from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Literal from collections import defaultdict import torch def _add_last_dim(dictionary, key, new_value, prepend=False): # append/prepend a new value to the last dimension of a tensor in a dictionary # if the key does not exist, put the new value in # append by default if key in dictionary: dictionary[key] =[dictionary[key], new_value], -1) else: dictionary[key] = new_value class KeyValueMemoryStore: """ Works for key/value pairs type storage e.g., working and long-term memory """ def __init__(self, save_selection: bool = False, save_usage: bool = False): """ We store keys and values of objects that first appear in the same frame in a bucket. Each bucket contains a set of object ids. Each bucket is associated with a single key tensor and a dictionary of value tensors indexed by object id. The keys and values are stored as the concatenation of a permanent part and a temporary part. """ self.save_selection = save_selection self.save_usage = save_usage self.global_bucket_id = 0 # does not reduce even if buckets are removed self.buckets: Dict[int, List[int]] = {} # indexed by bucket id self.k: Dict[int, torch.Tensor] = {} # indexed by bucket id self.v: Dict[int, torch.Tensor] = {} # indexed by object id # indexed by bucket id; the end point of permanent memory self.perm_end_pt: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) # shrinkage and selection are just like the keys self.s = {} if self.save_selection: self.e = {} # does not contain the permanent memory part # usage if self.save_usage: self.use_cnt = {} # indexed by bucket id, does not contain the permanent memory part self.life_cnt = {} # indexed by bucket id, does not contain the permanent memory part def add(self, key: torch.Tensor, values: Dict[int, torch.Tensor], shrinkage: torch.Tensor, selection: torch.Tensor, supposed_bucket_id: int = -1, as_permanent: Literal['no', 'first', 'all'] = 'no') -> None: """ key: (1/2)*C*N values: dict of values ((1/2)*C*N), object ids are used as keys shrinkage: (1/2)*1*N selection: (1/2)*C*N supposed_bucket_id: used to sync the bucket id between working and long-term memory if provided, the input should all be in a single bucket indexed by this id as_permanent: whether to store the input as permanent memory 'no': don't 'first': only store it as permanent memory if the bucket is empty 'all': always store it as permanent memory """ bs = key.shape[0] ne = key.shape[-1] assert len(key.shape) == 3 assert len(shrinkage.shape) == 3 assert not self.save_selection or len(selection.shape) == 3 assert as_permanent in ['no', 'first', 'all'] # add the value and create new buckets if necessary if supposed_bucket_id >= 0: enabled_buckets = [supposed_bucket_id] bucket_exist = supposed_bucket_id in self.buckets for obj, value in values.items(): if bucket_exist: assert obj in self.v assert obj in self.buckets[supposed_bucket_id] _add_last_dim(self.v, obj, value, prepend=(as_permanent == 'all')) else: assert obj not in self.v self.v[obj] = value self.buckets[supposed_bucket_id] = list(values.keys()) else: new_bucket_id = None enabled_buckets = set() for obj, value in values.items(): assert len(value.shape) == 3 if obj in self.v: _add_last_dim(self.v, obj, value, prepend=(as_permanent == 'all')) bucket_used = [ bucket_id for bucket_id, object_ids in self.buckets.items() if obj in object_ids ] assert len(bucket_used) == 1 # each object should only be in one bucket enabled_buckets.add(bucket_used[0]) else: self.v[obj] = value if new_bucket_id is None: # create new bucket new_bucket_id = self.global_bucket_id self.global_bucket_id += 1 self.buckets[new_bucket_id] = [] # put the new object into the corresponding bucket self.buckets[new_bucket_id].append(obj) enabled_buckets.add(new_bucket_id) # increment the permanent size if necessary add_as_permanent = {} # indexed by bucket id for bucket_id in enabled_buckets: add_as_permanent[bucket_id] = False if as_permanent == 'all': self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] += ne add_as_permanent[bucket_id] = True elif as_permanent == 'first': if self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] == 0: self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] = ne add_as_permanent[bucket_id] = True # create new counters for usage if necessary if self.save_usage and as_permanent != 'all': new_count = torch.zeros((bs, ne), device=key.device, dtype=torch.float32) new_life = torch.zeros((bs, ne), device=key.device, dtype=torch.float32) + 1e-7 # add the key to every bucket for bucket_id in self.buckets: if bucket_id not in enabled_buckets: # if we are not adding new values to a bucket, we should skip it continue _add_last_dim(self.k, bucket_id, key, prepend=add_as_permanent[bucket_id]) _add_last_dim(self.s, bucket_id, shrinkage, prepend=add_as_permanent[bucket_id]) if not add_as_permanent[bucket_id]: if self.save_selection: _add_last_dim(self.e, bucket_id, selection) if self.save_usage: _add_last_dim(self.use_cnt, bucket_id, new_count) _add_last_dim(self.life_cnt, bucket_id, new_life) def update_bucket_usage(self, bucket_id: int, usage: torch.Tensor) -> None: # increase all life count by 1 # increase use of indexed elements if not self.save_usage: return usage = usage[:, self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id]:] if usage.shape[-1] == 0: # if there is no temporary memory, we don't need to update return self.use_cnt[bucket_id] += usage.view_as(self.use_cnt[bucket_id]) self.life_cnt[bucket_id] += 1 def sieve_by_range(self, bucket_id: int, start: int, end: int, min_size: int) -> None: # keep only the temporary elements *outside* of this range (with some boundary conditions) # the permanent elements are ignored in this computation # i.e., concat (a[:start], a[end:]) # bucket with size <= min_size are not modified assert start >= 0 assert end <= 