Build error
Build error
import jax | |
import jax.numpy as jnp | |
import flax | |
from flax.optim import dynamic_scale as dynamic_scale_lib | |
from flax.core import frozen_dict | |
import optax | |
import numpy as np | |
import functools | |
import wandb | |
import time | |
import stylegan2 | |
import data_pipeline | |
import checkpoint | |
import training_utils | |
import training_steps | |
from fid import FID | |
import logging | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
def tree_shape(item): | |
return jax.tree_map(lambda c: c.shape, item) | |
def train_and_evaluate(config): | |
num_devices = jax.device_count() # 8 | |
num_local_devices = jax.local_device_count() # 4 | |
num_workers = jax.process_count() | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Data | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
ds_train, dataset_info = data_pipeline.get_data(data_dir=config.data_dir, | |
img_size=config.resolution, | |
img_channels=config.img_channels, | |
num_classes=config.c_dim, | |
num_local_devices=num_local_devices, | |
batch_size=config.batch_size) | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Seeding and Precision | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(config.random_seed) | |
if config.mixed_precision: | |
dtype = jnp.float16 | |
elif config.bf16: | |
dtype = jnp.bfloat16 | |
else: | |
dtype = jnp.float32 | |'Running on dtype {dtype}') | |
platform = jax.local_devices()[0].platform | |
if config.mixed_precision and platform == 'gpu': | |
dynamic_scale_G_main = dynamic_scale_lib.DynamicScale() | |
dynamic_scale_D_main = dynamic_scale_lib.DynamicScale() | |
dynamic_scale_G_reg = dynamic_scale_lib.DynamicScale() | |
dynamic_scale_D_reg = dynamic_scale_lib.DynamicScale() | |
clip_conv = 256 | |
num_fp16_res = 4 | |
else: | |
dynamic_scale_G_main = None | |
dynamic_scale_D_main = None | |
dynamic_scale_G_reg = None | |
dynamic_scale_D_reg = None | |
clip_conv = None | |
num_fp16_res = 0 | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Initialize Models | |
# -------------------------------------- | |'Initialize models...') | |
rng, init_rng = jax.random.split(rng) | |
# Generator initialization for training | |
start_mn = time.time() | |"Creating MappingNetwork...") | |
mapping_net = stylegan2.MappingNetwork(z_dim=config.z_dim, | |
c_dim=config.c_dim, | |
w_dim=config.w_dim, | |
num_ws=int(np.log2(config.resolution)) * 2 - 3, | |
num_layers=8, | |
dtype=dtype) | |
mapping_net_vars = mapping_net.init(init_rng, | |
jnp.ones((1, config.z_dim)), | |
jnp.ones((1, config.c_dim))) | |
mapping_net_params, moving_stats = mapping_net_vars['params'], mapping_net_vars['moving_stats'] | |"MappingNetwork took {time.time() - start_mn:.2f}s") | |"Creating SynthesisNetwork...") | |
start_sn = time.time() | |
synthesis_net = stylegan2.SynthesisNetwork(resolution=config.resolution, | |
num_channels=config.img_channels, | |
w_dim=config.w_dim, | |
fmap_base=config.fmap_base, | |
num_fp16_res=num_fp16_res, | |
clip_conv=clip_conv, | |
dtype=dtype) | |
synthesis_net_vars = synthesis_net.init(init_rng, | |
jnp.ones((1, mapping_net.num_ws, config.w_dim))) | |
synthesis_net_params, noise_consts = synthesis_net_vars['params'], synthesis_net_vars['noise_consts'] | |"SynthesisNetwork took {time.time() - start_sn:.2f}s") | |
params_G = frozen_dict.FrozenDict( | |
{'mapping': mapping_net_params, | |
'synthesis': synthesis_net_params} | |
) | |
# Discriminator initialization for training | |"Creating Discriminator...") | |
start_d = time.time() | |
discriminator = stylegan2.Discriminator(resolution=config.resolution, | |
num_channels=config.img_channels, | |
c_dim=config.c_dim, | |
mbstd_group_size=config.mbstd_group_size, | |
num_fp16_res=num_fp16_res, | |
