{ "'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expiration.": "'s'、'm'、'h'、'd'、'w' 或 '-1' 表示無到期時間。", "(Beta)": "(測試版)", "(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api --api-auth username_password`)": "(例如 `sh webui.sh --api --api-auth username_password`)", "(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api`)": "(例如 `sh webui.sh --api`)", "(latest)": "(最新版)", "{{ models }}": "{{ models }}", "{{ owner }}: You cannot delete a base model": "{{ owner }}:您無法刪除基礎模型", "{{user}}'s Chats": "{{user}} 的對話", "{{webUIName}} Backend Required": "需要 {{webUIName}} 後端", "*Prompt node ID(s) are required for image generation": "", "A new version (v{{LATEST_VERSION}}) is now available.": "", "A task model is used when performing tasks such as generating titles for chats and web search queries": "執行產生對話標題和網頁搜尋查詢等任務時會使用任務模型", "a user": "一位使用者", "About": "關於", "Account": "帳號", "Account Activation Pending": "帳號待啟用", "Accurate information": "正確資訊", "Actions": "動作", "Active Users": "活躍使用者", "Add": "新增", "Add a model id": "新增模型 ID", "Add a short description about what this model does": "新增這個模型的簡短描述", "Add a short title for this prompt": "為這個提示詞新增一個簡短的標題", "Add a tag": "新增標籤", "Add Content": "", "Add content here": "", "Add custom prompt": "新增自訂提示詞", "Add Docs": "新增文件", "Add Files": "新增檔案", "Add Memory": "新增記憶", "Add message": "新增訊息", "Add Model": "新增模型", "Add Tag": "新增標籤", "Add Tags": "新增標籤", "Add text content": "", "Add User": "新增使用者", "Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.": "調整這些設定將會全面套用到所有使用者。", "admin": "管理員", "Admin": "管理員", "Admin Panel": "管理員控制台", "Admin Settings": "管理員設定", "Admins have access to all tools at all times; users need tools assigned per model in the workspace.": "管理員可以隨時使用所有工具;使用者需要在工作區中為每個模型分配工具。", "Advanced Parameters": "進階參數", "Advanced Params": "進階參數", "all": "全部", "All Documents": "所有文件", "All Users": "所有使用者", "Allow": "允許", "Allow Chat Deletion": "允許刪除對話紀錄", "Allow Chat Editing": "", "Allow non-local voices": "允許非本機語音", "Allow Temporary Chat": "", "Allow User Location": "允許使用者位置", "Allow Voice Interruption in Call": "允許在通話中打斷語音", "alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "英文字母、數字和連字號", "Already have an account?": "已經有帳號了嗎?", "an assistant": "一位助手", "and": "和", "and create a new shared link.": "並建立新的共用連結。", "API Base URL": "API 基礎 URL", "API Key": "API 金鑰", "API Key created.": "API 金鑰已建立。", "API keys": "API 金鑰", "April": "4 月", "Archive": "封存", "Archive All Chats": "封存所有對話紀錄", "Archived Chats": "封存的對話紀錄", "are allowed - Activate this command by typing": "已允許 - 輸入此命令來啟用", "Are you sure?": "您確定嗎?", "Artifacts": "", "Ask a question": "", "Attach file": "附加檔案", "Attention to detail": "注重細節", "Audio": "音訊", "August": "8 月", "Auto-playback response": "自動播放回應", "Automatic1111": "", "AUTOMATIC1111 Api Auth String": "AUTOMATIC1111 API 驗證字串", "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL": "AUTOMATIC1111 基礎 URL", "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL is required.": "需要 AUTOMATIC1111 基礎 URL。", "Available list": "", "available!": "可用!", "Azure AI Speech": "", "Azure Region": "", "Back": "返回", "Bad Response": "錯誤回應", "Banners": "橫幅", "Base Model (From)": "基礎模型(來自)", "Batch Size (num_batch)": "批次大小(num_batch)", "before": "之前", "Being lazy": "懶惰模式", "Brave Search API Key": "Brave 搜尋 API 金鑰", "Bypass SSL verification for Websites": "略過網站的 SSL 驗證", "Call": "通話", "Call feature is not supported when using Web STT engine": "使用網頁語音辨識 (Web STT) 引擎時不支援通話功能", "Camera": "相機", "Cancel": "取消", "Capabilities": "功能", "Change Password": "修改密碼", "Chat": "對話", "Chat Background Image": "對話背景圖片", "Chat Bubble UI": "對話氣泡介面", "Chat Controls": "對話控制項", "Chat direction": "對話方向", "Chat Overview": "", "Chats": "對話", "Check Again": "再次檢查", "Check for updates": "檢查更新", "Checking for updates...": "正在檢查更新...", "Choose a model before saving...": "儲存前請選擇一個模型...", "Chunk Overlap": "區塊重疊", "Chunk