from typing import List, Optional, Iterable, Dict import logging from omegaconf import DictConfig import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from tracker.inference.memory_manager import MemoryManager from tracker.inference.object_manager import ObjectManager from tracker.inference.image_feature_store import ImageFeatureStore from tracker.model.cutie import CUTIE from tracker.utils.tensor_utils import pad_divide_by, unpad, aggregate log = logging.getLogger() class InferenceCore: def __init__(self, network: CUTIE, cfg: DictConfig, *, image_feature_store: ImageFeatureStore = None): = network self.cfg = cfg self.mem_every = cfg.mem_every stagger_updates = cfg.stagger_updates self.chunk_size = cfg.chunk_size self.save_aux = cfg.save_aux self.max_internal_size = cfg.max_internal_size self.flip_aug = cfg.flip_aug self.curr_ti = -1 self.last_mem_ti = 0 # at which time indices should we update the sensory memory if stagger_updates >= self.mem_every: self.stagger_ti = set(range(1, self.mem_every + 1)) else: self.stagger_ti = set( np.round(np.linspace(1, self.mem_every, stagger_updates)).astype(int)) self.object_manager = ObjectManager() self.memory = MemoryManager(cfg=cfg, object_manager=self.object_manager) if image_feature_store is None: self.image_feature_store = ImageFeatureStore( else: self.image_feature_store = image_feature_store self.last_mask = None def clear_memory(self): self.curr_ti = -1 self.last_mem_ti = 0 self.memory = MemoryManager(cfg=self.cfg, object_manager=self.object_manager) def clear_non_permanent_memory(self): self.curr_ti = -1 self.last_mem_ti = 0 self.memory.clear_non_permanent_memory() def clear_sensory_memory(self): self.curr_ti = -1 self.last_mem_ti = 0 self.memory.clear_sensory_memory() def update_config(self, cfg): self.mem_every = cfg['mem_every'] self.memory.update_config(cfg) def _add_memory(self, image: torch.Tensor, pix_feat: torch.Tensor, prob: torch.Tensor, key: torch.Tensor, shrinkage: torch.Tensor, selection: torch.Tensor, *, is_deep_update: bool = True, force_permanent: bool = False) -> None: """ Memorize the given segmentation in all memory stores. The batch dimension is 1 if flip augmentation is not used. image: RGB image, (1/2)*3*H*W pix_feat: from the key encoder, (1/2)*_*H*W prob: (1/2)*num_objects*H*W, in [0, 1] key/shrinkage/selection: for anisotropic l2, (1/2)*_*H*W selection can be None if not using long-term memory is_deep_update: whether to use deep update (e.g. with the mask encoder) force_permanent: whether to force the memory to be permanent """ if prob.shape[1] == 0: # nothing to add log.warn('Trying to add an empty object mask to memory!') return if force_permanent: as_permanent = 'all' else: as_permanent = 'first' self.memory.initialize_sensory_if_needed(key, self.object_manager.all_obj_ids) msk_value, sensory, obj_value, self.obj_logits = image, pix_feat, self.memory.get_sensory(self.object_manager.all_obj_ids), prob, deep_update=is_deep_update, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, need_weights=self.save_aux) self.memory.add_memory(key, shrinkage, msk_value, obj_value, self.object_manager.all_obj_ids, selection=selection, as_permanent=as_permanent) self.last_mem_ti = self.curr_ti if is_deep_update: self.memory.update_sensory(sensory, self.object_manager.all_obj_ids) def _segment(self, key: torch.Tensor, selection: torch.Tensor, pix_feat: torch.Tensor, ms_features: Iterable[torch.Tensor], update_sensory: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """ Produce a segmentation using the given features and the memory The batch dimension is 1 if flip augmentation is not used. key/selection: for anisotropic l2: (1/2) * _ * H * W pix_feat: from the key encoder, (1/2) * _ * H * W ms_features: an iterable of multiscale features from the encoder, each is (1/2)*_*H*W with strides 16, 8, and 4 respectively update_sensory: whether to update the sensory memory Returns: (num_objects+1)*H*W normalized probability; the first channel is the background """ bs = key.shape[0] if self.flip_aug: assert bs == 2 else: assert bs == 1 if not self.memory.engaged: