import os import openai import sys import re import gradio as gr from IPython import get_ipython import json import requests from tenacity import retry, wait_random_exponential, stop_after_attempt from IPython import get_ipython # from termcolor import colored # doesn't actually work in Colab ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ import ast GPT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106" from google.colab import userdata openai.api_key = userdata.get('OPENAI_API_KEY') def exec_python(cell): # result = 0 print(cell) # print(type(cell)) # code = json.loads(cell) # print(code) # exec(code["cell"]) inputcode = cell print(inputcode) code = inputcode # code_string = code["cell"] local_namespace = {} try: exec(code, globals(), local_namespace) except Exception as e: return "tidakada" print(local_namespace) if not local_namespace: return "tidakada" else: theanswers = local_namespace.values() print(theanswers) local_ans = list(theanswers)[-1] print(local_ans) return local_ans # Now let's define the function specification: functions = [ { "name": "exec_python", "description": "run python code and return the execution result.", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "cell": { "type": "string", "description": "Valid Python code to execute.", } }, "required": ["cell"], }, }, ] # In order to run these functions automatically, we should maintain a dictionary: functions_dict = { "exec_python": exec_python, } def openai_api_calculate_cost(usage,model): pricing = { # 'gpt-3.5-turbo-4k': { # 'prompt': 0.0015, # 'completion': 0.002, # }, # 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k': { # 'prompt': 0.003, # 'completion': 0.004, # }, 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106': { 'prompt': 0.001, 'completion': 0.002, }, 'gpt-4-1106-preview': { 'prompt': 0.01, 'completion': 0.03, }, 'gpt-4': { 'prompt': 0.03, 'completion': 0.06, }, # 'gpt-4-32k': { # 'prompt': 0.06, # 'completion': 0.12, # }, # 'text-embedding-ada-002-v2': { # 'prompt': 0.0001, # 'completion': 0.0001, # } } try: model_pricing = pricing[model] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid model specified") prompt_cost = usage['prompt_tokens'] * model_pricing['prompt'] / 1000 completion_cost = usage['completion_tokens'] * model_pricing['completion'] / 1000 total_cost = prompt_cost + completion_cost print(f"\nTokens used: {usage['prompt_tokens']:,} prompt + {usage['completion_tokens']:,} completion = {usage['total_tokens']:,} tokens") print(f"Total cost for {model}: ${total_cost:.4f}\n") return total_cost @retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=40), stop=stop_after_attempt(3)) def chat_completion_request(messages, model, functions=None, function_call=None, temperature=0.2, top_p=0.1): """ This function sends a POST request to the OpenAI API to generate a chat completion. Parameters: - messages (list): A list of message objects. Each object should have a 'role' (either 'system', 'user', or 'assistant') and 'content' (the content of the message). - functions (list, optional): A list of function objects that describe the functions that the model can call. - function_call (str or dict, optional): If it's a string, it can be either 'auto' (the model decides whether to call a function) or 'none' (the model will not call a function). If it's a dict, it should describe the function to call. - model (str): The ID of the model to use. Returns: - response (requests.Response): The response from the OpenAI API. If the request was successful, the response's JSON will contain the chat completion. """ # Set up the headers for the API request headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + openai.api_key, } # Set up the data for the API request # json_data = {"model": model, "messages": messages} # json_data = {"model": model, "messages": messages, "response_format":{"type": "json_object"}} json_data = {"model": model, "messages": messages, "temperature": temperature, "top_p":top_p} # If functions were provided, add them to the data if functions is not None: json_data.update({"functions": functions}) # If a function call was specified, add it to the data if function_call is not None: json_data.update({"function_call": function_call}) print(json_data) # Send the API request try: response = "", headers=headers, json=json_data, ) return response except Exception as e: print("Unable to generate ChatCompletion response") print(f"Exception: {e}") return e def first_call(init_prompt, user_input, input_temperature, input_top_p, model_dropdown_1): # Set up a conversation messages = [] messages.append({"role": "system", "content": init_prompt}) # Write a user message that perhaps our function can handle...? messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) # Generate a response chat_response = chat_completion_request( messages, model_dropdown_1, functions=functions, function_call='auto', temperature=float(input_temperature), top_p=float(input_top_p) ) # Save the JSON to a variable assistant_message = chat_response.json()["choices"][0]["message"] # Append response to conversation messages.append(assistant_message) usage = chat_response.json()['usage'] cost1 = openai_api_calculate_cost(usage,model_dropdown_1) finish_response_status = chat_response.json()["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] # Let's