grad_xyzs[1]; grad_rays_o[2] += grad_xyzs[2]; grad_rays_d[0] += grad_xyzs[0] * deltas[1] + grad_dirs[0]; grad_rays_d[1] += grad_xyzs[1] * deltas[1] + grad_dirs[1]; grad_rays_d[2] += grad_xyzs[2] * deltas[1] + grad_dirs[2]; // locate grad_xyzs += 3; grad_dirs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; } } void march_rays_train_backward(const at::Tensor grad_xyzs, const at::Tensor grad_dirs, const at::Tensor rays, const at::Tensor deltas, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t M, at::Tensor grad_rays_o, at::Tensor grad_rays_d) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grad_xyzs.scalar_type(), "march_rays_train_backward", ([&] { kernel_march_rays_train_backward<<>>(grad_xyzs.data_ptr(), grad_dirs.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), N, M, grad_rays_o.data_ptr(), grad_rays_d.data_ptr()); })); } // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N], final pixel alpha // depth: [N,] // image: [N, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_forward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * weights_sum, scalar_t * ambient_sum, scalar_t * depth, scalar_t * image ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; // empty ray, or ray that exceed max step count. if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) { weights_sum[index] = 0; ambient_sum[index] = 0; depth[index] = 0; image[index * 3] = 0; image[index * 3 + 1] = 0; image[index * 3 + 2] = 0; return; } sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; deltas += offset * 2; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, d = 0, amb = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; d += weight * deltas[1]; ws += weight; amb += ambient[0]; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; ambient++; deltas += 2; step++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // write weights_sum[index] = ws; // weights_sum ambient_sum[index] = amb; depth[index] = d; image[index * 3] = r; image[index * 3 + 1] = g; image[index * 3 + 2] = b; } void composite_rays_train_forward(const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor weights_sum, at::Tensor ambient_sum, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( sigmas.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_forward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_forward<<>>(sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr()); })); } // grad_weights_sum: [N,] // grad: [N, 3] // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N,], weights_sum here // image: [N, 3] // grad_sigmas: [M] // grad_rgbs: [M, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_backward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_image, const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const scalar_t * __restrict__ weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * grad_sigmas, scalar_t * grad_rgbs, scalar_t * grad_ambient ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) return; grad_weights_sum += index; grad_ambient_sum += index; grad_image += index * 3; weights_sum += index; ambient_sum += index; image += index * 3; sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; deltas += offset * 2; grad_sigmas += offset; grad_rgbs += offset * 3; grad_ambient += offset; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; const scalar_t r_final = image[0], g_final = image[1], b_final = image[2], ws_final = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; // amb += weight * ambient[0]; ws += weight; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // check https://note.kiui.moe/others/nerf_gradient/ for the gradient calculation. // write grad_rgbs grad_rgbs[0] = grad_image[0] * weight; grad_rgbs[1] = grad_image[1] * weight; grad_rgbs[2] = grad_image[2] * weight; // write grad_ambient grad_ambient[0] = grad_ambient_sum[0]; // write grad_sigmas grad_sigmas[0] = deltas[0] * ( grad_image[0] * (T * rgbs[0] - (r_final - r)) + grad_image[1] * (T * rgbs[1] - (g_final - g)) + grad_image[2] * (T * rgbs[2] - (b_final - b)) + // grad_ambient_sum[0] * (T * ambient[0] - (amb_final - amb)) + grad_weights_sum[0] * (1 - ws_final) ); //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, T=%f, grad_sigmas=%f, r_final=%f, r=%f\n", n, step, T, grad_sigmas[0], r_final, r); // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; // ambient++; deltas += 2; grad_sigmas++; grad_rgbs += 3; grad_ambient++; step++; } } void composite_rays_train_backward(const at::Tensor grad_weights_sum, const at::Tensor grad_ambient_sum, const at::Tensor grad_image, const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const at::Tensor weights_sum, const at::Tensor ambient_sum, const at::Tensor image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor grad_sigmas, at::Tensor grad_rgbs, at::Tensor grad_ambient) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grad_image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_backward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_backward<<>>(grad_weights_sum.data_ptr(), grad_ambient_sum.data_ptr(), grad_image.