log.warn('Trying to segment without any memory!') return torch.zeros((1, key.shape[-2] * 16, key.shape[-1] * 16), device=key.device, dtype=key.dtype) memory_readout =, key, selection, self.last_mask, memory_readout = self.object_manager.realize_dict(memory_readout) sensory, _, pred_prob_with_bg =, memory_readout, self.memory.get_sensory( self.object_manager.all_obj_ids), chunk_size=self.chunk_size, update_sensory=update_sensory) # remove batch dim if self.flip_aug: # average predictions of the non-flipped and flipped version pred_prob_with_bg = (pred_prob_with_bg[0] + torch.flip(pred_prob_with_bg[1], dims=[-1])) / 2 else: pred_prob_with_bg = pred_prob_with_bg[0] if update_sensory: self.memory.update_sensory(sensory, self.object_manager.all_obj_ids) return pred_prob_with_bg def step(self, image: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, objects: Optional[List[int]] = None, *, idx_mask: bool = True, end: bool = False, delete_buffer: bool = True, force_permanent: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ Take a step with a new incoming image. If there is an incoming mask with new objects, we will memorize them. If there is no incoming mask, we will segment the image using the memory. In both cases, we will update the memory and return a segmentation. image: 3*H*W mask: H*W (if idx mask) or len(objects)*H*W or None objects: list of object ids that are valid in the mask Tensor. The ids themselves do not need to be consecutive/in order, but they need to be in the same position in the list as the corresponding mask in the tensor in non-idx-mask mode. objects is ignored if the mask is None. If idx_mask is False and objects is None, we sequentially infer the object ids. idx_mask: if True, mask is expected to contain an object id at every pixel. If False, mask should have multiple channels with each channel representing one object. end: if we are at the end of the sequence, we do not need to update memory if unsure just set it to False delete_buffer: whether to delete the image feature buffer after this step force_permanent: the memory recorded this frame will be added to the permanent memory """ if objects is None and mask is not None: assert not idx_mask objects = list(range(1, mask.shape[0] + 1)) # resize input if needed -- currently only used for the GUI resize_needed = False if self.max_internal_size > 0: h, w = image.shape[-2:] min_side = min(h, w) if min_side > self.max_internal_size: resize_needed = True new_h = int(h / min_side * self.max_internal_size) new_w = int(w / min_side * self.max_internal_size) image = F.interpolate(image.unsqueeze(0), size=(new_h, new_w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[0] if mask is not None: if idx_mask: mask = F.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float(), size=(new_h, new_w), mode='nearest', align_corners=False)[0, 0].round().long() else: mask = F.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0), size=(new_h, new_w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[0] self.curr_ti += 1 image, self.pad = pad_divide_by(image, 16) image = image.unsqueeze(0) # add the batch dimension if self.flip_aug: image =[image, torch.flip(image, dims=[-1])], dim=0) # whether to update the working memory is_mem_frame = ((self.curr_ti - self.last_mem_ti >= self.mem_every) or (mask is not None)) and (not end) # segment when there is no input mask or when the input mask is incomplete need_segment = (mask is None) or (self.object_manager.num_obj > 0 and not self.object_manager.has_all(objects)) update_sensory = ((self.curr_ti - self.last_mem_ti) in self.stagger_ti) and (not end) # encoding the image ms_feat, pix_feat = self.image_feature_store.get_features(self.curr_ti, image) key, shrinkage, selection = self.image_feature_store.get_key(self.curr_ti, image) # segmentation from memory if needed if need_segment: pred_prob_with_bg = self._segment(key, selection, pix_feat, ms_feat, update_sensory=update_sensory) # use the input mask if provided if mask is not None: # inform the manager of the new objects, and get a list of temporary