see what we got back before continuing return assistant_message, cost1, messages, finish_response_status def is_valid_dict_string(s): try: ast.literal_eval(s) return True except (SyntaxError, ValueError): return False def function_call_process(assistant_message): if assistant_message.get("function_call") != None: # Retrieve the name of the relevant function function_name = assistant_message["function_call"]["name"] # Retrieve the arguments to send the function # function_args = json.loads(assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"], strict=False) # if isinstance(assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"], dict): # arg_dict = json.loads(r"{jsonload}".format(jsonload=assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"]), strict=False) # else: # arg_dict = {'cell': assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"]} # arg_dict = assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"] # print(function_args) if is_valid_dict_string(assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"])==True: arg_dict = json.loads(r"{jsonload}".format(jsonload=assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"]), strict=False) arg_dict = arg_dict['cell'] print("arg_dict : " + arg_dict) else: arg_dict = assistant_message["function_call"]["arguments"] print(arg_dict) # Look up the function and call it with the provided arguments result = functions_dict[function_name](arg_dict) return result # print(result) def custom_format(match): # If the match is {ans}, use a single curly brace; otherwise, use double curly braces return "{" + + "}" if == "ans" else "{{" + + "}}" def second_prompt_build(prompt, log, prompt_cadangan): pattern = re.compile(r'\{([^}]*)\}') prompt_sub = pattern.sub(custom_format, prompt) if log == "tidakada": if "{ans}" in prompt: prompt_second = prompt_sub.format(ans = prompt_cadangan) else: prompt_second = prompt_cadangan else: prompt_second = prompt_sub.format(ans=log) return prompt_second # def second_prompt_build(prompt, log, prompt_cadangan): # if log == "tidakada": # if "{ans}" in prompt: # prompt_second = prompt.format(ans = prompt_cadangan) # else: # prompt_second = prompt_cadangan # else: # prompt_second = prompt.format(ans = log) # # prompt_second = prompt % log # return prompt_second def second_call(prompt, prompt_second, messages, input_temperature_2, input_top_p_2, model_dropdown_2, function_name = "exec_python"): # Add a new message to the conversation with the function result messages.append({ "role": "function", "name": function_name, "content": str(prompt_second), # Convert the result to a string }) # Call the model again to generate a user-facing message based on the function result chat_response = chat_completion_request( messages, model_dropdown_2, functions=functions, temperature=float(input_temperature_2), top_p=float(input_top_p_2) ) print("second call : "+ str(chat_response.json())) assistant_message = chat_response.json()["choices"][0]["message"] messages.append(assistant_message) usage = chat_response.json()['usage'] cost2 = openai_api_calculate_cost(usage,model_dropdown_2) # Print the final conversation # pretty_print_conversation(messages) finish_response_status_2 = chat_response.json()["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] print("finish_response_status_2 : " + finish_response_status_2) return assistant_message, cost2, messages, finish_response_status_2 def format_math_in_sentence(sentence): # Regular expression to find various math expressions math_pattern = re.compile(r'\\[a-zA-Z]+\{[^\}]+\}|\\frac\{[^\}]+\}\{[^\}]+\}') # Find all math expressions in the sentence math_matches = re.findall(math_pattern, sentence) # Wrap each math expression with Markdown formatting for math_match in math_matches: markdown_math = f"${math_match}$" sentence = sentence.replace(math_match, markdown_math) return sentence def format_mathjax_equation(input_str): # Replace \( and \) with $ for inline math formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\\(.*?\\\)', lambda x: f"${[2:-2]}$", input_str) # Replace \[ and \] with $$ for display math formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\\[.*?\\\]', lambda x: f"$$\n{[2:-2]}\n$$", formatted_str) # Replace \frac{}{} with \frac{}{} formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\frac\{(.*?)\}\{(.*?)\}', r'\\frac{\1}{\2}', formatted_str) # Add more rules for other common math symbols formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\sqrt\{(.*?)\}', r'\\sqrt{\1}', formatted_str) formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\sum\{(.*?)\}', r'\\sum{\1}', formatted_str) formatted_str = re.sub(r'\\int\{(.*?)