Params": "區塊參數", "Chunk Size": "區塊大小", "Citation": "引用", "Clear memory": "清除記憶", "Click here for help.": "點選這裡取得協助。", "Click here to": "點選這裡", "Click here to download user import template file.": "點選這裡下載使用者匯入範本檔案。", "Click here to select": "點選這裡選擇", "Click here to select a csv file.": "點選這裡選擇 CSV 檔案。", "Click here to select a py file.": "點選這裡選擇 Python 檔案。", "Click here to select documents.": "點選這裡選擇文件。", "Click here to upload a workflow.json file.": "", "click here.": "點選這裡。", "Click on the user role button to change a user's role.": "點選使用者角色按鈕以變更使用者的角色。", "Clipboard write permission denied. Please check your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "剪貼簿寫入權限遭拒。請檢查您的瀏覽器設定,以授予必要的存取權限。", "Clone": "複製", "Close": "關閉", "Code formatted successfully": "成功格式化程式碼", "Collection": "收藏", "ComfyUI": "ComfyUI", "ComfyUI Base URL": "ComfyUI 基礎 URL", "ComfyUI Base URL is required.": "需要 ComfyUI 基礎 URL。", "ComfyUI Workflow": "", "ComfyUI Workflow Nodes": "", "Command": "命令", "Concurrent Requests": "平行請求", "Confirm": "確認", "Confirm Password": "確認密碼", "Confirm your action": "確認您的動作", "Connections": "連線", "Contact Admin for WebUI Access": "請聯絡管理員以取得 WebUI 存取權限", "Content": "內容", "Content Extraction": "內容提取", "Context Length": "上下文長度", "Continue Response": "繼續回應", "Continue with {{provider}}": "使用 {{provider}} 繼續", "Control how message text is split for TTS requests. 'Punctuation' splits into sentences, 'paragraphs' splits into paragraphs, and 'none' keeps the message as a single string.": "", "Controls": "控制項", "Copied": "", "Copied shared chat URL to clipboard!": "已複製共用對話 URL 到剪貼簿!", "Copied to clipboard": "", "Copy": "複製", "Copy last code block": "複製最後一個程式碼區塊", "Copy last response": "複製最後一個回應", "Copy Link": "複製連結", "Copying to clipboard was successful!": "成功複製到剪貼簿!", "Create a model": "建立模型", "Create Account": "建立帳號", "Create Knowledge": "", "Create new key": "建立新的金鑰", "Create new secret key": "建立新的金鑰", "Created at": "建立於", "Created At": "建立於", "Created by": "建立者", "CSV Import": "CSV 匯入", "Current Model": "目前模型", "Current Password": "目前密碼", "Custom": "自訂", "Customize models for a specific purpose": "自訂模型以用於特定目的", "Dark": "深色", "Dashboard": "儀表板", "Database": "資料庫", "December": "12 月", "Default": "預設", "Default (Open AI)": "", "Default (SentenceTransformers)": "預設(SentenceTransformers)", "Default Model": "預設模型", "Default model updated": "預設模型已更新", "Default Prompt Suggestions": "預設提示詞建議", "Default User Role": "預設使用者角色", "delete": "刪除", "Delete": "刪除", "Delete a model": "刪除模型", "Delete All Chats": "刪除所有對話紀錄", "Delete chat": "刪除對話紀錄", "Delete Chat": "刪除對話紀錄", "Delete chat?": "刪除對話紀錄?", "Delete Doc": "刪除文件", "Delete function?": "刪除函式?", "Delete prompt?": "刪除提示詞?", "delete this link": "刪除此連結", "Delete tool?": "刪除工具?", "Delete User": "刪除使用者", "Deleted {{deleteModelTag}}": "已刪除 {{deleteModelTag}}", "Deleted {{name}}": "已刪除 {{name}}", "Description": "描述", "Didn't fully follow instructions": "未完全遵循指示", "Disabled": "已停用", "Discover a function": "發掘函式", "Discover a model": "發掘模型", "Discover a prompt": "發掘提示詞", "Discover a tool": "發掘工具", "Discover, download, and explore custom functions": "發掘、下載及探索自訂函式", "Discover, download, and explore custom prompts": "發掘、下載及探索自訂提示詞", "Discover, download, and explore custom tools": "發掘、下載及探索自訂工具", "Discover, download, and explore model presets": "發掘、下載及探索模型預設集", "Dismissible": "可忽略", "Display Emoji in Call": "在通話中顯示表情符號", "Display the username instead of You in the Chat": "在對話中顯示使用者名稱,而非「您」", "Do not install functions from sources you do not fully trust.": "請勿從您無法完全信任的來源安裝函式。", "Do not install tools from sources you do not fully trust.": "請勿從您無法完全信任的來源安裝工具。", "Document": "文件", "Documentation": "文件", "Documents": "文件", "does not make any external connections, and your data stays securely on your locally hosted server.": "不會建立任何外部連線,而且您的資料會安全地儲存在您本機伺服器上。", "Don't Allow": "不允許", "Don't have an account?": "還沒註冊帳號嗎?", "don't install random functions from sources you don't trust.": "請勿從您無法信任的來源安裝隨機函式。", "don't install random tools from sources you don't trust.": "請勿從您無法信任的來源安裝隨機工具。", "Don't like the style": "不喜歡這個樣式", "Done": "完成", "Download": "下載", "Download canceled": "已取消下載", "Download Database": "下載資料庫", "Drop any files here to add to the conversation": "拖拽任意檔案到此處以新增至對話", "e.g. '30s','10m'. Valid time units are 's', 'm', 'h'.": "例如:'30s'、'10m'。