id # temporary ids -- indicates the position of objects in the tensor # (starts with 1 due to the background channel) corresponding_tmp_ids, _ = self.object_manager.add_new_objects(objects) mask, _ = pad_divide_by(mask, 16) if need_segment: # merge predicted mask with the incomplete input mask pred_prob_no_bg = pred_prob_with_bg[1:] # use the mutual exclusivity of segmentation if idx_mask: pred_prob_no_bg[:, mask > 0] = 0 else: pred_prob_no_bg[:, mask.max(0) > 0.5] = 0 new_masks = [] for mask_id, tmp_id in enumerate(corresponding_tmp_ids): if idx_mask: this_mask = (mask == objects[mask_id]).type_as(pred_prob_no_bg) else: this_mask = mask[tmp_id] if tmp_id >= pred_prob_no_bg.shape[0]: new_masks.append(this_mask.unsqueeze(0)) else: # +1 for padding the background channel pred_prob_no_bg[tmp_id + 1] = this_mask # new_masks are always in the order of tmp_id mask =[pred_prob_no_bg, *new_masks], dim=0) elif idx_mask: # simply convert cls to one-hot representation if len(objects) == 0: if delete_buffer: self.image_feature_store.delete(self.curr_ti) log.warn('Trying to insert an empty mask as memory!') return torch.zeros((1, key.shape[-2] * 16, key.shape[-1] * 16), device=key.device, dtype=key.dtype) mask = torch.stack( [mask == objects[mask_id] for mask_id, _ in enumerate(corresponding_tmp_ids)], dim=0) pred_prob_with_bg = aggregate(mask, dim=0) pred_prob_with_bg = torch.softmax(pred_prob_with_bg, dim=0) self.last_mask = pred_prob_with_bg[1:].unsqueeze(0) if self.flip_aug: self.last_mask = [self.last_mask, torch.flip(self.last_mask, dims=[-1])], dim=0) # save as memory if needed if is_mem_frame or force_permanent: self._add_memory(image, pix_feat, self.last_mask, key, shrinkage, selection, force_permanent=force_permanent) if delete_buffer: self.image_feature_store.delete(self.curr_ti) output_prob = unpad(pred_prob_with_bg, self.pad) if resize_needed: # restore output to the original size output_prob = F.interpolate(output_prob.unsqueeze(0), size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[0] return output_prob def get_aux_outputs(self, image: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: image, pads = pad_divide_by(image, 16) image = image.unsqueeze(0) # add the batch dimension _, pix_feat = self.image_feature_store.get_features(self.curr_ti, image) aux_inputs = self.memory.aux aux_outputs =, aux_inputs, selector=None) aux_outputs['q_weights'] = aux_inputs['q_weights'] aux_outputs['p_weights'] = aux_inputs['p_weights'] for k, v in aux_outputs.items(): if len(v.shape) == 5: aux_outputs[k] = F.interpolate(v[0], size=image.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) elif 'weights' in k: b, num_objects, num_heads, num_queries, h, w = v.shape v = v.view(num_objects * num_heads, num_queries, h, w) v = F.interpolate(v, size=image.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) aux_outputs[k] = v.view(num_objects, num_heads, num_queries, *image.shape[-2:]) else: aux_outputs[k] = F.interpolate(v, size=image.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[0] aux_outputs[k] = unpad(aux_outputs[k], pads) if 'weights' in k: weights = aux_outputs[k] weights = weights / (weights.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0].max(-2, keepdim=True)[0] + 1e-8) aux_outputs[k] = (weights * 255).cpu().numpy() else: aux_outputs[k] = (aux_outputs[k].softmax(dim=0) * 255).cpu().numpy() self.image_feature_store.delete(self.curr_ti) return aux_outputs def get_aux_object_weights(self, image: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: image, pads = pad_divide_by(image, 16) # B*num_objects*H*W*num_queries -> num_objects*num_queries*H*W # weights = F.softmax(self.obj_logits, dim=-1)[0] weights = F.sigmoid(self.obj_logits)[0] weights = weights.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() weights = F.interpolate(weights, size=image.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) # weights = weights / (weights.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0].max(-2, keepdim=True)[0]) weights = unpad(weights, pads) weights = (weights * 255).cpu().numpy() return weights