#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import datetime import logging import os import traceback from typing import Dict, List import numpy as np import plotly.express as px import rasterio from dash import Dash, Input, Output, State, dcc, html from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from libs.utils import setup_logging from libs.utils import verbose as vprint from scripts.analyse import analyse setup_logging() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG = {} V = 1 V_IGNORE = [] # Debug, Warning, Error # =============================================================================== # Soil Moisture Comparison Tool App Layout # =============================================================================== colorscales = px.colors.named_colorscales() # external JavaScript files external_scripts = [ "https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js", {"src": "https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js"}, { "src": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.10/lodash.core.js", "integrity": "sha256-Qqd/EfdABZUcAxjOkMi8eGEivtdTkh3b65xCZL4qAQA=", "crossorigin": "anonymous", }, ] # external CSS stylesheets external_stylesheets = [ "https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css", { "href": "https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.3/css/bootstrap.min.css", "rel": "stylesheet", "integrity": "sha384-MCw98/SFnGE8fJT3GXwEOngsV7Zt27NXFoaoApmYm81iuXoPkFOJwJ8ERdknLPMO", "crossorigin": "anonymous", }, ] app = Dash( __name__, external_scripts=external_scripts, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets, title="Soil Moisture Comparison Tool", update_title="Loading the tool...", ) # farm_name = "Arawa" # layer = "SM2" today = datetime.datetime.today() time_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=20) FAIL_IMAGE = app.get_asset_url("icons/fail.png") SUCCESS_IMAGE = app.get_asset_url("icons/success.png") WAIT_IMAGE = app.get_asset_url("icons/wait.png") current_working_directory = os.getcwd() app.index_template = os.path.join(current_working_directory, "templates", "index.html") # app.index_string = """ # # # # {%metas%} # {%title%} # {%favicon%} # {%css%} # # #

Soil Moisture Comparison Tool

# {%app_entry%} # #
# Copyright @ 2023 Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH) #
# # # """ app.layout = html.Div( [ # html.Div( # className="app-header", # children=[ # html.Div('Soil Moisture Comparison Tool', className="app-header--title") # ] # ), dcc.Store(id="farm-name-session", storage_type="session"), html.Div( [ html.P( """This tool will use the produced datacubes to compare the soil moisture of a farm against historic data. Please select the desired comaprison method and dates to make the comparison as in section A. Then choose the visualisation in section B to see the results.""", style={"font-size": "larger"}, ), html.Hr(), html.H3("A"), ], className="col-lg-12", style={"padding-top": "1%", "padding-left": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ # html.P("Write farm name/ID:"), dcc.Input( id="farm-name", type="text", placeholder="Farm name", style={"width": "80%"}, ), html.Img( id="farm-image", src=WAIT_IMAGE, style={"width": "30px", "margin-left": "15px"}, ), ], className="col-lg-5", # style = {'padding-top':'1%', 'padding-left':'1%'} ), html.Div( [ html.P(), ], className="col-lg-7", # style = {'padding-top':'1%', 'padding-left':'1%'} ), ], className="row", style={"padding-top": "1%", "padding-left": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.P("Select soil layer:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="layer-dropdown", options=[ {"label": "SM1", "value": "SM1"}, {"label": "SM2", "value": "SM2"}, {"label": "SM3", "value": "SM3"}, {"label": "SM4", "value": "SM4"}, {"label": "SM5", "value": "SM5"}, {"label": "DD", "value": "DD"}, ], value="SM2", ), ], className="col-lg-4", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.P("Select the historic years to compare against:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="historic-dropdown", options=[ {"label": year, "value": year} for year in range(1, 20) ], value=2, ), ], className="col-lg-4", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.P("Select the most recent window of dates to analyse:"), dcc.DatePickerRange( id="window-select", min_date_allowed=datetime.date(2000, 1, 1), max_date_allowed=today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), initial_visible_month=datetime.date(2023, 1, 1), clearable=False, display_format="YYYY-MM-DD", start_date_placeholder_text="Start date", end_date_placeholder_text="End date", style={"width": "100%"}, ), ], className="col-lg-4", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), ], className="row", style={"padding-top": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.P("Select window