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, grad_sigmas.data_ptr(), grad_rgbs.data_ptr(), grad_ambient.data_ptr()); })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// infernce ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// template __global__ void kernel_march_rays( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const int* __restrict__ rays_alive, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rays_o, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rays_d, const float bound, const float dt_gamma, const uint32_t max_steps, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, const uint8_t * __restrict__ grid, const scalar_t* __restrict__ nears, const scalar_t* __restrict__ fars, scalar_t* xyzs, scalar_t* dirs, scalar_t* deltas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ noises ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id const float noise = noises[n]; // locate rays_o += index * 3; rays_d += index * 3; xyzs += n * n_step * 3; dirs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; const float ox = rays_o[0], oy = rays_o[1], oz = rays_o[2]; const float dx = rays_d[0], dy = rays_d[1], dz = rays_d[2]; const float rdx = 1 / dx, rdy = 1 / dy, rdz = 1 / dz; const float rH = 1 / (float)H; const float H3 = H * H * H; float t = rays_t[index]; // current ray's t const float near = nears[index], far = fars[index]; const float dt_max = 2 * SQRT3() * (1 << (C - 1)) / H; const float dt_min = fminf(dt_max, 2 * SQRT3() / max_steps); // march for n_step steps, record points uint32_t step = 0; // introduce some randomness t += clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max) * noise; while (t < far && step < n_step) { // current point const float x = clamp(ox + t * dx, -bound, bound); const float y = clamp(oy + t * dy, -bound, bound); const float z = clamp(oz + t * dz, -bound, bound); const float dt = clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); // get mip level const int level = max(mip_from_pos(x, y, z, C), mip_from_dt(dt, H, C)); // range in [0, C - 1] const float mip_bound = fminf(scalbnf(1, level), bound); const float mip_rbound = 1 / mip_bound; // convert to nearest grid position const int nx = clamp(0.5 * (x * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int ny = clamp(0.5 * (y * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const int nz = clamp(0.5 * (z * mip_rbound + 1) * H, 0.0f, (float)(H - 1)); const uint32_t index = level * H3 + __morton3D(nx, ny, nz); const bool occ = grid[index / 8] & (1 << (index % 8)); // if occpuied, advance a small step, and write to output if (occ) { // write step xyzs[0] = x; xyzs[1] = y; xyzs[2] = z; dirs[0] = dx; dirs[1] = dy; dirs[2] = dz; // calc dt t += dt; deltas[0] = dt; deltas[1] = t; // used to calc depth // step xyzs += 3; dirs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; // else, skip a large step (basically skip a voxel grid) } else { // calc distance to next voxel const float tx = (((nx + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dx)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - x) * rdx; const float ty = (((ny + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dy)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - y) * rdy; const float tz = (((nz + 0.5f + 0.5f * signf(dz)) * rH * 2 - 1) * mip_bound - z) * rdz; const float tt = t + fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(tx, fminf(ty, tz))); // step until next voxel do { t += clamp(t * dt_gamma, dt_min, dt_max); } while (t < tt); } } } void march_rays(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const at::Tensor rays_alive, const at::Tensor rays_t, const at::Tensor rays_o, const at::Tensor rays_d, const float bound, const float dt_gamma, const uint32_t max_steps, const uint32_t C, const uint32_t H, const at::Tensor grid, const at::Tensor near, const at::Tensor far, at::Tensor xyzs, at::Tensor dirs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor noises) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( rays_o.scalar_type(), "march_rays", ([&] { kernel_march_rays<<>>(n_alive, n_step, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), rays_o.data_ptr(), rays_d.data_ptr(), bound, dt_gamma, max_steps, C, H, grid.data_ptr(), near.data_ptr(), far.data_ptr(), xyzs.data_ptr(), dirs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), noises.data_ptr()); })); } template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, int* rays_alive, scalar_t* rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t* __restrict__ deltas, scalar_t* weights_sum, scalar_t* depth, scalar_t* image ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id // locate sigmas += n * n_step; rgbs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; rays_t += index; weights_sum += index; depth += index; image += index * 3; scalar_t t = rays_t[0]; // current ray's t scalar_t weight_sum = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t d = depth[0]; scalar_t r = image[0]; scalar_t g = image[1]; scalar_t b = image[2]; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < n_step) { // ray is terminated if delta == 0 if (deltas[0] == 0) break; const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); /* T_0 = 1; T_i = \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (1 - alpha_j) w_i = alpha_i * T_i --> T_i = 1 - \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} w_j */ const scalar_t T = 1 - weight_sum; const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; weight_sum += weight; t = deltas[1]; d += weight * t; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // ray is terminated if T is too small // use a larger bound to further accelerate inference if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // rays_alive = -1 means ray is terminated early. if (step < n_step) { rays_alive[n] = -1; } else { rays_t[0] = t; } weights_sum[0] = weight_sum; // this is the thing I needed! depth[0] = d; image[0] = r; image[1] = g; image[2] = b; } void composite_rays(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor rays_alive, at::Tensor rays_t, at::Tensor sigmas, at::Tensor rgbs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor weights, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays<<>>(n_alive, n_step, T_thresh, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), weights.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr()); })); } template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_ambient( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, int* rays_alive, scalar_t* rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t* __restrict__ deltas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ ambients, scalar_t* weights_sum, scalar_t* depth, scalar_t* image, scalar_t* ambient_sum ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id // locate sigmas += n * n_step; rgbs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; ambients += n * n_step; rays_t += index; weights_sum += index; depth += index; image += index * 3; ambient_sum += index; scalar_t t = rays_t[0]; // current ray's t scalar_t weight_sum = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t d = depth[0]; scalar_t r = image[0]; scalar_t g = image[1]; scalar_t b = image[2]; scalar_t a = ambient_sum[0]; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < n_step) { // ray is terminated if delta == 0 if (deltas[0] == 0) break; const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); /* T_0 = 1; T_i = \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (1 - alpha_j) w_i = alpha_i * T_i --> T_i = 1 - \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} w_j */ const scalar_t T = 1 - weight_sum; const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; weight_sum += weight; t = deltas[1]; d += weight * t; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; a += ambients[0]; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // ray is terminated if T is too small // use a larger bound to further accelerate inference if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; ambients++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // rays_alive = -1 means ray is terminated early. if (step < n_step) { rays_alive[n] = -1; } else { rays_t[0] = t; } weights_sum[0] = weight_sum; // this is the thing I needed! depth[0] = d; image[0] = r; image[1] = g; image[2] = b; ambient_sum[0] = a; } void composite_rays_ambient(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor rays_alive, at::Tensor rays_t, at::Tensor sigmas, at::Tensor rgbs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor ambients, at::Tensor weights, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image, at::Tensor ambient_sum) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_ambient", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_ambient<<>>(n_alive, n_step, T_thresh, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), ambients.data_ptr(), weights.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr()); })); } // -------------------------------- sigma ambient ----------------------------- // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N], final pixel alpha // depth: [N,] // image: [N, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_sigma_forward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * weights_sum, scalar_t * ambient_sum, scalar_t * depth, scalar_t * image ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; // empty ray, or ray that exceed max step count. if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) { weights_sum[index] = 0; ambient_sum[index] = 0; depth[index] = 0; image[index * 3] = 0; image[index * 3 + 1] = 0; image[index * 3 + 2] = 0; return; } sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; deltas += offset * 2; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, d = 0, amb = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; d += weight * deltas[1]; ws += weight; amb += weight * ambient[0]; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; ambient++; deltas += 2; step++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // write weights_sum[index] = ws; // weights_sum ambient_sum[index] = amb; depth[index] = d; image[index * 3] = r; image[index * 3 + 1] = g; image[index * 3 + 2] = b; } void composite_rays_train_sigma_forward(const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor weights_sum, at::Tensor ambient_sum, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( sigmas.