clip_conv=clip_conv, | |
dtype=dtype) | |
rng, init_rng = jax.random.split(rng) | |
params_D = discriminator.init(init_rng, | |
jnp.ones((1, config.resolution, config.resolution, config.img_channels)), | |
jnp.ones((1, config.c_dim))) | |"Discriminator took {time.time() - start_d:.2f}s") | |
# Exponential average Generator initialization | |"Creating Generator EMA...") | |
start_g = time.time() | |
generator_ema = stylegan2.Generator(resolution=config.resolution, | |
num_channels=config.img_channels, | |
z_dim=config.z_dim, | |
c_dim=config.c_dim, | |
w_dim=config.w_dim, | |
num_ws=int(np.log2(config.resolution)) * 2 - 3, | |
num_mapping_layers=8, | |
fmap_base=config.fmap_base, | |
num_fp16_res=num_fp16_res, | |
clip_conv=clip_conv, | |
dtype=dtype) | |
params_ema_G = generator_ema.init(init_rng, | |
jnp.ones((1, config.z_dim)), | |
jnp.ones((1, config.c_dim))) | |"Took {time.time() - start_g:.2f}s") | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Initialize States and Optimizers | |
# -------------------------------------- | |'Initialize states...') | |
tx_G = optax.adam(learning_rate=config.learning_rate, b1=0.0, b2=0.99) | |
tx_D = optax.adam(learning_rate=config.learning_rate, b1=0.0, b2=0.99) | |
state_G = training_utils.TrainStateG.create(apply_fn=None, | |
apply_mapping=mapping_net.apply, | |
apply_synthesis=synthesis_net.apply, | |
params=params_G, | |
moving_stats=moving_stats, | |
noise_consts=noise_consts, | |
tx=tx_G, | |
dynamic_scale_main=dynamic_scale_G_main, | |
dynamic_scale_reg=dynamic_scale_G_reg, | |
epoch=0) | |
state_D = training_utils.TrainStateD.create(apply_fn=discriminator.apply, | |
params=params_D, | |
tx=tx_D, | |
dynamic_scale_main=dynamic_scale_D_main, | |
dynamic_scale_reg=dynamic_scale_D_reg, | |
epoch=0) | |
# Copy over the parameters from the training generator to the ema generator | |
params_ema_G = training_utils.update_generator_ema(state_G, params_ema_G, config, ema_beta=0) | |
# Running mean of path length for path length regularization | |
pl_mean = jnp.zeros((), dtype=dtype) | |
step = 0 | |
epoch_offset = 0 | |
best_fid_score = np.inf | |
ckpt_path = None | |
if config.resume_run_id is not None: | |
# Resume training from existing checkpoint | |
ckpt_path = checkpoint.get_latest_checkpoint(config.ckpt_dir) | |'Resume training from checkpoint: {ckpt_path}') | |
ckpt = checkpoint.load_checkpoint(ckpt_path) | |
step = ckpt['step'] | |
epoch_offset = ckpt['epoch'] | |
best_fid_score = ckpt['fid_score'] | |
pl_mean = ckpt['pl_mean'] | |
state_G = ckpt['state_G'] | |
state_D = ckpt['state_D'] | |
params_ema_G = ckpt['params_ema_G'] | |
config = ckpt['config'] | |
elif config.load_from_pkl is not None: | |
# Load checkpoint and start new run | |
ckpt_path = config.load_from_pkl | |'Load model state from from : {ckpt_path}') | |
ckpt = checkpoint.load_checkpoint(ckpt_path) | |
pl_mean = ckpt['pl_mean'] | |
state_G = ckpt['state_G'] | |
state_D = ckpt['state_D'] | |
params_ema_G = ckpt['params_ema_G'] | |
# Replicate states across devices | |
pl_mean = flax.jax_utils.replicate(pl_mean) | |
state_G = flax.jax_utils.replicate(state_G) | |
state_D = flax.jax_utils.replicate(state_D) | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Precompile train and eval steps | |
# -------------------------------------- | |'Precompile training steps...') | |
p_main_step_G = jax.pmap(training_steps.main_step_G, axis_name='batch') | |
p_regul_step_G = jax.pmap(functools.partial(training_steps.regul_step_G, config=config), axis_name='batch') | |
p_main_step_D = jax.pmap(training_steps.main_step_D, axis_name='batch') | |
p_regul_step_D = jax.pmap(functools.partial(training_steps.regul_step_D, config=config), axis_name='batch') | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Training | |