有效的時間單位為 's'、'm'、'h'。", "Edit": "編輯", "Edit Doc": "編輯文件", "Edit Memory": "編輯記憶", "Edit User": "編輯使用者", "ElevenLabs": "ElevenLabs", "Email": "電子郵件", "Embedding Batch Size": "嵌入批次大小", "Embedding Model": "嵌入模型", "Embedding Model Engine": "嵌入模型引擎", "Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "嵌入模型已設定為 \"{{embedding_model}}\"", "Enable Community Sharing": "啟用社群分享", "Enable Message Rating": "", "Enable New Sign Ups": "允許新使用者註冊", "Enable Web Search": "啟用網頁搜尋", "Enable Web Search Query Generation": "", "Enabled": "已啟用", "Engine": "引擎", "Ensure your CSV file includes 4 columns in this order: Name, Email, Password, Role.": "請確認您的 CSV 檔案包含以下 4 個欄位,並按照此順序排列:名稱、電子郵件、密碼、角色。", "Enter {{role}} message here": "在此輸入 {{role}} 訊息", "Enter a detail about yourself for your LLMs to recall": "輸入有關您的詳細資訊,讓您的大型語言模型可以回想起來", "Enter api auth string (e.g. username:password)": "輸入 API 驗證字串(例如:username:password)", "Enter Brave Search API Key": "輸入 Brave 搜尋 API 金鑰", "Enter CFG Scale (e.g. 7.0)": "", "Enter Chunk Overlap": "輸入區塊重疊", "Enter Chunk Size": "輸入區塊大小", "Enter Github Raw URL": "輸入 GitHub Raw URL", "Enter Google PSE API Key": "輸入 Google PSE API 金鑰", "Enter Google PSE Engine Id": "輸入 Google PSE 引擎 ID", "Enter Image Size (e.g. 512x512)": "輸入圖片大小(例如:512x512)", "Enter language codes": "輸入語言代碼", "Enter Model ID": "", "Enter model tag (e.g. {{modelTag}})": "輸入模型標籤(例如:{{modelTag}})", "Enter Number of Steps (e.g. 50)": "輸入步驟數(例如:50)", "Enter Sampler (e.g. Euler a)": "", "Enter Scheduler (e.g. Karras)": "", "Enter Score": "輸入分數", "Enter SearchApi API Key": "", "Enter SearchApi Engine": "", "Enter Searxng Query URL": "輸入 SearXNG 查詢 URL", "Enter Serper API Key": "輸入 Serper API 金鑰", "Enter Serply API Key": "輸入 Serply API 金鑰", "Enter Serpstack API Key": "輸入 Serpstack API 金鑰", "Enter stop sequence": "輸入停止序列", "Enter system prompt": "輸入系統提示詞", "Enter Tavily API Key": "輸入 Tavily API 金鑰", "Enter Tika Server URL": "輸入 Tika 伺服器 URL", "Enter Top K": "輸入 Top K 值", "Enter URL (e.g.": "輸入 URL(例如:", "Enter URL (e.g. http://localhost:11434)": "輸入 URL(例如:http://localhost:11434)", "Enter Your Email": "輸入您的電子郵件", "Enter Your Full Name": "輸入您的全名", "Enter your message": "輸入您的訊息", "Enter Your Password": "輸入您的密碼", "Enter Your Role": "輸入您的角色", "Error": "錯誤", "Experimental": "實驗性功能", "Export": "匯出", "Export All Chats (All Users)": "匯出所有對話紀錄(所有使用者)", "Export chat (.json)": "匯出對話紀錄(.json)", "Export Chats": "匯出對話紀錄", "Export Config to JSON File": "", "Export Documents Mapping": "匯出文件對應", "Export Functions": "匯出函式", "Export LiteLLM config.yaml": "匯出 LiteLLM config.yaml", "Export Models": "匯出模型", "Export Prompts": "匯出提示詞", "Export Tools": "匯出工具", "External Models": "外部模型", "Failed to create API Key.": "無法建立 API 金鑰。", "Failed to read clipboard contents": "無法讀取剪貼簿內容", "Failed to update settings": "無法更新設定", "Failed to upload file.": "", "February": "2 月", "Feel free to add specific details": "歡迎自由新增特定細節", "File": "檔案", "File added successfully.": "", "File content updated successfully.": "", "File Mode": "檔案模式", "File not found.": "找不到檔案。", "File removed successfully.": "", "File size should not exceed {{maxSize}} MB.": "", "Files": "檔案", "Filter is now globally disabled": "篩選器現在已全域停用", "Filter is now globally enabled": "篩選器現在已全域啟用", "Filters": "篩選器", "Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "偵測到指紋偽造:無法使用姓名縮寫作為大頭貼。