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_sigma_forward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_sigma_forward<<>>(sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr()); })); } // grad_weights_sum: [N,] // grad: [N, 3] // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N,], weights_sum here // image: [N, 3] // grad_sigmas: [M] // grad_rgbs: [M, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_sigma_backward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_image, const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const scalar_t * __restrict__ weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * grad_sigmas, scalar_t * grad_rgbs, scalar_t * grad_ambient ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) return; grad_weights_sum += index; grad_ambient_sum += index; grad_image += index * 3; weights_sum += index; ambient_sum += index; image += index * 3; sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; deltas += offset * 2; grad_sigmas += offset; grad_rgbs += offset * 3; grad_ambient += offset; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; const scalar_t r_final = image[0], g_final = image[1], b_final = image[2], ws_final = weights_sum[0], amb_final = ambient_sum[0]; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, amb = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; amb += weight * ambient[0]; ws += weight; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // check https://note.kiui.moe/others/nerf_gradient/ for the gradient calculation. // write grad_rgbs grad_rgbs[0] = grad_image[0] * weight; grad_rgbs[1] = grad_image[1] * weight; grad_rgbs[2] = grad_image[2] * weight; // write grad_ambient grad_ambient[0] = grad_ambient_sum[0] * weight; // write grad_sigmas grad_sigmas[0] = deltas[0] * ( grad_image[0] * (T * rgbs[0] - (r_final - r)) + grad_image[1] * (T * rgbs[1] - (g_final - g)) + grad_image[2] * (T * rgbs[2] - (b_final - b)) + grad_ambient_sum[0] * (T * ambient[0] - (amb_final - amb)) + grad_weights_sum[0] * (1 - ws_final) ); //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, T=%f, grad_sigmas=%f, r_final=%f, r=%f\n", n, step, T, grad_sigmas[0], r_final, r); // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; ambient++; deltas += 2; grad_sigmas++; grad_rgbs += 3; grad_ambient++; step++; } } void composite_rays_train_sigma_backward(const at::Tensor grad_weights_sum, const at::Tensor grad_ambient_sum, const at::Tensor grad_image, const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const at::Tensor weights_sum, const at::Tensor ambient_sum, const at::Tensor image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor grad_sigmas, at::Tensor grad_rgbs, at::Tensor grad_ambient) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grad_image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_sigma_backward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_sigma_backward<<>>(grad_weights_sum.data_ptr(), grad_ambient_sum.data_ptr(), grad_image.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, grad_sigmas.data_ptr(), grad_rgbs.data_ptr(), grad_ambient.data_ptr()); })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// infernce ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_ambient_sigma( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, int* rays_alive, scalar_t* rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t* __restrict__ deltas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ ambients, scalar_t* weights_sum, scalar_t* depth, scalar_t* image, scalar_t* ambient_sum ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id // locate sigmas += n * n_step; rgbs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; ambients += n * n_step; rays_t += index; weights_sum += index; depth += index; image += index * 3; ambient_sum += index; scalar_t t = rays_t[0]; // current ray's t scalar_t weight_sum = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t d = depth[0]; scalar_t r = image[0]; scalar_t g = image[1]; scalar_t b = image[2]; scalar_t a = ambient_sum[0]; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < n_step) { // ray is terminated if delta == 0 if (deltas[0] == 0) break; const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); /* T_0 = 1; T_i = \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (1 - alpha_j) w_i = alpha_i * T_i --> T_i = 1 - \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} w_j */ const scalar_t T = 1 - weight_sum; const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; weight_sum += weight; t = deltas[1]; d += weight * t; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; a += weight * ambients[0]; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // ray is terminated if T is too small // use a larger bound to further accelerate inference if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; ambients++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // rays_alive = -1 means ray is terminated early. if (step < n_step) { rays_alive[n] = -1; } else { rays_t[0] = t; } weights_sum[0] = weight_sum; // this is the thing I needed! depth[0] = d; image[0] = r; image[1] = g; image[2] = b; ambient_sum[0] = a; } void composite_rays_ambient_sigma(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor rays_alive, at::Tensor rays_t, at::Tensor sigmas, at::Tensor rgbs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor ambients, at::Tensor weights, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image, at::Tensor ambient_sum) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_ambient_sigma", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_ambient_sigma<<>>(n_alive, n_step, T_thresh, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), ambients.data_ptr(), weights.