from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict import logging import os import shutil from os import path from PIL import Image import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import pycocotools.mask as mask_util from threading import Thread from queue import Queue from dataclasses import dataclass import copy from tracker.utils.pano_utils import ID2RGBConverter from tracker.utils.palette import davis_palette_np from tracker.inference.object_manager import ObjectManager from tracker.inference.object_info import ObjectInfo log = logging.getLogger() try: import hickle as hkl except ImportError: log.warning('Failed to import hickle. Fine if not using multi-scale testing.') class ResultSaver: def __init__(self, output_root, video_name, *, dataset, object_manager: ObjectManager, use_long_id, palette=None, save_mask=True, save_scores=False, score_output_root=None, visualize_output_root=None, visualize=False, init_json=None): self.output_root = output_root self.video_name = video_name self.dataset = dataset.lower() self.use_long_id = use_long_id self.palette = palette self.object_manager = object_manager self.save_mask = save_mask self.save_scores = save_scores self.score_output_root = score_output_root self.visualize_output_root = visualize_output_root self.visualize = visualize if self.visualize: if self.palette is not None: self.colors = np.array(self.palette, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1, 3) else: self.colors = davis_palette_np self.need_remapping = True self.json_style = None self.id2rgb_converter = ID2RGBConverter() if 'burst' in self.dataset: assert init_json is not None self.input_segmentations = init_json['segmentations'] self.segmentations = [{} for _ in init_json['segmentations']] self.annotated_frames = init_json['annotated_image_paths'] self.video_json = {k: v for k, v in init_json.items() if k != 'segmentations'} self.video_json['segmentations'] = self.segmentations self.json_style = 'burst' self.queue = Queue(maxsize=10) self.thread = Thread(target=save_result, args=(self.queue, )) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def process(self, prob: torch.Tensor, frame_name: str, resize_needed: bool = False, shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, last_frame: bool = False, path_to_image: str = None): if resize_needed: prob = F.interpolate(prob.unsqueeze(1), shape, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[:, 0] # Probability mask -> index mask mask = torch.argmax(prob, dim=0) if self.save_scores: # also need to pass prob prob = prob.cpu() else: prob = None # remap indices if self.need_remapping: new_mask = torch.zeros_like(mask) for tmp_id, obj in self.object_manager.tmp_id_to_obj.items(): new_mask[mask == tmp_id] = mask = new_mask args = ResultArgs(saver=self, prob=prob, mask=mask.cpu(), frame_name=frame_name, path_to_image=path_to_image, tmp_id_to_obj=copy.deepcopy(self.object_manager.tmp_id_to_obj), obj_to_tmp_id=copy.deepcopy(self.object_manager.obj_to_tmp_id), last_frame=last_frame) self.queue.put(args) def end(self): self.queue.put(None) self.queue.join() self.thread.join() @dataclass class ResultArgs: saver: ResultSaver prob: torch.Tensor mask: torch.Tensor frame_name: str path_to_image: str tmp_id_to_obj: Dict[int, ObjectInfo] obj_to_tmp_id: Dict[ObjectInfo, int] last_frame: bool def save_result(queue: Queue): while True: args: ResultArgs = queue.get() if args is None: queue.task_done() break saver = args.saver prob = args.prob mask = args.mask frame_name = args.frame_name path_to_image = args.path_to_image tmp_id_to_obj = args.tmp_id_to_obj obj_to_tmp_id = args.obj_to_tmp_id last_frame = args.last_frame all_obj_ids = [ for k in obj_to_tmp_id] # record output in the json file if saver.json_style == 'burst': if frame_name in saver.annotated_frames: frame_index = saver.annotated_frames.index(frame_name) input_segments = saver.input_segmentations[frame_index] frame_segments = saver.segmentations[frame_index] for id in all_obj_ids: if id in input_segments: # if this frame has been given as input, just copy frame_segments[id] = input_segments[id] continue segment = {} segment_mask = (mask == id) if segment_mask.sum() > 0: coco_mask = mask_util.encode(np.asfortranarray(segment_mask.numpy())) segment['rle'] = coco_mask['counts'].decode('utf-8') frame_segments[id] = segment # save the mask to disk if saver.save_mask: if saver.use_long_id: out_mask = mask.numpy().astype(np.uint32) rgb_mask = np.zeros((*out_mask.shape[-2:], 3), dtype=np.uint8) for id in all_obj_ids: _, image = saver.id2rgb_converter.convert(id) obj_mask = (out_mask == id) rgb_mask[obj_mask] = image out_img = Image.fromarray(rgb_mask) else: rgb_mask = None out_mask = mask.numpy().astype(np.uint8) out_img = Image.fromarray(out_mask) if saver.palette is not None: out_img.putpalette(saver.palette) this_out_path = path.join(saver.output_root, saver.video_name) os.makedirs(this_out_path, exist_ok=True), frame_name[:-4] + '.png')) # save scores for multi-scale testing if saver.save_scores: this_out_path = path.join(saver.score_output_root, saver.video_name) os.makedirs(this_out_path, exist_ok=True) prob = (prob.detach().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8) if last_frame: tmp_to_obj_mapping = { tmp_id for obj, tmp_id in tmp_id_to_obj.items()} hkl.dump(tmp_to_obj_mapping, path.join(this_out_path, f'backward.hkl'), mode='w') hkl.dump(prob, path.join(this_out_path, f'{frame_name[:-4]}.hkl'), mode='w', compression='lzf') if saver.visualize: if path_to_image is not None: image_np = np.array( else: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize without path_to_image') if rgb_mask is None: # we need to apply a palette rgb_mask = np.zeros((*out_mask.shape, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for id in all_obj_ids: image = saver.colors[id] obj_mask = (out_mask == id) rgb_mask[obj_mask] = image alpha = (out_mask == 0).astype(np.float32) * 0.5 + 0.5 alpha = alpha[:, :, None] blend = (image_np * alpha + rgb_mask * (1 - alpha)).astype(np.uint8) # find a place to save the visualization this_vis_path = path.join(saver.visualize_output_root, saver.video_name) os.makedirs(this_vis_path, exist_ok=True) Image.fromarray(blend).save(path.join(this_vis_path, frame_name[:-4] + '.jpg')) queue.task_done() def make_zip(dataset, run_dir, exp_id, mask_output_root): if dataset.startswith('y'): # YoutubeVOS'Making zip for YouTubeVOS...') shutil.make_archive(path.join(run_dir, f'{exp_id}_{dataset}'), 'zip', run_dir, 'Annotations') elif dataset == 'd17-test-dev': # DAVIS 2017 test-dev -- zip from within the Annotation folder'Making zip for DAVIS test-dev...') shutil.make_archive(path.join(run_dir, f'{exp_id}_{dataset}'), 'zip', mask_output_root) elif dataset == 'mose-val': # MOSE validation -- same as DAVIS test-dev'Making zip for MOSE validation...') shutil.make_archive(path.join(run_dir, f'{exp_id}_{dataset}'), 'zip', mask_output_root) elif dataset == 'lvos-test': # LVOS test -- same as YouTubeVOS'Making zip for LVOS test...') shutil.make_archive(path.join(run_dir, f'{exp_id}_{dataset}'), 'zip', run_dir, 'Annotations') else:'Not making zip for {dataset}.')