將預設為預設個人檔案圖片。", "Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "流暢地串流大型外部回應區塊", "Focus chat input": "聚焦對話輸入", "Followed instructions perfectly": "完全遵循指示", "Form": "表單", "Format your variables using square brackets like this:": "使用方括號來格式化您的變數,如下所示:", "Frequency Penalty": "頻率懲罰", "Function created successfully": "成功建立函式", "Function deleted successfully": "成功刪除函式", "Function Description (e.g. A filter to remove profanity from text)": "函式描述(例如:用於從文字中移除不雅詞彙的篩選器)", "Function ID (e.g. my_filter)": "函式 ID(例如:my_filter)", "Function is now globally disabled": "現在已在全域停用函式", "Function is now globally enabled": "現在已在全域啟用函式", "Function Name (e.g. My Filter)": "函式名稱(例如:我的篩選器)", "Function updated successfully": "成功更新函式", "Functions": "函式", "Functions allow arbitrary code execution": "函式允許執行任意程式碼", "Functions allow arbitrary code execution.": "函式允許執行任意程式碼。", "Functions imported successfully": "成功匯入函式", "General": "一般", "General Settings": "一般設定", "Generate Image": "產生圖片", "Generating search query": "正在產生搜尋查詢", "Generation Info": "生成資訊", "Get up and running with": "開始使用", "Global": "全域", "Good Response": "良好回應", "Google PSE API Key": "Google PSE API 金鑰", "Google PSE Engine Id": "Google PSE 引擎 ID", "h:mm a": "h:mm a", "Haptic Feedback": "", "has no conversations.": "沒有對話。", "Hello, {{name}}": "您好,{{name}}", "Help": "說明", "Hide": "隱藏", "Hide Model": "隱藏模型", "How can I help you today?": "今天我能為您做些什麼?", "Hybrid Search": "混合搜尋", "I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the implications of my action. I am aware of the risks associated with executing arbitrary code and I have verified the trustworthiness of the source.": "我確認已閱讀並理解我的操作所帶來的影響。我了解執行任意程式碼的相關風險,並已驗證來源的可信度。", "Image Generation (Experimental)": "圖片生成(實驗性功能)", "Image Generation Engine": "圖片生成引擎", "Image Settings": "圖片設定", "Images": "圖片", "Import Chats": "匯入對話紀錄", "Import Config from JSON File": "", "Import Documents Mapping": "匯入文件對應", "Import Functions": "匯入函式", "Import Models": "匯入模型", "Import Prompts": "匯入提示詞", "Import Tools": "匯入工具", "Include `--api-auth` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "執行 stable-diffusion-webui 時包含 `--api-auth` 參數", "Include `--api` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "執行 stable-diffusion-webui 時包含 `--api` 參數", "Info": "資訊", "Input commands": "輸入命令", "Install from Github URL": "從 GitHub URL 安裝", "Instant Auto-Send After Voice Transcription": "語音轉錄後立即自動傳送", "Interface": "介面", "Invalid Tag": "無效標籤", "January": "1 月", "join our Discord for help.": "加入我們的 Discord 以尋求協助。", "JSON": "JSON", "JSON Preview": "JSON 預覽", "July": "7 月", "June": "6 月", "JWT Expiration": "JWT 過期時間", "JWT Token": "JWT Token", "Keep Alive": "保持連線", "Keyboard shortcuts": "鍵盤快捷鍵", "Knowledge": "知識", "Knowledge created successfully.": "", "Knowledge deleted successfully.": "", "Knowledge reset successfully.": "", "Knowledge updated successfully": "", "Landing Page Mode": "", "Language": "語言", "large language models, locally.": "在本機執行大型語言模型。", "Last Active": "上次活動時間", "Last Modified": "上次修改時間", "Leave empty for unlimited": "", "Leave empty to use the default prompt, or enter a custom prompt": "", "Light": "淺色", "Listening...": "正在聆聽...", "LLMs can make mistakes. Verify important information.": "大型語言模型可能會出錯。請驗證重要資訊。", "Local Models": "本機模型", "LTR": "從左到右", "Made by OpenWebUI Community": "由 OpenWebUI 社群製作", "Make sure to enclose them with": "請務必將它們放在", "Make sure to export a workflow.json file as API format from ComfyUI.": "", "Manage": "管理", "Manage Models": "管理模型", "Manage Ollama Models": "管理 Ollama 模型", "Manage Pipelines": "管理管線", "March": "3 月", "Max Tokens (num_predict)": "最大 token 數(num_predict)", "Max Upload Count": "", "Max Upload Size": "", "Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.": "最多可同時下載 3 個模型。請稍後再試。", "May": "5 月", "Memories accessible by LLMs will be shown here.": "可被大型語言模型存取的記憶將顯示在這裡。", "Memory": "記憶", "Memory added successfully": "成功新增記憶", "Memory cleared successfully": "成功清除記憶", "Memory deleted successfully": "成功刪除記憶", "Memory updated successfully": "成功更新記憶", "Merge Responses": "", "Messages you send after creating your link won't be shared. Users with the URL will be able to view the shared chat.": "建立連結後傳送的訊息不會被分享。