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr()); })); } // -------------------------------- uncertainty ----------------------------- // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N], final pixel alpha // depth: [N,] // image: [N, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_uncertainty_forward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * weights_sum, scalar_t * ambient_sum, scalar_t * uncertainty_sum, scalar_t * depth, scalar_t * image ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; // empty ray, or ray that exceed max step count. if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) { weights_sum[index] = 0; ambient_sum[index] = 0; uncertainty_sum[index] = 0; depth[index] = 0; image[index * 3] = 0; image[index * 3 + 1] = 0; image[index * 3 + 2] = 0; return; } sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; uncertainty += offset; deltas += offset * 2; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, d = 0, amb = 0, unc = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; d += weight * deltas[1]; ws += weight; amb += ambient[0]; unc += weight * uncertainty[0]; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; ambient++; uncertainty++; deltas += 2; step++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // write weights_sum[index] = ws; // weights_sum ambient_sum[index] = amb; uncertainty_sum[index] = unc; depth[index] = d; image[index * 3] = r; image[index * 3 + 1] = g; image[index * 3 + 2] = b; } void composite_rays_train_uncertainty_forward(const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor uncertainty, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor weights_sum, at::Tensor ambient_sum, at::Tensor uncertainty_sum, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( sigmas.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_uncertainty_forward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_uncertainty_forward<<>>(sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), uncertainty.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr()); })); } // grad_weights_sum: [N,] // grad: [N, 3] // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N,], weights_sum here // image: [N, 3] // grad_sigmas: [M] // grad_rgbs: [M, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_uncertainty_backward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_uncertainty_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_image, const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const scalar_t * __restrict__ weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ ambient_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * grad_sigmas, scalar_t * grad_rgbs, scalar_t * grad_ambient, scalar_t * grad_uncertainty ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) return; grad_weights_sum += index; grad_ambient_sum += index; grad_uncertainty_sum += index; grad_image += index * 3; weights_sum += index; ambient_sum += index; uncertainty_sum += index; image += index * 3; sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; ambient += offset; uncertainty += offset; deltas += offset * 2; grad_sigmas += offset; grad_rgbs += offset * 3; grad_ambient += offset; grad_uncertainty += offset; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; const scalar_t r_final = image[0], g_final = image[1], b_final = image[2], ws_final = weights_sum[0], amb_final = ambient_sum[0], unc_final = uncertainty_sum[0]; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, amb = 0, unc = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; // amb += ambient[0]; unc += weight * uncertainty[0]; ws += weight; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // check https://note.kiui.moe/others/nerf_gradient/ for the gradient calculation. // write grad_rgbs grad_rgbs[0] = grad_image[0] * weight; grad_rgbs[1] = grad_image[1] * weight; grad_rgbs[2] = grad_image[2] * weight; // write grad_ambient grad_ambient[0] = grad_ambient_sum[0]; // write grad_unc grad_uncertainty[0] = grad_uncertainty_sum[0] * weight; // write grad_sigmas grad_sigmas[0] = deltas[0] * ( grad_image[0] * (T * rgbs[0] - (r_final - r)) + grad_image[1] * (T * rgbs[1] - (g_final - g)) + grad_image[2] * (T * rgbs[2] - (b_final - b)) + // grad_ambient_sum[0] * (T * ambient[0] - (amb_final - amb)) + grad_uncertainty_sum[0] * (T * uncertainty[0] - (unc_final - unc)) + grad_weights_sum[0] * (1 - ws_final) ); //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, T=%f, grad_sigmas=%f, r_final=%f, r=%f\n", n, step, T, grad_sigmas[0], r_final, r); // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; // ambient++; uncertainty++; deltas += 2; grad_sigmas++; grad_rgbs += 3; grad_ambient++; grad_uncertainty++; step++; } } void composite_rays_train_uncertainty_backward(const