# -------------------------------------- | |'Start training...') | |
fid_metric = FID(generator_ema, ds_train, config) | |
# Dict to collect training statistics / losses | |
metrics = {} | |
num_imgs_processed = 0 | |
num_steps_per_epoch = dataset_info['num_examples'] // (config.batch_size * num_devices) | |
effective_batch_size = config.batch_size * num_devices | |
if config.wandb and jax.process_index() == 0: | |
# do some more logging | |
wandb.config.effective_batch_size = effective_batch_size | |
wandb.config.num_steps_per_epoch = num_steps_per_epoch | |
wandb.config.num_workers = num_workers | |
wandb.config.device_count = num_devices | |
wandb.config.num_examples = dataset_info['num_examples'] | |
wandb.config.vm_name = training_utils.get_vm_name() | |
for epoch in range(epoch_offset, config.num_epochs): | |
if config.wandb and jax.process_index() == 0: | |
wandb.log({'training/epochs': epoch}, step=step) | |
for batch in data_pipeline.prefetch(ds_train, config.num_prefetch): | |
assert batch['image'].shape[1] == config.batch_size, f"Mismatched batch (batch size: {config.batch_size}, this batch: {batch['image'].shape[1]})" | |
# pbar.update(num_devices * config.batch_size) | |
iteration_start_time = time.time() | |
if config.c_dim == 0: | |
# No labels in the dataset | |
batch['label'] = None | |
# Create two latent noise vectors and combine them for the style mixing regularization | |
rng, key = jax.random.split(rng) | |
z_latent1 = jax.random.normal(key, (num_local_devices, config.batch_size, config.z_dim), dtype) | |
rng, key = jax.random.split(rng) | |
z_latent2 = jax.random.normal(key, (num_local_devices, config.batch_size, config.z_dim), dtype) | |
# Split PRNGs across devices | |
rkey = jax.random.split(key, num=num_local_devices) | |
mixing_prob = flax.jax_utils.replicate(config.mixing_prob) | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Update Discriminator | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
time_d_start = time.time() | |
state_D, metrics = p_main_step_D(state_G, state_D, batch, z_latent1, z_latent2, metrics, mixing_prob, rkey) | |
time_d_end = time.time() | |
if step % config.D_reg_interval == 0: | |
state_D, metrics = p_regul_step_D(state_D, batch, metrics) | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Update Generator | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
time_g_start = time.time() | |
state_G, metrics = p_main_step_G(state_G, state_D, batch, z_latent1, z_latent2, metrics, mixing_prob, rkey) | |
if step % config.G_reg_interval == 0: | |
H, W = batch['image'].shape[-3], batch['image'].shape[-2] | |
rng, key = jax.random.split(rng) | |
pl_noise = jax.random.normal(key, batch['image'].shape, dtype=dtype) / np.sqrt(H * W) | |
state_G, metrics, pl_mean = p_regul_step_G(state_G, batch, z_latent1, pl_noise, pl_mean, metrics, | |
rng=rkey) | |
params_ema_G = training_utils.update_generator_ema(flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(state_G), | |
params_ema_G, | |
config) | |
time_g_end = time.time() | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
# Logging and Checkpointing | |
# -------------------------------------- | |
if step % config.save_every == 0 and config.disable_fid: | |
# If FID evaluation is disabled, a checkpoint will be saved every 'save_every' steps. | |
if jax.process_index() == 0: | |'Saving checkpoint...') | |
checkpoint.save_checkpoint(config.ckpt_dir, state_G, state_D, params_ema_G, pl_mean, config, step, | |
epoch) | |
num_imgs_processed += num_devices * config.batch_size | |
if step % config.eval_fid_every == 0 and not config.disable_fid: | |
