name: Report Bug | 报告BUG description: "Report bug" title: "[Bug]: " labels: [] body: - type: dropdown id: download attributes: label: Installation Method | 安装方法与平台 options: - Pip (please confirm: used latest requirements.txt) - Anaconda (please confirm: used latest requirements.txt) - Docker(Windows/Mac) - Docker(Linux) - Docker-Compose(Windows/Mac) - Docker-Compose(Linux) - Huggingface - Others validations: required: true - type: textarea id: describe attributes: label: Describe the bug & Screen Shot | 简述 与 有帮助的截图 description: Describe the bug & Screen Shot | 简述 与 有帮助的截图 validations: required: true - type: textarea id: traceback attributes: label: Terminal Traceback & Material to Help Reproduce Bugs | 终端traceback(如有) + 帮助我们复现的测试材料样本(如有) description: Terminal Traceback & Material to Help Reproduce Bugs | 终端traceback(如有) + 帮助我们复现的测试材料样本(如有)