擁有網址的使用者將能夠檢視分享的對話內容。", "Min P": "最小 P 值", "Minimum Score": "最低分數", "Mirostat": "Mirostat", "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", "MMMM DD, YYYY": "YYYY 年 MMMM DD 日", "MMMM DD, YYYY HH:mm": "YYYY 年 MMMM DD 日 HH:mm", "MMMM DD, YYYY hh:mm:ss A": "YYYY 年 MMMM DD 日 hh:mm:ss A", "Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.": "模型「{{modelName}}」已成功下載。", "Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.": "模型「{{modelTag}}」已在下載佇列中。", "Model {{modelId}} not found": "找不到模型 {{modelId}}", "Model {{modelName}} is not vision capable": "模型 {{modelName}} 不具備視覺能力", "Model {{name}} is now {{status}}": "模型 {{name}} 現在狀態為 {{status}}", "Model {{name}} is now at the top": "", "Model accepts image inputs": "", "Model created successfully!": "成功建立模型!", "Model filesystem path detected. Model shortname is required for update, cannot continue.": "偵測到模型檔案系統路徑。更新需要模型簡稱,因此無法繼續。", "Model ID": "模型 ID", "Model not selected": "未選取模型", "Model Params": "模型參數", "Model updated successfully": "成功更新模型", "Model Whitelisting": "模型白名單", "Model(s) Whitelisted": "模型已加入白名單", "Modelfile Content": "模型檔案內容", "Models": "模型", "More": "更多", "Move to Top": "", "Name": "名稱", "Name Tag": "名稱標籤", "Name your model": "為您的模型命名", "New Chat": "新增對話", "New Password": "新的密碼", "No content to speak": "沒有要朗讀的內容", "No file selected": "未選取檔案", "No HTML, CSS, or JavaScript content found.": "", "No knowledge found": "", "No results found": "找不到任何結果", "No search query generated": "未產生搜尋查詢", "No source available": "沒有可用的來源", "No valves to update": "沒有要更新的閥門", "None": "無", "Not factually correct": "與真實資訊不符", "Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "注意:如果您設定了最低分數,則搜尋只會回傳分數大於或等於最低分數的文件。", "Notifications": "通知", "November": "11 月", "num_gpu (Ollama)": "", "num_thread (Ollama)": "num_thread (Ollama)", "OAuth ID": "OAuth ID", "October": "10 月", "Off": "關閉", "Okay, Let's Go!": "好的,我們開始吧!", "OLED Dark": "OLED 深色", "Ollama": "Ollama", "Ollama API": "Ollama API", "Ollama API disabled": "Ollama API 已停用", "Ollama API is disabled": "Ollama API 已停用", "Ollama Version": "Ollama 版本", "On": "開啟", "Only": "僅限", "Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "命令字串中只允許使用英文字母、數字和連字號。", "Only collections can be edited, create a new knowledge base to edit/add documents.": "", "Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "哎呀!請稍等!您的檔案仍在處理中。我們正在完善它們。請耐心等待,我們會在它們準備好時通知您。", "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "哎呀!這個 URL 似乎無效。請仔細檢查並再試一次。", "Oops! There was an error in the previous response. Please try again or contact admin.": "哎呀!先前的回應發生錯誤。請重試或聯絡管理員。", "Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "哎呀!您使用了不支援的方法(僅限前端)。請從後端提供 WebUI。", "Open file": "", "Open in full screen": "", "Open new chat": "開啟新的對話", "Open WebUI version (v{{OPEN_WEBUI_VERSION}}) is lower than required version (v{{REQUIRED_VERSION}})": "Open WebUI 版本 (v{{OPEN_WEBUI_VERSION}}) 低於所需版本 (v{{REQUIRED_VERSION}})", "OpenAI": "OpenAI", "OpenAI API": "OpenAI API", "OpenAI API Config": "OpenAI API 設定", "OpenAI API Key is required.": "需要 OpenAI API 金鑰。", "OpenAI URL/Key required.": "需要 OpenAI URL/金鑰。", "or": "或", "Other": "其他", "Output format": "", "Overview": "", "page": "", "Password": "密碼", "PDF document (.pdf)": "PDF 文件 (.pdf)", "PDF Extract Images (OCR)": "PDF 影像擷取(OCR 光學文字辨識)", "pending": "待處理", "Permission denied when accessing media devices": "存取媒體裝置時權限遭拒", "Permission denied when accessing microphone": "存取麥克風時權限遭拒", "Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}": "存取麥克風時權限遭拒:{{error}}", "Personalization": "個人化", "Pin": "釘選", "Pinned": "已釘選", "Pipeline deleted successfully": "成功刪除管線", "Pipeline downloaded successfully": "成功下載管線", "Pipelines": "管線", "Pipelines Not Detected": "未偵測到管線", "Pipelines Valves": "管線閥門", "Plain