aggregation method:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="w-aggregation-dropdown", options=[ {"label": "Mean", "value": "mean"}, {"label": "Median", "value": "median"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Sum", "value": "sum"}, {"label": "std", "value": "std"}, {"label": "var", "value": "var"}, ], value="mean", ), ], className="col-lg-6", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.P("Select historic aggregation method:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="h-aggregation-dropdown", options=[ {"label": "Mean", "value": "mean"}, {"label": "Median", "value": "median"}, {"label": "Max", "value": "max"}, {"label": "Min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "Sum", "value": "sum"}, {"label": "std", "value": "std"}, {"label": "var", "value": "var"}, ], value="mean", ), ], className="col-lg-6", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), ], className="row", # style = {'padding-top':'1%'} ), html.Div( [ html.Button("Generate Images", id="generate-button"), html.Br(), html.Hr(), ], className="col-lg-12", style={"margin-bottom": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.H3("B"), ], className="col-lg-12", style={"padding-top": "1%", "padding-left": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.P("Select visualisation name:"), dcc.Dropdown(id="visualisation-select"), ], className="col-lg-6", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), html.Div( [ html.P("Select your palette:"), dcc.Dropdown( id="platter-dropdown", options=colorscales, value="viridis" ), ], className="col-lg-6", style={"padding": "1%"}, ), ], className="row", # style = {'padding-top':'1%'} ), html.Div( [ html.Hr(), html.H3("Results"), dcc.Graph(id="graph"), ], className="col-lg-12", style={"padding-top": "1%"}, ), # html.Div( # className="app-footer", # children=[ # html.Div(f"Copyright @ {today.strftime('%Y')} Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH)", className="app-footer--copyright") # ] # ), ], className="container-fluid", ) # ================================================================================================== # Functions # ================================================================================================== def find_analyses(path): """Find all the analysis files in a directory. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the directory containing the analysis files Returns ------- files: list List of analysis files """ files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith(".tif")] return files def open_image(path): """Open a raster image and return the data and coordinates. Parameters ---------- path: str path to the raster image Returns ------- band1: np.array The raster data lons: np.array The longitude coordinates lats: np.array The latitude coordinates """ with rasterio.open(path) as src: band1 = src.read(1) print("Band1 has shape", band1.shape) height = band1.shape[0] width = band1.shape[1] cols, rows = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height)) xs, ys = rasterio.transform.xy(src.transform, rows, cols) lons = np.array(xs) lats = np.array(ys) return band1, lons, lats def perform_analysis( input, window_start, window_end, historic_years: int, layer: str, match_raster: str = None, output: str = None, agg_history: str = "mean", agg_window: str = "mean", comparison: str = "diff", **args, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Perform the analysis. This is a wrapper function for the analysis module. It takes the input parameters and passes them to the analysis module. Parameters ---------- input : str path to the input data window_start : str start date of the window window_end : str end date of the window historic_years : int number of years to use for the historic data layer : str layer to use for the analysis match_raster : str, optional path to the raster to match the output to, by default None output : str, optional path to the output file, by default None agg_history : str, optional aggregation method for the historic data, by default "mean" agg_window : str, optional aggregation method for the window data, by default "mean" comparison : str, optional comparison method for the window and historic data, by default "diff" Returns ------- files: dict Dict of analysis files """ files = analyse( input=input, window_start=window_start, window_end=window_end, historic_years=historic_years, agg_window=agg_window, agg_history=agg_history, comparison=comparison, layer=layer, output=output, match_raster=match_raster, ) return files # ==================================================================================================== # Callbacks # ==================================================================================================== @app.callback( [ Output("farm-name-session", "data"), Output("farm-image", "src"), ], [Input("farm-name", "value"), State("farm-name-session", "data")], ) def update_session(farm_name, session): session = farm_name if farm_name is None or farm_name == "": session = "" image = WAIT_IMAGE else: print(f"Getting some data about farm: {farm_name}") # if the path does not exist, do not update the session real_path = INPUT.format(farm_name) print(f"Checking {real_path}") if os.path.exists(real_path): session = farm_name image = SUCCESS_IMAGE else: session = "" image = FAIL_IMAGE print(f"\n\nSession updated to {session}") print(f"Image updated to {image}\n\n") return session, image @app.callback( Output("farm-name", "value"), Input("farm-name-session", "modified_timestamp"), State("farm-name-session", "data"), ) def display_name_from_session(timestamp, name): print(f"Updating the farm name from the session: {name}") if timestamp is not None: return name else: return "" @app.callback( Output("visualisation-select", "options"), # Input("farm-name", "value"), Input("layer-dropdown", "value"), Input("window-select", "start_date"), Input("window-select", "end_date"), Input("historic-dropdown", "value"), Input("w-aggregation-dropdown", "value"), Input("h-aggregation-dropdown", "value"), Input("generate-button", "n_clicks"), State("farm-name-session", "data"), ) def get_analysis( layer, window_start, window_end, historic_years, w_agg, h_agg, n_clicks, farm_name ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """Get the analysis files and return them as a list of dicts. Parameters ---------- layer : str layer to use for the analysis window_start : str start date of the window window_end : str end date of the window historic_years : int number of years to use for the historic data w_agg : str aggregation method for the window data h_agg : str aggregation method for the historic data n_clicks : int number of times the generate button has been clicked Returns ------- files : list list of dicts of analysis files """ print("\nAnalysis callback triggered") if n_clicks == 0 or n_clicks is None: raise PreventUpdate path = f"/home/sahand/Data/results_default/{farm_name}/soilwatermodel" # window_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(window_start, '%Y-%m-%d') # window_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(window_end, '%Y-%m-%d') print(f"\nPath: {path}\n") files = perform_analysis( input=path, window_start=window_start, window_end=window_end, historic_years=historic_years, layer=layer, agg_window=w_agg, agg_history=h_agg, comparison="diff", output=None, match_raster=None, ) print(path) print( f"n_clicks: {n_clicks}\n" + f"window_start: {window_start}\n" + f"window_end: {window_end}\n" + f"historic_years: {historic_years}\n" + f"layer: {layer}\n" + f"agg_window: {w_agg}\n" + f"agg_history: {h_agg}\n" + "comparison: 'diff'\n" + f"output: {None}\n" + f"match_raster: {None}\n" ) print(files) files = { i: [ " ".join(files[i].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].split("-")).capitalize(), files[i], ] for i in files } print(files) options = [{"label": files[i][0], "value": files[i][1]} for i in files] return options @app.callback( Output("graph", "figure"), Input("visualisation-select", "value"), Input("platter-dropdown", "value"), ) def change_colorscale(file, palette): """Display the selected visualisation and change the colorscale of the visualisation. Parameters ---------- file : str path to the visualisation file palette : str name of the colorscale to use Returns ------- fig : plotly.graph_objects.Figure plotly figure object """ band1, lons_a, lats_a = open_image(file) # Get the second dimension of the lons lats = lats_a[:, 0] lons = lons_a[0, :] print(lons.shape, lons) print(lats.shape, lats) print(band1.shape, band1) fig = px.imshow(band1, x=lons, y=lats, color_continuous_scale=palette) fig.update( data=[ { "customdata": np.stack((band1, lats_a, lons_a), axis=-1), "hovertemplate": "SM: %{customdata[0]}
" + "Lat: %{customdata[1]}
" + "Lon: %{customdata[2]}
" + "", } ] ) print("Render successful") return fig # ============================================================================== # Main # ============================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": # Load Configs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Download rainfall data from Google Earth Engine for a range of dates.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", help="Absolute or relative path to the netcdf data directory for each farm. Should be in this format: '/path/to/farm/{}/soilwatermodel'", default=os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data/results_default/{}/soilwatermodel" ), ) args = parser.parse_args() INPUT = args.input try: app.run_server(debug=True) except Exception as e: vprint( 0, V, V_IGNORE, Error="Failed to execute the main function:", ErrorMessage=e, ) traceback.print_exc() raise e