# If FID evaluation is enabled, only save a checkpoint if FID score is better. | |
if jax.process_index() == 0: | |'Computing FID...') | |
fid_score = fid_metric.compute_fid(params_ema_G).item() | |
if config.wandb: | |
wandb.log({'training/gen/fid': fid_score}, step=step) | |'Computed FID: {fid_score:.2f}') | |
if fid_score < best_fid_score: | |
best_fid_score = fid_score | |'New best FID score ({best_fid_score:.3f}). Saving checkpoint...') | |
ts = time.time() | |
checkpoint.save_checkpoint(config.ckpt_dir, state_G, state_D, params_ema_G, pl_mean, config, step, epoch, fid_score=fid_score) | |
te = time.time() | |'... successfully saved checkpoint in {(te-ts)/60:.1f}min') | |
sec_per_kimg = (time.time() - iteration_start_time) / (num_devices * config.batch_size / 1000.0) | |
time_taken_g = time_g_end - time_g_start | |
time_taken_d = time_d_end - time_d_start | |
time_taken_per_step = time.time() - iteration_start_time | |
g_loss = jnp.mean(metrics['G_loss']).item() | |
d_loss = jnp.mean(metrics['D_loss']).item() | |
if config.wandb and jax.process_index() == 0: | |
# wandb logging - happens every step | |
wandb.log({'training/gen/loss': jnp.mean(metrics['G_loss']).item()}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/dis/loss': jnp.mean(metrics['D_loss']).item()}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/dis/fake_logits': jnp.mean(metrics['fake_logits']).item()}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/dis/real_logits': jnp.mean(metrics['real_logits']).item()}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/time_taken_g': time_taken_g, 'training/time_taken_d': time_taken_d}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/time_taken_per_step': time_taken_per_step}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/num_imgs_trained': num_imgs_processed}, step=step, commit=False) | |
wandb.log({'training/sec_per_kimg': sec_per_kimg}, step=step) | |
if step % config.log_every == 0: | |
# console logging - happens every log_every steps | |'Total steps: {step:>6,} - epoch {epoch:>3,}/{config.num_epochs} @ {step % num_steps_per_epoch:>6,}/{num_steps_per_epoch:,} - G loss: {g_loss:.5f} - D loss: {d_loss:.5f} - sec/kimg: {sec_per_kimg:.2f}s - time per step: {time_taken_per_step:.3f}s') | |
if step % config.generate_samples_every == 0 and config.wandb and jax.process_index() == 0: | |
# Generate training images | |
train_snapshot = training_utils.get_training_snapshot( | |
image_real=flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(batch['image']), | |
image_gen=flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(metrics['image_gen']), | |
max_num=10 | |
) | |
wandb.log({'training/snapshot': wandb.Image(train_snapshot)}, commit=False, step=step) | |
# Generate evaluation images | |
labels = None if config.c_dim == 0 else batch['label'][0] | |
image_gen_eval = training_steps.eval_step_G( | |
generator_ema, params=params_ema_G, | |
z_latent=z_latent1[0], | |
labels=labels, | |
truncation=1 | |
) | |
image_gen_eval_trunc = training_steps.eval_step_G( | |
generator_ema, | |
params=params_ema_G, | |
z_latent=z_latent1[0], | |
labels=labels, | |
truncation=0.5 | |
) | |
eval_snapshot = training_utils.get_eval_snapshot(image=image_gen_eval, max_num=10) | |
eval_snapshot_trunc = training_utils.get_eval_snapshot(image=image_gen_eval_trunc, max_num=10) | |
wandb.log({'eval/snapshot': wandb.Image(eval_snapshot)}, commit=False, step=step) | |
wandb.log({'eval/snapshot_trunc': wandb.Image(eval_snapshot_trunc)}, step=step) | |
step += 1 | |
# Sync moving stats across devices | |
state_G = training_utils.sync_moving_stats(state_G) | |
# Sync moving average of path length mean (Generator regularization) | |
pl_mean = jax.pmap(lambda x: jax.lax.pmean(x, axis_name='batch'), axis_name='batch')(pl_mean) | |