text (.txt)": "純文字 (.txt)", "Playground": "遊樂場", "Please carefully review the following warnings:": "請仔細閱讀以下警告:", "Please fill in all fields.": "", "Please select a reason": "", "Positive attitude": "積極的態度", "Previous 30 days": "過去 30 天", "Previous 7 days": "過去 7 天", "Profile Image": "個人檔案圖片", "Prompt (e.g. Tell me a fun fact about the Roman Empire)": "提示詞(例如:告訴我關於羅馬帝國的一些趣事)", "Prompt Content": "提示詞內容", "Prompt suggestions": "提示詞建議", "Prompts": "提示詞", "Pull \"{{searchValue}}\" from Ollama.com": "從 Ollama.com 下載 \"{{searchValue}}\"", "Pull a model from Ollama.com": "從 Ollama.com 下載模型", "Query Params": "查詢參數", "RAG Template": "RAG 範本", "Read Aloud": "朗讀", "Record voice": "錄音", "Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community": "正在將您重新導向到 OpenWebUI 社群", "Refer to yourself as \"User\" (e.g., \"User is learning Spanish\")": "以「使用者」稱呼自己(例如:「使用者正在學習西班牙文」)", "Refused when it shouldn't have": "不應拒絕時拒絕了", "Regenerate": "重新產生", "Release Notes": "發布說明", "Remove": "移除", "Remove Model": "移除模型", "Rename": "重新命名", "Repeat Last N": "重複最後 N 個", "Request Mode": "請求模式", "Reranking Model": "重新排序模型", "Reranking model disabled": "已停用重新排序模型", "Reranking model set to \"{{reranking_model}}\"": "重新排序模型已設定為 \"{{reranking_model}}\"", "Reset": "重設", "Reset Upload Directory": "重設上傳目錄", "Reset Vector Storage": "重設向量儲存空間", "Response AutoCopy to Clipboard": "自動將回應複製到剪貼簿", "Response notifications cannot be activated as the website permissions have been denied. Please visit your browser settings to grant the necessary access.": "無法啟用回應通知,因為網站權限已遭拒。請前往瀏覽器設定以授予必要存取權限。", "Response splitting": "", "Role": "角色", "Rosé Pine": "玫瑰松", "Rosé Pine Dawn": "黎明玫瑰松", "RTL": "從右到左", "Run": "", "Run Llama 2, Code Llama, and other models. Customize and create your own.": "執行 Llama 2、Code Llama 和其他模型。自訂並建立您自己的模型。", "Running": "運作中", "Save": "儲存", "Save & Create": "儲存並建立", "Save & Update": "儲存並更新", "Save As Copy": "", "Save Tag": "儲存標籤", "Saved": "", "Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through": "不再支援直接將對話記錄儲存到您的瀏覽器儲存空間。請點選下方按鈕來下載並刪除您的對話記錄。別擔心,您可以透過以下方式輕鬆地將對話記錄重新匯入後端", "Scroll to bottom when switching between branches": "切換分支時捲動到底端", "Search": "搜尋", "Search a model": "搜尋模型", "Search Chats": "搜尋對話", "Search Collection": "", "Search Documents": "搜尋文件", "Search Functions": "搜尋函式", "Search Knowledge": "", "Search Models": "搜尋模型", "Search Prompts": "搜尋提示詞", "Search Query Generation Prompt": "搜尋查詢生成提示詞", "Search Result Count": "搜尋結果數量", "Search Tools": "搜尋工具", "SearchApi API Key": "", "SearchApi Engine": "", "Searched {{count}} sites_one": "已搜尋 {{count}} 個網站", "Searched {{count}} sites_other": "已搜尋 {{count}} 個網站", "Searching \"{{searchQuery}}\"": "正在搜尋 \"{{searchQuery}}\"", "Searching Knowledge for \"{{searchQuery}}\"": "", "Searxng Query URL": "Searxng 查詢 URL", "See readme.md for instructions": "檢視 readme.md 以取得說明", "See what's new": "查看新功能", "Seed": "種子", "Select a base model": "選擇基礎模型", "Select a engine": "選擇引擎", "Select a function": "選擇函式", "Select a model": "選擇模型", "Select a pipeline": "選擇管線", "Select a pipeline url": "選擇管線 URL", "Select a tool": "選擇工具", "Select an Ollama instance": "選擇 Ollama 執行個體", "Select Engine": "", "Select Knowledge": "", "Select model": "選擇模型", "Select only one model to call": "僅選擇一個模型來呼叫", "Select/Add Files": "", "Selected model(s) do not support image inputs": "選取的模型不支援圖片輸入", "Send": "傳送", "Send a Message": "傳送訊息", "Send message": "傳送訊息", "Sends `stream_options: { include_usage: true }` in the request.