[MUSIC] Now let's take a look at where designs come from. Regardless of the specific process or type of materials all 3D printers start with a digital design and this digital design forms the base for the object to be printed. These designs could be obtained in three different ways, the first way is modeling. Most 3D designs are made using a 3D modeling software such as Tinkercad, Google SketchUp or Autodesk Fusion. Although these programs are getting easier all the time, if you haven't used them before there's a bit of a learning curve. Tinkercad is the most accessible program and its basic functions can be learned in about an hour or less. In fact, we use Tinkercad in our lab to train kids as young as ten years old how to create 3D printable designs. So if they can do it, you can do it as well. The 3D software portion of our specialization will guide you through both Tinkercad as well as a more advanced modelling software called Fusion 360. This class will be taught by Jeff Smith who works for Autodesk so again this training directly from the firm that markets and owns both of these two software programs. The Illinois I that I have here in front of me is a good example of something that will be created using a digital modeling program. The second way in which you can get 3D designs is through scanning. So we say that 3D printing allows you to turn your ideas into objects, well scanning allows you to turn your objects into ideas. So, what a 3D scanner allows you to do is to make a 3D photocopy of a person or an object. These 3D scanners have been around for awhile but until recently they were quite expensive, today you can buy 3D scanners for $500 or less. Let me show you an example, this is a 3D scanner called the Structure Sensor and it's mounted on an iPad, and the scanner itself is about $500 US. And simply you just scan using your iPad, it's really quite easy. In addition to buying a 3D scanner you can also download for free, or for very low cost, an app on your smartphone. For example, Autodesk has a program for free called 123D Catch, it's an app you can download and it takes a series of photographs in which you can scan an object. Let me show you an example, this object here is a scan that was made of the head of Mars using a smartphone app. And this is a statue, a replica of a statue that sits in the Art Institute in Chicago, as you can see this scan is quite detailed. We'll explore scanning in more detail during our 3D printing software class. The third way in which you can get a 3D design if you don't own a scanner or if you don't know a 3D modeling program is simply download the design. Today there are a number of websites which you can go in and find 3D designs such as GrabCAD, Youmagine, or my favorite, Thingiverse. These design files are usually free or very low cost, for example, thingiverse contains hundreds of thousands of digital designs all of which are free, thus if you can download a file, you can create 3D printed objects. For example, this model of the Eifel Tower is a great example of the types of designs you can find free on Thingiverse. [MUSIC] [SOUND]