import gradio as gr def formatted_message(audio_length, audio_class, userText): prefix = '''You are going to act as a magical tool that allows for humans to communicate with non-human entities like rocks, crackling fire, trees, animals, and the wind. In order to do this, we're going to provide you a data string which represents the audio input, the source of the audio, and the human's text input for the conversation. The goal is for you to embody the source of the audio, and use the length and variance in the signal data to produce plausible responses to the humans input. Remember to embody the the source data. When we start the conversation, you should generate a "personality profile" for the source and utilize that personality profile in your responses. Let's begin:''' suffix = f'''Source: {audio_class} Length of Audio in Seconds: {audio_length} Human Input: {userText} {audio_class} Response:''' template = prefix + suffix response = call_api(template) return response def call_api(message): """ response = requests.get(f'{api}?q={message}') if response.status_code == 200: return str(response.text).split('\n', 2)[2] else: return Sorry, I'm quite busy right now, but please try again later :) """ return message demo = gr.Interface( call_api, gr.Audio(source="microphone"), gr.Audio(), ).launch(debug=True)