0 object_ids = self.buckets[bucket_id] bucket_num_elements = self.k[bucket_id].shape[-1] - self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] if bucket_num_elements <= min_size: return if end == 0: # negative 0 would not work as the end index! # effectively make the second part an empty slice end = self.k[bucket_id].shape[-1] + 1 p_size = self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] start = start + p_size k = self.k[bucket_id] s = self.s[bucket_id] if self.save_selection: e = self.e[bucket_id] if self.save_usage: use_cnt = self.use_cnt[bucket_id] life_cnt = self.life_cnt[bucket_id] self.k[bucket_id] =[k[:, :, :start], k[:, :, end:]], -1) self.s[bucket_id] =[s[:, :, :start], s[:, :, end:]], -1) if self.save_selection: self.e[bucket_id] =[e[:, :, :start - p_size], e[:, :, end:]], -1) if self.save_usage: self.use_cnt[bucket_id] =[use_cnt[:, :start - p_size], use_cnt[:, end:]], -1) self.life_cnt[bucket_id] =[life_cnt[:, :start - p_size], life_cnt[:, end:]], -1) for obj_id in object_ids: v = self.v[obj_id] self.v[obj_id] =[v[:, :, :start], v[:, :, end:]], -1) def remove_old_memory(self, bucket_id: int, max_len: int) -> None: self.sieve_by_range(bucket_id, 0, -max_len, max_len) def remove_obsolete_features(self, bucket_id: int, max_size: int) -> None: # for long-term memory only object_ids = self.buckets[bucket_id] assert self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] == 0 # permanent memory should be empty in LT memory # normalize with life duration usage = self.get_usage(bucket_id) bs = usage.shape[0] survivals = [] for bi in range(bs): _, survived = torch.topk(usage[bi], k=max_size) survivals.append(survived.flatten()) assert survived.shape[-1] == survivals[0].shape[-1] self.k[bucket_id] = torch.stack( [self.k[bucket_id][bi, :, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) self.s[bucket_id] = torch.stack( [self.s[bucket_id][bi, :, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) if self.save_selection: # Long-term memory does not store selection so this should not be needed self.e[bucket_id] = torch.stack( [self.e[bucket_id][bi, :, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) for obj_id in object_ids: self.v[obj_id] = torch.stack( [self.v[obj_id][bi, :, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) self.use_cnt[bucket_id] = torch.stack( [self.use_cnt[bucket_id][bi, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) self.life_cnt[bucket_id] = torch.stack( [self.life_cnt[bucket_id][bi, survived] for bi, survived in enumerate(survivals)], 0) def get_usage(self, bucket_id: int) -> torch.Tensor: # return normalized usage if not self.save_usage: raise RuntimeError('I did not count usage!') else: usage = self.use_cnt[bucket_id] / self.life_cnt[bucket_id] return usage def get_all_sliced( self, bucket_id: int, start: int, end: int ) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Dict[int, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor): # return k, sk, ek, value, normalized usage in order, sliced by start and end # this only queries the temporary memory assert start >= 0 assert end <= 0 p_size = self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] start = start + p_size if end == 0: # negative 0 would not work as the end index! k = self.k[bucket_id][:, :, start:] sk = self.s[bucket_id][:, :, start:] ek = self.e[bucket_id][:, :, start - p_size:] if self.save_selection else None value = {obj_id: self.v[obj_id][:, :, start:] for obj_id in self.buckets[bucket_id]} usage = self.get_usage(bucket_id)[:, start - p_size:] if self.save_usage else None else: k = self.k[bucket_id][:, :, start:end] sk = self.s[bucket_id][:, :, start:end] ek = self.e[bucket_id][:, :, start - p_size:end] if self.save_selection else None value = {obj_id: self.v[obj_id][:, :, start:end] for obj_id in self.buckets[bucket_id]} usage = self.get_usage(bucket_id)[:, start - p_size:end] if self.save_usage else None return k, sk, ek, value, usage def purge_except(self, obj_keep_idx: List[int]): # purge certain objects from the memory except the one listed obj_keep_idx = set(obj_keep_idx) # remove objects that are not in the keep list from the buckets buckets_to_remove = [] for bucket_id, object_ids in self.buckets.items(): self.buckets[bucket_id] = [obj_id for obj_id in object_ids if obj_id in obj_keep_idx] if len(self.buckets[bucket_id]) == 0: buckets_to_remove.append(bucket_id) # remove object values that are not in the keep list self.v = {k: v for k, v in self.v.items() if k in obj_keep_idx} # remove buckets that are empty for bucket_id in buckets_to_remove: del self.buckets[bucket_id] del self.k[bucket_id] del self.s[bucket_id] if self.save_selection: del self.e[bucket_id] if self.save_usage: del self.use_cnt[bucket_id] del self.life_cnt[bucket_id] def clear_non_permanent_memory(self): # clear all non-permanent memory for bucket_id in self.buckets: self.sieve_by_range(bucket_id, 0, 0, 0) def get_v_size(self, obj_id: int) -> int: return self.v[obj_id].shape[-1] def size(self, bucket_id: int) -> int: if bucket_id not in self.k: return 0 else: return self.k[bucket_id].shape[-1] def perm_size(self, bucket_id: int) -> int: return self.perm_end_pt[bucket_id] def non_perm_size(self, bucket_id: int) -> int: return self.size(bucket_id) - self.perm_size(bucket_id) def engaged(self, bucket_id: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: if bucket_id is None: return len(self.buckets) > 0 else: return bucket_id in self.buckets @property def num_objects(self) -> int: return len(self.v) @property def key(self) -> Dict[int, torch.Tensor]: return self.k @property def value(self) -> Dict[int, torch.Tensor]: return self.v @property def shrinkage(self) -> Dict[int, torch.Tensor]: return self.s @property def selection(self) -> Dict[int, torch.Tensor]: return self.e def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.v