from asgiref.wsgi import WsgiToAsgi from flask import Flask, request, Response import requests import json import random import os import jwt import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta import string app = Flask(__name__) def get_github_username_zed_userid_list(): """ Get GitHub username and Zed user ID from the USER environment variable. Returns: list: A list containing a single tuple with the GitHub username (str) and Zed user ID (str). """ user_env = os.environ.get('USER', 'default_user,123456') try: username, user_id = user_env.split(',') return [(username.strip(), user_id.strip())] except ValueError: print("Warning: Invalid format in USER environment variable. Using default values.") return [("default_user", "123456")] def create_jwt(github_user_login: str, user_id: int) -> str: """ Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) for a given GitHub user. Args: github_user_login (str): The GitHub username of the user. user_id (int): The user's ID. Returns: str: A JWT encoded string containing user information and authentication details. Note: The token has a lifetime of 1 hour and includes the following claims: - iat: Issued at time - exp: Expiration time - jti: Unique token identifier - userId: User's ID - githubUserLogin: GitHub username - isStaff: Boolean indicating staff status (default: False) - hasLlmClosedBetaFeatureFlag: Boolean for LLM closed beta feature (default: False) - plan: User's plan (default: "Free") """ LLM_TOKEN_LIFETIME = timedelta(hours=1) now = datetime.utcnow() payload = { "iat": int(now.timestamp()), "exp": int((now + LLM_TOKEN_LIFETIME).timestamp()), "jti": str(uuid.uuid4()), "userId": user_id, "githubUserLogin": github_user_login, "isStaff": False, "hasLlmClosedBetaFeatureFlag": False, "plan": "Free" } return jwt.encode(payload, 'llm-secret', algorithm='HS256') @app.route('/chat/completions', methods=['POST']) async def chat(): """ Handle chat completion requests. This function processes incoming POST requests to the '/chat/completions' endpoint. It prepares the payload for the LLM API, generates a JWT for authentication, and streams the response from the LLM API back to the client. Returns: Response: A streaming response containing the LLM API's output. Note: - The function uses environment variables for proxy configuration and user data. - The LLM model defaults to "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620" if not specified. """ # Get the payload from the request payload = request.json # Get the model from the payload, defaulting to "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620" model = payload.get('model', 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620') # Prepare the request for the LLM API url = "" llm_payload = { "provider": "anthropic", "model": model, "provider_request": { "model": model, "max_tokens": payload.get('max_tokens', 8192), "temperature": payload.get('temperature', 0), "top_p": payload.get('top_p', 0.7), "messages": payload['messages'], "system": "" } } github_username, zed_user_id = get_github_username_zed_userid_list()[0] jwt = create_jwt(github_username, zed_user_id) headers = { 'Host': '', 'accept': '*/*', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'authorization': f'Bearer {jwt}', 'user-agent': 'Zed/0.149.3 (macos; aarch64)' } # Get proxy from environment variable proxy = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY', None) proxies = {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy} if proxy else None async def generate(): with, headers=headers, json=llm_payload, stream=True, proxies=proxies) as response: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: yield chunk return Response(generate(), content_type='application/octet-stream') # Convert the Flask app to an ASGI app asgi_app = WsgiToAsgi(app) if __name__ == '__main__': import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)