wlmov / utils.py
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import os
import torch
import PIL.Image
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
import torch.distributed as dist
import timm.models.hub as timm_hub
"""Modified from https://github.com/CompVis/taming-transformers.git"""
import hashlib
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
import piq
def is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
if not dist.is_available():
return False
if not dist.is_initialized():
return False
return True
def get_world_size():
if not is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
return 1
return dist.get_world_size()
def get_rank():
if not is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
return 0
return dist.get_rank()
def is_main_process():
return get_rank() == 0
def is_context_parallel_initialized():
return False
return True
def set_context_parallel_group(size, group):
def initialize_context_parallel(context_parallel_size):
assert _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_GROUP is None, "context parallel group is already initialized"
_CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE = context_parallel_size
rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()
for i in range(0, world_size, context_parallel_size):
ranks = range(i, i + context_parallel_size)
group = torch.distributed.new_group(ranks)
if rank in ranks:
def get_context_parallel_group():
assert _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_GROUP is not None, "context parallel group is not initialized"
def get_context_parallel_world_size():
assert _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE is not None, "context parallel size is not initialized"
def get_context_parallel_rank():
assert _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE is not None, "context parallel size is not initialized"
rank = get_rank()
cp_rank = rank % _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE
return cp_rank
def get_context_parallel_group_rank():
assert _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE is not None, "context parallel size is not initialized"
rank = get_rank()
cp_group_rank = rank // _CONTEXT_PARALLEL_SIZE
return cp_group_rank
def download_cached_file(url, check_hash=True, progress=False):
Download a file from a URL and cache it locally. If the file already exists, it is not downloaded again.
If distributed, only the main process downloads the file, and the other processes wait for the file to be downloaded.
def get_cached_file_path():
# a hack to sync the file path across processes
parts = torch.hub.urlparse(url)
filename = os.path.basename(parts.path)
cached_file = os.path.join(timm_hub.get_cache_dir(), filename)
return cached_file
if is_main_process():
timm_hub.download_cached_file(url, check_hash, progress)
if is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
return get_cached_file_path()
def convert_weights_to_fp16(model: nn.Module):
"""Convert applicable model parameters to fp16"""
def _convert_weights_to_fp16(l):
if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d, nn.Linear)):
l.weight.data = l.weight.data.to(torch.float16)
if l.bias is not None:
l.bias.data = l.bias.data.to(torch.float16)
def convert_weights_to_bf16(model: nn.Module):
"""Convert applicable model parameters to fp16"""
def _convert_weights_to_bf16(l):
if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d, nn.Linear)):
l.weight.data = l.weight.data.to(torch.bfloat16)
if l.bias is not None:
l.bias.data = l.bias.data.to(torch.bfloat16)
def save_result(result, result_dir, filename, remove_duplicate="", save_format='json'):
import json
import jsonlines
print("Dump result")
# Make the temp dir for saving results
if not os.path.exists(result_dir):
if is_main_process():
if is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
result_file = os.path.join(
result_dir, "%s_rank%d.json" % (filename, get_rank())
final_result_file = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{filename}.{save_format}")
json.dump(result, open(result_file, "w"))
if is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
if is_main_process():
# print("rank %d starts merging results." % get_rank())
# combine results from all processes
result = []
for rank in range(get_world_size()):
result_file = os.path.join(result_dir, "%s_rank%d.json" % (filename, rank))
res = json.load(open(result_file, "r"))
result += res
# print("Remove duplicate")
if remove_duplicate:
result_new = []
id_set = set()
for res in result:
if res[remove_duplicate] not in id_set:
result = result_new
if save_format == 'json':
json.dump(result, open(final_result_file, "w"))
assert save_format == 'jsonl', "Only support json adn jsonl format"
with jsonlines.open(final_result_file, "w") as writer:
# print("result file saved to %s" % final_result_file)
return final_result_file
# resizing utils
# TODO: clean up later
def _resize_with_antialiasing(input, size, interpolation="bicubic", align_corners=True):
h, w = input.shape[-2:]
factors = (h / size[0], w / size[1])
# First, we have to determine sigma
# Taken from skimage: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/blob/v0.19.2/skimage/transform/_warps.py#L171
sigmas = (
max((factors[0] - 1.0) / 2.0, 0.001),
max((factors[1] - 1.0) / 2.0, 0.001),
# Now kernel size. Good results are for 3 sigma, but that is kind of slow. Pillow uses 1 sigma
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/master/src/libImaging/Resample.c#L206
# But they do it in the 2 passes, which gives better results. Let's try 2 sigmas for now
ks = int(max(2.0 * 2 * sigmas[0], 3)), int(max(2.0 * 2 * sigmas[1], 3))
# Make sure it is odd
if (ks[0] % 2) == 0:
ks = ks[0] + 1, ks[1]
if (ks[1] % 2) == 0:
ks = ks[0], ks[1] + 1
input = _gaussian_blur2d(input, ks, sigmas)
output = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input, size=size, mode=interpolation, align_corners=align_corners)
return output
def _compute_padding(kernel_size):
"""Compute padding tuple."""
