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Assistants feature (#639)
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import { collections } from "$lib/server/database";
import { type Actions, fail, redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import { authCondition } from "$lib/server/auth";
import { base } from "$app/paths";
async function assistantOnlyIfAuthor(locals: App.Locals, assistantId?: string) {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({ _id: new ObjectId(assistantId) });
if (!assistant) {
throw Error("Assistant not found");
if (assistant.createdById.toString() !== (locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId).toString()) {
throw Error("You are not the author of this assistant");
return assistant;
export const actions: Actions = {
delete: async ({ params, locals }) => {
let assistant;
try {
assistant = await assistantOnlyIfAuthor(locals, params.assistantId);
} catch (e) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: (e as Error).message });
await collections.assistants.deleteOne({ _id: assistant._id });
// and remove it from all users settings
await collections.settings.updateMany(
$pull: { assistants: assistant._id },
// and delete all avatars
const fileCursor = collections.bucket.find({ filename: assistant._id.toString() });
// Step 2: Delete the existing file if it exists
let fileId = await fileCursor.next();
while (fileId) {
await collections.bucket.delete(fileId._id);
fileId = await fileCursor.next();
throw redirect(302, `${base}/settings`);
report: async ({ params, locals }) => {
// is there already a report from this user for this model ?
const report = await collections.reports.findOne({
assistantId: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
createdBy: locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId,
if (report) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: "Already reported" });
const { acknowledged } = await collections.reports.insertOne({
_id: new ObjectId(),
assistantId: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
createdBy: locals.user?._id ?? locals.sessionId,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
if (!acknowledged) {
return fail(500, { error: true, message: "Failed to report assistant" });
return { from: "report", ok: true, message: "Assistant reported" };
subscribe: async ({ params, locals }) => {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({
_id: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
if (!assistant) {
return fail(404, { error: true, message: "Assistant not found" });
// don't push if it's already there
const settings = await collections.settings.findOne(authCondition(locals));
if (settings?.assistants?.includes(assistant._id)) {
return fail(400, { error: true, message: "Already subscribed" });
await collections.settings.updateOne(authCondition(locals), {
$push: { assistants: assistant._id },
return { from: "subscribe", ok: true, message: "Assistant added" };
unsubscribe: async ({ params, locals }) => {
const assistant = await collections.assistants.findOne({
_id: new ObjectId(params.assistantId),
if (!assistant) {
return fail(404, { error: true, message: "Assistant not found" });
await collections.settings.updateOne(authCondition(locals), {
$pull: { assistants: assistant._id },
throw redirect(302, `${base}/settings`);