\nSupported providers will return token usage information in the response when set.": "", "September": "9 月", "Serper API Key": "Serper API 金鑰", "Serply API Key": "Serply API 金鑰", "Serpstack API Key": "Serpstack API 金鑰", "Server connection verified": "伺服器連線已驗證", "Set as default": "設為預設", "Set CFG Scale": "", "Set Default Model": "設定預設模型", "Set embedding model (e.g. {{model}})": "設定嵌入模型(例如:{{model}})", "Set Image Size": "設定圖片大小", "Set reranking model (e.g. {{model}})": "設定重新排序模型(例如:{{model}})", "Set Sampler": "", "Set Scheduler": "", "Set Steps": "設定步數", "Set Task Model": "設定任務模型", "Set Voice": "設定語音", "Settings": "設定", "Settings saved successfully!": "設定已成功儲存", "Share": "分享", "Share Chat": "分享對話", "Share to OpenWebUI Community": "分享到 OpenWebUI 社群", "short-summary": "簡短摘要", "Show": "顯示", "Show Admin Details in Account Pending Overlay": "在帳號待審覆蓋層中顯示管理員詳細資訊", "Show Model": "顯示模型", "Show shortcuts": "顯示快捷鍵", "Show your support!": "表示您的支持!", "Showcased creativity": "展現創意", "Sign in": "登入", "Sign in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "", "Sign Out": "登出", "Sign up": "註冊", "Sign up to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "", "Signing in to {{WEBUI_NAME}}": "", "Source": "來源", "Speech Playback Speed": "語音播放速度", "Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "語音辨識錯誤:{{error}}", "Speech-to-Text Engine": "語音轉文字 (STT) 引擎", "Stop Sequence": "停止序列", "Stream Chat Response": "", "STT Model": "語音轉文字 (STT) 模型", "STT Settings": "語音轉文字 (STT) 設定", "Submit": "提交", "Subtitle (e.g. about the Roman Empire)": "副標題(例如:關於羅馬帝國)", "Success": "成功", "Successfully updated.": "更新成功。", "Suggested": "建議", "Support": "支援", "Support this plugin:": "支持這個外掛:", "Sync directory": "", "System": "系統", "System Prompt": "系統提示詞", "Tags": "標籤", "Tap to interrupt": "點選以中斷", "Tavily API Key": "Tavily API 金鑰", "Tell us more:": "告訴我們更多:", "Temperature": "溫度", "Template": "範本", "Temporary Chat": "", "Text Completion": "文字補全", "Text-to-Speech Engine": "文字轉語音 (TTS) 引擎", "Tfs Z": "Tfs Z", "Thanks for your feedback!": "感謝您的回饋!", "The developers behind this plugin are passionate volunteers from the community. If you find this plugin helpful, please consider contributing to its development.": "這個外掛背後的開發者是來自社群的熱情志願者。如果您覺得這個外掛很有幫助,請考慮為其開發做出貢獻。", "The maximum file size in MB. If the file size exceeds this limit, the file will not be uploaded.": "", "The maximum number of files that can be used at once in chat. If the number of files exceeds this limit, the files will not be uploaded.": "", "The score should be a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).": "分數應該是介於 0.0(0%)和 1.0(100%)之間的值。", "Theme": "主題", "Thinking...": "正在思考...", "This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?": "此操作無法復原。您確定要繼續進行嗎?", "This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "這確保您寶貴的對話會安全地儲存到您的後端資料庫。謝謝!", "This is an experimental feature, it may not function as expected and is subject to change at any time.": "這是一個實驗性功能,它有可能無法按預期運作,並且可能會隨時變更。", "This option will delete all existing files in the collection and replace them with newly uploaded files.": "", "This will delete": "這將會刪除", "This will reset the knowledge base and sync all files. Do you wish to continue?": "", "Thorough explanation": "詳細解釋", "Tika": "Tika", "Tika Server URL required.": "需要 Tika 伺服器 URL。", "Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.": "提示:在每次替換後按下對話輸入框中的 Tab 鍵,即可連續更新多個變數欄位。", "Title": "標題", "Title (e.g. Tell me a fun fact)": "標題(例如:告訴我一個有趣的事實)", "Title Auto-Generation": "自動產生標題", "Title cannot be an empty string.": "標題不能是空字串。", "Title Generation Prompt": "自動產生標題的提示詞", "To access the available model names for downloading,": "若要存取可供下載的模型名稱,", "To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "若要存取可供下載的 GGUF 模型,", "To access the WebUI, please reach out to the administrator. Admins can manage user statuses from the Admin Panel.": "若要存取 WebUI,請聯絡管理員。