\}', r'\\int{\1}', formatted_str) # Add more rules as needed return formatted_str def main_function(init_prompt, prompt, prompt_cadangan, user_input,input_temperature_1, input_top_p_1, input_temperature_2, input_top_p_2, model_dropdown_1, model_dropdown_2): first_call_result, cost1, messages, finish_response_status = first_call(init_prompt, user_input, input_temperature_1, input_top_p_1, model_dropdown_1) print("finish_response_status "+finish_response_status) print(messages) cost_list=[] if finish_response_status == 'stop': function_call_process_result = "Tidak dipanggil" second_prompt_build_result = "Tidak dipanggil" second_call_result = {'status':'Tidak dipanggil'} cost2 = 0 finalmessages = messages finalcostresult = cost1 cost_list.append(cost1) else: function_call_process_result = function_call_process(first_call_result) second_prompt_build_result = second_prompt_build(prompt, function_call_process_result, prompt_cadangan) second_call_result, cost2, finalmessages, finish_response_status_2 = second_call(function_call_process_result, second_prompt_build_result, messages, input_temperature_2, input_top_p_2, model_dropdown_2) cost_list.append(cost1) cost_list.append(cost2) finalcostresult = cost1 + cost2 while finish_response_status_2 != 'stop': function_call_process_result = function_call_process(second_call_result) second_prompt_build_result = second_prompt_build(prompt, function_call_process_result, prompt_cadangan) second_call_result, cost2, finalmessages, finish_response_status_2 = second_call(function_call_process_result, second_prompt_build_result, messages, input_temperature_2, input_top_p_2, model_dropdown_2) finalcostresult += cost2 cost_list.append(cost2) finalcostrpresult = finalcostresult * 15000 cost_dict = {f"Cost {i+1}": price for i, price in enumerate(cost_list)} cost_dict_rp = {f"Cost {i+1}": price*15000 for i, price in enumerate(cost_list)} veryfinaloutput = format_mathjax_equation(str(finalmessages[-1].get("content", ""))) return first_call_result, function_call_process_result, second_prompt_build_result, second_call_result, cost1, cost2, finalmessages, finalcostresult, finalcostrpresult, cost_dict, cost_dict_rp, veryfinaloutput def gradio_function(): init_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="init_prompt (for 1st call)",value="""You are a genius math tutor, Python code expert, and a helpful assistant. If this is a math subject or topic, you must create a code how to solve it accurately! The code must be worked and written in Python string and please use the easiest and the most correct way step by step to solve it! After that, show me the evaluated and verified answer correctly once! This is very important to your career, so please code it perfectly, answer correctly and the answer must be already verified! This problem is:""") prompt = gr.Textbox(label="prompt (for 2nd call)",value="""Here's the answer: {ans}. You must solve the problem step by step correctly and accurately! The problem: Rara memiliki tali sepanjang 3/5 meter. Lalu Dina menambahkan tali Rara sepanjang 3/6 meter. Total panjang tali yang dimiliki Rara menjadi ... meter A. 33/30 B. 34/30 C. 35/30 D. 36/30 The answer: {ans} You must solve the problem by explain it step by step, then if it doesn't match with the answer, please solve it by yourself!""") prompt_cadangan = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt Cadangan",value="""Please figure and solve it step by step with explanation by yourself. Remember, you must give the correct answer!""") user_input = gr.Textbox(label="User Input",value="""Rara memiliki tali sepanjang 3/5 meter. Lalu Dina menambahkan tali Rara sepanjang 3/6 meter. Total panjang tali yang dimiliki Rara menjadi ... meter A. 33/30 B. 34/30 C. 35/30 D. 36/30""") input_temperature_1 = gr.Textbox(label="temperature_1", value=0.2) input_top_p_1 = gr.Textbox(label="top_p_1", value=0.1) input_temperature_2 = gr.Textbox(label="temperature_2", value=0.2) input_top_p_2 = gr.Textbox(label="top_p_2", value=0.1) # input_temperature_2 = gr.Textbox(label="temperature_2") # input_top_p_2 = gr.Textbox(label="top_p_2") output_1st_call = gr.JSON(label="Assistant (output_1st_call)") output_fc_call = gr.Textbox(label="Function Call (exec_python) Result (output_fc_call)") output_fc_call_with_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Building 2nd Prompt (output_fc_call_with_2nd_prompt)") output_2nd_call = gr.JSON(label="Assistant (output_2nd_call_buat_user)") cost = gr.Textbox(label="Cost 1") cost2 = gr.Textbox(label="Cost 2") finalcost = gr.Textbox(label="Final Cost ($)") finalcostrp = gr.Textbox(label="Final Cost (Rp)") finalmessages = gr.JSON(label="Final Messages") model_dropdown_1 = gr.Dropdown(["gpt-4", "gpt-4-1106-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"], label="Model 1", info="Pilih model 1!", value="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106") model_dropdown_2 = gr.Dropdown(["gpt-4", "gpt-4-1106-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"], label="Model 2", info="Pilih model 2!", value="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106") cost_list = gr.JSON(label="Cost List ($)") cost_list_rp = gr.JSON(label="Cost List (Rp)") prettieroutput = gr.Markdown(label="Last Output", latex_delimiters=[ {'left': "$$", 'right': "$$", 'display': True}, {'left': "$", 'right': "$", 'display': False}, {'left': "\\(", 'right': "\\)", 'display': False}, {'left': "\\[", 'right': "\\]", 'display': True} ]) iface = gr.Interface( fn=main_function, inputs=[init_prompt, prompt, prompt_cadangan, user_input,input_temperature_1, input_top_p_1, input_temperature_2, input_top_p_2, model_dropdown_1, model_dropdown_2], outputs=[output_1st_call, output_fc_call, output_fc_call_with_prompt, output_2nd_call, cost, cost2, finalmessages, finalcost, finalcostrp, cost_list, cost_list_rp, prettieroutput], title="Test", description="Accuracy", ) iface.launch(share=True, debug=True) if __name__ == "__main__": gradio_function()