at::Tensor grad_weights_sum, const at::Tensor grad_ambient_sum, const at::Tensor grad_uncertainty_sum, const at::Tensor grad_image, const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor ambient, const at::Tensor uncertainty, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const at::Tensor weights_sum, const at::Tensor ambient_sum, const at::Tensor uncertainty_sum, const at::Tensor image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor grad_sigmas, at::Tensor grad_rgbs, at::Tensor grad_ambient, at::Tensor grad_uncertainty) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grad_image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_uncertainty_backward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_uncertainty_backward<<>>(grad_weights_sum.data_ptr(), grad_ambient_sum.data_ptr(), grad_uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), grad_image.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), ambient.data_ptr(), uncertainty.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), weights_sum.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, grad_sigmas.data_ptr(), grad_rgbs.data_ptr(), grad_ambient.data_ptr(), grad_uncertainty.data_ptr()); })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// infernce ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_uncertainty( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, int* rays_alive, scalar_t* rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t* __restrict__ deltas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ ambients, const scalar_t* __restrict__ uncertainties, scalar_t* weights_sum, scalar_t* depth, scalar_t* image, scalar_t* ambient_sum, scalar_t* uncertainty_sum ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id // locate sigmas += n * n_step; rgbs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; ambients += n * n_step; uncertainties += n * n_step; rays_t += index; weights_sum += index; depth += index; image += index * 3; ambient_sum += index; uncertainty_sum += index; scalar_t t = rays_t[0]; // current ray's t scalar_t weight_sum = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t d = depth[0]; scalar_t r = image[0]; scalar_t g = image[1]; scalar_t b = image[2]; scalar_t a = ambient_sum[0]; scalar_t u = uncertainty_sum[0]; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < n_step) { // ray is terminated if delta == 0 if (deltas[0] == 0) break; const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); /* T_0 = 1; T_i = \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (1 - alpha_j) w_i = alpha_i * T_i --> T_i = 1 - \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} w_j */ const scalar_t T = 1 - weight_sum; const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; weight_sum += weight; t = deltas[1]; d += weight * t; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; a += ambients[0]; u += weight * uncertainties[0]; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // ray is terminated if T is too small // use a larger bound to further accelerate inference if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; ambients++; uncertainties++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // rays_alive = -1 means ray is terminated early. if (step < n_step) { rays_alive[n] = -1; } else { rays_t[0] = t; } weights_sum[0] = weight_sum; // this is the thing I needed! depth[0] = d; image[0] = r; image[1] = g; image[2] = b; ambient_sum[0] = a; uncertainty_sum[0] = u; } void composite_rays_uncertainty(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor rays_alive, at::Tensor rays_t, at::Tensor sigmas, at::Tensor rgbs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor ambients, at::Tensor uncertainties, at::Tensor weights, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image, at::Tensor ambient_sum, at::Tensor uncertainty_sum) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_uncertainty", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_uncertainty<<>>(n_alive, n_step, T_thresh, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), ambients.data_ptr(), uncertainties.data_ptr(), weights.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), ambient_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr()); })); } // -------------------------------- triplane ----------------------------- // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N], final pixel alpha // depth: [N,] // image: [N, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_triplane_forward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_aud, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_eye, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * weights_sum, scalar_t * amb_aud_sum, scalar_t * amb_eye_sum, scalar_t * uncertainty_sum, scalar_t * depth, scalar_t * image ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; // empty ray, or ray that exceed max step count. if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) { weights_sum[index] = 0; amb_aud_sum[index] = 0; amb_eye_sum[index] = 0; uncertainty_sum[index] = 0; depth[index] = 0; image[index * 3] = 0; image[index * 3 + 1] = 0; image[index * 3 + 2] = 0; return; } sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; amb_aud += offset; amb_eye += offset; uncertainty += offset; deltas += offset * 2; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, d = 0, a_aud = 0, a_eye=0, unc = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; d += weight * deltas[1]; ws += weight; a_aud += amb_aud[0]; a_eye += amb_eye[0]; unc += weight * uncertainty[0]; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; amb_aud++; amb_eye++; uncertainty++; deltas += 2; step++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // write weights_sum[index] = ws; // weights_sum amb_aud_sum[index] = a_aud; amb_eye_sum[index] = a_eye; uncertainty_sum[index] = unc; depth[index] = d; image[index * 3] = r; image[index * 3 + 1] = g; image[index * 3 + 2] = b; } void composite_rays_train_triplane_forward(const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor amb_aud, const at::Tensor amb_eye, const at::Tensor uncertainty, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor weights_sum, at::Tensor amb_aud_sum, at::Tensor amb_eye_sum, at::Tensor uncertainty_sum, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( sigmas.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_triplane_forward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_triplane_forward<<>>(sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), amb_aud.data_ptr(), amb_eye.data_ptr(), uncertainty.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, weights_sum.data_ptr(), amb_aud_sum.data_ptr(), amb_eye_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr()); })); } // grad_weights_sum: [N,] // grad: [N, 3] // sigmas: [M] // rgbs: [M, 3] // deltas: [M, 2] // rays: [N, 3], idx, offset, num_steps // weights_sum: [N,], weights_sum here // image: [N, 3] // grad_sigmas: [M] // grad_rgbs: [M, 3] template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_train_triplane_backward( const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_amb_aud_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_amb_eye_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_uncertainty_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ grad_image, const scalar_t * __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t * __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_aud, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_eye, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty, const scalar_t * __restrict__ deltas, const int * __restrict__ rays, const scalar_t * __restrict__ weights_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_aud_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ amb_eye_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ uncertainty_sum, const scalar_t * __restrict__ image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, scalar_t * grad_sigmas, scalar_t * grad_rgbs, scalar_t * grad_amb_aud, scalar_t * grad_amb_eye, scalar_t * grad_uncertainty ) { // parallel per ray const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= N) return; // locate uint32_t index = rays[n * 3]; uint32_t offset = rays[n * 3 + 1]; uint32_t num_steps = rays[n * 3 + 2]; if (num_steps == 0 || offset + num_steps > M) return; grad_weights_sum += index; grad_amb_aud_sum += index; grad_amb_eye_sum += index; grad_uncertainty_sum += index; grad_image += index * 3; weights_sum += index; amb_aud_sum += index; amb_eye_sum += index; uncertainty_sum += index; image += index * 3; sigmas += offset; rgbs += offset * 3; amb_aud += offset; amb_eye += offset; uncertainty += offset; deltas += offset * 2; grad_sigmas += offset; grad_rgbs += offset * 3; grad_amb_aud += offset; grad_amb_eye += offset; grad_uncertainty += offset; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; scalar_t T = 1.0f; const scalar_t r_final = image[0], g_final = image[1], b_final = image[2], ws_final = weights_sum[0], unc_final = uncertainty_sum[0]; scalar_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, ws = 0, amb = 0, unc = 0; while (step < num_steps) { const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; // amb += ambient[0]; unc += weight * uncertainty[0]; ws += weight; T *= 1.0f - alpha; // check https://note.kiui.moe/others/nerf_gradient/ for the gradient calculation. // write grad_rgbs grad_rgbs[0] = grad_image[0] * weight; grad_rgbs[1] = grad_image[1] * weight; grad_rgbs[2] = grad_image[2] * weight; // write grad_ambient grad_amb_aud[0] = grad_amb_aud_sum[0]; grad_amb_eye[0] = grad_amb_eye_sum[0]; // write grad_unc grad_uncertainty[0] = grad_uncertainty_sum[0] * weight; // write grad_sigmas grad_sigmas[0] = deltas[0] * ( grad_image[0] * (T * rgbs[0] - (r_final - r)) + grad_image[1] * (T * rgbs[1] - (g_final - g)) + grad_image[2] * (T * rgbs[2] - (b_final - b)) + // grad_ambient_sum[0] * (T * ambient[0] - (amb_final - amb)) + grad_uncertainty_sum[0] * (T * uncertainty[0] - (unc_final - unc)) + grad_weights_sum[0] * (1 - ws_final) ); //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, T=%f, grad_sigmas=%f, r_final=%f, r=%f\n", n, step, T, grad_sigmas[0], r_final, r); // minimal remained transmittence if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; // ambient++; uncertainty++; deltas += 2; grad_sigmas++; grad_rgbs += 3; grad_amb_aud++; grad_amb_eye++; grad_uncertainty++; step++; } } void