import site from pathlib import Path import black import markdown from open_webui.config import DATA_DIR, ENABLE_ADMIN_EXPORT from open_webui.env import FONTS_DIR from open_webui.constants import ERROR_MESSAGES from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Response, status from fpdf import FPDF from pydantic import BaseModel from starlette.responses import FileResponse from open_webui.utils.misc import get_gravatar_url from open_webui.utils.utils import get_admin_user router = APIRouter() @router.get("/gravatar") async def get_gravatar( email: str, ): return get_gravatar_url(email) class CodeFormatRequest(BaseModel): code: str"/code/format") async def format_code(request: CodeFormatRequest): try: formatted_code = black.format_str(request.code, mode=black.Mode()) return {"code": formatted_code} except black.NothingChanged: return {"code": request.code} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=str(e)) class MarkdownForm(BaseModel): md: str"/markdown") async def get_html_from_markdown( form_data: MarkdownForm, ): return {"html": markdown.markdown(} class ChatForm(BaseModel): title: str messages: list[dict]"/pdf") async def download_chat_as_pdf( form_data: ChatForm, ): global FONTS_DIR pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() # When running using `pip install` the static directory is in the site packages. if not FONTS_DIR.exists(): FONTS_DIR = Path(site.getsitepackages()[0]) / "static/fonts" # When running using `pip install -e .` the static directory is in the site packages. # This path only works if `open-webui serve` is run from the root of this project. if not FONTS_DIR.exists(): FONTS_DIR = Path("./backend/static/fonts") pdf.add_font("NotoSans", "", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSans-Regular.ttf") pdf.add_font("NotoSans", "b", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSans-Bold.ttf") pdf.add_font("NotoSans", "i", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSans-Italic.ttf") pdf.add_font("NotoSansKR", "", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSansKR-Regular.ttf") pdf.add_font("NotoSansJP", "", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSansJP-Regular.ttf") pdf.add_font("NotoSansSC", "", f"{FONTS_DIR}/NotoSansSC-Regular.ttf") pdf.set_font("NotoSans", size=12) pdf.set_fallback_fonts(["NotoSansKR", "NotoSansJP", "NotoSansSC"]) pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) # Adjust the effective page width for multi_cell effective_page_width = ( pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin - 10 ) # Subtracted an additional 10 for extra padding # Add chat messages for message in form_data.messages: role = message["role"] content = message["content"] pdf.set_font("NotoSans", "B", size=14) # Bold for the role pdf.multi_cell(effective_page_width, 10, f"{role.upper()}", 0, "L") pdf.ln(1) # Extra space between messages pdf.set_font("NotoSans", size=10) # Regular for content pdf.multi_cell(effective_page_width, 6, content, 0, "L") pdf.ln(1.5) # Extra space between messages # Save the pdf with name .pdf pdf_bytes = pdf.output() return Response( content=bytes(pdf_bytes), media_type="application/pdf", headers={"Content-Disposition": "attachment;filename=chat.pdf"}, ) @router.get("/db/download") async def download_db(user=Depends(get_admin_user)): if not ENABLE_ADMIN_EXPORT: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail=ERROR_MESSAGES.ACCESS_PROHIBITED, ) from open_webui.apps.webui.internal.db import engine if != "sqlite": raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail=ERROR_MESSAGES.DB_NOT_SQLITE, ) return FileResponse( engine.url.database, media_type="application/octet-stream", filename="webui.db", ) @router.get("/litellm/config") async def download_litellm_config_yaml(user=Depends(get_admin_user)): return FileResponse( f"{DATA_DIR}/litellm/config.yaml", media_type="application/octet-stream", filename="config.yaml", )