import json import logging from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Optional from open_webui.apps.webui.internal.wrappers import register_connection from open_webui.env import ( OPEN_WEBUI_DIR, DATABASE_URL, SRC_LOG_LEVELS, DATABASE_POOL_MAX_OVERFLOW, DATABASE_POOL_RECYCLE, DATABASE_POOL_SIZE, DATABASE_POOL_TIMEOUT, ) from peewee_migrate import Router from sqlalchemy import Dialect, create_engine, types from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.pool import QueuePool, NullPool from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import _T from typing_extensions import Self log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(SRC_LOG_LEVELS["DB"]) class JSONField(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.Text cache_ok = True def process_bind_param(self, value: Optional[_T], dialect: Dialect) -> Any: return json.dumps(value) def process_result_value(self, value: Optional[_T], dialect: Dialect) -> Any: if value is not None: return json.loads(value) def copy(self, **kw: Any) -> Self: return JSONField(self.impl.length) def db_value(self, value): return json.dumps(value) def python_value(self, value): if value is not None: return json.loads(value) # Workaround to handle the peewee migration # This is required to ensure the peewee migration is handled before the alembic migration def handle_peewee_migration(DATABASE_URL): # db = None try: # Replace the postgresql:// with postgres:// to handle the peewee migration db = register_connection(DATABASE_URL.replace("postgresql://", "postgres://")) migrate_dir = OPEN_WEBUI_DIR / "apps" / "webui" / "internal" / "migrations" router = Router(db, logger=log, migrate_dir=migrate_dir) db.close() except Exception as e: log.error(f"Failed to initialize the database connection: {e}") raise finally: # Properly closing the database connection if db and not db.is_closed(): db.close() # Assert if db connection has been closed assert db.is_closed(), "Database connection is still open." handle_peewee_migration(DATABASE_URL) SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = DATABASE_URL if "sqlite" in SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL: engine = create_engine( SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, connect_args={"check_same_thread": False} ) else: if DATABASE_POOL_SIZE > 0: engine = create_engine( SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, pool_size=DATABASE_POOL_SIZE, max_overflow=DATABASE_POOL_MAX_OVERFLOW, pool_timeout=DATABASE_POOL_TIMEOUT, pool_recycle=DATABASE_POOL_RECYCLE, pool_pre_ping=True, poolclass=QueuePool, ) else: engine = create_engine( SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, pool_pre_ping=True, poolclass=NullPool ) SessionLocal = sessionmaker( autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine, expire_on_commit=False ) Base = declarative_base() Session = scoped_session(SessionLocal) def get_session(): db = SessionLocal() try: yield db finally: db.close() get_db = contextmanager(get_session)