composite_rays_train_triplane_backward(const at::Tensor grad_weights_sum, const at::Tensor grad_amb_aud_sum, const at::Tensor grad_amb_eye_sum, const at::Tensor grad_uncertainty_sum, const at::Tensor grad_image, const at::Tensor sigmas, const at::Tensor rgbs, const at::Tensor amb_aud, const at::Tensor amb_eye, const at::Tensor uncertainty, const at::Tensor deltas, const at::Tensor rays, const at::Tensor weights_sum, const at::Tensor amb_aud_sum, const at::Tensor amb_eye_sum, const at::Tensor uncertainty_sum, const at::Tensor image, const uint32_t M, const uint32_t N, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor grad_sigmas, at::Tensor grad_rgbs, at::Tensor grad_amb_aud, at::Tensor grad_amb_eye, at::Tensor grad_uncertainty) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( grad_image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_train_triplane_backward", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_train_triplane_backward<<>>(grad_weights_sum.data_ptr(), grad_amb_aud_sum.data_ptr(), grad_amb_eye_sum.data_ptr(), grad_uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), grad_image.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), amb_aud.data_ptr(), amb_eye.data_ptr(), uncertainty.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), rays.data_ptr(), weights_sum.data_ptr(), amb_aud_sum.data_ptr(), amb_eye_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), M, N, T_thresh, grad_sigmas.data_ptr(), grad_rgbs.data_ptr(), grad_amb_aud.data_ptr(), grad_amb_eye.data_ptr(), grad_uncertainty.data_ptr()); })); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// infernce ///////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// template __global__ void kernel_composite_rays_triplane( const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, int* rays_alive, scalar_t* rays_t, const scalar_t* __restrict__ sigmas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ rgbs, const scalar_t* __restrict__ deltas, const scalar_t* __restrict__ ambs_aud, const scalar_t* __restrict__ ambs_eye, const scalar_t* __restrict__ uncertainties, scalar_t* weights_sum, scalar_t* depth, scalar_t* image, scalar_t* amb_aud_sum, scalar_t* amb_eye_sum, scalar_t* uncertainty_sum ) { const uint32_t n = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; if (n >= n_alive) return; const int index = rays_alive[n]; // ray id // locate sigmas += n * n_step; rgbs += n * n_step * 3; deltas += n * n_step * 2; ambs_aud += n * n_step; ambs_eye += n * n_step; uncertainties += n * n_step; rays_t += index; weights_sum += index; depth += index; image += index * 3; amb_aud_sum += index; amb_eye_sum += index; uncertainty_sum += index; scalar_t t = rays_t[0]; // current ray's t scalar_t weight_sum = weights_sum[0]; scalar_t d = depth[0]; scalar_t r = image[0]; scalar_t g = image[1]; scalar_t b = image[2]; scalar_t a_aud = amb_aud_sum[0]; scalar_t a_eye = amb_eye_sum[0]; scalar_t u = uncertainty_sum[0]; // accumulate uint32_t step = 0; while (step < n_step) { // ray is terminated if delta == 0 if (deltas[0] == 0) break; const scalar_t alpha = 1.0f - __expf(- sigmas[0] * deltas[0]); /* T_0 = 1; T_i = \prod_{j=0}^{i-1} (1 - alpha_j) w_i = alpha_i * T_i --> T_i = 1 - \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} w_j */ const scalar_t T = 1 - weight_sum; const scalar_t weight = alpha * T; weight_sum += weight; t = deltas[1]; d += weight * t; r += weight * rgbs[0]; g += weight * rgbs[1]; b += weight * rgbs[2]; a_aud += ambs_aud[0]; a_eye += ambs_eye[0]; u += weight * uncertainties[0]; //printf("[n=%d] num_steps=%d, alpha=%f, w=%f, T=%f, sum_dt=%f, d=%f\n", n, step, alpha, weight, T, sum_delta, d); // ray is terminated if T is too small // use a larger bound to further accelerate inference if (T < T_thresh) break; // locate sigmas++; rgbs += 3; deltas += 2; step++; ambs_aud++; ambs_eye++; uncertainties++; } //printf("[n=%d] rgb=(%f, %f, %f), d=%f\n", n, r, g, b, d); // rays_alive = -1 means ray is terminated early. if (step < n_step) { rays_alive[n] = -1; } else { rays_t[0] = t; } weights_sum[0] = weight_sum; // this is the thing I needed! depth[0] = d; image[0] = r; image[1] = g; image[2] = b; amb_aud_sum[0] = a_aud; amb_eye_sum[0] = a_eye; uncertainty_sum[0] = u; } void composite_rays_triplane(const uint32_t n_alive, const uint32_t n_step, const float T_thresh, at::Tensor rays_alive, at::Tensor rays_t, at::Tensor sigmas, at::Tensor rgbs, at::Tensor deltas, at::Tensor ambs_aud, at::Tensor ambs_eye, at::Tensor uncertainties, at::Tensor weights, at::Tensor depth, at::Tensor image, at::Tensor amb_aud_sum, at::Tensor amb_eye_sum, at::Tensor uncertainty_sum) { static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 128; AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND_HALF( image.scalar_type(), "composite_rays_triplane", ([&] { kernel_composite_rays_triplane<<>>(n_alive, n_step, T_thresh, rays_alive.data_ptr(), rays_t.data_ptr(), sigmas.data_ptr(), rgbs.data_ptr(), deltas.data_ptr(), ambs_aud.data_ptr(), ambs_eye.data_ptr(), uncertainties.data_ptr(), weights.data_ptr(), depth.data_ptr(), image.data_ptr(), amb_aud_sum.data_ptr(), amb_eye_sum.data_ptr(), uncertainty_sum.data_ptr()); })); }