管理員可以從管理面板管理使用者狀態。", "To attach knowledge base here, add them to the \"Knowledge\" workspace first.": "", "to chat input.": "到對話輸入。", "To select actions here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇動作,請先將它們新增到「函式」工作區。", "To select filters here, add them to the \"Functions\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇篩選器,請先將它們新增到「函式」工作區。", "To select toolkits here, add them to the \"Tools\" workspace first.": "若要在此選擇工具包,請先將它們新增到「工具」工作區。", "Today": "今天", "Toggle settings": "切換設定", "Toggle sidebar": "切換側邊欄", "Tokens To Keep On Context Refresh (num_keep)": "上下文重新整理時要保留的 token 數 (num_keep)", "Tool created successfully": "成功建立工具", "Tool deleted successfully": "成功刪除工具", "Tool imported successfully": "成功匯入工具", "Tool updated successfully": "成功更新工具", "Toolkit Description (e.g. A toolkit for performing various operations)": "工具包描述(例如:用於執行各種操作的工具包)", "Toolkit ID (e.g. my_toolkit)": "工具包 ID(例如:my_toolkit)", "Toolkit Name (e.g. My ToolKit)": "工具包名稱(例如:我的工具包)", "Tools": "工具", "Tools are a function calling system with arbitrary code execution": "工具是一個具有任意程式碼執行功能的函式呼叫系統", "Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution": "工具具有允許執行任意程式碼的函式呼叫系統", "Tools have a function calling system that allows arbitrary code execution.": "工具具有允許執行任意程式碼的函式呼叫系統。", "Top K": "Top K", "Top P": "Top P", "Trouble accessing Ollama?": "存取 Ollama 時遇到問題?", "TTS Model": "文字轉語音 (TTS) 模型", "TTS Settings": "文字轉語音 (TTS) 設定", "TTS Voice": "文字轉語音 (TTS) 聲音", "Type": "類型", "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "輸入 Hugging Face 解析(下載)URL", "Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "哎呀!連線到 {{provider}} 時出現問題。", "UI": "使用者介面", "Unpin": "取消釘選", "Update": "更新", "Update and Copy Link": "更新並複製連結", "Update for the latest features and improvements.": "", "Update password": "更新密碼", "Updated at": "更新於", "Upload": "上傳", "Upload a GGUF model": "上傳 GGUF 模型", "Upload directory": "", "Upload files": "", "Upload Files": "上傳檔案", "Upload Pipeline": "上傳管線", "Upload Progress": "上傳進度", "URL Mode": "URL 模式", "Use '#' in the prompt input to load and include your knowledge.": "", "Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents.": "在提示詞輸入中使用 '#' 來載入和選擇您的文件。", "Use Gravatar": "使用 Gravatar", "Use Initials": "使用姓名縮寫", "use_mlock (Ollama)": "使用 mlock (Ollama)", "use_mmap (Ollama)": "使用 mmap (Ollama)", "user": "使用者", "User location successfully retrieved.": "成功取得使用者位置。", "User Permissions": "使用者權限", "Users": "使用者", "Utilize": "使用", "Valid time units:": "有效的時間單位:", "Valves": "閥門", "Valves updated": "閥門已更新", "Valves updated successfully": "閥門更新成功", "variable": "變數", "variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "變數,以便將其替換為剪貼簿內容。", "Version": "版本", "Version {{selectedVersion}} of {{totalVersions}}": "", "Voice": "語音", "Warning": "警告", "Warning:": "警告:", "Warning: If you update or change your embedding model, you will need to re-import all documents.": "警告:如果您更新或更改嵌入模型,您將需要重新匯入所有文件。", "Web": "網頁", "Web API": "網頁 API", "Web Loader Settings": "網頁載入器設定", "Web Search": "網頁搜尋", "Web Search Engine": "網頁搜尋引擎", "Webhook URL": "Webhook URL", "WebUI Settings": "WebUI 設定", "WebUI will make requests to": "WebUI 將會對以下網址發出請求", "What’s New in": "新功能", "Whisper (Local)": "Whisper(本地)", "Widescreen Mode": "寬螢幕模式", "Workspace": "工作區", "Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "撰寫提示詞建議(例如:你是誰?)", "Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "用 50 字寫一篇總結 [主題或關鍵字] 的摘要。", "Yesterday": "昨天", "You": "您", "You can only chat with a maximum of {{maxCount}} file(s) at a time.": "", "You can personalize your interactions with LLMs by adding memories through the 'Manage' button below, making them more helpful and tailored to you.": "您可以透過下方的「管理」按鈕新增記憶,將您與大型語言模型的互動個人化,讓它們更有幫助並更符合您的需求。", "You cannot clone a base model": "您無法複製基礎模型", "You have no archived conversations.": "您沒有已封存的對話。", "You have shared this chat": "您已分享此對話", "You're a helpful assistant.": "您是一位樂於助人的助手。", "You're now logged in.": "您已登入。", "Your account status is currently pending activation.": "您的帳號目前正在等待啟用。", "Your entire contribution will go directly to the plugin developer; Open WebUI does not take any percentage. However, the chosen funding platform might have its own fees.": "您的所有貢獻將會直接交給外掛開發者;Open WebUI 不會收取任何百分比。然而,所選擇的贊助平臺可能有其自身的費用。", "Youtube": "YouTube", "Youtube Loader Settings": "YouTube 載入器設定" }