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import math
import torch
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
# @torch.jit.script
def get_similarity(mk: torch.Tensor,
ms: torch.Tensor,
qk: torch.Tensor,
qe: torch.Tensor,
add_batch_dim: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
# used for training/inference and memory reading/memory potentiation
# mk: B x CK x [N] - Memory keys
# ms: B x 1 x [N] - Memory shrinkage
# qk: B x CK x [HW/P] - Query keys
# qe: B x CK x [HW/P] - Query selection
# Dimensions in [] are flattened
if add_batch_dim:
mk, ms = mk.unsqueeze(0), ms.unsqueeze(0)
qk, qe = qk.unsqueeze(0), qe.unsqueeze(0)
CK = mk.shape[1]
mk = mk.flatten(start_dim=2)
ms = ms.flatten(start_dim=1).unsqueeze(2) if ms is not None else None
qk = qk.flatten(start_dim=2)
qe = qe.flatten(start_dim=2) if qe is not None else None
if qe is not None:
# See XMem's appendix for derivation
mk = mk.transpose(1, 2)
a_sq = (mk.pow(2) @ qe)
two_ab = 2 * (mk @ (qk * qe))
b_sq = (qe * qk.pow(2)).sum(1, keepdim=True)
similarity = (-a_sq + two_ab - b_sq)
# similar to STCN if we don't have the selection term
a_sq = mk.pow(2).sum(1).unsqueeze(2)
two_ab = 2 * (mk.transpose(1, 2) @ qk)
similarity = (-a_sq + two_ab)
if ms is not None:
similarity = similarity * ms / math.sqrt(CK) # B*N*HW
similarity = similarity / math.sqrt(CK) # B*N*HW
return similarity
def do_softmax(
similarity: torch.Tensor,
top_k: Optional[int] = None,
inplace: bool = False,
return_usage: bool = False) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
# normalize similarity with top-k softmax
# similarity: B x N x [HW/P]
# use inplace with care
if top_k is not None:
values, indices = torch.topk(similarity, k=top_k, dim=1)
x_exp = values.exp_()
x_exp /= torch.sum(x_exp, dim=1, keepdim=True)
if inplace:
similarity.zero_().scatter_(1, indices, x_exp) # B*N*HW
affinity = similarity
affinity = torch.zeros_like(similarity).scatter_(1, indices, x_exp) # B*N*HW
maxes = torch.max(similarity, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
x_exp = torch.exp(similarity - maxes)
x_exp_sum = torch.sum(x_exp, dim=1, keepdim=True)
affinity = x_exp / x_exp_sum
indices = None
if return_usage:
return affinity, affinity.sum(dim=2)
return affinity
def get_affinity(mk: torch.Tensor, ms: torch.Tensor, qk: torch.Tensor,
qe: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# shorthand used in training with no top-k
similarity = get_similarity(mk, ms, qk, qe)
affinity = do_softmax(similarity)
return affinity
def readout(affinity: torch.Tensor, mv: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
B, CV, T, H, W = mv.shape
mo = mv.view(B, CV, T * H * W)
mem = torch.bmm(mo, affinity)
mem = mem.view(B, CV, H, W)
return mem