# 4 or 6 ints: (padding_left, padding_right,padding_top,padding_bottom)
# https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.functional.pad
if len(kernel_size) < 2:
raise AssertionError(kernel_size)
computed = [k - 1 for k in kernel_size]
# for even kernels we need to do asymmetric padding :(
out_padding = 2 * len(kernel_size) * [0]
for i in range(len(kernel_size)):
computed_tmp = computed[-(i + 1)]
pad_front = computed_tmp // 2
pad_rear = computed_tmp - pad_front
out_padding[2 * i + 0] = pad_front
out_padding[2 * i + 1] = pad_rear
return out_padding
def _filter2d(input, kernel):
# prepare kernel
b, c, h, w = input.shape
tmp_kernel = kernel[:, None, ...].to(device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype)
tmp_kernel = tmp_kernel.expand(-1, c, -1, -1)
height, width = tmp_kernel.shape[-2:]
padding_shape: list[int] = _compute_padding([height, width])
input = torch.nn.functional.pad(input, padding_shape, mode="reflect")
# kernel and input tensor reshape to align element-wise or batch-wise params
tmp_kernel = tmp_kernel.reshape(-1, 1, height, width)
input = input.view(-1, tmp_kernel.size(0), input.size(-2), input.size(-1))
# convolve the tensor with the kernel.
output = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input, tmp_kernel, groups=tmp_kernel.size(0), padding=0, stride=1)
out = output.view(b, c, h, w)
return out
def _gaussian(window_size: int, sigma):
if isinstance(sigma, float):
sigma = torch.tensor([[sigma]])
batch_size = sigma.shape[0]
x = (torch.arange(window_size, device=sigma.device, dtype=sigma.dtype) - window_size // 2).expand(batch_size, -1)
if window_size % 2 == 0:
x = x + 0.5
gauss = torch.exp(-x.pow(2.0) / (2 * sigma.pow(2.0)))
return gauss / gauss.sum(-1, keepdim=True)
def _gaussian_blur2d(input, kernel_size, sigma):
if isinstance(sigma, tuple):
sigma = torch.tensor([sigma], dtype=input.dtype)
sigma = sigma.to(dtype=input.dtype)
ky, kx = int(kernel_size[0]), int(kernel_size[1])
bs = sigma.shape[0]
kernel_x = _gaussian(kx, sigma[:, 1].view(bs, 1))
kernel_y = _gaussian(ky, sigma[:, 0].view(bs, 1))
out_x = _filter2d(input, kernel_x[..., None, :])
out = _filter2d(out_x, kernel_y[..., None])
return out
"vgg_lpips": "https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/f/607503859c864bc1b30b/?dl=1"
"vgg_lpips": "vgg.pth"
MD5_MAP = {
"vgg_lpips": "d507d7349b931f0638a25a48a722f98a"
def download(url, local_path, chunk_size=1024):
os.makedirs(os.path.split(local_path)[0], exist_ok=True)
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0))
with tqdm(total=total_size, unit="B", unit_scale=True) as pbar:
with open(local_path, "wb") as f:
for data in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
if data:
def md5_hash(path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
content = f.read()
return hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest()
def get_ckpt_path(name, root, check=False):
assert name in URL_MAP
path = os.path.join(root, CKPT_MAP[name])
if not os.path.exists(path) or (check and not md5_hash(path) == MD5_MAP[name]):
print("Downloading {} model from {} to {}".format(name, URL_MAP[name], path))
download(URL_MAP[name], path)
md5 = md5_hash(path)
assert md5 == MD5_MAP[name], md5
return path
class KeyNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, cause, keys=None, visited=None):
self.cause = cause
self.keys = keys
self.visited = visited
messages = list()
if keys is not None:
messages.append("Key not found: {}".format(keys))
if visited is not None:
messages.append("Visited: {}".format(visited))
message = "\n".join(messages)
def retrieve(
list_or_dict, key, splitval="/", default=None, expand=True, pass_success=False
"""Given a nested list or dict return the desired value at key expanding
callable nodes if necessary and :attr:`expand` is ``True``. The expansion
is done in-place.
list_or_dict : list or dict
Possibly nested list or dictionary.
key : str
key/to/value, path like string describing all keys necessary to
consider to get to the desired value. List indices can also be
passed here.
splitval : str
String that defines the delimiter between keys of the
different depth levels in `key`.
default : obj
Value returned if :attr:`key` is not found.
expand : bool
Whether to expand callable nodes on the path or not.
The desired value or if :attr:`default` is not ``None`` and the
:attr:`key` is not found returns ``default``.
Exception if ``key`` not in ``list_or_dict`` and :attr:`default` is
keys = key.split(splitval)
success = True
visited = []
parent = None
last_key = None
for key in keys:
if callable(list_or_dict):
if not expand:
raise KeyNotFoundError(
"Trying to get past callable node with expand=False."
list_or_dict = list_or_dict()
parent[last_key] = list_or_dict
last_key = key
parent = list_or_dict
if isinstance(list_or_dict, dict):
list_or_dict = list_or_dict[key]
list_or_dict = list_or_dict[int(key)]
except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as e:
raise KeyNotFoundError(e, keys=keys, visited=visited)
visited += [key]
# final expansion of retrieved value
if expand and callable(list_or_dict):
list_or_dict = list_or_dict()
parent[last_key] = list_or_dict
except KeyNotFoundError as e:
if default is None:
raise e
list_or_dict = default
success = False
if not pass_success:
return list_or_dict
return list_or_dict, success